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EXECUTION OF THE NEGilO HAWKINS. Conductor the Culprit at the Gallows? (extraordinary Verve aud Keeignatlon or the Condemned?Ilia Speech an<l Prayer for the Union, etc., die. William Henry Hawkins. ,he negro cook, who w>o sjouvioted of the murder of Captain William H. Adauu, of the ?hip Lamergier, sulloreU the extreme penalty of tliu law m the y. rd of the City Prison yesterday afternoon. The culprit manifested extraordinary fortitude and resignation, aud when al the scaffold made a very neat epeech, in which he ?ought le justify himself. Subsequently he indulgod In WW, In the eourae of which ho took occasion to allude in terms of praise te 1'i esidunt Lincoln and the army aow engaged in putting down the rebellion. He was extremely solicitous that lite Union should be restored ?gein, and prayed that the hearts of the slave masters might be eortaued, so that la due course of tune the headsmen might be Oreo. The particulars attending the murder of Captain Adams are so fresh In the memory of our readers that It is scarcely necessary to recapitulate the facts at tliii late hour. Suffice it to say that the deed was committed In the Engilah Channel, while the Lamergier was on bsi way to this port. Captain Adams, it appears, became dissatialled with the manner in which tbe cooking was pertorined, and spoke harshly to HSwkins about it. The latter became irritated at the scolding,{and in a moment V passion vowed vengeance upon the; head of his superior officer. Accordingly, on the uight of the 29Lb of Sep. te ruber lest,,he stole Into the Captain's stateroom, where the latter was lying asleep. and there murdered him with an adze. It is true the cook was not seen to ad minister the fatal blows, but circumstances pointed so Olosely to him that there was no room left for doubt. He was convioted of the crime before Judge Shipmuu, in the month of March last, aud on the 2d or April he was -sentenced to be executed, fitreuuous efforts wsre made *? obtain a commutation of ssuteuce at the hands of the President, but without success. HKLTCH OK THK CI*LP KIT BY B1MHBLP. Tho night belore the execution was spent !n writing end prayer. The Be v. Mr. (Jarnet was with the culprit -during the on tire evoutog, aud continued te cou verse with him upon religious topics untii after midnight. Hawkins then sat down, Uevotod an hour or so to writing a* ""we. I was born in South Kingston, R. I., in 1828-1 le^t mv hal lea? T, ""V S'X ?* "hirt^ aJ7? ball (ertning. in this time 1 speut eleven ana a aifT C 0118 "">u* 1 ltl#u commenced going to sea, and cooking part of the Mme in hoteis, cook-sh .ns -a > Wia l'h 111,8 llm*. h?t I may say that I have had ^ wii "th laboHrV.0"* lhr" ?,U-re'b,lt 1 *1??? 11,1 leborir.g men. I would suv a woni in t... half oi the seauieu. it is too bad, however, that I must *?*f .ht,V10'l'u"> ot -American ships, it is a positive * ihfA many captains are very tyrannous whh thoir Aeave our nrir<|Um,n!aUC8 lb8 tr*utme?it as soon as they ?deave our ports, and treat them so that thov are nhliu.d ?J'f?r8Klgn *>n* {"r '?" Of t^ir lives? and many ^Dll kov* jlltO tl'rt tiUQ T{* ??.? :_ ? Mmplaints to the "consul ma ioreignpon'Tlfe bribes the consul, anl he puts the men on board *h88h^?"1: if men, in many c^es, ^e^Te ^*<??lnPens-- th? captain has tho preference on I Uns sa"or'? "othiug more nor less than lawve/u. kfa.* MIBc8r9 mak0 Ui*ir bo*8t "f bribing ti,a lawjrsr to keep the man waiting till the shin* a rt.aa bowell to ?ioik jtito this lmportaut matter. I speak of this for rsou'a ^m?-uh d0U'.t .a"th,s ?'ul Bull "wh?!h 1 LTi^ g?^a lreit'ment until the last ship in being verv sentlemaniw ?n' T"' ^ lho na"'? 01 aaii?5 T2Btlemanly when on shore. Captain Adams Ivii th8.P?rt of -Nt'w Vork for Cullao in ltffiti. with ?h'l'P^^m the ko.^Tof th. hovebm, %.!?l Home," and he killed the oook and CUlL ? ?:!rbowrd 81 88*'??* kill8d one ot the men in ?witm^h.t ^.!W1?l! V0yag8- -Ww 111 treatment of this ? i m8aBS?rbringing main this cou -dle rebuking which I am now condemned to ^ The prisoner then bade good night to his keepers? cilnlag upon hU couch wu^ fui He .lent ^ lb? 8l*b,? uever i "? 8l#Pt antil nbout half-peet four e^ocT'' W*klnf u> ? noKsuro nsvons ran nxnccnox Hawkhw appeared quite refreshed after hie night's I?*'18* washing and drssslng himself com menced writing to hie sister, at Newport K I He ,,, 'tffilh' ^^PrVf^80 oUthe jailors entered .rlfji 'wblch coMieted of a cup of coffee and itai reJ2l!2ih^rP?.tf 84 meal, however, and thTwT^f^r in wrlVnf * Abeut ,U o'clock Mr. Sutton, lh8 08,1 of lb* con ?yeaned, and wished him good morning. Hawkins said ^"J^ln8T8r f#U h8118' * hl" enbei-quently !u t^L!Wr'00m',8r8dW?lrt8 pr?*l<lent Lincoln, -whose time was so occupied in writing. He then handed %ba letter he had Just flnisbed to Mr. wuton, with r*T"**t that it should be forwarded to his " '"H? <ielay as possible. About eight ?yuiock the Rev. Mr. Camp, acooupienled by one or two ioTn. !ym8"' 8nter!d lh* prisoner's cell, and engaged him in pnyer. Hawkins appeared truly penitent, -and during the brief interview won for himself tne y*88? y* oonfldence of his spiritual alvi^rs At uina ?Sim i Prisoner was removed to the recaption ro ?n 8?*"?8(1 'n writing and conversing with such of his friends a* were present. Occasionally ,8g8l?'Ml, ^ smoking, and at times he was quiU cheerf Uai. discussing various subjects with unusual intelligence knowledge. When the Rev. Dr. Jacob, wai intro duced to htm, he shook the gentleman by the hand and ??"T^A".'*8 d*??bted at I he visit To ihec ergvnwu he ? rf 11r8^lj,'ea>'l"? 68 "" foll.v pr?t|?are>l to waaergo the fearful oliange that was so soon to take 8pok8 lB^T8rp ?arnci-t manner of tho future, and left a layorsble impression iqnn ail th?..? who wars within reach or his voice. Indeed, so pleased were the clergymen with bis eoudnct that thev afterwards vrere beard to say that the prisoner was nioi edited to '$r?7 for them than they were for him, IUK KREVAKATIOXB iOr the enecution were commenced at an early heur About nine o'clock a tile of Hfty.two marl nee, under Captain Haywood, arrived at ib. City I'ri.un and took Charge of the building About tho ?tiue * time Captain l>owling. of the Sixth precinct police, ap; eared at the entrance of the Tombs and kupt the laseage way ?u Eranklln and Centre etreets clear of ail obstruction' The detective police, under >ergeeut Young, were also ?u band in force; but as there were no Ibiovea or *iokpockete to be witched, their duties were com paratively easy. The matin s formed a boHow square a.ound the scaffold, and to their eiP iency the I nitod .dtatos Marshal was much hide ,ted The ac fold itself?the ono upon which (J< rdon, the a.sve dealer, suffered the extreme penally oi tho law was erected upon a grass plat in the centre of the vard and was clearly yisinle to ail tbosa who had are as lo' the place. In Tront of the gallows were seated the jury, an the left the physlciana, and in the rear und within 'a few feet of the fatal b.stn the representatives of the aTy,Tlll:^',T8S arranI8<' with great judgment, end the detaile, which were entrusted to Iieputv Mar shals Sampson, llurton, .xnnlh. Denai and others re flected considerable credit upon all concerned. ' tiis wvxK'ar his stamen. About noon the officers informed Hawkins that the fatal hour had arrived; and that it would be necessary lo pinion him belore going to the scaffold. The Culprit took the matter quite calmly, and submitted So the operation wiihoot any apparent emotion whatever. The prisoner was dressed ib a neat suit of Blue navy nitinel, reretubllug that won on board a man or-aar.and.ooked tho sailor throughout. On the left collar of his Jacket was an anchor, em broidere.l In w hite, the work of bis own hand during tbqlhnely hours ol his Itu AicAiMtiofi All btintf in rtaUim-ae, a procosi?i(iii was ilieD formed t which stui ttd to tho gallows lu lbs fcrflow Deputy United 3UMf< Marshal Thompson Tit* culprit. Clergymen. Deputy Marshal* Phyaiaiatis. Police. Arrival at