OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, July 19, 1862, Image 5

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lil.It Bilgai't.
"I rauci. Meagher arrived In
Brigadier fi.i erel Thoma. . . , . ?
B , . . ?f tbo Irish ltrig.il.,
ihli tliy 1*4 uignl, from in# c*nj, . ^ g.^uU
?a James river, is obedience to the foiw
llK?iKj;-.ts. f.K-" i* pro so army C<*??, Juiy 18,1882
Osnmial?The Genual uuiiiiu iudinf the I'orp* directs
that you prot e ; without delay to the o iy of New Yoig
aud thei? i so yuui best eudeuveis to recruit lb# u*cas
'Sarynuinbur.it mee t? flu up the i ? imenii u w ui.djr
.your command Yui; w ill crniei with Ita Executive uf
the Stale, and, it pisc.icabie . loiward. ip addition to
tins arm.y, <>ue or more m * regiment* to Uil up yojr
brigade You will forwent tuo-e reuruite as ta.t as a
detachment of one heir lift a iorm*d
Tlila impoitani serv ct being completed you will with
.?ut delay join you proo? r hrigauu i am. General, m at
respectfully, LAWi K.NCE. Kit ,A U.C, s a A. A G
. l'heee ordeis were iseued by General Sumner io .on*
ral Meagher, under urgent orders l mm General UoCltlian
General Meagher had but < a* lmui 'a notice to proceed on
his journey, fie i* in the very host health and spirit*,
and ready with all heart for auotner "week of but lies.''
He Is socr.mpuuied by oue or his At ts, Lieutenant Tempi*
Emmet, o! the Eighty eighth, who has so lirillisatly
distinguished himself tu all lb* recent .tigig.m.m#
beforr* Kichmoud. General Mengner left his biigad* in
?excellent condition, tin ugh greatly reduced in numbers,
and patiently enduring the exclusive heat of the present
encampment of the Army of the Potomac. Tb* Genoral
returns to his command within ten days. In the moan
4inae Colonel Robert Nugent, of the Sixty-ninth Volun
'tears, acta as Brigadier General of our gallant Irish
Meeting In tKe Ftflb Senatorial District.
According hi the call of Governor Morgan, the Com
mittee of the Fifth Senatorial district, to aid la the or
gtuiiz .lion or a uew regiment uf volunteers, mat on the
-14th mat., at Kelit ger'a Hall, in Fourth avenue. Hon.
Charles G. Cornell was sleeted Chairman, and lion. Win.
H. Van Cott, Secretary
Hon. Charles 0. Cornell. 011 taking the chair, thanked
the members of the o >u.mtti e for tho honor conferred
upon him, and staled to tha committee llial to* object of
this meotluj was we. I known to them and tliat proper
eteps should at once be taken for the immediate organi
sation of a new regimen, in ibis district.
It was also stated by a member of the committee thai
he could not see the propriety of forming a new regi
ment wbilet there were so many skeleton regiments In
the doll, uu.ess it was i h ? . bjoct to create now officers
Alter denberali n for s imo i:no on tho subject, it woe
finally ooncl.ided 10 ru ry out t ie request of the F.xer.u
tive, and that at tho next mooting names of goutletnea
of strict on nary educ.c Inn should bo submitted to the
committee lor recommend tiou 10 ths Governor.
On motion. It was .amoved to invito the lulhient al
citizens of the Tenth, l.eienta, ihii tooalh ami seven
?tueuth wards, c miprisun this d strict, to a meeting lobe
hold on FriJay a lornotu, the roth iu*i., at '.be cut
rooui of tho Fourth juciuiai .us net, East H .ustou sired,
to oo-operate with the be.,aiorul Commutes, after which
the committee adjourned.
At th ? appointed tuno yesterd.-y afternoon tho Fe >a
-Serial Commit tie and too ci iz i s of tho district met ut
th < court room, in East Houston street, Senator Cornell
in the chair.
unmotioa.n committee >f flvefrcm each ward was
appointed to act .u each ward, to help enlistments, and
.receive llnances and co-operate with the original oont
-inittee,. alter which thj mooting adjourned, subject to
tho call oi the chair.
Immediately thereafter tho Senatorial Committee met,
ai d Mr. I'b.lip F. Suiith. of tho fo.iiii ward , Mr. Thomas
Brown and Alderman Pel or Mitchell, of the Thirteenth
ward, were added thereto.
.'fEheRMiowIng geniicuion were proposed as candidates
for rod votobelcy ? senator Chat es G. Cornell, Colonel
JUuttis l'eiKi. or, I a lain K. loots,Oapluin John
< Lakw, John U. Uoni-e.iy,Clmres J. IVdgo, Captain Wiu.
H. Kiblet and Captain J. hn l.ochinan.
The committee udjOurneu to moat at tire same place,
?n Morday next, al 4 o'clock 1'. M.
Meeting oI tile Rerrnlilng Officers at the
Astor (louse.
We call the attention o- all recruiting sincere In this
elty to a tueetlog which will be held at the Astor House
-Sifts afternoon, al four o'ciork i room 41), to take mea
sures to facilitate reciuiiu.g lnHtls uil/
^Interesting Correspondence Between lite
tlovernori of Mates unit Colonel Bliss.
The following answer* irom the Governor* of the dif
ferent States to Colonel W. Bi as, of the Bliss cavalry,
an officer who has had considerable expcrleuce in the re
cruiting scrv-ca, a..d who aoplied to them Tor authority
><o recruit men for hie regiment, are interesting sk show
ing ths energy with which enlistments are being carried
?. ail over the country. ^ im
Colohel VV*. S. Buss:? , ,
Bin?Tho recent cull of the ^resident of the I nlted
flutes for additional tr <>, s m kOo it nsewsary fur me to
dec due to authorize ll in; listing o, men 1; ;li:u State for
any other than our oen regltnotuit. Y".,r obedlotu ser
vait, CHARMS s. oi.nu;.
Nsw JUvxs, Court., July 8, 18C2.
Colonel Wx S. Hues:?
?>ik?Your lavuroi 1st Instant received. In rapfy to
your Inquiries 1 would say li cit I have ma ie other ur
rsngeateut* for Connecticut tr-x-ps. Ko?: scually, yours,
R**TTi.ti">iu>, Vt.. .I'lly 6,18PJ
-?taAfi f-1 amdlrscft! by governor Holbrook to ac
J know od V the reJJ'l't '?? T?" re? 1't.tho sM
to s >y ui.csr tho iuts i-8.^ V bi- >t a n ? v, 11?,
?Bultable to gj to war to fill I'M" r gliaeuts Dom .u tu
fie'I, >.ul 1 r new regiments no., being organized. In
tin* view h? leeis com. elled to decline \ >ur rsqueet. 1
am, wl.h hi^h r- gard, your obeuU'iit su, vanf,
BAM I VV ILLlAirS. Seer t.xry of C. aud !J. AITulrs.
IJxHit'-.'ut'ro, Fa., July $,1803.
CoidBolViMB.Bf.w-? ,
, oiosf ?Your avor of the 3.1 Instant, Address:'! .o h,x
ricy. has been rvcelve-1. i uiu la-tructsd in reply
to inlorni "U bat It ?iil he beceeeary to have a:!
<he voluntoc s that cm be ralrod In litis Mato to
Mil our roR-ments tow in the service which have
fldlerod w> sev. re y. nd to organ ire forty nvtro rogl
noiife ;i- whatever may I * '-ur <t ta). U ? ?;.r deeiro
tiuit the so. x of I'enn.-yiv ma en.ill ant -r the Hold under
the buiinur of their native aduto. 1 am, Co.ouel, very
eespect uliv. yours, Ac.. A. I.. Ill -fcEIJ..
r Adjutant General, Poiu sylvania.
Aculhla, Ms., July 6,1862.
Colonel W*. 8. Bliss:? , . ,
1il>". Sic?'Voor iett?r of the let lustanl Is received- 1
Cannot proiieidy comply *1 h >o :r roquist^ ???* what men
Cisybor- el In this Male si. n.odc.l fur our own tsgl
mecuattd batteltss. Very rea,Jr.
puasinss'-s. R. I., July 8,1802.
?Oolensl Wm. B. ?
Colonci?1 am Itrcci-d by GovernorSprngne to say.
?f't'"Pt to yo u cotumunita'jon of the :Jd, mat lis legiet*
that hi cannot cu-o|wi ate a nil y-'U in the rul-m? JJ?'
brigade, 'ibo greut u -nbc, ..| rtcruus cunnumly re
outre i ??> lilt up tnir regime.its. *'dl ptoront hint rum
permit! na recruiting P' b? done for any regiment in any
ether Mate He dag be u ohltge 1 l" mxke l.;?t rule both
froin the nw.vaeil.ee of the ????' ?m? lh- rn.herassineiit ll
?creates, lain,sir very raejr cllnby. yours,
.'?a'WARD M'lliAN, A Ijutsnt General.
Coscok... N. II., July 10, 18'A
Colocsl rnt.w ?
Pn.iK i*?i< rt|?!j 10 your>? of tu? l*t inti., i am
am auihonz'-d hv tiuvetnor Cerry to way thai he dsclwes
raising ict tilts or alk wing tbe >ame to lie dittie.for any
mnttaty wgat11s.?ti?n wit-ide ?tt? own ,-xtale. tou.s^
ANTH'XN Y t'Ol.WY, Adjntaul f.SnertU.
Wa; MiTcaToN. July 4, 1862.
* '{*"** jq*?Ynui'aof June dfl wis euurhow deleted In
-Its receipt till to-day. I scad ii al once to the Sec. etaiy
af War l a.o .cl.till*, - i'tlf. 'l"> MM't
i. 1 t'. nd up yoitr comBiunlcattoii. though I have
? ?. . ? t. _ ....Sta.se nf I lie* t'fil ardHlHllt
uuileretood ihal .tie the mention of the
Imiu to obtain their rohtutowrs thtough il?o aute
Atldll ton let Rotmtles.
Ths fellewingers the *t!d;iioual bounties end psy of
/bred by New Jersey, MaasachuSsUC, CuiiUaclieut sad
Nsw York
ikw rsa?xr
otQsrs |6 per month additions pay to ths scMlsr.
ma KA' ticrervi .
