OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, April 20, 1866, Image 1

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WHOLE NO. 10,825.
Arr.lval of the Persia with i
Three Days Later News.
War and Peace Still In tlie
Napoleon Reveals Himself in a Grand
French Pamphlet*
An Alliance Between France and Prussia
They Can Humble Austria, be "Invincible"
in Congress or Conference,
Defy Hostility, and Rectify
the French Frontier.
Tho French Troops to Leave Nexieo, but
France to Hold the Chief Ports.
A Fenian Soldier Sentenced to
be Shot.
Ac. Ac. Ac.
TVe Curard steamship Persia, from Quecnstown on
Um 8th of April, roacbod this port at half-put tea o'clock
iMt night.
Ber news is three days later.
Mr. Cyrus W. Field has arrirod In the Persia
It is expected that the government majority on tho
Bnghsh Reform bill will cxcoed twenty.
Rumors of ministerial changes wcro current at Paris
April T.
The weekly returns of the cattlo disease continued to
how a satisfactory diminution in tho number of animals
Hacked in England.
An official despatch from the East states that all the
Buropean prisoners (concerning whose fate so much intercut
has been excited), were to bo dullverod lo Mr.
Xauam. the Envoy from Europe, and taken out of
Tho Conference on the Donuhian Principalities held
other sitting in Paris.
Official advices :rora Rcvr >ut states that the disturbances
in tho Lebanon have been entirely quelled. The
Turkish troops will evacuate tho mountains, and w III
twmporari'y occupy tho road Icadtug from Tripoli to
Intelligence from Constan'iuople announces that the
imperiu. firman, dated llirch 10, sanetiouiug the Suet
Canal Couvuution, liai boon de .pato..ed to the V.csroy of
A select committeo had been spjsiinted by the English
House of Commous to lu'i'iira tuto ih unsatls'actory
Mate of the telegraphic communication with India, with
view to its improvement.
Advices fniui China, datod at Hong Kong, March IS,
gepuit:?Tho tea aoaeon la over The total export 'o
Ante U 114,000,000 pounds. Exchange on London, 4a.
M. Shanghai, March Tea quiet Silk inactive; export
to date, S1,02S biUca Exchange on London, O.t.
The latest reports from India aro Bombay April 4 ?
Cotton q net Exchange 21S- Calcutta April 3?Exchange
23; freight* 4o
The steamship Hibernian reached Liverpool on the
?venlng of the Sth of April.
The New York arrived at Southampton on the Sth of J
The Ericsson arrived at Bremen on the 1st of
The steamship Queen arrived at Quecnstown on the
evening of the Olh of April. ^ i
The steamship Africa from New York arrived out
April 8. ,
The relations of Austria and Prussia have undergone
no change. Tho attitude of Prussia Is still represent d
as uncompromising and warlike.
The Emperor of Rnss.a Is stated to have taken the Im
portai, t step of tender ng h 1 mediation. He addre soil
suitograph letters to thu two sovereigns, which were do
Ilvered at Berlin aud V.cnna by a special envoy, General
The Latest Orspntrhrs.
Vir.jrvn, Apr.I 5, 1W1.
It Is stated that Prissia, in reply to the Austrian nofe
of the 31st ulk, disputes the appl < ability of Article XI
f the ConfederuWon to ext-Lng circurnstan as, and
vsd s the question whether she Intends anyai lati ,n
of the jwace by referring to the warlike preparations of
the Austrian government.
All the Middle Stat*- if Southern Germany have cornmunii
i ' d to the Austrian government their thorough
etl*r* lion it the note recently presented to Count J numeric
by Count Karolvy.
The /Ves.r of to day publishes a telegram from Od'r
Merlin not to pfoc "I with the mob ligation of the array.
The luhittr of t'Klny gay*-?Wc |??rn thai In roe
lh" Prurslrn r< ply to Karolyl'a note should not he
, such aa wculd nmovo die apprehension* of war. tl>?
Middle Stain will bi n:; forward In the Federal (Ilea a
Joint proposal fur pluuing the federal contingent upoa a
war footing.
R*ru*. April 6. 1*M
The k'rrui fritting and (he semiofficial ,VW./>*? -adl*
jlBfm'in* Zv'ung of today. In referring to the nolo
proa tinted by Co int Karolyl U. Count Hlsmark, atate that,
Ww? rorttinunk allng llna note to tha Prussian govorti
aaal. Austria life' notified to tfc.' Middle Stales tnut, in
waaa tbr I'riaula* ply should pr ive unfavorable the lm
portal gitertautaa> would propose that. In acmrdanrq
with artirle tMi? %t tha federal onstituilon, the memben
of t'.e Con fed. ration sbo-ikl Jointly declare tha
year* of <aa.'mafty Iv jtave been dun-irt>ed by the menaces
<of Pru si* In ordor It? add we at to this declaration
Auaina wnoig prvrweo tfje hk hfW*.. .n of the Seventh,
?JAig|)th. Nintl and Tantfc Federal arpiv corpa
I iecocding to the alamo Jouruehat'iia proposition did
M Beet with Bo approval of the Mas He Slate*.
Teeter day afternoon and to day <b King conferred
with Count Riatnark at the Foreign <*"!'? Tha inter
plow yesterday I a Wed one hogr
I wet Digit the Crswn I'rin- e of Pnaal^ waa present at
a aolree given by Lord Luftua, the itritkd. Amtauotador
at Able Court
Datura*, Apr.'1?. I?Afl
A U *>r.nn rec.* rad here from Weimar , state* i hat
Count von llnuark haa replied In very brief tea ">? to the
?ote of Count Karolyl. He declare* that the it itrnil-.no
ascribed to Prussia, and proleeM-d a#at nut by . Austria,
aroee ri m clrc iui?unre# brought about by llwi % *arl k. |
preparations inflated by Auaina herself. The Prv i
Cm meet haa taken note of the aaeuranco that An *,ri1 |
not intend to attack Prussia. and Count Mam "f,t I
does not herltate to declare tbel Pruaaia haa no lab ?tton
of atlacklug Austria I
Kakisri **. April A, l?dd |
The official Afa-'fuA/v Feilu^r publish** a letter fr<it* ]
Vienna In which It la aaacrted that, beaidea the dewpaich 1
to the minor Carman Statwa, Prtiaaia haa alao addr**a*d
a circular note to the nun Uerman Power*. In thla n-.te ,
Pruaaia aipreeeed her apprehenalona that ahe would
hardly he able to avoid the appearance of an aggraaalra "
policy If, to prevent the now threatening attack of Ana
Aria, ahe should be compelled to ommence bootlllttoe.
Htutt-ao, April d, IMS. a
Tie Imnreealon prevails here that the peaee between A
MM MHO Great Power* will not he disturbed o
, Piiasi>SH, April H.iadd I
The oflcial Dresden Journal of today rondrme the mU
aalemant Jfcat Anatrla has despatched a circular sola to ml
the Oermaak Middle Htaiaa that aha will, under oertala em
gWOPmffiaaiiaM appeal to Uta Padaral Diat to setlla Uie Mil
Nhiarwig MoMk's question Anetrta, eontlaoaa the aa
Druwden touroaT b.s*. however not yet carried that da- pal
<?Mi into iMtt The circular a<*$ wbWh bean ml
he date of the lflth tilt., tg in no way connected with
he nolo addressed 'jy Austria to Prussia on the 31st
lit Both document have met with the approval of an
iverwhelwing majo/lty of the German governments.
Vienna, April 0, 1800.
To-day's journrjg tre filled with various, and In many
u>ses contradictory rumors respecting the relations between
Austria and Prussia. The Drbati says:?Wo learn
that the Prussian reply to the Austrian note of the 31st
>f March is in terms as decided as those used by oar govornment
in reference to the suepicion of an Intention to
set upon the aggressive. Toe warlike preparations of
Austria have therefore been impended.
Napoleon Unwilled.
[Paris (April 4) correspondence of the London Times]
One of those pamphlets which are usually thrown out
on the eve ol some great event as feelers to text the
s'ate of publio opinion has Just appeared. It is headed
NapAton III. d In Prut*-, and is anonymous. Whether
?..? 1-iiK-r uaa in*' u urn uisp. I a. 1..11 nuui a rimmu ui a
Prussian source it is dilllciilt to say ; hut from the ardor
with which he a.iviK-ato? the alliance of Prussia with
France in preference to any other It M protiahle that ho
la not an unfaithful exponent of M. Bsmark's policy,
howover correctly or olberwiso he may Interpret that or
the sovereign wlioee name he places at the head of his
production. After a marked allusion to the courteous
reception given to the Prussian Minister lost autumn at
St. Cloud ho hasten* to prove thattho alliance of Fruiico
and Prussia is not merely possible, Out tha' it intiitp'ntable;
that their relations with tho other govern
menu of Europe are of llttlo advantage to
either of them, at they ham nothing to A<pt from
their friendship, and may defy their hostility. The
part that Prussia is called upon to Lako in Europe is of
a twofold character. She lias to consolidate her supr-rnacy
in Germany, to the detriment of .1 wirw, and, having
regard to the extent of her sea coast, she has to take
lior place araonh the marttimo Powers of the Urst order. .
