Newspaper Page Text
!'' T U 1 WHOLE NO. 10,458. | OUR GRIEF. r I Additional Details of the j Terrible Event of [J Friday Night I f - Incidents Connected with tho ; Sad Affair. ) j SCENE OF THE MURDER. Developments Showing the Assassination to Have Been a Deep Laid and DeMberately Planned Conspiracy. ) Mournful Appearanoe of the National Capital. SORROW ME METROPOLIS. a Nearly Every Building Draped in Ddourning. Tike Services in the Churches I M. CAIt l U'njr . B SADNESS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY.! THE NEW PRESIDENT.! Official Acoount of His Inauguration. WHAT HI8 POLICY WILL BE. Secretary Seward Out of* T)an<rAr TIB ASSASSIN SAVES HIS LIFE. Hopes of the Recovery of Frederick Seward, Ac., &c., &c. SEMI-OFFICIAL DESPATCHES. Tk? Ooadltlon of Mr. Secretary leward and Mr. Fredcrlclt Reward. niTATI TEI.KGKAM8 KROM MR. CLARKNCK A. 81 WARD. Wariiinuton, April 10, 1H06. (Mn?I B. 8. SAvronn:? Obr.le to m well thl* morning w the circumstances will permit He retain* hm mental vigor and resolution. The nrgeon flpeaka very favorably. Poor Prod, la still utterly unconscious. He hai not p 'wd bin eyea MM twelve o'tlov.k Friday night I The Major (Augustus leeward) will get along nit ?'ly K] C A. SKWARD H HKCOND DISPATCH. B W?auivr.ToN, April 10?13 M. Ej Wie Burgeon <iunnral has just returned from the Hee-1 rotary of Htato, and report* tlml Mr Sewnrd t..s not been M ao well at any time "tnro be wax thrown out of the cur H ?<*? um he i? to-day. K U li? thought that Frederick Seward Is somewhat bet R ter, although Burgeon* are unwilling to promiso anyl Killrfl nf PMViVflrV H? l?ua hAim tin tm* rnat<.M<l I . eunaciouaneaa a* to reognUe thoMC about him; but it liH not dwlreblc to r store conactouxnoM entirely with too II much rapidity, for four of producing rongeatljn. k'l (Another despatch from Mr. Clarence Seward, reoalved H In this city yeaterday afternoon, standi that the coudltiou fl ef Secretary Nev::irU had Improved *lnce morning, ami U hope* were entertained or his recovery.? Er> Hkiulo] II THE HERALD DESPATCHES. U Vl MR r April 18, 1805 I Till* Im* been a aolemn ami mournful day In Waalung 9 ton The utreetii have been quiet. It t* true that a nuin-H twr of people, with *ad and dejected countenance*, have I been wandering about the ?treet.s looking at th* building*! where the tragi* deud wa* committed , but their step ?ul that of the funeral tram. Slowly and *adly they trod I the (lavement. All xigna of excitement ha* disappeared. I The *ky was clear, the day ovirhead wax bright and cheerful, fiirnltlilng a great contrail with the -ad countenance* of the people. Yesterday a calm and drilling rain came apon u* with the owning of day, a* if Heaven was weep trig on er the desperate deed* of the axsaiwln. It looked aa if uature had Joined with the mourning of the nation. But to-day nature ha* put on a cheerful faoe. The park* In frout of tha White House and fecr? tary Seward a reaidence wcra dreaaed In brilliant green, the foliage being Jit ft far enough advanced to prevent a cheerful and gay appearance Hul what a con traet with (he Radium which reign* within the ?bove dwellings I Sentinel* are Rationed at the gatea of the walk* and driven leading from l'ennaylvanla avenue to the White Houxe; and no person, except upon official teudne**, or thoee who have been sent to condole Willi ih? Iwr. At'i (t familm n# tk* !- - r*%. 1-0 %* . _? * * _ ? '>WHJ "1 HH WW Vlllt'l NV allowed to deeecrato the apot or dlRtarb the aolomuttjr of Ute place even by 'he *onud of a footatep. Ouurd* arc xtationed In fronl of Mr. Howard'* rwldenre and no jx r?on in permitted to inim on the pavement or In njr way dintnrb the fepoee of the afflicted within A wai? nful and careful Internet In manifested ereryw hero. THB MORNINO KKKVII Kt la tho church* i were well attended. Many who are Mldom aeen within the place* of ?or?hlp were th?r? *?> day; and Uiom who are regular atteudantt at churches on Monday wire more punctual than iinual The service* verywbere were Intonating and solemn. In many plar r men, women and children, old and )oun|, wept aa m they ne\er wept before ixfkovihiknt ik mw. fltward. S?' rotary Seward -howed thlf morning marked Mgn* of knproi ement. He ron?er*ed frerly. Thurlow Weed ?|h ni nearly an hour at lit* bed?l<le talking with him I At Mr. Heward'a rei|ii??t the aeirmnt# of the tragx aflalrl tn the morning paper* were read to him H *iib attkmpthi assassination havim? hih ltn.1 AIM it < ll V ' tl I'cI< , I Input QllMlil Kftrlie* *atii)3 tful Hit ll i roiaty ?na better than he had M n aluc Ihk B laJU frvin L? sail.age It *bk<uw? luai tbe l>ke?liLg of I [E NE hit wounds was bcneflclal to htm. The blood hod beruQ gathering about Lm I moc, and the day that he was stabbed R the physiciaas had commenced considering the question of B lancing hi* eheok to relieve him. Tk* ommmms per/ormedK Ml work far them *y tutting go.(Ao tn tack ckttk, and (A?n frttpmU mrt m kt wtu mm rmotr. p tub wounm or majoh wwikd, | There has boon considerable mlenadenitandiug m IoD what other members of tho family wore wounded Miyor Augustus toward, tho oldest son, la a pay mauler in tho army. Bo was out la several places, but not dangerously. This la the sob who has boon la some of tho despatches caMsd William H., Jr.. and Clarence. Clareuu* A Howard la a nephew of tho decretory, and was in Now York when (ho awfal tragedy took place. Frederick W. 80ward is tho second son, and the Assistant Secretary of State. Bo mot the assassin at the door, and was then tolled to the floor by Mows administered with a navy pistol, with such force asAo break tbe pistol and separate H tho chambers from tho barrel. Frederick disposed of, tho dastard went into the room and attacked the Secretary. The male attendants and soldier names were the only other persons tqfurod. CONDITION or nUCDKKICK SBWARD. Frederick Seward was this morning in a uritieal condition | but he was qalstly sleeping, laying like a child In r?