Newspaper Page Text
HOVUI. ROOMS, SC., TO LET. A TWO BTOBf, BASEMENT AMD ATTIC BRICK House to let?No. 86 West Eleventh street; has gas throughout' rent low. Also, 163 Wooster street. Also, House and Shop 16 Thomas street, and Houses and parts of Houses In all parts of the city, inquire of B. L. A H. Bl'KNUAM, 811 Hudson street. furnished housb-in a delightful looa tlon tn Brooklyn, to let until November. Address box 1,604 Post office. C~ OUNTRY HOUSES TO LET, LOW. TO GOOD KAMI lies?At Summit, N. J., on the Morris and Essex Rail road, 10 miles from the olty; new, first class, ami every con venience; gardens, stables, loo house filled, fine grounds, water and beautiful scenery; elevation 4ti0 feet aoove the Uudsou river. J. RIBIIA, 10 Exchange place. BOUTHWIOK A VVUOD, 83 Nassau street. House to lbt in brooklyn-a few blocks from the City Hall; a three story brown stone front; possession Immediate to any one willing to buy the furni ture. Ad drees W. K. X., box 126 Herald office. PART OF HOUSE NO. 6 LUDLOW PLACE TO LET? Purulahedor unfurnished, to a small genteel family. The house has all the modern improvement*. Uuod refe rence required. Apply on the premises. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY TO LET?OB PARTNER taken; gallery located at 260 Bowery. None but those thoroughly acquainted with the business need epply. Call for two days at 260 Bowery. ? RRHTAUBANT TO LET.?A LUNCH COUNTER AND Oyster 8:and connected with one of the nrst olasa saloons In the lower part of the city, with all Iks fixtures and cooking apparatus complete To a mau conversant with the business this affords an .exoellent opportunity. Addres A. B., Herald office, stating where an interview can be had. ST0RB8 TO LET-NOB. 263 AND 206 AYBNUB B, with gas fixtures; new buildings end suitable for any kind af business. Also Basement 26S avenue B. Also Rooms and Bedrooms in 667 avenue B. Inquire of M. DODIN, 66 avenue C. r LBT.?ONE OP THE LARGEST END BEST Lo cated Stores in the city of Brooklyn, 266 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Has been oooupled for the past ten years sea firs olass family dry goods store. Possession given f dlately. Inquire next door, of J. O. WHITBHOUSB. fro LET?FURNISHED BOOMS IN BBOWN STONE X house, 33 Bowery, single and In suite; very desirable for families and admirably cool in summer; this establishment < ts kept in good order. Apply on the premises. TOO LET?A PART OP A FIRST OLASS HOU8B, NO. X 602 Hudson street, with all modern improvements. For further particulars inquire on the premises. TO LET?A ROOM ON SECOND FLOOR, IN A strictly private lamlly, furnished, No. 46 East Nine teenth stroet, four doors lrom Broadway. TO LET-8TORE UNDER NEW HAVEN HOTEL; COR ner ol Tweuty-seveutn fitrra'- and Fourth avenue, oppo site tne New Haven aud Ha i tem Railroad depots,* tillable for fruit or confecloi.ery store. Apply on the premises. mo LET-IN HOUSE 1,393 BROADWAY. THE SECOND X Story, consisting oftv. o large rooms, four small do., closeta. wardrobes, Ac., with Croton water, gas und fixtures; rent $1M0 per Hnnum; also third Story, same as second, with the addition of lw?th; rent $175 per annum. Inquire on the premises or at 109 Fourth avenue. TO LET-AT VERY LOW RATES, IF APPLIED FOR immcdiitely. Rooms ami Offices, in building 176 Broau way. Apply to T. 11. B INNER, watches and jewelry. TO LET-THE FOUR LOFTS IN STORE 101 CHAMBERS street; will be let iuw to a good tenant. The location is ??na of the best and most central in New Vork. Fur particu lars apply on the premises, to J. I). LEWIS. TO LET-AT HIGH BRIDGE, THE COUNTRY SEAT of Mr. R. F. Carman, containing nine acres, with coach house and stables, green house, grapery, gardener's house And all kinds or fruit; the house has water and gas through out. Also, a Cottage at same place; also a House on 152d at reel, overlooking the Hudson river, with coach house and ?table; also two three story brick Houses: rent low. Inquire of B. F. CARMAN, 1,264 Broadway. TO LBT?THE PLACE AT WEST MORRISANIA, know n aa the Dr. Morris' place. House baiit lor winter and summer use; partly furnished. Ready for Immediate occupation: 40 uiinmea from Twenty sixth street. Apply lo W.JJ. MINOR, 24 West Twenty-sixth sliest. mo LET-VERY LOW UNTIL THE 1ST OF MAY, THE X three story und basement brown stone House. Oorner of Forty .first street end Lexington avenue, containing all mo dels Improvements, including gas fixtures. Apply to D. O. BIRL8ALL, 336 Broadway, room No. 2. TO LET?IN THE BKOIVN STONE FRONT HOUSE NO. 167 Eust TUiity-first street, the Front and Rear Base ment, . Parlors end two Bedrooms. The house has all the modern improvements. A P.auo snd some Furniture wll! be >a td II required: piano cost the owner $300 one year age. Apply to JOHN FETTRRTCU, Real Estate Agent, Third *>enue, between Thirty-first aud Thirty-second streets. TO LET?THE THREE STORY ENGLISH BASEMENT House, No. 163 West Tnlrty-ntnth street, between Uer onth and 'Eighth avenues, replete with modern Improve ments; will Be let low to a responsible tenant. Apply to J. F. J. DBKAISMBS, 88 William street, up stairs. TO LET?A SNUG LITTLE MODERN BRICK HOUSE, in complete order, at a low rent, to a good tenant; wa ter, gas fixtures; west side of the city, No. It) Betbune street, near Abingdou square. Apply next door, No. 14, of Mrs. Jones, or at 346 Bleeeker street. mo LET?THE HANDSOME THREE STORY AND X basement House, I'd Harrison street, South Brooxlyu, having bathso >m, with hot and cold water through thu who.e house, gis, with chandeliers, Ac.; routed up to 1st of May last for ?826 per annum; it will uow be let to 1st of May next for $300. with privilege of having It for another year for $400. . Apply to OKOBGB J. HARDY, Agent, 13 Coert street, op posite the City Hall, Brooklyn. . mo LET-ON BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, A FIRST CLASS X brown stone Mouse, furnished or uuluruished; tine Wlew; three minutes' walk from Fulton and Wall stroet fer ries; will be let on reas liable terms to a first class tenant. Apply to THOMAS 3MULL A SONS, 76 Cold street. mO LBT -THE WELL KNOWN HOUSE NO. 149 MER X cer street near Houston. Rooms large and numerous. Possession immediately. Seen at any time. Key at No. 168, In the exchange office. Apply to WILCOX, 186 Filth avtnua, t of Twenty-third street. mO LET-IN TREMONT, ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM X the deiot, thirty minutes' ride from Twenty-null g reet, <tare 18 cents; a beautiful little new cottage, with only four ?mall rooms, with a garden or thrre-tounhs of an ai re. The ?rut, $6(1 forth* nrst year will be tsken. If des rod. In labor, ?rnamenllug the grounds; a gardener preferred. Tne fami ly must be small and able to furnish the house genteely. Apply as i arty as Monday next to A. R. FLUMLMY, No. 2 East Thirty-fourth street, New York, or the Postmaster, Trv ?sat. TO LET-TO A SMALL RESPECTABLE FAMILY, the Second Floor, containing parlor, kitchen, three ->h (rooms, bathroom, gas, water, Ac, of the new brown ?tone house, No. 144 Ea-t Thirty-first (treat. Apply on the premises rpo LET?lffl ORERNWICH STREET, NEXT DEY> X that 11rge Store and two Front Lo.ta in bro' n build" (ng; occupied lor lira years ua a wholesale boot and shoe 'to w. AN., Dwellta; >61 Broadway, next Seventeenth ?treat. For particularsapply at XS7 Greenwich street, near Ba clajr. TO BE LET-IN WILLIAMSBURG. FART OP A HOUSE containing two basements. two ;-arl<>r. sad two room*, OB third boor uve minute*' walk rum ferries. Rant $16 oar month. Water and gas In the house. Apply at 3$ Mouth Tlurd street. rLBT, CHEAP?FURNISHED OR UNPUKNIHHED, and part ol the rent takeu in board, the Ihr.e story high stoop House 14$ Warerley place, near Sixth avenue: In com pit te onler; luoaern lmpiuvem uts. Appiv to L SUYUA-M, Jr.. 18 S Wsverley placet ipo LET OR FOR SALE?IN IHV1NOTON, A WELL A shaded cottage, eight rooms, on* hour from New York, Bve minute* from depot, line view of Hudson river; small fruits, water: gar.leu mads. Rent low; term* oaay. Apply at Mr. MONDVB, 71 William street TO LET, \ BRT LOW?THE HANDSOME NEW STORE WHIiili avenue, near Jefferson Market; a Urst ret.