Newspaper Page Text
A THE RKBELUOS. ttention! FREEMEN AUOt 8B! K 41.LY ! BALLY! RALLY ! THE UK ION NOW AM) FOKKVERt wanted, FOR THE INDEPENDENT BATTALION K. V. *. V., (Formerly "Eiilunl* Peril us" regiment) COL. CON 10AT. Commanding, !.'A? able bodied men, To compleie this splendid regiment. Tlie name U now doing active duty in Yi-rklown uud 0!ou M?t?r Point. Virginia under the command of Col. Ut?nfort, iu old experienced Prenoti oilier, w ho lias served in the Af rican, Crimean and vvaia. COME ONE, COME ALL! and join this Goips to give iue last decisive blow to neoen ? on I HEADQUARTERS, NO. Ill Leonard etreet. R ' ru ting offices?No. 68 Walker street snd 82 Chatham . st.eet, New York ulty. CAPTAIN FERDINAND LEVY. Recruiting otlicer. About faoe.-nkw yokk to the rescue.?tub New York Volunteer Artillery, Filth regiment, Col. 3. ( Unburn commanding, now stationed at Fort Marshall, Balll ino. e. Md., requiring a l'ew more men, Lieut. G. Shatter and Oi vllle liarns bat* opened an office ai 4(1 Now Bowery, and sis* enlisting uien for Co. B or said regiment; but few inoro men are required for this company, whteh It second to suiir in the regiment. Recruits aro forwarded daily lo the regiment; pay equal to any in the service, commencing from dat' of enrolment. Apply immediately to Lieu'. SHAR ED It or O. HARRIS, 40 New Bowery, between Roosevelt end James streets, N. Y. Able bodied men wanted-to fill up com pany U, Fifty-third lvgitn nt New York Volunteers, 1 osburuti Chasseurs, Col. Gen. A. Buckingham, now in camp ?i the Red House, lU&tlt street uud 2d avenue. The location is b< autifiR and the csmp grounds delightful, good bathiug, . Ac.. Ac. Tins Hue regiment Is nearly full, and h Is presumed will receive marching order in a few days. The men, at soon as mustered, are provided with comfortable quarters, good clothing and abundant rations, and pay commences immediately. The position of acrgeaut is vacsnl, ami will be -?lien to any one qualiliert that can bring a few men. Re lief for the families of volunteers given, and one month's pat in advance. Apply at 04 Mulberry street, corner Canal. Capt. ALEX. WARREN SMITH, Recruiting officer. ALL RECRUITS FOR THE FIRST REGIMENT OF THE HALLECK GUARD, Coiouel ELIAS PEISSNEK, Will gel one mouth's pay In advunce ami their families will receive relief money on being mustered iu. THE HALLECK GUARD, Colonel EI.IA.S PEIaSNER, . Now forming under the new call of the government, to be ready In six days. Tina regiment is now In camp at Camp Washington, Staten Island. Capt. J. P. Batterson iiaa been ordered by the go* vernmenl to recruit Company A of this regiment, and is now ready to receive recruits, at 4.80 Broadway. It is In tended that this corps shall be one ot the lineal in the acr* Pay from SIS to $23 per month. Recruits are mustered in at once, and put under p?y and sent to Camp Washington, Staieu island, and provided with abundant rations, clothes and good quarters. $100 bouuty at the end of enlistment. ELIAS PEISSNER, Colonel. Headquarters ISO Broadway. Captain J. P. BATTERSON. Jis. Shkeban, Orderly Sergeant. Army and navy claim agency for tite col lci tionjot back pay, bounty and pensions for soldiers, l'ensions procured also for widows and orpnans of deceased soldiers. A. PHILLIPS, 206 Broad way. Highest price paid for a commission in a regiment ab-ut being mustered Into service. CLAIMS FOB UNIFORMS All persons or regiments having c'alms under the pro visions of the act entitled "An act to provide for the reim bursement of certain persons and regiments belonging to the militia or this State, for or equipments lost or destroyed in the service of the United States1'?passed April 22, 1862?are hereby notilled to transmit the same, duly verl fl-d, to Colonel S. W. Burt, Asstsiant Inspector General, at the Capitol, in the city of Albany, before the 1st day of July next; it i>elng provided in said act that all claims thereunder must be presented on or before that day. The claim of each person must be accompanied by an affi davit stating the articles lost or destroyed and tite value thereof, the regiment and company to which he was attached, his length of service therewith, anil that said regiment or companv has not received payment or com pensation from any city or county for their uniforms and equipments used snd worn out in the service of the United States; that the clothing hd<1 i qutpuients for which the claim is made were furnished at tin- expense of the pereon mak ing the same, snd that he is at the present time a member of the uniformed militia of the State of New York. The pre sent address of each person should be endorsed upon his claim. Iu case the company by-laws of a regiment make the uniforms thereof the common property of the companies, the claim for such regiment can be presented in a gross sum duly verified by the held officers. Blanks for the presentation of said claims will be furnish. - ed upon application at No 61 Walker street, New York, or at the offioe of the Inspector General, at the city of Albany. LUCIUS ROBINSON, Comptroller. WILLIAM B. LEWIS, ~ State Treasurer. 0. A. ARTHUR, Inspector General. CUTLER VAN VECIITKN, Aliaitt, June 16,1862. Quartermaster General. IN ANSWER TO TUB LAST CALL FROM THE WAR Department. STANTON LEGION, ' Colonel William H. Allen. Wanted?Fifty able-bodied men, between 18 and 16 years, who bare now an opportunity to Join a regiment organised - for the Uniteu Stales service tor three years or during the ' war. Far will range from $13 to $23 per month. A few Bret class men can get positions as non-commissioned officers, with a chance of promotion to$bt) per month. There fore, be early. Bach man, so soon as he signs the roll, will fee subsisted and clothed. Norton.?The uniforms are to be of the new regulation just passed for the United States soldiers. One hundred dollars bounty and families provided for during absence. All promotions to the rank of Lieutenant will lie made ' from the rank and He; and this ri.-e will be strictly adhered to while in the field. Capt GEO ROB TUCKER, Company E. Beornlttnf office No. 3 Broadw ay. near the Bauary, adjoin ? tag the Washington Hotel. New i ork. McCLELLAN INFANTRY. Being authorized by the Governor of the State of New York to raise a company of Volunteers, to be ready iu sixty -days, I oall upon all young men desirous to join my compa ny, to apply Immediately. $100 bounty and pay from $13 to $23 per month. One - month's pay la advance, according to a bill passed the United < Mutes Senate, June 3, 1862. Headquarters, 002 Broadway. Captain WM. W. BOLES Late Lieutenant iu Mexican War. Approved at the United States Mustering Offioe, June 4, 1862, by Captain F. 8. Lamed, United States Army. AJOTICB TO ENLISTED VOLUNTEERS AND KKGU 1> tare. onoKM no. 94. Hxatiqt'ARTKKs. Ntw Ton* Hanson, ( Fort Hamilton, June 21, 1862. 1 All enlisted men of the Ciiiteil States Ariny. now or who hereafter may be within the limits ot this command, or la the country around, who are no under medical Uvaiiurn' In a United Slates hospital, will, without delay, report at Fort H unlit-.n. on penally ol being considered ues ru-ra aid of being liable ton fort.iture of sit arrears of p.?y; and all who, having reported, rhall leave the |K>at without proper autho rity, will in- considered us deserters, and treated accordingly. All persons in charge of ho-pl-als within this command are req tred to send their com alr?-enta, able to do dutv. mid ?other soldiers coming to ttielr respective hospitals, to Fort Hamilton. Itv order of Brevet Brigadier General H. BROWN. 