Newspaper Page Text
TOE CHICAGO CONVENTION. Immense Crowds on Hand Awaiting Its Opening. Forty Thousand Strangers in fhe City. Gen. McCleUan the Prospective Nominee. tiocnsing of the Delcg&tlesi (rem tbe Veritas States. Designs of the Peace Men Relative to McClellan and Seymour. The Monster Mass Meetings of Saturday Last, fevi? a?H Mi THE SPECIAL HERALD DCSPATCHES. Chicago, August 28, 1864. Sunday morniug ban found everything in a commotion. the New York detonation remained In session until one A. M , and (lien mljournoil with the agreement that thoy ihould tak't i? vote oa Monday morning, at nine o'clock, "or a candidate. Ibis failure to c ino to a square vote before tbev adjourned has set eveivthiug by sixes and j sevens again this morning. All manner 01 rumors arc floating about In regard to the Qbaugo of front or this and that rteleg .tion, every one of which, as fur us I have oeen ablo to truce tbem buck, are the more inventions of some blowers, or persons who twve been m iking hots and aro taking tbat course in the 'jopes of wi ning. At a late hour last night the opposition to McClellan ' gave up tbo rentes t; but they cro at their old game again tbis morning, and muniie-l hopes that the New York delegation will give Seymour a complimentary vote, rbeu they w ill turn over a portion o other delegations m the complimentary vote to prevent New York from Jropping bim on the next ballot; but the majority of the New York delegation will not be caught in thai trap. I The Penusy lvatiia delegation have become very bitter vgainst the Seymour faction, and call them a sot of Macklegs and gamblers, wbo are hero betting and specu lating upon the lilo blood of the nation. It is to see bow Fernando Wood Is using those geutletneu who were formerly with him in Mo/art Hull, and wbo are now le?ders in the new organization iu New York against bim. These gentlemen have .lumped into the movement for Seymour, and Wood remains in his room, chuckling and crowing over how be is making tools of ibe fools, as be calls them, and then adds, "I don't care five cents for Seymour; be Isonlyaconve moot tool just now. Kvery man who is in favor or the independence of the South is working for Seymour." These facts have become so apparent tbat the entire itegency, even to Cassidy, are now against Seymour. TboTfcw York delegation bold* the tate of the Conven tion in their own bands, all rumors to the contrary not withstanding. Their vote will be given for McClellan, except it may be tbat of John McKeon, wbo doclares tbat ie will vote for Charios O'Conor. There will be thousands of rumors today; bat they will bo of little ellect; for the large bulk of the delegates lave now become convinced tbat Seymour Is being run for mischiei by Wood, the betters and the real secesh. 1 predict that It will result in Seymour presenting Merid ian's name. He begins to see tbe trick. Kverv State but New York, Kansas and Iowa has taken a vote on candidate. Mc'Tellan bad a large majority In ovory State that bag voted, except Oaio, and in many of Chem it is unanimous. The Connecticut i-t the only New Fngland delegation In wbich tbere is any strong opposi tion. There is a desperate effort tbere to get that vole for Thomas H. Seymour. George Francis Train is running Goneral I>ix, and de clares tbat all tne Territories will go ror bim and nomi nate him, and tbat he will be the next President. Put tbere is a serious drawback to bis plans. T-ie National Committee have passed a resolution declaring tbat tbe Territories sh. ill have no vote in the C -invention. Tbis would utnet Train's scheme, which included a grand pool for Wall stree', tr tbere was anything in It; but thore is not; for no person but Train has m'otioued Dix's name here. He is here as a delegate from Nebraska. Tbere aro numerous reports that ttio McClellan feoling will all be crurbed out bef> re Monday sight; but tbere are at least forty thousand strangers In tbe city , nine tenths of whom aro hurriblug for Mr lellan. It is a hard mailer to stop s many mouths. Millard Fillmore has declined to have bis name used, and urges the n?min? tion of McClellan. The two thirds rule it :.ow one of tbe principal ques tions in the cunvaas, and is likely to cause considerable trouble. Outbrie's speech yesterday was o: e of the strongest Mct'loliau speeches delivered horo. Tae Am i- Kendall Convention did not recommend any sandidate for Vice-President. John H. Haskln succeeded in tiersnadlnir the Convention to leave tbat office out. The repubi"-ans admit thit the mi?i meeting for Me ridian last night lar exceeded aovibiug over held here. Tbo enthusiasm and excitemont be.-gured description. Chicago, Aug'ist 23 ? P. M. Tho excitement and confusion have Inorcised all day, 5)u? bave bc!0 confined almost exclusively to otiMilers. l>en 'gates have t ikcn but lilt:c part id tbe controvert?. Iho halls of inn hotols bsvo been densely crowded all <1 iv with men arguing with each other. The opposition to M '< lellan bavo been exreedmr'y bitter and loud In tbctr tone, In many instance* decoirng tlial tbey will bolt. This looks as though they considered McClellau's nomina tion u fort-gun conclusion. Tbo friends of tbe (ietioral huve pursued i very wise course to-day, aud have managed their card* very shrewdly, ?ad hive gained strength In several localities. An effort has been made to turn tbe Michigan delega jinn against I.H tie M m. To Hccnmpiisb tins one ol tbo delegates stated In tbeir ctu'.ua that Seytnonr made a ip ech t'? tbe N" ' -v Y iH delegation denouncing McOallan. T ns caused so nothing of a r.muiioiion against Mac Tor a sho t tltno. but one o|' tbe New York delegates was sent for, who aiaied that Seymour not only did not say any. thing against Mc' led. iu, but, en the ether band, lauded him to tho very skies. Thin Is tbe mode of warfare use 1 by tbe ? pro* lion o Mcf lellan. lo-nipkt V iilandigbain alia afates that Seymour has author-zed him to state that he will bo a candidate. .At an offset to this, one of Governor eoymour's staff, who h >k been working for him, states that the Oorernor au thorized bin) to stale to the Ntw Yorf delegate* that bo would not linve U'S name used. Some na*e it that tbe Ohio delegation have ?e'eet?d Va'.lsiidigbain for tbeir representative on the Comnlttec oo Revolutions or Platform. It now appears as though tho adoption of tbe two thirds role will not In the If aet Interleto with tbe noinl nation of M Clellan. There will have to be a wonderful change to bring about any different result. Pendleton i being puibtd very Imrd for Vke Presi dent S- al?o la (Jeo. W. rast, of Pltisburg. In addition to the platform of tbe Met 'lellan mM graphed last night, there will bs a resolution requesting the Preeldent to secure tho excb*n?e of tbe prlaoners in tbe hands o I he rebels, the time of enlistment of many 0f whom bss expired. THE GENERAL NEWSPAPER DESPATCHES. The Prepsraileiu for tho Convention and t lie Anticipated Wiiininmtlunl. Cmi'Aito, August -S , 1864 The virions delegations to tbe National Itemocratic Convention are now fall, the few vacancies existing yesterday having been Oiled by tbe selection of substl tuiee. No apparent changes hare occurred In the vlew? of tbe different delegations as to tbe most available candi datee witb the exception that McClellan seems to gain Mraogtb with tbe New Knglsnd delegites. Ike session oi tbo New York deviation la?t tight wac | prolonged until after midnight bat, although the He | Clelianitee are in the iu- J >riiy, no definite c inclusion wai ' arrived at, and It was tinally agreed upon to take the i decisive vote at nine o'clock to-morrow morning. i Some or the McCleilan delegations from the East and ? I'onnsylvanla begin to talk sharply of the course pur [ sued by the New York detonation. They claim that M ??'Jlellan has a large majority of the whole vole of the Convention ; that no such vole ran be concentrated nu any other mau, and that if New York would ouly bpeak promptly aud emphatically for hint hi" noiuiuation would be nude by acclamation. Governor Seymour continue* to bold the position that he is nut a candidate, ami this lias led many to declare for McCleilan who previously held Seymour as their brst choice. There are many outsiders from New York, however, 1 who Bay that .Seymour his no right to deoy bis friends , the privilege of using Ins Lame, uud tne.