Newspaper Page Text
CYHA8. A. LENT, AUCTIONEER, NKWARK. M. J.-i J Trade Sale of imrriagr?, Harness. 4c., will be n?-i MAI. KB AT ACCTIOW. i M. B. CHAPMAN AUCTIONEER " ii.ii. ?? A. UMAiif rim cum household rtrajn 11 RE, PaINTINGS, ^Tr^RTkTE draw1M(. ROOM 8CITS, KOMKWOOI) SEVEN OvTAVEPI thQPt.KTB, BOSMWOoB AMD BLACK WALNUTt II jJBtt 8UIT8, OAK AND DINING MOOM P?WWft CHINA ULA88 AND SILVER * ARE, AO. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. On this da* Stiiruiy, Juad 31. iWuuuenelag At eM?'? ?'cloth ill the five *Uu-y brown stoaa rei.ldeu.-e Bo. i3 West Suu enth tiieil, between Fifth ad Sixth the cauv log tie comprising Un- largest cod richest a?a<.rimeiii or Household Furniture off. r d at auctiou Una season. Sato eBii.i .rv uaisloct.e* 4( iho house ?r alouroilk* Dra* leg me?TwoHlil i? woo I Suite, .-over* 1 with silk bro aUI: m.-,?.... I oca ruble-, 8 cretary end Hook aw, Pier and Mantel Minor" Velvet Medallion Carpel*, Sevres and Drea ?1*11 tlbluA 6 o?m*nt?. Broun Ooci. em'TV) eced Laae lrriXi.iKh.vijn .4nu,l!,i,; ?"*** ?ranie^, Cafd f^b "i '-few Te'.'!>-. RcW] ti#n OhAlr" ~ oi iri. c-sr.,1 TjK ch'DiTable, RcWl t.aB UfiAirc Ren*, i Ck-v,Touch, MUbBknl ifvea t*>Tj roecww^ Pur,? ir. linAtX kftril Iff ami . *-*, lo order l>y Broad v .u .K?fl, CfcPCTbi rj". Si-isAM'-1 PMBfiU dutli edfer; oak ?off, ill W: cheedeltors, rosewood and bla- k walnut Dressing ltur. au*, Wardrobe*. Bedsteads, Cornice. :?*, \\ a-hsunds, T 'b 1 Tables, Hair and Spring Mat* treses Realbrr Bed*. Blanket*. She*la. Alio, lame aaso.t asret dining r.wm furniture. Amos r. Thompson, auctioneer.-combined ?ik k of 23 Oil UamUege, CpilhRig. Fancy Goods, Plants, Furnntire, Jewelry, Slicking, Sewing Machine, Khuw OiBe- Engiav'.tigi, Cutlerv, Ivory Puna. Ac., ibta <B*t..riay> mo niug, ai lOld o'clock, at US Nassau, near atreei. Many odd lot* included. AM. CRIST alar, auctioneer.?auction sale ? of Heady Made Clothing, Pie.e Goods, Ac ?A M. CK18TALAK will sell, on Monday. KS-t, at 10 o'clock, a' 23 Bowery, a large stork assb?.e vuinprmu; fine Cloth. Cam niiuere, Atpac a aud I.iueu Pfcnck and Bu*ine*a Coata; Doe akin, Otoi.'i, Caaaiuiere and Ka.iuel i'uni*;, Sena, tioth and S ..miner Veals; alio Piece tlooda. Cloths, CaaaA mere*, Atpuc. as. Silk*. Mn?liu*. Lining*, Trimmings, Fur ?tailing tloo.ia, Shirt Omllara, Neck ilea. Suspender*, Ac. ;nlso boots and Sii es, .ve., Ac. I.-A ?TNeve ark*n"j."on Mfodneadaj.'j une ib, at iuo'clock A. M , la Ike inrge Onion DhA Building, near Centre Street depot, catalogue* furuiabcd at sale. Danl. a. mathkws, al-ctmnprr salesroom a# N AS, A " STRSKT BE I WREN JOHN STREET AND MAJDKN I.ANH. NKW AND 8SOOND HAND HOlSE HuLD PUUV1TUKE, PlhK MIRKJORS, BBl S8EL8 AND 1MORA1N CARPBTS, AC. DANIEL L MATHEWS will *el), tki* <lay, at 101% o dock, at hi* salesroom, Sb Nu-aui street, a general Meorureot of Purnitun . removed for oboi enveei noe o' ialc, vir:?Brn* eetoaud Ingiain Can e-.e. Parlor, Pier Mirrors, tlaa*, E ag> ree, PretMh Bednteada, Dr-iwiucBiin ana, Waabaiands, Wardmie-e, black w..nut auu nak EitenalOu Dining Tabic-. Sub board*, enamelled Cottage S nn, Hair MaUreseca, Palilaescs, Dining Chair*, Sc retary and Library Book, a*o*, Ac. Catalogue* and go. d- now ready i'or eaami natiua. DM. CAULKINS, ACCTION K BR.?AUCTION 8ALE. ? Choice taiuily Iiro?cries ?Ou Moiidiy, MP 23, at ?*cb*:k, ih- eouientao the grooery ??> e Jio. lot <l;ec? wico avenue,ourner of Writ atrct, ooB.a-iiug of Or.e.1 and Black Tea*, t'ollee white and brown Sugar, Sonu, Surch, Caudle*, 8|>lcea. Mosmrd. Calatipa, Sweet Od, Brooms, Bruahea, Sea e*. Weigliu, M> aaute*. Ae., Ac Al.-o, a light Roau Wagon, w.lh top, in e mi.1 order. I3DWARD 8INT/ENICH. AUCTIONEER.-ELKOAXT !i Uouacho'd Pun Cure, by C. W DAVENI'OBT, this (lay at 11 o'nloek, at ISS and lf>7 Broadway, a very elegant as* rt ineut ol licb Household Purnltnre, lor parlor*, chamber*, dining rootu*, lihiarie*. balls, Ac. 1* wor hv the attention of ttaoee fun 1-hlnf. tin eahibitiou and catalogues now ready. Ernest roth, auctioneer, wiijl sell this day, Jua>- 21, at 11 o'c.ock preci*ely, tbe elegant House hold Kuril:inc. ul a pr.vate house. 11V IVent Eighth sireet. Between Fifth and Sinb avenue*. con*lkting at iwoe'egant roM-wwud Parlor Salts, tovcred m rich broaau-l; ouc do., s.ilul black walnut, covered in silk reps; baudwuue Bru ael* and Ingram Cai |-. t*. marMe lou i.tlb *, E ager*, Pier Ola*-< *. Curtail.*, Vu-.'S rosewood and uutnogany Bed steads, Bureaus. Wu.-h-tands. Hair Ma: in ss.-s, Bn an-ra, Pt low*. Tete-a-fWtes OOvered in AAn-oh; Spr ug Sent Cha.r*, Loungca, Roek. rs Corner Sunds, Sola, T-a and Extension Tables. Buffet*. Obt-s. Cuii a and Silver Waro, Table Cutlery. Oilelotb, ChandeUrrs, Stair Carpets. Ae., Ac. SalepoeiUve. / TEO. O. I1ATDOCK, AUCTIONEEK?GLASSWARE? VI ROBERT UAYDoCli. will sell, on Tuoalay, J une .'4, at 11 o'elo k, ..t hi* salesroom, 101 LUoirty street. <00 pa k ages Flint Claa-war ?Tumhlen, Coble;*, L-tmpa. Chum peya, Ac., Ml pakagra Fr. ucu Ulaas; al-o rreserving Jars, Ac. BNKT H. LEEDS. AUCTIONEER. HENRY H. LEEDS A CO. wljl sell al auction on Sat urday, J in* 21, at lilt, o'clock, at wilesroom, 23 Nasaaa street, Household Fiiruntire, coosistiug of Medallion C*rp, la Brio ?el* and Ingrain Carpets, carved m-ewood msrcle top Centre Tables, elegant gilt Iramc Pier Mirrors, with marble U>p; Mirrors, w ith marb>- lop pier bases and corn... s v. match; maho.any and blurt walnut Dressing Bureau*, carv. d b ack Mulnut Suit, lu green rep-; antique Bombay Chair*, oak fr* ne; M irons, Chandeliers, Luc -Curtains, rose wood marble lop Lt'-gare, Centre Table, Washing Machine, La. e Cni tains, Ae. Also al 12 o clock, about lOOstaff ? flieec*, Rns olhe. ra and .-avalry 8w, rds. AIho, lor account of whom It may aon?ero, Waleh aud Cham, and 4t> Bets tint J. ws ry. HMNRT a. LEEDS, AUCTIONEER-HENRY H. LEEDS A CO will ?ell, at auction. ..n Monday. June 33, at 12 o'clock. u> t . out of our store. No. 23 X***au street, * aurrel Veimont Pouy, warranted perfecilv sound, lull ui spirit, with Indian blood; good In harness and under the ?addle. Also an E tglish Saddle and Bridle. Also a single Harness, silver mounted; n two seal Kockaway, 111 perfect ?rder. With shafts and pole; a double Hai nes*, and a lady's Hide Saddle, the property of a g' ntle;nau go ng to Europe. H H ENRT B. HERTS. JR., AUCTIONEER. BY II. WOOD A CO. SHERIFF'S SALE. LATHES, AC. On Saturday, J une 21 1362. at 11 o'clock, at tbe salesroom*. AMI Broadway, comprising 2 Lathes. JAMES LYNCH, Sheriff. JM. KILLER AMD WILLIAM KENNELLY WILL ? Mil. under torv:lo.ure, on Tuesday. J urn- 24, at 12 ? clock, at Uie Mer> hants'Exchange salesroom 111 Broad way. Are valuable Lola of Land, on southwest corner of Thirty-seventh street, snu Fourth or Park avenue. The lo ealloo 1* unsiirpaaecd, surrouuded by iret claw dwelling. J BOOART. AUCTIONEER.?8UERIFP-8 8ALE.?8. A . J. BIH.AKT will Mil, on Saturday, June 21, at 11 o'clock, at the auction rooms, No I North W illiam atreet. lorty Biecr? o: VF at oi England Black Cloths. Tweeds, Cas.Iuieres, Ac. JOHN K.ELLV, laic Sheriff. Thomas Drsur, Deputy Sheriff. BOt.AKT AUOTI iNEER-BY S. A J. BOOART, this day, at IOJ? o'clock, at the auction rooms. No. 1 forth Willi..m street. Mm'gage Sale?One bay Marc, one Soda Water W'a on aud Harness. one Generator an I Soda Fountains, Corhlng Bench, also one ierge Lag' rBier Waaou. Don. le Uarneaa. one torn Mare: aleu turn Iron Sales, Re frigerators. Sew ins Mac-nines and Tu ning Lathe. J BOOART. AUCTIONEER.?BY S A J. BOOART. . Una day. at ll'? o'clock, at the auction rooms. No. 1 North, ilnii/ehoiti Furniture?Consisting of mahogany Dr.-ssini B'lieaue, Elageres. Exienslou 1> ning T.ih es, liaa I'h.n eliers. Carpe-s, A m Cha ra, marble lop Centre T? las. tVasbsta.nls,' Children's High Che Irs. ma hoguny Bookcuac. Ward ri le s, Parlor Chairs, Rockers Bed meads and Redding, Ktv-iien F urn It ife, Ac At 11 o'clock a large lot of Cloths and Caastiurree. JU OI1N H. BURLEY, AUCTIONEER, WILL SELL' this day, at 2 o'clock, at 444 Catul street, rosewood Par lor suits. I ott- ge Suit*, marble top ami other R--I retary B-siImkA Elagcn s, W ardiobes, Waslistaiuls. Mo a Beds. Chain, Lounges, mahogany, black walnut snJ other ll'-deteades I'ler. Mantel and omer Mirrors: Frntlier Be-le and Beddinr, Hair M?ttr.