Newspaper Page Text
kiW TUB BOTOblOT. A.??0" PlKKHIl ?nit PATRIOTS. COirNTKTMEM AM) CITIZENS. There" now no t.iousc ior any, eveu the poorest, for not Coining the N ttioaal Army. $?0 bounty fp>m the State. 8f> bounty fn.ui ths I'nited 9tat?0. IS (one month s pay > in advance. 1 hand money, on enrolment. ine tdOon being mustered Into the service. ttnS REBELLION MUST AND WILL BE CB0SHBD. IttlSHMliN TO TiiE RESIDUE. This regiment was organized bv tin- Kallant Corcoran, and Ihould be Ibe grand rallying point l or all true sons of Brio. A few recruits wanted for Company K, Kourth regiment. Empire brigade COBl'OBAN EOUAYES. . This splendid regiment Is intended to be cxoluslvely Irish, ffhe staff and cjtnpany otiiccrs are all Irlab, aud hare seen, without a single exception, active service. A few non-cora ?liaitonrd olllcers wanted. _ , , Apply early to Liuuteuant JOHN CANTY, Recruiting Offl ter, lit Cherry etrcet. A tL WHO WISH TO SERVE TUB COUNTRY OAK A. do so, in a (Company F, Bailee k Guard), Cap. E f^LLOYD oomandiug. NINETY DULLAK8 ?MDty Mid advance pay will be reo ived by each recruit. flPTY DOLLARS trtthin fort)--eight hoursV enrolment, and the balance when the regiment is mustered in. The regtiueut to whlch^thls company belong* la stationed It one or the healthiest encampments in the neighborhood of the city, where good quartern and the bent of food are pro vided. The officers bitnerto appointed are of known expe rience and capacity, and fON-OOMMIBSIONED OFFICERS WILL BE APPOINT ED FROM THE RANKS. r atonoeto CAPTAIN LLOYD, commanding "POPE 1," No. 7 Broadway. A TTBNTION?ALL RECRUITS OF A. THE SIXTH NEW YORK CAVALBT. You are hereby directed to Us at the rendezvous, 7- Lispe. Bard street, this morning, at 10 o'clock, to receive the balance ?f jour bounty aad equipments. A squad will be aeat to the regiment to-day. Ail who would uotinisa this opportunity to join a splendid eavalrjMtigiiiKMit, now In the advance under General Pope, fthouM apply at once. All bounties paid promptly. , Do not wait t?be drafted, but come now, like men and patriots. Capt. WM H. CROCKER, 73 Llspxnagl street, near Broadway. A YOUNG LIEUTENANT WOULD LIKE TO MEET ?CV witb some patriotic and liberal parties who would give their mile to enable him to raise hit company. Address H. 8., Herald office. RLAOKHMITUS AND BUGLEHS WANTBD. FOR A JL> Cavalry regiment row lu tbe lielil.?Wanted, ton good Seraeshoer* and ten Buglers for Scott's 900. United Stales volunteer cavalry, now in nervier in and aroundWaahiug toa. This regiment is splendidly mounted and fully equip, fed. Bounty, subsistence, Ac., furnished. Kor further in formation apply to Capt. FRKEMAN (?RNE, Recruiting Officer, No. 8 New Bowery, 117 Greenwich street, and tent Wo. I City Ilall Park. COMPANY C, OOL. OLMSTEAD'S REGIMENT, SFI Dola Urigado, Thtirlow Weed tiuard.?Recruits wanted for the above company lnrnediatoiy. f TwoBergeauts wanted. Twenty men wanted. Promotions frem the ranks. It la the intention of covernnent to sive the recruit the Boment he is tnu tered in the $ij State t?jun'y, one month's f?y la advance?$13. and $26 Bounty. Relief Tickets is sued to families Immediately. Pay, Rations and Uniforms tarnished Immediately." Come along. ? Now la the time to get your $83 when you ?re mustered. Recruiting office,'514 Canal street. First Lieut. E. D. AVE RILL. Late Seventy-lirst New Tork State Militia. CCAVALRY. J $153 BOUNTY ^ Will be paid every recruit Joining OoL Dodges' Mounted ?ifles. MS will be paid as soon as mustered into scrvice. $M and one mouth's pav as soon as tbey reach the Itgt Oaent. $75 at the expiration of the !-?rm of serviee. Relief tickets given to the families ol' the volunteer* Ira dediatolv. This corps now bavins a name second to none, the Secre tary of War has ordered that it be Increased to a regiment ?tpD06. Jlecrulta will be sent on to the rejlroent three times a Week?Tuesday*, Thursdays an 1 d-uurdays?thus.avoidiug lay delay whatever. Horsex, arm. and equipment* furnished each man imnie. Stately upon bis arrival at tnc regiment, now at Norfolk, V? Headquarters 600 Broadway, or at the tent in the park, $orner of Chambers street. Capt. A. G. PATTON, Recruiting Officer. K glorious. SftTtppe ?MUDofl Adopted! ?OLONLL I'ATrBN'S MILITARY WORKS. Infantry Tactic*?School of tb? Company, with Bayonet ?Bd a word Exercise. 160 pa^ea, 92 engravings. 25c. Infantry Tactics. S30 pawn, 137 en?,i avltiK*. 80c. . Artillery Drill, lrto pages, 72 engraving*. 35c. Cavalry Di ill. 14$ page*, 93 engravings. 35c. Officers' Manual. T7u pane*. $J. J. W. FORTUNE, 13 Ohatham street, M. T. . ftOMPANY A. THIRD REGIMENT, EMPIRE BRI ' sade (Corcoran Zouavei).?All members of this compa . wno have absented themselves l'rotn camp without leave, ill immediately report to Iho officer commanding the poet kt Baat New York, under penalty of being deemed at desert ers aad punished according to the articles of war, as a gene talcourt inai tial may determine. By order of Capt. C. i. DUNLEAVY. Co. A, Third Emlinnt, Kmrire Brigade. Twenty-five stout, able bodic<rmeu wanted, to till up tlila "-ious. true-Mooded Irish company. Now |>s the lime for Tlpperary boys that once endured the hardships of Slieve on and BaP.engarry, to rally to the standard of their . *d country. Apply *>? Capt. C. J. DUNLEAVY, or to Lieut WM. H. l'ERSSB. No. 46 Centre and 311 Park streets, New York. - A*d Lieut WM. BUTCHER, No. 170 Jor&lemon street, Brooklyn. /COMPANY n. V H4LLBCK OUARD, COLONEL PEISNBR. Recruit* wanted tor Company H, Immediately. Non-com Missioned officers and must '.tans want-id at one*. Par and ration* commence on enrollment One month'* advance any, ninety dollar* bounty before leaving the state, seventy #v? dollar* bounty at the end of enlistment It I* the Inten Eof the oCttoer* to make thl* campaoy one of the beat In ?enrloe. Now ia the chan<n to join before you are ?d. All the offieMN are experienced soldiers! BecruiUog office at the City lia' I Park. Captain HOMER J06LYX, Recruiting officer. < flOKPANY E, * V THUBLOW' WEED GUARD, COL. OLM8TBAD, SPINOLA'B EM 1*1 RE BRIGADE. I In cash to each recruit before leaving for the Mat of bounty from the 8tate Immediately upon enlistment. So humbug about it $% bounty from the United States government when the Hutment Is muttered. SIS, one month's pay, In advance. ?75 bounty when the term of rervice expiree. Pav oomuiences immediately upon enlistment. A few good men wanted tu till up Company B. who will ?e fttrntahej with good clothing, ration*, comfortable quar ters and the bounty, by apidyln? *onn to Capt. SAMUEL T. ALLEN, Recruiting OfBcer, N'irtnern Hotel, corner Oorilandt and Wee*, stive's. Or Lieut. JOHN O. RL'BNBTT, Recruiting Officer, 199 Tenth street, uorncr avenue A. , /CORCORAN ZOUAVES, V THtRD REGIMENT SPINOLA'B BRIGADE, COMPANY K. This company is commanded hj t'aplain Thos. Marphy (laio Captain Ninth regiment, N. Y. 8. M.), who haa had twenty years' oxperienee in the military profession. He Wants a few men to complete the company. tun ?ounty and $13 advance, 990 of which each man receive* be fore leaving the State. Clothing, quarters, rations, *!