- bu '?in aa I. ration: possosflon Immediately. Apply to H L. bUl'DAX 168 Waicrlej pi* e, neai Sixth avcuue. T RENT-TO A SMALL FAMILY. THE UPPER PART ?if a ilouar, second *t.irv and part of the ilitrd, witli *U m .. ,m jwsm t* a,s> Ian. a* 1 itQ titf ,, *1 L iii.l tail, aleaat itaa h L', the new ICS west Fortieth street, uear Eighth avenue; rout $20u. Apply on the premise*. TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER?IN SOUTH BROOK hn, n v MM Port oil vrr handsome Furnished House. box The well known and valuable hotel, the Oilmor House, Baltimore, Md., for rent.?This large and oleisnt hotel, recently liuilt sud most eligibly situated DD Mhiriiiuioiit a|uare, in the cily of Ball more, pom-eit.iiig ?very advantage to render it one ol the iuom stlra. t te und deni .ihi. establishment* in the eoimtry. will be rented or " " able ( leased on favorable terms Apiiliratlon enn be made on the premia -a n that city, or to P GARDNER. N tv York Hotel. The lower fart op house ids east thirtieth strm t?Consisting Of .runt and ha>k Far oes, bark JU meiit and Hall Bedroom, on * nd lleor. 10 In. ol a "lory moderate rent toasinell. Dspectahla faiiidy; ban.Nume BDpudeiier* in parlors Apply on the premises. 7 r -to let. vmj low, to a small re. ?P 1 I spocUMa fhmile Upper Part of allien House. In eici liani order, Cmrenirnily arranged, pleasant,y and oonvi n sully.Itaw^ed. Apply on the premises, 166 West For 4y-third ?tr-', t. Ol rt ELM STREET, NEAR 8PEING.?FURNISH RD Ail' Rooms, lor liamndlatii occupancy; lowest reula In the cily considering the ooavenlenoes for housekeeping: best hed.iiiig.iurnliureand rooking utensils; gas and Or .ton. SPECIAL NOTICES. FEW SMALL DIAMONDS BEING OFFERED FOR 1 fRW BMALIi DlAMUM/n Bi!*IIwlt UProKfil/ ?' ' * ? jV H e miner sUet.;?ih?f d_iT.i-*n-r?. SW In possession Of the subscriber. ?E<T. ROGERS, MHChatbsra street. 1> far hlbl i ? - , Noigsn i. 01 off, eorltyyl ""To au. veiuro SI reels, I the p"b i mti V?,>,?. ii illlv inviied. ?ROBERT J. LACKEY ATTORNEY AT LAW. JEPFER eon City, Mo.. wIR collect ilebte and attend to the bust* of his MO rsstou In the .-uuntiesof Cole, Coop. :, Hone, Javeniur, lifiiilhT*11 fi?T "l"' *'M' SiaWomeer. ol mu. aonrl; Hon. Janieg J?uthr|e, l.o il?> l,|e, Ky., Judge R. W. Wells, l ulled States Dt<"''t Court, Jrfturaon C ty, Mo.; Itltleahouaa. Kant A Oo . Bsnka". Wiishliikt.n, D. ? The strawberry festival. vfiifipH ir.v* con tinned during the vteek .u Moxart Hall, SO, Broadway, In baiia i of the Children ol ur Disabled fmirt, Kill close to day. Mis Hennvtl will give soma of In r pdpudtr :oi h ballaa and patriotn ungs during the eveulng. PUHK1TURE. A BEDROOM SUIT OF F.NaMKLLBD FURNITURE, in ail colors, ol warranted manulanlnie; sis., *oi,,l | eh< sum chamber Suits, plain and ornamental, nt II F. LPAK RIN'iTON 8, 30S Cansl street, op;K?slt? Woosier. Kstrh : lab ; in Ism. rob>KnOLD FURNITURE WANTED?I WILL Hi Y I and pay cnah foraboi $I.8'X) nr $2.0Ud worih <tf me m i|".?lny Fninllnre, siiltn n ft* * large-lastC IIP; hoc*.; Dust I'lsnol.Mle and n .e Billiard Table, m . , a.' tvts.1 : to ii u<Ma of the aama may ? nd a lino oraau up ?. Mr. Mi uroadn nr. JMPTON'S IMPIIOI I'D PaKI/'R BID lEtDl nr. . oilier 6rat elnss In e Nol i win . m hi, Al?o, I mulshed by n nib; paymnota . 11". I i I formerly Nattonni Ro Uemj ut i>- .-n. VOm BALK. ARliT AND HANDSOMELY FITTBD UP TEA. A ED Grocery Store for wile, doing a good business aud ailu ated lo a large au I populous neighborhood, ou one of the beat avenuaa fa tba cay. Inquire at 690 Third avenue A RESTAURANT POR SALE?IN A FlttdT RATE BIT slueaa location. This la a rare cham e. Also for sale, several Bakeries, Groceries and l.iquor stores at very low prices. Parties who want to purchase busini si places would do well to app y to MITCHELL. if Cedar street. CORNER STORE FOR SALE IN BROOKLYN?THE three story brick buduiugaud lot ou southerly corner of Von Brunt and Tremoiit streets, now occupied as a oakery,up per Hours lei In apartments: would inukn a grocery; rent, $336; bouae In good order, water and gee; Price $3,i.',0 Ap Ti,224 Washington Market, or to E. R: IStUu Sto W. DUNNE. 224 Washington I GO, 139 l'earl street, New York. D BUG STOKE POR SALE?WITH OFFICE SUITABLE ror a-physician; rent $i per iconth; will be sold low; satisfactory reasons given. Apply ut 884 Water stroe', cor ner of Jackson, two blocks from (lie ferry. DRUG STORE FOR SALE?ONE OF THE BEST Lo cated stores in the city; it has an ollice niuohed, adapt ed for a physician; has now a run of first class trade, which, with atlentlou, could be Increased to $10 per day. The pre sent proprietor, having more ?'.her business than he can well attend to, would s?U at a fair price for cash or business notes, or would oxrhange for city properly. Address Che mist, box 100 Herald office. J10R SALE?THE OLD ESTABLISHED DINING AND Oyster Saloon known as the Sylvan Shoru Retreat, at Harlem Bridge, together with 17 Fishing Boats and Fig lures. Apply on the premises, to WILLIAM KENNEDY. F OR BALE-A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE, WELL slocked and well situated, with unusual facilities for a large trade. To a bona tide purchaser this la a rare oppor tunity. Fur further imrticulars Inquire of Dr. L. Y. NEW TON, editor of the Druggists' Circular, 30 Beekman street, New York. F OR 8ALE-THH WELL KNOWN RESTAURANT, BAR and Billiard Saloon, corner of Broadway and Ninth street, kept by the present proprietor for the last eight years, and la now offered for safe for the first time on ac count of Ul_healtb. Further particulars given (y^^hu^to Mr. J. 8. WEST, 144 Chambers street, or 137 Ninth street. FOB SALE?THE FIXTURES and lease of fifth Ward Museum Hotel (lute Ti.oa. Riley's), corner of West Broadway and Franklin street None bat responsible persons need apply. Fob sale?the lease, stock and fixtures of a Grocery and Liquor Store, corner of Washington and York streets, Brooklyn. Apply lu the store. For sale^stopk and fixtures of one of the best comer Lluuor Stores In the city, doing a I list rate cash business. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Corner of Pitt and Stanton streets. FOR SALE?at a BARGAIN, THE STOCK AND Fix tures of a Tea Store, in one of the best locations in the city. For terms apply to BUNN A HERDER, 99 Murray street. Foe sale-in conseuuence of the present I proprietor leaving for Europe, the six years' Lease, with Fixtures, Furniture anil S tick of a handsomely fitted up Restaurant, Wine, Liquor, Lager Beer and Blliiar 1 Sa loon, now doing a good business, in a fine location, near Broadway. It has a spacious ball mom and an amateur theatre attached. For particulars apply to A. KENDALL, 19 Nassau street, room No. 3, between 1 and 3 o'clock. FOR SALE-VERY LOW FOR CASH, OR WILL Ex change for watches and jewelry, two first class Safes. Apply toT. B. BYNN'ER, 176 B mad way. For sale-the undercliff hotel, high Bridge?The house la well lurnished, lias a good stable, .sheds, pistol gallery and garden, with a four years'leaae. The steamboats ply from H orient hourly. Tnls is an ex el lent opportunity for a person to make money. The present proprietor le going out of bust proprietor ib going out of business. Apidy on the premises to M. BH1KN. or to A. H. LOWERY, <7 Nassau street. Fob salb?the large and desirable pro perty Nos. 64 and 54>? Bowery, being 25 feet front and rear by 135 feet deep, 60 leet frotu Canal street. Inquire at ICO Bowery. N. COOK. FOR 8ALE?STAND NO. 54 TOMl'KINS MARKET; A good stand or a iuan with a small capital. Inquire of JOHN CONNELLY, stand 63, or WM. GOULD, lid East FIR SALE-BUSINESS OF ALL KINDS; HOTELS. Groceries, Saloons, Bakeries, Ac. Partners procured, and all kinds of Real Ea'ate Bales and Exchanges. Money to loan ongood security. F. D. RICHARDSON A CO., 83 and M Nassau street. For sale-tub old established druo store, 137 Bowery, corner of Grand street, with a large busi ness and well selected stock. A cash customer w ill find It a rare chance. Call before 10 A. M. or after 4 P. M. at 137 Bowery. Fob sale?the oyster and dinino saloon, No. 164 Grand street, two blocks