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FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Fkidat, June 27?8 P. M. cvchiingo and markets look as though they may have reached their highest point for the present: though of course much depends upon the movement of American securities from Europe. Foreign exchange opened to-day at 121 for bank er-' bill-, rose to 121%, and closed dull at 120% a 121Gold opened at 109%, sold down to 109%, and closed that bid. Judging from present ap pearances, it would seem that the flurry which aided so largely to cause the recent advance in gold and exchange is about over. Speculators are soiling their coin and their bills; people seciu to have about made up their minds that the i-sue of another $130,000,000 of Treasury notes will not ruin the country. Gold hoarded by speculators costs, in lo-s of interest, % l,er 0?nt a month* 1'be Africa's mail did not bring as many stocks for sale as was expected, with the exception of the Eries, which were both well supplied. It is ru mored that Mr. George Peabody, of London, has made something like a million of dollars by buying American stocks at low prices in England and sell ing them here. The coincidence between Mr. Peabody's operations a d the boar articles in tiie London Times on American securities has attracted some attention. Money is in brisk demand at 5 per cent per an. aum on call. As the 1st approaches, loans on demand are called in, and there is always some disturbance in the money market. Paper sells at ? a 6 per cent, and is very scarce. The stock market was firm this morning, with the exception of Erie old and preferred, which was freely supplied, and which declined % per cent. It is understood that sonic parcels of -tock arrived by the steamer yesterday. Panama advanced 4 percent on the new quarterly dividend; Pacific advanced Reading 2, and the Western shares shout % a % all round. Central was steady. Bonds were generally active, e.-nerially the issue8 of the Chicago and Northwest* rn, which were free ly supplied at yesterday's price: the seconds fell 1% per cent. Those bonds are still very much lower than other corresponding securities. Governments were firm; State stocks inactive but steady. Be tween the boards littl- or nothing wa3 done. At the sccoud board chore was no change in the list until th? Western shares were reached, when they all appeared to be wanted at higher prices. Toledo and Rock Island were especial fa orites?the for mer as the cheapest dividend paying security on the list, the latter on account of its earnings. The market closed firm, the following being the last quotations:?United States 6's, registered, 1881. 102% a 102%; United States 6's, coupon, 18-1' 106% a 106%; United States 5's, coupon, 1874, 96% a 97; Treasury notes, 7 3-10 per cent, 106% a 105% ; Tennessee 6's, 58% a 58%; Virginia 6's, 56 a 56; North Carolina 6's, 72 a 73%: Mi-souri 6's, 51% a 51%; American gold, 109?% a 109%; Pacific Mail, 116% a 116%; New York Central, 94 a 94%; Erie. 36% a 36%; do. preferred, 64% a 65; Hudson River, 47 a 47%: Harlem, 17% a 18; do. preferred, 43 a Head ing, 59% a 60; Michigan Central. 64 a 64%: Michi ~^a Southern and Northern Indiana, 27% a 27%; do. guaranteed, 62% a 62%; Panama, 138 a 140; Illinois Central, 62% a 62%: Galena und Chicago, 72% a 72%; Cleveland and Toledo, 49% a 49%; Chicago and Rock Island, 69% a 69%: Chicago, Burlington and Quinsy, 78% a 79; Milwaukee and Prairie da Chien, 35 a 35%; New York Central 7's of 1878,106% a 107%: Erie third mortgage, 97 a 98; Michigan Central S's, first mortgage, 107 a 107% Illinois Central 7's, 96% a 96. After the board the market was very firm indeed; 19% waa bid for Rock Island, and the Western shares generally were wanted at extreme prices. ^The scarcity of currency is generally remarked, thie conversions at the Sub-Treasury have ceased almost altogether, from the simple reason that the legal tender notes are not to be had. The wants of the government and the requirements of busi ness have scattered tbem over the country, leav ing so few of them here at the financial centre that it woald be a matter of great difficulty to collect a hundred thousand dollars. Green backs rose this morning to 104% a 106%, but afterward fell back to 104% a 106. The business of the Sub-Treasury was as follows to-day:? ftocaipta $1,005 402 95 ?For oust'.ms 237,000 00 t*ay mantf 1,6*1,034 74 aelsnce 14,451,901 11 The exchanges at the Bank Clearing House this norning were $23,206,117 06, and the balances 11,300,275 79. Yesterday the Comptroller opened proposals for the sum of $333,000 Central Park improvement 'und stock ot H76. The following table is an ex aibit of the opening and award*: ? ,Vi?! Apumnt. Pat' Acxept*i W Hard!* $1,500 102 03 ? r 1 iieatou 25 000 101 u0 ? r. Tiles ton 25 (WO 101 05 ? r Tt lee toe 25 000 101 10 ? loae. h < ox jo.Oi'O 102 *0 ? lo-vb i/>* 50.000 102 40 ? I. septa Cox 34,500 102 05 ? Ds lA'iDSf, Clerk ft Co 25..W0 102 50 ? Marie Mcdregor I <**> 102 11 ? rl -nry A. Stone tt Son ... 10 >W0 101 20 ? Sobsrt ftanwi lilie ft Co 5 1,00 100 *0 ? Dry liock Savings Itsnk 100,000 102 50 ? Mariner*' Saving* 25.<*i0 100 25 ? ,t?ad. Dresel k Co 333 is*) 101 47 ? Jiiman , Son ft Co $4,000 100 5S _ iilnian, Hon ft Co 20,000 loo 44 ? IT 8. Clltosn 20 000 101 04 ? Sroa Iwsy Saving* Institution. 25,000 101 00 ? Sroadwsy Savings Institution. 26,000 ioi 25 ? iroadwsy .savings Instlt iti >n 50 .000 101 50 ? Wart ft Co 30,000 103 00 1,000 Ward ft Co 15,000 102 00 ? WardftOo 100 OvO 10151 ? Wad .% <x> 1S5 000 101 15 ? W HI'UC .n 10 1*10 100 24 ? Win H Hoople 5.000 100 50 ? 6 A'bitsb jus* 8 'n ft Morlson. It. "00 102 00 ? i Wbiieh?.t:se, H?n * Mnrlson. 10,000 101 50 ? jt. Wlm-ib (use, Sou a Murison. 10 000 101 00 ? 2ba*. K Kyd?r 11600 10100 ? 3taa* . K Ry.lor 10 two lol 7k ? :taae. K Ry ler, 10,00.) loi H6 ? 2ba* E. Kyder 10 000 101 .*) ? taas K. Hy ler 27 1*10 10$ 5* _ Uumsl Bir'o 333 0)0 103 (*) 300,i 00 fclward !>. Psters ft Co 1,"W 10125 ? vlward t). Sobler ft 1 barles A. Wulcta 30 000 100 50 ? lohn 1* (oflln 6 000 101 05 ? luftn f Coffin ... 6,000 101 24 ? I'.tau 1' < -illin 6 "00 10161 ? lohn J. Craa'j 2 500 1>? 00 ? I bn .1 Crane 2,5.(0 100 50 ? lobn J. I'rana 2,600 !<*) 76 ? I >hn J. Crane $,500 101 00 ? 4?rman Saving* Kan*. 10,000 100 34 ? iarman Raving* Hnult IO.oOO 100 44 ? iorman Savings llauk Ki.000 100 64 ? W. l.c* ft Krelba*.! In .Oft) loo 00 ? Wauacs .* Br clnsad 1.000 101 26 ? Its W Claik 3,ooo loooo ? R. R Uuna 1,000 loi 11 ? fh k Mailett,Jr 8.000 101 00 ? City Mlivings BsnV of Bridge- ( i ifld 100 *0 ? I port,Coca... ( j/*)0 loi o4 ? fsinss (lr .nl).it. 3.(AM) 101 ijo ? Mary iloDouaid loo 102 50 ? 10 000 loi no ? Total $1,794 000 $333,000 Ward ft Co get a share of vbs whole amount m propor 1m to the sum bid fur by them The People's Bank has d'-lared a semi-annual lividend of three and one-half per cent, payable Inly 1; the Panama Railroad, a quarterly dividend of three per oent out of the eurnings of the road, and one per cent additional from the earning* of iteamcrs, Ac., payable July 5; the New York, Providence and Boston (Htonington) Railroad, a ?emi annual dividend of three and a half per cent, payable on demand, at the office of Matthew Mor gan ft Hon, No. 37 William atreet; the Park Fire Iosuraii e Company, a dividend of five per cent, payable July 1; the Pacific Mail Company, a semi annual dividend of forty dollars per share, payable on demand, the Bates Manufacturing Company, ft ?ami annual dividend ol six per cent; the Trades men's Bank of New Haven, four per cent, and the Meohanlco' Bank. $2 6b per share, both payable Jnif I. own Bxrnanpci l-KU'.kV, June 27, 1862 f !>00 U ^ 6'S,'81 ,"50U lOi'i 80 ebeChalb k 80 6000 do ni ifltii' iflFtniiOoiiOii..!. 98 8*00 do 1i.<H4- loo Puciili M &? Oo.?fO 118 33 do I'SOsSlOri* 11 ,y loo 800 do *30 116', luuO U tj 6 a,'74,c<u 9t>X 41 do 117 X llaOO l'ree 7 S-lOpoa lOdX 100 <lo 117X ?