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r r/j 4JSKK5EK?.'tSEir324 a A mbvt two now hoiim and lot ma ma. C* ? favad *U?M. aaa*?ul?-al ta aara. Tarata. MD at jssL^TKrasss. tt'sriiai sens-- ?sr-rr JSi'iS * ? mb amd rum ?t<iky brown 8m M..? 1, for Mi*?? W.r.BKHlOlE. IT! Bnv?dw*r tl.t* uiuql?two fine country beats a jkvtu e^rttaii. ?l Haw Brunswick; bulldku> u4 MMiKxlloui, abuinUnce of fruit, aod from SThmwii of l*Md. fJjOO end f ^ m J. 8. YBRuOflON. 38 Kmuii atraat, root* 34 tskt rilmovi cottage at south |bkr m for M* Horaa nar* every ton manure. wUh lm f'lmil > '*. vakaon* k wakii, si oa, at. a bargain -cottage of It rooms for b4i.k, jk ?4u bernaad (mt mm wail rkm with ar-.-lra, (MX, eberrtea. gruff end quitter*, three miautea' walk Shi rpm mfu aOl GnVv n ? V7T roa.-.?l.,D at R*A C. a. wUVbH, No, I Mu"^iid it. IR WELL built hou8b?J OUT rtlkFl.FrTKT) w!t?: a ail auolaru la praveaimita, la a Aral rate ianllaa. frank fcaranue, Brnot ya, for bl.tOOoaah, lur balance ok bund aad mortgage. or marrhandtee or etuak. IiKjatr* at Sot n't BrigzsxsaxsussfF*--** *2r Abplbndid mansion and fine farm for RikaaMtwallM fro** Tarrrtowm. on tha Hod a; 0|?- ? j* aoat* Mrouma, with n(r?ru? " Ml dtaand; Bn* farm hooaa, with all nrcetaury ... . ml-uni"; B aataa ?d iaad. m 111 labia. wall feacad with aton* and ?!ni naaaa: abuodaacr of fruit, ahiubbory. Ac., a health*. u Waatrai ard trat rlaM location Tbla property la offered at laaa ikaa it would aoat to pat th* building* on at pre*rt, u aw au eaule. Trriu*. p-ruilU, uutpa, pi toe, ao., with b. BMBBBSON, tsi Bigbth avanoa. 4 beautiful dwelling house, all modern a tmproramoula, gta Gilurra, oilcloth*, Ac. fo- (halo, With Immediate poaaaaalon; located a abort distance Irnot aara and eutambnala, at t.irrytown, on lb* fludvon, with tit t aaraa of -plead d lao<l; fruit, ahrulibery and sbada tree* oar dag* boa**, nubia, da ; fine view* or th* river, neighborWad drat claaa. 8. emherson, 411 Eighth avenue. Baroainn.?two fine, imposed farms at new Bruuawlek, lUUaeraa each; building* larga and ample, adbulldn g. tna' rotia.l plenty or fruit; price, with etock. Mors and tools, $lo,UUOand gl' Alao eetreral other* In ? escmny. J. a. FKRUUBUX. 39 Niau street. room 24. fUmTAOKN. WITH ONE, TWO OR MX LOT8, IN V H..uih Bergen, N. J., at prh re from $I,TOO to 44,00:' Tama . a you pTe an. ('iurxrj tea minutes from Jersey Qty t. rrjr. JuUN PRlNtiLB, IS Montgomery street, JarCity. fTOUNTRY RESIDENCE TOR HALE-AT TAP.RYTOTt N, " on t' e Hod SOU.|M ni lu fnimr?r, n ale >ru l>< t* MM of fond Wi>d, abundance of chuloe fruit, eltitil err aid shade trees. a good dwelling, modem Improvements. in aa order; carriage houaa, stnhle, Ac.; splendid views u! lite rt*?r. Neighborhood unsurpassed. Immediate possession. 8. EMMKlUtOK. 421 Klguih aven m. SOAL LANDR WR RALE CHEAP -IM ACREd, VEIN 14 feet thick, opened and worked; >u Halt.moT and l? Hailroail, 1W mile fr> tu stillon. Flue chance i< r(,-?t ?tuny Addrasa T. P. H., boi 5,dU6 Poet oulce, N. V. T\OCE PROPERTY, ON THE EAST RIVER, KoK A J ale. Soil AO (eat, with Id leet watar at low tide. AdVaaa F. Pulgeon, Oraeupoiut Post oilioa. TO ARM* FOR SALE?19 ACRK8. NEAR DI'NO A Of M : f good buildings, plenty of frail, Uud drat rata .1 u.i.ea fowl I'ass.Uc station, Erie kail mad. and lt{ m.les fmin Lodt. Frn-a $0 5l*>. Alao two eioailent Partus at Param> ??on? ortth SO Acres. with all good Improteuiunla, v oonlsnd aiij I Watt, r-, uulea from amtton. Price |In.Mat The tn^er lai porta, near tba last Bamad. Prlee fl.Vt per sera Hct'i in PB%en anurty, N. J. Alao a splendid Faun fronting in lha Faaaair rlvar, 3 to 4 acres wood, Si mile front on add river; Chi buildings, plenty of fruit, 1 jplie trniu station, on Erie llroad, and I Biles from Pdlerann N J. Price $A..Vti. Also lentletnen's Kesldeneas In llarkeusurl and ti.aleWood: alao many other Parma and Residences along the Nactb era Railroad of New Jersey and throughout the ft ,'.e, gf all alaee and pricra. For particular* iu-,uire o* I. FEL1> ANN M CO., Real Batata Agents, Hackeuaack, o,poena the km, N J. TOARM FOR RALB-FRON' Ml TO 400 ACRES. IN FX I aaUaot oondltlon, and la a h.glt stale of impn. cement tn Raary reapeet; a eod mas Jo w, fruit, orchard and plnughland m waivable propor tiers. aad no waste grounds. AImi a subManllal farmer's Jlw> 11 lag House, large Harus aad other ?theuaua. Will be sold low and on favorable terms. Apn1y he the o wear, HALE hit UULHE, eu the promises, dayvtll*, IsOOg Ialaad. liU? POR SALB?SITUA TED IN ONION ' Ol'NTY, r N J .BmllmlitKO Nr* Vork, eoi.ulning 101 ~oro* of WniMrt lead for farming purfoMi, and b-llav.'.l to bo sup"Rw oU tarrttory, the adjoining pro pony baring bar aeourwd ay Ur fuMle OU ComptQT. and on which wrlU i* now ho M boni lxiulraaf U. B. MEN UU M, importer, 73 < 'hum Bra etraat, M. or U. P. Bit ONE, getdogul, Plaiuheld, VUBH OP N ACRES FOR BALE?IN THB ENGLISH f Neighborhood, a boot nlaa mile* float llobnkn, two w Port Loot la* oar* on Ua Northern Railroad will Map V reqatrwd. For tarn* Inqu ra af |ROBERT ANN KTT, MKaa I. J, AIM the Pawtlloa Moul la lot Iaquiia aa VM RAlaS?ON PIPTY SEVENTH STREET. HE f Irtaa Third aad I/ailngton arennaa, thro* brown aton* fraal high atoop Houaaa, containing all tmproTemonta. Apffr, frat 10 a'afaah A. if. lo ? P. M.. to J. W. COSUKN. 1DOB RALE?A GOOD HOURS. ONE ACRE OP f Oroand, Pratt af aH kind*. HarnTSlatdr. he., In all par' Mara a omforUhla and ooaaaalaat roaldaao*. Furniturr. fcaMau^ty^rar aala U wan tod. Apply to H. STONE, Si) CB RALE?AN ELEGANT POUR BTORT BROWN Moaa froat Houaa, at Want Farty-aaoond atreat, botwaon i aad Raaaath avonue* Poaaraalon Immediately. ApCUr^E5r^NWRT,0UT UtLU1M * "NO . S3 ?OOR SALE?SieO?THE HANDSOME NEW TWO JC atory attla baaaiuaat and adb-cellar Collage, dnlahed In ^Mdaaaaa atyto. with double walla aad marble muntoU; Iaaaor.d haaw* weel of Oanlral Par*, oa north aldo or Eighty iMtlh otroot. Apply oo tho pramne*. TJtOR RALE-AT A BARGAIN, A VALUABLE PRO. JP uoill, attuato in Pmrh tni't, the moat laahinaah'.r part af Ma city of Nownrk, N. J . wltnln Rve mlnuloa' walk ?ltha Boar Jorooy Railroad Company! depot. The dweUing ! In Bod repair, hatag newly painted throughout, and contain* It MM! RUad with bad aad eaid waiar, hath, aairrelowl, MP, aha Rxtarra. all aomplote. The bit I* at) foot rroiit on Knauaat aad MR foal doau. f rooting on tha rwar on a public gMay, with good atahla and oarrtaga bouao. The garib n U wieteehed with frail, Rower*. Ae. Poaaawloa glrau lamr Kalr. Prta* gldmo Par farther particular* aad a rlrw of the property Inqalra of JOHN 07 TKL'ditBLL. gonrral |htim aad raal aetata agent, Ml n. atroatTNawark, m. *. ?OB BALB?TIMBER AND EARMINO LANDS-IN rn aaroala to uH pwoktirra; rarp doalrabla trart of tim tar 1*4 fwalH laMl, m Una of Caatdoa A AUoOlie rulrud, Bwoatp mllaa from pWlUdolpbta, oontalaioa J,(OO^ r?t Ad toam JMU 1HCBBOB, MBWalaatalmol. EB .adolphto 1BOB BALB?AT ELPBHINa, L. L, THB COTTAOK X BmUhm Baaaa am Ho. I Monro* nnM i UuIIm* pUw i; Ka lot ultit* I Bra art to Madlaoa BNAtool JWfui iImv, fat toot am iUdmaa moot ux* to foot ao Monro* at mot T.m Eaaaala toro atortoa, with wtap. ooalaialua 11 rooom. tbo Mil abaadaaUp auppllnd with |Lo cboioml varleUaa of tonto, war* aad otrtr fro It*. wiB Bo ?old aheap for a it, tf,rrn?:.4T A -EtOB BALB?IN BROORLYN, FOUR LOTH ON THK JP aewtbwaot oaraor at Pultoa aad Franklin area una Ap pptoJ. A i OBI BMBLB. m Broadway, raoma I aad T.J |MI BALB?OOOMTBT RBBIDRNCR NEAR WEUT T abateof Hadaaa rtror, to mil** tram Maw fork. IS ma Tappaa, Ik from Ormont, aad H aiito from Hncden Laadtaa. nppulto Porto' tarry doom contain* IT a pan. Mrt, tarludlaf oaltor, Bathroom aad an mottwra ooncmlK; bora. Boa Baaaa, sow houao. mill* ahado, le? bmi**, aad athor amballiltaoa: al*o B*a pond All naailp maw, oumptotoljr frarod. aad la porfocl order Bt arm of mart4. faro* pardon, all kind* at aholno frail *?'