--ee -, 0 Mot I s, Rug., white end - heck Matting 49 new and w-eood band Brussels, Thre - ply and Ingrain Carpets; stoves. Counters. Iron Safes. Alaodeilers. Mosquito Bar*. Plated, China, Glass sn.t C'ro- kery Ware, everything for housekeeping. JM DWYER, AUCTIONEER ?OUTTENBF.RiI-rUB |s lie auction ol H,.tiding Lots, situated In Uuttenbsrg, Will be held every Monday afternoon. commencing nt 2 ?Mock, weather permitting, at the brewery of A. Mcskcn fiO'u Monday dune 23. Terms e my. Title perfect MH| DOUOHTY. AUCTIONEER-PERBMPTt'KY BALE . of first i lass House-oil Furniture, Cari-eU. Tier Glass* a. Ac .Ac ?M. DOUGHTY will sell. Cits day. at 10* ?'clock, at the sal- ar on, 7'J Naamtt atrent, Hrtos-hold Fuini ttu e,. oi slating nf n.apo siijg rosenood and wnlntit Pai .or Fvila. covered in broeatei. haircioth and rein. Re reiary and Library Bo kcase, mar! le top Centre Tables. Brussels and ingrain Carpets. Cant-n Mai 1 ig, extension Dining fabtee, Dining Chairs, Dressing Bmrane. Waahstands. Bedsteads, Ball MaineOKS. 1'a, iaas<s, I,- g. s Ac., A . MOBrOAGB SAI.E OF SECOND HAND FURNITURE, i IIA8. D. DAVIS A CO., am l?n-i-r<. 'Hi .el. tins day, at WU o'clock A. M . at their rooms, 1-.-4 Willam street, between Frankfurt ?nd Hj-nice streets, a large ?n i exiens-ve a sortu em of .imiid l-and Furniture, consisting of nia hiisanr snd rosewood Tsts-.i-T.iea. msho.aiiy S.. *s. r -s wism] Lounges, in hrooatel; Mack wanutand cherrv Ptt'n sum Tables; ma/iu.any. iron and blank walnut Betlsteade. suahiigsny and cam wat Chairs, wardrobt. trsridc top <: ntre Tanles. inahagau. sud cane Rm-kers man any and b e. k nalnut Tall--., Brueae.s, T!ir>-- -ply and other t n-pe.., Hair and Straw Mattresses. Feather Be,is. Pilloas end Bolsters, cjas <'haiuteitar', Oil Paintings. Looking 4lla??e? rtiv-wo.ui-iiv-ng Stands, P a ed Warn. Also a large .ot of Kiu-hen Furniture The Ira le are repeat ully tavllcd to attamu By order or D. U. WILLIS, Attorney for Mortgagee. V. PHII.LPS, AUCTIONEER, LATE O'CKOSBT ? ? Brest, will sell this - or al 12 o c ck. at the Nun V rk y-w Bowery. a numlwrof cw |,r|,ed work Ho f t. one Bsy H - r?e. with Can slid llatlie ; one te.y ?n? Wa-die Hor-e. tig year* o.d; one Pony, one Concord i s " W'ag-ai win- brute, sulta le f-r a country ?..g-or *fp liiivi Lit lit W sgoos, Harness, Ac ^ II Kf MAN A CO., ACCTIO.NEBBfl, WILL SELL, O.N' [ ? ? . it I1' . . .ifk, Hi M M" a ? r . * ? 'i? - ? ?? W??' * a.n?* ot w?ilv Var1oClot?.fi.< and Dry Go >tl*, cori .V? ' amu .' M" V#** CUnlaft. C*Mtn f r^i. Hntiriet*, FORI)" Cons,hSk HhirU' Dr,w^' *' ? Bv orJrr <* J wa ... nr aviu a .M. wtni, >, i f ? u T/ Ul'4111 1^ ft" V* ' <? t ?y;? ru.U nliigelghle. il rmms. with all modern |*,p ?ttuateon Rater .trnmt; rroun ! one hundred feat f,-?'?. . ,'j r--ar tof two liuudr. tllii *rp?L T.-.iii..r , higj, Wll. i? Itle ra' made knmvn *t <lic ti-a? of sal" V B ? R'iSul 1 tin weather be unfavorable on the 24th ImA, the sa> w*tl take tra.e on the m-.t f i i day, on the premiw-s. a- 2'i ? . b. k The boat loaves at 11.2UA. M., from pier No 2 North n. ev and the anrs at 12 n'ohe-k M. from fuot o CortUu it siraei. ' fpilOS. RfclLLY, AUCTIONEER, OFFICE No X Tryon Bow ?Will sell thl- dny, at 1H1-, .?k, iil2T9 a tottur A, the Block ami Wkturea nt a Uroc ry and Liuuor H ure, Couuters. Jtccr Pnmps, Casks, As \V * LLOVD. AlrriONKER-J. O. f'O.' MUB. 117 ?" ? >a-*s I sirwet, will sell ai auction this day, June 21, at II n'l iiek. a larg ? as. rtment of hr?t < *as Ho I hull! rttrnliurv, r.i??nm,i, wmh-igsnr snd Idack trslnnt Sn'iu to atel, r> i-s and - olh; blue. w'aiiini Enfroom Hulls, ni-r' to; 14 r ail- nd Wasl .land Bialkcaie-s El. gwre, II' 11. te, A< . one one one ; Pi n o 7 or i?ve, iftill.> t; 0'.e W.n nil e R wing Maciiluc,Itog. ' ey ? mbrseli g o iai-g. caia'n/ue IIK MOVALMs " ?vrOTrCE-TIIK AGENCY FOB Tin SALE OF GOODS J.N man i l>v THE I NI'IN INDIA l"*BHEIt COMPANY ? ?HI", romuv-d. t p. d May iio'. Horn No. KM Lib ?ily sirei t to No 12 F.u k , iit ?aaa u> " ?VOCAL. An immensb sacrifice for cash, is applied Tor immediate!.,?''Aiuiftc ul roaewood TV <*tAVS Piauofort* loilginai price *M), for$175: uearlv new, large slxe, round e .rner*, ovir.truug Inw. f ill Iron frame, splen did tout ami touch Ainu ?? veewi others. _ MCDONALD * CO., 358Bowery A magnificent TOCTAVl ROSEWOOD PIANO loilo tar sale?Elegantly canod lag* andeaae, full i:on |>laU, line* with aatlawuod, overstrung haaa. all modern improvements, wade to order, coat 1M; lor $360. Including 8u?d and Cover. Also Parlor Furniture at a ascribe*, lu quire at 113 West Twenty third strrel, near Sixth avenue. Dime books for violin?sixteen numbers Hiheraia Collection, 2*0 IrtSfcihs. Ac., for vtohu or itut*, AO <-euls; Caledonia CollecUou, JUU Scotch reels, Ac., ttl .enla Sent by wail Iree. F. HLl'ME, Muate Store, 308 Bowery. XTEW MUSIC FOB TUB NATION?" FREEDOM, ^ Truth and B glit '?A Nailonai Sonr, wlih a grand ?V . -? . Poetry by Q, g, Dyukr,; Music by Carl it aAovltl b?tui.:ct; 'u* iUiuf Jrny uvtha 11 < Uuf^Th u MttvUd b?*!SSr; vSJu* iUi uf enure aMiou. The wo;mm are in BngUh And avrmATT. Fried thirty r?u:?. Mailed fro#. It 1* al o iMued on n finAil ahooi* Prive three <*n(t: pontile ore cml; $2 per IJJJ. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. No. 481 Broadway. PA-MEW SEVEN OCTAVE PIANOS, IN ROSE ?T LOU wood eases, >ruu frame#, and overatrung, for $160; do.. With moulding*, $lt=0; do , wilb carved legs and name board, $176, $186 and $?J0; do.. wilA pearl key., $223 and $880; new 6fc octave, $140. The ahove Pi anos an- fully wan-anted, and are the greatest bargains that tan be round iu the eay. Please call and as* them. Second hand Pianos at $8$, $4* $88, $U), $75, $88, fMOl New Melo d?-ooaat eiiretuely low prices. One hundred new aud se cond hand Pianos aud Melodsou* to let, at $3 and upwards per mouth. Bent allowed if purchased. Monthly payments received for the asm*. Foreign Sheet Music st two cents per psgu. HORACE WATERS, Agent, 481 Brosdwsy. niTRronoi. AT PAINE'S MERCANTILE COLLBOE8, 82 BOWERY, New York snd 283 Fulton street, Brooklyn, student* from city or country receive three mouths (78 teenona each) in Penmanship, sou in Artthiuetie or Bookkeeping, lessons unlimited, lor $10. LsiHea, 30 Writing Leasous, $2. American educational bureau, sei broad way.?8cbools supplied with uempetent teachers grain. le iilv; waule.l, several teacher of English, music and paint ing, .we , geatlemco i for mat heme tic and military tapes, and aeverai teachers af French, music, Ac. SMITH. WILLSONACa Bryant, stratton. Packard a penn-s com menial Colleges. Cooper Institute, New Torh; Hamil ton Building, Brooklyn.?Toese Institution* afford the best poasible facilities for acquiring a thorough business educa ion. Bookkeeping, Commercial Liw, Commercial Compu lations, Penmanship, Correspondence, Ac., praolicaliy taught. MR. RONZANI BEOS LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTEN tlou of the publlr to the fact that lie is now ready to give Lemons in i-ieneh and Character Dances. I)r. ma tic and Comic Pantomime. Call at or address 78 Spring street. MR. KONZANI BEOS LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTKN tion of the public to the fact that he is now ready (o give Lessons iu Fr&ch and Character Dances, Dramatic sad Comic Panlomlme. Call at or address 78 Sprint street SWIMMING LESSONS IN THE PARLOR? NEWE8T invention, by Pro eseor THEOD. DUMAK Instruction in Duiusr's Dancing Academy, 36 Seventh avenue, corner of Thirteenth street. Lesson* lor Isdies by His. Dumsr. FIREWORKS. JW. HAD FIELD'S FIRST PREMIUM FIREWORKS. Only depot in Maiden lane, No. 65. corner of Willism street All our goods sre manufactured under the personal super vision of Mr. HadUeld. We keep only his works, and buy none from unreliable makers. Fire Crackers and Torpedoes at the lowest market rate# The lamest assortment of brilliant colored Lanterns, for illuminations. 