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_ rH* aRcsiiiiioa. * KM* Kl'Vl'LiES?OFFICE 6V A*? OWiTIIl*3 J\ aou B.uiiw.r. XoAllJl'Ul It. lxj.? .tea. til Aro;>o?*U 111 be rnw vad lit tin* oPac-i null. li u'ckiet M. ?u Monday, tho Ifcrtti lust, ioi deli. criu*. U\ c.wtraci ai lhe Depot or AriuyClutnin, mi i K^uija e iu if.i?ciiy, tftw.Uk' Auo B:?nk u, wool, ti >ty iw lit the tellers V. H. oiack, four UiCues long lu l.iu centre), tu be wi'Cu l'ert r>c? 11 vo fnvi six it null', uuu to w-lgh line putiu Is The blankets mum he of Amertcnn ninnufarliire and con Co ua In ah re?i?t-u tu ih- 1 stauuai'i ???. ;? c in tiim Mi"', ani 1? ?ubjcei 1.1 iiup u.'11 m auom iii?pcc??r? ?p (i intcit on tlin (mi 0. 11.i- tu I'J Htm -. One li .rtl tlie <|uiutii.y eoutiact it Tu 10 he m-i.- ? rid ?i I1I11 nvenly Ua a. on?tii.rl ivuliiii tll'ty day*. aii'i Hi- rem iu icr v.itlnu uluely ?*)!? iro.n lue dntf .?f a epl.tBOOOl the hi .tf. Proposal* will be received ior any portion of ilie quantity fedve< u?d lor. tlie nt Ui i? ivien. oy (be Unit 0 S.uii)* tuoi'i pi or 1 Jwi any parlor lb" win le o' any btda olluie.1, I) may be .leeiutij lor Inn tut real <1 the government. Proposals .Hint be acconip till':! by a pro|*r iiuaraoUM ??t Un* font) ilmi tl (hi- contract U award'.*! l? the |vtriy named therein lie will Immediately externa 11, and g..euoud? lor Vie lailbfi.l pei or nance 01 the c nilracl. Proposals ghoul.l ho cddoi-el, 'i'r<>pu:,al? for furnishing ?my !>Unl em,' ..-.pu 10 Li ;.ic mil C'.lou,- L) II huioo, Deputy yuarierui.i-1'u' U.uuiat, United d.aics Abmy buj'Plies.?okkicb or armt clothing nuiEiuipagi, New Y01?, An. nd II, l.yi! - Sc.hIi d pro Bonaia witi tie received ai mil u.'iice uuul 1.' s'cio'k V. <>a llonday, the HJ li 111-ui i, for it?lir.)riiitf I y contract at (he l>opot of Army Clothing and E .nipagi- In ibis city SOU Kits li hoise ambulance harm m. ?oiii[iiet?, 1 300 ieli> 4 mule uagoii burin-iu, 1 o:n;ileU'. 2i 0 eela 6 mule w.i-nn harucan, oon.p.ela. ' Baniplei aud upecii.cation- ol whi h cun be aeec at tbla 01i ^s. Oue-ibird the <|i.a lily 10 he deliver* I wilbio m JUyi, oue-tliird within twenty du> ? an>l tlie rcmuind'T ivtib fa thirty day I from the time of llic acieptuni-e of bid-t, and &i aubjevt 10 iuap utmn by awora lutp clor* appointed oq a pari of the Uuitc<l Su e-. l*iop<isa!t. uuai ue ac^jni) anlcd by a proper guarantee, mU ftliitf foi Ih iliut if the coiurau 11* awui ded to the parl> 1 aiped Ibeivtn, he will at once exocuto the tuu aud give b ifida for tli* proper full-l'iient 01 ih* ton tract. Tue Unli d Suae* rttervc* the right to rojeot bid* deemed , Proposals i io ild be eadoraed "Propocali for furnishing Harnau," and addre?bed to Lieutenant Colonel D. H. VINTON, Deputy Qumrteruiaater Guueral. U filled itiatea Army. A RM7 SUfPLIES. uti. 0<ncM or Arnt Clothino ahd RiioiPiaa, > No. 502 Broapway. New Vduk, Anuu^t 1A. 1862. ) l*ro;- > atl". are invited for ftirn'ibiug iiQlform R"Kulatlon Clothing and Camp and Uarri?ou Enuipage for ibe new iokioa of TolunteerM an 1 niliilia of the United State*. The Clothing aud Kjtiipa^e for the ill Orient arm* of tho Mrvloe to corr.'iipond in mate and inuterlul tu t> at hereto (bra uied, and to confonn to t ie tmtiernii In ibe otlice of Clothing and E>|Uipar,e Ih till* ctiy, where upeciSua.lona and tainplei may be lu?; ecled, Propoiuils ihutild ilule the articles which It la proposed to furniMii, the quuntlly whloh ean be I'ipplleil weekly, tho aarlioiit period at which t!:? delivery w.l be comiui nivd, ?nd the total t|iinntli> nlt'ercd, mid the price lor each artf ie. All artie.les iti-uvere.I by i-oiiiru tors are required by law 10 be leKib'y marked w ith n.e cou.raitor'H nmuo. The fuliuwiug Iht eiubrucea ihn piltulpal aupplles need ad:? or clottitno. Cniforni Coatn, connintlng of en^ncera, ordnance, artll lerj- aud inniiitrv. Lnliorni J ickeu, conaUtlngof cavalry, artillery, InTantry, ISOUMVB a ltd knit. L'n loru. Trousers, cQuiMtlng of footmen, honemen, -Wo lave and knit. Cotton Duck ovriB'l". l)r?ivers?I'uun. I and l.tili, Sl.irtu?Klaout'l and Kill'. Ureal DouU?Pout men and horteme> Htra)ia lor 0rent 1 oats lil.inkets?Wooiien aud rubber. ItuncliOs, Tallinn Kark Cn'itr, I.lit d and unitned. Booik. llcoioH-i, Lt*Kginn, atockinrs. Siuckn?Ttcalher. linilorui Ilitii?Trimmeil mil iintrimmed. Unit'orm C.i,.? Forage C.ipi, Beernita?Cavxlry *nd Infantry. ?CiipOoverR, Siaule Proukf, Saahea. HaverMckl, KnH|/.-acl.?. CunleeiiK. ARTIC1.ES OK Ks'LiIPAOB. Kosplial Tents, Wall inn sjibiey futitl, CommOD Tents, L'Abri 'lent*. JHot'iulto Burs, Kradr-n, Regimental Colors, Ha c' ets, C*nip Colors. Mem fan*, National Colors, Camp kciiltfc ^lar.dartli*, Puk Ales, ?lorru P!ai;s, Kugle*. Oarriinu Ki.ipn, * Trar;. pets, Itearnliiog KlaM Drums, 'Oiudoni, Flies, Axes. Company Order. Do. Ciotiiing Aocojat, l>o. Descriptive. Do. Morulng Report. Fo*i order. Do. Morning Report Do. Letter. Do. Uuard. ii^enial giners! ordnr. Do. Lettei. Do. Devrlptl?e. D 1. In .ex. J Jo. Order. "Target Praciice. Cunanlidatea Morning Report Iu.ipeution Report. 8?cumy will be reiuiicd lor the fuUlmcat of errry con tract. Al' propuwli received by no n of the tenth day from the date of litis ?dv-rils tmeol will be opi-ued at noon of that day, anil llse artlcli s immedla'. ly necyed will be uwar.ieii In the lowest r.:?.?>a?iiile hidittirs preaent. Contract* for fur therttipp! es will be awardi 1 from time to time as favorable bid-are nveivcd. alunyn to the to'icst reipouilble ulds re oeivei! u; to t!iu time ot uuit'iiw contra t*. Propotjtl . to bi- ondor*fld " P.' for furnlnMng Army Sunplisa." and a'ldre-se l tn the .t?ubacnher. My order of tho yuor.erm in r OereraI. LW*>. Colonel n. H. VINTON, Deputy Qnartermaitcr Ueneial, Lulled blalefc Ainiy. ORDNANCE OFFICE, "" \Vau DKrAHtxFM, Washington, Angutt t. I?f"i2. Fro,>?.<al.< will be received by tin* ui purtu.oal until 5 P. M. pn lb# Itoth of Aus' iKt, lor |hu U-iiTery at tlic following hraena!sof Hois; E<iulp"'."iit<i, UnltAJ Statej cavalry pat I'm, an hcrMnuiter ? At th- Wnt^rMivii annual, Watertowu. Massachusetts, 2,000 sets. At the Walcrvllet ar^nal, We*t Troy, Ne v York, t.000 Mia. At the New York arsenal, Ciovornor a IsUtud, Now York, lRMtaeta. A,lt r.e Vrankloid arsenal, BrMosbnrg, PetinayUan'a, 0,000 aeia. At the Altigiiany arsenal, Pltt?b".rj. Pennsylvania, lo.noo S?ta. At the St. Loula arsenal, St. I.outs, Missouri, H.000 Mi*. Tliess -nn o! liorsn equlpuicnu ar* to b? furnished cuat aleto, eicept the brush, cutry to.-u!', lariat, picket pin, fink und o'-inltoi. Samples can be ? xntnlticd at each of tbo above nani<vt am" mils. They c.r- to t>? nubjo;-. to inspection ?t tl.e arsenals wbero deilteiod, Vefore received by the govenim*ut; n ine to be accepted or raid for but sneb aa areapprovd upon ?uoh inspoctlou. Ue r.cnr.1 must bo uiidn f:i le:s of not icj* than fifty s enr week f?.r all con tracts of Ave bnujrei. -e'n or under; on# hundred sets per w nk loi ail routr. u of irora fire blind rod up to one- thousand vets; two nundtvd arts per wrck fnrall tui'mcio <>r from one thou a .tl i > two U?u.and h? ?, fivo bunrtrt d sets per *? t for all eontrueta of fro o two U-ou ?and to tlio'inurd set i; mid H*' hundred >eia per h?-ik for a'.lcor rect* ol frotn si* thousand to tfiii thou* nd it'i Pa!|uru to del!" e at? .'pec.a* I time will auojort the >on irn tor to * fort' ? re of Die qnnntlty to be delivered at tliat ?time. Tli'* qu p. euts ar?: to be boird,l??icUmai<oi, In :lwii. u"r?'..Itsandsaddlesofnssortednntn b?ra,an . tl cvrt?ui? to tn distinctly msi'-ed 00 theou'er ends of tin jk. 1r boxes to be cuargtu at coat, Ui b? .ie lernaaei' by tl.c ia*p>eu>r. Flddei* m fit ma-- espUc.t'y In their pm;io?als. tbe litre, ^uarcity a> d uUr ? of eac i uelivciy, boob paity obtain n j a soilt? a'-i w ? 11 bo riMitiired to fnter lnta Ki-iiia, with prop"r ad.'otlax. for tbel'tiili.ul tuinii :?iu of tlia aarai:. B <l? jI ivixoiih wno .rn no' tuauufai'urvrs or re; i!ar dsa'cr- In leather ? ork will l.ot bo covsi l'red. Mil th? L)* partm nt r.-wr es tbe djhi to rejact any or ali bids wb.'ch uajr be m?de. t pun Die award beine m%de. *uce*Hsful b?dders, oaly, ?wl.l he i.otiiii d; and hi>y will be >uniian?d with tai nts of Ik' run'i?<t and of the band trqulrau of tbcai l'ivtnji?ii will be a? tr-saed to "Oeii'-ralJAM18 W. RIHLEJ. Chief ol'On-nanee, \Tasbingt?e, u. C." And will be ei.'iorard Brig, lies Chief o( Oi dnunoe. ?rro ticii-UERS. X t?.-al?d or ?po*a!? will ?>? ret*l?e?! nnlil it o'. '.ock M., on tbemt. do. uf A'luliat, 1%1, forrnlsfflij thononhwo?tB?- . wmtire ti :"1 tins, (War IJ*p.irtirent.). t'laua sud sp*.cifna i!oim ?ati !??'e?amli)?d frotn Hm tti s( Utia iseutli, be'.wwn l: o hotirj. or 9 A. i!. un I 6 P. Y.. at thr Koou of Joba Pjlia, Esq., t'I'ief Clerk of tne Wi r U-tiertmi-at. Rlddcra will ciile tlm litne l>* W lrb thev propose to put Hie l>i'.ll<aitg Wi der ruo.'ai.iln."