Newspaper Page Text
able. The fro and ovsr which tbey psMOd ?M lite rally oovered with Slaughtered Yankees. Our Informaul does uot (loubl that thif victory w but lb* forerunner of Mother toor* important and overwnelming, uule?s Hone should execute one of Mot lellan u "flunk movements," and get out of the way. The Trvth Coming Oat. T"T gunt r>t? w m rub *n\ c' rvvs' batti : v 't. ? la Uoclite' nave r.fl shm, ?:>. mil that tb.-u . ,..y iic >d the u*ys' battls were '< ?n than the ioc'ernl . mw>. tin assumption of such a tact U simply prepnst. roue, its we havo the evidence at hand to prove the mendacity of their statement in their own pubj Imbed account. The following card is written by ? rebe end published in a rebel newspaper, showing that the lorst* in the North Carolina troope engaged in the battle' r. Riubinond excee Is or.c-flfth of the aggregate federal lass:? to rim mrro* or rnn Boe?"TD shuoimir CrNTi enioi?I see in a lato issue of your papei an ex %rnot from tlio Mobilo Bilne/ tuttr and Reyuter glvng what porporui to be u correct list of tlie killed, wounded an' missing in the seven uuvs'battle round this city, a llh also the number of reePweuU frum euch Mate en gagod. It appears that tlu compiler of the statistics has rupresenUd that North Cnroitoa had only twenty one engaged, and that her loss in wounded was slightly over 11.000. I detiuitaue to state that North C'a onus s futons during the memorablo issues were lorty two rigiuieuts of infantry, cue of cavalry and one eon.'paiiy of artillery; and that, according to the lists, us complied by the Burgeon (iem.ral of tiie State, and published and for delivory in this city, our wound d in th' batil-s, 'to n iht 271'- Juru to Id July alette, u 3,468, in ihe hutrfri'.ilt in the ct'y, not incliut i ys corn I itundi d who went hnitw and were left in t'w Jl id kri-p tale. Ti t error is so grave, and it not being the ttrsl the above mentioned paper has fallen into in re gard to war statistics, 1 beg to cull your attention to it. MAP FN V. MOORE, First North Carolina oaralry, near titchmond, Aug. 13. IRK 8RVKN DAYIt' BATTUES. The Richmond correspondent of the Uiarlestou Mercury writes:? Mr. Crocker, Superintendent of the Army Intelligence Otiice, elates that hts -books show between 11,000 and 12,000 wounded in ihe baitle before Kicbmotd, and thinks the whole number, incl t ling those iu priv te houses uot reported to him, wbl be about 12 .'.00. Oeneral I,ee, I am told, estltuates ilie killed at 3,000. To these must be <W a great i auy who were madded by exhaustion, ....i of food and hail water, so thet the suin total would uuiu mt, perhaps, to 18 000 or 20,000. The percentage ct deaths among the woi iidud has been heavy, owing to lh? hot wealhor. 1 have heard it put at eighty per cent; hut this is foolish. No case of amputation aoovo the knee is said to have recovered; but this also I doubt." AH Depends on Fort Darling. [From the ltictiinoiid Kiujuiror, AugnSl 13. That barricade may yet prove ineffectual, uud the fats of Rj, hmond may depend noon tlio pluck and determica tion with which our batteries, which protect it, are held nnuer the a; unult of the iu rtar ileal. It is given out that the defences at the bl iiT an impregnab'e, and the |K>iplo are lulled into apathy by thN use traroe of thescienttic strength of the land batteries It will bo rcmcmborcd Aba similar assurances w, re given out in regard to the works which protected Heaufort, in Soatfi Carolina : which htied the Mississippi river for mfics IMluw New Orleans; and which secured Norfolk from the \ ORslbttfty of success ful assault. Yet it will bo remembered that I'ort Royal was taken without the of a single gua of the enemy; that New Orleans fell by mutiny in Fori Jackson, and without a single shot fr< m the army placed in the vioinity for its defence; and that Norfolk was ''evacu ated" in a sudden stampede, no enemy pursuing, tho enemy himself being amazed at the precipitancy of our retreat from ?? position i.u< y themselves declared to have be n impregnable. Wltn all this experience before us, it wooid bo weak in th ; extreme (.> trusi. to otllcial assuracces of tbe impreg nability of defensive works, though tlioy be as strong us Cibralter. heasorui'olt pi. ra .tioi s having been taken, and pro; er works constructed for defence, alti r that uil de euds upon the men played within them lo resist as sault If wo put sucli men in charge of such works us abandoned New Orleans without a shot, or blew tip tho M tar from sight or hearing of tho foe, and ske Saddled from Xorl'> lk with breathless precipitancy, we wjst not expect the et rouge., t and most imp. ugn able Works to staud against, gunleials, tuJrtar UuetS,i/r even Bide harmlessai-wulut's. it becomes the government to see that officers an-1 men s~e placed in t'largo oi' the w,<ric? at brewry'e Hiuil ol pluok, pore-sWacy aud uucoti %'wable determination. THE CROPS THHOCTCiUOUT TDK SOUTH. [From ihe Richmond Enquirer, August 14.] One of the loading morchanis of Richmond, now in tho 5' ith, turnishes us with the following vorv lntorcptln.j toiler. It w dated at Viokbtmrg, Mississippi, and reached us a few day a ago. The writer nays:? Ouo of the severest droughts that ever evicted this re;:i nof country h-is at last culminated in rain?yes, it r tins at length?a good old fashioned Bummer ruin worth millions in d< iiai? to the country. As I pa-sod through South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama my breast ?we!l?d with emotwm, as ir.y sight was regaled will- fields cf waving oorn, -.hire lately bloomed the ki ugly staple of the South. LuJl year ! made a similar tour of those . Slates and saw liniivmso lields of cotton, but no corn, eavc a few lit tin patches for .-lantalioii use. Hut now the reverse is the case?a little patch of cotton and a big 0rld of oorn. Hud thu rut., fallen a little earlier it is no exaggeration to Buy that core wou.d huvu to go bugging In our markets for a purcanscr. As it is, we sh ill hav? a snperahnndant crop. No fenrs need bo entertained as to our ability to feed the a mien of the confederacy. '?he p:anters, with rnre unauiriiity, have inn tulle. I John Ba 1 m'0>>ro and delhi oned Kli.g Ctotiun. A grealar self aac f.ce on tne altar r.r H.e c.u.ntry wiui never before ro gutred of any people. iVi.en the new crop Js gathered and added to the old, we may, with lolc-nble correctness, es tlmu'o the wb'do number of bales at si* millions, less two tuiliicns 'upraised to have been already destroyed; or, in round uumoers. ready for shipment,four million bales. Af'er our ports shall have b on opened, or raihcr the h??t is of oor people, it will lake from three to eis months b-'ore -supplies will rem h their nlaccs of dc filiation. "*ho can f>*m i? proper noil n of th? distress which must eve -ta n the gnat indutrrt .l iiit?i> sts of the world in the tucauUine f Many, very many, on this side of the Allan tic h ? c seen the goods wmi of a mighty revoluli n In all tne great c- man real cent as of Kur-ij e. There -was a time for actio*?rin-.iute, decisive action?an the purl of tuo great I'nwors. 'ilio.ewusa lime whlui the states ipen of England .iud Franco, hud they been hold and fer kii g. might have prevented this desolating war. 11 is Low too late to eavc themselves or to satc us. England will bo as impotent now, to arrest the revolution, as sho w is to arrest the revolution began iu Fr.uice, aud which cost hoi miliums of ',i\es rud money and a twenty yeuis' fruitless struggle. Europe may nc. n escape r?*vo l-.lion, but mnRt accept the gngc of "battle that will be Vuowti in the teeth of the Jnlwd status. She cannot avrl i it'-she (day postpone, hut cannot avoid it. Tunc Wit' ell. Tn her womb are mnny eveulg, the delivery e^ whieh will startle the curi -us. Vlrgiuiani, Preputc for the Worst. (From the christian iter.nor (I -yal). F:eduricl:sburg, Va., AulfU; i Id J ?Tis hard foT those win have te.led and labored for yea. sin order to uccnuiuiatft the iiocei>aai iee ol life, and who, by rigid eoonomy, and in many inatuucee by sell denial, have a .