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IHTERES'/iSS FRflitf RICHMOND. I* Brforr ltlchn-o<l Intfrwctof Mfctea*nf of Colonel Edmund C. Charley ?f iLe Taiuui ioy Kefimeul Pri?on Life k? Biibiuoud- How Our Wonosled I'rlfon tr? Are Treated Richmond a Vi and Laaar Bon-r The Tew Hebel Ram Kirhnaond Almost Keatly for Servitf) die., Ac. rc! Charles, of the :<>rty second New V. rk -wgiment, tliu tck an ac'ivr pHrl to the Uu battles be.ore D:ch ?0:1.1, in wm h hvt'i wi.WiSly wounded an t s iIimp Oa>:t jr reported dt-od, arrived m this city on the gbeawier Vanderbi.'f, fr m V'ortreas Monroe, day be:oio Jrestcrdav. on parole* Colonel ? hark-s was st.nj .ly erouuiied in t'.c groin. On his arrival liera lie was ra ?moved to thsCltj Hospital at hit a request, where bo la now under Ihe tare of Dr. iUi .0, and ui r .sluicd to by ih.s devoted wue. The Forty secotwf New York reg raenl. which Colonel Char! ?e so ab!) commanded In ih ? 'ate bat' le*. was -it Cached to Briga-tH r Gen- ni 'band's bribed*,Of Si dgwick a division, itefire and at :h-? t me of the battles they ?ccapied a iK-siti n in toe .? ? lun? of battle s!ret-.-*'nj ffem t he York River It-ilr. id towards the J..ra<s rtver. for two w. ?ke prtor to-.lie buttle- th.;y occupied a 1 m of *iCe pits ic'r g the rebel army in"Jtit or Klo'.ai.iud, at piinu in ? w of tlie*en?my's liur of t .title, in o t-no m. a 11- '!.!ug movement uu the ?i^Uu ot V.'. -' uy and fli rsday ,in which Dot s?ll.i iou 1 pcf-d g'vatly supc n-'r 1. unbars, the but ad and dlv isi"u t," which Cue Forty" ft ud regiment i-.! thedtoot no acl'-c p*rw they were aware a l-ott.e wm peudr.g. but with what re .its they had not the slu ? >st conception. Humors and jus yklona w re rife . moo.; the troopa; b.ii nothing ivu' said or heard that would incticu e that Gron'ral Dorter's troops ha>l met w ;th dkkBttr. On the conteery, the liiiari-' y Ai&priyed by some of <he troop; seemed to lietok-ui go-id ae-vs for our ams; and the rrg in<ntal bauds of - juidci's ?? irs were allowed to discourse the seul-liiai-irii.;; mar' ?h! airs?a privilege h id be-n denied them for rc -e sol v. i-eks prevu us. Fa-ly on Saturday morning the r.ews of re-pr-'s r?. p ?e was heard in and spread among the troops of 8's and Fedg-wirk's commands, Immedia: ly fol ?wwed by an order to prepare to i*??rch, at the same lime to keep up every appearance to blind the enemy in front that noth'i g m nienious was cw.u'ring. The piv ets o, the Forty second New York regiment were post d three hundred yards in front of the rllio nils wIili !i tlicy h d occupied for the period already staled. V -en night come sentries were posted on ilio breastwork- the same as on any other occasion; orders were given to strik) ?he sb-her tints, and pack everything up to move at ? moment's notice. The order wot tubsequeatly counter . previously informed of th ; I ci, il fct our tro we; o icua'icg their < Id fine o.* ints -i clim nu * >i depot-- J Banded, brtnol until the orders had been pit: *-ia.!'V c Tried into effect. The secret order was d-eniod necse itiry, an the execution of the first one was deemed bad policy. M it would disclose to the watch ul enemy in front that preparations were in execution for an e acu-'.tion or our line of intr<n 1.meets. The troop* nn ?<? S i. >-i !t and Summr commenced thoir retrograde movement at day" light, nnd by six o'cio k A. M., the rest of tr. i tn opg b irmp passed liUCCSfisfuUy tov,,ir ia the Scvou I . n- tu' tn n, tLe Korty s?.c,nd moved out of tho rortiii-ution by the right ffenk. movin ? own t c r .ih'oad in good .r>'c;. Dana brigade consisted of four rcgimenl-s. The troci - ?toveil down lue road seven times to a point wh-jie ge the red immense piles of couiiniis-tary Stores, b-mg pie pared for destruction Soldiers were here, busy with ?nes 111 hand, knocking in the teeiis of b rrcls o. ?ommi-sary stores. T-. <* use pllee or goods we Saturated with *t k- , to b? ready for the final application of the tcr-li. roe torch wso applied a., Dana's brigade iwixd down the rood, the rt*m?* ? d tie k smoke c rling up 'n h e volutin s to thu fmc *tus m> doubt disclosed to tht eu- my, if tk?y were ^ot ?vacaatttg ?applies. Th" troops moved down to an o[ien c-a. .ug ?abed Eeardkley's farm, Sumner's rigid ?? j ? n a luge hEI, while Sedgwick's divison,com using the l::t wing, rested upon Urn railroad. Kirby's e-to vatoil bat tery of Kapii'Ojn twen v-pound u s was on the '??ft *tw troope remained in this position tor s-me hvurt. when the scene was disturbed by their obeer-. in ? in f-'oat arte re volume ot sinefc , which wa- from the d ? ?tractleu of another muss of our commissary stores Tbi* fact, no do-ih?, was convincing to the cuemy that ?or feres a cro retreating, ir-'Ui the prompt manner i ; wets h thai iubsciiuenlly attacked our troops. Oar th n ?tatiwi.Ki} cuKucc was forced to the rear and ..wiltc1 the attack. Several reg:mmiu wsr imaiediut'-ii gtepwyed as iwirtulshers, and pr>senUy !>< came engaguil, Tb# forrs of !he advancing unox was (mall in infaulr.v. D?r artillery wa. ? rought tnto u- ion to check the e<! ??see r.f th: rebels. Our batten. ? op :u*d very briskly ?e-1 ????* met by ? promj-t response by tue rebel bu-tc fcte* the latter dOiD ittle damage, as many of the sheii-i Aid n?H -sx-'o-'e. By he. o'ciu ;? A? it. ,Sunday; the bit Vie ol this point Of Ifc'.atiny had cu srd. At ?wdv i clock while .tie Party-second reguu n were ? the shies of ? skirl of woods, .-imuers nco. t. Vrought in the iiform-itioh that the enemy wire a ! Wiving th strcr.v force. Our troops imu.eujauly -pr?ng to in,i ,r.d were ordered t-> tno> ,? by the left (i-nk dyw-i ?:.* ASiiroail to lavage's station, w .th termer orders toiii.-vks the host tic.s possible towards that po.iit. It w del Bimed by o n generals to hold tin' onoiuy in c'--ck ?t ll" Mtirl nut 1 ilarV. - that -r th;.t b ir our trootis migiit ?ot,nnus the r istreat. At llvs o'clo k 1*. M the Mb*' ?pen- ! the Mis a .a argeforce.aoiavsry ? ? ? ng:-, Bent took pia -i. wt?.- h lasted, with r irying rc.t. ? imtil ?utiosi dark, when he oumwr wer? coino-llo I m ia . b ..k. Asstx.nan >t. r' ? appeared e thunder atom t .i,iu the aiilit of ,h h th iroop* inercHed, n retreat, fn? White- Oak Swamp, notwithstanding tlis j? si men h i W i. flth'iiig by Coy and uierc'j tig by nigh' for two 0t?.Tiou? eviaireit to e*' -s*ivs heat, many of th ; troop* fkil-ng. by fstigtt# and burger, by tt* roads, in. Coi uiel duirtcs, of th? FoTty-second, f#k twice from his hoe fcy sh'wr futigus, and to prsvent a runetttion o; ili? -wet Ue dictni.unieo *nd ie iikt o so m order to kse|i Msieo.f a-, vke Ou troupe still matched on, the ?e.n falling in b , dr'p, the ? id re 'b . .. .gh'y drench Bt, mill I buy reached the t r?80 bver wli?:h ibey wrc-e io pan th' Whi e i-ak Swamp. Tb- r?ri??M?, a- ih*y #aa lie>< this point. u*re s -i what crowded t gethor h; d' or- d the bri u* perfect order and regular tty. saw as tbr re-,r reg.ment had cmee-il the bi cige war fci- w d '.p anil rieslrtiy-d, to provsnt fiirlhor pur.-ult hy th* r-ii#!sover 'hir route, l'lie troo;n ?e;e then li it*d. ?tad a iew Icurs' rest aliciwe.1 Uiom, resting on their Arm*, ready fur ery sme . ?ncv. Reuns tbror ?iu| four o'clock on Moti-.l?y lucrmag the IrtsfS were *gi?in orilereil in I'D-. Tic- march in ?sards tbs .tame river was rrsnmed. t'he "uotry pa? *0 fcvrr was ttttoi y dertiliue of ?iu#i?thrro wsr- no totri-ame. no wolls sue-, nor brooks, to giailuet tin- ey - ?f our ifble fsllon*, now reddened 1>y fntig-ie en I tt .ret (tome of tb poor fellows off?wed ftr.* dollar for * ilruik o. ?aid water. at noon on Mot; ley tbs V"ir? *nemv esriied at ?gh? po ut where the brt U ?'??' dee'.rjyed. Its |i?* go Was ilefsmltd b; frwokl .? S cor, ; tiithi- fore* wj* deemed msulDcHit lor the pu'pocs. end l>ma> origv4,. Wbchbedbvvh Mm- *?!;?!? formic ?>? ym.ti. v, as ordered t" h* over f* they t ,ui _Ju-t traversed, to nssiel ?'r mk>ia in his ct do ivi r- I" ?b*- It th?* enemy. t>ena ? fircc arrived ?t th? dseirnd pc'ut ilo-* b;, the column of defeui i- lying on thulrnrn:', ? -stTap, wb?n MdOAitty ?? y b-*v e-inuonailiiig was beard from tb* direct) n frotn which fMna's brigade had jsst some Her* at litis juncture, tie JD ua. through n ue?e -wr!i wl.wh lie wae suffer tng -hru'ighjbe who ? .v '.m orite *f*rrcd P>- ??? ??l-eved, from command an t - commainl uf lit bcigj le t dMs itnel by- < "oloti*l la ?