Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 9462, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1862. PRICE TWO CENTS. APPALLING! DISASTER AT SEA. Destruction by Fire of the California Steamship Golden Gate. ) One IJundred and Eiglity Passengers Lost. Over a Million and a Quarter in Treasure Sunk. THE EXCITEMENT IN THE CITY. REPORT OF A SURVIVOR. THE VESSEL BEACHED DESCRIPTION OF THE GOLDEN GATE, HO INSURANCE ON THE SHIP. EFFECT OF THE DISASTER ON STOCKS, A BMt Intense and painful excitement tu eroated in Om eity yesterday morning, on the publication, thrcutb tbe columns of the Bauto, of a brief despatch from Baa Francisco nniwmuciog tbe Iocs by Ore of tho steamer OoMen Gate, on her pas6&ge from" that city to Panama What add. to tbe general sorrow consequent on the r. parted loss of so many lives, Is tbe heart-rending sua pease into which tho fnlends of the passengers are plunged by the meagre accounts y?t received, an Inter ruption in the telegraph line east of Salt Lake preventing the transmission.of tbe particulars attending tlie burning Of the vessel. though we oottld not bopo to receive by tba telegraph at once a list of those who were saved i and of those who pcriiiho<l, yet it may be very reason- ! ?bly hoped that with fuller details the catastrophe, as at present reported, may bu divested of much of its seeming horrors, and that the a<-iual loss of life will not bo near j .0 lamentably great as present accounts w*old imply. | That the relatives and friends of the iwisscngers may i hope for more cheering accounts is evident from ths J Statement, in a despatch received by Messis. Doncboe, Sainton & Co., of thu city, to tbe ciTect that t:.o sbip was , beached. Tho fact, then, that the pMp-was run ashore, and not burned to tho water's edge in deep water, must bo a Koureo of hope to many <t sorrowing heart, throughout tbe day tbe loci of this nubio vessel, with tbe terrible Facrlflce of lifo Involved, was Ihe prominent though gloomy topic of conversation among all cl -hm. Every where that a bulletin announced it, at theinaws paper offices, merchants' offices, agents,' ofiioe?, and at hotel., anxious crowd, gathered round to read, and turned in quick succession from Uia p?ru?al with s?a" donod looks and sympathizing remarks. From many Ins i was beard tho hopeful assurance that the calamity would Ml prove near so deplorable as ilrst accounts would Ml. ?ate, and none wero so unsympatbizing as to gninsay a W&elusion so humane and natural. ADDITIONAL INTKI.LI'JENCB. eontloued to bo anxiously inquired for throughout the evening, and though vra hoped to he able to atlny much ?f Ike sorrow wblcli pervades the community by publtabii s Ikoti diminishing very considerably tfie extent of tho (lis aster, accounts of which, coming to us on the tlrst mo Baents of eousternation, must bo greatly exa?.?< i ?d,w ?I* unable to do a* this morning, tho telegraph still fall lag us. Wa subjoin, however, all the particulars that have Veachod us up to the last moment. The telegraphic despatches announcing the disaster ran M follows:? the steamship Golden Gate, whlrh loft 8an FrnncWco Hty 21, for Panama, with two hundred end thirty jkm jengurs.$l 114,000 in trcaeure fur New York, ana *270, #00 for England, was burned at sou, July 27, ar.d ono.liuti dred an<t eighty passengers and all the treasure Int. Sa? Ita iscmco, Aujukt J802. Aiuui MoLaxa, l*reaident?1iie Golden Oate burned at Be* noar Two hundred pu. M>ng?is and urcw Mrtslied. Slup total loss. Particu;frs hh soon of !.,? suble. FOHBES As BADOOCK. 