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Tl .n rnswi . T.1AHIUO.N FIJBA* umilf.VO ASSOCIATION I1 TUUBBDaY. ?? j,j4, . ?S... ???.? " rllMllTf" ? HcUaa). in ' ?h'* J * *! WU#Lo'if. Owmt, Mkii v . ^ . ... . .Genera. Ha'dcek. Owner in ii ji, . H *'?i Willi, "itouu day .111 1 ?' 1 tnn-s. JO . I* 11 CKOOHERcN. Manager. F .1 ? SHK IN" E - KK ... ND A S U _T <>.N. - PW0A-. h ?* r f :^rv.?Ai M'> ',?kU be I s I'. ?' "? ? currying JM t.^r flit >v ouru'l, nam ??. Bi. J;-* j{ V^iLm W.'* ? U.;, sJirmua U'"-a lU> ?5'oSjs'l'1' I t 'KOOH K HON Manage* IIOHsl.i, CAKH1AGKS, AC. A TIP mr H' F(. E SALE?A DEAD A b.rgaiu. Ca. ally u ?-a mil to ? -cure bin. ;U 110 last T * < thi .. mi? i, r ?r where lie mm be sc. u at a BhU TIITL YOUNG SORREL H0R8K, FIFTEEN A bunas mgb; ? ranted sound an i nte; ha- l>? n ?a. ! ..Illy I t: ? r 'h< a. idle, i t i111 do very w, 1 n !i*. (aalwriievrrycvtiili this or ne?t ? cok.. Addi .m K.. u. t 4,1kg t'o*. A number of neat hi zyr ? wagons of ev.-ry style .'distu Iv mi ... i. ' u. so. .e s -o uid hand Wagu s .u good ur.l r i.'-.-up. hlaWABTH wagon fci torj , Fifty-third street, toiweeu Broadway and E.gbth ?venue. C1AUKIAGES AND LI> IKT WAGONS. I A hue as u, line. t . inn** riot m.i se and lr-h o. .beat MINER A STMT E3ih\ 7- . >r T i ' . r striet, i.rst <teer cast . Br. a way. C1ARRIAGE5. 1 VO HCM>UE1> 11 1 FAMILY J K? c aw.I V. Up and 0|ru it .e :?.?? ... -i. depot and sailioad o grocers'an ft' ... -s \\ on*. t... 11 r-.s ami one bum..el sets of liar or a.. at ig Nevlna all eel and la* Fulton at en in, . ~ okl} . (NARRIAllES?A SECOND ITAND DOCTOR'S PHAB J ton a strung Lamer ; Wag..11. a v. ly light leather op Bojik and S light road W a, very lilt a t.and: one i ?..t tw o heat I'd act, u, Ac., at al 1 > iiltS .V aAiiTit a, SoLldnuge atr et. EOR SALE?A BEAUTIFUL HAMILTONIAN MAKE, 7 years old, dars bay, black legs, stands 15 hands ii her high, is a superior roadster, and warranted sound a?d kind in every particular. Also aB ton b?ilt Godtiurd gt) 1 op 11 gay, almost new, audio p rfect order. Ca.. be as. a at Cunningham's staole, 115 Ua row street. For sale?a black horse, g years old, war. ranted sound, kind and gentle, and toi.ota mile in J Minnies; is also an excellent pole lv r e; together w lth a -p en A d shitting top Wagon, mane by Dmcnoury A Van Duwr; Also a toree-quar er beat ligul road Wagon, by same uiuk, r, with Harness by Lowuen; nut l.ttle used; will lie bold sepu sate or together. A dres-. Establishment, ile.a.d ottiee. For bale?a good family horse, sound and kind, free from all tricks or vice, suitable lor any busi ?ess. Price $d6. Also W agon and Harness. Apply at oo ?hrisiopber street, near Fo .rib. For sale?a HANDSOME COUPB HORSE; HE is a dapple grav. over .G hands high; exchange him lor a :ower j r.c, a m r; . Also one us....soma Posy lor children; price $ 5. A!.-o one sori.'l llo >?; gr. st etyl i In notion; price Al?'- To be seen at the carpenter s shop, ,tj Oreeuwich avenue. TjtOR SALE?A BAT MARE. ABOUT 14 HANDS HIGH, f kind in all harness, suitable lor the road or saddle; travels gond; also s Sorrel I'ony, 15 hands high, that can sel dom be equalled fur good qualities. Light Wagon and Har ness fur sale cheap. Inquire al 551 Eighth avenue. TPOR SALE-PAIR OF DAPPLE GRAY HORSES, J* about 15.ta s, warrante ' ?ouud and kind la smg.e er double harness; wou ,i be sold singly 1; desired. Inquire ?f K CAMPBELL, saddler 5U Fo. rth avenue, or at Cnker hUl A Fleet's stable, 54 Lafayette place. ? For sale-an elegant bay mare, black legs, :al, Alia mailt!, iti hands higU, sound ami kind lu ail harness, stylish driver. a wagon, suitab:- for a physician. InijUite at No. 5 E.i?t Was:,iigi> a square <Woos Mr street t, mo doom from Fourth itr ci, In tin rear. "EH>R SALE?A BEAUTIFUL SORREL FILLY. FOUR X? y>?rsoid, 15 i aods high, long tall: raised In Virginia; beat running sio k: son: by a; in United states army; ?wnrr Milling not wanting". Appiy at 4b Ba ar . street. ITUR SALE- A BAY HORSE. SOUND AND KIND, BE J twevn o ami 'J \ ears oat; ..anda high, go. .4 lor sin gle or double harm so; -old fur ? ant of use. Appiy at John Sons livery Btaoie, No. 16 Fear: street, near the Battery. POR SALE-A BAY HORSE, 18 IIAND8 HIGH. Li>NG tail, nine yearn old: lot Style and good drlv-r t auuoi Lai aavpaased in the tRy; a lady can either or dnve him. OOti be seen for twodave, or a nil cold at the comer of Se venth avenue ami Sixteenth street, in the feed store. CR SALE?A LIGHT BABuUCHE, SUITABLE FOR the country or p?rlt; als , a close Carr age, suitable lor Ing. they will 1 e s...d cheap, ax the owner tms uo lurther nee for them Appty at Tin a. N'ortU' lively stable, lib Can tea p.ace, near Sis th avenue. "??OR SALE-A GOOD SECOND HAND, SHIFTING TOP Jf Buggy Wagon and Harness, in good ord. r, medium ?[hi and full spring. W.ll u- sold cheap. Apply at No. 1*0 uipsou street, prirat- ambles. R SALE-ONE COACH, ONE IRON SAFE, ONE Wagon, uo top; one Koskuway wagon. Into! Rope Mat Inquire Of E. AYREs, lid Nassau street. BWR SALE-ONE ELEGANT COUPE ROCKaWaY. JL James H. Brewster, tusker, for one or two burses. To ' Jj seen at the private stahle 61 Huc.son street. Huookea. Will he sohl very low, the owner having no use fur it. WOR SALB-A NICE LIGHT ROAD WAGON, IN JC (bod order. Win oe sold cheap fur the want of use. APPl- lor two dayaat 2.-1 Grand street. New York. 1POR SALE CHEAT?A PAIR OF DARK BAT CAR 3. rlae Horses, ISJg hands huh, long tail-, H >ear- old. ?>M en accusal o: tnc o-.vuer going to Europe. Inquire of M ELuEKD.-. Nos. 4 ana 6 f-...s: Twenty-eighth street, ; Horses fob sale.?a iiandscme bright bay Mare, 1(1 years old. well bre?l and last: a i n? breeder, OTd will be sold low. Also a very stylta.i gray saddle Horse, Sysara old, a saperior sntuial. wel> broken to all warn ess. bud sold only lorn ante use. Apply to WM. D. ANDREWS A BRO.. 414 Water street, N. Y. SORSE, WAGtlN AND HARNESS FOR SALE.?THE horse is sixteen halt s high, en or oars ebesuiut: is d and gentle, nan trot very las , .s 'lx years eidand?erv aty Msh. Apply at Cuumn, t arn s sub e, 11, Borrow street, Livery stable for sale?an old stand; seven years lesse, dotun a good busin. s>; rem low; yaem ae? new ; stock all In good order; boraea on Uvtrj now Rylng $170 per month , one or the lu-st e, sn S In tnecity. at but a cash customer need apple, or g'Snl security. E. A. BUNCB.No. J City tlali place. l.'LEfl FOR SALE OR EX. IIaNGE-AT A VERY low ague; a trod pair, with barttea-, ? ulte l for all nds of work; have lately been :*rd on a tartr.; tnc own, r Mas no use for mem.?! n julre at S.8 Jay street, neil tadoruer af Myrtle avenue. Br e .tyu. SECOND HAND HEARSE W"ANTED.?THE A?WRK User, having cnaatant and in.m. diste u-e for a ?rse, would like t.1 porcbuM'the -am - Irotn any parses having o r in g,.<?l ..r.|-r they >an re outOlentC The. ?ewes! style s Qui a, so much Imi onun- e a? a d"Od snbeta-i Mai vehicle. Pike Dot to ex ee<i cf-0. P'-rsons tiavKiy, a ?atuble article , ill pl*Mae state condition* of iho isut, ad asaaaed Immediately to lam-> Ryan, llarmid olhc 7 CANADIAN HORSES FOR SALE CHEAP OR EI Chang*-, troti, Ito 15 hadd- high: 'ro.M 4 tee7 yenrs aid; warranted sound And It.rut A; ply at the coraer cf ^arteeath street and Tenth avenue HUGH L\HttS M kin. Luvr AM) KOi \L?. A BLACK AND TAJH r-Ll T LO.*T-A.VSWKK* ?C the ntiti'* ul Jnn. Had on a I- <l.i r rotlW. Around :ho e.lg.- Any n i^iu, v.BiWi Hin will i* r ..r^bn it^r H. I on?A XKIlljlUMUL H BOOK, WITH THE NAME , i j;id sAdtHoa ui the nt r v r.t. n in?i.:??. coeu..iiiii? i*.' per*, Ar., or uu I*** diary v.oir, Kiel. |.ro noljr. In tue tiara, 1 aomins trnrn N.-.tarfe The smler *ul?i..i r iftotriM he lewar.iei for his trouble or Ar. m; It with -tie .i.i.wr. irt C. E. illUhUuLIi A CO l.d Watr street fl_ y. LOBT-A RP8HKT VAL1KC M lKKKH l OCBLAND. 191 i Wrr. Twenty-eiati A atr?.l. Tbe flnler ml. be I ??? Tally rewarded "y laniraioj j? to llem? U Utx.ui, Uil .JfcnMwar. 7 OflT-fN OOfNO PiOr IM'JNOR 8TRRET TO U, JlJ cbanx" (Hece, id a Broade r v ?dagw. ? n (fen Zl*t maa From thence to CortianAl arwi for y and then (? a *;a*e to KrtntA street, by * lady, w wotte fw> ?rl Porteinaanaie, wit talnlng one $10 hill on the ll*u?,ejr Bank, two bve d,.