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THE NEW YORK HERALD. ?' ' " r -I | WHOLE NO. 9440. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JULY IT, 1802. > PRICE TWO CENTS. NEWS FROM WASHINGTON. Adoption of a Resolution by Congress Modifying the Confiscation Act The President's Objections to the Act Eemofed. of the Eill to Call Out the Militia and Employ Negroei ia the Irmy. the President's Bill in Aid of Emancipa tion Referred to the Committee of the Whole. ?mhOMN Respecting tie Battle* of Bull Ron, Bali's Bluff end Fair Oak*, k?*f JlCi, tli WAsmnoion, July 10,180*. m MODIFICATION* or THK CONFISCATION' ACT. to. Senate, whlcn his been 4 irlug the wh le session arrogant and dictatorial, bucks.t down to-day from a ?ary material point in the''ontlscnthin bill, upon verbal Information of a Senator that ibe President took excep tion to it. This actum has no precedent. Skedaddling la foar of a veto, the fsnutaJisi clearly admitted lis de liberate wrorg in the ] ar^age of an unconstitutional measure. Instead of waiting a reception of the veto la constitutional form, and vindicating Congretsion al action In a constitutional mode, by seeking to pass the bill notniil.siaudiug the Executive objec tion, and thua freeing Senators from respo- siblll ly, .hey m-de baste to conciliate the President by compliances that have no example In legislation. In Tyler's time, If a vorbal statement bad come from a bona lor, that unless a certain portion of a bill t? Incorpo rate a national bank, then before the President, was BMdifled by logielation, the .bill would be vetoed, what wov Id have been the voice of Clay or Webster, or Indeed Si any of the great men that then composed the Senate y II will he remembered that Mr. Clay blazed with eager al the bare Intimation In the Senate that a bill would be vetoed. It was characterised is an dM to terrorize and awe a co-ordinate branch of tos government. Mr. Wads to-day wanted to know W*o was the organ between the Senate and the Kxeeu. tore about the negro? It wea disgraceful le be mousing stool the back door of the President's house, borne Senators cannot roe the President, while others, who were bte conscience keepers, announced his royal plea' wars. He said It was the most disgiaceful thing of ths war, and a sad announcement to the people that the real ?Mate of rebels was not to ba confiscated. Alter a long discussion the reeolultnn was passed. The following la the bill whloh baa passed both houses, tod whtdLMS^maths President's objection to tbo Con Resolved, by ibe Senate and Hons, of Representatives, to.. That the previsions of the third ? Uu-e of the flflii section of '?An act to suppress !? surrection, to puui-h treason and rebellion, to ss./e and contUcate the property of rebels, end tor other purpose*," atoll be so construed as not to apply to any act or acts 1yue prior to the i-asuage thereof, our to toaiudo any member of a Statu legislature or judge of ?ay State c-ourt, who has not In accepting or entering toon hta office <ageii an oath to support in# e mc notion ?f the eo-c*! led Confederate Stoics of America ;*uei shall sif piairhment or proceedings under said act be so -#?*. tiued as v? work a forfeiture oi the real Or late <4 the effrider hlr natural life. There were soma interpellations by Senntora as to alien, ?tag the realty of rebels which should be know u. Mr. Ho. little said that ItoerM be reached tyablJwLlcb had passed requiring the sales of mob lands firr 'Axes. Mr. lane, of Ktusas. siws that the realty of rsbe.s in hi* State would be loct to them by the psesago of Urate lasts as to the use and occupation. Mr. ? umbull Inferred the first ?action of the Ml) before the Pree.deut, :**? *Ji<> One anihorized to bo tra pesed upon traitors could be secured by soliiog Jbetr tonus to xueetil. Mr. Clark, of New ilamprblra, aa.sut ed to this idea. Mr. Harris referred tc tbossrenthsec ttoa, which authorized proceedloga in rem. against ab ?eetees. The government would ?"iso the 1 tn<ls?f such. TWtONEMBNT OP TIT* til l. AJ 'JJlTTlNcJ WEST VI* OLNIA INTO rn* UNION. The liovae has poetpoaed to the usrt swoa the bid to treats the new Mate ef West Virginia. *> aon-h for wnderiaktng ta engraft new principles upon the organic An ander which the people eskod adnsissiou into tno wai. TOT TSKSIOTNT'S KMANClPiTfON PI AN. WtH'ituohcs consigned to iho Tomb ef the Capo lata ike proposition 10 ut.ike an a| i?r?'|li L nou in aid of etnau Cipation 't> the iiorder r'aea dtst?a, bp referring It lu lUn ???nmltvre of thoH hole. tin' radio:.!* by, another i it ros, wt!l aot ha wi'Mngto grant a *iti?ie;i?oilar lor this j irpoaa. Thar intern! o tot ai, the rUvsj iooee by .he exarcLseof tfca war j".var. For tUia raaenu thep \otsd today a|aiaat.*uhbori*eig the Mate of Kentucky to ra te aa Independent force .ur Hume maid, t->f'.roiavt me {?? p.a rtmtu rebel rald?. ?u l to be subject at ih- ca.l of iu? Frea.dant to (to out of lb i State. It U Sitnifeit that tb ? .greater tte number of man iu tbe border tUve hi >taa that take up arms ug'.;:n! the rebela, tbe gnnuor win bu ibair U> aver heron tar Joining I hair political 'fortunes wlita tbem. Jail Iut'.s' budget look* to an mltUnate ceiubftnuto > of an tha oiava dta'oe. Votwith ?etandmg tola, tba raule*'* are api-isaJ to eelf-supportlng gar-pa la Mtatea to dartrev goertilae, for fesr that ttwy *ill present a-aapulaa at alaree and acnaucipallua without oompana.Uoa toawltri. .?to reason also that tbaradicaia adhere ao tanar-ena ly ric trie idea of atiisptua ao-rf arun of hla laud In tba South 1*. that tb*y caa go bene uad any lbs , Abe pro. aaada ol tba silos of oueh lane* can pap tba exneuktti o< Pie war.aef .ho large esutea e*u bo illy idol Into annul ?eettona for negro occupum.?. [fee tcspvuoi r.t tba herder fata rapreaantatiras bra But pat been delivered to tha Pre'ldeot. He baa bean don aloaely occupied lor liie leal two dapa to a?c< rd an interview to the committee. Iba c >rr<.apniuleDca vrill cot ba given to tbo pitMCiutil tb? response it delivered TO BhTTLM OY IIU.L Kt. N IMP UU'S BLUPP. Uile ao thing Mr. ("ban filer, lb tUa Sans to, la making a Bpaech upon tha jju'.mt ol ihg war, to which nwionf Ut -'cuaKis ? tan.lho' Ah there ara a cobaiUarebiamiiu '.Ber preeant, and tlinugn t a la professing to^uoie testi ? ay gtvan bel'era tha ?. oscmlttta oh tbe Oond ivt of la* tfar. Tba apaavh I* prods and digitated, augge ting w had might ba?o lean dona lad wa known e-erylV.ay obnt ha enemy,and opinniog out a I ?g pain about M4 saaiteas *. ithout aiihar p >.st ?r lustruotlranots. tWspttioN of affaiiib atr kichxxond. M. Vb r aufiaes reeelved freot KioUnie'.d stall- that tba n%el tro-pa ara InpMt number*, with abundant ?rhilar.* fu'l ?f c?n'idenca. It wee tho>^hl Mtara that oar* ar-np nould be ot arwhaluiaJ an thaC'iuka Ib'ininp, an 1 iba fact that It wa* not in attributed to tba gord usne*a! b.!p of '.aner, 1 JJtClellan. Tho rebels ie I to dka.k unr .'inoa en Krldap and on tha sucooea gpg Monuap, but rota toiled. APMT. Hoi. Wwia H. Wah'.tn Hepravooteiiva frcut Mary .an I ns bct-a (bfUiLatad a* Wrgiv' .er gauarai of vol Butcaaa. 3?rgotn Mitchell, Fi-st Ms -viand V'.ahivteara, will re* yertferd utp to HtBrgaau Mrrarllo, Me.