Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD WHOLE NO. 9433. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1862. PRICE TWO CENTS. M'CLELLAN'S ARMY Idvance of tho Union Forces. Towards Richmond. . Irival of General Burnside's Flag' Boat in Hampton Roads. Idditional Details of the Con test of the 3d of J uly. - Hashed Batteries Alon? the James - River. Che Juniata and Delaware Fired Into from the River Banks. ITames of Sick and Wounded Sol diers from tac Peninsula, ac., ktii a#. FobtkeSS Mc.vuou, July 0,1303. Tit. officer who was In chary, at tho time inform* ton let all our sick and woundod al Savage's imoved previous to th# rebola advancing on that'place, nd war. s.ifsly placed in different hospitals with others nieh warn removed froaa the York rivor. A flag ot true, was sent up tho York rivor front For-, roan Monro, this morning at t.u o'clock.? General Meridian has advanced up the river about tv.u miles since the 4th. We have herd of no fl?bt)ngi dthtu the last two or three days. A area I gunboat, belonging to th. rebels, wn* sunk tree days ago by our fleet. It, together with the Teaser, id ventured down th. rivor to within' about twelve til.* of Harrison's Landing, and encountored some of ur gunboats. The steamer Knickerbocker, with about Ave hundred Ick end wounded, leaves here this .v.ning forWash igton. Fotitrsss Mosno*, July 7,18112. Th. steamers Stat, of Maine, Vand.rbllt, Kenn.bcc, 1m City. Arrowsmith, Thomas A. Morgan, Massaohu itta, Caaoetcus, Mow York and the Nellie Itakor, are all t Portress Monroe this morning. The Sixth regiment cavalry, the Fifth regular cavalry, Rd th* Sixth Pennsylvania lancors, leave h.r. te-day to 0 op tv. .>mts river. It is rumoi .4 that Gen. Cook has rec. I v.d orders to ro ort himself at Washington. Oen. Stoneman is highly spoken of for his bravery and till In hts late management of aifairs on the York river. The Kim City, frcra Harrison's Landing, has arrived at Ortress Monroe, with flvo hnnlrcd disabled soldiers on oard, mostly Rick. They will bo taken to New York, be Ilea at anchor In ho P^xris, end not a boat an he obtained fc go out to bor to procoro 1 lis' of lb' L'.r ?u8. The offlcers of trausporiR have ?acme so bs ..ened that they will not allow neo: their small boats to do the smallest favor, even ^r humanity's sake, and consequently we will no doubt ave to abandon the Idea of obtaining a list from the 3m City. There are many wounded on board. Five lave died since leaving Harrison's L.aiding. The flag of truce boat which left bare yesterday I ig returned to-day, having bton up* as far as Whit* louse. Thay report all quiet, having seen nothing of he rebels on their reconnoltKincu. Th oy broug) t down boot ilft- ooii'i .bands and a few stiagglera who had ??fortunately beau left behind at the time of the retreat, hey alio brought down eleven trunks marked "WIM ear." which were taken from Wilmar, the clergyman f Philadelphia, about ,-ix months ago, who was arrested or having articles with him eoutraband, which he wan - ?oveyiag to the enemy. Tuey ware brought bore to 1*7 from West Point. Two O'CuKW F. M. j ?sacral Rumania's flag boat baa just arrived and cast mehor la the Roada. FtRTVKaa Moynoa, Jnly 8,1802. A flag of truce returaed to-day from a cruiso up York Iver. At Cumherlead were found cicely of our wounded ?Idlers. Thay were brought a mile away, when the rebels compelled us to return them to the hospital where ae found them. All in quiet on tho Jaaeas river. The Content of .Inly 3. OUK BPKC AL AKMV CUKCEHPONDRKOE. Caup on Jamkh Run, July 3,18M. I%* KfMi Open WA Shfll. but Avid a General Hnyagr meat?Tht <?un? Caytu eel?The eVeiv Position a Healthy fme?The A\ u/! of General MrCtellan's Gonp, tfp., etc. Thie morula;:, at d i vr , tho em-n.y tried to find our petition by shelling. -bey eontiuued tliie siiort until fee gntib^atso; ened fire up".i tbem, when they ceased. A lire of battle wo* formed, consisting of ell oar errs able urco, n bope that tbe rebel commander w ulfl ?anrti.t to rv general engagement. This, however, did mm rtour, much to the regreltfour forces. We felt thai, had they met u? bore in gonocal battle, fro eenld hare thrashed tbem as badly an we have In tbe anwerona engi<<;oi.ienU of the past vrock. They pre. farrer', h iwever, i.ot to taire up tlio gauntlet thrown 4r<wn by us, ai d retired. In tbe afternoon the Fleveuth W?ine regiment, (olouel Sully, captured tiro pieces, twelve poetid?rs, wln-h had opened upon ne in too oner mi g, together with trie horrcs and the cannon iers. It is mi ossible to ascertain our lots in tbe late series ?f batiks. ji Is tbo ight tuat ten tbousaad will cover ?nr loss in killed, w ai ded and missing since Thursday las', when too mo- tnient onmiencctt which has cuimi ?a?w'in the i'u-ert disp'.vy of Mcliellaa's geniuses a av.