Newspaper Page Text
TB =================== WHOLE NO. 10,455. "IMPORTANT. Arrival of Gen. Grant in Washington. TEE RESULTS OF DIS VICTORY. Visit of Lee toDanvilletoAdTise Johnston to Surrender. aFOBTAHT HL1TABT OfiDEB AllDrafting andBecruiting Stopped. in Purchases of Arms, Ammunition, Quartermaster and Commissary Stores to be Curtailed* AB Military Restrictions on Trade and Commerce to be Modified, Ac., Ac., Ac. f . ARRIVAL OF GRANT IN WASHINGTON. Washington, April 13, 1815. the headquarters of the Lieutenant General commandtag the armloe of the field have been to-day removed to ttli city. It is understood that they will remain here tar the present. Lieutenant General Grant, accompanied by Mrs. Grant, General Rawlins and Wife, Genserals Ingalls, Williams and Dent; Colonels Parker and Babcock, Captain Bobinett and lieutenant Dnnn, of his staff; Major General Meigs, Quartermaster General; 0. A. Dana, Assistant Secretary off War; Colonel Hillyer, of New York, and Colonel Pride and Mr. Barnard, of St Louis, arrived this morning from City Point, In the despatch steamer Mollie Martin, and took rooms at WUlard's Hotel. Qoneral Grant has avoided all publio ovations to day, Md, as usual, has been devoting all his time to the pubHe service. The moment that be had secured his quartan at WUlard's ho started for the War Department, and la a few momenta afterwards an order was telegraphed B over the country stopping the draft. This order will be a great relief throughout,the North, ad will save the expenditures a targe amount of money In all looallMsn. 'Several other measures were | adopted, which will materially reduce the dally expenses aff the government. Qeaeml Gnat has not yet visited Riohmond. He Inhered nearly a yes* to capture It, but now that It Is in the possession of his army he has not set his flbot in U? city. Moat ganerala would have gone Aura and had a flourish before raturning to Washington. Mat ao with Oonaral Oraat. Ha aaw that by oomlng im Mediately to Washington ha oould aacura tha adoption of measures which would radaca the expenses of tha government many mllllocw of dollars. If ha had gone to Xtehmond ha would have baau detained there at least two daya There la ao tailing how much the national debt might havo baea Increased la those two dmra, which has now baaa stepped by his few hours of ymotloal work at Use War Department. His aervtoeo to tha government In this respect are worth another victory. It la polluted that tha suspension of tha draft, tha rersssllnn of the charters of tha large Heat of steamers aa Western waters, tha redaction of the navy, he., will at ansa reduce tha expenditures of the government oas flnmon of dollars per day. THI DRIFT trews. Wan DCTsaxxwv ? Wirauraros, April 13?TF. M. f 9s Ma)ar Osama) Dix, New York Ike Department, after mature aoaatdaraUea and con faUM with the IiMUuit General a pom tbe rmmulU ?f toe recent onmpalgae, bmm torn* to the following <JetoiimlmmHiiiH. which will bm carried Into eflbct by appnprteln ordere to bm Immediately ieeued. Wink?To atop all drafting mad recruiting Hi (he loyal totoa. fltorinii Tn emrtall purchaeee for anne, ammunition, quartermaster mad commlaaary supplier, and reduce (be flltory ?tohllahmen( in ita aererml branches. Third?To reduce (he number of general and ataff attcara to (ho aotual neceasttlea of (be aorelce. Jbvrtt. ?To remove all military reatricUona upon trade and commerce, ao far aa may be consletent with public Wf. la ooon aa thaoa meuurea nan be put in operation it WlD be made known by public order. KDlflK H STANTON, Secretory of War. VISIT Of IEE TO DANVILLE. ^ Wiaaixaroa, April IS, 1IM. VI aeaaeallw * nn thn arrival (kf iKa bringing General Oranl and hia party, that Mawra. Hun I Mr, Campbell and Central R E. loe wart also on board Ala, bo waver, proved not to be the cane, and It la aald Mat General Lee haa gone to Danville, on a vlail to John Hon, In order to advlae him to aurreuder bit army to the government, ae hia auperter efflcer had already done. Hi be would do on tho ground that they fought aa long a there waa any reaaoaable hope of auccraa, and that thither reelatanre would be nothing abort of aimple pre aditaled murder. There la no doubt that bla advice wl II fea aeoepted, and that Johnetoa wilt aurreader to Sher an or Sheridan. Oeueral Grant repraeenta General Lee ee aeeloue In hit Hula to stop farther effuelon of blood, aed, tnateed of owning North, la bow engeged in urging all other com wadere or Southern arm lee la eurrender without fur!C*er rnetetanoe. OeD?r?l I-ee oonjldere thla work ai Ifeportaat aa General tyrant did hia In oomlog to WeakfttfUia to reduce the expense* of the govarnmat 1 OENERAL NEWS FROM W A ?ti' IT ON. F Wa?wr-- Mt. weiDUTi uoncTiow o? om ? ".is m. L tverfti iwaihwtw < ^a k ? 4 Uw * 'f I [E NE collapse of the rebellion, there Is to be Immediately a great reduction of the number of naval venae la In oommlaaloo, and a discharge of the ere era A portion of these will be laid up for the preeent, while a number, If not all, of the merchant vessels which have been Incorporated Into the navy, will be sold and returned to their legitimate business. This reduction of the naval force will, of course, make a considerable saving In the expense of that branch of the service. cblukation or thb victorim. The capital of our one common country has been In n blaze to-night The Illuminations which have preceded that of this evening have been but rehearsals for this grand performance, In which the people displayed their Joy and happlneas that the hour of trial and of danger had passed, sad that the nation, one and undivided, triumphant over treason and rebellion, stands fbrtb redeemed and disenthralled. The display was highly creditable. Our wide streets and avenues are especially adapted to such exhibitions, giving a good chanca to spectators to witness the full