tbe foot of tha ?caflbld the prl ?oner was placad In ? chair aud Infer m ??I that lha United .States Mamhal would proceed to raad the death warrant. Hawkins eon dueled himeelf with remarkable trmnees, and Ittlened to the reading ef the document without betraying the ?lightest fear or emotion. The spectator* were nnpre fared for eueh a display of pure meral courage on the patfef the condemned,and many were drlreu to teare at the eight. Indeed, there was eomuthiag ao geuwiue about the fortitude evinced by the culprit that the whole aaeeablage ware moved to admiration. rae rjctmrr's *i>tmaw. The readiqg of the death warrant having been con eluded, Marshal Murray aaked the oondemeed If ho had anything to eay. Hawkins nodded In tbe affirmative, end rising from hie seat addressed tbe erowd in a clear, manly voire as fellows;? I will say to thews gentlemen who have come here on this occasion, that I am ; reparedfor tba Judgment which hew awaits tne. I will say that 1 was brought hare em'og stranger*, end, although among strangers, I must ear that I havn never been better treated in all my Ufa ?urb kindness I have never bef re experienced. At the hand* of the offloere of this prison I havo experienced many aoteof kindness, and with their treateient of me I am parfectly satlstiod I will eay la yon all that I have followed the eea off and on for fourteen yeare, during whioh time I hare eeeu ami experienced aoore than moet people oan imagine. Much eruelty exist* on board merchant vesaals. bat ?bove nil en tioard those helling from the United ?txtee. American are so cruel that it Is almost impossible to est s decent crew for their vest#'*. In foreign port* the cheraoter of the American ca, tain la ?love'-hlal for eruelty. a-d foreigners know it. The tinned States ooneule in foreign ports are very much to thlaine for thia slate ef thiugs, aud It they would only wci as other consuls do m my vstunble lives would be ?aved. This oiuel prs> tlca af beating seamen drives the poor eetlor to madneae, a ,d causes all the trwub e. Kor mj part, I never saw a mm killed or thrown overboard, |>ut I have seen them dla from eruel treatmant received at tbe bants of brutal captains. It is ? well known faet that goed man will not etsnd r oh treatment. In reference to the question oi guilt or inuo tonoo in my oano, I would ear that you nan only have tti word for it, and that it of little Monnqnenn new. iri lold von I did not Kill Caotaln A y*?'i wouM not I t? lieve liia, pCi apH, Slid It I C U PHfc (1 that I did, there W?lid be no wiltoe-e* boy*<n?l my .no j **?... U .a, no I lie re is no use a> going lue ipo-sti-n. I hold no mi.Ore a m .m any <>f iU u,li ?>o di * v io j. i f a^Jiiirl any oua I thmlc, In this rave, that the t'io id n'. of tho Unit ?1 i Flutes, Abraham Linoo.n, did just right 1:1 li d taking notice of nio. i beliovo, nfio nil, 1 mi. it ia tc-t an it i 18 ; beat for tlio country, perhnua, that It' did not li ter I fere lu my cs-e. I be love Ab a mil I iuc lu t 1 lie a just ? uud r? nest limn Ho is tKe be t i'r ?sideiu wo li*ve bud Since the days or t,oori.e Washing!. and due- ti - wotb nobly. Ill conclusion,1 w .iibl say ibal I lO'-l lliul 1 am I fit to dio, end it may be far better to ma to go now th n it would tweuty or thirty years iieuce when l might be lost to eternal salv ition. 1 bojie und tru I to inoet you all in that place above where " the wicked cease I'roai troubling and the weary are I' >rever at rust." HAWKINS PKAVS SOU TUK UNION. The culprit then turned to ibo United States Marshal and bis deputies,aud tbunked tlu-iu lor their kindness la bun while in pru>>n; altar wht U the lt?v Mr. ( iri.ot ottered up a iervent prayer for the soul of the condemn d, to which the specui.ors re-pondol in a iervent ii noli. Huwlcins then stepped up to the Marshal and asked if he might be permitted to piay, and, on receiving an an.war lu tlio ufllrtnative. he ollered up the Lord's 1'rayor with unusual cle iiness and terror lie then prayed lor tlio whole count y. for the success of our arms, and ex pressed a hojie that the rebellion would be speedily crushed. He prayed also that the Union might he rogtored as it was; that the hearts of the slave masters might be softened, so that his brethren might bear tho yoke more easily, and ibat evcutu ally the black rsce should he lorever free. For the welfare of his sister and other relatives Uu also ollered up a feeling prayer and concluded by praying for the l'ltsUlent and all those in authority under him. Hawkins then shook ham's with Ma-.-lia! Murray ami bis assistants, the clergymen and a few of his Irionds, a d prepared )iirii.-olf for thu lat.d moment. Ju3t thou the Marshal stepped up an 1 a kod the culprit if ho had any wish to communicate, when Hawkins rupliod us follows:? "There are some things of mine in the prison. Among them a quarter of a dollar*, which I wish you to tako charge of, end deliver thorn over to my Bister. That is all. And now, Marshal Murray, I thank you 3lt:ccrely for the many itcia of kindness you have extended to me. God blues you. I believe you are a good man, and hope to meet you in hcavuu." THK MXK YTiON. The executioner theu approached and udjust<*d the fatal noose, tho black cap was drawn over the face of the unforiuuato wretch, th- axe foil, and with aloud thug the cujprit was launched iDto eternity. The execu tion look place at twenty-two minutes past one o'clock precisely. During the first two minutes of suspension the culprit struggled ronsiderab'y, but at tho end of five minutes llfo appeared to beexiinct. At hah past ono o'clock the body was lowered a littlo so that lirs. Kim bark, Finnell and Shiady might ex>miuu the pulse to sue if there was any life remaining. The physicians reported that there was a slight fluttering of the heart, but ex pressed the opiniou that all signs of animation would speedily depart. In a minute or so afterwards they ex amined the corpse again when tiiuy pronounced life to lie extlnot. However, tliu body was loft suspended for fif teen minutes afterwards, so as to guard against any accident. At three quarters past One o'clock tlio body was cut down and placod in a cotlin, when tho usual form of holding an inquest upon the remains was gone through with by Coroner Collin. The body was then hands 1 over to the friends for in terment. Official Notification of the Blockade of Jtlexicun Forts by the French. [Translated from Le Moniteur of 1 aris. of June 7, for the N'kw York Hkralu. ] It Is notified by these presents, that Ills Excellency tho Minister of Marine and the Coloni- s has h on informed by tlie Vice Admiral Ct>mniaudiug-in-('hief the French naval forces in the Gulf of Mexico, that on thu 1st of last May, and from and after said day, there lias boon established, by the naval forces placed under bis command, an effeo tive blockade of the ports of Tam| ico aud Alvarado. It is further notified by thugs presents, that all the measures authorized by the right of uati'.ns and tlie rcsiieciive treaties existing between His Majesty and the several neutial powers, will be adopted an 1 carried out in regard to all vessels which may attempt to violate said blockade. Official DruwhiRH of Murray, Eddy ?fc Co. a Kentucky and Missouri Slate Lotteries ,, ? Kkstuckt, E*Tka Class303?June27. 1662. 55, 2, 62, C, 11, 16, 39, io, 59, 43, 21 14 29 on 11 ^K.NTS"*r* Oi.aaa304?Jnno27, 1862.' ' 20, 11, 26, 39, 5, 04, 47, 29, 46, 54, 45, 18. Circulars oent lre? of charge bv AiHreftiintr either to -VURRAY. EDDY A CO , Corington. Ky . ot^St. Lottie, Mo. Official Drawing* or the Kentucky and Delaware State Lotteries. r 1 KasTucxr, Extba Class 261-June 27,1842 7, 4, 0, 69, 17, 12, 1, 48, 60, 40. 43, 66. 74 Dblawabb, Class 263?June 27,1832. 