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la al the p l is it t as well a* the future Territories of the Bolted States. fu rUUHKT'l BKirrtOM or thi bbtotatiob or roootuuiHira friends. Tbo deputoUeo of Pregi estiva rrteuds, oeneletiag of Thomas Garrett, Oliver Johnson, William Baraard and at bars, woo rooelved by tbo President tbla morning, ut proaonlod tbolr memorial la favor of emancipation. Oliver Johoaoa rood tbo memorial, prefacing It wllb tbo remark that the doputattoo did not eomo to nook for offloo, but to nrge tbo claim* or four million* of persons or bo oould not opoak for tbomralroo. Tbo President cold bo woo glad tbo deputation bad Mi ?onto for office, for tbat woo tbo moot troubleoome sub Joct, end oleverjr woo tbo nest Uo said they won Id al' agree tbat slavery woo aa evil aad a wrong, and tbat It Vil daolrabla to got rid or it; bat tboy mlgbt differ es to tbo means. Bo added tbot a decree oT emancipate* would mot aceomplteb the object doolrod, for oven tbo ?oastIUUtoo It not enforced la tbo robollloai State*. Mr. JohtMoo rejolnod, remarking to tbo President aa fellows:?" AUow no to oay tbot you do aot abandon tbo aflbrl to on for co tbo constitution, and wo urge emancipa tion aa a moans to ears tbo ocnilllaiioa." Mr. Baraard, who la a preacher, Una addressed tbo President la aa Improooiro manner. Mr. Linoola replied that bo felt day by day more aad Mora bio need or beiy from God to golds him through Who greet struggle. Tbo Interview then closed NOMINATION! POM BUS ADM OMBAU. The President baa nominated to tbo Sonata Co lotto] .John OocbraM aad O us lavas Adolpbue Sorogge, both H*n New Tork, to be Brigadier Oeneral* of voiuateere. CONDITION Of'GENERAL M'DOWBLL. General MeOoweU wb?n thrown from bis bores, on "Wednesday, was eo etnnned thai It was feared the acci dent would prove fatal, but the report to-day con warning blm la that ho will aot long be delayed la re naming the saddle. TBI BKFOBTKD CAPTUBI OP POET MORGAN, AT MOBtLB. Tbo government boa no effiolal Information confirming ?fib* report from New Orleans of the capitulation of Fort Morgan. ARRBST OP FKMALK SECESSIONISTS. Two more young feme!** have been arretted for elg ?alling to tbe secession prisoners in the Old Cepitol prison. They refused to give their nsmee, but were ?eommltied to tbe guard bouse. BPPBOT OF TBI VISITS ON COXORB88MBN TO TBI PENINSULA. Complaints are made by officers In tbe amy before Blchmond, of tbe Inconvenience end often serious disad vantage resulting to our troops from tbe attention re. -quired by visiting Congressmen. There Is constant nead for all tbe rolling stock on the rood from the While Bones to Fair Oaks elation, and it la said tbat recantly trains have been kept welting for severel bours for the -?onvenlence of Congressional visitors, to tbe great detri ment of man and horaea, who were waiting for provl glens and forage. RLENXES'S BRIGADE IN TBI BATTLE OF CROSS EET8. II la claimed Central Blanker saved Central Frtmont'a I carps at tha battla of Crota Keys from being oulflankad By Jackson. It is charged that alaaa tha arrival of Gene ral Sehurz, intrigues against General Blanker had bean Cat oa foot. Blanker and his generals and offlcera threaten to resign If Sehurz should be assigned to the heat German brigade. It Is said that the President ex pressed a desire that this should he dene for Sehurz. The order given to Central stabel at the battle of Cross Keys is construed as a slight to Blanker, who was with Bis Second brigade in the rear, and was not Informed 'Of the movement. At noon Stahel's brigade had Been nearly out to ptecee. Blanker, hearing of the rout, appeared In the Held, without order from Fremont, who Is said to have appeared quite Bewildered. He threw forward his Third brigade to tctop the rebels pursuing Stabei, and plated batteries Ul pesttloB where whole regiments Of rvbtll fduld be fired Vti. Towards four o'clock P. M. the enemy waa falling Back, as Blanker had brought the Second brigade In posi tion. It would have been easy matter to beat Jackson, Ua his troops were utterly exhausted, had not Fremont peremptorily ordered him to fall back Immediately, and leave the battle field, with our dead and wounded in the Foeseeeioo of the enemy. Fremont has not even men Cloned in his deepatches tne name of Blanker who was ta the thickest of the battle, though the latter, by this 'Unauthorized advance, is said to have saved the army. General Blanker intends to resign IT the government does -*ot do him Just lee, and his officers threaten to do the REVIEW OF TBI NEW TORE SEVENTT-PIRST. The New YorkBeveaty-first, which forms a part of ?en Storgis' brigade, was reviewed this after noon by Che President and Secretary of War. DEATHS OF SOLDIERS. The following deaths era reported W. Houghton, Co. A, Forty-ninth Hew York. J. A. English, Co. C, Fifty-second Pennsylvania. G. A. Brown, Co. E, Ninth New York cavalry. J. Means, Co. A, One Hundred end Fifth Pennsylvania. Jno. Northrop, Co. K. Seventy-seventh Now York. Wm. Eatrss, Co. D, Fifth South Carolina. NAVAL ORDERS AND APPOINTMENTS. .Paymaster George Lawrence baa been ordered to the fUdboat Connaugh. Assistant Paymaster Edward Bellows has been ordered to gdnboat Sonorn. Albert G. ramble has been appointed Acting First Assistant Engineer, an*} ordered to the tteem sloop Usipee. RAISING STNKEN WAR VESSELS. TBS Navy Deportment baa repudiated the Interference -of gka War Department In regard to the sunken vessels In tba Norfolk harbor and Jams* river. A contract was made to-day ror the raising of these vessels. It wsa given toThos. F. Wells,of Boston, tha inventor of sub marine armor. m ? CONSULAR RECOGNITION. The President has recognised Boron Yonder Osted Saeken, Counsellor, hc.,na Consul General of Russia at New York. THE MILITARY GOVERNOR OR SOOTH CAROLINA. General Sazton, Military Governor of South Carolina) firm leave for Port Royal sent week. ?KNBRAL LIR'S HOUSE DEVOTED TO "HOSPITAL PUR POSES. The Secretary of War, In reepeoee to the resolution ?Sf th# House, saye that ha it directed by the Preeldent to Infogm that body (hat measures have been taken to appropriate for hospital purposes, for the benefit of our Soldiers, General Lee's mansion house and premises. THXKTY-S1CVBRTH CORGKBIS. FIRST SESSION. Stunts, , WAenwffffw, June ?, i?ea. nsoaaisnurio* ov ms Saw. Hr. Ontxas, (rep*) of Iowa, moved to have returned, to the Senate from the n?use the bill for the reorganiza tion of the Navy Department. Hie object waa to have reconsidered the vote by which the 8enate agreed leShe Beats amendment* to the Mid hill. Adopted, run Binnavrr bill. Meters. Kino, (rep ) of N. Y., and Fseswmw, (rep.) ef : Me., presented petit lone for a bankrupt law. nia n orma mats law. . Mr. Mosmu, (rep.) of Me , presented a petition for the rfepehUfVbe Fugitive Slave ^w. am