The pott of Klol Is imlispensuliie to her In the |utter ,
case; and territorial aggrandizement is urgent in the ,
forum. M Blsmark, "with that lofty cone ption which (
has mado him the foremost statesman of the age?in |
fact, tho Klchelieu of Prussia"?saw ail this at a
glance. To attain his object he revived, "with admirable
ability," the Schlenoig-Hil$'ein qu iti"ti, and, having
neulraJiteil the great Unorrt of Kurojtr, undcrlook, in concert
with Austria, the war which covered with laurels
the Prusslau troops at Duppel. signed tlie treaty of (.astern,
which gave him the port of Kiel, and threw the i
population of the duchies into his arms. Throughout
this contest Austria played but a sec >odary part; ami even
the material advantages she Imped pi reap from It are
escaping her. The annexation of the duchies to Prussia
is imminent; It is imperiously commanded by the
force of circumsUnces, no matter under what form or J
name?direct annexation, or personal union, a happy
expression, by the way, invent d by the Ingenious statesman
to satisfy the ephemeral suscepltb lilies of a genera
tinn morbidly desirous of self government ami Ind.-penitence.
Pubis- opinion calls for the territorial sggraud zc I
ment which is to make in the history of Prussia a fresh |
starting point for her real graudeur. It cannot be ieftun- <
effected without peril to her internal lratii|iilllity. There is I
danger in respect of Austria; for were Prussia battled in 1
tier scheme of annexation, Austria, note thooughiy
ham'l'd, would again Ift her hrait, regum hor influence
in Germuny, and maku her adversary (sty dearly for
her momentary superiority. There is danger, too, in respect
of tho smaller States of the Germanic Confederation,
which would agalu put forth pretensions to political
independence, and refuse to follow in the wake of
M. Itlsuiark. I) it by whose aid can all llnB be accomplished?
Assuredly not with that of his own govern
ment and Me owu people only; lor. enterprising a* He w,
bo ix not no rash ax to stake the future of his c >untry on
a single cost. He muJ i ek out a v<li l, faithful, durahU
alliance, which will rnabl- Ann t> cany . ut kit oh) o't
without drawing the tword, by the tola prertige of an ail awe,
formidable >? eaten/ wir, innnci'le in C vgreu or
in conference: and the only I\iwcr to roAi A I'rut in can
hold out her hand i< F arte*.
An alliance of Prussia with Austria la simply impossible.
The dlllerenco of races, and thx diversities of religion,
place an liiipasr-able gulf between them. Tim
weakn sn of Auatrla wa* abundantly proved in the Italian
war; and it is proved every day. when she requires the
Germanic Confederation to declare that an attack en
her territory shall be considered as an attack on
llwi Confederation Itself, and as a danger to it.
No elllcacioiiH co operation can lie honed lor from a
Power that is scarce able to keep tho Italian people in
check, to respire.calm to Hungary, II. hernia and Uallicia.
For these and many other reason! Prussia would gain
nothing by an Austrian slliunc, and has nothing whatever
to fear from her enmity. Of Italy it is uune essary
to speak. Italy Is still occupied with her Internal
orvanl/.ation; and, emlwrrassed as sho Is at home, the
can be v iuui.'y useful >0 nob ?fy.
With regard to Russia and England, It is manifest that
neither ol them would consent Pi the aggrandizement of
Prussia as a maritime Power. England Is loo Jealous of
her Mippmiocy at sea to prmil the growth of a final,
least of all lj contribute towards it; Kus-la would no
longer 1st mlxtr-se of the Kaitie, and. In case of a rupture,
(lie Prussian lloet could, the lirsl day hmtilltiea
commsnced, renonsly menace Cronstsdt and Hi Peters
Hut even though Russia might. In rertnin circumstances,
Ire a powerful or a formidable friend, Eugland
W MMMUyM A?r I titluenr, 'i rot Join /lull, I y hit
mitt cable abandoi UP nt "f 1/nut.nk during the ? ar nth
J'l-uttta, hat t en un rd ha fir t -mi-nit to nn Fur pr.ua
protectorate. He has lost the taste for hazardous enter
prises, his sword no longer quits Its scabbard; and
it's will no longer turns the scale on lis ride.
When his material interests are at stake he may
shake ofT his tnr|<or or a moment, and prepare to faht,
l.ut l> light will diplomatic notes ami cirtula I Then
Frniani m in le-liml awl mutinies in In til a.e phant mi
pe-? dually reentering to para ye hi/ form, juit at I'o.
ssl, run when Hiring utuler her mroud, shake the
Muscovite colossus Unit has one frxit In Europe and toe
other in Asia Prussia has only to eihihll tno.-e two
vareennm, and th.l of Hungary before Austria, Pi counterbalance
the ho-I hty of the three Powers, s.n'e she can
draw no advantage from their alliam ?. The Austrian
alliance, the English alliance, the Kux-ian alliganre,
mav be disponed of in one word?impossible or Useless.
France, then, Is the only Power who-i alliance Pre- ia |
should seek. It Is not thai Fran e ha.- any views on the .
Rhine on the prinelple of na urai frontiers. I inter I,
France should put an end, once lor all, to tho unjust pr
ludioes which Germany has conceitrerl aga n-t her, and
Ilie bigtwar of the "left bank" al ways held up as an ob?U<
lu between Germany and her should vaiu-h forever .
At what price, tli u, could Prussia obtain Ibis alii
Mice? And what would she offer to the Cabinet of
Hie Tullerten to remove all scruple? Though 1 nine
has no need of tho Rhine for her greatness, there Is,
in the direction of Sarrelouis, a ce tain "rcrti Scale-n '/
frontier" which would lie very useful P> her and would 1
-careely I* felt by Prussia That Concos-lon, the limits
>f nhs h might be easily determined by geographers sod
llplomalbwa, would remove every obetar le. Fur Fram e
l would b a serious benefit; for the red d territory a
toulaiux the i oal mines of -arreliruek Political advantage
it would have none what vor The Prussian v
(overnment could make the concession without dori- u
rating from it* dignity, without ucuiTlng blame from
he Chamber of Repri'M-ntatli ee, who on thi* point, and t
x rliajn for tha Aral time, ??uM vrre with It y/y u *
fVu 'ii ir>itttd rarn 'St aUtnnrr of F anrt, a ! u-,ul*l ha- t
%n tntmv I ft tr. K"> f r/' rmuUthIr St mtyht'It Auttrin n
nm.d't parolp td, Uu rt?l one* ot, Hny ami ifi#/i?i? Ml I,
Mt all three, roniwioaa of their Krakiiiw In preornM of
lie formidable h-naue of two bomogcoeou* I - "1 I rf i
aould not driain of di'turbing the |?*e? of Porn;"
fha futuro of political Kurope la in two wegdi I'naaal* t
tad fruoi o
Ad alliance between Franc* and Rn-i a ? out of tho a
lueatbn. It would at on< e provoke a K .r (wan war Tho n
ild aniatc'inam of France and Annlrla, Uia liumMinx of
bo hou-e of Hnpeburg, oontowiplated hj Umry IV and
#jr nearly all the King* of France. make* it on- >
>*< oaaary for thn author to enter Into di-talla to n
bow the Imp-aalhiltiy of an alliance hntwnen a
hene two PtalM. All the attempta made to |i
Iraw Ihntit loaer to earh other. whether
lie part of M de Kaunitt, the Kmporor Joaoph II ,
anna XVI., or Nap?l?on I., wnre in ra n Thn French
t- rernnintit, which Sat torr tltfnvltti tS route mf umti-m.
