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The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, August 23, 1863, Image 1

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* < ; ; I ,
WHOLE NO. 9837.
Reports Relative to the Designs and
Condition of Lee's Forces.
Tie French Expected to Oeenpy Texu and
Open the Southern Port*,
**, At
Wakhinutos, iofilt 22, 1803.
Notwithstanding tbo rumors afloat of changes in lite
positions of tba armies of General Meade and General
1-ee, oiiicers jnst arrivod from the rront report that every
thiug romaius in ttatu <{uo. The cavalry are in motion,
bat nothing of interest baa occurred.
Two more of Mosby's guerillas were captured in the
Vicinity or Fairfax Court House last night. They wore
rebei uniform-!, but were taken wbiie ?coating within oar
Mr. P. a. Chapmaa'i Despatch..
August 22, 18C3. J
I had a long conversation yesterday with a well inform
edseoesb citizen of Warrenton, daring which I gleaned
what the rebel expectations were and are regarding Gen.
Lee's movements.
They (tbe?ece.<h) claim that Lee's army now numbers
over one hundred thousand men, notwithstanding the
large numbers ho has spared to reinforce Charleston ; that
the rebel conscription and Jeff. Davis' proclamation bate
hud the desired effect in replenishing tho rebel ranks; that
the French army from Mexico will soon have possession of
Texas, while a French fleot will drivo the Union vessels
from the Mississippi and Gulf coast, thus opening all tho
extreme Houthern ports to foreicn trade. Lee is to tnovo
?round agalh by tho way of Strasburg with a part of his
force, crow the mountain* at Thorough: arc, ABhby's and
Manassas gaps, and fall upon our roar and (kink, while
the rest are to move on us by the way of the Rappahan
nock river. Lee's apparent retrograde movement to
wards Richmond Is only a coyer (or bis real designs.
On the other haad, deserters from TeeVT army state
that the rebels are in a mwt deplorable con
ilition; tbat they are fighting amrngst them
selves; that Jeff. Davis refuses to let the North
Carolina and Mississippi troops leave Virginia, fearing
that they may ospouae the Union tause; that large num
bers of Virginia and South Carolina troops havo boen sent
to North Carolina to bold tbat State in subjugation to
Fontborn rule; that tbo North Carolina troops dcc'are
they will not light lunger, and that there are not troops
anocgh in I-ee's army to enable liim to bold his present
position, let alone making any aggressive movement.
There, you have both stories, and can believe either or
both, or neither, as you please.
Mr. Henry Thompson's Despatch.
8CfO.\P Akmy ' oki-?, August 10, 1803.
411 has boon very <|uict In tbo corps during the past
two or three weeks. The healed term bus t uased, and,
although we yet continue to have warm days, tbo nlghta
are cold and chilly. There is very little sickness in the
Conscripts are arriving every day, and the camps aro
becoming alive onco more.
ncrtcjoRn to mt mar.
Private Joase Slayborry, of Comi>any M. Seventy-first
Pennsylvania, tried by court martial for desertion, has
been found guilty and (sentenced to be hbot. tienernl
Meade has a>.>proved of the sentence, and appointed tbo
Slat day <4 August, 1H03, f r tl.e order to be oarried into
effect. He will bo shot in prosouco of nis whole division
{the ?errm'l) bolwocu tbo hours of twelve and four
o'clock 1*. M.
iikavy riRiwi niARn.
Heavy firing was heArd to day in the direction of iHtuf
lord Court House.
Lieutenant I'almer. o. the Fifty-seventh New York,
who so mysterious. y disappeared frum bU picket line a
few nights stneo, has bee:i heard from Ho was captured
by guerillas, and is nos^n prisoner In Richmond.
Important Orders of Gen. Meade.
IIkad , carters, Army or ihk Potomac, I
August 20. 180*1. j
The follow i r>f regul.it lone respecting passes and the trans
portation of Fupp:ie?,o'her than public stores, have beci
approved by the Secretary of War, and are published for
the information and guidance of all concerned:?
y,nt? Passe* to leave this army are to be given by the
Provost Marshal <>e ieral, or by bin authority . 8iid pvio
will aurh rixe the return of the parties, but will not in
elude transportation for properly heyond i.eceesary jm r
anal bagua 0
.SMomt? All orders for transportation of pro] erty must
be riven by the (juartormaeter's I'epartment.