|iose, unconscious of what was going on around him. His oontinaing In that state was one of the most hopeful symptoms of his case. Perfect quiet Is essential for his recovery; it is necessary In order to give hla system time to raHy. RCKNB or TUB MUHDCR. Scores of people were seen all day looking at the house whore the President breathed his last. Artists were there sketching It and tbe theatre opposite. The house is a plain three story brick building. The front entrance is reuohod by winding steps, fifteen or twenty in number, so characteristic of this locality, bnt u style almost unknown to New York. There Is nothing about the bulldiug to make it attractive. TUB ROOM IN WHICH THE PRKS1DKNT 1)1 KD. Tho room in which Mr. Lincoln was laid when taken into tho dwalliiur 111 In th? nai> rxt iKn ?.1 - H the en?l of the main ball, from which riseR a stairwny I The wallH were covered with a brownish paper, I figured with white. It ift quite small?not over ten feet B in width and fifteen fee', in length. Two or three en I graving!) and a photograph hung upon the walls I The ongravingH were copied of the "Village I Blacksmith" and Herring's "Stable and Barnyard B Sceneri." The photograph wan one taken from B an engraved copy of Rosa Bonheur's "Horse Q Fair." The only furniture in the room wua aB 'bureau covered with crochet, a table, eight or nine plain fl chairs, and the bed upon which Mr. Lincoln lay when B hiH Fpirit took Itx (light. The bedstead wax a low walnut, Hj with headboard from two to three feet high. The floor H wax carpeted with Brussels, considerably worn. Every- M thing on the bod wax stained with the blood ofB the Chief Magistrate of the naiiou. It wax in this kg quiet but humble plaoe that the Reparation of tho soul M and body took pluce. It wax hern that the spirit took Its departure and left the earthly casket stiir, cold and mo B tionlesx It was here that the honored and beloved K leader?the Moses who hax conducted uk through the wilderness of fratricidal war, like Moxen of old, after being permitted to view from alar the promised heritage of his people?perished ere they had entered upon its enjoyment. Till A PFKARl !*CK OP THK WII1TR HOUSE. The Interior of the White House to day presented a scene of overwhelming sadness. An air of desolation pervaded the whole building. The officers and domestics of the household moved about with noiseless tread, as if fearful to disturb the last sleep of the great good heart which was stilled forever, or to arouse the grief of the mourners who were sobbing over their irreparable bereavement. The body of the late Chief Magistrate of the nation was temporarily laid out in one of the upper rooms of the house, known as the guests' room, in the northwest corner of the building. No change has been made in the arrangement of the furniture. In the middle of tbe room wfre two undertaker's stools, covered with black velvet, upon which rested tbe cloth covered cooling board on which were placed all th*t remains here of him who, having conducted the nation through a period nf adversity unparalleled in the history of tbe world, was about (a win the glorious title of the great pacWloator. The body was drwwd in the suit of plain black worn by him on tbe occasion of his last Inaugura tlon. I'pon his pillow and over the breast of tbe corpsc w*re scattered white flowers and green leaves, offerings I of affection Tho features are nati.ral. A placid smile In upon the lips. The eye* and upper part of the cheeks I re still discolored by the effects of the cruel shot which I caused his death. The face, however, Is uatural, and the I broad brow and firm jaw remain as In the portraits of I the late President, so familiar to the people. It wa* I proposed to remove the discolorat ion from tho face by I chemical proccf, but the Secretary of War inxlsted I that that ??' a |>art of the history of theM event, and it should be allowed to remain I a* an evidence to the thousand? who would H view the body when it shall l>e laid in ^tate. of^he death I which tliin mart> r to his Ideas of Justice and right bad H suffered. Tbe body wan covered with a white cloth, and I over the icatures was thrown a flue cambric handker B chief. A guard of honor hin been present In this chain Ikt of death ever sin e tlio body was thus laid out. fti ( encrals Augur Hasklns and llowe, each attended by I subaltern oflkcers, litre been alternately the watchers l9 butdde the groat dead. Pr Tim t'ATAFALyrK, ll upon wnicn ine ixxiy or Mr. Muenln Ik to dc laid in State, is l>eilig erected lii the Kaet Il<>oin of the White House. B under the direction of John Alexander, Kwj , the ti|> H holsterer of the White House. It I* to be placed acron* the breadth of the room, oaM and wnt, oppoMile the door leading froin the reception room* The floor of the cati{falquf, upon which lite coffin will lie plan-d, ic alxt'il four feet above the level of tho floor. It will lie approached on either xlde hy one step. Above there in a canopy fluted Inside with white silk. The whole tahl/aqut otherwise will be covered with black alpaca, with a funeral pull of black velvet. The mirrors will be covered with black ?l|wa, w ith centre* of whito crape, and the cornice* also rovsred with black. THK rCNKRAL CAR ban boen 4e>-lgnod hy Mr X. M. Clark, Architect of the Treasury. It will bo a inai-mflcent affair, fourteen foct In I length. The bed of the cat will be eight feet from theH ground, dniped with Mack cloth and velvet festoonedI with white The whole will be nia*?ivo In appearance. I tub rCNKKAl<. It Ik understood that the fiineral of President Lincoln I will takepla>o 011 Wednesday nc*t. Rev I)r. Onrley, I of the New York avenue I'rosbyterian church, where the I IVsldsnt and hi* family haare been accuxUimed to wot-i hip, will doubtleHN be the officiating clergymen T'"'|| remain* will be temporarily deposited in tl?o vault of the Congressional com-tory, and hereafter taken to Mr. Mn ocln's home at Springfield, III. President John-<>n and Cabinet, at the meeting to day, entriitcd to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Harrington the general arrangement of the programme for the funeral of the