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tZ'Ti * ' lli-A ??? ' '^Mv V9 (Vf9 - * * ? -* a* i^.M^Xvua Jr< -~ f; SSS13^5 : ! aMkl .?*?? ,*?4?0 < - ?*.i ?T ' l AjjMU**pA*io? 41*14 V at * i ... PfMEQERT LINCOLN. I t 4MI?* i w I, ^-?, * ?? > ?.'| * > ^ .? * ?.. ,w . ^ . Ml ?e - n, *f VIP ' "i ThePresidentSbotatthe YheatreLast Ereniiig. SECRETARY SEWARD iriatnrnnT ni bb fed, i-U> ' BUT OT MOKTAUT WODNDED. Clarence and Frederick Sew8*. ** t > ard Badly Hurt * ESCAPE or THE 188488118. Intense Excitement in Washington. ? , ? , * Scene at the Deathbed of < Mr. Lincoln. r* I mfirr J-J-.r_r.-J-_-_-^.r_rurt J. WBtae Butt* the Aetor, the Allege! * i Aneeii ef the PrceMcit, Ac., fte. THE' OFFICIAL DESPATCH. Was Dirtumrr, \ WMMW, April 1A?1:10 A. M. J Ma)ar taMi Da, Maw Turk nn?M>l*| atahaut 110 r. E, at Farda Thaalre, M hmtial^ wMb aiulag labia prtTale box wMh Mm 1M% Ik Marrta at Major liihkan, waa ahot by aa immNB) who aaMaali aaiarad iha baa aad approach ad Tha awaaala than laapad upaa Iha ataga, brandlahlog a largo daggrr or kaifa, tad matla txla aaaapa la tha roar of Iha lhaalra. Thaplalal baU aaiarad tha baafe at Iha Praatdaai'a haaiaaipaMtraladaearty through tha haad. Tha wouad ' Tha VMMiaa* baa baan tasaaalMa arar aiaoa It waa Ma<aa?laaawdrtag. AM Ma mm* haw aa aaaaaMa, whathrr Iha aaaa or Ml, aaiarad Mr. haaaid'a apaitmenta, and uadar prahwa*t haalag a paiaarlptlan waa ahown ta Iha Sacrataiyhalfk ahawbar. Tha aaaaola laawodlalrty ruahad ^ lalhabilaad IMM Mo or thrua alaba pa Iha throat aad taw aa tha fur It la hap 11 iha woaada My aa tha aortal My ap INbMMIillttlktfwtn pram fatal Tha W ll?i?i< Mr. 1 radenck MnN, who nt m aa adlaWWg ma, awd ha haauaad to tha daor of ha father* mam, when ha mat the aaaaaMa, who iofl cted apaa Mb aaa ar mora tuiaiwi wouode. The recovery of Frederick Seward la doubtful. It la not yaaboMe that tha Piwtfdant will lira tbruacb Ma night Oaaaaal Oram aai wife wara advertleed to ba m Ua theatre th*. arming, bat ba #u?rt?d K> Burling too at all a'daah thla evening At a Cabin* meeting, at which ileuemi Ormi waa pre aaat> tha auh>aci of lha mam ?f the reentry and the pr.? pamaf a apaady paara ware dlacoawti' Tha lY.ui iit waa vary uheaifol aad hopeful, aad apuke very kindly of Oaaaaal Laa aad atfeata of the eootederacy, and of the WatabNabmaot of (MMMd ta Virginia All the larnban at IhaOaVloe) except Mr. Reward are Maw In attendance upon Ma FPmldnot I 1 have aeen Mr.award, bat he aad Frederick wera j f hath encanaciaaa , MPWm M. BTAJfTON, !| Secretary of War. f THE HERALD DESPATCHES. WaamewTOW. April 14, IMA Bmmweaoon baa baaa buugurated la Washington Tha haw la katfa aad ptatol baaa baaa applied to FreaMea! I Unaaht and Secretary Sewerd. Tha former waa Bat la Ma Mraal, whila at Ford'a theatre U-eight Mr Soward VMMijreM Owl tba Mali, villi tab* bad at b?a OOWP Mrifni, H, A$f 14, 1Mb. Am mmmpt waa a*4a MM ?aa a'alaek tbia mab| u ^ W mi I , Afril 14, 1Mb. CiMi ^IMMI mi*M r . 1* EE N E , 1 * ' * I M, AM Mr. Um* A Mm MM. At MM ?. MM MM tanh M AM hand, mmA mm mM Ami Um 4 OH mb mhm to tfeo MM Mdo, exhibiting Mo?t M AMA?d,AsuHAlagtttBStngMolmoiiB?r, Hootlagihe MOM ?mM wpM Ay tAo ilwywA M Mr. ImM't | AMOO, oMlng to It, "The Booth M orengoB," and thea AH from Um bock iMmm to tAo Mi|t, but to bio >101101 A?||i< hlo ptMol iM klo hat. Mr Lincoln foil forward froM AM teat, not Mm LlaOato AAlii tAO mhm tot tAo QAooiMii toMOBio cooM mlln wAot had Miiptotd, Dm Ifeeident woo taken u< Mgrled to Mr Peterson's bouse, ta Tenth street, oppoMto | to Um theatre. Medical aid woo Immediately Mat IM, , ' and the wound was at tret supposed to AO fhtol, aod A wm announced tAat ho cooM not lire; bot at haif paot tweire he ia eMU aMve, though to a precarious coudAMn. Am the aMMain nm aerom the Mage, Oolonal J. A Maait, uf this city, who was occupying one of the front aaate la the orchestra, on the same aide of the hooM no tAo bo* occupied by Mr. Uwools, prang ta the stage and followed him; but he wm abstracted In hla pamage sctom tha Mage by the fright of the acton, and reached the back door about Una# aeconda after the aumwiin had pMaed out. Colonel Htewart got to the street Just In time to see htm mount hla hone and ride away. This operation shows thai the whole thing was a pre concerted plan. The parson who drcd the pistol was a man about thirty years of age, about Are feet, spare built, fhlr akin, dark hair, apparently busby, with a large mustache. Laura Kef nc and the leader of lb# or ?' - tua> HIOJ imiJIIlKU III III ITV. Will's Booth the actor, and a rabid M-ceaeioniat Whoever he wee, tr in plainly evident that he thoroughly underwood the theatre and all the approaches