OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, April 16, 1865, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030313/1865-04-16/ed-1/seq-8/

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??? I V
iMHcb Thee, upon the sorrowgof Thy MrruU, Tor wtwm
Mr pr?v?rn *1* deM?T -4 Id Thy wl?<J?in Thou hut
fteeD lit u> vibit them with iroabJv aoU brum <lU(re?? <1 |
m?m. Remember thew oh Lord, 1n mxruy ! Modify K
??.?/ i ..rrai'tioii to them: miilutf their mouU wltK Q
Wl?n'o under their #111101100 and wnii resignation *o
K; h leaned will Oowfort them with a s?n*s of Tfiy
Modnens; lilt up Thy count nance upon them, and five
Ibem pvtcc, ihrough Jesuit t'brtst, our l.ord Auiou
At thu c#ainiun1ou service the following lmpr?JsJvs
|nu ?u si.im by the choir:?
Bear what the vol< e of H"s?m dwlaf*
To those In Christ who die;
Released from all their <??rthly carte,
They'll reign with Htrn on high.
If ttln lie parJou'd we're secure;
Death in'h no sting b.-Rlde;
The law gav? eln It* strength and power;
But Chr.st our ransom died
Vb* graves of ail Ills sa.nts he blessed
When in the grave he lay;
And rising 1 hence th< ir hopes be mi#' <1
To everlasting day.
Vbe a-rrlce concluded with the ehantlng ef the Dr
the congregation remaining on their kntea. H
The Fulton street dally prayer meeting, which la held
tthe large lecture room of the North Dutch church, was
nsely crowded y<*terday, the religious portion ol the
M*>munlly havtug flocked thitherto give expression In
MU of devotion to the overwhelming grief winch the a*
teal nation of the great and good man ban occasionod In
Ihe heart* of the entire community. Mont of the hour
VM spent In earnest p.ayer to the Kuler of nations thai
Mm appaltng calamity wUi< h liaa befallen the nation in
fine untimely death of President Liuoln might be pro
Motive of sp ritual good to the whole American p"ople
The family of the deeply lamented chief of the repnb
pe watt tenderly reineiuberi'd?that the widow and noun
p%ht be aufcUtiuud by divine consolation In till* terrible
The building was so thronged that one ol our reporters
Mo was accidentally pawing at the time (and at nearly
like close of the exercises), could only approach to the
hack entrance, so that It was Impossible to hear the lau
Mage employed by the several gentlemen who engaged
I prayer. He, however, heard one of the persons who
Wd the supplications ol the audieuce make touching
Csion to the fact that, as it watr necessary fur the
owner of the world to come to an untimely end In
rder to save it, so It ml^ht be that In the councils of
leaven it was designed that the Hie ot the I>resident
Mould be offered as a sacrifice Tor the complete redetnp
on of the American republic. Quite a number of
mdtes were In attendance, and were bathed In tears,
Mdeed, there were tew who-.'could r pr ss the deep
Mated sorrow which welled up In their hearts at every
IDnsion to,.the sorrowful event.
Our reporter was a Uttle curious to learn how the rellflous
portion of the community felt In reference to the
Mtional visitation. The almost unanimous feeling which
teemed to pervade all minds was, that In thfs great
Mkunlty God designed to impress upou the heart or the
Son the wickedness of rebellion, and that Divine
Ico required an example to be made of all who par
tated in It. Some of the Individuals with wbnru
Mr reporter conversed expressed themselves thus: "Only
tfeink of It, that the hand which was stretched out In
poercy to the Hu th should be stricken down in the act
it lisDensintr forelveness to traitors and rebels."
It to Impossible to five the faintest Idea of the paralvz
teg. Influence which the new* of the President's demise
ad upon the minds of this particular class of our fellow
Alliens, who are accustomed to look at events from a refatous
standpoint. The language of the poet to sipres
pre of the feelings of the people:?
These tidings nip me: and 1 hang the head
6M lowers with front, or grass beat down with stream'1'
very one seemed to experience relief by expressing
flfeelr feelings to others, ana thus forcibly suggested the
Molting lines of one of the ancient pouts:?
0 take me In a fellow mourner with thre,
I'D number groan lor groan, and tear Tor tear,
And when the fountains of thy eyes are dry,
Mine shall supply the stream and weep for the*.
The news of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
fearing reached this city on the Jewish Sabbath it can
li easllv imagined that the sad feeling that prevailed
# taong the American p ople, of whom the Jews form by ft
Is moans a small fraction, also spread Into the places of b
Worslrrp of the Israelite* of this city. u
At the usual time of attending divine service the syna-B
nuee were opened, and were noon tilled by worshipers. fa
cellng of gloom and sudn rs pervaded the hearts of all, E
tod the services were proceeded with In a most solemn g
(ad unusually Impressive manner. The features of thep
ongregation, which on other occasions were lit up with
my, bore the signs of grief, and tears were visible upon
fcany present. Vhen the chasan, or reader, reached tho
tsnaJ national or thanksgiving prayer which is offered
tp every Sabbath the nauie of the President was
toklttod. It will be remembered that the Jews are now
Nerving the festival ol the Passover, the anniversary
af the tlmu wh -n they wero led out from the laud of
gypt and freed from the chains of slavory. The recent
Motor)--*, occurlng as they did Just on the eve of tins
past, wer-i In a ocrtain manner commemorative
ft their delivery And, as the forefathers of the
mws passed over the Red Sea at the time of which this
festival Is the anniversary, so also the American people
teemed to have passed our and beyend the red sea of
Mood whiob has been spilt so freely during the last four
^ In all the qrnagogues tbo prayer for the dead, the
Ppadtoch," was recited by the entire congregations
At the opening of the service in the temple, at ten
as usual on Saturday, the house was solointily B
Stoned In black.
Tne usual hymns of the choir were changed for the
Kturn'ul strains chanted on the Day of Atonement.
Tlie Rev. Dr. Adler attemptd to say a lew words of
Consolation to his congregation, but was himself so much
vercome with grief that, a. ter an earnest, Impressive
kraver for tli<< government and the nauon, be was compelled
to desist
At the eon fusion of the service the whole eongToga
Bm spontan?ously arose and said the ''Kadlsch, ' the
aver ordain d for the nearort deceased relative only.
Upon the countenances of all niesenta look of grief
tod personal affliction was depicted.
At the Broadway Synagogue, In lieu of the usual E
Brayer for the government, the Rev. S. M. Isaacs briefly H
tod Impressively addressed the Con?'reiiatton, speakln K
if tlie appalling calamity that had befallen the nation In jj
Be foul murd'r of Its good, wipe and beloved Chief El
Magistrate, mid In the ssi-anHlnitlon of the greatest stales 83
la?D of the a.o, Mr. Seward. He rifle* (<>d th gluoni ar.d rj
despondency tnat were universally felt, as th'- terr.bleffl
ptelli^nuce burst upon the nailon at tLi<- hour when pub jj
Sc grat tud? wan offering up to Heav n for the br.lliaut T?
ferosp"ct of speed) peace and r' onlon. There ?aa nut a.g
(ivhr of his rac?, a lover of lib-rty, but would tnouru the IB
Boon try's losa. He you Id not atte mpt to pierce the fu Q
tar<<, which bow seemed so dark and threatening. In vlewl
ft the death of our good President. In the hands of UodH
was tho dost.nv of the ualiou. The reverend icentlcmau s
bnn offered a fervent and wari.eat prater tl. it ?*}od wo ld
' Um the Uii tod Stat#--, an.I be with the peopln in their
pour of trial, and no dnect tho mind and counsel! of the
fiooessor of Abraham Lincoln that he might cafely pilot
fete chip of Mtatc through the perils and storms ttiat
fcrol.Tird iU safety.
The congregation ware visibly affected during tbo ad
4ro*?. and mlnlater and auditory were mo. ?<l tot nra.