>Oi8) 111 loan .. 1(>J-, 60 d > 117 20000 do 102.X 100 Erie KK 030 37X 22000 Twin 6's, 00.. 68 X 223 ao 37 8000 do 6a (, 2a0 do b3i) 37 3000 Virginia O's... M 200 do *30 96% l.V (8) Missouri 6's... SIX 150 do Sa'? 2 JOO N V Cea 7 ?... 102 loOO NY Central KK. 94X 3i*8) N V Cea bs.'76 107 150 do 04 5000 ? RR 4th in be. 90.X 200 do b30 94 X 2ooo0 do 90 , 100 do b;l0 91 X 1000 Hud K latin bt 110 ~ 6o0 do nio 94 6000 l|ichC8poba,old 103 X 50 do sl6 94 10000 do 103 60 Erin RK prof 64 X 3i uO 8pc lxn sfcb 107500 K utdiug KK 60 6000 Mi li S-p 2d 1 85 100 d<> 830 69X 1000 Mich So 1 f bs 101 50 Mich ( en Kit. s20 61 1000 C A N W Aex b 84 115 do 64 1000 CW AN W 1 m 70 400 Mich So N 1 KK. 27 X 5000 (1.1 69 X 100 MIcb-oANI gs.b3U 62 X SooO Qai&Chi 1st ex 104 650 da 62'., 5000 CANWas-tbb20 55X 170 111 Can RK scrip.. 02 , 22000 d? 65 60 do b30 62 ?, 1(8100 Chi ANW2dm. 34X 175 a<> 62X 601.0 do l?30 35 1895 CIot A lltU KK. 21 5000 do b30 34 X 000 do 1.30 21X 15(8)0 do b30 34 X 100 do 060 24 X 2000 do 84 X 19 dUr.ColACio 15K. 196X 6000 Tol A Wnb lm. 93 225 Ualelia A Cbi KH . 72 SOOOXolA Wab 2(n 68X 60 do >>30 72 lOOOO do 08 X 50 do blO 72 lOOOClctroA'l'ol stbds 99 600 Clev A Tul RK.. . 48X OdOO do 98X 400 d > k3'0 48 X 2000PlttB,tTWAtTm 90 200 do 1)30 49 12000Pltts.Ft5V\C2m 82 200 80 1.30 48X 2000l'ittH,l"tWfcC3m 56 200 da 48X 8000 CleveAPitu 4m 08 X lr>0 Cbi & Rock 1 RR.. 087i 35000 American g. id 109'g 35') do 69 63oCtf do 109X 63 Hel.LAWwi RR. IOOX 15000 do (SO 109 78 Toledo St Wab KK. 21X 5 sh*13k8taleof N Y 94 8BC0ND BOAllD. $15( 00 l'S6i>, '81, reg 102 X 60 sits Mich Cent RR 64 4(88)California 7V.. 97 100 do l>30 64 6j<8) Ei le KK 1 mo b I06X 3?0 Micli 8 5: N la RK 27 X lOOOu CbiAN W asx bo 64 150.MA8Magstk.b30 62X 1000 do 63X 60 do 1.60 621: 3000 Clii ANW let m 09 150 do 62 X 6000C A N W 2 (11.030 34 160 III Cant KR scrip 62 X 10000 da 34 00 t ie,Col A Cin RR. 120X 4aoo P,FtW&t hi 1 m 96 ICO Cleve A lilts R't. 24 5000 I',FtWACb2d m 81X 200 WO 24 3(88) Tol A Wa 1st m 93 50 do 1.60 2 P4' 4000 Tol A Wa2d (11. 6SX 700 da 23\ 5000 Ilud R 2d a f lis 102X 350 Cal A Clue UR... 72 50uo Mica So 2d mi ? 85.X 600 Clave A Tol ItR.. 49% 50000 American gold. lo9X 100 do slO 48.X 3(000 do s30 109 260 do 49 10sb* Psc MiilSSCo 11?X 160 Chic ARkURR. C9 160 do bio 116 X 20 da 6?X 100 N Y Central KR.. 9J'? 200 Little Miami RR.. 106 6' 0 Erie RK 30 X 300 Mil A I d.i C RR. 35 X 100 d.) Sio 36X 100 do t CO 35 U 50 Erie RR pref..bl0 64 X 60 Chi, I) & (J RR sOO 71 7(8) do 64 X 100 do 78X lot) Huds.n R RK.... 47 Quotations by F. P. James & Co., st'EctK m...ai2!is, 45 wall sthckt. Am gold ?l 09.X Am.halves A quarterxll 05 Vic. sovereigns?. 6 25 Am. aid do 108 Napoleons (20 frJ.. 4 15 Spanish d >llars 112 Ten thaler pieces... 8 15 Mexican dollars 112 Ten thaier, Prussian 8 75 I'rus.-'iaa (haters 73 leu guilders 4 15 Five francs loo I'atri .t doubloons. 16 70 Cor. and Fr. cr iwns.. 1 10 Spanish d .ubioons.. 17 50 Fpan. A Mex.qr.fperf.) 23 Uu.l-'d elites J maid n ties, 104X * Ida. CITY COMMERCIAL. REPORT. Fkiiuy, June 27?6 P. VI. BKEiom'm.?Flour?Tbe market for most grades of common and medium grader of Stute and Western brands were firmer ana about five cents higher, while the higher qualities were quite firm. The sales embraced about IS,ouO ubls., closing tvithin the following range of prices:? Suporilne Hate 14 30 a 4 40 Extra State 4 70 a 4 8u Superfine Western 4 30 a 4 40 Common to choice extra Western.. 4 75 a 6 10 Cat adorn 4 70 a 6 10 So .ihern mixed to good superfine 5 10 a 5 75 Extra do 5 SO a 6 75 Hood to choice family do 6 75 a 7 25 Kye Hour 2 75 a 4 00 Ooru moal, Jersey and Brandy wine 2 85 a 3 DO ?Canadian flour was in fair demand and prices rather firmer. Tbe sales embraced about 1,100 bbls. within tbe Shove range of pricee. Southern flour was in good re quest and prices quite steady, with sales of 2,000 bbis. within tbe above range of quotations. Bye flour was in fair demand at our figures, wiib sales of 200 bbls. Corn tn ulwas m moderate demand and prices steady, with sales of 100 bbls. Jersey and Brandy wiue. Wheat was Arm,and for tome grades lc. a 2c. per bushel higher, while sales were lee' active and comprise* about l'O.O.O bushels, at $1 25 a 41 26 .or whit) Michigan, $1 22 a $1 24 for amber do., including Bonis In store at $1 21, and ?1 03 a $1 08 for Chicago spring, fl 00 a $1 11 for Milwaukee club, 51 17 a $1 21 lor re* West rn winter, and $1 40 for choice white Kentucky. Corn was firmer and activo, but was lei a buoyant at the oluse. The sales footed up about 75,000 bushels at 46c a 47c. for heeled, 4ttc a 52c, for new and fufurfor mixed, and 53>4e. a54>?o. for old do., in store and delivered, with some lots of prime do. at 55c., and W stem ye.iow a' 56c. Rye was Arm, with small sales of Slate at 70c e 77c., and of Western at 72c. a 73c. Barley and barley malt were unchanged and prices nominal Date were in fair request, with sales of Canadian and Western at 42c a 42c. and 45c. fur State. Conax was quiet and pricee were steady No sales of moment were reported. Conox?Tbe market was again Arm, with sales of about 1,600 bales, l.OcO of which it was said were to gn out < f market, on the l.aale of 37>5c. a 83c. for mid utnig uplands. A sale of fair quality do was made at 40c. Ffxiuitw.?Engagements were s una less active, wlu'e rates were quite Ai in and h.gher. To Liverpool SO.otO bushels wheat were engaged at 10Vd. a lid. in bulk and in ships' bags, 5,400 bbis. flour at 3s., 700 bbls. pork at 4s.. 140 packages butter at 32a. 61 , and 80 tierces grease a: 23s 61. To Li. dou 1.500 bbis. !l ur at 3*. 3d. To (Pasgvw 11,000 bushels wheat at lid., in bu.k .ind In ships' bags, and 500 bbls. flour a: 3s. 3d A; ve<ec! wa- tak n up for a dir.- I |*ort In Ireland at ll>?d. per 60 lbs , tu bulk. A Prussian baik to Belfast, wnh gram,as 8e. 3d. lur quarter. There was no alteration in rates for ttiuc n.iueut. I Rovialaw.?Pork?The demand was fair and prices rather nrmer. Sales embrace J about 1 (Xxi bbl-. at $11 1*4)5, Wlt^ *"m ! lots of heavy weight at 511 25, an 1 at 56 76 a 5137)5 far prime iie-rf was heavy and en settled while pines w>*re nominal, salaam: jisibbls.'f beet were imd" a $13 a 415. Prime m'-s* wiut quiet and nominal, lis on was m eom ? request, with sales of 700 ii- xe.* Western including C<tmbe<*tand u'. ai .Sc.; long rlbtic l it 6tgc., long clear at lr.. sad aho t clear att>'?c. i at meal* were in go>id mai l, and the mar. e: **?> firmer, with saies of 600 pec'sagcs ut 3^c. a 4o. !"?* shoulders end at 4 *sc a 5 ,t. for liana. iji d viae urmar and in good nciuand, with na'c s <?; 1,100 i*cluge* at f.^c. a 8;i,c , the latter figure for choice. Untier and cheese weie iu ialr request, and prices wero mrhniU'i* -ciuh.-.?The market was Arm, with a goo* dcma-id from tbe trad -, sales of 065 hhds at 9}t<\ a 7)5 . for refining grades, and at 7 a 8c. for grocery ur idee, and 327 boxes were sold, 214 of will h went sold at 7v. for reflon g HKIilUIOIN KOTICKR. TTHRUUOttT STREET CHURCH, CORNER OK 41 latum .111 1 Verve e'rrc e?Rev I. 8. Kailo-h w,li pr-ach Mali at:-, mornlag upon the -'Martyrdom 4 ste .ban,'' mid in UM ? ?-nln.- upon "rtW, he Imp'Inn ? Dlw pie.'' (HrRCB OK TUE RE8URRKI' T1 O.N (PROTEST VNT J Epiacopali, aort elde of Thirty-tlfth ktwun.l ml of Slith avrone.?Divine e?:vlee everv & 11 ay.. PM, aVtoek A. M. an" at aI ? h K M.?the Rev. K U. K-agg . . The H.?lto|- <il Dlu :??*? will r ?t tbt? eh ir h una Sunday evealttg fur ihe ptigpaae of atmlnbitr >i|li> rit? e. . on 1 loai.o 1 for ibc ..1-i time re:- be t in tat* b\i .1. IJOin ORORI'H OK THE REDEMPTION, PROTKHI. . aat Kpteo pal. Eaat I ? ?i 1 ? n ? ?t k I mn r<. 1 r<1 and K .1 rib avenue*. Ki t Robert il iiiciteou, Pernor. rt r Tl'i-ae I , A. M. and 7)g I'. M. Emltrama ?iraiig-ra nt hotel* an 1 . II uaconnecu: I wlt.i ek oiirn.1 1 will hut ? aeboui" bar. il'ODRTM AVE PR PliRSHVTRRlAS <Hl'K II, CO It " iter of r our ii arciiu ? an . Twenty- em.n ai.e t. .