-.o are backed by the ultra peaco men, who argue that McCleilan Is too much of a war democrat, and that the country need* and demands a statesman, a civilian, and not a soldier. Notwithstanding all this, however, there is still a Arm impression thut Governor Seymour will'be chosen ['resident of the Convention, and that be will nominate McCleilan, and it is very general'y believed that should this occur any oppoeitioa to hlui will fce too weak to ami unt to anything. There is some talk that In the event of McCleilan 's nomination a bolt will occur, another convention be called, and an ultra peace man nominated. The McClei lan ilea disbelieve ttiiB, but say thai should such a course be pursued its only eflect will be to strengthen their can didate. It should bave been stated in the despatch of this mornirg that the conservative Union men withdrew ibe recommendation of ex-Governor Campbell, of Tennessee, just previous to the adoption of the resolution. It is estimated that there aro at least twenty* Ave thou sand strangers in this city, who have come to watch the proceedings of the conventions here. The wigwam where it will be held has been crowded with visitors all day. lhe building, erected for this special object, is capable of accommodating fifteen thousand persons. It is in the form of an nmpbitheatro, and is well llchtcd tand ventilated, and neatly decorated, anil is beautifully situated on the shorn of Lake Michigan. The delegates to tbo Convention will occupy a platform In tho centre, which is capable of testing toveral hundred. Ciikvo. August 2i? 11 P. M. Very little change in the exacted programme of to morrow lias oocurrod during the day. This afternoon there mi- . meeting of the anti McCleilan delegates for con nl; dion, and after a compromise of views, it was found that representatives from fifteen or sixteen dif. fercut St ites preferred Seymour to MClellan, favoring his nomination by way of compromise between the peace men and th? war democracy. Most of them, how *el'Ur, fiy# hietnbors of delegations "that are required to vote us a unit. Governor Seymour this afternoon positively declined to 'permit his oiimii to be used, and nobody else is tolked of r tor president of tbo convention. The positive with drawal of Seymour's name encourages tbo MrCteliamtes to hope that bo will receive a two-third vote on tno first or second ballot. < A loiter, writen by Millard Fillmore to Hiram Ketchum,| in which ho expresses the hope that McCleilan will receive the nomination, is published iti tho Timet to-day. lhe New York delegation were in session to nigh'., and after a free interchange of opinion it was virtually re solved to cast the vote of the Stato for McCIolian. The timl vote of tho delegation will be taken to-morrow morning. The Mail Convention of the ComerT?> live Aatlunat Cm tun Men. Chicago, August 27, 1804. The mam Convention of the conservative national Unioo meu wi. 8 largely attended this uiternoon, TbeConven. ti n mot <n liryau Kail. lion. Ad<? Kendall was elected President and a list nf vice presidents was adopted, a iii' uy whom were lejiresemutivcs from all tbe .Stated, Nortb &ud South, with tbe exception of three or four. Resolutions were adopted denouncing the policy of the administration ns calculated to Impel both sections of the country to interminable warisre; proclaiming a determi nation to maintain tbe Union and tho constitution ; de claring that the only solution to tbe existing troubloa U in the unreslrniiiod exercise of tbe elective iriinchiHe aud displacement of the present administration; declaring that the declaration of *bo Southern leaders, as well as Mr. Lincoln's ultinaflpi, arc aliKe impracticable, and I a voring tbe earliest rdturn to pence attainable on tbe baals ol the constitution and the L'tnon. ? t hicago, August 28. 1864. Among tbe resolutions adopted at tbe maws Convention at Pryan Hall yesterday afternoon, over which Hon. Amos Kendall presided, was one roc mmonding to the Nam nal Democratic Convention the nomination of General George 1). Mct'lellan as the most suitable candidate of tue democratic parly (or the rresidency,aod ex-Governor William It. Campbell, of lenuessce, lor the Vice I re sldency. This resolution was eloquently seconded by Hons, .l.tmoa Guthrie and 1 rsiie Combs, of Kentucky, lion. .1 hn B. lias-kin, of New York, and Representative i'ollins, of Missouri. The resolution war- tiuanlmou-ly ado; ted and tbo Convention then adjourned to meet in tbe Court House square. The McClcltan Mass Meeting. Cbicaoo, August -7 ? Midnight. The mass meeting to-ri i^tit was remarkably Urge and h. isterouslv enthusiastic. 1 he number present m esti | m it-d .- it fr.itn twenty .Ave to thirty thousand , un>l it is generally admilttd to have been the largest gathering over seen in < hicago ? much larter than the ro,>ublicun demonstration held here lour years ugo. It waa iouud necessary to organize tho meeting at two stands in tbe Park and one on Clark atree', and tor an h"iir and more so dense vt .s tbe crowd in i lark and Randolph streets that it was impossible to make a pas sa?o through it. the Court Hons* was gayly d- cerated with Mc< iellan ags una cbint/. curtains, and at the close of the meeting several Urge piece! of fireworks were set otr, alter Hie fashion of the great meeting in New York, held on the lltb of August. Among the speakers were Ron. Leslie Combs, of Kentucky: .lames O. l'errin, of New Yotk; ox-Governor Weiier, of California, and H. Ret'd, of Kentucky. Tbe remarks of the latter were exceedingly bitter in their denunciation of the acts of the pre?r-nt administration. It wis near midnight before tho iaat meeting broke up, and tbe enthusiasm for MoClcllm continued to lbs The Platform. The Chicago Pott (McClellan democrat) gives the fol lowing points of tbe platform that will be adopted by tbe Convention I. The inviolability of tbe constitution. II. i tie it aintonunce of tbe Union it all Its -territorial int'frlt.". Ill I at the earliest praotl'v-hle moment; this peace to i '\iglit by oilers? 1. to treat for it leturn to their ailogiauce by those , tiow in Tel> U loo. 2. A invention of the States to consider the griev ani e? ii"<l c unpUlnte Ot any or ail the stater, and to >et tie nil imputed questtom, either by arsenrtnu nta to tue conmitnllo i or otherwise. 