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V '.00 Hvift ! le'?"rSt || when tn p> :lO lie vt'ul I lutg# i"" b j M tlltt (buf it ght return h >."? ? ?ruited to r, is I..SOJ in Ue.'.ta, tn tear* wit hone ?? <1 10 |H' L 'e, -. L UAd 1- . H-' J. '1 -It i*A-< to'* tok ' lUg 1 4th, h. i w.> ltd . c hi* u c ?-'> 'i ?' ' Mr Socrr r*i th? " ? Jourued tins da. liuuit of St^'watntlvci. v. A?.J(OTOW, July IT, X?fl3. Til J nrR*4t' OS SfKlfcaao*. The rowing af yv-s r :?y '? Jou;ua; c>?ium.<I hAh'an to ?V*d fri -1 '. J SOUMOCOO. . ear* Mfc 1 . .u i n i ?r? lea . ay , x . JTP4CXAL I. ? M . , .a lata two judieial districts v <.? takr_ up *utl t , y e? ra* sstaniow. M-. Sr ?x- " . i of P -, muve.l tuok the House efu c r in U" - i? of - lalu to ?*wmi tU adjora tueut unili weo\,> a uk afternoon. J\I ? JIT?y r? CVKKKKCT. Mr ni'.rei, ( p) of Mass., asked C/tuenl to Intro d ?? a bill | - 'Vi liu< r?? rtiM -"ii aft or the ifi or n<:; ?.??? all pectus and on. ;> ton -Stat-** u- b? i ? ceived for all dueo o< .-s iii .n I've .1 lnrj. ?n ' vf a lu-y be received la O, ? r U'oltU'l n- -, N : ? eor > 'ii'.i o r > < k "hall nuke ai.l line a; r '? is- ? u to or davics lor :*ss tlun cue debar to oir ... u- 60 v! ?>'. '!:?? shall, "11 conviction. be !>? mi i 1! * 3i'? i"i 'fi : ? tab a ire.. do.iora.or i n..T lor "... tu utfi?,or botb, at th > diSc . stioa Of ? ac! irn barteg b?ea n ? > to the reception of the bit'. Mi U ????( a e ihe; <rule? bo Buspeudfcd tu c r l vi'in lit be iak< a t> 41 :oa on-I u b t..f 3S. ,'i ' !i ri' mi the Secretory <t the Tr?oe\>ry wu read, < - . *, . i raf ? two b is It 'euded to me 't the I> ?? >c. v Hi i wi t to reluoe the weight and Mil af aUv : coioo; tbo othor to odOpl the poatuge h i.up, en T e ir.ner met the approval of the aeta ta :tteo. IV Pn in , (o n.) of Mo , nuade a conrtltotlooal arga B"it tigHieri the aeccud Occnotl. If cougieae >. id a ri; hi to . rolubu -Su ci c l>i oo by beako tOOOTporuWd I:, theb'Oici i' t!. u 'm ar B-?t. s, It ha- also the right tt- pro iit i'. the lr -'ie tn a twealy or a buadred dollar D 'lr. T ie '-on? iiutioo g >*o to f'OD;rre?s bo suoh 1?wt, u"d r.-Mt ba wit ia foror of tbo ob ect of the bill he o 11 i ti sk -hot this rlo'-orlon of the coa-.tltu. tioo. ft \vo d tieglv ig to iviigrrio the outue coairoi over be'!. le ue-i. Mr, Cor, (opp ) of Ohio, moved to lay the bill oa the Ubie. Tho motl n wus lost by- yea? 35, toys Cd. Tlu hi i was lUen . ?o*ed hy yeea W, n?y? 9t. tbb tame or -mi a-r a?i> ??x imti\no. The Joint resulutlon suepeo ilag tbe eoler of the londa of the it?u,i. s,.-acaaa i'ox 1c lacs until the 1thof March, X- |j3, waa k ;iee?.. THE CO'"Fl: A'liN ACT. r.ji raiaii itVs erectAL r.E arc att-rcal or TEX C"N ..ll'A .)? !? IIJt L. ? mossago was hero lecsived froru President Lincoln, aud road. Fixlow Cniarjfs or res StatATs and Horsr or R*tre!?xxta n v s ? Cbnside: ir,g he bl'l for so Act te enpprf'i Ins -recttcn to putiiah t ens u aud rebel ion, *o seize and conlljcato tar perty of lie:-, and for othe' pu. pocus, and the I ,(at rt- lutu n exp ucouory of said act, as bulcg sub e'.ai tiully oi c, I Lat) approved and rlgned both. Before I en In fo Tuct of the ? a ag ? of the r?seluiioB, I had preparoC the draft of a m "t-age statingoujecti<|BS to the bill bo oniulng a aw, a copy o: wto ch drvt m berowlth trana mitt'd. AhltAilAM XONUOLN. Wi .iivoro.v, July 17, 1W2. FatLotv C" JO'S or us Hurst or RtHtMr-riTtvts:? I here- ith ret' rn to your honoranie body, m which It ?rlgiaated, the bIH for an act entitled "A ; art tu sup p.-r.iS tro, en ar.d rebellion, to seize and ccnthtcnte the p ope. ty oi rebels an for othrr purposes,'' together w.tii my ol'ie tiucs to its becoming a iatv. There is in ch tn the bill to whicii I perceive no objec ts D. It is wholly prospective and it tojohoi nel.her the ;>er*cc cor property of any loyal eUlzea, ta which particular ii ?- ,u o .. > The Qrs. and secocd awctiva pr rMes for the convic tion and pnn'sbmen* of tersors who shall be gulRy of t'esscn and the iiersoa who shall tnd.-,, ;ei on foot, aa ? irt or etgH e la any rebellion or larirrectk>o against th.-authority of the Cn ted Stales or the laws therw f, o sha.l give aid'ur comfort to any such existing rebel lion or Inacrrectl n. By fair euustr .ction tbo persons within these "actions are a t to bs prtctshod without regular trials Indily 0>neiiluted courts, ucder the forms and all the substac t 1; roviat ns of law and of the oo'.stltution api-fcca !o to their sever.1 casiss. To this X perceive no ob,e ti,,a, aipuclal.y aa such persosa would be wlthm th? gene-al pard r.tng power an > - in the special provlsla f ir tardem and -nicest" o?ntainoJ In this act. It nisi provides .hat the slaves of persons e'r.eteated under those sections shall be free. I thu k there Is an aar?riiuute form uf expression rather than a ob,ectl in in lialn. It-a MAri.u/g to say that Congress can frse a slsv, srllhla a.-; .K\ a; : yet were It said thai .he owns:sb-p o'thgolavs had ftrst been t-ans erred tu the tuticr, tnd t it t t r<? h d then ho rated bin, the difficulty vo lid v*. a i. Ai. I lb ? is tbo " tl case. The tfal^jr tne gs arsl g vernraOct ffcrfi lLt his o vesil-i . ae jo" ly as he d -e s.</ ?:: erproperty, a l he fo.iiits bitu to the govsramsnl agaiast whichlsr em. 7lo Koraremaot, to far u ihara can be awBcrallp, csv a the forfaited Blare*, atvl ilia q .a .iloa for CoagrecB 1:' regard to them U,"fchall lb*/ bs ui-da fi?t or sold t j ntw amaUira"' I * a do i-tjjotlo? to Cogresa detiling to adrarco th t tl.ay ?b?.' It fr*?. To the buh boo' r of K^lucky, aa I am inforraad. the bi. been lb- ovnar < aoma aiavaa by eachoat, asd Uaa ?old ijoob bat hoorated alb 1 bai a tb ? tauie la tx 1a of |mu Mhar fltalaa InO'se 1 I do act ba.itva It woul. b? pbvHlcaitjr po?'!bla for U>? f t eminent to r^tsm persona ?o c.rc imaiancai to ac ual e.*r tij. I believe tUara would ba ,.tiyeica; reautsoca to It, which woul?! nai er bo taraed aade by argument Dor drr aa swaj by f, oa in thia view of it 1 Lava no objettl on to thia fit t'iro of tba bill. adoi; or valued la thaaa twa cectloca aid rename through other parte of taa a?t will ba ratified beraaftar. I peroelve bo objecitoa to lha third and fourth mo lion. To far aa I wtah to not a tb-> fifth aads xth a lh?y mty bo eonai 'arad together. Thar tba ? a o-ani of tbuM ?*cti. would do uo inj.*'.! ? i t par a w embraced wllb o teem, la ciear. That tl a ~h. lath* a aa>i?" ?aa war an >uld ba compelled to j ay tba a *t of It, la toe obf laoa y juat to ba ealiad In qiiootlon Ta give x t> i.-near protection to tho p. opariy of por a.oawl o bavt aoaadooad It aodgocaon a crieadet. ova thrt w thai tamv ? v.aat, la a aard if r n? ler ad te ti.a mar* i- -? t, jun eo. 1 aa aevereet juailso may aot alw <;? t a tba boat pa. ay. Tba principle of tali1 y ait ao-r t ?; , no ?| at u* perecm w thin ? ?? hi mi ? y oi vacjr al?#e loatbla ; but a ; salty < t in nan t appiitetua of It ????! ba yaif dune' i.ku .a a gieat at ?/. luvoaaib.e Atl ?ro la ii eot ba ? to pla a a pawar a; rem Is* -a aomtwhtra. to that meaa pu ? a at/ Itaow taay bnv# eumal |l Utah . * g? I arn*,o? aura wbaihar * powaf of raiu.atlon It or U not withia ae wot ;h ta*. w toau'. a apautal to if Coorraaa. tthiakaa* millfarr t a* ? a a, ?bea la mil ?'/ pbraae tba/ *%Wiin.B toa entiayi. in ry, abuld la an o darly inaaoar aalia and k . ,? r*ai or imiaooal property may ba o*or , vaoiaat lor thai' c i 'iinaada, and at tba aa a niaa ps *a rr? n way i b# aridooaa of what " tj to Wb.t? I bara Ball In ro?ard t a.?va?,wtr > com ,?rt lo^ i/t. tho Orat aad HBaad aactioaa. ?B ?i t?l;> t a i t.ta Biuili, w'lb lb# dt forer ? albat o# prav ? miamtlaia >a wbolaaet for dtiarnnolog whatbara paritc nar isdirid *1 Blayt deo*or dooa oat fall with t tba elaatas d*fiu?tJ in that** ttoo Ra a" bafraa oToaoaruia aooliti oa, t> it wbathar *ti +?