Newspaper Page Text
?end sncnel dividend of tlree per cent, payable August 1, free >f tax, the road astum ng and pay ing tie income tax; tbe Astor Flic insurance Company, a geml arnual diviut nd of Cve per cent, payable on demand; tbe Buflalo and Htcte Line Uuilroad, a dividend ef fire per cent, payable un th" 20th instant; t*e Delaware and Raritan Canal and Camden and A in boy ltailroad and Tranaperta tion companies, a dividend of live per cent., pay i bie on the 2 2d instant; the Home Insurance Com pany, a dividend of live per cent, payable on the le'tti inf The business of the Sub-Treasury was as fol lows to-d.?y:? Receipts $2 EOC 885 34 ?? lorcmlime 292,050 00 Payincuts 1 2^e> tSl 60 MaJauce T,811,1660 77 The Assistant Treasurer received from Washing ton to-day two million dollars in legal tender notes Of the denominations of 6'a, 10's and 20'e. These will be paid out here. The following table will compare tbe statements ?f the several banks of this city, as made to the Superintendent of the Banking Department, show ing their condition on the 2?th of June, with tLe report made at the same time in 1861.? J. me, 18 2. J'tne, UCl. Jncreuti. Dentate. Capital $<;?>. I .'ft laW 0.' <*1 ft >5 ? a. i ? 45 Set profits 8,1-6,302 S18.8I3 ' ? tflitulalioti 8, '3J > I ?? ?" 715 ?Sl 580 D .-ImuLs 41,348 -Uj 2fc ,71/ 14 M o 3 Pspod'.s Hi ..<5 0-? 77, flu 35,0 '. ,678 Due olliers.... 2,.'i.,ojo ji 1,0.1 1,340, .36 T.'U! Hi ,".1,748 I v.34, .6 03,87.,073 $111 *10,1 I Jiv'., .3 12,717,711 ti-iel'S 4.',COS ISO 17.-v,l I 24 71S SU0 B 4- 4UJ tntgs.. 0.1,27 olJ.o.S 21.549 iUal rsOit.-,.., 8 753 34 ?.4-"),s73 319 0H1 Duel-y bauim.. 8 01." '?/ 6 ;<3 i,3 _ C.avh re,hi 43,oWo,m.O 13 ii.,, 32 20,389,7.8 *?1 em S(Ii O.C.Vi 30,372, '61 ? Iha.drafts... . 71 d 88 161 12,570 Total $218.021.519 ll?,'.43,'J-fl 63,077,523 Tbe following table will show the capital of the several banks ot this city, as reported in their quar terly statement, June, 1862, as given iu the above abstract, also t ;o amount of stocks reported as held by them in March ami June, f. 62, and the stocks held by tlis Superintendent of the Banking Department its aecur.ty for the circulation of the several banks at the time of making his annual report to the Legislature:? S'v hi Stock* Stock* rt)"fed r<jv)rted t? rccure Jane, JUurcK, circuit* Dank*. Oarri'at. 1802. 1832. <!,/?.( O.OvO New York ...$'l,t.(>0,0t)0 1,780.478 8,347,031 480,W Nauti ittau.... 2,050,eOO ? _ * Mere'wilts'. 2,770,779 1.412.296 2,014,118 26C.COO Mechanics'... 2,00u.o00 1,302,190 2,0.';9,DS? 80* OoO Out-n 1,5(0.000 1,009,100 1,770,MA 805,000 America 3,000,000 960,210 1,247,175 27j do J Phsalx 1.800,000 277.( 23 812,393 2U4 6o0 <1?> 1,000,000 260 / 00 CS2.932 10,000 Tr idesmtn's... 1,000.000 712,076 917,196 843 800 Fulton 600,',00 622 124 026.335 280,000 Chemical 800,000 861,245 , 929,878 613 300 Merchants' tlx. 1,235 WO 1,614.863 144,786 137 OoO National 1,600,COO 1,710 299 1,750,644 189,0( 0 Butch, ftDrov.. 800,000 330,000 33),000 830,000 Meo. ATraders1 600,000 494.410 402.900 198 600 Greenwich 200 COO 197.176 284/69 186,500 Leather Manuf. 6u0,000 2X0 894 264.776 ? Seventh Ward. 500,000 227,977 863,467 e State of N. Y 2 000,000 1.017,443 1,778,296 ? Am. Exchange 3,000,000 3,636.931 3,473.901 469,500 ( onimarce .. 9,<I22 OvO 10,633.000 10,391,066 9,000 Broadway.... 1,000,000 1,339,414 1,367,666 417,0(0 Ocean 1,000,000 446.245 109,949 124,600 Mercantile.... l,00o,000 368.004 877,891 40,000 Paetfle 422.000 162.116 674.014 188,116 Republic 2,000,000 606,2*16 369.225 278,000 ?batham 450,000 382.810 866,307 111,700 ft-iK* ?????? 141131.9 86,000 86.000 110,629 North Amer'n. l.OofhOuO 741,000 032.000 118,000 Hanover 1,000,000 174,000 141,006 145,5(15 Irving 6(,0,000 633,146 230,096 160,600 Metropolitan.. 4JOOO.OOO 800,000 800.000 300.COO Cltlzsas' 490udb 174,0-j0 179:260 1?7 OOo Nassau V.000,000 382,000 161 978 167.700 Merkst I,0o0,000 1,026,629 288,910 242,000 8t. Nicholas... 760,000 130.7.6 173,866 100 000 ?hoe V Leather 1.600,000 466, OdO 363,000 333.00-1 Corn Exchange!.OXl.COO 1.0U9 921 727,953 I'tO.otK) Omtteealal... .2,000.000 1,376,606 1,173 280 28'i.0oo Ocmmouwealth 760.000 853,488 737 "36 845 60o ?rtentai 800,000 161.194 127,499 114,90-J Marine 400,000 429 048 218,uoO 191,000 Atlantic 400.01)0. 270,810 478.316 112,200 Imp-* Trad...1,600.000 236,000 178,788 216,000 Mark 2,000 000 643.000 1.327,133 810,000 Mecll. Bk. Asa. f>0( .000 133,096 162.094 107,600 Orooera' 300.000 203.300 203.300 62.660 North Hirer... 400,000 93,990 91/76 66.600 bet River.... 200.625 224,000 117,000 116,000 Maf. ft Merch a 600,000 167.900 168,000 167,900 ?ry Dock .... 200,000 124,443 124/77 ? MY. Exchange 160,000 131,200 120.464 103.700 BoB'SHead .. 200.000 162.871 162.871 161,000 N. Y. County.. 2uOaK? 174,300 110,360 88 000 IbUl 196,051,306 42.668,120 44,861,683 10,616,291 ?toaorporatad bank*. Stock Bicbuift. Faiuay, Jul} 18,1862. #6000 US 81 ,'81, rag 100 $16000 Ainr gold..MO U9* 40 99* 2000 do 119* 16000 do 90* 6000 do 119* 6000US 61,'*1.coo <*>* *000 do b30 119* 9000 do 99* 80000 do l>30 119* do 69* 20000 do M0 119* 20000 U S 61,'74, cou 86 6000 do #90 119 92000 do ? 86 lli ahs Matr'pltau Hk 99* 9000 TV 7 3-10 pent 102* 6 Bank uf NY 99* 6600 do 102* 20 Poun Coal Co.... 96 do 102 120PacMAll.SrtG.>... 100* 11000 US 61,1 yr oer 98 00 do 106* 2000Kentucky Ml.. 94 60 do MO 107 10000 ToouG's,"90 s30 60* 1ft N Y Central KK. 90* 0000 do 60 * 60 do 90* ?000 do 60* 60 do 830 90* 10000 do M0 60* 850 do 90* 3000 Virginia 61.... 54 150 do 90* 16000 Mivaouri0 8... 4M* 260 do b80 91 6000 do...... blO 40* i"0 Erie KK 84* ?OOOMoO'k.i txU.i-SJ 00 25 do 24* 6000 Kria KKlmbo 107 13 Eria OK prof ... 62 1000 llnd KI12 n> sfl? l'>3* 100 do 02* 2900 HudRlvRK o b? hi to Harlem RK 1ft 1600 Mich' '8;* bs old 10U 36 Michigan Cen HK 66 2000 Mii-h bo 2d mtg ?"* 200 do 68 s 6000 MiohSonkfbi loo 400 IISokNTn>lBR. 24* 1V> 00 i?>u * 200 M *o * N I g a.. fa * 1000 <1d ft N W ii.l in -ft 6 Panama i:It 1H( 60001olfcWi*tm.M0 90 250II) can KK scrip 60 4000 do 90 50 do ....880 66! 2U00O HI ft; Wh ?d IU 62 6 CUtjOdI * Cta ItR 118 6000MHftl'idu('t-tiii 01 2ft0 (jal ft i hie Hit... 09 6000ti.ilftC!lii2 Milid9 l<i'2 loo do b'JO 69 100- (lev ft: Tul 81 bs 91 200 CleT ft To) KR... to h0O9PHta.FtW.VCim S3* 100 do h30 461 16000 do 84* 60 Mil ft P du C KK. 31> 86627 Am i lcmu gold. 119 10 U ft Pdu C2praf Ca SKCONB D'.ABI). |T000 U3 01,11 ,cou 8.4 4 to -I.- I'acilic MSS'.'u 106 10000 do elO 93* li.(7N Y On RR..800 89* lOOOTenn tl .i,'90.. 60 260 do s50 9o 10000 do liTO 60* 200 do. 90* torn do Sio 49* 150 Erl# RR 83* 10000 US 61, '74, cou 9ft* 100 dn #30 3.;* 14000 do 45 1U0 Frit RK prof. .. 61 16O0UM1 810wl*y 94 60 Uudsoa RIy RR. 43 " I600O Tr 7 3 10 p o u 103 54 do &30 43 85000 do 103* 50 do 43* 600 do 101* 100 FUr'em RR p:af. 86 1000 (Worm#71 Li 80 860 Mich (an RR.. . 57* 6000 Illinois war 1 u 95 100 M So ft N I RR.. 84 7000 Frl* RR I m be 107* 60 do ruO 21 8O0O Tnl ft W?b 2 m 01* 60 M So A N I (?.. ft4 1000 Krie 2 m ex ,'79 105 100 do ?30 ft.'<* 1000 da 105* (41 111 On RR scrip. 66) 20000 P.rtWftClm 84* 150 do 66 10000 Mlcb s?> ?fbs. loo loo bo rao 66* 5000 < ft Tol a f ba.. 90* 120 C;.it A K Isi RR . 61* 125000 Am tucan gold 119 277 do 63 UDoO do 015 119 200 do..a. 02* 26000 do MO 119 lUO 62* 28alisPark Rank.. 107* Specie q,aotMlonii t. r. It MRS AMP CO., WO. 45 WAT.I. 6TRKKT American guid fl 18* American silver....$l 12* haverelfn<? 8-ft 60 Mexican dollars..,. 1 18 20 francs (Nap.)..,. 4 40 SpiuiUh dollars 1 18 Tangulldara 4 56 Oid silver, par on... 1 37* Yen ihalars 8 50 Thalera..... 75 8,??nt?Ud >ut>looM..18 00 Fitefraae* 1 05 Patriot doubloons .17 66 Kngllali ativer, ? . .. 6 30 Demaad notea (old Issue), 8* to * CITY COHUIfiRClAL ltKPORT. Fhidat, July 18?0 P. M Aran ?Small sales of potaaod pearls oaoUausd to $P mad*, with sales of 20 a 80 bbla. at|0. Baatrwrt/iit.?Fluar?Tba markat waa again active and Uiglisr, and advanced about 10o.a 16c. par bbl., with a good demand w enport. TLa s*l?a footed up alKMii 2ft,000 bbls , oloslug wltbla tba following range of quota tloas;? ? K-parflse RtaU Tg ? 5 g,, Kit ra .State t 2.? a 5 36 Nuperflae Waatarn 4 73 * 5 no r>>mni?n ta ckoiaa oatra Weeteru S ar. a 8 ?o 'tmadlan 6 28 a 6 80 ntharn mltad to gvod auparflna 6 25 n 5 40 Kxtrado. 