Third ? .supplies for officers may be procared by send
iDg an agent with a list of the art 1. 1 s to be obtained,
signed by a general oflicer and approved by the Provost
Marshal flntrd or by bH authority
Fau nh ? Sutlers and thoir properly are to be entirely
excluded Ir in transportation bv rail for the present.
Pit tK ? Newsboys will cot ho permitted to travel on
trains, but packages of papers may Oe neat to local
ai-ents, unncr charge of a baggage master, for sac > r
\irlA~ No passes to civil.ans in visit the Army of the
Potomac shall be glve-i, except by the Adjutant Oner il
art the army and the general In command of the Army of
tl* Pol. mac
X> .*n<k? The principal depot quartTm.-isters st Waiii
ington, Alexandria, and at other depots tijsm the line <?f
the road, <M> i?i?< offirnrs and averts of their de
pestmcuis, and also officers and agents of other
dep;.rtm< ..is travelling on ixw?sary public hustnors,
who in >>r< euro orders of Iran p rtau n from ihem.
H Mh.? All ? rtters for e,.r? mum !*? se t to tlie . 'upcr
Inu-ndeut of ID" mi'ltury railrwi |. through ?h- i.r"i*<r
so: the 'JuarU rmaster's I" ' artmeut in charge of
Nooil ce-s ott er Itvm tb'v e herein n e< ifl si
will be permuted togive passes beyond the limit* of their
fvsiA.? .Ml boxes or packages sent to or marked
w.tti I' " name of any oncer shall be accomi*
Hied with' an acrnrale list ?>( content?, fu!
shall he | ls-ed in custody of the Pwwest at ihe
pi?ce of e. -tlnaiion, to Im delivered to tbecrsignee upon I
satisfaet tv evidence that the pa. kayes contain necessary
supplies for his individual use. and crtaln not bimr else. |
fimm'k. ? .Ml persons Ke?*|n< tran*-?.rtTti< n on i.ny
railroad from Alexandria snali present their rashes for
examinati'.n at the oRice of the Mijssrlnlcadeiil in tuat
jt?lffV ? Provost Ri.ar'is nt Washington, Alexandria
an> "ttier ?t ?tl f:? will see that the foregutnff ortsrv are
exe uu?d
Tkir ' ??!/>.? Train goard, f* r the |ir >iection of eac'i
traM, a n'? to preserve order and koep off str.igglera. ?i I
>ie "nrnished by commandert of troops neare?t the po'iii i
r? drpa e eti ri'ini ilion of ? i, erlnteirttems rit tbo
rea'''. Ily c nnm od of iis'or Cer.eral MEAPK.
H \> in.: > w?, Acting Ad 'att fie : era!.
City Inspector Ueoie'i Mabatltute for the
<1ty Inspector Oocle'f new *y*tem of removing garbage
ashes, at., from t a juo ui housoa has been fairly tried I
and ht proved to be a irreat suqmss In those wardi
wber.i It hts been fair!/ teflted. Thte system can- I
sots la tulistli itlof for the edorlferous ashbox and
fcnt Uage bog tha simple plan of having ibe refuse matter
of tenawont lto-iaea delivered directly to the car tin en,
wb^ are auppoeed to make dally visitations to all the
wsrd' tf the city. The experiment has been tried M the 1
I -oxrntb, Kouric .nth and Kightesnth wards, and the
rtel 'outs Of tboee districts greatly prefer the new invon !
lion to the d?safreeabl? system wU;ch prevailed prevl.
?Ki?!y. Aro n* the ad rot! ta?"*s of Mr, Boole's plan is ibe
*? ? rlty which It aflOrda the r?sldeotaof tenemei't bouses
agaiQM the ateauog ot re??< t> in wbieb u is usual to de
j?,eit ^sies. garbage snd <-tb<>r dsecrliitloas of bouse
refus". tn the lourteeotli ward ft ? tarda y morn log on ly
tw. ru ash'i >xea were lert tb<- reet having been usen
?way wnbout esmpeisory process, ft murroa m? ?y( .