son ne> *ifmc aAnMA0 Mr. Doouraa, (rep.) ef wis ? bU? OONSni av BLACK SBA POttTU. ? resolution wee adopted in. at ih? JrV*R? S"?Ly appointments of ooesul* at the ports ef the Slack Sea recently opened by the Hue tun ocabdian eucistv. The bill to Incorporate tha Guardian Society of Wash Ingtan was passed. ms Ptnrmtwavr ov nuusR Mr. Hair, (rep.)efN. H., called up the Mil to repeal the set, passed June I, to prevent and puaieh frauds oa gho government. The bill provides for inquiring Into all eontraeta made By gevernmenl offloera. Pending a vote on > ?h* M was postponed until to morrow. tub pav op aunt nvpimus. The bill to define the nay sad emoluments of ihe offl fiers of the army wm then taken up, aad a committee of soaferenoe ordered upon U. TRU P'CIHO RAILROAD RILL riHlRL. The Pacific Railroad bill wm next taken up. Mr.Tnt Nimu., (rep.) of 111., moved to strike out the Section providing for four breach lines at the eastern tormina*, which wm rejected?yeas 16; nays '29. The hill wm then reed the third time and caned bv if CM 86, Bays 6, aa follow*:? Anthony. Brownlnr, Clark, Chandler. Celiamer, rowan, Da via, Dixon, Dootlttle, Knet. Prater. "latl.ui. Haute, llrnilaieott, Howard, Ken Ysa*.?Maaar*. 0*1 lamer, Cowan, R Qi net, Hale, HarLnJHHSPH . | eedr, Lena of Indiana. Lane of Kaneaa. Latham. M'l>o'u.*ll, Morrill, ICeinlth. I'otneroy, Kit*-. Shermao, Htarke, sum. An, Trtitub. II, wade, Wilier, Wtlmot, Wllaon of Naee., and Wllaon of Mlasoiiri, Nav*.?Meser*. Mows, Kins. Pearoe, Wllklneon and Wright. Mr Faaao'tdan waa praaeut but did not vote, and Mr. fowall paired with Mr Hmmotn. Mr Tan hyck wm exo'teed frum voting oa tha ground thnt ha did not Ilka Iba bill M amended. ma cnNrrat ATi'tS SIM. A metlea wu then made to tako up the Cnnflsratlcn which a debate ensued aa to which bill abeuld It cniMmW-thai of Ik* Senate or Ik* one wbloh pur*d the Houae. Mr. thuMMas. (rep ) of Ohio, nM that In order to (in Senator* ?o opportunity to malt* up thalr minis which they would oonsidar, bo would move to adjourn till to Morrow, wbon a vote nb >uld b* taken aa the Oral thing, lit* Senate than adjourned. Hoaa* of Representatives. Wasbixoion, J una 30,ISM. Several prirala bilia war* paaood. a raw uraaoa bill. Mr. Bravim, (rap) of Pa , from tba Commute# oa Waye and Manna, reported a bill incraaaing temporarily tba dutiea on imports and for other purpose*. Referred to the Committee of I ha Whole on the Stat* of the Union, and made tba special order for Wednesday. Adjourned till Monday. Tba President'* Response to the General Assembly (Blew 8eliool.) I>*r abtmtt or Stats, 1 WAMtraoTos, June 0,1802. I To THB GtNBEAL ASSEMBLY or TUB I'KBSBVTSRIAN Cbi B' H or tub Ujutso Stats-i, boloimo rm annual Sbbbios is ins City of Cincinnati:? Rivsnmo Gbbti bbsn ? I hare had tha honor of rscelv lag your address to the President of lb* Untied PUt' S, end the pi oeeedlngs of your veuei able body on tbe sub ject ef tb* existing Insurrection, by which that add ret* was accompanied. Thee* paper* he?* keen submitted to the President. I am Instructed to coo?*y to you his most profound and grateful acknowledgements for tha fort-ant assurances of support and sympathy which they sontaln. For many years hereafter, one of the greatest subjects of felicitation among good man will be tba sigaal sueceaa of the government of tha United State# in preserving our federal Union, which is Iks ark ef civil and religious liberty on this continent and throughout tbo world. All the ovoata of our generation wblob preceded this at tempt at revolution, and all that shall btppen after It, will be deemed unimportant In considerationoT that one Indispensable and invaluabla achievement. Tbe men of our generation whoee memory will bo the loosest and tbe most honored, wt 1 be they who thought the must earnestly, prayed the met rerreotly, hoped the most conflWtiy, fought the most he oically, and sufTert-d tbo most patiently in the sacred cause of free dom and humaulty. Tbe record of the aetton of tbe Presbyterian church reams to tbe Free blent tube worthy of its traditions and lis asi bait'<mi as an important brauch of the church feun ted by the Saviour of men. Commeuding oor yet distracted country to the inter position and guardian care of tbe Ruler and Judge of na tions, tbe President will persevere steadily and hope fully in tbe g eat wo k committed to hia bands, (plying upon tbe virtue and intelligence of the people of the United States and the candor and bjnsvolsnce of all good man. i have tbe honor to bo, reverend gentlemen, veur very obedient servant, WILLIAM H. Si WARD. Arrival of the Elm City. LIST or SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS ON BOARD. The United States transport Eltu City arrived at this port yesterday morning from Fortress Monroe, with three hundred and nfiy sick and wounded soldiers from Vorktown. Her destination In Albany, where the suffer era are to be properly cared for. The following are the names of a large number or those on board ? NSW YORK. Atkinson J. R., Surgeon Co.F, Seventh Infantry Austin E.. Engineers. Batshelder B., Co. F, Twenty-fifth inrantr/t Benedict A.,Co. C, twenty-fifth infantry. Barrett P., Co. C, Twenty fifth infantry. Brailer S., Co. C, Seventy-first infantry. Baker W.,Co. K, Ninety-third infant'y. Bradley W., tetmster, One Hundredth infantry Ooever G. W., Co. F., Fifth infantry. G>nlin T.,Co. K,Twenty-fifth infkntry. Conk I in I., Co. D, Twenty-fifth Infantry. Cody Thos.,Co. A, Twenty-fifth infantry. Cook D., Cu. B, Thirteenth In'antry. Darley Win., Co. C,Twenty-firth infantry. Oorville J.,Co. F, Seventy-first Infantry. Downey J., Co. B, Twenty fifth infantry. Demi'sey J.,Co. ?.Sixty fifth infantry (Chafibeurs). Disseray 9., Co. C, Seventy-third Infantry. Dtnsmore R., Co. E, Forty-fourth infantry. Doyle D., Co. ?? Sixth ii.rantry. Do:ioi:dorf A., Co~C,Seventh infantry, Edmunson E.,Co. K, Twenty fifth Infantry. Edgswood R., Co. D, Twenty-fifth Infantrji. Flortity C.. Co. I, Twenty fifth Infantry. Farroll D., Co. B, Twenty-fifth infantry, tjilroartly M .O?