The usually Imprciwive services of the day weie rendered
kur? Uvan ordinarily solemn by the sad and inournf I
gtfleetious e idled by the appalling deatb of tbe lamented
frraaklent. ,
At the Nineteenth street Pvtiugogue tbe Bad event wan
Bounced by the minister, Rev .1 J. Lynns. A highly
piproeNive prayer waa then offered up to the Throne of
rac'i by the minlau-r for the ropo. e of the soul of the
?te President.
This was followed by the JUi kar ,V? ?Vibo??prayer*
tor tbe dead?being tne first lim<' in tb? hietory of J .da a
km in Amertoa that theae prayers have b eu said In afl
entab bou?e of w irnhlp for other than one perfiafing a
m Jewish religion. jfl
In the Bnai Je.thurnn congregation, in Thirty fourth "
Ea t, Hev I)r Kuphail a<Mr. ".?ed the . onitregatIon very j
pr aalvely upon tlio misfortune that hud be alien tho
mtry The aervicee wer? also of a solemn character
IB the Attorney, Norfolk, Ko'.rth and ? hnt<>n street,
E In fart. in every ?y..a^ i( ue, b .me mark of reaped
paid to the lata President tho congregation gene
uniting In prayeni to the d ad.
Tbe government buildings In Chambers street, wltbln
pfclofa the United State* Circuit and United States District
S?*rta, tbe United States ConimiealoDcr i and Martha/*
fAoa* are bald, were draped with the hablllmenta and
)Mlguta of mourn ng, ao unlvaraaily displayed through
Ill w<i <ui; iu? on w win'; u guun roan ua omcw
ti lb* lrr?p*r*hl* Iom which tb? Am'Titian p?>?t>l? hu
BlalnH III the "fro*t taking off" of th* Obi*f Ma..'
lr*t? af th* n*"' n at th* ?*ry Urn* th..t hi* axln?nrt>
?ra* dmi?l oMMilltl to lh* ! .*.? *n.I futur* hai>ptn**a and
. itfoKy of the country, tb? f arful *it?nt to ?hlnh tb mi
mi of ibn in irdar?r* r?a lia.l In ih* atUok jpon the
tn-rahl" 8*cpur?- of 8;af an I th? imtulimrl 'j*rm i
fa wt|loli ?ii?y L?v* pl?c?<f his ill*, fc.nl Uiai of
Mr. > re irlrx W ?<>vrard, ?h* A-?l? aoi Baotatary.
11 (Wira* form ad pari of tb* m'>urulul aabj?ct
%hlrh nuM not > dlaml?*<l from m*n l Idda.
At *l*ven o< lotk J< \ H tt* nf\ Jud(* iU'u*<lloi took
P>*lr a*at* on lite tx'iieb of tb* Coltm! h'*t. a ((milt
6>?rt, In whi<-h n?tnb r of p .m i.?ot (*ntl>-to<>o of
bar ail f?? I'll and 0<>:,t tir u in
diloi.K Ivcio* of tfc* dr*a4f 11 ?*ja>uiiy wb. tfi bad fali*n
tpon tte land.
A" "in a* th* /-Hf*# had Uk-n ViHr a*ata fnltad
District Attorney Dl<?? ?' *Wr**.<><1 m? V-neh a*
|?..ow*;_ An *v?ut of an *(?rliin| a (u.iait.oity w> ti.r
a:' a *uK<ea'a, I dotib? n .t br> year boi.ora U>? pro
r^*?y of Oil* rmrt row arfj'itirnlng
*t IniUJ >UH I Mat riot At tors* y flurry?I Moond tb?
7\)*v* Bst*- Tb* Conrt aroopt* th* notion, *n4
v 'V n-ii* to t>* *n?';f<wi on !!< ?ln jt' ? T1jI?
o?-1 " I it fcd a < mr *4 III U< n ?y von inj n?it ?
lit a -?'.? ly ti>r tii* vtio.in>fi*U <?f <b? Oourt th* :
E ra* ; ?h? ?; DMr ?t Atto-iisy, fn'tA
al t: ?<] -.at** 0?mm'*HoO*r| H?tt* aod '
b >ii ' niu-i . t> ulot *nl Cirojit ' ourtCI rlr*
s?*ra U . r a* 4*j*. b/ m Ur at ti?* oiil*h ! U>a r*- 6
nrMtcn oovbt - ritt<?.
V-? tW.ft U lr?w bi liuvoifj ?u fcon;tt?.'brb
David Dudl?y PHld, IB the foitowng apooohMar '* I
plea?e the Court. ? great calamity, the magntude of
which we cannot fully appreciate, haa fallen upon the
Ballon. Tt># Krealdent of the United t-tatea, jut elevat?4
to the aecoad t'Twi of oflloe, o r leader durtap four
yo?r? <T an utmost ><?,<.ard of en II ear which t?? had
nxarty Drought to a triumphant and honorable ouiuie
Nt<?, haa been atrm* d-iwn by the bond of at aaaeata.
M'?t >?ftordav ail rejoiced In Um pruapect of pan e;
iha flan of oar oounlrr waa floating ?*or
wery Ww?r u< booMtap ta the land. I
and Abraham I'ncoln. true to his ever ge?v ro'ia nr'tire, L
was coiumletw-g how to asauagn I be woun<ls of *ar to
deal tenderly with the en-tag. and how to teirpei mere*
with Justice To day all theee flags are at hall vast, ami
the heads >t the people bang low. It retu to me us if
tbe clock of the world bad beon set back and the shadow
on the dial receded But tot oa, amid all the horror of
thla great crime, to calm: let ua act as a great and
thought ul p<tuple abeuM. Let ua trant in
who has been with ua thua far. I know IMK
your Honor on the bench and the members
of the bar bere present feel tndlspoaed to
transact any business on this day of national calamity,
nd I do therefore mv? that the court adjourn.
Chief Juatl.e Rorsnnox?The Court, In common with
the coinmun ty. out r* Into the deep and general grief,
Hud I am at a loas to choose the proper words to express
the feelings of myself and associates at tills Mow which
ha* so sudd-nly iallen upon us, tne more ao becaasc It Is
difficulty In circumstances ao awful and sudden to know
where first to turn our eyes. Whether we look at the de
privation by a family of Ita head, by a nation of Its oliief
executive, the leader and controller of all its measures
n the suppression Of an unnatural and desperate rebellion;
whether we look at thu feeling which has
ixeorae rife tu the land that permits an attempt oi
i his kind to be mode aud to be successful, and that
Me may hereafter be autycot to acta of thia deacrip
t on- all overwhelm us with grief, aud a deep and
earnest apprehension aa to the future of this country, K
is not the blow alone?heavy as It Is?but that of which
it may be the precursor. It < omes, too, at a time wii< n I
the community was rejoicing at the aupiiressloo of this M
hydra-headed "rebellion: at a time when the heart of the (jj
('resident?always kind?was turn'd to the thoughts <>fp!
how best to assuage the evils of thia horrible strife, and m
at a time when we ran least spare one whos-e long ex- r
perlen- e at the head of affair*, whose uprl'htnesii anil lu-jjj
t-egrity of character bad gained the full conndcuc^E
of the people; and we are almost tempted to
wonder at the astonishing dispensation of Providence
in removing him at su< h a time from the h< ad of the
government. It would he idle for me to add anything to
th'1 remarks made by the members of the bar. I respond
heartily to all that has been said, and thli.k It but right
that thia court should pay the deepest tribute of respect
10 the memorv of deceased and our own reelings bv adjourning
without engaging In any secular business.
The clerk will make au entry ol' the adjournment.
The court opened about ten o'clo. V, with Judge Brady
on the bench. He announced the death of the President.