-'or ? rm? In Una cliur li to morrow, June W at 1 In th? iiio. n my and at 7'* In the evening. Iter. Joel l'ar?er, D. It., Pa P.r. ii a ocrs NAPOLMON. TUB PKKOH TKD ANTI 11 chtlat an 1 I.atveraei Monarch, foreelmwa to i-wr'ah at t'brlai'a d?ai? nt at Armas- idnn atom lvl. 1 A Irrti * on this aiibjn. t at ?h- M,-atnn 1 hapel, corner of Hroadtray and Tblrt)-#"V"iith street, on Bund ?y at 41". M.. by It v. M Ui , ter, Ltinr opnl uilmeier, nbo al-o pleach-a there at IU>tf A. M. KMORIAf< CHURCH, HAMMOND STURKT, CORNER i?l of Wararly |)la.e._Tiie Her. l>r. Morgan, roi'tof of W. Tin..nan eburvu, will preach to-Bio row (gun lajn evening ieritneeat ItfM A. M.| 4 ead BW'.i iok P M Reuair**. N EW PRP.E CHAPEL, CORNER <>K BROADWAY and Ti.My-bereatb ene-U?Her. <> 8. st Johnuill ach ati opening tUeeettrae, on 8 1 ibal.i erening, at 7,'j. generally 1 ' I nubile generally are Inriled. ea ilile effort In for the oom tntr N K ?< ojwtlon Pi he.p iltiing It up Rev. o. t. klanders will deliver a sermon to Ton _ i ina Men to-morrow evening, at Be- ond I nivei? la.'ch'iich, Ml'iretith etreet and Becen I avenue S'-angna cordially waleotnod. Morning eerooe at HN o'rio a. i K etoiiaehur Ii, Twenty-eighth eti ml, neai Broadway to. 1 morrow H in-lay) afternno >, at 11 cl irk Htnijc. t? ? Obrt ?'* JewaUt. ' and in the erenliig at 7'4 o'cl ?k. 8 ib KV BTDNRT A COP-BT WILL PREACH IN THK jn;t? Tlie. H nieol the tsile. ' It being fourth ?ei i,?a of the aertca on the "Il.nnea t I 01 the Bit le.' ST ANN'S CHl'ROII IIUHTEBNTH STREET. NEAR Klftba enne Rev rhaatae Dnllandet, r." tor. Bwpr.cea ai 10H A M . and 8 P. M , the aiiernnnn Peing for d .if mutee To-monow the rer/oi will prea< h tnormug and a; ? tepn ein, and ihe Rev. f. C. Ewer In tne evening. 8ea:e free. iifTHB WOMEN OK CHRISTIANITY" WILE BE TUB 1 eubjeet of Ihe Sunday evening illee iuree at the Um.ik lra Telrer-1 tele Rev Wdifam Alvfa Rertlctt, paatnr of Kim Kla. ? Cn..gregaPonai Cbnr h, Will preach at 1UH A M. and at 7,'A F. M. bil,uiakJe. 21 BP1.RN0ID Rtt.LlARD TARf.ES WILL BE SOLD at a ??? a n at Sharp a mannlai tory, 1*8 Kulton atreet 1 beee Tahlee are llrat rlaw. and poteen* great merit, hevlne hie newly invented patent Onahlnne. admitted he the b-atindgee to be eupertor te eoy now la uee. AUeeeeood head Tab tee. IVVA\ IOWS W %NTF.D-.FRMAlili>?, YHVb : i IK ft VAX I, VIA. KKOENTLY AUi:IVK??, wish' - u "ii'iH* on a? tfnvprae**; ph?* t? cnj ublr oi lit, strict ly hi iFrench, En iinii and German I *?? %viii?*h mIio ?|i. at* iif-nlv?, a?id givo| ifiaifuotlau .a ihum.* nuU all i. i* <j( ui liiiuoiiUi needle w or Ji. In a aire at 170 \N I 8k iOlh Hi. A * R! d 'hVTAHLK til'U, WtNILD-AS NURSE AND * V to ? uke hem ? f , t* tjy useful; t ons but i .o c wb o hati' good rooomat ivtai-o iu I \f w.lliug tu g i to the Sountiy ir tli ? summer ucc ?p:ly at 835 Ui' euwlch si. \\ i dpi nonth. a t> ciiami eiimaid and w >i r.:r-.s._a situatIiN J\ wHMdJ, by one who tboroti hl .til rstands her uut;.*. Can Ii ? seen at her present employer's, i E ,?i Jiit'i st, A RESPECTABLE YTH'RO MARRIED WOMAN WANTS J\ a ailmuton as wet nurse lu a resp.-cta1) t 1 1 n1y. city riennce. Apply at 21 Union place, Bro?. > u, tophuoc, fivul room. AS EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION; uu.i rsuii Is cooking to all ita hue 1 .n> meals kiv p.- pastries; la a good ba .ei; hit* r.*feisi~e front th? be-t families. i be a u lor two Jay* at 117 Weal 2l?tu at., ?* e iiul lioor, trout room. I YOl'S 1 LADY, A I'lirST CLASS DRESS MA KK R, J\ wo like 11 hit ati".: in a family for tin antiiiu-r; would prefer the cmnury. Wanes no uojocl. Address 1,173 Bii'a I way, b tw 11 27:h and 23 h tit A HOUSEKEEPER.?WANTED, IIV A YOUNG I ADY w ii ho. it borne or friend- a situation a* hon*ekre|>er f"r a widower or bacheloro rnenns. A1 Ire., a for one week M -a Annie C., alatlmi IS, tirann at. (SITUATION WA.NTED--AS CLERK IN A HOTEL OK O win.11 . ? am m; wo d not object to a 11 or bar; hps been e p. .ve l.a. auc.i 1... the laai. tenant'-, and ran give iineirei uu! abkB tpteirno . A hires* It. D., IIeraUlollicc, for three ilavs. SITUATION WAN TED-AS LAUNDRESS IN TOWN or country, w iin good reii iinni n la o n. Apply a ISO Stli av., torner of lilh at., belw .cn >J 11 I 11 A. M. WASHING AND li: ONI NO IN FIRST BATE ORDER ri und low pr. i a, done with expedtion. Apply at 113 Weal Thirly-Srat street, lirat lloor. \y ANTED?A SITUATION KOIt A OOOD GIKL, TO II 00 leoenil housework; la a:, excellent waalw ruud Ir.nii r. Inquire for one we. a ill 177 We-i 37th at., ifbore the beat of re. ere ma can be o Uinud. W ANTED?BY A GOOD DRESSMAKER! WORK BY 11 tl v or won ;; mi ter-trands cutting ami lilting etilldn o'a dre.-i a. and all kin la of family sew in". Gall ou or addreaa Mr, S E. Woo Irulf, Gti Vurl k si \\TAN IKO.?a tl.TUATIO.N AS CHAMBERMAID AND It In 'iclfi'.-a i ? desired by a re q.e ?! ilt'e girl in the ,'lty oreountry. Call be a -en at Iter pr -rut piu e, wli'iit .he baa liced lor tin, years past, 35 Kits 3jlh a:.. 11..11 July 3. W AN I ED?BY A EES. E "TABLE YOUNG MARRIED 11 '..oinan wit > a 1 *alr b.'Ovt <f, a a?tuai.o;i aa wcl nurse. Iuqulr 1 at 3UJ avenue A II' ANTED- BY A RESPECTABLE TOURS WOMAN, II u aiiuKi'on aa rook, washer and lruunrj has been ac cua onte.i 11 kltcheuivork for ia t .-or. u .v.ars. unuer. HUnda allkindeot mea s and po ,1 nf; la a too biker; has go.,<1 city reference. Call at Ilii lVe.d 2Sih St., near Tib av., lor l? o uays. \v 'ANTED?BY A YOUNO WOMAN, A SITUATION fAS iiuroi. Addr ?a G. L, A, lor two di.ys. ryANTED?A SITUATION, BY A SMART, AOTIVK I I young man, .n bar t ime. : he has a perfect know edge of the h mie; can -iv ? tli-; beat elty refere ice or aecirlty if desired, or would ace pt ot any employ men 1, aa a aiuia'.mn Is ni ire of au object thaa salary. Address J. F. M., Ueral I olli.ic. -I1TANTED-BY TWO NICE HEALTHY YOURO GIRLS, II two weeks in this to ntry, situations together in a prl ale in c.ty or country; wages not so tuu -h 1111 u > jutt n ;i ; o >d houir. Ca.l :or two days at 137 Eaai tlllli at., between 2d and 3d a vs. tyANTED?A SITUATION TO DO GENERAL HOUSE II work, by a smart young woman, or chumberwork and waiting. Would go ia ihe country. Good city reference. App 1 at 101 Wt-at 27tii st. TjyANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN, 11 a situation io attend 1:1 a ? onfactlouery store. Has ti.e best ot city releu ticei. Call at 113 West iSth (t. Also un deraiatida the bakery buaim sa. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE AMERICAN GIRL, II a Miuation aa aca nitres-, and to aaaint In housework; no objection to go out of lite city. Wages not .11 much of sn object aaa comfortable home. Inquire st .3) State at., Btoolt.yn. yyANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE WOM AN, TO TAKE il in traahtiiz and irouinat the lowest poa lb e price; one who thoroughly understands her b isiness. and is h glily recommended as an excellent hand. C..Uon.Mr". Welsh, ltd East 3ith St., between 2d and 3d a vs., tirst lloor, front room. TIT ANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE IT young girl, well accustomed to the care of ciiil ireu, as nurse .,nd seamstress. Highly recommended. Call at lVi Kaat Wth st., between 3d and 3d av*., lirst lloor. front room *V'ANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN. A SITUA VI tton as eo>k, washer and lronsr; uoobjections to do general housework; can give r.iictencet in this city. Apply at the north weal corner of Gates are. and Ryeraon at., Hrooxlyn. . WANTED?A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE If Protesiant woman, as chambermaid or laundress, or to do housework for a ainad family. Can be seen at her present employer's, 36 West <6th ?t. HULP W\?TED-M.iliK8. Aoenta auk now making ?u per day easy, selling t ie Great New Nonpareil Prize l'mkiiigH, Containing over I'M new artic A mure aitali ?n ry, belter qualby, aeperb dedans, ladies lastiion pistes, reelims, triuri, i mia, rich and f.i.