# conditlona do or do sot portalit to It in, C" mod# or aaea uttiiiif u pravidod. Tula oouid ba aaa> |> aappitad. Tothatantli a?otlonI mtk# no oha ''-in. Tba oath Utt'eln raq trad aaoim to i ? pro;>or, an aiomaiudar ?r tho aact i*iti la MbBUottat.p idantlc h a level t*? 't artatlr |. I The altrar.-h aao'lod Pirn y ^ ^ ?ra'iona.y p v* r P 10 . - ... b -.t lb* law' flmvaavla > i? pc )a i urac ioa Indi t iia.j'. oi, tU S* lu -.*ya, Ul Aa-11?? . re-i !> ?9Vi' think it ts vr >;*r fur 9u. aakttary oouumv dara f su ? .?? tab vom .* nway ,?ehK>-.:A of I Afrl 11 ?i? omi be v .l t-j iil?uin, >. i 'i .j ??i> th .n>i ib iveeatb sections sra wmfii -l iwt* i i tec ;??#??/*'? ti'.ob ri. " rtbl?, and the fo?i ;>-a:ith la eu I tire! pr >pei 1 sii other parts of the act r'w t at.d Tb.u to w lea 1 cb.ady >?, ot pi. v? lcs lu-ist parts of j th* j t, i it more distinctly -ipcers ui the ttr?t, t>econd, I? veulh itr ' eighth sect,on*. ' ta ibo r u.i of tfc- se previsf-in#* M.'tt rt>a ita la lbs div ning of title fi-rsver. For it# ea'iies of treason J Ji U ill ? kagrsdieuts of ir?j- n, b it a uniting ?o t-lieluij i c iino, n dsc.ares ro extending beyo;<'. t o | Urn* o" thifulHy pa ' ?s; wtievea* lh? oonstiUlttou Of I lb - Un ?eJ SutMd !?' "S that til atlatu tor o tru ion thai w< t onrru .!.*??? of M at or farfmiurt etc* ?t during the lt'e of tho orn m attained. Tr io tbero is to boo. t irui.i'' i. tor In the eas?, sitP I think tbo frMtef pi. -.uiiefit cannot bo aoustttutionally niii<vi too ?,'e/enl f 'U for the *un? offence. With gr*a: re spect 1 a n ci nsi amed to *ay I think this ftMtir* of tbe ac ?? uuconstltct J. It would u<>t bo i: licult to m '"Tit. 1 .03 remark that tbe provision of tho oon -il'.uti n.pjt mug ?o bomwod fr in il-eii BiiiAin, a.yUee only tu thin country, as I unders-sad, to roe' >r la .d't estate. Again, this pro.?o<itiiDo t;i rem, I jrfoii* pr? r' v for tli i o!g cdmats of trciio i, wltUuut a convlot'ca of tho supp-eed criminal or a peiso.-tl hoar lug etrci ..un ia ...-.y p; vuduig. : h it-..o may not tou a | property lying wiihia oar r? ch be-.auao w? cannot ; j'. i po -o a1 notice to a* owner, who ii aoooni enhea | vo.-iBf to i ii-ny tho govi rumeat, is ss loitily not I Tory sat! factory; stl,i the ownor may nut be tbeen I g tgoi'., aint 1 tliInk a isasc-uAMe time should bo provide! iui parties ti . p ii>raad bars pori-onal baari-.ts. StRillir provisions a. ? not t.jooira-cu in conns lion a itb proceo! uj? fn -em. F r ?hu roof s stated I return tbo bill to tbe house in wbica it erigmatod. ABRAHAM I.INCOT.N. The m?i"?f.i? oral Isld on the tab.e and ordered to bo printed. va.NBsmnia'i ttaost-i *si ctrr to tbs iK>njL.v*E>t. Tbe Si'Ka .Kn .Uo laid be. ore the House a iness.-jo from tborrc ib at, recommoi di: g tln?i some suPsbio scknow ledymec" bo urn t? to Cura'no.iore Vuniiorbllt for tbo gil t to tbe s vei uaitnt of tbe v?:3el of that mine, wiilob Uas b cn doing valuable sorri.e. This biessuge won referred to tbe Cotcmitteo on Naval A flairs. ihd'a.t arra.'M. Tbo Bruise then po^-id tbe .Sonate's joint rosolution ma Mug runber spprop; iailons fcr the current and iucl doutai osi'CLsssof tbe Ii.'tian nop.irtmont. XHS COMTBjnj.VBS. Mr. TTir-aurrs (Union) of Ky., asked leave t& intro d ice a ree vctlen that it sball'be the duty of tbe govern moct to ordor a record to bo kept of lito names, age and sex of all siavos received into our linos, togoibor vr.tb tbe n tntes of tbe owners of tbo same. M-. Bomsbam, (rop.) of Ohio, ohjociod to tbe Introduc tion of tb i roMilutiuBu Mr. M'icxum moved to suspend ths rules. Hot. n negatived by 53 aga.nst 46. cumi'Sssatios or rsssiox aGsna. Th He se then i-ussod tbo Sonata resolution providing that tbe compr-.satton to pen.- ion agents shall ba two per coat .m the entire disbursements byauy one of tbc.n, n'ovided Uio aggregate oomponsanon shall n-texcood 3k,000 for anniitn. TKXtxxa tds ppRirrxT's mssAGS o.v (y)irnscAT:o!?. Mr Walioh, (rep.) of Me., from the Commlttoo on Priutirg, reported a resolution t-? p; ?al 10,CO copies of tbe 1 r?si iont's message on the subject of conilsoati >n. On a Diction to lay tho resolution on tbe table, no ifuo rum voted. thi ciosou raocKiiuros. It row lacked minutes to two o'clock. There was a cull of tbe Hones. Tbe proceedings Wv. ro temp r-wlly Interrupted by tbe reception of a msrrage front tbe ^ jaate, stating that that tx dy, having cocnpl ?ted thoir business, were now ready to adjourn for the session. Cries of " Good," " Good," " Good." Tbo bpsasxa. In sccordanoa with wags, appointed n cotnmUteo, to set with a similar comm ttoo of tbe Senate, to tvuii upon tbe 1'reaidsut and Iniorm birn that Ceagrass was ready to adjourn. Tb* ; rocoaoisgs in the call of the House were then re sumed, end thoee continued until two o'clock, at which bour the Speaker terminated the roll call. Mr. Cox. (opp.) of m tbe committee to wait on the President, reported that the President bad no further business or other communication to present to Congress. Tbe Sioans than said-The time fixed for the adjourn ment of the two Houses having arrived,I hereby declare tbe House adjourned sins dt-r. loud applause by the matub >rs followed the announce RiOut. A row mlnutee only elapsed bofors all the members bed ijft the kail. THE W02K OF THE SESSION. The first regular ssiuion of the Thirty-seventh Coo. r?? met for the traL..actlon of butiuess a', the Capitol, m '.be city of Washington, on Monday, tho 3d day or Deceaioer, lsfll?Coo Hannibal Hamlin, Vice Presldant of tbo UrlUd Statca, presiding In the Senate; Ihnj. G. Icaha A. Grow 9\+\ker of the House ef Hopreaouls t! m. It adjourned y,? eriny, July 17, 1SJ2. Thai ivuioo, after a* uninterrupted Billing of nearly e'gbt months, will he c-ted uud ramcmbreJ iu future hielory for Its t-i?pu:a:lor of two great n?tionnl meaeuree. bo'h gt owing out rf th' rebellion, nod both destined ttlwve ? laating elect on the future policy of the ct untry. Th t are, ?: si, the abolition of alarery in the District of Col inbia, p elUvely end Imm,,:!:a,e!y, and m ail thtr placed witb'.u the cation*! domain proba b y and prnsp'ethrcly; find, secondly, the Laitluliea ef a gigantic (.Vfitem o( Internal revenue. 7V*u two sub 'sets have erg-rued the attenlloa of toth he .net frr probeb j three-four the of the time during wh.uh they have been h. aeeeton. T-e first ac.l all pei viidlB? S'lbject of hut i'bc it*.on and i f crude, ?rr.ate'.r legislation hh TBI. n.ivzav qcrsncJJ. >? th * w?s one of the ?arite?t subjects to which the attertiin tf Cong-sr* was called, io Use it bran the > ne at .h h?? mot', engaged the tlsne of Cocgresa throughout a protracted sent.on. It came le'oia it in divers* sol jaiirui far ma?to prupntit.oca to emacclfeie 'he slflRofrebe' masters; to declare free ali e:?iee ioiown c have beeu employed In tldi-g the rf bailee; to impose tayas on slaves; to fcrti.d army oncers from allowing the soldiers to be en -age i in re storing f.glitre# to their dim., re. to discharge fn tn eustody all -triMi co,. r held la the >ii at Waal ug ton unoer a municipal rag ilatlea authorising rhi arrest ard detetiHiu of aurii aa could not rhuw proof of ti.o.r belogfree, to ub-1 *b a artry :n the District of C/utu tiia. V> declare .bat slavery or Inrolumary aeifit-de, ixoepi for crime, ebe'.i no: be per n'.tted to ex 'it lr, any jf the 1 errit'.rlee of the United a tares, and to apply t?# m e i< to the navy y?r Is, arsena'j aid dook ards, u- a ?? ? of Tro'ideal Lincoln of the e-h of March, rer mm-', i g Oongrtu to * rteolulioa pledging th* eld of the gtr.ere. gov ernment to a red-Statu as would |o.