tstn will be tseted in tho N-veutb, Klotn, Tuirtaentb,
fifteen tu, fi.xt>-wilb. BetraateeMb and Twenty-, i?.t wards,
and If wl'b ?oc rss, Mr l??le will 'ben tasue ? general
?e??er In the Kngl sh aad r.ennan lasgusgee ir? itlng tbe
Change general thr- ugbout tbe city, tbe (?UowiB| g a
? f/ tif Uie pri'po^cd general ordori-e
Cttt Issreneel Dxr lanrrr,^ I
Nsw Voat, August fs, IMS. /
Tba sederslfsed, finding that great labor, time aad a
pence Is cases d by mllectlsg aad reaoviag ssass nd
garbage sfter the aame have been thrown or ssstlsiid
it poo the streets from the deposit or garbage boses, sad
believing it to be the desire ef every housekeeper aad
restdaal of tbh ward te aid. tbe nnderaifDed w bis edbrte <
to keep Us Meets la a goM and cleanly coed i two, pre
ascts or year ebeenmce tbe foltow'iag rsedstinaa ??
ftetlce will be given or tbe sppreaeb or tbe srl aad tm
fcage oarls by the rtnglng of a ben fifteen mteetee agi
vatce Of ttf? carta, and yon are respectfully eetWwt gad
MntMsted not to place any asbes. garbege or i trass Mb
lar^aeyktnd is fre?tory?or premier or onea um sMa
Mk salt i said hell Is rang.
thru rid P>" through the st-eets or thte wer*?narj
M,bes0, be. , fr*?" th.- arsass.
flomplaMt U' Set 'eel to r.*oi?riy rotieet and aenaa
Khova sk*^ tjfce Ov tarfeeter, at hw odba
The Great Metropolitan Gridiron? The Streets Through which Rails Are Laid and Are to Be Laid
Some Idea of what Our Streets Look Like.
The Destruction of Lawrence
by Quantrell's Guerillas
Nearly Tire Hundred Citizen* Killed
or Wouuded.
&?., dir., <Uc<
I JL1VB? wuHTa. As.'itet 23, 1M53.
Fmtn I'ittrrna of L*wre re. Kanaka, wno t .ve rrlre?l
hern lor biiiU'lu atitl,:nrdlcitMN, J gtiUii red the lullowtng
larticulara r. lurdiiiK the burning id lint ? ly liy yuan
trall'4 gu"ri!l*a
Tha lint of killed an I wounded, ft* far aft oaterUitKd,
numbered rouii- III. I. hundred and r k'bly . the ntJ/orily of
whom wen- killed in?t mtly,
Tlic Lumui ol bit the killed uiul uoumttd ci.nii' I be
giyt'U now
Tbo ho i-e* that remain rtnt'iicg are f iled with the
k ill I in d wounded wl> In 1< nj; t? Ml i Iahh ? ii manly
I'rom IU rulna W Ikt b<mc4 km .*?* the tbariml i
uimiih of victim- no constantly boitij; low d.
Hot one holfl ta lert tl.iLdlnif n Ihf pUr", ami Qtuui ,
trull a pared thi., In c< it*p.|inrr.<v ot b?vii:f in ? Ina home
thero noma v.ara lui Without ?jwi b.t i'a propeio
lor w.i??l,ol h> hit men.
Ani90( tin- in' - prominent cltir?i ? kn< mi to le killed,
nre ihe |i Ho* tag i."i p *l i; W. '.'4ln er Miiy r of tl*>
rity, and liH eon; J. <?* l?ow, Jia.ali Tru?k, H. I'.
Tlutiofi, |lr. (irlawoid, Jaiaea i.ldrldtf Jmnee I'orrine,
( oli tji I Hinrm nod III- two brolhi"?, (illitert W. Urle
WOld, Krei.nrlik Kimbdil, "I hi iuaa Murphy. John !-'|?ar
bmI luii three bri l. era, .tdJiMii. \S?uib. luiii .ni Allay
Mm. tieoryo lftl'h. Jtn'ga i lirjK-nier l>r See Hnydar,
/ut ii t Mli'. UHiiuel I tlli.in r, HwlgL.' t.< iein.ui. Uwm
hwait, 11 IakihiI'. .Kibn I'rane, lj>rl Yaiei, iw ItioliwlH
nam*! I L ogo. John I var a, ?. W It'll, Mr. a ? l.ietb,
l.fo?D, lulo, iwdcti, J 'aimer, lUrgiui,! ciiitfcki, itibick,
I'oat ? ui.d Jii uv t.