effect. The public buildings were all splendidly Illuminated, and bands of muslo ware stationed at several of them. The Navy Department was especially brilliant, sad the front extensively draped with American flags. The Marina band was la sttendsncs here, and, together with the profuse display of fireworks, attracted the attention and admiration of a very large crowd throughout the evening. The recent Illuminations of ths War Department and President's mansion have rendered any additional description of their appearance needless They presented no additional faatures, except that on the roof at each end of the War Department there was exhibited s very large oalclnm light. In Jackson Square, opposite the White House, there was a very liberal and brilliant display of fireworks. which luted throughout the evening. The City Hal1 presented a moat brilliant appearance. Across Its front (u jets displayed the words, "Grant?Union?Sherman." The headquarters of General Augur's Department of Wuhington were also magnificently illuminated, and a fine band here discoursed most excellent music. Along the upper front of the building, extending Its whole length, wu a transparency displaying the names of ( "Grant?Thomas?Sherman?Farragut?Sheridan." At the lower entrance of the Treasury building wu a new transparency, representing a fifty dollar seven-thirty ooupon note, and underneath it the motto:?"The note of a free government, endorsed by a free people, and guaranteed by the power and wealth of all the United Slates." Jay Cooke b Co. 'a banking house wu ftiM BMpntfl. cently illuminated, and displayed three transparencies, upon which wore Inscribed, "Reflponse of the loyal peo. n1? (a <>?-w nf tMitnro >> UTal it a nlrtnA ?> (iftlstrir tn God, who hath to U.S. Grant'd tlis victory," "The Busy Bs? Balls, Ballot*, Bonds." The main office of the American telegraph line also presented a beautiful appearance. The office of the United States telegraph, on Fifteenth street, was also 11. lumlnated. The New Yoke Hmui.i> office, on Fourteenth street, presented a brilliant appearance, and the other newspaper offices on that street were also illuminated. Even the hotels took part in the display, and were generally brilliant with lights and draped with flags. The citizens all over the city took part in the illumination, and for a time Washington presented the appear" anoe ef a fairy realm, its dirt and dln^lnees being for the time hidden by the brilliancy of the Illumination and the oorruacatton of Are works,|which trradiated|the darkness and gloom of the evening. The Arlington House, on Arlington Heights, the former rasldenoe of General Lee, was illuminated, and attracted much attention, it being a conspicuous object from almost any point In the oity. The Lunatic Asylum, on the Rasters Branch, also presented a splendid appearanoe. These two buildings are six miles apart; but from the Capitol grounds both were visible and notabla for tha brilliancy of their appearanoe. The Illumination was unpaiallelad In this city, and has bean a brilliant success, and highly creditable to the national capital. Tho streets were thronged by all classes of the people, and everything psmed off la a quiet, orderly and rational manner. jarr. satis aurosas phmiimion to uati to countby. Jeff. Davie recently seat a particular friend of his to Inquire at Ganeral Grant's headquarters whether it waa thought that Ganeral Grant would agree that President Lincoln would permit him (Davis) to take ship at one of our ports for a foreign country, provided that Davis would glvt his parole never to return. His messenger waa Informed that ths business of General Grant was to emaDa rnmrmm n nan Slam M Kallinn aad that lis Kail SkA tVA WSe to giro passports to foroign countries. PROFITS or JKFF. DAVIS AND BIS FRIENDS IK TUB BLOOKADR RUNNING SUSINBM. It Km transpired that the rebel Secretary of the Tree snrjr (Trenholm), ia connection with a rebel quarter master and a Mr. Fern ham, owned the controlling interest la some thirty-seven blockade runners, by which they had amassed, and deposited la safe places ia Europe, over twenty millions la gold. Jeff. Darts wae alee interested ia these operations. Ike exposition of theee fasts among the rebel leaders la Rich mood has caused the greatest indignation, though the excitement as yet Is nothing to what may he expected when the deluded people of Beboldom shall be made aware that the immense profits, arising from the starvation prices which they have been obliged to pay for the last twe yean, went directly Into the pockets of the hypocritical bloodsuckers who were sitting la the high set places of their pretended government. Til FIRING ON TU NIAGARA AT LISBON. No otBcial information has yet been reoetved in regard to the firing upon the Niagma ia the port of Li*boa, and of oouise, until the reception of Com mead or Craven's report, bo emciat actios cbb oe unci in we premises it It ah all be shown that the Niagara was simply shifting her anchorage, the Portugese government will be held to a strict accountability for the outrage upon our flag. aaflPMPTiOM or tram with thh rhbhlb. The order ef General Grant, rescinding hie former order suspending trade operations in certain Insurrection try districts, the military necessity for such suspension baring passed, gives general satisfaction, and operations under the sot of Congress will at once be reeumed and prosecuted with renewed vigor. arrival or oenhral smyth's remains. The body of Oeneral Pmyth, who died from the effects of the wound received on the Oth, arrived here to-day. aumber of our wounded, now at City Point, will be hipped to Annapolis, where they will be placed la the hospitals. condition op mr. seward. The eide of Mr. Seward's face, Injured by bis fell, has been placed In wiree Instead ef bandages, since whk h time the swelling tins become reduced, sod