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TNI TARIFF* Bulaiai ?? the Cutoa lioan Slut An I Mt 1?D?ere*M Is ill* Receipts for Daly^TlM Hew Tariff?The Tariff ?location?The Work on tb? 8abject by K> B. Blgelow?Tba Sfiltm la tlt? ValUd States ami Great Britain?'Tit* Dalles Imposed In the Two Conntrles? Cite Custom* Revenue of Great Bri tain?Interesting Statistics, Ac., lbs amount of business transacted at tbe Custom Bouse ef Ibis port sines tbs beginning of tbe present ooatli baa been mucb smaller than during tbo few weeks preceding. Tbs new tariff act bad tbe effect to cause an immense business during the latter part of the month of July, and to render tbe receipts much heavier tban is ordinary times. Tbe last day in which ?aperters were allowed to avail of the old rates of duty waa tbe most busy one ever known at our Custom House, tbe reeeipta being more than double those of any otber day since the government was eatahUsRed, witn tbe exception of tbe one preooding. Tbe Custom House baa seemed quite dull since to those who thon witnessed the orowds of importers paying du Um. The recoipts, though greatly inferior to those of tho daya towards tbe end of July, are still quite large. No aatimate can be formed from them, however,concerning the probable effect of the now tariff on importations and tho business of the country, Tbe act will aot be fully p efifect until three months have * lapsed from the date ea which most of Its new proviHiotis took sffect, inas Mcb as goods entered for warehouse previous to August 1 maybe withdrawn on payment of tbe old rates at any time before tbe expiration of tbe three months for which they were originally bondod. The arrival, too, ef vessels despatched from various foreign ports, heavily leaSed, which may have been detained on the passage, bat which, arriving too late, have faiiod to obtain exemption bass tbo new rates for tho goods on board, may have had tbe oCfoct to temporarily increase tho roeeipta, which, during the first five business days of August, amounted to about $700,000. Before long we may expect tbe revenue to fall off considerably, as, when no unusua| reason exists, the receipts for duty at this season are very ?MIL On many days of last summer they reached no graalor sum than $0,000 or $8,000, while during the pre smt season they have ranged from $100,000 to $800,000 far diem. The new tariff will undoubtedly cause tbe importations ?f this country to diminish rapidly for tbs preeeat. Tbe messslty for husbanding resources during the war, and Ma patriotic purpose of many to expend for tbe kaMh ef our noble soldiers the money usually lavished ea themselves, will cause this. But as aasa as a great and decisive victory has been asbleved by our arms, and the people understand that the end of the war is near at hand, and believe that they wMI sot much longer be called on to aid their friends and ?afeodors In tbe field, business will return to its usual channels and the importations again increase. As the dMerent Southern Stales are recovered by our armies the demand Tor the articles of which their inhabitants have so long been deprived will induce heavier importa tions, and, in eonsequcncc, an increased customs revenue. Thus, heftre tbe year has passed, we shall derive mucb at the money necessary to defray our unusual expenses hem this our ordinary source of revenue. It baa been really amusing to people in tttis country to peruse the comments of -the English press on our new tariff. From reading the Ixjcdon Times one unac faainted with its character and with the stale Of the manufactures- of England and America would believe that the United Slates would, in the inter, eaissioa of importations from abroad, be destined to go Spesdlly into decay and to suffer all manner of ills and in" soaveiiituce. That unlappy shoot seems to doubt whe ther or not we will survive the ruin impending from tho adoption of the tariff act of last month. Let It be at ease Ao people of the United States can better afford to pa troaize their own countrymen than the manufacturers of Stoat Britain, and, we venture to say, would be better and ?are economically supplied were commercial intercourse With that country entirely cut off. Ike revenue at this port is at present derived in great wwrt from the duties on sugar, tea and coffcc, of the soasumption of which few persons have any conception. It la from these sourccs that a very largo portion of the wmy received at the Custom nouse t-inco last December baa been obtained. Previous to the 1st of August tho du ties paid were mostly on liquors, dry goods and Miscellaneous articles which bad been in warehouse for ?mm time. The difference in the rates of duty imposed fey the laws in effect when many of these goods were stated, and under which they were allowed to be with draws, and those levied by the new act, Is very great. Maa) of them were imported under the tariff of IBM, ute which most of the merchandise imported paid but thirty, twenty-four, nineteen, fifteen and four per cent M valorem. These rates have been increased by the laws of last year and by the one just enacted I they are equivalent in many instances to 100 per I valorem, and even more. The subject of the tariff has been more than usually Mtarsstlng during the poet year. Tho financial schemes tseieid have been more important than ever before, and lha tariff has been carefully examined and amended several s, with the object of yielding revenue as a basis for of notea,and to pay tho current expenses of lb* government. The questions relative to free trade, pro revenue, he., which have often agitated tho , and have formed the basis of radical political ?trlMons, have all settled themselves, and that, too, without causing tho slightest ill feeling or complaint st our people. The importance of this subject has forth from the pen ot Mr. Eraslne B. Bigoluw a i which he has entitled TBI TARIFF QUESTION, Sf which Messrs. Little, Brownh Co.,of Boston, are the publishers, and tbe Appletons the New York agents, lha question is considered In regard to the policy of Kng hmd and tbe interests of the United States. In his intro dectloo the author states that "it seems a fit time to st tbe question of customs duties, not as it has too presented In a theoretical or partisan aspcct, hwt la a practical manner, and under the clear l%bt of facts aad experience." This has been bis en" ?saver, and tbe result of bis labor bas been the produc tion of an exceedingly valuable book. Tbe questions Which have ss often arisen concerning the reletiye merits ?f the doctrines of free trade and protection aro discussed, and the reasons assigned by the adherents to each given, A complete history of the system in ths United States is ?too found In tha work. ?esse of its most interesting pages are devoted to an Otplaaation of tho tariff policy of England, a review of Which Is given, In which are to bo found many intereel tag (sets and statistics. We are Indebted to Mr. Bigolow Mwr ths following valuable statistics:?'Tbe imports and experts of Great Britain for ths year 1800 amounted ta value to $1,881 ,MW,480 (96 being takon as ths equiva lent of tbe pound sterling). Of coin and bullion, that year, abe imported and exported $243,604,820; making ?he vast aggregate of her foreign trada no less a sum thaa $2,124,181,300. The annual exports of British mana arers now amount to $860,000,000. moan annual gross receipts of customs duties is , Britain bavs been as follows annual amount collected In tbe four I,from 1838 to 1841. inclusive $118,646,680 t collected in 1842, the year of Sir Robert Peel's tariff rel'oi m 112,881,315 Mem annual amount collected in tbe years 1648 and 1844 116,638,720 Mean annual amount collected in the yeure 1646 and 1848, the years of Sir Robert Peel's great tariff reforms 110,666,340 Mesa annual amount collected In tbe six years from 1647 to 1162, inclusive 111,013,660 Amount collected In 1663, tho year of Mr. Gladstone's tariff measures 113,063,666 Mean annual amount collected in the six years from 1804 to 1869, inclusive 117)707,636 From 1838 to i860 England oleared over ninety per cen ?T her customs revenue from tbe duties on sixteen artlclee which are in the order of productiveness?sugar, tea' ?abaeoo Jsplrlie, w mce, timber, ooffee, corn, silk, ourrants, fruit, molasses, butter, tallow, cheese and seeds. Tbe exports of Great Britain, Fraaoe aad tbe United Mates are compared sa fellows;? _ Per cmt Keprtsin rngtof<? 