Newspaper Page Text
. GRANT. | T AiliMttiMaf the Bet&ili of the Surrender.* Tit Any Tikfcg Initios Vkx* Ue tmvmae luurota. 1X1 IN RIOHIOJf D? I 1* i 1 '' ' ~ Imnt ai Pltilntfc Lm Rpfaie to be fiirrtUcni by 4i?a*ral Lee. Iim el km if tli kyUnd libel Amy tad Ravy Offlecrt, ? * " v Ae^ Ac >. It OMtwkltodWi DMfMUk. illlill >?, C H , Anvil id. lata. My W y1w<if iu hurriedly <m 1 b/tti ?>?mri of ? ? n MMt? IbrCNy Pwoi */ deepeinh of to-day ehnll bo oouuned M eotae addl.l >aal Irtiili */ the graat aelmlnellna ovanio of Uw reta.lloa, m ih?7 pnvwuted UxsMlwa w> im, n.iImu Mb re|h4 to Imp tr inner or order. i uanM ucr tri mm or THI ?p?it?B?L Dm appointment of oA-nr* to carry oat (be torma of tod* by both pmlM 'l?hn| Um al| it, Mb a oonfrrenoo between (i'DrraLt Grant aud Leo WO I bto oo the brow of tho hill, one fourth of a toi'e berth of the Court Houee, at too o'rkwk A. M. antral Grant aat bed hardly arrived whoa eneral Um. accompanied by an ud rly, galloped ap Uto hill and rode to the aide of the Ueuteoant U moral. General Ureal'o etoJT, General Ont and einlT, .leue-al Onfta end etaA General Gibbon tnd euit, (l iteral dhe dan and Mf were all oe the (r>>uu<l, grouped in a eeaat ebroolar pootuoa. The country u> Ut north ward wa t open, 1 anniented land The Court Hvnw etude no e ridge, ?l of email hill*. ei'endlnrf aat and wort, inn am a.. uuii m Lee'e army lar on a parallel rtd^e, or lb a ravine and Bule rivulet between, ninety uorth of our furore. TU t bead of hlecolu ou Vf mainly oompo'ed of trnnii a-td CLiv?xi..cnUj b it a m.. I portion of tlie r?N-l wet edible trom'tiie Co rt liooea, I f' KT K' ATt *. Am Lmc rod* np (ha bll'aide on 4 Jlop, -*l Ora t a(J(pKl hi.' b. r e lurv. rU 1*0 or Uir?! r ub It uio t U. in l.<? rode ?| on* y p, .altiUtl In nil! bv y ( ,r.n a I ?hhetod h ? ho~r ? ! b (Hi t.i 11 i t or ..-no O 4.1 Til* two chieftalne then rnierod I lit a 0 > i or i W <. that .tio null loo unit, uu il ti .It fh .ipoiuusi on bota ai.i w t > cu.y out wto t .111' *1 ?' r> n.ror hud Tvp rt."l f.i dotr T. tutu. an A' it ia luno wa* the lineal < ver ? It no*. <1 Pi two d.?; . ?i i fed I. a .> r o the mightiest uflv ?i>t!d a.I ?|itte. ly In Itimr tatltlU*. ill? iwtin tttJ > . t pr? cm i mi fu.uio iu rjc Mini <a j ufiiui.d Oiuvci'a Ih> al 11\ It*. thi.lit tnc onferonee Cono-al Imv e'aic I t tat if ilea ru ' .Li bad atotlcti to bin 11 >; o o.' for a p?r?oKt: in la rl< ? h in wee.a t^n peace o .Id h i e .i|.| > ib:-li. (iHln'ddiM. f urn. mho. ib. r in o auioa-eat, d. auiM, | rivMtc and och ani It ten ugh ?n to kn< w liui l.? admiwIatpHl bniiai.f ciniii oiil bc-Un , ti e power of (tie ou boni in fedora y liodv do. ir?; e<i, utd any fur her pm u t i'lun ?f the war a a t ion. ill S.0U ot blood I'lie o I non uu .u. c ati atzn.n rebel ottte.-r* ibal Jnliunt n w told a irtv.i tor t> Soitii ?n ? tttoui a battle <>a Una him tna. tb Anuy of korthc n Vlrgt.ii bail done en to lieoer I '.rank TB 0?"TB.. 4TIOB mm. *n f "burly bofnro eleven o clock ihe Int r? '-w bo'WMa tfce gin era a waa ended by Loo mJutlng ind rldin: vlo rly down hi- store. a<r?*e the imUow aal luui In- camp ou IL. bi.l beyond. Ueoeial (Hut luiuat I be b.vtd of bi( U-oiuof Iibr-ed I mrinnatai towanla Ibe tVjurt Ho .? . followed by Lie stag and a targe retinue of genera. oBcrra. an Tt <i olc m tie. Within ba f an hour ther af ar the olBeere detdgnateJ by Wlilll Lee to carry out the ?t, potation* of a rrender arr. red, and were aoc.cnl anied by a large uuismi o ia?J rc hajofficers. The large eranUaaudyard n innt w taenia gUed Mth gtoaps o Union and reb- l om< era in enrini* MMM Waif the "regulars' on attber aide fo ind MMna old nngnaintance or Want fo nt eUnonate dmsoeg I he oihera, and in Many t?nnree the greeting* were warm and nnaWbiHd Thn wen who but tbn day he.ore w ere eenhing w?h ether's dnwr etioo now ehattMi gnitiiy tag ther, rwnildd the loeidenta at the put, ami * gave in tbair o|?n countenan ?e ertdaneeM of h inn* re gg.el Alnort the And que- ioua from reb i were?"Weil, ? hot am you ?otng to dogwiui?what are you gutbg to do with us t ' rim nrvc an urxru uravr'- m i The belief enewrd wtd epr ad among intelligent offlreni that ihe Intted tat goeernment bad plmlg d i wlf to ar lit ao for the uhtei e? treat*>n and thu Inev must "all hang tug. ther or haag aegnately " Ou taarnlag that '.enseal Grant had (ak -n no ad antage of their m autre and deaperale idiuatioa, hut had roiun tnilly ext. nded to them the name mag antra rw tcrm? ndend i* o days before ami lefuaeii by ? uerai 1m", they, nayrwerd thenieeirea eireed ngly g. diti-vi Dim a I m ml the mat er among nee led to great! r irergtbea this fu Mug Ail ?dn ilted thai their bad no Dowrr <n r n-tai o and that n war >>m prima to ufr near ob <>ar uno .orum Ttioy apa or a | niryrr. dm ftiui i.u r ihibtliuo of rlotl aUvo irrt on our port J dgiog Irani ti air b*-n<ly com** Ion* ufM?r > ur mo literal lr\o lurnt by u? uao would ootid da th y < yntrt to I o a ben r .oto?d t?i*thrr n< fount U> ttor ul o pial mvi Uslu r 11 to. Un* goBrr.u. At (rat outuu may Im ir.c*. 0 -d 10 think U u?r?l drul 111 ? < u uily starting But do ooo wlio w tt*w*< (1 1 bo I'lattorol 1 to rrbrl . Ok ?m on I lut.-uiti lu U.oir out-ro.i> 111 n ilio auijvci euuld lung doubt th.i ? Miom ol Ul paltry. 1?r' tb imuj r - ? I or'* ? tola ormv go bono ilnt*; 1 ?l I ha*, 'h * *ri ft of 1 bo ?<r. I aud irulrM 10 U>i roi tiro it fir 1 tiro* 11 m all niiiiiuary huui I at on T:i in >r >1 t Olictof III or.'he nil** of (bo Houlunm cannot < be IVW ' una; tl in itmi r niu?a > On fturday etrnmg tt Uwu l Hunan, (hitfOin niwvy Of Hal ru-tre fur ih auuma oyeratn againd K? 11BH'f , a ma tor tv thnoeand m km- Of brtsul m l una t Or rrl?l vny, ,111 1 in unay o j> ntoio int.. tl 01 -unti, 1 oIn Jul unit Mr, J. VV mHum Ifllrb'a llnpofrk. fiioMjii nn u , Sin.i IV 1 At n . or a fn o , 1 B?k?k> iirin JrtCTH.n. A| r I 11. UK f TT *ro U no rhonyu n 1 Ur n.uvinn ul tin* cor) a .In u ho far uf ) last d<?i ln? lino ? the Houili.idu Hi.! j rand fit an t*r? lo fotarvlurg is?tlil uu .rr i:.? g inn Monthly of our troop* .