Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 9423. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1862. PRICE TWO CENTS. THE RECENT FIGHT BEFORE RICHMOND, ITS OBJECT, AND WHAT WAS GAINED BY IT. fie Brant of the Bottle Borne by Generate Sleklee' and Grover'e Brigade. GEN. M'CLELLAN ON TUE FIELD. The Ground Twice Contested and Each Time Successfully Won. THE KILLED AND WOUNDED, Ae.) k(., Ac. On* Special Army Corrc?i?oml?i??;e. Is Faort or Rioimoxp, June u?, IW?. Wednesday, June 25, was signalized by another glorious Struggle between the rebels and the Union troupe, in which the latter were twine victorious. About six thousand of our mon on that day encountered two di visions of the rebel army a short distance beyond Fair Oaks, and drove them back a mile, l'.y a remarkable blunder, we relinquished all tho ground gained as soon SS we bad obtaiuod posses, ion of It, and then, when the error was sifted and understood,our gallant lad. went at It again, and corrected the nusUko. Upon our rotire mem the enemy had onco more swept in over the hold like a recurrent t do wave, and for a second tinio wo drove bun bacs slop by stopover all the ground original ly won, and maintained our powitiin thereat night. But little artillery was employed, and the casualties are, therefore, not so numerous as might be supposed from the duration of tho fight. A. the artillery that was used, was mostly ours, tho enemy's loss is doubtless consider ebly heavier than our own. Uurg will perhaps reach the neighborhood of eighty killed and loss than two hundred wounded. OCR OBJWT. It should be clearly understood what tilts particular Bght was for. It was not an interruption of our march to Richmond, in which, as might be supposed, the rebole threw themselves m our way and stopped us at a mile from our original line. It was a fight for a position?a determined struggle for a pl.oe of ground which it was dec mod necessary that wo should "have and hold." This piece of ground Is barely a mile beyond our former line and we have it, and hold it. for what purpose it is proba bly contraband U> state. TUB KiJXD. It will h<> remembered that the field on which the hat- i tie of Fair Oaks or Seven l'inea was fought is bounded on the side towards Bi:limoud by a lino of woods. Ibis W'Wd extends on either side or the Williamsburg road Tor k utile, and betond it Is a pieco of open county. Our outer picket': bare hen blthorto pjsted In that eti^eof the wood which is furthest from the sacred city, and the line of relwl pickets was drawn only a little limber in the woods, and so near to our line that ? he men could talk to one another. It appeared to he well understood that any further ad', so-e ou.our part would bring on a general er.gagemont; aial la thai vkitv our line was kept station ary. But fiuully it was deemed ne-.eesary that our pickets should lie pasted st the other edge of the wood. I WHAT sir OKDKRI WKKJL ' Accordingly General Beint/elmau was ordered toad- I venoe the pickets on his front to the poiut named, aad to advance the picket* on hie left in a Hue with those in I froot. At sevea A. M., therefore, the grew lor pert of his ?we dlvl?kms was In line and ready for action; bat the advance was not made by se large a foroe. who rucoM rue aama. Two brigades of Cooker's division?Greyer '? and IHoklsa'?did nearly all the work, though some other bri were slightly engaged before the day was over. f brigade is composed of the Ave "Excelsior ragi ?Ante"?the Serentieth, Seventy.Aral, Seventy-second, ?treaty-third and Seveuty-fouilh New York. This gal lant body of men has lost so hssvlly In provisos battles and by illness that it mustered for Wednesday's light ealy fourteen huudred men. Graver's brigade Is com et ths First Massachusetts, Colonel Cowdin; tb* New Btmpshire, Colonel Oilman Marston; the Twenty-sixth Penney Ivaoia, temporarily commanded by lieutenant Colonel Welle, of the rim Massachusetts; the Massachusetts Ueventh, Colonel William BiaUdeU, ami the MassachusetU Sixteenth, Colonel Wyman. This brtgads mustered about four thousand neon for duty, ran outen or sua auvakivc. At a little before Sight A. M. ths word was given, and these two brigades moved forw.crd. Sickles' llus was formed across the Williamsburg road, end be advanced in ?he direction of that thoroughfare, his Second r-gimeot cm his right, ths Fourth next U> it,xud both these regimonte en the right of the Williamsburg road. To the left of the road, in the order in winch they are named, the Tirtb, First and Third were formed. Sickles' left ?tiCtehed about three hundred yards to the left of the mad. Orovcr'a line joined on to Sick1'.)*' left,and wis formed of tho riifct Mavsachusett.-j on tt.o right and the Uevath Mussschusjtis on tho left, llis other regiments were at hand, ready for use on; where. Both brigade, advanced in line of hauls, si irti) labors out iu front, me waaiiixtt. Never was there fi day better fitted for a fight. Two er throo torn pent like showtrr in the few days previous ?earned to have washed all thai was disagreeable out of Virginia. Naturo, and the coal fr- ?h sir, fll ed our Northern lungs with life. It vat j ist cloudy enough, too, to temper the sua's heat wtibaut making it a dull day, anu the a was just hreeM enough to lilt the (moke. At the line moved out across the hel l that lay between the point where they had b n drawn up and the wood, it pic.ruled a beautiful rj tin; is. The light blue of the nni' vms cunt tasted with the brilliant green of the ?eld; the light reuetted Tom the gun barrels In a silvery ?been, and their glorious *iau.Utile blown out in the b. eeie gave the wtjOje vceue the fayeiy and show of a fourth of Jnly parade. c.noaa MMS?tau mmcvtaim or nut nanai. Ida few moments ths whole line disappeared In the wvods, fc'iok'eo'part of It more slowly than the other, fbr tl a left of his line had to move through an abetla that was very dtfTlouit, and was thus detained. Through this mease, also, the regularity of his tins was broken, end It did not gel Into action so ?