OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, May 11, 1864, Image 1

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Grant's Army in Splen
did Condition.
Operations of Sunday, Monday and
Fart of Tuesday.
Warren's Corps in a Stubborn
Fight on Sunday.
Major General John Sedg
wiok Killed.
The Expected Great Battle
The Wounded in Fredericks
The Llentenant General on
the Battle Field.
te. fte.i te
IccnUry Stanton to General Dlz.
Wasbinotos, May 10, 1984.
To lhkjor General Dix:?
Despatches have been received this oventng from
Wajpr General Grant, dated at one o'clock yesterday.
Ike enemy bare made a stand at SpottsyWanla Court
Boose. There bad been some bard Ugbttng; but no gene
nl battle bad uken ptaoe l be re.
I deeply regret to announce that Major Otnnal Sedg
mUk tool killed In yesterday's engagement at Spottsyl
reala, being struck by a ball from a sharpshooter. His
I? Ins are at Fredericksburg, and are expected here to
?Igbt. [A ball entered bis eye and passed through his
kssd, killing bim instantly.]
Tbe army is represented to be in excellent condition,
end with ample supplies.
Gen Robinson and Gen. Morris are wounded. No other
sssoaltles to general officers are reported.
Ota. [H.G.] Wright baa been placed in command of
Sedgwick's corps.
Oen. Grant did not deelgn to renew the attack to-day,
belag engaged in replenishing from the supply train, so
is to advance without it.
Secretary of War.
Mr, J*nu C. Plupktrlek'i Dnpatth,
Washington, May 10, 1864.
Airt are numerous little incidents connected with
n?r| battle the relation of wblch goes to complete its
history. Just aa a faint tint here and tbere lorm lha (In
Wbmg touches to the artist's picture on canvas*.
It may be that tbe story or the battle of the Wilderness
wHI never be fally loH. It was so diverse, eo extended
in Its character, every regiment having a volume or loci
lents to Itself, tbat tbe complete narrative would exhaust
?ven tbe foiloe of tbe War Office.
General Grant's headquarters were located In a field
between tbe plank road and a small road leading to a
WW* hamlet known as Parker's store. During tbe fight,
however, be was principally with General Meade, whose
headquarters were on a plney knoll In the rear of War
ns* corps. 1 bad Keen Grant a. V tckuburg and In
Itweaeee, and hie appearance was familiar; but?sl
?trolled through tbe group of officer* reclining under the
Inee at headquarters I looked for blm some time In vain,
?Mb was bis Insignificant, unpretending aspect and con
tact while the battle wes raging in all its fury. A
stranger to tbe inelgnia of military rank would have lit
Ue dreamed tbat tbe plain, quiet man who sat witb his
back against a tree, apparently heedless and unmoved,
m tbe one upoe whom tbe fortunes of tbe day, If not of
Ike age and country, were hinging, It was only when
??me aid or orderly rode up In bot haste with a com
munication from Borne portion of the battle field that hit
?fas upturned to seek In those ot tbe messenger tbe pur
port of tbe meat ago. The consultation witb General
Meade or tbe direct suggestion or command
all took place with tbat stme imperturbability
?f countenance for which he has always been
remarkable. No movement of the enemv snemed to
pnszle or discoucert him. Fertile In repources, tbe peti
ttoo tor reinforcement was speedily answored. And
while all tbls transpired he stood calmly in tbe gr< up,
?t times smok ng his lavorlte soger? a more vigorous or
? more frequent puffing only Indicating tbe Inward work
ing of tbe mind. If something transpired which he
deemed needed his personal attention, away be darted oq
horseback to the immediate scene, tbe one or two oi his
?Ma and an orderly exerting their utmost to keep up with
him. Arrived on the spot, he calmly considered the mat
Mr requiring bis attontlon, with ready judgment comma
?tested the necessary orders, and ihen galloped away
lo another part of the field, or to his *eat beneath the
pme tree, tbere to enter on the order book some
record of tbe battle'e procreae. U waa amusing again
at times to see him? the Commander In Chief? whittling
?wey with his knife upon the bark of a tree, pausing now
and then to throw In a word or seatence In the conversa
tion of those grouped about, aad then going to work
again with ronewed vigor upon the incision of the pine
Tbe contemplation of this by those who were with blm
at Vtc.ksburg will recall an Incident of % similar character
to tbat memorable (lege. When the columbiads were
mounted In front of Logan'* line General Grant was de
stroue of superintending the operations. Poring tbe pre
liminary work of cutting the embrasures he mounted
the epaulenient, and, while the reboi bullet a struck all
arou.id him, deliberately whittled a rail until tbe guns
war* paoed In position.
Ot Friday tbe heat waa intense. Many of the soldiers
ware sunstruck. Colonel Carrulb, of the Thirty fifth
Massachusetts, commanding a brigade of Stevenson's
fivttiM, ?M 0T|/C??t ?I Utf iwri r p u* ooMeet, j
and wm borne from the field, tbe commuid subsequently
devolving on Colonel Coombs, of tbe fifty-ninth Mmh
cbuseus. This latter regiment loet its colors, and vainly
endeavored to regain tbem by ? doaperate charge. Tbe
Frtty seventh were more fortunate. Their colors were
captured, wben by a desperate charge tbey were retaken,
Colonel Bartiett beading the charge and receiving a
painful though not dangerous bullet wound is the neck.