<! the ioiairn.-. ?og m tiauiaof Uir 0"ia/ j aro tnrly rurttoj rd through iho r ml'l-t to 'b* rb urn 1 J form lw)sad Our arliaocu 1 uord ivra aU of C.r.n'i j In ?dr, km lot. at f'ninTlle- a tilngr atwnl a gbtmit Id 100 tboaa b rail quart c 1 a, ami runtalnlng y two ibnarand lotah'****, nearly nil ul bum atlll u?cii|?y Ibeti hoot an. wiiit rttf f u Mr en lot ton* or* tiro n?t alnar m th* nainpr ho' Mann 1 bit m of i vory araii... m to whit <1 i - w il t IkM* >! Iln? army, bow thai ih* rnl hln^ ?t- ik* . n I Im to tka ea*iu> that n d'iwi ?l If. Anatfy th* r* ?f M*ti*an <-*? | pai*a a %Hrf iM-ciuwl, nail at Iraat lhr>-*- I f. LI h? Of Uta offl. an that *t|ii*?a ao optnsoa lt)tnili| iba lam mm a of a rnpturr mm tua *? ?., ,.i Ip rrriph \ arv tniima to jnia U><< tu '? tirni'i IL< IV ?*r i-ncli to ranlitli lt**lf notir muli', I tid a?i'M Ur?MM n> Ui? rraaa 10 h'a "omn hratb and itUi'Mbl am iin oa ihttt 1 btar It atotodSn pr hibl* Ilurk*aTlll? junotlaa?th? prmai-at tonnito <?f ih-a* hmtdiaartara?ttar ferMMil?wd t mlllliiiySht f? am** irnnth# to ??? wtac t* l;* lailf.wt c Ki.miDioaUm* and aaatrallty H la atldoti: that nam*- atu*?i?l?a ayatv-n o' > I laraal ram*' or v ica - M rmjuir* u> b.? ina utr*** la tkl l< arrt of I ha a Mild -ttaai of *ur laaii fmn th'? valaltjr. aa th* oomifk "Ml r mala la aa aitaaaa mma %4 a an a| ?i?.i *<tottatiid-- 1<j* m m ha l> rr*ali*r. Na aim miinrtaaa * "VmowII hop < u> ' I h art it* of th* tahabltu r a ti dhaai.- i ti *.. ai'iiaM a ad total atiha WJ oar ' rota*, aa "tract on j and 4*aa?trra (n? Waali a into*, no* Maaitn* t ifw if t Ui* larxta iwllyanua, woitlil inu .1 tu-y org .ni * u i HUM ta feaad* ?f hl?bwaiatoa, anu i'> **%th< |ta ipl i I la aliia* torn.** aaH *?iM*to nanai attaa Jin t th- r o aiitam U>* > > ta w ia* r> d- adtnhi* tick Turiito "It. j Mia t at* Th* aatwaai t< (Mivaio n*i|>*i i la uim >1 (IM ? kdatnnj thn ah4* lit* <d loa tl n It" ' 1b k to aftraiina and ja iaartlwti of pr*< t 4ii<rWfor t i?l M kk dff a linin*a*?, a d co ra a Ufk a** t 1 atmatrr It at thta ? naMmon* aattl t*nar*ita affTtoh aaa* to 1W* lr" rtota M t'.a maaM au a iha l< amntoj h at <m?t to ?ha to y hirtook. and !?? : i -?i? d|j ?*> aa ?b* hrli-f Miaa of | rton aima i u< tdn.r Una ?. >ra- a a* am ibrto to i?ik apu 'h ?drf ir antto*: * and ha ad* ul toia a* IU* * ur* < ? 1 ** > ' *' <! Wwil bvtfif ??iM k* i <-? ) tr4 ra?< thai Mwt IXilW*i?? llw tfi. M rtl<? U? lui Ml Ml 4 iMa Mtri'iMUi r Mi tfcM < ! Mrthi Wat aM mi ui <4 !(* J ?* Ma*** . r?#t Mm *IM m MtaVtr# MH> 7 >la fcUifl IIIII 1 i iii n i ii ii lint' * d.'4 ?/ fcy ftlfMJ t IMfiAli h <M*4 fHUffMU Iki ih* iiwiMr <il ?M r?|.l? M ftH m lb* Unite Kfr- >*? w'Wwilm, .1 ttw # t-l ( H? war I mi Nrlilti, ?o4 (Mt ultitu Mr iW/ w.II M ItMfM I* IW |>*.| rv? wfcMt, la u> art. < */ ??.4 Ml 4 4 '? jr? ? '. . t Mit u t, p I * V / uutt luAftumii vtvj Mi, I ?m ?rm% tm i c trrv+mm ?ph I A pwilut of UM PM W*M If t 1 I tt?btopiwNii<tMM<H4*rivnw??io?? Hmv I of tfcoa an oT ?ory n|?n " wt? M UN Arm TIM \ mmwm ?(iwM, tfm mbama mm* bmm { *i??r4* <d ivrMf >11 MM, > MM*4a tm ifetf MTW.?Ur|im tani u4Um irkHlli*, m4 MUfVtd *? ?>< * ? iMul |*4 4MVI*tt, (Mr* Mi*. f*>? >b* f-*4, ?i<* (Mr **r h Joa Uto Li.u MMkl C?tti*iut? !> ? ku4; I ?M UMJT w* -h win mt? IM-4 fitm I r-p*. l Hut .mm *.g?it *? m* ih muU*> dbtau*- at thirty Uirm miW T i y ?il *k? ib* in* u riwo UiM kuotluy u> < Ky .1?U It* " ? iid' ul I* iq oiuataM u* U-*| >r OwUm i i<* Inni miooi Mm rw<mtr* "f* *o ?*nl I'M Kla b I*n- M u>* r port UuU II will Or Mil It iH'lrlltit, ui t*i*c ly m i** frutu iU |k** ul t<*uiily N cbiatia* jrt imi n lr*?l U> oonuburu'* lliM <" 1 *ia a u Hi y ih?> uU Mmh on * aUI t*y " > f?" " * ?' r baulk*1' Willi uuy wUw<>ii>rl otaiH ?M? ?m? ?b IA .onm.ut H. ini Saturday, April 1.1, * o'clock P. M. TIIE NATION 1L CALAMIH i The Condition of Secretary Sjward and His Sons. Frederick Heward Wot Expected to Recover. * Aldltlcnal Particulars o' lUj Amsbutton o.' President Linotln, SiC., &0., Si 3. Tcli (.riinif?Xntor<(ay, lO-l > A, H. Wa *:?ar , A,K I ! V liJV Tf tP'i.ks < f J Wlltcoi Itnolh .vof ? ?*) I . i?t nU'i . At. cxait natlot of hu?| t? i>r<t)/ AU>r . v iton >r?] *;w> la itooovoiol a It', it tout .n rj^t I to Ci J >) ; n.m iot? -* I )iKu.'. iht*. tat i>i x. ?ki i j liw t< ou otroo'od bj i>rt t'i? 4 u >' kl ril, Oil ftro>? eif a n? i o-I II km ilooy d moil tu?. tu/kt Kuithrr <tl cio- roo In i\> arl ti lint ov, I i.k o >">tn i t'd U wtthhe d for itio prvol A > 'vx tot li'jlnij ?lo? (!?< ' at noon ludijr, to u*o ?U\iti ac.l.xt tv> l i KkitirdiaU- oi ypm-tm IKCHu fair Krvtiei ok toward to vary Iiw and bat ditto h\H> I 1 entertained of b m survivum bk wound Hl- r.-to y Suward to more cjiu;' ?rtat>io thin ootid rvt wi nbljr bo eipeotrd uuder lb? ire inwtaiv ? itlfgtaai?naiuri a jr. n?u r. pi. Wi antuTon, Haturdiy ?1 'Mi P. H Tlipf 1* BO IBB'TBI alteration IB U>? OOOditton Of rrhcr Becreiary reward or FV d. c award. YtJdr V?*i1 ( ?M BUI B?D(P?VU?ly WOllBded. The Pi. iid at died rrery quietly at liwlj t?) rain at s I Ml wren o'clock ; M quietly thai It waa hardly kaoau when lie i psbm to breathe. Ura Uaoolri, Copula Hubert Line Ib aad other* acre In an adjolalafroom ai tlie ' Aru ad the deathbed of lha Prwidoat ? re all lb* I njpfnb* n* of the (abmet eicepl Unrri. eaard and Me ulioch- the letter l.av n. kda abort Iom b for i tba ? nd 1 A '"ablnet b>c?( up ?ae held in the room In which th? ' e?r|?? lay, Immediate,j after-the i'raetdert' d d, o.' th. n.<nbne of tba Cabinet pren' Another Cabot atretic g la to be hc.d at twelee o'cU> k, at whlc'i too V're-rroKlect J' boron will take the oatn ami bo lua .j I rated aa I'raaWcnt. tl.e ren lua ? itv plaord Va a tnmponry roflVrt and re | ir.need to the White Uooae noon a'l r nlno o clock tb a ' n ara'ujf cirort rf cavalry?I n inn Li*ht Ouarl?under Ui ri n m?'