THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO.. 9442, ' NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 18G2. PRICE TWO CENTS. IMPORT ANJ FROM GEN. POPE'S ARMY. Occupation of Gordcnsville by the Union Troops. Three-Fourths of the Rebel Supplies for Richmond Effectually Cut Off. Gtn. Pope's Troops Ordered to Quar ter on the Enemy. Ho Bagcr*gf? or Supply Trains Allowed to Retard Cavalry Movements. leaTy ronif*ment for Cnrrillas ond Their Aiders und Abetters In thi Virginia Valley, fto>i Ac., Ac. Viratvw'l, July M, 1*B2. IT* feel at liberty to state that yeeterilay a p- rtton of tbe army o< Genera P"pe rnt'-red the im nrt.utin?D ef Gord'nsville. Vr,. unoppoeed, an'! duly dettrnyert all tba railway pa-aphrrnnlla af thgt point. the J-wrtl n af lb. Orange and Alexandria and Virginia (antral Rail roads. . Jf Thrre-fou'ths of the troopa. m ntllona a"d supplies of a-ai-y deso. ipii-in, f .r lha rebel any al I'ichmui.d. of aeora ity passed through GordSu*villa by rail. The blow U, therefore, a moat Iniporiniit one, mere m. a-rcial.y aa it is the Ural of a r-rie-, wlncli we trust will d ' more to crip !ortant position already occu p>*d. The people of W;.rrent?a are represented as cti'tr tcocs to our troops, and the Udles, though ruuk aecea ?lonipl*, treat them with dignilled politeness "the Warreoton Wnit* Suiphur Spr.riOT. recently in'eat ed by rebel scout", were p aset yesterday by a delicti me t of our cavalry without opposition. R*l?rta exbt la cauip. a rebel authority, that St no wall .iockson N at Staunton, prepurl g fur anoibar visit dawn tbo vulley. lie will not bare an undisputed Bia cb. Ike command of General Hatch la reported to bar# poaetrated aa far aa Rapldan station, on the Vl.ginia ?antral Railruad, seventy four miles from Washington. Important Orilori of General Pope. GfcNEJUL ORDER?NO. 5. IlKAfW.?Brn*.?, AMY OF ViVWU, \ Washi or -*r, July If). 1862. / Hereafter, uflru practicable, tbo tn-ops of this com ?and will eubelat upon tbe oeo given to ?ie owners, slating on their face that they will be pay able at tbe conclusion of the war, upon sufficient testi ?any being furnished that ench owners have bean loyal shtaens of tbe United States sines tbe date of tbe voucb ore. Wherever It la known that supplies can be furnish ed to any district of tbe country where tbe troot? ere to ?oorato, tbo aso ef trains for carrying subsistence will be dispensed with u far as possible. By commen t of tlaj * General POPE. Banana O. Ktroous, Colo**!, A. A. G. and.Chief of Stall GENERAL OK PVR?NO. tf. HaantvaicirM, l>*rA*m? or Vino-mi, t Wash;m..os, July 18, 1882. j Hereafter, in any O|>orailon? of the cavalry lurcce In AbW o>>mmand, no supply or baggage trains of any deeo. I .tl?u wul he used, unless no ? tated specially In tbs ?rder for the movement. Two day..' evoked rations will be earned ou Urn persons of the meu. and all rlllagee er aelgnt* rhco n through wb.oli thsy p.tsa w ill be laid un der contribution In tbe manner enroled by general ?rder No. 6 current setl< ? from tbeee beadquartt rs.fbr tbe eiibslsienee of men and horses. Movements of cavalry must olwaj s be made with celerity, and no delay In such movements will be exetiaed hereafter on any pretext. Whenever the order for the mov-mentof any portion if this army euunates from u.o-e headquarters, tbe time of marching, and that to be consumed in the execudon if ?be duty, will be expressly designated, and no departur* therefrom will be permitted to pass unnoticed, wit out the grave*, and inuet conclusive iraeons. Command leg Officers will be hi:d re ponslble fir strict and prom, t eomi-iiaiue with every thlaorder. By O'Diuuu of Major General POPE. 6*o. L>. Bcuolss, Ccloael, A. A. G. and Chief of staff. GJt.NU.Al. UUT'KK? NO. 7. HjAWfAsrsiis Army of VrsoiMA, 1 W.ts ikuto.n, July 18,1S62. J The p?o; Is rf tho valley of the tfhau;in(luah and throughout tbe region o: operati ns of this arm/, living tbo llii s o( rail, oad and teli'S-a; h aid along tbo futesoi tr*vol in the rear ot tbe United State* tortus are noliAed that they will be held responsible for any in jury dune tho track i.nngur road, or for aiy aitacts upoc trains or straggling sol'bcrs, by bands of guerillas in their ueighUorb -ol. No pi ivdegia nr immunities oi war ran apply to law kw binds of Indivi luuis, not forming ;>art of the organ lto.1 forces of thu enemy, nor weurr.g the garb of