Colonel Bartiett has already lost a leg in the service
during tbe Peninsular campaign.
Colonel Legeudre, of tbe Fifty-first New York, was
wounded In the face. I saw him as be was borne to the
hospital, and the sight Instantly recalled to my mind tbe
time ol his first wound at the battle of Newberu,wben
the surgeons pronounced his case a mortal one. French
soldiers, many of them at least, have a sort of belief in
tbe laws of chance wbich declare anon lit in idem In
reference to tbe course of a bullet on tbe battle field.
Colonel Legendre's case has disproved tbe (act, as on
both occasions he has been wounded In tbe face.
Tbe quantity of artillery massed in tbe rear of tbe
army waa vast. Battery after battery was huddled to
gelher in tbe open fields, useless in the contest, owing to
the nature of tbe ground.
In order to aid our readers in comprehending more
fully tbe disposition or Crant's army In the battle of the
Wilderness, we publish a map of the Immediate field,
showing tbe location of tbe different corps as tbey fought
on Friday. Tbe general contour of our line was a semi
circle, seal loped so as to form a trefoil on tbe border of
an ace of clubs. No name could bo more appropriately
given iho battle tban that of tbe Wilderness. A dense
wood, extending several miles east and west and south of
the tnrnpike and plank road, was tbe position occupied
by the rebels. Besides tbe usual timber, tbe intervals be
tween the trees were filled with stunted pines and cedars
Along tbefrontof this position the rebels introncbed them
selves, behind extemporized barricades of felled timber
and brush lightly covered with earth. Besides this natural
wilderness, a sollection of bouses at tbe junction of tbe
turnpike and plank road Is known as Wilderness Tavern,
while a stream flows through tbe vicinity called Wilder
ness run. It is a tributary of tbe Rapldao. Tbe rear of
the Sixth cerps and of a portion of the Fifth corps rested
near its right bank. An examination of the map will
also afford an easy comprehension of tbe matmer in which
General Grant solved the problem jf Friday night, when
affairs possessed so gloomy an aspect. Tbe vigor of the
rebel attack on tbe right threatened tbe separation of
Sedgwick's corps. In the middle or the night, however,
General (Jraut moved the troops back by tb? Ely 's ford
road to t& turnpike, and thence to the left. Warren's
corps thus became tbo f.treuie right. The general
line ol battle was thus unchanged , so that when, on featur
day morning, the enemy found no force to oppose tbem
in tbe vicinity of Germanna ford, and a large force concen
trated on their right, nc alternative was left them but to
retreat. As if by a magician's wand, the whole aspect of
affairs was changed, and the anxiety of Friday night
turned to a feeling or inexpressible relier by Saturday
noon, when tbe success of tb? movement manifested
itself in tbe retirement of tbe rebels from their position
of the two previous days. General Grant was not slow to
take advantage of the opportunity thus afforded for
another advance. By Saturday evening tbe whole army
was again In motion toward Spousylvania Court House,
and for tbe details of his operations in that vicinity we
now await with breathless interest.
Mr. S. CadwallBder't Despatch.
Wirqmgtok, May 10, 1364.
At three o'clock on Saturday afternoon I left the head
quarters of the army in the Held, near the old Wilderness
Tavern, and started for Washington, with full reports of
the battle, and a complete list of casualties to that time
general Lee baa just turned our right flank on the road
to Germanna ford, and our cavalry were dashing into the
lines Id great disorder, reporting the advance of rebel
Infantry In great strength. To avoid these, Mr.
Fltzpatrlck and myself took the road to Ely's
ford. Intending to proceed from there to Rap
pahannock Station, and thence to Washington by rail.
It was understood at that time that a Urge number of
slightly wounded and sick were to be sent back to the
Washington hospitals, under a strong cavalry escort.
When near Ely's we were overtaken by Mr. Cropsey,
correspondent of the I'hiladelphla Inquirer. He had
heard in some way of our having started for Washington,
and determined to overtake and accompany us. At Ely's
ford we learned that no trains were in readiness, and de
termined to push on alone. The distance to Rappahan
nock Station was about tweoty-flvo miles by the road we
designed to travel.
ocm march ? rxtON troop* met.
This we supposed we could easily traverse by midnight,
and if no train was likely to leave early the next day we
could ride to Washington on horseback by Sunday even
log. We bad less hesitation in undertaking the midnight
ride from knowing that about three hundred of our ca
valry had crossed at the lord hair an hour before, going
In the same direction. But "the best laid schemes of
mice and men aft gang aglee," and ibis proved no ex
Night found us a few miles from Ely's, on the road to
Keiley's lord. Tnere was no moonlight, and the road
was gloomy and forbidding. Thoughts of rebs, robbers
and Ltbby prison were suggested by everything animate
and inanimate. At a turn In the road we discovered a
squad of Infantry approaching from the opposite- direc
tion. The order to "bait and advance singly" was
obeyed, and they proved to be Union soldiers, in somo
way separated from their command, nud pushing ahead to
rejoin It. We certainly breathed freer on learning who
they were, and sincerely hope they did the same they
had seen no rebels on the road, and believed none wore
In the vicinity.
tit* ot or* capitrk.