-4er strateg st and illtta'y hesd. With ut dis;>arag:ng tbe lustrous abilitiee of inch plants of war as Sumner, H it.tzelmap, Porter, Keyes *?d Hooker, it is sate tossy that nothing but the un daunted spirit end {.enluR of mr Cenoral Comn ending ?enhied car f< reus?wasted by disease and fatigue?to effect this wonderful cUa.if > ef front?retreat If yon will?iallctiriat the ? .ire time upon the rebels a lose ?t least d ublaeurs. Th v f lowed our troops with ail *he dash vnd run of r jnque ;ng eentauri, only to be ?earn ted the it was eot'iai Ynnkie way of whipping a suj-erfor fo ce. 1 p. edict that when the history of fee movent ntsurd erfoi nances of Mot lel'an's army ?inre Tnurad y las' shall have been written truth tally the rorld will acknowledge him as the greatest ehla.i-inof the age, t.a o ,r countrymen at ' resent do. 1 lie present position of our tr.or* Is one hi .b'.y i avor ?hie to an irr 'ro??ra int In their health. Over twe ?oaths'severe etigue and picket duty in tbe swamps have sally cbautrd the islit at fo me wbi' h ruarcbrd on Ihetrscs.) rts 11 .'.teas idrUand Washington A wfike rest 11 thla con pa atlvely asl'thrlowa luc ality wpl doubt less Hri; back the i iddy cli ek nnc build up th* ir itu-s ?fou b ?' troops, s ? ilia, w they aonie in ?on a. t Ith the ecsiay they will inem bun with their ?ris'luest e.ig'h. it te n i anticipated that a movement of thle e-rny will occur for some time It le impossible ft?r them to heo\*rpowered o, mrroun ed m their prcso-1 por.ilm, aud tti*. sb(ir have found to lb or a rrow th it tiivy en nui attfi rise is The gunti,?ts p:etee: onr rtgut and let', while our ??jutre la of vast stier.gth. Thee is no fear ef our line being piunud there hv tho rebels wMle we tenialn in aur present condition. In* tbe mean me fresh tinops Will be s?nt in title dlrctiop. (i-neral ilurinttle le re ported to be within st/ll tag dletanee, end General Pope eat many days trem I.n hmond. General TCTd'len's coop, then, hie hnd three grand results First?It has pi.slehed the reticle. Second? It hes placed h.e army In a snfa poaitlcn to uwait a rain taroeinent. TUtrd?'t boa 0|>ened the ayes of thn vo wernment and tbe people as to the necessity or placing ?hie army on a proper he-is In regard to numbers. I aw requested by (aptain B. If. Warford, Thirty, gburth hew York Vol steers, te oerreot a statement ?ade In a 1st* H*r.uj>. la eder.atch frnui Waahtagtoa, te the effect that he bed been die< h irged from the ser Tie' by the Creeidoat. In aceo-leace with a . ooommen dalton et a r?trt mart sl. The TajAaiu hi* never been ?our i mertiaited, and ?till hold?thle position, to which he wee promoted or, the 33d of May. Mm fim new prtdfWW thai busy aypetraaM ffhieh IMPORTANT OPERATIONS AT The New Mode of Punishing Rebels?Altering the Channel of the Mississippi?Setting j Vicksburg Back a Little. & tTOBAHO ? * 1 ~ Mit * #\? ? m !1 S^^^sA. ^^^*&pam/?L9 ly] JJl<'tM "?*& ANDERSON1 _ c{0/\l5 i ftEMOSSMv \ D to0 ^ */*i^/vsjhhcftd l?c gmiV- im^ 2i.\*wuvr*r/o? \ OTfcft \ \ $^?\ V KSb-MS^ u?^00?^~ \ ^ jg Awaara ,.,- ^-40 A^Z> S y^Si^lPrratfStfGWcH ?Z&LBAIH $ PtAMtAT/CJ/^ J RA C? covbss OOO ^fjY:,?TP?0c!^ <Siii OARNSOKSILANXAW fr$^AP4ATTCb CAUP? cC^oStJMA>V^A5^Ai. ?<??& B/Q BAYOU ^WARRENTOW a V-WAT?fiS L W. SCNX.?B A M k a a VQLASS fit AMAXIOM SCALE -OF MILE9 mmmwwm*? The accompanying tn*p will point out lb* prssent position o. Viuaaburg as regards tbe course el the iiieaissippt river. The dotted linos also show the canal which Is being out serosa the bend. This canal or ditch la l?