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Sl&WS FROi'JI GIN. FA'CIUUN'S ARMY. Viiwit t ?', July i*?3 Jnfo-ru?tFn nn to last sight has been received froul Oe era '.iCt 1 laii'i h- i-lij'i .rtsra. ved, aa I US No mi-tinr/ Our Army iorrriposdtset. {ISRJUOS'S l .KUMOi, Va., Jn.y 141 1S13 Pr, M ?r? The /V-ai ' 'he O^ntral ReN''? ' r ? &*??/> V >vri+f-rj , , n v Hsunudrt ,? i?r? pocUrt a Mi reiiw/e ji*nm?fh* Mai<?J*twtfaipsr*, <ft, lbs steamboat famlurbtlt was ?uo? up the James rjr.r l<> day i receive on board our wounded at the Ma!vara Hill bauie The steam .i?l returned this evening, hav 'ug about sixty on board. Among tlioaa arifv.ngare three aurg o?a?IV. Cbambarlain, Fourth Mlchicau; Or. Jewett, Teii'b Massachusetts regiment, and Dr. White, Car: alas battery. K nt of these war* wounded, b-' war# laXau p. isoiiers while taking ears of thr r wouaded. ST the others '? ?~a w :nded, and belong to son# d en liitl : est i rgini.nia, mostly those attained to Uew al Uo ell's division. From Dr. fcnmborlaiB 1 have gathered soma interest lag fuel- elating to the car a and disposition of onr dex;( an t wounded left on tba field. Our dead were al! buried. Beiora burial all tba bodie wo a rid* of money and whatever valuables tbey had about th?Tn. Officer? wera stripped of thair clothing. In the nutter of ? Da; i, the *o ii.e' were likewise robbat of evot ytbin/ of value. lie found Colonel Woodbury's bolt ?nc . .. it decently buried, aud the spot marked, so that the rcmaitia can be recovered tn fu'o-e. when * con venii nt oi port p'tv oforg. Since tho attie moat of 'he wounded have had .i bard time. Many have bi on obliged to lie on tba ground. Nearly al! their medicines ware Stolen by tho rebels, and every bottle of liquor t.iken aeay Fvary case of surgical instruments was wkan. In addition to depriving them of these nival able aires lions in i king care of tba wounded,the only food fur nlshed was magotty bacon and mu-ty flour. This lins been the condition of tn e left on the field of b ttio. The b- !k o. he wqur.ded, some throe hundred oltorotbri b re been r m ved to Richmond. A* to the ca ? the latter re. my it. Cli mberlam kn. w- nut hi: ... exca: t f ru the rumors rose) iug bin, which, in ti a in am, tn r. icate tli t i e* ai ? b> nig . ore human, ly tr>? d. a:, the vi u a eti at ava s ta ou rem .in there B1..1 111') I UUCi.-laud; g M tU it I tlCSO V. ... IM gi.-n upas ?. < ii s*i sei i' them. He w?s tod thai wn bad ab<. t ni m Itu red w .'it-d- ! there. at d lta? !r few ubti no. ? aj v. is m chaigo ? ban the anoniy oatna in ross. s.-i ... h '? till t ie e . isiou, a. ed bjr a corniia tenti or so' mwlu i .tin. ? ti ls. Pr. Churchill, of the Fi. r--o .ii N-w Y-Tk regiinrnt a:id Pr. cbt 11, i f Grlf flu ? ba lery, linvr . een t ? in ltichmond. anil ate n w clun g g ?Mi service in aiding tu taking oare of our wo ii ded. Ra a iveto the resul. f the week's sanguinary oon A ct Pr. Cbsmharlu .. s?y that the enemv <? ideas o Imv ng t la ice as n..iny as . arebrt u r s do liioy f bertnoro cwuca e tb.? ' a. Mc le! an, in clinging bu ;. mi of operaltoLs b ck yiie :i n t onlv hy s rp butoxec ted a e' l .ileglc tl tn voment of ihe g ? atrst im f. l uce, ar.d br..u. h: it ab at with coostuuinato >kid the n 'ided f it'irc ni.voiuor.u *-f th -enemy lie i- ; ot a: n' ei ty to ?p- ik o ; t he doe? nut h- sitale to give tun assu a de ih t they a illy conscious of tho s.raugtU o; i pro.-,.'t t?.s .on, a d will find It hard to dis.ui b us Krocp ,'lis. ixoons named, all the YVo.iudcd a e slid on the TVid -rbdt, which is now moo.ei in the etrcatn. lb .' hr itoeriu u has am -ng hta papers on the b .a. a full list of the xoended loft at Malveru ll.U after thi light. end th ?e who have died sine*. 1 spent an hour this -fioi noon at the old Harris' n man ?i n, still used as an army hospital, and likn y to be used for this purpose lor some time to come llie building ltsa f, however, forms a snia.l part of the hospital ao ?orr.inod itlons The capacious lawn in front and reir is covered with white ah' lter tents, neatly and a t'Sti caily arranged. TtMire warn to day oue th .inanr and tiily, aud the arrnng ine. is aro to l e sia'edilv enlarged for the ncc mm xlatlou of twic ? l is uumher. TU- rl-va e l ami airy situat ou of the gr ub?i, on a ? ict' re^qui b? c.d of the river aud perfection < . the hieipllsl an, .us in the way of silen lauts, mc i cin.*r c' issification, cci'n.try a a :ge:n? is. Ike., imp .rt to U every sai it ry ciUv.aiu y that cou.d bo looke-l for in ?:? -rmv h -pita A.rui.. en.on is are now pence el f r talr i :.g away a ich day a steamboat load of those .vliose ram ml ,u North- b e. it.i s Is deemed desir.b a. The Pan to Web 'or w.l lesve to-morrow morning with-the first load. Lie tenant Col' tie! M .-as. of the deveuty se en., i New Yo: k r rirusnt bus general sopervi-ion u (lie bo its aud tlm r ie' of the medical stufl is Dr. Anitv-ny E St k?.,. ' J'hi.k ielptia. Tl.ere are tea a ire - as Id Si k-r A p.oss-ut faalura if n t m-'.aed tna plea untest '?.* <t al!. is the rr*-' tea of se veral lait'?s, representatives of different humani tary a . .u various Northoru oilit-s. TUcae Indus. I am told, are making themselves very uaefu!. a ar.- inde digable day and uigbt at.end ing to t. e s i. Mies. M:s Harris, of the 1 Ad n-s' Aid A ? ciau n.c li adei .is, does not conbua herself to labor-: at tl-e bos., iUl, but eisdi day visits t. o hvrp.tals Of :il! t:.e gitnetils p. t: e vicinity, taking for lils'nbn ti n a wagon "ad"f elnee an d other awiacing iaxurlcs to sick soldi r> There is cei taiuiy n .uing like . pieu-out woman's face aud smile, and gect-e t? ach and word, to ch?? up a d "fSiora to health our brave 8 Idlers whom disease, ox;xx ure, fatlg o and the b .llels and shells of tiie enemy have ccuipevwd to become innnttee of lia-pi wis Th-re ha- been nn flrtng to-dvy save a ?al\te to Tom mo Ier- W: k ? wh-> made hts flret annou-Ruce <m shore to d >r * -co Uk vg o mmui-l of (lie ernes n\ er flotilla. 0 ir U.y.? ro enjoying a corafo: 'ulilo and ? .pe r.trigr"- ii?r h i a v? <r t 'it d --rant ra?.i. All the. hive i w to I - is to take iliin,* eiay.d aw 'all ? retloas, iaci'.di' g abundant fresh be -i auil v. ge'&bl-H, and ga bar etrsi.g li for t u coming battle An '.I; r c? muringsolace a Umappearance o. paymas;ers, who are daily arriving end ;<ay -&{ off tba me... A lew tiara a: re and leu. >1 b am.- of d''as mil be on their way to the families of our v .liani tr ?-p* The pxc.ting events < f the day a-* now the urrlr 1 and de irtaie of the taa.i sie.nw the boar of do; a tare being e gilt A. M . and 5!' M.? bat 1 , iT too r< bei batteries below do not interfere. N' d ck ? ry city re>n-a livelier apwtecio than our ma) wbar Wha I all rlia.'i la mat'. ? up of canal ba?gee, ran,- .1 aide by side on e.ther ide of a pi nk br:Jg-> uniting t..e?. 1?e barges, b wever, arc at all times llv-.Iy wtthooiitra ban da. K\ce. t tho Uoati g p opulatkm tint cover I be decks, there n b t little of fi->,tmg to b? seen, ar.d the g n oa part presents no characterteti ? in k-eniog witb the aiviflly m-ving <-afi of tins earns Ui >t t do socmoot j through ti.e Iran juil Watoia envelopti g iba far amnion.ei, lir-ei. On toe deck* ere several to; is uUu gwarrn ng with <va.(nation, urat ke an : fume* of fried bat n. liiserk dead, from ibenhirt* *t ekm a,Crowe s and Other/d tleuien s f'trn ?h n rood-t filling clothe I.e. ; stretch-d in every dir.i ll >0,'.h .t be lemai" P'-p ui . . a gy d b tr.n-s.