Boeton gtves 8100 buuu.y, Weatlteld (VfO. New B\'d ord
.tlOO.Csmbr.dgo $74, Kexb.n >? #/.?, Gto >klme $;4,Somer
Wlllc $74, Ilaluen 87$, VVesl t4?nbrl <ge $7C>
r in\r.. Tifi'T
-rUSrs a Slate bo nty if for erlisimean before the
:80th eT A' gust; bis. yea <10, payable on eni sung; |?
per month to eoluicre.
saw T.'Sa wtsts
premise* io psy $40, an'', ? tilt lb* Unt'el B'sie* b'tnn'y,
&2 $13, and $'ib out oi lh# $icb b itliiy on amen- n.ent of
the ec Iiin.ie uy Mr. I.b ?, o toe Luticif-UBe Seocie?
.he Koidiei well be eattiRd t.- $W wh?n bit company U
? complete.
Kccvnltlitg In Klnilra, .be,
KUhPA, July 18,1882.
Resruftlni In this eouMy is progreselng al a rapid
cais sad tho prospect no if l? H.al little Chemung will have
bur quota ready wltlnn a fortnijut. Nearly itfo thirds of
11.0 Iiuml-cr are elre.sy iu c mp. Rousing meetings
? -, r l-edPi F.lmlra, H ?Wiecia. 'IIU.m. I and oiUcr
? .? ?,..a4 .loiters lis.-C I salt .1.
mwn. nr.d rlimit throe it o.sand dollars b*- ? been ob
. ; V, ?a.?.tribiulti.ui ui.tiu'.at 'u icisloB iuou.
iatuod br pr>- ateo.?.ir,budo..? t" -^ "? ?? reining mod,
?while numbs ?? of IT m cl'. / ns ?re SdVauciag toe
.govs bU) Ait bouuty to volutite. rs.
rile Colonelcy of U?e Allm.iy lleglment.
At l< ?NT, July 16, 1?6'J.
Major SpraguS, United Slates Aruiy, hu. been u.-mi
?M?i CulotiSl Of the Albany JalriOt rsftmsnt of new
tolimteors, sad will accept, profiled lbs permtwleu of
tbs War Depai tment is yranted
Rtipnuae nf Illinois.
? mcAuo, July 18,1861.
Adetnslehlo the J ithjI frmn Bp "> ;-te!d n>? 'its
Pro?... "S.?r ths fm mst-n ??! ro.f egi ,e ts era meet
fia.tsetuf. Already il# hueured eumpeuiei bar* been
Tht I'llloi< fort vrr?-Ii hJlitll win! Slutil
Prt?ri?fU' ?OihiuI Turn t?ut alf ''*5
AVople r' U* r*ai 14
?J*.. xT...?,?
tile Onuaiuii, Oir., ?<., ?"**?
K?V Jersey, ever foremost in -esp. nlitu 10 l'1B p* '
of ?h? government, yes e.duy a UTu -i>u lua ? loV "
grand turn i ul to oumply with the call of .lie FtesiiU***
for I brae ii u ,;eo iLo.inuo rnuia troops.
The folloAroy is the call of the it acting*?
lorii Mil rv vm Kkm I'k?Ttie cilia-n? ul Newark of
a 1 (mules, wuoaro to a .pporluig il.e govs u eni in
the prosecute ti oi ho war a. U th" mit rendon of the
rohe i:od. are reque-'ed in luier ou the Milila y I'ak, ?u
I ri ay attertibou, Juy 18, at five oca* k, to e.\|nesa,
witho t refrreuce to ?ny party '|ue."(iou whaever, tb?-|r
uiiUiOiii latieil ui'iitt lei.uo in Ii ? lUMioo of ou cause, unci
their mhoMble purpuac t?> niai tal it to the roil, and It
pr ule. lo (be go von mo: t an the aid it may need, to tiro
est-iiiot tbei reamce>-. 1 tun.em geiiiiuiuen will ad
(tress the meeting. I,es there be a le#purine 10 the ca.l
of the governuiuut worthy of our biatoriu uaiue.
lhe prepare thus tor the nieotiug were o: an excellent j
character. In tho inn!die ?!' the p?rk a apleuJId platfo m
was erected ca abieof acromnv d itlug two bandied, aud
tl waa beautifully rteco atad with the Stars and Strtiwa.
At the north end of the put k the Flag of the I'nton ap
peared to much advantage an it waved triumph intly lu
Ineb eeie. rhe an.end hi band of Kutsam was on the
platform, and , erforuiad spirit--stirring pieces; and a
uiagnl&cent Gag, carried hy the Unitod states troop* at
Hiitou Bead, waved beautifully and was greatly ad
The following gentlemen were invited to address tits
meeting.?Colonel S. Fowler, Rev. R. Mctjuald, Garret A.
Cannon. Hon W Alexander, Com Robe t F. Stockton,
?lac b Vanuita, Hiram Walbrtdge, Rich a >1 liusteod, rap
tain 1 ogca, United State* Navy; Cortlendl Park r. F. J.
Frolinghuytieu, C. L. C. Gilford, A. V. 8. Schenck and
The hour appointed for th? meeting to organize waa
Ova o'clock, at.which time the Military Park waa one
living and,alter some preiimluirios being g"ue
tb ougli, the me ting was called to order by Alderman
N < I'all. ''res dent of 'h- Cwnm n Connelt who was
litrodi crtl to tb? in etlnu oy Mr. Mou-haiit.
N. M >x. f Sq.. 8|? ki* as :ohowe:?
Fellow CiTiikn ?I think you for the honor yon have
conform ! on mo In a >poirtlng mo to the honiahie jx *i
ti u I n w hold. ] urn he e to tell you lint this la no
pai tr Hiro' n ; but we h v? mot to *upp>rt the Int-resia
of tho gown m ill jam t thoae who are now endeavor
I k to overthrow It. ami to fly to the aid and ready help
<>( thl* our great mnl b overt ooui I y. Thrc untry is
now In Marge. and you me hole thin o oiung in |>I? l.;e
yoiu selves that y>u will r< stain It. (Applu se.) Yon
will, I am hi.re, do your duty toward it is
iron anil as cl'lxens, when yon look at whit
the country c- 81 yo ir ore* at here, tu th* mighty struRgie
w hoa Ihey achieved Its Imlependonce. It was by ti e r
g oi Ioi.b deed* that you now enjoy the blessings which
that ireed in confer* upon \ou. (Applu f? ) This i? a
gr at rebel-Ion. and it will re pilre great efforts on your
part to suppress it. Well, t en, whin la our duty Y Our
duty la to mru.wb mau ami the aluows of war. (I/nid
che?-?.) Ww tn iul pus cute this war with vigor. Wo
bnvonot come here with feelings of hairo<l or II' will
again l those who are opp *?d to ua,tor they are oik
brothers in tho flo.<i),;bui we havoc une In re p- tell thetn
that ih ir unhoy mid iitjoet deeds caiust he rounto
mutced by i;a. The government of tho country is iiow
in danger, but I nay unto you not to despair. We
niav li.ivu met wuh some reverses, but I have no
doubt b t that the right will prevail. IV> must crush
Una rebellion, ami to do a >, let us ail be united. au<l let
us b.: fleto. mined that'-the L'nioii must be preserved.''
(Loud cheers. I
A list of the names proposed for President and Vice
Presidents w.ia then read, and they wrcie unmuuMusly
A. T. Kkasv, Fj?q., then reed the following preamble
a. d resolutions, which ware carried amid much ai?
Whoreae. the President of the I'nlt' d States ho* ral'rd
u|>Oii t. u ponpl ? for lii co hundred liio i-und .vloii.i nal
In-ops. to enable I he government to suppress the r-beloti,
hi h tiuvaic.i* the r ia n tho co n ry; an I where*.- llic
evlgemo demand* en answer t > ibat call worthy of ? great
nat on .-'it i,gg : g for the existence of lueir free government
an do erm.n <1 tomato *:? it; therefore,
Uexo.ved. Thai New J.-icy kSC-h no limit to her appro
el i on o' t ." blosnlngs of the con-tl ution she is hgii'liig ui
s ';mn or of the uolof tliora wlm arm it It; that she will
do cut It ugai'.'i' oil ? tieniies, at home m'abroad, ?t all haz
ards. and tl.at biio ?ill tend 10 join her orate i oy* v. h i, at
Roanoke, Ncw'eni, \t' l liiQisl)iirg, K Mr Oak* and In tio- luie
bu lies in V.r inf.. have r-iiewiM the a or.v ?t tUclr native
8tnt >.a ma-V lucre of etp at gallantly as alio may Ut Cmlod
upidi in furnish.
K"*olvcd, That, In-thls moment of gloom and danger, we
lo>'k ha-s upon uo lodilm! rot>tmvenn< *, n >r forward to
n"jr politli'iilcrtil.,; we rei'oiiilw) no puttie*, wo diim.* no
I ou- Muii-ot p tsi or fir. ro pol cy, hut so pyacku wlul.o
oi.ru i n n duty tot.od and uur counirv. to pledge ur i.t
' ni. * effort- In men nn I money to maintain tliei voinmeut
j whi It o r f. thers ph-ded ti.slr 'iv.?, ineir t< rtunesami
tho r a u r. il li?>??? >r lo c eahltih.
I Jl i.v. 1. Ti .1 io ;li soi^ ft Corn mill o of citizens be ap
I u. mi" 4 u '."?*? dutr M shad bo to dm se in nn I at pra t eal
in-uaorea to nld and lo on the iiremibotion of iliereet
n.eiita now fo minttn tl Is.ilalr.' t, hi d io |?r pure for the
cnlUtmeut ol other regiment* ou soon as the Uovi rnor suall
eal! lor them. ,
Rev. T IV. Po ir noxt adili e.asoii the m. otlng:?
Ho was I'Ciy g uiig to address to tbom a tew words.