< .igurate a system of etnaac,nation; the paeeage by bo h h uses of iK.'ir-t nuon to that effect, avt the e1u,.t e of race repre?ii*e measures to eupprets th* African aare trade. he eflerta of the f-len .a of tine m*ae i ?? In Gaming then iotw law- and tus counter e forte *f the '? .uoou.iiniiie, wire nop rt-ut Icc.dena In rlie general tnoveaiiiut of wS. ch we propose to give fo . e jr'eile tat Ire' Joint ie? ill- n off?r?*f in the House with rtfe rence in the ? nduet of the 'war was hy Mr Eint.of ties' acUeseMe, which *' rt: First?'That the object of the wsr against the insurgent bodies co-? in artfs against the goe< rnment w?e 'he eopp-w.sioo of the rebelfioa erd the ?? of lha righifel ^uthortty of tie na. tionat o.iisii'uttuu. fcecon !?-!l) die .aiming asy luten. tion U> liitrrfere with the initit itkioa of the anve-ai ifatee, yet that the war fbtll he eonducted aorordi: g to the o.?e , u.*??;ee and rights of military service, and tbtt the ea'e'r of the State li the htgueat law, and e bo?; :,?tos the rlgiite i f p?-'party end der. lui.ire over Ctrl! fe.'it ore. Third?That, therefore, the f t?: dent.i ee ' -<-?? d r ln-thirf of he army, as I the oilce * of th? ertuy under hire, beve the to emaaclpa'e all per. na I eld ?a slaves in at y military district In a sute ef ir. .rrau.Un, .be. This reeol it. b, with several utUar Itlo'red reeo.utioaa, waa reierred to tho Joint Urn* ? '.tee. Mr. Sumner, In the 5eo?te, an l Mr. Lore!iy, In the ?'uae.oflered reaulntlobs tai'.it.g for 'be eetio > of Cnn. gre.i '?u' ? to the return of ftigitlre slaves by the arm/of the Ub'ted States. ib?ee reaoiutlona re<iues.ed he Pr-sH-.A, If omnpat'bie with the publ io inter set. tn feroitb cop'ts i f t.ny genera) ordtr emanating from the VTar Oopartmect vri'.u re ?r ante to tl.uretu n of login vea friut the Ui lm lin-s Tliay were nirer.tad prlBct/ aily to the actien <> Gt" ?-al Halleck, la coAnaand ef the W<at ern Pevartnaect. The rerniulion In tie IWfan'e a at adopted; th?t of Mr. I/ire ny was, on motlo.i ef Mr. Val I \ud ig bam laid on the tebit hy a rote of novea'y.eight to lliij tow, hf?*r tlelrmv*. Jiubio pieat act oa age b*t >n itie ? Pa i of military Interference with fegu ivc m \ inch 411] be tmiicod lu .??> place. 4' the ><her s Sim* -<MPtuti<>ue oh slavery weie referred to the ap? I I propria:* K ee-lae (' r ?>Uit' n* were a'*o subnuttod In tho , rc!? Voi'/ the i 'lelr'WI beta ecu the I, Sited Su j* au '? tUu torriton ?? ?ucv pceufb.ul by cedar: -Hates, Do . usurped i 5 pru.eadkd k .vuba-.oat.', without con Htlm i i Ji or l*vai i.giiU. Tuny decpm-d aete of s? eeee*>c . fii!ira,?u4 wliio NfeialiMd force it bo wm? ? praritcat abllcalioa by tat'{i-a.u Uf ail its I tghia tuder lit* cans' ton n, ana t'ao c-taui, being a f i? de e, ce >ees to 'xut. That ail combi-mecs of men tu soood oU States ugatniH tho au'.horuy of the Uuitud Status jo rebuilt.,m. uad destitute of all moral authority. T!mt tho torn-matl-mof estate un .or lua comiutuituu qaoeaeai lly O^uaao tao termination of those ioc.-i ins.itutl ms which, having no origin iu tua constitution, aro upbrldsololy by tho authority of tua oiau. Tuat tuavery, being a pecu liar local institution, c ?in to oxlst legally or eonetitu tioD^i.j w ten tha State oa which it depends no longer ?aU-;s. That it la tho duty uf Congress to sec that the aupremaoy of the constitution is mr. ntaioed la than* tgrrttorics, so that a %r?i y snail coaoe to fjist practical ly, as It Las already ooacud tejexist constitutionally or isf'.ily. That any reoogunt >u of gUvoiy lu such terrl a>rios , or surrenacr of siaius by any od; sr of the Coi'.ed St .tea, u a rec" : iiioo of ths pretended govern ments, au I is ,u tha nature of aid and comfort to lb* re fce'llou. TbiU Coi'troia &1. ill asauaia complet? jarbdlo tloa of such vacated territory, provide for tiis security of the inbabitofl-B, a;.d shall la : very way dlSulntrge the dittos of a jtiat, nir clfti! and paternal government. Those uad similar pr?poi-.iUinn were the preliminary m VMii.anis iu th., scouting, piskettug, Sairmiehifg and rooonnuissaucea pro arvory to the gre.,t battle l>. tweau slarery and its iota, lhe caaopu gn was, fcr,,?vo;, Ibnttatiy ojioaea by the dischtrgo of a big gun fi'ad by tbs -l'rt, ident bi',n -'f, who? on t ;:; flth of Ma-rh, trausui .tit 4 a message to Congress suggesting the propriety tT a piovi'iou to coinpens -ta such blatra aa might by ihe,r own action iaaojurate a rystetn of gradual emauuipai.on, iond recC'Uimotiding tha adopt 1 .-n of a reo'lotion to tho following effect ? Braolved. That the Cnited sutca ought to ee-operato with any Bate wfcteh -nay adopt grit ual :;uo i uiurnt o. ??I. ing :?> s ... i S air | o Dim y alo, to t?> o?ed by au h Suite, its uiser n, yo ' Ou'for the In mr, i.lni.ooa, puo Uoanil pil.aie, /rod .ced by a nth fhauge or fy.ien:. The r*Bolutioii ami tho metiuee aoC'Ta^anylng it, em bo'yiDg Mr. dir. .u's own vtowii, va.y clearly and solemnly sot fo;tb, cta -.ted a deep ltrpro. sion upon Coo grees, and at once eugagad the seriotis attention of the people of tbs oountry wuerever it cou d reach, in the as weld an in the border s.avo States. In Congress the whole subject was referred to select committees of either Ho :se. Tho comu'..ito? of tha Hc,s,e was com poee't of uliio racaibaro, 14 of whom were repiesenta tives of slave States, who *?:? lnstrtieted to inijulre whether.any plan caa be propo-sd and leetmmocded for ^ho gradual smanclpation of all ti e African siuveo oud the ertlnctioa of slave: y in the Slates of Delaware, Maryland, Tlrginia: Kentucky, Tonnesdoe anl Miusouri, by the people or local thereof. These 00m. rait'ecs reported, and recommended s joint resolution in the exact words of that submitted by tho President, with the Hiuenamrut "(hat the United Statea," Ka., not "thatCougresa,'' &c. In lue House tho resolution was proDOuucsd au uncon&titnlional abeurdity. A. motion to isy it ou the table was icjected by a vote of 07 to 52 The Joint resolution vraa subsequently passed by both houses, and received tbs signs.ere of the President on .he 11th or April. The vote on its passage Iu the House was 89 to 31. Tho most Important sdranee in the general move ment was the pa.v>age of au set aboli.ihmg shivery 'a the District of Columbia. It pussed the Senate by a vote of 29 to Id, and tha Huudo by a vote of 38. and received the signature of tho Presi dent e few days afterwards. Ttae bill appropriates one million of dollars?or so much thereof as maybe necessary?for the compensation of loyal masters, and' In addition, one hundred thousand dollars for tho coloni sation beyond tbs limits of tbs United States of those persons set free by the bill who desire to emigrate. A motion to submit tho question fo the slaveowners of the District was rejectod tn tho Senate This bill of emancipation at the seat of government was followed by several other measures of ameliors: Ion for the colbred population of the Dlstriet. Some of these emanated in the Senate, others from the well known friesde of tha colored race In tha House. One act of lagislation parsed either house w ith little or no opposition, though It was anathematized by a nunrerona body tn Washington and Georgetown; Including the mu* nlcipel fa.hers uf the same. Th.s la tho bill for the ed -cation of colored children The bill makee it the duty of the municipal authorities of. Wash ington to set apart ton psr cent of the aaioun* received from (axes levlsd on real and personal property owned by people of color to be appropriated foe the pur pose uf inil.uting a systoiuof primary scboul education for colored children. Heretofore property owned by colored j-e pie had bein taxed to pay for the maintenaaoe of schools and colleges tu which their children wore de nied admission. Mow ton per cent of their taxes will bo appropriated for their own um Hal improvement anledu* cation, l'hie bill repeals tho black code of tho District. Another bill following tho emancipation measure wna one who 1 Te.telsd the disabilities ag*m*i pvraonaof Culor In oo'urle of Justice 'he r-strict, extending t? tbs-u the privilege of Jvi 2 'ss'-imo ny in the tame man E?r u wb;:si. Tl?o Serato Me? psraJ * bill rcujorlnx ail disiualiflce. bona o; cclur in carry iag the m Its of tbe Called ntlM, The Be ne F -A Oii.oaCo. (uiitts reported adversely upon It, and !t w?? leocted. Eaomragcd 'a .U wor afilnst slave y, fhereit impor tant movement lu that lite wae the pawnfe of a bl!I ?It lar'ng that fheree/ter there *bouki be ? lUnr/ tor Icrolunt try servitude in any of the Terr tor lee of tbe Unitedhtstee,new eiistlug, or that mey fc.ror.f:er be ? e-mod "t *? iUirtJ. Tb* bill f.?h*d Iht St al* by a vote of 28 to 10, i>ad t^e Boost r>y a yotj of 72 to ,3S. A rr'otutlon, introduced by dir. Julian, of Ir.diara. in t. c'i * ti t Julc.ary Coramitue to report a b.11 re. peeling law, wke laid on tbe table, CO to M it ??. a reeuiutton, oa'u.ed by Mr. Cclf.