east of Broadway, in quire on tbe premises. For sale-a corner confectionary business, well established, with room lor manufacturing: ? go >d confectioner that has worked for the store for six years will s ay If wanted; it la one of the heat corner loca.Ions In the city for doing a good cash business. Corut-r of Canal and Tueiupson streets. For sale cheap?the stock and fixtures oi a very desirable Pork Siore. with Ice House attach'.'il, In a very good location. Satisfactory reasons given for sell ing. Apply at 1U% Atlantic street, Brooklyn. Hotel for sale?the fre.icott hotel, no. 30 K?st Houston street, near Broadway, for sale on rea sonable terms; It is furnslie.l completely throughout, U in perfect order, and nearly lull of boarders. Apply on tbe premises. HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY FOR SALE. WELL established, with a good Hue of business. Will be add low, If appllad for Immediately. Satisfactory reasons fur selling, with uartieuiurs, on application 10 GliSTAVL'S BAYLIES, 242 Broadway. Market for sale?a nicely fitted up Butcher's Shop, doing a fair rash trade, situated on a principal avenue A good chance for a man wtlh a small ca pital. Good and sittlicenl reaaous given for selling. In quire of H. E. KINKLE. 641 Third avenue. >08T OFFICE BOX FOR SALE?IN THE NEW YORK Post office. Address Z., Herald Other. ? PROPELLER FOR 3ALE-THAT WILL CARRY 140 I tons; very fust; has two direct acting engines and hoist lng engine, with derrick; dmw? only six Ket: fit lo put right to work. Apply at 302 Broadway, room No. 1. STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE-BUILT BY THE MAT tawan Machine Company, in perfect order, 12 Inch diameter of cylinder and 3d Inch tlroke of piston. Impure at 204 West Tiifriy-seveuth st.eet. where It can be seen. OODA WATER FOUNTAIN FDR SALE-VKRY CHEAP, 0 with lease of ft small Son- if required, in ft good loca lion for business. Apply til the segnr ah ra corner Chatham and WiUlam streets, rno PRINTERS.?FOR SALE, ONE ADAMS PRESS 1 27x1:1; Ino A darns Presses. 2d.xto. V? III sell the lot or one. Wurran e<l In perfect nriler. May uoxr I* seen run. nlng. Apply 10GEO. RUSSELL, 79 Jol.n s re-l. <51 QfWl ?fO* SALE, TUB STOCK AND FIXTURES al a Grocery and Liquor tor-, ?;*<i a goad horse and wagon; 1? a good chauoe; me .a milord will take the rent out in i hronrt or the most part In tl j iop; the owner 1* go ng in 'he country; no ugoiiie n ??? apply to A. AC. LITTELL, No. 2W Washington street. PEKSUIYAL. CTHILDREN TAKEN FOR ADO''HON, AND ADOPTED J out ftt good home*. Al*-, lube. aid ' ??eelre the very best of u*r? end attendance i.uring their iMifliie mental Madam (JRINLKK S, JW W> at Houston street, near W no tier. Letter* promptly ?lie u to. D AVID B PURDY IS IN Tl . CITY. JOHN GROVES ijlDWAKD N. JACKS.IN WILL FIND. A KtiTK AT li Chatham square I' i.Uev ihia day, a lOresee MINNIE. FW H.-YOVR LETTER WAS RECEIVED BY Vx'UR ? request. Iansaet uu "Personal." My c nd.ict toward* my dear motto"', when nllve, ahould bare lieen si Stctent to teach yen ll'ai there wan a m dive lor ill ? ??<. fiernut itegtei t of her oai-red memory and resting place. It ?the Intention of myself end family to eti rtly re ro.o ll.e remains of oar drftr ftteiber to another oenje.eiy, whin. al. low me to luforni yon, nil decorations required we feel our ?deesquite competent of pl-.' lu; them, without Ike aid of a ?tr?rrer. M A S. Harry de, or his friend ifrkd, ri b vsk let me kuoa a hen atid Where 1 omii see you. I have changed my pltca of residence slue I s?w you, A idrosa W. 8., Union s I'lftro Toil e, or through PmeuuuU. *? l)OSEBUD."-OONE To LONO BRANCH, 5. J. A Xk h.tter for you at station A. HOINKS, BOoil, ?StC., WANTED. \ VERY SMALL II01 si! WANTED?BY A FAMILY il in ihr?a te.'sons. Must be mftthrn built, h'gh si mp, Vic III tm inter ueenienli. Iietxveen Tturd and Sixth are li tee, in a good n IgUborheod. Any t n ? having Ste ?* ore hind of bouse to reitla?n find a good tenani, by ode* K., box I, 07 Port oiliee. CtOUNTKY RH8IDENCK.-'WANTED V, |jiRF? \T J Tonkere, a PurnlMled House, for thl?J# af f?ur mouthe. Address N'., Ilefftld office. T71URNISHBD OR UNFURNISHED HOUSE WANTED? r where tbr rent or narl of ran' wil| i* taken out In I nurd, ncd abort Tolr y-fenrfb streets >r oeii.w Twelfth Street. Ad difttte, for two days, Mouse, fcreill at M West Twenty -eighth ?trcsu ? x?l a.*? tifTran "iKD-A SMALL HOUSE, IN THE VICINITY OF llit.oklyi. ol a?v, In e rooms, with water Oil tut'iuie s. ilent not to exceed fjuu. Poepseloft wanted Imineulsteiy. or o or about July 1 *L_R CLARK, 2SS SftCkett street, Rrooklyn. t XI ANTED?A LIQUOR STORE OR RMALL HOTEL IN ?? trade for property la ruersoiter Fen Lee N.J., The property t* Imr' .i-u g in mine very much. Apply to or ?xidreft. PETER Mi tguAUK, 37 etrret, ctirnei of Lui. lew. ? ' . ? ' \ TITANTED?TO KENT A FURNISHED HOUSE. WITH II in to; ty mil ?. or >es, of tk-'city . on a Itnr of Hudson River raihoud; must he well forniseed, moderately laige, wl'li all liiiptovenieuti, etah'e and carriage house ftttaehed, WlUi from nxe to t?n si re. ot land, war but not In a v I logo. Any pirsott haxliti. such a hous i to let for three months will diiil a it "id tenant. AdJr w nil full description and terms, J. M. H? box 2,3JJ l'oat eflleu. \VA^1 WANTKD-A room or LOFT, FORTV OR FIFTT leel long, fo.'a tnftnulacturing put po o. Will not In masse tl ? lire insurance. Location betxren Canal and Coriloud! tsti "ets. A'ldrese J. hot 130 Herald office. IX'ANTED A ROOM FOR A GENTLEMAN, WITHOUT >I li ant; ges, hot and cold ?liter, with leih; in tbevlel. oily of Second areuue and >ev?mleth street, Keferencee glvru. Ad a res E. U Y., 1WJ Stanton street. \Vr ANTED V> LRASR?FROM AUGUST LOIt SEPTBM TT her, a neatly furnlelied Heuae, for which a new and al?gsni I'ldha will be fixes In part l avmentot rent, refe l-cnres natisioot iry. A ldrcea House, hok < 6IW Uoet office. WANTED TO KENT?BY THE MONTH, ONE LARUE tl Ijoft, or two ur three smaller Lnlts, lor a light man u fscturliig put p. iso; must he clc.hi and well lighted, aftd al ft low rent Addreea H., boi ISU Iter.xld 'itlioe. w ANTED TO UKNT-A THREF. OR FOUR SToRV In i k or bio.x n elone front llouve, sliovr Fsurteenth stieet, between latslngton and Sixth avenues, |,, a imiralde lo-n'lty, xxi h all modern Improremcnte, rent RSOO to $WX). b. a you i tenant, fat several rears; none hut ?v. n?.-? neon . u;dy. A Idle-., W , 'fuk l.T-ftA YFM OUiOtt BOAROHIOlHDLDDerfO, A FURNISHED ROOM TOlBT^TfTa U ij v "' geulleiuau, with Board lor the la<ty only; alio two or three slug1* ladlca can be accommodated with plea sant Rooms ana' B"*rd- For particular* Inquire at 11 East E eveotii street. A SUIT OK FUEIILe?"? BOOMS TO LET?TOGETHER 01 separate, ou tu ? Br*t "* Jgoond Moor, to oua or two gentlemen, with partial Board if required: situation de sirable; terms moderate. Apply at 01 West Eleventh street, near Fl th avenue. A PRIVATE FAMILY R.'sSIDINO AT NO. 42 HUDSON is. street, near Du.uie stir .t, would dispose of the entire Second Floor, plainly furnished, either aenarately or to gether, without Vuu<1, to a email tumily of adulte or a party Of single gontleme 11 Also, single Booms front, on third floor. Term* moderate and reference required. ATTENTION 18 CALLED TO THOSE LIVING IN hotel* and boarding houses to au eftabiiahmeiit opened at 110 Macdougal stree', and furnished with everything ne cessary for housekeeping, In order that a family may have a eomph te home. AHIOHLY RESPECTABLE GERMAN FAMILY, OC copying a br.-l class house, would let a few elegantly furnished Rooms, with excellent Board, to single gentlemen or geutlenieu end their wives. Apply at 20 West Ninth street, betwen Fifth and Sixth avenue*. French and English spoken. Reference exchanged. A PLEASANT HOME MAY BE FOUND BY GENTEEL parties; a choice of rooms; family small; dtuueral t>. 16 Ashland place, corner at Wavarley place. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED BOOM TO RENT, TO a gentleman, without Imard. In a private family; house modern, and desirably located. Apply at 26 Niuth street, be tween Fifth and Sixth avenues. A NUMBER OF HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with ample pantries, suitable for a gentleman and lady or two gentlem n, to let, with Board. 