till the utiuubt eclhusiasat prt/aled throughout V->*
at RAirwiT.
The train was ushered inu> the town of Rahway with
the booming of orauM (inrt the e'ueorin. of the people.
A ie e^ra.ihic dea,?tich had boon S' Bt by the n-iUioril'e^
o ;he |-Uce to ihe lu tor of t'te t't n at New bruaa
Wtck. aakmg th.ii. too train mi .Ut t?* h;:ied for a for
tuutoents at ihut pliwe ho that the peo;>lti m.^ht have an
o -|> i t tiity to * ? 'no the dlfti:ip bed patilt. A
b >'t i)t lUioc uiiiiiitr-o Han granted, and upon arriving at
tli staliuu the tr im vru a i.n b siefc.id by th. pe- j 'a.
Tue Genvr.il ute.ipad "Ut up-ii the i Utform, -ui 1 in a :c*
vvofds l>4d the |teop'? that be appro, ;ated tbeir lioartf
j;r oil up. He advo-ed them to rush to the dconce "1 tl o
con ititutinu and the lTni?n. He"iiu>>t care to re:'er to
?lis own ftuQerinf th?y were minor objeets, whets
Oi'uairad to LW welfare of tbo (country. One maa
now u bettor th.i" a hundred two month* from
mow. j Cheers ) My heart has rojoioed as I
itave viewed the uut;*>u.-.oy of the }*iriois
In Baltiuioro, l'hilad"lph a an I othor places aK the
route. (Applause.) I h"p? it ai.ty continue. The ac
nursed ebellion forever crushed. (Cheer5 nod cries of
??Good," "Go id.'') I have come am*tig you to labor In
thjoauae. Kor thirteen lunoihs my ban da nave been
lied, bat now I am going to raise three or four thousand
Irishmen Join me.
At this point the c?r.a moved on, and the General di-:ip.
peered into them amid the e'ie?rs of the meu aud the
waving of flags by the lad it*.
Net lose than five thousand people bad uscetn'oled to
WMlcome the gallant ar.d fearless soldier. As the care
halted the people crowded around, and Mr. .Toha C. licee,
Wj a neat address, bid the General wdleome on behalf of
the people. General Corcoran replied ia hi* usual unpre
tending and patriotic style, thanking the good people of
KltznbiHh City fer tho.r kind tojnrils, and the train
moved on.
Here the enthusiasm of the people know :jo bounds.
All the factories were filled with people anxkvs to hare a
Klance at the gallant son of Ireland who had s :.fere I so
much fbr hi? adoptsd coin:try; and gs the tram jwived
through the people followed, cheering and huzzaing.
V7hcr> the trait' halted the enthusiastic mass crowded
n..*o::ud tho cars, and. notwithstanding the exe-snlvc Iw.t
of the day, :hoy persisted in cnwdlng upor tli? _?rj.
After cut: ider .b'o che?rtog, Gen. Cbrcoran said:?
Crmrx- on N'kwakk?Verm ft ?<? to r.:t\u n yoi: my
thanks tor th s demonstration, and let tnu a?snre you that
I aha!I Iom(( remember tt. (Cheers.J i thm:;ht that i
wus o'.i t of trouble when I wa* release 1 frt :n cm lit! mem
Iri the .~<ouih. but 1 pnw lind t^at ma., "ar. bo in tro.Me
lu the hamis of his friends. (I lieersi aud crii~ (if'-Vo."'}
i air. tn v. irk., and I want all tii sc an :nd r.ie tJ
help to uphold that tla*- lu doinp ?(. I run tint mare ar
nest than ' was when I llrst started out. fCI.'-ers ??'l
enei-of1 ?.< !. ") ! c.o.iM lor-r then* for ar the wrongs
tb?y hi ve J -tie rr.e out I cu. ne. r forgive t!/ *n ic> the
? rone-, th'-y hav done the e^niry. (Crlei of ' NVver,''
ami cheer.- ) Th > iiuthori' i^s Tr\ u <v;nr'lude<l to p?t down
this iielllnl' rebellion, at 1 they w.-.ut ycluntoer^ at
As 1 have ^'iM before, on* hai. 're.; men n"w sre rrorth
one Ui'-u^a: ni' a a month T'oin pow. Let me c.e yon
*11 volu'atee in U4c wrviro <>l your c intry. Lei ns hr.-^t
raise the ftaj; of tliir glo; loi;.-. f' Untrr, ar t" alier we have
1oup tti?:,t!iec let us (w e to Ireland. (Great chocr.r g.
and cries of "We'll go with you. ')
At thin juncture the crs nmed on Mcii ir. tch ap
planac. A? tbe train jiassed tbr^jjh. tbo sick and wound
ed sold lor;- at the hospital turned out and pa\c llirue
cbeerg, -with a will,for Corcorr>n. All alone too r -!
trrna Ne*&i:. to JorF--*y City '.hp earn* deuiotetralwa.
of toy wore everywhere n?aii feplcd. Lu(!'?* Stood out
?n<* wived their handfcsrch'u'ri- and i;a*s,aud t.i.aiy of the
private bour-es were bea'.:tii> Ky decorated with the flags
of the Cniou and Iroland.
Thefoiln a o?named jrcnr: >me:? arroinpaaled the gene
r%! fri.ui Philadelphia:? freMont Henry, of the ltoard of
Aidprmui; of New Yorfc; Ho Wulsl Smith sad Is Itch
?til, of Hi ? same board, .it 1 0-;;? sithian ?teven.->*n. ]
Mnirs lllrbard O'Gortiino,.!?>!?? Savn-e. U'm. J. Kane, i
Jurt^cOouT'lly. F^lw.i-'i I i ircy. ra.-taia* >? P. Ktr
er ?ud . hi Hr : '!a l.ieuts. M*?r> Conolly and Jnht:
W. Duiui'hoy o| the .MXty-M.th r.-g.v -T-t Sto. *rs. Win.
K. Kobin-T . Ales. Mattb-w a: d |-:.ce;r : t. Wti-?l!aiw?,
?if the Kitft.' v-fv-urtb r.-.-u ??'. Wi?nix W :nte ;
Howard, of th1" /????< 11 IV. 1!. HuMtte,of the .
Hit Wu 1 Coles. c{ i it- l ull J -er? <?*,au I Mr. Charter
I) Mann .ng of the Ex, .
(lore every thintr was done mat ti:..e i*r:n!l*ed ?|,1TC
nalat to the triumphal iirogre-- of tho hero of the day
Tbe gallant ar.d the fair or .lor -y f ity weild gla ily b.vo
Mlonded all tL?h nr r.it? of tbeir city, b-it
I hat tbe mi... arid the oeensi t? were vet 85 much their ??*
ours. They ctabraced, Uovrevwr, wan an ardor charac
teristic o' th?*ls nail iheir ;.r. :.>pt itcde lo doheuor
to tho bravo, the opportunity of Gei.-ra' ? oreo.an ?*.??!???
through their city t" glv ? Uim a mo t rhe ring ana hearty
w?leomo amt God ??.*??? The Mayor and Common O.LL.et'
<>f * he city, with thsir badi 3 w re !a atleudant* at th?
a?pri a' us early Lour, at.'I there awaned tho arrival of th?
oars. Throii/.iiout the city all the hai \i and p< tlic bu!M.
.ng* toth cl -I, the iin-i Mr.iK..* ar.d lb** nat..*n-<
rtae or old Krlu waving in proiVsiuri everywhere. tout
mi^o o Wonitcy ha all tha f'rry h iat? m-'J'J*1 -atol
with 8a*a? buritia; ail p' a ? ? a-l o-.erytbu / in
?n't around 'ho city bet"'-:?^r.tr.I general r? j : -*i.if. T!u
Mootla. Canard pteatner,d'-v-ty-l tho 43K*ri<*?u ?.nn >'
h>ir rori> top^a'.ia .t, ail'". Ll. '1*^ ^ ; - truiari^ '*or ra *1.
the citimiui turncl J?t .n ma- . hvi? the streets a'"t j
the railway Uno. and .*ith mlfr' ij ho-.:? pryUinn d tU
*pf>"/ach of the ?a1!at.t dec ra! lh?; r-ilway 'I'-p t *u
?>n? Th? ?nmt . ttlerv v?..? (lii. d nit .
and the (t?'' .iee ?' nj the s.<! i "1
i.h? building with th< v Iw *o.,?h; early uUtuiiuiuc.
Tlionaand* of p??p|.. block C c wb"l? e?t?iit
?f tb'- enslo. me, and ???:i ti -? ?<"'ti v.'-a 'n-.i led, Hi
Mndadtor the occupation ?t' t'.ie >!..j -<t ar.d ?'?ran.>fi
toiooil white e*pre??lti; th. Ir ?"!? i ?*? The platlorin?
altogether too Rmall for th pui ;^. ^, t.i? placed same
what ia tin: e ntre of the b-' l.n,, and win dr.o r. ..
with smali Cnfts. Acr .f.-i tU> fr?!:t ga'!iry ex
(nnded * strip of canvaw, h.-.vinj th<- inscriptions
vrf:i ME TO rus :: -ui o. t% i.t. vr.v, ;
si> -.s ix r.Airte, tat: :m is > . *
A1lo;nlOK tlib! waa a - p: ? II1 ll't a th th? il ttu ?
Af.- /i //##// ? /////### ////*/#/##/" ?*'
o -... ,'t mvii Ci* "tia Mj;r. ' 1
"""" " "-// V
A la g*?forc*iif flrrni'.-'i wrre l:? ttuad#n*A an i jii<'eJ
Irueli to tl : lout fi rmlA' of the i.Urior of thw ,i pft. i-ay
?r!th 'he dre o <;f tho ia.hw. the Trf.\ lti< cf tS.ig* ar.d
hi. 1 p j Cali f l.fe at..l the ce-.^'.ofc. h'.m an"
j| ,x %hc f-Tolvl peop^. r.^s? Orotutn did
goo.l iitvM ufu-r tf-e bMkit'f up ?* li" pi'-Hnv-oi"?#.f??
tha fclws wort nat ui ^'iff'-.eot forco, or ?*r? not
siloisn-ly rtti??' ??? proaerve any i.tdrr, j.im a it h*r
yeo^d at tLa C ~.''.e tu, nhere tho j^*!-.ce arr t-g'
grt'4* W" ?os? wrelali ?'lly <*^fr cl out, and ut wi,
ttuti w will bo takni ia Its twoper j-io.e.