-x, of Indima, *?e reforrcd to tta Judltlary tittev, bistruotlog it 10 report a ti l i? nr.- I tying the F-if itlte flare law as to g to tbe frj.ilfe t o right of'by Jury when he di Biee o.-'dcr "u'.b.that be t* a ?U?a, and requiring tbe CAlmaut te prOTS h!g loyal'y. No farther action t?s taken A great deal of dixcuaaioa and leveiijatiott wae bad a'to tbe ineuagenittit t i tbejsd In Wasb.ogtos. A joint reeelutii n, which required tbe di&ooarge of all pers.og .-nomay bare been arretted as fugitives fioa service or la' or, and con '.n?2 in the jail, was phased; tbe Marel.l beug a itbirireii to j re to each of tbe aald persons ?> dlerhiryod of yrovlaioas, to., until they can cad >-mplcpment. Also, a reeeiuia.n calling for a report jf the uau.-j <f ail persons cot.iu.ed la t-e jail, sutb ra ieecof committneat, te. A b:ll to. tbe edriii into ration of crlmluai Justice la the District was .it?e.?*?ed at greet len?ih In the f saute. A eempt '<*? rae aoj*>lrtel to evarome Into and report the mauajemc t of tb? Jail and the ?induct of tboae who had It In charge. Xbe report dee.:ribed the p. lean and Pa effi -era a d t^race to the nation, te Joatlce and to hu u. -my. A n .r ber of aegroee who bad beta letted under tbe -lave lr.w of tbe DieUiot were dueharged tin. der the epeiatlcna of the bt.l,e&d la tbe courte of tbe pr<rs"d ft bad en thla subject eyete of cetn-ure was paaeod on tlarebal Lemon A resolution wai ado; ted In tbe donate repealing the ge ie'try of War to Inform tbe Setute hi w many e.Hoert and wen fcilohflag to tbe forcee ? the Unite i dates are n iw imprlor-cd in the penitentiary of tbe I; strict of (/ .table, U ?n tregUio "M it-; b-l<-.r.f?J t-e. aBdty what co rt or authority ccc Co . r..;mcot w..e made. A bib bat pauod b -th boueee citaoUehlng dipfc.jnatio re.atiw J between tba Of Coyti and 1.Iberia and the C'citodkiatcs. cofrricATioir avd uf iNctPATi .< W'%- ir#e have baon psud :.g in both brancboc ef Oj'jfreei elti-e early la the aeeelen,looking to tbe toe, heoeti' it of all pro-.arty aad tbe amaacij^tlon of al| lie vet owned I y pe( * una oof egod la reiieliien againat the Vntted btatee. The feetiute rpeirt montbs lu (febalinf e meisurae, and lent d >MO rpeeobee were Bu it oa the tuhjeot 10 the H i e, Thgf|tieeti??iteddlepoeed of in the latter brtn? h 'f ' rr*M o? th* MthJ ii e, by tbe p.i et?of a hill re, rted by the eeiect ovjiinittec, deoiarbig for oyer free all elavee held by the lollew &f uiaea of per ?one ? Firet?Of eyery pereon who r?tal 1 hereafter set eg in off nor of tbe am.y or n*vy >f !'.* rebels lu true against (be aorerriBeat of the L'nlt?d itatet. IJeoondly?<H eeery pertoa wim iheli beroafier act at pre*.dent, v ce pre* dent, member of r,>r.greee, Judge ?f any court,rabinetofflrer, forrieri tc iilder,oor.ii. itAiudir or centui r>: tue fa Called Cocfedtt ate States of America. Ibirdiy?< 'f every perion who aba.l lier-erior acta Oo' ttuorof ? Mate, laemM' o." a c-nveailon or Lefta letort, or J .dgo of any HUte uo:.ft of lie eu oeiied Confederate siatee of America FowUuji-AK etui ger??r ?h i.hAeu* l|Cl^dP '<jb?c ! of lK>r.t>r, trusl or pr It fei tho IThVefe Pi ;'?i, ?'<?:! h. r$. ?ft bo.! a o8><? ta A* m/-i tl ?d ioulade. .bia-m j Ol * tlf! I 11 f rioh'y-d'to-ory "efrtitr who ?: all hero ft hold my J i oiiiotiv> aa?t"-y turner tiu? g fntn?!:i of it-? ^trailed j Cuufudaralo iU'b of Am > or u dor aa? of ti>e aire ; : ra "tte'i ih- ksM OonrXiuracy, ? t no taws t..*raef, j ?h'" ?r such omoe or Ua u ftatt or u u" i. i ll n. 1:0 iH'R ?r;Q.. ! rue, umtihepe. ni feted)/ 1'id n ">ly ab>v* df.-o>-it<vd ? mi ?? ve ac.c od heir .. ? er? or tloBi-'uto ho tU-*> of t ?? ,-.?(? ? '??1 ordiua'<.?<'? ?>c jUP'i <>I the state. or ahafl imvu taken an 00J> of ailegl a ce ('? th* s'-ittiloa Caua> .or hixtlxiyw-(ji mrory ]* i. on, c t < tub icod In ihe fore golug CleSMfc ei.o, ufn'? I ho ]?ni>' >.'? / this art ueing ' y, v*. If J'y srifl p'tuoot no..oti.f. or convuUi ' . iiijr. v. . |j I. i v nil i e tuioo* mi.ioi'i. or com uiei .u. ?r> caged in uriued Mfeali*i| ggadltet ' h* go ? eruiutfli Or lite United Suies, ehull not, wUtv sit? r <ta> f h toe public wnnli'i.. .aJ j nxi'iuuation duly given a 1 ratio, ?it i.lg I'mcrtmon. by to-Ptomdeui oi tl.ulnitodsw.ioi, I ty mvti big artna und tatuyu to hut ahegiauco to lh? United stuila. The sixikaocttoo of this bill feutfeoi'iMi tho Praaiclent 'o negotiate lor too acq - tin; ot lamia In Max) o and Central or bt> lb Ar.mricu iu which t > colonize [ihrraUd sieves. and lot ?uvantU taction dooiaros all pars nw otu b >ood withm Ihoforofci'iiia olives forever incapable of hu.Ju & ul) ottice of lw>i>?r, trustor pro i unaar th? g >? vu.oniont of the Uuited St tel. TLt bill ??',i ss;;t? ytal S'i.uuy? fit. A couttacatlon bill had pretriottaly parsed the Ttoau, providing thai ah the ?oi?tu out property, m< ot, stows,ere .it a,.,t o.'iu ia of rebels, la liable to seizure (bi la ileum. y as usl tha axpxoara ot s 4>pr?tH:ug tho pr xnut rebrlUou. jit yuuniaraiuo tho poroooi agaimt who it the ponaity la dircoWd. It pro\ idea that lu tho c >sot of o(h?-? than thu /itoOha uautai lu tho drat Bootio: .who. after tho paaqagi of the a?t, baiug #ngag?d hi armc^l robriitou, or a: l!r>w inu abottlng such robt .uoo.aball out, within auty dayi*ftor p blio warniuy mil p-nolsiniA'.l m, cease to lid a.'..l eojutcaauce it,all thtnr e?tata, proper y, tic., than he lawful eubjoct of ca n i? and prize. T1>j third goct.op p'.Ovldoa that uit.u u.-e coi.-i mnntlon of e.oh pro>?i ty, kc., proceeJlnas riw. ahull he instituted lu tho courta of liio LT?;iod Statca. Tlte Sun^te subautuud for both th^Ro bills?the r!Man. cipatlon and Confluent, ou bills or the Houso?Ou" prepared by Senator duk, mfech leea radical la its ; irUtlotui. Thu itouae rejeutsd tho utu? iJinrat. Thu iteuute iusi*t&d on it, and the ra tier w*s refo rod to ? committee of cou -rerse. TLio c. tuutitioe agreed upou the following Couliscation and EmuMipMlou bill which paeiud tho Ho an July 11. byarotoof 8J to 42, aud th? Seuute. July 13, by 27 to la:? tint (on . ..ti r avt cuan ipaTJOv raT.v A Kill to Sr.; rt I Insu rein ft Punt h 7return tm ' '?> ?! lev n, to Sf U art '? C 'j.c tf <Ati J try qf i.het and for Vitai i'u./?> ?!. fie 4 muted oy Cut S note ami H w of Rqyr "n'a'iv j tr the tn,.d ,Str \t of America in Ganrra a t nt'j'&t, That evorv pers u who 8 i*;i hereailer commit tho crime i treiiiiou nxa.nat ate Unite ? Males. ana shad bo adjudged guilty thereof,'hail su'r.'eatb, and all his alavcs, If ur.y, rhall be declared and made free; .?