Mlm, and ha* tmurml out the blood of iu aoldiera in '
ivory part of thn world to maintain the rhl'. alroo* Ira "
iKkMM of lie poller, could heeer eooelude a treaty n
iltb a r >wer that dentee and repodialea thn liare Idea ?
if nat tonal :1 lee, for her greatert danker corona front *
mr otiprenaion of ITungary and tlohemia, Call la
od Cr'wna, Traneylvanla and Venice. Thn war in "
Italy proved that France had nothing to fnar from jj
tuetrla aa a foe <ro thn field of battle a? *be had nothing JJ
<> hope from her aa a friend In congm*e. The two gov '
vninenu may, indeed, nt< hange oourteeme and d c.ra. ''
loan; It may he the policy of an tndiv dual ml mat r to
I ream of rich an alliance but It may hapten that, "
,mid all H e-n i,,urtnam# and commercial treatmn. a few JJ
errlble wordi may be heard, audi aa thoee which fell "
roan Kapoiven III on the lat of January, I*M
What tin antler eaya of the Anglo-Trench alliance I
;lve in hla own word* ?The Anglo French alliance ha*
nore adherent*, and a certain party in France aeelt to
ry up the re onedta lew, for they do not venture to call
I fnawdalilp, of two people* who for ag-a have leartiel
hate each other and to meet only on field* of haltie g;
0 root m l from French heart* the memory of
he hum hating diminution of the Eitghih in ?
i>e Vol lie Ag-a, to obhterale that mveteraie
MC<W, .Acre it h hnttn tht 're. teifi tu nri/ktr afhnify
f roc- rape reman, any of taste* The < liannel dlvldee
h'-fii, an f poHilcal ufreeU cannot aerloualy unite them
t hai III* ore dealro* the ether aleo de-lrea, and If France
><te glance on Antwerp, Tangiera, Frjpt Malta, and
Ibraitar the key of the Mediterranean, F.ngland hea
?g '-he, i.ed the eame project, and Steout her ahlp* to
rfend what i'b# 'alia her right After iht* review of .
le three greaf i'ower*. whoee allien e would be ae nee 41
ee a* it le dietaaMTal In Franca, what remain*? What J"
verament can bold eel a friendly hand to tha Cabinet Jj
, he Tnllerlee, and on tht* pledge of amity build up a ^
! at 1 profitable antpn ' .Pkaf gwraaai u/Vow to *'
Intereet of Prima in th'e alliance i* aeifeildeat. *'
] ih at of France la not lew* *0 The Congrnae of
nna. hF Increwetng, in ltld, the pnaaeaatont ofFruahla
the Rt. *** Intended to make a*/ future alliance be ki
?? ihah* two Tnwen Impoeefble I?ul that de?d, deaw
Tlnlift '** Froetre, le new but h i.veru hwkorlcai ru
tecum V,1" Interrlewu between lh<* aoverelgwa, a nmarcul
?mnaaKy of view# and aa ahla ~
later have L V ?he ham efaa eaimwandiag wbtch 44
iv and ehoold a lamng frvewdehip Tie rywi
iby of tha two p.\T?e* waa iwraoUy eheura aa Mm arn 1
1 *f tna intary KNx)4 * ?? fuaaamntaa raul^aat* a*
O Purls. Thoy were received with enthusiasm ? th
fore Lute of the harmony which may be expected o
tx>th eldoe. The Emperor Napoleon III. said tblrtee
jeare ago that "the umpire wan peaco." The Freuc
are a military people, but they are not a quaire
some people. Their ardent patriotism hu been aatu
Bed In two glorious wars, when the sword wu drawn b
Lhetr sovereign in behalf of nationalities, and in defeno
of the oppressed, and not for aggrandisement. Coram
after a government which, by Its timid policy, Incurre
the reproach of wishing for peace at any price, th
Emperor Napoleon III. has restored to France the fa'
prestlK? of her name. He. has stilt a great mart
mutton 0i fulfil in Italy and the Bast. It is by peace
tod peace only, that this noblo task can b
seeompltshed; and peace would only be secured by si
illiance with Prussia. Franco la one and hoinogoncoug
<lto has no Ireland to depopulate; no Huunary to kee|
lown; uo Poland to blot out of the map of Europe. Bh
an devote the whole of lier e(Torts to the noble works o
^eace; audi ho only enemy she may have to comba
(me In-on braved and vanquished by her sovereign by th
jodslde of cholera patients and In the hospitals
The following Is the concluding passage of this pnui
jblet?A certain press, purporting P? oo the organ o
t fraction of public opinion, has morn than once claimed
n the name o( patriotism and of national security
ho natural frontiers of franco. The Emperor, ou
>f Ills solicitude for the public weal and for th
[randnur and glory or tho French natuo, listened t
hose bold and somotlmes ill tinted volcoa, and sough
.0 regulate his policy, according to a legitimate standard
with the prudcucc und sagacity which are the distinctly
ilgns of his government. By the annexation of Savoj
tnd Sice he bad satisfied these aspirations. Hut if h
ius been obliged to win theso provinces in the field, h
nav hy piuitlc means rectify his frontier towards lis
Ulntie. What Prussia might cede to secure the frieud
ihip of France has boon already shown. The Em|>em
nay then, thanks to the strength he lias imparted to th
froncli people nnd lo its government, obiain this pocilt
onquesL I'maia op.su her arms to him, anil to cone'wi
in nllian r uiilh her SapoUon III. need n f embroil hun-el
wi'h any one.
The fMlInc In England.
[From tho Ixyndon Times, Apill 7 ]
Nothing new transpired yesterday wltli regard to th
jroepects of war in (ferniany, but there sauius to h>>
itroiig hope on tlw part of the leading Powers conrtectc
sT.li that coumry that Prussia will find It expedient t
uuse, owing lo tho reprneeulalious made to her by th
oadlng European Powers.
The werjr I.ntrst.
I.ivgaroon, April 8,
The Prussian reply to the Austrian note cr ated avor
infavorahle impression at Vienna
I Fenian PnMler Sentenced to be ShotFresh
Arrests In Ireland, More Deserter
ami \ew Armaments?An Irish Threa
to Shoot the I'rinrr or Wnles, Ar.
Bergeant Darragh, of the English army, tried hy coul
nartial for Fenisnisni and planning a inutiny In t.'or
garrison, hail been found gu Hy snd sentauced hy lb
ourt to be shot. Her Majesty had, however, commute
.tie sentence to penal servitude for lifo.
[Dublin (Apr I i) ,rr spondence of Loudon Tim"* ]
The BOHM JMlRdir morning arrested a Dcui |im
folm Harrison, and lodged him In Kllmainham Ja
lthout troubling the magistrates. Vhey had Rood let
urn lor dolug eo, for although he railed hlimw
i co in po? I lor, he wan prepared lo diatlngul -h h m
ulf In a dUTcrcDl held of labor. Al h la lod|
n_s, In No. 3 Harmony row they found con
ruled behind the window abutter, In the spac
or the pulley liuea and weight-', three (even rhamlie
evolvcrs, new and of the brat make, a tword and thre
j 11 lot mould*, with a q mutiny of curt rid pan end hulleli
rhev found al*o in pohae/'iou of the prisoner the "Lif
>f Robert Emmet!," tho "Baitle of Au hr in," end
lumber of rediilouH eon/a, which plainly Indicated ih
i*o he Intend d lo make of the aim and aniniuu IP-n
4* In all similar cue-a the arret w.n made ill < ?* ?
po nce ol private informal iuu conveyed to the d let
Mr. J. Nlat'orr, owner of the publtchouae nonr Dubll
"aslle, In which a nu.nhi-rof pcrsous were lal ly hi
r.tad on a charge of Eon.anio.i, ha- be?n p rinllled t
to out on ha I. i he Lord Lieutenant ha* also aulhorilo
.he release of Mr. (J race, a prisoner from Thom mtowii
ounty Kilkenny. Hm father appl.cdto Mr. M llotin
lee'ertav, Iom? whether Mr Ilort, tl.e resident magi,
.rate of Kdkenny, itiUht lake the S'c jrilius there, h i
10 was Mid thai Die ball BMMt attetiu at the no.nip.
;>r eon.
Two more peraotie - Michael Byrne and a prtvate of tli
renth Hu eara?were brought up ye t.rilay hy the dr
lectlve* ?? deserters The latter was gtveu over to Ih
stile. n of h.u regiment, and inuulilare to he ma 1
bout the former, whose leg m.-nl I* In kngiand.
William Hurrowe, a tut collector, No. 4 lei nog plan
was charged at the head otlh e yeet.ud.iy with hiving
sword anil bayonet without license. He raid hi lulen le
to have them registered He was discharge! on La
but the arms were detained.
John liaruea, taken up for using aednlov ? lau.?ag? In
mngiuk saloon, having excused himself on the pi i
iruokonneds, waa liberated yeatorday on ftn own ro- >,
Mr O'Hrennan, of I'aitlobar, pro r<c'.or of the Con
naught Pal u<(, who waa ie-arrc*i I . abort time age
lias been released on his own rerngu it r< s In ClUO
The Limerick H ;?? Ur stales ti.it i*n more nation.'i
wlioolmaster*?Mnriay and O'Leary -h ive been arr. -Pit
(.'room. In that county, on a ? hur;y of Kenian.-m
Willi n P'r on named Thornhlll, aeld to bo a ralali.e ?
;ho (loalnuiitar.