-F, Seventy third iufantry, Cilaaore R.. Co. F, Eighty seventh Infanjry. Graham P., Co. H, Twsuty-flfth infantry. Gilkasou G. W., Co. F,Forty fourth infantry. G>acey J.,Co. G, Kilty seventh Infantry. Garrity W., Co. A.Tweniy-lbtrd Infantry. Hull D., Co. E, Seventh infantry. Hays S.. Co. B, Twenty-fifth iufautry. Hughes F.,Co. D, Ssvsnty-third infantry. Ksltoy P., Knginssrs. Joseph J , Co. G, Seventy-third infantry. Johnson W, Co. C, Fifth in'antry. ladey F. T., Co. I), Fifty-fifth iufantry. Leilas G., Co. E, Twenty-til ih infantry. Lewis T. H., Co. K, Forty.second infantry. Law J., Co. F, Seventh infantry, laugblin W., Co. B,Twenty-fifth infantry> Launty A., battery Eighth infantry. Lee E., Co. C,Sixty first infaulry. LoomisC. E.,Co. G, Fifty-seventh infantry. Mane F., Co. F, Twenty fifth Infantry. McMurtrieU.,Co. F,Twenty fifth infantry. McClelland N.,Co. F, Forty-fourth iufantry. Moflitt T-, Co. B. Twenty .fifth Inrantry. Meokee J.,Co. E,Twenty fifth infantry. Meckel) P.,4, Sixty njnjhiefaa'rj. - Motiratb W.,Co. D, Twenty firth infantry. Meboriey H.,Oo. F, Mxty ninth infantry. McDonald J.,Co. E, Twoaty-flfib infantry. Moon C.. Co. A, Twenty fifth infantry. MoCorniiek P.,Co. K. Thirty seventh infantry. MeMeill J., Co. B, Seveoty-third infaulry. O'ConaorS., Co. E.Seveuly Second iufantry. O'Ntll J., Co. A,Twenty-tilth infantry. Darker J., Co. K, Ninety-seventh i i fan try. PyterH , Co. K, Twenty fifth Infantry. Perterlis ?.,Co. ?, Forty fourth inrantry. Rnrry ? , Co. A, Fifty fifth infantry. Rleas C., Co. ?, Fifty seventh inrantry. Rifhacds W .Co I,Twenty-fifth infantry. Rliey J. A. S., Sergeant, Co. F. Eighth infantry, - - . - -wty.flfth infantry 111 ley 9., Co. Tyrwnty Orth tafautr* RyafiP.'R. Infaolry UaiUh S I'o K. "Su . Smith S., Co. E. Eilzer W., battery, Eighth Infautrjf. Shaw A., battery, Eighth infantry, feto r I W F.j Co. 1, Seventh infantry. Schioeder J.,Co. D,Twenty tilth infantry. Sauford U. F , Co. D, Eighth infantry. Simmons A. B.,Co B. 101st infantry. Sears G.,Co. 11, Seventy-second iuautry. Wbyte J.,Co. (J, Seventy-third infantry. Weslcott S-.Co. A, Fifty sixth Infantry. WiclitC.,Co. E, Twenty.filth inrantry ~ 0. H..C - ~ " " ^yMtgmaa 0. it.,Co. G. Forty fourth infaatryi Wilso i S . CO C.TwentV ttl'tn infantry. Wild G. fi.,(]3rparal,Co. F. Eighth iuiantry. Welch l?., Co. li, Twenty fifth Inrantry. Webtb M., Co. I.,sixty.!jiutb infantry. Youag R. ,Co. B, Sevsuty third Infantry. MAINS. Barry R., Co. D, Seventh iufantry, Dungan S.,Co. II, Secnd infantry. Davie ?. W.,Co. D, Second infantry. DrapfT.Oe. B,Seventh infantry. Fan ell C., Co. 1, Eecocd infaulry. Murphy J., Co. 1, Seooad iuiantry. McDowell J., Co. D. Second infantry. Pnekett S., Co. A, Mghth iniantry. Priekett B.,Co. A, Kigluh Infantry. Sylvester J.,Co. H, seventh iniantry. Wakefield A., Co. B, Seventh infantry. MA-via I'M l SKITS. Armstrong W H.,Co. I, Ninth infantry. Joy W..Co. I, Fifteenth infantry. McGrath W.,Co. H. Ninth infantry. Mclau ghlin J., Co. F, Ninth infantry. O'Ntel W.,Co I, Nineteenth lufautry. Smith S.,Co. It, Ninth infantry. NirHMAl*. Reynolds R., Sergeant,Co. Il,.-aventb infantry. saw iiamikhirs. Frost D. W., Co. F, Fifth infantry. MM EOSTH CAROLINA. Brown F , Co. F, Elghireuth North Carolina. I)e ion U. H., Co. R, I well th North CaroMna. Edwards. W.,Ce. B, Kightoeuth North Carolina. Gortroe it.,Cm A, Thirty.seventh North Carolina. Harmer A. >s,Co. F, Thirty seventh North Carolina. Haddam C.,'Co A,Twenty-fifth North Carolina. Jonea ~ ?,c "*?v "? Keogb i A.fgi, F, Eightefvilfi North Carolina. It i ,00. C,'Seventh Nprljl Cajolna. . ?x.b W., Ce. ?. Twelilh Nortli Carolina. Pat-.oa N B. I..,Co. K, Thlrty-eevonth Nort , stink H., Co. C, "Twenty eighth North J*?1' 1 Roberta R.. Co. B.Kighteeath North Carolina. Robortsoa It. F^to. North'Carohso Rueoell S , Co. 1% Thlrty eeventh North Carol la* obow J.. <*a. 1 Thirty N^th gro ins. I ... "'apd B, Co. C, n2h? North Carolina. Shtc. ' Co. F Th 'rty sevenlh North Carolina. SaylesF. . ?v tiahia. nth North Carolina. Say lea r. n. jL.hl<H.,,,"? >0Tln Itaucil H., CO. .. 1 North Warron D. A., Co. o, ^*?)k V.Trlt Wright S., Co. F, Eighteenth ? -th Oarolton. Weoka J., Co. B., Eighteenth 1H. Virginia. .cavalry Walker G. C.,Co. B,Fourth Virgfht. LpilSIANA. s, LeooC., Co. 1, Fifth Louisiana. "> thfiffi Condition of Affairs at VlsM. ? J [Fruin tbo Vicksburg Citizen, Juno a. NO SURRENDER. ? The editor la a long article eendema the optti ?% Vlrksbuig must or necessity ho surrsodsred(and an " This Idoa, which hint* at a preference to submit rather than fight, cannot be tooetrongly reprobated by a good,|<atrH>te, whether soldiers or privalo cltizrns. Wo bepe the detorminattoa of our military officers to fight to ispe the determination or our military officers to Dgh tbo last will be ofDcieotly and mafiinohtngly earned out. We are lick of surrendering our noblest cities la the con federacy without a fight. Wo bavo bad enough of it. It has already sufficiently di*graeed nn In the eyes of the world abroad without a adding another to tbo important Hat. Why should Viekaburg bo given up so long ae wo have the means to dofood Iff New Urleaac, Nashville and Memphis, It Is asserted, could bavo neon so success fully defended that the enemy never could have suc ceeded In capturing either cr them. Vicksburg will never sureender as ion,' an It I* Vicksburg. che stands firm ae a rock, and bids defiance to the further encroach ment* of the invadois. having already driven awav the fleet from below, she now waits the opportunity of destroying the one eumlng from above. [From tho Vicksburg Whig, June If.) W# Uarn thai (Ae gallant O n'rul Jo'in C. HrtckinrMpt rim I At* ye* evday f em (A* army of OsnNlJt Seven of the entmy'a gunbutts nsrs engaged In Shall log Grand Gulf all day T eeday. Tha raault la net known. Captain Lee. of Yallabnsha, now In Tayior'a bait <||nn, waa dangerously wounded In the bulla of Chlcliahonilny. ? Tba Missis Ippl troopa engaged In tba Chick shorn toy light were tha Twaiflh ragluieiil, Col. Hill Taylor, of Hinds, and lha S>cond battalion, Oil. John <>. Taylor. Tba Vlt-ksburg sba> pshooleis, Capt. Rt< ba: ds-m, a a In ibe Twelfth. We learn that the is life i> alas, otie ay laat week, ree-ued tha New Orlear.a, O.-el-ui-aa and Graai Weataru Rail oad from Ike enemy, taking oil.our* and privates prie-<i.ers and de-tiojiug all lha bridge* ou lha road. Two tralna ware taken near Bra aheur city and the federals ou board captured Our man than run oreol tha tralna o t near Altera,and rut tba Irvea, to prevent the enemy f>oin g.-tlu g out; but they goon repaired It, when tha bi idgra were destroyed an before tinted. If the brl ges ov er b.tyoua lutfuurt-h*, l>ea AUenuan la, Lean Blue, Terreb ne, Cow. Tiger mid othera are buri ed, the Opeloi sag road will be of no bar vice to the enemy for a long time. Intarretln|[ Corregpondrure Between Gen. Curtla and tha lutbel Gen. Hindmau. TUB HkBKL COM MAM) KB TH KKA1KNH VKNUKANC'B. Hbadouaktbb* Thanh Mi-ai.sim Distri. t, ) I.ittl* Rock, Arkansas, June 8, ING2. J Gnmut?I have re. eived mlormatlon that y .u have In priaon at Bateaville certain eitiae.' s of Izard county, Arkaiists, caplu ad a few daya alm a by a dulacbment of your cavalry, who are charged with firing upo.i vour men while attempting to arret I them, and whom it in your Intention to hang aa outlaws. Without stopping iu Inquira whether tbay did actually flro upon your aoldiera or not, I aaaart it to be tha d ty, aa wall aa tha right, oT avery citizen of thia State, to ure upon tba aoidlara of tha United Stjta# government, no long aa that persists in the In vsalon of iheir homes, and they have tha arms to defend those homes with, and in tba pertormaace of that duty I sustain them nt ail hasard. 