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~ I p NEW YORK HERALD. WM AH PiDfllHH mmm?* ?. v. mmmmmm mm vvlni 4M? IAMAV M. iMtalMlDEKl....! * ? ?* TwUrifc. ft??ay. AftU U, UU. i m AaaatoattiaA af Praiieat Umla aai Itteapl to luautaate lemtavy levari. Am tIt-1?' ter aad iwitoi oalaaty ku Wklto At ?Mm PiaaMaat Lbwolt tea* toili?tTti ? Wta4 ? At kih rf M UimA, At ?Ml tf which thai* in bo hopes of hb aarrtviag. havtog haaa shot white attUng la i Awln vitMahf At performance of a pUj. Am *! !* wm alao made, appa>"4r Ajr At mm peraoa who ahot ?ho hiillim, to take tha lift of 8?craiety Sewaad. Tha awaaala, after firing * ^atoa^ rated to froat of tha box attayiil hjr tha letter, ead, waring a long ?m i which ? Md tai hia right Wad, n- I UWi ?? * MO? of tw Stela of Yliw gtate," Ms Anapa ly ?teW H* than Jumped ? tW stage, tad, amidst tW tele?a wdtw?t fMrt eosued, tacapid through the rear of the building. The President was abo* through the head. Be was baasediately waawj aad oa ?awing the woaad the braia was found to be aaatag therefrom. The beat aargicsl skill was teeteaUy summoned; bat it was not tboaght It oould be of any avail towards saving Mr. 1100010*0 Mb Bo was still living at aa early boar this morning; hat tbe teat, melancholy parting aoeno between himself and family bad taken place, and bis death was momentarily looked Cor. Tbe attempt to aasuHslnals Secretary Seward eras made at aa earlier boor la tbe evening than tbe attack on tl>e President The assailant forced bis way into the sick chamber where Mr. Seward was confined to his bed, and, after dealing disabling blows on tbe attendants, rushed to tbe bedside aad stabbed tbe Secretary la tbe neck and breast He then fiud from the boose, mounted a horse and escaped, making use, as he did so, Of tbe same exclamation used in tho case of the President's assassination?" 8lo Semper Tyrairnit!" Though the wounds lntlioted on Mr. B?*?rd am not of a mortal character, it is fearel that, owing to hla previous debilitated / -ooaditioa, thej may lead to fatal results. The amaaain had not been arrested op to the fcaai of our latest despatches. Who he is ia Mi positively known, though suspicion points strongly to a certain individual v THK SITUATION. tMaai Sbnmslitar iiaaiwtd Ms teriM from r? M.a,om Um Slh last. It botm ta three atSaaaa omwaM respectively by Oiaarala Bovud) Wwanl SchoSeld. Oeaeral SchoSeld moved oa the ' Ph, aa? tee reiaaladar of the amy oa the following dy. During the re)oteiags ewe the capture of Rich ami, poetess to taking up the lias of marrb, gaaarel Shermaa wae called eat by hla tro-yr, aai made a abort speech, tolltag them to prepare to praatorward, n bo mi waa to bo given to Jr.hnet on. < 1*1 Jwhaaton a arn y hod avac-ated PaJrl?t,, nicv i,g to too wool of ft, loo ring too Iowa la iwwa-srioti >f {< ur m Ito Ihownad of Hampton'a earal17 It v?a? rrp. rt*d ton Johaaloa had goa* lo Qraoa*'?>r< ai tlo Jun. u. n of too DaarUlo ood ChorioMo ItllmMk Ob Um arming of too lath oat. a aaaoll foroo of OoooraJ HowanTa moan led tofhat*7 wan aUookod by tana rabol cavalry, who, howW| won boob flop a road, with a Ian of ono huadrod tooa aad two ptoon of artillory. It wao ropoftod la Ooldaboro, K. 0 , oa too 7to tan ton OoToraor Taaoo would aooa call too North Carolina 1 igtoaion togctoor to ropoal too aaoaaaioa ordlaaaco aad natoao to* Stoto 10 too Ualoa Ml Daota, too omat Prandoal of too lot* tobol ooafadomry, baa at laM boaa doctalvaly kayt from. Oa too Mb Into ha Inaod from DaartUo, Va, a pro toanalloa which wo pa MM tola nimilag Ha aaya too*, Oaanal Laa hartag - tooad H aooaanry to naho aatonaaonanof hla woo pa aa to aacaaar*1 HMnoad, " wotod bo aawtao to ooaoaal too natal aad Mali rial hHr" foaaMag to too rabol oaan from Ma inapaiiia hf tot aaOoaal Waapa hull ha aadoaaoia loooanaoo < ptli *gadod toUoooag^bn oraa tol4* oa* ?o a "bloaa 4a? todlanMe,"e* w*ld ItoeroU V*e*a afny for aeon JLaaatoat opatwUoaa. Ho aaaouuoao bla porptaa 1 la MB t- Ma bad oaan wftb bla "wbolo heart aad I Jn, aad to "aorta antrnaM lo toa aboadoanoat of oao V .Into of too ooafodorooy. " Ylrgiala," ho dorloroo, ' ^Vtotohohatdoad OadiBdil. aadaoptaaa ororbomod. , wHto to? totoaaoaa la 1 adaat of bar tocrtiory " Probably to totoi to tofllto af too anrroador of Oaaaral Loo, if haahaoano wUllag ta aUghily aaadify tola prootomrn\ mlbpi af Nat, Alabama, by Oaaaral Wnooa'a aaaatoy, H a^Oraaad (Tom rabol aooreaa Mobil* popart to (to dto Mb amaoaaead ton M bad boaa tokoa, with Him pfcan af aatiilary aad a largo aaaooal of A Maw Mnh^pM atataa Ibat? ftrtoaa tra ***** m Iba rataf?rfca ter?Mlim? MuMto oa tu ai?bt ?f ?a Mb MM, Mtl^liiilMlMNiUiumiBHi. 