8 90 a 6 so iioikI u oholoo family da 6 ho a 7 id Ufa dour 8 00 a 4 20 <inn meal, .lorsay and Brandywlna 2 90 a 3 30 ?Canadian flour waa art!re and prices lilybar, with salas or 2,000 bbts. wllbln lbs rnngaof Ui? aber*figurta. Kou'.bam flftar w ia also in good roqusst tt higbsr prteoo, doting at an adrauca of l'?o. a 16?. par bbl. Rye |!<nir w.m higher, Willi sn'ea 0! 278 bbls. at quauimna Corn maal war ftrtrar. and in tlit niisonea of aales of mo ment prioea wara nominal. Wheat waa actlra. and 2e. a 8 per n.miia; lugba.-, tba salM footnd up 211,000 -halt it tl 24 a (I 24* for oomtuou whlta VI* 1ar11.ll 24 for ml*ad da., fl 62 far wblW Data wara tl 16 ? ?l 18 lor am bar Iowa, ohiafly to airlro, |I 84 a |l 42 ;?r wlitta Tmliana It 28*a fl 28 for good to pi Una iwd W e? 91 gtA?131 far amber do tha latter ante (oi aUvks 6110 a 61 It for MUVkAt* 9iub, fl oi a |l 04 for Chicago elan, tlu latter figure for choice, id ft l-Jifl Id f.M ij.ii, .u* c. u. Co u wan actt.w at<l briber, closing at about la ? 1advauos; Ate as es eiubra.rd at 'Ut 140.CC0 bushels at 50c. a 451 Xe. tor timed, for t o Kr. i?ru mailtet, and -t tic. at?,c 'ut good to pr'.OM Wom^i'M tuaeil. Kye waa tinner, sa?a of 5,5t>0 ti^hL !? at 78c. a "fic. far state Ltaiuy and bailey mull were quiet and nominal. Out* were firmer a iti Ut good c.umaud, Willi saioe of Wa-lciu and CscSdlan at 40c , and o: tuate t 48c. a 4G?. (oevas.?The market was flira, w ah moderate sales, will) >ut chaugs of moment tu pries. among the sales w>"* ISO bxga 'autaica end 30 in,.. * Java, aud navatai small lota Kt'>. Conon ?The market was again higher sis J closed ataa advance of l?s. a lie per lb. The rale* embraced about 1,2oG ba)?a,0'w>uid on the baste of 6ltc. per lb Tor tniJ dliug up.and*. he public sale went oif at high prices, quality considered. 1 lie latnluguecomprise! Sst t>aia-, mostly poor middlings. at 44;ac. _ 47c. a 60 V., Fkmijiitk?Kutes r t flour to Li gllsli pvitawere Dim, while ura a wu le.s bo >yp end active Xj Llverpo ?!? About 45,oou bushels u aro at were augsgad at I3>id a 14 t , in bulk uu't la suip lug ., .uid about 6,COO bblf. flour at 8a. fid., with 900II k;n* butter at 45a To Lon don? 1,0?0 bbis hour at 4s 84 , ?ud ioO tone oil at 4.f To Glasgow?^ 200>. Hour at 4s. 3d., aud 250 pa.sages of lard at 46*. To Rolte dam?10 000 busbele rye were engaged. in ship's bags, and 60o bins, dour at 4* 0J A British b.rk wrrs Ulea i p lor Cork aud o de - a' Pi. 3d !>er quarter, and a brig for Oubl n, with 16,bub bushels of wheat, at I5d , in bulk aud bags, llav.?The market wis unchanged and > '<? limited Host*. was in good export demand, with Bales of 800 bl.Is and tierces at 70c a 7ftc. Mohx<?K.s.?1 be maiket was mora active and press we e firm. Sales of 250 Uhda. New Orleans were made at 85c. a iWo , CO do. Cuba at 26c., ?0 do. clio.ce musco vado were reported at 37c., 64 hlnis. and 40 bbis Nuevl ta- at 1>1 ',C., uud 40 buds. Porto Kico at 40c. Navii, Six mis.?Spirit* turpentine wu* ilrm at 70c. a 72X?. r.osinwaa soareu aud iirtu. Common was bald at $12. I'Hovmiofi-: ?Pork was In good d^'oard, with valor of l.buo bbis.,al$ll .or moss and $6 i6 a for prime. Beef was llrin.wlth t ales of 200 libit, at 413 a ?15 50 for plain mass, and $14 a 114 75 lor el rantil. Pnruo triers and beef hams wore quiet and u ui.ual. t ul meat* w .re in fair request, 1 r>t stee ly prices, with sales of 2od pa. k.-gesut 8 V a l '.c. tor Bhouldervmid 4 Jjo.a 5 t,c. for hams. Lara wni mite lirin, Bales of 800 pack, ages at 8 ',c. k 9<fc. Butter and cheese were rather dull, while pi ices were unchanged. ? d <? .i q w ra hi to and a .live, and closed en the week's fal s at *n advance of i.e. a 'Jo. per pound, llio trans act!" a embraced 1,800 lihds., Including Porto ilioo, at 8)<c. a 87i' ,andll hhd*. New Orleans at fl'4c , :md lue iuinniudvr comprised i nba run: oovad..s ctt.eily wii.. in li e ri. ge of 81 tc. a 8&c. a 96., the Utter ioi p ime quality. 11> ssr*. K. I.. 4t A. .tiuait have to-d?y osiub, lished the following priccp for tnnr ' ellned good* ?Ilu.-.t quality loaf sugar, 12.',c per no ad ? ?at quality crushed Bugs ?, 12c.; ground sugar, llffc. Tqs*c( ?flie article is more active for export vnd houTE use And prices very fir rn. w*les t>7;i hnds. Ken tucky ui 9>gc. a 18o.; 57 bbis. Uaraii.tat p. t,; 52 cares scud leaf at 10>?o. a 13c. Wool ?The demand for domestic has heeu good, and considerable lloece aud pulled have changed bands at prices not reported, a." most of the trade has been frcin second bands. Atn ut 60 bales of fall clipped I'alifornia have been so.d at full prices. Wa hear of nothing doing in foreign. Holders arc withdrawing tlieir stock. Wiii-KKY was steady, with sales of 600 lib b. at 3Xo, a 31),c., mostly Western. HOARDING A.ViJ W>l)ilV(i, A NEATLY FURNISHED PAFK i'ARI.OR HK"KOOM) u> li, w tU ?r without p-irtul board, to g?ulie* man, in a small, quiet ftunily. Inquiry at 03 Hi /gut street, Jersey City. T NO. 2i WEST FOURTEENTH STREET, BETWEEN Fifth aud Sixth avenues, desirable Rooms, eu bulto or single, with Board. Reference exchanged. A An elegant parlor and two bedrooms to let. with or without Board; family small and private. References exchanged. Apple at No. 47 East Twenty-thinl street, near Fifth; lloul. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR AND Bedroom on second Lour, auto a ilooiu auu Bedroom on third tloor to lot, with Board, to lamlllex or single gentle men. Arply at ICS East Fourteenth street. Attention is called of those living in hotcla and boarding houses to an eetu.lshuent opened at 110 Macdougal street, and furnished with everything necessary for housekeeping, bo that a family may have a compleyij^ae^^yo. -w -?-g* A FEW AIRY, PLEASANT ROOMS TO LET, WTT1I first class Board, at a moderate price lor too summer; ?11 the modern vements: dintwra. six i rel.?nee.e*. changed. Apply at 24 University place, corner or Ninth st^ A SECOND 8TOKY FRONT ROOM, AND A adiolnug bathroom, to let, with iloaru, alsu a Becop 1,011 Ron., and Bed room at moderate prlc'is; * house and ncdShburhe<>d; laudly smal . Apply at 277 Wosl Tweuiy-accond street, two dans Wust ol ninth avonue. COOL, PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM TO LET, by a small family without cblldwn; houar ha* medem Implement* h.udJemely furn.ehed ounvealeul m stsuje and oars, and neatly kept. Terms moderate. Apply ?t lie. 82 Second aveB'tc. __ A GENTLEMAN AND LADY CAN OBTAIN BOARD with a w nlo* lad*; board for the lady; also two young ladles. Apply at l? Weet Twenty-fifth street. -W ~~k Mtirefv?FRANKFORT HOUSE, 200 A Uatn, corner of Franklort street, one blookeast of City Hall; neatly furniaheJ, light airy Rooms; 26 cente per day, tl per wee*, llouse open all night. AMKW HOUSE IN THE OOOLE8T LOCATION IN theclty -Plenes"t Rooms, wlthmxcellcntBoard, from S3 60 to $6 p- r week, at 170 and 178 Bl-eiier strict, six UOC.S west ol Broad* ay. Breakfast from 6 to b; dinner at 12K and 6. A YOUNG LADY, WHOSE HUSBAND IB ABSENT at the war. haa eome nicely Furnished Rooms, which ?he wUI le" to gcutl. mon and ladles. Board Tor the ladlee only. Inquire ut 127 Bieecker etreet. TtHK PLEASANT MODERN H.OU8E, 80 WHITE iireet one door rait ol Broadway, large and email Rooms, with Bosrd, s>duh!e for families or siugle miide men, would also accommodate two young ladles willing to room toge the r. Terms reasonable. FURNISHED iAPARTMENT TO LET?WITH BO ARD at 37 suitable for a gentleman end wife, or two single g.-nCsniei, et6l HUth avenue, two doorsirorn Washington place. Dlunvr at six. T30ARD.-TW0 OR THREE GBNTLEMEN CAN BE B accommodated with pleasant Rooms k ' t sueciable private famliy, ?t reduced prices, or will he let fur nlshed to respectable k''nt!emcu wltho,it b^nl A qdj at 6u7 ttrooine airect, oe'weeu llud oa ah* VaGc* ^ OAKD.?ELIGIBLE IIOARD FOR AN INVALID OR lsdv extN^tlua to i-eqnlre uicdloal rare, kindness nnd nome ^SSKon-Vo cTWen t - brarder. Ko lerme, Ac., apply to or aUdreaa l)i. Tlueii, l,ii/ i>ivaa*?j. BOAKD ?ONE OK I'WO SIXGlaB GENTLEMEN * AN be a^c iiinixla^d with Board, Koomi Liruiiheid. 7 at 41 Bunk meet, or address A. V. C. W.. box 621 Post OlB"!. Board WANTED.