-., furnished on joining. Belief ticket* given to the famine* of soldier*. Recruits reoeived at T(i Prince street, and 140 Centre, cor ker Of Walker street. PURYEE'S ZOUAVES?THE FIFTH NEW YORK want recruits.?No ilm; must bo lost. Fill the traces the fallen. Apply at 506 Broadway, opposite tne lit Nicholas Hotel, third tloor. Captain OO! VKRNRUB CARR, Recruiting Officer. Empire brigade. TIIURLOW WEED GUARD. AROUBB FELLOW CITIZENS. We Sght for the Union as it wa* and the Constitution se It is. We light not to farther abolition sentiments or corrupt policies,but for Just law and order. We light to project loyal citizen*' rights and to redress their wiongs Thl* become* an A-neilcan. Non-commissioned officers wanted. Kitty ahl" bodied men Wanted to (111 up Company F, Thuiluw Weed Guard, to Vliom $8-1 per man will be paid on lielu* must", ed into scr? ?ice Men will so immediately into camp and be ittrniibcd With a good uniform and ration*. Two good men for Sergeants. Pay $18 to $33 j-er month. Those who would (elect their comrade* come, rather than bo drafted. C. K SLEEPER. Captain. HOWARD BJJCK, First Lieut Boeruitlng Office, corner of Vesey and We*t Jtreets, New ' York IjURBT REGIMENT NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS. JU This reguneui Is now organised, nn I mm are wanted Immediately lo All up the emuoeniev Pav and ration* from jgdwment. Good quarters at Camp Washington, Ma ten All the sot. eminent and State bounties will be secured to Jocnuta. tit Mid noit-w rami-nlou d "1.. or* are wanted. Ilesd'i afters M kn-t H ill, ^14 II road way. WILLI \M li'JRNEY. of Plr*t r?g. U. 8. Chasseurs, Colonel commanding. J. L Litti.k, lateo' 8-cntb ragtvnent, N. Y., AdJoUnt. A Urum Major wanted. ?pimt RLOIMUNT ARTILLERY. N. Y. V. J} H. GRAHAM, COLONEL Here is a i;ood npiiortunlty to join an excellent corps, ?IT-r'ng al. the inducements, as to bounty, thnt any regi tcent tu th" Held does, vli ? $.71 Sut'e bounty, $W i?e?l? d ?i?t bounty, $l:i t"ie month's advaaee ixiy, Immediately ?r roportln* fir duiv in the r>\ .>noi.l: ?i*o relief uckit given immediately. The adva ita^r* of Inlug a regimert a the aervUv are vli ?Prompt pa/, ffUctpUna snd regula rttv, wht h port.nn to the eoml'oitaof a eeldter, Ourdu'y legsrrlr.nmg forts, conseqnently wc have too.1, *>:? fona Me barrack*. We haven" louc rrui his with Imsvy ku in ?aeks '.b*t iofiiiitiv are snHlecteil to, and h'tt very little tiar l .Lily This i* an ? artillery war.'' and therefore don't I behind Hie age, but come and join t'i* artllln y. rt" eruitliu h?s l viaiters for Co. D, Capt. Oliver Oattee, htj XtgMi avenue. Lie at H. H. SMITH, Reerulting OAi -er. HALL8CK Gt'ARDS.* ATI'LMTION COMPANY! HHOl'LDRlt ARMS I B\ Till-: Kit HIT PLANK! FORWAROv MAK0H1 m ^ Re-rnlts w?nte< for thi? company. ? ?ouui( m-u out of i>iisiii>'?saiid wl>hing employment can toot do lii>tt?r 'han j .In t us . elehrate ! (orp.?, commanded by compel>-nt "Mirers and Intended to xurpaaSt both in mliiiaiy ?rill aaddi Ipllne, any regtment that has been sent Into the held t aptaln Caswoll mis ma le nriati ;aments wherthf lho?e enlUuiig with him e.m it Urn juuifll? th<i State!, ?Wttn? md city li uintv ot $|]A. ReciiluhgotVX No Tl Walker street, rear Broad* av t'ap aluC. R. CAsWEl.L, Recruiting offioer Wanted?Two sergeants snd three corjxirals. Headqi artwhs, Firru benatohial district! W Kiist Houston Ktre-t, I .lin o si Hall. COLONEL F.LI AS PE!B*mtR. The Colonel intends to make this rngimeut ti e 1 t ? t? ?for service, and one of the best In every r?ap"\ eer* only will be received as are aroiialnte l ivli i i' t.?s ?n l whose character Is known The country need* h n t. brave men, au.I needs them now. The country is in a ritl eal condition, and needs every sol Iter. Come forward then, at onve. men of all ( and railings. $115 l oimty. before the regiment leaves New York, 1* guaranteed to every man. Men of New York, eome forward. All the assistance and bounties granted bv the United States government and by the State, county and city authorities will be fully secured to ?ur men and othcers. ? Regimental Camp, Turtle Bay Park, Forty.Qfth street and paeond avenue. Regimental Headquarters, 1(9 Bait Hous ton street. Recruit* wanted. MjTAS PEIHSNER. Colonel Commanding. <SBW'> NEWSPAPERS TO THE RRAVB VOLUNTEERS P In Mora'* Patent Self sealing Newspaper Wrapper*. Ave 6v^j;orx?^LT,,sr w s*?' THH KfiBBIiUOR. HERB IB A CHAIK!? *rijot?A'? E ... I KB lir.IO ADK, Til I 111) I.tfOrMKNT. Captain Richard E. Orave* Laving burn oar juiu lu eauiy ami field litui if turned, with authouly from bend planers u> recruit a com| miv for this regiment, and would only nay to soldiers tlml In: ..*3 by cipeiuiuoe learned lUeli wauW, and makes lho*e wituls fit* own. But lb ? create*! to ike soldier to join this company la tbat he geU all moneys -due without trouble, and will bave fur aid Colouol the bra tnI ol the brave, Haie K ingsley. N. B.?Come early and late bclora bounty erase*. Headquarters UA Broadway. K. E. OB AVE 3, Captain. TTILLHOUSH LIOHT INFANTRY. XI SllNOLA'S EMl'lRK B'UIUaUE, Seoond regiment. Comuany 11 of till* regiment wants twenty more recruit* to nil tbe company to the maximum staudard. Men of NfW York City and State, come forward, now in your time, and ren ter Ml assistance to your country possible. Bounties fronted by .the city, county and State authorltiea will be ully secured to the men joining ihUooinpany. Two dol lar* will be paid to every person bringing a recruit, or to the recruit himself on being uiuatcied into the service of the United States. The men, after being mustered in, will reeelvo their uni forms, Ac., and be sent to the United State* Barracks at East New York. Headquarters, No. 402 Broadway. Captain W. W. BOWLES, commanding Company H. HEADQUARTERS, FIRST REGIMENT. NATIONAL XI Volunteers, Mozart Hall. 8U Broadway.?One hundred able bodied volunteer* wauled this day, for wfaich a bounty of $5 iu cash will be paid, over and above all State and go vernment bounties, to each recruit as soon as he is muster ed into tbe service. WM. GUKNBY, Colonel. Joun L. Lirrut, Adjutant. NOW IS THE TIME. FORWARD! YOUNG MEN. FOB THE UNION. FIRST REGIMENT NATIONAL VOLUNTEERS, Colonel William Gurney?A lew more able bodied young men want ed to complete Company A of this One regiment. Look at tula. . SUte bounty, $25. Government lonnty, *25. Hard cash, $2. Fifty-two dollars paid to each volunteer as soon a* mustered, forty dollars more before leaving the State, and seventy-fire when discharged. Quarters, subsistence, clothing and family relief tickets furnished immediately after enrolment. Re cruiting offices 402 Seventh avenue, corner Thirty-fifth street, snd at the juuctiou of Broadway and Sixth avenue, Regi mental headquarters, 814 Broadway. _____ K, 8. HENnii B. DONALDSON, 0 Uecruitiug officers. NOTICE. A large nmount paid in cash to any one who bring* ? recruit. SECOND BEOIMBNT. SPINOLA'S EMl'IBE BRIGADE, lllLLHOUSE LIOHT INFANTBY. Colonel I'. G. CLAAS8EN. commanding. RECRUITS WANTED IMMEDIATELY For Company F ol this flrst class regiment. Pay $13 to $23 per month from day of enlistment United S ates bounty $100, $25 of which and one month'* pay will be 'jiven in advance. State bounty of $5 ) will be paid at once when mustered In. ConvTortable quartern furnished at Camp B1 wards Pierre* pout. East New York. Clothing nnd subsistence a* soon as mustered In. PROMOTIONS FBOM THB RANKS. OFFICER* ARB EXPERIENCED. BELIEF TICKETS FURNISHED FAMILIES. ? Capt. THOS. F. GOODWIN, Lieut. O. H. SWORDS, Jr. No. 9 Oreenwlch avenue. W7 Broadway, Lafayette Hall. 339 Pearl street, Franklin square. NOIICE.-COLONEL ELIASPRESSUER HAVING be on elected as the Colonel of the Fifth Senatorial dis trict, has moved his headquarter* to 169 East Houston street, coruer of First avenuo, Lincoln Hall, up stairs, end where be may be aeon each day between the hours of 10 A. M. and IP. If This regiment, formerly called the Halleck Guard, will hereafter bo known as the Fifth Senatorial district regiment. ELIAS PRESS];ER, Colonel Commanding. Recruits wanted for the fourth sena torial district regiment; Peter MoDejmott, Colonel; Geo. W. Warner, Adjutant. Tills regiment 1* tilling up under the auspices of the district committee. Gov. Morgan Aval rants me to recruit a company. I wa it men, true loutl men, men whose hearts are s'.eeled against this wicked re bel!'"", and burn to see our proud old Hag wave over every liamlet in tlie land. Every Inducement In pay, bounty and relief this regiment oilers. Rally to the truiniiot call. Re cruiting office, 21 Albany street. Wanted, a competent Ber g-ant. J. HOWARD ACKERMAN. Recruiting Oflicer. Rally, bally. PHGCNIX REGIMENT, Attached to tbe Empire Brigade. 