18fi8. 186V. CTteue. Orea* Britain ....$404,668006 6?2,0?7,3#6 31 82 Franco 263,426 ^00 371.628,000 46 84 Vatted States 110,88V,111 278,302,080 40.02 Tbe work from which we nave extracted the above oon tains a table of ths revenue fro? customs collected in tho Called States In each year from 1780 to 1860, from which ws ascertain that ths smallest sum collected In my year included between thoee named was In 1792, when It was but $8,443,070 86; the Mar.moet productive af customs revenue was 1864, when the?ura received was $64,234,160 27. Tbe appendix contains, among many valuable statements, comparative tables of tbe rates of daty levied In tbe United States by ths acts ?f 1846,18ft? ?ad 1861, and also a similar table of ths rates of duty im posed on articles Imported Into Orsat Britain under tba various laws enacted by the Brttieh Parliament. Jbe work Abound* w!V$ statistics and tabular (tale ?Mil Mil rateable toall interested is oar tariff sys tem. Etwji legislator should be Um pewuor of ii? Itu. We wonder that Mr. Bigelow did not'defer Um publiea tloa of liia valuable work until after the passage of Uta Tariff aet of July 14, 1802, in order to insert it therein. Without tbis the work is incomplete. Personal Intelligence. Captain 0. C. Wheeler, of the Kirst regiment New York artillery ; Captain C. M. Atchison, of the United States Army, and H. H. Leech, of llarewood, Md., aro stopping at the Everett House. Hon. J. J. Crittenden, of Kentucky; J. Reynolds and N. C. Perkins, of Chicago; W. M. Beckford, of Massa chusetts; Captain ttraus, of Elmlra; J. Adams and B. Cary, or Boston: a. 8. Morey, of Canada; Captain Shaffer, of Boston, and L. C. Hopkins and family, of Cincinnati, are stopping at the St. Nicholas Hotel. B. Baffum and C. Harris, of Providence; O. O. Pride, of Chicago; Mr. Lipplncott and wife, of Philadelphia; A. J. l>or ale and family, of New York; J. I.. Howard and wife,of Hartford, and W. F. Hart and Henry Frost, of Boston, are stoppiug at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. The following were among the arrivals at the Astor House yesterday;?Governor B. 11. Morgan, of Albany; lion. Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts; 'fhsrlow Weed, of Albany; H. S. Chase and A. McKlnney, or Boston; C. Banta, of Wost Haven, Conn.: ti. U. Wescott, of Philadel phia; J. B. Lam pa, or Lynn; E. Uaylurd, ol Chico|>oe, K. Baloom, of Binghanipton, and A. G. Waters and wife, of Baltimore. Major J. 0. Mason, of the United States Army; H. L. Whitliifr, of the United States ('oast Sun ey; (4. W. Coch ran, of Washington; Br. (ireone, of Hartford; J. J. McKin n"n, of California; J. W. Kennedy, of Pittsburg; J. W. Bailey, of St. Joseph, and Captain Hall, of Virginia, are stopping at Uie Metropolitan Hotel. The Three Monitors on the Western Rivers. Three powerful and impregnable Iron-clad gunboats, named respectively the Chillioothe, Indianola and Tuscura. bia, aro now building and nearly completed, tho two for mer at Cincinnati, and the hitter at New Albany, Indiana. The three boats named are of the Monitor order ; that is, thoir armaments are carried in tunrots, imprcgnably en cased In iron, while every part of tbe hulls, in any man ner exposed to shot, are guardod with heavy iron plates several loot below the water line. The Chillicotho has all ber machinery in, hor dock plating completed, her turret mors than half plated, and much or her bow and stern plating on. Her side plating would not be put on until she had juissed through the canal at Louisville, her width being such that she can barely so through without the plates. She is tM smallest of the three, built strongly, with side wheels working in a recess; is entirely iron-clad, sides, bow, deck and stern, her deck iron being one inch thick and her hull plates two inches. Her tower is covered with three-inch plates, carrying two guns of 168 pounds calibre. With all her armameut on board alio will draw but thirty-four inches. In length she is 162 feet, with a width of 60 feet. Her officers' rooms and machinery aro all below deck, and perfectly protected from shot. She has two steam capstans, of great power, which, in shoal water, would be ablo to haul her over a bar with two feet or water. She has made a trial trip, and easily makes five miles per hour up stream. The Indianoia is a larger boat, being 170 by 60 fact,with a nino Toot hold. She is powerfully and heavily built, with side wheels, aud, in addition,two propellers. Shu lias live large boilers and four engines of great power, which will propel her without trouble ten miles per hour up stream. She also carries 168 pound guns, in a shot-proof tower, covered with three inch iron, ber hull, in exery part, bow. skies and stern, being protected by two inch iron, and nor deck covered with one-inch plates. In every respect she is a war vessel or formidable strength, and is designed for ease and speed in handling, as well as for the cru?>haig power or her armament. Her machinery Is all in, aud within six weeks it is expected she will be ready for service. The Tuscumbia is being built at New Albany, her size being such th it she could not be carried through the canal. She is one hundred and seventy feet by seventy, with a seven foot hold, and will carry one hundred and sixty -eight pound guns. She is in eveT-y way like Khe Indianoia, only larger, having si dew hue is and propellers, with laimense rugi ^s, in size at.d >>wer cap;;Die of taking her against the current ten miles per hour. Uer draught will not excoed forty nino inciies. She will be completed within six weeks, aud her proportions, strength and invincible power will be far in advance of anything now on the Western waters. What Constitutes a Lrgnl Tender?in,. in ?ho 01-i P?rtunH)cciilun. in the Philadelphia District Court ?u Wodn?*,iiv ? ror thi m^a\ or^J^?"ni o(9Mt231 78, enndUtoued '7-orJ sets out the ooaditlWo^ ^ ??^&'ZgX?X^SXll?X2 Ao. The ptalnty refund to recHvethemaud fcSft which the Uofeiidaots ankeri to hnwu u?, ?OU.n,<1 10 ai cept lb? noteeof t? United Su??* sasSft w fflrAas bon^rx 10 lhe 0b"^lK? - tbe ?4SK'-^? HHsSt. y?s?"jsssaBas ?%?