lata Presides!. Major French, tho Commissioner of Public Buildings, will attend to the carrying out of so much of It a* directly appertain* to tho corpse, and M^)or tW^eral Augnr, In charge of the defence - of Washington, will be In charge of the military part of the procession. Assistant Secretary Harrington ha* been In oonaultttlon to night relative to the arrange menu'with Governor Ogle*hy, Senator Yatee and ex Represenlative Arnold, of Illinois, and General* Grant, Italic, k and Augur, and Colonel Nu holi and Admiral* Farragut and Sbubrlck. The fonernl ceremonle* of the late President will take plac? od Wednesday. The time for the remain* to leave the city, a* well as the route by which they will be taken to Bpungfleld, I* as yet undetermined. The proeesslon will form at sieve? o'clock, and the religious service* will commence at noon, at whkb hour, throughout the whole land, the various religious societies I have been requested to assemble In their respective place*I ,.f ...... tv- -?.?i.. _m .1 H P M DoUlIt will he mail* known u noon w perfwtM. I Tlw An.\ng 8?<-r?uc* of 8hu? ban i?fiie<l the following! il"lr??i ? M pFTJRTMKin o? *?T?r? J Q W*??!ii??ro?r, A|>nl 17, 1IW6 j Q T?i Tn? Fnti.1 o? n?? I>trio P 111* uBdi're unml ik riin-cUt) U *iiiii<uu?a llul U.utC W YO i NEW YORK, MONDJ! ! fnuerul cm-> monka of the lamented (h?el Ma? ulralc wMI ft lake pUce at lite Kxucutive Mum-Ion in thin city at twelve B jo'clock, noon, on Wednesday, ttie 19th luetiuil Ttio J Ivurous religious 4NMBMMUMM thioughoot tbe country re luvttud to meet in their restjecllve pluces of worship H at that hour for the purposo of soli iniuz tig the o^asion H with appropriate ceremonies. W W HUNTKit, Acting Secretnry of State I MRU. I.INOOLN HBMA1NH RHCM.HIIKIi. I As yet few visitor*, and only those who are known lonj sympathise deeply la the faintly affliction, have been ad-1 mitted to ttte mansion. In this hour of Vr affliction B lira. Lincoln has been attended only by Oeueral J B11 | Todd and her two ku, Robert arid little Tad, until to-1 (toy. Mrs Secretary Welles has been with her all day H Mm Lincoln has refused to receive any vis'ts of condolence, Mkd has consented to nee only Secretary 8tanton, of the Cabinet, who hud an Interview with her thle afternoon to aHccrtam her wishes in regard to tbe funeral ceremonies. H<t Bister, Mr*. Grimfley, who has been mm h with her, is expected to arrive here ou Tuesday next. Mrs. Uncoln has been much prostrated by this deep aud mournful tragedy, which, in the moment of his greatest triumph, has bereft her of him Whose gfeatness and goodness was hor great pride. Sho has, however, borne the blow with heroic flrmnstw, and while trying to comfort her son* for their great loss, has, vnder the ministrations of Dr. R. K Htono, the family physician, been enabled to bear the sad btow that has befallen her household. Yesterday Surgeon General Barnes, Dr. Stone, the late President's family physician; Drs. Crane, Curtis, Woodward, Toft and other eminent medical men, performed an autopsy on the body of the President. Tbe external ap|>earance of the face was that of a deep Mack stain about both eyes. Otherwise the face was very natural. The wound was on the left side of the head, behind, on a line with and three inches from the left tar. The course of the lull was obliquely forward, toward the right eye, crossing the brain obliquely a fow Inches behind the eye, where the ball lodged. In the track of the wound were found fragments of bono which had been driven forward by the ball. The ball was found itubedifed in the anterior lobe of the west hemisphere of the brain. The orbit plates of both eyos were tbe seat of comminuted fracture, and the orbit* of the eyes were filled H with cxtravasuted blood, D The seni lis injury to the orbit plates was duo to the H centre coup, tho result of the intense ahOOk of SO large R a projectile fired so closely to the head. H j The bull was evident ly a Derlnger, tumd cast, and I from which the neck had been clipped. ij A shaving of lead had been removed from the balling] ttopMMge through the bones of the skull an<l wawR fouml in the orifice of the wound. Tli?- flrxt fragment of H bOM wan (wad two unit a half llthN within the l.nun, M the secmid and a larger fragment about four lltll from I the orifice. The liall lay Htill further in ndvancc. The I wound won half an inrh in diameter. The coRln of the President measures in the clear six feet and nix inches in length, and eighteen inches In breadth at the hrcast. A strong military guard ban been plared around the residences of the several Cabinet oftlcers and around the Executive mansion. ADDITIONAL ACCOUNTS OF TIIE ASSASSINATION. Several account* have been given of the circumstance* attending the murder of President Lincoln. The following thrilling aud detailed accounts have been obtained from those who were immediately in Attendance upon him Just before, at the time of the murder and just after the fatal shot was fired. They may differ in some minor details from some of those hitherto given, bat in the main^agree with them, and the differences may bo accounted for by the various impressions received in a moment of so much Intense excitement. MAJOR KATHBtTN'a STATEMENT. The President's box at Ford's theatre ia a double one, or what ordinarily constitutes two boxes, in the second tier, at the left of the stage. WJ>en occupied by the Presidential party the separating partition Is removed, and the two are thus thrown Into one. This box is entered from a narrow, dark hallway, which In turn Is separated from the dress circle by a small door. The examination of the premises discloses the fact that me assassin had ruiiy and deliberately prepared and arranged them for bis diabolical purpose previous to the assembling of the audience. A piece of board one Inch thick, nil inches wide and about three feet to length served for a bar, one end being placed In an indentation excavated in the wall for the purpoeo about four feet from the floor, and the other against the nold Ing of the door panel a few inchea higher than the end in the wall, so that It would be impossible to Jar it out of place by knocking on the door on the outside. The demon having thus guarded against intrusion by any of I he audience, next proceeded to prepare a m?ans of observing the position of the i?rtl>>s Inside the l>oi. With a gimlet or small bit he bored a hole tn ?he door panel which he afterward* reamed out with hli knife so as to leave it little larger than a buckshot ou the Inside, while it was aulln n ntly larp- on tin outside in the dark entry (or him to place hjs agivnst with 1 H and n'v tli? p<isitii>n oci ipiol l>y the President Ml '""H friends. Both bntNNMN perforated m like man H ner. But there were *pr n?: lot. k- on ea< h <.f tie ?