8TRA8BURGER A NUHN. No. 66 Maiden lane, corner of William street JO. A I. EDGE'S FIRST PREMIUM FIREWORKS. None.genuine without our trade mink. City displays and dealers supplied at ahort c.otice. Manufacturer's Depot, 37 Maldsn lane: Notice. ? EDGE'S FIRST PREMIUM FIREWORKS. The Fireworks from our laboratory have taken every premium otiered by the American Institute but one, and all other premiums that have bean oOered for competition sine* our laboratory has been In operation. Cities and towns that intend celebrating the coming Anni versary, would do wall to make early amplication at ihe labo ratory, North Point, Jersey City, N. J. JOSEPH O. A ISAAC EDGE. Pyrotechnists. A BBNTIITRT. LL DENTAL DISEASES CURED BY WALTER DAY, M. D.. No. 90 Amity street. Three bloeks ? eat of B reap way. Artificial-teeth.?dr. durkin continues to eitract teeth in two seconds without pain No eitra charge for temporary sets or eilraeting. I hare chemically Btre ether and ch loroform, which I administer with safety. o. 373 Canal street. A PURE WHITE ENAHEL FOR FILLING DECAYED Teeth, Price one dollar per tooth. This beautiful pre paration la placed into the cavity in a soft state, immediately becoming as solid as Ibe tooth itself, preventing fun her de mur, and warranted to laat for yeurs. Prejiared only by WALTER DAY, 30 Amity atreet, three block* west of Broad way. Artificial bone filling applied only by the dtacovsrer, at hi* rooms. 839 Broadway, near Seven lecniti atreet. All other traahv Imitation*. Tender teeth, old roota and mere shell* Ailed and warranted. N. 11.?The o-lchrated Cuban Tooth Powder and Lotion can be bail only here. J. PEARSON, M. D? discoverer. DR8. GRIFFIN. 358 GRAND STREET, OPPOSITE Lord A Taylor'*, New York, and 237 Fulton street. Biooklyn. are inserting lull or partial vet* of their improved artincial Tenth, with or without extracting the roots. Full eel* on cold or platlna. $23. silver or rubber, $10; part.a! acts coin, per tooth, $2: sllv. r or rubber, $1; extracting, 2.'? Having had one root extracted and one tooih tilled, without an;' pain whatever, by Dr. J. JAY VTLLERS. 155 Grand *tn? t, I cheerfully Insert this ?? a re commendation to those suRering Iroui toothache. W. M. WILLETT, 397 Delanery st. PROPOSALS. C'lTY OF CUARLESTOWN, M VSSACHLSETTS. / Ssaled piopo-ala w ia I* rMrittd by ibr Water Com mtasioiicrs ul tnr city or Charlcatown,, until June 30, for laying in -aid city, and on the line of their water works, about twenty -one 111.lea of raat Iron |>ip?-w. I'lans of the wo:* can b" sen and in: Ion conmrntug said war* be obmlne i at the oUh* of the Engineer or Water Commit ?toners. Cnarl-ciown, Copies of speciiications and contract* and forms ot proposal*, v: >tl be sent to parties desiring to make Miia for the work, on their making application for the s?me to the Water. Commlsilonrrs. iionda with sureties will l? required from parties contracting. The Commis stoners rcnervc the right to arneja that propoaal winch, tin det all circumstances, they ihatl coti*idr.r most favorable to the Interest*of the city, or to reject ail proj>oa*l* offered. For the Water Coiumiastoners, EDWARD LAWRENCE, CbMrman. ? L. KTKVENSoN. Chief Engineer, W. W. GITV OF f'flARLESTOWN. M ASSAOH t'sETTS.?TIIF. Water Commit* one it otyttie city of Cbarleatown w.tU reeeivs proposal* lor making. del-v. and laying on the line of ihe.r distribution pit?' one hundred man forty FIRE HYDRANTS Id making proposals'lor the same. perils must include the Hv Pip-, >he Bend, the Hydrant, Frame*, CorerH and all appurtenances connected theiewitb, excepting the brancbe* In main pipe-. They muat al*o atate the price a< wblcb they will lay and connect the Hyurant pipes with the branchca in the Mafhs, aud perform all the work Incident to plac ng the bydrania in perfi ct^nrdrr fur uae. Including delivery and all trenching or other digging. Faruea making propon.l* must acorn; any tlicm with de sign* of the atyle of hi.Irani they propose. Tic?c destgna must he drawu to a^ale, n detail, so aa to admit ol their being readi.y understood. The total amount of 4 inch Ify. drant riio required la n'*m: eleven hundred (l.liOj feet, stis of Nor.sle inch, w ith audlc.ent s.xe of hydrant to ad mit o: increasing uiamcter ot no/zle to t lnchne, without removal of hydrant. Proposal! wlU also be r. eeivert for about on" hundred anil tlgtyBTOP ClAKS of the following stirs ?76 of 4 inch : (blot S in., 14 of f in . 2 of lli iu., 3 of 16 In.. 11 of 2Un. The proposals lor Htop ' o k?. in include every < a?enual r nn lug pertaining to the same, and 111'-delivery of allcrsksor . aatlBss at such pis e? in i harlestcwn a* the Engineer may from lime to tint* dire ".. D-, gut of the styles plot o-ed for, to be presented at same time a- Did. Plan* m Datrtbutkra Pipe, sbou inc n* o Hjdrsa s so l 8'op <'<#>*, can be wen at the offlc ? of lhc"En neer or Water I'ouimlasioiiers A 1 designs must he *ent i 'he En. n r on or la-fore .11 NE 'MJ. 1362. Tjc I'oiomiH-lonei? te? r . 11,. ? ght to ar epr or reject any ot th* propoaal- .fferru F .r VI ater Coioiiil-sion eis, EDWARD LAWRENCE, i hsirm.u. ?.!* MTEVENS iK Chi-'D' C W W. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND E'.' IFAUF. Nkw Ton* I i, 1.-62. abmled proioaala wiU be received at lid* o I c until dm ir da>. th* 2lsl instant at 12 o'che-k M? fo pressing 8'KM Straw Hat*, tnore or leae?now in a rough aiau?ln'u regti. i. tion * /'??, and trtmnilng them with black cotton hand and Swi at lieuig. 'the Ilata are now In the Quartermaster's storehouse in H an ngton. from winch ,|>ia e tbey wi I be taken tiy the onnirwetof and when finished. d*Uvore<t at the depot of Army Clothing-and E piipage In thin city, packed In boir* loi tra* -,on. Tne llut-. hilling heeu pressed, will he.dlvid-d Into proper pio| ortions ot i gnUUon S.ze*, and be subject to U>-)?cii"ii ? t tut* d "pot. Further Inf-u-mati m. In r gard to size*. Ac., ran tie obtain ed on app auon at ibis office. Bends ?id be requirVd tor the proper performance of the coot' aci. Bidder# Will state the aborteat po-slbl- time in ? hi' It the service can be performed, and endorse Uielr bids, ' Propo sal.- lor Freeing btr iw Hats.'' t idress ng them i p Lieutenant Colonel l> H v INTON, D puty (luartcricsstar Urn' no l"Sited hitates Army. MEDICAL. DA COOREB, It Dt'ANE STREET, MEMBER OK THE t oiiege of Fhysh-lsns sud Burgeons of ge? York, msy be consulted daily at bis (Hike, from S ui the uuui 9 in the evening. T\R. R. COBHEIT MINI <'F THE NEW VORK lj University (Medical CsUeee) sad t'olicg> ol hej-nM London. ? an be consulted as uaoai at No At Centra street tmtwe'-n Chambers and Reade slreeta. A practice o tblriv three years, thief o: which bare be- n lu Hospital*, i ntiflc* h rn In eonfl<b niffi M. B.?See Dr. C.'S diploma- iu his of in Private i ntnane No. ( Glly Hall plac ?. Sund.iy* Irom lu}< A. M. to lt>| F.M. I vR CHARLES LUT7.E. OBBTETRIC PHTBIfHAN ANB J-s Op laling riurgeou, wish** the hc.te* u? dlsltn sly uu deratnw 11 fiat he'bas no rival in tMseuy tu Irralng atl diseases',' women and children, t an be sonsul-e I In conn dam e u' ids prtvsti room a. 014 L Uroadurny, N. Y. Al home rom to A. *1 toe I'. M DR. WARD. 12 LAIUIIT STREET, NEAR CANAL, pays tin tar attention ti all romplaiiita ol loth ? \r* A Meateentrance I fi enpen irom - o'clock In the n -i n ng t'B 9lu tht evening. Cousulistlon free. IvR. WHITE, FORMERLY tip ST. LOCInT MO. MAT It be eon.ul aid at the i'matei s ||. t I, (Jti Broadway, N. f. ]NIV?RTANT TO FEMALES-HR. THIERS NO. tjl7 1 Broadvay. Bsiid a red stamp for circular. T IMF. 't IN OtiNBLLT DH. I'fiupRu n LAIOIIT ?M-J *. unr i .1 ed Sneeeaa ou a | , p plmnls lie ? 'lie I I I' ? -I- n Hi- and fill I ,|| 1 ? i - B. At h?nic for coo- aiiuo ?isj and ev, i .? pROntS.'