>on. Only a fsw mo ments had elated after the die ppcarance of tirever When the scattered "pop," '-pop," "pop," told that he had readied the enemy's pickets. This little fire en tieued for only a fsw moments?rattled rapidly ones, ?wise, thrice up sad down the line, and was over?and Graver went on. The enemy s outer line wxh driven la. ?ewly end aeulieuMy the advance was continued, uaoin eons <>* viu. When the plokets were driven In, they rormed on the ftekit reserve some distance in their rear, end after some little delay, with difficult ground and necessary oau Uoa, Graver'sshli m isi ers came upon their second line. They disputed the ground tense ionsly. Nearly ell thr>ir (Feat appeared Is be held by North Caroline truoie, wbots we hare found to be by far the best and bravest greet* of the Southern confederacy. These gallant fel lews stood to tnelr poets and kept up a rapid and accu Vnte Are that galled our Una evereiy, until they were ?airly driven back in rant by Graver's steady edvauoe. rne mxt'i HAIR nonr. Ihs atout re* litaooe of iheve piekots gave ample time for the formation of Hill s division, to which they be |ta?ed, and which U male up In greet part ef North <'area ?hie irutti*. This divtaon, supported by vhe division ei Gencai linger, now advauced to meet our lino, and in a Fttle whlio the bull wan fitirly opened. Ho rapl.l war the ratt le of tho nre At this time that the sound seemed to b<* without ecseoriou?With<> it pa i?e or interval?one con Hnur-ua cuttle if rllles. fhle Are was very nur?*..uid won mad mm iow bogus to And their way to the roar? seme on stretchers, others leaning on the should, a of a ?emtude add others s. nit, with a brtve pride, deter mined t iielp the ueetvus and "ga it alone '' t trk asAiNf aarras ertreAsUl i-'iod in the opt n field uear to Fair Oulcs, and there ijtiie ?i' I vial elmiin, very guirtly and with a very h sleM* 'Iks sir "'aspht (M dunbtfal hvtlle vb^HI b' ?ay* The two nousea at thai point w. e u .ed is hue* ?HAid. M4 hhhtb* r? 91 thg wOoAdc4 *e.g 1*14 f? UM ground In the oak grove that gives name to the locality. There many wounds were dressed and the soldiers made comfortable, and there also rnauy a gallant fellow breathed his last. More oomtnodious hospitals were eetablished further back, and the ambulances passed hastily between field and camp with sucb good eltect that the wounded men were all oared for with admirable deep* tub. on matins' ntoirr. General Sickles, for the reasons we have given, did not become engaged as soon as General Grover, and when the very heavy tlrejwas beard on the letter's front the Ex oeisior Brigade wan still only undsr tho irregular picket fire of the enemy's outer line. By degrees, as they ad' van cod, this Ore became hotter, until It broke into the rattle of several thouaands of rifles?a fire fully as lu tense and severe as that on the left. On Sickles' front It was straightforward work. Hs had only t<> keep bis men up to it and push on; and this was well and gallantly douo. HOTTBU AMD HOTTfcH OX TBS LKFT. When Grover advancsd bis line it was understood that Kearney's line, which joined Hooker's at thai point, was to have been advanced also; but, as It did not keep up, Graver's position became dangerous jost in proportion to his apparent success; for his flank was left deposed to the attack of the rebels, who filled the woods in front o! Krorucy. To guard against mishaps in that quarter, and to establish tho connection witn Kearney, he threw out on his left Are companies of Urn Massachusetts Sixteenth, Which regiment was held in reserve. At about the tame time, as tho fire omllnued terribly sovere in front, ho placed a battalion of the New Hampshire Second on his extromo right, to strengthen his connection with Sickles' left, and placod the remainder of the same regiment be tween the Massachusetts First and Eleventh, whore the o was some appearance of weakness. Thus strengthened in front, and provided against attack on hla Hank, he went on. KtUAM-Y'S MXE COMB- VP. Berry's brigade soon began, Iwrtever, to push forward on Grovof's left, urove tho ? no my rapluiy and easily be fore it, and advanced until ibey complc.etl tho line from Gievor's loft. ItoblnRon's brigade (late Jameson'*) was si;b?o,'ioutly pushed in between Berry's aud Grover's, and cor.'iuucd tha uiut -mailt. But th enemy wits n?t at any time In groat force beyond Grover's left, to that the fight In that dire' tr a was uuf severe. AT A VtJtgp 8111.1. At half ;>ast nine our Hue was brought to a suiud-stiil. It was evident tliat the enemy was iu great fores sloug the whole line. Near that hour the Fifth New Jersey was sunt out as a reserve to .Sickles, the Second New York to reinforce his advance, ami a regiment of Jiodg wo k's division. The Nineteenth Mass-u hiKutts wus pushed In on his right, s> as to avion ' his line to the railroad. Still, with occasional intermissions of compa rative quiet, tho flre raged along tie wit it# front of the two devoted brigades, and soemod even to rago with in tenser fury as it approached the ronii on which the Ex celsior Brigade hid sd\ at<<-ed. MTi nanus a.