Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL AND CCMKfcfiCJAL. Fkjdat, August M?6 P. M. Wall itrMt W?ars a more cheerful aspect to-day* sad people's minds seem vastly relieved. Every ?ne who has money Is trying to lend it on call) mod in many instances 9 and S% are gladly ac cepted, though 4 is still the standard rate In the street. A large aals of certificates of indebtedness haecked the price down to this morning. Mr. Chass would render a signal service to the com munity if he would make known the number of asrtifieates of indebtedness now on the market. Demand notes were quoted this morning at 107% n 108, bnt fell this afternoon to 107%. The de posits at 4 per cent in the Sub-Treasury to-day fell short of 1200,000. It requires a victory to impart activity to these deposits and to the conversion of wmrency. Bills of exchange ?re very Bull. There is, in fKt, no demand at all to speak of. Borne of tho hankers pnt their rate up this morning to 128, in consequence of the advance la gold, bnt soon lowered it to 127%- Even at the latter figure there was no business worth mentioning. Gold was run np this morning by the speculators to 116 a but at the advance more gold came out than it was convenient to carry, and the prevalence of wore cheerful news of the military situation led a general decline. At the oecond board gold was not worth more than 115% a %. The stock market took an upward turn to-day, as might have been expected after the downward plnnge of the pant two days. Humors were set ?float early in the day which produced a cheerful feeling; and speculators, hastily concluding that their fright yesterday and the day before had been premature, rushed into the market to buy the stocks which thuy had sold, lima: Central, which was done yesterday at 92, was in demand to-day at 93%; Eric preforred, which sold down to was held this afternoon at 09, and the Wcs ?rn shares in proportion. Comparing the cloning prices of the day with those of yesterday, we note ?n advance of % in United States registered sixes, K in coupons, Y% in 7.30 notes, % in Virginias, % In llisBouris, 1 iu Pacific Mail, % in Central, V# in Eric, % in Erie preferred, % in Hudson River, yH In Harlem, % in Harlem preferred, x/t iu Reading, V/% in Michigan Central, 1 in Southern old, 2 in guaranteed, 1% in Illinois Central, r/t in Galena, In Toledo, 1% in Rock Island, 1 in Burlington and Quinly. At the close of the second board there was a disposition to await further news be fore operating, and the market was oslled dull, the following being the quotations:? OS ti'B,reg,'Rl 1U0 a 101 Reading MX A 60 BBS's,cou,>81100?< a 101 - - I) 84 b. 1874. 8?'<a 89 % V 9-10 xreas n 104 a 104* Itanessee tf's 50 a 61 Virginia O'b.. SC.'ia 67ft W Carolina fl'y 80 a 67 eaouriO'a.. 47ft a 48 iflc Mall.. HO'a a 110), II Y Central. M'i a 93 (, trie .18 u a 38 * pref.... a tllsi daouKiver 49'.j a 49?^ l?X a ie;^ 40 a 41 Michigan Cen 68^ a 68'i Mlcb SofcVln 30*4 a 31 Mi SoJiN'l ,gua 02 a 03 Panama I.i8 a 1J0 Illinois Con. fl'i'j a 62,.? GaMaa k Cbi. 73 <j a 73,'i C'lera & Tol.. ton a 63 ft Chi k Rfc MI. >18 a <*U Cbl.Bnr&Qon 88 a 87 Mil WriluClit 32^ a 35ft O.i olit-uiHK 120 a 121 McliCenS'slm 109 ? 110 111 Ceii b'l?,7 a 99ft a 99', Gold 116 f; a 116 ft lorn Bar I cm pref. After the hoard Central declined Y% and Erie Michigan Sonthern old advanced %. There wax Tory tittle business <fone. The imports of dry goods for the week amounts to over two millions, against a million same week hit year and three and a half millions same week fct letiO. People will soon begin to inquire whether foreign dry goods will not hear a somewhat higher fety still. The business of tho Sub-Treasury was as follows to-day:? ?eceipls fl,777,809 00 ?Tbr ouatoBM 283,000 00 Payments su;,)?7 60 ?stance 9,169,730 68 The last Bank of England statement shows the fsllowing variations, ss compared with the previous week: Jru-rcatt. Dtfrtair. Public deposits ? 4Kber deposits ? ?1,070,109 Holes la circulation 394,386 ? Bast 01,970 ? On the other aide of the account:? ?ererntnent securities ? IS,682 Other securities ? 303,171 ? 401.606 Motes unemployed . ?? 824,203 Hattertliwaite says of American securities:? The market for American securities baa, since our but. teen sioaily, with a moderate amount of business. Tin seduction in exchange, reportori by telogroms I rem New Vera, has induced more buyiug oi? railroad bonds, tbowj ef the New York Central buing in especial demand. Vkeic ban a!fo been a good inquiry Tor Illinois Central and Atlantic aud Great W ox tern bonds, tho latter clneicg buyers at S6H, and V*ir?. s .ia stx per cent are in demand from 46 a 46,'i- Illinois nbareg have b<:eu freely dealt in from 49ft a 60ft discount, wbile in Ei te >bares tbo trans actions bare been unite >iDlmportknt. The exchanges at the Bank Clearing House thin aomiug were $23,900,871 34, and the balances ?1*788,881 19. The Lawrence, Tremont and Suffolk Manufactur ing companies, of Lowell, have each declared u semi annual dividend of four per cent to-day, pay able the 28th instant; besides wliioh each has set aside two more dividends of the same amount for aext year. The earnings by* the Chicago, Burlington and Qnixicy Railroad line (310 miles) for the second week of August were $63,491 34, against $41,161i!11 for corresponding term in 1801, showing a gain in 1862 of $12,328 12. The Wilwaukre aud Prairie da Chkn Bailroad earned the sccoud week of August:? 1M2 $12,750 61 IM1 10,601. 66 laerease $3,?ll 02 Stock Eicltan|e. I kjriiT, August 23. lt*82. 66 *bs Ilk ofCorn..'. #1 do Shoe k I. Blc i?h l.> IKjI k lloiUranOo wft 4?lWlfl-.MSS Co.. !0.? 26 do npg 109 IV) do 0|ig 100-,' 2U0 N Y Central Kit.. 921, 100 de. 9 J , 26 do slo 92 ', 100 rj"je Kit 100 37 ,' : leoo .10 37 \ 100 Krie RK pref. b?0 07 '4 260 to 07', 260 40 ?7ft 460 Huds Kiv KK.... 4S ? 100 do......WO 4?si $1000 U fl 0*t, 'M,00u 99 ?4 WOO do 99 ft M000 use's,* 100<i JlOoO U 4 O s, '81,oou 100ft glOoO do 100 'i 700 U PO's, Or wlyr 97 ** HuooO Oa 8 s.l y c.r 99>< 7uu0 Ire 7 3 10 p o u lO-fJ 8T00 U H domatid lis. loJ/i 1SOOO do 108 loOO Ubio o'k, 00.. 101 tooo 111 *nr u>au.... 97>^ 1000 OS... 57 SHOO Uisrouri O'ft.. . 47 8?,?0 4?!f 3000 M8'H,if>M&SHtR 03 2000 IVi.u ?'?, '90.. W'i tOOO NY< eti7'ec?ulN 112 StoO rif KlWnrabs 88 1WI0 Hud* "? lunibs 108 y?A> HndKlvKllonnb 90 SMM! H irlem 1 ui b?. 100 iVjO MkU So 1-1 mtg 89 KWOO do J40'K) do OT X XOoO Mich .*o n f bds 101 TWiy III Cen Bit b 's. 1K> MOM ritl,, Altfcl IllSt 92 lWOML./ll.vril 2d 90 MOO < It k N W In be 86 MOO < bfcNW nix tb S3 MO0(baNW2dint| 3014 1S0C0 tin 30 iw o 4'nl 4 Wab 2d ia 09H S900 VI k Tel s f bds 96,', If OS de 93 M'ii>0t1it?,?i 'VVlm 4S?ffl9Mtt? t\Wkt 2 n MOO do Moorua,rtw*< am *00<i? lovefcl'lltt 1 m veooiirtr't.Mai^ilia M #xuoo Anwi-icaa gold lie. <i MOt.O do ll?.^ M ?1>? n of 5 Y'.rk l?o? arcoK a woxnv. Mnoo u h e a. II cou iOl 4000 U ? I'S, 87 ren M MM Tre 7 3 10|?u.s 1<?4 400 ?m? W4t? ?00 ?lo W4* KKH UbiiiM. 94)4 MOO Ik 2J'iitg. M<Xl <? ?"/'* 6000 ? .1 Wxristm M M?*si P,> Wi <*2dM SIX 10M00 liner '?a k"1*1 H'1 *4 loosba K i.It (??.sU A'... "?'< MO do ? AO raciftc >tail fJ3?.V> 110^ too do 110 64 V 7 I ?U KH, SlO ti) ?H ??'< 1M do bl# Wl iOO do 3d 93?i t'Q Pjnt i'W *J'? ?oj d'j iw 200 Harlem UK It) IMMichCeti RR.... 08^ 3.ri0 do ??>?, 260 do 67 30 Utah s* N I UR. 860 d? 2U'i uoo do. :to' 20 fanama KK 138 200 111 f'eti KR scrip.. 01 500 (lev & 1'it RK.opg 24 600 do *i4 v4 200 . do 94*-,' Hid do o)if 24', l-jnev/olACmRK. 121 100 (ial i Chic UK... 73 96 ?ix 64 '4 0rt?2 ?I0 100 100 100 60 .*30 do. do. do. do do b30 1000 Cl?v k Tol RR .. 6ochic an irk.'3? TOO do Hn. loo 60 li>0 M 160 73!; 72 S 72'i 72* 72V 62 0?>4 B7 07 X do *80 07 do. do. ?T'i ?7H io b3o ?rj? M she U?d JUv Rli. M do 26 Harlem RR 110 do 1600 ctav * T 1 RK.. 800 do ,bM 400 r?ii*ni kr ... ;>o MiciiionRK.sao OU) du 60 40 MO d<>... do K'tO 1U> do ......MO MW $00 MHK 1 Hit... Si:^ loo iio, sio ntr*e ?So M S k N 1 ltd;:!. MH* 1oO do t JO C2T< 100 Oi4 k > bi l.K .5 100 J1 .V?. ,|R .ct.y. 110 ..#* fciilu illt. W) .1 ') a 0 C, ? s 4 It'i. ?< J 8"^ 8g :? 