-OR UK WILL. Ml CHAMBER t - fflEBT, CAR d us I I, Iu ttfujkl/ii, Iii Iulp'g Hi??l Wtft UUriy sticet, l^ONIX^KXUWgnU^ |Mm)tntAm BAnL First eiaaa $160 Third else* 66 Steam weekly to Liverpool, touching at Quaeatown d'ork Harbor).?The Liverpool, Mow Tork sadPhtmdelphia Siam. ship Company 10 lend despatching their full powered Cljrdo built Iron steamships a* follow* ? CITY OF WASHINGTON Saturday, Juno J1 KTWA ..J Saturday. SB GLASGOW baurdxv, Jnlt S end every succeeding Saturday, at aoon, !rum pier 44 North river. nans or rnuei. Fiiateabia. $76 Steerage...,. $30 " to Loodoo. .. 80 " to London S3 ?' to Parle. 86 " to ParU 39 " to Hamburg.. 86 " to Hamburg .... 36 Faaoea#ora alao forwarded to Sim. Bremen, Roto rdam, Antwerp. Be., at equally low rate*. Bake from Liverpool or Uueenstown:?First cabin, $78 $86 and $106, H tee rage from Live, pool, $66; ho m Qoeeuetown. $80. Tickets eaa be bought here at them rales, enabling people to eond for their friends. Three steams k hhft superior aeeommodatione for pa men gera, are strongly pulit in water tight iruu tactions, sail carrv talent Are uniihtlators 5?,-,rAnced surgeons ure aluachrp li ea,i sUsiuier, ?" I . For fiirt$ff U>f"r*T.auoa apply In Liverpool lo WlLLlAM 1SMBV QTnt, a Wat-r street, In Glasgow to ALEX. MAL COUI. No. 6 fit Bnoch equaro; In Que?ns own to C. A W. D. SEYMOUR A CO.; In London to EiVBa A MaGBT, 61 King WUUam street; In Paris to jrUMDECOUK. No. $ Place de la Bourse: In Philadelphia* JOHN O. DA LB, 111 Walnut street, oral the eompnnfa(Hfcea. JOHN O. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadwny, Mew York. The mobth qfrman llotds* steamship rre MEN. H. We-eelM, eommnnder, carrying the Unite 1 Si res mail. whl sail from pier 30 North riser, foot of Chambers lUWttti OB Saturday. July 6, at u o'clock m., HREMBN. T1A'SOUTHAMPTON, "mSFKfim. SOUTHAMPTON AMD BREMER, at the following rates:? For the first cabin, $100; second nshln, 06; steerage, $36. Per flight or b o?., M Broad HABBUM AMERICAN PACKET COMPANY -STEAM to London, Hamburg. Havre and Southampton. The favorite Brat class and elegant trow mail steamship BA VARIA. M. Meter esesman iter, awry lag the United States mail, sails from pier No. St. North rfsar. foot or Fulton street, maitivelv on Saturday, the 2801 Jane and takespaa ?enfwt for London. Hamburg, Havre and Southampton at the followiag rates ? First cabin ...........o... $100 Second cabin 60 Steerage. 35 BheTEUTONIA will aueceed the BAVARIA on July 12. Kor passage apply exclusively to C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, 161 Broadway, Now York. FOR LIVERPOOL AND LONDON?TAPSCOTT'B Line.?Ship JOHN J. BOYD, at pier No. 6 North river, tail* lor Liverpool June 23. Ship AMAZON, at pier No. 16 Beet river, sails for London June 26. For passage, at low rales, apply to TAP8COTT A CO., 86 8outh street. F'OR LIVERPOOL.?DREADNOUGHT LINE.?CLIP per ship VICTORY having been unavoidably detained, will positively sail un the 23d of June, at 2 P. M. Room lor a Tew more passengera at lowest rates. Apply on board at pier 6 North river, or to P. M. DEMABBBT, <0 South street. Arrangement commencing july i, 1862. for California via Panama. A first class steamer will leave New York on the 1st, 11th tnd 21st of eaelujmonth, except when those dates fsll on Sunday, when the day of departure will bo on the Monday following. For freight or pa wage apply at the only offioe, No. 6 Bow ling Green. D. B. ALLEN, Agent. Australia ?kangaroo line ?the first class shit) INDIANA, 1,0(10 tons, will sail for Melbourne di rest on Wednesday morning. June 25. Can accommodate a few more passengera. Apply on board, pier 11 East river, or lo MAILLER?'KoRD A'QUEBEAU, 108 Wall street. FOB NEW ORLEANS.?THE UNITED STATES MAIL steamship MARION, J. D. Phillip, United Stnt?* Na vy, Commander, will leave pier No. 4 North river, for New Oilcans, on Wednesday. July 2, at three o'clock P. M. Passage $75. Pop freight, of which a limited quantity will be taken, or pa,sage apply to BPOFFORu, TILJBSTON A CO., 36 Broadway. FOR NEW ORLEANS VIA HAVANA. The United States Mall steamship ROANOKE will leave pier No. 16 North river, on Tuesday. June M, at 6 o'clock P. M.. precisely, for New Orleans via Havana. LUDLAM, HEINBKEN A CO, 116 Broadway. FOR HAVANA THE UNITED STATES MAIL STEAM ship COLUMBIA, R. Adams, United States Navy, Com mander, will leave pierd North river, on Wednesday, Jane 26, at 13 o clock (boob) precisely. Fa - freight or pasaage ap ply to SFOKFORD, TILESToN A CO., 20 Broadway. Steamship great eastern -persons desiring to select state rooms for the next trip of this vessel from New York to Liverpool, can do so at the offlee, No. 7 Broad way. CHAS. A. WHITNEY, for the Agents. Notice.?the steamship glasoow, from ll vrrpool, will commence discbarclng under general order onMonday, 23d June, 1362, at seven o'clock A. M. JOHN G. DALE, Agent 8TEAMBOATI. (lONEY ISLAND FERRY?LANDS AT PORT HAMIL J ton.?The NAUSHON leaves Christopher street at 9\ 13V SV. Spring street 9W, 12k, S)f. Dcy street JX, 13V 8V Morris street (pter No. 4) lu, 1, A FOR BRIDGEPORT.-THE STEAMER BRIDGEPORT leaves pier 26 East river, dully at 12 o'clock noon; ar rives In time to connect with the Housatonte, Naugatuck, New llaten and Hartfdrd rait toads; alao shore line to Say brook and New London. V?UR NEWARK.?ON SUNDAY AND EVERY DAY.? JP The steamboat THOMAS P. WAY, Captain WUllmu J. BjtiUir. leaves pier No. 20 North River, lout of Dey street, at 10)4 A. M. and 4)4 P. M. Fare >3 tents. Landing nt La Ton rette House, fare 10 cents, FOR SALE?8TEA.VITUG PORTLAND, ONE HUNDRED tuns burden, engine 34)4 inches b.t 36 inches stroke; in good order. For further particulars apply t j G. ADAMS, 75 South street. Morning line for peekhkill-the aurora leaves Jav street pier at 8 A. M. daily, without excep tion. Lauds at Ytotkera, Hastings. Dobbs' Pcrty, Tarrytowu, Sing Sing, Havcrstratr,*.' Point and Verpianck's. Be tnrnine. haves Peeksklll at 1:30. Touches at Christopher aud Thirtieth streets. N ORWIC1I LINE?FOR BOSTON, NEW LONDON. _ Norwich and Worcester.?The splendid iicimn CITY OF BOSTON and CITY OF NEW YORK leave every day ,8undaia excepted), at 6 o'clock, from loot of Veatry afreet, pier 311 NonU river. B S. MARTIN. Agent. STEAMER THOMAS K. HULSE LEAVES THE FOOT of SpiiDg street. N. R., dally at lu A. M., 2, & and 7 1". M.. lor Gmteuburg. Bull's Ferry, P!ea.ant Valley aid Fort L Sunday- a' In A M., II. b and 7F? P. M. Front Foit Lee <la ly at 7'-.i, 12 M. .V? and 6 P M. Sundays 7,'j A. M , 12 M. aid I and iljg 1*. M. On Sundava touch at Twcmtetli and TliirtietU st.ects. 10 and 2 up trips, and 6 down trip. VM-'NDAY BOAT KOR NEWBURU ? STEAMER BROAD O WAV wid I' uve nier foot of Jay street, touching at Christopher and Thirtieth streets, every Sunday morning at 7 o'clock, landing at Yonkera. Hastings. Do'ibs' Kerry. Tarrytown, Siog Sing, Havcratraw, West Point, Cold Spring and Cornwall. ' _ - EUVR8ION8. Exclusion, junb 22. isw.-steamboat emiLy will leave Peck slip tcr Harlem as follow!:?10 A. M., 1'4 and 4PM.; Broome street. 10',, A. M., l\ and 41. P. kl.; Te nth slri-et. 10)? A. M , 2 and i}i P. M. Btnpptngat Jonea' Wood each way. ('apt. J. BCHAHCE. Fishing banks.-on and after Wednesday, June DM2. the at'-awer CRtlTON, Captain James A. Dumoin, HllPlravi- dally, us follows (Saturdaysetcepied);? North river?Christopher street, 7'u A. M.; Spring street, 7X A.M. Ea-t river?Broome iUvct.S A. M.; Perk slip, SFi V. M.J pier 4 North river. BA. M. Ketrehhmcul. ot all kinds. Fishing'Tackle, Bait, Ac., on hoard. Fare for the trip, Ofty cents. rr?HE SECOND ANNCAL PICNIC OF THE ST. JOHN'S 1 Arsdciny and Stindav School ol the St. John's chureb, No SI aud 83 Cht liWpher street, will take plat e en Moudsy, June 23, at Jones'Wood. The mo-t St tractive, a no tee meat of the day will undoubtedly be a prtar shooting with the etoss bow ha 'arge Su)e, which never bafore has been wit (?eased in tins cttjr. Tickets 2ft ceuls. COPARTMERSHIP NOTICES. A GOOD CHANCE POR A SMART MAN, WITH f{tO or Sifll < apital to engage In a pro .table cash buslm ?a, without nk. Call and see fi r yowaelf, between 1 and 4 O'clw a P. M? at the Mer.:!.anla' Clerks' Registry o'ace, 131 Fulton ItTeet, second dour. Ct OLD QUARTZ MINES IN NOVA SCOTlAe?TH E T sui tcrlb) r, who h.'