-cured a corm etenry for the decline oi | .re and old age, to have it all swept lean .hem, as it were, tn a sin Rut such is the present state of things. And what i most orov k i g. tl o inuoc nl in this rebellion, in many lusta a cs, w id su.iMf ? 1'ially with the guilty. Thu uc'lon oi i. iuw lead, is in the cotton'Metes has involved Virginia In Ttuu and incxutoable ruin, the great wealth of Vi ain.a. ? id osi>cri. iy V,as tern Vlr 'Inla, consisted prln eipal'v at her slate population. Thin portion of her wealth is irrecoverably hut. To think of ever recovering the slaves all < imve, or shall hereafter make their esca| e, Is ?iiimlntely ab-erd. And equally faibnuuns is the Idea that ib< . urs rcelvo pi.y lor them lb jr ars gone, an ;, for their formal "o u?r#, gone far aver. That tho whole oi tb? Vive popui .lion in Eastern Virginia, w.ih the eao ptiuii ot a low old suporauuunted men and women,and a lew chl' 'reu who hite r.u fathers and mo. tuorr to sidtbeiu u making lliei. e^capo, will ultimately leu . e, isi so. mau r n for a nruuent doubt. Then, it is cor .hat by far the groat sit portion of the wealth of Vx. nutsah> idy lost?tost?tout. lor, real estate Is the ..ext species of properly most ?a.usb'? m Virginia. 1" say nothing of ihe Goctbcatlnn la*', ioo la" ic i - sbitea of Virginia have and wlU t> fore the ?? ar ? nds diintriiaii at least uue-hah their value. What wtd ti n be w r'h w ilboui in. '"suroH, houses,and even dcs'itm* Of timber in wtsnjr instances to build theuif I wh-i'cco' utry desolated, h'-uscs torn down, fenceu an il??lrry,:S . nnKruee all goiAi, and most of the white W'U i- ouiopou deau. This wift be the destiny of Virgi nia. .nl no iiuioibk- win w ill controvert it. m - iiucction with tin" subject, we would esk whsJ Is the money m-w in cimilathm in Virginia worth? Cuu feoor He nwl?-s are worth unlhmg oiitsi to of the Confede rate lines, uisi are worth nethlng luside of the CuufAlo tele lines ajirept for prc-wnt pu, ,??: ??*. And lot the sus oi?< of tlio war bo what n may, Confederate tiioney, an wi hnt ? ? flea said, rsn nover bo ro'bu-ui .?this luonoy w ;M iillimatrly dc a d* nl I'Sm to lOdlvldU'lU ? ho huve it on hand. Virginia moaer is greatly bvlow par. and what It wiii Qnaliy he worth is altogether a matter of specul.i Mon. Ir addition to all this, Vlrglnlv is no?v toe con?iderahle ei'c"' rimintap'ine both the federal and Ooh'Ciierato aiiniea How long will It tal.. a million of men to cat Vi ma out of "no and home*" AH that wits made ;? rerr and all thai ?. ."ing rrieiMt this ywr .vili *oon i s . -.'lined, and hot. i'ttte pmp^niiloiiB sro being W"'? Jo. i ext year, ami what '111 l>?ci.mii of tho clti of \ lrgtaia during Die next eighteen mouths 0 t'vo yee.rat TerriVy du'rl; la iho picture tn oonlcii.plate. An ? iliu tete "I ail this, md manv cxl.smi'ias more fe,... i> y et nameil, and of which we tremble to tuik.i- -"CM. to nvui .on, but wtitch will ceitaluiy 1> Mil i?, if tins rebeiii >:? c tinueo?v e i .rest, in thu - ' 'I tb|<-, many of < urcitlwns continue fl*e I, firm, i.i i.'tet in Ihuir i mime of retHdllon. deie-mln d ir 1 w-iblu I', break up the k' yprnraa*t,annihilate il. ro p iiii. , up I ce'ui )"uh tho iMigi' of aunrchy nod giiorills do. .1 'win ana irr-or all over tit" land. tVe devn-iliy p ay (.?at so many u' our fallow cHImps, as are no- .-nfiralv gi.. ? ver I ' udlclal bmidnoee, hwd'oeee of been, and f ? .b "V "i i.iut'l will Dunk nore seritaiely of this mat I , :ind ' b hi t - leb"lll.ra end return to th"ir duty as 1 ? Deitisci'iA. i.'n say,.prepare for the worst. For under the most 4 . <.rabl? si. cumetancoa, which can js-si-ibly bo contain ji-'u od, nil hand must go to wink?mulct and fotiialue, v ?ii'g antloM, th'iee ?H have been rteh a? wnllmtho j til most henraiortn go to work. .So let every one r I. up his a'.csvoi and pitch In. tk'tgt* lutcnsl TwrifTon Corn, Ar. [From toe iu lunond s.xsmlner, August 1U.) (Jeneri! Vt luder's tei -f ou corn, nn ;il and loug forage l?t h ii ? the etti*' t 'l??vr previous experience warrautod ua to exp'ftli's' fr mi sjiooial a"d tuvldtous tai: Je Mml tan W t t.Kui U ha>l in ihit mirk t it> fen nor money, on<' fetal iiturr ,11'nttu the tr.ijftrinff u -uy ihe p. r .i?v( in>y,n.v tlr ftr', ifio ill\y "h' tTO BtOpi " 1 I ro: 10 ?< -m,.|i proro d ?? Ihvv" ,""i l|?a of mell in h . , . ?uieu tin y i ?iu iw.' v?t .??? <? ini (tel. er>' u ii ? tllg it 10'ho . CUVV'I t'ld ; r ? H" .oil', O. m , half dollar a bu -'mi bv ?? t ? l ? * iT ' o? Iboro will be uu ireel to ' ? c - ?-t ; - . . arm l- ro pealed or mad* general. It la rM rer swiabie to suppose UuU the farmer can sell <*r/n for > a.- dollar and forty oeuts, end the nnlier hi* o^j for ooo dollar and flit y cents, whan Ibey have W (ay eeve '-tivo dollar* lor a Hack, of salt and ten doll." tor a pa.. > uegro brogtuis. flw iii? Virth Carolina* [From Ui, .r. uU . *r, August 16. J 'lis elction (n Norm tai m h ? leeoiud In tha eho**) Cohxel Vuime.for Govj'i >r, by a Yuy lar^e uwj 'iiiy; aud <I*o a majority of tuoao who rau on the same t lck'*t for the Legislature. We are heartily glad that tho coi.t'vt ib over, for it whs, In itaelf end iu the manner iu which It wis conducted, a source ol general inurlitirati-in to the friends ot' the Old North state. Ill', letter of Colonel Vance, declaring hi nine If a can didate, wan, as w said at tue tltne, alt th t could be desired; and he has vinert h1* ready patriot ism by service in the field. U he will only reject from liia councils the morbid spirit of party feel ing or disappointed arahltio" and g.e.d that seems to have animated a fraction of liv supporters, and obey the promptings of 1 is own ""Igmont, lie will, we doubt not, uii'ka an uxoalleut executive. Wc heliove that be will do this, and tiiat the Coufede ato cause will have no more hearty, generous and rr.ite.-nal a co-operator than the new Governor of North Carolina. The Raleigh Stuu fard give- a statoment of members elected to the legislator!', as far ai received, and ;:!so tho vote for Governor iu forty-three o> untie-'. There a. o eighty inue oonntius in the State. Colonel V . o's ma jority In forty-three counties is 10,768. We do not esti mate lu this the army vote, as that is generally mJu led In the votes of the different counties. The probability is that Colonel Vance's majority will reach forty tho ..-and. Prison Stampede. [From the Richmond Inquirer, a igoat 14.] On yo terday forenoon, between eleven and twelve o'cl' oli, while the City Jailor was attending the session of the Hustings Court, in charge of the isoners nrrutgnod ior tria,, fourteen of tho principal prisoners at the jail ef fected their escape. As usual, the; had been allowed to go out In the jnil yard for exercise, in the | . - sence of a guard, their cell doors remaining 0,100, and i seems that ? lie occupants of cell No. 10 had previously availed them selves of time and opportunity to burrow beneath the lloor into a culvert, which gave them 11 -ss into the back yard,from which, through the workhouse, escape was easy. During tho "exercise" of the inmates of the insti tution above mentioned, tho oocupnnts of No. 10 mado known their enterprise to the others, and ibe exit com menced. ft was liscoverod, ho /over, before many of the princi, al prisoners hai au opportunity to ngoupe. fhe following are the mimes of those who succeeded in getting out:? John Lernouey, charged with the murder of Philip tau ter. John Frilz Kriebel, same offence. George Nelson, charged with robbery. Julius Scholly, charged with robbery. Goorge W. Cass.dy, charged with two cases of larceny. Richard Duff, charged with the murder of two soldiers. I tun Uroderlck, same offence. James Oojjno, charged with murder and burglary. Win. Guy, charged with robbery. Chas. Foster, alias Hig'ey, charged with horse stealing. William Amey, chained with rouhery. Micb'iol .sliohun, sanio