6?H 64 **K OS ss?, 6S? i'V VI1'V VUAJttiiCUt KKKIHT. KRidai, August 22?9 y AMB9 ?The market ml quiet Mid Arm U f6 81)<a ft 87 X for pots an* |f fur pearls. BRBAMicra.?i'tour?The ..i.tikot for Stale and Western flour mi dull *n<l heavy. The expert demand ?u Haul ted, while Am inquiry for the Lobbo trade was lifcht The ?alee footed up 12,000 bbls., closing within the range of the following quotations:? Superfine state 14 15 a I 00 intra State A 10 a 4 20 f -.HorCne Western 4 85 a 6 00 Common to choice extra Westers 6 20 a 0 30 Canadian 6 16 a 0 26 Southern mixed to good superfine 6 M a t HO ttura do 6 00 a 7 00 Good to choice family do 7 00 a 7 60 Bye flour 8 00 a 430 Corn jneal, Jersey and Brand* wine 8 60 a 8 76 - Canadian flour was Inactive, and prices favored the buyer. The sales embraced 900 bbls. at eur quotations. Southern flour was dull and drooping. The sales were 1,200 bbls., within the raago of prices qaoted above. Bye flour waa quiet at |3 26 a $4. Corn meal was Arm, but the inquiry was very moderate. Wheat was less aotive, and, with a large advance in freights and a better supply, prices foil off a little, lhe sales reached 180,000 bushels, at CI 10 r\ $1 20 for Chi cago spriug, $1 10 a $1 28 tor Milwaukee club, tl 24 a $1 25 for attiber Iowa, $1 28>i a $1 33 for winter red Wsatorn, SI S5 a $1 30 for a in bur Michigan. $1 40 a $1 43 for whlto Michigan, $1 62 a $1 67 for new white Michigan.$1 CI a $1 62 ;or new white Kentucky, fl 42 for whito Ohio, and (1 13 for inferior Racine spring. Bye was quiet and un changed. Barley Is nominal. Corn was heavy and droop ing, while the demand was moderate: tlie sales wo o 92,000 buehols at tH>. for sound old mixed Western, 66c. a 68c. for Kastcrn, 48c. a Me. for unsound, and 72c. for white Wet torn. Oats were n'.arcu and firmer, at 63c. a Otic, tor Canada, Western and .-'lute. Cottok.?The market was tinner with a fair demand. Sales or 1,000 bales at 40). u 11>io. for middling upland*. Fbeichw were decidedly Armor, with only a small amount of tonnage on tho berth lor England, ro Liver pool 60,000 bushels svho it wore taken at 14d. a lfld., 1,000 bbls. Hour at ;;s., and 2'K> do. lard oil at 40*. To <;iasi<ow 7,000 busheli) wheat at Kd. Three foreign vessels char tered for Cork are now up at rales ranging from MJ?d. a i4d , and an American brig Tor u direct port at lid. l'uovjtuoNS.?-'1 be pork niui ket w?s active and tlrm. Tbes'iT's were 0,000 "oblij. at 111 87K for mess, and at $9 a #10 lor prime. Beef was m better demand and steady, with sales of 760 bbl ?. at $10 76 a $14 for repai keJ Wost ern. and at $14 60 a $15 12 fnr extra mess. Prime mess" beet wa.- quiet, l!eel' Lams >vere d ill. Bacon was in active. Out meats were o'eady aud in fair demand. Sales 326 packages at Co. a 0}?c. for hams, . id at 3^0. a 4c. lor sho ilders. Lard 'van active unci llrmcr. frales 2,800 bbls. and tlercns at8J?o. a 9Vc. NKASCIAb. ARMY AND' NAT* PAY A NO CLAIM A* rears of l'ay, Bounty, Pensions Hud reeruittng Ex peases. JOHN B. ML'KKAY, Ar.ny and Nav>- Banker, 89 street. N. Y., oppe>itu Post odlee. ACtilST HiiLMO.Ni' A CO., BANKERS, NO. 50 WALL St., issue let'.ers of credit te travellers, available in all Saris ot the world tliroti(rt. Messrs. Rothsebdd, of Paris, 1 ou on, Frankfort, Vienna, Napiee, and tneir correspondents. (CALIFORNIA STATE AND ?AN FR\NCISCO CITY J Interest Coupons pur lias d at lowest current rates, by DUNCAN, SHERMAN A CO., Bankers, earner of P.oo aa Nassau streets. New Tork. Notice.-cuicaqo. ALrox and st. louis rail road. late Chicago and Mississippi Railroad.?Holders of the tirst and sroonu moritjujje bonds, una all tne holders of the Receiver's ei-vtifleatTs of indebtedness pi" the ?bove named rsilroad, am hereby required, pursuant to a resolu tion adopted at the bondholders' meeting of 9ih of July, 1S62, to deposit their above named documents with L. H. Steyer, Cbairinan of the Tros'nes, before the 10th day of September, 1882, at No. 25 William street, room No. f?. Attention is called to tl:e third resolution. adopted at the bondholders' meetln ? o: 23 ! of .Inly, 18ti2. aeeoruint! to which parties not eomplyinK are subject to be i emitted to their rights in the distributive share oi the proceeds of sale, an 1 all otlier and further iigl.ts which they may have, by vlilue of the agreement, to ceare. These who have not j et subscribed to the agreement, and have not paid tbeir share of advance* to the Rc-eivrr, can, in accordance w.tii the last resolution, adopted at londboH eri.' meeting of 9th of July, ItSti.'. now t>oeome parties io said avreemeut by subscribing and paying at tljjj olUee of Messrs. M. K. Jes?up A Co., No. Exoliango placc, beferc the 6th day et September, ><162. L. II. MEYER, Chairman of Trustees. Navy officers' accounts adjusted and A fl ies rs of pay rushed; *!eo Prlte Mnnev rolleeted. .."'Si! ?- Ml'KRAY, anny jmt Navy Banker, No. 3!? Nintu street, N. Y., opposite the Post office. OFFICE 0/THE PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM* pany, 88 Wall street?New York, Augur. 12, IStC ?No Uot ishereby given that the Board of Directors have this ?l?y deelareda Dividend of Are i A) per oent out of the net earnings ol Uie ps-i (3j litres months, lv ruble at the offlos of '.he company on and after the 2tt lust. The tranalerlkiok will eios? o> 'ho 14th, and reopen on the 26th Inst. By order of the Bon i J. F. W. O. BE I. LOW 8, Rc-re'ary pro (em. /1FFICE OK THE EltlK RAILROAD COMPANY, V/ Erib k, New Yobk, Aug. 6. 1882 Holders of the Second Mortgage Bond* or the NcwrYork and Erin Railroad Company, exiended to 1870 %re noiifled that the Interest duo September 1, 1862, will be paid onAud after that date, at the effloo, on presentation or tho m-oner ooupons. ' It will be necessary for the hol ler* or bonds not thus ett tended to present Ihem at the ort.eo of the oinpauy. where iS'Jf cliS iwe,ve tbe Pr'ncii>al n?d Intercut to September 1. 1 t?a. Tuy pil.iloge ol extending suoh bends will e.'asc at that date. II. N. OTIS, flevretary. aiBW PUBLIC ATIUK S. BOCCAt t 'IO'S DECA MESON.?"THLI GAYEST LITE rsry f'utt that ever regi'e.d humnnlasle." New and beautiful edition, with 18 ?aeel engriivlrx'- Sent by mail, carefully Healed from impertinent, postage fre", on the receipt of $1, by the publisher, CALVIN RL.V.fCBARD, ?0 Ann street, THOMAS PAINE'B DEI3T1CAL WORKS, WITH LIFE ?ud line steel Portmlt, *1. Faine's PoH.icai Work*, $1. Age oi Reason (separately), 2Se. or :?7e.. Bent '>y i.'.all, post, ago live, by the publisher, CALV IN BLANCH aRD. SO Ann ?troot. Washington, Joft'srsoQ and Franklin admired Thoufss Paine. I*EGAT. NOTICES. BRITISH STEAMSHIP t:i:u'\rfSIAN.-.\I.L PERSONS Interested In the rnrgi of the ship Cimt?lgg, uow in ? .mouv of ihe Deputy Culled States Msroual for the Southern District of Florida. hereby notl.ied that Ilj?y will be allowed until the ;irst day of October ne t to :ile their ajipeul bind. HIRAM, Deputy Untied Slates Marshal, 11,1 Well ?ireot, ,\cw Yurk. There will be a special meetino of the V*n Celt hers on Wednesday, YU(U?t t7, 1*2, rt the house of Mrs. J. H. Timrnby, 47H feraua htreet, William* burg, L. I., Irom A until 8 o'cloo* P. M. As bunluvn? of im mense in, e will bo presented it la d> sired that all should be piesint. MViaiMOKlAL. ATOUNO WIDOW. T WENTY-ONfi VEAR.s'Ot AOE, miner ?>*11, :rnd so homely fhe can nn-d no one willing to give up all other good looking ladles, und cleave to her, wnii h she wnuts 'hem to do, If riches will answer instead of beany, she ran snure them at she has only enough to 'my a u-w thimble. An .-one willing (o take such a per. ? can do (? by g Miss See llotiely, Broadway t OUle-. W A.TCIIKN, JEWELKY, ?!fcc. C1AMI PAID FOR DIAMONDS.-THE UTMOST VALUE ) ?iv?u lor line ulngl': sioni".. Fine prar.B BurcbsBrd. >lv..nyfruui 'J all 10 A. V. and 2 tl.l 3 P. *. B. W. JMB. Dlamuud Broker, .*12 ilio?a,v?y, up stairs, opposite rvusmiER. A BEDROOM til'IT OF EMaMKLLED FURNITURE, in all cj.ors, ot v, or run led in^iiunioture; al-o so id ehrslmif I'hsmbsr Suits, p! i?i und ornamental, at H F. KAHHIKiJTtt.S S, 3ua Canal street, opp..i,ie Woostor. Ki ablislied >n ISH. W ANT8D?A ROSEWOOD CENTRE TA8I.E: AT SO A set of Liiee t;iu 'nlos with n utores. Any (?nu|hai utg such lor ia!e, will llnd a eaeh t i?!omer by aiMressli g A. W., e, st<t..