- of .. Twer, tb M- a ? hu?e't r*iiwient Tb* l? gai ?? waa ordered to retrars llieir ?v* e to reoiti -*dgwKk 'jica Ar- < j r*t .rnsd the ? ng of the* my grew ipor" dl*t not tn l b?ny This, gk wrver. only -erred pi ct tunlatr o- ro pe totroi!i B<?r i-ne fbtr brave Mldkrs r i to . . .. i\, b,* ( Mioa. ill order it |>OBaiblj. 10 ? iV<- .!) . ,y. (?n MTt*ing ae*- * p-. ut l>-nt naicb tn* rt- g pro-ise d, there ineSU of fie brigade at this tnesppa-e to bctni tttblr tnrVectiVS ootnmanAsr* ???em-I tod; ini Tb-Korty e-rono' was b?lt?d. fiwtn. d i ?>? 0t t.enie ?ml then uiov-d s -n* *? open spa/ie l tli:-direcli n o a ^ie-eef wood'. tow.Wds where the firing of the enemy eras heard The I'airty-seoond wss *.*in halted, ?ad kel nel tbarl**, kmwt g that our own troo <s ^pgust be eugeged, rode to the front to ascertain the lout |{^v of our Irooyis and the po' tion of tb* tnamy ffe had ^,f. proeeeil'il f'tf when ne overtook fragmems of several pegira *n^s. Th* po-dtion of the enemy wesAuc-rtaiOed. ?n(| e(V> Korty s*< ond was ordered In lino of bv 'le. It ked nof1 prooesded far when the shot of the enemy was ?hre*t*d at th**'i plongiung np the earth end sitti ng 'k > trees twest/ a**' ?bov? their heada with tbo pre*ieio? of g iicklt Tli# >V*> tHyootl fsechsa ? gtblis aweut t>J ground, and proceeded up the slope. Colonel Charles ?ur miMiig that the enemy were In 'orce on the oppovlle side i f the hill. Ttiu Forty-second wus ugaiu halted, to await the appearance of the rebels on their own ground. At_ lb.e tune the roer of musketry on the other portioi^ gf our line was tn-st teirido end deafen! jg( mm the smoke of the discharges mlmoet lm*enn?rable. The eueniy now moved the hill to meet the Forty-serou J, our men stood firm, with pieces loaded, ready for the conflict. The lubrls w re soon In sight, and a deadly Agin commenced. Georgia's bes t tioo,*. met those from the Km,ore >t .te. Tho ' -vrgrnusat flr*t staggered umlur the accurate lire of tho forty second, b it rallied and re newed the oouflict. for a time the enemy were checked, at:d the Forty-second ha I commenced to drive thoui back. v> hi a an unfortunate shot struck iho neck of Colo n:l < iuwies'horse, thr?m;h the pommel of tho saddle^ urmly lodging in the Colonel's groin. Tho flow of bloc j fit in the Colonel's wOcid was instantaneous; his bur se became restive, whirling around with Ha rider, rah iug through the woods and striking against a tree. The Colonel rem*4 :u his saddle, and sons.' one, seeing h.3 coudttun, Came to hai a;d. the wo .)>?*.t?J C.lo tied was supported on hi- horse and conveyed to Brack e l'- hou-e, where Ue found his rvo regimental, surgeons and some of hia officers and turn. He was iiflted hour ills h rse and curried .a there, ills wound was e:;am me and aiipftcaiiou*. uf cold water were A strong duso of morphine w sadrnlnktered tob^s, ana he .v,s soon under its influence .nid-tu a sound sleep, lie was la: ou tb > ground ou i inia straw uuul Tu.-- l.iy morning at daylight, when a <*>)< ,?r rushed into his apartment, crying, "lire t'uoy are. h re they are!" Colonel Charles immediately dswandc 1 of the man what Ins meant. The soldier rcplio I that tho enemy were up. a them. Col. Charles then a-'tod it any of his tnir. vor? outside the house. Hj was answe.od that there e -ra "lots of them." lie then or. dere.1 I hem to throw down their arms and strip their belts from their bo j-, so that the i b.'s would liavc no exen-'e for firing on the hospital The order w is obeyed, und m t few moments Ci pt. Fair:ax, of the jebol -ul L ti^street's staff, entered, declared all those in hospital i rls ncrs of war, couplet) with the doc.arat.ou ih..t they were all paroled, to proceed I" Kichttvwtd,aud iho.o seek ?uch accommodations as they oouid g t. Col"i.el Charles surrendered his sword to Captain Kair I s. Thoro were m:>ay Union officers and men in rlt.i hospital, all needing immediate surgical care. They v-ere succesafully treated and cared for by our own ur ge* v. ho refused to leave them. OuWcd-esday Col. Charles obtained permission to go to Ktchuaond. H-s wound was dressed an 1 he was th- u placed in an ambu lance, tho bottom of wfcich was c uered with straw. Tho ambulance was a common , oilier's tv.igoa, an.l. v.ith the driver and a private seidier attendant, the imrty ?tartaJ for Richmond. The route was conrtnued until dark, when the drir. r lost his way and was buinirca in a swamp, where tley stopped until morning. In this i rcdicament Colonel Charles smd he passed a sleepless aud a pa.i.ful night. Tho next morning the ambulance Btarted: g-Uu, uuil sU noonouTUursuay arrive I in tbe city or KioluuonU. Ooloaei Charles was taken to several hotels, and triad to obtain quarters, anl en deavored W engage p vate accommodations; but h,s affbrU were truitlc**, he was finally obliged to s^k reiuge iu the 8 atv Prison Hospital, No. 20 Cary street? i?n arriving there he was lilted from tho wagon by one of tho orderly .^rgeahts of his own regiment, who had t>, on made prisoner ibr o weeks previous, by General St -wort in his raid on Tunstall's station. The sergean secured Colonel Charles some little accommodation* in the .-hape or a cot and other little things, the Colonel's wounds were again dressed by the Union surgeons .n a. tendance. Colonel Charles speaks in term* of the lilghe-t pralso of I)-. Marshall, of Berdim's.Sharpshooters, whose noble ? ..rit of self sacriilce ,s to be found in few. Hesecri tlced his health and almost his life In attending to the thousand patients new In Ibis hospital prison. His cable spirit gave way from cOBjtuut exert let), and in th-ee days ho wes prnttrated with a malignant attack ot typhoid re\or, which betokened disastrous results, hut it lias since been ascertained that Dr. Marshall was re Cove: .tig. still spared to pursue his honorable profe.-* on' Colonel CUarias soon found that the overcrowded state of the prison was prejudicial to the health of its inmates, '.'tie lower floor was, by order of tho CouVedorato surgeon* exclusively apportioned to tho use of officers. home of the men*who then occupied it were removed toother quarters, thus giving the former ?"me more room. There ere three floors in tbe hull "ing. In one of the upper ones runic amputation* had been made. Bandages could n-.t be obtained to pre, ?rly dress .he wounds, lor the sick there were no medicU.ce or nourishment. l'euih sured ?or stark in the face ?muer the most agonizing clr curo-oai'.ee Hat sins wore given out at nine o'clock ,11 ihe morning, consisting of three ouncee of boiled ? vtd f res'* beef, one sift of dry n cad, two inches thick. IO each man. This was repeated at five o'clock f. M. t.ui*iuecf this our sick heroes received nothing. M parties war* allo ved to go outside the prison i.iuita and get a bucket of spr.ftg water. 1U building wc supplied from the river water, and wax Hike warm and turl. d. By the l-nieccy or the sentinel a few r;Ce?, in theehape of og*s, butter and o.her tilings.weie ( fo, u-e.i, but at exorbitant pr. es. I/t eiiy ??* :llil.">b? >^jnod for a woman to visit the hospital and supply the inmst *. with fresh milk every morning. Ea. h ofuoer pa li-at x - t a'* ui a pint. This was indeed a boon to them, as man*.- uf luetn co'ild not est tbb unpalatable h rpitnl diet, in the m?autimo the dead became czcccfcire n numbers, and the boilic* were carried ntc tbe celiar beneath.m which the hospital cooking v.-a- done. Desp.te every et'e. t> ? -r.* ver. ot time* many bodies of their own and our 00 .: and s m-of them s a pctr-went s ate?kept hi this arcs; ituc.n. The rebels said they empl. yed at! the :tr:? sod ihe available Isiip io perform the nt.s of ha*ty sejol'.ce. rod could do no more. In the dajliine tho hnappnl apuriro-rit* w-re (umUnied with burning tar; bu; it i ght ihe stench from the decomposing b w.?- ?u h us t?