22 West Fourteenth street, between Fifth and Sixth avenues. A I OUNO WIDOW LADY, LIVING ALONE, WOULD accommodate a gentleman and lady with a nicely fur nished front Boom; Board Sir the lady only. Apply at 162 Greene street, near Houston. A PRIVATE FAMILY. HAVING TWO OR THREE good Rooms not occupied, would let tlieinilUruisbed or unfurnished, with or without Board; all modern Improve ments; no other boarders. Best reterenoes given end re quired. Apply at 147 East Twelfth struct, or 77 Catharine street. AT KM EAST FOURTEENTH STREET, OPPOSITB THE Academy of Music?A gentleman and wife, or two or three single persons, can have Board, with pleasant fur nished or unfurnished Rooms, having ail the improvement#. AB?TWO OR MORE SQUARE ROOMS, WITH ? bathroom, together or separately, with Board. In a private family, or meals served in the best style In the rooms if require I. Terms moderate to parties of respectability. Elegant location, up town. AdJresa A. B. R., slat ou O. AT NO. 22 EAST FOURTEENTH STREET. NEAR University place?May be found two suits of Rooms on Bucond Moor, also on third tloor, with four single Rooms for gentlemen. House large and airy, with modern Improve ments. FAMILY OR PARTY OF GENTLEMEN CAN FIND a handsomely furnished suit 01 Rooms, 011 the second floor, with good Board, in a private family. Also a Room for a single gentleman. Apply lor three days at 36 West Ninth street, between Filth ami Sixth avenues. A FURNISHED LARGE OK SMALL ROOM TO LET to single gentlemen, without beard, or a gentleman and wile, with Board, in a small lamtly;hmse cool, pleasant, healthy and conveniently situated, we.I furnished and neat ly kept. Terms moderate. Apply at 82 Second avenue. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED PARLOR AND BED" rooui, ou tlrst door; also Room on second, to let. to a family, with private table, or to gentlemen, with or without partial Board, at 44 West Tweuiy-lirst street, near Fifth avenue. AT NO. 20 EAST TWENTY-FIFTII STREET, BE tween Madison and Fourth itvenues, elegantly furnlsh Apartmeuts to let, w 1th Board, singly or eu suite. A private table If deaired. "* A LADY AND GENTLEMAN CAN HAVE A FRONT or back parlor, or a small room neatly furnished, w ith board for lady, at 85. $7 and $8; all modern Improvements; family small; stages pass the doot^ Apply at 22 Amity at. AT 64 SEVENTH AVENUE, THIRD HOUSE ABOVE Fourteenth street?To let, with Board, a large, well furnished Room and Bedroom, on third tloor, on reasonable terms, to a lady and gemlsman or single gentlemen. Refe rences exchanged. A GENTLEMAN AND HIS WIFE. OR TWO OR THREE single gentlemen can llnd au excellent cholee of Rooms, with or without Board, at 312 West Fourth street, near Broadway. References exchanged. Dinner at six. A FEW BOARDERS CAN BE ACCOMMODATED with neatly furnished large and small Rooms and good Board at very low g rices. Apply at 6ll East Broadway, be tween Catharine and Market streets. A PRIVATE FAMILY WOULD LET TO A GENTLE man and wife, or a few staple young men, one or more Rooms with Board. Pleasant location; modern Improve ments; near two stage routes. Apply at 176 Depau place, Thompson street, between Houston and Bleeekcr streets. A FAMILY OCCUPYING A LARGE MODERN BROWN stone house up io\vu, would let, with Hoard, a largo Parlor and Bedroom to a gentleman und wife, with refe rence. Dinner nt half-past six. Terms RU per week. Ad dress Mott, box IS) Herald ofliee. Amity street, no 47.-neatly furnished Apartmenton third tloor, suitable for single gentle men, orgoutlnmuu and wife housekeeping; use of kitchen If required; gas, bath, Ac. Inquire at No. 47 Amity street. Board?Washington square.?a family or Angle gentlemen can bo accommodated w.ih isrge and elegant Apai tments-, on suite or separate. WMh Board, at Hid Waverley place, iu view ol and nearly opposite U> Wash ington square. Unexceptionable reference given and re quired. ? Board.?two nicely furnished and plea sautly situated Rooms to let, Ins private tamily. Iu" quire at ctf Amity street. A BOARD.-ELIGIBLE BOARD POR AN INVALID OR lady ex;?etlng to require medical care, kindness and home attention. No children or boarders. For locstiun, terms, Ac., apply to or address Dr. Titters, 1,217 Broadway. Board in thirty-fourth street.?elegant location; nratlv furnished Rooms, with good 1 ourd. at moderate terms, or pleasant Rooms without Board. Call at 211 W? ?t Thirty-fourth street, Board in jersey city?two large rooms, with water and gas, rlo-et and bathroom l>etw<-en. ou the second floor, furnished. First class Hoard can be secured by lmnrodiate application. Location desirable; family select and small. Apply at 21 Basel street, Jersey City. B OARD WANTKD-1N TUB COUNTRY, A SHORT tllaiance from ih ? city, for a young lady, in a *raall fami ly, where theop are few or no oilier boarders taken. Ad i r. a.t I'. L., Herald nfllce. Boarding.?at ?i ci.inton pi.acb eighth atrial, two doora In,in Tilth avenue, gentlemen and their wire* or single gentlemen cau tfnd lirat cliuo. iuro 1111,0 dat:on?, vtth |a'imunent 01 transient Hoard, The hnnae baa n- entty h?Q li and lo rn n v,\ ijr turniahed. Kt-fo rencca cxehnugeri. Boarding-summer hoarders wii.i. be ac conwnodaMd by the fay or week at the Wltll- Hnnae llot?L between Fliv-atttatk and rfif t Ighth atraala, mi! Eighth and Ninth BTrinn a. near Central Park. HOARDING OR ROOMS-IN A PUT ATS FAMILY, J) for a gentleman, at Did W tahliiglon street. A 1 kaaant and omtveiiti'ii location. BROOKLYN BOARD.-A FURNISHED ROOM AND Bedroom. wkli go* hot an-! cold water, at 204 S her tutrhorn eir-n. thre ? internes' walk of thne lines of cara. A htaira la huatlaa tor 1 giailnail and a 11.?, or two m,.e gentlemen. "DROOKLYN BOARD-NO 77 STATE STREET, Ol'PO J> atfe Sy.lnev plac?for gentlemen o. grntl m an ond w.fe. Roon * large and atrv, with hath, Ar. Arcomodat ona n d location llratclaas. Near W.ill atr-rt and South ferrti e. T rina motlcratr. Dinner a' tDj o dork. Board in brooklyn.-a gentleman and wii k. or two gentlemen can ho aoconimo lato l with u large Room on accoiol lioor; It mntalua hot and roll water, git*, rt >*et, Ar. Hntl> lu the boos*; alao a Room for a sli-ple geniiemnn Dinner at ti*$ o'clock. Apply at IWi flint .it air ct. lJKOoKLYN HEIGHTS ?NO. 11# COLUMBIA STRRKT, Jl) r.M ai.le, overlooking lite lay. Rooms or In kint, with Hoard. Sltoa'lon unsurpassed. between Wall anil Till ?<?n ferriea. Dlnn r *1 ti u't o k. References cx'barged. /1UHANS. KTRAN*gKKS AND OTHERS.?A HIGHI.T V r ainciable T'euolt family, neeupvla,' a 11 rat o nu ho.ire In Madison B?,nc, near Madison paik, will let. with or without Bowrd, furnished Room*, en sulti or aln . le. Ad dieaa Re*,.? [t. Mad *011 aipiate Po*t uillco. y. RNISHED ROOMS.-NICK I OMKORTARl.K ROOMS a.' n id H" iroo 1 * for small, re?pec' ble fatuities. or single geni,emen, front il to JW p?'i w eak, al ISA Kllnbet 1 treet, to ar llro tttc. Tiojr are particularly adapted for person* who wiah to live cheap and quiet, TfURNISflED ROOMS- .KMI,EMEU CAN II WE r nire R ,"in*. at very low prli en, at 111 Leonard a r'el, two or liner doors cast 1 I Hruidway. U*a and hath. Rem ten. ea given. Room* (I to $1 per week. Pleair 1 all 1 BURNISHED ROOMS TO LET-T0OETI1KR OR SBPA 1 rate, on hrat or second floor, to a party af ganllctneu or ainalt tainlly of a lulls. Call at 98 W. 1 Rlcveuth atreul, to ar Tilth aveniie. B, a d If rciptlrcd. --GTKL LODOTNOfl -f LEAN, I t IMPORT WILE MM *t| .Via week, or ii cent* a ffr Nmtffl*, from a. ?... _ _ afreet, .-orner of nntbt, at the (Input lloli'l ? Fr""T,'' Thoinpaon. Mania at a'l fiotira. Opan all m...... MRS .1 E ARNOLD, NOS. 78 AND 77 EAST fOI R Ltntli strict, Ilka several Room* fo let, with B>?rd, ?"