Ra was there lo toll them that ha h%! cvory coi.".denes
\ ! i ilto htab.lity of tho c'.'.iut-y. (Ai plauue.) Ho had
laUeriy accn mau with depleted C'..:iiten ini;s.?, b t ho
I c old t<Vl litem that there ?? uo r> a ..n for snch a state
of things, tiur Pie^.dmt bu 1 cn l.'d for m re tioop*. nnd
let i * give litem heartily, f.tcplaua*.) Thss- w ore time*
to sh iw what "tnlfwau tn Iho uioii oftha N. rth; an ? ho
tr i :sd iltoy would nl! ?b >w It. I lieac w rc Utnd.s on tha
n Minn; should they a'iow it to fall un ?r th m or l>r ok
.. s mderf lis then woul i n to s oak o! tho ascrl
His.i"wlMci. 'ha call' ii had promirad to make lot ih in
n w po on sad the work. Tuo voice of the
a niv to you is, -ToSiS -m..' H^yo rm r -ran. w!:o led
the ii tsh so gallantly forward. Is sj" *'"' PJ ? (,n- cl4"?
upon VOU to can* on. (Iioud appwllSe., uonuaua, too,
we s cclleil to c. nt ? on. l.oi the oormtrf efrtsli riuher
than let it bo ?aiM there were not lei toil uoro*;* ratsiyl
tD its* aud if my poor ofU?rui cat: do Mtythlktf lo
rallying t-oops to the cause. I will go with thnn. (Ap
p!a;i-o, "Wo will go with you."')
A V< Will you go yoiirsellT
bi'BSKtR?Ye*: ! at:: ready any moment. (I/vid chaorr.)
My cxartiritie and tuiise *rs with you, t.*>. 1st life
perish, h it let the nation t>e saved. (Applause.T
Tho band thoa "truck up " Tho ?'tar .dfiaugled Itsiincr'*
in culivtniag strains, iu compikmeut to the i>atrloilc
speukor .
t'oariisnrPAKXiw. Fsq.. then addressed the meeting..
Mr. Kca?bv then addressed the meetIngj? He com
inomeil Ilia Mldreaa by ahowliw tha |??ll on Itt which
the country w as plaiwl, ?td th ir itersn -viit duty to
obey the i ad of the meeting. Ilo said hefelt proud o, the
manner In which lliav had answered tlnai call. ('lour,
heai ) In spite of ah opooelthiu, srd esimciully
p !p ts, whi' h veutilsled ires on nntler tiretemlel
laitrmi nn, th y, tha men of N'cw Jo soy and
of Kews.k, were rea.'y t i s ipisirt 'ha tail which
their country now made uiwn them. Ha next ralcrrad
Port -Milliter, Pol: r mi and the lite rovcrser. at Kb h
nt .'id sad said ihev llio ???lit thev had doi e enough
s .M Dial Ril was accomplish d. They sent home tuelr
vnlmiti era.ati l th iughl thev did n?l reu'ttre thcirt. b t
Hi*j were, sadly dikuppuinud snd,tMil >r* they ?*erte?l
tht maelves thvy niusl bo down in the d .st, b coma as
Mexico and b? toe l*>rt n: ile.p?iia. (Cries ol "No,
iwvar ") No, nevae, h? ra:M-aioil. They wc-e p-r
plexed, b ;t not in dcaiwtr ; east down, but not
?i?-troved. U r cause Is .im-t, and let us tr.alu
lam :t to iu? end. (Or.at eltoors) We .pat
now eland In this ttoslllon ? slmll tha country
of lite I'nned state* bm-mnit one of anarchy and eon
fn-liiu v itu* irmtM powlr to rave It, and a-e we Wil
lie.? to exnrvi-'o that powor? V c?li?d up n ibem to
answer Up se i-.v. thina c n ? I ntlOHaly. Ihcr-e who st
pre. out cried ;a? .uO, ptr.ice, k: ? w that in tho present
day there wae in c are. N'o; we .no I il hi .r *? expect
that peace: end if lhacounUj i? to bo preserved, lei us
pri claim thai the' I It!-h ni : t a .M shall ha prcaarved."
The nation is ic"v alnigglipg f- r Its Ills?Una vast con
test ha* 'at.lied sii lit* wisdom of politic I in*. Tbmk :mi
of the past? think not o th# pro "nl but lo k'orwa d lo
Ui* . real |*i< ir slat,how no shall rav# our country iu her
pres.'i t perils. (Applause.) He io ijun.d them to support
the I'rusldiut end th- xovernment. I was thoir d ty
tho-am*as ?o|:rote<'tourwiveeaiidchl,dren. (Ap louse.)
tie oi bc' nU'<l by calling upon thorn Pi do their duty, ami
never til)'.a that ii.og Intlitg to he III t n lletd
banner) be the mine I relic of a lost country. (Tra
in cni'.nua ohea r.)
Mr Wo i.n iu* ma le a t hort, patriatic speech, which
wna verv attentlv''y li?'en?l t".
After soma oihrtj a.Hi.kc's had made appmnrlste ro
mit'kauuih# great object of th i meeting, the whale a*
teuihiy dispersed.
\Vnr Meeting In "lew Jersey.
RtCIIAHO Itl'STKrit, I. W. BCUUDWl, K'liJ.,
Ibc InUttblUrta of .Irra -y City showed last night that
tle?aie not bohliulhaml in their eiith jaiaatlo cievothut
p ihe Unloh, aid that Ihcy are fully ti-nsibie of tho
lespohfiblnty llttposod on them by the re? i-til call or the
I'reaidahl of the Hnlted Rhoea for Unco h indrcd thou
?ai d lorn to anl In crushing out the rebellion. The cltl
reus to the num'ier ->r r ami eight to ten th.rasand, assem
bled at ?'sbl cV.li rk on Yatt V' orst srptare, whnie a | tat
form w as erected for the atc nuiH?dai|ot? of th* speakers.
The beloved emblem of our mil am w aved from tvoi?
n -i setop lu I bo vicinity, and, In short, the g1*"'y city
aeeni'd lo I are lu.en smutted t > ti e luphc t p'tch of i n
tbnstasin. rm the platform ? 'h# O mm >u Council
ot . er?e? C?ty and aevirsl prominent private cit./ens
A bra#* band was also In attendance. Thais ?js quite a
prefMSl. u ot fiiewoi k* tu anilvi u tha i cession.
At eiiht O'clock th* mtivlh.g w a organised by tha
Mayor of Jersey City, Htrh. J. R. Romar, taking the
chair A long list of vice presidents and f*cr?ta> las
having been rend,
i?i.'<: \V .Pi t t?PKR, F.sn , read a series of pRlrlctle re*o
lu'l'ia wliPh e. ii sined niany haudsoioe expro.-aions In
i? a-d to Ihe voh r of Jers in The follow log U thi
pi ll oi flu -a c to. ui -
KeaolvaJ, 1 orgevi.ug all dtatinetwea of party, Iv.ting
I on v t . <h? ro-mi .blMimanl or thu nat ona! ",J"" n''
Iw>iIiia ib ? limua <?' ? >r eumuiou rwairj w? |iUx-d '
ts .hi -? ? ? 'coji t" p i d?.vu truixiu ?i!il i*b
i and wv will ii I m y mir timid* ti" tlw uHiioiMl fla* - ' 1
I who nv< ovary fo t "I 8 il villi: , i ndei 'li? * t-*t
C in tclol (U wiiiilillltKl.^ M d"' l1' 'r??
d n>
<?? racniniunid {'ol'-uel I-/.* l urniia,
f g iol.i d r i<its u in in ih? nit) ha tin no d hi v . -
, li u. mirg i ? tin, Wi Iihiu H. Ii.uuiiift, imir Uins' *
i l?Ui|uii) |nr iliu K i ivi. ti rcKiina-i i a;. ?ln
I Jt'l'irl d I. UIV08 I lion .A. II-,, kin* ai-d J. d tHlt:if I
( Jam ?* >1. do -rt, of I II||1|I IIy H; ' aplam ,i?.Un <i tu.'UO, of
j Cju.any . aii-t (aotuli J tiu-8 H uiiu,,^ i ,.M .l,y- 11,
wT, U e 4U-'li?ri/?d to roonilt com - .|.i. t. iu tin ra?u *iy
l'ni the !ii. i-oi ill rujj iui? l,Pi lie-- miiiar-lo-l liy i olo
not ? aim u ?" iii -o north)- t*f Jmr ronS-lci-od, an I u mr
; ?!"?e billet-? ll ,!(? h 1)8 I III liilty nit > iJeailii VI apl-at
lii ?!? Hi. e f.lielrr n liy , a.i-l a* iilliu>;.s unit and Wll
In,,4 c'* 1 ll"'U "h*iii-' ilie end ii jr.
Hhh 'It iI, II.at ill.) (Joyerlior cl tbi? oflbr a
bounty ii* iifty dollar* m mrery recruit who vitars Ul.n
HHlf to pi t Al-nn tiio rObWIioti.
rill- , nolut.'tna warp # .ibu-iaaiicaily recaived by tha
p, Uj .?
Mi. Ku iiaru Ul'iTBli was tberi uitro* uced and pro
ew>M to iuiii* <u Umi-hhI 10 Cue uuli? ce. liming
rt?|?i .iji uiiil powerfully sketch*! Cue oiyhix eiI i
of cm* unholy c* mlu't. the speaker ..eke I hi* h mimis
wli.l ill J' proofed to do m retard to therebelll .11.
(A v ice?"I igfct.') Your lalhors and jro ir br< thee
?ud your so * (continued Mi. Hustieo) a e o .iuiiIim
M>lemn hour <>i be idght mai slu led in battle array on
the Jan.at rlv?*r In dcfei d your country?not fioru a
forrhcu l.vaeicn, uot from an attack by any n>rei.*n
Howe., but fn tu au inviu-iim by the very men witb
whom y u latva Hd'eninly sworn to protect anil defend
till- cmuliy in every, oven to the laat, cxireml'y.
( line a and erne ti -'Nut eveiy i iyger.") Yos, sir,
every our as you wood pro act eve y person who
wan weaker than you,and who required you t? do em
(lines me ci%li;sn>D occurred, and a voice cited out,
that no nigger wo vbipie.e wore wanted, while an thai
a*v?d M>. busieeu why h did uot g? out end light bull
ae r ) Mr. liuHieed c'lUtinued.?Whenever l go into the
c uillot, you m-ij detain! that I will do so wlib h nor
anil dateruiilialioti. (( beers ) If 1 could eub-'iti.le
every rib in mi body for an urin or a hand, 1 would not
hav a b or lu my carcase (hue's.) 1 am s ck to
ueaih of listen.ug to this squeamish and hyiiocrilieal
ee. timet.la ,ty which ret see to nee the luoftus which
G unl nature ha\e pi..cod lu the hands of (be Amerioau
uutlou id order to save tins great lad i. Id u negro bet
ter than e whne m >nt Is his bu?id any better than
r lb. (.-'everui voices, "Yes, In tu# South.") No. no.