29 able bodied met wanted, to join Company G, of the above regiment. $j0 cash, bounty from the (Jovernor of the Stale Pav from $13 to $23 per month, in advance. $73 Njnnty when discharged. $25 bounty when company Is being mustered in. $2 hand money. Reliet t'ekets signed by the Colonel of the regiment for the families ol' volunteers, and the Interests of the meg will be taken care ot by the Captain of this Company. Quarters and subsistence, transportation to camp (East New York), a new and beautiful uniform. All promotions made from the ranks. Recruiting ofliue corner of Morrla and West streets, where 1 shall be prepared to recruit an men wishing to join my command. Capt. JOHN McCAMBRIDOE, Recruiting Oflicer, No. 80 West street. Recruits wanted. AO able bodied men wanted to fill up Company B, Eighty-seventh rogimrnt Now York Volunteer*, Colonel STEPHEN A. DODGE, now under General MOIellan's command. Captain John II. Dabbs la now ready to enroll every able bodied man (Hat I* anxious to come forward and reinforce our brare and ullaut army now before Richmond, com manded )>y our lirave commander, IfaQor General George B. McOlellan. Kaoli recruit will receive, after he has panned the surgeon and mustered Into the service, $25, ana $3 for enlisting. This amount each man will receive before he leave* the office, aad also will receive his $00 bounty from toe S *i9 wStbln fony-elght hour* after enlisting. One month's nay In advance as soon as tfc* company Is eon>plet ad: $100 bounty at the end of the war. Relief ticki-M furnished to famHles Immediately. Pay from $13 to $20 per month. Olotbing, subsistence and transportation aa soon as en rolled.*1 I would advise alt men thai are willing to go at this hour of peril, to jolu immediately, while they oaa get the bounty. If you do not, beware of a draft soon. Apply to JOHN H. DOBBd, Captain Company B, Klgbtv--' venlh regiment New York Volunteer*, No. liS Grand street, Williamsburg, L. I. And C. L. FROTBINGIIAM, First Lieutenant Co. B, Eighty-seventh regiment New York Volunteers, ?33 Broadway, New York city. Recruits wanteb FOR COLONEL CHARLES C. DODGE'S SEVENTH REGIMENT NEW YORK MOUNTED RIFLES, Twelve months in service, snd now at Suffolk, Virginia. Each Recruit will reselve. on being mustered in, $4 recruiting fee, $23 United States Bounty, $60 State Bounty?total $79; one month's pay in advance when the ooinpany Joins the regiment, and $75 Uu4t?d States Bounty at the end of eullatment. RELIEF TICKETS ISSl'KD. For particulars call at headquarters of Company ?, No. IS Centra street, or at tne tent in the park. Capt. J. C. OBERTBUKFER, Recruiting rfleer. SECOND REGIMENT?SPIN OLA'S EMPIRE BRIGADE, Colonel 1*. J. CLAAS8EN, Horn man ling. Youn'men of New York wishing U> connect themselves with a crack com p my, now wanting but twenty moro men to till it to the maximum standard, are requeued to apply Immediately to lue midertigncd, at the recruiting o?-", southeast < ornerof \\ est and Rnado streets, wberc any Information <les!r?i will bo cheerfully given. Bounties gianted by the city,' county and Slate authorities will be fitlTv snd promptly secured to tlie men joining thU company. Two dollars wfll be paid to every person bringing a recr lit, or to the recruit himself on being mustered into the United S'ates service. Tbe men after being mustered lu w 11 receive their uniforms, Ac., and be sent to the United Stales Barracks at East New York. Captain W. W. BOWLES, Commanding Company H, Second regiment, Eihpire Brigade W?. bi.iohak, First Lleutsnsnt. ?John W. Fkntom, Second Lieutenant. TO RECRUITING OFFICERS, WITH MEN.-A SPLEN ?lid opportunity Is nosr offered In the Fourth regiment. Empire Brigade, A few vacancies exist, which will be tilled only wlili the right kind of men. Apply at headquarters, om Broadway. N. B.?No dead beats need apply. mllfc P1KEMX REGIMENT, COBCORAN'S OWN. 1 OUT FOR THE WAR. Fellow co-atrymcn, the day la gone by Iwlien speech miking, iwlcss talking and palaver of every kind Is "played out," "iiard kuocks, etrong arms aad stout" sir nuw ie<vi!red. Richmond must fall and yoo n* well as w ? must b>< In at the death of se c*s*lon. Only seven days r.ore mid all bouniy, all relief for your families will be suppressed and jou will then have to go whether you like or not, and no pointed out a? it recreant, drailed Iirls'umen, by the memory of t.e ?n i entusies of wrongs and Oj.pre*sion By you. deMj lated homes, your religion trampled on, we Implor-you to step forwaid nutij' ln tue "Phtenlx regiment. Corcoran s Own," Fourth regiment, Empire brlgado, 6S4 Broadway. A long p U, a strong pull together and the rebellion will bo Sjneithed. WANTED?A POSITION ix THENAVY, BY A YOUNG man of good education, having a perfect knowledge ot t'e drug and apothecary bustneas and minor surgery. Iiav. iiig iud ltf>?ars' exporlene- la the above business: the best ? >! nty references given If required. Address 8. H. V., 143 Winter St.. H. Y. . 1ST NATIONAL VOLl'NTEBRS.?THIS FINE REGI L uvuit, now l<elne raised by Cot. Wm. Gtirney, of the lirst United StatesChssseurs, offers every Inducement to volunteers. Experienced oilierrs from the tlcld bave re turned to lake commands here. Hoiinuss promptly socursd. Immediate care and good ouarters at < mm wattlBgtns, .listen Island. Recrulung a thee. Qormanla llall, 42 avenue 'Mi,'"?' ED. W. St llAl'FFLKIt, K mmtiiig (Jlh er. a Til SENATORIAL DISTRICT RPOIMENT. %. COLONEL PMTEK McDEKMOTT. AO able bodied men wsnuid for this regiment, which offer* liidn -entente equsl to sny now being organized. Rally, rally to your rouatry's defence, for the protection 01 your <oiftilutioiiai freedom. f-i" government bounty. $.?*> mate. its. one month's pay In %lvance. Making in all $90 for each recruit. Recruiting ofllee No. 3d spring street. _ H ALTER J. Rl RKB, Recruiting < uli 4 TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT REGIMENT, COLONEL x i'eier McDermott OimiMMindtiig. Robert J. Wynne, Be* eriii'fngOflleer, has opened an olllceatllt Walker street, for the purpose of raising men to support our glorious Union; lie appeal* to bis ante countrymen to eome nobly f irwsrd snd su^taiH him in his patriotic tenling. This offlccf w..s in the regular servh-e lor some years uud through iho Mmicih war; si so was In the Armv ul the Potomac. A few more good men i?'i"lred, wbo wi'l be guartttiWsd to rucelva nil the bounties allowed by the I nlted Htales and Stale. Come qwultly, slid do not wait to be drafted. RUUERT J.JTYNNE, Ueeriiittag Oflcor. 9Tit REGIMENT, NEW *ORK 8TATF. MltilTIA (Eiglity-thtrd Voiantwrs\?A few go*d>tiien wanted to fill op the* of this well known regiment. Apph .it the Annoi v. corner of Thirteenth street snil University plaoe. Llout. A. H. STILUS. Rearultktgoneer. ?JQTll REGIMENT NEW YORK HTATB VtiLUNTEERS, oO Second Icott Lin uttard. Colonel J. II. Bobart Ward, Kill up Mm rank* of the veteran Thlrty-elahth.?This regl ment, one of the oldest lu t'l* scrvicc, and which has die tihguiohed itarlf in the ba iles of Bull tun, Williamsburg, K.'lr Oaks nnd Malvern Hilt, itnd which hss only nine mouths or service to perform, wants Iaorulta to till uu us ranks. $00paid iu cash as soon aa mustered; $29 additional before ll>e recruit leuvss the Slate; $13, one mouth's ad vaoce par, on joining regliBeni; besides $13 when honor ably dlsohariind. ramilies provided witk relief, and reernlta sul'sisted and uniformed on signing the rolls, Arnily to Lieutenant E. MILLER, 300 Broomo street, opposite Centre ?1 -roR THIS RUM 1 WILL SECURE ANY iDXUUs man, liable to being drafted, a substitute I will give ample aecurlt* for tha monay -enough toisUgiyanf ?n?. mvsk, uocMtuutMnev. this in* i:ki*l.ton. 1 f\f\ xoiwrr - r.JiPtKir bkmaph r?nto 1 lM/ rtiiioiiisl, Oun-I JM.rroU N Ciafl. I. . . ea wautt'i, u? Ull up Co i j.j i t< ?i tlu> >i< niii<. r jghnrrt $60 of liie- l>oiinl> |?u i iiiiUi mii ? utii.tiO MMwbcB ilio 11 ^iment il luiiiUT- J. l'a? if i i I" J21 pari i iui.i, oni in iit'i'x p?y lu utMuoa, \i'P- *? N ' f0 II .war I n r ri, pear broud iJT, la Oaptain I'ElKt T. BOVL?. r<eruiu..g r. M. B.?'Twu Lieul?u*ute wealed. Ainu a o.n|i'>-iinaB ?i. In'hi Hawaii l. BOUNTY.-BliOOND KBfHMENT, KM PI KB Brigade, Brigadier General Kit AN K BPINOL I. $150 llillliouae Llgfit Intaniry. Tl.lity men wanted imui'idiately, to uompiete Company K to thl* MtnlM MMH $fiO biate bounty paid immediately on enlisting, $J0 when mustered l'a> from $13 to $23 per month One mouth * par In ad vance. Apply u?i% to Lieutenant I'Ki'BK 8. GERATY, to uompiete Company K to tbla uplendid ivgimtMst. $00 State lu' vat .. _ _ _ __ __ Recruiting Officer, at 02 Bowery, corner of Caaal struct. ?1 fi'l ?SAVE YOl'B BOUNTY ?