* he sha.i bo imprisoned for not le's than five year- uud lined nil oss than *40 nOO nodail Lit tines, if any,shah be declared bad free, ?udU ,<> shall b. la' led t.rtcol U ted on o; all ol tlio property, real end perc ual, exc'.udlag h'.av.e, of trhich the sa d ps-son so convicted a as the owner at the lime of commuting the said, any sale or niv via ? to the contrary uotwithstar. Una. tcc. 2. And he it fu~tit r irta t d, Tils ? if a y parson shall hei Ea'twr Incite, set on .'oof, on^'agi! in any rebellion or Insurrecticaiaa'a...81 Um authority o, tlie United Plates, or tho ititvn tu.eo', or shalghl nld or comfort -hereto.or sL'alleiiftaae in, or give ail or conifer; to ;.r.y r.tch oxl'ting rebi lton or insurrection, and he con. icted theieof.s'ich oertun shah be j bustuM by itn prison merit for a i oriort not exceeding ten years, by a hue not exceeding$10,000 and by t-.e hberat.un of all slaves, if any he have. Soc. 2. rtcf he it further m-tiira, That every person gllty of either of tho Wl'ence desci bed in this act, shall be forever iucapabiu and disquallued to hold any ofllie under tho United States. J?o<:. 4. And he it furthtr envied, That this net that! not be construed in any w ay to ?fi'ecf or alter tee proeeuution, conviction or ptmiehruent of any poison or | crsoaa guilty of treason agftinat the United States before the pos-ngn of this act, u. such perron is convicted under this act. Sec. fi. And l>* it fy tker enacted, That to insure the spc 'y termination ? J' tiie pre.out iob-' ion, it si all be th? <t i*y of the "roeident of the Unifd States to cause the seizure of all th: e.'ate and property, in oiey, stocks, credits and eHoctn of the persons Lordlier named in thissscttou, and ,o apply and uee the santo and the preeeeds ther eof for the support of tho army of the lTn:ted States, that in to say:?First, of any persot hervifier acting as an officer of the army or nav y of the isbcls in arms against the government of the United States; tocondiy,<?! any person twieuitwr acting as I re eidetit, Vice President, member of Ctngre**, judgu of ar.) ao-irt, cnidnot otbeor,foreign minister, ovaimfcMtuner or consul of the so called Confederate states of America ; thirdly, of any person acting as Oovernor of estate, mvmbcr of a convention or legislature, or judge of any court oi any of tho to celled Con'ode rale States of America; fourthly, of any poison who, Laving held an ottlc.e of honor, trurt or prodt in the United Hates, shall hereafter hold an office- .n tho so called Cuofoderato Mate* of America ; hltbly, of any per-on herearier holding any office or agency under the goveruuient of tlie sc-called ('or.federalii States of America, or under any or the several States of the said confederacy, or the laws tbereor, whe; her s .ch oiitce or ag-mey be nat.onal, State or ntnnirlpal in its name or character ; Provided. that the pereons thirdly, fourthly and fifthly above dec-ibed sh.dl have accepted tbolr appoiutment or election ?iu..e the duts of iLis prclei.ded ordinance of aecoMiun t-f the Htale, or shall have taker, an ce'h of oilegUnce to. or to supic.,! the cuaitlt'ition of the so caded (VLledciate S'atea ; sijthly, of any per sons who, owning property tn a..y lu)al state or Territory of the United States, or in the T>v trict cf Columbia, shall hereafter ua^ st *i i gtv? Rid aad com fort to r-'ch rchelli "0, and all sales, tiam-fers or ?on TMvatices of ery sach property shall b? null and void; and it shall b ? a y.ruClei.t bar to any suit brought hy euth Fori"d h>r the p saex.ion or tl ? use <A such pro pvttr. or any of It, V> aHege at <1,prove that ha U one if the pe r .us described in tuts s. ctiou. fcco. 6. AvAht \i fur \u.r t??( 'c>, That If any r-r-or. srllh.r nuy T to r Territory of ti e United states other than ih.we alote^aid, after the p istago oi this act, bvttu wi-aged m arma t rot^l.i n uguu. t lue go \? nil.-I.' Ch ie. ' t .ie?. or ai iii'g . r abo; Ing such robehion, A n*i, wlh..u t.ity ?l?y? after pub.1c v. aru i :g tr.>! prelum tier duly given end made by the Pie s-dett .1 tl.. ! r; etrm.e- cease toal'I,oountenance and ^hetsuch robeiii. n, aii ! retu u t > Lis allegian e to t? e Ui te1 SUlei.ail the es tc r.nd 1 "ivly money?, ?t ..ks a..d c.oulls of SJdi peisoo s***.. ho nabi- la so.rare ?* ?rote??id, mu It ?h- U "0 th > ilaty .?f the lYo eidet t to seiz fi d i i? tfieni t a.o o?a: l, or tir proceeds th".eof. Ann ?.l t.aiial*. s or Ccuvc) enoee of iaty such aft .? tl.c expt stt n >A t ie eatd sdxiy from'ho e looli ?a uieg ..uu proc. ?ni ili iu eliidt be roll a.. I tol * d It?tu. he a luitlcn I otr to any ault brought b. ..ucL pe ?<?. f?r the p?o ,ttsl?n or li t use of inch j O 'crt;., or any of it, to all. a and piove l at he La < i e of .he poraeu* 4< "?ribci in uils ?.m t . u. See. 7. Ai'ob-.iljut tt r.ruu.iel, .'tut toeec .etUe condemnation and ?*.e of a y such prorarty . fter the miae tall ua.e ' en se-re l, t .ihs it may betr.ada. (?vsua1 le tor ti e pu. jxf es a.o esald, pncoediugs ,n . ..i t.haii betae ... ted in the uiune of the UmtAl States In any District'oar t theroof, Or el Court, ?r in the Lin .in L .> triot Coort tor the District uf to Ittmble, wlihlu W irh toe f epe. ty aip ve dfec .b. d c sny pei t iti'ieoi n.ay be found, or into thr eamo, if ui" ?b c-v hrst ho b oi rUt. vth> h prociedingH shall confh 'j f?r*sr)y as may be H r"S"??<tinfi6 la aii mi rally or re.ii no t teas, and if ?aid p.ojiorfy, wiiether r.ialor (crwiual. b>> fourd to have hoi nged to a fere a ctige^e a rebeilloa, r t? ho has given fid or corn fart the "to, th>r ins sua*! bo couoonaied aacuemAa' property nod beewne the ,"op.-rty of the United Mates, ? ufl may be diar-oaed of nj tho ct i t f.ft ,;1 octree, an I the proceeds thereof paid into t! Treasury of th# United istaia* for the purposes n'ores*td. See 8. Ann U it furtK r raac'srf, That the toveial c arts alci?s .d shail b-vs p- wer to rLeirn s u:h 0: dors, establish s ch furu.e o: de . ee t.nd sa.e, and direct roch d?. .sanlc uvot ncsc Vo be SXecolet ?nd Mlnrtd by tho maTrLaiS tt?recl" whwe real eetats sluUi be the sub,~;t ?' saie.U shall Bt.y and efficiently (Art the putpuavf of tLie fct,aa.. sett in th* ptt.chasers of ? ch jrc;.erty gcod tad va ld tit ot thereie /'.d the s?ld court si.all hsvs jiov er- to clow encb lees and cha. ges el tiioir obioers a shall be reaeecaaleat.4.proper in the prcmife*. 0 And U it furt\T twled, That si! sl'ree of psr sci.s wh. slio!) h.rrafter be engaged tn r< bellui. aga-usl tiie gcve-anientof itio Unite i bt-iis.rr ttnu si.HI id sny wev gweatd or cod'art thsretu, evcsplag fioui fi.eb peracus, and tal'.ing refuge wltbir tho Iuih f tit. frrny an l all slsvas oeptared f*"t? * ch ).?, or asserted by thetn and . em i.g u..doi ihs or.trel >4 tew govern iboat oi .6.'lint.od States, end ail Slav* * lipeistns ft-uud er t>e ng with many place ??c pled ay rebol forces, nnd after#* d# Occupied by 'he f" c-*# t>( the tiur.*d Stutwi eb-'i' bo doemod eeptivre of war, and tu*tli be r ?ver fits of their eervwide.ahd ? t agaia held a* sec. 10. A -lite it further ewi' I, That ro slave e*oap lug into any Hate, lerrlt...y.or th* Dutriet of rolnmhle, fioui any other Utat* shad l-e -is -sre t ip r In ?'.y war Ir.pod -1 or btrr.ere I of ills liberty, except ior criui" or itoai# otTeuco against tno laws, uatees ths p> renu ciaitntng seiU iiigitite shall it to .akr o.tb that llie per. ?on to wfcf.o the Ubor or our vice ef citcb fugliive is a s,*4 to be due. is his lewrjl r,ws?,*,e d has not barns ai ins sg.'inet the luitcd tuns- I. me piesuul rebe ilou, nor tn any way gii-*s aid a .d ciiOiV t tlicre o, and iv> per? a ongtgs.i in tie military or naval ncrvtoo of the United *t.itas fh T in tier nay pretOnM wbnieve,, aasuuae to lieolde en tho validity vf tu* e.a.ui ol any par on to the an roe or labor ol aty < th ,r '.nn.or aurrrnuer up a. y h .?Is p.-ri u to tiie claimant cm j?*lu of being dis u.lveed rrrui the eervieo. Sec. II. Jmlht Uf uitKr roo.'rd, fb*t the I'residect of the oiiltsd S?