\l> STtfAOT. Poring this bir d fonc ht hour cur mon lied not fliuchod at all. Every mio toed tho mark resolutely, reudy to do what he came for. There was not a straggler to lie aeon, and thorn oven who helped the wounded oir tha Held helped them flply to w bore they-ooald get better help, and then went l>-o k. Gloriously does she Conduct of there two brigades speak tho prai. e of those gallant officer* who h-vo made t win scMters and tilled them with the soldier'.- spirit, and especially docs their good conduct on this day redound to tho honor of that nobie old veteran, General Hooker. 'JUK BliM-J) U.t r ATAXH IT. Steady (impose prevails. Wh?u the rebels found that our boys were not going to give way under any cir cumstances they concluded to give way them selves. Tboir Uispowitition to da so first apptaiW in front of Grover. It was hailed with a hearty chee? by our boys, who poshed ahead, and, now that the ma id una was fbirly started, went on with a rash. In a few minutes they broke out into the open field, aid the object was So far gained at tbat point. A battery was sent d?wn te Kearney to play on the euetuy's flank end shell the masses lu retreat. ttOT tATMMBD Tit. Grover wus not, however, permitted to hoM the ground lie bad gained in quiet. An attempt wee made to dislodge him by a body sent to reinfoioe those previously drives out. A bard fight ensuad, aud the attainpt was repulsed. must's mouauh aaiHrowcw sintue. But while the enemy were thus driven on the left the right did not get along so well. There the enemy's whols available foroe seemed conceutroted iu one endeavor to bear down the gallant Excelsior brigade. Reinforce ments were ordered there iniin?dtat?ly, sua Uiraey'e brigade went up the Williatntburg road at tho double quick. As tbsso regiments tiled on, cheerod by those tney paired, a chorus of rea|H)miv? cheers arose from Grover's brave fellows away otfou the left, as they drove the enemy before them. Pickles' boys took it up In turn and made a stouter push at the foe. Everybody scented exhilarated at the aouud. Orderly after orderly rushed In te tell how Grover whs driving them, aud others to say that Bit kles could hold his ground t: II Bir ^...U , tub ohmsi n> MRTifta??oa did it mbam? Victory Ml upou oar banners. We bad the sunny fnirly started, end could have driven lilu nny lictauee. Jut at tiia o'xiliB;. juncture the order wan m et.ed from general headi'isne.s la '-withdraw gra<!u:41v to ilia orlgiu..i lino."' '1 bey aioi.e who know bow brilliantly the first claw V viCsory beunta utwn llic be . ? ft.-ld can appreciate. .? gi r>rn tin* nJtr cat; on ever pirit; b it it bad 10 bu obc.i ad, and wu disseminated. ft wut bard to r edit tbe news from th? tongues of ..i'Ja or orderlies hot it war soon tor'had, and tbetn?;i were withdrawn. They all believed ihat wo were t?u some part of melius, tut ihat wo bad j. ie t<o far shea I for v a'ety, and all retired in good or .or an i took np the itae in the Igo of ibe w >ed t eared t ramp. Tble wee a> shout lialf fort 'lereti A. It oumitAi. it ' i.fa t ax's inmvei.. General WctTellnn and ot 'iT upon tbo field at one P. M . tacorteJ by Captain tkluiy re's squadron ef rngu iar cava ry un-l the Virst New I orb v jlunt ,er cavalry ,1'oiowol MclUywoMn. lie m ule his lioabptai tera at Kalr ttaka, w-bi re lleiutxeluinn'a liad previoeiMy been, wad there drew arouod bint all the sources o( in foi imtiioo that s oh ???as h ns furnish. Ill VWMV iKOTIIRa StlVAV<T|. All wrrs the > i t smsr main ?t the resent noaccount ?bis order; but tie* w '->w how altuirs rt *m1 . and or dered very shortly a -tr .bit the u;i? advame should b i again ni ls, 'l b# ne 'er was received with Joy ou every Usud. Ail won aq.iin setlvlty sad spirit, end every one prey trod to do the thing over again se brave ly ee If th'-y had un't Iwea compelled to relinquish the owce aliu<?t gjltea mow tsrt mens mi nioonn sdvajms. Orre more th"y wont .orwsrd In the same order in width they had al *d/ to e so well. Urover, on the left, got in Hi ?i -cgs.u ued is lied away, but the resistance there wee not so iwuat teoe at It bad been, and he pushed threegb, mid finding, however, enough resistance to keep up the interest, k er&ey, on the extreme left, feuad skto no greet resist time; but en the WiliUmn. b.trgrond, In front of tte-f ?l Sickles, the lighting w?? harder than ever. There l. e enemy had evidently gathered s strong f ire, sod be eemed determined to It lid that point si every hn/erT. Steadily end eccurate - 1} at the betile trained boy s of the Kvuelsior Brigade de bt ered their (Ire, Mill they made no permnnent Intprea SPm, Hie plates "f lliMo wis fell mt the retool side were again filled,sal the enemy was Mill there. IWnearly three quarters of an hear the weld fire tree continued at this point aswival oh as tmmnutarm. Tb te the battle stood at a Iittlo arter two e'elook. wheu Cenxral .1. N '?aimer's (late Haven't)brigade,oi u. j's division, whs nrdoied up to Huppurt k i klus. The i igi lani and ever ,o.tdy comm -uder of t'io fourth ror|ie bad put ' oti'h'e ill vie an i uud'tr artnl when the dring first bee iiihi warm - n the left, and they toad aw.tiled ilicir ilutice till now Thuy wont up the real handv>r,iely, th, Mm a n.:?ett?Te-jth. cotnm.irile by l.letiteusiilCole net I'ecke.. in advance, followed iy the Mhn le island P'ooitd,'"'!..iie1 freak iVitvai m, liio New Vorlt Thirty, six Hi, t olwovl Ilotee, ai.J the Mas. echuveti? Met entb,t >lo uei Bussoll ofh sttTictsav mot wrm m*i? twiww. At tile erne time Timery P.Vnst New Yoik a tll.eiy (four rtll'ed p'Miee),r:.iiMlln T. W. Ihh rit. w.?ji oi lured op the V li'trvbnrf r< nd'A she! the wno|. tjc-yo c* wry advance, n w se er.pwcted tfiat they wu'iid luiu-v i hail !??