%? ss sras? aw kk? speclal train will bo despatched ror \, w V^ 7 5? u thefrult in that clty a??n ^lv bour Tn^^<lme thus enabling our Stato to commie iLuhiii mornuiK? aaasssgggas FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.7 Thihsday, August 7?6 P. M. The money market continues to grow easier. .Money is freely ottered on call at 5 per cent, and few of the first class stock houses are paying over 4. There is not much doing in paper, and the rates are unaltered. One year indebtedness cer tificates rose to 99, and were firm at the advance Demand notes rose to 106%. Gold advanced to 1U/, on the first report of the loss of $1,400 000 on board the Golden Gate; but it quickly fell back 1 *<?ched 114 at the second board, closing at 114X a 114%. There is no demand for export, and the speculative holders are getting tired of losing interest. The foreign exchanges are dull and lower. The leading bankers are ask ing 126% a 120% for sterling, and 4.48% a 4.47V for francs; but we hear of very little business at these rates. A buoyant feeling prevailed in the stock market to-day, and, with the^exception of Pacific Mail which was adversely affected by the loss of the Golden Gate, the whole list shows a decided im provement on yesterday^ closing price*. Pacific Mail fell to 108% on the first report of this disas ter, but soon rallied to 110, and closed at about that figure?a decline of about 2% per cent from yeaterday'a price.. The loss to the Pacific Mail Company amounts to less than five per cent on the capital stock and will not, it ia said, interfere with the regular quarterly dividends. More than half of the treaaure, we hear, was insured in En* land. The decline in Pacific influenced in a slight degree the whole market at the firat board, and in ?e?ne few stock, the extreme prices paid before the morning aeasion were not maintained. New Vork Central, after selling at 93, opened at the first board at 92%, fell to 92%, rallied again to 92%, and closed in demand at that price. The moat marked advance waa in Harlem preferred and Michigan Southern guaranteed. On comparing to-day's closing pricea with those of yesterday, we notice an advance of X n New York Central, of % in Erie common, of % in Erie preferred, of % in Hudson River, of iV. in Harlem preferred, of % in Rending, 0f 1 in Michigan Central, of % in Southern old, of IV in guaranteed, of 1 in Panama, of % in Illinois Cen tral, of % in Galena, of % in Toledo, of % in Rock Island, and of 1 in Burlington aid Qnincy. Go vernment. were firm. The registered bonds of 1881 rose to 98%, and the coupon, to 98%, closing in demand at thoee prices. The coupon 6's of 1874 were again active and roso to 86; 7.30'g touched 102%?an advance of */t. There was an active inquiry for good railroad bonds at higher prices; 103 waa bid for New York Central sixes , IIS "-couP?n f<" convertible sevens, due l8.7?- *? r?"? to 84%, Harlem firsts to 100, Milwaukee and Prairie du Chien 1 ow.*?' Michl?an Central eight, to 108%, F"rt Wa'ne Md Chicago firsti to 9*4. The market closed firm at the following quotations:?United States ???, registered 1881 ? Uolttd eta tea 6'., coupon, 1681, W/t ? 90; United States 6's, 1874, 86% a 86; Treasury notes, 7 3-10 per cent, 102% a 102%; Tennessee 6's, 60 a 60%; Virginia 6's, 60% a 62; North Caro lina 6's, 66 a 66% Missouri 6's, 46% a46%; Anieri. can gold, 114% a 114%; Pacific Mail, 100% a 110; New York Central, 92% a 92%; Erie, 34% a 36; do. preferred, 64% a 66%; Hudson River, 46 a 46%; Harlem, 16 a 16%; do. preferred, 38% a 38%; Beading, 68 a 68%; Michigan Central, 62% a 63; Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana, 26% a 27; do. guaranteed, 66% a 68%; Panama, 136 a 136%; Illinois Central, 69 a 69%; Galena and Chi cago, 69% a 69%; Cleveland and Toledo, 48% a 48%; Chicago and Rook Island, 64%^ a 64%; Chi cago, Bnrlington and Quincy, 80 a 80%; Milwaukee and Prairie da Chicn, 33 a 33%; New York Central 7's of 1876, 108 a ?; Erie third mortgage bonds, 99% a 100; Michigan Central 8's, first mortgage, 108 a 10S%; Illinois Central bonds, 7's, 96% a 94. The following were the transactions of the day at the office of the Assistant Treasurer of the United States, New York:? Receipts 9897,232 fit ?For customs 64.000 00 Payments 608,239 67 Bulaoce 9,903,670 40 Holders of the second mortgage bonds of the New York and Erie Railroad Company, extended to 1879, are notified that the interest due Septem ber 1, 18C2, will be paid on that' day on presenta tion of the proper coupons. It will be necessary for the holders of the bonds not thus extended to present them at the office of the company, where they oan receive the principal and interest to Sep tember 1, 1862. The privilege of extending such bonds will cease at that date. The sale of the western division of the LaCrosse and Milwaukee Railroad haa been postponed till 2d October next, by agreement of the parties in interest. The sale might have taken plaoe as ad vertised; but its necessary confirmation could not have been had immediately, In consequence of the reconstruction of the United States District Courts by the recent act of Congress. Under this recon struction no court will be held in the district till October. The earnings of the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad from July 24 to Jvly 31 were aa fol lows:? 1862. 1841. Passengers $7,642 6| 6,378 71 Krolgh* 17,072 06 16,361 61 SunJrtes 866 78 866 83 Total $25,692 47 22,686 05 ttorc.iue, 3,106 42 Total Ibis month to date.. 89.216 74 73,474 19 Total since January 1 608,163 17 613,366 44 The earnings of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway for the fourth week of July, 1862, were:? Passengers $10,125 84 Freight 29,764 10 "Miscellaneous sources 1,636 73 Total $32,432 34 Same week in 1861 25,627 75 lacroase in 1862 $6,808 49 Bcceii.ts for whole month of July, 18fi2 93,850 68 Receipts for whole month of July, 18C1 76,897 10 Increase in 1862 $16,963 48 Stock Eichangti TtU'WHIAY, AugOSt 7, 1862. ' 3i>6 shu PacMailSKCu. 100 60 do 108 V 260 do blO 109 200 do BlO 100 $500 USA's,'62,reg 100 10000 US6'i>,'81, reg 08V 10W0US6'8,'81,cou 08 % 17?C0 do 08 V ?00 do 09 30000 US 5's, >74,COU 85 V 2300 TrT 3 102 V 10000 do 102 V 1000 Kentucky 6 s.. 94 1000 III coup bds, 62 97 46000 Illinois w I...., 97 ?000 TennO's, 00.100 50 .1000 do 4?V 6O0 Virginia 6'a,... 61 6000 N Carolina G's.. 66 6000 Hiss' uri fi's.... 4j\ 1000 California 7'n.. 90V 2000 do 90 V 4000 E RR3dmbs,-83 100 600O E RR 6 tubs.816 84 V 6000 do 84 6000 Hud K 2d s f bs 100 1000 Hud Riv 3d m.. 93 6000 Harlem 1 mlxls 104 4010 MC8pc clmcfbs 109 70<;0CB*QRR8l-cbds 108 40C0 Mich tJo B l b<lK 09^ 2000 III CenRRbds. 96 V 1000 ChiftNWint bds 80 lOOOChkNWWtte 48 6000 Chi ft N*W2dmt MX 160 111 Con RR~scrip.. 3000 Tol&Wab lstm >,8V 60 do 6000 TolftWab 2dm. 64 10000 do 64V 1000 Mil&J'rduChlm 06 2000 ClsvftTolskfdbs 04 0000 Pitt.VlWftC lm 93 0000 Pit.KtWfti 2dm 77 1000 Heirsftlll'nlmb 72 60 N Y Oeu RR. 60 do opg 100 do 816 20 do 100 do ope. 60 do 560 Erie RR 34 V 100 do b30 34 \ 100 Erie RR pref.... 64 100 do 64'., 1C0 Hud Riv RR 40 100 Harlem RR pref.. 36 V 60 do ? 200 do 65 Nor ft Wor'cr RR 140 Mich CcDtral RR. 100 do b30 360 do 100 do 810 100 do b60 400 Mich So ft N 1 RR 100 do 600 Mich 8 ft N I g Mk 68 60 do 67V 100 do b30 68 \ 26 Panama RK.elO 134 % A& MX 22 X 22 60 0?V 68 V 69 48;? ?23< 92V 92 V 92 V 92V 92 V 36 V 37 44 62 62V 62',' M? MV 26 >i 26? 150 Cloy A 1'itts KR.. 13 do 600 Galena ft Chi RR. 200 do 6 do 160 do b30 300 Cleve ft Tol RR.. 1000 Dct.MftTollstm 86 100 Chi ft Rock ll RR ?4\ ' J * 04V 04* 80 ?l K 10000 American gold. 114 V 160 do. 25000 ?do 114 V 200 do. 10000 do 114* 60 do b30 14000 do 114 V 160 Chi, Bur ft Cu RR lQtths'Rk of Uom... 88 60 M ft P du Ch KH. lu Irving bank 76 14 Nassau bank.... 98 SECOND $16000 USB'S, '81. reg 96 V 6000 OS 6 8, '8I.COU 08X 60000 U 8 6'8, '74.COU 86 50t0 do 85 V 1000 Tre 7 3 10 p c n 102 V 4COO do 102 % 60* 0 U 8 Dim Note?. 106V 1000 Missouri O's.. .. 