-. washing ;or officers Altog'-iher it in a very jolly it o for the contraba i.miimy bat g no:, irg i do and p en tr of time to do It in, and having furn she I them abun- a t food, by I'ucie Seolael ? treasury bo lee There are other featured of Interest Ttere is A taint ' A Oo.'s express boat, wiioee derk.frt m m,r..lng till night, pre nut* an uninterrupted spectacle of box ? pa a age , and a (idlers so tiding n.oney horn - T.,? o i? hore ai <iie material fur a chapter, ard ionnda;:' n for a second chapter in d ecrib ng tb? gun boats and trana oris fl.iing the rlver, to a iy no nin/of the lUitnlerm.tirg ar tlvity of loading uud uiilo di g veeaole, continuing :rum ea Iv morning >i i l.ite at u.ght " i here o< meet he maU Net," ahoul a score of cag-r voices. "She's late," aaya <-ne " Wonder if they flred nto berf" inquiring1/ atitgeeis ?aether. ??We'll hart Hone to g?ii onr pafere before <larb," hope fully exclaims a juvenile vet: ier of .V.-wr Yoi It da >??, it 1a alow work getting the bout fastened nnd the gang p'ank out. the I'ruvi it gua-d are in their pines. \o o a mi coos -if oi go on without flrat ehow i g a pass ami tbie must ben tne aupe m riptiuo of of the poor i* tii*i tie to insure its bolder exit or i ntra;;- e. And m-w comes the mort exciting event of all. Two eroieajd ni -re of Beaste-i newsb ys. ha-ing lal i in, throiuh Hie must b?isie> ou? si - amble im.iginalile, their au- k of ,-a|ier?, are ijunkiy llytng vwey with tfie rapid,(y I- Homer'a a.i^eil woida ? ||. *? the Vaw Yosx ?h.a ?li,. ' is almut id from c> lit.tu .in .a lips The pa;>?r? aeii at ten ceoia apiece i* last as ihey can ba dealt out. Ksi - b-i.-r .ier, and the Hskald is iu every camp I miu t d ti i .5 ooo are *nl i lie s -.uiy Ti.e 'a. t Is, th? tuwi .. .. ,, -M i ? iiumi a of ti.- iitaatb for all fresh war e" gei k, iv, n*re, euooer tn.u tbey CM lea u .1,1- f.t ? :i *nj et:,?r ?,, t ? 1 i iw, t ir ii n,? to ii.vy on a temporary vu. ^ 4 ? in ? jt? Ins h-sl It He wits in ' *11 ' ' toent e me r.,*tit serine ot lia tP-ejii ? .??* m e , .i e,, Mtrary to lbs advice? I.I- -- it . to be hnp.-ii |,e rn ,y som, return with ? * b ?? ? r ? -r f tenant l iving sioii, of nil ?i. it nv -e " iiiged to t ,ka a furlo i.ii on acoouat uf sivi. a, .a ..... Lieutenant Seytu .r, of Horo.l ? gtaif. ' lUior Obepa*j^ftho??evert ir? . eg i men t, baa just te-n .i|i|"intee cotoai-i ef -.he - .i,,,, () %t ,ir_. Pt_, went He IS a MMIMI - ill i, ve ? wr-'hy and s(B< i?bt ba-b- -,f tl, r. T iir -Igii the HssAtn to mgi,' o.n,t;? ihe pmnfnl Intrl'i 6? ? s tl the deeth of (ass Ninth Mint irhuaetts i- r., jut. It is a severe al im gh not ehnil)- ntx p? ,i blow to his regiment He wsa a most abi* i- ? > .iar as well as brave officer, a getiilvniun i.f ue rtuna be was ?m - g th?t!rn to- ?. t ,? ; . to hia e- itotry ia m img to pnt dowa the ;, sent lor swrrrai week* pr r to tho late ban im -an I'Ck.aod w >s *,ir,s#d sad urgt-i by Ids t utk- u reat; but ba peramteutly ref ?* to regiment white -use was any cfiance of any . 'sat. makes the third c-looel in <.#n?i*l wh ? his fuleu in tbe recent coiillic-a. ? Mh ? li-ne1 o-.t of (.so M.,rail's d|t Undi who ?I, a martyr U? the graud work of restoring o i woverrigo y of tho Stan and utrlpes. . ? ot ' ing ih# dajr. a aevara n rm t nn.ut bar. soc ed the air. was Rr rw, July If, lUga. '1 R br bm <if ?I.... fritr.ntff . n Parol*. A-, .j of imperial, e i tt ..^piradi dui ing tbe la?t ? a etittherof r >l?a p Itonerafn n the i,wa fram Pomt j-u ? ?? ti.? ih# lli'i we wit ta?k to f ty r, Jp-?1 iCcgi l-Mta p- ?> ? a: l ? Wh s iy ? Of, sun ?h? ?e*e allowed to pr t??d to Wash. i:?:ton to eg ute tor % genera. esohanw of I onei> tu ?? 'i s.dea. They ar? <>c i.. I Vadut-xi Mi -f.'t ~t i<?ntN, c> tnrn <tidn g ih? Ei, tatw Th ..f ? eoun i t-giineaL iia i>r W M. n< e,of the Tin I wa r. I- ?UU(iUiul '. Cre.:g,of tlw Fift y-eighth lilt Uuu rcn .i.e. t. I bt-ii v? it at their nnu has' .en J" ' *??'. ,u ? " lh* (Ceutleaaeu are in be, as of boiu? re. it. cms few week*. T; ? t. . Stc ring brought down som* four hundred v our s. k fr-un the rebel hospital iiin tmtviu-f ? a: U wo i.i'd ni t g?n-rauy n* well. 1 ?y 1 a e su, !???: with ail tlie delicacies so needfui lor per la .u?tr Condition, and ilmi# ie now uj l .uk oi ioe. Hamjxmi's I.AMuNf), Va , July l(5,1882 TTu E'.essmgt <y a Sto> m?l'"p,triioiu?lhe VioclMd* of'i,\e Jin'tt /in *.?, re., iCc. Aff*r a mo.t Intensely hot day yei'eraay, n* were Tibiteu n,i evening by a vevei? thunder storm, which la.,ted teieral hours, aud this morning la vary cool and c. infnruMa. The sanitary condition of the aimy c u ttnuae to ruprava In i.a new location, and the number of ;etieuta at Ida hospitals is coiuideraloftdimiiitaheU. are at present very quiet, and tot anamy do not tr able ua much ex apt u;>on tb# rivar, whara tbty art disj-osed to inter ere with and aunoy our transport*. rbe '::i| re,s: ns and experiences of tha recant baltltt and marches ft bacon, .eg less vivid at time passes on; but the history or those seven days of conflict and ex hai stu., e.Tort wil. ever be memorable for the exoellen' oft^;i'nomac!e' ^ ?nJurauc* ??P*y?a Oy the Army . '' 1ru *** ?<>m* excitement here last night, cannonad ing hai i.rbetn l.rard on the rt er, at mtci vals, ihr M u "n the ,^,'Vt'o n," r-e4,inrn-rJ 10 Injuries iolticted u', V 1 i ,ni" " a"'1 l?"a'-?PWts la the river bv tb, enemy s bat tartan, ware rife. I p. q In vest I-all,at ' '*'%"! *?? *" "?*?? sii^ of si U 'i ith? iX'V ! rin8 beard was ,roua our genets Jl'uiA ?a Uo ?PP??it* shore, be'ow hare to a, i artiiUry of the enemy hiicudod to annoy and ea uage our V.saeij. ??uoy Our Pot treat Mom roe Cor-eaponrtenct. Fownrae Mo.vkok, July 16, lsdj. ' C"ek n<*pHals?Prepa ationt for Our Hound J from Ric>woi?n*ser;p io,i of the large* llos PU<U H ard in the World-ycosnlgftr the AVr. ^ of >t PaltetiU from thr Hygeia to the Hi:l Cieek H -j Ual' OonemlBwmtiJo-.VmiJBoat from ITtwbern-lner*,,, ?? tkrj-.vta Rioer HotXa-Thi WeaUker-lhe Pott Of fee ar,7 the .Viurty for \,w Quarters for Kmployu, ,fr le terday I visited the new hospiub in tha vicinity oi Hampton. They cover an area of about twouty acres and .re known as the "Shod Hospitals." The ground on ? htch they art situated is high and flat, and about m.d v?-y be w sen two broad shoots of water, over which c ,| b.-aze. a,, continually blowing. The Mill Crack Uenera' ii ;s two hundred and forty foot in length, sixty loet In breadth and twenty feet in height. Ihe venliia ti rn l? | ertect in every respect. Coming ?p tho rai'road from Fortress Monroe, and reachh.g the hospital, you enter an offlct built outside K'a; a ward- IIoru i* found Brigade Surgeon J. W u;,t, whr, has charge of tho several horpitris -Siirg from the oflica you enter the building and first reach the diaper, a.-y, where ca 2l , thocarias prepare the various medicines and halnu for the cob:# dotenucrs of the Union. Leaving here, v.e stand out in the centre or the "ward," wtuch is 'th? largest in tb ; world at Hie present tune. Throe hundred an n.ty s,n. lo iron be is tea- a are ranged along in rows, pienty of room Tor eneb patient to be waited upon on either side, fitch bed is covered with a snow ( w n.te countsrpeue The tloors aud side* of this ward era whitewashed, and iced dUmreciiug fluid U sprinkled ui>on the floor, so as to cool and purify the air. Tha van illation is obtained by means of small openings on a line with the floor. This ventilates under tho beds. Openings and windows in ether places allbrd abundant ventilation ver tha beds und allow ail the impurities of the plac# to escape. At the time of my visit there were there one hundred and forty-seven surgical cases, some of them tary bad oies.and yet tbera was not the slightest uu pleasant eiUuris to be noticed. At the lowar end of this ward are storerooms for the patients' clothing, each man having a separate place Tor bis things, a linen room and commissary storeroom complete the arrange wJri* fpr ?'J*r and comf?rt within tha walls or th Fassiug outfrom liars you enter a lartro jioi mm rimi? .wWch ,As..d bVtb^Ltlcr. ntl nl t' ti; k rear are two kitchens of suluble s.? Uoiied pj which are sleeping rooms for cookA \-r' i! fuut??l*ur ^ut 01 lhe lowinga-ininflionitlLinirtli 140 lyei, bre i;*th. *si5 ioet lliese buiithuxg aro Dai tiu S?V "WJM 1 tl0;dl;" ,ru'" ? ^y irg^co'km lh'? ?resmaii outhouses for wash Sio^n. erection -r to from tliese budding, are lasted wiM J | s '? - ** "bout one huiio,ed in it now, 4?,| ne w ant , a g od circuiati .n ,.