> render breathing alntosi impossible. Colonel Cbarlea th oks that the liberation of our wounded w?s not own i ao inu h to the niagnan miiy of spirit of tl.e rebel air.h'ritiee sa to the rear of their re 1 niioa leading to an ep'-tamic. c. iotie! Cbaiie# st .te* that be was sent borne from ' liMtbtttoed with the verbal explanation tlud he was pa- j roled until aii exchange eonld be efle-ted. He was toid ?hut n i r vtnal obligation w..s require! of him. The met important |i<dnt of iuio-uiat .on gu.n-d bybtshr.ef l". ? ?urn in Richmond wa? obtained ou hie departure for .???, being f * ''I of the new iror-ciad -teamer wliidi ?lie rfbul" are btiilding. uiodeliod after the Verr .umc lh ri-eua! pi ivticgo win no fault of llio rrhel*. wh'i ? e-i 'he ri,r i. s- of a large dmibie anib'datMe oon. tainmg the Colonel ?a<'. eoine wounded M <-.?*? h eeti? olll cr n as tbc.v passed along Hie dame* rivjr; but the f.> Ilia'. liaVing the lower pert on of the vim lu. and Ui* mrt ilua bem; eligbtly short, was er abled Pi *ec the b Ik of the ne v war ves'.d, ?? it w?? being towed by an old :ei i y!?*t i" Hie <iirecli n of the T'eiieg.r Iron Works. it 1- pre"* med for the pnrpie* o" re-et> ir.g if iron cosut.g iliere. ibi* ve-*ei is a beaked ,a*n, and' In this reap ft, tod in weim of smaller m.e tiieu the Men in)'" . does she difler from thai liefnuct ,r .-,e i.i-.iis-er ;ln ii-w ve? el he her pel oi soda ? nctnbar "f t.s'i w?ie el w t> on I ?r >ai * w i-re i' ? out ix e. alf-ve the water * eg Ti. ram W-S ncirt," . *.i-ii*t g :*b"' ' f"'ir fi' t Kleive tt.e I ,,?'K I erter. '.>? i ? ? six ' r eight t-at. Tbe ?>+ eel s i, si * thl : se-'IU nivevr fOrrnld ible and hit 1 sh* w ii. leie'iiyfor servl-e in three we-ke at the fif th' ' H* r i - * if in - .v to a peak ?? si .a hto hi t! <t (I,. , ... r-e 't S ?harp sugle. When r- ?? rt s*v.l her machinerv P"l m b-r g wMI prohaMy not he over ulit font ab"\ ? the ma'-fteir . much-nia'ler. si?e wil' (,? r*r 111 're 'U rite ' ? than th ? M ? rifn.'. Itiei H"i e ? ,w another iron clad ff*ei pii?e reifly p.r -er tbe river It w*? a I mbewt. app rently -f about four bu'idred tons. The Italian Piirllnnie.Mt. ei'Kjkb .;f Avt./raya ?. ain't av r*rc ivnrts ru xKvico uouu i Aim wirn roKt-tus , NA I tOSS. If, ? u Ileb..'0 tn the Italian Parliament et Turin on J th. oon . r .ini.e ttcncral dve/rana k. wei! ku?wa in [ the I led "tab# a* ft gitlaM. ma-in use oi ilia iollowiig ^ woods to 'he courae of his s|>eech:? * ? I shell *Ja? "?y * fpr w'-rds in r-lst-n to our fo r- f i' ronkiitog mys< k to advising the K\#cu , v-e ??.' i ? m.ik- icm-elf solsecrvi-til to any ?"rri?n P?,v , | Hppr n c, axel I atn In lator ot an aiinnco I, ne. . ui UfcWrnl ally, and an. willing to ?i'"tf mnee whenever ng.r sltlor ??omitry may he Ml .'ked or m be- imfitioal en.tcw !!* r w be , SI.. mic.i'le i ? n the rights ??". er ir' "ti< e of O l.e nation" Andes. ?m p>. ohH.gon ib.s! it will i. t ?>e nsetesa for m" well i -vc viiig g' v.Ti inei t at x pioj. sttlon ttct ni .y hi msde to Jeln the axpeditloii uiVie' takaa by the In. peris' r vert n.-nl iigulif. Merle ? 'er thatwongl he a iea> crti.i. se.boairt' a the vbdaibm of xl?e |rrm<'? ot Batiuimlllr, frcni wliudi we draw o .r existence, It wo id .ili i ate i io ui Hi- aym;?thy of neafjj "t-o h'Jb drnd nil ?' o. e ef I tiat ll mtso' th -O illfhran.- ?" uti lee wb'S'pMieat feel frierdlyanfi ki''fly low./ds u? It WloIiI iii re our conituen e, and c ess np the* way to m<n) s-1Ventage* It would cause a rinn imni-dide and n Trlble to thin* of to more then two hundred tboii HMiid It. liana restd ng in the vsrloiia omiotriea "f iVblUi Anw" fee ,m I to wh'm the leaat evil tbet emild hapistn wulil be the lose of their property. Be ye therefore, o n rt fi.ntntcs,' rh a.e end rautioua In -ultlvatlrg tlw frirtiUb^ uf - ?lea*, without fi'ilmstiea, from tUe Smth. Or ni? L0CIS1AN lAMll rBEVKB KOKTHKKN OOU'j TO KKBKL SHtNTLAhlBUS. A copy of tb j Mobile AUvcrlUer of the 11th hat. is re ceived. It v ,yg that' "among the population of I hot por tion of thu state of Louisiana lying above and west ef New Orloi m there ia a numerous class of persons of mixed iPosceut, ignorant and scarcely speokiug or un dorstas ding the Kagliah language. These, it may we:l be sup ;ioMd,have little feeling in common with th ae whig' are fighting in this war. They do not understand tin* quarrel, ho. They would as aeon have Northern gdf.j aa Confederate paper, if not a liuie rather, no matter f' >r what Lund of disloyal services It might bs the wages. ' fhe l'?s of New Orleans was at first regarded as a t*r riblt blow to the Confederate cause; but U has prvef, fruitful of the greatest advantages? moral arid material Its first eil'sct has been to arouse the Southern cut* ? The word has gems forth, 'No aaore sit renders of ? ea port towns, except in ashes.' Butler's rule h a ini^si fied Southern hatred o: Yankee ru.a. He metu to tight j for our in lepealeruie with such m ans as t. >! ? 11 nature have put into our bauds, just us if intervention war not nut el the question of hope." Ui-.f'USALS KKOOiniKNDh.P. The Ai'HSW inr'tiuh ui???/?<< -ays:?'iur g v-f-- .men: has now Hi It.i hands sever.d hundred Yau'a.-a officers, some of them of high military rank and high; oial po sition. Now is he opportunity tb demand s tm. ement for the atrocities perpetrated i*y the iru-oreoat*' Butle> ' at New Orleans Now is the titno to demand retribution for the blood of the martyred " llumiord." His d?atU cri"? to H aven lor vengeance. Lot twenty or thirty of tb 'eibml prisoners, high -st in rallk, be net aside and ho d in close confinement, thero to remain e .til" Butler" is delivered up, or until by the chances ol war ho is tlirowu inu our hinds. TUe Turf. FASHION TUCASUHB UHOON? ASSOCIATION?TKOT T1NO. Wrdnwbat, Joly 28, sweepstakes *300, mile heals, to iva ontr'Hu lu proo*" Is of the ad\ir to bo don tteJ 11 ? oiuc oharitalde instit tion." p. Mace entered g. g. Jcsso 2 11 H. Wo Hirnff pnlered b. g. <ed .lolm .Tacks' u 1 2 !2 li. l'lifer outs.edb. m. Win .v Moi an..... 3 3 3 'ii.ue, 2 44,'^?2'43?2:41. The shore named horse*; sre well known roadsters, hably prized by their respective owners, each of whOin being under the b' lio: that the capabilities of bis own nag were far sspoi ior to those of his u ighbor's or any oth ?r man's, the ah ve sweep?takes was arranged to try the lueritu of tlielr chargers wi.h a few torus around the raagio circle of a racecourse; and, to add Intern-it to the aii'air ami divest it of alleppea-ance of g& nir.g, tho par ties a,;cod that the "Winner should donats the en tire proceeds to some charitable purp se. Jt was .said thai the proceeds would be given to St. Gabriel's cbu'cb. Probably $500 Was realized by the trot. liie aiTair called cat k very ,'nj attendance, notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather durin.; meaner noon.aU??f whom?tbbu, women avid children?appeared hl?bly de.ightod w th the sp rt. Mr. Boyls hoi so, KM Joi.n Jaekson, was decidedly the favorite in the pool seil me. bringing in iinltmited |.o.>!.? j o, uhilo Mr. Iiasseu'.-; ?mare \t iuow Morwau brought $13, and John K .ite!'-;, b.oii4it bm $8. These li ? oagive about theavo rag< ra- ? at which the li irsea m M pr. vtona to the ?iait. A Wt the flibi be t, John Jaclteou. having won it wppv x<" t y vary hai'Jiiy, sob lor$40, whiiC the other two together b.o.igh'. but $.0. Ju.nj?, having' boa'wu Jack son in ill *?-?" lid turn, became top'sawyor in tbe bet tiny, although iho backars of Jackson s-'luek t" Unn to tiio end. and tho odd.* him wore at no time more than toil to ? ight. it was a capital race, nail 'ho time snri>ri.-iii4i even to tb 'tic who claimed to b" posted. J\r>' It 'it.?Widow Morgan won toe iL.-ideposition, John 'ack- n the mid die, .1 >-?; the outside. At Hie aiajl to. re ?. i-m.-d ! > be a di-p. -itiou on the jmrt ot the two fa;;- 1 i'fli?T and Mace) to k> op iiirain in the middie and also in tho roar. J- from the cut.'-ido. or, tlm lead, erofi.-ed ovr and loik llie pod a. d th ?-! tho mart) cross. (1 In front of Jackson lor thoouiAide; b'.'.t Hiram, k .owing that his borne had tho s;xjod at that nionvmi, pulled out to the kireme outs to. aud. ir ititig around the I tiio". led ibout to the .planer (Kile throe or tour tengtbr; aud ir?tu there to the a'.and ne kept his burse up to the top not eh, determined that the others should t.ot c"t hiai in a tight piacc uj.uu duriu., this he .1. Jessie, however, made a" very b'.c brush from the half mile i?de, and cloud up n.cely unitl witLin a few -axis ?,< the ><a,re, a hen lie broke op and iost hi .nance (or the heal, rtio marc made a very ?wor ahow, being batten eight or ten lengths. Ttmo,2:44^. Saond took lb" load w*h the word, and maintained it to .ho cud, ciesely pre?s"d by Jackson every step of the d,stance. Jackson broke several times during toe haul, J?