< door*, I and it was barely P"- -iblr that they might bo fastened. || To provide a>/afnst such an emergency the screws which H fasten the bolt hasps tn the wood had been partially Kfl withdrawn, and left so that while they would hold tin H hasps to the wood they would afl<<nl little or no resist ance to a firm pr s-tiro up< nthe door frwtu the out-id'\ W IIF.LIHKKATIt IRKHAl anONS FOK THK Mt'RI tlt i Having thus provided for a sure ai.d easy ttitranie ton the box, the next business was to insure a clew andH unobetrucb-d passage to the locality of the victim H ii/ > < ii un un.iUK<'U!rui ui mi" criairB anu m* >ji> hh an would place the other oerwimntf at considerable di*tanro from him he rocking or e??*y chair occupied by Mr. Lincoln waa found In the front corner of the ixi* furthest from the Mage. Another for Mr". Lincoln, a liulo nmri' t< mute from the front, while the other chair* and a aofa were all placed oa the tide nearept the stage leaving the centre of the Spaiioua box clear for the bloody op?T?li >?iv of the act or y These preparations weru neither conceived by a maddened, designed by a fool, nor executed by a drunkard. They boar moat un mlstukable evidence of genius, indir try and persev*r arise In the perfect areompliHhmerit of a deliberate murder. At a few nimiie* pant eight id the evening the President and Mr*. I .ilk <>ln railed at the realdenco of & nuto Harris, corner of Fifteenth and H rtreeta, where they took MIm Clara Harrln and Major Henry H. Hath bun, I'nlted Htaiea Army, Into their carriage, and proceeded to the theatre. Shortly afler they entered the fatal box the President eeated himself In the chair de signed for htm by the afnassln Mra. Lincoln took one near him, Mlra Harrm the one at the opposite corner, fronting the audience, and Major Rathhun seated h in aelf upon the aofa, a few feet behind Mis* Harrla. Ther? were no other pemon* In the box, and no one entered of left It until about the time of the aaaaeemaiion. Charlea forW, the peraonal attendant of the President, had been told by Mr* Lincoln to remain near the box, m he might be wanted The Preeldent tufmed weJl, though eomewhat wl. ??<1 "poke vary little. He aro?e orx oB during the performance, went to the door of lb* bo*, put on hlf orercoot and then returned to hi* chair Mid m?i I down. W The deed ?M perpetrated during tbe ml * < if of tlio third art of the piece, by wim nun who ror t havo approached utealthily and inwt thnngU iho dark pannage at tbo l>?ck of the 1h?m. Ma)<>r Rathbun wa* not aware of bis preaence till hoo f|?K tlia report of a plntol, and, lookingjround, n? tbe fiw<h, and dimly through tha emoke tha form of a tu?', |n th? i ' *. not more than an feet from the Preeideal (),? Vaior dprang toward* him he heard htm nhrle 4 gome word like "freedom. "' lie than pelied him. ' f|?? am-aaell ?b?K?k loone from the officer a graep, and r t thf Mtnc t,ni? mi*le a violent tbru*t at bin left breaM wWh lh# which he beld in bla band. Major Kalk hun cau(|bl lb(. (.low on hla loft arm naar the ehool' and at enco npreng for bun again, but only mica* drd jB Rr|knilD| ^ rloihlng, which ho partly tore fr^r rt M leaped from the b"i Up tbe ?tage The "V r (bfu rrled o?l ' Ktop that ma" nn<l,?uppoeing It lay oealble for him to e* ape thumgh t(><' i iowd boh'W, runlve ^ ba^h U) tbe I'raeideni and to the aid of Mr* Lincoln, ? for lbo fret Uiwe reollung wh?t iiail occurred ww ?briffcta? lor b?Hi 11>a ITv?m??bI1,01 KK H lY, AritLLi 17, changed his po*Uon, except that bis eyes were closed audi hla head slightly beat forward Major Rathbun k?" at afl glance I ha* ho wan mortally woi tided H? went to theB door of U?e box for the purpos (if procuring medical M<^>H and to his aHi< hi tun hi found the outer door a* the encig of tho dark halt from which the In,ten are entered ftrmly B barred on the inside with a pit e of wood wedged acrossB about four feet from the flour; so that those outside whofl wero knocking for admiss ou could not get in. TeuringQ away the fastening* and passing in one or two person* g who represented themselves ua surgeons, he requested# Captain Crawford to prevent all other persons from enter Bj tog the box, and begged the audience to disperse. B When the surgeons had concluded their examinations] it wan deckled to remove tho body from the theatre, and B accordingly the whole pnrty, including Major Kathlmn, B who had charge of Mrs. Lincoln, proceded to a ho scR opposite. It was now found that tbo Major wasB seriously wouaded, and becoming quite faint from loot of I blood. Ho was sent home by his surgeon. h Till RAPIDITY OF TBI AHHA8BIN'S MOVBkfCNTP. I The wholo time orrupied from the firing of the pistol H In the box to the leaping u|>on the stage was not overB thirty seconds. The President never spoke or unclosed E his eyes front this time until his doath. The clothing of H Major Ratl.hun and the dress of Mire Harris were he- H spattered with Mood from the wound of the Mujor. The B wound of tho President did not bleed at all. H MISR LATKA KKKNK.'H STATEMENT. C Prominent among those mentioned in connection with E the incidents of the l.'ite tragical death of our worthy President is the name of Miss Laura Keene, the actress. In order to place hor right ia the history the following fa< ts will suffice Miss Keene was behind tho ICC DM at the precise time of