Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES, UiMVUS, ro LKT. Alt IKE < UANCK To tin- likivtsm f the O? ley and the OoaifMkMl> A I1 ? m i. i i, wi. i .? . t?. .... i*. ill.-m d-i t. h? most heal! y In the Uu to t State*. 11*111 l? l-??" o .1 tain. . i out n*u to al* y wr* <?- i or c,.< ? ii wil. ?? Mild J. fully f i. !1? ' and ? ?.r M , v,-i:a in c. tu. i.i (Mai Ii" i ?'. Carriage, Sam A- , ( ? h rwl aft a -mi. mn?t ol Win. * "( um q.nifty. in pip'? wu.1 toaee m *-f*l hnirtu Ihiry in bom.'- ant U.iii ill. rat quit i. Cognac, -0 >rum old: Koer, Cider, t . Ki.r iiiiih. r inform a<>-a Mr. Oh. Uv.u , C urricr doa Liut-iUius oil. APlRT OK A HO SK 1 7 EAST FIKTT-VI3ST - r 0i, in ?r Leximttnn ven o, at?fiout audi. % Parlora, bail b droorn. ba>otin*ut, b" i on and pmU'V ad timing; gu-fixture* waturui-ea, * Rent $lat) per aiiiiiun. oquue on tiio newi-aa. APARTMENT8TO LKT?IN A RESPECT VBLK TENANT hoii.-a, on Twantj-t.. rtii me or auuU uutill. Ap ply At 47 Weal Twenty - . tb ...reel, u.-ar Sixth avenue. RAKE CUV.NCE?TO LET, A STABLE. INCURS . at No. 15 l\ o si r street. (COUNTRY HOUSES TO LET LOW TO GOOD KAVl J II a?At -u.-.txii , Nt* ?' Ji.-ov. .Q t e Morri- ind I..? x Railroad, 2tl ml. ?, from No . Vork; new, tns laaa, witu ?very OOnveI.leiioc, gulden.-. aiabl.-a. tee hoi =?. a til 1, lilli water and b until ul -. er. r. . n to ,t above the Hudson r.var. Apply to J. l.'R X 2 L.. ang place, 7K n *V to SOLTHWICS .* WOOD. -- Nat 1/HJRN1SHED HOUSE TO LET NO. 116 MADISON J? a.euue, will bi ,. t tor .re .n' ? .'iiIt in l.uud* aoruely furnished. 1: n: $S,.VU. A, ;- y a! 123 Piail tire, t, ?p?tairH, or on the promise*. FURNISHED Hi't .-E TO LKT?BETWEEN BOWHliV atul 8. nuii uT. ti ?? tt .ii in...i?1. vett rooms; table Illicit and cutlery all la . ? ? . w. ... i be let low o i reaponarble U-u..n . Addiesc Sod itvlt ration D. for three day*. FUBNIaHED HOUSE TO LET OR FURNITURE FOR bal> ai a aauiifl e. c.t.ier . . o t. oil l.ouar: rent low; mod. ru lioprovetuep ltn'tlic c utra!; 11 in;iu nearly new (bla< a waliitil a a edi. a hoai'iluig house. Aildroea E.. siatluli A S uiu street Post die . \TO. 50, CORNER <>K Flit? C I VENUE AND THIRD il e:r>'< i. To et, old i s.a 1. lied Liqu ?: store; U nnawer tor a drn* store, A . Ai! ly iroiu P to 12 A. hi., at itO avenue C, neiti Ninth street. Rooms to;let?in house xo. mo waverley place. An ? n ire iio r. . tupi-isiug parlor, bedroom, kitcbeu and gaue and M being , ut n perlect order, paint ed and lap i.a, aa'er in the kitrlu ti; rent $S M ;er month. Apply to JOHN 11. I ICKEN at the comer store, or to T M R' UM\N, M-?' ropu.itun Bank K>. Brualway. t'TOP.E TO LET?U ^ HER THE NEW It vVEN MOTEL. O opposite the New liu en and Ha son Kl er lt .ilrouJ de not, sultahte for an) ItaUtbustu as or a r.'stuuratil Will be let to a p. rson who unoHrstauuf tb ? b isiness. Apply uu the, pro in-, e, i? rucr o: T.vcnTy-aevrnth street and Fourth ? venue. rpo LET?A DKSJ R v I'LE, NEAT, THREE 8TORT 1 brii-K Hons . I j W' si !?' r lit!'. ?: o. at r ..til to a p orsibte UnuBU Ap. 1. to DANIEL Til >kii' ftUN 1.2 7 Bruad? ays rpo LET-A THREE STORY AND BASEMENT HOUSE, X in K rty Uttb street, . a T .i .l av.nuie. Kent moderute to a yooi tenant. Incju re l ti. &. KEY.-:. 11 Wall stru t, thit d lit.' if. rpo LET THE SBCOND STORY OK 142 WEST TWLN l*ih street, to r ?rg.' t. .tttr*. plenty of i ft.*.. 1 tar,e yard; I. . on g an .; ..ns small lau.lly of in ,;.c house, required. Rent $15 per month. rpo I.ET?THE WHOLE OR PART OF HOUSE NO. l"0 X 1'i.... ? r t, .. s.o. and itenr Bro.u.laay. inelioung a Basement St . . A; p y to D. I'OLBM.vN, 4? L'ea Hon si. rpiO LET?WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION,_THAT very containable funr *:ory House 87'j West Twe ity stxth street, between Sl'.th and Seventh avenues, with good end stihatsiilial furnltur.' lot 545U from now until the 1st day ol May next. Part of the rent will be taken nut lor a la ry's boar ; and lo Igii.g. Inquire ou the premise*. TO LET?FOUR LOFT? 23T5. WELL ADAPTED FOR luanufaottiling purposes, good light and hoist war. T. rm? reasooat le. Apply on pren.ises, 71, 13 and 7o Ettst Twenty recouil * ice:, mar Fourth avenue. qiO LET?A FIRST CLASS DWELLING HOUSE, SITU X aunl at lA'i W. at Twel Hi sftrret. between Sixth and Mevenih ar.niies. Apply to J. S. MOON, 2siJ Kourtli aieu .e, near Twenty-third street. rpo LET-AT HIGH BP.ID.iK, THE country seat X i.t r K. K Cartasn. oalaiuing n U acie*. with coach i.uus. atabits, greenhou*., t a, ry. gat.liter's house andal litndauf trull; n.e ?. e : a wa'and gas tuioucti ?ut Also a Cottage at tb -ntue >?> .<?.?. also a House on 152.1 ?ti'ee',oveiiuoliing the Hm' u glth ctacb house and ? '.?in al o ttro 'lire ,,.y rh-K Housoa R'-nt low. In q .re ol R. y * A.. MaN. 1.254 ilie dway. nio LET?THE SECOND FLOOR, COI&I8TIVO OF 1 live Rooma and un. i.i otn on th rd Uoor ot house 671 Sixth avenue. u a its wat.* ...t i..-,.-, and .argeyard. R.-ut n o terate. Impure on tb premises. rpO I.ET?A VERY PLEASANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE. J ,c-- t'lan an lion, t.'uuj 11c . ity; ha- all the motiem run *.nwit<.'?. gas, Ac.,and plenty ot shad*; isauai ted tor mini ?. ? r or whtit r Neighborhood c ntetri an.! p. iT. ctlv healthv, a ? oat vestiable pnace. Anly to D. L. DODgE, No. 75 Lii ' rty atreet. a'O I.ET-THIRD FLOOR OK HOUSE |ii?ET FOUR teeotb sire. t. rouatsund ol three rooms, to a stnad fa n.ily the u rn wil! be $10 a u. tb. water and gas. In 4)uire at 1.-4 West FourU'emh street, n- ar Eighth sveuue. rpO LET?STOKE NO. S3 CROSBY STREET; OLD X stand lor a boot and shocinakor. Also Stort AH I).-kr ?treet, gro.ery or bier. Also front Room*, with light bedriN in and kitchen. In new houses 3S Crosby and -S Madi son atreeta. fjpo LET-THREE BUSINESS ROOMS, ON THE FIRST l*oor of r ar but.dim 537 Broauway. R. tit low. fro LET?TWO BASEMENTS, WITH CROTON, 86 PER X uiuntb , also atcon 1 Floor, $13 per month; fourth Floor, Crotmi and water CiMiei, $11 per month, st 2u2 .N'mth ave sue. between Twi nty-llili.t and Twenty-fourth straew. In quire of n. FRIEND, 2US Ninth aTetiuc. TO LI T?THE FIRST CLASS FOUR STORY BASE ment Hotittet N *. Xi5 an l 341 W est Thlrty-dUb street, reptetC with aii the modern Improvements, brown stone front to the s tone iioor, large b.,y window, statuary and Italian marble mantels, vestibule nswbie, walls bun* with hanueome pap r, bandrume , a* lixttire* and chandelier.., ?peaking tobca. At, all in p. ."teot orxirr. Runt $5,0 In quire of s. SPARKS. 337 W. st Thirty-tilth street. To let?parlor and basement of house 242 Ear. Broadway; more i onm if required. Also Ymrd Ft. or. Kent irery low to suitable partica Font-u.un immeuiau-iy. Apply on the prennaet. qiO LET?THE SECOND FLOOR OF NO 155 SPRING X street. n> at-V* r.cs. wo .urge Eootns, one uf wntchi au be made in o two. House ncoatiy painted and tiapereU. Rent $10 li tuotiUi. qto LET-A HANDSOMELY F.I RNISIIFJ) ENGLISH J banemeot llonso everytmng complete, and the faniily, tune m iinmber. to Imard w nh 0<vupautA Address Andrew, Herald .< fpO LET-SHE FIK.iT AND SECOND FLOORS OK J. bnwn etaaa front house 477 Third areutie, couatnuig Pai oiv hitcbeo, ti.rce Bedrooms, eix pantrle", In 11 .ry, gin, w.i'er, range m i *11 mo mi ImpruremeutS. I ,.*? of THOMAS Mcl'l!EBSON on lite premie#*'-. ri'O LET-IN HOUSE l,9D BROADWAY, THE I * "\l> i Story. cone*?>Bag targe room*. :o i cioaeii., wnidrohea, A . ? th Croton water. ,.a- ..n u* e , rtai KMX) p- r annum: al?o third Story, Mti.c tin ?eeoud. w t , t>.* -.da.ti'm of iwki rem $179 per aunnin. Iiupn.e "D ilia premises or at KM Fourth avenue. ff'O LET-TWENTY THIRD STREET NEAR SIXTH 1 avenue, in a |>n ate French fi. 1 y, two ntee targe liomn-i and 1*0 mm*' a .ry Bedroo of. tog ti or Or ?? ftarate, furnished or uiifamiat.ed Tue French language ti altogether m*. eu t.. the funlly. .ilr**st Principal, ltd M.*> third rtr* t K re 'iMCiuied. rpo LET?FURNISHED, 4 I F.T.t llTt'CIXY LOCATED JL Utenlftre tour e'.orv .own ai .ue u*> ? >n Thirtv-eighth tt e.*t, n* . >'? way and Sixiii annua, hnndM in Ijr and fui rn -.*?,: . perfect order. R nt low to 1 good t n.t ' >. 1 ?? it L., atat ti O. H O LET iN BKO >K1.YE THE I O t Kit AND UPPER J part dfti ID er part ail, . w:,*, upper part live; rent $8 t<> $1(5 poi 10 >tii. It will be dirtied tosuit |ar':**-; tw , 1 * - #*? < , kituatadat977 A*?a!piu street, i.ear Fui'on ,.rt,uu . rjX> LET OR LEASE, AT A LOW RF.NT, THE FOl K 1 story Ho ..