Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 9476. ,NE\V YORK, SATURDAY", AUGUST 23, 18U2. TltlCB TWO CENTS. IMPORTANT FROM THE 80UTH. MEETING OF THE REBEL CONGRESS. FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS. MESSAGE OF JEFF. DAVIS. THREATENED RETALIATORY MEASURES. r.~; .?tmat Measures in the Rebel House. nrari from ths raped aw. Artillery Skirmish Near Raccoon Ford. Statement of a Party Direct from Richmond. Hie Rebel Foree'at the Seven Days' Battles. TUBUBL ACTUAL LOM. RAPIDARRIVAL OF CONSCRIPTS Present Disposition of the Rebel Forces. to., Ac.. As We have received the Richmond Fmminer of the 18th ??< the Richmond Enquirer of the 19th Inst., from which V? transfer to our columns the following highly interest s' newt from tue rebel capital. The Rebel State* Congresa. UN ATS. Moxday, August 18,1882. The Senite reassembled, purmtaut to adjournment, in Seohamhcroi ike ,-enato of Virginia, and whs otieued fit!) prayor by the Itev. Mr. Soeiey, or the Baptist feu on. l?r?ie nt?the President of tho Sonste (lion. A. H. Ste fb us) aid Me.-'r.-. Yancey and Clay, of Alabtma; |?Mirs. Max a oil and Baker, of Kl rloa; Mr. Hill, of leuigla; Mr. Iluriiett,of Kent'irky; Mr. homines,Of Lou liana; Messrs. frown and Phelun, f.f M o. Ksippi M". S-? k of Mls*?uri; Itftssrs. Davis ;.nd Dortoli, of North fur Una: Mr. Hayees. of To .M*S?e; Messrs. WijCall and k- b in, oi Texas, and Mtt.;r?. Uunter and Predion, Of Ir, Inta?17 ?. ?>>e ahseiie s are?Messrs. Johnson and Mitel; "II, of trb-ii as Mr. Lvwig, o: Georgia; Mr. Htnms, of Ken ?oKy; Mr. Spa row, of Ix)uisiiu:a; Mr. I'eyton, of Mis ri: Messrs. iiarnwill and Orr, of South I'aroliua, and Henry, of Tenneseoe?9. Tl? ''re-Idem ?innouuce1 the presence of a quorum. Mr. Cur, of Alabama, offered the following resolution, Ikick was adopted:? hti*> vod. I'll i the S ecretary of the Fenntn commnnl ?u- to lb-1 House of Kepresrntatlvcg that the Senate has I-1, pu: s ani to adjournment, and Is ready to proceed to met <nm. A<ier a brief Intermission. the Clerk of the House pre pntud a iru'ssoue I'roin tn ? H r;s:>. announcing tho readl *??->f ih it iHidy to prorae 1 wllh the labors before it, *d ifev paxsave of a resolution, appointing a Joint com tittc - to i! tumi the President that Churi ess had b en inly a sembMxl aod was prapnred to recotve any cotrnnu Scatton fruBS him. <>n moil n. the Senate conceived in the resolution, nnd he President appo: ted on iho Joint committee Messrs. lay. Heiii ines and Conch. Mr. Va* KTit.i'.un tlce that on to-morrow he sho-.ld Jsr the fo iowin; res l tio :? Keeoivcti, It at the 43d nlo ot ths Rules of tho Senate he stricken out, and the 4dtli rule b? ntrckun at ?ud the following words iiirened:?"All legislative ?a?>ons shall be held with "P?<n doors, except otherwise N* e*t by a voie of two thirds of the members, the said m* to lie taken by yens ai d nays." fTlie 43 1 and 46 i h rules relate "especially to the matter t neciet fi'-isi' ns.] Tho Joint Committee, > n the part of the Senate, to wuit ? the President, returning, the Chairmau, Mr. Clay, re ar Md the following:? JEFF. DAVIS' MESSAGE. H m SmuTic axp llorne or ItEfiuausrr^TiTB or nu COKfEDHBATK STAIK* II la again oir lortano to meet for devising mei^ti'ns ^Xiiry to the public welfare, whilst our country Is ?v?4ved la a dcaoUtiog war. Ttie sufioringi endured by etse port! ins <>r the ;w?ple cxcue tho deepest s< licUi ite If the govornmnnt, and tho sympathy thua cri kod h.s laen heightened by the patriotic devotion wKli which llim ?uif.Tiiiga have Ueun borue. Tho gallantry and good cotidict of oar troops, always claiming tUo frail wde of tho country, luvo been further llluatrat d on ta d fojghi tlvlds, mar lei by exhibition* or lodWidaa' groweae which canted but t>w parallels iu or ???d^n history. Oar army haa not (alte.ed hi any of Aa va iuih trials In which It has boon subjected, and the feat body of the paop'a haro rontmncd to ma .Ifest a seal aod uumlmtty which not inly choor tho bAttie |U.;-.ed f Idler, but gives a mrance to the friends of con ' Uttutiowa1 liberty rf our tail triumph la tho inline Mr if*!*- a;?'* rut definite u/< irpation. the *a'i unny which threatened the capita or the ?nfodrrucy h o bceo defcuti d and driven frxm (lie lines If Investment. and tho enemy, repeatedly foiled in hot aflb Im for It* capture, H now sl icing to rair? new armle ?>a ?'il? ?? cl> as motfera history does net record to aCact ihtt sub.iug n Inn of the South so ott?m proclaimed an ? tho eve o' aetftmiillNhmcnt. Ti e neifid) whi< b d'arw-t ded rights secured by com a inadn ss which trMnplod on obligations m.ile ?a*;?d by every consideration of h mor, have been in laoatfled by the rr illi^lty eriru 'orod by These pa sal th i^-l 'he character of tho hoetllilKa . waged by o rearmm*, who are becoming dul y lex? re g rd ul of the nsmw- of civilized war and the die ? tataa of hemaulty. Rapine and wauion destruction o frl kM pro|*T?y, war o;ion non-cmibat,nf!?, mnr Car of cb: lives, bloody threats to nvouga the tfeaih * an Itivadlig soMlery by tlm slaughter of nn ?rinel elti/uia, orders of bankrhmrnt sgiinst poacefui ftirm-.'r' engaged la the rJtliaiion of tho soil, aro aouic at th? in -mi used by cur ruthlei-a Invaders to enforce Uio ?obTnl-i.i ii rf a frae iwoplo to foreign s*?y. Counsca Mao bilk ?t a Character so itrwtai w to ensure, If exi-cui mf, tL? mim. r .inof Itilwtlil popvlatfc n of these ?utes, at a ,r-ee\ by their Om^rfs- and approved by Uielr Ex ac'.tl * Ibe moneyed'iia of the Confederate grraiime-et arc torged by cltUrna of the I'ultnd Htutos, ? and pub.Icly advertised for sn'e In their clti.s wild a aov^i letv that ttufV .-nt y attests the knowledge of their fiTrtnrffetii, aid its c inplte ty In tiHi criiaa la farther ?vliimif by tho fact tl,ut Hie so. JI >ra of tho Inrnd ' tag urni i aro found ? ppllcJ with large q<ian Utloa of tbcea fiagcd r Jtes aa a meuna of iaa 11 ling tho eo'int--y people, by frs'id, out ef such |ior'iou* of Itiri pr?p rtyas artm d Tiolenc j may (hit W> l*?' h. Two, at I a* t, of thu gen-iralsof the United fltatee ar? eugac<-d, un?:he< k? d by th?ir goveri m >nt, in nctttug aorvila luaurri .uoo.snl In analag and trilntog aluves for warfare ngii' si their cttlseaa ol th..< aunfmtcracf. Aaothor l.*s b"?