-.hlonnble jewelry, 4c., Ac. sella quick, prohl* Img-, bmdness uenieul Bend for circular*. 8. 0. KIi'KARDS A CO.. 1<? N m?ui Mreei. targeet ana eldest Prize Package House lo the world. AGKNTB-LO0K TO YOUR INTEREST?GET THE beat. Or ntcr in Ji CDiemo than over lefora offered In Prise Packages, of wtuci tve have the greate*' variety and moat saleable kinds 8*n I for e.r-ular. llASKINr A CO . 3:. he. knian street, N. Y. \ GT'.Nrs WANTED.?BRILLIANT OPPORTUNITY.? /xCurious Anlsllc Metallic V) urk. Decidedly unpanvlcle 1. Every lint n1?t kHoiiI 1 litre nue. Forty thousand ag*nia wanted. Great inducement* o i'ered. Sample* $1. Ad ilre*- box 4.314 Post otlice, or apply at 333 BrMidway, room36. | GENTS?RICHARDS A CO NS ICE STRAINER 18 J\. the una selling thing out; it la an elegaut biirer plated article. will tit any # x? I tumbler, an l ?ntlrely pnrast Irs troub.liig uiiile iirfBiltig. Ad.Ires* Richards A Co., 438 Broadway. N. Y. 4 N ALE MKKWEK WANTED.?ONE WllOTIiOR. HIGH A ly J\. ly iinderaiaiol* the busmesa'an i tan give imusl.ietory reiereii . s. ma) apply ai 33d Pearl at., New York. BOY WAN TED?TO BUN OK ERRANDS, AC. WAGES Si 30 M at be .,uick, Intelligent arid hmeat. G<.o<i refemnc-a required. Apply at Alex. !)? dinar'# lloa-c Pur it ahlag Bazaar, 7. id Broad way, before 8 A. M. DRUGGIST?WANTED. A YOUNG MAN, WITH TWO or three years exper.euae, in t ie r nil drug business. App > to Pylc ji B otu r, Kulloa si., H.Ooklyn. URi;U CLERK WASTED?CALL AT THE NORTH > rn Dlspen -a. y. c. r cr of Wavar>y p,a e and Cbrla o pber at., aliei 3 p. M. tin* day. Drug clerk wanted-at .mi otii avenue, cor. ner of 42. at ; andouMod referent" ai to eapehlllty, aobrtety and honesty required. No otu era except Urst .las us r g,.i la ibe abeie need apply. D w. RI O CLKltK WANTED?TOR A FI. ST CLASS I K G ?.in -iwailux Frensh and G imeu. uni*t lie Vio lyoonv laint with the d.aueuaiu?of i,.a It iae. Ado., as r.i d oCice. D Ri O CLERK WANTED?AT 533 2D AVE , CORNER 4ib at. Ait Mi r ?wanted, a man and his wife to A take . nargc of a a u ill farm a fe > mil s fro n the ttv, Addreai, a nu reiarei.coa, T. P. C , box 1 ISJPosl olfloe, N. Y. ft aKDKNKR wanted.?a BINOLE man is want AT el. to t* et .urge of a garden a abort dlaUOt-c from t o r iv, on ti e North river. A German would be prelerrod. A, pi . at No. 9 Warren St., up stairs. ItD WAN'i ED?IN A DENTAL SALESROOM, AMK j r ran i r "r edj age. 15 to I*; m ist be willing and In telligent. A Idr-as Ri-u r. box if-kl H"iald oillce. \V AJfTED?YOUNG MEN TO OO TO SEA; VOYAGES it io alt par's of the world in *Mp* on merchant v y age* A s * fo. the MWy an I wha lug m ag -. Iuj So .tii air et or 13l> West street, corner at Kes.le. up s'alr-c KANlMLb A CO VVANTKII?A I' EH ABLE ACTIVE MAN. To ASSIST II in u llgl t b a n- a*, one having a mi i c pltal cau in e. with a at inioti at SIX w exly, mi l bis i *;>? i.a-* , it I; al o i bo ab p 15 yen, > oil, a i .jail of his age Apply to W. MwrLAMMtL M alway. \\'ANTED?A YOUNG MAN IN A COUNTRY STollB, l? ula.. ?Cl> rk li. i a "I a 1.1 p r for a Coon rj Islel Apply at 131 Fuli.m street. M chai > ? clerks Itegi . r (Ml"*. ituatlms nric ue , no eommi a...n in ad von K-ler. uce to hr?t ? la*, .one*. i,*iu ,|la ?? i in IS. * I lr ANTED?A YOUNG MAN, AHOKT 21 YEARS OF YY a In a phott gispb ga .er , to leur.i lit rt i . i.c a pbo t.. ra,. ,r, o.e will! .... d a e a -o It t Jt'i In . .Ill* to ban, im! iftcr le.irnuiK Will Iv ? a -alary an I * adv situation. N .e b it a mian, actlec and Aio*ric.iu yo ng man n . da i ptyatG W. Loud * ?ew gallery, 351 Cmai t. tt'A.TRD?AN ASSISTANT BARKEEPER; ONK ?T low uud-r and* the bualneaa and lli ears of a h .r?e an 1 nag .ii, prefen.-L Apply, a 1th a .no 1 rcuouiinendmu n aft -r iio^cbeik. at Hi" iornei ?l Smlib and Wti ran ate , Bro il ly n. UfANTBD-A M AN To T t KE CI1AHUK OP A LIQUOR atore uptown, who laaiquainted with lbs bu*l e?? aud t?:i giv- gmzl city reler. n"". Ap; ly 19 R lOiarsA ai. W ANTKD? A GEN ERAL SUPEMnTRNDENT, A ?T lea. e p-r ami twenty overa-era, on a railroad in C lilfnriila: ,.g.gsm>-nt mual Im tor l to . ears, pu*-ag paid out, And libernl aal iry lo co upetant men A .ply, b*tween II and 2, tail K litliorpe, 234 Broadway, hiirmani YVANTBD-6 MEN F?-R STEAMERS. 2 BOYS FOR TY tta.lea, 2 elerks for gfOWW atofts. 2 con do tors 2 brakenien, 3 patr'ers, 2 ei| r as drivers, 4g n*to travel to California and Rnrop", 1 eon hmsn. I tiarkeepef, ralet to irav. ! with a men h int. Apply at N >. 7 Cliatbam square. Ylr ANTED?T I It EE HOOD HOLT MAKl'.KS Oil B'.A k". ff imlth helpers. Inquire ?? tlW ?? re boit mshtiih ter,. 122 W at ItHh St., between HleeckW and Hudson. YY'ANTED-A YOUNG MAN, A8 B tHKRRPER IN CLUB TT In a neighboring Ity, tiioat on lerst.ind foimilj B"s i reiercti".- re.iuTro !. Address James, H-rall hCt 'c, YY'ANTKD IMMEDIATELY?A BOY OR YOUNG MAN. Vy while or ?. lor< d, a >..ol 15 or 2d years of a ;e, to go a Hit e wav ,n the country to taxc are f a home and drive lit ?gan le . no's f unily. App'y tbls mor <1 ig In 34th at., one door mat of Oth sv. UfANTED?A vo; NO M VN AS SALESMAN, A 0KR? man prefc red. One who has an eaisb t-lied ea*h trade for flour, feed an ! conn r. prmiu * may add . an, with views na to aa sry. former business and rtfer uoa, liot 3,27b Frist oflice. 4*7ANTED? V YOUNG MAN, OF Sol ER AND 1NDU-:. YY trio i-habits, to **s s irt a lt>, ior stor?. Good any re fsren e required, Cel s* 7th sv. Y OUNG MEN (LANDSMEN) WANTED?AL>0 8E\. _ men nnrie-nters lilsosm tba, oooks an I siuwar is, for all kinds of ships; all >rt .nl long vi.yagea O i oe 01 the company. 97 West au.oorntr of Alteiny. op smlrs HENRY JONES, Agent. AAYQ-AGBNTS WANTED, TO SELL DODIN'S Jtlo. Patent Kerosene Oil Burners, for fluid Inmpe; oeete ogilyene cent per week. 8mnyte sent en reeelpi oi four red stamps Cell at er address Joseph Dodln, No 419 Rroedwny, New Yerk. Nl'JU Vi U*** WAkVEO-MAUStL *8 TRAVELLER OK AUK NT ?A GENTLE MANI.Y J\ man, about32, wishes to rriereMiu an I " l in I rm iu the cities *11 ill I Lakes K. In ami () . .l i ? an I n dghhorho da. H would prefer ' good* of a mall r; end In- if very active an.lcner eti . and a tb < un 1MB of lutein ss. In . voty san ?oluaoi d? tig a good t*sitl? torhieemployers. Ail Teas 0 L D , Buffalo PmioQlo , N. Y. * YOO.Vn MAS WANTS A SITUATION AS CLERK . \ or s.urek< i per Good refrreuue. Can baeecuni 218 Suit) ?u, li 'tween 3 ii ami J.ii av*. \ GENTLEMAN, AQB fc?, OK 00 )1) ADDBE8S AND a'V a live i? latnesK hauits, wishes int m dials ??. ploymt nt In any cupa. i y .iu>wn. r -; la a goal penman, ec-ountaal an oorrcajKiu ni; salary no object, testimonials Ural claim. A till MM Clutch A lieruld oitice. A YOUNG ITALIAN, WHO HAS ACTED AS STEWARD jtx. for a u timber f ? rare In so.up of the first fam't on of the lontinrnt, wishes to a u re a similar allusion uere. t u.