$I(i3 TO ALL WHO tplUO. enlist In Company D, Kirnt regiment Empire Brigade, before the 15th of August. Alter AuKuat 15 you will be drafted, and won't get any tiling but your regular pay. Come now; gat into a regiuien? bf good jolly toy*, good, experienced o?cim. aud $103, which u moro than la ottered by auy other regiment in the United State*. Lieut. HAMILTON, 43 1'eck ilp/N. Y. fl>Onn ?WANTED, A SUBSTITUTE. IN CASE OF baiu* drafted. Applicant to be la sound health, between the age of U! and 30 years, for an interview addreM A. B., box 432Po*t office, New York. d>nn At; ?six cents, in postage stamps, JpUU.UD. will be paid for an able bodied substitute, in caee I am drafted, and TWO HUNDRED DOLKARg bounty, over and above all United Htaie*. State or local bountlea, will be paid for ten able bodied men, between the ages of IS and U, who will ralist for regiments now in the field. Address for one week A. C., box 4,141 New York Pest TOASHION PLEASURE GROUND J7 ASSOCIATION. DOUBLE TEAM RACE. Friday, August 8, Purse and Stake $MWL Mile heats, best 3 la $, t? wagana, B. McLaughlin names a. a. Jim. B. McLaughlin nameab. m. Annle> H. Woodruff names g. K. J esse. H. Woodruff names b. m. Jinny. D. Maee names b. m. Lady Crooheron. D. Maoo names h. m. Kate. Saturday, August 9, Puree and Stake $390. Mile heals, best 3 in 0, t? wagons. Owner names blk. m. Phebe. Owner names s. g. General Baileek. Bo Robert* names a. ^ Rojal Oh ' - A1 A GOOD DAY AllD GOdb TRACK. JOSBPH C&OCHBRON, Manager. HOaSEg, CARRIAOBiB, AC. SROOND BAND NO TOP BUGGY FOR SALE cheap, price $40, at 87 Bowery. LL PERSONS HAVING PENSIONS DOB ON THE . 4th September can hare them collected at a moderate charge. Pensions, Bounty and Prise Money promptly se cured at the office established by Major M. Myers, in 1817. C. W. MYBBB, successor to M. Myers, M$ Broadway, NUMBER OF NEAT BUSINESS WAGONS OF every style constantly on hand; also some second hand Wagons, in good order, cheap. STEWART'S Wagon Factory, Fifty-third street, between Broadway and Eighth ar. A YEBY FAST PACING HORSE FOR 8ALR?ALSO, il a lady's Saddle Hor*e, sound, kind and handsome, six yean old; a child of ten rears may ride him. Apply to J, LALOB, New England Hotel, corner of Bowery and Bayart street. Fob salr-a fine, blooded, rich bay stal. liou; beautiful animal, perfectly gentle; delightful sad dle horse; broken In harness: f*st trotter, peraectly sound; fire years old, accustomed to fir- ; was in the battles of Wil liamsburg, Fair Oaks. Allen's Farm, Savage's Station, Glen dale and Malvern; owner selling not wanting. Inquire at McDonald's stable*, Twenty-thlrdlstreet. near Sixth avenue, or at the northeast comer of Broome aud Greene streets, or at IB Fifth avenue. For sale?a black hare, six years old, uk hand* high, a stylish driver, snd can trot to wagon in three minutes; will be sold cheap. Inquire at 20 Cherry *t. For hale?a a ray horse, uh hands high, gentle and *ound, auitable for a cart or wagon; good driver; will be sold low for cash on applidatioa at 103 Bayard slreet.< For sale-the Brooklyn city express post. For particulars Inquire of the proprietor, at the office, Fulton street, Brooklyn, from B to 0 o'clock P. M., any day till sold. A.' bay Horse, over 14>4 hand*; a good steady worker, perfectly kind and gentle; also a Bsrcmche, in good order, cullt by one of our first city makers, and^ baudsoon set of J^OR SALE.?A HANDSOME, STYLISH, LONG TAILED peri bull. Double Harness, but little used. These will be sold at a bar gain, the owner having no further use for them. Apply at the Excelsior S'ables, SB West Thirtieth street. Fir HALE?FOB one-HALF THE VALUE, A GOOD family Horae, Wagon and Harnetta, together or separate; safe for a lady to drive or ride; lit for any kind of business; fair trial given. Apply at 10 Jones street, near Fourth, from 10A.M. 0110P.*. For sale?a. handsome saddle horse, tho roughly broke, for* lady or,gentleman; would make 4 floa par. or military horse. Alao a fine Horse, Harness and i'onr-aeated Ro:kaw?y, to be sold ae pa rate, together with a well irained Goat, Harness and Wagon; very foud of chll druu. Tiie whole will be sold at a very low figure at D. MCLGREW'S, 51 Bast Twelfth street. For mle-a handsome uqht rockawat. fob one or two horsee; only used a few times. will no ?old at a great bargain. Address Washington, elation A Post office, Spring street. FOB SALE CHEAP.?A 8BC0ND BAND ROCKAWAY, In flret rate orderi made by Ford. Any pSfson wishing to purchase a good Carriage very 1??, oan do so by applying at Sa Front mmi, whereli ean be aeen. HOR8B FOR HALH.?A VERY FINE PAMILT HORSE, styllah, perfei: Qy gentle and sound. Can be seen at the stable, 1H Paciflc street. Brooklyn. CARRIAGES AND HARNB8S FOB SALE.? JOO new light Carriages. Buggies. Grooors. Express gad Business Wagons, and second hand Wagons of all kinds; 90 Hones and Harness. 10 Nevlns street and 134 Fulton are ?tie, Brooklyn. HORSB8 FOR SALB.-A PAIR OF EtBOANT ORAT Coach Horses, Are rears old, gentle alse tinder the sad dle, sixteen hands high, splendid match. Also, a heavy, dan brown pair of Horses, suitable for heavy work In truck, Ac. ?good travellers; two good matches of light sor rel Horses, fine style, well trained; ladles' and gentlemen's Saddle Homes of all colors and alxee, for sale at ihe Hobo ken Riding School, foot of Fourth street, Hoboken. N. B. For sale at low war prices. * The trotting stallion robbrt fillingham for sale?on reasonable terms. His owuer think* him very faat, ami is willing to show time. Th- horse Is a Terr handsome brown, tifteen hands one inch high, and-was sired by llambViOkuan, of Orange county. For full particulars apply to II. F. JONBS, Fashion track, L. I., where the horse can be aeen. ?FOB SALE. A FINE HANDSOME BROWN j Mare, l.VJt hands high; can fTo? mll? better than 3 minutes; has trotted In 2:42, Also for sale, a square box Top Wagon and Harneas. Te be seen before 8 A. M. or alter # P. Mat 27 Barrow atreet. $125 PKHSONAXa. Adoption ?I want to ad6pt as my own "a boy with light hair and blue eyes, from on* to three months old. Address Mrs. Henry, box 181 H-ialdoffio A LITTLE BOY, TWO DAYS OLD, WITH DARK HAIR and eyes for adoption; children taken fur adoption . .id Adopted out to good homes; al*> ladies may rest MM Ifeil they will t eo*lve theb-stof tare and medical attoudanc during their coaftnement at Mme. OUNLBE8, 70 West Houston street A FAMILY WHO WISHES TO TARE A HANDSOME ItUln boy, live weeks old, can Hnd ons In Van Brunt street, between Sackett snd Degraw streets, Brooklyn, nsxt door to Myera' grocory. BT. D.-WILL FIND AN ANSWER TO HER LET. ? terof 18th June, which was not received proneptly. Addressed as ol' old. " ? *'? "? Frank?meet uh at cbristy's matinee on sa turday, at three o'wlock. We will alMja^thye. ^ InoR adoption?a ran hbaltht fkmai.e in ' rant of six ws-ka old. Address Bayard, Ilerakl office George p. wilcox, who went to locisvillr Ky.. orCdro, III., some tltrje In Dei-ember, 1861, or .Tan, nary. lfcoJ, make known your whereabouts to Admmlstiator boi 9,974, New York Post ofhoe. Y will BR AT MT PLACE OF BUSINESS TO-DAY. JL between one snd two o'clock. Would like to *?e you 1 left my Uorvs at Joe's, under the horse shed. Information wanted-of william garrey. When Ia*t board from, two year* ago, was In BrooRlyn, N. V. Call at or send vonr address to your nle> e Bridget tlarrey, Uerard Ho'iite, New Vork city JOSEPHINA N.?GOOD BVE, OOOD SISTER. I LBAVB iowii Sunday n"il. I'leaie send me your da;usrreotyp? bsc'i to the place you ?entyonr last letter. Intorm your snfterlng friend, Irorn time to time, of your happiness, ami If yon need anything. Apply sure to meaa proml>ed. You will never be forgotten by ycir KBRNANDO. IOVB ME LIITI'E, LOVE ME LONG.-TOC LOOKED J remarkably well on Broadway last eveirfng. I have been lu the itju three months; written you twice, but re ceived uo answer. Will you look In the Dlrei tory and cellT MA. R.