the shooting, waiting to come on the siago. She was near the place theatrically known as the turmmtor. She was on the northern stde of the theatre, while the President's box was on the southern side. Miss Keene's position was near tho prompter's desk; but as that official was absent calling some of the actors sho placed herself near the point whero she could more readily K enwr upon ner part, sue was ftt the time expecting to j see tbe ingress of Mr. Spear, whose part wa? at hand, and prepared herself to break his fall ax ho entered in a drunken scene; but instead of receiving Mr. S|>car Mr. Booth pushed bis way suddenly through the aide ae<rne, st rlking Miss Keeno on tho hand with his own, in which hn held the dapper. Sho for a second looked at him and saw it wus another person from the one she expected, and uit-tantuiicoiirly she heard tho cry that the President was shot. The cry was siKHituneoux among the audience, and ntanv of them f wore making for the a tape. Khe then knew something was occurring, as women were screaming, inen hallooing and children crying, as if a lire panic had taken place. Miss Keene went to the front ofUie stage, and. addressing the bewildered audience, Raid, "For (Jod's sake have presence of mind and keep your places, and all will he well." Notwithstanding this appeal the audience were boisterous, and while all seemed willing to delect the porpc E trator of tbe great crime, but one mado a moveC to this end. Scarcely had the perpetrator of the I crime Jumped from tho President's box to the|j stage, than he was followed by Mr. Stewart, oneg of tbe auditors. As Mr Booth crossed the stagel he met ant struck at the cariwntor with tlieH dagger be held, and instantaneously made his exit to the I rear of ths theatre, where his horse was in rcadiuev. ij and Ibencetnade his escape. Miss Keeue, after momentarily arresting tbe panic and couxteruation in the audi ence, beard the cry of Miss Harris, Haying "Miss Kcene, bring some water." Mian Keene, responding to the call, made her way, which was rather circuitous, through the drees circle to tbe President's box, and got there a few moments after the occurrence. There abc saw Mrs Lincoln, In the agony of a devoted wife, uttering the most piteous cries. Miss Keene attempted to pacify her. at the same time offering ths good ofHros in her power; but she was convinced from her observation that human bslp was in vain. Miss Keene remained with the President nntll be was taken fixtm tbe theatre. RTATKMBNT OF A CITY JUDO*. One of the judges of the courts In this city was In at tenuuirs m r ora s ineairc on too mgui 01 ia? irageay, nd oorupled a mm about ten feet back from the box which the Presidential party occupied. During the representation of the third act he mw a man loaning gainst the wall, a few step* back from the private box, whose manner attracted bin attention. His first itnpres ?i<>nn were that be waa drunk, but, eyeing him more closely, the strange person gave the Judge a pierainit look. Bw glaring eyes, pale fire and nervous action led the Judge to bWlevc that the man was crazy, and he nailed the attention of the gentleman sitting next to him to the strange at tion. Ju?t then there was a d'-monstra lion of applause In the theatre over somo srene on tin* stage, which attracted bis attention. A moment?and but a moment?he turned again to view the stranger, and he was Just passing through the door Into the Preaidents box. But a moment more the deed wa* done, I and tin- strange ponton disappeared on the staee. ? Ford's theatre was vlsitod today by Judge Oltn, in { company with Senator Harris and hig daughter, when a >j careful examination of the President's box was uiade ! major ratimrn's wound. \ Major Katlihun still suffers ho much from loss of bloc/jr that he was unable to make one of (lie party His srnr-l goon, Dr. Notion, however, reisirts him in toou v.ndition and progressing rapidly. He lias been ablo to fit up a portion of the day. The dagger entered ihu lefi arm, Jnat above the elbow, as It was thrown f.p to ward off the blow a'med st tho left breast. A* the forearm was elevated the point of tho knife wa> forced several inches in the dirertlon of the shoulder, tusking an tit'lyl wound. Ho is well cared for at tl.<j resident of Senator Harris. j. Fifty-one battle flags nre ;U tho ofllro of the cavalry! bureau. They aro tho ? '>',mr.xl by Sheridan * forces at E Klve Forks and Ap|*>niii> (ox Court House, an<l wero -<*ntl up in cliargo of Col'itud Hhi'rrnan and Colonel Price E Ther are to 1)0 prv.<>nt<d to the VVsr Department, hutl probably not t>'| sftor the funeral. Hli> ridsn was all Nottoway C??.irt House T cabinet mrmm. A Cabinet meeting wa.s held to day at the ro<n,i of Mr. M'ttnllocb, in th? Treasury Department. Tin* only biial nen? tran?acte<| wae (ho arrangement of the jiroKramme for tho funeral of Mr llncoln ft wa* deter nlned that the funeral ahould take place on Wedmitday next at twelve o'clock. Secretary HUnton w.u? charged with the arrangement of the details uf the prograta me, with th" undemanding that it Is to uniform cli'clly to that of tlx* funeral of flenorn) Taylor. It haa not yet l?>rn determined whet I* r to have the remain* dep'*it< d in a vault lu re, or carr i<-d Immediately to IlllnoiR. The wialu-s ?.f Mm l.lin ol?. In line respect bave been consulted and those *111 be made known after Ucr consultation wiUi li.timsv* friends of the family TflE BKrmT WW TIIK Ft>. AN'OICH. There le do neceasit'y for any feellr g of unea' Iticaa lu regard to the flD'tndal effort of the change In the administration. Yhcre In the bent i uthortty for saying that there will *ll(i no ,hnnge In the policy of the govern ment which -#||| unfavorably affeot the finances. Kverv thing will 'proceed ae before, an* v-'ith the tame sueoe** which thua far ehurty tensed Herretarv McCulloch'a able * i ml met rat ion of tlia financial affair* of tiie nation. arrival or rnnMtNKNT cirt/BMS. A large number of prominent politician*, member* of (longress and ex-member* have reached here from differ ent eection* of the eoanlry slnre the aaaaMKination of the I*rosldent. Atirong Ihe ntimlx-r are Preaton King, Senator* Morgan, Ilarrle, Anthony, Htewart and Nye, Mew* Phelp* and Webeter, member* of Congrea* from Maryland; ('otwale of I'a , and moat of the memlieraof the Committee on the Conduct of the War, fleneral Walbrtdge General RiUler, Thuriow Weed and numerous others of more or lees >mi>orUn''e, t'RF.RII'KVT JOllltWIN'B TOttTIO*. Mr Johnson appear* not only to fully realize the re apoMtbtllty of the |?