> out ttirough *jc uf '.be band of tba river. Tha band la fourteeu aides long; aor .as the neck Is bat thr?a-ronrtha of a oat la. Tba people of that city b ive long apprahaadad that high wutar might cut such a canal,thus irohting Vicksburg Tar asay from tuluro Mississippi aaviganon. Tba oanal has but la ba slarlad by staa to ba dmshsd swi liy by tba river's our root. Tha resistance tbasa having tba control af tba city's affairs ara making ta tha auibori'ies of tha United Status renders it necessary that Viultsbui g should ba thus removed from too close proximity her oaf tar to tha navigation af tha Mississippi. Thus war not only makes changes in men, but in geographical puailiou. Pur's are closed and new ocas openon: tue oourse of riv ers are ofcangei, and water fr- nt d cities ara transformed into Island vli.ages. iho York anl Hainunkey did whan I last skimmed thoir water* Oar Jainti Hiver Correspond nee. Jmu Rnrxm, July 4, 1 ? flJ The Rfcnt Zaqtrdili'm up the Ayjo r.a t %?Ueelrtulum of the Llnnd Utile?l'ro?[tecU <f Another R 'tile, tie. There are a Tew fact* connected with tha recent ex pedition up tha A upon,at ox river, and iho destruction 01 the L'nited SUUm steamer Inland Bulla, not yet recordjd, but which are worthy to be noted. Commodore Rodger* selected the Port Royal for hi* flag ehlp on that occasion, in consequence of her light draught, anil bo eeiit the Stepping 8.enea to mark Out the channel, tn consequence of her atill lighter draught. Ti.o Maratanaa and the Inland be le unfo"tunately got aground. The former was got ofT, Out the Island !>lle waa hard and faet for upward* of two days. The most strumous exertion* were made by the commanders of the Satellite and the Stepping Store* to get her off, but without effect. Seeing that the condith nof in* Ialan 1 Deli* wun hepeteaa, tb* rebaie came d.wn in number*, and began to build a battery which wan mneken hy tha tree* that grew thickly on the bauk of the river, and coenlrivrably inland. We con cluded tbat we ahould have *? tn* hot w rk, but not of the quality, v a expeciud, for the robot* did not pitch into ua. because wa weru ready. Cotnm ^ure Kodcera eent oreera to burn the Inland Hell#, which wea done. Every thing that could be eeved wee eaved, whan tha torch we. applied, end. after burning eome time, the Inland Bolls blew up. the lira reaching her magaxtue T thtuk it wan a good Idea tn d' ftrov her, an gunboats were wanted to an?lnt Caaeral He lellan on Iho .fame* river, and tbn Inland ltelle wa* never worth much Her rniament wn saved. Whnt ban h-en done by tha hoatr. y m will, of entree. havo hoard from your army eorres|>on'!eni* long ere thin reaches yon. Tht gun:male ar now going from Curtin'n wharf, about four miles above rity l'oiut, down te Selden'a wbarf, a dlmence of rotn* fl'teen miles, ready at any tnomen' to no-operate with Ganertil McCleilan. The opinion among the troop*, .v well is through oil the navy, in that tint work in tilmo t don*. The number of gunboat* la in creaauig evry day, and rairtnrcemnnin are ennntantly arriving; so look out for anntbar battle en*of tbeae day*. N**n Janaa Rtvae, July 5,1342 Purl* *r /) Utile qf the <'on'e't of the 3WA of June? The Com Q'tar'tn rf Q-e. rat Sloe.wm ami the Rebate?General Selt u icl. - The i'nomv lleju t d- Why >he Li' o/Catual tifi Wot \ot Ma lt The Lot* i n the Sixteenth Mat:* chuHtti?Vat row R ytpe of General Smith, <te. We are now getting more compoeed, and many thing* that enconed notice furing tb* tarrlllo excitement may now prove of (atereat to tho friends of tht ee concerned. The fl rhtiug on the afternoon of tha SOth wh an flero* as any of the hlnoi.y battle* w* have been engaged in during several daya paat. Ommtnciug with a force tn oar rear, which wra protect. I tig a parly detailed to deatroy the pontoons, tool wakens, dm., which CO'dd n t be brought along, the lighting progressed aro ad a semicircle embracing nearly all our army. The rebel* were repulsed at every pulnl. General Sloe'im'* divlslun \eae so nearly surrounded that the enemy, in flriug upon our men, threw aom* nhot and ?hell over into their own Infantry. The Firet Massachu setts battery, Captain Porter, tired every round of am munition at a range eo short that one second fuses were used for their sheila. They also did much extoutton with eenlnter sad spherical case Company I), regular artillery, commanded by T.leuttunnt Uptcu, played into the wood* with their twelve-ixuinrfer huwliter*. tn& greet havec Pfexamer'a New Jersey battery, He. 1, was alee engaged in the action. 4* It h?? happened In nearly every one of our resent hiU e?, tht rehe.i Uf tigp tdvwtage ?