*tee .* a.ith..r.i?d to cinpl .y as tnvny |>cr ?vi.s ef A I ii det-s t to bo timy loeti, nece^sery and proper for th* suyi re-son ef tbi* r* 'iIkhi, and .'or tha pttrpoooh* niay oigaatae end ? tUe.a pi e...u inanuer ui oe may j :??> b. t :or tho p bi.e we'sra. L. ? . 12. A a ? 1.4 vf tr h r ti i ','i'hmt the Praeirteot of the United bt ii-? I* hereby autbi.rtcod tc tuaico provi.tioti furihe triu epc is iuu, colcni.'eil'm tied oetumiii'iit, tn ei.rne tiopituai ui"in.ry beyond ttie .t.plie oi the Uiiltd, of such peia'.i.s of the A ti uo rice, triado f.cs by 'l.e prOT.e; ? ofthl a :-, ae nsi.y he wuiios to outl gr to nav it r ret obtained I >? cuaent nf me gororu niuiit of said country to tiieir jiro-ecum and "Oil.anient wit o the e.tme. with ?iitho i its and pnv.leges of ti evnien. i* c 13. A:if teii.f irhti- ??o?. -d, T at the President I* I nr. by Autiiorizs!, at aay tan. enter, by i r c s ?uti n, 10 ei'?n. to peDui s .?!? ire." O?vo par.|r.;(Htl?d It 11.a et si ng lobelUort in ny ittato o- pari th enf. .f dun tDd ami. ety, wiilst ch ?>: ?,l ."?* endeteu h bdS ou i. b Oi.- no. ;ias be u .y ,a#M #?;?*? inn- for 'Uc }i.ib,.c vjui.a;c, Also, that the I rottident siia.1 h.t ^ p< ?gr t1 ropert - >?'I ?4 ruder the net, lo imjr lereon who luSj1 letOnad t b.vt beer tit' v'in. ;'+a. 14 Am-tt-Ci' ,-h wed, I ,. > i'id courts of the Ur i? tnl St. ?e* h ?> <? i w:t po ar fu iiMltut* pro ceedings, make ordet <-'snd iter tee, Use* process, eau do ell other tin .ge liv > miry t" Curry this act Into eject. Alter Ute foregoing u t b ?*>' parted boil> Houses, tt w?e ?vit to the President for Ms efguetirs, who, bowwer, disapproved eouio features end brnl prepared a vet > ?.?,>. whou the foIJuwiLg resolution mm par?<Kt by bom liousec in ord>-r to removo tUe 1 resident's otjocfcie ?te to the bill-? H?s Mr el, 5- Ui ?vote prut H<- e of H yrreeth -tiertj, rfc , Tluu the pr-v. -tous of th* tlufd ciuo-.- of the ti.'th t>.<*tlou oi in nut to iguppr ?3 u surieeti-ui, to p tnMi t e?-ou aud rebellion, tajerue a: i1 on Iterate the t>ro|ierl> ot rebate, uid tor other (> rp??M, nbtil be eu couurtisd io. uot to op ?lgr to auv *ot or hots u ue prior to ti e ;>u.-age thereof; u.-r to inch 4e an* is -iut^i of o Ht i'e I*'xU)*t' ro or Judge of ay f-'Uie poart. wtio lite not, In at oepttng or entering uoon his Office, (akin ?u oat U to aur i>ort tho oou*lituti"n o" mo eo-caUej CwtfeUufate Suies of At mrkja; iwr shall a.iy puiUebfhaut or nrocee ting* vitriol ?iud at be so oca gtrnoa ? to ??rl: a forfeit ,ie of ma real estate of tu? of feuder boron hie natural we. On the 17th of duly (yesterday) the PseMdout ro t mod t .e bid, with t'e nboro exp'ttnil iry roe ilutlon appended,as with Ute si.tuaturee.iixet, who.->by it be came a law. COf.ONI7.IKO C.Vl'TU.lED AF1U0AK3. The House panned the 8mato bill authorising the Prosi dent to enter tut oontr ou with auy loieigu g >ren raout for the rteej Hon and onlui-.izeUuO of recaptured Airieaua la the West India lalai us. WAYS AND Mi'.ANd. While the ultra men tu both branohee ware devoting tl air energies t < "cu mos of enutuuipattys aui coofteca tlci , the Finance oontmitteas *o.e oug.iged hi the more a esuiial duty cf providing the ways an ruiia'i.r for ca' ry. i tg i n iho war. Thiii required n? btU of patient InveMl g Hon and. untiring induei y. First a g'tai c;,di?m of Internal reveune had to be and mat . cd.and then tlio ostettog Tariff law must Ik. rev it -d an 1 umended, s. as to mako it conf< i m to the Internal Heve&ue hill. TUB TAX IIIU. The readers of the Hk*.h.i> aie euppoDed tcbiBiiIh ctei t'y familiar with tbe (ebb) al features cf the Tax hill to render a aummary of tt in thie place ui!no . r.aeory ,<-ren ir It were jMreslble to present it h?re. It too iguiatce a etu[>endii'iB system of taxation, rln- ilar it itascope to that prevailing in fiigland, but imposing a much lower eerie of duties. Thus It impoaea exoiae dulivs on all tmilt an l spirituous Uqu1 rs. and on ell nisnulacturea; reou.ree the i aymeat of licensug by pe: So'A following trades and professions; inltlatoe a system of stamp duty and ira" &n incomo tax at the rate of 3 par cent on all la eoni s from $600 to $10,000, and of 5 per cent on all in corces above $10 on0. As some mUunuorsUndiug pre vails on this subject, we think It proper to give our con struction of it?which is, that a person with an income of $3,000 is liable to an mcoino tax of $72 (3 per cent on $2,400), and a persun with ui ir.c me of $12,000 U liable to an income tax of $382 (3 par cunt on $9,400, and 6 per cent on $2,000) The oplcl o prevails that in the latter case the income tax would be $070 (5 per cent on $11,4u0), but w? think that that is not tho intention of mo bill, as such a con struction or It wouid bo manifestly unjust, t'bder It, for tnstance, while the tax on $10,000 a year would be only $232, the tax on $10,210 would bo j.lcO. In other words, it would take the whole dlffsrenue between the two in comes to pay the dillerence between the two taxes. The vote iaj the Scnute on tho passage of the Intorca'. He vonue hi!) was: yeas 37; nays 1?the negative vote being that cfbeuator Powell, of KcnfucLy. The vote iu tho House was taken on the 3th April,and retailed: yeas 125; neys 18. The House concurred la tho Senate's propositions , namely*:? All sec'.ions of the Internal Tax bill which require anything to bo iloue on uad after July au ' Aurust are ani. uded, so as to mesa that such things shall uot be done later than the l*t day of Gctobor next undor the direction of the Secretary 01 the treasury,-who shall nu.' * proclamation of the dale to be axed by him. The mode of collodion of taxes in tho rebel states be hi g a matter of some doubt as well as cuiioelty, we append tho following proclamation of the President In die ding a decided plan for fully carrying out the law of Congress so far as those States are concerned:? OFFICIAL. RT imt rssaiDSNr or ins united ctatts of ambrics. A PRO: LtSinoR. Whereas In and by tho second section of an act of Cong/eta passed on tho 7th day of June, A. I). 1H62, entitled "An act for the colic ti n oJ direct tuxi-s iu itisurrccitouary districts witliin the United states and for other purposes," it is made the duty of tho Prcsi dent to declare, on or bofure the 1st day of July then next following, by bis proclamation, in what States and of amtae insurrection exists. Now, therefore, be It'known that 1, Abraham Lincoln, parte( Preeldeut of the United Siatca of Amai icu, d> hereby de ciarc and proclaim that tta States 01 South Carolina, floride, Gecrgit, Alab?. .A. L- - ila.ana, Texas, Missib.-tppl, Arkairsas.TeDneesr o, North Carolina, and the btate of Vlr glu.a, except the following counties--Hancock, Bri-oke, Ohio, Marshall, Wotzel, Marioti liouonga:,a,Preston, Tay lor, l'iessaiits,Tyler,Kitohlc,Doddridge, Harrison,'Wood, Jackson, Wirt, Roane, t alhoun, Giliusr, Barbour,, It.itu, DrttU'U. Upshur, Kaudclpb, Mason, Putnam, Kauswha,Clay,Nicholas,CsbeTl, Wayne, Boone, f.ogao, WyOmtug, Web.?i?r, l ayette and Katelgh, are n w in in surrection and rebellion ana by reason thereof the i tvll authority of ih.< Crred States, u obstructed so ihnt. tbo provisions of the '? ".otto provide Increased reronnefrum Import to isty the interest on tho public debt and for other purposes ."approved August fifth, eighteen hrJdre 1 <uid sixty -one, c moot be iwaceobly exoeu'ed, and that Ihe tasu Uguulj ckayy aK- tips tgjl tlut' wit tr the uet lit' aprma,%d lying wttkdI Iks Statti a,i I i a. at of jRti i at a o>esavt, tn^cht - wi'h a yetalu of prr on urn u! taid utrei, shali I a tor, u, o? ike ,'?u it er hiI of tk. ?utiK, oera-Iy ehir^r '. HI! p" d. e- r I have 1 In wi'msaa whore' f J have hereunto sat mr hand and c reed lift scul ot tlio United a:ntec to b? a1 '.tod. [L. r .j?Done at the city of \\ .Uiiugiuu, hit Iri'. day of July inittaye-r of our I. rd ofto It. :sand night una dr. and sixty two, ana of ths in-' ?cnco of tue Uatttto Elates ot' America the e giity etxih. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. TUB TAR.TF BILI . The Fddlilooel tariff biu was uniy int. ndod to give the sains measure of pietc lien to dotnuatiu manuf .cturoe a, was enjoyed under the existing tariff?in other wcriis. to nd<) to the ratej at present paid tie dut,oS laiporod cu hoi.? manufacture i, Ac., under the hot ra&l Revenue Mil. Doth bills go into opvrsiion on the 1st ot August 1Mb The income UM, however, is not to be levied uat.i the lit of May, 1-13, ^elng eti the year* income from 1st of May, la-it, to 1st May, iboo. Tbe direct tax le be paid by llMe States, luiiisr tits act paved la the extra see-'ion. Is tiaper.ued for tLenoxl two years. T!!:? TKKAHLTiV SoTtl ULL. Ami nj the measures proposed and j .isted for supply ing ways ^n J n.carw to csrry on a war, wsre several bills author!:. ,g the lesue of Treasury notes. The first was entitled ' a bill to auti arise the issue of tailed -tat s netei and for the re tempt,on or funding the-orf and for funding the floe ing debt of ho Uimsd ett as." It was reported from the Commit'', e of Ways and Meant to the House Decem ber 80. the bill provides for the Usae of $160,00t',0o0 ja^ercuireo.->-,tk? name to ben legal lander in pay ment of all public and private debts,'the paymeut cf du* ties on itrports, 4c. Tbree or four s institute bllla were ? ifsret), materially altering tb? oitginalbill In lta matu features A clause In the bit .n" icing tb?*e notes a iogal tsnder in paymsnt of duties on import* was strongly op P??sd. aa was also the clause mating the notes a legal tender In payment of all p d-llc and p.' ..its debts flur. ing the d?Da e up- n the bill a letter w*a read from the Secretary of tho Tieesury, urgingth# ntceer.ty for itslm ' mediate pasrag*. It issued the H? use by a vile of V} to 60. It was i-t once sent to the Senate, and immediate so ?ion was there taken on it. The prlt,eipsl atu? idmenU made to the bill in the .Senate were, tusking the d.wee cu Impc is payable in ta in, ii steed of Treasury r tee, ncd pledging th*m spe- iScally for the payment of intetesl on the utdes and bonds and for tus purposs of rait ug a funto redevn the prin cipal, and striking out the pledge Of the psb'.ic lauds and the proceed! of the properly aeized as the property <f rebels. Po tire till as a-uouded w*e pasted, and received the signature ef the I'reaidrut. A bill wa? tie? pr.teed and beoaine n law, ?-tho" ilzmg the 8ecrelury of the Treasury, In addition to the issun Of fiOdlKO.OOO in notes paynble on demand, of denennlnatioi.s net lets than (6. bsr?tnfoie t i , i.- id by the acts of July end Augmt, to tseas like notes for a like period te ths mt of ton million do]. U s, which raid notes sUaii be deemed part Of the loan of f*60,tA.O,ObO authnriMd by said acta. V .thin tho )?.' t wscit of the session an nddtiftmnl IVeasary Note bill of |150,000,OtKj wee parsed.eontainlag a claM'S that f i(,bfiti,buO ef the amnuot mey be In bills of s l< ss denomination thaa (6. There was a conflict bu twreu the twe botmeeaa te the amount to bo lefted in Fina l bills, the re.iate wishing te.restrict the amount te u, while the Houae had fixed it at fifty. Thry ttnailyc impretnieed on thirty Ave, with a reservation if llfty millions for the prompt redemption cf deposits su tbot ired by the bill. During the dlaeitsslrm of ths sub .set a let'er was read from the Secret# y of,.'be Tre.u. iry, sbowiug the taiai amount of tbe public debt on thj* an n or May, 1862,to be$401,444,("'4 11, on which th^bverage rale of inte'esl is i Mbl.OW per cent fn r ann^ru. A bill MlborttfLf the leoreufj of tho ^mrsiiry le isMtterttfioaten af indeklednon to uy jpiutia orsditer who may deelit to rose,re the t- ?n?H hpen tuition I flora i 1m proper dejto' ', in en4to%#loh <f and leutod demand* agv. 'Bl ,,lJ Un^ed Quip's, oertlfl | oaton for '.tie wh I? ?mu? tb d*??? ? * P*rt tlwreo\ liM | b an pa>uu<l. It p-ovides thai 4v! oartilloaus ?f indebted f i Hi hereVtsr irs ?<t, under tw? aciof March 1,18C2, 1 shall b,'nr date at thetlaia when thodtolm lur ?Uuk such oei iii.cate may be issued ehaii have ^?au auditec and settled. > b.ji sii paased at tJw clove of the etisiod p'.iitng a t?-s of a c nt a poind ? u all sugar the projected the Ur.ltad b'.ataa, exuupihtg sugar made from maple ana sorghtun. ABITY AND NATT. A large and undigested mass of legislation was gorm through with lu rnierento to the army and nuvjr and to suaco&at and Lake uefanoes. A oodldoatioii of tli ?? mav suies at this sing!a <x-f lor would ba absolutely ne. artery to render main at all iateUigibte, The bUl of uiuei lu* teiastlotha fficirs of the army is Unit which passed it ell ling their pay and emoluments. It cuts doers UUiy of their emolun,' nts, particularly lu the mM ter of ailowauce foci >rcg? a .J mileage: commutathm ef forage is prohibited, officers being > oly allowed to draw forage in kiad for each horse actually kept by tham at the place where they are on duty, not exceeding the nuuiber authorized by Liar. Major general# are a I iw*4 forage for .five horses; brigadier general* for four; co> uiels, lie,ttouant colonels suit tnnjora lor tv.e each; caplitds and lieutenant* of oavulry or artif cry, er h't ing the cavalry allowance, for two ouch, and cl-op iattic for i rto. The officer who shall employ his aet rub "hali dednot from his own monthly pay the monthly c"M to the government of such soldier. It repeals '.lie law all wing bands to regiments of vohmteers^and order* suih bacdoto be mus'ered out of service witLjp UWttf (lays; but it allows a band of sixteen mualoiaos to oacb brigade in the volunteer service. The mileage of officer* U reduced to six cents, except for travel across tho Rocky Mountains, wboie tan cents is allowed. None but a rw gcUrly ordained minister of some religious denomln*. turn, and with good testimonials, te to ba appebg ed to a chapmincy. It i,xes the oompen alien of cnap.aina In the regular or volunteer ter \ :ee <>r army hospitals at $100 per month, in* vesication into the fltuoss of the chnplains at present on the service to be Instituted by ciunriaiidlag office, s u iihin thirty days o. the promulgation of th . act, at. i those who do nut come up to the nUudmu of morata, Ac., arc to be mustered out of service. When any otKcer of (ho army or marine corps shall have been lVtyhr# yoars m service, or sixty-two years of age, the I'aal dent tnay retire him from actual ?e, vice, and In. e hi* n:unu placed bu tho retired hat of Oihcers of th* grsrs to wh,,-h lie belonged at the time of hit retirement. A retired officer may be assigned to any appropriate dut/, receiving the full pay and emoluHiante of lu* grade white so assigned and employed. CSnlrxct# for goods or supplies are to be reported to ixx gross. Any transfer of contract is to vv..rk its auuulmeut. Contractors tie to be subject to the rules attd regulations of war, end to bu tried by court martial for fraud or wilful ntgiact. It authorise* and requests the President to di.ini s from any b. aodh of the miliary service any officer whom he doemn from any cause unsuitable. The authority te appoint artriiti >aal aids-de-catop ,s repealed, Volunteer rugI meets or companies of mepnoorH mustered lutoservioe aa infantry are recognized as euglueors, and are plaont eti the same footing from the commencement of their service an :he corps of engineers o< the roguhu ataig. All aliens la the army, ot or twoaty-one years of age, are entitled to become eiuzens, without any previous duol* * ration of luleit'lons. A bifl ha* been passed making an appropriation fnr army medals, to lu distributed among the sildlersfor vul.ant services in th'? Ueid; and at other, spl'ropriatLag flo,000 to procure artlScial Ilrahs for wounded soldier#. THB KEW MII.ITIA I,AW. Ifce Senate bin amcndiitory or the Militia sot of i-ypg authorizing the President to coll out tho militia, una L.e employment of persona of African descent, A?., Vfr taken up in the House on Wednesday, July i?, anJ ^ under the operation of the previous quests The fed lowing is the bill:-? A ')? ?