67, 66, 34, 74, 13 , 60, 11, 14, 10, 30, 64, 44. Olrculara sent by addressing . . JOHN A. MORRIS A CO., Wilmington, Delaware, or Covington, Ay. Prise* Cashed In all Lsgiuiud Lotte ries. Information given. JOSEPH BATES Broker 11 Wall street, room 1, New York. ,, SJ*,We? Hat?Yorktown Hat?Ilat for ilSBroaTftTay*'" f0r th* 'or the Thousonds-at Grand Family Holiday at Baraem'i ^u1M?m'-*r,th "Plendid performance", at 3 and TM O clock. The mammoth Man and Woman, Commodore Nutt the learned Seal, Aquaria, Or., at all-hours. ' Daw id's Straw Hats, a 99x Broadway. ? ear Duane street. " Gentlemen's Straw Hat*, Boy'* Straw Hats sod Capo, Girl's Leghorn and Straw Flats, Infant's J?*'1*1* Turbans and Caps, all new and den ruble styles, and booster SSSSt " BA*TA*' At JetTers*, 573 Broadway, Ladles* Elas tic Boots, $1 50, $1 76 and $2; Halmorals, $2, *2 25 and *2 50 gents| One Shoes and Slippcra, youths' und rliilili cn s Bal morals. shoes and Gaiters. J EWERS, 573 Broadway. Jeffrr*, 373 Broadway? All Kind* of D','nbF?' *8ch'a? Ceitrrs, Oxford Ties, Balmorals, M oilier anil Dc Vllle raoas, Irvuch Gaiter.' and Slippers, all at low prices. 573 Broadway. 1 13 C nrte de Vlslte* for 91.?Unsnrpatsed for durability and style, at BALCll'S, 233 Greeuwlcn street, corner of Uarc'vy. 9 Person* Visiting the Country to Spend the rouith 01 July should remember that the plsoe to imr chnw the cheapest ami best' 4in:works I* at ROBERTS' and Dcy'?tre"u de,>0'' 181 BruaJ**Jr' ^twean Wortlaudt Gauze Merino Cnderahlrta SO Cent*, at MOODY'S, 499 Bi'iadwaj, St. Nicholas block. Defiance Fire and Burglar Proof Sales.--Also Sideboard and Parlor Safes, for silver plate he. 63 Murray street, corns, of College plans. R. M. PATRICK. Lisle Undershirt* KffiMCul to.*) cant* each, The lowoHt pri'-cH in t he city, At I'EKKiiO'.S nevr ttorr, H3 street, near Ftutoti. Herring** Patent Champion Fire and Neli'v' Ar00' 281 Bl'"*dwsy, corner of Murray struct. Trasses?Marsh A Co.'s Kndical Care Truss WQic". He. 2 Vcsev street (under th- Astur IIomm , op posite the I'buroh. A F"mslo sltemls lad es. No cootie lion whatever with any oilier Truss olllee of same uauio. Wo More Gray Hair? Grantljean's Celo brfti'd coiisulhition tor the embellishment und !<:?( oral ion of tho hair. Oilico place. Crlstadnro's Hair Dye, Preaervntlwe and Wig depot, wuolessle snd reiall, No. 6 Astur Mouse The Dye is applied t y ex] eriemed artists. Gonrand's Italian Medicated Sonp and Cosmetic depot, removed to 458 Bsuadway. XV. A. Batchelor's Celebrated Establish ment for Wigs, Toupees, llair Dye, and Hair Dyeing, and MoldaviaCroam for beautifying the hair, Id Bon 1 street. D*. Schenck'a Rooms, 34 Bond street, New York, every Monday, from V A. M. to 3 |\ M. Doctor Hunter's Discovery Cares the very worst fuim of Scrofula, obsiinste Eruption of the Skin le34 ? ccr*' 8 Division street, New York city, since Deaineas, Impaired Sight, Noises In the Head and Sore Throat cured by Dr. .VON EIKKNBEKU, | Or ulI?t and Aurlsi, 38Clinton p:ac ?. 8i h st , w est o Br. sd wag j Summer Clothing At EVANS', and jj' nlton street, 30 per cent below Broadway prlfew Barry's Trleopheron* Is the Best and cheapest article for dressing, beautifying, curling, rleaulns m7 dftggleta ,h" h*,r' Dad's* try It. Bald by Ladles Desiring a Beantlfal Cam ulenon use LAlRD'S.Bloom of Youth for preserving and hsautlfylug the ooaipiexion and skin. All drugidau and 439 Broadway. A Pare Tobacco?Tellow Bank Tofcae T*ll0?r B*nk Tobacco. free from all lzn ptirltIhl for Mfto by all tobacco and iwgar <lpal?r*, und at wl.oi.?alc by B. GOODWIN A BROTHER, .09 Water street" . A Bl* Hit?Gen tlemen'i Patent Leather H8^^forf'L sl^HARTDETf'B, No. 372 (Jwind street, corner Eight Cartes de Visit* for 91?the Beet Is the clly, at WOOP'B Gallery, 2ns Bowery, New York. Card?Drii R.d J. Hunter?Consnltlng Physicians for Affections of the Throat an ! Lungs Office 882 Broadway. Hour* ol ?ensultailon. 9 A. M. to A P. M. A IVsw Book for Women?So Tnl* of fle'lonc.?n exceed In thrilling Interest Dr Lines' new book for women, entitled ''Thirty Tears of Female Life," a book of over ?*> pages onnlaliitng siartllng triptia, remarkable fact*, and a Inrge of uin ir ant Iniurmation In regard to female health, to bv fona I In no nth -r work lor popular no- ever Issued lien the press. Rend it study It carefully: It will Save you wari of sufferlog. I'r.oo 81 li sent by mail, ? cents extra, in money or (lamps. For sale by WllllBn Wood, (R Walker sir et; H. Lyon, 478 Broadway; Bnriitou, 296 Howrry aad 241 Hnilroii s.ree , and tas.iuMUeig g. neral I}'. A c.rculnr, containing full description of the book, tent free by addressing Dr. L II Lines 151 Boat 13th at. Oalarrh.?Dr. Gooitale'a Catarrh Reme dy ponetrntos to tho very test of this terrible dlwise snd ? .K'I'iii.imsics a, root sua branch, price $J. Depot 612 Broad way. Sold by drnggista H -ud a tlamp for a pamphlat. Zephyr Merino Undergarments For hot weather. Prices lower than > t or, . * RANKIN A 00 , 96 Bowery, ??4 149 Fifth aveaae, corner of Twrotr-oecond otresk. Tktt'i Ko.~Mki there a ".Ui? ?vitH won** a ad ?no w,. Id mi Ji<r upun Me ?0*" i.uiv, iv in. ut it I w?oue of KNOX ? Hat* i* ;"d ii" Kvr> rim.i at <e<4e |?*t ???"'* *'*?? * 'e~? HubUI ul. u Ihe Ui'innn !<<? U ? '? rav- Lot 11 I Ui.d , - ? u t ? niarul >"?-. It ix p"'i . yV ",i < rfi.iitijl.' Hi nod way, MV'titly w it" llie wi*atliur la I le" JMttirlrtl. 11 ,/khan?H ujalv ?In Hr n>klyu, on Thursday ?rt0'* n ou, Jane 19, nt lour o'clock by the Lev Jo"1' *? li.K,hia realdonoe, No. :? Meet street, Joiui How MA* O Maria M. Hollr r, a 1 of Brooklyn. iuIIa o panei* [i.tiisu co y. Kkankui?Maokik.?lu ibi* city, onTuesday, June 24, by the Mev. Joan Brash, Jmia Ke*?*i>'i formerly or K'r ui -litro, to Miss Flora Ma'kir, formerly tf Ayrshire, ^Ka aho*?CieeuriMA*.?On Sunduy, June 22, by the Kov. Win. Morri*. 1.1. 1>.. Patrick H. Reason, of New Yo k, to Mi-a EntiibrCunnixouaii, of Leo is, fciglaud. Truslo'?Cm?iinum.?At Alt nwood, Westcbeeter county. N. Y.,ou Thursday, June 28 by ilio itey.E. I). t>. Pi ane. l>. n., James L. l'RU8bow,oi'B ooklyn, to Cok_ mkija Jumepuinr, daughter of A. P. Cumuiings, Esq., of iho former place . . , .. Tichksiir?Yrrkcrt.?On Wednesday, June 2a, by tbo Rev. Mr. the Church of the Nativity, avenuo C, William M. Tichrxrr, of Rondoul,to Miss Ciiaklottk Ykcui kv , of this city Kondoiit pa|>?r8 please copy. _ Wariiwrll?Mui-tokd.?'In llergan, N. J., on Thursday, Juno 28, by the Rov. M. S. Huttiiii, of Now York, Mm. A. Wakowrll to Miss Sarah M. Mct.roRU. Died, At Ksatsox ?On Friday, Juno 27. Frank, son or Joseph B ?ud Merriam Albei taou, aged 3 yours, 8 months and (| (JiiV8 Urn remains will bo interred tliis (Saturday) morning, at soven o'clock, from the residence oi hU father, No. 23 Downing street. , , . Homier.? On Fridny.June271CATHkiiiJiK. the beloved ilaughtor of I'eter and Eliza Bulger, agot 8 nvntlis and 7 days. The friends and aoquaintaucea of the family are In vited to attend the funeral, on Sunduy afterm on, at two o'clock, from tho residence of her parents, Nil 3 Beet r street. Her remains will be taken to Calvary Centaury /'or Interment. . ? Hram-h.?Killed, on Friday, Juno 27, on tho railroad at Oranee, N J., W. J. Whkayon Braiumu, or New York, iu the 76th year or his age. Notice of funeral hereafter. CoRKis.?Suddenly, on Tuesday, Juno 24, William II. Cirris,organist,naliveof Dublin, sgod 34 yeaisauU6 ^ Tho remulns wore tnterrod In Greenwood Cemetery. Chicago and Dublin papers please copy. |).)i:an. On Friday morning, June 27, of liemoimags of the lungs, William, sou of Michael and Ellen Dorao, iu the U'.h year of his uge. The relatives and fi lends of the family aro respectfully Invited to attend tho fuuoral, from the residence of his father, 048 Wator street, ou Sunday afternoon, at iwo o'clock, without further notice. lii nne.?On Friday, June 27, John IH'nse, aged 32 y^,Vnn.r.l will tuke place from hte late residence, No. 46 Pearl street, ou Sunday afternoon, at hall past ono o'clock His remains will bo Intoi red on Stnteu Inland. llAYKi.?On Friday, June 27,Sarah, only daughter or William imd Margaret Ilayes, aged 2 years, 11 months ""tub friends and relatives are respectfully requested to attend the funeral, on Sunday atteruoou, ul two o'clock, from 606 Third avenue. . _ . T T Harucahti.k.?On Friday, June 27, at Jamaica, L. I., after a short and severe illness, Lewis B. Habikiahtle, in the 41st year of his ago. Notice of tho funeral in the evening papers. Humkry.?on Friday, Juno 27, John Jomefh Htmvbt, aged 4 years, 10 monihe and 12 days, The friends and acquaintances of his parents,.John and Catherine Humfry.aro respectfully invitod to attend the funeral, on Sunday afternoon, et three o clock, from the residenco of his parents, No. 125 Hoyt street, South "Johnson.?On Thursday, Jane 26, after a short but i se vero illaosa, Frank Hknky, eldest son of FrauoUT. and Mury E. .lohnaou, aged 2 years, 10 months sud 19 d*}*. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this (Saturda^ afiernoon at two o'clock, from his late residence, No. 42 Hfth Maiioxkv.?On Thursday, June 26, Mart Mauonsy, wife of John Mahoney. . ? , The friends and relatives are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from No. 3 Rector street, this (Satur day ) afternoon, at two o'clock." w McGovkhv?On Friday, June 27, ?harus MoOovbrw, only son oi lames and Catharine MotSoyern, aged 1 year, 9 motitlis and 22 days. A gather's pride, a mother's love, a hud mi earth to bloom in heaven above. The i ri nds of the family are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral, from the resldeuce of his No 197 Kjst Thirty fourth street, this day (Saturday ). M< Kkon.?On Thursday, June 26,Charij? H. McK??>, only sou or James and Charlotte MoKeon, aged 1 year, ?? menths and 20 days. P<. bright and beautiful he seemed, fo fre.' from caroand pain, We thought our Angel boy had dreamed And soon would wake again. How solemnly we watched at eve, How slow the measured tread, Till hope, alas, could not deceive? Our little son was deed. He dwells with angels far above, Our hope, and Joy, and pride; On earth he had his parents' love, Uo.1 loved him when he died. The frieinla and relatives of the afflicted family arere spectfuliv invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday after noon, at two o'clock, from the residence ef his rather, 150 Seventh avenue. McMani r.?On' Friday morning. June 27. of consump tion, lirat M< Manl-8, for many years Master Block Maker in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, in the 54th year of h The'relativee and friends of the deceased and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral service, this fSaturday) afternoon, at four o'clock, at hts late residcuce, l'ark avenue, near Clermont avenue, Brooklyn. Madison (Wis ), Orange county and Philadelphia papers l 'PitrtcRKT.?Suddenly, on Friday. June 22, at 12 o'clock M by being run over, Bknaami* 1" kanjain, youngest sou of lieniamin F. and Annie M. Plivkney. ..... The i'rlends of the family are Invited to attend the fu neral ou Sunday afternoon, at two o'clock, from the re ^dem'e of his pi.rents, No 31 Murray Hill Park Kakpria.?In Brooklyn, on Thursday, June 26, Miae 1'or.nkua Randbll, daughter of the late Jonathan Rau ' *Therelatlv?i and friends are iuvlted to attend the fu neral, from lha lterormod Dutch church, corner of 12Ut Hireet and Third avenue, Harlem, this (Saturday) after noon at three o'clock, without further notice. ltiaiARDM.?At Norwalk, Ooun, on briday, June 27, Annie North, daughter of Thomas F. end Annie N. Ltcli m - ? ? funeral aervken,"" Monday afternoon, at one "c^ock, at the houaeof her grandfather, Mr. John North, Nor "remolds?At Newbridge, Vs., ob Sunday, June 22, Wiuiam T ' Reynold*. Fifth rogliaeut New York state o. Mo fulb.r, Jwn.. AM,Xi L* Wo broil,.., .I.iooo ?. eoplWo*. ,r,. requested to atlend tt.e fuueral, trom his lather ? residence, 22 Bayard street, on Sunday three o'clock, without furthor notice. Van Tamil!..?Oil Thtusdey tnornli g, June 26. at half oast eight o'clock, of scarlet fever, Sarah Caroline, dAuqhter of Charles and Zlppocah \?n lasvel, aged 'Tc'fJi^n^fimUrar. reevAc.fuUy IbvM ?? attend the I'un. riCl, from the residence of her mother, 114 Prim e street, this (Saturday) morning, at eleveno clock. SHIPPING NEWS. ALMANAC roll NEW YORK?THIS DAT. MIX HIRES 4 31 I MOON ft?TS. PT? 8 T? SCN SETS 7 X> | HIUH WAIkR. eTe V 23 Port of New York, Jane '47, 1HU4. CLEARED. Etna (Bi j, Miorhouiie, Queensto'vu in l Llrer pool?J oft n O Diftft. steamship Rurai ia (Uam), Meier, Hamburg?Kunhardt k Co. Bteamehln Parkemtmrg, Hoffman, Portland?II B Crom. writ k l 'o. HiipMunehcater, Traak, Liverpool?Trask k Dearborn. ? IiL> Liberty, Patterson, Liverpool?J A N rtinlth A Co. Ship RusaU. McKee, M'teenstosvn, Ao?Urluuell, Mmturn A Co. Hark Princess de Yalilana (Itml), Line, Cork?Titus, Smyth A Co. Bnrk doe Earl (Prua) Brakscb, Cork?Punch, Meiuoke A Wemlt. Hark Dlra (Auit), Anah, Cork?Uolmboa A Co. Bark Voliiniocr, Uorhani, Vara Crua?Miller A Honghltm. Bark Arronaul, Grunt, Ciudad Bolirar?Harbeoh A Hut Mf. Bark Magdnlena, ?'??, A ftjdnwall? Panama RR Co. Bark Princeton. Heeley, D tnarara?11 Harnaa. Brlij Dare (Br), Gaston, (Juaaofttuwn?P<rucu, Melncke A Wcndl. ri.'hr Francis Jane (Br), Bain, St Thomas?Smith, Jonea A Oo. Schr Reindeer (Br), Archibald, St Martin*?E O Hamilton. Bohr A Brad tons, Ualacar, Jeremlo? R Thackeray. Hchr Evelina, Hlggs. llarhor Island?.1 Bneaft. Brig Prlnoeta Ksyal (Br). Ncwbold, Bermuda?S-nltli, Jonea A Co Bohr Emma (Br). Cltrk, Londonderry?H J A C A Dewolf. Bohr Planet (Br), Wllaon, Londonderry?II J AC A Da. wolf. Hcbr Alloa (Br), Faulkner, HI John. NM-1I J A C A Do wolf. Schr Triumph (Br), Borden, ft John, NB?A Smllhere A Co. Bohr H W Johnaon, Bn?h. Beanfnrt?Master. Sohr T Page, Frame, Yoi ktown?Vraier. Sulir Eli/a Frr.n la, Buanri, Wa-lilti'.'toO -W Ialalia. Schr Lydia, Ogden, Philadelphia ? Mush r. S lir B' n. Hickman, Pli.ldelphln?H S PnwoU. Bciir W MrCobh, Gruy, Han .or?N O Plll<bufT. K In- H Frankltn, .Mills, Kooklaml?M. lcali A Duncan. Sohr Augusta. Perry. Nut HodfOrd?Master. B hr Kipcdite, Bceba, Hoion ?L Kenny. W In Isabella, Muse , Fi'lniootii-r Behr 8 iagatii> k. Kelly, llnnvrs?Mater H"lii Try.ill. Adams. Nanturkei. Bohr Chief, Morris, Ply mouth- Matter. 8-lir J ADts, llallett, llinntii*?Muster. Pehr M it Mifflin Gin f Itti ?. Fa'l Ills or?1? Kenny. Bohr Wa i-neld, Arnold, East GrceuurMi? Master S oop Beaker, Pa'mot, Now Medi'otil Sloop W D, Thtn ' "r Tmntoii?W In.nils. ARRIVED. U fl ?team slo'ip-oi- va Seminole, C iminanderWm Smith, Norfolk June 21, via Furli-ms Yimroe. Steamship Ei'c??nn (I H transport), loirlwr. Trrittpk .tun ? Id, Ki y Went Mih, end P n l It'is u! 2 Id, Willi pas' i ngero In H D Tompkins, H B On irt' rmasti f. S eainahlp I'hilsd ? Ipliln 11 r< naiiM'?rt>, Barinti, Besulorl, NO. 16 liouia, In hallast, in D i) Tompkins, U s . iiurter.uai ter. Hteamahlp Par'Ker*bnr^,,, Portland, with mdae id passengers, in II H Cromwell A Co. Hhlii Antarrtlu, Btouil<w, Liverpool, T) daya, with mdsa ami and ifct passengers (Mormons), lo Xere\,a A Ci?. Ship J ace i A Stainler, Toiing, London M >j 1J, with rndne, to Thoa Dunham. Had hoary wtetany galea up to tho ) auk sine Hi w *ter* .tad. ant ca! u?. M tjr 19. M 5 ton tli ThosKviv ???? auu. lei Ir m l e ??.v .1 jU 0 etu.ard Mil ; w*? u-..j I'll B 1 fcfo, tlra'.d Rank*. "J*-* tt-'.ig* br Olwrlty. ?t tit Andrews, with 2*,iM? ah. Ship VlMug V \?w Soil*-'. London. **/ '? ami il.e channel 11U1 wi baiiaAl. io >V il IJu* v. B i k 8 o ll.m.e .-'agua, June 17, with #a,,ur, to J O B kt-r i-'ar Tr .Uu st ar (of Boston), Pike, Key West, 12 day., wtiLco ou iu II R i.fM ; v>th*e\ to wo* \ , Brl; Uo o Ui toiler aid', Vfor nrt, Surxiei ?ud. 74 d.iyn. with cm I, to of or. 11m i heavy ?*?:??!/ w uer. iiri MUbi.<l?i Daii), r.-Ur-oti, ilollardain, W doyn. w?.i mdae to K h, Me.ncke A: W?*i?(U June 15. lot f. 4], toil 61 I'll, spoke Br b. r K pm , for 11 tol.n; .June I, 1st it 3J>. Ion M) ? a**e1 ohr Central Am. r.ea, of Ronton. r Briii l? o . LL tnoii i Br . M*rhn* M-hsuw Mav . (iibtai ar intii, with f. u.t, to Liw rer (Lie* .V I'o. Vay 'i, 1 ho nil.* K of* Cil raltar, Mas In com ji iiv with l? ?rk I'.aa* mount, froiri Paieriiio tor Bo?l??u; Jim- I, in lat io40, ion 37 45^. ? xchanm-?t signals with Brt*h )? MalakofT, of St John. NH. nteeiing Nt a - me lui.e, b-nv an Am hark. ? tp|Mi*fd t ?