Yet, before we had advanced fifty yards from that po
sition, and while tho dusky forms of the infantry could
be dimly seen in the distance, live mounted men plunged
into the rond from the thicket that skirted It, in our
front and rear, snd toe click of revolvers at our earn was
instantaneous. "Surrender, give up your arms, speak
and yon die," were the gentle but persuasive admoni
tions of our new-found friends and admirers! We were
surprised, surrounded, unarmed, defenceless. Compli
ance with their modest demands bec-imn a "military
necessity." One of the bold riders spurred to the side
of each, satisfied himself thai we were Indeed unarmed,
and taking our borsei by tbe reins, followed the captain
(>f the party hastily through an open apace of ground to
?ome limber In the distance, where wo were compelled
to dismount and submit to still further Interrogatories
and examinations. Our story was briefly ami truly told.
We nere newspaper correspoi dents, and could in no esse
be considered a part of tho army. Our being unarmed
at such a place and st such time proved us not belltger
ents. I stated that 1 had boen captured before,
never detained to e\<;e?<l sn hour, and expected
to be promptly di?mi*sed again. For this reaeoa I
?rged tliem ti take us I" some gullible place
examine our credentials and pa|>er* to sati?fy themselves
that we repre- ented our doN|WM trul> , and then allow
ns to proceed unmolested on our way to Washington Hut
the proposition found small favor hi their eyee. We were
mounted, taken through dark forests, deep ravine*, de
serted isrm?, blind puttie and family house vards, till the
roar ?f tailing water proclaimed the presence ot some mill
dam on the Rappahannock.
oi r hopes? ovr Roonnta run
The skylight died out with the prospect of escai*. at
we rode in sllen. e through the dismal waters and lorests,
and the stunted plnee on every hand seemed tbe spectres
ot departed hopes.
Oh, w.m vou never eaptured,
And feel tbe bitter pain
That heavy sinking of tha heart
You ne'er shall feel again'
We finally lorded the Kappahannock, at an obecure
ont oi the wav plaee, for from house or road, and late is
the night struck the main road leading down to Fredericks
burg. our captors stopped at one or two lonely bouses,
and. nftrr short whisiiered consultations with the
inmates at the door, proceeded in silence as before.
Wo were Anally dismounted at tbe house <if
Mr. strlngfellow, near Cold Spring, our horsee
unsaddled and i?d, and our papers examined, when wc all
retired to annpper room, containing three wlde.ttfd fash
ioned leather beds, and were allowed to sloep till davltght
Our captors stood guard over ns ail night and were as
lynx eyed and vigilant to prevent onr escape as though
we were modern Atlaso- . with the entire weight of tbe
bogus confederacy on our shoulders.
we were ordered out. Two of the party and myself rode
to the house of Mr Sears, near by , for breakfast, and the
balance of the party honored Mr Strlngfellow b? accepting
a similar hospitality, or our breftkfMt too no" in |walse
cannot be said. It had the redeeming tent I ? heir.g
?ftf fcmglj preeemed. nor rw?l"< * wU#
genuine housekeeper does not ? that she bad nettling
better to otter us Her husband In a prisoner In Washtiig
ton? an old, gray beaded man. If be ever meds a break
itM.be may draw on me lor tbe favor. Ad bour later
tbe party wa a reunited, and the captain announced hi*
Intention ot taking ua ic F.vC-r'cfcSbiirg, and turning ui
over to General Fltzhugh I,ee. "Llohy," with all Its re
counted and uncounted horrors, teemed gaiilcj 10 receive
us. When near Fredericksburg agenulno"butbw.^.i?tr,"
on foot, in citizen's clothes, armed with a double shotgun,
emerged from the thicket at the side or tbe road, aod
Informed the party tub rota that General bee was not in
Fredericksburg, but thai tbe '-Yonks" were. Tbi?
caused an Immediate "change of base."
Our ad vance got into a skirmish with what we now know
to have been a squad of wounded I'nion soldier* on their
way to Aquia creek. In tbe melee wc were ordered to
the rear in charge of a sergeant, and managed to escape
into tbe deuse thickets that covered the neighbor
hood, minus horses, clothing, everything but
what was on our persons The unexpected presence
of our straggling men disconcerted our captors and
probably compelled them to secure their own safety
at the risk of losing us. Heavy firing was plainly beard
at tbts time in tbe direction of Cbancellorsville. and an
nounced tb a tbe mighty contest between tbe armies was
not ?occluded.
were eagerly perusod by tbe rebels, who seemed to at
tach the utmost importance to their capture and aston
ishment at tbtt amount of labor expended in compiling
lists of casualties. Ibe latter they claimed were far short
of tbe real loss to us in battle, but greatly larger than
tbov supposed it possible we oould obtain io so short a
time. In short, they unwittingly paid a high tribute to
Herai.p enterprise, and were even sufficiently gracious
to compliment Mr. Cropscy.
OUR rRRKDOX a*i> how bmpioyktv
On finding ourselves Indeod free, a council of war was
called, In which it was determined that we should strike
across to Aqu iaj creek as tbe nearest point on tbe Poto
mac river, and endeavor to board some passing steamer.
Tbe country was evidently full of enemies, many of
whom were guerillas. Our only safely lay in avoiding
roads and travelling undiscovered. M'e started at noon
on Sunday. Of tbe toll and fatHrue of the trip 1 havo
little disposition to apeak. We were taxed to me utmost
limit of human endurance. Tbe country was exceedingly
broken and woody, the ravines all inclined to tbe Rap
pahannock for several miles, and bad to bo crossed at
right angles to preservo our di-ect course. No bill, no
forest, no jungle, was permitted to cause material devia
tion. NoMiing but tbe presence of roads, habitations
and people deterred us in tbe least, but flicse exerted
peculiar terrorism.