11m above despatch was received by the fn ific MhQ Heasnship Compaay, through thoir President, Mr. McUum, from the agents of tha company at San Fran ?boo 11m above brtof particulars comprise all the intelligence that has as yet directly readied the company of the losa af the ill-fated Golden Gat?. The following deapatah was received from Mr. Renjo ?to Hotladay, of this city, a passonger on board the ves Ml at the time of the disaster. Be had yialted California M bnaineaa mat te< s, and was returning in company with Mb bnaineaa partner, Mr. Flirt, roferrod to In bis tele gram. Mr. Hoiladay, who is a re*.dent or this city, doing haaiaess at No. 88 Wall street, Is the owner of a Hue of leaaeia wbioh trade between Sou Kruacinoo and British Oaiumbia. Ua boa resumed his homeward route over go* Ftuxciaco, August 6, 1801, \ Received August 7, lKCi, 11.45 A. M. J W' L? Bauwy, cure of Ga >. K Otis, 88 Wall street:?* I was saved from tho burning ship by latching myself (?the forecastle ladder. 1 thou juiupod overboard, pass ing and?r the port wbeol while the vessel was still under VOrtunaUly 1 sustained to serious Injury, mod was picked nt> by thi ship's boat. We waro in the boat Wnly twenty houra before reach lag Manz.inilia. Poor Flint was lost. RENJ. HOLT,ADA Y. Mr. Flint leaves a wife in this city to oeroave bis sail laaa. He wai a man of Riddle uj>, ar.'' bad lived I' San Vranclseo since February. I?fl1. TIo -.vas form' rly an ?gent for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. Ir fnr ttahing this despatch tc the pvess, Mr. McLnne President the Steamship Company, wj ites:? I beg to hand ycu herewith a coi>v of a desoatob re ?alvad litis moraii g fiom the company'a Pau Francisco e^auta, announcing i bo total de?U",.i,on by Are if tliu ?MatmUlp Golden (.ate, with two hundred passenger* ted crew. When the i artlculars allude I to, wliicb will oov.uln a list of pi^sar.goi (, with those Ion. (wciflcd, ruach hoie, Whey will be pr tnptl) furmstic i to tho press for tbt IB Iter mat la of n'efcatod partes. In the tncnni uii it Is ce i pomo few pass. n ?pre were savnd. ?? Is sUouu by th? telegram from Mr WaRi. H V-tlav to biaJkg wit in this City. VTd? xteVs ii r v. sa well ioutiu in lire airan ,enient<<, llf* Mala, flco.y ud was off! red by > xperiencud and tic 1 ul men, wbio?ta< t* givu farther sfwh aoca tiiat &? me h\ en k*v? ba?n areseived. Mcspcettully, y^ur noedleut her Vant, A1J AN McL INK, Prcaiilnnl. We have no i-near* of ascertaining who weio onboard lb? steamer at .tho time of tho buralr.g,or of learning the namoa of tb? avrv Ivors and or these who porlshed, aMer than that in the latter catoforv is Mr. Flint, and in Um former Mr. Ho Uadoy and Caida.n Whitney. In addi tion to thsse we las <n lb*t Mr. Johu P. Bell, of this city, waa a paaaenger by t,'?e Ill-fated ahip; but hit tato is sliil ?nknown. The following despatt h was rocoivcd by Mbaira. Dono. ho?, Ralston k Co. of tbk i city s? & ** Fnunaoo, August 1,1803. fa froajni ft Co.? Btaamslilp Gold. n Mate, whlrh sailed linnee list July, look flru twelve mlloa off ,Manaanllla,aBd was burned to the water's edg?. About t* o hundred pasnougern l?i?t. KdWH, a Flint gofio. Men A ollli<ny snd Captain Wk',tn?f saved. It is thought tha in Maura will be aavedr.stii? abip waa beached. The sbovo deapatchei art ft'l that bar? boos y?t r?* ?avered. An interruption in tha telegraph line aaat of Salt lAko has prevented the reception ai ye\' or tha partleulars of tb? terrible diaaater. Tnelullest dotaila will ba obtained rremgan Frauolsco as early as possible. Wa are Indebted to Mr jwlea, tb? talagraph operator at Buflklo, for tb? following:?, Bumto, August 7,1862. Tb? California line l? dawn waat of Jaleaburg. Thar? la aa proapeet of getting anything through to-night. There la a great itorm pragrsssiag waat. Cmcaoo, August 7?10 P. M. there la no prospeet of getting a report of the Golden ?M? diaaater te night. The line if tfflfrf^wetb 9Y?r> |?hd9>7*?4 rorltai-MjIf, HS'CLELLAN'S RECENT OPERATIONS. Th< >t Successful Reconnoissance Towards Richmond on Tuesday, August 5, 1852 j Jff/i % A mwaSI kNOfcbi-^ J uu UQE BATTLEFIELD OfJtiHEZT^^ w '0 M Hi ? *aT tun ac II , PPflOC*^aV QS^i&Anirstw/oaG \\ - ?c m^y d^OAkNET \m^\AMaoEUf>rs BfijauB CH^rf^ui T/WEBi% it " " - V j,V oirni^Q rHBSTLtamucw. || /" ^s. _ ./A r5 ?px?lTok > IS \t cRtc-. r. tr% yMOOSuKvs DfyaaB Zr tl ?k ,/ ^ jf ' MtjAM* BARKERStjjiLL. ' ?