udder* who. reeking end ubiandug safaty cm tbe pretext of bo In* pe. eef. I citizens, steal out m tho roarnr the army, at tack and mur lor *P aggiu g so disrs, molest trams of sup piles, destroy r.hroa ts. luU-iraoh lines slid bridges, and ? nomil ou rajes to civilised peup e and re Vultlng to human ty. I vil disposed per-one in tbs roar of our ermine whe do nut them 'elves eugage dirielly In these iawieesScts. encourage thoio by refusing to intorfsrs, or to glre any Information by whlrh such acts can be promoted or tbe pe petraiorr punishi-d Safety of the life and prope.ty ?f ail jierronv livtoz in the res* ol o r uUvHncng srmy deperd upon the maintenance of p-vou and quiet among thcm-elToe end ? ? n .. eumolc ted movements through their midst of ail perai-.tog to the military serrice They aro tin lerstood disucc'ly th .t the security ot travel is tholr ouly warrant of personal sa'eiy. ft le the. rfore ordered that whenever e ralinad, wagon reed or telegraph ts Injured by parties of guard las, the ciiise'is IP ing within Ave miles of the spot shall be tinned out en matM to repair tbo damage, and shall, bee Id*, pay to the United Nile*, in money or in pro party, to )>? levied by military fwee, the full amount ef tbo pay and tubaleteu e of tbe whole furce necessary to ?esree the pei formance ef the work during tbe lime oe ?spied in completing it. If a soldier er legitimate follower ef the army he fired ?pen from any bouse, the bouse shell be rated to tbs (round, end the inhibiteoli e*el prisoner* te the head quarters uf this army. If eotb an outrage scour at any place distant from settlements, tbs psepls within Ave anilea around ebail be bald accountable, end med# to pay ?a Indemnity sufflcieot for the case Any person* da< Aeetedine ch outrages, euher duriag the eel er at any Urns afterward, rbail be ehot without wetting elvil pro sere No su- b acta can influence the result of ibis war. Mid they oao oa'y lead to heavy sffiicttoa to tbe popula Atoo to ne purpose 14 is therefore snjotnsd upon all persons, both for tbt ?eeurity or ihutr property and the safety of ttelr own pars- tie, thet they act vigorously end cordis:ly together Ae i-revent the penetration of inch outrages Whilst it is tha wish of the General commend ng tbie army that ?II petceshiy disposed persons whe remain at their Bemes and pursue their erfltmotned avocations shall te aubjer.i?d to no improper burthen of war, yet their own ?arety m si of neceesity depend upon tha etrlct praear vation of peace and order among tbem*elves. And thry ?re le understand that nothing will deter him from ?n forcing promptly and te tbe full extent stery provitl n ?f this erdar. By commend of MAjor GENERAL POPE. Geo. I*. Reus UN, Csievel. Ateieldst Adjutant Danersl MM thief Af 0MB SERICUS DISTURBANCES IN CINCINNATI Tli? DIAcwltr Brturta the White and Black haburere of the West* Pt(BouIttes are taking place between the Irish deck bend* on board the Ohio river sieemera and the uegroee empiyed in Ilka avocations. A ouihiion between theee poisous took place w Buoktown, near flticinnatl, on the 15th Inat., which It was feared at one time would aaauine rather formidable proportions. Happily, however, Ibe apprehend)d rtoi waa prevented by the energetic action of the clt izona and the autbo. itiaa Wt glva tba lollow lng summary of tha affair:? |Fro-n the Cincinnati Gxvette July 17.1 rne time |wst th<> scarcity of wi lie 'a For B"na thou past th" scarcity of wi its'abor hna proved a m itter of aarloua to our ate m boat taina, a d thla seureliy ?> man h.?a pot up tba rate 'if wagr-a t at I to deck hands and wharf l ib rata to aa nuns al height. A' the t> **unt t m ? our capta-ns re paying to deck hands oa boats ?i nig on tha ohio river $f" p.-r m? n h, <>i b >ats running from rairo to -'t. I/uitS a-111 h as $80 per moD'h ur pat , a> d f-cm fai o t<> Mem ) bia $1A per m >'th. This dltVen** In wag-a h d;f? r*rl carta ot tha river creates al once a gro.f difficulty with owners of bonta. aa a deck In n ' who ships on hoard a boat at Chic wiati al *:0 is tiatur tlly des! lis or cha'i? lug ?* to n ua hi leuc.Uos fl I o, alien be flt da that, bv wo k In a on boats In the Misi-ia-dp-d rlv-r trade tha r eofm 7:15 ? month mo o for pr- c rely the ?am? amount of woik u d the eo a*q< cm ti is, loit a bou which goe d'xvn ihe rt er wl'h a full eomplenant of hands is piatty 3 re lo r.