1 have in custody several officers and aoidlara of tha ?nay of your government, and I writ* thia to warn you that, if your threat isearried into execution against one single citizen of Arkansas who Is now or hereafter may fall Into your hands, I shall avenge bla death by bang ing every federal officer and soldi.* of war, an t fr< m that time forward this becomes a wa-ot extermination b. twaen us?neither asking nor granting q artar. I shall put to death, without mercy, every soldier and citizen of tha United ftatos who f lis Into my hands. 1 am further informed that, in a published order, you have already declared this to be a war of extermlna ti' 'ii, uDd that you expect to wage It as such. 1 re que.-t slr.t atyoia octal f advise ma aa to the truth of such informs I. n,aud, if o mpstib.a wlih your duty, f irt-ish ma with a co y of the order in question, if such proves to have been your declaratl- n, however, you can consider this as an acceptance of the Uaue t u d. red, and we will ignore all recognized rules cf civiliz ed warfare, an . make < ur campaign one of savage cru elly and uusparlng butchery. Hoping. General, that there Is a-me mistake in this matter, aud that the rub-a of civilized warfare will con tin o to Intluenee us br th in conducting the campaign iu wn oU ae lind oursslves eugigud, 1 bava the honor to be your obedient se.vant, T. C. HlNOMAN, Major General Commanding. To Brigadier General Curtis. Commanding United states forces in Arkdusag. HsanocARTRRM Annv op tbs Socthwbst, 1 RATa.-vu.ut, Ark., June li, 1862. j Gswxral?Your letter < f the Sib Inst., stating that you had been inrormad 1 was going to hang man who had tired on United Stales soldiers in Izard county, and that I had published an order declaring thia a war of exter mination; and, in tha probability of auch reports being true, expressing a remarkable zoal en your part to avenge such conduct by "hanging every rodarul officer and soldier'' you ho d.and declaring that you "will put to death without mercy every soldier and citizen of the United States who falls Into my (your) bands," is duly rece.ved. As there Is no truth In the reports you have received of my threat to hang or exterminate, the terrible ven geance to lavtehly avowed by you will not require notice. There was a company of about saveuty rebel soldiers at tacked by my body guard in Izard county, and twenty two taken prisoners; fifty guns, twenty revolvers aud some twenty bewie knives were taken. They were sup posed to be regularly organized troops, and were sent to the reanas prisoners el' war. To prevent this war descending Into one of rapine and assassinations, 1 have published the following order, which 1 Intended to apply to auch unauthorized bands as Gaaoral Price, in h former negotiation with me, re fused to exchange as prisoners of war, because they wore private marauders. I would call your attention to the conduct of some of your soldiers, who recently robbed and burned the house of Mr. Peoples, who fled to tha Union flag for shel ter. 1 have heard of many threats, and havo proofs of Innumerable acts of bat bartty practiced by your troops, which, 1 trust, will receive proper attention on your part, so that your soldiers may not extend that species of warfare which you graphically enunciate. lbs United States soldiers are here to rostore peace, not to Invade the h mes of the citizens of Arkansas; and the people who flro upon tia only prolong an unfortunate and unnatural civil war, that destroys the peace of so ciety. 1 have the honor to be,General, vary respectfully, your obedient servant, P. R. CURTIS, Major Genera'. To Brigadlsr General T. C. Hum maw, Confederate Army. The Illinois Constitutional Vote, Chicago, June 20,1802. Returns from tha election of Tuesday come in very slowly. Despatches from some or the Southern counties to-night render It nearly certain that the new constitu tion Is defeated. The majority against it in the Northern pert of the State thus far is 23,000. What la Needed.?**C'ol?l Drops of Sweat hang on my trembling limb*," exclaimed the conacloi.ce stricken King Richard. Wo don't know that the aa ;erb. ivors of Knox's Straw Hats are troubled with "trembling llin'-a," but we can vouch for the "peraptratlou" and appro date the good sense that dictates th" proenrat of the simple remedy. One of KNOX'S Straw Hats is necessary to render the dog day* endurable. Those who believe so should make an early visit to hts store, 212 Broadway. David's Straw Hats, 1490 1-J# Broadway, near Dusne street. __ Straw Hats, Straw Hats?New and bestttlful, just the kind to insure both comfort and go >d look*. Found only si WHITE'S, 316 Broadway. Moody's guprriorihTrts, Made to Order, ?IS. $31 snd tCO per dorm, t. W. MuODY, 429 Br.wltvsy, St. Ncltolaj block. At Miller's, 387 Canal Street, Ladles* Gaiters si 12s.: Slips so l Tros, 6s. and 7s. per pdr, Willi ladles'. Misses', Boys' sad Infants' Boots and Slioss, all style* and At drivers', A73 Broadway, Ladles' Klas? Ms Bonis, ft 00, $1 70 and $2, Balmoral.-, $2, $! 31 and S3 30; ileitis' line Sh<w* and Slippers, youiha' and i-ltlldri'irs Hal morals. Bbuesand Gaiter*. JKFKKRS, 673 Broadway. A Big Hit.?Gents' Patent Leather Boots for $2, at BARTLETT'S, 372 Grand street, corner of Norfolk. "Why the Rltoe Pinches."?Boots and lasts made on Professor Meyer's new principle. W ATKINS, IHPuhou street end M7 Broadway. ?mjt IVecktlee at Perego's, For IS, 30 and & cents. New Store 86 Nassau street, near Fulton, And at 176 Broadway. Zephyr Merino Undergarments For hot weather. Prl ea lower than e\#r. A. RANKIN A CO . 96 Bowery, and 166 Fifth avenue, corner of Twi oty-serond street. Two Splendid Performances To-dav, St B BNCM S Ml'SElM, at 3 and 7*i o'clock P. M? maktntf it a i;raiid gala dav for ladles and child en. Com modore Nutt Is visible at all botir*. Beware of the Cheap "Cartes He Visits." Thay fade. Pay a living prolit, aud gat the MEADE imper ishable pictures. 213 Broadway. Kimball's Cartes dc Visits.?Cheapest In the city; wan anted to amt the customer; at KIMBALL'S, 6T7 Broadway. Twelve Cartes de Visits for |l.-Equl to any In the city. PBRl'IVAL, ISO Chatham street. Twelve Cartes de Vlslte for Si, nneur passcd far doreliility end stylr, at UALCHK'B, 213 Ones wish street, cruer of Barclay Albnm Photographs, Card Vlslte*. Vlg ? ettas, Ac.. all the styles nut the cheapest, at HOLMES' I holographic Hall, 264 Broadway. Herring's Patent Champion Pire and Burglar Proof Safes, 361 Broadway, corner of Murray street. New Vork. Defiance Pire and Bnrglar Proof fiafee. Alse Bldciioard snd Parlor seres lor Sd\*r Pl?'