3 ''''tiding these negotiations un armistice suspending hostilities. 4. lhe action o th it convention to be ralli.ed and car rieH into e'lert in iiood fsilt). IV. A rsiection of ih?se oilers to be tollownd by a vigorous exsctiiiO'i ot the policy enunciated iu the i rlt tenden resolution, passsi hy Cougresa in uly, l&fll. Impoitant Order fttin General Using Hlaiaii. f n< wati , August 2*, 1W4. Ma,or General lleltitrelmsn las-ed an <>rd. r I .1 y prohibit, ng express r.tiir- ad or other forwarding c r pattios irom forwsrdltg or delivering am..., tiowder < t 1 ammunition of any kiud within Uir> im ?* of the ?>t? ?s ( of tibio, Indiana, Iiiiuois and II rlngan lor tbe i rit >.ity | dsys, without a permit from headqua't- rs; aleo, pro. hibititig deuler# in tliese articles Irom selling tbe stiiie within this time. Military commande** and pr< v >*t marshals within the Northern l.cpartmSBt a.o reli ed to soe this order ?rxeciited, and sei.e all sucb articles aa may he clandestinely sold. Congressional Kwniinatlen In Illinois. .^t. lot August 2". 1S04. i Ths ! emoer. 'Ic Coneressional Convention, held at i siro y sterSny, unanimously nomtuateu \V. J. Alleu lor r?* election. Reoohitk na wsrs idopted pledging ?*p|?rt to the i hicago nominees. Mr. Alioti mads a sper.'b in tavor of peace and T n tun us against war aud about r u. Knitr i. n I theridge also made s speech. Tho Atlantic and Mreat Western nail - road. 8 T. I/nia, August 27, 19(14. The first train ovsr the Atlantic snd Great Western Railroad, new broad gtiage route between New York and 81. LMIs, containing ths officers of tbe rosd and invited guests, arrived here this morning In forty fonr hours Irom New Y rk. Tbe rosd will bs opened to tbe public, ?bout m? lit o( CKitol??f OBANT Our Special wxhlnytoa D?ip?teh. WasuisaToa, August 28, 1844. The advices from General Grant represent matters as more quiet, although some skirmishing la still kept up. U is thought tbut tbe rebels will not abandon tho Weldon riud without making at least one more desperate eflbrt to retake it. lboy dash themselves upon our Lues there as desperately and aa recklessly as did hw d upcu thcr man's at Atlanta, and are as bad).} punished TIte ltccent Contests for Che Wtldem Ball road. ? Washimjiow , August 28. 18?4. A letter from tbe Arm; of the Potomac d tted t'> day, says the portion of tbe line of the Weldon Pailrond re. captured by the rebels in Thursday'* engagement tends from Beam s SI a' ion about three miles northward. The road had, however, been previously entirely destroy ed, and cannot bo of any use to the enemy while we continue to bold the portlou ou tbe uoilh, at, I between that and Petersburg. Tbo latter portion is tecurcly in our possession. Everything was quiet along the entire front at the last accounts, witjj the exception of occasional pi. ket firing. Both parlies were engaged in burying their dead and caring for the wounded. NEWS FROM THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Orders or General Wasbbnme In Refer eitce to Cotton Shipments? The Kecont li aid on Memphis? Capture, Pleader anil Burning of the Gwernmcot Traa iport J. C. Miller, ?fcc., &c. Cairo, 111., August 26. 1HI54 Advices from Memphis say that General YVaxliburne has issued an order permitting cotton now m Memphis to be shipped N'ortb, also establishing supply stores in the district of ,leunes?ee, and stating the amount of sunpues which may bo imported to such places. Vemi.his is limited to ten millions ? f dollars worth of supplies per month, Puducnh to one hundred thousand, and Columbus to thirty thousand. The supplies are to be sold only by loyal merchants to loyal portions residing in the limits of tho district. The order al?o provides that no contraband o war, nor liquors, drups, medicines, salt, cotton cu-ds, or gray oloth shall be imported, except with the approval or the com in Hiding general. Merchants in Memphis having cotton cards und pray clotbs are ordered immediately to ship them to some loyal state. (Jcneral Wa'>liburne compliments his o dicers and men, and tho Memphis militia, lor tneir prompt uud soldierly conduct in the defence of tbe city against tbe rebel iorces under (>enei al Forrest. Ti.o best estimates place our loss in tbe recent raid on Memphis at Dftoen killed, fifty wounded and one hundred and lorty missing, the latter incltidiug eighty- nine citizens. The raiders arc said to have captured two hun dred and twenty-nine prisoners The rebel loss st Hernando ou Sunday night was fifty killed, one hundred and ninety wounded, aud thirty miss, ing. The government transport J. C. Miller was captured, plundered and burned on the 18th instant, on the Arkan sas river, between I'rne ltlufT and Little Roc*, by guerillas. All the persons on board, including thirty soldiers wero taken pr isoners. St Louis. August 28, 1864. Tho Viclcsbnrg Herald of the 10th has au account of a mutiny of a part of IbeSecoid Illinois cavalry, on tbe steamer Olive Branch, which was only quelled by the prompt action ot the commander of the gunboat Benton. Six mutineers were placed in irons on besrd the Benton Hie remainder were disarmed and sent up the river un der a strong guard. Tbe cause of tbe tr.utiny was not stated. Louisvillk, Ky., August 27, 1P64. A gang of guerillas plundered tbe citizens of Harden burg on Tuesday of money and watches to the amount of a thousand dollars. RAILROAD DISASTERS Wrecking or a Hallway Train by the Hecent Tornado at Che West? Several Persons Seriously Injured, iSic. Cincinnati. August 29, 1864. An accident occurred on tbe Indianapolis and Ciuclonati Railroad on Friday. About thirty persons were injured, one or two probably fatally. Noos were killed Tbe train consisted of one buxgage and three passenger cars , wbich were completely wrecked. Tho accident wus caused by .a btirrictne. The engineer of tbe tram sr. w it coming, and just as tli# tram reachod Weitzel'8 bridge he put es all tbe steam he could raise In order to clear the bridge aud gain the shelter or an embankment Just of it. The torn ido, however, struck the irain, and with such force as to lilt tbe cars from the track, l'wo of tho passenger cars made two complete revolutions and then lauded, with their wheels uppermost, in a ravine. I fctone walls were e veiled by tbe force of the wind, and I the massive roof of a la'ge stone house was li ted into tho air and carried a considerable distance. ! Casualty on the Cincinnati and Indian* | it pull* :(uliro?il. t'.Nt IlVNATi, August 26 ISM. The eastward bound train on tho Indiana! oils and <'in Clnnat I Riilroad w;ts thrown from the track yesterday, situr I jiw r nc-ibtirg, by the breaking of tt flango of one of tho drlrin*: wh e'd or tbe locomotive. The engineer win Instantly killed and cne man fata! y injured lhrse others recoivol severe itijdilj*. Governor Morion and Jc,.-epb McDonald, Ills |K>lltical opponent, wcro on board the train, but cccnped tiuiojured. '1 bro?