/^s ffW-'. t//yj/->4ZZ51 >(JMMir STATJOJt Ch'URCH HiLL, CHILL oW,Q/ /wWm K P*6 to Co ? ?!' aj zn n\ ?V ?pi Ta: jJIU ST HJrV^ OAK BRIDGE |,KW1l Wjt'a RM HOUSt'i ... _ r/ONTmonday JUNE so Jfc=J -?A"%JZ??<i? ? II nFA#n housed ' n/vC BRfQCE HOAD z? ? Va& AUBUkN CHAi. ivjw&A*?C* ? ,k ^tANO /WAD A s 7. V-n.-'/D S 0SHOff/V^o] \\v\ M. fiS# **ikm :M ^."lii1 ?x la Isf f> V 4* m-' '% ' # BRIDGE W / \ XURTS NECK vK^r/r/Anr BERMUDA HUNDRJ SHjRCEy ?je? "carles WAL tiUVC/JOrJQi or EPPLNG ISLAND </w#/v C/MflLM 0*1 fnKLjn tOURTHOUSr SWINE rQRC DKHCKirilON OP IIIK CuI.DE.< UVi'i). Tb? I'acilic Uuil Sioam: h p lorapuiy'B steamer Gold, u Onto was a splendid tido-'vuool steamer, 2,0<>7 tons, and w: a built nt this port by Win. E. Webb. i?i I860. Her ili msnaiona are lis follows:?265 root, breadth 40 feet, d?| ill of bold 30 feet. H?r dr^Tt < X water was about 10 feet. Lho was one of tbo .Inost boats ou tho route between Paramo and Sin Francirco, ami wn.? a fr.vorlte with the truvallirg public. She as launched January 11, 1860, aud wan built Tor Howhnd % AS},inw?ll. Her engiues wore constructed at the Nove'ty Works. This ship was noted for her pollco rogultti'^ns, and tbo rules in relation to firo waro well defloed, made pin is to all Lcr crew and passengers. It was customary on tbls route to exercise the pasfmjrers -nd crew in Oro dirty, and,frcm the uieogio Inl'orn.ation wo havo in relation to the causes of the lire, it n> have, in it? earliest stages, defle 1 the efforic of the uiforiurate pas eoitfrs atidcrew, whU: , on ordinary occasions, vould havo controlled tiie fatal element. The Golden Gate was a fast vessel, and could arr.ommo datonboutninehundred riseeogors.b'MM.nlarge<nwnti tyof frelebt. She was rated at thel'adorwiitors'A2, ai.d her securities agiisst tire vrere recorded* ?#' od." Hhe bad two independent flro pumjis, aud' ui '.use, buck?ii, a'.?e. &c. She had oscillating ougim s and twocyiude.s of eighty Ovo i::< It o e.u-h, wilb a niue'feot stroko pisto::. ghe cirrtad frtm eight to twelve boats, cufllclonl to carry wrMl hundred persons. The Go'den Gate wo* retwlred In W6, 1R58,1W9, and Utterly tho has been put in ex allent order. She was built fur servloo on the ruciile count, aud wussout out tlioro after she was completed. Mwizanllta, o(T appoa?! the tlearner was whou the Are broke out, is in the bay of Limon, Istlimus of Panama, the steamers fiom San Francisc* call there to ship tri asuro brought from the mines of Oolfmia, In Mexico. It ia about three hundred inilee south of Aca puttio and about fifteen hundred south ot San Krauc'.sco. CAUPE OF TUB DIB'STFK iTN'KNO WK. the cause of the Ore must remain amystery till further accounts reach ns. That the Are burst out (suddenly and sped destructive rapidity mu?t bo painfully apparent if the loss of life U n.-ar so great as reporlodi. It may uatui >ily ba surmised that vlio liKht upper works oft TCR^el !/ng tilling iu a tropical climate would qu! -kly b# consumed, thus ronderlug all efforts to save the boat#stow<" I upon.dock a dangerous, If not a hopeless task. Under such clroumetanctj the destruction of this ship by flro mint havo pie^nted ft scone seldom o^iuali- I in horror upon 'he ocean. But yet wo have the gratify ing fact m Mr. Holla lay's dosp itch that at least one boat wnp 'ow 'ro ^ai d mode instrumental In taring lite;lor fee says ho himself *a picked up by Uio ship's boat while tho vessel was under way. It is to bo hoped that this was no' tbo only boat left to the despairing paosun gers in tbeir hour or deadly par II, hut that naaby wsro thus saved. Tii'j Golden Gate bad never run on this side of the Isthuus of Tinama. Her burning