.d o l. eu'i Juiiiam, arc imptnt J I Ihi ri ii aim, ebirb were followed by O nerU A J ir, em 1 l andtng !> (.erton nt of Waen.n ton; i.e-nru lit k ' ? no ipioptea, aa ( iXti.a i iM L> lUo \A ?r D?-|?rtiufui; Cot *11 K.u ay Ar.'l riin .1 t a Adjutaul General |Ln*?ek s Oirpa; 1) 'J. T i on ? , < lo b t g !? , o , ?Vp ilmj H. >1 roll * 11 0 Utk r TU iv!M?inc<'iii n iiiotoJ nioariy up Ton.b *tr Mt 1 G, ami lliencc to IU<* Wuiln U u*s, ih t Itrg> ;r> ?J pr m am along the route rt .ruling uai lanitlaaly en th guard temj mim. nti rutli aai m at 1 .ovw-dt be iiO igr <h 1 npud (larll)^ Hie nig it b/ U1J Pro d r? u. nlBg 1 bout 1I1C > uIthisoo for m ue tune. Tin repotl II at the iomiIu had b no Cktptu oil ha*. out 11 rn ool.nm <1 Ii la i.a--dly [10 vib i a lia am e.|? ami an a.e wiomeuiAnty lit otpeo a 01 of haa^m* of b a an rat. Further Paitlealara f ?!? Aaaaaalnatlaa ul l>r*atdi at (durnln. WarOianT>*, April 15, ISdJ Tbe wvaeia of Prualdoji l-u >lu left tMhin I ti n bi* I at a id a *|mr. He bat waa plrkal up la tba l'roai l"at a bit, an I ha* loan ld?n tilled by pa.' lati wh ? n tl bit b>>>n a 1 urn a th? one belonging In tb* m'li* >1 :n >a. ail a oar* j ; da crilwd *- Ilia otx b-1 'aging 14 tUa 4 tpjci 4 D 11 by other |>*rtlea not ailoaed hi nan It before 1* Ik Tbe pput wan dr ppad U|?on the tl*ga and t ut kit. baa be.* identified aa Ih oaa prunirc I at a .labia ?lvr iba Midi nuui tatusl a linrao tu tbo aadi t Ton geutionten woo want to Uia nireUry of tfar to a prtro him o the au? oa Mr I n? da B It at '.ha re Meat# ?f ib? f ninr a nua rniH.'d In a h>?k, who, Wlian ar naiad b them, haataa it am*J It had be. 11 Mr 1ti*ntih,'? In'eutl m to a>< nn;<*ny Mr Llmtoln tn the lhne>rr an<l wup/ ib ami hot, hit llm [wo nf pri-ma'ad. , II ihaK-'nr* nvm* > nd nl itial lt?o aim thn pi y.'jar* ?t< u> paral>>? iha oonuirjr by a ait ?'i ItlD ; <1 >?n tb i I b< ??t tb? haait ?a<l tb* nrm u.'the oirin'ry An )*' aa n? dreadful #?ni?? ?nr? la lha nucaia, i |*r,n'mi<lao< R? anftl< anl h.i aaa -tan a ??n 1 at wotk l? 4.i*oirar IK* awa-na la a f?" mnaieai?the 'airgraph had arewad ik*?iMM I puiia* Ktti or tin ?tty ' l Matar WallarK axl BWral ??m. rr ?.f l'ia Mtr # ' Jbiait ff" anna i*> Um aa I **>.</pract ttioa ?aften f> pfMfr* ? d'?r and itlrl In ikir ly I ?|ry raa. in Waablaftaa war pal*?ilni at ih.> r i >.?t I ?? M% ? i, i ,?!da?'ir a*at bona to tonal 'ha ?> > loa Riary 11 ad ? a>i.a< ontar Wt hi-wmi ** wrmg'y plrtrtad. K"4 aery |> wmWU aaaaaa of awap<* aaa , tbardail.l/ I mt / IT TURK HMULP, FK tw.i ?> , mm r? Mun Mf ?? MM l<Mw< Ml #r?y pr? WMXIMU >MIW? Uka ! >' ?Mi A ! prM MlMT umMM Mi mm kf Mr. tMMk Ml MMlVM* imnlpMMItMMMlOMUrill tfc? vmUb<?, ? #imkM b tors in tof nail uttmwu, art ht I rail, wn ouacli I ? U> MM prnM?UM Li ir <1 r r ui Piaak'.aul l.tiWa If I i Oj (>. Un til %m (<* id o 'b-i i?rt 1*! kM itxl 4m UI>I by li |?h ia ?ta t II MM Mm iiiAii Um IM IM lift, l 4 :1 a afx r itou ba by tMilnl, iTa- h? j. m. i <i ui wo ao.i/-, "w > >??"? an mam ???' ? ? *? t>? aMn.u?d frmm Um MM ?lM lw b.rad ?a hen a. T) W man B *>ib baa playnd naor > than onc> M T .rl * thttiir, and Ultif ?x> MiMnvxl with lu aavm hi I CO0U4W, and ho an lily wt U wtue.i hm lamp ll lit- iWHa an a ily u.iionatoud TIM (mX*jii obo * i?lail 4 lljiXBff ' ?1'J loft lahu d bm i atouehod hat and an ntd rwKy kMf r?* . v?*. TtM cluiin nr* war j It.ou u kxM fr*n itM a* r?i, ?a if d< na I y atrlktng L< Ul ma. a drawn frank lk? < hambkra, MM ba ag M t nu, bibso?r U>?other Mia, nmaliar urnadam c amber*, wrappod Mb pnpM, m kf M kdy Uuu) from fadm*. vol 1 Wi?:i < r April 14? Kwva o'clock A. H. The *vr run M a:? At iw?aty mlBoimi Mat a'avok tha Pra?iJ?ot Baut.od bo. UM, rh>? ng hla rjw if falling to atmip. and b h uNciiuaaca ammming am ?i imuon of perfao I aait-uiiy. Tbaro aoia no tod eatiom< vf |bn, na<l tl wia out i ii*D that bo ?m a rail aul .b? gradually do moo log mpiibMoii or*" d altogether. The I a*. Dr Gurley, vf .be Now York aeanoo fw biter, an el.urcb, immediately on bp bo-a; awortainmi U e *..? eaiUi I, knelt M tb? bo-mid au-l oir<re>l nu iniprroai.c p.-ayor, which ?u re-poViod to by nil pren nl. Dr. G< rl y then proc??dod hi 'ww partor whore Mm Lin*>In, captain Robert Lnaool*, Mm John H if ibu private ? eretarp nad oibera warn wnt>ag, ?w* h? again oferad a prayer fur iha oooaolatlva o tbo 'amity Ttaa loihiaiiig in nutoa tak-m liv Or Aobiit, aiu v tlm CutUltion of tho lam l'r?> nl ui turu gbv it uie uigiat ? Kiaveu o'clock?ittiee 04 n?u na.1 > V>.,I .? a* ...I w- utr. Wo m nulM |??t elo en-Pulau4A Qi arl?r I*M vleitn?Puinc 4A Tw* lily munilm piu-'.. v.o/ou ?P-ia 46, r uv -AJoa, V .0 2t?. 1 w< ufy ftv? mmuiti pMt Ola. a ?Puioa 44. "Inr.y tw.i luinutno pus rljveu?l*utao 44 and full i.rty uitnuta* p< > !<: . on-Pu?-? 4.V lp ?rt?r to Iw i.o l*uUo 44, ro-pt< a ?i 44. l'KOllO O cl ick ?I'uIt) 4<, 44 l..artcr | ant Iwelio -I'Wmi 44, rsvplriu oa "I. t cbu.a* I u li yt ! a. pM twelve t'ul c 43 Thiry iwo uiiu ii-B | ant twelve?I'nH 0). 4 1 u ly 'It c Hi nutow | a tt?< Ivc -Puke 4J 1 oi.y mtnultin pal t.wlvo t'. !*o tl), n^lil eyo m .oi twolll II m <1 ill Oil o?c . I my Uto mluuiiM |mkI twelve? Pi *i 70 k idy i vu ii.iai u? p..hi l.vclve ? i' 4), e'.nt ii. U n i f ai ii a. lit o cb el- Puleo 8A, r npkntloo . 0, 1 Air I At CDC Put-l* I'd, A||[X-AI1IW on* 0". V r)y In o iniD. 4 i | on. ? Putct M*1, v^r t quiet; rot p rwiioil irr?'i(iiUr Ur.) Liuo i.ii p o.-oot 4 Oil lIlllllltl H J Ail lWO-? l it. lallc'O.a id oiltk ItctN ' Iiiuilu to an A-ijoitiii j, r-om. lliiil |?hi two?I'rvTHlOi.l wry qui i, paint 64, ro?pini Li II 4* Kif.y two tu lulu pmw. two?Pul e 4S co-pint.. 3l Thu t o'clock?V.*4 ! ikgeiu by 41 it. Unoola. Twenty five inmuiu-i pw?l ihre -Ro.piMliou 94, end regular. Tiiiit) five mlnalt* pA?l throt -PiAjtr by ibt Ktr. Or Uurlry. 