! toraba. aad two applr orchard*, wary hoalthp aotfM?orli > ?l. booraptod Bp present owaor ao winlor aad lummr m.i. Art**; owaor ao ap abroad lo too reaaoa for mil no; IRwi 11 aafeuUlod fur* matlemoa do.n* Ituslnnaa la Raw V*i A Ap |%to T. w. BATAUO, No. IjO l*aarl alrart. IPOR BALB-A RANUBOMR BBIPK HOLl*R ON URA P marop fall, IB foot 8 Inert* wide. with alt tbo modern Cap' aramiau aad la puod urdor. Applp to A. T BliliWN, ftWall atraol \ 17?OB balb-an blboant oocntry brat, at btk JP WmHB?to>r ooanlp, with 18 aoraa at laad alori-.* to tbo 11 ftoar: toff*, modora Bollt Bona*. aUMa, narrtaa* baaaa, Wobaaaa, Boatooam aad other outbuilding*. all la pert*. t ordar. I I Iroaada *al?tratod aad atoofcod with too ohoiomt frail. Ap I I rtP to B M LI PLOW A CO.. No. 8 fl*a atraol u t po* kalb-or to fturr. rrRNiaiTKD. ttik firmt T afcaa M4m Wows ahaaw from Mauar, Mo 1*4 k?i (V ; ?alflh atrant, wttfc all taapruramanla mud Oral oUm rural. TTK)RKALB?YORKBRA TRorRRTT; COTTAC1B HOURR, JP tM xri irMiiit. f nd MM of fltia Una (M fAaatr of fiuM. hi uw In parfnct orl?r. hot .tad rold wamt, pa, Aa , food rlaar u4 Inland tinw. "iiup ho<i?a, banKH **" ^1111/' ' UNL>AUL' >>aM Mro*4w*L Mar VOI ALB?AT YORK BRA, A OOI'NTRI HRRIPRAOR, I f *!*> Wf aa area, KaUhad I a mu.><l Myla. aaa all tUrouch, fcf * ? a# Badaoa, fna* and ahiuln. . arrLn'* howw. 1c. BMW JAM** k Ob MA SM. Youkara. 1 roiiwalk, conn , tub mort rli T0Ma. haaaMfal aad au?aaWaa Inaalion la town. within *^a *alk aT two haraa aara: an* and afw io?ta h?u<a yd aataaadaagronada. Tta whola la a?ary paiil>..l>r moat J I'M! ilMMiplm far a aaaMawaaa wKwMm .rlataat ?I ryaa far a3lia?. So owMr. a U<l/. 3nda u too ' ?*Baaaw. Taa?a mmg. AAdraaa hot Wk, Rnrwaik, Coon. MnkrwIiiiMh fw WOW! af aaa Ttea (want* atln &? ry? TWw laarW atroatlWy t? u, ??a?a .7 Raw. i VMS kalb-a Aabmonb cottaow wrri blryrr VOR tALB-NOB# AND II TWAKBA KTRRRT NORTH r ewweeraeref TMeity plheei aeant WfaHeqnare Tha esaust! saw;: eassB^fsSra-1?] I || i L ; 'f i ga vrjss rz&~ OHAMJft FAhUmo, Ho. ? ?urtia??U? t*>? -A F1MT CLAM OOTTAOB. I* T prtru* ordar, fuU orouuda. frulU. towttrn, M. dn-.j b?lf ttoui by rail on Now H?w Railroad. en* ><onr by rand 2 '"*- Aiee f uri.llur* by >rf'rl~T 1 Ui^uir* lu altire MO Fourth avenue, M. T. po* kale?colntry re at or^rR-V atVort f W?ahL"(jiou. N. J., i?r txjet lauding. large llouee. f*'** ' 'rail and ehoda flu* lueitlou; bathing aad tab" ' T ueairebla lor a gantlanian'e rnuiurv aea?. * r. IRELAND, Nc. ?H P1b? at real roeen 11^ poE 8AIE-A DESIRABLE HOWE IE COCWTRT. \ near rMj, about Ira irrra, haiidmaia andrra bu'lt Mouaa- ?t,'ut!? for family of lao or twelw reran ia; pin Ay of ehalr, frail; Dna rlror view, hralthr, 'g'llK.rhnod Aral 5,J Kour aad B> uilniitre from New roil, fetrilne A good place to bring op aad educate a family, being within Kfi-an nilnutaa' walk of an excellent colleg-, a Drat aaa famaia amiaarp. churrhea and good pntdle arlm<>la rrt?e. ?,ch t*u acre*. fL'.nx). with ona acre, 4r OUU. For tailtlrul.ira ami photographic Tiawa, apply to K. C. BROWNINtl, M7 llroadway. POR SALB-a BTLNNDID FCLI. FRONT IIUl'KK. UN 1 Klvvn.tR at not naar Fiftk afaiiuo; will ba aold low lo ctaaaaa aatata, aia? ntHara CHAKLE8 K. MILL* MCrdar atraat. EOR SAI.B-A COTTAGE. WITH HALE AN ACER OF Chilian ami arret abundance of fruit, attualad en Ilia 'aoa rtaar. four aaflea above Fiabkill landing, within g\a mlrut't' walk ul' i''irih"ica K .tlrn id arpct ?ud taamboal Prkw gl.KW. Inquire of O. r. DlLLoN, 18 Ex Onango pln.r, r<v>m 18. p<JR MALE-AT PLAIN FIELD, N. J , A MODERN A built llonea. gaa throughout; water In tha kitchen ffSUK't'*' fn>M a*d*> **Lrubk*r7' ** lnqnlF* A* 10 POR 8 ' B-? COTTAGES. $1,100 TO >.??: 10 KLB r K?n . l) a all'.nga. with 4 to 40 Lola, $3.SOU to $3,AU0; eaay paint ' a. 7iXl Lou at 8ia> to 8AM Cli R. MILLER, Atlantlr avenue, Beat New Turk FOR RALE?HOl'RB AND LOT IN ROMBRVILLE. N J , wttU good ham and carrt" -a houar and good garden, granary ami choice frttlta, tha hn .?e contain* It) i -o?ne For particular* apply to D. J. LEEK, KM Kouth atraat. N. Y. poR RaLE-IX waritinoton avencb, broocltn, r a All* plana, combing of two Itory and all If frame tfouae, large cxtrnalon; all modern Improvement*; arwi r, lr . now bring put la roroolrte order Lot blilBII faat; ahada aud truit irtwr, Ar Trice <9 WO Trrmi eaay Apply t<> WM. L. BUKkt, 110 Broadway, or at S0i Waahlugton arauue FOR 8 M.R IN BROOKLYN?'THR DESIRABLE Dortie House and leu. {10 l.'tgretnunt avenui, near l>eK .lb ???nu?; lioiiae 5V40. three atones, basement au.l sub teller, high amop, brown (toad tnait, juel ttnl?h#<i, with *11 I he latest tnipi-ovwmei.ts: prn-e $lh'tH); a'e> Iluuve an 1 led ad Joining. -ill!: houar AK40 brown alone front, a id tlniMiei tu the a mie runner aa tl.e other oue, price $10,1/.-) Appiy to the owner. nu the pranU.M For i4ia or to unua uk Al'tikl'l country 8eal. m !tl> Hue grounds, trull trees, shrubbery Ac . In Montr.'tilery. Orange county. N. Y, twrlre utile* Im k of Ne-t burg, and onlr ' .nr t ' h .nr'j from the it To any one m ishlng to remote in the c < ?i*ry the those l? a apl< ndid opportunity, at the he-aids is p- "ectly benlthy the pro. pert* will ?>e told ri.e.ap Iton earonabl te. ma. In a gotal tt ua'nt. E?r further p?iuc.ti?r? aiidreea Win. H Warner, 37 Warren an eel. 171 OR BALK OR TO LET-TWO THREE 8TORY HRICK Hntuea, brotvu atone baaoment), ii tmh *tret't, between Bee..mi and Third avenue- have air th- modern Improvertenia; w ill be *old 1-w Apply on the preutUea, or loll. Klibt. No 8 I'ine street. Ftor SALB or to lit?A LOT. Mitt, UKICK BUILDing In rear, ITSvlI) feet: two at >r ?a nigh and baaem-nt; brick rt .ble in front and other vou.ll ihnlr tilth" yard. wnlr nn.n underlie to for eighty tmia of coal. Apply to A. bl'll WAR'I'Z. 374 Weat Foity-allth at-eet For half, or to lit?thf very hltermr tlrat e,a?a four ?toey brua n atone iIou?e 44 West K eirft nt'i ?t eet, near Kit ih avenue, in line o.der. If net auiil bv the lV.h ?f April, will be let to a roaponalole tenauL Apple on the preni<??? fr?m 10 to li A. M. fTOR 8 VLB OR TO LET-A HANDSOMK COUNTRY 1 raatdenew, oa Mb.ten Island, at P'.eaaant Plains. with t. ~#e acr-a of, bouae eontalna e'eren rooms; barn and oilier outbuilding*: plenty of fruit aid aliatle trees. For ft ether particulars .nqulre of Mrs. tUll.LOPH, l.o. Ill Bowery. J ."TOE SALE OR TO LEAflB?OOCE PROPERTY -SHIP or LI MM? R YARD, on blast rtrer. corner of North Ret no* et ret. l!m .kirn LAKt.K MOH.VUK WARKHOl'HE, with fine water front or Knl I ' er. LOTH ON NEWTOWN t REEK. attlUP.le for faetortea. Apply to 8. H H( lllfc! KELi N. 170 William atreei. F?R HAJ.E OR PART EIUHANOE FOB mob COAL or railruad atoek?A m-gnitloant Katate ot l?S acre*, totalled on the b tnks of the Hudson. The rttel.lance. ameen rooms, la mwi ii, sua uum m im nesi manner, with >11 w>> mod-rn ItuiirorrB.'iits of a city ti"UK. fool outbuildings. fruit traea. Ac Must he aeon to bp >ppr*Hit(J. poly to WJIAKION HKuTHkKS, 1SJ Broadway FURNISHED HOUSE IS CUKTOV AVENUE, CORNER at Okies itpbim, Brooklyn, Tor Mir or to In ? Tlx lot las') lent front, and location our of thr liesi In th? city. Ens seaa'on latof May Price 91ft,WW. or If rented $JUU per month. Apply