| |,ur# ?lr ,, , , re Ov r .. ,a, Idiy ? If mey wore K ? lore? i r'1""" Wi wc the *,r ?' *? ?*?n could ;.n thai * vend brows. runs to the ho.nta ihe ni. ve would do most oi the n <uh a. , now, the guest- of the hotels are obfig- i'to JieJuTu " iTrr..^!"" : ^ '?dy with a., vera mem. ? ? ''nffs , *n io the, h lues by th* evening s boat. IH^hw it ?e.u?' ' da 11 10 l'?<!n n?? ??roee-.c# ..f Cuji?ral it i-t -de .'.beau piarters will he tho signi f,T gruat reJ'^g A i. ait b'ut arrived yesterday from N'ewb* n, via ? aoat :he Pot mf :r ? t th>t place cam* up to ma, c ar. at gen.'n ? t r i c.rca <? j jKtuthciUtiN ociao' L tb, j bo ? aiiU umera) irOkt-r 'a troop*. Wu i, va Inn. several tuporMBt arrivals here in Ui? >.i?t t?w uaye but of en r?e it it neitb ,r the lituw uoi I u-e to say at vthuig furth r abo it tben v/?r :l 'tlila i;,t ut gradually ou the im reate, and already i'i.ig ottKer Wtikealia an tauund not only of great tut po, it it of no ? one. t r b. n .mb r, Ibegi.o tila vr rlt atnn tb" n< er n*nk? le m t *o brisk as formerly* It ui ?upp te<l *ume ot the stray from our guaboata have tnabe an tuiptn.-eoii on tUe robe h t.ii will u. ike them in >re gu r .eu ,o tbe future. 11* weather u s been intern>.ly In t for tb? paet few d<>? a sharp thunder ?? rm purK.wi the attbOHpheri ,a?i night, la Ml ib?> a urn mod coots 1 u? off somewhat, bu. ever) mis t . . rap .Uy resuming t s old condition, anil w* are suile. tug s notch as ei or. (loa of tbe m m va'uab ? corps of on and al (be sam time ibe t.u*l inhumanly treated, ?re the clerks In h. Pusltfi.* at lbs Point. :tie. obor from morning bti al at . .glil, at.d, instead of eujo> tug a comfort It.e real . , n til nr at lo on* * unt apartu aula, Mny a e crowd* icto ibe a.tic ova.- toe I ?t Ofioe, There the/suffer er?,y dttc'imtort intense heat anu poor ventilation anlai Just ; uagiiw fifteen or stxleen of tbf.-e gentleme i erowd ed into a Ion- ronui. dl.c tly under tbe roof, In whtcb boy can stan i erect only ,n pun*?, Ui* n r of which r h t, close nd sti.ioeatibg and then you Msiy ap;ueciute iftoir ootid it u tt. The Poet Office Detsu tmetit ibouM pro vtdetbem v, ;tn otter and more pleasant quarters; fr and dra-** lutic in every noth B iLelr preect.t apartnie t?. Of course Mr. Crein, tbe I'ostmu i?r, ia no to btrttrio or thla neglect; it ina> be laid at Ui? d >or o. others 1,.,bar in MMkority. The Rebel flatteries on the Jnuui River, THE PCBOOWKB LM tbY f"Al KD BT TfIB OCNBOAT MOTSE. We mako thefo.l.iwing extracts from * pr.ynu letter f'otn Ciptaia Tboe. Curt it, of tbe ecboouar Emily, to hit father, In this city, giving tiie particulere of the flring upon bin v?seel from a rebel battery on rtte Juniet rive', and the inbee<|iienl saving of the schooner by tbe gun boat Moris;? Pcnno-K* Fktrv, July ? 1MI On the 7th insi we we ro ur lar d up tbe Jam, * river from -audy Point, and on our pa>*ag* up, an 1 ta-hort abreast of a bluff, tin eel *!a suddenly opeiwu on ,,a from a bacery, firing one hundred ami twent; five ah?M. "ut m whtfb oal* twentj ? * t<*ok ettbet, peri let ly disabling tbe rnasel. I then mad* u|, my niiu I to ft. ? her, which I did t (t ree piece*, to pisvunt her fading into the handeof the rebala Very InrInnately how- *?r, at tin* juncture of affair* lb* gun t*til".>? captain P. iUy * can* to tr n:1 gud roinmei ?tlcbelnngt.h*banery and woods, rjac, uctely Bttoucing'.hi .ebei ? .ue and ?ar,nfc lbs Ratly an I c,?w t.i , taia Curtis aay* that too mur.b praise eentwt be awirued to Caj tain Hnyae far his brute, gatlael and nisi iturleai c nducl on the oc< *?:<<n. The Genboat Contest at the White House ? to Tne or the herai r>. TuaaoWR, Jnty 12, lgfig. In a comm<ttHgati<in il tuul ' Whit# Uunte, July 1," and p tb ished in your paper of tbe 10th Inal., several Incur r? t lUlMnmt ar m la Ths Mat M?hA? I wae the only vessel that romamed at bor auo, orage on the Sunday tv, rmr g after tbe evaon ,tl,n nf White Roastg tfepcM, end sd tbe enemy lor t ear al hot ?. aid abe ha* nevrr < omtuatided by arij i.,in u t her pra?eut <? ,inRian t ' r l.i''"ienait? SoirnaerTiU* > fbob n Hiease make tb * correction, and ublige MitRtfLKKl AD. Corammlore Ro<igrr?> TO tur fcmrOR or THI. IIKItl.B, '' iWD as i SAUSR <: A 1 C(4 , t fjas.wmdR * I > * a k i'.tvsR, July li, iggg / By flkHA' i'? recently ro. - vod we * ? ,r epenileutM, io s, ,A? t f the I. * appoinira ,t , f , dorc Wt.kes to ike ch ir, i of thi ,M.ri. (,f roinm ?dom i.' dels??'o't,h'e apedron,maki , , i o, ;*. i,?? i,,? redert severely ti| ? u th jm ti>^ p t ?Htndtfr* of U?e Jamee river ; tliia. I a ,u r, , on*y a po-tk>D or the tun" mnre the Cnit<*d State* vm? i ?me o Janus river. lb -? who have li.-u under 'In c uiuiand nan teat if y to hi* c< u?Uuit activity. an<l al though the fl<*LI or o--er .ttous h m been 0OHttiln4. It should dctriu t n -thing from * worthy oiLcer. Hit u:v coisr g vigilai oe h?> made '.lie Golan* a per cot t rr-? to rel?td?*l*Ag the r.ier. We doubt ra ch that ihe W*r bit 1 ecu bene lilted by the recent change, Unto devep it But I will say thit t I here h tvo c h'.l douoe ut the ability Of cur int. Lag wlficer, John Kodgtg*. A CALl.N'A V ICu I win THE SICK, KILLED, WOUNDFD AND MISSING. The Twelfth \?w York Volunteer*. TO Tit* IPITOK OK TH* HKKALU. Camp Neas llAKiueoN a La.mjlnu, July 10,1842. The foil >wl.g it a couii iete ln>t of the killed, wound d and nut-lug in my regiment at the haitlea of the Chick* hominy and Malvern, which I tend you for publication. As here has beau m na published it will prove oi int.. oat to your readers, as well as parties lotereeted. HENRY A. WEEKS, Colonel. B-irrrJi os juk.-iuckah via v. Company A.?Killtd?\V. 11. tioodricb. ifound d_W II Arrar, Ales. Bontly. ( has. Munioid, Lewis W. Soyl-s. Edward C. tirtggs, Edward Otis, M m. Ibiriington. iiOi tup?Sergeant by run Gi but, Pe tri H. Hall. Company B.? Woumtea?Surg-vanl A H Ore mo. Cor peral Jaa. A. Hunter, bavid Harr, bat.iei Residue, Ch is Brown, Arch. Lin.back, J. H. Lad-labouch, Homy C. 1'erego ?Corp iral F. Sli inloy John Stratum, Geo. revlrce, Edward Uyland, Rowland Thomas. Cost ant C,?Asl.'ei?.Michael Murray, Wm. 8. Force. IP und <i?Lie Ellis ISimtn, Serge -nl Cochrane, Serge-tnt Chris. Edic, C. J. l-.llis, Win. Koa.uon, bat id Hush, Frederick Heury. Mining?.Noyet Ilarhoi, lho* iuily, Wm. R.y. (ojirast D.?A.Sergeant Wm. Fauoett, Jao b Euth IFunded?Phillip iiiady, Thus. Garvey, John Wolf, Chas. Ik its, A. Van Oraeu. Muting?Lieutenant H. C. Burton, Johu Clooney. Conram .killed?Lieutenant E. M. Fisher, aid to Butterfleld. Wound d?Liouteuant P. A. Oliver, sergeant E. P. Richards, Oorp ral C. E. Garrison, Michael Muiyhy, Heury Murphy, John MacCautry, bough,f-s Fo bes, J, tin loone. ?David WhiWmote, John Lhorutun, Ambrose Smith, Alt red Uorra,Jae. Mclatugh un. Company F.?Killed?Peter J. Ames, Geo. St. Lawrence. Wounu^i?Captain Jaa. Cronuie, and missing; Cor,-oral Richard Cr.el. Robert Coruey, Mai ion Poland, ih mas caulin. Misting?beckhart Cannier, Felix i ock, James il. Fowler, C. m. a a IIf-KiUsd?Wm. E. VanSlyke, George Hawks. WounileJ.?lieutenant S. A., i*e,06, Jacob H. lime, mortally; John W. Jackmau, John Lyncn. Mitting?