"a iiawo? a boy? akothkr dawi; "
On one occasion the lurious barking of a dog betrayed
tbe presence of a mountain cabin in tbe forest, and
came near discovering us to a party or stalwortb rebels
who were lounging in tbe yard.
on another, while seated for a short rest In a thicket,
a boy and aog came along a .path within a few feel of
where we s it, but nether discovered our presence
When about half of our Journey bad been accomplished,
night came upon us in the edge of the open country on
Potomac creek, and we lay in a thicket by the side of
tbe stream till nearly midnight. A few hours' travol
brought us, through tangled brush and briers, to wltbiu
a mile of the railroad crossing of l'otomac creek, wnero
we lay till daylight revealod our position.
From there to Aquia creek wns made by nine o'clock. 1
without Interruption , although a mounted rebel scout was
observing and following us some distance.
we found about three hundred wounded solldiers (a list I
of which was published In yesterday's Hkralo). who bad
walked the entire distance from the battle ground, by
way of Fredericksburg, and bad been compelled t > light
their way a part of the time, though by far the largest
portion were unarmed, 1'he citizens of Fredericksburg
offered them every indignity possible as they passed
thro gh tbe city, and the soldiers were with difficulty re
strained from tiring and destroying the place.
wk ti'rm mmmnn ? on stem*
As vessels fear decors, they rarely answer signals from
the Virginia shoro of tbe l'otomac. Tbe soldiers were
busily engnged constructing rafts from fhe debris of rall
ro.id ol'itforms and torn down bouse", with the Intention
of crcsi-ing tbe river to Point Tobacco, i 1 making the
best or their way here on the Maryland auoro Ye cor
respondents not caring to be behind in enterprise, or in
literal fact, began the construction of a nondescript ma
rine craft capable of c.irrylng three persons, and were
embarked on the bosotn of the river by noon.
The government transport IMaMt llarton, 'aptaln
Raker, came along, found the river covered with rafts
kindly furniehed ail a free passage to Washington, and
placed everything on b .:?rd the vessel at tbe disposal of
tbe wounded and hungry men. To Captain Haker tbe
thanks of nearly three hundred men and tbe press gang
are due. and are hereby tendered, with good wishes for
bissuccsss In li.e,snd also or bis brine Rebecca.
A more footsore, exb rusted and hungry trio conld not
hive been found at Monday noon than we Of the reporto ?
rial corps To a detachment of the Ninth Virginia
cavalry? our captors ? commanded by Captain Curtis, we '
bave a debt to cope!. We hope to repay It In kind with
reasonable And snfticient interest.
If wc do but bide the hour,
There never yet was hum in power
That could csoape, If unforglven,
Tbe patient search and vigil long
Of him who treasures up a wrong.
Oar Army Correspondence.
Hk.umi arti:rs, in tbk 1' b.d, )
Pi?ity Vtunrti ?'Ht s ii, May k. 18?M. |
Wc left our last headquarters at Wilderness run t
night at dark, and rati o to our preseut position, reaching
here at nine A. M. Oenerals t.'rai.t and Meade came by
way of the Old Itrook road and Todd a tavern, a distance
ef some twelve miles. The Brook road makes off from
the Krederieksburg and Orange planxmad about a m.le
east of the Intersection of the (Culpepper nnd Frederick*
burg and Fredericksburg and orange plankroads, running
In a southeasterly 1 irection to the old Fredericksburg and
Orange court < >use turnpike, and leading directly to
Hpotisylvaiiia < r House. A glance at tbe map will
give a better Id ;he poeltions or tbe roads than can
be acquired ft t 'lug ?ny description of my own.
The lightiOK yesterday was but light, except that be
tween tbe cavalry ?Diler Sheridan and the enemy's under
Stuart, on our extreme left, In the vicinity of Todd's
tavern, six miles north or gpottsylvanla Court House.
Portions of the Pecond, Fifth tin 1 nth corps were en
gaged at Intervals with smtll bodies of the enemy, snd
these encounters generally terminated In success on our
part. Towards evening it bocame apparent that tne main
body of tbe enemy had withdrawn, leaving only a strong
llae of skirmishers on our front aad flanks. Indeed,
during the entire day we discovered that the enemy
<Md not make so strong a res is tin o as on the
day previous, and from tho developments it became
evident that l.ee was moving his columns toward Spott
sy 'vania and Fredericksburg, Ord 's then were ssaed
to the surgeona in ?har,;? of the It ipit ils in remove their
sick and noun led to My a foi d , and the supply trains
wero onV red to move it tho night lo tbe vlclnily of
) He cvfofl at dark yae* )M u?e
or march by way of Brook road, followed by Warren's
Fifth cor pa on tbe snme route. Sedgwick and Burnsido
took the old Cbanceltorsville road, and came forward,
arriving on the field near Spottsylvonia at noon to-day.
Warren proceeded to a point about two miles from
Bpottsylvania Court House, where he cams up with the
cavalry , who were engaging the enemy. Ha immedi
iu?!y set to work, and a terrific contest Is now going on
but an et "*t Is alraady In their saddles bound for Wash
ington, and must close without giving the result of the
contest. We have no .">ars, however, for we have
whipped the roe regularly so far, and expect to be able to
continue the chapter oT viotories.