-n fotmd of instincts so arutal aa toinvlia the vlofcti'* of his soldiery againttl the ?eni?:i of a ?a;dured city. Tth 1 reVulte or cIvlilsH has fslied evok < k<?a tha auth'B itlt>< of the t ni'.?d States one mnrlt or ills ?ptw J*nou of kiitacUjtwr laUioreauyrea^utosupi ' se |lio' I.w??onduct??r Bcn|MlMa f. Midler kM r*flnd lw ao ?are.trees hit gor*- nir>tiiit tho taieU?ii ami applause with Which *)" Anown U h ivo beou greeted by public moot tog-< and jxirtU'M of tilt |>ro?s of the ' mied fftn W. To kkinlrlee made of the rV)nua?n')erdiM'hlcf or the armie.i ol Ito Cnit*4 Stater. wh?Jli?T tho atro* Mwis conduct ul aoms of iVir military coruniandanta m l Uta HAi.ctlon af that gorei ntwrit, answer has been ovnde.l an tha pretext IM th? laf^itj wrs InrutUug, a id no ?etlvnl reiuMns for Uta suppreKP^oo of theao euoruiitl. s fcir sm h r-irlhNtl'. e Juii.oe na II m*y be found (loaaible ? Ato eii'i' it*. KetallpU.'n In kiu4yfur rawyaf Ibem, U i.mpracticable, for I hare had occasion to remark Id a former tout under do excess of provocation could our noble hearted defenders be driven to wreak venge n? e oa un armed men, on womeu or on children. BU stem and ?? emplary punishment can and mum be meted out tn the m'?r derertand fehms, who, disgracing the profession of arma, seek to make of public war the occasion ror the commit ?Ion or the most monstrous crimes. Deeply as we regret the character oT the coolest Into which wo are about to be forced, we must accept It as an alternative which recent manifestations give us little hope can be avoided. The exasperation of fkilure h?s aroused the worst pas siona of our enemies; a large portion of their people, even of their clergymen, now engage In urging on excited populace to the extreme of ferocity, and nothing rem ? Ins bat to vlndlo tte our rights and to maintain our existence by employing against our foe every energy and every re souree at our disposal. I append for your Information a aepy of the paper* ex hibiting the action of the government, up to the present time, for the repression of the outrages committed on our neople. Other measures now in progress will be sub mitted hereafter. In Inviting your attention to the legislation which the necessities of our condition require, th we connect**! with tlie prosecution of the war command almost undivided at tention. The acts passed at your last session Intended to secure the public defence bj general enrolment, and to render uniform the rules governing troops In the nervine, bavo led to some unexpected eritlclsm that la much to be re gretted. The efficiency of the law has been thus somewhat Im paired, though it is not believed that In any of the States the popular mind has withheld Its sanction from either the neoesslty or propriety of your legislation. It Is only by harmonious as well as zealous actl m that a govern ment as new as ours, ushered into existence on the very eve of a great war, and unprovided with the ma terial necessary for conducting hostilities on no vast a scale, can fu!fll its duties. Upon you, who are fully informed of the acts and puro"8<)s "f the govern ment, and thoroughly imbued with the feeling* and sen timents of the people, m st reliance be pliicod to secure thin great obj< ct. You con best dovise the means for es Ubl.ihuu that entire co-operatiou of the State and Ton. federate governments which ir< essential to the well being v.* t?~lu at times, but which is now indispensable to their ve< > existence. And if any legislation 851 all ream to you appropriate for a4ju>dlB? differences of opinion, it will be my pleasure as well us duty to co-oiverato in any measure that m.iy be devised or reconciling a Just cave for ttio public de'e.:ce with a proper dofereuco for tlio moat scrupulous suscep tibilities of tho State authorities. The report oT the Secretary of tho Treasury will exhibit in detail tho operations of th'it department. It will be so.-u with satisfaction thai the crcdit of the government socurities remains unimpaired, and that this credit is rully justified by the comparatively small amount oi' accu mulated debt, notwithstanding the mag dtude of our mill tary operate ns. The legislation of the last s?fcioa pro vlded for the pnrchnseof supples with tho b nds of fis government, but the preference of the peo do for Tre isury cotes has been so m irked that the legislation is recoiu mended to au'horite un incrai e in the istue of Tr anur,, notef, which the public service seems to require. No grave inconvonienee need be apprehended I rein this increased issue, as tho pro visit n of law by which these notes are convertible into ei^bt pi r ccut b> nds, fo. ms an efficient hnd perma; em safeguard again-1 any seiious depreciation of the currency. Your at loot Inn is also Invited to the means proposed by the Secretary for facilitating tho prepar tlion of tbcsu noted, and i'or guard ing them o^iiust forgery. It is due to our people to state that no mar.ufactuie of counterfeit notes exists wiiMli our limits, And that they are imported all from the Northern Statos. Tho report of the Secretary ot War, which Is submitted, contains numerous suggestions tor the 'n isl i ion deemed decir.iblc in order to njld to the efficiency Of tho service. I Invite your favorable conspiration es >cciai,y to those recommendation'; which are isteuded to aware the pnper oxocutlcn of tlio C'onsoript law.nnd the <v>n*>;idattoa of companies, battalions und regiments, whea so reduced in strength as to mpair thai unii'o. mlty of ergunliation which Is necessary in the ai my, ? nlle a . undue hurt hen is Imposed on the Treasury. Tho necessity for e me legislation fur controlling military transportation on the railroads, and improving their present dei'ucihe condition forrca itself npcu the attention of uie govern" mcnt, and 1 trust that you will bo ahlo to devise satisfac tory measures fur attaining this purpose, 'he leg,nil tl' D on the subject ofl'cers uivelves iho sor* vloi in some difficulties which are iuicd out by tbo Secretary, acd for which the romedy su 'fstcd by liiui teems ai orourlate. In rotii t' tlon with th ic s b col ! um or opinion prndcnce dictates w ine provtsb' n Tor tl ? ilc, en^'i of ihe army, in tbc event of omor,or.r.ioa nut now ni.tirivili d 7h ? iri'J h'Tffc iturcuc tif ftrrca rtc-n ly < ullnl inu, fieJUl tji (Jl<; /'mic/iii of the Vril?l Stat*t ma ? reiii r a n cei wry hereafter to ,-rln.l th* jtrnviriim- o il,e conran-; t law, so ?3 to embra e p rem: be-uxm t'e. .13?? of thirty-fit and furt^-fiee years. Tlio vigor ana ?Kicioaoy of our present Cirrw, their ?ondlti n, and tho ?klli anl ability which dUtiiigut-b ttii r l<al;.a ins urn ihe be ler that vo fuithtr wi.'l t-e ,m?? ?? n??, but a *> lio foiMight revjiti es that If n r.oce<*iiy sh -ul.1 bo sud dcaly devolope! during the re e-a ?i Oii.jfess rejm, lug Increased forces "or o ir "lefenc \ menu* kIh. Id exist lor calling snub lores* tut') tl<? Hold, with > t .1-railing t!i? i?? assembling < f tho l> glalu: ive department i t the govern meat. In the alection and appotntmei-t of ofllrt'ra f>f th? pro vtei tuil >c my, it was lo bo anticipated ill it nvrtalte* would bo taade, and i coni, otci t iffl t k o ail jrni Ion in tr"di.ce I into the s-rvico. In ilia nh-e u: - of um orlaico, i>ad witU no rellibie g< ide f r -ciion, ex>-cuiiv* an pniuttuonis, as well or elections, h-? a hana aonict'iiii?