now be duen not suffer so much pels. Ho Is uneblo to Isave bis bed a yet, and is gonsrally more easy in ths day time tbaa during the night As talking Is very pelnful to him, owing to the Injury of hi* Jaw, he uaas s slate and pencil to communicate with others port hpmtkr cslkbration. The employes et the arsenal In this city hsvs mads preparations for a Fort 8 imt*r celebration to morrow eveniag on aa extensive scale. ?Thcy wlil bavs a torchlight procession, flrsworks, kc , In honor of the roatoraHon of (ho nIH flao ASS* ft h n ft fort MOSEY UOI Mi TO PI0NT IT OITT. The notorious freebooter Moeby decline* to recognlae the surrender of the rebel army by (talent! Lee, ?ud says b? will light sat long as he lias a man left. A short shrift and plenty of rope will soon settle him and bis highwaymen. mrOHTANT TO PA YMASTNKC. Circular No. 32, from the Paymaster doners!, Issued today, states that rommtwinned officers of volunteers leaving the service will. In addition to the oerllOcete of uunladebledneaa from the Second Auditor of the Treasury, hereafter be required by paymasters payieg their discharge accounts le famish a statement that there are no stoppages against them on the hooks of thai office. TSI CANADIAN RNOIPBOOITT TREATY. The State Department has pronmlgst *1 the followVormal notlea of the term'nnt'cr of the Itectprocity treaty waa given by Mr. Adar. 'n 'ie KrtMcb government oe> the 17th of March, end its receipt ?ss duly acknowledsed on that dav. Therefore. in aroor.lsiict with llir latlona rontafnH In tre-ty, It will ? ptrs In twot* months from that datu - <?. on Uta 17th <f Marsh, 1 *60. Anrltal of ilia Tham?? it* Halifax. IUuras, April hi, IMS. Tti? atMcniJilp Hitman, from horn; in, rla HL Jobua, N. jr., hM vwad bora. In aawa m MurtwataC W YO NEW YORK, FRIDA THE PACIFIC. Arrival of the Btcaaihlp Oceaa Raetn? The Re vol attorn la Per a?Mews from Chile, Bolivia and the Ceatral American Repabllea, Sic. The steamship Ocean Queen, Captain Weir, from Aaplnwall on the Sib laatani, arrived at'tbla port yesterday. We are indebted to Punter N. D. Shore for late nawn Annexed la the specie list of tbe Ocean Queen:? J. A. Stewart, Assistant United States Treasurer. $300,OM H. Cobn k Co 44,800 Wells , Fargo k Co *0,000 Duncan, Sbennan k Co *0,001 Otto k Reynolds *00 Frederick Probst ... 400 Order IT,SO* Total ?$032,?24 By this arrival we have late and Interesting intelligence from all parts of tbe Pacific coast of Central and South Amytca, which will bo found In tha latter of our Panama csrreapondant OCR PANAMA CORRSSrONDBNCm. Parana, April?, IMS Tbe Pacific Steam Navigation Company's new steamship Paita, Captain Woolcott, from Valparaiso and Intermediate ports, arrived at her anchorage In this harbor yesterday mornisg. Her dates are Valparaiso, March IT, Ooqulmbo lStb, Caldsra 19th, Cobtja 21st, Iqulqas 23d, Arica 23d, Islay 23d, Place 26th, Callao 2*th and Paita 31st. The nsws by lbs Parla is tboronghly South Amerioaa news, vis:?Peace In Chile, close of a revolution In Bolivia, program of one In Peru, and nothing worth manUoning from Ecuador. One Spanish veasel of-war, the Vencedom, had arrived la Valparaiso, and a second, the steam frigate Resoluclon, was dally expected; and It was the opinion of n few only that thay were the advance of Admiral Parqfa's entire squadron, coming to demand Indemnification; but the rhsjoriiy give no credit to such reports. The probability of war I* not mentioned, and business la pursuing lis usual course. N>me changos In the ministry are spoken of, but nothing definite is known on this point. In Bolivia the new government la quieting matters as fast as possible and disposing of those.officials who may possibly Interfere with the new order of things. Peace may be expected in this republic for a httle while at least. Your lima correspondent furnishes some most Interesting information froiu Peru. His detail of the progress or the revolution, and the causes of thn present disturbed condition of that constantly disturbed country, is valuable, for H exhibits how apparently Impossible It is for the people to govern themselves, and how they need some strong baud or power to rule them. Thte remark maybe couRidered anti-republican; but whatever it Is, Ihnrk ! nn( unnl ltu? ?sn?h 1W !.-? ?rtt?%lsa rvf It The Central American newa Is important. The probable death of Carrera, President of Guatemala, will hare a strong Influence upon tbo affairs of that and the other Central American r publics, and it may be the means of restoring Karros to power In Salvador; for the latter person has stilt a strung party in his country waiting for just such an event as Carrera's death to operate openly. Everything In the city of Panama is remarkably quiet, and tho government appears to be working smoothly. As far as beard from throughout the State, all the departments are pronouncing in favor of the new government. Oh. that it may prove all that ia promised; if it does, how much Panama will be benefitted in every way. THE STATE CAPITAL. Tlao Central Railroad Bill Vlrtaalljr Pasted, Sic., April 14?1 A. K. The aspect of the legislative chambers all day hare been moat animated. The Senate chamber this ereatng is crowded with spectators, and the scene Is more intense in feeling than any presented hera for many yean. The Central Railroad biH is virtually passed. This result has for tome time appeared impossible, and votes have been, it seemed, pledged irrevocably against It, as it was sought to make It a oauoua rule of the majority to defeat any Inoraase of fare of the Central Railroad. The bill came up ia course to-day, and was elaborately treated by annntM Daatinoa sosleiel ikn idrinlUn of the Kilt Tee el._ areolae aeeston, Stulor Htr?u spoke la reply, characterizing the opposition to the proposed relief for the road aa factious, aod made id obedieaaa la popular clamor