-=c trotted very s a..ii> till tiio way, and at the end seemed to liavo mora bottom iha.i eitboro! the Others, and looked so tresh aud so mnch like a ?> in. -or that lie at once became tbc (asorite. Time cf tho beat, 2:43. Ibis mare was body beaten agair. Tninl If a'.?ihte was tue most ev itmg hc-.t in the race, Jc.-hc anil Jack so ll ha. H bead eii*. lie id code* t for half a mile, wlieu, the brush jiT'crino teo long o.i 'bo litter, atid .ml being able to stand tho press, he broke ujl^lor a b an iiitig cpeli. This give Jt*>?e no much tuS ad van in <o thai I he oth r,although b. iai..ed wry lii.e.y , couM not .".. am ovcr ako him. and he came m tiiC stand a win mr by a length, making the hea? in 2:41. Widow Morgan nearly distanced. And tIds was the end ot^tbe dini ]iy race ltd oth *? races on the r....d nemo, in tiio rain cm be bciior ioci^inod than d?. cilbcd. A p'lissatid ake wit! bo trotted be to lay by ibroe very good hcTcfe. tLotanie that wete etgageu in a burnt i cap about a week eg . r.AAIiaO lis tiOMOJI. bosmsr, JiAy 23.13'2. Tb? econd day's racing of itie Boston inosttt./ c^rno oil to-day on ti.r P-oakHn I'a.k Course. The i.ltorolnnce wag not so numerous us on tiio first day, ow lug to Urn cold an 1 weather. Tho racing execneut, all the bests being closely contented. The Prst race was a tnilo handicap, lor a purse of $230 jl,<: Jessie. b longing to Mr. .lolm Hunter, was backed ".t odd* against tli* other th;re starter.?Hillsborough, ma and Cyctone. The r a.c was wuti by HiUshoruugh, ;a 1 jgi, . ycv.|,t fKirr second Mt-s Jess e third aud Luuna p. rt I. The two mite* handicap race, for a purge of $143, was will by Pr Wfklaa's tieltic Ward, beam.,. Trovab-re a il Kcvcii c. Trovatore tiio (iivurito and Revenge next in e-ttmation. Revmtc w a tt.cti ? h-: t m :: .VJ, wufi Trovatore *i'Cihi<I. H.*ltic V. jrd won lit- .*-cond Mint 'third li-:u u ' 4?' , ?ud 3:a ? ? lie. an exciting rues iu cacti hea: w.'.O fmva.ore. Pr. Weldon ot Kentucky,con*.-piently won both rs<ea to :uy btmu lite ilr-t victories be bus achieved during the r'Ceiit campaign in the North. The Kuroyiun Steninera AHili V At. of rHti ASIA AT HALlfAX. H ii wax, July JW$2. Tbe rtouiatliip Asia S' ri'. e I bore at twelve o'clock lant nikfit. ?ti?l gulled *%**}? at half-past throe o'ci?<k this ti oi niug mr Boston, where viie ?II! bo on Thcrmlay Alter neon. Tho Asia liar giity.three pagnnngers. fli# rejiort*? Pasted in the Pngbsh t'habuei on the 12th lutUnl ship ' (.'ceroid ru?I barks Clyde, Devon an 1 Venetiaii. on the I 13th pas'"! the st? itner < hms?latitude not ebtted?and on tin Stub t!i ? stcumsr .~c >ti?. bound eitt. 7UK Hllll.KKtAN Ot'TWAKD BOl'NP. Si. Jongs, N' p.. July 22, 18(12. t<Jv ,< s* from the I tnted Slates to Monday rveuiug were placed en bnnrd the ?i?am.-hip Hib-rman, from iptebeo for l/.'iidond"rri an I l. ver|>ool, on rap" Race,at hklf-pa't three o'cUh'U ll:W *lie. noon. Private deg|?tc.ieg sent through Mr. George Steker's Ci.i.irneirial, No. 143 Broadway, New ^o^k, acre also placed ? n b iaid the THE kl'ROPA OITWARtl BOUND. Ilott'iN, July 23. 1862. Tbe stevti 'li.p Kit rope suited at id'ie o'c'-xk thi? nvrn tug woli ui c pa-' etisers lor Ha'iiat and forty-slA ior l.ivarpocl. r4tr take* out |T&,4lNl it. specie Xevvt fnilu San P'rnfirl*eo. b/a Kw.vni isfo, ly 21,1862 3aile l, t'' td lrt. ii','ale earfyitig 2SU? pa'csn or-' and li 114.MO ill trenacrn lot Naw Yoik, ai:d $2i0,(a?0 itr fnglaod. Pii?unal liilelllgCiiee. i.tiioral Bteiika,' a..< ?.inpani'? byte not the members o' ' 11* -tad arrived iu tbl' < ; y a late h "ir ooTuesdsy i, i iii. a ...'croay be l? fci lite fa tu >n New ,!a -?y, "us will remain for a si rt lime 'be a.rtra a at .1"- - ' 'vic'n4?r Hotel ye.fenli \ wcie Jo!.n We tworib, ?g Mayor ? ? tnc .gr Ma.,oi p.i: get i Ibe itoi'O states >.i j C"lotel lliiibr uk. 0. Hi" KilTy t. i regiment New V rk Yo'unteeia' l' *n. J i v \ c! (iloO, atid t,?aei Van Yesl.ten of Alliauy. i aptainC. W. I.ynian nfihe I nited State- Army, m route to M. uiph a ' atda o J i. Hum, or ? ah., rum. I Aoci.g o, llio t w led uies Atniy ; N. M liotnud, c. Si 1, ma, atid Itobc t vt i iee of New York . are aioj ping at ttie Meiropoliten Hotel. t.ensral Bernard,of the I nited Slate* Army; If n. -I. |i tl< itderaon. of Missouri ? aptem iia/aru, u tiib I lifted 'a- Navy . ' nptain J. J. J. I.aer?ne?, of fbe ship Welteter tol. H. li. Jewell, 'rf I o- better; Anson I'Aiija, ? f Albany, and O. W t'h ae.e. Ht. Iaua, arrived at the AaPu House yesterday Homer Ranieiiell. of Naeb'irg; I dw.ird Verio?r and w e. < f Hi pianri; Major Arn?at""u>'1 of Mot,(real, w H. Snilth,*tid family. and W J kU Aipma <!r f'mcionati; r. B. Kg"V'it, Malta; J. H Kcgi as, of (Tre:c viilr . Ohl N . My.ra.of Ptiiiedelphie. Jcn.e* Hey,of .v cw York.uod J. F Winslow, of iroy, era aiei ping at tha i ifib /ven"t Hotel. > fokmel II 3 P'ikMa. 'ha Bantli tegduent Ma??a ehiot'ti* Volnniaera. Heerge A Richim ml. of N?W|?or(i C W. Orne. of Nofihbero, Mara , and K. II Thayer, oi Philadelphia, aro stopping at tha Hr?V>ort Jlo'J ? Judge fllllon, CillOinuSU, Hulled Stntee.aed Mr Cnsey, York, sw route I rout Romd tor AOMrice, arrived in T'lam, Ireland, on Julyl.te pay thi-tr re*pw;t? to bit Hrsee the Arelibiehop, " ho recaive'i tbsm nuet ktui'y. rhey ware preecrte: by the Rev " Cwwsfj P P , Ueedivrd. THE NEW CALL FOR TRCOPS. Military Movement* In New Ybrk and Vidnlty. THE RKCKl'ITINU UFKICEB8. Tbers ??erus to be % liltch 6owewl?ero In the workiet or th? recruiting officers, as tba difficulties whiofc they have to encounter In procuring men for tbeir various commands appear to be of rather an exlenaive nature. 'lbe manner in which volunteers are treated af ter their enlistment is a material point which prevents rapid recruiting. Thero h ue beca no definite regula tions madn us yet relative to tbe payment of bounty money, this being one of tlio causes of complaint There tne plenty of iuju to bo had who will at once enter the army cold they be convinced of the certainly of procuring their bounty mouey after so doing. The re cruiting < Ulcers c in,.lain of this, and desire that a reform sh u!d bo m.cde in this niatUr. Some few days ago, it will be remembered, a number of tbe officers met at th.j Astor House m o.der to further their interests in tliia connection. They will uioet ?g.tiu, for t'ue same purpose, in the conrso of a day or two. Should the bouuty of fifty dollars be made certain to the recruit, thero would bo a rash of volunteers to the diflbrent sta tions every day in ths weak. An thor fact which interferes with recruiting is the g ent detoy experienced by our volunteers iu receiving thair pay after thsy enter into active service. Men who havo fx mi! .es to b : p, 011 cannt t be expvetod to shoulder a iu o'cot an l inarch far away from home leaving their families unprovided r,aud with little hope of reoeh iug the wiierewitbal fmn tho government to alleviate that defoHutHi. With reforms made in iheee matter^, there is no doubt but that the ranks of oar army will fast fill up to any amount nooes^iry to be raasod. Tit:: Bf jRriTfNo stations. The following are tho localities of the different recruit ing hlationr. thioiighout the city:? t orco rui /ouay*s, Company K, 70 Prince street and 50 Caiur ? stre?l. Metr.'ixiiitaa Guard, Company E. 50 WalUers'rect. Co one Hia* I'tLsner's regiment, I' street and loo Bi oadwnj t oiii.mnj K. Thurlow Weed Guard, 193 Tenth etreet, N riliTii Ho el. Marine Am cry, 155 South street, ttant it Legion, 207 Wo t slreot. The Roguiar Army, 93 Chath im and 115 Cedar street. P mola's Umpire Brigade, Thirregiment, 17 Centre street. V Million's Light battery, 438 Broadway, City Hall 1'.. k. I'our'h regiment, Comjany E, Spinola'a brigade, 47 tanal- reet. AutU n Battalion, 508 Broadway. Spin.da'.- Empire brigade, Mercer House f-'UM.'D Leii 'ii, 174 Grand street. Stantuu I.ouon, 177 Grand stc t, 199 Bowery, bpii. aa's inn pirn Brigade, 3d') i'e.v i street. Spiaola'a l- mpirc Brigade, 91 White street, ihird legiineut, Spluola ?, Xo 2 -eveuth i.Venue. tiecM.d regiment, Spinol ,'s, 118 Graud sueet. 1 an yea s Zouaves, 00(5 Broadway. Nntioual V 'luutcoiK, ll'i'/art Hall, 314 Broadway. National Volunteers, 2ii3 Willtain street. 