-t rn with har"'y -otlici-ni men to lime ber np. Ne. ro 'ahor (Hi theae limits can be had at (SO {?, m lh over, th ? boat is pretty uortaln to iaie here men ret' rn with ber A postscript to our r ?? ort o>' the rim in But ktnwn.en li a- (ay n'.gbt, written at o en e,!org yosterdax Qiornlrg, rlaled llmt the dl-iiirh o ee hid be-n . h* k?d. i.tul tlit a n inher i f arrests had been made. About two o'clock yofte-'tnv mrrlng w* vl?i:ed tie Been*, in coin my wl'h several ofhctr, U>rv iliva, acting' ho t o Police,do ?-1 d 'mi -r twelve men lo o o. coed round by way of Seve h -ire?t .to tin corner of Sixth and ' u vo t. whl'e lie with an aval ' nrahor of nu n went to the apot by the ? ny of-|x.h Mre. t. Ti e c.owd, ttrnibering one oriwohund o1 iratwp a.ehletly b'ys. we.e stardtng on tha crner leg mutton;, whan several ptatol shots were h-nrd onOilie t-trmt. ami onnatderable racket ooonslni ml by break! a will d'.w g'usg anui d hat a*> 1r a'-nmn nsm* force he had. bet bef re heoou d vecoinr't'h It he haal ineli and as m ny F urth ward rou'dera, who fen.el to in eh dsiurbane* ihom solve.1, hat ?ho hnd socoecdrd In inducing a largo tuim er of hoys and young lads to commit the outrages, while they ato d in t'm h.i"kgrot:nd aivi u g*d them or. The ringl* i era ?e e aw re tha' tha col"- od i eop e were a i, .d and th>y wre vt let t y not dispogeJ to ma: a tha attack tiieinsclvva. TH o l wbig net aona, who vrere arreted during the night foi being encaged in the diaturhai ce, were yes trrd iy brought bofoi a Judpo Safilu, chnrged with disor der y o nil :et, and lined as announced.? John lI H'lary. sonionced to thn city prison for twenty days,and fined $'J0 and ooets; William Watson, fined $15. John loonard, seuiencod to the city prison for ten days, and died $10 und coats; Michatl Proyar, fined $5; James Kennedy, fin* t $10; John Cary, a ma e lad, bned' $5. 1 wo or three caaes were rontmued lor trial. The disturbance of the nitbt previous c iu"ed consider able exrit?m nt among our ci irens yetterday, and the May r beu ?i the following notice:? Mayvr'h imct, July 1?, l$?a. To tab Orr ants or (divrfaivn ? Appr hens r.s b di g felt and expreaaed that tha peac? *f the city will be seriously disturbed, I give notice that I have it my command a hoge and well armed sp polio* force, gml that 1 em determined, ?t all hnzatds. to mairt'iin the laws and keep tha peace of the city. -There i. oo e m a or alrpvn. 'the dPUctilty in the ihlrteentb w ,rd rt nigi t Is gr. at y magnified. t.K* RCR nATCH. Mayor. 8 ?vernl dlat 'bancee occur ed yesterday on the wharf, wh ch were en'lrel . unprov 'kru, and shows wry forcl b y tiie malignity of the epirit which has actuated the p rpHratora of this dlagrnceful aeries of outrages. A negro man was walking alo :g Water s'taet In the morn ing, wPhout doing ajyibing to provoke the most trri a b:e mind, when he waa s iddenly assa?it*d by a whole rowd of tlnw* Irish fiends, and compelled to ran or his life, tnrely escaping rrop thalr murdarous clutches. of e ?" " Au uber .occurrence of a siinfi ir character occurred on " Fv-?>iit stresj. be'ween Syca uore and Bnmdway, Mr. Heyhs.of Ruffln's iadeietidest del*, tive office, who waa P'ie'n.- by at 'be time, compelled a pol e/man who waa standing by to. tba p. rpetra er of the outrage, auS liu w-a taken to Nic Hammond stroet slat in house. In the sH>.i an Irisluoan tb aw a large bowlder at a negro who was p isshig by on Print street, at the c mar of Sycamore. The neg"0drew ? la.'geJtorae pieud, an I, poln.t'ig it In the direction -if his assailant, fired, but w.thout hurting acy ona, although the ball must have nassed v*rv near a gentleman who wna riding by la is buggy. The negro waa chaaad by th* ciowd some ttlsSaniW cp Pyc-imor* street, but succeeded k making hta *c?ap>. I nter in the aftar no n two firemen, empoyed on the IA mora, were rather teftono'y Infured by these rlM? a, on* betug sti u> k on the h. ad by a huge lump of ooal, and the other rn etv nv a severe o it in the bac* from a kuifa. Other diaiui buncos are cniiuuslly occurring, for paritctilara of whl h wo cannot find apace in our columns, but threats are being contir aally made, that thev w ll clean out evary nirger on the wharf, a d tbat tbey will pravaut th# i' them from working or any ?te. Jnb'.at on tha rivor. MKRTINO AT TUB M- RCH SNTS' KXQfl ANOI. A n:-anug of some fo roi flye hundretl cupaaa can? v ni'd at the Mercbauts' tAclisngc at four o'clock yestor .tar aiternoon, In pursuance o| the toH wing call, which was oiicuiatod through tha Fo*t Ofilc* ? (TvcuAiati, Juna 15,1882. Fin?You era anrneatly requ-ated to meet a select number of property holders of this eity at 'ho Mer chants'Kxchage, a four P.M. Wednesday, ISth last., to to'suit actum is nece-jsry to provide for tha saftiy 01 aor famihes and property. Commit tea. P. 8. I?Ax M< HOLaS I'ATIEKSON, I JOHN F. W ILT.