offeuco. James M Armour, charged with murder. .Michael McLaughlin, charged with horse stealing. Thomas J. Kvans, felonious stabbing of Francis Graven. The < ity Sergeant offers a reward el twenty-live dollars for the capture of oacb of tho refugees. Matters In Texas. [From tho Richmond Whig, August 16.] From Hon. John A. Wilcox, ino.nber of Congress from Taxs-;,viio is at present sojourning in this city, the fackson ifinimppian learns that the powder manufac tory iu dan Antoul 1 Is making powder c ough to supply at least h?lf the army, and competent judges say that it is equal to Dupont's best. Cartridges are also mado 1 hero, and tho army in is being supplied from that "lace. The Tux&ns have crossed over the Mississippi in the last three weeks twenty thousand head of beof cattle for the army, and more aro on tho way. The grass, corn and wheat crops are good. Texas can feed the army. She lies sixty-four thousand voters and seventy thousand soldiers ?n the hui.1, exclusive of r.on soripiy There is no invasion of tho State yet. Tho enemy h ive demanded 1 he surrender of Galveston threo times, but, like our own immortal Vicksburg,she main tains Ltor self-respect. Front \ikumai. [Frotii tho OronAd.i Appeal, August 13.] Iaformatiu.. lr m Arkansas is rut lio: meagre, yet cheer ing. The outruns ol' the federals in their ;>at'8-i<;o through tUo Sialo liavs aroused the people almost to a man, aad a tiumerous army is now prepared to dispute the fimher advance of the enemy. KeiufbroorueiiU from other Status have arrived, and General Holu:?s haa ass imod oommand. The ordnance ntorer: liuve been replenished to the n< ocssu'y extent, ami the commissary deportment is well supplied from ike hards and granaries of the West. Oar triends are now sanguine of their ability to check and tinai'y drive Curtis' f>>rou from the Slate. ANOTHER CALL. Colonel J.iins jb, ot General lr ice's stair, has issued the following C..11.? TO THE FJOrt.K OF MlfSI Sim. QeiTMAN, M August A, 1312. I am in your midst for ih purpose of procuring shoes an 1 yarns :s for Guiui 1 Price's anny. dome o." b? veterans?men who Lave ben in six or o'ght pitched Watties and tv.'t 'ty skirmirhos?are to-'i v destitute of those tvro artic . necos-'iry ovou in camp, but indispen sable whua th army takus the field. As this army now guard* the gate ; to the entrance (f the M:s*tfsip|d, pre liminary to driving thoen-tny northward, (Jen. Price de siros that the patriotic men of this aiato siiould turoish the slioes, and lmr glorious woul'.'ii tl?o yarn sc. ks. 11 possible, ho would like every vhito woman In liie State to at least one pair of s-.cks f'T his army. While T make this appeal, 1 think it is proper t> odd, that I do ask a donation, b .t am prepared to pay a liberal price lor both shoos and yarn sock". 1 sh.n! b- ?h -ed to contract with tanner*and rlioo man "tcturer? f> r "ho->s n?w on. hand, or to be inade hereafter; and will bo obliged to any person who will let mo know whore 1 cau make con tracts. For souks, all yarn, white or colored, of g"od slzo and length iu the log and foot, 1 will pay seventy Ave cents p..r pair. They may be sent to uo r IT. France at thiB place, whero they will be paid for, or may be left with the staflou gent of the nearest <ic;>ot or any of the three railroatis now iu our possession, ami *otjio tkr.e soon I will call or bend mi ageat to got thorn and pay lor thaui. ? - " )|TX; THUS. C. JOiIX;ON, Aid to Gen. l'rice. Matters In tUe Brbel Capital. The Rich mood Emmirur of Hie 13 th Inst, give the following brief picture of matter* at the rebel capital:? For the pat lew days the wjather has been pleasant :tud oool, which is sine thing remarkable for August, a high Is tlio hottest raoutli o: the The uigiita ,iavc he? a dc'lriously cool, with Am- b: ..?/ . The city is again becoming enlivened w do the pieeence of visitors, co'Heqirmt upon Hit ..-wemhling of tcmgrfM. The sun ounuing o unties are rep eiteu by some of the "fairestof Virginia's daughters,'" wis aru not. however, alone to reap tlio pr.aU>' vnl ailmlr; lion of the b'r an-1 litlie men that uew ub>>u >1 on every a wee' end ta every hot >1. The1 sunny South,' lr m the Roanoke Jo tho Mis sissippi, is charmingly represented, a fan which one sen titnoutsl reaocrs wiii And out, no doubt, soon enough, perhaps tcc soon lor their own g >>>d. KhUKI. HOVKKNJIRNT STOCK. [From too Hii limond r..?aminOr, august 18.1 In Mils market Confederate sbvk remains unchanged ?inee the groat battles of June ami July. Hut trm a gentleman ru/ontly arrivo 1 f'om abroad ^we luarn it s worth cigli.y in 1/j> .on and eigUty-dve *t sail. 'Ike <nreat tnpnvtlnj ba'Jl* fxn to be fjuqkl beyond OordontwVe icill douM'nu ijftA tuit ttoe!: nutrc abiwd than at hone. salt! salt! halt! The following advertisement appears in a late numbor of the Richnv u>i Snquirer ? The residents of Dl.iwMdia county aro hereby Informed that thero is now s'itt en.eigh at Ford * rTepot, en the f nth Side ltallicd, purr oated st Utc Washington .-alt Work*, by tho undersign J, igor.t for the oouuty, fur every one to receive two p?- ds for each member itf ids or her fatn,ly. at a cost oi tiwocntea pound, .md'hat I will be there on Tu*g ,-y, the l'Jlh Inst., at tan o'clock A. M.,and'n until Saturday follow lug, at twelve o'ckic*. for the purpose of distributing the vote Every | one applying fcr anil must comply with tbb following re quirements, vis.:? They must present, to tho .""gent a wri.ten t.xteinent of j thentmtoerc nstituthig their irraily, And sworn to before j a Justice of tho Peace for the MObtf. fnrrt-di bag** ' contain their Fall, md be prevldod w It n the rkacl amount of change to pay f. r the same, ?! it will be int|s>seibie lor I the agent to make change. Non < will to delivered until . paid (of. F? F. WILLIAMSON, Agent for Dinwiddle Co. NEW HOSPITALS SKI NO rKKVAREP. The Rlchteoid ?t?ni?t of the leth tnai "ays^?The he-si It.lis tu Richmond a>-c !>"agpr>; .ire lo'fh' wovn'.rd in the boUUor battle* vhirk are new dfily Vi ke I for In the v eintty of IK'ptprer Court Home, tefw .*? <a? armiit of Jackon awl l'epe. Mtacellnneoue RlcUmoait New*. We take tlio following tts.o* of news from the rebel capital from the Richmond Wkie of Lite 18th init fkdm oordonhvilli. We tv ere unhble to !?arn anything sp'ctil inle-cst from our Hues abaut Oordonwtlle yc-bn' iy t?nr lateot rcjairts, up to half-|?sl twolve eV' tliit tcrdav, repre ?ont everything quiet, with n<> " ;bMng f ci - equonce rlneo tho battle of Saturday, ft >e said, with aatne gro. > '? of [irnbability, litat tho foroci u'idur I'eye are coooenti at t g loMtdLe-A county, naa ^ill perhs;A at tempt a flunk m reinont on tlvneral .trrk-'on, vthlio Ikirn P'4.>, wlm is being heavily reinforced by McFieli in, ad vances ihrongb Oulpapp"" aud tiring*. Musi of oirr wounded tn the fl >t v . ahirday aro now at nta.lottsavldo and l/ivki'sio . N'elson county, duiio are ni?o in the horpttal^in L> ncli'tiurg. The foil' wing are the caauaUI.-e In ike Ourtney arid lory (Cant. J. W. lAtlnier), 1 the buttle ?.f f etlar run:? Wo'lidtil. Lieutenant R. D Va>.ghm, HligHtlj- in th. neck; Corporal >. J. snead. In I?k (sinte ani|e tated): t'or-nral .Inmcs Hiui.dtoo. tn hoad ? "r,qrsl .lamr Brooka. In foot; privato tie >rge Powell, In leg. The#o w? which worn cauw d !*? art. .cry flre.aie generally severe, but not u nel'lored dangerous, liicic were nana killed In tbe C" An "i oi'out happened on the ' antral lbklr ad yeeter day afternoon, alViut nine miles from nichmnod.n A bo* ear containing some soldiers n.t their way to Co-Sen* vflle, was turned over aud dragged eonse .listai co on .he truck. Three or iOur persons were injured, but I .. in nately u tic were killed. CAVAIJtV PAStt OR rtONT ROYAL. . On Tuesday laet, a detaobtrnnt undor Lieut. Baylor ; made a dash upon the Yankee* at Kront Royal, In Wa-reu ( county. The detachment numbeiod twenty-eight nicn, , and ti e result of tli.