(;*/ stw our adrwittiatf lUs itiw Ui? tuouj g iiae THE BATTLE GROUND NEAR CHARLESTON. Scene of the Recent Contest on James Is!?nd-~The Rebel Works?Line of the Union Advance, &c. v 81cetcli of Becesslonvtlle and Vicinity* Steestionvllle is a email Tillage, the summer ratraat of a Tow of the Jamas Island planter*. It is on the eastern aide of the Maud, on a high plot of land, lying on a bold creek, which wind* through the marshes between James end lforria (or Folly) island*, and empties Into tbo Ptouo river near It* mouth. Tbo creek runs immediately up to fcoetsionrHie. Oa the west of the village, a short, shallow crsek makes Its way toward the watsrs of the Charles tou Fay. Thus a tongue of lend ie formed between the two creeks. It Is connected with the body of the Island by a Barrow neck of thirty yards within some (our or live hundred yards south of Secessionville. Here r<amar's battery wsa located across the high land, and flanked on each shie by marsh and (he creeks. It was an earthwork, heavily constructed, having a plain face, with an obtuse angle ou each side, and faced south, in the direction ef Battery Island. I/egare's, Reese's end Gunhail's plantations, on the Stono river, which ie about two miles off. From this point the eleared high land stretches out to the Stono river, like the top of s funnel, to the distance of near a mile, Interrupted only by the division lines between fields, hedges and ditches. These Holds are covered with weeds three feet high. The edges?of high land and marsh?are skiited with brushwood and ss* myths. In the hsrkground sr# imtcbes of wood between the fields and the 8tono. (5m Eighth Page for Actowt qf the Rattle Star SetestioiinlU, S. C., June 16,1662.] and Into lit* camp beyond. This is always a perilous attempt. Sheila either faR false, or the distance is mis calculated , and misfortune ensue?. So it did (n this case. Scv?ral of Captain Oahuru's shells fell false, mid exploded in the rear aj-t or on right in the ranks of our men. By this means the Massachusetts Seventh, which was deployed in the woods as ikirmisbers. tost several men,and by one of these shell nontenant Hullo. K, of that regiment, received i wound which v lll doubtless prove fatal. This lire wa?- imnedlat-'.y stopped. work anun.i3tV?reer u.?\t; thk r,< it ?ij. ro tuksseiars. Tw guns of Battery K, Fourth United ideate* artillery. Captain iie lioseey. wore then up the road e. id iuio the wood, end took p erttiua right iu the midst of I'aliner's brirads, aid thence ojtoned fire, which they kept op biiskty for a,mo minutes. Meanwhile there ww an mi nuet complete cessation of the musketry fire. At tlie t ine General S,miner begun to shell the woods on his front, and ttio artillerymen h- d it nil to thru, 'elves. Soon the enemy also got art'Her/ at it, and begun to Uxow shell ami sir l with considerable accuracy all around I's Iiur-ey's guns. 80 perfectly did hs get the 1 range of their pieces that they were withdrawn. Bot tins d.d not slop the enemy's flic. Many | projectiles?shell and reuud abut?fell it) the J woods in that neighborhood, and uutnbaa of men were i mutilated liy them. Mcutenaut Whiting, of General I Palmer's sled, lost his left arm by a rouuJ shot at this lime. Colonel A. J. Morrison, Volunteer AM to General Palmer, bad l>esu wounded m the thigh and hand earlier in tbo dny. isKittt.T Ttmoron tub woods. The continual push of the Kxcelsior Brigade and the fire of the artillery Dually forced the enemy entirely thiutigh the wood*. and our line now !xy just in the far. tberedgeof it. Thus we had gained our object, and there the battle rested for a time. The tire now fell cfT into an ooruaioual shot from ektriniel are, and in that poa.tion matteia em.tinned until six P. il. ASOTNWH lluniT O* Til* I.1KT. Al about that hour General Kearney led Blrney'e bri gade egainet the enemy. Fueling la on Graver's left, aud h. tseen tirover end Knbinsoa, he went at it in gal lant etyie and entirely claered the wooda. The lire there was vefy neree for several mine tee, whan it subsided, aud shortly all was inlet again. rusruf mo*s roa tub inner Thus had passed altogether a glorious day, In which we had twice beaten the enemy, twice driven bun he fme ua over the same ground. IMeimsitiotie to hold the ground In ease of a night attaok were made ell along Km line, end on the right the weakened aud wearied Eicsl si.iT Brigade waa withdrawn, and relieved by that of Den Tanner, which thus he.d the adviuce at that part of tho line. moiiv widw. Soon after dark large bodies <>r the enemy warn brought up In front of lain position held by Uon. I'almer, end lbs rebels alto pushed forward al that point a battery ot i eld pivits. Ariangeiuente were It. pr?g<? s to stutigiheu I our poehlon thn.e, when, at ten o'cV k P. M., e itrge S<rcO ws* pushed In suddenly and Ici vi . ed a vnllt; m . tliallaeoi Hi" lliiode Island da. o 4 and MumcInMii T .' i'h, Siine conftision TTstied; bet the tuon were ijen r?.hod,and .