1 h.rd r glinent. splmda's, room 22 Tammany Oil. Hdlbouse Light Infantry, si Ni,.?-;<u reet: One f liiuurtu and Second regiment, 430 Broadway. Bee!! Siiaipshoolcip, 129 Hudson street, X'o. 4 Water street. to). Oims toad's r? inienf. 51fi ("anal street. Kntpi: c B: ieAdo, 7o Division street. Empire Brigade, corner of West and Vesey streets. Fourth Senatorial district regiment, 444 Uioi'.dway. HiiUiouse Light Infantry, 602 Broadway. Oi( lain Monk s company, 54 Pearl Etreet. l'h erix regiiiieni. 100 Bourn trert, 270 Mott street. New York Volunteers, Fourth r<-g.motif, 171 Canal street. Pit ciiix regiment No. 2 James s!ij>, 54U Sixih avoaue. P'i.'lh regiment, 40 New Bowory. I'h >?: ; i icghaent, corner of West Broadway and Leon ard ft. tict. Hallcck Guard, 4S0 Brwidway. Brigade, 27 Atlantic i-.treet, Brooklyn, and No. lbS 1 ? II r Strest, Now York. \ csh .. eti l husi-eurg, 52 Broad/ay, Bod House, Harlem. Gdicc rs Wanted. 280 Broadvrcy. N'e.?- York Artillery , l?"? IF-wery. Fifty fourth New York, 1U4 < ?nal street. f-ig.-l Btigj. e, 244 lU'i Houston street. Sign Guard, 244 East Houston street. Slgal Guard, 114 and 131 t lint'>n street. PUvubou regiment, 1C3 He: tor street. Suuitutl Guard, 75 Norfolk street. Nigel Brigade, 2do Bowery in ! 101 Attorney street. big el Brigade, ion Vathmgiou street. l!>e i-.veiaco number of recruits at the several sta tit ins Las been nearly two h'tr.dred por ?Iay, aud they are gradually increasing. It is but juruce to give credit for the energy exhibited by the otimers at each of those stations, as they are engaged from morning until night in the praiseworthy object of obtaining meruit*. The expenses oi the offlc-re. in this '/mr.cctton, are also some what heavy, as thoy i-p- rid money from thuir own i purses in order tbiurilirr the inlurcuto ui recruiting us much an possible. THE ULUIH EKKJADK. The meeting in aid of the Irish Bri/'ade will take place on Friday evening next at the beverrb regiment armory, ismteal of at Uio Cooper Institute, as previously staled. Addroseeg arc t? bu ucli??re<t on the occasion by General Meagher, Kkhird uViorman, Kcq., James T. BraJy, l -.t., an t .lodge Italy. if it u taken into consideration who work iiu- already been done by the gallant I: i,-h brignd - duiuig tlic present content, there is no doubt bot4 that there will bo a grand rally to its aid mi to morrow even ing. flic rank,-, of the brigade have been decimated at the bauds o me SQciny aiul <>1 d.scare; and their coun try ineu of .sew York are now caiiel npou to till hp the gap which has been made by traitor hands, it remains u.- lie teen whether tin y win' n irry ' ? the lidd with that abu t Uy deserving of tno ceii'c and ilie occasion. Gone, rat Buagber is engaged night and day in attending to thu inierctiis ul his command. lie ban hut a few oaya now to remain m the city. TUB FIFTY-FIFTH UOIXRST, Cnloue! de Trobriand, of the Fifty-fifth regiment, in an ><wor to a Statement lately made, that his command had dwindled dow n to the small complement of fifty men, writes a letter to a paper of this city contradicting sail state-;,ent, and giving tin: nomtxr as follows:? in cam: Detail* l or. ,k tlve eervn o cleewhero 17 UcfM, -tck and wounded 302 Total fttO Tin. Ql'A KTkliM Ab'fKK OfNEKAI.'S OFFICE. General Arthur, the able and offcent otllcer wlto has charge of the Q rutei waster GeMfui'i deportment, situ ai. d in iYalki r at-out, Is kept daily at present in at teodiDvta his various dm?e". Yes or ! ly a largo i|uatitity oi army accoutrements were FWCOlVCd at the department. HI'INOI.A'B DtPIKE BRIO A OR. The recruiting for this organization seems to bo pro greasing with more aart.e^tt.os ui this city th.m among our friends at the oilier side oi the wa ?r. There ere yet wanted over thirteen hunded m?n to fill up tho brigade to tho proper standard. The encampmont is situated at knit New York where roiu.ts ui drilled daily. VOHRCMH UlAf-r-KUUt. Tlte encampm.ut of this corps- is situated at 106th street aud Second avenue. Great inducements aie ?t!?rod to reruns for j'lintt.g. Tl.e regiment is called a tcr thu I iiuenied V'ofbiirgli. wh<> died while jn the dig. chugs >.f hi.- luty ns colonel, ineie i? a recruiting at No. 112 Weik'-r Kt-ct. FIK8T REGIMENT NEW YORK CAVAI.RT. There are recruits wanted Immediately for the above corps, wliteh i* dow in e.-l've service nt ftufl'olk, \ a. c olonel Iiodge is at present in command of the regiment Keci uititig neadip.ui Urs, No. go tVli'iehali sirs. t. RTANTOK I.W1I0N. This is denominated tlic Eleventh regiment New Yt rk .-tut - Vnluuleorc, sod comtuaadM by Colouul Alien, who . an ?'.Otr-'-rM tfih-lency ant m?rtt. Colonel Alien wa tl.e nun who rsiivd the First legituent New Y"-k Vo lunteers, who ui.- now under General MeCleHan, and tfieli I*, a very tUid discii-iine lm e beon the tu vine ei ui?uy a tonglM. Forth" p-e-eut tlltfilSMMl la-gtuu hi.' untie .. hcatitiy nnd hcanttftti cncmpfneai xt 8.-w t? .rp, .--.a'.-n let.?nd .where rn0iults arc :>t.t daily ou bc.i g ii.ii--tere.-i into the service, i n.i i tho utile ieadct ship of < (iluBtl At'cii th-r* is tin d ubt ..hat thu regimm: will become a i opuoti and eiih ,i iii <?#. Itiooklyn Miiitery fllattere. P> r uin g in Hrgtikiv u xoeius to bu ?u the do-Ii .c tnstei.d of the inireaus. It Is intended, however, to hold a nut meeting in the city in a few day. ,ino Jer to it.. he enlistments as inu. Ii as possible. It ... high time K r this to t.o d-. e in Brooklyn, as those ui -tinge have aire- dy been hold in sourly all the princi|>al cities or ilie 1 i.M. The 1 in, ire Brigade Is tho principal volunteer orgenisatlon b?-mg rocinited In Iirooklyn. I.ientenah^ t.otoiR-1 Jnurduti huoot HieioiirtoeuUiieniti>euto Hro.a ijii, which li.-i?? cone -urli guluiot ger-. o du itii: tlic w .r Iiu-b<?n appointed CodRKlOf the Fourth regiment oi this hi igad'. The iwtt.ty ihinl regin.e :t, (eioncl Ev idui , B now tl..- i-uty miiitl.i fcp.met. Iii Nruokhn. It har beeu but tw.< or thru# inunth. or?a .rod, and Is now nearly full. The lie .rUiri u.u at me ,v. eual. The Ih ..uncut v hu ll. ir s-k and wounded soldi:re are rsoelving in I'.rc Fly m Is wnfthy of npedisl ineBttois. The I O0g i-i.ocl <> lic,,.i Itospiiai hi... heeu thrown open for tt e fiee in** i'< those disubled her.a . There are ;n the lioupi. till re. or one hundred MSN of Hi is claM. Kevciai hare died siine their arrival in th.-i! 1 . ility. Here ,.iiy #?*-u .wool tl.e groates. sulferiiig^hot the poor kk/ciierr endur ? their .-^..nies with the -reat.-st tortitudr. A,'i tie-atto nun i | lis MS Tor tho comfort aud aitevi tk>o uf tle-e | t?ir fcllo<- - i* |>a!d them, nt:d if g nils nu mg an? tisi i insntu converse bnvn anythfug to Jo with rei uv try those vtotirns to traitoron* wi.l soon I s wa.king aiuoi'g us ngam In their prietiue h- ..ith aud striugil.. Nvcruiting In New York *Ate K.ijiiS' , July 23. 1102. The quota of volunteers iVr this (Ch<mung) county Is more than full. It is believed that this co.isiy is the first iu the btete iha. bus rccrdfieu the number neceo mr The Bimmty Q,uealton lu lli? Baltimore Coucllli Bai.timori, July 23, IMS. At tho City Otxnclla this afternoon the Cominitlea of OonfemnM reported again the resolution rejected yes tar. day by the second branch, making appropriation for bounty for volunteers, when the secessionists of the second branch again rejected it. There was a consider, able crowd, and much excitement. Several members were assaulted on leaving the chamber. A large torce ?f police was present who protected the obnoxious mem bers to their hou es. Tlut for this they would have he?n roughly handled. A large police force is now protecting their houses. SHIPPING NEWS almanac ron t-rxr york-tiih bat. 4 4UI U'ion r in morn 2 43 7 ICS I muH watkr. eve 6 .".3 Port or New fork, July ?3, 1N0M. CLEARED. Staatnshlo Rnancse. Couch. Now Orleans?Ludlam A Hel Mramshlp Ocean Queen, Terry, Boston?b 8 Quarter matter. Kuip Charter Oak, Crrver, Liverpool?Waiah, Carver A Sliir Philadelphia Poole, L'verponl?T Richardson, shin Kifune s Car, Kced, London?J W Klwell A Co. BaQt Ht'ni;n?r, WUchleu, bhaughao?O I! F" semion. Buik Norgo (Non, \? lb. n . Cork?Kaehire A t o. J! rk Col Aduu h, Hemingway, Lomio nderry?Metcalf A Duncan. 