and modoe of eeeape to the stage. A person not familiar.with the theatre oould not have possibly made his escape no well and quickly. The alarm was sounded in every quarter. Mr. Stanton war notified, and immediately left hie house All the other members of the Cabinet escaped attack] Cavalrymen were sent out in all directions, and dU patches sent to all the fortifications, aad It Is thought they will be captured. About half-paat lea o'clock this evening a tall, well dress id man made his appearance at Secretary Seward's residence, and applied for admission. He was refused admission by the servant, whaa lha desperado stated that ha had a prescription from the durgeon Genera), and that ha waa ordered to deliver It In person. He was still refused, except upon the written order of the phyateiaa This he pretended to show, and pushed by the servant and rushed ap aialrs to Mr. Seward's room. Me waa mat at the doer by Mr. Fred Seward, who antlBafi Mat that ha woe oMeter of tbs hawse, aad would take sharps sf the aedtctae. Aftar a few wards had paused betweee thaas be dodged by Pred Seward Mi mM I* lb* Seorotary ' M, Mi etmck htm hi the Mcft with i 'HIM, Mi Mm la the breeet. It m eiippueed at Im that Mr. iewari ?m killed Ubut It ?a fennd afterward* that tba voaad ?m aot mortal. Malar Wm. M. Seward, Jr., pa| >> , via la tba room, md ruabed la tba Mfrwa of hla fatbar, aai woe badly eat la the mtU- witb tba aaaaaeta, bat aat (bully Tba daaparaio malum rd ta eecape (ram tba baoaa, aad waa prepared for escape by baring a bona at tba door. Ha Immediately moan led hla bona, aai *oag out tba motto of tba Hut# of Vlrgiala, "Me taetpw T>eww mitP' and rede oC Furgeou General Barnaa waa Unmadiataly aant for, aai he arawtwai Mr. Mmard owi frmmmmd Mat aatb Mta flat W H. a ^ wound* warabot total. Tba jugaier rata waa aat e?i, aor tba woaoi la tba braaot iaap eaoagh ta ba tataL W*?iua, April lb?IA. M. The atreata la tba eteliiity of Pord'a Tbeatra Mb daaaaly arrwird by ae anxtona aai axaltai crowd. A guard baa barn placed ecrnaa Tewtfi atraat aai P aai 1 atraata, aai oaly ofltdal pnaaaa aai parUoalar friends of tba l*raaldawt am allowed ta paae. The popular heart la deeply attired, aai tba daepaat Indignation agaiDat leading frbata la fraaly cipreassd. Tba accna at tba houaa where tba Pnatdeat llaa ta mfrmii ia vary aflbotlng. Brea Secretary "nam la aflbclad to teare When tba newe fuel ibrougb tba aMy that tba Praat dent bad barn abot, the people, with pale fbcea aaa com preaaad 11 pa. crowded erary place where there waa tba llfbteet cturner of obulalng information la regard to tba affair After thr Prreideat waa abot, Lieut* aaat Ha lb ban, caught the aaaarmin by tba arm, wba Immediately etruek him with a kaife, end lumped from the box, m before BUtetf. TIM popular affection for Mr. Lincoln haa beea tftowa by tbf iliabolical aeeawlaaton, which will bring eternal Infamy, not only apon IU aajjinrr but upon tb? ball.ib cauM wbb h lhay deelre to avenge Vice Prr>Mant Johneon arrlrad at the Wh>ta Houaa, wbare tba Preeldenl lb?, about ono o'clork, and will remain with him to the I art. / The Proatdent'a family era la attendance apon h m alao j An anon an Intelligence couM be got to lha War Departtaant, the electric telegraph and tba Sigoai corp. warn I pat in regulation to eodraior to prevent tba iacepa at tba aaaaaa n*. ami all tba troopa arouad Washington aadar arm*. Popular report to aonrawhat eel'* of known aeceaaioa peacl.vltMa aa tba 1(-lir^ b-l H ?* ?a- w ?r ? alladad to la la custody T Tba lateet advices fret t/eleey Seward reveals mora demamawarttttara at ^ wtppotwd Seward . wo.nd.ara not In tbemaelvea fatal, bat, la aaaaaetM. wbb bin recent ^ tba great toaa ef Wood fee has enetalned, .. . ... Ala laarrery la gaiMlaaaklt. It waa < la/ A Seamrd, inatead af Waa M Seward, Jr., who t ^ woonesd read Saw aid was alao badly ?*'*** area*? U?raa aaraaa, aW ?ea Is ^ A*H*er*Ufy. ?tawi*t ital 4*ap?rtU am*(l* # .^Mikm Tl> ?I?H w 1 WW >W?| WW ???~ On *>QMaB A. M TtorwCai la p?rte?Uy mm?torn, m< llvt k Ml ?M tajMI tap* W k? ! III Hp *****IM* MWM I ttalta wtB A* tafta* wn?