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am ptwwn ( 4 NEW YORK HERALD. JAMKti UOUUON BJBSIVBTT. EDITOR AND I'ROIRIETOR. OFFICE N. W. COBNKK OK FCLTOH AND N ASSAU 8T9. TERMS cash in advance. Money sent by mail w ill he t tbe risk of the gender. None bat bauk bill: current tu Kew York taken. Volume *0:* AMUSEMENTS THIS EVENINJ. OLYMPIC' TUEATliE, Broadway.?Tub Honktmoom. BOWERY THEATRE, Bowery.-Ubclb Ton'* fill*. NIBLO'8 OARDEN, Broadway.?Otubllo. broadway thbatrk, Broadway?Dot; oe, tu* Cuviat om tu* Hmta WJNTBB OARDEN, Broadway.?CoaroRAL Cartovchb. NEW BOWERY THEATRE. Bowery.?Roar O'Moaa? laua Abbcbahcb a*d Yaaaaa Monaarr?Suahdt Mauuirk. WALLACE'S THEATRE, Broadway.?Simolb Lira. BARNtTM'S MUSEUM. Broadway.?Two Mammoth Fat Wombm?Lirino Hkblktom? Dwaar?Hiamt Bot? Hkiso**r or Snai aaaa Huatmo a Turtle. Open Day and Eveuiu*. BRYANTS' MINSTRELS. Mechanics' Hall, 47! Broadwar.?Ethiopia* Bonos, Dances, BuaLuauaa, Ac.?Comroral oabtbimm. WOOD'S MINSTREL HALL. Sit Broadway.-Ethiopiam Boats, Dascbb, ao.?Pmthoi.buma.xia, om Oil o.x tub Bmaui. nOOLEY'S MINSTRELS. 199 and 301 Bowery.?Soaas, Damcbs, Bubuumiubs, Ac.?Industrious Familt. SALLE DIABOLIQUE. 585 Broadway.?Robbut Hbllbb's Illusions ajtd Comic Solos?Stihit Saob. HIPPOTHEATRON. Fourteenth street.?Eoukstriait, Otmmastio and Acmobatio Emibktaihmb?ts?O'Do.nouuuus. IB VINO IIALL, Irving place.?Vocil airo Ihstrumxntau Co*cbbt? Mdllm Da Katuw, J. M. Wkmll AMERICAN THEATRE. No. 414 Broadway. ? Balubtb, Famomimhs, Bu russules, Ac.?Tub Rival Aktiza.xs. NEW YORK MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, (18 DroadwAy.? Open irotn id A. M. 1U P. Al. New York, Friday, April 14, 1865. THE SITUATION. In addition to the many official War Office bulletins of character to cause national rejoicing which wo have - bad the pleasure of laying before the people during the past few weeks, we publish this morning one which will give universal satisfaction, and dispel long entertained apprehensions in mauy a household. This is a despatch from the Secretary of War announcing that an immediate stop w ill be put to all drafting and recruiting for the military service in the loyal states, fc'e'rotury Stanton also informs us tiiat p.irchasos of arras, ammunition nnd supplies are u> bo curtailed, that the military itttablishment la to be reduced, aud that all military restrictions on trade and commerce, bo far as may be consistent with the public safety, will shortly be removed. The dec slon in the matter of these important proceedings was arrived at after consultation with General Grant, end may therefore be taken as indicating that the war is virtually ended. Besides the preparations for a reduction of the army, the navy Is also to be immediately reduced to a great stent. It la reported that the rebel General Loe has gone to Danville, Vs., In order to advise General Johnston to surrender hie army to the national authorities, end thus vert farther useless bloodshed. General Grant, accompanied by several members of Me staff end n number of other army officers, arrived In Washington yesterday. His headquarters have been re wrf I* thai city. Vail detail* of the closing hostile operations of General Oranl'e force* against the rebel army under command of General Lee, and of the surrender of the latter, events amsag the most Important of modern times, are contalaed In the engrossing despatches which we publish this morning. call for assart on of the aebel Legislature of Virginia la Behmond about tho 24th Inst., signed by a number of the member* and other eltir.ens of the Slate, was pubUshed la that city on Wednesday of this week, with the approval of General Weltzel, in both newspaper and haudMI form. This document also solicits the attendance la Kchaond at the same time of the rebel Got aranr aad Lieutdhant Governor and cortain other preaitaeat asa of the S ate, including R. M. T. Hunter, A. H. H. Stuan, Fayette Mcllulten, William L florin, William C. Rives and Alexander R.ves. The matters to be submitted, the call states, are the restoration of peace to the Slate aad the adjustment of questions Involving life, liberty and property, and safe con dart aad transportation to all those Invited to attend are guaranteed by the mi liary authorities The Richmond Wklgmy* it Is understood that this Invitation has been gut forth la p irsuancs of the plan of proceeding assented a by President Lincoln. General Urmat, la an order dated on the 11th Inst, has revoked that portion of his special order of the 10th ult. suspending trad* operation* In certain portions of Virginia and Georgia and In North and South Carolina. Advices from Ooldsboro, N. C., of the loth Ind., atata that General Sherman' army would commence It* advance from that placs on thu following day. It had been completely re-equ ppod and almnd-uitly supplied tir a long march, and the troop* would move la light marching order. It waa supposed that General Johnaton'a army had abandoned Raleigh and gone In the dlroctlon of Charlotte. The newa of the capture of Richmond and Pe eralin.g waa received with Immense < n Itm-taaiu by General Sherman's aoldlera. It la aald hat these event* were also celebrated by the Cnlon people of Raleigh and other prints In N'ortb Carolina Jtaide the national lines, and that the rebel* were powmleea to prevent the demonstration* A dee patch fiwn I.exlngtoa. Kentu 'try, itaiea that Qeaerai Palmer la now at Kmtnence for the purpose of Vaoeiviag the lurreader ef all the rebel forree In the lata. Thoee who will not surrender will bo declared utlaweaad hunted down without merry. Our special correspondence fr?mCorunnn, Ppe'n. dated flrom the morning of the 2TUI to eight o'cto k In the pvmlagof the Mtb of March, contain* a very Intereat tin iD)|?