* jufortunalc. Thi good of the senrli-?,:he i ie csta of our country, requiro that a:<mc- means be drvis.-d for withdrawing tha commUsioiu of r !<ar? who n lnc<?n|x t<nt tor ihe duibs required b?* ???! position, si.4 I true11bat you will tlnd mate lor r . In* tbo ami> of luch oUicera by soino mode mure pr and o-s wounding lo their Mnsibiilly judgiuo. I of a court martial. Within a rrcent period wa have efTcrt., ! iho object <to Imig ilO'irod, o an arra&xami'nt lor r^cUaoK*1 ?i pri.ono a, which la now b nig ?x>-a<itat hytlu iveiy at tlio points agrood u|?m, and which w I, it is bopo<!i *, Oi-di'y rcst"i a ourbiaw and ui t rti . couutryruon to their places In tbo ra cH" tlio a trv. from wb>oh. by tbc fortune of war, they have fur ? ti'vt - li. on uppartu d. iho details of this airae/ m nt will bt- cumiuuiiicntMl to you t'a a ?p? ra;?n? whan lurlb.r |ho^ium haa been mud? lu tb?r axac itlon. Of other p.rticulars ronornlng I'i-s oiior.itlonn of th" War Wpwiuiwut you will b? iufor .nl by the SetraUry In tils ra ort aud iho accompany>i iloc in uw. Tha report of lha r^crclary of tliu vivy vmSraces a statement or the op^iatlons and pro^o it c? rdiiion ul tUi8 of the public survlco, b?:b silott auo a.- horrt the e ft*tneUm and ?q ipmtnt of a. si J r u,r.-U a hom> ami aiioud, the mau'iluctuie of 0i lilan:o sii'l o.'dnanco stori*, ihu oaubllshuiaut of worksh ?.* au i iho tic ?? op mentor ourreaaureeaof aa 1 of i on. fomu 'egL-ia lion iwems cfsotilial tor aeu .ring ciet..i .or ><. hiih. ?j,? uirtlcultl'M now c*(.erie iced . n ib-s |xj a are I Ij-hslc I In t0Secretary s report, and 1 luvua your n tvutiou to providing a n medy. # Ttie r|Hiit ol tbo I't'rim.ister Ocneral dt*clnsc* the rmlnuraysm"iii8 whic.i resiled hi tbo t-OKial cervico from tha occupatmu l.y i1m> enemy or tl.u Mlsui* Ippi H.ifr anil purl I... m' tbo terri tory at ihe d.llersut Muros. Xji nifuc.iri* ttken by tlio doparimini tor lauvo,: Jim etuba'raa^ ln?nlf us l'ar .3 p.auihsabia, aw uetai od In tb - rrfvia* It l.? a nbJMt of cotigraliilanon. it ato ning tl.o tan ow D.hf whl^h ?ido<t on iho 3H of Mar. Ii a-1, Uu- ex petises of Uu dc^ rtmi nt Worn 'a k It 4rar<>a?'<l, wMta jts rivuw was animente 1,^1 i-omm cd <?lt?i n?irio<., perl ul eudlrg on th(^ 30 h J us, liuo. wIchi Ihs postal sarvioo for lb*1** Htntet wm aoi,^Uic'> 't umioc tiio authority d?-ii?K?tod to tlio tTuitH .-lates SuTr let.f lin o haa not yet alip-ad to d?'e nilnc. v. hetfiar :ho inonxurca, knewfori d -vlsod by Ooo^i wk, will .v-oom|i!i#l? ihe and of brinirilig lh? oip e^tt ir** w- the 'lopartment within t\e limit <if iUr?'n m >n t t by the of llnri b next, a, re<|uirad bv tha cortrillicioa. I atn bippy to infirm yon Hint, in ^a both of b'in c'ls'iiiiei.t* a d furca'.s, it?o l lu protu- ou by the a^ nls of the gova-umentof the Up I U.J Mites, tha Indian na t*?ii* wKhiu the eoulederscy have rt Uuiincil Arm iu their loyal j aid steadta-i iu the observance of their treaty en gagements with this government. Nor has their fidelity been i-biken hy the fcttht, owing to tbe vacancies in some the offices of agouts aud superintendent* delay hss ? ccurred tn lhi> payments of the annuities aud allow at.ces to uhic! they are untitled. I would advise some |irovl?t< n autho tring ra ment* to be niad? by other of fleers, In the i'bs m of tbot^e esi>ec tally charged by law with this duty. We have never-ceasing cause to be grateful for fb"< fa. ?or with which <>od has protected our tuf mt Confederacy. And it us -reverently to roturu our thanks at d h mb'jr to ask of his boonteotisnesd that wisdom which Is needful for the performance of the blub trusts with wbieh wo are charged. JEKFKRSON DAVld. Kicbmovd, August 15,18?2. On motion ot Mr rJuicrm, the message and so-ouviany lns doc meuts wro r coivod and liid on the fable, and onu thousand extra copies ordered to Lie pi iuUJ. The .Setiato then arijoirned. UOUHB OP ItKCIiKfiKNTATIVEf. The House vas nuled to order at twelve o'clock by the Speaker, Mr. ft cock of Vfrghila. Prayer was oiler-d b> Rev. Dr. Lorly, BUbop of tbe Meib dist Church Tho r?>ll w si hei< called hy the Herk, wbuu the follow ing niembe s answc cd to llielr i.aru's:? Messrs Ashe, Untson, Neb, Bucoik, B- telor, Brlflc3, E. M. Bruo- ,< b*nit,It-is, Chilton, Clarke, Clopton, Collier, ?onrow,C rriii.Cnny, Oargun, ruproo, tllioit, Par.ow, Koote, K'-mer, Ga ther. Car: roll, lioude, t> ahum, Gray, Ha ly, Harris. Hei.-kill. Hoi bert, Hilton, Ilolcmbe, tloit, Hodge, Johnston,.lonoi-, Kenon, of Ga.: Lambr, l*wls, I,yon. ot Ala.; M chon, McDowell. Mcltue, Ale ,cos, Mitos, J'crkins, Reld, Russell, Sexton, v'milh ,of Ala.; >'tric!:!and. Swan, Trl,pe, Veat, Welch, Wright, of Ca.; Wright, of ToX'iS. The Sneaker annou-ced a quo-nm was pras'nt. Mussi*. flaiiiwin. of Va. : tta ksdale, o Miss.; Wilcox, ot Tr.xas, and Hanking, of Ha., w"ro reported as prevent ed by milinpoptti' n fr m attending. Mr. Baldwin subse quent!)' appeared in hia seat, ua did aLo Mr. Lyons, of Vi-Killift Mr.''oilier, nfVa. (.r-ccessor to General R. A. Pr; or), uud Mr. Hodge*, of Kentu<ky, took the oath of otfice at tbe bmds of tho Speaker, tho inooibeis of tho House standing during its adruinififration. A Hiessu.s was roo 'ived Uoiu the Senate stating that a quorum of th it body was iu attendance arid hn 1 organ ized for bnsi. ess. A s iiular menage of courtesy was despatchod to the t'oruue Mr Cckkt,of Ala., moved thnt a committee of three be aop'inied by the llou.-e to wait utmn the P esidaut, cou ointly witb a si mi'ar committee m if 10 pa-1 oi iho senate, anil info in him of the organization of the two houses and their rettdiuess to rece ve any conmiouicaiton he might see proper to uinke. Agrecd'to. Mess s. Curry, Perkins, of La., and Jones, ol Tenn., wer ? appointed mtiuttee. Tlio Sita kk is ill bef ro the House a letter from Mr. A. fi. .lenkins. of Virgi ,ia, st itinx t at ho had fo warded to tbe (iove. noi of Virginia a resignation of his beat iu tbe Houi-o of Kei> eseotatives. Also a c- mmunii: tton from Gov. I.eieiier, announcing tho net of said res:gu tt m; and re erring to Co igress tb'? ad:?ptmi of Ki tno m d? for filling'he vaci' ey, Mr Jonklus' district bnug mainly within ibo euuiuy's lines. On moll u f Mr. Uii; u.L, ul Va., rclerredt-> Couiuiu. tee on i't -el i '.s. The >tates were then oillod in alpKabetical orUor for r?ol'ttiou.-(, nitimoi tnis, &c. Ah.b una, Arkansas and ri'ulda made no response. Mr. i..