? >e- urrd larye government claims In gl,e Shove ni nes of ureal value and who will leave In a lew days for the inlBcs, wants s party with some capital to join him, as further ouilay lor machinery for crushing, Ac., will he required. The mines arc now in operation andalatge pMIt all! In' mined Immediately. Apart* i r parties tilth I o n S3 (Mi to Sin H00 may apply to O E. MI LLP. at office of N. W. Ruetced. room No. 2 N S Wall street, N. V. SKK WANTED?ONE ACQUAINTED WITH THE drain tile manufacture, having means to establish a lae. toryinun advan ayeous locality. Apply at 32 l'iaf street. up stalls, or nildrets L M. \ an Fa kl". M oodhridgs, N. .1. PARTNER WANTED?OB 'THE ADVERTISER WILL dispose ,,f a light Manufacturing Ruau e?s t cry pro It Libia, si i tired ny letters patent and 'entirely wit'iout riak The bus'iiesv has h . n established for si* tears, aud <a every way reliable; ftb.UUU will buy It. AddrsaS H. P., hot 112 II- l aid office. PAIlTNfER WANTED ?THE PATENTEE OF THE POR table Turkish baths wants a pattner, gesu'eut-in or lady, ol good moral and induatrlons,! a Mia, to put in opera tion hi. bath. In this city. The he.I ol leieietKes g.t m and required. Address llaths, Post o tice. TI'E UNDERSIGNED HATE THIS DAT FORMED A oepsitic tshlp. lor the tmi| Wl o'l cirrtltig on IheduuH. nrtsoi W rttlag on Olatt, Medical labeling and Blgu Paint lag. at No, W Na??au street, Nets York, nn I r n,r linn of (! j-enus A dRlatns. E R OREENl.'H. New Yoaa. June 19. I?I2. JONtAH II.'ADAMS. rro cAPirALisrs.-Mvi.hoo wanted, in a safe, I pleasant, well established and very Icystire bqslh'M. Kl re then ua ally promising With iiseie pHonahle parties; or will nier.e In an organised romi anv. 801 THWICK A WOOD, 83 Nassau street. Ql)|i|| -PARTNER WANTED-ANY RESECTABLE ?T1 Ai"J J t man, ? Uling bi d"\ ote eubl hatirs a dsjr to busl n? i, '.ii realise a fortune without In' urring any iJ.k; fhd h -Ins. - is established and paying well. Apply atTdl'dar *tnal, iHi's No ft. "W W I ?THE ADVERTISER WOULD INVENT Til 18 iTDamount aadderate hi. tlmeia some prof, lab le ' a i business; '*n 1111 any position; | ? isons ol sirlcte.t In tegrity oMv trented uiili. Adam*. with real name, staling business Jobber, ho* 177 Herr'd office. ?* PARTY WITH THIN A MOUNT CAN BE ?tPfjY/t*. rule an interest In one ot tlte best mercantile In slap s* Opening* pi he found la the city Business exclu sive) >? cash; wdl bearthorough IwveaUgntlon ltofeivnees given an I required. Inquire at 140 Bowery, lu the store. Qt) IkAA ? A FABTNB* WANTED, WITH THE ijl^AFUtf. iibue att.ouBf, In a (? ? jceta'cc buslr??# (hat Will p iy ;*fi,IIUt) p r annum: on real estate cl en for the mnWey; Mferaacrs lt'p IrcdMS niiea. Addr is be curlty, ho* Lid He.aid offieo, with name, 1 . ffl - AAA -PARTNER WANTED, EITHER NPKCIAL StJtUUUi or jvit.i M.oW. ny i party roa :f .in;_ i' e i1 .ht to Mf.i e of " w Je twi tocrei; a baiterjr In N sunt.on tAiif.i -t inn'tli Patent t of Aaeut?i Aerated Miami. AJ'll'jl? V- A< K Ucrgld efliGR ^ ^ Ancransm. ^ W * Vntraiae? on Broadway aud Thirteenth Hncl. Propr.iMur Mr. WollMk D orsopen ?t7; com 11. ,.<?* at 8. NOTICE.?The t.-mperaiure of the Louse la delightfully ?out and enjoyable lliE FLORENCES EVERT NIGHT. CROWDED AND FASH U NABLE Al'DlEMCP" Tij Nil UT *"? una. W. J. FLORENCE RE: RE8ENT<- __ m RKN'f CHARACTERS, -* DIFFE I* one of her famo i ? ? PRO'" FLORENCE. U fitf^^ARACTER OF wlU be Hr?Ithe(^4T*^^I""T' nv ri uVtl eel>y iuteensUu.; Drama, ui three acts, StiwR **9e*' and F*oduced wilb du* rr?*rd Rammd Poi,? r RE LAND AS IT WAS. uggea rat ^ hi* celebrated character*) DonO'C Mr. W. J. FLORENCE .vi-w.5r.MftS Hor,?, Hi. D. Mji.'D 1'eaoanU, Soldier., Emigrants, Ac,, Ac. JlCT. L?DISTRANINQ FOR KENT. ACT IL?DEPARTURE OF TUB EMIGRANTS FOB AMERICA This erene (i y laherwodd) represents the CUSTOM GAP, CARKoOK or SHANNON, during a How storm. At T 111.?TRIAL SCENE. During the play, appropriate Irish Music by the Orches tra, led by Koppllz. Tin- who.e to oone'nde with the dashing protean place of MISCHIEIOUS ANNIE, IB which Mrs. FLORENCE will personate SIX DIFFE RENT CHARACTERS, with icterol oi her very popular Songs and the Dome LA NATION ALB, received last even ing with every demons ratlou of delight. The rest of the charao-rrs by the gn at Comedy Company. ON MONDAY-, AN ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. jrillABCIAIn A~ RMY AND NAVY PAY AND CLAIM OFFICfi.-AR rears uf Pay, Bounty, PfhsleiQ and recruiting El penaea. JOHN B. MURRAY, Army and Nnvy Banker, 39 Nassau street, N. Y., opposite Post cilice. August belmont a co? banker^ no. so wall at, Issue letter# of credit to travellers. available In alt parte uf the world through Masem Bothashtid, of Paris, Lob* den, Frankfort, Vienna, Maptes, and ihetr correspondents. Atlantic savings bane, No. 177 Chatham square. Open daily. Depeeits from IB cants to $S,OBS receive A Six per cent Interest paid. INTEREST COMMENCES JOLT 1. M. D. VAN PELT, Presideat J os Era P. Coo ran. Secretary. N. B.?Money to loan on bond and mortgage. American gold and silver coin, also United States demand notes (old issue}, bought and sold by JOHN HOOPB, 371 Broadway, corner of Chambers street American gold and silver and the first Issue Of Doited States demand notes boushi and nold at the best rates byK. P. JAMES k CO., gg Wall street All army and navt claims, pay. $100 bounty, Prize money, Pensions, Ac., for soldiers and the rela tives of auch as are deceased, collected by NETTLETON, GILBERT A CAMP, 111 Broadway (Trinity Building), tint floor. Bounty money, pat and pensions for sol dlera, scmnen and their widows and heirs cullected promptly by t.KCBQB WOODMAN, 33 Pine street near the Custom lliiiiee. Back pay for officers and privates col lected; also ipsnaions for dlsobl d soluiers; bounty money and pensions for widows and children of deceased soldiers. A. PHILL' I'd, 366 Broadway. Chemical bank, new yokk, ju-ne 20. lsas.? Forty-second Dividend.?The Pr> -Idem and Directors of thla Bant have declared a quarterly of aix per ceut, payable to stockholders on and after Tuesday, the let of J uly proximo. By order of the Board. O. G. WILLIAMS. Cashier. California state Coupons wanted?due July 1,1882. The highest price paid by C. A. MEIGS A SON, 86 Exchange place. H IGHEST PRICE PAID FOR GOLD, 8ILVKR. UNITED STATES*DEMAND NOTES, And 7 3-10 TREAS U KY NOTES, by W. H. MARS ION, 36 Well itreet JEFFERSONVILLE RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE Bunds. Ornvn or tn J arrxasoaTitu Railroad Corps ivy, 1 jErrnnsOMviLLB, Ind.. May 37, 1862. 1 Net'ee is hereby given that this Company will redeem on the 1st day of July next at the United Slates Truet Company, New York city, at the lowest offer belew par a part of its First Mortgage Bonds, sgreeabte to the provisions of a contract made between this Company and the holders of said Murtgage Bonds, bearing date April 14, I860. Otters for the sals of said Bonds may be addressed under oral to the United Slates Trust Company aforesaid, and en dorsed "Offer of the First Mortgage Bond or Bonds of the Jefferson villi- Railroad Ounpvny to the Sinking Fund;" which offers or bids will be received until noon of ike 1st day of July aforesaid. J. H. McCAMPRELL, Secretary and Treasurer. VflLITARY AND NAVAL AGENCY, WASHINGTON iU and Mew York.?Army and navy claims, pensions, bounty, prize money, arrears of nay due o(Bears, soldiers, seamen and marines, their widows and orphans; quarter masters, contractors, and other claims against the govern ment, promptly collected. Apply to SAMUEL V, NILBS, Washington, D. C., or CHARLES C. LEEDS, 111 Hassan street, N. Y. Military and naval agency.?army and Nary Claims, Pension', Bounty, Prize Money, Back Pay, Quartermasters', Contractors' and other claims against the" government promptly collected. E. G. LOCKE, No. 20 Pine street, opposite tbe Custom House. Notice to bondholders-interest on yuba County Hon As, due July 1, 1863. will be paid on and af ter that date upon preaantattoo at tne American Exchange Bank, New York. DECKER A JEWETT, Mary sviUr, California. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR, CITY HALL, ST LOUI8, June 14, IH62?To the creditors of the city of St. Louis;? Interest on the banded debt of tbe ctty of St. Louis, already due and to bedome due before the 1st day of July, or ma tureil bonds stlU uooaaceUeil, will be paid on and after tbe 1st day of that tuAfith, at the Boatman's Savings Institution, in said elty. Subsequent lo tbe 1st of July, accruing interest and bonds, when not made payable in Philadelphia, wlU be paid or retired, as formerly, oil presentation at the Bank of th<- Republic, New York?the city's Eastern fiscal agent No Interest will be allowed on matured hoods or coupons from and after the let of July proximo. DANIEL G. TAYLOR. Mayor. SIX PER CRNT INTEREST.?CITIZENS' SAVINGS Bank, corner of Bowe-v and Canal street. Open every day fron>9 to 3, and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings from 5 to 7. Interest Commences July 1, 1862. Szrnoi-n A. Bukck, Cashier. GBO. FOL80M, Pres. Si LAS1 Third avbnus savings bank. COB. THIRD AVENUE AND TWENTY-FIFTH 8T. CHARTERED KM. SIX PER CENT INTEREST PAID. Open daily from 10 A M to 3 P. M.; also, on Monday, Weuneadav and Saturday eveninga. from '? ta 8. SPENCER K. GREEN, PreatdenL AueVS. P. Lkk, Secretary. The bonds ok the da crossk and mtlwac kee Railroad Company purchased by K. P. JAMES A CO.. Wall alreet. AAA FIRST MORTGAGE NORTHERN RAID -UUU roud Bonda of New Jersey for by IRE AND A WEBB. 81 Cedar street. 41,1 AAA WANTBD ON BOND AND MORTGAGE ON VTiUUv Improved priportu In Westchester county, llud-on-riv, r, worth mate than thru* tlmoa the an d int; In tercet paid bere or there. Addreaa P. B. J., box ltjO Herald offl.e. __ ? 41 r; AAA WANTED?O.N A. THREE 8T0BY BRICK Jpu.t'UU Iloithe and two acrea oL ground,' valued at dlll.UUO. situate 1 at CllutOu, Statcn Island, near VandrbtlVa ferry; Intercat pa> able quarterlyjboiul food; aecur.ty am ply. Addreaa Sacurlty, box i.lw Post ullli a. 4?1 O AAA? ON FIRST CLASS IMPROVED 9)1a<UUU CIc Property. lalliefore 10 A. M., uratl are-a. with full par?l< ulars I d . C. Barney, 20 Washington place. " tOAW OKKICES. . ^ AT 111 GRAND STREET, THREE DtJoRS WEST OF U road way.?Mon ev advaMad on Watched, Diamond*. Jewelry. Plate, Dry Ooo,:a, and pergonal property of every de- i iptiuu, oi bo'itht and aald, ny JOSEPH A. JACKSON, aurt otv-cr ami broker. ] At m na'ssca stpIeIt?a 'homoman. diamond brokrf, inakc liberal art ranee - on Diamond', W .itches, Jewelry, Ae.. or buy* thetn at full value, at hit private oflioe. No. 68 Nassau alreet, room No. 2, up sUira Buainea* con lidenttal. ? 306 BROADWAY, CORNER OK DUANB HTI. ? ET, rnonev ndvnnjed on Diamonds, Watched, Jewell/ Ac., to any amount, tfnafoao* strh-tl' ronlidentDI. AT 212 BROADWAY, CORNER OK FULTON STRJ ET Tbeb?-t |.i ?? paid for D ai.,on,.a, set or unaet. .id vanrca on Wat ??. -la. Plate, Optl-ei In"r imenut I left on aa'e, or .t a fu r'Ion ?> J. II. BAN! . , 21* Broadway, room is, np alairs. 4 T ?7'BLEI> SK t Mdllt, THE HlUHE f A VSH A price adv. o. DD'muula, Watdbtd, r>, furor Plate, ae., or Uie a me bought for caab. At * He kee a,Ia, t, up 'Mfd. II. NEWTON. Directly opposite the nt. Nicholas hotel No. 610 hroadw >v.?-JOSEPH SODOM ON. Cummh alon .Men haul, ah', ucea Rtouey to any atiiu it on Dtauu nd', J, wen v uml l'Ate; 01 Untight at the full "alue. U. 1 CJj.d ami Stiver boupht. Buaiiieaa atr.i lly oonlWi Dial. Eagle loan ofkh e.-p. a h. krirenbirg, l tabilalied since lilt), have removed their Lo>u llncerl ? the eoriu r of Uinml aire, t ami Ilowcrp, under tbu Orii utai Bank, and advance niieraily on Dlamonda, Wat' hea, Jewel ry, Wearing Apparel, One Kure, a-. F JACOBS' OLD ESTABLISHED OFKICB, 407 2. Br.i.idway.?Advaneea nfll !e mi Watohea, Diamond*. Pmlo and otlor valuable ja raonal pro|*Tty. or bought fur ,-aah. H'lnea-, utii'linnal. Money to loan-in sums to suit, on watches, Mamoiida Dry Ouod* and all valuab.e P- r.onal Pro petty, Silver rlate, Alt. Apply to R. WOOD, 62 Pulton atreet, aecohd floor, front room, from 9 to 9 n^ek. A1 P AWMNROKER'S TICKETS P8RC1I AS ED?OF CLOTH _ Inc. diatuoBda. dry go",1a, Ac , cae i adranced on any of th? abw- line goods. A lot oi Clothing on hunt; BoaliifeM Coata. $2; l'airia. $1; Vi ata fin Cent'. GEO. LEVIS 448 Broome (treat. IPORTUN. 130R SAI.K-A SCHOONER YACIIT. ABOUT MB tuna, keel r*aool, eoiupletdly famished, Ac. Addfdeo Yaclit, hoa 1,341 Post oflicc. For salk -ti'E fast sailing schooner vacht DAWN, thorn tglily overhauled and in complete order. For parte tilers adorer, lit x 1.270 Po?t offlco. Philadelphia. plGKON SHOOTING?ON WEDNESDAY. THE 2.'.fM X of June a match will he abut lor 360 a ali.e. by TAY Lull AND BAN FORD, at 2Ahiid* ra h, at Setiotd* Hon*', the first bird to be In tbe trap at 2 o'clock. Tba train learee opposite Taylor's llo'el, an I those ? .slung to ?ec the spurt must lake the 1 o'vl ,ck train for tbe .nrmX OSCAR BAN FORD, kdLOOP YACHT DOLPHIN, OK 18 TONS Ml RfllE^f, O aoodpabln add well dtt'd up. fm (die low. In pure of LEWIS .--TKOliER, loot o, Warr nalreet, Jersey City, writi re >a bt oati lie teen. VI'ANTED?A NEWFOI XDLAND BITCH; MI .-T ME ?? youngjms purr. Any prison hnvbgauek a dig can nddtre*. with uarttentard, ? ;itor ot Wilk<:?' Sp.rlt -V"At IIT TO f.RT-MV Ilia PAY OR WEEK Fft Y I ton- btirtbtm. fully fonnd In erirv r> ;. ? A;,i,,y IdXU0S. W. EVE, W Willi wvicet, comer lUnnv 1 HMIHI.O'S garden. *" -N' 1 .^.-n. paeuliar .-on.trueitoa 5thta 29215? 5 ulumlnated litidfn. aparkhng Feunlalne, , flf?9T!^.^^-"?'n? *>d thorough YentllaUon have won fur It lb^ rSpulauou ?f b<-iu il.e ONLY BUHNER THEATRE 1* THE CTTT. ,? SATURDAY NIGHT, JUBB a, IMS. TUB SYREN, FOR POSITIVELY TUB LAST TIME. MISS CAROLINE itlCllINGS, MR. E L. davenport. MR. P. K1CHINUH. MR J. GILBERT Ud Ml. 8HBWSLL W'U tub lain the principal characters. Prev.ous to which MISS CAROLINE RICHINUS Will sing the rt'lebitt'.ed Soma and Aria from LA TRAVIATA. Aaaiated by ??.<? favorlto tenor Mr. (Mora* Simpson. MONDAY EVENING Mlm Caroline Kicb'og* will appear an Marie in the DAUGHTER OK TUB REGIMENT. After which a crmd rharaeterlatlo Pallet entitled THE STAR OK THE DANCB, Id which the uio?t accomplished Danaeuee of the day, AENETTI OALBTTI, will appear, assisted by Mod*. TophoR and a powerful Corp# de Ballet. FOX'S OLD BOWBRY THEATRE. OX'S OLD SOSVKRY THEATRE. THE TWO OALLBY SLAVES. THE TWO OALLBY SLAVES. HILL OF SAINT ALDERYO.N. MILL OK SAINT ALHEBVoM. THB IN NKEEPBR'S' DAUGHTER. TUB INNKEEPER S DAUGHTER. TUB SMUGGLER'S KATE. TUB SMUGGLER'S KATB. KNIGHTS OF THB ROAD. KNIUHT8 OF TBE ROAD. Mercantile library association. GRAND PH1LHARMONIAN CONCBRT in aid of the UN1TBD STATES SANITARY COMMISSION, At ni ACADEMY OF MU8IC, MONDAY EVENING, June R 1MB PROGRAM MB:? , ran A Symphony No. 7 in A major? Beothoven ?front -Id. I'CjJgl SbLLOGS.' Effusions *? Coeur?Moroeau de Salon.... L Sehrtlber For cornet a' piston Mr. LOUIS SCBRBIBER. rtit u. Overture, "Tannhauear'' B. Wagnar Arin, "Elena Vales'., . Abella MADAME' D'ANGRI Oonoerto, In F minor, lor pianoforte, with accompanl nftnt of orcbcatra Chopin Mr. S. B. MILAM. Overture, "Buryanthe" Weber. Conductor Mr. THBODOBB EI8EELD Blgnor ABB I LA will preside at the Plana Doora open at o'clock. Concert at 8. Tickets, ONE DOLLAR, for sale at the book and mnalc atores. Hail the happy news. VICTORY I VICTORY1 The proprietors of the Parisian Cabinet of Wonders, 063 Broadway. MS Broadway, Neat door to Ball A Black's, hag to inform the publlo that, having made extensive addi tions whtah Startle, Astonish and Astound the world, they have reopened their Emporium of Curiosities which con* sist of WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, EXTRAORDINARY, EXTRAORDINARY, MYSTERIOUS, EXCITING, EXCITING, THRILLING. THRILLING, UN8URPAS&ABLE, SCIENTIFIC. SCIENTIFIC. INVALUABLE, INVALUABLE. EXQUISITE, TERRIFIC, TERRIFIC, BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, GRAND AND ELABORATE. _ INSTRUCTIVE, INSTRUCTIVE, SURPRISING, SURPRISING, GU)RIOU8 AND SOUL INSPIRING REALITIES OK ALL THAT IS INTERESTING, INTERESTING, MARVELLOUS, MARVELLOUS, AMUSING, FAMOUS, FAMOUS, AND TRULY SUPERB, SUPERB, UNPARALLELED At the cost of $15,Out) the proprietors hare obtained from Vienna the far famed end renowned G1RTU. The greet and only GERTU IN THB WORLD. Pronounced by connoisseurs to be the very Ne Plus Ultra of perfection, and UNPRECEDENTED FBMININE^BEAUTY. Open for gentlemen only from 10 till 10, Admission 25 cents 444 THE GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC HALL. BROADWAY. ?THE MUSIC HALL OK THE MASSES. ? TDK COOLEST HOUSE IN TllE CItB THE COOLER HOUSE IN THE CITY. GRAND MATINEE GRAND MATINEH GRAND MATUBB GRAND MATINRB GRAND MATINEE GRAND MATINEE ?BAND ???