^ames Mantr, Nathau J. Vau Pa ten Coiii-a*v H.?Killed?Capt. Geo. 'l'rucsu .il, Frederick 01i .be. 1 Yuuiuted?Sergeant 9. Carpenter, Co. p ral Caud u* , Phillip Rubles, Louis Emm, >1 riirner Ran I, ba'Ui ura Hey, J. Mack, A. bepperls. Geo. Hen*, Geo. W. Cook. >n tie/?>e .las. (.ibberson, Corporal lim. aheau. yuney ..tide, sou, Jaa. Osborne, David VVhitconib, ?? R msey. Company I.?Wmndel?corgrnnt J. H.Phillips, Her bert 1111man, Rich .rd Valentine, Sylvauus Holo mb Miisng?apt. U. R. uuouib, Jas., Authy Ka me,, A Wickm n, Geo. M. Howe, Geo. L. Hoyt, Jaa. tilth Edward Lebea, Henry Hitchcock Com* tn y K.? Wjuiui ('?sergeant K.J. Wilght, ("has K. Ra:. 1,Corporal .Lie. E., Patrick Gheaiy, Kdwui d Pitzslinoi*. J. M. Kill>rode. Afim'n,?Chas. c. Beach, i-rederick Lubbe, Put. McCue, John NoM, Geo. W. Rey nolds, Johu MuGoughi bai-tix or malvbrn, jult 1,1862. Killed?Major lienry A uarnum. CoMIanv A.?At I a?Sergeant H. G. Howl and. lYwnd J?nbiaham Andrews. Jerome rf. Moaely,i has K. Vroo man. company B.?Wounded?Corporal McGinley, Corporal K. Langham, Freak Jiei..s. leJJy Sweeney, Pair ck Grit se guant Sc niiel. Sergeant A. baker, Darius Gates. Jas. Boucher, lieurjr Keecun company C.?A'i ltd?Wellington Thompson, Wm. Com is. Hounded?Sorgeaut Ja;. Cochrane, Jolm E. Albin, has. F. King, John ilahun. C viany 0.? iVouiuUd?JohnTraiuor Musing?Alex ondur Reed. Company E.?Killtd?Patrick Powors, John Hammll. Wcwuled?David Whitmore, Wm. Graham. Mitring?J. lhoiM?B,J. Mclaughlin, John 'Dug. Company V.?KUUd?Geo. 1 e!abuut,.Tas. Durnior, Wm. Eatoua. ?Pou;i.i?r<?Corporal Pat Drain, Corporal 1". M - Creuly, John Algae, Johu CutRry, James Casey, D. Lvuglr iin, Wm. Love, John MeCrary, T. Scanton, W. Ser.oa, P. Site Jus. Company G.?Kithd?Henry 8. Barber. Wowtafrff? .Sergeant Alison G. Warden, Sergeant Wm. Carney, Wm. P. C'irbeit. Com pant H.?Wounded?Albf. McGann, H<*nry H. Fel lows, George liarnea, Uriando Congdou. Anthony Barnes, liuo'i Vickery, Wm. MtMauuS, Kid red Wright. Company I.? Wounae!?Corporal A. N. i'hiUips,Clisj A. idahhett, lH,n (?. I'hatcllor, Eugene AVhiicomb, Darid fakotuan, Cha3. Fed iws. Ooau-ANT K?A .Umi?John Neubecker. If<?n<W? C ipt. A J. Ruor, Corporal Geo. Kr-unr, John Fitzgerald, ?'oseph Salmon, Hra lley Smith, Jacob Trletley. jirrrtLATJ'H. A'i 11-U. H'vurnUxl. Missing. Tt-'nl. ilattle or Chickah *miuy.l2 dj ?u I'M lUttie of Malvern 11 65 4 70 Total 23 120 4T lfo Killed, Wounded and Missing in Gen eral Syln?' Division, from Juno S4ti to July '4, IxC'J. TENTH KKOIMKNT KEW YOPK VOLL'NTKEJtS. Killeil? Nergcant lb mas Mc'uUongh, Oo. I; Corporal Kmmml Mctieuuan, Co. B; William Marron, CO. I: pri . aies William A. Williams, Co. A; Jolin VV. Smith, Co. B; I'Lornus Simnnkin, Co. F; Jamss MeMiLu, Co. t; Arch: bild Buchanan, ('o. Fj Edward Nugent, Co. If. H\.tf d a aril Mi ii iq? Captains T. Wllties, leg, slightly; '. 11 P.riggs,Co. I, laoe. slightly; Lieutenants eamoii K. ruiih.t<< K, knee, slightly; Goorge F. Put, Co. K, showi er; Serge nts James Kichards, Co. K, nock; ChaileeF. ia ckwool,Co. U, breast; 1'uiuum Fields,Co. i, leg; Ser geant M ijor W. H. H. Wlicox, leg; tV'i|xir?U Win. G ay, o.B{ .)? hn Boyle, Co. C, arm; Wli un Chut, Co. F, o vast, 11". H. Thomas, Co. T. f-ci privates K. 11. Sp .igi e ' "o. A thigh; Lawrence 8trnpp, Go. A. shoulder; James Mulphy, I O. A, head, Ge-.rg" Ward,Co. A, hetidilbi ma. .... or. ? o. A, groin; H. B (cmpton, ('? . a, gioiu, Thomas C. Cary, Co. A., groin; 0. J. Wheeler, ?'o II; H. E Ixjvo and, o. B; Adam Pay .ug. Co. c, .eg Mi.U miaa i.??;; Win if. McUurroy, Co. D, slighily; Henry roymnur, Co. u, slight y; M vhae! LUUon, ('-> K,tend A.ex. Robert s.rn, Co. K, back; Thomus I!etrl.1ge, ( o. K. iwo ribs o ? ken; Timothy Hunting. t o. F, leg; Wrn. ( otl.ns, Co. 1, it; Johu i, co. 1, brca-t; i etor Doom, Co. F, o'east soph iitnaa, Co. F, head; James Emmons, Co. neck; John 8e.iard,Co.O, throat; B. R. F.'vanj, t o. O, -i'lj Uuutiew G Ii; Tli<mas M-GonLie, Co. H. -eUon Town, i o. J, leg; Manias t-aueroit, Co. I, uines M.V,ry,">. K, semusly; J hu Horn berry, Co. K, "??'WiojsIv, John Lirenton, Co K, slightly, John Donnelly, lo. K, Slight'/. BMtanrcLafMK. iC led 0 Wounded 44 Missing TO Total SECOND IMil.ll STATE- INFANTRY (lUXiLEAKS). Killed -First I inwienai ts Richaro Itri&Uiey.Co. C ; W. i. Jordan (9tl? infantry), cmumaniUr g Co. K, mortally aO'ii del. ad l.lo iiii.ant 1). Parker, Co. K , orporalu Buchanan Flndb y, Co. O, missing, swpiosed .died John Mickel, Co. i , miasbig, supposed killad; A nrlvates Jehu Keitnuy, Co. .A; James Me.limi, Co. B, Win Baroes.Ce. E; olias. Hedges,Co F. Michael Boy SO, Co. 0; Patrick Wands, Co. G Jernet shee'.ai. < <>. 1 G jo. W ii h, Co. I, John lis vy.i'o. 1; Tim-thy Ryan < o. I; stsphsu McGluni'y.Co. I ., Thomas Cosgrove.Ce. K. It'ouinled and Vu iii^ -I Irst l.iei:tenants Jam's TV. Iioog c<>. A.ficd;Chas M f iecmaa,Co. E, wrist; ii. A. oKes.Co. I, leg, .Sergs nte Mari n Walsh, Co. A, leg; Thorn > VU !;,.tn. t>i A, elbow; Fre-Jk fl*ir,Co. B, 'eg; st a i I ."rth,CO It, ieg Ih. i. t> Payer. Co. B leg. Patrick F"rd, Co. C, foot; Wai. Ha dors,Go. 1, liaa .. Frsnk Seymour <o F. lug: Frsnwls E Lory. Co. I,leg: ; I 'us > a Ce. I, hip: KdeardF. Wagner. Co. K. sh ukler; ' irp ,-au 1 rancla leohuy.Oo. A esr; John Butler, Uu. B, r En Mills Co 11 'eg. Win ll.ach. Go. C, hahii; I , hael Bark, do. F, srra: John l/mlgau.'o. F. leg Win. 1. Butler !?,ohoulder; John I yucUjOo. G. leg: Bnger k!i:;de,Oo. K. hand; prisraiea J rase Ihtuoa, Co. A, m . a tee Hunter, Co. A, lack-, ihus Uutier, Co. A, ? u; I aulel T.ynti.Co. A, leg John xhliel, Co. A, hand; Win. ttirnprmi, (o. A, arm. Win. W<sker, Co. A, leg; Henry li rk, Go. B, hsau. Retrak l*oyle, Co. II, leg soph Farlori, Co. II, isg 1a vsls .tube. uj< u.d.Co. b k g. I' Uaol McCartjr, CO. B Iisud; John M llahy, Co. II, ieg. ulkib Fletster,On. B, log, Juoopb Htuoahlxtckel*, Co. B, hl|>'.Theuphllua Ruva Oo. H, sliouldar, Jotm Weeton,CO i, knee and arm. Wui. SVaUh. Co. B, leg auu aim; a .'Id White, Co B leg T b e. i-reeinai. Co. H, tliigh, ?? iles?ey,i ' U.hea?i. ?? ' err,Co. c, arm and le^, ."Vi'iOijrj IP ?? 1'owa. ' ' " ( , lea. ?? llkau, Co. C,ariu ml lag Wl lism Ford, Co. I1, kuee, sevacely; thai.e* ...?Una Go. I*, arm eav?;?ly ? ha Ws Williams, Co D, thigh, ?ov"r?'ljr. Will ii i Voss G' P, hind, oeveroly; ?in Owivel, D, hand, slightly: At-stln Sad .'?e., '". 1>, hand, Sllghilv; Rairiek Farrsll, Co. F, , k I rani Is (lies! re, < .. K, Idp. Uanltl lei.ard, Co. E, MiCliael Dot n?y <o M head ?llsitiy Mu Okj, . I mortnliy. sinoo dtod, l*ati tek Ibioosy. Co. F, mar it y Mloliae; uih y,Co 1' arm. h.iuqr; J> ??bPuck.Co. ?'b Ider.l'st. i >uuOr,(0 F, hp; am~*J <nhms,i". , h> sd harie* eii'i ? ' f grida Francis l'arroll, Co. b ?A siU'i'iy t'.itn Farrell, Co, F. !?g, sightly; J .i es Mo -dy,Co. I Pes I .l.^ticy MR h*el Mulle y, Co. , ,wrist; i I i-.,.l?rg si. in 1, head, aiighty Juue|dk O.'we U'otga i'? I, Oo. G, nm k i ijali t-Hius,*'<?. G,tie t ceterGamut. IhO, band, William Main, Co G, abdoinwi m "ri. Ily William Murray, (4, leg; PatrI , Ryan ?o f., bark, n.< rially, Patk. Martin, I o. G, I" "?.-i. in"i lady, N ipie Co. G, mortally: CTirin , her r. .,-t, < <?. (i, hau l, slightly; Fran ois Fernevil,tw ?t. f ><?', slighily, wsslte Iaiorta,Co. B, fa-e, lightly R i rd Ncoti, Co. G,e?o tally ;Julm Grow, ( ? I, hip Jol' ? ililvari,t'o I, thl,h illrheel , ei.igljeo, ?o. I, thigh ? Mu Uauiilt' n. ?>. 1, both legs; .lames \i k' s,?