|. M IkUtMt, m Mptanwyawta, u? ?uk ta. %Mtar Otffta, t taw tarwta, ?r ItiM, ta m*m altar imtaii, 0 t mi liJiiu ; i W TO oaeaeMMnHssssssaES MfW tOBX, SATUB1 ehair Mar hta MMi u4 wipt Ukd a AIM. Senator Bvumt wan MM M the righted the Treattat'itaaak, mm the kM, holding Um right hand ?f the President M hto awn. Bo wee eobblag llhn a inmin, wkhbnkMMM Mi ikMM aa the ptUew af the bad on akiak Ika ViaMdeat wm lymg. two o'Cuw 1 S The President * etui elivu, bat there ie no imp**** neent In bla ooadiUyn THE PRE88 DESPATCHES. WidMNnon, AprU 16?H:>0 A. X. Tba President waa ibat In a theatra to night, and In perhaps mortally wounded. soon* DMFATca. Wtmami, AprU lfr-l A. M. Tba rtaalHani Id net expected to Ura through the night Be vy? ?bot at a theatre. Secretary Seward waa alao aaaaamnated. No arteries were out. Addltleaal Detail* of the AeeaeeimadSeaa* Waxnieoron, AprU 16?1 30 A. M. President Lincoln and wife, with other Meade, thin evening elelted Ford's theatre, for the purpoee of witnessing the perToraianoe of the American Cousin. It was announced la the paper* that General Grant would alao be preaeat; but that gentleman teok the late train of cars for New Jeraey. Tba thaalre waa densely crowded, and all seemed delighted with the scene before them. During the third art, and while there was a temporary pause for one of the actors to enter, a sharp report of a pistol was heard, which merely attracted attention, bat suggested nothing serious, until a man rushed to the front of the President's box, waving a long dagger in his right band, and exclaiming "Ac stayer tgraMsii/" and immediately leaped from the box, which was in the second tier, to the stage beueath, and ran across to the opposite side, maklug his escape, amid the bewilderment of the audience, from the renrof the theatre, end, mounting a horse, fled. The screams of Mrs. Lincoln Brat disclosed the fact to the audience that the President had been shot, when nil present rose to their feet, mailing towards the lege, many exclaiming "Hang html Hang himl" The excitement was of the wildest possible description, and of course there was an. abrupt termiaatian ef the IheatrV *1 f??pMl Thw vm a Mk towirt Ik* riatlilial'a km, ?ka> cries were IimH;?"Bland back and giro htm air." Hm nay no* sUmulaalaT" On a hasty axaaataatloa It was (bond that tha President had baaa shat thruogk tha bead, abora aad haak of tha temporal baaa, aad that some of tha brala was HaaaiMsnd la a ft i all haaaa oyyadh la tha thaatrs, sat tha Isnaa Iwad ad tha araay aad ether aasgaoaa asat Car ta aw tad la hit OQadltlao. Oa aa rxaaslaaUoa of tha private boa blood was dtacovered oa tha book ad tha oaahtaaod rnnktog aha is aw which tha Prudent had hotw WtUag, alto oa tha partlttoo aad oa tha floor. A aoaaaaon atagla banraltd phckei ptatoi was ftooad aw tha carpal. A military guard waa pltoad la float ad tha prirala remdeaoe to which tha PraaMaad had both ttatsyii Aa liniawaee crowd waa la (toot ad It, all doaply aaxiooa to loam tha condition of tha PraaldaaL It had baaa previously aaanaanad thai tha woo ad waa wtrtal, hot ah hoped tip lira las. Ilia ahoek ta tha laimmasiUy waa I a. alfclw iwrnwW. / N ^ At midalght the Cahlaot, with M earns. Sumner, OoUha | gad Taraowwlh, Jadga Cartta, Opto roar Oglaahy. Owtsral I tjilWjl Bar, aad a Caw paraaaal fttcada, with Horgeoo (M?ll *?4 M ? ?I WM ifNatf bta ?iWk <* The rnMmmillMade?r QMopt, totally lull' Kbla, ud braalMng Mowly. Dm Wood mm* from the woo ad al the back of hka head. The W|IIM nhaadMI arary poaMMe Oil! of modi Waal aklll, bat all hope wao foat. Tbo parting of kla family with MM dying President k Ma and for dawwlptlaa. TV. Prvmdaat aad Mr*. Uar<da did aot Mart far the theatre until gfiaaa mlautaa aftor olgbt o'clock Speaker OaUka waa at tbo While Honae at the lima, aad tha Pre a Ideal atatod M blm tbal be waa golag. Mn. Lincoln bad not b??a wall, baoaaaa tbo papers bad aanonnced tbal Oaaeral Orabt aad tbay ware to be praaaat, and, aa General Grant bad guaa North, bo did not wtab the aadioaca to bo .itmppotated. Bo want with apparent reluctance, aad argcd Mr. CM rat to go with him, bat that geutlaman had mada otbar aatagraianu, and, with Mr. Aahmun, of Maaaachuaatta, ?Wd him goodby Whan tha axeitamaat at tha ti.ialrr wan at tit * ildaat hatght raporta wara clrculatad that bacratary toward tad alao ix>an aaaaaa.aatcd. "o raaohing thla ganuamnn a raaidaaoa a craW* military go.* fou? M ^ 4oor ,ll4 O0 It WM aacrriaiaad that r?porta wara haard oa truth. Kt*f> ,K><ly tb*''o waa ao ateitrd that aean aly an intalll flbla WOnl ' oald ha gathaaad Bat tha facta ara tab, ataatiai* ~ f a? tallowa I AboLt tan a ckich a man rang lha bail, and tha call hating baan anawarrd by a onlorad wnraot, ha aatd ha had onma from Ur. Tardt, Bocratary Baward'd family phyatetaa, with a pranartption, at tha aama Urn* banting la kia hand a amall ptaaa af folded paper and aaymg, In anatrar to a rrfnnal. that ha mart aaa tha Brrratery, aa ha traa aniruatad with partiaulaa dimattanr inanarniog tha mwlrina Ha mill tamatad an going ap, nlthaagh rapantadly mfhrmad that na ana ooald an tar tha r ham bar Tha man paahad tha aartanl aatdn, and walked haatily to ward* tha Beeramrya