11 i , wire, ? Qusenatown?Oral! A Nickels. Isj mi. Dir . ton. Tra c? ?S'uiye* < lc ir uan A Co. Bark 1 ,1,'i a A: a (i'ri, De> n.iC, ilnrre?llrug.ere A Th< tuioil. ltavk Voyages, , T.' ragoua?C< ~ iez, Walli* A Go* Caeoo, fiai e-. Trlni id?U 8 Stenhen.-i u. Bark EUi u tc < ..s, Thomas, Nov Orb aua?Kobuon A Foa die: . HHg Concord. Rio It'1, llr . ? C C 0 mean .t: Co. Bri ? Ascll.,, D.i .'in, Rio Jauelrb-rlV III ,v ft, i> !. ?. c u.u s?BS'ahuito A C Brig Nular. _ . Brig .l.ino . B'->r 1 a ?u\ Hi Jo. to, N K?M R Dewolf. K.I; h P..) 1.1 wl.. Si ,1c litis, ,'i F Small ; Co. Bri II li v.'lO 'k (Br), Dexicr. iluih'.. ?' V'Whliii v A Co, Br ir Aiicc Maud, .? sen. No ? Orleans?Brett, Son A Co. Hrl.i i, Do. in h, i in Ph lad phlu?Mi null A Dun ..u 6ehr Mur> Al'.ue, Gib o-. Harl >i his?V Schr * or uc 111 ilr>, bulier, Si Johue, NF? I> it Dewolf. .-rhr Eliza ( Br). . Si Johns. NK? H K Rmnil k Co. 8. hi M Sin (h. Ma thews, N w orn?Van Bi unt .v Slaght. 8' hr W Mar i k, Gerard, Ui .rgelowi?O 1, Revaux. Schr Coiu K' arny, Brewaler, Georgetown -J J Brown A Co. Rehr Monmouth, Andcraon, Georgelow n?Bentley, Smith A Co. H< i r John Randolph, Wall, Philadelphia?L Kenny. K'.r.M u/iis Blake. Fl..ud>!phta- Master. Sciir U ofl Island, Kelioy. Augusta?Master. Hehr'llter Rock, Isine, Bangor?R * Buck A Co. S hr i st u, T.iir. Glnue, t r? L K umy. S 'lir Hamilton, St,-1:orson, YaWnoUtii? M 8 RaoketL Sclir Ccleslia, lUinkin, B . don?11 S R es. It. Sclir " Gib's, 8 New B 'or I?It ri K.i keil. Sehr Mouutsiu Hume, pond N ov Bmifor-i?H 8 Pa'ke't. Sh op Fred Ero. n, i'arr, IVovldciv?1. lie ay. Sloop F>\ing Arrou , sate h New ll.iv. u?li S Rackett. Sloop H 'ply. W Hartford?II S Racket'. Sloop i'hedix, Shepbeid, 11a. IforC?H Rru ki tt. Mnop Nnn.'u'u k, It.iw ki .s Norwich?II S Paic' ett, 81earner I' W Itr ii.e. Fouler. Bii'ti.oore. sc arner Funny Game ?, I't rce. I'hllaiielphia. ARRIVED. Steamship Fulton (U S iralispoi'l), Wotfon, N'-w Orleenv. ;o o s cu tuernia-ier. The F .ailed from New Orleans July lb, at 5 o'l lo. k P.ll. Iiiid uie boreal in the g.ntthwi t Purs; crossed the Bur July 17, at 7.30 AM; put pilot on I - rx. ,1 the three masted schooner Onlena, with ens.a ship island, bound lu. July 10, at lu o'er - !. P.M, passed a sulewhe tteatiK'r, supposed'o bo Hie I'liila ??? u from New York, go.n?r up; also sD-niner Ootorora, und portion 7 C"ju Por ter's mortar tleet at. uc ... ? off Pilot Town, wnleh plant lmy were to leave the following lay H7th a.i). T. o Fu! ? u ;u riv il od 8aud> II ok Ju y lit at h.'M I'M. Bleuiriship A ago i C 8 transport i, Gadsden, Por' Royal. July id \ in Fort) s Monroe, with pi ssci'g re and ?!< k sol dl?rs, to U S (Jsianer .aster. Stcnuiatiip O "an Qucu il' R transport', T rey, Fort Monroe. 34 hours, to US Quarieruui t>r. kJd iuat, olf ipesof Deiuc ureu pissed nun li A Ptev. us, oui-1 L'. Sidp Aur uste All 's), Taratochie, Liverpool, 4 I duv S, with coal, to order. Ship Emily Augusta, Strickland, Philadelphia, In ballast, to J O lia'u r. , . Ship li'/hcrt Cue!) man, Otis. Bow ton, 4 days in all (fit, to 1. 1-a: k Heircaa, Clark, London and Tsla of Wight, S3 da <, wiiti indue and 13 pat* n?< ra, to Ii ? Morgan A Wiley; vowm-I to.) A M'tOiiw. llmk Allodia (Br. of Ghmgow). Cun-illah. New astle, 43 davit, with eon 1, lo H *k F W Meyer. liark Knbe t Le mir I (Br, of Yarn.o tli, NS>, Coi ning, Yo igi al. 39 >ia;. t In lu! nut o lilniiatoii lit"*. Ifurk L'n:> A Ni keif (of Srarata/rt), Knid. Ha ana, July 12, in linh-L*"'. to K I'Beck A in. .Ian. s Ma ;? rli,-i aniaa, ?.l St .l?Hr.a, N F. agin 2."> yarn, died In die 11 nuptial al JJava liaJ .'yfi. Tin Ij.i ,\ Imt o ver Vnarantlu*. Hi rk Chnatiiia I Br, of H' Andrew*), Tolii:!, ClcnfuegOP, 21 day*, with migar, to J<<), Fr/e & C?. Ila l ilgl.t weather the entire pierage. Park Mliva Bar-* Br), Fitth, Bermuda, 6 daya w ih pnta toe* Ac, to Tin ker A Idghtbenrne. Bin*. Abraham Barker, S,bnilfuorth, New Bedford. 3d bourn, In htilln-i to inamer. Brig Martha Pu>4, Robin i'iD. Kin liramle, f-7 day*, with hide-, horn*, Ac, to John*Swan. 11r-.1 tmeli I'Hll.i #< uh, r. Brig lemlea (Fm*) Scholiz, Santos, 54 day*, with coffee, l? Sniieh Ati-lni'! ? A Wend*. Brig Suecdflvay (of IV r lauJ). , Clou f ungi/* June 27, ?'l li lliiilllie in MiII? i A llnili'li't/ii Brig Penrleua (Ml /. Km*!*, Cow Buy, CB, 11 oayc, with coal, to Hunter A Co. Brig Agte (Br), Maacn, Mankind. NB. with nlnater, to Mrig'.M! King (Br), Fiflu), Wlndaor, MS, 10 baya, with platter, to l> It Dewul'. B ill White Cloud (of Providence, three mat-pd), Oard aer, Cbatiea own. Kng, 64 days, via NI li*"Ti,e, Me. 4 da.m. with 2Ai t-.u* oiay, to J F fiaumilll; veuucl :? K 1> rote of l'i in In tire. SVpr llieiiwihiiJ mf IJIenwood). Dickiuaou, H.ira "a, 10 dai r, with fruit, to Thin i.i;mi;rt n. Jul 11, iat kit 42, ion 74 IS *r?,ke l.?i k Hiil.'i i ?? t Forth ud, 11 ni Foi Hand f?i Cm j?na>, l aving keen lit days south of lilt 30. S. br Shannon Brj.lligg*. Eleuti ?ra, 10 d yu, with fruit, I?? Ja? Uoug'.HMi. lk'tii ins'., iat 27, km /6 10, w lie boarded by I' S puni o l Meroedlia, "ii a eruipe. Joi n 0 Calhoun Hureh. Baihueat. NB, II uaya. with atriur. fu iter. Si i t Viild ' Br), Surge**. Moiw'un, NB.7 day*, Willi grind atur.e.?, to maemr. fh'r M H .ali.tliti. Gladding. Fht.tul'lphiu.for Fiovldence. 8"hr Arabella, W is*. Add uu. ft unys. S -hi S T King. Clendi utiin. CuUiu. 6 lay*. Bui'r t'lcnn. Lihbv. Mu'hia*. 5 da* ?. Sthr W H Fern:.,nn. Miller, .Salem, 3 da) a. Selir S'lsuti. Bea-se, Eo' on, 3 till 1 s. Sell! Fane ma. Clayton. I' * h'j fur AHintir. Steamer i \ an ??? i I (?' > irauap it u t\ ier, Fertreaa Hon n?e. : t) fiooi*, with Me t:.U ? m at. Cera. Steamer E A Steven*. T .iiimu, B.iIiukuv. Stran.rr Frank tin. Younir. Baltimore, htea.nir Vulcan. >li rii?i<p. ruiiaileiphta. S?e: uier Iilaekjlianii'tel.Hi i n I'hi'ilelphlfc steamer .1 H " ?'l ?li En iie-an Tn ? ' t a. Steamer Olpray. K- tme.i, Fruvldeni^. BIU.OW. One bant, tinkaou n. SAII.CU. Stea-nrhlp Reau^ m, N w ilru a::*. Wind at >>iui?et t?R. ,VI?rrli:i imanc Br Btaa An**?i'm( ? trr, l -iitp Fyranld. henecat Miintei duo, ti|orte?Mni'h . ..i "? it) "ii .V> tei) In with the l ul l. Alma, i f Till id id, Capt l? sel >luk'1'vnn, from Fort )t dway, NS, for Trinid.'.t w..t r 1 . a l 'od off the I aptuiu ami *evi'.i i, en .itt r Ujtng l.y ,.ve ho..i ,;toa ni''litv ii and'en m gi" ii a bi n' when ? F?ll In >vnh tie nai? ; ike n.a e a . euuk Mere waa,.ed ?#vi rlnard; lee aik tmii In el) na er i iggej rine dava; ate w.i- I.all owned la (twill iv li; .lutin T W ii.tiWi .pill. M i l h 211. ial 2fi ill 'o.i " ii "it n'wi'ii na-: It -? pa, nf and triim Cinllff lor B-1 - liiod.i, and put lie' ' a] 'wot ui tin' An . an-' three of hi* rn -ii neat it; Urotight i'unr of tiie crew to ? itla jwirt ( Menu vi deo). Fit B*kk Ft ! -T I.iiui* B irriin -T* .?? Smitt. nun Tfavan i f >i a |m>i t It: R ? - a put Mil" Fmt u', S'1. on the 13'h tils' ?r iie 'liiaj aid, and reu nined iatli. No Jnritier iwrttffo'ats given. Tl.? Ship L!at ?nj*?:-We note tin :i,!e of A3 hark .Salem, S42 ton*, lull an'.to Itiiin: i m I SSI, at $1 l,'k " Alji twrk Ke . a. :tl,t) lone. I...ill al W In l.*M, $1.*.)*>' ? a*h. A'-' hark l hernia, tt'l tor.v built at !.a limit In l*M. prlriite teimie: ami A? ting Rainbow, butlt al New ItAvcu in ISt7. a: $.9W. srt r I'amline M Wtl-on. of lire.A l.rf liavbnr. let tani, Inn it at i't.)ie May in ISV la. a te en uiiid to .In- J r, and'1 r llm.ov, OI Sillntt. 11 nreir. HI no p. .van u i ?..*. Sla vi ' herfall r ImtI lioni Netipmt. and e enntinued in the mating Cade, under command f I'apt Harvey. Satire In Murlnera. tiff, ml r.etlri te given tBk it tcirt|n?rni) iiitiii will !????*? hliiiied a. Brunt 1 and hhnpl. 1 at 1 n S' und. N. on iilgl.t of thi Hill nf inly. Ittt".', and rm'T n'gh' thereafter. Tiie light m HI l.e a Wuite F o. MngBight, pU eil ti|ioti a Light t/oat [eiin'ed i'-ad ? ? o* tvhaltmtn. t'ap Mae'ind*!'. of ?li'p Eui| lie, NH, n por'a h'-r at Chat hem IpImiiiI t. a 'ii I wO tii% i'tti.i Villi-!. I tie i r?t mil er of iio . it A*itaint*- laf r, NB, iejv>rta her in tlndaon a KuvJiau 17, Ttl *p UH nlahah ? n Ima ?!. S)..Urn?July i7, ? Ve'. I'D 71 3# aehr- Ot mi, with ?0 ap: trr ?tn. ?0 do -ail well. Match 3, elf C'bath'tn laland, a.ilp- I* :i.ri Woud. Ke ii i"ti i. KB, ii50 pp 3u" M It?hud taken tin I 4 n ? f tl.i large ln?. td n-ni I'. i,?; Bail.ui. Fii ? 