Iba totara'b CouncU o; jM<e*' i'.y iarilc ! the town
liars of air r. ?lc ?ody eat iat?<l by the r. i/?r.i ? tu tbe
tfsty of ?*'*vrtir j OoiH.ntl fa-norm fnw thn! c.ty aud
srpo i.4dpt9C* M ibf.h rC .rta .tT.il ?V n n ih? Mea.aer
ra*oii?. bi ho jrestitatt'? nerwaony of nwlcOino. So
tl.s two Vidi?-< prrn-eolcn ?? the raj'w iy depot towui
tha arrival of tho aar?. AV .? twe ty at
ftar the vhoe, of iha lis, art fbo'itt noullrt lb;.t th?
dt, were 1" ttiifat. Cheere folljwod '.i'Ti aa 'he
Q*>? pa*i*d tbruigh me city, and whan thoy at.
tarao the tbure ?r ? ?ueh a wk^mint
l.iirraht .|aia and a?aiu prilongcl as never he?rit
thsvaMbaMe. An lmiaadiat* hnd co erwhe.itiiu,< ra?li
Of pmtfe u, tiK> rsi t followed, .ma bar* n to ne of great
eflftfn?*'.n unsueo. H aw wni *r"?t dltlic-i'.t; ?n not
witho'it iome aasere cnahirg i-.a iti? pv-aaiu re if?t
Ht af Ihe i'v? end effcc'ad their iiact p<* fr?.m th* ik4.
ja fin the i?o4io<: tried to lie"y . clear the n*-1''*
d?ry precast. ,ne were do! ta>t"B in tH.?o. ai d the r effort*
only wlded to the xeocral r mfhapai The whole b alding
preeei'led hut one i.nBkonse <vsyi .g msaci ci j* .pie.
octi.ntrd but by otia o'-crrT.n??. ug feel,s/,?*ubar- ira
?? (oy at Ibo ratarn of tha ret rcnn??tl*a Ir .boian hi tb?
amr for the Union fro-n 'he 1 n. ? t of the Kouth, wtwra
he had so l^ug euffercl and i? .j'i>lvid. Tbe nmro inti
oi.iie frtend^ of General Cf iWuB vo:?ngl N igui*
?iidothar brare cur.arte a lu arms, i ye, n.nd bis ith'da
SAJ. .d. iie>oted iittlo cteiapl <?'i?Auo BjltiMng -.bapUin of
tt.c light <1 Bhtiy-olnm?h*' gi"*t dirt.c<iliy ,n ^ettiurf
t i-?r iitm. rha Father Horn.*/ ?? oifrgetr. and jpree
vcrlog.? u aire euontjh. ir h*- a* I hlmi elf, bu J lU' wed
?tin s'llf throogb thawhwt of tiMm, -*ttiio(it n '?i? or
a ra.o'i.t i l?c h"d bl< brtre. if' d bj* the band, and by
* e: il?Vi he raniaii.sd till tiie elouc Of the 'lay
Tbe f.< rt.'bo c'-mtni: ee led '!? n?' il f'.-rc ran th?o"i|ti
l ie lin? ??ilrentea ?a<l b Tenth the f dt!e of a largo greeti
d.ig at.V ie .OS pud Wrhrf*,a'ter m-rious d fB vilt?e?, to
tho i laU?rri'. wher.>,o^lng ;o tl>e crowded trtnie of that
psrtlciiar ?p ^ no horodi-otlons tc.?g place, ".ad the
sweltertcg oe,.:ej,*uui r>f it i-xri'.-larly tha iniiubt# oi the
jif iotl, Impat ientif chafvd at he do ay ocoarloBod by tb?
s- itaioodrhooe* and Beliy w >:ler mes of tbe vast
Wa,<-, which, fhr a tltn< prtr.nt a tbu gratl> oi^n on
trusWd with tTwiipoe'h ?'?" ?oomen.rl'.g .t
Tur WF.I.C ".vg arR.rtt.
Mr. ADrert" A tUarit? ??.??? delivered the fallow in
speacb of waioogte on ff 'I tb? ctt.une o( Ke* M.
^^Itmi (.via. op -T iu. r.ctHi ?*it n, 'l oh behalf oi L-.
c?orp< rate nth >rttk-s of City, it. ?b?dief"? lot'#
popi. ?; eXjWMHfcm, to bid jrou (i*iiav lor ? :ti?:oe?>i iu
your iriuin h. I iu?'. Ik- t >? ur loug 1*< ritxl hmi ?, to
roc ,ve th<* li ni.tg>- I heir conh U i ? i' A r*g:i:d V?
e< irni |m?, u ilii-naratth> h >.'r, *o ? ilu yt?i
lire a ur ir.i! ?', l< r wo u ? ! 11 w' w tli in ?.1} ho t
0 l e :i In j . yi. .r i:U >. v m< lb. ?. t-'i e
y uit r y< ur iu) *?-?? id #h o< ce, n ?) to (you wi li
u O iStiu!! ui.- '. |~ ?(?>! iu Li runaU, bee >u v i ' Kif (i.as
x A IU . j -l i h i a' b 'I i ?' or her . ? t you: c> ' t y.
'f ?? tlwirliy with which vou rushed t'? h r ('e a-r-n wlr a
r..?(l iwi >u roa.od uit lie" , 1.' Ii'-r<>u b w\er>
y U dt?|i ?yi-.> ue the h<?c.i leader ?? tin- bihtorie
it.i'ih up u .Man.isr??' >. ?>} ntam, a id that iivcou^ i>-a
!>.?? to e of country wh u no-d ge?n*, n ? m is i?,
n ? ih e its, no HUilori tj<;uuM(li.i!iit.i or aba o?:i tdv,
bra\ej,grand y bar*y* i ^ J v.Jth. hLi. c (..lie ? e
rei s. d, when."\*itb ye r g"d! r| r.gut t, w' ui
tared f???<-*.-? uow <i< cviik'! -:e li >w teinoi ? was the c ?'.'i
flici.yo p..i.-cI through ihi? stale more than Kixtem
ni : th- :;go to ive b;i.k (ha tral'orous foe ?Uo w .?
threatenie ? the gates ol' WaaUii^tm. U|* ?u lb a
1 mi ? tn d, wiiUui your ???:i OWImM, were
n.-.ny ci Kl-w Jersey's adopted nine, n<me of
wli..in h:iva returned to witness thin tribute to
yoa ti-day, while others si ?p then lasl sleep,
u Lore no sound can awnka tb?m to gioiy n'.-am. Ibis
ii ..h;y thri nc?tbeso ''anncr* dontiugin (be b-t'ezo ai<
the (tub loin., (< t!.ut cuu-tltuti',ui?i liberty yo i ha\ e std
fercd so muti to mjii'itah -th<?e ah uts f g, ierou? weU
Ourne, (to bi t uttu<<t tlio deep devotion of New Jersey in
lh? t-suee of tb ? mighty struggle. ;iiiiJ bear witru'is to :ho
?ibcorily and I't'plb of hor i-i tin for tb<?c who ba.e
' rotidsrr l ii.cb iliu.--i; io .?s servicea for Uic perjR tua'iKU
and triumph ot' the Americau Union. ]t is ibo pride of
our * t.ttc i? woavogiirlauda for Iho brave. She will jola
New York to day in l i^h iir.t i-^iou and untitle bcr
sin,lit.' with herf of welc Ki? thriuo v elcomc, liouie.
Srs?V'eTnlt ine to tliatk you anil tbu liocor.nble body
yon represent, and your fei'ow citirws, inr'iu^h you, for
the high honor yoa have paid mo ou my arrival nmoufst
you. Tbia i-' as ovation whicii uutil a \ ery few unnutw
ago wait very unexpected iudeid. Hut 1 um plen.-od to
see all thia eLtliusiacin. It is t>? clearly i uianifaBiatiou
of the tac t thai it m not to do me liouor, but tu> intended
ui prove tbclr devotion to (he LonMitutiou and to the lew?
whi< h I bav? endeavored iu part to aust>un. It tat'ue,
??ir, I fought aide by side with your troupe, mid brave
ly they perfoi tned tiietr n'.ty. arm deep fcs (lie
debt of kraiitude they have earno<i of their
oountry. (thf- ra.) f am uow, air, g i-'ig to
tuy native, my adopted State. I am going for
th j purpose of preparing myself as speedily as possibio
lo uuiie the troopt e! Nuw Jersey a.iJ olb -rs of the loyal
fttatc? U the Ul ion in nij brigade, t ? go ugaiu to the Bold
an I oi.deavor once more, I hope oiorr sinxeirhfu ly, to
i rush out tbi^ foul rebellion. I do no! eoino among y ou
l i loiler, or lo make ap.-o^he? or to receive ovmlou I
C'Une to jire^aro n.yjdf auJ t m-iko ready for tak:uu c "
ol?ce in the rajjics of your brave voluutoer? o w tight
in Mi|-r irt c the glorious c rstituri n a id f >r 'he restora
tion OS the Uuir>n. I care uot tor politics nt tb ? bom?let
tlior.i be est a do f->r a titoe. I rare u it oi what political
sVipo ft mad may bej if be unit m with me in taeiaus' o!
I'l; >n be Is rry b'other, nud I shall take him by th#
h :nd a." such, lv'rmit me, r.ir, n?ain to tbauk you for
yo ir kindness. I rif rc; that lime will not permit uie to
expre-s my t,hnrkn ai i would Jesu e.
( 'e?.t- cigi.tel tbe General as ho caaeiudui his re*
Ci neralC->rcoran was ther. excift d to tbe boat by two
o." the N'evr Jersey Common lour.cilmen, w here he wa?
met by the New Vork ileput it Ion. The firemen formed
in lires, nith armu extended ai d hai.ds i la. r>ed, and in
t lis any fciepped to tlio rijiht and left, from the depot to
:he boat, proreuting a I arrier that the crowd couln not
b'eak through. Xolwitlistaudlcg the great jam wh.oh s()
i->nt' prevailed In the depot, aad the i.-ouaumt crasU.no
a rciiient of any kind occurred.
In tuIilliaeL? of the [ortmuof thep yramme entrusted
lo the Common Council, that boi'y s.-.-emiiled at twelve
o'clock >'? lorday, at room No. 8, City Hall, pre
juratory to talcing l!:ctr dep&itaro to Jersey City,
to awnlt the arrh.il of tbo honored gue?t of the
c y. and escort liiui to hit! own adopted otty
and hc-cne. The Htejtuer ravouia wai ib trie red far
tUv' ot-ca.-ioB, nad ultho'jgh Me o'clock w?o flxed for
*tarti::g. it war. near two before the steamer leit the
wharf at the fxH of cuambora urot. T!ie Pavonia
w:t' gay with flaj;? and atreatuet*. Oo h?r dec*
*cre a.-setublod several of Uio City Fathera, and
dear them wa* spreid a table liberally fiitp
pi.ed ?*ith T'-ail bc.-r, hum ruiil broad, and nearer
bin ft i'rl, on an tub!*, was ? bowl ol
bontillf?l d:m?i?,i>,r.8. cooumtog an nromatie compound
i< jr- U attraction to tli^ aforesaid father*. The =;e;im?r
<1: i u,?t at c ?? cr bt v the ierry, but pit up tbo river
n ue il .l i and then stcai-n <y?r the .feraey abore.