baaed upon eelfleh aod aajuet damande. Senator Christie haa toDdacted the management of the bill, and replied briefly to each eueoeaalre amendment. When in turn each of thee* amendment, wan rated down and it became erident that the bill would be adopted, the anguine bopea of Its opponents gars way. Senator Cole, who ia called the Father of the Fenate, rose and made a spirited, characteristic and powerful appeal against the pending measure. Ha recurred to the well known compact Implied in the legislation by which the Central road was consolidated and th# canals protected by tells being levied on tho road. The change of sentiment aod policy which la exhibited In the removal of those tolls and the foster tog management of the railroads, threatens tba welfare of the canals and the credit of tho State through their revenues, the great reliance for tba extension or diminntlan of tho public detrt. He delivered a strong denunciation of those few republican members af the body who ranged thema-lves with the democrats an this cherished democratic menaurpd Senator Fciger, who has led the opposition, made a final and powerful speech, reviewing the statistics of Senator Hunger's speech or yeoterdey. His points were most tolling, and brilliantly presented He dwelt upon the evils of the competition for the through freight, sad the greet inoonventencee suffered by way freight. He Insisted that the original laveetmeot of the Central road had increased from twenty four millions to stgty millions of dollars la vales, end that Individual investments had multiplied four hundred per cent on aoaae of the roads?consolidated la the Central. He described the Intensity of the feelitg along the line of the Central among the people on thte question, end the Justification of this feeling. He abates K-usfu mo youuw| um mm mic ?mui mriniif VI turn session, which had wielded ill Imperial sceptic av?r el other measure* Senator Murphy look up the leading point of Senator Folger ae to a mora exduaJve devotion of the road to the acoommodatloa of way freight*. He spoke very fitly aa the representative of the metropolis; he exhibited the real basis of the grandeur of the State of New York aa Its unrivalled commerce; he dwelt upon the great scope of this commerce, and the Importruce af the trade aad freight of the West to the 'tale and the metropolis of Uio State", ha spoke of the narrow polloy which would sacrifice this vest interest for mere local or village convenience a* unworthy of consideration Senator Andrews demonstrated that the cttr of New York must always be the commercial metropolis, ae well for this State as for all the Northern States, without reference to railroad oompetition or regulation*, other thaa cheap farae and effective transportation of Hhe freights and prpducts of the Industrial population of this State. It eame with a very bad grace from the champions of State rights to stand forth on thiaquestion upon reverse of tholr doctrine Further amendments were offered, all more or lea aiming at a revival of the old doctrine of pro rata, which were debated and voted down. Some tlmo past midnight debute was doe-d Senator Folger stating that he had ben made to breuk ttfe ranks of tbe friends of the Mil, and he would consent to a conclusive vow without further debate. The bill was ordered to a third reading without division, and thus what has been the real key to legislation this year Is turned a' last, the door le open, aad wa will sec what comas off at the hael of tba session. The Union members of the Seneta held a caucus tbts afternoon, when the extension of lira per and Grlnn^U'l tortus of ofllcv as Commissioners of Charity, was con Itiered and laid on the tihle The usual method of introducing tbe Tax Commissioners case was attempted, a view of having Williamson and Brown reinstated by aclauae In the elty lax levy, but without effect. This proposition had the usual effect upon other pending measures of the party. Hie Health Mil being lost to day In the Rouae, In con-' sequence of want of votes, it was reconsidered and laid over, and the attempt to kill It finally tailed Una evening tn the Assembly. Mayor Uunther and a number of his friend* wer* her* to day, endeavoring to obtain the appointment of two democrats in their Interest for Fire Onmmisslnncrs. The Governor had declined to consider their suggestions for a change la the appointments. Haw* from Fartreas Monroe. Fomtsm Monot, April IS, IMA Tba steamer fuwanee aad Commander arrived hero to-day from Wilmington, N. C. Tho captain af tha Puwanes reported having passed off Hatlaraa, ths soon* of tho recent burning of the transport steamer General Lyon, thirteen bodice, end, with the aid of his spyglass, he was enabled to dlscorn a larga anmber af ethers floating oa tha tar face of tho saa. He considered them to be tbe victlme of the late sad disaster. A salute of two handrcd guns, la honor of tho surrender of Loo, was fired by the fortress this morning. i'ui in| Mia nniiK, m on? ui ma |uaa waa twing lOtaca, IV* e*plcJcd krcld* oUlly, killing a private la Iht third Pennsylvania artlllary and aerluualj wou idlng auoi bar. The He van.Thirty I. nan. Punttmim 4 i.iril '1, 1*63. Jay Otnke report* f ? ?