_ , Sr. M Murray iircet, corner Collegt plftct. M. M. PA I Hli lh. Try Mann's Bank Pen. Try Mann's Quill Pen. Try Mann's Jfn, eitra fine. Try Mean ? Klaailca w MANN, itl Fultoa street. Day A Martla's illncklna D?mI, No. 3 IrotditrNL 0. Hit M HON, Importer. LadUiOcilrliii a Beaatlfnl Complexion tier LAIRD'S Bloom of Youth for preecrrlng mil beautify lag the eotnpletlen and akin. AN druggists nod 430 Broad ?W. Mo More Orajr Hair?UraAdJean'a Cele brated cooeultatloo for the embellishment and 1 eetoratlon of Ibe hair. Omcs^torplaco. Crlntadoro'a Holr DjOo-Prttei vativ* and Wig depot, wholeaale and retail, No.dAetor Monde. The Dye applied by espertenced artists. Hill's Holr Dyr, DO Cents, Bloeh or brown; beet la use. Depot No. 1 Barclay etreet, and sold by all drugging. Barry's Trlcopheroas Is the Best aad cheapest article for dressing, beautifying, curling, cleaning, -eeerrlag and reMorlng tbe balr. Ladle* try Tl. Held by * P* 111 ?" > 1 *#**.?Manh A Co.'a Radical Care _, "ee. Mo. 3 Vesey street (under the Aitnr Hottee), op Try burch. A remsle attends ladies. No connection Tnt'sOl. 'tb nny other Trues olllce of same name, pesite tbe. wbatererw. Impaired lltht, Noises lathe ? _ '*t cured br Dr. VON KISKNBE1IO, Oct DCafaeaa. 'ImSon place, wtetol Broadway. fce?d and sore thr " ? ? t and Aurtet, Ms r>| Discovery Carre the n.,,.. 'fuls, obstlnsle Eruption of 'Ke Nhln trislon .treet, New *ork city, .lues ?ery went form of Ncry and old Ulcers Mo. 3 It Ku ? f. tlnnter, Physlolani Card?lira. R. dl . ""a il" ufi P?lT ^ for Affections of the Throat *' ' ' way. Uo ire or consultation,; THE KAVAl flOHT OFF MEMPHIS. Details of ill# Capture of Port Pillow and Memphis, Tma.?Illustration of the Struggle of tits Ha ins?The Ai my I In Front of Ricliuiontl?Important la- | tcllig* net front tits Captured Southern Cities?Late and Inleiostlag Mews ftrem Europe, Ac., dir., Ac. A tilth y interesting report, from our Spools! Corros pnsdent, giving full details of the rapture and Occurs lls:i of Fori Pillow end Mempbia bp the Colon Forc*a, with t Map of the Fort, and a dltgraa showing tbs posi tion. (luring its It ttle, of the contending Rama and Gun boats, will be pnbliebed in the WtocKLV Hrsald. ready this morning at ten o'clock. It will also give the Latent News from the Army of General McCtellan, besieging Richmond, ami from the <1 lift rent Divisions of the Union Army throughout the country; Intereetiag News from UjoSouthern Cities reeeoed In m the hands of the Rabels, sad other tarta of the Fouth: Late Intelligence from 1 Europe, end all nawa of the past week of an important Character. Terms?Three dollars per year. Single oopkee, la wrept era, ready lor mailing, six cents. Ofttctsl Drawing* or Hurray, Eddy A Co.'s Kentucky and Missouri State Loltenea. tnmioiT Kxnu Class 2 .(use 20. WM. 52, 12, <?'?. 'I. 22. 23, 56, 67. 4?, 46, 62. Ksirrsesr. Class 2iB?June :0. IS it 64, ?:i, U u. iJ. 2. 51, 53. 23. 51, 56. 5. Ctrouiara seat free ef charge by #4-trussing either to MJ it it AT, KDDT A CO.. Oerin;toa. Ky.. or iu Louts, fx Oflletal Oruuriugs of the Keaiseky add Delaware Atsi- Lotteries. kssTucsT, Bxtss OtASt 249?June 10. IMk 43, i. It. 63. 2B. 49, 34. " 'At, 40. OsLAWAaa. Glass 2 7?June 20. 1803. 73, 2*. 4 , . c J. 4*. 64, 44, 66, 70, 39, 59. Circulars cent by addresstn? JOHN A. MORRIS A CO.. Wilmington. Delaware, or Oortnjten, Keatuxay. Royal Havana Lottery?Prises Cashed and Inl'ormat.oii given, llichesl price paid far Spanish Doubloons. TAYLOR A CO , B-nier*. 16 Wall street. Prises Cashed la AM Legalized Lot teries. Information given. JOSEPH BATES, Broker, it Wall street, roum No. I, New York. "C. C." Olllce of the Board of Under writers. N*w Yobs, June 19. 1863. PatKCis B. Dison. Esq , Nkw Tims ? _ Sin?Your leIt r of 4lh 'nst., wt li a < opv of the "Hand Hook of Murine I'usura e an I Average," was pres. n e i to this Hoard si s mvelluc he d yevter :ay. I ura re.|iiei>te I to acknowledge the r-c p o the eauie. an ! aim t > iti oriu y>u tnat the Hoard adopted a reao u.lon to purcna-e one b.iu droU Copies of tour work, to he apportioned among its mem bers. Yon will plesee have th-He ropt a bound In "law sheep." and deliver .1 at til" olllce or t .e Board, with bill for ihe time, li ailords me p easure to eommunleate the a'?ove in ormatlon as *n evl l> nc o. ti e appro l.iilon of your wnrk by the Undeiwrite-a oi lain city, and wiehing that jour va'liable labors may receive the reward which thuy certainly merit, 1 remain, very r-ap?tful ly, El LWDOp WALTER, Seere'ar H .ard oi Underwriter*. Published by II EN R if SPEAR, 13i Pearl and ?j Beaver streets, N-w Tortcy Married, Rake*?Haws ?On Thursday, Jane 19, al.ct. Stephen's church, by the Rev. Joseph H. Pries, D. P., ana la ted by the ..ev .Maury L. Jones, M rrnsw K. Hsasa to Kisba, daughter of Wm. H. Haas, decouasd, all of this city Bacii-B.aiil? on l'u aday May 6,hy the Kav The mas i.nil au <et, rector of 41. A' it's c'iu ch, Mr. J*>vr u Bach, of Straaburg, to Mlaa Gsosuaxa Blaw, ef ihis oily. Brooklyn papers please copy. Far-vham?Bcploso ?On Wednesday, Jnse 14 at I he Memorial eh irch of tho Rev. H. Anthos, by the Kev. 6. D. Imulson, Gaoaoa G. Karabam to Haass IJ.sauna, daughter of A. W. Eudlong. glthbis-J hswj.v?on l hursday morales, Joss 19, by Rev. S. S. King, Samosi. Giihrib Is Aonas E. Johimo.v, all of Wllltamabi.rg. Hkkrick?Himi nso.v ?On Thursday, Juns 19, at St. Andrew's church, Richmond,s. I., by the Rsr. Theodore Irving, B. P. Hkiiku s to Miss Masy K. Simossoiv. Sruitsnm;?CniLroK?On Thursday, Juna 19, at tba residence of the b: Ida's father, by the Rev. Mr. T. Guion, Mr. Roiusrr Sruiu-isRO to kllaa Masoaksi V. Cbiltom, daughter of George Chilton, all of Brooklyn. Died. Amdkilson ?Near Fair i>aks, Vs., Jacob W. Amnios,of the Second re- lmout New York State Militia, eldest son of K. K. and Jemima Anderson.of this city. The friends oi the family are iuvlted to attend the fu neral servicer, at tho Wl.ietthtreut M. E. church, this (Saturday) al ternoon, nt throe o'cf ck. Axdksson ?Near Fair Oaks, while In the discharge of his dutv, Jaooii W. A.NOKHrti.v, <d Company K, C.i|'tala Uarr w, tecum! leglmcnt New York .State Militia. The frlomls or the family, also the members of the Secoud reg'tnent Now Yo. k Bute Ml it la, are re floated to attend bis funa a!. on Sunday afternoon, from his at) ra ideate, No. 47 G erck a treat, wilbout further Invi tation. Bi-cuakak?Ou Thursday, June 19, Amorbw Bicsa "Hi, friends, alao the mi-nb-t of Park Lodge, No. 616, Temi.lerlA.dgr, 380, '/.aiubabel I-od r, F. and A M..nre requested to the funerei on Sunday a'tortio>n. at two o\ 1 .ck, from bis late residence, No. 116 West Forty 11 ret street. Usint.?In Brroklyn, on Thurs lay, June 19, Claba t. Rsai-h, aged 14 veara. 7 mouths nnd 4 days. 'the ral ttlve, aud lriends of the family are Invited to alteudtbn funeral, irom the residence of hor parents, 223 Atlantic ave tue, this (Saturday) afternoon, at three o'clock. The Atlantic avenue nnd Bedford car* pee* the d CMAinuta.