?nj tn ? utne wt.?n the* *1.1 c?implel{ 'hs whole work; In a. rdmg thteentram, aniHWlUbe i\>rsld ered aa ?? !l at- mount. Ti.v 1 Id* will be dlreetld io '.ba reUu-y of War, and ead.'rki'd ' ProvosaU tor enlarging Wnr b(U ii." The rtfttit la r'f^iTfl to r?!?ct snT bid. wbleh for an* r*n?w It aba l act be defined I'gr lbs isterrst or U>?afrv?rniuent to ar<-apt. Vfi> DtfiHTmr, Angnst 2*1. IH?'J A TTBN ilOW, UEt'.kU 1TM?LOOK TO YOLK OWN It. A tmtut * nils ? evoitn; your s*r>. li^-s tv four ronntr*.? Fourth Imlt'i'v, V. Y. H. V. ami 'iy, 1'aixam J.mira K. Smith. This iiatti ry Is no?v In the B?'d, anil w.ia to ibe bat Ilea of V jikW" ti, WlilnUT.a'.n.'C, Fair 0? -i an J Malvein tlills. Hlsty Rfi'd in< n ate wai.trd t" A.l th- ranks. No -trenches to dlf, no unsket dilll, no kv, .uwwita ei le*iy loada to flarry. O'hkI pay, good rat 'as ani'y.wt nOi vrs. Fju dollai t e*tra, be*ld? t s'.l itoinrnmi'iil Uo'inliea. will b < y? d ca<h in hai.'l, to all ri'orutta. n!"lng in tbls b ?ilei y, at th'i r,tr-.iUin? st'tlon 3 9 Hudson stveel- By order of th* Ninth W:ird Ontno.itl'c. Cori-otnl JOHN A. THO*MIO?. R<-sruHn? OSto-r A R>IY .SUB8T1TL'TRH.?NITKf> STATKB ARMY AND A. Na? y Hnnkliw mi'l ?iheUtult The under*ijtui-d dtas onmyii'tMamuiK^tnenUi luf piovi Uiig subaltMMee i jr a dm I numtier ot prrwn* who may he dmfud inlo the army of t'lUlltM rfl*t> * under Ike 'aj?t order . f tlir Hecie ?ttrjrof War. Aiiraim s n.a.le on (J'MrterajMtci I* row hem, ?otitrai'tvrs reeriltins o?eers* b lli ai"t ofloen' pa* rolls hyRH'll?R!?M KlN(iMI-AM>. Aru>? and Navy A^ent, K<>. 4 fin ad Ktrnel. out d"or from Wail. Sew Yark. HM V HCHSITLTE AHSOt IATIOM MS BROADWAY.? L Ta i iinder-lgned me preprtrod, on the paTmcutuf Slut, >jtt n i*. ?n imi to . iirnia'i a suh?<. to ar) person wbo may ?? dr.ilK d under .de n< -ting mder ol the Keuramry ol War. the funds th'ia racel-Rj ?r"? d'poslfC.l wlib a rus^ nsDle sank1! | ho ?e, who is?n? lUelr rw ipt therf'or, said fund not to bfl r.<m i??d ti l aft-r Ihc draft I* ma><e ?nf fmt'ier , pv'lut ar* ipply i.t he o tloe where r< f?~i uoea oi Ike high ??t cbartcuir wi'l be a.' "n. A. W. I'UATT. far the Ais<vlaitan ATTE.'ITTON, ATTFVTIOW, ATTBRTIOJI.?ITPuN RE JR. i^-lpi of one il 'llor sud one posume s'amp, I i'<iee to furui i'i >n? per* n l!a >1? to draft with u doi ititii-'il that will ?uSMti* his exemption from military ssiriue AM.css C. N.. #ox l.'O llntald o llce. BKOOKJCiYR MORITORS-Tflrs OOMFA5Y Ig \*ER7 npidljr bll.HR up Ululer In* n'lnpkKS of suverol proMl W?'.t i l.:ens. Tb1 tneii Iters plc l' c ibfinsi lreil to avo'd ns *?r m poeal .|e M?e f r wnloeut s?.ur mof Iniuinrallij and Ha ?ori u nail/ .-ouu: ed wii.. c unp life, an I wu n ih.y lj? fa r o e^idleis n-.l io fcr-rt th"W ohllnntlons >ia centlomen< nadnua tiers corner tr OstbH Mi*et and fulton avenue. dtfuuiiM I'4 thl enmparijr wi'l ntoclvo.ln Addition wall other ?o.riu"*, nre dollars prirat* bo'iruy K_ UlUittw PAWBOB, Onyialn. OftTnnAR *orAV*8~ro\'RTn REOIMKNT BPIBO lii'a l>.'.'.n4e, Ct lon"! James C. Bt rke ?Captain .lolm htnue, li*M";. bu n suUiflfl/ :n rai o Company K nr His rlrh t.'.ln, will re clre re idltsat hit t"iil, In the OllJ llall I at New York, ami in Brooklyn st room i?, Halarv's Bnii''.li C ? Kf.l't n ' \nd at M Mjrtle sven'ie, nppo eli? Fort Uirou. Tim ollicera o1 tl?i. eompany sr? gont'emen wbolia* i ?{n-err?lci and I.'id out no raise Inuiieenr nta. biitih.'* silffl tben?ei??ii that A liaiernr Mufity the coun try ->r lii .Idui'.a mav*'?Jer will bo piomptly paid to their H*:Ra:i rnllstaent. Wanted, a Bcemd L ? utmaut and an ?? ierl> .+M eini. J. DUNNE, Captain. I^XKMPIliiN I'ROM nR*FT.-AKY PI.IIHON LIABLE j to iir,iff rray " ''ain 10 ormHon of an Infallible in ? *ho l nt rnll'-f turn sn. h liability by eni lo?ink otM d 1 sr sind scBtiie.i ib^ir sddres" (villi sump for ret iru |>o^las?^ lo A'lorney, b<>i I'o':'I hue. ___ (" ntfl'Njil. It : tfOHf - HPFCTAti Rti1 NT V 1MID i n o iii u tin o. ijUai Monnji* a' tUo M-t li?oaU..ay A1 TUB UBBBliUOflli l/WU-T RBuIM fcX I' NATION 1L VOU A'TeSCC-WiE Jr UtKMiYi t'Oiiiii I, ii?u* o Urn. C<* lii'nuv M > uu^lio'f, C ?HiB Uiir. Colli.* ft I, U> ><J4r o>iiiMU> 'ft Uiii, ??u<J lalij l*> t*'?? iai? n>. ftmrt.t u-.irly h i.'v. u >ttet tbt new < *|i. A.I tli?* $.c? *rii..?riJi biiu riuttti t> u mkmimI i?. r?ch u??tii jt<*uiti4 I..L I ItfUBut. I'l OilK*} fO'l* wltl hi ;? | 0 (<?<? U- Ilia :ft llOUl U?? r.ti?.%-. TiiiMititlwctit lie ?t bf U*I< <1 b\ V. l 4ti!?! !'?, Mint only .??r u tow tiu >. *j,i >o . Iu.? t? * ojipuri.iui > t ? ?ii ti?e b<> uu. K.*m* I f?i- null i t ? i' Hi. dm ting cimtmiu'Ci itflorui tu? uflv-, H.'? E??l I! ?ti*i<m Ufix-1, tin. e our* ui a utry. Ue-d 6il Mn.'Hit JlaiL H L'oi Kiu aiiNAioaiAij district i. UK IM KKl C0I.ONEL M. OKKMOTT. ntg ? AUIUTA T Ur.O. W. V AitiTIli. II ml |iii.r cr.M 4l(i bio* tway. Thu regiment Is uu* <i>;u:. / tig under ili? ? uii*-i<l?-e? of the D ? ilei 1 o t li e ippolnt u by (lovi nior M"r?nn. To um-ii il.s roiuot hi i vi11 t'l ir >-<iuntry "iu tin the hour ol i ni" gii|?-rt ir iu iikcemfnl- ur. o.lnd. In i.d it ou to re rirms IhH huttnly ntul tutvani-n imy len-'t r emit li?* Iho wui faction of itii?. % ?ti? u.Mt he Mill "bo co i.mtuded by tried i*Xj?- i lemod o II ?? r-. To fa<-llttai< meruiting, on and after Monday. August 18, lli*' headquarter* will be open un il IU P. .il. E;.ii?i hi on.if you woulii ncuiiru n.e bouuly anu avoid th? dial i. IIEAD0UARTER8 ll? BROADWAY. C.lMP AT tOMPIU.N8ULl.E. 8 I. Rl.N>Ei.L UUAUD. I II KAIIQViHTERS. 33 ClTV U 4Lt Pi.ACI. I am authorized by llin Uovernoi utiii tne Oomnimider-in C!nel torulse a co'i.|.ui y under 0*n ral Orders, No. 61, for three year; or during the war. A good op|H>i1 unity lor pairio'.t: young wen to i-arve under a practical olliier, who har tern active gnrvice hi re and in ttio old country, and who b ar* me best recommendations, which will Batiafy uny out interested. A. I'. Zl.viANUY, Captan, Recruiting Officer. J Par, Firm Lieutenant. $30 ho uty, of w hirh helf will he paid after the rocrult II mi tierrd, t;ie othe. at the time of u???4 to war. Bran, h oOluea. 9i> Molt atrcul and i'.''1 Kultou sti-eeL AU.K0K OUAKDSt HALLECK QUAUOSI HAL* leek Uuarul COLONEL UMAX I'EISSN'ER. Captain c. s. i aswell s uompant. Our uiuniry I Our ? hole country 1 Now hint ftorcver, One and iiisetiomble. Patrlotluyo mj; mi-u enlNt. On you. In a great mennure, depends this crtmhinit out of tbia ii:b?-!lion. Tueu rally by ?itlions, platoon*, u!iui|>.ini?? an l uil ! your efforts towanlsa ?j/?r.!.v ami aurc termluiUlon <>! thin fratricidal war. Captain Capwi-tl l.a? room tor a few mote ia< ib!c, cour> ageoits young men. Tula company I* faat ul.m; up, and btil? lair to 1x5 one wl.osc true hearts and atronj heaila will do much towards vanaulahlnt; Hie tor. HECRUITINO OKFIOB, 7;i Wallu-r airaet, near Itroadway. Harris liqht cavalry.?tuts re?!Imbnt is ?iiecttn: with great auocenji in rerrultinx; not only In m.mliorsbut in the>iy Hi.i c hsh of men jainiug Ita iwiui. Lout Iilan l. peccUarty. I??i?'iig h< r choi em ?onnt and will iliuH uiil in puUiiiK In powerful coii.'it;on thKrcut nieni, air ady ho ilixtln^uialied by iu bold leuu> :md apleuiild drill. Lotifj Inlatnl can ?end m n ao Hklll.ui a* liomenie'i to uo liett. r Held of um fulni'^a. T; e recrnlta u< e crediteo in al iurtiiii':un to ihetouu audcuuety frcm whi.h they join. Olh< e UUO ilroail?ay. HOW TO IIONOTI VBLY AVOID BF.INO DRAFTED.? Eiicloa.; one <lni?-, anil n i1 ice cent at..mi> lor retura p mt.-ine. Ad :rse, without di ay, II. lic'itly A Co., X>iiry> town. Wcmchrster cottti'y, N. V. I HAVE EKQAOED FOR MYSELF AND FRIEND3 uior. hui.antutei than we alt.ill rei| ire, un l will awiun, to a reliable and ri sponsible party, who Is willing to pay $I'X) In advHiice and $!od mo e If ne is dralt d, a Hi- t rate aubaii tuta, h'Iio Iih-. wn'i il for a nmnhi-r of ycat'ii iu E imiie, ?nd whe will dou tlei- b" accepted when oiicred. Address K., hoi I,'. -1 Postotirce, Sew York. LIBKKTV AND UNION-UNION AND LIBERTY FOKEVER. TENTH WARD, BROOKLYN. A'.l clllzcnf Oi the Tenth w.od ? ho an- desirouf of up holding our guveriimeni by voluntary enll^tnaeiit. without necessity for a draf t, will meet at No. Sift Ailuntlc atrrot, on Saturday evening, ru loauin', at elyht o'clock, to consult and act in t'nr hi-r.uice of thiKoOjCct. 1'opi.lar speair.eic arc inviti il to address the tueetlu/. Hy requot of Wm M. Thomni. Joteph Bhtcklln. Walter S, Urilhlt. Wm. K Douhleday. .iohu I>. Co k?. Charlra J. ShepariL Wm. H. H i//*rd, E. D. Plimpton. Daniel Qri'Cu. Abu:. U. Itavlle. 1.. S. Bui nh.iui. Geou:o II N cliola. William Beard. ChAi-bK Wllliauia. Smith Kam her. Jxcob C. Dcy. Warren Nolle. Henry Thomas. Thoodorv W? rrcn. Joseph II. Howard. JammO. L!?