45y 4060 ftrie RR 5th in t> 84 800).Mi< 8pc>tii>-fh>-6 108V aroo Hud RivRR3dm 92% 6000 ritta.VtWftClm 93 !? 1000 ChiftNWint bds 80 .1000 Tol ft Wab 2dm f4 20000 American geld. 114 6010 do 114 V 10000 do 114 V 50sbs Am Kx Rank. 89V 10 Hank of America. 1C7V 60 I'ac Mail SSC0.S0O 109 350 50 IOO 60 200 176 100 M Del, L ft West RR 06 do......... 109V do h30 1W vi do slO 109^ do 109 % do b30 110 do HO do 860 109 200 N Y Cent RR .... 02V BOARD. 100 shs N Y Cent RR. 260 Erie RR IOO do 100 do b30 300 do b60 72Stonington RR... 26 Mil ft Pr du Ch RR 60 Third Avenuo RR 50 trie RR prof..... 500 do loo do 600 do 60 Hud River RR.... 60 Harlem RR pref.. 160 do 600 Heading P.R 100 Mich Cent RR. . 100 do BlO 300 do IOO do ?50 Mich So ft N 1 RR 60 Mich So ft Nigs. 60 I'anama RR 100 Clove ft Tol RR .. 200 do 260 Chi ft Rk Is'RR .. 300 do 92 V 34 V 34V 36 35 ?2V 33 180 64 V ?4V ?4V 66 46 ?* 68 ?2V 62V 62 V 62V 27 68 136 48 V 48 V 64V 6 26 6 40 5 26 6 25 6 26 6 90 7 00 7 60 4 30 a 80 CITY COMMKRClAli REPORT. TncR*r*r, August 7?6 P. M. Aphis.?Sales of 80 bbls. of pota were reported at $6 81V a $6 87 V t and a few bbls. of pearls at $7. tiuunnrm.?Flour?1The market was lees buoyant and active, while prices weie without change of moment The sales footed up about 15,0C0 bbls., closing within the following range of prices:? Superfine State , $6 00 Kxtra State 6 30 Superfine Western 6 00 Common to choice extra Western 6 36 Canadian 6 30 Southern mixed to good superfine 6 30 Extra do 0 00 liood to choice family do 7 00 Rye Dour 3 00 Corn meal, Jersey and lfrandjwine 8 30 ?Canadian flour was loss active, while prices were with out change of moment. The sales embraced about 900 bbls. Southern flour waa heavy and the demand limited. About 700 bbls. changed bands at tbo above quotations. Rye flour was steady at quotation*, with sales of 200 bbls. Com mral was In steady request at our figures, with hhIis of 700 bbls. Wheat waa better,especially for the better and higher qualities of slurping grades, while common Weateru and State were unchanged. The sales footed np about 126.000 bushels, part for ruture delivery, at fl 36 a $1 38 for whito Ohlo,$l 40 a $1 46 for white Michigan aid new amlxr Kentucky. $1 28 for amber Ureen Hav, $1 36 a $1 38 lor amber Michigan,$1 80 a $1 36 Tor in ferior to good red Western, $1 2;? a f 1 27 for nmber Iowa, $1 17 a $1 24 far Milwaukee club, and $1 13 a $1 22 V tor Chicago club. Corn waa firm and in good request, while sales footed about 120,000 btichcla at,60c. a 62>,c. lor b"ated, 63c. a 66Vc. for Western mixed, 60c. a 68c. for chipping lots do., and 66c. a ?7c. for white Western. Rye whs heavy, while sales ol 6,000 bushels were made at 7<Jr. a 78c. for Western and 83c. a 84c. Tor State, Bar ley malt was steady, with sal?s of 1.000 bushels State it $110. Itarley was dull and nominal. Oats waro firmer, with saloa of Western and Canadian at 46c. a 48c., aad 8latnat48VC. a49o. CorrxR was stendy, wblloasals or 1,000 bags of Rio was made at 2lVc. Cotton?The market was some leas buoy ant, whllo the sales embraced ab ut 400 ft 500 bales, closing on the basts of about 47 Vc. ft 48c. I'moumth were loss buoyant and active. To Liverpool about 40,000 a 60,000 bushels wheat were migaced In bulk and ships' bags at 12Vd. a 13d., and about 2,000 bbls. Hour at 3s. Oil. a 3s. 0 1. Dead weight was at 36s. a 40s. To London wheat was engaged at 13)fd. in ships' bags, and tlour at 4s. Klour to Glasgow was at 4s. Rates to Cork and orders by chartered vessel wsre at 14d. ft 14Vd for wheat. To Havre rates were unchanged. Hat.?The market was steady with sales for shipping at 66c. ft 60c , and for city uss at 66s. a 70c. M"i.itsn were steady, wbiis sales were of ft retail cha rftcter. Natai, Smsss ?Bplrlts of turpentine were nominal at $2 30 par gallon, and common rosin at $18 60 a $14, and flue rosins ranged iron $16 to $1T. Tar waa scarce and nominal. raorieioHS ? Pork?'The market was firmer, with Bales of 1 200 bbls. at $11 19 V ? 9U >6 for mess and $0 71 for for print d9< Reef waa firm and id fair demand, with sales ?>f 225 bbla at $13 26 a $14 Tor plain mews, and $14 M a J15 for hxli a do. Beef hains were Urmly held M $13 M a $14 50. Cut meats were Arm audautivc, wiU? sites of ?'.'5 ttbls. 'it 4c. a 4 ^c, (or atowilitars, iud 5 Wo. a 8>?c fur hum*. Lard was Uriii anal in good d.'nmud witb ?al? a of 1<M> packages at M|,o for comm<>u ami 9c. a#%c. for good to prune qoulity. We have no change of utciuuut to aolioe in the prices of liuttrr or cboese. ."uu-iK.. ttore bo-.vy nd about '40, lower, compared witltycsterday's price-. .Ho sales footed up 2,714 hlids , 1 .fcOO of wbn L were New Orleans, and Bold by section within the range.of TVc. for inferior and 9c. a 10c. for go< d to prime, ami 30 lilids. do. clarified sold at 11>{C., and 20 boxes were sold at p. t. I WuiMtcT.?-The market was steady, while saksof 600 bbig. of Western were made at 30c. Sales of Real Katatc* By Miller & Keiiueily House and lot n. e. cot ner Oib av. and 41st at $10,600 H<>une and lota. e. corner 5th av and 4'Ml at 17,050 House and lot e.s. 5th av , 141 ft. n of4lHt?t.... H,6(K) IIoufo aud lot H. s. 41st M., 100 ft. e. of tilh av.... 10,000 House and lots. s. 16th st , 71 I'ect w. of 1st av... 3,000 >t)ur houses and lots b. s. 50tb st., 138 ft. w. B'way 12,000 House and lot n. s. MJib St., 321 fl. w. 1st av.... 4.950 House and lot n. s. 50ih st., 306 ft. w. lsl av 6,050 House and lot No. 118 Wwt 25th st 5.500 but a. e. corner 5th av. and luOtb st 2,000 Markets. PIIILADBLHIIA ttTOVIC BOARD. Puit Alli-mfM, August T, 1802. Sti cks Arm. Pennsylvania 5's, 8OJ4 Reading Railroad, 2874. Morris Canal, 41)4; Long Maud Railroad, l?Hi Pennsylvania Railroad, 47. Sight exchange on New York at par. RAl.TIMOkR, August 7,18*13. Flour octivc and flrrn at previous rates. Wboat active, and advanced 2c. a 3c. Corn quiet; supply very light. Oats firm, and advanced lc. Whiskey dull at 38c. PniLADKi PtuA, August 7,1862. Flour active. Wheat Arm: white, $1 45 a $1 56: red, $1 28 a $1 35. Corn active: yellow, 04c. a 660. I"rovl eiona firm: mesa pork ,$11 a $11 25. Whiskey dull at 31c Br it.* to, August 7?1 P. M. Flour quiet. Wheat Arm: sales 20,000 bushels red wfn tor at $114>? a $1 16 , 4,000 bu.-hels Kenosha club at $1, 35,000 bushels No. 1 Milwaukee club at$l 08. Corn quiet: sales 30,000 bushels at 44c.; 7,000 bushels bot on private terms. Oals Arm: sales 14,000 bushels Illinois at 38c. Whiskey lu good demand: sales 700 bbls. at 30c. Obm! freights Arm. Imports?4,000 bbls. flour, ?1,000 bushels wheat, 76,000 bushels corn. Exports?5,000 bbla. Hour, 66,000 bushels corn, 11,000 busbela oats. FINANCIAL. August bklmontk 00., bankers, no. so wall at.. iMue letters of credit to traveller*, available In all rortsor the world through Messrs. Rothschild, of Paris, Lon flvu, Frankfort, Vienna, Naples, and their correspondent*. Army and navy pay and claim office.?ar rear* of Pay, Bounty, Pension* and recruiting Ex pease*. JOHN B. MURRAY, Army and Navy Banker, 9? Nassau street, N. T., opposite Post otQoa. American oold and silver and the first Issue United States demand notes bought at the highest premium by F. P. JAMES A CO., 46 Wall street. California state and ban frangisco city Interest Coupons purchased at lowest current rates, by DUNCAN, sherman A CO., Bankers, corner of Pine and Nassau streets, New York. Notice.?to all who are entitled to pen sion under the new law, namely:?All such aware dis abled while in the service; widows of those having died or been killed; orphan ehlldren under sixteen years; mothers who are dependeul, and orphan slaters under sixteen years, may procure it by calling on or addressing us New form now ready. SOMES A BROWN. No. 2 Park place, New York, and 476 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. OFFICE OF THE ERIE RAILROAD OOMPANY, Eiiik Flask. Nkw Yohk, Aug. 0. 