4lH?iMpbM hMMihrt; but Um mmM ?f hail ?aM M aa* *wa mmwihh iikin vara CM Ma rtata*r af KM m Um Mb tMi ftpawbb ? HIrtnil by tbaijapaat UxTblrt~ni> ?4 pMaftMM 8w?u^p|* >>fil u4i J. ftMl, wbUa Put ?lay, MMthtv atoMf ratal worn, ^^NiMMrlkt Mr. ?M by IM HavMlb KM Mawta?M*. ? Mi I ftLfc, M tew tA lynWlllil* Oi tt* IterwMvS^paM WM fcttai Mi m Um kMw Mi ? kUtai hMMw ?i Ml*, w MM It TUNikr1! ?Ill, *W m?My ?? ?g by Um miimiI ?r Iwwl Itomm, wttb Ma ?M aarya Mi MMf-Mra UllMli Mntlry, Ma Mpaalii mm la afyaar la (Nat ?f Matua M tba iiril u? aaafwii ma Maim af tba mnai, *aaa?faaMs Uaargta, taiiMUa tfeaa Ala?a la batqg fadfc?Mr taarrif by Um aattaaal aawalry oj^> q,,. UmWMm# iai atbar aawaniwa, aJ| feariag in Dm AiwMm af Mai? ? (tea ? taa* thay "ara rapraaawaai la hi la mm aaar Maataralta awi Tuliialntaa aaantf MaOaait faaaa la rapmn* u> hara bnraai IU4 Mm*? Iraa War? Mi *ba niia** it I Ifiiti, aiti ' V jru * km t^pab toe teMpnph to ii i il ptaaas mi toitw*iw>wtoi?k?toMtofftlito? ktortni. to to* latter part to Mat asiik, *a* tow Mwpba aN to* oto*r torn uateeUie, Alabaam rtuto to* mm daapatch w* kaara toat to* rah I alaaaaer Gar toto, vtto a owf? rtl?*4 at two milttoa boilara, vaa aak la Spaateh rlvar, Mar kfnbila, ua to* Ua? uM , bp e?U dtag vtto to* aimw Natch**, aad prvrrd a muI taaa. Freeliiat Ltoaata ) latortoi oroareb to* reaaoallaa to to* pa*a*a tor to* i*Ma Gaearaar Utcbv aai In** ua<*r to vMt Bicbtovtd to Uk* part la to* pncaab ?aa tor reatortag Firgtaia to Ma proper piato a* la to* Vbtoa. It la *4 toat to* artillery totiw laGaehaeaad greeted to*** paaea* *a laaafltoiml authority Nearly four head red aad ifiy captured rebel ttoto [ f "n?n't arrived in WaabJagtaMpbtoarbap. Ark ac to??a vaa Oaaaral Bwall. Additional deuula to to* cere aao* lea etuadiag to* aurraadt-r to General Laa'a amp an eoatalaad la to* daapatoh** to oar oonreapoadenia publish d tola mormlng. The DaarilJ* (Ta.) BtpWar to to* bto luL wpa toat Oaaaral Breckinridge, rebel Secretary to War; to* rebel Qaarlaraiantr Mb On at at I wary Oaaarala and a aaaab?r to other adkeera, lad Blobawab on bnraaback J oat pre*4 aaa la Ma aacapallm bp to* aaitnaal treopa, aab van *?|iaatab t* errve la DaavtU* aa the bto best Foot i'aloa gnabaata reotatlp vaat ap to* Cbowaa Hear, la North Carolina, for to* paipoaa to eo-opermilag witt mm eevnlry. At win ton nm of nmi wmm found; mm ik*r wmm mm dispersed by um ahsUe frOM the gaabooaa, wbicb forrted um oavatary aarmm tbe mimb iM tb?b proceeded to Mtufnaabaio, w tbo mtktrli river, wbteb *m olao onptured. Tbo m wbieh tbo robolo bad boos bnlldlag ot Hallfu, n. a, mod wttb whteb they expected UI allot grant damage om tbo MiklMl vimlm, vmm discovered to tbo ft too, shoes Ptymouth, n. 0., on tbo Mb tool, moving Ion; tort abo pnvM to bo am abort, having boos burned to tbo water's odgs. Tbo nm ran Albemarle, r:ak at Plymouth by Lieutenant Cuahlag and bit party, baa been raised, aad la foand to bo aot aortooaly Injured. Oirtora to diacoaUaas drafting anrt recruiting to tbo Son therm dlviaion of thla Suit, eomprtelng the Irat tea Ooagreailoaal districts, were yeetordmy received from Wonhlngton and transmitted to each of the dletrlct pro aot marshals. Business therefore cmaae to a sodden teraainmtloa at tha Bupervlsors' rooms to the City Hall Part and at the several provost marshals' offices. Chairman Blunt, of tha Volunteering Commute*, hod two hundred guns gr*d is honor of the event. A Cairo despatch says that the rebel Colonel Forrest has arrived at Memphis under a lag of truce for the purpose of conferring wlib General Washburn# dn the subject of a proposed extermination of guerillas. xuBOPEAir mews. The steamship Europa, from Queoaslown April 1, erred at Halifax yesterday morning, on her voyage to Boston. Hot- uens la two days later. The United States MitnMcr at I.isbon bod demanded ea'isfnettom from the ltittagoeno government for the in mi. aau injury uone vu uur uig or nriug uo ur >W|!Wt kiid Sacramento. He rci|tie?led (but the con. minder of Port Helem be dismissed atd tUe Union Bag sainted with tvceciyooe gun a. No decision bad been come to. The American commander* deny lbat they mere abnutdo and before the appointed lime, and any they were merely ehifUag their anchorage when fired on. Our aperlel correspondence from Coninna gtrea an Internaliag narrative of the evante which occurred to the dale of the Bailing of the Niagara and Sacramento from tbeir anchorage off that place. The fact of eight guna having Juat bean a hipped from England to the Spanish coast Increased the' belief that there waa another rebel privateer operating In III* ke-aalatb A# an Iwtaai^att ?Ktp, burned lo the eater'e edge, came aahcra at Malptoa, near Corunaa. The London TVnet coeveepondenl in Blchaaend at temple la remfort the anglo-rehel rympalhlaeru with the aaaumnaa that avaa if Lea and Johnston were fief sated the "atoning scenes" of the war will tree Me the Catted States during two or three generation*. The London nates condemns and ridle idea the amended Tarff law of the United Stolen A ! - adoa )oumal pays a Juat tribute to the nation off . be United States Nary, under Fhrmgut and Porter, Our it a the war. ?"