^oal hirectoi of f2?a <ral ^uia'a coiniuaod Dr-aada <".rg*>n id.iu Tfaatoer l? orf1ei?fd to report fa tbe Medic*' I >iractor at rit. 1 at a for dutp [tf more# ef tea of the goneral boapitoM ?n that dtp. /aa afaot Stiff*r: liiirrlatn Allan, Ma Ileal fa 1 F. O. H. Hiadford. aad H wpltal Stwwardr llcMsoua an ' Aul. ton, will report In peraou to ifieraacn Lai armso, Mac'it ai lirauo. ai tb- Armp of the Pot^af for dutp. Tba prittintloca and appidnlmania in tho arriy a n, e i ?ha publlestion of tba 10ih of JuiV? a'ubrnca those f I thirty noti itomiitl?*P nci offlcoraaud ; T' ? aa to * omid j tlatite-iaiif ao In tho reguii r sarvica. t^i p plaamg tlieiu to ilia Una of advooeomant. Covt ?!" William 1'sintar,formarlp of Ph1>i?<Mithla, bat j fcaaa e?a dtau .e ba MaJar. for muiett r at J'r?as?l'i# I tad efficiency as Assistant Quartermaster, and detailed to General Kickett a division. FINDINGS OP TBB COUBT MARTIAL AT FORT CO LUMBUS. Tbo proceedings and sentences of tba general evurt martial at Fort Columb ia, of wbiob General Brown waa I*roaidant, bave boen officially appro rod. Captain E. 0. Jonaa, of the Seventh infantry, for being drunk while on doty aa an officer of tbo day, baa been eoablarod, and therefore eoaaea to bo an offl. or of tbo army. Private Peter Fay, found guilty of abaenting biinaolf without leave from hia poet, for one week, waa sentenced to be eonflaod at bard labor for four months, and to forfeit tea dollars par month of bis pay for tbo same period. TBI NAVT. Acting Master'a Mate CaviJ T. Potter baa been dis missed tba.service, behaving offared to pay.iobnB. Murray, of Now York, flfty dollars, to obtain tbo ap pointment of acting master. Lieutenant Austin Pendergrast has been ordered to the command of tbo Water Witch The following offloera ara ordered to the United States Iron-clad steamer New Ironsides:?Lieutenant, Robert Boyd, Jr.; Master. H. B. Robson; Acting Master, George W. Domett; Paymaster, A. W. Russell. PROPOSALS FOR GUNBOATS. The Nary Department will receive proposals for bnlld log double bowed sldowbeel gunboats until the 30th Inst., from -bipbulldera actually engaged in the construction of vesse.s. APPOINTMENT CONFIRMED. 8amuel F. Miller, of Iowa, was to-night confirmed by tbo Senate as an Associate Justice sf the Supreme Court of the United states. TUE FRENCII MINISTER. Count Mercter was on the floor of tne Senate to-day for a considerable time. TIIIRTY-SBVKVT.I CONQRIBSM. PIKHT SESSION. ??mate* Wahhixotos, July 18,1883. TBI CTCCirCXT B 'MB OKABD. Mr. iron.) of Ma *., from tlio Millta-y rora mlttee, reported back the bill to authorize the raining of a volunteer furoe for the better defence of the State of Kentucky, and aalied to be discharged from its further consideration. Mr. Davis, (Union) of Ky., called the bill up and urged Its passage _ Mr. Wilsob and Mr. Collambb, (rep.) of Vt.,opposed the pamage of the bill. Mr. r-LARB. (rep.) of N. H., thought that Kentucky should rot be allowed to raieo troopa eimply to tight on her own eoll. He said that at one time there were si* teen men from a rural town In New Hampshire In one regiment of the Army of the Potomac; but he wae In formed that not one of them wae alive now. Not one or them perished by the bullet, the* sabre or the bayonet, hutall died In the trenches of Virginia. H"w c ola he aak hie own people to go and tight and die ..u<l rot by the waveide in Virginia when Kentucky wae allowed to have l^l " Pai l b? .be government, who ?nly flght in the ??'tats of Kentucky, cud do eaay aervice tuihin her own doors t ,, .. The bill was ther. laid asUe Informally. tna nmoLVTio* hxplakatost of *?* oorrnsc#*ion act A?l?lTMD. . , Mr Clam, (rep.) of N. H., called up the resolution from the Hiimse explanatory..#! the Confiscation acP He .-?bred ae ae amend won t%that ne punishment under the hill thall work the forretluro of real oewu beyond the natnral ii e ol the pere'? accused. Mr Tkpv ici.l. frjp. 1 of III., oppoeed the amendment, J life future etiale In the West amounts to (rep ) of Ohio, eaid that If the Senator (Mr.'cUric) could ssv that It v*ae likely the would veto the bill unless this amendment was ado ted, he (Mr. -hrrruaiw was wllliug to vote lor M, hot,he wanted the President to take the r?ip-dUtbJlitv of it. \ir Clahb?1 tts*.* V I C'C7 zav that I am authorized to state thai this amendment'will remove one of thoubjec- | Sena of he l'realdeut to the b.ll. One oi the of the amendment waa sn Inducement te obtain the Proel deut t signatere. He should also oiler another emeu . mailt that'-the wrdn nrah.lng an autnosty sba.l b? <"?n SESi w en to "a.. -Ii. tb. President to Teeter, any nmwrit wikr lib bill It I*, thicks it neceen-ry.' ? TFfaS, ??(?> ef lad., said tiai ne wae not willing I inter any drrees. Hr would n< ver dar lie in.lepead.nco of tr.Ken-te tothe dlctaUeo of any lh-ASMietit.boweve. w* trtlgUl tr ?t Mm Lsl the'resi dent, U he doc* not Hke tbo bill, eoud it ba. it here with h a veto. ?nd thou ho 'Mr. I.UW) was wiltlui to make the A*iie between oo'iliecation and tie roniHcaiTm. He (Mr. ?e)w".?t willing to have the Un<USth. senate tl"by ho executive or any other fw" 01 A {?/ (Yarc thought tbey might as weH look at the iue? tion pra.tically and not et.pat Hill# i?oiu?s of ??W?'Ue. if ibete wore huiieat objection* *? mVbt ae well try and ^nr.?Kiw!(W) of K. Y., thought that this ;??'? entuely new mode ol legiaUtloi- If tb.Pree Ideal has ehire1 lure to the la hie bu-Jnevs to ttud the bill ?^ wDh h.s oviet i'.W. It ?s thai we met the eu<-mi?s of this country ralriy, an! not with a timid roiTv Via must utiVnd the country ft ore it? anemias, ud ftim any timidity ?n t'-e pa't << those w.-.*e duty It ir to laze tr the country. W? inuet meet the it. not. boldly, and not by this feMkeleer kiblMbi. 11- loougbt lis "i'S precedent to ec AbHsh. Mr h:?ri. /rerO of N. V , ibnugM there was nothing eo m.' wDoue'ln th'a propoelt en. If the Preeldent bad . onatlmllocal eciupief. v<j ouphi io t?ar? proper respect for them Ifweran "is8 th.s t ??olut.on, tud avoul a wi,. h# <M? llarri*) Uxlono. Mr %'Avn n*p.} of Ohio, thought that th:* %M 'v a liovel q ieiti i This wnv M coming in here HI. - ui'livat ly?Hi. *?y onknowu to tbo o->nstituti"n?he sid i'?t like He i Mr. w ch-? d.d not know who was au S tliu Preildvnt or promulgate.hie vl I'this ,s 'he way we s a to -ec U.e we ought to have aemmltiee to w-'toi the l'resi ient when we pss? aVdl tmd esk wo.t Ins ?royal*' will Is. and bow imicb i ' I * " ml ?r i L '1 LMt CttL f hi'i VOlO? lhti IsdllifHW-'fUi Uieewtrt.^'.r-w-drfof ths.ljhiH of u?l? ho3y. o??iv c n>'??iul wkv f^r .?, tf b* ?*?> chieetlonsvuthe -ill %o slate the a Hi hie veto, ibere tt no other way ferMm to a<-t. uulcss we (? rreuder mil ur coi etitutl'.nai rig'.ts sn t a't tbo dignity "t the Hemde '111.# way of coining in h?te wltu heek oo r veteeeVenuot bs tolerstwt It ts. me that some gsi.tfeinen have been te seetb.- prMt|l,"it-W Icern hie opini js. ibe*e g(*? tie? '? ?'? " " ?' ""??? ' wh.n tbey K-11" the ''re .dent, are debarred from ids presenoe. sBO .1, only admu'ed who ere cWed *1lh ii in ixmitif* ?'?n? ?v?oa iwa. ft? (V*. Wtua; ; ?uiiij b? 4??rrf '* T#to tbUi I Vn !? wt mM ^ Ikir a^lderI ilwwep! o It ni U?ieC?p If such, hoseve-. le u> he fh^ca?? I - wanted lh" l'reridentd- tske all .be rn^ou idJtStv A uwn e.:t.,M. Hs (Mr. Wade) wanted nc "'ur*'wftVt"re*) .'V Vms",s^hat he bad beet,en ga^bete orMvs trying lo p-e. roou.