OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, September 22, 1867, Image 8

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ftu u Ditakruaii Kleot Ills Own Aaeigoeet
before Judge bUtchfonl
Ju Uu S/attr of AuytUiut A. Wits, a tin*Irrupt. ?la
thtj eeeo Reg trier William* propounded a queetioa lo
the Ooun ib to the legalUy of a haukrupt contriving to
have aif amlgcso eppolaicd favorable to htm, and sub.
ntta ? if tee Ouri could be advised that to any parlicalar
cam ibe bankrupt bad brought In one or more of
Mi Irtoede, although bona fde creditor*, and bad by
?beaa ehoeen aa aeeignee wb > was also hi* friend and lu
Ma inteius*, it la clear that the i ourt would w tb
baM its approval" Judge Blatchtord ruled that
when ihe Remoter la s?U* bed that nay reaaooe <**i*t why
aa aemgnee elected or appointed ahoutd not be approved
by the Judre, it ta bta duty to *ta;e auch reason* freely
la auboUiilag to the Judge the qoeetiea of approval,
aad tbw dvcUuon will be regarded aa a aiaod ng niio to
that effect
V Pcftllena Vtleil Yr*rerdny?
Queer H. Ctoagb, eMy, referred to Reenter BwIgM,
kernel Halt, elty, referred lo Kogictcr Ketchutn: Jainea
T. Sen ltd, elty, referred to Regi-trr Wllliama; Peter
Archdeacon, dty, referred lo R gtafer Ktteb; Edmund
L. Palmer. referred 10 K#fri?icr liav.on; William R Hea
aewaey, city, relarred to KegtMor Aiieu.
f.?for< Gideon J. Tacker, Surrogate.
The follow his wiltn bare been admitted W> probata
Sustsgi thepaat week:?Pnirtok Hollywood, Cbartae Dcm rwt,
r. W. 0. Eehnar, Mary A. Gilbert, Margaret K.
roohefort, B. Byron Crlaty, Jeremiah Ferryman, Charlotte
B. Mortimer. Anne Miller. Stlia Bramball, Jobs
Smith, Polar (iruber. Dasid Board, August Fehier, Harriet
U Podge, (JeruArl BohmUl, Richard hnwrenre,
James FUtg'-rald rim eon Roewnfeld, Henry Hob, Patrick
Henry, Adolf Jneoby, Oarottne Rnseuthal.
Letters or administration were laauadoa tbo following
eeutee?Henry Kockwall, Julia Daltoa, Iterance Pal.
tan. laelah Jark.ion, William CaMello, Mr.rgaret Smith,
John R Kelly, Edward O'Brien, Andrew Pateraon, Mary
A. Smith, Mart. Wlanfheltner, Ann Cullln, V W. Haivmer,
Albert Phillips, Margaret McKulep, John Loaghha.
Tba following leuare of guardianship ware granted:?
Cbarlae H. Bramball, guardian John T. Bramhnll; Wll.
bam Meadows, guardian Wlluam Campbell; Benjamin
JTraakenbtirgh. guardian Woptaia, Amelia and Jonoph
Harrta; Lucy A. Leltch, guardian John II. Murphy ; Parte
1 *. McSweenr guardian Prance P. MrBweeny Jane
Hewromti. guardian Poebe 8. Neweomb; Gerelra bhltz,
fUArdtan Geretra, Frederick M and Julia Kefcllz Marin
ter burnt, guardian Frank, George S and John Gwt run.,
Clenvlotion of nn Kinlarr-int Nwlotllei Before
Justice Dowttnp.
Among (be ntrmerens cases tried yceturday !n the
Dart of Special Setnlons, before Judpo Powltne. wai
that of John Johnston vs. Joseph Lynn, which re
suited In the conviction of tte latter. The case la of
Importance, as It resulted In the convict.on of an alleged
Motonoue emigrant swindler John Johnston, th ooujjyiatnant,
testified that be had lately arrived m this oily,
end that b? was a native of Glasgow; that b? wu poor,
and a perfect stranger In the cltv , that on the lOtli of
September he saw the following adveri.seiuant In tun of
the da 11/ ueirspaperM:?
A eoachmiin and girdener. sti eenrturtors four driver*.
Jhri> aa 0 man, o aria and man (0 f o to ( bi< -no, t'i per (1. ;
Sorters, watchm n and all o il of employment cali at Lyn i
c Oo.'a, 61 Nassau street, room No 8
In pursuance of ttils advertisement Johnston called
aad ftaw T.yon, tlio pris uer, and told fclui ha woo poor
atl nan (loeiroua of getting work. Lyon that) said that
M would send biro to Chicago the next day and get h'tu
a situation if he won id deposit the etm of f 2. Johnaton,
believing thla representation, deposited with Lynn
Iho amonct requested. Jonulon caiteu repeatedly on
Lynn, but hte Claim was ignored, Lynn refusing to pvoearn
Hie promised altuatlon. and a.so refuting to rc/uud
the fJ. After the evuienco was in.
Mr. Cunning s. Bedford, Jr., Assistant Pwnrtct Attorney,
in aununiog up character red the offence as the
aaeaneet of th?fts. and Mid that It reminded fcttn of the
earn op Soph in Merer#, who had been lately ounvicted
f defrauding the poor. frtetidleaH and hard-toiling sewing1
girl mit of her boneat little sarimiga. that the prisoner
traa guilty of ewindhog. by trick and device, the poor,
frieedleaa emigrant. Mr. Iledford Mid b? bad every
n aide DC o that hla Honor would mete oct for the ei.tr e
of example, the extreme penalty of the taw.
Judge Bawling said that scarcely three month# age the
gnaoaer's partner we* convicted nf a sitriur oflocce,
ted at that time the prisoner had deceived the Court hy
( ( reeding ae the lawyer for the accused TbeJtn.ge
mid that he regarded the prisoner's offence ae u.net
Aeeploable?robbing the poor era-grant, perhaps cr hie
(net dollar. He waa determined to eat an example and
El an etid to this nefar.one trade If pose Me. The senice
of the ('^nrt we# six months' imprisonment le the
.< mm . w- ?. - -
. _,7 . ,u? VI ?UCIBt U1
lk? ! ?.
Before Judge Benedict.
Tie coon opeaed y?atcr<1?y afternoon for the firm Una*
Mmoc the return of Judre Benedict from Europe Tbyre
wa? nobuaine?? of *nv importance trv.aat ted, l.owreer,
aad lb* oourt adjOaroed until Wednesday tut
HmhirM fturfnit lh<> Pn?! tt reli.
Before Surrogate Veeder.
I>u o? tbe p**l ?eek the wllla of the fo.iowiLg named
parties, dereaeed. were admitted to prolate:?Jonathan
tee, SaraU V. D. NUboli and Jacob Kocl, all a'
letter* of ediatn'etrat.na were alee panted or t'u*
aatalee of Tnotoa* 11. I-aetlle, FeriVaand Kobman, Mary
Ann Morrla, Wlctaol Ke.ly, Maria Meier'eua, John I'uhl,
It ni H Cart, Jaue Doyle. Aln.y U i owl act Mary
Kltubetb Baaar all of Brooklyn.
.1 rrner ('Ity. >
Onaai.e <n R'.^aai Ai.i:rr i ,>r Sitwean ?
kobert C. Bendereoa, a paaa<-ng?r by tbe tteainah'.pCora?a
which arrived at ber mooring! yeeterday af'ernooa,
freer Naeaaa. mad* a rorapia.nt tbat Gordon Mcintoah. 1
A*ward of lb* veaeel. itole two packager of gold which <
1U U1P IU uruv?i i I i j aut.Ufc uviir ih
Torfc. Tb? plaintiff glroa bin addroiw at 1?3 llatdan
tanii Vaw York nod ba in ooalta to.atate tba tiaoi.ii of
aid in tbo it < UN. Tba (toward wot anootad and I*
haul for niiioi.niion
( ommnlpiw.
Tan Win i Taana t?u Aaarmta.?Tba r?-rtpia at the
ant yarda ror tba pad waok ware 2*8 cara, contain ng
11M uatUn. 8,118 bam, 1,*M nbaap and U? borrw.
|tnafbt?r*d daring tho tamo (r id ?3I came. I.M3 t
oagi, 8,1100 tboep aad 300 caltao |
Kikntu or Mi.JTjrT Orwcana ? * moating of a(B ?ra
ad tba Hudaoa eaiuitr brigade waa bald lata aeen'ut
antra) HatCald praoidlnf. It waa propotod and rarrlad
Ukal tba Qcartarmaarar Gaaara! ba eallad oa sa Nra tt
8ka recutita autnhar of ualfonaa at in tba caae of lha
rtfWi ragiaait rococnitad by tba Ptala in the county
R.arr wit a diapoaiUua manifaattd by tba board or
odBcan fur a union with tba rlflaa. aad a bill to effect
tbta object wl'l oa I a trad, cad at tba neit aaaoloo of tba
A Taaa limn. ?' tea Cbarlea Il?tK?n baa baoa pro
Car of tba run etere known aa tba W*ahawken
oa for tba iaat n:aa yaaip. With a n#w probably to I
nwprowt hit |>oa.'ioti ho rataored recently to aaotbor
aaollty, wbaro ba aattlad in buetneaa. Br tba Urn a of
the loaao aa aooa aa P taman depart*; 'rem tba Sbedat
m lofal parchment aa afbr.tna) oa too handrail handed
Oort??rui abut hint oat f-'>?n all hop# of re'.-jrnief Tba
mod lord tborofara want into puaaoat an, opaord tba
atari aad art oa buairnia Yoatarday afternoon P itturn
En Tla t to hit oil baont*. i n* togry wo*di pawed i
Hskai aad tba landlord M* an ' a ngnt antuod i
m tbar a quarter of an bo it .eram) parneaat bad
bod falion la on aitbar atda, aad claba, atnaaa and other 1
waa pom waia naad fraaly No arroala wart made
although at ot'uor tiDiaa tonoornl man Cod it diffleult to
ton taraa it.a dtatrol aawaiaaad ry tbo I mba t* tba >aw
If orfcaoeork.
t>nofWi>i. ran Tiara.? The lnou Pyke Co*i>acv wbo 1
hora (bargee thaaita'rra with tha aiwuia of a ward
of groat pafclle utility. bata ordered wenty tb - wand
Iron piataa frrni tba Co-operatlm Koundry la Woat 1
iffra? fifty tbauaand addltlasal will ba ordered early |
i 'lit tba arrng 4 fall doner ptlon of tbaaa pia'.aa tod tb* ,
> 1 jfcmla of procedure ka.. alrandy appeared in u>a Ht?an.
jy, ; la. -mi.. ? Vaaia*da> booa a ad namri
tMP 1-aaa, raatdlbp at IfT*npU>t>, atraosttad tc jump from tita
Ireat platform of a C am hcraa aar. as J falitap ondar
* ??a >t tba atisa't bad oaa af hia lap* >>rakaa aaar tba
d?i>pb and b a rlbar ap from tut rai' la lira ksaa
'* barflHy aiaaplad
,1,' Hr?a aoa a '.ike.a H ani.L Tb? irnia Kaspital '
?, *o?t?t? taatt ipw l jpea a aua for lb# erect'oa af a |
aapiUi it r->a?tata ar 8?a lata, aavaatf-flrt b? (* .
buedred faai atih a three tterp d< et .a b'ia* heuee 1 ,
Uraaaaa, local*) at tta a! Waded bf Hrooma t?. ev | .
Maryland J'rjaaa atreou Tba prloa af 'aa pmpanp I t
*Mt?r allla.
Dboof* Caai nrr a ?- a??lr be t>b'eb fsar j
rt psnoo) vara drevael, ecnmed aaar u kion* aa b*i. I
aar ntfbt a peetiameo aimed a -?? * :UMa J
* at aaa, a as drtrtap amaf tba Oalaaara abl Har'taa ,
ca<-J, lb compear " lh bt? fa aa? aod a M t* ? it
da to, about eipbt a dork, when fba bona -.on* fr,*tii I
uiti tbrew tba car-tap a tola tba rat-at All tba arttvpiata
at me tablet# war# drawaed it aaa at art,I toward* ! t
aittrrma thai tba Md affair aaa known. abaa a eearcb J I
fat 'be bad'a* at* aetiated
Oraef*. I (
li?a oa B? la. ai?? Ti? m$n Nat na, aba aaa I |
J . M?%'} 1j{ / */, * |PI ? ,?'3 b?r? fcr a bj?f>?r, aa J i
rtporcd in V^.e Htftuuial the '.lute, <wl of M* injonw
oq Friday u%lit. An io?i jM( w to be B?id to-day.
Union t'oun y Court yesterday sfternoon, the passing
of eewteuce ot> Sjl'feter (Jaiiior. the murderer of John
Fii:? eu, tM postponed until Saturday next on the application
of counsel for the prisoner. Judge Depue, In
(ranting i/ie ?p,,i -aiioa. autea t bat be deeuied it bet
an act of juetico, not lav>r, to lb* condemned n an.
(gu.l'e ba>- strong hopes of a new tral, an?l like a
droa. lUi rate baa at slrawn. His grief la evidently
deep, b?'t ho aoea nut muaileel it in any rtoMut detnongirationb.
Nkw fur ADornm sv Bkooarb. ?Teeteiday morning
a vagrant named James I?wd?n callad at the real4anco
of Mrs. Jane A. Willisana and asked for something
to eat. Ha was refused, but nothing daunted he. it is
ailo.ed, drew a large knife and .nPinned her that lie
would rJlow her Uta in nui- s to relteee nia wants, and if
the uAce*jari*a were not forthoomlng at that time ha
would kill bar Ha waa promptly arreatad and lodged
In jail.
Hare to am Rnvunif Sonooi.?Five young boys waro
vustarday rent to tba Retorm School, they having been
<n cobtiuernant in Uta county jail for mm or o (fauces.
A*oram Bum>dt itntiT is Nnw Jkmabt. ?On Friday
fail the colored people of TUhw^ and Its suburbs via'.tad
Paasa'a wood, In tbat place, wnera it had been
previously anuouaced that a "harvest hotue" would
be bald. The ' darkeys" met in a frtandly manner,
congratulating each other on the success '-oh de harvest
" About two o'clock in the art rnoun the "gemmen"
bad become pretty well intoxicated, and began to
k.ch each other on the "thins" tn a not very friendly
mmW SSneJlv the men of franavilla made uu tbelr
miudo that tb?y oould "whip" their Kabway friends, to
which the lattsr d?murred, aad each au4 every eontntiant
armed hlro'elf for the occasion. Some took
atones, oth?rw bottlee, aad other* clubs. VTha oontaei then
Pagan. and was waged ileroely to Its close, maay being
Injnrod in their bcada with stones. One & Firn.an
had broiif bt on the grounds a base hall club which
ho bad found one crub ground. Tha idea occurred to
hku that it would make an #(Trollvu weapon. Holding
it behind him, he snoalcwd up behind a sable 'ndlviduti
named James Jscksin, aad, catching tha bat with both
hanile, he, it is ullaged, gave Jackson s terriftc blow en
toe upper portion of h i bead, behind the right ear.
Whether Firman Imagined bis opponent's bead a bstll
has no< beau deOnitely eettled, but aeriala It sraa that
the baad went to "oautre field:" in other words, it *m
safely deposited en the ground w.ih the br.Jy te which
it was at la bed. First blood was called lor Firman. On
an investigation It waa found that Jackson bad betm severely
injured. It is fearod that his skull is fractured,
and but little bopo la entertained of Ins recovery. Tne
"homo" was spscdl'y dissolved and the "harvest" removed
to shelter Firman bos bean arrested, and la
ht.d to await the recall of Ja.kuou'a injuries
Fnot?Yesterday moiulug, about half-past four
o'clock, a tire br: ke out in a stable at the rear of
Wooloy's saloon, Railroad avenue. Tb? eUble was completely
destroyed, together with on? horso and it pig.