< iitola claaad In London, April 1, at WH a DO for mct-y. United Stater Bve twrattea were in brisk de- I mend fbr the Continent. The value or the bonds eipe- ? rl?uo*d a slight re la pea from the advance at the end of , the wroir, but tbay again advanced to bM1, The . Bank of England reduced Ma into of discount to four par cent 1 Two toilurea lb England?a commercial bouse and a < bank?font up MabillMee of over ana mutton sterling 1 The Liverpool cotton market waa wanker, bet gutet, , with pneao unchanged, en April I BreadatuM were . gulet and needy. Provtnear were gwtel and steady TXX LSttlSLATDEB. la the Seaate yesterday Mr. If?an of ik* aim oowmltte* appointed to tareaNgaaa riuifatNMda agaiaat certain deportments of oaf my |W?i?a at, reported that tba awmmittai waa aat yak aMa ta atka a aim? I report, aat sated that tbay ha a Mi wed ta eaaUaaa tha laraatlgaUoa daring tha raoaaa, aad that thetr power* ha am a del aa aa la include all tha BeparfiaM la tha any. Tha report waa MM aa tha table. A meaaage aa reeeteed from tha ha??aaa niitag tha Day Daafe, Baal 1 Broadway aad Neath Btrar Hilhtil MB, whlah waa i ant*iad to ha printed. Tha Aaaoal happiy MB *a , reported aad mda tha ^aatal ardp A the evening aalea. Tha MB la htmlf' M fen ta tha Jfaw Yarh Owtni BallroU waa thaa takea ' ay aad ? ta til aa aa ta yvwreat dMtrhaiiialiiia In fhtrea a# thraagh freight aad agaiaat way freight It | waa thaa road aad paaaad by a rata af yaaa M, aaya U. Btila ware alee adopted roMtMo ta tha Chwtoa Agwodwcl la Maw York, aad to laaorporaU tha Barry Bo ward Am ocMHoa af Bxeaapt rinaia ThaOertrtw'i aoahna ' Per HatropaHtaa Ytra CowttUaloeett wara ralactad la saeeaUr* aaaatoa hy a rata ad yeae U, aaya IT. la tha Araaatbly hlMa were ri purtti for tha mm Uaa <4 aaaw Capital. to prartda grenade far a Baal raatlag place af tha itatha af New Yarh Takuataore who Mil at ?Mjda| aad Aiihha, aad ta ehange tha aaaaa of tha Mhrlatra' tMrtogs* laatitata Bp. Vaad Moved ta take from the taNh tha MMiwpalttaa Health Mn, which waa aarrtad hy a rata of yaaa M, aaya hi Tba gaaotica of tha roaoartderMMs Of tha rata hp wMoh tha Mil waa Mat waa raaahed la araalag session Whaa tha laaalt waa I aaaoaaaad, tha MU waa tiilanh Mat hy a rota ad aped ) ta, nags IB. iwiLLAiMn im oath Aatrkw Mekw, dated ta tha 11th ad Mar* raeatrad, eta Kngiaad, hy tha ataamehlp Kuropa, rw ^ort im nrntM ar ma any or Martaaa ? w Mn| rtona Tha IihUiui ?m la pa?iwlnk at thk plana ThB enatnu Ua M*um?H p?aa la Ua _B #f Ua tb aak liU M. ^ Tha Ooaaw ataamabtp ilk until AMP j Baa Na las al halfpaw ala<aa r. t aa TharakT r< ^ aailak Ikr Llrarpaal al ikna a > lack A. M yaabr ^ TW aniaBiy Ooaatca fraaa Hacar* M tka Mk aak i Naaaaa aa Ua Ml laM , arm ah hr jltmny Baa Hirut ahvtoaa ara aa knar ill/ tkaaa bHIiitP la ;aa frhay fc Mauu* iCa Aa?kr rtbal klaakaka raaaUf maiwafctp kaaakaa arm *4 /, hmm oa lla (Mali, from flataaaloa, wuh aaa fUOnp*md haiaa of cot lam Aa rapaaia twn?*a Vatoa car ?la aff Oalrraaaa kar, ! IM UelewaleiameeaH aptwuc# haadrek rekeU Tka rrcacb bark Bogaap wm wrack *4 aa kraal laapaa aa Ua ttth of W/raary, aak tkraa af kar a raw wara kwwaah Wl,? tM Carrtea aaa afcoal faar kaar# fraaa Ula port aar^a akmbal ?aa aaplakak la tka kaM af tka aklp froia^tba mm af a aaakla. bp whiah two paw ink waaa ktTwd aak Una alkaw aartaaaly tajvrah. A Vaw Orlaaaa J?ar?ai af Ua Mb laM olaMaak la Kara tfktfUiJ mil U# amawaakaraf Ua prta-ipaJ army * Karw ta t aalral Maitoa kak akaakaaad Ua ooataal, aaktfrat bia troop* kak ratanm* la tbalr hom.a nilkkiil Uauala baa raaaaily faaofaMak Joal A Qotktf aa aonaul of I ha Maihaa rarabU* at ftaa frrtlli l kkllk Mai wm>M ana ta be a aoalwktniofi "f all Ua# i>Apia thai oar pacaraawal aialgaok achaow lading IbipMi'a aa?i Ira. TMUrkay balal r?ika?, tha aaal*ar*arjr of tha rmfrtioa uf iha wolvp, thara wan at.) '* ,C! t'r,v'A tl AM7f U i t\r4 NKW YORK HXBAliD, Si *?4i>r f it y. wk? M )?i mwn ftwi Oirtmu Ra wm Mm it' <* * WUIaffl, imnUt ? ** iMmiio Waahiogtoa am Mmp *f A*ftaafliag wflloaa out at mm prtaa mm Aatoaa Ma >miy Mwn m> la Pu*t LafhyaMa ma Wtuuao rAjwuMy, Mbbaal DUteu, P. Ooofl?, D. P. MlhrM MM J. P. Plba. , Among ikom im*?l? iw P. I. utram, Ma Am^h, Mciiarl HrMtM, Mahaal Fm, A. BIHar, Mm Kflliy, A Hipjlna, & A b*yi*, Mba Ml cklu*. Tit- r. wrro IMMe ?Mi llMlllMl>|Mlm lMIWM> by Hu ruaaM taabor Aomm thorn waa that af WUMmm B I'P -tr, n whlrh flv* huadrafl fli4l?*?an gtnatolha PuikU/ aeliou1 uf tb* D-u-h IWhmMI chunk M Mlrttl ln-el. | Tli* tMmahtp Kioa, Chptala MoCuigaa, of the 1 ha*, wiil nil ct u<x>d to flay for Quc-aalowa tafl Llv*rBmL Tb* TeuMala, for Houthaaptea aafl Hamburg, aIa* nil* ?a.