-r. 17'j Madimn ?,iee-, w h all ihcmo.tra tmpioreio* b;?; rent trout now t<> May next retry low. In outre on the p. mines, or of Mi. ,luH.< ANDREW 8, No 9 Tryon row, room No. 2. f|Vi REXT I OR THE 8LUKES?IN SOLTII BROOK. A lyn, , v#r ..auiisome I urorsheJ U msa. A ldi- <a l>ox I .Mb Post o.nce. rpo ENTKUI'ltlnlN'O TuCNO MEN IN TUB FRUIT X 1 tia.nes* ?To let ch* ap to toe right mail, tb' south half of Stor- *G<>? Broadway, op|>oalte Cauru Keane'a rrtHB WELL KNOWN~KND YALUABLE HOTELTtHB A Ollu.ur Ilo'ia*, Baltimore, M : , lor rent.? Thla .aire and eleyuu hotel, re antly Utlilt and 111011 eligibly attiiaied 00 M"numrni square, In the city df Itulttnop-, poisesslog every advatit igc to render it one of th* nioai attiu and d-klri.ble establishments In ihe oo ntrv. will be rented or leased on lavoralle terms. Apjdn atlon ml be made on the pr* unairs n that oily, or 10 P. GARDNER, New York Hotel. WO ?TO LET. TO A GENTEEL PRIVATE FAMILY. ?' v. .ton it ? 11 Idren. a neat, lilgh Ba?"ntent, with e*ery ? n>enl m e, No. 6 Ftrat atreet, near the Bowery. Kent $U a month, iu ailraoea, or with back Parlor at fig. FOURTH OF .111.1" ? CURL CRACKERS.?NO 1. HE*>T QUALITY, ' FOR r Nt e by TIIaDDKI H. DAVIDS a CO., 127 and 129 Wil 1 am mreet. ITI RE Wt IRKS FIRK W () R KS hathelds central depot, 132 chathaji aire' ciiiln t m tha etly, established IM rn# let C. LYON. Agent, lor.nerljr Uupner A Young, 4TH OF JULY. AMERICAN FLAGS, of all *i<>r wt ol?a.e and retail, at DOUGLAS A SHERWOOD'S, At and 63 White street. JW. HADFIEI D'g , HHST PREMIt M KlREWORKS. Only depot in Maiden iane, N W 1'iener of William aireet. All ore cooda are mnnuiftefiTred under the pereonal eutjer elaton of Mr lladleW. We keep only hia worka and buy nor* from *>'ellsMf axakara 1 Ir Cruckera and Torpe-.oe? at lha loweat market ratea. Io - otr, - at aneoriaient ul Oiiliiant co.ored Lanlerna, lor Oiuini 01.; -on a. ?? f TRASB' ROER k NUHN, No CP Malilen lane, cori ? r ul W lliia n mn et. J. G. A I. EDGE'S KUtbT PREMIUM FIRF.WOrKS. Not " gaa.iirM without o ir t ale ... i I''*, ;i*?i . 1 and dealers euppUed at abort n< Ma 1,1 e r. r'-Dep 37 Marian iane. N' VIlGF/f rrRST PREMIUM KlnEWiiRKt. f.i i ... tons ir m otir hihotatoiy hate l",* it verr pi ii. ir, *.y ilie American Inm t i e n i .in# an I all u W pr m ' # thai have 'ten "H'ered for C' inpetRlon ?I ir , 'iry ite b a fn oparatlon. Ciiiea a < ? a .* i* in*" ni wiiRrnag t'ua coilng Annl veianry, a- 'id o well to make *nr"y a* glbjntl ?? at UM la' O* rate > Nor :. rain., .ferae CHUMJ, ^ J <*CEPI! O m ISA A bTTgE, Prrot ehnlata. A" T'O II t'|. ' i) , t r j i ( p .IULT.-NEW t - r ,t o a - -s .? i at and i tun i a * .> i, ? . i ih. Reoete, twe,i. . haup. ? n n ei I ? . t .1. "' It' i i r. ^v 0' Fr ISO \IVl>I\ia AM) K)D01\U. ViiiKH OF HANDSOMK1.Y KbUNIb.iEU 4. i aninci>, *wita \e ;.r * -? nU?M"-*u ?iiU uta, to lit, w Iih H-utm J W< I Lvtceu Vitiii ami SixU* u u**. V iTEN f O.N IS iWLLLD TO illUMS LIVING IN IIO * 1 in i laK>??.? i, - t :o i.u ?-HUiU;*aui. in op? Ud4 ft DO ? c i, 1 t;??*?.'!, a ; l ill' UiaheG wuh cryihiu^ ii?k ci" ^ary or 1) in unw that a family itmy have fc iO.Ui?> U: l*i?uie a . . v.- at a iuw rut . 4 PRIVATE KAVIIsY, Oi*(?0rYINci A LARGE FIRST ? V <l-i ?' ? urn- ;S A"si Ft rmentli s re-t between Fifth and hi' ih i venue-, wl i l?-t superior K' ill.*, bra itliul y i i.r ui.lafri. i.i , .???? io.hcu uce, at moderate |.no?i (tf? itn . *exchanged. A HIGHLY RESPECTABLE GERMAN FAMILY, OO. ."'I p\ ')< u rst c..i * hnu.<ie, would latl lew elegantly f'liiir.i. i Il ium with "t eli'iii Board, to s.tigle geutieiurn ? I. :???.< their tt ive?. Apply at No. M Niuih si i. t. betw.-cn F:h :iu.l .Si.ih avi nue?. Fteioii aud English ?!/ ? ? a. R. fcreucea ex. aiiged. II 102 EAST FOURTEENTH STKEKT, OPPOSITE ? t -it A aUemy of J4 .s.-, ouo o. tv. o geuiF-men aud their it i. ?, or two o: thii i? am,in persona, can have Bouid, with i ..s uK ouis, hattt.i tne tuipiuveiucnla. Helen uoe* /xilwinged. \ LADY DESIRES TO LET A PLEASANT FURNISH* A. e<l Room to nue oi two gentlemen. Apply at 51 West . FEW SI VOLE GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMJIO ,'Y Pa ed ?? Hh boar I i . it Art ___ tat < lass houae, Breaafasi aatl Diun. r. . 1s> per vt tvfc. Apply at Nj. 7 Amity ? N E LEO ANT PARLOR AND TWO BEDROOMS TO _'V lit with or wltlmit Board. amlly >iimI, auil private. References ex hanged. At pit at No. 47 Lost 'f*i aiy-tairtl t, m ar Filth A i-uii rFtel. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO OR THREE tvi li or without Board, at 312 West Fourth street, in ar Broadway. Reicri tices exchanged. D.utrratsii. I PARLOR, FURNISHED TO LBT, WITH OR WITH ^V out 11 ard; also, a ,-w >ud Floor, unfurnished, to lei H a mm j ; 11 nail Koutn, furuiaaed, I'or St permonth, at I, >??? oud aver. re. iT NO. 20 East TV. ENTY-PIFTn STREET, HE A tween > Mumaon ami Fourth avenues, elegantly : .irniaii. to let, ttlih Board, singly oreu Xuite. A pi irate I PRIVATE FAMILY CAN ACCOMMODATE SEVE A ml single gri lle.- en an! a gentleman and with kanl.uu.e I tU Uiahed or i.lltul ,u?he I Kuums, c.usets, hot and tulu Dm clans Board, at IS West Tweniy-alath street. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO OR THREE .A nr i genii, ill a . an have a l.uve, tvell 1'uriiiahe i Room, or Rtioiu two Be.lruouis; ueairahle loeatlon; tlr.l. lass huiiiu .'Boe eacaangi d. Apply at No. 34 Wist Twen ty hrst si re,'!. Audubon house, hi brooms street, one bv .. west oi Broadway, lias single Rooms, double Room*, a.i.l suits o. K oius to let, with or without Board, at lotv prices. I PRIVATE FAMILY OFFER. TO I.ET TO A GEN x\ tleioan .. fiirnished R iom uu aeeoud iloor; contilns gas, Croto .-. is, Ae.. v. iiu the t acliisife uaoof an ad. loiulnp bat o .i. very moderate. Apply at 222 Broome street. \ HOTEL-FRANKFORT H J USE. 2 0 AND 2J2 WIL a a . . . cmer of Fra&kloi t treet, one block east of Uhy Hal. N ally 1. light, uiry looms; 25 edits p r day: *l|erttee<. Open all uight. A handsomely furnished front room to 1 t.?To a gentleman ami lady, or t vo ? itigle gentlemen; j\. P t.? To a gentleman an lany, or t.vo Mhgie gentlemen; l oan! s'urthe lady, if de.iri d; le a i n convent ? tit and nu-x cepiiona ue. Apply at 75 ViV si Thirteenth street, west of Sixth a-, eniie. A SUIT OF BOOMS, CONTAINING TWO PARLORS A and tiedroo us, on t!ie n> olid floor, suitable for a fmi i 1\. or party of gentlem n, with r?iil or|a tal Boar.l; aho other Rooms, can lie obtained at 311 West Fjnr centh street. Board?a few kespE' table single men, and a married <0 pie, . a,; eet tvlib g. irt Bond and all !he conilorts of a home, m au English family, at 24 Eum Broad way, a lew doors from Chatham square. Board-a lady, who; b husband is travel unp, dr.lie> to Board u: idy a,id centleiuanor the la ;y only: hi :? res dm ? isui e v ..pit. r,. on the Hudson river, on* hear s ride from the city ;? nd ait the emventeuees of a liouie cau be enyoyed. No other ooatders to be taken. AJdrt as Franklin, Herald odice. BOARD?WITH A PRIVATE FAMILY. A CENTRE man an I UU ?Ifc can be a .-o ninodai at w:ih Board in a pi ivate family, residing at Ui n mod, about one houis" ride or sail .ram the. ty, -n ,i ed on the Ilirlson river; ox elleut aoeouiuiouatloUs ai d ?and l'aie will beg.vaiu _ Price ?18 ,)? i week . u l no abatement. Address D. X. 1L, 62 Eaxt Thin. eu'U s.rcei. Board.-rooms to let, with board for lady ami gen item u or ,nei.en;a very desirable location and esce.ienl acc-m inod i iuns; terras to sun the limes; dinner ai six; re.erei.cer ex .hauged, impil e at No. 57 Clinton place. BOARD.-ELIGIBLE COaRD for an invalid or l dy expecting to require me tn-al care, k n !nee? nnd home attention. No Cui.iiien or boartl- rs. For F cation, P i u.s, Ac., apply to or audirs. Dr. Tillers, 1,217 Bioadway. BOARD?TRANSIENT OR permanent, with plea sant rooms, oil iuu crate terms for scntlenu n and tu< u* wive, or single gentlemen, in a cool, dciralde location. Ue* ft rentes caousnifefL 22o West Fourtcculh street. B O.VKD IN FIFTEENTH STREET ?A PRIVATE FA inly, haviug oue or two rooms to dispose of, would an eoiumodate a |b n leiuan and w i i or two or three single gen tlemen B art, at modeistc lern.s, if referenda are satisfactory. Apply at 162 We. 1't leenlh street. Board wanted?by a lady, in a strictly private family, between Twelfth and Twenty-thiid stiects and Sc. oud ami Sixth av nnes. Good refareuce given a.ul reipnred. Address fui two days, Home, Station D. Bib.c IloUSe. Board and lodging.