roam, m4 waa than mat by dr. rradenok dawnrd, af wham ha daman .led la aaa tan nrratary, nakbf tha nan rapraaantaamn wblrb ha did to tho aarranl What furtbav pwaad la tha way of aailagay la aot bnawn, hat tha MM atraah 1MB an lha baad wMh n Mil?, lajurtap tlM aft all *a4 Mltay Mia Biaxial Tto mmmm than mm MM UM i>m>m mnI *ImM MaJ<" toward, fi|Hlir UMM MaMi Amy, aai Mr Manual*, a aon^a ?f to* Mat* n^arliaM, a Umi rwM apaa lha tortUrj, wto waa Ipwa to to* la Uia mm raaai, aai lalKtad ttoaa Mato > tto aatfc, to* Htariay, it W toaafht and top**, to artartoa, (U# to *?aa M , >; i &U RE H ) UT, APRIL IS, 1868. kmtitAXM, mi ndn offMhn an aim mM to hH ?' - - -IH|*Mliltllhil||uMitf Ifca aaarotary ere not l?Uk, afcr than af ttthor af tka otkaa* altke^b both tka 'TPJJSj ' iZJll* Sua md W am elk* oAMHlfttt Ooveruaaat, callad at 8ariafry Imrtl TLfj^m proceeded to tbe bouae vhara ba w lying, exktbMtg * tataaaa aaitety and MiMMi Aa Mpaaaae arowd waa gatkered la ftoat of IhilMint'a Kauaa, mad a atrong |?iil waa aloe Halloaed Am* "tfeay pnaiai evidently oappootag liawMba broogbgaehla hume. Aa latin ?Mj to night prracau a aoaaa of wild excitement, doaoaapanm by Twin! eapceaHon of tadtf nation and tka profouodent aoirow; many ahad laara. The mhury authority a have ilaapa'rhaA mounted patrok to avery direction, in order, If poaelble, to arraat tha Maantn*. Tbe whole metropolitan police an IlkawlM rfl^tt for the un? mimnaa. Tbe attaekr imtta at the tk?ir? ud at Secretary Saw ard's how, took place at about the am haar ! o'rloek?thus nhowlng a preconcerted plan to aaaaaalnata tboeo gentlemen. Some evidence* of the guilt of the party who attacked the President are la the poaeeeatua of the polioe. Vice Pre el dent Johnson la la the city, and hia headquartan are guarded hy trvipe THE STATE CAPITAL. UJaaMwn of the Maw York Fire Cowaaalaaloaero? Passage of tke Ceatral Hall, rowel Fare Bill?Ureal Bielteaieat Over the Health BUI, Sc. Albany, April 14?11 40 P. M. Lagtelaltao each day la now ao rapid here that a detail or aaahyeteof lla piogieas la oat of tha question. To-day 'the long pending Central Railroad bill poaeed the Senate, and la virtually a law If the Governor doea not veto It. Rut the reeolt may be foreshadowed in the veto aeut la to-day of the Dry Dock aad Battery Railroad. The Health bill, which two day a alnce wu bound by caucua rules to have a aura passage, waa to night dcfrated by rrpublican voles. The Collector of the port of New York, who baa had an elaborate organisation up for hl.< retention In tha afflce of Commissioner of Chnritlea, was thaewa overboard aad iho power of all hie patronage disregarded In tha atrife to serum this posiuuu, allien uaa urea hu pn uoirr uu spa riality far Miy years. All these occurrences bare a political ignlfloancy which It woald Ult too mnoh MM aid space to develop. The eicinnmt of the ilay hu hen the Rwlth bill, ud ihtt etdtmeM lias beau an incoherent te to be indescribable The attempt node hut night to kill off the Mil wee renewed today a au tally iMwr. It Itaa bean loetfor want of a efficient rota, and laid ea the labia for reoonatderaikn. notion wpuwnede to oaM It np fOr a teal rata, a abort Chntau, ka ah tint freah abtllUea Uta demorvaia have gained their ablaat aoovwton tn thla Lrgtalalare He tanvad tn Mi (nu the table, and apon that the previous Cation. The ante af Slty-three to idity-nua dlaeloeed fact that the meads of the bill ware In the minority. MM a pan la at auna waa created among them it adroit MBneMon wan eeet to Uio ^eakomndi retocl? tn ho MMMfA BmuiH. who wna on the Imi to rule that thla vata did net envy the MIL and auathar tuaot ba taken, aa ff>r the third reading ofute bill. Hem I upon Mr. Tan llnre a, of Haw Tartt, no ltd to adfeera, afcith the Speak ereuMMbl aad amMatlho gi iintaat uproar, ^aad and athna twMtlag that aaah action wan out mt While the n?e woo being taken n few mora mpaWJ anna wore drunmad ap, and the aaotian carried by one or two Twtaa Hereupon the wildcat aceaaa of ooef atoo took plane, al the men bare fathered In a crowd before the Speaker's Meek In the meat excMed condition, ahonttag, dlaputaag and threaUioing each other and the Speaker. Oua tuber from Hew Talk got apon a desk, and In the ntdat of e elanor for beta, offered at a thousand dollar*, ahnntod aad taunted the republican*, daring aay nan la hot Ha aheek hte two Mi with hnndafull of groenbacka. Otkam alatniuad in like naaauer. aad tfce toao# raaenhlad the noat eat lung dava at Ike gold room In Haw York, la th< nhut of all Ikla ware hoard the clapping of handn aad the trie to ph ant Imitations of the tr ek rhanttclaerof the anpublloana, wh^e the danocrate uttered the not violent denunciations of the %eakar to bia face fur bis rulings Thla acaaa wan dupomi of onlv w> be re pruUuead for the evening waatnn. Mr Weed renewed hla aaaaolu upon IhtbiUla bring it w> a tiaaj vote, while its dlmm' tahed frlandi aoagbt to pontpone thUk ecthm. Miwrt Tan Burea. Stuart. Band HranSmtii ir.