-xuep I mtable references furnished. Address 1*. K., It rai l Oiliee. A YOUNG MAN, 10 YEARS OF AGE, WANTS A SITU . V a imi either as i a; t iu or purser's clerk, or in a wools a.dp gr.? ery or commission hoases beat of city reference. A il e a Edward, box 170 II ral.t office. IIrANTED?BY A TOUNO MAN, A SITUATION IN IT any respectable employment: is a good salesman, or would drive a ?a oil. Gun give good city rel'ereuoe. Ad dr as l'. II. 8., Herald odice, T1TANTED-BT a BOY, IS TEAM old, A MTU A If turn i , a-tare, a few miles o it ol the city, what ha ran board witu tlie family. Best of references giren. Ad dress A. B. 0., Herald odice. WANTED?A SITUATION AS BOuKKEKl'EK. COK resixmdtpgclerk or arcouniant, bv a competent man. who has had many y< a"s experience, an I sp aks and wriies Froncli and Qernian llueiiHy. Best of roferenc 1 as to char acter and ability. Address Mercur, box 633 Post otUce, Syra cuse., N. T. HELP WANTED?FEMALES. Abundance of uood servants, ready,"civil, neat, well recomm nded, at the lurgi-st old established ln-ditu'p, on tic timer of 6lh av. and llth at , for German, Irish, E?g:i"b. Protestant and American women, conducted by Mrs. FLOYD. WANTED?A I'KOTLSTANT WOMAN. WHO IS EX. if p-nei.ced In the cure of children, as uurse and chani hernmid, llu-re being none younger than four years of age; 111 I-l upply with city reference at 2lit Greene at. WANTED?A LADY. COMPETENT TO A?'T AS FORE worn iu iu lioop skirt luauuiactory. Address A. it , box 181 Herald ofli e. WANTED?A TOUNO GIRL AS SEAMSTRESS AND mirse; must undera:a id Wheeler A Wilson's sewing marhin ? ttn I ma dug all kin Is of lady's and children's ciolhes; also, a seamstress by ihe day that understands cut ting and tilting lady's dressess. City relcrenco required. App > between 10 and 2 at 1/3 East 33th at. vyANTED-A RESPECTABLE GIRL HCOLORED PRE^ If leirodlto do the housework of a small lumily. 'Jh" best of city p-terence required. Apply at (juincy at. corner B diord a. ,, hrst liou-e left side, Brooklyn. IX7 ANTED?AS t'ODK, AND TO ASSIST IN WASHING, II a capable .voman, German. Scotch or English prefer red. Apply at 15 E ist lDtlx St., between 1th av. and Bioad wcy. WANTED-A TOUNO GIRL AS NURSE FULLY COM i? peient io take ciilii-ec targe of an infa t I'lOlestant preferred. Apply, with rclereuc -, at 212 Washington at., Br oalyn. urANTED?AN HONEST. INDUSTRIOUS GIRL TO DO if general housework In a small Catholic family in East Br loklyn. Must come well recomm'tide,1. One recently IrtBi Ireland preferred. ANTED?BY A LADY AND GENTLEMAN, WITH out children, a nice girl, 12 or 11 years of age, 11 do light work;'such will find a comfortable and permanent home. An orphan preferred. Apply at 112 Easl 33d at. T*rANTKD-A WOMAN TO DO GENERAL HOUSE IT work for a una 1 family. Apply on youth aide of 824 ?t., I etween 1st and 2dav-t., first white house from 2d ur. None need apply unless well recommended. TV'ANTED?A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK. II Inquire at 131 West 3J h St., between 7m aud 8th avs. WANTED?A YOUNG WOMAN, AS SE YMSTRESS and to take charge of growing children; one who is willing In go to the country lor the summer, an I i< neat and t.ily. may apply, with elty'reference, at 1(17 Amity a!., be tween 111 and 1 o'cltK-k. w XYfANTED?IMMEDIATELY, A YOUNG GIRL AS If nurse; must b.- a x-ery good acamatre-ia and come with city rt-fereivce. Apply at 31 Loudon terrace, 23d at., between 9ih and Pith ava. 117" ANTED?A GOOD, HONEST OIRL, WHO IS WILL If lng to work and hae no objection to children, in u plain private family, where she can hare a good home and fair wages. Apply at 132 Monroe street. WANTED?FOR A COUNTRY HOTEL A GOOD COOK and a middle age.l person lo take charge of the laun dry: mu?l be a good nesilewotusn. Apply tins morning at 321 llth ur., near 43d st. THE TRADER. A SMART YOUNG MAN, 18 YEARS OLD. WISHES TO learn a trade; can keep hiannploy r*s Invoke. Kclers to present employer. Address Conner, Herald office. A PHOTOGRAPHER, OF CONSIDERABLE EX DERI erne in all-bran ueu of the business, would like to meet with an engagement. Would like to take charge, or the skyught room. Address B. O., box 172 H-rsld office, for two days. Blacksmith wanted?at ? Hamilton avenue, Brooklyn. JTOMPOBITORS.?ONE OR-TWOOOOD TWO-TIIIRDERS \J will tlnd employment at No. U Sprue* alrrel, up stair*. s ION PAINTER WANTED?ALSO A BOY THAT HA? worked at th" business. C. MONKS. 3)9 Broadway. Ill) KILE CUTTERS.?WANTED. THREE OoOD BAS tard and one good smoo h cutter. Apply to Kaaraey A Geiger, 27 Ital ron i avenue, Newark. N. J. "JTO PHOTOGRAPHISTS.?A GENTLEMAN, WHO IS only in tu* city on Sundays, wishes 10 gel hU Photo A onty in lit*cay on Sunday*, wishes to gel hi* Photo* giapli and Vijueae taken. Address, stating tiui* and place, S3 Broadway Post Miice. TIT ANTED?A FIRST CLASS PATTERN MAKER. ONE m ludy i oiuii.'t. ni to take charge. No oluer uewl ap ply. Call at 21;! Grand *1., Letween the Lours of 9 ami II u cloak A. M. on Saturday aud Monday. w ANTED-COPPERSMITHS AND SHEET IRON work r. Ap.dy to Thomas Hasnam, 280 West at, Il'ANIED-A SITUATION, BY A TOUNO GERMAN it e Kip t in a wine m' lit nor business. Beat ot city ret e reuc e. Call at 100 Oil 11' at. after 1 o'Ho k. vv RANTED?A PHOTO'1BAPHER TO TAKE NEOA uve?: also a large boy, at KoMayne'a, .VJ1 Broadway. 4>n COOPERS WANTED-'TO MAKE ROUND AND ? Hat boop dour IsarreD. Apply to A. T. Brtggs, 64 Rut germ slip. KllKNCH ADYERTISKMENTS. ON DKMANDE?I NK JEINK FILLS KRABCAlSB' aujn u'uu enfant. It faut avoir de on* rut lelgneuients. Sadr-*a-r pour deux Joura au tU 12nie 91 ISC'B, la L> AN KO VS. t CARD?THE SKIN.?PIMPLES. FRECKLES, UL .A beta and all tltaea* a of tne akin cured by WALTER L>a Y, M. D.. 311 Amity street, three blocks we*i of Bruadway Drug tixtpres wanted?at a pair price, namely. Hottes, Draw era. Show ilu.tlO', Jtu. Audreaa Immediate y b i;;ti>t, No. M Mott atreet. SXKNERAL AGKKOk* AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. "JT Place* ut Bumii-*. Karma, .Mill*. Co intra >n'? Tun b r Ltu I*. Sicii of Quods, (iroc rlct an.I Mcrchandts ? gete rilly lor rale o etiTiana*. Loa.ue ola-d. VAN KMBURG tCO.,;iNa ?au street MAKI1LK MANTELS.-MANTELS .SOLD AT ASTDN. takingly low price* at KLAKEft'8 Mar bit Yaid*. It)1) KidllthltrDlli tie near avenue, aa.l ot Kirst ne ?ue. ii -*r Tblid elieet, N. Y. Mantels put up in any part of ib** country. N^KWS, NEWS. NEWS.?HELP FOR THE AKKLICT ed.?Mr*. MARY POLIlAMUS, 33 .Voni.otn-ry street, N w burg, n v?r fail* in help the ouustuMttic aim always our> ? tho* a tllt ted With bleeding ol Lie 1 ad*, and she' an Ou t her patients. Her charge* are roaooaeble. Don t fail to give ber a urihi. pn II/.ES CASHED IN ALL LEGAL ZED LOTTERIES, and all ? "iiiuiuun .it ou* Mrl- tly confidential. J. A. Di. NN. lid Srualwa,, up stairs. O.tVE WASTED.?LILLIK'.H SECOND HAND FIRB O and Ittglarpruo S.fe. with iron box, in iiuii at/e.l. v.'di. e* Sale, hot 114 Hetal I Ogtoe. Tl/ANTED?A SMALL SECOND II INI) P WES MILL. if i e grin IP it fe".l, A Ad lre*? A. B.. 1 ?>\ lid Herald flic, rial eg prtoe. PRUPUSALS. lyHOPOSALS.-SEALEt) PROPOSALS WILL RE RE I relied at the Kin** eitunty Treasurer's ofll.e. No. 13 Court street, Brooklyn, until 2 o clo *. i . M. un in ? a.., July A 1862 tat which tune nud pla<* tbet wld he/>pen*d , tor tarnishing I .r the enaulnp year foi the Almshouse In - rartntent tit the said <ounty, inhi 2t7 Po puun ihoi ire-h beef, mutton, veal, pork, la ub an I livo-j 3.1'H t-ari'M* ..f !:o> r, H.ifK) pteiiit!* fresh flak tk) )>ounds *ua*r. and pr.n portion at* quantitl- sol t"?, m iiasa-s, coJee, mustard, pen. par. March, oil, suit, I.van*, idee, l/trd. codfish, tnie-.erel, pork. soap, soft Heap, shoes, straw. uats In,.an tuenl, aah and pine wood end < oal. Alan < on I and wood for Die poor of the Eastern and Wester? Dlsirl -t* of the city ot Brooklyn. Print d forma of p opeaale, containing a I tne necessary Information, tan be tia I at the otlbv* ot the A ipertmen lent* of the Poor, *1 the Almshouse Hatlui.h; at llie City Hall, W, I),, nnd at the corner of Kir*t and South KiMh streets, E. li No ot er form will he accepted. Aim-no i* \ June is. 1*112. lL u y K. Ripley, J. C. Day, Wil'taia M. Michmore, William Bennett, Duinaa Jewell, .?suicrlnt-nJente of the Poor. 8 BALED PROPOSAL* ARK INVITED UNTIL THE ^ day Ot III jr. !