11. A. HuroKT, First Lieutenant and Adjutant Fifth artil lery, A. A. A. O. _ OFFICERS NOW RECRl ITINO COMPANIES IN THIS city or elsewhere, and who have as yet not at ached themselves to any organization, may find II to their intercut to call on Colonel M AR1< iTT S CROFT, at h i headquarters. Third regiment F. B. Spim-iaV Empire Ungate, 181 Broad way, N. Y. PHOENIX REGIMENT.?CORCORAN ZOUAVES-AT ten ion R -emits wanted to lilt up t ouipauy C of this aplenjid regiment; havliu- been accepted by the Uoverucr, a 1. w nine- men wanted to liil this - <>nii any to the minimum standard ; pay from $13 to $2.1 |>er month. one month's pay In advance; plUb bounty vv in he paid to each soldier wueii -discharged froin the s - v. |v to c mi:m-nce from data of ?inoluieiit; recruits will receive relief tickets lor thair laml Iti s when mustered; c.otbliig lati'-n* and quarers furnished Immediately, recru.ta enr--d n., Lieu:. Carney, 11)6 I hump ?on street, or at the hcadquari rs of tue regiment (Bitty nluih Rcqlmcni Armory >. over Ease* market, corner of Es ae- and Grand streets DANIEL <'R >WLLY. t'uptain. J was 0. Burnt, Colore! Comb sliding. M D. Smith, Lieutenant ColoiteL 1)IIiK.N 1X RKtllMKN'T?COKGORAN ZOCAVKS?AT trillion Irshuten.?Rc< roll* wanted for Company I, Pu esiu reauneot, Corcoran Zoiutvs, Colon. I, Juno* C. Butkr; Lieutenant Colonel, M. D. riniilh. Tin- aplen 11 1 aompa.y winu ? few able I odi."1 m. it to com plate It. This WiiiuiliMBt regiment is exclusively Irish. I'll ? n!\ m. n o tbe rescue of the bravo Corcoran, now lnoureeraied In a ?'Southern prison. Ov hundred dollar* bounty wh' U honorn blv discharged; Ilia famlli. * of volunteers provided fur. Ftp end <1 quarter*, rations an.I clothing fuin.ah. <I immediate ly Pat tioin $13 to $J't |.er month, to commence fisim . out ol ? or i mailt. Arotisr Irishrm n, anil defend tin- c nun ty of yn-r sdopiion. Bivstmre Its law* ami uc l be nr. Recruiting ? II. c*..|mjii dslly, at John Le.a, corner of Third street and Pirst sicnne; James CI ir.-?. corner of Forlv-'-lxth strc t ?nd Eleventh avunue, and at lie idiiuarteia On "month's pay in advance. EUGENE HL'I.LIVAN, Captain. johm Coi.i.iks. First Lieutenant. 1 > Kt RL'ITS WANTED. J|\ For t ou.pnny F, Fhmnii regiment. I his msculliaent Ir ah legimeM. nrsnnixcd by COLONEL 4'OKl OKAN, should b- the grand rallying point for all true -It .sliinen who wish to serve their country. The Pho-nix legim.'tlt. t.'or or.m Zo at e?. Is th Fourth res ment ot the Empire (trig* le, Mr Sadler Urn ml, ?in will lie commanded by Cot. JAMES 0. Bl'RKK. The officera of this regiment were instructed by Colonel Corcoran before hla departure for the seat of war, and seve ral <?t tl.ein eerred under him during the memorable three tnontha eampalgn. Visiters, rations and rlothing f nmlslied si soon as mns ? toted in. Pay from $19 to $33 per annnlb, to eetunirncc from ?ate of enrolment. $100 BOl" NTT wheo discharged from the ecrrke. One month'* pay In advance. Relief ticket* will be giT-n to soldier*' families. Kcuruii* will be received at th- following place*:? Dentils Burns', "timer of Nineteenth street and First ave nue; at Patrick kforphv's, corner of Second sr. nne and Thirty-second street; at James Burke'*, 07 East Forty-fourth ?Ireel, Wm. McKeon, 140 Mnlbeiry str. et, an 1 ?t headquar ters of this company. BERNARD O HKILLY, Captain. M. K. O'Ki *rn, First Lteutsinsnt. X> KittcTfa W AN TED?FOR CAI'T EARLY'H iNDE Xs pendent Company, for Hen ml Bp.Yiola's Brigade. C.ipt. Lar.y, lata Lietitot snt In Gen. Fieinnnt's division, has Jatclv com" down irmn Petershur., Va , ami has ne-n 19 year's service In the regular service of the armies of Europe and America. He Is commencing to ml up Ills con-puny and want- a few able bodied men, between the a. e* of 19 ami W years. He also wishes two Lieutenant*. No otllcer need ap ply unless he can piss tb. requisite eta -liistion. lie also wants the non-com mission"! oHlcm* in the .ante company. Hi adqi'artrrs, corner ol James street end New Buttery. SHPINOLAt EMPIRE REMADE. Captain JatnesJ. Byrre. of tl.a "First Fire /.oi.aves," hse ?lug wn authorised to enrol a .-nm|atny for this o, iga.le, has s^tenc.l a recruiting office at Lafayette llall, 417 Broadw ay, This i.s a splendid Opportunity for the members of the 4,Fn *? Fire Zouaves" thut ate again desirous of leaving for the seat of vtar. Comfortable quarters, stib-lsea.e and .niotbitig furnished as soon Hsmnstevd in. $43 net" month, to date from day of enrolment. $II>i bounty when the war is over. Applicant* for ndn-comnilsetoned offices should apply wat v JAMBB J. BYRNE. 7 Recruiting Officer, Lafajetta Hall, 8fti Broadway, New Tork. CI'INOLA'S BRIG ADR-WANTED, FORTT ABLE O bodied men. lo form a company to tie attached to Hplnn to s Brigade. Pay. from $13 to $?. to comment* upon day ?t aoiisiinenl. Go thing iM subsistence furnished upon TUB BEUBLLIOV. gl'INOLAS gUPIKE BRIGADE am Jacob Woi?*ey having roooived authority to rnrot a Compauy for thi* briuaue. baa opouod a recruitiug oilico at th? 4 iry Orwirt," 72 Kim ?tr?*?i. ThU i? a *pl ud ti opp .rt inity for the m?rai> rs of the Pint Fire Zouuve? who are a^ain deairouti of leaving for the neat of war. Comfortable quarters, subsistence and clothing on enrol* in? nt. J'a> <13 per month, Bnd $100 bounty when thf war Is over. Cutnpetenl yuan* men desiring non-commissioned uUluea, Should apply early. Capudn JACOB WOLSEY, Rec ruiting Oulcer. "Ivy Green," 72 Elm street, N. Y STANTON LEGION, COL. WM. H. ALLEN. 16 RECRUITS WANTED Immediately for Company K ui tins Legion. $3 bounty paid the recruit us aoon as he la mustered in, tllM bounty will he paid as soon as h? Is discharged. Pay from $13 to $23. Enlistment for three years or during the war, unless sooner discharged. Belief tickets Issued to the lamities of the men eulistlag. Promotions made from the rsuk and tile. SERGEANTS WANTED?Apply to Capi. LE ti ENDUE. Corner of Y\ est and Cortlaudt streets, Or St X77 Grand sire, t. New York. First Lieutenant UEO. O. BROTHEKTON, 17 Crosby street. Second Lieutenant HORACE B. THOMPSON, ieU Broauway. TANTON LEGION, COLONEL WM. H. ALLEN. ONE MONTH'S PAY IN ADVANCf a.ter being mustered In the service. RECRUITS WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOB CO. A. This company Is nenrly full and wants but tew men to complete It. Good r.-tions, quarters and uniforms furnished as soon as inustereu into service. All promotions to rank of lieuleuani made front the rank and tile. ONE MONTH'S PAY IN ADVANCH. The evidence or Colonel Allen's treatment of his men in the First regiment Is sufficient guarantee U> persons enlist ing in this command. (100 bounty and relief to families of all volunteers. Apply to W. H. J EN NEB, Captain Company A, Recruit ing office 273 Spring street. S' .s TANTON LEGION, COLONEL WM. H. ALLEN. ONE MONTH'S PAY IN ADVANCE After being musiered In the services RECRGITS WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOB CO. O. This compsny is nearly full and wants but few men to complete it. Good rations, quarters and uniforms furnished as soon as mus ered Into service. All promotions to rank of lieutenant made from the ruuk and tile. ONE MONTH'S PAY IN ADVANCE. The evidence of Colonel Allen's treatment of his men in the First regiment is sufficient guarantee to persons enlisting in this command. (100 bounty and relief to families of all volunteers. Apply to DAVID TUOMEY, Captain Comp.iuy G, Central Hall, 174 Grand street. STANTON LEGION, COLONEL W. H. ALLEN. Wanted, for the above corps, ten lieutenants, In good stand lug. Those having been In actual service and received an honorab e discharge preferred. A certificate of examination will be required to obtain a position. Apply at headquar ters, Central Hall, Grand street, or to Capi. GEO. TUCKER, No. 3 Broadway. STANTON LEGION, COLONEL W. H. ALLEN.-RE emits wanted immediately for Company F, Stanton Le gion. This companv is neurly full aud requires but a few men to complete it.