is the first aecldent, causing toes ef life, that ha happened to any of tho ves sels of the oompaty owning her since their organization. OTHER TBSS. ..8 OK TJE LINE. Ths other vessels of the lino are the Golden ige, the Constitution, Just sent out, the charter with the govern ment having expired; the Orizaba, Sonora, California, Herman, John L. Slovoas, Oregon, rsaama and Wash ington. The steamer which left gan Franolsco cn tho 1st Inst, will bring duplicates of the papers of the Golden Gate This vessel will be due as the 21st; but long before Uien the telegraph will Sonvey us fuil #articular>< THB INSURANCE ON TBI GOLDEN OATI. It appears that there was no Insurance on the GoVlSB 9m, W tt !? Ui9W*>i u?t U* nwie W? b9W^w|| IgJj iusu ud, uiore Uiuu o.iu aali l>u:un iiisured in luiguuil. In the management of tho business of the company tha rule ih, for tlu regular shippers of epecio to have open policies; and hence the consii(urea hire have no moans of knowing the amount of Insurance until ILs arrival of the mail. Tho vcss'-l was worth from $80,000 to $00,000. AMOUNT OF SrBCIS ON BOARD. ihe amount of specie on board wus:?For New York, $1,114,0'j0, and for England, $-J70,COO?making, in both Mini,$1,584,000. Tho premium ot*fonrteon per cent, at waich tl.o I'.trUlc Mill Steametip Company's stock rate*, added to thcoo figures, will givo tho ag^r^^tc amount of $1,677,760. KFifcCT OF TUE DISASTER ON T1IK PACIFIC MAIL STOCK. The stock of tlio J'aciflo Mail Ftoamship tympany was adversely uffsctcd by the Intelligence of tho loss of their splendid mini*'. In consequence thereof stock fell to lOSJi on the receipt or the ftr.-t report of the dwustor, but fri.tu ttiis it subsequently ralliod, reaching to 110, and ultimately at tlut i|gur?, showing a decline of aboi.i 2,'i'.>ci cont from yeet?rd ?y's prices. The Ion to lie company villi umoinl to less than fire per cent on the c i).ital stock, but which, it, Is said, will not Interfere with the regular quarterly dividends. The effect oa the Taclflc ?tnck intl'i^nced to n (light extent tho whole market at tho lirfct board, and in some few stocks the cxtreme prices p*ld bei'oro tho i .oruLig session were Dot main tained. FATE OF TITR rASsKNGKUB. Th?re Is no reason to d %ubt tho correctness of the num. her of pn^songsrH r?port?d to tuve bcon on board of the Goldon Gate, leaving Son Trancisoo. Tho number givou Is 230, and of these ISO arc reported as lost, which leaves tho amount saved but fifty. First accounts of dlsasteru, where loss of human life is Involved, are stall times more or less oxuggi>ra'ed and it If to hn hoped that thi? rase will prove no exception to tto ru.e. We havo re. fcrrwl to the twe important facia wheh show thai tho efforts pf tho crow and passengers lo bhvo life were not entirely unavailing; and itay not theso eUoils have been more successful, ut.'jor Provldeuec, than wo are yet aware Of T When Mr. liolladsy was over board he waa picked up by the ship's boat, the ship her" self still under way,maku g for the friendlv port of Maaza. nulla, er the nearer shoro, upon which she whs beached. , From the fact, then, that at least on* boat was launched, and pasi ongM-s siu-ed thereby, and that tho vessel waa fo near tho shoro as to bo run upon tlie bo?uh, It may be reasonably calculated?as It is t j be ho; ed?that the number of lives saved will overbalance those lost. The only passengers w hose names we could learn wo have beforo given, These ai e Captain W.ntiwy ami Mr. Ilolladay, sa\ '.dMr. Flint, lost; and Mr. Boll, whose fftto is yet unknown. TUo telegraph will soon disclose tli< rest. A State Senator Indicted for PtrJnrjr. Ewr, Pa., August 7,1*02. The Grand Jury mw sitting for F.rle county h<.ve In dictod Morrow B. Lowrey, a number of the Senate of Pennsylvania, for perjury. Winttk 0>pnrs.?This evening a complimentary bone. Ct, under the patronage of a number of onr leading cltl sens, will bo g -en to Messrs. A. H. Davenport and J. W. Col'ier, Mlsa I? Mltched has onsented to appear on this oscasion, la 1j> . pmmlar part of Fancbon, the oast of the ?4<jce beioj lit' ?in?J as wheu originally produced by her. This au i >u) e'.r I, iparl from the claims of the beneftaUree, *.U be i..iS<.,nt lo insure a crowded houso. Tun Nnr Yokk Ce.