-w.tbm bl 1 SWesort, act one tit ^ %'r ,.rui. 0t,. ns by et-me tb-nntore. no (>ir. tViieoe) r.iard' d tlie present resolution se ef little V,.. .ml if .ts I.S U'O would in say way^>Atisr> snvb-lv's eonetltullunnl rcruploe, be (Mr. M^e?l w?e twrf^tJy willing to vole for t , llou.l m lid tttat ibis n. do of leciisl xtl.s. ee-ixM-ti ienprojer, bin U believed that this g'est tnfMuie was far above ?11 little Ir-eguUrltier if ho could eocuru the pur me .????>????^? I'fUTopt etv In any pfrete'sek'.-g tbe Prest:eat about ti.^tTws ..pen e y toil! Htih rn'rV tn . c? ill not nirorglj ?t him (*r. >e', forhche lU 't e P u w f> r the tiret time In his lite. Ho bed t'.sn so'iriui r.y gentlem-n ?' .miuire of t oe Prwideb* e-b' hleoplni'ne on thl bllh r wwSficrir r't t*> b" th#rv ihonlu b#i ni.y d1ir??r<w^ *>t" opD.Un lit'e^^tn lti?? T'rt. t toogreet <m or, ueperteut a u .esure a-this. It pout oe r.memooretl ibst the l'r.-s d?ut t <'? imi-irient hrsncb ot tbts gov." neent, and wttbwt hw ..g aturo do bill inn l)?couie ? l.iv without u tw? third voa. The people are xf v m-tch iutore.ied 111 thu measure, ?nd lie ridt issreutf...; felt de-p Intei ?st hi it -nfl vued f ir It tltough with s'uue h"Vitst oti ne t- llr cour.iUitloael ' henriuis? Be .elievcl wb-'vver o,.li.ton tbe Prtod rtSu rtpreSied he e*' rev -si hon. stly. Whe* part ef UOIUIOOQ souee Is it when we at, r.telu all es of lb. It'll to rel ass to Uvr any lut.g to <*.o with i. ?t alt? 'alt not b?. i te d<> Hi. be-1 we car .eder the rirVHimstauret? Is there suy Is-s of dlgultv orrb.wrt.r in issssingsuch ? leeututleo a. U?ie,er is it better tbot ,^11 .h nld be peeeedf He (Mr. h' ?soio'su) waser.ll mi b> takP dlt the reepouetblllty of ge ng to the PrcKletit, If Lhote was ?u> respenrttuilty about it ftl s.l. Mr i* writ (npiM ot Kf.,oiT?rsd an amendment te tke Au llduumt 'irVeo by Mv. < U * tr tf the out ibc wo-d 1" l??v* "mbatwa to life forfc .-imp fret- j o' Wis., hoped the eieeuuttts* w?o.ut i O- he adopted. He eh -uldsey noiiilng.ei h.s would to. ..urut.'d br the ieut?. Jtc uad bee; l pr'tcct the reel oelate of the Cl!klf.w hint re ver ee w?. the xu.. Hewm-dt. Zi r d , ' all' "'ectl .ns lie wdii'ed *o fake all the r,-ai ssftoe of tpn ; -boat, and re-peoide .hwe ?*sx?; -hl"? i-'i'its;? -mi-,;.m w the Ptel dentl 11. fouid of'' ? "'"'r ' ,,(-V ?0,0 if OL ar.o-.ut of the bit-ie'" lUot.g 'I the ad cud .ii. vt of Itis Senator front New namjwbire (M'.< lark) bsttei for the people rf Ktm-.i, M tbey wou d ft b-l ( ol thr rsbsl pr ?terty tuuoh ? heepnr tbsn oth rwise, an. ? e wan (..rtertly wi ins to tr .at hie couatltuciiie to get iie iof fisiltte tt? thsfatere. A . Mr Tm ??i tt did not ?r .It to make lbs P s d.wit vis I.MS tils oot.K -noo ,r suy way Hilt u ,'leV' '''n.*, ,,^, I'd el .tX" itsnywsy cicept bj huivote'f ?, ?Kvn.tis diti -t wt?Hf t? e u.e l-i con'lict with tn? Sr eout'lve In any v?y,boi lk" PrcstUimt, In aeimtco '?t?f? : ivuel wry. la brlnsl. g .n acuiH.' between )? .fwci and the . snsge -'u e very de. g?"ve<?> w iv, a- hs ' Mr . ? o ts-Mr. Ka's.'k?.k?.vd out oo?bt at sit that the cetutor from Maine (Mr. Fessendsu) as erslo il tho views of the P eeiitei t orrtctly, b t on some oilier bill aud on some o< her occasion Home Senators who ere Lot bo accurate undo: take to b ate the view* of the Presldeiit and nujit? a mistake, and -h< Senate might vote on entirely erroneous \lews. Ibis re-" lit on propr-s-e an entirely nee ..reredent Such a thing lias never in-en done before. The amendment profo-et by the Senalor from New Hampshire (Mr. (.'lark) wan suggtr-tcd simply and solely for the puro-xto- of overcoming (he object lens which he (Mr. Trumbull) underst od were made liy the President. This seems like an attempt on the part of the President to ooer<-e Congress. If the President has objections to ths res I tion let him use his co itl-ir o.i i! prerogative end veto the bill, and then it will n t follow, as has been ssggested, that wa have no bill; for the veto message can be taken up and acted on. and, If neces sary, the hill can be parsed hy a two thirds vole. He (Mr. Trumbull) bad fe't a great deal of inter* I in the pat-sage o( n confiscation bin, and he hellev-d that if on# bad been passed at the commence ment of the ee-skm the rebellion by this time would have h en suppressed. The passage of such a bill would have been or more value to us than the taking of the rebel cat ital. u was just a dilference between saying to the staves of the rebels, ?? Isca;* from your mai l s and coma within our lines and yo -r shackles Khali fa'l forever,'' and saying to them, " If you come within - ir lines yon shall be driven back " The rebels had - nflscated all tbw pro|>erly or Union mou that they could lay their hands on; biri, of course, rebel property must bit protected. and when a Ibii-n army come m-saii It a guard murt he placed arom d it to protect it. Ho there w -a every inducement for men to side against the government, for then no harm ?v Id come to th- m from either side. We should have had plenty of friends in the South if the confiscation ooiicy had been adopted, and moo been fid that if t hry took up arms against tho government their property would be taken. Thn Onflcuiinn bill mawes it the d ty of the Prescient to take the properly of the rebels towurds (ho of the war- hut the bMl. if he unde-stood it, did not declare the fo fetttre of real est-itp of >nr con. vlcted traitor, ami he (bright, w -on the President came to examine the bill cerofully, ho would find the e wa- no a ch ela s" in it, aud he (Mr. Trumbull) did n t believe the vet > me sage wouid ever roach the Senate, and would not belli-vc it till he saw It: therefore h- would not pass tubs institution to Obviutu any sup;* ani nlijr c t.ons. He would wait until the Pi evident sent hie oh jecllons in rug- lar 1 >rni, and luen he (Mr. Trumbull) was perf- ctly wi ling to repass th ? bill, with modificatlonM or not, ok the tieiiut'- d- ctd s. Mr. Haijr (rop.) of N. II., did not think the President had done .nylliing wrong or Infringed <>u iha dignity of the&mnte in any way, and tills was not the time <o at tempt on tntie . He thought ihle objection of the Presi dent a very groit mi?l ike; but as ihe President wa< acting honestly ebo t li h ? thought the Be.iate should meet bun in the same spirit. Mr. Powell's amendment was then rejected?yeas 14, nay ? 21. Mr. dcxxRR, (ren.) of Mass., suld the country was never In 8" p eat perl) as now, and In such a tit, as this he was willing te forego his lodividua. op!n oi -rsiher than hazard the poavigc of (ho Cnn:i->eaUon bill. Though be did net agrve at all with the President In the objec tion yet the g'-eat object?'he craanei lion of (lie slaves of rebels?was securod. He should, . lev the circum stances, vole tor the resolution and for the ameudmeut of the foaatar from Now Hampshire. Mr. Howard, (rep ) of Mich . should vote for the reso lution, though he protested against any such oh action as auggcsied. but he would not Jeopardize In any way the Confiscation act. Mr. Clark's amendment was thru adopted,as follows:? Yuan.?Metiers. Aotliouy, Browning, Chandler, Clark, Collaui-r, Cowan, D'oodtue, Fc-own en, Foot. Foster, Hale, Harris. Henderson, H iwarJ, Ilowe. Lane of Kansaa, Mor. rill. Pomernv, Sherman, Simmons Sumner, TenKyck, Wi. son ol' Ala?., tVnler an t Wiigl.t?