Th'ta were killed Ir taul'v, morl of Ihi m l>. their own
bo ?>?,?ll lllv.r ?|1" It:ii| I li.lil.m Ulli li; 111 ihrui.
wl l.e tite uiurilereia pUnled |neUiia at tl i .. ' rear la and
rb' t tbetn down.
I lif fulUm'ii 4 arb atn rif Ihotii in rtaily wm.nded ?
JOtirpb Undue M l ater, (of thi I rm . I J' ii tantaaio k
Bailor), M. V illumaoil, liiwfi flu.t, J. * I !???* *? m aad W.
8. It. LlektM.
In oik- i t- the g'i rilln-i iln>?p twelvi- n. n uiln ? bono*,
fli t them ni I U'lrnod lb? baiMli f , ?ri ' |t:o flirndftcf
IkrH twelva to u.whllo *l..tidlbK tb? luMtlli of lit*
river, ware flrtd IBto by ibe en?rilia<i and a t. in bar kll-d
*;nl w? lld"it.
Twenty I! * i* iiC^.M h- mlt? wey ibiit d ad.
Ibe . ucriUuii t.<u it, l Hit fiiotey tbat 'o ?! be fmind iu
tie' jo. k"l? (V ho Wl u< lb-" r it i, /Tin
Tl? y till" I.n till- Jinelrjrof till l?d <-4, rven hi Ihw
rlnK? o . iltoir lii t i f*. Tbey ?|i*rcd iMAInn.' m?k waa al
? II vnl'tiili r.
(?i i.rrul J In 1 ?i ?- a.<tnaced lo ?aca|wi on 1 o tnbaclt Mil
mil id alKtut t44ttf :iiim, lully urm< I aaa >?, mtp*d, unt
fnlinwed all ! ' 'VI L K i^nii.rell wbnu twelve mMwi from
Ilii r? ult nf tbla l|M hi ni.t *a yet age ru<ttMil
t,irifilre I I row rr irritmi: l??mm Mh- ? 'in, burnti g
Kin! uyii'K waeUi every lb. hk on hia iw t'.
It la Ml "KfircliKl ihat lie wi.l lie inUrt.' t?tnl by f r
forroe Hi- will probub'.y f?t awey without 1. *
No rafi'latice wax tuada at ?> to tha ^Mtrlltee
1 hi* (a-npie wore abut down ?? il.ey ran tli b lliw
utrifta in their nljcht iloibe?,and ll.<- r l> ? Kit own
] uiln wvIIk aod <i? tar lift.
J 'Ibo tlll/i.'iia of liiwientn bava Iweu ?i|tr* i u( lbi? ra d
! for m me tune, fr' m Ibe ikrrat* trade by g ?iiire!l ai d
I litd nr?; iDl/ed military cou |4i(i4* (or i if da rftca f tba
|ilo?. aod i have u/m|i*ni?i ware I r aw-ne i tu t oaui Uy
kejt nuda' aritj" bat from aa?iir?nr?4 beinr t'vw tbat
i/U 'Blreil woitid never mtadaKaoaaa ag.iji ?<* ?? imlna/y
ofjaoi, jtki 4 wme at aid i ?~l and M>u>niretl ?ml bie
||iter>!laa lait/ninK tbla, mid- the raid ?b?n It." |?'| n
w?fi- i ntlrely de<n. ? .? ??.
A Urge train ?:'! t are i ? day w itii ??j.| lir? >4 < lotbii $ ,
|ir"vwk n?, he , fur the ??!!? rer*.
j Tlio cllirMi* < f !?:. . enworlb bave ?i enad lb ir itwi to
?11 wliu i liKwa to i ? hi* and many ? f U.e ? . t me i?m
' 'avalad thentaaHM n< Ibe b o/?l Hmn>d
will be well i ared for.
Til' fit if K ail!'* J ail <'lf*e? I if rll 'tialrra ?a very
bllter bkwii -t llw <? u tnaodera '< lb ? tl'-jtarinwltl and
d r'tr tet , (or t?tn( ?o wliolly oaprwtArad W< la* t wb an
eiif rgenty. .