*?, for opinylng the United Blai-s Huhsistcnee De|*i inieui with tf.iuu ie a.1 of B tot Cattle on ilMH Oof. The m'tla hi he ilellvered st Wsahlng'nn, I). C , and each atttnin to areraq'LSki p-itinds *roa*. N i aslrnal admitted that w iahs |. sa lltan 1,'?)) p-i'tnds .tress, llellers. at <gs and b III* nut wanted. T' ? mat delivery of eat'lato be male on the lat da* of An uet. oraa o >n tit' r after ns the governiu?t t may direct, Olltl i ead of nttle per w. ek will b? required to be dede red unu r thlaeoolsact, A Iamd, with good and aufflolettl security, win be re '''jicT'-i?l will be entertained when put In hy contractor* who iai' previously laded tooomply with th dr uontraots in snr d -p rtnien* oi guver unant, or whera lb ? bidder I* not i,r. , -ni to respond to his hid. T e nanr s ..f lit tns slvetld be etale I In full, with the pre cise address of each member of theDtvm Prill osuls from 'Isloyal portles will not he considered, nnd an 'Mth of hileglaoda must accompany each teopusltloD. A I iilds must he arc unnauied b. twogiiaranteea. Kids tu be direct d to Ha M'r A. B okwlth. 0. 9 , U. B. A., Waahingtoo, D. C, and endoreed 'Proposal* for Beef Cattle. roes or .casaxtks. VPo, . of the county of ?, and State of ?, do her< by luarsr.toe that ??? la aiile to full!: a oonirai-t in ao oordan' e with ihe term# of hie proBoaiilon, and that, shoald hta propoa.tlon ha accepted, ba will at once enter Into a con tract In accordance therewith Should the contract be awarded hint w? are prepared to M ann his securities. (This guarantee must he appended to i ach idd ) The reap malbilit/ of the a aruulora must lie shown by the oAethl ceitlllcate of tli* clerk of nearest district cnuri, or *g Ike United States District Attorn*. IIOltsKM. CAUHIACiKS, ?StC. AN UM B K R OF" NUT BUSINESS WAGONS OF , every a'.yb- ooua: iif. on band. Also, suite ?<? aid I an 1 Wa ijn- in ijinl nif ? h ??;> IpplT at tstawar.'s 'tfij-third ..tteet, -ii Uio?d>v?y and Eighth "iy. Pi UVt'll lie. AV VST 110 SE FOB BALK.?.41 SO WAGON AN!) llarn.'is?.1 . > nplot gemlauia i a in. until; i-aly lor inline liatr its ?. Home is ban a li gb, dar . sorr.l, iroi lm? an ; lla-nc*< ma to by Dur.somb maiiy n ? i l'-o pound* Wagi u i.ia 1 ? by Stivers V nu b. Trice tf whol $53 >. Addre*. W., box I.i.'iO Boat oil. a. A VERY FAST TROTTING ROAD MARE FOB SALE Jx. rhrap.?Shu is gray, 15>? ban la hi ;b. 10 year* old; lias trotted Inside 2.3), can J:4J to puis. Apply at Tatter nulls, S nib avenue, corner of T.iirty utuih street. A SECOND HAND BIX SEAT CARRIAGE AND TWO second imud Buggies tor sit e, ell cap. Also u lull assort ment nt Rnckaway lln.-gle, half top l'baet n, German tn .wi square Wagons of the beat styles con-iantly on Us,id, by J. A. VAN OK TW IUK 16! Atlantic It reel, Brooklyn. C1ARRIAGK8, AC.?200 FAMILY ROCKAWAY8. TOP ) and open Hmmli-n, Grocers, Depots, and Biiainesi Wagons lor sale; also sixty horses, ICO set ot Harness. Ao., Ac., Id Nov ins street, and 1H1 Fulton avenue, Brooklyn. DOO CART.?FOB 8 VLB, A FOlrR WHBEL DOO Cart; will carry four |?-uplc. Apply at I'iil'Kit Dti HOIS' factory, 262 Greene street. triAMILY HORSE WANTED.?MUST 1!E SOUND, KIND and gentle, uol less tlnin 15X bands high. dark eo.or, long tall, not over s veil years o d, and a itood traveller, for whiob a Mexican pony wld be given, and didercuee in cash. Address box 1 688 Post ofllre, tilth price, Ac. IDOR SALE?A VERY PROMISING, WELL I1KED 1 Chestnut Mare, from the State of Maine; l.'i'd bait Is biglt, 5 years old, long tail, call trot Inside of tliroa minutes, s well' broken to deible and single harno s or the sad dle. She will stall t without tv n', and Is warranted soctid and and kind in every purticuiar. Can be seeu at 66 East Twenty-sooonil street until July 1. f1 OR SALE?A SUPERIOR SADDLE HORSE, KIND gentle, sound, stylish and spirited, seven years old, bay, long tall. Is well broken to both double and single harness. Price $360. Can be seen at IS Veilry street, Mr. Wood's stable. FOR SALE-ONE PAIR OF BLACK MARES. FOUR tei-u bauds high, six years old; kin I in au harness, and p -rfeutly broke for ladies und children to ride, aud warrant ed sound; also one bay pony, nine years old, twelve hands high; kind In liame.s and -addle; for ladles and o'.itldren 11 rf a All to be ucn at Warts A Co.'s stables, 261 and 263 Fourth avenue. For sale-a horse, ie hands high, that can bunt forty, or a Mare that can show forty-Ave; botu 7 years old. The owuer has 110 use for both of in-m. and wl il sell'iite only. Warranted right in every respcot. Address or apply to ,iAS. W. HALE, Notary, 76 Wall street, under Seameu's Sar tigs Bank. 1DOR SALE-A BEAUTIFUL GRAY CANADIAN PONY, 14 hunus high, live years old, sound ami kiml; tit lor sny kin 1 01 ligut work; sold for want ol use. Impure at 01 Cnerry street, up stairs. I DOR SALE-A FINE AMERICAN STAR COLT, 16 hands high, live years old; can beat litre- ratit ites ti rood wagon. Can be seen at the Mansion stables, comer ot forty s ootid street and Seventh avenue. TDOR SALE?AN ELEGANT SADDLE HORSE, PER J? fertiy kind, soun I and gentle a d spirited; six yen s old, long tui , bay. Can be seen at the stable 58 West Kti toenth street. TDt>R SALE-ROOKAWAY CARRIAGE FOR SALE, J? for one or two horses; also a set of light Don ,1.- Har ness. Can he seen ut 66Third avenue, corner of Eleventh street. E. B. STEAD. 1DOR SALE?100 SETS OF HARNESS, . 2JU light Carriages, and 6U Horses, at 10 Ncvlns street and 184 Fulton avenii -, Brooklyn. fjlOR SALE?ONE LIGHT WAGON, BREWSTER S 1 make, with shitting back seat and top; pole, shafts aud lamps In good order. Apply at l'latt'c Ilippona Stable-, Thirty-ninth street, near sixth avenue. For salk-a handsome new two seated Wa ';on, square body, leather top, over bask seat, ut perfect order, warranted. Will be sold a bargain. Can he * ten at Mr, 11. Wolley's stable, in Third street, between Siuth Seventh und S >uth Eighth streets, Williamsburg. FOR SALE?A VERY GOOD SECOND HAND LIGHT donate Hat lies, silver trimmings, in perfect order. Price jrw. Apj.lV to - HARLES S OOXHEAD, 1.P.0 Broad way, n ar Twenty-ninth street. IIOR SALE?A FIRST RATE CITY MADE LIGHT ROAD Wugon. war. anted. Inquire ui' DUSENtll RY, 102 Lau rens street. New fork. ID OR SALE CHEAP?A PAST YOUNG TROTTING J? Mare, color gray, long tall, about lAhuuds high, six years old. warrant-d sound und kind in every parti ular. a'veiy easy keeper und pleasant driver, can trot lit 2.50 to-road wagon, and promises to muko a very speedy animal. For further part eulars apply 10 or address C. WtflTE, at Horaci JoneV Ctuh Stablea, l.ti Mnrc-r slreoi, where the horse can he seen and every aesired informaltoo given. For sale cheap?one second hand phaeton. to carry four ;>erson?; one secoi dl hun t Brd. 10 carry four persons and two children; one light Wa-jon, without top; one Tup Wagon, one utx sea. Rockaway. Apply at 61 Ciosby street. JDOR SALE CHEAP?A GOOD SECOND HAND TWO U sealed ltocv-away Price A,6. Inquire at HO Atlnutic street, corner of Powers, Brooklyn. FOR SALE LOW-NEW AMD SECOND HAND Coaches, Ro kawayt, top and no- top Koa l Wagons, two seat, with and wtuouttops; one and two seat square box do., two Buauiesa Wagons, one Sulky. Apply at the carriage factory, 27 Wouster street. OB SALE OB EXCHANGE?FOB. A LOST PRICED house, a bright bay Waahingtou Mare, aev-n years old, IS-handahlgb, style aud action; haa trotted In 2:42; perfestiy kind in all harnesa aatt under the saddle, a*ids%f.t nor a lady's use; would axchange her for a farm horse. Can b? seeulai the atabla cccuer of Bate and Hoe runt streets, Brooklyn. F HORSES POR SALE.?A. REAUTLFUL TEAM OP BAY Horses, cheap, switch tail#. It hands high; warranted Sound and kind; sitltanle far coach or carriage; alao, a dou ble Harueaa. Apply at 4A Bayard street. Oil PINE HORSES POR SALE AX AUCTION.?'TOE Ov subecrtlwir wiU sail at aurlhin, a: No. 33 Br ad street, Newark, It. J., on Wedna-day, Jul/ 2. at 10 A. M., ail puna of tine matched Carriage Hornet, i0ur Sa ldie Horses, and the beam e alngle. roa.T, draught, ami business Horses, with a Taw Trotters. The st.