-OAN HAVE an interview TO DAY (FRI. ? .lay), at twelve o\lo*k, corner of Hiith avenue and Fourth street. W. Mr.i a. a. b.?your friend is in town, let lers are a.rsltln; you at m.tsl pla a. Oct them at once and answer. I go to country ueil week. M. S. C. MR. JOHN HAI.U-PLBASB WIUTK TO YOUR NIECB Htinnah. Address Mrs. J, O King, Cbetvton Post office. Victoria, Australia. ______ NOTICE?ANTONIO NBVKRA INVITED MB. PETER H. N'-yera to Inf >rin him of ihe pla>-e of h ? resldsoce, to ena'de blm to comeiMteale te him news of great Import ance relative to family matter*. ANTONIO NKYEKA. MmrriTi.An, Mexico. April W, IBM. SO PORTE H.-A'OTR FRIEND, WHO LEFT ON TUB . 41 li of K'limary lor llatana, ha* returned. 121. 0, II. St.?You will Ind a letter for you In the Broadway Post Oflk"_ _ m R. R.?TOUR LAST LETTER IS rbcsivrd ; J. . write again lii?nie<llat<'ly to Jvraey City at the ol I ad dress. M*"'A. stew PtraisK \nonir~ HARDEE'S T \I TIC!8 ?TlU'E AMD OORRBCT COPT. OOWUNG'8 OFKK't \It EDITION. R<?4r positively Saturday mnt'nlng. August A P<>eel3<-. Thi* edition contain* ail tho i Mum nit ions and diagrams, be-,-ouct cxer- i??. vjoinplete llsu of piy, \> A. DOWLlNii, OS Nassau street. And fo* sale by R'-?* ATrmwy, Okie, Dayton A Jonaa, Sexier A Co., Hamilton, .loh^-ion A Fnrrelly, New Tork; . B. Pet?t>on. Phlkiilelpbla; O.Itfc* A Co., ChklMM; Saad bourn A Carter, Portland, Me.; J.TL Crawford, St. Louts. Matrimony made kast-a complete system of winning the affections of elth> i set, howevi r ob-ll tiate they may he, br John Bell. The above will be aent hy return of me:i to ahy address, by enclosing ?l to JOHN bell, Fort Hamirton I stand. All oommunlcaltoas eonfldenUal, *9 humbug, u wlugetiher set, BUS) or (cmau. FIlUyUIAL-;. ir *Y suvpliks ?o+vioi: ok .um* comma JA end liquid,.. fi- Yr J IyU 18 3L .->?mi*d piopoiil* hill i?>rd t. la n|ei.n;|i< 12 0'< iuuS M.. uu Filduj, 11.' 11 'i of Au niu H. . .. c.y I j vuuuaot, at cli.' ot Army CM ?*? i iwuik.^ iu 4' 'Al Unif* r n '"its^ lt> i i?4J nam Ht?>t 'OS, 1 IU.WM pull a .>1 o.u.g% ? UhiitoMh, Vpojii.injui.oi which caa be i *u ?t>pn %? ti ii at this nOivc. Of l)ie Uniform UaU and Havxruu. ks one third qpantlty roulraetod fur inual be delivciod within iwuuiy days, uaii-thir i with.a forty Uuys, ami Uie remainder wltbin mijr dav> irom lhn ilat ? of acceptance of Uu> propoeais. IW^iee. aa<l Hux k mg? mw ittird must be ifellvt r?d wiUuu thirty daya, oa.-lhirJ sixty duya, anil tueremainder within utiiciy days of aoc<.ptaa:i at bids. All art I'let- will be subjoot to mspeouuu by aworu luapeclurf appointed on the uartiM the United Stains. Propoaal* must Lie acuoinpnined by a proper guaranty set ting lorth thai If the oouti t u awar le I to the party men tioned therein, be will at once proceed to execute the name, Mid give bond* for the faithful performance of the contract. The United States reserve* the right to reject all bid* deemed unreasonable. Proposals will be endorsed "ProDoeaka for tarnishing Army Supplies for tfth Auguel," and addreaeed I* Ldeut. OaL D. U VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster Oenerat, United Bute* Army. a bxt supplies. A Orriom or Am Oi-othi*o a*? Ranriax, ? n*w Yobk. Jui/Ji, i&a. I 8e*>ed propoaala will be reoeived at this' OlUoe until twelve o'clock a. on Friday, the 8th uf August, fur delivering, by eeouact, at the depot ?f Army Clothing in this city 100 l>rume, infantry. 600 Drumheads, batter. 100 Bugle*. *,000 OavaJrr Hat Cards and Tamil. 50,080 Brass Bagles for hats. Samples of which ca? be seen oa appUoatlon at this office; one-third the quantity to be delivered within tea days, one tiilrd within twenty days, and the remainder within thirty daya (rom the date of the acceptance of the bids, and all to be subject to inspection by sworn inspector* appointed by the United State*. Proposals must be accompanied by a proper guaranty, set ting forth that if the contract is awarded to the party named therein be will at once execute the same, and give bonds for the faithful performance of the same. The United state* reserves the right to reject all bids dnmod unreasonable. Propoaala ahould be endorsed "Proposals for Furnishing Drums, As.," and addressed to lie at. OoL D. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General U. 8. Army. BUT 8UPPLIBS. Omw or Abut Olmbino in Eqoifaob, j 100.000 Forage Caps, of pure Indigo wool dyed cloth, 100,000 Forage Cap Covers, samples of which can be seen on application at this office; oae hall' to be delivered within ten days, and the remainder within twenty from the date of the acceptance of the Ids. and to be subject to Inspection by sworn inspectors appointed by authority of the United States. Bids must be accompanied by a proper guaranty, setting forth that, 1 f the contrast is awarded to the party named the vein, he will at onco execute the same and give bonds for the faithful pcrioi uiance or the contract. The United States reserves the right te reject all bids deemed unreasonable. Proposals should be endorsed, "Proposals for Furnishing Forage Caps and Covers," and addressed to Lleutanant Colonel D. H. VINTON, Deputy Quartermaster General United States Army. Abut supplies. Omen or A*kt Clotbiko ai?o Bovipam, > New 7ork, August 7.1861 J ' Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M., on Thursday, the Uth Instant, for delivering by contract, at the depot ot Army Clothing tod Equipage in in this city? 200,000 Flannel Shirts. 300,000 Knit Shirts. 100,000 Canton Flannel Drawer* 100,000 Knit Drawer*. 200 Infantry Bugle Cords. 100 pairs Hospital Steward's Chevrons. 100,000 Ureal Coat Strap*. 500 Recruiting Flags. 10,000 yards % inch blue Worsted Lace. Samples of which can be seen on application to tbt* office. Of the Shirts and Drawers, one-third to be delivered wltMn ten days, one-third within twenty day* and the remainder within thirty days from the date or the acceptance of the bids. All other delivered within twenty day*, and to be subject to Inspection by sworn Inspectors, appoint ed by authority of the United States. Propo sals must be accompanied by a proper guarantee, set ting forth that If the contract Is awarded to the party named therein, he will at onoe execute the same and give bonds for tne faithful performance of the contract. The United States reserves the right to reject all bids deemed unreasonable. Bids should be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing Shirt*, Drawers, Ac.," and addressed to Lieutenant Colonel D. H. VINTON, Dy. Quartermaster General, United States Army. ?(OFFSB FOB THE NAVT. Nin Aoatn's Ostick, Nsw Tom, August 2,1862. Proposals, sealed and endorsed "Proposals for Coffee," ? will be received at this office until Saturday, the l(Stn Instant, for furnishing and delivering, on reoelvlng ten days' notlco, at the united States Navy Yard at Brooklyn, nil the coffee which may be required for the use of the navy during the Aseallysar ending June 9b, 1883. The coffee to tw equal, to the best Cuba, according to the sample at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and be delivered there without extra charge. Every offer must be accompanied by a written guarantee, signed oy one or more responsible persons, to the effect that be or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will. If hit or th'ir bid be aecepti-d, enter into an obligation immediately, with good and sufficient sureties, to furnish the article pfO tioasdT This guarantee unst be aceonapanted by the certificate of the United State* District Judge, District Attorney, Col Ie<tnr or Navy Agent, that the guarantors are able' to make good their guarantee. No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such-guarantee. I HENDERSON, Navy Agent. Navt beef. ^ Km laui'i Ornoa, \ New Yohk, August 2, IMS. ( SyW proposals will bo received at (bit olBce until Saturday, tbe 9th day ofAugust, at 12 o'clock, for siirply tng BOV barrels NAVY BBBP, free af alLcost and risk, to ibe United mates, at tba Navy Yaxi at Brooklyn. Tha Beef null ba from well lattenad cattle, and must conform aa naar aa possible in quality t? tba standard auumtd for S?n Bsef, and paaa the naual laipcotion at the Navy Yard, ft* hnrrela aiuat be accordinf to tbe nary ?Mpdard. Bvery offer moat be accompanied by a written guaranty, signed by one or mare resuonsiblo persons, to tbe eBe-l tnat he ar they undertake that the bidder or bidden will. If hli or their bid ba aooepted, enter into an obligation Immediately, with good and sulllclcnt auretlea, to fumtxh the article proposed. Thla guaranty must be aooompanled by the certificate of the United lintri District JudM, Dis trict Attorney, Collector or Navy Agent, that the guarantors are able to make good their guaranty- No proposal will be considered unless accompanied by such guaranty. Pell par ticulars may be aeoertalned upon application to tbe Inspect ing OBeer at the Navy Yard. Be above Baef la purchased on acoeunt of defaulting contractors, and most be furnished without Ue'a/. I. HEN DEHSON, Navy Agent. /"VHDNANCE OFFICE. _ _ \J War DfcrastME.Tr, \ Wa?hi*CTo;v, July 19. 