( the |u to thoir J hick*, making our so.dlers a baitar mark, whi.e It b tuiM them partially. Wban tha forces wara fairly engaged, the uois* In tba (laid In froat,com ontated by tba wooes on ibr >e sideg of Iba squara, wan almost desi gning The enemy wera drivan back, but. pouring In freal) troops, pa tially rsga.nnd tba grou. d ; but tbay ware t.gaiu repul ad ;but still they resisted flarcaly tl a onset > f our t oops. Patting to pierce Iba centra of tha lino, tha reba s ined a Hank movement upon tha la.'t In the wood upou skis of tba (laid. Tba Klevantb Mas sscbuaatu lagiment ware immediate y sent to check tlietu, which tbey did iu gallant alyio, capturing twenty una rlsiinais w.tbunt loatug a taan. Tba itgbt wax go, t up until rundown, and tha (laid pre sented a grand spectacle. The am ke of the artilie y rawed an Immense battle cloud, which waa reddeued to an augi y glow by tba aun. which never sh<me mure brt. bliv. In tba midst ef the battle ({en. Sedgwick's solendid Block chai per oume galloping acroea the Held int . the yard, with aweat and blood, having beau shut in tbo *1 e, near the Hank. I-afore da k theanamy bad beam decisively repulsed and d iveu busk with much slaughter, and (ten Holut zelinnn, l>en. Hi" kar and other odlcora mat in front and c'i graiulnted each other ii|H,u the reaulta af the day's lighting. It was ascertained that llookor had once more been contending against L?u*stre*l, who commanded Ike rebei lorces which assailed the leit. It 1s impossible as yet to give a list of tha casual ilea of the day, as the army man-had thai night. Plghting by day and marching hy night, tho officers ef computus* and r. gkuienta havo no time to make up their accounts of the dead, wounded au i miaalng. ina Sixteenth M issacliuretis regiment auffbrsd cm slderably. CuluBcl Towe'l T. IT V man was shot through the heart. [.Ionian.tnl - olonel Ha.icbam and Major ao-i, or the same regiment, were woundad iu tba arm, and Adjutant Waldo Mernara Iu the neck. Colonel Robert (Jowdln, of tha First Massachu- alts, whs disabled by a sunstroke, and taken It tha bospltal. Mhjor ("handler, tha next officer in command, waa wounded, and la reported inlr.slng This officer * as formerly taw partner with lioveinor Andrew The Ad. Julaut being olf duty, tba command devolved upon I ap tutn Baldwin. The regl nsut lost about seventy. I ho ?MMM taken reported that great s aughler was made In ttiair ranks. It was noticed, by tha way, that tba aecosh prisons s wara all druek?a fact which was ob served In the battle of (iainus' *1111 last Friday. t.eneral Smith was dressing In tha nous* of Mr Brit ton. opposite White Oak .swa-np. when tha rebate opened their 0:s. A shall buret in tha house, killb g Mr II and S"ltlng tba premises u> lira. Uenersl Smith *?i-ap*d with only the apparel he had on, losing his walub, sword and all his parson*! dBtll. Tha light of Monday aflaraoon Is considered as having been tha meat uritical i>ua far mir aiiny that haejatoc ourred. HasnusN's Lxiftimo, July 7,1S63 Marked Ba/Servt on the fariet Hirer?JSarrxna k'xape of the Jvm ata? Vagarift of a Sho'?1uri>iite of a Dub h SoU!itr?The ftrhel HattrrCt .filmed, le. About Mas e'cloak this moraiug no llttlo axoltemcnt waa created hare by the arrival af the Juniata, from Fortran* Mo roe, wbaa It bdeam* known that less lb in an hour ago ahn bad baan llrad upon savors! times from a racked battery soma two or tbrao milaa above. A short timt previous to hor arrival a nusabar of shots frsm heavy gt.ns wars hoa'd iu tha direction, which war* suppoaad to have baan our ganboata shelling the wood*. 1 he causa was sow knows, thay having m id* all baste to, the relief af tha Juniata. It appears that aa she was sailing quietly along s abet, evidently from a light ajtillery gun, was flisd at her. doing littla d .mago, except poaalng through sao of the houses on deck. In Its coursa was s thrss Isggad stool cn wbiuli rat a Dutch soldier. Two of the logs of the stool being io rang# of the ball they were swept away, when both sto*| and Dutchman rolled upon th* floor, the Isttor exc's.m Ing " Ohl" Of conrse every one bought tin ,*-or fallow was either allied pr btuly .!?4; bBi *d?ri U|i>'?V> prise whoa Dutchy, In about a minute or two, by tho aasieiance of hi* haada and knees, stood before them, looking rather frightened, and ?iclaime1," Tainn, I t<>ugbl I waa shot." The rebela followed t-ia shot by oth ra in rapid eucreisen, nearly every one t.ktug effect in some pirt or oilier of the aieamer. until nearly out of range, whon nothing mo e ??? hearil from tie en'my, pr bably because, both up and down the river, vns coming a couple of their