4our o'clock ? RrtplrAllOD hard; re^ulAT Quarter | a?i four?i'ui-t tnl4 i re-plmlion tweatv -?ve. Kt ty miuiitot pwil five-K"ep*re4kon twenty eiguu, refuiar, alrepiag. 811 o'clock?Pu lac fa ling, reepiraUm twenty eight. Half iam e a?ibiii falling anil lakarcd brtelhle* 8ev on u'rkMk ?By inpicnu of .lumoUlate dlMttaibk T* only two mlBuiaa punt riw-Uaalk furruondiaj: tbt deaihLrd of Uit Preetdeei watt Iteit larire I Alton Wclln, later, Attorney GtMMi dpeed, Pwlaaftir i.onttAi Denntnon, K K Kleld, Aawiabi ocrtiary of the Tn aniry, Jut Ol'.o, Anetetaai -owohry jf the Inimior, Oca.ral Hal lack, Oouerat Mega, Suitor -umn r, R P Andr *?, of Now York, Ooaenti Todd, of i Iiaeotali, John Mb*. acre.ary, U.>eru<.rO.'leeb/, I uf IiIiih.Ih, Uoneial Parcauorth, Mm. and Mini Keaaay. k w liairi , Captain l.otocrt l.ibooln, ana ? iba IVmlleat, ltd Due OB K. W Abbott, H K too, t D Oata t, Noiu Uall ai d Mr ll.boruiaa ecra :ary Mc u l? h rvmtlaa 1 with i bo i.ttl about fire o'rJuck, ml I hint Juoke lane, a:tor .evaral boon a'trndvaca d r"g the Biihl, retired ally ihut morning I In mediately aftn# iho I'm tidal a death a (Jablne* irreiti g ?aa rilled by ttO-cmy H.aiKou, a-el held Hi bh u.eln nhw'li the cor|?e lay. ttecinktrivM btuitii. a aim and I 'ab<r, I'o triaotor ti<*n*ral lH?nn i in an J Atluiaej t.eurral |?x>1 weio pro* at. The re.iKaof tUo I i ureter art ao yat ii.kt.ouu 1 bo . I? vu i a> t ioui.nn c.uc.rtun r the Pre ikjit'r deiti iro t u. .La titia / v n tip Stur SINCE THE DEATH. W arn or} i April t V, 1*?. Tba rrndd nt't hody art' roni/ol in i i.t p wttn roe*.. neo oppueitc F .rd'a th a rt ta t'n U. ne Ivo itua.i a iii> itiortilug at ha f p?<t uiuj o old *, udltiaree, ai d eni |* d in Uto Ai.ijk.4i ,lKi. It ?M .Ma rta I 1/ ? a a.l gt.atd of ua airy, tfeoonU \jgur and otti rni.lltiry ollitit (olio* it k i u foot A drl re crowd m romi-iuii".! the Mnai'ia lo th? Willie II. are, a ml I ary it arlct lu la I urn orow.i, .tin Ii g hone but of tUo loa*' e.l I a.l |>)?.n.l I toi.t-0 i f ti e doc. aeeI to autir 11? prw iitwa, aiitw Vila i a.l HairrieMiutaiitre Parua v .r'.ti o. ; t^ auiugUii lumber i dniliiotl lb. bod) In being omhalino I, w lb a view U> .U rdJVttal to I tin ota I la** o or'ha IV partitie ua and Cir.iigh.dt I'ta it* ?ip at h?lf maut. oncrly *ut bi.i i i?< It t> iuj u tat act! d anynherr, piI lor on |Hr>v ite or p iti i : >' iuat. Cir cl .? ?, without *'uy precinc rt ?:itte or, ardi>i in ll??lr i>ra?>a>? with l>?tooa< 01 n<M>r?ilv IL. b'ila arc totlm* ai m ully Ail la ilw d opeot fW>in and aadn?* M rong m -n weep ,? iio ?r <ta 1 lit (rial it widenpread and deep, and in ? rt 14 1 contra*? to ih? joy an lately nuiiieatad over 0 u re :otu military t tetanae Iklt a .iidat-d a day of (loim. It porta prevail tbal dr Kredarl k IV 80* art, who waa k I lolly ?b.r lug ita? n ira 04 'if rMx r.ury ti tar J, re rr red a Mali 10 tl.r back Hit vi onldeih ada pnvunled the knif or >lagj>rfr>t? tew lranu* lain Ida body. I ha proapocto are thai lia will renvrr A report to einnlaitxl, repeatp<i by aim m ereryholr, thai Hip oh wan raptan-d nfuien mil a tnia alt 1 of llaltla ten till bp true, aa aaorkil. Uia lai 'Var iHpar. a e:,t baa receli rd a* li luf?raaH oa, it l j iMi??r n* ?fl < ally prrmolgal'd. VI p tpopiBMoot flopartinente are l<?al hy .trior, ant e III I e ilri^ed with the u?oal oaableon'tf mourn ng He 'oade 1 ad Inn to and Iroia the ctty a a 1 trl 4 by lb moltary. and the wtianel Aire twapactloa ta 00 verve I e 10 all ait* A| iiag to eater or leave the < Ity llIB PUBLIC GRIEF Waiblnalnn. W ant* rrr p, April It lt|V 1 he lnOarKi throughout Wa U I'itm a In enve, atd f? n> < r?*U?e PiPtMUKit, April ll? 1*14 The ao>4 Intra#* horror t? *auil<-4 tif tii - la>* n a*tl* fat# of *#?l<|rat Uaroln Th# -H? ? f ?f? rod ?lr*n?*r?, ?m1 **'* boua* ?*> ? ari4nna* of pr#pa:a't.-a# for tin Illumination ti*4 for M ?a<l?f a?aotag Tt># , l? pine# *n ia#urain? **4 ibara ta ?W*p I**ltng ?f tag* laraMga. liutwt, April It, 1*4%, p # afw* *f 14* a" *##iB*tton of Pi l<l*nt Liaoola *M IDAT, APRIL 14, MA nmm r?*w4 mm ir?i iii imMc mm lm Tmi Im? mMIi It-1? ?iHliy ?ocmy |t?MUT7 Uu?4k M p>1 ?Ma ImMk. * I , 14, IMA fe?*wl grt?t o??r um m-mtwi I m|My a* V a^tofU'r. WfB ar* * half MaM am* ftmaaa at amimB + amoal TW Wwni an UM ?IA arowAt at ?*..? 4ta*naa.c* U>? Md ?v?aL T*? Dm * MiocrtLW . lm a be*.Uy mp<4 ub j 1k> Wall *lrr?l RMaiallaai, Wkrr<-?, l? fcc plrooed Almighty Ood u> uk? fptm at At n * iu> 1 bum, the tread woTum I'nltod duo m, by red,' II d eel I I ltiuot, and by Ibfr* gmt ttleatty bmelltg m m lb* hear o our noli una* triumph, w.t are ( B; Ut? utMA4.l*Uily of ail DUoimi tllt.llttf OH al oil . < t uJ. LO r. r oar MLbty aal pcpteu.o ** t M>ik a i>ou .h? n rr J *ud tAl mof Ihvlaa t*rb daooe, U< i' ?r Ft oitrd, "hit tilkabwrar oar deep oMctlori ?e It . l> id i lcr? iiuti it UtlM pnn? turn tiki -appon to 11 '1 (<<1 to ur * t Dttlon hi Uteri", whtdb It*. bor .,i a it i lb ytom ol bttior irtal aad brm htu? aly through U tin- r i *r to t b-iory aud Iho p- e-p ct i?r ptu.i, ? M nil row bt ebltdrawn O at tit, bulUtet tilting like t I om at the oiiutta mid batov a cbui imigKruo ? a ho* to .. ettiy and itttbfaily an I etoeiy third mil tuUad it I t b Lrif of U m people, Hod win la hit marc/ en lab oi, t a da and niit'UJiUMia bU atrvaalt op it whom 11*< hot 'be auUnnliy of the Ooverumrhl, to UuA they t I n mt y tad jumly ediutuiater the power otw.d-vj to tin. I nalrtd, Tb I a hilt wt btw la oehml altt la tbt m- atrrtmit ?lbn tatUoo ehli'h ihue tfflt it in, m it'ii im nil -r*. ww tud oiprotn tbt aogtlth tad ?nef which the oat beane, that Ibt death of Abraham Line <ta 9 t >11111.1) Dot to ItiD i tUou mani,i, but ID Ibt 0,/.ileal t rid lUmivid That ? bile If hit penemai character eaMMt r ibt klarfttee* tad meet geaeroee mun, be hi tua I abi c career Mat ratted aad 4 'atrmbt la tba high mi tegriv li.a capacity of l rat load lull ^ttt to inspire an I S-\eiop wee gramaoof ?bgrant r. That hit eirvoi-t to Ute tudioa Hi rough oU kbe rwrtof It Id an t Ian -nr. It h n*a- ottns tlwv tioa, bit high oo rage ao I no-1 trlag In.lie bate nUtMn.