<\ 1. th. ?" brink Nsrketi io l,bi?k Mania its ,i\ty.i ? I,i iM, Fred. W/olf. Co. 1,1 * a .d thigh; Johu J ii " < 0.1 i" ?? sHichtly. James < ".P. oy,co. 1, eg s Igntiy; .? Welliu^.1 on. ???. i, thigh s ghtlv, huetii, to. 1, sbc der, el .liny?? 'n iPivm ,,, i I, I ack, snghtiy : Hy. Bwle.i.e. K, mortal'/; 1/mls love v. ' ? hi, b -i *? ghtif; Fredk I mil fill ? .-a, C.I. Kfl .I'ikle. s'igbily, Joint I. i neby, Co. K, arm, sligbCy; Hmiry J huition, Co K, arm,slightly I'airii k O'gthhu .1 iv, hand, -ligtn y; It d dph lis her, Co. K, pom, ; i ly; Gov. G. VIeh*. < ?. K, eyo, siiglitly. r ariTi laTi >. K ! ert 18 founded .loft ? I 10 intent"* nd ?oop'-eed u> 1-e winm' rt Cor*J'r*' II ,M,0 A. if ? Ht.rt ?>???? <? - ?"* 1 V i? a der iTiv ilea Win ? tliKt.i) ?. to* . i te> i, Jtea. t ? nil A, he -1 J..h . K wd .1* <>.. A, e,e; Robert Churgfc,d>. A,b-ck, M- ^ ?Mtfll fA < ?. \ ?i MU at*.. _ _ , 4r Tuutl., WKKDS' A.tD ?rWA?I> ' UATTkR '8. JEtlf. i?I'livutri J.uium c ' w, to. I, 6th ? ' ? ,Y? Time. Hal Co. I, on. ? ii ;-'y. Joha iU.M*b . ? I, ftth artUtery; Kudoiph lutn-.or, to. M, .M tar5:,wti-'nptteio we?.t. ?th ntuu IL J. Ilteyden.Hd a l.Uwy . ll.i.h; .Jtet K-KO y, 3d *l'Ui * y, Sl4n'1ll'i??r. It''" y *? '' "f^10fl' 1 I lie*i? Hi- 'f'- t Wm. Cmiioy, <*?. U -rt uti 1 O .il i -? rtirs ivtt; v;r, ^wv>^, r: Uutoune 1, to. 1-. 3d MtiUery, imudV-i i ai .r l.?ryt I., 3d arM.ery , *?<??; H-wy ** .j", li-l.'h; Win. M.i: r .*.-?? M.J.? ' ' ?"* , J J. uridyl, 0". .1. 3d rmuo .'"?'? j ?, Co. M, 3d srti.nry, "ink an . >" ???', t 34n.Ul M. 3d artillery. thigh; Kdward Ua M- * ?*" larv tl'iai- lleiu Rwd. < ?>. M, 3d art HI r .su.uiy Juiph UO.CBIM. Co M. 31 art.dory, fete nil h v; id w ird 11. WiliUiuA, Co. L, 3d artwlrry , cnwA. ?hg ?/? Rnt-AKTTU L> 1 ion. Killed Woandod 3 Total * * bXXTV-SHVHMH NEW YORK "? 811131' I.ONd lSI.ANh VOhl'NTkERd. Hahkwoh's Pojvr, July 10, IWI. 10 fun nprrou or tb* th.kam>. The enclosed cor root Hal of caaualt laarfa regl mi-ut lAiug Ulaad Vuluutotfrs, ttuiiu* tuo lute mo?#moi.ut of the Army ot tl* Potomac, will comfort the rnan .n of those who are safo.aud tb*n vho are lu mi may an well kuow the truth at ouce as to he kept long r In doubt:? ,_ Aj-ioanw A.?Lieut. Mills, nick and roisnmg: Alberts. 9ta:.U, nuk ami winning; Wm. H.tflelU, mck aaU lug. Johu Mcl. .roe, Hllghtly w.. .u r,,n.,i Car Vcvxr >ny !< ? la-. C..Z1110, l>ea', alight t, car bori y .leg' s.lghtly MichaelC wan. K.ioulder .n.ghtly , "?c J;n?^" v?? . **, ^ Jaoob Westlnkn. heart; Surgeant Houry Jouen, ^ui; dodu Bowm. a, b*td. a*romiMiny B.-J?mes Punam-re, head. morUlly; John * Cowm* t'-V m-'i. Binen, arm and hand; Snmoel It. Hickn'lja It a 1 g om, Sniuuei Mkinn, eujuUor; Johu w < 1111 A.u' zo Wootl, unssiDg. C mf.ri'i 1.-'.nt-ga.-. kll>l: Snrgeant Samuel P. Atkiunon, auki# P.n.lek Oiancy,. . g..^ 1 ,,i ii.? hiuate.iiiiit 3. At. Hog-m, thl?n, h-lnn 1, in-*| wounded uud utunii.g; Petor Kifc=ne, rnunutg; "towS' "-^"tiailaa,mouth; Wm.Nash, leg; Philip ?CapUin L. M. Peck, noveroly; CorporalS. Wii.ks, thigh;'Corporal John Gtvrviu.fad to.etf , 1 i 'lsov arm; J. Ciriton, Lrtwd. Carr. leg, juinwn l/tuglmu'loot, i'Atk. t> Rei.ey, leg; Johtt Purcell^ hand; Dauici King, knoe;f- poral C. Dairyrnp.e,,ininimg. Actio* r'et ge;ii.t Major J. C. \ aogh .u, leg _ , lire uUiye wounded are moetly at New , luuton tiiev having uenn among the Urnt Bent oH irorn liarrinon's Uuding. lhe majority, ^tKv'Hr lt ies. soon recov.r^^^ ^4 VolulitUr.. Llit of (lie Numti of Potleotn ?t JUU Creole Iioepttul, Fortionn Mooroo, July ]?u un^Moyer. Co. P, 49th PenttsyU anim fir.?ors; Thw. Murphy, Co. K, 6th New t ot k, nhou.der, \V m. A. ll.iie . 0. 1 2d New Jersey, arm; Lawreuco Hatldeu, to. l>,37th New'v rk arm Snhiuel Martin, Co. B,8di New Jeroey, a m- Hugh llc.em. Co. B . 61 h lofautry, band; Mum. d Man 1..11 ' o. U, StU rite-iuiaiicn; ll^tny Moore, Cu l,74thNew Yoik, John Morn.-ey,Co. 1,8th ???? ch.meLU. mouth; Dennis Motirty, Co. B, Bth l.asna chu-ei s'lirm- loon. M-llahan Co.!?,? h Maaaachunotts, ctiuiei.s, urui, 11. j 51U Mllu#| ; f'oe Mi^K .ukey,' o, h, 4th New e .sey, sh-ulder; Titos. "o U 10th NOW York, knee; 1 ory U. New urn (o. K. ioth Masaachcsetta durLora; Johu Mcely,.to. C Ait. Saw York, rhulors, lawn O'tteily, Co. I, 15ih M ar .Ch- setts, debility; Biota.- il'dwors, f?.H, York b'onchitlrt; JonAh L. i t.W, 0>. I,o-1 >ow 1 k, scalp, oar. O. Patrick,-, 6lh ^Tl^w York1 1.. 1 itonla:AHie-l Perrin, to. A. 6th f>ew rout, ( 1'tries I ! h H'1'8, Co. 1', 6th New York, dyspasia; AlutizoLaivr.s Co. G, 7th Mieh'g in, thigh; PavwUmh, 10 I 2.1 Nj*' Yo. k.nrut; Jaci.b t. Lon/, > o. A, 1st New Jerae'y forehead .la.iu-e Leutz. Co. A, oS'.h 1 ennsy.v.inia, shod ir, 1; i>. Myt'-u. V?- fc"> lsl, riu^WU'<wtUy !tcruih'^^tr^^ drummer,37th New fork. 1 heumatie .1 ? M.rtln^tTerty, ('o. 1, 2d Celled tales imautry , head; ruooihUus Mnv?, Co. C. 2.1 C"i! d State# Hifaui. y,; .I .'trkk 1 nan Co. G, liacU Votiurfylvuiii.v* t HUeii, Co. p , low* \?w Y rk, ubdMiiiou; J. W. .Siuijwon, Co. G, 12th regulars; i wib Salamon, Co. K, 70th New Y'o k, fever; Win. ncud '?<? (A. i' 6th Now York, wrist; W. II. smith,Co. M, 7-d l ui.usyivai.itt, back; M'aa Smith (o. K, ?J' 'h lenneylva U'l arm: i- irtindamiih, Co. < . 6th M.iiue, J. P. short. To. u. 66tb New York: Walker Vaiey. to. K, UOth i'e., iheuatatuin: Jos?;>U iv. q 7tu 1 en.isyivauitt, arm; Wil.iatn Mestjr? III in to. K, Both Peimsyltania, arm and aide; \'i. iKihis NlerL.UK. t o. G. 20tU lnrt ruie. thumb; l^w'* H*," b.-mold,Co. B, 2d reg'ilara, back, J ?l.p liii.n3. M itiih n w York.lMMli A* HUU)J,Oo- C, 16ih Mioni crn cont.iamn Wm. Herbert, Co. I 4th Saw Jersey, rheumatism; j. Hughes. O-. K Slat P,u..,ylyauu, hand; M -e? llavett, Co. I', B5ih 1 eunsylv.uiitt, terer; Ired. ti,, k t o I. 72d I'enuaylvunis, rheuiuMiiin; 1 rank Uofftaaster, Co. I, 38th New York, rh-untatism.Wm. ils-.urs, CO. I. 72d /'eaiiaylva.iia. arm; Geo. AdauiS.? o. *, 7.b Naw Yo k, liaud, Cliaa. iirown, to h, -d Hhoda 1 ,.? bick' G'eo. Bt.yor, 10. A, u7tb New Yor.t.aci p, Edward Bridge?Co. G, 331 Now Y -k ba-lt; Henry Ocd t . <1 A V'th PcuusvlvauU. hind Th..a Paly, < o. I , ICtli New Vol k, hi ad; A. T. hchold.Co. C. 1st Jlinaeaota, .eg Jacob Ottbln, Co. F, CCth N?w Wk, h-1, ,0 v jjt New Jersey, shmlder W knight, Co. B, 2-1 Kb.Hie island, rheumatem; Klmhiil, to. I', Mhlum is. II" .ir: rhoa. Heb.r Co 1, 72d Peunaylvanla; Onral I.cmbHLk, Co. H.Outh s", w York aide Wui. II. Iamb,to l? 44 1 New York, t k .J H'. Miner, Co. D. 10th N. w York; Michael Man , (o C.Sllh New York, leg; Andrew -.!?! er. < <>. A, 67th New York, eur; Chan. Mdwan, drummer, olh New York: Atonao It. WPson to. ^ ll't Mw.mrhi.sett., b .ck J#bn Mas. ('o. t^^ , V. u 1.-i lieutiiiittit 10th New York. Tm>n Sm.ih. to. B. 37 th New Y'ork, baud, I.. G. rniilb to. D, 12th regular a, 1 t* Tiler to. II. 6th Maine. finger,Geo. N"ge, Co 1) Htti Illinois ' hand; Wni Wibert, Co. H. 10th New Y?i'pL": K. 10th Now York h:.nd. Am. L vchroder <0 U.SthNcw Yurie, wris.; M. . lull, Io. (4 Slh Illinois; l.oule Pchmldt, Cardan aharpeh otets, Jamee looey,Co. B, 72d Peoneylvanle, bytluale OUR PRISONERS IN RICHMOND. Our Army Correspondence. HaitaisoV* Lsnwsq, July 16,1962. 11m following Ii a list of oar wounded ti t well prison en taken to Richmond after the Mai ?rn Hill buttle a> >l thoss v ho hare d ad since, as furnished me by Dr Cham berlutii, Burgeon of the Fourth Michigan regiment. who was among those takeu on board the Vandeibi.t, under a flag of truce, yesterday, and brought to this place '.mi evening Dr. Chamberlain was at great pa las to obtaio this list, and Its accuracy may be depended upon ? irOCNT>KD NOW IN RICHMOND, H. J. P.loe.ddtli New York, groin: I'. Collin. 44th New York, A. .stroma. 1st Michigan, ktioe." 8. a. Walker. 