*k can be eKumiusd and tried prior itslae sale at tha above named place. M. B. PITMAN. LITERATURE. BOCCACCIO'S DECAMERON.?'THE OAYEST LITE rarv ira-t that ever regaled human taste." New and bean til ul edition, with 18 ateei engravings. Sent by mall, earei ully sealed from inapetttneat curiosity, postage free, on t script of $1, by the publisher. CALVIN BLANCHAR1>, No. Su Ana street. TKP1DEL8 ATTENTION 1?THE BOSTON IKVESTI JL gator git es no quarter to priestcraft, an 1 handles "dlrlne revelation" without gloves. It has appeared weekly, in handsome atyle, tor mora than thirty years. Price $2 per .mniiiti, single copies 4 cents. J. P. Menditni, Proprletar; Horace 8e tyer. Editor. Subscriptions in ty be sent to th<* ulice, No. 1U3 Court street, Boston, Mass., or to Calvla Biauchard, No. 30 Ann street. New York. OUT TO DAY, THE WAVKRLBY MAGAZINE. M. A. DOW Rpitob shd Paoraiaroa Bosroa, Mats. A NEW VOLUME NEW TTPK. NEW CONTRIBUTORS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PAPER IN AMERICA, DEFYING COMPETITION in ths EX( ELLEN E OK ITS HEADING MATTER, as w m.i, as t.s TYPOGRAPHICAL APPEARANCE. THE WAVERLKY MAGAZINE IS THK LARGEST WEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THIS COUNTRY. It contains SIXTY COLUMNS Weekly of the very choicest teadmg matter, and AN ENTIRE PAGE OK MUSIC, Making it a welcome \ I-tier to every fainilv Household. Its contett.a are such ss will lie approved in THE MidtT KAHT1DIO08 ClKi LES, Nothing Immoral or objectlonalde being admitted Into its I ages. i HE WAYERLEY eotitalns no ultra sentiments, and MEDDLES NEITHER Willi POLITICS OR RELIGION. It Is i hare teri/e I h, A HIGH MORAL TONE, And etT'Silstes eiieu-lv.d/ in evert portion of ihe country. Tee I orps of 0 >n ilhutors to the W AVKKLEY MAGAZINE < om prises sotue of t "? ItEVT WRITERS IN TUB COUNTRY In every department ol literature. It is the ESPECIAL PAVOKITK OK THE LADIES, And may be seen on the puior table of eferv lau.ily where good Taste predominates. Ea. h nuiulu I i ?n alas TUE MOST ELEGANT STORIES. BEAUTIKUli DE.hCRIPTIVR tales. IHE SWEETEST POETRY, EDITORIAL CBIT CllAT. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY, Ml SH AND MIRTH, With ?labors' gleaning- from the Pl.ES . OK LI K Hy.; AND AMERICA. Ths fallowing are t e orteiiia of tbir ?aex s number, whin s NOW READY.? LILLY DAWSON: A I'slaot the Smugglers. A 'milling Su> V o ? ? eia eiiapters. THOUGHTS HY A Gltl.K Poetry. CoNoUKST OK JERUSALEM A beautiful sketch. BEAUTY (Origiiali A ? OMI iiKTAHLE HOME. TRUE GREAT.NKnH. A CROSS MAN. KSSVVS O.v GEOLOGY. MOTHERS LAMENT. SUBJECTS IOR THOUGHTS. II El EN O it A ti AM; on A Victim or a Amsiiios. VV I i L W ANI I.D?I'oetrv. DREAM- and realities. Ol.BANINGH PROM TUB PRESS. A VILLAGE hi Gil I. L' IN DON BEGGARS AND THEIR TRICKS FACETIOUS IDLE T.vLK ORIGINAL MUSH LN EVERY NUMBER. Ac.. Ac., Ac. THE WAVERLEY MAGAZINE Ispubl died at SIX CENTS PER COPT. Korsale by eveiy News D-alr in ihe Unit d Hiatea. HENRY DEXTER, Publisher's Agent, 113 Sanaa 11 stmek Orders for the above, or any other Paper or M igaxinu pub Make I In Europe or America, promptly lllled Trade Lists sent! r e on apiJicatiou to HI NRY DEXTER. P api'llcation OPULAR EDITION OK DICKENS' WORKS. SHELDON A COMPANY, .136 Broadway, Nsw York, will publtab on . Tl ES!)\Y. JULY I, GREAT MXPEOTATIONB, Dickens' last work, in I tola, lOino., neat paper covert, p. icc37?4 ccnisaaeh. An evquUlt* EDITION KOR TRAVELLERS. ?hsldon A company have all the NEW BOOKS and a Urge ALBUMS. Vinegar and acbtic acid-tiikir manupac lure.?Bead THE INDUSTRIAL CHEMIST (edited by Professor BhisaaaM, of ths Imperial Laboratories of Fran >), published by JOHN H1LLVBR, 249 Pearl street. New York. Prl?? one dollar and ttfty cents per annum. REMOVALS. NOtTcK.-THE AGENCY POR THE SALE OP GOODS manufactured by THE UNION INDIA RUBBER COMPANY will he removed, on tha 1st of Nay ueit, from 14N Liberty it rret lo II Part place. ? V a?.HT' ?? HAODEN. President. Nsw Yogg, April IB, ISO. (ti'ECIAI. NOTltiBS. __ ANEW MAMMuTH ?fH AEHiBKBY.-RlleirKLL'E gr.ut I'r ti .c 8 ?. itiiiig fpo.u sir v C aMp, of Auuurn. N. V. Tin' Ir It w II li t on oihibiu-n al tlie oUi,.e of the A:u.iicm Aifrf"nimlet, -II |?Bi? Row, lu.s (.-aturdayl ill -ruing, al 11 A. M . aud ua Mum a , tin: Wo. not \ public mkbtino oftiik grain men's union /V lToio. tlve Bo .-ly will be h hi ai the sixth Ward Hotel, cor or o Dunne and Centie in reels, ou l'i?e*<lay i veiling, July 1, at 7>$ o'. lock. ATA SPECIAL MEETING OF TUB FATHER |MA J\. tlicw IV K !. A. 1). gocC-ly ot Now Vors, lie d Tuesday, ill" 17th mo., ul t'li-.r biul. "81 Broome ?Iri ct, tlie lollowtug gentlemen ivciv c'i cunt ..lienors for the ensuing year ? Messrs. Win. U Conm-ll, Peter Dunn, Join Dunn, John Ml ner and James MoUshan MICHAEL McGBATH, President Edward M-'LvatiV U cording Secretary. RALLY' I OH TFIB UNION. AMI SKI KISS I u.\. ANTI-ABOLITION. Grand .Mo a Miming ol tf e citi/eiis ol New York oppose* lo die continue 1 ugla t in ul' the liegio <i .Crtlun ni l iu fetor u. he restoration *.l lb" Union as it was i nn the mainte nance of the Roust itultrn ah It is, will h" In Id at lb. Cooper Institute on Tile. * ?.cuing, July I. IStK, at air o'clock. Tlie following sp, oker. ha e tuiiicu to alien i, vU:? Hon.J.J.t'rit tii u-u, D. IV. Vuorheis lion A. J. Porker, Hon. tiarieit Davis, S. L. Co*. IK n. D IUF. louea, ('. A. WIckllHV, Q. II. Pendleton, II in. r. Kei tien. B. Mai lory, Hon J. (>. Steele, Uon. II. C. Murphy, Wadswot tb, Hop. 41.\V. Lallia.ui,lion. Jo in Kelly, If. Mayii Til, J. M alou tal. Hon. It F Clark, J. S. Carlisle, U 0. VViniuron, 1 ton. Gilbert Dean, llcverdy Johnson, Una P. Lnul. Esq.. Jus T lira y, Esq.. I. Thomas, lion. tlco. Evans, J. W. Gerard. 8 C. B. Calvert, lion. II. Sey.i o ir, T. 11. Fields, haq., E. II. Webster, lion Wa-li II.un, Sy Jury Wo aim,Esq J. L. Phelps, lion. Win. Dtier, J. K Snrrell, Esq., W. A Richardson, Ilo.i. F. VVihj I, J. Leroeqno, Eaq.. A. L. Knapp, Hon. Jas Brooks, Win H Remain, Chas. O'Conor. Hon. B ('< r ilmt, Hon. John Mc'leoo, Hon. Win. Kvliy, lion. B Ijau Ward, Hon.Saiul .l.Tlldon. And otuers. P. TALLF.NT Chairman CoaimlUee of Young Men's Democratic Union Club. C. Ramsi.v, Secretary. TO AMERICANS VISITING EUROPE-LADIES AND ki ntieiui'u from the Stiles >t America or Canada, mailing Ureal Britain or any part of Kui ope, who desliW CP avoid delay, tro.ihle or expense, can have their pasqortb duly vised for any Stale or Kingdom they purpose railing, i.y application. hy letter or otherwise, to W. J Adams, Bra dsfiaw's British and ConUueiital Otildo Olttce, 69 Fleet siren, London, England, with the greatest expedition and despatch. Passports earefully uioiinied. eased, and nam* 1 tiered in gold. British and Foreign Stationery, Travelling Hags and . very requisite for travellers The last editions of Brudshao's Hr.tisli and Continental Uuldes and Hand books, Murine's English and Foteign Handbook* Phrase B oks, Ae. I'xperl nerd couriers may be had on application at iho ofllee of W. J. ADAMS, 60 PI et street, London, EnglaiiA PERSONAL. Ashley Norton tunes, otherwise called G orge Temple, who is believe I to be serving iu lue United StHies Arn.y, s earnestly entreated, fur the sa>e ot Ills ntlllrtcd pare its. to eoniumnlcate nt mice with the Rev. Ruins Bnel, 44 William Atreet, Pruvnl n. e, U.I. Ilia [MX rents will cuusiilt h s wishes in all matters. Odi n * or cone raues arc iequestrd to tall 111* attention to this uolioe. Adoption-any person wishinu ro adopt an intaut at :ts liirih, can do so by a.1 Jres-dug T. M. Union Square Port ulli u, for one week. For adoption?a fine, hem.thy child, a months old; his mother has to p.r- with him on aa count of searclty ot u.eans. Apply 10 Mis. C. D., ISn West 41id tu, b twe ii 8th an 'J. li aver. HDKREST.