evil geniuses ri the s tape of two o; our gunboats, which hail been ait, a te > t 1 he epot ny the Hi mg They too i c nunencvd gsndlag ah II In the neighhothood of the balUiy, but all waa at.II as death there, and In a aiio't lime ur tiring craned. Tba Juniata must have been by up ward of twenty sh. ta Uue pa-sad coin leto.y lb ough her, and anotherpaxaed through one of her wheeih user. Tue to ra hi ruck In d nferent pine x aloug the vreeel, do i,? hill--d uiagx It wan at llrat rein rt?l th it one n u w .x killed and iwo wounded, but, from what I could laarn, a t a man received a Borates. It was en tainly a very narrow escape, a* aha waa loaded with tru ps. I also learn (by report) that another xteomer, the I claw are, or some aucl. name, was flred u|>eii a shirt time praikMI to the arrival ef the J alata, but I thl <k It aiiiat ba a miatake, unl-si it waa irorn suae oiber battery further down the river, ae our giinboala are to thickly plauted u.oug the river h i' the reb' l ballerlue would not have much time to w. 1 for bints. 'Dm battery la xupp a d te have been a light artillery one, placed the-e d oing the cover of the for the very purp>ac which it accom dished, namely?firing upon our unarmed ve-seis and then clear ing rut befo e our guulioaui can reach kind.lag distance The mail boat Joha A. Warner whs dotainod a few mo mr>Tilx by l re news, startling to tba citizen paaxenv rs, aa the boat had te pass the battery, or the place w liich it old occupy ashort time p< avion*; but their leer* were same what i|Ule:ed by isarnlug that they would be cm pa-ativoly safe below Ibe wafer mark. When the boat left the wharf Tor Fortran* Monroe ebewae joined by a giinh *t on gelling Into tbo at ream, which proceeded with her peat the place where the buitery wax p"-l)d, aide bv aide?ibe cunbeet lowaude ba batlory?thus aaviug' tba tlml 1 among '.he paaxcigms on the aaall boat from going down etnlri below the water mark. Oar Fortaess Monroe Coc'cepondrmca. Fovnuai Mossor, July T, 1802. All Quit! on th* Jam*?Gtn-ral McCU Uaa StiU CoaJ^ltnt? Tk* JMd IronrUui BoJrry?(Founded Mm /{'turning to Camp?Our Ixtu Muth Kttt than at Fir*t Rtyorttd? Thf Arrival of (As Kim City?Good .Vtui,<te. Yesterd iy the mall beat from Harrison's I at. ling ar' rived loo late te connect with the Baltimore boat for the North; therefore we werr unable to forward anything for the amicus peruaal ef the readers ef tbe lis* >i d. fhe despatch boat Seth Ln sri Ived in time toget'ieue ral Madeline *> deepetches o(f. . '.be reperted no neve of Inte. ee.,and etatee that everything la quiet up there, ultho'vh tbe enemy weiu expected to rnxkj a demon, alration during the day. I leu nod I* t evening that a rtconnolsaance In a bnllooa reveals the fact that tbo enemy has pitched his tenia about thrae miles from .,a hut It is a matter of conjecturs as 'e ? bather ell or then. ?re peopled. At any rate the pickets of the annmy are constantly tiring en ears, aa In times past. Although tirad eut, Central Is very cheerful, and premises, if tbe government will sustain him, to be In Klehmond In lees than ona tnnuili. Support h m and be will not belie big good name. His men are fail of enthusiasm and in the beat of munis. The mud line dried up, and life le lar uiore tolerable tbun It waa a week ago. Our Hues ere con tructed and concentrated, and eur position in better than ever. The tone of General MeClollan'e recent order is moat rhearing, aad puts to blush some of Iho lies of the mis ckhf makers and eroukere who have been engaged In cir culating downright filsehonds dining the past six or 'Ight days. Ibe proml?eof the brave General, "that big army shall titer the v*Bltai of se called soufe. deraoy," will bo redeemed, and ilio aoldio s?fth- Amijr of the Potomao believe |t. A bett-r discipline! e?t Ji u> n ware nev-sr marshalled logethei under a leader. We hare utws that the reb- < have ermtod an lr in-clad battery a short distance below Fori Dirllog for ih<* purpose of uiding th it work in t'ie repulsion of our hunbouie whan ihey ah ill go up. fveiking 01 the gunboaie, 1 am lero-nded that Flag Utile, r tioldshore igh liaa uio<-e vetoa-ls it hi* conm.ti w now than did Ear agct t<? nuke his daring an I * ic ? aful push to New Orl a in. Wi'li lloi in:? rmntion ibuy hive recently possessud tb-inse ves of the naval odlnr-* ?hoi,Id and no doubt will, make a di.att which will dU a mfort the rebela tnazingly. The