* Cam brl ge, which be'led from Menai h a f?? <1m?b previous for Boston. The (J E L ban ha t nothing but woateily wimli em 'O | a-sing the longitude of 90, EU'l ho* been 7 iia.v a went of (I Ba'tkl. Brt: J'*llion (Br. of Sunderland). LeMUw. Oharento, to davM, with wine, * randy, Ac, to ord-r. June 5, l it 4J 2?l l"ti 4'.ii, snokc bar* K ll Yarriugtou, ol and f rom Boston for Brig Sarah M Xewball i Br. of Dlaby, N8>. PavnOn. Car. thn .' uur 6, with hides, i ubbcr, A<\ to itibon X M inn/.. Br g Sollenino. lli/gln* Baltimore, 6 dava. Willi flour, to Bnrdett A Everett. Sail. <i In company with bark Sophia, for Now York. ? KcbrMa glo Bell (of Camden, M.?), Gilkey, Ponce. PR 16 (lava, wltli molasses, to Slurge* A Co: vessel to it 1' Buck A Co. Sellr M 8 liatl.away, H*thu?ay, Lingan, CB, 15 days, with coal, to M Kellonl. Hdir John < llr), Morris, Oliar'.ottntown, FBI, IS day a. to Ti nee A Smith, 'Sclir I> B Pint, Corson. Newborn. NC, 4 day*. Belir.l T Brady, llah. Newborn, NC 6 day*. S"br M S Krniunall, V?> ey. Wbito IIoiino ti dsyx. S hr John Price, t'rowell, Yorkuiwn. 1 daya. Sclir A B Terry lot New ll.ive.u), El<lrldK?. Norfolk,4day*. Bohr It P King, Lteie. Vlevund-ia. 8 days 8 In- Kate Aubrey, Curtis, ElizalietliiKirtfor Boston. 8?':r Hover, Rankin, Saco, 7 days, b lirSydvl, Ke, nul la Adrtl.on, H' days, Betir Charlotte, Are , , 1!,> kl.ind, 4 (lay-. Sc-br P II Abbott, Smltli, YVmelium, 2 daya. ? firiu-T P Anirr (new, 220 ton?). Wrbtlit, N< w n?v H I Sclir W K Bird, Areyv Albany for Providence, i Sieanirr M Steven., Umiglutriy, Baltmiore. Bteanier Ironsides. Vanilerveer, Philadelidiia. Steamer Comet. Joint*, Phllatlelplna. SteamerPelitan. Jones. Provlrtenoe. BELOW. Ship (lr? at Retmbllc, from S'llp Island. Ship Jot't A Allvert (not lleury Albert, aa before report ed i. I roin lit?H1)E? Bark A/ *lfa. ^ Burl; Wi. helm iuo, 11 days from Tort an Prince. Brl.,' State of Mains, from Marseilles.?(Both hy pilot n .at W .1 HoEiner, No 12). Wind at suusst S\V, light. UlUcidlaneoui. , The steatnshiji Etas, Cspl Mirthouss, sells to-dEy Et 12 M for Queenstown and Liverpool, from pier 44 North Rifdr Stkam.-htp Okikntal?Capt Merritt, UndcrsrritiT.^' agent, EiTlve-1 yesterday, and reports that th" t B stsam transuort Orienttl, EHhors on Body Inland, NO, M ill prove a total wreck. Siwi" VOKKMBiKk, Ospt Fuirbanks, hence Feb 2, for LIt* I rpooK before reported out of date, ha l not arrived up to J tuc U. As she had then be n out IJ'J days, nh.- may be considered as a lost vessel. Ti n Yorkshire was iinuim in C II Marshall A Co * lint of packets, an I was entliely owned h\ Win II W- bb, Esq, the emlneiU shipbuilder, who con temp luted put In ; her 111 the guano trade. She was Old) tons register, built in this city In 1813, rated A2, and was valued at about $18,000. 8he was not Insured. The following are the names of tin* oW'er- and crew Janus U 'Van niate. re ter M T.iik s ?, tmd do; .1 P P. llgren, - ?rpeutcr; W u 6 lutckit rnv, mevvHi'd: CU.rle* Black, cook; JanutH Bnen, to o Miuitr, Tlio-v M: nncl. Ct::,s (fac ,ny. Robt rioflmBn, 11cm, Rtt-jell, Tho. Lord, J,>!in D.ivin*. Jcbn Calv.-n, V\ m Mii tli, Wm Richardson, Ch?? London. Thoi Parson*, Daniel Conover, Samuel McCann. Jame* Tucker, Arthur Ron he. and Jamea Tooley, M ,tneu. There were but three MHfeuger^-Ann Burn* and her two chH'ren, from Castle Garden. The fol Kdlowrng tvn* the cargo ot the Y?rk*liliy>?2,744 bj>bt Ik,(IIS bushel* wheat, 100 bid* pork, 8,000 lb* rfbeae 375 hove* chtcks, 82 824 lb* bard, 210,148 lbs bacon, 25 bbla ashes, 20,711 lb. tallow, 6 bales rags, 6200 staves. Batik Orkoon (of New IluventeSl-au, from Havana via Port Prava, (Jorce, Ac, went ashore M ty 2, on a reef off C.i_ zamansa's Klvi r. and with her cargo o! rum, became a total loss. Crew saved. Capt Sloaa. hrst otUeor and carpeutcr came passenger* in the Cera, at Salem. ItwiithvA* Bkki (tint ship! Emma, Sherman, which was wrecked on the Patacel*. She was owned bv Gideon Nye. Jr, of New Bedford. Capt Sherman formerly belonged to New Bedford. 8cua Gazki.i.k, Keating from Port Royal for New York, was tost ou Cockapur rsland during a gale on the loth tnst. Schr Hauv esv (of Harwich), Lawrence, heneo for Provl d'lice, Willi a load of corn, ;?? hen going through Hell Gate, struck ou bleep Rock an l sunk. BurrAi.o, June 26-Tbc schr S T> Farwell, with a cargo of Iron, on entering the harbor of Cleveland yesterday at 8 AM, struck on live East pier, causing her to leak badlv. slie now lies sunk, with dock under water, some 40 to 61) rods rrom the harbor up the river. The deck load is being discharged, and a steam pump put on board. Missinq Vksski.?Hhip Forest City, Akworthy, cleared at New York Feb 21 for Rotterdam, and has not sliiee been beard from. Spoken, ??? Steamer Rhode IelEud, from Boeioe tor NOneane, June "'s'lHji'success, from NYork for Liverpool, Juno 23, lat 39 JO, '?Shlp Thomas Jefferson, of Bo?ton, from Liverpool for NY'ork. Juae 23, off Whitehaven, N8. Shin Sarauac, Rowland, from Liverpool May 13 for Phila delphia, June 26, off Cape May. Bark David Nickels. Blake, from Matanzai for Portland, JlJBri*^o?te!r, 15 daya from Boston for Part ku Prince, June 16, tot 18 49. Ion 64 M. %r^r . _ ? m u ka brig "Bangor,'* from NTork for ? % Jun# *2# tot Soou, to&rtglAbby Wkuon, from for ?Jun* ^ no 1,1 orlon. Foreign Porte. CnONSTAPT, June i>?In port ship# Volga. Bvalds for Bo* ton, wtg cargo; Amlover, Kenney, for Niork. Sid 7th, aiup ^jSlioRK, June 9?Arr bark Fenelon, Holkins, Boeton for C ui5oAd. June 2?Rid aiilp Ocean Romp, Ralrdco. Bo,ton, IIabsoh Quack, >'K, June 7?Arr schr Autumn, Dinsmore, June 6?Sid bark, Davis, Boston. Malaoa,' June ?? In port bark HeUtona, Wood, for Boston, ldg. ?d about 4th, Bremen brig Carl, N York. M Annan.! **, June 12?In port ships J Montgoinery, Hamil ton, for NYork. Mg; Admiral Brornmy (Br), Mycrs for do. IjaritH Or*Its, Craig, ?n l Henry, Wilson, for do; brig Rltal (BrI. Stephens, for Boston about 26th. Fomck. June, 10?In port brig Cohasset, of Bo*ton, arr 7tli; Daniel Trowbridge, arr 8th; ichra Gen Armftrong, just arr; Oregon, of Calais, Cor neit day; Qua Bock, for Philadelphia Sid 10th. brig Red Wing, Clark, Ouayanllla, ^RavrKBOAM* June 9?In Port ship Flora Ij tor Baltiii o.e: barksLoob.Frederlke (Ham), Zybraatt, for Bos'on. Lucy A Paul (Pius), Sacba; Tor mntoTu?m. (Meek , Brt.idhcring; Ilenny iMmk), ?hlerlch; /V1 V - *iIt? k He. k?r, and Advauco (Brl, Reuouf, for NRuik, Lll^v (Dulrh), Dhka'U, for do and Philadelphia. 8 iasoRaE, April 16?In port bar* J H R*ns?.m, Chapman, for NYork;and others a* before. ?, Jutie 10?In port l?rk Brilliant, Colburn, for Bb 'Tm""w, June's?In pert bark* Edmund DwIgbt Cun ningl>am, lor Boston 7 day*; Alice Tarlton, Mown, dlsg; Ms rv Brougntoii, Herrlck, for Lon l??n. . a UnrB Sauua. June 15?In port *hip Sebavtopol, unc; barks Morn, lag Light, and Lncy Bften. do: brig* S a Adam*, ldg. Call fornlaf utic; iehr* A E Wlllard, Oonley, tor, NYork 17th, yhern ef the Sottih, for do abt 18th; Kale Walker, Uullifer, for Phila'ieiphla 17tn. NMoabMiaixrs. 4 T (S, *3 SO, ?t an I $4 SO, SHOES AND GAITERS. \LL J\ Un- newest style* now rend/ at JUNES', lUaud 12 Ann ALL SIZES BUNTING AND SILK FLAGS?ON HAND, for sale by llOJER A GRAHAM, inanufai'ttireis, U? Dunne f treet. A I STAPLE REMEDY.?DURNOH CATARRH SNUFF. Solil by all Hint clas* druggi-ta In the United States; to wholesale deuler* bv the proprietor, formerly of Albany. ?l, New ** " now of 214Ur<enwb ii street, New York. J. Dl'ltNo At barkers?the best, most natural and coolest Wig- in toe world me made. Hue them at 622 Bioadwnj. IT OI Mil RE HE'S, >4 ALB I'MS (FIFTY PICTURES) 11 (Mailed at $& Wedding Cards, Nolo Paper, Monograme In p 'i feet mate. ATUIMBKEDKH, 5-0 BROADWAY, $4 ANN $5 Kaim retailed at i t, i.uor tan- at pro] ortioaalely cheap rale*. AT KM.RDKLL'S.?WEDDING CARDS. note PArER. ai*. Tin-u uelehreted engraved tarda are ?old only it tli' old mare, 3d.' Brwa.hvay. corner of Dnanr. Vialtlng plaie and earns . $1 SO. A PACT HETTL0D I?'"WHITE'S PATENT LEVER Tru**" Cdret Hernia or Rupture; n new principle, aetion Inward and upward. Hundreds have been cored thlayear. Come and nee It. Pamphlet* free. AddroM GREGORY A CO., 2.1 Bond ntreet. .1 CAPTION TO THE LADIEU.-UNPRtNCtPLKD J\. p. rami* hate Issued a bate imitation of I.AluDS Bloom of Youth.* or Liquid Pearl. B- particular that the name Laird I* aiamped In the Hla-a. Thla truly delightful Sea udder baa stood tlie teat of yeare, and tha beat e?i tlth ate ofitsralne la, fiat ladle* who Irive Ufil It will lia\ a no other All dniggl-ta aed UW Hroadwv ? ATIMII SAND REFHIOKRvTOKS. AT $3 H |3 $15. WflOt silver platajl lee uKhers, *?il 80. f4 W, f I Ml, it 30, at E. D. BASSKOUD S, ?'oopur Institute, New York. A FOURTH OK JULY DOUBLE WUM1IER BEADLE'S DIME NgVP.LS, NO. Ml. THE UNIONIST'S DAUGHTER, A Talo of the Kebelllen In Tenueaaee. Prioe twenty ocnta. For aale by all newadralcr* and book seller*. Attention.-pr. bkiogs, thh chiropodist, is skilful and (uoceasful In hi* tieatmrut of eorna, btinl' tta. na Hostile*, club and Inverted nail*. enlarged and diseasedJoints, ar.d all other cNaea,e* of the feet. OllW e 212 Broadway, New Ton. A FORTUNE IN A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT ? For aale heoa?i?e the owner I* otherwise engaged. Ap ply to JOHN T. A.MBS, 30 John street. B BADLB'S DIME SERIES. PARSON HKOWNLOW *at> Tit a UNIONISTS OF EAST TENNESSEE, WITH AMiCl'OTKS, IMUIDBNT*, K?0. AMERICAN BATTf.ES NO. I. PITT.-BURG LANDING AND T It K SIEGE OK CORINTH Ten emits eaeh. For*.,In by all newsdealer* and book BEADLE k CO.. Pulillahcr*. N?w York. TJORDKArX WINE COMPANY. FULTON STREET, I > ...ri?<? i oi William, offer* to luiullh * and the trade, puro Li i| tin sat war prlee*. Kiou Buurbon, $1; duo Sherry, heal M; I'd.' ? Brandy, it 5) pigallcn; flr-l I*** " t, i'J S7 per ne a*. Ciiumpagti*. $tt; dun Claret, BRPlHIEWArKR PaINT?SINCE 1000 WELL TESTED or rtmfe, tilt Iron, woo I and tub k, rtae';* *nd hntla of ?? ?? I . holding the dM lory. ara. Depot 71 Mitdut lttte. c 3HUTCHES AND t'ANKS FOR T1IK MTI.IJ'tN-AT the manufitctnrer's. O. I'INNKLL, No. 2 Cnrttau lisireet. C1IIRUNIC DIAHKH'KA. / In ii. t.aiti b ma iUtile iwwer of th ' PERUVIAN SA'RI P more -ttlk ugly shown ill in In thi (ireTuntlon and mired, I Glarr o-a Th" tuna of the d mucous mum brune *e tna III Oh II stored, ii< tiritahilttydl-.ippe.ire, iha dl eal.on Und absorp Ion o nutrlnii nl are duly performed, the dischargee bream* naiural, end health M eoou fe eAVdi. 1 abed. A MISCKI.L V\KUt'?. STORY UK THRILLING INTEREST, K iy to.J " H\KPKK A Hit >1 I l<S. Fit A L V ? ,U M. ...? lOKK. ah&l iiinKK .i' wint. A NO) EL, B* Jttns 8\t'?t>?n? 6/n, pap- r. 25 cent. Opinion - of ili- Engl .n Prtw 1 . ? i. a Mi king 0" k?o'ci -r, inv >l n>; and original. We I ive .aldotw n>4 with u book lolb-r .it .lily ir ic 11 111??, ... ii.-V iv urn resting "> "? d? ?" *u 1 *" touching iu in nun t.i umbos ?a "Axd Drako'a VVil<It . n urn Tli author can create and not no-rely tiesertbc. ean pro. <iu .e b. inn i.k being" whom v.e rccogwse a?4 .y.upuiliise Wi ll, und feel we cm i comprehend. * * fnelr.ui we have a. eu equ .lied ft a.i.t ttrou, - Toe net.?nun ? one* are r all/ P-'" ed A it.. *.?n.b . . skill. !?' ry clihiAi't r. no in? t*f *>w o M or -munia!, < oe? etactiy wlta be would in Hie in eaeli o,.. eecne.-Spettatw To.-snlire work ha-all aitiail h u.ii ail I . o , pi l- te?* Ilia ran not tail to give H a prottjin at p.auo among ilie best uevel.of our tim-.?Lit-rary u ./-lie. Aw.ok of tuniue-iUoD* >le ability. * ' * W? Ha?? m this volume a variety of altiiattuu.. fuU of t ex n.L, re.t and of well eoutraste 1 characters, su.-h an ?? set rinm n eet will. iu ii >v?N o. wore pretentious dimension*. Tne author ha* tl.e se et of moving ihe fee dugs wllib ei; ir.iinuik nowcr Nor is he deficient in tuat lutein 01 JlT. ??-l?s III" Action Hi to conceive a character l^i^l 'lualitl i. and to keep to h.a first;hmp> ti?n amid atruie change an developments of the iu.ry. Hurl are 1* a masterpiece of literary woffcinuuslilp. Deity N Mr"'Saunders ba* produced a tale which, foridwp'ejn*^ est and Mibdued but earnest pailios. is deserving of allcotu inetidailon.?I luslrated London News. ~>, ntle,-tl on To. ount Hie ebaracier* win will live in our Wool e tl o? r.s real people wool I be to give a list of every on-- Who ap ? ? ? All through the nook the ?Tiatuial soirow. grief and pain" i? laid bar- with so skillful a hand, and SO tender a tin.?li th.-r wo should cerialuly decline attempt* im to read this book aloud.?Englishwoman's; Joornal. It is one Oi the wry few works ol iiciiou which ought to be read more than onoe. and bike ils place on our book shelves as a standard work.?A.las. Among the best novels w- h.iv? recently inel with from tia clever conception, finished style, ssil.fnl eoustruc lion, and admirable discrimination of character, w<eaiy ' Tne story is one of thrilling iuli-resi, sal It Is eloifuontly told.?Sunday Times. HARPER A BROTHERS. FlIA.NKI.S Suciltk, Nvw Aoaa, Have pisl puollabcd: HARPER'S MAOAZINB for JULY. Svo, 25ceutl. NORTH AMKKta. By Autiiont TaoLi.orr, Anther of "The W.-.-t I ii .1 left aul the Spanish Mttin. Dwlor Thorn**." "The IierliaiiiM/? "Fiauiley rariM>uain*1u Oau tle Richmond," "Tho Thiee Cicrk.H,' "Orli-y I tirin, Ac. Large 12:i.o, Cloth. 60 cents. H tRPER'S HAND-BOOK KOR TRAVEL1.BRH IN KO IIOPE AN D THE EAST: Being a Oulde through b ianc -, Belgium, Uoilund Ck-rmauy. Auslra, Italy, Hieily h ypt, H rr, Turkey S.vltzcrUnd, Uussln, OeiiuiSrk, Haedeii. Spa n, ?u i tlrent Biluiln and lrelaud. By W. Pkmhrokk Kctribck. with a Map embracing Colored Roues - fTiavel in the* above ConnlHea Large l.ino, Cloth 751 Leather, ?3; Half Calf, $-1 ?J; Roan with Xuc.s i Hio Traveller s Poi-ket), *3 60. TAPTAIN Bl'RTON'S CITY OK THE 8VINTS. The C.tynf the Saints; and aerosn the Ko k, Mountains to Ca ifornla. Bv C.ptaln RicBAKO K. Bobton, ?e low snd (fold Medalist of the Royal Geographicil Bocietle* of France ami England; II. M. Consul in \t e-t Afrie.i -^'j' thor of "The Lake R.-g ons of ?-eut>?l ^'iltj. With Mnpsaucl numerotiHIlltmrraUons. 8vo, M-umif), $ > THE LAST OF THE MORTIMERS.?A Story iu Two Voice-. By the author .. J.''e House on the Moor," " Tin- Days of My Life, X?e Lai.d of Burlaw," Ac., Ac. 12mo. musllu, >1. CONSIDERATIONS ON REPRESENTATIVE GOVERN went. By John Stuart Mill, author of a "System of Logic." Hit"", cloth, $1. THE STRUGGLES OK BROWN, JONES AND ROBIN SON Bv Out-of the Firm. A Novel. By Aiuhouy Tiol tope,' author of " North Ameroa," " Kramley Parsonage,' "The Bertiams," " l>r. Thome,' " Casilo lLchuiond, " The T.irce Clerks," Ac. 8vo. paper, 25 cents. Harper A Brothers will ?se...i either of the above works bv mnsl posiage prepaid (tor suy distance In the Lulled states under 1,600 miles), on receipt ut the price. HARPER S CATALOGUE maybe obtained grain Itousiy on application to the publishers personally, or by letter en closing si* cents In postage stamps. /TOKNS, BUNIONS, INVERTED NAILS. ENLARGED \J joints, and all diseases of the feet, oured wHhout paiu ur incouveuleuce 10 the patient, by Dr. ZAClIARIE, Suigeou Chiroi odisl, 760 Broadway. Refers to physicians and sur goon** of the city. Deafness, impaired sight, noises in head and sure throat, cured by the novel and ni"1C principle, which restores hearing in the most hope^less cases, bv the well known oculist and aurist of New York, Di. A ON KiSENBERG. yKW, YOB?, June 14,1862. I have gr. at pleasure to add my testimony to the uumUec of others which Dr. Ton Eisenberg's great skill has air- ad) gained fur him. I was sutt'ering from dealncss, socoinps nied by a very unpleasant discharge from my ear- Th Doc lor operated on my car, removing a polypus with ? #?tlj ness that fully demonstrated the eflh-ienoy of th< sctontittc Hvsiem Deeuliar to him. I am completely restored to hearing. E^Fhewouks. 1-osivv WARRANTED. .s,itHH ORKR. FLAGS. FLAGS. BUNTING AND At JOHN N. STEARNS', 64 Cedar street, nearly opposite the Post omce. EXS^rwVdS^el^E^^o>'t^ f?S i*Aen" AGS GILT BAI.L8, EAGLES, SPEARS, POLES. F fcVwS, by HGJER * GRAHAM, mauufacturere, 27 Duane street. TALAGH ENGLISH BUNTING. WHOLESALE AND J n ull. TOBIAS, manufacturer, 52U Iluitaon street. Ptut* FISTULA AND DISEASES OK THE PELVIC OrgHns. Dr. H. A. DANIELS, 221 Slktb avenue, near Pourteeulh street. __________ ?? H^ln^erlarllulr navv and fasliionab'e spring and sum mer stock of Busliios* auil^Dress^^ havedateminidto^Uhe^j^ T[MEg CORRESPONDING REDUCTION OF PRICES. The assoi'tmeut ot novelties In Spring Overc -aia, Bus! less Suits. Travelling StUts. A"-, Ac., Is uupaiallelcd. Only one P'ttpjfu3MrAf.l& atreet, and J14 Brmtd way. _ STARTLING EVENTS ARK CLOSE AT HAND, ? ml therefore, in view of the faci", the LATEST NEWS FROM RICHMOND AND I'll ill II.- I'. ?N' will b> iM??t eager! v loosed lor by th- who- or . ON SUNDAY MuKMMi Boor In mini the column* of Till. SUNDAY MERCURY will l> l- it open until nearly MVK II t'LocK SUNDAY MnRVINU f< i I'O' purpose of receiving vud pu-li-Uiug the t El? Y LATEST I.N I EI.LMESt'E, BY TELEGRAPH, FROM TIIK SEAT OF WAR To- new*. Ioi.jI. g-inml ah I commercial, military corres uou'ueti Ac.. Ac., in TO MORROW 8 SUNDAY MERCURY, will Bo ihe lullest unit latest received In New York. K| ccihi attention is invlteu to thu humor* of the war as port rayed in graphic letters from Orpheus U. Kerr and the Dial landed Volunteer. The circulation of the Sunday Mercury now exceeds, By over ilfleen thousand copies, thst of all ihe othi-r Sun lay ra|iers combined, and In increasing at the ml- of from flvo hundred lo one thousand with every issue. Advertlaers are reqwated to ?--n-l in their throw early. Aider on o'clock this evening tl.ey will'?? too lute for cMtsnih catlun. Olive. 11.1 Knit- n atrocl. S?T?|StO?X.?PR AKK'S I'LAN'TATltlN HITTERS ? (If this celebrated Brand, app. era lo tie Ih- every one's month, as well aa on every one'* table. They are a splendid article and enn lie railed spon to strengthen and iuvigoiate exhausted nature. DENTIITHT. \ RTIKII/I AL TKKTH.-DR DUUKIN CONTINUES TO a'V extract teeth In twa seconds without twin. No extra charge fm- temporary seta or extracting. I have chemically pure etuer anil eblorofosui, which 1 an minister with safety . No. 373 ?'anal snoot.. I KTIMt'lAI. TEETH ?REMOVAL-DR. LUTHER. JtV |len't?t. long < stahllahed in Saw York, Hi East Twen ty-second street, ueuy L> - injiu-u avenue. WurianMd uu surpassed Sets ol Armlcial Teeth, on go'd, plMlnn. allv--r or sul- anl'e, #s io $23. Painless Extraction and Killing. Genu ine ArtiB'-lnl Houe, ,70 cents. LL DENTAL DISEASES cl'KED BY L WALTER DAY. M. p.. No. .'el Amity street. Thine hlnoKs west of Bread way. DRS Civil' FIN, IB* GRAND STREET, OPrOSITE Lord A Taylor's, New York, an', '237 Fulton street, H o k>>t>. aie Inserting lull or pnrital sets of tbslr improved artlfli inl Teeth, with or without extracting the root*. Full ?ubl sets on gold or platlim. $28; silver or rublier, $10; partial sets gold, per tooth. $2; silver or rtibber, $1; extracting, J3c GJ. EAGLETO*. DENT18T. HAS REMOVED ? from Clinton place, New York to 7# Montague place, corner o llenrv stwei, Brookly n Heights, near the Wall street ferry. 1 1 CERTIFICATES ?II ATI NO HAD TWO TKKT1I L. IOA extracted wlth'yut pain By Dr. J. JAY YILLK1W. 13b Oraud street, two Bl-veks from Hrmdway. 1 cheerfully merit this as a rectim mends Ann to those suffering Hum too- bache. MARY M. DKRMOTT, 98 East Twenty.nftli streot. LEOAL NOTICES. CtOMMON WEALTH OFi 11 ^Pennsylvania, _ Wayne county. ss. / To Harriet M. MrBrth and William M Relit, her lut*. baud.?You are hereby uollncd that l>y virtue ?ff ewrtvof in pilsitinn awarded i?y the orphans' t'onrt of suld county, I will, on the 1st day of "August. "MM. at two o'sl-ck of s?|J day, proceed upon the premises, situate In I'r. stun town ship, said county, to make a partition of. the teal regale of which your grandfather, John H'eptretis. died aeLed, at with* linre plaue yon are uotl'RV,HBRT S^DORIN. Rhsi'iR of Wayne county. Dated liosFsnai.c, Pa., May 30, leg*. DRY CMWDRt ToSRPH UAHTKl.LI WOULD INFORM lit* NUMB sI nuts customers thai on Saturday, Jum TH, h -wlll open his splendid new- store. 131 PuiUni avenue, Brooklyn, with a large Stock Ol RM-b-'Us, H overs, Dress Miks. Laces, Meu til lis. Limn* ami J> welry all i heap, from auction. OU.MM1 R MANlTLLdi o Will IK BAKLOK MANTILLAS AT |] KV HI.A- K HARK K M \NTII.L SB AT $2 fid. IIK EN A MI R-VRROR MVNTll.LAS trench lace points at $2 r,o. S. 8. MILLS A CO., SH Rro.iiiw-ay. RICIRNIOTT. fHSIlfNO BANKS -MIHH STKAMF.R OKOToN, HAPT. James A. Duoueit, will leave daily as follows i Saturdays exetpiedre?North rixer?Christopher s'reet, 7'. A R. ; Spring .ireet, 7H A. M. Bavl ritfer?Erisune aire-i, HA. M. | frrk si p, HH A- Nl,i pier Mo, t^tWlh rlrjj $ A. M. Keireshm-utsof all kings, Fishing TgUle, Bait,**. at hoard. Fare toe the trip, Ufif cants. MI SO f LL4SIUOS. ,v?T -MM? X. j 8-JT?Utt-Jt. H-T?UUO?X b-f-i at x F?T-Wi X. a?t?IH66?x. Til' >l<II HOME-TEa. t iNIC 1'IIK <>LO HcMKSTEAD TOMIO. the OL> homestead ToNiO THK OLl> HoMKblKk ' T ' vie TuK OLD HOMKNTKAD TO MS ill TltK Oi D Ho.iIK.iiE to TONIC Lrt our |x>aga?.ion* be what they m,y ? tnsrtofs pj wm, lands. inaguilionat p ate or caasei* of "pr. 1011a II Milk in the balance *' aia!nut Hr'st ?Iwicf' ? In all Miik i:i the In lame m a.a f?m llesven XI9a! boon, HEALTH, ami He i round be ? ttjoyed without it. The language ot suture attest* that whoever wont I eu joy tin* pes,ore* of f .od, the ruUKu of ilow ra?mi and sea pea, the joy a u! r.iupaaioii-dup, the richness of Htrra u.r and tiie honor* ot Miatiun una n-liuwii must preserve their b?alth. And yet how Utile is it va.'ui d and how care les-ly prtasrved 1 ill" stomach Is lie irur-l,tela of all note risliii em and the fouH'itni from which a!. parta of the hod/ d i ivr their sustnnai* e. Wb-u foul, injurious food imt?r* the t omarh acuta* ay in path/ Sisorxaiii/e* all utlo r uua?i ?, an. 11 .eaaea, more or Uwa pehei ul, most lulloar. The law* of natureuaanot be violate# with impunity. Night letelry, luxurious living li re .larily of meal* and a disorder* I ap p-uu-will gruilua.l , ia\ the luuudailou lor disease. Ilots many ladiua an t gentlemen eat and drink disease at lata suppers ami ovl-- m the ino war with headache, loaa oi appetite, lauguid, WMirolrealied, levansh, low ?|.irlt ait, weak, atid imapmitatod lo perforin auy mental or pby aiual duty, and dwaui not ihia is the beginning Of thai bar rid disease, DYSPBPKIA, DYSPEPSIA, DYM'F.PMA, DYSPEPSIA, DYi-PEI'SlA, DY.SPEP.HA, wh.eii uwuuits a thou-aiul aliapea, and p.iuta toward# a III.-.era' I- life anil premature decay? Ther. eau he no medi cal remedy that will turn lil.ied into fo d. o polaoued drink* Into iioui'tshinriil. Medical ai line e eau assist nature, auppi/ exhausted Uuida, and, to a ureal ex tent, correct the etleoleoC dtaeaae, when the habits are ulMin lu ied. The tne.d. -al 1 anally haa exhausted lia rea ar. h for genera tion* In *r< allni; Aiipetlzera and .imln; aiomaohln de rangements; eertain in.rrdlenta are now well eaUtmahed aa uoaaetutini: oeneheiai umiiiUfs?among those are CALISAYA HARK AN D ST. CKOIX HTM. CALISAYA BAKK AND ST. CROIX HUM. CALISAYA HAKK \NI? ST. CKOIX HUM. t'Al.lSAYA BARK AND ST tlKOIX RUM. CALISAYA HAKK AND ST. CKOIX RUM. CALISAYA BAKK AN LI ST. CKOIX RUM. But still compuneni* were wanting, and regularity could i he obtained. An invalid physic ian, sojourning in the troph oal l-lund of St. Croix, observed the habus of the iniliraa. ami gathered from theai the receipt for the hnal eorompllsh unai of tlilw most important end. Its component parta, largely in orpern'rd in the vegetable diet of that laland, pro du. ed'ellect without a proper knowledge of the ca tar. Tho article wua Ural made uml naed a-a prtvaia modiolus. It* cifeciB were < a il oary that ic la now being produced and couaumo.l in immense quantities, iindet ibe name ot DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, Dli AK K'S,PL A NT ATI D.N BITTERN, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, DRAKE'S PLANTATION HITTERS, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, DRAKE 8 PLANTATION MTTKKH. OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC OLD HOMES.RAD ToSic old homestead ton.. olo HOMES i e VD Tim ii . OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC OLD HOMES J K AD TONIC, They dot Willi the power ot a medium.', una a: taken by old or youtig with the pleasure of a beverage. The sale oi three bitters was at tlrsl connn"d to ourextreiaa Soiuh. r.i cites, bill they are uow becoming well known throj,'Ii nil the world, and are recommended with the uioal uubounded Con fidence, lor all complaints originating from a diaorgamaed or diseased stomach?Much as Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Nervou* Affections, Loss of Appetite. Int ruiltteul !? ?\er% DiaiThoea, Sour Stomach, Hea.uiohe, Fever ami Ague, Weak uea*. Ac. As a morning appetizer, and after dinner tonic, they are held in high estimation, and should bu found upon the ilda board of every family. They are also much relied upon In-the tropic* for Scrofula. Rheumatism and Dropsy. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. IM Pi >U I'A nT CEKITKit' A i K. IMPORTANT CERTIFICATE. lAil'ORTAN r CEKTIFICATE. Kociikstsk, De.. is, 1-61. Missus. P. H. Drake A Co:?UkMTi.KMKg?1 ha n ... u a great siillerrr Hum Dyspepsia for three or four i. I have, tried many, If not all, the rumediut reo ?mmeiid 'd lor It- eur*. Instead of relief I became worse, bad to abandon ruv profession, and suffered greutiy from everything 1 eat. My mind was much affected, depressed and gloomy. About three months ago I tried tbo Plantation Bitter*. They almost immediately benelltted me. 1 continued their use, and to my great joy, I am nearly a well men. 1 have reouea up-nded tie in in several cases,and aa far as I know, alu aye with -i.nsl " Merit. I am, very rcspe.uinlly yours, Rsv. .1. S. CAKHORN. 8?T?186l>?X. 8?T?I66B-X. ? 8-T-IC6J-X. 8?T?ISdl)?X 8-T?UDO-X. Thai vou may lie your owe judge oi the elfl. aeyol these celebrated Bitters, wc sulimlt auwrtial lo.iirii.i of Hie arti cle a of whl.-h they siv Composed. ST. hROIX RUM ST. CKOIX RUM. ST. CKOIX BUM. ST. ' KoIX RUM. ST. CROIX HUM. The ioiiIi: iirop.-itles of pure St. Croix Bum ere well known, mid it has long lieen rvnvtnmended by physicians. It is * ? -- I ? I.AA Uai.ia?<lAnA Pleiti. Mllfi ihei ITM 11 a* m*uiufavturi d from tiie Sugar Otoe Fianiraml thai we use, is selected with great care irem the estates of ? lew planters in the Ulterior of that lslae*. CALISAYA, OR KINli 8 MARK, CALISAYA, OR KINO'S MARK. GALlHAk A, OR KING'S BARK, CALISAYA, OR KING'S BARK, CALISAYA, OR KING'8 BARK, wMunknoian tocivlilzatton until the middA of the seven teenth century. The native* of Tern arc generally suppogeR to have been long previously acquainted with its moat we?? derful medeeinai qualities. Hutnholdl makes favorable ae*M tion or the fehrtruge qualities of thi* article aa an antidote to Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Kevei% Id his extensive South American travels. The Oountese, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, having In her own | ?aid, Introduced thla remedy lion It was distributed imd sold by the JeaulU, who a*w ?aid to have obtained for it the enormous suae of It* weight In silver. From (til* circumstance 16 was called Jesuit* Powder, a title which it retained ~ be Gounteu, wile oi tne v icerey o: rvru. Having ia asr n person experienced the lienellctsl effect* or the bark, M 1, on her return t> hpain, in the yiar 16RL to heve dree reduced this remedy In-e Europe. After its Introdu* many yeara In 16M1, we are told that an Engllshmaa by I name of Sir John Talbot employed It with great aucceaa France, in the treatinent of rover ami Ague, PyyegM*^ Nervous Affection*. Los- of Appetite, Weakness ity, Palpitation of tb* Heart, Diarrhoia, Ac., Ac., under name or English Fowderv; at length, In the year 1679, n sold the secret of its origin aud preparation to Louis XIV., by whom it was dlviilgoTl. It Is uow a standard remedy, and Is employed In the n epnratiou of the Plantation Bluant OA SUA ItlLLA BAKK CASi'AKILLA BARK CAS' \ItlLLA BARK CA8CAKILLA BAKK CA8CAK1LLA BARK is another iiuportaut Ingredient. It w as knowu la Germany as early a* I79>\ and much used as a substitute lor Perti ' tan Syrup. I* Is employed as a gtutlc stimulant and toatc. In Dyspepsia. Chronic Ularrhiea, Oholic, Dysi'iitsry. aud dia esse > of the stomach and boweia. DANDELION DANDELION DANDELION DANDELION DANDELION I- o-ed l ev inflamniatloa of the ioiu uml splean, In ess-m ef bi:lsr\ scctetlont and dropsioal ailei'tloiis, i.etn iii; i.t in oi> strociious of ihe abu juiiual tisoura, and U< r'ii.,e..u nt of the dig' si|v< organs grnerally, ClltMOMILE FLOWERS CHAMOMILE FLOWERS CHAMOMILE E LOWERS CHAMOMILE flowekb chamomile flowers srv used fo.' viiteuhlcd digestion and waut o( apiietlte. WINTKRGKERN, W I N fKULlREEN W1NTE ItORKRN WLNTERGRRRN it i v ruSoUL-LV I* t ? >. ><? of ????!jr great efficiency, nod la a*> |. i "y v i iii Simula, Rheumatism and Nefraue .td.vHon- _ _ LWKXDER FLOWERS. I. AI r.NPKE FLOWERS, La.NKn oKil PLOW K KB, L.W KNDEK HuW r.KS, L WEN DEE FLOWERS, an arumtix: atlnuiinnt nim Ionic, highly in vlgomtlog In Mr ions OoiiiKtv, y n*i "i* ?? the | alaie and stomach. ANISE, ANISE, AMUK, ARISE, ARISE, an'.romntic ? ai m,na ive, ereatlug flaab, mnacla and Milk; ui icu used in uur?ing. S_T?18DO-X. 8?T?1(M>?X. 8?T?4060?A. IS?T?IK00-X. S_T? ISO I? X. Another Itur dtentnf remarkable andlwnnderfel rirtaea. used In tkii preparation ol theac Hitter*, 1* a native of Hiatil, aim a- rot unknown to the commerce of the world. A Spanish writer rnjf*:? Ailunuietered wBh St. Croli rum It never laila t* relieve nervous tremor. wakeful m-aa, dla tnrbe l sleep, Sc., and that it I* uaed with great eirect by the Brazilian, Spanish and Peruvian ladle* to h- ighten Hair color an l beauty. It lm|iart* cheerfulna** to the illsiaialtien and brilliancy to the completion. We withhold It* name from the pontic for th* present. To Hi* above am added Clove Bud*. Orange, Carruway, Coriander and Snake Hoot. The tvhol* I* cmuiditad i>y a per tVct chemical pi eene, end under the immediate sup i vision ol a skilful mil xdcntlflcpliamiaeentijt. DRAKE S PLANTATION BITTERS, lilt VKK'S PLANTATION. BI TI KRM, DRAKES PLANTATION HIlTKItA, DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. DKAKKS PLANTATION HITTKR8, OLI> HOMES I ^AD.TUNIO, OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC, old homkmbaD tonio, OLD HOMESTEAD TONIC, old riimestead Tom io, are put up in patent ? ouie?, representing a Swim tr-rnn and are an ornament m thn abldmerk. SMAvSlOKNEMS. SKA SICKNKsS. SKA SICKNESS. SKA SICKNESS. SKA SICKNESS. Tmvoller* by railrisd or upon the Inland rtveee. wliem the great change of taster I* an al> a |? ollti ? cause m luclpti-al bTLi" B*INTERMITTKNT kOUK ANDCHIIL IKVERM. HILIOl S, INTEHMITTBnT. AO! K AND CHILL KLVERa* BlLIOl'S, INTERMITTENT. All LK tNDCHLLL FKVBES. HIUOIS. INTERMITTENT. tGUB AND CHILL FEVERS, BIUi>US,lNrEMIlTK.NT.AOi;E \NU t Hll-LKKVEltS, may leal a certain rnlau if ihcy piotcct Uiemoelvea wttS three Buicre. The muddy water of the Weitem rtvrrn, filled with decayed venataide and animal matter, Is quit* eure to produce dle cN imleo* .uarded by an amldete, rack a ?I* iinind in ibe I'lanuilon Biltera WHAT IS SAID OK THE PLANTATION HITTERS.!;) WHAT IS SAID OF THE PLANTATION HITTERS. WHAT IS SAIL 01 THE PLAN CATION BITTERS. WHAT IS said or TMK *LANjXTIoB Birr BBS WHAT IS SJulD (If THE PLANTATION BIT TERM. wuai ?n l.t monib, tdik dayTlSk E-*ii*i n Fsi***?Wilt thou Mud m? another eaae of Iky Hi t r-f NoV1** b?* proven ao Weftclal or agreeable (? rrv invalid wtfnakd inyeell as tug Plantation Itinera. Tky u'nl> . . ISAAC 110WLAND. it .a the intention of the ^veprletore to auataiu the leyutar Sen Ol tble *1 th le upon lie, merit. Every ingredient M war ranted aa ktnt'd. Me oareiui that every nettle been the fno eimlle (tgnntura of the proprietor*. P. H, DRAKE I CO., N*w York. Drake'* ITankiUws Hitter' are sold by nil druggt**, grater*. hotel* end T**tenranU " " DKAKK A CO , ?w? Broadway. drake .? co.. an Browierny. P. H u DRAKE k CO.. fistf Brmtk* ? DBA hi. k CO . Wfi Broadway.