1S0T. f PROPOSALS will be received by this department until i P.M. on the 9?h of August, 1862, for tbe delivery at the fbl. lotting arsenals of tniautry accoutrements, aa Uen-li-al cr 2?1 TUe" WATERTOWN ARSENAL, WATEBTOWN, .mass, 26,000 sets Infantry accoutrements, calibre C9 14,000 " " " " M AT THE WATERVLIET ARSENAL. WEST TRuY, N. Y. I.1,cue sets lniantry accoutrements, calibre 0# 7,0)0 " " " " U AT 'THE NEW YORK ARSENAL, GOVERNOR'S ISLAND, .V Y. ?0,0k) seta Infantry aocouti ' m^nts, calibre. 89 19.000 ?' '? " " 58 AT THE ALLEOUANY ARSENAL, PlTTBliURO, PA. 51,0U0 sets inian'ry accoutrements, oaltttfe 09 17.000 ?? 'f " 1 M AT TUB PRANKFORD ARSENAL. BKIDESBCRU. PA. 24,1*10sets inlsntry accoutrements, calibre is) II,000 ?' " . '? M AT THE ST. LOWS ARSENAL, ST. LOUIS, MO. 42.000 seta infantry accoutrements, calibre .09 20,010 " " ? " " v M These aocoutremeata are to be msde in strict conformity with tbi regulation patterns, samples ot which cau oe amiuedjtt any of the above named arsenals, and are to be,?ub iect to inspection at the arsenals where delivered, before be ing received for the government?nono to*be accepted or paid for but such aa are approved on Inspect ton The belts to be of grnined leather, and all the slock to be the best oat tanned. Tha shoulder belt will be Included In the set. Deliveries must t>~ made lu lots oi uot less than 1,000 sets ptr'we'-k. for all coo'ract* of 10.010 or tinder, and not leas than J.OOD sets tvr week on all contracts ror over 10,0110, eountlnofrom the date of the eontract. Failure lo deliver at a spec lied tirue will subject tim contractor to a forfelttiru of the amount to be delivered at that time. The accoutrements must be boicd in the customary manner; the i<otes to be charge ! at ' oat, to be determined by the Inape.- to r. Bidders will state, explicitly, tbe lime, amount and place of esch lielivery. Each party obtaining a contract will be required lo enter Into bonds, with proper sur-tles, for its faitbful fuliUmeot. The Departmeui reserves to ilaelf tba right to reject any bid. proposals will be addressed lo "Oca J. W. Ripley, Chief of Ordnance, Washington, D 0.," snd will be encoded "Pmosais (or Inian'ry AocomreinenV'." JAMES W. RIPLBT, Brigadier, Chief or OrJaan ;e. OFFICE OF CLBRK OK ROVRP OF SCPBRVISORS, No 7 City Hall, Aug. I, iwt.'.?Seaied Proposals willbo raoelvad at ?'IISofloe until August 12, 1M, at 12 o'clock M? for 250 lo lf)0 tun*Of the MM Anthracite t'oul for the use of the courts And oflk-es of tbe county, the ton to be calcula. ted at 3,240 pdunds. Also, proposals for SO cords of Kindling Wood, pine, c it and spill for use. ? The sai l c al and wood to be delivered It such times ?nd p'aces ua tbo Commutes may designate. ? The Committee reserve the riuht i) reject sny and fril pro poMie. James HAris. W ILLIAM M. TWEED, SllKHIi) \N SHOOK, SMITH KLY, JR., Committee. ORISON lil.UNT, WnXlAN 0. CONNER, ELIJAH F. PliRDY. / IPKC'I lb WOTirKB. 1 ELECTION -AN ERECTION FO? DIRECTORS OF Li tii? hnlckerbociter St?ae Company win lie I the oillce. Kig ali avenue and Tweniy-thud Mreet, also fOi'In spetiors oi Eleetti n in IdfiS, on Wednes.lay, August 13, isti2. Th.> poll will be open M l> to C P. M. UEOKOK C. PETERS, Kcie nry. RKAT TR It'Ml'll.?STEINWAY and sons NOM. H2 / and M Walker rtreet, New York, h*\ been anarded a I rsl prM" medal at llielireiit In BlhlbMlOU, J. in d. n tor powerlul, ciuar, 'lriiH mt and sympe heti,- tone, with f t . t v ot. >i.ansliip, show i In gnrn I and enuarwl'lanos. , w 11 vo hand red and stsiy-nlne 1'lsn from all p, ernrid, ontered lor ? ,>m| el turn, an i tlio speolal Ji . , of the New York st Itm nys o.iilii,s.!iii?st by tUO (uroli Is >-m 1? ?i , m l ?<|.1I1 r and more to (he point th .n lhat of any maker." ^ OFFICB OP THE CUOTON AOVBftJCT DEPART itu .'t, Annuattl. 1882. ?New Oraad Reservoir. Public mit'oe h horsbyKiven that ibe Proton icater w4H be intro dpred Itiui the Saw Omu l Ueseivolr, ou TueaJhy, Aufnm 10. :ii."l o ci.i k F. M. prec sely. Til. public me resneot'ully Invited io Witnes- the consum mation oi I .is groat work, wlthoul^rther^tlee.^.^ THOMAS it Ta l i'EN, A. W CRAVRft, t'rolon A'lucduct Board. TTAXPAYKRS OP WESTCHESTER Cot NTY.-NOTIOR I Is given Unit I Imre received the cow ?( the o rcial n> turn of t ie tates or |Mt of tiie towns ot M-.rri jat.l.i. West Pirm?, Kisti <ic,ier, Wct' hestef, Pelham and Mama:tmeok, IncinilltJg sii villages. T'ce Lois sie adien.H-sl snd will be sold September 2d ISi'd. Owaersmajr ee'.l aiiiie t ?s oilire, corner of Orand un l BUtnb) Ih "tmets, on Nudtt, Aiuust II wh<r? the bonkiiyill be open. Ni uhiis* for ?-?i.h.-s. John F mM, u?*?r*i C*l#? v>r. a .nsBKBtrra. YVALLA<'KH IT t 'lrni u*?n Rroadwav nud ThirtM-ntb ?trer? Uv i... uncial li.? f |?*t smrea; ut> * ?* ??? -tel. UOMPLBl'E At. J OV,ilt., II SoUUli NKW BURL.KBQVB on BourclcaaliHi. uuhiui ? di? Til IS 00Lt.E!,.< I. AWN. riL.Y OCOMN It; 08. TUB FATAL DUl ONE OK THE FINEST Al'DTHSOHti OF TUB SEASON PKALS Or LAUGHTER, GB.NBKAL HILARITY and every demonstration of u.-luut. MBS. W. t. KLOKKNOB IN QEB TERItlFIO KKAT OP ZAMPILLAKROBTATION: OB, TliB tLYINO TRAPEZE. This Thursday Evening. Augunt 7, WlU be presented a uuw llnrlesque, called Eii-Y O'connor, with the following bril limit cast, urn bracing (be entire bur lesuue company attached t? Wat lack e theatre:? B i LES-N A-OOP P ALBEN, a Pat-un ft hissex Mrs. W. J. FLORENCE. Danny Man a, a Dfoiu><ary Ferryman. Mr. W. Devldsti Kyrlo Daly, a sweet youth Br. J. L Barrett Hardresa Cregau, a nice young man for a tea party Mine Viol* Crocker B. Corrigsn, a rore cloeer. anxious for a closer relationship Mr./. Martin Sergeant 0'T?>ralo(.rel, an active and intelll. gent officer, No. 3.1S9 Mr. Oeo. Browne Miss Ann Gliuie. the Colleen Kudh Mrs. Oeo. Skerrett EILY O'CONNOR, the Colletu Bawn....7% Mr. W. J. FLORENCE Mrs. Creg&n Mrs. U iiyroa Bridesmaids. Klunkles Footmen, Ac. To eommence with the lavorite farce of ^ FAR 18 AND BACK FOB ?5. FRIOAY.?The great burlesque and other entertain ment*. NOW OPEN, DAT AND EVBNINO. TUB BAOBIFI cent Galleries of Paintings at the Fine Art Institute, W6 Broadway. Pollock's creat picture of "Undine," Gig noui's charming "Indian Summer," the great "French Be volution of IMS,'* with nearly 200 ether works. Admission 25 cents. HOt?K?, BOOHS, AC., WAST?U>. A furnished HOUSE WANTED.?BUST BE SITU ated below Twenly-tiith street and west of Fourth ave nue. The rent must be taken in board. Address, stating location, Mrs. M., box 306 Herald ollice. for three days. A FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED?BT A SMALL private family, till 1st of May or longer; must be high stooifc completely furnished, with modern improvements; West Fourteenth street or Twenty-third street preferred; $!W0 rent guaranteed. Apply to B. H. TAYLOB. 