>ruiin Kcmini 01 nin cirrun: l.nirna una r Which the rebel Iron clad rum Rtonowull left the port of Fcrtttl ud pat to era. On the 2;<l altlme the Stonewall pood oat fron# the harbor fot the aerond tlr>e, In com fnay with tbo Spanish frigate (.'oneepclon. In fifteen tnlnutee Uw Niagara and Harratoento were looee from their anchorage near, Coruun.i, nnd atenmed directly toward! her. In Irea than half an hnnr the rnm tamed abort and at<anted bark to port, to the greet d etppoiatmeat of Uioueanda of pereone who elood gn/.ing rer the oalm waiera In expc taMon of witneaeir.g a faille. Thla waa the aecoad feint of the nn Nett fUy Captain Pag* hlmeelf lightened bar of noma coal, ftaade randy, tae went oat again with the Spanleh fr.gate Mil ha got It? mile* to ecu, where ha lay off and oa ntll night The Utilaa reaaela did not follow him. Onr oorranpnndent Imimaiaa that their oowmandere Wind pmdeotly, a* lha rute of the weather and water wan greatly la faror of the ram if la action. Daring *+ allompt in aampo it *ri aaid thai lha 'fUmwM tanked, end that her halWt rolled The roa W* m* * Whd tUtae In Oereana antorod n protest again-t the "aid and comfort" ahoMrn to the ram in the port of l errol during m week* The 8|sunsh Admiral, in his roply, tiiUiualod (lutl tils govornioeut could not get r d of her in nhorter time, aa the was leaky ua I nKoaworthy. It said that th i Ktonewali hoisted tue rebel be ore she was out of French hands, and that a deep responsibility nvtn with lite French and S|>e'ii-h cub.uois on her account, aa well as with tiie I'lilted Stales government for not sending over a aufflclcut force to at once destroy h r General Hancock, commanding lh? national t poo pa in the Shenandoah vulloy, in lu'ortning Uio people of that region, in un official order, of ilia surrender of General l.oo'a army, hop a tliat they will regard it, a* General L<oe himself does, as the ttret great step toward* peace, and tellb them that it la for themselves to decide the amount of freedom they are now to enjoy. Mosby, he Informs them. Is not Included In the parole, and they ore warned against giving further assistance, shelter or concealment to guertUaai Large numbers of rebel deserters are coming into the Union lines at various points on the Mississippi river. They represent the rebel armies of Mississippi and the Trans-Mississippi as having an existence in name only; that the numbers for duty are exceedingly small, and that all are much disheartened and demoralised at the prospects of the confederacy. A Rio Janeiro journal announce! the receipt by the Braxllian government of en official communication from Secretary Seward declaring the disapproval of the government of the United States of the action of Commander Collins, of the steamer Wachusett, In seising in the harbor of Bahia the robel pirate Florida, and giving assurance that that officer will be suspended and tried by court martial. The complicity In the selsure of Mr. Wilson, the American Consul at Bahia, is also alluded to, and his dismissal from offiee is suggested. It Is promised that the Brazilian flag shall receive proper honors and that ths crew of tho Florida shah be reloosod; but the government of the United States does not consider Itself responsible for the loss of the vessel, as she was suuk accidentally. Bonnctt Young, the only one of the St Albans raiders who did not rocoive a full discharge In tho Toronto court the other day, was released on Tuesday last on giving eight thousand dollars bail for his appearance THS LEGISLATURE. | In tho Senate yodord.iy bill.s were reported relative to the Croton Aqueduct in thin city and to change the grade of the streets afroctcd thereby; amending the Soldiers' Voting law?a majority report; the Custom House bill; for tho better protection of seamen in the port of New York?a majority report; to incorporate the Harry Howard Association of Exempt Firemen; also to amond tho Brooklyn Public Park and i'arado Grounds bill. R"solutlons of thanks to Lieutenant General Grant, bis officers and men, who have met, conq uered and compelled the surrender of tho enemies of tho republic, were introduced and adopted unanimously. Bills were passed to incorporate the Bay Side und New York Ferry Company, and authorizing the erection of warehouses and docks in Now York for quarantine purposes. The consideration of the Central Itailrond Fare bill wus then resumed. After remarks by members, progress was reported, and the bill was made the special order. In evening session debate was again had on tlie Central bill, and, Judging from the iennr of the remarks, tho hill will certainly pass. It was advanced to a third reading. In the Assembly bills were passed to incorporate the Army and Navy Havlags Bank of Now York, and Using the compensation of members of the New York Common Council. Tiie Metropolitan Health bill was then put upon its passage, and lost by a vote of yeas 62, nays 68. A motion was then made to roconsidor, which was adopted. HIBCELL AM?VUd HEWS. Our European (Ilea by the Moravian reached thla city from Portland, Me., last night. The papers arc of the same date aa thoee received by the New York on the previous day. The steamabip Kdinburg, Captain Roekell, which left Liverpool at noon on the 20th and Quoenstown on ths 30th of March, arrived at this port early yesterday morning. The advices have been anticipated. The Edin burg brings seven hundred and forty-one passengers. The steamship Ocean Queen, from Asplawall on the 6th inst., arrived in this port last evening, bringing a large number of California passengers, over six hundred thousand dollars In specie, and later news from Central and South America. The revolutionary movement In Peru was progressing. That In Bolivia having succeeded affhlrs in that country had again become eomowhat settled. One Spanish war vewel had arrived at