1. l.PIU n; iua im'P, Fa 1 ier, ii"?had u tie poorly ti > r? Md N K?' 21', Ad? trii , i'.ai I it * 1 NB line lug turn e *?t ret uu .Iniie 1.0. lot ,,i N. Ion 33 W, Hark lien) liaur.lln. Brown. 1! I wll hkve , crui?!" ? spoken, Ar, Khip lac lyelte siin. fritin T-. ii.uott for FHltnotith, Mav II. iat 23 P 1 11.1 li. . ip Lie.- nurd, MhJ ' inn N M tli' all', pa? e I Turk 1 I.ui a -It.It !. "Aii An ph'p lu" nti s. ?"! |H.?e l t' < t'Dk'nrl'i," ro ic (ui nut Nny 311. Iat i 2fi N. Ion 2'i /1 \V. thtr; 1 DM'. ? win u w- r"| 11" d ,tr at t .1 u M m I.' In- tulnwi>ai Brig K 1 ? 1.1 iietiei tin ilatw.niiriH, ,'u ,v 14, i n Iwi Ac. It rig ihenii'* ll'ilil't im Mwt le/.a*. Jiin, 17.] ? ju Inn'11. Torriun a'ork*. HiiHiM). \iiy2' -Me .1 A VI c-leivclt. Audi r m. l.i eipiad; 27 B pl.tti .ci. IVndlctoti tli*. Hid.ttlti" I. H t i o the sen, Bmiiwou t. I '.ya'. 4ih, Ain?5" 1 I ml . LI. "rgi/o': .dli. I 1 r.t. Cm ei er . /.I,!, 1: 11 1: i iell, n .l' ai e llp' .ing, Ttear-I'. tint Mogul, Hpo ner, s* Tl.nnia*; h, (?? n 1 ' i'(l an, l\ililnn:v, si', the 1. n r. I' r v and 1 liridvn. Lln rpoi l: lllh. Lou .-t ic. I'mer, tuhlmi >11. In p-t .i .ii' 12 H rtlhglnn, Il-wca. f-r land.ui Idg I ni. n S ill; g !o Hull dn; i row 11 Fnint. hnnpp, lor Nmv ui a do, 11 w 11 iet A sir, lie.Htllni. tun. Bi evgi Ar ittt .tni.e r?In p wt al Ip- It vrtly. C a-a. lip ra, Ji. 1 . 11,. Ila I" I. Hit' . I'u lh Cu!:; It Bin In "I, *n; .'1 - .: h , Wtil I ; rum .1. Mil t'hi -. B A . mtir, .11 ? 1 aint .'I' 4 MIT, Iliaip r; )? k* N t ut?im, t ,H?e uiid II I. !tin?"i ? tlftiii- brim J, .;iang', 4C|m':>l ftur, W,eon. pud Be l.vii, Turner. lira Bhltiey riif , iSctire), and to tn. Fun 'It. 'lrit* 1 na .Inly fl Air In-la Princega Ruyu', >?w hold, New kme ; 1*1 li, e Ii, it', Don, do. No AlU Vt - md 11 1011 July IA. lilNitlU, I'll! I ? 1 up d 1 He hi'' A d* n.'l H * ; , foi N 1 01 k in 5 day 1,; S. mlt M cl 1. 1 ? r tlo, tn ?u Jo n. Cot nwaii, 10 .tr.ii Id?Sid I 'tnh in *j ? I til. ? t'lurtn. Mu . -Air Maiillua, But V. ? tt. ?. 2*1 In lit Iki'i' i'' Yiiui K, CotoiO' I ? ?!".<? I' hti. mill, 11 "lua . Juf!?2. BtllliOviT, Knllnai, I 1,. YiCto* id.., Hi egiuy, San f rwt " ? t 11*: : ocr 1 town, J'l> I t?Art P' hri *1113 en Ft , .y, , and Ariel, Finlnyaoti. N i m k. , II iv i.n. July 12?In port hrlg At .o?-a/k, f. r :tv York I Mat ntTit'*. May 11-Arr Jul.11 Hwreu. For* r. ' ulcMtta; 24th, ilnatoit Ingnl, Crnnell. M K an ? |. inl: ."!?? ,4 M Ilaye*, Upton, lal'utta, June 2. Maty Urn i.? U ,u'i.>, Ichnhv^. M.i>T4.yiMto. Mny ?S? Arr Pollny, llaeH. n, Can (,in l aid for Bm no* \yri '>. FnRT Spats, .Inly 3 tn pnr' laSvr Gdm-.r M- r dpi Pnnw. fio-i Beaton, fur TuiiPadtn loan tur L'-h..'i a -atnan. tor Ctenfti' get v?rnn d. y, Mr a. or* uoin NYork, dla.t Miner.a. fio n ilu ai 27th. let SI 1'ii'k t .' t / II?* r pi W A I'latni ?, D..VI-, Hnim. Rio ui?"i' M ly 17 lnj"rthrg IC.nhr ,f r N York, 1"? .In-/. I.utiii (Br), for X l urk. inadntl. to an 1 en. 11. Iimoi Mjv tO?iti port bark Clifton, 11 om Mali'moie. Rr Thomas, July 7?Arr brig N*nustk?t, Ir port 7ib, brig U*ficoci|t ttlbb*. Irum Bwbaoo* arrow* f m JJ gmJuTy t?lo port Harks Morning SUr,, ud Mi t.t,.' Bi'miii. for NVor* Idg. _ t. 8r u(>iin, NB, July 18?Arr brig Union, Davidaon.Niork ? arhr Ellen Frances, Bmitb. Philadelphia: lttth, liark W B An derson. Reed, Cardiff; ?hrs Harvest Queen, Grimes, delphla; Ornui Wnt'r, Locklisrl; A lla?.h.i;s, Cliaim .n. ana Mcojitre, llwmlin, NYork. Cld UHh. brig Cant-m, Hulls, Fn* 1'idrli I iu; 16th, schr Fallow Craft. Lane, do; I7tb, brig Olive, .Mm . eiu, do; at ins llalliia, Bui bene, do; Wth, VV Lanes# tcjr, iS uyuott, Baltimore. America n Porta. nOSTOJf, .Tnly 22?Arr wslir 0 M Neal. Godfrey. PbliadsK phis. Telegraphed, brius r II Frost, an I Mary, from Cobs' Signal for r'gs. CM Br siruiusbtp Kiropa, Moodle, Liv. e.iMx I ri.i slilP J W. ter Clark, Kuimf rlml.:St tleor i? Nil, in '? big lor K urn o; 1 urk Mod.tna, Ky h r B?l? nor: brig J 8 vens, Unpki s, SagitAi aohra Joseph, Oobo, B*rh, no-: W Collyr. IUjiih ; J W, Faulklln, and Emuia Hotebkih*, Porter, XTork. Hid, wind KB to ENE, ablp Pe ruvian; barkJobnAvlles. B VI I i MOKE, July it- Arr i hips Seloto, Mack, Liverpool: 'hi-. ? I'. c.j well, u' . I r ,:r M"Oilverjf, Koufm; bark Agii.-?, Thompson, bl Jagn;Jrlge Martha Waaliihgiuu. L? bind, Portland; Dulinout 1. ke, Vearie, Boston; Trenton, Am. ruin. Poitrea* Monroe; rohrs Saiub Helen, Sherman, Bui4.or; Francisco. Kilby, Portland; Broadlield, Flake, and Anion, 8 .all. Boston; Ma ..eiia Torre, Jones. New York. Bel..,,, brig BUI' W, Colli nil. from Bo ion. Cld UrkeBelah, Nlolte.tu'ii mi 1 Lacouia, B- U'ae, Bos' III; eenrsOM fcttll, tbnik .; v Harkelew, Con inn, Providence; Jaa 11 Hoyt, Lvut. I- ?? Haven , Nile, Boollibv, KYork. OAST1KE,, July 18- Air ubi; Alfred Storer, Cameron, Bri >1. ELI/ VPKTHPOBT, July 2*?CM schrs J 0 Waldron, Sm til, iJcuuts, Alabama, Cui iuer, Bostou: J C Chew, Bug ivi : ? union; Congress, lfirker, an 1 New Reg,ilua. Bad, Pr. vli n e. O biiiiln, Barb". Pan tucket; A Q Hazard, Lai inter,. n.l Malcolm, Jam.*, Uarlfurd; Evelyn l'almrr Ktanw ioid . , s I.uuy Washington, Kmllb, Providence; Victorlne, 1 .mi. li irilord; New World, Uugau, N wpurt; Pocahontas. V..n >v bu t. New Haven; President, Morroll, Stamford; H Mm ? IT A . Cold Bi ring. ... _ i" \1.MGL tu, July 21?Air ?ehr Strang'r, Handy, NYork for Bi'jio:'. PAL!, RIVER, July 22? Aits lirM A Rowland, Elizabeth no. i. - , r R. liii .-cr, ilrowii, Pliiladi'iphlu, KEY V. Ksi'J'. Jti'y ID?"V s'hrBO Sri iuner, H U, Phlln .1 .. i uk It A A Ira, rait-u, N Yora; bride Moon !'rb . ii iJ M Sua-vi r, Hrjaat, Phtladi'pbui schre \t hi J' ,1 uil I'll, Buiiu ir; iftb, Yocug America, Lowe, li 4; it u. i id tt) chrs N' v C?'!*? M ittbows, Fort Pickens; J W Bull. :?'.??! mi. Vli " a; I Lb, America, Hand, do; Uth.? ark Hu ai'.t hi, ?; ? on Trloldad: e-Ure DC Hulee, K ' hi. Piiiindi-'i' I ; . >1 iCiUOPy. Oilier, do. Ll'iiKC, July 1,'?.Sbl c'.is Ori t;oii O Brian, NYork; 19th Dei ft", IViiHinnre, do; imi va l;:-.'', Parker, do. NEW in.X.L INS, July 1J?Cld hurl; iiy HUI, Merrill, New V o t; D .nihil brigs Blise. Sebude, and Antelope, ?, Maui inurok. . Jl. ti?Arrsten' sliln Yfarlon, Phillips, NYork. llili?Arr ate.i ? rlii' Park rh'mrp, llfTman, NYork; gehr scl.r St, phi u Hotcliki IVt'oo, do. Cld rlilo Hnvelook, Youti ,N, irk; Kr liark Cob a , Uulllabut, Pnoatau; eclire E c Howard, Kiokerhon, N York; If Travis. Faruer, Fort PI, kens. J.S li?Arr ship Brazil, We'd:*. S' ip Island: burka Eagle, Aikl s, do; Wlr.alow, D ivis. Boston; Hr brig Plane', Luinb, TuC a lalauda; fcnnre II N,u:. uber, and J A Orillin, Poster, Phil i ? Ira; T Hnleombn. Hemeit. Ship Island. Below, ah , p. . ro.i.i ! 'u rciKr); Perks I'etrea, Kturvia. l'rous p ; A A id. i e. t, . 1 Pi \v hallau, from liar (??si II. n.f, F U Alcxan ?' , J H LnoIs, S li llatl: Fr brig H i i i ,;^ie; Ki-li s D Ola ftooi NYork; Pbiloineia, from Hm iia b P Stickney, roin Piiiiadelpbla; Mary PAtersou, Ui: I Alsop. T w- ! to sead li, Frha k Harriet RallC 10th, brl" Nehrns ku, hr Balph Post; 13ib, ships Metropolis and Stiyimuian, ij-ir' I 'i*:in* Fiory. NEW HEOi'tiiiD. July 22?S!d ?chr? S McDonald, Kellev, h'i,i fi i ;i>. Juiit's, KYork. NI. WUI it i t't>RT, July d0?Arr ?ebr A S Cannon, NoweR, Phi idcljiina. si l hrig Viiiecnuea, iiill, PbiUdelpina; sohr S M -M, S'rrut, Baltim irt-. N ? ' PORT, July -I?Arr ~*!ir ? Bulrush, Davis, Boston for Pi I:.- loiphia: SKd, T \V T . ni. NY- rk for Fallitlver. NA'.iRAi A.VshTT, duly 21?Hla from Dutch Island Hnr? bo . m V l'reat. tlordou ifr.m Portland), Plnla, elnhia. At uuchuriu West Hay, brig Isabel Beurniaun, fumss, fr,.; N York for llaiirnr, ,t.\Y LONDON July 2"- A:r schr D T Willcts, Baldwin. Eli. .ii.port for 1 rovfdeni ". I'OHT oYAL, BO, July lit?Arr barks Houston, Sharo n'.IJ M ill kH.tlrecn ran, v.)or ; brig Ma iou,Taylor, do; e.'hrA iy Chase, Lo hwoi.d. St A,;gu?tln? (and ctd 13th for N ,'..rk 11th, I'S steamer Conneetn ui, N )oru; bark* VVe't Wind, B', do; 18th, J Ood: , y. Chirk, do: 14th, steam lu .aKcilof, Ilallott: Be? ue, i l"*, and Starlight, Orowell, do; 1/iih, barl.s Fuisi Louis Wl'igi r uein tBr). Boott, tlavann lor Km. ;a, j ut In for medicul aid; (J,.invy, IMopiT. NVofk; brig Kmidulpa, llallett, do; ltitii, imrk M C Dyer. Wal'aoe, i o; br n t! Miller. Brewer. I lilimieipiiia; whr Miito i. Simp . a J.. !i Irt'i.Rlir Viola, It shed, Fortiesa Montoe; ldrh.Ho West i'o.nt, Litnti. KY or*. Cid 1 i.h, so'irs. itidliOM, Put ns. slid Win F Garrison, Cor ROn, Pull* ttljihla. I7iu, ni., M,. y ( ..b t. L >w, KYork, 18th, s. iirt'liarnuir. Bnrlingaiiie, t nis-ue Monroe. In port iuib, r.,i|a Ji Uaod'ton, and Maria; bark* Furst I.oul- Wittgenatetn CHr), S- ott, from IlavRua for Russia, lute; .1 (tnd. r..y, t i,nk; M C i/y r, Wallace; (J.nitcy, H'toper; .Mot liibi;. bun.h; West\Yln.l, H.