\RTKKtL, ol tia., oO'oied n bi.l iuakiiig iruasury note-: a legal tender in payment oi dobis. Ho detlred pi mil l riclion, and moved that tiie bill be niado the spe cial order for fuenday of uo\t w ok. Mr. i vrky,of Xiu..aald tt;o bumie ^s of tho H-;ure bad b grea: ty imp ded at its i,- t "iH^lon by tin u mo ous sis-u i! or lers. H bo, e i \vj wo oil avol l the e. il now. Mr <<*u i'jei i., in > ill d bis :????!:??!? so as to reicr the bill in :bo O n m'ttee on tbo Judiciary. il -. Cc'iky nt d. and h >p mI f r .?u early report, for ho. to .dn-'ired prompt J -oisiou, ?nd also i pit ni -t rojec ti n of tbe bi.l. M . Ya rK. of rui., Joined In a d sire Tor a prompt ro pi rt. but h i ed it xvo Id be favo. abloto tlio bill. I'b m> linn to ref->r agreed to. Mr. Ua: trs' alio oflf rod a rifcol .t'.ou iii?tructiug tlie Guninl tee on Midtary Alfai.s to '.uqniru iuti> tlie expedi ency of i mttcbing tho Commissary liepjtrtineut to i'u n;. b our s Idie s \v th mine ai.d better food. (Soibo m .nife-iatloos of ..;i,ua se in tbe nudery.) Ag-ood to. Mr WHf jit, of <.a., oifrri-d a meuio. ial of a l oul do rate War ax ''oi ector o~ plate, a king for additional ounpeusatlob. lie moved to refer it to th* < ommitt.-o of Ways and Moius, ,-m lug tb.t ho bo,ie<! tbo couiinltc nt> !d dccidu the quetiluli for all cuhos. Motion agreed to. Kentucky, l/.uisift"?, Mississippi, Missouri and North Carol ua made no response. M . Mitr s, of <. , oHVsred a bill to atneud tbe Con script tct. (It cxtcfnis tbe application ol the Uw to ail CltH'-iis uder fort ilve y-ars of age ) A'rn a bill to p ni. li sltvi i) utcoii In and ti.e white men a-so wing to bo tb ur .ill > Qrn. (It provide* tb? t tio sin ?<! so tikea Hhalt b d liveicd ,> to too auihorit cs oi t 0.- ule in ivfiteli cj? t' e , to bo uis^oruiI of hy it.? :. s mid tlie white fllco."s eil.'ifr to bo U.tug or also dollvo cd U. to the :-tato 'I'.orlites.) Boih l?t s leferiod to the C immlt'coon ?tll':-.rv AT Irs. ?Jr. VotnB. 01 lean.. oRbrod a bill for rct-liaf ey tuir < sos. 11 fe'.ed to I'mu iitoo on Mill'iu y Ansirs. (// reci o> 'hat -he n ?rrf ct-> t *..<"n 1,1 ro.'ui . ? j rr< n 1 t ha> ' t-h-ji r.i h 2 inn. c utyri ? 1 tit - rt.sif (<r lA- ir actt I ?ravi' s ha' on n'/t cr tin imj kin* o.ilrd "-.A lUffKit' , t'i La pn~ U> <1 a h ii CM l-'r&i. In .*^iuiI'-r of trt-o e t ("titers 0. le i nfafd) hiXn f. -in Ifierivmvt" tj'.r kt fit (nj'.ir'rd on our < p'tt.-al jiiflVrt <?? ,\ vi a bill for 1 bo treatment of caiuivcs. It provides that atiyofl'cer'or piivate c ptured by our army who i ball have comml toil any ofTo'ra p onounred fe ouious by '10 1..WM ol mo 0; t..odji*u:y o>- a.iy State, sii'ilt be deliv. r < d up lor trial. A no a l>'!l lo !'\ini' li D' jr. cs in MTrf. (I /in v'-Us tk>U f e. t ?rm<** f.v on ntu rig e mpottri of vh h and Mw'c^ ih. V u I be htUl enisled tn the of itear, or tote M'.rn iiritmtrt. Of inch at may be at tinrd, the it*;j.. t. lAat f.? et'urnetl to their mattrt i r pulhelf old, anil thai a an u'p"? ? o Am? ao rit. as mitv 0- mo I c neenic.ri ) Mr Cujwv re mrted tlio <? mmit!**, or which lie was char.mii'i, bad j* it.mi nn tb? 1'psideut, wii > :<ait thai hu would ? miri<!uiuite a muaaa^e to tbo Houeo im ir.'- 1 lately. Mr. i-'yoTB, rssumtrg, a'ro < Her d a bill to ro In m<lo fur the seizure of cili/ei-s by tlie enemy. (It p i r.ifet I'at 11 the /*."i -? "? i'i htl't by ut, a u-we ffiiai ? *v h v of the ri ? e"f *<ii <?. hull If h-l t a? h li e- fie t'. ir ' ? -tu i,nit ml. r-tc ' to Ilh' treti ><ny -fi rr cirilor r.ui'.M';, ? one*: net tn their uuu.e. sJiatl Or i ul <rr$oiiot dm m ijt'i ai.i '. Ail in b 'Is M . V<- to were, on his m tina( referred to tho lUiti < i y i.^WRMrt, Mr. fojr.aiau p. vacated un aniuin< i Utlvo pt aiuble iiinl r iolit'.t n in far .r of open sei-lous ot <'oB?rr*ss,?ad (?ri'?'4 U" that 1m o??i? rtli a motion lo f' luui seere; s ? r.ini sh II ?.|ttir?i a ni ijof'ty *. it, by y>-:*?? an I ii.i>n. Mr Kootk ennmaal bii< mMm Ul m<s ItDjiib, On bia ti.utt'ifi it ..a? it o. Wild evw. Tlv; i rlvate B ^rwr; of ti e ''resileiit was liar.1 nn nout'i'Al. and rtnliriMvd a nirwwe fr< m tho <nidat i, aluch w.? rsiv.l. >. iii;kiiijiuk lliu OM<*:i|rq wire re port* fruin the > -cr uiriMot' War and tba Nary; a ao f. iiii tin* 1'intin i?u r 'iVu ral: n?o tii.i wriwixiii'tancu beinif c (jcot-r il* I>t) ai il M:'.iwk iHbtlv? to tl.- enetuy'B li.i tiirilii'p. Hu inn iW|iOtitk'nf;e .? net Uie rpj* ft ?! lti? MHnlH] "f VnriMNNWla A tb-HMHtltl c. (llvfl of ihu and ilocitm- uta, fit ? t il.e reimri of t.n- Sec re t r.t oi the Navy, ??rn oid.-.i d to be (i. intcd. jh- ex o 'il ti tv?* nrol it'.i tiiiii|(,<t?>i'D tlmt Ik'.u tuight bo miut tk in tue ic ori uot >ir > of to in hK- imbiio. Tin Ser.ivnt r> '.?on-ii a re rt r^m iImi icrciarytf f!'. t ti a ntt ti a l.?: of t. ? et'ip.ojrwof tl?c d' ,>.u tMOtit, the r lc>, ii^llvtiiei. fcr. 0 iU-r.-<t to h>i prnt.?<! M . Kuotk. .ii,aiu i^.i.inlii^, n-r -r i a bUI lojtorile f<>r rncun/ an . ihtt\ nal ft r r '< 'iol'.O00 inert. Oil hlx inia tli t i li II was laid '-n tin. tah.'n. Alio a I-i I ij an a-j rt duty of 20 p r o<n' i n irt t li un( Vxi ? o, ft? (ltd in imlemvifyi'iglke h $m if ci U'M l.j !hr. ttemy. T??um w.-s n*xt cai>4, but tnant no rc..p<Mi*e. Mi. L?oi*>.ot Vlr(( fiieu me I a cvnv'rtal of cortain In i?lVreiirn to tlK onrM)rl(Ulok law. Rul'errvd to ilio (i muiitiiM hi Mliuary All oii. Mr R m>tof Va..oil red .?fMtoliittnB bmrevtlffg Um 0<liimitl?o - li Miliary AffS'lrr t" |i | l.c Wiethe, tlu ctu I f> T the e' rliaiiise of pi n>. iier^ had no. b*n thj' itad by ilie u cuiy tu 1'adtiiK lo rca.ore roi u u ( riaonrra, an I a> mii i/tt.rt. a Ut t' ii an . n-uo: uUo^li: ci- Lo li.i'ir ? r ?BMl, atii.r timing lueai a filn Uiei li e,; auJ, ?tan. wiiai luf ix ai Hut i? t.i.'iiiiv rendered ni'C"?r.iry. At o. a In.l 'lie. r?;>: I'i.e air citt.aaf tho eatmy. Re let red Willi ? a ii: g. *-.ti-< M r.ff?r?d * rcw'i'.tlnn Int'ictlng the C ?uuuiittK'?u Mditaiy'.vit it ? >.? Inq'iiro inio thv |>e 'ie'ity o. i". lit I.* inn |.iiti*<u*ni'ill of etavtn by the milil ir) :.iiit?.r|iiv.>. and re^'H. i ? ed 1?iei?il?irj of AriLiU Wis ea."t, htsttiorl" ime mo !r. ? )u luolino ot Mr. dHi rr. nt (l.i , ih? Ih.-iif# a.l^i.irned to in> i't h d ij al lw?iv? e i i. k. Stwtrnimt of it Orntirmtt Dirccf from I< It'll in?> !?<!? V'c ha?? liern nblo t ? ob' itu fintn i pen'.n * 1k< loft Hiriinioi d on f ri'iny i?<t ?orao in in?tliig In'erma l'm. lie b ii in ih.i r? b*l rapti i) for ?oine time part, ami ? .-urn ?o t>o ivniv.r*?t"t with the grunnM nt;ito ol .? 'a!rs in Bad ftro'iini iho ci'y. Ha e*tlm tho force of the r? li. I. at Kk.timobd at tb# uonnueienni 'Ul ol the *evon days' t'rh tnr to tw?? brno 'o- tan *t? two b'tndi.'d il imd two h.iiidiad miH tilty tlm i^.tn i tuoti. U in eonrwdod uu all H ill'-; iton', fieir Ii ^Sduring I' at tti?j<' .-inn 'inted tn ut |i.;nt tbli'ljr Ihniiwnd tftrn. tl:i?l t?? ?:i? ij? itterlpti hiiio b?t'a i'Oii: I'ii a nt t'n rve <?; t l?' mt oun tho'is-'ud ; (f d?y: a^i HiaI now ktio ftirt" ? lully *>.4110!, In jwiint " nua-bem, fA wb.?t I ?.?? 1 i*i'?r to ilm C utr, Tu;lr l'? ?)? uni'iiag tbn lii-rt 1.out* of tin robcl army, a id it wilt in t ? akuig ten* hiv u tn? .'