Valparaiso, and another was daily expocted, and some believed that the object of the visit of theee cruisers was to demand satisfaction from the Chilean government for having refused to allow the Spanish squadron to recetvo supplies in its ports during ths pendency of the difficulties with Peru; but this approhrnsion was not genemL Senor Arguelles, who was some Urns ago delivered by the failed States officers in this city to ths Cuban autliorities, unicr the provisions of our Extradition treaty with Spain, on charge of having boen engaged in the slave trade, received his sentence In the Havana court on the 3d tnsL It condemns him to nineteen years In the chain gang, a One or Orty thousand dollars, to make restitut.on to various persons for large sums of money of which it is alleged he defrauded them In his transactions; to pay one third of the costs of trial, to suffer loss of all civil right#, and to be subjected to other penalties. With him were also sentenced ten others charged with compile ty In his operations, including a priest named Valdez, who was condemned to eight years In the chain gang, perpetual incapacity to exercise pastors! functions sad to pay a portion of the cost# of trial Ths Board of Councilmen hold so meeting yesterday, a quorum not being present. Ths board was adjourned till next Monday. Another meeting of the committee of citizens having chargn of the arrangements for celebrating our great national successes was held yesterday aiternoon at the Custom House. As President Lincoln baa not yet named s day for the thanksgiving ceremonlea, the mem bcrx of the committee d emod it best not to anticipate th" time, but resolved to assemble on the call of Uielr chairmaa at any time, for the pur[>ose of co-operation with any plans which may best accord with public sentiment. The emigration from Europe to ths Potted State* promises to swell to an unusually Till tide during the present season. Three thousand nine hundred and twenty 'our persona were landed at the port of New York by steamships and sailing vessels from the 1st of April to yesterday morning Of, these the steamship Etna bro gbi live hundred and nineteen, the New York live hundred and eleven, and the Kdinburg (yesterday) seven hundred aud forty one The majority of these strangers belong to a very valuable claaa of Industrial producer# Wdir* ' "formed from I.Ir'-rpnol, under data of th*2fith March, that a party of flfty principally miners and agri cultural laborer*, with their families, aaltod by tha at ram ahlp I'tna, for New York, under apectal oare of Ret. I'hilip Tiarletl, agent of the Amrnoan Emigrant Company. Th -xe men have come out under contract to work for employer,, in America, who hart paid their paaeago. I In the caaa of William R. Wllnoo ra th# Mayor, where the plalnttlT aurd for the low of bU eon, a lad abo t at>teen year* of ago, who waa drowned by falling through a hoi \ la the p er at the fool of Fifth stroot, the Jury yesterday reported that they war# aoable to agree, and w#ro discharged by th# Court. Ther# wore tw# Halibatartnna on the ury. It appear*, who were nppoaed to giving the plalnlllf any damage# because tha accident happened on a Hnnday. They thought Oie father wae t# blame in allowing Ui# child U> ptay on that day, and ronld not b# Ind .ced t# aympathiae with hlw #a aay account. Th# pel'tmaof J#bn R Hlney for an Injunction re atralnlng th# rale of the New York OinaolMated HUge Com|iany'a eflbr to, waa granted yesterday by Judge Bar aarri, id the ftupreiae 0#urt, ehambcra la the Court of General Heeatona yesterday Jobs Wymaa wao tried and oonrleted #f grand laraeoy In dealing two hundred dollar# from Trlah Oott, a r#uir?ed soldier H# waa f#j?and?d for a#nt?#ea Jaaaee rmu, Indicted for atealiag, on th# Id #f February, Ira bale# of notion, worth four hundred dollars each, tha pro- j prrtf of Aalhany 0. ruaolre, ptraiMl gnUlf U Ik* offt-nra, and wan remand*# far oanlMOr. Char leu Mull** plnaila# f'lUty to praml larooaf, Ui* Or an* Jury having brmight la an imtnAm -nt a! Ui* ojmaing of Ui* court, *haf loo km vltk aioaiioo a i*M valok trim CaoMo MKVT YORK HERALD, Moflonn on W(4n?4?jr, whMe euimling In front of Trinity churrti during toe fuocrol of (Icuoral Wiuthrop. The oont|>luitnmt, on mfeiung lite watoti, eci/ed the prm oner, w ho fctru k hitn tt violent blow in otto opting to e^l'ape. Ah^naui irimut ? Aiwnwy IIUM IIIU ;? wui wiw complaint to IhoGrsnd Jury. Tbe prWiDer ? w aire gued a Tew minutes alloc, nud Hecordcr Holfman, sentenced tiiiu to the Slate Prison for five years. It is hO|H?l that such a speedy disposition of a professional pickpocket will produce a salutary efloot upon the light lingered gentry. The stock market was act!re and higher yesterday morning and closed steady. Governuunls were lower. Gold was firm, und closed at 147K down town. At the up town evening board the closing price was 1461{. Commercial matters were unusually quiet yesterday, and business was on s small scale. In prioes there were few changes, and tho.e were uuiuiportant as a general thing. Imported merchandise was very quiet but firm. On Change flour was dud, and prices were 60. lower. Wheel was more active, and firm. Corn ruled steady, and oats were lo. higher, with more doing. Tbe pork market ruled exceedingly quiet, but prices wore without material change. Beef was quiet but firm. The lard market was moderately active aad firm. Freights were dull end rates were entirely nominal. Whlskoy declined la e So., with n limited InqUllT* . ' Important Order of the War Departs mrnt?No Draft?No More Ree raiting. In the order ot Secretary Stanton, to bo found in another column, wo receire tho first glad foretaste of tbe bleedings won for us by tbe magnificent combinations of General Grant and the splendid services of Sherman, Sheridan, Thomas