130 Broad. way. CITY DWELLINGS. furnished OB UNFURNISHED, wapted at all seasons of the year. Property promptly rented At full market rstes, snd advertised at our risk until let. MoKIBBIN A DAY, 319 Fourth avenue. Furnished house wanted.?a bespbotable and responsible party wants to hire a Furnished House in this city; will take good care of the property and give best of references. Terms must be moderate. Address Gilbert, box 104 Herald office.' House wanted uf town, between fifth and 81 nth avendes, 35 by 80 f<-et, high stoop, modern im provements, in exchange for English basement House, 35 feet front, and stable and carriage house in rear, situated between Fifth and Sixth avenues, Murray HUL Address Dgy Book, Herald office. TTAEP WANTED?A SECOND HAND HARP, IN PER. XI feet order. Price must be moderate. Address J. M., box 41, Tarrytown, N. Y. HOUSE WANTED.?AN UNEXCEPTIONABLE TE uant wishes to lease a pleasautly located medium sued high stoop House, either furnished or unfurnished. Ad dress, with full particulars, R., box 4,137 Post omce. I WANT TO OO INTO THE GROCERY AND PROVI slon business. Any person having a good paying btml ness to sell, in whole ori n part, may address B. C., box 124 Herald olllce. > WAN TED?TO RENT, A SMALL HIGH STOOP HOUSE, TT in a good location, between Sixteenth snd Thirty fourth street*, and went of Sixth avenue. Bent not to exoeed $wj. Address W., box 2,414 Post office.. TXT"ANTED?IMMEDIATELY, A FIRST CLASS FOUB YT story House, with an extension, If possible; in or near Fifth avenue and Broadway, and between Fourteenth and Thirty-fourth streets. For which a fair rent will be given. Address H. E. B., Madison squane Pout office. WANTED?A LIGHT DRAUGHT VESSEL. SCHOONER riggud. centre board preferred, for the Albany trude; from 100 in 200 tons; the undersigned should like to obtain a vessel of tho above named capacity to sail on shares. R-fe rencee exchanged. Address Stephen D. Smith, 128 Meadow street, Hoboken, N. J. WANTED-TO RENT, WITH?OPTION OF PURCHA3 ing, a Cottage House, Within 20 miles of New York; near water preferred, with from 3 to 6 acres uf land. Ad dress S. T. S., Herald office. RAltioAOSi ~ Hudson river railroad.-trains for albanyI ' Troy, the North and West leave Chambers street at 1 and II A. M? and 3:14. 6 and 10:1A P. M. T OBG ISLAND BAILBOAD ACCOMMODATION?OLD JU South Ferry Terminus.?Train* leave at 7:46 A. M. and Sis P. M. for Or-enport; U:45 A. M. and 4:14 P. M. for Sy. oseett; 7:45, 11:4ft, A. M? and 3:15, 4 :14, 5:44 P. M.for Uemp stead; bom iv for Jamaica irom 7:45 A. M. to4:45 P. M. Long island railroad?change of termi nu*.?Pa?seuger depot at James slip and foot oi Tuir ty-forrth siri-ot, Bust river. Summer at nngement?Leave New York at 8 A. M. for Gfeenport, S*j Harbor. Orient and Hamilton. At 8 A M.. li M. and 4:3U P. M. for Syoa^ei. At 3 JO P. M. f'jrGreenpon. At4 P. M. ror PaiiiilagJale,^ On Sunday a trsln mar?< Hunter's Point (Thirty-fourth street fert7), at SH A. M.for Rlverhead and intermedial* s'st'nus at etcttrsien ittea. Returning leaves Rlverhead at ?P. M. EW TOBK, HARI EM AND ALBANY RAILROAD VOB XROY. NORTH AND WIST. For Albany, 10 Jb A. SC, Kip.av MallTr ?In from Twenty ?lilh Mitel nation. For nil local train**ee Tim* Tab5\ JOHN BURUHILL. Aaiiaiant Superintendent. RARITAN AND DELAWARE BAY RAILROAD.?FO It Lung Braufk, Red Batik, Shr?w*bnry, Tom* lllvar, Tu*kerton, Ac.?In conaequeuce of tio unpiweeden'od nutn berof vltltora to Lnn< Branrb, the ii'-nrn'-iiat THOMAS COLLVKR will. or. Sa'nrdny*. 'intil farther notice, leave Murray itraat yrtaarf four time*, ?!*., at 6. Maud 10.30 A. M. and at 2.?0 and 5.30 P. M. On every other day (exreait Sun day) leaving at &30 aud 10.30 A. M. and at t P. M. ra?*on k"ra for the mala line below Long Braneh jun.Uon will leave at C.3U A. M. and 4 P. M., eicept on Saturday*, when they will l?ave at 6.30 A M. and 2.30 P. M. Pu.?iik*ri for pointa below Katontown, on .ha main line will take the J:S0 P. H. boat on Saturday*. ^ ASTROI.O?Y. A BONA FIDE ASTBOLOOIST. THAT EVTJttY ?NE uo 4ep>nd on, la Mine. WILSON, who te!:? tb" object ?I yo ir Tii4t a? roon aa you ?nt"r. She telle the Jjimt, pr at.'ut and luturrof yo>:r life, aud ?arm you ?t uaa|era, aud bring* (U'-C'-aa out of the moat pori'.iu* iu>'ari. klnga. N. B.?Celelri a.ed magic oharui*. No. 189 Al>n *'ieet, be tween Houston and SiautosT, oTir tlie store. LaUiea and gentlemen, i0 cenu each. 4 STONISH1NU.?MADAME MORROW, seventh ^ i. dangher, !'a? forealijbt to tell how soon and bow often you rax t ry, and ail yo'i wish to know, even yonr thought*, or no p;ty; lucky charm* froej her eqoal I* not to he I'outi 1; !r i- ma,; ? Imace lit now In fall opeva'lon No: IM Ludlow ?tree:. below Huuatou. Uentl; gentlemen not admitted. Madame hart, havinu hlturnf.d from id. rope, annoiiurea to the lad lea ol New VorkllMt ?he tan be < onatilted ut No. 21 E?? * atreet upou the past and Inline. ?, information u* to fortune, marrlaga, ill cuaini- given. Ordinary i'"o '.'3 '.ania. Madame ray is the best *-lairvoyabt and A*irolo0*l In tfcla ciiy. ?be tell* your vet y iho i.nti, give* lurky number*, ran r| *peuUy ma. ila^e*. No. 'AO 8 'Tenth avenue, n^ar Twen y-aeTentn rreot. Ladira J8c., gen-leinen W". Mrs. woods is <onsultkd by ladies with contideuca. ill re a uJ\ toe lu female eomplaiuta and Iriegiilarltio*. Monthly yilla. 234 Oi an 1 street, uue block eaat of Howry. Mb*. addie banker, toe lono established and ralioMe medi'-nl and budneo el.iirn.yant an J ?pint ml medium, gtrea uuirer*a! **tl?i action day ami evening. ai her i-miu nee, X.U Fourth aireet. we*t of Broad way. Term* ino lerate. NB.-WH0H.48 NOT flEARH OF THE CELEBRATED . Madam 1'RB'Y STiiR, who ha* removed to 6V Thirty, aightti ?iu)Ot, corner o; Stub aveune, orcr iba 'iakery. aud wtio an !?? 09M< :te.l with entire ?atlai'a lion? She haa no e<( ai. due ie.ln tue name ol i'uiuie wile Ol' lin*' and, ?1<0 ibal of lu i'7 riior. If yon winh inith gl\ e her a all. Tub OBBATBOT wondkr in the world is thk yo?in? *u1 accomplih?eil Maiiuni ? BYRON, from Paria, who can u ? connulted with tbe air-'e?t ionfl l 'Uie on nil at lair* of Hie; reK'oia* drunken and uuiaitbrul kuaband*; ha* a *rere( to maki yon lii-lovad by your heart'* Idol, and brlnu* to**.h i tb< king h> *d. Bn'I.ea 'li ccnts R'*id< aoe WThird aTenue, *bore Twoirth ctrtct. WHO WOULD NOT <H> TO MAKli TUK1B FtlllTL'NBt (in re, one aud all? t? *? e Mi?? WLLLl.N<>ToN, ihe renowned . ';n-il?h piopneiiaa, unireraally uck now letted u.e b. al Ol all. mo: iglll*, Wbo guar tineas 10 ?? ure to ihoM w ho ivn?nlt hrr, heal ii, wealth and hapnlne*i, an'' w?rran ? to impart to them informa'lju ai the ntmn?t tnipor #ne?, relative to lawiniia loumeya,ab?ent frienda, lo*?, ?wunaliln, mairliiue. l id len treaaiirea, anemlet and tionbiea?in fact, oi all Milan- in llic. iirar ? aoMier*, lemn yoir do> iuof glory, llfeortloMk. It' you it''? your u*? |ro*p rlty and ? clilty >o i II not d-ay to vial oraddr--* by l 'tier thi* highly gin I ?!" i heauUml youiu lady, at 101 Sixth avenue, ot.p.e lie E'liM'li afreet Minn W. I* lfc< onh poraon In tbi* ' Ity who Ii ia ih? feiiulne Unman and Aiab-nn lailnnaaa lor love, koo! lin k, and bua.iieaa all.HI*? n airanted IU| llle, Lueky kiunbern given, a* al-o blgUlv itHpcctkbleoily refe liMfi Druukitnn a* emed and uurauful wire* and hua iiaml re lalioed. 1 f? BOWERT ?MAI) V WinOKIL t'LAIRYOTANt J.O?J an I gtffed H|?nlali lalv, mireMa tbe ayweriea of fnttirlty. 1"' 1 marriag ?, ?b<i'iu mend*. *iei.n>'aa, i reaciibea medlelnaa for all dlaeaoas teln lucky nntabet*, property l"?l or no CIAIT1UKO. "TTZTTT 4 RARE CIIANOK.??11,008 WOBTII OK t'VT OFF J\. umthlng wanted, ?rttfl(? a month, for N?w Orloana. latiil' * an4 Banileui'in bavU.4 anf ofttie ah?v*e u> di?|H.*? of ?an receive tie following prfce. ?Fi> tu ?d to $ ?i for Hllk Vre.aea, frwn <.1 to $ISfor ?o. tt, from *1 to fa lor Tio'A Ai?o .Siiaw.a. cioek*, Turfi- U, Fi.rnDnre; tMl Un-ft nne* r.iM. Plt ane nil on or a.ldru-.* a uole In H. Mlut/.HS 9i?th avenue, near Blgbtebnth street. Ladle* ntiended l>* Mra. Mint/ Orderafrom iti??>kIvm or Jeiaey City i> mettwlly at tended to, Pleaae rrniembvr ib - m iginai V. Miutc, AM swtb ?v?nue. ATTE.MION! LADIRB AND liENTLEJUIN.-I HAVE Tim r leed fl.'WUo pitreheae (? t off i imhlng, Nt llllare and I2,< pel* tor t' c t .alll irnla market. I do promise to i ay the h!Jthe*t p lev* <n the , |ty by e vlllnc on or iiddreKa luga notn to i<: MINT/., 13." Sixth erenue, two .loo:* above Tenth Mree- Leiiii * ait-nde.i to if In Mints. K iin m bcr, 137 i*t).tli avoane. V T NO Sftl BOWBRY.-H. ROSFSPfvL BAVINO A A yreat !e?ire to p'li-cbaae a lam" qoRttillyoi east iSf Wealing Al>|*rel, I'm niture, v'arpe.r .lew lljr. Ae., by .