<up. Tb* mail* will olca* a! half pa* Ua A. If. At lb* Pact *1 o*. Captain Powell, of tli* ?tnair Comma nfl*r, uilH at this port ye*i*rdj/ fruut Monhoafl Clip, *Ut?c that wb*a r Cap* Hmtteraa, wo tb* 114b lad, b* paaaafl Ma or Iwatr* band bofllw floating *a tb* water, whlcb wan nppon4 lp bp of tbpoo loot whop tho olMPtr Oaawml Lyoa waa AwlroyeA bp flr*. la yiaMnlay'* Hutu waa aotioofl tb* fact of flaailag boflte* baring b**a aaaa la tba aaaM rlBaltp, oa tb* mb* flay, bp lb* aaptnia of tb* ateamablp flawnaaa. ioba Labaa, a wlaa aurnhaat, ?M Ohftattaa Mats, a fawollar, wan jiawby oaaoaolttafl .M Ma Ibaka for trial, *a tba ebarga of baring attempts* lb ban tba pnwboa No. 11T William *tro*t, *a lb* algbt at thafltb last Mala, after bla awef, nafla mtaflot, aa> huiinlaflglag bla complicity la tba iflk. than waa a* aaaatoa at aitbar of tba flub barb at tba Oalfl RHhaags ) I a altar. Mookg wan, bowaror, flra> oa tba atmt, aafl galfl cloaad ataafly a? ltfl, Oimmirolil miw wan aaaaaally galal yaafarday, aafl tba flap waa nan g*a*r*lly *baori*fl aa a nllglcaa holiday thaa wa arm kaaw Oaofl Prlflay to ba b*fora Baainwa waa vary qntet, aafl than waa a goaaral fllatadlaalioa ta fla aaytblag aaMl Mm country aball bar# baaa natooofl to aomothlag Ilka orflar. Oa Change flow waa flail, but prlow wma without iMterlal cbaag*. Wbaal waa flnaar br aprlng, bat fluO aafl boary for wiaur. oora *u Sfsa m< I* UialUd supply Oals war* iko nmw, ud 1* hicbtr. Park ?m la issptovMl tauid tad Iraw. MrtM iktdjr. ?u quint bill Arm, whU* whiskey m 4?oMs4ly lower and Im* scUv*. Frsifkt* w*r* doll aad aala* w*r* aooiiaaL A PrMlaaattoa ftwaa J*C Darlt?Hli " Vole* to M1U tor War." Jeff. Dark baa tamed ap again. He baa leaned a proclamation from Danville, and hlf " voice la a till for war." The reader will find that proclamation in another part of thle paper. It ia savage, sanguinary and defiant, from first to laat; but it was Issued upon the iWlae presumption that, though he had loet Richmond, General Lee had escaped with his army. This absurdly belligerent c^J Uf gated Danville, April 5, several days before the surrender of Lee, and doubtless before any Information had reached Danville of the accumulating and fhtal disasters of his awful retreat. Under this delusive idea, however, that he still had Lee's army to support him, Davis defiantly foils bark upon the strategy of Ben Wood. " The finest imj of the confederacy, under Ita ablest military leader, had been greatly trammelled," bo saya, " by the aeoeesity of keeping constant watch OVer the approaehee to the capital," and thus It had been "forced to forego more than one opportunity for promising enterprises." In other words General Grant had driven this "finest army of the confederacy" Into Richmond, and had tamed the key on h till ready to dray General Lee out and run niu. sum. Dut, although Davis "cannot conceal the moral and material injury" to his OS nee from the loss of bit capital, be agrees with Ben Wood that his aimlss, "now rolieved of the duty of guarding particular points, are free to mere from point to point, and to strike the enemy In detail', fkr from his base," just as they struck Sherman, for instance, In his marcbee through Georgia, Sonth and North Carolina. IXsvia, at all events, declares that "Virginia shall be held and defended;" that ho will "never abandon to the enemy one foot of the soil of aay State of the confederacy;" but that If compelled to withdraw temporarily, ho "will return, again and again, till the hifisi and sxhsusted enemy shall abandon In deepoir his sadism and impossible task of seeking slaves if a people resolved to bo free." This wee sn he Mb of April, at Danville, and wo dare say hat by this tisM Davis, a Mis mors ealightsood, has abandoned Virginia end North sod South Carolina, and Is perhaps siiibfeg at Augusta, Ga., upon the ssfcst routs, via Tense, to Mezfok It Is pssribls, however, that the mad lubMoa sad the terrible disappointments end misfortunes that hnve fellrs upon this unhappy mas br? rendered Men wmmyf ?Ml M hie deipalr. V N,k( frIM prebtklj pen? Is Me hMm ? etorppcd k i rtebel Ml lf?oedaloee death. 