-A family or six. probably eight persons, wish Beard in the com try lor I bo mon'h ol Am ust; W-cclies ?r county, near the Bound, pre ferred, Addroe b.x bgj I'oat <? Bee. 1 i?ARD~WANfBD-BY~A GENTLEMAN AND III8 1 ? u ir?? on thf .ve*f ^itie of iHCflt.v, u jgood ro ?n? i*fl o table required in a plain family wl?erc\h?,e a.e not tnaay I b-.ur.'sis. Au lr-as Comer, box 122 lliu aid o.Uoe. B~OARDlNO ?ROOMS, ON THE POURTII FcGOR OF a flr?i c!a?s h use, vc, y elk'bly loaned, suitable lor married or single parH-s, enu b-i obtained oa uppjcailon at 20 W, at Eighteenth sirert, near H.tu avenut. Boarding -families ok single pabiiks can nndvciT r>l -??i.t ?MH mod I Ion* airy, Rooms, first cla?? table, pleulv oi sltade, s!"indan<'e of "'''"t A*-., house trlvflve mfndb-i' walk from thj depot ard mar the city, by ad'mMng L. M IE, box 230 HeraldI oflioe. Brooklyn BOARD. 77 STATE si reet. "Pp<>?JJe Si net place, lo, gentlemsn or r nuen.a.i end wjfe. , I, ..'J U|? .,,,1 . lev. Witt, bath. Ace llmocuV ", "m'T,M, near" Wall sacet and South lerries. Tnruss mode,ale. Dinner at IN hroorlyn -aokntleman and wife, Ti (1mwo.,nsle geiillenn o, can be, ssconunodated with a \ nr. ,,ii III" second door, loutairilng hot stid lokl wmsr losets *o b. th in the house; also ? room fur ? slusle R.*iUt'n. r D*msraiV', o Uu K.^Apply at HmUHbIub st. TrxosKlT" IN I1ROOK1.YN -A GENTLEMAN AND wifn or two ^ cm b *v?* * thoroughly f,o it 'iSutii 'iM Bedroim. hot and cold water, si *U sGuet.WtiblB a few ivde ul tlnee linos ol lions inr ?-U ?"<? ?oti"try. EiWbii.h#;M*j?. ^ r(> x IBFNCH lit) ARD, FREN''ll LFddON.? A b it, u nits f. r persone willing to leiru FrBncb. R''Ul|,? r.t L ? t r,.?aii',y'ed. Alii, s large ?? ? Parlor fnrnlHbo.l o" ,,,^ ntiabed. 28 Iwl Twenty-wteond str-:*it, near L siug'un avenue. vvh ftN ?11RPROO* 3.?N1CB, COM FOR I'ABLE ROOMS K lied room "t<" smell, respectable fsuilllea. or ilugle T?i.;.o, u, from ?1 to 82 P r w.a'x. at 136 ElUab. Ui suamt, B?nr Br. .'np They ore partloBlBrly mlaiHCd for p-rsoui w lah.ns to live Ilioap aud quiet ... xil hNIMHED booms.?okntlemem WISHING niof. lv tt ma ill a ori.etc lemlly, appl ?t llJLc .nard stixria 'Miet 'lEwJLF. ho-l-w h'?t ,, . i ... nl i< ? n $i M f* . XTsTx BEDROOM.-TO LET, A SN[ALL, PLRABANT ? 1 UaII Hcdrivm; A*., rem %x it has baU. tell ?' *> Amldt street xsfUM tNKNT OR TRANSIENT BOARD "AY BE V .y ;Tini ut-t ulnae itouae, oo. *pIb>1 by a iitghir * 'STlrm^n ^ 't^msr.nd hiawufe, d!T bIMTO bri be" ?pokes. Apply Bt No. 48 Bait Ktf?ck**r ibUT?t, ne?r Bri>Mtw?y. ^ rxvTTTM BtNH SOlITHhRKEKS AND OTH!llW,?FIJR T ? ah". R.V.m.lo let. with H 'di-il. iultald* for lamit'c. . 1 ? tifinei, ou uiodcraie SrinR eovoblUlUg Oft "mvenlft.4 ul ? huu i with Ike comferts of a home, l" il.eeMu "t i ? ? - - i ii maoSjsiss u???^VBS.R.VS-.'-'SS JnuXSE!t> iSYaaw ?"? " ? - "? "???? for one week. .!' 'BiuwlVh ?lS?p' -*dh all the modern tn.|,mve , nicota. Terius very l?w. ______ ._ - ? TO LET ro A OKNTLEMAN, A NEATLY IM RMSIC Kttmn With lh# mivib rf of tlig fi?T??Itmii oUf.rr.c1. in ? ?m?U f^itly 4 ^.rrr^upon ^MOuablo t I ns. Apply at A t dmii avenue, txiwiM and NItie?iil i htrceta. 4 l" A N 1'KD?R Y A YOUNG M\N, A BEDUOoM ANO | \V P ail in H I .St. sn y. Int.- " "?l i t Tw llll ? Address sta'tug ;crni, pey Uios b, w. J. ; \Y , CSK Vl 8V "??? A Bvaic. Full, U< V.iiiinu AND 1<(1DU1.VG< ()(' UKa . cTiU.ET?1'UN I fi UED BOOMS TO ?t\) .'i i' i n.l uicfion.y. Koo.u at ?1 to $3 |4r wml, A.a noeme bum Booa* or bouaeaoef tag, at No. 1 Mutuus a li ce I, coiner ill Osioa-ina. 7f l EAST FOURTEENTH STREET?HOl'SK DELIGHT I ?/. I ? lv alius e'd, near L u ou e Suit of Rm.iis, well furnished, iiu bimouiI Huor. to iet, with Bmia, suitable lorn fa n ; sis > a few s agli' '.toom- for g? ill'.' Ola ui rat haU-puat eve. tiii u ?!? ?'rohaogt d. Q?? GREENE STR8ET, ABOVE SFRI.N i A LET )N tJtJ li s.? ?Ei 'g'ntij furnished suits of Ki m?; ga., Croton and ev.-rv cuiv - en<? ? for homrktrpliir economi cm y. pw.uuuUrlj eui sb.v iff ??osd, rcapeciablt) tain.use; n ui law. 1Sf{ PRINCE STREET, ST CLAIR HOUSE ? ELK l'Ji) t?ul>y fi.ruiBUi'U Rooms with li d rooms aiuclnd, Willi all the eouv* nleurea lor i.M teeke* flagcomplete, in cuninggaiand Cio'.ou water, to let to ie?i ?-.table or single 4.rut.en en l/"> HLKEUKER STR LET ? TO LET. FURNISHED J. VJ?l Ro Mil.-, yvilm or m.liajl if.aid; aiao Ku uniloi :a no, i lied. The hou?e is brut lifts, high sto p, large yard., and every auoumio at.on. O] A ELM STREET, NEAR SPKINO.-FUKMSHEI) 4jl'r Apartments hi low rents, win eriri conten ence ?0I housekeeping, best bedding and linen, fuiulluie uutl cooking uUn.-lU, ess and Cri ion. COlfNTItY BOARD. Board in Cornwall, n. y.-slvkrvl rooms ilia now Vjr?i,i ?? M?<!sni?: RUTTKAV'S. R?fereu?i? Unt il Barmy, GoUevlor, and ilcury J. Kayuioud, editor Boakd wantmd-in a hotel, in some plea writ country lawn, by a gentleman, a pauLt ol ac knowledged abllliy, Where his toi vices In teaching id e Warn 111 tull oi part payment. Kefereuco gtv.u Addre?a J R mslicHn, Herald olIVc. nOARDINO ATA FARM HOUSE-J AVILJ IS I WISH Ar Ins to ob'am Board for the eumm r m, in- .an 'Mid demmtde accommodations Immedlately, uu re-ejuable t rui- in the large house Af the late Glumes Underbill, near Oluu Cme,L. I. S aunr Jcsae Uav t Itiwtvs l 'i it alio dally, it 3 15 P. M. AUdng, Mr*. Eli/abi-th L'udei hilt, at Glen Uovn, L. 1. BOARD AT BED HANK, SHREWSBURY RIVER, N. J.?The ibscrlb r Is prepared to receive a few bnitrilera lor tue ae , on. House an uatod ou the banof the r , er. Bum leav a New Yor, three times a day, connecting with tbo ??: i. Terms moderate. Apply to JOliN W, GRIGGS, ui R ,1 Bank, or by mail. / tul'NTItV BOARD.? PLEAS tNT ROOMS AND BOARD \J uuy be obtained b.v a cenUcMiuo Hint wife or n tyof suig'e .enlleiueti, in a ; rivals family iu the Tillage >t f user*. The bona u ? mi I e.ned, vvltblu a short distance o: 'he do? rot aud stcauiboai lauding, sua vsnlifuiiy slwdi Also, fine i mil trees on (he plie-" Terms rca-onc Me. A, dress \i'., Yon Iters Post olllct', or box l,7*i New York Posi oiliej, CIOI'NTRY BOARD-IN A PRIVATE FAVILY, ON T1TE J cast sid ? o. Uudsou river, n ur the df) at 1,2 I .,:i -ot, accessible to the dlt.v by ears, boat ur stage. Inifulre ai t ,o dcpui. Befeiepoea exihanged. /COUNTRY BOARD.?KOL'R DELIUII TFl'L ROOMS >>r..- oH'ored to adults, with pood Bourn. In a orlvats i.m i ly In Cnrmi all. One of these is nn the dial lluor, two tl: m are arge front rooms ou the -con ! tlnor, an I eo.m ct sd. Addiess box 30 CoiumuII, Orange nus y, N. Y. C3UUNTRY BOARD.?ri.EASANT ROOMS AND GOOD /' Board can be bad hy the week or at Fialikill Landing by applying to Mra. L. Hall. COUNTRY no.vRD-ON RICHMOND TERRACB, NEW Rilgbton, Staten Island, the second hu ise west of Yuri: a tui' e. Cuiumaiida a Que vie.vofihe uy and aucroi'inl lug oounti jr. Inquire lor Mr.-. Khialus. References vs cliangcd. . f AOCNTRY BOARD?AT NEWMAN SPRINGS, NEAR \J Red Bank, on the banks of the N"rlh Shrewsbury river; green, shady rami Its, rustic summer houses, nolil cry s'al and iron spilugs; fin,- fishing, boating and ba;uln? ou the premises. Now open, by M. A. Leigbton. (COUNTRY BOARD WANTED?FOR A GENTLEMAN J and wife, -n a farm uesr New York; subunntlal food i? all thai is requisite. Seaba.hine indispensable. Terms nut over $7 per week for butli. Address B. '1'. R., Herald offlofl. CTOUN'TRY BOARD M'ANTED?JOR A YQU.Nfl le&l')', J nesr tfeseashore or watfi', anil ecay or a .