-1JC, JAMRS T. FT.HlIKR, O. II GBUVy.lOY, ROItRRT M JOilNVTUM, | OEOK'.r W. t UYFJ, JAMES A. ( RAWtORD, T. .!. WR1CH1, voLUk.k 'ViiyoN, in comp'lance wl:l? the abux* call the citizens as seaibkcl and orgaiu/a.1 by tha npp utitinaut of Judg* K/lvar I t^oo^^'lfl'ka hairm.u, and John A. Oa.vno as S*c. etary. Aftar au sxprcaelon of thv'.r views by several pro*n:nou',eill7*ns, Judge -torer, fr*iu the Commit tea on itesulu'lous, uiasented the following for a lot 'i?n;? !u x tew of tbn ptesent unprote. ted state of the ctty, a* well ?e the a\clte l auta vt feeling among a portion of our population. it Is llmo veil. Th-u a volunteer 'nrce of 1.000 men bo lm m .'.intely < cari y that tha Majroi w uld be happy to en operate with any eitlreno who m?y eoUn tsar to iiasiit id preferring ordsr In tha city Ha ra ported further, that It would bt . waeary Tor all am h to be a worn latet sptcial policeman mib*ir br th < Mayor ar She tfl Ha ant1 that tha Mayor bad rtreirod to day nva b rod red n.uoKrii Irom iha fete tof-har with a largo quantity of aicjiuait.on both for musaatry and artlllary Earnest romarka vara mala by aeeerai gentleman upon :be nrceatlty of a home goa 4 organization tor tLa preeorf anon ol peace m tbooily Mr fatterann than m-rod to email th* name' of an por?er.? wiilmg to march la iha Mayor a(Mice au i report thi-mie re? taady ler aorrioe W# are aorry to remark th I n ?? a ting a response glroo to the oall At tbia hiiicntra tne Kiitee maichad lota tha raora to report themrelns Th> y were armed wph m akata and fliedbaeonats. and ttppl-dd with ten ro n la uf carti td^aa (not biai k onea> aa> h wntch tbt>y w old willingly ua?a discharged mto a crowd of rioter* Par eoiriPk that n . ftdhtiud m m cuu:d ba Count ID that aa rem iiiy. Hi* Riflde reported thrmaelvoa to the Mayor, who accepted their K-relcea ai.d made arran^omeola to oall 11tM'm ihom K Mdiaaary Uo tiiotiun. Moaaia Wiltaeo, Kirhy and Patiersou ware appointed aw ntmi>lee to ap dtel a < ommifva Wiag cad wu laruod ? Tho litl'ana of tbo difleienl wer.ia wtll pious. meol tbia evening .in y llTat (he usual place o' mooting, for the purposeol mgnnlan g botn* y mic khpnpMtt, m pur guauoe of it re .dtalKm pa?t?; at tba mootii g at tireeit wood Mali. Adjourned. HPS EhGI.BWOV, >'r<* idant Cbo. W. Octm, Faorelary KIKE IN FIVKTOTN. Yra'erday evening eh tit ?.o au ? ?:ock flames ware dlac< Terad i a ing from the rear of the .stiakepeie Hutiae * aniail oi.o atory ii ante shanty r ating n Cul tdrt ?troel,nti't ibatlameg rat k!!y apt en-en.. mt ngt-ued poaaa. en ii ?i tha eh iodUMorof unit hagiM*- cental* tn? auxaaibar of ttro luian.enid. ,Un eoui^ttraitvu rtned by aeveral other o mpaniea. Had It not b ten for tbe prompt aiorttona of tha nreman, thare la no doubt that the I luck town rlota would have iiermaoently ceased, on arc unt of the dtaappearanee of tha locality. A 'arge crowd ooigeated In the Immediate vicinity of the eoi flagratlon, and fear a wore eoterianed that they rrl.b' Interfere for the im po?a of p'aveDting the flumes from being eatinrnlshed; bet tha Ihumler atorm, which occuria. KEWS FRCM WASHINGTON. WiSIIINOTON, July 18, 1888. AFF A CPS IN m'CLFLLAN'H AKMT. LM. C?l, lelreoo, Forty-third New York regiment, arrived here to-day, on bis wny to New York. 1 '? left rtao trout of opr army on the pet.insula yesterday morn tig. At that time there were t o forces of theeuemy wl bin fourteen miles of our Urea on this rit'e of James riter, but a balloon rerotinol-s-mce disclosed a laryecon cent rat Ion of the rel eh- on the south side of the river, In ti e \ iclnity of City r. mt. Ibo army wrs represented to he in g'Kid c edition and with confidence unimpaired In tlen. 11 cT all n. It is beHered, however,that Jutnes river will bo blocked hy the rebels at the* of CUrouiont. GENERA). POPE'S OPERATION*. Ceneral Pope's actual derations, since finding the scatte. ed division* and corps of his command, begin well and gtvs promise of aid and