1863. Holders of the Second Mortgage Bonds 0! the New York and Erie ltaltrosd Company, extended to 1879. are noUfled tliat tlie Interest due September 1, 1K?S2, will be paid on and after that date, at the olllce, on presentation or the proper coupon*. It will be necessary for the holders of bouds not thus ex tended 10 present them at the office or the company, where they ean receive the principal and interest to September 1, 1802. The privilege of extending mu h bonds will cease at that date. 11. N. OTfH, Secretary. WE COLLECT THE $100 BOUNTY. BACK PAY, PAY due pensioners of war, and prl/c money. Call ur scud for circular,containing Instruction* and n leri'0c?s. SO.M li>S A BKOV\ N, Solicitors, No. 2 Park place, N. Y., and 470 7th St.. Washington, 1). C. a?l n n/in TO LOAN-AT SIX PER CENT, FOR JltJ.l/UU tli'ce or live jears, in one amount, or in a sutn of $10,000, or sums of $i,(Ki0; also, $10 000 at 7 per cent, on first clusH improved Real Estate ill the c tiei of New York and ItrooLlyn. Apply to UOKKIS BKOT11EHS, No. 7 Pice street. LOAN OFKICEI. AT 212 BROADWAY, CORNER OF FULTON STREET, the highest price is paid for Diamond', Watches, Plate, Jewelry, Optical Instrmucins. Ac. Liberal advance* wa le at bla private rooms J. Jl. BARR1NGER. 212 Eroadway, room 13. up stair*. AT 863 BROADWAY. CORNER OK BOND STREET, room No. #? HKNIIY 11YMAN procures advances of uaah on Diamonds, set or unset, or buys the same lor cash; also uu Watches, Silver Ware, l'iaiiosand Personal F ropcrty AT to NASSAU STREET?A. HONIGMAN, DIAMOND broker, makes liberal sdvauo.?* on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Ac., or buys them at lull value, at ins private nlUw;, M Nassau street, room No. 2. up staira. Business coatiden tlai. AT 77 BLBECEEK STREET-MONEY LIBERALLY AO" ratio d to auy amount on Diamonds, Watthca. Jew elrv, Pianos. Dry Goods, Fo;ars, Ac. N. B.?Pawirbi oWa U( kern i.o'n 111. Jl. NEWTON, ,7 Blo cker uticet, up sliurs DJItECTLY OPPOSITE TiIE BT. NICHOLAS HOTEL, MO Broadway, JOSEPH SOLOMON, Co mm ssion Merchant, advances Money on Diamouds, F ate and Jewelry, or the same bought at the full value. Business hours from 7>i A. M. to P. M. Suauiah, French and German sjioken. MONKT LENT-TO ANY AMOUNT, ON DIAMONDS, Gold and Silver Wat Uea, Jewelry, Dry Goods, Senars, Ac. Goods kept one year or less by AARON ADOLrilUS, licensed loan ofllce, 4iV Pearl street, corner at Chambers. MUSICAL. A" ~8I'LEND1D SEVEN OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO lorte, with uirved legs, double round rate, aud all the late improvements; has been used In tue maker's family about thru: months; a great sacrifice for cash. Makers waiantee for lite j oars. Apply at 449 Second avenue. A MAGNIFICENT SEVEN OCTAVE ROSEWOOD 1'ianoioite lor rale, with all modern itnpiovcmenla, lour round roiiinrs, <arved le^a ami oaae, made to order, uliy guaranteed, cool tor f2fit>, including Stool and fCover. Ai?o ro-.< wool aud black walnut Be.iroom Suita Inquire at 1 IS West Tm ntv third street, near Sixth avenue For sale?a rosewood-pianoforte, six oc tares; two Vlooinccii.>a, and two Violins, cheap. luqeire at 315 Bowery, upper story, back room. /I BEAT SACRIFICE.?A MAGNIFICENT SEVEM OC \JT lave llano, grand action, overstrung iiuss, round cor uers. richly carved case aud legs, exquisite tone, made to order only six months ag<y by the best city maker, at a cost of $M?); will be sold for $2Zj cash'. as the owner will leave Hie city ?horily; elegiint Uiivei and Stool iutludcd. Vail at 1? East Thirteenth street, near Broadway. PIANOFORTE FOR SALE, PRICE 930.-A NICE UP right Piano, rosewood case; ,n goo, 1 order; has three pedals ami powerful torn ; Is suitable for a lager bier saloon or pailor; will be -oul for S'JO. Apply at llfr& Eaat Twenti eth ?' i eet, near Third avenue. IJIANOS?OF THE CELEBRATED MAKERS, J. A 0. Fl&CUER,acknowledged to bo the most durable and the best Pi,.mis made, with Iron fiantes, pati til dampers, overs'.iung, wholesale and the manufactory and wareiooins, 241, 213, US, 247, 24'J West Twenty?< lghth street, near Ninth avenue. WANTF.D?AN ALTO AND TENOR SINGER FOR AN Episcopal church In Brooklyn. Address I>. M., box W3 llerald ollice. MlgCKLLANKOta. ASSOIOED SI A UP HOLDERS (SECURED), For bill*, currency and postage stamps. SOcenta; free i.y mail. Agent* wanted, 8CHONHKRO A CO., HO Beaver street, N. T. Ci IIA III. ES FONTAYNB. 601 BROADWAY, MAKES 400 ) Pnoti't ruph* p<"r minute.?Ordess s. In ,ted. Small Pho tographs $10 j**r thousand ; t'arte or Vignette, (I per tfoten, to per hundred ; Photographs of generals, or Engravings, 5 cents each,f.'l per hundred, f'.'j per thousand. rtlRE CAP?, FIRM CAPS.?A LARUE ASSORTMENT J ol tip top Kite Caps, made by one of our best mukt r?. Fo ir cone Cups, 91. eight do. do., 9-? Apply immediately to HENRY WA1.KEK, 1W First avenue, near Thirteenth st. IMPORTANT TO BCSINES8 MEN.?THE FROPR1B. tors aud inventora of a certain arttou call the attention m thoroiigli business men, with some capital, to this euterpr se. The article is superior to anything of the kind now in mar ket: It Is 111 nin> demand and Is uaed in every hwose ho.d. We desire to dispose of territory, and all those who wish to engage as our ag uts wt;l phase call personally at 7& William street, second loft, between 10 and 2 o'clock. E. PRECHT k CO. akble mantels.?mantels sold at aston takingly low pnoes at KLABlR'l Marble Yards, 109 EastEightccutii street, uear Tnird avenue, and M First ave nuc/iear Tlmd street, N. Y. Mantel* put up many part of the country. ~ MyMMl>. ~ _______ ABL'HNIIAM rt FURNITURE EXPRESS AND PACK ? lug Establishment, 111 West Eleventh street, between Filth and Sixth avenues?Household Furnhur* boiml sml ?hipped to ail parts ol the world Covered wagons 1 or ro moving furniture of families. Furniture stored! OCILISTS AND AURISTS. 1/YE, EAR AND MEDICAL INSTITUTE, tOi BROAD Pi wav.?The only reliable private institution in the city. TuO most hojielesa tssea cured without peinful op ration* Nervous alltotlous and catarrh, the freoucnt causa of deaf, ness, cured. Dr. GRAVES, Oculist and Aurllt. MATRIMUXIAIm A FOREIONBr'waNTR a WIFE; A TRUB WOMAN, not a doll; an orphau without tmaie) ooualns preferred, irslle Is pretiy and rich, so nmch the better. Answers for fun will be considered aa uead letters. Addreaa for on* week, LorenxoLuna, Union square I'ostoUico. HlliliiNEHY, 6iC. A CARD-MRS. E. MORRIS, CUSTOM SHI UTS MADE to order alter the mo?t uiodarn Imported styles, at her factory, 753 Broadway, second floor. N. B.?Faiae wrist bunds made the neatest in tbe city, all the of varletita Col lars. Ties, Ae., on hand._ HOTELS, WHITNEY HOUSE,, BROADWAY, CORNER OF Twellth street, on the European plan. House first class, location unsurpassed. Terms moderaln. Ureal In die sno uts to permanent boarder*. 8. B. MEAD k CO. ~ BILLIARDS. BIIiLIAIW.-raR SALE. A SPLBNDIO STOCK OF new and aeoond hand Tables, at wsrjirieea. T.iblc* to let snd orders liy mall attended to by ft, II GRIFFITH. 