^?On Friday, June 20, luitn. Chambers, of consumption,aged 27 ye.irs. The mestiKjis and of I.tbcriy Hose Company, j}?. 15, are rtoptctiuiTy invited to altehd the luueral, oh Suiiday afternoon, kt half pant twelve o'clock, from his late rati leuoe. No. 8 Dover street. Hi< retuah s wl l bo taken to raivery Omaiory for inierment. llm friend, and aciualntaiicea ai e respectfully Invitad to attend. Dauvc.?On Monday, Janet, at Iarhes Ha nos, Py renees France, of d.seescof the ue rt, Mr. 1WACC, fo. iuerly oi New Y rk, age I 36 years aud 8 "'eIsr*. On FMdry, June 20, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude, Asms K. Kvsm-, a.ved 18 yoars, 10 months and 14 days. Th* frhMidi ?nd r?lmtiv?s ol the idimly and tha ? 'hool officers aud tuachara o' ihe .Sixth ward aro respoc fullr inviwd to attend Ihe funeral, on Sunday afternoon, Tom the re-idcuce or her parents, No. 37 4rank.ort str^.t. Hcr remains will he taken to Calvary < emetery for in ,#F?"'!-At Ijtnsingburg, N. Y.,on Imsday, May 13, af ter a ling-ring Illness, SaSah Armsteoho, wife or P. K. Fell.of New Priehh*. , Riehm-.nd, Va .and Ctlcs, N. Y.. taps-s pleas# copy. L ltosMKi.iV.-At New irk. N. J., on 1 hursday. June 19 Wiu.iam l.'ll- MVEMtu, aged 35 year* and 18? d?J? The funeral service*: will be hold at the First Reformed Dutch church.-Market street, the (Saturday ) aflernoon, *' Mir*nm'".'^k>n Thurad.iy morning, June 19, Hwrt Mrn ugM . in tho 66ih year of his age. Toe friends and relative* or the family are rospact fully invitad to atund the funeral, this (.Saturday ) after? nooo At one o'clock, from his tat# reuldanca, No. 388 Broome Ft-eot, without further Invitation. L'allioraiA papers please copy. wm.. Msi iiowv).? At Williamsburg, L. 1.,cm l>ldsy. .lane 20 niter a II' kering illnees, Ass Ammlia, wife of JowD V. tleldea nv eeed 2d years and 4 months The relailv**. friends of th-family, also these of her brothers, Edward M. and WM.Iam lockhart, art r eiwctfully invited to attend the funeral,on :-uud'y sftarno><n. at I wo o cl from her late .esideoce, No. 31 XlnaMoetrosi, WUMsmahurg.L. I- Vramv ||t?KAY.?ou IbtirM'iay, .???!?? 1?. MTia\r, ec*m1 '21 vwrVa 1 nvjoth an-t 2H rtayn . , rue fu..eral will take fH.m the esldeuce of his fiuher, wm Murray No. 87 Wost Twenty seventh street, this /ftatiinlay) aflorn?xm, two o'v'iodt, to which ih* iriouilt ?'<" tho luuiity rw?|wr?faiiy luviu?J to utifuti. McMaik.n ?Cai'lam Mk-iiael M< M iiom, ol "'J.11'1 reit m* nt Ntjv York Slsta Voh.n .sirs, who waa klbod In the Into hatile at Hanover Coil'' Hmise, A a. Ihefu cral will inks place on ";,?' aJrf m two o'clock, from the rstldeiico of hia fa'ho , IJJ St. Mark's piece (M?t Klghlh skreet). His brother "Ulcere and the fTleodo of lb Inmtly are reepectiully Invttrd to attend. The iuiermont will lake place at Cavalry Cs.uo Wry. M< Kvmna.?At her residence, #24 Hudson Ktreel. on Friday. June 20, Many McKkysa,* native of Killadreen, county Monaghan and pariih of Krriglo, Ireland, tgnd 7tf years. The friend' and acquaintance* are raepertfully Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, iron her law reel dene', without fuilher invitation u'l'oxaon ?On fhnrgday, June Id, Fur.AMtm, wife of Patrick O'Connor. In the il'Jih year of her age. The friend* of the family, nod alio or her brotbere. J. and M. tt'Conneli, are roepeotfullr invited to attend the funeral, from the reaidence of her husband, ! 110 lortyth tlreet, tin* (Saturday) afwm >on,at halfq eat one o'clock. Otkrbi i*r.?Ob Friday, June 20, of eonaumptlr u, lt aar'Ovkrhi Laa.i f Horn town, l'a., in hi.t 53d year. The funeral will take place from hi* late maiden *, *02 Third avenue, on Suit lay morning, at half-paal nl M o'clock. l'eunaylvatiia papera please copy. Pal*** Killed Inetantly, In action, at the head of hia men, at Fair tiak*. Va., on Sunday, .lime 15, l.ieutaaant Josm-ii Law A*T*a Pai.mku. Jr., Aid-de Carnn and Acting Aeetawnt Adjutant Genofhl, oalv child of Joseph*. and Margaret Marttne* Palmer, of title ell*. How aleep the b: ave who sink to rest, With all their country** honora bleat. The funeral aervlce* will be held at the residence of Colonel Spencer TV. Cone, HO Weal Thirty-ninth street, on Sunday afwrnoon, at three o'clock, and the remain* taken thence to Trinity f emetery Carmanavllle, for to torment. Friend* of the family and member* of the Etcelalor brigade aro respectfully Invited to atlond. Sunday papy* pleaae copy. Ram ?On Thursday, June It, 9a*ar Ral*, aged 01 yeara. The friend* of th* family ar* Invito,1 to attend the fnneral, from her lata rwldeneo, 47 Charlaa alreot, this (Saturday) afiarnoon, at, two o cluck. Smwai I.?At White House, ot^ Tneoday, June 8, of wound* r*c*lv*d at the bait1* ef Fair Oaka, Jawm II., aoo <>f Captain tleorg* W. and Margaret Slilwoll, aged 17 years, 8 raoathi and SI days, olCompany It, Fliat I,nog lelaad .Volunteer* Tb* relative* and friend* of the family are requested to attend the funeral, tbla (Saturday) afternoon, ut ha.f-paat two e'clock, from the reaidi-nce of bis brother, 3SO buckett atreetjSouth Brooklyn. fnajmrix ? On Ttaureday, Jo'ue 19, of rnn?i mptlnn, onntracied while on duty at the seat or war, In, n M Tea'KCU, Lieutenant, company F, Fortieth Mow. t i egt n,M( New York VolunlTTf, i(?d 24 year#. ? taofUha aatf 26 days. Hia relatives and frtsnds #>"? respectfully iuvltad to attend tha funeral. Ut.e Vr'!?, n, at Ursa 0 clock f.orotbersaheneeof *lU father, Niaatveeooud at-eut batwMu F"Ui lb md Fi'Ut*v?nuu?, Yo kville. Maw Orieaua (1*.) and Km CrauvtaCuy (Texas) papera P'tcimiv ^-On Thursday. June I#, Jo.'? To >ut, aged 75 years, formerly of tue pariah Kilwateixnoy, c-unty Wa ?WSKSTSr tba family *ra reepeotfifOy invliod to attend tha finei-sl, thH (Saturday) afterse-n, a? two o'uhck, from hia lata taaUsace, No. 2M East Fourieouih "t,Vjki entixb. On Thursday, Juno 19. of coniiant on of tutr^Tu^Sa r. wif.^TJohn Hera ramahia were Interred on Friday, Juas 20. Canada papora plaaaa copr . HISCELIAIfEOIlIt Articles'foe soldi eks at iialtimo'kb. wasiY m% ami otucr 4Sl by Uu.oe, troops A ,n ton and ulnar i ?< ^h",wAB1XP?2|5l ahu d i be sunt at baif rate- by the fHABNDBN BArKESa, 74 Broadway. A LL SL'.KS BUNTINO AMD BILK FLAOS-ON HAND. A for a?Li by IIOJKK a GRAHAM. manufacturei#, #T Duane atreet. \ t barker s?wios or the very bestqual^t, JK end all other humeu hair aril .las. Call and aae t..oin. 622 Broadway. AT OXMBBEDB'S, t? ALBUMS (FIFTY PICTURES) retailed at S3. Wedding Carde, Mota Papar, Monograms iu p if. ot taal A SPLENDID PLATED ICE PITOHBE, $4 OS, AT , B. D. BASSFORD'S, Cooper Institute. A THOUSAND REFRIGERATORS FROM $3 80, SIL A. ?er Plated Ware. Table Cutlery, Cream Free tore, Ooek '"?K??\c??Vc?SJ?7i1& storm. K D BA.