-ess from the city; where there are few or nu boarders preferred. Torma inest be moderate. Address, statina psrtieulars, M. C. K., box 125 11,1 aid ouice. CHEAP BOARD IN A SMALL AMERICAN FAMILY? At 112 Mercer street, Jersey City, ten mlnulci walk Horn the ferry. Call for one week. STATEN ISLAND.?A PRIVATE FAMILY. OCCUPY, ing a pretty cottage, within five iniuutca' walk frou> Vanderbllt landing, can accommodate a small family of grow n persons with nine Rooms and good Board. Fur par ticulars apply at M Seventh ave me. SUMMEIl KKISOKTS. /NATT8KILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE.?Tills FAVORITK V/ summer resort la now open for the reception of giu-su. Visiters will find at ail times au auitmri/ed agent ut the Call "kill steamboat landings, end t ans'.ill sUbon, Hudson River Railroad, to a?sist \ isltcrs, provide conveyance, take charge of baggage, Ac. IAEE MOHEOAN IIOUHE, LAKE MOUEGAN, WILL J open on Junol for the uoeommbdetiou of-boarder-. Situated four niisinst of Pcekskili, ou the Hud son; one hour and u half's ride from New York. Tonus au dollars Ear week. Addreas A. W. Palmer. Continental Hotel. PeVks ill. Refereno, s: Tuouias Nelson, Evening Poet Building, aud Robert D. Nelson, 70 Reade atroeL PUtENIX HOUSE. MEND1IAM, MORRIS COUNTY, N. This Aaligiilful place, situated among the Mils of Moms county, and ouly ?lx ml'ea from, ia uoted for lis healtbfnlneat, heauiiful scenery, air. A:., and combined"all the requisites of a summer resort with the luxu ries of a farm. Rooms large, table g od wnd terms reasona ble. For further particulars upply to Mes-rs. BUYDAM, LAMBERT A CO., A3 ntivct, or ol the proprietors, T. W. A J. W. PUtENIX. Stages connect with Urn cars ml Men Islewu. THOMPSON'S ATLANTIC PAVILION. HIGHLANDS, N. J,, la open for Viapurk. Those wishing to psln>nizr tills healthy and favtubo tesurt lor good ng. sailing and surf aud river balhing, will uke the kte>m!<o..t Thomas Colyer at the fool of Murray stieet, at t>>^ and H)>. A. M. and 4 P. M. Take ticket fur Highland station, or 111 idleton ?tatlon, where stages will be In n-.vliuess. JOSE PU P. THOMPSON, Proprietor. HOUSES, ltOOUS. etc., TO IiUT. AKJItar FLOOR AND BASEMENT (NO. 8 BANK atrcetj, to let, with IruDrove men ta, itnt $lfi per mouth; also So oiul Fluor an t Half Floor, and wholf House to let, In varbiua i art* of the cltv. Rents low to roar- mslblo te nan's. K. L. A b. T. BURNIIAM, tfll Uud?on eti?et. IfRONT AND BACK l'ABLOR AND TEA BOO* ON 1 ttrat floor, and hack Basement If required; alao nice Sit ting Room and Bedroom and Kl'chen on second floor: plenty Of closet* and water. * id gas,If roqulrod. Term* rtwwou..tiM. hi King ? tract, one door from Vstick. OFFICES AND ROOMS TO LET?IN THAT RPLEN dldly locate ! and wall lighted bnl'.dlng flflt Broadway, corner o. Bond street. Large or email Rooms. Apply on too premier*. Rent cheap.-two houses in second avenue, betweeu Tv. enty-flfth and T aty-alkth streets, three etory and basement, hot wa er, bail and gae. Also a Sto.e In Second avenue, corner of Forty second street, 681. In quires of ,1. CROMFORD, 13 Iiot Twenty-sixth etreet, or at the Twcaty-elxth atreet, corner of Second avenue. Call soort. OTOIU: TO LET?FOR BUSINESS OR MANUFAC t7 tnrtn:, lu parte to suit lenanta. very strongly built, well ll'hicil,andla3S feet Wnte. Location roruer of Trinity j '.a -e an I T..ium* street. Apply to 11. J. OYRRMANN, No. i t oet.' e? slip. OlORE TO LET AND FIXTURES FOR SALM?HAS id bee > u?cd in a Lai y store. Apply on the preni.*ea, tU6 nan., etreet. mo LET?A rilOTOORAPH GALLERY. CORNER OF _ K ;htt> avenue sM Fourteenth etreet; bae been ><vu ded a? eu.i fur eight yeae. lnptlre.i Mean1". THitHP A Bl 1)1), 18* Weit Fourteenth street, or of E. sc, DO tit, di Second etreel. T O LET-ONE OF WHEELER v WILSON'S FAMILY Hew.og Machines. Apt ly at u.H Broadway. ipO LET?A NICE LITTLE Til LEE STORY HKTOK _ Home. In complete order; gas, water, A?? . ai low rent, to a good ten,tut. No. 18 Betb itej Htr.i.-U Inquire at No It, til Mr. JONES. TO I.ET-A FURNISHED HOUSE, TO A Li I. ? I EEL lemily or to a lady, With the privilege of tak'o^ :. w g?-nt 11 b.uu dor*, lleferaaua* exchanged. Apply at 4* Ea*t Tttvutya Igblh street, northwe*. ooiiierof Foni Hi tvt nan. rpt* LET?IN HOUSE 1,49-1 BROADWAY, THE ?KCnND J Story, consisting ot two larre room*, four sn ail do., olose'e, wardrobe*. AO., with Oroton water, gaa mid intures. rcut SA*i per annum; alio third biory, eenie as rerun 1, with the addllMU of hath; rent glii per uuntiin. luqulru on the prcntlree or rt 109 Fourth avenue. TO I,ET?A LARtiK THREE STORY DOUBLE BUILD log, well ligntcd, mitii..le lor itnylm.o.ia tory. Kent lt.w. Apply ou the pirn,tees, south Seventh aii.ot, neat Jr.iaey eveu ie, Jersey City. TO LKT-A HANDSOME FURNISHED SUIT OF Parlors. on Broadway. le-tweeu Elgbih and Ninth at recta, a jitalPv fm a fashionable mtUlaary establishment, or other private b,.slues*. Rem low toa^ood tenant, luqulre al 7W Broadway. up rtalre, from 9 A. M. to 6 I'. M. IJ'O LET?A FURNISHED COTTAGE >N XI111 VILLAGE of Bellevtile, nn lite banks ol '.he 1'asa.i'o, tor two or three months. Kern low. Coiiiinm.lcallon hourly with the " ' i.In city nt Nc? York. Apply to C. FERRIS, Calls tin Flro, eurauue. M ltroa lway. fO LET?KENT ONLY ?1*> YEARLY, NEW FIRST i lea. small Collage*. on Nlnnly'-rixth ureal end Ninth at emir, Central I'ark, Utreu stone#, basements, observatory, patent hoKtcra, Ae,, bcaotifiil lo.atii'ii; country, ?ith raey a- oeaa ?? cltv. Apply al 81 Weal Twenty-second at wot, from VA M. tot I'. M. rLEf-BY A HERMAN LADY. A HANDSOMELY furmahr 1 Parlor and Hwlnoni; al*. a Hoom tin ? "ond or third floor; house ooutalns all the modern aiipnv.nneiila. Location very doeirablc. Cnil tt 10il East Nineteenth atreet, be' wcsui 8- mud and Thiid avenues. mO LET, FOB BALK, OR EXCHANGE FOR A FARM? JL a House o* Blghty-seooiiil *ir.-.-t betwi en Third and Fourth avenues: rent low ; or will csohanae two Houses hd jo.ning for a good Faun Apply |o KlIBKRr II. LOSS, fm d avenue, between EUhiy.fifth and Evluy elxih street*. riN> RIJJCI ?A PLEASANT FURNISHED COTTAGE, J lor a mall family, 111 a ell fularir healthy neighbor hoed; ho iae of*t'n>. lie vly p i|? i?.|, tsllu Iwo plana* an I laneu mom*, three acre*, vegetables, flu wood, and pasture for a horse end row. Thi premiss? adjoin the Jay home. *t-ad al B?"lfonl, and am near a telegraph and a railroad elaiPiii. dlnaiioe liom town 'JA* h<mis. Rent g MX) lot tlu> ei >?on or yrei. K. U. LlTDLOW, No. 3 Pine etreet. BTH STREET, Si CLINTON PLACE,?ONE ENTIRE Floor to lot, hau ls >,u'1y Iui lushi !, iuitabn< for a den tletftl a I'liyatnaii, on vary reasonable ternte line batii and dr. a.log rvtiui on tune llooi, would be lot lo a couple of gen'leiueu HOTKLiK. M ERIC AN HiiTKij, CORNER OF BROADWAY AM) l ? Eighth at re at. -This new, eoeimul'cus hotel, loealod in ? eeahwl port of N. >* worh, b*a auperior a couimedat one p. imaucot or hanaient gueata. frai hu m ? n is, gl 40 r SV PETER DK\ON. IIITNI Y HOUSE?8W AND fit BROADWAY. OOK nr. ot Twlllii street, on lb. Lpiupcau i'lan. I'lKra lo suit il.t lUnve. Upcu at all hours,* \v _ FIX AN CI J A UUl'ST BELMONT A CO., Btlifoa, W*i. M WALL A at., issue letter* of er? . .to iraveJer^evailn paria or the world tterougn Me -art KotMERfftT''' Kris. Lon don, Frauklort, Vienna, .*up.??, and ' l|tj)T jyrypou?io , Army and navy pay and ciiAlM q?*ica.? a? rears of Pay, Bounty. Pronto da Snfl i?ir..itiar tit pm-aes. JOHN H. MURRAY, m.a law ??u* 3d Sulun Hill el, n7y.. -nf^O*rtu"P,j-.t o'Tioe. 4 MERlt'AN (iOLD A wantED, at a high premium. bv TAYLOR HllOT UBS, 217 Brealway, .yraei Muirey at. cet rTe 76 VVoil.'corner Pearl street. 1LANT1C BAVIVOS BANK, L No. 177 Cha'bam equare (open dully!. Dt,ro.SliS iroin -j c ii s to SSMfM leoci/'-d. 81* per rent IntemiNK ' ? MONEY ,DEj;OaIiKli_ KhyuKK "" T" RE CEIVE INTERBBT AS FROM ? ? M. i>, VAN PELT. 1'raaiduuL Jotrrn P. Coorgg, Been ury. ARMY AND Nivy PAY, BOUNTY. PRIZE MONEY J.X. oinl Pensions collected oiid I'Hid, nnd mono. ad (an ?l Oil good ell.low, by COLLINS A HUGHES, 18 Nuaiau at' 14 ?tnr |bn Pant ouiee. * MEKIUAN gold AND SILVER AND UNITED aV S-?i-s Demand Note*, of ;he iir-t laaue, bought ai.d aoldjat Uie bet raiei, by F. P. JANES ,t C >, 45 Wall atrett. CiLAIMS 01' EVERY DESCRIPTION^* GOVERNMENT / toll -,,-(1 by oiu special inau, iu?id? uI io War tun .toil. JOHN 1*. MIJRRAY, Army 2nd Navy Banker, 3'J Nassau aiieet, N. Y., opposite th Poai lAce. CALIFORNIA STATE AND SAN Kit 4NC/8CO CITY J Interest Coupons purr' aa d ?t I iw.-at >: ric-ut ratat, by DUNCAN, SIIER'IAN A CO., Bankera, corner ol 1'iue an l Nassau .*tracts. New York. ^JITIZLNS' GAS LIGHT KTCK.ii IHIIO^KLYN, N. V.) JOHN a No. 39 Naeniu -iroet. JOHN a. Ml itliAY, ? t, r,rfnPrTll:erty street. /NIIAN'GE FURNISHED AT THRlil1?F^HR^P^3 \y mlum.?linkers, grocers nud i 'MRaBBK???r d?