-il I. m for , eru> Um Dearie Of Uto P i.ple, aid in the r ta wvirtar at in hU-o-y. be v II bo rrt.raed an tbo Bra patriot of Ute age. Altai that bo thou Id he oioo the utuol diet agu tolled martyr la thi ntri d eimt.'of liberty I I aaoivn , That mi by tbt latt aalt of ble Ufa tbt Pragi dm |,rovte Ibdt k neaedt, o .artiy tod a -Btrtt of on mill.iton toward Um aeauurw of Um rep itdte animated hurt to U dictated Dta pol or, in we bolte/e >bot we beat I. cor hi? memory b> emulating hi' eplrtl and atom do ai a r< iitlBgior to labor lar the restoration of (race and harmony Is the load. lUeuived, Tbut to tbe bereaved wife tad obildroa of the lamm'od deed wo Under oar deep ami bainTiil n n taildtr. but cat offer ao better toataltUoa lhaa tbo woui. e that tLa whole pnpt> w ?p ?uit tMia tita i H*l Uf to bo lirrparabla. liaao.vr?i, Ti m we *i dor toIM tSetr apoa wtvxn, by ibia'atl aula* it. , the Kaacuitve authority a :?ot?w, o-ir t)m||i by In lib lr> inf poa Hod wit.cb he In p. wo ?d, ana lue ami rai on of our oarvllal ud unvwli^ ?ut?v*"i In lt>? fMUM wlilr It, gOMlod bv di.iim wl 4 >in, lu< Bt) lor the rpeedy aeoovn. Iahaion. Of U?e greal ut^rctkloi whteU b? aateulod prwd*o<raD>r M?x\>l and bHll. K?M<lvea, TtM it he re> ommaodod to lite luaout u> rl. re ail placet ol bo-nan b> day an -at ly an prD'tloable mi J thai ibcy rt inaiu cloerd iinui a tor Uto b rial of tiro ilio u< a 1 n?k HI I'etah id, Thai >' be roq leetod ibM all plnaoa of pobl o mi.u> norm be Meed'or Ma 'veiling and thai lh? q ?*eiHtioflhe r?ter ckm ng of ttl ruOU oour <m of ploaurr l< i( n red to iho *yoi, ahy, loyally ai*J ravetvow of ll i ii .i.a*' n*I owlud That a oteninit'ea of thirteen otliMD* of ll* Y. r* In rent to Waetiliigion Ui all ni Ukd I aeral of te I'r >i <o.l, m <1 to tora'qr ruo. aid on-1 tyiopo fly In be hhimiiu to. a- niay bo a? dial and pruf>-r, and uuu * a <* ir ui u o i m-1 i ol liie follow ng g.trvUtint i: no en "layhr, Jm all an bluiger, vV 1'iain E. I'id t in. lirl, liiee II. <> miiell, M. Uvorm I at <* H I n ell, I'd ?anlrf Pei;op.>Qi, anil .'I dkiv, ohn J. A' 'or, Jr., f. U. rutting, K M ikuu o.J, ' Cl.aUe* 11. bait: ail. PROCLAMATION By (be Mayor of Mew York. MatoaV Ornca New Yoiw, April IS, (MS. ?rrtoi or New Y>wa -Ttio dumb of Uto Pr-id ion of be I'Dl'eri grave may w i I ovel'e yo r p oi' i'tud I gad an aeot-'ui 1 rwpo'i fully ro enimend IbM histDue* belaapatdod, a d thM a p.bilo utournlrK lor iho departed i h ef Magltlrae be ohaerved Ihrongltoui ttid ?ty. C. IrODKREY OL'NTHKH, Mayor. THE THEATRES. U la aa4er?tend hM dodo of lha theeiroi will ha opau la nW bl Savotal of the ana or* have airoudy ooUtted e Um lb Ir kouaaa wLJ ha c lowed. Clrtalar frowa the Prevail Martha! (kaaral. r" Wan dtriwvr ) _ ht?*T*MTItt Owini's Hf^war, I til?ll I, Dl 0., April lb?#40 A V) It la ballet, d Uul the MMlm of Uto hvwd ul and tan Dry Seward are attenpttng to eaoapa ta Yoa will aaaka a earful and thorough a?lag of *11 poraoas oitaaapUaf to aroo* fK>ia fko I'BltOd ("WO" lotn Oonalo, in I will MM ?r aaiipl I not pmaat The Ml TtfUnt onrnlin/ to ymtr port 0*4 < bo foroo i^our dVpOMl ta O?oonJod. A daaotlptlon of the |mu don aitppoted u> bo uapliootwi m the MOM r will bo trlograpl ol you to day; but a iho B o*nt mo be act Ive ia piotcunug tbo croootoo of aay lu?i'lctot.p By onKr of tho fcK RECARY OF WAR. K. I. Jinvi, Bro< ot Brl^adi r U uoral, Actio* Protoot BartLal Uotrnl INAUOURATION op VICE PRESIDENT JOHNSON AS PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATE 3. wauiinoton', April 15?12 o'clock. Andrew Joliuitoi won * worn in o offl*) as I'reaident of the United by Clilef Jusdoe Chare to-day at elreen o'clock. Bocro ary McCollooh and Atlouoy Goaeral Speed and other* were pratient. rRESIDKNT JOIINHON'8 81'KBUH. Ha r? m rked :? "TI1E LUTItti ARK MINK. I WILL PEIL FOIiM THEM, THUNTING IN OOI>." KovtarMr of drarrol Oram*. PimanauauA, April It, f*V Crnrrol i.'ront ortt\ orf In (hia < Uy lota aal a (tit, oa Mia way to Jorory, but woo Inlotoeptod oa hit 00/ to Wo a u tiN*l nUtl by a tl i|?l' h from <ti? uJm of I bo rlatid I'ik?, aini It .a ?appoint h NMruW lo w.ttul..^k>a in n Oiat aiy Ronina ni?, N J., April IS, 1*15 Lmohii Oiaoaal i.rwi laft Uorllu*i..o (or WoatHof tea mi tit o'clotk ibis aiaming NEWS FROM SAN FRANCISCO. R a raiMt to, < *1., April 14, IMS A wiarrniaal baa buaa tiVkl la i4U.for.iKi for o aub cnptKB to pan ban* a ho a. a"-a?l for lit* fa-.nily oi' Job* Lru? n, ?ho arv rvaidinj at Ko-I MIoiT Kortbrm 4n pat .'Ma ann?Bia?vi th # T ?lun? of Colon"! Pulb'ay, of tho Ru> fh a.lnaat URivrapli Hao Ilia nip.tiioa thri'Utfh Hi luin.r ?. Rrlmh C. 11 nt?a la oril an4rr ?ay. Coaoraor loAna will nu# iwn hi# anUat|iai I rail fur lau n mr rrflmnaii nf nvontorri fntai ihia .Soil . Tbn I'llta 1 Wi aa Dlatrtot i aura bar# w>fi*oai*l lb fa| tain and oialaa of tkr altip Oml R?'.niU Atom ivia tarwauf Imprtaoomanl for atiroia* aroaliy lo boa n?n on i lb* lalinyal of Ilia ablp ki lb a port Tut. mi i r* at ad a 4 al of farlitg afamal thorn. A latlor from (Juayw.a, M*Ma?. to lb* n iilettn if ih<a ally, ray a that ua Pooquii-ra baa mart* am, >1* prr. I paraltooa l? d * inno ilia ttnpaital at a oao bob# I a#ain.i 9m .4 anlrml tlir lilua.aatmu of 0 ayatoa wh. .Irlimoo.1 * m Wkrp by thr I'aitM : (Malr* lK '1 . . .?UI h-tiivt baau taoftit I > play j oar baUoi.hi ? I 4 SHERMAN. HIS ARMY MOVING. The March Begun on the 0?H 8EEBMAH 8 FIRST SPEECH. JCEN. TON'S ARMY WEST OF RALEIXi Only His Cavalry Holding the Capital of the State. He Is Reported Endeavoring to Form t Junction with Lee. The Ram Albemarle Raised in Hood Condition. Occipatles tf Hartrecflbere, M. ., by Oar Fleet, da. da, do. OH IfMtol WMMHftoa DwfUfc. ViHiMt I, April 14, IMS. Reliable information kM boon received bare fr >m OdO.boro to the 1Mb lnataat Oonornl Sfcerman