sick and woi.ndeo do net a*rlre aa rapidly a* a fi-w days Mure. Tina morning theru waa not a uau ,, ort liei# wi'h w?iind"d on hoard. poesi >ly one nit 'arrive ?hiring the day. Yoateniay we forwarded a ltsi of over live bund, inl name* of 'bote on boa-it of the Knicker bocker. Moat of thorn are b?ing aont it I* .found that tho aiT here d>>ee no. go nail agrea w.ih their eeratlintione, and i or.seqnently with ib?ir reci.rery. A flag of true waa Rent up the York river yssterday for the purpose of bi inging doe a na many of our an k and wo inded ae could be found. Thin le truly a vry charitable and tvimace in. vami-Dt. rapectd'y a? the rebo* du nut wl.?h to be eaci mb red with our dUnblod ninu. They have not the to"ri to Teed them, nor a i isnty of oed cal etmen >? anare from their own inn. 1 (act. 'hey would be de lighted if we would take all tbc.r wounned prison*?, yultn a number of our weirded came in yestorlay, bai tog been ordered by the rebes to aeoc their own ci mpM. Thle aho?a that they ha'? their b irila full, or U ay would liaee kept our m n.?>m? of whom will be fit for duty In a few day*. Our loaa If very materially di minished, and up le yea.erday it was less i inn 10 000 men, and thul number W||i he redi cod If stragglers come Ic aa lhey h ive doi e within th* part few days. Ihe Klin City has arrived, with about Ave huudred at' k aod wnutide . no b -ard II ?( of ibem are rick, light bare died she left Mar tern - Lending, .mil oi'iera will die before siie reaches New York, lor which place she leavae in a few inln tee. We expect one more boat down to day with sick and wnundel. The steamer J. U l,e?vis art I', ed here thifl noon, wi'h about o:ie huarirod rontraban In, picked up 11 In'1..? Point, neat the White House. Hi" l.e vie brings down a load of army lagons, b<? pilal bod , medn al i o,e?, he.., which bed he. n left in the huryatte danl upca tlie evacuatb n "f eur treops. i?be re ret a that the-e are r.e rebels in sight at Wh to Horse. nor dues it anpear that the enemy ever be rt It since we left. The My etc. rum Yurktowu, Is in, but rei?or.a nothing of InUrcat in that vicinity. 1 h? elaver trunks of the Rev. Mr. Wiiraer, of Pblln l>hiH, art no ilia eharf to day; but uo tie seems to know snytl. ig about ibem. I think tliey are on to Phi ladelphia. The wo.ither la vary warm?in fart. hot. Th- cavalry h. ? , sin' dins still in the sen, are in a frofme| -up! re ,oo. It ia rumored that there have been uwrai casus of ? nup il' * /w' li s morning (wont til I esc see tins will he a barren snot for aewa, nor do I tL'ak His' theie eillbe suy impirtm t newa ol a li ? ecu inevrmi clef r m. iy da a to oun* Mi l le. an I* herd ut work, ami ? I recsctlenary men ai re* have b*u:?k?n te prevent any annoy tine train Le enemy. V. a have the best of news this afternoon, rot from up T#mce i tver, hut irom another quatter Mc< ,el,.ui will lue, and the whole country will, when the- kn w II, h- t. ] e> ha;*, for the present il had better be kept quiet. Everything L.okr. cheer fuI. ih? TwtaiUlhScw York Regiment tt tlie Unfile of Uoltllitg'a Farm. Col. Vela*, ef'iie Twentieth New York reglmeal, has uiltsdai our oflice for the purpose of correcting the < tatom*at pubiidied un tlie 4th instaut with reference te ' Is reglnieat. He centrerticta the report that when the urttilery opened b e men became etnrnpeded by a ma sfliighted muiff, and that otlcere and men wera placed under a-r*st in coneequence. The truth Is, that a short (imo prerluii'i to the engagement tha Colonel wse placed .,.idet arr*?t for ihe n n "xecution of a certain order which bJii rn sinterpreted by some of his fleld o.n eer*. hat wis voon to: meed. The regiment, be says, did not b'vs . aid run at ihe tiattle, b ,t, a te holding its .,0ft! u u the tight, tell ack at i.igbt with the rtmaluder of i o"or*l Pnvidgun's brigade Tt not C<>loi>' I Weiss, ' t Ulrulcuaet< ok neltu tiue if. wu<? i. a iu c ut i.atiil ut th? ? ;:iie. .i.-'ro ivm.i s ,u to.' t e-' of *'? thy bc i.. -f iha c i ii : nd the . titer olfc re. whrli h i* en geidr-d i> friendly feailup* .mo rrnn ks id tin U s.dof, and which has uow induced thoCoUuH to resign. The Loims In the Tenth New York Vol* tiiui tr ?? TU THE KiltiUil Ut' .HB IHKAI.D. New Y n't. .'It'y 8, 1802. Will you publish, for the b uefl* .f the friuuds of the regiment, extracts from letter* loc ivcd from < uptuiu Fred. M. Patrick, Company !', Truth regim-ml, Xamf Vo lt Volunteers, July 1 nd 3"? Wo ha. o passed through the ret tut ar. i flgi.t of the pi at dm days, ami nvsi of us are ill right. Iain nfe arid cnhui t, ant a scratch th oiighoul the entire U ruy. Oar rrpinont lost euuie ilfu-ou cr twenty k. led. The loss iu my coitipuny is onj m.u, l'Uoe. | Set union, killed, fcur tr. a wound.