-ad*i>. tton requiring t hangc locondin l their business will ha >..iol n requiring vnauge hi coram t U :y bueinuse will bo ? d ou sppltenuou to the United bWtesBtlBuange o(!i< e, Hioudway, up ? aira, room No. 7. D IVIDKND?THE KNICKEBBOTJilR RTAfta COM P?iiy have d. clared a d I v Id <-iU nif jnty. aide to stockholder >u the ll-.tii jk .eh? ttyje^Apo transfer books will be closed. GEO. tt-MtTBRS. Treasurer. DmOEKD.-KEW YORK, J''rt KrK)tffT|W,'i*rt 1' of Dire, tore or the East KlTOFluIihrBVEA- (j<r ? puuyl uavn tUH day declared a dividimd e|*iti^A6i lonr, r ssublu ond.'ii iml. 'flioy PALTTeiT? re wry. liVIUEMF.N'S FUND TVSrHAlJScO'.fP'NV. 7 0 110 I. Broadway, New Yori .JnlA Itt lO'l!.?BiI detid.? 1'hiv Board of Dire- tors have tin Jay acebkfad n dividend of tbrec and a iralf per oeni i aveble orf 'emend: IIL.NUY BEL'OikMAN,. Seerewry. Hudson biver railroad ru*li inies'ist.?in temston lirsi morbfr, e Iond?ortli!* rompatiy due Ait cu 11. will be paid at tbe f' e tua>MiMt|oe. Tina transfer b'jobs will be uioscd pa ami itiierJ&tt ?TuUll day ol pay tgr, ? lOBdASrihlk ' ompauy BMbar y'*? 0- OvCltABlfcB^ Tr. a'.uibr. ^ANHAITAN OAS STOC? Wll SALE-A FEW ail >h iiv* of the fu'l Stock; ajvo'Hirip. Audrtre. a.Ui pries, bo* i 2 Herald oib :o. '? "? AiIONEY TO LtlAN ON 1IOND JtM MORTGAGE ?THE ill CENTRAL PARE EIRE I*smUNCB COMPANY haa aeonsldrrnhlc amount of money, wblcb will l>e loaned bond and muirganc, or im,,roved eeal aatate in tbe eiiy >u " ?ifflrTif^ulie at ' *? N w York. In aiime 10 suit appUdwC^Blfflre at the oTlico of Uki Company, ICS Broad way.,,'/ r7' If ONE Y.?PERSON S RECURRING VBM POP. CRY AC 111 commodatlon aia requested In procure a pro-p. etna the Hctiwi Loan and Diaeo int C<m akaj', 57 Chatham sti eeL liu-iu ??? bill* p.onipt^^Dciu^iird^ .1 KING, Ar-ontl. M ONEY WANTED.?TO PRINOfl'ALS ONLY.?21 0 0 on Improved up town New kork properly; |l,MMon .. ...v.., Hrot ' *"?* vacant lots. In a tleena'de nurl of Brookl n, aud$2 !0)to buy a mo igaqe decree. Ad ir s?j7a?b,1iu* 111 Herald oltlco. Notice.?holders ok farm mortgages issued iu favor Oi the Miltvanki.' and Mlualssippl Raiiroad are hereby noGlied thata Committee of Kaem No'r^ips will be In N vv Yoik on the 22d July, at noon, at tl'U oilid- of the .Milv.aul.le and Prairie du Chten Railwe Curnivuiy, 2.1 W il l.atn atr- ft, for the purpoao of cout'eriiug tvito ?ti i holdora. L. II. MEIER, Chairman Trusters M. and M. RU. Credltoi a Notice.-certain ok the stockholders of Hie New Orlrani Canal an t H.mkln;- Coiniatiiy, residing in ihe Xoi ti e n Statca, n bo havo hern'ulore re? 1 ul them dividends at the a.-cnuy of the bank lu this city, will bo paid tho two last dividends declared by the bank on sod et'er the ilaiu an out, 17th lust., on indication to M. MORGAN A SON, 27 Wil , N. Y. N' lale by F. P JAMES A CO.. *6 V LDIKRS. 8AIL0118. MARINE! . _ .. .mm** or diet! from wounds *h* iacQJTCa i i*onn -rvJce EW YORK STATE STOOKS-SIK PER CENT'S, DUB _ . 1st July, tlCN. 1st Dhi'cmbet, ISil, 1-t November, 1875, for sale by F. P. JAMES A CO.. *5 Wall *!(-< e. gOLDIBRS, SAILORS, MARINES.. *C? WOCDKD-OB Widow a and children of 'bow- kg therein, can have tin ir Penaioua. BonntloA. Back Pur, An., " * Wfcl by calling upon ur addrec.-iug m?ME8 A SmOWN, SoTciture for Penatonera, Ac.,t)D,ca No. 2 Pan BttMk ttuaer Bmnd wev Hank, Netv York city, and corner Seventh aMd F alieele, Washir.ston, It. 17, Wo refer by gmmMB !? Bon. Hannt ba! Hamlin, Vice Pro?|tiont, Maine': Bon, .Ah-v. 11. Rite, M.C., .Massacbnaclls, lion. AlflMSVwHTIbain. H. C., Con necllcut; Hon. John A. Hurley, B.C., Ohio; Huu Hubert McKnieht, M. C., Pennsylvania; Hon. Juha L. N. SfraMon, M. C., New Jerecy; Hon. Elbrldie G. Spauldtug, M. C , New Yerk; Hon./ AHred Bly, M. O." New York; M. Ahl|?h inn, nr., new inratuv, nutu.icra auu,'| , an-H* it-it-'.* Khanlca' Bank, New Turk city ? yj kotf, Bta., Prosi nt WIIllauiGmtg City Bank, Hnmklya Naw Turk; lion, irtln Balbfteiacb. Mayor, Qtty of Hrmiklyn, N' .vYorlt; ijor Uuncial H. B. lluryea, N. Y. S. M., Hro klyu, N?w irk. HIPS CONGRESS AND CCXHERI.AND.?THE NEAR lng relaiKea of theeeAoal qu tlic shove named aril something to thflr advalHage by eilllua on itir nudrea* to NETTLBTOlC GILBERT A O est surviving i-t-Udveaof veafctl* wltlle arn or aeudin< I lair . CAMP. Ill B. oedtea;. TO HOLDERS OK JEFFERSGNVILLE RAILROAD Com puny Ft i ?i Mortgage Honda?Public notice I* hreby given In aoootdaiic* with the term* ol the .agreement ne tMru-ii the JeireraoiivUlA Railroad Company and the holder* ?if It* llral mortgage bou a, d ite 1 Apr 1 N, JKV, that the United Suic? Truet Conapi.iiy of New York will, upon pre s-i.tation at Its o??e, No. 48 Mall eti-eet, icitoeui ai rwvand en-rued lnt'reet nmeiren of said Jet! -rsonvlllc Rsl.rond C' .i'istny lirat morlcaae Iniods. numtiei-ed a? follow*, to wil ?*, 4. 5.6,7,8.9, 10 II. 19, 22, 24. 25, if*. 2). 30, SIr: 12. M, being the lowest oixsi .nduig uiiinbcr*. From and niter the 6. b nay of August, 1862 Interest on said l ends w ill oeane by Ibctcrmaof aald agree stent. . JOHN A. STEWART, Secretary. Third avenue savings bank, COR. THIRD AVENUE AND IWENTY-FIFTH 8T. CHARTERED 1854. All depoaiU made on or before July 20 wlB draw luterctt fiotn July 1. SIX PER CENT INTEREST PAID. Open dally from 10 A. M to 8 P. M.t also, on Monday, Wedneeday and Saturdnv evening*, from n to 8. SPENCER K. GREEN. President A run*. F. Ls*. Secretary. TITANTEI ??ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, ONE REM vr of $.'>,<Ji>u, or oncol $130 >, ?n }>. i>j>c-rt> at Clifton. Sluen Mand. worth re than douol : lie amount: Imnd good.and Interest |>eid promptly. Addre** box 1 1?X) Post offl'*e. UrANTED TO BORROW ON BOND AND MORTOAOE. 1 $1.1,flUO on real estate In this city. Good security. Apply to J. SCiiENERM AN, 301 L*sl Seiuntecnlh olivet. ?\\rANTKD-$P.OOO, AT SIX PER CENT, ON TWO ?y house.-. and lose tu this cltf : to e?c'ang , H ut'1 ami Lot, In ibis city, for a low priced Farm In Winchester rnnu It or a good mortgage oil city or farm umpirty will tio taken lu fieri fay unit, co I roar iu go allowed. Addr, ? Leo, bo\ l.Vi llemld olfiw. fill nnn WANTED?UPON a im acre far* hi the towiiAlllo of Bouthainptou, iturtlngton < luntv, N. J., valued at $lJ.0dl; nr-i tuortga <? at 7 per cent, tor tw year*. M KI'.IHIN A DAY, illy l'ouith ar. CI QAfkor$2,ogoWANTED-ON A KinST MORT Ol.O'/l/ inigo on iti>t elaee leasehold projierly, now renin* for over $l,UO per annum. Apply to Colonel ACKEilMAN, nortliiveat corner of William and new Chain b- re Bin "t. d'l> UHII -FO" BALE, A PURCHASE MONEY lELtOUu, Murine ac on 23 Lote, n ar an 1 in full vli w of Louui Pi-oefiect Para, Booklyn; ace .rlly ample; lonls man a <al b.irln ae man; two yeare to run; 7 per eeul, 6 per cent off. Addre** hov 6i lleralil oflVe, Ulltl tWlfk TO LOAN-ON ItOND AND MORTGAGE L" '.vrUl" on properly In New York city; will l.e loaned a' eii per eeni on liral rim* e ? in!'. Aoply tu JAMES H. GKLE.V-WAUD. 1H Wall etrei t, room l.t. 0!?>n AHft TO LOAN-ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. "U U Nw York city prop i ty., Apply i> O. F. O ATM AN. No. 11 Frankfort street, mkoiiI flour. LOAM OFPICEI. t Till GRAND STREET, THREE DOORS WEST Ol' aV. Hroadwny.?Money anvuneed on Wa.chee, Diamond*, Jewelry, Pule, Dry onodeand iwreonal i roperO of every d ecripilon, or bought and eold, by JOBEl 11 A. JACKSON, auctioneer and broker. AT DC NASSAU PTKKET?A. HONTGVAN, DIAMOND I l inker make* liberal advanoea on Diamond*, Watelies, Jewelry, Ac., or buy* them al lull varan, nt hi* private oflh e, 60 Niuuiau street, room No. J, up etaire. Bitaiueae conUUcn tlal. * T J H. BARRINOERS. 312 BROADWAY. ROOM 11, *V Uic lilgbcal prion peld lor Dlarfluude, Walchee, Plate. Jewelry, Optical Tnatriimei.I* Ac. LUmral advance wade at bl* private room*. Ofllie lio.ire # A. M. to 5 P M. Directly opposite the bt. Nicholas, xo. sio Broadway.?JO-El'II SOLOMON, ? ? omission mi r. uhant advance* mimay on |t anion le, Walchea, Jewelry an l plate, or the *uine b mailt at mil value. U.mlio *? strictly r.influential. Hour* uf business from 7 A M ull IX P. M. EAOLB LOix OFTtoB-P. A H. FBI DBMS EM, VD laoliehed *lnca UHd, Mhvr irmevrd taedr looan Ollie ? ui t .<? corner of Oran I aireet ?nu Howi it. nndoi the Or><*ual Hank, and intra me liberally no Diamonds. Waiciten, Jewel* ry, W earing Apparel, flue Fur*, Ac. ON MY LENT?TO ANY AMOUNI.ON DIAMONDS, Ueld end Bllvei- Watches, Jeweliy, Dry Go-' It, H?