.t\v 1 on?erlpl* up t J thn standard of tlio ir sii* .uu bieu kl'lo-1 rnd worn led in tne late n i'?l"? t?"'r\<? l?kshm'Wd .Hid on the |i?-?|t nula. lie reiiorla that ??<?' letlnn'a uintrrroantg have b"i-u ku 'Wn In Bfchnioud m ronn a- eoi mienoed, and Hat ??* ?o n .h hk< 1%aeraticn of tlarrigou's l?oi<tm/ wss veil m j>ro gr <?a fi.'ey at 01 a n? <ves <urgu tKVlies of thair !?> st t- <>p? 1.1 wards O irionsvll>, In si pyort nf Qeaorsl 3iao?i*t ll Jsckaoo. The iS'wl" In Ku hti ixid ha savs, are confl ent o. being able to crush l*ope by D overwhelming forco, u id then an'li'wt# uu dttf cully iu tho oocnpatloo of WasJiu>|tU>B aud t' o rescue, uh il oy le m it, of Va y ami. All the force thai can be used will h j brought to b ur for ibis purp*?e, aud they hope that, by apid movements ad crushing blow*, to < vm u h'>un the Unl'n foieea bw?r? th<*y can b? i einfoi oed to ? iulli- lent extent to oppose lliem uiau to man. lie report* Hicbmoi a to be encircled by fortifications of the most extensive ch iiacier. Tb ho north of the city are fully armed an 1 ina .u :d by expo iunc.ed aruleists. Those on tbe wm h - l 'e are comparatively nen acted, lor the reunou thai Uiuy anticipate no d .uger in ibiu direc tion. Fort Darling, nt Pruiy's Bluff, >? now completod, and mounts twenty-two guns of tbo heaviest calib e, firii ci I'Ully rifl>s, and Uio free of the work is o bstructed in ?neb a manner as to re ist the passage ol any pro actile. It In constructed, IIrat, of eightcenlreh wji.ire timbor, over wtticu is uplanngof four-inch iron, tbo wholo placed afsuch an nuglo tUat any shot sirlki g it must glouco and fly oil, the possibility of d< l >g damage. Obstructions ol' the moxt character have beeu placed In the river opnoslto at d above Fort Darling, and the most rabid of tlie rebels of R.cbtnnnd advocate the entire lliiiiig up of the river between Drury's Bluff and Rocketts, and it e construction of a railroad for army pur osos between the two points, leaving tho river to iind a new channel. Iu regard to the iron-clad ram Herrlmac No. 2, ha aays th.t she to ab.'ut one hiu died and fllty feet Ion#, and constructed very much on the same principle as Morrnnae the Brut. She cannot bo oouioloted for al la-iat tour we ks yet. Tbe In. formation ho gives regarding the ram wan derived from moil who bad worked upui her No Uitoi iualiou was ob tained regarding tier armament. Tlio li'alegar woiks are ruuniug nlgbt and day on ordnanoe, shot, shell. Ac., fto rho health of the cltizoiisof Richmond is reported as good, not -vorao than the average in time of peace. Tho mortality among the sick and wounded soldiers la, how over, very gi oat. None of tho h >tels have at auy time been used lor hospitals, but luany private residences and pub.ic buildings have beeu taken tor that purpore. A large number ol' the w m. u and children loft Richmond when ihey considered.the city lu danger, and they have not returned, beiievlug a residence in the rebel capital as very uncertain, no matter how distant tho Union a. my may be. i'he rebels are confident of ultimate s-ccess but do not besituto to say, ahould Richmond be wrested from them, it would virtually end the war; for the ret el army, although determined to tl ht, are heartily sick ot tho war, and, if del rated at Richmond, would diabiuid, and could ootaguin be brought ti gcther. rho number or 1'nlonist.i in Richmond is esti mated at not over thrco thousand,and they consist prlucl of naturalized foreigners. The condition of tho po.rer cl.issei* In Richmond is very bud. Mechanics can obtain work, but It takes all their wages to clot bo them. lie givos tho following as tbe price of groceries, 4tc.:?Flour, thirteen dollars (ier barrel; butter, one dollar per pound; eggs,one dollar per dozen; couiui'ii country s. .i|>, one dollar per |io>.ud; -tomatoes, "ne dollar per dozen; cubli ige, one dollar per head; green tea, irom sixteen t > twenty dollars por pound. The rebels appeal to receive from Maryland from ten to twenty thousand men on account of President Lincoln's order for drafting. Many are reaching Richtno d, a:,d la'ge numbers nrf ?X]>*cted to arrive. They cross con suintly from all parts of lower Maryland, below lower < edar Toint, ou t!ie Potomac; bit principally by wuy of Lcouard*town at d itriuou s Hay. ? Tho lebeU Iiavo tbe hi beet opinion of Mc' lolltn's gene.alshlp. The/ consider hi?? movements on tbe p.'nui siiUt as masterly, and uowbieatlio freely to think be Is temoved ir ra th-ir di ore. Tiiey tear Met'Iu! Ian, and gloat i ver the operations of ilia uboitt;<<nl*ts and political .scheruere of the North who liava been hampering his movement*; tor they know all operations to defeat the plans of Mc< lellan is hut placing victory within their grasp. Our informaut cros "d tbe Potomac river from a jioiut directly >ppo*ite Blarktstmie i-ianl, and he reports that shortly after leaving t.ia Virgin a shore th"y picked up the body of a few ile.ovident'y a lady, which they Iiuriod on Uij Vlrjftnla shore, c'0"V to the *p >t f oni whence thoy hta ted. Th y found on fior po' .-on a go d watch and cros , and i ;,uiu!l nm'ttji i f iu i"?y in change. Tln.-c artlcl 'S w ro left in of a farmer who lived close &t li.ind. Tim bidy was go dUiigured that it would ho unif etiblo to recognize it. Uio only tv.uik ; by t hu h it uiiy ha known are by the aril ie.i l'ound,aud that Rho bud brown h.Ur and un ordinary sum. mer Mat, nb ch lm'l fallen to tho back of hot head, the ribb< ns being still tied tiLdor the cht'. [This no doubt the b >.'jr of one of tho ladies li*.t in tbo latocol. ilaion oa the r? toimu; r.,er, ni 1 c uld bo recovered wlttu cut d !!.CIi!ty ] Our informant concludes his remarks about Richmond by sayirg th it Re.: ire ard lias lalten from his hi Ji estate hf* n un* bolng Mti m r.eutKmoJ except in dorlai.>n. lie his -e^ired Irorn duty, n< in;m<.ly on ncroimt Of Hick: e??, but lu r-ja iiy lor the i?.im>o (but his teivicott ?re 110 longer wactol. Leo and J a ki-oa are now iho men, and will roiraia ro until d r6itM, wlwn thoy will ia turn !>?'?< J in tlia U-if, and be comjielied U? make rot m f- r tlic next favocif. Oar Bnltlmoie CorrtipoBdtnrc. Bai.tiA gun' 21, ISffl. Vfn'Ui.yitt ?f thi Rr1 el Zt.T"? ,<!i c the Ha 'I? <?' Cellar Mountain?'Fh RiS* I I j.inp their P'am for an A'. f'Cfc on Wathit 'i ?he Trno}* Hi- enily at JHchmnvl ITact Fmi U ? * on '}>( rtnpi km?G'rural Jot latm, in h One Wfrtrlrei TUnwartd lrn>, ?, it 'fai c\i*g n* Letbiirr) an I Aotann'ttt hI lViy of Strtt 61 rg uwt W inch ?ter? CetrnJ I'npe to o> Central L* wltnJarl t tt H'ail f W'.'n ?h'.