Ilio Kilkenny police mii(l<i all important din <i? erv o
ITIU1 .Hill miliu m II I! l.ear lilt! cdy of W .ifi- f r I n
iiihlic liou.-f, on Til"i-d.ty. Jn one of the rn m ll.r
found ? te ntitlful revolver (American pattern) an I
I mw On arching :n the gar : -n they dug up 1.1 m
wan etc el, tilled Willi rille bullet*. l ad iirlnl.fli an
i great quantity i f |i- wdcr Hie owner of In- Imti
<ai arro-ord and fnrtlicr arrct'a In tliat quarter an- >
* i d. K.lkenny rounty r ache* to the c ty o! W an
A man nameil 0 ilnn. *a'd to have lieen artln !v ore
duped in pr unotlng Ilia Fenian i'iu ? In *? ti.i
>" n orreeled lu Sllgo on a wairaut from the laird l.i i
?n int.
A cooper, named Morgan, baa been arret d in < rk >
i eifpoeted K man
The grand Jury of the city of Cork l.ave etj r? < d thi i
rariu approval ot the coodui I of the gv. ernru nt u pol
ing down the Feuian con-plrary
rhe Krcnch Aruty to brave the Innii
try? Vrra f iux ami tin Principal I'm I
t<? lir III lit for War Ktpeiiaea
hi /' in e. of Pari* eay? that the Kmp ror lino . iv<
.11 audience to Huron Ha Hard.
Tlir tarn Journal announce that fteneral A ui .nl
rill ahortly replace flenor Hidalgo aa Mem an Muiiiic
n I'aria.
The I'aria VmUwof April 7 eonflrma the wtalemen
hat Karon Maidard a iniaa on lo Meico am tw> wftll
nd that arrangement* for tl?? return "f the grain l
rie.jia in three dlvLdona?lit* Brat in Norember, lh
i-it In Var h and the laal In November, ItOT?liav.
ieen made.
It la hoped that thla announcement will nifv/y (A
A'uhingtm g rruua-nl
Tlie I'aria nrnajmrident of the Lon ton 'tfaemer nay
hat France intend- oc npymg Vera t'rul, Tamptru an<
Mar principal port* ei a guarant e fbf MM ttpMai
f the eij.edition and eecurlly f..r I c m h cumin rc ;?
auras la
I'aaia, April 4, I'M.
Negotiations ura being carried on between Fram - an<
Iesleo for anti -titutiug for the proe-nt financial arrange
iaau .if the Treaty ot Mlranur a froali treaty, w:,iet
had aftord guarantee* for the debt owing to France, an
ur the French lntareaU involved in the Mexican ewnji
The Atlantic Trlrgrtph.
Prevlotia t<i hi* dcteirt ire from Kng'aad. Mr Oyrna *
Vld irave > grand bentpict to a dieting ' *'n>d company
ichidlng Mr Ad in art, tlie American Mlnlater, wintry
vmlrt-n of the leading elei trie Ian* *0-1
them engaged in the groat work of the Alanine tele
.dpeechea of a fraternal nature were made, and lher>
a* a eery friendly Interchange of aentlm ma between
ie Kngllab and Amerlean gue?ta anaernnled Of cnurm
It# Atlantic telegraph waa the mti|e< t ./ comment
rent confidence waa evinced end warm hopea ?Aprea?r.1
>r IU aucceea
During hia href alay In Ltverpcl Mr field hel f i
ia geeat and wa? erctmpanlnd on board the I'er-ia by
tat dlatloguiabed friend of America, Mr John
(' nimrrrlal I n t e 11 Igr nr c.
leiaieie, April , 1>M<V
Coneola tor money kfiS iMl^,
Klre-twentlca 7.1 a 711 ., Illlhota Central wherce *IH
I Kr.e HiK>|, Sew \" . rk i 'd'ral ?? a T'l
The bullion In the Hank of Kngland ha* dereared
110, MW atari i ng
Lowdo*, April 7, H08
Conaota for money MS a AOS.
fire twentiee Ms a 74
lllinota < antral aharea 11 % a 41
Krie aharee M
ravencm, April , 1MB
Walae of tfce week 41,000 halaa. Ttia merket ha* b en
111, aad Amerced baa declined Sd e \d , end lo.ta
d ether learn prion. |g ryf the above aa-ee I.hOO
ilea ware takea by epeculalora and 10 000 by eiporter*
ilew tar <fr <lay | 7.000 leaiew the market * tig <Pi
id pncee weak Mock la port OOdOUo bnlea, of which
17, too are Aiwreu.
Adrvcee from Itenchaeter are anfarerabte. The mar
it Bet and prtcee lead downward
Liraapoof. ittiiarrrrt atBirr
rw Market wee BraaeB. n-.ar Brm aad pint Wheat
mar. Lewergaeliuee bar* improved moea Owagaiei
Ma ?* a Me M for mfod
iMriaroor, paortttowB marbvt.
fhe mark/I trade downward * r? mart.we Heron
tea Lard eell aad declined 1A a Ba bet rliw>?
20, 1806.?WITII SUPPLE*
is steadier. Butter very dull. Tallow heavy and derll ned
n Od. a la.
n i.ivrrpooi. PBonrc* market.
h iam-Sales small at 30*. a STs. Pugar very dull and
1- declined Sd. a la. Coflee quiet and steady Kios Inar.
I- Uve. Hpertn oil quiet and steady. Ijnveed oil Ann at
y 48*. a 43a Od. Kosiu quiet at Ts. for common American,
e Spirits turpentine steady at MM 0<l a 60s. Vd. for Amerlg
can. Petroleum quiet at la lid. a 2a
' london market.
II 1-OSDnn, April 0. 1300
Wheat quiet; quotations barely maintained. Iron
quiet. Sugar easier. Coffee firm. RI?'o flrm. Tallow
' dull at 48m. Spirits turpentine steady at 48a Od. I'otro?
leuw quiet at 2a
f IjvsRrooi., April T? Evening.
0 Gorton?Pales to dsy 0,000 baiea Tlie market is
f easier; there is but little inquiry and prices are weak,
t Of the above tales N|iertilntorH and exporter* look 1,000
e bales Middling uplands are quoted at 17>,d a 17#d.
1 Basawrvrr- arc quiet and steady,
i- Pmodccb?'Tallow dull.
* A Lull la the Ceateit for the Capture of
t Mmjrthr?'The Radicals Resting on their
Arms, Awaiting Development*?1They
? Acknowledge their Defeat?Weed and
raaieiav Mallir, n> lh? PI.IS An
" There was much less excitement In the context for the
ownorshlp of the now Collector yesterday than on any
r former day since tho appointment has been made. In
'j fact, It seems to have been settled that Weod and CoinI,
pany huvo a sure thing. The struggle between the fac
/ tlone proven to have been more a one-sided affair than it
was at Dm supposed it would be. Wed had his scouts
early In the QHd, who took a careful and minute surrey
of tho whole thing, which enab'ed him to steal n inarch
n on tho other side. The result rooms to have been that ho
'J a:coneded in capturing the prtzo before the other
? side comm uc ?l operations, or saw what was necessary
0 for them to do The radicals have therefore been heating
around the hush and firing away in the dark, and
only frghtoning themsolves at tho noise which they
were making. Weed all this time sat <|ulet!y looking on,
with the prize In his pocket, laughing in his sleeve at
' the tumult, and wondering why they had not discovered
the true situation of ankim. Tho radicals, after Iranging
away for a couple of days, have finally discovered the
correct state of the casn and given up the contest
in despnir, widely considering that there is no longer any
use of expending their strength on game already lost.
* A lull baa taken place In the struggle. While
1 Weed's army Is feasting and celebrating the
t victory, the radi at generals are taking counsel
k to seo whether tliey shall surrender their forces
e or make a light on som< other field. It Is all quiet along
d the lince. No skirmishing, scouting or even parade*
lake place to disturb the stillness. The usual drill of (he
contending forces at the As tor House saloon did not take
place yesterdav. The forces on the radical side kept
away, fenrlug that they would he taunted in regard to
tlielr rout, while the other side were unquestionably
" instructed to keep quiet, lest their boast.rigs ui rht re
0 veil some weak point which the enemy woild lake
advantage of aid secure a change In the results Tho
'' representatives of the pie-* were on hard yoetenlay
1 ready to chronicle the Is of the various poll! -it
I armies and th> movements of tho commands'*;
hut tho day was tmrren of events, and all Iha'
0 there Is to say is to announce the cort ilnly, beyon I
ir any peradventuro, of the triumph of (lenntal W e is
" ariny. Hi* staff are also keeping Ite ms I <* q<nef, but
' are nevertheless as happy as mortals well cau be ml ate
* )"klnt with each other over how eaay thov hav< won Hi r
" da/ It may. therefore, lie safely Raid that the hat'lo
? has lieeu fought and the victory won by W ed; and
t- what Is more, ihe whole thing wv accomplished in
Vtili #(t? laid P nd.iy, and ni;i If \ tr( f Hi arran
'* n oril by whl h Weed aud Ruyinoud roiireuled to Hie
" Thin fact even Ilia radlral* now aay l!i?y know |ol#
' true; licnra th# r abandonment of tin'"trun, With
" thl* m ill' acknow'cJ," <1. aud by them i 0:1 < <! rod a l'?" 1
' fact, tln'V a'* r#t ring from Mo1 fl?'i I md boiling 'lo ir
h council of war U? * " what ahnuld b? 4uM In llii fuUirw
I torWklMd apaii ' Mm IhiwmI )MW<f lb r
' ol lira party In the M'a'n. That -a in to ! # r. ry mo b
I at a a, and wl I no doubt wait until tlio a-Houi .;ii?ct>l of
Y the t/>gtn1atur*. whan thajr wl I have .? pi.Pid pow w ??