started from Goldeboru early ea the moruiag of the 10th, movie* | ti I al.lf . There wee mo ftgbtiab except the uaua< < rklrmtehlng. It wee Oeeerei Sbermaa'e expectattoa that be won d reach Rale >ch In fo ir deja rally comment ettoa will he kept op with the army end the railroad will bo repaired at once. i Mr. D. P. Cutyeghem'. Dcipetrh. Ni'hw, V. C, April 11, 1001 m xxwa m ran rut r Kcnon r? ?nantv'e trar. H.eru an'* veterans teatlOed their retot tog* et the f?l j mi Richmond in the moat uo ly and phreatled manner. ' At n.gbi Mir men took It into their head, to imprurt a a yererel alula by putt eg jxiwdrr Into hollow log. end I blew lag ill em up. Tbls, ereompeaied by the ehee-e ot the ntca, ti e c? poring of d.eoi g negroes, a ho appealed e be bit by tarantulas, ai d he rnuao ol eeveral beads, Bia e the .erne enlivening enough. en man u xa- a arinrr. Aero-d of soldi re nd fitiitn, accompanied by e ! I Ami, made ft favorable J nc n-tratioo In front of (Jen -rat 61 c: Bisii ? h i d ; irv rf Thoy lo idly ?md voel.'erouhl/ failed for the Oonerul Ho had to nuke bin appoa:ai c, and, tf er thanking '.lift men, mfci:? , V I e rlorii UH i.ewe, robl or*. Richmond In our* id tl? m Lei t (ii > i* l?ok( ft up #Dd denwiral ie.1 I ) > r a !fU< t fi< ni (idirrtl dual. In ? Uleh he tft( that Lc t? aanilia lee, ?t?d ebhea to have um pnwe John 0 vliil. 1 (Mlik we'll i!o. (Orion of "We will, er.i v I I ") W " don't on en to let LUn mot, an b? prepared f?r tbe man 1. In a lew wj>. T< ft I cl.eerrt wrru gieub for Sherman, for Grant and l', amy, and th men return*! to their quarters eoagratalat.Bg one another. | twu a'iwt un tm Mircn. On the afternoon or th O h a part of Sehofleld'a ootvm look up th. ir line of march, and y Mtarday miraIftg thft whole army br>ke eamp and iMoeohtd from thi d 10 treat enoampme ate around OoMaburo la to column along i ho dlCereal ltnea of march. caoaMSiri Ni or an abut. 1 ho army la divided into three d (threat columua?->ne under (Joftoral locum oaother ftder G aeral Bcbofleld ftnd the third under General Howard. The men are In axee lant e?ad tton and eptrita, eager to meet th* enem and wind up " the daruad aflhlr." joewrrox * rivrnoa. Jcharton'a army baa o cupl <d a Had of Intrenehmeole toog ?* Him Here, wn niin? e.n. hero, but haa Mm baek with a a fbw days edV Jta1*0L Oalaaal Spanner, Third hr*cade, Kllpatrtak a <* miry, aant aorna mdetUaa toward* Raleigh. They got to tbd rear ?f Hampton's cavalry and aaeartahaad that Johaatea had eeucuamd lha Iowa, aad that tt mm aaeo. plod by fear or deo Ikinmnd eavalry. Hampaoo hod hi" I radqovteru .eight mUaa aant of HaMgh oa the SmHhSeld aad Raleigh rend. Johaatan I* oportnd goaa to Oiaiuabnraagh. en th# .UftCleB of the naav.llo aad Charlotte mad. It la em deal that be a trying to form a junction with Lao, and win tkaa ffell ba?k to Waatara Oeorgtn and Alabama. Tbe hnrg l? ortnntamanaLai Mnnon, Onlumhaennd Aug i ta. They ear not etrtke for lantern twaaaai, a< Thomas |< taadlri them off there, ao their route will be tbr >ugh Horth and (loath Oarohna en-l Georgia. 1 to aoterpet larndau fighting, eicopt what the cavalry a III make. KT>T* n? TWB f>no-?->rnA"T. I hare Jam al l hand' on a Kd l<h C t/tder it* of A'fd T, la whlrb ?w Jeff. Da' It' lad proclamation from b a aew e?| iel ? h ch 1 ha ? telegraphed. Thoogh h' adroit* tba the lall o" P.i b:oond will bare a acrt ?< moral effect, Mill '.a th nks .t I< In reality ao gr<a*. lots ae It 'a?'.Tea la1'* uimy frae lor artivo oper- I a'lona arywhrro. H ? a ex that "our annjr will i<e fn r 10 in. e ii' in i < in to point. " Thai L If ?, foribav taw ?|l?llv rooting oieh on big own hook, and I giving t p the gunfedi raev ? n 'c^eeooe" i Tie " / tfcr ' (i e? It mr< Dt on th'* IVf"?i ?'*?. ' <I? yartM-r Vande'e on ar, (or * 'g eating ti *t rwartercw f??r jrei. il oaUl a nod in the I'i Ion go?ernm~n'. Th?ri l? n i Ivd wrr In the < amy, and It h f'irt becoming a K>I- ' teeny calawaul i g at. air. i tip -n , r v?e<yi. Towrtl* ibe e- ring i.f the IOth Mai<>r General lloaitrd, ??aP, ?i.p rt't ><<me m u niitl in vnlrv w.-rc Iw advance, ?I an I'ev rtrie-k anion rebel ravalry. ?hi ef-eted rn 'I em, killing a borer of one of lb G neral ? naff end aounilin ?otni- m n Th? <i?wial hl n?el liaI I ? iirreu r it|r lie " rn eh" TO <1 on the r ibrlt, ?i I I < ai'iirid ilmut i ne hiird'o-!. an t two pie r* of art llery. i ? ?vuAe'?* umit rutlMn, Pfi the Hh Major Pole fer ?M pawonr fr m Wltnrln ton to <;?'?t ho'e, wlon he atoi |>e?l to i*v the troop" at , l a gar, tone tw<nty roller from W Imlngmn Th" lro? r? I a?i moved bo-wed iha> mom'ng, ete-ot a ?<f i - I i if iilrate n men, "Oder !.l ulat ant Colon el Parker. Thn ? a or fel'owed up the irnopa, and towards evening a Irt" p ?>l v?I? I ratalry wept iato tt<e town, g holing up tl e llli'a fopre Hit re and the telegraph ojierator They a of |<d the laU r and n ado L in tot the wires Tltav pemaliy nji'ied tti'-bridge Tu? iomiti * < ? aronwA*"* a?*t PI,en h< rtuan rtmck duMdwra the a nay wat h? rli sa and rrrged. but lliey are now thorough!* lid and r?ftt#?* brigadier General Ra?tou. who la rblaf qi arerma tar to tha tnny, wag bnmly atf*g<d hinrrlng P-r*aed in p pi Ire, while S'txrnai wan mat it.* IL ew,.p,u* march fr at flhvau'ith lie lad i a'ablli ned depota at Beaufort, Mofvb a.1 >tv and t lhar points, ..nd e? nam a? b rman reorhed ttol Isbuto erf 11 re wrrv rap dlv lo>* anted to liltw Bete al tainted rat* wain ply rg ha kward and forward, and wt< u the army i.tai'1-d It bad thirty day v rattoD<on bend and eneb a ?ur|-lus uf rlolbea that mil had to he ret Mid Ae M,|<idiee are tbe e irtalalnc power "f an army, too no, b i i?ia? raueut If beaaowed on General Ratlou for It. a H-dVlal^lbl* li.d nroraafal idmlnltrtrallo*. ?? VI !WHT, < I l*f I tif !n**r of R ilioadr. ban dOH m trh IB M*l<llO< it? Oimi<*rt>.?iter'? t i*r?n?ri.i b? th* rapid mniii'-r la alieh ho | ui lb* ratliooil >o rd*r Th* rallnwd fr?m l.rr to t.'i t- l<hii lot trarolling porpuo > at *bt of ill* Hi To k I-in* Tr?? k? ?or* kid, l.rtd*** l wilt ami emnmnatcal n* rr*a<d *ltb *i od*r hi crlrrlti, undo* tb* manac* n <,it of l'?h ?l Wiij ki Aa**?r? jo nc to top to* op**, h u of th* in i?n*i r* to l*v* nob org at tb* bond r* r? 11.