>d. A. S. Wheeler. Heuiy Hinipsoa. AmoaO^ald. Elisha W. Hinman. John O waul. tlol n L. Dou? Lisa. Nn;h'iiiir:i Mills, E. A. Coukllog. Wm. II Bean. John l^aeh. Joshua L. Pi ll. 8. II. Ht rrlioan. Kcv. Samuel Kis*ut. A. D. Poihniniia. Joseph I. Lord. Selden Uoir. Joun Ki tchain. J.J. Kavnior4 tieorge 'fay.or. Jatnc? ttuymoiiiL TIiom. \'auderho*f. J. OaUlcy Nod) ne. M. II. Whitney. Wm. M Stone. C. H. Llpp tt. Wm. A. Keeler. Ji-o. B. Ilubday. Wm. M. i'ell. Ri;:?ard Whipple. A. J. Bottart. v F. t>. Liitlcjohn. Theodo.e l''ietd(. Archibald Johnston. M ISaINO FRIENDS IN TnK ARMY AND NAYY CAN be heard from an kpolleutiou to the iinder^l^ned. K. W. i.OND. Bitpt., 39 N?ss?'i street, N.Y.. Opposlie the l'ost "iliee, room No. 1. V^EW YORK, AUGUST l?. 19W.-ATTENTION. 1> Notice is hereby given that a book' for registering the nami: 4 ot young men, thoir res,donees nnd relereneos, will be opened tula any, and will remain opeu from H A.M. i" 6 P. M. daily, at the Cooper Institute, mom No. 20, by the un dersigned (>fltoer. for COLONEL CHARLES C. DODGE'S F-rtt regusent NEW YORK MOUNTED KIFLBMBN. f we re mouth i in eai vire. And now ?t ButToik, Vlr^intn, fcr (he p-.;rpo>e of fi rming a company of (list class young men. wLone parents may rest assured lout the evil inlliioucea gi neially aecot/ipaiijing the t>roniii<o'.i>us nnrollmei.t of all el.ts?"-i will be avofded. A committee will be appointed to iuoulre lute the chnructerof euoh unllmal. Ti;? following 'loifkty will be paid on being muitered In? vt/, (4 recr 'lung ice. tl!> I/oitcd Siaten bounty, $JiO 8'a'e bounty?total $79. One n<onth'a pajlu advasoe when the eompM>7 Join* the regiment, aud $75 al ihc end of enJIat tnent. _ KELIEV TICKETS ISSUED. For particulars apply at the nhove Inniittite, or at the head* quartos, No. 12 Omi're street. New York. Captain J. C. OBEBTBCPFBR, Becrittlag OJloer. p HOs-KIX RK?IMENT-CORC< HAN ZOUAVES, Fourth Kioj; rc lirt ;u lo, Jaie< aC. B i**, I'oluu'jl. Coecpar.y 11, C'amalu jc'ia I) It ara, reaiiirv* twenty mere youi<^ >u< n to ww|>Kti It* nvaiher. Tiilx being tho on y truly fr:*h ro*l:r<.-ot now organizing it. tlie mate, v>ung Irlinmi u about t? Mlltl l>a't better Join it aud aorvc under the K'ug. Tho racttn* nt Is to no exduaivel) Irleb. KrcniKa onlfattng i;i ti.iarom^ny w ill rt . rive? fHW from the Uniti it Stato*. SMI f-oin the Btete af Nrw York. B25 from Ilia cltjr and eouuty. $1.1 (cue month'n ,my.) iti a trarv: . ?<n which $0'i will be paid down oi. pa.siug mutter. Kcorultl.w ottk*cnruai' oi' Centra M<. L"otuMil ntreeta. JOHN I>. HHvii.V Cantata. (licit ai?d orEAllAN, firrt Lieutenant. JAMKrt A. Bl'l.LIN AX, Llc.ilenaut. RA11E CllANC** roB VOI Vy 1EK r.??.-0KKATES r IS. du>.eincata Yet OlforcU,?l.utii??">' E. ieci'itrt Meu-opalt Uu Uoant, i'apt. Wm C. Noirl'.?Bounty $1 ?'?, m rnlu-.i ail ble be.oreleavl: g the &' ?ta ?Tbr t t'nlilieof roeruna tor Uita regimen. w II' o apeetaltar lar- J tor bj tho I'uitaa Department, and tho*.- pbynWily ti? : (nxwirabiy dU< barged at th* 'l<we o. tVear wtilbc appointed <? n ih<j torvo. The re,-imu!ik la n?w in eotnniMid of Llenttn a< iCult?nrl FrankC\) t#ln :iorr;% oi Conical)* a, I of the Brmdwny e-iua<l, rnj eerv??l tl?r<. 'U'li the ficxloau w.irtu the Ei <hMi Vu'lvi 8? :tii? ln:'.-.ntr>. Caputu Kot i tuar far aeas at hi* hoedai a.-ierr, 413 flroatre t.trtM, ruMa So. 7, fru.u '? A. B. u I Jr. ft., and Tnlr!jr-.hi? 1 tMM' Eighth irauut. Now ta lhu atu.r.qe, (nil iu R1 tEfKlTM, htLfH MBfOIX COLOWKL, COKK ? R**!nieiit, <lf Bm?klyn.?Captala liLACfciHt.RM r?u'a ftitt men lo cut ipieta fc:i M'iiv"r. Tie Bttpri riwirt ef iir.'okljn Iirt ? appropriate i liWiUU ?e ettra tiuunl/ tor r->lunteer enUatmaatf. tu tlint ? arh rocralt will r.Triva. h?. fm-rt the hu??". <>??'' Umidred sid i ftv ?tollar* fanh. t'a'.I Immoittc eW a< V". 4.1 Fnltuu *tre t. Brooklyn. Inlin e IOC Captain HLA^KUl.'KN, Ri rrul'.ing Offiotr. RECkLITS. PAIX IK ASD JOIK OOI.O.SEI. rO.VK'3 .tifl*n;nt, ut' UriKikly.i.?<'ap uiii it. W. UKAUKoKll want.* BUT K"Oi m u i'jroin;<leut huCOUfMOT. Tlinflupcr ?i>*r? vf l<r./"*lyn Iw n iir>i(,r!a:v) f^liiixW aaauastra lionntjr t'ur \"luat''"r eu'.lauix ii.j, mu ru'U aicti recruii will nethr, bflfora mar hi. tSn S'atc. "ne liand'ad and flrtjr d<tl ifvs aa?h, Anplj loiaiadU'.atr :?? najitala U. W. HltAIV FORD, V\ U Myrile ar?moe,peaf Pnitcn utreet. Bn>oklyn pho:nix hiximen r. ^ CORCORAN /ObAVEdi. KOU HI II KEUiMKKT, XMPIRR KRtdAPB, COEOKRL 0. BtliEft. CO*.* ? KDINO. DASUCL C. knVMHAN, PIKbT EIETtjBSAKT, RB CBIMT1X4 OKPICBB, Si, IfX UrtAMwkb Kirret. RKUKUTf WASTED iMMEl'IATEtt $'ti <?? h ?e ???ch lecrnlt, jolniDi ma coftitnaad. Manot N?w Yora- Your htoetiuig ooaniry cal'a npokyen lo ra!'* to tier au??*>r. Sgw la ywiir time to aHcw to lUa wt-ri'i it dor ? not rebuilt a drafl wkhin the Uatoo limit to s fj ? ?h tblt tta'ittc r?tr-illou. _ COME fOfWAKD. OKB AND UJ.. TO tHB OAU. OP VOl'It COtSTRT. lrfa'jnien, ynnraiit-nu riaht hanil ta ii?a<ta4 tc daf batfcre Kwl n.or.'l. Tlie 'jluo l ut tIn? tsund?of y vt fellow rounU/ e ?n vo'i for vi ofeeiu-c The lend nt four adop. tion?tonronrf ho)>e ?jr? aartla?eir*tn?ie? forth tar ahattaraJ arms fcpou aud Itaploraa inn Uut. aa ?h? I aa lt> li>*d pott awn ubeilihra yon In your of cU^tre?K. yo'i will u?w lenp forenr't t" lierrcaene In lltla her tour ?! reed, ttball th.itaall bo in rain! Willyuu p. y bau* part ot the obtlca. Uanapotl "wehrrT AhaiTThonia.frerape'elt.yoiii rrl%|no to!eiai?i! an4 reepeetad. >ourpecpn ?loi atad ?o tb* htfheat I oatti'.-n in iba latnl-all ti.?e h.<e are dirt- far yen aud and u ill roit tie rrrr-ant la all lhi> Virtue* ol Qiut.a> l'y aad gretiiude, and allu?- thi: Bu.m glojrluas UudL lha I reea g? reriui.t nt. tt.a i ? rfeotiofti>f liantan 1-api inax* 'ha ?ort<l ha* ?t?r o?rn. In be roli-ited, reut 'aeifndei- at?d ernabal by tba \T0r?t <k(| oliuu?aya far aoraa than i>iinny Erin ever endured? B"m?i her tlila euriuid rebflilen It fiatered and notlttehe* by <>>tr . ? i. ii.'ary uMt. BiUBaaii nitmbw hitaatpa and Hioh. j fan and keep atlT" iUlf nnholy erar, in1 urw aba ?ays 'lie |e going to take a hatxl in. Ood Riant ahe may. Kb! ru?!n. the apporutnlty Mi long annglitfni tlawm at laat. e '-ilt ie miike upon yot> te-day for our h< meg and fire aido* will t>a promptly reaponded ti?. Tlie I'h i-nU, the (ootiier of brave idatitnen, call* ui)*n Iter ekttdren oi '41 to piuurt herOreen Banter, and, taaruh liw aide by alite with tbe Htai# itnd 8trtpa,'Jin v the mutlo of tlie ualon to '>a tttmoat I ouo-li r^'iof the land. fc/HI'-Hih frein the Hletr, f?j \?h' n raglmoutl* mnetrrod in. In tilditl >n to icltpf tkkot' for femlli, ?, 'hu? all i teweau ti* nritnii' if family dtmlU" ilt will ImdoBt! i wiiy With. At o from $13 to ?? "ay InltlvaMe, $2 h.?od ni?n?ay, or any man brii utufl a r rrtilt to Otr olUf" will feneivn f?; 4tl oent" p?r tinv for corrrautallon of rollout. OlMtiinrf v*ry lic?t n.% Purraka all. V a, even your n-.Mln-i 'a, iwcefha-.tta, wirea and alati'ra. Mid-o ne ?nd meet a aoMfy? icwjr\ VK'.vry and glory aw? t yon. IiAMeLU. M0t!uJIA1j? Klrst Lleiitenant, Reertiitlnx Ofllcer, 10 (iRhKSWICII 8IKEET. Third ueoimgnt. BMt'lRK BBIOADE. BHga>li<>( Uenarai P. B, 8PIN0LA Tiv*nly-frerccrnita wauled toiflll up Cam panv I, Keri '.It* ?iili?titt(t in ihu i??i<iriwy -rill rtcetva -|1I>| tiout! y trim tb? 11:Hod Male*. fj.1 l)i.unt> ft'Jtn U>e Sta.e. Ut "o inty I' root the rity ami wunty. ? I. eii" month'e pay in ailiaut*. |l prtMl?Ma moee^ ?If ivhlnk f?..t will br fi!veneed opjn i a?tngtnaat?r. ilecmliK will bo r?cer.?-d uy CapUtn A.R. B. RMITB. all?Cauli?*>rr". <?" Lie iVeanut JAMfiU UciiKSSA, 73 Bowery, f||H KKBKUblOa. S11A DB. ?CA FT. ioHM DUNN, 1.1 , i, .y K *. u"vl"? 6 ??* autb?,u*? to ml-i.*?|L?l?tatTrX J'cari mnei mid HJDlwMM9 TTt.Tn ?tjTv.ui ?? 'ki lty U/ ?n> ui I.,* utu o "*? ulfornn-furnis i-d a* ? urn du-iio is oi (tol"s M> Ut? *nr. i , ,n,, w soon I* Ktmpi in, uud nirl ilcne .. v _ , ,'ni ,ui \ muut-c- ? will receive $.0 from th* V* . fr rjr city, until ibe g.m i nuc-nt. and uW i?* d\,..n ??"?. a* *'-oii a, iiiiii.Lt-i a lulu rtfiK'il. ??. J bo-lorn'.?? diwhar.ed. ' ?? tin-table qc i"Vr<? "?? (unused m| East New VmL tuus? v? ?kiued . * a. .si t. ly. ou C.?;>uV DC.NN. 86$ I't-HiI ntn-i I, .>r First I leuten.iai ? No. 7 Hulimrry street. 6nuuU U< uleiiant M. J. i'HAk ?? . Cl-INOI.A'B EMPIRK RRIOADK. O A lew good men uautcd to uU up Company B, tfe'Vud regiueut ui lliU liri/jn !e. P. J. CLAASSFN, CikjucI Commanding. fflORtate bounty** ?oon hi niu*ier ?.(. one moulh'i | ay at s.Kiti a* the oont|Mtn/ i? Mustered, 9-i.t United Htute* <.oiiniy ? Li n Hie tegiiuaut 1* mustered, and $fr bounty wheu hono rably discharged. l'.iy from $13 to $23 per month. U-uit I tick, u furnished to .a.allies of nlwlten Com tollable quarters, ration* and uniform* furnished imme diately. For further particulars In"?