and mark out the r future rit-eer for ilmir ' ami a/n,
" wlilrli, b"ir< ti l a douM, w II now b# mora dire n I i
lent)#"# than ever. The r folio" era n lir o . II m
n urn very nun h down In th? moith and don't an in
0 rlinad to nvan *h -per anything in regard to t! an - - t
movement" bit armpit tly awaiting the d -in t r? iwl
'. their nppntl"III*. no doubt In I.Op of d. ' at. ' < mix
* W"?k point which will enable tla-ru to adia oat r ?
d tolling blow Tint*, wVln in" -tnuglo ho tha vp
'i turn oi the n'-wr ?!l rtor l? virtual# al an " < 1
an t tfca cmM*. la over, tba ra nil hae lef' t
" eontarid Hlf force* III thai poa itnn which nni-l <r na
ra -ily open II. a wry for a d? Id ?I r o,v. o< r
?i liar quaai'on-at no ilolani day. Ii am per n doobta
th." thorn ?C" nrd Men"* lu ? ira lat I o prtictllly w ill
and lie will h? convinced Tb ?leiivni- am at w irk
'> and Hi bat' tin b- n pot In motion by tlip triumph of
Wand in ilil< flollniO.ir conl" f Weed and Co opa iy a"
II now maalera of tha alluaUon at Ui? f i-bnn II i ', net
' tli'-y will bo iibln to aar irv tha fat po king- which I hay
' haro boon 0t< Imiait from during lh? laal four year-,
'f Milt lh" nidirala, at l?a*t, raam inolltiad to |'Hi|oiii|y wait
f.,r - ino turn In tli" tide, wb eh they a. ulcully a pel
'I fr on r m" no rce Tlia (Oiatrvntiw wrra lee* Ira iinad
1 to tnmat over lliair triumph yularday ; but llna w not
y owing l > any doubt In regard to thalr vl lory, but w.vi
* evidently from fan f ir.in ng an a; j. aithni auam, lh"
i radical Saiiahifa at M'a-hlngton on the qua-t.on o. i n'
0 Mr. binvtlia wan allowed a llttla mora |n*aia yaalwrday,
anl waa hoa d ?tii|t>ed by tha politt ian< Thi? ??
owina to iha fart that both aula* wan ?aii?'ia | how tha
affair aitinda, and that tliar *l no uac uf praarli.g tlm
' mat tar any further.
a u,ric-* Ilia a Hi llotl of tha f'ollectof quratlont or,
i- rather, during iha ultaiiiatii of iha r.nitoat our th"
npiMilntui ul a.nea ihn death of |'r 'ion King, a v it
' deal lino Ih :i raid and all uiaiiti'T of rhar;-.* bare h n
mad" by ft end* 'f the llffa.-. ot candidate. agiln*t tla
r "|i[ioi.an'a of tha r fa i !'< N .? that tl a a| , irrne nt
ha? la-en mad" tha gan al d-poaiiain < in to '
retrai t all thrar charge* ami a|*.lo, .? for in toy
of Iha ful/ui KtAtani'Uta that aero mada during
Ilia haat tif tha a..rit?at. Till* la b"l r
dona all ariund. M"ti who ir.ada ehargan
aga n t rand dataa to th" I'm '"ant and r o whara am
* now writing danUN ati I d < Inril; that Uuy btn found
th" report# fal." It ?iil !? rai""iiil>ar'd tha' it
obiiritad ag 1 IIat h tfi"..n Ump t that I." an.1" II'.
|>ar pound on Ilia govamm nt Hill n which |i < |
llifoogli hi- hand- arl :l- (*olh r! r fhia all " 'ia- i . v
^ haan taken bark by tha author, who d e vraa that ha
?i in "In'ormad end knew nothing ala.it It at iha
tunc ex<apt by In ar-ay. Tina era of good fi Ing bataeen
t the dllfort nt aap.raiita ' r lb * olltoa w a g"*>l wl/n, ai. I
.in. of lie rhara tirmipa i f .ttnera n |e t" 71"
u light during a campaign * alwavw h t'er an I " -re bot
' tba moment that It i? all over an l tha ra-oil arrivad at
all lb" Idllcrn" a dirapj -am. and man who war#
danootn Inr each other aa worwe than 11 k|o keta < hake
f hand" and arc again roral ft'en 1 un'.l ano'li't '.or t ?
commeti' I Who cau tall hot that llila I* but a tup,
of wh it will ha iha rc-olt bet* an th# rial, i' an I I
Weed men In regard to tha c'natom II ia?, n *Itlmtand
( ng that tn# latter hare au>lcn lb mareh and captured
1 th# n"W '"olle lor Itcyond any tniMl A few day# wl I
tell whether tbla nil# wpl apply and whether me radp
eala lh#iracl??a will not he the forwrn' l In their cop
I gral ilv on? of W? d f if h? xkllfil invra ivr -a In on
turing th# new Collector before the otter ride could ot{
ganlre tha r forrca.
1 Th* Mom Irani men t and taplarr of 4 onrapt
to tm? ?ditok or riir muio,
Jfrw V'm?, April 1?, 1W
AI thou (It It Id tlraaoma twk to rrfutr nil aad amrp
onr 'if Uio mlracolmu trl impha tain"d bp lha 'paniant#
In tha Pantile, ?? jrour important journal w4 mul i f
tbonr of Srw York hara ar>rptnt thia morning aa trua
' tha bawa of the botnbardiaant and anno pat Put of f m.
| erpr on rarrrad via MontaT)d"0 M*'anua and H? %na.
I Uo|? jut will l>? kuwl rnoigh to nontr?dl--t a irh an
1 aha ird plrrr of nawa. and dlaalpala thr falaa irnpfdatona
that It might hara produced la th* * ouiUjrf tai on I-a of
III la Up It will ha aifl Imil for for to rial" I' ?? a'
fording to th" nawa, thr liofn'iar'lfnant ami wni|?
1 ii i of t.'oncapnton iiarl takrn piara on th" 2? h of
"h-oarp, and that lha d:r"-l ww rrral>at from '.on
"|? i n at thia port, via Panama, l.jr tha Maamtr N>a
York, arrlraj on lha ?ih Inat , roar hr-t ap to tha loth of
Mari.b, that M to mr. tan dap# aflnr that marrrllnw# at
f tha fpaniarda I do not kw* f It will ho
Worth whlta to aid that I n* aprion l? not a port hat a a
inlan I town, loralrd tan ro In# from tha noi Mrrrtk#.
irai I hat" not liltla do iht that U>r rpamarda. who hara
liraII rrpuland in atrrv altar ? upon Ilia "uaat or (hip# of
Ctilla, ara oa|*hta of homiord r,/ alth lha old a?tlp
jrr.nlrm of tha llarawgo-la (whrfi w#a Ipiat <|iinlp
In thr har^"'f of Valparalan o lha loth of Mar h| an
Inland town J tat aa wall a# fv>a Q . >ota fought win thr
windmill# a-.d drf ?ir i tha n imharlaaa arm aa of aha p
on tha hlghr-adt of lata.'nia li.4"? I, Mr ltd mr a
rarioo# at pm-Iia to f>on (f it t? maid ha wnttao a h
tba w .nd rf ul arlrantaraa of tha ftpamarda alar# u.at
arrant kntfhl laft tha tran<|tiil plain# of l/t Man h# lor
aeruiaa lb tha I'ac.hr. (><?,r~)ttrnir*,wa moat la pn (ar?!
to hrar nnrAif U.raa 4a> > (Ttk llaiai.a and Malar.io#
that th* N ; in air la * fuiti# bp tba nan to Ham a#" to
raarow lha flag of lha Oir?<!' nga now l.nngi nr on lha
walla cf lha oat had ml of that nip a# that tba wh ? of
tha "pan #h flaat haa pma ba> I to tba raaiaaola bn? m
la lua or? Cbiw ba laiaada tbwa pwwlaf a (torv>oa tad
auoW i oad to a campaign oadarlakan w)tb tba ?.*
porymm 4 k. indarlnw tbowa rvb rorka
la a raait' wap I won id rifaat to tba Maw T '?
pnoa lha# it tnM ant b# aafa la aonapt tap naw# mat
tag la lha wa# in tba Pnrtbr whirb m not Weight to aa
na Paamn? Paraang Ula oaana wa will irnt tba
iroebte ef dleriwen,'aw* arainaai fahrva'ad % apaia
to whom at apap?ia tbta rarp aawa, bow r<| i#w#i,iad aa
aatbawwr ow kbia Ma af tba gUMlir, wan p?t ?bat a
Mta #w< tart Mar-h
The Steamship Virginia at
Asiatic Cholera Raid to be on
Board the Vessel.