-'5 Ngva.?Messrs. Cardie. Dane, Crimes, Harlan, K-nncdy, ting, La in of Indiana. Poweii. Raulebury. thai-a, Truuiuuil, Fade, \\ llhumm-n, Wllmot, Wilson of Mo.?la King Wad Mr. Clark ottered a further amendmend that the words "grant amnesty," authorize the President to rest- ro property seized under the bill, to any person lound in iiocent. Agreed to and the reeolutien passed. ^ sam kmext of Acoouir.s or lusrirmko officirs. Mr. t-RMFWnsv called up tho hill to provide f -r the more prompt soitlement of the accounts of disbursing ettcera. Passed-. ajMNumrr or m tax bill. Mr. Fims.Min.from the Finance Committee, reported back the resolution amending thn set to provide for the internal revenue. Parsed. MSKUSRS in ret ImurasY sbrmcb. Mr. Fcshcnuf.k also reported Dink tbw resolution pro viding that the mouse for absence from duty iu Cougiess by set vs empioyment In the military service for tiie ?unprveioo oi the rebellion he valid. Mr. CetLSMKR moved to amend that they be In the ? tlitsry^service without pay. Agree.i to. Mr. bunim moved to ameud that where anv member ef Congress ?vith-lruv. t from bta seat in anticipate n ?>f a-ljournuiert. in u 'dulou to tho iun> now uetKicte.i by Law, thsre thai; be a furthe. deduction equal to naif the niltergo allowed, toilets. tho abs?nee be for sickness or Agreed and the reoetutloa patted DiamtuoT or htatk MUMiwrr*. The bill tor tbe iilacliargu of N:ate pri-cuere, Ac., ?m MaCu up. Tiie upcttrn author slug thj Preeiduat to easpt:id the writ of oorpua wee to :.a to limit to I lie time when Congrww la col iu sens.on, .and to political cffemwa. Mr. Wilson's amendment tu etrlko out tlia drat two eertioa* wop l planted, >?* 18; nay n 10. Tha bill vki rrhor amend"*, on motion of Mr Baovww>?/i'r?|>.) of )l1.,au that prisoner* bn not dl? chirgcd until till/ Uk? lb* oalli of allegiance to tho tatted Plater*. riio lAa-ru* or anx bun ako mjj > muff. Mr O xutra. ('ftp.) '.'t Mnh., rcfercpi to the hot thai ?b? Oram 11 toe on t?i.* ? ouduct "f lb* War halbr-?o en gaged ki lov. ?tif~ t in, and bad collected a ileal ofovl dpnoe Re'prrlug to th" ba< lie of Ho t ran, he sol t there ?u ? eolumn oi twenty tb tis iU'I uteri, under Pi.Ueraoa, ordered either to attack thetneiuy, or sun' ktvolilm engaged , to he r.ould not reinforce at Maua/uac. ISiier. eob telhg.apbed Johnston loot a superior force, ant bid rarened largo , elafnrreinectf, when tie fact was Uiol JubrraUm received do r einfor canton: e arid had Una Torre Pelte. am. The reason ? tthe loan oi iJim battle of Bull run tiiH the dr.ay from Tbnrsdiy tl.t humtiiy. hy rekMii of the tlimvterioister's .<upp.l?? ant coming; the delay of ft .uday iworuiog , in eoot.eitiiei.oa *?f have-1 bri gade not getting In ti loitii'D; the <u<trol of JuLmluit'e rolaforceine.iU: the iieaster tu p'a< ing a battery a ihouaiuid ya ds lu advance, ami ruwiakiDg i> rebel regi ment for a buttery supp nt, and the failure to bring up the roaerve ni the critical time. (tut the lore or of bull Run were eir-ail, and tho people rallied, till, on the tOth of T"?*euitoer, lho rob wan 185,485 man, wbb thirteen rrg.mrniftnotraporu<d,iiioei!y Intorxled'oriTeo bur sluo u i'iQilureom pauduf ilOn. MuC.ciliB. Mo then referred to the battle of IhUii's M oT, reading the orders tolxiceiiM and 1'nlunel Baker, showing that lUker supposed thee wrre ill,two m- n within twelve utile* uf h..n. and tnere was no ??i leucc oi r.ihiu'fts on tb > part at iMnnol Bike*, excopie .|K?in? bin own person. He <iunt*il [rem ibe evidence of M ij ir Julie t lx. who ?awl that it very lea tutu in relnfniceta'ut wmla bavo mtilced to drive off tho on? my a Ha't a iilufl, nn.l ih.n gallant oit'cer >Herea ' > go, If tlivy would let l.nn have a company of me hundred men. Die men.) '* bane' ,ue were lu a weed: and it waa diltift'iit to tell what their loree waa. bee?-a till set en o'clock. I'dMtd ftKft?ON. Mr. I'HftMD.Ea re- un od bia rrautke, ami reed frotn ifce hwllumny >f Pie gftiierul olflcern, euuoernmg tn# list tin of Ball s lllnif. t" the ?9fctt thai reiiifort'#meot< ccvild eanfly ha-'i* bean Mint by the arey of Kdivtrda* Kerr*, but NfcCat! ftbd ijmlth were ordered lo fall baric M the vary time Biker waa sent aenwa the river, end no ireis were aent lr>'iti Ktwa ila' Ferry . Ui iagh the dislunte eat short. ftiercr?l 5tone awenrr ihrrn were never any miiuuln] k .tie tietween Rilwerda'* l'erry an.1 Ba!l'e rtltilr. Tlie man wl"> li-iiiiftit the order nuiet answer to <?od rer the alaughter of the brave men in that tight, .trier thin whnloenlo murder, the whole Army "f the fot-rmeo rrtirtd, except frotn lu fro'.t of tVeeblngtnn. He then fur ber iwlin.ony abowlng that the Navy Peie.rtmen; a pi c I to the War lierartm-nl for 4.0ni> wen to h 'hi Meihiaa Tmnt. aud keep oi?*n the ''otoinnr, roinrirucmg ec-li apfihi a* early ae Juno, till in October tt was icrtnui tu "end iti- n, end veesvir were g ith : cl by he Navy /Vjiartinaut; but tin* tr.H.p* liorc wrr? <i >t ftent !>v tb? appnl*. ti d lime, nnd the Navy I epai ln.i*iit ouid i.ot dnd-ml lh?i reftson fhe evnleiii v fdriber at.ilei'. that tl.e I'iceidr il i?ai-:od the Navy IM part meat ?? mich ne be mulJ with iht* |?I iu ; but Hen. Mci'te.ien obiftctiil.biwauic hu eared lb? arrnui.ainants fur landing could n't bn made. Tbur, lie raid, the rial km waa dtftgrarcd for mou;he bv the bl cNu lfc o. the I'uto me: ar, t the caj ual hy a fVrca at no time half that <>l ilia (Tnltol jh.ilee In liermuher the neti in beans ?o cl mor for a muvtinani, aud t:ie lommltten on tlie Conduct nf U>o War nrt 1 the no "iF'.ty of some movemont, and the brorldect. and i sbiu?t were in favor of pome 1 or ward uo* ftiidm', a"<1 tl.ey weie ae?ureil by (leueral Mci'lMUtt tl at i tnovo would Ve made very noon tlwt ho uever tmen ted lo goluto winter qi arte; j. and he did net. Our brave meu s; ef the wlnier In c.?uve<a tert At lav', in .i-v.uar.v, tho V'r? uph'ut gave an o dor to forward and j t j(Mngl'fKija ovftuta took place at Frrl Tonal* jn, Tort ' Heur.* . Newc rn, Ac.. aii i do n >tht .g nretrgv e-emed tn give way to wutkft, an! the day or spvlei<, p'V-. vee imJ FiO*?le w?e over, on fhn 2M of ftuhruer/ tin Army cf the Tototuio t.u* ordered toinuve; but it war not readj. At, on tbelutUnt Mai ch, if diu rniive.iuuler thu protest of the renin under. On the luih r,t March that army nuuf'Srr 11W0 ,')0U ite i by must or r 11. bey urarth- 1 on Msn...*tas ar.d the w(p*1?n gtinsof '*ent rlllo, and the enemy, teas th'?u forty thou-nnd, Til-'liy moved a.ray, ai a cruncll of ??a*, etpht o nrraN voted ml to adrcnee on UUMiil, but i"a* e lb" oner.y there and sneak etoup 1 by Aan*p - lis ftevennntof I'll eight of these gcuorK's W"re ap pointed by the adtlse i f (loneral MrClellan. Bui'li? jecret.pv f W?r overruled this, and 'node the army iijovo oti Mniwwe*. Why the iiiagniQehnt army of *M'?.Ouu did no' inurrh Hic'imond po "ne kuowe, Put at l*e?. Mc'"*1 e:. divl led the army end : ailod for Fcrirem Monroe. Tfie f'< mrultteo o:i the Ccuduct of th? War a irrimwea flenoral Wudswai tb. who r vorft thatheht l v .1/ 19,?>?'.' me let? to defend V'avhl ft.rn, and not a eNpf I* k'"B rnoOBfel mi wheel* and parte: tin* for.