co-oprraiion to General Mot'lollan's column. With good generalship, what I'oie is now commencing eught to bars been a thing done month* ago. DONATION OP TWENTY-FIVE THOrflAND DOLLARS FROM Wit. B. ASi'lNWALL, OF NEW YOU*, TO Til* GOVERN llEsV. Tlte rellowing luterestlmg correspondtuce explains It self^ umaa from vs. h. a&rinwall to tbr sxcrktart or wan. Nxw York, July 1,1M2 To Hon. F. M. "tanton, Secretary of War, Washington:? Sir?! beg leave to call to your recollection a private letter which 1 addressed to you In the mouth of March luat. relative to some EuBeld rifles ordered from England through Messrs. Howland & Aspluwal!, In the early part of the rebellion. In accordance with the determination I therein end prsvlously.exprossed, not to receive any V pecuniary benefit for serricee rendered or fur risk Incurred In behalf of either department of. the government,! herewith remit to you the amount which has this day beon paid me aa profit on my Internet In the arras thus Imported and sold to the War Department, hy a check on the Bank of America for tweuty-five thousand two hundred end ninety dollars and sixty cents. 1 am, very respectfully, your ebedient servant, WILLIAM H. ABPlVWjfLL. ?hdbr tuetmnao wilmax h. aciwwau. War PxriRrxmrr, Warhtngto* Citt, July 16, 1883. This department having this day received from William H. Asplowall, Esq.,of New York, his ehcck for 828.290 80, aa his share of profit on a contract for arms purchased by Howland k Aspinwall, and sold to the United States, It Is ordered that the check be transferred to the Secretary ef the Troaeury, end that the thanks of title Department be rendered to Mr. Asplowall far the proof he baa furnished of the disinterested and patriotic eplrl* that animates the citizens of the United States In the present contest against treason and rebellion, giving as enrauce that a government supported by ctUaeni who thus prefer the pu'bllo welfare to their private gain must everoome its enemies. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. THE WORK OF TDK CONTRABANDS IN SOUTH CARO LINA. The following la aa extract from a recent despatch re ceived at the War Deiwrtment from General Sexton, dated Beaufort, S. C., July 10:? To Hon. E. M. St*, secretary of Wars Put?I have the honor to re;>ort that everything per taining to the special service for which I am sent to thia department, is in ft favorable condition. Tbo negroes are wo king industriously. We have some fifteen thousand aces of corn end cotton under cultivation. It looks we:!. The system of voluntary leber works admirably. The people are contented and happy. When the new crop is harvested thty will cease to be a burden upon the government. By adopting a Judicious aysten of reward dor labor, almrtr. recently nominated Consul General to lite Islands nf it# 1'acMlc. ? Brigadier General, and do tailed htm to tb# duty of raining troop# tn those State#. Rat dolpb Dot to, of Brooklyn, nephew of John Minor Botta, waa o?n firmed by tbo Senate yesterday as Assist ant Quartormaiior In tbo United States Army, with rank of captain. Tbo i'onato railed to confirm a largo number of nomi nations, which fell with tbo adjournment. Among them wero th so or Wash. Burnett, G. A. ficrnggs, Edwin II. Webster a'vuig reach#I here some Uaye ago, bear ing the formal rhar?ue almost (ien Milchei. wee yeater, day ex imlocii at length before the CommtUoc oo the Conduct of the War with rofoienee to them. It is eald 10-day that Uuee charges allege that be re fused to take any notice whatever of rapes committed on negro women by lit* men (of Turchiu'a brigade; In the pi vacuo* of respectable wlnte females, or oi indi crimi nate, at note, a and persist, nl plundering of, end out rages epoe, Un on citizens by lite ran.# brhude Tie cbarg-a are said further to all- ge tliai he u?ol govern ment transportation l'?>r eotto ? bought by parties tn wh ew sjwculauetia ho win poisotitlly pecuniarily bus rested. It is further nn lersnod the Hon Uvrge.-t. Houtton, of Alaliamn (tor .nor Cbairman of tho Com in t tee or Way* and M ana, Untied Elites House of Repre sentatives). is expected to be the meln precentor of t>eu M , Mr ii having maintained li om .-.