and his other subordinate commanders. The black shadow of the draft, which has hung like a pall over so many humble hearths, is henceforward a thing of the past?a terror dissipated and put to flight by the white wings of poaoe. The business of the bounty swindlers and their subordinate "jumpers" is also over; and the Volunteering Committee of the Board of Supervisors may cense to osciHate between Jersey City and Washington, or to deafen the public ear by their clamorous appeals to men of capital for "more money to avoid the draft." Volunteers, but rooently tempted with bribes of from one to two thousand dollars to bocome "bould soger boys," will not now be able to obtain a dime for the tender of their horolo services. Nay, more. As all recruiting has been utnnned. find the men who wear blue and braes are the recognized heroes of our country, it may Boon come to pass that the boot will be on the other leg, and that we shall have young, able-bodied raou of wealth tendering vast sums for the privilege ot being allowed to wear Uncle Sam's cerulean livery t Seriously speaking, however, the promptness evinced by the government in thus commencing a reduction of our military expenses at the earliest practicable moment will do more to restore the finances ot the country to a healthy and equable condition than any qther step that could have been adopted. The phrase " going off like hot cakes'' will convey but a feeble idea of the avidity with which the new seventhirty loan will be sought and absorbed under the stimulus of the announcement made this morning over the always reliable signature of the Secretary of War. The vast local drain for bounty purposes will no longer be added to the other hear/ burdens of our city, Stato and national taxation; and with several hundred thousand men, whose terms of service expire in a few months, returning to their homes and bygone avocations, all demands of the labor market will be easily met, and a vast stimulus be imparted to the producing energies and resources of our mineral, agricultural and manufacturing wealth. This notification from Mr. Stanton will also have an excellent effeot on our foreign relations, being conclusive proof to all Europe that our domestio troubles have virtually terminated in a restored Union, and that we intend no immediate steps of retaliation for the injuries inflicted upon our commerce by the concession of those "belligerent rights" to the rebels which Franoe and England were weak enough, or wicked enough, or both, to yield. RMOBitractlon-The Hotel Lrglilstan of Old -Virginia Invited to Uu tht Way. The rebellion is indeed demolished. Read the call which we publish to-day from Congressmen, Assemblymen, editors, judges, law yers, planters, Ac.?a powerful body of the most conspicuous rebels of Old Virginia?Inviting the rebel Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Legislature of thut State to meet in Richmond, under the protection of the "old flag," to consider their present situation. Old Virginia, the head and front of the rebellion, surrenders, and, broken up, disorganised and exhausted, all her confederates in the nervloe of Jeff. Davis, under the same protection, will speedily follow her good example. This is a shrewd and sagacious movement on fee part of President Lincoln. He not only pardons the lending rebels of Virginia, from the Governor down, but invites bim and them, ind their late rebel legislature, to meet in council at Richmond, to doliberate upon the ways and means for the restoration of the State to the bler-iings of the Uaion, under the new condition of things produoed by this tremendous war. The assemblage thus convened cannot fail to be influenced by the generous spirit of President Lin coin. K will realise the fact (.hut Virginia having boon, like a brand from the flames, rescued from the Moloch of ber Southern confederacy, vengeance is at an end, charity prevails, and that the "Old Dominion" must prepare for a new State charter, upon new ideas, and fbr the new lire of regeneration and prosperity that lies before her. At the name time, while tho moral influence of thin groat and wis# concession in behalf of reconstruction in Virginia will have a powerful effect upon the leading spirits af nil the other rebellious States, wa may aspect from the debnteo of the meeting thus assembled that the administration will darive mnok valuable information, and will ba greatly assisted la the solution of tba difficult details of rooonstxuotioa is all tho reconquered States. We If8 Inclined to suspect thai Mr. Lincoln, in this exhibition 14 the spirit af conciliation, did not forrei a oertaia anecdote in tho lifb of Herod &e Great of ioden, an the king of thai ooaatri under the suubm aaUmritv at Kama. FRIDAT, APRIL 14, 1085. In the war of the Homan faction." which followed the death of Julius Caesar Ilerod took the Kile of the unfortunate Brutus and Gnasiue. Marc Antony, then falling into the poBso&ion of Jud?a, calied Ilerod to an account, and asked him what ho had to Bay In his defence. Herod replied, "Only this: if I have Leen troublesome as your enemy, may I not bo useful as your menu T" marc Antony tooK tbo hint, and llorod continued useful as a servant of Rome to tho day of his death. The same idea, we infer, influenced the President in those rocent consultations at Richmond, to which we may trace the experiment of this extraordinary call for the meeting of the rebel Legislature of Virginia. lie wants to make those men useful as friends of the Union who havo been so energetic and troublesome as its enemies. We see, too, in this proceeding that Abraham Lincoln is not oommitted to any particular theory of reconstruction. He has tried different experiments in eaoh of the States of Tepnessee, Arkansas and Louisiana; and, so