144 rultos atrecl. ^ BIT V ATI OIK WAyTED-WMiMMI. Aun* is catnaoug or auosmpanyinu a lady ?i ..iniiy -ril'i cL to Europe, slie ?u. a.?? Kreiich, German and ISitlucully. Addresa Mrs. W. D., Herald ?dice. ALAl>i 18 DESIROUS OK ACCOMPANYING A LADY or ramllv with cbildreu, lo Europe. Bhenpeaka Kr^ueh, German and English LueaUy. Call for et^la days at lot Eau rent st. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE yv au' won*n, H coo-, wush andiron, urHuu'dt o the gen. h?u .. >vuik or a small private ta nily , un^.,1 pU n cook ami excellent laimdreas. The i est ol city tete reao-i. Cull at 2H 6th ave., rear, between k*b and IGtb ttr. wou t go a sh. rl Ui?tai.c?la the country. PROTESTANT YOLNO UiKU w*he? a situation to take car- of children or to do light chaiutx-rwork, waKiiu and plain sewing. tall at or addresa M4 2d av., batwcen i''J and IMtb >u. A situation wanted?by a pirst class cook, understands her buMn.a* in every branch; would as Hist in waahlut!; ia a, a native of Wales: haa uo objection io ih<> country. Call lor two uaya at 113 Weal ltt.ii atrcek In the rear. A RESPECTABLE OIRL WIrfHES A PLACE IN A private taimly aa cook or laundrexs; Iim tue t* at City raferencea from tier last Call at SI Weal 1th u at ., coi Der ol 6th ave. A GERMAN GIRL WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A PLA< E in a respectable American la nil y aa chambermaid or to flo housework. (jail at 21K Eahl 8lii - I. A RES I KCTABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO TAKE the washing of a few gentlemen; good reference given. Appy at 1!>8 7th av.^third ::oor, hacK room. A FIRST CLASS COOK WISHES A 8 IT CATION; HAS no oiijccii. o^Pi ^o mat <ir ?? cond cook in a hotel, oan do all kiiulaof cooking; no objection* to the country; cau hi- I?>:n lor two day* ai IBS Jth ave. A SITUATION WANTED?IN BROOKLYN OR THE country, for an expert need, truthful, well recommend ed girl; Is a nice cook at.d . xc-llenl washer and ironer; tlio r?u;,biy unde. s'-auds all kinds or housework; wages iuude rate. Apply at 15 Coin l at., Brooklyn. A RESPECTABLE OIRL WANTS A SITUATION AS rhumb. ruiaid and waiter: would asxiat with the wash ing aud .rolling; haa no objection to a short distance ui the couutry. Call lor twodayaat 37# 11th av., b tween 36th and 36th its. A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN WISHES A SITU, anon to ilo buua wurj; la a lirat rale washer and turn er, aud understands all kin.ia ol cooking, good city reference given. Can be aeen at her preaent emp.oyer s, 244 Adelphi at., Brooklyn. r AN EXTREMELY NEAT, TIDY AND CAPABLE UKK inan girl wiahea a situation to do general housework; haa good references. Also two others, wuo wlah to go in one liouae; one uacook, the other aa chamliermjud; the lat ter would go in the country. Inquire ai the large institute, corner of 11th at. and 0th av. A OIRL WANTS ? SITUABMT AS FIRST RATE plain cook or aa lauudi-Me, orWiln etiamberwork In a fentleuian'a family: can give good city reference If reuuired. lall at No. <M Earn llth at. SITUATION WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WO mau, to do geueial bouaework; baa a No. 2 Singer's machine to lake with her. Apply at IK) av. B. SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOl'NO woman, lo do general houarwoik in a small family. Apply ai 440 Columbia >*., lirooklyn. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO W OMAN, TO DO general housework; ia a good plain cook and hrat rate waaher an I Ironer; good relerence given. Call at ltW Weal 27th St., near Vth av., in the rear, aeeoud ikn.r. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, A SITU A lion to do gcueiai housework in a private lamity. Good city reference given. Call at Monroe su WET NUR8E.-A RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN having lo l her bahy, would take one in nurse at her realdi-m-e. Call at 67 Union St., South Brojklyu. Bc^t of rei ere nee. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE YOUNO WOMAN, A situation to* cook, wash and iron; liax ihreo yeurs' re ference Iram last place; no objection to >;o in the country, t'all at?lbe cottage house corner of llth avc. and uOih St., for two days. WANTED?A YOUNG WIDOW (AMERICAN) DE aires a situation aa attendant lo an old lady, cr to take c.-tre of children; bet tot i arerences given. Call at 107 YV'uv. erlej p ace lor two day. WANTED?BY A YOUNO OIRL, A SITUATION TO do general housework; is a t,ood p a'u eoox ami a go-.-d waslicr and ironer: i;o4)'t recommendation* g vi n if re* ijuired. Appiv at 2ui West i.'7th at., betwei n ytu and loth aves., from loom, top lloor, for two days. WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE PROTESTANT young woman, a situation as prolesfed coo,.; uniter* aland* all aorta ul game aud liouim, uiso naMn.', ]ja>.try, jel lies. tee eream and -lei-acrta; the of reference given. Ap ply at 126 \V ett -iitii st. WANTED-UY A NEAT. RESPECTABLE YOUNG glil, a altuatioii aachainbciuiaid ami nni?.! t.ud to do cowing. Can lie aaun lor two days at .it Co mnb.a 6'.., near Dcgraw, Brooklyn. WANTED?BY A SMART, CAPABLE VOL'NO U1RL, ?l h tiie betl rulerenci-a, a situation to Uu cuitmb rwoi r. ?a 1 waiting, nuud children or sew; Wages hoi no much an Object si* a good place. Can be seen bctw i-n toe huum of i'l aud 2 on Friday aud Saturday at Iter pre ?cut employer ?, No. 7 Ninth ?t. TITAN TED-A SITUATION, BY A RESPECTABLE i? juuiu woman, mi a nurse, or u> lake cnargc u?.d wait on a lady koing to Europe; good e ty ref. rencea is lo honesty, Jkc. Can i o ?ecii lor une week at her present em ployer i>, 17 Eiim 38th at., that houso cast ui Maiilaon av. TJLrANTEl>?BY A RESPECTABLE UlliL, A SITUA TT tlun to do ctauiburwor* and washing, or u* u..r->e and to do plain sowing, (io id city reference. Ian bo ?*e.i at 76 Nil.tli street, near Filth avenue. WANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL. A SITUA tion to do general housework in a tuiall lumily. Ila* the beat or cily icferenoe !'? om her laat puicc. Apply a; ilJ Slat ?i? between 6th and 7th ave*. tl'ANTBD-BY A RESPECTABLE l'Ol'NU WOHA.V, A TV situation to do general housework. In a small private family; la a good plain cook,good washerand ironeraud good maker ?( bread. lXa-i good referenda from her lint place. Apply at i'i King at., In the basemeut, tor two day*. WANTED-A BIT CATION, BY A RESPECTABLE E.VU li?b woman, lo tak< c?re of chlldieu or ilu ktiMHiirlt id a aiiiali family. la a govi washer and ironer. City re ference cau be given. Can lie seen for two da}a at XL) East Twenty-ninth street, first Coor. ^JJKLHWA % TED-FEM Vl.lsi. AT T1XE LARUE REKYANT8' INSTITUTE?APPLY for good, civil, capable servant*, corner ol' Eft ruth at. and Slxtu ave. licit ;.n, Scon h, inah, American and Pro leataui women, to an t all. Conducted by Mr*. PLOYD. Oood places al a a; s reu lj tor good ctrls. A GIRL UEJfcio.VU MAN WANTED?TO MOUNT card anil g^flvphot ' Only tlioso who under stand the bo sir"** thoroughly need apply at Pcrcli al?, ljt) Chatham at. AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS A SITUATION aa good 11-ok; call niak? the best ol brrad and | u>try; hat the oe?t ol city reference. Can be aeeu for two daja at W We t l'Hi at., oetween ?t.. ar.<l ??th avs. SERVANTS WANTED IN BROOKLYN.?BX PEEL servant*, < Ooks, nurses, waitress. a an 1 house maida. ? ho thoroughly understand th Ir duties, may be im mediately engaged lor the most des.rable mi a.ion* m gen tleinriifc Uiintllee by applying lo Mi. J1AMMAU, U Court at., Biooklyu. . Saleswoman wanted?in an uptown trim ming alorr. Slate nhere and how long employed. Ad dress R. S. D., bo\ luo Herald oil!