(n.'ees as a Ui utnUt. Homo time since on. M. tendered Ins rexigt to I he President, b"l It tias not vet bean cc.ptel. Tho charg-Ni against blm w ill doubtless be promptly disposed of by the got# einnui Brooklyn idly Intel 11 genre, or Paiss Psontwrv.?Vssterday Mi Him*on Pre per sold at auction, at tbe Vitlon store*, under ihn au thority of the government Pi ze ContnilssHiuere, tbe cargoes of tbe l.ittie Wneti-a, Clinton and Nape eon. (or attain ting t - break the hi ck-i. e. tbe wbcte emoiii t reallted was somei hunt like ftoo .-00 there were {> 0 bnfsofc Ikti, which Were l> d elTb r #0t4V 49 ..47tk< # 47'4c and *4 Ja. per pound. llore were lflu bmesor r -sin aoid ,er 111 car > artel, Jo. ba, .?-?? remain in Washington Centals McC.sllau irnl Pop# #r? to comma# a tbatr commands VitttrMNi, July 18, IMS It I# bfIterod tdUt Central Halleck will axon reacb Waahtugton, but tbe character of hi# buslaasa baa not traaaplrad. Addreaa of Genrral ll'illrek to 111. Sol dier. an Taking Leave of the Army of the Soul li vve.t. Cosnrrn, July 1(1, Geuoral HalVck hs# Just issued a suecta! field order, saying lb-it. It: giving up the immediate command of the trooio const tinting tb. army "f lite Southwest, be . toexpreaa b'-high appreciation of the endurance b. bar.or a d soldierly conduct which tboy have exhibited, and'to oxpre.e l? the c mmamlers of the armr eorps and their aubnrdliMtea bis narm-at tha'ks (or th"lr cordial co operation. Me ? the roMlcr- nobly d?ne tbotr dnty, and #? e mpliah d tnm-b towtrda erusliihg this wicked rebellion, and that If they continue to exhtbl' tbn asm# vigilance, courage ai d perseverance, It la believed thiy wit! soon brig tbe war to a cioea KEWS FROM FSRTRFSS MONROE. K' RTKKHt \ ovki.b July |7,18dJ Poveral gunboat* have cmo ib-wu ibe lames river to convy troops. sin It are al thl* place, up tbe rlv tr. All la quiet ou the rirer, and there Is lo news ffbm lb# army. Ornrral tlrvin.' Konrs In Vlrglnln. We haar of Ibe arrival in Unmpt'in K?. tnbers. ?' rlvol In If'impt'ui Itoads on tuesduy >a*t. on hji d ih? s.e-tmers Vittiderbllt. Mt-sisslBpl md Ren p>ford T' s eairl to c"li.l*t, in rmrt,r,t the Seventy ninth N'sw York. Fiftieth Pennsylvania, KUhth Mlchiga ', Ninety .?venih I enbsylvania, lwenty-ei bib Vae?-achu#alt?, Seventh Connecticut, and of two batterl a of arti.le y A'l the sick and disabled men ot the command were loft behind. INTERESTING FRCM RICHMOND. Rebel Opinion or Pope nnil McClellan? Pope a Danccium Ciiiniiinmler Fears that MrClrllau will ot# into Ilieh luond-Lincoln. Stanton and General Scott a Dirty Trio, ?V?:. Wn?ii:?fCTO!f, July 18.1882. Ths Richmond Kr.qviier of the loth ipp?ara alurniod ut tb# order of our War Departmsnt. concentrating tha forcci of MeUowell. Fremont and Hank* imdor Conorai Poj a. and remarks of tl.a Utter "that ha ta nofri ,tlsiy one of tbe moat danger, ue of lbs Union enmm indors?an c?3rer of great activity and daring, and la vary apt to do urexpected things." It adds that "the foray into county and tha destruction of tiio railroad bridt* ovar tha i'.apidan by tha enemy u a challenge on the part of Pope that our general* Have now to take up." The Lnquirtr, commenting on the threatening aspect of Genera] McCleUaa'a preeent operations, say*:?1"We mu!t dig, dig, dig, or Mcall, the effects of which were but tens orar. H.s capture was in I bin wise ?He bad pe?ted one'of the regiments of bis division m a 1 articular locality, ai d during hia abseroa it was moved without his o iters or knowledge. When he returned from another parr of the field the piaee was occqp e.i by a rebel reviraont .-snd it being dark he rodo into the inlda of the i-nemv wu aurro 11 tided, and carried to Ventral Ire's headquarter* a prisoner of war. ' IMPORTANT FROM KENTUCKY. Reported Fight at Cpnrlilann-Sttrren ilerof the Union For era?The Town De cupled. bp Rebels?The Krntnchlaus Organizing to He.1st the Rnciuy. Cnscunun, July 18.1882. A nv> 1 who cam* into Boyd's, 00 the Kentucky < eotral R?ili"id, this morning, reports that the town of 1 yntbu Ky , sixty six miles from bore,surrendered st tics o'clock ysetordsy, after half an hoi r a light. He saw Morgan and shook hands with bim. Morgau'a man num ber about 2,600. A sold lor, who also cam# Into Boyd's, says Morgan's men fired two rounds after the surrender. Captain ,\r thur'e company, from Newport, Ky., were all kihed or taken prisoner*. 