'Bat we cannot long?that he Me keeeee ee etevlttolj deranged. We rathev MHmHo think thet ?re ie "a method Is Me madne ae"?eomethteg of aWalegy, to leeet eg Me'reel deelgne, ead to get eelelj of withoat exefting dengevoue eeepktone among Me follower .e till well ont of the way of danger. le thin Mew of Me declared pnrpoeee of war le the dwjth, we ehall not be earprieed if we do not hear directly from Mm again thle aide of the Mb Mertppl rim or the Inland ef Caba. Chart; he le not In the mood te accept a par* deny nor do we think that ho eeehe the nnnleaeea? alternative threateoed Mm of that ^ew ?r pie tree"? Am we fe e?wtln oe. Davie, In abort, meat have bad aoaae mlagirftnga of Fberidan'a cavalry, and, aa we eoq)ew tore, he only etopned at Danville te hnrl bank upon "tbe Yankeea" Ma Mat ahont of wrath and defence, and le off "for Oowee and a market" Brio urn Poaiwui am Nwmu. The attt Bade of Rpaln and Portngal in regard te thle eeantry, ae evinced la their recent action tewarda the United Btatee war veaaela Niagara and Saorameato le decidedly boodle, and dtaudi the iMMdtaU boom or oar gowo Ml It baa ?om to I pretty pees whra 1Mb , potty Powett 0M? looult no with Impunity. Ai Ibr Portugal, ebe boo nothing to loee. Liko b poor yelptag dog, oeorcoly merlin o good kinking. Bat tbo oooo of Fp*Ia Wi quia diflbmt Sbo oogbt to toaeabot tbot do boo TBhttblo puw?! wttkla mi; rooob of a* If wo bod rafldoBt ooooo to-aorrow H would aot require meek aore tboa o aoalb to toko Co bo oad Porto Moo, Bad thru Hpukh pride ood boabaot would bo brought rather low. ur goreraaent auot look to this matter at oooo, ond wo truot that our reprweeatatlTeo at lfodrld and LUboa will demand full aod aaplo atlsfaetlon. It in no exeuee to ay that tbooo aro weak Poworo and of llttlo Importance. They moat not bo allowed to oecepe on any neb pretence. Lot them epologiie at oaee, and promieo better behavior Ip future, or be hroockt to an nc*oon% i* l? t A /Id 1 & yt/?UI ?f*ir? ~ , ? f iTUKIUY. APRIL 1ft 1M& Waaelar lUi-| m m4 a ?? ahoye laralep, lorigacale tad taepMt a peipl*, howerer aull (Mr power wf be; end I# they m? kali; eraW b; ml warn they ( 4m better end greater people then tbey were when Ike war begaa?a p?fb higher to the eoctal aoala Bat when eooh e war k waged on ae atapeadoee a eeale as ear war bee been, aad by a paspla with ae areob latalleetaal and moral force, ao aaaob payability of growth, It cannot be but tbal the ehoagce aad prograee that It moat ladaoo will be each ae to belittle all the exemplar of the peet aad to rerolutioaiee completely the primt We beUere that the ktfiaeace ta that way that the war ie to hare apea the ooeatry wtU amount to scarcely leer than a aaw organisation of oar national 1Mb. Through all the future wo will be a different people from that we hare been. We bare eloogbed away la theea ffew terrible year* the forme a# the older llfo, aad already we are tahfag new ease with an leetluetire eenee of what we ere to bm Oar aeHoael oberaster grow* larger ta the eontempi*tlon of what we bare done aad by oootaet with great areata, la the eereety yean past Americana showed that the rudiiaeatary freeaMa ef the Berohitioaary days, derfetoptag all the arte of peace, eoald be greater mechanics, lnrenters, traders sad aallon tbea any other men; and now we bare bowa that Amerioeae, tauAUd for their eoooeaain tbeee arte end their lore of the "almighty doiiar,'- an poaam aiso ? m grander huubood thai suooeeds la war; that the y mate also batter soldiers than aay otter men, aad that they eaa carry war to the same high pitch of developmontthat they hare oarried so many other arts. The conecloneniss of this taflaenoee the national mind and character, and will stamp with a large aad noble spirit the literature, history and philosophy that will grow out of it. Our national Industry and eommeroe will also feel this revolutionary effect, and vastly Improved and enlarged commercial and financial systems will be the result The undaunted spirit of the navy will communicate itself to a mercantile marine that will make our flag fhmlliar on every aea, and the world will derive new wealth from the fret that the attention of this people has been for the first time fixed upon the great questions incident to the national finance* Industry, assuming a thousand new forms, will give us the frill benefit of the untold resources of this great continent, and we shall be richer, more prosperous in all ways, more happy and more free then we ever were, or than any other people ever were. From the memorable epoch of the closing of this war the great revolution In our national life begins, and we tahe a fresh and glorious start. Tn Icn Monopoi.t.?We publish in another column a communication from the Ice dealers in reply to the notloe we gave a few days since informing the pubUo that they had entered into a combination and decided to double tbeir charges. We willingly give the answer, In order that the public may see the weakaem of the!