* G- od quarters, rations and uniforms of the regular army furnished as soon as mustered Into the service. Promotion to the rank of lieutenants made from the most dcse.viiig non-comiiiisgione-1 officers ami privates. The evidence of Colonel Allen's treatment of his men In the First reginieut is sufficient guarantee to persons enlls'ing of their being properly provided for. Relief Tickets furnisned to families ol soldiers. Apply to CUAS. A. DU McULIN, Captain Co, F, 174 Grand street, Central tlalL STANTON LEGION. Recruits wanted, to complete Company D of this regi ment, now forming under the late call for volunteers, and commanded by Col. Wm. H. Allen. All promotions while the regiment is in the Held will be made trom the most de. serving nuii-commissioued ollioers and privates. This rule will be strictly adhered to. Good quarters, abuudarit rations and handsome uniforms Immediately provided, and the com panv wiU be under the command of officers who have seen active service in the Held. Non-commissioned officers of abi.ity an I experience can obtain positions by making im mediate application. Relief tickets issued, #100 larunty at the expiration of tne war, (2 bounty and $13 (one month's pay) in advance, to be paid as soou as recruits are mustered mm service. Apply to Captain ISAAC L. TAYLOR, 124 West street, corner ef Dry, recruiting office. Osobjb K. 1-obtim, Lieutenant. STANTON LEGION?WM. H. ALLEN. COMMANDER.? Fifty able bodied men are wanted for Company H, Stan ton I.egion. Application can be made to Lieutenant P. E. McTighe. at 668 Second avenue. >22 First avenue and 144 Baxter street. One month's pay given in advaaoo. Cloth ing and subsistence Immediately furnished. P. E. MoTIQHE, First Lieutenant and Recruiting Officer. UNITED STATK8 MARINE CORPS. Wanted, tor the United States Marine Corse, able bodied, unmarried men, between the age* of 18 and 40 years, not less than 6 feet 4)4 Inches high, and of good character. Soldiers serving in this corps perform duty In Navy Yard, and on board ? jasela of war. This corps otfers superior Inducements to young men who are anxious to serve their country and see the world. One hundred dollars bounty on recelringan honorable discharge, with a certainty of making plenty or prise money. Pay from $18 to $24 per month, with abuudauoe ?f good clothing, board and medloal attendanoe when etch furnished by the government. Apply at the rendezvous. 18 Bowery, or at the Marine Bar* racks, Flushing avenue, Brooklyn. A. OAKLAND, Major Commanding. WANTED?A SUBSTITUTE FOR THE TWENTY-SE TT toud regiment, N. Y. 8. M., stationed at Harper's Per ry, to set re until August 28.1882. Apply immediately at olilce or Bradiey, Mills and Woodbull, 74 Wall street, or at 42 Fifth street, 1ST BATTALION NEW YORK MOUNTED RIFLES. COLONEL DODGE Men wanted, for tuts hue cavalry regiment, now in service at Norfolk, Va. Start immediately. Pay and subsistence from dote of enrolment. Those desirous of joiniug, apply Immediately to First Lieut. THUS. FAIRORAVES, Late Adjutant First Fire Zouaves. Recruiting Oilloer. Headquarters 000 Broadway. (T>i)AA REWARD-TO ANY ONE WHO WILL FUR qpOUU nlsh by the 1st oi July, Tor a cavalry regiment now in the held, 109 good men, or $3 per man for every one iuuster*d in by the time specified above. For full particu lars address A. B. C., box 196 Herald office. A MATRIMONIAL. YOUNG SPANISH DON. OF GOOD PERSONAL appearance, lei-Ill cut and well educated, be ng desi rous ot spending his tune agreeably, would he pleased to make the acquaintance of a charming young lady, uot over 26 years of age, of respectable parentage and amable dis position, with a view to matrimony. Ad-lre-s (strictly con udeniial) Don Santos, lieiald Office, lor the next live days, enclosing carte de visile. A GENTLEMAN. ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF TWENTY, temperate, with fatr prospects, needs a wife. She must be pietiy and educated. Answer, enclosing carte tie viaite or giving p rsouul description, age. height, Ac. Ad dress M. D., U mid o:lue. Vf ATRIMONIAL.-A GENTLEMAN OF MEANS DE XTl sire, the itotiuainlanoe of a young lady, not over 26, matrimonially inclined. A modest working girl preferred. Adtlrc-s Alexander Noli, box 66 Broadway Post office, for two ASTROLOGY ? A BONA FIDE A.STHOLOGIST, THAT EVERY ONE can depend on, is Mine. WILSON, who tells the object of your visit as soon aa von eni-r. Sne tells the past, pre sent and future oi your life, and warns you of danger*, and brings sucee-M out of the most perilous undertakings. N. B.?Celebrated mngtcoharms. No. 1*9 Allen sirr-u, between House n and Stamen sir. els, over the bakery. Charges lor ladies and geiitieiu n. id cents. I STONISUING!?MADAME MORROW. SEVENTH A daughter, I as a gilt oi toresi III; tell- n >tv soon and l.ow often you will marry, and all) on wish to know, even your very ibo gbts, or no pay. Lucky charms free. Her equal is not to be found. II- r Marie Image is now in full operaiion?184 Ludlow street below Houston, i'rioe 20 corns. Gent.emeri not admitlad. CVORAA SEAMAN, INDBi'BNDENT CLAIRVOYANT, J has removed ireui Jiiun >n street to 161 West Twentieth ?treel, betw-en Seventh and Klguth eve titles, Consultations on all subueta. taitu medical and buaiueaa, day an i rveulng. 161 Weat Twentieth s, rest. Madame kstkll, seventh daughter, iia.s a g.ft of foil shut; tolls all you wlshtoknow. Can le eonatlitei! on lore, marrl.ige, losses and business. Lucky numbers ami charm*. Satisfaction guarantee'. Ulktu. S cents, gentlemen, 80Cents. 126 West Nineteenth street, be tween seventh and K-ghth avenues. Madame ray is the best clairvoyant and asitologisl in this city. She tells your very thoughts, Slves lu-ky nurab-rs, -auscs speedy martluges. No. 2GJ eventb avenue, near Twenty-seventh street. La-lies 2j cents; gentlemen 60 cents, MI8.S DAV18, THE BEAUTIFUL, ACCOMPLISHED Canadian (.1, sy, cau lie con suite I oh all buslnea-, at 648 Greenwich air. ei. Give Iter a c ill, and judge of her abili ty. Ladles 26 cents; gentlemen 80 cents. Lu- ky numbers. Confldeiiilal iett-is written. MISS FRANK. THE GREATEST ASTROLOOIST AND Doclrraa uow living, can be consulted on love, o.i ? ria.r, losses and business. Gentlemen an l ladles should not fall IO call on Hits (lifted lady ; she guarantees aatl-fa--.. lien. Removed to 93 Benk street. Mrs. addiv banker, medical and business Clairvoyant an-l splillual Me-llum, continues to give satisfaction to her numerous visitors, dsy and evening. Rooms 619 Fourth street, lour doors weft of Broadway. NH ? WHO HAS NOT HEARDOFTHE CELEBRATED . Ma-bit-i J REWSTEIt, who has removed to ItV Thli ly eighth a-1 eel, comer of Sixth avenue, over the bakery, and who can be cousulted With entire satisfaction* 8b" bus no equal. Slio tells the name ol future wife or husband; also thai of her visiter. If you wish trut - give her a call. PROFESSOR LISTER, ASTROLOGER, 26 LOWELL stae- t, Boston, Macs. F e, oral, 60 cents. A few -ill-1 tlnns miaweie-1 by mail -or M -ants, in si imps. A brief wilt cn nativity, $1; all through life, lady's, $.1, gentle man a, $8. The greatest WON MB in the u-h.m.d is tub young nit I aecufnpl liseu Madam-- HYllu.N, from I'arls. whoe-ui b ? oonsttlte I with the strictest confidenre on all af faire of lite; rcs'-ne- Irunken ami iiuI'mIIIit ill liusban-ls; has a seeiel to mak - yon beloved by your heart's Idol, and brings together loos-- long -eparat-d. La-lies 26 cents Kesldeno 90 Thin! areniM , abov ? Tw elfth atreet. It' HO WOULD Nor go WHERE FORTUNE ISf-OO, VV ye, SIM- Miss WELLING ION. the great English Pro phetess, the l-e-t - f ai:. unit .-.1111101 - e excelled. Can be con sul-".!, personalty 01 by le ler, on all aifmrsot lite, - -mo?rn in_ law suit., Join n- y-, absent Mends, lore, -mm ishlp, mar riiig". health, wi alth, and who ran reclaim drunken and un faithful husbands MLS W. L the only pei Son in this city w no I.a* the genuine Roman an I Arabian ia lam.ins for wye, good Inch an-l all buslue.s ml"-Irs sn 1 a.-o guarant-cs for life. Delay not to consult this n "ira ly glft'-l nnd bea-itirul young lady. Lu-ky numbers ilven Highly resp--- la Ye eity r Terences. Can b- seen at har residence, 191 Sixth are i?k bowery, near broomb strbrt.-madamk ,U?J WIDGER) Clalrvoyasl end filled Spanish lady, nn ?11* the mysteries of futurity, lore, mstrlage. ebsent tends. sickness; prescribes medicines for ell diseases, tells Mfcy numhor*. property lost or stele*. to. taiFPiau. IOND0N EXHIBIT IO X HE.URN PICKETS, LONDON AMD BACK, first class ?!??/) Tjurd !?,?., . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Steam weekly to Llv, rpool, touchiu ? at tiu?ento?n (Cork Harboi).?The Liv, , uoo , X w York uod PbOadclp . .1 8 am. ?bu> Company luI>? iid d spat hiug their full powered Clyde built iron steamships us follow s:? ETNA Saturday. June 28 OLABGOW .