>i!of Lieut, WM. 1*. DKb.iKKdT Recrnliinst Officer, Soli Eighth avenue. near Twenty-fifth direct. SIXTH 8ENATORIAE DISTRICT.?COLONEL OUB uey'* National Monitor*.?Two hundred re*pec!Kbl? md able bodied young men are wanted to tul up tbi* regiment to the maximum elan lard. A bp-cial bounty of s?Ttl will ho paid by ilie Distiict Committee to each recruit from the dis tri' i. Will not the \ ouug men oi iht) diali let come l'orwuri and prone tb msclve* true pair.ite Application should be mtidc at the itegl mental fleaii'iuarteri, 814 Broadway. The duty op paying thk. reward vob apprb betiHion and delivery of drat rtcrs iroin the voiuniuur aerT.i:e uaviux bur a akaigmd to me, it become* ueee*?ary, in coiuM!'jtieuce of Kir irregular arrenta and detenti'in, to give notice mat no t ov.nrd will bo paid uuleB* the certificate wl* lortu i bo rujiiuteui, letter of company, capuun couuiiuiidiiiic, and Swln in which the priuoner waa en?lle<\. Thit certifi cate to lie Mlgncd l>> a uomtuiNiloneil oOl. er who ha* beeu regtilarly miibiered into .'liu aerrico of tUe Dulted tivnir*. No reward will be paid for deserter* from rrnlmeul* now fortulng, unlew proof can be given that the priaoimra have been atte nt more than ten daya FRANK B. HOWK, A. Q. M., 1M Broadway. The di:afts to fill the first and kecond rcquuii.lon of,K(IO,OOU men.?The ucder?l^nedfor$lWin. attres fiitrtie* aga.nat draiu iu tlie Slate of Now Vork. If liisfti (I will furni-h a subititut! ft<*:jr<llng to liw. I>. P. WKHSTRR, Insurance Broker, oillce 21ii Ilroadway, room No. 6. <4 TO PERSONS DESIROI'K OF SECURINO 8UR8TI laieH.?liiivtng ei gi .,ed more 8ub*tituies for *u a?*o ciution iban will be piobaMy rtiqulred. pvtioi desiring to secure some very eoo<l, reliable men, must ot wluun nave served before in European armien and ?\ ho will certainly be paHseaby the United Stale* i.fliers, eai do soon liberal term*, by ai-plying early. 2U2 Broadway, u|iaUira. TO PKKSON8 LIARLB TO BB ORAKTEO. Tiitiso wUuing to avoid beiug dial ted outi be informed the ?-*y to do -o by addressing, enclosing tb, Couuscllor, box Uy Herald ofliue. UNITED 8TATB8 MARINE CORPS.?WANTED-FOB tit iu tried uud gaUaut corps, able bodied men, but wean tlie iigue ot J8 an 1 4l> ye its, nut less than 5 feat -i)i iuol es high and of good character. ThU corps otfers superior in ducement* to young own who are uu\ioti? to serve th'dr country, i'ay fioui i>i'l to 921 ;ier mrnith, with a certainty of making plenty ot prtie money. A boutttv of $l'J0 will Ih* paid e*cu recrull on re? ? icing an honorable discharge, and $2 paid any one who will tiring a re . mil tu the oilici, ai * on as lie |ia*se*a .nedi- rii oxamin illon. C'olhiitg and rail in* oi the best qual.iy. together with me1 ical attendanee, when siek, furntsfird by the government. Applv at il.e rendez vous. No. Id Bowery, or at the .Marine iliitta-kiH riuxiilug aveuuo, iSeooklyu. A. OAHLANU, Maj >r ComuiauUiug. u NITED STATES. 'I ho underatgned, on payment of $l<X)^v at y person, rre vioumo the pending drafts, arc | rep.tir.d l? provide a sulistU lute iu case ?aid liersou should bu diaftrd. L. BALLAUD A CO., M -nd.nnts' an 1 Bankers' Agency, No. 290 Hie idway, corner oi Kt-ade street. We rcfur, by permia-lon, lo Mesitra. Goorgc d. B -bb n? A Son. August Belmont A Co. Read. Dreael .* Co. Duuc*n, fiherman X Oo. Llvermore, Clews A Co. Daniel i>rew, It*>i. O. M. Bog.irt, h-iq. R. W. Howea, Ji?u. McCrmly A Armour. Hcvt. Spraguee X Co. * Jo:in Caswell .t Co. 'J'. Ihitn-iiu ft i 'o. Riiermau, Tall.miii A Co. Hulton, Sirlth & Co. CUUin, Mellon A Co. LftUtrop, Ludlngtou A Co. WANTEDIMMBDIATEI.T-ONE DBKM ?UOil, POUR Drummers i:nd ten Bucicrs, fur tue l-'irsi reglrurut Metropolitan Oui.rd. JAMEri lioWKN, P:Midentcif Board of Police. 'ANTKO IMMKDIATELV-HERUEANTS AND COR pora'x, for Uie First rcjlm lit MctMpolltan Ouard. None noed apply but competent and oxporlene< <t men. JAMES Bf)\VEN. frc-ildout ol thcBoaidof Police. WANTED.?A DRUUOIST, HAVINU AN OI.D ESTAB 11-died * p,tid doing a lucrative bueinck* in Bnaiklyn, and who i*siibj<<> to the draft now soon to N- n ?de, du ?ires to procure lh? services of a man tout ersanl with lite bns.i.e.^ wi:o is not lialile to military duly, and wiio would investufufllcienteuni In the b"*ln?f.s, so ej to b?ceuiean equal or half e<|iuil purtne:-. Lu"xcept ouifb'.c trfercuce* given and required. Add:e?tS rentecn, l'.tOii raid olticc. 1ST BBGIMGNT NATIONAL VuLlNTKBRS?COL WM. QI'ilNBV. "Now 1* the lime " Don't wait to be drafted, but. at once step forward and volnntecr tw jerva your country, in thl.-t line regiment. A few more able b idled young men wanted to Mi it* innta. Uuiform*, ration* and eemtoitable qr.artcra tvuishod iinniediatoly on unrolinetit. All the govenimei;t. State and county bounties umrad tit recruits. Bc-.-ruVing ofiirc, Sixth avonuu, oorner Tenth sUect. Bekioiental beadriiurter*, 814 Ilroudvray. JAMBS VP. OUBNBY (Late Co. I, First regiment, United Stales Cua-n-m ?j > RecruitiiiM 0?c?r. 4TB SENATORIAL DISTRICT KB^IMENT, OOLONEL PETIiR MrUBKMOT.T. BALLY AP.OUND THE OLD FLAW! "Sirlkc till I In>t si lucd foe e*rires!'' Reornits wante-i Immediately lo Oil up this fine regiment. I'ay rai.glug from ?I.: to $33 s month. Belief tick< tt from n to Ai huiied liu!ne<.iiatei). fitki United Sla'.ta uounly, $36 o( which is p*id wLea uiiktcreil iu. ?40 State iHiunty ^a! ) at mice when tritwf red in. >1.1 to 923 , "lie month'* puy, lu advance. t- tasii In hiuid. C'mxI rations and hao Isome unifotmi supplied at onceL CoQicni'iag. Now is the time to join a good regiment, with exMstlcniad "BU ?<??. RECBl ITINO OFFICE corner of Xnvr ? hi. mcora and Batavia street*. f.icuieuani JOHN J. DUFF, Recruiting Ofll^o.r. U?o W. WiiMii, Adjutant. 20 4Til SENATORIAL DISTRICT EHUIMENT. OOUJNEt. I'l.ter McDERMOTT. tlfio llOCSTV. $100 from II)'- l"nli?d htuli'*. $ii ut' which 1* paid iruutcdlatuly. ?>J Hum lite mate, \vlil< h U pal I before tht recruit 'ea?e? lite Sule. $13 oue Bioath'at*y In aiiTance. $'.' c:eh In towd. To or"u?: Tom-mat To aim*; A\ Oli> THJi DRAKT. Do yo tr di.t .? n cRUnm ami Jo n thti ttnr orgaaliMlon, whorr vonr BM1IJES will t* writ provided for. liUST HESITATE, BUT FALL IN. Apply to Limit. JAMES t\ KEBLKY. Ro rutting Oflicer, .ViB Oram! ((reel oppoette ftreot, New Yoik. ,1 TH SENATOBI It DISTRICT REGIMENT. -RECRtriTS *X wauted II iu' ?1lat?ly ;of I'ouivuiir |> uf thla rasiireut, now quu stored at ?"a'i?|i Waal Ingi.iu, Hm'en l>Iaud Pay fro:.' $13 t;. $23 ii*i month, Kith good. a kh:.tut t.'Btreimi! ohaiteil a* jron *? the rerrui' 1 o?ii Ir Suite bonti.y, $JC; Cnlted fetrnee Nmuty, ?!(*?; fUul' wblflll U pa d In .id.*:..#. TeamiU'ra, diunw.?-r*, Ar II- i>d<|na t?ra M Oi'itR tiroil. UOKti'T II. MKLViN. Cay <uu. TJI WAHI), AWAKE,??I'IKOLa'S KMI'IBE Bltt 4)AUK |LAJ<IA rOR TUB UNION. War, vvTr* war. cgMFAHV l?, MIIXIKHlrtK UOBT JXPANTRY. i\ J. fi,A ?SSEN. Commanding. Captain J M latr <H Hawking' 2on**M. BHCUUlTH AANTUK J M V. lit) I AT ELY. $W TO BACH BKOBUT JOININO BY COMMAND. Ini r.t New tfurk. your b<-Attiikiomny <?l!a .t;ou >au to h?r?i?<or. N*'w I* ?onr ltn>? m *how to tlie ffoiM Vint 11 doe* not riiju're ? draft TilMlIkeI'motl to:** In uruaH iht? fii-auKc irbcl lion fofward, ore and al., to tho oil of \?mr ctiuijtry. rii'it koiUraravL w L'l be |m.J at o ?v, in i>dfllt>on t?> rvliet ti'ktlMrr i.etim-a. Th'nali eicuaeaon aoouuiit of fatuity dOatiuitlo*i wIH be ilouw uwny nrltn. ? a ifrom $18 to f ?' l?y In adranc*. T> o io'.'iirt ban.I ji.emsJ. Fo.ty tenia pe.r uay ooannutatldK of ration*. Clothing of tl?? vei7 be?l inalertui. Korf.^-aiil Veten jour ltiotUn-a, awoeibea'tt, >fah if a. wtTri, and <-iinr a no mcol wRh a ?oWt'?r'i reward. Victory art* gWny a*.a> yoc i>o-ain JOStfK if. STiNKR, Ue-nuUB* nffloor, Ito. 422 t t.nIII atrrel. N B ? An oitra Njniity ty the Ward C'emuili eo o! fit) to each recruit a lio "Ui'na In tn/ ooapaliy. j. m. tmsiw. TQTK UI?HLANnBRH,-REtmCITI? WAKTED, TO t) ml up Hi? iinWx of mi* eailani old remtuent. *o*\ on their wav fc< Bichmornl. Va. A Tew a'llr bo tied kies i-an voir i'>tr, and i? .aire tho nu bounty. -vliM. w111 l>r paid on Ijofna Biu^teieitiln o the ?errk^. Beci tailing offla-, *J8 Bi<m4way,ouiitr Brooin?iti-';ek Liout Col. 0. UOBJltSON. $7.000.,t7,tTSiv4 o'sSVer thousand dollars bei.eoer ttic urr f??y nr<iabl? bodied matt W$o wlli eiillat in my aetniienj thli oay. NUty dvllan euro boilBtf will ?>e pal4 In all able ho?tl<d meu wlio tn nay eomnauf thta week onljr; all the oiU"r bounuex win *:*> l>? iiiid, rU -?$'itl Stale Uo imy, $i1 Uitit-d Ht.tiai bo'ioie, end one wontn'B t ay la ad*??ce All ih?? will be uaid 1? tore yci W-i*r? the c!iy. Sct enly-Avt-4ollara will be pa Id whan yovt are diaeliorgnd. __ _ fArrly Imm^Tl'Ji'fly ^I< unut FIELD, teuton Uatteiy ?ouikIi", oMNMlte the cutle Harden. n.oUyn oowmy .a ?*) nlted Biatei bounty. 