Is not mis country lu d- ngei r Why should we not
allow the nugro in 11 hi w lieu he enjoys as much liberty
here ua you do and 1 dor
ire us you do and 1 d <r (tries o "Why don't y u
ike tbe.n then/" "Why don't th y go*") Mr. Bustced
Continued to say that the negro was the causa of this
whole trouble, an wo.iud up bis speech by nn appeal to
eve y aide bodied ma to Joiu Hie ranks oi our army.
Ihaac W. &n i k . isq., next luhiiessed the meeting,
ap, ealmg to the hearts of those a.-remtiiau in a very
fmelide manner. In concluding, he paid a high tribute
to ihe Irish brigade and vlcue.ai MuCleilan.
Gone al Hika.u W amuuikui was than pre?ent<?d
by ihe Mayor, and recuiveil with the most
?ulbuMaBtl ap, lauae. lie proceeded at loin lb,
a id deiveed an able, masterly and powerful
ad.lre.-s repiste v lib incld <r.t, and yUiuiuslruted. th. t
toe | orio had at length ar< Ived when a.I the energy of
tiiec nuiiy uiu.-t be employed to put down the tebuihoD
and Sa. e ihe liuti mil lile. Ite concluded by ollei ing a
series oi res ltdp ns, which were bailed with the most
euth ?..s 10applause. it.?e. aire, cheer followed each
nsolu'i u.atd when General W. had c ucluded readii/g
th. in 'be whole meeting buist forth with one universal
ap, i. va,. when Il ea more cheers wore given for Gen.
Wu.oi idge, and he retired.
An mar stand was < ooupi.d by spe .kers convenient to
the Ural. Alucrm.in I sua.: K4ge pre-id,id, ami quit# au
eutb..siastlc Cfi wd were atteutlvo Usiouera.
Immense War II??tlng at Troy,
Trot, July 19?12:15 A. >t.
An Immense war meeting waa held bare last night, In
Court 11?>use square, to strengthen the hands of the
rreeidenl, a.id t*. raise money and men In the Seven ?
toenth senatorial district, composed at Reiw?e!uer and
Washington counties. I'he misses were unanimous in
this regard, and were eddreesed by Judge Gould, of the
Sup eme Court; Hon. t'hirlee Hughes, ex-member of
Congress. Hon. D. L.Seymour, ex member or Congress;
H u. i?. U. Van Sautvoord, ex-Sen tlor; Thomas U. Car
roil, Alderman Mc "anus, lion. Charles R. tug ills, Kev
rmncin Kennedy, l'resllont of Lewis University of
Troy .and oibe h. R-eolauous were passed, and a libe
ral bounty was resolved upon. The meoting adjourned
amid the utmost euiUiMiitsm Two regiments from
Hen*<ie:.<er aud Washmgioa couutlea may be rolled upon
with lu thirty days.
War Meeting al Bangor, Me.
Uanoor, Me , July 17,
A grand patriotic meeting wu held here this evening
In aid ? f enlistments for the late requisition of troops by
the genor.il government. Tbe enrolled militia of this
city and neighboring towns, numbering one thousand,
ma chad in procession, with six bands of lauelo.
Tliu hull was crowded at an early hour. The immense
mass of people c.t ised the breaking down of a portion of
the approaoh to the ball, and s"in i hundreds of people
were procipit tted s >rae nt'leeo feet below on to the side
walk: but fortunately tln re were no lives lost.
The incoli g then adjourned to the aroa In front of tbe
Bangor House, whore Vice President II nulla, Goneral
Howard, Hud. 3. II. Blake, W H. MoCrlllls and others
delivered kd<li esses. -
Resolutions wore adopted pledging the people of the
P.n bfuot valley to au^tiin the governra inl with their
full qu, taof tro ps, and calling upon the administration^
to prosecute the war with ' Igor and with all the means
and all the men, of whatever color, they can command.
War Meeting In Pittsburg.
PrT-Bi-gu, July 18,186X
A large and enthusiastic lueeting was held to day to
make arrangem ntn for a grand mass me 'ting lo prepare
apian for raising the quota of Aleghtny county under
the President's cull lor volunteers. Among the results
tiona, winch we e loyal and patriotic, was "ne indicating
one o' tbe objects of tbe uiass meeting to bo to Inquire
Into (ho dirsituracilini alleged to osist in regard to the
mule adopted by the State government to raue the new
qeoiu, und to take all lauduble stops to allay tbe same
by memorial or otherwise
Postage Siamps fcr Coin.
Onus or ILuwowt's Earn*, 71 1uuvii>wat,J
Nsw I can, July IT, 18?2.
If tbe public must use United .States [a stage stomps,
while colu la hoarued, will you be so good as to suggest
in your paper that eve yb dy should enclose the stamps
In asmall, neat envelope or po .ch, somewhat similar to
siwltijens r which were printed be.oro stamps were legal
leu or) uuder cover with line!'
l e h ipe you iul|hi persuade rur Po.t master te Issue
asiiutlur i> Intel ei vclni e for aamal percentage above
c si o; siaiti|? ? ncluse-1 in th. m?say dvs unvaloi ea lor
one cent?.?Inch is cost of spocimeus we enclose. Al pre
sent staiii|is enclosed la envelopes of all shapee end sizes
art in circulation.
Cheat the Money Changers.
Why hi.ilJ tbo people cuneont to ho vexed nnj taxed
f?>r change by sh trporx, whom they have the remedy m
ihulr dwu bin Is* Sliver coin is Ju-t m ubuedvul as It
was two mouths ??*o. It Is hot exported. Manufacturers
will not rrndt it for rli"lr pnrtKwes while it bears a pro
mi- in ab ive fhe iawfui currency. It will, there! >rs, be
fool,slny boarded and kept <iutt. it cruxes to c mmand a
pri mil.in, or remit.n sa a cirr lattng me bun.
Now, If ever) i>ui h o or air I e?ery seller will divide the
ainonuto p 'on. urn when they buy or fell, sllvai will
eonw ceit.0 to coinMsr.d a premium. So l svh->orar will
adopt ilns rule in Irene will cave blmeell the trouble of
patrwiuuig the bi ulcers. THY.
Wi'uriT Tnee hi?A very rlever Utile burlesque os
the we 1 known opera of "Pre Utevo'o,'' written by Mr. H
J. Byron, was pnuueed at this establishment la t open
ing. and dererwdly proved acceptable, being a really
sprightly. witty, mh lb prevoKtug, and lice from tnn r|
dculois 1endures that too oiton distinguish plays coming
under the comprehensive term of bm leitar. The pri ci
pal characters wore, of co irse, sustained by Mr. and Mrs.
Florence, who were rendered greet assistance by the
capital acting of Mr. Davldge, Miss Viola Crocker and
lt.es Mary Wells in the subordinate parte. Tim piece
abounds 111 capital "blta" on the times and country, and
Severn' original comic songs are Introduced with adnilra
bio eflecl. Tbe piece deserts* to have a run. ami we
have uo doubt would take splendidly at any other litue
than tbe preecnt season.
I.wltct's Bloom of Youth, or Liquid
Pee11, has no equal for po ser*lug and beautifying the cam
plestun and skin. All orusaiala.
Prof. la. Miller's llnlr Dyr-Dlnek or
brown, 5 . .iiiie; the nest. Try It. Bold by druggists. he
pot ftn i?ty stri i t.
Barry's TrlropharoHfl te the Bret and
ebrapert article P>r u, coing, beantliy ini;, curling, cleaning,
pr.-i nip. mid restoring the hair. bain, try u. com by
sll itrnggiats.
Iti mil til Complexion.Phn loss's St no ir
White ? rleutai? ream leiuo.e* Tan. Free ale". Ac., au.t i re
servesaou buautbiea the coinpieii o. I'or sale by aUuru.
gists. '
I'lofrssnr Is. Miller's llitlr I?y?? ll'tick
or brow n. & u. Try it, toe bra;. fio*u by drnggl-ts. Lo jot,
W> Uey struct.
Cm tit till.?Ill', flootl u I r' I ( ulnrrh fir.
m ?? i oiv r lea < Ith magic ll<< rapi lily. The nr-i (low u PI
le ere, and IIS use trill e*tinglll-li lite (liae w>. I rloe $1.
Deyo , 6.1 lUoetlwu)'. H n a *.?.uip l#r a paiuplib t.
fomr.it Hint l ure ?t?r Ihe It opto el ??
Pent T" ?11 ii) on - nhile c I wtili Rupluri , or IIem.a. Au
di. is noi ITS New to, a l'..ai mike
Hot for Hstiilrr'e l)l? nicry t in s the
ft ry Win at form u su.liil n. it?> c K rptinn il.it> H-m
an i olu Ulcere. Mo.) tiuisnwi atrett, .*?* lora vity. ?.u?a,
J't u* oi-t iit ??? Tw""i*y
\ .. .. ? ,.t lite W*i-Hh. trout
J Hi* ^
| ti'MI'f. *Lr . ?*-???? ?- ^ tb# o 01, I'd ion
A i 11 i*portuf cite I't-'tws ting* . ' ' ehed in tUe
Vtoling on Ttit 'lty will be puo. r,.j. (j
v kkki* libK'i.n for tills week, <tB<ly tbl* rnwnww,
( will >l?o contain ilia Litest Jles.mtcliet ,'ioin Hit
' fi.ton Armies operating In trie South md tjcvth* *A,
I. t*->'ews from Kuro e; Market Reports, tt?f ? vsrittjr
of O'h'r V3* "I suid interesting reading.
Single copies, in 7*T?pport, rfc;!? for mailing, six
con is.
t'llM'im Urawtllge of tu? Oi'itwsrt BtuU
UsLaWAKk. Krrai Class 2 6?lulv H, IM1
44| 5f)i 25. 4'i, .47. 23, .>??, 74. J>, ti>'( 27, 77, 6,
Uslawabs. Clam *80?only K 1812.