*iwa. Ac Oootl* kept one year or ic*a by AARON AlKILPHUB, licensed loan office, till Pearl street, corner of Ohamher* M flTICAMBOAT*. Idor HRIDi.RP<iHT-THK STEAMS* BB1DGSP >RT r leatea piei 26 Kad nrei dally at It o rlo- k no a. m rt. virgin time to lonnect Willi thelXangalu"k, llon.*atanle, N w Have* >*.d Hartford rallioaue, al*o Hie Shore hue la riatbiock auJ New Lou loti. UEO W. COitLIEB, Agent. TllOR NEWARK ?FARE IS CENTS, AND HP.RoKN r Point lave lacnie The *ieainh'iel Tnonia* P. Way, Pep* tain BonlMr, l?av?a puw .S> Nnrtli river, foot of D'y at roe t, al lip* A. M. and 4,'k P. M., on hunda) and every Jay. Norwich link-kor boston, new London. Norelcb and Woree?ter.?The aplendtd ate*mei*tllTY OF Boston and CITY OF NEW YORK team e?,l7 ,i?y iSunduy ? e \(vpmd), at 6 o'dook, from fom ol 1 *elrv atieei, pier8) North river. E b. M ARTIN Agent. MArRIMOYIAL. U'IDOWT OP 2S. DK tREs TO COR.ll *PnVD Wi li a ri'lna ledj, II nit III In li >e,.r e| i Willi B view I i ivirlinclii *h? i o.-; ne ,i ? ?* ,n in on ai'ienranv . Adurree in oortflden e A s C N w y ik Ucealtl ouice. _ FOU SALE. * ClI.-kN'Ci: 8LLi Oil OrlERED?l >K KALE, T'-.IJ - V L a,c, . ,iuiiu.? ?ii,l t . .ik?u( tMl..r?r,*?U> I?(u.r tlbrinuiita^lt , street and Jloouin* it laio.d. * * MEAT AND VP ETAPLE M AltKET FOR SALE A l WUjjr nit 1 liy.s" ami Call. . .1 l4?- *eat Djmu ?, on in w ?mwm > :?? <i stand, .ic: ,-v?t it ? s...j Gail at UU. C ou JNU. KE'l'i HEI CM tie Third ilif II111 1>A, DRIES AND QKU'EKY SIORES FOR 8 ALU ?1 J* a v* a u-. uotr . f very uue i av, at low t .:-c ? . ,o A Boda Water Cjtife Goner, Sf.t ?'? a 1.' ?"? K blO, St a kacttuoe; tUO SlU u S d Oil UgisS! "H- Oalaaiia w. n mjTciifll, ar-i.e.-i. * / 'ONFECTIdNER.4 HAVING SECOND HAND TO.jLS VV fur sale cheap will | lea.e Apply ?t Si R' tu;,. s , :.r t 1MB DRUG STORE pot. BALE-IN BROOKLYN. "WPI.Z |.w*(e , eelalmsi.'. I nv.f uticeu j vai a, W.iibes If Cheap tor raih, App.yon the premise*, 57 Myrtle avenue; comer uf 1'cari strict, hioosiyu. DOR SALE?THE GOOD WILL, STOCK AND FIX V tit.. h oi a large , an t Liquor K oir-, doing a sal* e .mi tutalncss, In a i., populate i neighborhood, or would ttkegaa partiier. Appl,, at lit. 2 Jaime struct. fiH>R SALE-CllfeAP, A GOOD, WELL KNOWN LAOKfl o-, j pis. e. loos led at No. lit Chambers a r a'., iu t in based o n, w i.oio u <iixl business is doue. The proprietor w tabes to leave the iHy. IjlOR SALE.?ONE OF PERKING'8 FIRST CLASS ,IKW. . ?il.,4**1''' r?' *?' oust t ? Apply to 0. li* 11, ell l or laud at <? I. IAOR BAI.F.-ONE TEN HORSE STEAM ENGINE, I1 wWrldctmioUAA boll-i. all to onsplet* order. I AO J ait a ou|?(l Wir RgG, ore I'jUoti Winder aud DotlMer. one hdrew Pntii, a lot of glial fit: g, .tr dp,,I;, at the factoiy, ft.Otlkb iovi ntn atri al, llLitf J . rc*y avatnto Jersey I l.v L>OR SALK?A SMALL, VERY PROFITABLE AND 1 |'ir*wiit it am t j, r>?i jtriua about iluii, ;i. a a,u t ' per i?f fc?in he ma>-: Bmlii-aj ve.l' ? abttAdbd ?l. daw , uow<ieut .at i); i ct t a iun-kt .11141, SO. illWU'K A V. 00D. KiKaMAit straet jj?r , ? _ . L^Glt ; A1 E?AN ALE VAULT A?S]> LUNt'li RuOM. 1. IV. II Mtod an: fully aiocked. Local n th- beat n ft'OiWtiay. A ai'.'d plA.e fyr agoiid 1UAA, Apply to ?OHN J,L iYD ,t Sons, is Sum ill atrcot. PGR 8AI.E-IN BROOKLYN, A C011NER LIv OR J. su>ra, w.tU or ? l.Uoiit a oclt. T?t.u? eu- . Tttli'l ., . .9.? V,! 1 !'v - at.'tid, tud'goud ciiunce. Ad re?a store, boa i&j li raiti oiUv O. ETOH SALK FOR CASU-A FIRST RATE CO..aEU JL' L: |.iur .Suiiv, littfU up, vsith goM BtO' .v; u '? :r ?- V.U it; ^ to ? .i-upv. ini|U r * Ui I.u M7 i illy iii i/ ?, r.iri!o: of Twenty sixth suvt. T?or pale cniur-A i:iremng?s water heat. X iu^f t uruttceuna i?'utur?i?, h it h tie used, !n ,t i. c No 17 W?-at Tluny ig.ith treat; to at ik reutortd w lthln t, u d't.if- C.m a ? ny day duruig tlat Urne. ilia ut Ikgtion of llor.ita i attuoaied. |T<01t.?\r.E CHEAP-STOCK AND FIXTUhES OP A L1 but- er a aimp. ai?o o lino Horae. ' rt .tntl H u ne?8. Apply to D vViD i'.iOiti'AN, ;n,2 Sevtuth avenn-, tcnind u nr. I?OR SALE CHEAP?THE If'ANI SO.MELY FITTED UP X leu aud Grocery Store, SliS Suvemii ai'i*n .?, ni .?r 'I ,:rtv iuiirt i auvoi, i ovr ' iu, a ialr rnali trade. Saiiaiaciory r nfoiis ?ivon lure. i ng out. Appljr'for throe daya on.y. T7CR SALE OR rfltCHANGE?STORE IN THIRD I? avenue, ? a.nall Oatt-w- ?-, llMu>tre.-t, 7 Lo<?, llll b ttud iHO H stierla; a rtr.p S Mi r a r ??, i -o: j N t.i, 4 un ftuteh il Hlhii s ;tt I.Mi i ell , ?'t, P.trm, n811 Improv - I, B oil, Wo-.; House, 2U CuttlOtt a r-.-t lit'oo ,lyn; ULute m it 'aoa lyn. P. N. 3P0FF0RD, 17 IS.aa tway. PUOrOGRAPH CALLER* FOR SvLE?ViiTIl OR wRiidut tbn inatru.iicirs. Five' l.-?i>c, very lo,, r nt. Sulutula for any parties wlahln to go into tlie ir'sa on a Inrgfl or vteu'l acale, App.y at the gallery, Eo. 2 FOPt'lU areiiue, oppoailr Coeper Institute. STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE-SIX INCH CYLINDER and Utucb slrokA, iron bed-p.nle and Deaipbla d blower, bow and In complete orili :; ivib be sold aeparaie n dt:a>red. Apply to W M. II. PLACE. i!I3 Water streei, where It can be HOOD, or to GEO, \V. L'EyOH, Harlem. rrilB STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A GROCERY AND X Lbitier Store lor Stile, do.nga g o i c^an ous.neas, uitiat be sold luuuedo. taly, as the otrnOf cannot attend to ft. Ap ply at IM Eigb lb street. o?o nnn ?for hale, confectionery, fancy ?JJaJ.iJvfV/? Bakery aud Ice Cream Suioatt, now doing a splendid buslneaa; live yem's'lease; good Jori.tlon; sold on account of sickness in tae family; owner going iraveUlng. Also his prlvaio resiii-n'u t" let, furulabed or unfurnished. No a -ent-t need apply. Address S. F. D., Ma.lls. n eiuare 1'uSt ofllcc. HI8CXLLANEUU8. ? WNINGS FOR STOKES AND DWELLINGS. ??X HENRY TOBIAS, manufwitwiwr, USD llJdsen street. Amulets.?madame tamar s celei r\ti?d Torkieb Love-mc-Ever, foraecidruigthendri '.luna of Ur o; (..oil sea , in valuable a* a perliuno or cosinMk'i pr.vo at. Send ted stamp Tor circular. Address Madame Tumor, apd Reai i slraai, Brooklyn. A CARD?PR. WALTER DAY S GREAT AND SIHIE taiuOiy for N>i vona Dcbl liy. Price, with ndvn?r$3. Dr. DAY.s|d Amity street, three blocks w\ si of Droa .?.jr. / CAPITALISTS ?A (JKNTX.EMAN GOING SOUTH IN A V Ifiv diiye lias laeilitiea of Inveeting prontaoly In mr ar ticle much In demand In New York, iguiclt returns. Would like to make arrangements with provision inervoante a?>o. Addrasa boa 130 Herald oflice. ________ / 10UNTER8 WANTED?WANTED, TWfl BLACK WAL KJ nut top Counters, about 15 or id feci lous lo r feel blab, ti p thrye feet wide. Address Count: rs, Ht m d odice. r'auaggpwest cash price and wnere they ' au be tu>>-n. DEL1CT0UBLY COOLING HAIR DiUtkoINU IS OLYCF.RIA W iibout a particle uf grca-nt or oil. It are-sua the hair as exquisitely as pomade, cures or relieves headache and : 1-srs i the scalp of tisndrufl. Hole tnannfai.tur. rs, OAKVYELL, MACK a CO., tinder Filth Avenue Hotel, corner ol Broad way and Twrntv-lourtb street. <? TAIL SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IS TRULY 1 / a friend iu n od. and every faintly sUn.ild baro It at hand."?Hartford Tltpsml Mom the receipt of Di Stephen Sweet, oi Lonntctwul,. iac great bone softer, b ,!d everywhere. IpIBR AND LIFE INKIFRaMCE AGENCY FOR MIS Mjiirl.? Ad eipcrb n.e I undt rwntrr, r. aiding in Lim ciiyol 8'. Lorn. Jin., having a lurgii connection, tadcel.ou* oi adding to ...a buaiMM tiie Mcacy <>i * mcImXiw Yoik ponijmny, in both Sin* and .le dopkiiin 1K>. 11m object in to aeuure, ll poailu>,? 8m:<? .'(i n y, Kalereitoaa In St. Loul*, Near York aud Philadelphia. Add; :?? Underwrite,, bOI A tyl Foalollke, Si. La iM. Mb. HAIUiVYAKR manufacturers?a FIRM, esta bluhcd 1mn Jo ng a "nl bin, ll'-"-, u ui .i-a to tnekr arr.ingeii.euia w'ltli man iiaeiurar* or owner* o tenia. lo mill Uu lr guui!- "II Counulv "tj or otmirw ne, (.cod, commanding each prrt r< -J. Ail.r.oSij ^.BSi'nn ni-iv. New York. M^HAKBLE MANTELS.?.M YNTKLN SOLI) AT ASTON mo11 {ly lour iirwau at KLABKK'S Mur. eY-.u UJ Liiui Elg lucent aire. I, near Tuiru a . uuo, an.' 41 I' irvt II) u tiue, near Tin. a etrret, N. Y. Manic la put up lo any |?rt of tin' sntiniiy. liATE.ST COliORIC PRESSED pi E CO'PI K. J. CAUTION TO HIE PL it Lie. The Tery l>lgb repute of ?v paic-nt Coin i Prcau i Byo Codec haa t):np;M |a> lit) cii'iii if a. ii > ot Hit ai'no luunn an<I gen ml aopeirane*. butcntlD > Inferior In quad IT. The namo oi Itn- in .nu it-Hirer, JUtIN 1*. LVON 13.' i '-nth ;n iiiwt. In on i n b p ck;i.