> e. WAN*RED?til ULS TO WORK ON AH TIKI 01AL PLOW era; rood hauda will Hud steady employii"-ni ami liberal wages will be given; girls uken to li ,.ru and paid while learning. Apply at VI Heade at., up aiaira. WANTED?A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN (AMERICAN, Si., oil English it Genu. it), ol experience, to i.tae the entire . harg>! of an lu.aBi a lew wees* old; n-> other ??rvice require i. Mustltrln^ tbobeslof rclcren-r. Apply at 111 Se MU, WIll.iunsimrg. 117ANTED?A YOUNO WOMAN A3 CHAMBERMAID TT and to take care ol a child, and also understand lauiily aen lng. Must bring g. otl city reference* Iro.n her last em ployer. Call tor two days at 14H Souih Vth at., Wi.ll.imailing. WANTED?A SITUATION. BY A RESPECTABLE younK gtrl, to do i em-ntl ho .aework, or H chamber maid and to do plain acwlug. Call at 100 Monroe street. WANTED-BY * SMALL FAMILY, A PROTESTANT girl ( p elerred) to no genrial houaewurk; niuat come well recommended; wagea moderate. Apply at 29i irooaae at. W* "anted?8TRAW BRAID SEWLK^ APl'LY AT the. Washing on Factory, Pectory ?tre. t, near g-iBrrr, > .? *oi K, Ni w .It r?. j, oi W liroadway, up ataira, NewVork. v I r A s TE D-s I x PIRST CLASS WARBMSML TWO TT lautnlre-?. a, and two girls for the kitchen, at Olrn Cove Pavilion. Inuulre at the olUce of M. S? hotel, corn< r 01 2ln at. aud Broadway, between 10 and 12 to-ila;'. WANTBD-A SITUATION, AS WET NURSE, BY A yo .ng woman, who haa lost her baby, three tLOntha eld. Apply ai MS Wat, r at. Y\ 'ANTED?IN A SMALL FAMILY. A OlEL FOE Vi general housework; mutt bn a to >d waah"r, Ironer ami plain cook, willing and obli^iug; aitcu a one will hn I a good home Altk mo teratc wag -a, by Inqulrln;; in Hushing ar., eight doors abore Buthwick av? Brooklyn; good refe lence required. tJLrANTED?IN A PRIVATE FAMILY. TWO PHOTES TT tant girls, one as lonk, tie other as chamliermaid; ooth must wn?h and iron well, ami tn< able to give goo.I cit> refe rence, to show that they an: competent and renabl". Apply at 'JJ iietlngton av., between 1 and 2 o'clock, to-day and to morrow. 11/ANTED?THIS DAY. TWO OOOD COOKS FOR A TT short d.ststi.e In tne country; wng. s$1. Also, a cliainbcruiahl aud waitress and ten espei lenccd girls for general housework. Ai'pijr early at UENDEitSoN'S old eataUilshed eervanta' office, No. ? Court St.. Brooklyn. WANTBD-BY AN AMERICAN FAMILY, A GOOD German girl, lo do genural luusewors. togoaahurt dlatitniv In the country; a good home and moderate wage*. Apt'ly lor two dayaat 107 llenry st. WANTED?THIS DAY. IN BROOKLYN, COOKSi chambermaid-', laundrewes and several girls lor house work. Tuese places are In brat class families. In city and cot tury, ami may be engaged this day. A| ply to Mr. CII Kifl I'OPll Ell, No 10 Til ary^treet^Brwiklj^ W ANTED-A GOOD, FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS. FOR n hoti I In the country. Apply at the Albemarle Dotal, of Mr. Crocker, between lh? hours of 12 and I. SITUATIONS WASTED-MVLES. A YOUNG MAN WANTS A SITOATIt)N?IN A STORE or in atablce, na porter er help. Wagee no object. In quire in the batement, 2H) Weal 17th it., between 8th and 9 th ave?. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG MAN, OP 17. aap irter or driver. Call ai or addreaa M. C. R., 4V1 Giaenwiehat. WANTED-A SITUATION, AS BAR TENDER, BY A reap, entitle young man; haa a full knowledge ??f the buelness; _ik?<I ci'y iljieicrue. Address for two <t*>s I'. D. Dnggan, W i.lla.itsHnrg Post office. WANTED-BY A MAN OF SEVERAL YEARS' EXPE fWhOA, a aHuallon In a lieArapaper 0lll? e or publish Ing hO'twi, or as shipping and corre?ponding rierk, Is a gooj. snd rapid writer; itest of roierruee given. Addre*? Dig patch, box lfc> Ueraid office. ^ HELP WAltTgP?MALRg. GENTS? WE OFFER YOU A valuable ruizB, And rou ran easily make $16 per day by wiling our new lai urn ?tailed If run Packages; they are the Ur\eat, latest, bast axj44M?'"P< "" ever sold; aud our praes to agents are alone a gr<*. initiu.eiuenc of our packages contains inure real good article* than any two otlieis. Wend for circulars cuttuiilu pwtlubn?f eitra inducements. 8. c. KICK AKDS A CO, W2 Nassau street, largest and oldest prtae paokatie house iu the world. Agents ?the new tax and tariff laws combined. PP.I K ONLY VIVE Ci-NTS. The only book coniainliu; these two lupo tan: tsws. WHOLESALE, M I'KK IK NUKED. Agents wants I. Copies mailed lur 3 en;s. S.C. R1CKARD8 A CO.. Publishers, 102 Nsscau St. ATTENTION!?HOW TO AVOID BEING DRAFTED, how to be ome your own n.aster una n.ake money la~t~aturt itntneil .uely uit > the country with some of our <juick stillns .irt ' Ifs. $S per duy mite r-i?y. K i'UARDS t o., Broadway, New York. ARESPECIAULK MAN WANTED IMMEDIATELY in i d to Canada as treasurer to tlm ue?t o.nh nation ciulhiuo.i In lb* country. Must have $ -nj to I un uo pro 1 eity u-it U ues the u.ii',; $;.> a week will be (In it Mlf ex jH-tisi b p..d. Inquire in tUe Photograph room, llowery. ACFHMAN, WHO HPE'.KS ANu WJilTEH GARMAN sn I English, uanta a situation as | orter or clerk; has knowledge of oil, ual .t. drug uni hardware business, uud U use,! to v. ork. He-1 or ref. re noes kl'tsli. Inquire of Fisher. onrnvr South mid U .oeeve t sis. BOY WANTED?to OPEN OYSTERS AND WAIT OH tablns and make hlm*< 11 seneialiy aselut. Apply at01 Wbitenall at. Boy wantkd?h to 17 years old, in an up liwu trltiitu.itg store; nuo wlto kuows n..n lii.m,'of the business pris*err 1. A 1* 0 iR 8 D , L< tit 13 11. raid o.lice. DRUG CLE".K W vXTKD?A SMART. ENERGETIC young man who I' oroughly nn>ter?uut<U ms business. Ai'ply at 17-3 i ave., corner of iVth at. DRUG CLERK WANTED ?APPLY AT 208 BROAD" way, up st tirs, iront room, from 8 to 1" o'clock tills day. H. .1 H. UQUD. RUG CLERK WANTED.?ONE COM PATENT TO lake charge of a retail store may aptly at .M Uth av. D DRAUGHTSMAN WANTED.?WAlfTED, A DRAUGHTS man, capttble of inu in : the detailed drawings of ? Ma rinoEngine. Address bo.* 1,113 Ball.more Post olUce, giving relerences and slating terms, Ac. HOTEL PORTERS WANTED?COMPETENT MEN, with recommendations. Apply at the Pierrepool House, Brooklyn. . Landsmen, seamen, blacksmiths, carpbn li ra, cooks and stewards alwavs wanted lor whaling, ntcrrhanit and navy ships, at 87 Wert street, corner of Al bany, opposite pUr 12, North river. Ail clothing furnished. HENRY JAMES, Agent. WANTED-A KKLIABLE MAN, W1IO CAN COMMAND #CUU cash, to travel lunneu lately through the Kail and Canada, aficrnards through Cuba, iu u sure gemeel paying bus. uess ot $20U per week clear. Plrtt clans secumy given lor tbe amount. No humbugs need apply. Call at 107)? (Jreene street, basement, from 9 to ft. WANTED-AT THE BATH HOTEL, LONG ISLAND, one mile from Fort Hamilton, sis good eiprriencea waiters. Apply immeJiately. T. R. OAKY, Sup) r nteudent.^ WANTED-A MAN, thoroughly POSTED IN TUS . sutlership business, I'liher as part pritii'ipal or eierk. 