Newspaper Page Text
A baltcs at \ucrioi. XT CUAt'M AN, - H?*?h?w ;? J- ,-, iU . {;.? ,, ?i ? abotorle a. l-o, ' - ireH ri?ta vat* residence ?? ? , .,-nW. cm i l . ? of ioso V" ,fHV?,?.Tk"n^m t ri" r CU.Vr ',1 -It K torn Furnit ire?E i ere M km ' L.'?'* *** Oar,^. P?; . V ? itt a ?!.' U - H?-r .h.Tl5t?!i"-. ?*? ?, K^;;??Kr%'^ wt e. i'. i-ry. ' i 1H'V ^ vv '. w tin i?*s riiu?ui ?'? t-A r;i.*??l aim ^ w ' ?' . ? f IIAFJUAN Al CTIGNEBB-LAB *8*"?' \. !!?,? ena> 1 Fui. ?. r?, tUt? ay i8m?r ?->?**''? -T ivnW'ii ?? No. ;uw. t . -en y au. ?n^Ihlv-k mrtW?oAaee'^-ul H ..? Kiioh ... Pi <? ? V K POTII, AI ' TIOSEKIL-AN B*TBAORDINAHY A. Pl {? and THE TRADB. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD rUHMTl Hh^^ AUCXxon, P 1 ? a I., V in. at 11 o'clock precisely. at the ?>? T sixth ???#>..????, c-".'' ", 1>ur or g?lts lv,V(.r, ? w SB3&& ? '? B i? jrifiOg! Ui mnlm C ens Vi?* , 01? i-i Ac. AisJelcgant rotewvxl, 1,'. ,.p ?.ui -.W .-it >ut P.trior, B'lJrnom and l)mnn .a*i'ia""l'aiuHaru; Hair kail Spun* M.iltiekeck, Ac. ttaie positive. ___ 4W7K>.1KV2 0 eir will sell "II "Oil ? > Amy 31. a! 1?? o'd.xA. hy anter o- Assignee, it sane ' ? a rum ui of Seasonable Clo hiug. c nil..if* d Liucn, MarscUle*. A pact, Cloth nml kiiK-i S .-k and U 0 ata. Pautr aud t este- auh 'aige lot ui i.noi'l.. h? tlaini m. ro?ldoe?fcujipr?p d Bje* O t nm <i W(t Vfi H i! a All Ai 0 ft Lli ffti lot of loillt 11 ?itll tfl rival*; Ladlea', MW auUChiU yell's Shoos, O.itiois. .to , Ac. t j. I, SMITH aUCTIONEBB?'WILL SELL Til IB A. ditj. ut 11 o ? i.-c . tan ciitlie t urn tuie ol.? Uim!* ulv a, lie li.,u?- ? VI .1 a. H tn.i i rsldorico, X?. 17 Nlitih ?i.m efi tic u T i d avenue. Skiepooiuve. Dcpoell requtrod from ovur> person. ' / 1HAS D DAVIS .t CO. WILL SELL THIS D.\Y, AT V< HiJ-i o' lou v. al.. at fieir rooiue, liM WlUittiu rnwnt, an . .IPO v.'lotoi 8-f a.i Hand furniture, co tlMtlnn ol Sola., It?d.ftlpad.l oi?a r- toj. Drrwlnd Bur a >? L ^ , ,n Ha i*r- E a re. Waeh 'aude. t aructp. Odolothe, Tall 'e Bookcaai e, t)a> fixtures, Bcd?, Be 'dlna, Ac. ^ * Plil'S. uililtOltS, *C ? >v. PAMELA M \ litis . > w.ll .el. -.1 '0 N saau s'rret, near Af. iieu a i. tt .? I .. ? .i May), *l IUli o'olaok. a 1 iie w r r, ui. in of 11 wuol t r' .rn ore, tu on.t h iui.aoine rai 1 t Kali In oi ai.son nt.'l I d Kren li ea in l>ro atel; niano aany Parlor S ? t.-, ' Ut ??ln .tan I ruah .any ?--'^^d-, V.u.eau s W.e la Bnaiuelle.. siuta. Hair Ma w; usee, I kilter lie ? P-lra e IN utrr Tabl u Tue-a Tot. s. w rn,- n,t s?r i*i v if ,. r i?< 8. Wunlr??^e?, 8?>fHjt iftu>r ai. l ntiier C!i ? U r M . rore, O.I Pa.nUj. 4^^ 1 a dee. Engl.t , B tin bar Carp w, AC.. A u Au'-anstyoi Seo nd Hand furniture, Cooking L'teiuHlti, Sui. i'a, Croc e y. c.. t' ? Bal wltliout lee-rre. , , >| LULL: i X, AUCTIONEER.?PEREMPTORY !*. BI.U of \ , ? .Rtc h by order of e .e to ? e I. II. t'i DLOW * co will ee t a<i tlon, on Tue?d*y duly JJ, ? ir, , ?1 121, oM tck, .11 M rrhtnu' Lxt ban c ea ceroorn, ill Itroadwa Ne * Yorl.? UK) aharre ftevr York i d nt il Kallroad Coinpany. 42 ,hinee .... on k it. P ... Railroad Company. 22 shares Bank of Ann rl a 20 -hares Hank o. Cmi.rneroe. 2'nO ahai s A me I loan Ex ting.-Bank. _ iii shar - Ne t Y r . . .elnatifance and Trnet Co. 2 i) a. ;.r. a New Yin k G i Liaht Coin; any. l.lais : 'he ofllua, Nik..' Piueatreat. TtUWi, .4 pETTINuKi:, AUCTIONEER, NO. AO WALL lii strt rt ?Lnrae a le f Dirt Carta, ilarnnse. True-. Ac., TTtlacklav s etahfee. ? ne. of West and Hell. etreeie, on r'.eaday july 22, ai 11 o cl -ck. Pull pardoulara on Monday. ^?uSmture, CAR. f iBwmte. THIS DAY, SATURDAY. at 10 A. M. by S. .\ ? HoOART. eornnr Krtukloi t and William atreate, one bli 'k Hi r?e, kln'l In harness; al-o Wagon an l Larueaa. Sale without reeenro. 1 Henry h. lf.eds, auctioneer.?henry ii. LEEDS A CO. will e 1 .it auction, on Nat'.rday. Jnty 1*1 at 12 o'clock, iu fruuf of our store, 23 N ?H^au street, is F>o> Pan?! m goou order. suiUb^la for d-pol use. t bonart, auctioneer.?hy s. a j. booart, ?l . ibis dav. at ldo' :l >? -, at he auction room , No 1 N .'Mb William street, lluua. bob. K .rnlture. Ao., ooDtdsiliif of a 'are. nan irttnent of ma 'Keuy and cane boilom c nlik, Ho kers 40 Lo .km - 01 - ?? . Urge Mirror, Sola", Lounge, vote wood Hat SU d, in mo any E x t ? n ale n D'm. ig Tu??'. T?r haunt liur a,.h. ? a n- aims, BrusseU an l Imrain t nr &dtl-o"skL Uutale'^'sv. -cT Caking Lunelle, C.oi ks W" t^rvlSS!' ?7S ind ilanu iiei 'a deposnl1" jil*b?B Quired from ad purdta J* J * VVdX lL'f.. .' w -. stan e. B Isiea--, Wuiea?'A id^BrUha'i ' T?^ll^dI^?rrWta. Ac , Ac. Ik r DOUGHTY, AUCIIONEER. WILL SELL THIn M; ?>; bI'dK1 H7.rBM^ rwins, wftie. suiiKB ? ainul Chamber Siuu, MalUng. .??*. ? d c' ira.Lo ingre, Ac.. A- , the mm ui.-ho .*-? - 'worthy Lho atltnUon of house wholf* forming nu ?s?oirt?u,ni wormy vuu keeper* _ -? ----- ?? ritHOMAs "KU.-l.l T, ^tmONWSl*?*}** )B?wrt (800 A lugs to he ?? . '?ri. i ,. variety o ph asing sub jl'tl lorparh.?-. on e-1, V'.on early ihle moiuini. and will iweold at 10*4 o'clo t. at 111 ^-snuUrcrC Vr, xf ?tririE 'S 'VILI. SELL ON WEDNESDAY, THE W ieV I Iiiik ON all the Furniture In the hotel or ,*dti. "t l"> " V, , 'b ,h etreet, ?,wi'rtelng a lull ?an?lon hmor- N ? 1-r ; r,lrt,i.he,l last Annl. rl*:-Par . a??ottm?nl Iff t- ?1' Moms, t irrn odcloths. D' ske. M.;?' i 9x i Heeutiuant Vitrilulra and fill iree. The whole poetolte. CfttftlOgU^S ftt hftl?*e j \\ THCCTIOlt T'-inuT FD'YSRD INsTITUTE.-MOST SUCCESSFUL 1 U r i ,r, 'Ii- eat nt'i SUle; *'jli, or foiirt en wee ? Hoart .na b ? . , e ,al terms hi lad.ea. t?.jM-d and the b 11 ' ?ew catalogue lor panteu A full omnioerc;at >?> ?'. * ? 7 term A iguel ll. Ad Y" tnl-i ' ;:V. ?..E .t.ard N Y? decis K? ^1/ ' - ??????? ~ must oe nioderave^ tsn SPANISH LAMES.-A YOUNO LADY ALREADY T1U el An in ti i.-c.' ' ^ flnj,ni. , ? anl.h lady 1 netaeen Twelfth and Thirt- eutli slrerta PKOFOMLI. Army supplies. Umu'I or Auor I 'LOTH ISO Afi> EyCiet am ) Ns* To nit. Jul} is. l-i'.J i S iPod prnpoaitla w 111 be received a: this olhco until twelve i'i iU' k .M . cm am rdnv. tre 1.1th, for delivering by on ,r?ct, At too we, ol of Ai y Cloiu ng ami Equipage In hi du gs 000 shelter t"ntn, of th French pat'ern, without pole*, mt romoh t ' In a.i or. or .?? specie. A a to pie of the tent >11 he - n at this o:ii<e. 111 dim will uiakn separate pro xtaala lor tents mud -i lotion nidef Hit n.and aumaitn am pin oi tltii material tin y propose. Pi use in making them. Separate propos.l w.l. .e received lor inn Ing up cn ?. the United St..-- ? urt.Uhin { all materials, with tbe en i-ution of hullo amid I mad. A prop 1 , eeu.usia company t!ie proposal* Tin- lakril H at a t a*.".os tue right to reject all I I U ? emed unreasonable. Pro| oaal a itlM l>c 'Mi lorsed, " Proposals for furnishing belter T.-nlr, ' aud a I to Lieut r.d D If. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General United Sis.i s Army. KMV SUPPLIES O iiou or Aiuit Ci rrnuro Attn EijiHrAiig, ) Ml * To 'K, .I'll} l?, 1H?2 I Sealed propo a will he roevivld at this oill e until 12 .. it M , mi Thui?d? , th,' 2i li?i., for delivering l>y . n , at the Depot of Army i iothtngnai E,ilpa,i', In this it?? , It) 000 Tarda of dark h'.n* Flaati 1, sll wool, &l inches wi la. to weigh Id ounces pur yard, pure ludlgr wool dvcd. !0,000 yards 1 ^ inr'i ak- blue wofeted Luce. g,tl ii yards Wat t Wiga'n. mini wide is 0() epoela IiUok u.*rMne tiotViti, No. 30,2fO yar*t? each. liito poulfila ha* Lin n Tmead, No. 40, shout. 8,0 0 g.oaa Cottl llnlt ms. 18.000 yards 4-1 Unbb. e li d Mualln. Han.nil's of lie a'sovt niliflls can be seen at this otic-, id*'third id ti.'i u i,.'ill eotitra.tad for mnat be drlltsi d Itliin .wi-nty days and ihe remainder witlnii llfiy ilijt etn tlie date oi h<- acceptance oi the proposals, and suIm ut Pi I nap i lion by sworn luspectoru app luted by a itlio iv ol tit i nil "i .si i s?. Propo ili will be uc o.upnnle l by a proper guar tuiy set ug fi.i ili that if .he. ..t i ft I* a warded to tin pirl. named civil, ho hi a'oi > i xnc.ite the same and *.vo bolide r tl.e i in 'fiir uanoe of thecontract. T b I. ne re* w?.'a the right to rojii.t all biJ? ? 