2a ftatc bo my W One month'* j.ay ib advance th When an. harged '0 Total fcii.oty s_T V?U'A IlIN ilRSHIl'ir^ * T"?!R rOI-AUTNER^HIP HBItETOPORK BMHTTNtl tii'titer n I. Til man, >ata 1" Tinman and Vudoi .tie Kranoh la ttilK d*y ,!l?eo!ve<? l.,? tnutnal coinw-nt, mid L. Tilman I* al'mr v"ti>. r./i-d to wttle all tl:?? builne^a 01' our late 0rm. D?M I Nr'* York, Ang'iM 0, 1$W. h. Til MAN. NATALlli Ttr.JUl?, VH Tt'Rl.VK FRANiMI. R*.'ni ring to the abnre the nnduirUneit het i l.y klm no tlee thut tloiT 1, tv? tu/reol A coiartnordilu on ter tlie firm i. ml iiau.u ui h TUmnti k Co., ami have iitken tlm b?u*e No. 1?H K Ninth ?'re#l. adjMniot A. T. Ste.vartA Co.'a new where tlif* will op?n In Ooloher en entirely n-w tio.'k or ele^ni Artificial rloerora, Teather*, Bom, i* ami Miliineti iimKl.% now In onnr* ot Imyrtotlrm inm. l?i ?i.-Mitkit'x will i?e done utide? tbo auu?fvl?loti .fin i.o toiniiilehad %itiel fn.'n I'arla BATaLI I'l ti*N, l,'m Yona. Ana>i?i IS. IMK. VIOTOBIMI V RANCH: THK ADVBRTIfRR fit DB9IR0CS OK *Bi;OMlXl? \ niii uii v in mi eManilali< >1 wi.olo?ale 11., i0r ?n.| >onuui< atofboMneae; han a atnall <?riin:; c?n luitnonco taeg . ?)n< ?Urtmi nil l'r>?m Eiif'tJO, nn.l obAlt Ordara from t e.v for orod iei-51? * tho.tWKh h?e?Wf"< man; >p. ?? thu f. noli and Gavma# l*n*iiai;s* itiienll*. lt<< neva?T IiaincA Arf?n:a not KNliti A iJifH B?l>oI l,7M font oill.,. AjDRnnn ?r\rtnkr wanted iv * k.vkr, aKbtl.UWU. pied h i'i "'nil " tublieh d ind ?erj to ,n. ?? j? ii<.? i\ ill ii . r the el ?'???riti ny, .'id a m iei li'io fal ?<>a : I ?* ?'! be ttimfcHvitu aow-'fi .. I '.'y. l?e I' . bOL fUWtvK A ffdOi*. ?C X tl u llTMi aiUPNi a. S~TEAMWKKKL* TO LIVBKPUOL^TOlJcuTlft AT V u?io? u iCi.rl. h?rl>?rt tlie mvciv?Q: Hru K.' Slid 1'niutui ipMK Onu.lia.i) luwnu ?le (tatoi.lug tl<uli luu puWcrt d ClyUb built irua st< uu.tu>^i lis I liu?> -?? CliV UK UAoTiJOiib hiiu.iia., Aa,4Ui> it Oi'ASi.'O*' .....ra-ui ta>. A liu.-i "JUL Ci'n' Or" Stw VOUK _oat? <U . K> 1t ?. and ever} (.ceding Saturday, at uojo, fruit pin H Nona river. BitKS Of r*>? ?<i! r11181 CAI1IN J. JI alhtt: VCF ?S5 I/O. Cu Liiiu.l ( il->. I > 1/ inlsQ Do. lo I'wm #j) Do. furu 45 I*'. to ll.taibiii? M f lift. to Hamburg 40 1 as??iigcre aleo forwarded to Havre, Bix.neu, Eotterdaui, Antwerp, Ac . aue.j i*iiy ioiv rate". t'uraaiiuiii J.iVMp-oIor Cueinstowu?First caLio, I , 17 a.'iJ 21 guineas, Bteemge from Li'trpuvi, ?* ?. F urn Du^'cn town, l.ii C. An<t (bote who \ti bin send for ilieir triei*'* Mn buy ticket. hern f.t tlie rrmt r Jle ot exchange. 'I lies*. steamer* have siiparM>r acamino ..iiiwi fur p?a?en ? rs; are strongly lmiit id water light irou sections, ami carry patent lire aniuhiiators. EipeneuceJ suigeoiu are ?<aaohod to fc.ieh ateaowir. for iurlher Information apply In Liverpool to IV, Agent. Wuier s'rixl, In 0!mi;ow, lo Alex. Mai ruiu, tio. b Hi. Sai-Ii square; in l^uet umIowii. In ('. A W D Seymour k C'o.: In LoiiUOV, lo E.vus A M..,rv, |>1 King Wil liam street; in I'aris, to Julra P eoue, ??* Jtue Notre !?*???? des Victoiiva, Place dd 1? BonrW; In Philadelphia. lo Jcba O. Dale, 111 Welmit street, or at tfco cumpauy n offices. JOHN O. DALE. A#?Jit 15 Broadway, NJT. SjTEAM FROM HIV YORK TO MVKRf'OOX. ) The steamship ORE VT EASTEitif W^?r Fate*, oota muder, will be ill .|mi. had rioi Livxuroor, (Culling at Queensiown) lain i day, Auguai 10. WadnernlAT, Ovtober 1. Turwlajr, Nomeaiber U. First cabin, from FKMr k*ir tone, Tuesday, Mi'i'tcmllkertf. Haturdiiy, ttoUiimr ^i. Thursday, DccemiMr 11. $1M to $1SS Buiiit of apartiuei^a Tor familiea mar La onuageil by apevial aarceuicnu 8* cond Oabin, Mate Boon berth*, meaki nerved at Mioariito ubie uo Tlcki-Ut for the vnyace to aud from laverriool, in tirator wrond cnbio, at a fart ipd a half. Tuird Cabin, intermediate mate Koom Dasaeugpra, found with bed, beddlns, table utenulla and coodS'.batantlal food " _ 8taera$e, with itiprrior accoinnH>datt?iM u.. Eacb puNHengei-allowed twenty cublu feet of litegaiee. An experluti<?d Hurgeon oo hoard. For freight and paaaatm. nuijiy to OIlAf. A WniTNE*. At the oftlce. No. 2M Broadway, New i ork. HOWLAND A ASEINWALti, A*ent?. THE NORTH HERMAN liLOVD'U S'l M\MSH 11' IIaN SA, H. J. ron Kan-en, enm'i auder. currvin; thu United Rtatea mat!, will aail from pier 30 North river, fool of Oaau berx utreet. on SATURDAY, AUGUST 8.', AT 13 O'CLOCK If. ? m* BREMEN VIA bOUTHAMPTON, taking p.hsbiik't." to LONliON, HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON ANDBREWEW. At the following ikUa ? For the tlr t cabin, (111', ancond cabin, $70; ttserage, SAO. For freight or pahsw apply to OkLkIoHB A CO., 68 Broad atreel Hamburo-amerioan packet company. STEAM TO LONDON, HAMBURG, HAVRE AND KOUTHAM I'TON. The lurorite flrat cUk:< and ?1r am Iron mull steamship 11A V ARIA. E. M? (*r commitiidri, cau-yint the Uni'ed 8tatea mall, nalla from pier No. 21 Norlu river, fool of Fuiiou atret t, positive ly ou SA*CRI>\Y, AUGUST 2\ Aud takes panscii/jrr* fop Londou, Humburg, Hn\Te and s >iitlia'upion u' the faiiOA-Ing ratcn:?l'ir?t cabin, $11S; se cond cabin, $70; Hieeraxr, J4" The TEL IONIA will tiu-cec l the Ua\ aria on Sc|K. 6. C. B. RICH Vl:i? A BOAS, lit Broadway, N. Y. MO. ROBERTS' M.VE OF STEAMSHIPS FOR CALI ? loinlu and Oregon, via Nicaiagu.i. Turou,;L in ad* ranc of the mall. Ureal reditu If" In lures through to Sua PruncuM?/. No ui'ii'iuior. on the Iathmua. Tlie iipw aud splendid Hieatrritiip AMERICA, L'.OOJ toua, Conini .nder JEKF. MAURY, Will sail on Katurdav, Oetobor 25, a: 1-' o'clock, noon, pre olxi'ly, from her pier at tho foot of Waircn streut, North river, for Sau Jiun del Node, conuectinp with the fast and we I knowu ateai'ishlp JIOSIIs TAYLOR, 1,500 Ions, E. H>^ves, commander, lo sull without doluy for Kan i'ra!ii'i;:co dir ci on the arrival of iho passenger* at s*n Juhu dnl Knr. The spead aud acooaamodationa of th'*e^ ar.'uu surpassed by any steaiueraon either ocean, and 11 lu Intended to L-ind passeugert by tlila line In San 1'rancisco wiihiu2l days. The unilerKlgned htvhig beati in lUe 0?lifoi uln trade tlnce the I>'-emi/lng l.ces to inform tUi. pubit ? thai, this in a perma nent line, and not put on for the purpoan of being bought or driven Oil'. Tlie fiilj swill rmnltii-ely leive on the t'av ail vortl*c i once a month,.and In six monlbs olliei Uilp* will be ren.dy, so that a double "???? l?? may be re! eil i.pon. For information or psuuiM apply to W. O. ROBERTS. No. 177 Wist street, co.'nav uf Warren street. North Rlrer. FOB LIVERPOOL?OLD BLACK STAB LINE.?THE packct ship TU< in N l't?N sails to-moi i w mjrulj;The Bpli ndid ^hln ft. 8. ELV ?alu Au^usl 2?. For passage upply on board or to WILLIAMS A Gl'ioN. *0 Fuilou ntrci"t. FOR Ll V EBPOOL ANi? I.ONDON -TAPSt'O'fT fl LINE.? Hh:p 11. L. liVNE, n" pier No. 8. Nurtn river, ti.ila lor Lirei-p'?nl Augtisl '-'7; slilp MAKlj.lKET EVANS, ut vi"r W lias', river, nan- ler London Augnst 27. I'or ptsKiscor ilrafi?o!i Bri.aiu or Ireland, app y lo TAl'SOOTf * CO.. 86 South rlreet. Ti^On I.ONDONt'EKKV, IRELAND. -SHIP ROBERT TRBA1', lo aaW on Menday of Tuesday. A few cabin tMut'ii* i ,au be taken l>y ptin.ipt ?pultcntlon lo THOMAS VH slip, or to O. A 5. K NOX A CO., 8* Pea 1 si .JAME'i, ( 'eiilied BLA' K B AIjL LINE -I OB LIVEKPOOL.?'1'IIESPLEN di l |?"ntl ship JAMES FOSTk'B, .l"-, falls the i*M)i of Aiignoi. I >r pswagr ititpiv tm le^rd. at pier "< Ea; l river, or io JACOB Wli SON, 17S So.nh street, ujipo-iits Boose velt street ferry A" UBANt-rMERT <.OMMENciNolULY"l" HlK t ALli'ORNIA MA PANAMA. A Lis: cists s'e nn. r n ill inave Ne^ York uu the l?t, 11th sail 2Ui e' ca< h mouth, 'icepi. when the,.e dates fait on Sunday, whna the day of dcparlurs wll. uc ou the Monday fullowlug. Fur f-eight or paisaio apply at the "nl/ office. Us, 8 Bon. Hog Or?a. ______ D- *? ALL.KN, ajent. A USTK * LIAN PIONEER LINK.?THE AI FAVORITE Ji dlppoi Jaip Hi SSAB, lIuvvlAnc1, matter, is bow rapid ly loatllng at j lei IS East rlvor. and vriti have -,ui''t <lespatcU lor Mt l' oai ne direct. The At axUein - c.'lppev siilp MON* SOON, B?. ei iua -l?r. m suioeei tiiO NordSteru for Syd ney, N. i5. W., it rajinllr loading at pier 87 :-lTer. Kjlh of the nliote vessels have eMKtilenl acc innu' dation* for Hist aud s(?>nd abln pufsenscr.o. For irolthl a. paesaac apply to R. W. CAMERON. S9B?..ver slt*-U Ii^oU LIVERPOOL - THIRTEEN DATS PASSAGE.? 1 -Tb^ wtl'ld wide Motra i.llppcr sblp DREAD NO L'UHT, Captain Sainuo a, no* in the atreaui, ro'lii"''.' sails to-e.ay, at I) A. M? at whWh hour a stenMbirtt leaves pier No. 4 North iIvor, lo take pa-i.en^'iS on I'.iar.l ami {irocood Hin't to sea. Rfrfm. for a few >uor-,' pr-astngers at II'e lonest rates. Apply to P. M. DEMAREST, 40 HoutU hln:c'._ _ _ I7IOR HAVANA DrRKCT.?THE UNITED STATES MAIL ' steamship t Ol.l'.M ?IIA. D B. n. c ><!. r, will leave pier No. 4-North River for Havana, oa Thursday, Au^'jst 2$, ut U' o'clock M. precisely. For fi'iiglti or pussifjje N'p,J 10 S^OFFORD, TILESTON A CO., 29 Broadway. l/OR NEW OKI,MASS. V THE STEAMSHIP TRADE WXXO, l.'apt. K. A OFLaNOI', wt ' Seav* i)!?r N?. 4 North riv#r, ou S? urlay. Aroint *3, u 14 o'VlW-l' UAllll M ? A . 11 ' l< IS o'dock no'<n i"e Yur pisliif od!v aerlT :? ilvi?n\>Rr>, ti KS70K A 00., n Brvudiray. IpiR*T STUMERS l or. NEW ORLEANS lllRKOT.? flu* lUnu-J huiea ..*11 nu-ambip KU.'.Nt'KE will Havd *'i?-r 11 rivai, (>u Pv inlay, Attguat 84, ISC. at 13 ? >Wk. noon, preclrely. lur K?\r Orltua direct. S'ramnr t ItEOLK, Gen. TV. Co<Kh, con.n,aimer, will nail \V?ui,c?ifv, H?pt. 9. no i?wni"if uk!?r l>* thf Creole. IAUJL.AM. HJUKEKEN A CO., lid Broadway. rruK united state* mail MBAMbHtr L PlUEADKl/t'ill A fi>r*nr Or-ai, bul kONPAT, Al'OI M 13. AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Far f. > litUi <>r [,n ,' iapply to A>U(>t.W W. tilMi, 119 Chumbftv**treet rHB AM, CNITEl* SI.OT.H SHIPOWNER! AND ottrrc.?l*?t< r* for all I'uiwd Sum < trtatu whkh inay !*? i.rtwctod to <*'?> lit <Jn<v aalowu or o lit.- iX4'tr In.tho l.'iil ;?d Klnpdom. will br tuirai ally All,'n?je?i U n< amiivanul ?ar* uf IV. P. Beymour, Agi>ut to NeU York JJoird oi 1/rider* ritara, lyieonafown. ATfeA<lftlfOAT$. i lONET I SI. A NO FRRKY.?TUB NAl'tBON I,EAVK? yj CferlktorhM ain?at at 9:16, Uln and Hi ring ( ri*t? ?I 9 So, U'jOaiKi 3:?l; lA-y ail* 44 I?:4J a.w 3 4S: Plor b>: % North ri?w m id, l muI 4. DBHATL.Y I.INB FOR HHIDilJ-M-OJiT-) BOM P1KB J6 E.,h i r r.r, n? IJ o'clock M., Arriving hi Bridgeport Id tibia 'HOnniMw.t wltft ikn tloiutai'ml?. Natlifaitp*, ?? Huvu rnd Ha-ifoi d JMiru.t,l?, aim tl.c MCwr#l,!i ?< to >?v>ino? and M"? LjU'KjII. Kl.U. W. < Ui:Llli->, Ag-\ll. Moving use kor rutEPiuix.-THK vcuora Met.)*; rirw; plur u *< ly|i ml tivr.u.n) ?n (?'clock A. M. for fffkaklH and unuiil inndlnc*. Rt-liiruiiiit, kill at I .(>>. toucii'm nt ?'<a< rcnll. imi<1 Tliirti' tu o \(ORMMi Ll.NR FOR AUMST. TBijT AMD INVRU i'l >u< -JlaV utK'hmg i.iTMitUlfc sli-evt S'lMincr AfCMkKtA |i ?ws fffoi thr ten* fir n?rrmoti ?!ir?t Mi iitlay. WiJutwU) iitid Ci'k'kv <17 A M I'lto IMKiV:!. Mihn !< ???.?' iii?* f'>ni tf J*y street, t'aqkiiay, Th,ii--i?y anu Ntnir 4v ?'" *? VORWJCII LIM.-Hili BQStOA NTW I.OWDOJI. IX ar>l Wor,Tai?i.?Thr *pi?uittd rnaaaamlitTY OK BtJfTOh arid tUTY OK NKV* Vt'BK. lrava fvurj <la? (Hi-uilajx a?.cvi?-(1i, at it ?,c.o> k, fiom liK ti'l" Vra?i7 MiceS j?i?i iki rUi rimr. B l>. MAJITIW. Ajpat. W SDNDAT AMt? EVKJIV RAT.-roH JfJiifAKK Vara II*.. ?0<t Rarir n P'.Wt. lar# 101 -Tha a*?Htnboat Sft()?A?i r. WAV, Oaptaln W. J. tlvtialr, k.?-r? i,!?r a) H'.r'S ritrr, !'? .??t iu IMy ntwi'l, at l<*K A. M. anit 45ft r M. KVt l KSJ4?>!?. ~ " ' LA8T HRAND P)Si ATOKIM4 KXClTttrtI"N Of TUB -rasca to ft>1 Cioic t, fina Rvaa Uanka.?'The iplvodld liwu^r RfJRr.HT VliET, wt:t lca?<> a? ruMntra K*rth rktrr. 4. . ??PB^B^PMBPBMBB rtvar, 7 nVlrnk. Tac w i*li Vno*u pilot, Aaiicpam t'hoii?#,l ? nl b? ?n Tnkcla *1. Ikiuk i!uili?>i. Can bo ub utli ?<i at 'lia Oai .t in U.i ??. 4V'j B, ia<i*'a? , Houc. an t O'Krlen, H*rAld oid'.'a; Ru'>?f? Thoinaa, oornar ?f flktaod itituh sut.111. Krtraobmcnu, bait and liiM* (? lit had vu board BAI1 n-IADN. UUPnON RIVKR RAl JJlOAU.-rKAlMl fOR ALBA NT, 11 Trot. 'Jin Nuith ana VV>>t mav< i;liaiitbci* auoat al 1 Bill 11 A. M., ?n t ,1.15, 6 Arn! 10 U I'. N. I OKU IBLAKD BAI1.ROAJ) ACCORMODATTOK-OLD J i Boutk Karrj Ti,:i ?Trhl ?? al 7:4."? A. B. and |J? f, M. lor A. M. a;ul 4.U f. M. fof Hy. naafilt, 7:44. 11:4ft, A. "I., ?n 1 S'lu, 4.1ft, A'4l f, II.for U?nip atqft'l. ftourlT for Jauiatra .rem 7 16 A. B. lo O ti i". B. tUT L. M VliEV, Cir-alp .loh-i ?. Hrbart. wa ?Similar, tus-oit #4. Hnrlna Mivet, *. M ; I'n * ?l'l>, C!< : pier Ro. ?.Ntrlti IO>?< t$J.AM> BAlLltDAP ?UH 4NOit OP TEH EI J n<m ? l'av? n?n .l.?v /I nt * ip and fool ??' Thir ty .o.ifth utrrm. Hunt rivir. Hmbiui"! ?r an'.emctit?Ce"** "r'* Vnrkatu A. B. for Oi ' iipoit, 8u llariwr. Ort otftnd liampiun. At i A ?.. ft M and?:8UK * lur syoc .tt A' 9 'til' M. fortl' :Ciipt,rU Alt! P M. fop V'Al Tl.u^ air On BuiNto* ? lr*tu irn' ,.rr'? Polnl tTblrts -faniih a'it?; 11 rtj), at *>4 A. M. fi* l^ar^*i,,l and ;nlarrr.?.i .it* a '?! 01 ..t Ltcr.i. 1,11 ralra ll.-mr.iln.; l>-avea Klverlu-aA al SI'. B. NKW t t'RR, IIAI 1,1'.V AM' Ai.liANY UAIUROAD FOR ALBANY, I Btlt, R'tR'lL *Ml*Ujf. HI(SV.RH ,\RR\.NilKM 1 .>T. Co 1 j i" ? ,tj >'?*? 8. l? I Pur \INka>, a M ? l' ? ? M?>' I(mil t .'-aty. ?lllft J*r ?' JuU?S liVUVii.LU Am: al f .iaai u.c a.'?? iuvsciafl'n. ^ ^ ^ AM.A' K B I'ri i. -..r Mr. WALLAOK H on '4>eu a! if, u.i" m at ?.tti o'jtoc?. CKAftD K V I LI *ufi WJSj.; Euu c t fiMU.v f. ?JliB 8 ATV-blMil Nil..11 ; (It KUi-.L'N -K* t T t V ? VMM* r-r '!?.* !>.??>" g |<> o Inc UIOI i.i> ?e tire f<U t'?? bceu uUrr J mU * i !i pr>??'* t'if deep.y inter*.- n ? u."?:[.? >?i li Kt.AMI AC li' WAS, lu ?li it* ?r, 11...1 juaxiii.iCeii <\ ??? .>, ?.<?" i? mimn ar, w ' , .Mr J t !,0 it 'n?tid Jlf'Y ' 1 U\J ?. u:'d I Ij illNNC i5 1.1 i MWI iM|N?rt*f HAO'.t O r ?T V;;" . ?? ?.?hi. i. *, I'.a.hiUS i f; ? 'ti' yj.ii e uU?ed *> la* ll-iAOLii \ NIK, lu *11 1. V.. M,(. I- <1 . ,..??? ? .?> l i. r? j 1'liS KD\V) KVIKIN#. AltilM**!, I To <.ou. ".?#? tj ? I U in. if' ?* d Hlii? IBKLA.MJ AS It WAK Mr. W. J. ta hi* ftrwl anD |.yf m"?! W."j.*KW>Hhsi!K. ?'J''**' '> 1KOT liurmg tlie ?->x Mi ami ?.i?. ILOKENOB wul aauc? tliL.ii' (an oui DONMYBROOK JI'l. Scenery by iSHERvVOoii by M)PFir/. M.irliloiT. by BEECI.i*' r. CORCORAN QL'IOKjTKI' .tJ . KMI*.'IT?'8 full OrekMlJB 'I e Willi t ic ...M * i in pir-c*. MIfc'Jill K VOlS A-.'i.MK ANNlB tfPRUCK. <a*.un.iUB K* other widely ,vMl>I,.R iJ HI. r. nl . !iar..cters>..... . .............Mr*. 1Lj RhN -B TIM DOCKS, (a rollick I us Irlisb ladl. .. Mr. KLOBi'M K MOKOAY.?VABiETY PUOOUAN'ME. k VKCl A I.?Truc'y "?? w i.t e ?lven ?l the .'? ** lei -d ur "????<*! MIIMIA1J, COKCORA* rut bis vuufv? Ibii eatibltabmi nt. ArraagflmenlA ere beiag parlH.UHt M* tlit) proper decoration ?ud illumination o! lbs lui'iilr.' iu Aouvr of th? oo nl aLlACVB TUEA-rRP? EXTRA A0VKBT1SEMKNT. UORMKHWNOKNCIS. W*Li.ACK'a TitKAruK. Kkw Y'iUk, Au.'r.?i 18. 183. Mr D(ak OKKKMAt?Y??ier<i >y I learned ol your refujui, noil b*4Lcn lo oU'er my cMgrftiHkalona. I |>?jn fimr r .ufii to iIjU city 1 aui hiixIou# you nhojld vtfl' ilimrjia ?.< ij meat, at your earliest o.<i?v?uii**attj, thu? Mtlur lixx our oili /(?uh tbe luug-?ouiibt-fi?r cpiiortuniiy U> te*tiiy uy iht*ir pre irniu and |Hiu ?H their ^r?tlltt.!ir for your ?"rviou* OB tbe Held itnd p?tt?nt ite?uilou whll? ?nlfcrlnf lu lb? pn?vin houbiis of Uie So iUi. . . . An early ackoowl<idgment of your reeeptioti and aocept wen Of this iQvluitton would ro'vjh obli^?r, iru^ Oeu. MichAtr CuKCrtKis, WtllanVs Hotcf, WaHhin?on. 1>.C. *r. WioiioiJks llotti^ .%o*'i?t J3?. ?> t'"c* 1 - M Mr DfAK Mu. KLORfc.KCf.-i received yiiur leM?f jon T ea day uiorniuz. I aunworcd bv tiitejjnipli; bu. tbw l? tb? *r?t ?pkre ninmcat r?e hadtowr itt: ?u:t ltoT?" H lJ*l .ipt with a cr'iu Jeal ofapUaaurr y..ur kind 1lo"? ' "' <iaboot >i"v |K^?it.rely slate the *roul?i< I wlli 1? aulu to rlait your ihtatrc. 1 uu nara to W.ubini.-ir? to murnvr. Imt ira mmiiatoly upo? my reiuru homo will uotlty you of Uie oor \eni? nt errnii.jj. Uell -vu mn to br. voura, devutealy, uoih to ,yiC:iAE^ OOaCullAK. Bilg. Oe.n.., ka. W. J. FutltKHTB. E? i , Walladt't Tbeatre. B RYANW MIMHB1L8 WIU reojicn Aujunt 23i. BRYANT BROS. bW.AOWAY^ floorto bui ^ Biii^ BBOADWAT Have n?A(]f pKt?jfiH,\e addition* to their eilUMloti. Tb? pubUn rn..y now there he.-8t?l'U ul a tr ily nuperb, Wit" ni'llng ttn iin; uud "stonlabiit* kind. Tluhj BirrvelWua llevalaUeui of Naiiiro ?ra ^ViSf coutmt of everything Wonderful, Kxtrawdlnar%, li UH Tonlt c, MAi*veiioui, Kx. iting. Suriiristug. K^ntMte. Curious aci*. H??u; iu?piriu^. book at the und oulv U?Ttu in thr worU; Mho t? indeed |K)r!ecw?on, and mieurintfaod for grat^ and IVmitifne ?or gentlemen oaly frt>m i<i U.I W. VI US. JOHN DREW'S Areb ^re,.t thfKre. Philadelphia. llio ladles atid gatttlemeu nt ii lseaLiblkUmunt will uU wsu I"' meet in tU< ^rw^i room on Tliaraday, .5lb iii^t Oi'*uaratory toopeniug fiix Saturday, outu. ?uti. p? ?i iwv j WJ(j ^ j. K&A>iiiU0KS. Manager. rro I.ET?OliYMFIC THEATRE. I'Uli.AOKLl'HI V 1. R?oe .?tme:, beiween Second ana lliirJ; carat bv t?); i pl'-to wttl, all tbi- aconery and a thr.iire or muMc hall. Ad.'.rwa T. H. I arr, <0 ?ou?h Fourth Mtrcet, PhiladelnUia. ^ l ? W~ AN fEO IMMEDIATELY?FOR TOE FALT. AND wittier Meuson. a H?.:vy Muu a .'uv^Man ?ua mii OM Man. Now but th???e of nc.lto^vie^a^eU a .duty ne?U apply. Switu lovrect iermn. AddraM l>. llauclielt, Uieatre, Cobourg, CI^W. i? .. inORCORA^CORCORAM.CORCORAN.?THE KR1EWM \ j 0{ vi.a>. Corcoran will mu.-ter In force lions* "fCornnii'DS 1)1 West HouhIoii street, this rxouin?, where the lireatesi J.*axy .if .aient in I no (Itv will ??* <mbl?, ?uu?rliuWSltowlJstar!.,-A^^ Co-ili y 'l'httlix.ia. Moujanuu. Builtn. Si-tt"iiii.k,?'.. Mr Hiiith WiU iovo'.Hi favfcrlUoolos on^o eorntt. ^usica*.. \ "MAONiricKST SRVEN OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIA \ WW*7or ?ale.