H" expressed hi* sincere regret at the calamity that had
be alien the nation, and sad the death -of t.ie President
wan peculiarly painful to the community at flie pro-en"
mom nt The assassination of our Cbiel Magistrato was
crime unprecedented in the annalx of history, and mitrht
be considored an tb'' most deplorable of all the calamities
to which the country had b en subjected *1 nee the com mencement
of the war. Ah a mark of respect, there
would be no business transacted, and he therefore adjourned
the oourt until Monday morning.
Immediately upon taking hla scat upon the bench
Judge Barnard Iswied an order adjourning the oourt until
Tuesday morning at half past nine o'clock. Hie order,
ax enu r> d on the minutes by the Clerk, read as follows:?
SuntaNi Court, Cbambirh, April 10, lRdfi.
This branch of the court stands adjourned to Tuesday
morning, April 18, at half-pust nlno o'clock. In oonse
quence of the d- ath of President Lincoln. All motions
and orders returnable on Monday stand adjourned to
Tuesday, the 18th of April.
For the first time w.thln the memory of the oldest
rltlzen all the theatres and other plaoes of amusement in
New York were closed last evening by general consent
ol the managers, and this added a deeper gloom to
the mournful air of the metropolis. The eloeed gates of
these favorite resorts were hang with badge* of mourning
and with craned flaf*. In front of the Old Tiowery
iKmIph wui dlinfftVMt a rwirtrait nf the lamented Pros*.
(tent, with (hit Inscription, which wu universally ap o
proved:? E
> WK ~ ~ f I
When the terrible new* of the awassinatloR reached
the city yesterday all the responsibilities of the occasion,
so far aa the theatres were concerned, rested upon manager
Wheatley, of Niblo's, who la the President of the
Association of New York Manager* He at once oalled
upon M^jor General Dlx, and Informed him that all the
theatres would be cloaed. As manager* Stuart and Wallack
were out of town, Mr. Wheatley anted for them In
this matter. A meeting of the association was hastily
< ailed. A resolution was adopted, requesting that no per
formances b i given until further notlco, and Mr. Wheatley
sent down to the papera and withdrew all the theatrical
In the meantime, Huperlntendent Kennedy l?*u?d the
following order, which had Veen forestalled, as we have
Men, by the voluntary action of the managers them
Niw You, April 16, IMA
Captain ?, Preclaot ??
In view of the calamity which-has befnllen the nation,
aud in consonance with the general sentiment of tho
people, all places of public amusement will remain closed
unt 1 after the burial nf Pr. sldent Lincoln.
You will see that this regulation Is observed within
yaur precinct J A. KENNEDY,
ftaper.ntendent of Police.
Tlie order wss elfectua'. however, In closing up the
numberless little i oncert halls about town, over whichl
th'' Managers' Asocial,on exep-.ses no control. Bttafl
relieved from a' ting, tho mcmh r* of the theatrical proles-Ion
gathered in gro< ps at tlie various hot"l*, and the
sentiment of rtnewe regret thai an actor should have
boon Implicated In Oie crime which hue robbed the nation
0 its chosen loader was most forcibly and elo<j- ontlc ex
t ressed. A meeting of the pnf sxlon will doubtless lie
held soon, and appropriate resolutions adopted. Th"
opera, theatres and other places of amusement will remain
< loatd uut.l after President Lincoln's funeral takes
Ml-" Emma Hardlnge, at tho Millcltatlou of a numb"r
of iltl/ens, has ooDsouted to deliver an oration on theR
nation's *reut calamity, at Cooper Institute, this after K
noon at throe n' lock. Tin p olio are Invited, and we b
doubt no the lady will do ample Justice to her sub) ct. r
1 HP. liritwi. F.WKI.I. ON THE I'RESIDKNT'fll
Th"' rehel Oeneral K* -11, accompanied by li l adjutant,
Major Campbell Brown, paaaed through thin city between
five and i>l* o'clock yeMerrtay morning, m rvuU from
WaehlDgton to Fort Warren, nof>ton. The General wan
taken to the I'.i?t, Fourth avenue, to t?ronkf?^t.
While there he learned of the & -agination of I'r fUIont
l.lnc.ln It th said he w ae unaffectedly ahocked Ity thin
Intelligence and declared It wax the worat event Unit
eon I (I bive happened Ju*t now for the Houtb m well as
the North.
The Inman Hram.-hlp Ktna, having on board the Ku
r^M'an mall*, wan detained yeet' rday by Bpecial re<|ue*t
from Waah ngton, for the purpose of taking out full
deapatche* elating to thee<? ent murder of the beloved
chief Mavi'trate of the nation. The >aga of the Eton
were at halfmaat during the day.
The B?*nl of Aldermen held a special meeting. Revolution*
appropriate to the aad occaalon were drawn tip
and agreed to, and touching allualon* were maile to the
auhjact of the nation's grief
Aid-Tin an JwrMiAn apoke af the general reepect that
had been growing up of late with regard to President
l.lncoln; of thi endorsement by the peopla of hi* policy,
and of hie humrne programme w Ui retard to the din
feat Ad traitor* He Contraat d the great nature that only
yesterday oemed 0 onlrg up before the nation with the
dread: i>l ahype whirl) ?ai now yawning beneath our feet
Aldertnan Hvhh* dwlt In a *1mllar at rain upon the
rr?at na |.>n*| loe*. and referred to the deep and general
gr'cf p-evalllng amonr all damea.
| Alderman Jovit (<Vi|rman) urged the duty of boning
I to the n rlne w.ll Whll tlila dire calamity had apreail
Pgrtef and d<?*|>ondenry *ver the whole nation, II waa yet
t-> t>e hoped 'hat C><>4 Would guide oa la HL* own wajr and
dx?" t ua in the right.
A ' mmlttae waa appointed on the resolution* to take
mwire* for a g heraJ olemtusailon af the Frealdent *
miTTMO or Twn runcnaaTHMi cunrrra*.
The eomml'tee waa ewnpoeed of Aldermen Ottiwell,
Jeremiah, Btunnn# Van Voorhla and Gednejr, with
( ouno tinea Po .^iitaJin, Lent, Oiean, Roblna-m and
Rrlnkman. Th* nommlttea m-t and organlaed hy
A Merman Ottiwell Satng appointed chairman. William
b Ulteh.nan clerk and T? ..n e B Mmlth sergeant at arm*
K??n 'he motion of Oounn Irnan Wm Lent tt ?ra* reaolted
[ J thai Ua 00 operation of th* Chamber of Coml?
nieree ar.d other 11 idle b?dl?e be re<i<ie*ted. aa
* 11 u that of <;?nwrat rti.i.dfcrd on lb# p<rt of Ui?*
military, to a d in tutting micli trttii|[rai>ol> a* ma? **
n < ?*? r\ to m)?mr > In a nrnpar manner Ui? iani?n:*d
daatb 'if il># I'tm 4?bl In (l>* alwon ? of any Ininrtua
l'on m> ' ? (4m? md manntr of rarrrtoc out Ui? aolamnl**
lino, th? n mialUit a4Jo<nuai-.l Monday Morning, al
Ikrtch nf tha T,it* and l?r?lcti ?f Abra*
Iiitin t<ln?oln.
1 Tharifti bom and ?Bti if?d in ob"rUr't? and ra ??d ?o
^bio ^ fb )?<.t'!?a by Iba f ro? r.f tirrt irr>?'-?nrra -< *!
gB-irr n* in Ob* *?nlfin ?< of tk on p-ry -?f.?n b?