-u? iirdav, July 5 CITY OF BALTIMORE Satur ay, July 12 au : every succeeding Saturday, at noon, front pier 44 North river. HATKB or PASSAGS. First cabin $75 Steerage $30 " to London ?0 "to London 33 '? to Parlii 85 " to Parte 58 " to Hamburg.. 85 " to Hamburg 35 Passengers also forwarded to Havre. Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Ac., at equally low rates. Rates from Liverpool or Uueenstown:?First rabin, $73, $85 end $1U5, Steerage )'iom Liverpool, $40; from Cueenvtown, $30. Ttokels can be bought here at these rates, enabling people to send lor their friends. These steamers have superior accommodations for passen gers, are strongly built iu water tight Iron sections, and carry patent lire annihtlators. Experienced surgeons sru atiacbep to each steamer. For further information apply In Liverpool lo W11X1 AW INM AN. agent, 22 Water Street; in Glasgow to ALEX. MAL COLM, No 5 St Enoch square; in Qu'e ? onn to 0. A W. D SEYMOUR A CO.; In London to EIVES A MacEY, 61 Ring William etreet; In Paris to JULES DECOUE. No. 6 Place de la Bourse: in Philadelphia to JOHN G. DAI.B, III Walnut street, oral ihe company's uffl. es. JOHN U. DALE, Ageut, 15 B.oaJway, New York. N EW YORK TO LIVERPOOL. THE STEAMSHIP GKEAT EASTERN, Waller l'alon Commander, Will be despatched mo* Liverpool. rno* sew roitr. Catling at (jueeustown. I Salurdsy -July 28. Ti esda July 1. 'fur* ay us ie,nucr 9 Saturmy August 16. | riKiT CABIN. From $95 to $135 each berth, according to the sire, situa tion sn l accommodation of the Stale Rooms, all having the same privileges in the Saloons, and In regard to meals and tufa net). Sottas of apartments for families ntsy bi ^ragm M ^v speoc lal agree men t. ? S FOR THE VOYAGE to and from LIVERPOOL AT A FARE AND A HALF. Servants accompanying passengers, and chlhlrenu nder 12 years of age, half lare; infant free. SttCOMI CAKI*. State Room berths, meals served at separate table...... .$70 THIRD CABIN. Intermediate Slate Room passengers found with beds, bedding, table, utensils and guod substantial food $50 STKKKAUS. With superior ?cromm<dat.ou? $30 Knob passenger allowed 20 cubic feet of baggage. An ex perienced surgeon on board. For freight and pas-age apply to CHA8. A. THITNEY. At the oil!cm M >. 26 Broudway. HOWLAND A ASP1X WALL, Agents. For Liverpool and London ? tapsoott'S Line.?Ship JOHN J. BOYD, st pier No. 6 North river, sails !or Liverpool June 30. Ship AMAZON. at pier 10 East river, sails for London June 30. For passage at low rates apply to TAPSCOTT A CO., 86 South street. The kobth German lloyds- steamship bre MEN. U. We. scl , commander, carrying the United States mail, will aall from pier 30 North river, foot of Ghaut beta ?licet, on SATURDAY. July 5. at 13 o'olock M., ron BREMEN. T1A SOUTHAMPTON, taking passengers to LONDON,HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON AND B BE MEN, gt the lollowlng rates:? For the first cabin, $100; second eabin, CO; steerage, $35. For freight or A CO i ^ Broad xtreet. Hamburg American packet company.-steam to London. Hamburg. Havre and Southampton. The favorite first class and elegant Iron mail steamship KA VARIV, E. Meier commander, earning the United States mail, siti's from pier No. 21, North river, foot of Fulton street, positively on Saturday, the 2-"th June, and takes pas sengers for London. Hamburg, Havre and Southampton at tlu* following rates:? First cabin $100 Se ond cabin . 60 Steerage 35 TheTEl TONIA ?1U succeed the BAVARIA on July 12. For passage apply exclusively to C. B. RICHARD A BOAS, 151 Broadway, New York. Arrangement commencing july i, lm FOR CALIFORNIA VIA PANAMA. A first class steamer will leave New York ou the 1st, 11th and 21st of each month exoept when these dates fall on Sunday, when the day of departure will t>e on the Monday lollowlng. ? - .... onice, No. 5 Bow For freight or passage apply at the only onice No. 5 Bow ling Green. D. B. ALLEN, Agent. 17IOR NEW ORLEANS.?THE UNITED STATES MAIL ? steamship MARION, J. D. I'htllips, United Stales Na vy, Commander, will leave pier No. 4 North rlier, for New Oilcans, on Wednesday. July 2, at three o'clock P. M. i'&MAfle $75. For?i ei?,ht, of which a limited quantity will be taken, or pa.sage apply to 8POFFOB1), TILESTON A CO., 29 Broadway. F OR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. The first class United States Mail Steamship CAPTAIN SAMUEL HOFFMAN, will leave pier No. y. North river, for New Orleans, on Will tVBTO W4VTI Alt'. 27. AM 471 tU 11VCI. * U| ?CW VI ICatlS, OU Thursday, July 3. at 12 o'clock M. Freight received on and after Monday. For freight or cabin passage apply to H. B. CROMWELL A CO., 83West street. L'UK NBW UKLbAHo DIRECT.?THE UNITED STATES J; mull Steamship CREOLE will leave pier 13 North river oa Tueadajr. July 15, 1352, si twelve o'clock anon preclaelv, for New Orleans direct. For freight apply to LUDLAM, HE1NBKEN A CO.. 115 Broadway. rPA88BNGER3 FOB NEW ORLEANS?ONE OF the most deairable bertha on ateaniahip MARION for New Orleans July 2 will be sold by the undersigned at a re duction from the regular price if a; pl ed for immediately. CARTER A HAvVLKY, 41 Broad street. OIsOTHlHG. A RARE CHANCE.?$13,000 WORTH OP CAST OFF Clothing wanted, within a month, lor New Orleana La dies and gentlemen having any of tbe above to dispose of can receive the following prices:?From $6 to $30 for Silk Dresses, from $3 lo $15 for coats, from $1 to $5 for Pants. Also Shawls, Clocks, Carpets, Furniture: the highest prices paid. Please call on or address a note to B. Mints, 233 Hiith avenue, near Eighteenth street. Ladles attended by Mrs. Mints. Orders from Brooklyn or Jersey City O'inctuallv at tended to. . Please remember the original B. Miutx, 283 Sixth avenue. An extba price will be paid for ladies and gentlemen's Cast Off Clothing, Cariieta. Jewelry and Furniture for New Orleans The undersigned has re ceived a large order, amounting to $25,000, for which he guarantees to pay the following prices for each article ? For Iron SUk Dresses, Irom $5to $31; for Coats, from $3 to $16; for Pants, $2 to $0. Pl< see call on or address by note J. A.N 11 ALT, 15-' Seventh avenue, between Twentieth and Tw.niy-lirat streets. Ladias attended lo by Mrs. Anbalt. N. B.?All business transacted oonttdeiulally. * TTKNTION-?LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IF YOU J\. wish to meet with s fair and honest dealer, lo dispn-e of your cast o.l clothing, carpets, furnltme and Jewelry, me best you am do le to sen 1 a note to the well known dealer, F. Harris, 156 Seventh avenue, where you wilt be dealt w th U> your satisfaction, for silk dresses from $t> to $30, fc cons from $4 to $16. for pauli, from $1 to $6. F. IIAKKIS, I'd Seventh avenue, between Twentieth and Twenty-first meets. Ladies attended by Mrs. Harris. At the original well known dealer, h HARRIS'S store, itii Set en 111 avenue, between Twenty flr?t and Twenty-second sueeta, ladles and g ?ntlemeu can dis|Kwe of their cant > ir Clothing, Carpets ai.U Furniiure, at the utmost value, and no humbug as lo offering numerous price* anil then trying to get them for half the value, as Csctleed by other high offers. Flense Oall or address and convinced. Lad.en attended by Mra. 11. Hands. AT THE NEW STORE, 114 THIRD AVENl'E. LADIES and gentlemen can dispose of thctr Cast Off Clothing. Carpets. Furniture, A. I guarantee lo nay for Dresses trom 1 arpets. Furniture, Ac. I guarantee to pay lor urease* irnin $0 to f.'hl, for Coats from $4 to $15, for Pants from $1 to $A rleaae do not forget to call on or address 0. MISH. 114 Third avenue, near Fourteenth street. Ladles attended by Airs. Mi ah. AT NO. 353 BO WERT.?H. ROSENTHAL, HAVING A area' ,t-slre lo purchase a bug ? quantity of cast ml Wearing Appatel, Furniture, Carp-is. Jewelry. Ac., hy tall Ing on or addressing adirs and gentleman isn obtain the inn ost value lor each article. Ladies ancndrd to by Mrs. Ilewiitbal. Please remember, and try Jj3 Bowery, appotuia Greut Jones streeL A LARGE ORDER HAVING BEEN RECEIVED TO . V purriMw oast off Clothing, Carpets, Furniture, Ac., ladle,- ami g' nt emeu having the nl ove lo dispose of ean re ceieetlie imlowlng prices:?Silk dresses trom $5 to $10; at* $1 to $18; pants $1 to $.i. I guarant e saii-lm l- n lib plea ' try me store,er send a note b> post to T BOSKN lBl.'G, 111 eleventh avenue. Ladles attended punctuaUy by Mrs. K AT MRS. E1EKIELS' OLD STAND?FROM $6 To $.10 will be paid ioi Silk D leases, irom $4 10 $30 for Coals, and from $ I to $5 for Pants, al-0 Carpeta, Furniture, Jewel r>, A' A note oy post punt 'uslly alt> nded lo by Mr- Ereki ,1s . I34 8evi nth avenue, between Niueteeulli ami Twentlelh St,e m. Gents attend d to by Mr E. A1 TTENTION! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN?A LARGE oidur received iroui iheVlist for >a.-toff < luthtng, Furniiure, Carpets, Ac. I will pay the best ml e In me < ny hy calling on or sddre??lng M. AHKUIAMB, (33 Seventh avenue, IffHwrea Tweniy-nfth and Twenty slsih slitets. Ladles attended to hy Mrs. A. WANTK0?EIO.IKN) WORTH OF CAST OFF CLOTHING Furniture, Jewelry, Ac., Ac., at the new stand, 1UN 8 venth avenue, corner of Twenty ourih street, for which ihe lughesi i s-li pi Ice will be paid. Ladles lu sttvndance. Call on or address J. STERN. MEDICAL. DR. COOPER, M DI1ANB STREET. MEM HER OF THE College of Physicians and Surgeon* of New York, may he uou.cited daily at his office, irom S In the morning unitl Vin tbe evening. DR. RALPH-OFFICE REMOVED To 134 HI.KEi AER street, west of Brualway. llouts from II to 2, and 6 till $ DOCTOR HUNTER HIMSELF?THE PHYSICIAN who established the. lluniroui Dispensary, No .1 Diil aton street, New Yotk city. In 1134, can he wnanlted Irom 3 A. M , until 1U o'clock at night, at the old A private Hook for nothing. DR. WARD, 12 LAIGHT STREET. NEAR CANAL pay* pathuitr uttentlon to ail complaint* m both acre*. A pi vaie entrance. Office open S o'clock n the morning till 9 o clock in the evening Consultation free. DR. CHARLES LUTZE, OBSTETRIC PHYSICIAN AND up rating So rgenn, wishes tit* Mult* to distinctly un dersland that he has no ilval in ihtsrily In treating ail diseases of women and chlhlr n (an be OOnsttltad In ion It deuce at his private i ooms, 411>a Broadway, N. V. At linme front 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. D R. LEWIS CAN BE CONSUL! ED ON ALL DISEASES of Females. With unparaih'e l success, al No. 7 B'ali t, between inru kaml west Broadway street, between Vaftrkand West Broadway. HEALTH SPEEDILY REG Al NED-HY I'ONBOLTtNO Dr. LEWIS, No. 7 llem It strict, between Vertck aud West Broadway. IMPORTANT TO FEMALES-DR. THIERS OFFICE, L 1,217 Broadway. Send an- s imp foi ? li ulsr. IADIES C IN CONSULT DR. COWERS, L LAIGHT J street, with nnrtvaiMd site,eat, ?n all curaplanitt. Be sure and give Dr. Pawn * a ca.l and you will never regret it. At home for . ontuilalion day s. d rr nlng. NO CURB NO PAY-H R KING. M. D. CURES rheu msllstn, nsiirslgia. goul dropsy end all ehronle diseases, with a new eheinu al and electrical app cation, an I mercury removed from the system, Ac.. Ac. UlOce, Ne. 367 Brooms street, New York. rnOFBSBOR RRSTF.LL, III OH AMBERS STREET, OAR be consulted as usual. Agents, IJTH Ltberty street, 1. In Brooklyn, 11$ Fultoa siref ' """" ARIUMKMUIVTS. w INTER GARDEN. TUB X.A.ST GRAND THIS I.ASr UK iND MA'1 IN BE r PAY. Ai I*. M. MAI' NB i I I I > I \ . AP 1'. M. MA r N K TO OAT, A I' J 1' M. M iH.Ni '? J i).Hay, AT 2 I'. M. M41INEB TO PAY. AT 2 X*. M. MATIN K IO-DaY, AT 2 1'. M. MATINKK l<< BAY. AT 2 I' M. M ATI NEK TO-DAY. AT 2 P. tf. MaTiNKE fO-UAY. AT 2 I'. Jf, MA i I NEK TO P ?. Y, AT 2 P. U. THIS EVEN N i. AT (X. BENEFIT BENKF'lf BENE PIT BBNKKIT BENEFIT MISS EMILY THORNH, MISS EMILY TllOKNE, MISS EMILY TllOKNE, MI.-.H EMILY THOKNK. MISS EMILY TllOKNE, (Her Ural beiietit lu America,) Who .ecu crowned by the nubile as the NEW QUEEN OP BUKLKSQI B. NEW OL'KEN OP BUKLKSQI E. NEW QUEEN OP BURLESQUE. NEW QUEEN OP HUKLKSQUE. NEW Que K.N OP BURLESQUE. NEW OUEEN OP BURLESQUE. NEW OUBSN OP BUKLEHQU8. B=~ Ql * ?*"" NEW QUEEN OP BURLESQUE. NEW QUEEN OP BURLESQUE. NEW QUEEN OP BURLESQUE. MISS EMILY TUOUNB will Appear In two charactera The periorinauce will couinienoe with the admired faree of the BOUGH DIAMOND. Margery Mies B. Ttaorne. Coualu Joe Mr. OUariea Hal a Alter which THK WIZARD'S TEMPEST, THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST, THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST, THE WIZARD'S TEMPEST, THE WIZARDS TEMPEST, FOR THE LAST TIME. FOR THE LAST TIME. Poll THE LAST TIME. FOR THE LAST TIME. FOR THE LAST TIME. L?hI ni-ht of PROFESSOR ANDERSON'S MAO 10. PROFESSOR ANDERSON'S MAO 10. PROFESSOR ANDERSON'S MAGIC. Last rnehl uf MISS HELEN ANDERSON'S SECOND SIOHT. MISS HELEN ANDERSON'S SECOND SIU1IT. MISS HELEN ANDERSON S SECOND SIGHT. On Monday next, June Si), will be produced, with extraor dinary elaboration, the gn at drama ol ROB ROY. Rob Roy McGregor Professor Anderson. Helen McGregor. Mrs. Gladstone. D.aua Veiuon Mies Emily Thorne. And A CAST OF IMMENSE STRENGTH. A QC BROADWAY?OLYMPIC THEATRE. TtOo Unprecedented sue eas of the great artist, MISS MARY PROVOST. SATURDAY E\ ENING, JUNE S3. Tbe great ela-adrai tragedy of MEDEA, In urbioh Miss PROVOST lias luade a most genuine success; owing to tile speedy prodll Hon ot other novclUeS ebe will appear tor the last Uine in this character. * To eon ludo with OUT ON A SPREE, In which Meaars. Levlck, Scallan, Chiim ndale, Ac., will will appear. PRICES AS USUAL. Doors open at 7>? o'clock, curtain rises at 8 precisely. FOX'S OLD BOWERY THEATRE. THE JEW OP NOTRE DAME. THE JEW OP NOTRE DAME. Zablna, the Jewess Miss Mary Mitchell Zurack, a truant chief Mr. C. W. Clarke After which (flrsi time) an entirely new plcre, called the SPIRIT OF JACK 8HEPPABD; On, Tkk or Kvn.. The Spirit of Jack Sheppard Miss Fanny Herring The Spirit of Joe Bluuskin Mr. C. K. Fox Jonathan Wild Mr. J.Prior Dickey Daw, with song Mr. Harry Chapman Viola Miss Denvil Luc.ezta Mia J. E. Nagle RICHARD III. ON HORSEBACK, in which the comedians, Fox and Chapman, will appear. 0 CHRISTY'S OPERA HOUSE, 8=5 BROADWAY, Opposite the Metropolitan Hotel. GEORGE CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a NEW AND SUPERIOR COMPANY. THE BEST QUARTETTE IN THE CITY AM) THIC FINEST INSTRUMENTALISTS IN THE PROFESSION. House newly decorated and commodious?perfectly ven tilated and cool. Admittance 2.1 cents No half price. Doors open at 7; commence at 8 o'clock. MUSIC Ala. Avery fine parlor grand piano for sale cheap. It is powerful and sweet toned, oust $800, and been but little used. It will be sold for $330, as the owner has no use for it Inquire of Dr. BROOKS, 73 West Thirty* second street. A LADY OF VERY SUPERIUB MUSICAL ATTAIN, meuts, and accuatome I to leaclilng, is desirous of ob taining a few pupils. Terms modorata Address A. B., Music Teacher. Brooklyn Post ofllce. A MAGNIFICENT SEVEN OCTAVE ROSEWOOD Pianoforte lor sale; round corners, carved legs and case, overstrung bass, full iron plale, made to order; all the modern Improvements: cost $*iu0, for $-0 Imduding Stool aud Cover. Also Parlor Furniture at a sacrifice. Inquire at 113 West Twsnty-thtrd street, nesr Sixth avenua JUST PUBLISHED?" CLARA. LOUISE POLKA," voice and piano, aung by Ml Ha Clara Louise Kellogg ami Mlaa Carlottarattl. composed by E. Miuio. Price78 eents. "Galop," Introduced in the opua "Un Ba lo In Maschora;" composed by E. Muxio. Price 110 cents. Hubllaiied and for ?aleby BEER A SCHIKMEK, 701 Broadway. " VTBW MUSIC."-JUST PUBLISHED BY II. B. DOD JLl WORTH, No. 6 A*tor place. New York.?" Keep step with the mnWe of the Union," aong, by O. P. Brl??ow, "Monitor polks," lllustia'ed title, by <J. Welugart-n, 25c. "She wept her life awahoij*. J. R. Thomas, 25c. '? Tig-r bop," polka redowa, liSo. "Words Com thoae we love," song, Bryant 'a minstrel*. 25c. "Josephine galop," Carl "Vela, Sf r ' Web, 36c. Sent, p.?t paid, on receipt of price. Catalogues ot Instruments and mueic lor brass bands five. STEINWAY A SONS' OOLD MEDAL PATENT OVER strung grand and square pianos have I eon award -U toe tirat premium wherever and whenever evhlb.te.t In cou.peil. tion with the best makesol Bo-Ion, New York. Philadelphia ami B.iiiiinore, ant are now considered the beet Plums inanufacluri'd. A written guarantee for live years given with each Instrument. Warerooma, No* 82 and S4 Walker street, near Bros Iwsy. SELLING OFF-NEW AND SECOND HAND PIANOS, Melodeons, French Organs, Moaic Stools, Watches, Dia monds, Jewtley, gegars, Paper, 8tereosco|>es and Views. Palotuiga, Oona. PDtoi*. Clocks. Collars, Ac., Ae., for at e ebeap to close consignment*. Cash advance*. 