<1 sightly. nr:d ' ur missing. Liei tenant . ir.hh wutir led neveroiy in the Kii e Hie Colonel, 1.111 ? rai.l i i. iu I aid Mi or a h 1 i.uHijured. Trie uly ollu ors i ; ru . nre to ten t iait,8i, in the sh it; cr; i. ut nut Smith, so i. r it, in 'no ?, C.i :.i 1'.. i? .? ig.i y, i.i Ifare, C-j tai IVTds.sli litiy, i ilmni . C-'\ lut \c\v.oiiJ.Ul I.'i.iiur ?u<t A2mer an.I I.,emu ? i no v: u e sick. Aii.y Unit A I ink .\sti ii,a kle ;> i i J. Orb j-3 took inusoner a -rbo 1 rlgndler gco?ral, lhis iiuii n t n. ?n a I till run aiiaii. but u wgular t'tra te : io luoveuit nt, by tvln- ti we n e : h ? y .in u s I have I s?. all 11' 6 ? a or per y exi't-v wn .1 I could cany, and w, at we could not carry I her b' mil ur citi 'ioed. Is.w l.ieulouiint II. TI. I.cwis, of tin* r'c nd Fir? Touaveo, yoBUrdny. lie irs. up m il and wo I. Our p ekel-. n .vo j. at bin .i h: i.i a p Im iv. wb'i rjys tliO rebels had 16.QQ0 iptu be olas sigh (J. ly 1). where '?or brig si n o, not Hiui liis il a of ?he b iite. .e>; an I sum., at - frigli . uctl them oil', au.l thny left Hi a run At ion" ilrst in i.llu y wo o e i Willi eighty-one guns, ln-sid tlime ou un< guubuau. as we we:e not anatlced we a. lleied no .u a. The fjasuaclium tts Regiments, lot n,July .<, IS02. I.t Iters fr"m the Vassaobuset Is First kiute that ihe regime t has horn reduced to shout one h iuJred and seventy .'Ire of, . nvfl men. Ci tupv,y A numbers hut fourteen. Colonel (owbin is sick, .M yor ( haui.lur rnis stnn, and Captain Ha dwia to Acting Colonel. Colonel Cass, who arrived u< me to dsy, ie hopeful ol soon agai.. Heading the brave Ninth. Jiis woul d is se vere, but not console, o<l luugeroul. Skidch of .Uiijer fl. It. 1'litz. Major lleorv U. Clltz was a native of N'nw York, and was appointed a cadet to the West I'otnt Military Acade my In tho year 1841. He was .ho Bon of C'apUin John t iitz, of tills State, wiio died while la comia aid of Fort Mackiaaw, on tho 6th of Nl.vomber. 1880. He krudjated iiu tl.r UOUt of .h.uu, 1345,and U.ul us c unsmaUTg Cenoraif W. F. Smith, T. J. '.Vao.1, F. John Porter, J. 1'. Hatch, J. W. Davidson and olhers of H o Union army, and II. E. Ur1!, K. K. Smith mid others of the rubel forces. Ou the Ktuf July, 1346, he w is promoted to a brevet second lieutenancy of tho Seventh Culled States infantry, and on the 21sl of Soptomber, 1S40, h ? was furthar promoted tea full second lieutenancy of tho Third infantry. He vi is broveitod a first lieutenant ou tlie 18tb of April, 1817, for gallant and meritorious conduct in the battle of Cerro Cordo, Mexico. Oa (ho 16th of S-'pUmbor. .818, ho was a|i|Kduted an Assistant Instructor of Infantry Tactics at tho Military Acu- emy at West |a>lnt. Durn g tho month of March, 1831, ho wus promoted to a fits! 'la, tenancy of the 1 hi? d infantry, and on the Ct't of l)e> csuiher, 1858, was again promo art, ibis limn, io a cap taincy of ihs-same regiment. On the 14th of May. I'.iOl, ho was further promoted to the lirst majority o; the ii-- , Twelfth regiment of United Atntes infantry, which i-ouiimn. with the command cf the regiment, he bold at the lime of his death, ire in the battlid of July 26 and 27, and fell during ono of thoee sangui nary conies is. Sketch of Major Nathan B. Rossell, I'nileii htalfn Army. Major Nathan H. Uosse.l, of tho Cntu-d States Army, woe born in Trenton. Now Jai tho year 1817, ?.rid was consequently between forty live at):! forty-ma years of age. lie was a wm of the late General Rnsnoll; who was prominently knoeru tnlreuton, wbeio ho died on tbo Slat of July, 1*42. Major Russell entered the army ontheOrst day of August. IS33, as a teoond lieutenant nt the Fifth infantry, In* apt ointment being accredited to the State of New Jervey. Had be lived until the drat day of no it month, he would have been in the service twenty four yean-. lie was promoted to e Drat lieu, tenancy in Novsmbur, 1840. lie served with great dis tinction during the Msxican war, being distinguished in the battle of Monterey, and alto In the battle of Churn. Imsce. He was made a captain of the Fifth