-Tr expedition, according to one hi i or t, wus tho capture of the Provost Mi'-halof the, two oop'aina and eight privates. Am uinr accouut says tbey eaiitiuad^.riy uf tho prnvostgiiard aud oleven . boraee, and lliat llie> .-re afterwards clmrgi-d upon by . two coinpantc* of Yankee cavalry and a b??dy of Itarantry, I whot tweotv of tbo prisoners mAdo tkicl' ?>->*pe. The 1 ot ii i ton .with the hoisee, wor .brought ruto Uarrisou- i i g . r ,-sd.iy iiiglit. Our tr>s wim one killed, two ' ?vpd' I a-dlourh r, skilled. Jtfiaeai.i n. etlike.i'f Lie uoBant Bavlor'i nartv. via- I Mad hla li ne In the valley, wad upon Mia rotarn captured a Yankee toon, with four or live horses. He left i lie wagon, but brought the heraee kite camp, made an officer a present of one. and waa uilere i two huuured UrtLus a piece lor the others. DBFARTIKl OP PRISONERS OF *U. Four federal utUc?ra,who have been in captivity fur more than twelve mouths, took their departure from the military prison in thia city yestarflay morning for Va riaa, there to be tranelerred to the olhoials representing the United States government, under the terms 01 I ,e cartel. They are Colonel Miohaol Corcoran, of the Sixty ninth New York: Colonel O. B Wiloox.of the First Hie hi gan. Colonel Bowrniin, of the Flyhth Fenney'varaa, and Major Vog'iea, of the united Statea regular army, "lhe o othceis, who, it will be re:nciubor< d, wuie held as h, a luges lor the safety of our privet seiamen, wera sent aw ? v by special perm.gston,aud of (he number so held,only two now remain?Lieut. C>l. Nrff, ol the First Kentucky regiment, and Miyor J, 1). Pott-r, of the Thirty-eighth Now York Voluntcora. They have been lu captivity t r more than thirteen months, and are now retained only until the r-cossary papers can h< mad* out. There aie, we undarstaud, twenty eight federal olhcera, taken at the battle of Mimeses, still o?{jmd la our miliary prisons. (on -id, ruble apprehena on e* ?' among them relative to President Pavis' late proclamation, and thev seem to l. rvu little hope of a speedy tea" ration to liberty: but they h ive t o causa for ilarui. I lie provisions of the Otrrtoi will be faithfully rarrted ' it wi.h respect to the p: isouers in our hands at the lleio of ds signature, bow over objettioiiable that instrument may be In \ U w of more reoeut events The rudoubtable Oorcoran (who, If h physiognomy bo token as an index of hla character, la by no means worthy of his notoriety), remarked shortly bonne hi < departure that thorn was tie .?ossibitlty of a termina't iu of trie war until the South had buou crushed, and that It wn? Uls purpose, on rracbim* home, to re-enter the federal se vico iin oedintcly. The thre it Implied i. tiro latter portion of ins remark will create a seusuiiot. throughout the South when it becomes gene rally known. Mt.BTINtl OF COVmtrRH. The Confederate Congress will reassemble at the Capi tol, in thi3 city, on Monday next, Amoug the liuny mat ters or Importance claiming the early attention of this body is "ne that has already been brought to'ho notice of tho Gratia Jury of Richmond, and which brings up an issue huvlug no little influence over the future conduct of the war. We alhtite to the cx-ex of pertont known It be guilty of ettaling and arming our ami inri'iog IK in to rebellion ami insurreourn. IVnTiave tavrs imposing the severest penalties upon our citizens who uzo guilty of stealing their neighbors' negroes,aud we cannot seo why it should be a palliation of the offence lhat the thieves arc dressed in the garb of I ode nil soldiers. Surely some policy ougl i to bo adopted by the government for tho sevrro sol sunn iry punishment of every captured Yan kee t?t aiii3t whom proof can be brought that be has Ouon in anv way Instrumental in despoiling Southern men of their negro property, and we earnestly invoke the atten tion of Congre.-i to Iho subject. THK YANKEE VUI.UKK AT V1CKSUCR0. A gentleman recently from Vick*burg Inform* tie that General Vail Horn estinmtee the number Of shot and shell turowu by lite enemy during the bombardment at three hundred thousand. Yet, with this stupendous expendi ture nf ammunition, nothing was accomplished save con siderable damage to buildings in tho city, many of which are pcrtorated by the iron missiles, and a very slight de struction of human lie. iho Yankees,Itnow appears,did not withdraw their v hole force from opposite Vlcksburg on the late retirement. They left about six hundred and fifty men, strongly intr-niched ru bomb pro f ditches, and under ordeis not to move until tho Archangel s'-unds the last great reveille I'er all ibe nations of the earth. Home are victims of fov r and some of tho Arkansas. but, in plain w<. Is, thoy all died. TflK KHBNCII TOBACCO CAPE, The Richmond Tiiufuirer nf the 14th says:? The only case of iny Importanee which will occupy the attention of tho Confederate States Court during the ex of the government Against Au gust Belmont, an Austrian, agent for the Rothschilds, in which the ownership of so,no ftlOQ,000 worth of tobacco is involved. Belmont claims that tho tobacco is tbo pro perty of the French government, while the Confederate Stales government claims that it Is, or was, tho property of tho Rothschilds, private parlies, at tho time of the passage of the laws affecting tho disposal of all tubuoeO In the South. A fCBOrit OF CONFEDERATE NOTES TO BE HANQED. Tuu Richmond Knyuirer says:? The time for the execution of John Richardson, alias Louis Nai>olcou, coi.vletod aud sentenced to dentb, at a former Confederate zta'os Disu lot Court, l'or oountorfelt inx Confederate noter, lias at length boon fixed for tho 22d if this mouth. The dilllcultles in the way of the oxe cutlon hlttei lo |Ut a nature of wlutli t?u luve not tho rem' te?t iden); km teen rornovod and no longor respite, we learn, will be gianlfcu the prisoner. MORE DE7KKTION8. tiRKNAOA, August 16,1863. A number of deserters from Shermun's army arrived here this evening, and report that great dissatisfaction exists in that army. OENERAT. TII.OITMAN. ( HATIAXOt'OA, AugMSt 16, 1802. General Ttlghroan arrived ho:c last niglit en ruu'e for Vic'ksburg. EX-GOVEllNOIt NEIL BROWN. Chattanooga, August 17,1862. Uy an arrival from Nashville wo float ex Governor Nell Rrown cl.iiius to be true to tho South, and -wants to bo put right on the record. A COUPLE MORE OP YANKEE PRISONERS. OnARI.KSION, August 17, 1862. Two Y.mVeo marines, belonging to the gunboat Mo hawk, were brought to the city to-day. Tlioy wore cap tured while prowling about i'.diato Island, by our cavalry. YANKEE CUNNING AND RASCALITY. Jackson, August 16,1862. It la reported that General Alcorn bas been seised ue a hostage lor the traltoi Powoll. IHicrllanroui Sonthrrn News. MARY I. ANDERS Pt.KBING TO AEOEsU. [Kretn .lie liuliuarad Examiner. August 18.] Numbers u! Marylnndera, llening from the draft to come, are daily cr sing the border end hurrying on to Riohikoud. Thirty reached here yesterday morning, and live hundred more are now on this side tho 1'dtomac, making their way on foot. On one day last week two hundred seized the steamor Paluxent, and, crossing the Potomac. set her on Qre and burned iter to the water's edge. Another, i arty are reported to have seised and similarly dispci,od of the sterner Planter. Tho lot out arrived fugitives report U tving seen, ou tb? Potomac and Kappuhaunock rivers, groat nutnbers of UHUtportg iadett wiiu lruo;ie We are glad to be able to state ihM these refugees ure young men of high cha-acter and r^iecla bility. who witl p. live valuable accessions to our forces In the tleld. GENERAL EARLY WOUNDED. General Early and his aid, 8. H. Early, were both ?lightly woundM in the ? bottle of Cedar creek. General Early 's horSu, tti same that eras shot through the hoad in the oattle of Williamsburg, was disabled. GENERAL M'CI.RLLAM'R MOVKMBNTM. The rumor Uipt IhGleilan bad yvacusted Berkeley and Weatovdb, received onsyoaterduy fresh impetus from tho Statements efl i ec.'i.liy arrived deserter, and (he ru uxors of count'". s transports