-opuUed tf .e tint*it ned adveuee and drcv# lb* enomjr beck with considerable el.i'i,hier. THE KILLED AND WC'JNflSD. ii e vioexed list of kdivd and wouQ(1*d, gathered bafllly on tho Held, m neceasiirl y Incomplete:? atl-i,un. Jfriffd. nickawttl.?l.o.i s ? ??., C.anp. /A li e t?r I'ijb<ali ir.,t'omp ny ii; B. haskina, t em> . ? it,a. v., t'c ?iniatiy Kj ifowe O. H?sk?, r.u. , t II- i* .i. n..!.wei,'; ?., a. y lavase eturnn, v- Mi|.e .y f. Georg-. dlldlage. Cotipi ii> T.. -it* -Vsa Uil? A.ibOu, P. Vva, Company B; Goo. n. Damon, Com 1*117 Datuo! Audemon, C< mi any H. So-nmi Jtnttsiur, nr Seven f*ftret Xeu> York Vokmtfrt.? George Houghton, Company A. Therekilled are si.only th se who dltd after they wore brought In. Nooeoi the kMied had been taken up froin the (Wild at the hour v. ,ieu 1I1H hat wai ma te out. wouxntn. Pint Fx'-ltijr Rrimrut. .S-r~ntieik .V ?? >\,rfr?B. Mu lt. VcK Ik. try. t>.C, leg: Mai lt Wortbhigtan. *'o C, foot: !' C. ? Malhe.t Ihvareux, Co. C, l?v, danger'ntah H. TWiimontt, Co. C.arui; .'oha Kelly, Co. B; lh.ic. K"h tord, Co. !?, ner.d. * 1 n ' r'j '-lift ? Hfi tmm'; Ser n'vf tt Xf ? P rh?Vat ?" Cover. . C . A, 11T111; Thus t'ma. Co. f, fuvt r im n I'. Fivoe, C< . I, ,m' .1. !i?i ft C, Co.te Cell. Co. C.hlp: A. Tomer, Co. I, Pnyer; Hut .C yaw, Co. It, I ana Henry Simons, Co C, both UCIir, Orn a 7nr >r , Hw. itUrr, Co, K, LiU'i; tJupt-.v# .-oibert, side Al-.u j T 1, t o V , at le Th man li'.j 'ii, Co. hi:?d; Noble Tracy, Co. A, ali oi' John D. Kccnor,0>. I?, fiivs. Ibaiy . a, hai -l. ?t.chn.' Jmt, 'to. A, h ind .ii.d; It ? har.l Cr tie,Co. K, arm. Tu(rd Keif for, Sf n ?, Mcoiftl .V tu J* rk P lr< < t ?*.? John Slieeloy, it. I. shonldor; Vlatn Burrow -i Co. (J, knee, anghtly; Haigovnl Win. l> llall.l<v; Michael Ma honey, Co. ?!, I : Pa!.,h Bundle.CO c, head: Jerry Taylor Am:tlii S o tU'ip, Milton line ti, Co. C, leu; Wiu Halt. Win Clauaon, Co. K, 11 g?-r; Marvry Sullivan, Win. he ka, moires llorrigao, Pat. Boyfn, 1 0. O, rtniyr; . ..1I1 lr inner, Cr\ band Vsiiih, V. !/<;?. ill 1 ,'der. Jams* iCarrw.Co. H.baid; W.n. I armed, Co. l>. liaink J.1.1-i'!i '.Velia.Co. K, arm; .fared Taylor,Co. G, mad, Ambrose GrCM, Co. 0, ann. J"-?i b Miller, Co. K, ; rm. Fur'k EaVsior, S"-en'y-'hini .V m Turk.?VI,met G. right arm; Hat. Howouy. Co. A, right breoat; Th a. Uuloen. On H, froln; Thoa B. t.rant. Co II. tide: Jacob Erol nan, Co. H, hand; Serge,ut Wm. Ik'V# nux, Wm. Cmnmtrge Fifh. Kir-1: ior, Sev ny/o'Dlh XfK York.? W. An. deriO?.,Co. 1. leg Serjeants J " K, Itnoe; Louie W ll?kay,Co. H. leg; Johnson Co. If, brnart. Si.Heenxik Alia.dcJuowiut.?lolwwd Joiaa, hunl am putated Jebn HyiiB,0o. F,i ijhtai tuaitiputat djUeula ntmt Plaji;, ai in. efciniul A1 w I"itnpekirr.?Van llureii O. Blj,0>. 0. kne-; W. It. teiim-y,Co. K, back. Win. Wheal#", Co. A, lioad, ?I inr?riin?iy, tloriuan rlm U.l o. O, daneerouAly; W. Me Carman, <ai. C. atiybt y: Sylvertei tludioy, Co. ft, arnt; trio- . M.Sand,Co. M,Crenel; Robert M. True,co. B, 'agam putated, Kr omen It. Tntlla.Co. II, aim. NrltoU S. Sireet, cn. 11, htn; H K Jones, to. B, leg. Cliai lee Barker,Co. b, tlii^h, Fian. raS ?ainanvCo. B, ley, Edwin Kicb r.i.on, Co. II, leg; John Strong, C". H, root; Samuel (team, 11 ?. ley. ntoinaaT. Carr, Co. U, leg. ti rate A. Lamprey, Co. ft. head ; Tboiraa A. [Add, Co. B, bretet. Ser<n t Xnr York?Captain Arch, Co. If, lag amputated; Henry (J rinan, Ov G, left foot James Mc' arty , Jam** Wh alar. head. Xrv-nlA Xeie ,/eney?.tohu H. Mi.Cormac Piflk A''?/rriiey?Jamae M 81 raauo, right arm. Iwn y rirlK Fmntylo uixv? Harry ilaxle, Co. K, both lege. ,1 rati Sot-irhutfUi?Lieutenant Bui loci. Co. C, mor tally. Sifkty ttm'k Xeie York?Fraucte C. Mapee. i burIA L'ni nl SUM AriMtrv?li>ln? i?id Kiynn, battery K,fi??t. ? Lttnih Uo'inrhnuHf?John Little, On. A.eiJo: Wm Hhtiliie. Ce. M, Ubd. atwnr ?i v saoiii rrns voce: rrKtta. Chaplain Cn .wet th, who bar been unremitting In hie attention to tho wo .uded Inn kindly fiirniehcd me wit a th? lollowing I it o, * onndod I j the Klrat Vases, hi ealtn ragimi at, wRlcn will be I'oind nearly i irrett ?A?iipony J. ?Captain bl*ird a. Wildr, b.oul aod f in to'un in leg. I-Vigeaut Krcdertck K. I ih??re. tl.alr v uuuil tu arm .h tin i'. IV ady. sh ul 'ar au l roust: W. K. COPont, ?h -i t itr Hit.I auto, H rare F Ifl.lthald, li.ig..r shot oil; Clio A H.vjoi. leu ihtmb a'...t u., tmeraun W -ow.n.b.'v; < kn? H. I.riggs, b tu ' hgii, aan aim; Ja ;. Alii iruo, CuntuJlo.i of knee, iiud .'. W i- li II r h,i-oi toeiuii. 1 1 /A?Klrit T.teuteuant I'.uliiu ???n, ttaig .-???. i d I.i wtenaui Jna" 11 Heitoti, toll an. ? se. ? am J. irn ?triu g, b th a ma. Corporal'Tin. II V i? .r x , w'vdo Irupth of forearm; Th Cn.M'.a, aula, luy u, Uji >t; i.i orr, W Luiajoy ban,I; John L. tfbr.'r.?, au^lti <calp woiinu; ti#<> c. Conk, forearm; .lamo* irvog, grdtn; !<|i hard Ikiwning, ley mil atm, not d mge.?iai*, Itai.'el t.ooilviln m. Tn 1) o, ? p. Colllna. c'eni/oav P.?.w O'Tdapned, il.'ah wduu.t in left arm; Jamre >1. Ih ini gton, neca. itHrruiga r.ehar^anil; TI .M M'-ayhot , a to. 1A1. Wlial'.hind Ml hroe-t; Par krr ti tu o.u, fc?t; i?. t. tukuo ad, linuu ?ad aim, 1 dUdhliy. CbmpiMtb ?W?b8 Teyler, teoJy wound. Geurgt Dtlid. s'^r, sar^^1 Mc:vcli,,oo,c "tu"ou: ww Ou^p-my y>._wi?. Appieton, arm aud side. Cv^'Zt ZnST'* 0?)