1. F. JONES, 52 Ann street, ae.-ond lloor. WANTED-A OOOD SOPRANO. FOR A PROTESTANT church, uptown; one who ran res 1 weil and has a strong but pleasant voire. Salary inodi-rate. Address, with name and qualifications. Church Music, 217 W. Sfith at., or call lietween the bouraof I and 2 P. M , on Monday, June JU ' ?11?NEW SEVEN OCTAVE PIANOS. IN ROSE ,i)U wood eases, iron frames, slid overstrung, lor $150, do., with mouldings, SIHtl; do., with curved le?sand name board, 8175, $185 and $2" 11, do. with |ieari kejs, $22$ and 8251); new octave, SIM. The aliove Pi anos are Lilly warranted, ana are the greatest bargains thai 'an he found In the city. PI see call and see them. Second hand Puiuos si $25, Ill), $.'<<>, $><0 $75, $-5. *10). New Melo deons at extremely low pr i es. One hundred new and ?* cond hand P.nim* and Melndtmns to let, at $2 slid upwards |M-r month. Rent allowed If purchased. Monthly payments received for the same Foreign Sheet Music at two cent* per page. HORACE WATERS. Agent, 481 Broadway. ft|7C-A VERY ORKAT BARGAIN WILL BP. ??i I "I given for a sph-ndtd seven octave Pianoforte, c u ved le.s, ihre rows of solid rosewood niouldln.s. curved lyre, overs) r. n; bass, and is a snl-ndhl instrument !u every rosin ct; cost $414); $175cash will buy It this week, Call at 41 High street, Brooklyu. A cash inan shall be satistled. INSTRUCTION. AS MORNING VISITING GOVERNESS IN NEW Y01 k or us vicinity, 01 10 reside 01 travel with .1 family or lady. ?A highly reepectub'e an I competent young lady do Ores ail Immediate cn.agenent Would goto Earo|ie or ?bewlt. m. Address Miss Vaudeleur, ststioU K, Eighth ave nue, N. Y. \ LAUY PROPESSINO THE FRENCH, ENGLISH J\ and Spanish languages, Is desirous of arc. un p. in ing a I unity going to C.alpornla in tbo capacity ot govern, a*. Be. si <es the a: ova mentioned langua... Sill- luis taught for seve ral jour* all the brunches ot a eolid. n* w II is id a polished eoiicstioii. and van proilme the nest of references. Address M. V.. Poet oSlce, Philadelphia. Algebra. ntHiKKEF.PiNo. penmanship, arith in?1 lc, Ac , are taught day and evening, at tig H nv-rv. and 28 > l-n 'on street, Hrtuiklyn. C I. FAINE the well i n Irachei of writing, is eae of tin- liesl instructors In lue State.?New port Mercury. Bryant, stkatton, Packard a penn'S com menial College Coop. 1 Institute. New York; llainlh ton Building. Brooklyn.?'flies., luelltutloiis alford the beet possible I acuities fer a'.poring a thorough huklnesa ednea* Cornmerclal Isia. Continental Ailtli thm. Buokk-eplng. luetic, P> miiaushlp, Curr-apotiu-iioe. A' ., praetloail) taught. t?LOCUTION TAUGHT. Pj stammering cured. The moat perfect development given to the voesl and re. ?iilrniory me. 1,at,Ism* n' 28 Kvt Twenty-seventh street. Persons in den-ate health, with consumptive symptoms, d .apepsla, bionchltle, Ae. rapidly rrs'orcd. Horsemanship and horsewomanship.-mr Dl.*Hll<)W hsaopeiM d his Hiding H. hoot, Filth svi nne, 0- 1 ncr of Thirty-ninth strve', lor the summer *e son. for the a-rommudstion 01 Htr-ng-rssojourning 111 Ihccltv. A course of live private lessons will enable a ady or g-u'leman to tide with ease and satcty. 8 WIMMING LESSONS IN THE l'ARI.OR?NEWEST invention, by PBh.easor TIIF.OD. DI MAR Insiruetion In Dnmar's Dancing Aciol-niy. .Vi Sevenin avenue, cannot of MR Tlinicenlh Lena ? lur Is ilea br Mrs. D' mar. fPEAl'IlERR WANTED. ?TWO NATIVE FRENCH I.A L die*; 1 familiar with object I nch'iit, forth# city | ? laily lor Frrncn, Latin nn I music;a tl-rm ri ia4y, foriiiip.Ii , a . e\peril nc d lady teacher lor email eonniry school, this ? ? v ; a erules oro. try t .ciirs, l-r Masse' tiosetis; on ? or N-'.v York; h.soone for Pennsylvania. a Frvn h lady lor .."isle: an IVMthilivnj iad.v pi IliCipa, lu pri't.11 T us rM c as? school m New York ctlj. a fbdy lor Knit. sli, French sad 111 u l.', in a Maryland lainlij . a nu.rl- gentleman >. 1 rlttc. i.alo a .-elect SMorli In Penasrhran I, ?rveiel rood Aclaoo;* tor sale and to f nt. Personal sltpUcullotiM vta desired. U. S. WOODMAN A I'll., Kdncu n?. vgcnis, Wu Ilioadwsv. KAILKDADk. Hudson river kailroad.?trains for aLhaNy, Troy, ih" No. In and Wt -1 ie*v < hauibu.s struct at 7 I ?nd 11 A. M., Aud I 15, f. sinl III. 15 P. M. Long island railroad accommodvtion-old South Fei 1 y Terminus ?Trains leave . ? 7 15 A. M. and 3:15 P. M. for QremI n?s II iv A. M and I 18 P M for By ovsett; 7 IS, II.45 A M , and .1 15. 4 15. 5 15 P. M. for Hemp. sf ad; hourly for Jams -a Irom 7 45 A. M to b II I' M. N EW YORK, HAL. I M AND ALBANY RAILROAD FOR ALBANY' TROY. NoRIII AND WK-iT. HUMMfclt ARRANOEMI..NT. Cornmenciig Thure.tay, May R. H52. - wpi For Albany, 10 .10 A 5L, Rvpress Mall Train from Twenty. ?Hlh Mreei station For ill lir-al irsins see Time Table, JOHN BUKUUILL. Assists a 1 Superintendent, N ahu^kihism r?. IB LOU GARDEN I. -a-,- an J M trim: -r?, t L. DA VKNPOIIT H. t; Jam I ! W WHKATI/HY. a t: k.?Ti. i?*'???<i ., run*' r,ri a ''H a.or e e-. tu it incut. u? tLLi >11.. at Kit t. . I SPARKLING FOUN l'Ai NS AND St'AC OU8 S I ON ? w <11 aula TiloROi ill VENTILAIt N, have ui n fur it i?c r< |<i n? .. .,. i, ; ONLY SI d.MEK THEATRE IN IHK CITY. K1.K' KM if! U elk oi Uie jtiDlly popular Auicr.cun I'l l i t Don a MISA OAROLINK BLUINGS. I'osri'i vr.i.i i.ast N1 ,;i r THB Oil IIi!) OK TUB REGIMENT. Re engitscuii ut ot the sr. at article. -\nbtti cAi.KTri rbo most aorotcpilM.ed iUhahu: oi luoiige, w ho w ilt appear in a ui'W 11 an J Hal., i, entitled THK >= T ? K OK THE IM.VR. MR1LLUNT THIUM BRILLIANT TRIUMPH BRILLIANT TRIUMPH "aI'OHTI R OK THB REGIMENT, AND THK NEW MALLET ON SATURDAY RVKNINO. .Juno 2?, ? 111 o. presented theOperulli Drama, entitled (he DAUGHTER Or' TUB KKGIMLNT. MARIE MISS CAROLINE KICHIMOS III which < hrtra--ioi alio will 81.NO THE ORIGINAL MUSIC. Cartouche fan old sergeant! Mr. I*. Ri.-hings The piano! in to used upon ilna iaj aaiuu haa beeu loudly furnished by <'bickering A Sous, No. 6'H Broadway. The entertainment will conclude with a NEW GRAND BALLET, roinpoaed an.I produced under the direeUon Of Paul Bril* UaiM, entitled the STAR OK TUB DANCE, OR KKTK OK THE MUSES. The Star of the Dauce Mlie. Annettl Oalettl Pnlli* Mile. Katrine The Muaes, Mile*. Keliciia, Henry, Lucreila and Gorpe de Ballet. ' Apollo Mom. Topholf On Monday next Tan Muatral Drama entitled THE NATIONAL GUARD. A NEW GRAND BALLET A.iI) THK NATIONAL A LLFOORY OK WASHINGTON. CNAULOTTA PAT TI EVERY EVENING. J AT NIXON'S KAI.Ai'K OK MUSIC, IN THE NIGHTINGALE SONG, Composed expressly lor Mile. I'alti by Signor Mutlo; words by I'. Mlartcui. Madame strakosch every evenivo at NI.XnN'S I' ll ACE OK MUSIC. In an aria fromf'Lluda," "Say yea, Pussy," au I other popu* lar a it lections. ISABEL CUBAS WILL APPEAR TO-NIGHT AT NIXON'S PALACE OK Mi SIC, in a new and beaii'u'ul HUNGARIAN NATIONAL DANCE. Thomas bakers new and original grand UNION it A a KANTAsiE will be repeat?d EVERY EVENING, at NIXON'S CBEMOR.NK HARDENS. Madame touknaire e erv evening at NIXON'S CKEMORXfi GARDENS. In her great MENAGE ACT and CENTRAL PARK LESSONS. XJIXON'S URE.MORNE GARDENS, i\ PALACE OF MUSIC AND EQUESTRIAN SCHOOL, corner of Sixth avenue and Fourteenth strew. OPEN EVERY AKTI'RNOON AND EVENING (Snnluya excepted). WITH A RICH AND VARIED ENTERTAINMENT BY THE BEST ARTISTS IN THE OOUNfl'RY. OPERATIC SINGING AND MAI LET EVERY EVENING IN THE PALACE OK MUBiO. Mile. CARLnTTA PATTHu Hie Nii.HT.NGALE SONG, ooinpoaed e.iireaaly lor her by Si,*nor MUZIO. Worda by P. MIAKTE.N 1. ' Mil . CARLOTTA PATTI. I Kenorita ISABEL CITBAS. Mine. STRAKOSCn. Conductor. THOS BAKER. Mast r It ILLIE MaHNKSMOUK l'APK PKOMKNADK MUSIC AKTKltNi ON AND EvENING IN THE COOL AND DELIGHTFUL GARDENS; REFRESHMENTS OK Ai.L KINDS EXCEPT LIQUI QU0R8; EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCES APIERNOON AND E\PINING IN THE TURKISH PAVILION. 