!?rate or in anil*. Traoalent and table Bonrdrrs at?o la .en. Krfereiicea tirhanged. NOS. 86 AND! SMVIST THIRTIETH STREET?BLK giintly fiirnlaheal Kooma on leeond and tulrd floor*, wilh Hoard, for famtlleapr alugln gen'lemen. Private inlile if deaired. Location ilellghtiul. ONE OR TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEN (IAN OBTAIN partial Bo.trd and the comfort! ?f a home. In a amrlt rrlrate lamllr. where lhare are an ihlldren The house it aortsomely fnrn1*h!d. poa?" aea all the modern Improve ntenla, I* sltuxtcd In one of the moat pleaaant par'# of the city, and la may ol areata fiom downtown hv laoh *t.ic * and rata. Relereni?? exchatigcd. Addreaa P., box 8,Ml Mil we. ? T>LEAMANT ROOMS TO LET?IN A PRIVATE PAMILY, J. w ith or withotit Hoard 1 hon?a new, well ritrnlahcd. with all the mod- t n convriilenoen, and location ac eaalble In atnge and rar rritiea. Kcfereni-e* exchanged. Apply at No. 1st Bteecker street. TO LET-A LARGK IURNISIIKD ROOM. TO ONE OR two genllemeti, wtth or without Ro.trri. Apply at No. 844 Broome afreet, near Variok afreet. T> GET?WITH BOARD. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM and Alcove, genteelly furnished; furnltum entirely nnwt hi nar ha* all the miitlern Ittiprovumenin Apply at 8H We*t Twelfth afreet, oetween Tilth and Sixth atennea. \LI ANTED?BOARD FOR A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE Tf in a alrtrtly private, plain family; a nnlet aud per men nt home la lookeil far; wen aide of the ?ty preferred; locality reap?'0t?lde, hut not faahtonable; uaa of hath ladla pentahla; terma not to !*c?ad 91 6J h*r week, Addreaa N. O. B , Heiatd ntllra. 7Q EAST TOf RTKKNTH STREET-HOUSE DM.ItinT I tJ fully altua'ed, near Union aquare; a Suit of Ronma, well fin iifahatl, on aecood floor, to let, with Hoard, auitahle to * family; alao a faw aing!- Room* for gentlemen. Dnt net a. naif paal ti?e, Rof-tvngra ext han*,'*'. BOARDING AND DODGING* OQ BEACH STREET, FRONTING ST. JOHN'S PARK ? OU A handsomely furnished Iront lis I Room to let. wKh or without Bum d. Term* moderate, House liw *11U* mo dern improvements. AQ WES I' FIFTEENTH STKEET, BETWEEN FIFTH TtO *n l Sivtli avenues.?Firm class aoeouiuiodatlona 10 let, witU Hour l. to eligible parties. Faintly small, highest refe rence given end required. QO aUEENK STREET, ABOVE 8PBINO, ALSTON HuuiB.-Elegantly furnished suits of Rooms; ft**, every convenient ? for housekeeping ecouomi cully; particularly suitable fur small, respectable families; rent low. QfT AND W CLINTON PLACE (BICHJTH STNEET).? UfJ These houses are now ready lor the rocepi.ou of If. U. ANDERSON, formerly Hotel St. Jaiten. guest*. 1AQ LEONARD STREET, NEW YOR1C.-T0 LET; TO AltO single gentlemen, furnished Rooms, with gua end bath attached Aleo* front Basement, euitable for *n otliee. 156 PRINCE STREET?ST. OI.AIR HOUSE.-P.LE gently turiuslied Rooms, with Bedrooms klttiched. with *11 the noovenieixws for housekeeping' eoiiiplee. In c!u ling gas and Cr don water, to lot to respectable n _ respectable rami I lea, or single gentlemen. 17C AND 178 BLEECKBK STKEET, SIX BLOCKS X I U west of Broadway.?a new house, with all ti<0 mo dern improvement*. Pleasant R ?mi, with excellent Beard, from S3 9(1 to $A per week. Breakfast from 6 to 3. Dinner at 12)g and 6. 1 QO BAST TENTH STREET.?OBNTLEMBN* CAN obtain siug.e Rooms, handsomely furnished; also,* Parlor Floor, furnished, without meals; ga* and water throughout the house. 9flzl TENTH STREET.?A SMALL PARLOR AND ?i\J .1: Bedioom. with Board, on first door, front, to let to a gentlemen and wife; an excellent location for a doctor"! otliee; rent $8, gas and bath included; also a back Parlor and Bedroom, with Hoard, $7. A few gentlemen can be accom modated with Board at terms to suit the times. 070 FOURTH STREET, ONE BLOCK BAST OF Ol Al Broadway.?A small private family, having a house, coutainlng eight rooms, haudaomely furnished, u vly paint ed and papered, desire to let them to geutlemen and their wive* or single gentlemen, with or without Board; dinner at 6 o'clock. COUNTRY BOARD. Anew boarding house, at stamford, conn. The subscriber has receuUv fitted up that large end commodious bouse, situated on Henry street, iu the south ern part of the borough of Stamford, for a summer resort, and the establishment is now open for the reception of hoarders. The rooms are airy and the house surrounded by beautiful lawns and shade trees, and Is within three min utes' walk of the railroad depot aad live miuti sof the steam boat landing. Oentlcmtiu desirous of keeping a horse or u team of horses can be accommodated with the beat of stable room. There Is also a good livery stable in connection with the house. Terms moderate. CU AS. T. LEEDS. ST.mroan, June 16,1862. A COUNTRY BOARD.?A MOST MAONIFICENT PLACE, lor three famuloa without small children or nurses, and single gentlemen, can be had within an hour's ride six tunes ner day by ears and boat, fare 13 cents, at an elegantly furnished private mansion ; healthy location; very extensive ?[rounds, bordering on Long Island Sound; hot and cold uiths In Ihe bouse; hath limine for salt water ha'hing; boats for fishing and yachting; piano, bow.lug alley, billiard table, stabling. Ac. Address Brewster, Herald otliee. Board-on the north side of lono island, 36 miles from the city, of daily acre** by rail and boat; place very healthy, sha ly, and directly ou the water; con venient to bathin ? and fishing. Table good. Terms #.'? a week. Address Huntington, Herald office, or apply at 66 Columbia street, Brooklyn Heights. B OARD AT CORNWALL.?A FEW FAMILIES CAN be uccommiiduted with Boird at a desirable residence on the Hudson. Lnatlon pleasant; e u-vhea In the ne gh ? - * ? " " ? - ? ring borhood. Communication with New York frequently dm tbe day. Addrc.-a H. Smith, Cornwall, Orange county, N. T. Boarding at a farm house.?families wish ing to obtain Board for the summer months can And desirable accommodations Immediately on reasonable terms in the larp house 01 the late Charles Underbill, near Olen Cove, L. I. Steamer Jesse lloyt leaves Peck slip dally, at 3:45 P.M. Address Mr* Elizabeth Underbill, Glen Cove, L. L BOARDER'S DIRECTORY, 961 BROADWAY.-COUN try and city Board. Full ; articular*, locations, Ac., gratuitous to hoarders. Board in families, boardiug houses, farmers' families wanted for many applicants. Circulars explaining terms sent upon application to A. 8. BODINE Board at yonkers.-mrs. m. bigelow, on Gr.nnall street, Prospect Hill, has three or four Rooms tor singlo gentlemen or married couples. The location is cool, and commands a splendid view of the river. Inquire on the premises or at No. 3 Broad street, N. Y. (TOUNTRY BOARD.?PLEASANT BOOMS AND BOARD J may be obtained by a gentleman and wife or 11 patty of single gentlemen, iu a private family iu tbe village of Yonkers. The house la well located, within a short distance of the de pot and steamboat landing, and beautifully shaded. Also, One Iruil trees on the place. Terms rca-onablc. Address W., Yonkers Post office, or box 1.749 New York Post office. CTOUNTRY BOARD-AT RIYBRDALE. ON THE IIUD J son, fifteen miles from tbe city, five minutes' walk from 8t. Vincent depot. Families sua gentlemen desiring first class accommodations, can secure cnoioe of rooms by apply ing at 37 West Thirtieth street. CTOUNTRY BOARD.?TWO GENTLEMEN AND THEIR J wives can be accommodated with Board, in a rasperta hie small private fauiil>, lu tbe beautiful town of Stamlorl, Connecticut.. The house is delightfully situated. By ad dressing J. Miirenuay, Stamford, all particulars will be given. fTOUNTBY BOARD.?GOOD BOARD CAN BE HAD nrsr West port, Conn., near the water; the house is new, u it!i large "v 11 is, plenty of fruit and vegetables, and loo I hut hi.ig at crushing. Terms mo lerate. Address B. 8., t-Uli'MKV BOARD? AT KNOLBWOOD. N. J., 14 MILES ) iro n .'or.ey uy, on the Northern Railroad. Four or five p i-Monseau obtain good Board and wed furni. bed Rooms iu a large house, with ample grounds around it; lo a ion healthy an.I pl- a.