- iiioii, nam-s an?ni>wn, In returning frmn <1 men township xer t 'idjy, v "re thrown fr m a bug,?. one was killed and tho other two bidly bruised. Disasters on ine laoulevllle and Naah grille It nllroatf. Locmvilm. Ky . August ?7, js<;4. iAr.t nlzbt, about midnight. the up exi?res? train, with passeuRers and wounded soldiers f-om Na?liville, wis precipitated from the track near Ilacon cr-ek by the efiects of the lato rain. The cars we*u almost entirely demolished; but, strange to 3uy. only one man wag seriously injured ? Tbo up |>*?sfn -er tram from Msnhvllln was do! lined this alit.rnioo (our li'itirs by the broaking oil of tbe driving wheel near Gallatin LotTinTiixa, Ky., August 2S. ISM The Inst nlgbt'.? pawenger traiu from K-sbcille, con tiluinf n>Mjf wouudi J soldieis, at two o'clock tills int'in ing. ran Iifto the rear cir 01 a l:eixht train coming upon tbe swiich. Tbe two ei|ir*.-? cars ue\i toe et^ii " wtie tbri wn down an embankment, and 1 a) .uaitors Craig, Mill uwell and Jones, 01 Cincinnati, * .ore brn.aed, the lirst two seriously. Jnn? ? wm but sll^bt'y tnjnred. lirown, .. uartrriuaater of lta.lroad lransj orta' .on St Naxbvilie, eras also seriously bruieeU. Nobody vise was lujuitd 1 lie Uarta Ai Sanaa* and Httsnnrl. St I/trit, At. gust 28, 1S(U Reports from Iiuvall's nioff, Arkanras, say tbst i-bel by and Marrnadnki) made an attack on P'm Uluff, and tbat rem or< ?nf tit? tai been rent to t> e lattO' place [Mi I Ittle ! ?k. N a eg d'-Pniie Is known. A ri-.ort pre* a ed lat l u.?Ut that -tritiy, wiiii ? \ il < u.-aud men, *as about seventy loilcs !?? * it' b. ken, <'n Hie lr< 11 M< ntsln I.a , rune!, but tbe 1 vj .uibutitlM bate uot been able 10 v crlfy it. Arrl*nli aiitl Depart utea. AH' iVAl H. Asrtawai i ? M'fcMBefctp Net!' Star? .lohu Rlf. ler, Mr ?< ?? Jo<ir>, omig ter and ottlM: W II tnrtvell, Itithare Ca- imOit >.aior 1 M Wlnatu.) aid mt.iiih, Mi. I ? m ll> 11 I iplu ' * Rawi III.. ( il iml II M Iisri, II 1 I wt* 1 ?t"'H ttltnro.ib ?? ie and tbt e Udrea; <:s|txnl .* * > lr;?.|ils i i? it Carmen. IMIIIS'ii M > o?K to'. 1 el J f? ttanin-, lapiain H H >ou,?, .vi.rci ? ? Iwi'.l .>r; .' J? lint I?i. Met tv Uh>nll, *Ue and oil mi; Oalfl i a Is lia ? Ben !? ? ew, ?lf i an I daughter; r?r)a.n K A t?eU n, *1 i ) tvnn s. SI tea ( a tdine ^Hhe.^ra. U h?m (ort. i.f'U irsmle, ? tit 1 nom|> i>a .1 H St., It, .1 \V Wi UttriF., .1 H il i" ana, J i' tiiaj, * OtM. i Hi.. Steele'. $ W,r#i .V. Naw (ir.i ?<? Sie.iner Ti>on>a? A 8. ott-Co otiel Alb rt Mye'? an i ?eiv.iti, oi tho Ki^nai en en, i a,. a n? Hti er \ ? VT K -Jmli l) t ? Ksll, J II ?l \ .1 I. .'?piaii I' l?t tim-d f'n to. i olor-tl J J'.utler. NH1? < nr.u ?st? it. colored; tt e-?er, ?Mh I ailed Mates, einred, RC.Vea Psiland. i. ems ewitt snd Kami f.clsud. Terk mv Dm) ,, .la k't-n. Wa l'r?>, I) A< atn% Cam h m MrA?llfta ? Ward, Vsu?hi B flat er, U?t<oi ne Man", Itrak- : M* ?ra Falmer, ChappSlI t l t'ani. Cesbjr. Fitihenrj, C.hllteni'sn ? anil oi. "I* In tbe s n .us*. M?? nm tis*-St??sn? **?? taar? I"apt STarlii. t> fl t; Ca| t Hlarknmu. M?al (J?l Btiea. Mem Mon. villa, Lieut Btircbard. Mr Heailiar I. Whittlesey, Vr MrMilloo, Cant Harnard. LirK Tntila, l.leut Bo??n. Lieut \anJe roori, Mr I>"woe and lad? Lieut Pemerey, R K Tsrlar, Cant Ls'ld I?le'it ha t mIpII. Adit P. H Vo'inga, L am Scott, I?r horsnn. Lie 'it Tharef. Lien' lleath-n, Lieut W.ies, ? apt Mllsr Lieut U > Mann, l.iaut Humph re* . Captain Mendv, Cant Al oet Lieut llayden Lien, Katmhinn i.inut Mailt. T- Ma. s L tlrav, Mtas AbbieOrsy. M'SS Era Let ar ise. Mu -b> t ite. Mrs tiaLaM*. ? THE REBELS IN CANADA. Oar Wind nor Corteaptmdr nre. Wihdbob, C. W , August 26, 1804. la cob Thompson and hi; Statements ? Union Dtterlert in Canada ? Pieir Condition ? Snarp 'Jrick of Sulttilute Brtker ? Mmtuckj Jb Ha ? Violation of International th'.uett ? Rt moral of British 1r< ops from Canada H'est? tii ason for ike Movement ? lieUls Buying Hor*'J tti Canada, <f Any observant traveller crossing from Detroit to tb la point can hardly fall to ob-erve the charged appearance c?r the idlers at tlie hotels and la tlio suioens. There are i numerous persons of :Soutbern origin who make tUeir present residence in Canada, ru-ging all the way from Windsor to (Juebec A considerable number of tbem are gathered bore, filling- the hoarding house* and small hotels. Tliey pass their lime niucb as they do elsewhere ? considerable amusement combined witb very little exer tion. ' 1 lave not been able to learn of the presence of any prominent rebels among tbem at piesent, though tbore were severul who have seen service In tbe rebel armies. Jacob Thompson was here soma weeks ago, under an assumed nkme, and seat a request to several gentlemen in Detroit to visit him? amoug tbem ex-Uov ernor .icClelland, Mr. Thompson's predecessor as hocre tary or the Interior Th? Governor was absent at that time, and bafora big return the rebel euiUsary bad de parted. In an interMew with some Detroit gentleman, Thomp son avowed bis earnest desire for peu< e , and the hope that a peace c ad date would be put in nomination at Chicago lie hinted that he could make propositions that would be of service, provided he could llnd the proiwr partu s to treat with Whether be was success ful In finding theni at Niagara or not 1 am unable to say, but am pretty certain be did not meet them here. He has paid but one vl.-iit to ibis locality, ami was then as tetlred an possible. I bore is u general belief thai propo sitions have gouu forward from the rebel envoys, and will be m?de pi.blic at chlcago The condition ol deserters from our array who have found an asylum in ( anada is pitiable in the extreme. Most of them are without m tioy, und are forced to earn a livelihood os host iboy m:tv lue only avenues open are by hard labor, to which they ure not always accus tomed. 'arm work, wood sawing, kc. , comprise the hruucliets t" which iliey can turn their attention . and, us I bey ur? n >t generally able to compete with tbe more hardy Canadi m laborers, they tiud themselves in a bad market. Many oi ilium ure almost literally starving und. If the government would ofler a general pardon to deserters, it is pretty certain thai a considerable number would leturu to service. ihe substitute brokers from Detroit have lutely played a sharp trick. Some o< ttiem cunie into Oana la and boasted ol bemg bounty jutni ers, tolling how eusy it was to -'do" the guvoinnieut. The smooth stories they told indi-cod some if the l anadiaus t > try ihe same do ito, ?baring tbe protits with those who had been through the ceremony. The result was thai the enlisted < auaduns f..uud themselves iu ihe ranks, w uli mile oi |.orluuiiy o> dtse.ttug, and that little af.cuded with oiikIi duigei. Borne of Hum uro i ow in tront of Petersburg, won dcritiit how ihe American* c an so easily do what is no di i cull lor themselves. II wus a piece or very sharp practice on ihe pari oi the substitute brokers bcvoral persons b inlsbed irom Kentucky are now stay, ing hoie. A lew days ago tony Koutuc.kiaos arrived here, uuder a .oort ol a squad of negro soldiers. One ol' ibo uisaitteeablo features to ihe xiuthernors residing here i! the necessity oi considering the negroes on terms of ? luallty, as they aro mtde so bylaw though not in practice. There is roilly less equality lhau exists to some of tbe N' rthbin suites, but some ol the Americans wilfully overlo k this (act. The status or tne runaway Soutbei ners is not a* good as. they might wi-b, ns the < consider their conduct cowaruly in abaudou Ing tbe ounce lor winch their brethren ai homo aro Eght ing. An officer iu charge of a baud of exiles recently over stepped