to JAMKH CKUlKaHaNK, to Broadway TTOTKL. IK THE OIL RBOIO.NS OF OHIO. FOR RALE or exchange?For a Farm uear the oily or Properly In the oils or Brooklyn. Possession lot of October. Apply to ownor, IT! I'hatliam street, mow No. 8. HOUSE FOB RALE-IK JERSEY CITY ?FIRST CLASS brtok Hnuae, 1ST Handaroon atraet. modern Improve i nls, price onlr f 1,710. Inquire of Mr. CLARK, corner of York street and Jorscy aeeone. Jersey rity. Horn* wasted-moderate hue. between Tenth and Fortieth streets, and Second and Fifth avenues. Apply, or sand with full particular* ibis day, at PHELPS a iVATSON S, M Beekm^n .Iroct I BATE REi'EIVED INSTRUCTIONS TO gELI. TWO vary aujiertor and Imposing loorsiary ind basement high stoop brosn stone MM mnai Houses. excellently lorateil These bouses eon.alii all the laiprovemenla on each floor, are In the eery hasl l-o-slble order, admirably arranged and will always command first rtaaa tenants, ax h would aon real for S1.3U0 and will be Sold for flV SUI Any one wanting a sale and nice property wouNl dn well t > see them, l'artlcu lara wi,h Kil.rATHIi'K, under Hulls Head Bank Also at a larrH'S, ouo of IQuaa r.en and Urst class private Htallies, In Thirty flit* ttreei If sold this day BOOO wiU be token, SI years lease. IOWA LAND* -CHOD K HEI.F.iTIONS. CONVENIENT ' e "1?1/ seats, a. ho .Is an." rsilioad Lines, to et. hare* tor Brimhlj.?<"i?y Provm ly t.idre of A KNOWLTON. Beal Raiato Riokar, Vtft FuSr ar-noo Brooklyn Iu ami? -to am. w \.. rino rarma-labor and j uiil> 114 Mtilrnwi 1 of mtld climate thirty miles m? ii >f Philadelphia hjr itilrudi rt<h ?>il producing brn err twenty a> .e imb at $9a per arte, pa. thla with la'vnr > '<r?. fm bualoaaa .ipculng. good society HunUredr I. ' arttPng ami making uaururrinetiia Appfy io cuaa k lan 1?1s. Pon'iiia.ler. YineUnd. madia town abip. > j. l tlari answer*!. rtyrn ronulQlng full lalamailaa will ha arm fraa. MUKRaT hill ?pok bale. pi rat clam brown atone llmiaa and at-vhle fronting on i?r a'.raat a oply at No 9 f.aat Thirty eighth street j to ii a. m b> 7 p h. nil- ?*">' " / Oil a?:npaalaa or iadMd'iala .lest nag to peoewfs aoa? Of the >>ret oil territory in Prunayleanir. ?t low prices, will do well 1.1 call na ?r wtitrraa k ii. mnnpal, at taa Dry hi-eat 1 total. Naw York city, or jamba kMIUHT, Praatdaat Oil Crwalt Laud Company. Hpartooaburg Pa. Oil lamda in went tiroima.-three hundred a. res of ealnabla oC territory, on ?>mh fork of Hughes rtrar, Rilekre county It la tn lha litre of the graat upheaval an.i tiaar the ortohratad aapUailuin deposit. The aurfarr in de-atlona of nil tra abunitant. and wells arc about to ba sunk on the adjoining trur-t rule perfect Pur furtbar parurti lara addreea j71. pow. Washington, d c Oil lands-went TIRltINfa?por rale?rxmto arras tar* a paid IIOa prrfsat. Apply to anderson a pell 43 w.jiam street P^hick pi.htl ?por r.tle, one op the moat pr airs hie ami ooneealent pticra to bo found f<w thr prior anywhars withla tbr atrlnitv of Naw York t)>e plat eonIntra ovrr ?u rtly Iota, and on thr premlara la a houar that b?a rlgl" room, and la to < ary food order alan a barn suitable for lioraea and eerrtagea. It la Wluatod on ('aallrlon arrona. near llr tdwiy. a i wlib'n right mm ilea walk of laefrjtUle laadlag. Apply ta baMTLETT brown, kaokor/elite. r. i. Secure a home -lands por bale in the cei.k brated fru't aattlement of, n j . 9) m.lea from Pb'ladalphia. oa a railroad, and Ui?r tha Naw vwh Railroad No better soil la the Bute, lor fruit vegetables aod aarly gardening ta the brat In tha union Hundred. ?r arrea now producing to ha aeon, an what u i mm |m tn t?? per aorr. Mil l and healthy rllante *?f| water, i chord,*., schools. mllla. etorea, ar Price 1 rom 99) u> $35 Bar a ore forlwaaty err* ?ar.d upwards; Ian acre fruit Prima, r9u Terms easy , t'.llc pa. fed Por fi.u Information ad drees It j llyrnas. n. j All Irttars anawrrad. Several cottaoeb and brick HOt'rkh. debir. able located In Williamsburg, for aal? tow. Apply ta alfred clock. t Wnit m afrit. n t uka bhorr -demisable cottaoe lot at o Linn Brand'. n j.; out af the brat situated lota at l ong Mrnneh^71 fart, fronting the ocean, m) fast <trrp. to Morris Hr rtwl'wwid ID<I olh-r? "Vtll br k\l ll lk? In* |>r1r? nf o? ? foot, fro-it. ir piJI- 'I for lnariliHli. Addroaa Uii I..bis r-.?t v * Philadelphia. 'Tisakt HUIAR FOR IIAI K -A For* HTHRY RRICR .J, Truant lloiiaa, II hH front. altnatad In Waal Fortythird atraai. Na?r Yotk I'rVa 17,000, una half aM roma'u on m'.rtgaga; t. uttrd Hlalaa tint k lakan In |>U?a of ax.nar. Apply to I?r RASTui, MM Mprtng til-rot. naor lludaan r) OARDINU HUI'RR KI.KPKR* -F' iR RAM. A K* . " "I'k Iimaru'l- oalbuil'lltig*. ai In a or* frill muonlal* 1MB M aiilaa frma Na? York r.ry Arjlrahla for a ' mar rraun I'. oa gA7o? |Mll down' hnlntten, 'I ponra. Apply at Ma. I?| CorUanilt airaal ___ ?L JOMRR fp) RTrnAMOB-roR A RMAIX Pl.Ai'R W1TITIN m> 1 mil#* M NrwYork, a Iva ator* and hnaamani fraaia Honar, ttUR, lot tm, aa ISMh atraat, batwaaa Third Bad Fourth araaaaa; nalahborhood (and. W. COOPPAAD, No. TMna atraat, mom R_ rHARrFAnTITRtRR AMD MACfllMIRTR-FOR aala, praatlaaa WB aad M Stanton atonal <ma Monk from tha kaal ritar, 40 faat front by Ml foal low, with tubman llai la.idtnga aad hollar rhlina-y alao <.na af Tufl a Klarah-ra, aompteta aad la running orda*, Altai Uag, F uliaya, UairanUad Iron, Oaa da For particular* apply to or add row tfeo Now York DraabtaUttg l'ia|i?f, M Front atraat. N Y. rrnro otiiry and rarrmnmt mrw ootyaor kourr 1 and ISU front of dor* Iota, on Nonran atraat, aaar Ralph aronna making hrar thraa Iota af gmandt prtao d.iG, ar will all tha whoka bRa. farming tha oorS??T,^X,S^iA7J?VtaY.S-5irk.*J! Mraot, N. Y7 _________ 31WU OF THE CIIBAPRRT FOUR RTtiRT BRoffV L Rum Han oaa in tha ?Ry fa* aala InRoIrO of J. A. FA OR, a. I Haatur atraot. VIM.A ?ITR FOR BAM?TO ri.ORR AN RRTATR. WigMfaily located, aa*r Mao Brighton. flwtaa lataod . #r ?nd Sloh..ajwr1r.r*law Tarnta anaomim-dating Apply to A AOl'mMltAY. Mo gPtnoatra-l ______ 2 0' RNFR I.OTR Fl?R RAI.R?AT rATKRRoN. J ft la ittanuf turlog bv ality. rttbln 9A pa-da of drnni apply Cn WN >'dVii" r. a* A... H road way, of MOJtRHT t iivL.Mi.0, u Marahni MraaiRpatoroon. ygw TOItk HBUll), 8A iiil or mu mw, * 100 IMraoTBD riuiL oocvtbt uanantou nr Mia or wiliap h trwj luaailoa, (Mt I la mMw;?iaiiwi trmi Maw Tart I# uialit,?4imi llfc PrtaM KM to ttO.OOB. a. m?o?Airr, i?w*bi?i 9 (\AA ?nx ?trr a r*at two stoby cottaob V^.OUU Mouar and full Lot an Maraoij-tAh auaai. batwnaa ftm and SMind o?onn#a, aaaaad from ftn a?aa?a laqnlrau/WM OUKTO N, ouika pramlaaa *Q OAA ?*?> SAUL THRU ?To*T FBAMB fu.AUlfi Houaa. naar Tonopkm# and Mryila annua, Brooklyn; wall tinlahrd, martol# maaiola, Mod uatabbor kood: fro# and #l?ar; will Uka part i*aok Apply In 1. H UAbTINOd, I7"J t'katkom otraet, luaw N'a. k4>*> 7/Wl -FOB SAL*. THE HO USB AMD LOT SK V'?. I Morrla tuwrt, J trwty illy. At# aatnutea' wait 1 ton, iLr f- rrjr. 10 TOO mo, aodmt, lmproromi-aU and la l>rr I r_ ?1-- iBuAZi T... ihix. Vrf >.. an remain ou bond and mortgage. Apply M ih* prewteee. *q |ww\ for A THREE story brick COTTAGE JIC.UwU In Twaaly MI colli street, UM LailugU.u anaiM; An* loastlen: f est hi.nmln 8. Y IRELAND, No. >k ria* Mmy foci U ?! ) aaa -ro? -al*. a bomb roiling and P 1 Ortn line Fertorr, In Es?t Wllllaiaehurg, two and a hall m les Inxa an* of ll>? ferri*a; stage# p??a It* [iLce Tli* '*'T"rr Is fitted up In the Ix-ai manner. With auia af ?