^^?^HMMMini GRAND MATIMEB GRAND MATINEE ^HMMi (SATURDATV AFTERNOON, ^? (SATURDAY) AKTEBNOON, ? AT IX O'CLOCK. AT 2X O'CLOCK, AT 2\ O'CLOCK, For the accommodation Fpr the accommodation of LAtOEri AND CHILDREN. ? THB BROADWAY MINSTBEL8 bmbbbbbu THE BROADWAY MIN8TKE1 will appear in their song^^lee* chortieee, Ac. TONY PASTOR, the greatest Comic Singer In the world. greatest Domic singer in the world. ERNESTINE DE FAIBER and RIZZlB 8CHULTZB, the accomplished Dansueees and Voo&llsts. J. A. HERMAN, GUST AVE BIDBAUX, R. IIART, J.lPlKROB, L. SIMMONS, GEORGE GERMAIN, The world-renowned Negro Comedian CHARLEY WHITB. The greatest Negro Comedian living.) A Programme of Rare Excellence. GEORGE'R CANTERBURY PALACE, open day and evening. 6273d Broadway, opposite Laura Krone'* theatre. GEORGE W. SHURRAGUR. IMMENSE ATTRACTION At tlx HOUSE OF COMMONS, 23 ffett Houston street., absolutely tb? best placu of amusement In the city of tha kind. Crowded bouse* nightly. The best attention given, s good article ?o!d, a fair price only askod, and no connection with any other house. Look at the array of talent this arming:?Couley, Bltey, Sitrrldge. Smith. Benjamin, J. Ri lev. Brown, Russell. Busby, Ac., Ae N. B.?By particular rsgusst, Mr. SMITH will oblige his numerous ualrona with the great solo of "Kalbleeu Mavottrneen" on the comet rrniE PARTRIDOE, THE PARTRIDGE, J 27 Wet Houston street 87 Weal Houston street. CROWDED HOUSES, CROWDED HOUSES. The great free aud easy still In the asccndan-y. LOOK AT THE TALENT COLLECTED THIS EVENING, JUNE 20, JUNE ?, JUNE 30. J. RUSSELL, the great Irish Comic Singer. N. H. BUNDV, the hue Bulls. H BROWN. the celebrated Comic Singrr. J. Bl'SHY the well known Comic Singer. GEORGE OKAY, the favorite Tenor. J. II. .M OR HAND, the celebrated Baritone J KRA7.EK, the tavoiite Comic Singer. II. BY HON the pleasing BalUdist W. H. JOHSSTt iN, will preside at the Pianoforte. COME ONE?COME ALL. H. BYRON A GEORGE uRaY, Proprietors. A PLEASANT RECOLLECTION.?I SPENT TOE eventug at 'he Uni<? A3 Anting street, end was delight ed with the tinging of Messrs. Mar, Harding, Ouy, Wallers. Btisbv. Russell and Bannister, the inimitable. Beery Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday. E.#BIDET. RESTAURANTS. A FINE LOT OK GREEN Tl'RTLE JUST rI^EIVEO and fur sale, wholesale and retail, nt HI It OS ALLS Oyatcr Bay. 169 Broadway. No. 1 Cortland! street. Turtle Soup aud Stralu by Aaron Levy a*rved?every day. Fanatics and the trade supplied. SOUTH BROOKLYN?ATTBNTION.?SOUTH BROOK lyn.?By means of my pai nt Laser Bier Preaervar I am enabled to give at any time a good (rmhgUnsof Lager Bier lor four cents. Ph ase satisfy yourself, and you will auraly ilnd that niv patent Lager Bier Preserver la l.ryoad all others. Call at 406 Cobuut-ia >tr.*et, near President. JOHN B. STB 1MAIKR. AST^eiaOO Y, BONA FIDE ASTROLOUIST. THAT RVKRY ONE . .. lb, Qb,rcl ^?l. p.a r iur. jpjiKunuuiM. ttiar tit tail d?p? nd on. Is Mine. WILSON, ? ho lelU i dl youi visu al S/vn ai fOTTnt T. BTie WTs The grfft Shd nn Ire of your life, and warns you of dat JTBd HT7 lie pf your life, and warna you of dangers, i,nd to. .11 _? u ?? > i ,t <i. to* most perilous undertaklags. N. ? ?Celebrated mafic cuartns. No. 140 Allen street* between HoueUin aud Sun-*:, str-ets. On-r tho bakery. Charges for ladies and gentium n, 80 cents. jV HTt > NISH IMGt?M A DAME MORROW, SEVENTH'iter, i .is a gift ot foresight; telle how soon aud how often you .will mrry. and ell ton wish tokeow, even jour ? i-t> tho pjliK, or n" pay. L< sky elmnns free. Iter *i|U--i is uot o be ftiuud. Her Magic image I* now iu lull op* ailoti?181 LuJ.ow .street, bel-w Houston. Price 25 con.a. Qentleuica not adiiiitted. A HTROI OOIST.?OKEAT EXCITEMENT AT MADAMB Wv Henri's, whoae elnuuiar end et'|i Nile mode of reeding tl ?? destiny of n o s.iudi is daily tau* ng great aenaatlon. Ihtdaiue hi lies tin. name you mat ty. shows tuelr likenesses: gut - 1' <ky nuin rs and no: luek ll.-sil- nee. 86 West Broa-lwuv. near Leonard s'reel. Name on door. t 8TROLOGY-PROFESSOR WILSON, THB CELE JA. brat d ami only sat t o.oger In the city, may becmsulted on the part. pie-ei.t and lot .re sventa of lite at III Kaat 1 wenty eighth at. set. near Thud avenue. Fee AO tent*. A STOCK DING CURES AND DIVINATIONS-ALL IN J\ tro . lu or ill In altli aliounl consult Ma Atue CLIKKOKD, b'7 Dean sliest, Bto-klyn, the greatest living Auuilc-m Cairvoyaiit. Dt-eaves delected, remedies pn-5-rlbdtl, ah. ? in fiVnda found. Huelites* enusulUOious, Ml oenta; coiTU d< nuai, medial, or by letter, 81. CIORA A. SEAMAN, INDEPENDENT CLAIRVOYANT, / hns'reuiov-d from Dinar.n street to 161 W- a: Twentieth street, between St vnnlh an I eighth avenue*. Coueultatioil* *n all subject*, l oth medical and bttalneaa. day aud eveiitug 2.1 West Twentieth sir, el Madame ray is the best clairvoyant and astrologtil in thiactly. hhe tells your very thoughts. Kb re lucky numbers, 'Sua-a speedy marriages. No. **? Bcvedth avenue, Brar Twenty-aaveuth atroel. Ladles U centa: gentlemen oO cents, Mrs addib hanker, medical and BUMNEsa Clalt voyaet and Hpiritnal Melinm, aoiitlmies to give ?atlsfacll-n lo her u.iiimrous visltora, day and evening. Itoo us 526 Koui tb street, lour doors west of Broadway. VT IV-WHO HAS NOTIIKABDOFTHR CELEBRATED i.Y . Madam PREWHTKR, who ha* removed p. 66 Thirty e gtilk si reel, corner ol Slalli avenue, over tha bakery. Slid w ho ean be c inmiif?d with entire sa-lafbfciion? She has no e.|ual. She t-II-the name of future wife or husband J ulao that of her vieMar. It you wish trut1. give her n c .11. flMlE GREATEST WONDER IN THE WORLD IN THE I youlid and ai. mpl Used Madame MYRON, from Pari-, who ran K-- eoitsnffed tv lib the -Irlr.est confidence on all ar f.ilreof llfei revete? drunken and iliir?ltlilul h-ishauda; bus s *- nt to ntifke you h-loved toy your hearUs Idol, un I bruiae t ,e h. r those long separated. Le-l'oq 16 neu, R. stl-utu tf-. 1 ..nd aveii-te, ai'ov. Tivcltlli si ri-ei lor BOWERY, NEAR HHOOJIH ?TRKET -M yiTaMR lUU WlDGEK, Cialivoyaiit an I mind'h in Iv ui|. vaila the tiVlierics of f-,t u,c\ |?v>, ii.mrta,.-. aliment ft lends, ttewi-nssj pit-ivl iig uit'ticiiu tor all dnuascj. lulit h.ckr unuibvrs, propsrty .wi or atolta, do. AjST70HJWOTB. W"3S. MATINEE to-day, at 2 P. M Doors open all*. Evening performance at & ^ 0O(liiBAXU^l'*CtiX!UIAa BURLESQUE. OfellSp^e. ^ mo<t Mtniipai . TBS WIZARD'S temp mot. THE WIZARD'S TEMBRrJT: the wizards TBMrlwr; THE WIZARD'S TBMPBaT; THE WIZARD'S TEH I'EST; THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST; TUB WIZARD'S TEMPEST; THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST; THE KINO OK THE*'MAGICAL ISLAND CHARLES OAT LEU, Hailed every night with __ THE WILDEST ENTHUSIASM and wftUi TORNADOES OP OBSTICULATMD EC8TAB*. The new actress, MISS EMILY THORNE. MISS EMILT THORNB. PROP. ANDERSON AND MR. J. O. EURNBTT* every evening In their great duality ef Prospers. MISS IONE BURKE aa ARIEL. MR UEMPLEaa CALIBAN. encored every evening. MR. CHARLES HALE and MB. BRADLEY nightly adding (Rpre-obtalned laurel*. MISS FLORA ANDERSON, MISS FLORA ANDERSON. the transcendent g. ^^^^^?MISS l0 ^^^^^????iUlSA ANDERSON, lb.-charming Pertinent. (charming VofiliQiBn. TUB METAMORPHOSIS AT TBM CONCLD8ION THE METAMORPHOSIS AT THE CONCLUSION transcendentscsnb or bbautt K dlaolaaea are worth all the scenes ever placed on lha Stagr In reoent yearn. The performance conclude# every evening si half-peed ten o'clock. Seats should be secured three d*s> In admass. W AURA KEBNB'B THEATER. ?j Lessee ... Mia* MAGGIE MITCHELL ? NOTICE.