| ar Tr. a-ury llc.Vi., a one do bar tail and loatage atamp A llo eral reward will b<' gtren on Ita return to Ad iinaBt C. U THOTHINOHaM, *?3 Broadway IOHT^ON TL'ERDAY EVBJflNO. ABOI'T in O'OLO' K X m Broadway, belwet-a Taylor a u a-town .iieo n and Ho ,aton M/III'I MB lrory Fan. emhelluljed wi.h hlneea 1. :? i ? A illieral reward w.i, tie tal'l 11 1. it'.rlth T. B Jinm, in Uie 'HMikatore, Hi Broadway. JU9T-A BANK BOOK. NO. 1W.17I, 0." TUB BOWEKY J S. m j* Sao a. TliJ nr.'er vis piea*e leoee lsaiit.9 . Ones Wish alrtet. 1 t,r-PRUBABLY IN A I H'iAOWAT KTVJE. A (MUM Ix Ktna, m rut, rhri- w orn, and on tar In.ide, "E. fio n V 1 * a liberal reward wail be psidln tlie (Imler in M-atlna It at tM Fourth an one. 1 UBT-ON Tlif-IIAY NKHir TUE 22O UUTANT. A Ji 'Nty librae, w|*it long Uil o t 11 hand* In. 1 without ai W.I te marts: la.t men in Elgti'-u amine an*1 Ce?t ,i| f"* HA'.ijipwfBf'la A.sil.itii aire. t. AJJy ftrr*<>n n turning aim to M tVe.t Thutleth a raet wtd rout-Jre the Harm.* oi lb.- owner and expei/ae. I O-T-ElTIIBH I# BROADWAY, HUB KLKYKNTH Er *JL "r Kln?. uta Wi n, i.e'ween Broadwrj ?ud ?RneenlR *>? m?- a battle ot I, e, * ranged In u law I, I" !!*" I1 ,.r"" "'r ,vl" Writ ? a era] ivwaitf by liA* j. ..I No lib i|V u aveno", tulrd .it jr auove T-v -?'>? ?? MM1 t. ' ^1'" "* fiUO ;y, i-T'l F OM | v,-;K HoV'5. J ,. i r, tie. w....? | >?-.?>a,; bad Fl'iy ? li 'tre-tg .1,, . one -lea htr r.?B Mar . ?,r -, ?? , .trioy hail !'? .1 II I w..lie !<;?. Ml. bl?t ? were.1 it .r ,, , ,? jfa. . oi him,, .i ,al. , A avn, made bv Hru *?? y,', Kium, with.luae oo e|irild|?,walled thorough lira.. -d' Al.o I., v lib eoiali ?d atrti" letv r K ne ? te T. ,? wtli i-;or.a thr eaoir ^h-tll beAditao y r . ,ar , L ,t iwj?i gf HKV.AftUi. BK? ABI>-*0?T, ON THE 2IHT jri,y 4 N tun Oo?. betwe-a L iiy ?" l i ? OreeawKh aireeC Wh.oer lei lauw aaid rt .g y ?irwi -ill raaait ? '..eaiMi..' roward. S?> Ug*'AKl>-dTBAl Li>. CW TUT !tf? INhJANT I ?A [manUu.1 .ami - .a mi ill Hiaitcu r troi ia., "are aa.i lai). Auawere te the uam.- o N o ?. w . * l irer .eturua Ho-aarm* to No 17 Lauree* eurwi it'.dve i llo $1. ia "i REWARD?LOUT, ABO' T 9 Y W. ON 1' E<i> ,Y II dm, III Un v. ,f, ly ,1 P h er'.h . r. ". ai. I . ta re lie, a end tan TMile t>.,4 ? rIJ, ? u tii. ul'i ?rt, w. r* to toe m ? of tnah. fI ? >.b pm i ?n lelirery oi 'he do , ai . i IV ?? I . $10 HE'VAHO-1/,-T IN TL'EdliAY Rl'i. T.dO, ir*w i a, ? p.1 h or i ii n gi.,I Kudo, xiioe'?, ji> Th. l.uderwil re ihe ne n i* I ana X'l 0 ? < >. .e #? , I by r ? .III, I ? ? I.. J t ?r.a Bbili'.urr Aor?rr of h . it, ? re? i i: ii f' TJ".. . e;. )' HEW Mill V WOLI/ , iR NTltAVlD. "'N v nyf S* ,'a ) oa/i the 2lat J Iia t , f i'lt the at , II on.,, : '> '.Klr-oie, (IrukfVt h? . . . i.1, at t, .<?, iiun herof art,4. *Vf tt/ < ere rdug t.,? o. t ? Join. - l?ay. 1# Pi i.; ? s?v, , ! r lite *, (rw^d, ww ro adoelibMMtt i. f.OAKOIYU AMD UDD'.I ?. 4 T NO *t WEST FOURTEEN rii * T?U? iif, BBTA tKS .A Fifth a J htxili ?v?uu??, deai:V |? i: us, en suite or angle. willi BainL Keiereucts exv'aai.ged. * handsomely furnished front parlor avt> J\ Ucdroom mi - con ! - o v .ils.i -a ' <? " an., Bi. Inr.i cu third ihtur to id with But.-j, t. 'audit voi . ugle a cUe eu Apply At 10c Hart Fo'.r tenth struct. l HIGHLY RI'Sl'lCC itULU GERMAN FAMILY, ?Y ?c py ,ug a tl si ww bo i- el 20 Wo.,t X.nth .-Lcei, be i*v*n Fuih ana Sixth av.n <??. would let a few ii.ti'y furnished Boo.ns, with exeellsut Board, to -InJo v. ut e.ueu, - r genUem.-u ami t uetr wives French uiil Eugrsh spofcen. exchas ed. A handsomely furkj pir vu urn room to let. With or wiiutwtt ?ar one > > s ..In gle g-uilemm, '.n ? respeelauie pi ..u!y, wli i - t >re are no oil er boarders. Apply 5t , U7 West Tweiitv-Uflh street, be ween Seventh .in J Eighth j? ru.- e l HOUSE, NEWLY FURNISHED, IN ONE OF THE J\ c olest locations in this ulty, pi wnuit roaoia, Lent f Boar $H 3d to $??. A, ply at til Twelft.i street, t a r Fourth avenue. ATM BAST TWENTIETH STREET. NF.AR BItt>Ar> ia 'vmv P aril. A eery pleasant ma. ate priie. front Room fur a gentleman aun wife. Aitoa Ltdiooiu, su.Lahle for i an i e getit.eiiiaia A tirxt class hone . auil a most d. - eirahle loeatTen. i SI'ITE OF liKOSOMBtir FURNISHED ROOM" .V on aecon I Hour; also u siiiu Room, with or wit.m l full . r jiarna; Board. Apply at 2d Ka?t Fourlt emit el ? >t, between Broad way and Fifth avenue, nearly oppodte Union square. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE OR TWO OENTLBMKN i ait obtain a plea mil lto-uuoti -eciuid iloor, ail it a , ou very reus : able r .a. The 'mine contains th- impro' e in nte, aul s r .. , phi-laud oomfortmble. A amail k n .1 i. xsnt ? ,.iu a |4perwneh. App.yat?"2 ?aatVwoix li< ib drect. n ar .second avenue. I HOTEL,?FRAN KFORT HOUSE. 2liU AND 202 U IL i\ i nn. . orrti rof Flunk u t street, one oloc..east oi C't.y H ill: neatly fur shed, l'pht alrv Rooms; 25 is nut per ? ay, ti per week. House open all night \T 122 NINTH STREET, A FEW DOORS WEST OF Mrumiw.iy, a ge Reman and wife, or single i; utle men can abtiiin pleasant Rooms, wit , Board. The house contain* the modern Improvements. A SMALL FAMI1 Y. . OCT PYIM1 A FIRST 01 v house (2S \\ st Fourteenth etu i t, b l . c. II rlfin ami Sixth avenues), will li t a bavlauimdy 1 .. i It. u'unt Riuini ami Bedrooui, roiiiiuuni :alln\ it h'slinl. A .? two lilue single Koouia, at ? .ere. pr ? e-. AOKNTLEMAN. WITH WIPE AND OU K CHILD, wis es boo i Hoard in a des.r..hl - I'd 1 y; W - I r trvni su- t i ref. iml, tvuii no other Im a uu . A p . ? fa, or widow owning, p leir. . t r s ,w th 1'uli luart.rulars, price, ar, J. La .r.:tic, II rani u.:. . ? 1 DY AND GENTLEMAN C.1N OBTAIN A 1!FAC TA t fully irnished Rioui, on the send r#v.Ti. lull Bom u lor' the lady ; hot and cold wain In the room, at. ni lure now ; bath, sua and clou ts. Ca.1 at 7t .Vest Nin tenth sir ? t. Mrs. F. I GENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD IN A yflET. KE A ?i> wb. fan.I v, where the com oris of a social home may be found between Tivenly-IL Hi uh I Tuirty-ufth aire, u, east side, and :n tl.e vicinity ot L vlnuton avenue preier eu. Auureas, parttcuutrs, J. At. 11., station F N. w Yors Post uflicp. A GENTLEMAN WISHES A FURNISHED ROOM, wuh Me?ls on Sunday ontv, not to eiceeo $ > p r wi ek. In a piessaui am iy.'belwetti S eouu and M?.h avenues ana Fourth and Tnruty-mxth streets. Eeiereu. s given. Ad dtesa box 144 lie raid olliue. And. 20 East twenty-fifth street, between and Fourthavi-nues, t legalit y in nislied Koums to let with ur witbuut ooaid, singly or en suite. A private table 17 i.esired. A YOUNO AMERICAN LADY, WHOSE HUSBAND IS 21 in me army, having no laniLy, will let a handsomely furnished Room to a .ady and gentleman, without ineala, ur w ih Board tor the lady. Uouae neat and i^uiul; iCKaiion convenient?61 West 13th street, near Sixth avenue. A YOUNG WIDOW LADY, LIVING ALONE, WOULD like to aeo-muimo .ate a gentleman ami lady w to a meely furni?hed l'tonl o ba. k Room; Board for Hie lady oaly. Apply u> Mm. SMITH, 153 Green street. YOUNO GENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD, BETWEEN health and Sixteenth streets and fourth utid S.xtb a. e n .es. Terms $4 per week. References given and required. Add. cm A., bos 2M H raid olin e. A A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED PARLOR AND BED ro .m on nrst Poor; rl u a single Room to let to a fami ly or sinele gentlemen, with or wimo..t dkiaru, at modern:* rates. No. 44 West Tiventj-Orst street, near Filth avenue. A HEW HOUSE, MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, PLEA ?ant Rooms, with excellent Bo u d, from A! M to 85 per week, 1 amines ac. ordingly, at 178 Bleecxer st. eel, aix biocxs west of Bioudway. Board.?rooms to let, with board, in a very desirable location, near Fifth amine; apartments forlauyand g. ntlenian, or stng a gentlemi o. Pleastnt rooms and excellent Ret ere noes ex changed. Apply at. No. 87 Clinton place. Board.?eligible board for an invalid or lauy expecting to jequire medical care, kindness und home attention. No ehiiuren or nuaruers. For location, terms, Ac., apply to or address Dr. Thiers, 1,217 Broadway. Board.?a widow lady living quif.t and be tired, has a ne?liy furnished Robin to let to a la., ..r gentleman. A genteel and unlet party in search of stun a p.B'-e will hnd it at 81 West Eleventh street, u- ai the Filth s veu ue. Board.?house and furniture?a lady would rent her furniture lor toaru; house pleasantly located, wot of itnd near Broa Iwi.y, oetween Bieecser and Euhtii streets, boarder-, wou.u reman; or would let It to a party of xent.emeu. Rent Stiuo per j ear. Audi ess Mrs. M. D. If . station A, Spring st eel. Board can be obtained in a private family, In tie country, by addressing 11. N., box 33 bioomdeld Post oi. ei. Board in a private family.?the front and bs.