44th New Vi ilr, leg; J. A. Stilibtm, 1st Michigan, beau N. ||. lubbs. "1st leg ampuuted July V John Carlton, 1st 1/iug Island, log. (ieorge Berber, 11.ii Now Yorit, leg Wtlllsm (ilen, Wth New York, leg. U. Mc Morris, 69th New York, leg N Butlerliole, 8hU Pennsylvania, leg, .-? r,s?iit Ii .Stearic, 69th New York, leg, dieu July 4, Joliu Murray. 3#tli New York, lag. J din Ki. k,4th Rhode Island buttery, leg, Jehn Murphy,AbthNaw Yolk, leg r Ureen,3flth New York, legaiBJiutatad,!. May, kith l ennsj Ivaaia, buck I,. Bregctt#,J6ih YorkJleg.D. Hughes, ojJ ly a?yl. van.e,leg; JohnS Tstlmai, 9th M.-sach setts, thigh; It. Kelne,6?lh KtwYerk.lrU: Jehu Thomp*..t), Omh New Yoik, thigh; I). C, Del-tney ? ?, died July 6, 0. M. Holmes 44 n Newtert,beta lego, .Sergeant N. B. Wentv ti S'.d rennsytyaula,breast, First Lieutenant C. A. Wotej".oi 'h. 4MU New York, he*id C. C. Johi son 14th New York, sidi; tieo. Welsh, 16th Ma.aa<-hus?'ts, hip; <1 A. '*win,, 22<1 .MasaashuMitii, leg; P. Landig, ftjih New V k,ihig..; CVirporat 'thus. Powers,Oth Ma*. sa< husetw, leg; Junnlt Murjhf, groin; K. N. Ravi*. 83d Ponusylvatils, leg -nrgeaut ii. Scanlin, 6 Mb Naw Y'rk, ag; 1. B. ?StoaiB.'", 44ili New York. hip. J noes 3..ap nrd, t4tn New Y, rk, thigh. Philip,Tth Na.v York, t} gh J. H Wagnerg 4.1th ew York,aim; J. r If Comb, 14th New Yo-k, leg; Corporal A. C. tocke, fl'Jd Peon Sylvante. leg; C. H?ime,tigd Pencaylvania, log amputa ted li -pannan, r.2d 1 annttilvaula, leg amputate i: A. .'tvn ens, 221 Ma aacboaatta, leg J. Hircwbridge. 69th New Yotk, died July .6: H. V Klrkjiatrirk, 1st New York,side aud liand, Hao W On.I, 1st Michigan, nek. N. ,N Wright, 4th Michigan, think J A, tli idy. SSlh Naw York, hip; B. T. Kmyefi. 69d I eiiiisylvai la, ieg, Captain R. K Meenee, ?Wd I etuisyivunia. thigh \ Rata*. 1st Michigan,tbtgh; Corporal(Jeo. tleineun, 4th Mlchb gan, wrist, c?r;?ial F Means, 12th New York, slio uder, i,oo. N. Itsgrs, 1st M. htg .n, t nee N. t'rowti, l <t tin hi c*r. ihiilr, N. f !i? lip, 1st Michigan, ha id R. luind 7.I1 New York. shoulder; Join Hern.6Sld New York leg . ' I . ?' il M >ut p ia,44th'? w V ik,lsir 1" Moody, . ('? 1 nsyh no 1 gioui, A. 1 ... ?12(1.eng were, s do; ' *?! t.nflltl.'K'l Ml ??'.!? Sjlls, k I.. II. Wis III M. IT ? York.eM- men: 1 tptirn m MroWn. 14th Now >1 ,, I'W, V. hi., ' ?W, 11th engiiwor.*, llilgll 11.11 1,11mb II 1 oj* York, e.dn, M.ith w Ca.r, noli New Y-k. eg; J ii t'urly, 84t , New York, 1 -? John i;.>.m.ui. 36th N a Y'rk n ?. ' ? r;*ir il 0 Hip . I; ;i?M, .'.Mil, New Vo k, si' ?; II <" ee. l.' h Now York. f?o . ihotn ? 'iuberii, t th N'VW Yi ik, thtgt N. P. Sim h, 1Mb ..ew Yotk, n * lie 1 Pge . lid .'-e.f V"/k si k .1 . , lot a ! 36'h New Y . k, 'm i Ifffi. .1 br,s . I 'd ' ?,* York, ace, Pel. luiker.'hl I < ? t...i II K >;n, . Fe-g-aul 'atmes ">'<cter, 89th Mew Ymk.shiwMsr M* thigu.-enr.-t.t A. Lalig. 6b.b N?* >"'/??*'?th H.wKs. 834 Pkunayivanla. sbo-i'der; J. H d,r No, V k.hb. a. -I Taylor. 41 I. !?rt* W. s-e.I H. N ->a, ?tb Mu- u.?u ?rn, M. Dray.6 li u tl c ! ingler 7th New York, breM; < or ? r?I D ? 11 rtj i l'.. aylvaina, breast Cor|><>ral J. Murphy d-d . e n Rj! ltd 'ok II e. 2! N?? Y >rk, Goodae, 13th N?w York, ???'*<*' ? Tbo-". Giay, 14 h Nur Y u.k, thigh,netgennl G? id. H uM?K , 81-.1 i'ouu* . <v ?.im, t, to ?> .1 HI kle; H. C. Wright. 1st Cl.t-uii-urs, ??wul.o-r, j,j !'!?.. n * ii , Will MasaaebunoiU, breast; I. tats.aiu i w UH tk i b, N. rhlee, I4lh New Y?rk, leg; A ? ? 14rb I.c-lit; t, ih gh.Wt-d; N Hoe*, ?3d euusy.vunia, It,- am mated su-nreuit K. M. .-age, 4th Michigan, bead. J. Ilorluu, Utu .ow York.aim.iu.r and ?co; U. IviuUi, 44th No* York, fool. A. U. H-a y.4Gh sew v , lc font Geo. Roberts, let United Stale* ai tiHery.leg aiimnluto 1 ? J. H. Bauer-4'l. i4tb New York, kns<f, ?. rv.iiHkui, 23<i Pennsylvania, tuigb. N. P. awry, Jd Mi da ti, brenal; M Yn.Bg-t, 14th N?w aork,; D. Caimo, Mlb N'"* \o:k. log t,A <*d; (V?r|x?ift] C. 1'. HinbtQSOD, 4o<i n?yw YoiK, K F. Bly, HM Pennsylvania. log au'Utated I*. Hllirich, lot Michigan. I?-' amputated, Jam it Ijnwliliu, 1 lion* If'iHd H. itiompaon.fttn New York J. N. Km.g-,4th M , b a s arm u.p KM W Welch. MHh Now York; j, )lU VcL il-bliu. Kill MaesacbuaethcPat. O'lLdl y, 60th Now York, Phillip Gal-ngher, 81*t FvanayIvaiiia; ven. (.Kit) 81 l 1'e .u?ylvauia, Auih.iuy Bori.ra, 12lh Now Y : k ? derKtuiiu Moj r C. Paok,l4ih Naw York i u i-t y? * MoMulien. 36th New Y'ork, leg amputated; P Hot tuny, 6 i-.UNiw Y...k; ClsrkNiohol, 83d leunejivauiu, i?g. i. (trail. 83 i Peuueylvmnu, leg; Surg.-aut A. F.P. Oik*, 1-t'ii New York thigh Fred tlAokoUar. 2d Now York, 1 k'n 11 MuC?.'d,36th New Ylork, x iu auU le-c;eJ Htrd I it' U New Yu k, tu.klo; It. A. tl w ding. 16cb Mwbi km.' tUuh l avid Herrwon.olel I'nn .r > Irnolo, baud. M. Mu'P'.v 44th Now York, s ? e: D. MoKwor. 4-t h N--w Yb.k bo" rg-;C.C.ovl..(??-k New iwk.gro.r; J. li. It, kagatl Hi H-onuiW' ?>k.a, u y, ltth tUa a ii :,.etlH , in oi w boU foiuid; t>. J (/o^Itlw, I3f" ',"w , y? u t.U.^ii.N. H. Ui.|?njr, 4ia Mlolngau, thigh; > bu Aikl-'v 4tb Mlctiigau, toi^h, C. lioala, 4th MK'higaa, faco; -eraea-1 N. H. Hoaaou,Odd ooosjivaoU, leg am tut a, 83d I'ouiiH/iviut. i, bb>; <-&? l>era. U. Atulki, 2 I New Vo,k.lhg;J. .t?. 2d N.-v York. loot. II (J lelume, 12-h New Y'ork, laR uniiiiUiml, N 0. Wm^o'i, 4'ii Mt hip, i>. AiUt, l4wU uii,aivr>, liana, .1, (,? ooui.i, Utb tcfawtry, .ink a, K. J Hale, tftb ctiu e.te.a in - .iobu wiitere, UtU M u-aacu tuigb; ,d |( nv.?ril, !) h MuAaiwhUaatiA, hieant; tUouiae MCA lllff, 9Ui il'-auoh .suite, leg and arm W .a. Hill, 83d I a: ayl vruiia. I'uUh, t. V. Cutuiuluga, Md I'erugylvanto, t i,;u, I-. KwiiU. 01-t Naw York, tilp aud arm; 1). Hcbweouy, New Y rk.kiwH); lYiiniaii Ha .n,4ta Mlchigau, otg; laiHyueYo -ik.4i1i Miotdgan, un>; Juo illlwo^, 4th Ml litaan, bie -at; K. >?'. Cbeesuy, 8od 1 'aaaay 1 vh;j <; h? It 1'u.ic-hk let Martiuud artnejy.J. A. I'Uiu.iu, 81-1 1'eoueylvat i.t; J. Lu'aoi, 1st tUuhuan, Corp. A. 8 < ai .in, 14tn N"u York; (onr.ul YVal eo, 7th New York, >. Herkel, 63ii- Now Y'irk; M. Uiuu, IdtU h'aw Y-rk, nnui.b; T. N Crins. 36 b New Y'ork; P. .). ih-AUi. wr, S3-1 PennayIvania; -? l A. YV. Aabrt-y. 8kd I en ?y|-? a,i- j^rry rter ?,83d I onoajl.a-.A; twivid t> U u odih N w York; (leo. KO Am-at 61at Now Y' -rk, aod ):uau, M -or H. A. Il.rnum, 12'h New York; J. ^tram's, Tin V*w York; K. Kclmon, 7th New Yok; ( Al x-i.ider, B tte.y B, l'aa ayivanla uitilery; A J Kuuti, 41 h M;?h nan, arm; Sorgeaut A. Byi 'e, let Cu-AM-irt. l.lei), I lib Now York; f. U. Wnaou, 6-d Venn vlv-tia 1'. H Ihthor, b3d I'etitieylvanl i; C. 0. Uolgr 10tb dHMao'iusctla; H K Hi ninml, Int. aai.-d.ira. l-rua. 1U Lrh , i4tit New Y- k, ooc- ud Lie ,eu. m .*>?'?'.? Hard "i, 7;h .\en Y'ork, leg -iop-taioU W. H. hi- -er, ? lot Mlohl ;i. . Vt >. Cabba, 6d<l 1'em.aylvaui.i; Scrxeattt \ H Adams, d-u l'eunaylvaui;;, (1. t'uiuor, 6ka Potu.syl va.-ut. J O. Ytlia. iuto Mas. ich ;sun?, r lrsl Lie tenant I 1' IY ooran,69tli New Y .rk, ilaj-T Miliar,10th la ?? , ii laetts.neck; J. II fole, 10th Mas.,achueetU, 8er4ea.1t K p; Hal!, firab New York, W. A. Ataen, iOih M is?a cbmette Cor,?oral J. II. Kiuklatm, 10th liuandi' sutta. Ser--atit Ia>.;la Radon, 66th N? v York; h A. Hamond, 83d f'eriiisylva.ila; 1'. II. It ice, 834 l'euu8jlvania;Corporal C U-', 1st Ctiosauu.s; II. Mogiu, 4th Michigan, iiioulde:; Cai tain S. C. Thompson, 224 Maas.v hm.oll6, lea lit Lie .tenant C. (err, 6'J.h New York, Heorgo B 'McKey 8.'.d renUBylvau.a, John M. iiigrogau, 62.1 Vannaylrania; Mortor Sldon, 9th Massaoltoselts; Owporal 0." I. Goodrich, Sd Now Y'ork; ?. Ed^e"> *^25 B 6;b I'nited htatca artillery. Thomaa wrltha, 83-1 Hen .frlvaii:#; Joeoph Dennis, !4th New York; lstlaeut. Charles Wheeler. 