the liiuils ol national etiquette, lie actually marched uis squuil of armed men up Ibo bank from ibe ferry lanuing, ns lar as the trini ol the'ii llouso. Ihe sin was through, and it is probable no no tice will be lak< u of it. < are should be taken to prev nt a repetition ol the al'air. I ess things than this have caused nations! trouble and led to the consumption of much time and paper iu olliciul correspondence. Tbe tfru sh government has decided to witbdi aw Its troops Irom Canada \\ est, on the ground that their pres euco is needed at Montreal and Quebec. The real re.i-on is the great loss by dcseriion. A smtli garrison wus lately stationed here, <>l whlqb lilieuu por cent deserted dm ing the llrst month, itie high bounties and the chance lor active service led inany ol the Queen's soldiers to at tempi to escape With but a lime of water between thetu and the I Dlted - lutes an escape wi>s comparatively eas> . Parties h ive been engaged In the purch .se of hor-es throughout Canada, ostensibly fur tbe Mexican martlet. Ihey were to be shipped Irom Montreal, and are doubt. less designed lor the rebels. TERRIFIC BOILER EXPLOSION. ? ttrtM Dailiuctton of Life ?n?l Property? I A Heavy Liolicr CurrlcU ll>rouj{h tliree < Uriel* U'nll*? Miraculous Utrupcii, die. (From ilit* iielroit r ree Press. August iO.) Yesterday a.iernoon, a tew miuutrs bomre four o'clock, the citlaMia in the vicinity of tlio Michigan t en trul depot wore startled by the report ol a dull, heavy explosion, and a rnomeoi nltcrwards by (be appearance lu tho air ol an luiuitjiiae quantity of material, consisting of bricks, pieces Of liiDOer, buurds, 4c., which leil in ? bowers tu an direct! 'fin. I 'pon repairing to tlie sj.ot -It was d 8C >vvrud mat the boiler in the uijkiuo room of tbe locomotive works or tbe Detroit far Company had ex . pluded, carrying witb U a loud or horror wPicu nt Urst wus truiutlul to coutcmplale, and caused ilio stoutest hearts to blarch with loir ai tlio work of dcstrLCllon presented bef re lh'n>. Hundreds of our citi/eng (locked to tbe scene of the explosion and rendered every assistance tiei cssary . but happily their m rvices were conllnrd to a fow l b. so who wero woi:ii'ie<l were hi eedliy attended to and con veyed homo. when th Mr injur 'o* receivod every ixtssibin itUoiiiion Ihesteaui lire engines worn promptly i o the spot, mid prevented the spruad ol the tire occasioned through the burrttn^ ol tbe lurnace Ibu build, tig- where tbe cxpiosloa took place are known as the Detroit l.'icomottve U orke, and .ire very extensive, covering nearly the entire block netweeu t hird utid Kourth all Mia Mid Lamed and < oiiKria*. The block id made up of a lieti'nol huiiilii gH, all c nn<-<:tt d to^e itaer, the machinery o; wbich is driven by ot.e engine, I lie boiler 01 wh'cLi Caueed iuch sad bivoc ;.nd terrible fatality. Iho buiMitiAs it. tho immediate vlc.uity o( i be boiler were tho.-e that su .trrcd trni-t. and wei e tl.e engine r.'osn, tbe cur department of Liean .1 kalon, and ttie moulding roum lhe en n.e room is a cnminele wrick, the wal a levelled wi:b the cartn. Hie boner la thirty ieet Ion; ur.d weighs a'louttw i too?. It was r .iced bodily, i. u I pa ?ed through t lie rear walls of (lie engti.e room into tbo car department, through two cart, which were in | roceiw of construct: n\ shattering them to ir ?gmcnia, through ibo rear wail < i tbe cur department, through a ne* i.v mud), gov erameut car Hlallding on the tracK ready to ship, tur.i'^Ji tbe wail of the moulding shop, iicirly *cro?a the ? h " | ? , and struck a heavy Iron "cu| i?," me! it. melting imn, ai d knocking lnniliiiH>ti to piooee. the iiisiaaue traversed was about nue hundred and Sixty ieet Here it" progteea w?* ai r '.tel. and the |?>wer with which it truck the obstacle which arrested '.in Mgbt H shewn by the larlthat the; mels'i er is battered and I'o'iMcd up in a wonder fill r. .liner. Its cODIB" was It) a line iui -triiiht as m arrow ir m u I vr gun, and tin destruction ot everything tine' It it* i.uUt i.- luM complete lhe throe neav V b. il k wolla tbrougli winch It n-sed were levelled to ..lie .? itb.thecirs b-ar no resemblance to tnetr original *bn? , and inols ,ie Hat u|ioii tlie ground. It is impossible to i.i.mielvi a moie jerlect ucinoliticn of tri k mortar and ttlnbe.". I km- worj twelve men nt work at tbe timo in the iihi rldinf shop, of whom o ie was killed and ti r e w uiid^d. i...w too real escaped u mercuui 1'iov.d uco alone c n decrm ue Hie i ar deiiaitment fr:>m tweir# to fifteen workmen were employed, m udiog two t-oje. iUe latt> r were temporarily berlcul beneath ti e ai d were s?verely i ilu"i by the es cap lag aie.ui ! bey made their way nut, liowevnr. with ail p csible hist*, and .vert attended to by thmr rr leans Mr .1 hn ken .ail, a carpenter, was very badly ioiuieU by being strur? by a piece of timber in ibe oack and O'.t erwt-O i rills d by the sc.itteruijt nn.ber. A ?i?!l in ore of tlie pieces entered hi? bodr, Hint it is Ie," reo ibat one of hu< limb* baa bren | enetrated. lie r.ew Ilea In a prcc/rieua situuilou. Horrible .ilidniahi XInrder In tbe Lake Tunnel. [From the CtllcafO Journal, August .'4.] lb" nil en oi ihf {forth I lyiri n ? eie thn'ied with bO'iOf, at an e rly hour this mornttj;. by the sti ry of a Mining lit allrny in tit" Ijik.' Tuni el, eiweeo two labor eia, lu winch one liai. laiilcicit a suvage death wound upon he iilla . i "rrner Wafcoer wis called to in?e?!ifnt? lhe clrcnm siaiies, and >m iheevid?rne adduced before ihejtry wu gather lhe fol waig jiirtici > ? "n Moiiday in/ht ln?t ibe sob cmiVfct ot a miner n tb ? tunnel, named Michael ' ?rry, e\piren,and aetue rtlllicalty arete to re tard to the rrtH.-Nureme'it and details of b * wi rk, which led to an III ireluifc on his |?irl l?tw.i(il? another tm.ier, name. I I atrlik liuut. Notuiog nl a aeri' iia nature ec ,-u ?i.', hiwexer, until between twe ve ai d one o'clock tin morning, when I orry eame ie fie Buulh of the fua i el and n eu tor Hunt Immediately ?f">rward.? he 1 1 d?d mio the inenel.a depth rt nearly a hundred leei. whf e be n:el Hunt, ana a ' overeat ion li. twe.n Ihem t<? k p!?ee, which < b ttear into an aite.riMO' Hid an Sgi ">iueut to II til i t the dilll.. cu tv between them. At th'* Hire tie two were leit nearly n ooe, A lew m ? utc ? inter taapectur Kroaeheir. \u l olnera, both Itatdu an i out cf :u? luiiMi, were atari. cd by a cr> of ''murder,' re;*>ite ; tb-ee timi-e. ? b' n?i ccior immeoialcly hasieww to Ir e ?i*'t accom parted h> '' e ? ibers , wb re he found 1 u. . I?. ning ! acal >-t tb> wa I ol the tunnel in a dying < i ditloi, and c ivciei'. with ble?a. a siream of wbfcii w?* > uibtog from a frightful (a?h m I ho hit side of hla ne.n. Tn? w und | eei loPil to ' ave l .mi MB.n'e with some unsi i.?liuni"?t, ??.il i a Uie gr. qod lay a lurge Mo, recsoi.e.l beieog fng to toe eiifine at the tioulh of Ibe in; . Htn w ing I ihat no one btil i orry and ?!? nt were pin.-*ulst tho con t. t, in?|ieclor . r1 eli. ? * immediately a? esiod the or iue', w In ? 