1 >,? (?>>>.? i/il taJ?n', ihiahaw IJnno'a n?? ra?tai??<1 t>y
t'i? ?? ' nbi( 4 and bon?>'i itmi, *'io Sa? Man a
g*iM ? <* i'*jivvf-._' fraMdmv ?r<J ?(J< b*i u? tit* t??u ct*
Jjof the people and la tiu?..-y aa eoe worthy to be named jfl
'.'at 'Heaavior of lha republic ta oouiparWon wHh him who I
?? Ita founder. It must H acknowledged by all that W 4
vraa already plainly apparent before hto milmely d?>?;*?, rl
how the character of 1be Important military aad poiH|i*l jfl
ev?nts of the p*?t five year* have beentinrreawxi hv nl*
lnfc-Uoctual power and Individual character It la ther*
fore Internaling to examine Into the character of thlairnn, P
who l? than aoddeoly taken from theoovntry la the nildul
- - * t?-?A tKa ?opp mnmant wtion Ha nn. 9
or Dlt USemonJ-r, "UJ'< ?? * ? j ? ? r- n
Hit Ion, character and conservative views make bll r*-1
tnova) thrice a national calamity. fl
Abraham Lincoln waa bora sear Hodglnvllle, Ky , I
February 12, 1800. Of his ancestry little la known.
Their history in this oonneotlon Is of Mttle Importation jjj
Ttieir lltuatrlous son lived to "build, not boast, a generoua B
race." It ! e/iongh to know that fall parent* poaeosaed jj
such limited maaiiu that their ion waa early in life forced 9
o hard bodily labor In the field to the neglect of his D
e<lneatlon, and that K Is well established that he wu M-lf N
taught, the whole coon* of ble schooling embracing not H
more than a year of time, from io\eu until aeventeen B
years of age he labored on a farm In Indiana, to which I
his father remove^ In 1810, and subsequently gj
in Illinois. At nineteen ho left home andH
nought labor on the Mlsslpsipil rtoer, necessity com-1
[telling him to labor as a hired hand on a flathoutl
plying between St. Louis and New Orleans. Ho subse- H
quently built a similar vessel, and made a trip or two on I
hie own account. Until 1982 hla life was a continued
struggle against vlverfe fortune, but prosecuted with B
strong heart and firm hand. In 1832 the Indian war fc
with Black Hawk broke out. Mr. Lincoln raised a emu \
patiy of volunteers In Monnrd county, III., and nerved r"
through the war tinder General Samuel Wlritectde. <
The early career of Mr. Lincoln as a pioneer and In 3
camp, had gradually trained and formed his character J
for-still moreaetlvc life. His prominence in his county A
as the former captain of a company naturally gave himKj
additional Influence at home on his return from th< war, B
und after beginning life as a lawyer, he soon merged U
into the politician In 1834, at the age of twenty-flvo, H
"tie was elected on the whig ticket, over the regularn
J? kson domocratlo candidate, to the Illinois Legislature, N
In 18.16 he was ro alected for a eocond term, during Jjj
which he wrote, In connection with Daniel Stone, hlxM
colleague from 8angamnn county, his now well known -x
protest against the passage of resolutions protectingg
slavery In Illinois, In which he declared his belief "tliatjp
the institution Is founded on both Injustloe and badJj
policy." and "that Congress had no power, under theH
constitution, to interfere with the institution of|j
slavery " During the same term of scr*Ma bun
added much to hts popularity ny nw enoriw g
In changing the location of the capital of nj
the State to Springfield. Ho also won additional oreditfi
from his action ae Chairman of tlio Finance Committee 3
in the Legislature. In 1840, after several years retirement
from political life, during which he had established
himself an a highly successful lawyer, Mr. Lincoln wan
I nominated for Congress, and was elected by the largest
vole ever given to a whig candidate In his dletriot. lie
served until 1H40, and was active?In Connection with
Seward, Chase and Glddings?In the agitation of thn Wil
mot proviso, and In opposition to the Mexican war. From
1849tolflS4 ho remained secluded-ut Springfield, taking,
however, an active, though not prominent, part In the B
organtuitton of tlio republican party, and In 1*>66 itrdently ?
supported Its first candidates, Faemont and Dayton. Hoi
hod Just been defoated in the Illinois Legislature fori
United State* Senator, and, except during the I'residen- 5
tiul canvass of 18&0. when he wns brought frequently In
contact on the slump with Stephen A. Douglas, be re
malned quiet In his office at Springfield until 18ft8, when
Uhe became a candidate for Senator. During this canvats
3 he made tome of the most remarkable speeches of hia
8 life. In one of them he gave utterance to what hasainoe
R been conceded to have been the basin of Mr. Seward's
i" Irrepressible conflict platform," arid which Is almost
prophetic of the events now nearly accomplished. The
passage is as follows:?
Wo aro now far on Into the fifth year since a policy was
Initiated wiih the avowed object und confident promise of
putting an end to slavery agitation. Under the operation
of that policy that ngitaHoo ba* not only not ceas d, but
has constantly augmented. Tn mv opinion It-will notcomw
until a crisis shall liarobeon reached and passed. "A 8
g house divided against Itself cannot stand " / btUtVf t>.i< B
9government cannot mdure p rwonmtly half tlav and half
et. 1 do nt nrpcit the Union to be <i"?< Ived?I do not exjSTpect
the house to fall?hut I d' rrprct it will rrntt t'U
M<hoided. It will heroine ail ouo thing, or all the other.
?Kiiliorthe opponents of slavory w II a-rest the further
Kspread of"It, au<l pluoe It wheie the pul-h mind shall rest
I In the belief that it Is In the course of ultimate extinction;
J or Its advocates v/.ll push It f? .-ward till it shall become
aim# IUWIUI ID IU1 lUC CIWCI -vm an Kill as uun iwiu.
ui well as Smith.
The nomination of Mr. Lincoln In Mav. 1100, in Interestln*
only as an important Tact In hi* carper. If ? oh);
lion and inauguration were accompanied by events ctill
fre?h In Uie public mind. At tbo time of his Irnignra
tlon?March 4, IHfll?bo wae comparatively nnknowr to
the people, and bis flrnt 8'ldrotw wan looked for with
much anxiety. His assurances that tbe administration
iand the republican party had no purpose (o endnngertho g
property and peaco or the Koath. and th?t h? had norik'hlB
nnd'T the constitution nor any Inclination to Inter I
f.re with the domoatic Institutions of the Butts, vvoroK
received everywhere as assuran: es that there would fi
lie no war; and the North, warmly commending the frc fl
and atralehtforward ifinjruage of the message heartily gave
their (support to his administration. His hand* wore still M
t'uuhei i trongthrrod, soon after the Inauguration, when, M
on the fall of tfumter, lb- co .ntrv ro-e as om- nian iu the M
Mi:t>llme enthusiasm of th ' bour to his sop; ?rt, and ntH
once furnished him the men anil meant* vvVch, fc.fure Ii hI
tragic. death?exactly lour year) ?uli!? <iueiit!v-ennbh-d
I blra to virtually couquer tbe giant rebellion which had j
been be^iin. Fjom that moment until the hour In i
which It wan called npoo to in-mro his assassination th?
nation hats n >l>lv and bountifully supported Mr. Lincoln's j
measures. Fr"m that tlm*- forih he has continually in- j
creased in popularity, until, at the tlrue of his death, h<> Lwas
held high In the popular e?teem. wlib'h hss been T
fully displayed by the national mo'imli;g at thn new* of
In* death. This esteem was won by his firmness, conBflatetioy
and honesty of purpose and ervatlve spirit.