*ar. g *?! i ulldtng and ?hed*. The Farm consists of arteu arr?e of I ind, with good dwelling house, stable ana barn. *l>oui Ally elude* fnili bearing tree*. Apply at 47Y Sess i?S avenue belwsoa Thirty ututk and Fortieth atresia, n. f. AOROCERY FOR SALS?WELL FITTED I'F, IM A good business location; III '*er ears' lea a* trill b* given [ to lb* party buying Apply at 143 T^lrd arena*, N. Y. ARARO 4TN- rour tears' LEASE OF BUILDING he. I ' 'hatha* aqua re for sale; the b**t boalnea* corner In the city luijulr* In lamp ator* on th* premier*. A-roR MALE?A down TOWN LIQUOR 4TORE AT . a aaarMu*: ala* a Rifle and Pielut OallerT Reatanrant*. Lager Beer and Billiard Sulooaa. Kindling wood Tarda. MITCH PILL'S Store Age nay. TT Cedar street. BONB DUST FOR BALE ?I DATE REDUCED THE price of Bone Duet bi fleU per too. CHRIHTTaN SCHWaRTIMB Bat Fifty third etreei Cloak and anawl bubinbss for sale-three yaareealabllahad, tog.lbsr with Stock and Fixture*, well lo-abd, with a splendid tied*. Addraaa H. B., 138 Herald office Fob halb-onb new steamboat boilbr, dl ami'ier 7 fret, front 7k fan, lengtli 11 feet. CI RTIH A 811APTEK, abfl and >11 Fmnktio elreel. For salr-two first cla~:? burglar and flrenroof Safe* Apply to LOCKWOOD A CO., ? Wll I la at afreet. For sale?a light horse power, nearly new aud lu good ruuulug onlar, will l>e aotd cheap. aa tbr (jwnrr h ta no uae for It. Apply eornei Sixth aronue and Filly third atraet. L. 8EIFERD. For bale-kor ?;,??, a new uouse of eioht rooms ami half an acre of tiroiind. near the depot al Wlllums'ridgr, iwnKe rnllea ou Harlem Radioed. Apply to JAMES CRAWFORD. JjlOR SALE-ONE 4b HORSE ENOINE AND SEVERAL Upright llorlxinlal, Tuhular, Locomotive end Flu* H..l!em, all new. al?i U horse Portable Engines for the oil wells. HAMCRLSKCoK A CO., Esat Rirer Iron Worhs, f t of I'srriiitrtii >i i ert. East rtrer. If >R SALE?THE FIXTURES. BTOt K AND GOOD * 111, or either, of store on on# of the svenoea near the Nary Yard. Apply immediately at IS! Fioapecl street, Brooklyn If*?R SAI.E?FIVE HTKtM BOILERS. IN GOOD OR. der will be sold cheap Or applying Immediately b> WM. SCIDWIIKE, at the nllre of ibe nterilng Wool Compsuy, fonlo: South Eighth street, Wllliamaburg. LIOR .SALE-TWO RETURN FLUE BOILERS 31) FEET .T lot g 4 tret diameter, two 14 Inch Hues The bcilen. ar* new and aa I'l he sold ehr*p by applying to ROBERT J. lit VCMINBON, Uutoo Boiler Worka, opposite Fulton terry, Brooklyn. IIOR SUE A FIRST CLASS FHOTOUKAPII UAL lery. Apply at til Broadw-y. FOK 8A?.e-a lamp, Paper IIANfHNrt AND LERO* !:* ?>'l Store, In a drsi-sbh- lo- .ility, now doing a food business; l? > large windows an-' I'ar; It la well adapted for the crockery or paint business and situated on a oo ?<-r. Inquire lo paint store, Ne. 6 Chatham square, of Mr. CLOSE IjlOR BALK-A SET OP CARPI.NTKRB AND CtlUNKT mikei a Tools to be sold *! sap. Apply at Fifty seteu.h street, aecoud while home from decoud avenue, for four days. For bale -one parr or i.aruk st.ieet lamps, and two single ones, at X80 Fourth avenue. bior kale-a cioar STORE and sample room. cheap for onsh, as ll-e proprmtnr is going to Richmond Va. Apply at 1,NM Broadway, between Thirty bftb anil Thirty sula atresia, Slith National Hank Hull ling. For rale?a small, well filled cp liquor Store In the beet part of Weat street. North river, a hall be sold rli-ap Inquire of P. KRAUBS, B> Omud street, ear Elisabeth. For salr ?bash partition andshelytno for sale cheap. Apply to J. BAYLKY, H John street For halb-sbaktino*. pulleys, hanokrs and Beltings, also all kinds of machinery, at ltd Bast Uouston street, by CMAHLER JORDAN. CtOR BALE?THE STOCK. FIXTURES. OOOD WILL X1 apd Ova years' lease of n good Dining Saloon; baa twenty rooms, bade end bedding; now doing n good business: has been established for the last fifteen years; una Millard table. Will be sold sheep, Per particulars apply en the premises, Z77 South street. a TTfOR 8ALE-THE STOCK FIXTURES OP AN OLD EBr u? bits bed Ldqunr Store doing a goad bustaese. Apply la D. O'NEILL, la the Uquor store corner While end Baxter streets TjiOR BALE. CHEAP?A BAR AND OTBTPR BALOON, J. with three beat Rooms sdjoining; real BIT per meetk. Inquire al in West Tenth street. For balk curat-a confectionery and tot Store la -plandid location, roeeta to lire la. real lew. Apply at 373 Ureenwtch street For sale cheap-stock. fixtures, ac op a Urooery. a good rhanoe for a mau with a taia.1 oa pliaL Inqatre at M Wllletl street. i nni IUHXM run nti.B -MrAitu ? A.IKB, VT Sugar Hlna. Tea Canlatwra. Sowl-'t, M-.muraa, A?\, at 1,161 bro?Jw ?y corner o? VNM| enicolli atrerL IMPORTANT TO HlUH IN GLASS OR FAINTaca -RBI) will buy a I ull aim k of palntar'r utenaila. alao upward ol 10U One liquor Irnuln, ready for market aail Ml m n e tUan douUe the MMll Mutl be w>ld thta day, at piare ol hutlonaa. MA Brunma alreat, near Bo wary KINDLING WOOD AND ? OA!. YARD, ) NEWARK amour, oupoaite City llall, Jaraay Oily, of Mi yeart' aui'Nnt, for ula or lo lap aw MARBIE MA NT* LA FOR SAl.E CHEAP-CORNER ol Fifth areaua and Thirteenth errant, South Brooklyn. F. h. BROWN. TLfACIIINERY POR BALE-ONE PAIR OP SOLID ATI Rollera, with frtna one pair of Hollow RoUara, 000 irrew I'nw. oue Urge Mill, with l,.TDt> Iba. of Cutters .od at of Pattern a for grinding piaster or any hard auhatanra. oar laraa ortnUatoua, with frame, ahatt ami mow pul.a,, to grind tne fare of Iron platen, and one MMIing Meclitna In qulm of niKISTI VN S< IIWART* Mg East Fifty third at. Machinery for rale-new and second hand portahl" hnrUonUll and upright Eagluaa. Boa tubular Loeore .lira aa 1 upright Rollera alao aweeral Marian Boilara. all to good order; alei Shafting and Pulleys of all aitaa and one II, J-.ulto Proew Apply top CASS1DV, Roe I In II Bodge treat, Brouhlyu, aear Naw Cham be ra atraet ferry PORTABLE ENGINES?TEN AND TWELVE HORS* JT power, 00a twenty homo power S'al u-iary Engine, and one iwe'ie borne power Looomollw Hoi In tor aula by FaIKMAN bwillaep. We. ? Pay atroat. PORTABLE SNOINEB FOR RALK-10 AND 16 HORSE JL power, boiler lonomntiea pattern; am" hie for the oil raguana Addreaa H P., Jemey City Puet othoe. PHOTOGRAPH O ALf.F.RT WORTH ?! >*>. FOR $000, if sold to lay Ah> Fulton atraet. Bruouya. Photographist ?for rale, eight years Le?aa of top. r Floor 115 Broadway S| Undid location; entrance Int. Prion $400. Rant lew AlUred May 1 to suit. Apply aa above I Railroad ties fob sale-comprising wiiitr oak Ma<-? oak and chratnut. luqulre at the Fifth National Bank. JM I'urd a rnint Rare chance-parties ooimg south will aell Ht.wk and Flatnren of a atore enmar of Broadway. Apply to Pr IXIOP. 108 Fouith avauua, wait aide, aiath door below Twalflh a treat SHEEP SHE ARB -WARD * PAYNES" AND WM WILkhuon a tor aale la lha trade, by WM. IRVING, Mt'Uf atraet. N T. mo MARKET KEN AND OTHERS -FOR SALE. TH.? 1 Uood Will and Plituree of e Riit'nr Stand, Bow doing a good busmen Apply at M Myrtle a-arma. Hro. klyo rpo BooEHfNPERS ? FOR sale, a SMALL OOTTfNO 1 Machine an I Table SI ears alao a Plough Taper CuUar, I Monrgban a bindary, M NaMm laaa. TWIKKHI-T') BLYBRA Ootmn Twin*. Sutton H?tn? Twin* uM Wrapping Twin**. Wool Hop, TnUira and n?h?r Twin**. Rod, iait I'ord ad CkHboa l.mra at rHirkH miw mi*!) rod oarh. JAMM T. THAVKRH, M iMiaua atroai Thirty hkw ard roond hard urii or tariim* (law and makora for aala rknap, on a^nanl nf r* moral, *I*o lot of Jaw 'liar* Draw*, at O Waldaa Ian*. WHOI.KA Al.R AND HKTAtL Myl'OK ATI?KB foR Ml* In a pad neighborhood. Apply I* MAT. TCI.LV, >1 ytill<arry *itaal, haw York. ??