* wan. aww*t everything ef necessary consumption?such as flour, batter aad provisions of all kinds, ooal ad wood, and cotton and woollen febriee?is following, slowly we admit, bat surety and permanently, the decline of gold, it seems preposterous?and so tks public will view it?thai the ice dealers, In the bee of such evidence, should now assume to double their lest year's charges, and quadruple the prices of four years ago. There are two feels la relation to the lee bnstness which should not be lost sight of. One is that nature fernlsbes the dealers their stock In trade gratis, and the bountlftil crop vouchsafed to them last winter leaven them no cause of complaint In that respect And-the other may be referred to as equally worthy of souside radon. Congress, viewing Ice as an article of Decern!ty rather than luxury, relieved It from the burdens of the Internal revenue law, and permitted the dealers to escape the direct tax which has been placed upoa almost every ether oemmodtty. But it is astlsss to present argument which Is likely to stand in the way of combinations like that of the lee dealers. There ^ m m_ ^ oaa, IMflWW, do DO nana is compfiuoo itob Makto ud Maamcboartta. I Tan Cut n> Paoermirnow.?Bon Btfler ol to r?4lca>i art nailing Ml lonty to proaaripttoa, aow tot to war li cm and to pooplo jodcrally, aa wed m to admlnbtialtoa, ava dhpnaad to dwl koauNly wllk tola wbo law avrad and kara baaa mbdnod. Marty to a Mm to la aao at to blgbaat eharaclorlallca of manhood; Wat H la oaa wMeh Bm Bailor and to radioala do aot aaaa la regard. Ikalr howling to prooerlpllon against to 8oatora pooplo brioga to oat mind a few cat* of Uatory?tot oacollont pkUoaophy wKich taaebaa by aaamplo. It romiada oa of ^loboaptorra, wbo waa to (bat to call to to guillottea la Fraooa, aad wbo aftarwardo jato op bla mlaorablo life andcr H It raoaHa, loo, to lory of Balaa Marina, in to daya of to Roman rapobUe, wbo domandod to proooriptioa of to ftioada of Scylla, aad aabaaqimntly pirlahU la to maraboa aa oatlaw aad a fegttlYo. At tot too the boot mom la Roma warn proaorfbod, from nrbloh ovoat da tod to downfttll of to ropabllc. No good orar yot eoaao from pro orlpttoa. Tba aplrit la wlokad and onnataraL Blatory la ropWto with laataacaa to pro to tot to an wbo ococt to gaillotlao ava tba bit to ruff or by It Qcm Anoraaa Dacaa.?It wan a afagalar - laoUDoa of poatieal jnatloa tot to aama Dodga wbo ioD an Insolent letter ttn?l?nl?r a not tbo loot mb from Now York ahoold bo Um fry Dodgo who tologtophod from Woafr h|toB to atop tbo droll oatlroly. To no, bom* oror, tkio U qotto oaotbor Dodfo. Tbo M^of Dodgo of tbo otbor doj bolllod oo llko o despot; tbo lf^or Dodgo of tblo morning room oagonUj oo o rooking doro. It to astonishing who! ops ond downr tboro oro la tblo groot toon try, tod how moth moro modoot Llootoooot Gooorol Oroat knows of tbo position of oflbtao thoa tbo thnndoring, blondortng Major Dodgo. Aonoa or Wat or Vorracrirr.?-Tho otbor doj wo goto our loot odvioft to Bon Wood) but m bo rtiU persists In writing himself down on ass, wo odd o postscript, ond ogoln so j "donV Tbo Boa. fc-n Is foollsk to prstond to got oagrj dbont tbo liberty of tho press. His owu^m Ionoo ond thot ol bis popor oro tbo h^^Hi tbot thlo liberty bos not boon InrmMMrblga tor; sorry tbot Don (Ma m lHWii ? I ? I , ? W had SJriSgw MEMi^Sr /on Bwn amp Jam. Dim Hon ?rib i^fUwl mm w wy<t *? MM pi Ml flha1 jiiirtia. "tr* ?<ek jmm Urt." Uft Dark in mIjiMb ftrowa wuh^ji Mali | Mltajikttb iMRivRiMrtMiliMi atroag nqpuapat la km of hnaglag Ita. Brown wont into Tlr^ala, Mo4 la laiao a roooUtion, tailod, ud wa knafi M Mi doalh 414 Iho uuiahj m goo4. Dawk MM to mtm a rorolntloa, aaoooodod fernwhllo,(boa UM| bat If ho bo bang what good will It do Iho ooaatryf Lot hba dio, Uko Boao4kt Arnold, la fcvolga Undo, or go. Uko Jndao,an4 hag hbaoolC M O B I L E. Flereo Bombardment of SpunMi Fort. IGPOBTQ LOU OF TWO T2-CLAK BE8TRUCT10N OF REBEL TRANSPORTS. TUB COHTIHJiUCE tV TIB SINE, Jtc., Jtcu, Ac. Row OrlMM papor* of iho Ml tool boon booa rooatrod. Tho lhw aonialna oomapoadaaaa fron our farm In front ot Spanish Root, Ak, to Iho SOIh Ol, ud from LaKoport to tho 4th teat, hip f una oat morion an Mooted by our foroaa aoor IpilO fW, on on to almool, If not fulto, out off all robot 00?nntoMon by load or water. robot transport and hoapttal boat ham boon a -. .J Tbo Cant tlncted Mo. 44 ra tuk by * torpode ud Me bu killed. The Trut DtMm has a rerort of (he Iota ef the United States Un clad. Kodolph, by the explosion of a torped >, while participating In tha attack upon Spanish Fort The oorrr*|mndent stales that tw# ethers (namex not given) wore Mown ap In a similar manurr. Four person* wtro killed upon the Rodolph and Afteeu wounded. TBS OR AltO ATTACK upon the rebel works waa to bars comment ed on the 3d iant. N the namcL lom. Another correspondent, froas the aame locality, under date of the let Instant, writes:? The military situation Is vary eaoouraglug, although It has assumed tbs propertlons of a regular siege. By private adrkee, not yet confirmed, the rebel losa Inside Spanish Fort la Are hundred and fifty killed and wounded out of four thousand. Our total ioas (an estimate of two eorpe) Is prvbsbly the same. Froperttan of killed snsall. Hrlgadler General Mythe (a new man) la In oammand at the fort. The rebel eommunJcalioa with Mobile la entirely