^a p. ought aHoraatfly to paatfmnr or u? kill time by ML lioaterlnn, After prolonged, Muted aud moot dutordery inium liign * fiaai OMB MM forend upon lb* friend* ol the bill at a laM htw. fliiy-oM roud far the bill ud arty-one (pain* tt Mity In voto* being mtommrr <o >u It MM Mot Mr. Balm**, of Mom York, who bod m > hlaaeoif cbBMliM by Dm roboaaeiuy of hit opposition to tbo Mil, woo nought to bo m volvod la poooMdlng* before the Oar of Uto Uoum , but tbo Speaker WM evidently dterournged fwni ut oorh attempt* the rnon^oniTit Pit tbo tiB ob tbo floor of tbo Hot)ho to uaderrtuod U. bo In the Hondo of tbo radtoate, hader tbo Mod or Ylelda Boole wm Ib tbo lobby la porous Mayor Mtother, Oorr and other* of Ma omomiIo worn t?*re yenb-May to vroo on tbo imopr of tbo MIL It W ol loped that tbo rojubtVam tntofoot mm oold oot by the radical* Tbo rte rbtamloMooora oncmoUrod o dec tied cejwtai IB oioouMto aoootoo. Tbo detcat of the Health bill w?a poodlBg oa thotr ceaalderatlon and tbo Assembly bad adtooraod tn tho eitraordinary niBBBoruf the morning Tbo aarnoo wore at fir it confirmed, Senator lairabiT, Mb# had mode tbo oh lot njpao<l on, moving the eon naatloa. Tbio action wao, however, recuneiderad on motion of Senator Andrew* on tbo gro-ud of tbo pronator* uaado In tbo AtoomKy to tlio demo-rate, who uaaord It, that tbo board would uoniftioo two |dei,iocran. Tbo Boaooo wore ar- ordtr gir '?ai h?cti to tho tlmernor Tbo eon donation of tn nitre hi tlio deb at of tho Health Mil la accompanied b. the tin--??e or a rmoluilon continuing tbo Ronnie tr.rn't?? lug enuimitlee, to alt during tbo maaaar and oia u**? Uio other dotianm?nta Tbo feeling bore to that Book ma* trratod aa an inndHtiio eiroptlon. and ilia thing will be made iron all round. Tho action determined on In rnnrua v.oterdny id regard to fhrmper and the Board of Chart t lea, war .leaked by resnlatton today, aad I* coupled with tbo defmi of Huftta W. Andrew* m oaa-Hdaic for t oiled Jtutoo Hldtrla Attorney at Mow York, a/> n eaUefHCtory nnn.. (beta lion of Tbtirlow Weed'* wiwtr Ttie paemgc of the CeatralfRvlreart rare bill waa 'on du< tod through tho fbnn of third rcadtng nltb tm oaclto meut. and with tbo limit Of reran per rent dividend* Tho taeniae of half at out per lull* for tbm yonra la thought oalj JtfcfOftTAMT FROM SOUTH AMERICA. rrcn4?r af MoattrMc* to Gob. flowtBrftdl la PmnnIm at lk? City. 4m. The Braailian mail arrlrad at Lkiboa April t, bringing Km Mtawing aOvteaa ? IJoataridoci haa aarr*n<lar*4 in Oaaoral floraa. Tift Braall aa? low (March 11) onrupy ?ho etty. Km Jaaaiau, Marat 11, 1MB Kiohaaga Mfc a MMCnlta*? Haloa of good UrrU at MM Rhlpmoata, 100,000 Oaga Rtock, 100,000 bag* Pralghia, M 09M. Hawa, Mat oh 11, 1004 Kifthangr M% OotlM aomtnaL Fuaaaaooo, Marck 11, 1000 1 KickMga MJi a H Rnn ftaa lao rraatlwa. Hut raaauaao, AprU Ik, IBM TV aiprta of ttaaawri far tka gaartar jut raOadahow a IWllag n or abaut Ma an4 a half taillioaa m Qpagawi wMKMommo gavtat Mai y?r. Baa BMaacamo, AgrU 14, 1000 TOO l-amia ?tl mibiklg OMramwie nttoO to-lay, with a Maga agaMaaaf pwmai, fat 9*4 Tor*, aa4 gi,iao,OOOMti mill, af ?MmM aaarty IMa,aoo go la Now York n*? lUwmiM! Mom T*/Mr mU*4 tar *u> J?m Ul ?? ?, wm IMMNM pMHfm ftr Mfliii mtaiM fitaliv Md IHMIMi Mi "OIL*, ?*?* ? >?? OrlMM ItrlMlt. ?rs2r?vJwi TIM Km OMnm Mtrkta M Hi iitai Mil U? I MtatHiMwlMl " r ? r ' * KRAI P THE REBELS. j JEFF. DAVIS AT DAMV&LE. ' lis Latest Appeal to Hit De- ; laded Followers. e Thinks (be Fill of Blehaead a ! Blessing in Msgiise, is It Leaves ) the Belel Amies Free to Move J ftrou Point to Point. He Vainly Promises to Hold ? Virginia at All Hazards. _n. i Lee and His Army Supposed to be Safe. 0 < r i Breckinridge and the Rest of Davis' Cabinet Reach Danville Safely. ! < I Tho Orgsn ( Governor Fanee, of North Carolioa, Advises the Submission of the Rebels I to President Lincoln's Terms, Sec., Sc. c., Sl c. c l Jeff. Dm via' I,mat Proclamation. 1 VIRGINIA Til Mi II El I > BY TIIS KABKLM AT ALL < hazahuh. Da.vvili.k, Vi, April 5, The General in t'hlef found it uecessary to make such movsiin'rite of Mm tro.ip* a* to uncover the capital It Would be unwiio to i no val the moral ami matt-rial in jury to our came mul in g from IMr occupation of our copi | lal by the enemy. It is equally unwise and unworthy ol I uk to allow our own rnervli-e to falter <uid our efforts to become related under adverser, however calamitous they may be Fur many months the larg jt and Jiant army of the confederacy, under command of a leader whoee presenoo inspire* equal coulid. nee in the troops and the poo pie, has been greatly trammelled by the necessity of keep Iuk conatalit watch over the appro.