More Thau One Hundred Cases on
the Passage.
Thirty-eight Deaths and Twenty-one
Sfow on the Sick List.
__ _
A Prorlnmatinn to be Untied by liovernor i
Frnton Tu-I>uy.
What Our Health Authorities
Are l)oiiik>
Ac. Ac. Ac.
Tho newx or puhll.hed la the Hxrwui of ya.Mrt.iy, pertaining
to the arrival at thl* port of tlia ilrlileh uteainshlp
Virginia, with over a thousand paaaenger*, an<l a fearful
epidemic prevailing on board, aomewhat .tartled our
quiet cillsetia, although th?y wore long prepared for ?u< h
ail anuoUDremeut, and canned tliem to roallie mora fully
tho fearful peril to which our city hoe tor <k> long a lime
lioen eipoeod. The Virginia arrived off the old quiiraii
tine ground*. Mtaleu Island, abortly after Ave o'clock on
>t iHlnamiay afternoon, where she waa lmme<1iul.ly tmaided
by the IWallh Olfh erg, Doctor* Kwinhurna and llurdelt,
who made a curoflil cxaiulUaUoti of tha viumoI.
After nuking a careful infection of lhave.??| and
passenger., thirty-eight of whoin had prertouely died
and another dying while the olllcer. were on hoard, the
dltwtaae woe pronounced Asiatic cholera. The .tuiulna
lion docloacd tho fact that twonly one of the pa*- .
aengeni were then lying Rick, and that a uumher
of olheri were lalMiring under the dix-oso In
an Incipient stale The eteainer wr* Immediately ordered
to proceed to the lower hay; but owing to the prevalence
of a thick fog the pilot did not contudrr it iutfe to move
the vewael, and .he accordingly remained at author
where alio then win until morning, when .lie moved
down a> about cloven o'clock to the place dcalgnatvd for
her anchorage by tho Health <libera l.ylng within ,
throO-quuNori of a mile of the Klaleu I -land ahore, h r
presence created no little excitement among the Inhabitail's
of that district. No communication whatever wax
said to I* n?? litiiiiodlalo daug<-r of lliti plague tombing
Ihl* Ity frui the vueeel.
TIid Virgin a lrlt Liverpool on tin: lib .int. No cholera
wan known lo rkbt there at that t.rne Touch I rig at
Qui fiitowa, Inland, alia r?o If it on l>oarii an additional
millibar of (nut ongera, which angim nlnd tliu liumti r to
olio Ihouannd ami eighty. Tin r? wero, not oI tin* number
lint fourteen cabin puHpgeri, lh<' f .1 worn er> U I
Into the alaurago on two iter*, or ?? ka. A laigc rtl m
of tin in ure flrnnan*, ami It in thought th / lir night tlio
dtaea*" on bonril with th'-m Tbo inoriallty In* la-en
go aler among lb* fieruiaua than among tbo hub Mi l
I.ii,lull [laawngera
I' <tnl not appaar that IW-ra waa < hoi< r% cm board mill
it?' I2'li n?l when the * ?? > I. ht day* mil fro i
latwrpoul On that day a man who |ia>l diarrbcaa ?uddenly
(raw worao and da d It la ?aid the diarrho ? bad j
a* alad, without any ympbmia lha' ware regarded aa |
alarming, Irom tin-day of tha doiai" ,i? of thav- 'vl
When Oi# man dlrd Iti" all p a -urg' do iht?4 wi.idler
lb* die-a a waa cholera but on tbe rain a day two otbar
l?*rri'fr? wrm attacked.
After ird- the ep.J tnic ralandi l, an l on Iho pawige
tha number of Iho aik waa over one h nidr d , *?a> tly
ho * tnnnt huwerer, I* not reported hy tha alil|> a I
officer*. Thay aay the whole no inte r la c rlaiuly l< ?*
than l*o hundred. ,
It la manlmnad aa a altifiUr rl-viima'ance thai lha i
rlioiara broke out <14 tha Virginia In aboql tha *ama J
plaCO on tha r* " tn at who h Iho p?- < ng'-ra of the at am ; ,
ati 11* r.ugland, arrdb-r of lha Nat nal Hiram Navigation 1
tViipany'* ve **l* (afbrwardt d 'a nod at IlaM'ai), 1. w ' j
attack"! dh 1* .tnportntit a. t lenda In 'ociBrtn II.. I ,
Lhoory advanced by a few pair* oia th* <iin.n -t*u f ! 1
the aim pbcre, *ii'l ni a found 11 ir ; 1 ifly
adapted for tha drvelopm at of r Viler* The d.a?* . ,
ho.' not a* yet reached tlie cabin pa ?i ngarc.
Piuthn iiv K NKti'itivi V'inT.
It ia rcjc it d lh >t tlii' > <l i In irred d irmg the
flr?l n it at Querent. 1 bit fin ?a> t ninila r .a 1 1
known, u no report whatarar if th r- nl ee?e? Ima aa
yat I,-an mad" hy lir - tli.h irti" f ? b I "* ho ??r< r j 1
worn t.ikon on ?h ra In Ilia yaal boat on IVidnraday I
rt' bli and burled *1 Qiaraal n*.
Klovao of lho-a now ?P k are vary dniMf.l caeee, but 1 1
n- irly all lh? oih r< are f parted ena*ai'*?*nl lin y j 1
ar ?f !> ? ordinary elt? nf m./rente, ate qe.'- Ii- rf . 1
ami hare th. .ed of ear-' and ei" ndan a. m l H M B I a
*!- <gl that an> luor" d' alnc will o- .re it . U. "1
Th* ar.nl he 'oin nleal 11 ra are mat t " n
I etertiona lo rberk IW further prnrrawa an I t'.a > < k a I , i
j be |.l*fa<l today on tha H api I *fnji a. I th' other*
j W l? I b ir-l .i i r t?? a , *y
] w I I fr d fr ..n lb > je a', .-.. al atts opl.et* of 11. | ?
#p amrf.
WHAT HI H llrAf.TII AITII'>?ITI*? AMI T?- ??i. I
Mr l >r.? Cortlta, tba Ft-t ol f tba
Commaoion, waa arlif ml ?n ?r\y bo r r W f'Ay t
In,' ai.1 l?jr !< tdtek A M, hvl'ki a , > !<?> < ,
work Tba tfrl ral Purn-jr-.r ttoi ? Iba
i*a> *wrtry mnlical a<jpp i?< ai. I Aliri fi .*?! *# i if i
tba lloap.'al Hlilji, whfh war '? i at K -1 H * ai* 1 I |
*M ll?iti(U IkU li.ll l' i ? 1 '? rwa-l; la prwa I
to Hi* I f bo; InAt arai.ui/ All f tt.' al i" a at* I t A
I* ; v *-J ?? IxMTd l*afor i litfail. 'I*' <'4 '* low ?1
<lown tba flrat tUli g IL a it >ralar An appl rat on waa
al?i madab; Mr < in ;?.t?r !r; ?i"'Dlr t bp la*f??|>h,
to iba fWwratery af Uh aiy f .i ill' itatu r Wooafar
Iba porpoaa of pltv I ' <a~ '*??r* on b art I??al raa
? 1. aiKl a laT'ira1' * an?w#f ?a? p?* < !, fcraubnf li.a '
< 'rtamlaaloa lb* oaa f Iba r aaaal
w"tt c t'? pilot*.
r>r Rwlnbarn* r~i ihai ail p >ta brlafla ??a
a*la into Saw V"fl ari^rr will, if ll '?aa ra?w*la bata, of i
bata bad 'Ao??# '?*a/l of tharn, bni < '!*
f?aa?la to ai r m tba b-war la; Ha 4aw m ibal I
bail ?ot ba A" ~m?'j Ut inaka U*ia r^naat of tbaoa
th* ariirmr moi i*r> u rt to ??w to??.
Tba ru i?bip Kr f.anl aa* *1 fr ><n llaiifaa ta W?4naadar
rt*-aia(, lb Iba no?>aiaarraI j aaaa:*g *rr f. r
It I < l)l ft# baa bat an aaw *aa*a
f p*.? bar ar* ai at Ib a |**rt, wl <?h *ill proWil; ba
to ir." ' "altrftf aba w :| ba ar.cto??4 ia Iba lowtr
ba; awl bar pa?"Bf-ri qaaraatiawL
I'roc lamalloa laa It>(ar4 la Paatllaara la
la* laaaad bp lb* Itaaaraaar.