* rU* now acid unillsr.pllnft'l, and ismi n?a**lr dlsar gspiaed He (Mr. Cfcamilor) tbru road frorii toetne'1 n ij,-v of .Tobn Tucker, Assl-uni Keoretary of Way; W" tftjiifl sd prtrr to It* 5th of April lJtJ 000 men we,? tut''ewn to M'dHeilen; then Franklin's d'ridon w:> toni. i? ' \H> iw e. me lat of June MiCa 'e divlelm, 10,'*i0tnor??, *i d Bomit ihettirae it,i>'.u fu m H-'timrue and FortreervMonroe.and laai June "hie rte dlvlelen,about 5,000 W"r? "evil, iPakh g a tetiil of lOa.Ki'i Ib"n eent to ft S'lurat MaIc'Iho pi'or to tbo et>(<grni?nia Were Tfivh *uouil. Mr. fi'.ko/ (uxtiwf I.ei.utd tuat h* dij c?t know or miy other force which could have been sent to G Beral Mflellen. Th .s. Mr. Chandler s ti l, ft Is shown fiat 168 0 0 of the beet troo s that ever stood on Gtufn f .ii stool h vve been nunt to (joioral MoClolUn, and yet the treaeuu >b!e tirrss of the country was howlinf agniust th? Secretes? of War because he had not sent reinforce nwn'a'0 lie'oral Mo Irllao. Unread further iroin the t-uiin-Dy of General M-igs. corroborating Mr. Tucker, nml s-iyiug that he believed everything that Mct'lellan asked for had been promptly sent to hltn by i.e government. Mr. Cband.'er continued, say ing ti at kleClollan lost nor* mon in the truce'es, Are to one, than ever fel' front the enemy since tbe army went to Yorklown. At las:, when a emu I frao uni of tbe army whipped the euauiy at Wl'. lii.mahurg. Mot'ld'a", at? lung distance from 'h ? flutd of batUa. wrota a desi a*cb to tbe Rcere a y of Wa that ha should try to bold the e ettir In check hut thty were <<y> fast. The road M Richmond was enen. and all he had to do was to march out of the swatnpa and Into Richmond: but ha fo ltd the m si swamp he coull, and sat right down in tho m dole eg it and went to wo Ird gong I enehsH. and tens of thousands of b'sve mtn were lost ihete by sickness. Tb?n,nl last,after waiting till ilia rneinv choso, fur it w old not ba st.ategy to attack lie m till thay were ready, wa kept on d gging tre cbes, till at list the battle of Knlr Oaks was fought, when the whole rebel force was hurled on a small portion of oar army, who whipped them,and drove ihom hack pel I mail int ? Richmond, and Heross Jnines rlvoc. Hat of course we did not follow them?that would re t ho fair to follow a whipped enemy, and an tha battle of Fair Oaks wiui lost, that Is to ssy, wo won a brilliant v ctory, but U did us no good. It would hav- boon unfair to take advsntn/e o' a routed army, so wa magnanimously sin.) pod and commenced etttrvf tig. There was no a my in nur front,and no Intrenchnvnta In front, but wo !|<1 not kmiw what else to <lo, and so we begim to dl.-n illicit, Sod we kept dyeing ditches nntil tliey hid itnpresa-d and drilled an army of so dlers from their entire pope, lation, ?n I tliey se it Jackson on a raid to Wi ch.s'sr, and ua wa.t?8l for b m to o >nie ha k wt h his 2'>.0i 0 r Sit.000 m u. and we heard that Owl th ens eye a'ed. Rut it wo Id have boon mr'atr to eommnm e no utt ick uiiill ih*y brought their truous fr >'n G>rl-rh. and so we waned lor the army from < orb lit; *nd wV-n they g tin all tho in one they ever booed to rsne, thrn wo. did not al ack litem *t all. They nllnckoil n?. as wo bad u-nsoti to en-ipoee they would. Tiny at tacked our right wing, ant thoy hi led ih ir wh le form on our right wi.ig of 8o,o00 nien, and il r ng the whole or that Ih rsdav om iitilo army i f 30,0. o h.-lit their g-ootid an I ? o ? hed th it vast b rrie ice - aid over again, nod bold ib-'lr g mind at nl bt Well,Mr, if course re'n' rcem n s wc ese t'O th se b ave man, to e anleibo-nto s.?nd tnit dastardly a my tiuek Into Richmond the second tune. No, air, tliey did i.t do anything of the klfld At night, Ins rail of rcinl'i rcements, they were ordered to rot'eit. Well, ?ir. thai was >lrutrgv. Ihe moment we c nnin -uc.-d our, it is said to tue despatches, the eue.ny foil w-d us I ko demo s. Ot course tliey wo id. Who ever heard of an army retrouting that w-is n a foi owed, do less they were reiie-r' Our le t and cut,ire remaineit Intact. A letnt was made on our left wing mil cent e. as I have hoard from one of tbe l>r.v?sl no-u In thai whole Army e the Potom-r. He saul when bis regiment was ordered n iter arms he bad no il-o: bt that be w> s going pi march on Richmond with his regiment. He beiiered th# ?nolo lo e -oi ibe enemy hnu a-1aoKi-d our right wing. He believed there was uotuiag in ir int. He behove I that our hour of triuuipb bad His men spruiig in o lin < with avidity, prepared to rush at the polo, of tbe bayonet Into and over Richmond. And ho never discovered hie error till be saw a million aiid a half of dollai ? worth of proper /b- rnt before bis reg sent. 'I ben b began to think it did a<>t wear the aspect o an advance on R kuiaad. 'Ibey bad been working th r# a d >osd ten tbousanit men digging toencuts, and spent month?< bringing up siege goes. Tie ? they left their toenailed without Bring a g <n. Our army was ordered to advance ?n tho gunboats iustead of on Richmond. Tha Corneal V Id ma that ha fought tbe onoiny three days sad whippet ibeen each day, and than rim every ii'gh. ilke ?, in ing a wicked word. Ho portion o that rust a> my w s I ) the Aght except the men under Porter, and they wh pped tbe aneniy tbe lirsl dor. Well, sir, this is qalled str. tegy. Now, sir, again ] say why was tkia great army of the Potomac, of two hun dred and th rty ihocs-nd m*n, divided? Ilumiu inge nui:y, and soiroely dlviuo wisdom, cou.d have devised uny other w?y to Lave that army defeated tlnui tho way that wan adopted. I simply charge that grave errors have l eon eammitted; hut, .as I said before, no thi-r way oonld have hes i devised to defeat that iirmv. I have thought it necessary that these facts sh -ukl go forth to the people. 1 know that I su .11 he dunou: cod, traitors, and the but only by two classes of peopio?one I other :oois. Nob -dy else will denounce me. Mr. riu*mta oflored a resolution that the Oimmittee on tbo Comlnct of the War buy# leave to sit during tbe re cess of Cbngi ess. laid over. Tbe .-enate then went Into executive session. Adjourned. Il?we of Representative*. niMwuKiit, July 16,1802. Mr. Tfitbow, (rep.) of lows, from the conference enaimltret. n>?le a rop irt, which was oencurred in, oca bill prolt fc.t?g the confaieineat of perrons In the mill tery re:Vice In peuitenilnnee, except on conviction of mutiny, desertion. or <ui a'*empt to inclto to inn.toy, ?iiirt to c.jcln.'ge from the pahiienllary iu the District or Odumbi* ec. Utiu eotivicts emi fined there by senteoee of oeurte mantel. KUAsavAPoa is in nonim stairs. Mr. Warm, (reji.) ol' Ind , from llie Select Committ"# on <iradiial {.mancipation, to whom the President's Mas ? ge and draft of a hill were rofurrert, reported a bill pro viding that whenever the President Khali be sutiatied that Maryland. De'uware, Virginia, Kentucky, T< iinearee or Missouri has . dupted meusuree for emancipating the *iav*a throughout cither or all of th--?e Sitite-, It shall b? the doty of the President, aaair.leu by the recxetnry of the Treasury, to procure and deliver to ,u<-h Plate.- Ivi per cent' uitr I States hoods, equal lotbe \ai .atIon of tin ?lavna, according to the census of 1800, prev>da<l no co*ipan*uit?B ali.tll be mndo to any State which bar tided the pre-etit re'ieHk-'i, or to any ono that has held ore' Mt'ted any civil or military odke under the an-cal.vtt ( ?ntederate Siates. nr any one of them. rbe whoie am "int of the bonds to (>e delivered aba'.! not M"?'d n the aggregate Hoi a ol dollar*. Fo: the put po?e of eattllng tb? ?"'aver boyoi.d the II.lilt* of the United States, twenty millions of dollars arc appropriated to be expended .u tolouiu'kW,at the dla c -it no of the I'raeid nt. Tl ?benefit* of this ict shall cot Inure to any Stat* fa' to pa t & 'iw of efi>snc:|>niiou within *lv? yetr.