-CAl.L AT BRANCH If 1ST OFFICE O, . I.2.W Hi oadn sy. lor a letter, addressed to your propss name, irom J. INFORMATION WANTED?OF MRS. ANN MILLED I (Kilgoreb. by her brother. Address las. K. Mason, Com pany K. Sixth regular iuianlry, Sykes' div.aioii, Camp L? vell, Va. IF MRS. ELIZA JANE COWAN WILL PLEASE LEA7E X her address at No. 8 Hudivan street, in the 1'urnitUM ature, she will hear from her brother, who lain the i ity. JOSEPH UOXTKT. MISSING?HINCE WEDNESDAY, THE ISiiTn INST.. George M. West. 2 ' years old, auo it live feet ten inch es In height, stunt built, reddish hair and heard, sn l sore eves; had on when I ..else, u, in Third a veil ne, near Ninetieth street, a brown anil an l green gokgler, and b.ack fell hat. Auy information c nieernlng lilui will he tnankfully received by Lis mother ai lib Ninth street. N ov York. MRS. MARTHA L. ?A LARGE YELLOW OOT imi uur'irella. sill able for two, would overcome the rigorous regulaaou Y ii have receive I a severe leiter from your governor to hasten back. A lt in the same mood that ?'Arteiuas" .ayt the Miuker and his companion was?"quak. nig.'' My gieat coueeru iu your speculation must atone fag it. Write soon. MIAPAB. WILLIE?I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE COUNTRY. WliLyou please leave a note at Tl for nief \1THY DOES NUT EMMA P. FLOYD WRITE TO USE TV friends! There is a teller fur her at the K. pnat 9QQyt ?SURE AT 8:10 AND AN HOUR OD TW? ,?i t7T. a: terwardA Please uiake srraugemeutk ragly. LOST AND POIND. Diamond ring, single stone, enamelled. lost at Appleton s Photographic Gallery ou Thnepjlag slternnivn, between I and 2 o'eloek. Twenty dollars wsll b* [Ovid at the desk, aud no questions asked, If returned. LOST-OM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 36. IN CROSSING the Fulton sttiwi furry boat frmii Brooklyn, then ?mill _ a Filth avenue stage to thirty-eighth street, a gold chain Bracelet. A reward of ten dollars will be given to ihm tinder on leaving, tlie nine at lit) Pine street, room No. A LOST?IN TRANSMISSION THROUGH THE MAIL* Draft on lilt* Treasurer of the American Missionary Association, dated May 10, six mon'h", for $96 Sit. Ehg Under will ha rewards i by returning it la lib John streak. LOST-IN A BROADWAY OMNIBUS, ON PRIDAB, 27>b Inst., between D inne and Walker streets a targn mo ovro- Pbr euionnaie,. ontalnlns a revelpt lor a small ?L a $20 Treasury note, a $3 co uterreit Ixilt, a $6 bill on BiriVM Head Bank and other bills an I Mirer, in all about tin. IF either of the Iwi?ladies or the gentleman who p eked tt Bg wl'l leave It w Ith Giles Brothers, 110 Chambers street, f" will be aniiahly rewarded and confer a favor ou a ' " lady, who greatly leels tlie loss. L08T-LN. RJtOO xLVN. ON THIS 19TH, BETWEEN Wlllouuhby ?rMt (corner of Jay) mil I'rutW. t U U.I Gold Watch rot Cha n. The Under Will be liberally re warCe-J?aub uw questions asked, by bringing It to Ho.JB Widoughby street. LOST?lit BROOKLYN, ON JUNE 26 A SMALL.: morandum Hook anil Bank Book No. of the D Bakings' Bank of Brooklyn. The Under will be suitably la waned by leaving it a: J. Thompson'* Bucket t at., Brooklyn. 10IT-ABOUT TWO WEEKS AGO, IN ONE OR THE J Broadw ay ?ta;e?, a P.iek ige of I'upcra, belonging to O. W. Orlfllth. The niirtar will be liberally rewarded by tear lug tt at 86 Maiden lane. Masonic emblem lost?a mark degree. lettered, attached to a gold hook, of no iiae to any oaa bat the owner, either in a Broadway atagc or on Braa^ way, I'nrk plaOe, Church or Barclay street. The under >e rewat led by retut Mug the name lo it < Broadway. r No. A D J. LEVY. WATCH LOST.?THE I'BRSON WHO PICKED OP A'a Wai-h. with chain, on tue corner of Thing avenue and H enteenth alreet, will be very liberwliy re warded II It la lei I with the earner, at C8 Rial SI* -tr-et, ?oiith aide, Urst house earn of Second avenue. REWARDS. duo reward.?lost, on Thursday. a black ?yr) an.i tun Terrier Dog; bus a olilc 01 ih ? gt ? -y hound breed. Answers to the name of Fmli . Any one rctiiiatag biru 10 3o I aivcraiiy pL ? wi.l roc i?e the auuva reward. AC REWARD,?LOST, ON THE IBTII INsT., A BLACK JjrJ and tun Die, a awertiig to the name ol Jack, mat Wed , by aw i r nn ti e I'M shoulder. Anjr aBe ictiiriilug Ihr sa>4 das to W Wet incut. a>'< oud a feat, will r.aeire <he j o<? raws, i , lEWARD.?i.OBT, IN PULTUN STREET. ABOUT Oi 1 / four w.esa ago, a Itla. k and T.m 81*1; had oa a tunc., leather collar etui a wire uiuttie. Any on.' returning Iter to StfU Peat I stri a alU renelre tie a tiara ranard, RE WAR' r?LOST, ON THURSDAY A FT BE aaon, front Pi.t t avenue uito Thirt -h fh siicet, a ?mall yellow Scuteo Tbr in.* ear* ut ahart; uuswera to tba name of Mult'. The under will r cetve Ine a >ove reward by Iravlug him ut No It West Thirty-ntit atra t ?-ik REWARD-LOST. ON bInDAV AFTKftNOOM. ?ptlli June la, iii . oniiiig Irotn Pleasant Pi i,na, .States I-Inml orar th? rullr, s i terry to Grand ?licrt. No v York, a gentleman's Ooil II uittng Watch, with Chun, Seal ana Hook attached The fiu iet will tic Ive t')a above reward by returniut It to H7 Grand sfreet, New York. H. O. W ENTWOKTH. HOUSKh, R003IS, AC., WASTKoT" fNi'RNISHED COUNTRY HO't-E WANTED-I.VIUH 1 dial ; must .ay ee e.s loth" lily, nil 1 Uh-ra good balking, tlsfiing .v. ..can be had; a goad ?l/.eu well fur nished h< use aM ne reii,i red tar tour utoutba: Statan Island preferred. A note a,lures ed to L. Jfo. M Nektt'.n a. a nor, .till meet with HII II ? I a ?? al'eitlio., 1ATHP. WANTED POR CASH ?AN ENGINE LATHE, J tint' twin s .'I Hie ,' s ami wll. turn lour lo six eel, must la in perfect or ,rr AddrcA Machinist. Hn a. loMca. stating w hare it oan be ac. TRAM ENGINE WANTBD-OK EIGHTY Tf> ORE hundred liorsc paw a . in *o i working m der, with a'dta bie tlue boilers, for Wlilr.'i cash will be pnul. Addiese im mediately, with full partloii,ars, Sic,mi Eugiue, boa llerald otilce. _ ANTED?A BEAT BMAlfL COTTAGE NEAR THE ritr, with uidon aid plea-ore groin,i mound It. Would luke It I or tM ,,-on or one year. .dual be hi a goad healthy location. I' ic< o ho answer this will pease irlbo the premlaev and prion nrtetll which will bo pxtd la adkaaaa It required. A hires* 0. W .. box IS." Herat I odica. A NT I. L IIY AUG I'M I, OK BEPOKBi BY A] gentle man. wit and ?, part o a Moose, ooua In; of tottr too it," th m ccn liiipmtwmenlB, not higher 1 than second Door,.ibov. Eighth atra,*1. n ? wood neighbor- J hood. Rent irotn n'di to gu'.'i. Ptompt pmmcut wen'-d io purchase, o, of Pareunia for houaek Address L. B., box lob Ileal I elite. BY* tU, n kfit w WANTED? BY A GENTLEMAN AND WIPE (NO lauitiy) a NinaL neat Collage, In the uelghboibong ol tlierlly; wonlo take It foi the ie?s,,u orouc year m ist be; ' ? >-v ? ? " - " ,|w,itk III hood. Rent irotn i.ii ,o dw'.V Prompt^ pin mcut. In a good, lieuitii) looatiiMi. Ren wid t,? paid'tn ft lwin e, IMI d, sired. Address K., >>n* ljc HanilJ uftfee, ,|..*etItilng pr? I misea uitd |irc of i nt . I ilfANTHD?IN B ROt )KI,YN7 WITtilK TWENTY Tt mltiutua' walk ot I ui on ferry, by tint month (perma ncnt if a, led), a I'ottuge or Apartments nra famlty of ftvii ail iltM. WiN retinlre u jtnrlor, IGtobi u mi l at laaet Uirc bedrooms: ii,,driu imp o uu-it., indiMHtaaablr, at a carj niodcrste rent. A1 Ii Is C'l,a. Goldin, lleral I office. ANTED?dTsET'ON D* HAND HAY ORC'OAL SCALR to waigh ?tsft ??> n ;? or orar. Artdroaf Wnltmaa 4.'t<? Mull, avraiM, u, I a cog Tun iy-snranlh and Thirty eightt si reefs. N. Y. * P. WEHMAir WANTED?bVA PAVILT OP POUR ADULTS THI lowrr partof a House, tbraadlaaping room* retiuirec' wlih a fun tit Unit are not curious. R m not (a skoocl fag |,cr year. Address (I. Whitney. ?laliOti D. j uFanwd-a small house and poll lot, ol W Third aveno-, a corner prafeired, In an impro In, neisliborhicid; prue mns' be low, lor winch , ash wtil b n.iid. No .went ir Med with. Address, stating full partlei, tars, D. M ,bo* IJB (lata d oflloe. I y^aKtrdTTa bmaiS. plearantlt Situate VY Uauue, with gar.lea. In the country, not more lha. twenty miles from New York. Apply to RIOHARDP BRNKARD A CO , Ml ?o"b alreat. '