-U.r?l*t and Ja>kt<m are then u> A'a xh >n Wnt'"?g iw,, Sc. ?? rt'ti nev,A fr m Ft hm< nd, thrrnfl% channel* have hither prove ? fffltabtt, h 13 it -en rr"?iv??il here, the aub stant<' of which I to ctve betow:? It will !??? rumen.borod th a wwn *n k? *fo ('certainly ? ,r p ? or ?r" the enf of J'llj , r>tvi '? np Mbre the affair at M.ilv rn llt'l.whcn It was not dreuned of by any one that the Utiior. trr? ps would ?vnftMrte llio peirftirita), It w is fttt- d fn authority from *e*>'ral dK 'rent <1 artel* th>?t the r"i<i-t troop* wereBvnniatlt: Rielim.nd ltiau<<w known thai therr wore tro< ?! groit'da for makhjr fiat n'it leine. tut th1* time, altUniif-b It wvn n it literal v true. I'rei'fin. i <he ornt iut|->n of Obrln It and the coacentnt ir tio.i ef their treef! before tlM 25 th of Ji r.e the rebel* linvu Vul et nml ntwr Richmond fully 300 fnjO troop*. But the vreaetioft trf to muf men tl'jre and :li? ?. limited ratilltiea for ft* n? tli'-n cairn* near creatine f inlnr; nit) ni hi kiii lie tbu durgnr of an stuck an iUtbtnuni p.irtel n*ny tn.oi*i h.'jin vi h? moved tway from tb? city. Thl* rai'Vi tnutil of tr*?.[?? frnni tlie luirn.dl ai.-' rlchilty of Rtcbimttid cotnr?n?rd rvm aft.'r the 4tn of July, at'I It luf rontlnuod ever * free, rvrl'm the tin nth of J n !y howwer, and while It, wa* ?ncortwln wtwtlHrf or itit tirn. ST:< idll hi waa to be W K'il ne lo or.i?lilo 'ilm t 'lnjr-li (MnoaRkk' mm d iftjO.OOOrchot ro> ; e ?ere allll k?yt at w I near nil llRW.n't !( r tho Itri tier of tiMt cltj*. while V (1.000 WOie mm a iti?i ?rouii<1 hif j*i?i ion ?t Harrl.'*' I^ud i*, at ibo*' |*'lnt? <in the |>. - in il4, ai V t<. h irg ai <11 My Polnl. By the txi!?"tlV? of Jul/ file)* ! d b-'iiil 11?> r.i s i tr?i r ?t iJofdon-Ttlle nt-4 C'ha. ;wvt:ie for o|* on tin1 lite of U>0 BapM'iii. Jatkaua wa jtla. "tl lu r mniamt oi tlior*. A* tli' Wmtti ? f III j drew t>nvari < iia ek an, and am tbo |'t '?i? fi th;.t w'vCkl'.an v i uiil he re inrurro l '>o ?me I#', an I Ic ?, 'r>> ;>a c i tlau.: I U< t>c drawn nwy from HUihrnotid nn.l n Idod to !'?? . i UnftJ'.nnvll . nivl (V'lftto. Py III!? lat r..' A i;. lit tlirr^ ?ero Of many Ifoot*'ftt th? lutrr p?iutt >?? t .??? wt neai Hlchiiwnd. Tliotn ?*ero ii I iena tlui'i 156.'?0 u> f?'i bn- nd. ho?< wr, a.* l it ? ?< the tt'i uf \ -t, a: wwt n-(!ertft O< il hy Ihe tnovrmeiit of < ? t>-? <i? r kilMieril Uiil on thi <!:?)? hof'iro. Ac e.i tbl I - ?>! Au ; ia! tfce rfOels'bed iff 'ti McCVjIIi.,'* ! f ore<"i:ttli'K tho p:r.'n ? i'.\; on lli.i ! Xii the 'V. hmofed no >m'niie *titr?! ttiil Ux e\ ,wn itioji 0"M?ie?, .-edi nod o,i the 1M*i tlioy rati ui o? i that the 'vaciwtiim w i: an/it 7 afo mW '. The wltLd< .wal of Mofella*** wh'i'e |.-my from 'he per Incite H refirtlo' In Bi< I mond j. t j at 4i .n Ar I"Ciit tw tbo Army of Mil P.>; e> >ild bo k. im tU peuin: 'a (he feholx, knowt? r tlu.t i vas poveriee* k?nlMt fticlinmnd, tooki>d ?|>o'i M ?? i. > ;irS iier?' f war?a? ro mmy L'nl.-n tro t ' (> :? ?'? ml ? \o refe withdr .wnl of tho wh'!o auny * ilh a!: tht-ir m non, ?ii-n.e and c?"?|i ?i, ilt.?v, i > a point Hrhere th> j m again nmamo tbo ore: ire, ia r gar led in lb. <>,uel%lt( aa tho baa of a ^reat brittle. Ih ? >p eslim of pursuing McCUdlan'a army m of actual evacuation tnl ilia c tsi J at a counc 1 of war held at Richonmi on the 71|?. and It was decided that un ell' cilve pursuit wo,4.1 lie I n practn able. 1 ho reasons fur ibis ilectel a hive not hull ni iile public; but they are aur?P"ae4 to t*>en the prea nee of such a strong I'ni- n floti la In .lames river, under the protection of whose gutis tb" wb' e army would be, and an now illiu 'beta t> au 'er a second time the los-es which they endured 4n the pu-aoit of our army fr> tn tbe Chitkahominy to tbe .lames river. Immediately alter this council of wir had beenb'ld, however, and no doubt tu pursuance of Its iteeist tin, at'll m re troops, in large bodies, ware sent from I', ohmond to Gordonsville. This o ulmoa 1 steadily until tbe ll'tb luat., by which time tie number of troopa on be lneof the Kapidan h d been swelled to 2a0.i>00. There -ire now at Richmond lets than .'0 000 irooj?, and even these are ko;>t ready to march at a day's i mit e. Tbe battle of Cedar Mount-ii^, 11 will bo remembered, to>-k place on theOtb. In whatever light we may regard that engagement, the rebels em aider and claim it as a victory for them. They have made <?or<lounvilU a aecoiid Manassas,and thoy boast that tho I'nion Itoona can n ver cross the Rapidan.uny more than McPowol ai.cceeded incrcssu g Hull run. They compare the battle of Codar Mountain to tbe preliminary fkiiinii-h at Hull run on the 18tb of July, 1881. But It Is s.nd tint tbit battle waa brought on by Got.oral J ickr.on principally to deceive the Union general-, to make them believe that tbe rebels regarded the do.eneo of tho Hapi'lan as the Important point of tho, and to induce the fall niMa to mas? and keen at Culpopjier u gr.-.H aimy, while he, under tbe direction of Geuoral, ah uld ac complish the real object of the cam >ntgn. Un the 12th General Jackson proceeded from Gordona ville to Slatyitun, where a column of tilty thousand troops had been assembled. Placing himself ut iha h:ad of the-e, it is said that be marched immediately up tbe turnpike road to Harrisonburg, and from tnouce to Slrus burg and Winchester. At the same time a second column ol' Ofty thousand more troo|? was put in nioiion from Gorj d-iuavillo, en route for Staunton, in the railroad cars, ai d (bla column, it was said, would follow Jackson imme diately. There were still left at QordonsvlUe cn the 10th one bundred and fifty thousand troops. The plan of the campaign was believed to be for Gen Jackson tn keep General Leo appri.-eu of hia movements, so that tbey could act II concert. On Jacksm's arrival at Winchester, General Lee is to attaek Pole's army, and be confidently ezi e ts to rout him. so to be :ible tu push ou to Washington tl once. At the .-utne time Jacks. >n was to turn tho he id or his columaa to t:io ri . ht, strike for Lfesbtug. cross tbe I'umii c at throe points and push etj to W sblugton down the lull l-ai.k of the Po tomac. If the 1-oe expected so bo at Manassas and Centrev 11 le with one hundred and Ufty thousand troojia by the tl:ue that Jack?ori waa croaa:ng the Poiounio with one hut; ired thousand. The rebols prctctkl to buvu certain lr;for* mation that tbe du!once? of Wof.hir^ton en tb ? Virginia side are not near so formidable as to, resent.oil, ami that tliey can easily bo c irr.c I. At all eventa, It waa General'a intention to make tho at tempt, unlers he should be convinced, from actual recon nolsanico, that tho worka were too sirong to be carried. In ibat case he would crosa the Potomac eith r 'hove Washington at Corn's Kurt', or below It near Fort U'nsh li-.gton, and inarch on W a! I 'glon In conduction with Jnk'on. The distance t'rem Mtmnton V> V. inehesur la ei^nty mil s; to the Po.omac at I,ee-b-irg f rty nvles f rther; to Wushin ton, by wayof Pooleevli i and Tarnea town, thltty miles more, tn kin/ 160 miles. J < ? .;>ei ted to march bla troops An average of ton mllos tier day, which ia enough for such a long ma eh. fnd which would 1> ing him to Wineiicater on tbe 20th Instar.t (ye-> tcrday), to Iy-?sbnrg on fhe '.'4th and to Poelsvlllo on th ? 