VTheae traits have been fullest di-palyed In his several
Spollllcal mearuroa. The military mei?Mir s of the country
B received their character from ti e pollt.nl policy, and Uie
wn changed clmr?ct"r, the ?rrn < < h mg<><| hand", as the
nation under lit Mil |M|H kip of Mr l.iuoolu gradu
ally advanced to the support of those more radical mea
sure* which lie found It nrcfs^ary to inaugurate as the
country became deeper and deeper involved In the
struggle for existence. Clr<om?tance? beyond Mr I.ln
colli a control made It impossible l<> deride upon system
which should bo pursn d in all its details with
out modification He could only act cautiously, be ready
at all time* to do the bet I thing fur the greatest good of
the greatest number, keeping firmly to the one great
cud of crushing Iho rebellion and p>caerving tbc
Union The Aft roally nullHil rha?.tip? io the policy of
the A (I in in 1st ration was aunounccd by t h? promulgation,
<n September 22,1H4M, of what li known aa the "Emanci
|.ation Hroclamatlou, ' in wh<-h, in the event that the
rebel* did not lay down their arm* by Janttary 1, 1M3,
the alave* In certain Insurrectionary Matca were, a* a
military measure, declared fare\crfr* The country wm
not prepared for the step at the lime It waa taken, and
strong opposition to the meanure waa Inaugurated, and a
abort lived vitality given to the nearly defunct opposition
party ; but bcicre tlie day had arrived when the
proclamation waa to go into effect the natloo bad
given In Ha adherdnro to the policy. and ever alnce has
warmly aupportod II lta wirdom ainca that baa been
frlly proved by It* resulta, and the action of the rebel
leader* In adopting the very aaine policy of warfare
which waa Inaugurated by the proclamation of Mr. Mn
coin The eharaoter of the war, a* prosecuted by the
t'n<on armiea, changed almost Immediately. The Ben
In the fleld and the people at boms became Imbued with
a new *plrll In ISAi he had de<-lar?d that the govern
menl oould not permanently endure half alave and half
f>? a, and be also prophesied that "it waa not to cease to
exist, but ooaae to be divided." Be led the people, in
ISM, to believe with htn?, and when he decided, January
1, IMS, that H should be all tree, the people Joined
bands with him aad aerond that slavery should die that
the nstlna might be ear ad To day this pclley la la full
force, and doe* aol die w'th him The President dlee,
Shut the nation Uvea, aad Lives to prosecute bis policy to
the end
This policy, a* <vmn?ct*d with th* flted perpoae of the
net ns to restore the Intef my of the Tnlon, la the ehlef
eature which okara>-terned Mr I.lnnoln't admlslatra
t.l n unci iu inauguration <d? |ov?rnin*ni ww. > ?r
tli n iwrtxl ht tu ?n?ml?a la irini aal fba opp??t- '
tier party a* ?b* Worth wit him a ?7*i?n of p?ll?? atbae'
ihaa ika '? raawa tha tnlc* Tk?flr?f
t?o f??n af Mr. t..?o>n* a<1 minitiation wara <a-?t?.|'
:? durating ?ba la n# tha Morth u tha aitpi??n of
hla uraaura to that and. Trim tr? mnmant of 11? flrr?
Miahtiahnoat thma kaa b??? no 4>|?rtur? iron It 1
I'poa it all otbar n -aaaraa, mi!lury ind political bara
t ftin^ad, and tv it *11 bat a-a<ia[>t"? U,?m Tlia ?i't
tcm bo<c ?r?*af'jia' wMh Ua Tie* of i*a ?ft'nctio? ofa
[JKDAY, APRIL 16, 18M.
I rrory, m tbo auroat and qulokMt moaaa of n-nub K
ltshiim the Union. P,
In July, 1?M, tho oountry ?w agitato* with u (Tort U
to xuMi.h p?*aoo, and m oarooat dostr* lo and tho war B
*? ovinfcd throughout tho country It was beltovod |
to erd** to Wen * aolutlon of the vacation of pw e,
modify his policy own th* slavery question; but be I
r*maln*d Ira In tola eonrletlon that th* total I
xtlnctton of *lavery ?u the best road to H
permanent p?tu and prosperity. In hta letter
"To whom It may ooncorn" he plainly declared his M
adherence to hla pulley In the strongest terms. "Any
proportion," he wrote, "whloh embrace* the integrity of
the whole Union and the abandonment of slavery, and
which oomee by and with an authority that can control
the armies now at war against the United State*, will be
received and considered by the executive government of
the United States, and will be met by liberal terms on
substantial and collateral polnta, and the bearer or b Brers
thereof shall have safe conduct both waya " Not loss
positive on these polnta la the language of his lnstruc
tlona to Seeretary Seward when ordering him to Fortress
Monroe to meet the rebel Peace Commissioners In Janu
ary last Mr. Howard was directed to make known to
them that three things were Indispensable to peace:? jj
First?The restoration of the national authority H
throughout all the States. Fj
Second?So receding by the Executive of the United Q
States on the slavery question from the position assumed fj
thereon In the late annual meaeage to Congress and In H
the preceding documents. 3
Third?Wo cessation of hostilities short of an end of
the war and tho disbanding of all the forces hostile to 3
the government [?j
Mr. Seward was Instructed to Inform the Commission- ?
ers that all propositions not inconsistent with the alx ve j
would be. considered tmd patted upon in m spirit qfsincire. 3
liberality. ^
Bow consistently Mr. Lincoln adhered from the day of 3
his flrst inauguration to the first purpose, the restora- 3
tlon of the Union, and since Its adoption, in 1863, to the jjj
second proportion, as necessary to the flrst, is now ap a
parent, and establishes his character for firmness and S
consistency. Tlte skill with which he educated tho na H
lion to im lull a belief In the neccsalty of the second
measure of his polloy as It bad always held In that of I
the first, proves him to have beta a wise and able far H
seeing statesman. H
Under the blows of tba army, skilfully directed by I
General Grant, and tha Arm and positive execution of I
the details of tha political measure* of Mr. Llneoln, the I
giaut rebellion was, wltnin Uiff last month, brought near H
lt'< rnri In 'be midst of a auoceen wblob gave assurance m
of ike full and absolute achievement of both hlR fixed I]
purposes, Mr. Lincoln suddenly gave evidence of theftS
affection with wblob be baa always regarded the .South,
and Inaugurated a policy of conception towardn Stat*- H
authorities which, without retarding or conflicting with H
his fixed purposes of ultimate Union and abolition, H
hastened tbe rapid and, It was hoped, bloodless disso R
lullon of the remaiulug rebel armies. Tbls policy, mis u
taken by many as an unwiKe conciliation towards the g
leading traitors, Is not yet understood and appreciated jjj
heraus'! sufficient time has not, or had not elapsed when g
its author ceased to breathe, to show Its effect; but weg
doubt not the day will come when tbe people will ac I
knowledge that such a policy, pursued with Mr. Lin- 5
coin's usual persistence, would sooner hare rendered theB
organized armies of the rebel leaders useless and Ineffec 1
tire than will any other which may be adopted. The g
apparent conciliations granted to the people of Virginia B
were not undeserved kindnesses to the rebel leaders. R
Without relieving a single rebel officer of any penalty H
which he might owe for crime Mr. Lincoln's conciliatory I
measures were calculated to make It the interest of every g
private soldier of their armies to abandon them to their B
fate. Under the workings of snch a policy as Mr Lin- B
coin had Inaugurated in Virginia tho dispersion of the p
rebel armies would have been more rapidly accomplished Ej
than It will b? by the hard (lows of Sherman and Grant H
under a leas liuinane and mil radical policy. In Mr.
Lincoln the Southern people hare lost their best friend,
and the rebel-leader* one of tbelr wisest and bitterest
. inaucIIatioi
?F I
Mr. Lincoln's Policy to be
Carried Out,
lie*, 4'.'?
WAsniMJTon, April 16?12 11.
Andrew Johnson was aworn into office as
President of the United States by Chief JtuLice
Chase to-day at eleven o'clock.
Secretary McCulloch and Attorney General
Speed and others were present
ne remarked :?
Particular* of the Inauguration of President
W tMnxorow, Aril 16, 1808
At mi early hour this morning Bon Edwin M. Stanton,
Secri-u^y of War, eont an official communication to lion.
Andrew Johnron. Vice President of the United state*,
stating that, in ronwqutm ' "f the sudden and uneipected
death of the Chief Magistrate. hla Inauguration should
take plane aa anon aa possible, and requiting htm (oitate
the place and hour at which the ceremony should be per
Mr. Jotinson Immedlat ly replied that H would be Sfree
able )o htm to have the proce ding* take pla> a at bia
rooms In the Kirkwood Houee aa aoon aa the arrange
menta oould be perfected.