9 Address, giving na;ne and ail dress. Major Leslie, Herald otter, VI/" ANTED-A GARDENER, WHO DNDKKmTANDB tt his business, the care ol one horse and is Bui afraid at work; to go a short distant e up the 1+udson rivn ; must bo wllllni; to make himself generally useful and come well re voniniemled. Adtlre s, with full name aud w here to bo si;eu, P. H. M., Herald olhcc. TlTAJfTED ?ANY gentleman ABOUT GOING WES1 TT un salesu au, can learn ol an opportunity to make? commission wl'liout any adititlunal trouble or expense by add? KMiiK C. C. C., bi^i 113 Herald Qfllce. UrANTED-A man TO MAKE ICE CKEA.VS; 1IE TT must understand thoroughly how to inanufaclure all kinds (if lurei^u mill American creams and ices. Address Experlenoe, box 126 Herald ollice. ?Ii;ANTED?:IN A druu BTOKE A YOUNO MAN 1V uliout 18 yoi-ra ol a,;e. One having some kuonlettgc ol the bnsiuess n.ay ,-ply at 188 fl u rjr. "l\,rANTEU? V K.NIKE CLEANER; none NEED AP TT plj uiiies-; bt- understands his business. Apply at tho eorui roi 7lhsLuut Hull pK.ce, Toiuiiknis t u?.u. wanted.?YOt'Nll MEN WISHING TO <1D TO SEA! T I voy?gc*of nil .ill is and to all parts ol in ? world, for the moiouHUt service, Un ted Htales uavy and v. iiailng voy ages, a| iily at IdO sneet, corner ot R -a>le and t.haiu bers.sti uets, up s'.ali s, RANDALL A CO. WANTED?A IIOY. IN A WllOLE.SAlE PAPER nuns '; one m iio writes ft fair liauu ;in l is i,uick at figure . Address, wltu le.erence, loi 3,liii New York Post o'.lloe. tl/ANTED?AMAN AS VALET, TO CO TO CAUFOR TT niu; ttvoclcrik*, twolon.luctors, two brakeim u, inree p<ut''in, t o esyress Uiiv, ra, two I oys for iraoi s, oue sti w. ar..i?j, . ur Kiris to travel, oi.o Uar*eep?.r, olers lor acial o.iie ?. A ji| ly ut No. 7 Ciiatiiam snu.iro. Wf ANTED?.V STEADY, SO HE It MAN, WHO 18 NOT If l.ajle lor ser\Ue under ue late mil la. l.ucpa, to at tend in a II cUtylng i i i llery. One lai'li.rf a f ill' kuuw ledge of inun r anil w bo U ona^ltlg may address S\ ul. Walton, 11; r.. ..uini. Ihwiww gvqntred. It, ANTED IMMEDIATELY?AT JOHNSON S HOTEL. VI SL e,-"IteuU May, iicar ?? ?iu? y liquid, a good, a.iuui hostler, to Uki! <iiai.e ol aliens. One who i? wining .cud uailgtug in'iy apply is alio. e. T.,ke Coney Islaul car* to Kncad'a Hn.i.e, ua.l in ws'k. W/ANTKD-BY A COMPETENT YOUNO MAN, JUST T V uul ol buxln K", a sltiiat'.ou In tend or lake caarge ol a llijuor or a t*, liou-..*; the tern of c-ily rtlnreuces an re gurds ..biliiy aud liouesty . could l rug a iooi irade to ibe hnu o Audreio orapoiy to .X. X. i., Mailen lane, one door below William si. WANTED?A WIS.- T I'O .TER, IN A WHOLESALE I? Hour core, our who i.aa been in a l.our stoic pre ferred. Inquire at 2. 7 >>u. a v.. corner litli *t. WAXTED-AN INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN, ABOUT lliorl*, In u lianware importing srori, a* Custom Houw i lerk, assistant bookkeeper, *<?.; m ist mi ite a good baud; oue to wbuin a goo l upeniu-: is > f* than sal.ry, mid lea.diiu "Kb bis psii nt-, will be pictured. Aildrr-i" Clerk, box 387 IVn, N. Y. WANTED?A POHTKR, IN A KuKEIUN SHIPPING IT; one who ts i c -i.slouied to lb<i tii.silieas and un der, tanua pioiiunis au.l Uoltr, i'a . aodi-s-. K. S., b..x 1 x'27 New Xork Cut ml -e, Mall g 'qi.a.l'JCal.ons an I ?iv u.; rcie leuVc-. A Scotch man or Auerican preli WANTED?AN ASSISTANT BOOklcEKI'KR AND II corre?|?Mi<lin cl ??!.; a! o a cLrk la u ci. in hiuk.i's oilice. A) pi} a 1.1 t'u, on st.. Mer ia i.u't l:i.?'r. gi>iry otliee. Smut aits procured. N> nuiiii -nun u , d>an. a. Ruleicn ? to unl (Wa kou&e*. h laailsi.ed 13.C. wANTBD?A Bl'Y, ABOUT UFTEKN YEARS OP ft t^e, l:i a uruc, bi"ket ? oflice; < ha v.Ho rt-aidi ? wtin bis pa.. iiii, a ary r.-.t y. ar iiA. Ad ireas box 1,tlo Peat ollii' *, lu writingo! a iplirant, l*ft ri'nae \U a:. a UMCTilU man, to tkwel lV witb l q uitrxei ptiuiial'le buarneM iUiihk'.i t ..n.ida and tlni ltrit^n Pmvinti a; v.'lil clear in ?o ne i ?e. ? JAXI p< r v,. ek; he lauht li.iv;. ai>. at ca*!t. I ni 1 .11 ia>uenl<4ra a^ply to W. Mali land A f?., 101 Ufa I ? ny. ANTED?TWO SMART, ACTIVE YOUNU MEN TO ?ftte la* dining stluoa^lo. 17 KhIIOii at., Brooklyn. ^v WANTED -A J.OY, AltOl'T 15 YEAlft OK AOE, TO Y V attend bar; one ? no ' au rruii and n rite and u.n couoe well KiMWclilnl. Apply at j'J Oliver at. -WANTED, A MAN TO TAKE CIIAR<>E OP JpOU'". Ir.-Ub', A-., on a Ireittlil venaei. pood s.cunty linn lor :u<! money, nud no icar ol' bring dratted, as water men are exempt; good eal.irv given. tl'AVKK, 170 Chatham itr?rL l'HU TK.VOKS. A UOUD PKACllCAh DKAUOUTnMAN, WIIO HAS had a?r. at d'-?l m experienee m railway cuiiatrueilon (uTblgea, bmldlliiMaud piauti and maclauery In gencial, la In waul of a mi >?tinn, diner deatunnu or carrying out works. TIiob* In want of such a peraou addreaa No. Z7, KreO'.h'a Hotel, N. Y. COOJ'EIUI WAN FEU.-ONE OR TWO STEADY, IN unaiiioal m> I., wiiu an: willing to devote their wltola time to tlielr employer*, nmy im steady emploj n <m t, at gnod wanes, by spplying to ag-:ui. ou pier 11 Nurtb iWer. LMH8T CLASS TIN 1'LATKAND SIlEiiT IHON WORK. X1 ers wanted, lor furuace and slate walk. Mead* trn ploytnent. iiJCUAltDSON, UoYNTUN jk CO., MU Canal street. rpo MACHINISTS.?WANTED, TWO TtRNKKS AND i. three vice bunds. Apply to O Digs Jettrys, No. 17 John st. W ANTED?A FIRST CLASH CUSTOM CUTTEit; NONB ft uee'l apply cirrpt young intu and those w lib the best of eity refurence, Apply between 2 and S o'clock at No. M Duaue st. WANTED-A GOOD I HOTOOKAI'H PRINTER AND toner; < ne who nnd'-rat.iuds nnlslilug ami.iotypcs; In a good band nao.l wajes and ate?dy emiiloyment will be given. Apply for three days at Loud a, 1U lt>iwery. KXCURSIONI. E.\t l R?ION DOWN THE BAY AND AROUND Siaien Island, <>n KrliUy, August 8.?Tne elegant now stenm, r .IESSI li 1IOVT, Captain t Italics Post, will leave ti,nr 34 East river, west side of Peck slip, on Friday morn ing, Mb lustnnt, at It) o'clock, tor an rtcur?tou around Stateu Island, alfardtiiR paswni;ers? PnevleW of tbe s enerjr and fortifications In tbe harbor, returning 10 Ike city nbont Z oY.nek. Fair lur the llcunloi BO centa, bMSIIKKMEN ON DECK.-FIUST \7kAMD P18CATO rial excursion of the M ason to the Ohalera 8* a Base Hanks, i.a Fue Inland. The sea steamer R. L. MA litV, Captain John Seuert, will leave as fouows-v?Rnnday. A i*n?t 10, Jaekson street, Kast river, tt A. M.; Peck slip, t>?j A. M.; Hurlng street, Nnr It river, 7 A. M., and pier 4, north river, VH A. M. 'l'h - well knewn pilot, Anderann Chotwell. will be nn baard. Tickets $1. Ticket* liuute i. Can !>e oidalned at th'! Carlton Hunae.tvK) Broadway; Hope A O'Br en. Herald odlce, Rntwri f hotnas, corner of Houtu and Pike sirrota. Ru frosliments and bait furnished on board. SfcHKRT A HOWARD. Ct NDAV BXCI RSION TO MA MASS BANKS.?THE O s a uieataer M AONOL1A wilt make au eieuraion to Hen Bass Haul.* on Similar, Annual 10. l>eave Broome atreel, Baal ilver, ftteU A M ; Peck slip, 7AM.; pier No 4 North rlvsr, 7}. A M. Th kets $1. Tlcneta limited. I-or sale at ?1 Cieutiea slip; H Tuaiuas, eoraei Plko and South <tre ts; Marlon House, earner ef Ksst Broadway and Catliarlrui ?tr*et; Kul on Hotel, Kast liroadway, near Rutgers street; Jss K NoUas', No ? Ann sireel. Ulnuer provided. Re freshment* Ural quaiuy an^lisdngtAisle onbnsrd. W. 11. ( vliinlriUTUN. DEWT1ITRV. RTIfTclAL TEETH.?DR. DURKIN CONTINUES I |o eitraei teelb lu two seconds, without |?lu, by the use of bennm'iiM fluid. Nu extra charge lor temporary set* or attracting. Chemically p ire ether and ehlnroiorin. ore I)R dirk IN, 374 canal street. RTIFICIAL BONE FILLING INSBBTED IN A BOrt state, giving no pain. Tender teeth, old root* and mere sh 'lis u..ed and warranted toand. The geunlMti.ed only ?t my l.oouis, Bb9 Hraadway, near 8event>entb street. Another Invoice of the celebrated Tooth Powdee and Lotion. J. PEABSON, M. D.. lnecovsrer. IB lot CERTIFICATES -'JtnNO HAD ONE TOOTB ,JOi extra. t?d, w-iibou. pain, by Dr. J. JAY Vila LEKt. 1.4 Orand street, two blneks from Broadway, I *hM? tally insert this at * recommendation to those suffering tvyiW Iiq, yv?y? PA IW*