> ?cri"t:. . n . rty Hrvn to day at 311,264 . ''r\ In I dm 0? - , ?u. m Klrst National Bunk of N"W Vurk i i b .r*. |o3,00:. ft* n NutbvHIe, and ? i /i ,, d .lib HrloUoM for anywiai. of Itu and ?.... RK H Y, APRIL 14, 1866. RICHMOND. Important Action of Members of the Virginia Legislature. The First Step Towards the Restoration of the State to the Union Taken. The Legislature to Meet it Riehmoid Under United States Protection. Th? Virginia Soldiers Reported to Hare Deserted Lee Before the Surrender. Their Abandonment of Eim Forces the Surrender. THE FRENCH TOBACCO IN RICHMOND. Visit of the French Consul to Washington to Claim Payment of the Tobaooo Destroyed by the Rebels, &e., &o., &e. Mr. William M. Merrlam'i O.ifat.h.1, Richmond, Va, April 11?11 M. WHOLMAUI PHEBTIOira Of VIRGINIA GLDIHUI raOM Ul'l ABUT. ft la known hara that tha meant aurmndar of T*o'm arm y wu due In a great measure, among other causes, u> the wholeaale desertions from lta raakaof the Virginia elements of which It wu largely composed. Tire Virginians really took up their line of departure from the fallen ohieftain by thousands, and so weakened him that surrender, or rather rout, were the only alternatives left. His Virginia troops would not leave the Slate. blocxadb ntnntxns anxious roa rsaon. recent occurrence is significant as an evldenet of the sentiments of tho leading citizens of Richmond. It Is stated that William G. Crenshaw, Esq., one of Richmend's wealthiest and moat Influential merchants, volunteered In tho Union Interest to go to Lloyds, Esses eounty, the horns of R. M. T. Hunter, for the purpose of inviting that gentleman to this city to aid tho members of the Legislature In tho matter of the pending reconstruction. Tho Crenshaw family represent more wealth In Richmond than any fifty of its citizens, with perhaps two exstptione?the representatives of which do not ex oeed tho Orenshaws In wealth. The latter actually bad five millions of dollars invested In blockade-runsing steamers, and made in that form a sufficient fortune to render the toes of tho vemels a trifling matter. Tho Crenshaw ware wealthy before the war, but since its inauguration, in 1861, have become vastly mors so through tho enormous profits derived from this contraband traffic. When such men iaterost themselves so sealously in the direction of peace the terms approach final adjustment, sad that without the usual attendant difficulties upon important SUM* negotiations Tl| VUMISU UMUTDU BSULDT TO TAX* THR OATS. AU the members of the late Virginia Legislature now or recently in the oily. numbering at least ten or fifteen, are prepared, it is said, to lake tho oath of allegianoe to the government of the United BUtee ; and as I have before stated, fhliy nineteen twentieths have determined to follow them in this creditable example. Tho spirit of sttbmtraion to tho authority of the government, as it is being manifested each day well, nigh approaches Joy. the people whom Jeff Davis loft behind in bit precipi thte flight certainly regard the ohange wrought by the Union advent as a most auspicious one, end as foreshadowing bright preepeeta to individuals no less than to oommooitlea oorstKos surra, ot vtmisia, crvuno to Kionuniro Ex Governor Extra Billy Smith, who fled tho rebel capital with Davis and his Cabinet, is believed to have Dees mm for, through the exertions of Judge Campbell, who la recognised her# as the principal party wIiom labor it ia to bring about peace and the restoration of Virginia to the Union on the beat ponaible oendltlona. Mrs. Cararnor dttilth haa returned to tha lata Kiecntiee mansion, ne? tha quarter* ol <>vn< ral Charlea Deruna, by whom aha haa bean gallantly accorded aa many apartments aa aha daotrad for har own use Public order Is fast being restored in Richmond, and the military administration is fast duly regulating publle sffhln and prtvxts grleft. tba lattar of erbieb ara Duma rona. Nothing of mark ad interest has occurred up to ibis heur. Ricbmovd, Vs., April* 1?11 P. If. a nmrarto or ma m nines or ai<nusonB. k prlrata masting of tba leading atttaant of Richmood Is In session to-night, having for ita object tba organ jeatioa of action looking to the immediato requestlag of tha military authorities to permit tha re establish uivuft vi uuaiwi^H |UT?ruuiiai w niCBDiuiq ?oa U? return of Mayor Moye to tbo function* of bin office. Tbeee rogueou will deubtleoo bo mod* by tbo clitxean Another on! Important aided of the meeting to to Inaugurate arrangement! for tho proaontotlob of oa Impreaaive donation to money and property to General Robert K. Leo, lately oumioandiag tfca diapcraad rebel armies. The dotal la of the meeting bare net traaaplrod a tbls boar. MA)or General WeHieJ woo serocmdod tble evening at tbe late realdence or Jegbraon Uavir Major leoeral Ord to announced a arrleo bora tomowow Rionoen, Fa., April 12-3 A.M. too roBNOV rosacco tie Micinoao Tbe konouncement la Juat made that Monaienr Pool, the Oeniul of Pranoo raiding la thia city, baa left for Waablngten, wttb a view, It la mM, of submitting to our government a claim of aoaao nature for tbo Preach tobacco deatroyed horn In the immaaao ennflagrotion of Monday weak. Rumor, net ill founded, I hoar, baa It tbal Paul (bora removal or dtomlaaal becnuae of nls alleged want of energy In falliog to place tbe Precoh Bag over tho tobacco belonging to Na poleoa From wliat 1 have gathered on thla vuhject R aeents rather arrange tbal Ronaleur Paul, living In Rich mood, and knowing tho purpoaa, aa he mtiat have knowa, of tbe late rebel government to deotroy the t? baeoo which ww In Immediate proximity to the Prench aorum'ilatien of that article, ahoutd hare taken no at'pa to have It removed to a place of safety Re wee doubtleaa aware, too, eg a rumor, very prevalent here anterior to the evacuation of tile city of a p.rpoee on tbe part of the cttlaena lo Br* by way of aa accident tbe warehouse la whloh the French toboroo eraa stared. No offbrt wna made to guard against a contingency ao Imminent aa that referred to Herder, the lata French Minister at Waahlngton, It will ho borne In mlad vtailed R lob moid, paaalng through Uenaral Butler* Inea tarn run mar, I believe, to look after tho Prenrl Intereata In thla roapect. At that time Merrier txpru-aed aoma analoty regarding the aafety of tbe tobacco jwnod by bla government. Ir tndemnit) la dea:reg It wo ld be well to forecloae the Ave million bolanee of the bitonger loan now to the credit of JeZ Dovia, at Porta ? ITankfort-on thaMa.n. NEW8PAPER ACCOUNTS. T>i* R?at*r?ttoa