>~tUU\ run mai.r,~TIIR itooic. mrtlrra, Ranuhaa, Hailing. Haohtrarr nn>l limd Will of a light Manofaclnrliia' Hoalnaaa, wall aaiaUUahad and bow doing * drat rlaaa oaah bualuoo* on Broad wag, aapltal no b* douMad In a faw month*. ai<Ab*a< alone oooipola lb* owaar I* aall CaU on or ediiena A D . 174 RlghU areaeo PEKIONAL. Annua o -i will rr thrrr. R. R. A~" rott loyflt halr i heart tor adoftiok' Appl; ad Rl Franklin atraat, arooad gnor. Hrirr to rholiyii lf<?acim wir.i, rv> wri.l to addr?aa Robert FalltAoip, AUoraoy at Low. dot Wal nut atraat. TbUadalpkla. Fa._ TF RtTRTRR HorilRH RR RTII.L IR TIIR < ITT, A NO X don't wlah to lOtum In kda former raal donee bla aunt imm will bo dad to oo* k'm and gi.a aim a o mrorubU bom# r?r lb? prooant al ltd Ryaroja atraat, Brooklyn El MORAL.-WILL MR PAYID L LBWIB ORLIOR map^^hwwag^by^oaiJIng apon him at No I Raraa Rar U'HI('i?M l>"{ ^ rpw<> r?ui;tt?i'I, r?r*?rr.i to ir ai*>ptki> ni * I 1 AI-. a.iKxt. >.?w I?r i .i.f?nl, far * 0ou4 koM < \ alTUUraaI # rtlTOAT, jIPRH H 1865. '"" 1 ... ?jMfo. TP ? A moaoooatT rciimuD Boon to ftjrssy.Tt am., ftrcasyr' Aoomrnr BniDiNca to LBT-rrawiauD. wtthln ut baur of Near fork, knaaufailr oa aa emln#uo? uv?Ht*,king Ut<- Sound. at Naw R-* Lal'a, naar tha water ana depot; BuiUkaal cardan, aHh abuadaaas of aU blade at abates frail, etabte. Aa. In^uira at M Wavartap SWfli A number or cottaobs to lit in nbw jersey. twentymllee from the city bU" hanilhy aittl beautiful laanll ta. kaut BluO far jau iaitulra at M Day et-ast, up stairs. hturt. basrmrnt and cellar brick lluoaa la Eighty ninth alrrat, Ua eighth bou<a aaat at avenue A, to let nrf?r aala. Apply aa par bill ? > tka Rattan. Occupant will abua pramiaaa Alabob stobr OR stork and basemrnt to lal?No MM Oraaawu It elrrwl A g'? d-'end for Whole aala gruacry hoiia. UuUut or oouimlielon bualnnee. Apply to JOHN ROSA, Kaal Ralata oflioe. AS Rmhth avenue. A mam, eamjlt hatino takbn a house in BrouMlirn would let one or two Famished Itaaiaa i.ffr rl, Will.out board. lu,.ili? for ooa waak at AAS Wast Thirty anth atreat. Nrw York. A FRONT PARLOR AND BBDROOM. WITH CLOSET, Ae oa aao nd floor and bank baseman!. with p*otry aad acllar room, w .at, wuk moat at tha fttraltura, to a gentleman and *ifa or two ladlaa i Aoaariraos>, at $ltf par taaath. ao ek I Id ran, poaaeaatsn an sr aftrr May I. Apply. batwaea A and 7 I' M . at flp Ureanwlch atraaL A PLEASANT FRONT BOOM. FCBNISHED, OM aaennd d.?r, ta let to an a or twa gsiitlsmsn. without board^at ut Writ Tautb alrcal. No moving id May. A -TO I.HT, A PI RAT CLAM BOARD' NO HOUSE, aaar Madtann ritpiars. containing SO rooms, partly furolahad, beat location m tha ally. poaaaaaton tmaiadlataly. Addreaa L. B , boa 17? Herald oAlca. A BOARDING HOURS to let?AND FURNITURE J\ for aala. full ol boardara; ta tha rary beat part af tha aity, R rooms atraat, near Broadway; rant very low, will aall at a barralu. aa the owner lsnvaa lbs ully. Adilrana J. C H. atntlon A. Spring atraet. a store on Howard street, with bntkanob J\. on Hroadway. anitahla for a sample room, albo Sacond floor, for a billiard room Apply at ToaOao Ilotal, ASS Broadway, N. T. A SMALL Pl'RMKllKD HOUSE TO LET-ON WEST Twenty fourth atrerl, batwaca Ninth and Tenth ??# nuea; all modern Improvement* furnlahed complets, to let fiom lat 01 May for one year, rent SUM per month. 8. RMBBRSON. All Eighth avanun^ \T BO WEST SIXTEENTH STREET-WILL BE TArAled on Friday, April Ml, an elegant suit >f Rooms, conaletlng of tha entirs eseond floor; tone let together or acperaiely to portnauant partiao. bouse hret oLes*. Dinner at all o'rlnet Apart op a small hoink to let-furnished with all tho CTiireinenree for honaekerplng and modern Improvements, toaaUtlug ot all i.voma Pnaaeaamn Ituias ttl'iiri; n?u? fVM. HUUiru nU ? UC|Niu utai utwcvmvi imi CNOUNTRY RESIDKNrRH TO I.ET?IMMEDIATE FOB> araalomone at T'lhtijr Hook, on* at Haetln*e, one at Pobba Kerry , three at Tarrytown Alan furmahetl H?"mi u> lot one at Tuoby Hook three at Tarry town, aonte of them to let foi tlie auiniiier rnoutUa. Peruuta from 8. EMBKItSON, 4JI Eighth irantia. CALINTON AVENUE-to RUST. FOR4 OR ? MONTH. J a liandaomrly furmahetl llotiae, with all the modem Improvement", with i lot* of (round and amble, lu the oral Pa: t of t'llnlon avenue Adilreaa or apply to W. Kil l, II.iton aveutio, coi tier of Myrtle. Brooklyn. L. I. COTTAtiK AT NEW ROCHEEL.K, BEAUTIFULLY HIT. u.ted, to let from May 1 nr?t Apply to CiEO O. BI< h l.ES, 79 Ntvwti atreet, up alalia. FIKTII avenue HOUSE TO RENT?WITH IMMK dl.-te po "??-lnn. Drawing Room Oarpeta, (Lie Future*, Mr . #? 1AM per auuum. For permit apply at 418 Fifth avenue. First lqft or an >roadway to lkt-hi ry ibo feet. Rent low. Apply to JOHN 1*. MUOKK A SONS, *M Dl oadway FURNISHED HOUSE TO I.ET-O* WEST FOUR, teen'k atreet, to a private family only, at* rent Apply. In Broadway, corner of Forty Bflti atreet. to BAKER k dO. I^URNISTIEI) FIOCNF. IN ROUTHPORT. COSN.-THR reatde ,re of the late Opt Siurae" NlrVjIe will he rented for the ununer. Apply to t'lIK ROCKWKLL, onr ner Flm and Franklin atreela, or to ALU. JKN.MNtH, aU Fearl "treat. FURNISHED HOI BE TO RET?FOR FOUR OR FIVE montha. from May I. lu Tenth atreet, neat See?ml are ue; Brown atone front h.indaomely furnUhed, !n I tding month Apply to W oSviDriO!1!, tfl UrOMvaf IjV'KNlnllKD HOIMS Tu LET-IN NEW YORK AND X1 Brooklyn. alao Hndaon I'll* and Ur?uf. N J ; alto Stamford, * ''Hi ll. A l*i Purnlabad and unfuralaliad lluc-oa, I'll 'l" lo. iWi on Htalau I "am Apply bu A. JutkSKaV, Mo. Pino niwi. fjlOR RENT?A FIRST CLASS FOUR STORY IIIOH F atony brown alone Hotw, raplete with Improvam. nU. KentRlfOO Apply to * KILPATRIOK. under Bull's Head iMt i7j.ood houbr?CHEAP RKNT, AT CLIFTON NTATRN II I aland. U eonlalua parlor, dining rooan. library and kiwh?n on flrit Boor, alt badronma. barn, Ac . with (lira*. ? (tartar* of an aar* of ground. *) mlnutra walk I rum th* erry Kant UbJ Apply to O. A. BCOFIELD, M B.oadway, W. T. T OFRH TO LBT-IJI BUILDINO M PBARL STREET. Li Inquire of J. P. JOHNSTON, S9SH Pearl atraat. up atalr* OFFICES TO LET-AT 0 MURRAY HTREKT. CONSIST tng of two Room a, on aonund rtxw Fur brim apply at tha otho uf tha Han law and Ootawara Railroad Company, M Baayor atraat. N Y Rooms to let.-two parlors, two rkdrooms and Kitohen, with paa and watar on tha flr*l dnnr. to a aatall Raf?ranoa> rouiiiiel. Alan Furntabed Roost to a ganHasan Apply at LM Atlantic atraat. South Brook lya, n*ar CUuton alracl. QTOBE TO LET-U DRY STREET. NEAR BROADWAY, t? antlra or In part; sarbta iront. drat rlaaa, will l>a put In good ordar. D. D. ORRF.LL. 78 Cadar Mraot. STORE TO LET-NO St PARK PLACE. INQUIRE OF WILLIAM WATsoN,A CO. ? I'.ik plaoe fTH) LET?IN DARIKX, CONN.. ON THE LINK Or THE A Now York and Now Hatron KailrtMd a larga. oornwdi on* Roaaa. oontalulng 10 room'. In yiv>lorder and Icauitlully lo ?b'l, tarsa mndarata For parUcuUra apply la ADDISON WRSD, at lha ( onl.nauial Bank r LET-IN BROOKLYN. ONE LAROE COOPER Sbun. brt"k. with yard and ah"ta. una largo br?-h Far t ry, with larga yard and four Lot* running through atraot to aiiaal with .hada Apply to JoSKi'Tl J. RAH KIN. M Wall atroai, Y. hpo let?for a hotel or private residence, A in* pi*"* Known * Hlryker'a Kay, *ltuat*il at the foot of NuiOlv-altUi air**l, wtlli twenty Lota of gi*>und. lying >m mediately on Ui? lludaou rleni The bonne la In good t?|?r. Will bo r??l?l for p*V out year, pn*e***tna immedlal-ly Apply to REM tENkPPLEBY. IM Water drool. Now Voik TO LKT-AT MAfirEYTI. I?