-hul Fa?i Hiskrioir.?This great werk, which r Ilea credit upon our noble city, will be brouplu Int."*.ce on T .ssday, the 19tb Inst., when a Srsi 1 p iboo disp ay if te take place. The Croton Aque uct Bo.iM hart aam noced tliat tho water will be let In to the grand raaarroUr CD that da/, at three o'clock in uwimwf. IMPORTANT FROM M'CLELLAN'S ARMY. Our Army Advancing on Richmond. SUCCESSFUL RECONMSSAME LV* FORCE. Occupancy of Malvern Hill by Gen. Hooker's Division. SPIRITED BRUSH WITH THE REBELS. Two Hundred Hebel Soldiers Captured. INTERESTING PARTICULARS, kit) kt.j ki. Oar Special Arm jr Correspondence. Tj* Camp at Xaltkm Iliu., Angust 6,1802. Onornl Hooker has b?en impatient for a fight with the *aemy for some days ;>a?t. II* folt that some tiling ahould bo d' no to show tlio world that we have g'>t alio army on the peninsula. Believing that Malvern Hill,about which point eo much ha# been Mid, could bo retaken, notwith standing the natural strength or th? poult ion, bo formed a plan to aucoiuplUh this object, and submitted It to hnad quartern. Cenerul McClellan entered heartily Into tbe plan, and gave (ioneral Hooker tho entire command of an ex pedlttcn for tta accomplishment. A reoonnoidbarite in forci waa made last Saturday evening; but, the guides loading tbe cclumn a wrong direction, tbe party returned to camp and rested until yesterday afternoon, when tbey were ordered to prepare Tor tbe march. Tint KA?Clt. Tbe column was not all upon the road until after tho moon had riven, atid threw a flood of light Into every opening in tbo forests through which tbo Utile array passed The muds were smooth and even, and tho move' mcnt of tbo artillery train made but very little tiulao. Precautious were taken against alarming the enemy'a pickets, one of whom?tho only one on tbe road on which tbe column me red?was capturod. Ouarda wero placed around tho house* on the way to prevent tbo in mates from conveying information of tho approach of our troepe. Whon the resting place for the night waa renobed, officers gave tliolr orders in a whisper, as it waa known that a camp of tbe onotny wag near. Tho alienee with whleh tho aflitlr was conducted would have loeu com plete ha ' not been for a raw RHioitincn annul., who gave orders for brigade movements In a toIco that could be board a great distance in the a'illness of tbe night. Tbe result of this llttlo inflation of military pride shows bow inexperience and lack of Judgment in one offi cer in a long lino may sometlaaos defeat or damage the success of an important movement. Tho result in this case was that Ttm inuy wins a prong w> of our approach at twelve o'clock, and reinforcement* sent for. General Ho ker and bis command would have been glad to have the enemy reinforced, in order that ho might accept the gage of battle upon his ehosrn field; but UN warning that Jaail been giyen MuhA Uk [fffp upon . . ?,; i.i our grasp before an adequate jmii. ishuitui buu been administered to t'em. l mi hiv or ao for the night wag in Uia rear of tho Gleudale battle ground ot' .lunc SO, on the Quaker Churcli road. Grovor'a brigade wan in the advance, and thoir picket* nw no movement during the night, exceptor three men who took a pccivat tlie Secoud N .w HampsLiiro rogiinuut aud then disappeared. At daylight the column moved, a sufficient force having been pouted to protect tbo rear. Pul ing through the Nelson Farm, the b- dv marched by the ot,n turn* of Glendalc. The Quaker church, otherwise callcd t?e WJIHh