'WHITTINGTON AND HIS CtT." EVERY AFTER NOON. PLAYED BY CHILDREN. NEW MUSIC. NEW SONGS. NEW EQUESTRIAN ACTS, NEW ARTISTS ALMOST EVERY DAY. To Garden, Palace, Pavilion, Ac 25 cents only Children to the aitai noon 15 cents only Reserved Seats in Palace of Music 25 eents extia Oruhratr i Chairs in Palace of .M uric . 0 eents extra Keae rved Seals in Equestrian S. hool 16 cents extra BROORLYN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. A large number of the nioit influential citizens of Miooltiyn h.tve deemed it suitable that the close of the dra i.uttic season tn that ulty should he marked by a lilting tribute from her townsmen to :he genius and worth of the GREAT TRAGIC ARTIST, MISS MATE MAN. In accordance with Hue view they hare lollolted her ac ceptance of a GRAND COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL, To take place on TUE8DAY EVENING, JULY I, On which occasion she will, by request, appear in bar re* markable impersonation of JULIA, In tha flUNCHBACK. The Committee of Arrangements hare secured the ser vices of the following distinguished ARTISTS, Who will oonclude the peiforma-uw with a MUSICAL MELANGE OPERATIC GEMS, In which The great Tenor, SIUNOR BRIGNOLT. The charming Sprano, MISS CARLOITA PATTI, The poDular Contralto, MME. AMELIA STRAKOSCH, The admirable, MR. EDWARD MOLLBNILAUER, will appear. The lliinohbue': will Im given with the same JUDICIOUS DISTRIBUTION OK CHARACTERS, Including the names of MR. JAS. W. WALLACE. MR. EDWIN ADAMS, Ac, Ac., Ac.. Which gained fur this admirable play the warmest enco* itl ti ma lroui the most inteli!grnt,auiUences ever assembled in a New York theatre. Doors open at 7ti; commence at S precisely. The entire poiformuiice it ill cuuclmte a' 11 o'clock. Box oillce open from 7 A. M. tin 11 6 P. M. un Monday and Tuesday, when sealH may he -ecured. Admission to Parquet, Mali ony and Dresa Circle, 60c.; secured seats50e. extra; Amphitheatre. 26\ Hail the happy meats. VICTORY! VICTORY 1 The proprietor* of tbo ParlxUn Cabinet of Wonder*, MS Broadway. 56J Broadway. Matt door to Bait A Blai-k'*, beg to Inform the public that, h iring made extensive addi tlon* which Startle, Axionlxli and Astound Hie world, they have reopened their Emporium of Curioaltiea which cou oet of WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL, EXTRAORDINARY. EXTRAORDINARY, MYSTERIOUS, EXCITING, EXCITING. THRILLING, THRILLING, unsurpassable. SCIENTIFIC, SCIENTIFIC. ?MALI AULB, INVALUABLE EXQUISITE. TERRIFIC, TERRIFIC, liKAL'TIKUL, BEAUTIFUL, GRAND AND ELABORATE. INSTRUCTIVE, INSTRUCTIVE. itvu, nt ni GLORIOUS AND SOUL INSPIRING REALITIES OF ALL THAT IS INTERESTING, INTERESTING, MAKVELLOl S, MARVELLOUS, AMUSING, FAMOUS. FAMOUS, AND TRULY SUPERB. SUPERB, UNPARALLELED Al the ro*t of $1A,ouuih?a proprietors hare obtained from Vienna the far tamed and return ned GKKTU. T ie gr ?i an I Only GERTU IK THE WORLD. Pronounced by eoonolaaeurx to be ihe eery No Phi* Ultra nr ie rfeetlon, and UNPRECEDENTED FEMININE BEAUTY. Ope.n for gentiameu only Iruni Id till 10. Adailtidon The last GRAND MATINEE TO-DAY, GKANII MATINRK TO-DAY, GRAND MAii.SKK TO-DAY, GRAND M ITIMF TO-DAY, AT TWO O'CLOCK. AT TWO O'CLOCK AT TWO O'CLOCK. A I TWO O'CLOCK. A l I Wo O'CLOCK TUB WIZARDS TEMPEST TO DAY AT X. TilK WIZARD,H TEMPEST To-DaT AT A TIIK WIZARD'S TEMPEST TODAY ATA POSITIVELY THE LAST MATINEE. MATIN KK TO DAY AT VS IN I KK GARDEN, MATINEE TO DAY AT W INTER GARDEN. MAI1NKL TODAY AT HIM Ell GARDEN, TltO O'CLOCK; Die.? op-ii at half luat one. TO-NIGHT. MSo'elnek. Menellt of MISS SMIL* IHORNK, MIs.?? EMILY TilORNR, MISS l.MILT TIIOKNE. Whan ah" will aptiearai MARUERT, IN THE ROUGH DIAMOND. A*n MIRANDA. IN THE TEMPEST. IAOR THE BERMUDAS?THE UNDERSIGNED IS h.hiiii to aen I a voa >1 t i the Hermudaa to obtain tropleal UhIi fin hi* aqiiarli In ihe Am- rU-nn Alnx ii n, in ihl. Tty, and hia aquaria! *.irden. in Hnxtoa, and ran aivn-umn late a lew pssrengt ra on fciorable term*. Apply at the Mu-enni. P. T. BARM M. PANORAMA OF THE WAR FOR TUB UNION?AT No. Mil Bread vay. on Salmday afternoon. at 2)< u'ulo, k. Evening at 8. Tt' kei*, 26 cetua; childr*n, 10 oeata. Last day of the Panorama STEAMBOATS. CTONEY ISLAND KERRY?LANDS AT FORT HAMIL J uiu.?The NAUsllON leave* CbrLtoplier -ireet iL- - ?ilia*? ireet #K, I2)ji S$. cKipric Dry ?ireet 9M, l?V ?) ? ? - - nr i, ?. M.erla eiuet (pier No. 4) L'Oll MKIDOEI'OKT-THK STEAMER BRIDGEPORT U h a-e? pi?r 2o Ex -t i Irer da ly, at 12 a'eloek noon, arrlv. tag In it.,ie m connect * Ith tlie H?>i*ai<iu.r, Nauaaiuck. New 111,'en and Martini I Riili ad alxo the xhoib line to Say I.. b ... I S .... I .... flLit UI rntfl VL'U A 4 Im<>'?I? and New London. GEO. W. COKLIES, Agent. TpOR NKM ARK -ON SUNDAY AND EVERY DAY,THE I1 atea'i l?ia! TIIOMAN l\ WAY'. Copt. ILinlxir, leaver p., r gd North ni .t, in ii o D ? attest, ai 10)4 A. M. and 4)4 P. M. Fare IIoe it-. Lin .log at Bergen Point, fare !(?e n .. Morning link fob pukkskill?the aurora leareaeay street pi <r at ->A. M? dally, without egrep tl ii Lvidni tonaerc, lliiatiug-. Do'dis' Forty, Tarrytown, Sin* sloa, Ilarerxtrair, ilrtuji Patau and Terpiaftck'a, Re. ttirni.'.i i".i*-? Pm ?'k ill at I ?kl. Toifliea at Chiiatipher in i Ii nli in Air- ' Norwich linb?ior boston, new london Norwich ami Worrexter.?The ?1)1 end Id ateameri CIT' OF BOSTON and CITY OF NEW YORK Wave every da (Blind*} interfiled I, atboVln-k, com liMt o| aire" piei .if Nona river. R ?. MARTIN. Agent. kJUNDAY HOAf TO NEW BURG?LANDING A O Yonker*, Ila.tlnta Dobb*' Feiry, Tarryiwwn, Sing 8n lime ?ii?? AY eat Co o Sni >k an It" irnwnH. Htean gr BROADWAY leave* pie ~ f ?it , i, teaching Chrlxlm her and Thirtieth at reel* every Sunday niornint i fe'elock. TIIE STEAMBOAT LONG ISLAND LEAVES FOR Nnrlhporl and intermediate landing* erhry afternoon (Sunday* excepted), from Fulton Mai ki t dip. at ha" pad three o cock. Returning leevce Nonbtori (very morn ng el 4ve o'clock AnrsK'tKsrTis. TVAI LACK'S. t ? Kntr ,i c-n on B* o i Iway ? ti 1 Thlrt enlh street rroiluor Mr. Waltaak Do r |' u at baif-pn - v**n: oo uutences at eight. N rti;r ?T ? temp fa ure O. I.or .< jU'hj I., delightfully coo ?lid vfljnrb ill .uNG-i NIGHTLY IN ATTENDANCE Fa.du ia.i i alienees. D li due i .,u U<'uotA TUB RBIOV OF FUN AND FKOUO. THE DASHING l LOKKNC t S, THE STYLISH FLORENCE? EVERY NIGHT IN THE I it .SPARKLING PIECES. M.t ?*. FLHKKN K t hi lu f * ir different uL.iriieura. M.k El 1*0 uc ? i emu mu g in h?* Jiuotmu ill Hl.ter-., dt* ui ? raiv nb lay. un<l n our litils to Ute and* en. li ?Ni l York ll i* .id. iltt. FLiiRKM I*, lo-iught n lluee difl\ rent character^ THIS (SAT It.iAV EVENT.NO, JUNE JH wMl I ? g v.-i., lout timi* ill.* -. r.*? 111111; local far. e. Til hi RETURNED VOLUNTEER. Florence, Da.i .40 Mia. .Maiy Weils, Mr?. Geoige Skrrrati 111 lue mi. To t>6 billowed b-v Hi * splcii 1 protean pi.*ca Til RICE MARRIED, Mn. Flor-nce aasuuiia ' 1 iff# dill-rcnl character*, wtta song* an I .1.1 oo-t always ru oirod with every denionatrw 11 ui hi dellgfu an i w<. 1 . ?!? Tliow iikiu oi??;. 1 ?? ny'i th nriit mil ml Iranon. nsllnff MY TWO EATUEES. Nan, with a how win , in uto by Gorman Reed, _ Mrs. W .!. FLOREMCK aim, on old Irishman 0110 oC bur riiliort, ? Mi VV J. I Li IHENCR lir. Florence s p irirait r*s of Irish character h.iva descfV ealy ? .in ip.i ,ius ? iii'.ii ,li iu wAli'ly lac uiiiu.u.ui of so) arib'.?New York Hi'i'ul 1. Duriu.; the eveuiug, popular music by K pnit/'s super* oroh**#.rH. EBBKORMANCE8 CONCLUDED BY IIALF-PAST TBN. I' Al'BA KEENK S THEATRE. A L-hSP.* Mb* MUIOIR MITCHELL Third neck ol the anootapliobivl ami Hat MISS MAOiIIK MITCHELL Every evening will ..* |..*i .1 im .1 the beautiful Drain* of t'ANCHON, THE CHICKET. LUCK DOTH DWELL I.N THE CRICKET'S CELL. An old snylng fully exempt lied. The ma mi dement begs to Slate thai, a nntv *rsal deetf* having lieen expressed to s**e tins charming translation of one. 1 the moat popular modern German plays, it will bs coiitiniied for a few nlfbu iongei*. During the last week the theatre lias been visited by a large cla .a of our beat and most tel.