-aut, Lelttg 0.1 the first road hack from the Palisades. Rooms ort ths lliat tioor, with a wide hill and pla77.11. Terms reasonable. For lull particulars<all en O. II. Kuspp, 33b Broadway, corner ot Worth streot, third lloot, front office. ( COUNTRY BOARD-PLEASANT ROOMS AND UOOD \J Country Hoard ran bo hail at the village of Dover Plain*, three hour*' ride on the llarleni road. Ixteatlon heullby and Cuie surrounding l Oiralry, with |1 ntr of fruit, vftgetaole* all.I mil*. Fur i a tl-iulara addles* C. li. Holding. Dover Plain*. N. Y. CI OUNTRY BOARD ?six OR BIOHT MORE PERSONS can lie accommodated with good Boa id la a beautliully altuated lartuhouxe, two hour*' from New York by runout; fonvenieuttoilepoi, church-*. and saabalhliii; pl-n-yof milk, unall fruit* and vegetable*. Add re a* H. H. A., box 04 Soulhport, Ooun. CIOINTRY BOARD?WITHIN 40 MINUTES OF TUB J City Hall. fr iBe ac.uniinodution* un thn bank of the E?at river. tiood boa lug and Halting. Apply at 14 Broad mrert, or to Mr. ('DARK, 41 Warren atreet. CIOUNTIIY BOARD?NORTH SHORE, STATES ISLVNO, J Large, miy loonia. Hou-e beautifully located on high Xounil; Sue view*, ample atib! ng. Ac. Reference* r quired, ppiynttlie corner ot Beim-n aud Uaatlelon avenu e, or aiidrra* M , has 143 Herald olive CMIUNTRY BOARD.?A FAMILY MAY HAYK FIRST J cl.iaa accommodation* al a vury kealttiy and deliglitlul country neat, with rxtenelve ahnded groumla, one hour from city by liont an I didv on Stat it lalan I. Fine atabllng. Ail Park, box mu Hcrtl l oftt . . CIOUNTRY BOARD ?OOOD HOARD CAN BE BAD AT /' it 1.ti'in hoitae In New Jersey, near a pleaattn villa.a. ?Illiln uu hour by rJll and a i.-w u.lnntea I rum depot Lai ration healthy, wi'.b plenty ot alia le nee*. Impute of K STOUT, Aid Hroailway, or liu Tweniy-eighth sin at. Full particular* may be hat. CtOUNTKY HOARD -HANDSOMEST PLACE IN WEST / che-tar; ism ?7, i o n- iiilli-s from Third avenue rata; in ar di-po- trull,.- hide; atabliat low, garden, latve ml of ItooniA Aiau, OotUia, Willi or w.liioul lit ard. Apply at Ad Pearl ali en, N. Y. / TOTNTRY BOARD WANTED,?A FAMILY, CONSIST. V lug of lour grown perron* and fuui ei.ildren, nc-ln lJoi-d loe llie Minime , at Mtun ple.i.-aniInc I 'd country ri aldnnne, not over one hour aad a half from New York, win-re the toiiifoi't* ol a home ? an lie obiaii ed. A Idle?, wlih particular*, U. L.. lw< twi Jersey City, N. J. / lOUNTKY BOARD WANTED?IN A FARMHOUSE v J vv lime there hi p'enty ? f nulk, in t over ihu ty mi Ira d *l lane* Irom llic < liy, ,or ivto oi three aduli*. Ltu-uiino In- hraliiiy. and hrmi moderate. Annie** foi one tn ek J. O . II' raid odlee, aialluf I'i?r Icul ir?. POCXIIT hoard WANTED-BY a GENTLEMAN mid 111* family, eonalsliu,; of alx |> r?--n* au.llivoa r van!*, in .i healthy I cation, where there la no ii v-r, Willi In an hour * ill-law c by i am or atratn -oat from the e-ty: good t iMIng reipilri-d. Board on ? farm, par .ItuUarly in Pater *? n ir neai l?y. premrrcd A-Idre-i* at oao* box .1,041 New York I'oat mi ? . t-iii NTRT BOARD WASTED?F(5k A LADY AND lour children irmn It-ill yearn or age; a lain hou*e ai d pleuly ol ahaib- (laired. T rma moderate, Addic** eh. 730 Pnat office. / 'Ol'N TRY RdfVRD WANTED?CONVENIENT TO THL * 7 I nv. Hudson rivet end neighborhood ot Tarrytown p.eleni-d. The lartlea in-tat ne willing to receive payment in houa - furiilahing u> od*, wbieb they may aeleot from the -.lor". Beferen ea exuhanged, Addivu l-'alr Exchange, ata lion F. Po*i "Hire 10UNTRT AND CITY BOARD BURKAI -TO FI R .7 niah desortp-luna lo lirat c aaa hoarding plae- a In the count)> and in New Vora. Bu-ot yn. Jers-y City, II -liokrn. Ae. Free directloh* given lo all nan Ing hoard, A C. JONES ,t CO.,.\? Bi(railway pOUNTRY FARM 1101 SB. COMrORTAHVf TtrsIsTI V' eu, iw IWllwhN H'nmt In twuiw, tt(h or without . ?? iMaala mav rtuuhe. Hoal lotf Twenty two mile* from New York, near aeaahor*. For luriu . ,n*r? tlculara lin|tilra at 47 Amity etreet. __ C~ LirTDN. S, I.?TWO ELKO ANT SUITS OF ROOMS are atlll dliengag'd al the villa or J. F. D. Luntcr, one hour l-roni Wall e'reei by boat to Van lerbllt'a Landing. Fif teen acre* of ground; freah milk and vegetable*; I'm tilth* fill bulbing; aiabllng accommodation*. Ease of Al t ess, DEI icHTn l rambles, with good Boaid and Room*, can be ohtalued In a private family, on moderate term*. Adilrraa Mr*. H'-nhlWOod, Ton pklnnvllP-, Siaieo lalund, ov Mr. Ball, 401 Br. adway, lu niuale aiora. . tSba A LADY AND YOUNU DAUGHTER. (JUIRT ? I Hoard wnnted. If poaslhl* In a farm houae. on the Long lalund abort, on Sistcn lalaiid, or eluew here within a abort dl?tanue of the rltr. Oood *ea balhlng Indlai enaahle, anil term* not to extend $8 a weak. Addraaa I. X., box 173 llcrald offiee. L'IKHT I LASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TWO OB Ju three fainllla* ran he had In a private realdenee, at Yon kera. within Ave in.note*' walk of ih* station. Beautiful ground* aud gurtV-n*attached. Apply al tha houae fronilag the new bridge, Warhurtou avenue. r AN TBI)?BOARD, IN A PARMER'S FAMILY, CON . . vein-nt to eliinah nnd arbool, by a gentleman and wife, within oue hour's ride of New York, breakfast and tea for gtntlainan, lull board for wife, at BH per weak. Addraaa box 4 4*1 New York Faal oil,at, with lull particulara. h h c COAL. ('nUMBRHLAND COAL FOR BLACKitlTHS.-JUST RE J celvad Cumia-rlan-l Coal, "f tho be?l ipiaiity, for black amltha' uae. TIIOS. TRt'STjiiW, M3 Eaat Fourteenth at reel, New York, a-'d foot ai Math Seventh and South fi.niii atraet*. Willlainvbuig. TO BLACKSMITTIS?TO BLACKSMITHS.-PURB CUM bm latm Oual. ,|u?t received from Ih* Amerloan Coal Mine* and ready to lie I- cr in uuaniille* I* anil pen .laa-r*, hy CHARLES L. YoUNtl A CO., no omn j Thlr I lath *i red ml Ynird av-nne ITJHNEH REIORTI, B" ELMONT ~ HALL,~ JjOlIOOLBY 8 MOUNTAIN _ Spi-.iMB, N. J.?Tha above well known resort Is now Z n for the irtwa. Trams leave fool or Port en,it street Morris A Essex Railroad, el 6)4 A M. ami aw v m ' WILLIAM sharp. TjlQUlXOX HOUSE. Xu MANCHESTER, VT Now open for eunnuer company Address F H. Orris, Agent. La tourette house, on the kill von kuIZ, Bergen Point, N. J?This select Iautlly lloi 1 is now open lor tli** season. Boat. leave pier No 3 North river at 7:30, 11:30, 3:3), 4:IWan43 o'clock; from Key atreet at 10)4 A M. and 4 >4 P. M. Time 35 minute*. WESLEY W. HILL, Proprietor Lake moiiegan ?one or two rk?; e< table families run procure Hoar.! lor the season at the mai lt 'n e of W R. Jones, Mount Fleasnut, on !hc miugin of litis lake. Apply at 51l< Broadway, or Post offl< e. Feeksxlll. Lake house, islip, l fc?pleasantly situ at od in view of bay and ocean. Families or uen'.l nieu deal ring Rooms pinnae apply to AMOS R. 3TKLLBN WEUF Metropolitan hotel, lono bkmnoii. new Jersey, is now open fur ibe reception of permanent aud transient visiters. J. n. A T. W COOPER. Proprietors. SEA BATHING?MANSION HOUSE, LONO BRANCH, N. J., is now open, satiated only lit ty yards from the sew above, oeutraf of the place; bosise Ironing the noeuu 300 feel; will accommodate- 51 guents; two hours from New York Steamer leaves Murray atreet twice-daily, SAM. and 4 P. M.: thence by the E. aud O. B. Railroad. Address S. Laird; Proprietor. THE RIVER8IDB HOUSE, RED BANK, MONMOUTH county, M. J? la now opsu. house ia beautifully situated on the banks of the N.-vasiuk, in fuH view of the Highlands, one hour and a half from New York by steam' boat and railroad, from foot of Murray street. Boat leaves at 6 A. M. aud 4 P. M. daily (Sundays excepted). Terms very reasonable, and a fesr rooms oat yet engaged. For t urtbnr particulars address U.diiW i. French, punprletora. RELIGIONS WOTICKS. A NEW ENTERPRISE?DUTCH REFORM S3 CH A -rt. pel.?Rev. Dr. Van Nest will preach In this chapel, on West Fiftieth street, between Broadway and Eighth avenue, to-morrow (Sabbath), at 10)4. A. M. and 4 P.M. Sabbath School at 8)4 P. M. AT THE TWENTIETH STREET UNI VERS ALWT shurch, betwten Sixth and Seveutb avenues. Rev. B. Peters, of Williamsburg, will preach t#-moirow morn.tig at 10)4 o'clock. Sermon in the afiemoaa at 3)4 o'clock. " A OBEAT WORK."