church, lies upon the road below the fiold where the left wing, under Helutzelman ami Hooker, re putted the rol.c'.s on the last day of Juno. The littio cburch beam cvldvccea enough of the bloody work that was done roar it. Tho pows were all ripped out ana converted into amputating tublon :md other convenances for the car? of wounded men, and tli, floor of the building I* entirely covered with bio Many of the dead are buried around It, with hardly a mvmorial to designate them. I uoticod on a head btard of one grave tbo name of L. E. Io Diane, Tbtol lout 'iaaa regiment. In the woods beyond the church, on the road to Mah-ern Hill, arc abundant evidences of the artillery practice of the en#my upon the roar of our army during tho march to James river. Trees of cousidi-rable a\M arc literally mowed dowu^y the shot and fdiull, and others ac irred by the M.uie bullets that hailed through th?m. The column arrived * AT MALYKRN BIU. about half-fast flvo o'clock. The sky was clouded and lowering, and a heavy moisture hung iu the air, which was not stirred by the slightest breeze. It In not propor to state what foroc.a couiprm d the expedition. SuMce it to say that. It was a strong and well proportioned oorns, with the propel amount of cavalry and artillery. Cavalry aud artillery lod the column mto the Odd, through the wooded gorge in front of Maivern Hill, ac companied by General Hooker and hi* staff Taking a position, with his su(l, upon a conspicuous knoll, GKlfmM. BOOHKR OPUfFO Til* nflflT I If PKRBOtf, as he did at Williamsburg, posting lit* artillery and or dering the cavalry to the attack. The eaeuiy had a battery in position at the right ef tho brick house on the odge of the MulT towards .lames river. This was the Fauquier bst'ory, from Fauquier county, Vir ginia, commands* by Captain Stribllng. The Eighth and Seventeenth Georgia regiments were on the Ueld ami two regimen's of cavalry?one the Cobb cavalry, of Cccrg.a. Major rickett was in command of the poet. Tbo Eighth Illinois cavalry obarged upon the battery. and were received by a storm of grape and canister thai drove tl.em back. The batlcry then flred shell and spherical case directly upon the road leading te the Ml' from the Quaker church, nnd Captain Pennon i battery replied. Almost Isst inlly a cloud of amoke settled over (he Held, obscuring every object. The enemy kept up a remarkably well directed lire upon the road on which our Infantry were advancing. Shells and spherical cvo burst In the road und upon either side of It In rapid succession. The enemy's prac tice showed that they had previously obtained tho rnngo of this spot with great accuracy. Tho Infantry, led by the First brigade. Hooker's division, cemmanded by General Grovor,marched up tlie road under this Are with out flinching, like y nterans, in admirable order, followed by vhe oth'r brigades In tlie same man "or. When a Shell was heard approaching a regiment tho men dr>t>| ?d, and were distantly on their feet again, with unbr.-keu ranka, moving forward. Fortunately only two or three sheila took affect upon the oolumn, klllliig two men aud wounding Hi teen, lhe talantry marched uyoa ityf fivlll end twJc titfir J** I Hon, and, the smoke having become go deiuo that it was impos sible to sco the encm> , General Hooker ordered the fire o! the artillery to b? placKined. It v,'ua 801 u discovered, however, that THE KNFHY WKKK ".