'U il w itii the utmost tndillerenc-, "tid made i o resists* ce or etfort to rsrai e. Hunt dl-c i i.nndlale |?, aud ' oriy wne ??H?n delivered un In the poii' * autho rum* oi lhe 1 1 ' r<l pretlacl ataiion, wh.iher the i jr,ae *.ss i,i>o conveyed, washed and fild oul. Tb* Tut AHAssk* _ih? Ooofederate prtynieer Talla h*Mee le:t here on ,s?uirday morning, about l>?? o'c "fk. I iirirg tbe time she was tyo* at Wo?;dsiii? ||| Admiral bar lii a * set to wall b her, lest she took oo board *u> mnniti'iis of war Boon afte; she left two "slow awaye" were loubd on board, hot s?nt aahore by the pilot boat. It ie worthy oi note that ot the Qrtl vh inns ol ll. m deal royer were vee*ela leden with cas fmm ( ape Brt t?u hotiad to tbe I oited Stales . mo n win be a g est bir I" the Americans seudlng Tor on., to ibis Province wneo Mtchtinark Is Lot utily upon ear coast, but petted and r<miortea by tho iBbabiUtiu. We (realty tear ibat such one tided and boatiie feelu ? to tn? i nlted btates will be long remembered tu our di*?tdv?a< i me.? aww**, ^nonta. HEWS FROM HA88ATJ. DoTtmrali of Blwktdi HniMri-Iki tall Crop or Tark'* lalanrta? Annlv?r> iitry of Wtil ludlo Kmanrlpallon? Foliar* of the free Njri(?m, Ae., Af<-. Wa have full#lllas of Nassau pa|?rs, (rom ?fcicb we compile the interesting iteiua annexed ? A CAPTITKKP FK0KK4L VKflHKI,. |Kr<>ui the N???au (juardian, August 3. ] A Steamer bear lug tbe old i onfederate tlag, supposed to h" I be i loctric Spark . recently captured by the t .'onfederai * States no- ini"r Florida, appeared ( I! the bur on M'ndav last, about ten A. M. she approached from the westward, aud departed without commumculiug with the shore. ANMVL.U3AKT OK WKNT IN Dl 4 EMANCIPATION. | from the ittiw paper. | The ?reaU*et feature id the we?k thus Far bus bren the relet ration or the anniversary <>( tbo abolitiou of slavery In the British Weal Indies. Ibe fete w?t kept upon this occasion by the usual gathering of the Vrit mily Socialist. lh"V met in the ,mr? room oi the I'uOllc Buildings at leu o'clock, and, al t. r be tig formed into procession. pro ceeded to Christ f'hurcn Cathedral, lor the purp' se of hearing a sermon, beaded by the bind of the Klrst West India regiment, which waa kindly loaned by Colonel Mof fat and tbe otllcers. 1 bo prayers being over, the Rer. Robert Bvrann ad dre-sed a r?w extempore worda to the Friendly S"Cietles from the fourth verge of tbe one Hundredth I'salm. He told them tbat, M an Englishman, slavery Of all kinds was hateful to blm He did oot, however, think that thnsr who had received /A# toon of f re* turn had aval!" I iktmtrlrrt of its bl*s*tn<it at then might to have done, lie btlxtrtd tha there hvij nt' -r? drunkenness, more immorality, more lying, far less honesty in business tramactttns, lent fidelity in servants with reifct to ronnartr, anil s rever ence in worship, than there was before the day* of altol i/iou . Wbcn tie (lrsi arrived in the colony the night of a drunken inati in the strec ts wan an eiception to tbe gourral rule, but now no one. ran pass through our thoroughfares without meeting three or four fxrstms in a state of intonrntioo. He baped tbe members of tbe Krieudty Societies would use tbeir utmost lnllueuco to discountenance thf* Male of thiny*. The reverend gentleman also remurlced tbat, as tbe prevent generation died oil, ho thought It would be aa well to dittiUinue the deinotisti ation of the 1st of Awi t*t a? Emaiicipa. i n day, but rathtr h\ep it up only as the anni versary of the Friendly Societies. A collcction was made lor the poor it the conclusion of the service, and tbe procession was again lortnod for the purpose ol re us, emhitng at the Public Buildings, where loyal addresses were delivered on the blessing of freedom, In the evening the several socletl-s met to gether al tbo festive beard. They conducted themselves id the most decorous and orriorly manner throughout the day, and tbelr dross, appoaruueo uud demeanor were highly becmwiiK At lour o'clock the children connected with tlio Ilapt ?f Minday reboots assembled oo tbo Mission grounds in t^ist street, whore they were regalod with tea uud cakun, ol which there were "enough anil to 8:>aro." Before leading the tables the children saog several suitable songs on freedom, aud concluded with the National Anthem Tbeir voices i;ave no uncertain sound, und tbeli lilt Ire was really good and tisteiully pu' on. Mr. Kilmer's followers aud tbe children connected with his schools wero entertained in a slinl'ar mann r at Ko* Hill, and everything, us lar us wo bavo heard, passed oil bai mouwusiy. We noticed on Sunday last a bran new flig Hying In the New roai, (.rant's Town, with the founding letter on it "No. 1. N. N. 8 " On inquiring what It meant, wo wero informed that, nt the bouse wbere it appeared, uu asso cmtiou of aOout one hundred Africans met tor the pur pose of mutual benellt In case of sickness or den h. mid that the symbol oo the Hag meant "No. I Nassau Naugo bar Society " The Nungoes are ? vory provident raco, and some if thnni, in these days of plenty , are orecimg costly stone houses. A NBW YORK Pllir OV 1'fKK. IKrom tbe Nussati Guardian, August 10.) About e.even A. M. to day the burk I.oxlngton, of New York, w Inch had nrritied here fur a register, and was lying oil Hog Island, caught lire through the burning oi a jar of vitriol. Ibe steaming Quick, witn other vessels and boits. Immediately went io bur assistance and brought her inside the harbor, when Mr Sutton, the inspector of I'ollco, the Kire Krigone aud u number of Inhabitants, tried to keep the fire under until It was effectually extin guished by tcutlling tbo vessol. The l.exlNgton has a valuable cargo on board, and ? as being cleared by her captain nt tho Custom House for Havana at the tirne ol' tbe accident. AN IMPROBABLE HTOHY. fFrnra the Guardian ol August 20. | Tbo lighthouse yacht Georgma m?y be exiwc'ed from New York about the llrst of September bud lieen allowed to obtain new masts, hut m inv inducements were hold out to the crew, and evon the captain, to join | ilio federal service TI1K SALT AND COTTON CKOP OF INAflUA. [From the ?ame pai>er. ) The government hired schooner sun arrived this tnoru (nn from Initgua and the other out Isl >nda lnld down In tbe table or routes Tbere was a good deal o; t-nlt at lnagua, which was selling at thirteeu cents. Further raking wag lu progress, both at lnagua and H im Cay. A French vessel Wus wrecked at the beginning ol the month at Mayugtwoa. The cargo, which consisted or c?itee and cotton, hud been brought to Matbow Town, cout-igued to Mr. John Taylor. Cotton cultivation at long Island continues to flourish, Mr. Kahmtng having a great many acres ot the sea island in excellent order. It is picked thrco month* atior plant ing. At Watllug's Inland Mr. N'ann has entered into the planting ot cotton with spirit, and at St. Sa vador an lnglisb company, under the superintendence or Mr. Alexander Forsyth, have planted tbe staple very exten sively. Pino api'losare plontil'ull at St. Salvador, and are selling at rnodernle ri.tes. IVultrv has been raised to a (treat extent B'hce (he steamer Governor liayley commence! to run, with a hope of getting a speedy sale lor it ot Nassau. Mr Theodore I- amotion has leased t ocception Island, (where her Majesty's ship Southampton was wrecked some time ago;, and stocked it with cattle, sheep, Ac. llalloonlng. I ASCENT OP I OK BALLOON WASHINGTON Kit Oil Bl'KNOS AVHK8 ? T1IK AMKltlCAN ASI> ARQKNTINB FI.AOB IN TBKMINGLltlD IN 1HK CI.Ot'IM ? DKSUKNT IN ANO A KlPK ON TUB RIVKlt FLATK. (From the Buenrs Ayrcs