suspended. ' Steele (Seventh oorps) la Investing Fort Biaksly, six miles ahors Hpaaleh Fort. Thoiuas, with the Fourth eorpe and thirty-tve thousand cavalry, I* expected In tha rear of Mobile. Nothing definite has been received from blm for several daya Thta Latest Maws. Maw OauMtts, April I, via CAmo, April 14. A despatch to tha New Orleans flaw from **y~rlrh Fast, dated April 4, ears:? A furious are was opened oa the rebel forte last night from enr entire Una. Boring tha bom bard meat a small ma^stne la Spanish Fort exploded. The damage la unknown. Quiet prevailed en the 4th. Deserters report fTOm eighteen thousand to twenty thousand troops la and about Mobile, tneludlag all the Slate restrtea, and about two thoumud in fipanteh Fori IJ?e km outalde Bpealeh Fort up to the 4th last, emnnaied to about 0ve bua^irt killed 0*4 wmlii TheVebel km UMrti ourm. Mil1**' S?Mi*l Themae HMrti at Km Orteaae ea Ite morning of tkr 7 th. Mobile p?pw of tb? 4th imrt. umum the eaptare of Muw, iitkHM, with twMip lkiM pliam of artiBciy ud m large amount of gorerament property. THE ALABAMA RAIDS. Rebel AcrennU ef Oeaeral WlWi emmeat lelnMt o?4 Moalgeaery? Heavy fe eperotfng Celnan ertng Threagh KlaaleeAppl?AMVtre Abenl Mn Me The Wennftng oaf Cnptan of Oeaeral Claatoa, Re. iremrri, April 4, MBR Weotera paper* of lata fate reureeeat the eoamy ao moving through the Interior of Hale? la large fbree, float potote oa Ike Teaaeaaaa rtrer. TV* 4tr Irteae are Bear Mooterello, nmi*an4ei by MaOboh. The eaeaty are ta fbree near Tueealeeaa lb thouaaad (na TnacumMa Prided af ragn ear colnaaa veal to Tnaealeeaa aah the other tenor hi Ilea terello. HeOook a J aae at Mytaa aa Tiwhy, March SB Be hah a large teepee vaia and artillery. Me heme* the rllhge ef K^tea aah Bah Meaalada Irna Worha The enemy hare tappah the telegraph One at aaknewn petau aah Ifgalthil u Beat her* eBeea Oeaeral Chant en deapatchaAe hie rlh, March fa. that he vaa veaahed eertouely, aah left by the eemy below Fe hard.' pare led- by the Yaakeee, la report at ha rearm ea the Mh af April The CIar oa, ef the IW, rtalea thrt tva nrkeeiaa ef Taakeee are ?drearing en Colombia, Mlmlmlgpl Oae front BaatertUe hah rehohoh pot ale thirty Ira eaMea abort Columbia* Another tarted from Memphle, four Uteaaaad etroag, well prortded vttb peck melee, and well mounted, aad are ta the rielatty ef IVmiodeo, Mtm Thm ileatnera fi m ma eaila aaA Urtakae nnfM/tadl mi g ham IBV WvHrtfw UBI mvOf MMH imBQvTI ^WMtlHe HO *Hw mouth ef Bpaaleh rtrer, near Mobile, at mldnlgbt Friday, March M. The Oertrnha eaah la a tew aataatea Cargo rained at two mUltoaa, aad eeaalMed af prormoa* wMeb haleagrd to olnate wha hah uariheeid to rapply Ibmaeilrm for the atepa af MoblV; total loan The Maiehaa la aaln)ureh. Captain Vernon Lock, af the privateer Retrtbellua, M la prteea at Kaaemt. BaoABWAVTaaaTaa?Lert ArrataAjteaoaMa. 0 am ? Mr Oweaa win appear aa Caleb Hummer, ta the Oleket ea the Bitrth, at a maha* la-hay, tad to the regnhr perfnrmaare tealgbt Thle will ha Mr. Ovaaa* hat eight, aad there are, therefor*, only twa mom *rp*rtaBMtee te aae Ule ei quiet la peneaetton. Mr. Oveaa haa ptayah two haahred alght* ihla aaaaaa and hto?fH?. mealhaa beea a remarkably mcaaaafal eaa the tva ammafeMe potada m B bring hta veaherfal haBaaaltea af halea Bhlagla mh the dehctaea p?rfermaare ef the aM toy maker Rene who hare kitherte naglaoted laom QM fl? ak??M mi* ih? la* tkitw >?? > i>uai|*M?. mhH DmlH, ?* t?r mrrtvar* W lk? * **. lew*, fcw entrH el Ifce Ailer lew, leiwaue, ! WW* th? ? * MM pM hMcMnMnikM Bii** ill Mil?I MttofvlM UtoaM Mart* bkiM ti * fciUm wml;, MlMiCM* *% hTM-Tkirty Uu. J?r OmM np?M ?m nM?i|Mwa M ?M wnMfeMT *m M-My |>,>HM?, > 1?M w*wt>lh? ? t?fr im? fi? **? T-i%. nf iMpVMai wrti^iUpMwI a4 t? ?* MM WM1T m ibmk MI *MHIM mm * % % * i WA8HINOTON. At Mint la Oomm&a Tb?Pasttst?tbtVifKi*RcMLttto ^ Rented hj the Pieslfcat. CwriM WtiUfl ReHteeR ef Ci?n< < || AIMVU OF CAPTURED REBEL AFTOP.I, / te, fto, ifc 4 WiMMHW, Ayr] 14, ttM. I rnof M m ?im>ontinuaj(o? or too M?it. | TW tlawHwiw ?r 4rafUa?, aM atfcar ?I <?< rl Htury ot trail are af wcwmn, will nlUri t?mm 4 if I Mail ?wly Qw?< paraara moot ? I MiMaft iBiii% dai-uti va% JM. It to aaM Utf* tout I Mi % lim mo Mr Mtfca mmdaf MM aAciaia, lhaaar\laaa at aaartjr aMaf whaaa Mi** *? Ml >A. ooArioM or no ruw mtm ra nm t? oumam*. Vba Prill ill IMM M? MimtOt iiiiiKrftti MumMimh. lion, Imiw iM ?Ur Iw*h p?* . adltlilB, M fM MMi hr a ccmhJuum m wpni a mmUM ftt ttk r f ? ^>?ll >? MM, M 0? ?