infantry on the 8th of Septan ber, 1S47, and wee brevoltod a uujot for gallant end meritorious conduct in the battle of U Mr lino del Key. THc b eyel woe awaided In July, 1848, ted was dated September 8,1847. Un the 25th of Sep tember, 1861, be v ai made the ilrsl rn^or with the com mand of the Third iufiuitiy, United Slates Aitnr Aftei the end of the Mexican war,captain Koaeel. was detailed for service in Clab, Texas, New Mexico and other placee In the great Weai end Southwest. He was in New Mexloo when he was appointed to the Third infantry, and waa ordeiva from that Territory last wir.ter. lie was nlwaye considered a brave officer, never shrinking from his duty, end hie conduct in Mexico and at the buttle of Galuo*' Mills, during which ho wac killed whilo leading his rigl ment, bears empls evideucs of thl.t fact id his socio) ?I lalitics he wax also much admired, I eltrj p r-eased of a f cully of attracting and attaching people to him. I'e was admired and loved by all ciessor, and has loft a Urge number of mourning friends, lie was married to* daughter of General Mann, and by thin lady h id four cbtldr'-D, now living, 'lo hie wtfo and family he was especially devoted and endeared. Ilo was by nto/rUge tbo uncle of Mrs. General McClelbui. THE KILLED, WOUNDED, MISSING AND SICK. Killed, Woundrd an<l Missing. The following is a further hat of killed, wounded and missing soldiers during the recent contest* on the penin sula :? BAXTKllN rHILADIf.rillA PtKK ZOCAVKB. Kill*!?June HW?J< la i Hoobl. , k. r'o C; John Rohl, Os. C; Captain MoGrough, Co. B. Charles ."later, Co. H< .fos- ph Kihcrts, to. B, Jemss Taylor, (e. H; Corporal Leion.C Keiter. W<mnd-d?Lieutenant Caoa'en, Co C. wounded and prisoner; l>. Baker, O' C; P I'meter. Co. C; John Km life, Co. C; J, Harris,Co. B; P Taylor,Co. B; T I lolls, Co. B; J W Wire,Co. B. J Wiee. 0> B, A. Myers.Co B; 0. iJcketts.Ce B;Corporal Mtchaele, Co. B, J. Wright, U*. B, Jseph E. Minna. Co C. dIUHTY-THIRD rMtNXTLTAHlA- BVTrRkPIXLD'S BRMAJW. Kdlrd?June 26 ?C hmel Mcl.ane, Major N'a rtaol, pri vate-, Bennett, J. t'a tain Morris.Co U, wounded and mlMing; Captala McCoy, wounded, l.ieu\ Jud*"0. Co woui.dsd I.tsiil. Ytale.Ge. C, wounded; Captain Brown, C. I, wounded; Surgeon Falkner, prisoner ;C.?rporel Hiyee,Co K, wound ,id, p ivate Miller, wounded; Hat.isl aw n, ir t-ru-g W. I'letmug. mlssiug; Cirporal Rrsihorwex mi sing, Cor porai Weds, missing. < erprral Web-h, missing. 224 killed, wounded and nrsslug tn tht regiment. nusr mjnmjjota. Killed ?Oder S rgeanl George M. Burgers; private I icon, O F, Corporal U. Willinau, C>. F, Corporal P. Johnston, Co. F. taptain Cu.dwcU, Co. F, severely; Pergonal Bte.T, Co. A, wounded tad, i -wfer, t o. A, wounded and misnuig. ?? Manillas,Co. A, a <uu .ed and missn g. Crow lev, Co a, woutmed; ,-?r<t. ?tstiday, Co. K, won tit'ed and ral'Se.g, Corp. Brad? ley,Co. K, wouauod; ? Taylor,Co. k\ auindoi; ? ? Paulson. IX) K, w. nded, ?? Fherbr on, Co. K. wo.'sd ed; I. S. G.iff,Cc. d, wounded; I . ' II wound oil. II Ho'uiitn Co. B, wnaiidun and bilrmng; J M. I)a<ne*,fo. H, wou: dsn. I . W. Snow. Co. a. v an. ed; Cart. Sm th.Co. C, moitally; '?!. J. W Brow n. Co (, ee \oreiy;.t. K.Ellsworth,Co.0,serartiv, ?? F.ubold,to. C.s.tghiiy; Ftnnclo, Co. U, sever sly; ?? M as oil, Co. C, h ad; ?? 'laj ,0ft'.,C'J. C, fe?Bu; MdVnneli, to.f.ej*: Taylor t ?. C, mo-tally; I.isut. l>u,l>, to C. eligibly, < urp. Rra< *, Co C,slightly, l'iee nei;,<?. (-', ? i?b; 'y; Wren,?B.C. meri t ly; laeui. Met..,in is. '? a. F, si ghtly. hir.itt, ?'o. ellfbtiy; Corp. list nett ,C'u. h, alt hGy: Part. 0>. F, win nded( J. P. Davis, Co. F, wound d; K. IWvis. to. wounded; F. T Grow, Co. F, Wounoed; ?> Metmior, Co. F, wool '.id; Molt, t o 1. wounded; ??t vcV.Uo. F, woui. sd; T. Pete SO. .Co. F , woun ltd; II. 1 ei tsob.Co. F, wonnded; 'ev -rseo. Co F, wounded. THiitiv-rtiUHTti new roKK. Daniel fasrdoay, Uu poral cordon, John Siieby, J. W< N lh !" C. L. Brown. serlon*'f; "rgeant fteo. Morse, seriouslyiI'. Laeeingdy. hreaet, k. Moore, J. ?. (ki?p. hail A IlubhiJS, Yi Allun.J lilearon. S Hntrhlue. f? Bn. as, A. B. I*i se. E. Can oil, bn I. lawson *U. I umloiiilb. C. I'etrs. M l>lg au. Juhn I'onluus. fc. Nortfe rup.w.s Waitoa. William Ibiro*, Wl.dam H. Iowls, t.eoigs I uvis, John W. H. s.r, H. Ur i by. SE. ovp BBW YOI k M1LIT14?tifltrr ?g?C'A?w TOLA. Oapt. Del*'??.'coiided md privanrr. *r,0o, [cONTlN'CkD ON KaUFnt P \C... I