-a Rooms, on se . ndllo.s-, .th ?n.i b-druoms ad joining; rooms i.n:urn.x-cd, terms mod rale; the Rooms will he let separately. Apply at 56 liauimun '. street. Board on Murray hill?a private family residing in a nrst . lass house, near to cars and stages, will let a I. w p.eusant Rooms, either luriu.-.ied or un ui nished, with hoard. All the eumiorie o. a home, with a liueral table, will he furnished at moderate prices. Call at 71 West Thirty-eighth street. Board in jersey city?a private family, hawing more room than they require, would let two neatly furnished Rooms, with or without partial Board, to gentlemen. Apply at 118 Mercer at e-t. Board wanted-by a young gentleman, for bimsell. w lie, iniai.t and Servant, in a private family up town, where no other boarders are or will he laxen. A good, with ior.ab e references. Addrcea, until 28lh mat., D vox 1 . ts-G Post oihce. Board wanted-in the house of a plain, re.-p-ctable lone . omen preferred, for a resi?ct-.bie yenng womau, whose husband is absent at the war; local on west of Bro idway. Address, Mating terms, whien must be low, F. P., Union square Poa oJice. nOARD WANTED?IN THE COUNTRY, IN THE . 11 v. iuily o. Str. k r'?Ba o. Spu.. len Dujrvli, -n the North river. Address U., box 2,415 New Yort Post olbee. BOARD WA MED -A DISTINGUISHED VOC ALIST (A la.lyj. -les.: i.g toen. a?e a pieanoLil. Room uu Board, Jn a desiiabe pan oi lb c.ty, would i-.y lor the wne, w..olly oi, oy glviug vocal i< tmn to oue or more pupils o. in- .aiuily Rest or.refer-n- eaiequired aud given. Address A. JJ. C., Unl-n square Pot ufiee. tjoabd wanted-by a young man*, in a private a) fa nl y. on the i am side oi Bowery, beiw.i n O an-, and Houston streets. Audresa, sutiiig tcims, L. B , box 18U llcr.ili oJlce. Board wanted?by two young, ladies <sis ters). In a ?i. aii, neat faintly, where ; ey can make a Iminc T.oygo out by tue day. Bcu-rence ,iven. can ue seen unt.leulvd. Call at or address 331 Sixth arentie. IfuAiDtNO.-TWO HANDSOMELY FURNISHED J> Eo.ii.ia, st 82 and $7 per we- k, suitable lor a genueu an lady, with Board tor the lady; family email and quiet. Apply at Ik! culilraii street. BJUiOXLYNe?TO LET. WITH BOARD, A SECOND slory :mr.. Roum, large, p.eaiutiil and . andMi . uf ?Alalia,!. suitable for two renil-nien or a gentle.nan end w| e. .Location within three mini tes' walk.of South or Wall street ferry .Apply at 5U State street. Brook.yu BEOOKLYN BOARD.?A PRIVATE FAMIiY. OR TWO grht.einen, can -e accommodated with I acs Pamr un tie-t floor ano fro tRoom on second Uorr, furnished,at S.'l Shite a-recti good Board; terms very Ww. Trsus.exithcard ?ii, taken rU.E(*AWr rt-KKISHgS.JROOMB. VQS SINill.E <15 S AM tlen.en rely, mt n Weat Thiri>?ci^l< b -.t.-eet, a id !.??? famine*. #k i Kitchen acJ Cellar, lu M->. 7' an,., meg. UoiV?r?flr- (U?? high atoup, Urown aton.-;. V,? ?.-n Bre* i wjtf miiu B*th avenue. i Gnutnou and |ti?M'? I'ar era. L'tAv ANT BOUIW?WKWLY KfRKIWM^;U?CAM ?t Hi .uij. with "rat laaa Haunt. al Mo. 147 H'aiV Fuuitempb at.*el (te'erein ea ei< hanged. UCBK'WUgD RU4.MK?KICX.COMFOBXM'LB ROOMS. H u?,' Akriirooma fv ama I rv%ectaoie randlic* or/ln?lej fe> iV-n.?,,i, iron. $1 U t-i pet we k, ai IS'. KIi.mIm-IIi ai'wl,' \ UM-y aa/' p.iiiKuUi ly adapted Lir jM-rami* wl-hi.,g i..p?r cheap aw t quiet. yUFilfMSKO ROOMS TO LKT-W1TII OJt.lClTIlOLT F |?u. <i. II d?r.. C,t?t>"H dr>lia'>le Call Ml *7 West Taein" a n- I. let'iocn Biu*'"ay and a. <h mi uiie. R- ef,?i ,ea rt-quir. d /"'EMTLKMBV ?A.V F1MP A COM I ORTAHl.K IU)V R U VV"eat Twi-nt i-./htu a art *S ? I fun lane I Roo na, aligle V cgliu e .a a'I ile' Mtr>pi|.i -h o?. Mi'.iia It <1 4i"''d >'.i.e ,lnc?t <>ti, ,.ei SttV-u aimur and Bnadaav. FMgugfcgfld KlHihlhfc'P neqdltei.. T? .ua iraa- JaMa. HAA'D- OMEJaV FVBLStWKU K O-.M JT'i I.e. " .. .? rm??met. ?H .imi lHi..r.l.A- 01 Iuurt.i r?u. i...r ir in Jtln h AUiai.'i, ionium pi.iiimij U. lvoa> a/ >a : neverm ? ry r.i!fx*J ll?? ? I > r O ' AM.' *7 Mi.O "JIB yl) 7.ET-TO -iB ? T' E >' A S |'i in ' ag.i; e-tttieiunp, ? h ?i ' ?? i ?ona , ? i i I'liru. e "railing aaefi'ia D'-e e'lila p'v imriie .a/ If at U - ? iu ra n li u. At rvji ? vsu-.M' ok . . s-T BO iflr> v J !-l '..ill i MMMi I ?-)' 1 'i ? (?#e ...:i ill :.I .1 a'i .la Wii'i . ? i'." rpal . and I en t|? ? it Anp'jr a'. M Ml ?' -? ,. "Mr it, oan ivnj. 'f.vro : r 'iu.v. i''srr noons, y."crit if a;w . I . li. i ii a . i ..a I a.? *.?)?*- jlag., .4 n . T in.i ai... tie-, i ll(b r PO LKT, M'fTH BwMRD?A PMM^AKT EH Ml'TtOl la <i Ml .!; ii'ai It <wu "i ?'U? . .. ?; ?' a- ii'. line I tor a ., - net "CO?i t A "".Mi,' 'AM. ROOM AH*. BIT). 't O -.ITU al'l.kRO, TO AO' MfLS..HA> A.VjO .'I S I a I n .. f I i ??? ] IIVI-I-. i m-'li? hut .a. N-. .iaI W *l Tvein - d Mi -I nr' r Se/eiitli a. u a, a i an I. O two il'Mim . f../ 011- ? . 1.1 i II. U^AATBIi irtO NfiKMiluKD KOu ^ t IN \ SMAI.L ? . ly, tig.1.1 id i' mil I, ? , ? r ? .1 ,i? , j [,,r cinaiJ'Io aa W. 'I tl. in, ,, t pn ? ,i . e. \Y p ,,,. nor hla 1 . " T? ri ill. nut i1 r , In,, ^ ?mi i,ii. - . , K?', i?i'C?i givta a id lequired Aui.reaa M,, bui)m Herald udice. w 79 93 !< VR - ? VG ANIJ f,Ot)(.iVO. -APLEASAirr ILL. I-HED t: OK. W TII !, fot-tu i eutiraa u. It. a pr ?'ef? oH tGer ii i: il>. Lota'ton uol ?bo?e Koiurt.euth sircst. A n 'it it. ; Ur At'., K. R., box r ! iifT.oe. I)(t is STBEHT-FURNISHED :-0MBT0LET * t tnsa . iily. It i an * 1 $1 to fly i*k. A! <? ... llstm a* 1 Koo us lot uu . ? ?:ep,rb at No. 1 Monroe ?t. et, ? ".!? V . nr i.e. u itkBM'i h ; r- no; s>: o :noHT "i , 4if near I ar .; a 8 .a of R.>" t a, |k sum .h i iu ae >i. , ? J> b> rit, ?ou.iu.e Ic a f?*t !y; i!?u ? (tut a 1 ft: geuttumeu. Din iter at belf-'r-mt Ore. K f- ? < in usd. QRBINK -TRKEr A^IVE 8' R.'N'l ALSTON _ _ U use.?Hi ?'iHiy I I suit* of Ho in-,, Croton mil rv ry ttsnvauien .ur hnuseke.-pUty economi cally; parncularly amiable let' suntd. reapeotablo families; r* nllovr MACDOUOAL 8TRSE* IS NOW OPENED A8 A and sniadftunlliesii do. b-at in.. ..*r.-* .e?ir>?us of ho ?ck ping au ioJ ?- . ry convent nee in theeooro eslablf linieni. Megls fn: ni*h illf desire ' 1 Kit STREET, ST. CLAIR HOUSE.?EUh 1 ?.IO gtvnliy rms.o d Rooms, win* Mnlrgv iu attaclnd, with all iuo convt eitut-ea lor housekeeping c-nnp te, >u eluding ;;a?and Onus una, to lot to respectable Tan iliee or single gentlemen. Q1A ELM 8TCBET, NEAR SPRING?FURNISHED ?11 ' ' At iirtiuen.s at low rente, with e?* v oi n eiitd tor housekeeping; beat u <td..ig auu lima, furu i ire anil cooking uietitUs, gas anil Cmlou. SUMMIIK KKSOUT8. Fowler house-at glbNbida lake, carmel, N. Y.t I SOU fa* t I I her I. it: : ot llnd-on rn r, SO miles from New Yo?-k by l&.t. . tlrood to Crotou Fa,Is, SO minute* 1 y stage, 14 ah - near, it use finely shaded, Inge tio. . r araei . one rauiote* ami drlre- good butU.n,, row.tig unci tishl n. V fewgnoc Rooms, ot first t nil second doors, ?tut.tile lor faui lies not a-pil. Re eruno ?1.1 BrOW" nell, With Bruoks UiOA, Bio dway, corner Grand street, EDWIN EOWl.ER. Proprietor. Take nocsE, islip. long island pleas \ntly j situated near bay ai d oc an, 45 miles from New Yo k, via Long Island lt.l iual. F nta or get. le ? n desiring hooil Rooms, p ease apply to AMOS R. STKl.LEN v\ ERR. rEA BATHING AT LONG BRANCH, MONMOUTH 0 county, N. J. T o M tropolaan Ho-, i now opeu. Ad dress J. U. a T. W. t Ool'LU, l'roprni re. _ rpiIK LA TO RK1TE HOUSE, BERGEN POINT, N. J ? J This a, !> rl Iainiiy Ho.vl wnl be eep oj eu until Octo ?r. Tu It e suits of family Roo os at 11 die ngaueil. and may ii ?'