-CU.hNOE OP TI MB.?Doers open at a a Barter past sevan 0*410*; commence tea minutee before eight, fc meet the wishes of many ladles and gen Lenten who reside eutef^the ctty, the performaaeep win end at half-past tern LAST NIGHT MISS MAOGIH MITCHELL. IE her great original character of FANOHOH, THE CRICKET. This even ng will be performed for the Twelfth time, tbw ?SHEMrtSHW (translated from the German by A. Watde tkrllllng drama ? ? uar. Esq., and copyright entered by him according to net ef Congress, for Miss Maggie Mitchell), entitled PANCHON, THE CRICKET. PANCHON (her original character), a Mtsa MAOOIE MJTCHHLL. ACT 1.?THE SHADOW DANCE. ACT 2.?THE ST. ANDOCUE FESTIVAL. ACT 3.?THE WITCH OF OOSSB. ACT 4.?THE WILL 0' THE WISP. ACT 8.?A YBAB LATER. New bowerv theatre. Sole Leasee J. W. TilagardL SATURDAY NIOUT. JUNE 21, ISO. MISS ADAH ISAACS MENKEN will appear for the last time as MAZEPPA, ' MAZEPPA, MAZEPPA, with the drama of the POACHER'S DOOM AND THK BEACON OP DEATH. On Monday an entirely new version of the LIFE AND DEATH OP JACK 8HEPPARD. CABLOTTA PATTI WILL REPEAT SIONUB MUZIO'S DELIGHTFUL AMOUB POLKA. THIS EVENING, AT NIXON'S PALACE Or MUSIC. ISABEL QUBA8, "THE BEAUTIFUL," WILL APPEAR THIS EVENING in the -rand Spanish national dance or GITANO EL V CUhUOjj^ AT NIXON'S PALACE T i. U0MA8 BAKER'S ORIGINAL UNION WAR FANTASIA, Mailed nightly ''^^^Vkn'ng4*^ U r#p*1 NIXON'S CRBMOBNB GARDENS. NIXON'8 PALACE OP MUSIC. fi Corner or Sixth avrnu - and Fomt*enth street. OPEN EVERY AFfEKNOON AND EVENING; By the beet artists In the country. THREE DISTINCT ESTABLISHMENTS ONMr ONLY ONE PRICE OP ADMI8S10N. Operatic aelectioue in the Palace of Music by ^^^^_MLLB CARLOITA PaTTI, Mas. STRAKOSCH, S g. SBRIGLIA, SIR ARDAVANIi Director Slgnor DEBRl UIL. Musical Conductor.-.:,: ..... TUOMAB B1IES ^? Jlavntflc.-n: Ballet Performances by ? .-ENOKITA IhAHBL I'UUMta Mile. CAROLINE THELEUR, Slgnor XIMINB6, HERE A Dtauv AiMiinaO| 11 Lii?i? n uillgwr K| and a superb corps of trench, Spanish and Italian 1 Splendid success of the nVqmHMHm NEW GRAND UNION WAR FANTASIA, composed expressly for tnla estnbllshmtnt by Thotnw Baker, given with extra Mllltaiy Brass Baud, and real Cam COM. FOOTS AND OOL. SMALL, the most perfectly formed, smallest, and beet educated LITTLE MEN LN THE WORLD, will hold their interesting Levee* New features dally, and CONSTANT CHANGE OP PROGRAMME. To Garden, Palaoe, Pavilion, Ae 28 cents only Children In the afternoon 18 eente only R*s;rv?d seats in the Palace or Music 26 eente extra. Orchestra chairs in Palace of Musk 80 eenta extra N? ION'S CREMORKE GABDENS AND EQUESTRIAN SCHOOL, Corner of Sixth avenue and Fourteenth street. ^E N, EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVENING ? RICH AND VARIED ENTERTAINMENT By the best artists in the Obuainr. THREE DISTINCT ESTABLISHMENTS IN ONE. ONLY ONE PRICE OF ADMISSION. Musical Conductor Mr. THOMAS i Splendid success of the NEW GRAND UNION WAR FANTASIA. Composed etpresaly lor the (Jremorse Gardens by TH08 BAKER, given with an Extra Military Brass Band and REAL CANNON. In the lx-anilful Gardens, PROMENADE CONCERT Ml'SIO day and evening. Refreshment* of all kinds except liquors. In the Turkish Pavilion. GRAND EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCES every after noon aud evening. Madame TO URN A IRE, Mile. MARIE. Slgnor BLISS, JULIAN KENT, CONRAD BROTHERS. In the Uardena and Palace COM. POOTE AND COL. SMALL, The moat perfectly formed, smallest and best c LITTLE MEN OF THE WORLD, WUi hold their Interesting Lewes. NEW FEATURES DAILY AND HMi CILtmgmmsmmgi CONSTANT CHANGE OP PROGRAMME. To garden, Palace, Pavilion, Ac 28 cents only Children In Ihe ailernoon 11 cents only Reived seats In Pavilion 16 eente only B ARNUM'8 AMERICAN MUSEUM. The new and magnificent Drama, uwynneth'aughan. Tlila afternoon mid evenlnc, ?i 3 and 7\o'?'rfc Concluding, m each niurseuta'ton. with the raice, A JOURNEY TO RICHMOND. OOM. NUTT-TUE W0.UU0 NUTT. MASTER DUDLEY WALLER, Tiki Infant Orator, At all bourn, and al?o at each drauiatlc parfurmaooA. DEN or LIVINO MONSTER SERPENTS, Fed everv day at 2 o'clock. aqua Rial garden. With 1U myriads of beautiful living hah. ql akek, or wooden gun, A south American iuuana. ALBINO FAMILY, BEAR SAMSON, LIVINO HA PPT FAMILY. BEAUTIFUL WAX STATUARY, Ac., Ac. Admission to alL 16c.; i iiUdren trader ten, Ida. N. B?'The Lecture Room baa barn uewly and thoroughly ventilated, and la aa cool and comfartabta tbta hot weather a* a mountain stubs. _. BRYANTS' MINSTRELS. MECHANICS' HALL, No. 473 Broadway, above Urand (treat. Monday, June 16. and erary night during the week, THE BAW RECRUITS. TIN FAN O NI ON. BLACK WIZARD'S 4, 11, 44. THE BYRONS. Epb. Horn. H. C. Campbell, P. J. Peel. E. H. Florence, Dan, ImarlL T. LiUtitgs, E. W. Oonld, O. S. Fowler, W. L. Houba, J. H. Ha\oil, J. Morrison, F. Mporsr,F. Laalia, f. HIT tou, O. W. Charles, LITTLE MAC, NEIL. AND DAN. BRYANT. PLANTATION SCENE?ON TO RICHMOND. Door a open at 7. Curtain riaaa at S. Ttckcia, Si cla. George CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, ' IMS BROADWAY, Oppealte Metropolitan Hotel. George Christy's Minstrels will opi open at the abort men tioned hall, nu > MONDAY, JUNE M, WITH A SUPERIOR COMPANY, ? oonslstlnr of sliteen performer*. _ _ 1'IIE BEST QUARTETTE IN THE CITY. The Finest Instrumental Quintette in the world'. Thetav-rior lis* been entirely renovnlod, and the ball Will be found tbe moat commodious aud beat ventilated place ofl amusement In the city. Pull particulars in the billa of the day. Adiiiiitan'-e 2b cents. Door* open at 7; to rotamenne at B o'clock. A UK?OLYMPIC THEATRE, BROADWAY *?0?J. Tbe meinbera of fhe company wHI assemble on tba stage at eleven o'clock, punctually, on Saturday morn ing, the 21st fnnt. GEO. R YER. Stage Manager. XJtXON'S CHEMORNEGARDENS.?TII0MAS BAKER'S il new and popular inuale. Including the cell bratad "lAnm Keene Walt*," for sale under tbo Chinese Pagoda in tlie gardens. ____________________ IKON'S CREMORNE GARDENS.-THOMAS BAKER'S. Xl calebrmed /'Laura Kec no W alia," peiiormed nightly by the splendid orrlieatrit of Mie gardens with gn at lu ocaa, under the direction of the oimiewr. Copies of the inuale. may be bad under tbe Chinese Pagoda In (he gardens Concert in aid of sick and wounDrd sol dler*. at Dodworth'a Hall I Broad way opt entr Eleventh street), Monday ev. nlng, JiineM, at eight o'olp.-h. Messrs H. B. Mills, Wlllism Mason. Tbeo Thomas, F Hergner and an Amateur Vocal Quartette have lulunieertd their Tickets $1. may be bad ai the mnalc stores of Slirfenberw k Lids, 7U? Broadway, and Beer A Hchlrmer, 701 Broadway. St EORc.E'B ~ T CAMXEBBURT PALACK, open dav and evening. f!H Broailavay, oppoaltc Lmru Keenv'a theatre. UROKUE W HHURRAGUE. All letters intended for tiik undersigned should bo addrcsMd Batli, New ctreeht. Lone Isbind. "? V ' BARNEY WILLIAMS. A FIRST RATE FREE AND EAST TO-NIOHT, AT llm Eseelalor, giU < . ntr- ?ir?rt. ? ? . . . ? t'u AN KK * aYA*. YrortlMors. N. B.?A good dry Skltil UioutM. 1jlA?T BROADWAY fi?l \DEsT hO. 42 IH TH K PLACK J lo biftr a K*w)if win ?, ftU'l ??ri^oy n good cold glawt or Alef Ac. N. 14.?Free and E isv tlil? (Sa(uv.iav) evening __ tiiumas Montgomery, proprietor. TTO CONCERT AND OTHER MANAGERS.?THEf I'lfl A dri-igne I hrgk to i tate tbot'he tins sue coded In mak ing arrangements Will) Cm rclrb.ated Plnnlst, L. M. liOTTSCHALK. for a at.mmor lour thiOiigb ihn Weat and Canada Applies t on for I o .cert*, A"., may be addressed in "4 Wat Four t- bib at re ... Hew York. MAX HTEaKOSCH. Mr Ot.twhalk will vlrlt Poughkeepsee, Albany. Troy, fli rll'i i"ii, Montreal, Quince, Toroniu, Ac f| 0 TH I A TRIO v LP -Til U NEW YORK ERA HAS AN I iniei - tmg Miif.u ii nnd Dramatic Feullbuou. a untqua I'u ? u by Horeuw. tbe fa 'file comedian, and ether lula. fustibg u.-ttus. OiUti i'f publication KM PultQS street*