* B-?"*"??."W. Michael 'A? ajitain Sumner Carruth arm. badly. Scrla^nm": r'Ur,anl Krauk **>"???, "rm and rule; KSl r??t; G. A. Kimball Clark'amXui ~ l;?'guson, scalp wound; [raao law ivm iJ- u n ,Ih11' ,ido Warren H. Gardiner Wentworth Wilson, lug. ' month l?!'ta'itn ' 11 ""'"-'rlil n. ain't In lb* <:. ote ,^1 11 ,J"l<ien' ?rm Cor,a>ral Geo. T 'koC'. TV'S1 fr""k '^-1; I* era, ami; Geo li allm ?-?p?*?ra, thigh; Jan. K. a m nil. 1st v i.Viiiir '"'If8' killed; Ihog. 1*. Foiiuitry, i, i . lvurJ'k'K; w?"'ajn Lang, Iuuk'b. killed" 1, ' !,U8' nl*"'t tb9 f?Jl0Wi'-? "M of i. . *(JUUu|wus received. Tho lateness of the hour wi.l account for the want of cla bi Ileal i n,:_ at ? . , /t 1/ ^'^LLKDa r" il'Sii wlSUtf' ifW. WcM-'foogh, o, ?. ju v'^r,ri&?? ... , , WOt'KTIEP. tfneteen'k V-it'diud.-i,, r. r ... . . k C?. I!, aria, C. Kn -s < 0 |T'.is * ri Al Ko. ly. Co. K rro, ? lu<- v n ' ' SergeantDa,'. t -?;^ Ui!,; A"J" Mildcu, O (j ?ri?. |i#l|1-|" w i "- '? S'o'n; Win. sn.uel B. Ol / v ! Urhon, Co. A. kno<-: Fanm. 1 .Sill,II,. >',. \ *1' "r? 'i''i,y' Col"r SergfRui '? vid A'li I ,r ?" " *i'??"iKler, Co. A. hand C aim; Uro/ NVa,,nn,co1Al'l.n s-Til.botu.fV h-.d fa..-. ?)yHa ,-* iv bA;. ,WT: "'0s sh n< ? ?? Jl.wr. .Jr.' Sulllr >? !r , '""V^"Kinney. r\,. J? ? groin, A'u rw \'o'tun C V ?k1{: l,t" ill,rlH.'r, Co. o., h-uiXs ' p"u"*v,,!i"ey'*?"*>?. tafu ^';,V^^<,ntl#,hNew Vorkj.-orderlyser n/f'wXf b"' VT, *?*>-*. Wll. ?'n?'|wt.O?r?n.v{-.*|{r. ' ? Mrl'W, Bho.lder; Aunceg, tx?m any H Kb'."|liU'^ w'r X D, u m;'a'i!X','?,;?? KcAfillen"1' """ i,ow,li"*. ''"mnany H i,ill!g","",Jr ,I1U: Moo ., h - d.'' "" ''' "' ?:i? '*eaot M^Jor Norton K. DOro. A 0? r(;e fiobh, Oomj?a?)> If, *":TY,?-ann >oa'i N. Tini .ni n. ? ,'i.. K- kOOA; st. ,,o. 1? : :'Co hmX1" 'l,er1ro t I "K; a. I',.,;. lUnXico k"|0?P r8# ,,rak#?, fie n t /ihmu'nTll ll1."?!zh'k' r?Cn' W In'-ired. R. loickn r.'tii h'rokmi. (V'' " I,oa'' ?'??? ! Awl, j, ?> . n h \ .r ) ,ru ....? h 1|n ni ! *'?*" " _J ,lm Coylo, c i F^ kne'e. L '"oXX.1"? ?! 'o?8<4r,-m?ny. I-ATI.N0 OP rUE Co .MOK MO.NK OP A NEW PKOCH PKIilEbl ANT Cni'BCU. , fX'^f., l? 'D "Testing ceremony ?huri, Mene or a new Fr-nel, ..,-otesl.ut ? "r- Vorren is l-tor, look Ma-c in tlio .co of . ,aw JZtuZ i.M even,ngon riiursdny ? ? ? ri.e bulldmg, which promiies to ho a line and oapn " ;bce H s.iuumd in Tw-nly str?, * twecn kiti.l, and Mv'.li a. euu...-, K ,l0 (|llWl<>(, ino:.t .iji. i-.v-ru . - v. ?m chit .. Ioral p. v.\, and ... in etery way an ornament and a, t0 lh? Uci^,b ,p 'Iho corc'?HOiiic?- \\ ?*! t ?-;i ? av wi* ^ J to th. -o rotifrailvnh ?0.v?l-.n thow i;,;,' - c . - ionr. TiieKov.iv. y, f t.Oeo:-gc.ach." "? .a,. stod in the oxercn, -four most dinting i?,"l Wcra '?"If treat mie ?t in II,- ? , , , . ' d eee iings. " '"'u" i" "it* |n il 1 he ilov. Dr. Vkrki:n delivered ave y .- .,vo dls ^?ue. ir. sjKike In wnrdn sincere thanlcfulne*" to Uniwftre., for all 'he and ?!hy wUl. uhjd ntTlarink**'1 "^W'U ^ WOrk Wl.i.-h lie had huertaken. After thu puins and sorrows of tU i?.;er feud ",i'eU Ul"410 l ? a ?f<at cn^lation. Therevc rend gent Ionian the,, enter .A into a s , tt nt d.^vi, tonof the u,uv ement for Uiooeubl,^,,lent ?f lll0 00, L " ittu.' rr1 rr1^' ?? ?nd obvUcles witliwlikl, bis or-ugregattoi, bt d had to proeervod^pure""in' \he'1 Aljdno*'vVllo^"'' a*!)?i"''n*' mount*his or Hauic l-row-i e,. .n , ,i ? \ 1 1,1 ' 10 Wing pl?,Ud ,.ar, y iu ,h ' l_> th? ueirt, s xzzixszssi 'isx zsiV-P ssa, Hr5^' dera of her it,,.fi *to i> ... . "?? ?eroc?ou? cru>a bdoe of tb. Ah^lo.Xwie^^^ Jier w I'd ,V#U 10 IDb Kohem ia?when.-e Inter l e ; Prague?go lar irota having Xtrovel hT,'''9''' ?f ssAms sstk tins and ilneb* ,7 Savoy K w?? L . c ' H"h'' of liar lerritoi'y w ihuthat ^.d. ,?Xg|UVuu lla.'^f ecu lei, li ul j 1,11.1s, suddenlv , V," p those tzsstsi saw.-', ei'Uiitry. , H"'a?"f thvirown ?ho dKc.urse throughout was marked by real elo , -ence and ,-ue-.nM wo r g,-Jt ttl,. Ul4l ^ permit Ha full publication iu our nco-Marily |,ml^, coluiuna. n,e fdl'w'ng d-v ument was Unpenned in , >*d bor .? y?Mh.Mrt,,,,t,oflOTl?:nii(?, ,r lL.rh ' In lb' ni In: t-gclU, witbaFreorh ll.ble o-.d prayerb -... ami th* ,^a|n.* g?t to m wic; tbj iwiuci-.-i daoy iiewapapere, tl.o religious Joura.lg, and n am'*,, collect Ion of I nilvd .-Ju-e.s coin :-. .-pint I Saneti T. ruplum A l? VI1PVIV.^ nrum Unci . Ansa a ,,ii,|m,,mm p.u ui 1U 1 '* Ohioriiiii *r?ctuin. FrankHnp w,ea a. H ?,,* ,, c*str,1Ctua Ver-rcvrendi II I'oiter, n.H. ' >un i.h.-ruti d,oe ?(>* i, in-,, ,' R.ere., It.,. Verren,d!d., ceclcri.i) roct"; ig L. 1 outrcl, Hoa. C. Verplanck ? . luRiftilB. T. Unchantln.T. T. I.rgrave, W. nueh T t * , Guental, F. M. AiUia, I*. A I^cl?m,c"Gillie, curatormn ttuariictM. T. t'c re,a, architect, nc T T Th"irr c.-ementii*. T. T. Mlder,talili et < rane,inaterntiiru- faliri# D.M, Master, lapl. Ida. W' ^ ^ i? min a rr ir rt'O'di.TnaliMll A Uiotnry <>f tlio church wan tktfchod m rha dlaconrao of tbo Koir IT. Vcrrcn. U allowed thai tho Ural bout* of wnrthlp I" connection with tho ccngi'gallon waa titclod 111 1704 in l ino i-titot, folMwod in 1-.32 by ono bui.t )u K.auklta otreoi. Tht protonl o.Ijm o lak?w tbo plaeo or ihrso mnro mod out church**, hioh hnvc done good tar vice f?* 'ho OOngregatlon, but ar? now no longer (n a location to moot the wanto or tho Increaaiug n.iuibor of worth ipiwra. Tbt Roo. Dr. T?