Standard, Juno 15.) On mi iday, at two I*. M., the balloon Washington was brought I'rom the g.isbousnto plaza Victoria, a: hall past two, all arrangements being completed, with theas-'ist rnce of Mr. Simpson, the signal was given to let go, and the airship slowly mounted Into sjare, passing over tbe Colon theatre, amid tbo joyiul o.vclumatiou.s ol S'.voral thousund persons On reaching a height or tbtoe thousand live hundred yatus, he louud the wind changed . and abandoned his loriner route When passing over thy innar and outer roads ho saluted the ve-sels, waving the American an 1 Argentine Hags, which mas replied to lrctn ibe ?"Vor?l m stheuds. The height being at that tim-' about two thussml yard-, he wan still enabled tc hear the cbe<ring on hoard the vessel. As fain .is the wind changed. he determine'] lo take, II' possible, a west current, whli.h would bring him to this side o( the l late. I l.s bailoo'n gradually d'-s. ended till the anchors touched the water, being then som? fifteen miles Imn Uw Itelgrano shore. As the bullion oeguu to ?cag along too water, Mr. Wells threw out ballast. md ug.tla rose, attaining a height or lour thousand yards in the direction of the i arapacbay Islands. Ab'.ut tour I'. M. the hour heme near ?un?et, tbe bal loo'i ben une m re condensed, and descended more ra pidly thin at first, until tbe am bars again touched tbe * mer, but the aeronaut's ellorts to ge*. n permanent hold were us fruitless as hemre. Accordingly he again threw out h >11**1, aim ro-o ab ut three Uiouitid vards, in tbe ill lection ot : -an tertiando < < mitig down a fourth tune, still over ite centre of tne river I'lste, ho cut !?*??? bis t Htid struggled between the lower air current to wards ton ternaudo, and the upper one towaids Ihu is land*. I he sun had now set, and coming down n lilt h tune, he ws* obliged to cut swaf the oar, in order lurther to lighten the balloon, and In another lllght reach either ttrrajirma or tbe is< inds. Ilien i .king his cent no the hoop attached to tbe ropes u d putting on tw? lite belts, besides attaching tbe gas bag by a line ol one hundred leet. as to serve as a buoy In caie ol need, be ascended a sixth t me, and nigber loan before, passing through the clouds ai d teach .. about si t uioupKi d vards. IPre tne BBB seemed to film again to rise, and aftar a *hnrt interval! set in the m.Ht extraordinary splendor The cold whs ?o excessive that Ms feet quite num.:, and the ends of the o| -s, win h bid dragged In the writer, gllttoted w th tin ley covering, Ibe heavy dew and great oondensa lion of gas. trom ex -esslve cold, caused tbe balloon to derflMtl rapidly. <m t"*u hmg the wa'er he contrived shift his position fron: tne hoop to tbe gas bag ?d<1 the balloon . dragging lor some time, Mr. V> el's was op to his waist In water while he rapid v prajeedad towards our roast, soon, however, the w?rtn atmosphere etus?d the balloon again ! to ri?o. tins time about one hundred v*rd? i Mr. Wells was now in a most critical position, holding 1 on. centert i n the ^a<t ag, which bun.- ou a sioeder cord | l rom the ballion. Tbe gashag began to rcivoiv rapidly, but lurki.y b<a head Unl not grow dltxy, and the rord did ' net breax, aiibou.h twisting lu an alaimmc manner. | Ihj bailnon grxdually lo?t its |Miwer,aud again d-scended, Mr. \V. being overjoyed lo see, by the mnonlltfbi , its I shadow increasing on the water. He was th?u dragged 1 as In lore along tun surface o; the water at the rate of J elv lit or ten miles an hour and after an exciting ride (which be i unpsres to sleighdrtvini: on iberaow)of nil .i .lust; inu.utes reai iml the shore. lhe pe?p .1 of Sau istdore ?h'.wed i.gnts and rockets, whtco grently < h?eien mm, ss be wa? Iguoraiit of the dl- | retiion in wntcli he went At IskI he was d?oo?itod In a 1 sasmp. ulid forceil to ibandon the I uIi.kiii, w hp h, b?ing | lieeri its weijut, ro?r impetuously to a gtual Might, ! passing over *<n rernaado in s westorly .lire, i on A BALI DON HACK? IIS AftHiAI. " rHAfB."' t ,1 rom ibe Mat>ehe?(er i tm?s August II On Wedm-sday evening two I allootis aacende<1 Ir m Cfsncnw i.nrdeiis? ths Prime of Waies, under tbe t-oarg- of Mr. t osweil, and the (.ar baidl. m an <x d by ! M' \d?m , ,ir. e i?'ge number of visitors were assent ! tied to w.tch tbe |>< of tllliug. which was ? arr.ed . mi at trie tins time lot the two ball otis. |ty atv it se\on 0 >'i.s'k both .'.ore r? dy to tart, and being b-tb bnsK'bl ) to lb- southern end o( thr en losurc ihi *m g'.vsn, 1 and the two balloons rciw beautifully together, ?n thai | lor some minutes it was m, o?i ble tu sav whi. h wa? <t the grea'C't elovutl .U OtaduaPy . however, the Irince of Waes begau to rise I 1 uher tiian the 'iaribsidi, aod ere long it was evidently ooi slderehiy beyomt It, in hslght and distance. Mr. ' Atiama, by throwing out ballast, r??e a little higher, but, a- Mr. C? x*eH n: on st immediately did the ?ame, the Tel.itive positl'ios of ibe two balloons remained much ? h?t they had ne?t;, ?nd they both proceeded in a southerly direct ton, tho upt>er current carrying Mr. Cox weil a Pttle westward The sigbt was most Ihtereetin/ scd the two balloons wi re earnestly watched lor s consider ible time At about ten o'clock Mi. Adams returned to tbe gar. dene, having had a pleasant vi y ige, .nd havin. made a tuoet satiafsctory d* scent ou Mr. Ileccles' plsee, >t<<oe 1 <riii, ni... Itroiniev, wnere the workmen rendered him every assiatanre in .'heir power He kept Mr. Coxwell in sisbt during the whole voyage, smi was of opintea that he had gi ns on about seven or eight miles farther P* 1 1 lies In lt?Bb*n Cessiy* Oonitimt, N Y., August it, !*??. The I ol low lug gentlemen were chosen delegates to the Union Htato Convention 'rom the Secnd Assembly ills triet of this, county to dsy ? O. T. tlartaver, C. 11. Ihovpaoi^ Bad K. m. JoBmob, Tra Mocudito limine.? This is tbe topic nf ?t?m| comment. Nothing like it bw i>? o kuown m iu? ny? rmiMM of ihe**?>Ideet inhabitant." Like ' >ri; n ritri> 4 111 i ennsylvania. tbe?* stinging iwau leiietrate every where, laying tribute on mJ 1 within itair ivarb, refusing ?ten then to abandon the Hold. 1 Hiring the aM two night* all aorta of ; e llents tiara bean reacrted m In order 10 riil U<> nes icd -ueepiog ainsri Menu of tbe i> vudors: people wbo tiave never smok<d before have ?tireo tliemae've* with heroic renignttion to Uie fum ,g?? tion of tlieir rooms; camphor hns been f reel/ a ed la washing every exposed part or the i-eraou while hua | <lred? of kind hearted |>? iceful housekeepers have ?a4 ileiily heoome pitiless beiligereuts, waging a war of ?