Chief J uatlce Cbaae wm Informed of the fact and repaired
to the appointed place. In company with Secretary
McCulkch of tho Treasury Department; Attorney Oene
ral8j>eed, P P. Blair, Sr., Bon. Montgomery Blair, Hen*
tor* Pool, of Vermont; Rimnr, of Mluuesota; Yatee,
of Illinois', Ptewart, of Nevada, Bale, of New Hampshire,
and General Parn?worth. of Illlault
At eleven o'oloek the oath of office was administered
by the Chief Justice of the Unit'd States In his usual
solemn and Impressive manner.
Mr. Johnson recelvad the kind expression* of the jt*n
tlemen by whom be wa* surrounded In a manner which
showad his earnest sense of the great reepon?.'>|||tles eo
suddenly devolved upon him, and msde a brief speech.
In which he said:?"The tfutlee of the office are mm*. I J
will perform them. The consequences are with God. r
Gentlemen, I shall lean upon yon. 1 feel thai I shall I
need yonr wpport. I am deeply Impressed with the so 1
u mmuny n ui? oocaainn ana ma mp?aiiDi)iij 01 ion
Idutlaa of tha offlca I am aaaamlnf.
1 Mr. Johnson appaarwl w> ba in ramarkably good health,
Sand hu a blfh and raallilni a?naa of the hopr* that ara
fleant'-rtd upon him. HI* mannar waa aolamn and dlgnl<4
flad, ?nd bla whole bearing produced a inoat graiilvlr.g
hjlmpraaaloa upon Uioaa ?Ua jMiiictpatad In the awe
I mottle*
1 It la probable Oka* taring Uia day I>r<w1d?nt Johnaon
will laaue hl? flrat proclamation to the American p. opla
1 It la upnotod, though nothing baa beau dafii.ltelj
j determined opon, that the funeral >( the lata I'mlJ nt
i Unnolp will uik? pla^a on -? about TTmraday aerv It li
7 ?'ipr"^Kl that Ma remain* ? II ka tamporartl/ depoalted
J I* tka C?uraaa>eBal C< vtn*rj
' WA nr^'irow, Ir^l 1*.
Tha CaWi?t meettrg la??l tb'Ht beura Tha new,
_ Preeldetit araa pr?eent, enrt naiad t? tha coretlnt Mi in- f
) lis, *-yt?g u< Vm f ?'? |f wAt a ?<nl k-*n iMufi
l*mni ft* Itr lin on He alro rrqtx-aied Iba 'yrwait
IBiaRtlMiit of the Cabinet to rt'a.-j thrlr prcwent pmttl on, 1
nd ennood dl*j>oell'.on to oonducl things as they hare H
bwn previously, M
Mr Johnson has appointed Win Hunter, Esq., obiefE
clerk of the Plate Department, Acting flci-ury of I
Bum. 1
President Johnson and bis Cabinet held their first for F
Ml meet nf this afternoon at the treasury Department, I
In the room of Secretary McOulloch. 0
Prsaldent Johnson, In conversation with a distinguished H
gentleman to day, said tbgl at present he saw no necos-P
sily for an eitra session or Congress, and further, that I
he would not commit himself to a policy which would
nrevent vtsitlnc rood <rn ouulsbment on traitors. He|
had b??n lighting rebels bare and in Tenneaaee, and bli E
previous course might be regarded aa as Indication of bit
future conduct upon tbla autyect.
Sketch of tit* Lift and R?rrl??i of Andrew
Johnson, of Tennessee.
Amid the universal manifestations of sorrow over the
great affliction which baa befallen tbe country In the sudden
death of Its beloved Chief Magistrate, at the hand of
a fiendish assassin, we must not forget our duties to the
future. The gloom which has tfyus suddenly fallen like a
pall upon tbe exuberant joy of the people over the late
victories of their armies must not suppress the perils of
the hour. Looking forward with bops through the
cloud of our late calamity Into the magnificent consummation
of rigbtoous bayonets In the hands of Christian
soldiers we have the melancholy consolation that, though
the President be dead, the nation still lives.
By the provisions of that sacred instrument, our constitution,
the uncertainty of the duration of human
life is provided for by the election cotcmporaneously
with President of a Vice President, who, In case of the
tlr.ith, removal or disability of the President, Imme
diatcly ascends to the chief magistracy of the nation.
The man, therefore, who ia to bear the profound responsibilities
of that high office is Andrew Johnson. Hence
to know something of this gentleman's antecedents as
a public man and an Individual, trustworthy of the high
charge to which he has been called by the treacherous
work of a conspiration against the nation through its
chosen bead, is of the deepest Importance.
Andrew Johnson was born in Raleigh, North Carolina,
December 20,1808. When he had scarcely reached the age
of four years, he lost, bis father, who died from the efl'ocls
of an effort to save a friend from drowning. Ilia mother
was unable to afford her child any educational facilities
whatever. Be, therefore, never had the advantages
of attending school. It ia even said that during his
younger years he waa an Inmate of tbo almshouse
of Wake county, North Carolina, where
he remained until his tenth year. At tbat age
he was apprenticed to a tailor in his native city. He
thus labored for seven years. His lack of schooling,
however, was in a great measure overcome by a strong
desire to acquire knowledge, and he spent much of his
leisure time In educating himself. An Interesting ancc
doto is mentioned of bis anxiety to learn to read. A
gnuliemaii of Kalelgli was in tbe habit of visiting the
tailor's shop and reading while the apprentice and journeymen
were at work. He read well and geuenlly made
his selections from a volume of speeches of British
statesmen. Toung Johnson listened with great delight,
and bis first ambition wus to be able to read and coinpre
hend these speeches. He at onco procured an alpha!)it
and, without an instructor^ attempted to learn to read.
When at a loss to. know a letter he applied fir
assistance to the journeymen with whom be ttorkud.
After acquiring his letters be asked tlie owner for
tho loan of tbe book be bad so often beard
read. ' Tbe owner gave bim the book and some Instruc
tion as to its use. He soon learned to read, and at night,
after baving finished his dally labor of ton or twelve
hours, he spent two or three hours in study. Id 1024 he
completed bis apprenticeship and removed to Laurens
Court House, 8outh Carolina, where be worked as a
Journeyman. Whilst there be fell iu love wHh a girl
In the neighborhood and courted her. Mr. Johnson
tells the story himself. The young lady aw something
more In blm than her mother was able to discern. !>be
engaged herself to him, providod ho could get her
mother's consent. Andy went one Sunday to speak to
tbo old lady. Ilia heart failed blm till towards night,
when he mustered up courage and popped the question
to the mother. He anys she broke out on bim in a moM
terrible tirade Of abuse, and said, "You trifHng, worth*
less vagabond, do you suppose I am going to let my
daughter marry a wandering Journeyman tailor f I know
v.'hat you want; you are too lazy to worit, and you are
after my property." Tbe old woman bad four children
and three negroes. This was her fortune. In utter de
pair young Johnson returned to tbe village mortified and
In May, 182a, he returned to itaieign, wnere ne procureu
work, and remained until September. At this time he
removed to the West, taking with blm bin mother, who
was entirely dependent upon him for a support. He
topped at Greenville, Tenn., and engaged in work. Be
training there about a year b? married, and soon after
wenr still further West. Failing to Bud a suitable place
to settle, he returned to Greenville and commenced busi
ncss. At this time Mr. Johnson's education wm limit'd
to reading. Under the Instructions of bis wlfo he
speedily entered tlie higher branches. The only time he
could devote to bis studies wus in the dead of night; but,
forgetting the fatigues of his dally work in bit thirst for
knowledge, he overcame all the weaknesses of nature, and
rapidly acquired a fcood fund of Information In IMS
Mr. Johnson wns olocied to bin first office as alderman of
the village. His satisfactory acquittal of hlm?elf in this
office led to his reelection In 182#. and aga:n In 19'Kk
In the latter year he was elected Mayor, and held that
po-ltlon for throe years. In 1835 ha was elected to the
State legislature. In the session of that year be
took a bold ( land agilmst the measures of Internal Improvement
proposed by some members, on the ground
that It would entail upon the State a burdensome debl
The measure meeting the |iopular approval, In the elec
lion of the next year (1837) Mr. Johnson ??< defeated.