On th Jersey side hat little stay wis mide, aud the
.ii'ti? 9 n heard we. .: tr?.ted i* ait ther sail on iU? rlrer,
t' , c.'.c'i.-ot which, cd tiic puutiemcn ol Die d'jpntatiou,
were ob-crval>!e iu renotved visits to tho bountiful b>wl
afo-o?<*iii. 11ie.s tii ': .<\e* c.uMtod ol' Aldermen Varloy,
Chitii. Alien, Mitchell xc-i Smith; toinchroeu Orion*
.luce , Stevens >u. Hogau am! Kcocb. A llttlo !>cfore
thre< o'clock the boat agai'i was made fast
to the wb.uf near the Jo se.r Railway <te
pot, au^ the c- mmlttee ef reception went ashore
and ripttf ) at once to the .tepot, under th? escou of
sonie of tl.'ir v>;iu'rorc ?>t' the sister city.
"Je-.ersl ot' tli?- Fhiiadei(>h.'an Oinmitteeof Kcroptlon
in tlia' r,;> woie onboard tboFavoala, and other* tra
v died Uo-.vn as tbe ?<}??? I e: heir honored g?0-t.
It \?ai about twenty mlu :tis pact thre > wh?-u tone-'*:
I'iirc'jran reacbod the steuu-.er, where he was taken in
<r, i hy tl"? Couimlttoe on N*-?t oust After* He was
-? jae-l vii'b ibeei* by ti.ire n b.ia-d, and w?a followed
oy the cb-.e. of t.e tl. .i!.: ifda oa tho shore. On in
tbo ?i> at < ~c? fc'irroi.oded by a cTiwd, and was far
a tin o a itieon-. icrvy au<: rwighly pre*- c-1 npo-t aa ha
U?>t l>e?n in tho ovcrcrowdul dopjt. Bit tbe gallant
Goiicrai bore bU ?.<tre:lr.y> like a martyr. , H*
Oili.'nje l oo el-' ti?'i and '.cdui^ed in uo remarkv ure
? Kh as > ? ciiciiad fTem nuiio to the ra
ti. .rkf ?>.* th'-*? aro m-t Ul-1. 1 .t bruvc llttlo chapiulr
t-so "Ixtv-t.mth n> ?'l Uiere, attending wltfc lively al-vc.
rity aud e ? inoot devoti n to t'i* ehle." of tfco bruve n.-a
. ti sp ritual cbicf La Jia-' bet a in the c nap and tu the
a?id. ri'.W Mooucy cspiersed hnnaelf in the happl ft
htrami at w.cv m -r ? toping tbe hands of hi; friend, and
etc. wberj tbe O.ierai aaid lie expected to take the
-ixty r.mlh agair inu.theteld?*? Vee, and Father Mousey
vs'tli tl,.;tn," said tho ravi-rsnd ^ei.ileinan. "^'ei,''re
t'.rr d the Graeral,"b it I v?ioi you to aay that for ymr
.v'i' ' "ub iudeivt I'll be there," rejolued tbe fathor'
?Mid ail IV b> rs wiU be ?v-uh inc rtsere, too.1'
Uu'B^ othara oc Hie boat sfter leaving Jer*
s- y f'ny wh? C?rgee*i-tnan K'y, a fell?* prisoner
of Central ("rrwar. .n lt.thm mt. In front of fie boat
waved aa tu to. if* gri-^u Cag h< 1 1k?u brotti(h%oQ
b wink l!" '*'M ? -r at the oto- r aide, and a'the
ooat Mitel .t.< tute** atd tut Pa^ r< j?i ral ed iV'fl and
w?v ?i t? an4 t'ro. a ?? >jk 'r> as a eigwd fan. tbe e.t
panid m?n ?n^> on b*a-4. a-,.I Uic awoM of Ita-iMcH of
g .em rotcer a-roes, iha watera in we'oorna. Cun*
hr-nl n.e.r sa! i'?- aj.-! t >e lm??a?e IU.mio c/ws?na t*ak
ut ag*no f* ne'ouBiii'g -'ram, t<\ et "j and reflated
uhti' tk< N>at i it'ic *1* agsdi the C'?4t!e Kardeu.
Wte t Mt?.l sr J irotir?.s?lve, Uejiad dMorlptiOti. Kre
m -v. uu.!'Ar ?, tiof-e and Usit,/onuve* f.n#?are. lai.eers,
ar .Uery w. rt ai.iwn >ip ib a way to rat <.fl" to th"
*. ate-? ml?iaugc tiieir var! eoJ uttl umi< nut. ll?e
c.y*d of peojiie !i*?? wtriw^ct <ii.?t m any prtrM ocev
ion, all m.njrilng wit!. ?|>?g>w.** g' .U MB.np among
c.vrh obe. an ! al. st rr-^ ? itii <i?ie c.-ajiur'ii iuip' ?
an?l ef.tl>U4)a<oi . n?'- a m shwie on tho .mniHMt a^d
b'll.KUit ar ep(Ma*? tiot oprr??*}?.ve'.y, but w th .iii't & jrh
a f?r\i t ?s ?-iti)-'fe:??'l wllh .b i' wl.if h ?irre4j tltu hoarla
of ni , ?i A wbi'jh boi l n Uwlf jeyeual;. e*j*?i:lt?r?t fne?>.
riie et,?'!>nr g ?1 ? t ? ^ ???<;h t*%i?crse tbe (vth G ir.
irt net 4e.i?ely il.'lsi .vttb owpants, thf fair sex
bore i red' e>luatii.(,. fcuu Ihe wa> inx of handser
ej!?s th?-iofr<'Bi >*a< ticefanut from the Motmnt
of li.o a-si-r ?pt trh *j, the h^tt, till itj
ta?i m- tomif. la*/' rbnildin^ ?a/< tl .tu>re<l in ev?rt
diro> t.'.':. ?bii" b m i< r:- and iilreafer' miacle<l than
and Ktrred *?1 1 every br? >'tj af air, and i .tailed,aa
I' j. ia t?g :u tbe iri'n iit > to t!? ?n?n nl.o li?<l rn Bobly
fuiigfll u ?d si.He'ed 'ijf ttie Ptara and Str ipe*. Xare .
i>'.\y 01 uil'.tiify B:.-}r?, ;n tiie fit!' ouifornl of tl.eie re
epecUee ranki. drew up to ?eute (he irbsh rhieftaia,
iMi t wUo,?i be aujioore#, gnve tba salju so d> ir to thf
r.eart of the military out*. Ible ho rotti-ro i with a cor
dtai hi.ie A'. 'Be iraxgw.ty he waa re. '.-sed b? MajT
" id < liter ileitis, Mill ? ga.o the ah ait o! w Icrtao
fr<?. imtty thonsahii throat* gas* mm ao Mrttoat of tho |
^ a/id | upuiaf n-at.oii tUat wae prap?red for htm Again i
tbe earuotis't ide tbroata biomed forth, wb le the rn'm!
cftb< tvaida an 1 ren? wtd ' hears pie!onB?d tbo wiK* tn? i
cfU?*j multitude. ?
T:.e rraj.geraeots tlx- late. ior of ^e lru!'Ptig co>jlii
j r.ot 1 ave boon wrrre. Sath?r,lt thoiid bo saH ther
a? ? uo arraiitrcnuittt al all. tMpertut-iideat Kentiely w u
tni*-*'.c:t> pe"ou'J?<l. The Major looked for a p'a e t
t<-&l-M-.e ? ' gn. ?? fci ?'?? rend tho ei'.y's rolcMee
Iho .'?v?rHK? o'lemt loo'.i d iftu.f in a di>mma, an?( at
notUinr bad l>-?cti prerloo.-'y arranged tn thn purpo'ej
iLa Ma) or eb<.i-e t - 'j* d gronnd, n bera h? was inataatly
aitrreanried h? t: pri cing pof?|>le. T. ?ro wan now n
be p for It, ??. \ tl u jot -peke bia wck me on *.h ?tmj
die of tbo i ?tui? l?
TlfK ?AY Ok'8 FPKK n.
C??WWtM?-ll !* ruy avrreaible duty '0 hid you,
on boUIT of the city of New Vork. ?? cordial weleotne t<
ys>ir b-T?a, an I V* asaore ?-r\ IhM in th!? wrico:r?e onren
tire p? point ion warmly ??" ' heartily Join Yw r baeotatn in
rutle yoor ttdelny, and rmr maniy form do in eapt'vl.
|? h ve S" iret' '? t yon llie aftectt. i te reirard ?.f ev ry
: ol'?* n ?r re' moi.tba
l.a- e >1 ? -i a <??? ''eft <is H ' t end of < ft r nillutt
t kim'tti to i. tl ihe on'i...c ? C" CoiM(iy. iu IU4
<?' ' tnal org :ed your daim t it Imwi rjr .m
|W !?1 00 U? t O IK 1 0 i 4 h III It, Wh 1 O Tell i t ?
t .?ee uu.a ? uri' r. lo tltirte a
?vwiry m b : f? y t i ou i. ?;.?p lrlt>,? ?? -tig > ? i
t iiuiuiU uinl mvriaotime t, a.. ? taru. i,, a de i a i?
? >??<? -i?.e t jip i i oi ? ? e.>. -Mui^e . o ? >' o
C?r'?' vou b f|i v< ? in tivemui, <nd a rbkm
Uilllofcd a a $|i oi' of t' lure in lie in Ciu n
liu lorcln >ou and your ft lien. . .< ? f
i i>lrtii t iUi*ii i n yo mat i live l<? aMy to tlw nil
8 g Hie h ? v w .i . i ii as the u*nHoe vu? imp nut.
i \u av uui'ij ? ?our . ilori.ign Willi ho.c?ic and ir ?M0 ?
! .'v#n a nvutn'i lii- ' i'i'-J >??<. i hp ; ttud mi y
a <1 toi:al wr m the\ bare ii ilie* d ha< but it
e o v Irisinuui hatr-d or?r< mm, as well us his <4 1 ?
in iti on to ihimiIi ili# perilih tid crui-hy of your ci>p
t 'r . lu lisu U- ..f i'h! i are ,i!r. ady i 'r ut o' ill.?
.i -ii v, mo thoiiiii i. in:.je are but waittug for you lo
1 id i.em.thit ti.oy n?aj,i' your picacnae,and muter
>'urlei' gr tlie nvulta an l wmita tu-it you
h m- b- ilorcd. We need no bolter proof of iho an ci tw
c iiacipri i iIiib rebellion than tn? ep.ct c a you hu.e
w tuwssod of true Ui'artrU Irish Aiuorhan.- being tlir wh
la > lu'i'ii-soino prisons <u*i ai'li.ecled to inhu
man ?i e,.in: ni (or no otbor oftbuco b'.t refna
hg to beoorae, like their peiaeoutors, guilty of
l< ti: p tjoryuml treayi Qciwrnl. we th"'k you Cor
(be promptitude and gallantry with whioh you hive
uiraio tauderad youi ?*rvaoe to itw g ?i'?r..me:it, nu i we
' con ..ratulato you on tlic a|>(i ooiitlve rospOUM of 111 1' c
sH'-nt. In pr<>nr uti? you he bos but ruo.^ni?..?<1 your
murlls and met Ik universal expert all on und de-'ire.
llni. II our anticii<a:io:is Kbill bo realized, if ynu frieuds
rush to >uur standard wi b the cuthuaia ni wo have rua
not: t? exjiect, they will aoou gwoll your Roiiuaoud lo j?ro
p. rttons that will roqtnre from the 1'rwident a atill burner
ooaaiiaMM >ir, 1 will aet Uouta you louder, your
IVteuiU arc im;?ii(mt of everything ihat r?.tn?,u? thoui
from propping you wai-m!y bv iho hand. Iu the name of
thu OorjHiriaion aad of every citism, I bid you a
hoart nnrin welciue lo the cily of your adoption.