of CWI1 Authority la Vlrglaik. TBI MIOIMIA LKQlgLATUIB CiLMD TO BIICT IN BICffMOND Oil DIB TUB PBOTBCTIOM OB TBI OLD FtlO. [From tha Richmond Whip, April 11] A DO EMM TO TBI rBOTUI OP ! RAIMA. Th> andcrEtgood, membera af tha Lagtalatura of tba data of Virginia, la connaaUaa with a lumbar of aiuaaa of tha Mala, wbuaa aamaa ara attachad to U>a pa par, la rtaw of tha oranaaUoa of tha city of Richmond by tha Coafadarat* goracamaat and ita acaufatJoa by tha mlUlary aatborliloa of tha tfaitad Sulci, tba aarraadar of tha > nay of Nnrthorn Virginia, aad Ua auapaaaloa of tha Jurltdictlon of tha civil power of tbi Slat", aia of tba opinion thul an In.nmdiaiA aimtag 4 tba Oaaaral Auombly of tho huto la Hliri "J Min MlftKBDrO 01 IIM KUkllOII. [ Tho con?ont of Iho military authoHtloo of lao Unlt<d Hut"? to * town on of th? Initio! nro In R cbnoTMl, In coftoortion with iho Govornor ?nd Lion Mni:ll>ar*tMr, lolMf frro d.iIIWktl.m o'^on p.ih; < ?o<1 10 ttan tni^-oon and dxporturo of ail lift mnm fc?r*- ? ?W kftfo < ondoot, hoo boon nb?itli?od. Tho UmVkd tfutoa ftwJfortllM wiM amnd MmmoUM < .. ' v ERAI from 1117 point under their control to any of the penona koforo mentioned. The matter* to bo oubmitted to the Loftlalaturo art tb# roatoralton of peace to the Slate of Virginia, and tho ad < ?w iafwTiu| uie, iiDcnj ua property, that har? arisen la lit* Btate u consequence of war. Wo, tberwfors, earnestly 'request tho flovernor, Lieutoaant Governor and members of the legislature to repair to this city by tho 16th of April, lustant. Wo understand that full protection to persons and property will bo alTorded Id tho State, and we recommend to peaceful ellitens to remain at their homes and pursue their usual avocations with coufldenco that they will not bo Interrupted. Wo earnestly solicit the attendance In Richmond, on or before the 26th of April, Instant, of tho following persons, citizens of Virginia, to eonfer with ua an to tho best means of restoring peace to tho State of Virginia. Wo have secured safe conduct from the military authorities of tho United States for them to enter the city and depart without molestation:? I Hons. R X. T. Hunter, A. T. Carpenter, Wm. C. Riven, John latch or, A. H. H. Stuart, R L Montague, Fayette M. Mullen, J. P. Holcombe Alex. Rives, B. Johnson Bar bour, Jas. Barbour, Wm. L. Ooggtn, J. B. Baldwin, Thou. R Uholson,Walter Staples, 8. I>. Miller, Thos. J. Randolph, Wm. T. Early, R A. (Jla>brook, John Critcbor Williams, T. H. Kppea, and those other persons for whom passports have been procured, and especially others whom ws consider it unnecessary to mention. A. J. Marshall, Senator I rum Fauquier. John Wesson. Senator from Marlon. James Venabie, Senator elect from Petersburg. David J. Burr, of tho Houss of Delegates, from Richmond. David J. Saunders, of tho Houss of Delegates, Richmond city. L. 8. Hall, of the House of Delegates, Wetzel county. J. J. English, of the Houss of Delegates, Heurlco county. Wm. Ambers, of tbe Houss of Delegates, Chesterfield eouuty. A. M. Keetz, House Delegate, Petersburg. H. W. Thomas, Second Auditor, Rlrhmond. Lieutenant L. L. lloucure, Chief Clerk, Second Auditor's office. Joseph Mayo, Mayor, city of Richmond. Roberts Howard, Clark, Hustings Court, Richmond city. Thomas W. Dudley, Sergeant, Richmond city. Littleton Tazewell, Couimouweulth'i Attorney, Richmond city. Wm. T. Jaynea, Judge of tho Circuit Court, Petersburg. John A. Meredith, Judge of tbe Circuit Court, - Richmond. Wm. H. Lyons, Judge of tho Hastings Court, Richmond. Wm. C. Wiekhom, Member of Congress, Richmond. Bcijjuinin S. Eweil, President of William and Mary Col aw* v. Nat. Tyler, editor Richmond Enquirtr. R. K Walker, publisher, Examiner. J. R. Anderson, Richmond. R. R. Howison, Richmond. W. Goddin, Richmond. P. O. Ilnpley, Richmond. F. J. Smith, Richmond. Franklin Sterna, Henrico. John Lyon, Petersburg. Thomas B. Fisher, Fauquier. W tn. M. Harrison, Charles City. Cyrus Hall, Ritchie. Thoa. W. Garnett, King and Queen. James A. Scott, Richmond. I concur lu the preceding recommendation. J. A. CAMPBRLL. Approved for publication In the Whig and In handbill form G. WR1TZEL, Major General Commanding. Rtanotrn, Fa., April 11, 1896. TBI OALLINO OP TBK VIRGINIA I.KfliSr.ATrRB?TBB KIKHT STEP TOWARDS TU RESTORATION OP THB STATE TO THE PRION. [From the Richmond Whig. April 12.] It In understood that this invtlaliou has been put forth In pursuance of the plan of proceeding assented to by Preeideut Lincoln. At all evonta It will be hailed by the great body of the people of Virginia aa the Jlrit iteep toward Ut? reinstatement./ ike Old l></minimi in (An Union. It ia probable that some of the members of the Legislature may dacllne to come. In every such case the people of the county or Senatorial district should select some influential and intelligent citizen, who Is willing to lake pert In this business, and commission htm, ss far as they can, to represent them at tbo conference. The views and purpose* of the members of the Legislature should be ascertained at otice Every ona can foresee difficulties in the way of formal action; in the beginning several complex questions ere to be met at the threshold: but "whore there Is a will there hi a way," and whatever the difficulties presented the important business must be an derm ken. The Interview Between President Lincoln and Judge Campbell. TBI SUBJECT OP THB CONSULTATION THE RESTORATION OP PEACH IN ALL THB STATES. [From the Richmond Whig, April 11] A special despatch to the New York Tribune, from Washington, dated 7th Inst, says:? The rumor that the President ia earnestly engaged in p roller of perdon to the rebel ntnlt and file gain* credence in influential quarters. It Is known that Secretary Sewacd was summoned to convene there with the President the day of his serious socldeut. (irant also telegraphed the Secretary