-KJtDi. UUNO" t< ?ards the roud ua thrtr loft, which leads to Richmond along the bank of the Jamas. General I'leasanton, v;.U bis cavalry and \ bat'erv of flying artillery ,< harged upon thftm. Thinking tie bad nothing but cavalry, th?y formed a lino of battle: but a couple of rounds from the battery undeceived them, and UMy beat a rapid retreat. The ??avairy and artillery pursued there two and a half miles upon the road, cutting than up baCy and taking about fifty pro- uurfl. When the movement toward our right was tlrst dlg covo.od it was thought that an attempt sunlit be madd to turn our think, and a battery wan jmst ti at our ri 'it I and rtar, whii u uirow a ('.w round- of sh?ll in that di "0 tion. And thus ended Ike second battle of Malv?ri Hill. The enymy expei'ed reinforcements front Ge .eral Robert Toombr, who commands a bripado ia Longstreet'a division, nnd who la stall ue?t at Ne wintriest. W 'rd had be< n conveyed to htmatmidi ^M. of our approich, and .lie prisoner.-, said that he promiHJd to briny his brigade dowu early in tho morning. Our column cat him off: however, and a? goon as the force at the hilifound he could not roach them thov retreated. If the enemy had not been apprised of onr approach W'i should have bftgc d the regiment i]]Viu the hl'l; or It the smoke had not concoaied thorn so completely until it I wan too iato to cut them off thero would have been n '? similar re?uIt. It would havo boen rashness to attempt to cut off their retreat towards the river road until their force was known. W^are now in qulot possession of MalVtrn Hill, where General Hooker will give the enemy a battle as soon an they clioope to come on. Four men were killed on our side, and four dei.d rebels were found and burled by our men. A number ot amputated limbs w?ro found at the brick house; but tho whole eneut of their loss was not ascartaUyd. About ONR IIL'XDRKD PRSSONEIW were taken. While the enemy were retreating Lieutenant Joseph Hubbard, of General Grover's staff, rode up ton squad of ten rebels and took them prisoners, telling tbea it wan no use fur them to fight, as they were surrounded* He captured with them two horses marked C. S. Ttt? CASVALTUM wore Blight. I have appertained the following:?In Cota l>any G, Klevonth Massachusetts, Lieutenant GoloneLTIle. st>>n,commanding; John Dolan and G. F. Jones, Killed; I Sergeant I'rice, lei't arm shattered; Marcus Holmes and ! MarcusTowle, wounded in leg; W. E. Jeffreys, In groin? ' all in Company Q. in the Twenty-sixth Pennsylvania regiment, Major Tripp, of tho Mas. achusetts Eleventh, commanding, the following wore woundod Company llei.ry Hagan. left thigh; Corporal I lias. A. Morris, leg. Company D, John 1). Lafferty, shoulder; Robert White, arm; James Harris, jaw Company F, Bonj. Thomas, thigh. Lieutenant Colonel Gsaiblo, of the Kiglith Illinois, wai shot through the lung t It is feared fantlly. Captain Ceiieon, of the artillery, lost a leg by an acci dent whilo posting a section of his battery in advance o| his other piecjs. A shell exploded near the mu/.xle ot the | guns that were ilrinf, and ous of the fragments shattered his leg. GENKR1L MTLKLUkR a-od his staff arrived at Malvern HIU at twelve o'clock, and remained ever ni?ht. He rode with General Hook-i npon a recunnoissane# this alteruoon. He ia much pleased with the management and soccers of tie expedi tion. It is probn'ole that our forces will ocoupy this point permanently, tints extending our base and reiisvinj the army from a pot 10 what cratnpod positl n. ?XF101T OF TOE BTMXK1I.KU3. ?Some of the stragglers who fell out of our rat.** cap lured six ca\ airy prisoners. Oar Fortress Monroe Correspondence. VCE EXCHANGE OF PKI^NEIU' OK W.Ut?THb A'.'KALM AT MAL\I?JIN HILL, ETC. FoRTlUb3 Mj.RoK. AUSUHt 0, 1SC2. Tho three ihoasund rebel prisoners from Fort T orres ? Fort I>elawart> ????? up the river from RvritanV Landing night bei< re last. A Hag of truce boat aetom ponied them, which returned last ev?ning, n vl rejton, that tli? ohango is being made sat sfactorily, mid I but the tamo numocr of Union prisoners from Richmond may bo expected down the rlvor to-day or to-morrow, and that tho lequiiemants of tho federal government in re gard to the exchange has been strictly complied wltbj which is understood to mean tliu relesse of Col. Corcoran and other Union ofllcer*. Thereconnoissanoo of Mjnday ni^ht h n rcsrltsd very favorably. Our troops drove la the rebol f>i?h?t eary yesterday m ruing, and tho n*ht imm :tau?ly cim nest ed, which laetod between twoan'lihr ??1hi?r ?hj r lit 1 i:i tho Dic'iU't \%Ktan ).ofwssi..i .i- '..lee ti 'IKI; w'lich iter i ??? ? i ?