*itk>n to which he has been so mid I donly and unexpectedly called. but to rise to the emer I (onr.y of tha o?< u*n Hit < ourw yrwUrday and to day ha* fratiflwl tha tw#t wtahr-a H?> determined to mnnlfMrt thai b? t" vqnal to th# projw>r (iiachargr of thi< duttaaof Chief Magtftrat# of Mi* Nation. Tlio rntiunitUMt na ih? I'oiMtui t of the War, of which rrMtldrnl Johruxm ?u formerly a nwmtwr. hart aft inter view with him tu day They worn aconmimniod by th?i Hon. John (Jorod^, II* ffirmrr chairman Th? IntUr apl? art U> bfl highly gratified witli tl>? rftult of tho later ERA! view. says that the President remarked mat "treaaon Is a crime that henceforth la to Lto punished, not pardened." MOflBT TOLI'NTKKRfl TO Ht'HKENDKR. It Is reported on good authority thut the freebooter Mosby has offered to surrender his command if the name terms ore accorded to him as to (ieneral Lee'B army H is not known whether this offer will bo a<ceptod or whether it will be considered that the interest* of nociety require the extermination of him and his infamous band of highwaymen. WAHiiiNciTo'y, April 15, 1S66 TUB AHHA8HINK AND TIIKIK ACCOMPLICES. Two theories are pursued ill regard to the escape of the assassins of Mr. Lincoln and the Fewarda. One is that they have really gone from the city; the other that they ar<* still concealed here. There Is now no doubt that more than two were connected with the tragic occurrence. Information hits been obtained showing that six or more were engaged in it. The authorities believe, from their investigations, that there were a number of aiders and abettors besides the principal actors. It Is now definitely ascertained that John Wilkes Booth is the murderer of President Lincoln. There are stories afloat showing that long ag^ he manifested a disposition to become on actor in somw such great tragedy. A vast amount of testimony haa been taken on the subject, showing that it was his intention to have committed the deed on the 4th of Mnrch last ; but this is irrelevant to the question of Immediate interest. On Friday last ho dined at Weleker's restaurant, the most fashionable one In tho city. After dinner he returned to the Nat onal Hotel. When he was leaving he was noticed by Mr. Merritt, the clerk, to be unusually pale and nervous. He asked for a sheet of paper and a^ envelope, and commenced to write a letter at the public counter. Observing that a number of people were at the counter, he requested to be allowed to write at the private desk, which request was acceded to. While writing he inquired if it was 1R04 or 1865, and was answered, "Don't you know the yoar you livo in?"| Upon finishing his letter ho deposied it la the mail I box and proceeded to Ins room. About seven o'clock lie came down to (be office, ami, upon handing his key to Mr Bunker, the clerk on duty, the latter remarked his unuHiial paleness and marble-like appearance, and ask> d if he was ill. He answered quickly, "No," and asked, ''Are you going to Ford's theatre to night?" Mr Budker replied "No." lie said, "You ought to go; thore it* to be seme splendid acting there tonight." The next heard of Booth was a litlle after 7 oclock, when he, in company with (Ivo others, entered the drinkling saloon of George Hurry, a<IJoining Ford's Theatre, 3and all ef them drank together Th" emphasis of their H manner In taking the drink attracted attention. After drinking they formally shook hands with each other, bidJding one another good bye. Upon leaving the Sbarroom two of tho party rode off on horse 3ha< k. After tho tragic occurrence at Ford w Theatre an officer commanding one of the fort ideations east of the city was hurrying to Iris Jeommand, and wan accompanied by an orderly Between B Lincoln Hospital and Camp Harry they came upon two linen riding clcsiarateVy. These two turned down a lane I in wliirh were four others, all mounted. The officer and his orderly gave chase, and weje ffred upon. The. orderly wits wounded, and the party pursued rode rapidly away and escaped with those who were evidently; waiting for thein. These facts, In connection with others whtf-h for tho present should not be published, lead to the belief that j the horscincn who crossed the Auacostia river on that fatod night wore accomplices and decoys, a/id that the real culprits ore either concealed In the city or have taken a different direction. Detectives are on tho hunt. Tho most Expert men in the profession, from Now York and other cities, are here for thia purpose. Colonel U C. Baker also arrived today, and is engaged In ferrettlng out th?i assassins. It ll believed they will be caught within tw><nty-four hours. VICE fKKSIDKNT JOHNSON TO F.AVB HKE.N AL80 ahsashinatkh. It Is very evident that the then Vl?* President Johnson was included In the murderous yrogramme of Friday night On Thursday a man of ger.teel appearance took a room at Kirkwood'it Hotel, where Mr. Johnson boards. For reai-ons beet known to the proprietor or the detective, the name registered has not been disclosed, ( uring the following day he was particular In his inquiries about the room of Mr. Johnson, his whereabouts and habit*. Since Friduy night the strango iodger ba* not been Men, and oo breaking open Ms room laat night there wre found concoalrd between the bed and mat traM a bo wie "knife and navy revolver, and a hank book of J Wllk<-s Bnot'i, showing a balance of over four hundred dollar* In bank During the afternoon of Friday, Bixith (alli-d i?? KirkwiMxl h, and ecnt to Mr. Johnson a card, us foil')*.