-.g.-r; J m Hicks,;Qreen mau; Uourtor,. Si.are; P K fIa/.> Inue; Lrt s D Maloney Zn l. t ij, .leyhound, C Mllh r, Hun o'.p.t. Ma run. AUelpbi, Be rah Peter*. Humming Bird: k<. i, ba.u.i M L W edniure, R B, 1! i'*l.uer, Lottie, Si lie. ihuri, K Cornelius, L Gil more, .) llalloek, V Prtee, J W Alien J M Iloliues. Fallb-J Atkln, Charmnr, All Paririig". .1 B Myers, Epl.rain; A An na, Pre-to, Milton; a t aim r Ben DeF'ud, Locust p. Int. Th? Stvsnn. Maviiower, Geo Wusi.inglon, Gen Burt si l", Al.itta 00, C s.iii poll' hi. Delatviu'e, Floia; s.eauitug* 11 Mjue, He lief, SlnriLht, Tiiou Fotilk''. PHIL \ DKf.Pl' I A, July SJ?Ait iwtk* S'o Eagle, Howe*, Turks Islands; Moonbeam. Dow, Boston, and Czarina, Treat, do; brig* American L'nlon, Buniett, Maunrns; I.nungo, Evans, llavauo; AllHou, Su ? yer, Bangor, Mary L>well, John, in, NYuU, and Cathatlt ? Ntvhols. Tyler, Portland^ Mthrs ll< ? n,c mill, Ho. ton; Tnu nph, Watson, tin: II Lau r ns, JoUurou, Sult io ; 1 an.u; B ..trcmau, .Matthews. Boston; c Lsir* r, Laws, Mcpnnxet: .1 Grlersoe, llaidtng, Kokburyt ytiirksu',., Rii ison Balem: John Lunetister, Wllletis, FrovMcnee, i nd (ioo spo.d, Kiehurna, New Letiidon. Be low,'brig John vi Kennedy, tr .m an EasteVn port. Cld, hat k St James, Wayne, N w Orleans; brie, Eurtis, Parsons, Boston : Mat y I. nvol, Johnson, do, and fanny Butler, Bart 1, tt, P ..iiatii!; s his J L u. ,'si-r, 'Allieus. Providence", Quiekf.i-1), Richardson, buleai; Orris C Brow n, W. rren, ,'u; J J Kpenoer, Hwalti, Port ltoyat; I Grleison, Use dim,'. P.oi' .iy; (' Loe?er, La s, Nepo. se!; H laiureus, Johnson. Salem, and Funny Hoardmau, Matthew *, Ports-* mouth, NH. Bid, *hip lire,tee ban, Wilson, Idvrrpool. Lkw,s Del, July ?t?Tli" following veesels pass-d to sea ye.t rday ? lf*r?* Mrndl, lor Mew York, ana Helen Mens, for Boston; b.g WO Clark, ;<>r KotiUi West I'a**, together with 'he following name, e-hoon-r*;?Lady bulTtdk, J H. Franklin, ionfrey. AM Bower*. Myra, Miolilgnn. Island Belle, Budali, Fiank Herbert, T.'inroa* Tull, Ceres, Brown, lug. with Sutler,'stores; John Sparks, A J Ilorton, JiOuHa. hu Rich, C,.riliaui na. E 11 Lmnu, W P Ritchie. NubtA ti. J I> t.'abt o k. Ceo A i t s, tit.D Book, E V, Sana tti r Ft,:ni'o Monroe, ami r ieral otheri., miQcipaiiy Btot.i, The ig,ri; Luey A Ku itrtli, fr tin Havana fof Ptok ??? , d ?l the Hr-i-'r.t.'r Urteventii;?WindE. |l;'fl,.VND Jnlv 21?A s<eam-h1p Chesapeake, Crow *i i svi11UTll, July 2ft?Arr sehr Eagle, Hall. NTork. I'KUV 1IILNCK. July ?.' Arr .'.stirs Kale, hkidmorc. Eliza bethport; J B Lane, Me want, NVoi h; II it B irne*. Kay uiood, do loi I ?f ' eket. Bid schr- M Plait K.-nyon, NYork; Ei ? hsttge, Krliey, uo; stoops Juita Ann, D?vi*. and E Mnrague, Gibb*. do. Bl LU VAN, July Id?Ai. -hi Hrilltant. Norton, NYork. MAI J-:.,I. Jki, !' l'rl e, Adams, I'liilsde ljifHS. Citi n br Yoonn Am-i ea. Pearl, Hin/uI TAi. XTOK, July 'it? Air t or M Washburn, Thrasher, Pht l*di l| nta. JUNG K lata in uooa. t CARD ?REMOVAL?DR. Ll'THER. BEN.. DENTIST <1 tlwruty j'l-t-r-,, M Et T cutv-.* ,-oiid Mract, two< ka limn rroadway. S .j? . e.r -rilUun tooth, all a-ylea, at hla iiki :i,prv> n'.eutt .1 in* pries. Filling ami I'Straoi in.; without; ? n by lila i.ev discovered harm lea.-. process aT DAWLKV'B?TDK BEST Til IN, I VKT.? MAU Unveli/i*-* for ei ? io? i ?? ?!.? alaaipa, aeyendtlfrrenA ihIbii^'vi'li tllllelTDl >1- nmiiliattona, A toior for Oa, ll <ie Dottiw atMio, : rmn Ma. to 7?a 'iin* traiio supplied Aluroor of K,k.1.1 Ontre ?tror,4. A I L"I "K'rt I'OKOi S li I'liLNOTHKNINH PLASTER*.? tin se I'Mirri air t alu.'l.f ixk. Til t jr aru .ny ta naliio in ul aflertlonau: iho cnor.t; In tttarrboiai anil ilyaen |riy, at . n over tk? bovrco.; au l for polks or crick oi ibe back. i UKK OF ? ItlCii OK TUB BAGS. Mrrara. u.i, <> K ,t Co., >o. 1 1 it ion ?|uarc, New York ? Ktrit-e acini mo a duiiar k worth ol )uur l'ln-teia Th"y U?v i"liw "1 a i nek hi mv bark wliirh baa troubled i.iu for romc time, nnl now my fatter tan rtng to ir? them lui ,iiii uity ib.'ii' his lic.irt, L H. SHERWOOD, l.v, a i. V. V , Jul; ?. 1 ft*. I. ? ,y we have |* i ?,.u? t il in that one P'ait?r cured them, in , few boh I e. ,,,' a weak lot'k , otherv o! a pain In the a J-; i ib"ia ol a po'i In the cheat, Ao t Ac- Often then* eaae- l,ait been of long itiinliaf tki.y i> store the Y, rtri. al con litaiii ot the par: upon Ihey arc applied; btnoe, pThiua, llie iiumi diate leic-hi, Sol'l at ibe oile " of n .,n .fa- o i j, No. 4 I MOM 1 JI'ARE, ALSO AT Ho. M rANAI.blP.EET, AND BY LliAi.EhS GENERALLY. CMJTIUNtt# A It A H K CHANGE 0.W nuRfH OK CAST OFF A Cevi.lng waa'art, wifftin a m, nth, for Hew Orleans. yentloinen ,iavinj any of the above to itisi.nse of o*n n cel.e Me followuic prices;?From $d to $.io lor Bilk J ipea.. a, t foin ? IO in form ii. inn $1 to $.> for PanU Aim Hltavr a Clocaa, Cmp-u, i'nruiiurr; the highest prima jmlU. I'i, a.'-, all m or aJdreaa a note to H. Mint/.,Mil Btittt uveniin, mar Eighteenth atrrrt. l-artica attended oy Mra. Mint/ Or n r? irom Brooklyn or Jeney City puurtuaily at-, lee ' i! to. IVaae tememoer ibe ongihal B. MinU, % blslh avmiie. AN EXTHA TRUE WILL HK PAID KOK LADIES' J\ ,., n h nr i,> On iiif r otitis* i",, |, i.i, Jewelry and I'tiiti, p i N, w OrliiTit the unrteralgtraa haa r? i iteil a I; i,0 britrr, aiiimtotinf to fU-VMi '.or wrlilcb ha ?iiaranirea r>; uy t!,a fyillowlntf nrleaa lor eaea ariHe: - Por M.k t/r - li in ti '?? i t; tor t'oata. from ?:) to tl6. for Tn n?. %? m gi> I'iea-e , all on or ?.ltlr-a* by note J. AMI Ar.T. 1IU Hereolh avenno, hetwien Twenllttb and Teen -t aiirel*. Ijflh'a ait-nOed to by Mra Anhall. t T TDK ttl.DK- r ST A ND 134 Mgl ENfU AVENt E? I k/likl lA tbaimnUra l? iay ibe foUowiug fil.-ra for it ilea' mi t i i.'t'a Wearinr A|i|?rel:?From to $30 let Di <*' ? f: oi.i ?t" for I Ala, nnl from $2 m $" for I'.ntr. ril, o EMI i,eta, Ji * .i. , <* . A note by | o*fieiii lu - n vn :i III v l.ZKMhl.:. 14 Seventh aveiifie. U r ea ? tended n>/ >ti<. J. a T till Mil MfDRK. Ill TIIIRD AVENUE?LADIES J\ i ,eatl"nieit-eati ,u mh o t,ieir<a*t olf I tMblng, t..ip I irm'i.i'.'. A 1 t ..rAiite, to p., y for Die** a Irom At lor I'miIh lion $4 U, $U, foi l'ants from (I In $3 I' en? ito mil lu i:?t in t,ill in i'i aoiireaa 0. MIAI1, No lli To i Hi" ie, iie.irKo' tO 'illh a i 'eC La lie* atlendeil by Mm W.-Y A 1 NO. 'AS Btm'KRV.-il. BOiXNTIf AL llAVINO A m .1 It air. to purchase In.'' i niii Ity of mat "If n etuig Apt are! Pun ?? ire. ,u, en, '-w.-lry. A- . In* call* :i,i. mi in ml i'ait, In a ,i,d j;, nh' men , an nblalB the III,I I .tr.loela. e II, ant, ?' i:t?l|.a ,(W| ilijeil to hy At ra. l'.o 'i.i. P na r-miiih"'. and Ir; wd$ How cry, oppicite ?.i i Jim i n -iteet. AT: KAllONI LADIES AND i.tNTI.KMKN?I 1IA.K A i I*0 ; ? il V?t Id !? coat otf Cbithlng, Knr n i a.n i ..(*?? foi the waMt, ? timmprbdt. 1 ilo prmnnm , ? ?? i di ? ? ? ? ,ii i e i ? ?> i .iiliitg o.i or a-lor ?e a e re K MINI'/. vi i.oc, Iwo itooi* a'.ore I'.i' i 1 're.o Ian!lor ott', toil l> hy Mr*. Midta. Item'm bo . I "i sin aveii i. i fJKK \T DEM WIf. ladies AND GENTLEMEN haVli all" i* olf hiUf 1'nrpol*, KurnlfUtN IW ?th . <1 p U'O In the elty. by I'Nll M Ve h 1,11 A MS 'J fl Seventh .irn.iie, si and Yiventy-aliUi . ireeu. Laitioa at et? >ir?. A. * RPURTINHi * i,?.i. 4u Ey \ sI.dop Y,ai irr. an feet long, well J oil ,ii ...i ,, . ? . ry atromj b It, antl a gnort nil tie-.- i at ? ?... I lien, at the owjMf bp* no fur* t i ? .or. . r. * m i * a - 1 sir ? day C. P. jfrtfaid irtjeg. ll'tS'M," -A CdOD, S\\"A(1E WATCTIDOQ FOE ll t'n 'i ry. Aj v- ?: '-** lloonka A lire < at e, Corner of i uh .rir.r tn : ? rrrj tc a. to Amj. M. Iluaied. * EAPllEfllER. a EUXNIIaM'K FUBHII'tritR RXFRRII ANDPAt K. a'\ ? ll| KslalillallM lii, 111 Deal Kleten i alreet, leiwa ? Filth and r-lvlb av nuc*^ Kit nttire lio ol anil ablpbcd t# all tar,a or tne W#rla. f \. || ! " I ,;nna for reino ing for* allure thlo the country. I mu l ?? oreil.