\ u "U hi: r*. . , . :.-r.v ? . I, ?* ,,t>4 ourv .1 i.llwi <? * ? 'i ? i'" 0<>: i!j| VJV >]'??? t. I i.l. 1.0 ;: l ? ::?> tto U. \rt ! he f?i' JT. J wiih th.- activ.ty of tli? Army of tho v.n.i.rao for a lew duj<! t;> come. Jh?? righting .'tud oiiu. of Malrrru Hill wit dors by ? tlilfry,., our [ ? small. Only tweoi v '.ve,e killc-I . ,.i w . ,?> ted. r;, r, fv ions is luui-to jjri-ater. U? bundled c w..lrv?men. li ? ??>??. und e>;ui;arfo Cwupiew?worn oantuioil. *icl una ?>u?li batiory. We may cpect thin move n bo foil n-sd up W;'!? t!^e xM'iirtit .''ctivtiy, as tl U coiuidci' -d ? uu-r^?i??r >f u Wjpnrtinre. Col.nel i?unllc, of tl.o Eighth liiltioiit, is am.jjg (ht wounded Othur ranios of thi Itilled i?:.j wo'i.i i?l wt have not yrt bevn able to I'liUiu. ? Tho mail hi earners to Harrison's Landing arc convoysd by i! iiihoittc. A list of the Jtlolc mid wouiidH may h* expoci.-d to inoirow from relumed .'itclinj >n ! primmer#. Til? Rtbcli III j>orl? il Moving to 'l ake Malvern Hill. IlKAiHi'-'AkiKio oi riis Amy op tub 1'oiohac, ? August T, [ At MaUciu Rill everything um quiet during yc-ter day. It vm report* 5 last nr-h* by (?e?ert<" * and c ntra Uands that tbu rc'iols had Uea mn-ii.g fr m th? riciity of Richmond 'ili dfiy In largo force, towards MtUvtrn 11.11, ? view ofrr' ikiug thfst jtnsition. Thr?fisthoo?a'!il crohaiiged Tlsonin" arilve>i yestcr lay afternoon from Richmond. Tho< ? b?!<ingli f to tiit? army ondflt to d.) duty were sent to their regiments. "h? othors will leave for the N'nrtb to day. S'> o.Tcers w?rt among the party. There to no truth In the rtntcmsnt tl *>t il.tsarmyk used to protect rebel property, as report.-.! in t?io cisr of Mr. lilll Carter. Dung ?hatwo .iiy. battto of Malvtrn llill, from 800 to 1 100 wo inMad lTn4on ? 'Vt. ?; ha l thoir wounds dresaoa at hia homo, tho Udi** fr??ly Utarmg i>p iliolr Hheata ai"' piUow cuo for ban 'nifrs. \fhtl? the army was paflsii g a guard was to prot.- :t tha women and childi en. Our horses and cattlo arc ^razm! on his farm, and hl? ns^roes are working on our fortlrto*. tiouH. All applloutlons for tbs.r return huvs boen re futed. Realstunre to Enru'mcnt In Missouri. COLLiaiOM BKrWEKX Cin/K.CS AND MTATK IROtlFS AT POINT ri.BA8A.tfT?SgVKUAL JULL.u'l> OH BOIH 8II>KS. Augu tt 7, 1-rtJ. A skirmish took place ysctwUy tiosr Point rtsasanl, Ml>*ouri, l?elw?'ju th>. mtlxeits and ?,tato trosi*, ia wlnoh it is r?i?rted that save- al wore klllod <>n ljott sids- I* sei nts that tlu cltiitsns ljouu.i th:mie1r?s t"p<uIior fQ mist ths enrii'mont aot. Troops ware wi t fruin Now Madrid to ettforco the law, and bones lb* colic,on. The Army of the Sotith west and the Ils? llistppl Flotilla. Ojiso, ALguslB. !???. O'tnrnodor* T?vls and Geucral Curtis ars here io<on suit with tho dsimnmcniF In ingsr l to ruiui ? morsins.tla of lbs army of ttio Southwest. In future tiiors will be ooncsrt of action between thsn. ?Alic R.t?u( Fight Near XcmpltU. Mui^his, Aiiguft 4, IMS. Iho flgM on SMidsy afternoon bet vefn the Union r?. eonnoiierinrf ()?rty and tUo rebels was a siu.?ll affair. About one hundred and Oily of the latter w*> e surprised l? tv vicinity <'l Moos y oroek, and do) at ths first flrs. yix or sevsn wsrs kilted aud sov^rsl wowed*', Fire at Olean, N, Y? OlR>?, N. Y., Au#n?l T, 18rtt The largo thrcs story hulldlsg occupied by the Oteaa Timri, and three otb?r b"tidings, couslstlog oi storos, o<? flees, *r.,were deeiroyed by Are last night Tbsre was g: ent loss of pi opert y oj Arc and water. TUs Or* li sup posed to bavo iiosn tb? work Sf aa lufoudiur/. Ttas >?? ts w?U insured.