-*? "Don't wt b u? disturb you. Aro vou at home?. J. WIMtR8 BOOTH " Winn ine a ansination of Mr Lincoln occurred Sena IMr J'.lui-on's room and woke him up, to apprize him of horrid tragedy. I'pon entering the room be look lit" l>'eeur,lton to cxtili ulsli tho light It may bo that lhi? <lr<:H'n-uii(v or the early retiring of Mr J' hn ?on, wived him from .? xasxiuatlon. ;1nir hlx iiimit; ir.itl 'ii Pre- ideal John-on ig attended from and to bin hotel by a mo inled guard. TUB AHSAtMINB IMKHJS. The h' r * Mtppo^fd to liavo l>een ridden by the man Who iujmIo tho * ~.iult on iho Sewardi wag n r<<.m well momwii In tho eity, of po? -uliar puein gu.t, and very fa-i M He hairing* to Thompson Naylor livery -table keeper, on R Hire* t. Thi- hor-<o Imd bo, u lot on Friday, to bo re turned at ei^ht o'cloek In the evening Not toiniiiK at the time ?t?:o<l tho h< -itler wn? on Iho look til for him noar \V llard> H know the horo by Iho jieeui nr found of hiv hoof* ii|h'ii tho pavement Ah a horseman eame down the avenue the boy fluted to a friend, There iho puny, now'" Observing ibat he dl<l not turn down Fourteenth street to tho atahle, he ran towards him to ?pie-dlnH* liiin. At that moment the horseman turned, from xoine ca i>o or oilier- |K-r Imps the rummolon on iho street- and, riding bark i?i tho corner, purged rapidly up Fourteenth dtroet and down F street. The hoy, now fearing lli >i tho man intended lo atoal tho horse, ran to the stable, and, mountln.' another fleet horse, Marled In pursuit. Knoflng that the man had given lib r shlcn e a- Port Toti,?< < o, Hd be went to?arJ llio Navy Yard bridge, aoroM Iho extern braneb Near the Capitol ho met an ohi man who Informed him that a man on a roan hort-e bad 1 tipt paaacd up tho hill He then punhnd on to the Navy J"ard bridge, where lie Inquired of the guard if a man on a roan hod Just oro-wd over and answ red ,n the afllrmallvo, and the man gave hlfl name Ui the guard a< Smith The boy then explained to the guard hi< fear that the hor-e wag stolon, and .i ked if lie eould pa < over Th? guartl said ho could, but rould not return nifiit Not MMWfWMi nui mrr nwm Him ?onw my Dothlug of the trnirio n run ?tn< h had just !*> n < n a< ted In the clly, ho returned U> the Ntahlo. Tin* fwrwin who hired the rimn hor?? had I' on keep lug i d two li'irvH it N i\ !<>r ? M.iHr- during the ln?t two Week*. 0n? of them, n Nlulllun, had Ixv-ti wild The <ith?r, h lir'iwn one eyed paror, whowi gult and n[w#<t wer" quite tothi-w "f tho r<>?ii, taken #??y, ami re|K>rted that hn had ftold him It now api>"ar? that llil bono wim the one takau on tho *tr?M l on Friday night by the jk.Uio, after hating fallen with hi* rider, win. ( raped. Naylor'a foreman Id'-nt.flon the Kiddle which wa* on the horv the uirin whl< h hiwl formerly bekingM to the one eyed brown hor H Iho identified hla photograph, now In the handu of th? authorities. When he kopt hla hows at Nay lora he garr hl? rune as At/ rard. ami hla rw ilrm c a* Port Tubacr o. Wliun ho hin d the roan borM on Friday he left I'uniphory'a hr wn m?r? at tlio atabl* with droetlona that ah# should bo fed, groomed and Had died hy ton o'clock prer.lnoly. Thin ww tho mare which, on the ?amc day, 1ii*d been hired of I'lunphrcy hy Kootb. At ton In tho overling a man, who f.ivn hlfl b.ime at Earlo, call d for the inar?\ The atablo boy Mk>d him wliat had became of the man with the roan? ''Oh.' ?aid he, "ho wtll b- b?< k dlri i lly, and when mounting to rtda away h? remarked, V n n III hoar i f groat nowa tioforr m rnlng " The boy thought nothing of that, a? we had bem hearing of great nawa avery <tay for *im? time, but, foiling uneaey alx?ut tha man he wati hod te rm whUh way the rider of tin maro went aud l?w Imn turn uc Ttath ftrert. toward lord tthoalrt V * / '?? <k ' ! *!? " * '-muM n PRICE FOUR CENTS. Neither Pamphwy's mare nor Uie roan nave yet been returned THI OVKHCOAT OK ONB OK THK AHHIKfliNH POO WD. The man who took the room wore a gray overooat. Bo < also did the man who assaulted the Sewarda. It It reported to night that such an overcoat has beep found by the detectives to-day in tlie vicinity of Fort Hunker Hill, covered with blood. It had in tho pocket* aome tobaeoo, a pair of riding gloves and a plcce of paper, on whieb wan written?"Mary El lanlnor, 410." This coat ka suppotted to have belonged to the asoarfsln of Mr. Seward. It Is alao reported that Sergeant Sheets, of Hancock's corps, who hut been amicuxl, ha* confessed that be II a member of the order of the Knlglita of the Golden Circle, and wai privy to this plot against the life of the President lie alto suites that he haH recogutred many member* of that order among rebel prisoners. KXClTfcME.NT OF TUB PEOPLE ON TBI AHHITAL 01 THK KKDEI. OKSKRAI. KAINB. Our people were greatly disturbed about four o'clock tills afternoon by the appearance on the streets of the rebel Major General Paine and stair, whe had been brought in from Virginia, under guard. It ia said General Paine was one of the paroled officers of General Lee's army, who had been permitted to visit Fairfax county for ten days, with the privilege of asking for ao extension of the period of his visit. The ten dajrt having uearly expired he had sent his papers to General Gamble asking for the extension. A party of oal cavalry came upon him yesterday, and finding him and the members of his stair without papers to show theli right to be there, brought tlietu in under guard. N? sooner did the crowd get a view of their gray uniform* than, becoming highly excited, it followed htm, tncreao. Ing in volume at every step till it numbered several hundred by the time It reached Colonel lngraham's office. As tlie prisoners passed In at the door a grand rush wax made, mingled vlth shouts and criei of ' Hang thorn." "Hang the rebels." Tlie tumult soon became so great aa to threaten serious consequences. Kx Senator Hale came out of the office and explained in a speech. Gen. Spinner also talked to the multitude, and begged the people to quietly disperse. He was followed by fkil. Taylor, Chief of Staff, and Gen. Augur, In a few wonfs intended to allav excitement. Meanwhile