.] tor tit-- -eu on. Boats lea-e pier No 2 North 1 I ,-r at ; .1 2t A. M., n:id 3:2J. Add and ft o'clock P. M.; froni Dry street at 1 ?j 1 M ami i'j P. M. Tttue minutes. WKal BY \Y. H.'LL Proprietor. YV' BSTERN HOUSE, TOTTKNV1LLK, d. I.?ADJA V> , eni to tlie colebrnted i r Ba. tisbing groun-ls. This House has been newly buit, ami .snow op u for the accGtu l oilhtion of Country Boar lei n; few intnutes' walk trii i. the tern.inus of the Stat- n RaMroad and steam boat landing. EDWARD E. .MURPHY, Proprietor. COCJITttI KOiYV.D. A FEW TEACHERS, WISHING TO EN.IOY A COCN try home during v.cation, can ttmi pleasant ao-onuno dations at the l| village oi M ltoii, on the tluds .n, not d o its rural surroundings. For parti, n ars appiy at 1-7 W s ih rty-ei bib street, or addriss Mrs. II. Do t.ur.i.o, Milton, Ulster county, N. Y. Board at thkogg s xecjc-a desirable Kami iy can make arr.,n em n;s >ur the s ason at a lost class rcsi ence, extensive grounds fru t, a go*, stabuug and l atnlng ae- ommod turns tor on - or t.vo aingie gentle men. Apply at lb Fitlir avenue. Board wasted-in the country, in the yi deity ot New York, lor six to eight weens, tor a amity oi seven teniicincn ami la ies auu tv. o cltildr it. Gu< d ac com-nodatl-ins re pnred, ior wnicli a fair pnc-i will . e paid. Address by letter box ?,o51 Po-t ollice, or apply personally at g.-! Feny street. (COUNTRY BOARD.?PLEA. .IT ROOMS AND BOARD J may ne obtained bv a .entlcmiin ua l wife or . pa it. of singe xenttemen, 111 a private family in llie Villa,e of Y nUer*. Tbe lions- la we.l located, within a s..o. i distance of tne de pot and steamboat landing an.) beautifully rh,dcd. A .so, fine iruit trees on the place. Tenua m-oua ile. A-dress W., Youkers Post ollicc. or box 1.715 Ni w York Post o.iiee. CCOUNTRY BOARD?GOOD BOARD AND PLEASANT J ltooma may be bad, to.- laniiln s or Individ a a who wish to ecend a few week* in the country where I ere is plenty of t'luit, vegetable*. ,tc., in a healthy locution, and fine surroundingoeuni y. For particulars address Mis. L. K. Belduig. Dover, N. Y., or inquire of H. REEVE, corner td ( anal and Centre streets. COUNTRY BOARD?CROFT HOUSE. IN THE lUCHI* l.tndH, Weat Point. two miles irom Harrison's d pot. Passage an commutation bv all trains and strum boa s. One and a half nour from the city. Inquire at lul Pe.irl street. CCOUNTRY BOARD?DONADI HOTEL, NEW KO J cheUc, N. Y. Thi -spieu ud hotel ha* :.een entirely r. fitted, aou is -.e tanned :<.r amilies ..ud single gentlemen. Prices moderate. Near ra lroa.t and tie mb.*t landing. A good an . p.enul'ul ubic, uabnOad, fru i tr < s, Ac. FRIEND DON ADJ. (COUNTRY BOARD-FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS J can be accommodated w ub pleasant, nwy Rooms. In a pleasant. healthy location, three hours'ride on the r >a. ; 4 large shady yarn, plenty of all tunas of iruit, vegeta bles, in ilk, ae.: good, a line surrounding country, with pleasant drives. Relo. <*n<? given ari re |ui -u. Ter rs moderate. For further particulars address 0. II. Belding, Dover P.ams. Dutc .ese county. New York. /COUNTRY BOARD AT A FARM HOUSE IN WHITE \J Piains, hali a mile from depot. luquire of W. P. D., 135 Chi istte street, New York. nOfSTRT BOARD AT RIVEROALE. ON THE RANKS V-f oi tne Httdam?Only r.fteen minutes fiom the t hj, and a few minutes' wa.k frnin Kiv.-edalo or Mnusl St. Vincent station. Apply on the premises or at 37 West Thirtieth si. (VOUNTBT BOARD IN ROCKLAND COUNTY. N. Y ? J A few persons can he ac. omiiioai.-st-'d Willi Ron i u ??w miles from tne it y; a splendid and OouuniinlCatlun b raii ai times to suit business meu. Inquire oi STEPHEN i'ELL. Ai Maiden .lane. MUSICAb. AMAC.NIFICENT SEVEN OrTAVE ROSEWOOD Piano:orM for sale, round asroen, uritsl legs and ??se, lull iron n at-, overstrung i.a.s lias nil modern Im provement*, made toordir, cost $.K*1. for $250, ineiud ug ?t<s.l anu Aloe Pa: lor Fur.-.tu e alasoilfic- In quire at 113 Weat Twenty-third street, near sixth avenue. a NEW AND SPLENDID TONED ROSEWOOD t\ Piano, seven ocuxe, overstrung, carved leg*, anu a.l theitui linprovementa. A sacru.ce for cash. Ma e uy a first < | lit,, maker, and warranted for five years. No. 171 Ih.rd . li'bR SALE VERY CHEAP?THREE NEW SEVEN Jj uciaxe rosewood Pianos, unih -d in the \i-ry beat man* nsr, by i ity malte.ra, with all the late .inproveinenta. lie quire at 12(1 Eaat Twenty -eighth s.reet, beta, en Scond and Third avenue*. Ml'SIC.?*2 FOR EIGHT X.LSS0NS UN THE 1'I.YNO, mm pilvlteg* of piacllce; agoo l o| por u i iy lor th- se remaining in ibe coy during the summer. at 166 Tweuly-etaih street, between Scveiitu und Eighth avs MUhlf'?INSTRUCTION ON THE PI'.NO FOB TWO .olUisper month, with privilege o: dai y; a goo I opportunity to t-oxe wishing e learn. App.y lo or a. dres* Music, fig) Ninth avenue. STKINWAY A Sf-tNS- OOLD Y..EDAL PATENT OYER i-tniug grand an . square pianos bate - ecu aw ard d I he brtt premium wherever and w heuever exhibited In eou.peti ti'ui w ith the le-st makes of Bo urn. N*w tun Philadelphia and Baltimore, and are now eon?idered the best Pi.nee ifa uur-d A written guarantee for five ycais gi en wi.u each Instrument. Warerooius, No* 82 and 84 Walker street, near R runaway. WANTED?A CXKXD MUSICIAN, TO GIVE LI.SSuNH V t on llie piano; moat be a good per r. o e His would not o j et wo live a shoti ance in the oonirt, wh re eou.muiiicak.on can -c ba-l wit , urn elly, uy ra. road, i veral tunes a hay. Address Musician, box 12u Herald lib*. __ ?T -ft ?NEW SJEVEN OCTAVE PIANOS. IN ROME "JliJ'I, iron iraineaand o.e slrun; ? a*-. f?r |IN; do., with mournings. $160; dp., nl hearveil tecs aud inlaid with name board ilii. and (201); lo.. witn earl K. ys, $22.. and S26U: new t>S o. tave, $140 Tne a iovc Pianos art li t greatest bargains In ibe city. Second baud Piano* from $25 to $100. Nev M Olsons at y k?w p i? in. N?w arid secoii h?n<1 an<l Melodeona Rent attitWi'd f purv-iiiftMd. Muil'tny puvin III* PBCHIV : Itt * tin* HORACE Waters a rat. hp Broadway. ISMT0.UCT10JV. A NATIVE GERMAN TEAC. B.i, WHO BREAKS THE Kn^U-h lit.roily, w.ithn to *i-i' (it riiaaQ* ficnch ainl J-.un and miliar midu. 3'.;rui? muderaut. A ppy at (8 B.ff-ckt r mm*, 1 '1. ASS ICS A>/> lUTUl'MATIfH, ALSO fi AN.SII " > k'ho.i.graplay arm (lie KiuK- taught, kt Kit .aid .mat Thirty-tilth Mnti. ti**t York .Cbarj.i a molrrau. Korlilf ther particular* cadi at tbe above aaldri L'OKT BDWARJI INSTITUTE.?MOST UCCBSSrTL f H-aai.ting Sanaa.**-to tl.i Kta.i . OV.,or fontt nitt a. board ?I1<1 the EiaaMt-n raoatl,?. S, c at t.-nn. t A (till Oomii.nrcaai nuurBr. see iima- aiaUOrfu* for pit. titu lar* o rati a and iia.- * Ka 1 term A ifnat ?' AJ dreaa Ki t. Jim* t-b L Kuatr. Port E la am N. V. CTRBMCH LaANOUAlUB l.vUuUT KY J'ltOK 4 1>E *1 Illy* HKiiiCHK, /mill i'ai.a. R*ft.d*ia,w, 14 N*.t ur* BC'llur, City French hoard and nusNcr iastrictio*. in Prnfi-aanr E. FB&ANJM.'.'fi Ir ??!? . 10 t'ul t i *a|iBirt, K?0"th a i-niio. Bwtof MMM !*'?.'n*.I and iiT?n. IJM-ONS IN FKRMCN ?rtVO < LA tNK-t, ONE K*"R A u-t and f ii n r !nr .1'ntlt'.i.Bii i> Itl iii.i.i,. n a. t>,,iy ,bi A*a "i A.-- I ?(?????>? ' -*Oi? A l,'ii I. Iiox IV 'Vim ftin : , or u| r y ?' IV* -"tl iron (tic r Himajrn. \ r:u utY ih'KTKt "T!ox ?" ri; > usson.-i in J>1 1 ' I ??*? '?r '? ???<! Id' ? ' IBM' Ml.* ? Mil". II Nnw Vol* ?? A * ?. nJt siaatitift c r.n ,a.Al ..lima l.i> . ti a, I'tat ii Herald nine*. ilKW PDBUtATlWNi 4 Ul.ilTA* -THK NEW * t:i?iN I la aA< A AM? TARvKF IaA*V? COMijNKiy, f?,9l*T. I' ti?* n ? 6* ? cm rt.K1CB4RI'- a CO EDIT -ita, . ia or,!y Ai *., I"' i? r "at ?? V *?? tan I .. OK N p. Mt ' ? !.1.*W? Km r? . I, ? <1 *. M tieflOO; *;>, a'l" - ' * H' . ntt ii* '''I''. I - * A'.tnc?jt want nl lit u V I.. .Ha I.-: Jnatir r '? I - ? ft. i Kl> K Al*l A CI) . P'lllii-tti'ri. I'd Nwmo II. V Y. IjaCI Ala* <> " HK.ii fi.'V AITE'S IIKTKOXI'BCT, i"' K lUIaY, a "a J. It NOW i.t O.iV XrRtta?f *o .IoIIai ? piraiiiiutn ir i,d.?n*. Single Darlf | i.'l lli'll. FtiStag." Ill VA<". f olMiMOt v ' V. A. T0WN8W.D. ? W Ikrr vlii. -t, .? ? ? Yu:?. A t KB IV fit ha. ? JIKllROotl HI IT Oi i NiVKLLKO ; Ktlf Rri. (\ , ciili . . '? ..ra.iii'urt aetiira; ai?i. -mi t II,("i ni l. I kali1 II' I'l an nrmn' r.n. ?t II fr. fjk.HH CliT'JaV ?, Hid i.'Btiai btreot. K?|?*IU Vtoo.141'. Ko* k 'i ? ii i -H8. TJti RNifl dK.?WANTIP TO BUT Oil HIKE, A NET r f - r r t'r.i.u i'Ailor Kun AuiO. AdJr?a4A. C., bos. 11* Uciaiu yolce. FI\A.XCIAI? AUOIJSTBILIIONT & CO., BANKERS, NO. 30 WALL ?V, issue letters of er-U.i Co travellers, available In nil Bis of me worm through Me am*. Hornsea.Id, ol Par.a, Lou i Frankfort, Vienna, N, mid their correspondents. AilMV AND NAVV PAY AND CLAIM OFFICE.?AR rears of Pay, Bounty reunions and reerutling Ex pesses. JOHN K. MURRAY, Army and Navy Banker, 3a iioiiau street, N. Y., opp'isile Post oQlce. AMERICA.. GOLD WaniED, at A Heir premium, by T VI.OR BROTHERS, 247 Broadway, corner M i rny street. 