2?lth According to this calculation It Is time now In Got oral Iao to aitack Pnp-o's army on the Kaiidan. As that att? k will depend, h"wever, entirely cn the success of Jackson's movements, It may be delny--J (.use days yet. Such la an outline of tho rebel plan and of Its execu tion, a< cording to Ponth"rn authority, so far. I s puoc ?? or lailuro to m v extent depe\ 'h not > n th in, b it on our own mitit irv authorities, *b . n. e iw> t'o ibt fully coirnizant of all their tuovotnenu, anu ro fu' y , ro.mi ed for them at all points. Important from tlie K.tiililan?The Next Balil F1 LI. TVrom tho Riehtnoiid Exii'olner, August IS.] TK? .? neictvm per&.dLi a ? r! i t . (i if a ftm tn're, on ot < the !i t of tU li ij i l ifC invol ivnj It r..<t. P wilt l ike plctcr u/'unrpri o ir f]:>vt i t ar ri.j l>/,ani no' b 'or . tStl/ ?}>}xr Court H iU e ( Ateir/iv) :/i > eirinl t> unU nlni'?? txr ainly be he tc*n of a tutit. At in it ; oint i'o e s now busy tin owing up Inttencuiiionia, m 'Uftlnc hoavy g itis, and m iktu : tho us :'il p ep.i a I mis uoou uhicb ihc (.enorals of his nation o ni uoDly rely ior pintectii n from tho botnoaimn olad, itu|iei i mis l.;gl >;?* et tbe South. lbe found ?i' cannon w is. for a short time, beard at OoirtotiFVille <m Sitoril-.iv night. Wl. thor it prico -ded from an uflirt'-ry skirm sh what ntiier ctiinc, tun not yet be. U usee tuiavd. * Since ?rritlng tho above we learned from ,yiit' -inen win roacheii this city yesterday by the CoiitsI train, I charge of (ieuenl A hi Jo '?< b > y t n <: the c m ?mi a le heard at (Jordo'.sviiloSatii'daj ufeniug i>rH> ui -d from a ah up a tll'ery -kirml.u win hut tUt li.nitoik ? l-t.-*> at HaoCi?>n Kor?I, on t o U i lvcr. s v ? al mi ?' to tlix east ol ib - Ormige .mi! Aio**n i u'ltal ro. !. Tiio r omy, it i-ci-ms, nout d wn ua r c buo>.m..oc a h'Mjr M "i cuv iry ?ud a ttiiio ->?. ?? h cu a?:v I. i. t I o K p dan w it oat uv- tug < r r. * tit our \ I d'-tt s. were emboldened l. ??:> ;?> -t fu iy >m 11 lat oat 1 bunk of thai r. rant, a: t ie (? d a'>>ve m u uoiied. A1 w c c'i:l' i*c? tain iie::niidy r lailve .> ibo ski.'uiiph was th<t whilst th ? ? V." sf .- .' c * the f .rd i *| wen* o tr.cil on lyour >? llnryaiHt back. 0:i ro:-iini j; t in.- no'tlibtuk i!i?u' j?-lu#it? wei I>ti^ into p siting a.jd returned nu r,i<.. ?, tod >i i*-?i.?i fur more than .".ti li or, *h?i tlie''U. my io;-v i'"JL We licur of none who werft killed mi ti.r Hide, .tin! our in luriiia t mw but 0110 t. an wfio imd bo?a *l? < t'j the ei f u."i hi -lit. Hu iiilorm ?<' t:mt itu eueoiJT b iU bi'i'B badly cut up. nwweMi twenty-live r.t I ti" "ty Ya'ikee t?rlw anions wtioin were kik ennmi-*si.u>*<J . ii>.a.,jn<?ij to hnvu bcec caelum! in tUis . kn zukU, were Uu>a_,Ut m by ilicCentral tram. Kitt?r?at nrnrlna; Wtiifl rrraiurr N<<if?, Tj hi 11/ ilEIABrvEST, I. (I M 'Ml. A kgual 1, IS.iA. J U l'<?ro.i|. ?*t| . I ?'|> wi Of J , Sli ?: Ml.'l - hi*??u ? Mwcr 11 tbo ii qi.l. n* or t'i?^)ib ? It. \ ou car. ?ay:? 1. That thf 7.8 * I it? '?'?l not a ? i'i at at y tiinn b ? ac? ce,t?d in exrliai e i- r ?i, ht prr cw l (bftfi-l rav bond*, or in ?? y i.fbl dne th' fo\eflDtrniat, au i Dim utlrrfm wlli b a.h>' H i KM w.'f! m i ll. cipai. 2. 1'iat 1 Aim'! rwimm nd 'h.t Cnnt'TMB pay nibu'i'l* the foterwit ue on ib >.? nuUa to the rt^j'frliTikMderft Uiftre- r -'li (lie i*t January. 3. That ttic ms | o. I ca'l c:-rtii.oflteB oan n't he ln? tor llirtv ii If r??t 1 r> i nir i Ote (j si:#.* aucli co? cilii' U-'i *:? pi)ultl.i (in <t?-tn iiid 1b g.'ii-vil TNumirjr . i?n o; cv t y ?1-11- 'tuiitnil > i. 4 Tdr 7 30 n i<* m.iy h i - ?o ! U a cli .g 'or tiM six jior ccnt c? I eiirltflp iiiv. fm-h <?*< Ikiri^a ? Verm <!(? r-' tlv wli*' tlio lioM. r o 'bt r<nfi;u it' ? m.iy tio i ,ir-i I) t y c-iiiitv <>r piyni?.'t of hit D'l'ltinti hi ourtiit. mi i h .timi ilic . I'xrli jii tn in fr. Hit' n ? n i 'i J., lit par o* i:l i di? i by t o !?? ? 'ii tnt ? h'a'l. g a'I * m t<> MM'Owl. iiit ?! uni'i .' a. vii n I a ifCtml bjr ilir ?.c. In; ? u ? ?? ini.f* ?i u t i i<mjt \ Isi'o m rrtif t'u Wtr II ? ? ? <'X|XCti?t, .ii tn.i'ir, th ii tin y I'l i lii?t> t'? t-fv. ra .t jrni ? ; r ? ' i>< i Oi' tho biiik?. In , r .i t i""ti row bu iO ti h r. h I ten1 ' g "w* e ?.h * ?v Ha <? > c; ? I..i ii t. .i ?'?Am <>B "MCli In?n?ii?? i' in ) ? ??, ui. I .< ? :. I ., ih? v ?ar iwB Ui* tni?ri > i ?' I' f jatjjq tjji. i: cr? itaH ac??|it my r?o inino!. l.i on. Wtih in h N n i I'. 0. !|. 't s?cr*!*i'j yi 'i c. i"rv. SpccfMl T? '? K ni>llH <T' 4 : to ||?? Mlilinu nn >e .? ' i. HI it ?>' ?. .11. I| I , I A upreial di pp iich i> tV it i ? .. i i ? , the 16tn it K . m, ? ! 'vWi y ri.'i'< ri* thai on iIm 7iti . ? Aii'f ?:i .11 i "i fin ,?n > ni i'oiiifi i r .tv i.' ti i, n >?. , i ? ? .i-.i. 'nci mar I??? tu %ci.. In,, ? u ..i ,i. '.v ? * j,ci:i InK I2:t i ruo" rr1-. i o.. i"p i" ?>ar, h.'-: ?? .1 i j?.,d %?- until Hi' n- loi ? r C aioile.uK i. .-.i.' u kn'? i, h i ih: ? "in <i. C. liiltl K dd)' hnw ,,l l I : v .. ?! .. i I (i tMiffif mil i ? hu 11 ? i i p i ir * i f Y in k c , iiiiii ??! '.be uc I o #o:k < r ih* i llr<? na<t a! > i till i? K Ki'b Aire T:.? ?" ? ? y Tor nil' I . t c-tvnby .. un1 j -u)1 it' ll t ? e- a lu-o'iuitim aii't * 't'lur, b laiab' ? fi" n't >y (. i I'l* rv. ? i l.i V u kce^ ar* UWtioyhu tli? abundiiBi. rrofm in the VtrtiiHy <>f i MUii ?it Kii'y,*li?a.. A a 1.14 It it fpiirted Uiil thv Ynuk ry areutiiui ?,;i. pit '-'^i(4i*. ?r?,i .r ti"n la-t we k oi plurml itr.-# 'Cim>iii?rt ii'ii' "ii \ ' ? 'Rn'i'i New Ortt.ui<. itu- I ?. s|?cr?WB wi T' inriiiti ? t'?m ? M irn PIiiitnta n u?i n inn ii' t?f ?yin;i?iilil/ ?!( w.ilt tui* r. |i| ii t:>iM n iBii lo rupra i iU# Bi vi *uCuIb o. the gbcrNMk JKHi JA l \i<.UN AT Willi FN |I'1 ? \ ? i'ir.'. (itjiti v r . ' ii,- ,-??? |J,-, vj Km -in t'.i i?tt'' ?' . I>ti'i ."i . i A ,-,,y , r||-> frv, ? n. - ti i ii' -' 'v. t ? oft . . ? i ti , 111! hin 't'-l - li'.'*. h."W ?|J? f I (.?In-.', Hi. 'li I' llliijt i" H.d I l'! fc'l I ! t^'..1' ,ll!( ' .lit ?( I ,1 li i .1. ' i' . I' r r. I ? , m I ' I tu>< f. I'M), n' . Mivilia, 'jftyHid 'bat Lj 'in t?r > ? h i :!y,u? ii i i? i ii'wii liiitt Kimo he i uiiih, x j. Hi for i ?: .1 ? to ' ...fedcxto ar- ty. Wo gaii t :i.,i ?! l .e licit infill. t l aU\i '< ? ERIN GO EPvAGH! TIES COSCOEAII 07ATI0II CHAD MILLG FAUVrilBl Tremendous Enthusiasm of th( Pioplo. SPLENDID MILITARY AND CIVIC PAQCAMT, Speeches of Gen. CorcovuB ami Mayor Opdykc. Tbe Scene on rrm'\v:iy, in the Turk and iA Front of the St. Mrifclu. Two IIun'?n?l Thousand Peoj-Ie Turn Out to Witness the Frac tion. One of tlie Days for Old ireland ai?d Hit) laiou. FAUOC A 2DiLZ.