far, the Louisiana system he seems to think the best This system may thus be summed up:?First, under General as Military Governor, a I State convention was provided for and elected, which adopted a constitution declaring slavery abolished, and provided for the election of what we may oall a civil Governor, Legislature and members of Congress under this new rSgim?. Next the liberated blacks, by General Banks, Military Governor, were put under a sort of an apprenticeship system as laborers on the plantations, at certain fixed rates of wages; and next they were made subject to the draft, but not allowed to vote. Henoe the wrath of the abolition radicals, and bonce the wise observation of the President in his late speech that the egg must be hatched before you can got the chicken. In other words, as Rome was not built in a day, we must exorcise some patienoc in tho transformation of Pompey frr m his low condition us a slave to the high condition nf a full lilnnin Iron horn Amnrinun olt'zon. Thus, from his earnest defeneo of the Louisiana free negro system of discipline adopted by General Banks, we may assume that the President does not recognize the expediency of riiHhing the black slave before breakfast, with all the disabilities of alavory still upon him, to bis own absolute guidance as a freeman, including the right to vote. Wo conclude, accordingly, that in the reconstruction of the rebellious States henceforward, beginning with Virginia, Mr. Lincoln, while adhering to the abolition of slavery, will allow a considerable margin of discretion in regard to the political atalus of the black population and the new labor system which devolves upon the slave States. In brief, from the developments before us, we doubt not that President Lincoln's polioy of reconstruction will be a wise policy?a liberal, easy, comprehensive and conservative policy?resting upon the abolition of slavery. Grant's Tkrms.?A correspondent of the 2Hbuiw says that "the terms upon which Lee was permitted to surrender the fragments of the rebel urmv under his command are regarded with disgust and unqualified indignation by large numbers of the most sensible, loyal and influential citizens in this region." Ibis cor, respondent represents the opinions of a few people who refused to volunteer, and who excused themselves upon the plea of weak eyes, weak knees or weak backs when they were drafted. To call them either " sensible, loyal, or influential" is nbsurd. They are willing to have our brave soldiers killed unnecessarily; but they are not willing to go to the war themselves. They profess to have mors patriotism than the Lientenant General; but they are care Ail never to show their faith by their works.'. The Relations or the Government with the Southern People.?It is argued on the question of reconstruction that if the Southern States are now in the Union, and are not conquered territory, then the general government "has no right to place itself in direct relation with the people of those States, or to interfere in any manner with the internal governments of those , States." This is a very poor argument against the existenoe of the States, and is not true. The government has a right to "place itself in relation with the people of the States," for it is authorised to "suppress insurrection," and that is an action upon the people without the medium of the State governments; and it may be fairly questioned whether that authority does not carry with it the authority to do whatever else such suppression may make necessary that the government may carry out another constitutional provision?namely, that it should guarantee to the States "republican form of govornmont." The Guerillas?A Short Settlement.? General Palmer, commanding in Kentucky, has hit upon a short settlement with those vagabondizing ruffians known as guerillas or bushwhackers. lie gives them so many days' grace, after which all stiU in the field are to be considered and hunted down as outlaws. A few proclamations of this sort, with an example of summary punishment here and there, will soon break up the whole guerilla system. Operations of Colonel Bnksr. Severe] Important arrange have Jurt been marie by Col Daker Anions them la the Arm of Walrien A WlMarri, prtae claim agents of 188 York Htreet, Brooklyn. They bare heen arresteri, charged with swindling aailors out of their price money, nnd with forcing the namea of aallore to certificate* Tor prise money. The arrest ?u mtili) about a weak ago A thousand blank receipt hare boon found In their place of business with the name* of aailere forged to many of them. Tbeeo receipt* were for prize claims Theoe operates did bu?iaeea by baying t.p the claim* of sailor* t>r prize mono;, then kcephig the ea lore ae long ont of their money that they would agree ' to let the flrm hare the amount of th tr claim* for a very mall aum. For taetanon, the pro* money of the Quak r City, amounting to $104 iMO, naa bought up for fl.t.oOO The firm of course collected the $104,080 without difficulty. Another partner In the Arm waa ftevlla, who h.ts twea convicted and eentenced to fourteen year* In (lie Clinton Petition Itary. Only one ef the ilrm le now in ouetody, Weldeu hertag mode Ma eerape ftrum the officer who Sad him In (barge. The petnona whe have been swmdl. i by Wat den A W, I larrl am now presenting their claims for the purpose of baring them collected and a* evidence against the swindler*. All inch claim* should be prnaeat d to Ool. linker a* anon ae poaalble. Among thorn whe have been recently eentenced by the Court Marital I* Wai hlngton la Wm. u. Kdaoll, a not mione operator This maa pretended to hare authority from Col. linker to carry on the btiKlnaaa of government detective, end for that preiendod pnrpnee opened na office at Rlmlm, One of hie most otlraordloary manmurr<a here waa to go,, with an air of authority, to tlia commandant of the camp ef rebel prisoner* at Rlmlm, and tell hlte be wanted twe or thme of the prisoner* ae witnesses. Having get Ik* prisoners, bn took lbeat the seme day to Ow?ge and enlisted them. Many more operations, mere la I err Ming than creditable, might he aehl of thin rlcfunet del entire and hm offloe; but .lie le new in the Oilmen Penitentiary, wham be will bn *TorgoUep far ten yearn. John Devlin, James Devlin, Somas Cahll, Jacob Watbe I, Michael Helton, \? 