Amaar Apr I I* IM*
ICafamoa faaloe will t? ?ott"W ?a-,a a jf- ma aa !
far la rta? Maw Yora rttf la par I from !rwp??< n* p*at<
I A'*, a* r* 'j .ratal bp Uta N'MpiilM ltoa/4 A U a.. *
Tba Mwaallb Hoard.
ricttL nrriao ? a<Tto? o? tub <-*ol?ba
('laaittu trfoiarta to iiiiki thi via I"
Tina ia raa raiai?a<
Tr a b ar l of RaaiUt baM a aj*? a; as*a<'r.f ;<a?ar4ap
a/tamooa, fraaliiat Mabaiu la if cJtaaf *
Tba fa?an *at4 tba apartai ??mn *m *aJM wwk
rafaraara la tba amtai af Ua Y rpiata *?b abaiara aa ?H
baarf Tba; tal laiaprwpba* la Of Mabaiaa aa4 lot ''
iwra'.af aa iaawia fraa btaa ataiia? tbaa M aaa -baiara []
tba! aa?M4 aa tbaa ??aawi ,
Or l?*?a ba M aaraal tnm Or M.aboraa utat
thirty-ween dialha had orcum-d oa board the Virgil a,
ant thai an hail ? n ukmi off from bar la llto yn*l
b>.al anil burled by bla order* y rutin day morning
Tbr Pniaiiiaor uld the onnalgnnr of the veaael had
called on him thi* morning an<l eipreaai d hla willinjtoaad
to do anything in hla power which thry might augg' -t.
Be had referred him h> l)r H ?inburn>\
Coiamtaatoner HoawimTii anggrated the propriety <>l
"?? ? w.. ........a i in.- ii ?r,| vii vinn mo v irg n a
mm) report officially on the . ..million of thlnga there.
r>r. Hwijuh'khi, htvinn l? ' u aent f-1r( made bin appear*
Bte'e at lb.a Juncture. Tim Doctor *a,d Unit the hnapltal
ihlp Illlnola would proceed to Qu?r amineday, and thai
Din Umpire City would follow bur imit .lav
The I'lirmi KiT eald he had waived lul imaimn u.n|
the hot:hind waa now ou hur way to New York front
Halifax, and that aha waa worked by auch of her new >ut
?r? well,
fir Swian'iier a* d About alt oVWk laat evening 1
boardud the Virginia and found aoiue of the paaaen,'* nj
verging on a relapau. They bad all the phyaical n*
ilKlona of oholera Thirty.aeven death* occurred on u.d
|?n*age I Immedately ordered Die veaeel to the low |
bay, but I learned aline that abe did not go down umil
tbi* morning, tin aeeounl of tlm fog wliieb prevailed il
w a-i coonldered danger oca fur bur lo proeaed. Tin rg
hav e been no ditalba on board a nee yeaterduy. Ibe 1,01.
pltnl Menard i" alek, but lc>< Hot r irgeon of lie' veaeel.
The aaea are all 1 mined lo (ba Moorage There aid
noun In the cabin There are about ten hundred perv.ug
an lioaril, all of whom ar- in?re comfortably altnaled ibuit
la mmally the . aao. The veaeel la a lark'" and rointno*
jtoua iron ateamer.
On niolioti of Comm adoncr Ikwwnant tlm following
reaolulton was adopted ?
I! nolve t. That II.a Haidtary Nii| rriiiu-nd. nl and I'r.
Rllaha Han l?. lit oonneetlou with the llaalth ' 1 til ?u ol tiiia
(Mirt. ha re'i'iestad t'l tii.ike an Immediate tod Itioraigh ei|
u aliialt. n "I tie at* alii ?t.l|. Vlr gl a a h I. a a l*'*iti:) ar?
rive.I at ltd* pal man Liver] I .10,1 l.er vendition, and *1
pereooa on tovard eald veaael who ar- alek. and rejw.rt fnll||
and particularly the facte to thla board at the rimellna lo*
limit ' ale! a.o. to report n hat aith-o abouM ta tabrn'g
tha board 111 the yrcmliti
I>r Hwiniii'imn alto atate.l that all viaeela would be
hoard*'*! below. He ba*l 10.obi ai ran a em en la f*rr I *1*1 ykng
tile Virginia with tlm rec lin e ator?a, Iml that ml
unneceaaary coiuiuuulcatiou would ba I ml with the \e 4
The I'aicaiiiKar auggooted that tbo Hailcry lairraekg
Would probably be penult.ed by government lo t*? u *|
tor lioapllal purpoeea in eaae of emergen' > appln m*
lion for that perinuodon bad already been made.
wnrn nnnw nnrvrnrnn ttntrnnn
nLwa inum jrumnLdj munauL.
Mr C. C. f lap Krlmnd on I'arolr?K r rr ytlilnK
llulrt In Worfolk ? Veaarla Ilia*
r (target! I a out (|a?ra nl I tic?A llangtioua
U rrrlt to Ire Mured, *Vc.
Foamc-a M >?"*, April Ik,
KIL?l>? or I'. I' I Lit.
Mr f*. (' Cl?y w.Mliii" morning r lolled from r?nr??l
II itiroo on lila parole. Hy Iho run till nm of tila [Htrole lot
m iJlottnl to go anywhere In tin) Unlte-l Slatea on pru tin
[malum*, lull mint make II,u Stala of At n
il* Ina re*ld-*noe, and It il<l hlmeelf In ra.nluri*
at any time to obey any anntn ri? in* n
II on him by tin) government Preliminary to re ivlng
llila p.trola tan wan al 11 r?'|inr??l to lekn the oallt
if allegiance liuncral Mile* allowed Itliu Iho ottlritl
inl-r from I're-Il"iil Johnuti, roiialeralgiiad liy tlio
tar rotary of War, giving Mm lila pit role, and aUo tint
nndltloue upon alilrh lb" nainn would be glinted lilin
Mill tboaa mndiUun-i li" eipraaeed bltntolf Mln'ial,
md u|*io h *'igniiig the oath of alhgiait'e Ua ?a< in
orined that lie ?u allowed to learn tha fort at hi* ? ( I
ii to go whore t,e*plee??d If any |ir.aon?r waa e?.r
[la I to tie net fe e and hare again o|??nn t to Mm iho
[lorn - and freedom of the great not r w *rld, fr ot win It
ic had long bo' ii et> lud d, that prl-onrr wa< Mr < lay
He roiild hot find word* (A aipreaa III* grallnation It
an* w th the otino*t dlflleijlty he - : jir<- ?*?d lila emntt ma
if J<i> lit t thankfulnaa*, an I f r aim* lime In- artt- ulaioii,
??r? confoaed and Indlatin't He u,anke l <* n< ral
III eg for the oo irtaoua treatment he ha>l aJway* r<>
i d at I. hand* He thanked tha olth-nra who lit I
i en Ma - I at .liana for their many a. id unltilarrn|ite I
Ir '.tl<" If' than It Alt Whoa* who hid waited up n him
H w? i foil of thank to everybody He felt htmaelf In
i n, a he * in an, ant hi* look - and artl.u* *h'.wi>l t
lint he w>t< in no I. hurry aa Mr Mm hvl to turn i, *
Ink m>. n tne furl that eo long had In I I Inm a prl-oi- r
w (i Ma rmn, gray, graaila wall* lie hae roniltNf
Ina de ill d >y It ! prohiMe tint he will l<?r# tomorrow,
when Ma wife la eit>?***te>l her,- io m- I blm
<hi to. ItJd of lael May Mr Ctay e a* admitted a prw*oaeg
I r? If long mpria ntneiit > t. >?* it* taiulul Ira ?.
II fai l' It nil ' li th niw-r, Ma wa.k I* I- ereel and Lia
hair and a linker* allow a prof., aprinkllng of gray.
In li w h- the tirtwrlt it rre I t I riven d ae- oflng lilin
lite free-hiin With thtt Iota itiful il'ii-Liia of Won I., M,
ao an I . rue I y i lik . rrielMS of lh? net when ll.<ir
heart* and feehnga are tal*reet*4, *h? l ?a
apared no e J oct In hia hahinf There ?a
tan,* her*? who think the *i> to-nry in h e
It-half inia?!ireeled Th fa?t of In* i inter r fl' <
tn-n*e|f up a prn- ner all the nnie* e-t*n?a ?>f h e |> t
If", the very iBroaapo uotl* |-art he |la)'d t, the w? f
llo'rebellion, hoi conduct aa a | r w-i> i *i. I ll w- ii fail
i in ranee that be will I* fortbruoiing at any n. t
ha got > rnrnent may ward him, form ihu ha*ia id ll, ?
rel. f llawillleat* ? ?/or ll lode leloud l.iri. lit* (la*y
r* on in ra olira nature end dign Ue>t an I ph aalng r -ey
of toinner hire evoked for li hi or-.n, atia* hat- ma.