76 Wall, corner !'? arl street. Army and navy pay, bounty, prize money unit Pension! collected and paid. ?nd inone. advane.l on you,I el tin-, uy COLLINS A HUGilEo, 16 Nassau struct, near tlie Post otlice. 4 MKRICAN COLD AND SILVER COIN BOUGHT AT il tne highest rates by oOUN HOOPE, Banaer, No. 271 Broad a ay, corner of Chambers St, rot. Arrears of pay di e tub widows of offi cers. the $1H) bounty, pens ona, pri.n money, l ay, aim sti oilier clui ns, promptly collected or cashed by Mesrra. .1. D. MiiR . AN A CO., Arury au : Na-y Bankers, 2.3 Broadway. 4 RMY AND NAVY PAY, BOUNTY, PRIZE MONEY A and I sua Ons collected and pat , and uione. advanced no goo . C a ms oy COLLINS A lit'HUES, lo Na.-sau street, near the post oil ce. t MKRICAN COLD AND SILVER AND THE FIRST /\ issue of United Slates demand n ues boil ht ut tne lushest premium by F. P. JAMES A CO., 43 Wall trout. CUUKMUHA STATE AND SAN FR.NCMCO CITY J Interest Coupon p .relms d at lowest current rates, by DUNCAN, SHERMAN A CO., Banker*, corner of Pino and Nassau streets. New York. D IVIDEND.?NEW YORK. JULY- 16.1662.?TUB BOARD __ it HnSm ?i the Ea?t River lnsiiian Co npany bare tins day dec.ared a dividend ol live per reu', pa. able cn demand. TIIOS. PALMER. SucrenTTy. Dividend-office of the gekhard FIBB in iuranc, Company. No. 1 Pine stn el?July 21, 1862.? TLe Hi aid of Directors have tbis day declared a dividend of 3 percent, payable on deuiaud. JOHN ft. S.M1IH, Sec'y. V >; ,? YORK SAVINGS BANK, CORNER FOURTEENTH J_\ street aild Eighth aveuue.?Op n daily i.oo 1 to 5 P. SI., Wednesdays and Salurda's trora 1 to 7 P. M S.x per c. nt allowed on sums of $300 and un er. In posits lit .u mi or bet ore August I wil dra>. 1 crest froin tliat data. THOMAS CURIsTY, President R.ciiahd H. Bull, Seer lary. VEWYORK FLOATING DRY DOCK COMPANY, 2H AN South streei, N.YT.,July 2d, 18o2.?A quarterly dh.i den ! of three (3) percent bus oeen declared p i. a ? e on d mund. H. V. MASON, Se retary. \T0T1CE.?PARTIES HOLDING ANY IMPORT \NT As no ut of Dm n 1 Treasury Notes, o d Issue d ir m cf se.l u. or n*. niia tiup the a.rae, are ii Tie i t> ami re s, by let . r only, mentioning the su .. to he c i.Holered and tne p .0 a k d, Samuel Evans, care 271 A-nor Hons r. OFFICE KINGS COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE COM p..riy.?-New Tors, July 14, 186.'.?Tae tors of tuls company have this day declared a seuii-siiinial illv.dend of three and a half per cent. The transfer books n il. be c!o ed from this date to the 25th lust., on winch di. t!i dividend wilt be pa.d. HENRY POPE, Secretary. PENSIONS, BOUNTIES AND BACK PAY, PROMPTLY procured by SOMES A BRUM N Solicitor*, Ac , No. 2 l'ark p a e, N?w Yo. k. and Seventh stieet, corner of F, Washin .ton, D. C. Send or call for circulars containing in formation. POSTAGE STAMPS FOR SALE?AT THE OFFICE OF tin N. .v York Consolidated Stage Company, Bioad vvav, corner of Thirty-ninth street TO HOLDERS OF JEFFERSONVILLE RAILROAD Company First Mortgug - Bona*.?Public nonce is a reby given In aceo. dance with the terms nl' the agreement e tweeii Die Jullersomr. e Kailioad C mpany nu.i the holders of it* tirst mortgage hon s, d iet An ? I 14. I860, that the United States 1 rtiai Coinp . ny of New York will, u[>on pre sei tat'On at Its o'llee. No 43 Wall sneet, ledecm at par and accrued lnt' rest niiiuteeu of said Jeilersonviile Hal.mad Couiiuny Drat mortage bond., mi h it d as follows. lo wit ?J. 4. 6. 6, 7,3.1). 10 11, IV, 22, 24. 25, 28, 2.1. 30. 31, 32.-33. being he lowest ou o-undiug immti rs. Fio:n and alter th* 6th day of August. 1862. Interest on said bonds will cease oy the terms of said agive.ueut. JOHN A. STEWART, Secietary/* Widows and heirs of soldiers killed or (lied belonging lo the First lam. Nad Vo ante, rs will |4eu*e call on SOMES A BROWN, No. 2 Park place. CI Pi HUH CAPITAL IN AN IRON ROLLING MILL ?pJ_tJ?UvrU wanted. Address box 341 Post ollice, New York. ?Y?/Y nnn TO LOAN ?X MORTGAGE, AT THE tpi'vr." "U" lowest rate ot int. real, on real estate la tins eity or Brooklyn, or on farms un the Hudson or East r.v r, lu of $1.(Jutland upwa-dx. A. SERGEANT. 16W.vll street CI nnn TO 1*0** ON BOND AND MORTGAGE* ??IdiiU.UUli on productive property ;n tins city or Bluoklyu, lu sums to suit. GREEN & DALTON, 17 Narxau street LOAN OFFICES. AT 111 (IRAND M'BEtT, THREE DOORS WEST OK Broa sw. jr.?Mtiaey advance a on Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry. Plate, Dry t.ouiis unit personal properly o: every descryptiou, or huuuUl anil sold, by JOSEPH A. JACKSON, auctioneer Hud broker, AT 04ft BROADWAY CORNER OF BOND STREET, room No. 5?HENRY HYMaN prucur s sdvanees oi Ou*h < n Diamond's ?et ur unset, or buys the same for cast:; ?l>o oa IV niches, Silver Wuie, Pianos anu Personal P ro|*ny AT J H. BARKINOEK S. 212 BROADWAY. ROOM 13. the highest price pal i lor Diamonds Wachca, Plate, .!? we.ry, O ./lh hI Ins ram.'nt,, Ac. advances made at Els jirivate rooms. OQlre hoars 9 A. M. to 5 P M. AX ??i NASSAU 8TP.EET-A. HONIOMAN, DIAMOND broker, makes libera, advane eon l/i*iu..nds, ?\ etches, Jewellj, ,?f.. or Mqra Uv in at lull value, at private oilne, fib Nassau street, room No. 2, up stairs. Business eoandeu AX 77 BLEECKER STREET-MONEY LIBERALLY (Hi canoed tn any amount, on P.a notid-u Wat nee, Jewelry. S.lve: ware, Ac., nr the same bouuli. tor cash,at 77 Bleecker street, up stairs. 11, NEWTuN. Liberal advances made on merchandise, Dta jr.oud", Wat 1i a, l.i.ierware, Ac., or lui ighl at the b.Rhes, pri es at the Merchant' Lorn (Hike, Oils.. '? hultd I14J, ItHt Broadway, room fi. J. ALEXANDER," ARem. L JACOBS' OLD WAKIHID OFFICE, No. *17 . BriMtdtvay.-M.mey a va i e I in sums to suit on .latch es, d .tmutids. Silver |date and oilier personal properly, or boti. tat tor cash. Business conlldeiitlal. L. JAloBS. 407 Broadway. Money lent?to any amount, on diamonds, Oul i and Silver Wab bra, Jewelry. Dry Ootids. H - are, Ac vioods kept one irar or lei* by AARo'N AUOLl'IIUS, licensed l< '.,n olhre, 42J Pearl street, corn r of Cnamuers. Money to loan-in sums to suit, on waic.ies, Dry Hoods. and all it ua >lc Per o;,..l Pr... pui ty, Stivei Plate, Ac. Apply in II. WtiOD. Nd. 61 Fulton s.iTiwt. second floor, : mm room, frotn it to 5 o'clock. IJ AWN BROKERS' TICKETS PURCHASED OF CLOTH JL to -, lytarn uids, CavpeU, Ac.: a ide.uin piu I lortlck-ls of it a onds inu iivi ritutu. A tot of un udeem d pl' .aes for sale; neatness Casta, $2; Cassimere Paul,, 41, Vest", M:. 4U> Broome stie 1. EXCl IlSIONS. DELIGHTFUL EXCLKSI iNB?the new AND FAST a e.iint.oai III.i.MAfl COLl.YErt-te .ves .b" oi. in *tur is s.r et every day, tSunda s ?? c plnil; at ?> 3 an . id .10 A.'ML and 4 IV M. tor Port Monm . i.n, Ni w J.r... j. He turailtg arrives ,n New York altiioO A. M., aiid at I 3H md 7 I'. M.. air.-r .ind a c oo. ami |d ..?. nt st.l . ,r.n. ' t N,r rows and across the lower nay mai han '. Ilo-. |utal.ig F< rts Lu.ayctlc, Hamilton, Ac. *1 a.accent '.k( ug tile i. .hi and In llU trips can it . Long Bin .. b a..a ri turn t gui.t dsv. Ex'ursion tale?F om New tins l > Port MniniiOdth and lotos, 4ilcents. K.ooi New Yora to Luna lira... L and bosk. 41 2i. EXCl'* I?IN TO THE KLSfllNll BANKS?THE fsonu steamer CK TON has he n withdrawn fr.,m tl.e route; another bo..t wtli be put on in a iev days, of wnlch due notice will ue given. JAS. A. Dl'ViO.vT. WATCHES, JUMEU1Y, die. JET JEWELRY?AN IMAE.sK HTuCE, GREAT VA nety, at one .uart-r t.?' piue. Ptn , Biac h t,, C..iilel..liie., Hair Bins, Neck.acts, Ac., Ac., at l..c orotund L. J.iCui.S, 402 liroantvay. MUDICAL. A* IMPORTANT WORK UN l*H YHiODOWY, AC.?A Ltiiiir *?r ui * marr.?!l or ihwut? i. Dr. LAJCM' NT'S Purl*, liOiKionatii Ne.v York A1\ mm* HiK. Man a < Ouidc, bf ttctii r ' jrvtrt <114 Utr fwil uo* U(ilii4 In aunt- in* ki.d ex pertinent* ill the I* remit and Km# it*.! :*u?piui.?, ana private pra Ube., aid .<:it?. a I aim- uj*>n 1 .I* d itiitt ^iwkuMM'ii MlUteiliitf 1. e ItuXimit tainiiv .rosi i^norii*!** of tn Ire.uflfl#. m, A' r*eru J *e f* i SI. 0/ K. WAltNKK No. 1 AMor tlo?ia-, ?r KUmi a HUi HKY, 121 N?Knm atrm A, New York. T a D -c I 1 ? ??? are at i?47 tiixmdW*?, wj* Hot.? ? ior u?-at. vnenl V K. M \? ?- I-. M ?We cuirfmr Wtlh iilhrrjMpera t? mi nramendln. Dr. I?nr 1111 ard liis work."