'il# , II 'ii bo'. pi . s in ? i . .1 "Pi cp aula for furoUhlng I I mi S I I ? ,|| , till to ' LI in. Col. D. II VINTON, ii .itity V'u .ma. ter General, V. 8. Army. IIM t HUI' i,M A t I . . .1 IOV Cl.HTUIV( ANP Eo' ll't ) N*w YOlifc, .Inly 17. I '.2. t leg'. | ? ?.11 ? rissive-l at .InanlB '. ? iit ! If ?be K In i "} . I. 11th in*., far di'ii> irln* by con , in 'u in b > ? v.iuihiiig iiud Kgnijiagi. in thla ' oil llnapi u . i Kile* J.ll i Vt ail Pi ii r>. S.ihul llbiey Tun ? MUeeia tlon lia < Pules. J I, II . Ik Wi ll r III i' r? it 0 o Hi 1 ? I'ent I'. i. " with Trlpo'taandObatto. 7,msl li.ispi'al Ten Pi a targe. Hi \\ ill T nil' , " 1 ;h (i' Ui'intn hi Ti o . , ? ..f will. ' "*? 't I'ra ..hi i' ,rt.|i, i-ilith article* id .iter wuiiln tin i day ; .. tin ' Wild ii i.m ni ? v ? ilny ,eiid lb" remain In wit In tya from tho di. ? the a , lance of Urn bids, and i . InIne tinu by *wi.rn ins) uo.ore, Af j j ilted by v ni the United -'at.?. -.will bean i npaui d I. a proper runrant if t c, ili in ii,e ? ? n 11* ;i*ard.>l to the |aiity named ii ivili ni pi >i c'd 111 aei'Ute II, and g" e b.-uda ; i i.;i r peri " nit:; ol ilie ci'iitraei. 1 . ii .I H aire r s.mee the right i" rejert n'l 1; i uiiieaannnble. m ?i in i rued "Propoeile foi fu nlshuig * ppllee, ' And Aid: aai'to Lien en ui tlolonel I' H. TISTON, Leu I. tjiiarterui i ? r lien, rel, Unl eil Stan a A ny. 1 xl.? fiOPOHALS | IVtlf re r.w elvril by Ihe nnderalgnen ut'Ml TneailAT, ! 4 12 n Hun; at tbe He York Areena!, (1 wenior'a I?Hn I, where i .i apecl it ui and niiiipe a m mat riala r#it be wen, .1 n i' ,erio i i \ n it H . till K'.KV, "i ? oi <" I net e YoalAhna , JulJ I., I o-. TH^ T!r'.ir, FIAK'MON C t.. I.?TltoTTINiJ?ON Wi:D'?'KN. tla1 J ill iS, hi tut. is 9u * o . P. M ; a |h i '? i?, ?u i'1?? I Mi nvu r -l i li?r<?a. *T una bun trial io iar-, it ? la. Nil ti At*.!** '.tea in lies lit' 1211MI Will. IV, 1 in aft' it ? b v Re Jon i k?iu; I). piif-r I am ? b. mare I>" .. -*iin it.. It- .'-iii' i o it. y. jt* say. Ti'tt !i li* pro C e.. 'il tic it air in if ton Itil by wiuuer to it - bud. I vie ins..lui.uu. ti-it 1 day s >d ami rack. JO iti'U CROcllLitON, &1?II r. HO'MKb, ( V'UtlAGE*, <fcX. 4 Ht'VLL- I MOWN TROTTI.VQ BOR3B. 15 HANDS il iit k .. i a . ? Ui von am bio for ,< * a or till ila \V.;I e gold low. inquire oi J. URlPKiT.i, tioj, Oi fiiai-ci fin i. ,1 NUMBER OK NEtT BI'HlNES-4 tt A'iO.NA, OK <3 ? * , ?on? uiui. uu h.utl, on n ucoud I n d ?h: ntm to g. o - nr cr. STEWART'S w .gnu factory El tytulrl nr. ft, net ween Uroadwa, tu ! Ki.ulu u ai.n. BUIiIt KOR s \I.E.?TI! K IMKOI BD DURHAM BULL Ureter, Hfvnu yi'?r out. hsvin ue. u iii.h,, uimn unit. Atooin II.,lib h;..i, tvro vctnalo, tor na ? ch .p, ?? liio owner I as n further use lor lilm. Inquire at lu auil li ( iiuiuh'*rjt Mi"et c 1ARKIAGE8 AND LIGHT WAGONS. Ui us-ni -luoilt. sUis-rlur u. J mil H. Tor >ale at MINER i SIEVE I,.', 7", "a uiiJ 10 Walk ratreat, I.rat roar m I llr a way. CI \R 1A0E KOR 8AIJS?A LIOHT. SK.'OND HAND ) itockduay, . t> mill easily nmv, will las- luui ?, the boors ami it.or-ai 1? !am oaiitia piece. a. Sit yd r- ** ?table, cut..trot So .ih Eighth uuu l'titid i r . t-. WilUa >n? burg. FOR fi VLB-A BAY HORSE, SOUND AND KIND IN eyeiy ? jail, still very l..?t. uUo ? -bhtwi; top Wagon and Hat-neea, in good order. Ail of uhlon can bo seen at Ban roll's stable. 53 Irving p.a e. IT'oK BALE?' HE ip, EIGHT C .NADIAN HORSES, from Id to 16). bau a It git, four to si t y am old; all wars ranted aoou tend kind. Ay, iy comer Koiirt-enlh-tr 'ad T. tub av uue. HUGH biltbY. IjlOKSALE?A TROTTING HORSE FIVE YEARS OLD, X soon mid kin I. stall s ah ut .itoeu hauls high; ran trot in oooaiiiii a 'y ca? ha > tnrno inlnntea. ('*u bo Si cu for throe ilaya oniv by applying to S. DBtlAUN, ooruor or K-a av, u .? una M ,rtou sUodt, Wlllia itsburg, L. i. IIOR SALE?A SOItREL PACER. OYER 14 HANDS lilr h; is -i good wuiu hoisf una a .art tiuioil.-t'., a Light \i -go.i uUu Uaincas. Apply at No. A Last Tivmiy Second i-trari, corn r of Mroudaa , troiu a A. >1. toS 1'. M " L'OR SALK-A BYY HOB Ii! SOUND AND KIND, RE I' ttvern ti ami y ;ear? oi ; l?>j sails higbypo dforst.i. I la nr double hsrtn as; old far ? ant of use. Apply ni Junn son'slivery si* de, N" Id 1'eari slr.-et, u ar till- nailery. r?IOR SALli?A HXE PAIR OP ORAY 110R E9 PER I' it'll, ati' nd, fonrand flvf yeara olu. In juir a. Robert, at p. Iva.e r a- No. 1 West Twotuy-stneni i atii't. fiHlP. SALE-A SUPERIOR SADDLE OR DRIVING! I iii.iri 11 barn's hinn lark buy, peri ctly aoun i, gentle, and very atyiisb. WtU .e so.d 1. ?. than her va.ue.usibo odrner Is ,.o ng to the coun-.ry Apply at Bradley's staolcs, No..? Ks'i I' . riy-tirst t t. HOR SALK-A HANDSOME BLACK POVY. AVERY J ia. f i er; anid tor ? sot of use. Mo pent uiars Inuuiro o. HORAiRi P. J ON Lv, 1.1/ an i 1.1U Mercer siraet, N. Y. L^OIl S.VLI -A MATCHLD 1'AIU OP INDIAN HAY .!. Msri's 5 and (t years old, s mud, kind, fin n on, fast tra villi i mi I.Rh iiceii, ami to or sold lor no iauli w,.a ev: r. Al o a tup li g, set of Doolilr Itsrnras and Pt.i Nets, ad nearly n . ; w rio $ ,W, uud will bo sold for M'>0. To be seen at I'tnti tid s stable, vomer of and N w stroeis 1?0R SALE?ONE OK HIE HANDSOMEST AND FAST X est iiiitr. n "t Tro'.t n. Ma'es in tbr city. Silt* is 14 bancs b h, t> yt'.irt old, round and ktnd nnd w itli-.nt h b'e mlsh or fault. Can trot Inat .e ot J 50. She wlil oe so d at a burg cn, or ? x. haaged for a Imer priced borse, at 20ti Writ Twenty-seven.h street. For sale-a sui erior saddle iiorse. for style ui d antton onlUnt be surpassed; a hue carriage horse, 1 J, bands high, long tall sound and tonlIe. Can be seen front 2 to 9 1*. >1. at 4:w Wat r street. IpOK SALB-StX NEW SULK!F,S. ONE SKELETON andtiircs Roa 1 Wsgnus, to close a par nersiilp. Can le seen at tbe it. in wagon innnufac.ory. 2ifi Sixtb struct. IilOR SALE?A PURE NORTH DEVON BULL. FULL pe<il-,r?e, four yoma old. For i arttcu are iuquire at'JO Vey street, l'si ket 's U i.tce House. For sale-now and secondhand toij and road Wagons, Kockawaya, Coaches, twowat Wagons, Jaggee, and one Bualnesa Wagon, 9 9andi950; one Sulky, $.'w. Apply at 21 Wooslcr street. For sale?a full spring, leather top nua jtTunl pla'ed l.urii Ks, in good order, second bund. Prlee f r both $7& Inquire Ot 1'. AYRES, 4'i4 Uroouto St. For hale ohe vp?a fine matched span 1 ony itu. i a, 11li tnils high.sound, kin t uud gentle. OP gto or double, both ood aadd'e Horsus: to o?;vr wlin u veiy l ne light top v a o i a id doubt' llurn, as. Ion.dug one bl lift; beat turnouts -n the oity Soli on:y lor wunt of use. A; ply ul the s'? ,ie? 221 tt est 2L,t at. ?J^EW YORK TATTUR-; vLLS, SIXTH AVENUE, COR; - . n rof Tiitrty-nlntn street.?Tuesday, J ly 23, at 11 O'clock, aucti n sale ot IIones, tt'a<oha, llarneaa, Slue *. Fly Nets. Ac. S c aucliou li 'iid. tt .M. M. LANOI.EY, Proprietor. PRIVATE PROPERTY.?FOR SALE, A HANDSOME X broWi II r..e, seven year, oil 19-A banns blgit. well bred, with great power and u sinner, very docile, tree from vice and a atyl.ah driver. One week's trial riven to n ro spoiiat: 1" party. Warranted sound. Pr.ce $175, just half luva ue. A ." i'Uu ton and liarnesa If required. Apply at lifi Lloerty street. TXHAEfOM tOR HALE-IN CiOoD ORDER, TOP AND X backseat: ,rl.e $1Jj; also four tig t Roi l Wagons, without topi. ItUEWSI'ER ik CO.. corner Btoomo and M itt streets. TOP BUGOT WAGON FOR HALE-IN t.YIH ORDER; I rice ?40; a nan Sioiyb ? nkl uc taken tnp uu |>ny niatit. Apt y tu O. I,. tt ooDRi Ft", 17 Beekman street, 1 y letter or in pers n. \v AOONS FOR SALE ?A VARIETY OF NF.W AND aeooitd band top aad no top; une tour seat Buroiuhe, top on back a-a,; one. line Kiett, to be noli low. Apply at surtion rooms. Hit Cedar etrct, Uret door ca$t of Broadwap. t?.0 - ?FOR SALE -A OOuD STRONG P.AY MARE, 1# t??)o. bands Idgn, |>erfer.tly aounu an l kind; wotlb$79. Apply at 37 Wooster street. MUSICAL.. * VERY FINK TUNED ROSEWOOD PIANO (STOD r\ dltt'i)wlUMlNi(M: .It inontha, to an. party <vuo will loin the own r one .undrod tloilai? for II ai term, turt a?e to an 1 from iucicded. Addres.. X. J. S., M.vtUon aipiare Pu*l OlliCO. An elegant seven octave rosewood piano. forte for aali. it ooorluoo; node to ord . for prwnt o.. iiBr Kovcn tnuuiha ago; hui nil n.oini im|)i i?rin iit.; full* gun; nt on 'or three veaia: c n>t p.VM, lor In eliiiinif Sto ? ann Cover. Parlor 8 ? it fm $ oo In, drew II I VV.