&.?LGIX! &C*| &C., ^b>C> At an oarly hour in the mor: lug the Continental dotal was I). sie.ed by the frioi.ds oi me groom I, '.<-t*i wlBhcd to but hnti a tl:tul adieu, and a general band ?tlialfing au?l woll wishing t-H'k place in tho rooms of the <>oncral. Tho oonuulttean from the ditloreiit cttiws"eJ tj|*n) tho al most martyr, and although th Control had already g <n? through so uiin h labor, yet all tocud li m pleasant, at' l ibit), aud ?Hli a good word lor cvrjbody. Before ?caving Philadelphia tho Cei or-I reci ived i! o following despatch iri'tn New YmK:? N<>. l!37 Hp.oahway, Ni'.-v York-, Arcu.-t 21,1862. On. MiniA j, O hi HA ., Phliai.eJ. Uli, ? Bravo ao'dlur ! Ip ? |i:tl t! we:e> u.,' Uoirto ! Wel come to n w oppo -i unities or dt-ti;,ciii n f ' ijlory. I c Ovratulai.* you mid the country mi v. r iuniiU*1. ? ji omoilon. H v M Btifl'Kii). TUK FIRST Kl'.UIllLN'T KOli CKS. COKcU.iAN'S lKn.Lt Bil'.G I I'K. Before leaving the hotel Hie (.vnoral .vas waited upon at his rooms by Colonel 1 luoi n.,, ?t tlm ?;u., liuudrcd mul flxtocn h leu'sjivania ieg.tiiei:t, Lhu i realization of whi.-h hafi just been cempleiod iii i'lii! i'lo pliia. General C'oreorau aocoi tad tha pro! o. e?l with thrcks, and wus srlud to know that Ms country tn-'a wero "till wil 'ing to aght uuder too gl'iriuu- oil iantirof freedom* Colonel lioeiiun in no relation to tho i o!ebruted John O Heen >n,although he is endowed uith a guod d.-al of th4 ta.i.a grit. At about hair-past ten o'clock, tho <jonoral, no-. companiod by hit *tnto, took carrl^es at tha door of tho hotel, au>l stafied fir tho Wow York d"|ot, at Keuainglon. But liuia en thusiasm was m uilfcBlefl by tho rhiiadolphlans en iho tiotiora.'a lenvltig ilie city, owing to be early hour 1a the morning and to the dtniro of i.Ik i;<nic'-al (: go witir out any dour si ration being made. 'I bo car1 togas con* tainiug the General and frt.-n i?, although it passed through some of the most unft oqr.ent m-ib, was fro" iiuently choered on Its way to the depot. On arriving ibo depot tho imrty wero Cse r'e.J t > a 3 ct.i il oar >?',iicli was provided for Uiom, nnd tn a few metre's tlio cars were movitig out of ibe'!?;>ot amid tin h ers of h??n 'Irads of maebniilcB, who hvl becu a., arto l to tlio ap t by the cheering of tho | au-HiS^er.-. r.n tiio trajn. TII no i ?< j n i:n v r. VAN I A. AH along tho ialln>ad Hi?"? were lr<r, ar.J at every Btati< n men, wo.nen and ct i'llien looked wiib auxious eyes toward Ihc truin, ni? it r vl I'y pn-sed onward. AT B;tli>TOL Tho tri!n hnlre?j for a few momen's, and the air wiui ont with cheer* for th > nob!: r< n of lr?tlartd. Tho Ocno -lalcam- "iit n|" ii the .o-r i'.irfi ria i f tho car, wbicb was the laxt ore of tlio train, nod u|? n tiis lpi^armoea grand r th was niurto My this !**";>!e tu li te h-v. ds with tie dvtid alive. I la bad a klnlwvrl (..r all, tad many wi re tho oflirs made by !n?TI . i 'mils to ? ? b- a sa.d>* on '.er theolil Colonel ?f t!ie gallant Ixiy ni.tth. I .it t In of important t ? k 'In: ? nclil ait r tho train bad fWK"ad over ?ha lielava'a at. Troaten, and was .Blicrod Into New Jern y. THROron NKW JKK H.*. The ?hri!l ftrrttua of t bo kh-om itlvo whistle Man l>!0'i?.h' ihi* 'piil.-ico ?' a, a d tbf i ' r> ..4 was crowdod by pe ?(?!?* w os* ri'th.wia ut, in m ajr !a-:uuooa, got attend of Ih ir dlaeratkm AT Tr.E>TON Iho Cewral tm'k IvaMiuiil nt t'ie four pUtlVrm ?3 tba Iraitt p?W'l Ibro ?rli tlin cs y, rr I *>? r'rcfV U with rboHfl, Aa lb < trail Btoii o<! at ill J |K>1 the crowd r nroB tho oars, anii af'cr 1 . lily i h? t 'r.ji for Cor v run, hrnidrada i" 'he! ttpor, b>?'t t? h e* atuifec or hla hand, and n?M who cottM ^'t titrv.ifh the cruv.d war* disappointed. After r?- ?s*ti .1 caQa the Of. atepnfd out, and, in a tzw') eh./ son renwrfea, Informed thi cttterva of Trciuoa thtt ho hid c mt again t<-? ttko up hi *#.?.?<! In Juf. nee oC the Union,and he t!i u It it ?w ihr il-.ty of every ' ..t to riwh to the mrrv rt of that jtaTNiu i fl m thai bad i< sterol thi*m from Infancy,and rtfWUI that ha k d jr t tbo tlmo to f trn tlvm a .itfl* of ? u exj*: leuoo whlla a ? rlaonor; and )n cwtlttal -n Met the army of Jeff, favta was tho ratberlnf of prc|.lo who are ondar lb* K?cknt cnuee that I hla woi id had a*er ;eaa. He wki frocuwntly Interrupted In bis retnatks by cheers, and at length waa con. t':?l to : u: a n'tside < f the care ?tod through tho da"<)t bit.> lite ?treat. 1'era 1m waa a^jiltt greeted by ati?".*hntla*tt<- c. .. t l,?n< * is about to ?ticak, but tho bo'l ? 'Pi 'Hi k. be w wt c. ?, penal t desist . nd .tamp on b./i>-'t the tram, and was ?o< < oat of sij;bt of be patriotic cliitf'<<? of Trent ti, anr.'d tho cbiff* of thou* aaada. at mtvrrrov. T%e po^plaof the llttlo town ?fCnimioa tni^wt o?:t to Wilmmt the t> w?t;e <X the llanMM ttirn-'Kb titrlr to'-ai and tp\?a ven' to erory <lem< natrati -n of j >y nr, the Ocne ral %m+1 f t and imwd au nckno i.'tn >ut cf tholrkind i"r> aud pair Dtiam. AT KV.K HK'"NtWltlf. Jf<-.f. a? "Tfrywhwe tf?. \v .l" in?'o<.t #? m,uh tow c n,p tb h*" o <y Hnti ?tn. ^;wd o|on<t thn - * ' ?* .rl.'< ft- rrw t*4 Hun M. vdkMb, \r." i?.)t a fc.# ?: 'cV ,i I i-?a of tl'? !r<n t (??tiVn.-a a na? i ^vt Iliad? H->( tka cr-iwd *aa d nw, iitid ?? tn rt frMy mt?. ^1(4 It iba rnah lo rr >sp <)?.. liand of t*i<' t^trt-.t, a* h# if' J, with bei't 'it o iTe-r I. and t> rrfrt ?? >. .it ? ravpoU tin. iftbnr (Id'I'ty t the t ?il >a. 'W'liti t'i" cara c.trt* n a halt th< |wo de crowded npoii ihc ! t>? and It iraa wlib d nottliy lb t the tJfit'r*l -tM i ->r;^i,ity to sny a fsv> wnr1< to tth'tn He j* " I' h?'.lnf boooim H.ti ,i t ,Uon if>" "ifrcr!<n filil ItM'tw Pr: tnit ir* t?i meat iwtrf (<! t tti tik^ i< r tn * f <*n ty arU .th ? '?? '> recovtten, I liavo Hot eomn !>?4? to i: .ik.-. | ?)<?' iiea. ? .u? ?i a trip U ? >i h, tt.d i I:n croii' k ?< ?cw .larter la no r *x d Iwm hf?-.i iU?'ik bef d .'v f hc'"i f to jntl ui Mid IwUtM nrtrraad i?f'."ill'>'? i-l??rit.) 1 ???m* to Ratter aru .'ft me in ?>? \? lv> want t ? 'ti 1 1 t th ? , thncn ?U "nee. (Crtea of "Hmr *e a c." a to; ' j !net Mr taronXaw ' i .r y? ? wUl i omi> tf>V"?' V'?1 i?mai..#taijr 1 wlv fl? a ? \\iac* far fom tu th? r "It Brigade. Ilora Ika ?i m Inicrruptad who t jorfect floral of upptatiae, am, tlie rata more.l (T atiiM tiau choarta* a' tlia |iaapla,;b?ra *>> wboai dunj v> H a ai -'^aad it <n!y with " iMt'otable trouble h.d t'ny cooid bo pravtiatcd fro n f-uig aa with ti o tr ia. o*?wmb an woll aa t icii n>t.<|)!od in Ilia lliu?g, a*d ha I tha Oasriai'a arm ba?"> a j .an;> la tb* c nt ? cf a po ttk a Io n, wbev ibt o won no othav ntrana f (reliiitf w > c mid not bat u aworlal ioor?' i>otf. oi ''o ?i'?l e'-or^v. 'Ao wt?*o#a 9t i iba ractorlea too kiraeta iw?c tilled with pa^pia,