-Blciantly oanr^ le^ attd 0M0. over fitrun^ Ui?j, full Iron plat**, lined with *aiit?woo<l; lia? all ?j.u'l'ra improvements; nu.Oj; to ortier; bc?i> in motuhs: ?est $i", fjr $.:<), locltidlua bti-ol ?? \<v> Pai'I t Fmnlutie at a Merltlec. Int|Utre at 1U W<-?t 1 nen.)-third street, near Sixth avt uno. T ^aoVp.ANf7Vo <TLD IJKE A BITUATiO.N IK A A ba|i;l*v ut Piekuyteil&B tbiuc'^. Applj at lrfil-at r,iPIJ(l t.ADY WOULD LIKK A KBW koRK 1'0 A plln fm piano Atvl singing. Particular .'''Vi tn benStinei-K. Terms njoue.iue. Apply parsonallj at lilo i ;*it 3i*t st _ ? . i iDY TEACHER, WITH lllOll RKFEKENChS. A wlshaa a i osit.ou atJOfdms fadlltles I0i; acqulrtnu a fhrTuXA or Fi?ch' T!.^ WOI.W b.^ehvd a* h. pari'al eot.\>eiiMitloii for sarviteti. Acldrsaa E. f.b. Herald o'lioo. .. . . r,~A _ytW flKVEN OCTAVE PIAKOS, IN R09K S 1 ;jl). W00c. oases. Iron frames and oret.iruni i>a?s. tor ??'?do ??ou ifllufc. ?l?p; dVjWlth carted ie?? aad UUa'vl with naiue t oard, aid jfcfeO;do., jlth oarl tnii Bad ftj^o' new 6)4 octave, f 140. rat above Pianos arc* ?^J?r?i^wSawTnth?cltV: second bend Plano6 iro.u AuTmI^ ^ o> trenu ly low prices. New ana seowid 1<S(.J PlaiiO- and Mslcdeous to ist. lieDt allowe?i of ptvchsJ. ~ " i*?TRIjfcTIOW. A W. Foii' ?U^BOOKKKKl'INa." LliSHOSS UNI^IT A ci' or ArtliimrUr. and Punutannhlp, |??'r Quarter. 7?S ice ^, 'mih fiO. Ud*-' Wilting I-esM'is, *2 f?- *> "!?>?? 63 Ito.vary, aud UJS rultou K-iaet. Brootlyn. CO.. VAIN*. tU'j nnii itiia^ern tracbtr of writing ?? one o* tbe beat Ui etrucjo^^ in tae State.?Kewpoit Mercury. ^ ^ ^ . ru.Ll!lia?, OF MANY YEARS' EXI'ERIENOE. A Aeslresaa engajpinteot la t!io cuj '>.? lu the o"intr> to iSj.ti tse fci^ilsh brsncna* or Iciasm n. Adrtrew B.. llni-ald olilce._ TiiflUBVOH AND ENOLifll IKWT1TVTB FOR YOWO h "rilcLi Vu*7 i" end ? r'WMSm, R.:*rding Hii'l Dav Jctu-nl. I' n*j?ared tor W?J ^|n??r ti c Navy School 'C.?l>ge .jnu iiV w ti %:r yt-arjui aac and remain till ?e la ttvwjli. rrj* ; : "Viu m ""i#ti? t.? b- had i-r,?;'? .s?.re Mj. ie.i on September IB EL1E <-A!/ t-lKK, Ulrc toi. rviHT WA8RIK(iT<)X rKIM'II T!?snTl'TE. I.OTli ntHKi lin.i K lugS'iridge IUj-X?r.'e.. :b 1* ti e laiin"**? " b-'io.ii OolletiaM eoursf. EnUl^h brai'.ebcs, rtpatit>b, li ritOTl. "??r., to y.?st Point?l*l?>ratory; b.i'M.o^-.foa^o^und. or the Ooiisoo ample' M D G^OTKRNK&S -A n>CNG ZiAUt, OP 1KB FllOHBST V res|MKIftl>IUty, du'lrci) u ait'.aiifiit lot f\iv?rn,w>, lu a rentleir.ii's I imilr. 10 uutiwi tu iUv KngUi.. branohva. mil ale uliti drawing Weal I?n (??! ; return >te<i ot rritircun* gitm. Allure** MlU Ultlo Be iijtett, I'd** ollic*, Bro?-!yrt. ON*. L. DE'aRAVD VAL 8 PBXBCIl AND BNCLTHH . Hoarding 8 ho:, ? U?U" vonunrr' LiI, Hu iMTtco, Hi Uix.ii, N. J., la VjA.J. [ot tin* nuimwu of Vujdia. Annua! tttoii/H bntfiua fc. ptrrab*r I. T?rms |A<U p< r ? UIKlCl. fPEACriER WANTED?TO OIVS INSTRUCTION IS 1 tint'.o Mi l ?t;s h-ugim*..? to * JN Utf ladle** atari! ear,', a ohoi t 'it?Uu<a> 'torn me tstiy. Addi-aa, nf*i umt..lift.ttiau* aa i leferrti;**, a. boi I.7VI ro-,1 ?T.ce, N. V. WASTBD -A malf. teacher, FVR A SBl.KOT IT a.i.owl, **'?*> $<*lO (Mr .Oiliur.i; cIta Mr a <h.t.?ilng oflte. 3 I c.iii'.iu-.ior?, 'i braMmen 1 t;nja for ti lal'l u>go to Anatra.'la. Ai.|4y at No. 7 Uuattiani aquai*. UKDllAL. " /1UNPJDENTMI. medical ADvIcJS.?DR. BABROW, V. >o. tW UU.%krr ftt??t, fmr tiocu* fiom il.i-J' i.*?l. New Vo l. Ktart ri? | <ynlnr w irk. "U .it.*n Prailur.' freo vvrryw ?it? on rvoirlu* 21 oi .ilo w?r ji ?f p..?ta;e NWipa. | IB. <;Ot?PER, U DIANE BTBKBT. MBNHEROK TUB 1J t'tul-ge of PtTMCi-raaa.l rinrgiouai'f New Yoik. nay bouuiioijitej ual'j ai l.u ttlTce, from ? tn ib* uoUl 9 1U tho OltlllDg. R RALI'H. Of PICK 134 BLEKt;KEU MTBBKT, west ot Niuadnay. llu ir?, ti ;o 3 and ?> to 9. Dr. ward, no m laiuiit ktmekt. nkar canal. pi. va narfWuiar nttetitton Mi Oil compi ilt.U m tot). wi(<. Aj-rtWl (UitiiN Qj*'.c?M a. M. 1 ?# I*. M l?bOffc?f*OU FESTKDU l?CHAMBFTU STREKT. CAB 1 bo -on ?? tied aa uauat. Aceott, l??)t Liber j atreat, B. Y. lu firovkljrit, 1<< TiiMon IMtK TU C0K6CLT. -!???<. WAKD ASD I'OWIU. I. I^klght BiiU 'itt rejnn?ilt? for alt <l ??Me w ;tuprud?iivce; but awi'tj- miMrdUtety AITSOMIOTr ABuBA riDR ASTNOUK.ISr. TUAT BVRRt ON8 oar. dop.-na ou, U M .?? >\ ll.go.v, who t?lia ihc ou.eri ?I vlati a? a.*u aa jvu el.ttr. Sue telit itv paat, pr< ??ui ai'd pjiufflot y?".r iifr, and n*n>? j,? i ol ilaucrr^ and bnnra at.<:' ??? udt or ih? uioat i rllgtii niiiiorMkiniio. N. 8.?Cifl*tr*L?ij t?*gU' I'fiairtik. bo. lrtsi Alikii r.r??t, be (vraen H"ua'on ?tii MaLtvn, v* r uk M?ia. Lad.ea sun gcO' laini'O, M e*BU Madame jiart. nATr.vo ketuuxed krom kl- . rope, antitufi >e? to ika ladica ot New York hat ah* ou I* i.onauitad at Mo il 1'>mi airodi np?? ibo pMtauil ftiti're; PfOUnl luloiu iitiue ?? tu (jtiune, n>?irt?y?* anl Oh-riiiag tgn. O.dluarf |'e? '16 cenU. m MBif. A DDIS BANKJ;?-V.?DICAL ANU 01atITu>ant and Hplridul Ut Hu n. ?t'C. eaaj ulljr tre.ita all; Hualtioan v?u?MUi>tt<>ua: ItivalMab'.n Auvtrv on Lit'- ?tid liattvlte-a. JJW Kov.rU> ailcet, four dooi a w?l nf Broods v NB.-WKO Hah N/JTHEABDOPTIIBCELEBKaTKD . tU.Utu whf baa reinuved to (U ililrty* mmIMH alli?ot. corner oi Miih ?rebnn. orsr ib? Utk> ryuiid who caii In- vomuiuk! v. itli o.iilre ??tlata't mil? bi.i- uas no i' iiinl. Hhe ti'ila titr twi.iio oi fntiir* wifo ?r h'tfc^aintj ?l-o lUnlor hfr T'altur. If jr?u ?i?h truth ittve her a lalt. WHO WOCLD NOT OO TO MAKR T!lr IR FOBTUBEt Uuie.nTiu and all. to an# Ailai \Y i.l.LlNtjTwN, tl\o irnuwued Ki),tilali iiropbatett, untvertuli/ (Mikn' ivlc iK?>t tbe i e?t of all raitol i*b" o a^. urc twilxian ?i h'? <'uoaii'th> r. Uriiiih, wbk'.I.i and liaurinr#*, am' wa.inkia .0 hi put to Omin itfo.maUoi "f th? ntnioit nui vr u? ?, iflatiM' to 4'iliR o''1 ?rlt,n'la, ti'v#,. ? tir?l'p, nurriag''. hUi lrn trt.uani a, rtii ntlut. n l lr?ubl<' -tnn.i t, o nil ai'.?li> tn life. Urnvi< aol.: tin, I'mb y-ir tlonn m' gltry, Uie ui-d'? b. If jm i aeekyotir wa | roap.<rlt/?nil iriMitiy vnu'.l ?i to vt -ti o t .;ur"*ii t'viuiter tlili lilnhiy trttol md t a n. It 111 jrovt<g tan! ? . al |?l Slttb ar?t?;>?. f)?,p.t-lte E >;li'l> atre^t. Miaa \V. t? m only i.ert n In IU* rity ??'o hti* Ihi K'ttn ; (! R i'iian ami <rnban |i.ll?n'.t Balor tjuOii link, ai d n*<* all. ?r??wairciit' d fitrllfa. I,'ti'?y nultii" r. glren, aa nl-o lilgltlv irtspectaol"cllf infe* en-tV. Uri'ttlionu *a ctirvd ni.d tttf.ltf il wlv??and hna baBd reilnltuod. Hi- BOWF.BT -MAUAMl? W10OKP PT.AlRVOYAM )?) an I fcll '<1 ;fi? ill-', ta.iy, iimetiailv tr.jra' if i>( Itti iiitj. 1 'u ? '..rrn : h- T?'t' ntla. nr?r >??, j r >? tV<?a rt.t ! " tf?t for 4!1 ?tit til ?. mi Rd?t? e:?, Itep'.M ?\ ?t tt^eit, 4c. a N *nci*n aiT*. J IULm * UAlUM*?t>UJUUStt SEa^^T'"'* " ' .V"-* ? ' *? !.?.? r.. Wui. W .alley * ui> u ?aek in the .?<?*?? aie.l MVMt AXD TRQUIB vol MCI AVI.,'.It \ <> .Illi I. Kl.Vi MJ TBAfSZS '1 E I \ <A VlitS O.- i lit. i I i I H TCit.'AV AUUl'W fc. M BerttXl ,, ght oi ii.? Ui??d KJir, .-ci- ta;ul?i I'auto t.lial rOAt.i i kilt' O' EBX MONXTM. UAHR!*!, H.' M, /.jj ;U8 .. ilITR KVKIUT, i O :<il A*.:uloA AW, 11 il lX. To.-?. I .v I, ?. - Iiii.Efc. . LH TBAPKiE A LA LBoTABDl i?v ttu .\.i .uk a. X mi ev.-ulnf** rr' il. ii .,. ui ,.1 I uui'.,riMM with tfcl r?*.<i,x> cc, I v ?.J> ? i i a ui.i. eomiiMi , out li",l 'r.iAfi i or rilt i '' r:i'? a LIB " th lh#r c,%( in tun the I'nn no frt ? lis'. A sum. m wuta . owtu , i i> alb, 7>*ot* tun.ill Oncl? -a <* n C ?nun.-m,- til A j'ci.u ?. W i\f ill ?AlMilN *" Wi jK>uN l e * to Inferns the patron of Ibl r ??? |? i?.?l:?r it kal uuuor Vie a cuut Li.' ?*' '? if i> vniiiii, au(i that Iht re uu? ?ii mil ,n ol the ua m|, iaral*?. imliiiin:; una ArKMMimuh i.ew <ilo?lu,n I. ituu a, 'iii r.i icni.biuu to nuuer II ih u.i^l In auujill, u i; in ix,r d j the I .oat dnifotV ltl?l?% Drati ?U<: T?N?p ? iu the iim uupolia. The ojiet u t ut tui> regular ial ita, w.liter at aton aiuuday, Annual Ml will be faiuitiuruiect b. t, ei-iv ??ni'itiiif BAIEMaN, wb'-?e wor?<i<?>-iiii ioi.i? i jiiaa.iuni li*\. idieiled Hio highest approval iroui tilt ai'.i.i erttlvH. '.mrt who hh?. I.y the po>ver oi tier dramatic sen'u* even u ,w, when, but in Uie imt iU,rn or womanhood won, by tbe universal ndoi of ib* publl", lhe i rond poalvtoa ,,f IHK iiKJlAT TiiAtiitJ AHTX8TB W IBK OKMTl'BV. Sim will In- suxtu.uHd by t.iM UtrlMii .utm', Mr. J. W. WAH.AOK Ihe popular favorit> ; Mr BtfrW IN A HA' MS, aji4 H pill, fli ul CI,,,;, 1V||I? Will COati ibute Co r?auer Uvr m+ gtui-uieal Uu* must iirtll hiviou record. Moadajr btouiii ;, S6th s THK ilUKCHBAOtt. JOLIA ITiaM BATEMAW WasifrW?! er Mr. j. W. W? SirT. Oliltord ?ir Edwin , Uiurs opuu at 7*4; OOmmcmri at T\i B^OX'rf OtiD EO vf KRV TtSg ATRE. NEW TOUk KIKKMAN Vicdartclc Jerome Mr. Harry L*ng4oa Rouir/ i'rc-Bi. Mr, II ,rry Chi.praa* KI'IKIT or JACK uiikci kuu Spirit of ,ln?l, -iiicpiard MliU I'll, uj Herring t-p:rit o( Ju<> Uliirslcin W. 0. K. Vol Viola Mini K. OeavB EE llWJiiU K1 Hyder Jtr. O W, Thompeea EW HOWEKV THE AT HE. Holo Frup.-.eUJr Mr ,T W. Ua?ar? KATUKKAV Mi.IlT Ai|u?tiB.JSjJ, SUU, ulglii ol Mr. and Mm V. 11. CtiMWAT. ttivih ul*ln of .be ureM Irtaii drama, KF.EI? O' UA*. . i lil.rO'OAT, fi.KP O' DAY. . Pi.Kl' O" UAl; UNKOi ALLI.I* 1'ItODU TIO.N. UHAJPPlU>M)liAllEK Si'.K.. r.ity. IMMITAH1I KIVKOia. VrONiiKU Ul. TAHLKAOX. 1'OWKBI UL AGHNU. MB. ANU AIK8. V. B-. liOSffAT lacreal cbura. lora COSCECDES WITH A KAVuRilK ORAMA The public are ra .m roeptN-.tfuilji U run\d that the Mk> snlsheil und uiu-nt ol the otiy, Ht'.ll.AOiEH i.E.NEKAii CORCOH\N will visit iuIm tlira it*. 111 a c irdiime w:tli au iu> lution eiu t mii:d hj Mr. Eui^a,il mi I i vatit d iy tbe iVn .''l,u-e at Aivanijc. euu. UJklnunuinary pidpu ation^, art- iteinc iuimM K? grant uredt. BAU.NUM'S AMERICAN MUSEI'M.-'WONDEUFVb Co rlunation uf N .veiilea?TUe wt?i d U' -?v* tne Uk??General Ti?M THUMB C?,t,modor? M!TT? O ii-'ral TOM Till'Mil and Uoinuiudbri' N 1,'TT?Titaft i>i"bi. <11 for yi.U'X)?Trial oi'Hi.ill for $1i iul of dKilllH W.ou> M tT8Kl!M CROWDED 1?AV AND MOilT. MIHEL'M CROWDED DAY ANll NtOJT. Ohariua t>. Simit., ii, ot brtdj(i-port, Couu., ilii i.iiuiMl OBNEKAL TOM THUMB, lik? been j.ett >d by ?? ..rlv nil llir kn.^n, t,m en?.uniiifteeM and r^teotatca of the oi' ltlzM! world. Urorin VViiktiiiial u Null, oi Munrin-Ktrr, K. H.. knowa Ml t^OMMODOKE MTiT, COMMODORE M TT, claiT.e w? be thn Hniallest man llrlnj;. n?, U'io To:u Th'ia^ In M-it'.y, pert and I'mv nilujUy lutrn-ktlna; the pel of thO 1-rtlftf and children, nrnl Hie uuuurullou of nil. ti inhapMV of churi itnu uii'i Uf'i<1iH"m| w< rn|.,rj THE WOBLO NEVER SAW TOGETHER. Mr. Hat'tniui has with Uie ileal "at illtllni Ity, (.revaiM upon inrEc t'rrut lalitle Men?ihls patrol tul'iaturo acton arm performeri?to inut'i in nobln fi l' odl) atrtfi, and p'iblM(f flxliibit locnther In a ORAND TRIAL OC MERIT AND 8K ILL. Mr. Narn'.iin Iw* aurrcd it. aivr a PUI7.E UV ONE THOi SAND DOLLARS, 1'Ui'ZE or ONE TUoU6A*iD DULL* US to the hero who provi a I'm moat uvn e,i ami atiiacthre. Tlit} will be ?vii at nl! !n?n-?, every day aa,i cienlni, fer two wi cks, and will girt? .ipi-cial pcrloru.aiteea u.oniUI^ afternoon and oven ng, bt 11. Sand 7x o'clock, lh?v will ulao be aeon uroiniBadtns :it>out ti,? ^luwiia. IHKl'lt EXHIBITIONSnr WOSDERI'l. Ll.Y l' \i ITINCA THEIR EXHIKIT.ONH i?i WOMDERKL'LLY EXC1T1KC a.iiif: of every d mcti r, coatutue aud )i, riimiianM whi. h (,:c.v <(-<? ,-..unbl? i>!' producing, lu indlli-j M'UgA Dnr> ?)?. ii' tnii SmIii ^ M '.Itary Drill] Scotch, S?ilar. Iri-i and la.ilf" n? f,:iv., Nnpolcon i?oi>aj>nrt?, C'MUt !?.? * Vil! kills, Hii' in Around, Iiriiakard. Y.iiiken Druna mln;:, 1'iwl#. -ik the I5n ?i. Bill) R.ido'.r. Salloi'a llomplp^ Ac. (iwmrol rein Th>i.:'? rausnlllccul pre# nt* will bo euA bll?tl. THf-'tB RfV,Vlj LlTiLE COACHES AND PON*!R9, w'tn.-lin o-wlhtc n aud I viinm tn iiv. ry, will Ihj mi nuer ibe Mnnei.i-' .??? ili an,', 5 o'ch,ok daily. TROPICAL llrill fN TllB AgUAtUl, obta . o>l 0? .,n ?p.-0lli?.i ?niitont hj this m ua*er. TbM . ' ?' 'imw ior, is< ? A irl'LENIHO FARCE "COMfA^Y, comprint Pf'y ''tauttful Angel t'Uh. exaoialtely bentiUI four eyed I'li^r-ili*, Suauii-li Lady Fiah, the Douor, 1'iah, OdW Fish aiiit olh^r rai, aU't ?p>iullu siM-cimene. oonalktlrfg of Mm. J. J. i'rltr, Mlw Jennie Waiters, Mr. A E. Nujlu, and Mi-aan. ilailluiKi, Kllcy.-Andci-won, Ac.. Ar ia aNo enpagcJ, ami giro, a'tcrr.uor and evening, the tlegaa? aud h.i:aii.?h|p far< ? cntlila.' THE UAI N'I ED CH A MBER. Yet nlib all lliin. an . the million of uO.t c.iii l,.?il1?* frail a'l iMiru ot the world, iht: prli'n of admlaau u remaina at Otuf a, ceuta. Children utidiT tea gear* lu ucnU. N J1\'0N"S CBBVOK.VR HARDEN. OrcAt sno i.*a ?!' the nee- Cootie Pauiomfune, THE OOLDEN BGU, invented by and pro ii.ced unrtri the immedla'e directlfl? m M. I.cbmatin, with n. w n nerv, irl'-VJt. (rv.unioritiullone,im niualc liy THO.VAlii i)\KEK. Every iirlln counccti'd with the catabUahment a III ai inthle laiitoiuime. OEAND CAB SISUL COBTA THELBVm SEMtRliA CtBAS, for tUetulrd l Uirie tbia MMM, In her very cxdilng Di?W, enlit'ed Ri. OLE. EL OLE, iiMiporloii lit s^nor Xtminri and a full 'i>a,< <i-: ballet. 11.;-,n nleht Ol the C, mic Eolka. TUE BEAR, by TKOBi BaUI'.K ? nd hit Oroheaica I KKoIl AlTr.ACTIilNH III TIIEEQCKA1UIAN S< HOOI% b.v a h 't or OyuMiaei.* i"ii A<;robai>. Admlaakii to ihc three entcriammeala 2&<aate . CtEBtT PREPAP-ATtONS ARB BKINO MADB ?(? J thn FAlX SKAiOiV m ihe ORE.UOIiMi UARIHVj, ?ouimei'dns I. UANU M AT1NFK TIIIS ?SATIUPAY) AFTERNOON, NIXON'S CCEMOSNE ?;\nrr.-;s, When irttbegiven, by ?-^3l^i leoiivat. ai,d ' ??r ; laltMriJp the last time, thepatuotn'ine If .^PIK'T \t*' THE I'LOvBv^ Ernu'euort- Mua.c n-nl ?<|0?*tt1an I' rfouiiiti. ClaMI TMleui, M. D.'uleraiot a l,?a, of otberv. C hi drtu admuieU lor lf> c. ina. OLl> lltti/ZLY ADA VS CAliiroBMA Ml.SA.OAWH !<M rale.?T'it> r.iiierllun nf Jif-ia . ? aH? lii'.li -trrmm v.iiioiy af crt*?tt"? au<t tie*:'/ rw-ry t.:hnr -?r".i* of b?ai* ?"inj M wbivh :.U? ac-a to ^rrfo.-.i tent* and rU-Uv--l? ?a.v lor iui?. to r?o?r ibr ? ?( U of >A Ail ? m?. Ute.y ansttMiJ. T)i<t nv>ir^<'ric 4I ol.j.ul'itijiM variety vf i-tiicrormiaU, a:< * S.vr#i Huil till Cos u[ I mt lliiM'O'j.:, Ro. i.v >40 .d; U.k, Ac. T how o ? tutu tii.nai .lat.r?' Wnail, ?*t e -cj ?? muic unit S. .ijr-tf'li ?tiu< r*miu?tOi witli lull imriuilaM m f lio o'>ta a?i? Catalogue* n.?jr a!?j bo !>?<! of ti:C 4T BtrnuJi'B M'loeum. yi 4 1?THK >!RK.4T AMGRK!AX MEMO IlAliL, BKOADW ,V. tub <?h>: vr (cMnixAncir. Tin ),? mI'll.jWhii a tr.l.' ta ?? the dir. fUUXU MATINUh, ? HiAKU MAVIJfJitr, tiR AMD MATISKJ--. ..RASn MATr?m TUJB (?AT\TillAV) A?TBHtOOK, AY It)* U<:IAK.|i, l or 1I.0 i4/'K>. loo iii ia<l<*. nn l cilMitn. O-.ait opM at It|, ptsf.'ii mittirr lit ig'.iiBlvlii'O at 2% iViloi-fc. \*'"ANTED?IM MBMaTKLY. OXR 171 *DBEI> fUJU >T ilr>'i?. fir Iff f.tjiy ?jioiiuvri? en l'iu.t< ral.,t. Ai pt) at NivooaC rn.irno ilantau, b -inji in Ibr hcurtof hi uM(l a B RVASTS' MIX8TRErj HOME AUAIN. Mccb*nte'? Mall, 4T? Br.iaou jv, i.huta Grand ctreei iiKtXl* KEOIESihO MuKDU h:\KMMi Al'OI^T 25. I JO. ?HE COBKAXV: HAS PRYANT. Xl IL BRYANT. 8IIKK C ? tMI'BBEL. il'LMN Itt.tfAR?, MKLtiOR, 0 W JJ. tiRllTlB; W. J.. Dibna, U?*?.6. K?<vtfr,i 4. II. Cavort, O.A. li. w. J. \F. Ilillun, D. u Kij.iti-lt, .inn V?.r, T, Cottmg*. T. .). Pnai. frank licaNr, VtilgHh. P"i-iu't parUMiUn of t* uaraai mr *?*i>H>or ih? ttaj. Dun-, oycn a'. 7, eiir'ain rt??-ai 1 u'-ltvk. T?*.fti54 THEATRIC WAKHJ*fOJt, 1). (.-!?? *T ao?< o ei nsmancM mi rta'iinlrjr AugU*. S?. UWJ. II* ]aulr? ?111'tP-Mli-bum ou^'a* w'.tl pl.ant b? ^*oni lor ??? h-vaal. Tli 11 * tay ?o< n. An^iat 18. KiO < p. rum rnga|<?4 will i<i??.?o ?diii*?? * lo'trOitimriJ'aioh afirr io?lni i><li ?<if?i'ilii.'iiif>ni. lo il* on1oi?uno<l. llaflrnnil Ikknfo |wr IboOO n.'iiiiliIRi! ??til 'j* M \?l?un?' Rall.oa.l A.rurv, Km*. rnlKRIi B^to. h?*w 1 "*? HHm ?i1a?. A'.i ??? If. M:oNAltD GBOVBii, Wulnuft' ii, D. 0L rp?iK fkv.k aki? rasv in tmb citt 9 J. U o <liadr>. 42 Rakl ltn.a iw*r. or?/^ M?n -a/ turilar ofMiin^ Mranm. D. S. Collina, Uo-yar, antl rout ittlior MI'titcd ?iln-rr?, run tin hoaisV fHO.VAH MONTuOMKBY. Propn?.jr. rkLYMI'tO T1IKA I'HB, 48) BROAUWAY. TO MT. BY \ / tfco Jay or night, rur tai in* *ddi*ui lltrb. rt, It fftJI ?UT?t, I'lotii 81 _____ ckho ADwi.B-ritB urn brw sumo, bv ai.oaem n DAKHKIM. Sk' fcuMto hoy?, ?k?d?>tillo; TbM s Orook, you all innai ronir. BH.i'-li ratiui* "lake vi th? ihiIiIIO W!ioiie>r r.'?iu^et ihr ro?-.'' . ... fi-ooVy p9d for iM ??onto. B-v-ion. U1TS0X A UJ , aaJ aB miiatc rollom tu llio UutMd w /lEur.OR CIIBIMYY'9 MIMBTBSM. Vl liHi' Brnaitway, oj , <.1110 Wy" ii;?'Mian flol?l WRUAMUKD IN l!>lj niK MtABUBIlMB HAND iHK OITbD HIATKS. C' jriaty A hrie- i PropiHM rhi' louloal and I ??i omo-t?liiM< nt In ibroitjr. Ni"* l**?a and liwrooin-d aiu* "l??. Uoitar l;hrl-ty ?n I a'i u^'i'mi'inraiTO^rii'ghtlT. JUvooay. AUkiMi i? -uit - . . rv ??< nla? iluriug tliowcok tbo IftilRlMt.* latvo W " i.u'u' L 'rtr. U^OMI rttf'lif ? . .ji.?>.??.?? j ? ............ t .Jmm9 Th" oi let ratcd yinrt'-itp, Hik tc l Mitn ?n4. Corwtn ul B-av K Km M, t-o B| ' 1' OIUM Uannrr tn the w.irlit. Uwnvpwi ?t7; onruia at ?. Aduiliiiiioo ii.t oeel? foouM MtNSTBKU. H4 BROAD*'AT BM O' tnn **l. N'ohnta* ui'Vl. IIEMBT WOOi 1, SOLE I'HorKll/t'OK AND MANAOBB. CWAHA'rtH) E^itj n >-,in ? linnnj tho vvi-otl. r.?-ll ll'JHN, Oil VltUKY M;<. I KANK llBOWEB. COOI.WUirE.A lEO' O. 0. HENRY. FKUCT, LtWI?,B? Tho emlm iroi>|<o In now not*. Donra oiwn 7: 'o cnmmrn#, at 8 o'c'ik:*. AuiiiI'mihi %rniu. No rim nor (lira with my other tronya ??<tin.iu^ Urn altar of Wootl'a Mlntirol*. ________ Vf AMMO* BOISE ORAND HOP A ?\f Otaiiii M ?n ?f tlio an iKon wl'i taio MaNH'OM tlOUSK, LOSO RfUNOH, On M' ^ \ .f fT'-niDg., ^ PoiWoit? % full bind wtB im pivwit. ?a?ub: laird, 11 viM'ieta*.