-SFORL), Cooper Institute Bu ldiug, oneRNuoC from Bioadwny and A*tor plaoo. Cull and aea for youreelvea. No connection with any other itore. AT OlMBRBDE 8, 698 BBOADWAT, B4 AND $6 Fans retaileu at finer lam at proportionately cheap rate* Am PUBB TOBACCO.?TBLLOW BANK TOBACCO.? Uoodwln'a Pure Yellow Bank Tobacco, free from alum nurliiea. loreale bj all tobacco and ? bar dealer*, and at whole**!# by E. GOODWIN A BBOTHER, 20# Water*treat Atlas on Saturday. THE N.1W YORK ATLAS, _ THE PEOPLE s INDEPENDENT NB W8PAPRB. Which i.aa be. u pub. -bed for t.ven.y uv.) year# as a Sunday p.per, au.l 1> ih-i oldest and largest of that cla*n or city we la now nuhlt h-d on we .aues, SATURDAY MORNINGS, and ready for delivery to carrl r., newsmen and the public, ,WThli ch^'e'l^'he d iy^uT'p'ul.Ucatlon lnvolrea no altera thm in^he peculiar . har .cter.rtlc- of the ATLAS ?? a popu lar journal of Local Poll.tcs. General N- wa. H oralnr., Titeairleala, Ac., wh ch are well and appreciated by """?adl'iTO iuE ATLAS ON SATURDAY. , _ gold by newsmen everywhere, or screed by regular car rier* Price four cma. om^ 2k*K?0?. Publisher. A MEW OAS APPARATUS FOR TlIE COUNTRY. , t Tha subscribers ore now prepare t to furnish their NEW PAl'ENT GAS APPARATUS FOR LICIIT.NG Country R ?ldeuoe?, Public Building*, Ac., at about one-half the cost of auy heretotore ottered to the PUBy this apparatus the erp-nse of making gaa U reduced Id tbe same rallo, aud the coal of materials lor mauutaeiuriug the gaa to aupply t. n burncra will not exceed thirty cents per * GBORGB H. KITCHEN A CO., Patentees. 661 Broadway, New York. A FACT?NOTWITHSTANDING THE NUMEROUS OAYBTTY'S 1e the only Medicated P.per Welch will prevent s .1 cure pile*. GayUtj's name Is water marked ln each Li;"ofVe ginmSi. AU druggists .ell 1L Depot No. 2 neekuian street. 4 KAffr-NEARLY EVERY READER HAS TROUBLE A tront cor.n, hnnloaa, enlarged Joiuta, In- nails, or aau.eof the many ailment* of the feet. Buf fering iro.n ibase cau**a wall needle**. Why he cou?t*ntly Umidnf about with pain, when It is a well kbown factytba* Di bKlviOS. the Chiropodist, 21 i Bro^dwWr, can cure all these tor enta sadly, speedily and T. y lit.n. You will be satl-flod thai he la tnaatef ot the art of chiropody. Dr. MrLgs* Allerlaior It a great blessing w nisnkiniT safe and elfica. l.m# for tbe cured? coma buuioue aud other kindred aUtictlona to wnlch ib.i feet"? Seut by mall. Sold by druggists. 25c., 50c. and $1 per boa. 'Give ft a trial aud you will rejoice at the reault. ?Bag le. Bourbon"for consumptives-a very cuowb article, twelve years old, for {? DUM?' U?' by Corner of Broadway and Cedar atreet. IJBIUOEWATEB PAINT?SINCE 7??e,8ff JJ lor roots, uu, lion, wood and b rlc k^dCckt and fri.. s ef vessels, holding the oil lor yeara. Depot 74 Maiden lane, N. V. STRETCHES AND CANES FOR THE \j the mauafaciuier s. Mo. 2 Corfla'nit street. VERMIN EXTERMINATORS, VERMIN EXTERMINATORS, VERMIN EXTKKMlNAtORS, VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. VERMIN KNTKRM1N A'lORS, VEkM N EXTERMINATORS, VERMIN EX IK KM I NATURE, For rata, roaches, Croton and Iwd hugs, Insecla, At., Ae. '"Free from potsooi. "Rat*, Ac,, don't die on tl?? premiiM. Sold by all drugglsis, city aud coi.nlrv. Principal depot removed from 612 to 481urimawBj* * /?vnnvs BUNIONS. INVERTED NAILS. ENLARGED 0 joints, and all diseases ot the .^u^iuk''surgeoa Esfcasw saanasfftwass ' geous of the city. MAGAXINK' S-MSMTuffifS U.ntdof?^nU SSSt&ll! wucte. In proaeaud poetry from aome of lw old and fact*rits contrlbutora, ba?f lea ajfl''1 51?,.V*: tha moat diNUuan^liod magazine wiiure favtirito contributor*, bep! lc? atorie*, it the } on* of the mo*t di-tiugm^ed magazine wilwre die pr. sent. lay. The^^ tablb EDITOR'S iABL*. iiFNBSS. hea.1 and wre threat wired by thaj-v. head and aore thn.stmirrd by hopeless eaa-a. I', ,i 111, I?V' , N* *r * bV^RAGRAH AM^nwhiifiturera. uaue street. .AOS' FLAGS'.! FLAGS!'.1 FLAGS!!'! v.dton atreet. iSrrxrtw?rt r,?VfAnMSIiG;hu,.vSSSi word. $S ? whkh I wm *11 W W||(.y c-sar t". , is in Rid, 10 order; lineal blank 5i,'lo mS?lSo'\ ^avne MreeL^ RS SOUTMWO^KW ^ wo^ IjU> c ? OAP"? "-??? NEW UOPVR.UHT NOVEL OJT puK^fhU d*a? and W w^^ . In ??? T'in Tn wie large duodw !?01^,V?h*%rIn two mlumc* ,1 Heiress.' Pi We Mp*? ?"Val roover.fortL Itleiuou ng HROTIlERf. W?" Mi chrstnut Street. PhlLdrlpt 'nu.' aog Chcttnnl street, PhlLdrlphla. .pies sent fleet oi poetage un re ? dpi "f Prk?' ORBY'S NEW BOOJL THE FLIRT. ruRTt una (IRKY'S 5EW BOOK, ? _ E FIaIRT; "(iKETaufbr"The tJamj red'Pgrs ? prh e I.f TXXZXJSTZ'ZZlt"' ",lr' srnU ladoth. '? ^ 'pkIfk-iiNA BROTHKKS, , Tko 90Sa-???? .Tr^AFkt^hU. ?las aent free of j-ia -ce ..n r retpi of prtee, M SB. EQUT11 WORTH'S NEW HOOK. LOVE'S LABOR WON; MRS. IMMA D. E. N. ROUTHWORTII, Author of 'The Loot Heir*?." "The Deeerted Wttfe," "Unr?o of C iitoo,'' Ac. SStp.eo gOUTHWORTH. enthor of ? The Loot HetreM, Th*- ye ported Wife," "Curee of OUfton," An., in pahllehed e*id for pelf thisd*f< by F. A. BRADY, ti Ann wto. '? other Umkeetler* end n?we egoele In K. w Tor* tad where. cMilfeie In one lerge it*o,lertti.<> volttn..-, nnirorm wttli "THr Loot Heirree.''end bound IB cb>th, for $X JR or ia two TolnBC*, peprr ouver, for Rl. Coplee of thn eb >** will be pent to eny one, freeof poet ?4,0, on n routing tLe prion to the pub.ahere. Fttbllahed end f^Mg. * BROTHERS * MB Otieetnnt etfet, PhHodelphle. lb whom ell oBrterp m?vM 'twiie pJdreeenR M Si. URKV8NEWTBCH,h. laT. Lint OP A *SVsiUON AHL* VOL'NO LADY. BY MRS. UHhV. . . Author el the ' Xienihlefe Wife," *t. XUX W" THR TIlR Al*T' MRS. OREV ft *** ?* ?JUraebb; SSrstf ?^2sar -t.SE& s? "?~'t feK ?*. w 3 petti.* M US SOUT1IWOR.TH 8 NEW WORK, LOVE R LABOR WON, ? M4t?. QKF.Y's NEW NoVBL, T1IK FLIRT, "'riiBIIIO A BRADY, M Aon htreel_ kPHTH ALMIO AND AURAL INSTITUTE, W OPHTHALMIC AND RURAL IB* rill Tit. ?' I'ennpfirente eeenete, We?hii.?tee, U. ft, MBJJ" jj tfcn trre'raenl t.f ilrefnnea *n ' e.i n tiledlee of the EyeeBB Rer. The Inetllnte l? In rbjt ?? o'er ll Iwl >??fg onmlet end hfcflet, Dr t A. V n M t., ?.*-r, ee l ? ??i re referred ee io it* gret eu? ? ?? te t, ? <? 'y.fsMBFj both Htiu'PP, or ?ee the Wee'ii , Be'leoel Intelligence! for foil ponfculore end ev-vtei reuipi r*e be ad for oirou.a. a. MI90 Ibliif BOOS. kBBLKMBH ?l.AT? liiai- Cumpaay. 4.8 Mioadeay, K f. ? A D MABBLKIAKH 81.AIB mantku. 31 Cast leu? murBCT flTTlMO BMHSnS SMBaad.vB SHns 8.-8S ?S8a_ ?mI Sep* 8888 8888 888S SJS t>.-8 >SSS.->8 bo 88 "8 BBTIHll II illllIH ?MM II. U H:< H HI1H L II11 HUH 1111IIII If til! II-IH Hll ilHHllUiiH II li It II UilU Hll II <111 U Hllll HIIH HliUIIH III1I1HH BBRftRRA U..1/B KKKlilll#.KGKB KKB KKKH* BKR HUKB KKR UUul RKR BBJtB BKKKRRRRB RUAKKKK KKIt Kit KB KKB l.KKR RKK KERR BRER KERB TiTrrrrrmi'ii i rrr TITTT irriTTT rTTTTT *r TlTiTif TT rrnrrr rrriTif tt iTTTf rrriTT? Ti i vttt TTTTWf TTTI'TTT V'TT.TTr Ts-rvTii-irrr BADS TO MKASi'E^r.