-l Twenty-third street, near sixtn ?v. nne. MUSIC ?*3 b OR EIGHT LEsSONS ON THE PI\NO, w.ih prtvbog* of flally pru '????: it .00 . . p 'rtniuty for t io?e remaining in t! e city ii'ir.iK ill 'turner. Apply at 247 Seventeenth atro-i, no.,r Nmihav CTBINWAY A BONS' GOLD MEDAL PATENT OVER 0 ?trung grand an . aqiuire planoi ha. -n untried t'oti lint premium wherever and whenever, ? db i'M tr eoinjvot t? ti ? ih me Lest ...ak. ? of IN. .ion. New lorh Philadelphia and B it more, and arr no cor. v.ilrr m lite bexi I'l unci manufactured. A writtrn g .arint. I r flvi> .veaie z' en wnh each Ina irument. W.vr.i ooa*, N a. 82 and M walker ?treet uear Bum Ivvay. imiWlN ENGACKVE* f **? SOI-K \NO IN A Protentaut ctiurcb; o .1.. . nail anua r?? quired. Addreea Mualc, Mudls. are Port office. "tyANTED?A COOP Mi'SIl i N, TO OIVK LESSONS IT nn tlio jiHiio; must lit i* |er'orm r: oi.e tvlio would not oiijicl io In' n fh >n in the country, wh re be laid wild the city, by rat several time* a ..ay. AdJt.-e Alu-wlun, box 12u IIulJ OtlivP. fl.1 r/\-NE.V SEVEN OCTAVE TIANOS, IN "1 ?P I ?!'I wood ra-es Ir n f.a .u a, and ovrralniu.', 'or $160; a . , with inoiil i,n.;K $100. do.. wi h carr el b aa and InLil.i Dame board, $!/.'?, $lrj an S U). do., wdib lea.lkeva, iUfi and f- .0; new u'j octavo, S 110 Tbe above Piano* are tolly warranted, and ore the great m bar.alna that can ><o found In be city, ex' band 1'onM irum n> $100. New M.-lodenna at extremely bi ? pile*. Ouo luuidr d new and la i end baud Piaui* an . *1 do n nun to let. fie aiotvedlf purchased. Monthly pav ?..??nl? livened for live same. UORAl E VTEltS A ,C|U, 4.Hi ilro.dway. 51 7 - -EACRtPlt I ? i: . Bf UNDID -E. EN 00 ?t> | | J, ta r roe vim).I Pianoforte, full i"u i frame, round cornera, oaivcd b at aim lyre, serpentine moulding, extra ov.-rntrnug la i, a-nUoped key a, due touch, powerful 1 n.; ha< a.l niodarn lmpio cineiil?; linlab, d . n I r> n,ilaied by om of toe oiif iianduoai eihnc.-d mmliaiil a In tbe ? l ? y; wall anted for fire years by the uianoiact.uei Apply at S'l U >.er atreet. w B BILbUKDI. IEI.IAROH roil WATKRfNO PLACES?AT ItlSS ORG Sfan ory md ulaylii wi earooma, I4tf Ful on utri i t, No. c Ann ?treat. Will p it up ta' le* w no unltaMe ro na r Uic be,la, rubber vim. Iocs. Table* and Trliumiu. i. rale. AS I'lttllaOU Y? VHONA KIDK AHTUOI.tlUiST, THAT EVERT ONE ib.ii dc,M'U.I on, Is Mule, nil,SON, u LO totW tile object ? : yo bit a i mou ax yo,; enter. Fho nil* the paat, pre h, n a, ,i inure of yonr life, an I warm you ol ,?o,crr, und i,riii,-s a .iCi * out of tbe inoat |> rlloua un or lax lima. N. S.-v , latOd laA(la , bariuM. No. 1811 Al.naiet, DO. m mi 11 mm von and Saivlon ?ir, ola, or r the baaery. Uiiaigea or ladles and g 11 tic men, all 01 ma. I f-Tn.MSHINiT.?MADAME MORROW, SEVENTH J\ via v er as loie?ight lo tell how *oon an I bow ottnu jo in , i v, ano all yo. o' n.)*, even your thought*, or pay; luok) ohari. ? . iBi'i htr equal lo unt to hcfodii l; h i tnagte linaae la now in full oj er.v in No. IM Ludlow at: i t, below Houston. 2o cetili; gentlemen not ailmlttcd. AbfRULOfllST.?MADAME BREVET, SINCE HER a , vnl, baa caimri lha moat laieftM mm t4ou by her sif in arand tiulliial ii vel.itlnns. 8be wbl nria.m lalM an i iiiiBti?tt'.I haaoanda. bring back iibnaiu .over*, nil* yoii, i! sd ,red, and to e.e ? bidy ato wi.l aivc. wlllioot biiarg#, R vomel lug that will make tin in Im ky all their Uvea. She will ahow the picture of any ataroit person and fni, It to you. Sue veil e rltn join name, and naver falla trv uekv numbi ra. Now la the tuna to Oonau i tble truly won derrM lady, na her atay m very abort. N. B.?P< run * at a ill.lance an. by eiic'o>nig $1, have tnalr flnuq.a wruieu and acnt to then b Iincdmi'ly, the |d lure aid liumc im:Iiu'iI, Addren or call at 14/Allen atreet, corner of KlviiiglJli, at tie mlik depot. Erit.ance cu Allen ilroet. Mauamb iiaut, having returned from l.'noja . ai.nou mc* io I .e Indies o, New \oiklua 4li? can beonaoit, .at No. SI Base* dreet upon I'epi I and lui re, ipiiial iiiforumlioM s io ortm.e, laanlajr, ?ud ebaiui. Or unar. tee A) ci it*. V It ?WHO HAS NOTHEARDOPTHE ( ELMIIM'KD i* ? Made ol r-1 ER. c. ho baa ninovi u too'' I in. v* eiyhlto a,i eel, eoi nnr ol Hixih avenue, over lb. i 'i . i v i I w I i) ? a lie ii.i,-lilted wnh . litlro aalialitCHOii. ? no rqnal. She tcll i the name Ol luKlfe w ife or I d; l o of In i v iaiti r. If you vvmh give bet a YiroNDKafUE AVI) AsrONrsHINC. Al l: I'A' IM' IT (tie I iniidiaM l.lpiy I prcill II u?, i m, , I Ii I . dlatflv, a' P4S (Irvwittvl, h a cel. E vil a '..i, n. G > f e? tin ii. b 1 nt . ' di remain but a il.ty oi* two. Ii I. in Id A. M. to P. M. V ' - II tWr.JlV,?MAfMMK wan )? ) atni glf cd Seviii-n <a I ? ui i ,v v be a n ? r ri i i ? he nt I rti ul tub nruELLio*. \ fTENTlON BA TTaLIONI Ax A v. uamg ~<J yiiu the oji..y lake button that the Fi.-'lh A ill ?TV r , em, N. Y. 8. V . i m.Si .1 Oie.,a:u, nuw m.ui, dui) ? I ori Mar hall. it* til. are. M L h> * .nil <1 mi u wbi h is imf 11il re.i in any bran of be ? r> le?. A .f? mom in ti? il??nt io.'U will* I .en lo U the ompa ni v u> ihe regular maximum a eh ard f .u ,e mi 10:4 t? Jo u n.iuulil iuiuitdlu.ely a* uu a few move uro iu <1 ire . Th pay I* e I rial (o any In the servloe; the faral 1 a of In sr nil fling vv II :? laknn ape- dcareu ; re.ief m krM limn,)t| mm Mi (1; $lun 10 my an soon Ml u a hni el, I H i ion-, co! u.gand ? oiuiorta.le i.u.-rte-- I , 1 e on lui. : IP a he t ... edmi iy Keei .Ua forwarded daily 1,1 ... . ; blebi T .i'r i,,10, 1 litoiiiiiuii .n ip utl? a i,o*ii chanee, ? " I' l to Kirn LU-UUhant T. 0 11. O'A'K I,, OUl He. iriilnujt um rr Ftrtli An le y r-a-uirui, N. Y. 8. V? in Grami ?r mil, conn r o. bo eery. * TTKN rn >N. /? RBOB' ITS W iNTBD, U Oa?.r?[iy A. II., , c, Guard, a 41 Broadway, New \ur... Il-i< couip.nylt nuw lu raedau in uxuip, a i.l wa iw-nty-tive more u.uu to i;U up. ( aplhin Batters >n -v111 a ate uo ri|?'ii ? to li ve tbla ooinps.n one of t!,u . e-t ti..,t V. 11 eve the my of Ne ? \ ork. and will olier great In tu .o. menta to itoud In en Joining Ins 001,.pi.ny, C.ipUiu Ba tor-ou aavs.-oes 10 all hi* recruit* out of hi* ow n private puree. R I ef tieaels given to all who have fatntlli a, on being inus tvr u In 10 th nun any, the Ha .eik 1 luartl legpnent la to be coiom uided by Colrw to I IV.aa ier. They nro now in oa op, with evnything in ,o Ml eh ii>e ni l -Jdj uii*ir. All iittii ?r i w ia utito '1 dmrui will apply at otire. A 0 w (laolaiua pie1 W voted uuuiediute , oue Ord. rlv ,s r , - t ,11 td Sergeant, one Team ater. two Bovine an , 1 - :> .1 r. oK.\fc,i<Aii hbaui,rar: .u.- \o. #75 naoADwvY. Apply at u? B.oailway, to ( Al'l J. I' BAlTfciUSON. 4 TTKNTION (?-WANTED rn , I .1. , , BS IN V I Cu;l,l"S.n* U-apt. Miina iei l, F1 ly-ihird reg.ui.ut, N. X. v., oeborgh Cl.aaienra," Col. 1 u i. ngbdin, two S r geanta, thieo nrporais ami fifteen goo ! inon. Comp ny al rotil uioaiere 1 mi l aeri lee. Tduae lo.nlug will reuetvethe lounty, a van e pay, $11 . no ?'