* * I ?* t?'' n ann.?t *h?tn*o m*t* th oimintu i-t | fV'?n*i r*tnck Jon** 1 a* r<t rn*d fiom N*ar Yof*. wub lb* o*i| RitiHi * r?uk f br<(*d|*r, to hk br gad*, "4 brt| ?!*, M* nd itiTi?i a. To *ntloth rorp* F*?r ad'aom ( kit* d< tr a oi* to no II * *lar than U*ft*ral Jon Cu)<H'i l t *1.1**1. Na? Jor?*y. tan b.t? . a|| i>.ni*t' cliirt of Oonoral HI icnai'a attH raaklnf aa . briiifltr foloa*! Hchtdb-ld broitor to Oanoral Ht h tgald, h%? bun a||oiat*d bl,ail*r r*n?ral and cBlof of bla I br- bi r tiart. hi if *dt r um*f*l c c Wolootl haa torn pmoi n*4 fti in ?k e innirnd of a btt ad* to tha out maud of lh? ft *! i'ItIoi*. lot rt**otb aitnr rtwpa Captain Jobn 1. Movar to &?* proMotad to a ma Jot J. . . . it Main r<vn* and krn m*a oatiMvad aarani* *lf tt t niton a*ar >lalI* ? * otro b oa thmii, p*i?wi in ? tb. nt that ih*r obrrtHiadod, aa I aottulljr frit hit r*d II *m lido a ?nr**ad?y. , 1 mmb mi l? H Mlt?b*t, ocdnano* ..Ulnar nftooth am? ?*i* pnnaowd to ba eapta * and aid oa tkw?r.d Kit Woodbaiy A4J*ta*t ??a?**>, fyaoatb .1*? VJJtoT ^lL?2MkflEBr,i L i i>a?i pmhml ii ar*1 * . ? * ?*v - f" i '' " ""' * i1* ?Mrrk 0 c#fal Sltca* It* # #/ o?L. *-*. UK Mu. *~T>mr r+m* -fi muUi mm* 4t* ?*?**?4 h?? ? fc-'* aN (**? ? ? , wfr-u. U>7ir*- Bali rv. I'll TB Ckptate ?wl ? tk* ff nBlM |?nNi _ _ 1 jrsr srzrzs: cury&Jf? - rc< UT? abtlhl? OfO ? 7M ta,"< *, *' nen'. Curiae ^"l A *SFSZommL '? J ?ST of conduct.** m tba ?* 1 rtBr kn. ^ kw 1? T www ^ m ewwiw **??hr nil'ttary m-nawnra'Bl of U?a railnadi ? *?wth Ou? > ( OH Bind of I be ilHA^blMBl* t l~i??wblrh had b^c^.n Tw nrwna. and whiob u 1 brvui hi out to Uir cxamina ,4 hi' ?hvt?*u?. TW' rurtui ALV1'? The rrtrhrakd rabH ram A??? > mri* haa h*?ri rnitad by * ?!? t adrrwood k Co , '?? ? " * ? * J1'*-* rixrr, ! ll:# Booth of Ui? cjmI. uallin^W) be U? 4 In'o Von oik. Thav hava ham iiaartr una oa >n a ta ret'trg l.rr i|>. It will b? n*-'il|,""l 'hat " J w>i bii vi r bv lorynlv, no tin- 17iU uf Uotuotr 141, by I In trrant Cm bia> and Haven ?. FiaUioi rrriuoaiy Injured. Much 4 her p'atinj h id to l? Pfiu'Vfd to l*ghkn K?r Har g'tna, wh?c'i war# too on buadird-foniMWr Br?'k r Ik tan*. tint n* n auu a n rr, bad town inkan ok lit I'nptnia hv > iV I# chary# nf lb# lien, and rant to WaahiD rt>>n. Har b ill#'# aril irarhlnrry ar# un iijaml, and *)<a I# at tuva nt in Mf rtaaw Th# AI briar la war una >4 the mast for-wMania ian<a ot the nnfidrro r and waa built at Hal'ltt, N. ?i k Fbr baa rat rrai Inttortaltoa* In bar *tdaa fmm tb? di lb. rent ?h?4? and rhrlla ored Into bar, and an anrrtpio la# rbail war found barfed un<l r her Iron plating. Mm b id tw nty- tab* inrbaa ef timber and fanr Ivbca of 'dating I ha I# a rrrul r leviathan, and can be pnt in f ill taoair at a ? rr null ana*. la bar warn f raud odkarW atoning, ara a and twenty atybt nana <4 o??wd?T uninjured dba bad llvrnKMl coal an board, which maaa baaa ran thh Unci nda. no urr r? van nam u?. The new rebai rata, which had h*aa bnlidtag at lallhi. and wan aw?l?indt a* pee* ad to tmata-a tmera'h ar, waa dtarorsrsd on the Mb hi Ian*, aaaf FTtnb"Uth, a regular ahall, baring h#.-o burn# I la th# wai?k'a #d< a. lb# pick eta near Hrm-with taw bar *?-*lag down the rtvre and gave tha alarm. Colonal V|n*V! trmad act a ag a Iran of cavalry <uid two -ecUnmi g aiUHrry fo rbarge on bar, bat thay found bar bat l?aly lyln ipiwt tba nbalrwrtlnaa. whara Darpbrd roardn ??<t har. whara aha aaar ranmlna ThaaXad u? *, last of tba tabel nam ab nr?i'P? w? wawra* nran -n, a. a f The Shairrn k taaoHp. Commander Vtmb: th* W>rb' a'Dg, Vil!w City and ltiin<-hbaeir want >h> th? f fciowan Hvar to Wiatm, with lb" nentlon of A tb rrue?h)g of a body of cavalry at Win.. which w?a to tyrau towarda Um We'!,,, rati toad The eavmlry advance *.iat\l found Vba an n / tn r< WMon at Wlaion, hot tbo fleet oo>ae,| on them ?t acattoiiny them Ttie flow then f-rrt-i over the im ?* to the rouib at<i? of the river, and t inn proved*: ? lltirfrrwboto, no tbo Moberrta river, aim >t elrt)*>? vitro f om Wel<t<>n. The aajtirv u?k pommnoa of tha U.wa, the favor formally ear reader i nit t to Com nailer Mo with Krxt tier the ra<-elrv sharped aboat tweaty.ffve r Ne? rerair* late the town and raptured them. Murfieeehoro i* a rood ataed towa. and U la boa ivh?o flan of aow ftw the But time bv lb* Ya?h?. The I wl retorted la Wkatoa and Plymouth, where II in u >r . Oar lewbeia Cerrtepeadram. N-wvnv, S. a, April n, m*. rum /mar c* o*e nao *? to ?nvn, N-' Feme .forlorn of Fhcnnvn'e nrm* reeeivod eH'fg * three or four t'atn ayo to bo In raillree- for mer b *g f, rrdere, and it oae the rvlelBrl In'enMon that the arty rbou'd move on tho Tth. Urnnt ? M'tce aeaa, hvvo' e*, I I r vo aoinrehat chopped the pro?-.v i ter and, al'honah M the tine of trnv r? ie delayed a da- or two, yet thery fl wil' D"t bo mi oh rtUfrreace tn the io?til|* looio of the I ttmy, the hovtnternth ?nrj* j a-Mc l?rle, mere in hero V c matonciil mm Ire ikie awn tint ?i d no Jt?