1 be excitement at Newport and Covington la vary hkta and Increasing, and the citUcna are organising rapidly for defence. The Provost Marshal of Newport arrests ail rebel sym path iters to day. lAl'lsmtB, July 18,1862 The train lias arrived from Islington this evening The raiVoad and telegrai h have bran rrpairvd Mor gan'p loss at Cyiithuma greatly cxree led outs Although roost of Lieutenant Colonel Laudrum's men wera cap tured, he and thirty of Lis mou have arrtuud at 1-exmi to a. Suicide of az Altl-rfvCamp to Gen. Boyle, l-octaviLLS, Ky., July IT.lhtg Edward Hsgbae, of I.ebanoe. Ky , aid to Gen B..yie. and who. In that capacity, greaily distinguished himseh' at tho battle of Sblloh, shot lilmsolf fatally this evening Tbe cause or the act Is unknown. REBEL INVASION OF INDIANA. Cl.vrijrjuri, July Jg, jgfij IndlarapeTIs despatches to tho Executive Heparin am **y that Henderson, Kentucky, and Newburg, Isdiatia, hate been taken by tbe rrbele. At the latter plate ?oJ I'd ion 1st was killed and twe hundred and fifty sick sol dlera taken prisooers. The rebels also took two bun dred and fifty stand of arms NEWS FROM TENNESSEE. Nauvir ls, Tenn , July 17,1888 Returned prisoners report that tbe Union soldiers pe rnlad bv tbe rebels at McJIinnville have returned to liar frees bo re. The rebels have gene to Chattanooga. Tbe Attack on Mnrfreeabara. (From the Neshvule Union. July 16 1 Tbe news of the last forty e.ght hours has noon of'an exciting nature. A Confederate force, consisting, It Is reported, of ihe First, Second and Third Georgia regi. meats, I list Kentucky regiment and a regiment of Tessa K inger*, under (Xdonele lorioal and Warucr, atiocsed Murlresrb. ro cm Sunday morning before daybreak, sur prising the Ninth Michigan regiment tb m C'ler several hours of hard lighting 1 nkmel fmm-'d was hot through the body an. mortally wounded The Third Minnesota, commanded by Colonel I .re lor. wore strongly Intrenched, with Hswetus Kentucky battery, aud fought d#?|oruiely until their ammunition was expended, when tin y surrendered having lost oue thlrd o. tlia.r men, it ts rumored, ihough thu is dmnties greatly exaggerated, General T. r Crittenden, of (roll prisoner. Colonel Fortest sent in a (lag of trui-e to tin* Third Minnesota, dom.ndltig their sufteu der, which was declined After some ha d Hglniug tho Minnesoians seut out h fisgef truce and rurrendeieil Pre. iutiaii'rm aru mskti g here in anticip?t|"ii of an stuxek an I reiufoi cem-nts are coming iu from various directions' it is to be desired that thectty be snared a renewal or thu bmn.ra f w .r but, If li 1.1... t needs b. . the hearts and (muds of mir gahat.t ?.flkere sod withers aru i .say aud ?ugtir for tho c lu*( # Shipment of Stoics to Gin. Cmtte St 1.oiis, July is, uej A lnrgs siro'-ut of ruppvet. hr.P|t,| f, rp, r>,?lin? horsus and < attie, ffcfi last night en govemme 1 iraos, Curiis b.uiy.atst Hsisns.Ajk. rOUH DATS LATER FROM EUROPE. The City of Washington Oil Capo Race. NipoleoD About to Iim'te Riwia to with Him in Auieriea. England Said to br wStubborn'' on Hit* Subject. The London Press on Changes in th? United States Cabinet The JMZexican Hap edition a Trouble to France, fro., &c., fte. C*r? R.ra, Inly 1*. KM Tb? ?t*itTn?hlp CPy of Wa^hn ."to fro-n Liverpool or tli 0 b via Qi cor. town on th lOtb tu?i ? rlvo-i off ttiw nolnt ?l i-n* o'clock II I* afttrt "?n. -t * w?* bo r -.d hy ih" now yacht of ill* .in riatoi pre#* aho aummary o; ho rcw* btamad ? Ih* 0 ty oi Wnsl.ii itioti h i* Hi* m?|i* and a fun ca'p* H># rl i a? nor t'i# '.'fly if r iir^inD inurd*,# lito' lh?n th- i>?r the P*"-l.i ji New V rlc. the nl'a vliin A'rin,from Una on, arrived a' Lice fion! on th* 6th Inai nii the ?t.?a i ali'i Etna, from Vow Yir*. arrived *t Queen t wo oi, the loth mi'ani Th? *t?aiiibi|i Novo ^uinai, from y .ehec, arrived at Londonderry on 'bo JO i* 'n?t. Thy Amrrleitn Qne?tlon. Th* 'ipiriim ,V t n lo anarchy and ruin Tho < Oer of our mrdutlou wooid only bo rtodlved wttb inault. Tie Lot oi c Time- rocu-e to tha hoetillty to England and pro'*?F?a Itself wholly at a w*a to arouont for it The a me Journal re- arda tbo nm|>atbleaandiaiei eataor the two greatest nationa in Europa. U?eat liriimn. The Parliamentary procoedmys wet* not of moob la Wrest. The forttfluall >n? were .gain *?el in the Commons, and i here ?hi ait bat* In whl: b II . f'ebden and la d halmeraUMi indulged ut ?