* h-<e to the capital, and haa tbuo b- en forod to forego nairr than one uppor " tanlty for enterprise. It is lor us, my countrymen, to snow by our bean as under reverses how wretched boo been the seir-de< opUoti of those who have believed us lews able to endure inWfortunc with fortitude than to euooa tiler dangers with courage. Wo have now enured upon a new phono of the struggle. Relieved from the net really at guarding particular point*, our army unU U pit to moot /.urn petal to point to strike the enemy in detail far from his base. Lot us bef will tt mad ws are pet. tnliaaled by that confidence in spirit and fortitude which noose yet foiled me, I annuo nee to yoa, fellew countrymen, that It la my purpose to maintain your cause whh my whale heart and cool; that 1 ertll never consent In abandon to the enemy oh foot of the soil of any one of the Suites of the confederacy. That Virginia noble Mate?wheue ancient renown haa been eclipsed by her till more glarlou? recent history, whose boeom has been bored to receive the main shook of this war, whoee sons and daughter* have exhibited heroism so sublime as to render her illustrious m nil tltu" to oocne?that V tig loin, wiu? Uk< Help or Ui? paopio ana by lb* bleaaiug or Prort tact, $kall U hid and d-/mdrd, and no peaoa ever bo 1 bo made with the lahwxu in radon of hor territory 1 If by th* atruea or mabni wo sboeM oror bo ootn- J palled to a temporary withdrawal from hor limit*, or ' Ukwo of any other border Mala, again and again will wo " return, until the baffled and eihauatrd roomy ahali aban " don in doopair hi* ondtoaa and Impoaatbln Leak of maklo* ' alavee of a people raoolrad to bo free. Lrt ua, then, not dcepond, my country man. but, rely- * kog on God. moot the foe with freah d Oanoo and whb unrnnau* red and unoonqnarablr heart* JKFFKWON DATO 1 Tit# KvarnlUa *f~tS Etbol Capital. II tii riKnr uwl aooouwt or aotr tbb citt wa* u iimm IFrmn the Dan*111* (Te.) Regular, April ? ] Hereon* who hft tba capital Sunday night and Monday morning represent that tbo (pan* which followed the ^ evacuation of U<e ctty by our troppa beggar* den nption a To praairra order and protect the property of tba cttirena who unavoidably remained there, aa far aa could bo ( done, (ht Kliteleenth Vlrgiola militia, under Colonel Kv*n% wa* placed on pnUce duty tn the city, to await 1 Uia coming of the enemy , but tooounla atatc that Utoy ( failed to coder any aid or protection to the people ( whatever On tun day night a mob of the lower cImom of the city, norapoaad, It la mtd, maatly *of tbo frwwga element, netted a a am bar of tba largaat atom honaea of the city and robbed tbam of Ibalr content# It | la affirmed that Main etrvet waa pillaged, and then burnt d and that enroe of the milling ?etabi *hin?nu wore aiau committed to th* flam re Wa hava ao doubt thai a mo j Wdermbl* port loo of that hra?o etty baa been laid la aehea , and a number nf it* paople inaulted, outraged, rubbed and maanarred How painful the thought that tba place ' ehould he given over to rapine and plunder, even before tbo p ihbc enemy anteiod tta limit* Hut the fact only prove* that tho people nf Richmond have bad aaccet ena ' miea in their own midst ararrely kee avage and wen ' tn. re trencher ma and vlndlrtivu than tha open foe Wo are toll that the people bended i veth' r during th* * violent proceeding at Ibc mob and resisted Ibem altb ' force, n "treat fight enauing, In which aeveral peyaon* 1 war* killed No intelligence baa r aohod ua of the rut my ? troopa ? occupying ibe eitv Tba laat train* on Ui la.urllle railroad whlcli rime ont of tha pier* lei |g< nday morning, aad paawngrra ttp?o tiara Ua<l lirar! 11.1tl1.u4 Tom Uia anainr Tto graal>*r part.on <4 limn' a attar rra* tr. ua frm<l to Olt Wh iM* tf Jmn rlrrr '"ma najnag", only tha command of Ocnorai Urd, which la compear*! ifaMa.iitrrijr, of nngr<> tmop*, hring trn on tha a?rth adr tit* aoanmuuil will rairr and o?* opy tha city Nam- ouf pdtp'a wha ar.t ncqualatod with tha tharartor of ti't rral "nl It ink II. ry haaa fawn, to bopr that hla l ".ari'Mtl of tlin jnforttinata pf'plr of Rt< h Sri will a?t ha at hard, ami cruri ami lat uatari aa thai b ban fa'lrn upon th? hratla of oar fallow i ititraa la Mm* otliar c?i?t? rati elllaa. Thr orwapapt ra of Hi liaxmA, wa aappaaa, all fan iato tha haoda of tha aaamjr Tha aracaaltoo of tti? r?j wi ruddm aod anoip?