This Is the roarth day of uninterrupted fighting, and
our troops are feeling the effector their labor severely
All agree that to-day will tell the story.
I eend you a further list of casualties reported np to
last night. Generals Shaler and Seymour are prisoners.
Generals Baxter, Getty and Robinson are wounded.
Genorals A. Hays and J. 8. Wadsworth are killed. We i
lost ulue colonels killed and twenty-two wounded.
In the Fisi.n, May 8? P. M.
Wiih us this has been decidedly the sultriest day of the
season, and our troops have sutlered not lesa Irom the
e (Tec is of the pun than from their encounters with the
enemy. In coming from Chanrellorsvilie to this point,
about three milea Irom Spottsyivania Court House, I
noticed at least about twenty cases of coup <U loliW, and
tho|proairation muat hive been even greater on the more
active porticos of tbe field.
When I c!o~ed my letter this morcing I expected to be
able to get a messenger through by an escort which was
promised to go back. Indeed, the troops was made ready
and mounted, but for some reason tbe order was counter
manded, and now I am told there will be no more chances
to send despatches until the present contest is deflnltelv
Tbe fighting to day bag been confined thus far princi
pally to the Filth corps and tbe cavalry, and to the early
part of the day
ins Roin take*.
Moving down In a southeasterly direction through
ibe Wilderness, from Wilderness run toward
Spottsylvania Court House, we pasa for seven
miles through a dense wood, with scarce an
opening until we emerge luto the plantation
country near the confluence of the lireck roid and that
leading northward to Chancellorsvilie and Ely's Ford, at
Todd s Tavern. Fortunately our march through the Wil
dcrnoss was unobstructed, as the enemy was not looking
for a flank movement in that direction , and at daylight
this morning the Fifth corps came upon Gregg's force, at
the Junction of the two roads, who were engtgmg the
enemy with his cavalry and stexdily driving them.
At that hour it was not thought that the enemy b?d
more in our front than tbe cavalry, with which oura had
been fighting all tbe time since Wednesday : but a mile be
yond Tortd'a (Jen. Warren came upon tbe Infantry, under
I-ongelreet and Kwell. The rebel cavalry were with
drawn, and our own and I.ea-a Infantry again stood f,ce
to face, and the musketry again opened.
The field where tbe fighting took place to day la situated
about three miles north of Spottsylvania Court House,
to the left of the Brock road, stretching away to the
east towarda tbe Spottsylvania ana Fredericksburg road.
A large cultivated farm, owned by a Mr. J. M. Alsop,
wns tbe ccntro of tbe theatre of tbe tragedy, but the ter
rible fray extended in either direction for two or three
The topography of tfce field may be described aa con
eislmg of a succosalon of low parallel ridges, dotted here
and there with thick grevea of pino and ccdar, for a
distance of perhaps a mile from the poiut where we break
from the Wilderness into tbe open country. Then there
Is a higher range of hills, well wo>dod. The Brock road
runs |.astthe south and oast aid's or Alsop's [?rm over
Sv river, a branch or tbe Mattacoey creek, to Spotsyl
vanla Court House. An old road runs from tbe bend of
the Brock road directly to Spottsylvania through Alsop a
farm. It was upon this road that Warren farmed bis
corpa when he found himself confronted by the rebel
infantry. Of tho the detaila of the light, positions, fcc., I
shall write nothing, as Moc*rs. Reclrick an I Bulkley
have already prepared elaborato.accounts, which ara sent
When the enemy found that we had left the vicinity or
W i.lerness run, lata on Saturday night, ho seams to
bivu divined General Grunt s tactics and set ahr.ut
thwarting him. Ewall'a corps, with a part of Long*
sir- < t's, were marched upnn tbe doub o quick by an
Inner road towards Spotisyivnnia Court House, reaching
the scene of action almultur.euusly wKh Warren, and it
is the sefurcs we have beeu contending witb to day.
The Battle on Snnday.
Mr. A. L. Ilrndrli k'a Despatch.
lls*r>Qt'ARTBM Firm Army Com-*, May R
And the work of war still goes on. This carps has
a*a m been heavily angaged to-day. The closest and
severest contest of the day baa only Just ended n?,
column msrebed all night. It wns tbe last to leave the
liitrenchments where the battles of the Wilderness were
fought and, Brat in the fight mere, waa first alao iD tbe
light here.
Taking the Brook road, by way of Todda tavern and
moving separata from train., 0.,r march was nnob
strutted and rap.d. It waa not mo.d, ?f course, where
we wesld meet the enemv. A rumor prevailed tbat only
Fwetl's corps was auyiB, and t||>| ^ ^
or the rebel army was hurrying, with all iws.
sihle speed, to resist the advance of ?),ner?l Hntlrr s
forces on Richmond. The day a eventa developed a
ill. To rent state of alTalra.
There had baen a eavalry fight In rroot of ua and a
repart came to General Warren that only cav.iir* -nd
tome artillery bad been seen. and priaonera said there
was no infantry near ua. The rasnlt showed this state
mentto be inform, t. Advancing from Tndd s tavern,
en Ibe road to Spottsj Ivaoia Court House, four regiment,
of General Han let t's brigade, of General Hrif
Ou'f 4j?I?jor? lha ?ut| Miches*, Fcrt^-fowth Jf?v
Pitfhly third Penney Ivani* ?od Eigh
teen h Massachusetts regtmeoia- were ?eo? ahead I
M akirmiabera. A, pM,(KJ <owf|
road abeca w.,a hurlea M u# wllb gr#%l rapm,ir 0#B
Warreu and staff were advancing do?? ;u< asm* rou
?eoerai Warren bad b>? norae disabled ay ? piece of
"bell. l ieutenant Colonel I. ocae, bs ?a..auu. adjutant
general , ?i bit in (he cbeek by a ragroeot -* * ahe'.i,
inflicting a severe but i>oi dangerous wound. Tue (Jone
ral and naff, however, marched on, regardless ol tne
?ngoroua m i^wiloa railing about them rurlouaiy and fast.