recently e'ecn descending the James and isceudr./lhe Rappahannock and PotoH.afc, Richmond markets, August M, 1809. Biua;>.?Navy, 4c., pilot, 6c.; butfcr and soda Sc. per lb. Bacon ?Supply agate limited, and prime quality is 40c. a tor. per lb. BuTn?.?78c. a$l at rcWIl; by package 70c. to 80c. c or* ?J1 00 a $2 pAr bushel. Corn Mr.ii..?SS a $2 26 per bushel. Cones.?Rio, 82 per lb.;supply nearly exhausted., 70 S 80 0, tallow, 40c. Oorrw ?82c. per lb. Qorro*.?None In market, exoept by retail, etl As. Cot row Yarns^-TOc per lb. ( andlewtck, 6oc. per lb Dkiru Ens it.?Peaches, u mantel, from $4 to 14 60; pealed,$6 a$8. Apples, $2 a $2 70 por bushel. Kokaur.?i imothy, SI 00 a f2 clover, |l 80 a ft 84; sheaf oats, $S; shucks, $1 a|l 26 (hit cwt. Van r.?W'e qdotc superfine at til SO; extra,$11 26 to $12 by drily load; family, $16 to tfS. Hrnse.?tri-een, 7.SJC ; salted, 0c. allt{c.; dry, 12o. a 1 i ''-or -klogllsh .edited and American, but a small sup ply, which a? sold in limited luaiit.iics at S cents por ft; sivvii , isige m iti irVet. Iaaiiikr.?Role,II lb.; upper,$1 por lb.: harness, Sic a $1; r" "gii skirling, 56c. a 66c., calf sk.n. , $tJ a $65 per iht/ou Ntock oi e'l kinds very light. I aid? 85?. r> git,' Suoply stunt I. l.iMR.?MouuiaIu, un' s ked, $2a$2 60 per bbl., ao 00. dtug to.quality Molassss.?Mono. CiLS ?Taanors' $1 12 a $1 60; mechlne, $1 60 a $2 per galloa. Oats? Woqu ?te 80c. a 80H. last sale. Rtk.?$2 per bushel. Srkd? -rwver ssvd.$12 a $14, latter by retail; timothy, $"> 60'a $0 60. S 'DA.?Pest English 40c. per lb : retell 76c. HMUwt.?Brown Sic. per lb. Coll'ee 70s. All qualitloa scarce at 68c. a Sic. Bait?None. . Mavufaci . red Toraciio.?-Market Ahmet enttroly bare of Mb jr-uies, tare h'sok stork, with a slight decNM in {."leer. We quote luge, 46c. a 65r 1a?, pri utfllailted. ho m til isstignxnt, htUnu deprerkra In , ricos. Talj.uw.?Sa'ce at 16c. aU8< por lb. W.-iii. ?lb d. 81 u:. a$l 10: white, fl 10 aft 15, and dull. In'* .or r-d,$l 60 a fl tXi g. d lo prims, $1 80 a $1 00. interior while, fl 00 afl 7 gool to prima, fl 00 a $6. few buyer tt tlmsc prh oe. Wool ?Market firm and arrivals light sales at to. a 05c i>or lb. , WOVHV MATtRUS. etm ?We quote gold and silver at lt'0 a 110 per < fit, in demand. Sterling bills, 100 a 110. Coroners' letqtteete. 8t I IiisRIi SricticR Johnann Harmon, a German, egad fifty, Liok [a duao ot morphine - yesterday, unknown to tlic phys clan who wis aH< tiding him for f.ckness, Irorn IbeeUocts of which be died, Ooronor Wlldoy held an iuipiMt, when a verdict {of "dedlh from an nveriloee'ul uiof idaiiio, a dei in late red by deoeaerd," wes rendered. IhuTii From a Kall ? A little girl, nsiued Miry X Conger, aged three years, and who re<dded at 4/6 Pi aid Street, fell down a flight of stales yesterday, and re cclved injuries which caused tier death ? orotter Collin held an inquest, mil a vcidict of urcidental death wan rendered. IlATS Fro* CowritCAfYD CArsxs.?Mary Miles, aged $fty, a resident of No 88 Better street, dlefl yesterday Iroin the oilccts af premature age, indulgence in llcpior and hunger. Her husband is (iglitlug tbo lintlhe n( ins count IJ Coroner CoNin h Id an inquest, when a verdict In aocordsncu with tho foots was rendered. Congressional Nomination In Nebraska n?AHA?behrsskn, Angu?t 19, lxflA 'he Republic*n ?imveirtkm lose uoniu.jtnt ? i paly fer t'entroso. ? SHIPPING NEWS. ml Oc??n IttMiuii FHOjt MUKUm. ifflilNi JjUIii JPg^ F&f O 'jrni sew Tork...LI.drool Aug IS...New Tors HaminnulA SouUianipton Aug IS...New Yor* lit Peru tan Llcerpoo. Aug 14 ... .(Ju.'?? Gieat Eastern. ...Llvcrt .ool Aug 1# . New Yura Fonia. . Liverpool Aug I*. You City of Washington. Aug 20...N -> V.vs North American lavcrisol Aug zl Quel* A- i IJvern . .... A. ? 1? ? o.i Emu l.iveipool A'- t ' u' v orl. Tretonia Southampton Aug - . u ? Llver-onl ..Aug 31) *" Y >rk FOB ACKOIC. Sr"?l?.... New Yor* Aug 27 ' Glasgow. .NowTurk Aug 8# I Augio >axon .Quebec Aug 3i I.. "i ...NowTo " . ? flanis. NewYork A' g 3" Bremen E.tiota b< ?inu Sept 3 uipool City of Now York .N.wYork Sept 6...Liverpool Ilamtnouia. New York Sept I....Bmkurr " vet pool H{sermon Quebec Sept 6... r. Urent Eastern NewYork Sept tf... I.'vei pool Perdu N -w v'ora s pt 10. ..Liverpool Otty ot Washington.hie-. Yorkgi.. 8? pt 13. ..Liverpool North Amerleitu Guebec.^y. 13... Liverpool Asia lYovton.^, Sert 17. ..Live.*pool Etna Now York Hi pt 20... Liverpool T.utonla i.NewTotk Hept ID... Hamburg FOH CALIFORNIA. VerthS'RV New York Sept 1...Aepinwnll Northern Light NewYork Sept ll...A?uP wail Chatu! ton Nee Yorg Sect 22. ..Aepluwall SPECIAL NOTICE. All Utterennd package* intended for the Nc'.T York HkRALD ehowld !?* mUJ ALMANAC to. ???' TOR!'?TIII8 BAT. vtm kisvi 6 19 I moor r'kks mom 4 33 ?-js errs... 0 17 I Bitlu war sr. eve 7 40 Port of New York, August 143, 186)4. CLEARED. 3 teainsh'p Chare Dion. Wilson. Asplnwall?D B Allen. Steamship Trade W mil. Dolunoy, .vewOrleant?Jpofford, I A Co. Ttletuon - Ship Webster, Lawrr nee, Liverpool?Spofford, Tileston A Co. Ship Good Hope, M'ller, LI- "rpool?K L Taylor. Ship W ild Cat. Mors*, L'verpoo! -111) Bro kmnn A Co. Ship Vlllafranca, Anderson, London?E K Morgan A Wiley. Hark Vlnet (dp), Huh, Tarragona?Rivera U HalL Berk Merry Ellen, <Tt Pi t, Cfiidad Bollrar. Bark Golden Rule, tebcrry, A.pinwall?Panama Rail roan Co. Hnrk llonito (Br), Rirl,.ui, Jaerrel?Brett, Son A Co. Bark t'amtdla Flood, Anderson, Nc v Orleans?S A J Scltlf. fer. Hark Mary Benton, L'llla, New Oi'nnns-?T W Elwell A Co. Brig Fl gh' ';*rv. Doutie, Gloucester?0 C Duncan A Co. Brig Anna 1 tela (Br), Pace, Que rnatown?Grinuell, Min tnrn Jt Co. BriFB)ohrii Kostrinvka (for). Randtch, Queenstown, . ' rntioe " ~ ITo'tntioe A Co. IlPIg Lirel Strahler (Prna), Daomlow, Maryport, E?Punch, V tnclto I V > ndi. Brig Res i). Mul'er, Genoa?M Echoverrla A Co. It ( ire, Ma*uer?, BmliudoS"O K l'enntston. Hr ? i A \V Armstrong, Brown, St Johns, I'll?LAW Armstioug. Rrte C C Tan Horn, Merrlam, St John.NB?D 11 Dewolf. Brig Georgia. Paddoeg, New Orleans?N 11 Blighnm. Sehr PheB'i, Mo. row, llav.u a?Dollner, Potter A Co. Schr IIo >e (Br). Mi!'"r, ITnllfai?It .) A C A Dewolf. Sehr Advance (Br), YVuyeoU, St John, NB?J Frve A Co. 8chr Annie M (Br.. Larson, St John, NB?A Rmlthera A Co. SchrM Natl. Smith, Washington?Bentley, Smith A Co. Fell' I! i ook, Joivs, War hi i gton?Mauler. HchrJ Barrett, Niekerion, Philadelphia?Baiter A Dayton, ScbrG M Smith, Milla, Philadelphia?Maaier. Sel.rM Hall, Bradford, Pembroke?Melealf A Dunran, Sellr Gentile, Oetehell, Portsmouth?W S Brown A Co. Sehr Sui*erle.f, Robinson, Salem?G L Ilatcb. Sehr Angellne. Staples, Boston?W S Brown A Co. 8cbr CLampioo, .Fall Ulver? H S Raekett. Sehr A Sawyer, llo'eted, Provltlenee? Master. ARRIVED. Steamship Virginia (It S tiansport), Suyder, Pot trees Mon roe 24 hour?. to tj S (JnntennASter. Snip Einjilri', Coombn Liverpool, July 28, w'th mdse, to Kerega A Co. 3d lust, Jas Kelly, of Ireland, oi aman, fell ovethoard and waa lost. Shin Aven'r (Pr), Peunier, Martinique, 21 days, In ballast, to M I'a'UanalUI. Sliip Brilliant, Huge* Portreaa Monroe, C days, In ballast, to J Atkins. Bark Gliat itle (Fr), Gotiycra, Havre, via St Thomas lDdnya, In ballast, to A H Sclutnou. BarK Whlstlln - Wind (of Boston), Hnvclln, Rio Janeiro, Jul. 1{, via Sw h"rort- Aug", in ballast, to ma?ler. trailed uy t roTii Rio Janeiro with balk GenTlohh, for New n eouipat _ York. July 22, la: 10 S, tou .33 M. spoke ship Cultivator, from Boston foi . in Francisco; 19th lust, lat3s 13, Ion 72 15, signalized Br s< iir Templefm, hound S. Ba. k Traveller (Br, of Liverpool), Randall, Rio Janeiro, g 3, Wil li co fee, to J L Phians A Co. July 3, via St Tnoma- .. 22d Inst, oil' Gape Henlopeti, spoke bark Inipeta lor, from Philadelphia for Prrnntnh co. Bark l'< reia {iir, of Maitland, NS), Pttinun, JRloJaneiro, to.i r wiutuey ? no. ?v': ^Vjatei f, . . i'%; "r ?'.rM^,f rtt Afinttrouir, ateartng ?SHW. j', s: 1 L icolr, (of Harnswell). Itlbber It, vain 11 uii ?? ' "Ufc,,r*10 4 Hough lou. In at Lower ijuar tfav?'M'Talr?