.'5 joierninent b unty, aooner in t/il? rajlnieul, as li la the moat coitiplele of any or g in.alng l'a> $t:> to ^13 p ruio.ito, an, j,i 40 to $1 re-r wi ea to your family.' Regular atony uniform. Hogltueni lo leave '.'Stu lo t. Camp at lOith aireei and deiond aveouu, Red House. Member* of tlila Company nova a ]?jnt will re port be ore the Jbth uiL, or be t.r.u.O na'1 vert-re and ad vertlstd ua such. The re-lment m afioiti betug tiaid of, uud t ia e reti,r,,loi{ will receive f ill pny and good treaHiient. A few e*|e ru0.0-I .ruminer-i wameu. A ply at the camp. A ('.impotent gen.Im an wanted, as dec uul Lboitemmt In tlila , Company. w ho oun mnaier lit Immediately. One havue men I pie! ri d. Ap iy to Lb" tenant K. ?V Mol'llKRB'iX (late ti' the 8 veutti ro om ni N Y. 8. ,\i ), at r ermtlng othre liii M'alk. r Ktreel, norttieaat corner Caotr atrect, during the day, and inuriiiiiua ami -v.n' at i a,np. / fOLuNKL PE188NBRS RSOfMBVT VV 'the ( oloue, tiucnda to u.ake this regiment the firat ready lor s. rvi :o, ana one of toe !o,1111 every res) ?et. Such o lib era eniy v\ lit be received as ar ar-'tuninted with tuelr duties, uiid who e cliarai ter Is kno-vn. The country ureiia honed, biave men; It needs them now. Tl.j - o .uiy is in a o..ileal condu or and re Osrv rysol dlsr. Come forward then at oneo, 01, u of u.l el t?s and pro osidona. Men of N. w York, co ne im-wer All the ua ais'jtnce and bounu a gianlod by too United Sia-ca guvem n ent. and by the stai:??, c'liinty au'I cl y t loritiee will bo fully secured to men aud olUcera. Regimental Caoin. t .rile ltav Park, Korly-nfth street and Sreioul avenue. Kegim 1 tal Headoiiai tera. No. b74 Broad way, opposite the llo.ul. ELIaS f'Et '.SNKR, Colonel Commanding. / tOMPANV O, COLONEL OLMSTEAD'S REGIMENT, V Spn o a Kmpin Br.h? 1, Th irio Weed Guard. K oruita wanted for t. e conifiany tinmediat' ly, A {-Valor Orderly Seig-en , four Duty bei?ewi,te uu l eight Ouri oia.s uud twu Musb iwua wanted. Pro unit Ion- from toe r.uii.a. It U the lu.enllou 01 gov rmm nt to clre the recruit the moment he t.s mustered into the $25bo,.uty; the month's pay In a.lvnmr, viz:??1.1 and the $'J pruniium. Ko Uel liuki'la lss i d to landllcs'l.ely, A o $ ,.] adililionat bounty, I 'a, and rations to commence on rullatmrnW Uniforms furnished it .nii'd atelv. Recruiting oliice 19J .-spring ai reel. < at tain 11 r ROBINSON, j A veteran of the P. Olid a and Mexican w ars. CIOMPANY O. 8TILLHOUSB LIGHT INFANTRY REOI J meni. Empire ilhgadr. All person, d.a'rous of J'linlng this Company, and serving 1 th-ir country, un ler exp rb.-nced oilicers, Can do so bjr ap plylug at the recruiting oil?, I N 1. YI7 Centre street. Pay from $11 to $ .3 per month. $100 Bounty. One month'* ray Inn ediatciv on being muttered into | service. LIEUT, il WILLIAM ALIGN, (formerly of Hawab s' Zouav -iO, I Recruiting OQlcrr. COMPANY C, COL. OI.MSTEAD'B REOIMENT, SPI aula Urigatle. T uiriow We! Gihir.l.?Recruits wanted for thi ah ,ve eompnny Immediaftiy. Two Sergeants wusied. T vcnty men wanted. Promotion* from the ranks. It Is the Intention of covernntyul to give tho recruit the moment he O luu t-red In tne $5j Stale bzunty, one mouib'H pay In adiance?$13, mid t'2 premium and $2.'? Bounty. Re lief Ticket* Issued to iaii.l le? Immediately. Pay -and Hatiot.a to lomii euce immediately. Uniloruis iu- u.jbed iuiincllately. Come along. Now la the time to get your $90 when you are muatered. Rect uitlng office, 816 Canal street. First Lieut. E. 1>. AVEREI.L. Late SeveiiL-ursi New York Stale Mdllig. pOLONEL PATTEN'S MILITARY WORKS. Infantrv Tactics?School of lb- Company, with Bayonet and 8wo:d Ex rc-ise. llkl pag 9k rtiftiMvlngs. 26.-. Infantry T.icurs. 81h> pug-?, 137 engraving*. Um. Art I err Dill! 1 '">? 1 p.,gee, 72 jM,ravings 25c. Cavalry J):111. IfO Pages, 9$ engravings. 25o. OlOcers'Manual, ".'/o pa : s. $2. J. IY. FORTUNE, 19 Chatbam street, N. T. IjllRrT REGIMENT NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS, Cot. Wi.llaui Gurney. This flne rcglmetii la now In want of hrel class men, ns It Is designed to have it in Hie lleld at once. Measures ure be ing adopted by which recruits shall receive tl-c guvernment and State bountte wi'h as lltt.e delay us potgttble. Pay trom dale of enrolment. (Jinrtcis and rations furnished imme diately ?t Camp Washington, S. I. Recruiting station. 77 Client Jones an eel. Regimental ht-a iquur.ers, Muwrt Hall, $14 Btoailway. Jt'IIN Z. RiiDER, Kc -rui.iag ouieer. "L1IRST REGIMENT NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS, r COLONEL, GURNEY, This regliian: 1* now organising for Hirer years or the war. The regimental beaibpiarters arc established si Mozart Hail, Kit Bi-ou.lway. Pay commence.., from the data of enlistment. The men sr.- fornWiit'd with CLOTHING, RATION'S AND QUARTERS, AT CAMP WASHINGTON. 8TATEN ISLAND. A Drum Major w anted. WM GU11NEY, Colonel Commamllng. J. C. IdTTi.*, Adjutant. IRA HARRIS (JCARD- SIXTH P.P.OI.MENTiNEW YORK Volunteer Cavalry. Tbfsregiment is splendidly mounted, aimed and e.|iilpi)elf, and In ??ril-r under Genral P-vpe. A saddler, n'ucksmlih, bugh-r end about 80 private' are re pilr Od to Qll up 1 he r.nks. Bounty, pay, Ar,, le., are the samo as Is given to the runt favor, d repinenti. Apply Im nedl a-elv 10 Taut. W 11. CROCKER, re. lUltlug ivlll^-er Sixth N. Y. \ 72 Llspenard street, near Bro-dwoy, oppoalie the Biaiolrclh Hon -e. MILITARY NOTICE.?YOUNG .MEN WISHING TO join .1 nr-.v co opapy to be irh -d to the Tv-. nty.'hlrd rrgtinent, N> w T rk State Minna, lo w nearly completed, are reqtr-sted to addr -ss IJ'-ti!. Tho?. Parker, New York ID raid ofllu-; or Captain R. Geo. Newell, IKI Niaaait street, Brooklyn, au.tlng whe- c an interview can I a had Every sndeavnr will lie made to make tbla -ompany tbecraok corp* ot the brtga I-. A meeting of lie C'irpa wilt Use place e tch Mondaj ovitt ? Ai tMl, Portland ay en oklyn. ONE OFFICER WANTED?IMMEDIATELY, TO TAKE th.- position ot Li-ue uant In a company nlnady full aud mustered into the aervic--. Apply to A. PHILLIPS, 266 Riovlwsy, Am y anlNavj Ayei.t. more rifles? X An In n-j i'.ideal eo:ip*n> orga'iuaiton now farming, undct uuihoriiy from Adjutant Oetierni HlUbouMt Kiaii" in on, OtirCountry n, -da you. The 1 nhui Is in J in :er. Lei it* with strong arm an willing hearts rnali to the rescue. Let the Pope Kl !?? ba ?P1IL' Pit Till: ITRST IV THE HELD, and sh^w the rebels bow <, ickly the amis of the Empire State dan respond tj t etr Pr gldent a call. ONE MUM II S PAV IN ADVANCE will be paid oach vol.iuiecr on the mustering In of the com 1 TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS BOUNTY. Apply at bea.i'iiur,eia. No 7 Broadway. " J E. F. LBOYD, Captain. Two drummers and a teanmtrr wnnttid. PIIONIX KEUIMENT. CO. A. Want a lew more men. Ibounty when the rc.l.u. lit is iuiu'.?rcd in. ? hi .u advance, fli hand ni 'ney. ii.t v. in n honorably dtscaarged. $i l to til per mouth. $6d In addition to the lhove ndranced by the Goicmor. it' ib I ticv.t* furnished I > tamuiee. Thoc inipany t> well known. We require no "pulT " A pol at t e nffioe, lio>? OreenwLh s'.reti. eornet of Cort lai (It. and 37 Ems'. Houston, coiner of Man street Do not wait to be drafted. p MUEPH^Captala. J. 8. Aeesme, First Lieutenant. RKORUtTB WA.V'iED. Cou f nv P, I'll nit Rsgimeot, CORCORAN 7.0 U '. > KS. Four.h ro rncu . Kuipli - Hi lea l*. CIS WANTED H l.? Kt' For Ocipi-anj F Phen f regiment. This rvaitnltl cnt Ir sli regiment, organised by Cot Corn rail, nil op l be the peat raUjfiag point tor all true Irishmen who wish lo a -rce t etr no n r) ' Col. dai It Will I e romieatide 1 hy Cot. C. Hurkn. The nliirers id till. regiment wore i sir ti I d by Col. Cor coran before bis dvpauurn for th soatof war, snd ?-ee ? al of them served under ban uui'iiig iiiciuenioiab a tbri o months rampal, u. giartna. retinue ? .d-Imblng fututahod as soon ?e mut tered In. ti.yu m 813 to gv. i*i mouth, to uum-iui* iroru dab- of uarllouirnt. 8100 BOI'NTT Whan dl 'haiged from loe service. Onom n'h's pay la advance. Ki-Ucf llc'isi s will ho given to soldicrw fainlllea. Rem''dig ?? hi ne r?o. L ed at the following plners: ? Denntc Burna', comer of rHnrteeo h a ret and First are one; al Cain k Murphy s, cmgi r o *?? end avenue and Thirty -ccon i street! at .lames Burse's, K East Forly-lo irtli sii gt, in 1 u' headquarters of this company, corner ot Lib rty and Waal streets. Wo call upon y .n t > rally around ii-' n iw, your brave and iui| rlconed cn ef, Michael Corcorm, is linmnrcil in a loathsome Boiilhern prison, where be < a is to you lor a?*b tuee Shall lhat cry b" In rain; Then up with the tirwen t a?, the Med Wbltr Slid lllue; |p striking for Col nubia. W -nrlki for Kr n loo. ? BKKNAKU O'REILLY, Caplaia. M * O'Kvi.rr , First Inc h'u in', ItOSI'Kt A. titiarilY Second Lie tenant. M. [1. hMITH. Lieutenant Colonel R "rutting cfll . coruci of Tacnty.tlilr I street audaie tttie A. ! uimoi.A'8 EMPIRE BR id AD .?J. tV. Dl NX, or ' O the fust iTi" Euihivc* ba in,; been autbortred rm i ; C i ran> f i '.us hi uaite, h ? just oie-ned a rrniiMig ,, ,< a N ? ft.'P >rl street, wane be will he happy to nw ti an '( It olio in (tea In arms who aie ag.iin UeairohO of 1 mu i Ing itieir * oi.ntrj. I i mm i nt i.oil s? soon as miuti red, mid relief tickets 1 iss e I io fen I les itnniu Hat I). ; \ ,,. inters w.'l ; r IT ? i.