- veral casualties occurrel amoog the troops by tbo
_*? we advanced the enemy fell back, making only
Blight roiieUuco. Keac .ing what .8 called Allaop'a
rm, we came into a clearing or about a hundred acre.,
and triangular lu form. The rebel artillery bad been at.
tloued in tin* clearing. To the rear or the clearing la Ny
Kun, a small stream, affording no obstacle to the advance
0 troopa. Tbe woods are a mixture ol plno, cedar and
oak, but uot go dense as the scene of our late battles.
1 he wooded ground rises beyond the Kun and la ridgy I
At the opening into tbe cloaring tbe road torka, both
loading to Spottsylvanla Court House, some three miles
dmtant irom tbls point.
The battle line as formed comprised Goneral Griffin's
division, on the right, aud Geoer.it Roblnson'e, on the
o(t. lhe enemy's artillery was uow located In a small
clearing on the ridge front lug ua. Captain Martins, Com
pany C, Tbird Massachusetts Battery, and Lieutenant
Rltleubonse, Company D, Firth United States artillery,
were stationed on the right rorfc of tfao road and com
manding the rebel batteries. Tboy aont back counter i
Tbe line of battle advanced through the clearing, flav
lug driven tho enemy up to this po.ut two mi.os into tbe
woods fronting us, our forces pushed tbem; and
now began tbe serious opening or tbe day'e
work, our troops ran on to three fines of the
enemy, tbo last behind earthworks. Two corps or the
enemy Ewell's and Longstroet s-as was afterwarda as
i ortalned, were hero awaiting us. Tbe flghtjwas terrible.
Ibe remaining divisions of the corps? General Crawford's
*nd General Wadswortb'a, tbe latter now commanded by
General Cutler? were hurried forward rapidly. The light
becamo general ami lasted Tour bour?.
Our troops behaved magnificently, keeping at
bay more than treble tbeir number. It will
bo understood i hut the remaining corps of tho
nrmv, which had taken tbo road by way of chauuellore
villo for this point, were still behind. It would not do to
be driven back, and our men fought with a desperation,
ihowing not only their usual Orm courage, but fullest ap
preclatlon or the position or affairs and the importance
of holding tbolr ground.
This opening fight commenced about eight A. M.
In the afternooQ there ivas a succession of other
battles., the Firth still being engaged. Just be
fore night one brigade or tho Sixth corps
went to tho assistance or tbe corps, and, with this ex
ception, the Firth did all the day's lighting. The cloalng
struggle or tbe day was, ir anything, more desperate
than tho one or the morning. The Horcost effort was
made by tbo e jy to drive as back and get on our
flanka; but the coolness and oourago of our men repelled
every effort.
We have beaten the enemy; b*, It baa been a most
coetly victory. Oor losses are a*, down as thirteen
hundred? killed, missing and wounded. To night our
division is commanded by a colonel. Brigades have loat
their commanders, and I know of one regiment? tbe
fourth Michigan? that la commanded by a flrgL Iteu
General Roblnaon, early In tbe engagement or bis dlvl
aion, waa shot through the knee. The bone ia thought to
be ahatterred, and that tbe limb will have to be ampu
tated. Colonel Coulter now commands the division.
Colonel Iiennison, commanding the Third brigade of the
Fourth division, Is wounded in the arm.
Captala Martin is allghtly wounded in the neck. His
battery loat two killed and seven wounded.
Among tbe kilted is Colonel Ryan, One Hundred and
fortieth New York. Be waa formerly Aesietant Adju
tant General of General Sykee. was a graduate of West
Point and a young and most promlalng officer.
Major Stark, ef hia regiment, waa alao killed.
But I cannot particularize the killed and wounded at
the time of aending this despatch, which I hare to close
abruptly, to avail myseir of a poesible proapect of get
ting it through.
Several regimenta have Buffered terribly. The First
Michigan, which went in with nearly two hundred men,
came out at the end of tbe cloalng fight with only twenty- I
three men left. The Thirty-aecond Massachusetts regi- '
ment. Colonel Prescott, captured the Sixth Alabama
regimental flag
At half-past five P. M. both Lieutenant
(.eneral Grant and General Meade visited tbe
scene or action. They rode directly to the front.
Not only did the troop* not engaged cheer tbem lustily ,
but the meu in battle, knowing their presence, fought
with more determined desperation.
In my next despatch I shall labor to send a complete
list of tbe day's casualties. Meantime the beat po<*tble
attention ia being given to the wounded by Dr. Milbnu,
Cbier Surgeon or tbe corps, and hia assistants. Captain
IHinn, chier ambulance officer, haa brought all our
wounded rrom the field.
Tbe weather has been Intensely hot, and there have
been during the day many aun strokes of our exhausted
soldier a.
The Situation on Monday.
MoxnAT, May 8, 1864.