17, 4. 37. |, 41. 30. 3.i, 34, 43. .03, 27, 47.
Circular* sent by addreastng
Wiluiiu.iou, Delaware.
Official DiimvIiii(i t?f jliirray, Uddy di
Co.'S K. ntnrkj and MUno.iri Stale Loiter!.-*.
KkNTPCk* Kit in Class 3J7?Julr M. 1862.
60, 23, 71. .07. 10. 15. 72, K (ill. 3.1, 22, 40.
Kwitcck?. Class 318?July 18, 1882.
42. 63, 43, .01, 34, 23. 44. 3?. 52, 2. 24, 13.
Circular* asm free or charro by addr -setm; either to
Covington. Kj . or St Louie. Mo.
Royal Havana Lottery ?Prlire raehid
and uiKirmau.'n furnished. Highest price-paid for dou
bt one. TAYLOU A UO., Bankers. No. Id Wail street.
New York.
Prlwe Caelied In nfl l.etr*lt?ed Lot*
terlek Information rtv. n. JO.-El'H MATES, Broker, No.
11 Wall (.reel, io.ni. No. 1, New York.
Rlrfant and ( liriip-Cnmniend I'e fttr
eniu ori and bean y to Knox's Speckled Knew"' lint* for
summer w ar. Wo enjoy ita axe. e ling lightn ah, upp ech.te
lu le-comlngm'SH, and marvel ac its chiuipi.tsa. Mo a via'
all- bo dsa iw to sudors the boated tin io koop the head
cool, au . mo only fabric that can accomplish ihia U one of
tin. " po aled." KNOXS la at 212 Broadway, corner ot Ful
ton air ?l.
EIbIiI Cartes ile Vlstte for ?1.?Tb* Beet
In the ilty, at Wood's Qall.rv, 208 Bowery, New York.
Eltht Cartee tie Vlalte for SI, Equal to
the b. ai fade
BALU11'8, 233 Greenwich street, corner of Barcbiy.
E. Patch's Photograph Gallery, 123
liowerv, now open win. inc.eared lacUit.oa. Cartes ile
Vtrite $1 60 per do/on.
Allium Photographs, Carles Be Visile,
do.. aO .-onis and $3 per dozen, at HOLMES' Park Gallery,
261 Bro.iuwuy.
Photographic Albnmt ?\ Great Varle
y n.anr.t&rluivd at retail and supplied to tLe trade by A.
.OA LINO. 66 Naaran aire<-k
Jfffrri'?573 Bipuiltvayo-llcntl cmrni'
French Moll r and Do VUle Shoes, oxturd Tie*, Balmorals,
Oaltera and S.ipiwra.
At Jcffrra', 573 Uroatlway, Ladles* Elas
tic Boots, *1 50, $1 76 and $2; Hal jtora i, %i, *2 26 and $2 A I;
rents due SuO -a and Sdppci J, yontna and children a Hal.
morals. Shoes an.l Oaltera J^KFERS, 673 Broadway.
Herring's Patent Cltaiiiplon Fire and
Burgiar Proof Safes, 26i Broadway, corner of Murray street,
New York.
Defiance Fire and Hurglnr Proof Safes,
also Sideboard and P.irlor 8wfr? for silver plain, Je., 63
Murray street, corner ot College place. R. M. PATRICK.
Tlie Most Elegitut and Luturlons Bath
ing und Tonsorlal Palace in the world t Willi 26 of tbe best
artiau). corner oi Broadw..y und Ley at. Sot, under the
management of MM. L. 1'ROCH.
Trusses.?Marsh At Co.'s Katliral Oars
Trow Office, No. 2 V.-ecy street (un or Hie Artor llo im?., op
p. kl e the ehnrch. A 1 cina e intend* la lb s. No Couascliun
whatever'with any other Truss olhce o. same name.
Marslt's Ratlleal Cure Truss und Band*
age Institute.?Shoulder Brace*, 8 ispvusory Bandaitr*, Ab
diniilnal Supporters, E nana Stockings, a., comer oi Hro.d,
way i.nd Ann street, uuuer Burnuni's Miauum. A femalo to
attend niellos.
Crlstutloro's Ilalr Dye, Preservative
and Wig depot, wholesale and retail, No. 6 AStor House.
Tbe Lye is applied by experienced artist*.
' Hale lit lot 's Hair Dye?tbe Best In tbe
wsr.il; Instantaneous, harmless and rehab e Sold by drtig
llalS aiiu peri Itinera everywhere. Fusing) , 61 Hare.ay ?trcel.
Iln Marc Gray Hair.?Grantljean's Cele
brated consult*'! n tor the embellishment and reatorauun
oi the hair. Ollir.) At!or ptan-.-.
Cmtma*?Fprma*?In Brooklyn, on Wodnaeday, July
18, liy the Rov. J. Hutching*, ut tho residence of tho
brldol lather, Miss IlR.\*r?TA K. Fcniu.v to Mr. Johm C.
Costiu .1, both of that city.
li<>bton papers pl?a. e copy.
lUiLBTos?Jounk.?At b'ttenvllle, gutoo Island, on
Thursday, July 17, by the Rov. N. Vantant. Mr. charmm
,M- lUrtrrny MM I.i/.zib, daughter of William Joiine,
km., all oi the above place.
M*v?WnKit.?(in Wednesday, July 0, by the Hey. N.
tinltbold, Mr. Momta May, ol Williamsburg, N. V., to Miss
E'.jsihktb Wr\"K, formerly of Montreal,Canada.
Montreal pa era pioosd Copy.
Mm ray?Joncs.?On Wednesday, July 18, by Rov. E.
W. Hitchcock, Jon* \V. MrrtH.iv to Emily A., daughter of
Jvbn W. 'one.0, all of 8tai n isianii.
i'*>rt7?jYr*T ?In Bi"Oklyu. ou Tuesday, July 8, by
tile K v j d/J'1 l),Til MAS I'l.TTIT to All J KlilfT.
Vam krmlt?,'y>jy ?In Brot Kirn, ou Wednesday, July
16 by the ilov. T. a. 7'rpwn*', Mr Is iac C. Vam utULI to
Mica Mart L. 8*ow, both of this city.
Barvtt.?In Jersey City, X. J., on Friday morning,
July 18, Wit uam i-. Harm 8. in tho 53d yeur or h(? o. o.
Ilia funeral a ill take place from St P,i IV U. K. i hun ti,
South sixth atrael. Jersey City, on S nday aflcnio n, at
lb ec o'clock T ie relatives .ihd friends of the family
arc respectfully Invited to attend without further iu
vitat ttm.
loi TTia.?In Jersey City, V. J., on Friday morning,
July 18, CiUKira i ooi. tvvIn *on of Win. and Man.da 11.
Coulter, aged 9 months and 26 days.
ihe relatives and f; ism's of thetamily ere respoct
fully invited to attend the funeral, from tlie residence ol
Ms pariuitH, No. 134 York street, Jers.-y tuy, this
(Saturday) at tearoom, ut ih.ee o'clock.
OrctiKA*.-!?Oh Krioay, Jn.y 18, Ro'tur Joint Count jr,
m u ut l>avi<l and June Cochrane, aged 7 years, 4 months
and 16 uay a.
The fu teral wlU take place to morrow (Sunday) after
noon at 3 o'clock, from the residence in his parents,
No. 6 antes street, Hiooklyu.
C'Hovrr ?tm Thursday, July 17, at twelve o'clock M.
CBARiArm Gahtuhkk, uaughier ot James 11. and Matilda
Croney, aged 6 yea. a.
The relative.'end frlnnd* of the family are resjiect
fully invited to attend ihe ruuerul, from < lie residence of
her far her, 856 West Fifteenth treat, on Sunday alter
U"on, at two o'clock.
Irev. ift.?On Friday, July 18, M?p<: 'Sirr, the beloved
daughter of John aud Ilrnlirol iH-vlln, a tor a 10 g aud
(?a.nl'ul lllnane, which alio bora with t.hristun fortitude,
ogeu 13 ) ears and 3 months.
May she re?.t in pence. Amen.
The relatives and f loads of the fimi.y aid respectfully
Invited to attend the luueral, fr"in htr parents' residence,
No. 31 IMnie etroet,on Suudey uUortio <u,ai two o'clock.
The retnaine will be tukeu to Calvary Cvaieu ry for lu
te i moht
iHiyoin-n.a-On Friday, July 18, M.ssStaut Dovonvn, In
tho 27lb y< ar of tier a uativo ol tho ,*u- b of Lara,
coiihiy i even. Ireland
Tho frionds and re e'lves of tho family are respectfully
invltei t<> ntiend the funeral, from the residence of her
brother,Thorn-a l>>oohue, coi ner i-f Third aventie and
I Ight)-third si eel, onSniciay afternoon, at I'm o'clock.
II r remains will bo interred In Citvary Cometery,
Bit!! ut.?1"n Thursday evening', July 17, Msu?. M.,
tho beloved daughter ot (1. II. and Dorse EekhofT, aged 7
Dim.the and 16 d ys.
The relathc* and friond* of the fnmiij are respectfully
Invited to attend tbu ftmeial, frotn tuw residence of her
(miunts, No. 42 West llocstou nru.it, r ruer of (lie me,
this (Haturdny) afternoons at one o'clock, without fur
ther invitation
Fe'Hu?In Norton, on Tuesday, July 16, riiZAiurrn
flRMtieirA Uitor, wi urn of nwrge Fen no, Esq.
IInkhak?tin ibtiisday, July 1? (killed by accident),
W. i.i j a a F \Ci as , a native ol the p.o tab of UaUculuuple,
county Csvaa. lr land
The ft lands atul relative* of the family end those of
bis brother, Ibomas,are mm ice ecttuily invitet to
at'.end the funeral, from l.is I ite ic.rl ence, 194 Kaht
H'ev4inav'ilh stieot, this (.-alurd .y) attcrnuou, at half
past <.no o dock pre< Isoiy
tiAkitut.?At Morris own, N. J , on Friday morning,
July 18 *.llOMie.buly ehilo f .laiuos ci. ,<nd Jwuoie Gaiu
bio. aged 6 m nth" and 18 days.