*; 8'JO F*? DOZBN, OE six M8R life MADE OP NK.V V?*.v .Ml ?U' MUSLIM, with 8m L-ii n Bosoms, a . wariiaiteu ?e good a ahJat M ' sold In the ri-t.i l m 82 Ml- well. ALSO. TilK VERY BEST IMIIRT8 I W CAV BB MAi.E At' i-6 fKU U08B& 1.1 N E.N fOlIBTH, TO MBA8U Kti. ?.?? I'fcrt DOZ9M. 8RLK Mc.A8UltK.MENT l-OK SH'RTL Printed direction. wm Ireo ?ver> whoro. ami so NIT 18 uad.-rvtaud that any one can ia..a tnelr o\v*><meaaure fa* ahirla. i wariant u good tit. The rush to La j-alil 18 the Be. pre- Company on ^ FUKMMUNll GOODS, af flue quality, bougi.t lor outb, oi ior oe-t Eurnpeaa maaa. f.ioturera, aad abminlo'y sol i at retail lu New Yoritaiape? Ut of only TEN I'KR CENT. COLLARS, bent our pi... at $1 53 per dozen. NECKTIES at 2Nc., S5c.. 10c. and Wo. HAL/ HOSE. 81 bOloiZodD i d Z-n. UAU/.E COTTON UNDER .SHIRTS, SO . left. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. d all ltM^ ?* ?I Ml. 81 75, $2, 8- 25. 82 50. 8-> 75 anil At pr dozen. OLOVBH?ALXXaNDRE'S HE vr UK hIDS. 81 IB 8. W. H. WARD, from London, 587 Broadway, Between White aud Walker. streets. S?T?18f0?X.?DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTBER? Of this celebrated brand, app are to be In eveiy ona*a mouth, aa well aa on every one a tabic. They aie a kpUnAa article and can be railed upon to strengthen and lnvljonrie ei haul tad nature. STILL FOR HALE-OR WOULD BB BBNTBD!' wMh eti il houae a> d g> od c liar. Apply on tha premises. No. 118 Bowery. STATION BET AND BLANK BOOKS. AM ENTIRE NEW STOCK Of OBMBRAL STATIONSBT inn BLANK BOOKS. PBU7O0 R A I'll 10 ALBUMS, THE LATeIF PATTERNS, AT THB LOWEST PRICES. BLANK BOOKS BULBD AND BOUND TO OBDMk AS "USUAL. GEO. 0. MANN, III FULTON STREET, N. 0 CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, i.avlng been restored to health ins few ek? by a very simple remedy, at tar having suite ed -ereta! irs with a severe lung aaeciton. and that dread dlisaaa isumptlou, in anzlous to make mown to hi* fellow sutler 1 tbs means of core. Toall who denlrs it he will send a >y of the prescription used (free of charge), rvlth dtrsw na for preparing and ualug the aama, whi h they will '..tan tire curs lor Consumption, Asthma. BrsnchUla. As. TM ly object of the advertiser In sending li.e prescription In l.suntil the aUlioted aad spread Information w hich he cow. ivss to be invaluable; and he bops* every sufferer will tiS i remedy, salt will cost them nothing, and may prove a ,-lng. Partis. wlsht?,R..,. Wlillamaburg. King# county, N. Y. IHE TWO CENT WEEKLY. ? THE NEW YORK ERA ?or Jnnetl, oontaln* a story by Alice Cary ;>n unlqws em by W, J. Kloreree, comedian; n graphic sketch of .. "I. Zj_~r .1 Dh.J. ? M,and Dram? m UT vv, ?f. riviri.ur, -- 11 ? " **?*' . ,T rernor Sprague, of Ehotle Istaud; Munlcm and Draa illlston; reading lor the Military and Firemen; the aaa> onal. episodic and general ten ores of the |ooceedlngaft Boards of Alderman, Council..,an ?nd Huieo vlvora, Afc ulre for It at the Nowa Agent*. Dealers wlll send IS ?alS era at once. Olboe of pn' in^ilen VU Ful on street. J TBLKORAPIl COMPANIES The Bishop (Wis Pero'i Company, having reoewOy dn many valuable addition* lu machinery, Ac., to ft? nnfaetory. are uow prepared to make at short nutlse Wa^PIECHA INSULATED ELECTRIC COB DUOTORS, . Iron, Lead, Hemp or other Armor, and warraaM tujpnrted and at as low a rata. lal lu quality to any In fe would respectfully ? pan es to our manufs invite the attention of pan ee to our manufacture. _ ?_ the bishop outta Ueneral ? ICee aad salesroom T7 Cedar street, N. T. riCTOB IlUliO'S ORKAT NOtEL. VICTOR HUliOS GREAT NOVEIa TUTOR HUGOS ORKAT NOVBU VICTOR HUGO'S ORBAJ ?0\fcU VICTOR HUGOS GREAT NOYEIa VICTOR HUGO'S GREAT NOVEU VICTOR HUGO'S OREAT NOVEL. VICTOR ttCOO S ORKAT Not EL. VICT OR HUGO'S GREAT NOVEU VICTOR IlfGO'8^ GREAT NOVEL. LE8 MI8F.RABLES. EES MPEitABLEK LRS MHKRAHLK8. LBS Ml.-KRABLKS. I.K.S MISr.RABLI 8. LBS MISKRARLBH. I.BS MISKRABLRM. LKR MIdKRvMLKS. I.BR MISi.i.ABi.K-t LBS MInKKaBLBS. Mo book has ever lw ,o d veured by the puhl'e i. Uncle^fom'S Cabin." Edition after edition disappear llta ?o? (t?Ve* I,n the water. It Is the rreet sen atlenof tha STTj WtoiS cl^ |7.. aud I do not w. nd r at It. foe U corn ines all the elessenia thet would naturally e?dta e?U? Issni and ...r ih. sells ofneader. of all i^2* Y^k B cry depths.?Paris Cerre?|*a?d''nl of the New Tata LBS MISBRABLES. I,KM Ml.wKrtABLBS. LK8 MlnKRAMLKS. The literary sensallonnf th da'?'p leed of s U?o publication of '^Les Mteerabtra New T LES MI8EBABLBS. LF.S MlrKKAHGES. LKrt MIShRAHI.EH. In this relume lies one of the nobte?t m?nu?eateev* milt t \ human gen u* ki humanity itselt; tzd the pateem oneef U? ^naatlun. OAh. age -N.W k'erk AGa*. . . ? a ? LEX MISERABLE*. LEX MIMt.KABLKX. LEA MIBKKABI.Ert. ? wonderful hook?wtUiui; no work of ijjplen: of lituAsrn limes baa ai anted an gieai a ee?*ati<>n ai Ida atari M thla last aorrl of Valor Hugo. ? Alhaav Alias. a a a ? ? a a LSH MIRKKAbLEfV U-S M I iA.KAHI.KS LE8 MIXBRABLKS. Tlia aiaipuat laeidanta, ina* tele re. the aiaa I'lrat n.enee, maka up wiaI la mbu a pasrabla than a ooirl, an* yet there nana* *m a hook that haul ui much oi-lragRdy and imbue.?Buffalo Kipn an. a a ? a a a a LEX MISER ABIEgV LEX MISK IA HI.25. Is. fraehnena. la pi.pisrwy, in path.*. in power of drama lie ?iLrreelnn, la. delineating ot chart! ?r. and analysts of mind an I mntire, ihe book baa aliugeihe ao pear anong lha bang noselauf tha Jay.?Alheuy Argus. a 1 a a a a LF.8 MTSKK ' JtLKB. Lis MIRKR VBLft*. IaKB M1sKR.VMI.E8. This loag expected itHnan?e,r< sja Ilka a fat art ah _ We ranfbaa to reaoUm it* hundred and rfxy octaro Ibtonghela single stMlng.?Ihaoo Transcript. I.KX MM 1.KX MIX aS Ml JMIABU 9 MIXEKvni Thb crowning work of Victor last. Tnam'a nothing gusnd.r In i If. a a a a a BLEB. haa appeared M Alma.?Brooklyn I.E9 BsktOLM I.Ed MISF.lTulLE* ss MlxKKAilLKA. MIXEBABl.RA A lAla af extraordinary ahlllly, and Jnatlltoa the senaaUa* Ita publtraMon baa created In Europe. W- expect It will have the greatest run '-t an. wiwk of Its ar-ter M at hat come out for ^raara?B.ialna Kxpreas. ? # # Another adltlon of tble nuaulfloant noral la aow ready. Price In paper cm art SO ucnu, and on supet lor papnr and claih hi ml In. 9L Copies aent hy mail free. on receipt of price, by i'AKLKTUN, Publisher, Let' Kuild A Carlelon, 413 Broadway, corner of Llspenurd at. eel, Bew York. TMK LiBt-liBD RKtllMHNT BKW YtlKK STATl Mlf.TTfA ? O In compliance with a rc.pitatuon mam ry Major t.corral X? ndfotd, the o leers an I mami?rs belong >14 10 thi? rnat> nient, now In the < tty, will as oobe mi Sunday, the EM last, at II M., at Iheii Armor), In full uH.tmm, "wnua rants and white b Ita," to mailt the remain* of tU<-l?iw antaln McMahon. Twi niV'ttflh Bew V rr* Vohmws rs, ai.a luat hta Ufa in nefen a of hia c.mniiy J A.ML til; \ lyY, . apiain Woman .lag.