10th .Yiasswh eetUt, arm amp-Utod; First l leiiunant I.. Cabill, 69tli New York log. U tiban n-.n CJlb New York, J. H. Grode, 9th Maaeacliuiiotte, Seiyevut '. I>. Ilnn, 88th New York; Corporal H. H. liowle.t, '.6th New York; I'hil. CUory, 1st Ielaml; Jamos Willi-iuui. 10th Mas-acbusetta, K B. bami?ou, tt2d Now Y'or-; M. 0. Shitlelgh, 22d Mas-a, M. Cleiisan,26ta New Yore N. H. Nash, let Long Island; Win. ihvau, 89th I'oa id} Ivan is, J. E. Mee:?, 81,t Penuaylvuma; flu*. Mcunira. 1-t New York; Johu violas, 14th New York, YY. lonitit-j, l,.h New Y'oik, M. Coram,Lit Oieaaeuaa; (ieo. New Y< rk; Janios YIcBwl ?;ln,..lH Penury rania, back; Vu hM-.ti* gg. 11,31st l't?ii-y.vaa'?, leg; Gen Fuller, 83dPoansyltau.a, Win. lar,..09 h New Ybrk- N. H II. Yh-imosou,3 1 New Y'ork, arm; H-ury Ml ler, 7th New York, leg; Byron Lowell. 2'1 Name, leg, M. McCoy. 69:h Now York, knee; CoriH.ral I a' Mc ; 1 hicdv. 5th New York, th'gh. luos. Van Valkeuburgh, 5ih Michigan,hack: C.>r;?u. at A.H. Tov?u,22'l u-.? Y01 k th oh; Rob-rt Wilby. 621 reunrylvanla, log., curporal Xh nits Holan, 9th M sruchusetts. log; Johu Aucroa, 4ihili'higoi, urm and hi|>, Ii.lw.ird Domaej , ?-?* o? Y' rk Lgs; -lamia Barnes, '22d New York, thigh; ie.ix'jlomiey, 6ist Now York,!) ick, Michael hwrller.Ulst Heunsylvaiiltt. eg; Hat. It !?y 1st L mg is and, knee am hand, I.tpmau at rk, 723 Now York.feet; J.-tioo.t Mc Conler, 72-1 New Y-rk, leg; James larloy, 724 New Yoik, leg amputated; i'a;UlnA. C'oinatook,61?t N?* Ye.k leg; I> Mukay, 9to Ma. died;N. r. Smith, S;h New Y'ork, sick, 11. Buohouan, 62d l'euuayt v.diie loot nnd !h gh, Hugh McNamara, 36.h Now I?r*i leg-Sergcaut Jam 3 Butler, 9 h M..a? tu, leg; < ? Swan. 62 1 Pennsylvania, thigh; J. leaerort, wrist, chest and back, r.. Keeee, 62d Heun ylrama, shoulder; James O'Hi lei, ?9th New Yolk, breast and hip; Jaume Heatuerwod. OJth Now Y'ork, foot, knee and shoulder, Fr?d. Putnam, 44th New Y'o.k, auk.e, J. D Drake,621 Peucsvirsnia, kuse; Pat. Sullivan, 9th .MasHachuseits, head ,*\V. Ita-mie, 9lli MaesacbuaetU), leg, D. S. Nay-mar, 62d Hsnnsylvauia, bavk, Pat. rwo aoy, 88th New Vu.*. both knees; Corporal W. II. Wlllard, 4ta MicUigeu, head, H. B.nm, 83d Pennsylvania, baok.YV. Purkur, 1st New 1 Y'ork aril le.y, breast; llioiuas Moue, 81?t l'snnsylvanla. thigh Stephen Monotou, 23dPennay vauia, hip. 7?. lur low 14'h Now York, buck; P. Boa ,81st Penna. (shoulder; P JIoriHri*. 7th Now York, leg; A. Gibel, 7th New York, l-g C. Maercbibles, 7th New Y'-rk. back, I. Rudtuger, 7th'New Y'ork, shoulder; W. II. Keleor.t.Cl l Pen wyl vanla, groin; A. K. u.ger,3l3t Kiuley, 106th I'?un#yiv*aU, 1??k; W. uMnfc*, o h mm sm-busetts, blp; W. J. Kilpatitck, 23dsP?n?s> v.uiH, U-p; W. H. M irphy, 4th Michigau, head; J. WilLams,k2d Maaaacbuhvtte, head. PBI90NKK8 IN RICHMOND NOT WOCNDKB. ColeuelC. Pease, 4tb Mkhigau: llarvy Lewis,4ih Mlchi nan - Nsrg. ant W.R. Fige, 4tb ilichiyan; 1 rndrick. \ m cent, 26 th New York; JuuieS W. Loom is, id Michigan; ,i N D dary, 61?t i'snusylvaula. Geo. P. M.-ade,lOtu Mapsachiisstta; W. II. WjiuIs, 10th Maesachusetls; C. P. Wil latns, loth Massachusetts; W. t.ibt?e, 621 l'e .nsyl vania- Phtlbra He.niv, 24 I'nUeu States onginoers, L. M.kire, 7th New Turk; P. I/ ng, 67th New York N. l.yii beck, 67t!t New Y'ork; C. Simon, 66lh New York, l* g. border, 66th New Y'ork, C. Miller, 66th New Y'ork. A. S:uU< n, 74ih New York; P. Marl, ou 21 New York; A. High, 2d Rhode Isliud; ( ofp. E. Wil'ls.ftih Kx.elalor; J. itergm, ?, ^ew York, 1 Wymar 29th Maaaacbusetts; J. P- \\esaei ts-m, 62.1 1'enusvlvanla: A. H YVilgms, 12th New York, chip. h. M..rUi'h.62d New Y'ork. II. Km!?r,2'd New York; 1 rancis V;u? Vroom,2d New Y.rk, Sorgt J. Thomas, Geo. Black, Ilunrv Aury, J. N. Usm, M. M irnr, J. M.J.ail, A.Foley, i b'jlhhew York; Joseph remplc, Cftd New York, H No p u - r, 55ih Now Yoik; J la.or, 66''i New York; N. P. lloney I04ih Pennfyhranla; J. C Wright, 721 lVunsyi varus* Col. L. Ilrown, it! MscSachusetiS; J. Martin, 6l!i New Yoik; N. B-^eunor, 6th New York I i.mtry; Ihouiaa McKay, 4th New Y'oik artillery; W. C. Wufncr, 83d peu..i>y!TaoU; Corp. N II. New.aud,lal cavslry. PiUNONEKH WHO HAVB DIKP 81NCK THK BATTI.R. J. N. Jlsmutond, 44th New York, Jui> 2; 1, 11. Wick, 1 11/ i.g Island, July 1; Sergeant D Stearns, rt?ih New Y ork July 4. YV. Lombard, 1st New York, July 3. D. C. Delancy, ..ei . New Y'-.-Y. July C.N. Dw b, 9th ilaaiwcUu sitta, "July 3; J. Duusim re, 1st l/.ng BUnd. July 6; J. Trowbridge, 6Vth New York, July 6; t?. D llilf,4th Michi 5 in, Ju.y 6. N. F. Cribbs. 8Jd Pennsylvania, July 9; H Grein, 83d Peutaylvai.U, July 7, Jame? Fumed, 62d New Yoik, July SI; A. jSwhts, Uentun s iharjshooters, J;11v 6; L. keep, 14tli New Yoik, July 6; l>oao Ion ne, 4th Michigan, July 0 Win. Crosby, loth M.-uaachnsotU, Julr I. A McGana, 4lh Ni-w Y'ork, July 3, Isaac P. Kgin k n,22d Maasachusetta, July 4; (A Um II X. Graham, loth MuMMbueelU, Jnly 6; H -muel liemieraon. 0 id I'eun sy lyania, July 7; Robert Siory, 44Ui New York, July 7; Albert YVestkage, <tb Mkh gan, July #; John Foley, 09tU New Y'ork, July 7; YY. Marshall, 22d MmaacU wells, July 0; J II. Calloway, 29th MaseachueetU, July 7. Our wounded aud prls-'tiers still reinainii g in Rich mond will probably be brought away m last a* the rebel facilities or transportation wiil admit, our b.ali will, 'touhtieee, he allowed lo advaure up the riser as far as Fort hariing, to Which |">uil the euemy will have Ui bring our men on the small lug b-ait n-.w runaing iw twiK-ii the cily aii'l the Tort Ti.a lab-.r of obtaining tu. emk and wounded left at dsv sutn u will be tiowor and mi-re diflicull, tut a week * iku. viii, doubils-.s, ?se ihc wc-k oi removal ejocesaiui y ?\t iej llsbed. The LtaUvUlt Common (oiini II enil the Don ill of Nrhmil 1 ru*tt < ? LtJO'ltVU .iM, Kj., Jul? A ineiting jf Ihi(Vmmoii CmmoU ?m h itntaeean ing. Poth boards nnerlnaously i^ed eo erdinanoe fomj eKing the Bj.hiI of Si tm"l Trurtera to require ell |T'feowra end mac hem ot the school*, before en te< tug on their duties, to appear b>- re tli* Mayor end t ike an oath to auppcrt the couatitutinn of the t inted Mites and the constitution Kentucky, and to be true end loyal eltixens thereof. Marine Dlnaetcr. IhrrnotT, July 18,1KB. The irhooaer I alhrop,of Oeertgo, waa sunk laol night off Point I'oloe, b; cod lawn with ilu baik Mnrgeaa. the erew were eared * t Maaketa. riiit.At>KLriiiA trrocK boari?. fun rio.L'-nii, duly 18,1882. Ht-.cke etaadr. I'ennayWaula ft-,87; (loading It el! - fad. itoiria fn'nal, 43; le>a( laland Railroad, 10 umlread, 40Mghl eachauee ou New York ?t par. Piin iwatnrii, July is, i8?2 Cotton ad ancid 20 ; Itock nearly eshA'inUd. Klonr firm * ,?e* I ? - ??"' M.1? IS. wheat in good domsn 1; win ? ?i .>> **l -J7; 2T ?#l ?S now L0 (la ? a meat 40c (ofToo Arm at 22c. a ilc. Wbiakoy, Ue. Bcrrato, .1 ;i!y 18. 1SC2. floor atendy: demand moderate W in at ft in wit* at I r No 2 till' igo ei iog,*fi'.fo> V" 1 do., 'j ?r?r V ; : ,kee rliib, ft t"f no hi do . in-, fir ftutt.|ita 11,;.. , i. f urn I'rm ?t 4') i 4 Will ? ey rt-n ..anra'JO nt .1 'tli'? ry, at 31' t -Ii 'i in. In |:t.o '? bide, fl ir,151,000 bvahele ?U<at, T2i.0"0 Wdie'a corn I ? , *. ,i no Ithle. II ir, 7 l.l'"J o(l*het? v?h; at. I2-.'709 I Le a v > ? , 20,t VO b iLv.iOal , tUJUW Ihttl.eU fjro. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Pkiuat, July Is?