*, md n l? 'v,.rrauto1 i i give Mil fa-; ou !>.ill Mini |< reaime, or run.".*) rettirucu. I'rlc* 12 cen'.a per pound. l.ibrraUdlanounr io 'ndi'. J. P. LYON, lU Chy i.Yiu mri?t. pOSTAl.B ST AVIS A LKOAL TENDKR. SMULL FN J. ieipu for L'nuc l Sinl . uLauii ". eiiiot-" a>ill any deidr-rt nenointaatl-ii, mabUlaciurrd nu! fir at by 11. It LAW LEY, oorucl ol K u to ?u.! Ccuuw utrocia. The auppl.ed. 1>a'irEua and i it -Hi-.s for cutting . A lo ? oi l, in ? of, ? nm, mi' i.. la ? ?. VA.ii runted 10 Ut. re'.'. ei-lorta n I .' ll' Agcata tvuuled. SULls nuj Clo?*a rue1 u. IILRn ll k, 431 Canal a: eoL STORVflE-FOl: LIUIIT ouiHis, IN LOP7S3I6 IX UtL ?lie . Apply to >i M, ItlVlNU. riHIK UN'DERSfCKK!) IfAS nv HAND A I-A IUE 1 r inout of Mai blu Mam- a. Mutuary, Ac., pr . ? 1.1*111.' train fill upwnrd. Bull'.' Ill I ill.crc a. ... ,i- . a'iil nee bl? aiu k, ivh c ? a In be old ut io?t C.iU at tud a id 3.3 Navy utrrei and at Wi Futbuali iMu.e. H".>k:.n, L. I. MARTIN OLhl.N. HOUSES, ROOM*, AC.. UANTED. Mir AN i KD?TO lltKR FOR A TERM OK YEARS, JT TT biulillut ?? Itabie l'ii in ?iii'fa> tnriiia piirptapa, rlii)*r Mtuned la Ni w York oi rf int.y. *ue ?.in ?it lo at. In 1 n * p wer, aluo ? able and yuri ultaiUed. prtfer- d. A tli?'.a lor two da. 4, ivlth I ill p;?rllcu!ar* aa lo |im ? '.on aud pfi x, Manilla' toiy, Jler.ill o.ll' e. \lrAHTED?EITHER IN YORRBRB OI 1KD .- i El r TT * cry ii eut Cu d"P'U, ? in Hi ? ..klj n, ttlthn tliln o ... re OI Hie a rl' a a Hie > nm UU> I II" i uod ImproTanienK il inty ol p mtry roam and eiglu or rnor* rnoma, fnrnlaliea ?f nn un l.lie I; H>,*ass on by ll > I.' lu ul AuguMi. A ilnwa, Rtating lucallon, sire of hoi ? ? a ,.l (?rail, ichlrJi mn?t ? Urrli ta'.e, Raeponalble, He HMo.b r. W'AMTBB-HY A FAMILY Ui THREE PERSONS, A n-at little Colin r, Willi abinle Ima, frnil..u l q.r ien, within ?l* oilleaof Ih it),r yoi auii'M. K"Hl not U) at o?"il $'240. Addrnaa Ci.. ' , oO'.i r 11. sii'U arenue |\'VNTEf> KOR \ ?!?' T\rth v.v u-ILY, AMOI T Ti one-Ill.If ol ? II ? - 'mi ? -nu mi' ? nu llwr, o Hi I ,ird aoi >ud llooi nbri Cannlane la i! heloa I adiatd apaet. Aditiaaa Or. ilriiuile M Waal Hon -I? ?:i u '?* WATC11KR, JKWB1.HT, *?. Ary party ii vvr.\i y veii* FINK MB' I I. STCRR Dlaiuon I King to ?ell l< ca-h. m..y hi tr ol ? buier, If ll li chmp an I goo I, by a lilrce Ing Al'ii i, llnalJ oDF . LOFTS AMtC'l!. 7.3 DHOVDW VV. lINDKti Till* HEW York Hotel, pmiutwa to i>?f llic hlgbeat caaii prlo" lor old Oolil. Hiln r nu I Dlaiuouila. f'cioo^, u;n mgllto.-u llili ga to aell will rrrwlve twenty |?'r cent more tlian at ?uy other pla 'T* ilia city. Liocial a<i?aniMa made. iU Brail* iy ~ HAll.ltl) 11AN. BUDHUN RIVER RAILROAD.?TRAi >S For ALBANY. Troy, the Noiili and M'r?i io?Te I ham at. a alicel at 1 and 11 A. M.,aad3 13. ?and 10 13 P. M. I OHO IRLAHD RAILROAD AOOOMMoDvTtON-Of.D J Hon til Forty Teriiuii'ia.?Traina learr at 7 <3 A R.and 3:15 P. M. foi Orerii|><irt; li.44 A. M. and I 13 P. M. for 8y (wuall; 7 *&, 11 ??. A. M., and3:13, 4 13. L43 P. M.for Hemp* atoad, horn IT for Jamaica from 7 43 A. M. t* 4 tj P M. L.. . . ISLAND RAILIC'WD ? CllAKOK (IP TKUMI line ? lUui'iigci depot at Jaiuea a lp aud lout of Tbtr ty.fourthair at, Baat river. Buiiuiioi bi angemenl?7. iv* New VorknlS A. M. for Uichnpoit, S>. 11 arbor, OH utaud llanipma. Al 1 A VI.. |i M. an I * 31 P. M fur 3y '-a*:, Ai .* :*? P. M f- r fir- ntifiori. Ate Pi M mr Farmlng.inl'.v k On S'.ihUt? ii i- iicaMji liun'e 'a p.unt iThlriv funrtlt elreel ferryj. at s'^av VI. f,?r Rl-e he.,,| and it. ernieci.ite atetionaat ciauiaiaii iate,. K tmulu* lent, a Itiverhcad at 3 I' M V1 ' Y I'RK 'Mill I 'I I'D ,\I..'.NY KVII.ROAD Al n?R ALHASV. TROY. N' RTH Wlivvi; i Si 0 \Kit \k'IEHI > f, Oil" luef I in,i r.1 ?? ?,!) Villi e 14 i For A'' 10), In Hi A M . I . ? n >a re.-oty. ?lath ?tree) ? atom, I <>' ll lo,'ni train - e-e lb ue l*M- . JOHN Hindi ILL Aueieiaui-SMpvi >u'.?uJra4. A SVI.ES OF HE.IL ElfATB. * RAKE OPPORTUNITY K'iKI' V.'IfAUl.,Vi OB PHE i? m#*i# <?n.riu(( intry Katuieuo-* ? h'. *u ?? .brr olTrf* ar *al: ii.? Country Rpjicteore, r* * 1 t "U. ey d 1-1 > oai -o tholl' ab. di> d I ia o Uim distinct ,.ar els, ra< u havin..- a i else r >o ud inv*t .did bull Jlng ultca. Th" it.. si -y ? ?. ? ? o: i J acres,a k*'*\ 1 * . .id msurlon In a la ? uc Tout a:, n sores of lofty "? ? 11 tre. *, u ? .iui iiuuu v I, inuuoic ? i-t> ami ?>? rreat *?' ?Wen tame'uny dew me I so I o 1 w >h in;la " ',v . m .tUu u.n.., it. ; u iu uuuhc. >? a ,i ad's cot;*, ir.u !ng on a harbor," ,Sim Uuw :,.ii y. i i... ;.as uDac-alled advu ,u<e? ior eitner a y.ivRte r -'i!?u o or 'or a dilation. ?? r?v . n : Id shine u. tne #aiiaa aiaUa in ea nt, lw" aid- * belt .d by T-efc a lit In!#', arm ? v by i >? ma'n raad; tho isnds taning me rltiers gently alope either way so:' it very buililn site .ommauda i!1 >? ' tailing oo uw . Is?< tl WT? .if the slUs eu.i have watnr fi ontv T ie | ioe ,s por *iZx H* >? an. air invigorating. bla frooi tu'rit.. 18 n :,is bi New H iven Uaiiruaifj bns> me?? I:.,-,, Jr, i?aeb the otty fi >m this pise In leas it ne than "?< " in lay lb- avenue ?. I* r?ons iles.r, us of atiiiatngcUy luges. lha dangcre nd dei.-i.' oni In a easing 1 Vec?i ?ytt d ?W- ! to a th a ??!?? rttre: ,.nt their early " ' '*? N i estate of equal sue wUhi:i m. |. n "d miles . o n.- I l r sonib neethe dtv?? i? .? t idd ? a >?-and rfai '' li-eltteueo luasecyfurt.cuiar and all its ?aj? i IntH-nts. T-ej dirt. - to tu .aid ata' ens iwo {!, ' .'t ' -oortit' is ?!? a U on, n w m con. h> r \ .It Kill# diaialiOe villi oe outf tiaif a mile. Apply on the prenMrea, 'o j, K. COLLI V9 or to dim at the offtee of" J f>.'.i, Zl I'.oe street. AbBlM F'JR BAX?::._THB LEaKR OF HOUSE 2f> ? 'f *T ?"r the te."tt of tea v-ars; a very fiaal place tor any tt?, . .t .,u . sprctartv 1ur a I i.aiditi ? u use. Apt y to 1. 0LOit. ay u.eeae e:.ect, It.If. BaROAIN?A"f NTAPtr, HI I" V1LW?HAJUF AH acic of Ljtii.', tweet cin.:i.. tl. o Coda e., witu seven i ? .0* sacli. nbuo nice ol t r .n. , t,., i . Koru ? iv Ac In Cinni eteoiiler. l'rlce for then . V'.l ? A o or sale oi esuJiktige fo: cry or Brooslyn property, it. i r d i farms, all prices, size slid location*. VV. H. MEXJCg, SB7 Broadway. A N hXOHA.MOKWMTKD, KOHRLOTSOFiIROUKD* J\ in . unidere ', ior a throe atocy brie* dw. Ulii.- Ho ee, ot. t.n sir et, 1., .ozlyn, ? lih m de:n tuiprov ni , ?. eom* p:i i and to c cedent order. lu .ulre ot'UEO. ii UuaN ii I a.S 87 Nassau street, New Voi le. A MUST EXCELLENT FAH\f 90 ACHES, FO t SALE A a b.iravm, situated near villa ;.'S, x. In Saratoga CO .nt ; in ^utlilmgA fence and cuitive-Ion .d Very productive. A on elisn.e lo act a ch.aD lo d far a. SO'd I ll vWCls X WOdo od Nassau street. TjIAKM-i COCNTBY KEATS AND KE.HIDENCES. AND 1' i cry va- tety oi real e ? . e, In c.i> and oo .ntry, lor s.V, ey< ,a to ! ?. I:'.,,, te mi. Ala. nates and ueio.iationsol'ali Ii i'l rant Lit).:* o bunineae, loans, .c. i>DLXUWlOli X W UlID, 8Z Nassaurtruet. LICK SAI.E-A COCNTa? KESlriENCE ON TUB 1 8"iiii .'(> iii'tei 'rum 'ho ciiy I'.' minutes' ri le fioin K N-wlla. u. K -i.ri.i t, ..u t a tall Ire,a steam, b-vat lanul. . a v,.,ll boo*", t'l.rn, h hMcs end d iiigs, in es e'.'eut ouditi m; ulnu eardeue set age no. bath houae, beuutlt ally eit'ir t d OU a po.nt of land, coo a Hug ot'.'id ?er<v witu water r sit t r a*)carters of a mils: iro.nids haudi "inely laid uut 1 ,n vu. .in, and pri.bte wuUs; ime battling, usbi. g ami buatma. VViil sell whole or pi.rt. For particulars at ply to J 8. C' ALLWEUt, 24 i'.ne street. LatOil SALErwAI A BARGAIN. THREE LARUE P bra'itlHi r. nlTlcncee, with ull the modern Improve meute, ilte.. situated respectively in the un.SI d sdable and c uteal parts oi the city, on ,u.o ueaiiug the aven o?. Iu ipi re s: Or Now street, New Vol *. 