Tiro aerolis of pur bment wore tlioa presaiitcd by Alder- :
mail Farley to (he &Liyor, on bohalf of tb? Common Couu
oil, and theM bla Hunor premKitod to UtoOeu ral. Th
contained ibe roao'uti-iis of the CVimmDU Council, adm '
in January last, relnl ve to tite steps tUon deemed noce..
wi?y to be taken for the roller of Colonel Corcoran; nlao
the letter of the Mivor conveying tlnvo reeolutiorg to
Co!(H_;el Corcoran, wnich until yesterday ha never re
Mi". M.i>or?I return you my h imlilr thank* for the
hi^h honor you ha\o |>aid mo, and the kiid greeting you
ha.-.- o\tcn?J'.'il nu; in oiy nrriraJ in my adopted otty.
Thu tseu jxara ago I ilrsl put my loot on (Ue end of Ame
rica, at: I it '.ra? in the wti eei* of tMs city 1 llrst trod.
Siroe that lime I h ive t ik^n the aeop, !>t interest In its
nfeifare, and 1 felt i s proud :is auy living man ever felt of
the growing prosperity of tho city of my ado.-tloti up
to the time th&t thin w.ir wax thrust, uyon
u*. Truly, sir, I woua of tho il;st to
huve it for tlie s^e e of convict It <vas
not vtvictisalou (<? me t > ronder any lan^tli^ned or v.iiua
bio ser\ 'Co, for I wu ea' .y c.irrio l oil acaptiie Hut,
air, in my oapttvttj I watched and noted, nu well rw 1
oou'd, Uie dv?:iu? oi thatitr.es. Melt pro id of th ^ene
rosity and i.o living u. in w. ld feel prouder than I d! 1 ui
seeing the uob:c manner in wMoh New York did
bcr part la this wur. Mr. Mayor, you have truly said
thai tho South has tried to ?>hake the lido: it vol lb?
I tah people; but L say on their bohalf. 111 ihia nine
of y' ur country's peril, thit all the uiteinpts ever
m.de have failed. All the a'tempts nrulu, atij where
or evarywhe-o, or that ov?r may l>? " nvUa,
wlil but prore how atr^ng and oudui'ing aro th'.< fidelity
arid loyalty o? the f; ish i>eo;i!e to thr- gorernment. and
(bis 1 '.nd. The Irish people are true to Am -rioiin inpiitu
tioiia. Wherever on AmerionB soil there treul* au Irish
man to-day, wherever Uo cm> soauk without I :ar of mi>
iest.;tk>u, be will 8|ieak, and li^ht too, lor the support and
m?lut-n:.iic? of the national institution* of this froe re
public. i Terl proud, proud now that Providence had or
ite e-!, i - haps, that iltip lot sbu.iid be oast o r mo; that i
wa- 1 on to pruvo tiie fidelity of roy jieojile, the
lo.v UY fellow countrymen. Th.ink Cod tb it hath
gi\< o' nfc victory. I thank Got that llo give
mo ..?> ptreegth to prove it to the end. (Applause. 1" -
ther Hooney aflbelra?' Hea:- him, Sir. How simple und
true.") Mr. Mayor, I am ih >rougblv aivaro, Fir, of my
unwortbluess to receive thi* high honor?to in; wftie mod
a.^ tbe guest of thU great city, an uouor aud a duttincl irn
hitherto paid only to (ltsthigu sherl men,or Ui">po who had
1 done z<?d .'crrlco to the S:ute. t have done nothiuz to
earn tbia honor. I h ive not distinguished myself beyond
niy fidelity to tha Union?beyond my desiro ami my
willingness to lay do.vr. my life vfitb yoii for
the inaintenimo* ot tho Institution! tinier whidb we
live. Such up ovatt<m as this may perhaj-s do
some iMiblic good, and 1 atn entirely in your bitnds
Pot I come em.-nget y ou not to Bt.iy l or to lurry, but.
with .a much fpend aej'OHSible to ret ,rn to I ho Held. I
hope whoa r return to V.ev Vork that patce wiil oner
again spread lier banner over the land, xuch an wan ei\
joy.-d whou I flrgt put uiy leet ou th.b soil. Aly follow
eitlseiis of Irieh I'rth hare nobly done their icy in till?
cri.-U. and they fdiall continue, I know. to do th?ir whole
i duty to tlie oiiwtry. I hav but come h r? to koo i.
th?re are men willing to ikhi v.iih me. I know there
are * me. 1 intend >o laeve hero again to-morrow, to
bring back the old 3iy.ty-r.lnih, to give th?ra ad op|io;
tunity of reorganizing uud as;.:n taking tho field u Ith
tlioir oid Colonel.
! Kiithe- Mooxwy <"l?r>pi!>-.v?lyj?'? ind with their oi l
tioi.or.il ?My old friend, tell them that we
j will be all together .-40110. I will take .vith me llnv) in?n
of tri?d fkUaatrj end bravery. Mr. Kiser, ?) fr?:ujs
are anxu u?.y awaiting ue, and as l riiaii h^M anoppor
t inlty this evening of expr.s'lug my vt- ws where I cm
he niorc clearly heart, I Khhll not detain you l'-n^rr. Eor
the Mgh honor th< city, through yoi, ip paj icst me, the
only ree,on?|>ei4se f car '.'jik* it giving myself to your
vice. I am willing ti lay down my Ufa for thu mtiale
IUK4 of the Union iuid lh? perpetuation of the .1
' ticinn of tbl.? froe ropnbilo. "
Cetera!Corcoran tb*n suo'k h?.ad? with the Mayor,
:.nd a movo of departure wa-mi4>.. Immediately a rush
to i--!iate ha-.ds with him wae tnad'. and from that ru-h
and <T.-wd he only extricate'! by tb? herculean effort"
of tho iwiice. Hut all order v. its at aa end. l'Lebu; er
iulandent had aot token hia accmtot>cd precautions and
theri was no remedy.
It wau nearly ai. hour alter the Gene, el euteri-lhi*
a-.nut:* that tbe military cortege defiled oit of the I'aik,
aii't p' ceei.ed * owty throt.gh the eboked ap streets
The friends of Cei oorsn?their nam-; it legion?wen
m-'it eiiihiisiaatio in tbla rlciuity. It won'nl be ne\t
to impo^iM* to n ttnh~r the thousand# wltu wero Ci>n?;-e
g ed from ir'ultc.n t? Chambers s'.rt-sts,acdallaroind
Hie iie'ghborlo-^d of thl= radius. Fl.igf nud banner*,
be. rlrg all k'nd? of patri die hiKcrtptious, ga'ly Cauctot
in thu broez??it Uw?t )p eoch br<-ezo *; pre> ii!?d;
lwdeis, private houses, (tore*, oUc'*?, and ercry other
phut- in tlio viriultj was crowtivd with an*jon? ai d ox
pe* tai.t |?oire; and 011 all si ics the interfst and patriot
ism of the pe "pie wwe ah-inluntly mcnlfectcd. Com
peri?0Ri, thej ?ky, are odious- but on ihia ocaskjri ft
r ill be ?.i.?vly out of p!.?Ce to fay that the a?eroMed
er .wd wa^ e<|'al, ,n p<- nt of nutr.boi:i, if not s.'jHirior. to
th? n ?5*e* lhat finvo -a'^istcd '?as the Spacifh *av?at
the vu> iou.H puUic ru^pt ions thatkave taken place in this
city. By order of the proper a tbo. .Ilie Brneuway wse
kepteutirely doar cl atl (?rd.u?.i y \ #]j,cle.-t, in order t<> make
way for th? priMMiesion; but be* ween iwe-aed two o'clock
M? tbo sfteruo-e th? p'i?i<b> j?u ,ng Into that {,'te.it tbo
| rovgMare 'rom the upper disfricni of the et?y. fi?,ra
1 Brno.ilyn, Wi ^ia/borg, Woboken, Jortey t.'jiy and other
.0 r.'mpletelf btoeieu :jji ibe wey th.?l the move,
mer.t*of eveaalugie !ndir>d:Mh wen readered a?i but'
aop-^j ble. fhe>? cm tie no doubt thtt tl?e )u.poi*r
he?ri i< wl'h < >r .oran. Hie ponpie vestrr-my
Uiif- nro.eiy |w?4ib> ray. JM ihe wa^ fr m? the Bntte
ry t? the TVrt there were coat.nuai'y ta?reo?itig muHi
ti.d'-s i?.'i>e-iple Tbo. e wh' were aot pro?>rly mforme-l
regsrdlar Vh? Ikih of hie urrhTl, took up their positions
e? rarly *.? *t eight o'clccit m the morning. ai d, with a
bum. extraordinary fort?tui!? I- thle nsiai w^tl.er. <??
titirM al thtir p wt- ,nf .acfeoig'j uatil tbo grand te^-e
ap; esre l
Bui the V .rk ww tho mata fiipp u. It ?ea;i well
J>ii> !o\t :h# '.otioral would pa*. ?broi?gii Un.? ;?rt of
is.-i-Uy.f.ret and eou^e^tonfy the kwwtmj ,j< <<e took
ihetr pU-?? thern In time, end cotilti not bt a iuccd to
inevs jntlo: any tbr^t, protiiiee or re*(.rd Tka <wrlier
Tiriior.< how -vt r were doomed to lejigiue wMohinrr
b.-iK>ath Hie U^aB'-ifif a ioax*lti? -<ti? aou there wore n^t
a few who bitterly cmida redof t.'ic delay hi the H..-riva'.
of th: hen' of their e-*pc tat. .r.e. ih.' ?oe"er arvuad the
I 1'art, an't the <1 :alnt jom tr a^na' reoiirks 'o h.. e*pec.teii
from so numerous anil entW>itfti< en ami. .blAge tS
1 Irjrh pe?plo, it will be StbwsMv for ua to reoord. hut
our readers ntiy iike to kcw. and tt?y will in# in; tn
farmed that a re'ire orderly, |i|onMnf an I Jubii nt ?. ;o?d
h>.e eo|d<r* been a ue tabled |n this city, li.?re
wem j^ple of evory nj,a Mid tondltlon Iber^ tito?,|;>
ttslworth men, grnyhttirei grand|iernnts, (.ttliers enti
mother# of chtidron?many of the latter w itk flu Ir l?r ght
"yer.liil lron in their artn??were tlta#* to do honor to
their rctu-ning fellow countryman by tue?r presence.