>n F., in? 1'biru avrnue. 0 HRLF WAM ED-rEXALM. / Mj .K WANTED.?A COLORED WOMAN'. WHO CAN " J oruiij jeeoininaud'uiuns tf ner helng a urst ral? .win, bo.i v Mil l r, an h>-a/ "f a *1 sltuat on by siiplj ing at ?6 VV est Slat st. TOOK.?WANTKD, A CO iD COOK. Till', BK8T OF ref"ieuOLS le.^iitt d. AJdn l>o* 2>7, Newpor-, R. I. fWOK WAMHD- IN A IMALL FRrVATE FAMILY: \ iiiui.t lie U),oih1 Moman nnd willing to with t;m "'a11 l'i* ami Ironini. To su. h a one a .ood p.aee s jBeied. Cull !his day Nt 7i 0 Mroadv.ay, up stall's. TO DRESSMAKCRR IVAN TED \ , \r " .. ? k i vn 1 ii' at -ewers to liaro iap making. Constant, erni lov in> utaiiJ the best of wa^r*. Applj ar Scuiluvt's, *38 P.rnatl ^?y- _ U'AXTED?TWO VKRT U' NTHEl. YOUNU "LADilis", to atteiMl in a itrst c.a. s tagi-r toier na i eon.: rt sa.o ib* Apply nt #-<'i Mr. adwray .n the lmwin< nt. \\7 A!fTED--A UOoD COOK, IN A t LUB, IN PHIlX Tf drlphla a y.ini g J i., i man prrie.rrd, Frebol or it;. 1 hi. M'ist have inu or#I jf rt er t. us. Ad.ire^s J. Fut. ter on, 1,301 Wa.uutst., Pliiladelphla. \\T.V.NlED?.\ SMART YOUNU LADY, TO ATTEND TV lirvf. AI-"? two )Hi.tig ladi-si c.m be BecoaiU'.OiiBleU with Uaird, lu jsire at til Mk est Iious.un st. UrEY M RfE WANTED?ONE WHO Tf7?~PBKN nursing a frvr inon'.ha preferred. One ,?ho oau ooni? i w?ll re.onui. ud 'd to* apj.iy this day at l?t Caliunlila at., noitr t I irk, bivlUrn. \\J ANTED--AN AMERICAN OK GBRMaX WOM aN, AS ?f cbi|diT?'? nifld, to jo to Cubs on ike 27lli; must speak two languages and 4o pu.n M?Uf. Apj^y at loi West AMh i Bt reek, 11rANTED?A FORFWOMAN, IN A WHOr.EFALE TT ulosk and reat.til u iioitM; n?on? Bsi Janp.y Who lues P"* C?Lt.""*11e., ,JaJ ,hr hiinne-R. Address tviilt ro t isiKV, bot lUllerald * WANTKn-IKVKHAL f.OOD SEWEitS.~?OR LAWEn' Tl outBiflug. Apply at Mrs. Re or*, ?ih street. ti< sr ? Also a tint ck?s?'per?: ij .u Wbeeier A Wtlem'B utaehlM. Tii'ASlED-A nuat, tut. wiLi.iNo oinr,, To no vT g.'nersi haus. work in a snnll priviitn laraii.y, mo diU- ? In the eo'tiitry, meat b? nbl> to nn. k a row. fjood re< .i?. m><Mattoes rM.itlt d. Wag. s ? >. App'y m No. 8 Thorns* at., in Hie 'otta- luent, fiom V to I o clix k. l^ANTEp-lWaSTYKlVB FIR At 0LAB1 OPERATOltfl " WiKS'Uii A \t ils.iB ? ?ewlug ma. hlne, io w<?k ott Fur llaiiio'l shUut, a' ti Vt ar eu s'l eet. VVANllJb? A till!I. TO DO oBN^CuThOUSEV^r"* TT In ntmall AmerkAti familyi UormaB preiwrred. In Mtllt* at 6M Itroome ?% 1 1V AX'I D -TWO Tot NO LADIES, " TO ATTJ-ilfll fT ?" ?i. also, one t" p:ay the piano. In lulre at 100 W-NTr ' -A V)UNO AMI tf AN ? ' OER 1 SCI r' I I 4 i?r ... Snr* ol i < in <sm. i oi ililllr- u | ,in ?H "f .?? <?. in i niia^J.; J| 0bar|.?AiB. Ulta i I riL rjf 'I i ll y. BITDiTlOm WAWTirn? rjBWAl.E*. A COM ETENTDK SbM VKKlt WANT8TO K.NOAoK iu a l a oily, go out uy lutf day or attend stor* Apply at 166 5>|u tug ai. AS NUKSE AND KBAMHTKB.-iS.-A LAUY LEAVIN'J the <'ity wishes to ftwiuinet.d aii "?P" ?on who lias livej with b r two > <r? and a hall', *IM wmu hi? ss, Tim' w01 thy aud useful. Can ba -.ten for u>m<! days at U B'txl S*th st. A8ITIAT.ON WANTED-AS Fjrtsr KATE C'-iO.i; understand* uakiug Iu ail its brandies; la a good va .ti.T and Iruaer; no objections to the coiinirv: good city refe rence. call at 380 Weal Itoiki at., between 6th and ?ih Ml. AYOlBG AMEltl.'AN WIDOW LADT, OF PRfcPOS sce.ssing appearance ana amiable disposition, wiab>'i a -Itu-uion aa himtekee|/<ir for a baichetor or wldo ver. No objc ilons to children. Please address L. Forrest, Broad* way Po?t oitioo. A COMPETENT DRES.<MAKKP WANTS A 8ITUA lion, can cut and 01 periectiy, and '.a all kind* ol flu* tewlnf; is willing to do litcbt cbamberwork; best leterenoo: wag >? $y per ui until, CaJ for three da>a at or addreaa IU# East 28ih at. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE GIRL, to cook, waah ami iron; in a good cook ainl an excellent washer and irouer: ban good city references. Call at 72 Baal &M at., bttWMI(u mill Lsxlagton avea. A SITUATION WANTED?BY A RESPECTABLE young woman aa cook; is a good plain co ik, washer ami ironer; has the beet of city releren- es. Call at SMW West 26lb at. A YOUNG 01RL. JUST LANDED PROM THE NORTH oi? Ireland, di sires a situation ti> do general housework; tin.lcrst mis the caie of milli ai.d She is kind and Ob'l^nij! to chili', n n. Wayrw not so nun li an object as a good home. City or country. Call at M WestZbth St., betvr?x:U fitli and 7th avi-8. A RESPECTABLE WOMAN, WITH HEK FIRST BABY, wIslies to go oul as wet nurse. Call at 2:i2 West 3l'tb at. Good reference given. HOi'SEKEBPER AND G0TBRNE8S.?-A YOUNG lady, an ori has, wluiout any oermaneut home, defies a situation as gowrncsd or housekeeper, In a widower's fa mily. Address Miss Alice Monroe, Post oiflce, Brooklyn. SERVANT WANTED-A GERMAN PRKt EKRED?WHO speaks English, for only two in tuu family; must be a to ><i cook, washer and lioner. Call inuucdLuely at 128J, E vil 13th st., between 2u and 3d ares. WET NURSE,?A HEALTHY YOCNO WOMAN, WITH a goo J bies-t of ill ilk, whose bauy was stillborn a week past, would 'i'-e one to nurse at her own residence, 256 East 14tb street., third Boor, fro..t. WANTED-A SITUATION' AS CHAMBERMAID AND waitress, by a rcipectaule girl. Apply for two days at her old place, 170 West S0ib St. a SITUATION'S WAKTED>n\LESi N ACTIVE, SO BBR AND INDUSTRIOUS MAN, WHO lea very qulclc pen mhi wauma situation either In a newspaper office or publishing establishment, or tin corre VfKjii'1 nig or shipping clerk. Is folly enperjeucfld, and can give the bet of reference. Address .Monitor, bol2\A) Herald oiUcti. SITUATION WANTKD-BY A COMPETENT MAN, TO tuke v:hargo of the bonding ol a bouse, iu the country; best inferences given. Adiren far one we?k Harry, lierald of Tl'ANTED-BY A FIRBT CLASS BOOKKEEPER, IN ?? the course of a month or bo, a goo,l tiviaiion, or to close up any larxe ooi.oern; is at present engaged making up books lor sin years for a large concern. No. I i ? lereaccB. HOB ARTS, 201 Bruomn St. THE TKADK?r BREWICR WANTED?TO TAKE THE ENTIRE charge o a moderate bren ry, iltua-.ed in tho city o: New Y*rk; one who tats bad several years cipcrlnnce pre ferred. Addrcsa Brewer, Herald oflloe. CIOOPEHB WANTED.-GOOD WAGE', STEADY ) work, on round and Hat hoop Hour barrels. A. T. BRIGOS, 44 Rutgers' slip. CI UNSM1TUS WANTED. T Ko ir or live good OunMnllhe. App;y to JAMES GODFREY, No. Ti Catherine street. PHOTOGilAPnEB.?WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED photographer; u print-r. Apply at Kii'ibah's Galleiy. 47? Broadway! betw een the hours of 9 and 11 A. M. and 6 and 7 l\ M. t TTTANTED?AN EXPERIENCED MALTSTER, ONE Vf who thoroughiv understands the mauUlnvtiire ol' rye and barley malt,:to take charge ol alarce city establishment. Apply at 47 l'aari St., up atalrn, rear ollirte. WANTED-A GOOD CONFECTIONERY C\KE BA keraud fancy loe cream maker. Imiuire, after 9 A. M., at Klmb-iU's, 416 4th av., between 29th and :U)th sts. w ANTED?TWO BILK HAT FINI8HER8, AT NO. 321 Delsnrey at. YirANTED?TWO OR THREH IRON TURNERS, AT TV the Eu*t Brooklyn macmuc shop, betwwn j'uk aud Flushing a\ oauea, L I. Mono bat good, steady band* naod apply- _ YITANTE I IMMBtil ATELY?-100 TENT MAKERS. An. TT ply t.o L. 8. Ttelmiior, No. 10 Cherry aliey, Newark, New Jersey. WANTED?ONE OR TWO HECKLERS AND PI.AX *plnner*, :o (o to Ohio. Aa>ire?? Julin Hlnde, Cu>aho ra Full*, Ohio, r>r A. il. Hart Jt Co,, OJi'neror WbiU: and Elm st*., Naur York. HELP WiNTKD-MALER. AGENT8. LOOK OUT FOR TELEGRAPH DODGES AND IMPOSITIONS OP VARlOUfc KINDS KKSilRTKD TO BY FNPHINCU'LBD PARTIES JUST ARRIVKO, \ND WHO HAVE 'run AUDAflTY TO STYLE THEMSELVES ORIGINAL PROJ?0r< iRB .tFTIIK BEING IN BUSINESS BUT A WEEK. AGENTS KIIOI LD LOOK out lor ibrin, as we d<>n t w*b to men 'em don out. of thejr mouey through faille repro ?>millions. T'ip TV! \f V VCtl*' QiT.VQ OP OCR OR EAT, UNEUUALI ED I'RIZE STATIOKERT PACKAGES, ha* iudnoed (hose i-nprin pari led to enter *ho busi* ne*a: but their Inferior gooua are unsaleable. We bare tbo li.rgcit, raoit raluablo and only r? ally gciil l'ri/.e Pac?*?? manufactured. All others arr only poor imitation* of our Iminein-.'v popu'ai' article. Wupi'e" at each iiaeut with a SPLENDID WA'ICII. us an r^tra ind'-icemrnt. Send tor eirrilar*. S. C. KICKAIIDS A CO., Ittt Ma*i-a.i street, largest a-.d oMeat Prize Package Hour.: .n the w >rld. AGENTS WANTED?TO SELL A GREAT NOVELTT. T' at unsurpassable and truly wonderful Arrangement, TUB PATRIOTIC CilMRIN tTJON. IH KKEKENT FROM ANYTHING ELSE in the flelil, Eicltmii em tml of territory nuJ cartltt cktaaafagcue? oiten. Send for o-ir private circular, with lull particular*; mailed i rue. O ir averts eaMly make (10 to fill i?r da/. Mdiwi O, M. Dunn A Co., at either laud. Ohio; Chicago, Illinois, or US Nassau st, Renr Yuri. AUENTS.-WE OKI'BP. YOU OUR PRIZE PACKAGES at price* which will pay enoruion* profit*. ?nd tUo premium mi kItc will t-oui'ld your profit*. Tltr N>' Pin* Ul'r.i rarkei sitrpii ism any tiling of 'he kind; ccn!nl:>!- nnp? rior stationery nn t line gt-uor jewelry. Full particular* in circular*, n ailed Ire*. 11 AMuNS ft CO.. 30 Beeki, ai. R. ACRNW IN THE ARMY AND COUNTRY WANTED? To lntro4ace an unsurpassed (t>le of rompo'-irio i rated watches and jewelry. 1 liberal fa4acemento are of fered out of to>vu buyer*, r ir price*, Ac., tadrrss box 4,3i5 Po?t office, N. Y. Boy wanted-about i? to k years op age. to attend door and ma e b m*eli ueeful about a private fa intly. Call thi* '.ay at ,f? Ur >adwav, up jt? r>. Boy wantet?-to attend an UMWi mi'rt be ?n ?ood cbaracfr, and rmide will, hi* pareutu; salanr 990 iirst year. Addrcaa, in owd liandwritlng, to rotjm lit, 37 Park row. (lOLI.KOTOR FOR a BREWERY WAXTBD.-A COM J pevnt iran, well aeunuCiwd with tbe bu*tti< *?, may obtA n h p'nnii .ent situation and liberal salary by address ing C. B., Herald oillca. F'OR THE SOtTH SEA-WANTBD, LANDSMEN, KEA. tntrt. comwi*, i arpcnu'TW, iilacKamiiha, oook*. aewaida and t aaiitn rera. lor *Uo: t an 1 Ioi.k royaae*, at 87 Wen at., corn-r of Aluativ (opposite piar U>, .H ?i.i river. HENRYjJA.MRS, ,\ ?, nt_ WANTEH-A BINGLE MAN, WHO UNDERSTANDS tt.? nut of l.orw*. earrlag a, harnaa*, i?\ra ?n<l g.u> 4ekiii^: wuga* moderate wood home, at Orange, N. J. Ap ply to J. W. Jut '.*? William ?t., Raw Yom. WAKTFD?A RTEONO, ACTIVE YOl'Nil MAE, FOR * tea ', lie will Of reniiired .0 guild ooffeo nad do the beavv w rk of ih ? eitabliithment; ouc not afraM <>f writ and obliging wia bar** a *.. ady pure. \ German pra fi rrc J. Apply at ?I4 Urwiawiqh st. ANTRD-A M\N WHO UNDERjT t.VDS THE OYR ter huaine"*. to lake ehar oi a aakxin; none nwi nnleaatlicycaitai a <ailal ictory r fereace Apply at mlty.Ho iae, ''or.ier of 6vb av. a id Amity at, Wantki>_immi:ui.vtely, a boy, op gbkmav |!ui<>nt?. Apply at i.'t William Rt., nwuw.No 10, bnten en 3 and 4 o'o.'ieh hi tbo tfternoon. First tla-* ief-'i*n' * re H"l'ad. II'ANTED?A Y(?i;SG MAN, KROM M TO ? YEARS ?? of ag<'i nuiat i c a kood p. nn?u, quh k anveorreet at t"*'ii-e? aud mhl* wili hi* laiyiw. N<>olh< r nr>'d xd'ln sn. In >Iip biiii'htriiliig oi app kaul, aiatlng a(cand relep'nceo, Urk. 11 ? I aid o diOe. ? 4r \EYEli -A REsPE' TABLE YOUTH, TO ATTEND f T au .illli e aiu r'lli ou < vran la. AUdre * VMtu ivL ri ne* or rail a; tbe oil ?t?re, ?1 Maiden J-.u*. WASVEto?roit K CENlLE'HAN'fl PLACE, A SHORT dn-'an e ftni.t the elty, a n an and wiff?mo man a* rn^eteker aud tn ti" neu' ially ixafiii) the uire aa ilinn *t:iIra ila .ieaile. s. Uly good. Apply ?l J7tJ Slit ar.,br*4 (lour, Ink room. WAHTBD-A Hof, la OH~H YEAR8 OF A?K, TO >T lead bars Our that can play ' II ka.daprafei red. Apply fof lao wr"ks at tho Maa?r llotel, Y>n*er*. vv A WAftTKD-A SMART. INTELLIGENT IAD, ABOUT f? IS ; "ara of af. pt'rftctlf Msjtiainled Willi the f" it busli eaa. A:>ply t-i-faona11 at the V.acyard, X i. 7 Br ad Y^'A^TKD?rOR TEN OP FtFTBEIf DAYS, A MAN VY ?!in i* > arr? t at tii;i.iea, and write* a goo<l band, to ropy n ine vai ihi.le aioooota, for wltiab n >'rt,a"le r< muaurf tlou wtil I* g|r< a. Addrr** at otxie box 4.1M 4'r>?t vdn-e. Yj4raNTKl*-?A BOY TO ATTEND BAR." HE MtSt YY i'i>ii e w.*'41*irnimenMi and nudar taxi bin st, Afnlf at i ,ie ? orhei of Go|<| aud Water atrret*, Br<?fci}n. CL'ANTElb?A sHippirg" CLERK UN A WholIhaLb *f Pio.T?i"n Sfirr, 'ala-7 **1H? fn? nr.-1 year, wonta siref'-r a yo' ii'{ n>tu l")'ii tbo ?ov.ntry, vbo <?a rumiah ficid refa wnci ?. Applx* it< mtjat?iKjirMI #1 to l nnre att ni ,->n, lor ei i mining re.' eemee, An. Add it ?* bom SiH Hi raid ofll-v. W* aNTKO^A EOVrnuiM'is T<l*iH TEAKS OK AGE, to ..tiemt a iun- h eounter a id inwko h>m*eU i, owu ly usrf''1. Apply l'nniedlat' !y at No. > l>i!y at. "117 ANIlfl? t' t-ITLATK'N AS GMOOER's' t'LtuK. il Y Vf ^i o H well ar^naJnteJ ? Ith th"ho*.D" i. Cn.el reieir na ima* laat amp Oyer. AiMre?i G. L. Ile' i.d Og'e*. \if AKTI.tT^iiiH WIlALISO YOYAr.BB,. MSH" rV.AT V? batebmBatthwbttalne a; atoogrv-n imud* mi um rrr%<i?rp?nteraanablajNamitb*. Aj ;?ly Imw dUtely at M v\ < it st., aornepof Rem or, ioD. U Pearl. icitrVrii A?vpRTr?t'nV?Ti. TT E DAH.E rl tlHLsiMy i . tlTEMUMYAO t'O J rant de . <? |1 <-.ei ra<* :a emniiio d. ? rob"* >tt ma trill* ? . i ? ? 11 -?;!< .nei' Ji t in.1.1 leu, Ski I v v i.e .. 'i i la j ' til-* ? ill C'lOWh 1/4 <o ar. ?AfiBR OP B^r tTB. k RARB OF 'OHri.'NI r* KOK C AFITAUkiTS 08 PKR J% mi?s ??innj Co Iiiut Handsaw .1. ? 1 be *u <* rtoey oilers 101 aale bis I'minlr* RetldBAee, <e teui.y au?'\ eyt-4 and Uid out .0 mat l m L,.- Jiv i,iud <a> u ?bite p. reel., vaeii bavin;'a water roai and muni ?picadM o h.llna ntiea. rba proi eriy co iB>->iaui 3ollucra,a J'Mr, ?t; .ah 014 M*l?l .'u ?I*?UW ;'0UI MH O ?0I "W lit' lony eitade li?.?, imiIv aad iinpo VmI. iiinuine. ab'n and ol' |n m ?arun/, BgArtva lae a ?> ly de?i i nd mo ?1 ? ? ? . , Bod liuweis; onibul?lin;'.a, lac Hailing iai m bouie. vm k'mn.-u Wage, 'irouimg IHI * Hit-3 harbor,'' ml a how lug a l"y. The-inmion has uu* j> e?ie l advantages tor either a private retideine or t or *|i-oulaikon, had on; a bold *bo< a 0:1 the S.nino a mile In e>W'iii, (wo aid'-a belted by cr??k and iii!ei, out aide by ihr man road ihe lands tiBciug ihe rivers gently slope either way. ao Ibat every biddingidteeommuuds biiev>ew?uf ;bn Soond aud mur un linj uo ulrv . Two Uilrda of the sites can havs water front". I lie pUc; ia per fectly health/, water >ic?lleiK. and airluvigcratiiig. l?ls tai.e from toe ctlv It mi lea by N?w Haven Railroad; busl neaa men can rcaeh ihsei'y from tula p'ac ? lu leas ilrti* ti an from Harlem by the avenue cars. I' raoas dOS'rous of avoidingoiiy taxes, the dangers and detenilous In eioaslug tue rivera, will do well to five this advertisement their early attention. No eatatc of equal aixe within am' hi.Blrcd ol New York eomb nea the diversiiied advama es and recal elegance of thiauld residence in every particular mid all .la appointments. Thepreaent distance to ra.ltoad stal.ons, two mile*. Wbeo " ChawworUi" In mad* a station, now In con temi latioa (depot already bmll). tbe ?iistanoe will be only half ? mite. Apply on tbe promU^to r cqlun8 or to him at the ofllee of J. 8. CaiduelL 34 fine ore at AN ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING CONOF.RN, near the oily, in lull and auce ?aaful o| cratlou, and very Eroiitable, la eJ'ereu lu exchange lor a good farm, withtu an ourortwooi ibeelty; will tru e li be rally. HOUTIIWICK A WOOD, 9 Nassau ?tree!. Afakm wanted.-i have a larue amount oP valuable Stocks, c.nd b1m> a very valuable I'ati nt, to trade for s harm. Addvtuta J. M. 8., box V7a9 N?w York Pout office. - Aijirce first class residence for hale - 2'si atoileKaud tia^emenl, 17 riomi, w>ili all neiuiaary outhoiinea, [2 acrea of Uardeu T^md, uuiv fenoea, two velli of tbn boi t water; lncmnd at Eu^lewood, on Hie New Joi -ey Norttieru R. llroad, nine miiea irom tlila city. For lurther parii ularn Inoulreof 8. HAN f A, on tbe preiuWea, or of E La B. T. Bt.UNHAM, Oil ilulion Btreet. N. Y. _ (COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE?AT FLUSH]NO, J one mile from ra'lvoad depot and bout landinys, and seven uillea i i"in Tlilri)-ionrib ativet. ferry, via J.vkooii avmue. About tlttcen nen a of land, a large ?n<! eomnio dlonahoune and outbuilding*; a great\ariety or alirubbery and fruit ireea. The nbc.o Is Id ex. e'l nt condition, and of eaay accent V> N'-w York. Price Uti.C*). For piirl!i*la.'it In. Ill Ire of R. M. HARRINGTON, No. il John Btreei, (10UNTRY KEU1QENCE WANTED?the ADVKRTI ) aer ?ii>ht'a to purcbaae, or wo n-nt with prtvllege of p.'.r < ba?e, acoiuiny realdi nie, wieliln one honroi the Ciiy Ha!I, New Y iri, wlthMroin ti;a to twenty Be.-ea of land, in a heulttiy neighborhood. The priu? tnust nul osoee I al* tbou aand dollai'H. AddreM. atatlng lull particuJara, R. H.L? bo( 1,831 Foal olliti ,Ne\v York. FOR SALE OR TO LEASH Foil A TERM OF YEARS? ;8u\en uillea from the ?'';utial Fjrk) ao elegant Country Heat, containing all the appointments, iiiol.idiuu horten. carri.inea, 4o., neceasary for a luxiiriunt leaidcnce throni.hoiit tlio year. T ie projierty conbista of !lfty acres, a k)>iii>li now villa, 6S icei front ami pia/ia all around, with all'.ho modern unprovemeuta, beaulilully situated o.i the north aide of I<on^ I?.au(l, Ijetwi e:i Klualiing and Col lege I'olnt. on a hV.h, undulutlng plot, with a water front of UOO.l'eet on PU.ahing bay. The saKlen and lawn are Uate fully ;!ca?gned. and Mocked with young fruit and ornamen tal treca. Stable, carrn^e Uou:e, barn, Ac., all : >-w and oommo'liona. The location in sahibrtovn, the water excel lent, ind the view e jualllng In i. any resjico s tk:;tot tho Hay o; Naplca. Tbree-ditirtl.t of the purcbaae noney may reiiiaiu ou ui..rij,'a!!e, 8.eame>a aud oars to and i uu the city touch within a mile of tho p.ace aeveral tinges ?? day. Apply on tho premlaes, or aUJreaa l'aik, b< x 111 llmald oil. ..-6. IriOR SALE?ON MURRAY HILL, NEAR FIFTH AVE 1 ntie, a hnudtasio four atury high atoop H'ju-e, iOj'iO feet, in 'ine order. ALSO. A fltfit class, full alied House ra Fifth avenue, In fine oide<'. ALrfO, An extra large and elegant House In MaJisoti avonue. ALSO, A Une comer House on Fut u avenue. Al.fO. Four flrat dasa Ho,.sen In Thirty-fourth suae', beautifully lceated. Apply to B. H. LPDlOW * CO.. No. 8 l*lue straet. I For sale?the property known as the Fin*uix Sugar Rellncry of HrcoKljn; is In conipieto working order. For particulars Inquire of FRAJiOlS tiKlUDY, 101 Wall street , For sale-cheap for cash, frame bobs* and the l.oi No. 760 Third avenue, ?via. slue, near !? ilty-nikt street, now oceupied as a eontci'tiouery and ice civain aaMon; lot 20*80, bouto ?0>16fei't; mu<t >>e sold; rriiu 8.1,7ft). A) ply to 13. H. HROW N, at 1?8 EaU Hou ;tou itn ut, ov 121 Nas.-au atreot, from 1 to .1 F. M. For sale at a*bah<;ain to close the estate of the lute John I'atlor. Ksq^, veeenily deceased?'Tho oldest establ'she l and urst c ash HaUory, Coniecliouery and Ice Crvam Baiotm i'i Jersvy Cny, svith tn ml welling attached, si'.'iatcd oa the pilnoiial busiuo s thoro igb nro uud'withiu two iilockef.l' tho lerry. Ooi;ni?:ing or Sio.-k. Fixtures, Tooia and good will ol the entire bvmncps, with an unexpired I.ease. Tbe store haa been ::osed bat a lew day* to tukc an Inventory, and can bo opened for buninefa within a fnv honra aftrr sale. Terms ca.i \ iiiquiro ou the pn'miaex. Ji Montgomery street, from 10 to 4, or o' CHAS. T. CBlcK HAL'S, 1761!-oui^vuy, Ne.v York, fromU>o21'. M., loror.a weok. FOR HALE OK LXCHAJiQE?FOR A FARM OR WEST ern land. a tluial, At Bocaaway H??ch, doing a iiood bind nm. and well located. For particulars inquire at *7 Cli:}* He Itrwl. IftOR SAUS OR TO LET?FURNISHED, OBEHTXJJT 1 Grove lloueo an.l scren aorea, at Cill'ton, 8-ate.u Irland, btautifuliy situated for a !: mrtl'.nq houac or hotel jUolue Cottage adjoining; torniH e.ity md low. Apply to or addrrtw O. J. UreenLc'd,, Staph Ion. 8.1. HOUSR WANTED.?wantfid, TO PITBCMA8R, A ?malt aixe, modern built Ht.iw, eaet of Broadway and not above Tliirtleih mrw). 1 i<ply 10JOUN W. SALTER, at the Metropolitan Market, 8m? Hrof.dwuy. I ABM?TO AIjL WANT-NO FABMS.-LAROB and J thriung aetlknieut oi V meland, mild climate, thirty milci aoutn ol I'hi atielphla, by railroad; rich sol'; fine iTupa. to b? aeen giowlDg; twenty acre tract*, at from $13 to $M) per aeie ; payable within lour >"nr?. Good b:alnen* opening*; good soii'-'y. Hundreds ars settling and w-.kuiKlmprovm-nti Apply to CHAft. K. LANDIH, IVtmaUcr, Yinc.and, Cumberland iouiuy, New Jr. m y. Let ?r? aubweted. Va|>C.-.t ?ou aiulng f ill urto;" mation will bv sent tree. Rooms wanted.?wanted, by a gentleman ."lid wlM. two or IkrM Ruotll Hour, la a em-all fa i.lly. in New York or B okljns root *9 or $10 (>ir moii h; or w i ii b.ja.d i plain au.lJy; tgi .u mutt '.>o moderate. Add few U. O., Herald otll". rvo KTtilfANOE?EXCELLENT FINE U4ND FOR X liooiin; ;i'<o :b? ?iuiiy in a Cotta^i, |)ii Htantly located near the -ara :n Bnofclyn. for a Piano and other Furniture or'iooin. Addri ?j S., Ilt.rald oUice. None but principals n> ed answer. U \NTKD TO PUHCHASE?A SMALL SIZFD MO Vf d?rn built*?, in .i good location in tl>? upp r pnrl oftlicc.t}. Hriew uium lip low. Andrew, w.tii palim i ar?, T. G., *>oic 4 7*1 Foal ot*l- e. IT VNTED rc> PrRl'llAPF?A FARM OF PROM TWIN TT t? to twenty Uveavi'en. with houre, outbuild.u^?, A.,ino houi ? r'oc by r .li f in 'lie city. Address, g.Tinij lo ., Jon, ImtIiU'im aud price, Lauren e, Herald ulttce. WANTRD-TO PURCBAHB, ABOUT #2,U? WORTH OF fancy ind dry foo-ia, for whien a farm of aboii l.i actve, In Weatcltaatar county, would i.?|^t?ii In ujchanife; Ihe fann lit* nui^llng*. fruit an I niter; Ihabout 'SI milea Iroui Ibe city, near a railn*d Ml ateamboat. A note >wi-' "J to D. \V., afl) Atlnntio amat, UrnUitit will Im attcn4n<l to Imiuaillatrly, or tno lurm wouid b" ?otd and Dart 01 tlic money could rruiaiu tor a term of yu-tra. WILL jn;v A HOUSE, WITH FIVE ROOMS, JJ) | UU *inl i ull Lot, one hiiK k'ron tlic cura i mining to tiin e imre*. i'erniH, fruin $li?) ui ca?h, the ii^lMn e $100 per ; ear. A!?o ono for ({.upiand onu Ci r $H,0M, wnk nielli rooois, llr.iilird in jnod itjto, atid two loin ? f Kt.;und. Alao Hrlrk Hiorn and Dwi ll'r?. t< ^Jet^"rl f,n $I,l?. Atv> cornarBiore. for $'.'30U. Tanna tbn aame a* aboie. Apjily in IV BANKS, ElgUrenlh hu"tt, tblrd doorfro.'u t'lftu av?. nuo, Rroonlvn. d?i) nn(\?$i,04<) oahh, mortgage, on iw )\J amea I^im;, and ?U >'i"< c iloca L >ntl \n Wla? conaln 'ooxebMipa lor an c??r?!>l ?ti* I ^nalneaa au l St ask of Gi ihIk. Addfena. wilh parUculara, roooi Vo CiOuk a Hotel, 74<'hath'iM airect. F(IK n\T.u. " ^ B" ANK FOR* BALK?IN ONE Of 1MB EASIER* 8 at- <, tin- orner other linp?'ruint bo?1ne? 'o ?wiiuy h' tine; would e?ll It on ?ejj rrafon* !? t< rn*?. Par: !??? w lulling to buy will ptonae ?t !m*?, with i-eal un-'ie (no cmre.<i?>itat'ttre at at*nt? will fee rotted), banker, ll mid "Iflce. Daro ima for Mtii or rxcmamb forcitv l'ro)i> rty ?One of tne hi a. atMiM In thn - itr, doing a g?..)J ir..d> i ? phyal'l*n'? olttra ?tia?Ued. Tvp* ??.nt proprietor knnwa noiblna ut Iht hn? unr and mooI i bt. clmnge itla lair file. Inquire uf LeWla Jolinrton, 41 Aun nlreni. Dnro PTORB FOR SAL K?Of FlXTHBN TEtttS xtaUdtng; reut low; will *ie aol.< eui?l>. Uood cliai..? lur a pn> sieian. Ai>ply an t i-pi*: dsaa, lal-Brwini fetfv'.t, one door eatl of Hid, >?, alter 7 1. M. tM)K 8AI<B?'A PIKiTfMlBAPft OALT.KBY. IN A 1? ii"luli!ii)ring rlty. lint ?l**? e,i*i? t?ar? Lo.v r nU bpleii-i.d dwelling bed therauv B- .iront U.r ?el"'is? de parture f r Kor.'|M>. AiWr inXUo, N>* lMli- ra;d ogntk For halr-a first class bit.ltari> hiloon and llarronol, ?nnMTied nth ? UrnhdwajAoML In quire m C4*< Hmauaray. Ca 1 ftviu 12 A. M. ki I i. M. E^OR SALE?TUB IJEASE, fTOOK FIXTPBB^ AND 1 Fortilliiie of ah t. t and raatanratil, i.ewly btted ip. Inquire a' 148 Prout itr? t. I'OR SAI.E?ATEM UoRnB BXOT^B, WITH B Oil .KB, ' in ooiuplete rnntnnn <'rder. Laflng uetn u?e<l bin a abort lima, en luabuilib, IHoik't HlrVbenk, Jr., and bollfr bjr Jinnee MoniK"tn?rj. AJdr"* or api l/ tn tbfe oAceof tne Aineru'an 8 H. B. V. Co.. 1VS III oil any, H. Y. PAI.M AT A UMiU-fll KKU. 1ckown 1 Kcun ou IteeUurani, eoniplete, u< tbr propilei r haa to join bl? reglmpnt i rftv*?a to Haplaiiiber L Bi|* ns a rery low, H;i?in-*?? reguia*; ran 'il'ar ftmn $S lo %i p- r day. Aifljr at I4-Ia r? IWWII, ftFJ' ?l r MMn IP'" worka. 1J1 ;R 8*tB-A MBT Oof)D? A3?? CABP3T STOCK, 7 Cine Nimg of a Vrl.-aeiauln-t eeaownant ot f'arpeia I iplr Faao] and Dui*e*tie On 0?o.i*. T.ia atock ivlll In tnl. e aieuit thirty thouaond dnfe r?, iiul wi.l b* feold low Cpr r*r 'i or a.iproved |>aper. Anptf at 1S4 luit arenoe, Bear T.ili"?nmtli aimei. run HALE?AN fjj.n KBTABI.IBBD TBA AND COF J* f, e Sty e, In ? Je-itali,' locallon 111 UlM Otlf, With th? atoek, flit urea, ? t**m " n'n, b nier, l Oaauir and mil* emn pl-te Will ii^ anld cluap. Apply t* CHARLES HKNUY b!Ml I'M. 14 ?*ll atn?t. _ _ _ I." )R i*ALI^THB OLD B^f ABL1HHRD BBO/ R 6tors, I 21 Hu.-ri, aialai ? n, ;b ? onMe ha-1114 icoe.ved * ?uUiuiry ap|>oln'tM*iit. Tn pilra 011 in - pr?inl '?a. B'OR8Al,Kt.?IE\P?TUB Bl'liT (')RSBK LTyl'OB dture III ?. ]?? .oty, toifetM* W, ? tlie le'aae of hOUe-' aud ai'O'.mn^ hnu?e N<M. ?.'*? and 4M Fir I a?ei??m. Tiic ownov eitjj. ged in oih"I iiialrl and ea?n?u n'ler I to tnta. Yor ? nit' uri :irtii n an- p;>h lo LOBW I'.HOTiiRR.^. HM tranne 4). 1 "ir S. t -nih an.' 1, 11 jin i lo 1(1 A. M. und d to i P. *. I .ton SAiJi ? in: 41' FO?( ASH, a FlilPT RATE COR ' n?r whote>a:? and ret,It L tor Fto e. tllt? d n? la flrW ol rtniK An<iy lo WILLIAM AMiO'lT. Am;Uon<er, No. 4 K i't Mrund? >1/. lou balb?tiib 8100K, nxtr in ano r will oi a Nent M.irketi g?>ad aineu it?f$ Ow nuk ill >n<l ofip irtm.ii^ I < 'iniui.f an ail mrgoa ?< M i , ltd 1 o-tu ?- fall ai IMI ,ir I a\ ene.nrd Mkinil i'|Oi.t#uf| AW, lf<.rM, Wacon iaid HariKM. roil SAM!. IjlOR 8AI.I Aflk?A?'KNT TO Tax Ol XARD DOCK, Jersey C ly, a well il'ied ip LI juor Bur-; will be itl~ fW'l ?>?' on ?a?. leiato utibs the has to lasva for Europe. Apjiy ai No. 7 Giaud Street, or addles* A. /.., Herald oillc*, NT Y. F^OJt S.U.E-CALOK1C KUli'SWV Em.INK. 34INCU ?yliD'1?T, wftb Khat'thi a ir Pomp, pu.l-m. Motor*, Iti.; fx?J As ?ts. App.y at la WMl cruet, up stair*. Fob balk?alb and lunch room, in the kept downtown thoroughfare In the ettv. Runt very low, ami the prcm.?*eouveii.ent. Will be s?Uit h>a;< ou aceouul of the proprietor gaiug la the war. Apply In t!>? '* o< store, <5 Vas-au street. IP* >K SALE OK TO I F,r?1IDA BES1'ON8IBLB PARTY, a Restaurant and Lcueh Coi.Bter, at':i. .-ri ,u u.i;1 ar of a howl, toe itu 1 Ht the depot of a stage and railroad ri>'t". tail be rented el. uap. Apply at -# Liberty aueei, atat Wil liam. Grocery and liquor btore for sale?orb of the bum loca'ioiia in the Ki?l?'h ward, 13 rear e? >j llalieil. Any < u? wUhin; a barcaiu vrlil lo well to call im mediately. To be (old thin (lay. App y ut 129 lit'-, idnay. _ c u. uow i:s .v c;o. HOOP 8KIKT AN1) FANCY STORE, WELL LO' A ted In Sixth aveline, neat FuurtentU street, dolus a b'.it'u i:, St ick, Fixtures. At'., n orth $1,."<<>), will )>? liulil 1 . r >Cot>, a# 'He .,.vuereX!'it:H a military app<>ti t.iieut aud cannot attend to both. Address S. 2&S tenth a'.euue. IA)AN OF KICKS. AT m BROADWAY, CORNER OF Ft'I.TOM STREET, me bi^uest price i? paid for L> luioud*, Watoiioa, Put.e, Jewelry, Optical lustrUBittiU. Ae. Liberal advancoi laade at bid private rooa.j. J. 11. BARKINUP.R. 212 Ii roailv.-ay, room 13. up stairs. T 111 GRAND STREET, TtlUEE DOORS WEST OF i Broad,vay. money advapeed i> Wavhmi, JMntnoncS, Jewelry, Flats, Dry Oood* nod penoml rijr of every description, or bought and sold. JOSEl'il A J.u K JI.N, Broker aud Con: una ton Merchant. A iW NASSAU STREET.?A. MONIUMAV, DIAMOND A broker, makes liberal adtraueeti on DiftmonJs, Watches, J?Welry, Ae., or buy* them at i ll! * tlua, at 1i!h private otlioe, Cii Nasnau >-u>:ol, room No. 11, til) siuiib. Ii:.iiit :a?<nlMcn tiaJL ' PAWNBKOKERM' tickets wanted.?tub hioh. est cash prices paid lor I'awubrokera' Tickets ?f Dia wontiH, Wnteheii, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Ouua, PistoU, Ac., at 77 lll'.ecker ?tr?et, Uireo dour.i west of iJi-^adu .iy, tip atairs. IJAWNRKOKERS' TICKETS P0BCHA8ED OF <X< TH I big, D tunned4, FlMo *. Plv r:ae, J' ,?< Iry Dry O khIS, hhau '.t. *; a premium jwid tor tieketsof Over oats; a till of lirkt tlaiik Clo- hin^ tor -t>!e, n- (u a mi lt 44-*B.o<'mc street. tilJO. LEV1E, CominlHKiou M<t tout. SPECIAL NOTICRB. Notice to blxcuers.?the scbsuuiftion book of the Butchers' llidr and Melltfff Akmic.uiIob Is now open tor nlgtitturef, at: I buteliurd are Invited to sign and he come memoers if the iuntotiiavloa. Memboi-s are r< uteHtod to attend a meetlDg for the election of, to oo held ou Tut sday, Auguitt 26, Irtii, .it ?o'eloeU I'. M , it '.he otlloe of theaasoclatldii, ooritor of Kirn Hveniie end nith stmt, lly or>ter, JOBEF11 \\ . CLINCH, SooreUry. Auiitiax l.S, 1803. NEW YORK LODNE. NO. S:iO, F. AND A. M.?you are requested to attend t!m funnml ol Ella 3r - .v*t.'-r, iinijibter of brotli' rjV'm. R. Browst* , l'rom the residence of her jierents. iii'l UIoks stre-jt, Brooklva, Bat irt ty tuorn itig. atluo'rlutk. ~ ^ c.uTtiiK~7-~'r..~z AT No. 3i3 BOWERY.?II. ROBESTHAL HAVING A great deal re to purchase a largo lunntity ot' cast on' Wearing Apparel, l,-iii'iittup>, Carpet". Jowelry, Ae.,by uill ltig on or .'kddrenljs, ladlos and i'entletnoa can obtnift the utiniikt vtUuit for each utlMe. l>a liesatUyided t iby Mra. Rosenthal, l'le.-ute romt.mber, aud try 3e3 B"wery, opposite Creat J iuos strai t. Ktt.VHllUG ASD LODQIKG. A CARD.-THE K!.EG A NT RESIDENCE NO. 79 EAST Fourteenth Btn et, near (rvltiK place, will ho uewly fur nished hy ita prexent ooouiiant, and let. iu mi is or singly, to .'ainilios or 0i.'titleinen, with or without i!oard. Those dest r ut( 3ttp<". .or ?? uomtuodaiimis may now have a chotue oi* Rooms, with piiv.'Ue tahlu ii Ueslird. Also a Basement suit able for a pin it -lan. Heflnreaces c>ehan;.'ed. KM ALL PRIVATE t'AMIJ.V, LIVING ON MURRAY .??. Mi!!, would let, with Board, to a ""ntlemau. or a fteu ileum a aud bli wife, a Parlor and Bedrum on tno sceonU Hour. The renins contain hotnnd cold wat?r and ;:^h. anu aie liaiidHouiely furnished. lii>|ulrj tit No. Wl Lexiufiton avenue, three aowrs abovo Thirty-e gh.h auect. Uei'fuenue required. A HoTEL-FRANKFORT H01SE, 100 AND 202 William street, corner of Frankjort, one blfiuk i't City Il-illj neatly l>i.,til?hod,illrht, and a?r. Rooms, 23 cent* per day, fl per wen,.. House open all night. A SMALL FAMILY WOULD LET, TOGETHER OR ?wi arate, a tint <if neatly fumtal.e.1 Rooms on ,h- hrsi c.r scuui'i Boor, to gentlemeu, wl.U i*Ual iioar?t .1 requlrod. Terms nod-rate. Apply ut 91 Wcm Eleventh n'.iwl, utar Fifth avenUi-. A PRIVATE FAMILY, OCCUPYING V FIRST CLAPS hoe**, eont ttiog all 'he mode, i improvements, would let, wlie Koai.l, l iee furnished RootnK, separately or toge ther. T? ;-inieii iteairiuj; a quiet and genteel honi?, this fa a good o,>poruimty lno'iito at 18 Weal Thirty eighth street, belaecu Filth ami Sixth avenues. HafcmuO'-S given re quired. A A A FEW OBKTI.MMjN ian BE ACCOMMODATED 2\. with p!?m*an< Room* and exealicnt IS'iei i at $3 60 to $t per week. F-mdivH taken very reasonably. tew litvjin :o rni 'v'l. l!o?ne U-.tstiil mou.trn improvements. it. quire at 172 Hwliir ilmk A HIGHLY BEkMBOTABLE OKRMAN family.' Oc cupy nj; a !;r*i ? l*is Uo'i^o i' uOWtut Mntli street, would kit a t> w ulagantly 1'uiulsbed It-xinia, with exce k'til Board, to single or <i;uUeni"n ad ihnk wtn i, Waller ?t 0 o'l'Tio.k. Kr.ucli tnu Ka?l:;!i apokeu. II fe rencci e*eba i ;c I II?. N'DSOMKLY rriUCJSHED ioom TO let wi'hu. the modern improvori^dm, UlM door^frcn SUtli a?? where h Jn<!v and w titloman tan iind >??? n fort* ii( ait .>!???, with fntl B ant J'or the lady, Call At 76 Wcat >in<' 'it-nth stri.'i !. A FOOL, flbabakt, MCBMT FIRNI8HID ROOM to let- -To str.ylr j mtleruen ? itfjottt Board. lu > priest > family; ii'juw i ftM.lMlne'y i'lirnlfhrd: i " hi!}', ]-l>- ,.iy atnl ? >n*eniently sit >d and u< u;ly ki'pi.; term- modi mte. Apply i" Scroni avenue. Aflrasant Bi n of rooms itpon vkfond door, Hooto and Bedroom upon third floor, to let, with Mutt>J- ill a lirst <? US* pnTS'.o liouni, ki 01 MtillKO a><> iiufl. n> >? e*ehsnps I. A FAMILY MA^ SKtll'KB 8UPKRIOR AOOMMODA t'on ;rora September!, at the >llla of J. F. U. Laurie, E ?><!., lou, V, I. Referents* evil inged, ? 8inolb MENTLBMAN DEKIRKrf PERMANENT J\ Muaril, In a quiet, noclal family la IF.tirm, from Sep tt .nbi rl. Address, particulii' *, Mr. Ludiow, Herald oMn A A PKIVATE FAMILY CAN ACCOMMODATE A UHS tlemau and wife ami *c\eral enig'o g< ntlemrn with handsomely furnished of untarnished Roome._Ho?i'?, hot anl ' old witler. aiid,l!ral class Boari! at *6 Wen Tweuty-sli'Ji steel. K> !er> u ? ru ;uired. A parlor on first floor, with bath and Bc.'iu >m attached, fur gentii-mon. Aj'j?Iy at 3'.'t Fourth street, unar Broadwav ttnd the principal hot'-ln. ALADV AND IIKR TWO DAUOUTKRS (YOl'Nti H dlea) wish to K-?rd wi'h ? very ri-npeilftbie private l..ui'ly, ? h' ic txiiufurt i* to be bad. Uraiioa m (fourteenth street or ?hov?, in>tw n Fourth an l Hlxth a*, mucii. IV te r a. re vxehan^Kl. Address box J'.'Si Foat oTu- e. ma'.tug term a, A>', ALADV AND OI'NTLEMAN, O* TWO yor.NU I.A dim *r two K'-ntlf uen, tan llnJ Tuau'tl ul y IurnUhi Ro.nn*. wl !i or wklaHit B<mr>l;all th?- rn improve meat*; family (M^ilta <?{ lady and clilld. t.'all ai t'>; W'-at Tldrty'fteeoni atreet, a few at< pa I'mtn Broadway. A T 7S WKHT ELEVENTH STIiF.KT?A NEATLY FCK J V ii -i? mi r ulor tnd Bodtootu ami two largo h ? ? to let ou <*riind floor; ftl<o otie larjo aud on.' iriiitll R?uu nn ihlnl ll'i'ir, in a lira' rl . h liouar, r' litalnlnK all the un ili iii km pror-mrnt* J^K-atl?u dealnable ami fi rms modeiatf. Anew house, modern improvement*, plea aar.l Koou>a, with eneelk-nt II. ??rd. frot 60 l? |?-r week, faiiitlln* ?'\'oi-d;i "ly, a( 170 and ITS H;e<-< -?i aireel, ?l> bkieks wuet nf Broadway. Bir iata t irnri, 0 to 8; din ner at 12)?iindfl. AWI1JOW, BRMDINO AT IW MAt'IlOl OAL STBEF.T, P'., I'lOilMl'l p!em, would let tlie.s ??ond Floor, with Rt :?rd, In iMnllra, or .(nl?>t g ntleuiea ran liavi ?ingle Rijooi', ftt |3 j# per ?-ok; no oojivii >n t? children; wou.d llkft.' Utile tlrl a* ewiijmnlon to? her daiigbuir, v. h > ran the pt aftti ivitii liar. Kefvrcno-* u ana r?<pii :d. VADY I4MMO IN A Qt'if.T, UF.NrERL 8TREBT, Would like lo make ftrrftrnremente to Board i i arty ?lriUil uji hMoaekeeplnib for Pftrfor and cl amber rami tre. i n- itti'? day* Ilia. WiircU.", >uu <ti D, Fo>t oilloe. BOARD.?TO LI.f, A BIJtT OF FOUMS ON TilK SK roo ; er t third lltin, lo fimlliti or sinulo Kentlnne'i, Went ifa'^'teiiiii etucl, 0 twu-ja >!Uh and hlxUiftra. nura. Board?MRTtrs wishito mermanbkt board for 'He einter can now hutj a cbole-' of Ni'<on~, In suit* or ftinkly; it-Mifte newly fnrnlali'd all mod rn ltu(mvo tei ut*. AIm> lor uliijtl* Hi nil "neii. Itct r . n o - qtined Alt' y ftt (r Wft Tv ulfth street, betw-en Fifth luid Sl.ttli ftVeftliiS. BO.tBl?IN<l -A FEW BOOWH fl *R MR OBTAINED BY martiC'i or r'141* pai tlca on th" feurtb tloor <>i n lirst rla-S Mm, cltiiihly lo aud Apply at 'ib Wftitt Elght< ebLh ?treel* ueni i r.. ?e"? ie. _ Board wanted?by a oe.nti.emaR, aboae T^ntli aire#*, liatweea I'tonrlh and Hutli mi'tuci. Ad dresa, statiii| umiiis ftno hicft?K.u, but lit IJiTsId oillf-. Board wantfd-bY a qt.ntlrman. m a phi. ?tt it f.'iui.y. *? en eu*y eiMft:i>o Jn-tn Imrft iitefnrrM. A''dr >??, eutiiig full pnrtl utftrsftnd ??ran, C. R. W., Herald offli e. Board wahtrd-by a Yorna iaoy, in a plain, tcprt at'ls f.t. ully, lower or ceuiial part or the illy prrferrftd. Addr.eS box 1UU Heift.'d wtt'-e. Y>OARl) WANTED?FOR A LADY, IX A I*RIVATR JJ family, vith g,v nsJ bslt, front room, lorftte4 '*tw?en F'tnrik an# Fllteei't'i <rtj -en. ' our?i n?l to eaored $7 p-.r iveek. AddrrseO. W , liar M odf', ^ UAtOOKLYX.?A FUBNIHilEI) PAI:LUR AND TWO Belroou a. with or without Board, In ft Freprh fanu y, roDtelnlsg l?a:h?ti'i ftll motiern trnj rorAmenis. Apr,> aiSl H'.tmndt street, Hrcoklyn, two miiniietfwrsllt from UuuUwn fern. , YpURHlHUBD ROOMH TO LET -A PC IT OF I.AnnR, F wall t'uTn'.ened Booms lo let, to ??rntletren, ftRtoui board, lnratluu ilee.ratde; a [So ? ?ttia'i Beuroem. A| |dy al Sit Hoed surerL ttRKNCH BOARD IND FRENOIt IKBTP.rCfloR I# P I'n.f avir fc. >K'<AMI>IKB family, iu I'nMHI ^ aru rFrnirth avenue l. V'Atwortolflt ro'ias til s?i'abi?i illrj. Dl"B< raidti'ik^'k. Hay and et-olpy c'ftaeoa; pritat* ies sona. Bi?t tvfemtcSel>'|urWH*B I p>en. vcRmim HO' ?*??.> -ni? -r?'om fWbtaVi .iFiuM??? JP amino ssua? forjhMil re?i et-iahle fajiilles or eingl>> goltili*me?i fMui illo |i p*r-.M*k, si |.\> Bil/xiH-t'i " i??t, IMT Hr.n,i>ie. Ta^y US parln tljr'f adapted lor |?:rst>n* who wta'u to llreei., ?pftn(rhums'. fnjRNTTT; i'B -litlARH W/NTI.'lv'rOR' a' fawi v or tout frjoa p. r??ii* a ii a bey a; aeveft yt irS, ift et. ntiAogi lorThe It* ut Hielti til'*' ?'?>ry hohmjaih! ta-h. Addrtra II. M. W , f>te|tott J) 1 1AM S<?"B .V I I HNIA' FO ROOM* TO Lfc.T *WATM .1 I. 111-.. d, f, t M ,'?%i Uta .? ri airv'1. T rflis ???. ? MA ?oA&uino and Loouma. \fO. 1 I .ON IX) N fKMBACB. WEST r?K \ TY-T1IIRU li street. A g u < ii hi. and w lf? ur ungte trill ? u,eu an ?ilila r, h.BJi Mi 'ly 1II nwli t R.o us, Willi Brut <:.aea Board. Toi tub utad.-ruU. H f ri n nisha ign< '??WO HO'IVH, WITH BEDROOMS AND PANTRIES 1 oouuuumg. sujuUtlo .ur idj. s, nil i> ubUint.J, witb Hoar l. at IS Ini|| |iw?i otrMr ?( H. Mulk strvst. TO LET?WITH BOAKl>. AT HO. M EABr TWENTY, b t:rret, V * ex a L'.ui'id ana Fuuttb it. dum^ d??irable (to m. <? \ nut, fur latiiuea ur alugie kmuImmm. References Metokitg iJ. T> LET -WlTilOl f HoaKD, A LAtUiE FURNIdllBD fient Koum, for 12 MI per we*It, .'l Mj. 6 East Broad way. - TWO KAMI I.IEH, WITHOUT CBlltMV. DEWIRK Boar I, In a private family, ?xyuioiD^ ?? aa-alem l*u?, lo *<*-A Above K mru euth aire. i, hetw. en Four h and Bixtb ?vri.u ??, who will uki- no other boarders. Two jjnod oi*??t bfil.o " ? anil a parlor .'HI t-t required. Beler:ueea ?*? Manned. A Mnxs box 'H 1' >s oScfc "IVAN TED-A SMALL Kl RNIS1IRD BOOM, WITU vv H-ara, witlt a widow livm* retired, In a > t location, abo-1 M'U Mreet pre "P.d, lor a lady who i? willing ui pr ; n fair prl<? for tbe (> ooinmoCttlonM required. Addresa, v/llh I'uU particulars, .tail".; location*..4 prion, P. P., Union ?;? tr< 1'ostutMcu. W kKTED?IN BROOKLYN, BOARD. WITH ROOM ft una toad re om, ior a gentleman ?nd wiie, ou the ndgnU, In". ? een Ful on nud Wall street ferries, ?iters Mm dinner hour Is I or Ilock from the 1st of October for Mm w inter. A Jdress T. W. I., No, 4 Jones lane, N. Y. XIJANTED?BOARD IN BROOKLYN, BY A GERMAN f f geaUeiaan, In a small private family; must b? in lit* vli-iiifty of Wall oi AtuiUUe *ire?t lurry. Address T. N., Herald ofll!*. 117AJITKD.?A BIN<ii,E gentleman WISHER TWO ?v miftirnWhcd cioimectiUH, .-ii. er ? >Ut o. Wuliaul Board, in ftrouaiyu, near the Bo.Utfeiry. Add re an . 11., boa 1,121 New York Fort oilice, stutrng U rata and loca Mob. IV ANTED?BOARD IN A PRIVATE FAMILY, ON THH tf I >nt >lw Of lit .:ity, b. ;W I'll First uu ? T.ilrd avo n't sa:rl not?boti?Ti ;iltt atn et, by a t?nll?in;iii hm ant;b terHudauii. 'iVo jr i (?. c rooms, UKxlem < onveo,#ui:. ? ;tnd prlco modera a. s# A. B.. box 130 Utrul l o.flce, iui IU141<> ality, Urrr.s, An. 8NEILSUN I'lvt'K, WITHIN ONE BLOCK 0? Broadway, three <lour> betow Eii,hili ?tre< t ?A huH oi t it, 1 aomely 1 irmabed P.' ? U>r? to let t-o a tenltaiian and tvifo wi.l. full Roai J for Imiy and purtiKl for ki QUeman. AH-, jileasant I! ontt for Rcntlonien, wltliout uoaid. ?)() UNION SQUAI'B - KIJRVI.-1JED HO >MS TO let, ?mJ w. li Board, m:.,able for ? uud bjti^te^i ntl* nteu; referenda exelhiBKodi Apply aa above. pro fir. MARK'S PiaCB, NKAB second AYENt'B.? A iiau Iwiu.c y furtuahvd son oi Kouma, on the m com! and third Doom of a lirsi elites lioii-p to tent, with Board, either t'tgi thur or nej aratel,., to ie 1 e nen and tlieii wiv est ,.r xiugk a^ntlc.ucn. Term's iuj..eia e. Rcicrcui.ea axchanui'd. 7Q HPRIBO STREET, TU'!Eii DOORS FROM H?OAD 4 O way?To let, liuiidMomely furuiaiiej r.oo na, toain^l* gnnUoineui tuu louatxou .* near all U10 lirst dm hotela itud places 'f; readu-.j ruout lrce. lu.iutro at Auaon Uouae. 9') OREKNE STREET, ABOVE BPRINO, ALSTON tJ Hoitae.?Elegantly rnrnixhed ?uit* if ltoouis; .aa, Ci'own nud etery <x>iiventeiiM for huuaeKi cpmg cooiiomU eiilly; partlouhuly suitable lor auiall, reipeoutole i.uinlica H !)lt low. HO * AC DOUG A L STREET TS NOW OPENKD A8 A .L1 \J prun 0 family houd, for the re ept.un of Ki:i,^e nen tlemen .in.! small fa'tnllps tired ot boar llititi nart aa ? ?i^iiona of lintutekeeplug an lind ever* convent wjo in tli; above catabllviiment. M.-aN furt<ihh< d if denired. 1QA madiron AVENUE.?A OENTLEMtN A SO ')\f wife, ocekiu.:! tha eomforu of ?, .aa in d a anit e4 Rooms, on a.-'.