0. Holmes, Rnglenart A IIMtn, W H. Bull, and several other well known bo*niybrokeiw have Just been tried in Wellington end sentenced to the Clinton PnnAMUnry r?r tciu* \myiag fnnr. live to fourteen .ream. In the CUMon Penitentiary they ere cenf'.ed half n mile under thranrfeoe of the earth, and am there knot at .mmfcla ?hwmlit Ai THE REBEL IRON-CLAD. Departure of the Stonewall from the Port of FezroL Taetlcs of Her Commander In Going to Sea. Th* TTnlnn Chine fail in Pnron? TTor 1UO UUiVU UUA^U A MU Irv A UIOUU After Making Ready for Action. Responsibility of the French, Spanish and United States fioreramenti. Protest of the American Consular Agent and Reply of the Spanish Admiral, Ac., Ac., Ac. Owr Ooruu CorrNpendeaec. Oobcnna, March 23?10 A. M. Tfu Si mewaB PtJ Back Leaking?R-xpomibility of the French and SpanLk Government!?The Ram Plays Her "Little Gome" Again?She Comes Out and Returns to Ferret?The Vni.ed Stales Consult Prolest and the Reply, tie. Yesterday I received a telegram from Ferrol stating that the rebel ram Stonewall put back there, alter her little excursion of the day bofore yesterday, la a leaky condition, and that all day yesterday aha was engaged In repairing and would go out to-day. On board the Niagara and Sacramento everything la pre|tared for giving her a warm reception. The guns on both ships are run out and shotted, and decks cleared ready for action. I am of the opinion that the tactica of Commodore Craven will be to att mpt to mn down the Stonewall and crush horby the immense comparative momentum of the Niagara, taking the chances while running upon hor of tho Stonewall's shots. Should it unfortunately occur, as the Stonewall's officers and the Confederate sympathisers here confidently predict, that the ram wdll destroy both the Niagara and Sacramento, a groat responsibility will rest upon our government. Had there been a respectably sized squadron In European waters during tho past throe years these t.i sol a uanuala uilii/tK Knvn liVAiinlif annh HohtPllfltinn til our commorce, would have boon kept in chock, and probably never have got out to wa. Ah it is, there are now but those two vessels, the Niagara and Sacramento, upon the coasts of Europe. Eor- another reason a docp responsibility will rest Homowjkcre. The Stonowall arrived here on the 1st of February/ more than sis weeks ago, and the Navy Department bos certainly had time since it was informed ef her arrival to send an iron-clad vessel across here with which to light her upon equal terms. .Surely, the loss of two such sh'ps as these, to say nothing of the prestige we would lose in Europe should the ram succeed in destroying them, is an important matter, and the government certainly sti uld not have exposed them to such disadvantages as they will labor undsr In fighting a vessel whosj sidos are considered impregnable to their shot. Our government will, it seems to me, have a bill to settle with those of both France and i-'paln relative to this vessel. She vetvr patsd out of French hand* and French control unitI the raided the rebel fag. Thiiita ru.torltm* fact She has been lying here sis weeks, and the Spanish government would at any time stop her upon an intimation from that of France. Thus far it has not come, the French government up to this time having carefully avoided acknowledging the slightest responsibility in the matter. The Spanish authorities have allowed this vessel to Ue sis weeks in one of their ports, and it is a fact that while in Fhrrd the ha* taken on board forty men. The new Admiral of the port is thoroughly in the rebel entered, and has winked at a great many of the proceeding* of thi* veasel, which are anything but in accordance with international law and a strict neutrality. The St .newall ia now, indeed, making the port of Ferret a hares and a refuge for her piratical excursion*. She goes to tea?goes out to light?and, not finding the ea to auit her exactly, goee back to Ferrol. This the may do a dozen tlmee, until the It maelly tutted ttlmid and Mather. lit regard to she riilgSg* of additional men, oar Chargd d'Affklra at Madrid, Mr. ?er?y, U promptly arv lag, and hat protested to the Spanish government Mr. Fueites, our active and devoted conaular agent here, haa protested to the local anthorMee, and ia gathering efl the facta in the caae, and they will ebortly be laid before the government. It la generally expected that the 8tonewall wilt put to tea and the long expected naval combat take place today. The eea ia ae calm at a millpond, and if the Stonewall really means to fight ahe will never hare a better opportunity than thla morning. Conuasa, March B 8 F. M. The Bam Males Another Trip to Sea and HMumt to Pert? Promp' Action if Pit Union Few*It?The Stonewall Said to bi StiU Leaky?The United States Pnint and Spanuh B p'y, Me. The Bonewall hM been playing her little comedy over again to-day. At eleven o'clock this morning, from tbe deck of the Niagara, aha waa en coming ont of the port of Ferrol. In fl.'teen minutes later the Niagara and Sacramento were steaming toward her, and all Corunaa was hastening to the hoad lands to witness the oombat. If the Stonewall meant to light she never had a more favorable opportunity. There was not a breath of