* iroio the date of th#pB?r*g*cf this act,. Tim bill aiito prov. "an tor complete emancipation vtiib in iwe-ny ye lr.f. If nuy St .'a. after barter ro elved any bonds, a# a-ore said sfiail recommend or tolerat" (lave.y,contrary t > the act of emsiKtp*ti>'n. it *11*11 refund to the Unit?i c u'?? all the prin<;ip:tl and Interest pa'd on account Of sitw bond'. Mr. Wuitk, frep.) eflnd.,brte'iT exiilV.nse the prnvi si ns of lb* hill, au4?u hie mutton 10,000 ctples of tbo bill and report wsreorde ed to be punted. The bill wus referred to the (imninittu* *f tb* Whcie on the State ef the *'Mon H'-au wo v.j s. Mr. Kcruma, (rep) of HU, O'Vett the following, nsmelv:? To the end that the -or it t' n an.l lav. a ?b? I 11 ? kee.'ied.tetl and enforce t n the r uted 81 a tee and fM.nto. r<ea rberi of. ?ad ?hepr>amt r*n??l?m ami us>.atur?l re bellion Kpccdlly put .lowi ; J,e?? r.i e, ? U' *?<(??!, Iiy 'h<; Hid llouae <f Kepreaen itllves, As 'to i're. [i-nt I"-, and he t* 1 ?reij^, ?*inp irored V. "all u.vothi urrcy, by voluntary eitlietuiente or r. h <? b l may elrecl. for .nej. ar, in're# ?? uu?r di?' iin-perl, on million e< men In addition t* the present number, an-l liiai avid laeiearn *f the .rui. ?'i*tl 'rginfted, eq . pped aou f. el, Ac. dc , ae is now by '.i? pr<,v,d* i M -. Vnma, trap.) of \\ is., wished to uuiko thu number two mi iduas. Mi Ho.', ok. COAi.uaa, (rop.? of N V., thou, ht ?t would be belter to cab out thee ? aitltlooe. Mr. t/ivwoT, (rop. i of in,, guffested that the urn Mtoold be mustered wltbeet rraard loihe rc.ior Tl.e Ho is* iefu ed ton i?peud lbs ruiet for the it *p tioo of Mr kslloss rvvolulion. mus rams. TbeH"t e?hen dls|vs*dof sundry bills on lbs Speak er a (leak by ngrseir s to anierulmenis of the Senate. th? ins iv wr?T tiittiiv;a piMfrosBU. The itrnate b'll pt?vi'l:ng lor the adaneaitn of Vt eat Virginia us a' istr war taken up. M. Scrun, vlo.oii> ? r Vs., umv*d to lay the billon the table. M don lost by 44 sgaiuat VP. Mr. R?<' v; Odk?mnu moved to postpone the bill until tbo second Tuesday in Oecetnber. The moti >n wan carried uv 83 against 53. roixivtribd ( aiwi h?p aFRtcsas. The H.inae then pumed tb* cenu.i bill autbortrtuf the President to - titer into contract* wi.hnny foratgn govern tnoiii for the reaofdlon and oohmtsatiea of i vapiureit Atrlca i* In the West India lalnnds. rut mi.iriA urn e?encr>. The Seimts bill etnvnilutory of ti e Militia net of 1799 author!sing the i e j.deut to call out too militia for a t eriod tint ux'ee ling niuo months, ami t ie erii 'o>uiei.t tit pur.- .r.aof African daacont, sc., was ta'.en up. Mr.bTuvn.vs, (rap.) of i'u no-.ed tho pievi >ue u oe ti?>n. Mr. RtPiii.e, (opp. i of Pa.. ?arnc?tly appea:sd lo his colle gna not to limst npwo the pa*vago of the biti with putaflordinsan opportunity to hart it Amended, lie c i old vol* for Si niu la the bill, bu. (Or okhOra L ? could not. Mr. (hsnursadhered to his mctioa, i-aylrg be w-nuted the b 11 to pars iciw, Mr. Hoi.***, (epp.) of lad., aiovod tu lay tl.o bi't on tl.e tab!# Motion lost by yra 2*. nays 77 I ho bill Wn? tl.rtv pikseod-iu f#i lh# operation of tli* prori' no quest "It. tiurks to a*' At, nrncarts. Mr. 3 jv.wK'K, (ro,i ) of N Y., reporu f a Wtl wit ,b was psvsod, tendorihs tli* :i inks if Congre* to raval ynv e,a Ia; Iner,DaVil, Ualilgrc ,, 1). 1 on*. It il Airing' Am Tli* ?MOIPJIOR BttLAVAlMtf 0-* T i* POtmA VTK" v Ai T. Mr 1-ai.iT, Trap.) of Miua . m> rmi ili.t lb* tl 11** pro ceed toooualder tl.e buan e?v ,n lb ? S| e.>ker> 'Able, .0 oidor to roe- h the bill es.d v.ntury of ti e t's ?? u sot. e# returned frot. t\* -enaie v. itL .va atuea Inn . Mi Maixoay, yt-'utun) of hy.,ur.oyr l the I. jte adimrn. The notton to Adjourn w i* lort by 21 gatrst 74 The no-.iae then aaieAi tn |(r. H iot a m Msa by 79 AfAi.Vt 84 yr. TU teat %|t n n eve* tMl tUc Ttcuse *! na Itutien' by 30 ajiadut M. Kin l'y, without furl' er proceedings. ?r, , ,...any art Inn.the House voted ?n ib" -muiWs amendment, witb the following r?eult:?You, 7?; nays. 9 1h? ? being no t|u ftim a r#ull w?i ih4 reached. A vol# was taken on the Se? a'Cs umendroent?nnine y: "Nor shall any pi nlvlima t or p needing under bum art ba ?o <i net rue-1 as to w i k forf-dture of real eetate or the ngender beyond h a natural lire," Ac. Agreed 10. Yeas 83, nays 21, the naye being U fob Iowa:? , Maura Anrona, Blnrbam, Cobh, Co?, Cravens, Da a la, D <ntap. Ho man. Law. Mem", Morrl-, Odell. Fend e'on, P ii er, Hh.H, So elr of N. Y., Steele oi If. J? Stilea, Siavena. Ward and Wll.on VMS Tit BILL. Th-> Horse concurred In the Senate's propositions? rtinely: All sections of ?he In'e nal Tax bill which ra qol e any thine ti> Im done on and *rle- duly and A- goat are amended so is to mean tliat ?neh things aba" ro tin done I tar than the let day of October next under ihe Ji'ec'l?nof tbo Secret-try of the T ea?ury, a ho shall make proc'nmation or the date to be fixed by him. Adjourned. IMPORTANT FROM TENNESSEE. The Ouerlllaaa Falling; Back?Enlist ments at Nashville, Ac. Nisirv ills, July 16, 1862. The rhels are reportod to have evaouatod Murfreea boro. The killed on both aldee is not over fifty. Gene rul 1 uflleld is severely, If nut mortally, wounded, but Is now untl> r good cire. Thecltlsens buried the dead ot bo'h ijt ton and rebel soldiers. No prtvato residences w.ra dealroytul. KrTstmenta here are going on moderately. The ciiy la beyond danger. Namviu-it, July 16,1862. The guerillas, numbering about two thousand in all, hive I'ltllen btck towarde MoVlmnviilo, taking our others ul- ng ivlih them anil purollug the privates. Oir Jus? is thirty three killed a id sixty-two wounded. The rebel lo- s is fl ty killed sod ouo handl ed wouudu I. Tbe c irons are taking gonl care of the wounded on 1 have buried " e lea 1 left by I he leboll. The citlten are actively enlisting in the Home Guard, and reinfo usmcnls are arriving. No danger to the city la apprehended. IMPORTANT FROM ARKANSAS. Tbe Forced March of Gtncritl Curtis' Army to Helc.m?VIftorlca Over Hie ft oh els? Condition ot the Union Troop-, &?!., die. Mmrnta, Jnly 14 18*2. General Curtis'entire command arrived atHRl?