?Courriet mmil ard Inn v nrk."?(imri :cr Are Emm lima, D path, butata Ariuta*. Alia*. M/-iiical Rrvivw.Au. j^K. 1 AMI-OX. 1. Dl ASK KTHKiiT ilEaljiiili. OK THE _ OaU.^eai H.irjftwUM >.w Vml, im? b. led .sally as ula udtot, (rum e u ili? itwm.tu umil V in il.i rTrnuii: JjR. (.'OiiiOtTT, MFMIU.K OK THE >BW YOHK CntvinUt) Mutual ui ru a id io.,-,?- i ,?'nr London, mil ihi anrnei with cat: in a. it - ? 1 i;o? tea tne h.irnuii I it. :i :i.. *t I . o,*1 . '.'I 0 Mill uri" I n?t a*<1.1 i; . iln.a'ia .III , It . I. , .* !?,)?? Hl|< 11 11' . .in- ? n.r a*. V.i. til in 1. 1 1 j . 1 .. 1 i.H en mo I. - i.n- hum a j? tram II A. >i. in I J,1 J (? II. jjH. RAJ I'M 8 AO'HOK I I Ht.K OiilR AVI.l-.Kr, jltaa 1 n> llonra II in n all . - Dr. wahd. 11 jlajoht rr .t new: ;'a ai , 1 im in |kvi no: ? .a.- wtw-iu 111 1 a . ?. a jii'.i mix. mir. 011.11: . 1. , iluoMii .a 1 ni h 'i i 11 'k i tilii rvi nii .. (. u 11. t UOCt'Otl HbNfBB t/tJtUKf.E-T'.h I A V .? cnuiiiia.i'. tA JU-'i.ii-rl.iii l> >> - i ..... all * (Ml r M 'IJKTA.V !' T> VtltMiy --I'll 'Hi:. .*? (IK , ? i; I t3li .. mln , ? IT 1. >?<? tin ?; vi>: ii.s . jy 1 .. . 1 1: Im n , 1 . S ti ,.I 11, >1 i- jo ig i|. *?:* k'ari A''I BE t N ON - ' I.i' I -Jk i : 1 adieu *n Ji I I, ? ?urn u ! . ?. r. I'oun r? i ? . A' hn ' ru. -i: tion .ay... jlfAI'ANB AJoJi. vltAB'wl DO 1 oh. t.iv ? t; 1 ...11 *-i| 1 n gn ji ll-i hum airuua, i?ar Com iei-iiui At/ I'i.i. No hl.-s, K. KINO '... D r!?' ji . 1: .; -. I ?. iH'u e.M 4ti>,?| 11 ni iim ? dm - -a ?! t ? I., a 1 . .1 . . m'-r n r in n.:. . 1.1 1 it $1 cVrtn ... i ? /.1. a, ,So .1 1 ?JtMiKESfOr. .<K$TKDL, l?JCnAMHrtS ATttRBT, CAB I. lie :o;n)iit? t ?c M'UM. Ai|' nta, lii>a LtdnM v r It. urwaaica. 17t rnlton atrnat ! ron sALi. A BUTCHER'S 81IOF FOR SALU-ON THK BEST avenue, on che w hi side, with Lease, Fixtures, Horse I and buuhet's Curt, Harness, Ac. It la a lip top Itanu, doing a fine buaiin s, ami ta a t are chance for a ,od man. Will lesoldcheap tin owuer retiring from business. J. K HtfAIM. 277 Weal Twenty-third Mwat. A FIRST CLASS PUBLIC UOL'SB FOR SALE?NOW doing a good business; 1 is a splendid bar root , silling and cluo rooms, aim billiard saloons, 6 tables; splendid lodge room a. oooupied ever* ui h? ' y Free Mn n? and Odd Fellows' Lodges. TAT. II. MUCHELL, 77 Cedar street. A FIRST CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE?LOCATED IN a rood business plai" and doing a good biis'ue-s; will he sold at a aacriUi e; this is a iale chance lor some one. Sr. M. MITCHELL, 77 Cedar street. A HOTEL AND DINIKO SALOON FOR SALE.?THE tvbole ur hall interest, mealed on a great thoroughf are and one of the best lucatlons down town; will he sold on la voiabic terms In consequence of the ill hcsllli ul the junior partner. F D. RICHARDSON A CO , 82 and Hi Nassau street. A FIRST CLASS BUSINESS, WELL LOCATED DOWN town, for sale: cai nee on i y pre* nt owners a number of yea's; proiits large; couacoted with the s upping; cash trade, with no redit. F. D. UH'HARDHON A CO., 82 and hi Nassau street. A HANDSOME GROCERY AND LIQUOlt STORE, Siock, Fixtures and Oood Will lor sal' cheap, as ihe proprietor is going West. Best location In! ward. In quire at 73 Mulberry street. Bakery for bale-handsomely fitted up and well located, aotng a good bus ness; will he sold reasonably, eitliui with or without Horse and Wagon. A good ciiance for a party with sma.l meuus. Apply at 421 Fulton avenue, between Canton avenue and Adrlphi street, Brooklyn. DRUG STORE FOR SALE?DOINO A BUSINESS OF t ?ld per day. \\ III be sold cheap1 or rash, as the proprietor is advised iiy Ills ply 1 lati to go in the country. For full parti' ulars address R. P., diugith-t, s atiou C, New York city. Drug store for sale-price $250. cost jmo; would be exchanged lor other property at a bar am. Apply at s ore corner Kinir'h avrti "? and Klfty-tLlTd s;reet, between twelve and one o'aliick, or 01 G. U. WILLIAMS, 270 Broadway, between u n and three o'clock. TjhOR SALE?A CAR1 ENTER S SHOP AND HOUSE, r with a good jobbing 1 ratio. Will be sold very cheap on account of Nickn-as of the owner. In pill - carpenter shop on Fulton avenue, near Reed avenue, Brooklyn. IfOR SALE-A HOUSE AND SHIP PLUMKINO SHOP, to.ether with horse, wagon, Harness, stuck, IIxt res, good w ill, Ac. P.aec well established and doing a ano.i business; will be sold ior $676; stock wnr h theamouiit. To a person de sirous" emeriti,' nlo liii, business, Ui is is an opportunity seldom offered. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. Ad ores.-, Plumbing, bux 101 lleiuld ollice. OOR S ALE?WITH OR WITHOUT 8T0UK, AT A PRICE J? to suit the limes, one of ihe b st and most prominent corner Liquor Stores in the Se. enteeuth war I. An ? n:er prisin young tmin can make this one of ttic best paying ?tores in tile ward. Apply to JOSEPH McGUlitE, Auction eer, 63 Third avenue. fdOR SALE?VERY CHEAP?A DRINKING SALOON nud Restaurant, !o at- u oown tow u, now doing a pond paying uuslness. The best of reasons given lor selling. For pa'rU ulars apply to L. MACKEY, lot Duauu ctrcut. L'OR SALE-STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A 00NFEC r lion, ry and Soda Water Store, the present owner leav iii, on acco-.nt of 111 health. A, p.y at 356 K. .i.ta avenue. I7IOR SALE?TUB STOCK AND FIXTURES OF A 1 Liquor Store; a good stiu l lor a gro er> ; there arc lorty families living en the premises, luquue at Hdji Divi sion street. F OR SALE?A MILITARY EQUIPMENT BUSINESS, esta ii. h: il nine yearn, < ? -longing to Berrer A Ililt, now both dead, con--ling 01 ilia good will, ato k. natures, toole, . jj. 1 .. - Ac. Apply to II. HOLLA) liKic, It) North William street. This i.- a nuance seldom met with. IjlOR SALE-ON THE NEW LONO DOCK, JERSEY ' side, in front of the Eri Ralioad dep >1, a two year's Lease, with hxtnrcsj f u Igood Bairoom an : Lunch Coun ler. Apply to A. BARKER, No. 2 Tryoo row, in the a.e vault. S-IOR SALE-A RESTAURANT IN CANAL STREET, near Ho ison, basement; will be sola cneap. Apply at 410 Canal street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANOE-STORE IN THIRD Bveniie, four small Colta ??? in llfth street, seven LjIs 111 1191 b and 120th streets;-* Brig, si mi- Icory Nuts, four unfinished Houses In 126th street, Kami, well improved, at HeioR. Wis.; House 212 C lutou street, Brooslyu; 12 Lots in Brooklyn, two mortgages. P. N. SPOFFORD, 17 Broadway. Grocery store for hale.?a rare chance? The el gitnt Fixtures and block of the Gro ery and Lnjuor Stole, corner oi Perry street and Waierle.i place, now being a good business; satisfactory reasons given for selling; rent low. Apply immediately at the store. Terms easy. ?1 WILL BUY A GOOD BUSINESS STOCK AND ylcJU fixtures, worth more money. Call at 67 Vesey street, in the basement, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. $200 ?photograph gallery for salb. _ j Proprietor mis two places and canuet attend to Apply at hl4 Second street, corner avenue D, or to ouUi. Apply at .114 Second street, i J. W. WILLIARD, 522 Broadway. COPAKTSEIWIIIPS. A YOUNG MAN, DOINO A GOOD CASH TRADE IN the butchering business, wishes louse u partner with h small cip U;, a young man preierred. Cail in B. Byrnes, io the MO,re, Fifth avenue, near Nineteenth St., Biouklyn. PARTSER wiNTED?WITH A CASH CAPITAL OF $50) or $ifh? in a cash manufacturing basil eu, guaran teed io pay 0U) per cent: uo i-ersnn wl: limit the cash In hand need apply, and to such satislaclory evidence will be given. Address lor three days 11.. Herald olll e. PARTNER WANTED?WITH* $J(X), IN A MANUFAC luring bu-im s-. that is paying very large pruirts. Or der on bund l rout city houses. For further particulars ad diess C. Ulauveit, station A. "PARTNERSHIP.?1THE BEST BUSINESS CHANCE .L oilermg can be h _ w i had and a small amount in cash required. For l uti particulars call en D. MADISON, Manhattan Hotel, Murray street, near Broauway. from 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., any day this week. ri-llE COPARTNERSHIP FORMERLY EXISTING HE J iween K. L. li ndrick and N. I). lla?h, hn ler tne brin a llcndrick A Busn, is this day duis. lTed by mutual consent, N D Bur.h continuing ihe business as formt-rly, by whom ail trunsa-tions of the old term wilt be settled. July 22, lat2- E. L. IIENDRICK, H D. BUSH, No. 429 Bixth avenua. The copartnership heretofore existing between the under* gued, under ih name of in hr A B icim, of Uixvitl an t Fanuingdaie, Qu ens county, Long Island, was uissulvtd on tue 14ta day ul J aly. 1"V*2. MOSES BEHR, Dated July 23 1652. MOtUUS BAUM. TJTE BUSINESS HERETOFORE CONDUCTED AT H,X die and Parmlugdalo, by the late Arm of Ruhr A Haum, t Willie- hi rcafier conducted by the undersigned on his own a count. MoSES UEtiR. Dal id Julv 21, lniS. VI'ANTED?A MAN. WITH A PEW THOUSAND Dole fv ntis. to join tue advertiser in buying out an old es tantlsueu b unite. s. Which tne advertiser understands. Ad dr-1 ? mil 140 Herald ottlce. -ft ?CO-PAP-TNKRSTIi;*.?T WANT A KU8INE 8 I ait jU.