In 1*39 he was again a candidate Ul? predictions In
opposition to the Internal Improvement bills bsving been
realized, he was elected by a lar^e majority. In 1*40 he
served u residential elector for the Hate at large on
the democratic ticket ne canvassed a large portion ol
the State, meeting on the stump mme of tbc Icurtln
Whig orators In 1841 hp wax elected to the 8tste Senate
I In 1843 he was elected to Congress, serving by necesslte
re elections until 1853. During bis career In that office
he advocated the bill for refunding the flne imposed upon
General Jackson at New Orleans In 181ft, the an
nexatlon of Texas, the tariff of 1K40, ths
war measures of Mr. Polk'f administration, and
a hnm*ati .id Mil In 18S3 he was elected Governor of
Tmnwn aftor an exciting e*tivn?* Hp wa* re elect.d
In 1HM alter another spirited coow-at. At Ihc expiration
of hla second period aa Governor, In 1867, he m elected
to the Senate of the T nlted State* for the term endlry^
March S, 180.1. He, however, never completed hi* term
On March 4, 1*62, be wa* confirmed by the Senate of the
rolled State* Military Governor of Tenne?ce, with the
rank of brigadier general, with all the powert, dutle* and
functlona pertaining to that office, during the pleasure of
the President, or until the loyal Inlikbttant* of the Slate
abuuld organlte a civil government, In accordance with
the comtltutlon of the T'nlted Stale*. The denization
of General J jhnaon for the ponltlon waa considered by
everybody a* eminently proper, both In view of hla pe
cullar fttneaa for the office and of hi* great popularity
among all loyal people, bealdee hla devotion to hi* own
State. The Governor, by the acceptance of the office,
nece***rlly vacated hi* po*ltlon a* Kenator.
Mr Johnaon a administration In Teiineem waa very
glherally approved, though It had noma enemies. Coder
him, and with the assistance of the armlet operalltig In
Tenneaaee, order waa restored In many Mcllone of the
Hute, and moat of the Inhabitant* who remained loyal
were protected.
On June S, HM, Mr Johnaon waa choeen by Ihe na
tl'-nal republican oooventloo aa the candidate of the party
for the Vice Presidency of the I'nlted ft*lee In hla letter
of acceptance. In the following month, hi* expieesion of
vtewf were, In the main, to harmony with the aettled
opinion* of a tn^orlij of the thinking mind* of the
On March 4 hurt Mr. Johnenn wa* regvlarlv tnaogn
rated aa second to tha good man whoa* d?ath wa lamenl
Blnca Mr Johnson'* induction Into otIV a* Vice Pr?*1
lent he haa not bean ealled upon to *cl in an offic.al
Iraptruy. b<ii nritti ?? m- ?? -r ?> >- ?>
Ut Art" Kim* lnf?r?ne?a In r*f*rd to hi* Otnaaa fur the
fill public about In ditrolr* Upon him U? wm
tv r?i and roartd amid tha poverty. Ii It v'dinl
* If b* ha.l benn without Ik* IU nil ibilltl** of th? 'arftut
' q<tallty h? n-'Tor would h*?? rlwn p*rt>ciiUrtr ?? blifh.
I?iv* bit lra*1a. lilt int/11 r, though h? failed to have
him iti.iht turn tli* riid o' *r, Rn(l ?h rd'i<*at|on,
at livt trained lilrn np to I iva ?h? trn'h, tnrk h*r<l. nnil
bo ?ralthtfor*ard In hit -Ifuliri . wtui av?ry < ti# fj.r
. hilt own tllona ha > tutlit h m-nlf a Mltlr, and mairylnj,
'attar Ma apprent'eeshfp vm completed, a E UISM
kn?w something about books, ha was fairly started ? ?
the road to learning. Though Mr. Johnson la uo achol*
In the seuse of books, hla experience and obaarr*.
tlon have taught him mora valuable la*sous?a
knowledge of moo and strong common
sens*. His political bias waa in early yaara exceedingly ^
democratic. Previous to the breaking out of the preaeat ]
rebellion he was the idol of the Southern democracy |
and had he permitted himself to float upon tho wave of
secession and treasoD there Is not a doubt but be would
have been placod at the head of that revolutionary movement,
the Southern confederacy. But his devotion to
his country?his whole country?Impelled him to sever
the bonds that connected him with a people whom h?
had for so long a period led snd controlled, but who wera
snatched from his influence by the infamous crime or
treason. These peoplo he could still have wielded could
his potent voice have reached them, but the monster of
Intolerance closod hor Jaws upon him. He was noV
permitted In Middle and West Tennessee to ad
dress tho people. Had |lie attempted It a mob wonlt.
hiive been readv. not onlv to stoD his voice, but to take
bin life. Too well tho leaders of rebellion Id Tennesse*
knew bii power over the people; and the> were conscious
that If he were permitted to make public speeches
the people would rally around him?that he could preserve
Tenuessee from their fatal sway. He stood firm,
and yel stands firm, as a monument of loyalty and devotion
to his country, while ninny or his contemporaneous
political lights have been forever extinguished and
enshrouded in the pcrfldy of the conspira v against the jj
lire of the nation. Among his old political friend* he
saw Ihham G. Harris, tho latu Governor of Tennessee; A.
0. 1', Nicholson, hie colleague in the United Mate*
Senate; Andrew Ewing, Lanitdon C. Haynes and a lnsfc <
of ot hers fall into the soces?inn pit. Of his political op- \ .
ponetils he saw E. H. Ewing, G. A. Henry, the "Kugl*
orator," his opponent the first time he was elected
Governor of Tennessee, and who saM, in the
nell and Everett Convention in Baltimore, that
he wished he m'ght be struck blind before b*
ever should see the Un;on dissolved; and evea
Hell, whose wisdom had shone aa a beacon light to the
nation for more than a quarter of a century, cower before
the monster secession. But he, amid all this wreck* $
stood Arm, keeping the glorious Union and the constitution
of our fathers ever in view, and making them thtr .4
polar star to which be steered amid the mighty convul- (
sions and upheaving* which beset him on every side} ?\
and be now appears upon the world's great stase as a 1
li> irig witness that publlo virtuo aud unselfish patriotism f\
are not extinct even In those States that bave maugu- ?.f
rated this uuholy war. While the names of many wh* '
formerly shone in the same sphere with him will b*> J
buried beneath a mausoleum of Infamy, bis will shine- *
like the bright star of the morning, and be bouored by
generations yet unborn. Si
At a meeting on April 3 st the War Department, tn? v
Washington, after the reading of the despatches frontthe
front of our victorious armies, announcing the tall of 1
Klchmond, Mr. Stanton Introduced Vice President John i
son. We give Mr. Johnson's remarks on that occasion aa'
an exponent of his views upon the troubles which endanger
the country. They were as follows:?
Being unexpectedly called on by this large audience her*
to address them in reference to the victories which bav?
been announced by telegraph, It is a sincere pleasure t4
me to have it In my power to mingle with those congratulations
which are inc dental to triumphs of thishura
tor; and perhaps ] should content myself wltfc
this acknowledge eni of my gratification in being called^
on thl< auspicious occasion, to mingle with you in your
rejoicings in this the hour of our country's triumph.