of War, requesting that no one be permitted to visit Richmond for the prmcnt; while rumor assorts that commissi mors, oatrial or self oonstitu ted, from Alabama, Georgia and North Carolina, are in that city, and in conference with the Preeident The correspondent of the TW&une Is mistaken In locating the President at Richmond. He only remained here n few hours, and than proceeded, we believe, to ltortroes Monroe. In this connection we may say that the recent inter view between the President and Judge Campbell related te the restoration of peace in all tha Stales, and not to Virginia atone, as might bo Inferred from the brief notice of the "senscitation of olUsena" published In the Wktg ef Saturday. Whilst every one will rejoice at tha rcotoratlon ef penoe and prosper! ty In Ml the Mites, we cannot retrain from the expression of the hope that tha public men who are to take part la the reinstatement of Virginia lo hor ancient position la the sisterhood at Staton, wlH address Cham selves to that huslnaos without unnecemery delay. Vlr gtnla was not consulted nor watiod fur when secession Warn# tho determined policy of the "Cotton ."tales,"' and there la no sound reason why "co-operation"' with these, la aeoeptlag the Preaident's terms of peace, nouia oe u* rui# or proceeding now uet Virginia lead lb* way back to the Union, and preaont an example of prompt action to tb* othar tttate* of tiio lata "Cutfederacy " Mrs. Oaaaral U? aat Irrloailjr III ai Report rd. (Trom tli* Richmond Whig April 11] Tha report concerning tb* health of Mm General Robert K. 1**, extensively circulated yesterday. la, w* learn, entirely without leetvlaliun. Mr*. I^w (a In ae good health aa abr baa been for twelve month* |uutt, and t>* atorlae of ber earloua IndWpoaiUno bad their origin in tb* brain of Idle goealp*. Wo dotivo tho information from a aouroo antirely rellatilo. Rellaloai Protection In Rlrhntond. [From the Richmond Whig, April 12. | ctcvvbai. obiwb?an. 29 Rcaducautiiis, DrrAriiuvvv or rua A net or tub Jiuaa, i Hk uuomd, V* . April II, lies. \ Pr otection 1e b?reby attended to all t hiirrhee and pla"*a *f public wnrahlp Rdiaioua eerrli-e* may be urn Untied without Interruption aa In Ume* } profound peace. TV* pret*rtt<>a mu?l not, however, ?? per verted for the ulterannt to any for of wornbip *f treeeonefcle eentlmenta or eiprenalona When thua perverted 11 will be withdrawn. In ail li'iiche* wluue cravpre bare heretofore been ottered for the "mi called Prealdeat of the Confederate lute*." a tdmllar mark of reaped le hereby ordered to lie mud to the President of the Failed State*. 8J command or Major lien ral U. W ?1 l /.KL. . D, Aealatant AdJnUiit General The Robot tteneratI W. H. P. !. * not Killed!. [From the Richmond Whig, April 12.1 Wo learned yiwterday, uiMia what w* consider to be good authority, that (len<ral Wm. II F. Le* baa not been kill d aa reported. Rla family bar* learn that be ib un hart. The Capture *f delaia. WiBuiuuToa, April IS, 19M. Tb* report of the capture of Seltna and Forrest's eitllr* rebel force le, according to the A'atuuwU Ktyubkcan, now oeealdered by General Tbomaa aa reliable. Oo?n Fmoat 8 a ova d Com b*t ? In eonaonanc* with tb* aoleranity of tb* feetlTal to day, a ooncert of aacred muwc will ba given tbla evening at Irving Ball, by Mr. Wehll and Mil*, d* Katow Tb* novelty of tbla Good Friday aalebratton wil' no doubt attract a largo aodieao* Tb* earn* artieta announce a maUnM for to-morrow, previous to their departure for the Weal. Omtomv to Mix* TV *nxr??A grand oompllmmtary concert will he given at Irving Hall on de'urday evening to Mil*. Stella T'unheur aeontialto rocaliet potametu* a Una voice, oaiwfully cultivated. She will be semsted I j ?ev ral eminent art.sta who volunteered to eupport h?r ?u bar 4>tut Nrw Bownf.r Tiikatk*.-Mr. O. C. Chtrle*, ?n Iilnh commllan, Uke? ? i benefit thH ??<?nlrg. To morrow ' *ht t* the l*:<t of Ma rjrugomr-nt. Mm oce lln. Uaaar Wilu*V" w ?nga<' MBt K Ikt Kmuia UmIti on K u. t. 1 4> L.D. PRICE FOUR CENTS. SHERMAN. The Army Under Marching Orders. All Prepared to Move on the 11th Instant. Johnston Supposed to Have Retreated In the Direction of Charlotte. Enthusiasm of Sherman's Men Over the Fall of Richmond, a?., JU., kc. Oar Sptclal Washington Despatch. Wish jnotojf, April 13, lf'm. Advices from Goldsboro, N. C, to the 10th instant, stale that General 8berman's army was to move on the lllb of April, with only on* pa k mule to each company sad a single wagon to each regiment. Ths wbols army had been abundantly supplied with provisions and the requisites for a long march. The railway was in operation soma miles north from Goldsboro, on the way to Raleigh. It was supposed that Johnston's army had left Raleigh, in the direction of Uharlotlo, leaving a small cavalry force to cover its rear. The News of the Capture of Richmond la Sherman's Army. GcLnsnoRO, N. C., April 3, 1803. The capture of Richmond and the great victory of General Grant were telegraphed here this morning from New horn, and the Joy and enthusiasm which tlie good news creates In Sherman s army Is beyond description. The Union citizens In Italeigh have alao celebrated the event, in spite of the rebels, who are now powerless to prevent such loyal uuiiilfeslatlous of joy, which refugees Bay are alio being openly displayed in different parte of tho State. Hero at Newborn awl at other points In tbe department bolls were rung and gnus (bod. Carl Schurz hag Ju?t arrived at Kewbern, and It la rumored tliut be Is on his way to Raleigh. No movement for thu rultirn of Nortli Carolina to the Union w ill probably be made uul.t ltal-igh is occupied by our troops, though It Is now the general desire of the people throughout the State. A portion nf Cenreal She, man't army icor undrr <rdert to mror prior to the reception of tho news that Richmond was captured. It was generally