*?tr4-*ararorly any naa bring praporwd fnr H thai ao Him waa loft for tha ramrrval of t ? eniohroaa an rotaM ?hmrat aa a eita arwapaper oflhw In a raw daft wa may npar* to b?or that tha Jhfwn tr ar tha Whig nt ll a Jhamtwr la taauari aa a Tulir |t|-r ad tha rail lag ?t<*w of tha Rtchmoad aad Baa.iUa Raiirnad ia niaaiag onlar waa aartd oo tha rwtroat fhna htmmowd. a hw old ran, mi la a aaoaahta aamMfcm, wara laft at MaarMamrr No train waa naptarad hy tha rawmy aaar tha Jaw Una, aa waa at ooa lima fopoaprd, ad. laAnA, wa Aa aot baitava that aay bady a? Taahaaa had atru< k tha mad at aay powt ap to yntirtap wtthg tha loorotarp af War, tha ?trfip Oaaarai, Oowtmimary Ooarrai aad a aanthar af athar aAaata af tha goTrraawat, taft RKhmanA aa haroahaoh, Mi all probably amaa at Una piaar to anna. hoold lami laa amahluh hla Haaa aaat of tha . jaaauoa, wa gappoaa tha Hum lafWahN wtM ha woI aoaad at Lf nab intra All UM qp-'* ?'?4 Vhrt ithlMM WNflmMIM tMkl la IVaM Ik* *M r ** A*y, *M h*v* (mm * rt*A In I>l* <w of mTrt$ A mmmii *?<mm ?r f*Mb pmtr> ?< *t * .1). ' w- M 1 -- ???mmmmma+mmmm** RICH FOUR CENTS. And to be toft b- kind. 4 Wo the SUM aanbli m mwm! la lb* city; but ? perccii aw motive Uw ekttoy eaft ka*a la daatooyiac i bam, a* toy win, mm deabt, am- ' leaver la eeoupy the ctty permanently, amd aatobtteh a Mala government al Richmondunder tba Mial P?W> Laa'a Aray Rappan < tm Wa ? to la* 9mlrn tlaa. [From tb. Raleigh Oafbdirald, April J ] Thto w Uie Uiac for remur aawefeetorere wbu an amtaged In a wtcinali buetaaat eaMtUeee thap kaaH 1 hat aboki brlgadae JimMad laiWM 9 at fedtoto| ' ueaacobm Cook'* bngadela aMWalkalaNrtf 1 Ab*|aa Wa ara aiwiltalawlanM?Waa foundation vhtuvar, iliai a inadary iaiaW ia4W later at Peteraborg, that mm baa k^M aptaaBdlT, * ind Mm enemy oaiy ai mm bp ararwtoaltoiag Man lata Wa aia convinced, loo, rNaMtaMhwanab'1 aanUoa, Uou L*. t an ray u at aqfl paHMam. ? WM*' b* Mart amarmmh miU to tli ltil *?k At M *dl "an a*tt dtt.afwuA Wu rat aaftata. av lac anticipated tba prubaMe toae ?f Rtehmewd, ? # 1 folly raouyniiiaf tba impnrta?a ?rftwa<tonao, at an, lererthetoea, lot of tha a u tabor of Bit >! p??W*? aiiat. la the f outturn eueiederary tiato bay Umpb to n.iuary ttrva^ib of men, material aad aapptiaa la at aba od*p-odence errtam It ia with tba baaba i briber they aaoum or toae their Mbartiaa Rebel Partkalan at the Battle at Federea War ft. [from Ibe Raleigh Confederate, April 1.) As officer who left Richmond at inue o dor.fc am Baa Uy morning liu>i lutonn. ok at lb* Uoia Ua Wit tba :ity ?aa In tU.ucw (roai Cary to t.'eaal atixeta TIM ihuckoe wimln.nm and ottiar entrepot* of nppttoe van turning. The bridge* aiao bad been ftrod. No tuob or violence of any kind bad occurred bp h? he period when he left, ao I he I tba repurta of adaamo iv* nub on Sundry ui.'Ut are untrue. The oneniy 4 valry cot red the city aa lb* traio moved off that bo atue out In. The *tory of Uie mob, therefore, ae hap*, t entirely erroncuua. Thi.; officer doecribee tba ftshtinp on Saturday aa wrIlUc bc>oud dmrrtpUon. The uncoi) fore.d tutaiiiii Iter ooliiuin ou o .r work*, lapping our bin1* on vho cireuie i gbl Tu y uma nine column* Ui?p. Right met iaucn-a uw wrrg onsen ny uio <>o una. y ?i out u'f' u us, but the uiuUi broke over our fmcca iku * whirlwind. lio say* tbo dtoirt'Cllun of .h< eneiny wu inuueiwe. Our Iom, wo 'uDNlbtrd mainly In (ho prisoners Us n )>y U.n tn my. All U>? pr.-oners whom wo rap'.urvd worn lr nk, having brou prri arvd accordtag l? c taenia or 1I1U ilrtui ll'ul or Ual. Lu-uUnmul i.oiti i ul A. I* Mill van corUiuly kllh'J. Oriw-ral KiU. I. woo Dot kill <1, is reported, uor (i<Mi.-raJ W H F Lee. Mo jjnteiwl itilcer Irum North ur.iiina was killed, as Ur a* Uo ard On Mo day Slo-ri l*u attacked Ilia. Ido and wad landsou.ely repulsed rhf Orgaa of llovrreor V?nr?, of Worth Carolina, Advising tct In Submil oa Mr. himnla'i Trims. [From the Rnhigh Confederate, April T ] The O aertoliee oci uuonally seem* to'lulo eery ajratertdos heads, ninl to ender the ront 'ol of aa Bcomprehenaible InSwenco. On tlie ilsjr hcftw* yowtrrlay Unit p?