We have now been out six days, and have bean fighting
continuously . We have succeeded Id penetrating tome
fifteen miles Into the rebel territory, and bare fifty milee
further to fo to gel to Richmond. We bave eaten and
uaod up a very large proportion of tbe supplies wbicb we
look with us. If tbe rebela give as as raucb trouble oo
tbe rest of tbe route as tbey have thus far our chances
for sucess are slim Indeed.
Oar losses bavo been terrible. I hardly dare to give
my own opinion as to tbe numbers, but I tbinlc I aui
within bounds when I give the estimates of those who
are supp<ted to know, as follows ?Killed, three thou
sand, wounded, eighteen thousand; missing, tlx thou
sand. Total, twenty seven thousand.
The Fighting on Tuesday.
Oar Army Correspondence.
Ahmt or nut I'onoiU'', May 10, 1864.
Major Central John Sedgwick, commanding the Sixth
corps, wm Killed yesterday morning while standing with
l olo tie I McMalion and Major Wither, of his stuff, inside of
an outer line of works two mrtes from Hpottsylvanla
Court House. He was killed, not In action, but by a
sharpshooter. Tbe built* entered bis bead about an inch
below the left eye, and paased out Just buck of the right
ear He died Instantly. Ills death has cast a gloon over
the entire army. No General m the service was more re
tpectcd and beloved.
Brigadier General Wm. H. Morris, commanding the
First brigade, Third division, of tho Sixth corps, was
wounded yesterday, but not dangerously, by a Mill e
shot through tbe thigh.
NiiiAim srxr t<i wAtinmiro*.
Tbe bodies of t.eoerals Sedgwick and Flays are being
tax. n to Washington to-day.
TBS rifl HT 1 1*0 TO DAT.
Tbere was but very iiHie tigbiing to-day, except skir
mieblng until very late, and 1 have not learned what
was tbe result.
i t a tows*.
Our looses in general officers during tbe five days' fight
ing sre ?
Kit ltd ? Major General Jofcn Sedgwick, Prigad'er (Jen
eral James Wadswortb, and llrigadier General Alex
ander Hays.
Hvumlmi? Brigadier Generals G. W. <?etty, W. H.
M"rns, H Haxter and Kooirison.
/?rttvntr.'? Generals Sbaier and Seymour.
The body of lieutenant Colonel a B. Chapman, oeir
warning the Fifty ?eventb regiment Now York Volun
teers. who was tUled oti Thursday, has bteo tent bome.g
ilkar*itJA*it ae, Akmt or tux I'ot?mai , I
Mty 10, 1864. j
f it day* of eoaikouooa marching and fighting Jus found
us exhausted almost to tbe last extremity ; but we are In
as good spirits as tired and tleepy men
v?U i*H H. Wur rau*t arc U'lAficd^ but wUI ?r? left
are as ready to resume our danger* ami trials ?n
we were anion* to commence them and noiw Umi muig
(be hardships we bave endured, and tbe grief we are ex
perienclng for tbe loss of our breve comrades iu arms,
we are willing to euder bill! more for tbe country of our
birth aod adoption.
Yesterday we bad a respite from tbe fearful onleal of
conflict. Early Id tbe day we bad order* to bold tbe p< si
ttooi we bad taken, but not to tight unless we were at
tacked. Occasionally bowever, a report from amui-ket
would be beard, and then tbe bellleb wbistle of a Mini, n
ball above our bead*; but tbere wae none of tbut cootinu
ous rattle of small arm*, or tbe booming ef artillery , al
ready so common place, and our weary troope rented
from their labors uj on tbe ground wbicb tbeir valor
bad won.
We bare gradually pushed tbe enemy toward Rich
mond, aod baro penetrated to the Ny river, wblcb m
about two miles to the northward if Spotsy Ivaoia
Court House. The enemy are In force upon our front,
Ewell holding tbe tuwn and heights this side of the Court
It baa been a contoet of generalship thus far between
Grant and l.ee,and time and combinations can only deter
m me which I* the greatest. Thin morning a heavy can.
nouading ha* begun, but I cannot wait for the result, an
1 learn that tbe Heralo'b correspondents ami iuo*>F<'ngora
bave failed to get through, and now I Khali carry this to
Wasbingten or Richmond.
FKunnKicKsnriin, May 10? Noon.
Tbe csnnonadlng baa been incessant all the forenoon.
Not a moment of lull has existed since sunrise, aod I
should not be surprised if Leeway making towards tbo
lino of tbe Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad, hp the
reports or tbe artillery seem to be further aod fortbar
hourly to tbe eastward.
The Flret Oeipatch>
Washiwoto*, May 19, 16M.
A messonger got In last night rrom the army who left
Spottsylvanla yestonlay at twelve o'o'.odh, <ind come on
horseback to Aquia creek, and thence came op on a
At twolve o'clock yesterday a heavy fight wae going on
at Spottsylvanla Court House.
We held tbe placo at tbat hour, and Lee gave evidenco
of being weakened and of falling back.
Tbe messenger had an escort of one hnndred and Bfty
rv ? -in ' i guerillas wore frei|iiently encountered
upon il. t;?/, It is not Improbable tbat many of tbo
erjt'irt wore captured when reluming to tbe army.
Our wounded are reported to bo tlfteon thousand, most
of wboiu aro at Fredericksburg, and so thlok tbalth. y
are lying In tbe streets and npon the pavomeni.1. A
cavalry patrol ordered out eould not do duty, an II waa
difficult to pass between tbe rows of wounded without
trampling upon tbem.