* 11 ted arUals, who, with the press, have conjointly expressed their highest meod ol praise in la or uf il? merits, and the admirable 111 inner le which I' has been placed upon the singe; and lhat Mi.sMaa gie Milehell. by her extra udiiiary p *rson ition m the . han t?i* of ilie liei uiiie. bus |.l.i. en herself eu Hie highest I mint <>f dramalic exci'Uenia. 'AM'HON (her original character) MISS MACfllE MITCHELL THE TWIN BROTHERS ( I mni Mr" .^ COLJLAO Supported by a full and talented 1 o npauy. B AHNUM'S AMERICAN MI SKL'M. SATURDAY, H'NE 28. 18(12 GRAND FAMILY HOLIDAY. Em La li, s, Chll li en and I'amtltes. TWO Sl'l'IiKB DRAMATIC I'ERFORMANOBB. IN THE A. TKRNOON AT it O'CLOCK. EVENING AT 7\ O'ULtXIK. The afternoon pertorman. .* will oonsist uf the Drama tha SEVEN CLERKS 1 oh THE DENoUNCKH OF MAS* SB ILL KB. Concluding with the F .rce. THE HONEST MILKMAN. EVENING, MHNOUMEBAND. To be seen 111 til boors, day and evening ? THE AMERICAN LAMBERT, The largest lii Dig Man in tin* World, measuring NINE IKET THREE INCHES ROUND TI1E BOOT. WEIGHING m FOUNDS. Also that wonderful GIANT GIRL. MISS JANE CAMPBELL, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL TAT GIRL EVER SEI.N ISvearsold, WEIGHING 6DS POUNDS, And 111, asor.iig nine feet I1*, inches round. The two together making the LARGEST MOUNTAINS OK HUMAN FLESH RVRA BEHELD. COM. NUTT?THE S.Vi.000 NUTT! The smallest man 01 his age ever known, NED, THE LEARNED sKAL. from the Boston A,piarbil Guldens, the most beautifulaftA intelligent annual Iroiu the briny deep, THE INF\NT ORATGK. THE DEN OF lAVING MONSTER SERPENTS, fed every d iv al 2 o'clock. THE AOUARIAL GARDEN Admission to aU only 26ceuia; Children under 10 ISetA Academy of music. THURSDAY, JULY S, FOR A FEW EVENIN4ML SOMETHING NEW. SOMETHINO NOVEL. IMMENSE ATTRACTfOHL PROFESSOR NAPOLEON. THE DISTINGUISHED EUROPEAN FAKHL AND PRINCE OF WIZARDS IN Ills GRAND COMBINATION ENTERTAINMENT*, LtJCIEN NAPOLEON. THE EUROPEAN FAK1B, THE EXCELSIOR EUROPEAN MINSTRELS, MLLE. CA.Mlt.LE. AND OTHER STARS. [From the Liverpool Mercury. J MidlC.?The young and talented magician, Profaaaor NA* poleon. gave his first pet iorm nice in this town last evening. He was favored with a large and enlhusiaatic audience, waa pronounced lilm the Prince of Wirards. ALL IN ONE EVENING. Admission to the whole, S)cents. Family Circle, 9 Box seats, $1. Boxolliea now op *u; secure tickets in 1 ranue. No extra charge for reaarvlng seats. Doors Open 1 7'?; commence at b o'clock. N-EW BOWERY THEATRE. Sole Proprietor Mr. J. W. 1 SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 2d, I8&I, most positively Hie last night of Mtm ADAH ISAACS MENKEN. Last night of MAZBPPA. Last night of those dnr ng Fna,. of Enuestrtanism by MISS ADAH, in which she stands without a rival. First nigh 1 of the great Irish Comedian and Vocalist, Mr. St L. DONNELLY. THE HAPPY MAN and the SPIRIT OF THE BLACK MANTLE. gRYANTf MINSTRELS, Mechanics' 11.11, t72 Brosdwsv, above Grand atreet. Monday, June 2.1. sad everv night during Ihn week. SOIREE D'ETHIOPB. MONSTER TIN PAN ONI01K WIZARDS TEMPEST OUTDONE. RAW RECRUITS. THE PATHPINDBBEL 4 U 44: OR. A HIT IN THE POLICY. Hern. Campbell, F.nreiioe, Buuneil, Peel, GetUnNR Hoobs. Fowler, Savori, Hilton, Charles Morrison, SpoaeP, 1 es.ic, Gou'd, Little Mac, Ndl and Dau Bryant in the near Plantation Scene, OUR UNION ARMY ON TO RICHMOND. Doars open si 7, curtain rises at 8 o'clock. Tic-fccta 2S esata AAA -THE GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC HALL. Ol'xiC* BKOADWW. GRAND MATINEE GRAND MATINEE This (Sa'urdav) aftainoou. ai o'clock, for the aoMOM^ datiun 01 ladies and chll :r?n A A A -THE GREAT AMKRICAV MUSIC BALL. iX'?'? BROADWAY. This (Saturday) afi-iu xin. at ?K o'clock, A ORAM D MAflNKE A OKA Ml MATINKK Will be given for the pMiwcialarmmmodiition of LADIK.-4 AND t Hll.DRKN. LADIES AND CHILDREN. '1KB ink! inbI A I A -TUE GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC HALL. BROADWAY. Oil AND MATINEE GRAND MATI. GRAND MATINEE GRAND MATIN. GRAND MATINKK GRAND MATIT Thin alleruoou. .1* 2% o'clock, for the*. voinNmdaUon of LADIES AND CHILDREN. Hitciicoks new national theatre and MUSIC HALL, 172 NEW CANAL STREET (om block Irom Bowery). Tblx evening, flrat appearance of Mr. W. U. CAYANNAGII, Mr. W. H CAYaNNAGB. THE OREAT SWISS COMEDIANS. AIAO, THE NATIONAL FEMALE MINSTRELS. THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT IN THE UITT Admission 10 come. Par-pie: TJ-en-s. CIBOBGB'S JT tWNTKRBURY PALACE, open day and evening. ? W7>? Broadway, oppoeite Laura Reeae's thrn-ve GEORGE W. S11UKRAOAT. \Vr OOD'S TIIBATRB, CINCINNATI, OHIO.?THIS VI tliea re will closo to- regular aeaoon on the 4th of July, and will open f-u the ne?t (all an I Win er on the 19th of September. During he new ly palmed, de eoiaied, iipholat ted and enlarged; nothng tvl I be wanting to give It a ? onlimianee ot It? juotly deterred popularity Stan* of emlnein e deeming engngemrnta, will pleaae addrrao Geo. Wood, Manager. Clnelnnati, Ohio. ARION SOCIKTT. ' The undci?ign-d, Secretary of the above Singing So elelj, hega to announce t? the members and particularly Id the public in gen ral tha' there will take place A GRAND KYCi KsION NIAGARA PALLS. RnlTal i and R cIpki -r, oil the 12th of Jul* ne*t. Krcnraien ticket* for the round trip per llud-on and Central Railroads $11 each, entitling 10 the admission at the rone it? and oilier festivities to be given by the society. The tlekrla will lie good tor twelve days. Early appllealioaa are re located at the ttffioe oi A. tiOKTKE, Secretary, 19 f prttoe street. THE GREAT SOCIAL HARMONIC MEETINGS AT the llouae of Commons Still Increases nightly In Me re"*. We have not space to enumerate the Inunros* attraa tlona wiihdi arc to l>e a* -a it this tavorltc resort ol pleasure seekers, hut we pledge ourselves 10 oatlsfy all who palim ?liana We c tafia to have the boat talent and Hie most re ?pe ',i,|e a idlen-e hi anypl ice of tlie kind In tho eltar. Re member, every Monday, W-dm-sd iy ami Saturday thie great eonvlvlsllies meet. N B.?No nigger waiters or policy waiters at our establishment. East bnoadwat shades, no. 42. is the pi.acb 10 li ar .1 food song Hint enjoy a gaod cold glass of ata, Ac. It. Free and easy on Moitdnv an I Sslunlay evaa ' THOMAS MONTGOMERY, Pioprlctor. The union, the union, tub union, as spring street..?Free and Easy Monday, Wednesday and Satur day evenings. Mosais. Kred. May, Harding, Ouv, Rosa.Jl, Stm-il-llng, Busby, Haatia, and tbo iatuituiile liwnmsber la their favorite songs. Bi>. BIDET. Ever ee happy ever be oat. the partridge, thb partridge. 27 W- 11 Houston street. J7 Wrat ILiusmn street. GRAND EXTRA NIGIIA Thil (Saturday) evening. This (Salnrilgv) evening, June $4. June 28 Juu* 2K A grand array of talent. Look at tho names ?P. Illfl, T. Rusaell. J Kpauldlng. J Mot-eland, Geo. Gray, J Hnndy. J. Riley, H Brown. H. Byron, J. Frarer. J. H Jones will psv ?IdO at tho Piano! ortr. Polite and cenUeinan'y oolored wallers In attendene#. 1! BYRON A GEO GRAY. Proprietory HADAMIJ ERNESTINE DK VILMER'S THIRD AMD Ml C -ii rt tlila season, at Dodworlh * II ill. Broad way. on Monday event ns. June W, kindly assuted by tba Iol.or. lug celebrated ui lists:*" Msdamc Elena d'AnyH, SiglM* Sbrlglln MI. Doenler, Mr. I'r oias and Signer Ale iia. Ad mission $1. Tickets fm sole at all the music stored. Tha grand p'anO Is Irom flicjnwdy's. GRAND OR ATOBIO-UNDER THE PATRONAOB of -he Kivlii'i War1 - ? in aid ol the stch and wounded sol l"i?. Th- pupils oi roiotcd giamnsar school No 2. Ligluh woi l. Will repeat the oratorio of -Eatbosr the Beautiful Qoei n.' st the rcipiest of their school ofllorra, fur the heoent i-f i he stok Odd WOdaded aoMtefe, on Monday evening June .10, 1*2. at the City Assembly Rooms, No. 440 Rroa.lw -V *? 0. Wshlron Conductor. Tickets 29 ceald ra- h to be had oi aiw of tho shnol officers. tesnhcra or pn pila ot the whools in the ward, and at the door o? tho erod ing of the performatiee. POT OfW WfWIi 1>01T OFFICE NOTICE-THE MAILS FOR TM* | Untied Kmgd-m and the eontlnont via QuoensMWd Odd Liverpool, per eteamtr ETNA, and for the German Staled via Hamburg p. r stoamer BAY All A, wlU eieae M this *Mm On Sntnrday, thr KHn of J'""iaVjfa?||AtkdlAM. 9 A