a I. wu" '>rouK^t l,l'ou 111 K1,'? street, while tho officers were |>aHsed out tin1 buck way, hurried into It and driven rapidly to tho Old Capitol prison for protection. Shortly after the crowd quietly disjoined, and the evening his passed 11 way without undue excitement. OF.NF.RAL ORANT IN WAH1I1NOTON. Ottnerul (iraut 1m still here. Ho ha*, by invitation, participated in all the Cabinet meetings held sincc bit) arrival. He lian not yet visited the White Hou?e. Hi* jfeelings will not allow him to go to that abodo of inourn Xin?, nor to look u|>oii the lifeless form of him whom he i/l'Tt on Friday in the finest humor, and rejoicing over tin ft prospect of a s|>eedy and harmonious restoration of the m Union, for which General Grunt was bo gallantly figbt9 AIUUVAL OP UKNF.KAI. BUTLEK. j Immediately upon the arrival of klrvJor General Bullet She called upon President Johnson. The nature of the S3business calling him ho suddenly to Washington Is no! ijd known ; hut It is believed that he is to lake an important part hi connection with the investigation of the recent 5 tragic, event*. CONTRADICTORY REPORTS AR TO TDK CAPTDRB Of Jl Til F. AMKASHINH. I The most contradictory report* have prevailed all day Hill regard to the apprehension of Booth and Uie man who Druude tho attack on Secretary Howard. It ia ooufldently Band knowingly asserted by many that Booth I has been taken and la on a gunboat in tb? river, variously dialed a* the Montauk, Mahopac, Hfcc. Inquiries at the I'rovost Marshal l office and at the H police headquarter* fail to confirm any of theee stale inents, and it la certain that up to the present time BeW Hlher of the principal! are known to be in custo4{~ A BREST OP SUUPECTED PABTTM. H Numerous arrests have been made and more are eonHktatilly being made of parti as suspected if complicity In the conspiracy. Most of the persons arrested th* dtaH charged after examination, they establishing their tnno* cence. Some of them are bel<l for further examination H&nd development* or aa witnewea. M The investigation haa already, It la btlleved, given th* authorities Uie cue to tha whole conspiracy, and proved that parties are implicated who are at prevent not suaHpected by the public. The whole matter la being fully Ut fled, and in due timo the plot will be revealed with Hall its ramifications, and the guilty part leu, whether prtnDcit>ala or accessories, brought to punishment. HTIIIKTY TUOt'HAND DOI.LARfl RBWAKD tflM ? "H B THE AHHAH8INH. Thirty thousand dollars reward la offered for Hthe detection and conviction of the rrlmiDnals, ten thousand by Oneral Augur, and Itw-nty thou*;and by the corporation of Washington. Tlin Bnio'i i Xpert detectives In the country are engaged in the investigation, und no (.nlii*, labor, t-kill or expose will Wbc spared lu its prosecution Sj'rht Cnnilltlon of Sr?-refury Mrwaril anil III* Hon. 4 \V?-mviiroN, April 10?Midnight II S'i material < !, inn" bin taken place in the rendition of bjSS'cretary Hewarl or hi* win Th'' former war able; to "it Hup for a abort time lln.-t ?flern-on, and bids fair to reHcover *|>eo<liiy from Mf WMBdl l1 Tho latter bad not yet rMOvewd hi* consciousness, but Bit i ttpefltod he will4*M! (he court** of a bfl LS* hours. It ib'pciida on hi* coieilt on when thin recovery uf < ?.,ih: iii-ii lakes place whether he will survive In# injuriw or not THE PRESS DESPATCHES. WAsiiiwrn*, April 14, 1MT TIIK ASS AMI NATION A roNMI'lHACV. , Th'1 Urira .Star hai tin- f-tUh.' ? lleveloptiw-nt luive Im-cji matin within Iho pa?t. twenty(nur hours showing ooncl'mlvely tho existence of a deep I.ild plot on the part of i g uig of conspirator*, including niemliers of the ?Vd? r of the Knlirlitsof tin- tloldcti I lr Ifil'V to murder Preaident Lincoln and hi* Cahinot. Wa have reason to belleva thiit Secretary Kward reorrtrad, >ov<ml m<'inU" nlnc?, an Intimation from Buropc that HomMhini of a very deaperata character vw u> tmriepire at Waahlngton, and tt I* more than protmMe that the m IliiriaUon had rt'forenoe to thi: plot of'on. Tlir CONHPIKArr. | The picket* encircling thin city on Friday ni?ht U prevent the oacapo of the |>artl< 5 who murdered Pratd lent IJnroln ari'l Mft'-m ih- vwnlulloii of Her rotary Seward and bla tutu*, were lire I upon at ceveral point* hy Concealed foon. AitcrIs of IIhj partiix < tiargrd with the offence will 1m> promptly mad* TIIK I'ltUIUIKT WAHNKIt or TIIK KMHTKNCK or TIIK CONiriHACT. It wae aerertain<'4 w?ek? v from pemonal friend* of the late President that he had r> 1 a.ved weverat private letter* wanilna htm that an attempt would probably he miulx ti|>oii hi* Ufa; hut to thla h<- did not ?i'fm to attach much If any Important It ha* ?lw,n? ! ?? thought that he wa* not mifllnenlly careful of In* m<Jl vldual *afety in III* la?t vtait u? Vlrglnl It la known that on frequent a>lon? be would ?t..rt from tbo K*ec<iti*a Man*|nn for hta muniwr country n rldeuoe at the Soldier*' Homo w ithout the ea\alry e*?-..rt whl<-U often hurried and overtook h m (wf^re i.e had proceeded far. It ha* aJway been uinl-r?t<H>d thai thin oacort wk< accepted by hitn only on tha iiu|??-r??jrr*ty ol hta friend- n? a matter of pr>- mtloii Tlte Preaident before retiring t" bed would, when im. porttnt military ev>nt? wet* pr-'iire^ing, ?i?H ilia Wa# Department, cenerally alotK. )>. '' ?< ore? the dark Intervening growl even at late h>'ir* on repeated orraal'.na, and af'er the warning letter* had baen received eeraral cloae and Intlmala Itlenda, aimed fo? any ?mrr. (rncy, were careful that he ?ho Hd not cnntlnua Ilia vhitf without th'ir company- |r"r htBMi'lf tba Prc*id<tj| teemed to have no fi ara. The ai?ive facia have h" ratofora been known to th? writer "f thi? tc cgram, hut for prudautlal reaaou ha Ua? not stated them uutiI now. THK LA?r HOLM O? TH? milfSIP*NT. [A* er<rytlili>K pwtalnltik t" the tot hour* of the Itu Pr*?l'!?nt niu?t I* InUrrMIni to Ul? public, th* foll< *n | III. of t?i?? I ml <Uy of tiiti life ti?r? lw*o otitaimi fr m WTrrtl MiurCM ? 11 *>n. iaputn Lincoln, kiv?kf?Ai<d with bin ? iCONTIKUXD OH EIOHTH PAORl