-?'!? iiik on or a tdr.'.-aitil, ladie* and ?ru)l*?o? rau ootaiu the inmost v noie lur e .oh artirle. Ij|al. * al'-?U'ted to by *? BOMnibaL I'll nm i mtmbcrv uid trj' 353 Boworjr, opposite tlfit Jon * st:ee.t. imtiv* ?tin ? " ?i iii^ /ii'j'ttin. ? * . -r Vni9mm% fr?.m %:* (or ikmuifrom *,.* LT* AUw C'aryel*| A '. A noli- >f f<* aM^tnvli ?d (n b? E/.EK^feijH i)l Berraili aremte U'l'M ?M?oa* to by Mr* K, OAitDBN "" ?? W* ctrfiSftTnl!tn"r\ Ur. I. HiiDAV liViiJUfcG. Au^ia.*, >? ""eioua Inemia, m On whi.ii oroii'M tfe? autl??.ix5*f ,*AttOi* * I1VUKIX, till II ?' IfS' i ' ?? bct:? ioduord U?MMT t HOA ? uj' Vt" '* ocl"br?t,:<1 euaraetar at /iS* "HI < KiV..Er, supported hy Uic eulu-e origin flatturi!? ?nil?p hare kiadUr teuderetf tkta S itrp' & itpz.B Aid. Wll.iam WeUli WiUUm B Aid. John n. ifndr^ iv ,r w***' Aid. I'eier Mitchi U h T 'iLUuipkOa, am' Jiu<iU A ah. win, til "?J n &.u Aid. James B?*d in-i ry 11. Con. Aid Umry S^ui. i0^ Jti'haei Tournrv /7 uurraiid, nuiiiy Mi,rr,w/' Grurge lirowa, y. Dttrt>> Oeo jj,, Cot. 8. IlotUuder ?? w Np?1mU, * ... .**"<'? auEsJcaf. Iliad P*r,jr'"**a?e-wiu oumuwi.oa with Uie great p^. ^ VANCHQM, ou^K?"?BT DMidler MUaMAOOIB MITOHKUb Xandey Mr. A. II. DftroawM ?i"r Barbeaud. .^ \T OulHn Mo' elon ' Mr. J. H. siuddart Old I'miel Mrs. J H. Suxldart Mother Mrs. A. HlaA H. t-OruSm KaiherOuim?i'i C. T. I'.ir?le^ Jt ?n 0/ "??fc ??w open. Hem, N1??* ,^uMul:sraUMMiiR **"?>*. 1 Fifth?L C00LB^rTHKAT**' IK NKwToK^ "SamiSi." tewrKi"nsassr^" YOIINU AMERICA OM^^ ChA?? ?r ~ TUK KLT,NU "lUiTO Ch**!# ofijerforiiiance rrrrj ertuine. ?rill i ^MIDAir uvMil HQ, AUGL'oT t im? P^mZTLT IOr,bd U?e *A2Stlf?l M Jeannot j**MKBTTB AMD JEANNOT. Major LaffW. '. Oabrtrt Bail* 8?rueuni Mustache " ....HrnryJTeMg To cjna.ude with the' Mine. JfaantM ?M!3S> ? third Urns','"if^'rnu^ranm oi" *?5K2fiw* ?**. Mr. White THK W"ITES AND BROWNfl. | SrV&W '^'Prr-H uo rree^t.T'10m-m-to ?^!^tt^.s?cSssLsaB ljlOX'8 0UD BOWKKY THKATKE. A ukkkkit of Mr. J. M. ALLK.V. ,?.u^10 AVAID DRArrtifdr ? ro1 ?ad Chapman in the comic rhiu-^i.^ VBW BOWERY THBATRE. sole proprietor Mr J W Fi'dMy ' ' Mr. E. L. DAVENPORT, ??? American Trugfuliko. will appear at Bulwer>apte?C ?- k DATtS'iS^"' ?' ??m p'tT" ?r. ???: ,A~" TitB I&ISIl BBOOM ????' W,Uta" TJARNUM'8 AMERICAN Ml.'SECM~ "?* '/'U B' T ONE Vnpir i jtL .u1'UlMm?? d compjinv of >0CAl4drg AND SWISS BLIjL utvnttta THEy"0Ai"kEa?'rm'S,n hl al ' ?t3aud 7X o'clock, when Mr. Anil Ur 5l*PR*SIiim.dv5SSA*r ?'*?>'OTOBTE. A,ffiDi?AuvKNjslrTr o f the {&W ' r ?418 He pUys the Organ. Kiasei hi* Keeper, Hhonldrra the ** tet, feiiak^a Hande with the Ijidiea, Throwsi'icm k*?- ?. D?N OF LIVIXU MONStBB??^N1M,,e* . . AQUABIAL ?AKDEN, Jkr Ac Adeiiaaion to all only m ccata; rhllilrnn uudi-rten, IS 1 T v SKXORITA ISABEL cub AH TnR RRMOWkvm N'lXO.VS CRBMORNB GARDKN ???? ? ibcrkased attr<<ttionr. NKW FACES AND NISW FKATt'KKs! AONIKK''ENT DlhPLAV IJK FIREWOKKM PhT*"^ OF T1IE FLOOD EVKkY NIOH'P Fhtii appearance ol the great Comio m V SEMORITA CI'HAS IV*A SP\MTmr niNPV thomad baker and rr tr? JfiiiMiai Th.llfraVM2*nale^elw?tlw,*ff,,m Roh-rt Le d"m? Thelenr, XlVieaea. Ron ran 1, WI-toT. Wwin 7i*a Tu.irnalrr, Conrad Brothers. Jamea RaynoldaTAi. a!~" Fifth apn^ai an. :r of ' "*? **? The greataat Urmnuat and K^utauuia^of the age aad Ite skS^k.-wsj iaj^tsawa Finh appearand* of r ^ MASTEB CHARI.ES VADIOiV ?'l i^Hornfioianihit>. ' ^ V*ri "* HT'1' ^ '?Iw-'wl oa Sundar erenin?. A'toiUoon lo Ui<- whole 28 cf nu. JBEORUB christy'S minstrels. ? p. , orr,^,IloII*[BI,()AW4r' J. K. tfrigji...^.., Bu, Be? Miimg.rr *n.i Trraauruv MONDAY, A uiul 4, ^d";^eTeB,Bsd" nj tha lAk, the .au.;hable Bikloyta double BEDPHD booh. Uaorf* Cbriaty I' l im r tl .|M l'u* fiinou* Quartette, kbe\e& norland, bray and oorwik. OharoplonClo? Dan- er, K. HANDS. Tao be* Kind loth* p. )fe**iou arid i tie ouolrat boiiae la ikg T\ 9? V"D *ATI?Kk every H41unl.1v at 3 o'clock. AUmiuita 2A oonu. No ball" prke. Dtxii a upon at 7. < urtaln rlaca at a rnrlarly. Bryants* minstrels ?~ " Will reopen A ig.:?l 25. BRYANT BROft. WOOD'S MINSTRELS, '? 4U BROADWAY, Opposite the 81 Nicholas Hotel. Heuiy wood .-o r 1'ropiietiir ar. i IMMENSE Sl't'CESM. EVERY E'v KNiNd Ol illNii THE WEEK. Erwi. Horn, Ciiarloy F ix, Frank Ro?f, Co. 1 ? lute. Abac Co. 1 crey. I.eivia. *. Jt, t |n n?? Sour* Diner*. *r,; Iba rrraa-'i-lijf-.vut>>r. liin on and I/vthuv the Traitor'* Fata. Africa 11 Co isin-i, Wall At. eel Broker*, Ain't tot Urao to tarry. Ac. D"Ora <>p?n at 7: ? < rnmrnre ai S ovio-k admission 2& ? KN iU AAA ?tub GREAT AMERICAN MUSIC HALL TTT BROADWAY. Tats popiiLralaaeaf ajMusem- ut, WfLL REOPEN, VTIt.t, IlFOPEJf. will UftOPUB, WILJ. Ri-.Ol'EB. ON MONDAY Al'OUBT II A':ih the largeat nn(t moat talt-nM ooRip<nr trcrfootn tinted in uuy pin? of a:nu'i m -nt in tbr world. A lommuej euicriaimnent of lour and .? h ,U houiV deration will be Ulr. ti; eiob nd *rary ml Imlepradeiii of th? rr??, orni.ractea Ue C'-'iia of tba 0|?ia, JUilut, P.uitouiui-. Hmlee.iueaL --^.ud Sentimental Hinging, Btbi jpUn KstruteguuM* B. W. Bl'TLER. Proprietor. TnOMAS BAKER AND HIS CNRIYALIJSi) OK'HE*. tin erery eveu.oi; iu clioirc ar Unions o: nma.r Tha o rim 1 in I Overture to the new Panto. !tn# com i,. n~ ? at a ?'?T*k, at NIXON'S CRKMOKNE HARDEN HAIE THE OLAD TIDTNO*. SfcWfSKfcS"01 u,e P-ruB* Cab.n?tol Wo-idar% aui HltOADvt AY, at I I.KI iADWAY! (Nex* door 'o Bi>H j| Bi 1 k * ) II4VP i) a.|<> cxteuaire a.i(!|tMita to fecit all ?:?.:? lamaaalo sulu'frm. Tin* public nr>y now ther ar.-?igi,ta of a tanty r peril aatoundlnit. mm ran and aatnniahitig kind. Thaan marvellous Km .ilaiw.ia : Nature a tiu;v br.mtiml aid rOiMiat of i-rrr)thin* Won.! rf'tl. Rv.ra .rV'lnarv, Mtate rloua, T.'.miie, Man-eli<?i?, Fu lling, Sum rmmg, Kui'ikik. (i.ui.iuia, Citrloua ar.d Suu!-in?pirl"g. L<~>k nt thn ?m{ au l aulv O. r:u In lh? wurM; ?h? ia nadaed p-1 ip-tion uiiaurpnN^d ftir |rwu* and feriiluin>' b. anty. Open for yatletnrn ouly from |ij nil It). /I RAND HPEt IAI.ITY PERKORM ANCK?ON SATVR* VT rtav nfii i next, ?? MXot S CRKMoKNE 1 iAR* UliN, whi'U the ciitii'" ] .uiio. il'n<- of ihe SPIRIT UK TNU KLOOD will be glvrn; lm. Pum ,i?d,- Mual>' In Ihe ?I in lea ami Bqiteatilaa P-'Kui matter a. Bnag ilie i'!-|lilr>-H nn.l k? fieai enjoy a foo l lanfu. ChlWr n *dm|?i, ,| ro. is, entai t MAN At OCAIf rib WITH rHE BVDBO OXYuf* ? V ,V?hii Laniern (Sterfuptloou DiaautTlnf Y:?w Aiiivtnwiial who iatai 'ble of e*( lalnlna the di>r?r>m alM?a arm ot ? dinting baalneaa in general, la wan>d to tinvet ihunuh tha Enk"ia'i W at Indl-?. A capable and reliable m?n c?n Imrm ? ?'""iT Klluauoti. Adiircea tar .-idbi d?)a A. N., baa IDS Herald olhi-e. T1IK WABlilNUTOM niAtML WHICH MAX HUM* newlr daenrau-d and upluilttered, will ba"i>*aed :i.rllia i"ribir *a?*an e ?rly In OelAber. Lidlt a and < ? itlr- n-a of ai kniiwleilge.i ability deairing a^Raci'iM'iit* will plaa?< ad J Bland, IM t 'i I). C. X'til'Nii AMRIUOA, THB WONDkI ?K THE " URU>, 1 In the aatoiiniinit tent of ihe TlfREfi KLYlNi. TKA PEZF. Ui-uImUi at Mbio'a, VJ-IBI.O'rt OARDRV -TUB OHKAT tlAlilllLl. RAVBb and Tt>u|? to-nigbt ami evj'-j- nifht. / 11'.BAT TRIUMPH OP YOI VcTaMK IUCA AT NIB (ATS VT Oxrdeii. He will npp?ar to-iil({lit. Notice -i?< oio vn.>t uac. t'briimM u rorwil* In tbe United l>Mt?:a. |i:0*>ldw" an Tuc-.lm, Fi Ida* an I .-jatiirdny a; ih ? Fiw ?i,4 !?;.'a*. t'Anv" h"S M?p 'n*rd ?*wy-t; al*u Me*?r Kr? ni'djr and fiokerlm . PlanKta. EKED. A IIILL. STEAMBOATS. hAtLY I<lKB FOK tii:lD?.ti,<<Rr- TltOM | |RB NO in R "i ihei. a; IJo'cioc* noon, arriving n nru.^i' Intlai" to"oline ' Willi th? ti uMiunte, N ut,^ in i.. New H.r' iiami lUrtlo d, alti. tli" nbore line to Ha*. brook *?ul 1,0 dmi. MORMMI LINK i'O* AI.U V.SY, TROY AND IN'TEB me'ttate lauding*, tombing m Thlrtletb atrct. 8 AH.MEMA I area Icuu t!i lo 11 tian l on "trect, Bonda* Weilnewlar and Friday at 7 V *. Tb.- DAN IK I. DRV" le?T?'? ,he riiot of Jay :?r<^ t. fu 'a lajr, Thuraday and faaar day at 7 A. M. VTOBWIUII LINE?FOR BOSTON. NEW LONDON 11 Norwich and Woi\<aai?r.?Tlie m ?n lid ?teantara CI FT OF BOSTON and CITY OK NiiW YORK leart arary Ma (Honda it nice pied 1, *< ? ??clack, f'owr?ei ef Veatre pier M fcoufc nm, A ?> BAATIB, i?il