# uian to join u in purchasing an old es a dished e.sli business, r nl.xfng a steady Income. Mo risk Whatever. SI till a i ry reason tor selling. Apply lo W. P., at W. Man land's 101 llr.iadn/iy. $i 000 ?W-KST*D A QpOD MAN IN THE PKO w duce and i>iovision biisincas. wiihth sa.nixt.iit; Security will be given tor t ie money . sa a y $1.,j a.' neck, er vvdl laaC s jutrtucr w Ith $2 0 0. R hn ncea given auu re I|ll1r- I. A litres* P. T , box 117 llrratd ollice. S'^0 000 ?WANTf'U' A ?sl'iA;lAL OR ACTIt E' I armor In a Slo.X Broker.,g- end Cone on, where tm- profits will he tart" and the mo ney mi -. T < a pal ly de-lring lo Invest <t iau b~ shown t! at u S.. *11 '..d oppoi luulty is now o.-tVrc I to make money salely. For partiC' .ars, Ac., sd lie ? k,, bos 2 lsi Post oOlce. "I iwwi -I'APT.vpit wanted in staplk 1\J. tpf, veil . lUbll-hod and v. r, profitable btisluess. Wit a sat at cy a v. ry llls-ia. a: ran men clil be i< adc; wil, icar in cm-evt oxamiuaituu, and one of tne best ens-, i-s . > g t in bci.ue u>. sOLTH o ICK A WOOD. 52 Nassau street. ASTHOliOUI. t BTONIMI.NQ.-MaDlMB MORItO.V, HKVENTII j\ u-u.tior, i tut .< rur ?iu to trl, no., i. anil t,ow oftrII }i>u n any, ?tnl ill you u .*n to *n.,w. . .en your tbu.ijbta, or no jv.y"; lark;. cMrmt.ive; tier ?|tiol U nut to ..efo-.e t| tier Ui.i?m niotg. I- Uu* II. lull o.ftTalloii. No. Ml L.irtlow ?lr. el, C.'loiv llo Dion. 2> ? in toei.ll ine > not admitted ABU.NA K1DE AMKOIAJ.lbT THAT EVEHY OMR i.d drpriiu oh Is' Vt I0..H11N. ami. lcl:s .lie o >;e t 01 y.ur vl?it m ?..n n? yo. n i-r he toon, and v ft. 11 * you ol dft. ?^er?, and rill a ?nt'i.e-'. onto, Lite most p 1'iio'is on u:iihIl ..^ N li.? '?? e .iftt -il iiuv.'e marine No. Iirj Alien rt.-. ."I, oelw en Ho t> 1. ana Si..Hon sino'le |liii* tm.t jI. Ker.ior en au I gi-lit.i iiu t., bo roots. Ahl ROLO.. Y.?-A YOL'NO LADY, Jt >r PituM ITALY, o 1 1 in 1 ? .- 1. 11 hi ri u o m il a 1 ,o itutistUtod o 11 tia iii'tts. lov.. ?n J h'm' La 1* .. 2J 001.Is. fceutlenian $1. 111 <1 tn 1 e at i A) fiuftt 1 w ? re t, s.-eond Hoot. M'ltft. Ll.iK I AKlilih. 4 <C?A A KKAMAN. IN L lif'KN'? .NT Cl.AIKVllT ART. Vo >t ..1 1.1 m ol 10.a.ri s 1 ? Init.oitft il y anil eve.uiik. T e ? I liti* .?t. 110. . i| . s.. . n|.aT 1 or to s i, It Is mine. s.i y in (lie .1 . r.ti a. 1 u >it * 11. r. ?..tie. Ceil at 1^1 Wi .1 1 w. inW U ?iin 1. 111 warn. t.PTi'ti. an l.i.htt,., ei.u. a. MA,IW r.:n Hi.jr cl.iIkvoyarr and it. kt iiy. me tel.- o..r viy mint.'eta. ft. n.. ',i i s ><.e..iy niHriiN e No. 2II i'ii eiliy-?ev<a 1 stivei L?.I|. s 2. ., .en In-, en w. MiDAiL. il .Hi. 1 .. N 1 REIT .CM-.!) KidkR I. in.|.. . .it. . .-. . . >? 1?? u Nr. 1... It this, koe * r. ? tre. i.p.1.1 li e lust and ?e to oriu. e, ui...riittfe, and .1 re mO tuts. IM.Mii r i.ii ? in ... .TO >IM ALI. 1 EH \ HIT . fir, rt <mH li . .< rt ?? f l kllhal ? .1 I i.e. . M)i ,N ? - ? 1 j-iitt.1 fctr . a, ii?.4r Im-mu.. )i cum, lit' OK i II l : i I' li' ! KA'I D u. . m t-u ??? s?4 I??? IJ ? It J?. TITS I'' at iV ? *1 ?.. , l,u V\(|, L . ?\ inn..-. 1 . t.t. 1. J ? | X ,1* J >'? ' h ? Hi , e I, 1 . ? ?i ? ??? "I" V m 1 hi ,i? I ? 1 it : ii?. * ? u , 11 ? > ;Mm>? ? ? I 1st ? ? MU . j 1 . - , . 1 / H'iiO hH" t ? f? * ?? HJI I'd il 1 l.tU iiiw i ?v?', H Wi 'K, 4 i t ? !? * *V ? rtti'i I ?... if" * I". ?? ? ulVfkf . , . i?U ? -f i *nt ? , v ai a 14.;' 4 f? 1 -.VI v u.?- . l>oU.U SA f.?ICS OF HEAL ESPABl^ A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPITALIST* 01 HIT sone desiring Country Residences. The sne-rtber oilers for sale ins Country Residence, re cently surveyed and lul l out o lust It < *n he fit itied into litre* di-ilnct parml*, each having a water front a'ld moat splendid 'mil III g sites Tim property eonsists of SW)ewes, a llnr, st. Imb old mansion lu a lawn 01 fourteen acres of lotty shade tree a, unlive an.I inipo, led, lnnt naiah'e anil of great variety: a garden taa'nlnlly dnaitnad u.t eta k?d withtrutte ar.d lloweis; outbuildings, Including farm house, vu 'atiuAo'* cot ago, "fronting on ? .ine liarl.t r, ' and a burning alley. Ttie -iluatiou ha* unequalled a Wantage* lor either a private reaiden e or for e|.eoulaiton. having a hold shore oo the Round a mile in e*t"tit, two aid.'* belted by ereek atul knlal, out. a de by tbe nut n road, the landa tacaig the rlvere gently elope either way, no that every building alt.- . oinuiand* line views of tlie Hound au i surrounding country. Two tliirda of the ?Ue? can bav. water 1 route. The piece sim-i - fectly healthy, water ei el lent, and atrlnvlgor tig. Uia lance from the city 18 tunesby New ll .veu Uuilr.uot; busi ness ineu can rtacb the city ii.m thU ,>lao ? In less time than from Harlem by the avenue cava. Persona desirous of avoiding city taxes, the nangira and tletentious m croaalng the rivcra. will do well to gi>? ihia advertisement thelrearly atleution. No estate of ? t; ml size within one bun I red mllea of New York eouib new the dr. era.lied advauta re and regal elegance of ihis old r< anion ?- tu every particular and all it* appointments. Tlie presru distance to ra Iroad atal ons, two mi:. .. When " Chaiawiiriu" la made a -da;ion, now in con temi Utlon (depot air i.dy '? u It), the diaiance will be only haif a mile. Apply on th? premises, lo E. K COLLINS. or to him at the office of J. S. Caldwell, 24 1'ine street. A GOOD CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN?THE AD verll '-r will exchange a tine country .eat on St.ten Island (fifteen acres I, worth $li (Km, fur u fa tory in the neigh. or hood of New York. Address, giving particulars, M. I). H llnraid office. A person owning a large quantity of Ian x In the oil region of Weaiern Virginia, having to pnv a,on dcrahle amount for back tares, and who believes ihat the . ipresalble march of evrnta evident y tends to en hane the value of snch property at no islant d .y, would list- to negolutle the sale u( a i art of his interest at the pre eut reduced valuation. Address Speculation, Herald ollice. (TOUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE J for city property, with lit acres of land pleasantly situ tit- d in \\. s;ci. ester county, 2d miles by iulro.?(!, two miles fr ni the deiiot. For particulars inutile of WILLIAM El'. E-, Neptune Iron Works, lout of Eighth street. East rtv. r, (TOUNTBY SEAT WANTED ?TWO THOUSAND ACRES J u house Wisconsin Lands, se eder lor farming and lumbering, well located, w ortii $1 l,OOU, v 11' be exetiangcd lor a country seat, within one nine's ri e of New York. T. B. CIlAg-E, 111 Ful.'o . street TjlXCIi ANGE fob a business.?'the advertiser Jg hits s vera! city and H,uo..iyu Luis, ami several panels of Land in tiiis Statu an i the vVes , ail fiee and oiear, w hu h he un exchange lor any respectable business, giving an ad. vatitag one bargain to tlm pur lnser: no broker- treat d with; |MV ipals only will please ststu uustness or sto k proposed, end w aere an Interview may be had, to W. J. It., box 4,696 New York Post otH e. UNARMS, COUNTRY BEATS, RESIDENCES (SOME RE P markedly clteap). and < very \arie'.