Tno rel.iiV.B and friends o the family are respectfully
invited t-> attend the Iu oral, on nonday afternoon, at
four o'clock, lr ui lha reaidcncecl bor patents, 14<FUiaud
stieot, Je aey Oity.
lit- a n?T.?<hi Friday, July 18, f'o?A,lafant and only
ilai.ghti r ? f Waruev aud Maigtite tllsaredt,ag d 1 mouth
an 13 days.
The friends of the ' iml'y era invited to attend the fune
ral. lr in the residence of her (ureuu, m L-slngtou nvo
m o, bs wceu 11 i) aeconil and Fifty third street*, line
(g..lurdu) ) moru ng at nlueo'cl ok. Her remains will
be t.ik u to Ii itche-rt county for interment.
,1 At ems? At R<ck uay, N. J., on Inursday morning,
,lu y 17, 1 as man Wut.'iow, eon of Win. JaciuoD, Esq.,
ot i.r.? kij n, N. Y.
1 oncal at Rockaway, N. J., this (Saturday)morning,
ut alevt-n o'Oft k
I .a Ai.it?I'n Friday morning,'Juiy 18, of p. i a, com
pla ut, YiAMU.iMiT, the baioveu wl.e of oliu lov..lie. a
native ig ihe county o M u.aban, purnh of M ,ck..ey,
t .. nlend of 8hrttrain, Ir.-lin l, In the 66lh year of iter
I age.
11.e friend* and acpiilnlancee ore rc-itt. t idly InvUotl
I to ,nto d h# fitiertl, f in ner 1st reunion e, '?_?(!
I u,.\entti a.wo.e, c??i i e, o: fweuty niu b >treei., ou dull
da. alt in" ..at twoo'clCN.
i|ah'H ?On Iriblay, .1 ? ly 18. Willi m 11. M.gTie.so:
ol .! hi IV nn I tttrah \<>.rt n. a nd * ytar* mid 3 mi mi ?*
lb i f. nv (In and I el ?( ivns ? eras- W ly in. ne I to at
1*1,a tie hi rvk ?* on ??uooay tnu .tng ut ni e << clo>-k
a' V 2*7 We ' in ty ol to t i, r 1 o .id as. una
ihs result's wll> ?' nte.'io at litcke s fk, N .1.
klAiAiSi- -Ou tnuay.Jusf 18,l.Aiaait.8a, tho beiovet
dauyhtar ?>f Maurice and Mary Malonay, ejedlyear.il
miyvih- a d 2A iliyi
, t,? i .emit, hi ti>? r-.tuily are reaiectfully invited yo at
? I '?!? tuaoril, t> Ir (Saturday) afternoon, at two
, a r-O 'i th* rwilene* ot lw twranie, e?ri>er of
M ,roK- anil Umket ( i eis iheu-e to Valvar* U*in*
lrr/ -<,u, ?Or Uiured-y, ?uly IT, Ihous* WmjV, a na
l,i unto it ad tho foiiora;. ?>-? riarnTi'.
1 227 Molb i j ,t.*?t, tbw (.-atuiday) altaucn,, at go*
j o'clck prvcia'-jr
, ?*CKUt*i*?r"''
. . may, July 18, of conaumption, 4 let.
ami it. oi I* remaining son of tli* lata John IKKjuzie,
' 31 ye ,ra.
? '"In* relativaii and frton'ia of ,he faml'jr nre resiacfully
. " '? i to iiiU 'ni iha funeral, on riui day allon oou. at ona
. ?* '-.fi ui Ins lota r*Miianco, w?.nor of cavanth avenue
Md'nt 'h?iw??t.Harl.m.
Uri vn "? ?*1" I riday mornlajt, July 18, of eoni-ump
t. n j ,aa MclKTvas, Jr., aged 22 yoara, 4 uiotuha ahik
Vri nita an'' th,,?*oT hUftmlly.ar* raa:>actfiilly
inviiad LU Miiai '1 l'"'funeral, from tha residem a of hU
faiha So ll? s'"h?""-y rtraat, thia (Saturday) after
0(Sr. "^'.o? I lot. \Jul/ 11' Kinl,',"u' #f
^HtK "re aU vas*a!wt lnrVU<1 '? th*
funeral, this (Sturd y, > aftyuoon at two o clock, from
than aider... ..V her ^e. ?, Mr. John Pur cat 1, ,\*. HWhaji ;
Twenty elyhth street. __ '
Tl,>| erary Free Press ptea *" cff7
Pouumi?.?In Uruoklys,%':',> frMajrmoraiBf, July 18,
L izzis H., wile of J A. 1 oib. n '''???
Tbo ela I?m uU'l Ii lenilj of ik * amlfy are resfieetful iy
Invited .o attend th i funer:!!, .I'm 287 Carlton aweoue,
near r ultou avenue, ?n Suuday aftermee, at fbiee
o'clock, without turth. r ln7itatwny
Kiw.wai.?ou Thursday, July lff Crone* W., eon of
Albert and Louisa Kidgway, aged 1 year,2 meat ha and' A
The relatives and friends of the family ir*reepeot
fu.iy ii vited to atiuml the funeral, from me reavieuce of
hi* parents, ltt? A lieu atieet, this (Saturday) morning,
at half past tea o clock
SliaiiLav?l?n Friday mornin*. July 18, at half past one
o'clock, Hki.kva Sbabi'KT, youngest child of Jacob tea
bury, deceased, ami Eliza M. beabury.
Ke.ativ- s and tri ads are respectfully Invited to attend
the fuiierai, fr rn the l am I y reside ce, corner of Meeker
aven .e and Smiili street, B .uhwick, L. I., this (Satur
day ) u teruomi, at ooe o'clock
Scott.?in Brooklyn, on Thursday-, July 17. Eusa,
eldest daughter of thu late William and Margaret Scott,
in the 27tb year o! her age.
The funeral will Lkepiaco this (Saturday) artaruoon, at
two o'clock, from the lute residence of her mother, No. 4
Itapelyt-a street 'I ho fri'uds and acquaintance* of the
family are respectfully invited to attend.
? oiaiBos?On Friday alieruoou, July 19, of conatimp
tl"ii, .li.A.vi.-i rK SiMiao-v, a uuilve of Iiosahire, Scotland,
in the #8li year of her age.
Th ? trl. n is aud acquaintances of bar brother*. KJ ward
and Win, .-iini?un, are respectfully Invited to attend tue
luneral, ou Suuitny nltenioon, at one o'clock, from her
!ato residence, 101 West Twenty-HlMh struct
biLVKK.?On F ld.iy inoitnug, July 18. of consumption,
Hovniu, wife of Ja .cs Silver, in the 57>li year oi her age.
The relatives and f. Icu U of the family are rsep, ctfully
hlvlted to attend tue funeral, from he. la.e mtone,
Uroi e llui, Uorrlsauta, on Sunday allormori, at one
Ti-ikkk?!n Brooklyn, on Friday, July 18, Ifnoni A ,
daughter <1 A. W. undid. A. Tucker, aged 3 yours, 8
months a. d 8 days.
The relatives aud friends of the family are respectfully
Invl'ed to attend the luoural, oa Buuday afternoon, at
three o'clock, front i bo residence of her parents, No. 4
Powers utieet,n ar Flutbush avenue, Brooklyn.
Want.?On Sunday, July 13, tiom the ? If. cu of wounds
received while biuvuly lighting lor iho Union, at Jain?s
Island, S. C., Soiyeuiit Thomas Wtin, Coutgany I, 70<.h
Highlanders, N. Y. S. M.
The remains will be interred from Forty second street
Proaby orUu church, botweou Keveuth and Eighth ave
nurs.oj Sunday afternoon, at halt pun one o'clock, when
It U expected that the raetnbois and friends of the 79th
I will assemble to show honor to depurtod worth.
Fee Sunday i<aper
1 Wlvtjkx.?Ou Thursday, July 17, of consumption,
Cn' s Wnvr.'ita.sged 41 years.
The friends aud relatives of the family, also tha mem
bers or the New Yorker Sehrltzen corps,aro respectfully
luvlted to attend the raneial, this (Saturday) uftji noou, at
baif past one o'clock, from Ills late resideiieo, No. 07 Jay
Btn et. Tho remain. w ill be taken to Greenwood for in
term eat
TABLE CUlhiiliy,
IAJ1HS ooiucai, glLvF.a PLATED WAR*.
And Fi! ty Thousand Dollars north
At twenty percent less price than any other ?t?re.
Eiumdve Houeki-ep ra' Biuaar,
In Cooncr Inatif itn ltui.ding, Astor p!ac%
(one bloek from Broadway.)
No connection with any other More. ^
at 8ia'b^ulay.'"!l 1 httai*%A"!' '"8 *ro ?- 1
A |g?S0A?.JR*<Wr<>? **0U8a buntino. on
*1 nana. ANNEX j. i.O., iitanufa 'tur '.-a. till F'ulion airaai
corner of W illiam. KaUbliahett 1BW ^
J X Y, nil b ri Patent lever truks
WilIpotUkTr*iv eura ihift Ii uillerH In pnoclpra ftna
At'ilon fr.jn? iaIi oiii^ra. ftiunUri is u^ve cured ?:no? iffl
lu.r?)duclk?n. Idtfbt. tuj a ad cletn. ilupporwr# an ! Hraoea
imr:vadc?i. Fatavvlei^ Trae. _ __ ?
OKF.'iOltY A CO.. 21 Bund street, N Y.
A T 88 B), $4 A.VI> 81 Jd. SHOES AND O UTERS?
A At J ONES', 10 and 12 Ann stie-d. Pir-iso call nnd ?ee
tho in.
A auec-H uli; w ted by Dr. I. llRl'itj#. th.; well know n
Rtir;.i'on and ohiro; idlit, -U Br New \ora?
Br'rred eutlreiy from Iml-y maitsnd bopfc
i aTCniis.
J Aii i'oic^LaglrH, Jill il <:ia, Ovnaim nte and Trita
m'|fujEit A QltAll \M. tnanufacHirers, W Duano street
) joiutx, and all ula. ??'?? of the teel rtirr I wit.iout pain
or in-ouveuWuce to ih>- pate nt, t; l?r. ZaCHaRIK. Btiryeim
Celrepod xt. 760 Broa<i .\ay. Uefere to phye;. lane and eur
geoos of the city.