Ibe I i ioinaiidirif went-rai wai abnnl from hie he-td
qui: lien at the I me tb? ra.d et*a? red , ai d ? id a> t ki w
uf I'l'* tav salon unt 1 tin ile tr t 'in <i I nime waa
toti,- ai
Cvf-ytbitif li'iwfver, wa* U?"? d"ta , n , ar d to ib-t
in ttiuiuu uf trii?|? Mtn"!* and ratine
bi'n a d kn ki I. bit it wan to Ut".
i ir rt-ite anlhorii ea arw tan tiaii* Uwn.at er into
Nieir own hand" t ' !?? ? -I Jn tA.n. h* t? , m ataU-d
la Ibe cMnamiHl >* a i*? regiMi at, in| .% ab. ,| Marling
d n lb- ! ? <" li ' ' Ir?ij'? ?<? ? c t ttw ai y
in I .? ?4ieaiy can l"in^ t( in*', lit f.b ! if .??? t inter
Nate of l-rire V rat* la.
V?a eciey lllitl I W H -) ?'?Wl il I't X 'ya, arsnr I
I ki| II af4* i #at ^14, t at waa 4 i> .1 .. He Iw4fy
?? af tba jr.*- f"'""i li in ?!' Mtgr,
rruad It "url.l li be b4t4i4^ad I .. I *y ilnta
WUi tjf da it i< Ibe*"irgaa it - !"???
dk", ?? 1 nt J t^arde . lb" ??rlt"W ? > ? " <: * ??! by
flw add?<?*< to llvriha< 4*>rr f)i imu. ?a? a?Mlke
rri;.? |J,? at I ? J|.- ? ? ? a ? arty t
j aw-riia ?.a a d p i|t( t?i |e-iaaw4. ? fat', w akt
[ r?irw?ai u. ? ab . i i >u >>? ?' i ? k |t? I
Saw Vurfc. The a ? w ?*4 w 4?e i ??e4! iiM fA
1 TYt* lollaa r f war* lb# 4^4. e ?
I r'b'Mr I*?i4,'a i44M|?.*d, Jt t |i,i<.J?h ? I by K ?,
I Trwedy for il
>144* ya>M ? a? ta, 7? Mt.pix e?d ly *???#
| t ? bra e |?# |tl ,a4w
Itfaaw k ??beMt, ket, rcl.*??<l ly IbntJl
Oyd? tar
pua fj?! ?. Mai, M baa, f.r-b -I l-y ' *?*je
I awry !t* IJJ,t >"
? te ? , I- a. ,v I" *. ??' ? by r W Trwwdy
for M l?w
H,,p tetb in ? Ml baa f. 'bae*4 I ; fviln*r,
fniar k (b *# 1 1 i 18b
fvara ? . t >' ? , ?a*d l y la wf I l(r?4l^>
fa* II ; %
? t ifc* 4 i4!'itu" 1 hyi*da* ''ai m?f fa*
?I "*> . . . t
. i-.-ar -i" a *'?? i*??"d by 0 If. fat t b >m fa?
fatal "*-"*?w Mt,tiaal Wl a be 4 f later
dee by ? ? ?a? ? day I(W tie ^-ty 'f l r <t,M '.>be7
a | in ibei J raait ?T a??, aha dt*d Fna lb* i?<n ef
a paevd ab- 1 ww iwd r*r^*ad at tba k?4a ad ) rwa*ia
y fjlii mb ?? Mae IMtltwi, weiar iba m aw
(tnaUMW -Tba aoiaat.N attwi't b < ad at ba. Id*
W'4tt Mlaal a IM eaate k?iHia| til 4,-awaad ta
tba day |? be ? aana iv?ae wd<a?aiad aha
taw 14 tba . b iftat * MMaaae*-?t t-M* lac w b btaa. aad
ral!ii|k:n. ba>?>aa | ii r(Wf r? a ?? ?!?? ?? a ' ' a< tbedr
**dvl. aid dea ?y a ye^aa bewd ?twu*"-wd.b?U?ag
<>e*a*a,? li ta It- bead i4ih ? 44 'a- d Ute ktli
?HI . ^ ^
... U " ' <"? ? ??<
r,e lha ?- >- " ???'< *' rW,V;
... ft ... . II N*t ara *? l?a at?*?M
at. fdt m T - ie t h I at?d?*'fc
bftat i?|d.

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