M:?ny of tlme.e would have be..n >>?i kj?? (-ls'i tr
fVmd e- n o othor ov<port".Qlty of evitx'ag their n-'pect
rui'l e*t ^em in fM/rc iai.^.bhi iw>) |>ractlc?l form, but, a.?
it war iji or ail re if n forevory rnuii -.r w. ir.m t.) .inod
at the ridt ot to ?nk> th? bard ot Ui-.-ir friend, the v iU
n ? >d'-11 ;rc ? in ren leri.ig .ill fit bot-a;?e th .t t-'iei
end liearfy apj'lauro co d rouvey. Tho tr"?? a-'d lamp
pusU arum I thr Paifc?m is t uor.tlly the e*>?y
on ell gn At pi.b!:C oei.as.onnei c sttiddtxl with
the mi re ymitUl .. a Um re vt the (jci eral, or C< .iu? 1
en it r'-.-^tn nj .e proper ou t'.m o, c ion t.) oallhlm1
Ai d not only !n?-ro youth?. 1 Jt 11 ;'wd1j number or ?i |j
CT- em ncn f'i.<nd a temporai-y ah piac! )n the
branches of CM mini' roiM 'roe-* of ihn louallty?cool, re ,
f.e ling an 1 i.mhrag.jjflr at thei-am tiuK. luo unstil*
mcm*e\hiblti.'u of patriotism wh< h grimted thi return
ing officer fr- .n fxll-' aed ?n(Tero g ttii' truly woi.dorlul'
Btid t la very l'tt!a to thnt tt donoto the wa>-m sllhc'
'i-io of I ho Iri#h lieart. f.vary *tre<?t, bna an I alley was
crstnmed with pe pie, tha treoe wero borne down with s
'ivin , ? ight.tli) Ism,poala wore( tlemjorlsoo lotominia.
tore eiinm ator "h, the eid<-e -tike were reudurod Impi.^aa
1 d.x ny toa r.rca'dg of ^ ?, tl<? hoii. otop-. and Ita1: irloa
ul ihu . '.'1 vl ' " - is**4 lit the rusdiil'i ora?enfed
a mint animated scene. Hauliers and II 14a fl ntod every
where, and ili? sw et struma of musk) re oanded .rum
a hu' ilrwu bands. liirnuni's Mu<e>:nti w '? a> tbiolc with
peopto avaluve with boon. Ai r as the etront f routing
UruuJw ay lis hidnu |;iihi<>ii-0 bunutr, Willi tU?
inn, ''Jfekx tie Corcoran"; a d thi.-, with i>is e*oollnt
ban 1 if mn to,Iff t aa Iimno crowd all day around li.s
d vT#. "l'b? balcoiuoa of bn boui.? woi0 a. 0 imui uaely
CI?? do I.
T.ie arrival of Ooc ral Corcoran at the a' k w is Iviilid
by 1! a iui. t up. an uu oxciiumiuit, Such n ovutloo ?<?
lie li. re tnv with has ? Idotu fallen to Hie lot of auy dm
tm^u .-I ctiMu <>r patriot, 'IIa* procession if earnoil
and socletus was onoriuously Inn;;, /II the Mew Yoik
militia regim tits, accompanied (ty tli<i Die omptnios nod
' tli <r scleot 01 ganic .tioiw in Iba city, took part in tlie
demons rati in. Tlio line of much from tbo bi'tn y
11 tUo lark wa* crowded with jwiople of all eluded.
Fhey so LAieJ tlio street < Unit on man) occasions lite pro
b Bbion bad to halt for the clearance of the way. Tim
cavalry, however, dm great servi 0 in litis respect, l> r
riding in advanco, thoy prejed a pa ?a^u through (lie
immense mas eg and oponed a way for the carriage* aud
ro<linen who cams bctiiod
The iicoiie at the Park iuelf oaonet be described Tk*
I'rimetise a&a in binge w a wi d wilb Joy, As the Gene
r.il'g carriage approarho.1 a loud cominu 'lion of (bouts
arose, which, without the iiiTOcat.cn: of post. y, tr.:j;bt be
fairly said to have reut the sky. i tie applause wan, in
'act, tromendeus. Uttr roporte- can te tiry that lb.1 rush
sinnn? the crow* was per ectly awful. At one time
m:ru? d of people, several hundred in number,came down
ttu avalanche upon the front racks of the looker* on
Che effect was laughable, ludicrous, and yet disgraceful
W\>uton were drlv n forward with railroad speed, and the
itrongMt man could not keep his foothold, while the
wliel# surging ma>? went prissinp onward, and yet thero
were very few or those who had the opportunity of seeing
the Corcoran. Tho Immensity of the crowd Itself pre
can tod tho accomplishment of the viows of thoae who
ware tliere to see the General. legated In an open ba
fouche, and surrounded by an overwhelming crowd, he
sould ouly be seen by those who were nearest to him.
rhosc wbo had known the General boVore, however,
ioon distinguished him among the Irnm nse assemblage f
tnd wherever ho was seen such tremendous cheering fol
lowed as we liavo seldom heard, ilio wb'ie line of march
was covered, so to speak, w ilh national ll.ige; and at many
[daces on the route, ereu on tho hot}?6topa thembolves.
iho boomiug of cannon gave additional life to the prora
The military part of the reception v. exceedingly flue'
mid moved in tbe following order ae (hoy |?asod in I runt
of the City Hal'
FiKBT mvBiOv,
Commanded by Col. I'oetley, Third HtiBsars, Aelinr
(.'en# a I.
I irst regiment Cavalry , Col. Walter \V. Price.
Third regiment Hussar?. und?sr Banlar Cia.it tin liurlce.
F.ljvenih re riment NT?w Vo.k Volunteers. Ool. Win. Allen.
Fifth rrglment National Guard, Col. J. W. Ma^jn.
l*hwnix Urigndu, <'apt P. Leonard.
Commissioned oineers or the First Oivision and Volunteers
o(T di;ty.
8ixt> ninth regiment, right win<, column comps.dns.
6EKERAI1 COROUKAM, sealed i* a carriage 'vith his
Honor tiie Mayor.
Chairmau or Committee on National Allairs.
Chairman of Committee ou Ri eption, in open baronche.
Sixty-ninth regimeut, left wing, column companies
Returned prltionerB.
Common Council, in carriages,
I'recedrd by thal'orKeaat-at-Arins.
Delegations frum Common C.innril of Philadelphia and
other cities, In carriages.
Heads of Deiwrimeets of the city government.
Hoard f4 Sujiervisoi's. ?
Board of Sr.linol Oflicers o" tiie KonrteeutLi ward.
Kow York Fire Department, la full uniform, without ap
paratus, u'irter direction of
J<ihn Doiier, Ks^., Chic.' Kaglneer, Acting Aid.
wt'wn rjv?i?)ir,
Provost Me.rshal Ke'.ir.edy, Marshal.
Confuting or tho lv D urable the Common Council or the
City or Now York, l'h.l ul'phi., aud oth*r eiilec ?.ld
quests of tbe city of New Voile. 1 lfl
thir:, div.i.iok,
? John l>?ckpr, Marshal,
CrtWiit OK or tlxiHro HAimrtmr-nt, tinned out bevond ex.
lactation.,. ci>ns|.|eri(i th, slu-rt noiice (l.syh^d
?o<;*r<: orvaioji?rmo bwiu h h.
T i;V'h ^ 'ft -tiw.-s, under i*ie r'rand mar
or Mr. Jaf|.'s Panrit'ord, a'ded by VI ?r< ivi.nr
Haipj" :ita Jaiix-? White jw-a.m in rhe f<.||?wingoide- ?.
f I n. *, i.,t> , M?r >,al -ru' ^afvaT
vltwm't ,.V I' K';i< y ";,r#b Dw*or
ul " J,13.1! ? . *S 'Ck>,'r' M" -Bliul K. I,. r:., C)
titer Matthew Sociotv. 11 ffcooklyn
. Martial Hugh Met 'ubo. '
bi'iry Upr.erolri.t-tVTK'tv,
0f "J'1 "" "s' N Y ? M?r h'.l John Tucker
fhoniaa trancu; M?* Club, Uurxh.il IMward imTr
Hioeintat. Ua^vo.w,, s-ci-iy. Marshal M .?fcu ?.w?,tfeo
HI ? 'til.'?ii t. K. Society, Marshal >Ti- h.iel imi'v
a'Mv^"t Society Ifnjte.j Sw, ?f Erin, Marshal .I. Ditlty.
And a.. otlier ^ ci.>ti?h din ing to participate
Oitt&tnt on horseback mm in carriage*
Edward c. Maloy. Marshal,
0oo*latiug of cltiwtai on horseback and in carriage.
Id tliif or<ior the prowviiou adnwcod through the Hew*
on . foil, wed by the - lien, ami appbuao of the immune
Scours* or |*oPlo. a* the carriage* rolled cu in rarid
succession luaoy crte- of aUVctivn roae rrom the orowd
One groat anlT.-rral se.uim.at pi-OTalled?"Oor^rac hai
dooo his duty. B?- the lord, man, If you ,?aat wgeri!
cnil on t^,"Ha.d two or three men; and w* think that
they won't 1>? silovred to grow old before the flrnrr,l
wil! bo after theni?tua? is, if b*c?r. flad the n. 'There'a
the Uenerai at last," said aLOthcr eLthu-ias-io
fellow; "but don't he I** a'l the better for
hi* imprisonment with the reWaf" Ann the
truth' is eo. Tht CJenoral has. ap;*irenHy, been
greatly Improved. Rehaaatood hi* imorieonment well
md hard rare liar not had th^nfTo: of daatroyiag blh
c:< BS'.t'itioo. At least this is fljp oplalnn oi'all who h? ve
fceen him, eapeclally o.' tlx people ,!khi1 (h, , ,<gi.)n of ^
Park; and tborocan scarccly be a debt Ummkw*
th* Oensral j:ers into ihe w 'ririn* m-jrd thero i?m be
tlitrjf auil* of sl"Ui henrts and ?: in% to jolr. Ms n:"n bri
?:ade,H fl;;ht for the Tnioa in.l the ilkertias ?r Americ^t
To the proec*s!or. np i'roadw. y ?!,e "gr.n* 0f niHerma*'
wara ranch lookod njion. They nrore a carriage and four
borate, au<l dhpbycd j?d iiattKitM Qag which borj the
rillovfie,-; lnteriptio?ir?
i nn no rH j-.rr.'iafi IMOu . I
> *'l* BltlfWI I LAO. s
,4 (Jj
On'On -liiayVuJ; >?8treoi cho"i?. nsof H!??n.ia" wait
chea'ed ttx who!? wnr frOTu that to the Aator Hoil?* rM
oti to i be < ity Hal! I'ark euKtwa. Tiwy were a f.r.a Ir ok
itig body of teen.