# P. K. Money is mncfc more abundant to-day; no loans are being made above bve per cent. The mousy which was withdrawn from the street for the July dividends, and was kept idle in consequence of the check at Richmond, is finding its way buck Into its old channels. Certificates of indebtedness are quoted s; green back Treasury notes, 10rt a /?. Cold advanced this morning from 119 at the opening to ilhJi by midday. After sales at this price, it then fell bach to 119%, 119,118%, and linally ^losod lln^i bid. Hills on London opened at 130%. losb to 131y%, and were lust quoted 130% a 131, there being in many instance* a very wide difference between the views of buyers and sellers. The importation of dry goods for the week Is over a million, nearly t'iOO.OCO ot which are silks. The new tariff will have the effect of reducing our inv ports of dry go >ds very materially, though persona engaged in the trade still believe that many im portant and ext ensive classes of goods will con tinue to couie here as usual. They arc slow to be lie vo that American manufacturers can compete with their rivals across the water, even with the duty. The stock market was erratic and irregular, but generally lower, to-day. There is not qpich Retire speculation going on, and uo general rulo governs the course of prices. At the first board to day the feature was the decliue Lu governments The sixes of 1181 fell % a %, 7.30 notes %, and the fives of 1874 1 %. Considering that we had no bad news In the morning papers, this decline was a matter of surprise. It afiected the general mar ket to some extent. Tennessee* fell %, Missouris ' *? Michigan Central %, Southern old %, Illinois ( entral %, Toledo %. On the other haud, Pacido Mai! advanced %, New York Central %, Erie % and Erie preferred %. The trunk lines are doing a very largo business, and the dividend of only 3 per cant on the Central, when 3% a 4 was expected, is evidence that that company, at ulj events, 1s going to be kept in a sound condition. There was a rather butter inquiry fur bonds, without much business. After the. board, vague rumors of changes in tho army began to oirculate, and under this inllnonce United States sixes sold down to 06, aad Now York Ceayal to 90%. Alter a time it began to be understood that the appointment of General Halleck to the general command of the armies might bo a guarantee fur increased and not diminished vigor and efficiency in the conduct of the war, and the tone of the market improved. At the second board, however, the market was vorj dul| and the course of prices downward. United States Treasury notes (7.30) fell to 101 a %. The mar ket closed weak, the following being the lost quo tations:?United States 6's, registered, 1881, 83 a %; do. 6's, coupon, 1S81, 98% a %; do. 5'a, 1874, 85 a %; Treasury notes, 7 3-10 per cent 101 a V Tennessee G?s, 49% a 50; Virginia (i s, 52 a 64*1 North Carolina 6's, 65 a 68; Missouri 6's 46% a 3*. American gold, 118% a %; Pacific Mail, 100% a %; New York Central, 90% a %; Erie, 33% a %; do. preferred, 61% a %; Hudson River, 43 a %; Harlem, 14% a %; do. preferred, 35 a %; Reading, 54 a 65; Michigan Central, 57% a %; Michigan Southern and Northern Iudiana, 24% a %? do. guaranteed, 53% a 54; Panama, 130 a 131; Illinois Central, 56 a %; Galena and Chicago, 68% a y. Cleveland and Toledo, 46% a 46; Chicago and Rock Island,j?2 a %; Chicago, Burlington and (juincy, 7:>% a TC; H.lwaukee und Prairie du Chien, 31% a %; New York Central 7's of 187G, 108 a 109* Erie third mortgngo bonds.' 97% a %; Michigan Central 8 s, 1st mortgage, 106 a 107; Illinois Central bonds, 7's, 92% a 94. After the secood board there was' quite u rally in the ma. ket. Central sold at 91, and that was bid for more; 33% for Erie, 61% for preferred, and so on throughout the list. The receut act of Congress authorizing the iasus ofa.hjndred and fifty aaditionui millions of legal tender notes, and the possibility of still further issues, present a subject of such general interest that the question of the country's capacity to ab sorb currency must itself soon become "absorb ing." There are those who bcliove the maximum was reached just before the breaking out of ttie rebellion, when the bank issues and gold coin ia circulation amounted, in the aggregate, to about 5-160,000,000. Business was then as active as it had ever been, the crops and the importation* were large; labor, real estate and all commodities were commanding high prices, and, of course, re quired a proportionate amount of money to efTect liquidation and transfer; for it is a well set tled principlo that the equilibrium between the currency and the property of a country, though it may uow and then be temporarily disturbed, la and must be generally maintained. But the opinion which is entertained by many, that the volume r aohed at the period mentioned was as great as it can be until the restoration of pea e and the revival of business shall demand an increase o; currency, is an unsound one, simply because ot the eescntal difference between the Issues of banks, which have a locul circulation merely, and are constantly coming home for redemption, and those of tho govornmcnt, which have a universal range, are hoarded as gold used to be, are sent onger distances for the payment of debts (In this respect taking the place, to a large extent, of drafts and domestic bills of exchange), and ar? not returned for redemption. Precisely how much more of such a currency as the latter the country can find profitable use for it is not in any one's power to say; but that it ran employ a mush larger amount than it has ever employed of bank notes and gold combined there can be no question; and that, should the war be greatly prolonged, an' amount will be issued for exceeding any tiling heretofore contemplated, it is easy for any one to believe who ha* carefully studied ths policy hitherto purMJed bjr (he ^crei q{ the Treasury. Ever sines the comm. ncement of the first Issue of government paper the rate of in terest for the use of money has ruled at about 4% per cent per annum, sometimes running as high as and occasionally falling to 2% per cent. &o long as the ruto can be kept at or below 5 per cent the government can borrow at 4 per cent all ! the money it requires?that is to say, so long as j capitalists continue to have faith in the wisdom and integrity of the federal administration and in their ability to bring the war to a successful ter mination. To say that the rate of interest will bo kept at a very low point by tho continued issue of tender notes is simply fo say that Congress and the administration arc endowed with common sense. Any circumstance or combination of cir cumstances that should retard the sale of govern ment bonds would render demand notes the sole means of prosecuting the war, nrirl the question of the country's powers of absorptfou Would be put to a thorough and perhaps a perilous test. But the truth is that there 1* scarcely any limit what ever to oar capacity In this respect, as, in esse of an excesdvo ( sue 0f paper, the equilibrium would be maintained by the increased price of labor and of nerrly every species of ? property, including gold, real estab , agrlcul tural produce ami dividend paying securities. The piospcotfs that so long as tho war lasts the go vernment will remain a borrower, and, for tlm pur pose of securing loans ?t moderate rate-., will re tain control of the moucy market through issues <-r legal tender paper, and will keep the rate of In terest between throe *nd six per ceut. An occa sional teverse to our'arms may shake the faith of tho timid, ami cause a momentary decline in prices ami ?oiue activity in the money market; hut no long as tho war Continues, and the ex , e .?? of it cent nues to be defrayed by tho policy now pursued, whether it be well or 111 conducted 0. ; y must be a i-undent, and t! < . ( . prices of all kinds of property n u?l liudir- ? I Tho Nsw Yu-h Ui Rail;' .1 l ?*?"? ''i.i i, * i o, iaii.u m