-i bounty snd one month's pay I I, .iiiui-asano aaaivorn In, aB i #7lt boiatr when h*nor ; nb dl* ha god. t oinioiU'ou ipiaru rs and rations fur til e 1 at East New Yolk, Two doliera wilt be paid to Mt h 1 i,.i < or am , r'onnml b nz aueb. Tnueo wishing ino i. <v iiiuSHl d Mill ee wnst apfily rarL N , p I.,a no I'. he snaied to mal e Uns one of th-* beat com . , i, in th*Ml de. "WfOtlfb aahl." Dia't lorr ? ill 1 M I vat; * re.'. J W. DUNN, Captain, ,; psi i r> t tr I Lieutenant. ApjT>'l>?I'm A HEAVY Alti'iLI.EWr ltlii.1''BNT nitT.i i, t a til L'# itii'.iii, who i an r .so c.,.i I ?' ol ' >? i, I'll.,j. ii. fs .V, b ? |g.| ] ^ 1T"R UR1JBT.I JOW. S?V'OI AS BMP.Kg Bul': A !>E. ?<V.\N TED. TWFN'TY l- -a 4-u. bo i q ii.? ii ui form lt tu'ii, . U>b?.?t a ; Ui tuia Lid .-A 1 Osnii Hit toRXipei in Ii tuoo ei a .till lite liS> 111 ? -.Will U'.. bill WJli o'n iy IliadlSIl'e i lo h .ig an I Sdh ?.? ? ? U i nig,y#d q >ri .r . i ui* -r i in *1 .1 .ni> ?- a:.. '? At I. n 01 tJi- t?f wlitchfcl ? i b ,1/i'tt in it 'mi i- Hi, -enum.astound ohic-.i- i. ? i :j nil ir>>. i lanks. Apv.y to U|i mi B it. PUBDY, i. . 6t?atrek.j ? et. SPINOLaS KMi'RB HKIUaDK lirLLSJOb'SB U ilir 1 NFANTi'.Y, ' ? i. ' . 0 ' ?* n. opi.i: iii i n Bi.1 .i i "> w.? v, LD yvj \ t j a* U LT l*Oit OOv AN\ OS 111 lit ?ii*. K.VDli# KEU'MliNT Pay $13 to $73 a in n u [Him du, . en v.- .-nt United Stale. Im ;n;. pod?-$a$ef wliiabiMi uue month's pa will !* given 'U advaiioe. S itr leiuiity $ ti wd. b pa ,! h! oi ee when mustered In. ( nui 011 able fui uiaUed at Oanip tfdwavda Pun re pent, Ba' i Sew V'ul. (' ithmg and sub toner m noun i?j n lull-.e : In. y omotlous Ruin lb ntnks. O.luur., are b\|. until d Capt. I! (.. GOUl'KH, Its Wi iii B""a e ay, i Recruiting Llatrl. U. ii. s>t OR .i, Jr., tOaj' lu .r.ioo , i OUiuis Ol'lNOLA'S EMI'IRK BRIGADE?RECRUITS WANT 0 ed, to nil upCoiuiuny i, iliu nst* Lb .t I., a t-t ?, K. .1. Ctan.wii. ?.o onel Commanding fThL w II be i e Brut regi ment in tbe Held under the last ci.Uof the Provident. Now L tne lime, true lovers of v uroountry, to volunteer ia its 1 ci nee. j K ' rtiit? re,- lv.< jt? in advance ami ehiihing, ra tions uuil medical attendance hs soon i,i musl'-r ii. All yuiiug men. II :bu a?i'S of 1.1 an I 4'?. Caiin..l << better thou t.j caL.itg iijum CHptalii IKO MICHA, C nnei Cli aiuber'. an V* in els, . ? .. .Or Pi"-' L- ? '011,1!.i K BOUAKDUS, _ ?treel, Mar Bowerfa OTAN'I'ON I.EOIOH, Bl.KVBNTH REQJ MENT NEW O Vein, t tut.; ? . iiltffi'l Ik. Uo nel '.Vl .. Ii. A! B.?Con oneaud ail, to yourcou.itiy null, and raiiy in tb'brirgi ment ready unj-i .e netv call. Re.-ru . roci iiu Wnut. e f $,% sooil able biiilied men, to tomi'lete Company D of thin i ff .lmeiii, which will |iM,.ably leave for the eat 01 war during the next thieo ?e?ka. Tcij eoaimaud ,? organ;/, -d acuoraiux to tb. uew rr^ulat ona of the i e^u ur army, bitty doll ii a bounty fun the S ae an noon al mu-ucicd tu. Pro niotlone b> the rani of lleulffnant inadn 'rout the rani an.I llle. Tula i ul - wi 1 be atriotly adber. d to by the I. lonel while tueri .lnt'tit lain the Held It will lemeinlur-d thiitCulonel Alien raised the Kiret rcyluient. N. if. V., u nv byfore Kicbutonn, >nl the e. iduuo of the treaimeut oi ha rnee while In emnniand hi nuBls eut guaraiklee to tu"n eul I.ijt now. i'ay lio u ri.S to i'ii per mouths one uiun.? p..y l.i ecH'unot wiioii ill- on .' pany f? mu-tonu! 1 ,; atau w Leu th regiment is mustered in. ami $7.1 al the e piration oi tbo K ii"f It. ..ets worth truui $1 3n to #3 per wie.fur ulahed iuimed a c y to fam jee. (food rati ins, ? iothlu^ mid uulforms nomad at once. Quart ui a ?t ( ,nn (few Jj< rp, Elaten laland. A. ply to Llo uon ill C. 1 O n iil.R BKEX Nl.N, Aid and lib iiii adway. rpiiE L'NIUN FOR EVER. 1 BECK CI 18 WANTEH. Lieut n?nl P. E. M Tighe, lot. of the Ninth Nosy Tori Vo luuteer cavalry, having reoffh-e i an a itliot'l. aii n from t. e Adjutnnt 0< nenil to ruled volunti era, I, >e atto. hod himself to a flrst elaaa re/lment He will receive none but elilo ho d. 4 aud souer tui n. Von.g men trim the eou.... y will do well to a? ply. Transpor a ton. swlmlstenceatidi I n mediately provided, une .i.outh's i *y in advuirce mil boi my y.aiil .vhen the reel .u ttt is in inter,,d into ? n yMl the no i comm; ot nod onlct ? mill open for competent men who can nsi-lal in the irxant/ation 01 tile i .mpany. Relief t clte's lurnltheJ at mux, Men bringing rrcr h swill receive a county o two collars n head I'. ?. Mi TIllHK. idetlteuant and R crultlug Oli i cr. il3iI Canal street. New York. "INT REGIMENT, NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS. I RECBCITS WANTED for the nhoye nigy ngi.iieut, now i.-uitn, under Colonel Oui net. mi experienced otiicerof high staiuilng. im extra indu eiuffntafor eu.?tlii^ arc large, being an ody?nce of $db, t-ld beinjj paid on th.i niu?t"rli,g In or the company, and ?26 of tue bounty paid on tbo must ring or the regiment Into the Culled !- *'c. sen r e. i'ay and rn' ous .'ouimence on enliatmpnt. tinifortas fur nlsbecl tnimedlately. Recrttitlng onu* ic) Wa'er street, near Pe. h slm. 1ST URUIME.NT NATXONAt. VOLUNTEERS, i O..OSEL GlJKNEt, an lllcer of ability and experience.?Yolun t ?rs wanted tor ? ompauy A. Unllornis, ratiot s and i,uar tcr? furnish ul immediately on sl/uing the roll. For bounty, pay and tell -f tickets, inqurie at the office. 4n:' Seventh ave nue, come*at Thirty flftu street. ?. e. I1ENLY, Captain Couipanv A. E TlotiAin.voiv, First Lieutenant. N. B.?Kegimeiital ilead juatters, Mn/art Hail, >11 Broad v. ay. -wanted, tbn good able bodied men to JJtcJ. till up a company. Ouc montii advance, JAY govern tueut bounty. $21 city bounty, $ SO State bouni y. Atp'y to Capt, JOSEPH 8. COOK, re' Tulting otDce, 11J I*roa.iivc/. "i f'TH ward.?Tins citizensi of the ioth X* ' ward, ol sll i Arties, In favor of upholding the govern tueut and crusl i ig treusuu, are earuestly requested to meet at the court room southwest corner of Seventh avenue and Twenty-second sire-1, on Bikrurdav, July id, at 8 P. M.. to take measures for Immediately railing u rcglm: ut of voiuu teers, under a receul cad of tiie Pn sidi nt. in tho .sinh S' na toricl district. ROBERT BAKKLRY Chairman. W.v.ntiMaTON Hnittt, ) On bcimli of U. OGokmaii, > Mlliisry Oomm'.ttco D. R. Jaquas, > of Sixth Senatorial diatrld. d{-| Art ?TO BECBLITrNG Ol-'KIdEKS.?TWEN'TY V ? "ui live nrcn wantc i for an Arlil.ory itcguueui now ill the Held, for which $100 w 111 lie paid. For particulars ap ply at No. id Walker street, Recruiting O.Ucc. EXCl'HSIOVsl. EXCURSIONS TO THE OUEATEXSTi liN-STEAMUOAT ENOCH DEAN a Pulton market a ip aver.. dav (dim. days e v e] led I ut 1J. JO A. M. unit 0 P. M.,going to anil aro lid t ie e;earner Ural Batumi mi l Ho n to Flushing. Lenvlun Kindling ai 7 lb A. M .nil 2:31) P. M., arriving In New fork a'tout 4 P. M. Fare 10 . ent*. EXCURSION TO THE FI-WINO BANKS.?STEAMER CitoToN, i njitilii James A Dumont, w,ll leave dally hi .follows rK.iiu.irayn excepted ?North rive,?Thirtieth ?trem, 7 A. M; CnrUiupher atroat, 7'? A. M.; boring etror, 7'i A. M. K?i rlv -r?Tenth atreel, 7:80 A. M.; Bro una air a'. 8 A. M ; !'? . slip, , A. M.J pier No. I Noun river, 1) A. AI. H . Aim I I ?| all kinds, hailing tackle, bait, Ac., on bouid. Fare for th ? ekturalon 50 cents. Excursion?on buvdav, ,n f.v :o, is;.', around the Great Kastorn to City Inland and Ntraiiannort.? The spl mild f.nt K"i?g sii atner KIMtd OOl'NTV will leave for the above pi v< a as follows:? Jamie street, Bam river, . . .. ^jr ... . .... . at 9 A. M. inD-ninn aireet. East rl..r IS; Gr -itd street, Wtlliarnajmig, ?( 9.30; Totilli, New fork, at 9.45. Saw Mil duA flrecn point, a' 10; Thirty-to irtli street, New Yom, ^mo 16. Keluralug, leai u City Inland at 4.30 mid Sua l^rurt at 5:30 !'. M. Pare lor th" rottn I trip, 2i oenta RPKCIAIa NOTICES. A CARD?THE UNDRiUUCNKD Ft lit M ANY YEARS foreman ' dtutlh Broa., 13d an I 149 Fulton street, will be happy to boo bin friends anl etia. .mora at 81 Park row, where he la asaociaied wilU J.vuc?