(0,r. B?an"or)' 8l,<?r??to. Matanzaa, 15 Uno ',? t0.?w?,8on A(fo- X? at LowrrSimran 1 H ' ? *" <**"1 the lloapltal ahlp. * Iron to l". ? .1 Ugl,^?. ' JknnM<^ ? ^ wUh eld 20?5C",n;:,o,a;^fK^fonc^ Rl? July n wtfKir1" Wiel1' Bt Th?? ? dar., f.u' i v, 1 ?" '" "? mid wii* >ot nr a?H ktHPiThi Of Jaioi .'i'io V1".! A?''"t un<>r the auperrUton I uV'W UndorwrttiJ. 8?S ! r/;> ]-? ?'.tojo ?;v",oN., t fliJohn"-p K^aSSSgSSBSB SohrKvoiino (Hr> Htap. Cat Ieland Ik Java -ok tan SZZ'f. TNUwoVlfiS: 1<JU 7c' **"<c Boston) wuS,,ffin,?Hfnr[A.flr)-'Lo,:khmrt' WiaJ",r.Kgi H day a, S^lli i^K "^rn.n"rl'me For:res* Monroe, flay, a ir Juhr Walt rr, nrowo..}t Washington H Aava S ?. J^14 ' Crockett. B-?klaiid i diui bchrTr,air Adam,. Nan: ,-kid, 3 d^* . rhr New York. Ooodbell, Bnatnn. 3 dayi 5?J?r9V&1'*? ?ouil. I'rovldetie" 2dare. * l.r C Faltraner. Rmith. Providence 1 dare ilih?i?lokeraofi Albany for Plii'adeloM* ?hi R*'tdout for Hoeton. Angelinc, Mix, R, ndout for Boeton. _ . _ BKLOW. One bark, unknown. ? ? SAILED. <Rr. A il'T ?tearn?blp? city cf Baltimore (Hr>, Q , dlt^town ailrt T.jt -rnnnl* R>i\??..d_ Vu Alao, ateamor Neptune. Wind at a.iniet SW, very tight UlxrellaneoMa The etean a'dp. City of Ba'timore, ( apt Kemo'v aatl.d yeatordav for Qneenatown and T lverpool Mjaue to UM7, on pi L ate terra? Pa*n,u' 3/8 *?*?. kullt at Brmrtartiv.)..^*1?" 5p^li.*40(r,?Rdoa Knttr 'fc^r W,'h ?? *P 0?>d? I *i hhit .oiu n w ;D l?i'''Ad?'.'.T TU'I" o. II CnreniDM'iw22 rw^ i1' vlerelan I, do, hWSSWT" """ ^'?ve.^ia^teodo"^^^^ ci??! dj.'lt/bttatollaeaaon?7"rla l""*^ b?rV*ippho" d-.To, ? Bot,'in?d* well, bound on a rrulee In, M?.? h.7','?,l'',U ?P ?'??. all "??' ??n|ca~ss* ?""" "?"u pgp&Sm/UTJtSVl,sl-ks A tenor her at Fa l_. ("Id. all well. A Jetter from the third oflleer of bark Janet r.n - ?e . wT?OT?!rwtwWr.'"KtHSr^'S? VtS&SSsSSF&fi^c "l polaut . i? 'r.0o^01. BnT'r- ?'ark. of Matte ??Vlet'lf^^b"l??i,?? ?'neelelr"?,8tcuhd,rin?; ^ h*nn" 2aV';l,NHrrpol;;;T.,;'datr^'Ao,' r: z,lhi\ "***? Rwporti, upoku iio date, ha- * S-Inc lii'ic? ** 0,J; on b' ?r : ind ; ?> bb!a wh uoi ? ? i ' ' bb,? ?!? ?? , Juj*?! .Vn''en'nrdh*rk ?leUr*' VU' r',?,orU "? ?' M.urltln. nT\:7.*fi fc'b* ?*!Mon 40,0 w-^3 -'"wod. orV J,? leaving ia""- W^1"' ',ark Vlf1"v'"'( 0>. KB, 70 h?la atooa Kew'iS ;;,?i (?t.. r r'r ,T?r5* ,Iowto?3. ??? Fowlgn I'orta. r^Ntork. H,d p^vto JlSTr H t'i'i.tarinr, Am?( ? In |,on l,rt ? K'-vley he? ?. s? s^iK'r "ssr ??4 588 iSsfefaja i ^vjtws?ft^j?a8a ?& <5**-= , do, do; i n., Jo ,n Col Ir, Man .well. tlhliiohtM- J "itaVet' I ,. .' J,'; . ",r:'iS r*udl?Uj, *l '?aii?, do, ? "r, ! prfa^wSr;f'ir?F.F"'vit'"?? i ?r:x^,sj^ns-i?fi8Sr Oi?"AiTi!i, ?Aniri?In .v,r, hrte i ? rr, . I for !>? nliorn. Wind B ' ' ' "r"hf't, <11 ?g, ! 'I **?*"*? Aug 10-Hd hp arhrT Id ll?> ? It ., a;v . M taxasn it, July 26?\rr < i N,,., ... r-"? 1 tons. Sl.l it. ,. Br iirli F I ,N. rl i t'olr t ? ' r' ori. nml, p.. lev, ?!o (tinti ,,k\" " ? i M >n.-h'pe Or. ia, droitAVi ^ll.'rald ' * ??. Fr I in a'.'r .;* *? iVVi'-r; XrKXZ''WR?.HV..rh nt"! A""7~1n b?r? i-r-ha. for Mar. raiU Br Jaunt. PB. Aug 13 -Io port brig Chattanooga, for Are. oil* 10 iu*<t fur Haltlniore, Ssuoi, Aug H?In i ort brig Stella, for NYork next day Vai.isuai-o. July 12?Arr amp bunsii,u? (uot Lansblra;, Pro ?: Han Prom; s?x>. lu port 17w, amp* Win bprafue, Jameson, far Gnat * an (cld), Keyatoii", Burr ham. iron. Caliao fur Rott, rdam rpa; Bunaiitne. Prost disg; bark* George A Henry, Ounby, C" *? lu, biailb. uud Nightingale, Edwaid* Uisg. Aiiurlt'uu Porta. BOSTON, Aug2L:?Arr bar* Ed* Hl'i A e?. il.'H ore; brig win A Mar}', Nurtou. ?tir> ? ,.|*i| ? f ruwiei ' I, #r.,| I ? Well, gherm, . :o? AW Ci I'rv'n. W'. " . S ai.i. lla i s, Hodi- au 'In,.4), Ua<-ii *1 > .. a?v, n, CJuver. I niluo . . 1 c,-o. rr: Ellin trances. Clark. nn<1 T Wright. Auami. J-.l; worth , in 1, li' uu, Haskell, Jersey City; Hampd, n Ui'.i?, AlitKan r, Rondon 1; III.ward, B -a--se, NYnrk. C!? tp Ren-re, II- ia. Km Janeiro, bark (la*. Ryder. 1'bitaa'lpnta; brig* tj Walker (B I. Thcm-m 8: Pierre, Mart; K W I'm aer, 81,id Inv. l ane llayiru Wa.iharri, Clark, n Thornaa; H-aver, Titltr, NOrlean-,; J W -t, 11,'doon, Furtre'a Monroe; ?? bra Ocean Bird. Power*, C.i|-e ll irtl a. H ,-aii, Roger#, W.i-h IngloD; Leader. Ha Ion, Wilmington .'el; Henry Pel kin*, UouiiridKe I'dliuitrlji, la; tirit.iliu Kiai , Halleti, New York. S! l *' iP K-*v,Te. BAhTIMUKK, Ai g 21?Arr H:em ship Albert, Klamp,, Hi orlg Bu-ete, Mcl'oitga Wltidnor, NH. HelmV ship* Ann E Hooper, Ho |m r, troin Liverpool; Leo udi* (Hiem), from do; Larks Johannes (Brum), fron do; Ho lieiiaiuutfen , Jin in , Irom >1 stanza*. 1 ay wig, fium lllo Ja neiro. CI 1 arlir? Hat' llion, Ogden, NYork; Mountain Avo nne, Kelhr, Boat 1111; Uvorge d Adam*, Darling, do; Jamea N' lai ii, Bun. Taui ton. Sir. br g Mario?a Jane. Went to sea 17th *hl| Pre 1 b e, 1 rig C C BPl'iis*. In Hamp.on k"? if, al t|? Kucrgi ? Hrern), Schmidt from Livo* noi; Cuar ? ue, ai J uu unknown nark lor o -data BRISTOL An. 22?Air arhr I'mrllue f'oyl, Port Ewen; Blfnp Ilarv. t, ? urwHl, Provib u e forNYork. Cld a"hr N H Borden, Colli'.a, Ma:o..zaa. Sid aloop Tii.iu.aa Uuil, lTull, NYnrk. ELIZABETH PORT. Aug 22?Cld aehr* Maine, Brown, Lninarliue, Hrai t, ami Aiabella, Wa*a, Boaton; !a'u"? A Sami.o . Hart IV1 R ver; Urban,. Wllrox, Providence; Wm Penn. N vtmi- Hn t Mm an, Reeve, and Baltimore, Blair, New Harea: H R'.sicll, Carrol', Hertford. FAST i,i KbNWICH, Aug 22?Air achr Wakefleld. Ar nold NYoi'k. PAI.L KJVFR, Aug 21? \rr *1nop I n Borden, Collin*, NYork. Htu aclir E Hull, Stokes, du. 22th- Id ielia* C W Ki ut ey. Clia.e Philadelphia; McMur rnv, Burton, Elizabeth porl; Edward H Weston, Chapman NYo'fc NL'.V i E lFORD, Any 22? Yrr aelira J Truman, Piidharn, and Charlemagne, Cl-asc, NYnrk. NEWPORT, Aug 21?Arr uchr Ancona, Lelghtou, Ell/a batbpmt. 22d?Arr brig Ceylon (Br), Llngan, CB, for NYnrk; scbrs Artial, Holart, Boston lor Ri.t r iteioi; Victor, do lor Kuii dui-.t; Coral, NYork for Boaton; I'Tuon, Rocklawl for NYnrk; Wave, du lor Sai dy Iluok; C<>1 Himmona. Hampden for Bal timore; A Thrill, Boaton for Phi.adelobia; Ida May.E'.lr.a be ill port for Nowluiryport. Edwin. Kaslport for NYotk; L .okout, li'aton for do; HHP pa, ito-'k land fordo; tyut ,k atep, NYork for Lvnu; E iglo, fo for IS incor; Dah i?, Ko* Island, ;fo, for Samly Hook; .I 1* Bi l l, B'.eUm tor Port Kwen. Sid acbra Buu.uel llell, Pai',- ,,rd; Martin, Dtin hnm, and Nathnnial Ohi.a", Hoai.e, NYork; Sylvia, Rey nolds, Phlladelpuia; I) M Aleacrole, (H lden Rod. NLW I1AVE... Aug 22?Arr ach 1* JlrUliaut. Monro-, Ell/a bethport; L D flerurd, Omard; Edlior, Dickie; L ROgden, ETaher, and Chriatoplier Columuu*, Baonu, ; aloop.s war ren, Sioki*. NYork; Eleanor. Scan an, . PHILADELPHIA. Aug 22?Arr Ijirk Helen Campbell? O'Bri n. Ho-ton: hrL* Amanda Jaur, Bryant, Cardenas; H Wouater. laird, Boetnn; schrs 0- o Whshnielnn, Rlsley, Roi bury; Cocrnlne, Buriieta. New Orl?an?; Knight, Otige, Boa ton; Mall. Kelly, Providence; Magnolia. Nickem.-u, Hmdon; (Jo. Burton. Wlnamnre, Boaton; M F Webb, Bncslnghain, NYork. Cld hrlg 6 \Vouster, Lonl. Hoalun; actira Ann Car le t, Carle 1, Naa-uu; Meteor, Sii tH, Douiarara; Macyliind, Knlcl.v, Porl ai d; J K Mather,Nlckerenn, Boaton; S L Sta Tcua, Studley. Boaton; Star, Crow ell, Beaton. Lkwk*. Del, Auk 22?The ateninahip Sunaneu from New Orleans j ;is*ed in this uioming. PORTLAND, Aug 21?Arr aehr American Chief, Prersey, NYork. PORTSMOUTH. Aug 20?Arr achr Charmer, Cheney, New York Cld 21st, I rig Olive MunaUeld, Phlla-ielphia. SU1 20tb, achr C Kniglit. Wileon. NYork. PROVIDENCE, Aug 22?Arr ateamrra Wev'cheater, Nye, NYnrk: Falcon, June.*, NYork; achrs Cornelius, Brladley, fjeorgetown, DC; Jamea Steele, Martin, Perth Amboy, N l; Joaepn E Pour, Holley, Ell/.ai eiliport: J it lilreiker. Ed wards, do; ChA*c Mill*, Port Kwen; W W Brainnrd, How ditch, do: Snow Drift, Snow; Mouvlai.i Home, J'niiil; Lady Adam*, Hadwln, and J S Lane, Reward, New York; at pa Naugu' uk, Hawkins, Bll/.abiUhpnrt; ta-luou, Young, Kou dout; W II Bowen, Brotlierton, NYork. 