|ier avail l it -elf of a peitod >T si.r u* r?arse and disaster to renew the Ml nipt Id rata ixitans oa i portion of our own cttlzrus, wbleta liar been a taeurtto Miller with IU polill-al loaders ever .n.o the ra reraaa bcgaa, ti.d after H waa a i tengw x?iittc to cla m that tboy "lundc tb re.ola100." Yeelerday it acnda U> the public a Vut? r?' 4(11 hit extraordinary tuapou From * hat we ouoprahand >f it, It HtQia to bo ad ttim/ profwtKvut I ? n? laatfiar t dtr KJWII tte Urn It pr p Jitd by Mar lei. T'lM baa itvar yet, that ? recoil ct of, bata fori dlaim-ily pen;x>ae4, ercn by youruale whip* loyalty baa he -a caned th laoattou. Tbo Omar eat. re at)a: ? "It la uuaaeaM lb iropene to treat w 111 the North with any un df tie oouwMlun tUat tbo i.tnfadseacy la a government," lad bruce, toys the c, "If o'ir aulhurlU n Wa leiertiinixl to lorc-o lb la coadllioa upen the Nor h, aa weta of negotiation, then the N rib will q-\ar a agel! ta." It hat la tbta but turreudcrr Nut ua?y ..?tr ' deer, l it an aaeert.oo to the world that th<- deiem-a of tha hna our yeare boa been of a porttloo which l? ona of rheer lonreaaa uae wuicb tha North "never coold adathl" fe have not aeea in tbia oontiweray ao boM ami nnuam iiiloaal a J >iatl Heat i on of the Northern Ima^'ob; for, If wn ought to fore** a claim inconalataat with r* mo*, andtodai .nd aa ' adaiiwiou" wblch "laaa ahaardity la nagdhiat Ike toTrru'Dt," aart the North oaly iiibfd aach lain and rafoaed aach adnleatua, then aw lit t the wrong aad the Yaakea gamarncwwa la rtgM, ? ' the writer of the article to which we are replying ova well when he orfeten ?*? at Mb "t'anh nP kit wy, at Uta Ik- twkaid, by prianOMtp a lotw leal 14 he otoe tVr <i*ea?y tetli not yiaid," but "to inert hlia aa hH vt ground," aa "the oaly ?ty to upr-i iha aayalnhw." When we remember what "hla own giuwad" ia, pen which the (.tat prapoaaa In arrt tha meaty, e may nadlly understand how acjah H le prepared la Ducoda. "Hie owa grouad' aw seeped lite length af iree |>ropoaitlona, aabanastoa to tha lawe and mhHawa of Uta L'uitod Antra, tha Uytag dopn af par anna, nd aoqaleacenaa la Uaooln a procltataltna- YMa la Iha rtna4 on which the author 4 Iha ouWnrtal dealna teaoral Ln to MM Ltneuta iM "wura^talt MM Co " We km ao Mao that Oov arour Varna win up port Up a xtaa; hat l? la vary aafoftarju* that now, M h* T?ry auaaat when everything ahoukl he rtM la ap> koM tha hepaa a Ml wMawi of lha arw?> aM paapka, Mih ' as < imaaia aheuM nhllii paM okWM.rn tha Man* if tha Umeruor. fl|k Prlraa la aa Uyrr>tockM larkaC (Krom tha hio|k Ooof Inwia, April 11 Oar market, on tha arrival of tha Weldua train, aa watsrdar. imawi iiakikf with >M, k<t ?mk ? '"My *t AM per pair. Iichaaya af tit* Ratal ttaaaral Vaaii. (Trum tha Aelit.lla (h. C'~) Na?? | Tha viOi.oiyn af yftaaaara m iw? to d" ?<aad^ aM V- ha* -?au % UrKa r ua><r f our awmatal* hoy*, at* ia?< r * ! -t l.?a> at.i |?n>tr*rleJ I bi taaMM. Inon* orhai *e wen x>M Ami to awat lrt?,ail?*t Oa^R ir*l H it Vanaa, who r? l>asJ hotw* *ia?* day* Mif ! look* raihar wot-tad by hut m.g raaln up at, hwk, aa iMMi with him, a full el lif-, 'hateful aad bengal ft?o General !a a *r?nt fhvi.rM* nf U?" |-?M af 'hi* am ><?, and everybody war glad to *aa btat City lat*lll?rmoo. Kama* hisuat ar i?t Aa*-* *ua>m.-The adnata* * octal aoiAh , made iraly am* t aa ha a well hand hor, hate an npportnailj af tad wig lag IhMr ham by pairing lo !?t Ann a rhurcb at Hater Nahp wee?M ha tio*'t* opaalna at arm, tha eoaeart hipatii M ttfh> Thra* af tha il aa* are Ihai Bardhpaal ?hr*w mm Hn* nt an'I owe from awah af tha earn mere Tod. toataaUl, Vernin?i, iMhaorr aad IhaaM Wn m inly menu m the aam?* af Rgaor BeaM aad Mama fc, t^huNrt ant Ihu haoar to Hmw rwaddeaan ta h<- aoaal raaalt* The iwdtaa ?r? ?** dkwtngnnh d fhv *miralin aad auiraao lee-timn. aad aw aiwa all ha ipaiad to maha th* maeteal tom waMOy af the day. A Nr.w oaaata?da ad i irMwiiaaat aaauag ninA two* aotroa taaiiaa tha tRaalag of th" a?w iJhareh f tha Moly Trinity, Badtaan maaae, owa ?f Rnky. cad rtr-et, aa aoarfay lirwa? w II a* tow* had ak, I'M thro* melon* hy Bay Or Tyng. af M r Rail Her Or liyr, aad kha Baa mm#. ? ?< ,. .* m , im jiri-t af vu* charah. Ik prowtK** la ha aa waaaaa af rrm tateradlte laatdrata ? Berrar * U Caoaoa Arbmwr Cowraiea* -Tka fhtt-.wtng eeawarte Maa km ttrined hy tht* depaiimrtit ? toy lag nm ?*lk* hw aauthaam ?om?r af Wily iWkmad aad hinadaaf to tha Jnneftnw af Hmadway aad RWdh ?.ir, MaNhMr *?n?i, fddk ' uMOo t*?,araaMtj| MMM Mr***. ??i vr t?MII i?m ., !? kw4, |I,M Ml >< ??r la | ,.A/ IMH rt<MR iMt lagiaa avail* i" ? .nh a ? ?*. JM* DafJ, Jfe ifaia to * ? ? ta v?ny am* tfttaL ?fa?iiMtt waaaa lo *? -my i?i#i ??n ?< Thi^iumlMI Rwrtf, ?a van M rut/tana* Mm i, mmm M lnh ta P?v? ih ..T-ra*- Jto?* tfaaav, M.M |m la IMMh ?, ifmi r-ifc a?*aaa* ihawarffe MaatoMfep iir tt w> T?ufc ivfout, JaaaOaaaM^MM, (M.MI M Mm ftMu lUkwwt MMtt# fe|r a^to MM Mi NUfeta la tUr alp.*" una toll M Pu???% Hal Tul Mil.* la4?% MaMVp,'aW?MMa? ?*?<# ttoara feuto la aat ?UI Ma aaa?apiK . IUaPa???-Oa?a?MM?ar My ! #% Raraar* MwtoS ?aa_a*atf atoUy tmmmMl M?toMft? gpKSrajjggg