* O. phnui. JCI1N il. tilLDAY. F'lir.IC MEETING.?CITI7.KN.1 AND rROI'iTljp hoidora la ft.vor of urging the Imiuc 1 ate ctt. Dtion of the Eighth Areuue Railroad to Eighty second erect, ma apeedy gradmgof Eighth avenue, and running B ;lith are. line vara to Harlem, w II meet at Elm I'aik Hotel on M oi. day, July 21, at 6 o'clock 1*. M. Let nil attend. By order. T1 o- Manaeii, KaBernhoiiacr, Geo. Conrad, lames Bpcycr, J itii 1'. J'aulUMi, Committee of A: rangemruta. Tub sons of oranoe and sullivan counties are Inrlted in join the , hi 'una of Uo.lien m the eel-ora tion of the eighty .third annlvi r airy of the '.at'.leuf Mini sink. On Tueeilay, the 22d lu?l. On whlcu oeeaaton the new in., -u Tnent erscled to tlie memory of the heroes who loll In that bottle will be dedicated. If V'lU!liotl to., tk can he o talmul at the Kit- lullr-u 1 oillee. Train le area at 7 o'clock V. M. Badges will be i :07ldo 1 for (he n omb raof the u lelv. 1?. IS. IIALSI'ED, Secretary. rro axiEri* ans visiting ei hope-ladies and A gei.tlen.en tio.o th- Btu m of Amer.-a or Canada, viae lug Ureal Britain or ati) | art of Rump.', who desire to avoid iteliiy, Iron do oi expense, can havethsiypa aportadtiiy vl ed [or any Sum or Kitig'b in they per o?e visiting, bv sppd a tlon li) letter or otherwise, lo \x. J. A'l?mv Bra i.iwi Hrlti b end Ootvdincutal Guide Ofim 5j Fir t struct, t.oudon, En an i, wit i the ei ? d t! n and despatch. Pass S*?rt* carefully mounted, cased and lelnned in gold. Iriiish and Foreign Stationery, Travelling i'u.,e, ai d every reoulalti for travellers. The hut eitli one of Krad'hnWi PI-. 1.1. and Continental Guides and Handbooks, Murray's liugllah and For 'i,n I'audb inks, I'hras B ??ka, .t-. E jie rtenrrd ?onrler? may bo had on applle.ition at tne oflice nf W .i, AI'AMK ft9 Float meet, London, fcngl iud. ITNITKD STATES SANITARY COMMI-SIDN?THE ) Tree.urcr ackimwledueaH i rovelpt ol toe fodo.vnii con. tr botioiiB once the IHln Jus-:?rreal..en: Saiiuu l Eliot, Hartford $28; I> H K.. $2; Mra. II. L , gJO; Mia. C. K. J. , 9"i Lnilea Commit c Porilaml. I.y R v. H Stab loa, gJOC; CkDena of I'ortlaud, by Rev. 11. M-idona, U 4); Clui-m oi Portland, by Iter. H Ste.bblna, glUn- Juuii A. W -lt?, (M| W W lie Fireai. gl,0W). Mr*. Jaa J. .Ion a. tSW; Mia. Whiting <te.oi er, by K-v. Dr. Oagood,$8. Mr. Cr ly, *-'j; IIU|,h N Cj oP, $2>1 ''ash (by Win. 1'. I'Hlmer), $i; an. Aalor, $280, Mra. P. A. Bch-rmerhorn, C'.ish (L. A. B i, 5 Toacliera and ?eho!*r?of Wee l S hool N 22, by I r R. A Barry, mule ilepartoMlit, fid 13; Terc e ?? an l acholara f .V ml S. . nil No. 22, by Dr. R. A. llarry, letnale depirtm 1,96' 1U, T a b-rs and ahohu( of Ward S..<ad Mo .'2. nilmary, |26 '?>, T-urher* and a. hohir. of ward 1 Mo. 3', ny Dr. R. A Barry, male d paitn.unt, 4-1 76; female depwrtment, RC3 68; pr:m*rjr, ttl SO; 0 P., A I. Wi.l.aion, Floteuee, Moaa,, 630. Wm, 1>, ltadley. Col I eel Ion In Maine, 110 96; D. llailionl, 910. Iter. K. G. Ilul ion, Colleelion from t)hr?t'? ehtmh, 0/rter Buy, $13 75: Pd'vanl Cromwe.1, $26; A Friend, $J. rtrat PreanyierUn h?nday bcIiooI, Cohoea, by II, B Bllllnian, 8. perlntandeut, w. P. Oilman, >IOn. Menantile Library Aaaoclallon (prie -odBOl conoert), $1,031 77; Franklin II. Delano, $IM); Mra F. II. De .tno. $60; I'atoB A Co.. $200; L. M., $?.?; Aaron Chad* I-! . $5, I.adl. a1 Aid Society, Cnamplam. N. Y., o Mis* II. A. DoollUle, Sei rctary, $2$iamea Steers. $26; Joi n'.lewett A Soil", $'60; Henry D- Fe-b, $10; C. P. Ham. I, III Essex ? Untv. Sldi; Rfm. || Isham A Gallop, $30, A.N L., $6$: .'aoie* Cuaaldy A Ce. $10 Itlie'e Ii andira, ).y I.. M Lh.ii.oI. $3oU; U., Roo le Island, Mddeitird, Maine, by R. Si Chapman, $116; CJinton^N. Y. _ Mddeiord, Maine, njr it. m coapmau, int; uimi 11 r tahl), $2; Mra, G. L., Fannlagton, Conn., $6. jyn P i ? ah'ian, $3; pupllao a achool for youti| Mrw tu'rk, hi X. D. V Randolph, $16; Ma, M.iry youug children, Mnry Bieuseii, h (li I? rsr ,n n $11**; U.S. Eviins, M !a '',.Nr .1 . A3; eul lia el IVirtlund, by Kov. 11. MtObMut, $?26. for al k and ssoondrd voldlera, throng* Rev. Dr. Hoiibui, $ *i; A. Walker A Co . New llarea, $160; H. U Jde PDreat, $.s>; Beotley A JtnrWin, $60. M> . Ddorali l'< vs.-?, L?n?iiikljui*. $ieMl ; p. I'ovvera > Sons, LftnMtif i:ic, $60j; S un C. Rhiualan dcr.ttftb; ? Itlmmaof Raainn byt. HiiniingPtit woicoti,Jr., Treaeun rof Boaion Aaaodlation, $l.-d43 38:L K 11., 91 ; Mra. J j, As'nr, Jr. (adiMtiostl . $10*' dohn I,. Cadna'a lot, 926; Hi, Am a Church, Mornaan.a. ly IP r. W. Hdckei, re.; tor 9$$., No ah M. llilehts ?*, tleO; Adelliie L. IIItch o k, fl ?'i fii niiM Hltchwck, 9100; Rotd. ColL New London, Conn., $100; avails of a collection In Broadway Tabtrna . le church, N-w York, by W. M. Holmes, Tr, aaoivr. 9201; Rev. S. I Parker. I proeerds of aollectioii ki 81. I'anl'a church, Stockbrldge, M?sa..) $;$07; Dr. John T. Metcalfe, $iai. Mra Henry lMmond, Uonolulu, Sandwhih Islands. $2.,; CmuoUtee ot' iwi my, Buffalo, by O. G. sioelo, 9.a??; Execu. inn ' oinmitti- of Philadelphia As-oclalni, by CalebCoia, F i , Tr-oaurir, $l,ikHi; John 11. Swift, $2;,, Mr. Bccra 9li*i; Co r ivul n almiii Maine, by W. II. Ilndlt y, 9M6; A friend, ? 0: K i at ii a u, BlgeloWA Dayton, additional, $26, It. II. 1,. fo>. iisend, du, $16, Mra Onaa E. B Rler, $in0;W. H. G.I. i; an. Jr., $10; I toot. D. ll.u 1. $10; Ln lies Rehaf A ? oc a tlon. syriMuac. by Mra. D. P. Phelpi, Trfamtar, $100; t'.rst I: m . r un ' h in t. 8|itin II"11, by P. II Harris, Trrn- irer, r. li ; Sunday Bch ail of lha< rhun h $lo;t (2; laid;** So le t.of do., $60; lrviagUrluuelL by Rev. Dr. Haliowa, $KD; Vi at'. Vt beclwritthl, no. de>, $20; Anonyiuoiia, 4". do., $6; Cii>/en*oi R v. ' on, V ., . v A. w. Kcuney, 77; D . Fraa ! Uebpr, $80; H. T. H tk i $20; Mocrlck a Bull, $ si, A. K. X dlotto >li, $3: C F H., $11X1, .l.w ]( Dow, $6, I ,lo ;uh S. 10 in i. h. ?? Job A J'. Agnew, $?'; I nlle . Presby, I u rl.ui cburi'H, Cel. nia, N, Y , by H v. W, 8. M i..iren, $,!! dg,ciilaeiis o Main . by W. II. iJaoley, $71.1; F. F. M ,r. I hurt $|ifh Benjaiotn D. Silllmab, $26 i, Will.aiui c| i LiinisM M ihi I told l.iddllkt al), $1U Itmberfo i8;ii?v?. taut (addlnonai) $1-0 (ionic F.. l,u. er, $1 o, >t ~ " ' ~ ...... ? U end li lie rib 2, ecu ? Of '? \ Lnv.r of t rtunirv." $601 w. * Co. $ at. 8 Cam i-len (ad itjr ?ai $1 |.l; AdrleM I* lin I add 11 ion all, $l,is?) Gam e !# |,a?* veovo, fioi?tola 9;'0.63i 32. i u r . -y , , ,ir,;en Iv he expense*of th con,ml ? nlt^luiin t a. nc js*rlod ha* nges e I dllel p.* lar ? ,, f ,.,r | i? r .. I nn* an ifne a ."IV nr , i tie -catofwar, > d the m*!Mci .nee of the t'siispoil s , 1 vi a | -co-to ? i o. are CO v ,.J ral ,r.. not the | su . In liv-r-. iy ..ay, GEG, f, sTRuM ,.*7- asnrcr, ' JWhV Iwi 1 sLst 'SWouattvCv \\'ALLlCKS " ' ft a '<????> BmaiI wur ?nl TM"t? ..ii, . I>u0ra .,p u o.n v. ,,:len. 0 ,! ?ei dt wol'i. ' I * Jrnpf O'-U. M'-V.Es-.tri, I A COM ? i,KT? A .11 t|K..\ll ,(? - irV-rpqq I Pi.AiA.Di LAliUli Kit AvU IN ... M?Ai) Af, l' .Niiti.LV Ot.i . I L..Uvg Mil. AN.. AUl.S W. 1. LOKENl'E a-l o^e'" :;",out *r? '"'PIV,the complete FR.4 I.I A O <>, 1h?U pi W &:,.*? rupr, *u 'ly *'u? i ? '? i - ? Biircr-.1, ?? I every rfrm. natmt '.n r I ? *ml Oe. ggi.O-llj by <t 1*1 g> .?.' d I... I.tenable I ?>..? t u f" ,.' "r",!l ?'?????? "r THE IRISH EMIGRANT. In ?' ? ' hi"" * : if, "> ' Nr. i lokknot! ? , tun KDAF K.LNINO, JULY m ?.'?. V>U U""JU1*'''#'? will'U?e netr and capital ?' ERA WavOCO, T ? 1 "*"* ' ' ,iB '??. nr;v a. ?? 1 rv. n w cn.tipniis Ac mil A.l.d, FLORENCE .ml ike LxrillE CO.Ii'anV APPFUKJN.I. i..e ubi.lo to conclude with thn uu ply interrmlng dramu TIM OBRIFW Tnl1 EMIGRANT. " BR*?N ilr. W.J. Pf.ORB.VCR ihippisd. 1 "TTsEF-^ ISF" - km=S 8S: 68S&i?;:8l ft; SESSsen-g aliip Ouinpauy intend drapexlilllg id",, Vuli'pow^r^civ'ie Kvn "" lull powered Clyde river!'*'7 ,uooeeiJl"* ?*turd'a'r, at noon." fiompier llNm-th Fir.m.hin Kates op passage. | KotUrda^ Qup?jis?';wii. *>? 6?. 'i j" .eta are sold here ut the current rate 1 haMTetni "' p'"plr lo "*n'1 ,ur the,r irleudB. *? ? ?*' eteaau m n ive uej enor ?c ommoifations for uaraen ? ?r.f ?lr<J"Pl\'bnlll In water i| ;ht iron .. r'mne and c"rv to r??h eteam-r Evl''' le"..ea anrgroiis ar'o attachod lvw^h"r,h<'rinii,^lal,on "I'P'y'n Liverpool to WILLIAM <"OI M ff4;'Vit v h1',l!VOt' ?'