< MILK FROM TIIIRTT foe lib street f?i PI tailing Kalhnad, 0 tig ilory Huuao, oloo mono, (table, garden R an'. R29U ilMMii M Broadway rLRT-WF.I.L FURNISHED, A L.tRilR. FIRKT *1**0 11 onto, on Brooklyn HotgbU. for alx month*, aide window*. (lira grnunja. stable, If daalrod. Add re-* 01 US Brooklyn fo.i ogle rp? LRY-AT BAT RIDflE. L I.. NEtR THE THIRD A Avenue Railroad, on the Ray road, a llonto, with lour rooms and wmI* hall on 6 rot Son r, ft- a bedroom* on second, will, garret above, baxunvot, kitchen, bi.-iktaat room, pan try and oaUar. luquiia of J R BENNETT noil door r) LET-A FURNISHED TIC BET". HTORT lloruB IN Twelfth (treat, between Hum and Seventh a*euu*a, to a private family only, from May unci Ueto'er; rant BIOO per monlb and the board of a gentleman Addroaa M JAMBA, (lotion C. Foot oflm rpo let?wmiouY board, elegantly rrr. X atabod Roouia, atnglo or in sum *1 Mo I Fourth aeonuo. fro LET?IN HARLEM. A house WITH ALL MOX darn Improvement* and a g.rd-n 100 feel aquar* Apply at llltb at met grot bona* oaat or Third araou*. S7D0 rl LET?AT TOBEYILLR, ONE OF THE OLDEST Feed Store* In the pla--r Kant low Inquire of t'ol. L. HART. Idtnd Agonl. Thud arenuo. botweon highly third and KlgBty-fonrta streets. r> LET?THE EIME AND WELL KNOWN BTORKR N, AS aad 97 Rlilb avenue, wall adaptad for oarpet*. clothing aad bo-da and ahoea. or any other business, and nnanrpaaaad for a dining saloon. Apply la LAMBERT kUYlUH, Jr., US Waverley plae* r> LET?ON FULTON AVKNUB, A FIRST CLASS Star* and front Raaemenl, alee a thro* story Store and Dwall'ng For permit* apply In A. ENOWLTOM, MS Fulton atanu*. aorner of Forllaud avenue, Brooklyn Ifo LBT-PAETOF A THREE STORT ERICK nOUSB 1 on 139th street, near Third avanuo. In North New York, to a small family wlthoat ahlldran Kent $11 an per month. rpo LET-PART OF THE HOURR NO. tl AMITY PLACE, X to a amall family Can be seen from IS to S o'olock. (TO LET-SMALL, NEW FIRST CLASS Bot'SR: X Ninety.antb etroot. near Eighth aranu* ear*. Central Ferb . beautiful eoiinlry lo<-atlon. large gar.ten. house throa atoiita. tearoom*, no modern Improvement* rent moderate Apply to T MANrtON. DsaUat. oornar af Broadway aad Talrtloth drool mo LET?IN EAST TWENTY FOURTH STREET. NRAR X Fourth ivonut. tb* oiitlr* Heonnd Floor, handsomely FurnUhsd, with every eoneomoae*. to on* or two *lngl* i-n tl*',on. without board Apply to BKNJ V. MolSE, MB Rr- adway; or will lot tba whole House furnished for *1* mnitb*. from May I, tkra* storta*. high atanp, SSadS and half tba hlooh. rlLBT-A CORNER STORE. FIRST AVENUE AND Tblrty tblrd etroot: a good stand for a grocery or liquor atom: an old aland.. Apply to A HHERMaN, IS Ninth rpo LET-a large bahrmrnt. corner of third X avauua and Slttlota (treat, auitabla for aaloou or menufeaturing. Apply uu premlaee of L l?. HBIMt. r' LET?FROM THE FIRST OF MAY, HHdR THE Beevoort House. aa entire aoeoad So*#, anfur-wbed ateopt with enroots to a party of adutik with ay wltlio tl bond. Apply at 77 Nlnibmroat, two door* from Fifth ovoaue ri.*T?fart or a tiirf.e rronr tRicr rouee, Ji IMk Mr*?l, aaarTMrd aaaaua, Norlli Nawr Fork, to ? family mllfcoat rMMr... kal tit M TO I.ET-THfRD FLOOR OF HOOTN UN KKHITH I arrnna, auaalatlna of momi tad panlrlaa. waiar and C?. to o aaaall. raapwtakU family, wlibr...! .hlldran ???.ly ? ""U fauauy la Ua ko.ioo Apply at i*a ai?#?a i.unabar rLKT-AK OFFICE, ON MTORK FI.OOE. M OY IB, l,H?l IIaM; |u and atlar In Fuaaoaaion ImiuodiaWU. Apply at It Naaaaa atraai. fPO l.l.T-A NEW OOTTAOl, IIOIIT ROOM*. IN llt n 1 ami City twanl* m nuiaa' *alk to llobakan farry If v.lrn if OK> W JAI4KA, IM * .at foart .ai.Wi liaof r> i.ETrtHj?iHfia,o, A FOUR WRY RROWN atnnn llonaa, fur alt nv i.|ha. In Nib-.. nth air~..t, aa tvaan Mr ,vla?. add Fourth araaoa r?r :>?rt.??lara \4draaa O. A. bat tot F?W a*aa. Oaad rafataaaaa rooalra.1 r ^ MOM, #Cn TO L?T. (Ttt 1JT-Tjj| IaUMO DlrAXTMIKT Of TBI aaK'Ss sr c. run-* ?*wTTjt*a* will nun a will ?ao4 m4 WUIarubU Ifelroua, M ooouud floor wltfc rpo bomaji . will a# a hotil 01 rwi A ?? *' Uf.utkoMd'XiO of tfco Uu lot W Ciou4?roon broutlfull, A.Tiu* tl iho hood of n??hi?A fc?f. ou JBfkfcju .T?m# |?? nilUt frwiu liunU* I' l?l fmtry. ?#d_i ^u*n?r of ? mu? from riuahm* wuUaa. Avoir touwkbm * * ? arll r?u?h b4tt riw> Ut-ajf inimd hours on vniimfov 1 Square Boarding hb-.ea fcaape-? ne.-j i.u( apt l? Rent SXhi per month Appi.r w D M l.fcVOE, 1J Uaic.*y akicet, up M>M ruff-at m IROADtAT, thr third hiaor, amiable for any f?u-y bu?i:,, ?? inquire in iba uiu stare. Pea session aaa b* had laui> tUiaiy Kant ||7I To LBT?tub roLinwimi hoc .arm. rim tkivatr or Oqitueaa pgn<?'? N.* 4. h IP7 and *."0 Varl'h itni. 41 rixilton ilrr< I J* an<1 10 f>i?l?. in tma' Kloa*a and Family itooins at I4l) HU#cker street, 16 Lei >y plarr, <7 Walker street. 140 Maili.on "treel. tt W. 4T an>l t*a Baal roadway Inquire at 1VU Blreotur street, Oral Coo. To LRT-a stork, alio thk tiikkk rtort brink Dwelling Flout* ?t?r the ap-re !"8 Kaat Th'ty f-.urth Street; wiilba put In p* teetuider f newd-m im nadialut/. In-] n?uf II fl HINK Ml Plith aaenoe -r 576 II. oorid av rlrt-ih hari.rm, or fifth avesuk. hk twee a IVd and UUlb atraMi.a beautifully loraied Cot Ufa Houaa, daalralda for a amall femllv . Cronm now to . faa If talakad. three lo fl?a minutes from boat and aara. Apply to J AS W1LBIK. Jr . ISP Rsade street _ mo LET-A KIRBT CLAM T1IRKR STORT BIUU 1 atoop brown atona Houaa on IMlk atroat, liar lam CARTER a BKKTINE, Third aeeau* and Twantjr flftb ai, Bull a llcad Bank Building. to let?IK BAST THIRTY FOURTH STRBBT. HBVR. 1 ral desirable Floor*. To ba put In ntrlwi order. Liquire Of H U. MIME, S76 Sueoud avanoa, hetwoeu V A. M and 11 M. TO I.BT?A LA ROE HOUR*. ABOUT FORTY BOOMS, beautifully alp-a lad on tha Laug I aland aid* of Maw York bay (thirty minute. by bora* rare from the ell* i, with in* waldr front: wall adapted far a hotal. nnan resort aud boarding bouaa Apply to .IS AW BRi IWH ftj Water at. IM LET-FIUST loft KO 6B MURRAY dTKKBT, VKRY A d*.' - -l* f-r dry g > > Is Toaaaaa'.on Irumr I lately r I.BT?SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS iflVE rooma aa"h > of hottae No. ISu Saat Fortieth atraet; gee and C'ot-n Nona hut A raerli-ana need apply. Inquire Detwaeu the houra of 1 and 6 I*. M rlbt-TIIR RASRMKNT AND SI B CELLAR WO M Pearl atraat. at present occupied for storage of wtnaa and liquors ti.e prruilara are |.?.l and dry notable for almost any buatueaa. Apply to WW BELCHER, 64 Beak man a tract. rlht-llaNDBOMR OOTIIIC COTTAOK at AUTOria, near ferry, twelve room*; pleniy of fruit an I Sowera: delightful location, rant itO) Alao am ill Houaa In Eighty aecond atraat, SduO adams a CO . 85.1 Broadway. TO LET?A USA I.I. THREF. BTORY >ND RASFMRRT brow n ainn. ItwAjiB Timothy's place, riflr aarnad * real. Inquire at IU l\ iliUm atrert. TO LET OR sell?A THREE STOUT ATTIC, noUSR; 11 I r. ---ma, high pi tzxn covered with roa> a: two 1 -ta aover-i e-lth frnlta and 8oeera: rho..e?t loc'.ty, p# I net ftom i.i .a. tway, BlOomtug-Ula B. van veollten, Agaut, 477 Canal street, N. T. TO let -A COTTAOK (CONT AINI N'l FOI RTKP.M Poo.nil, and eotna nine aeraa of Land, on the haiikn of the Ra.itr.ier. at the loot of Hlxtralxth street; tha ntuatiou la aery hm. Illful. the ga-nnd being high -n I commanding, and lha ri-w un.urpase.--l, which, log-1liar wnh Its i loea proxlm w lo the city, make it. >n ad raan-. U. a desirable raal.lenoe, *-entlow to a Av.-ly to JAMES CRl'IK RIIANK. 