J \ bi.T, Cbir [kj .S a, of o ? r twen'y years pracil c in
this eltv, trvat anec. ?? u'lvall dlf -a?ea ot the fen, at t'jj
Br adway, between Thirteenth and Foorieenth streeta.
Low er oil oa Wliliaiu an ?,rner of E?chimg? pdnce.
I / aaaavu.?Loti <ou Kiamiuer.
Fianatin Htuave, New York,
Fuhllab tU au.iy.
Asthorof "I-ahol; the Y.Ming Wife and the OM Leew,"
livu, n.iper. 26 cent*.
The etory told la an e-.tie uelf lni?r'?tln,' one; a ',lory that
will eeitainiy bo ri-ah ibruugh, and in eome i ar-s m rw il.aa
on<e. iiy any on ? wum b giux it. The plan Uo.-? n,.t reveal
II-t> the trti"M?* of Hie anger nua reu< t until i.e njinra
la e to far* with the kOlutlou at toe euih ir'e ow n appointed
I> ? Idi lly thin la one of th" b??l novels of the .wutaon. The
hiM > .laptrre of "oliv. Hiaka'' prove that Mr. JeaJiee.a has
la hi ii Urn right aplrlt of ou artiai.?Erammer
ssawi tfn A Iianrimi
JVM rr ?: iraeo
v k ki ill 11 i? usT. Price 2S eenla.
nini'Klbl' MA AZINK FOB M ol'sT. Price88ewt*.
??"?!?.'ifflnS-; ? 0.?? m
Trulio|M. ACv, Atf.
IX D ?. # _
vriltril AMERICA. By Antbonv Trollene, Author of
I Mien and thv sUii.h MJm
?T ?? Hariiajna." "Fraoiley Paiamage, I aatle
vjii'uI. ' Tm> T vee Clert^' ' O.lay Vsrm." Ac. Large
W no., cloth, GJ O'lite.
^S-paT'OT^Sr^i ^UnJ. BJ
W 8?7S X!h?r ? w|,h lucfc* l,-#
tli? wa.eliei 'a pocket), ?'
ri'rtoN'4 i ll* OF TUB 8AINTB. The City
CAPTAIN Bl RTON S1 < i l l ? ' -? u,Call of
of me KOIOLl A. d A.^TUM tB J r, ,| w >nil U,;,1 Me
nia Byiapwm , u ".xil'.!ex <>i Frame and
. allet u,r.V,'#w ^.i,r?^Wc*t Afrlea: author of "The
roue Hluetiatl'ina, 8-.o.
the last or WSMn&h''TiK
i.N T. By j.i.in Smart Mill, anther or a "S/tlam of lay.
gic." 12m... cl. th, 81.
K*.N. by On .a thu Finn A N">fl Hv Atiinuni Tr*L
Iji o, aiiihor ?>i,-'Norili Auinrka," "Kniioley I'aiaonase "
ith Bern amy," "Dr. fhnrue," "Oaetle Rlukniuad." dTh*
1 * "* Of:BIB,
'Tlk IfHIliBW', ?'?. ?
IhitM ' Xr, (hro, lAorttta.
Ill rper A Broth.Ti will *> ml either of ?he above werka b?
mart, i*i*'age p ? |a.Ill (for any mataure in Uie Untied 8i,tea
uu h i i,Mi mum), on ro. aitit of iUu pi lev.
u . iti'FR 8 CATALOaOE may be obitiwml gratultoualy
O. l p r artiiii in the pub fuliers ^ifeowally, or by letter r?
. ?i. ii ul In l? "t iRi stain |w.
1 ) I, ? . nu m m ih .wlcured by the tune, and Jiii nnhe
u'n,, n w hick eaioiea ring iu the moat hup. I
nL w d . ntiwu outtUet aad anr atof Now York, Dr. VON
KIBeHUERG. Vtm y JuU ij.j.
I have n ni fur mn.iy year* s?uue;? ^ ',h| a of
Will. II I iimv ? a,,. . ...
alul am iiiippy l<> aay mat III llua cu<'IM I 'Vlufc
thnt > All, an i aimwlv Igv w hli ll tl'ivu pl ied Slut i ,|v h ad
in til. p o ssioii. i ||, the, ? ore. WII.I I lie nttvesl noii.l
i.i in- , r iO" iin n I an} o ie alll.eird with J a|nyai o plane
tbeeiae'te. un.l i h i i-bio MI'vKV HK.ow.MNU
III Weal Tll'ty
C'lnauliing rnnuu 38 Gllnion p'.or, J'.igu li ,i -?? . w??t of
I Boauway.
ur ni-rTaioua be ?' *' th?> 0 a.-, ?*lopal*?*
^<1 1m.iirk i* t, niiic* til I' ftl ? . ,,
all am '? ''*?** ?'I S
T,,. ateanaeb toe ao^-tow
^ from *111 u ~ ... _
..in*. WI.eu foul In rtou# too.1 entero ?he a nm.?eb
?i.an, iualliy dux ra?u/? a *11 other at^ti an . <ilaeaa?
SCUte ?),. pal l III II cat Hi tow. Til ? *
re or I-* Wi lli jwu'.ti. NI ir ? ?? ry. .iivurmil
'ill. mi A iU r'.eie.ia |.
101 be vlo ale
?'? up-, irre uiaiilyu .. "** outl a H*1 > I anionics
friidual.y , lM,y |4t n ml uu ili o. !? .ae
How , oni j.,11,' .,,.1 - . , . ink w:l!t h?,
oi'> Julie, anil _ou.i ?? ?. Willi bv.ida. no, too*
la t* u) p 4>t and arise in the iu.*ri " ?* * Vl" I?**
*m-m , i'.., an. tonii i . um.fr. -wuui tnaruaJ of
ft1"1,*'1! and in. a p. c rated io peitu. ''hi* "f thai
oiI'llni io. tba lathe
Bur; Id Uliui,ike,
whleb aaautnea a iUonw.u.1 ah u t ana' jiolii'o toward* ^
mlaerable life and proma' 1 ... -?
nilwrbble llfo and pr.-n. ii le.ie.g., f, t c. u '.o U" m oi at
rem ?lv ibai w..i tun loa.i luti f o . m p I j? u >. r.nka IttM
no rt?bm. ni. but ru ? tie, : ?. , avJ?. ualu.e * 1 ply
rvh uai. di.uid* and 'o ? groat ??t. ut porfoot ^Imi eflro of
dla. aso, whrn ilio i.ablu mm aba i.lo ...
Tho m.rikal focult, tin* i m.t, ?#*??* for gene
rations In ciaa !o? ?ppo""-r?a..,i ,.vaio.,i?uig oo a bh do
rangoiu.-nts. OrUlu lngivui. uu i?r? ?e. ,w.tA0ed aa
ponaew ng bono c a 'jiia-ups. ai.i n. it, ?? .... ,?
m .... CAUtiAYA MAi.K ...\t> Sr OB .IX i t,'*.
?at (till ton pon nt> woi? wa to. an.. r?KU art *,^j|g no*
bo obtattiO 1. An invalid pniauiau. *Oj n .i i.g u ?ie u .pt
oal tularin of 8,'. tiioi.i. nbsotvid Ibe L.in a t t ,- w\ v?*
and paibtml f.oiu then, the rnm ipt lor me Ana' .g\ u?
nl'hnient of thbi u.oO* important end. i oio.i.poue ,? ji-Tti
la v 1} Incorj oralod u ibf reprabk d el o I..at n . r?
d nod iho oil*, t .. Jtl out a pr, p r aiun . n if Uieuo.iM.
The article r. aa brM mado ami nw.l aa a pn ab>v??''d, w*
Ita Bile is were io Military ibut Ilia i ow i.r .1 .ApriMiwaO
aud Ooiiouiued In |,i mens- qoanOLea unuor t-r* ni h? of
5sss:a?s??- -n
.?r,:.ui4 *
BheuSmunin ai
?p?? l? ?w> Tropic. ,or*roflun
*??? *? u Db tag A Co- -u' ar'niV.."? f*** *'i"1 -
gr??i fuifnrtr from <1**1 ?mi* V.! ,. * u*v'* f*
I unified iriii.y, if ^ kuV . wB?Lrr 22*?%
for it* euro InM.ad 0f ,*!,?- | , ^ ' * '*
amnion mjr ?iofc*B!on, and ? i i?. ?<j r. J J?r'"' "aa **
llnug 1 ate My mind wae .,?,*, J T V r>
gloomy About thr euioollis eg., {'?.? ,'? *?<
lara. They ulmo.t imuir-ilnujl. w n" mj' ?. . '','!l M t
tliHr um?, MUfl. i<> iiivarttti ?i- T ? -,? '
I here letainuM m.c.l tt.fm i.,J*,w , * "eJ?
??'?; *?""*" wk* ':1*""i ???*?' i ??". v?>" r:-" ,. r.u*1
; ? 8-T-uieo-t'-j * C*TUOHT
c j:xx:L uzn ,7-"\
cioaol which Uieyar ? m!-ot* iWmulwul lue ?ru
Es .Ts!f.?u'?l^^r^r r -vr*?
uufaeiuietl tioui iur.i,r ,' I / h '?
?elect,.,i with ureal care ? . , * " ! l J' ?" u.* U
lu Us interior of .h i Ulan i ,ew ???*????? *
wo* unknown in c.vll??l u ?.., ,,,. ...
^1avVr",'"'y- ' h" uul' "? ?* ?' ru a.r ilu X ^o^d
mu *u-r f*'1 ^
of .ho feb.il ug'e V.^m.-eol'Thl ? tt^* w
<*ld,t,n her retuin tognwin it. the y. ar 16t I lo u '. J.i
liilrouu a,! t?i, i'1-me ly into Euro ?? ! . '"V* *r"
it wan .iielribuv d ,,,j ?>">.?,),?' j J" J " '"?r..duc: oc
havo obtained tor t the anoru.ou* eu'-.. o ' .,* w? h> lw ?f
v,r From thia cireumatauoe i. weamheu j,*?o ' li ,
a Utlo w inch It retained for many . ears. In toii
tuat an K-igiNiunan uy too n, ,.* ? s.r juuo t . .