*u, who aarlttad jn tbo ewr?l?t?, apokt in very tatoroat of long-iagi. of tbo olalma of tbo French Pi etc at vita on lit* 0 -naldtratlom of th* public. Ho thought tb?t tbo old iiiiguonoM, with tbo Waldontoo of tbo Alpa, woro onl ulod to l>o considered an among tho priuoort of ioformatior. and In concluding, paid a high c imptimant to too French Protcatanla of Amorica and other eoontrla# thi .agb ?,t tbo world. I'uo ?xiTCioo? were i: lured by tba nodal bcuodlotioh' and tbo otojmbly dlamleood. The rbMiidrl|ihla Uarti, i* iiLaran.nn*, Juno 47,1102. At tho third rtiy'a racing to-thy, there wtro between tbroo and four liiooa-ind eportiiUira. 1 ho w?\v her wno beautlfni, arl lb" ?ia?.a cot.tidOiUig tho lolo . >avy r?lua, i i ?ooJ ? mdilloit. Tbo Unit raco waA a single dii^U of >ne iu!'t, and w it w n by John Mm?i* r> Nil** .eaato ternlag feiirgt. n 1 by a> d ,+ rd.te ball a leng'b In I (#'t In tut r?co ior tnt i'tiio p.i-o. ht.its, tbt Oral Ii u; we* w.-u by Hr. \Yi'i,> nla'io u ?i., a d ??it ? .ml,ihlrd .in. foil: ;>i hoal* by tir. J. A'.Clay'.- >Vh ri m i'"?t 3w*lg?rt and tyc.oLt *a> tan. ihut? l 4 ?--* :47 V- I 4'' i?l ?rt. 'I t Urlfivf I K" bit 1.1 g. tilt tlli'tt 111.Ill boat race .tud thb lotli It' gi'i. act w i bnc iuToaitu A rroaJt HI. biinia. !*. Im it. J. i O 27( 1IGI. Mnw b Wclhtr. ?xipni ve M"Mc it.i rr.t ai d i .h btnort wtro aire?te?i *u?i liy ita* l ovott Maitbei, am. qa.iiitititod to tut military p.'.tun, i.*4 their onto bUaWbaOftt C.atari f if tUi og MHt itotlo. NEWS FROM THE SHENANDOAH. N':ar FbojttR' van, Juno 28,1882 Reconcoltsances on Vr.duy and Retard iy b ine; liit?|m gonoo that the enemy had net any force iu this vail*, lower than Lnray. Contrabands and Union citizens agree that Ewell and probably J cason were at and arouiid Lnray at that time, and some stated that Jaekeon had sent south for reinforcements. Per centra, others state that he had crossed the B ne Ridge, but could not assert whether he was to move up or down. One reronnoissunco proceeded by way of Mllford te Washington, and thenco to Sperryville. Here It woe loarnod that a company of rebul cavalry had gone north with the avowed Intention of sinking the railroad at some weak point, and nutting a stop to our trains. On the i' return tliey twice repulsi I smali bed ee of rebel ca airy, and drove them into the mountains toward* Lu ay. i.rnera'.s Fremont and Rinks had a conferenco near Mlddletown on Friday. The former's headquarters were at Si asburg on Saturday. It is understood that the trains on the Manassas road will not proceed farther up than White P aine today. The town of Front Royal and the surrounding valley are almost do|<npu'aied, except by defonoeless wmne. and children. and tho ripening grain crape must evident ly he I st for want of I o rr- cig. The laei that our retreating array wae subsequently tired upon from h< ses In Winches'T, and in S one case* bv females, is attested by ftfly-sevea oilicers and so, diers of Williams' division. Several oi the chute at alleged to have boon fatal. The following piuinoth ns iiavs taken place in tbe Filth Connecticut:?< olonol,(ioorgc it. Fhanman; Lieutenant Co'onel, Henry 'tone; Major, Lieutenant E. F. Itiake. Mr. George T1 God o, lato of the Second Mas aohu scti-', hi* b?< .i orde el to the command of tho Third bri gadeol Gen'ml Williams' division, which 110 as Colonel ? omin.tnd) : at it a ball e of Wtuoh"*t r. General tiourge 8. Greene h <b been ordoved to report at Wa- Uington for oilier duty. WAtfnvoToy June 27,1RC2 Information from the Sbeuandooh va Icy .received fiotn ot In r than official sou rroe, lea s cit.ebolic that Jackeou'e troops have not m force leturoetfrom thep not atwhieh they were last seen bv our troops. The spo illations i oin erniug him are \orious, and among them Is no that he Is repairing damages and preparing to secure the wheat an I rye crop of the vail y. which represented to be good, fbe rep Hits that abound Uiat tbe i neiuy ar* tx copy log the country bet ween Manassas and St rash irp hi any force a>-e untrue. There may. however, be rebel i clous at settleinente heretofore temporarily occupied bv our troops. INTERESTING FROM THE SOUTHWEST. M KM THIS, Juuo 26, 1802. The railroad from Columbus, Ky., t> this city ia now In opcrat on, aud In a day or two thoro will bo railroad communication to Corinth. ami from there to HuntsviUe Alabama. Enough ???iboi; "took has been eecured U c romance oporttt h tig with. Over 1.600 |?e--.on? havo takers the oath of aliegieuo* knee the occupation or this place. All ih qujot at ('oi'iritU. Tlmi |H)int will be garrisoned hv taro divisions,! and it is to J that (-.en. Malleoli will return tost. Iouis very soon. '.leu. Inw. Wallace and'stall loft hare yesterday for tin. I?