?*?????? u. ALEX- MAI I. J.i K" 1 'ti ?iuare; In n.t. irn tn C v iv Kiiifi'i Um'i1 London to EJVKS .t MACEY, di Rinj i i l ain "tinel; In Pan. (o JULr.S OKCOl/E 4S ltuo p^ia to j'oHS O DaVIPTii'^T "? U S in ehil .del wwr* "? ""*?1,1 "aw r.viKvs'.r""'* No. IA Lroadway, New York. gimiM ?,?? vo?K tro uvaaroii? GREAT EAhlBRN, waller I'ulon Co.n nuuder, ... . . Will b? deepairhed FUoM LlVBUrOOl., w.nOK fen V? ^"'i'e,mo..t "Juslb^^n" ce -./A. ^ e. FIRST CABIN. From $05 to $135 each V>^rth according to the size sl'ua TIcKEtS EOKA?f(Kr;OgAaEDt^?nd^rom LIVERPOOL ye^T^T^'^s'foren;:'!?:^'aua oiUdMn undor u ami. D u S*t'O.MJ OAHIK. aiaie Room bertrie, nieale fnrnUliod at sererate table ?7n r .- . n. _ third cabin. * h m! few, Reoni I'aaaenReri found with bede, bedding, tab.e, tif nsilsand good eubsianllal food... SiO it'1.1 . STBKRAOK. withenoorlor accommodatlotu...7. ?30 0f s!m! ml er'wm'i1 "n end Alter the trip of ibe yth J IJibnu ei, will be ndraneed 15 pireeiA. nllowod 20oubio feci of higgle. An ex perlcneed aurgcon on hoard. OI Fur freight and pas.aje anplv to CH AS. A. WniTNET, At I lie ortic-, ITo. 2ii Broadway, N. Y. MOWLAXP a ASI i.NWAI.L, Ageni*. TH\?iflTlRT.H wRReIAN LL0VD'd STEA.MSHIl. NEW m i- Com'! rai r\uii? the Uolted MhW mail, will tali from p!er JU North river, foot of Oliarn CX'iS ft reel, on * SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, AT 12 O'CLOCK M.t BREMEN \7A SOUTHAMPTON, takfnif pafleenirerti to k/'KLON, HAVRE, SOUTH \MPTO.N AND BREMEN, et the foiiownm rat h ? ? Por Ibo tlrsi cabin, $U9; ec-ond cnbln, $70; eteerene S10 For trelght or |Uts.a^ 'apuly to ' OELlitcHS A CO., 6K Urea l elrcrt. Hamburg American packet company.-steam t i Loudon, Hamburg, Havre tind Southanrpton. The [?"/""i;1 iiret-tlua. un I c rgant ln.n ma" st< atn?iilp Jl .IRJ . m m ...i. A" '"'I1 ' (i?In'^.aiV,er' ca?rrlng 'h t United S'niee inal!, ea.U troiu pier No. 21 North rirer, loot of l'altoii atrevt po.luvelv on Sni rdny. tbe J6lU of July, and ti.kea piw^n fo' o^ug rai-e"-- Havre and SouiUamy.on al ih Pirei cabm a i nn Second eabiu e. Seeram 1. 11 III 11 LI 111111; HI" 11TI!! AA To" I'lienage money by tbc etoamsliipe aalllug alter the iet or AiiRuei will be;?? j Flret caoin .nt Second cabin -n su ,'i age i. i: 11: <? For I'uaaagc apply etclueivciv to C. It. RICHARD A BOAS, 141 Jiroadwgy, New York. IpIRfT PACKETS FOR LONDON AND LIVERPOOI.? A C.iuper lin- tor Liverpool, on the iti'li, g|?i and Wih t ?IU y. and tlm ecle rated c i pel'.hip SOUTHERN CHIEF, cajealii 11 ..t ; In : for Loudon, Saiumuy tiie leih lu.t la. e.ipeilor .'ap'room aiv imni iJa'.on. for em n and eccond tabln p?.?chgers Apply to C. A. TEN EYCK, o7Souiha. F,ORi LIVERlNXiL?THOMPRONR BLACK STAR Lin :.?ih ep.endld packet ahlpJERBVI iff TICOMI' nun, at pier 15 h.ietriver, nalia on Monday. July 21. For |v?w?e or drafte on Ireland apply al tbo'ulUce, >75 i'aarl T.TOIl LIVERPGIiL?OLD Bl ACK STAR LINE?THE I , p?ek< t ?hip AUSTRALIA KKU July 23. the UNIVKitSK L . ,w1.'j,r.r.!!'jP AHKLAIDK A igitet 5. KOI pa? apply to WILLIAMS a liUiOS, 40 Pillion etn ot. I^OK LIVERPOOL.-DREANOUOIIT LINE ?CLIPPER (illipKSi .iRT. Cap ain \V itman, will po lllveiv anil Jnly.l t..r j?.?.?ge ? owegl ta , apply iiu urn lately to .Iv'IiT." ''i"r No- 8 North river, or to P. M. DLVlAUKsT. 40 Sooth airect. FOR LIVERPOOL?TAl'SCl) TT'S I.INE ?SHIP WM TAPSCOTT w. 11 haul Into the cream Una afternoon eno eall-o- tioirow morning. For paami-e to ..r from the U.d t'Ountiy. at low rati., apply to TAPSCOTT A CO.. M h <iith Krt't'L PASSAGE TO LIVERPOOL, PKR STEAMER GREAT Lantern, may i.- had nt redueen p,i,e. ih.- .under of the a i>Tin hai.Divij?a:: i;.:V2iT?^;;,vVu",<-APIdy 14 A RBANUI.VIENT CIIMMEVCIVG JULY I. I.C2. lUK CALIFORNIA VIA PANAMA, i m. c# '8 *ln#IUl r l?**vo New York on 1m|, 11th fna ?Jtt or each iuooU. except wh 11 tho?<: dttto.- fnll on ? .n?mv, when the any of (U^ Atnmts will on the MoqiInt un .owing. * I in freight or liaemtge apirly at the only othee, No. 8 Rrtw. Ung Green. ?. H ALljin, Agent. AUSTRALIAN PIONEER LINE?CARRYING Tllli rXx. UnilodSnitoemal ..-T. o Al cilpjwr ehlp SANTIAGO, Tor Mel" ,urnr, no*- tap! I, loading u' | it r No. 11 Kaei river, has h p. rl?r i r oinu odatlo'i* tor nrr' and recon cuhin p a wn.-ere. ami will have m i y deepnn b. For fivtght or pa. ?ago ppfy to R. W. CAMLKON. M Bearer atreet. IilOR NEW ORLEANS. ' the screw steamer TKAlIK WIND. l i|l K. A. Deianoy. Will !<???? pier X 4 Nurih rlvrr for New Orlean*, on 8a turday. J ,tj IB. at 12 o .-lock noon, prwl *ty. BO FMKIOIIT JAKbN. for p?' . ?| i ll t > sImVs ?(?[?, TILESTOB A CO, WBroAdwnjr. Ij'OR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT.?THE UNI TEU al?t< a ihhII Ptnniim'ilp ROANOKE ,II leave pier No. 13 North river for New Hrienna -ttit, t n Wedaea lay, July 21 I AOS, at 12 o'clock noun. nreclnelv. Lf'DLAM. HklBBKEB A CO., IU Rroedw v WANTED TO PUR HASH IWMKD'ATKLT? six vks If aela, new or ti arty in tv, fro.,, <0 to . 0 feci wol, S3 foot brut, from fti HHfeet deep. Apply at the o lit ? of FAM'HKK A Mot UKSNEV. A) Wat- ? .treat, fr,.m 11 to I o'clock. riHRITUIUL ARKDROoM SUIT OK KNAMKLI.KD FIBNTTURH. In nil rolura, ot warranted mat, nine; ore; al?u, aolld ehr-inut Chamber Suit*, pi,tin and ornamental, at H. F. FARKINi.TON'S MS Canal a' reel, uppuxui- \t ooater. He tal'liaiintl in IMS. RARE CltANCB.? A (1RNTLB*A*" OlVINll UP ho ,-ck?t pint will aell hta Furniture, nenily now, at a bargain. Addrtwa for two duys S. T. A., Spring ?treoi P, it office. b3L RSITUKK TO LKT.-PART1KS DESIROUS OF 1 hirln ? Furniture and pay In a by in?ta,rneni*, eau tie accommodated, upon apple,,! n to J. to., U oral J office. Bui lone a tamp for u*rinn and |wrtir,ilarn.| MKDICAf.. Dr. coopkr, u duank street mbmherofthe Coll, *n ot I'hyelciana and Surgeon* <if Nn? York, may be ,>,i,?ulted dally at lira odtie, fnuu A In tha iteming until B in tho ertniug. D Dr. (Oil HE I'T, M KM It IK Of TUB NEW Volt* University M, dio?l i'Olleg and t oil,'go I Surgeon., London, ran tie cen-utiel with < nun,cue- n all dut ?aa, a to which the human frame I*,ie to, at til* office 20 Centre turret, between Chambers ami Read* ?'re le, having a private > ntrano, at No. S'llly Hail p ,t< e, Cbai.ea r.u,. Sunday i from n a. m. f,? I3)t P M. ________ vfCTOR HAUMt-OF fICB, IM HLKECKEU STALKT, tteat of Broadway, Huure UtiUI and li till B. I \R. WAKD. 12 1 AT I1T sTICirr NKt'l t'ANtl, JL" pay* ( articular aiution to ait oomp a ?'* ?i b ,lh feme. A private entrance. office open fr, m c gilt o clock. In the morning till nine o'clock in Hie errmng. 1 VICTOR HUNTER tlf*8Kt.r~TIIB PHYSICIAN iJ v. no eet.iluu,' h Hunt, i?n I?, , cnta-v, No. ;t I) vl ?itin atr ? t. New York city, lit trait can n.> mukuU,d from S A M. until If e???-k at uigbl, at the oal etllce. A private Viv.,.me. , b ,ok lor nothing. | M 'ORTANT TO KIM ALBS?DR. THIERS, Otl HE 1 I "li ltroadway. 8 ml a red a a up f , hem,if, I Al l s CAN CONSULT DR. POWEltsT 12 ItAIUirr 1 ( . | .'t i w i,it HI,I? I elett *u ueaf un a I p. pl.t,ma. He I <e,-t an.; it, P, wale a ctll aud yu , w,ll i.c.ot rogreltt. A, ? ?m? tor eon l m n. vo CURE No i at-rV r kf?6'"*w. dCRTrL!! a uritiMe, neuralgia, gout tlreixy. ami all ehronla tit - a * ? ,,h a no* ehemi ?l m i el, < r? at apt it'' e. a,, , mei i r ???. itod I,,", the a,H,"a .... t , N , a7 H, nrr-1, New V r* 1>B0FB"tR0R RBSTF.LIt !?'.'? TI AM P, CAN 'J be ? ou* ? I i . \ , j $itm% N. T. lu i. v kg?. 1,1 V . ATTCSWaiBYTS. N18LO 8 GAROH*.?SUMiPKB SEASON. F' reweil an ??*?* t of __ , Silt JOIN U.>Xi.\o, Prior to his i!<-; i n for Ru rope ili 'Hi ia V KVI-.S ri J.ily 2', l-tt, TilE i OI.l.KKN liA N, MAflWfiorii' cast <>!? CU utA' ns'ti w K OakDEN TilEATKB Al i.D.vr A* U.i)UuUN AND EVKNUU. im?i pcrfortaan ? n tne . .ed.a.i Omul .Kir--* ?MI S .1? LIA uAl' rm 'ui, . 'i"' iciiik i ilo'i or , ih p u'l? " r- "???? ' p QA' ttii I..P 1. iierick BAR.1 .v..l'"' ??>"?i??., mo great > on. y . our fkma.e AMi.ia .'AK u ?in, Ail tit'W itt! tt?J Tilt in: sM> ^KATINU m K.VK, ' " ti U?r i 1 aa u* 9. I At? ft A KLKNaa'S lilhi.iHR, 1J LfiH 6<'. * Ml * M Iffi ? Miifli.ttll bta,.e Manager \h, A if lvuw, , ? L.trt t M ,HT *?'" public are r-ape u 'ly i?. in eon-*s-ue ot Urn uuninoiH thai onti u not o u a.mot oc as e.i. Big, on th* mx .a on o 4L-?. 