Al the corner or Broadway And Kc!t?t? struct a g.-<en
fag of Iruw.'uae liae was Bung t.. the br-e-e, ,* wi i^h
a beauttful tepr?Kiflutnt,ion W the Irish harp.
u?*icjw? j in vv HCMAXirv?th?: ruocy+smn
l.vo THF HQl' kWi ~~ISUEAt KNTOrSJA-* OF -UK
Notwithstanding lh* *?iik-h fni*t ?p
,bt Unv,r J*'rtlC1"* or the ??ry, Union square and Ita
immnjiatc rteiuity were ma^wvt r+ repletion with
tboiiimodh Of citi. et:s of fcoih The ^Lare itaelf
waa one r 1,4 *?). Jan? o( pe..|Je .ad Ni. ro wa> ?o bope
fT U.? h .rrJei pefe'ilria? to get a | vri|? w,,y wiibin
tha epa? tor at it.aat an 6o,ir. Tha windows, stoo,*.
U^>et..iv.pi:.y?M, aj t . even Uterery lamp had
th?.r rail <|iiofa orp.?riM>nf,*h,il?u1etr<1poll* iu ih* wori?
COjM ?*?)!bii *o rarptfUbie and orderly a ina^ of pao^le
Tr.m. two o'tft.Kk (the time at wh?rb tkc fiararal wae Vx
r^ta-tto arrire it; Jwm-y City) lUc cn,?d ooiemaMatf
rc g"h?? in the sialoity, and at tkrev o'vlocfc evrry
a*?ik0)lp spr.i from wliiati a r.a* r>( the dtsiiBgi.ti-h^t aoi
diar cru!d be had waa (**,.pted ?? its ntiuoat r?r^.? v.
rhe ??"tn" fM-kight seeing was w. less great on U,
ri't of the crowd tua bM been . shibiled upoh fori.?er
"" "wfc'Bf, ei'isidng, ?armii.g, ud Uio
o'brr epnconilianta pe?i-ii?r to tlw a^ut tf ,.ra<#
wera r?ua tbmngh with in rogniar fnei^rsrlattJ
style. It was aol a little annming to mw Uie
attaiopta aud aubtariuge? which were resorted to
>< oi rtor to obtain au eligible ka?Uty from whlsh
t..iiiil bo had a view of ihe ?,eoer4. as his carriage mored
<>n with tha praarssiwi The iiujor aiept o( .toniw cf
oowrso, w. re at a high premi jh , md the i?wor ou**
rai g. d according to their raok. riasTaa acd reoond story
windows, hawever, wera tUa gr?at<*t urtickia of tusmy
whitbc uld poaaibly he thought i4 at the moiuout and
ih.m. who wera Ir, possession of thera waia leokea Ujx,n
with at> eye soiiHtwbai akhi to d?ap ?i,Vy. rh'- pr .
prietort of lump pouts, *L., stood upon tlm orotrndina
iedgea of the same.gnzed down with triumph,tnl tHag,?
i.pooiha unfoi tanate* wh', wert cai,?|Hiiod to porspire
laud articulate r mothered compioirou, up to ti.e Uine of
j the arrival of tha process?. Hn?, nomkm,
| c. -i-!y did all hold on to their portion Kogsioolri e., r
g /'.'d Ipon Ins !svt dcHar with such osriilt* left,i-r; e
at did the pro, rislorao; ihe^e lamp pvis while waiting ii.
r,^t' h a sight bf General Corcoran, the p >sll|..n w.v dc
CldciJly not s very d mfort ihie o?r; b?t still the nnximt
c-ir?,ntty or all, ed .way any ree ii g or f; tigne whu h
rnijbtolhorwi^o' ciir. Tha diflhreot hoi, ?? .,nd r.,t,;lu
p! ran In the ? ;ri ly wore d> -oriicrl wit'i ?,?( )0
soriptlnoa or walootne. Tim groen Ua%* ami tho Star
Spangled Itannrr raved t.yathoi ,u tendei and patriotic
a cord, and, u? they flutierad u, braven'a hr etc, ,De
i c -ild not helpcxprertmgihehopa that the two ?>?B.
I triCH almh It* SO UBitgi in ^)nit oi libtfrtl f;elir,j
?ml ..bh'X'iMuonf iMtiftii vet be mure atead
I laMly uulied under the broad folds or u common repubno. '
TImi miugdug uT iboMt colore ?n they ueie Hung out to Uie
biecze w.ik Ut? occasion of to.,u? nuibuist* of eu
Ih '8i i in from the en >vd alio gi./.ed upon tlinii.
"i btUi'g- ?? >o poured u|mi|i the tmad of li.m ui>u reiu u
Inn liuiu captivity, wliu, born und -r 0110 flag, was u ' ig
nil the energies of liis life, perilling th.it life, even
to th - very j;i?vs ol ihe cmuon's mouth, to uphold the
bo.ior ulid uiL-u'htd fume oi' tin other. A full lenjjib
likei o a if Gt?iurul Corcoran v.-iia alfo hung froiu one i
< f the wliuioisu; but. tin ugh not rettomMing in 4 vary
'euut kabk- d g:eu the uju u^ruuee of tlia cioldiar, yut !
I oi ih sc win' Liu ii' t tuoii him t. ? us vorod tbo santo i
jhii )ioso us if tho oi i^inal picture ?a bet -re thfcm A |
|Hii,e knot of pewiaa s?<>od look's up at this picture,
a ii excuuoatioei of "God bl RS you, Colouoll" "Jar. t be
the Que looking soldierr" were tfui'-o ir <{iioul .-our. en
thusiastic lliberniau would ooctsioiiullr give vuni to
seme knowing oxpression, such aa "Didu't I know
' Miku would give tiieui so,Hhe a divlia lit?, and sure they
couldn't do without our Irish General at all, at all,'' iio.
However the Ckueral'n appear tnce ws canvassoi
on paper, his reil appearance, when the procession
arrived at Union square, wus the occasion
of an outburst of enthusiasm which le seldom
wiinesAed upon suoh occasions. Ti'O very air was rent
with oheers, and the people seemed to vie with ene an
other in order to sue who would about the loudoet
Cheers were given lir?t lor Michael Corcoran, noxt for Co"
I mei Corcoran, and lastly '.or Brigadier General Corcoran'
This was no doubt done by tbo pioplo in (>rder to ahew
the appreciation in which they held bim aa e citiaen, a
oolonel and a general. Thev had all seen him In those
respective capacities, and the manliness of hta course, as
well as the noble patriotism of his deeds, strongly dm.
tated these appropriate editions of esteem. General Cor
coran eat Ih his carriage with modest mien, and, with
head uncovered, simply bowed hi- acknowledgments t
tlk-Ke manifestations of popular regard. It was ncar
seven o'clock when the procession reached the square,
but there was quite sufficient light to distinguish ail the
objocts pa.Hsh.g. A tremendous rush was inside by tho
crowd in order to press the h.rdf of the Colonel, but they
were kept back by tbe creditable urranymerits made by
tbo mitliorlt ies lor tbe occasion.
Tbo scene at the square ns the procession pasnl wa
certainly ai: enlivening and pai'lotie oue In the oitri meg
The ovouing was calm and cool, the sun Ju t.
sinking in the West, the long Hue of Bold lairs?
in their glittering uniforms, the llreir.en in ful
dr*w, the dashing crcas of tbe ZouTrct t iking
part in the pr?session, the enlivening Irish and Ami'
rionn airs played by the baud"?rill m:tde tip a display
of genuine feeling and exciting beaut) which can rarely
be witnessed. White handkerchiefs, in fair hnuds
waved in thousands from t'.io balconies anil win'
dowh; bright urn ilea and bright eyes thing down their
tender enthusiasm upon tho returned soldier. and it must
have bi'en a sight, which made glad his patriotic heart.
It surely has made up, to a great extent, for tho months
of suffering which he has enilnred in a Southern prison,
(.'en"ral Corcoran, whil? parsing through tho square
and, indeed, through almost I he eutire rmito, stood up in
the carriage by the side of Mayor Opdyko. On tl.e route
down to the St. Nicholas Hotel tbo shades of darknesi
wore fast failing., but the crowd QUI not decrease, overy
one remained until the Inst moment. Until tho General'd
t.ill form was seen disappearing in the distance, he wa?
followed by the cheers and affectionate acclamations cr
thoimands of persons whom his carriage slowly had
Unas near suinset wlien tho head of the procession
came in sight of the St. Nicholas Hotel, where apartments
had been prepared for G6iier.il Corcoran. The sun bnd
gone down nearly two hours before the la-!t of the olvio
societies mart bed past. The demons* rat Ion, at this iioint
was, inrhupg, more remarkablo than anywhere else
From below flr.itid st'^et to far ab"re the Metropolitan
bote!, the entire breadth or tbo street ami the ?'Ide walks
was packed with men, women aud children, und It was
quite ru- m.:ch as could l>e done by a strong police* force,
not over nice (It her in its treatment of the g .od burgher*
and the'.r wives and dat:;:htors, to ina!;-.- a clear space for
the procession. They seomed to be testing the problem >>r
yti. oomiireeslbllUy ot' human oat'ire, and the reunita
were artonisblng. It was a m^st ~iod rtatured. long
suffering. enthttthstto crowd, and all the uttering,and
pushing, and hard wage to wiiich it was mtUur unneoos
aarfly subjected did not change it?i rollicking good
All the windows and balconies of the Hotel and the
neighboring houses were crowded with htdie~ and chil
dren. who waved their handkerchief^ and indulged in
similar demonstrations of welcome as the carriage con
taining General Corcoran drove up to Ui* principal doer or
the St. Nicholas, while from fifty thousand throats rose
up one conliiraOM shout ol" applause. All the way up
the Ktairease and corridor similar greetings showed how
heartfelt was the popular outburst of aftbotHi.
The (jencrM wr escorted to his remf by Mayor Op.
dyke of tliIt city at:d Mayor Botnar of Jersey City, and
was: soen surrounded in tlir reception room by utilitary
ofPcers and citlatens of K?? York. The celebrated Father
Mooney was ainerg thotio who paid their r-gpect". Sere
rat lad lee, who hud managed to >r<t fast the pdiee 5?..ti
neU iu the oorridor, presented thcmselrvt, b'liipin;.- pre
gents of flower*. Three of the .le.'^ey City Aldermen?
Steers. Hardenburg, McMde and (Jaflney?wwe also
of the party.
AC'er some time speu it Introductions, (lie r?en?r.i!
wna oondooled iuto tbo atfoinMtc rcorn, whero ?v eie^iit
dinner had been piepared.
All this time the immense gathering iti from of the ho
lei grew larger and larger, anl when tiie last of the pro
cevaion had pti?sed, the crowd tc>ek full pervasion of the
street, sad ain i?e' itself for hours in Khr?ti?ing testily foi I
(i'ener?i Corcoran.
It varied this employment ef cheering and laa^hin^, I
? u<i plaj iwtj pract cul joke?,and once, it aeteally toolt In
singing that spirit slime? war c*jor s "March-eg along.'' 1
At la?t pati"nce, iC not rirtue, w:is rewarded by a mere,
rrunttu ibe bnl'-ony, which told as plainly as nivb tb.rgs
cant tell, H'M the ins* wbenn nil drtired 10 see and to nenr
wis apoiU to grattly their wish lu thai respect.
Ma. cr Oi'itvsa tear the Pt?1 to add oS" the vast as* ta?
hl.ige. Ho limp!/ stated, that ata.ongb (!< l?-bI Corcoran
was very much m; igtiwt, ha *iir abant tc app>vir boP>re
the a i u? thank them fee iiwtnU.as.wtk r. eujittoii tliey
had g'vso luir.
Then, as the <;ene"-al - am? forward, the e.hecr.ig
became iuMderi?.i<! wilder, but st hist it lulled saffltluMIy
to ali<>ta hln voice to be heajd, though net rnry dtst.fftly.
He Bald:?
Mt Kob> TvAum times*?u :s ?u?p"sv,jV for to
Had *?> ?'? :o exyievs ti'jf my de- p of the magniii.
evnl Walton wh ?'h you have gtrei- :'av?unt to uie?
but to ?tii( principle wh'th I suppo?"1 to r ?r*>*on'
(?oks??"ves, yes: iu yourweJf.") 1U?: rix batidred
tUna*Mvl Toleee ili.it cliei rod a* I ;'???? <?.?) muog l" day
? ori- 'tip rtsfueMimi of Uie drrot'ine?r husdrod
si .d b??ort? <o tt??wMO< 5 aad to the (Cbe<*is.)
i thank y>'-< ?gt.li for having ^*t).'rv' fiort! to nigitt t?i
5'.?- my voice. Mv ut,?t i-i,f.? '?( tu" jwsi *ear im
a little b.tter; but I hojie It Will **1 lni>? beeu Without
itrfntli*. In 'lii?lb?- time tlmt iu) were ttel 1
l~atf.fi t>sineth'ng 1 bav? been nm.'Ug fbe ponpiu o ti?^
ivntb tuiil . Uavo Jearueil ?>| theur,
a?t! t can *?ti?e you that ihr amv*8tjig of tin
croat artny has riit been n Bfrnnlentwis or vn
ltmury ntoTement, but It tbo re-ttfi of tbe
K'rtnaM Uui'l of niilitary ileei^tum, the oj ,,-ko+t, ?',t*t
acd MNM thai tlie werid hue ?\ei wituersec, llio
.^ow'hent h"<o now put forth all ihetr |?.>wsr th?y
aiiitothf field tbe olu Mid tbo yonug, iiiehnlt
and the i.ltnd?(laugbterj?sod il.r?ttfu tiiat Ui<-y are
(0?nn.< ?"iih*iad. (HirS "end oxpressf-us of dnrisien )
j wv* gratified the v?sry brst d.-?y ( catne to H'arhfrigtcn
to o.ivo to address a ri ,:iin- ut "t uon rcJ'inteers, wbv
bait some on in r*aj> use to tbe I'reKxlent's ca!l tor ffwtps,
ami ih I osmc along iiero I was *.r.<tifte'l to tln.i .ill the
eltiei" towns ?nd \ii!#f.es letidinp fbrth Uvir young men
to tiifht for ttis i?at..?(ni integrity?(cheerser.d l Immio
to so< Hull this frehli oui|?>'i'uni oi trO"ps will La\ -< the
<rfl?i t of erusbitiK out s|<ee?illy ttiis !ttv>n.irwb'o rebelliou. I
(theirs.) In lie ciltes tbro'igh wlnrh 1 h ivo passed 1
ba?n been honored Miiib poisilsr d>;uioustratloiis but
I hue lefct the petmle thii I reccirod tueiu as a
jujilir. -errant win- nud tie rijib' to dispepe of hims?'lf or
of his t'tne, but who had to irttyect Ivjth roliis duty, and
so i l.S'i to nik)w mjrfoit to be persecuted by wy triemls.
(Ijtugbter and i-Jii-ers. A veiee ~" Three chmrs ftrr the
itl^ii lirigadc ) Tln.t is all ve j well, 1 like to t???r
vou jiiv-?j tiiat abeur; butlshmid rathei i??er you giro
ch"en fot tin brigades of ttis titiWn. (Thetm) l >to
not coSM liete fur th<' purpost Uen 03 nig tutssif or mei.
pig w?iit gain. The m:k ( now hnye toe !ionor to hold
was confer I t,p >n nus w Kxiji ask ug, and without auy
i*md tt<r. iwieter (t^ree nhecrs fnrtlnneral Coreoran.;
I o?m?' h. . '<* to fun am smo< gyou. bat I oome^n duty
1 am nets I ecaun I ivtenU?ii tli* Freaidoat sml .-'ecr#
tary >i ^>ar to time nod raise new. tcxpn,
Ik i erint. ?s J do. that theti) mt tnsnj pen
be n wito wbl Ooam nail li^bt with Mi ?
II ] (ittly Wanted a lt*..d' for my own < imm.ind T
would have stow* 1 at Philadelphia, wb^re I could h:ivo
gut vy n enough i""r that ^nrj?>se. I lia i tin* offer of iojr
regliMtits in tiio fiiy <if VbilsdjlpMi, but f cmil l anly
r,to a protnlee to feceies eue. (TV e cheers for Chda
dflphi i.) It 's the Umpire eily where a'l my adtnuioos
?nd iiiieier-?-? lie It v h?re Where I first, iantudroy ft?>t
on the AtMtlean soli. I landed here with, u a single
?I- Uar in hiy l?e krt. and ?Itiiotit knowtTig a trlend !,?>?
flaugbter.) Tmi ?re Ihsrsfo o doing iKm >r lo^lay t-* a
ill in wh 1 baa i.eth ?>* t > h--.v I <-r. etcopt devoli ut to th. I
1| ., (A voiiie?^"Mick te it " and rimers ; i n'"|p'i
tint, to the |?">pt<' "f lien Yutk ef Wits is their d ky,
Tt't' r.ty has done 'ts du y nobly and nitr..' iMlly. i
wish lo(tod that all | <r ttf tl.e wunti/* t d ? .??!',
huu iiio ^ai eo4i<i havvi hvou Ittii a t&tn.Ui 141)
Bui If* re not wnu to nom. ^8 1w1,h1r,ty ,*J,5
county, State wiUi Stote, im. ,v'< u** wl'u iu(1,k',tl *??,rt *
w th (?irinaa or Qti mau h*v 1 AttitrioaJi. Let
_ aii -<t that i *.?; i. "i iu \>io can U?? Irish pe pie,
t . mu "if. and su* tm ihe got art moat ?* 1 C4":n\'T*
( ii eers.) 1 todtt'.in iit itui a) ? ? tuai [ \ coining
b k h 're tu i aise in?u '3 and 1 H-iiil tb it ull the ttrisuree
0 I'm k ?ai riij liul befi >ro me wn ild nut te nt ,n0.??
r in .III ll?n tin (..Hi Q hi Of was OIIJ. (W ill ^V'vr"'l
Jr.. Ii to ee this ware aid let for the c r,*Mt t m, 1'?
firltid e unauo'i it tlie Ualo:i under the c nnKirtKV''
1 itn m favor of reel ji ttus President extreme hi. *..!??#?
1 y , which believe he will do wlih p.wjsi' disci iiktu
b'-iaveu if l>o tl'XM nnlte n little ton froe with the o > uti.
t ticu'.vc iicc<l ii tq irrcl about that, but wni tj.l t.ha
w?r isoveraud then in a natch u ton ii or ma'.e, a n.-w
o><- jut-1 or we fi e tit. (laughter and uheo.fc > l horo
?r< other ! pntlenu n ftuxioea to add ass you, and. ?? I have
already inula some i>rty apeechs ..n tJuo ?v? lot me
agiui lUii.lc you and ?ay ?' good li ght."
Central Corcoran rolirod ami I wild cheering.
The Hon. W. Fir, M. 0., was next introduced to and ad
dressed the audience, lie spok'of having been a follow
prisoner of General Ooroorau's, uij 1 complioaonted has
O i ilia extreme modes'.y. He con trailed the abominable
teumcnt of Unmn pti-oners at the South with thai
which lobolprleoaars liceivod hire. iio nude a whorl
bat pleasant ppeech,
Mr. Wm. Ei. Kohiku>9 was next Introduced, abd mode ?
atroog anti-Kugllsh si>eech, ridiculing those who paitiei'
paled In giving a reception to the Prinoo of Walea, whose
b > described as the aciou of a race which had Dover had
moro braina than a calf. But there was one poor, tuna
ble and honest citizen of tba Fourtoontb ward, a da
aoar.daut of tho Earl of Lucan?not the preeent family
but Sur afield?who rel'uacd to allow the American people
to make fools of themsnlvM. That man was Colonel
Ml ihaol Corcor.ia. (Cheers.) That war. a victory groator
than Kail run. General Corcoran, he said,bad to ralsa a
brigade within five days. He oould do It in three. The
old i'lxty ninth wore coining back and would join Ma
brigade; Philadelphia win to give him another regime*!,
and now New Vor:. had better look sharp. Ho was now
a Brlgndier General, but would soon hare t wo mars on
his shoulder slraph. ICn*!and was n >t going to interfara
with this war, for tlie.-e were now 6(> (uO fonlane ia
Ireland, and the Irish hall" of h >r army would not flghs
nguitial America.
Tike liRir Dr. t'Uxrlca K. Ilnhry, of tit*
Koitltth York Volunttoni?Itraola*
ttons of Con '??!? nee.
Hr. Charles E. Hal y. of the Forlloth ragmiont Naw
V'o'k Volunteers, who nieJ in Baltimore on the Soth of
July last, wu* a young man universally respected ami
beloved not only by his rugimeut, bat by all \tlu knaw
bim. The following rc^Jiitious, unaniuunisly p;i- ;odby
tliO o.licert! of the ragint' nl immudiatoiy aftar hi<) death,
will frhow tho astimation iu which this gallant ofTioor waa
Where.'!*, we hav n lai^nad of the death of Charles E.