*- ll,e p-1 - e f *r- J- d I ? w . mo-led l?
Kr m I on I.* deparinra ? Mi ?r ii-ml In
'd a owed the am- pr 1 '? i - I 'It the | I vIt , o
. . . .1 1.1 re ? It. l - > i*iT w.i. ,1 II. e li -1
I I . .1 * | i a r.tf a * 1 I f "f ml >4i f
Ita o ?>.'! nil' ii' r >.f i ill. )< ! iui. l i'1 > *
. .n t! r. f. ml imf | 'it . > tt.? t-1ii.- r
l:, II'I I flaaa al J' III. I- I. Ijf Will. tl. ?
i'' r ii -*. ii/ t'i" t?afaak*i.t a a, I i )*-'#( tilM t.?4
, I l.'l.' ?'''t 44 I I
(if II.. i.r 'i K i j- r' i I il? |? Mill* I
III' - li'trl) ? > .1 ?/'! Ja'1 l?> I* l?'.? ( '.14414" 41"
Dm t'irt ni j.1 i n i.ail * Ih-h ii.ii nil vitl Im a I
jmior 4 I Ml C K uWh4-4i,C* 4 |.?4 tl4 IU 11.4 M|" l.4tfa 4
fur 44'.4" |??4'Tr4?|4 * |4 4 t l|
l.Vrt ' * a* 0 i, t 4..1 la. laf .1. f I.? ? Ix-fl >| t
ii Va.fi.alM li 4x u in "f ir i?i 41.'I . , 4fty '
.. 11r> -"it tl . '. if I ? ". 1.4 I ? ' ? ' '
44i 1 m< i.( I I If 4 ii.. i I
rfl'l'l '?! U"4I 44" 4'lf .1 I I" *4 If./ a?| l.i. 4
l.'ia. .1 m 41 4 41. I 4(1 .'4441. 1411a' 1 f af llil |.'|IJ?.4 4"4
14 "I 1"I fla. I. I. .'II' I | I, 'a.a 1
' r a,., j?. . i'f ? -4?' ' 1441 4 I
If r.) ' ' I'llfl I. a f 4 * | .' ' ' | I, if 1, 4 t
(41 4 . "Ufa .4 Tta 4 M . . / Ma 41 'l*"f 4i M 4
4. tit . ?f II |"f 1 I. I. "A lf.4 41(441 a|
( aifj |M a all Ii." r >? If i?l, n , t
a rr, ! ml f r II." I I"p a a. 4 If 4.1 ' .atraaa 11,4
! ' 4. if .. .. M-il ila-f ll la ball:/ I 4t?a| II.4
a.r laaaaj' 44 a II .ai.'-if la' 4 I 144 II." a. *f44 " >* 4. 4a a. .
< , ,f.; .4 a 'b?l " . I- 4 I la? * la I'll
K#m I' 4411 >n ? Ma. 4 M 1'i ali" ,4, *f?4 41 kl! 4taii4,
4 I.r |||< | ,l.a II,. I U' I . a ?a a 4i f a.*r
. tat |al' I a?- t,, |rt Ilia a
- 11.4 ftafll Ika | mitt I (4 la| ??? 4 . f l ' l ?| #a-.| 4ta.
l-f 4..'I ? I ( a |l,a"| I1 "(>[r art'1ft It 7 V. la t
' ** f a i.'7 '"t. * a-.*p| aj r?a 4ri I 4a. la' fa..w 1441 fa
rl f It ' f"t I aaa I 1 ]. t rt II I HI4 4
l 4><l 4 M a la I I' 4 4 laailif 4a. I | 4a 4f?>t r.g 4a f
t 1 I Ia ,aa la. j-' I I '.a h* ,.r?4! I?. 7 nt 11.4 da
'far I. vat44 4t'r k 444a uf tla* 4a f? I' .141.44 4f Ua44%
1.1,7 araa t.? la.Ha .4 IV I ,4 a. 44 w I 4rr Ja t?.|a 4
ha l?ll a( I'aa. lal |a<lfait" I ta4M 11)4 (,|ari4Ua>4 r.r?
1.4 4 .1 4<aa. 411 f? l Ha at llaff waaf4 4. .44 1 |ai Ja4?a la
a* ." 44 a .a, a, aMttaat'lfWI IbfaaUftl I ',4 (XIWIMJ MfaMa f
1.4 4414, 1>M| aa4tf If *IM t aVlllf 444 .a?.j4fi |a'44r-l
1.4 11 4> I U,|a .4 U 4 a?'.ut .ft4 "f Ma4 latrVk 44a* l?.?f
141 14' 4.17 4 agp; .?af>4d IW.I |'. 4n??a .f tl. a.
... 1 la at a la b'aalll;t7 ?4a .4,.; at.*,a a *>7 4 ' m
Max 44-1 l'.4l ||.? U .4 t nH ll I Ufa 4
I ' 'aaaa Ik 4i |>aa/fMl?tlHf, t>k4 I. aVa .?f tf.a a an a
. I a J), - 4. *4 IS I baa MM 44.' k lb lal hi ' I W "4 Ua
I fl'a lb ?4U taf f4a"4, 4?h4 tba iiajf-?a If- ?' la I,
4'J|?A fx if -av a 4mr-,ynt.g la 41 < ( ?l a' lb# r
I. I 4aa if'JlU f. Ua" Iffaa I. .44ta / 4 f- 1.1 I a?(?,|
14f . "I 1,4-1 ( 4 >l(a k-i tla? gr4 .144. la a a I aba(f
4.4 but/firry, Mra.af I'M (a / ' 1 a >'aa 4t?? I#
.k rvl villa U'4<4. i'f/ kk*?r> f 'a "4k4r,
<a't |V/t ? 1.4aIf S"Tf 14 4 ffa4k 4 < "? ' ll?(4 v
I. v k*ra4ir.( f't' |4t- I > t fvWa - -41 M?>l U<v
117 fravv ?? ' ? ** *??' "44 4 "X- 4at4 a4 4. <4 4
f'i?ai4>4 ID r< 41 Ua4 ItiW* r .a - a. I VrvMi' f
/ lala)arf I a k< a.'b |'4? l7 r? ^4 ta) k?
Ikra.fl ' -riaf i.aa . a V 4 I t*J "'MV' ?
I. , oav'4 . 1 . a 4.f If '"** * "1 tfa -I ' 4 aa< t .?
|.l"1. 4 4*1 4 ? I -4. aa/ lvat '1 a, 1 , I'fi / aa.fav,
ra* a 4/it 441 at 4>l"rt44t tMbVt U4?l. f?>4 fr? .4
/ '1)4 ' J -a# 1,4 4 t' a a 1 >,l| a) I'a
,.f I * 4 t If, a ! ll if laad iraartf n.?
1 f *44afa - -a a |l.af a -la
I ' a?-4 fa-ta.ial aaf II? i t ? la- 4 (7 '.4.4
I#4 i|rai taa r* fa?? aaV 4 'a - b v. ' > " )la Ifa4 | 4*4444
f if." ' I H |aia I*.., Ilaa k*4afrv,a f* .af atg 4 ?v
<..? -alta ta,4X| 14 11.4 4a' la|a?t (.a. 4f41|. a, 4
a 44 t t<0 4 ('4a?4 ?<4 AH J??4.t.4.4tra|
- t f' aaaa S4 a 1. .a. 4 a*" a af 144 T1.aav
-aaj aa/4^ tk-4# f Ilaab" M. - | rukk ' ' II " .
| 4" 4' 441 4 a I, II Ihaafa. | la 4 14 ' 4a, t
" * 4if ?'< i?4 ? Will *.. 4 .,f tt>? r?x ?* ?
'h * U.? Uf ?t?>M (?* '< I tl'l
rr? miM It w prJh?i thai ?? n-?s. IImm i *
m ?" U.a aWa |*waa4l?t mi is tar h#
" * ' f ?iii ?M |? M U.M Uat afur ?
<+"4* f
'tm tta H??iW? Pkt *t
TSa ? >? > ftutakm bar* fax U <?r,
kUl wilwi rarwiH fr??* Wm < ' *'-? *? "
tb4 MPIO| 1 mw # V?K TT.f?
? h|Hl thta t laa ?M| ?' * '
?i 1 u 1 at*
Tha ?r?? ?f ,?,??? w imb af >vb, ?>?> ??m
T<*m I4I1 tm tfca ' ? m-'aa??li, M M M?
wn4 V* lha i -4 * ?' " f M??i
kara frtm ?< Ma?'?j >*? U lay *1
tm f'l'm, n* - ? ' * ? '!?
iiyiMMi tor m4 Uaea haa M kw*
rg.bi ?r m rmmtrn.

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