101 OR .SALE?AT A GREAT BACBll'ICH, FOUU TH 'tEB P -.lory and basement brick llo s. s, Z?t4?4S lot 22V\NX), on the uortL' riy side of LeJiale street, n ar Hall nreet. South Brooklyn. Th<> Houses are firet ela.s. anil ail the m ? em 1'i.pioveuicnth; on shoit b'och ro.u e'nltott ?nd A'.bin no avenue errs, I? iftel In (he mot .cut al and d? ligi.litil part of lire Giy. Anyone lor a superior home, whh -very comfort, at t. a- i, will apply at onuo on the premises. 1/0K SALE-a TWO YEARS' LEASE WITH FIX I lures, of a tip top Ha*Room, wltli a lunen oc enter, sl'.Ua'ed on the new Long doc*. J r.s y side This Is a ehaace. Apply immediately to A. BAKliER, No. 2 l'ryon row, tu tho ale vault. fjTiR SAI.E, OK EXCHANGE FOR A FARM WITHI* 1 twenty miles ,.f ibis city?Tliree t'o tn e l-Ious's, with about " gl.i city Iaits. sitmited oti H rgen 11. i. i bout 1 . m.lo Urea of J isey'oity. The above proi'erty now rsnta for R746 per year. Apply to W. II. KBRR, 93 >v all s. ret. IKiR SALE OR-TO LET ' HEAI'-A RESTAURANT. uruiolted, on OM ol ilia best avenues in New York; ulro a Rrocctv 8 ore on same avenue. Iuqnire In the base ment of 2i> street. HAKP'YARE TO EXCHANGE FOR REAL ESTATE, with or Without the sund, established tor a uumoer or years. Apply at No. Eighth a venue T ANDS?TO ALL WANTING FARMS.?LARGE AND Jj thnvAnjf setiWment of Vraelaud. nilld climate, thirty miles rout;, of Philadelphia, by mllroad; rich soil; er"P*. to be won g.owlng; ccr i a tn, at from f 13 to $20 per acre ; [lajable i. iiiuu tour vesrs. Uo'xt ...iHhiesa openings, eoo: society llundrcil# arc set tl, ug and iiuskltia liupiov, m nts Ap ly to CliAH. It. I, IND1K. The. master. Vine anil, Cumb'-i i,.ua coumv. New .femey. li t ers answered. Papers Oon alulug full lafor matlnu will b. sc.if tree. ONLY si,TOO FOR A 8MAIX THREE KTORY BRICK H.mae ami Lit, within lire minutes' walk ol the Ha.ull tin !? rry. Uroo.Gyn; has ?ture on tirst lb>or, w?t'r and gae; r u'.s ; ,<r 12 :>er cent; one ui nlly to a Moor, Prmi ease. Ap ply to E K. KELLOGG, No. 1.19 Pearl street. New York. rrto exchange for new york or Brooklyn J 1'iopcity?A of 80 a res, goot buildings. 1'rutin, >? oc!>, aru|M. dr., In Rocklaud county. Also other desirable Farms, easy o. uc ,s*s. to exchange or for sale A. SERoKANT, 15 Wall llml WANTED TO PURCHASE OR HIliB IN THIS CITY? A sin.,11 three st.iry, n sh stoop It, u c. Address G, J., Herald offluc, dei^rtbiug house, lo aUoo. price and rent. Oil illA-lOR BALE-TUB THREE STORY ?A. jfU 1 /, fra ? e House anil lu>, No. 1&9 Dbvyoe "treet, ~ shwick U lain KEL -OGU. liil'earl street. New York. near Hushwe k avenue, Will.aru uiy. Terms $.tr>0 ,ash, hahtuc ->n lion t and mortguge 11 desired. Apply to G. W. , N . 122 Gi end; street, Wnlismsburg, or to S. & n.IMP* " COPARTNERSHIPS.^ A GOOD BUSINESS MAN CAN HAVE AN OPPORTil aily to Inve t a few buud.ed dollars, where it will be p. rft c Ir safe and double its. lf euveral t tnes the Uret month. C. R. HOM ES X CO., 429 Broadway, up ctalrs. FAiUNKRSHIP WANTHD?IN SOME RESPECTABLE bu inraa, wnem the servliee of h ti.onugd business niHii may V - required; or wo ild lake a:i agency or o'. rkship; h< 11 t'Steii*lre'y acq aintv t In inle, W..xulngtoii ou.l many other where a* could tuiluenca trs.o. Call on or aa liroea llaielette, N-, St. Murk's place, N. Y. 1JAS1NER WANTED ?A \0UN<1. ACTIVE MAN, I with a iced) capluil of from $3 80U to $6.0UU, wanted to Income ; ..finer in a wholesale manufa t irlug business of fuiir year* utandiu#, llie Ineiease of ? !?.;!. is on pieation aide. Idle C'irUwity wlU noi he satisfied, an thu offer Is a bone 11 ..<? one. i<l B. W. 8.. Ileralu ettlc-. PARTNER WANTED.-AN ACTIVE, HONEST AND I en rgelte wanted, wit.n e smell cad. c, in a- len-:l- mercantile oqllnass. For full paittcuiar* oellon O. MaDHSON, *t iisrihuttau Motel, Murrey stioel. near Bi.ii.may, ? aldrdry, Monday or Tue. la., nek . froui 10 A. M. cIP.M. PARTNER WANTED?WITH FIKiM $3,000 10 $5,000, in the Wostein Produce and Provision business. A good up riling to Im i ? as capital and acquire novel ?.,#.> of a sure burin, aa. Apply to M 11. CHANCId, 104 B.oa.l.vay Partner wanted-with a tmai l capital to Invest In ? brtr contract wiileh 1 have, ibat will pay h'ty pes p nt. The shore Is i or , ash on delivery. .n i ran be Shown a. u : an- o to i?' ip tttlue, consequently no agent nerd apply. Adorete A. A 11mm, bon 187 iier.ilil uiAcc. TITAN TED?A PARTY, WHO CAN FURNISH FROM TT StHsi to fl.'JiO to ass a the advertiser III ulllng an ot- 'T". th-i ran der already ob anted. $? jj can be i. -1< wllh.n i-' i> ? No risk wasteser. App.y to W, 1* WELI-S .? I II., No. $ Part tow. _____ J..1-I1 ion THIS AMH'NT IN CASH \ lUiLIA 1>1 g< id. . ail may become asao is.e I 'nivnglti n--t. iu' -auve. uglii. <acb jiavtng bustu. ss, uo.una JtoarlF per an ilira. Addrewi Waliermlrc, but lit, Herald o.l. :t. It, r:cH i" ex- lunged. Cl'AlWl -A FAltTV Willi THIS AMOUNT IN CASH qpijUl". can . ? ?r of a first tiaas business opening. Ihis pr - .'a an nppo t inny telilom oB'nie . App.y at let! Bow ery, in lUp atom. 11 -leMMM given an I required. ?.'1 f inn ?WANTED A BUSINESS MAN WITH TITI8 Ja L " V/. a iui to Join lire au? eri.M r m tne pr luce aim fC'Btmlaaon huwlieae; wl.l . Ive i s-itrtiy tec the mouey; Salop. $i. per week. Ad lross Bii?m >?*, uerald o f,on. hi) /AfWl TO $4on? PARTNER WANTED, EITHER VA.Ul'V special or a t. re, In the glass belt, jt?. eeinb ttStn . .' tl- lly lor ? ' lira, son do i li -ill .tensive business, ?i* wi be seen; n u.i but th >ae ul the atrte--st liu-crlty needausw . even's not h olid. Address Class, nil .- or' , in n.ii ? (tia re Post o nop. ?1t\ nm\ ?W ANTED a pait.ner either si NPJLU.UUv/. !? it or a 'lie. in a M inm'a -luring imal n ... ihi-.i ..? i can ' M?bh bed or thirty years, In wliloli no bad h bia n. ? made. Ad !.-e*s Bank, ll> ra.d olllce StJ|\ f\nn ?WANTED, A SPECIAL OR ACTIVE LU.Uv'/. i ?? ii r in h vork Beckerag nd Ohm ritl'a.i.n Mouse, Wb . e tn pro !a w ill I- laigc -.ii-l lliu mo. ? af'- T a pai v le' Irllia t i lii'sst It can M thfwn that a ?"[i endn' opportunity la noa- "fibred b> make money eafcly. Kor parti i arc, Ac., bdmexs tl , boa 2 1M Poat uTlve. ?partner wanted, in a staple ? " ??* an-i rory prutiutbl ? raiai.d ug ihe bos 1 a ?ert .ion at a rii'lf a WOOD, MS Naaenu aireet. fit) a nnn -PARTNER wanted, IN A STAPLE ipii/iU"v. au ?, .? 11 t'.'a il nod and very ptisUkH bi .in, i.?, with ii person tho nuauty the bull ilea.. \V.:i b a 'Ue U.oi Wt acr1 in . an' < *ery .ioei al at aiizement irlit fe? uia e. SOUTHW'H'if .v wood, HO N....... .....I DRY GOODS. ONNLTH.?TKAVBLLIN'i DON NETS, HI (RIMERS, _' Turban < f>r I idles, at SI etrb; Rldtnglfatc. ft; ?' , i, ii d 1 Realty a $i?eortli $2 Hais saw by eaarew anrry. * ers L HlNN'fl inllllii. ry, SSI Urosdway. 1$1. Mo irn. >ii, Moimcts at bargain*. B' MR! K, MORI113' CUSTOM MIlHrS. TO ORDER after the meet modtm and approved hnported style# War iVrlai'anda mado ih ? n hi ai m iheiilr. I.MMioad. way, aeei nd nnor. Rumple Shirts as 1 OoDars ma> at 'he wb.ii lust n.rttei'. A GLOTHIKO. RARK CHANOK.?$28,UQO Wop fS 0V CA:-"T OKU Ol?nl?ftng within a mm in. r??r N-w Or!*ai>?. <in<l geuilnmeu bavin.; amjt i'L. ?*ai> rrtclva lhf? fnlloa Ing priw --FVim ^ I'' "J" I>r pHca,irvm IS u?$16TotoohK trom SI ***** Alm> HMaw in. dtocba, Oarp^tt, tot hirfut'Ji puft'le f'lvaK# (all no ur addiM a ?*? *?> *? Minu,3*n Hi*iM urnme. tie-ar fitghlfitntb cwt. ^ Milt*. Order, irom Breoklyn sr Je tehcled to. I'lciS" roniembtir ihe oi glnal B Minli, ^vl ?li* t N EXTRA PRICK WILL BE PAID FOR LAD1KM j\ end L'i-ntiemon,a t'a?' "ff ciotulnif, C*rpet*i Jews'rF aeiturhiiun lof New Orle-iaa The Iinderalgued liaa t?;. oolvil a I me order, amoMiiling to $28,000. lor wbkh he anareateee to pay the fellow In* prtoei for eaeh a? l-le -Fst ^ k I'r ? ??. ft "i R <0I'll *r Coats, from $3 In $1.1; for Penis $'.: $rt PResi a'1 ?n eddr. -a by ante .1 AMMI.t! W2 Sflieut* avenue, betiveeu Ti" ,.r lb and Teomi .nrst etieela Ladles alien > I w by Mrs Am tt N. B - All tmsmrSS tiauaacleU coilfldeetUtiy. i T KO ?* BOWI'.UV -H. It" ENTli.Al Ma INu a ,'\ pi''*! ietire te i'irelntan , lake ? qn uitlty of iae' d Mfe .rTnc Ap iar?l, Fi rnn no, Chi | .a, w ry. .\ ?y . ail (.-( ii er aildmaeln ' lai'iea ,inrt ... at rt*r ,-ai i i t va ? id n.icbiait' e. fdMlrs ,,urn i.-d ie ? Vfg hu o'ial. t'P i?: r.iaituut., ki.i try .towel] ?/>? eMe Oiw. Jo-vS tlUlh