> a on tbo 11th. The army left Bates'.illo June 24, and retched J?ckaonp->ri on the 26th. On '.he 2d of Jnly ibey started across the country. On the 4tb, while the thirteenth Illinois regiment wu coming down the White river with a load of cotton, they were fl ed on by guerl.las seven miles below Grand Glare. The fire was returned and the rebels fled. A contraband, taken on board tbe noxt day, suys that he saw nineteen dead rebels near tbe scene of notion. Oa tli# 7?h General Curtis' advance, consisting ef A battalion ef the First Indians cavalry and the Eleventh Wisconsin and Thirty-third Illinois regimente, were at tacked by two regiments of Texaa eavalry and a Urge f >rce uf Infantry. Tbe Tnionlsts bad four mountain how ittcrs, which wore brought to bear on the rebels witb terrible effect, causing their cavalry to break in disorder, running over tbo Infantry, throwing thain lute confusion, and terminating in an utter rout Iho rebels wsrs pursued by our force?, who captured a larga number of persona who veu a paroled. After the battle our troops buried one buud teat and ten rebels en the field. Our Ic.h was eight killed, among them Captain Blocntn, of the ? K.eveoih Wisconsin icgimcut, end thirty-two wriinded. tta.or Glondeu,of the Firnt Indiana cavalry, was serioi mly Injured. The -ebeis had no a till'-ry. which acc>uala fur their heavy ions ae oeoip ired with oure Nolwi'-het tiding their long and forced march#*. Gen. Curtis'army la in good condition When ihey an ired at llelutia they hod hut three days' sup dies. INTERESTING FROM RICHMOND. Saprrtv'l IS veil ?s In tlio We At?Activity or Utarrnl P?pt'? Communit?Houill f?m, N'? C., Shtllril t?y Union <<nnb..aiK? Antifipntrd Attack. on Wi ldnn?Tii? l>lti?k>iirtf Snnltauy CamiuiUi c Cap(nr> art, *?<'., ?V<' (pivtu the Richmond Kmptirer July IS.] tiib n;osria r the ahuiks before KiriixoKD? AiiDilfchf OP MA.JOK btNKOir. K. E. LtK, lire. tlni.'ie.lao'a defensive altitude, uu'torcuvoi of lit* gun boats, 18, for til* present. fltort. UI? only demonstration npon thaCoufede atnlintii.iinii he shad ktro become ttui'* ii.-wntly return iteicd from his late defeat to amy mure, m. a |c,.iih)-*i uf indeclssh e ran s, tut o It cert to iii .intain a ?,iirlt of activity eiooug hie nica. and keep tbe.r inindu and bodle. from the'lem"ializaticn ami dn.ay of an in (oriout ldlenc?w. in'ho i.ieaiiihuo wc most turu our eyea to the 1Ve><t f r bm e etartlHig eviuia. 'f..o movements nf Buell and tit*eouKajtiatii ?i|<i:.a of our own urn>> i;i that guar, ter a. ? now watched with energy and swottdrnce by the gose. utr.ent Ouiral lro .ssnu" to-day an address to Uie army be fore Richmond, ulikeii aiwaka volumes in recognition o; luclr unfaltering valor iu ttie reoent battles. In twn mtuyiiptbe results of the successive engagements, he mentions, among ottier tbat "lie nmnbar of I iei ej< nf i i liiicry captured tioni the eueiry was forty, an ' ili u tin prisoner* are unmborod by thn .h?nd.?. There i* but lltlla doubt, from what we learn that Pretidant J .itooln win in iieo McCieilan # camp on Tliur-day. Tin cut .now' y presidential salutent twen ty hum guns wa -tired. One of tite <? t?;???? tv it the oo<lo q'uy, it in supp ee I, r*f' 11 od to tfieMKiimii" of prinnore. We hope that a fair an<1 equitable cartel will be speedily agreed up 11 by il?v iwu g -vet nn entr. [inn the Riehmasd ;>i.pur.o.] JtOVI MIMH ON TJIS ItAfPfUAN.NOOI. The auctiiy have been dlrib*> Sop c ro*t4e atop aetivty ef muytviMiii i iu tt.e vicinity n ibe tipper K.ippaha ? Oi'uk. Tuc* have gsttir.ed ft nod; of about fire thousand rneu at Warrant n, and )ia n also detachid bodies a'imitating iu U.o .iggreg ,t? t a e mrnlvrab e enny^iu vi!i (,? ,!? ntt stretching froflU'athtli'a vuti'Mi in Fa, ?liier, through Warreiitoo, Am: eviiio nig Wellington to SfierryrtBe, at t&. baeeof tho bliw Sln'.ge ? :t IUp,rtU hetiock comity. They nre eiefotHing ft very rtfid ''on tioi ov ? the uiovomeiits ?>f cltlsnns, j*?fiortA being ui anted with munh revar ve liy Qmml [bim, who haa he- tier ?ii!tfte " at the Warren O^Wnn HotvJ, in Wa ign too iiimrJ ftieltrtta It viarteted or ttie roart Iron W wreuton in Uir bpringe, about two nu'e . from the tor ravr iKrotn the Pe'ei^bury Kvpiess, ,tu!y 1J,| Tit* EN' bV'b Ot NBOAT" IN THR IIOANOS.B I'.IVgR? llAWIiTO"t, It. C., wHKI.UCt>. We were periuttKNl y--terduy u'teriioon to read a latter b ted -cntta i" Nmk. X. C.t .til r (t, an! ad oi tsiel u> m gt utleniftti of tht. citv, in wi irh th ? autbor nteiee that aeoul O'ttUier U.rl net arrived at iliat point e uh tbe intell'tf<.n< * that three fetterai guitiHiain were no touHif a.i< i ik Hamilton, ami umbo ft aiieke rrcr * i. tutte high 'bey would proi>abiy aitempt to r-.u-ii Wea) -r. Woaiu of >rmei|tboarevw, that ti.e ??e?cr i- nog to h'(rb st pi Hiu>w tuera to <?< >re * tip aa far aa Welrtoo, nniei.- they draw inter four fee'ef watei. 'i ne pepnlall"n?at" nt Weill n me UUK Li exeiiwl eheiit ttiia a'.iio ui a ,alri, and ibe tiiilltia liavo been called out for purp ?r. of doietme. I'revto'.te In tho epi<i wt. h of tho gunb"?ta to Ham a ei.ona" two f?vernim'ot rtmnit l*iien with '."rti ,i rt >tiier tioree worn mpteiod. N it*.?II tuiiii'ii u .i Iht.ving n"ime ef Martin c> in ty,N 0.,OB Uie i ,lit 1 ?.nlr I the Roanoke rltef about one hundred ? .1 ?? euu.jnf i;aieh,ii and Urty-fl etn.lea fi iin Weldnh. It iv "it'ulort at the 1 e?d oi DArig.u .oi for large vee*ek,ettJ la noted lor the aotltityuf ita ..a?!i iu rypn >1 lumber. [i rum lit' Ki' bmr>nd utcti,.luly 11.] Tins AP.MIKS MIOf ktCRMOBP. Very little u know n < f the -elttive i> at>i na ef the t/ nfeoerate atnl federal foroee brtew R,nlMaoB<t. There have been w operatlotMat a rtm ting rharaetei. end the tniprmekw feueraiiy obtain* that there m o - in'm* nate prohaMUty "I in encouti'ei bet veen u?' twr arot'. ntfiewae a rnnue revterflay to the efm t thwt the eneBiy'iniainiorvel art evaci ateil tb j "eitir* reeentiy h?)<i by mom it Berkeley, and moved oa down 'he river, 'fbie re |in babiy at.d a'.th .eh the I-I i.rttnent hto. uo aulheol.v intellige. te of the tact, it if ?er frally cottoed"! ttmt preheb.'itiee teud to eo i .rrn the report, tie.i re 'another ruieaitoe ou !:?< hnio.i I?u a etuaf te rrur at e i.pto ;? MoCleUett most riw.rgaii tt hn army, ant it in (tea only to be i'tiTOiiid that lie w< oit eeiert point m> remote fiftm f. eo'ionet .ie Beirtt'ley f?r hm p'ir,i>?e It ie tuitcb more likely tuat >e will, it permittod to do w?, withdraw hi." anny fron the f.w#tnpe and niamhca of t.barles Cite v berc uube.i inr in ilar.e and cttnifttio in pi uDoei w ild rfUier tend ui decueite than to r.-orga niae hie ahatteradregiotonte, to rotue poHit nearer the e-ertt wnore the health Of Ida triwpa and th ? wnveBiOfi' a ?f tif e* yl e von !il lw rut f.Ued. Kr< ni e iy eiaml pi> itt ' oere do. * not ?eeri to he an gi< und to apprehend that the gouti I'.'tt capital will again t't metia :?rt for tome tune toc.iave. In the meatitvne *? ou>> double that our anuy will be place' ut^u the moai cflbhtlye 'po?|. g, via ly u.'i ml; t? repel the mva.ier, but to carry the war to It.'lrowl. ;.'"'i.e. | ion 1' TuSfi S'.' AMi ? All yaiVajea far .e l o iraof iiavbI veeeelt nn i#r ookuuat.d of t ommo l rr Ittiiv'Bl will he forwarded free, if lett at No. 40 ? WV t't oet, C?te of L. < Styles, up to ?U I*. M. Tiiura? Up, llih laaiaot. CotiantioK.?In eur report oi tLa organiaatkmr i reeent it 'lie grfwt nii?* meeting In Union f-vta eon Tueeday ae*. w# tnewt'.cne t that of ti e If. ivard tin 'frt. ? m iond M by Capta|B MeCuO. t tb uid ha?* >>??? lUuahwoul jtuorti, 0*1 Uti j h. Urov u. IMPORTANT FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Persia, with Tws Bays Later News The Amerlcaat Question and Cotton Famin. in England. k The Malignity of the London Times Con* centrated in a "Fourth of July" Oration. Negotiations for a Western AU1* ance Against the Union. NAPOLEON'S PLANS FOR MEXICO. Admiral La Gravifre to Bring Ores an Iron-Plated Frigate. The Kingdom of Italy Recognized by Russia. The Grand Duke Coast inUse rik! General Luders Shot at and Wounded in Warsaw. Olft PARIS AND RERUN CORRESPONDENCE, &c? Ac., Ac. TheCunard mall > ' ' hip Porsla, Gapl. T/)tt, whic( sailed from Liverpool av one V. M. ?n the 5' h, and frouj Queeugtnwn on the flih MM., arrived at thie port li.'lf-paai eleven A. M. yeirt?r.