-ond floor, with Boartl; in u flrat e'aaa bouat- aa above; aim a B< o:n for a kln^l* ii< #il?m?n. U- al of rei'Tttvca siv n :t*id i*qf[rtd. 1 t\li K STREET, ST. CLAIR HOUSE.?RLE Ltl") gautly lurnishcd Ruoms, with Bedroom* atuob^d, with a!I the eonvrniences for luittaekeei mis tooijilMr .n clndinK a'a.' aud Croton water, to lot to reapeciabte Mtniitea or Kir.|<iu gentlemen. 1 BLEEiiXEB STREET.?TO LET? FURNISHED 1UO It 'oms; a Brat olaaa house; all modern improve* m< ute; lar^e. yard; also Single Rooms Mr gentlemen at $1 per week; alao a front Parlor ou the tlt atuoor, a..d a doc tor's oflti;.'. Very low r.-u'.a. /I Oil EAST TENTH STREET.?GENTLEMEN WIL1. L''_l ii ml very lutMlsomi lv iurnlsued Rooms, without Hoard. Gas and n Mer tbrouguout Ute beu?e? 91 A KLM H^tEET, NEAR BPRINU.?>'URNIRHBD ? L\J Rooms, for immediate tx?u|iaiicy; lowest remain 1 hi rity, eoiiaiderins the coitvenlen<? mr housekeeping; beak be ldinf!, lurntrorr and I'eoking utensila; gss and Cruion. IfiA east tenth htreet.?a pew oentlbmeh ei.n have Board at V) p"r tvrek; also a gentle man aod wlte can bare a small Parlor and Bedroom, at 97. gas aud bath inelud.'d. . 7 H'i;of' i*tuv board.; ~ Board in ? ornwall, n. v.?two of tub plea is ttonma In the plcasanteat bouae N Cornwall and neur ibo ivator, can be had ou the lai of .September TS0.?? " ho would l!lce lo occupy them for acouide 01 montha nr ho would be preferred. For further Information apply to \VM ADAMS, 1 '0111 wall, or to their present teuau'. T. P. UlCtlAI'.Ds, S5 Pino street, N. w York. (lOl NTkY BOARD.?TWO ?)R THREE VERY PLEA J yaat slid well fHriiiabed Itonms, over ooklm; the Hndeon river, naav Au 'uhon Park, ?n be ohtaiuvd by up..lying a 1 tin houm', lootof U3d ?> loet.or at the depot. The family will ii maiti all winter. Terma reasonable. (luUNTKV BOARD?ON RICHMOND TBRRAGB. HEW J Brighton, Btaien Inland, atlh i baima 01 Mr*. Rhoota, tlm WPCiid I'rotu ihe laiidlnv, \yom of York avmue. Rota r'-ncnj exelu (UM.NTKY BOARDS-TWO OR THREE ROOM8 CAN J t>. I' id uoitl Hr'i'vr, .H MOOKl.'ri, two unit ft kail tori-* iron tvimi* Point, ijoitituunieat on by steamboat Je. Hoyt, ;.t. front Pa> slip. Appl> on Che pvrtnlaea or i*i IftC.oJd ''irwt, /"lOI H1BY HOARD WAN I ED?W ITU IN IS MI I.KH OS \J New V'i>i'k, by care ur boat, by two Ad drt- u noon m po-?ibl?', 11. M., Hoiftld ufflte, giving tcrma in.) full partlculara. HUM .11 KIt RESORTS. rvSvri.KR HOl'HE, VT (iLBNEIDA LvKB, CARREL, I? N V., Ully rall'a from New York.-B?>* ing, ' uthit.g and; 'O'l tlnlitn i fn> i:liol'? Kooml vacant ater Aiuuil Itf, *ult?b:4 for tamlltca. In r ire of Ju M. Marvin, with Brook* Bio., Broadway, ? orn* ilrainl atnel. \ EDWIN FOWLER, PratlM*. HVLl'" WAV Ilorsi;. KISaATOII. SITUATED IfALP way botwaen and tlie Mountain Hmm, H. urd I'lbu '.vet k. Retmvact, M. Li-na.i, No - Jon a latra. 1>. HLOOM, l'rof' ietor. milE r \ TODRETTB HOTJSB, BERMEN POINT, W. A J., will bo Kept open through iii-pt? b r. DectUclly the nn ? ? pUnaant month of the ?c?"n m tlr* lo nl. iWn iMtf rl.rl,lll)tUi riv.T. at 7Jkl, 11.20, 3?0,4.w and IS P. M.; iron l)(y a'r?*u at ut'iA. M. and ?*< I'. M. Time, 30 tninu ri. \VKSI.KY W. MIlTj, Proprietor. 1'BR WEEK- AT HINTINUTON HARBOR. 3? JJ**} tri'frotr. - .<? ? iv. n< i ???*!\il>* by railn uy and boat. Tli< plu'M li shad.i, In- 'hy ml Ir.a li.nn niOHqultor*. Batultv. i thin. , Ac. tha Imn. Table good. Ad dr-M Xmlh K .wrfl, llorald oil c ?, &AJLKB AT AUCTION. A 1'It AII AM V.VNDFBPOOL, AUCTIONEER.?MAUVI /V Crent Htiiu*lioM I'nmltiira. Paining*, Statuary anil Pin Kilort", Draw lag Boo n Bint*, t'naijdellcra, VetvvHar i?>t* Br m/e* and article* of Vlri't. at public miction, this i!ny S-.iur'ta) J. Aiuuat 23, at I0,'? o o ock, at the r> aKMiea UH Went T*mi?.thlr1 atneal. nrar Smh avenue, Cata U>gut,acan ba bu<l at the <>flloa or tlie bouae on morning of aala. Dt awing If'xono?luti ge .tad imiIv l< ii'ioii nl OH Paiutln;* bv utnlnant at'.iala. Rtonifl I'lu it, i? > mania. Mir. rora, two.Bier do.; alaiiaai ?*n -n or' .v? r.m-wnoa runo fort'-. Stool und t'l.vor, Miuk Hi.iad, Muil of K m iilture. eoT ared In UroeaMt. Bookraaa and Kafiti <>?iitr ? Tulnem bin h w r!nut B'lll' t, Eit< rtrit n Tal'le, <'li ?lr-, Lomufl*, Onlna, <i 1h*k and HUirr W .tv, and l>l?eh walnut Clmm'ier Kurnttiue, Matlretiaa". Bi ddlog, As. nl and Kllch< n Kurnttum. \M. CRI8TALAR, A VJt'TlOKBER.?AUCTION 8 A LB . ol R -a ly Mnde >' ot.ilnp, l'lti? OooJa, *e,?A. M. CKl -l.vl. tit nt'i Mil ou Mono ty. Annual U< at 10;t o'.lo-.fc, m 2' Ba.vrrj, a larg* xtoek (a* above), oi ilna II lu.k Clot li, < 'laalliii r", I'llot Bmh r ?ail l'?i< abarn Ki 'h, Auric, III lti<-< ? nail Ovr.coat..; DiM!aki4. Cioth t'a*?nn?ra and .Stitin< I l*auta; fillk, Hntm, Velvet ?'1<> li and > .i .aiu.era ?rat*. Alao OtoUio. Oa<?lmi're?, Sat lietn, Moallna, A'pa Ualk>,i) UM, Iti'iivcnk filtMa, I' u-ta .ama, Ao. A ?o Bntoi ?. Ttimminf* Klgnrwl tj'h?l?. Boo * an I ?* oe*, Aa. ? ITmON NOTICE?M. B.rHAPMAN, ACOTIORIBR* j!V A raro rhan fi r tion* ra. ?i2 0-W wot t h of rla canl SonaehnU Knrtiuif at pijMie aneiion. on ihi< lay (Sat in.'tw), at two ov ork, ai tlie uiivau* teaidan e No. 48 Wrrt glktei nth Hr-ft, iMtWrrn Ultli nii't 8 xln avenura, potini-iln^ of I'ltnolortn, Pat lor Anita. I'aintMiga, Hron/ra, Matoao',' 'handfllar*, t .vnod aud bl o k mnaM > hamper Kmn tore, .Va'tivo? -. H ? ! -alt DMiing Hon Knr ni ur?',t Ulna. i!U?* m 1 Kl.v.r War--; l'?oie OatK*ry. Mlr ri,?a, t in- It , Cfttpeta, Sof >>, Chain, Il>v-? uient and Kitvuen Vumltura. BF. THHMA8, AC'TIONEER WILL BULL THIS ? tlay ( Siitur'lay i. \ iut iA ai 10 n'wo It A M , at No. t-t I". Minih ?m nue, Biookl)!!, tlte o utniM ol More, cam* |ii-ui# S k 1 tiio i-rli ?? Wore Hktun-n, I'lat oftn and Otlii l ?. Itei I l^er.4. If, Oaa ir'ixiuren, Awnln,:. Vr.. .ne. 17DWARD FINMBNICM, AI t 11"NEER.~ HOt'SR. Pi hokl P'lrnttnre. By C W. DAVENItiRT. Turn nay, al ll o cock, at IMand 157 B. <a i.mut. j i .o.nptory aat* of (*hH?i:'-er and Parlor Korn 'Itv, I'ferilU* , !K)M)Tid Hand Artiuica, Ivimifr s ?ihaw">, Ai. E\E(-V ltiR H SAI .1. RortlARtT. Al tTJON-Kl, ? ill aell ut hla a:oi 17.1 aUVet, at li o cu-oi, T'ie*.!uy. iWtli Inw.-tlir fo.loM mgrflfaelaaV tkrwkai H ewer, dw.^-aeed: H"rw. Wagon H^iaeae, H a\r*. lte? < >a> Hand I'lTM, Uri)*?i ? Pa am lire..* an t I'a em Rlgfe*. Tla i'.n% PutnpH, Uoan. Mate*. 1<lk?w, *? , A<. ?> oM-n of tiiv Kie* ?i|iOl*. I V/'I H Al.IE tiE'JRiE 0. IIA1X4H t. H'k'NRT" B. LtftlM, ACCTIONKBR. - IBNHV ?l" LEKDB t CO, nil) aell, at aortioa, on Mat AugiMl IS <i rlorlfc. In tront of m i-< Na- au ?treet, h?y Mare, 7 >?ar* old, a?*oat <irt. en liamla hlnM. long tail and a ti ry av.?il?h driver: ?? li^iit 'of> Moi!^>-, made b/ Wiegrl a Oarw. ??il Uaa bifk nin . in it ui a fear: o,i a, a apt or alnate Ifarmn^ naa r y a?*. wl h ty*ure4 naahlca atid M'li. ty tlralian, l.^atli -r tvllh i>?cri. Ho.Uf Ac. J BCMIARr, Al ?:TItiNK! fi'.-llf <k A j. iiOiJAHr.w ? iatutiav, Atigttal 21. ?' It 11 *? ut tno fnot a f ont Wrmb ?lrr?t. No. i'i r r?u>f irlriua ut % rhaUcl invri mam, tha eanal trait rttHrif the Daia Juan. JEri^KK TEitfKKfL, Attorncf ror llortgagea "T ' BOflART, Al OTIO^KER.?BT A A t RtitJAW ?P. T'ltai'ay,at !?'% iV!?'a, at the Mikl laitin, in I Rortu>n ?tn?t, ? i.e p>- parei lloMawl Umt atiiaUiil of IfiiUM'h 'Id ruinit i?, Iloraa, 4'ai-t anit llario -i . tc., h. TtillV ??' Rl-EV AWTIONEKR?WILL KKli ?1' ?!. a da/, at J ar!i*k,?i *41 tJanm air-et, a arrieral a ?ortmirtaf I Kurt Ultra, ro'iatatlntof Kiukw^, Riaierm. Il.ilra.:*, Wr.ftUoma, Bajeaua, iafa II d?, 1M ai a ia, CralW, Tahlr*. t a )? >a O'Vlolh*. LnaklD' libit*, Hr uan.l !l?'*lnr.,;, MaUi-aa- ?, Ultfhe* Kuinltar*, An, *'i D?4>???TVi* AUCrtOSEKft,' WIM. ' SEl.L Vf? ,|rl# t't* (FwiiAny, ai lOHn'ckiek,a< .ateari.ini ,<? *? Mtn lAltiet, lltn.jei.o.d K itu t 'rr. is 'npri.>litg Br??i<i"* pjtry, rhr?!#.iilv all* YSltWtCar, ?Uw?Bt t?>?< v.o 1.1, tiiaM*r tivTtiid aaiiint Parlur Ikilaj li rrw*. Bo kei.mars' "S t:'m ru Tahlr?, Rxtcttr on L.ninu Ta'ilrn, D mm H l?i% Ore ?> I rig Hureaoa. Wnahatan^a. IW?iii?fi "'| ??rti.i.'-a a, Valtlgaaaa, Mtk SKd ai?.aiRt ?*"* . j fl?L*. 4"' j ' . tw.. ai^r? i r. 'A^ri'^M Bit mo T?!Atii; SA* II fi.-. t ?? at ">S i v g. ,ti K\ I V.*-? l< ?' ?' ?* I . vi." ' riiita.e ? II ? ?.!?? '*? ' ' " ? J