believed both in and outside of our lines that Sherman would move from thin point, to assist Grant in the capture of tho rebel capital. Mr. James C. Fltzpatrlrlc'e Despatch. WujiiauTos, N. C., April 7, 1805. The news from the front Is perfectly devoid of Interest. Your contemporaries havo published the most exaggerated stories of aflairn here since the occupation of Gold*. boro. Sherman bos been represented pushing steadily on to Rnletgh, capturing every intermediate town, wboa In fact he ban been quietly resting on the banks of tha Neuse. Our advance Is about two mllus north of QoldeIboro, which Is the extent of our occupation lu the direolinn nf I Vim ranltal An accident occurred lout night on the Wilmington find Goldaboro Railroad by which a soldier, Just discharged from tha service, wae killed and several others Injured. The train ran olf about four miles north of Magnolia alatlon, owing to the breaking of an axle, and the second and third can ware demolished. A lady from the luterlor of the .State, a refugee, who had taken pu-sagu al Goldsboro, had her leg broken. harsok mastks. Captain S. A. Emerson, an old oaptaln on tha Atlantla coast, and one of General Uuruside's assistant In tha Haltergs cxjiodilion, baa been appointed harbor master at this port, rice Captain Amsworth who ha? returned lo Fortress Monroe. th?: caittk* of richmond. The glorious news from Richmond was received yeaterday afternoon. As 1 write the nary Is booming forth a salute, the military bauds arc playing, and iba city authorities are glviug a peal on the toau and church bells. Every one here h cra/y with Joy. THENAR IN KENTUCKY. Tlx* Itobel Forres 1st the State to Barren* der or he Declared Oatlaws?Bertoue Charge Against Gen. Cnrrlngton, Ae, Cincinnati, April 13, 1803. Preparations for the celebrsilon here to morrow are perfect d. There will be a general turnout of all < lasses. The Lexington, Kr., despatch says that <i.?naral Palmer last Eminence, Ky., for the purpose of receiving the sariender of all the rebel forres In tho State, Including Coloeel Jesse's command. Those who will not surrender will bo declared outlaws, and the people will be eailod upon to hunt them down. A lieutenant and seventy one men surrendered yesterday to General Hobeon. Tha QiutUt says that General Carrlngton, at Indianspoils, I* charged with being a defaulter to the amount at thirty thousand dollar*, and alto guilty of fraud* In wood contract*. doctoral Oranl'i Order latptadlag Trad* Revoked, iricui. order?mo. 74. Biadqc K?mw, A auras or rn* INrnrn ) la m rmu>, Vinoisu, April 11, Ibdt f Mecoad paragraph of 8po< tal (irdora No. 48, of the data of March 10, 1 *48, from thnoe headquarter*, suspending trad* operation* within the State of Virginia, oiropt that portion known aa Uio Eastern Shore, and the State* of North Carolina and Sooth Carolina, and that portion of , the Slate of Georgia immediately bordering on the AtlaRtlc. including the city oi Savannah until further orders I* hereby revoked lly command of Mo ;tenant General GRANT. T. 8 Buwkm, Assistant Adjutant General. Police Intelllge nee. boi.d romirily ar a "ticeet-op-leate" maw? pmmi't trial, convictiom amd 8rktemub op thr OPrENDRR. _ ^ About three week* afdf young Englishman, giving hi* name a* CUarlr* Mullen, who hud been litx lated from an# of the penal crdonle* of England, where be bud served out a term of imprisonment arrived In thla city and soon made the aeqtmliitnnce of *ever?l noted criminal*, e Ith whom be visited ale bouae* and other plane*, to which elnas of people resort 1 luring lha oh* quie* of tb? lamented General Winthnp, late >>a Wednesday afternoon, Mullen thought to try hi* hu?<l at the old buelneM. Being In the crowd near Tilnlly nhircb, Mullen aneceoded in mealing a gold watch, va!u?d at %'M>, from the pocket of CapUin Gcorga Mi Gov an, beloiylng to the I'nlled Slate* Aimy, and aiatiored at thn Mattery Marra< kn. The OuUuti, detecting Mullen In the a<t, aeUed him and recovered hi* watch, Immediately after wlneh the prisoner attempted to an I In dutiiir an struck Cantata McGowan twice In Ih" iart with bit flat. He wan I,rid fart, however, (lit oflWr Koblnaon, of ilia Twenty flfib precinct. cam* up arid took him to (he autioa bouae. At ulna oak* k r> lerday morning Captain Mcttowan ap|>ear< d before J.i?il a Dow I log at (ha Tom he, and mada an affidavit agalnat the an need. Tha complaint nan at onra *ani Ur District Attorney Hall, who laid tha < aee before tha (Jrand Jury, thaa In aer?ion. An Indictment was Immediately r?un4 agariat Mullen, aoon after wh oh he waa tried, convicted and Mntaroed to the ?ttata I'rlaon for Ova yaara (Jun k work that far tha "ticket of leave" man. ALLEOIB DtftllONHTT Or A CLKltr. Detective Tlemann yaaterday arraateu a lad, tlx teen yearn of age, named Iaaac B. Bowen, recently In tha eta. ploy of Mr. David H. McCoy, doing bualnena at No. 00 Broadway, oa a charge of dtnhoneatlv appropriating money. It la charged that on the Oath Rowe* waa entruated with eight hundred dollar* It money and checkn far the puri <?a of depoaitlng the aeme in tha National Dank of Ooriiujarcn Inatead of doing an, howatrer, H Ul alleged the acruaed appropriated the money t* hie own une None o" the mlralng tnony han been racovercd. Bowen waa 'akeu bef ,ia JuaOee Mnna&aid awt committed tor axajiioation. c< m*i.aint Biamibki* uonik4tI?T i>iern4TtoN?. On the J'th day of hareh Mr. Adolph Utikaoh, dealer In win a, ci?era, he , at 14.1 nrenu# A, waa arrestr i oa auapicp.ii of baying ?et Ora to hla plaoa. The .-a# th roughly lnveen??ted before Jualloa Man'cM and .1 ir ng III" ex i miration It appenred that the v?d ?i ' Nr. J.i kich I. Hi k of gorxia a< tlie time of the flro exceeded it, i. , .mi h e, and conpequa^ly n > n> tl'-e for i.r:?e th" prnaaak waa nicer air; MtA* ac nrdi'ia 1 !?ti.fane.1 tha oo*n, *?.r ?tv>I share ?>i Mr. LckMB flMMk Mtaua.