*ay. liar news I. two days Inter than the report of the Nor^ we^'.an, published In tho llKfUinon the 12th of July. 1 The uutlls of the Norwegian reached this city front Quebec early yesterday morning. Our files are dated to the 3d of July. Tho papers by the Persia are two day. later. The Paris Mviiteur contains a decree dlrooUag thai the sugar and mol. sses Imported Into Franco front Eng. land and Belgium shall he subject to a certain reduction tu duties. The King of Sweden is to visit Copenhagen at tho enfl of July, and the city will splendid banquet I* honor of tho Kings of Denmark ahd Sweden. The London Times of tho 8<1 of July says, in Us City Article:? An influent nl statement has boen prepared and elrcn> lined against tl? bill Ju?: introduced with regard to tba storage of petrel- urn or rock oil, which promHo< aoan td i tc'Die one or tha moat .mporUut article, of commerce between Hnropo on the one part, and Otada and thq Uoiteil Plat** on th* ether. Th s bill, although r'O'ciwt iut to be only for "-. ire keeping of pei-i ienm,1' wtU, M is alleged, In rt-aiily oj*rute a* a prohibition a.amvt tho huiiort itioa and use ot the article and If iminrrous pro. d since it lmiMHHs nzcepttonal nad muet strhigoafi r%:itat1oii? wheh do not exist with roeard to tnhet articlet of tint snuoo rai'ra. such as turp;ntiue, naphtha, hentvd,ardent gpirlts an . gas. U is said that a note i ?s been commun:ratad by Ihfi Krereh MiuUi.-r at Tux In to tha it-lian government, strotigiv recomniending ihrm not to toloralo any attack on heme by the (?arib:>l<lia-i*. the gteat nationalGerman lvmueatration o* the l mar?Iho G error n i#4er?l * ma'rh <A all ah a iHd.?rahenor< -ace? tu il. u for .he isthtJ ?holfi?k 01 Jul. , at i> rank tort. Twnhund- c ' pcseu^ergaabiedafl ten ? on.uiitteee, are ?npertntend'ng the rtnalBgnpei an citemporize J whole suburb of tents, Teeth, and fs*. tai halls . f In i k.' teeip.ea,*' with upwards of |v. buutlred hot orary priaef oi rcrttnie art In ei'ver ao4 gold: eiioctitig balls, t ear end v.ine ha'ie, fouutain., tel egraph offlcre, kr. Thecewtralfestal pace, fsaoed f% all round, 480.000 ret square, >? surrounded l>ya far gre -tor o'.a,BCearc1l>l? for enrybody paying for admis sion. 1 lie inuer festal place contains the jfcoottng hail, with^a l uBd ed s ends, 1,170 feet, by 50 feet; the *?? '.em ?!#, Ot feet high, with a Uermania ou the top; tho festal LeU, 4')0 (ret l>y IOC fret. The Mourner St. 'leorge, from Quebec, arrive* ah Gronoi'U on the 3d, wltn New York tcleg ante of tba DM June, picked up at Cape I lace. Ov Peril CuirtipoDdrare J'uais, Jvljr 4,1SCJ. As; n!ent> Fft ?vrtf u i'/A /.V.uj'tf 'o Alt -AVaaltay U4Hi fftj f\rit*4, Hit it Fugtui J?An In n I'lciod iriynU '? HUirt for en Jthmh'c I oyni.r?InttravUim* in Ai.tericQ Git*-* C'j<? Xo tb'ir'k u" *uly Celebration, Ac. i Every 'uy fkm rh ?? adiUMml evldcncs of tbs Tact that the Rtopurcr a pru i-irbM abrew.liuaa must bars boon eappleg whsu b.ab conceived the Mexican Tbal he ?u MCI ofctuf doer ivc>l ah Ut ?Ho fcotings <>f the M-u.tuii M"I,a. n-'t <-oiy by Aiu oa'.s, who Had a pr?.ori?! inlscstl in nil represent ini; facte, n?| by U Hub is us ?*.ligii} , the Fr'tub Minister 1:1 litxion, wlio has pSTUiltted hlmrslf (0 L-> mads 1 lool of by the Mcxi-'tb church, sad m*t upon tbs nt'ength of tbCie fairo r-; ii- 1:1ns bl* MM*'? u;.<!?rtook an euterprme wi . U U<> no# hincsr regrets, there can He no ? ? ?ii.t \t. 31". u i, ir hu -punch "( Thursday lar.", art mows frim Almonte* il Ue -Hilgriy i* to bo l?i ought ? 1 - 10 "r ui .t to reo. d-r un account of h orrcrs, saJ w 11 n t !?e returned to gallon, t.Voro flew r*l f >rsy, ine cj .net 11 with ,.t !ml. r .1 do '* flrartere. is to be inverted wtili dij ioti .no m wellinlilt.iry i?wer*. ]M letter tela 'earsCberlwurg a!x>u the 25th met., n-id f fly his lag uotu thei ri.pi.ted frigate La .Nsrioau* u s, with winch tbs Freiirt governnHut intend bath* tbs oavigible quantise of iron-pists4 ?ssssla of a largo i/.e; and It alao muy bo taken tuto conefdsrstlia Uist ?>os or 'wo Iron r?-* 'is tray be "baddy to hats in the b> .we," in any future eenuogancieo v. U h may inn npon the other side of the ace in. it iw inlets Mid tint tbs Cronae, another Irou clad r gain. I? to ? Ail in compauy with ths Nonnandis. As to tu<' biwrturn of then am t> ><ly of ths ?vj c.titk 11. of source thi.t will be de i.Isd by cl e int Mate s. ?"1 O' tl>i if |-*"'hls, It wl'l bedels;,en until tbs oiu ? of th? season of v. mil >, whisti ti ? K-mcb govern aisnt a"d it-4 soldiers dread co-Ida ably mors than tisxlewn bayoneu, even whan ibty wois as well used an 1 hoy ?er" nob is 1'iisMa. Aitbsugh Hie seotbasot b#e? now is thai the power of I h" French ?nn?. end litelr t iwracier for inrlociblllty, itiuM be tnafmained in link* and the dsioat of ruebite au'iu-d r >r, ti ? i?ei,.ig that the prueemitlcn of the war. irrnuT litati lbs > ul ?rtemout of s treaty wnhJus. es, a'lhsfacitjr to all ibo Semei dw of the Fieucb govern inetit, will bo a utai error, is daily growlug stronger, lbe lib- *11 e ty are i1i',uwted at the lure tbav Francs, wh t-i fa??r? progress iu I-.-? irons, ebonl l lens its aid to rcoc tou n Amerigo, ('oictMlisti., aUickbolders and tbo ft n j, 1 ie. wlu> were doMghtoO at. M. Finild'n pro ran ins and bis piaa of korpiug tbs annual exi sn??s of lUe gororiim ut > Ithin the aunnel Income, are by 110 ii ealtr pis wed will; the prospect ol the litnnenw* ogpen. dHors ? h" it m i?t be thn ree iU of a ooo'r.iuai><:e of thn war; sac ell slassns ere i.e<.?ini'ig ala> meil at the itrietl uat aaaoipiiftoation of ttm tpiitoMe tiirsgf the Dnperi r of sp; caning French "civiM/aiion*1 over the globe. Add to thewi the undoubted fact that tt.e hmiterur hiiacelf wobcw he was wail out of It, and I am tbutl'Sd to Iteltars tbag between now and next October aome means, hoaornblo ?mi a*tii actoiy to l'r*' us, will be Jieo rsrsd t y alifte he citu retire without tfeit'radii A wrlier In ths July nuniba, of t us /<?>?' tit tit urn ifewras. andwliols anp p i. ed to bs M. Miohujl ilbsralisr, Senator, and uaviitetl i rioud of tbo t.mpsi'or, ImpaS thai 1 will itstbssaao. and tUbikw tagtand oaa already ma do a treaty wiih Jur rex, aud at 1'(| baited k'tki and Spain lavsfi va caa atdi uosaiiSiled, Ffoi ca, wlUtont a y toss Of dignity, cai- In otwijuuoiioa with lh"*t> guve< u* me' is, units iu * ?:M "'o -r which sh .11 reruro imtuatnity ftirlbopaot and *?,-uniy 10- Hie fnturo. Ths statement in tbs N'awr lliH?ii>ihsi the papulauo? of Vtic0 an vu.? f 1 i r ,,|h 'iu r,ols*'' li French Inva eiou b.? ha ? ?!??? led effact bsre,sm may haatsa tbo ior?a diuj? ? f tr?Hu 3. tie report rscon: v rtc t\ed that alt off oairs opera ttoa.* 0'itto port < f 'heI'cdsral Aiaiy .u the West wars o be suspended durthH'he >uninsr wilt bars the effi c to . Svivs enioag neflSwaloaiats lb* talk abi-ot OlWtmPi. ,*',a >im 1 udtityyerl,V-o- ar,?yiMivmii.tersd??dr?cf. Star* 'be return 01 Pe?igny two i- uglau.i nciaeerd I,eg 1 ?er ?*id ibno' It, Oteo hy hp, aigm. the OWVa II rwhi '.h. jsMhsrere hitdej irmre, pahllshsd th<>#s Cm iocs rrittf < ? in 'avur of "?tadtatioa/'soptas ->f which i. ?nt tub, LugAud d CI but dais, aud it id not iL| ? O