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ti:e war t:i aukaisas. General Eovoy's Expedition to Clarendon. TKE SKIRWSH AT PILLOW'S FARM TLe Itetjcl QtBcrsI lUnihuanH Doipatclid C'aiiiuicd, Ac, 4c.. to. Our Hckua I'lirrripundtiiMi Htl.KNA, Ark., AlIlT Hi 12 18*2. I have bc 'u iu tin. lov..l> puce fur iliro ? in.rtai ilnys ih Marco, b t an m omul of ti c location. the army ui. a i w ucmJ matters may nm ha uuintore.-tlMK. Id the fmi |i r> tiitMi It t p.e ay a turd abu I the luai, *ht?:b a oalty so tsti aordui u y am W deserve a llr^i rate u. lice. Katcm la sWunladi u a ? a* prairie, partially wooded > lad a mil* w id.' an?ti ttia present low 't;un uf water' went v :ct-i ?i i-.ihariv r IU# -ml is clayey, and us ?he:c !up i. a uu ruiu !<>r nomo weeks tie dual is ve y an mo u,. I'M ?rtd, ttfci :ili -ai I rtil'cis the sun's rave v.'b'-- '?>!?' f-ry, irnl nov ??,.:<? ?|>t on tbs r?v i;r bonk, ? 'nti ? way t'r nt ike u>\- . . < in y u uitaipe thsMtoleraWe te*i. in i-uiu i-!i de to tiv-uii, you Cusin* .in ugh y ii Imm! niiTfU tin ??vi-in. 1 stijiwee it becaus? it i> ' Ai iti i u.? nii tivnxer that tint arlnal twa' ? the ?;o" la lor tli.iu m bmiior latitudes; fur ? a ii Ui>- il.fiiui u>? i'r id no holier limn it Often is j ?w Y- rk tl? mo bum* ir.uclt mot! ttoi ccly. Every >0c ?!i i!> in o i iu tin* fliti im bfi.k. n out with what in culled "i : k ? beat"?.1 si rt of r isb, winch ofteii Oct-us 'ii win le b ?iy a; 1 -.Inch rived you 1 seriatim ?* ilij-uJi4..U owder i.a>. b ? u pi .eked into your sk:n and Mt on Are?a n. ? d?lijrhll J thing fur a nervous ?ui. jorii : . ii) Men he m t:yi k K> is.aet?, amnl the ?I:.-,.- r i'1 & 1 er lilnS 11 lituts, wI.ofc billi> aie ? K?r ibiui a tailor's ??!.? more venomous than a rebc| (r*?J<t-j'T>'s. 11 in on. \:h *t>r one not iccust mo. I to .b if* .. ? i#k iii iue ? 11 ii 1 tln> niiddle of the day. I* 1 only c. mi rtatt'O 01 in n of tins day is ill ? nu !it. l'he ?nti'? ?. ? 1 |i t'M> titMis bt'ters it ct mmimcui v "or. ? y ?s h4k i ' .Tiiiiuiip, tin 1 by t'.Bo'etosk ewyth'ng is in i?:ii si/-i . The wdtV.e. it. n. t suRvr so m '?>" n lazy MVs, 1 .1. uruJiT -belli r ?ben 1 bey w.i , i' >t toy is a viimdor it) a i-rtet r of tui'hdlscunifi ri^. .Vsvjr W.-K-ftH, i a.u in rmd unt in the rf<???l),, o.xpeditl d of i.- . H"v y ? . 1 !ai .1 11 ix tuen d.ed from s n 1..1I .11U 11 1 . ? ? :?11 evhi? sied fr.-in t''0 ru..k. ?S3.'- i roll. Bli. ill na I. t niniiU..' of '.lx> ila?. ?rii g-M'.-iii mi. our i r t .- a.? perfkmnol in tto.- morn ?a*-. Lii .. iiultt, l i in <u army, wh'.lo tUi.j wew MvsfU'5 the 11.10, no ?t" ? > c is-iult e? 1 ccotH Purii . i'io tetter jui t 1 ?. '?> i-fineral Curt s .* ut sr<- j itily tno ci ir 'i .ii h i-r 1! ?? u:'erH 'ifd If I ;i;itl!.':M Itli , I o 10 ? '.ef III* tl??? .i w lh'' "fiy, i I ' j > 1.1 . .t ? i i; Vsna th. 4i* Uy ? l>.t? :i **? ' ' 'i 1 uru.utM proinr' ion?. H Ikl :? re ti ... k led a t; m. i.i of iiirf "tr o ; i. v*i - ' i? r?c b?lon in to rt?UOi ownitr.i ? *eie ? e ? 1 - " -t ? ri .v.: m ii,.-:ms I'o l .k Was t ?.0 ?L !. r ll a.-ti . ly ticking rt to serensiunlSU - t, ? . ? il i' . oi 1 |r inciiJa tii it ali b ini-a. :<?' n in trkaa s aro s-rc ?-.ia t , t ,-ori tf pais*' lie ,-vo tbi n. ?jx! .*.? i; t? i a ... i :.i-, vv .1 ...i ij it t > In lb? enil, no ??iy i. il'.it ilie aIi ? "S-ilo ntiiuer m wnteh lie ???31 in: .he b ftt In-; caused .a areit many ? oi.i i' nii.ta. I i-s: :'l t-'.rtt h> re;" vi uo labor from tbo on f ?-> ?ulwr Ik ci- : m -> u'.vtiijj tbefn tl eir ^ireepaix-r-,' kdl?r>-' '? t i.'.mb' i-m hi i.v. m a bib* ar -oldlei-a wor? i. D i-i:i : inin til' rat io e; ibui'.in carried tbcm .I' i'g it. *a?: u* w (|.e ti .ic. ? h net e niarciting in ibe usini ai.,1 ????. il. I ho t<- k i " " it li'Dity ubo bciunjrrul to trail, r. if at i .st i ;:'.i'tei t men; that bis oK iiiiple b id a b d nul-mre ?>? tvie i i - t, * iio c* i:s!<!-red tlumsolv b v p r ? -)??? rljr ) .ivray ro/ro<-=i that otuorwi -u ?vo I t e.c. hnvo c!'t ii. i. m.iftiV thai bo b.i? col'.ecud ti father. ?? ? ;!;? *.*'.? ? :b v o i-i K<t . i. til"* men; iu( i<r <b m ? !v a a r > n .mb r of n ?roe?, wIm ?? cifl la i i b to- h'VC been i-It wb.-:y they w?ro> ? li?ie . y O'u.j bo taUeo caro of, and ie t l ?>? y tin .jra t il c.nv; fliw, wbkll will lm? iU?i ->u tmc I tn : where tbay belong, and w'lere th.-y ca ?* ??'? me ??'jt tlio count- y. Rovh : at*.it t!:e iM:!ti ? / ttk" u?ft tli-y ittn only d-> ua- At, bttn ? it ???u'.v i t . . i -. 1 have t.ot Ik*:a ab.o tn le<tn ;h?* cMCt nu:nb jr of the tici,rjo3 have bocu Ilia 'roed it h p.-" tut. y alMct ; . a t<! Imp i rod. ill.-1 ? A"M are i. ?'? tl. vit oowr; iu Tar' , .1 ulru t n-.'Ris jm I bo u'' t ? J ? *ure ai?ru ii",; than wL;ta* tu W si'. . iin:r- a ?'s not ^eci.t t ? bvo bfr.-n aay gr.- t !?-? I'l.Y' ' l>r tin m, ' : ;.t ||{I<H^ t c I ''St' 11 IVI* m9 ??i>i.t 1 o.t-'f te.taiid c u !, jir-J to do'Hb rlab r *b'Mj; Ui? aiuty, but'that will i rolwiily coinelug- ^ iluM. if::' vi .< vu 1 i:**M Nng:o?B CAn ? luto tt>- n ?vp y day wllb cotton - - uu.i TiiUieo. and m w ilch ibe* biv uu1 u tixtir rn rt. Tivy soil auyii i , bi> ??,ur i n'::n- -r a ii .ic.o. c-/tton, for flvo Uollirp? it i-n't ! t.i i.nokv , :iy r ti,' trf. It.:',. . - < Wieruf ii ititi) be?r !> ujlit :ti lh < way, ir.J are ?? * ih td tud i ' y J''.va, ; .artcrirta-iujraaad . vary ? *-.? kirid i.i 'rmfc- -t i in it nlf n-d IjiU), li a {?.-?*?:i r y < .u.i'.tui.: , v? i bcti a | a.r j - wiiii-l : e Iia i , >-t r a tw y w?tn fiotti a tii miii tl u Uitrlf ? d..- .u.J >??: thiMy J iU i, Jiui .e-il a la ... .11 . lO I ? ? lu.i lu flii'ia, III.) biri . K V * t! i.ha in. ? i-i.t :?< ?? uj-tl. ? -t gli to ? Uo<% i n r e' ! tiiu.i1* I*1- * il |m'l Ni?th. wc riit "ii ii j-? 'a.*,-,, : ti.i-i.' ??..?: !?? ih i.?rtv bi?;j-% f ti? mi i ?' m* n. '-en 1: ~ 'j c i:j l.y fa!'- I'r *Ji* i.rder, vvbt !: iii . tr ? ly S.rcii. tbo aimy .?? .??* ?h f ,?. j?.t v t.4u?i,''ii tiuit ill ?? 'i thau c tinute, II' it w^ru ii. I lor tl n cr tr, wtlal n (t ? in ? cftaDO'.'tti.i ?! <r > ldb>frn ?????. 'iM.-n, ah'.c^ ? ? ?.?'! ^ a i I- .i:v' ? .'}i t h:n ?t t !jm f.r. bu .1 i?(J ...a v::<r. ly !u o tt -g ia Ai k u.u.v> iv " .y i til ? ." '?, it C ! a g t" lu Iui .1 i: ti ?nt.- i-tiia i v< it ? t.i . .? ? .i .iiy .l atjuil lor tcucku.b. *.im. i' i a.i /'it lm n.i io, iv" 1- -IT. Ibd ii i \uf i t: .vtny. r.-.! rnen qnlto tired treu u" . ?> I!;.... i J-) t ?? a- *i' n to ?e .n tiu #?. t.: r? - 'it..'a >iu> f ?i.-uer.l il ?r; ?U:tC-l 7 '"?.on <11, ?l.?i? thnra w ?< a :-i< > o. a -!^ht. i ?? r y ia -ty i;' n -In tu ... Mini, ,.i a. \i' h????.? all r ir ? u.i hi.. u 1 be ktfbtViii "*i ? Ibii; .irmy m roircb l y ?Vm ?t it * tb ? ? 1 ?i. ^ i r iv i.' d :vi'. a io.iw amount Hi . ,rt uwi.i a. Il,i ? t -i-' :.t wartitif r .. irm im ? f oi'i* 'iOl. "b rtlK'ai ami Ohhi .iritol a i lay. it ? a V m . h I? rtj-nr !'.i-l ' nw tr in -l K M'< t . n ih- v i ?? ii t i J lit-.? ??*!? e < ! a *i f. fhr , a. * c t f'eVn.i ta u?.U a. (by, iiUt are: active nd ?v :? ?..?? !? ?.!> in.. ' ut luw iu . Tb .? -d a ? i-i ? '???'? ??> - lff? b a it m ?-itl*?-r fc.ol.ea tii""ii. b r cv-ry S| ri.ijf. L ri s, roig UtaWitiT vol'Ht ivor ?hu i< ,i ?-l il. and itvf f'-"i ?????i about e . Ik. ft i vi. ?? ci.m ,% la *ra i t "i h: w i'it r t?a ? liJiitw Ui oven .? . ic ft eb la itln'i an a. .<? -il'.i *it, .? :i. ~, t< e mi t i 0' a d di 1 . A t e ? a va m e ?; v .vtmre. Hi ? - iia: !)il at : 111 II' I m-.i.i'i ?? 1 ?iy i ?iiI.Ia . n. y in.o no nomt b ^..'. ? i;r i i rtni ?? l.w n.- i r w v^n.: ? tij.'tr .. fii-r i i < t tr , |Ui?, b?, >.:o (rkI ?i <f tlet.f lui. He i.- eat, . 'eriifiU'i it, a-.d aat i id.iy iw e>l ?r. .. a. i Ti 1 it'i ui'iillii 'I' .1' r.w ti ai. i * in'. m t.i i* uiPi. .' M ? -h din abi'i t .< :i w ii lxwt at ti'i i. *.n? a- ' oti'- i."ii'ired an ii-;. vr ii v utri ii .. i t th".e .t '! t'f ;rg, i'er k.? *h. 'i i.c ' -.r. 'ft *. .i iif r I ofi-ro kaovnn * a rdfi i '?> and by I iny i<1 .? rnur.^c u> ar..i t . arA ;Un Itviji ??..?. by ine .id of akn'H and at. i.'.t maun ?a m <c. y tJ-?> *i r j ii ji'.ti , '-ii l to i!._? Im a*>? v-?r 'it "\\j,y \r . ? >jht ;? ' ^iiar ?' ?.cr tU' ?n i " in i iml. f: *: I i.. ,w4 t'ul .b ?.: !.- a: ?bl'. i. C '*" !.-l?! I??ualdjxi: I . Hill I. \*t I CM af 4. I ? >v-.. L '. ! I ' ' .1,- I I I I MT.! il b Cl<1 ? d I r IB b 1 ak ? 1 i'' .'I. r e..r i c t .. tti'.lf ? ry4 *?? i. II a.t>wan.. ?? t d ?* >i <>..-> e -r. fwr i'ld (rl tt ? Kr. .;' . , ? nlnti au...u ? rt ?? bit mipic ?? iy. 1 " 'a - n." ti. .4 tiy -ate t:n ?.? i? ?na-t r .ii 'ti ? ?; ? Aiti.. :? I ?? .<? .. ? i-t. I'll Hi . *i t ? ' bi.a * ?? 1 i wis i d > Horn. 0- in- ii ? i -? ?nt t ? f Hi ? ? ,i mu, in b?i ri " Hi ?> ' ->r t'i. ?? i ?*' 1 , (Ml l.l .. a i t..llS . I? ',;l i,j )l, ti.t no i o ' 11 I** u!' * d t 'i?. i ; ?y i i .i ai .nit limn ?? i < an h* i -. n .. , ? ai.1 III t d "J1 'I b'*ji? '.f li"'' "lit ? .1 ...t ae'i: by u -i.r ? ? *' Biro d ...a ?< a '?lie, , > n h w" ili 'it i* b 'Mr d >? 1. Tt Jr it t . i, (at- c-ittn;. a b-aa *n n Hw i | tt o ii?r oaai' ' " .a t fi .ri b ? ? i- b-?.m at'i I . ? Ih >? ...ry i.i!'.,i i?*'K ?'?/ 'vtr H tan ilo. ' ar: . . ! t) k "?) J ..f ;. i a. ?1 I .tn* ii.. i f I tn efti|*t|r h i# Ir f *a ?> by i. l i.i ii ?!.* fr?.Ki u>e Ww jv*|? i il' 1 'J l? Hi k, ? ' t'i . W Md|???i?.|| J??? ? v ii *' lie ? y i ai i ? ? ? :i , km ?i||oii ut. ?t the { a?i. v . ti i..y ...i I.I ?* i ui |iri*vi?. K" ( ? untt y tl. ? . -til., ? t*i f-t ,t .Mb* !1< i ' '' !?' 1 . ? " la*' nt' in-/ ait i '.a-? ." '* -d in r.i * ...a v.-y d; ii; ,.i y. I In'/ b?' ream ? 't! t i l.-tt mtn aarn tr. it 'i.i ci / ,,?l In-. Ii *.? i'1 . ? ?. . c u . n, . .. , ar . at i wi." iy . t .:. ? mi . '.. ., .. .. of #11; ; f W It i . 'iJ.?tiiM ? ?? e ; * I >i< .,,??* ,, ..,,,r !)ih a (11***1 j*. e i?. al "* tn ?. v u,| ,, ,,, >y ^ ,, 1*1/.' ?Jii |'? : ya*- |. i * "i.| i>u . i ii iy kiler the w r,i.!iu t. mi ! tue . nd i Ti . 1.1.-,* v. | .? ft. ?? ?*i*1?!ij? Iw ? fit - .lie i ' Ml * U|l'l|>'K II > l b i#f II ???: ? ut,,., (j ?'| iii. ir.i ;;???, ' i?l ? utr/ n t| i.on,b i, /> if taoukj r *. ? j m '..i,.i|i> tai! i".- . . ?*.i liayi --J i o lar j-rwbibitt ig ilia tiau.-.^. tai ,.in of m< n?T or otk r prfirir *antfc In ha exchanged f*r St'uikani ?r>j<<H?u An sunxaiUtors war# ui ti>? highest -iUi? o. h. wi<t?> monk, which m now iu*lly set at rest t>y the iK W o dor 4 ilM War lataurtimtal, just received he . ?? ibm ui-tiiiu , i a. uitUuir tke purchase of cotton lor u.vihiu*, even ?[?>!' I, ibi.i will bay tv. vtexball n >w *ee .in i lie..11* .lie _r.ate-l >? rm o. speculator that anf (??? imliil fV?r C"ix In-d. Tm nmw'ry i? full of cotum. \l eh ' h is be>"i Hitiu 'il h-ii ami remains, and 1 should uul )>a sur"' l-ed u' the e*t>piy were soon W be W i*.ge ua 10 lower the i>i ice |i tto materially. IIki. ?*, Ark., August 12, 1362. ?k* Hovn'w ixiW'tnui. About 0.000 lr?> ? wore seui to clarendon, under Qan. A. |\ llovey, to cu off the p irty that bud attacked and ctt>tur<?<l the train oi iho Flisi Wisconsin regiment, *1 ich ua.l left Cape Uirardeau without orders,and star I' d off on a sort of knight-errant-like tour down the ur.voi rilge. rii 'lr rear was cut off, aud some h pe e x istod lb .i the force which attacked thein :nuht bo the idvauoJ of Hindmtn'a ariuy. But despatches came back Irom Clarendon Hating that no enemy w is to be mnd. fhey had sk 'daddied. as usual. Tbo force tinder If >vey still waits at clarendon for order*. It is not yet ecided whotb-r they will c 'mo back and join the army r the arwy go t<> lUcui, on their way to Litiio R >ck, ? li rt Gen llinilin n is said to be massing a large furoo. SKlKSfcH OB PILLOW'S KAKM. About tM-t en ml.j-east of Heleua, In tbe tjt.ite of Mirt.-1 i ?; i. lie the pia itaiioiu of Mr. Pillow, brother of Hie r* I"" ibl iblo (Jener il; Ca it ila Drown, of the Arkan sas. a. <1 Jake Hiunison, of lh<? O. P. F.'s Cabinet. Gen. v'ish'iurue sent over a lorce to protect and fetch ,r vao coilou and to sirvey tbe country. Detich Irom the Forty-seventh Indiana and Second Wis" c< u>iu cavalry were seut o'it to explore the country, ai:d ordc <1 to act n rcMiecti n. They were ax|?ctcd to 'ii't-t at a cott a press on Captain Brown's plantation kou , by different roads. But the Indiana men lost tlieK w y, mi'! the Wl.-co.i-in m u arrived at tbo press. TUoy war ordered to tall back about a milo to tho main body , wii- ii th -y mot, bm,not meoiin.'tlio Wisconsin man,staid ?ill mgbi on the kround. Just be,'ore daylight thoy were u'.ti. Sod. Th-y sprang to ih ir arms and (ought as wel, m< ihi'y co 1 until relui'oicein nut arrived, when the u?ft i 11? ran oil. A ^ii.i ol lh \\ is.-onsiu rt'gimi'nt was cut across the faa<! vltb a kuilo while b" kus iyios oii the grouud. 11m nia. t ibon ti.'uip'tod to c& ry h::n off prisoner. but l.i'iii- would uot go Ho n'osht, and k.cked and bit tb it tiiev bad to loaw linn alone, but not till they d - t Ins cluok* %iid In* ears and triad to out his ibrtia . I'hoiiv'h ireHdi'illy niutiiitted, ho will probab y live '?Vo 1 .j.1 one killei., seven or'ctght wo ndert and b< t. c iTi-i'.ne,9. is. v-'ta. st'cesh wi ro kired,ooe of ?b >:i, ber >-? tin diod, acku wle ige I that the ? arty was a ilia ?rtf Hi.d bel. go.! to no c ti.ijany or re^l uioiit, nit was o.m imeil nl the pooi'le living in tho di.? t. ct l orcas v v 8i.iit over to nunt tor tbi so fellows b .1 li ? y , 13 pr ?> >b!y far out oi ha m's way before tUi.-. JA'.K ri'OMf i N I* TIIK riHJ). Iho red"- bi .ble .!uWo m do his in t!i.? .wo neuii . witu nitty oavalry to carry ? if '?!? cotton and'and .-ep whit misohiel bo ? '?n l iiorr rui. 'nfo.matiou of his coming *a.t b ought to u* by coittrab i ds, und a party ul ISmveu't- i-avairy sunt in nu.suit. Bit Jake git wind of It. I. no', hi. t g ?!>:?? i. car.y o t Ins pri gramme, t'-ok hit ? r. ? . i on a i.?" b r of his I y the i-amo oi P' well, an iiit-.iiii'.????.?,', uro'Ddni'iial L'ni"U man. Ho j .n I'owiUV foil nd piess and C'.rrlort him oil ?is t.-.-tr r-'l V\a>h:)!itne h s ?i.ken sei era! ur mi ?oil -oce b, I h ids ih .u s hist gas lor 1'oweii >:iti sion's . ot.ou n s ? ?;i h i .ed to lleloua, and Is beid by the govoinnicot. ivtuI'Kimi n iiSi-e*Ti:it*j. A' out two v xi . t. a i was iiicrcepte I on its way .;. i.i l.itile k cn"U li con .Mod, be.-1 o--about three ? ten privj o ! rt ? ? In.? taut and coDbdeutial des ?H : i fii. lo AdluLint Ge era I (>?o(?er, it l:.rh?i ,'U : i..,: i y IL ? state of the troops under .. iiM .tt .iJ and th- t-r , is o| thecjin;.i;:ign. 'iho pic . ,t- Lo drov. , iv m ietd. lie n (1, lie sail, ; ? a-.i v tlii'i -iiii ? ti i but not iibovo tbroo thou ? wrraam I ; I b Bonut iy. Ho had no u: ?i.-ry! y the > a... ?. a:.d hj i uo not an. office. !-Wi ?i :o t i. ?Mdert'iko i'iy im.n.rt . 1:j 1. to d . aii his woi k himself, and ! nu :: ? dl y Ul .t Co tain ullk-aru, anions in >. ?) r' , in. Ih i>" -ant to hiui, *iyiLg ih.u ? :tii 'it luetu no c-i ild <io liothiog. Iho tone uf tbe ??tvextremely e.,p ?I.a. ut. lhu messenger 1U .. if... .w3tl r<m <ur force* nud pro ' ' m: .,'S.?h.u' of His cat-tare, where n U.v i u < u.u'|. iluwii'j; ii.*;? tobe*, w.i.e.i b 4 S -mi lul'.adeJ I" <! Willi ????? , ili. y ue k3"\vu to be t .lsc by :n ia .. .1 fact*, MMf Jtbrs ?I. o: t ? i fu.? of iho |. .v teli?- a ??? '?> arn?t ;.0, M ut i; t -U-r hmt.ft dated bo.or? ..i^'.nce cci'l hive 1 Ll.t.o nvor.? jiwirt^i-ARimH. ;k vs 'ii-ii;.-atrwI)i---rR:(T, 1 1 irr T,? Ho k ? '?' K-? AtJfi'rtt 1S62. y _ voi r i.ieJ5tb u?t. have heoi , ' i, .ibKi'T me to furwwd yon f'-rina vu, , !..:?> uav r dly writ L I .. , .1, .. .oliwd to tbut a v. ,/ t? iH-ci ok. 'loutoi the country , 'e i' ?.?? a., 1 ttui o*L?f?l Mmsrud* ii , j .s.-.uiri'. <mi i.jii t- I.'lit it hi* ari 1**1 1 ?bab, fr,!.' r' .1 y "hazarding an attcmot to . iL. iU* is-', llaii.- i) .i yuufonler to gise yoa ' \ ..t '."lit '.I '!ien uibcf and > onditioii ' , I : i > v mtt itaui-i the . * i* *? peremptory tint i (,. c, v \r oftitr. lowy.> ri to mov - , , J. f 1 "I at. :ice. lie. i', um 1 co. c In.', 'F tiicaof my ?t ?:><ih. 1l"?* take I ' .ivu?-ingiti e;ti a 1 Uavo ia?v. '. , ??. 4 i i?!.- ,i .1 Ati ut?kKlitc?a th?u . 'i w .i. ' .v i1 in f.uii -h "1 met o'1 ' : . _ r Mw-al! i ni?u, either who!.;. ;;; , m-fu .^ * ? ml ar ?? o: little vale ? r'>: .< ??> -V.; iH ? aim-' i . I ? w.:.;.r w?tti ? Ui M'ulit by t?o .. ' ,?.? ?? wntbarr .auneot aad ?uaMu . ., .. ,i,.; arnKtw [Ail o. my it t.? .v. ;?* I it" ? i>' L!1 , r it . 'if-tiiy iic i *? " w -'.li-u a..xto-s 1 .i i !_al * arnvul ou tuH fcia? of.tu i "a ? ,\i i, t . .or., couiainuiii forty brai* pico * hi.' ; ?. K..U i buvo a e miiui y oi art*. ' M i ?, ?, io wnifli 1 will K'ru ' ? l r\ .o.ii j- ri cl-.iiv ? "i >iv" Bauith*?.i. b' ?"( -i'l-itf m?.*t?kca b x? f Iri.tiou |Tl.u?i*i n , ? i a: *. <iia I b ivo **:ut a coori-'i i ? - I'm ,Kb< ?! i a .u i. ou 1? ? not a lull ?up|,l> ? . |fi,.r b? : ' ? ii to U.a?a?u to ro-i'.c i . , u<l Uiohi lo.t by''apt. Ha. i. (..j ? in . no ?( and aiuiit; W.-it* rlvor a V v' , o iva.ry inr tlr iMMVUlO ! ban 'u.: 11 i ? i' "'o I bav? 4W>: .ib of tb r , | -,v ? ?> i k i> ?? it?cr, ?'J b< twottfti tli 't . (>. ..* ?' i *)i4v* ub.?ut 2,?juo. If. th-?? i.. .'?iiirIi ?> ?*! ???''<?? ra* In duo time. <K'w' Et* !i jd i a or li-tt*r. J -1 1.1 ??? ??? K'VC hi arid. ? ',iu' h ;i 'U tan u w.vw? i?.f??it* t i .i|, ar . U :... t-1 vl ai III * y. With lb., c . ai. ,:i|j.'a nuy I'. ree cueuiy ? > l. i>e ' i ?W? oi IIhi M.?ini*?t.': - "i? i ?''i ?rt'?..te<l U. ?#V*f.l ""ora l? tU *j -re am. bb ??ld I in??eupon ' ' .. il l- I..r< ?? I uoa hav* aimal an IK, I .n: - and f??* a;e cb'. i ? * li- . i" i'<- l in .<? WHI> a I'.ico villluatcd t v I i- :I..C. He auid c?ive inlonmti' i. . ' '*. . i ^ i latVly I'cr-is* t\hu > ' ' ;c.. at p.-#***, a:i?J ito* M?*?a-i.,|? ?'??t icoi.. 1 om ordareO in. r. u> u>a h W?, a. v " r ? i, i ii -ate I. C|?.n th* oibur. a nid, i ? J "? , >1 auv? us aro d ?i'iediy with me. I '. ? i.. o-/># bun t ? mlftn.--* tbt in rttir' t t awai irooi bn h*W, r M.e i.l, ao?n, ' e. uitli niy i'leaei.t k w i , I cno ent, aiu.bilat* him. V? Vi,'p \ ml??i.C' a a.i II- wot bo Wlih lb ,1 , i).. ; A '. . a.i a.d tU?il p. ?' i t-uio 4. , re"-ut .irinwl .orc.i M sui.i I . "i-i i U . ? f . il*loe. . be.' oIjj i t can be atl .l.e | i, ,i ? it b u urti* i* cr aiiea aud ?leotr<?>e<. 1 ; r ? ? et-l i'i my |Ki t<?e a; i*. kin iiik mj >oe: i*' Mu-h wrward ioaod.4 tb. ?' ' *|t . til* K "*i.n vkc*. H wailo mih " i-. b l I bue delayei tb'i exo.uti n ?> , . ,i, m .' L*ve ?bin' |(?? ii yea my r?a?. ?t "i, ' v. I ..??!? ii?y ninlv?* ?I1 b ,*?<?rr?tO"' a.-J apti'ii i-UCt. . r I I., ill - . ir ?oen . I"r Its |>r mr? "?ud lib , , i;r . my x'mtw '*. A* I In ?m:'I b?*foi' - Iti. v* li-? ?? 1"' t> ?! ?u.ind my m eih nt ii k it it lxi e *.tu it ..i?*???? '"W a \ i i. ii ft tu t'l ' .eut Oi III} ? nti-. I ! t.? ..(i vo <>| e .HI- M.ttl'i WW try t?? HI* ?H- . -i, ,. i a i" a. i ry icturn for rs |?r<?ii?i.,i'''' , .* . i ii v'-ty. \* y '? ?' M . i HIV;:M.?S.X..i iKuoi-al ?not.nao ii.ia, *u. i M. j ' .Hilda, A?V VMti neiif.ul, I'i moBd. >?.?. >*U OfSfr.'TCM. . , , rtl R.. v ? . -Ml -? *'li r'I I I v. t'l, I I r'r j: ?vi' r. Anjiwt f ,tt. J t-i i?i -1 I'ikii ' *;ie hi i< ? mail* ou .mn <' ... n ?(.> ml I! lb-' "t'l, r< Iia- an .""V1' Vi'j I'I ' II I'DWII II "I" tb" 'ill '? H " II * !>?' a '!!? ?> fir ?ei.t tiy? a no H ., j Ut ikt'll, HkI befo 1 w.l* a .. . ..... i k. t I ' t *' t" a bo i I .!>.? . I* it* '' I" . l,t?. j 4,|. I Ill hiv i U*w -i ? i' f. ? .j,, , ;t^ i' i Ullflfkl \* t;. . ? i ? i* l."* 4*.r?'l?w **??' ? :4M t 'fl' * ?' it v. t 1? . J deft.t'l iu . 4 u t ? k > * ? ' , >w ? n f 1 1,1 ? v .. ' r r ,vx ' / ,; lj#.i"r.!? ?' 0",,! ' ? H'>vfc"?<***'* " v' ? i , mr * > ' 1 " . 1, i't J I !? J, loCte^LMl. ?>?*?*?!*?*** TuMda; . i invg. INTERESTING PR01 BRITISH HONDURAS. Onr Balls* C?rrMpoBd?*c*< N Bun, British Honduras, July 29, IMS. Tie Colonial Immigr\itun AcL?Au Atylum Prepared for Amertoam CtmtrubuuU?A* Agant to 6* Sent to (Au Country to fbrward the Negro Colonists?Ike Mahogany trade?Preterit Yield of Indigent** Produrtioni, tie. I bare tbe pleasure to inform you that hor Majesty's government hive consented 10 the Immigration act p..saed at Ik* loot session of tho Legislature of tbis colony, and that, Wore tbis reaches you, we sball have au ict passed at a special session to enable us*to fet down here some of your free contrabands. Herd they will And cons taut employment and good wages, while tbe co!? uial, as well as b -r Britannic Majesty's government, will sen that tbey aro well treated, properly cared for, sUta bly housed and fully supplied with medicine and medica' truatmeut in case of sickuess. Wliiie I bavo my owu opinion on the subject of immi gration generally, 1 am obliged in candor to say that tbe British government aro most particular, and will uot iu aiiy way or on any coi s duration lead their support, or allow any bill for immigration into tbis or any other co lony which is not most carefully drawn up and sur rounded with every possible guard and check to pro vent itii' o?ition or wrong being practiced by tbe master to the Immigrant. And in proof of tb.d i n.ay refer you to the fact that the biil now approved baa b-jen twice disallowed for tbe want of the abovo caui>es or reatr'.ctions. Now, wb n I inform you that a m ijoi ity of our Legisla tare are colonial persons?men wbo understand what tiny w this country requires?you will see the extreme caution wbicb is manifested by the Erglisli go vernment In regard to all immigration acts. Another importaut raitter connected with tbis oolony 'a tbe recent grant by tho Imperial I'arli imont of seveo hundred and fifty thousand dollars to assist In building a road from here to the capital of Uuateinala. As soon as a law is passed allowing au agent of tbis set" lament to make contracts In tbe United Stales for free colored laborers for a term of three years, an agent will be pent to tho United States to hire some nf your surplus i:iti abauds, from whoso 1 ibour we expect ?ery favorable results. We had an excellent dry season tlii* year, and now are having sufficient win to brut ; down tho wo id got out in tbe dry weather, and largo quantities have already reached lleliie a. d th? Rogue Ag eat number of vessels aro busy loading with it tor Europo. We have a now police magistrate. Uur new chief Jus tice bids fair to be a good judge and a popular official. Our new cleric of the court and registrar work- well, ind is universally admitted to be tbe right man iu tho ri?'ht place: and, on tho whole, everything looks brighter and better lor this c lony than it has .or many years. We have abundance of excellent 1 .nd, ricli and productive as any under tho sun. We have a delightful, ml'd and neftlltiy climate ; and if we t an get labor we can cunpete fainrub y w th any part o. tho world in sjjar, molasses and rum making. L gwood is la w coming forward in large quantities, and i* falling in price. Sursajiarilla. n"t being in demand, does not crae to markjt as plentifully is formerly; but create a domaud for it and we can sup;>!y it to any amount. Indigo, cochineal and silver oie now,as a general thing cot to England via the I'lHriftc Ocean and the Panama Rail road, instead of coin i g formerly: but slid c ?l.sid erable quantities onmo li .'re, but there is no fair quotable prices lor tliobo articles in this market at the present time. Our provision market Is very heavily over stocked, and all perishable r.rtlelcj aro now ben g sold at leas than cost prices; and make-' it harder to bear, .hm statu has boon brought about by large shipments made ny oar ag -nts in Nu.v Vo k, who have meanly duplicated our oiders on th ;r own account. We a;o cxi ectiug a largo company for ootton, sugar an l rice cultivation, with saw in lis. for cutting up rnir "Mensive pino fur ens, from your city: and we ex ect ti ir ex mple, energy and industry will infuse new li e iuiosomoof our at present indolentuopu.atiou. "This is a consum mation devu .tlv to bo wished,1' and I earnestly hc<? it will bo fully realized. Our Warwick Carrcipondencr. Warwick, Bermuda, August 5, 1M8. Hermwlians Rank Secettirmisis?Prohibition of the Htpor'a lion of Arms and K/uirrm nit?The Colonial Legislature? It* Charact r?Im-aI Afotters-?Another Steamer with Con traband Goo U Bound for Nassau. <?c. Thinking, perhaps, that you would like to hear from this place?the rival of N?M, V P., in tho intensity of the secession feelings of its inhabitants?I beg, therefore' to submit the following, which, If worthy of a piaoo In vour wltfely raad journal, you will oblige by inserting. The inhabitants of Bermuda, with b it few exceptions' are rank Foceislonists, so much so that you would aim >st I'aiicy yourself in one of those miserable towns In Vir. uinta Instead of a colony of neutral (?) England. Tl:a ?irgumeuts and opinions advanced by them are ro^st imueh'g, teu'.Ing tototifltm one's opini >n of then that they aro better acquainted with the niarkei value and nua'ityof rum, eodilsh, tapes and thread than they ire of the habits and feelings of the people of the United .St'itep. Ttie Legislature of thaw Islands, now shtine, liavo been, for some three or four meetings back, frying t>? pass an a< t entitled 'An act to authorize the prchibi.ioo of tbeexpiTtatiouof .inns and ammunition," which has final ly [tarred; but it has to receiv e the Quoen's assent bef re it becomw a law. Thoraweio strenuous objections made by th'j secession members (Of whom there are not a few), h a'lo.l by the win le of th it party, who is triterc<ied lu the ooal that is supplied to the English Guroderate s;eam ers. Ho ownaa the cargo brought by tho British chip Mohawk, and which was sipplie i to the Southern pirate t 'amei N"...-hvi!!e s me time ' whiter. The legislature of these islands is fast becoming a very expobxive amusement to the taxjmyern, and great aro tuo grureikittHTt thereat The-e aro nine parishes, and each ?mrish relume four members, m tKlng thirty-six m mbe't in all for a p'acc only oontaiulaf as e.' an'.t congwS, ISfll?11,41 inhabitants. Tho iu? 'elloctual ?talus of the members generally, with two or ihr.-o ixcaptions, is n >t very high, especially of th'ise from what are called the lower parishes. ami who iro aptly denominated by the inhabitants as ?? c*ribs." i'hjir physical apiu-annco would not tend to enhaneo ??ne'e opinion of them, either, as they resemble canal boatmen mo e limn lawmaker?. Their piy is ab ml ?2 tier day. and t!vy average two da . s in tlio week, the <eg.- tons being of about four hotiis do rat in*. Tbulr de >? tee are sometimes very stormy, and forcibly remind ue of tho olden times in ORttreMS, whoa such man as ??.yor, ftc., wc: e tolerated. The iiu l? ?rum givnu. ftr. a* he honorable mettiW rs te;m it, faiseh-iOd whv b Is a ^miction witSoat a different*,*!!!! no doubt ?:i tn o l? ows were they not i eslrainod by the 'liH rkee(?'r, who 'i*o caarcfcea the fune'.ionaof a co. stable. and wh" u mted for an e\tr.i irdli ary lcnirtli of n"se, with whi li he ?amaiieth thalattie afar off," and Uiur preserve* mtart tue IT*.'.) of "the ho- orable tho Home ot' Assembly'' kfo ;r<;,id. There are throe parsers publish" J hero, or rather two, i? the last la nit rely the orpin of ?? ce-sionisrn and u a mushroom fr9Wth, and no wld end Its existence < Hh that "f the r LelHon. 11m Rnym GltrUe, as its inCtmpitm, is the Kovcrnmttiit o.g n, ban a pretty {?ad circulation, aud i? sustained pruirtpil'y by RoTt rii ?ncut pap. it i* thoroughly Jnim Bn'l.und a great bo-" itvr .11 Arnistrong gnus. Hiack Warriois, Ac fbo Bar. m?tiian is tlia only oonx rvitiye an t im^a-tial f>a er h.'iv. It h e n4acied by the widow <T t!ie 1 te propria ?or,a iroutloman who was for m in* years a tu.-aber of lie (then; honorable the Bouse oi A* ctnb'y, which lllco h.'tilled rvitli rro lH and till lift His d.'<tth was i^ll * great public't "\i? -hail ne'or t?xik npon *n - hko again." l.iat, b .t ths ieiKt,romm thaHemiod lArrer.a ?:?r which is noted or Ua villifica Mmsaf the v'nite'l sut<'s sovirnoieu . Pu li i s thW is h.t ly on* of the n . :wr u' si-eo iMtKXis >f thj propria ?or, and, like tl.ern ill, v. i'I ucr?t uo a ,?1 loave ois cneiit >r< i i the lurch I simu d j'.'g ? 'rout the ten r ifwh i te fiioetlaatly calls his >e di'r h' av. nfnre tbe mirk ) '!ul ho was a b*tt#r judife of cthb an . e?. taidy lie 11 ha I more experience In the grreu pr'x:."y line than u IttMg a pa|HT. Iho ste .oer l'eterbturarr re I at St. - n>ri;eN Ttily 30 'p m il .U. Eitrfi >nd. m wail o,'to *. Sho ts loaned wiih .. Ii.'tt and mefhaudist, atid U it re >r ?l hae an tm ben-e <{u ; ti yo: .|iiinine o t l? ? r???.**?? s>y <M?,f>00 ?nh. The ?? is n"d etiH ih?t >h? ta :.d? ruuut u ths ,..,'k?>le H'-r ear^'ti is '??tiuntel . : in t $<?s?.miO 0 ll* block' d..iit 11 <-l l ioul be < it the I ?<k<Nil tor hur. Personal Inh-'llycnei1. * Pr. OMWPlin^" and <f*. Well . ? ! fioo; 1 bom i* O. ' "!.sn.^it tn? i;nlto<l Htit ^ Na*j .V, K It >s el, of r tglaltd T rWiun k. of Tnesio. A'i'ti 11. slid P. H. iiuith, h Ireland, are sto;ipicf at t?nj 'fr?'-1 rt M'-aS lien Harm" ii in r. of M nsnli nit r i?l" ?? .dof.?/ an as MajT ? lr a'.o' ?tni >? /fill ,-t I lie is; W?!;s. of tie)' *ee f V. ?V"r-,o t,! >?.. .? a. I, ?t sri, if ?"lit'nuni \. ib j ? U Ti.ia,*'e u a( the Hi iro; oiltan r e'. (ietV' sl I - ii a tatt'l en t I <: >f > its ill<< n. Of the ? ntled ai'i i m*.*> i*t ' " a.i ? . .? -r, V.-ru OOl..I-I .lohn I ? I I ?*, J?. 1 .if r- nit W. it k ? M n. e, i 1| ? . ?||j nf t l ? ' V* ?i ; mi} e. m ; r i ? r. !.i- -i, it i.t); . ,i ?beji*..' ot i) r>?i. i - i ! . wi -ti I tin re ai * afir iMn* ut lb v ' ?? I ? it ,i ti.: h v. ? I ? ii ?' v* >. ? . ? , ., Mi l ?t ? ?? f r- wre' 1 = 11v y ; 'I ' ' 'l:i. . Is; Ijm en' ?' Ji-a. i,.ft i *t. t... ,\ v. ? tluo I, .His' e. I.; ? ''.it. ( ' If. \l C. H? m*. f tin'", in I . i > " , ut it . <r ?? .a . i . \i ii do li. 't, i ? . i -i ?e . tl . fl 1 \ i . - . i *# arwtlfg !'n i ? ? v tt? t %, t , rim if w . itMaal ?*>. ,: . i " r ;h wi i e i .it~ia aiel ; t i y 'int. -o ; it ,.vv I- . ' a.ies Ii: - > .-I it ? '? t |i ..i ,n .??? IV, I fllteil *? . ?' ? I !' I . ; ,? .>,? ? I, tl -J-1 #?* .? ?> i\ ? t . ' Illy I. ? > ' ' : i . ; . \ il. e t. i 1 Old!" ' ' i it'll! I | I up ' 1 . it I tl' ? vIt! - ? . <J'' I" . .1 !li ti ii ii u ?? o. i . V ?. ?? . ? ' I 'd v>i. -t. . ? A-l 1 ?! > ? . e . ,!. r tl; . r j e ?? ' i 'I t oil I . ? f ,ir,. . I I, ' ,t ? ' . I I I '<? < , I ilfll d I t, ' Pi ? e lirjT t'? ' ! '{ ?' l"t t. fl Ufg, in 't tl '. t ' . ' r lit . ' I )' y r ? l (fot". 'ill * I '' I ' ?i*i.V oi ' i .. ?, I V t. ! .'?*? i ev i .(, fj ... ftit i^ a, he m uvf r, Utm are at tinV ti till, ausi 'ga. NEWS FROM KEY WEST, IftaUUtadmataa steam transport Honduras, CapUla Cliflbrd.from Kay Went ia eeveo days, arrlvad at ttala port yeetorduy morning. Th4 health of the City la Im proving. Tha following naval veeeels wara lying there:?flag ship at. Lawreooe, a learners Santiago ga Cote, R. B. Cuy ler and Penguin. The transtiort Delaware sailed on tbe 14th Inst, for St. Augustine, Fla., with General Terry and staff on hoard. Oar Kejr Weat Correspondence. Kst Wear, August 14, ISM. Abatement of fellow Ftver?.Vo Aew Vanes on ?<Mi't)oarU? t* earnery of Captain Rogers, of the fluiitiville, and Lieu hnant Mcfhrlane, of the Army?.1 lt-mpt to Purclwte the New Era Printiruj Preu?Ducovery of Cannon on Hoard the Prix* Schooner Julia?D eparture of (Jencril lurry and Staff, lojcing the Two PriMn- rt, Winer lielhtl am1 William Pintkney, <tc., <te. Since ray lust the yellow fever h is abated considerably. No uew cases have beou retorted am?Di the shipping for a week past, and the probabilities are thtt we ?h ill uot hare it as severe again this season, alt ho ig'i we mist oxt>oet Isolated cases so long aa there are unaccliuuted jieopla with us. Captain Rogers, of tha United State* steamer "lu.U viUe, and nontenant McFarlace, of tlie (tatted State- ) a gineers, both of whom have been very ill, aud u>t ex pected to live, with the yeilow fever, h ive ro<->v? e i Theformar is able te come on shore to visit his friends but the latter, although able to walk about, ia uot yet lil for duty. An attempt was made a few days since by one of our wealthy citizen* to purchase the press on which the Neui Era is published, for tho reason that it contained an article which did not please lil.n b';t opr Provost Marshal, hearing of tho ii.teni seized tlie press to bo used *"or tho purpoao of continuing tho publi cation of tho Nw Bra, and any other work erdoiedby tbe "olonel Commanding. A Tow tin.vs since, whits the cargo (cotton) of the prize sciiooner Ji'iia wag beit g dixbargod, an imoortant dis cvory was mode. Much to the surprise of tho men who were unloading the vessel, they found three tw !ve pounder guns,and cauls r fortiicru. snualy stowed ?vrt underneath tho cotton, b t in a man uer so vary convenient that they could easl'y hive been brouiiUt ou deck and used again#! un attacking party. It was no doubt tho intention of those on lit t <1 I'm Julia to transfer these guns to another vessel, or else, a*'t r unloading her cargo, "goou liar own ho it," ou a little privateering excursion. Qy the steamar Roan ke, which pa^soJ h<vo yesterday, wo recelvad a few New Orle ms ? a ?or*, which give us 11 o gratifying intellfe^nco of the destruction or tho rm Ar kansas. Thj ltoamlto was spolcen by tho ,il t b 'at 0. ici til,<'apt. Dunn; and if steamer? whi h alwajs a-<:-cl<>:>4 to Sand Key, on their way to New Orlc ns, will keop ? lookout, they will always And the Orlentnl waiiln.'; ?.4 It tboy will only ob ige ha with a few |tapers, ? hash they c n throw on b ard tho pilot b 'at without Stopping thoir engines, they will be do eg us a '/rent favor. Minute guns were flrod jcierday from tho flagship St. Lawrence, and the uatlonal lltg wis dl Played at half mast by all the ni ?u-i.l' war u ! tricrch mt nen ..i the harbor, aud fn m the Custom House an! oihor p.iblie b tidings on huore,ns a mark o rex-t-ot to the late Martin Van Huron, ex I'roslrtaet oi the United States. 11:3 stoamshlp Delaware, with en ? al u rtr aad m\VT, leaves t -dey for Hilton Hoad, takitig also Aviner Both'l an I Will in rn l'l .cknay, the two siguo * of tho or I. nance wlioreby t-Widt cut of tho Crion, aud who have been coiid.ied for two months pa>t in fort Tiyl'T. The friends of these persons oxprup- Hio be io!' tlwy w ill be unconditionally released In tho cotiiso of t voor th- e weeks. Possibly they may: but the presont antlba of th? g.rr'ernmen' doe.s not make the event pro ha le. Dr. Cni.lck, of th" reirnlar a my, long at this post, and a ni si decei vediy ponular perswi, leires ulso tjy tho Delaware for Hilt u Head, to j.-in the "ttitr of Er'w.v'ler General Bra mat. Dr. Cuui' k ii a uulvers ii Cavorlto, asi! bis departure wilt be reerctied by o r en ! s couim n ty He is a Virirlfiin by !>i th. a resident of Norfolk, wiin o his family resides. He remain'd F.-miI to tlie vernm' nt through all,notwiUiBt'udin< tliee'f rls i f ht j > undy to make him rorigu. We trust he uuy And thj ch uito an agrocab o one. We have accounts of another prize now on her way to this |iort for adjudication. We d > not. kri / hor name or the circuMstci' -es of her c>ttture, b it will htvo ihe.o In day or two. Sh ? was up kon yest' rd.i by tho United States schooner Tort gas, oil tho llarijucs Island, and may arrive at any moinent. Apart from tho ab ive we Tuva no news. E arythlug i? dull, and will remain so until th i northers set In oud we have an opportunity to feel cool once more. W > w.ut now impatle-uly for "something to turn up/" and hope it will before the a?xt steamer. MovemrnU of Ore an Stcumrri< THB CITY OP MANC1I1MTBR (IUTWAi.II BOUND. St. J 'MSB, N. F? Aui?uf?t Ji. 1 The itMiMhln City i.f M ia -tjcuU- . from Vow Y irk for I.ivot p"oi, whh boarded olT Ca|ie !!?<??? on Tburs lav oven insr, and furnishod with n? yb from N \v V'>rk of \V d ay's dato. together with pri.a'ii ihro'J ;h ilio commercial agency of (imrge iteke ', '?>. j., No 1-15 Broadway, New York. THB ARABIA OFT WARD BOUND. RiU'a: , August 22. 1S(VJ, Hie steamship AriUt arrival h?i-e from liuim at elove.'i o'clock last ntutrt, a d siilod fur Llverpiol at half past one o'clock this mnrnlnt. ArrivaU anil Dnpartnrtn. A,*. LiTKRpnot?S'eam?hlp Enro|a at '< ? on-MIn MeCcllbt, M!s* Wr'pht, Mlaa Mun o Mr' ? II Mn i"b?r "I ,-vo oh11 (ire.i, Mr liik"ahitm, well* h d and ma I; Mrs C w ei It- a nett. Ml- A :nm? Mr tt?:t -fii-i-?>-i. MKi K i tn'.e'. W1 I'am gn i l l and ?1 Mr IjiJ'V, wl'p Infaat wnAjume; \V K n II'dy, K St-tnliet t. Mra i M Ca m. Rev Mr 1) nit ", R/iy Mr V ? :?r Mr C a 'erluln, Rev Mr R* trw!', It- M' I '.a Mr? Saiitwfte. ohll' and nurse; H rtantwlv#!, 4o? Si'nfv at*. f"4Mrt R O mvwi Rov h Taylor, Mr Jaukaon mid wife. A <1 Ilro -MenriBirer. Hn?i*1 Tebnrlc. M 'riMni, i inyu', K. d, Wa'cra. Mo .Mm L- Rum . Bin in. K n-'rr wfaks, .1 i ???. R 'ircR,-: and -on. L S.i ni.ela. (} fl l':rbar S .fa-ni-a M*K? >jr, R"' ? tJfirrtl, wl * miU itrM >h ! Irrn Jot n Hun nn. \ alkaline, Ri|?hp', J M Ho-npran t wif\ Mia Covin . Mr* ^t" ? ? an-i d iu bier <1 "he, 'I i a It li o i, Ri*? P M''ly*n. From Hull ax?W II N* ?*toan \T II Cretjh ion. Ororge CI irk, wife an.! two rblnlri-n?Total, 71. Kir ?Hi'-* nHIp Hon^unw-l Fllor, lady an t arrvl, Vlas^a V Fl',iir, M Marnier, Master Fllor, U Low?, K Howe, Mr rubella, 8 HnUe?a oil 26 at'-eraipv Nkwi.k'iw, NC?^learner Hare-Mi?* A ft W'hwlT. V " A'M re ffi Afrlxnt, i 't f!-'i'tr*di?. rapid II KdwanTa, ) s Ca..?e l.le it K ml?r, Ufit Howdrcb. J C Ba-dieldisr, W f McKnur ', J Rtirkwea'hcr, Livut Ki*ndre, A tl W'n*. Limit W F Barr itt I' R XlrK<> ?on. II J H*dw?ll. .1 O Don.ild. Rcmos Atrks? Rhip 0 Aymar?L Bdwarun and lady, J F Thomjuon. Sr Thokjs, WCA?flark Orryho md?R"t W C IVheer. Tiu Cuuz?Bark Aeine?.1 We ?h. DkmA'hiu?Bark Ellrn Morrl -on?J WnlMnm. Ma??c*ibi??Rrlj Oliv#?Kosrcx! and Fran/ R:tt. Bki.i/(, Hon?Brig E K J?"e? ton?Capt Thoinua RoMnaoo Mint H A Ko*i n 'on. Brimi-ru?Brig ExcaUior?Mr Ooalinc, lad* a id two nMl itr n. Mr< Chappinn * rt ih-r?< rlilMrek, Mia lioi ncariM, Mr* Spralt, Mr OulfrbriilRi'. W Harriot. Nkw Piluri?Mrhr 8i?ph' n Hotchkina? D Kcnney Md la<t)', C O Sie*e??, VV Mt-n lnnd. SHIPPING NEWS. aiVAiMC roa ??w rotn?trim di? ?rw #1-1 ?'io? uimi k mum 3 *> in KITS 6 W I aiau watch...,.....e*a 7 11 Port of New York, An^uxt 1803< n.KARK''. RtMtrtblo Ottrof Bn'tlmora ftlr), Kannt". i^ueenrtonu and UverjxK l?Jno U I) ile. si?ain-h p I'.n aria (II am), Meier, South am l.ton and Ilam Uiirc?Kuni aiill* Co. Shu Hi- -a fn nn;hi Sulfide, IjiTnrooo1?fi o^dan, ? HI i|> f'o'u-t" laMo i, Molll?i?r t,lTnr)wa< t: On?iw. Slu ' I.l//li-Po lhar't. R ar "M. Aniw?rp?Ho .t.jaid, Writfht iHuw . Hn k \ ''lla. Fran' U-id, ''orS?'I ? K W Me <*r. ?'irk Mar'aniie (1'ran), OnhPie, Rurlk j|r<?ll, ITnmt AO i. Hiirk Colnm'nui (Br* n). Oerde% Rrw-nan, Kxrli lViir.?i'mi (Br). Eii"-'*oid. Car I. .wunw Jt li oii.'h.on. Itark I dlau Rnlle, Partrtdjc^, Mi w Orlerti*?II D Hro.ik ins' i Co. :'.?:k Morning T.lfht, Snrlllng. N<-w Orl?au??Bacon k ltua awL R?.k David Lnpa'ey, Wlii?em?.re, Kortr??r Moi ron?Jno R Do*' Ki t' Tay (Br), Tvanf, Owrsaww .IacV> >n. Hr.ifarl (Mp k), Lliidmiianit, Cm?. An?F inch, Mclneke A W.-n 'u Rrl4 It A Ft?h?r Sh^ckror''. I'ar*?ilnnV I ? I'^.'rrtt. ?? ? \ddy H'.vift. Arerv, St Tnoinaa?.V ..ilund, Piiolpa A Co Sc>r '*Un?!t (Br), Wlnleor. I^indon l?rr; -II I * ; A Dci w >tf. Sc'ir I:i. v (Br), Dav. Halfav? II O Dnno? 11. (?V-rlL p Hri. S vi n ?'Iwt.m? I J J? il.>v, n !.r?*? m Bird (Bf). Bwaln R-ri'n.'toii-~J?'D"?l?r. B^lir W llam Hu<r/, :Iu jrn f. tt" ?> i n, in?Tan H/ ;ut It h'Hl 'A s * 11- i iv?.h ii."on, 'Vr':ih II'1 _ nor* M i>ur, , I 1 !fa: I' >. II HI,*1> ri . Il.illl mil - >11 Vf, fcrl.r i' ?'?< I'of, B llttriri ?- '' H U n* .it*C. v. ',r \Vur < nt Kwrtt'i I' ?il* 11?V11 I "luit 4k ;!lat|UI. H ,r I ? . 4- I'h M "I ' a- f .1. r .'v r M I! ' nr >n IikH'I 'iinr ?H t S> III' I I III M 11 Hal ? r, I ar '.-r?R V ' .1 ('?>. w-|ir < mi<!' ^<i>vr?"tt. ''i i !? ,| n k ' ?p;\ r t it ?."till n I'Kr -, T-oifn ni i S In- <* r ???* >'*l? lrli I' 'in i - i v> r-:jiu ?n A To. s r fur Wmi' H. ?? n?M " r .* ? r I ' Ih'ail, *? iwi It ' 1. K ?i -t *4 * W .?!? ? ? *"Wlla i V Urt-ci I C?. ki\ ivrx vto >? 'it If' > r/a t <t i.i'. pml t ' Tori I, Kr I Wcat, 7/1 ' i ' ? i 1 * <! ?r ??;???.. II ? 4 a .a ?!??,?? y ? i . i "f i . :'i|, ant. With uiiii ?nJ j, . , .. . , >i ,i r , *i*vii l A i i. iii n;? I '.v, I." ? i li). M ?l! ?. li '"Hi. ?, 'n ? 1?* ( -i ii ? i i' ? n?, tu Ihf^ iui i m. iu c.!a ' w . i !? . i i. i." J ii, ( .u.i' m 49 ? la ?, ? ? ' i *'Hin:r MjB ?' i. sli ??!? Af " ."?? a ?(? fn -'f, U' l t/iti".. In. ??. w ? ?i? ?'? ? i tv. h 1 ,ir i ,? : i <> ? i- ii I.' it s, J. n ? It-? ? ? ?P ' ?*?ri ii ? U ? <?- jr. .ii..I ? >?????? ' H- till, M;"tiiiif|tl'. ill iv?, 111 liBl I t. 1 ? ? ' J? ?' ?rf?. ?4 m ,.?? \ ' I a Mi'\r Or' -i i?\ ity, >' w C 'I' ?. ? j a ? ' ?.?'?,! nr ?' ? ? i 1 i ? i. ki. a ?. l)i ?? i. -m, ., ... . I ...- , ? ill ? I'. * la1. -.ri 'i I, V.I .- T 'ii, 'ii V J iii I't w'li i . \ III ? '..!??? !J4 R ,V I"- . t |1 t < il -O M ?W li I O'lft'.' ni < I v II I a i' /ii ii ? i ? a v '? 'I .'i V. it 1 . ?. . j ah';- Parp. r.i ii'. fm * e'tin -1? for P. rn* \ - r?-- 4 b 1'iH, li t". I?in .? .i? Ilr b i, dlti'Mi ' ?#, fw?-ii Ma an M inf n !??(?-*? r il ii o i I. W.I at..? Mi Ja<ieiti,3* it??? i ? ? . hi J * M m ?. It .. . i . ??'"?!/. li !y 7 with I11..11 r i'i 1 11 n I 1.-1. I Ha'ti -i?. 1 MM d tii.i.,1 W II ti: ii ' rid 5 ?u.? Kin n Mofi " n, I .yon, U-j; ?iar?, Inly xR, with mo Itep frowbrid?e. Bark Window (of Portland), Dart". Hew OrkaM. SI d?ni with *tigar lu Miller A Rnncbtun. 14th inat. latSi&l. '"a 74 41. panaed ab p Uhaa A Parweil, from New Oriean* tor N -w York. IQUt. of fcumii, pa?ml brig Cuamoe, heime. *u?ar> imm 8. Bar< Eacle, Atkins. New Orleana, July 25 with sugar le, to 8 W kewi* * i'o Buik 8 W Hull Hawkins, New Oriean*, IS day ? with *rrar 'ke. to N L Mct'ready >tCo. Had light E winds must oi the Parnate. HrgsRA'ten (of Boston), Baker, Bordeaux, July 20, wltb w ne \r, to maa'er. Krig Olive (I'ri, Pintiean, Ifaraoalbo, JuIy 22, San Carina ISth, with fu?tlr. to K Htti'iiiMI A Co: veMel tomaaier. H nl !??' t w'nil? muat of 'hepii?mr-e: I,<iKh*ja II dura N of I latent*. 7th lna? at ?H2I). Inn 79. ipok" Hr brig lim--**, fmm tin a for Hall ax; aauie dav, aaw a U S war sita ner, a?eerln.t SB. P'-l* K f Newton, Dixon, Belize. TTon, Julv SO. wit'i maho Kun >. tn F A tax* ml re & mi. H t Robert M iwh (o 5f*w !l??sn>. nntrhVfw, D" a vara. Jo v 2S. and St T omaa Vii'i 3 In bnllaat, to II Ttuwbri e'a Bona (Uli m-t. lut 28, lou tt M, npnko imrk i indeieKa, i.euce for New Or ean*. i'ri - Hol'in a Sea (of Lubee), Rowell. St Croix, Aug3, with rum to Hi 'It, Sun A Co Brig ?' W Ring, Hunlley, oag'ia, Artg 8, wltli ai'iiar Ac, to Br It. Son k C.i. \'.Aa 8t0H|*i?r (Br), T? bot, Bermuda, 9 dajr*, wita rye, to M i' II * Kn h B I - Sn-an ?nne>in n; roanvll e, Mil h?'l, Portr < M m ro S ay- tvll> at, |n l> D Tmnpktti*, l^th lnat 7 ti.i'sa SB from Hog I?and pas* 'd a s*ho >ner ? man' with h a I ii-ilu'.. el will " A so a li.iivnp ami h i on, all apia,euUj at Till if il . !! I'O tons bnrthen. I'r it h? i. vine. Si rout, Klixilmtliport for Hoaton. H .r . H<- ? i 'lar, S.n;rmau, Mew ite.lford 3 day*, la hal lar. wtnatto". Se'<r P. v 11 A (' r, o' tfinraton, J?), T??l'. \t?-a di. OA, Jilh 21 w t'- e i i, to IT an y V lloadle-'. 111!' in I !al_'7 Ion 7:? ">?, upoke Br *ehr Oriental. f.vm Mftntiuillla for K.'-tr y? ?< K '?r Bfow lor nnma-T'ck, Mi'), Olrcn. St Thcmw, Jiuy .'7 Ka t flarlior Ah.t 1 with salt, to aster, S 'r Ho* art I'm nam (llr. of V?rmo ;ih. N3>, Itolibius, C rtit'ii#nift Jn'i jf? * to D Sinn. ?' r f">? a tl?r> M--(fnilb. St Si.phfn NB.dili-s. wltb In-' ?<. t-i it Hou clrnajl (I hi i [i ? n it toll'(la* of S a- ll.iren), Pctti?, Xew O'if ii' 2-t ? a i. t> i ?? tsar, io N 'I Brigiiain. S rOa Dirii-, IT-irt ra N'rw Or'eans, 24 days, wit'i augir ?on dl' pm-' ? ? ? i if--s t-' '? M ur av*. ftchr -l i n A '?rl'FVfi, Pouter, N nv C?r"*ang, 25 ilaya, * *.i';!? -n ma-lor, ^'?'ir Pri?nt-h, l.0''"'nn ', Bfanfort. N'', 12 dtyl ? 8 " 'tilia kinln-, ''an itruiit, Portrcw atonroe.,7 daya. 8-' rO-il'VB ' oece. fall. Pan "? i -y*. Sohr ^tiB n .T in--. Ba' r '' tain 10 dam 8-hrCori ? n nn 8 ill, Bn-k'nnd for Huitily HooV. Sriir 'nil* T! Pratt P-ntt. v. A' rB iaati S.-iatiMn R ???r?ftt H w. 'di'mai, 2daya P Mi i Pruvi'lenco. 2 da ?. Sc i-H IV I h'it. I'<>r>-v. Provldrtico for "ort ijwen, St-hr VI'Hnnt [Irtri? Vntvpnrt, S- hr ' M Frwtrnn T i -Mil. \lya"o. Sr''r W **"'? * In#1 I.r-v Vi-n Pfivrn. Sr'- r Wiivp. T.vli"'. il n '-Mil for K *tnn. St - 'ni'T H i" c ll 8 'ran pu t), ''lift. .Vp-.vho'-nnntl 'Ta'-l"m? Tn"i An.' . t.. I' S .art*! nasi r. Li> t a- il 'nra< t .1 I'ti't* 1 Stit?H. for l'or r ?i \Tonron; off lli. ti'r.. aw ' vo* ??'?? l*nr ''ir? ffmrv. Steamer Jfr?i-y Bltf (V B Irani) ort}, C aitwr, N-wbei-n, K ', t ilav?, i-h ii.i -nf-a. 'o I1 S i.Miarierm**' -r. Si?a?er M y On??n ' -il ttanaport), Yotn;, Fortr-fes M ?ri'-oe, 'ii . s nrtorma*t Sl?anier Wm Woodward, CnndltT. Paltiirore. ^t -amcr 1 in .i'fi?*, v ?niti-' --er--. I'hi ailnlphia. Steamer ft liran. Rake . Prorllletiee, RF.LOW. Bar* A,Mon Line- n, from !!ava::<4 Is anchored at Lower Quarantine. VV ind at ami: "t S. Itlm'dlaneoata T!io stfamah'p TTond'ir is from Key W *t. Kv? '?? -r. s"'it to |i?? T o vi rQ'lar*Mline in ronseq-ien - ? -if a deati on lionrd. T le ateaniftblp (' ty of Halt more, C?pt J?,llrer, etlli to-1ay at noon far Qneenatown and LIwjmoI. The Bi--a iish:!i I'avarii, rani Meier, atao sailo ; fdr ^iinthaioi'tni' nil I Ilantwrat. Stk< mki: llnoit Ik. k ?A littler frn*r> Fortress Monroe :cnt*a tliiit 11'' fa HrHnyn-len in\of Baltitnori', 'itttniw ni In- ":{ -ja a v.- itnau* t--nanoi t, ivansmik t tiuil piuc ?n Sa:u?!.?? ni t. tji'.c, ho-.-ever. In siio.''-iter, an I c ?t? (.?) rat 1. raiaed. S< vi SiCW AIlRotnnns, A'Vv, turn Baltimore Of!? inn' t'-ir f- -atou, put into I lot i.o?* Hole l^.h, leaky an.I wttil liw of a 14, Sen a Victor, of Dei ii! a. hifore ra^e.rtel aa'iore nHoint Iml:l'i, n nt t ' p-- i and almost ent r ly ii apjicatn-i on the 11 I, an I II. h !ntt. rai^rni. (1 ? 111), it?T1!-* Anffin ahlp Mx'-tlai. V'.-' t'r-i -I N' >'?!'! :V.- "5t T in n.v (.? -i'.i sin . Iitia (j ,t b i':; leaky, aail an 'amis 1 no if to!! >; lien. C(>N-?TtvTt",-ri K, Jul'' "(V?Tlie. .in Ti. :i -0'?rt'r 'tieo'jitnwn or ^ai.noa'h, Wiif-h in ii r' i il. n< -1 111 ni : . ? w.t ?;?. (I'll ran b ?-n mt-.a . I the leak, it la ii'. havnif i'e.-u <l'fl"ov?r;"i 'jy ? i. :, w II r paii md pr H it us. *??'??A ?-ne iner s tnV r-> . ,-faei-o" ii. m e . w a !?n ?? >v t't W:h Jn v tn ! a n < ?t I- b h" ' ?>'? -uv, Vi --'n.- nt-iTv- I er?. Iter foiein t -,v -r-iken >ir jo it 1 i fii:t ! r o the d li"r mu'iM imt ! howaorl' ii ! "-'and. ?>r.twithout an i ?'!n:,She - i jiaini d 'a'1 :, ?".th !wo ho n i nn dto'c: thn I'oren^ puai.-i| tiir'nnth tH? m?f r-.v.i-l, -vlth a wind i.v oo oaeh .if th? 4oif{ am! a h :ion "ich al'l-1 "f t'ie !mn -. 1. lions:-" in !ei < nn t the l ev " in i? ?'* *.v rn p iin-i?il <v>i:: M lOttrtM, luiy !>? fh" ?hip Me "nr, P-ir'.er. from "iit!i?v ''or L ve iai it. p-it in here tyh Inst vei- tet .vi o >? ' i. e-'ii i'ar-e pn nparmtHta it y . oin , h tvin^oxperieuueil :|-|-.' Y |W .1 on ?t - 'I ? I 1 at I V. -IPK 7i R Pi>t:T* -i)iitii, \nw8? i* it In. the American ?U'o Ifamtet, L-crii'.v, > mi um'loo. for S Vork. In to * o' ; I ? i i i.g l > t nain an l m en ton naet< aoi :.-i itit r ?:< ?, <a ?. rk?in<t. an?l ? i ier da-na h t In" nectt tn ? o :i? , :a ' 15 A vt y-i'ei- i iy. 25 ml rn N\E t' I'o tin i 1, With t ic nblp Re e >t. wlit-ii a! ') In?i h i lin v -p- t. The R-rn> .tIiio'i wiv< in cot'l-.lnn v'tli tlie Aei;-rl<wa .lib Hmni t. Le raw. tiif i'-vtiitnil, yeaterday, Inat oivipr.t, anil ihi ;~-?| her pill*' elm l i -..ft clear. Shaniu t .tune I ^ hv Mu. :ietto T'eg-aph fro n Met.. " Vi. ihla da. i?The 0-?'t m A .ler'in1. D <il min i, ro-ir, W'th '.*?n up to go t.i Ha or ow, e m ; it Br-.- la ?? -i :ie roo-a veou.ida ,'. tvos MMittlo i, au 1 la a total wr.-c* : ti-. a- tire 0 .lv sav -el. The Hrfnvn 't^tn-Tili Il.n a wan yoxterlay mornln; ?ji<cn upon th" riant Balance iio M s a; V - ?i.?Jlui < M.moii-IJ, On'i; N8thT*?7, fui'< >. ?' i iti M.-r A i ill I v. I:!i M.72' Is vvlica . fur I,! .Va r . :ti.l' a ?af h: ?n-Hi I nf. T'e M rats! \l r." mfI'i'rd .194 ton* v an >>>uli i>i A "an In I'iil, fro w hisb pUn IktlU IVotlci! tr> liar I iter*. NKir UQiirr.-is.o. n id.. ... .r ui.T:'\n. S ? k : ? v J i ,;y 2i !V2. The Rr>r?l Ad'nlnl-fr.iton 'if Maritime A I'.t r . ie y ?nakci !> u ???i! lot.' I..I' I'm? '4n all.! ^indnm-ft t -1'-r ? ?. tl. ii a 11K- tv us ! ha- ft n pl.nwd r.nt 1: Vj ?. Ini:e? I'm .1 1 ? ?out It i'ii .ft o' t!i? ,:rou. I* Sy.|"?l>rotii'ii -< ? 1 ' ori in ih' (J'I of :!o ; ji t, i.i li l.l N l< n 2.> ? li ? i ?? ? aw-l '}.'i ?> it'll ? 'f.i/iir :li*r ?'* i' ? on. r ? .. '? *?il 1- piii "*d r il, ml 1 ho it ir | 'Sy'l- 0 ???!.?. t ' i> .ir ' white .ii1. koi boh -!d ?; Is 11 p il a 11 tnv -nay t 1 ml carrV* 0.1 the fur ,np, ?v7i<c!i U the hU ?? 1. I 1 tin Jm ilme i r'I, pfti .'jriM'd b ill, uin! it night alt ht a awt' ?r?-Im n ? i.f ?" ,h- ? 1 v ??! r witum. ale in;* si-. h l!;Ut 111 ?'C lid Is '.oil/Oil. MI "I w'll'll u ."4 ? I III ft'?<r ?vi :l ill" in tw! v a "I Chsi' n? a'. 1 .1-1 *t .1 \ !!(r 1 of which #o t<> n i!?i r I Hi ft Tlr'it v. I 1 Le filii 1 1 I i.' tho first lint" on the. 21m 'T Mi.k month and thi-neen.rli n itbtly from * nw 10 a inrl n. Th"r? I* on 1 > ml th? ,1 Mi *? H*MW Wl VMtlltlId'*'l|nilkt nd thin: .r.i.:i r, to warn anpr.>a h!n .* '-r-eodii. Thla II .litre* el aI!I p need ?in. men- V' ar, the a . uln* o the uav,-til 1 1. ati-1 1 m 1 n 11n1.ll ihft 'or 1 n I n of 1 ft r-12 lori her rcmo,,.u a t!.e station indl?p<!n'a >1 ?. \V li.'tlrmen. Arr at Mr v Hftilfor-J "0 1 111 p n?n??wU- i'av D?rl nontfi), HaSi-r, iroui In li m Maniitlim 0> i tl, -1 lift.ftua 'tav 19, 'irUliim W?I? up an 11 H) don no . ?* 'I ! * III;- *n mi. U po u, udo n nil 19. U:t H'> M, lm 12 :/ W, linrli I'll on. D.-> t r. NB. iiW hp lull, lat tt IJ, nillO', Si'k A lift" in I'm iurt?'<i ii, ?? ^an. K '<T1 t'n Ion 01 .7 to i * , pi- 1 d Op3 hhls a-ih*-' #r"? of ? .ft wore bn<:i/ wmrn. ' with ? N-'r Vork" !?u in 1 on the hc-ui, a iJ li.' ?Havranf thr 0 ? .vernon intiy rn:..'. VIjo arr 21)tfc, Oirh O'i n Itft I'a Iflft f? > .in. Tal" .'i'W) M.i . S. Inly I, I KKM,! (9*1 nl'.o vl::.; i') and iO ?'h on lioa d; m-Ti Iio lift IVVap I 0 vh .''Wl ouft ?'Mat S.i;en 2.'i< . *rhr Thnvir iof B??crJy. .it'' .' F.<* tnu), Ilniman, Atl tn'i <><":tn Sid frini >ant iok?'Hlh, "nhr Hiilahow, McO ilf, f?" .1 <vl,alng orninft. Arrai II r.puda .Iti'jrCI. ?ftl r C l? Spark*. Pn?r; ?, Yvo vin "tovrn. 7 mo* ont, 1 H"> vrh V) ?p (an I a d .lib id < r' lv) \ II Hruwn, lll'klna, of Ait. 7tr0??it, with KHp ?:') w li nt ? <1 2 It 1 to < ruta j 8'd .?nl\ 26. a hr I'mlmvra, Davo'. of and for X-*v 3i'.i'-?-4 A 'eitftrtijim t'api lou ?. of snip<;eor,.<j II>rviaiid, ?/ NH. r ola ,i?i it * a .In y IIn !iiH? I 1 S. 11f)U4t VV, htflli '?kftn I ii maki' i; I 'I W1I.1 <p o.l Hi a ? l?t'J ? > h ? ? li' o wii#r a Afifi Kii ia.: t ir 11, on i.x"?al?r a hr ivy blow and thn fig Spokft-ame c iv. b irk Drum, Lawkc*. K 1. h-aii, <wliii r. poneJ bara llrailtade, HBrr'*u?i?e'i, <lo. .ml arftn nothing t avliw In aft). ni 0-.11?Julv 19, Ul&> U, ion 12 27 W, bark I'n.o i, l>c> t r. xn 10 Up. jn'y 20, 'ai (15 45, 'on 41 99, 'mirk Afthoiu, Allftu'or., Piov inftftiown. cWn. J' li >6 nil IVftatern Inl? ula, >)i(p Oaorge Holland, frcta N w Mft 1 fanl for I'a.l c 0 0.1 n, w.t.i ISO ..p. Anz t. lat 37.1' n fi 10, Cilp .Ianii", Coriiftll, of am! N -.v 1 e Ifs.rd, on a rriila", 21 nay* o H all well, eS?-un (BO! the Anna), Rpoknn, ?c, S' ip Rnttl"?, Dm/, hi'D. > '??! ?to Tranel^'O. Jim ? 1 i. 'a 2 1. ion 17 (aud ?'?? a in ri o'ltin i.1Hi, lat 4 51 S, l.m 2'1 31) Hhlp Kiftfttwh Kelly, Tro 11 ltoiton for 9au Fraud*' ??, .I t. ' 22, Ul i N. Ion 'jS. rthip Kalhay. H o Ida-d. from Loudon for riti&uglir.O, lucii 4 lai '9 11 ,v. |."I 2V3 " W. An Am *h p i.h..wlii/N >s "VI diilfi |>ftiidunt. fro n l';ii dill lor Hong K>ki4, wi ? aam. Ma* 1*, !.?? 2 >f. Ion u'. Hn:|' Ji?iii? L HaJa.C avft?,I? OaiUan frau<:.?3u lurl u'.'no, June 21, .at 17 N. Ion 117 ? 8h.'p Oanaiia, Wyu ;in, from Botton forCallao, July 2", !.v ?)7 l'l >. Ion ill 'il. .ii- k' Kt-nnil, K.-'iy, from Llrorpoal for Val|v,rult,' Jul-, it ?: N i n lii. Klitf 1'a '?*!<*it. frim Cardiff lor Capi Vertio Itian-ic, X'i; ?, 't *l?. ion 9. ? <o Norili A narli-an, Portia, trim Llvrrp-iO'. for NVoilt, Aug 4, I.* m>|f KisW of I'tipo ('l ?tr. Hhlp J * IV mu*, Ohaar, from XJierp'jol 'or XVork, Aut a, 'a fi!. Ion II S ?p LivarpCftl I'aokal. Croghy, rrorn I.'varpoo! for Ho*'*!, wltn iia.n i<-iv ?! butyurj 40R1; Aiyt *,o 1 fJV.| Can ay IVr.i, t'ann. Trom I/m !on fur Boat-in, Aig I, lat 4" .VI. Ion II! Itl.iu.l Ria>!*D <e from Liverpool for St Jolm, 7J3, A'ic o:f Huiylo-aiJ. > llnr* Km" I for-", H?*rl"*, f row Union forTlleaU an'. .?Jin rna. Jul) 17, latTT. I ti ii. iVici. Carao I'arfc. fiw.n Kewp< rt, E, for Rio Jaflftlro, Jul/ 11, M310N, Ion lii. Foreign Porf?. A iTWKTir. ?n ? 7 ? ? ir l|?io, I'al ry, NVork. H 17'S,J l. i A Par t, Uft h < ai- MIT. ArratfioiMn "t 1 Inrf. Et^n-wd r. Knor-U ?, Ca* , Mli ,'orinn?, (taicw, MVo' f T Atilw r'. In t.' in .Vh, ataipa R It'll*"*. Ron. I' lipuvrJI, lt-ivr*; \V r" . hnii II, A urn, and 4to torpx iO ''), Hi ir kli:. f 1 J. ?r VorliBr bark Ti tiitnpli 11 1 rpn>, for do; Br li.-ik I'fUl'iv S. , ill'.g. I'o d . Mr run, \ ?*7- -Arr l.s' .ni'm. 0'>.\ XVo-*t: l?t?>In ? a, '? it"', n 1. -ill 7li, lUvid Kmi.'ill, Mn<t 1'.fll:!. 3 I1.O0 ? I- Au,i, ? n ill. do. I' 11 . t i' ? I'll'O il, *fiizal' <n, Nl', fni o Ni wjwrt fo. S . T??"(ii* Ii It 11). \ loS:h, Ho "t'ukr. Llnnek'ti; Frink LovrV. J.'1 I a, A n < 1 . r, an 1"'i 1 Tti im'.iI, f? XY' ? ?, 1 ?. Kl'' -or. Ml ;"iOW, '.<y tf-i'">4, I il. rt?", tl'.' H? A -r flloffW ? if), M a tlft, I*' la 'pi a 1 i- '? ifiii ? \ A'lJ 4 I ^ fi'i, Ku< hr.n, Ba.Mnci-oi ?), "? .in, Irfir.l. H 1: f .. fi-ns line. It ilt' or ; N To I ; Pth, C'nr (t i ? , SVorx In ? 1 " is li'i. 't 1 ?, U'l 'la-i*,*iT ti i??i?t A 1: 1? I.i I.' r i.rmd T'tr., lltauj:<aid, for To: K u 1 . '?iL fl fl H r v, R uv ,'n. do A " ''i /??li i:..'l . J >'fti r '! 1 1 ?; r> Un'. < l i . I> . ' /?nn r 1 oil i-" 1. . ?; I'r ? M 11 ?? ? Kr), f * it '' ?j. ft ,"t 1, Vi? 1.1 ?, 1 ?# < Vor .. Mii-nit,.1 ii 2^~f'M A-. t 1' .'Iki1. r.i!#i' 1 I' . M ??., JTti:y 3rf-.ln ,ou a,f faUaa. Riddle, f t Kfw i.i'.r 1 ... \ I." Ir .1,11 Ri l.ntv i;U(* Dm - .r.nXVir 7 da. fc I'i ft. Inn ft, "f ifn f. A:i ? ''ii .% " 1 t.-1' itI'-mveia, Nv , ?? ' l,t' I, 1 , ' r.'li 1. I'i Rov .1 .? oi -. ???.. 1 i', . . : 1 M I, '. , l"u re'. l*)i'.. llo.'.n! ? ' I' ?* 11. \.i^ , -A, ?',??). V*oi k tor ila ofn : * 'i. ' 1 | I r . ?'!<. I i ? i Ate ft--A i-i V i'"n Miytl '.!?? ' ? ?.? ??". .1: I'll .a" , I Mil, K llrrilani S , 2-1. R?.io|.i, I ti.,.-. 'la 1 i; : i IV .a 1 i - ' A'lb r. own ?'i!?on On a I'l' iii'iMiniii J t> *i?S I vin.|nia ? ni a, Wil 'lani", K'? t. li. i 1 ? r? J1 ' . "? T11 | 1 (I in ' 10 0' 'it, Wi: m Ho ail 1 .iiU t. It II I' . '. C.arfc, ?li .-j rim. 1 I'.mill in. .Newpurt, K. Hill Jam n. S ill A int.'1 ? 4iist*r., H jlil'iB. OiWUil, July ?n Arr hark Thomas 'Mr), Pi H I1>, Fhllattelpbia; Aim 2, YVapp.10, N okirnoii, NTo k; t b, brU Ahoy ?|UM, Paiiml-lunU; ?br A ea, kin^, liavaaa) Utb. burk B H Kulg'.ii. Bat dm, Havana. ClKururxoM. Jul.. iH?Arr ?u> r* J K U rfe<*. Dark, Baitt ?. ViHm-llo, Run J ii b. Nlf: Wd brl^n Al farnia, Lrfnci-y. NY or* [mil aid Aug II, on riW*)l ?Ub( Ann?, Ai>b<?t, do:-JHih H t k H?*k, Ora <t, Vaciilaa; Ma rian Cook, do! ,'ilnt Sitka K lop YIY'ork Hid 2St", brl< Alamo. hiwl> . N York ; XIat. ?-hr Paahaway (Br). Boaioi; An-! -lb. brlgi Kwiif (Br), Boaiotis liili, Ku> til:'k. IV iTttin. Pn ladclpbla. i k 11., Aux -1? iHMjI.Sii n <-l T rbo\, Tarbox, fro u Akvab for Hamburg: Bprtn ;i*r, rom N i'ork for London; P111, latum, in) tor ...?, Frank lla.nie. Katiiia I, laoudon fo* ttllnhu, VH; L 1 Walali P -n iletoi., do for C,i!*ia. Arr at <!?> tiih tirttiiant, Coib.m. Horn Siiimda for Bat orlona ian.1 anflbo ?d). J)iitT*'iiri 1:. 1; *? irl) >rn, Gns'o ?, NYor%. DuaLIS, AK A?11'd '1 ot, Mclri-ror an i 1) rwflnt. Wall NTiik. Si . *'.h. Urn On I'k.'tt. NY'ork. I ifc.*'ar\ka, July A?In j? rt bark Pnucuton, 8r?ley, fo? NY.irk HI.lay*. _ Fal O'tth. Ant 7?Kd'ly 'on#, Dv> r. .Ikvr.^i; 8 h, Pro Aiffl. Mill Tr n dad sld Tl'i, H ipi r 11 mphrny (from Akyab). l> m Ion \V llUni WooU'iurv, V ' oliau (fro.o do), Biili*o WiMt, L nl (from Raii.'iml, A."*t"r dam; law. G ? n S ? i\- xrom Ha; it) Hrl-tf?l: A Bldiibt.V. Km (from f Tal'i. An'wi;<T< ??"' L?r?.v, (Jnv (from Maul VtiTto-' ??f>ri: Jinan Walflffnuo In, London, Bnnh?m Ko'i'if! . vi??r?rn; V mi i'ri*>-l!, Bi'ifinn, H'X.yhi ao, Au^lJ- -.trr llol,. h. ad, 6.v, nt .n, Liverpool tot Cam II I K , A 11 i- -A r Vic 1 r;n", Jnno", HI .tihn, NB; 8th flarmau a. fo ?.111 NY n\ Flloi Sty.T.rt, iv?n. Bulll inorc; O : nniidiit', o- y A?vab. In p..rt :>il?. "ii- I' lr n. Spv ni I'nrX' orc ^lb: K:.W M, for H -lb; \ n;tia'm>inn 1! s h *>w: Wl Marx ProtlilagliaM, Smiaoti, and Tropic, Now, !!, i'r ni NYork, dlas. )ia 1 in*, .Inlf 1"?\rr lirl? ^o-imd fHfim I. T -.^ns-'ti B?? ton; 2'Hi, ?-br I 'ta Co -pi r. WY'ork; ?..< >i >- .r'' a W Hoi liroot. Small. lU'i* ir- hi ? H Bm? 11 ll.ini ' inii, XYurk iiud *)d A i" HI 1 >? ???); A>ia I. Im?k Anmt. f .thljl, do, tb. s? lirj iKai)'' a ili- latiininl Ki A!a v,s. SI I Anir 3. birka Kxpi>;?*, Sundlierft, XYnrk Tere?ltt (Siian), Dlaz,?io. Lrr ?rim .A 1?A" H'iorMi,'!' Kan. IM1. f Hlrb*r? A ? p, JVB l'n 10 t. S York; h, P vium, nivt Hi-solute SYorkr.l II Ivlllco l, I 1 r, do: Hi a. Dri-nn oii'l. Hani:ni M'j YY'm C"? 1 11:. Willu I'liila ilpliu: Oiii, U,ihnrino, fin: J4'.'I Lntt. NYiiHi. .^117 ?*, \Y ? ti??? ??! Arro*vi Hurry, ISo-l. 11; UM I hi 'iuoii. Bim' ^on.ibi; M il-. Ilnwcs, Kyork; tin?. > For ??", Cur'II-, ? nl'-i"; II 9 Kimball, !i j.-m r. an I iVii'm: . 'i Ztc.'i, NY.irk; Ont'rto, Ho.imer# an.I Yo iui< K.iin. Y!o rvm 11, il i*l I /1I1, .l-rfn.M I, Ho ,,r , Conway, NYvrk; flib, Hberty, Pc.' <~i sua. ai.d Yi.: . v, I.)U ,i,du. Kiilnr-I i'. r l.i .tin ?*;'!, Tul i-inaa, (a) for l.'-illfaj and NY'o k; Cb.,11 n-lior S "'no r, N I'oik, AJi? rtis.i.l Olli. I' 11'in an, mi for: U-bj A?ln. (a] for l> 1 i 11 1. r 1 i:ih: *) ,0: llaiii .i in 1 Work JUti K ii^iro.-), (s) f 1- N 1) ?< 1 "Jt'i, 1'. raU O) lor :<> liith; braM Kdvitrn (*i i>r do In; enni<* . 1 al?, Ci-otV? r. 'or Bo u>? Ift'1; .f.iiifi- o o :o a- \V S X.ind-iiv. I'tttten. foi NY. rk, rpa .1: I.llo Auh-.Io, ?11. ri -ic l i iio Jl li-John J / H. j.I T 01 ,, in- Jn ii li; Neptui.c, P.-.ilio.iy, I >r do do: M an'li', IH ism. r ? -i i I Wvomr 1; Hill top, n r riill:ulel|>hii*>. liih; Med illfon :i- -j ? , or TliUlfa , ready; ','nld liuiiteiv ll ildri / for Sam r' uiria ai. li ???no*, Yi 7?Air Uii.bland <"?: le". P'-'ai.o Siw Tork; 0-u N nv II, Sv i. :,*!ro. d.U. St II- 1 ?, ;>piini, w, N"? Y rk. I'Id Mi, '' lam .in, R ib. rU, Cidlif and YUlolra. |7tli. i* y month K U, II.1 m i ni, and H . "iliu'.i (.M ra.-amiicei, . us hi, N Y i -tli, i.a.-.i'a'.dl. E>.I i.v, |V York. tub, Kim tv> 1. C ?t ut, and H 1 r.?:? ?? -i, V," . .??'??>* York. Ai'r ? (i .tv . J A iz 8 Ai -iotil, |J ? ? I;; . V?.York. St.. 'tli, Vl 'Pjrla K ^1, I'able, for i'Uiladt- ,..11.1; Plymouth U i*lt If 1 nmo Yi In port. A-, 'Ui|ni Pa rick Ili-iiry, )!?.? i-\ for XTori, . I : b YS'i 'I ??i.jvr, do ?!<?; Mi- r . .i l. for Ma'ir I .in, il.., .1 ?; :t .111011 1 -.lion, fur t' ' . ' Ion 1 ooal: foiM':i f V r : f | it 1j ; Ell- n M ir a, ? , ?!?>, W lou I co.iln for Hi T o : . ? ? t 2 ?. S ,ii> r 10 I Iaii , witk g-i do at .!-'nij.| Jolio S Hai r . 'armoii f .r M d ir t' t Oh** , Sk 11 : r. !ii 1 T rn-I M ir u.i. Im :.i-. ? f, A-.hb1' 1 n, H af V li hi i'; Auc Co.11 ??. Sau<.-r; Hpnt-k il .;S" -.-1: /in. Ilo ij v; ?!!.: i.?ln,ii(, Y?i?- e.l ? ti.n i !?' I* 11 .r'.v.? iil'ly; C (ir!ini?ll, Sj.,aj . r; Huhl m'. t iller DC iino and ????11 Now. U No.viill.dK . Jj!Mi.:i ft A'I { ? - Si 1 V It V . 111.' .?> otl N'.'ii... M*?<ki 1.1 ? 1 .?t ? ? or', i-ii.p Or. !.au. .-. iptan, dUfj brbrii{Ja ? U'l/.-t, -?? Work. Hi" .1.1 1 _ ' , i- tJrl ?!, W.iik. i'. ". I il-: 11 ilftlll (fill'.' 1-l . ISth ir K In i 'li. H'j 1 11. St I!?::? a 1 Ho,true, Cal J'- ., A ???? P 0.0 i, D. i..'.y, X ?? Y.I It; July 4, f% K . 'K 1 f 11 it. 1 o, ,n i si t'< rSi'i i' *??: Jl'h, s I. n. \ ?.-: 1 i . 1; c : . J.1 ? I.'. : . .a Ua ?n, Pi. t r. . .1 c - 1 ,ll .YI lip. 1,1, 1 J..iy-J, Bostoa Li,!i . C. -.v ii, .0. Mai'ac mo Jiily 23?In port bark Clara R->; ? ??-.,Il, Scan d'- a. tvtor N ic 1'11:7, A': ?\rr ( incln ial 1 Il im .mii J, BrUtol. N'if. AiTlt, All - Ki.l o il, ialLi.d.t II. ?.> , Vo?, to-* NY or:<. If. ' 1UT.I, A ;7- Aui', riq.i! ' f I iiOttdotC ? .?c i ,v 'ow? V'r f?Arr lsnardar Pi-.M. RIo??'ntn<le'. VblBI 11 .imi. II ,1 n i.i 11 11 i(. ?: 1 :'t ^ O.-lily, Now Y.'iCiand 1 I ,. r A1 .. 11;'H i .Vda-its XYo 1'0' r v< \ ? -In port, l.'i'dj lor a . iMa, Slaf IV it. . ? J,..-', 1. .i. 1 ? S il bii; S'i*a:i Du:i li.jlor, t'ul r.- it .1 t*?Ai r Mary Mt-I ? L* <11 Svi v. XS. 2'! ? Yrrprov It v r.y P .-iter, Mttlll is S ? l.i:..ii i'i. ... M .g.iu, Lon :oa; li t ,\a ivii, L vt. iti I#';, ;? Thom t Yi'r.l .In n' VI?No Am ve#- -\ 1 1 port. H us ?1 , 1 v... ,| ..I?N 1 A " s: -I .11 ; . S l i:oiT. -Y " ' 2?'Si. A n v ??l |o pin-:. fj.Jti.o .1 . I.?Arrn 'EiaAM \ i. "S, Kap:*'. N v.-rk; .1 M I lot. -'in, i|. If -. 11 . ir m l| i. .1. B vttM, Jinv 1? 1 urk li i itu n ll .j.tii-v Uuvana. Xi'lNHi.t:', July .J?Arr bilg uiitLo.r, M'. -? 1.1!', Huoiv. J'.iv-? s; > 1 11 V riia C: July I/?-la p"rt lin k I/niMn ~'.ow.'irl, frou.o Y r> i'i-t u : ? h lla n I ,. for NY'.irk r. YV moLin, A?'^ 7?Air Allan:e Mod !it I, AY .?k via FeJx 1 nth. YY An.?roa;>, An 8-8 J .-'par a- >. NY. 11.. Ym.-vK-au I'orM. r.asroN a <? 2i--a r :;r stet -i.i ? V. n., a. Mcojit i.iv -ri-oo! Via ? .0 vfi a ?' lla i'a : ? p YYiOd -'n. 1:1.1 Ti ? 11 , ui:,i I. P .11, . v, II ,i . . .'"flair nl, u (< Hit, k r -.i I'i m ni'r il. rJ ' t' !)i* :v'.e. ill.', Ph.U '.-i, . , C 1 dor. A'Uip, I' ?.* l ?jo; s-'lim Mar'lu ?I ill, (J. i.i ?; Ln iui.I.ik, I! 1:1 a I : '1 r.1111. 1 n. L" rl : ?' ?' ? 1 '/ 'Biiik. . 'i I S p ? li , A'it-y. 1'*1-. n. 1 ?; li" V.-v,, I s J'i J'.n . ' S'-. Unit, ilo ? . tl i\ i-; i n on -?, ! 'a 11 ? I YYI'Uain ) : i-ii'i. il.. 1 i; A li . ' r i 1, il l???V ny K ul.'j 1 11 , 11111 il .1 IJ r.i "r, P.i".*. it:i ndi'lphla. .ni :.t, i' 1 1 .. 1 In n A Pir ' a - !'. I I r, I'bl'a .?Ih!jii?: l.u?: a. I >a 'ii. <-*? 12 l'? ?Hb . It'll - .1 ? ii J i . I ?.? H . S. y .i.H I. i; M II- A i l y lint .!? i ? \ I .. i' ii'S*".!, Th i :j s ii: i\ y. an-. ?S til' *>? ? i. <!W| NVoi** r 'id.j ? i .= ? I A4-'i:? ! .. .Itij AHda,. Holt. >1 ?. I' u.i ?? Air It s-t .-'t i.l. I'alilnnor* ' . IV...m . j, ii't ma. .- 'if* i'0'.nU uuaa, Btnj, U'-orje o'.vii, Di"; Ai'.'i II 'mir ?, '.'.'ia.\ I'.v.l i-li'lrhta; liar* j" I, Noil') .. 'in; v '? rm'ii, Mb . nan : ilaiiuiii II, S 'II .;i, V ' S .. ir: ? . ? ? . ? ' . .Li. at K ? v h'.i,. ? yi; tuJ ir n b'.-lonv, I it (.'Hiiti :fl i'n ?r ii !?*un. ;! iH, A 'I-A I ?lii]i Odrt-iw N'l'lt/i; >r..t>. ?'?i : I ?? 1j ' n At ?. <-1.1 .'Hi, I ri \V urn >, Ni iri(tl? . iv t.i'H: ' .. . i .l I lu'.l i' , *?.?. *.i Ilk.-> :!ns Globs.. o: k. nv ... H VTH. a v :SJ?('Id ? !p Clara Anu.i'or N?-w Dlfcun. UHIS ( 1 ?-Arr a-br* tlauoo, Wli rn, Port Ew*?j' M -.I L i i, 1 i'i ' NVo:!{. DANVliilt-', A ? ; 17?Air t'liii# l>i'iIUOil1| Nii/'uu, it??- ? 1<> . niiJMT-'lf. Aw/I?Arrvbr S L Cickft", Prv bray, 1*?j? ? li'lp!i'S lor i'.iurtoo. KM .AHKTlll'OAjit 21?<t *'hr? K ?. ??>?. Br ;?*? ? Kail Klv-rC.'ar. i. m Ii. n. f r-?.-ld"nmt II I-Sv n Sioo. ti?r, ul '.Villi* .. '..-a;. li.ii II, llatlfoiii; Jo.'i :? ii-. IVatarbury ? ivitfot i, i Alii, RIVE* \ W? Ait =c its M M riay, B ;rton. .i.n:ii:. tj.; . 1 Si riiH l?lr.', Hiilrr, JiVoi6. KEYWEMT, A 1. ? it tvavl.' ilior* Tli. ii an, Btptfi, S Vn k lanil Mi i llli tor v 11: '?i?J *!>ir ii SO*, MM en Run or: fiti. ? rapiabl" Marion, it". NVkHc (ant ? <J *4 iitui i.,: \ ".v : llth, ir.-? .! V.' Sawy?r, : ? : .'in, Boh . i. ? i 7' i .'Mi'T. IIu'm', PM'k!. !1 ;Rib, terk - i'arai'>, Ilcrrkk, 3iV i k; !"'h. K A A..tu. Kitl" ? ')r * i nil-. MR'.T BED "OHU -Arri'Otfc. |?ro ?"IIer lirs'.- IiktcniKr, ,iw i' . a ' )?? ii i ira! ?j? vli t. n i- ? 1' o i? ..n-. r); ?:hr.?/. s ? r. ito ?i? n*. mi 1 * I K ? ?inl, Kul ? r, K'ti.-'in-th mPt. S . i HitUuruli, K ?'.?<? v Y --k. i : i' nrJi l-'tB i .i i.. ? n in ?? Bw.n Si i .'.h . b.i-s H or ?tari 11?I. v <? vSiuv Jff-|? YJi'it, T.J'Mi A I ?ili-i- A r Hbr /. H i l?i?it. ImimN, ENt^lx".Kli_ i- . I: NOW!*' , t' Vi'U. J'liil. 1(? (>.? II. .N '.a 1'ii.t , \ ? 1 ir < v D?H. Phtui h I'.* i nii'U 1 ot E i.?1 ? til" r. l flit hi. M* y XI /rti?'tn. i'b?<' t ' ei :? i; V "ir/. 0 . ?ht .ii.i 'I**. H.<i ? In-Mo.*, I'liiwl* ii i., S i ?iihitw4 ihr !-.* :k. Sutp -A'' 'r X!ivMf. D sntlani Kiiinni: ? ,'.ir P.rl E r*r>. it ?r? r:. Itmli, i -.ii'if, :i 1 Win ? mi,? flapuitio*l. KRW IIA* KN. Ai ' '"'-A rr w i s I. A 'i , 'i-i' K'*lii r; Jn4 :t?r, K .rii ; i:,? .-i.l , i'.i In. ..u l II.. l i^ ? i, i,%Uvofip* !?* 'i. ?'? 'ill ? II i, 1?. /..i t'. .I'-.C.. I OST Un'i XL li tn?r Ii'?Arr ? piiuiitiiji Mu MbliNtti. SVi-ik: liWi.wiiir Mi.yi . I. StO'.'c, m; mil. i'S ?li aiivrr M it ifilla. n.. 1 v'lxi-u JO; l.'li., ?chr. T w R I? l o., AMuu, NV'^vk; L 'fuy,i.r, tin. 14 h, IP J u ilifwrd. ?Ikll'lt, Si A.u' -t:n-j HoCi 'an. liiay, JiVitr*; Unru ?llr, W|.i-, Si Ai i ? hi !.?? Hi'# DMibcr, oiilf. H T ork -r m. ir;; Ali c, Tiii-anuuli r..l'lv1rrutlU; J J m, i ivir, Hw..ln .In; IJili, ? nr B liiwiid*. NV i.'k .11 I4:li. br.^, C'n'i"!M ? r. llr-w r. l*htl niniiibu. ? .a l.V. a Ur EU. li 'at.- K. K..nui.:*. * V irk. I'liiL U)V:Lri.'ia. Aai. 21?Hriki Aul*t* V Lois, w.iu JtaUi ? la; v.'I.,< Har.ti?'i. ISlt i*ni :i Cilalp: "m Hit .p, S an. y Kii.tport', '.<? ?. I'a'ii, Jaiib la. a : E Ni :kei -jj, r. nn.l V T ai i t: in. I l'o? ..a ErajCMnB*) rl. to ID' .nJ. Ii?ac Ma .< I"f>r**? i?. Bock ! Dili U/1" kV Djri '. .V tlilfil*. I'or-.'nil..: IV ?? llwirit, ? c i\iui"y. lot < i.ui: Bo'lti Butler, in1 <?at ba^Riia K Ijf, jfi'W ? 'ill' 1 '. HI'l Oftg I'.r-MM. O iuri'1. 'hIC, Jtm ?!* i>-lio; ? t?i-? I'blnJB !e. and Curihagc. N if iV- Uot-i' ICartM 0<*D1 * ? ? ? .r? l*rovtdniii?5 >!?.?., c> ?if Wm imu.J a-r foitLmJ: c A fl. m r, y.i. ?.*, I'.ot bury; il Yt liuwi. ?. tli.w.iy: VhIoii, I nb'i It lt"?n, Itur irfi iin- Sp'iy (' i' -..Hi 1.-H* Kl ai-. %x, T'a. >-K rt ?? liar 0 ;FF];u tyb. l',.Bfv-. a:?l L n I.tnaii ia-'-iiK Pnni? iiri -v. J It a'!. v! ji. Boirein'.r'ilu JuCa .Mloti, .{luim ?m. Ha' .ill"!. HarrUt ttyrn, DtSblm, H ilK purllTal* n iv, n ? vy rt. XiKWCr, l)i-l A-n -THb Inrk TRi ' K'U. ji few tiitr i*i-:i tui W,-i-fi : ? .,>?tmi-iju rr. m f.ii!.4.' '. kh.- t*in-ntu buc*S M d i'uilr.iK, ui' ..ii l7iiifiici'.;(, bin a; t! ? U*<-akn-?tei Ai?o,* a'-.irttin V ? .::4-n, nvtn N ?' Or ai n, borcl NV?r<. WlhlfcE. l oXTliAMi, A 70 Arrkhlpcir anPi i '. Kcn-w, t'a* llotl. CMi'i in-? i' ?? Ci'TWi ' SY ik. l'KO> i tifiifi'E, A . II?Arr-u .-in 'I' U;i'oi'tig Hen Torlu ?-?ir \v it I'noo, C ir-oii, Phllmo iimn, Ktra'icrr. Ilntiii--Iteytl' ?, Tl I mb;S??, CiMln-n ?tt f. fllml* dim. null i-. E f. i'.t. tuy r; Mbi Mli'er, !);?>' 1' rl RA ?n: I.nliid-i>n-.-'? .i; Hn.?tor. V;?"r .? o; H. .fr i (Tin R )iiil. ?i Si > nrtiioii, XY- ri oo.i Mug liillaa liar- t fc- ,-n ? t'trnrt; lA Irartl, ' 1 -t n, i'g Kr?.|?r!- II a i, l.'-rr > lurk. ??!?? Ill; Jr ? j.. At . 8nrn< ?, Ma 'Im'. - ? I'\l.a(1l'...i. llrom.; l.i-ary Chf, t)ii .J.!.: Jo4iw l. I' i I* . H i'l|lit, i'i. I l>.i in I Women, IHbhti . St ir* fla-ili'. SVo h. PAWTC1' ?'i'. T Aii''Tl? '-ltleak'i ia?',?., Taylof^ Phi)?n> Ipll 'i.a: J i' hw* S .'tb, NTnrfc l^.iN l Ha Vi'l.v ii. a tiy lIn r r* uhki 8' Klnj, Bir '-ft. ciiart'T. i 'in i . ? ?.ih?I. Art .iu?? aw, .w.i* Htif-% ? >" k. r>. I.'i.l i'.'i, ?'l|i V ??ir, ??>-. Mir'-, Maiallan. SI t ?7?.,' 'i I ? S'' i.f 111 ? f llowrn, IH-i K- . g: ?i"-i Mi.' alt, I'uf. t Hn<w4i J?tii, "iyliif > lla.'i nv V !|*r.. 11. mLK.iI, AotV-Air ?br> D II B.ihl A lt Kitnn '.tw. I? i> ii i ?*-; n iilte-i II it an , l?5V mi i . j fh1lM. lr "i?; t- ? " a1 '*? ^' i ? -1 hid i itii ri*. fort, an.l B l . ? .k, Enir.ib, fl i <i? .1 I ?"? p'i?m Kiii ' 'In. 1>! ?* th . 'I' i. mill Juila> ofiA. allfekoro. ? ? i ..... .,nj v.. ? 11, a ?, t (1 to?S K.I' *?U. #ii?i li,A *??.?-. Mal'-r, l'UUai '|"i' ,, HI'# Biniinotui. th,:. . y, i . BtDWitmii -, A'.tf I ?I !*i: ' i)o X k'i a At >t, f i: '?l?. fro- i .'ii .<rk. Wtk bail. rhUiipm. Jo '-o; iW Mi U. i- Bull ik ..... 1 At Ti/Hf a , -.1 ' ?'ir lia'i, IV.eiroH^. ' M ITIXOtOX :: BUITOBT .1 i - 17-A ? twl't n'lljr ' (IT ,'ll l il ' k ??' i'J.1. 8kl lj.ll, ai. jl ', l.ilala, ttm DON1 HE ii:-UTi,!? I NTI1, V?M' I' VVK. ItK\? III" 1 Ii i- 1 St- ' ?? -I II'1-1 Ln?1, no-. I'I #.' j 'al v ili I ia'1 I'I nil I i' 1 ? til. AtiiMiy U'llri <????.' itHtVpP o: pa?!' i- ' j'. K. ?tH..k?. I'u -IHther, c?r. R.nV> |i||il?1i-it*f?MA JMITUffOllS. r'niimt', OZONE -1 >AI* l?'imi''An'l iiri p >- 1'?? lV? KM'KI^ OU 11:^)1 Afi f UliLK ,K o. NiiWfOnK, whtih ?? ? - ??? ??? ??"'luu' t o wuivt| all f i-wfi ?f-i Mb lint :? alf 1 Tl". nr ni- ! Iv ? ' rr 1 i* i' ? Mn to i". "f ('oitKrtA*, AM ? I IK IT'?>?.?!? OUO. ? B hOAl'. D iKil fi-r O/.IINI. BOA! . _ . . mo. m ct.jAt BTBiar, And .No, 1 UBIOK 3'Jl'ARE.