wlud, and the sea was as smooth as glass. She came out accompanied again by the Spanish frigate Concepcion, and the Niagara and Sacramento made directly for her. Thousands of people?men, women and children, priosts, soldiers, sailor* and olvlllane?thronged tbe pathway to the lighthouse, aM anxious to witness the conflict which they now believed to be oertaiady approaching. When the ram, however, had been out about twenty minutes, and had run perhaps a mile from the entrance of the harbor, she turned about and went In again, very much to the^dlsgust of the spectators. The Niagara and Sacramento steamed peat the entrance of the harbor, and lay off a point of land Just above it for an heur, and then returned to their anchorage In Con tine. Precisely what Captain Page means by his tactics I cannot understand, but begin to think he does not Intend to fight, or elho that he expected tbe aid of another rchol vessel which did not make her appearance. A communication whirh I have Just received from Ferrol Informs me thai upon her return te port alter her excurs on of day before yesterday the Stonewall had Sweaty two inches of water la her hold, notwithstanding the fact that she had kept her pumps In nitration all the time she wee out If this la true it proves her to be utterly unseeworthy, and I begin to boiiore that Captain Page will not try the experiment of going te aea again, but wid welt here la the hope that this vexed question will soon be solved by diplomacy. Mr Fucrtee, our Consular Agent here, has just entered a formal protest to the local authorities against the Hionei?aJI h?ln* permitted to moke tuw ef tlie heritor ef Korml ea ahe would moke oae of e rebel port, to run In end out et her pleasure end convenience. I have Juat aeon a geniieniaa who left Ferrol ateoe kha HUnewail returned to day. He ai;i thai M la reported there that ahe oanie back beeauae her belle* relied and beeauae her forward gnn wna leene. If ahe Mold not manircrre In aaok a aea aa ahe had to day ahe never can. Still, It Is aaeoated thai aba wlU noma out again to-merrew. The OooeaUr Agent here, Mr rnertee, haojnat received k telegraphic reply freaa the A dm raJ of Ferrel, to bis prote* of to-day, against the Stonewall making use of that pert In the manner In wblnh ahe has keen doing. Ho lays thai en both oooaetao* ahe went cut with the deBlared Intention of going to aea, aad under thaea oircum(Unrenwan nooompanltd by tho Spanish frigate Con caption, fbr the purpose at eee ng her ant of nmitral waierr In ho* oeaea, he aaym, she rein reed hefbre rear hi ng the UmM, not be ng able to cent nd agetaat the aea. This loot la, he aava, attorned to hy the oommandar of the Otaieepelon, and If It t* true, the Stonewall is nunitir nnmawemhm ?ha Admiral avem thai he la vas* i deetrooa that she rtiouM go. end mildly Intimated that M lm quite enough of her. I OourtHA, March 24, 18SS. fl 1%* gtomewaU Ooe Out Again?She llm Every A rival* tage in Her Mtmer?The Niagara and Sacramento de I Net Pwrmu Her?The Stonewall Standing Off and On. I This morning, at daylight, the ram btonewaU com- fl moncod making preparations for agaiu leaving the |>ott fl f Ferrol. I As she found yesterday that she was very much down fl by tho bow, this morning she lightened herself by taking fl out a quantity of coal forward. I About ten o'clock she came out, accompanied again by fl the frigate Ooncepclen. She stood out to tu-a about Ore fl miles, where she came to and spent most of the day, fl very much to the admiration of thousands of people at fl all sorts and descriptions, who stayed there to gaze at fl her, and who were excessively disgusted that the Nim fl gara and Sacramento did not come out to meet her. fl Thw did not come, however, and I perceive the wa* B son they did not was a very good one. The sen was a* I smooth as glass, with not a ripple upon it. The Stonewall B had she made a day expressly for It, could nevor have had H one In which she would so have every advantage la a fl naval action as Bhe would have had to day. In perfectly B smooth weather she oaa use her three big guns with I great accuracy and power, while a little sea will very B much incommode her. ^ B I presume that Commodore Craven did not feel Inclined JH to give her aH the advantages, and as she left her span F fl la Ferrol, and there was no probability of her going Is I sea in her present rig, be, Ilka a wise and prudent cose- B mander, oonoluded that be would take his own tlaM^ B and as he had twice given the Stonewall the choloe of fl weather would now await and make it himself. B As I close my letter?at eight P. M.?the StoaewaH ft fl reported as standing off and on near the mouth of the I harbor of Ferrol. I Commodore Craven Is as wise and prudent aa he Id I brave, and his bravery has been proven in more than ene I bard fought flght. He will not give away his ship; bag to-morrow, if the Stonewall doeB not have all the advaa- I tages on hor side, he will doubtless be out and flght her. I She cannot put to sea without his knowledge, and I she attempts to put to soa he will assuredly pursue bar. I 1 send you herewith a list of the ofllocm of the Sacrm men to:? I Captain?Henry Walke. I Lie tenet ?Henry D.Todd. H /Aeu'enant?George P. Ryan. H XIII ca Ii>)in H Plnrlr JftMitk R fUoK. Ian. Surgeon?John 8. Kitchen. Paima*tr.i?J mo P. Woodbury. . Acting Chief, John Tat"*; First Assistant William Tlpiwrt; fierpTiii Assistants, John 8. (1. Acptawall, Edward A. Bushncll; Third Atsistaala, Jehu Uaquon, O orgo K. favory, Leonard I'ralt. Paymast r'? Clerk?Charles Woolley, Jr. Cap'nin'* Clerk?William H. Ryan. I Ac ing Ma tier'> Male ?Charles L. l'ease, Daniel 0. Das ringlon, K. N. R. Place. Carpenlar?George K. Anderson. . ( Gunner?Andrew Wilson. I close this letter with a little conundrum, apropa cf 4 the circumstances, which Is gong the rounds of both ships, and which report attributes to no less a personage than the Commodore:?What breed of sheep does the ram Stonewall belong to? Why, the marine-o, or oounr Ship Buimmno at Qdkbko.?The Quebec papers give a list of the ship* building in that dhitrioi. The whole number is forty-three, with an aggregate of 39,710 tony The largest is l,4f<0 tons, the next 1,300 and 1,230. There are two of 1,260 tons, seven of 1,200, two of 1,160, one et 1,100, one 1,060, and six of 1,000 tons. The smallest la 400. The number building this year shows a large falling off compared with the ship building done last year, ?h?