?REV. 1 8. KALLOCH WILL x\. preuch Sabbath morning upon tbe Ureal Work of Ne beuilah, and io tbe evening upon. The Psalms of David, in the Laight atree t church, corner of Lalght and Varick streets, St. John's park. Fourth avenue presbytekian church, cur. uer of Fourth avenue aud Twenty-second street.?Ser vices in this church on Sunday uexf, iust., at 10)4, In the morning, and 7K, In the evening. Rev. JOEL PAJtKER, P. P., Pastor. "TTOMES of THE BIBLE,"?T1IE THIRD SERMON JJL of the aeries on this subject, will bo delivered by Rev. 8. A. Corey, In the atone church, Tw onty-elghth street, it. ar Broadway, to-morrow evening, at 7'i o'clock. Subject? ' The Hoius of Deborah, the Patriotic Wife." Preachiug i n the afteruuou at 3)4 o'clock. Memorial church, hammond street, corner of Wavorley place.?The Rev. llenry K. Montgomery, Rector of the Church of the Incarnaliou, wtll preach to morrow (Sunday) evening. Services at 10)4 A. M., 4 and H o'elock P. M. Seata tree. The regular quarterly collection tit aid of the church will be inadout each service. OPEN AIR PREACHING WILL. <D Y.) BE CON tioued, in Astor place, by Rav. M. Baxter, of the Epis copal church, every week evening next week, as during the last live weeks, st a quarter to 7 P. M. OLD MEN.?REV. G, T. FLANDERS WILL DELIVER a svruton to-moriow svenlug of Old Men. Services at the usual houra. morniag and evenlag, at Second Universal is! church, Eleventh street, 8eccnd avenue. The pubiie freely invited. ST. ANN'S CHURCH.?EIGHTEENTH STREET, NEAR Filth avenue. Rev. Thomas UslUudet, Rector. Sunday services at 10K A. M., 3)4 end 3 P. M. Afternoon being for deaf mutes. Tne Rev. D,\ Stanton, of St. Joint's chapel will preach in the morning, and lbs Rev. P. C. JS ? cr will deliver another of his sermons on the Bible, In the ert-nlug. Seats free. The afternoon service in the reformed Dutch church, Twenty-diet atreet, between Fifth aud Sixth avenues, under the pastoral care of the Rev. Alcxauder K. Thompson, will ronuneuce at 4)4 o'clock. Mo: uing ser vice aa usual at 10)4 o'clock. The annual sermon before the church Missionary Union of the Topological Seminary, will be preached Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock, al St. Peter's chuioh, Twentieth street, near Ninth avenue, by Rev. Alexander H. Vinton, D. D. "mHB PREDICTED DESTINY OP THE UNITED J. States, in connection with (hecoming of Christ about 1834-68 ai d the ensmng Millennium, with an examination of lite prophecies relating to Lonia Napoleon, tke appointed monarch of the world (Rev. XIII. 7). ?A h e'.ure upon thia by Rev. M. Baxter. Episcopal minister, in Mission chapel, corner of Broadway and Thtriy-stventh street, on Suutlsy, at 4 o'clock P. M. "rpHK RELIGION OF JOY" WILL BE TOE 8URJECT A of the Sunday evening discounts at the Brooklyn Ta bernacle. It v. William Alvln Barllett, pastor of Elnt I'lica 0 in^regutional church, will preach at lu)4 A. M. aud at 7)4 The rev. db. rooers will preach in the South Dutch Shurch, Fifth avenue, corner Twenty.'irat street, to-morrow luoruiug, at 10)4 o'clock, and tu the even ing at 7)4 o'clock. UIHCBLLAN BUV>. A gentleman IIAVINO ABOUT $1,000 OR, would like to purchase gome respectable busmen, either menufectur ?(, commission or any other: It muat bear lueeatUation. Addreaa.Wui. H. Alleudorpb, Harlem. A CARD?TUB SKIN.-I'IMPLRS. FRECKLES, UL ceraandall diseases of tneakln cured by WALTER DAY, M. D., 90 Amity street, three blocke west of Broadway An iron safe wanted?must be phut class Ore nod burglar proof. Slate maker'a name, else, de scriptinn, lowest cash price and location, and address W E., boa 143 Uerald oBlce. Amulets.?Turkish perfumed love me ever, extensively ushu in the harms of the Esat. attracts, re stores and returns ihe affectlous oi the opposite sei. Pre pared outy by Madame Tumar. companion d'harein to the raroril' wife of Abdul Medjld,. late Sullen of Turkey. Unequalled ea a perfume or coametlr. Mailed eny where. Price $1. Addrtes Madauie Taraat, New York. Send red atamp lor circular. Arthur a son s fhkncii stock boot and shoi Upprrs, Uaiter Uppers, Balmorals, in endiese yartcty, lor cash. Also ladies' youths' and miasca'. No. 60 (iold street. N. Y. A^m caution to. the ladies -unprincipled ix rsuiis hare l-eucd a base imitation of LAIRO'R Bloom of Youth or Liquid Pearl. Be [.articular that (he MMLsM tsStamped IB lha class Tlita truly delightful beaut' tier ha- elo-.d the test of years, and the best certificate of its rnlue is that ladles who hitve used It will hare no other All druggists au<1 43!) B o.dw ly ClOllKlN.i MAORin WANTED?NEW Oil SF.COND J hand. St tie prioc and addteas Bo'irlion, bos 3,643 t'oat ?Blce. DR. PBKI.PS' MEDICATED and maonbtubd lo seng. a, an agreeab.e and liaraiu'ia siibatilute lor large and repeated doses of in?d4. lnea, secured ac online to act of Con gross, and sold only at lit Ninth street. Ladles, tend for circular, and ear ape imposition and drugging. IAWYER.?X WILL TAKE CHARGE OK LAW MUSI J ties*, iutd make no cburgc whatever unless I succeed. I refer lor hour-ty and ub l ly to aoute of the be it men lu New Yoik. M. HOWES. Ltwyer, 19 stiset. VfAKULE MANTELS.?MANTELS HOLD AT ASTON, lrl isliuigly tow prteaa at KLABKR'8 Marble Yard-, KM Ka-t Eighteeutu street, near Third avenue, ami 64 First are. line, near Third atraet, N. Y. Mantels put up at any part of ?tie WH'iitsy. NHKW ORLEANS, MOBILE. VICKXHI KG, NATCHEZ. GALVESTON, HOL'HJO*. flic sui sorlber. just returned from Nmt Orleans, haw log made reliable sriaiigcmciita lor the earliest possible unllec. I loo of debts due the North in the uliove named. 1U.S and neighborhood, la prepared to give primp' attention to ciainia placed in lill hau te. GEO K. DOWNING, Jr.. No. ill Mat.'i n lane. Refeie by permI salon to tha following ?Shepherd Knapp, Esq., President o the Merhantes Hank: Lucius Hopkins, Esq., President or the Importers' end Traders' B ink; Na thaniel llay.leu. Esq., Pieallent of the Cha'thani Bank; A. P. llalsey, Esq ; lleiirv F. Veil, Esq,, end many others If desir.-d. 1 JlliiTOdKAPUlU aLHI MS-a GREAT VARIKTV, AT J veiylowprl. es, a so. a laige assortment of Fans at 83c . Stt', 76 cents and $1. Pipes, I'ortntnotiriaiet, Satehels, Per t moei v, snd i vcryihliw In the Fancy Goods line at the ori ginal L. JACOBS, 407 Broadway. 11 EAl. ESTATE AND GENERAL AGENCY. POT BROADWAY. OFFICE OF THE I.OST AND FOUND I NO LETTER WRITING FOR NON-WK1TKRB POST'S Gen ual Agent pnbll-hra the property ha hat for sale, without eherg.. Those In search ol Real Estate should gei a .sipy, free. Hoiie in of Lost Property daily adrfrtieeit, regularly Isjau-.i st ' a dv r. Other recorded for thij Information of h< iiusi ?* 4'. Oall Lrr, r w|4tlne .of 'hose not having (he advantage of edtl ilI.wT JVt ??? ?fv \ . Uiuet b* III good tv.nklng order. ? Address, stating full periled uteam engine, or 70 to km horse rowEr, O wsnvj fmffild'alel?) ktifjl be paid on deilfpry A. lore, nteam KngRte, ifeia'd .'dice \TISEd, ANVILS, BLACKSMITHS" AND MACHINIST#' \ To ds of sll klUds. A large lo! Just re eirrd end for tale cheap by WM. I) ANDREWS A BRO 414 Water street. MAIL HO A DM. Hudson river railroad.-trainsfor albant, Trov, lh" North and West leave t.'hambeie sural el 7 and II A. I., and 9:18.1 and 10:141". A ___? T ONG ISLAND KAILROAD-CHANOK OF TER I j iiilnnt ? Passenger depot a> James slip and foot of Thirty.fourth streel Ru l riv, r Hummer ArmngcmeM?Lea>e New York alBA. M. for Orecnp irt. Sue lturlKir. Orient end Hampton. At 8 A. M., 12 M? und 4 90 P.M. foriyosset. At 3 30 I'. M for tlreeii|??ri. twin will ran on Sundey. to Yspbank, at eiciiislon ratM.*?***/Al!'2h?lr*** * 8:13 A. M.. and returning lesre Ysphank at S 8n P M. T ONG "idLAND RAILROAD AWOMMODATION-OLD | J H.iitlh Ferry Terminus ?Trains leave at 7 ? A. M. and i|.I* j? w fy>r On?c iiport; 11:4^ A. M. fluid 4 16 I. M, foi* Sy* oaeet!;'7 46, II 46 A.' M.. snd3 l3 4 13. 6 43 1V M.fer Hemp alcad. hourly for Jamaica irom 7 48 A. M. to t 43 P M. __ NRW YORK, HAkLEM AND ALBANY RAILROAD FOR ALBANY. TROT. NORTH AND WEST. FUB HUMMkR ARRANGEMENT ('ommi ni lug Thursday, May A, ISM. For Albany. 10:90 A. M.. Kapreea Mutt train Irom Two itith atreet ststlon. For ill local trains se- Ttm? Table. * JOHN BUROHILL Aaaiatanl dunerlniende BILUAUlPt, Billiards-v \n.ed to hire TiniF.r: si nd h ind tablet, in coed order, for rnv tier A q.W at 411 Rtrmdw*F< corner of LUpensrd street, in lb ? nu-. .. ui(. IjiOR BALE-TWO FI??P CI,\n4 1111 I \ U I kRJ.a U luqi.treOf Citi qdioe ul Uu l^aAs.c.u j.i.v. SAlilB8 OW BBAli BOTWlfc^ AmiTBAj&TofrGKM pb *T m>tii desiring Country Ronidennen. Tke *ui>tcriber oilers for flftl* ^ iffT ccutly aurveyed and laid out no that It ?? h* dwid?d lM? three diatinci parcel., each having a water tro^ audmua* splendid building el tea. The pro|irtr oonaut* of SOO acr ?,? line, ntylhin old mansion In a lawn ol fourteen ahade tree., native and impelled, lu u umc 'ableao dor ?