8!<I ' isFrunoe* Com 11, Cml-in*, Haltlifiore; Com Tucker, Loud, Philadel phia; Jamea II Deputy, Lewi*. Eli/abelhport; Marmora, Smith. NYork (or Bungnr); Joaeph S; arks, Inman; Eva, Nortbup; Lady lane, baundera; Evpc.litB, De?, e; Nelson Weli*. Rvder, and d E Parker, Flt/gera'd, NYork; ateops Joaepn Hau mtfnd, Thompson; Mury E Hayle*, Cartel, uuil George H Davie, Young, do. Towi u to era thla nr mlng by ateniner American Eagle, bark W A P.alemus. L'avus, ihr Forlruas Monroe. ROCKLAND, Aug 15?Arr bark Persia. Jones, Salem to loa I for N'Orl' Hna. Sid 15th, ac'ira Cnrlnthinn, Kin*!!, and (I Hortnn, Pendleton, NYork; 17th, R B Pitts, Flaudera, do; I8U1, Saiuh Louisa, Ycaton, do. SAN FRANCIS' O. Julv28?Arr ship Humboldt, Edwaidi Newcastle, NSW. Cll SWb, ship* St Jam *, Wlillnm*. Calla >, Curilngtrn, Watson, k nagawa. bid 29Ui, ship Yorl. k. doule. Ma,Allan. SAI.I'IMI Aug 21?Arr nchra J II BartleU, Rockhlll. and Ell anbeth, Greenlaw, Philadelphia; Julia, Noyc*. ElizaLMUlu port. SI,! sciir N'arrai;aiiaett, Hull, Phi auelpula. TAUNTON, Aug 21?Arr schra J P Wallace, Slaplea, and Charles, Simmons, NYork. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Saturday, August 23?6 P. M. There is no change in the money market. Money is freely offered at 4 per cent on call, and muny loans are effected at 3 per cent. In ex change little or nothing was done to-day. Gold sold at 115% at the board. At the opening this morning one or two promi nent houses bad news of an unfavorable character from Washington, and prooeedod to sell stocks riili remarkable freedom, causing a decline of \ jn Central, % in Erie, % in Erie preferred, % in Michigan Central, 1 in Rock Iulund, and % a % in the other speculative shares. After the board other despatches were received contradicting the rumors on whfeh the morning salon were based, and the active shares immediately rallied to yes tcrdny's price. Throughout the afternoon the market was very strong. At the morning board registered-, sixes sold at % discount. Cleveland snd Pittsburg advanced % per cent and Frank linitc Steel %. The volume of transactions was limited, Bonus were very firm. The business of the Sub-Treasury was as follows to-day:? Total receipts $1,414,031 03 ?For Sl.ooooo Payments 1,700,621 57 iialance 8,S73,2? 12 The transfer books of the Now York Central Company reopen to-day, after remaining olosed since the 31st of July.. Messrs. Raring Brothers A Co. say that there is very little doing ia American stocks. The London Timet of the 9th thus notice* and quotes the market:? In colonial the enly movement was a full of % in Gr-ad Trunk of Canada. In American the few oanj-x were all ia mIv inca. I,hauls Central six per ocut stock and share, improved 1 and W respectively, and Erio shares, '!o. irc'creni* and scrip, improved >, and reepoc ttve'je:? Maryland 6 per cent ?8 a ?2 t'nitad States 5 |>cr cent, 1874 04 a (tft Virginia 0 per cent.:.. 41 a 40 A. k <1. tv., N. Y. sec. lit m., '80,7. p.c ... 03 a 07 trie shares 27 a 2s Do., 7 p." cent, prefsreioe 4w a 61 Do., asseMinent sorip 1 v?a 2 Do., 1st morigage, 1^67 85 a 00 lie. ,2d mert.:?f.\ 18M> 78 s K'J Ik). ,8d mortgage, 1383 76 a 70 Do.,4th nier.gage 07 a CO Do.. 5ili m-irtgkfo f 0.7 a OS Illinois Oontral ft per csut, 1876 71 a 78 IX)., 7 per r.eut, 1476 77 a 78 IX)., $!00 shares, $80 paid dls. fifths 49<4 Do.,$,all paid 44 a 70 Michigan Central, 8 per cent con., 18fl9 74 a 82 Ik).,sinking fund,8 p. c., 183$. 73 a 82 Michigan 3. to .X. lnd. (skf tuna), l3o6,x.O. TO a 76 Do., $1(X1 shirsa IS a 20 V IM..Ilria,i.|rilll f K. Y.femral ftp? csnt? 1886 77 a 70 " " itTttr D>., 7 per c?nt,T804 77 a 70 Do., 7 per cant sinking fund), 1878 77 a 79 Do., 7 per cent convertlbi# bauds, 187ft.. 77 a 79 Jk?.,$lft?s!iarss sx.dlv. 00 a ftS Panama Kallroft t, 1st m., 7 percent, 1808.. 103 a 106 Do., 2d do., 7 percent, 1872 102 a 104 Pennsylvania Centrsl 0 per cent 76 a 78 Do., 2d mortgage 84 a M Do., $A0 shares S3 a 37 Phlla lei] hta and Reading,$60-th.-.res II a 2$ The city of Chicago lias just closed a negotiation 'or a loan of two hundred thousand dollars in bonds bearing seven per oent interest, of which Messrs. O. ft. Bobbins A Hon, of this city, took one half, and C. C. I'arks A Co., of Cfiioago, the remainder, at prices ranging a little above par. The entire funded debt of the city of Chicago on the 9th of April, as shown by the Comptroller, was as fol lows.? 10 jwrcent tntorest, due Jam-try. 1R?3 $2ft-o 10 per ocui.dua Jununry, lxnS 2 .000 7 per cent, <ln? January, tMO lo.ioo 7 per cent, dueinu iry, 1374. HO 000 7 per c?nt,-lue April, 1881 61l'.ooo 0 l*i c-iiil, due January, 1303 AO.000 ft per rent. due J in miry, lsG7 to.nofl 0 per cent, dm- July, 1813 AO.OoO 0 per cent, due January, 1874 40,000 6 |>er cent, due July, 1876 loo,(loo 8 per cent, due July, 1370 100,000 fetal $046,000 The Ft. Louis, Alton and Chicago ItnHvoad earned for ths week ending Augu-t*14, inclusive:? lSftl 1801. Fasimngors $10,647 6,182 Freight lOyiit 18,581 .-'.indues 856 866 Total .$28,028 25,500 2,454 ? 1'il.vl itv* month to dale $4 ),3?il 43,974 Total sinco January I 638,470 659,331 The following are the receipts of tho Susquo* hnnna caual to August 17 $37,260 1-, 4 ' 34,666 Incrcve $62,704 The ed tor of the Chicago IVihvno savs:? Wiille In Kprln-'lcld list week t; o -'lute Tr-u nrer ' ah-wi-d tia tho io ,sll aafaly tt?wedawat m ht? va i.t, t? | pay t ie Inter*-I c.' n aW mil J i ate <ieM due t" he 1st if ' Ja- iiaff nest. The ?.-t ? I <4 interest fa' >p ( J.ny I and to last tuturilav ante 840t p, Huh. howevsr, rand not be taken aa aa index to Um total amount of nuk) indebtedness,** on a considerable por tion of It liie luteresl ll paid annually, and that falls duo In July. And, besides, tbis year eleven per cent bad to bo added aa e.toh <Lgo upou the Inter est due to ft reign bondholders The total amount of the present debt of the Hate Is 912)437,044. No Si te In the Union rreete >UI its obligations more promptly, or is oet.m -bio to do it than tr -'rap of Illinois. ??,..(?*? i uM.iug,, tier ojAv Augur.I ial, 1801. f3"0CU r: C?,'Sl.reB 101 300 she ? JTout,... 9?H lUtOUS6'?.'67,reg 99)4 300 Erlo?.t 38 MOO do. W 4 750 f? 38)4 (8) US 6'd, '74,'" ? 89m loO lo... . b60 S8V 5?' 0 do 89 ), 4o0 Erie RK prof..... 68)4 Kmski Treus 7 3 10 pen IP; ^ 100 do 68)4 6iS'0 Tenn fs, '90.. 60 V 700 KrieRK aaa'terrlp 100 6UOO Miseouil tj g... 4730 Hud.* u Kiv Kit.. 40 IoojO do 471J 860 do 49^ 1600 t'ultfornia T'l.. #8 TOO do 50 lOOOlndlanafc's.w In 05 200 Harlem KR. . MO aouu N i' ten b, '76. . II 16<> Mich < antral KK. 67)4 118810 Er,e'.tK3inb,:'83 ,U4 300 d> 67)4 8000 Ei it t 4th mb 06 960 Mich Po .m N 1 RR 31 86 4) Erie Kit Mb mb 39 50 do 3oV ma-O' liiSN W8dm ?0)4 100 Mi So A N I g stk. 62(4 7000 Tul Si Wab 2tlm 70 loo do ?30 61J4 T88) MHAf'rdu' hi.! !H1 A'O do 02 S'lOO Clev L Tol ? r b 9" )'t 200 do 62 V 8000 do 90 960 do 62'4 SOOOPRta.FtWktlm 95)4 5< Q 111 Central KR sop 62'; l.'iOfi I'ltts.FWAt 2ni. 82 800 111 i'en foil stock. 00 5C'!(8) i:o 82)4 60 ( leve&l'iltsKlbtlO 25*4 lotjo Gul hi lBte* 104)4 U8) d-> 85)4 80o0 Clevvl tttsSiub 80 1260 do 25 65(8'0 American gold. 116)4 fi9<) do oho 25)4 16 she A ier tx Hk. 92 13 neve,(i l vCin Rlt I'll 16 Bhee etUuilher Bk 97)4 JOS no 120 125 Facia. Mail SSSCo 119 7 Gal 4 Chicago KR i2l4 1..0 lo 039 UO.'i 100 d 72'4 50 do b30 110>4 50 Clov & Tol KR.. . 53V 80 do 110 '4 20*1 do flO 53 50 110)4 800 do 52'4 100 Frank mite 8 Co. 6)4 300 do. 62V 58 N Y ( "titrul RR. Pi '2 150 Chi A It 1 RR .... 67 lOoO do 82>4 2t'0 do 67'4 450 do. bSO 93V 60 do, 530 67)4 too <io e?0 9-i?. 10 Chi, Bur Atl RR. 86 V soo 93)4 17 do 85 '4 1?'0 do s30 93)4 10O Mil & 1'r du (men 33 200 do ?;->0 93 25 do 82*4 SACKS AX THB BOSTON BROKERS' 60 4R11?AWU'ST 22. 