>. e*. M.'ii. Mc le n ud w still at J.ilcgon, Touu. A .loot of sto 'irn- h with snppim for het.ural Curtis at my, lias u rivod, uid will lie escorted up Wbito river Ark , by a strong guard. Mayor Caik no Aldermen llooinsnti, Tclgreoand Hurl but have takuN the oath of all* gtame, but tiiu remainder of .1.0 lUtrd liuug hark. il troops have \ sited Moultriecounty, Miss t.btierai Urugg was to tako command at Yicksburaon tl Ot.ii. ? tii Torn! Stir y'. r Hamilton has roslgned on nccoiat ol ili lioalth,and will be succeeded b.v lituoral Uosecraus. it s re ji ttd tii t uisru am 2U,ooo ti tut at Vnksbire under Ihagg ami I'jiltivr. tho Grenada 1 ./? -.! says that Vlckvbnrg will be held at all .act'11iocs, aud that ail i.ou coiunuiauta h.,vo been kt-i t aw ay . flm Vick'burg (Hlken ?ay? the rebel force at Tupolio has lieon greatly iac.ested and their camps much itn proved. I'ho Cilicrn publishes a letter from the nontenant commanding the guuboat Win n t? tho authorities of Way, warning l.ietu it litol uiiU transports are fired upon from ibo batteries etoeUtd at or near that point tho esniw punishment will he \ i.tiled upon that town which the i-tijr of UrsttU tiulf received; to wlneh tlen. Loveii repllra that hW batteries are located at the best point*. an<i i hat he she'I lire when lie pi usam. Ft is now sfatet that tieu. Koaecruiss takes command ol Man. Pope's command iunlea.1 ut uuu. UamUton'e di vision. Arrlwwl of the Seminole from Norfolk* THE C'lTV CMIKH WAKI I At. t. VW --tJl'tKTNWIfl PRICVAII. IMt, ETC. ETC. Ilia gunboat Bcuiiuolo, Captain tVllllatn Smith, at rived at tin* |xirt vivtcrdtiy luoriifti; from Norfolk, bringing the latest news from that quarter. On tho lUth Norfolk wis again .'dsocd under martial law by (ieucral Vide, in anticipation of a disturbance ?rising from thr election to be hold, hut wltirh was pro hibited by trcuerai Vteltt. All via* <piwt ih and about the Vicinities of Norfolk ti t IVirtstuob h. The Bemintde lis* returned home 'or repairs. having El;?' has boon hi comaiis giOa over two jeers, aud ou lbs op.u.iig of I lie war was ordered home fr? m the l'.-*/* consi, where she had been cruising tor a jeer, end scut on tho blockading gorvti*. SiIC hat dope go..(i g;i i i,c during tho war, and litis (lie tho buttlo of Port I to; a , .ic-m in several ,>vcro en gagetne.iU. lii" liius oi tour' of the crew lit .ug up, she * w ill probably be put out of comm. in. On h ir pus sage Viiin Hampton P. adi to this port, at night A. M. uia the Jtdih she ie?=ed thr sanitary i a.,i Haniel Webster, for ud oiitll. The rollowmg l' a IHt or ihr o!iiri.rf t'ji Sutuiuote.? CvMut'iinfer--Willi itu ci.ii h. /l f i u? ii II "if fri K ,V lili.1 r?C. p. Nertou. -?< tf<v A. H M.; <?air, Kipauiin Melville, Sle ph U II. Kttiis-'l, Vll" s. >1.. (?. a< r ?" u -t. ? Perk. Ai tuff P.l j'i i.c *? - T/i. ts f'aud*. Ci.t'1 t 'tiihl ?r ? V. II. i.uii/. iuf AV.t's ts?;i ,. Ia. rt?. dames I kt veer, oliu '? l?jn.K. 1.. ?'o v'V, VV. A.iwwu.v. i.'; f-1 M ? c?!'. H. '???.? oy. Co,, re'. Ok .'.* -fch .ontwitt. I ?? nu? 'i (,'l<rfc- .1 In. K. i ou?on. News from (aitu uia end Urritnn. s iv En iM tKC.i, June 1ST j. Tlie I'uioti Com e- tioti, oal.ed by tho t'.i p ib.i. iii. Cculrai Oaiiiuilteo, nu-t at .i rauicnto ou Um ilih.umt no- iWitd Jclin hweet, of t an F.auol.'co, c v Uldntc lor Sot "Inteudcnt of Puh.ic Instruction. No ?itne. Stato oilli if are to be eieoud tl.ij year. 7 or iut rest centres loUicThiioi of members c the I, which elect i .ie l nPed Etaios oeuHtot . The L'i lou c Riocrils will noiaiuate th -lr candidate by the tats t'c ltral t'omuiiltee. Jhey wilt to ut# Mgoro se oris t?? secure tho cuptrvl ol tlie h'txt Legislature The Breckinridge democrats pro {vise to abandon t heir organ tAP ion. <>r?gon dates ure to the ITth. 1 here hod been another great rrrib doing urie at damage te the v dey twrtli us oi the elate Tho bu t .e.ia p<cHot. or Port and wau in ti de ed. i.'rt-wds o; tnpgrs had o mrticu,- d roturni .< from .Sainton river, tho niluers ret.revr.tii.g fiat H at dtairlct mot hutded octet.t .md orer ciowteil. Th? (o'ul number el tneo who our gut d front Caiiornia to < treg on and British t olttmbia, alto i the year commenced, it euti maiml el tweu'y tho aund. Arrived lhth, chip Mnry I.. Sutton, New York; if.tb ?ttuuuter Ooldru Agf PaltMUtt. Euiicd lath, ablp Ha ?.' hi. t , IVietuti Hub, Aaiet .on. Now, 'JOtn, Unit Eire Celtao; gist. Katelloope , ih-og Koug; J j. Limmlickl Cathw. Sam Kuasna o. June 2S, IMS. Bailed I'nliel sutee steamer n y tn >>g, Manlhn etenin er tloi'en Age Panama, c'rryiug lfi p. a and f P-"u,utKi m ttcasiire fur New York and f'JbO,U#u f(,r kngiand. Mreio at ma Cajrntit. Pask.?Tha Central Park Otn mi iMoaero vtuuunoe tlmre will he music At the Cen tra1 Park ou the Mall, on Saturday nest, the iMth teat * ?t four o'clock P. M , by Uie Central Park Hand, uadet the leader <htp of H. B. Iiodworth, it tho weather la fine The fallowing is the programme;? PART I. 1, March frmn " II Ouiramento" Mereedenie 2. ilsi ?t . music Mar.ut ka aud tiaiup ?' U i ropiiet" Meyerbeer. A, H mg? ' We May he Happy Yet," Uotieetian Pel re. 4 Overtce??' Merry Wivnsoi Windecr" .Nk-etai i-ari it. 1 selection from " itohert le Mtable' Meyerbeer. U ltlb 'iliieu AlrS Jul.lea .1, >'? iter 'O from Symphony in A Ji Sfetideb echo 4. "/an ..a ' l'o.k.? 1 ttltug I- t;i in. 1 Overture? Maritana W V. WwlUoe. k '? I'll' W.AHTies 11- '?? IbbtWOrUl. il. Sol ctiou--1 A oi t It. e.ia" .ltd iwatt.. I Kru tleu lubel ?*?< >p ....hithnei. >*,, infti INI J'ourrl. CAPtAtaEmitii, Ei.ui: v it .urti Nrw Y.w? r.utmMt ? A 'fit. ? ire ill C*. U"i V?Tle, of C-mciny p, ? J Hi I of ?nil" '? N>-1 s r'utuuteers (trl?b Ungau*), t bis f*' >w, In this city, and date t Pair unite, >? , Jiuw at ?.r* m it the i ? rt "f the cteaib ol Cap At.t Siniib, J C'ompitta/ A,wi* theaoO.. ? ,m a ,publtrhtc In toe ,1'ipr i a few i tys swiv ?. as having been kills I white onpu kd 'S Soairrly wH is .1 ouofaiion,?e I the fa > t.i'c f idli t? 11 th.i ouyoymcai of ty .. jj-gf of health ,t* -iV ^ ' e?e ? . T, I' his wire tt" f.-mTly And nmaertts friends Mi toe d?V?