Halsey, Avlat-int Hursixi i of lb!.-, rog'niont, wiiir.b 00
citrrcl at ih<? Union li?ap|tal In raltiraoia, oa Thursday,
the 30th uit., be it Ihorefnio rc?0i\e(*>,
1. That wr will ever retain the bigiust rospcut for tho
mamory of Charles K. Italsey, on aroooiit of both his pro
fessional and |ieis</H.'(l worth, fhtrliig th'.1 I >ng poriod In
which he wa*.associated with us he oui> yml tba warm
frl' i dsbio of hi.s fellow or.icera a;id the slticare refcpeotlif
tho ontlre regiment. Ilia kind ati"i g<r tleuia .1/ do|>ort
merii accnreil (he aHeetiop'' of all, irnd Lia superior pro
fs.-s|oniit skill inspired universal conl.dcncc. While ha
trial always 0 >ii80ienli0aFly atlon'ive to bi- duties, Ma
zealous l.ihorb during and after I hi battles of Williamsburg
and Fair Oaks exrib'd universal admiration. K-peciallf
iu connection with (he lal'or tr'ifi his devotion to Lis pro
fesalonal dutisapoculiarly raanlfc.vt. Tbo^armou? t>?rvioo
h<< pcrformad or, that oceas4"u, no doubt,contribato'l to
tiring on the di.-e:ri? wtveh has prored fatal. Mo his
fallen a martyr to duty, and hi - nictn ry ia entitled to
tli3 game re-f eot as tho :gh he had died ou tho battle
floid. An appropriate inscription on his tomb would bo,
"he eacriUceu hit life to his profession and his country"
2. Wc desiro to express our heartfelt sympathy with
bis family ? nd frl-nds, aud to assure them that wc fool
the lotr, o< our cllnp.iDiiMi and fellow olliccr us a pe.?st?al
ffl'.act ion.
Ttiat a ropy of tho above bo forwarded to bis family,
sad al-'o fyrnithed for publication In the Nv.w Yoax
Hkhai.ti and in tho pa o:s of Kinys aod Sufi' Ik e.omt'.ea,
New York. Colonel l'HOMAS \V. KUAN, Chairutaa,
Captain I1KKRY H. FOaTEIt.
Ctisplain W. n. Ct'smMf Secretary.
In aJ lilion to tho ::bova rosolulion^, the r< latlvee of Dr.
Hats?} re.vh ed a lettor from the (liaplnlti of the regt
uifitit, the l!ev. W. H. Cilder, iu which he etslcd that Ix.
H.ilfoy had no? an e%'tny i i tho retimont, and nevor bad
ona; that It? was nnivarssllv respected nnd l?;k>vod,an<
ihal his death ha I ttoown a (floou over too entire rauny.
l?r. Ixivtcr, of ibo saioe irg'uieat, did everything for hlaa
that lie could dyet, wo are sorry to say, withjut avalL
Trrriblf IietrfOmlioii for Ihe Murder of
Grit mi I AlrCook,
TSieoorre^ixjodeat of tlie Bo*ton IravMtr oonnoeted
with the division <f General McCook,at liattle Creok*
Tcnn fifeo, furul'hes tho following authentic accounts?
the ten ibte retribotiou upon the itili-ibitatii* living unr
the f?ct.:e of the mirder, by tho Oklo Ninth:?
The N.nth Ohio in a German rogiinont, ar.il wu raised
bv Bi ig wlicr General WiUick, now Gottiuaodiug ceneral
Johnron's brigade, ta oar division. This regiment were
wholly devoted to General Mcl'ook, tbey loved him witll
all the ardor of the ivot m.tn foul. and only waiiedaa
opportunity to atteet the'.r fidelity by the most hoeoie
daring. To enrage such men is to insure a terrible vsa
And Mil' thoy carried O'lt upon the inhabitants of the
coumtry a'-eu:;d the scene of lhi<" o.)H?hlooded murder.
The next morning tho entire raiment, smarting under
the low of tbeir eoMecoiuMHider.snd their rage inten
i?lfi"d by minting their pact ion during the pruvlvus night,
proc?*dcd to srnur ihe country.
Kverv dti/ea tliey found they shot or hung; every
house they passed, ubIoss positive proof wan given of
their Union sentiment, wanburned t'< the ground, with
Hi'**- oouients, while the wotneu and children wire com -
p ioU to kj id t?y ?nd ee-; it b ::n.
In tbfe way ;oiri? get eniv live eitl/"n.? wereynade te
pay tin vindictive penalty foe tlila guerilla ?lt?ok. ;.Bd,
undoubtedly, ro:ui> of thorn received a merited duth,
but sons, nlM,It is feared, soft'rod wroagfully the iear
ful punishment. >'?m# Ixty biases were burued aiao.
It is not mv nti'ire t<> in. lify such proceeding*. But M
can but tearh the |teople of test**-.* o that q thl? war
there cai be but t *'<> sides. Thuy uoat either bo for G >d
or for the devlt?for ttie Cnleu or P-r I re as to Titare M
BO stand-bet woen. Thwe who seek t > occupy tluit. put
ting will Invai lab!y rue tho neutrally they have inaia
The Guerilla Qnantril'n Order*.
[From tl'.c I/amvnrtli Conservative, August ic,i.
The following ji.i| ?r mm found u?.ir I*jxing:.n, Wia
Kitirl,'',v Wtiii.tto M. I'll.'.f this city. It s.tfl
cieaUy explains why so many Union int.a bare lately
been u'f i -fdnati'd in the vicinity of LeMng'on, Irdepen
tionco and Wi-'tjiort. Tho rebel Sooroun y of wm recng
nlx'? fi'crlliadn*rsgidsr soldiora. l et hiuv coaapnre the
erdoisof his foMkfre, Up. Mays, with those "f Goa. Pope,
wh eh y*> recently ssciiad his ire, and bo will ilnd that
retaliation Is u ,,<tuxt '.hat wo :oo tan [ lay at
oaoirt ??<>, I.
Wti?r?ae, Ibo Tulted siate* gosoiimicnt hac onlered ??
inr.l" citirt-u*, between Tit > ?*??? of r.ijth.oen .tad forty Ave
v?a?^. to t--ti>e tip arm* to ndnfeMb the lately ilf.eated
fett' Ml trnot? let ro Hl titn' ud ,
TVe proclVm to all p?in t? wieltisg "> wapc this drofl
iUU? tho foJwraJ ?n?ty. ?o t r.me to any of the asm;-* new
In thr bnw li. where tbty wi.l lUd ariuj uid amin tallies
n .Hi -vhicb to Ajierftto nj,,iipt-t tho ft leritl troops st overjr
lKM^tblO |TOillt.
okHKR no. 2.
jtM pormtns who m*i.W1 i? famd pome to :mr fedoral
lul itnry p<?t. who .W Htble to bodrttfi -.l Into the r?t*r*l
urmj" chiil btmliot wlero I'tkoit. Auy '"jc who in known
to have reported to any utiliwu y pt-1 tlm whercahotit-s *f
So'ttbem 10tii slisil hi! i-hut. Uf'Hi.V HAY3.
Uy oi lar ot W r.Qt Jkirrmu ,
o*t*n ><? 3.
Any one k>KJwo to h ire puid tn<>rs)r to tho fe-toral
fitveiuBKMts tr> exempt him ;'r"Tn n.'iiutry ditty i-t liable
have hi* chaHcl [ rt>t>ei'Vy taken t?*r tine nso of lbs
fVtytberi. arm\. W. C. Qtl tNTRlL,
The Nlltnntlon In Hrntscky.
[Vrt'tn the HI. Hotrncrjt. \i;gus! 20.1
Wt: rt- eived hi la t oi^ht's lutd litihtnee? letter* BHtd
nd ih Rurksvllle on Ute lttih, GL<%ow on iho l'lui nud 41
Iteny on ih>' llth. cod it- th>' writ?'.'S mnlte i?o meutiwi et
robot0 s^pesiriOK iu th^o lortiit''^ wo presttme tbor#
bare bi tii flyt t- Not 4o we ite'lctic that .???ty rebels leave
ernerod the siete at flu; t'teek tMp.or any where else,
t What they io:ty in futi r< do of <;C'.?ee wr d<>n't piot^nd
! t" e?te?^. Ajt?Ttbe beere i>ent to < eneral Morgan that
i 16,000 k?d cottt in behind hMB weito not conceive It t?
bt'eiali proticli>- leo reb<^i? hurc uevt-r iiad tnoro tbsa
] an.^K) wn *' Kvxt Ur, 'inJ a^'vit .1n/)0'int OhatUin toga,
i and to movf the fi.rr,?? from ICnosvilie o)tct>' u,> to dens
ral M .rgati tin. road to thiit |?otnt. ?nd the |Miv?Sf:*ioai of
the railr :>d line to Virgltus, will* at the itatne tune lis
can threaten fltnitt Moga on one side whl'e Um-i: attacks
it on tht "thor Tho rebel? are gn.-at ->i "taggcr^tlng
I -their nnmh'!ii?, end a'w tye !.ikrc euct..>etli'd It magnify ing
k tin ir foruos nt tuiy ?at- ivi .t le fotir or Svo times the
iruth. Wlttitjif th? 14,000 at iu wl n^ ttvnsn mttgriiftod to
100^)00; IVfcVlnri 'gi ? t.iKK) at i.tetmj Il-f.gi ua^nifi d to
:t0,?w0, and many otl ?r iustai. ti w? miglj' tu^cMota if we
U id tu>ic.
l Ho you *u rn.
I Ttie t". i?iind t Aj/pt'il tsh?l~- that Inderal fOrre* %<* k |4ts
teenHK of llayo'i Stv? <>q ttio lttb int;t., i>el*i 'g ail the
eott'tr ttid m< leasee, and quortrrlng a gariison tlteie.
HaytelFeru i> in l.ouHiiina, on the t tet b 'iik of tie Hi*
ikdNH. rt>rty ml ?* h?lo? ibo m>eitU of Bc? rlrei. It
UK?d to ho a (i )vi' Uriitiij town ami a KiiiprHng point oi Mtrge
dnantit'ce of etU'>n. St. Krencisviile, just b low, iaa
puce tf five Ittindtcd InUabitantn. It nnd T'-iyott Harm
are connected with WOf>dvitlf, MNslenlpid. twmiy sl>
titil- s north, by e railrea4. Alot.g tho tn >rgin of the river
I hero ere a Diiutber of extoootve WDuhonet it, bjilt
for *tot in* cott<'8 Wayoxi ?ora i* thirty Mt mile* . cwtto
of lie ton Rouge. The place wm osrtured tor the pirpose
of iho better watching the movements of General Hret..k>
i, .i Idgc. who at lost aceounUi was ?. i.mp* d on Aiuite
river, a email elroam wliVr.b. tak'ng Its tiso in South
wretorn MlsMlselppt, empties Into Lake Msurcpn#, a-ijois
mn Ute fontrhnrteoia.
Forkiiikrv wot to ft Kvii^ .W) at Tire Mvt T^ene,?
Ati order lue boon preiniili;.tt"d at ttio t'harloetowa so.1
other Navf Yard* of the I'nlted fletes ?bat nonohnt
oitislM vill hereafter ho employed a ( workn-, n In these
yards. This word "clll/.in" laclrsiMi not only ueu .ati
utit foreigners wbehave takenetH their Ami iii.turaii**.
tlen pap"**, and who havo al>o ewnrn trne alio ?m ? to
tin civfiniu'iit of ih) l iti; "i F ? te? Hk? rrdor acv pro
ir.vi'iiated Vr*a Rjoptrxl mi v >c^i? *?o but r.'tti apt ??
cofor?C'i a-1; fcfo. t?