56 Broadway rl.RT?PARTH Of THE HQQlp AVI) THIRD floor* of brown alone fmnl hoiiae ITS Kaal Forty-iluth aireet. in a (i u'.lomau aud wtfa only. Apply oat area it 10 A. Mm4Sr.ll. rl.ET ?RTBAM POWER RTORR4 AND LOFT*, rlnan In the ^'ra? btialn-a* centra of Rroa-t>va y and Canal air. et." our to iirantr bore' of the atrudlr?t kind. Rttra roaaou.bla. Inquire of t1. J. INMLKE . offlo# I CM Walkr-alreet. TO TET-TO A MM A LL FAMII.T, WITHOUT CHILdrrn. port of the three etnrv Mgh (loop and baaemmt Him*'' Z'A "Vrat Forty third atren roimatln* of tlir*? room* '.:? an ? tin fl,MT and hand wine Parlor Ott Aral floor, with all tli" modem Inoprnvemeiita Fur further uenlrulara Inquire on tha premiaoa. Kai orenroa aa W> reapaoWblUty (Iran and required. rl.KT?Hl'IT OF FIVE RIHiMS, THREE DEEP OR aari.od floor, with Eltehen on ibird, repjele ?Oth a aery ronarniruor; three alory brick bouao. Kai.i S5U0. faquir* ad MS Weil Tbtrty alith alroot. ___ 'rpo LRT?A FIRRT CLAIM THREE TORY AND BARE 1 maul Ifoiiaa, brown aloti* from, ban liomety I urnlal- M, wtih all modern IraproTomenta. rent S\0if> par annum Pu*. M-aalou immediately. Afldroaa H B , txri 777 Puat offlo* r LET?ENTIRE LOWER PORTION OF FRAME Hnuaa tan room*), a) Wcat Forty-third alreal; la bein* alien it anl perfect for tarn fa mil. a*, go* and water. Apply at M tVoal Forty fourth etrsot IX Thirty flfath ttrnrl. M?Mn Et?hU and Moth ara nuee, Saroud ltd Third Floor*, wllli ur|? Kitchen, range, hot and cold-v itar, atatlonery waab lab. aereu rnoma, with gaa. Krai $A? Can ba aaan from 1 M. lair. M. rLET FI'RNISIIKD?A FIRST CLASH ?? STORT brick llouao on Jnhnaon atreot, with all the lata Im prnvomanta complete. una ?f fhotaa location For permit* apply to A. KNOWLTON, n Fulton arenue oornar Portland, Brooklyn. TtO LBT OR LRASR-M7 AND I4S WEST THIRTTflfth atroat. between Broadway and rtafwiilli aren.ia; suitable far manufacturing or otnbla purpura. For further particular! nr plt 10 Wft D ANDREWS A BRO . did Water alruat. rl.RT OR LBAKR-A BASHMRNT. WELL UOHTKD. a lib walor and (a*, at 171 ttpnng atroat Inquire aldb Ann Uriel r> LEA'E?TTIB FOUR STORT BI'fLDINO ST HOWard atraat, anltahla for any boat nana 100 faot from Broadway. Apply at 70 lladar atraat. roam 10, front 1 In A r RENT?A NEW AND HANDSOME OOTTAOB, ON Merft-n lill<. warm and mid w iter Uiroogh tha booaa, bathroom. Ae Apply to K. I. SMITH, IS Fulton atroat. r RENT?A IIRST CLASS FOUR STORT llfrH atrwiit brown it >ne lull front Hoeiso, ha tide >moly formatted: In mnrpl - ordar. with billiard tahta, flna Inaattoa on Murray HjU. ra .t tauu to r month S. r. Ir ' ' NPNa b*a Plna atraat room U. rRENT FROM THE 1ST MAT-A BASBMRNT. ON tha went slda of Broadway, near A. T. Stewart A On.'* tore xiltabla for hat or boot oualnoao. Addrooo Rt MS PoolaAte rrV) RENT-FOB ONE OR TWO TEARS, AN RLE I funtlr fornlahod Hoooo, to u email, flret rtaaa print# family, bnuea naar Fifth arouuo and Fourteenth atroot. Aprl> ul 10b Broadway, room lb. r RENT?AT LITCHFIELD. CONN. FOE TWO yoara, an unfurnished llouaa Ittad with hath, eaamauding one af tha flnaat rtowa of tha ragioa. Apply to W tHHOttiTON MCRRAY. Attornay at LowTISS Broadway r RE NT?FURNISHED HOt'SR ?| WERT TWBNTTflfth it root, with all modern tmuroreeanole. to a reepun IMa tenant, at a ruaaonahlo prtaa. For perwilta apply at Waal Waehinylon equara, wornar of Wamrlay plaoo, oatwoen IS and f 0'rloek. mn Btk'T ivh win urn?m w<t%i*?wu "AI?u? 1 ' aad thro?*aan<a at $ l~ WV f?r ?aia, iiouaa aalTnno mn I $llltVI. ilM numlwr of half MN Bulldlaf Uw >1 |l ?11 Apply to TW I.t OLOW. Jr. S. B. ?Knapp, baofenan, llu.laoa Mirer Ballmad alaUou, will ahow tha abora Xwo crrxB riiooin <?r a tuber btort hoi-re to 1*1 m a naall family of aduRa Lonalloa daalrable. only aarond ilwl Ran I $101 for furlhar particular*, add rear, ataltug a lira bar la family, M. O, HaiMaaa aquara faaloBw _______ no WERT UMIOM KQUAHK-BO'lMJl fo LRT. WITH OO oat hoard, ennatrnny of four K'wna fronting Ua park, Unn'ly furnlabed, and rlU. U tha modora tmproramanla Alao other Rooma Qi WEST FOURTEENTH HTR1KT ?A IJADT, HATINO irt a err r atrgani hmiae nloaa W< IMawmlai'a, nan aaoona aiadata gentleman with handarmaly Furulahod A part man la, olthar In oult or Mugta, without board. SEWN PAPERS. VTID RITNTLINKR OWK RSADT THIR MOKNtNO aad far aala by all aawadaalara. Road tha Plramaa a ILUARM? AS A ABORTED RTOt'K OF BUPRRIOR BILLIARD TAhlaa. with four ni l alt pnokata. at raduiwl prima; alao Irlmmlnga N B - Will rrworr to ooruar of Oanal aad I'antra rUaaia lat of Hay. L. DECKER. Ifl Fultoa atroeA CO Air, WOOD, AC. BEST RED ABII AMU LKHMtl COAL. BCRRRNRn and delivered, at $11 par ton. from yarda corner King aad Uieeewlob etraete aud W rooeevelt etreet Mutd/e $w MAT. CLIMTOM. Brut red amd whit* abii coat?rtov*. ramor and ilrala. a 'eenrd aad dalleered ?t $11 per ton, largo nut $ Till) aTtikKM, aoraar af Thirty abound atroat aad Truth aranna Bin IM TOM-WTOMIMO TALLRT GOAL; TUB ?P I"' he.t III tba markat far dn?-taali<< km, fnot of yanitcoaUr re. i North rtrar. aad at tba uBwa ul tba Wyoming Vollrr <aa ny, Trinity Building. I.t?AS ItFFK ?:?. ATB4I H IAD* iT. OrPUBffR WALLACE B THdA Ira- A..> amount to loaa <>a lllaatnuda. Web-baa, Jnwelry, PUta, An . or Urn aaaaa t-ouaht for tba hlahaat raeh prima br tha wall known IdAAt'B, Tttamond Brnkar. III Broad way OIBoo hour. A M tillJ_P M ' ATM WILLIAM 8TBRST, ROOM Ma 7. W| COM. Utaatnnda. *jsxx&LSe.3'.sr^-r 'a Will mm itrwrl. room Mo. f. At h htmammb, m broadwat. oobmrr or Bond atrwet Tbo hlahaat nrt ? mid t... iu??A. sgttrastsaE3isSgM>,li^ rAWMRROKRRft' TIl'RRTtt ROI OMT, O* T> I * VI' "?fit, w iti'hM, ???*, Rk?"l?, <try <whlM .ltd II Mhrr At M OamaI AtrAat, AA?r IRA l*?<r,; ?>u?r thk i.w1iur rramom. Ibtortawt ijhtijrkf paiiiy?for 01 iti.fyfr t>lf Attfc* R?W flT* ?|AA?<VIA Af tA?|n?iv ?>? [ r*il?w'i.uka t? aimaa (>? |mm<ir*< >-ii h?r? ikria I ltf??nV.i.w ' Ipi ? ' ?*?. ty I Itn Iih.f .Hif?A*T m Urn l?l Rmt A AAWit. 8 _ |Ot'?l, ROOMI, ?c.. WifTSD. A fktn of ro*tiaifio h?i ? wabtkd-JSS mUmM wif? Iirtai m4 a-rvaa*. >? ? 4 iLmZLZz mj tzzm. App*a?a*a. tamU adaa. a obntlbman Ah\> wtru wi*m nmt ok two J\ Parniakad ??<? or' .O il ukT'l 10 >n?pa< I >> *??. M?wn Maooad and IPitk And K fktk apd MXaaMfc t?HU Add'oaa k b i . IKI W Nto (?ft l?l <* am amd hi* wikb wish a pibpt <*? Piiralnbad mom?b with ikn pilotlaaa M tok'ng ? ( ? H Ml kitrwit. Apj4/ la paiauo M M WMl>Wwlltt|M pUta. ________________ A MM A I.I. THfHI wroRT 0**1.1.1*0 W ANTPI)? J\ hn.wi. a'?na profarrod. brtwoan Thirtyfaarh oad p.,rtr inn rrMla ?0u Ma n 1 Hot. nth nvonuoo. h.? ton doali hio. A ?di ran.rli 104 full part-ultra aa? prtca of rant. 0 . Bui 1.13d Poat oflkaa nnrsn wmnrn-rnn a family or thus*; moot karoall bnpruaaoooaado; froa BbfhlA laTarmto. I third atiaolo ?nd Ttilr.1 In kutb aran-iaa Ront "Via II f?i# I 1. $!.?* Mr PUKKA I.ikk Hi *m Tuauty third ILM HOI'MR WANTED ?a OFNTLEWAN and WITH, w.ik aea i-bl*d ' 14 monka old'. doaloa ta rant * i II nao in a pinna,rift n-lghr?rh ...Iaituor iii ntt tort i? J*ra> v t tir; ?r nrild Into t part or a koa-n ortab a aaaali. II ill-1 fam(Ty, oriih a'l -oo??|.l#.iooa Kotioot frma nark ..Ibar k?nt 1 ail 1.. aim-on am) Utoocoptlunabi* r-'. ronnon g >aa at i<l iv-a I rod Adlroaa lfouA.hur.tar. bag S.M Poat otBoa. nor as wa*tkn-r?>n onf yp**. ob ob nbab Fifth ?| OTIII Twonlt third alroat. J >MIT)I DoOtiB. WKaat MMaUoalk Mraat Hi>?'