Pew aid", n'rfv ' ,UC7*"'"? Ivelmeut'S
liWliidnjio, <iy<pep la, n rvom aii. alon~.lo-a ol .nta,
Utc, wertkucas ...twi .l. n.lltj, j a.plt.itiun o tne Heart. 'i2rT
rh.eit. Ac. Ac., un ler the nuiu, o Kiicli I, po.? era u
leng fi. in the year ICTll, he eulj th ? ?e r. t .? it, ?*3
pr?pHr?i|..D U> lAtuf XtV., by whom it wn, divaiuijf V^i
" empi?-v,Ki iu u
la another linpcrtan, ii.ff. e.ll, nt. li ?i,trnm i, c ?....
* ???????<r uaed?, fcrzzi
Jii. . f *>'<1 ita a ueut Qatl.uulMui ..ud to?,c >?
*? ^
? DANDEf 105
I i"'l I'? nttimntien oi tine ?,.n. and ?p!een. lu cai^eof
-i> ~'f'tiyi>* and il.i>|i.<ic .1 arte ton-, ui.cn . nt .i",.?
ob-tiuct.on* of U.o Rbdtmilual vfauen., ~il diwLt^eM*"
the digeatire organ- general ,r. "h^a, r.? of
nieu for otueehled in ( itiou and want a aimetltn.
la a medicinal plan, u yi-ry r at c:i. nency. and la eaMei
fl'itii. m u' ri'* and Mi'retlc ajde
, Lavender klowkbr, ??
an arura.itlo rtimuUut una ionic, hi ,n.y ii.rlcorallnffla nw
roue debility, generaut tu li e , ?1 ,ie aua atainach.
lan aremnt e camteaUee, ercmiua lleth, mua.de and mCk
JBiich uaed in ?ute.ng, *
... , S--T?18dO?X
?... V'?! . ir lc"r"'lli n*' ' reuiaraau ? an ! wonderful rlrtuea
nr.. i In Use pr-paruti a of ,. .? Bt .eie, .a a ui.tv'- TZt
n. and aay.-t unKvoan to th i co m i.-ice uf tue *,,rt t a
h|i..iilili wtlu. i-aja -e ? ? - 'VI iiiul-tercd ui.'. ,r
t/iniix rum, it n ?ver iailn to r?-Iier? nen ou? tremor wakort i
bom, JMurbau eleep. Ac .aud .hat u uauS w ^a^ rf
icct "> tho Brazilian. S, .ai.? ?u , iVr?v?? ladle to oe .II
eu thcrcoJoi .nl uatity. It impart, ca er.uiuca, t'ul
h VlT. a" hi ulnncy to tn onexion." Wu auk
huli IU naiae iron; tile public lor t. e preaeut
To tl.a iwjoi.i are ad let cloee ouue nai .ra. . .imirar nori
? i.oerand n.a,c rteii. The whole .it a ,.n u d br a twrteet
SkMr'.'ia' l'r '1' a,. i u 1 und r the luunedtatu * iper%uiuu of a
?kiit'll and ? leuii. ? paannaoe uiet *
iJiiA..K S 1'L.tNfAlluN IlirTEIia,
are put up In pai nt rt,i ??.. rcprca-ntiug a' Baiaeeoltaia.
and aic an uiuau.cnt to me i .1
M; \ ?U,K.h ESS
Travoll tr by rAilroftii m* upoii tu?* lt\!kn<I riTrr* u-Kam
laeirn at cha. ju of wa'er U .uch a , roillTc ? ^fC
unt .!!?. u?e like e*
- . VEl d,
rmr feel a . erlaln r< .am ? if ih y i ote,t Ihcma a>, ?'ia
ti*4 . hltu tv T .U m iddy water ot ti.e \V, * eri! riiera. lid
wdvuliU avod ?u?'lii ?aod.im, al ma'tor, gq-.tteeura
? f' .' "c;'.'ink-sag .aid. a h> au anUoot- a ich a* le
luuu i in tn?* i hiiuttlor. Ufli *.
i'uii A Ki.i JilA, ]?i laonih, lutuday. i wi.
jT.S i A ? if Kf? ( ItJI.V D~?\V j. i 1<<0UH<11<1 ILltf .. HOt.l'T iVi?? O i.1%
fi.i'TI/ SO. 'llliff JlilS Ju 'V't'fi r# J'fMU.ilC .W. or u ) ,??.><*? i?
rt-v ni -lid wife and n.}<?U aa u.c 1'i.int. t n b. te.a. ioj
1 {?"; ? T, , . I; AC UoW I,A My.
o.y.- ?The aecrrt of the Imtnenee ,al . the n..i.iatki?
Bitten la t'irtr te?t. .1 put ty. 1 be At. ? 'roU ruui an,i oeeri
aillce need ta warrauted iwrfretly t.ur
II la the Intent.on o! the pivtri torn to mjstaiu the re Be
Ur.Oo e'tbla article :i|X>u It* uertt.
Br careful thel every lautlo hear, the fau e mil- .dgtiatare
oi i!;h , ropri (?>rv.p If l>:mk?- A <'o, No v Vorlt
DH AKK 8 PLANTATION KITfKRd i?r- tola by All drum
listi, grocer*. lietrlH m d r ^^unriirt.
F? li- DUAICK tV CO., JQ2 Rrou<!way,
r?jtki?*' i ot $<. Weeding C.irilo, Nolo Ptitier. M**u+
urtms. in unrfan t i ?m
grams, lu portovi i.huj.
R. VON KlHr.cBt.r.!} <jN DEAENht'S-WIlu COULD
OHvc u u u nork wn L?r*i i . mouI* ouad
with ouca lniar^Ht tig wurrdo i k, un l oumse wiiLe u lu tn uf
W6 congrotuki.a'ht? auhboi* ui i tuecev-n. Lr. Von
urrg H oiht-o, to Ciiuloa |t sc . nc?t o. Lroudway. tti*on:h?a<
ally crowded rn.ta UcaT i?d bllad, oecluxig ki<u?Jo.inai m
Corutuerca, July 17.
AJ tVaahiuuton, li. c? II. ..arge of I), tuN ,VI)., ilalA
KEK, a wcilk-, >vi ..<? ,n t an u ,t?t. T .? m?t i t, is ?a
derihe I lghe-i rmtr. liagc. dee W?.blu.tun iule..n.euoer
lor tuu uioet leliahlo r feieaoea.
? , ORrnErg c. kerb s
BacJeit letter*
CUKHK-i'ti vliENi ii ri.U.4
"llAKUABl.v RAIt."
Appear In le mariow .<
T le'licr with
Receive J in New fork on MUNiiAY MuRNINdl
ftj HU5DAT MKr.tM RY e t rade lit eirtmUUon the eMR.
Une.l leeuee of all the other Sunda p.p r. :>y an. In
aautia. Ad'ertieetii n-s, .f uati UmI i" ??> a.. H4.. i ,??
ar n ug. will ,<e ,'iaar.liie I and Inaun d at too ccwte ocr 1 **
Offl.. 113 Kuiton at roe t
liEcuuns warikd ~
now Iti ihe field.
M n 'i lil lie g ven
TltlRTV KlflHT I). M l alls CABII IN A Itva NOD,
up m t?m< muttcren mm the rcgimenL
Apply Id
Liuul a. w. a an l> k r pool,
S bow ry.
Thlfi njw prPTMMIdn el pure, uniaited Rye and the head
Java Unfit-*, whk* i? en rape jr taking the placa of *dult*.
n?Mv , i~it*..no a ohri.|> co.in... cun-.ain* all ti.e n. ;ni.og?
qi antieeMf < ot*e, wl nout Its d.tultiua.ng e e U, eud iw
tmvor ta t-.ji.altt Di d. nclntiaaa ti.e laet cou< o lu the maraea
Aa pi lh? haalbilol prnpertiea uf rye, four a..r?e or OerMfi
ean l* ?t lafurm you.
M. DAVIS A CO., U6 Bower*. (
bole Agent* lor N*.? VetrS.
J. TEN EYCK A t il., 117 Allan tie atreet
boo Aj- ? t? f.r U lolUk
WILLIAM Bit I P.N I el U aii.t -troet. ?
g<iie tiielil r W :ttl,.uiao*AfS, '
To bk iiad or all uitoiUKt
Remember to atk t-.r ma
0 derful rui-?ti?e arm 1if#over. d Ml rbauinat.ein, efiWV um
con raetlonr of the BMft*. pfilna ni ib, iiinba we, jg,
moat fei tcleal will !<e ?>u?inee.i Uy a e. gie apWIeilium, KoX
aa'.o hr all ilr.ic ttala I rice ibc an ! -Ov Wbci. sVgi I ,Z
JAM bd r BANCS. Not 0 P ,rf. pi* v, N. w tork. '*
D i ary fean that every reg.. til human taata " Ne _ d
le'.ict.f..I .ilitlou, Willi I* at.a) i'U,i?tai,i. .Saul I ...J7
arolullj acaletl from Imp nL> at .-nr;-*Uf, p...'ViKe '"~J
.1. pi ..f (1, by lb# pwbltaher CALMN HL/tNOll/ ,u.,
39 Auu itrt ei .?m
nr..ot l.ie ht roam who "uia.lu ue a fiation." gg,.,".
,.n? lit Inoal a'.i a nn? tke peii,,f nor. a , ,|. 1
li'S, and tr?t~on tMI *p edilv "ntto thn due;.,"
lO.cuie, n.iultd puaUg.i ire. To tdub en , q?u , 3
aetii? per do<en. 1't bdahed by C. HLAN'.UARj) No' S
Annaiioel. ' '"
1 ..rg.vte tioq-inrw to prtaaterafi, and i?? n? . ? .u, n,
ret-.-lat.oo'' vrltiiout ,lo?.ii li ha? a, |m, .1 a., aty'.a
hail .it eiy.t- lor o n., tha-i tht.t? *? ar*. r.|.y a
aim .in: -Ingle co la*, l e tile. .1 f Maudapi . ,.,p e'"ri
I, r?e h v*r, an . Bii er tlona m y |>a ??i.itM
o; . 1 OCoutt eireat. D.. m., M.?a..or h? ali.? m .I
LUARK A. A. i. a.' * et Nun Ifiife, '

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