It Is said tbere are between two thousand and three
thousand rebel wounded (left upon tbe Held) tbere also.
Tbe brigade in which wero tbe Baxtor Zouaves was cut
up badly.
The Second Despatch,
Wasrihutoji, Muy 10, 1804.
It Is believed from tbe reports which bave reached
hero to-night tbat tbere was no general engagement
yesterday. But, as heavy bring was beard tbls morning
at Aqu la Creek, in tbe direction of Spottsylvanla Court
House, the contoet must have been renewed.
Our forces do not occupy tbe latter place, but are
within eeveral mites of It.
Large numbers of wounded are reaching Fredericks
burg, and many of tbe officers who are wounded are ex?
pectod to arrive in Washington to morrow.
The Third Deapatelt.
?> . "iukmtos. May 10, 1804.
Tbe Army of tbe Potomac ban bad a portion of a day te
General Barastde on Thursday began tbe a*Uck on tbe
left with great fury, and with an encouraging degree of
success. He bad a light tbo day before. In wblcb, to use
bis own words, he "whipped Old Longstreet."
Our army could not be In a more cheerful condition.
All tbe men are sanguine of success, and tbey count the
days wben tbey shall In trlumpb enter tbe rebel capital.
(Jen. Lee lately Issued an order in relation to supplies,
in wblcb be . said rvmmunicatirrn with Richmorvi was c?l
of and it was impossible to furnuh th?. men with utoru. (Jen.
I/ill' t corps had no rations issued for thru day I. General
Lee enjoyned upon bis mon tbe necessity of capturing
supplies from tbe Yankees. Up to this moment tbey bave
failed to capture a single wagon.
Tbe roads are in excellent travelling order, but very
All tbe battles thus far bave been a series of attacks
aod repulses. Muskets were almost entirely used. Th?
swampy nature of tbe grouad rendered artillery imprac
Lee absolutely claims a victory, wben be withdraws
from our front and marches towards Richmond.
General Torbett's division of cavalry whipped tbe rebel
cavalry near tbis place and drove tbem from
Spottsylvanla Court House, but, being reinforced
with Infantry, thoy drove our cavalry a short distance.
The Maryland brigade, Fourth division, Sixth corps, com
ing to their support, the lighting was exceedingly fierce.
General Torbett and General Robinson were both wound
ed, and are on tbeir way to W.ishlngton.
In Fredericksburg to-day there were over twelve
thousand of our wounded, who bave been
crowding into tbe town since Sunday morn og.
Wben tbe first party of three hundred maimed
and bleeding soldiers came into the city, Mayor Slaughter
and If r. Mayer, a prominent citizen, rail led a few guer
illas and marched tbem Into tbo rebel lines as prlsooers
of war. Mayor Slaughter and bis frioods are now m tbo
guardhouse of Fredericksburg.
Pontoons bave been laid across tbe Rappahannock bo
low Fredericksburg, over which there will be commanl*
cation to Aqula Creek, where our transports lie, a dis
tance of about eight miles from Fredericksburg.
Guerillas abound throughout tbe country in our rear.
A report gaioed credence on Tuesday morning tbat our
cavalry bad captured at Guroney's Station a train of cam
which had been sent from Richmond for tbe rebel
wounded, aod tbat they tore up tbe track tbere.
The bodies of General* Sedgwick, Wadswortb and flays
reached Washington to-night.
Alargeaumber of wounded bave arrived from Acquia
WAewm.TU!*. May 10, 1SA4
Tn cor.seqiience of the capture of the re|>orts of tha
Hf.kjilp correspondents on .'aturday, and the full lists of
killed and wounded which had been compiled by tho
ll?R/i.i' corps of army correspondents, II i? impossible to
relieve the Interne anxiety of (hose who have friends id
the f'nion army to know of their safety or other* |?>,
Bui ? few of the wounded have a* yet arrived tiore, anil
none of them are seriously Injured. It will be impossible,
for two or three d?ys yet, for ttio bulk of the wound*! to
l?e transported to this city.
The Sanitary Commission ?ent down to Pelle Plain ano
tber steamer l< aded with hospital mpu w and a lar^o
number of nurses to relieve the sufferings of our wound,
ed. The Commission will continue to tend forward sup,
piie* and assistance as they may be needed.
Phyildani and Money for the Wonndnl.
fkmton, May 10, I8M.
Three physcians lert Fltchburg, Mass. , yesterday, with
11.700 in money and a large quantity of supplies, con
tributed by the citizens for the wounded.
Hospital Stores tor the Wonncteri.
Wawumto*, May 10, 1S64.
The foiled States Sanitary C'mmlwlon sent this morn*
ing to Aqnl* creek a siciuii boat which had been previously
chartered and loaded with some seventy or eighty tons
of hospital stores, also a barge loaded with wagons aoil
horses for transporting these supplies to Fredericks*
burg or eieewhern With tho steam hoot and huge were
sent sixty relief agents and nurses, all carefully traine<i
for the wirk By " feeding stations at various points
the Commission Dope to meet the most urgent need.
!faritl for the Wotinded.
Thksto*, S. J , May 10, lt#4.
Governor Tarker ha? sent some persona to I- rederifM
burg to act as nursee to the wounded soirfn>? "f "?>?

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