1 sh FUcbburg RR. 103 5" sh* (tun i Co (Co 6)4 18 Eastern Rli 72)4 10 Quitmy Cop. Co.. 44 20 Vt and Can. RR. 125 6'J liaucock Cop. Co 5)4 lo Vt. 4 Mass. RR.. 14 2'4) do 6 4 13 Boat. 5: Prov. RR 117V 100 Toitec Cop. Co... 1 ^ 10 Maiden A Me!. RR 0 2., Me^uard Cop. Co. 4 V 2"2 Mul'scx Horsn KR 79)4 100 Franklin Cop. Co. 24 13 Wilmington KR.. 66)4 60 do 29 '4 22*2 jo 65 "4 25 Pevaabls Cop. Co. 83)4 ti Kanouil Hall B'uk 11014 11 Pittsburg Cop. Co 6814 14 Agawum W. M.. 78 109 Opper Falls Co.. 6'4 60 Isle iloyaloCopCo 13)4 $6000 Ogd*nsb?glra7s 74 50 I'ethenc Cop. Co. 2)4 CITY COMM I'ilvC IA I, REPORT. SaTuapxr, august 23?6 P. M. Fiocr.?The market was he?vj and the demand limited for nearly all descrlplion-r Tie sales embraced about 9,000 bbls., included In which were lots of extra 3t ite at f r 10 a $5 30. Wheat.?Owing to the advance in freights the market was heavy and dull. The saloc ?mb tood about 70,000 bushels, including red State at $1 34 and choice Mil" waukce club at $1 24. Corn was dull and easier, with sales of 45,000 bushels, at 58c. a 60c. lor pood sound new ami old Western mixed. IVxk was steady and in good request, with r:i!?s of 60O bb'.s. mess at (11 87)4 * $12. ,,r"1 prime at (10 25. Whisksv was less active. Tha rah s ombruced 400 a 600 bbls., at 31 Vc. for State and 33c. for Western. ^ yiWAWCIAE.. " Army and navy paVand claim offiok.? \r roars of Pay, Bounty. Pulsions ami raortutiag El' ponse*. JOHN li. MURR.vV, Ariuy and Navy liar1, r, 39 Nassau stre ;t. N. Y., oppusit" Post oktoe. AUUUST BELMONT A CO., BANJCRR3, NO. 50 WALL St., ,s?ue letters of credit to trureuero, a*al'?i?ie luall parts 01 the world through) Messrs. itolhschild, of Psi s, Lem dou, Frankfort, Vien a, Naples, and their c irre. iioudeuis. A LOAN WANTED?ON GOOD REAL RBTATE AND j V. Lncsed Property?say from $1,599 P>36,6U9. Will 1 ay liUvrally. Address Haste, Ifcraid office. tIAUFOKNIA STATE A?D SAN FRANCISCO CITY / InU'reit Couiobh pnrchas'd at lowestourreat rates, Uy DL'NOAN, SURKMAN A CO., Bankers, corner ut i'luo and Nassau streets. New York. CILAIMS FOR PENdlOMS. BOUNTY, RACK I'AY, EX / tra pny, recruiting etpensoH, pti/.e money, Jo, when entrusted to us, will be pruio| tiy ai tended to. C.?.l or soi.d for circular, for references and instructions. BOM Eti A BBuVVN, No. 1Park plaoe. HARLEM AND SPUYTEN DUYVI1, NAVIOATK>N L'OM puny's no It wants I.?A small amount, say ID shares. Address O. P., no* Dv Herald o.Hce. The aubecriber .* lull/ aw are o. the actual value of said mock. AVV OFFICERS' ACCOUNTS ADJUSTED ?ND AB rcurs of paj cashed: also Prize Money collect J, .1 (JHN B. MURRAY. Arniv and Nr.. v Bunker, Mo. i'J Nassau street, N Y? opposite the 1 >wi nllleg. N OFFICE OF THE PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM* pauy, 88 Wall street?New York, August ?*!, 1862?No ticn ti hereby given that the Hoarri ol Directors have Una day declared a Dividend of live <ID per cent nut of the net earnings uf the post (3) three months, payable at the odica 01 the company <m an 1 a' b r the Wd tust.' The transfer bona Willi lose on tae Idth, aid reopen ou the 26th lust. By order of the Uoanl. F. W. O. BEI.LOWS, 8e rotary pro tern. OFFICE OF THE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY, Bats Place, Naw Yore, Aug. t?. 1M2. Holders of the Second Mortgage Bonds ol the New York End Erie Railroad Company, extended to 18/11 are aOi ilieil that the Interest due September 1, I?82, will be paid on anil after that date, at the effice, on presentation of the proper coupons. It will he neressarv for the holders of bonds not thus ex tended to present them at the odlce of the eotripa ly, whe, <s they can reoolvo the principal end Interest to September 1, 18h2 The privilege of extending such bonds will o nto at that rials. H. N. OTIS. Sen clary. ? lO enn TO LOAN?AT nl\ I'BR CENT 1NTE ijpTaipJUW rest, On boad and mortaage in one or more sums, lor a term of years, on pro.1v u Rett. B>tute lit this city. Apply at the oiitce ol the f" .|,ls? Fin In. Con.;*..,, to JOHN F. CONRE Y do Wall street. LOAN OFFICES. A Tilt BROADWAY, CORNER OF FULTON STREET^ J\. the Ugliest price is paid for Diamonds, Wuulwy Pia.e. Jewelry, Optical I nstrumenis. Ae. Lib rat adr ..ices uiauo at his pfii at. rooms. J. II. BAKKINQER. 212 Bros way, room 13. up itiiri, _ SPECIAL lOTICUI. B'NAi BERITH BENEVULSNr SOCIETY.?THE legubu animal meeting of this society will lake n i., ? on Sn' inlay. 3"'h lust., at 8 o'clock. P M , at Covenant Hall, Ob Otebuiu street, :?r tot purpose of receiving the yearly re. |e rt of tuo Trustees for the e'e ti.iu of o i eets. and for tho transaction of such other busttKsa s may le olfered. Mem bers nre invited to attend. M. H.., R. cr' '.?.y. VTOTICK.-TIIE HONORARY AND ACTIVE MEMBERS J.N and friends ol Boutl.wark m> asn Fire Engine Uemuiny No, 38, are requested to meet at tea imitliie hoi e, ties (Sun day 1, Auturt id, .it 1 o'clock P. Al.. for the purpose of jel l ing In the funeral ceremonies of our ' ?'* aseeeiatc and brother metal nr. Mr. Thomas, iron his late r l dener, No 3 Deyri strei t. By r.'.cr or Lewis v tsntu Sec. Kl h'AKl) 8MI"H, Foreman. VTOTICK TO BUTCHERS.-THE 81'BBi KIl TION BOOK AM of the Butchers' Hide and Melting A?oc atlun Is i"y 01>en for - guaturea, and butohera are it. lied to sign and bo conir nieuib. rs of the aasncln.ujn. Mcuiliers are rcuuesled to sr. ml a mectlug lor the election of Tru te<?, to be l.eld on TltoSdaV August 20, lu-rf. at d o'clock P. M , *t 'he office at the association, earner ol First aver ue and Fjsthat' Mt. t,y order, JOSEPH W. CLINCH, Bccretarft, At olst 18, 1862. OLD NATAL REGISTERS WANTED.-A FAIR PliH B will be paid lor copies of the Lotted St ics Nava. teg. later fnr the years 1876 I" 1827 1831, 1 cw, lb 17, )b ir l y published before 1810. on eppBoailen to Captain OStlkid BULS.US, naval rendezvous, Chrery street, near aw Kowitry. SAILMAKEK8?A MKKliMO OF 8A1LM.VKKRJ WILL lie he . at the coi ner of Grand end E abe' li SI. Mils, on Monday evrcuing, August 26 at 9 p el k. All sallmakeni are Invited to attend. By order or the couimit'c. TjIMMa" DOUGLASS?YOU WILL FIN DA NfTB^AT JQl Spring street Poet otlioe. LNNPs. Rf, J. IK JAMES Chh.KN. OK CHARLESI'ON, F C., WILL s nd bis address to M. J. h"., Bros , wsv poet o.flee, Le .v 111 bear ft out a very dear friend. OLLIK," YOOP. MUTE IS hKCRiVKD, ANd"tHB matter will b< attended to promptly. fSoTSib" Htl K ND8 ~I NTtl E Tit MY AND NAVY CAM ueard lr?m en sppliratlon ta the under -igred. F. W. BOND, hupt.,3# Nuesatt siroi t. N.Y., Opposite tin Post oflloe, room No 1. M LEGAL X'TICKS. British steamship rise a (.man.?all persons tiiterested in the .largo ut toe slop Clroas Ian, una In custody of .h" Deputy Unn-d States Marshal tor liny Sontlisrs DDlrh't <>' Florida, a> he "bjr notlited tbs( they will he allowed rintii the Bi day ofv ut n*\t to nle their appeal bund. HIRAM B thR, Deunit V ui I y vtea. Msiohal, 113 Wall street, New tnrk. r|'HKRK WtTTl, BF, A S'BC'IAL MBRTIRG offilH A Van C ut he rs oil W edri. s lay, August 27. I8(U st the house ol Mrs. J. B T.uir hv, 478 t.raud stieei, Wllll in. - burg, L. I , I rem 6 untn ? nVlook P. M. A" business of Im mense Importance all! be preenute-l it Is dcsirrd tttat all should be p s..p' HBSTACIIA S TN. (TOLONBL CORCOBAN H CONDUCT WAS UNExt'KP. J lionabb 'I'irtiig bis n csr.e ailnn; but slues besirived tin re is su exeeption. lha' Is, n.u milling at Scnci i Sam de Room, HI It road Any, In ths tsar of Lilly A lieu we s ehecse mongers, one dm r from Liberty atr et, BPENcElt CLUTU1RO. ing Oil or M I'll ?h<iiia nan .".i virii'Tii w?n ohhmii ins utmoet rilue for each article, L? llesa.t nd-d to by Mry. RMeDtltai. I'Buvse r?uo usber, and lt7 363 B aery, opposite Ureat Jones atlMet. l'UBL.irH KOIi OleAMNIB'tOiVriOB. XTOTtCH IS HERE GIVEN To ALL THE MEMBER* AM ol Con |.any K, First Keptueui Empire Brian le, in re SMtteCsOip by in o'cloi* to-motrvw, or at the .?o>\ 3W earl street. New Yor k. Hy or jr f JOHN W DUNN Capia'n Cnmmandlng Co. H. fFTlt BOARD OP POLICE 3 HANKFULLY ACKNOWl J. " i / ih* bockyl uf the to,two ?ht douatthng tu aid of lite M -tr ?(?? Onaio ? Dr. Pens fl-vfaltd ,|| ' i-USTpSfaJawt: