Newspaper Page Text
ARRIVAL OF THE ERICSSON. - lute?*?tiu? Intelligence from Soiitli Carolina. Graphic Description of the Battle Near Secessionville, James Island, Juno 16. ?eroic Conduct of the New Ycrk Seventy-ninth nud Eighth Mitkifaa iiecimentt. Dnsncce^fnl Assault of the Rebel Works. .atreat of the Union Troops in Good Order. Names of the Killed, Wounded and Missing. Gen. Benhatn, the Commander of the Expedition, Placed Under Arrest. Gen. Hunter Assumes Command of Active Operations in the Field Arrival of the British Steamer XKEcraphis at Charleston, hc^ Ac.. Ac. The United Ststo* transport Ericsson, Captain Lawber, , from Tortugas Itith lest., Key Wost 18th, end Port . 23J, arrived bore yeeterdsy morning. She broi gLt a Urge mail f. om ail the above place, and 181 passen gers, among whom are General liouh .m and staff. She ?too brought fifty .even sokl.em who were wounded in the late engagement on Jam** Island, S. C. Tbey are la charge of Surgeon* Craven and Scholl. Sbe brought from Key West foor com pan it a of the Ninetieth New York State Volunteer., and landed tVm at fort Royal; also the Ninth New Hampshire, and 'our companies of the first United State* artillery (regulars). lite United States troope, under General Be.iltam made as attack ?n '.he morning of Juno 16. at four o'clock, aud were riyulsod after four hours' hard fighting, with tho lees of six hundred and sixty-eight m n killed, tvouu Jort and missing. The Michigan Eighth b.? I but two hundred an 1 lllfty men left at roil calL The New York Seventy ninth MBfered severely. The Union troops wore obliged to under tho cover of lb ? gunboats. General Rranuan, front Key We-l, was expected to sr Bkre at Port Royal dally. Colonel Perry, of the Forty-eighth regiment, (of Brook lyn,) died at toi t Pataeki, June 18, of apoplexy. The United State* ship San Jacinto was at Key West. all well. The following are the name* of ths passengers by the Krtofcson:? ? .eue ai Be'? Irani. Gij airi Bryant, Lieutenant Besham, I. Bntnher, Ueplaln Braud,H. Clerk, K. If. Clapp, .1. B. Camming, W. B. Darlington, II. U. Durged, Captain Uen tou, W. S. Kljr.T. f. Graham, Lieuten ant vlonld. J U. Hyatt, l>r. Unites I,T*. M. Jacks'm. ta..aiu KiurUill. II. A. L'.v.ui! 1 S. Hwwi, 8. I(. K"* aud'. iaeutmruat Kmuai, M. M -niton aud Con, Mrs. Ketternwh, C. 1). tikes. ...ut Totter, Lieuten ant O'Berke, M. Bine, t v'xors, b. Bogus. Lieutenant Keeder, Capt-: - u, J. A. Smith,G. W. tlllhoru, lui-utenact St 'tenant Smith. J. I. Mueae, Dr. ftholl, Ckptatn . .. idUt, T. W. lowneend. LwuteoaBl THdale, 'iliora Vance. H. W>bh, V. C. Weeks. W. A. Wemel, A. M WaterbeuM, Lieutenant Colonel Wallace. 11. a. Brady, Major Burt. J. E. Ostrau der. Captain t'umstovk. Soi geet. Craven, Mr. Honey well. Sr. Packet. Mrs. Bar dam, Miss oil!, a If. Furgweon, Mrs MeKlmm, ills* Mcfeiinm. I.!*'Jt?Dant Corkray, Captain McDonald, cerguaiit McCuinel, Cap taut Partridge. If r*. Bridge, A U. lli-ffe-n. IJeetenant Schloexer, Captain kie, t'apuiu Uoorge Starr. J. W. Khun. M. Ba .er, Captain Dow Mrs. Mack in. H. Samp. on. The following is a list of wounded oflicert and man from James Island ? -jrvvrrr *inth its* roan. Sergeants J. S. Dingwen, wounded in neck: D. Rus oil. fracture toft arm; privates Win. Bussirk, fracture both eibewe. J. Dinner, fracture lower ur; G. W. MoWall, thigh, g. K. Cry tub to, left abott'.der; H. tdooBii.e.d, Shoulder, Ge rge Jtyersou, left kuee; r?*t.-r Trot ter. amputation right arm, Charles Kobb, left ?high; William r rich, neck and tbtgh; .la*. Smith, shoulder; Ltent T. W. R"l>ert?oo left tog; bargeant W. K. buuth, ielt thigh; nriveies Ales.Calvert, toft leg, W. Riely, toft leg, Lieut W. G. Ross, grapeshot Ml toot, .sergeant J. Wier, guiishot in body; private* Charles Each, front of aitn W. White, leg, arm aui elbow D. McFarlanJ, right arm; S. M. Kehtey. gun hot in left mag. BM.BTn Mil 'Hit, Ik. Lieutenant J. S. iionahue, grapeabot, Shonlder; private* C. 0. Alien, amp tattoo 5thn nb, J. Bremer, lunge and shoulder; K. Crntaer, <>weu f'hui,*. *1.1*, al> - n? ? thgb eg* *n 1 aim; Bile* Turner, Iiand; Frut* Peanrey cm hut ,n back; B. Hankituton, tract ir ? of left erirt lav if reliant, fracture ot right wrtot; Sergeant K. B. Li 'ht guiMiUot in thigh oci'-ato* il f'!?ad? ick toft arm and bock A. M. gutitW in right hip Sidney Caetie go: *i t i" <! *h; Cu.t m !*.. M Ik'/to, toft viv os petal M A. '?**:>*: rv. r g it hip; privates right "tio I'-'er. Krw. Cro-? right ehouV'-r, Fr*d. U . ~y, guu*h>t Mllliee. t arwin, r)gUi lut'g. f. Wuitarore, <ie?h wo.,nd .n hip; !*m Wyn>* ., ft rtbnw, t .'K'lr.y, A Niuhu.i-., ?eeb wound in Bh >nid<-r. IB KT' jrtW M.W tl ?'*. Lictic nt R"V /Hen, right L*nl; private Grant Trullet, pw W H. Godwin, hanu G 1 Gorr .b left hip I .IE'. *.!? ,)! ?? car Cerptral J M irlly iluali w ... 1, side pris&te T H TBtt gunshot, tin TW'VTT Kl<snl W **'!?; ?1IF, Pi 11 ale Jain-s Uoooey, r'gl ttgh; H f/gan frscfor.; rlg.?. arm flsrrc iiifi, A .<i * -in-' bank. -th . Mb-1 i:t Cor;*ral CUa*. Book*.ami lattetiri^ht arm private L. Coot, :1 lloarell, guimhoi,body. ? vr hi *! ?gr' f I IW*?BV1< Privet* I. C. Mi" re. b 'il 1 ?i nrnxTf . iw Bio rr.vevte Pr.vate D. IhtunteS'lerger, frsotur# ?f arm ?Mir jiMfi lulanU CormpoaarnM. Ila-k.igi AirniHa. dTKvafn-' Ine<k>j<, > itmmi lat.aan, 8. Jtiua 17, l?Wi. / The Urd Rfmim?htridmU of Ike ABnMm?tk* Banonet 10 Do U. H ork?A MufBtrvw / if* 'JpeneA by Ike Hi hi*?tieroie Ciary* of the >"?- *?'y ninth H o)hl under*? CWmiel M.errimm, of the s<r>> n'y-nta/*, Dangerortsto Tnuj>? Meet uw' Roceior. the Pi re of Mililit II.ui rut?D. tn.'dlion of Ike Highlit Michigan? Omfooitvm of the Union Al'<vkinj P>n- ?*? TK* Third !<lnmht K it! tkr Rd- I Shcvrfnkaott.t?incidtHlt of'he I ruie.iy of Our <!?,. ei ?'C'tpunn'bilitf for the Hetull Kit* <m Hen" ?] H nkant, 4> , .#>?. Yta wilt racoUact t!i*L id my pavlo ? toapniihM frcm Uitt ;?"it I pradh-tad ? itubborn rMtitiDcc on tlio fart of tt?< ea?ray, and aura, hard fl,(Diinft uo our own, bmora a f-.irthnr prograaa tow?*da 'h*rle<iu>ii could ba afiaiiM., but 1 did not think ?# emit and ao uaaleaa a Macriika a* that lufluta t upon our army yautarday morn> lag wo t id I'# jieriouiad by ib? gnaaral ia command Ib#T"W?r tb?itary at $aO*FStoWTlUe,le I attidml la utf iaal auar, bad tot ?< tna d<?a tli >wn its nbaba la >:n lau'?nl proximity to our >-xrap*, nod a "raoaa aoiaaatiC* In force *n? urdarad. wilb a viaw,ifpn albla, to gain poawaaionof the work, rhortan aur l.r.a af pickat* -tacur? afaty to our campa, and aamplata a aacond ttap In anr advaaca aurora tin imaad. al*t ter bfg '.daa, oanaiatlng of not mora than ait th ?i aa/d man. wa: a thrown far ward at dayllgUv Thay wara rep il*?d. aftar a gallant an I liaroic fight rr f.,itt h i-f d> ?? on. Tbay ? ame ^a- '< to aim.* wnb ? ompanlaa and r.^nna it* i/igt.Wui y d cim-ilid In ray ban. jadgnaot atar one NtilWl aud lifty of our (nan ware klii I nw.ilj r a bund, ad ?w nidad ia ? itr btmpltali, and tb? i a t?~ i -t of gi'v nig, w lioaa l?'# i* yot i? in hi 11 ?,?>?? nany *'? )ri,own ta bar* b^an r < i ? , ,t w ? t ml era vitro wjnndad and I iii? VI .to ba ? nd'.i''iif'ion of the am>n y tc ja... i 'd in -out')"i n iiiJe, to ?ll? in r>-1 ? ? li< I lo J I I 6 ? ? lfl?n rial fr, rn *li*>l I'Hiln Uo i< r t ? ,i r'T i'am a 'rn far* tad ia | a > t a #? h? atua i> ? <???* ?? i, > pnet tw OV|rn ? y? tar. iia., in* at" {. tfeVfnnn f dt ri ly ,n*o Ilia , h?v t g k< ? n ad tf>at (war i r- .r. > r 4 (fia r.iotai aa.t i!ia_.' efi t 1 ? .?*ik ? i uo i lo'r.l-.g wa aO I, a I I a ri li a sky w 1 ? l.lo.k h? v r a a I! at !"? dwt? !? li a trek if .? ain 1 ? p i.'ci 0 *i I a a out < '' Wh ? hi ? or ? ll*tN> .DA'iJi; ? ?? - / > V- ?> 04. , i?A> | UK a?,tj,U' at I ?vournug to Interrupt our progress Cokrnel Pkri ton's biigade?consisting of the Eighth Mi?.iigan Volunteers, under Lieu leu int Colonel U raves; the Seventh Ooueoil eut, under Lieutenant Colonel llawley, and the Twenty eighth Mussacnusuits, under Ijwuteiiant loP-uei Mooro? ?' m the advene#. Colonel lauwure ? brigade?ooutpria" ln? the fleveuty-nmth Highlanders, under Lieutenant Colonel Morrison, the One Hundredth Pennsylvania, under Mk)?r leekuy.and the Keily-sixth New York, Ouk>n?i Ron*?wee in ?upport,togclber with Rockwell's Conor*.to out Buttery. Capum Soars' cutuixtay of Volunteer fcngi nevre, and Captain .Sargeaiifg company of llussactoteetts cavalry A Horn ng party, of two companies of tlie Eighth Michigan, led uy L.untenant Lyoha, Aid de-Camp tofienerai hlevone, with e negro garde, wee in the extreme advance. Our mute ley over au ixteosive cotton held, cr rather e succession of cotton ileuls, separated froui each timer by hedges and ditches The grotuid was broken by Hie ridg*s peculiar to tbo plantations la tins vicinity, ei.J'U.o passage over the uneven, billowy surface, marching as we wore uj on the "double quick," was excessively fatiguing, yet wo moved forward very rapid ly. Although our lino was formed within rille 9liot nf tbo enemy e pickets, so quiet y were the tree g manmuvred that thoy were ignorant of it, and a re! I lieutenant and four pru ales w^re surprised and captured urdort ' id been givon to move forward by the flank, 10 ginieut following regiment, in no event wore o to lire, but to press on ,u.d forward into lin6 by reg.inert* When the enemy should open on ug, we were to um> the Day unit on t:m, ..nd cuooaver if i?p-ible to gam posgog eion of itio wvik. ' Theee orders were faithfully executed. Reaching the ope i 11-11. ah >.it ? milo from the rebel ruriilicalwas, rentes g brigade was dtreated against the right, and LMgures igainst the le.l of Hie work. Th 8J two Dri.adosu w ji shod forward with great rapidity, the regimauts seeping within supporting distance of oach outer, ami the Michigan regiment ke piug close 10 the en . uung party. When u ithiu about four hundred yerds of th > fort a terriflc lire of gra|ie aqd canister wa? opeucd on our COluuins iroiu the w01 k a..d iioin the woods, amutis and rule pits, on out right, lour heavy guns ou t. ? - a,miy's puiai-i set t th?ir murderous charges through th ues 01 OUT h a .B in Mi uiasnea batteries. of whoso ox- on e we bat no previous kuoale-ge, (toured thmr terrible missiles against hh . sbar,.sh otoi s, .uttoncd aU along Ule rebel 'iu# si-kote-i our oUicwra1 or largely, iu / *galnuil ieMer loh at t'a -ir Urst volley, wl.ilo the in u dropped in tho ranks by scores. Still ;h,- l-? htl M hi gan, the seventy ninth Highlanders. the one Uuuuiedih i ivwjla, tb?i I v.cinjr M (rhot't oig their wild cry of "Faugh a Lktilagh an tlmy el ranted), and iiori iocs ?.r th ? Seventh U.nsec ?c It and rorty-sixth \ew k- rk, succeeded in reaching Uij very edgoot the ahnitm ami a po tion of the storming , irty of the I igbtb .Vichiga.i, led by Cii,,t.;ius Klv an I fl. y le tog (.the. with a pariy from tiie Highlanders, led iu ,-er son ny their b.uvo Lieut.Col. Monisou, mou. .en me parapet of the work. Hero lasted .or a fc.v n> ineuts the lnoet exciting cene my,ism has ever attempted to describe. Wl.e.i t 10 11 "rs he!t,,l of the terrible slaughter of the 1.1 e n Mb 1:.gun, w itn whom they had for many month. ? brigade 1, they v aid not bo 1 csttai .ou, but a Iv.iu *iin l"* ul'-iogt promptness to th- support o ilr 1. vi i comrade#. Colonel Morrison, whose horse was sti. I ea .v m .he action, iud up his nun ou foot, shouting, -t uuio u Bigblabderg;" and, with IJenteuant l.voas, of U-nei ,1 t?'ZUS ,Stf:I ,w,i4- l',e Ul'vl 10 t'-e walls and mount the pa.apet of the fort. Doth were wounded?Coloue] Morrison m the head, the bullet entering at the temple a d iotn.og out benmd the right ei.. and Lieutonx.t l.yone aoveiely ,a tlio uriu. Cain-un iioylo, .y the ruiM,,pr otia' ly; K?vere!y wounded, and Captains ifUiid, ratt and ' him h wore killed. It waa while en deavorui, tor,uc .he?n work, that OaplainHuSk of the .leventli <...unecticut, w:i* aisy shot down. Never ' '? V1"?-- ,!*cnt "t?. waikjug uniiiuchiugiy into tl.o w?h V l-'it v-ry tew ee'-aiH'd, and those only Mn *'??? '"UN. cotonol Morrison, even ait. r .0. .vic w. uudod. discharged th- on-ire con -outso! aisr-voiver nt theiorce witinn,and)wd ths-a-w. a relofhiu K'' '? "*i ** h" ??" ?ade.tvoriug to w , m o e"1 ' UI ino 1! ""???"<'? "rmholes ? with wii. . ii4o mur 'V 0; (k? wi fk a1 u iLd^l there nr.* t-.,t .ani narrow op.-u.ur iu the Hue of 1 fwMdicullof p:ts-.tge wag :Ut?, and so galling ?hat L^a W 1 lire t" ?? I ; .1 - r.r-? wore f .poso.l. -,'.y reluctantly give 1 u> tall back u-.i r?. ior.,1. be tnou wore .eu a.m colors ilj uig to rk ? .v.?r .. ' ?'??' b ' 1 i?-hdmi yardsfroeathdfort, where i-j <i ? eiii :'i ?.ih of ilK) Mfwretiis i v#,j -j 01 1 u tain it', k ? 11 pie 'os, Which naJ <* c V- >d a 1. t twn in the reai, were u--w pushed tor war ; to tu? he-ue anu ipeuet. U|-on the eneuiy, end hie .-.-lies?a little to Hk V -tuem-ainsd up. the heai.s of our men a u,..l diracieu ii. a ., .011 the enemy'* ie't hank. Moth tne?'e sectlor.werey3H-?nt!yand elt,,e,.t:y , a d.u.?d a rnarkod irn|>rc.v>iou on too rcbeN tU" '<b lh0 ??'?-?'Ues had b-ea mi. both .0 nat ire uud iu numher. the troc i-s the I>? , !' ,T . "?* uubroken. Uko vetoiaiP it? nZrtviUi 7 ' WOt>i U c!j "**? l{at??ll1"-?'???"re n ,1 T ^mman<i,wh:.'b had ocinuied a po^i ton-a the leti.from which lh. y threw a bc "irfin Di*rsb iDto 111(1 l-oait-'u of ,he enemy , wer eoutpc Jeo. in c nsu-p.ence ol the fuilkig of shells from cm gurbmis, ro mil buck, and thus Uio iulti x^^ or wh* %umuy yf ^ gi\?u to the fro^t. Untior tb< j ? v. cum#tan.w? it was deemed a useless waste of life further to protiwci the content, auu the order was given to wrh draw the irecpe. fhm was den- ra ibe m et 2dmi7ab!e xusnner Uo-kveii-e battery taking the d^!aye?k'lln"!l18 *1,M with liagv llie losses in (ien. Stevens division have beon ?r? N*"r'7 -J0 ?f U" l-'*l'th Michigan (Which at'O ?uttered s-vi rely at l'ort Ito;*u Kerry iud ^ImVngton Ujand> were cut dowu and of ten cempanv com-uandera rt"W "n,7,W0 r???5 with the? siirw^ll 'r.? n',lv'ul/-"llu1'? ***** xalbntry at B ill I Sue? a? tnir * ?????*!?;;hi " t ??: c-*u L" . ' ?tCoot!","nl<"1 t!j? boys iu the as iau.t. The loss' s in tne lweniv eighth Mai-iiicm-seps Cmift being among the kil.od. ?r., \ iV uf lhe ^?'MfcOrnoctic'it, wam 1 ?t Kk bj a gra^hoi ?? ihv Im&l aod auother tu thu , tuigh, and he au11v killed and l.,e>t il ri J U: 'rUli7 Mc?. -e ro' ! f ttM torty-suth, was aieo kl!le?l. Many other ottt. ?rs m j the second Uivision wets mowed down by the heito-h ?torm, whose f<iry and whose i-rribleetlbct, durlug the , me't to^trey." rt,Ut' D<> '^0'" rh*'"ns >?'?? can ai l I which only two of ?u! ,,Jfl atu?k- "'? -cm.nand of r,',- u u a^1' r4'uil>"?tog two brigade, -u.- vr 'u?.le ttiilianxv and I hsLfleld. also larUcii^.. .1 n, u,. m-veir.ent. ai u suffered ?rve-e,y. tvuhai.m' br ea! i ting o( the Third Newiiampsa re Volunteer* Lieutemmt d-?e! Jackron ? a batn io-i of ,hV X.,!r J v I n - ' (antin. as lui.iatry,) the \< ,v iork Vo. nicer to'gmeer* and the Kirat. Mosachu-etls caialry, uiarc ieil from Ornubsd s nlau atjon at * - -iy dawn, and were pip bed forward tow.rd so 1 i.-ny face o, the work, wbue Ueut-ral -evens wis d-ru-tlng ??? these r. mel ts s? ixtg-i u? . ,? . lei ens o, stuck by au rthpetf ib'S swamp .1 d eO by the'i Mrd Rhode and ? r,.;s.w<i bj . a,.: to bui-oid'n atifery flf rvgvuT. .rtillt y..ui.i>?. ? 'oi.e.y. the two awo. isod?r tbo ?.:.-o.o>'n of ve; insa J ?a si on lion, Chief >>f . A ;t ? i. faulrj oh 'To mention* i lu.rhed Bp with 1 he ?is,not purs*** t f t .i-i.,u : the s o ?: ot ihef^n, '.Ls? jr ;ou:s'i th i,-e> . it.ii ftoni the work by the u. o-h en' "t ,<1 to tiit ,.a ? and eansle: <?.i the'r r glit, 1 kV-iii ? ? , *? froatiMsibd riiiesiiH e.u. rente .u su ,.<> ct ?u ,.4i. t . 1 mini tins etijorvr 01 ;v .I. ?. es. i? i t tin Third New Htin^lihB t'd the Tb. .11 os island we>e baity c.i op, yet iney ??. tii.-' i tu* ? t sttfisiii order until a..,iters hati beeu tiiesi'-eO. i'ui v tr o'.iecttrd b.s ??|.ir;tv i Ooeit ?'? 1 he i ? h'*l 1 hi .d !?"? , Hii. eh: 4e.? s:KO the n > i . or?l used th" b..y s , ,j feet ; 1 ^ h-t the for retired 1 ?i fug tb *? "i their euro her im 0 sr UursJs. i t*. cat o; ihl in .iiiviit ?i e < ad <isediy of the e; eratlooe .n s .ii nrij ore, for then then tost they fot glit with gi?.u tr. r, ?i.O ltuisnuiu?l their ground agAi'.vk wnr.b.e ids till the 'fOer W Wilbur .\v the tro w .s Klren. A n? *k sue of .he liii d New HMBi'Hh, * *?) Cnptala rtripn to'1 tuts, eho was iruok in .he l. p t.y a Herts .nought into the hospital Mwug. end survived O'l Ami' Uiiui, for vt hi. h he earnestty ;>iead( lyaiaat tue protvji 01 the surgeons, ? i.iUe more ih*n an hour. I le'ite'inuui holy. iiBti'lfl'sou, Nea'jr e.i t S raototi, of ibis rag!lent, wore ale he. ly wvi 1! at. t.ieni' i -at ItrtbokiiMW, wbwe promotion from t ie p. itioti m #? geaf.t ic^jor o tite I'nud Itlmde laloet w is made h ' e tl?; ? ? v ebnt thr u, ?? the abdomen oisd can not live, tnd J ten tenant ArneM of the iiha regnueut, is datuen isiy aouuJud Troupe sever (ought wito m,.re ani deter mined u. every tliasi our its en did yesterday. Their ;.tn. k sun their oh, iliei.. e U? or te ? .re *urthy of tho 1 , be. t MWMII atlun. 1 eptaiu du < -rnp t'lflriNtei Movent, led Suit placed lu position tut Twenty eigntU VlAde*. hui tie at tb" edge of I ho ? halt is, ami had oh rse ?h.t 1111 dei Uliu. t'..pta,.. tie 10.d suveoa, a s .n ?>? 'ha Uenerol.aed Aaaiataat .Vdjutou''.i vt the Dh at, s?dIkeS tenth 1 laMvltuut,after it wnt rvforrtaed, to At p " ii ion, at tho hedge, under a ureoli il fire 01 giate end canihter, lie tuheritr ait bla put# utl f it. auii was evrrywhore in tbe held OOU ay IB to ere thru'igneut the actiea ior Ins eoetoota S.nd hie tritury. ? iolerie! Fen too, who eotuinan erl the first brigade, left a awi. bed 10 lead bis tro tpr, and w.-U P'tsfaiaed II.* repufaiioit a at at '"ooraw and Wilmingt<in ialswid? l.ieut. JViehrr, 01 hn itafT, tbo'iyb wnunned aere.eljr at tn? eu.'i if't 1.141 . o.ioy, renialncd in the <a.Mle till hi* .01 was ah'tt. Ha th' n provuied anoibvr, au.i ae-ihelr*. i.tau lu loara th? Dntd. setting tire, am he ttdm.toa h. ildtng wnivh tin' rabel ,nek'lied for 'tn nights ?"rapid, i.ieut Urankett, 01 the Twetitymghtb V ..?? i.tsueetl", .. .ed ia an ai 1- le oaiup,u-id In J no te-s than teres ho.eta Is t under hint, (.'ol Leas ire sh> lei tie hrignfe, ahnaeil tro.n 3rst to l.'at g oat tr.tfe? ; bitty and en rgjf ' tiier Othcu"* were eourpi 1. tor ?lieu brt?Tiry;but their nnreeibehag tnoto proje it lu t. ? utile 1 i. re^ rta tu tn in Um 1 ? wiH?nu no rut t *. lie 'otrr' it.der < oai.i'l tlial.irld, o,.tui -1 ;ng o 1 1' tnoififiS' ft -' ' <? ty sevntli New Tofk add; ? ??? tmtli an i Fortj iu. I'um.a; Itauia n,,' ntiii" a " ? I in fieti 1 nig ? ' hi. m' ig |h?y ?rr nrtt >"? on ter h-ise f. e "-vy t r .01 di ?? ? 1 n.. 1 he ' ? I 1 ? , .1 II M I On, ... I' iiln J' tug th? 1 r.n ? ? at Iten tu ?> nth add dl "<t d I. ,014.'. I.:* mo 11a.. A VII IM i.e.,. mI .? . ,ui *d .1 u tile "ft 1 -1 ' >1 . nil , v?t u'r ... . II lhr#ig' 'lithe. I..... . ,t w-ie ,11 ..I't f ifti 11 "? ' r th" ' f, i. k it, 1 .id t. . ue',1 W ., a s *i 1 eiy . <?'. i? .id*. ???>. ..I iu raw , and, villi i *ir -.. t* r )? . . i ? ' ( horf r '? ??. ? ' 1 if ' ". 1 r ? 10 lie' . ? ijr ,,i ?? f I' .''ten ? -n . . . . If . ? #| II n o j? tl ' ? i1 ' ? 1 ! ' 1 ?' ? * ? I ? ? M-'i*:Vi m ktl *" 2 )l 1'^ f.-.htn "Inle th* ???; ? .i.'| e? ? ui un.iw rB I.llu 2IHBCDU ?r UWIUOUIIl?U III ?'III*, w * a military uucake of ? , flic en t magnitude lomrlt tlx- k out si censure h its re* us the iu< ve uieiil was a lamentable fai.ue. We know, in i%ct, uo inoro tlia.ii we <lid before cou i ,o the ? uouiy's ;* s.tlou, for de.-wiriora and r.optu.eJ .ckets had e lew days previous told u? haw strong were their I'ortitkatious, how impassable their what tie, bow numerous their torce, and h w reeol ito the majority of tneir uion The enemy resisted us with all ibo advoti u*m of position, humeri* : streogth and superior kuow ledge of the approaches to tbmr works. We fought gal lantly end nobly, it is true, but yul bopelea-ly, ou soil we never bud *od before, against a foe wo co .l i not see, ai d w ith waapuns which, iu opposition te the gratis aud c uil: t r of ih oucta- wero o ererieu as t>ys. I am t Id i> lay ilntt this movement was made on the solo responsibility of bene, at Uonnaiu. who ventured ti);on the liii'i-Tiakiiu; reg irdless of th a<ivi<:eof his as sociates. 1 ui toid I art her?and I consider the into un tu.t? to '? "tie from good *iub n tly?that when, only live >1.i)r ago, General Hunter left here for Hilion fiend. In instracled General Keniiam positively to uioku nr. :> :? !: unti :-tribe- rd?re, b' t only'to hold ? .r P" dtiori agaiu?t attack- Bo that a- it may, we have met u rti orse -.ho ssi iota ril'i-. rs oi which Ounnot bo ign .red, ana w hich ucuiouJsior its author u strict and sua: chmg niv. etigatloa. I d n. I know when this ac ?uut will reach you. De parture* from this point are unfrequeat, and undoubtedly tbo Northern puise iviUMM) been quickened by rebel a . mints long before a cor e t and nam igm,loil re,kii t an appear in tee UoKanx ; but of ode thing your readers may l>e *u*e ired we oti.ill maintain our footing here. Our hold Is not oi so tender a nature as easily to be wrest d Humus. Eventually, not only tho Tower battery, but the works b rhind it. ami Cuanestun Itself, with .-Sumter and Mo tils and Johnson, will be ours, to " h id, po seen ind occui'y." i'licse events are only postponed lor ? ii e. Give us military capacity in place ui re<-kle*s /. nl. give us .ui earnest th n.gtitfainoss for tbo lives of our men, ittst?;i i of Wi-ol ambition, and they will yet be undertaken and accomplished. HKADQI'ABTUiB, STKVKSh' IhViMoSI, > Jaiin* Island, S O., June 18, 1802 J QmitMt ami Aacuwle List of tin KiiU'i, Wowtd-ii and Mi ism j in Ou Ltie Battl ~-fe? of Ota Wouttit fat,it? Otir Mit*ihq Wounded Sent la Otmrlatlit?t of G< insult B- nkam an .St * it, i?:, I have Succeeded, after uaa oiling tlnoigh our campd and laboring for many hours with the utmost dliig -uco, iaproCUtiuga li:i, complete aud accurate, of th - killed, wounded and mi.-ii-.g of the urst and second divisious iu the attack upon the Power battery day before yesterday. 1 und that my estimate of our casualties was unusually correct. Many, however, of the wounds arc of a super ficial character, and a small proportion only will provo fatal Our wounded soldiers are receiving the ten lere*t ca/e aud attention from tho several brigade and rogi menial surgeons, and ivory thing possible is done i > pro mote their comfort. I hear mat tbo transport Costuo? poll Urn, which sails to-lay for Hilton liond, will carry a larg<? n tinber who.*e cases require treatmeol at the npa cioos and co .v nb-nt general hospital there. Dr. Keinble, the lenior surgeon of this dtvl-iua, ac. onmpanied by Capl., of Gen. Stev-aus' staff, visited the rebel l ues, under u ilag of truce, (his morning, for the purpose of ara- rtaiulng the fate of oar missing, lie learned that the last of our doad left on tho fluid were buried this mowing, and that tbe prisoners, nearly or qalte all of whom are severely wounded, number forty live. The rebel odicers who met the flag asserted that our wounded in their bands wero sent to Charleston and were kindly treated. They could not furnish a list of them, but promised to send It to ns as goon as it could be procured. If possible I will transmit it with the list T have already prepared. 1 enclose copies of Gen. Beuhuin's general order, th ink ing the troops for their gailant conduct, aud the order of Gon. Stevens, communicating the same to his com mand. The difference be; waen the two productions Is somewhat remarkable ? !? J OTltKT,") form, V o 18. J ? i?>r;KA 14 riKurK's? ^ iJk.lDijI'AllT.iilM, KOLTUliKS J I>THlfT, ] T KrlET*r>~ OK TltK f l Hivkh, H.dJ., June The Coinman lin.; General doslros to eipresn ! in th to the ofltcei s and nn n ol tlio diiletant regiments ol ins command engaged in iii? i sccii. <1;sauce of tic enemy's worbs a* SoceKSionvilw. and of the gruun I to the left of our enrnps. upon the 18m lost. The cool and steady dating oi our lUun, ihiir vol".-intent courage- in scaling U?o work. of ttio enemy under the moft murda-' m lira of grape and ma-hciry, and the excellent order lit which ? hey roti. ml, an they tin! In the complete firn"Vti<n i the lino of h itilo, iroin the lleld, wlion ordered, merit tb" highent priiisu that con lie given. tVu need otily say, in conohietop, 'a hat we 'tnotv we all ftn 1?we lutt e tuot, ?>? hare examined the w.rts of the enemy, and they nUa'l be ours. By orde. >i Ifrigndier General II. W. BENHAM. J. K. Shalt, Second Lieuteuaut Koity seventh Mow York Voiuuteers, A. A. A. G iiXMUAX. ORDWKS?NO. 28. Hiaom'ami ma-, .saoosn Ihtiy ?*, Mouthckx IHrmi-r,) lUOMUTHENT UK TUB Serai, i ?latl.'S Iki.ami, S. June 18, 1882. J The Brigadier General ooniinaudkig lite -ocond division, in c tniuunicHting to In* command me thank* of thettmi mantling General lor the good court ic l ot the troops in lae action of the 18ih mstaut, desires to rxpr. at hi* own profound sense of their tslor, courage and heroism. Men of the Second hirvi-oiu?You displayed in the at tack on the fortnioU poemou of iho enemy at seo -saion vdle, .>0 the 18: li instant, I ho highest qualities of veteran troop*. You t.rmed In siisnce uud scciesy in tl*-d.irk n-es ol lite night. Yo i moved lorwrd io perfect order at the earliest dawn, autl iuri'.-iaeil and captured tho ene my* pa wet* You ware ordo.od not to lire, hat to push forward and use the htvonn*. You obeyed the order. Yon townsd in line of bai tie under a terrible an I warde rous dm oi grape, canister oi..J musketry. Yen pushed to the ditch and aba. is of '.lie work, iroin right to loll. I'artler from the folding regiments ol your two brigades-?the Eighth Michigan and lha Seventy-ninth (lligtiiaiidotuj? uio.inUol and v.e.e hot dowi on the parupet, sAMn ami men Tb?.a two rcctmanis eapnelaily covc-ert them selves with g..ry, a.d the,: fsartui saauaittoa show the hot ?or* in who h you were engaged. Two-8ftbs of the Eighth Mn-h g. aiid nearly ono-qnartar ?f the -oventy iniith i ll'gi . nOsrs) were struck down, suuer kilied or woun led '8 a'l t' ? remaining regiments?thi One Hundredth ?y iui*?, the Seventh Connecticut, tne 1 oi y ?.* ? \e* V? rk .i.d the I w :u>-eiVhth Ma-?iohu set's -ha ? n' ge nuwi'ai o:'ca-uaities. Nstwili^tan iing thea. fearful l"*r.>e, yo<? vu re cot dis i-uurit ed - a.e of you we.# tempo, arily With hawu IV m the tcur etou* lire of the enemy. Yoa reined iu otdur of bjf m. an i you returned to Hm atteuk in order of bailie Rome held. throughout thi aciion, the ltd vans-id |?w. ion at the a .at.* and ditch of .he work, at.4 you i.l m ore ready fur hoi k.m and ever to Advnice a *?- ( CJii'time tothe aseaud Irom'h. h*oge hvo yards from the work Thi* joaition wai nald hy you an- , hiugl. and c.iilld# itly, and at this v?. y ha Igc t! ? light arti'osry ef K< kwe.) threw 1U edestive tire up. n inn cocii.y. lu obedience to ord'-r* f.ouituiusrior amhoi iiy, you all fl .Ily retired in good order,and iu iinu of b uue, aui. the erwoiy did u.d tenluro to Inicrrcpl you. tier, if the -e ? .nil l>l- i-uon ? Y a covered youraeive* with g!>ry o.l thai g'.ry (lad Vaiir intrepid to . ab.e b. ig. !? m. n. ?-U'l -, L" .s ue aud Fenlmi in tea h t 18 i he th a 1i hi, y . i' rcg.m rilnl conn.lander*?tike II... . ".CI >1 II? :i, Wit", Khot lh 0I10U ttw heal Oil IUS f, up ut en <uen M uie . ault, *ivnr .c a i e the wound?at all poiul* tanyhig end cbser ng on inajr men, aud ofBccru uud men alike <are ergna! j.rocf of their d. rot.on io duty and tli ur < ountry dr. cm gratjiat.hg his c .inra t v on their heroic valor and ecu itaeiy on ilia', t.r ib.u held, the Juinin.inUing General if th" div.eloh not words to cxpisaa bin gut. aud yours at I tie r VitwiM tliat havs been mads <>ur biat and truest ? en mow a,, ep tbo btuep that know* oo waking. 1'keir nrart bodies lie on ilia eintny a parai ?t. ' Uurch, Pratt, C'airell, Gn.ld. kerww, lloiion, Hit h cek.uod u.aiiv oth T gallant and icbie men, we idMul ?ee no fr.o/ e. Honor, th< rsfors, al! I.onor, t'. you, the tncti of the So end dr. You h?< ? shown what you wiil do when you altal) have the proper opportunity. Yeu (tin not Mo/cihefo t. beca >o it was simply Impwwibie, aad known n w to be tmp<>'aibl<' by tne re< iMionwau. e rater r ? I to is ti.s nt"r8 of thank-<?)' the (.'onruandlhg G< ue ral. fly order of lh ig.-.rtier General IfTKl It .VS. Ha/akji Srrvsir*,Captain uu l A. A.G. fhe following h a Cotuplei* Ud of the killed, wounded and aliasing:? W11,1,' A.'-ls1 BKIO tin; ? ? ltlOHT'8 111 VIf.IdV. rl'IU) ?kW I.AB.KUlHi. VOLI XT lata?IJKI'TVXiNT OOlOPkL j a. k?n, Hi lint - -f igene Oadwortb. James Mayer, Joseph , eou. ->lward Unmsr, Rami. V. hittaker. Gbm^aoy /< ? Jauic* i on. O>mt0i .y /y.?RSCgrant HMdhen Doarborne, Hansor. T. WillUMIIS. r~mi?i*y A? apt. lUlph hariton. Corporal Truiuga A. Lewis. r.y A'.?TnomxaContvay. Il'i.amfril, A.?'Corporals 'olin W. tiowiwiu, Nathan.*. klaraball. cWeaoy .7.?Wm. habao, s.-tmno: ^aban, Win Msrs tou, ?(.. i.e* '.oi an, j acioi w. E Hut', F.od tric II. Favor, Jacob "loitU. (,'j. ifMn*''> itoa-mt Walter O.dy, sergeant j. ae^a i?, < .rpocul Mat thaw Uyi Itc*, privs " Jobu lluify, 2.J. . >ii i l dry an I, John 'k?ilh, haul I'ltxgs raid, Moti le uut l ib.rt H. AllSfl. C >r|K.r?l .foliti Mc<'isiiiineiia,Cor I'o: it Us irgt A VfOod'nii h, M iiinel l a^an. Patr.-k lAe, Jehu ihiiieu, lid, (.* rgc Allen, .lames ijoinlaii, loumaa Ml lott, stwphso f'oju.. I'-nit; j* c M. oi (.ly, i>< org# W. utb on^ John A l ie'u I rtn?o;i I mi' i -i /: ? a ?i ? v . .1, f n.i?? ii II ;i. I?vi tlai. 1?. Junes, I. II S ec. lie, eirri.'l dclhiwivl. / . ,i,i h -I.l ' .lit ' IS r.' . Si i. h ? e. cculit i.ii . .i >>"? ?*?' t ? y ' ii..'' g, ?. ?. I tv ohm 1. ' ??'?!. lic'lge Mill, c. .lau.e t u u I n. i l ? ,i . <?? . II .1 ? w ? ,1 . I.l - ' , o ? V irk " ! . . . , i iu" * p ? . \ ? t< ? I'm, t 'it I -r? ?? " ? ? ' i' i. I. lArruwo. >iiu 1 . cp i;i <?'. v ?* 'I, ?.ick .. w,: .!?;>? i' ' i , m . ? t< f 1 " 'Ml..:,. . r ry i ?, \\ .i. i a. Hf ' o. u u'o ?? lo tii nb i , i - a t. I I. *<J ' .J -*? e'./TlS.. .V' let t J?Ile, James fassidy, Fredsric k. Warren, Ueoige W. Jackson, ji bo J. Fitzgerald, James H Relit!: Jfitftntf. Company fl.?Win. H. Morrill. skcoxb aa-nauon?majom HSTTAie. Allied. _ . Company Jf.-Willard Chaffee, Benjamtn L. StoylM, Patrick Ganomt, 1leutoaant Krasin ie->. lUi Ut'do nrw. Cmipany P.?John (PDounell, Stephen B. Wuli, ?" c? tut Patrick Ullligan. Company //.?Edward Dunbar. Wour'dL ti. Company fl._LleuUna.rt J. M. Potter, Corporal Peter R. tiiioom, Win. Davis, It 'bort Hill, John lLggius, Moees A. I'nyutf, l aniel J. Arnold, James F. Tniisfcuin. Cmipany F.?William U. SpuiKur, James Mcknight. V mptmy F.?John is., iutke, John tiaHlgan, Win liur rou^hi, John Dorsoy, Jan.oa co-dc, William Uebuil, George Brigs*, I'hileiue Arnold, Chirks <Jallignn, la t; ink Iiillati, John iluwi-y, tori-oral John Came rou. Corporal John O'Brien. O upany U John Color in, I'atriek Malion, Peter Neb tin. l'homas Oarr. Corny any K.?Frank Carroll, Francis U. Tart. Htw YOKK VOLUNTKISK KNOIXZBHS?OOt. SZKKStA. Killed. Company A.?Mathias Flea inn ? i ler. Wounded. Cbt ninny A.?Edgar Dr?gs, Sorgeaut John J. Kllby. Ompany A'.?Aiva A. Cartwriglit. STEVENS' Division. woiam-YiMTU *kw vork \ouirrnsa&?user****' ooioent. hours-)*. KiUrd. Company A.?John Dillon. C inp ? iy ?John Wait. Company //.?Thomas Martin, Corporal Brown, Ale*. * Thoinag Young, John Lerybell, D. B. Jones. . . Wound d. Lieutenant Colonel llavid Morrison, ilightly in temple. \Uf.\an>h-r G.abatn, Co. 11, slightly, ite, ant Tbonuts IV. Robortsou, Co. H. Lieutenant H. ?. lleffrom.Co. LiOutnant J a meg jxiunnear, to. ii. 0?! A ?Serge ant !l no. 8. Dingwell. Sergeant Darbl, \vni. II. Ui hkirk, Michael Lyucn, l-d^ard ' t*. fl.?An lrew Newlauds, I'hilHj) Daley. . 'ortiiu "o'fcOsint G. Rogers. Corpora) It. Sunder land, Wni. Kri<lj;u. T. W. Jarrott, G. MoQzic?s,J M,a* lUietion. I'tsier li&oai:ui. . ? . Viiii ? any //.?V.goaut Waltor Fitzsnumons, >ergeanl Kobe t lliVris, t'orpora! Km mo Duke, Corporal Win t?. M'-Nal ,Corporal Flank Ritchlo,Corporal John l>. bpowel, John Fiiuey. Wenner Major. ... ... Company A'.?Henry F. Ipoomfleld, Honry OolllM. 3te plie . < r\ iu, lo, Joh.i 11. Grant. Win. Kennedy, llwmu* Hawthorn.-, Guorge Kyersnii, James Devins. Om it my P.?Daniel lawronce. James W. Reilly.Serg"9"1 Ro bert I. .UH, 0>ri>ora Walter Gallic, Thomas McMaunou, J.... v-plt U. Carey, W in. Finch,;ah Harwood, Mat thew K-lly, Win. Poller, Charles Kebb, Iretl. bmitu, Jaiues lustier,CeorseWlnirry. , ? , r //.?>er,eaut -mith, Alexauder Calvei t, Wm :,i..y,n>i ert tewart, Win. Woely, Jaines tninb, J isehli W eston. _ . ? , ? iv.,,. nay I.?.Sergeant Tliooias Weir, Charles F. Mack, Mi< haul -eauiin, Ml. iiaa! Martin. ( \,in?.nu A'.?Dougall Ma-.arlane, George Mcintosh, Henry Ifarrlmll, Win. White, Sergeant John White vor porul Cnari.-s Kiley, Corporal Walter L. Brown, Robert lieiidercou, Jttv-.b Hopper, 11 bert Kelly, Michael Koikmsu. .Wiwinp. C.jipany A ? Corioral John S. lnft?. Joseph Allen, Wm. Mowait, James McMillan. John I'ickot. John Stokeni. C'o/MiMuy 0.?Archibald tkuupbell, Jehu Maxwell. Cimpany r>.?James Gilchrist, John Luke, Wm. Leslie, Alexander Taylor. Ctoii/x?..y E.?Mnlrew It .hertsou, Joshua BlaLbly, Coi naay P?Alexander Murray. Cunil any G.?Hoiiry ll .okiey, James Jester, John Knox, Kdward J. Matthew*. C mpatiy //._JameJ Laciihtad, James Mc oiube, John C o.saiK.leou Benjamin, Henry West, James Burns, Park Horns. Frank Chamberlain. C,.M)>ai<y A'.?loudin McKelvy, Francis Stoddart, Francis Wright. Ooorge Cwniibell, Ger-rge MoCready. M' N??KKl>TiI I'KNN-sVf >' \MA VOlfN'rWUtA?COW)!?' IJiASi ItlC. KiU<*i. Lieutenant Samuel J. Morrow, Co. I. Cn ipani C.?Corporal John 3. Watiau, Corporal A. And? rsim. (any A'.?Augitntu* Rood. Com: any A*.? 3. Tattorson, Cr.ii]i"nJ lf.?G orae M ini- tone. c hi n,m K ? flionia. Gftt.uan. C. iii/an'/ Jf.?Th-mias, David Meredtth, 1'eter H&r rlson, Ih'.iuas Wllklusun. Hi.utided. noMjxmv A ?Wm. Claflby. Cm:anytf.?-Sergeant John Klliott, Noah A Bewell, Caleb Joseph. lV.hert K. iteed. Co m may C.?Corporal Adil?on CI eland, Hugh Wllsen, Frederic Bander, John C. Moore, John K. Walton, Thos. M Miles, H> nry Diltaman. Oomiiony At?Genge Montgomery, John 3. Barber, Goorte Maxwell, J hi. S. Dick, Samuel George, Jesae B. Shaner. Win. Ilirisu, Harlan Br?k, Nathan Oiirett. Com lKitii/ A*.?Daniel lierfeet. Company G.?George W. Waahabaugh, Bamuel B. Campbell. _ 'i.Diwiiiy H.?Chas. ll.Stanabury. Ompfiny I.?Lieutenant John P. Blair, 8ergeant Henry H. Robertson, Robert Davie. Cumjany K..?IJeutenant Joseph H. Gillllaad, Eran MorrU. jVtirff M# Company A ?SerReanl John H. Merrick. Company O.?Sergeant .lame* McCesoie, Jaeob Lsary. Company A'.?John C. Book, John T. JlcCaelU, James A. Parker Company H ?Wm. R. Summers. foutv-wxth mw tork voi.cxmmm?oomiul aoaa. KiUtd. Company D-?LiouUuant Ferdtnaud Sohort. Company F.?Lieutanant Wm. Kratowslty, Rudolph Knoctii, tympany G.?John Kennedy. Company H.?Fiauz Hoii.tein. C in/-ii.y L?Cori>oral F. Klhigek CUmi-urny AC.?Thomas Higgms. HViidel. Company A.?John Millur. foaijKUiy U?Jacob WeiuhardL Company C.?Prederlo Hoosse, Lewie Sterk. Company Lt.?Jaoib Weber, Michael Wald, Theodere BohieitKUorll. i OHipaiiy E ?Hernhard Wit . inaim. Adam Jonas. Comi any P.?Corporal iKiorge Hols, Charles Fleisch mann, Andrew Schanh, Louis Walker. Company O ? Ijeutcoaut Wm Ort?n. bergCKtot O. (d tero. . Il'iury St Uuoidur, I'hiUp TLm *, laona.-d laubner. ttm.e'iy JC. ?bin'-n L scli. Miming. Company 0.?X'venue UroeUer. Coniany D.-Louir Scbappcr. Company A?Corporal Charles, Ferdinand llo seh.t?eorge Hagg. Q>mi<anijG.?J"bu (. ? mpony Ji'?t'hrnrtiaa Augf-rtbs b, Christian Bit i. nnjotnt A. ?Herman Kn-kior. tv ? nWirni m vm . tuuth? uititviiit OiJUlM... ?'),RK. A Uir I. (Voqain;/ B ?Corporal hi nfolntiro. Cum/ 'Imy C.?< burton sic ;u ti?y. r. ii. ; //.--'.-a, uin Aulmr ,r. T.iwlor, Patrick Mo Cartloy, Twioihy in u\aa. Coniiany A?Willi.iiii Ifallihan. <>/??. mii/ ? iri?/r ii 0. Dwlgb' , Woo. Carey. t-if jtut/ //.-?Win. be* jin. C?mi;<i"y I ?<'nrj> rai TI 'inn TVy.Thoi. llurpny. Comimnn K.?sergoaru .1. Melkiluii. II 'btulr't. C m/ t'.nn it.? Mioli.w <) .'..ion, Pa -ie? AVelah. Cli.>j-tny -?igt nr. Ii?n!ol Cu? oeiy .Oornoral John Kilroy. Janice Tcmin, Vl'liml ( u . pbell Jerei.vah Drift iaiIi. Hf.lierl lAgau, Patrick mat' in, laulol Shureer. C ?a/?in? l>.?l.oiiifj.r', aiu o. H ion, Into thy Downey, M toluol Mclaughlio, m. lio'mi. Om/ iiny H?ilu-baai Kolih.>r, v. ui. J. I,ove, William . XUjbt , Davul tojgliltn, CIim Mi toy, Matthew Conway. *. op. ?y <7.?Sergeant K. Fitzpatrlck, Wn?. D. llalone, Jr.ruvc !* H}', I 3. Sbiekle,TIijuim Turtle, Mictiwl K"ii"0? ? iterperat ler.'euoeMil.hell. 0 *i i/ I'.?Cnpia.n J. A. llolkiiiiiell. I.leut. .T.lT.Ttar rill,i .ti '. Mir. I i?> < ? Jlayae, Pntrkk Itroouaiiun, Kit gun tixunley, Hugh l?e. t\ , 'ij i ? Michael Madden. Jobs O'Brien, Frank Tick, i'...rn> Magutre, ivrgeant J. 3. Join.item. ft ?/?t /. ? corporal A. II. Doyle, Parld Roach, jt n> krlfffl cargo 0. WIM, J ovi nam.j?l?n. Win. to j , .i. ii t ' tnuon, Tbomaa MiUu, Kdwird I'uiphoy, iu?i .nT ia >. Misting Otmji- iy I. ? Patrick C, O'liway, Patrick Mullln. On*]"" O'.--Jtil.ii Mc Samoa, Jame.- Aurphy. s I?Patrick Fii/ger.tid, Jerry S. Murphy, II Kb uttiiaghcf. C *> iiny ??' -Ofporal T! o*. Owetih, John Leomey. <. ni; 14 It - "orgeat I r. W. Kerrigan. Ohmj*> 4 / ?< orp.>ral o. V. Mi.iih, Oorpural John Hagar. CjinfMity k - Arthur <? Mail. ksv.-mw \f>svarfiurT voi umiuKa?uin cob. nawurr. JC Jf?i. ?>, 'I - " ',Vu.. 1J 'Mylar, t'.. i, i Ji 'a * A Millnr. ' nfu-g /> -??l.iful. Ibuirna Uooton, John Bolmco, W. prut III. C m/i'ry K. Rrynoldo. Cm /< iy '? ?-I.<m' ii/a> Mi iUin. CViM/tiiav '? ? "xp aiii Kl*m H. Hitchcock, ff. /atr.y A.*.- u<ir??r H. IIP Wd, ? oorgo Corbln. If' Mint I. ii?y 1 --'ori;ravt 11iv, I l>. >yea, I'orporal Wm i.xr,. >i U I' lOcvirO rtPifbtrl, C'lrporal John P. I.ya , Cor-ioial oroi I' .*? /a, .;?i'U H?won, il niry ,t ?' i ??<?, ???,*. W. I ii'.-, 'Int.loa J. Ilil!, Wu.t-jr hi> ,i i Ui. J. i lti wii, l.i.Ji.iril p. WaWn. 1 .mi , it ?Jonj. 1 . *Ui?.i .on, K. II. '.Iialna d, Ji'hn (.mil.; Ii. ? i ii'i, i*. ? I'll i AM., ? Im, , | |T tin V"T ' , ?' .a,,'I Inlin V' . I. ! .1 . i< ,'l'j (in'5 ? Kvr-ii >!?'??, I.,,. ? ? i j Mil .i, |ni .v . '.?? ig? WMbb, J Ai. Wi ll ; 1 ? J. ') 'in, r> ( ?<? la A .(.1 la , ? ?' ?' /* a<*",t In i I,. - in Jr , Jolm rt. | i , II mi . .1 ."?/ Ii. r'l'iia. I , , , . ,i i.. W ' |l>yni ? Jan ?? |) | i.i I In I Pa/ii", ;?i:li'iit ?. i , i ii t iiit... i- il ii*oi, ilioori '"ji. U ? l?J. iai.. ? an, I hn t Ir-vn, .1 mho* ti . ai.n, P .. iui k. i-1 uf'-i-J. M. I. blithe 'y , M rli .?l n/n . i I -moIk t l-'c .' b, l . n I . In. mi ?ib uk il ,:ii .a T?i ui, ff?nfy V .jiftiilh, ! ?v /, , H l.y n i. a? lit.'itonv .llo, ij- >rn i | Comnm,') J.?Lyman 8. Johnstoa, Oarter 8. Clark, Sei dell H. Well*. ? Company I)?('bnrli'i Byxbee. Company K.?Ohorlee Gilbert. any >.?Sergeant l'rel. R. Jackson Kliiuru nil II.i.Oh MJLUNTKKR>?UKUf. COL. tUUV*. JftUwl. Company U ?Georgo F. McVeigh. Company V.?-Captain Benjamin B. Church, Join Conuly. Cum, may B.?Lieutenant A Cot roll, Sergeant W;u. Alexander, Corporal Frederick lurroll. Orm/xmy F.?Linmeit (Jolt, U. C. Rathbun, Harmon Vuwlarlnb. Company G?James Carman, Joinets M. Wright, Kil waril o. lori, Albert M. Uiuiiuock, F.ankliu B. ll.wl.iud. Cmpmy a.? Corp r.J .i. M. Morgin, Alonzo Horslm. Wuuadad. Company A.?Oapt iin & C. Guild, missing; John H. Thorn Pin, missing, ira Colling, missing; Sergeant Milton S. Ban own, Alex. Parsing, Abruta i). Perry, George W. Bennett, Chariei D. Allan. diimpouy IS.? Captain Gilbert E. Pratt, m - sing, Samuel MVcigli, missing; Hen 11 Brewer, Amoa Wetharby, Hjruy W Pa\eup>rt. Lieutenant James S. Donahue, kiua J. Oltiouter, John G. Hathaway, Corporal Ransom M. Brooks, David K. Jell# s. Company ?Lieutenant K lrerlG. Hutching, Sergeant Wilbur Nelson. Jacob B Kelson, Corporal Nathao Doano, Oorprral Davis ML Wait, Ebner U. Packard, Albert Smth. Saunel s. Brady, George W. Peas tor Joseph MoOmbir Knos H. Rlnnol, Jeitorson M. Willi..HIS, OWIU I'llulpd. Company I).?Scrgoaut llenry B Barrett, James Mell raiu, hav.d V. Kingsbury, Goo. W. Robins m, Auguatus S. Clinton, Frank Van Bye. Company ?Sergeant K1 ward B. light, Michael Mouahau, Geo. Thine. Ira Davis, Thomas Wail, August Njuthu, Henry Cltodwick, iloury C. Sumb, Herman 'i'roop, Orlando G./Uidrews, Geo. L. Hovriugton, Lewis Pelt. ii. Company P.?Lieular.ant Aucttn D. Bates, Sorgoant James I). Summer, Sergeant Jameo F. Mead, G.rporal James Met l.-iian, Corporal Charles F Cock, Corporal l dga. A. Nyo, Win. Demand, John Dowd, John it. Cross, Abram Guuu.o, John Wagousr, Daniel MoKenzie. Cboijxtny (J?Lieut, Hor.ffo Ueii Uor, Cor;nrai Hiram Appiebee, James K. Armstrong, m.ssing, Wm. Carprau, do.. Jatses * Francisco, do.; Alvin V. Jones, do.; Adei be. t V, Overton, do ; Joseph tPBiien, do.; IJenj. F Pease, do.. Win. Humiltun, Sidney D. C.tsilo, iluury Niobo.s, Ho "? tie i lint, Cornelius Hays, George Foote. Company H?''uptuu Kionard C iwyio, Sergeant Do cat..i in.ike, Cor para l Massena A Newbury, Corporal D. K. coo uuan, C poral Dolus V Wait, Jonitlian G.eeu, Sa^'e Bice, Abol Bywauv, Jamus Bush, Elijah If. Klslier, A boi l Rnl.o, Net.- in Cross, Wil laui Wilson, James l ar kul, Jasper N. M Line, Edward F. 1-atriui, ( Cross. Comy.ny I?C'.tpia.n W. K. Lewis, Geo. W. Robinson, Augudius chut a, Frank Van Rye, Wru. Turuor, Oscar Heudeo, David Carom, John Granal, Goo. W Jewell, Charles Freeman, Frederic T. Heathy, Francis Whit tuoru, Peter F. <, Asa Par shall, Poicr Aisnoe, Jo sejiu Camus, !' V/. Coleman. Company K.?Corporal lleuryC. Call, Benjamin Wy man, A mas a Miohois, James B. Crownover, Charles WiuKcham, Hicltard Corner. Muting. Company A.?A bet S. Bennett. Couipmy ii.?Wm. J. Stiicklaud, Leroy M Dodge, Laws at a. Witrnet, John D., florod Ho, ton, N'or uiitn B., Sylvan us Motiieiian. Comi>ai.yV.? F -iinith; Cori?orals Ephraim iSrowu, Dorr Gould, John R. i fur well; privates bulonion Kroll, Kli S Breulc, llen.y fhiuagan. Ctarkston llurgass, Zaohariah Hickman, Solomon Wolf. Cum/Kiny O.?Cor.ioial liarlan P. Brillaw, I.evl P. Coburo, Wm. J. Durand, Aiviu K. Ford, Goorge Williams. Company E.?Corporal B. F. Burr, Lester Reefer, Geo. B. Laight.Ge .. W Shoop. Company John M. Bresmer, William 0. Barritt, Sidney D. Cobb, Ge .rge husk, Isaac J. Widegardeu. Com},any G.?Juniul 3. Boyer, George Call, Kmory R. Curtiss, i'koodore Gaugon, John Kiusmau, Puter S. Si mon.son. Com; any II.?--ergoaot Charles H Mails, Dew lit C. Gro vei, l-erry Browu, Eugene V. ilail. ? Gimptny I.?U. 3. Washburne, Kdward Ogden, R. D. Hen dee. < milany K.?G. W. Davis, Edward Carloy, U. A. Ca hoon. j. a. D. Cahdl,3. V. Doty, Wm. B. 1 Jtydock,Chas te;- M Graw, C. K Miller, Wm. Noble, Charles 3mitu, John -ly.lioiiiire. John ijuiati au 1 William Ivors, both of Company li, First Massachusetts oavairy, acting au Cuiouui Kenton's Oi'derlew, were also wounded. iuouteuaut Lyons, oi tho Fiitietli Pennsylvania, acting aid to Goueul .Stevens, was wounded in the arm. Our Hilton Head Correspondence? JfiL'i'oii Head, S. C , June il, lsfl2. Arrival <2f the Htn. Ueford unl/i Wcmw.ted?Gen. limham Ordend to lupvi t to Gen. Hunter in i'ers m?Gen. H'riyw Hutxrud<i Gen. litnham, Who Haiti for New York Under Arrtil? What General Btnltam'i Fiiettdl and' Ojym/wu.i Hay I\>r and Ayeiiut linn, dec., die. The su.oner Ben. Deford eume down from Siotto cu Thursday, bringing from your correspondent with the expedition a graphic account of the bloody massacre which our troops soQered la storming the enemy's forti. Oeatlons on Monday, the 16th inst., together with a list of the killed and wounded. The Ben. Deford had on board some throe hundred of the wounded, who we e at ence transferred te the general hospital. They were in charge, during the passage, of Dr. Dal ton, Medical Director of the district, assisted by Drs. Know, of the Volunteer Engineers; Holland, of tho Massachusetts cavalry; McDonald, of the Seventy-ninth, and Tuwnsond, of the Forty-seventh New York regiments. The suflorers speak in terms of the most grateful acknowledgment of their care cat the boat, the officers of which did all ia their power to alleviate their miseries. Owing to the limited accommodations at James Island, tho steamer was compelled to bring more than oould bo ooa veuiently accommodated, and several w ha lay upoa the upper deck were exposed for a few momenta te a violent storm of wind and rain. The squall, however, had been provided agaiust, and Its efleota were sot of a serious nsturs. The steamer Cosmopolitan arrived yesterday, bringing despatches for General Hunter announcing the recent moTiiufltt and its results. The General wu highly in. dignant and bo less grieved at tha unexpected intelli gence, and immediately sent an aid with an ordar direct ing Gaoeral UcnUaM u> report to him in peraon, and placing General W right in command of the expedition. General Heubaiu, however, aaiaa down ou the Ben. lie ford without waiting l'or the order, and at uiue o'clock that evening waa placed uudor arrest. 1 have nut aeon the ordar of arrest; hut I presume that General Hunter woe id not bare directed such a proceeding had not tlio interests of the country demand ed it. General Betihan.'a diaeheUioace of orders ha> thue hi ei ght him twice iulo difficulty, and 1. will be im ?wait tusk for hltn to convince even hla friends that he acted wisely or prudently in dforegnrillMg the nietiuc tioi.e of liia superior officers. Ihe repulse at Jatnn.< IU?ud seems to have been a second Hairs Bluff afi.ilr' and General Henna?i etauda alone as the author of it. It may ruin htm; hut better tie downfall >1 an tuat inula cretion and rashness .lucid rmu the country. It will be sevit by the ft liowing general orders, issued to-day, that the districts of this dejiurtinent are abiliali ed. There will, therefore, be uo lut titer employment for General Ueuharu, ami Innuielf and it m rumored, are to tone passage in the next stna.uer tor New York. General Hunter wilt at once aaa i ae the aotlve e etiol of the t.i the fluid, fits ftae military i ?p .utwu, h.s long connection with the army, and toe couildcnce which (n.-nlo from hla abolition uuliois) omoora and men repoeo in bun, load ua to axpect t it as. tar a man .go taeut marked by activity, ontrgy aadbieadlh of pur. poao, winch aflaira iu the "Northern district" have too long lacked:? (iKxr.sjLniiosas?so 18. liBcfciuaBTSKx, Mxi-vrimh.vt or th? Soi rn, 1 Huro> Ham, i'oar Koran, S. C., June it, IH&2 f I. jso mocn of General tirdora, No. 1, current Mime, from ihci.o haal'piarters, as relate* lo the divial.n oi the deportment Into districts, Is horeby eounlei-aandsd. All returns will hereafter be nude dn eot to these i.o?d qiiartci e II. Major Charles (1. Ifalj ine, AeeUtant Adjutaut Gene ral, having been reassigned to duty in tblsdeiiertment, Is herehv auuounced at Assistant Adjutant General of the Department and thief of ijtalf to the Heior Geueral Commanding. I). MlfNTUK., Major General Commanding. E.V W. Han hi, Act. Aaat. Adjt. General. General Benbant'a arrest la the prinoipal topic af converts lion, and la luoked upon by aoldlera and civl liana alike a., a pioper and at penally for tho ejcriflee in reived iu the headstrong attack at Jamoo Island. Gen. heuham's fri'ade, however, assert that ho actod Iu strict iu.corJam,e with the instruct! >ns left with hnn by Geo Hunter, en the letter's departure trout the diono tea days ago. 'lifoee iastructions ware that lie should make no attempt to advance ou Charleston or atlaok Fort Jotm eon uutn largely retuloiced er specially instructed from the bead,(jarter* of lb?: .Major Geueral Commanding. At the earns time ho was to provide for a socure intrenched auMp. r. rercd hjr iho Are of eur gunboats In the Stone on the loft, sod tho crook frnci Yoily rivor on tho right. t'he adherents of Uenham tia? asueit that iho ieoonuoittance" ol Mom.ay was a movement erdored u:i ti.e Huh instant wnb the apt i oval of gn era! Hunter, btit sn'oxviUOliliy prst pons I Gctcrvl Hunter's (needs, howot u-, ater that ?uch a Movement w. ? at all times without hie eaiKiiuu. in# J.- faa n part/ useert that if the movement hid beau mode an men i ?( r i a ?ot atv?rd?nce with Gene ra o: ism'e , d?r-, m> that "Ur men n. uhl not have been sl tied *t. it weu.d uvea hvou a gt' success, and I bira he riii r ? te-4 hjr tW o. tv.-o miners that if our uitfi, n i . >i igiit uiey should il.e ton would Bare been o>,r? A !?i. ? . i. rhar h mr wor t have sen ran sue ce v i i,i"' u' b . t our men .siin I y is pr ,vsi, at .lie Mrs '. reporter's acootiM and by u??x*u?jal ii!?.s t* i?d by the < ielilen comma.tuna after ihienga?vt." 'n i.* ?i liitilism bimself feels keenly , * ,?'?i unit, In i? ;ia,<.d, end has the syr , U.,j ?. I tiM we I urate, tonsure him 'oi* Ilia a ttoe Mat of VetiinlWf'War/Ala In Part at ??o.t lloynl, h., I., -June 4J. ? tj Ittlu'lvlb'l 0 ii ijUjtU, \t ti'im $4 < i ?.' ?!? fti *f?v tUlwhi Hoop ''f wir Vandalia, 10 gum, Walla. Store hi,.???Ship Valparaiso, sliip Courier. Several tugboats. Two prise -miOonera?Sylvia AiMsry aud Julia Warden Also court survey schooner Caswell Man nil Frci cli shlp-ofwar, just arrived. mime unkuowr. Port Royal was opuiad as a port of entry J una 10, lbfll Running tiie Bioekade at Charleston. [From the Petersburg Express, June 20. J Cbabumioji, Juno 24,1602' The British steamer Memphis, C*pt. Cruikshaok. froa Liverpool, via Nu-sau, St. P., arrived hara yaatarduy Sim on b. ard a mo.-A valuable cargo of Hritiah good* being precisely eucb aa wo sued urwi iu uaad of at pre gent. The M mphlshid the raisrbriuae, whtla coinini lit to port on M iuday, to got aahor* on the buach of Sut livan's islau i, wlieio sbo remained several houra, but was tiuully towed oil by iho steamers Marion and Ett wan. \V lien gbe tlrit got aground if lie was approaches by one of ti blocked rs. which fired a number of shells moat of winch struck on Sullivan's Island, hut nona 4 them bit the ship. The Yankee gunboat was finally driven off by a rilled gun on Fort Basil regard, which dis charged but one shot at her, when she retired. Th Memphis is n new iron ship, on her first voyago, am was built at Dumbarton, on the Clyde; is a must sight!, vessel, of good spaed, about 800 bats register, but caps bio ol carrying the cargo of many a teasel of 1.200 tons She made i no passage from Liverpool to Nassau in si* teen and a half days, and was b arded off Abaco by tie Yankee steamer Quaker City. Tbo Y tnkoe oruisorskeo| up quite a sharp blockade off Nassau, and heard neurl} all vessels bound in or going out. Mr. Ward, lato Minister to China, and Major Balcmti cants passengers in the Memphis. The Latent News front Charleston. [From the Richmond Enquirer, June 20. j CiiAKi-KaroN, Juno 26,1602. All quiet at James Island to-day. The gunboats yes. terday shelled a detachment of the Marlon artillery posted on John's Island ami fores I ihom to retire. Af M18CEliLAi\LOL8. N IMPORTANT WORK ON PH YSlOLO'iY, AC.?J Huidu lor'.he married or tlio-u contemplating it. Dr LARMONT'H Paris, I..union an l New York Medical Ad vise) and .Mair a-.-Uiibfc. idtletli edition, revealing he facta op tallied l>) anat. my uud experiment* In the French and Mug lied i capitals, and private pra lice, m biding a treatise upot tiie mid wukneases utlicllug toe human l'amlll from Ignor.inoe of th tr chuncs, Indiscretion, Ac. Kent lie. for 01. by K. WARN Kit No. 1 Vesey street, Astor HouS'u O BOcS .t TOL'SKY. 121 Nassau struct, Now York. The Dai tor'e otllcoe are a' kU Hroad.v.ty, up stairs Ilouie lor treat meat 9 A. M. to 0 P. M. ?'We concur with other paper* In reeommsndiug Da Las mmit and his work."?Courner des Etala Uaia, Mispstcfe. Slants ZruuiiK, Atlas,Mi dlcul Review. Ac. Alleviator.?dr. hkkto.-t* newly mvurru C ru and Bunion All ? in.t ir ? ire-. corns, bunions, frost 0(1 and blistered feci. 26 cents, 50 cent( aud 01 per box, -.ear by mail on r 'celpt of price and tlx cents. Bold by (Iru^gl-ts Dr..I. Proprietor and Practical Chiropodist, 21! Broadway. New Yom. CTONFUMP1'ION CURED. J THERE ARE VH'ltE DEATHS IN THE UNITED STATES I'ROM CON.-i Ml'TluN DURING THE VEAK'IHaN i ALMOST ALL other Diseases together. Those al.v ming fuels cou.inu under my observation durlni tic early part of my menu al studies induced u.e to levow nay entire energy and ability to tae eule of tnls destroyer i? mankind. I couHuliou the most eminent medical authorities ancient and modern, who bud written on the treatments consumption. 1 selected their best and most approved rente dtes lor the cure ol the die aw, and administered llient will that care unit attention which characterize an industries physician; nut, alas! all my ellorts were Iruitless. I' oub arrest the progress of conau motion b n not remove It. could move the pains lu the sides aud chest by blistering u cupping, and could lull the d.stressing cough with opium o squills; in a word, I found there was no luineial medicine or coiuuina.ion of nihierals. capable "I curing cpnsnmpti -n I, therefore turned my alio .t.ou to the v -g- ial ic kingdom und by a skilful combiii.ttiou of herbs, American and Kcro pean, 1 have suaoeoded i., ac.oi..pushing what i so long dc aired?limit.a, 'opr pare a n.c d. iue wnku v;i3, remove thi corrupt matter from the lungs, and heul those parts ivblol may nave suffered from uleeral.. n. or which may have h. el ruptured or broken by themsue.-smg cou h. Now, when thi mutter, or phlegm, is removed ir un the lungs by pro. ? me.,tellies, there is liltln Uldiouity in ics.oriug the suffers! to hen In, pruv > d t.u suu-i,u..,tue iuugc bo not do troyed but th.s hope ess crisis n iv. r occurs mile at tbroug) gioss negi.'ot on the pert oi u.e p,?ti(m in allowing the .lis case to i .n on until be 1. ima . Iwuim Ives i hangas it were Into nihlter, tvhf ii tlmy nivalin dy do in too biter stages ol tbib destroy ing c amy, w.ien u.e in si that uu bo done fa t:.c unior-uauo: v.cUio is lo lof ? :. h ? hoileriBgo, it boiiij imp. ssiolc to ivslme that w leu lias ben destroyed. Alau; anu many nu uiil .ituuats c iin i op ive present theme lv?i to nie lor treataaent a the .? ? ve .>.u nour in the < .,tn hops mat i cau restore wt.a; miuuiwi ps.sons and iic : ?. t ba.. m stroyed. Totbesel hold lo. li no >ai- - indueamenta. !?? HO case do I p. uuiise a cure hnl'.'Ss I aro positively certain J can rest .r - the patient to tieaitu, aad i:i er r, cucwhtecass oi ci' aumpil.. . 1 wul y smiitee rule! from e iffeilug by the lirsi (i.ty-tour hoars' M'-Uii. til. i he liest proo: of my anili y in masierlni ibis ru.iit fa 'al disi.. ie .c, tliat i c an al thi* .mm iu reier lo over one hun dred paiients, resld ng iu th>- v.iy ?>; Now York, whoaal h?ve cured o; consumption wititii the past si* mouths, can also refer to numerous resin.en patients residing lu hi country, but in m> case no 1 give icici. ucs ol' cases euros unless they rt# ie In the Immediate nelglitiorliood wheie s pia.licc, Paiients connultiBg by letter sliouid be partieular in da ?criblmt tn. tr ayieptoms, age and i.'Uglh of time euQeriug On icelpt ..f $j I Will send a supply oi my preparation* bl capress lo an., part of the h n.tou Mstsa or Canada. All l*a ters i uglstersit may be sent at uiy risk. DR. M. <!. O'TUOi.E 80Third avenue, between Twelfth and Tidi-teeBtli sis.. Mew York. Business cards, to cents i.oot); cinciiaAK* m cents; Labels, d(J ceaui: Ei;8i ads, tlrst ciaas, $6 ream N "u'spsjicrs. Books, Fsmphiets. Foslcra, Eatakigues, Pra grsitun*#?evcryi'nng printed . q .al.y ..heap. Pricu fist 4 ail kinds of printing ires DAW i.KY S new printing estate lisbment, corner of Keade and lioatra streets. XJKW STYLE llRANiMtkiH'5 FILLS. AY "NEW ISTV LE' OK BKANPRETH'S FILLS; ' LITERALLY NEW DKBM." DRANDRETH S 1'ILLS) are now put un with a prtniet dtreet.ou, aiiu around U :a a ...and .1 paper upon which ll printed, "Bcajuib.ii Hratidreiu's Pill ,' about *tvty-ftve re petition*, in red Ink; the wlml - wcured by two dies the KM as on the box, aad have never been sweveefnky tail laMd. TUB NEW STYLE Arc Mild at th* PRINCIPAL OFFICE. ?M CANAL STREET. HK.ANOKBTH house. AND NO. 4 I NION SQUARE. Some drug stores have aa lmttat.on or tbe New Sty)*. Let the public oc oi. its guaro against deception. gMITH A BROTHER'S " NEW YORK yAL* X? In whom, ha" and suartar iuki, brewed from the . bob em BAULKY MAI.T AMD HUT*. Brewery 18th street, i???u Seventh and Eighth aftanew NKV Yt)UK. I Jril. l'Aw .?. NTBKNATIONAL K* III Hl l'iit" Tllli W AHIilMtTuN Hcii'lii.. I,I\BK POOL. This new aim um?u.n>ci't tuf uj', l,.n liucai anti not cla'i .ni '? v limsbcd Hole! li? ?n iP*I Ktng.l in. uvn> as a> ?i of l..'>0 a<|'iu' e yarni. IMS I on ii i,, '."(M imole moms, ilttu up vitheceij rttum*Ui auu luxury thatwinders ?ri end expert' ore wit I n ei.K colfcc ruum wUi 10 co.riino'iato .iOU vlumr.. ?in. a . '.iductetl On t e An.c tear ami Ci'Ulin nul a)atom, in ii in i. alt? aled m .11.191 m .u ln? and autuitJ sit. , ,u to.: ? ry beart vt il.t w*a oiij0*11. J o :i .11 railway ? ta ?? u, Kt t.norma flail, I'm Public l.i> r i v and M jiHiuin. i.r Wetitugtoii U iBiuumit and within h>v distance at til it w ?i?,af landing 'tage on 'hw river X'Tfj. SA< UE.M'i" ViEAD "liOTEL 5t*J ! FORD, CONN.?HI? pi iju otor oi .ii.i, Wei tinwu ilrit eluy fin d .nabl# S i i i i H(Mt Won lit ; it. r i lu mi.i,or patron, and k? putine gun rally 'lis in a oil three lunii 1 foot iiiaki i <? tauty four a*m bcbnoto new dinm.; rootu forty by ou.t hundred, uew pi? mr .m v u.. vehty. ?vrr> route in ti.e !. i use Is new,; Iiir .lriio i .vliriuwca piami now outlive furniture. f'te i, ei "i "lochun aMX'rtn'.on, built ,m ?n oxkni .e m . win. aceitnniodstt u? for unit htuiorcd guests. haaiitllwl.j lir iip.i ua I I und Kouud fourteen mile* mat oi N.u liuv> r, oh iho N> w leu ion ami Stimiilgtuu Kai!r?a<1. MW Oil. rd loom, Willi Mime i ,.w took m, two new ten pan al.eye at a runt; itent -t bounce from 11.0 i u uvj, umt l w It ? new ? ???till g Pithing IS not auip tort on Mm Hound. A now yno.t of fortyHfira ton a, nnd a?t srbi smalt, will im . t -lanliy on nand, read, ior partita. il,Inn fruin N. w V ir In B? ,. >m - 11. ad take tin. A A M '.ralo kil l 3 I*. at. tram. i'Ii a a i<1 ticket to Fwhe.ii'a lie... I duvet, chatiglu,. tars at New Hat en? Uitni through 3)d hi'.ia. From New liav'-i io lie Hand at in M i. 8. .ml i . Ml.?time forty .iiinut. s A', the H;wheiii'adlea?i dm (Kit w ill lie icninti uiio oi Coolpabodl inur-horao oiuiiihnses, new end clean, >o carry ynu direct the ho tao. A new hern.nne kun lied by tnlj-twn feet, wbieh willaocomiqMMI ni'tjr torsos. Fifteen acres Of laid hat ? been encloeed and filled with orniiinanuM and frtnt trees, walks, Ac. Ttm knuea trill be optnmd for tnc reoeptlon of ' umiMn. .1 .? l, amlea tna immedlalo siiprrlut.nd.n.'e oi lie wner. I'ri.e of board in auitUir linn a. N. Ii.?M Hwtpi am never "..en at Ilm 1|. ad. U. i.?K Si Ha.Mils. i ULT 1, l td T*"6?TlNli HOTEL, NEW HAVEN. llONN.?THE KITE wiliier relurn.shed this laahlnliabte first "lass Hotel enlirny last ai ring, ih- u?l dtnlna n-na, added a new lanlca' nrdiuur... mid put ill 'ninplete nnior his liiillard ami bnthi-'ioma. Kamill-e "iiii lista Suits m Kooins at "liltaa home as low as at any iir?i "ass hone* in the country. Boarders can go to sad I mm the fun nne to fie Head, twice a tiny, by rail, am a*e ilmir ms.i.a a. etUi.u hnu?e. withoul extn eharg". llaying pur hnse t nid ato kda a Ur,0 farm at Huflheiu's Head this anting, the t vi) h?t|.''? w til lie ray gudiad with meats, poultry, niilk, bttUer, vegr'ahlea and fr .It dally from the farm. A telrgrap ? line li.ts been put ua at Haohrin'a Head and at die Tootli.e, st the pmprtelor I own axpeuaa, which oonuecw with al: ih Inn s in the United Etatea. II. LKK Bi'.'tANTON. ^ OOPAUTNKHBHIP IOV1CES. A GENTLEMAN, WITH ?*) TO f?.0ri0 CASH, TO oummauce a well established hiiaiuaei oa aesh- prlssf |il*a only; gunrsnterd to make tho first ye?r at Intel the amount inreated. The bnaiiieas to be n.der hla entire ma nagement, and la his nan.a ir deaired. Address o? HeraM office. Noflra-THB OOPAETAuNIUF ' rORNBD bS terea the undersiguod, oa the 14th day .if February. A. P iHAil, is hereby dissolved by muti al onuaoot Tha business nf tha .ate firm of Love A Dolv wlU be cu.ini ed by Th' mss II. Love. THOM AS 11. LOVE, Iteted New York, June Ij, l.MJ. KOHKBT OOIO. PARTNER WANTED?WITH 84 OOO V'ARH, IN THE b si i eying hotel In the eJly, T nv ,s mi hiunl tty, but will liear the cioansl evainln tlon. Nor full psrtici.lais ad dro.s Madia..a, l>oi If ) llern il om e. A ei.i.i not a ties I || fflO CAPITAU8IS.-AN Iai'EVtOR WHt? HAM*A J valuable pa cut, would ue ;ot|ete with a thor.)"gh men oi i' isin sa, who lute a m ideralc cnpital; k.- can < fer ad vanttueoua terms. Ail ir?-t. H ft. O., box l.dOf I'.mu tlm, New \.>rk eliy "llf ANTI'D A HENri JIM \N WITH A MO0KKAT1 it ha in'. I, io Join the advertise I . the Mjcete ami p. . M Noil Mt.okei age ?. Hi. nan lonr 'tperi Its Ih tha bliSl'iess. nil u glVi u "i .iiule.'i rtlr. tie. AtUi'ssiot otic wick H. C, A,, IT. alu ofllec , -I'ARTNCH ff\> I.D, AJIH THIS A Mo N? ?7* I'M", rush, III a spiel Oi 1 I'laiu.'SS, vv'tlui I rt?' ot cnatieltllon, which pay ovof tlWWM month. Apply st23t Bowary, Hi lid Uitet. romn No. I No apnta n*'d acj. y ?snhMtaaB. AitimNiiA'i'fi NuREni RK mcfaku and face, , lug est .'t buiani., ill Wa?t ^mv nn all"'t, v w?eo i'.i ei r|*iii vi ?? ii. -e. n t FtrniMirc Rh.m ?u<t . .."i1:. <i f 'u . . rt ih. v a ? |. ;i i|* i(.- *(s uio i' s turoitune. Fa tuun ttuiau.