* sixty two vessels were built, the decroaae this yeas amounting to about 20,000 tons. THE WEEKLY HEBALD. The Cheapest Newspaper and Best Vamllf Literary Journal In the Country. The Wbsklt Hrralo, for the present week, will be oa sslo st eight o'clock to-morrow (Saturday) morninf. TaiWB.?One copy, one year, $2; three copies, Hf five copies, $8; ten ooples, $15. A limited number of advertisements will be inserted in the Wbkslt Buus Mr. Editor?I>ear Sir?The Gratnltsmw appeal en my behalf of'Ftve Ladies of the Ninth waed** Is H rather precipitate. In reply, I reapnetftally alate that nbsa U the necessity for providing a aubatliute occurs, an apposite / J publlo charity wilt he entirely unueoaeaary. J. P. BROBNHR. A?Lottery Prises Cashed. Circulars, drawing* and information asst. J. R. CLAYTON, 10 WaU street N. T. Prison Oanhed In nil Legalised Lotteries and Information given. Drawings sent. J. GLUTS, Broker's offloe, 170 BraadwwRoyal Havana Lottery?-Gold Paid Ibv prises, Infoonatlon furnished. Hlgbeet rates paid (W doubloons sad sll kinds of gold and silver. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers, 18 Wall strost. I At ?$ Broadway, Messrs. Fowler M WELLS, Phrenologists, make MOftil nations dally. A?"Whlte'a Patent Lower Truss"?Curwa Sopture radically. No preasure en the back. ?,- QBKOORY A CO., M Breadwnp. A Use the Best.?Bowden's Moth Sm 8TBOYINO FACKKT. For sal# by all druggists. A?Why is the Perfsme at Phalon*S NIU1K BLOOMINO CBRBU8 In a Broadway stage Ilk# a pretty girl's mooter Beoeuse It stake, a bus agreeable A Silent Sewing Machine. nilil<UUA ? UliBI, DOB Droaawugr. A Great Hit.?Solid Walnat Chimknr Bulla, of ton pieces, for $186 and BUS each, at M BSCS' cabinet furniture manufactory M Broadway, aad Una. t and ? Want fourth a tract. Maw York. BasUac Flagi, Aaaortad Sixes. CJHL TYLKR, 28 Kant Broad war Boys' All Wool Melton Salts at |9. Ia V. UROKA.W, M Fourth avenue, and ?2 Lafayette plana. Batchelor's Haalr Dye?The Beat la tha world. Hanwleaa, reliable, Inatantonaaua. Tha only parfaal Dye. Factory 81 Barclay street. Baahfnlnria.?How to Overcome It. Im P1IBKNOLO<1I<<AL JOURNAL, Jan. No., Mc. FOWLKU A H KLI.H, 389 Broadway, Naw York. Bunting and Viega. U. I. k J- It. KBLTT, 3M Broadway. Curloua AxKoriut Ions.?Why, when a hat la mentioned, Is the name of KNOX alwaya aaaoctatoi with Itf Becauxe he is famous In that line of business, pre dunce hla alyle lor eveiy neason, and hla establishment. Na. 212 Broadway, coi ner oi Kultou street, haa alwaya a lame tuipply of Data, Cape. Ac Thla season Mr. Knox, aa iianM, produces hla aprliiK xtyle* of thcae articles. and a more taato. rul aaaortment we have never aeen. Ilia spring atyle ef lint muat make a aenaatlou. t'orna, Bnnlona, Enlaryed .Tointa and all dlaeaaea of the feat cured by Itr. ZAC11AKIB, M Broadway. Crlatadoro's Hn ir Dye. Preeervntlw# and Wig Depot, wholesale ond retail, No. 0 Actor Iloaa* The dye applied by akllful arllata. Flaga? Flaga? Pole*, Bella, Ac., nt HO? JKK k ORAlIAM'd, 97 Duaue street, corner Broadway. Flaga, Flaga? Rngllah Banting? Cbeapoat in New York, at HRAlM.KY'H, Oi Naaaau atieei. For Dlarrhaen, Dysentery, Ac?Ma" a OUIRK'R Compound Kv tract of Hrune riant la t he mart reliable and auooeaaful icinedy; It la e.idoraed by CoL lc?k jm tjeneral I'leananton and (len Hla Henry Warren, of ton W tinted Hla lea A. y Western HnnlUry and Christian tlem. missions, War Relief Fund ("ominlliee. Editors oi Urn I rem | and Western steamboat officers. Kohl by nil drugxtaic. ana nosier. BAKNEft k CO ., tl Park raw, New Yoetk. ' Oonrand'a Italian Medicated Moan eureaton, ptmplea, fracklea, eruptions, Oeah worms, Be., at tU Broadway, ami druggists. Ororer A Bihar's Flret Premium llan Ur stitch aad lock all ink Hewing Machines, 493 Broadway, New York, ______________ Hlahest Prrmlmn Lock stltrh Sewing Machine. WHRKLKR k WILSON. IBS Broadway. Be# Wheeler A Wltoon'a Mutton llole Machine Hwfrland'n dough t'nrr ? Promptly breaks up aad relieves coughs arising frrnu eeldi Ac. llayet 141 Uhautbcra alreet. Hold by all druggists. Health and Happiness.?An Important circular le young men K-nl rree uf charm on mUlnammg Dr. rower*, U Fran kiln at reel. Hill's Hair Djrt, 50 Cants, Dlsrk if Browe. -tellable. Depot, No. 1 Barclay alreeL Hold by at druggists. In InMwsf A Juan Is eomeUtnee sees wearlsg the hut ef Peywhe, Ml Payoba thai of a.ltino The Immenas rarlety of allies la this densr'Meatat UKNIN'H. Sit Broadway, i/n ln,i,? toe poaalhilli) Of aui h a ml lake oomirriiig iherr W ith fifty <*S rental ahapes and atvlm eY trimming ia ohooae from, it la No. posslliJe tiiat a lady or mlaa abould fall?? ?>?d U>s one that namoahea best with bar feat urea end hrr Agere. Immonse Prlen Paid for Old Booka-? ?MM t iS Naaaaa Mrete Iron Fsr*Hsw^-ll?tl?<'?<l', Crotllns, 4e, oferary rte-nrlelloa, fer foreign and domratlr irate OIJAHt 4 OO . 4N Broadway, npftontte St Nicholas lletad. Thoraa's Arolro sad Chloroform tint- I mnnl ttirea NrunUta, P.hmmaUaw, Tooibarlm Sprewa, llnileaa, 4a. Dntist. Idl Oti.mlwra >4 'u<i tiy all dmggnla. Traeaes and Rlnstlc Slnrh.ngi?Mandl 4 < io. 'H Ea steal Ura tvasa Adioa akH at No. Vesar nss^