?b wantr.d-rtib omb ykab. nt a mai i. inmlly"' ' ?i luoalltt ' UronB ^rrd l.lKk,'i at -.ura; muM Itatu ail ?. to Imprxowaata; rant n . ?i-oO.lli.g (1 V<) AUroai boi |rw T at uOioa t oWT.K pant ok hor?B WANYFD. BY A PA MILT I I of ndnlla, for wh ok | iod prtaa *UI b? land. iMwai lord . has l,OSn Pool aflkan \4r AKTKD?BY A FAMILY. t ONPIBTTN0 OK TWO ?" adttlte and an .nfar.l, a Ik'no alorr high u<ap Hoi w. ib a raapicuhia aright orfcood apL>?a. Ban ?I AW to tl ? ), and taal rofcianca will bo glran. Addraaa B., bat MM Pat oflloa Wanted?by a km all family. a ?ki?m) ob aocood and third flour, la a MMfooo bnloi "uiuo pUa antl* t'oalad; mnol not ha mmo tka., nuo ml. r f?iii'l? In lha bnnao a prtratr laiiiCjr ha?P a ?oi-.rr - aw than Uiof aoad wttl And a roapoua.hd part/ by addta. >lia h., bog a mb Naw York Puat olkoa. \\rantkd?a rrrnithrd bot'r*. pouhii months ?? or luua-r II i-pir?"i.iu n,? ii nrl ai.orrat W. tot l.AM Cunt offirr. with lowoat Itnua and l?r* u*. WANTFI>~AM OFRIPR, o? FAI.; OK AM OFFIPH, an'laMo for brokar In Wall nr Broadway, war Wall aim Addrra* K . hot I,#77 Srw Yurk Foal odluo. "\ir A MTRD?A MODRBN THRRR ATORV BorHR. IMA " pool neighborhood; lanlfimM" UiiUJ tar inr; careful truant and frump* partnmt: n e.r, iit'enanle rrfar urr (Ivan If required Addreaa Ian 40] M. V. f'oat olU. r \I-ANTRD-rrRNltllEn BOOK*. WITflOlT BOARP, m fin a la<lr and aarvant. In a quiet family, wneyr ih-ro ara no other U>.?r J>-ra Mutt hare n>manl>^ia - a fur noting. Liratlao hotwarn Fourth aod Bleeok..r atreota, raat or ?'d of nruidaav. Aduroaa for two daya B N.,uorvuf Ecu it A Baldwin, ait Hn.idway \1TAMTED-A KVAM. KTORK ROOM OH THE 1IAT.F IT uf onr, for the aula of faruy drr * ula. on Itroa lw?y or Mlitli atrnue. Addrraa K. A. b.,113 VV rat Tklrly-auia atreet, . unit floor TI'ASTKD?BY A UKNTLKMAM AND Hid WIFF, A II aultr of itnfurr!-had nmni. withoutbourd. Addraao to* 7W Now York Ftwt utile*. l\,'ANTF*n-A MAM FYRNIMIED AFARTWRVT, IT wuli km lian. Fur parUcolara and trrrna addrraa U , but B MA I'uat otliuo. TtTAIfTRn-FABT OR A OOOD-<?I*RD HOCKF. I'M IT fiirulalird, wuh uiolarn lmpri>>eir?uia. In a arri rrta. li|r neighborhood. bv an agreeable, itnuhtm'lTo frmllr of Are idult amiautmoil lo liert aoetelT. Hotm.l ,IO drii-ntk arrima* preferred, and l? luw Thirty fourth ureal. Addraao J W , boi 11 471 New Yurk 1'oat ufllor. It' WTKP-BT A IWAI.L FAMILY OF ADOIA OFIT |a-r or l.o'.'ar I'art of a roiia?v In a reat?a? ?ab|a neighborhood, ronal llna uf at leaal alt noma with nl' rwrla' n t?priui'inrnta, location betweenTnlrd and Tklrty.fourthM.-?eio and h'erond and Kecentli avenue*; irtne n.ual not r .1*4 diitl par annum: rrf- rmoaa eichangnd. Ailrtraao If. two diyaj. P . in Kulton atrial. N. T. \irA*YEI>-BY A TOI'Iffl WTOflir r.ATlY A MYTRLY IT furnlahrd llnuaa in a rood location: rent rood'rato. Reference given If required. Addraao for Ihian day*. Mia J. M. F , llirald olllre firANniD-A VKDII'M R17.FD IIOl'KK. HITTAMI.* TT for a family of duK-t. In a good Ue Fun not aKor? Fortieth at reel Addreaa J. T K . bot >01 Fuot uSIr*. WAMTBD-BT A FAWtT.Y OF THMBB HFUtrw FRft. w> 1a. a arrond Floor, unfurnished, Iront an I |aar. lor. artlh two or thraa Inlrw int Location a gnaid owe. na?t of Third nverne and brluw TwenlUlb aft t Kr . ti n-O- ei. otiauged. Addraaa for ona week, wttb lift. J. H . Mr raid 4a. TVAHTRn-BT A FAMILY OK TIIBR* ADTf TM. YAKT TT of a Ifonae In a g?tn1 luoulliy. not nio<0 ih ui td ndautoo friMI r*ilr 111. II (!? ClNitl # BBd UBA ftf It.afth V ili?r ?iM f AA Adddrana. witii full particular*. M bui 1.104 h?l 'itc \ITANTKD??T A FAMILY Or ADt'l.TB. TART OF A ?Y Hmiir. firr or all Fnoat-. with wiotnifim Fortieth iU-mi and Puk. waat alda prafarrad. A4dre.? II., bo* J IM Pi rt odlcr. WANTBD-BY A LADY, ON.t OR TWO UNFI'R. uObed room*. In a quiai, ramwMtilt IMtf' ABdnraa ,r.^. K Law, iuuoq A, nprtng atraet, aialtrf Jtrba WANTRD-RY A QUIRT, RBRFBCTABtaB FAMILY of Uirw ailulU, part of a hotiaa, to a rwaMrlaUa naiithhortiond. In tha upper part of tha ri.y, Adit1* I r Billig larnit, bui 1MB now York rual odWa. "Y1T ANTED?IN NRW YORK OR BROOKLYN A bHALL YY furntahad bouar Addraaa i>l*Uii| WtttM, iartna, A< . or n.itico will ba taken of ?oa?n>unl??llaaa; Rtaaa, Uaraid offli-a WANTED?FOITI OR FTTR I'MFtTRN!ItTTRD BOOM*. UooJ looatlou. Real $41) to $40 par 1?1 b. Ailrni " AlWiilin." Herald oBW WANTED?A FrBND.imn OR UNFTTRNTBllRD Houaa. In or naar Now York, tor a paad lananl Ad. draaa Hntw, boi ITTI I'oat office TIT"ANTED?THE TXtWRR F ART OR A WltOLB NOrRR. FY 10 a rr.prctabla nalahb rh ol, brlwwa roarWauU and Thirty fourth atrwrt* and ml of Braadway AdJraaa far four daya John Spark*. 140 MaAlaun atraat, Maw Yarh. RafaraiMwagtran and required WANTED-A SMALL COTTAOR IN TUB COUNTRY. Ithin a abort ittatamw of the rtty 4 Idiato. Man to tarw and partk-uLre, W O , Herald odtea. \IrANTED?A FURNISHED ROOM. YTtTROITT BOA"D. YY with uer of bath, by a el arte r?ntlfnn : LlaMli and a burr Tarntr thlnt ati -rt and bat war a /earth and ' tltb at rnnaa Addmaa boi A.4B4 Naw Tut Feat adB-e, Mail t lacation and Mm WANTED TO HIRR?A LA ROB BUILD1N > OB Lad la. rat table .,* itanafwrta ar atbrr pianafA-twrtn* pwrpnaaa Addraaa P. A.. w?? to Uaanld a^ra. WANTED TO HTRB-A ntatflua -toad brawn, with awto-rn ImprnrawtenU, In a Wind aatahberkond In Maw *..r? or Rronfclya Addiww jM Mwitwt Foak 00 aa. aa5e?,ic jKtoaa*'wttkaMtMOt at root raMrtJag ? WA".T*P T? rrht-aTWERirroriTRntnm ~ L4MIT AKP rOPWD. ..JLOUT-on mi ?TM iRRTAirr A IHAHOWD ctywm Ulna, wttk ib?? *miHi Radar wW toWkeruli/ IWwurdaJ by iNrtuHMUtMlMMNMmriiniltrIklrO Hi?M Ml TMrd a rowan Iorr-oi* the ktkshwi or m iyth in tti* J eh-taWy of tka Aeajrotr ot Maokj, ? ?. atots Oiaaaoo*. oatolalng tdaa, kandkrrrktaf. AeTka Radar will kaawitoMr noiMil h* u?rla| l? M r'hrla. O'ttenn.w'a MhM lllin. IIMII of rMrtMttt MUM u4 PoartA mno T OHT?OH OOOD mi OAT HORRtWO. MTWtRH lj Um hour* or Mood It. > hlaok La>a Pafl Tte Mar will ko aaltakty mnnH *? teat-la* it at Ml Wool IWnaU airoat. kaawaea rifto aad Hiaao tiMiaa LOHT-ON miDAT Arm moon, TH* I?TH IHWT , largo Oaoml Mrwra Hi lton TV flnArr will bo l^iiaUj rtwtrlolVr raw alag it to Mo H Htaalk iiwak TH* PKBROR WHO roi'KD a pocehthoor im A Pulton forrr aMr Tkurrdar night. wtu roafar a bnr on Iba nwoor kr aamilng tko P*|wrr k .wotuuod to koo AM How York Poo* oOea HEU AUDI. 0O REWARD -I.OKT, WOLD APKITTACI.**, 1W fU Fourth atroat. or k wary noar P.iurtk airaoi Tko itan raward wlU ko pud aa retaratag toawt to Soak Pourth (treat AT. RRWARP -AOHTOR RTWATRD. FRO* PKAHRft) llo Oaigao lliiaaa,dft Maldoo hoa-aaanU toitak Tar rWr Pint landar eyaa; had aa a now l??t>?r aallar. Tko abora raward will ko paid and ao fwoHaaaaMod ?')n REWARD-LOUT. TII?R i PRID AT ' KOHXIWl, V-" JF'"* '* * ?? frnto Wall (treat forr* b> Waller at real, a Pockethwih. by a lady .niatahtg kalatoa gdkkrd fh fraanbaika attit aathMial bank nnaao; alaa ualau ^o noma or Inanr an aaaaow Unlet < ! Ratdnws' >Md Of or T>aaign Abnra raward. a ith I'taaka of awoar, arfll ko pug by J J. R|>roiin. ITS Rmadarar AtlC REWARD -LOUT op ri'RRDATA I.AOR OTYE flit) Pin. with a dMm< oaatrai alma Ring. wNh dra dUmrndt and tour ein.r.Ma Tlio abort re* . .1 wig ko |>Ud to Ua Itodar aad aa auaaiuna aakedt tllA > UM. HVot Tw?a* *lik ?tn~l AO", RRWlRD - IdtUT OR TITR irrrm OoW^i Tmi) lb. Uth tnaU.It. 1.1 tha-autoa at Or air* I Park, a lada'a mall aa .iaalle.Ml.4d Wateh. with rkalt and nkarotat Wat.'k roalalardaaut. ro i bt ti^grapA Tko *dM?dM-r*' two a tho akwro raward ua kaa? I uf artl. iaa at 1H (Ttotoa pUto. _ *.? ' RKWARO.-l.Ogr OH TVKHDAf?tP JPR? " althar In the r\ty nr aa the P *. Irtia H of. kakwaaa lung DarO aad Ro?tOB*o liBia. a?hto aiaad Ha, alnaa at-.n. T > aa reward wMha paid log too laioitof oftoo oauo al 0 Ookl MM, MwMi ' ' $100 trunk waa *??* alaa iu??e? .<Wnr, roaaatogk A Rlili j *1 It.,A.I I. ' It <ta N?W lark daatial M( Mato? ni*?r iu**?ii*. m t?? i ?k i?i ' i+m mm. yilhifii $100 jn^^sMsguu^SEsJ^t susuvb ^xJSSBBpBr'