* lariuitiati n on tbe whole mosquito 1 amity. last evening several store* were cloaed before seven o clock, ow rig la th extranrdin ,ry ??raid." This morning ibe com, I fjr |ieo, lo came to market with their headt bound ai> aed fi irt Injt twigs 01 loaves to drive oil tbe annoying iri^ert^ While their horses were covered with asparagus brunches ax a protection from tho aame enemy. The on aa friend moots friend la no longer ''A pleasant day , this/* or, "i,iad to soe you, old fellow but "did you ever see anything <;<|ual to ibeae m -(juitoaV bloat 'em!" slapa rlgtit and left giving ,tu angry vulumen e to every ayila* b e of the greeting. ? Newark [N. J ) A'h eriiter, Jtvg ST, MAILS FOB, EUROPE. lmportsst Intelligence from fliant's Army? Deiprrate Fighting on the Wet don Rsllrsad?PHrtk?r Sacctii of the Land and XaYalJKarcea in Mobile Bay? Vila Capture sf Fort Morgan? Tha Lateat Htw?, die., Ac, The Cunard inail steamship Asia, Captain Hoodie, will leave Boston on Wednesday for Liverpool. The malls for Europe will olosa in this city at a quarter past one and at half past fire o'clock to-siorrow after* aoon, to go by railroad. The N'sw York Hjuuld ? Edition for Europe? will ba published at eleven o'clock in tbe morning, and will oon tain ? The latest despatches from the Army under Lien tenant (,'eneral (irant in front of Petersburg, Va. , with accounts of the desperate Battles on Thursday last at Ileum's station, on tbe Woldon Railroad, resulting In tha Kopnlse of tbe Iiebels, with very severe loss ; The latest News from tbe Shenandoah \ alley, wiLh accounts of ma Retreat of tbe Kobels under Early; The latest News fr nt the Army under General Sherman at Atlanta, Ga. . Impor tant Intelligence from tho laud and N'nrnl Forces in Mobile Hay, with accounts of the Capture of Fort Morgan; The latest (!os; itches Ir' tn tho Colon Forcea in all parts of the country; The latest News from Mexico, Cuba, St. Domin* go, and reports of al|.jmportant events of the wick. Single copies, in wrapper*, ready for mslllug, lira cents. To Pitiirr Nil n w raciureri. Cash w ill be paid lor ID.OtJU reams of good 1 ?urJrlnler Paper. Sire, 32>4t> ? 48 lbs Apply at this "Bice. I'.ayal Havnna Lottery,? 75 per Cent premium paid fur Pri/ei. information furnlalied. The luhr-t rat'-p*il In' 'louhlcion? ?iul an kind, of "Id auA silver TAYLOP. A CO., lianXets. iti Wall Street, N. V. ' Prlreq Caahed In mil l. u;allird l,ott?>' rles and inrormation given .1 A( '<> jt. Kroner's oflice, 171 Uroailtvav, New York. .V Benntlful l ompir xlon. ? I<? lad's Bloom of Youth, or Lilqnld Pearl It baa no equal :or pre serving .md beaut If \ in' the complexion and skin Hold by nil druggist*, and by JAMKH LAIRD, Role Proprietor, ?3h Broadway. AdilrrH to Hmokera- Pnllak Jit Aon, Meerschaum Manufacturers, removed from Broome street to fltt Hmndwai' near Fourth street. Wholesale an I rctaiC Pipes cut to order and repaired. A TN'rfert Ilnlr Dv? tller'e. 50 Crntl* , Better and more In ipiantlty than any *1 dye. Bold b# druggists. A Travelllns Snlramiin for Jobbing; lutuses will take orders for a few new arfeles where tkd samples are lisht. Address <1. W V. room 81 De LaaeaV House, oorner Fortieth etreet and Slsth avenue Blokrene la ? Rejnrenator or Paap* proachahle and Inimitable excellence for all nervous eoas plalnta, no matter liow produced. It la an Infallible apeeiia Incase* of General Debility and Dyapepsla. Tbe goad elTecSa will be felt Immediately. I Females are particularly recommended te give the Bl? krene a trial. Its miaaion Is to roatore strength, vitality aaA pbyaical ability. $1 per bottle, or six bottlea for $5. HUTCHINda k HILLTBR, Proprietors. 81 Cedar atreet. New York. Sold bv H. B. Helmbola, 501 Broadway; Demaa Barnes A Co., 27 Park row Datrhelor's Hair Dye? ? he Brat In the world. Harmless, reliable. Instantaneous The only perfeel dye. Bold by all druggists. Factory 81 Barclay street. Crlai arloro's Hair Dye, Prsierratlre and Win Depot, wholesale and retail. No. 6 AM r Honsa The dye applied by skilful artists. Deafness. Impaired night, NOISE* I s ~T?i K in: AD, CATARRH A I. A K KCTION S IN *HB THROAT, CHRONItTcATARRn, CATARRH OK TTIK TYMPANIC MUCOBB MEMHKANK OUSTrtirCTIONS OK TUB EUSTACHIAN TUllB CURED. CROS8ETB STRAIGHTEN ED IB ONE MINUTE. And ererv d?ea*? of the K e mvl Ear reonlrlns cither medl" Oil or innlatl Mil itl'llM to hr Dr VON EISKNIlERQ, SI his conci'tlu* room*, 81'" Broadwav. sear Twelfth atrrel. Bmpiloiii, Kru-ki'*. Plmpl*4, Ton, Sunburn, Fle*liwnrtna, and all Skin Deformities cored be Ool'llAUO'S Italian Medicated Snap st hla dsput, No. 489 Broadway. E?r fling* and I'lns, Si > lf?, Jn<l reoetved? Three, Ave, aeven, t?n, twelve, fifteen. twenty M eeventvflve dollar. a ?et. For ??le Ijjr <>RO V. AM. KB. 4l.i ftro.idwav. one door below Canal atreet. Store coaea on Sutmdav a I 3 o clock. Kop the Hal'' nnrt Skin? Tlarr jr?s Trl? nnpherous. The be*t and chcapeat article. Mold by drtif fH PrrrkUs, 1*1 in pi ???. I'an, Flesh W ->rm?, Prlrklr T??-af, Ac . cured by GOURAUD'S ITALIAB MEDICATED SOAP, at 41.1 Hroa.lway. Or??t Jlfn, Warriors, Clergymen, Poete. Cannibals, Klat Head*. Tyrdcal Rare* Portraita at <?? tx*ra ? 1 Grant, Thorn**. II in-ock, K.?it?r, MoPher ?<>n. Ifculer. Napier, Hlaot .awk with Heenan. Rruwnl iw. Dr. T?n>.. Luther. Cornlns, rtp"nccr. .VorrK A<i In Se? tember number of PHRBNOL< tGICAL JOURNAL. Only 2w centi by flr*t po?t. or $3 ? v?i,r. Netrinti i bare it. POWLK.R .* WELLS, a*) Broadway. N. T. Oourand'e Poudrr Subtil Uproots Hair from kiw foreneade or asv pert of the body, $1 ; warranted at 111* depot, 4A3 Kroadwsy. $ *? 1 1 ? Combs? New Styles Jail lierolved, iw-, 'kr?, '0'ir, five to twentv dollar* each, lor **le by CIROBOl* ?' ALLHN, 41!i Uroadwav, on" door below nal atreeL Store ? losed on Ssturdsyt, at :< o'clock. Hill? Inimitable fatter of Hair? Style? neet, aultsMs; executed in the bent manner only. Shaving, 10c. No. I Barclay street. III"he?f I'rrmlnm I,nek Stitch Sewing Machine*. WlfEKLER A WILSON, Mo 635 Broadway. If Ton Want to Know, Ai? ., Read MEDICAL COMMON SEXSB A rurlo'r book for cwrloo* | ?>o;>l". and a good *>ook for every one Pricefl .Vi. To be ha>l at all ne? a dep< -. Contents Isblea mailed f:e?. Adilr?? Itr. E H KOOTE, 1.1 JO Broadway, N. T. Jewelry anil Wateltee, of AM Dcserlp tioti?, for *a'e by (1V.0 C ALI.RN. 415 ilroadwsy, ono door below ('anal <ii'?l dormer y 11 Wall itreet). Slots closed on Saturday* at 3 o'clock. .V rs. Wins low's Soothing Ryrap for children Teethine. cults Dyaestry sod Diarrhea?, rsgalats* tbe Stomach sad BowsU and cure* Wind Cslic, Kakatsl. Oienlnc of Pall Styles. ?J. B, Terry, 40* ProartwST. will open hla fall stv!*? of tlsta. Cap*. V'nre, Indies . mUaea' and children 's Kanev Rat- . boys' ass Infants' Hat*. Caov Ac.. onlThcrsdSy. September 1, 1464. Th'Sl" th* iari;e*t and rlcieai *to>-k of ?ood? ever etbthl'ed In thi* mar ket. A mere! d ?count to the trade. J. R. TKBRT, 409 Bresdwn*. Political Banner*, flags and Rnah'ems* H O.I E R ABRAHAM, 97 Dnane ?tre"t, corner Of Broadway. " *fh?n PP* Bottles Wanted." Por which the h ghett pri' e will be osid. al Ihe depot. Is Bsavi atreet. Tbe \cw r-rrnrar for ths Handker l'll\LONN NKJIIT BtUOMINO CBR?r|; PHALoV* 'NltillT RLOOIIIWU wfiSS*- , PHALOU S NHJHT 1 ciMllt" PHALON S NIOH r BLWMINtl OBIWIk^ fiTns hrM? S*?i*B?s^wur't'?>?r . >? vork." Bewasa SI c-mnterfelta. Said by ??! Ir _ - ne laoaneee H?lr Btaln Color* til* W." . ... i .,!!?'* -he ? heantl.'il hlack or brown. II -oa. 5*.s" on'v sse ,'olor "ll,D01 f,a* "r om. Onlv ^i, Phlla lelnhla, Bole ProprleMr. ,<? i:?rnca t Co . II Psrk row . r. C. Well# a E! n* Kraok'in ir-et: Helmhold, S?4 Bi iadwar, Rew VorT;' Lard > "n" h. .-h.ra??. and all dragon*. trasses. Klastlc Ktethlngt, Ar._ Marsk PO ones only st No. 1 Teasy ??reeV Lady aussdssfc A CO In Bnllrtevs.? Wood Meidlss, s ind sn<i Door fS''iory 9ERKKLL A (^LOBS, *a ts 210 Weat Thirtv *?venth aree?. between Rlghth and Ninth sresuea Wigs, Tonpsss, Hair Dys, Hal* Dy^? la, sed Moldavia Coast, for bsauUfMMs Ik* Ml ?? ^