-a widow lady wants two no (i sud two girls to Board or Lodge. A: o. a liont BedrootJ (furtu-hed) to h-L Call for iwo days at 171 Twelfth street, between First aud Second avenues, second floor. Mrs. gETINS. Boarding.?oentlemen and their wives or ? lug e guntlemen eaii obtain drst elas. sceomm. date n?, at very low prices, at 61 Clinton pia.-e. Eighth street, tie w? en Broudway ana Pit th avenue, two doors from Biaroorl llousi. Refneni es exchanged. Boarding?summer boarders will be ac. lo.iiiiHidated by the i'ny or week at the Whit : House Hotel, between Fiity-sevenih and F fty-?ighth strutU, and Eighth and Niulh avenius, near Central Park. Board in Brooklyn.?a gentleman and lady or vwu wugle gentlemen can be aieeuimodated with g- nte< I and eoinlnrtwMe Board in a private English latnhy, where tin.-re aie no children. D.nnsi at d oh oca. Rt.oins lttrge arm weil fin nisbed. In a beautiful location. A] ply at hi id. ingstoii street. B OARD IN BROOKLYN. NO. *7 STATE STREET BE tween Henry and Clinton.?A genikmi.a aim ul e or tW 'gentlemen, can lit.d a pleasant fi-i? n: Raj 11, with til(t class m coainiodai.ou, d.-nrnLl? local on ?i'.jtti Bve u.i. u e.?' ?a!k ol Wail street T. rnis reasonable. Dinner at aix o'elnok. Board in Brooklyn.?single gentlemen or twogemletuea and ib"tr wives ran be ar .inmadoted r lib p a- ant an 1 neatly 1i rnishcd lront or back Roonm, and wb?ie the romloi i af a buue may be enjoyed, at btu Jay Si t ee'. lias, bath, *r. Board in Brooklyn.?a front room and bed. room *1 h hot and roll water, y?a, Ac., a: Htd Kch' r met burn at rust, let arm Nevms aud rowers. mtbiu a tew ruua of three lines of ears. A ileairabte locate, a. Brooklyn.?a ru\v gentlemen can be ac. otnmodaled with pi- a aft R. o* <s ;.od Eoat.t iu a line location, by applying at IS Nevlna street. BROOK! m.?A oknti emaw and wife, or two elii e men. itn he an uuiiuvdaird with i>."d 1, i I aad plessau K win (gat and haiu,', by applying at 4J Ham- n "tie t, .. c ind uuoi fioiu dm ion. 1 enveoioiil to eara and Sou it fury. Brooklyn board?;; state kti.let. opposite (Sidney p a e. iur gentlemen or gentleman and wile. ActemmnilaiMM and locution first i lags; neur Wall atr- t and si'.nth . rry 'le , m mo.? la e. Dluuer at n clo,>h I.'LEUANTLY PI K.V1SIIED ROOMS TO LET?WITH 'j or witno it Board, in aunt clues house, with ail oun >e nt< nr. Tei ms modem e Fei ir.aaent or tranaent boarders a rontrno'ateL Sp -ill accommnuati >na for army oihcers ? ho are here on i irlougb. 43 Greeuwie.t avenue. IMRST CLASS BOARD?WITH NEWLY FURNISHED Rooms, ran be had at 117 West Fourteenth street. Refe rence* exchanged. French board - rst class accommodation, with or without nira's. ?n Madison nvenue,In a very one. gen'.eel bouse. Address L. Milford, Herald olBoe. Furnished rooms to let.?a slit of large, airy Rooms, well furnished and connect'd, to let, sepa rate or logeth.., without Board, to gentlemen only. Terms low. Apply t id Bond street. fU'RNISHED RoOMS TO LET?to GENTLEMEN, IN a private family. Extension Room on hr?? lloor and Front Room on second tloor, with las, bath. Ac. Apply at lb K ml T* enty-sevenlh street, near Fourth avenue. Furnished roomb-om first and second Hoort, In a (Irsi slats house, without Jbt ard, for sentie men only. Parties in want of piea.ant Booms at a mode rale pi Ice. will Iplease call at 61 Weal Twsllth street. Rule retires exchanged. fYL'BMSilBD ROOMS, EN SUITE OR SINOLE, WITH or without B ard. for gentlemen or faml.ies. can be had on reasonable terms, athd West Fourteenth street. Furnished rooms to let-with or without partial Board, for gentlemen or a gentp'inan and wife, for bouseke' ping if deelred. Location pleasant, between Broadway and Sixth arenue. No. 47 West Twcnty-eeveoth ?treel. Kefereiic a required. Furnished rooms.?nick comfortable rooms and hedrtmuie, lor (mail reepeeiaii ie 'amities, or geeileireu, from SI to gl per week, at 1119 Klixa! eth atrret, near Broome. They are particularly a spied lor persona wishing to lire cheap and quiet. G~ ENTITY!EN WISHING NICE ROOMS WITH OB without Board, may apply at Hi Le raid street, two or three doors eaet of Broadw ay. Hot.-e >?' lass ami newly tui nlahed i gas, bath. Rooms, with H' hid, g 190 to $3. Handsomely fubnished rooms t?> lkt.?a lew gentlemen of reepeslability ihu i# ? ummoilaled with one or two hamiaomely and aewt) fnrti.ahed moras, at a mrj moderate rati , baa gai and Uih. Only three It, fa. inBy. Apply at I AS Elm street, between Dioome and Grand. Hotel lodging*.?comnortablb single K mi. from $1 'lit to |l 9 1 a wees or 1, cent* a night, at the t n ? ii Tloti , ldfl Prince atieet. corner of Tlinmpsou. Meals at all bonis, "ten all nlgbt. 1 tD I'd CAN BF ACCOMMODATED WITH RoOMS XJ and vpe'tin ? d ath ndanee. Address Mrs. Mro-.w, Fl.i uteon ptarc Pot III e / yne or rvYO 'in tlemen can out*'* board, ' ' " e Ui.!' i -. h ... n prl lie I rntly; ; I a. ?a? t r cm wit i ??? ?. pss A . 177 York street, Jersey i py. 'TO Lt.T-IN * DKslRaiiLB I.O kfl'iN Ul TOWN, 1 |e ? II 'I'll J iur I II" K ? litis, to Mfclngen U ?.i I I" .1 f ' ml Ml 0 ,? if d. N f ? U add |d .V I III may be , .liang >, drewiteg H M A Hi el i old ? rrwO 1 I K IS ro ' Kf tV'Tll l'M \ Ul?AT ^ BtiAHDlNQ A.VD LUOOIKCK IPO LET?WITH HOARD. ROOMS SUITABLE FORGEN t,, s?","'i1 :,nr^ w*; t'rv"*or iwo *- ??? ? CM " IV t:i aveule. % L cveuth street, third door rrtHO i. wishing board in a fine airt loca L uou lor too summer, out uud plront desirable R'.oms at 447 Filth ?venue, roruer of Furty-second street. Euiru.uo oo Forty-second sticet. riTO LET?IN TIIE PLEASANTLY LOCATED nOUSB 64 A W est Tuirty-ti ?t ?uvet, a few furnished to ? tu suit or singly, with or without Board. Inquire on TO"ANTEI>? A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED BOOM FOR Tf a lady and gentleman Board lor tin-.a,Iv on ly. Must he in a van quiet faml v, win-re tnere are no other boarders. Lncihon above Twenty -eighth street Add.ess A. IS. C., Godfrey's Union square Post ollioe. WANTED?A FURNISHED ROOM, WITH OR WITH" Yv out liiMtid, iu a lirat e use priva'e lAiudy, by a Pro fessional man; lo anon witlilu 20 m antes' walk of ? ity Hell; best references. Address, stat or terms and location (none other uoltued). Counsellor, Herald olllce. WANTED?I 81RD IN HOBOKEN, FOR A GENTLE Tt mauandlauy; lmird for lady only: where there are no other boarders preferred. Parlies quiet Price must be moderate. Address J. White, Herald olllce, N. Y. 91 ST. MARK'S PLACE, EIGHTH STREET.?A FEW ? L g< nileoirn or a geutlemau and wile can have a rlioioe oi tiue airy Rooms, lu suits or single, with or witboot Boaid. Terms to suit to ? times. A si a lino Oillre lor a physician. Lo. aiion delightful. Stages pass the door. 9f' GREENE STREET, NEAR CANAL STREET ?FUR totU nulled Rooms lo let, to gentlemen only. at $1 t- $> per week Also, similar rooms and rooms for housekeeping ul No. 1 Monroe street, corner of Catherluc street. rq BLEECKER STREtT-TO LET, A BEAUTIFUL tjij fi.ialshdd front Room, wit i B d/oora attached, on the sr. ond lloor ol a lirst e ass honee; also two small Rooms, all oi which Is fui n shod in the most be utlful style. None but stnalo Rents need apply, and tbose not requiring board. Ap ply on the premises. 7Q EAST FOURTEENTH STREET?HOUSE DKLIGHT I i" fully sliiiated, neur Union square; a Suit of Rooms, v.clH iiruuoed, on second tloi.r, m let, w itb Board, suitable lor a family; also a few single Rooms for gentlemen. Din ner at half-past live. References each .ugeil. 7Q SPRING STKELi, THREE DOORS FROM BROAD 4 t/ w ay?To 1.1, handsomely funnsmd Rooms, to single gentlenieu, the lO.atlou Is neur all the lirst class hotels and places ol amusement. Reading room free. Inquire of ANSON 11UUSE. 99 ORKENK STREET, ABOVE SPRING, ALSTON >) liaise?Elegantly fiirnishod suns of Ro ,ni?>; s.,as, Cr oon a . t every convenience lor housekeeping economi cally; particularly suitable for small, respeclab.e; rentlow 1<\Q LEONARD STREET.-TO LET. TO GENTLE l'lO men. lurntsliod ltooinS wilh gas uud bath attached; a'sa front Basement suitable for an olllce. 11 /A BLEECKER STREET, WEST OF AND NEAR XIV/ Broadway.?Pleasantly furnish d Rooms to let, w,ih or witho it Board, singly or ill suits. Meals served in rooms if desired. Transient boarders accommodated Location pleasant and o tttraL lOH THOMPSON STREET.?A FEW RESPECTABLE lOU boordeiscan be accommodated on reasonable terms; a few single ro.uiis left. House has a.l modern lmproi ements, gas, 1 ath, Ac. 1 zp TRINCE STREET-ST. CI.AIR HOUSE.?ELE lOU gautly lumlshed Rooms, with Bedrooms att'ached, wnh all the convenlemes for housekeeping In cluding gas an t Cr.iton water, to let to rcspe table, or single gentlemen. 1Q9 EAST TENTH STREET.?GENTLEMEN CAN l>'sj obtain handsomely furnished Rooms, without Bcaru, location uusur; asse.i; gas and water throughout the house. 91 A ELM STREET, NEAR SPRING?FURNISHED gjXV/ K aui.s lor immediate occupancy; lowe-t rents In the city, considering the conveniences lor housekeeping; best bedding, turuiture and cooking utensiL; gas and Cro ton. npj TENTH STREET.-A SMALL PARLOR AND totUX. Bedioom. with Board, on 11 rat lloor, Irout, lo let to a gentleman and wife; an excellent location tor a doctor s othee; rent $6. gas and bath Included; also a back Parlor and Bedruout, w.ih Board. $7. A lew gentlemen can be accom modated with Board at terms to suit the limes. 379 FOURTn STREET, ONE BLOCK EAST OF t to Broadway.?A gentleman and his wife or two or three vingle gentlemen can hate their choice In handsomely furnished Rooms, with or without Board. Dinner at 6 o'cl -ck. References exchanged. COUNTRY BOARD. _ AT THE ' BOARDER'S DIRECTORY," 5H BROAD" war, you can learn full particulars of many detu able lilac ? in country and city, gral unmsly. All tvisbing genteel boar .era should apply Immediately. Country board wanted. A S. BODINK dt CO . Wood's Building, Mil Broadway. Board wanted in TnE country?within half ;u..o.i's ride o: New York city, .or a geutleuiau and his 't lfe. In a private family, where lessons on h I idatio will be isken in part payment The use of a seven octave piano will be gireu for the pupils. Address R., box 126 lit raid olhoe. CTOUNTRY BOARD.?PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD ) may h-e obtained by a gentleman sn 1 wile or a pai ty of single gtiiwoeintu, in a private family In the vlhage of inkers. The 1- well located, within a abort distance of the de io. audi -amboat lauding, and beautifully shaded. Also, fins trull trees on the jilnee Terms reasonable. Address W., Yonxars t'oal odice. or tail 1.746New York Past olllce. COUNTRY BOARD?GREAT SOUTH BAY, LONG Island.?Single penws and families can owu n Board at a lommoulons larm bouse, beautifully sKuated upon shore of above bay. and commanding a fine view of the Atlantlo G.eau. Fine sea bathing, suiting, Ac. For particulars apt to Mr EVANS, H4 Nassau street, or D. L. CORNELL,! East Twenty-hrst st. . /COUNTRY BOARD-AT NEWMAN SPRINGS, NEAR V/ Red Bank, on the banks ol the North Shrewsbury river : green, toady rambies. rustic summer houses, cold crystal and iron springs; line halting, boating and bathing un the premis-a. Now open, by M. A. LEIG11T0N. CTOUNTRY BOARD.?A QUIET FAMILY, LIVING AT J Bridgeport, Count, would accommodate a small family with Board for the summer, on moderate terms. Frsan milk, rruits and vegetables In abundance. For particulars Inquire of E. G. Mather, M Liberty street. CTROWEN HOUSE, HASTING8-0N THE-HUDSON, ONE J hoi.rV.iul- iroin the city by boat or cars, and five min utes walk. -? ti ike station. Grot nds well shaded and beau ttfslly d. A faW more Rooms ts let. CTOUNTRY BOARD WANTED FOR THE SUMMER? J For a mat lied couple and servant: ?tabling for a horse; must he within an hour's tide of tlie ? I y. Apptlesnta must be Wiilintt to re< eive $20U of the board money in houae fur goo Is. to Iw selected front the store. Address Fair EiOiange, station F Peat odice. T,,l RnT CLASH ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TWO KAMI U lha (wltuo it children uielerreuy can Iks had m a privi.te resideno-at Yunkers, wiuiin five minutes' walk of depot. Beauiiiul grounds and garden aita hed. Apply at the house riaiulf.sns Saw ' PERSONS WISHING BOARD IN THE COUNTRY Uniinc the ?uturner, iau be accommodated ??a very pl> sunnily situated bou*e near Sing Sim* Conveyance to amifiom the leu.i* and mr* morning ami evening. Inquire Of A. H. MAKCY, am Hroadvisy. N. Y. TO BACHELORS.?FIVE SOCIABLE BACHELORS can be accommodated by a baehelor with goo , Room*, at Glen Cove adjonmg the Pavilion, at go a week; musical lieehelora will be taken at $1. The bacbelAr will hia bach, lor customers out sailing or fishing once a week, an I riding nn. e a iveek: but on no .eea^lon must they aak 1.1m lor the 1 an of his horse, a goo I pianist will be accommo dated iret or . iKnif. The bachelor ptavs the flute. The bachelor* ran be accMnmolated wltn B. ard ?t a masons!),e prlie, or they can take lb. Ir rneulsat the Pavilion A;Tdy en board of steamboat* Jesse Hoy i, Peck slip, or Long Island, Fulton ellp. WANTED?BOARD AT THE SEA SIDE, FOR A GEN I? tlem n, wile and two ch.ldreu. in a well shaded mid healthy location, -.there good bathing, airy rootua, plain bo ;rfr.ilt, milk .Ac , ran be had on moderate term*. AJ dre* lor one week W , boa I.ltiy l'o*t otlioe. StJMMBR RKEORTS. A FAMILY, HAVING A RESIDENCE AT SARATOGA Springs, arp going there for the a- aaon. A go >d sized family could arc mpany th'-in or a lady, with ?.ime board, ia and lurnltore, would not be objected to, If mutually pieaaed. Term* moderate. Addreae Unawoid, Brooklyu Post ottoe. Aldricius pacific hotel, situated at far Kockaway, L. I., where aea bathing la unet'ialled and the comtorta or a bomc uaa irnaaaed, 1* now open. Tialne leave South ferry four Utnea e day. Fare GO centa Bergen toint house?situated at bergen Point. N. J., near Newark bar, about ten minute*' walk from Latouretie Home, la now open for the reception of lummer hoarder*. The location la aplendld. the room* mo large and airy; good bathing, tithing and b atlng; about thirty minutes' (all or one hour'* drive from the city. Tertna nv derate. Fer further pertlculere Inquire it S2 Went Blglileentb etrent, between Fifth end Sixth ewuuea. CCOLUMBIA HALL-NEW LEBANON SPRINGS, N. J Y.? Thle popular and fnebionable watering pi*, e U now ready for the reception of vlaltore. A few more lamihee oan be ac. oiiiniodated for the *ea*uii. A. PARSON'S N. B.?The houae will be kept open during the fell tuontha DEW0LF HOUSE, BRISTOL, R I.?THE SUBSCRIBER takea pleaaure In Informing hia friemla and the public that he has leased the we.1 known and beautifully located DeWolf House, in Brlatel. R. I., and intend* to open the aanie for patronage lu aoeut two weak*. Due uottee of the day will be given JOHN F. CRUMP. BnisroL, R. 1., June A), 1362. RNYPOBT PAVILION, KBYPORT, NEW JERSEY.? The under lined take* this method to In'nrin hie friend* and form-r ;wirn<i* of tbi* faroi lie iitmmer reeort that he Is now prepay*.i tore. elv? I oarder* on reasonable P rto*. Good bathing, llahlng, *teo billiard*. Boats leave Robinson at 4 o'clock d.nly. For further iiarticulaia ill qnlre oi JOHN R. Bi.ANCRW, Esq , 1'VO Proadway. jiKOKGB J Kill BEE proprietor, (formerly of the Metropolitan Hotel, GmenwooJ, Brooklyn) LA TOURETTB HOUSE. ON THE KILL VON BULL, Bergen Point, N. J.?This select family Hotel I* now op n tor the aen*"U, Boat* leave pier No 2 North rlvioet 7-90, II :'J0, 3 ?>, 4 Sdend 6 o'r ock; from Dey street at lo,Lf A. M. and 4H P. M. Time SS miuutf-fl. WESLEY W. IIILL, Proprietor. I ARE HgUKE. ISLIP, L I , FORTY FIVE MILES FROM J New York. pleasantly situate I. neat B.y and Ucean ? Paft.c* wishing to secure iojiii* will plea e to AMOS R. ST1LLKNWIRF. TJAVfLION HOTEL, ISLIP, L. I., NOW OPEN FOR I the re epfIon of gueet*. Trains leave by Long Island ' lu ll n . at 8 o ? I'- k A. .M and .1(4 p M.. stopping at North I lellp station, ftclrnhle furniiy ti, un* enn be *< ? uretl by ad ' drc ? n; J. ti, Packard, it-'ip. L. I. teRA BATHING?MANSION HOI*.* E LONG BRANCH, O ? now oi en, ? t ted mi y lltly ya afrot. tun . i l sbor-'. <? Iititil "ft l " ; l-td*. I . nt the -c in MS I |.-.u; *i u o 11.'"!.i'. .. ti *t '" r* >. . v v..Ik. !? Mu I tv vr. It tivu-e y A I I i 4 .VI i i.en by the i an ! D. H. Rolincid A 'dr ?? N. Liurd, P.o, , i nr. I QTANTON III. B, ' OB.W ? LI.. N. ?., SITUATED O un be wo I It un ! ? It t I-O , t . r itibl .*;? ft N- * ii "id ?' e? !'?-in . i. : op n d I if th uc u'lon ,.! * lint II e O ,? r*. I a lii'-w wi I' I ? 'II en ,a# ? r th ? I * *eon will no.a* enrty *p; tl nf'flii A', who at r*n'd of are i llvii.a ?I 1 lin.1 ii in . i*i. . ?: ant a to rive ac .?i ly ii. T . ? ml-ut ??<?- ; i. . . r? I-. u ilu- mli. l on SALES AT AVCTIOII. B. C HATH AN, AUCriONBEB-ELEO A NT A, Horn- old F rn-t .re at cti'in, bis tUy (Kitor. a >, ii , rivuio resh.eocv sx w t S iteenth otieel. Iielween Fi th s th avenues. ut 10*4 o'clock, consist, ug of ru-?wou4 ' ami Wo k walm-i Pur m. Chu.. o -r and oakWng Room V,..... ? ?. r rns. Bi) itvCH i'*' t Ab'?.'!| MAGNIFICENT SEVEN OCTAVE ROSKftOOD PIANO F iK'IK, Blou! and CoTrtr, s Cm pi.s, Palntlnga, Ornaments, Clue*.* Lap Cart..ln? S.? wes Suilr Car;., ta, Dressing Bu reau.NioshMa . t Ualr a,.J Spr ng NaM.aasoa Fc.tUer Boil.-.'tets Mirrors. So as, Kookem, Toilet seta, fca-y Chalra and Lounges, Kiloii-lonTablea, M elegant meiil of ruby itau e ? a.alGi .aa Ware, Mlier **aiv, Take Cutlery, China le i Ke;s, Bronze Stat .ary, Ac. Also an as aoi |ol Basement and Kitchen Furniture. Deposits , required 01 ad pur. hasein. AO. TUTTLE, AUCTIONEER, . 130 Broadway. ?. w , 0? CABINET MAKER'S STOCK. KKOCATEIj, DAMASK, IIAI KG LOTH . AC. A. 0. TUTTLE will sell, on Monday, at 10# oVlo. k, at No. 230 Hudaon str -e', corner of Brouiue, ike b,.hinee ol the ati.ckof -M.S. McNamara, Esq., who retires lrom the busl n')5* B?This sale will Include the heal portion of the stock: also Satin Da task, Biocalela. Plushes, llaircioth, Ac. Also Horse, Spun* Cart and Haruess. .... . The whole to be sold without reserve to aull the trade and others. Deposits remilred. A MOB B. THOMPSON, AUCTIONEER.?DECIDED au llou sol of PaiuilniiH iu gilt frames; BartlcU'a htrgo ?ire sewing machine, engrivinga, eight dozen Magic O lie, store Truck, Sho e Case, t\..n<mgs. Japan Polish. fl.nOU line bt'iiurH; 100 very cbokv B looming i'l&uts, th?? morning uk 11 A. M., at 113 hticct. Auction hale of heady made clothing ? A. M. CK1STALAK, auctioneer, V*ill *eil on Wouuayl 30th. at 10^ o clock, at 2 . Bowi-r . a lar^o *ioek an above, coinprising a general vane ; ??' CnaU, i'autfl. Veals, aim a.b-i piece uo 'il??Cloths, I ucrefl. Satin*'ta. Alpticau, Lining*. Shirts, Suipender*. Ncc*iios. Fancy Good*. A large lot ot P. loti and Calicoes of ail colors and patterns, boots aud Shoes, dc. Administrators sale.?john h. buklsy. An tlonewr, will sell this day, at 2 o clock, at 441 Canal i street, a line bay Horse, 6 years old, sound and kind; one SleuJi. one Cuttiu#' Machine and one Hose Pipe and Lamp. By order of WILLIAM SPRAGUE, Administrator. Auction notice?thomas veitoh. auction cer, wnl sell an Saturday, June 2.1, at 11 o'clock, the I ur cl ire <>f the Sid on, HJ Kroa I way, curlier of Lispeimrd street, consisting of Stca 11 Boiler, Steam Table, Cutlce Liu, Cniiiis, Tables, (rasters. Dishes, Ac. A BSH1NKE S SALE OP IRON SAKE, AC.?HENRY C. A Auctioneer, ? .:1 sell, on Vouday, June .10, ls(U, at 10 A. M.. ut 22 John street, an asortmeiit oi l,, TucrmomeUls, Fire Irons. Bteel Pens, lea Trays, Brns- a, A ; also, one Iron Sale. Clock, Desk, Ac. By or '" 'L LIA1I 8. MURRAY, Assignee, b. II. i Ml Lit, At torney. c W BATES A CO ' AUCTION AND COMMISSION STOKE, No. (Id LIBERTY Bl'KEKT (Between Broadway and Nassau streets), NEW YOKK. THEO. II. BLEECKEU, Auctioneer. Particular attention givua to the di-pomi of Real Eata e, Stocks, Household Furniture uud Merchandise o: ev ry aesi. tption. , L b ual advances on consignments and insurance against ^At^ovaie sale or to exchange. IIuuses and Lots in New York. B ooklyn, Eli/abeth City, and New Brunswick, N. J. lu s ore, a few rases v? ry superior old Bourbou Wniskey, '"o'lmcouble seat Wagon, made by Wood Brothers One very superior mass Show Case. DMANlIiL A. M.GHIEWS, AUCTIONEEB, SALESROOM ii(i Nassau street, between John street and Maiden lane. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF COAL AND WOOD, HOKSB8, Harness, Carls, Lease, Omce Fixtures, Ac. Notice Is hereby civen that I will sell at public auction, by DANIEL A MATHEWS, auctioneer, on fteilncs .ay, July 2, IS(>2 at lb'4 o clock, the balance of stock of Coal and ft o ul , now' In the * ard mil 4 Third avenue, between Twenty seventh and Twenty-eighth sin cts, together with the Horses, Oarts. Harness, Ofllre and other Fixtures. Also, the Lease 01 aald yard. D. 8. HAL-STEAD, assignee of Tin. H. Suiltli. Edward sintzesich. auctioneer. KEFEKEE'S SALE nF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. BUy <; ft. DAVENPORT, this day. June 28, at 11 o'clock, at 155 and 157 Bioadway, pursuant to order ol refe ree. Silas Coudrv. Esq., to wit:? IJYWKRNCE vs. WEEKES ET AL. It Is ordered, iu the ulmve case, that the turndure. where, of a schedule Is annexed, Bhall b ? sold by public am t.on, on Saturday, June 21, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, by Edward Sintzenlcb, auctioneer, at 165 Broadway, add sale to be ad vertised two days in the New l^sToiiDRY, Eeforee. RCIUvilULK. 12 black walnut Hat Trcep. ^ . ? .. 5 sniifi of carv- d walnut Chamber Furniture, with marble t0P"'oak Extoni on Tables. 10 nets Library Steps. IP walnut Extension Tables. 4 black walnut Sideboards. 14 carved walnut Centre Tables. 11 *.ak Fail< y Tables. ti 11 mahogany Fancy Tables. 11 walnut Fancy Tables. Lot ol Fine Lumber and Mats. EDWAKll HINTZENICfl, Auctlomatr. OH1LDKEA 8 CAKKIAGE8. ^ ^ ByC. W. DAVENPORT this dicat 12 o dock, at 155 and 157 Broadway, twenty children's Elegantly Finished Cabs, Chaises, and oilier Carriages. Edward bchenck, auctioneer.-notice-the sale of Mr. Bronson's Horses, Ac., advertised for tut. day will not take place. The establishment having been aold at private sale. Broth, auctioneer. . The elegant Household Furnltnre of a private family, e(vma up housekeeping, will be aold at public auction, Bator day. June 28. at 11 o'clock preclacly, at the private residtuee 119 West Eighth street, a few doors from Sixth arcane, oon sisllng ot handsome Carpets, Glass, China and Stiver Ware; Table Cutlery, Oilcloth, two elegant rosewood Parlor Suits, covered In rich broeatol; one black walnut Suit, covered in reps; marble lop Tables, Etageres, Bookcsae, ladles Writing Desk, Pier Mirrors, bronze 21 day Clock, rich China Vsaaa, Parlor Ornaments. Lace Cortilns, Bedsteads, Bnreaus, Tete-a-U-tes covered In hair doth; Sofa Beds. Rockers, Chairs, Mirrors. Clocks, Hair and Spring Mattresses, Blank ets. Beds, Bedding, Dining Room Furniture, kc. Bale posi tive. GUTTENBERCE? PUBLIC AUCTION OF BUILDINQ Lots will be held every Monday afti rnuen, commencing et S o'clock P. M. (weather permitting), at Moeksrl s Brewery. Henry h. leedb, auctioneer.?henry h LEEDS k CO. will sell at au< iIon on Saturday, June 28, at 104 o'clo k, at the *atearoom *1 Nasaan .tieel. a gene ral assortment ol Household Furniture, consistiua ot a ,rn"* ral description, vli: Carpeu, mahogany and b m k walnut Furniture, Pier and Mantel Mirrors, Ac. Also, at 12 o ? l"Ck, kftecn cases, iwelve bottles each, Old Rye Whiskey. A.-o, for account of whom It msy concern, forty cases Sparkling and SlUl B:upik>rnong Wion. Also, at 104 o clock, all the unclaimed Baggage remaining u-railed for at the previous sale. Henry h. leedb, auctioneer.-henry h LEEDS A CO. will sell at auction on Saturday, Juno 28 at 12 o'clock, in trout of onr store,23 Nassau street, a very fine, loug tail, sorrel Trotting Man-, very easy uuder the ?addle. iMiven yean old, 14*^ or 15 hands high, In tiui coudi* lion; sold on ncoount of the owner tearing tiis ctty. JBOOART, AUCTIONEER.?BY 8. A J. BOOART, . this day. June 28. at 10# odock, at the ao -tluu rooms Nu. I North ft illrnni street. Household Furniture, consisting of rosewood and oak Lawyer's or Library Bookcases, about 20(1 volumes Books, Brusse s Can ets, Lace Curtains, Dross, tng Bureaus, ft ashstandi. Tables, Chutrs, Mirroi s. Oil Paint ings, Bedsteads, Bed* and B--dding. Ki Chen I-uiuiluro, Counter, Show Case, Faney Art eles, Gas Chandelier, Ac. JOHN H. BUKLEY, AUi'TIONF.ER, WILL SELL THIS fluy at 2 o'clock, ?t. 444 Canal atreet, B r. an*, B il ?tead*. Sofa Bel*, if.(track*. Wardrobe*, Bogltciiaea. Km gcre*, BuTeta, WakhxtamJ*, Cut e Tab muhogi tt>, black walnut end ei a nelle l Bulla, Chandelier*, Lace Murium*. Mowiuito Neta, M'rror*, Velvet, Bruiacla, Three-ply ami In - 5rain Carpet*, Oi]c!uil.?, Matting, feather Bed* ami Bi d it.g, llalr Matlrean a. Slovak, fee Bom*, Clilua, Gla*a an I Crockery Ware. Everything for housekeeping. J LUCIUS SMITH, AUCTIONEER?WILL SELL THIS ? day, at 10X o'-iock, the aniiie Furniture of a family giving up housekeeping. In the private reeidi-iree 17 Ninth street, a.nt ol rtilrd avenue. Sale iioaitive. Everything muat be rente veil laia day. MORTGAGE SALE.?WM. C. HIGOIN8 WILL SELL tola day (Saturday), at 10 o'clock A. X., at 200 Smith (.treat, tue entlr Sioek and Fixtures contained in aaid pin. e, vU:?Mirror*, Vaaea, Bowling Alleya, Bar Counter* ant content*, Bier Pump, Gliaira, Glassware, Clock, Plotuien, Louug' N, Ac. GEORGE MARSHALL. Aaalgnen of mortgagee. JOHN CLARY, Attorney lor aaaignee of mortgagee. ML. PHILLIPS, AUCTIONS l. R. WILL SELL THIS ? day. at IJ o'clock, at the New l'o k Baraar, 31 New Bowery, live Work florae*, an 1 a very (.no Saddle lfor-e, flvo year* old; one hav do., with Cart ami lLtruen; thieo Uockawaya, four light Wagona, liar neaa, Ac, PAWNBROKER'S BALE-P. A II. PK1DENRKRO, late of 2W Kan Broadway, will acll on Mom av next, the 30th InaL, at their new luau nffloe, Grand atreet and Bowery, under the Oriental Bank, S<XJ Lola of a>lected seasonable women'* wearing appa el of all di'acrlptlnna; alao, Sllka and other piece Goods, Sheet*. Shlrta, Paraaula, Boot*, Slioea, Ac. Dealer* pleaa* attend thia ail*. E. O. ABKAMS, Anellnneer. SHERIFF 8 SALE.?FINE0ROCERIE8, LIQUORS, AC. B. P. PaIKCHILD A CO., auctloneera, w ill wll, on Mon day, June 3<>, at lOtj o'clock, at No. 113 LUierly atreet, a quantity of d?m"*lic end Imported Begar* In one-tenth bote*. Kalsia* In fan y eartorn, Cieam Tarter, Pepper, 8 ap, Mackerel, Claret Wine, rkainpague, Brandy, Curdiaia, Si'hnapa, (Jin, Whlakey, Ac., lu glaa*. Navy and Ltmberger Oiieeae, .a line order; Tea Paper, Platform, Suatea, Balance <1o,, Mr. Alao. ISO t (am- Seat Cliaira, damaged. Alio 2,3(111 pound* Shot, aa*orti-,| ?Wra, JOHN KELLY, late Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE.?BY VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN WRIT ol execution. to me directed and dchveied. 1 will etpoae to aata at public i endue, on Saturday, the 26 th day off I una, IStit, at 11 o'Hook nooa, at the foot of Broadway, Brooklyn, Eastern dlatrlct, all the right, till* ami lute real of L. M. Merrill, of, In and to the Brig L. M Merrlt, her Tackle, Ap. paiel. Furniture, and ell other art e'e* upper mining ibere to. JAMES LYNCH, Sheriff. THOS. HELL, AUCTIONEER.?PLEDGED GOODS and deahua' *ele, tuladay, at UHf o'clock, by BELL A INOKAUAM, in the aali'M'OOma. 26 N >iv Bowery larg. lota *f Good* from a late pawnbroker; also, the Clothing of all deecrtpuoua, Ac., from a dealer. By virtue of a murtgnge, M M. SHEA. Attorney. t~TN REDEEM ED PLEDGES POM SALE?BLACK frock J Coal*, nlk triinuiingk, liuu liua.nm* Coma, 2UU L'aaai rnere I'anil. 100 LUieti Panla, ho rent*) Ve.ia 30 c-uta, I'awubrukera' ticket* purchased at 44* Broome street. GEO. LEVIN, Agent. WILLIAM ABBOTT, AUCTIONEER SELLS THIN vV day, at Ifljf u rlook, at tlm auction rooms N* 4 Baal Broadway, a nl e lot of Furniture, walnut Beilati ?<la Han and Straw Mat'taaaes, Kitchen Furniture; alao, a stock of new Clock*, Ae. HIVES A VII) LlcltOKS. Bourbon whiskey?for male. 2.1*10 gallons Bom b in Whisk-y if anpi rlor i|tt? pi ?? l- v, in lie ?of - - - ? . r . . ? ll| have" this DA'. AIVUINTJ ill W J. ..1. IV lli (let n i ill eel *? i :|| pp e, . nil *ll eel. >r*. *o ageni '? >' u y I'lli Aie. ,i ill ant era r.aa Willi pr.n iptly klteade i p. i hi* puhiie .1 II till lion r in; p ? ? ua, ihn taa>'(! n mined i i> 1 ,i.- j ta, >i ei a e u hug i Iii in with or qua! 1 v vrtd 1 ndin the mme n- i ui mautl! i . niraiHW nun o e agen lor o ? arm inn unii's* pui ? v Yoi... thaw d of fe lure. W. J. lie I'Hii 1 tiki 1 Mia, A1111 14, 1102 WM. RUDMAN. FUltSITURF., 1 BEDROOM SI i f ol' KNvMt'J LrtD FrtffNTTrr"' J1 111 (III t obits. 0 ?*?! rm ?*.? a I r. 'I 11 ? ' I'h't ' r H .??. 1 til I n n 1 11 :u ' I ARRtAorO M ' , OS It. V.I. 1 -r. FOR SAJLK. ^ CHANCE SELDOM MET WITH.?FOB SALE. TUB Die Ht Liquor store id the city, itoiug a good night trade, at 362 Kant Ninth Direct; rent only (10 per mouth. reason lor a lliug going to Euglaud. Couie and sue it. No agent need apply. AN EXTENSIVE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. In a nourishing Tillage lu New Jersey, 1'or sale very chenii. to elosea trust; in full operation: m?> bin ry, tixtures, Ac., ail complete; well reined and possession at one -. SUUTilWlCK A WOOD, S3 Nassau street. A CORNER LIQUOR STORE FOR KALE?IN A UOOD business pla so, Alao a Cider and Vim-ear Factory lor sale; doea a good bu incss. Alao Bakeries, (Jrootles. Li<|nor Stores, Feed Stores, Livery S', Drug Stores, and other business placca. W. U. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar atreet. A STOCK OF FANCY OOOD3 FOR SALE-THE store nine year* ea'ablished, and paying $2,SOU pro it per annum; loald in a 1 irge city, halt' an ho.irs distance from tbiaeity; stock $3,UUU; will sell all or part. Apply at 423 Broad any. C. IS. IIOVVEH A CO. A FIRST CLASS FAMILY OROCEBY, NOW DOING a good business, with everything complete. Ap ly be tween i) and 12 A. M. on tbe premises, 610 Eighth ay n te. A FIRST CLASS STORE AND BUILDING, FIVE story (rent forfl.Uutl), nearly new, ou Sixth avenue; a small nice Farm, ad new buiMugs, adjoining the city of Blagbamton, and a few desirable Lois n Brooklyn, to be sold ii forthwith eheup. J W BARTLETT, owner, 473 Broadt. ay, N. Y. A BARE CHANCE, WITH A CAPITAL OK FROM $91 lo $50 dollars?A well established hulled corn busi ness (payiug ioti per cent proiii). with a daily custom ot thir ty to lorty reaiauranta, with lease, tixtures ami stock for aale, as the prep ietor has other business. Apply or address t New V - * 45 Ann stre t New York, Saturday, June 23, from ten o'clock A. M., to three P. M. BOULANCIER'S RESTAURANT FOR SAI.E.-TI1E proprietor of tins establis in, nt, formerly of lli" Ante ricau and French H stauraut opposite the Nations! Hotel, now on G, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth nueets, in tin; immediat" vicinity of the President's House and public depart men in, pi' p .ses, on account of general debility and an vousucss. superinduced by great age, lo sell his cutire esUtbhoanient, c insisting of:? Two brick Houses, containing about 18 rooms. Wine and Coal Vaults, together with the Furniture, Fixtures, Ac., comprising every thing requisite for conducting a first entss cstablishnieut. F?r terms. Ac., apply ia person or by letter to J 0.3. KOU LANGKR, Washington City, D. C. Bakery for sale?now doing a oo d c.hii business; nrms elu ap. Impure in tbe stoic, .flu Ninth Avenue, near i'nirtle.h street. DRUG STORE FOR SALE?THREE YEARS KsTAB l.saed; c.ioioeBlocs, solid mahogany r ixiur s. Price $2 (1. Apply at the store, Fourth avenue, near Last Fitly FIOB BALE?A LETTER WHITEN I!V THE HAND OP Washington, \vi ll j rererved, lor sale. Ad iress 0. O Ctane. 163 E . t Twi l:th-tieet. I/O It KALE-ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST FITTED F up liakery and Iec Cream Kalouiib in the city; now do ug a cool business. Inquire of J. J. WERNER, 12) Fulton uv uu:-, Brooklyn. I/OR SALE?THE LEASE, STOCK AND FIXTURES J.' o: l- i. tu Ward Museum Hotel Gate Thoa. ltiley si, cur lier of West Broa iway and I'ranUlu street. None but re sponsibie persons need apply. Til OR SALE?A GREAT BARGAIN TO A CASH CU.3 F tuiner?The Lease, Furniture Fixture-, Bar R- o.n and B biding Eho2_ u. sir ifaverl -y Hob I. The above lu te. Is fiuisin d in the most improved iniuiiier, a >d for n roadside hotel it has no equal; or will exchange for cny prop ity. Inquire on the premises, Ninety-sixth street end ;iio .dway. I/OR SALE-LOW, STAND 84 TOMPKINS MARKET, lor vegetibles Ac. Inquire of JOHN CONNELLY, stand 52, or of WILLIAM GOULD, No, UK! East Eleventh street. TiAORSALE?CHEAP FQHAVSII, THE LEASE, STOCK F ami Fixtures of a co^^Hron ry and Provision Store, sireWnirc in Brnoklyn; two rooms. ?Hnw Inqulie at PARKER'S feed store, 225 Atlantic sireFVBrookly n. I/OR SALE?340 VOLUMES OF BOOKS ON ME F cbauiea. Engineering, Chemistry, Photography, Art. bcieme and Mi- clauicous subjects. Apply on ion i.oor, 151 Fulton street. New York, t etwei n 2 and 4 o'clock P. M. For sale-a five inch lathe, with slide rest, vice, grindstoM, hies, and various to< is. Apply ou top tioor, at 151 Fultou street, New York, between 2 and 4 P. M. K,0S..,,8ALE-T11E STOCK, FIXTURES AND GOOD A VV111 oi a House Furnishing and C o- k ,y Stoie in Brooklyn; only a sina 1 amount required in cash, t ie remain dor in real estate, first uiorr. uge" or short, enuoiied notes Address X. i., Brooklyn Post oflice. I/OB SALE-SEVERAL WELL LOCATED HOTELS, Restaurants, Groceries, otic 8iiip C.ian lien Husin ,s*. and many other opportunities for iuvu-tmeut.' Money to lo it. mi I mi I and nun teug -. F. D. RICH AKDbON AGO., 82 and 81 Nassau i street. I/OK SALE?ALE AND WINE VAULTS. THAT II \S ' the b si of t ade ; auto has a pood wltohisalq trade in supplying lumilies, sutlers aud ships. For full particulars inquire in person at 90 Beaver street. UtOB SALE?A DINING SALOON, WITH DWELLING. JT containing 13 rooms, well furnished. The saloon in Grfect order, new furniture, oilcloth, elegant mirrors, mar e tubics, Ac. Apply ou the premises, 42 Walker struct, nci.r B oadway. FOR BALE-TUB FIXTURES OF A BUTCHER'S sliop, and store to let; In a good lu ahly; cheap rent. Apply at 180 West Twenly-uiuth atreet. FOR 8ALE.?I WILL SELL FOR $250, INCLUDING Slock on hand, amounting to m any $8J, a v.Unanle and useful Invention, which almost erary Iadv wtlf want. I go to Washington next month, and cannot remain here tu at tend to the it s 01 it. Address Mr. Barton, Herald oQice. FOR SALE AT HAKLEU-A FIRST CLASS BUTCHER Shop, in a good location and doing a good t ad . Tne plaoe will b? leased for a term el years to tbe parties pur chasing the same. Apply on the premlia r ? betweea 128th and UVui streets, west aide. chasing tbe^same, ^tjifily on the pistnlm a, Third arenue, A. J. MINER. FOB SALE CHEAP?A FRUIT AND SAMPLE ROOM; good looallan. Inquire of BOU'iUA ICK A WOOD,82 Nassau street. Fob bale cheap-a small grocery and Liquor Store, doing a good rash business. Satisfactory reason given by applying ou the premises, 225Didaney street. ecssi ul upemt on, sitiiai?l^!n Tui ii ,u k00^ ?nd sue* and doing a good trade. Gall at 472 Th'rt aven5U?' locMU<jn Hotel for bale-stock, fixtures and lease of I'i rseott'a Hotel, 30 East Houston -U eet, near Hi oad way, is oll'ercd for sale on arasonable terms. OLD ESTABLISHED CROCKERY AND OLASSWARE Business lor disposal, tn one of the largest cities in ti.e Btste of Ohio; store sliuaied ia tbe leading business turri t end in first rate location for business; rent inodVial- ai.d lease It deiired; tbe stuck of goods now on band ia small, w-eil asserted and desirsb e; the pres nt owner lias carried on a profitable business fur eleven years, ami ia now Dis posing from falling health. For further particulars address C. J. P., Wilkes' Spirit of tbe Times. ONLY $45 FOR THE ELLIPTIC LOCK STITCU SEW lug Machine; for families and maim actori- a ii is not eqivslb-d. Call ami ate it at at 537 Broad* a>. A very liberal disco int to agents. A. II. 8171 LEE. Propeller for sale?that will carrt ho tons; very lui; bM two direct acting endues and hunt ing engine, with derrick; dtawa enly six feet; lit 10 put right to woi k. Apt ly *l M Broadway, room Mo. L STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE?BUILT BY THE MAT tawan Machine Company, In pericct order, 12 in b diameter of cylinder and 36 fitch stroke of piston. Inquire at !M Went Thlrty-eevenlh . treet, where It can be keen. TO RAILROAD CONTRACTORS.?A RAKE OTTO* tunny.?A contract made lor building a railroad is ottered inr sele lu consequent ? oi the stckn-as o the prevent Contractor. There ia a large margin in the contin l, us the taste will admit of une of the h ast expensive road* In the country, with a laice travel. Every mate lal i < inoat a.-, en* . b e anil the caalt *>. ascriptions are ample to build and hay lor too road. An Interview can be had by addrca.lng M. Luther Hawthorne. I'blJaih lphta. WH0LE8ALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR SlOltE FOR It .tale?kittiated al 287 I fraud etreet, coi u. -r Ninth atrcvt, Brooklyn, E. D. Apply In the etore. uil (U) ?FOR SALE. A GROCERY AND LIQUOR vLwvi Store. Apply at 1311 Spring airect, lager bier aa loon. Q.-llO -A VERY RARE CHANCE FOR A GOOD man to Inveit thla amount In a perfectly note and legitimate bu*lnc?e; location, to . unrxcep .lonable, and eh.uioe every way worthy of InvekUgaUon. Inquire of VAN man to luveet thin amount In a perfectly ip lonable cation. I KM I)L RU A CO.. 71 N isaau street. ?^ nT\n ?AN ESTABLISHED, GOOD PAYING ipVl.t'oU. and pleasant rash Manufacturing Husme-w lo dispose of, which ran be greatly extended, and al present employing 23 hands. The manufactory I* In exoellent work ing order, and located In a good business part of the city. Address Candid. Herald office. SALES or REAL ESTATK. k RARE OPPORTUNITY For CAPITALISTS OK PER J\ sons desiring Country Residence* The sun* rlber offer* lor sale his Country Residence, re cently surveyed and Hid out mi that It esq be divided into three distinct parcel*, each having a ? ater 'run' and most splendid building sites. The pro; erty oons.-ts of Abusers, a hoc, Ft. Iiah "id mansion in a law n ot Ihirtsee acres uf lofty aliade trees, native and nnpo V?il, InnilkMrahle and of rreat variety: a garden tastefully del I ned and etnekad with trulls and Ih'Weia; ontbulldluga, met idlng 'arm house. yarhtman'a collage, "ironiiog on a tine harbor," and a bowling alley. The .ituauon has unei|uallad advantages lor either a private redden.? or for (peculation, having a bold shore on the Sound a inlfe In ettent, two *ld"? belled by rre*k and lu *t, one aide by the ma n lotd the lands tracing the rivers gently slope either way, ao that every budding site rommaiida tine ViC'.vs of the Sound eud *>iir<un ling co inlrv. Two tbfl di of the sites can have water front*. The plaM Is per fectly Healthy, water excellent, and air Inv.goriiting. Dis tance from lee cttv 18 mdee hy New Heven Railroad; buef neaa men ran reach the elly ffvm this place in lees time than from Hailem by the avenue ears. Hereon* dea roim of avoiding otty taxes, the dangers and detentions in ciosalng the, w 111 do well to give ihle advertisement their early atlenlli n. N > eslnte of equal (lie within oue hi ndred ml'ea of New York eomli nea the diverallled mlvitn'a *s and regal eleganv of thl* old residence In every pwlleular and ail Its appointments. The present distance to railioad stations, two miles. When " Chatiwnrth" U mad# a station, now In con UmpUtion (depot already built), the distance will be only half a mile. Apply on the premises, to r cf)UiIN, or to hltn at the office of J. 8. Caldwell, 21 Pine street. A FINE FARM?? OR 40 ACRES. ONE HOUR from theoliy, good orchard, near Elisabeth, N. ea*v nt nr.-e*s, on Central Kalmsd. DflVHETf We?t - e ter L.oid nud Mucinosa Am ucy, corner of Chatham and Chamber* street*, aeeond Boor. * HKMTS F')H HAtlD UF MERCHANTS -1 t-AUd IN J\ Hersrhlre Ooumy. Mae*., for ? t any kind o' mei.-handl?e or i aMfitarUin I ) !, u-- ,?.? , pla noa a rtaves, ourpetn, furniture, uphoi? .-rj v A I resg box 4, 47 I'O i n III). t NEW HOl'SF, FOR '-A! E--LO.V . Ci., . |\ . rI s l\ roe us l-r.,e ' I'll! : ? 'rill ? d k . ?I, .. ? readme: one hour from I i'? lilt,' ! ! Hi hi Ua . ,..l App.y t'1 WM. IH.v ION, A.r i hu.i, lb*p"i, Wj t pre V NE1V FIRST 0L.\H3 POUR ST |RY AND BASE fx .urn l listen store II' si, with .til 11 ? mud- ru unpr m* met.'s ,ti 1 vi iy lies r ihi;, !ot4l{it,fw Sol heap, oi rrirud b as i amp 0 u Hi* or Luniber A pis tit jaVEh lit; VE, 731 Third an it*. \ iTTVOR FOR 8 ILK 'ill Ef If A r if da. ii, r ai h" . it i i*?? , f d '? '? . Fr .It. v Ir, a A t mi at V8 biw.dwav, louui b. BALKS OF j AYKIDB COTTAU E.-A KINK ^^T^NTIAXOL houM and stable, nituatod on tiie jhoie o? |e|i a< ccn by ihe Salterville slsk-a from J"** th? hourly; tare J cents; distance 4J* miles. Thaw*'w Ne? house is ono o; the finest iuisaiuable. It a'"1'' York city, Ellis' Inland, Bedloe's Inland, Co,moor's l?jj>n^ BiOoklyu, Lou* I land, Sulci. Is?uml, New Bri h . . Hamilton and Larayeite. and th- Nartown. In eontlortaWJ aud m ally furnished thromihouli salt waier baton* jg excellent fishing in Irout of thepU e. A horne ra-i now in progress, passes the rear of the premise* 1 h> t in on a private load, oue hundred yarns from '''{? P" 'J. ^ nue, thus avoiding the dust and noise ol a publle U'o s fare It tvlll be sold with or without the furniture. tow and terms easy. No brokers. Uadersw boo ry thread bure loesi* ueed apply. Inquire of Mia. PBhB "?* preiniMt, -? C?Sfwi,YJaV??rJKucVS* U?R"8c tno^ud h ^di^de^ d-i-S, and'so d * $ Ijw CHAS. h. MlLFtt, 34 Order *ircrt^ j? rnoenitTV for -bus 2d led deplii at low water, and a ivi ? Jock r f >o. s First street. ? TTACTORY FOR SALE?A LARGE RRTOK BUILD NCI F and Ground, with a tine Engi o of 6U horse po* . a ted >n In lay *1. et.B.ooklvu, within 3o0 feel o! .1. AV tootle Do k. Wain ? nil dug ltltKlUi) teat on first tba.r. with build... : adjoining 37? by od i et; trou.m UoxllO ? t W? be sold cheap IO .-lose an es ate. Apply to L. ?i. h?-?'" 130 Peart fitivrt, New . s vl.\, VTANTED-IN hestercounty with with parUeuInr*. JPJB. Ilrowo, J7 Third areaaf. __ LM..MIN WHITE r ty. lor sain? < on alo.tu lo; k> J" *?;rlli, anj ri F a*.1 y diet.Ied tTw^Xmeadlw a'o'l pasture land. *2* S? I -Ali i FOB SALE.?KOR PARTICULARS AhiiHK. I r b * 82. Shale .a Springs, N Y? Immediately. Payment iiiaUiii i ?... __ _____? ? ? ftOR SALK-OK TO LET? OH FAVORABLE TKRM8 P all the Nn.-.iuery h.telv in una at the Fac o,y ol it*. h , ,, I r,, i i" || aov, I'ln t Chester, New York, cost t oj. , in! :t ,I, in,Oh lories Grindstones, Steam fciigim an I a i Ve' l- ' .?> l" inauuLstuM Edge Tools, all in ''ASo"'ior"?" hnlshad'aad unfinished Tools, Ir-m. ? ah II For farther ln-on,.Htlon in.,nire of' 1J. ArtENlMiOlil. *' it ObehWi*. New Xoik, or iw;if t? York tlty. ? TTOR SALE?A CHOICE SELECTION OF FAKMB P e v and ountrv Residences, ,?r. S ?verat ?oo I cb-.e e? ? for invest-,, nt. Cenrsl Park and uptown lk?W on Kh? and ^I,WCHAU& * CO , AendStS.-sao -reeU_ V^oit sale?in THE i It: rt n W of h i.iichfle d bi t a few lions ri e ftom New Yo b.auo it htti'l c "intry .eat; is sitithtinn is lii?h aud overtonhii? bv'hutil.d lake and cUrmins landscais.; house cono tB; le? looms, the lot iu r-? and | arn; "1*0 "?'?1 "l a r, s it w Hi l?c sold flu up and tonus made to auil th. i ?* fha er Suitable eitl or for a rendenM w* boatdm. hnnja Aiplyio Bev. J. 1). Bi.KRY, l'iosi>ect sir. el, Liu..uel* Conn. ?-ir?R RFNT-A BROWN STONE FOUR STORY EN? House No. ltd West Twenty , wond ..r-rt Mir oTi ?S and La, Futures left. B'l.t iow.oa Hooi tei'aiii J. J. FBANEUN. 112 Bwadway. third fioor. TTI.R SAIE?FOUR STORY HOCS1S NO. 10 WEST F Tw- n^eldhth street. 40**). lot 20v.V). wads p in o? thick, built hv die day : mortgage $LU0. prlcr> $o. >00. Ajfi ply at 43 East Bixteeitth street, near IrviiiK plaw . taOR SA2 E-A FARM OF 1? ACRES, 23 FROM I* New York, H fi om depot. In N; )v Jert?y; lave and . r e? Uonts. large and ??ol? ?>?! aituatioa unautpa-wl f?r benltt'? mhi t>, enur, b, s. NV .11 bo^ddm.m.1 d-aloe. # ^ T^OR S VLE-A TWO STORY AND A HALF OoTT ,GB r rt liae and Lot. Wit-. 111! the modern unpin- ?-. d* furnished or untu aishod. The bouse is >u the eon rid part of Brooklyn, and is in good "ipl'r,1. ^"-uan B l ?..? IOi .^Br^iy-k Priy $3,200. , ? F J ? one*'^ iL.dar?Tn4^lre,'i^,TliI^.e^nMEKEtH 14 North Wo ha? street. New York. tTorSAIEOR EXCHANGE?FOR IMl'ROVED CITY F l'ro*-r?y a Fann of 112 a. re. of chohy h.nd, .. a sood quire of JANES RE ID, W Broad street. Naw Yoik. noR SALE OR TO EXCHANGE?FOUR HOUSES IN ? F Br^klfn in an l?l?Fl?| ^SitS^kvTZt trmle .or penmnal ^'-jP^ge.j.uxs, SI Cedar street. T-sr?R ciT* OR TO LET?FURNISHED OR UN Ft A F nlshed. a de.lrabto CotmtO- He*^*^* ^ d^'.'t N ? !K32rJ!S*?Eai: S?5r. S^iH^falSlWKBig HOUSE AND LOT IN WEST HOUSTON 8TTEKT. near Broadw ay, for sale.?Very desli w'.ie '>usia br? ueriv an \ tor* bo*nlttig hooa^, A ehi w ?r L Riu&r' la'ly Thla property will Increase in \altw ? "t?i ti^any otter proeertyui the dty. Address Inve.tmeol box 144 - ? Hardware to exchange for rRvl estaib, with or without the Stand; established for a* of years. Apply at *? BWhU aeenne. Lots for salk-at elizabethpout nuW Jersey alfrua. $163 S300 each, on very Inyotable irs utluri.i great inducements to mecbankS and mauu fh'et il.-rs, beluga large .on' and It?n dep?t mr?a <? ;?* by sbauifsMit from NtwYerk. Apply t? K H- NELL" -?*b 1S9 pearl street. New Tor-; or to J. B. COOLLY, a.eni, Kdiabetaporv, N.jl. ? ?iTaRiiE WHARF PROPERTY FOR SALS AT ELIZA Railroad ol New Jersey. HBil w ould ta- suitable lor a ' lie.. ?? onea~\re^r^V,Ao^nan,t'.uU." Apely to K. It. KKLCO..G 13P I'carl street. New York. Lots exchanged fob mlrchandine. l'luiio* want' J in exchange lor Lots in thi? city. Jew it ? anted in ? xrl suge fur Lute in this city. Can laget wauled In exchange fur Lets in this ciiy. Dry Goods wanted In exchange fur Lots in this city, llurdwerc wanted in exchange for iota la this city. Oro ei lea wanted In exchange fur Lout in th.w city. 11 urates wanted In ex- Image foe Lota in this city. Liiiuora m ited In ? xchange tor L.j * In this etiy. Segars ?itii'.od in exchange tor lota in this city. Fuminir - ?? tinted in caotrance for Luis in this city. Coul wai.ted m exchange for laita in this city. W. LIVINGSTON, :ti Jay street. TO CAPITALISTS.?VALUABLE LEAD MINE Hill axle, wuh plant and machinery complete.?The unueJ algned now oiler- for sale Uieir variable La-ad Mitt" alt .,it.l in New Britain Township. Bucks County. 1' nnsyoai.l >. I Tbe property eonialna oae hundred nhd tweniy-lwo acrsl of goa l arable Land, with two fhrm huum a, barn -| out building*. The rein u*s been Opened at planes nearly the ? it"'e I r.g: of tlm (arm. and several then en I dollars' worm of .-ho c | tracted The bottom ol the inn now shows a x In oi rich Lead Ore, three feet in width, a id ruas nil the ap| < anor e. Increasing III size ami value in go.n t down. Ti - i on tSc premise a a twenty horse power steam engine, w pi pumping and hoisting inaei.lncry oompieta: a.-", a c s >1 and ttsmpingmill turned l>y watei p-wcr. Jigging puddle^, ties. Ac., lor Washing tno ore, aau sun iliuj fuir a- I already built. F >r t rirc, terms and for hi r information a,,ph on 11I premises or to JOHN ANNKAft, 12S Ninth Front sir* I 1'bliadelphia, wheie samples ol the ore can b" nn f _ J. A (i. Nh.IMKYI K | VALUABLE PROPERTY AT NEWARK, N.J, Ko sale for i aeh. aioclia. real e.t its or goods. Ati?i Jeweller's Factory, with the Too.a, Fixtures ard Saf- ? F.lin street, convenient to <1. pot: also a valuable tract Lot1, in the I'enlh ward, en.tu c.i.g about aev. a y a i-l perl of It under a high State id culture and sto s. d wi| .-holes fin! ?, near the proposed l.neot the O.-nti I ft .Irul and tbe dnpat for Newark and Ho "A. n Ril o n itu ><l ol the linrat uppoi li.nitir, fur investment that < an Is hu Applv to A. II. BROWN or BflUlj LENT. It} itr street, Newark^ W. J. VAN ELEECK h LIVINGSTON, HEAL ESTATE BK0EF.R8, *4 Pine street, Meney te loan on bond und inortga.e, approved lie or rr>. tfy prop- rty. Mnrigagca bought on heat tcrins, als.'. bus n?| paper negotiated. WANTED TO PURCHASE-IN THE IMMEDIATE *1 f? clnlly ni the city, one or two Acres of Linn : o facturing purposes (nut eoflj oil), with a go 11 wstei i dock prlvlleties Piece ? address box S,oM P. si odie lowest price and locution. ?1J Ann W,Lfc BUY A NKW HOUSE AND H mi.TV/ V" lo ; C"niHin* eevn ruomg, beside at c, it In with brick, douhlc parlors, marble mantels a l etaaaamataad rear, everything nnished eoinpM?; ... 10 allon, the ? arx running to three ferries T. - s| cash, balancefWpertaar. Apply w u.O DiMi hs. herof Ponrieenth street and Fliih avenue. BfWoal;n. IPDRTI.TBs L1LR SALE-A SCHOONER VA Hi'. OF 1 ?i I L heel ? t * el, eomp.ei y tuyalsbui), suitable fur .i boat. Ad'li.t" Yacht, 1 oi |,J|] Pi ?t n II ?*. L*'?R SALE -A PLEASURE BOAT, SLOOP RIO .1-1 11 frsi l ow. d feet bea n, siul . l iy us u.uuths < hi Ring and nails ..c., A... entirely new, and li e . com.Linn. Will be soldm.rap, F u p.,r ieulars f, K ' NABSKO, He l r ?u ei. txj/.op Yacht mtovi Fvopriid Of.o n. ? 7 < -egp. robes -n ai In-cr n i.',;?.! fo i . so | ? ue it i-j of .?II kin is and eurlprt nsoi ... i we low as $1 7ft per tool, Metallic LiL ..?! f . . .... RSSTjMVAMTI. z W.aM AND Kidll ? UoWfu.rt < EVERY |ny V_,' leu It b/ 11? I'n^riin rat--vis i Nayv Rag! Lun 1. iestauraiits, ?' 111 <' xniiiBdorv s, N T sit i et near Wall. FW- Aws InPbw eefifg j*.| g|?*,. llJtBSN TURTLE hwi I' AND Hli.Mf.a, by U lw?y, at ill Slurs i , ine ni ?fflr umz -? < i BALL'K Oy !?r Hey idi Bi ,.1-ny, No. ' <i sadi s Oiren Ti.itiS at l.oiau ham.lies and o.a trade? potd. ?