> pcupaaa Uat Uaaa pimai aMM M Ma ooMKIIh own , The PrMttent my* AM tka mUw af Us WtUmy Mar nor, lamMug wan | , w?. w?m?? ?? . ttiktfttf. I inual rtTMOl lit wmfaw or uoiaon I OmmI Wotiaol k? km wlhTri * hie mam al 1 Btchwaad, aad 0- aonl t*atrtck kaa km tm Wo m?am 1 placed la ooauaaad at that pa? tt k aM IkM W n I relieved fbr his aotlaa la tha aa? r of aalkartrlat the I tha Mita of that Wale la km allodia aee, ka? mim reliable oaa ka aaiinolaod afcoaUt la-algkl utimo or raa oianr. THora aaa a Ohhtaat laaetUg io~dey, al oriel Oeaaral Great* was present Tka a.tyoelef paetfloattaa aad m V 11 contraction vaa aoiuUkra*, baft ao dourm? mm f , arrived a. Oaaaral Onal >Myraaaa< tka Mka iwl dance that Jebaatoa weald aanaadar wtthta a tow der% J. If tie kaa aoi already Ooao oa, aad M ana thsaght ka* w await tka prograaa of avawM. j, raa raiM aamitioai wrra rata urn. itmml Important mndWrsilaaa at Ike trade re<n inline wtik rekoiiteua lalee hare kaaa praparod durU? tka pad week, knl tbay hare aot jot keen approved; aad <?r| lha arrival at Oeoaral Ureal, aa?^?aMetiea ?IU kfc^ it w doubtful wtieihar they will Wm promulgated It Is hollered that Ike work at pacifies ilea la proceed!^ m rapidly, that la a very akert liana M will ha poadUa M reaaore moot of lha roa|riotiooa aad aaporrMoa at prow at nooamarily Impnaail. ' > , OBNIIUl BWTLaa AkOVT TO hmr an nn? siok, Oaaaral Bailor kaa prepared h i rerlyoattea afkHom miuelon at major general, a d will to morrow prveaad V to lha Hecrelary of War. a*hital op oarrran arsir. mini? 1. B. Kershaw, aad Bit adter flenonite ?. U. Tlann. I F. Bitnina, M. D. Corse, D. H. Bo bom aad Bpfw I ew e, of tha rat?M army, aad OiawdrM Tltoa. T. Baa tar aad M B Toalrar ftlh* Palial war* aHt.ii Ma?* UkUF h**drwd and thirty other hold and Una oflteera, captured by ?W> daa, here Just arrtred by the ataamor Oneaaek froaa < hp - I feint. At about Daw o'clock Itk uflerweoa naaufrea. oUnmt waa apparent aa tha anna la the rMdH 4 Fourteenth alreet, and preaeuUy a colama of rebel edh > care, la pv uniform, mmm narcklag up pact the >' Yoaa Haaata oAca, toward tha baadauartere ef Qeaerel t. , ti**nud the eeCuna aa tha eteapt vaaa oaa or two ambulance* filled with etch at disabled ana of tha party. Tha etreat waa liaed with epictaieeu, mi * all eerie ef rueaore ware at oaee ret afloat "ThaTe General Lea," mid oae of the kmartaa ( "Which oaa T" woe Inquired. "Oh, that oaa oa tha lead, with the gray naataaha" "Oh, aa; that'a not Lee, I kaow hlaa. " Thea tt'e Swell,", eeid the wtaa eaa, llliralail to gat eomethlng right Oa arrtTtag at the Pmtraet tUr*hal'e ofbea the Beta proved ta be. that IJeuixaant (leoeial It S. Swell aad atbere ware Invited into Ooloue! 1 ngrahaet'e wen% f wheeo they remeiued for au hour or inure, betag vial led hy aararal old friendr II vr Oaneralr Hltchoack aad legal la called u|?o* U?aeral Swell, who waa aa aM fleea ait* of one end an arnir acquaintance of both. There * were aevrral ladies aleo admitted to shart latai itoue * with Aa general offlcere. A large coaoaaraa ef people remained owtatde-te A tela a pearlag glance ef BwaU aa ha left Juat bafhea car tine tha geaarale eaada their appearaaea, aad tha coiuaaa aearchad dowa toward the depal Tha iflnd ibori wm uMartl to Fort Wvrtt, BaM? mf bar, trivmptnM by thalr acer?arlra, while tha rtb? vara mbbiiM to the OM Ckpitol prtaoo aaUl tra? raw, whra Um tr eaaaa wttl ba OlapaaaO of Ororral Kwrfl u4 party will ba t?? la Haw Tarb al half paat bra to- arrow naral^ Major Owpbih row*, Act tag mabai Oaoaoal ba laatt, waa a0oo?0 la aorompaay kta h panaaal apyaaaaoao ao4 b? paraiaaal Nwall to art tatta Clonal Wat T. ttataih of aov amy, thoayh hla farahraO la aat *aha aa braaA a la baM aa tha tab af Ma baa*, waara hla hair aaA bear* tthaaroa abort, aof haaa wtifia lag. Nalerory papolar with hla ?hui^ who aU?H hlawbhibb Uaaaia raapaat aa ha paaaof tha ailaia la aooeaaibao aa hla way to tha trala. Porahaah, aaO a yaaaC af tha HI?h ratataa mmaa% ' ataaaapaay Kwrll aoh party la Baalao. Til HI* OtLUtmi or MBW OUUM. aa. WtHbtia PM Koltagg, af Uluota, haa haaa ^ palatal OaMw tor of (ham al Maw Orlaaaa, rtoa ha alaaa. htfa Itban haa haM, hat tag tha hat haa yaota, tha paihlaa af rbtaf JoaUca of Nobaaaho aarcrr eotxworow or www oautw. Mp Daly, lata liligali fraaa Nibiaaba, haa bom ^ potao a D- pnty Crhrtw al tha pan af Maw Urtoaaa jrrotwraawT or catwr yrarrow or wwtaaaw*. , Haa. WHMaaa KoHogy, of BUaoia, lata If. C, haa haaa uaivn or ootwonob ooLwaar. Qoaaroat Oytaaby, of IMa* a, ao4 ab? arrtraO haro taatalghc Um la ao hla way to Tlatl Ciatral mmrnrnf* amy, n North Oarohaa. tha Iwtratlao af oar yanfial la achat iillgpa *0 Haiteaa anptra, A aaaaal art af *0 PnOlia* *00 art, bowerar, aoppart thai aaaartiaa; Mr ha hoa loaa*. aMJaaft A. Oe*y aa coaoal af tha Mnrtaao npaMa aft p a^a Miaa. eoiww amiin? at vn catsolm, I?iih ^ Am tiruua (mew, ftewil Miiryrf iWir i it jwiirfc/ til mm Ma aNMry nlia"r . ^MMn^wiMl *Ma* (mm 1MB ? M pM ?r a MH. ilMlM iiMalaiap a I mMw"mT1>m?h1? HI 7mm ? ^ "T "r?a m H'i M| 11 AMJ^imm^BMCTIA Jirm/wM arlS^HHSSS-3 \ SE~?mrssB..^ sibmbib elawV^iVX* tttTCOTm^?V?MM>? ?f ..Z j gr^Ksws,sra.w.-a'S ' ... . "JJlL