But It may not be ent rely o< t of place for me to statfr
that at the commencement of this iniquitous rebellion
1 was ouc who entered the service, not as a threemonths,
a six mouths, n twelve months or fr
three years man, b t as one enlisted for the war or
during the struggle for the suppression of the rebellion;
and I trust it will not be considered
egotistical for me on th s occasion to allude briefly t*
what wan my position at the beginning of the r> hellion.
In the Senate of the United States, when the conunirurv
u-ilj mainrail urn! Senators were retlrina from
I their seats, when I was cailed upon to say what I would
I do in the matter, my renly wan that General Jackson,
Rwh lo Presid-iii .1 the Dlttld states lu 1882 anil 1888.
I declared iliat traitors should be hung as high at> Human's
gallows. and Umb put l.l- tool u|ton It and ?mM It ont
B That ola man now sleeps in tin- lomh, and were it poeal*
Hble to cunimiinl ate Intelllg nee to the d ad, and ne
could be made to know thai traitor* and treason were
rampant ir the land, it would < ante the old man to tuna
Hover In hi3 coffin and bunt its lid, and rise fruga
the tomb and shake o(T the babilimenie of tbo .
H lead, and again re.teiate that memorable sentence. J
H i hut "The union or the Stale* must be preached.'' ^
Ij U lion asked what ] would do, 1 said I xooula arrest them 5
fej traitor , I uouJd try them as traitori. commit them a*
MtrnHiri, <f d hang V*m an an s, Ana lu this oonneoBtinn
I will say that, luting into account the perse cutinn,
<>p; iressi n and banishment (torn all that If
sacred and dear to men, that the traitors?that la, the
lending tra iora, who have tin Ivod and Involved the na.
lion in th s dlabol cal rebellion?I should lay thai their
U reward should be he ha t* a- tl the trail w. 1 repeat
that conscious, intelligent, leading traitors should suffter
the penalty of death. And, on the other hand, to the
peopl- wbo have been deluded and misled, I
would ex lend leniency and humanity, and as
invitation to return lo the allegiance tbey owe to thi
co ntry. Wo have the gMtfyUg intelligence to day
that the outpost of the Houtl.orn con o<to>racv line beea
taken. In addition to that the Kate) of tne cildei have
been entered b> our tfttortoVf IWMk May we not Infaf
thai it is a rebuke of 1'ivine I'rov.dence against a pmn4
and liuper .his i lass wheu we see that ibetr cit) was civ
ten.i by ...lor <1 nonpar la this great cause of humaa
ftwdoa it is the prnl of my life that I have beta por
mlttcd to participate In InAn tliat have, under Uod.
tended to achie e this glorious result. And while 1 have
Hbeen laboring to remove this disturbing element froa
El the couniiy, I trio-1 I m.iy be pei milted to Uf
l have labored equally well tor the tMMIffr
tl.in of the wblte Ml an for the sable eons.
? and acknowledge the supremacy of the constitution una
Sobc.1 ence to the law. We ha e Intelligence by the telej
raph that o r Hag wavi-s in tn.imph oiorthe dome of
J the Conl'ed.-rate Capitol. May not 1 be permitted, on this
I occasion, to indulge substantially in the language of
another, in re erring lo the Stars and Stripes of our
country, which now wa< $ in triumph, that It may
Seontiuue to rise U^ber and higher, until II meet*
life* sun in hi* t ?III), aud may departing day
* . r and play ii|...u Its ample fold* Hut I (
^d I not intend, gentlemen, lo speak or occupy you* i I
'flume half so long t. 1 ha e, and I will now. In cnnciu- f'
J^on. lender you my sincere thanks for this ruiniterta- I
3tl- n of re ard and re-p ci that you have displayed la ,
H/ ul'Ino iiiinn nnu w ho ca I f ia ptfu-rlfd tl nn LhA
IprcKnt occasion. Hut pi-ruit tu*. Id concluaiun,
i? propom* thivo ctai-er* for the rrsaidcnt of the j
I'nlted Mates, h? > abmet officer*, and the gallant
officii-*, hdu eapecnily to the aoldicre, w ha
have fought our hatll"* and achieved the vlelorlea
nil of which come* tint das ? rcloicln;;. 1 would aay, is
lbi? connection, thai while the <un tlonnrlen of out (
?.o'e-mncni ha-e done tntu-h in tarrying nut the war,
that II it the peipl that have contiHuied the ,<>nnerf A,
and through their fi.n tioiiariee have put down tbla, th? r
moat kigaiitrebellion the world har ever eeeu. Ky
1.1 141011 la. it a the work oi deetiny. and I am compelled
M tllteocca* I <> 11 It recur to the old ad raptiinrlum :ny
it g. or, ao considered by aonie, that "tha voice of lb*
I e.ip'? i* the voice of Ood." and that, the r vu res Ix-itif
retl< < trd thro gb the pioper channel* that hut a < ?
and prcnerved, and will perpetuate the government
throucli a!l time I repeat, 1 i Intuit von. gentlemen, Tor
thu k.u<l manileiiation ol your regard and reaped.
Mr. Johnaoa'a remark* were received wilt Imtneraa
With efficient coun*e!lnra, and acting upon tba profound
aentlmeut of bla inaugural, "Tha duties are mine; /
I will perform them, treating In Ood," wa hare every
right to eipeot Mr. Johnaru will Oil tha unexpired term
of bla lamented pradeceator witb boner to hlmi-alf and
glory to tba nation. Relying upon tbla, upon the virtu* ,
of our artnlaa and tba devotion of tha good peopla ak
over the North, there inay b* in the terrible dupciieatio*
ao recently enacted the linger of Ood pu nting to >iu*ea*. i
dangera, warning ua by Hla terrHile presence to liew an I
of tba treacberou* hand rendered powerlea* by the d?
minion of right, ralaed IB the dark to avenge the hutnllk*.- ^ J
Hon of prtda, aod proaecute at oar backa further Infamy *
villainy and traaaon.
PitLaovLPffta, April It. i?#?
Oeneral Orant arrived In tbla city lata la*t night, oo bit
way to New Jereey, but waa Intercepted 0? bla way
? tr?l?Ha alaaai wh?pf k* A ilaaiiitrh an/4 It la ntifi/,b?<l K
Hraiurnad la WMhlngtoa Imrordlataly.
ba Bc?i.ib'?T(jh, N. J., April 1ft, 1*64.
Llffltanaot Oanoral (inuii left Burlington for Waalilng
Him ti Ms a'elcck llila nomine. MBS. U. S. OKA XT
I Arrlral ofG(n?r*l Orant In Wtihln((os
p *aahh?toii, April 11-2 It p. M.
PI Mauttnant Omar*) Orant arrived b?ra from 1'hiladtV
Irphik, oa * eperlal train, about t*o o'clock, and l:nni"dt
Gaialy proc??<lrd U> tba Prraidaot'a houa*.
El Uautenant Oanrral Oram, aoon aftar hit arrival tiera^
if rrn"t Traaldrnt Jobnuon and tba Cabinet, and aftar a fur.
Ij and fr?? couf. rruca laaund ordara for tha arrrrt of e?.
MJudja John A. Canipball and as Mayor Jna"pb Mayo, a#*
(2Klcbmond, whnaa anUrgamrnt by Uniiaral Hbaplry he
P* ha>l oavar apj-rorad.
Ijj Tl.a prupoord freedom of tranilt batwaan 0>la cl*v .4 I
fi Rl hmunrt and m*:,* othor t>roiactrd trails f. " a*. <
Sr?*v^ ?!T ?>p(?n il'irlng Ui? pending 'nv< ? j
Hon* which ?r? now join* forwarit.
f>n<-nil ICnltitM ban l>c?n ( rmanenthr mrrcriwl'd l?
ttio command if tb* l? farraent of Itlrbmond by Urnrrai
|i?nl, of (Kn ri>l Grunt1* ?t*lf |(? Imim lo mor?.?w <t
l^itii.mr tliP i!nil?v< of llie pualtmu. \ '

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