* telling forth the militia to encm the Into* <?) tin. Vman, tuifrtM in urrtctiooi,anrf rem* to uten', u]iprn*td febn.ary *8, 1708, and the ZZ am-.miaiory Ihettof, an I for utkr yurpo^et Be' it tna .1 d ly the rtnau and Ifottte of Rm. Unt,'^^flhe F^"1 c f in rvilUii. ^ That whenever the Hre-I i?rt of tbe tTrJied htatea sha.l call rorth the tuliitia or ih* SUtee to l>e m Pi btiu service or the United State., he , in h e cah the t?rjod for which ench service will be iSu qulrefl, rUt cvft. *n;: nine mcn'h', and the Wifui eulied oiuiU U wintered in and centum- fo tow for and tfcr?nj the fen/% 0 upeeijled, unban spotter dit-h irovibm O nt toiv. of thr h tt c.'sftt. If by r.venn of defect* It iBtmg lews, or In ?the exeautKm of then, in the ??<** States, or any of thota, It.shall be found o*c*e-<*ry Us provide for euroinng ths militia and otberwi-e p?uu* IhU apt into execution, the President lit authorizedla such caeee to make all aeefcuiary rtile* and re* inula* and the enrolment or the milltu shall In all InoiX' ad uble Lo-llcl male citizens 6-/r1*.? <v noes 1J eighteen and. tarty toe, and -dull be anpo-tinned amow ? be la.vs according to r#preeeijt..iive p-.p.utl-n h?? 2. Ami he it fur4 A r enucw, lb At the mil.lis whon to caned into, shall be organized lu the mo le prescribed by law f ir volunteers He. 3. Ami be it further enio'ed.Thai the "reeldent be and he ,s hereby imtiiorized, In addition to the volunteer foroe* wihco h<) to now lothorftfd bylaw t-> re tc accept the ser vices f any number of nolunteeri, net '?a ce dt.ifi-nehr., at inf't'ry. fbr a iierio i et n*iu mon At, vscsseiumer discharged. And every v^d-r ?ho etimi ;..Ui under the provision ef t! is section shall receive bis fii>i month's p-y.and also *2.1 u burnt? iipoo .he must 1 itig -f h: company or rogiromt into the s-rv.ue . i the United 3ta'es And all p-orl fmr at law * ^ volunteer, enltoie.i In tlie swric* of the Un t <1 states for th>e* veers, or durtca t..e war, except In rtlstim to bo-ntr, ill ? >1 be. and lai laeare etie i led 10, a a J Are hereby declared to em ?? , " unciaria to cm b Acc tho vc.-a ecrs to be raised under the pro. imou.,.* IQJJ* .HOCltt U i c. 4. ..!!? It it f:riKT ? 'vrrt, The? f?- ib? rmrnnee r *""A **???<**'* Of Infant >1, nam in >U t.'wtf-d *-ldf.tbs ..<1 lie hereby is.a.-tlS . -u ?e ? ?s-rvl ri of >0 n'tert in firh ?lam/tr, at ... ?.a ~ ?? a -iur*'i?:r.i *;r V UjTt.nb-tf.' t.?! j urjK * for .r-'r. ir f * ?tt. di ,a\ t. Acl c ich vt/tuitoers, we .1 nin.dwred . , ' " I vv U ,ti UHull+rQf tuUi too serv e . sb...I be I I Ail reepocU utv?c a lootws 1 i'im.iiir trctt-r.. m t hs? T i ... _ MUf . i" tr ;. ;n ;i.? ' ' V" oi 1 ,r f " '"'A ft fitted lar one half of ? S i rh 11 .A . i!J ii , > ?l >. > .. t_i. . 1 "* ** wl. cb^lobspeM u. n theiryr-initia 'heir .?? immta, n&a th> ether belt at ire e- rirnt-jo of -betr en.'ii.n .... reo. And it a further m-uUet, TIiAt t ? Trcil eel eba: aw-'tut, by and .vim th? atv.oe and (oneeut of the erw.o, a. udge Advoc.ets livue al, with the rank im* aiid ew"! meats of a cotonr of cava.ry, to wtKao'ofies e.ull be - i .rr.ed,for rovleicn. the reoorue a:..? r rnert ?d. t or Mi < uits martial ard uiHIur* oomtni?eni?s a*4 Where record elia,I be v.; t of Hit piocee.ii,' s h*4 the- f.iK.r And no ren/tnee of death > r im ^ t.ejv, . <?- h?.y ??,(?.' I imiuntU t,.> *me w ? ** <*pfrv\ml by i kr. k*r tic. nt. Sic. Oi A Hi Ue eoa ted Knit there tney be ar> pom -'! bv the President, by md with the a atuf c ii/afiI ?r the senate, for caeh army In ibetie d, e <U,)M Adv Miti .be raud.par and emol .menu each ot a major of csva.-y, who aba!) perform the duties' i'.turi a Advocate for the army to wuich tney clivalv be I Di. the di: ecft' n .-r the T-d. . A.t vacate 1 . owal t *e 7. Andtw it Im -her en r.ed, ihtl herca er ah cfl'endeie iu llie army, charged with ollen es i.uw . uot h able be a rvgimehtec orjarri?on c ..wl martial, slui. be hroupt ? be ere a Ocld'?nl'ar of his regimont. v l.o - imll be de ? ,ed f ir ihat porpee,end who s.iaii tiea. 1 .dhe t rn.tne 1 he c<!?tue. end o, dar the P'mUhnwiu th..- ifflai; Us influ ttAl. on 1 chail a .*0 make a record of his prnoe^l li'ge, and aiibmlt the eamn to the brl.edo cctr ander w u. upon the p-rural of tl.a orooe-dltig.i ol such Uetd.' oinoar. shall ord?r the same to be -snouted: Provided Tuut 'be tnnUiitnaOt in a ich case be linJlwl to that aa tn ruoil t j he ml 'ct.d by a 'egm ?ntjl or garrieoo < umi martial: and provided, further, ibat, m tuer.jiit 4 there being no brigade commander, tho proceeding*! as at ua'AiJ alma be euiiuiltivd far appruval to the cum m in if :tt? oil or of tiie poet. 8. Ann I* dfv >krr-rtucfei, 'ibe* Ail olflcv* wtp. have been mnstered into (he service of the United htatee ea b\' e hoi adjutant sod quarieirpaetcrs or ta.-tliy undw itc orders of lbs War ,te; f?rttuent, e? eedu g 04 nuitii sr autbortree by law, shall be paid ae for tae time tti?y were aet'MUy eiupi yed*- i?. 1 -na United cwtee. aud that all sucli etBc-ire now lusaizme ex ivdui^ tha Bumber as nf< ae;.l4, ehal! he immi.|laloly, uustoiel out ol lh* s?'?lca of :he 1 n.tad .?.tin#'.. Sec.#. An.1 tr tt/ur- t tiocteJ, ihut the IV eeid:i:t be and he if liervbv. auUmrlted to a-iao.ish and mguiUe' army i?irpa'^e u lmg te 11 d:- ' ".p,n ? Sec. 10. And la i' iu th*r am nt, 7 -jit e??h arnii floras aha 1 nave the oilowtog vlfioora, and no m.ue, a tach-d tbeieto, who >uail Ounrt.i u. iln, eiatp of the 1 mm .' .1 thereof Out assist'uil ?(j tent general, oke quarurmia tor, 01 e enm-n nea-y 01 eut ?, and one aisie; jit - s actor g-ne a. woe shell b?ei, revecllvily i*e rent ef lteut? colonel, and who shall be ineiciied'from ha army or vvdunivrr fori* by thy Prendeni, aise tn.-e aldes-dn camp, one to bear tbe rank it m? jr anltwetw beer the r?ne of carteie, to be epjiomt a b* the I're* 1 dent, by a. 1 wit* th. edrtoe md unrsnt cf th, on.:e" ui-ob 'hereto 1 .ueudeitoB of the ooiuauiuter of the ar.ny corwt. _lhe seiilor MBoer of ariiiisry in each army c rpa . 1 *"* */ ? *e vnun *| mv t * I?? ?nail, ir A'lUlH'iU to inn ?rh?l ?tl Mrillltfof artillery and ord ence a; ti . iiealquariers if ike ear ye. be.-. 11. Ami Ia ? lurcher tv.ut*d, last llie cavairv for ss In the eervice 01 the United niei*e sball tie *1 ui be PI gen Iset as folle w? -lali regimoBl of r.,vairy ahs l Bare nneculo"*;, ' ne lit itui'int coionel, three majors, 0110 eu-geoti, oni sst rtam r?<lm,Pt?J ?'UU taut, one f(gmental 'piariormsfler, one regiioenial cmw miesiiry, <?n? s .-iieeat mej ,r, one q .v termaster ?*r. geant, one eoinau vary ear ,a*o?, two h'lt.iitnl etewerde, oiiee.wdic aeigcen-,onetu otIrumpetcr,end one obief fa.rier or hlecke. iltJ', and each regnnout shall ooo-iei *f twelve oumprin ? ? or tr nope, and each oomyany or Irwp ehell have one captain, one flret lieut*nant, one eeeona llecieLaiii and ouaeupfliunmeriu-y eecchi' lieutenant, on? Ui d rere?"t\i, ens qusrterioMter eerxetnt, one ooib/u!? s--y eerrcert, five aergeai-fs, eight ewpcriflB, two te?:a. siei-e two tenure or bieidtsuAiW, me n*<l(|ler, e? wn, oner, and seventy elgbi privvAe. the r*(.menial sd Jut*rile, the regimental quaftejens. ?? ?, an rg^iiuidiiat ** va, ?? ttielr res.ect.v# regj. eeuia i-rcvi ivd, llMh vw^aociee ceutvl br tine omnbV