* verlmy: a garden taatrtuUy deal.ned and ato<.ked with irulie aim tluwBia, oWbiUldtng*. incliufinit :?| m* rot'aee '! renting 00 * "nc harbor,' and a bowling ail y. The aiiiialiun ha? unequalled advantage. for 'dher a pr tat* residence or lor .peculation, uoiu<a buld.hoie o.iua aouud U mil* in ett*-m, two ride* belted by creek anil In at, one aide bv tl?? maia ioad; the lautie tracing tba rtvora gently atom either way. ao that every butldins' *ile < ' | fine v.ewaof the Hound and aurmunding co intry. Two ! third* of the aitea cau hare water front*. The plan- la i*-r fecily healthy, water oleellent, and air Invigorating. Id* tanre from the city 18 utilee by New tlave 11 Railroad < neaa men ran reach the city from thla phto 1 In l?aa itioe than from llarli-tn by On* avenue cara. PfBolw deairotta of avoiding oily tasot, the danger* and deteulioua in oraaahig the river*, will do well to give this adv. rtlasmeiil theli early attention. No a?lale of equal aize within oae banned rat e* of Haw York the divrraliie.d adrainngea auu rugni nlrriintr or Ihla old realdeaoo lu every piirtleiilar and all 1 -a api oiinmeiiU. 'Dm present diatance to radioed stal.on*. l*? mile* When " ChuUworlU" Is made a station, uow in con templiiliaa (depot already built), tho diatance will be onW ha/a n*e. Apply on the pw???. W R or to him at the ottoe of J 8. Caldwell, U l'lne ?' reet_ AM OOUNTRY PLACK FOBT B ALB?THREE MILKU fronwstamford, one minute* walk from Railroad ? not a taatefai and convenient cottage, nine ruorne; rood outbutldiata hve to air acrea of Uad, Urge garden; great ?hnmUnMi and variety of aholce fruit, ail lu tine order; poa SemionmiSSBS* Apidy .t Mo. a* Wall street, in the baaemenU a BROWN S'HJNB FR01W HOUSE, THAT MOST BE a^^^witklt'^^'',n?odeTOt^imprrow?iaenU,18:7*50,,io| WWUW *MW tfM ^rLWiyttibr riss-# art oSSwm* 37 Naaaau atreut. *lx>v?. Address Owoir, with particulars, station v. Ususa, New York. ? ? " BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, TINS two Gardener*' Collage*. nearly now and n nnr i.nler. gluing th. city limit. TJROOKLYN LOTS FOR KALE CHEAP AND ON KAS' B l?n?..U on Madlaon ^ *?? nam avenue, between Touipktn* and Marcy avenues. ply to C. DEVElt. 1011 Pearlatreet. g~1OTTA0E IB THE COUNTRY -PLENTY OF ROOM. Westuheater eouuty. F^ffl^eTOew^rah good ggjg which wlft be given improrei propertJ' In' BrooUyn- weU rented, moderately encu^.^d, am^n^he ferrlea ^ T H.?u*R.*MowYoS?KS "X""8' ^v:0w Jh^radudtter.^m^e^ ...U tUp^r ^l>l^r'to ^e^b'j.*I^eBEERT'e FrSpSst? AAtihflrtd^ Coon. n" ??and LandedOt' E^3S-S?iiS by atreet ?? atreet. ? 1saaa^8 T7IOB SALE?A FINE STORE AND rVLU E lowM'ditmatreeU. 'Term'aea^. A rare chance for toveatewL DALTON.17 Naaaau atreet. srttifflinS" B10B SALE?A HANDSOME COTTAGE AND TWO Eta. on Fifty-aecond atreet and Striker'* Una. new NorW river, half * mile from Central Park; fronU on two aireett; country neighborhood; there are lea rooms, water, ga* *** bath; room for aUble, ?W?len, or for another hottaa. Priee $4,SOO. Apply to jajj. jRAVERS, 46 Bee km an atreet. To Let. cheap, Baaement and CellnrM ^kwnrtreek__ ltelanoey atreet. F^f u't^URh"!!"*^Aco.?Vyt^mV ft?" H-id^ w.t,?.w mile, of thUcltjj -ndeU^Ut-r ^Srjt d Property. ^ ,ug g, Naaaau atreet 5SIIS11IS SMHUi for peraona denroua of going Wt-al. Appiy w ua?w C HAPMAN. 24 Each pUcQ. V-vftR SAIR (ML TO LET?ABOUT ONE ACRB OP B Land; Mlh a new House, con.nining . a. nlii.1 inn .near the houae, w Uhln five minut?> wataof *r.7a iXd^Xn Knglewiod, New Jerwiy. Inquire of A. U. UOGEKf 1IB Bank atreet. I -rviR SALE OE TO LEASE?A FURNISHEDCOTTAUB t and bail ^uhm'a.. k, X Apply to H. H..IONES, E.prrsaoM e, corner llioadi'V audaenth atrcar LJtHDfc-TO A1.L WANTING FA BUB.-LARUE A NO thrt, lng artlh-inenl <.r Vimlnmt. n. tr I'hlUdelphla by railroad; rich anil, good crop*; to hr m oo; R) arrr <i*r|?,m from $16 t.. $2.) per acre, payable w iU.iii f.nir >eara;RM$ * ?. hual. nn.t aociely; hundred* arc aelidag. A) ply to () AAB7 A LANDIS, Poatmaatei V inriaud l'w.t ollm\ (Junibii'rvM oacnty, Maw Jrr?-f. L-'tlent augwerad; potior* cuuiamia* lurnnnatlon will be ?ml free. SAVE RENT AND DO BUSINESS -BUY A 8TORK IN the country, at Wrai Monet Vernon, on tl.o Marie a Kallrua 1, 10 mile* ant. old ataud; lane houw. nd *ter. Ae end right city h.u, $1,01X1; *4.000 Heo H an.I balirea' Title irrlrct. Apply to tha tlrkcl agent, <>u tor pix nlsra, or addr.i* J. hit 8 iorke, Mount Vernou. STATKN ISLAND PROPERTY FOR SAL*-A BKaUtT. fill Country Residence, with plenty nC fruit, flowers. n-g tables and largo prirata Dwelling, furnWhrJ or iinfur ntalied. W III bn ?old cheap Inquire of Mr*. A. MARTIN. 00 J.i'onar.l *tr ol. ' rpo BXrHANuE-FOUR HOUSES IN BROOK IAN IN 1 ?n Improving neigh bolhjod, rented. A ma Improved Proparty in New York, eaeMd'-, goal Incatino, well rented A lao, some I .on up town.lightly encambered; acme out of to* n Lot. and otkn l'roi ?tr. Will trad" for aereeaal pro pr?y CHARGES K MILLS, JM Cbdar street l*ONT lYD POIND. APiH'KETRotjK WAS POUND LAST Tl R8l?\* evening. The owigi can h*.c it by applying ?? i#0 A.l.mUc street Brooklyn ? I UMI'RD OVER BOA II>. PROM THE STEAMER MR ?J tropolla, ou Tburady ift.roon, * half bread black and tan Dog T ip, red ami bk. k lestta' r collar on; answei a to tha neina of Plorean. Ri t'trn blni, If found, lo PA Broadway, room No. T, whi ro a atdmMa reward will br paid. LOST-ON THE KVtNINU OF TEE UTH INST. IN going Iron, South fen y It wat| City Tarry, partly through Hiuadway and Greenwich atPtt to CortlaBdU an apoa fa?ad detached Itrsf Uoid Watch, mea.ifaeiurert by J. (T Martin, Clet koi.i, f, Ionian. Any una rutttrni;ig tha ?inr tt. lohn M< Naill. * Barc'a) atrrct, will recelvs a? a rw want Ilia val'iath.uof t)? watch. Lost?on" Wednesday aktirnoon last, a Hook, markotl *i.,v enntafnin* *' ort?ja??l nll'? facte nad in a brown tioi dbBo rover Jyan li.dhv jmldr rmn I. Uixin r> at.ring It lo Hie owner, at "I N*?*?u *trrat, mom 10, the tinder will lie aukahly rewanted. i i)sr ?YESTERDAY M >E ?,0' 1,1 ITOHEI) IN ULIPP L atraec. dfkrr. Vkl'^ ?? T%win Nmltt Kav and nni. brn*. Sale Key. The finder wilt n ? .P warded on tl a' Stainfeld'a,. oruai of John ami Nan aau straetr. L?VjHT-A ClTtEPN MOROCCO POItTEMONNAlK. ? <<N tatnioa ftaxn *?" ?" ?!?."? W dneaday at term am on the war trom Mlrwikcr atreat up Bmatlway. tnl'ou?h Ninth air -ri to act ..lid atrrnuayTninwgh yoiirWanlh *ln et nt Third ar.nnr, .? Elgh'cettth ?? rrt Irving | la?, down ta Kour'. enth ?liaet, Utroutfi P "Urle' rtl' alrr< t to Tlitrd a a. ,,.ir Kiva tbillaia i.war.t wtll b ? p?ld if <>;ir i. d a tha drot xt'.re corner Et^htmith atreet and Tht-d *? emr JOST? ON THl'RSDAY JUNE lb. V 11.1 ON K. j Chapiu'* Sunday School etctiraion. a I dv'. i d S i ..I rare lei. Tha flndar will ba rawarucd by nt.lng a a o? at 301 Broome atrrct. ll*?'l gt. ON. Hotel.?whitney house, beoadwav. co. N* Twolflh atieat.O'i the huroi? ?u plait. Mngle I um B) cent*. It CMit* ami $1 pei .tny Pmrior* anil Baoin m. $1 $1 00 and $1 tier day. Me*U to order at all mot" a l tto open all night H. B. MBa International fxuihition Til F. \ ASIIINOTON HOTEL, UVlEI'OOU Thl* new an i mngnlllcent bulldtu , it e bnt ai and mo?t elaborately no tha i llmettn the United Mngd .m, cuTera ata area of I VOOatpittio yard* and i .>n?'i.a'it?. noble aud * rtiooie, llllad up w ith evaiy moul-ite.and Ittiury Mmt modern art and i ?id?rlen e can fnrnteli. Ttie thief codec room wl,I acrotnuiotinte Pthl elattnra. and la conducted on the American and continental a> item. The II. t I U ?Itnaled on acorn I mending and benotilitl alio, In the *rry h??rt oi tha town, [ r>,>) ualte the cklaf railway atation, Rt. tleoigci' Had, Fraa t' ' !? 1,1* and, the Wellington Monument and t, nay ?!twintAwvr Ml O't lt,h gotlll ial.tling ?Uk^n on III { it,.i M ra j. ? " k