'mji ,j tu, ticket* purcluu u u tl.iB evening, und t o .tl.-mor.. .? tiou b.-atu.ieU u; on Mina M igKlg MUol .1 ? re ' u,? Til lbs i-.ileoi Fun hon. it will. i.y n, . y. this eveu n , !><? ng c us. night of .11,sn j i ... jiu an u? succeae, ul eiiinm, r reason. LAS. NIGHT OF TUB SEASON. J. tsf NlCJli 1' OK THE n. A ON LAin NlO T OK THE S.'.ASON. FANl HON THE CUD Km. FAV' HON, THE CRICKET KANCJloN, "THE CH.CKLi'. XTIXON'S PALACE OF MUhIO, IN ADJOINING THE 1,'llr. . ORNE GARDENS. First and only PATTI MATINEE, Ami lost appearauoe In t ouc, to-uay. G1RANO fatti matinee TO-DAY. t ; 1Kb. AN ' ONLY O.N'S. HER La i a; . E.UtANLfi .. IT ONE. THE LAUulIINO . ONC lUi. NICiii'lNOAXA At Niton's Palaca o M io VfADAME STRAKOrt. H, KrOrtOICB AttUA VANI A KB X?1 l'OIIHE 1 Have all kludly Tolunierisd 'or the OltANli l'Atll .?AflNRK, A' Nuoa a Pa c- o! M .sic, t. (lay. rpifOMAa BAKER A Nil ALL HIS ORCHESTRA A . tu-nv .. hp OLAND i AT'fi ,v Alls ,14. At Nimd h i'' or Mu.ic, i. day. ISABEL OfTRAS. ct ,S ! v TUELBb ? XIMENES, WHlETOKK, Toe aisMksn nnd Frenoh B? it C m m.j bare all Vmuuti'ered Io ti. ? PAT IT MATINEE, At Nixon's PuJa o. M sic, to-<!ay. XTIXON'S CKKMOK.NE flAltl'EN, JlI PaL.1i li ul Ml SIC, eg, ecituian scnaoin Fourteenth arrert aud Sixth av- m.e THIS SAIL..OAT, JULY J# 1_ At 2 o'clo x. Lisji'S ut<en ui i. GRAND PATTI MA1T .EK. HER Filt er AND ONLY ONF. m n LAST APPEAR INC BUT ONE, On wlilcl. o acnn all the g-emt srurt. I,av< .. ..? ro luntecred tucir valuable soi'vices, in< r et to make tuisi^tr formauco an o ? .ou iot.. TAl.ENld OF THIS GREAT ARTIST. MMB. HTR ...O-CH, 1RAS..L C IAS, SI .. AKUAVaNI, till. nUhi KlTL, CisTa T 11,1. El R, LO CI ti K ToURvAimi, XIMENES, WJI1C I'OEK, MR. tUOMAB BAKER AND His ORCHRtiTKA. ALL THE Si AN I 11 MALI fcT COkT/ N - Al.I. THE EvL'ES'iKtAN ART1 vTS. ALL THE GENTLEMEN O. LOTH yj xiC. LEtil'RA. PATH IN AU'hKR S LAI HINT HONG. PA PIT IN MU.'.IO .V NIUUTlNGALii ..oka IN THE EVENING. AT V O'CLOCK Lass appearance if C .RLoPiA vJ'TI. Lust upp. aranoe of MMB. . TIlaKOBOK. Last apiicaran.e of SXG. ARUAVANI. La t app 'Oram i- of SIo. DULBBL'UL. IS'.BKL CUIUS AS VKNUs COSTA TIIELBt tf end STHIETOFF In a n -w Pao. CUHAti anil AiklENEti In B French 1'oe do Lens. TliOMAo B.lKER an 1 uie Orchestra In a new selc?ti?B ct Protucnn ? Maxlc. LEVI SIIO.tT, EsU.'S, i.REEK FIRE IN TH14 FIRE I ODNTaIN. MME. TOURN.ll At. AND ALL THE L JTESTRIANS. Adinlseioti to tuo whul , to each ptirioruieuce, i'i cento, ltoeci ved - eats as uai.ttl. The OarJen open to-morrow (ti indiy). at S o'c'ook, for Ppb> m nude ami liufrocuiueot. M. TOPHOIF and C. LB K.lNN are engaged. XJIXON'ti PALA ,E OF MCtiiC, . JLl Adjoining C. einorim Garden, Fouttve .iU street aim ti.vth sn audk HATUivDAY, JULV 1., itink, AT 2 H'CLOCK, FIRST ANH oNLT PATTI MaTINEE, Oil wblch o v hi. n Mm*. STRAKOSI H, ISaI'.Ec, CURAS. tilg AIlDAV* NT, 8lg. DKBREL'lL, Jli.a. CoSTA ITiLL. UR tilg. XI INoM. M. WHTEI OFF. Mr. THOMAS B.VKER and n sINlliisA BLE Oltt: .EtiTRA n ? 'let, HAVE ALL KINDLY\OLUNTEEHED PRICES AS USUAL. NEW BOWERY THEATRE. Sole prop, l.'inr ........Mr. J. W. Llmard Satuidny me ing. Ju.v l'\ 11 C. FtstU main of lb* American tragedian, MR. E. EDDY. NEW VERSION. NF.W VERSION NEvV \ EictiioN, NE-V VERSION or JACK SHKPPARD. JACK SHEPPABD JA( K MiEl'i'.tRD. JACK tiliEI'.'Ai.D Mr. E KcDY ft' Jack si. ppord ENTIRE NEW tiCENERYj MA. INc.RY APPOINTMENTS. The best version of tills in.i lmg history ever udered to tkn public. _______ BARNl'M'S AVER CAN MUSEUM. LA.-I D..Y P '.ili'IVELY Of the Immense " oun'S it (f hoc .in Sesh, TuB aMEKh'AN UUi.iEUT, the largest man cv r xno n lie w igh #.'3 pounds, and men-till t II leet 3 luchvv round the bo He may w at all hour.-. THE HOLMAN NATIONAL OPERA TROUPE Oiveentenainm ntxai .iatul7'. o n.cA P. M. THE CONNECTICUT GIANT Oli.L. 9 fbetIK mcbe round th b*?iv. and weln' eltron's COMMODORE NUtiti rtEAl TIKI L CAR IAUR NED, THE LEARNED SE tL. D. N OF LIVING ''ONtiTEM SERPENTS, THE A?UAKi.tL GARDEN . Admhuu n to a'l only M ct nts; dtll ren under ten U ceBtm BRYANTS' MINSTRELS. M ECUANL S HALL, 472 Hmndway. ftho* fraud sti eet.?Tne public are respectfully lnformeu that U.H p- p? It r llall WILL IIE CLOSED artor th* 5th of July and will r ?>] ? n th* lSth of Augiist. With new Stage Scenery and entirely remodeled. BRYANT ItKOTHETE. \\TALLMK.n. IT EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT. MR. AND MBS. MaUNKY WiLLIAMS, MB. AND MRS. HAR.E .' V\ I :.LlA.viS, MB. AND Mils. I?A .NET WILLIA.'iS, MB. ANU MBS. BARNKV W1ELIAV8, MX. ANU MB BARNEY WILL. .ma, TIIE HOBl.ll K! NOW:<E!? ? IBIMl liOY ANU Y AN i\ KE GlHL, HAVE IN THE HOST UKNKK US MANNER TENDERED TuKlK VAL. ABLE SERVICES KOR THE COMPLIMENT > BY BENEFIT OK MR. ANU MRS. W. J. FLORENCE, MR ANI) ViKH. V . J. Kl.OAK.Nl K, Mil ANU MRS W. .!. FLORENCE, MK. A -1? MRS W. J. Kl.OiKNvK, MR. ANU MAS. W. .1. FL'JRi.NiK. Monday evening, jui.y 21, 1..2. MON.'AV EVENING, J I/' 21 1 '2. MONDAY EVENi.NG, JULY 21, i.Sui PARTIES UES.u NG ?E .!*? MAi AAllU 11BM UPON Ai ILICA.ION TIIE BoX OFFICE ON SATURDAY, I TU IN^VT. AVOOU'S MINSTREL HAUL VV 614 BttoAuWAT, 61* Opposite Ui? S.. >i hofiie Hotel. 11ENRY WOOD so u ?? n .in tor and Manager CONTINUED SUCCESS Every evening du< in. iIt"- ?e? k moods minstrels. Epb. Horn, C ar! ;. hre a ilimur, (Viol While, Rk ki'i A eo.o, Henry Percy, Be, In m ??' Son.*. A t?, L'.-n ????, Ac. Door* open 11: rommenct tclu clot*. AdtnUaion 26 een ?. C' EORGE CHRISTY S MIN'STU LS, r 610 HROADWAY, Op) ..kl!i M. tri p, i nn 1(01*1. GEO. OHRtSTY . .1. N. HK1..GN, Lummx'* A Proprietor*. UKORoK CHRISTY IWv km.i|,? J.N BKIGUH Hunine a Man.iger nml Treaaur** Wednesday, Jity lit, And etc > . v> n. (taring th week, THE KAVOUrt U IRI'KITli REEVES, mat II. AOi.i N .' AND t.ORWIM A run Overt . - Toe cr. ra ? i. uoa,' lliUier w* Come." from the per* pf the "H ?h.wtrf'*.'' GEORGE CIlHInTY and W RUlNt.TcN WTL1. SINd IttO NEW t.R'UlN L .ONUS. THE BEST BAM) IN THE P UUKSSlON. AND THB lOULEsl HOI Ml IN THE lliM. Ailml*alon 26 ? enla No h i ' |> n?. I'o.irt ajipti ?t 7. Utirtkln tt ?. S j i rolealy,* Saturday ail, rnoou, Jn.j If, at a clock. I AURA KEENER T1IEAT t F, FOR KENT-FROM J Monday July 21 lorn - >i . i so. n. Km ter.r* .(?_ ?Pl'ly by loiter to LAURA KERNE, 51 Bleecaerwr-et. The holm an oiera troupe tv anted, to tr t r I a girl mmi It) to It t%. . ol o.o M.,t , . ia, ... a g'?o I vol. e. Oue Willi t.ka be k upon the aik ? lm;err*d. Apply netwren 10 aud 12, to Mr*. Ilolwaa, linear J IIu.ol. any. nAIL THE GLAD TlDlNiA. I'll'' l'ro| 11 iA* ul lltti Cm ialaw Cabinet of Word 2> Mil UKOADtVAY, atj BROADW at. (Neil dn?r *o Bnil A Bin ka), Have ntade extraalv* addition.. to their already fam.aa m TUe p ii.lic mat there new aeeai*bt*?' a truly nupi rli, kMiiiinitiiik, atautlmx nitu natutilal'lnc kin Tli ?e HUM.elloiin Kv.elull.inn of Nat ue are truly Item 'liui. and coitki*' oi everything Wok' erim, K< ruu. iiiA'V. M,1*1** Hone. T'rrltlc. Marv.ninu*. Eveli ne, Surprialn.:, Kiqi*r?lt? tl orloua, C?r(*'ia and Bmil-laaplrlftfl Loo" at i-e greet and only ()< etu In the tverl I: eite t? indeed perfection, and un. preeedented lor aiaee and Keiitlnia? Bea ny. Open tor g iiU. reeu onlv Ipun 10 till iu. lit AT ATTRAt fid v'R TN THE CELKBRATRD I RU.K Vjr F.aav at the Sh lea. IS K* t H ? *.!??,, f ??> t tl?y an . sa mdky e nt - t here i.e he- i?l ??In e rlly t an be b ard. THQB MONTGt'M KKT; P , IdAot TLTOTICE -ETHIOPIAN PKRFORMKRB. VOCALISTS, l\ Ilull . I a, yu.'ia- ek .d tug ? n ,a , * fTirtkeen nln * *a 'n Hid A'Uirtcan Mialo H 11, 4*1 Hrnn i*nv. whl editrea*. by .? (<?., on u bn' AnguM 1, |vi j etkting leruieand '| elHIckt'oti . 1 arl ? receiving u? hihiv, .? will con Uer Ihewiee'Vee en no ' ? ml. RiAltkHl' W. Ml TLKR, Proprietor. J C' tiTUII TERRIER IIOO-IP YOUNG, 1U PK. AND A 0 hi ?t rate rat i r, rro In be pntrlmaed at A tail t r .e, for 1 . h. A 'dreeeO H. I) . Herald o4A<?. . Gill \T HANDICAP SH 'OT THAT W IS TO tr . ? A; n ,i> i it, t 2 i t ut, r.n the F *) n . i i po t. >r. . u..,.i Jlvn ,?? li\U, a. -ijj I w %