\ of real estate for sale, exchange and lo let on mo t li aral termy. Sales and negotiations ui a I the diner nt . in ?? of business :o .tis, Aft; BOUTHWICK ,tt VVOgD, 82 Nassau street. L'OR BALE?A COUNTRY RESIDENCE ON THE F Sunnl, 28 miles iroin Hie city. Id minutes' ride from Rye uepul, N< w Haven Railroad, La.f a mile from steam boat landing; a wed iirmse. I?rn, stables, and other oiuboil lugs, in ex. eltenl vendition: also gardener's cottage and bath house, bcautliul.y situated on a po nt of land, con sisting of Ii2 acres, with water r >nt three-quarters of a mile: grounds handsomely laid om in lawn, trees, gard- its, and pel b.e whIks; bathing, fishing and boating. Will sell whole or part. For particulars apply to J. S. CALDWELL, 24 l'ine street. IpOK SALE-A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SKAT, AT 1 Ori.nge, N. J., w.lh ten or ntty acres of ground, house, barn. rm, e hou-e, ten pin alley, Ac. Tim house has all the mmiern itnprp entente, hot and cold water, gas, furnace, range, Art. If desired, will sell the Kurnlture, II rues, Ca? riigci, Ac. Possesaloii given Immediately. For particular* apply-to J. P. KLINE, ISIS Fulton street, upstairs. thriving settl, roent 01 vmrliuid mild elimate, thirty is foutu of Philadelphia, by railroad; rich soli: nr-w to be seen go,', lug; twenty acre liacte; al from $15 to $20 per acre ; payable within four BlOU SAKE OR EXCHANOK-A DESIRABLE LEASE lioid Property, on the East flue, well lueated and paying t?eke ta re ut;, llotta-s in Brooklyn and Lots in NSW York. Apply to OHAS. E. MILLS, 3t Ce lar street. IjlOR SALE OR TO LET?A NEW HOUSE, CONTAIN. ' lug nine rooms, with one aire of ground, a< Engl* w< o.1, New Jersey, nvo minutes' walk from station, Inquire o; A. ti. BOUEKT, 103 B ink rtr-wt. J ANDS?TO ALL WANTING FARMS ?LARGE AND mile tine fro ii. ,? .. w. - - , ? ?.. ... ? i years. Go >d business openings; good so lely. Hundreds are settling and iiiakltiglmp'ov- in-nts Apply to CHA8. K. LaNDIS. ri'stmaster, vino ami, Cumberland county, New Jesev. L>-liars answered. Papers cuu aiuing full infor mation will be sent tree. Pennsylvania land for sale very cheap. or exchange for city or Brooklyn property or merehan* d s-: 4 X1 to 500 aetva, w ell located, covered with raluahla timber; near a village, ml la, an-l in a rapP'ly lmprovii-g ??> tlon. SOUTH WICK A WOOD, 82 Nusrau street. TO EXCHANGE?A HANDSOME FOUR STORY House in Thirtv-flrst ftreet, near Third svenue, for a small nonce in Brooklyn. Harlem or Morriaania; also mm* Lots, clear, for a email house in Brooalyu. Andreas J. EL, lleralu offioe. WANTED-TO PURCHASE. A COTTAGE, WITH ABOUT an ai re ol ground, within twenty u iocs oi New York, with garden, Ac., attached. under cultivation, and ready far immediate occupancy. Price from $6001? $2,UJ0. Addrdaa Gaol g.-, Herald oflloa. WANTED TO BUY?ONE LOT OF GROUND, WITS or ?iihout a bra k House, somewhere In the city ?f Broukb n or Williamsburg. Address T. H? box MS Herat# office, stating terms, ~~ ilOllNKS, ROOMS, ate., TO LET, AF: RNIfiHED COTTAGE TO LET-IN THE VIL lage oi Beuavtils, on the bunks of the Passaic, for two or three months. Kent low. Coii.inuulcatlun hourly with the city of New Yotk. Apply to C. FBRRIS,(iaIlatln Fim Insurant, M Broadway. A STORE ON FOURTH AVENUE TO LET?CENTRA]* A ly situated, and well adapted fur any retail business, ar a nartier'* anop. Will be rented very low. Apply to N. H. OSGOOD, 270 Fourth avenu.. A FAMILY OF FOUR ADULTS, OCCUPYING A HOUSB with more room titan tl.ev require, would let the whola ot the a ond story to a partv not exceeding throe persona: no snuill ehildren. References exchangtsL Apply at IB West Twenty -second street. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED PART Of A BROWN some House to let, lu a line location, o-eupied by * married couple without child leu. Raf erenow cs banned. Applv at 182 West Forty-si-cond street, between Broadway am; Eighth avenue. A RAKE CHANCE FOR A GENTEEL PRIVATE FA. rnl'.y without elnh ren.?To let, the So ond Story at $15. or Busciuen: at $13, of No. 8 1'irst street. House modem an 1 quiet. ? _ A FIRST FLOOR TO LI T?IN A BEAUTIFUL NEW Bus. i ro'< u sloue house . ier.t only $14 |ier inoiith to * small lam I> ; two large ; tiring - three be-'rooms, kite ben, pinirl. ?, water, g*a and water closeL 458 West Thirty-hit* a rret. i'o-sessioii Immcdlateiy. Ft BAM E COTTAGE TO LET -PLEASANTLY SITUATED corner of Seventh avenue sin Fifty-fourth streai on l.i?h groin i sn : neat t'.e Ci-ntial Park; tent $.7lv W. J SI'EW AKf, adjoining p.-rniis-?, or 157 S.-utu street. (11TY DWELLING, K, KN.'SllBo COMPLETE FON J l O'S, except lit n am; .-liver, w II h -rented fnff a.out $i0 je-i inouili end If at i lor * small family, with prV vllsgc of is ling boarder*. _ M. KIHlilN A DAT, 319 Fourth avenue. Half of a house t i j.kt -no klvigiit tieu 8 John's I'atIt; cniavi s fas, bath, AS . in good order; oi the wuole would be lot, and toe rent taken iu board. Apply at the house. fPO LET, BY A GERMAN LADY-A HANDSOMELY J. 1 uruisneu Parlor liuur. without Board; aiso two slogl* Root .s wlut or without B< u.-d: bo. ee couutins uiodern itn? orovetnei La; location very desirable. App y at 156 Baal Niiie;vriitn sire ?!, between 8 c?nd sud Tnfrn iv-nues. ritu LKT-OT CHARLTON STUEBT. PlilHT FLOOR,, i. three Bedrooms, K. Mil en and Cellar; a. so three Rooms, with ki i hen; alaoa Flour at 31 Ktug struct; gas and walsr. In .??It c on ih - promises or a; 3.1 long a nee t. rpu LET?FURNISHED, THE FOLK STORY HIGH X stoop lu-own stone ir <n i oust, scuih aide of Forty Stvth street, fourth house frutu broscvuy. No idniMna h?ase keeper used app./. Apply to D. G. Ci'.O.-El, ho. U N-.-eeii; street. TO I BT?FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, IN BrM..npurI, Conn., I r ou ? ? more vi a ?. ? iie Moidvnod ql the siinierils r, nearly tppe lie that of I* T. xUruuui, Esq. Tne house is l. rg? ana ocmmdio'is, W'di modern improva iiients, g.v*. tiiruaee. wain, a?.; dsn |->ns, can inge heuae, b<ro. Sr.. with ten acre* ot lai d, aoi.rst a- of meadow, onmaid, uarden, lawn, Ac., au-1 sei-ktl with irult of Uk* cboi e-i variety. As the sulvirilbar will be la Europe several years, twins will be n. u'ei it -. uEO. A. WELLS. fro LET?TITJ LO'VEil PART OF THE FIltUT CLASS A ll< me 17V Auv-iej pi e., with stable in thy rear. Ap> ply to Ul.oRttE COOK, vu'tionuer, 141 Brosdway. 'fO LI T-'lNE OR TWO PtlOMS, NEATLY Fl'IlNIHIt J ed, In a piivnte taiiili), so ;aole 1st aingle gentleineah b ue us ah the modern liui ruramenta. Apply at 21 vV*st llmuiioii aueei. fpu I i III I.I f?T IB HBCONU AX1> TI'IRi) KLOnltS OF luu baat m?i e.iia "Act, uo?r HtiiyTra.ui t Pari;. ?tli i.< r uu a low. tugritier or ?? psraie, to ? good tenant. rru I.KT-A HOL'i* IN A ruKASANT LOCA.IoN IN 1 II wink. n. furnlhail or i.ot, on very moderate terms. A Iilr. ??> ? at 3,41# New Yor.i I usi i Olcn or Mil at 173 r ulton * r?l. ft O I.KT-TWO HINK AlRIf BOi?M8, WITH BEI> X .to ? IIWbM Willi partial 1) ird If rttnlruil. The lo rn' Ion I eatanlalid la aim;, vouiit.atvll.iii a pleasant vlsw o; it, i.vti .ind Look island. Vuai be un to tin apprs' d .So;Line to tint ui o trie tn..*t rettrud an.i rx. uove. ?t- n ? it. oil cue. scruvr T...I tu an at. i*iiul|?i> place. fftO l.KT?AT 43 WEST TEXT * BTKE2T, CORNER OF 1 V. t r. v 1'inor, H't u or, O'.elaihii'"I mi iouiiV u11 on tli ? mine Bow; c'u i it n t nelonjiRg to t ie luninet. ml I i c ?l t? d l.tni. Ii i t *5 t? ]) T monlli. Inquire ut 62 W.i fci ;liUentH street, b.i..u.u Filth and bUni .teuusa. ri 0 lii'l a HANDHOME I RON! ROOM AN!) FRONT 1 H'tiiSO.ii fit ee tin : our OI 111 Eeiuy place, n M r It I,in i 1.. i. may, 111 BltMicr atn.i t. Apply in 1 ...etnent eto e ?j'O 1?E i?FIK8T rUMilt. OONMSTINO OK FRONT 1 I.l llll .Ilk 1'ril-iOi rillll I'. lien. Ill Die thrte atury iriclt wim Oriilon. Apply a? above. In*lieu 11 or. lAi'tl eliei t; rt'fl i.r.T IN HBoOknVN?FiRVr Ol.ASrt 1'KIVATE. A i .lire hi. .1,. j' i.. i n ferry, I Hii.tanuirly , t |i ??)> i . .mile. , in i"i.'llil uril r, rent low to a. ?r ? H p rty. J'um.v ?.?inii .ii onor. A'ulresa Owner, box N.- aT HO).HI!'ids', V. I?TWO HOIUI'S It I HIT !, I,. I im ita liiml, a una Cottage, liv ruos.s, . . .. . ... r t>i ? ?'! \?|i'iA'?lea urapin, It'iwers, ita'i.o 1 Ki iii far thi :e aish a pvt. or until l inOiu? i1 1 o I oi.i 'h i depot an.l 1'ojt. ii A. Mot'' i T'l'FR, 128 Villtou >trr?t, New i. ? W . Wi l.SON, Apei'intnler, Hothroo.X el 'Ion. VviltUR VO Lll|VUR9i II, . -i llA'i I. Tl, 1 b IMS Al'l t lNTEO W. t. I, ? ? .1. 'Mi. I linn Mi atiret an 31 H elnftin at est, I AM V oiS, ri. a afi i fi r my l'Sl A ?. A t oruer% , ,. i > r., .I.ii >.iv Til ii'u uplly Ail lite,! to. 1 pi.Ui* i i I. t i a .? itali! rt.i ii ?lesigninj p? rawiis, eli.ihav* ? i -if at lie 'n" < ' nut ars in in m (Ue Hir nil! rivrqual y.'.;i. ver 'inctbt as"W? se i leans ' ? r . 'IP (ili?i \l t r II 1.1 ' fcriutnt #S fM pOi ?'d ?f is. II e l, en? a^e for New York. 1 It. St >u ?)a* April Ml 1*0. VMt?i RBmKAJI Is