>ma iatbei biitar par ?onalttlea. In the House of Uirda tha African Slav* Trade )>iU bun liean raad a around Rime. FAr> Derby expressed faara thai unless a treaty waa un?l" with Frists like Uiat with America, ilia pultlDg a atup to the alavo trade would ha in ;tT?oiu il ( Karl Kn-ewll s?id mat Prance h.c a.'clt ml te enter into a rlmilar treaty, but be believed that cite would < tfer re objection to the nxarols# o. tta nnivlsKdia. ixird I' lmerrKi ooull. mad tha statement lb-it Russia had recoyn.zed Italy, and auid thtl bo ? 1 Hr .eai. would do ilia a-itne. After oooaP'erabl* debate a resolution again*! Ibe Fnglish fur, r* ine-feriuR In CBtna waa rejected. It was tbat me hat way subsidy would be ra stored Central Pilm hud errlred In Rngiand. Tim United Suia- rorvelto Taecirorn arrived al ??F'Ulb ainpt'H) on the 7th Inatant, froui Cadiz the ebjeot ot her visit waa unknown France. Rumnra that Franca woulJ beck out from tha Uexicaa expedition eon tinned 1ht) I'sda 'tmHUitfi-mm-l siya that the g'o.y of the French arms ?nue vindicated sod money routers aettlad with M*nc, i>f t a oimg.t ageuiel bar wilt ter.niu.ite Ilio evttnu mauuiaotnrata of Koum had saute depute tion to the i-uipeior to represent the diiflcult.e-i Ih y we>a labv. lng under. A simitar deputation from Una also waiie-l U| Hi the l.nipenr. the i'arie Iktu re wna heavy at 68f. She. for the rautaa 'ibe llalivti M meters hid acal.i strongly repudiates the rumor* ? C.Iia;y's I ner'erence in Msiieo. M M"* si rwiKUteJ tbe rre( of the .-.psinet L'hiuuoer of Iwoutie*. Ciimuirri tul I itt? Illgencr. l.OKbO.N UUNsi MAK.Kl. Low. Ob. ruly JO, 1)112. rnnmls clesad at 02? for money Ttie Rank q Ksg land has reduced its ntiuuiuui i sle oi di-eui.t to 2). per re ,t Avi'Ki ?The m-.rkrt has a d wnwvrd ten dem y. 71ie 1st et sales were?H'mois Ce..triii shares, iH a 4i "4 discuunt Frta Itsil "al. As?4 LlvKKl'nOI. COTTON MAHKLT. Tlies las nf rot ton ler two days am. nl V-27,000 hslea, inc.u img l'l.Oi O haiea to uptdillatuff aud exporters T 'e tnsniet la ilrin, with tin advaure o' one-fourth In one-bair a r" by per lb. aluaa the sailing of the I oiiu, ch-sin* up? ar THAPK I Kf'OKT. TYiS adr!cea from Maucbeeic are avrmhle. tha market for good* and yams being 'inward, with email salea. i.iri.itrooi, aiuunsnrM jsakkkt. The breai stuflr in-uket is qi tel. with a Silgbt decline eti ell qneliti-s flie usual amine Jltes quote ?Hour Hit and decl'ned dd per bbl.. quoted at 24* a 2t? Whee". <|i lei at a de< line if id. a 2d p -r rental red tfoslero. va fl! a lie , reit Southern,P? fal a ila.. while We*ie-o Its ill a l.'? Corn -ante , mixed an i yel.ou at 27a Ad s'.'It ; white, 32a a 0.1s od L'ttRrmit rmiTiaioiv market. Tbe provi-ona market is dull, fee?\? salea. Torb n tu i si Uaoou quiet aud steady laird quiol. ruliotr ateacy. r. i tint root, rr.nnrcR makkkt. Roger inactive O'ltee?So ealea. Itice steady. Ashes quiet. |hiu and ,iearle, itf>a a this Rosin sdvauctiig, eomm D.2J* a 23s H|>i He turpenilne buupnai at 106a. tOMHJS IIAl.KKTh. Prsad't'iffs Arm s-'gai quiet and sternly. Ci flea B'ui Tsa steady. Hu* quiet 'Ial'ow qulel and steady l inseed oil has an upward leudeat-y, q iuted at 4UM. a ll&e Kosiii Urin .c 'iuinou 2ta. I IIKPON MUNKT M ARRET, rnneola for money, 02'< a ej AuaaK-tr fmuwr?lbs la est ealea were?IllWime Central ahaies. 4AS dWouent. Krie ICiilrnad, 9r a .Hie 'I hs sales on We sday were ? WW bales, laoiu Ing 4 Otio bales to stwculatora and expertera, tbe market doeiag uuebauged. TBI LATBA1 MAKttKTB. Jjntarwa, J? y It, IMS. TV tales of cotton to day were 2,000 bales, luciumaf I .Set baiea to apecolatora ami eaun isrs The mei sat la flat and unsettled, under tbe uews per t ma and Nova Scot Ian, and a demise ot ueuaf penny twr lb. for surata, mbar deaeri,'tk>aa. however, were steady liMAisrri-tm ? Tbe market it il m Pkovhuups ?The market la vei y dull Kcwi frtHit Ian FisarlNt. Ms.e Paeactsco, Juiy It. IMl Arrived ehlp Flying Faglo, flosioa Sailed ship iteile of the Reaa, N. W York. The n aikeis are mucb etclted for ataplet en account of uBCArttluliet in regard to the new stcis# aad tariff, tha provisions of whiib and details sr# moetly unknown heia All forsitn Uraodiea are aoviinclng Win is tl 30 a II fjO Hc-n builer, 23c , ittbwut, 2'-o Crushed to fir 14c a Use Natural net tebacoo, |l New wheat,11 60 tui ca diee, Iflo al?e Caatti#soap,*>o vv i,i?k?y,4flo . pur# spirit*. tot U.j codes, 22c. Drills 4 coru.>e. I Ac. Tt.a auenter I'sciflc, from the Nnrthem Ct set t-'nie faAti'M' in gud few Ute.ou, and |40,tVO trem Bruish ' Lot rnt * ?.a Ft ,.T:irn.duly IT, lttt. I Aflttl hatb U:kf Siar.fiom N'a-? fcrk.