> neton im tuna i tatti tobr mak i | otr In the direction of I at-vilie end Tliile- ij lorn, erd Otttil h piiehtap la the ?t rerrten of Lynch, bo g or Danvillo a'ti le wrt lop), of Cucrve Sherman wtU ' llw take a at p la tbai dlreetlon. ) Mare the burnln? nf tl vmrli ro th? Kmk rirtrfl few ttiorulr k* rlnre, no further domonrtra W oe bare heeft ,' made a* oer roaimuuioai oar. Tl at woe at) I?I pa lllnael affair, eotni aiatimly, and a atnoll rnrrd eeald eatty " have preveuied It. The raiders alnu beraed the ippM wt rka of (be Myrtle, which wag ml In tW rivrr a fortnight Mere. All bat her op far work* wflff nader water, and her dame a, tLe-efor< le light. U 10 1 a lao reported that the malt rteainer, Unwtl Afphf a as b?nrl m lb* Mae Hm, ten 1 Lara not bated ikh cor limed aa yet There tetarreptloee da hot IntarfiaB at all allb the reeding faraard of rrppHra 1 mentioned la ay laat tbat General mated had aatdte lit hod bla bertueoe bandgaaatef beta, attbnagb tba Oem> oral b Imr If baa rbwadlttte fwat Macatttaflmrtl Kaataa. Chief Qoiri i ?tew Mltoary DM Mm af IhaMte ateatppi, baa alao removed bla baadgvarte a te Ml pteB^ amy,baa aba daaa tteaaaa iteiral Hb im?lTb??M v*> leadaaaitefW (aride frooa hb MM te-adqaateBM alOtedte hero,) an aba te bo aaHMtabad bor\ baring teiliad j?. lerdar. Tbaaa aba?! tagatbarwUh tba hot tba <*hud prowl root ?mm raaaaatiO wMb Mam?% ar ay ? ? eetebitrblag ibaa?tvea bora, age teb? by aaaay >r m it> ratle?Ibfl tbte b te be eeetiweed aa a baao Mr ? ae I ? yet, with perhaps MaMgb aa tat aatrma taMad b ? at lag k la takaa. If Mam? cbaoaM to ana ? MM 1 aa. raatte v ?-a a Two regalar tratea are iw?teg dat'y aow te OaMabnrat aad generally one or aw? extra teniae ad t tlaa lle. Tba n?d la npea aba direet to Wllteteglna f? OaMtwra, and ire tan are mak tag tbaaa tripe' wr day- At?e aery Plft rawengar ran that ware captured br.Qea iral Tarry at Feb?"a depot, wl-ee be waa ? tba March to }<a L A hofeld aad Sherman. are am bdteg aaad by ? bo- !" iwren here aad Goldstar?, aad boefca? tba latter ptaob tad W lie nrtea r x id B'i?a L-*a ?a? aaaui r. Lieoieaint Brart'er. to wh<? Cap'ala Wla?, Chief Qnrr'eraiartrr of I bla part, baa aalgaed a good part oa <>f tba dm re that formerly da vol ad up? Carta u Kim> hrl', | romo'i d to Ih iwatt am of depot q arterma 'e- of t-bertraa'i arrrv at I hie point, e la nctied I bo aM I?f I lata ad laet Bot> nlay 8ba waa a a da-wheel tee*,a a thai i ar |a n al'v te med a rear or ao ago, and baa baoa rabnlit In it.? rovernmeol yard here. The tee?h ?a a i ?.r< i >?n 1 oi < , m d the boa. m, ar .rill ha, a ered t to i it# cm kern a Item Lieutenant Hredtov a qn eteptoyoJ te ll r t? Ikltrg ileprr matt r n w it- -no i i | iki r c ?*m t?? 11.r ii- u.ber of wl lie aad hUrk ret ig-wa that nte c< min in h re row bv th r? l??-l, rp? the ea ntey nirp i n? in* <e id-bom and Una He of there. la Imua ?>. it e ?h ire up gonrtalh ot a elara who tiaea evMuo'ly wn twtier da>?. Anno of tha n h lag alaag a i'ow art -ea <f tan-lture, and imibapa poverty I rlrirktn tow or hope. but ? OMtrnban IV I The b i'i r I a e learnt d U> look <>ai frw Itara?lusi, eat I fiom the n- n her of oi.| M?. r(intra, Diabtag Bte-n'lt, irilrilllhi.i rnjr d -er puon tbat they brtot te wttb I tl < m, one natnraltv In rn the* thee bare dm learnt 11? In k oi t for p me'l.tug elie h ?t iea lhaaeaotaoa. Tba aefoes la r a new amp tetablldiod for lion a flu'# wra outride of (he fnrtiBeat one oirr?edta t'te loan, 'ib?y are given lead lor rk aad iutrl?i< tb aoik wtib, an I the.- gviuurallr m?UApj 11 Piupurt lh> v ii her | ratty manorial lv tfhea the malaa tee aMi> tuiind ihoy are given work ou the railroad*, ar by ha f,u; r'ein a?iem in loma of their da?na?M4 ThB a Liter are mon ly taken t ara af, whea they dure K, by Tr I tita, n-| erinei il at of ahlt ref yesr, and alai chlnf (gent I en of tin- anItaiy Cummtaaivm. The d * Ii r n initio 11, nil ai > ns-ww empluyiaont fur lb - a at en It w p<enM>!e ?> Im? tuwa W idling ati with vtM'O al Iter, rotor <>f who t have I awl her I baft?, o-it aho reit :h to Tn i rnele flaninel in po<oa<W>e of iheii 11" i rrty, nt i<entonmng rom It, of on it? ( ll - r* a I o l.aie L. . .1 o.r oil, Itaia eom?- bltbar te roan riles a roam i . ihe hope* of failing the attf <d llle plrniler, or o viinterring ooioo mi? qilol rpd Ian ibr? bare been living In under th Baapotl u of Jill l'-a\ i*. Ivor oi eat rag. with all tb pate atdnat ll i ir iIk?> are lo be id led tmvoa-l aayiblng 1 aarM 'if I* r lb'm (H the teaeka 'hep- are ha felly tflhte tin u>nnd la th ettv and adjoining it In the ted rta live* r cone do th.n .aim An ihiir new ata-Ln PA tra tae<tliy, nt.d atliibuie ?U ihnlr ir>ub!?i to the g>?-?lne a of '<Fall>?r Abraham" end Mr Mak?t. helh ?f ?M thry devoutly Wttava la he work la < out the prohtraa at thrlr <?l?rrurt. a raw pa /tart ear. Mr CTteo. Hlhbanl, ner e*<i"taiil pwdmaaler te thM ell*. ler?<m>? me thai I f ? daye alacr thrjr are' ef | n ail free* Mereaa'n army whlcU aneHaral t?i lint* >'rrd and thirty thoeaand latter* and peutag a TM "bemmara'' *? d?-atty khear hoe ??? raed aed write. Tee mail rrvu thai army avarag a about ? ny thee and at avry departare. Itla a c-r+naMy ie toot ad ema* of the I me lagan, ?hkk are o rtala te ha ?eut in the de.l lei a* vffrr. ih t krnf rontrahend at the real I ? Ktilrrn Ituadrrd ?f Whreter'a ceralry aatee (itu.ti .n?heru ymtniday. It I* mid, aed aariaadrrr i ihem-el ad |iilai'wra wt aar. _____ Oar aldtkara Cerrr ryaadeart. 0-?: w.N r? April T, laev ' A faeet* ban Ju?t beau raeate ?' '- m Raietgh, acat off <hat Oeeereor Vance a W ' . !. Ki alwra tog*.it" t r tFe parpora of r-ieoting the an of annMaa, aad rm atartag S?n th Camltaa to tha r?bn Tike lharg* tgalaat Uea, r>lilaglia cr* iron, April M. ) < ?. Ore. Carrie glee baa poMiahad a carA, aerlag (At* tfcd chaagae again* htm ? ? ail lafeiaaea all t?It M ahMaam eta the cr*dt? nt hia ?t\ >?? tn ladtiaa Mie frtauda mt tar?, aad lit at all ih m<>aay fur witlak to la ra?f xntata la Oapuaftto la boat, ro*4) to to boa lb it ??* * Dlr?t, >. ( ,*T~.-A? WMor aroolM, *1*11 K l'4B*aWL^|t lbt 01 FoauNl tartar, In ttoMd toot* Mtopt v Tkr r* oUrao ato M?li of tto tootlr ora 11 apt t Mif MmtMl to aitrao (to f ?rt?i rtoai tot too to*, ton a, Ito HI towoaU otto 0, aoor Ttxrt/ Hptoh artooti ea li a*y af.wa"oa, a* oao ?'?art. rkHatotoiia lOfonidMaoropr-* _ Kraaa' v.-Ai Naohviia; toafc. ?a totottot, Aod)\ Or oim.ftto too |M*nrtl Baaraoy.of 'Trrto aa(t. onoif I'oatfol, IrattoC K (Ito oStoVtoM m '9mmi n?po - Jr' % ' , * < v * ?. * * iii .1. mmMI