The stable is valued at $600; Insured for $400. Toe
horno belonged to Messrs. Shaw At Utncbcllf.e, end wasinsured
lor $200. m
Psssaic Cocstt Courts.?The trial of William Marshall.
for an outrugo on a little German girl, was cot>clud
d yesterday, he bolitg found guilty; ho was then
tried on an indictment for an assault on a little g:rl
nomed Lydia Oobbs, with intent to outrage. He woo
found guilty. Joho Johnson retracted tun lorrnor ptoa
of not guilty, and pleaded guilty to breiking ami entering
Rio.barii Van Kiper's siablc, a*. Weasel, and Hteaing
a m'.i of harness. Feter els'"!! pleaded not guilty to an
adictmunt for adulter" with Margaret We'den. R chard
ferbunc trisd and found guilty of breaking and entering,
and larceny from Henry Barw-xxi Ha then retracted
bm former plena to two lu.Jlc.Unonte for the eamo
ofl'-uce acalu st F. bpindier and 4. Usbi rue and pie tied
guilty to tt a same. Wlliett Star'oe piastied not guilty
to-an lud uiout for ?.o?aiilt and battery. Oearge Hudson
pira ted not guilty to on indictment lor breaking
and onto" ng ami larceny. The court adjourned to
J How Attend Sports, ?ContiJorlng tbe great Influx
of Grangers and vlaitnrs to this city, car -etj if n? on tba
agricultural shew, but one riot deserving notieo happened.
Igite loot night a tr.oleo occurred between acr?ra)
men, wben one man named Ouic got badly kicked
and braised about tbe faco, ore eye particularly being
transformed trto a temporary nonentity. Be made an
adldavlt before Justice Johnstr n this morning, accusing
a sporting cbarocte- well know n in New York, ad being
the pcrpoirctt r of tbe nseault. Ee denied being tbe assailsot,
and In roiort preferred a charge ter assault and (lattery
ag unit truie. Several wlineasea appeared oa either
aide, but tba Justice dispensed with their services, and
ooond be litigants to give ball tor tbeir appearance at
tbe next commission of Oyer act Terminer.
A ear .At or R?'s Hoasr1.?Yesterday afternoon severs!
raco borers arrived In this city, from Hob-.ken. to
take psrt in tbs sporting events of tbe ensuing -ek.
7asaiMLT Tlra-rsif?Christian Mlcboel, wbo bos seen
nearly half x century of mucdace life, U anything but s
rood Cbr stitx; and. as an admirer of the "tenguey
?x,'' is* not tanx p-:re, tant rrpr"che, par exavt/iU:?
i am eight, feeing pot valiant, having prevlou-rly put
on board a largo cargo of patent lager, our Christian
friend pitched into a little woman, named Bridget ullivan
wbo, with him, is co-tenant of a bense in Second
avenue. Had Ml-hael ur.dertakoo to whip a ' woman
<if lu* sue' It would have been a different mallar. and
Jtiulvet would have frit relieved, and doubtless bavo
thought batter cf her aanailant. but oa he didn't,
and aa ha kneckad Sullivan into "smithereens,"
s?'.-inc her so reverely that the services of a
iitv., .. were the-ight necessary, she.cauaed bis arrest
and incarceration last night, 'l'bla morning, a letter
from tba medical man announced to hlv honor that,
fortunately, no boeaa ware broken, nor her tlesh very
eortously bruised. It is oar reporter's op-nlcn that for
tHis umnan'y anvilt upon a woman, and some of thsm
tt must be confessed are. aa Samuel Waller philo?ophirally
remarks, wary agvrawulin, ' not evec the archangel
Michael can save our Chn'tian friend from the
punishment lie so richly merits, fur rai-lng hia band
agenst a woman <*a * my lord" I.ytton Hulwer poet rally
puts it In the Lady of I yonsi eirept in the war of kindness
Michael, anniented ye Christian, was admitted to
heii to answer to tbe charge of violently aasaeluns lira
iBndgrt Xuli.van u tbe General Sessions
IiNoanawY H??rsr..?On tb* oompsict of * Km. TTar
rial Shaw who leatdee lo Hlecekar street, Mr*. Elisabeth
Vittlker or arrested and held to ball In |300 tc answer
ibe chary* of keeping a disorderly bouse In Ridrtdge
street, at the General Sessions. Bail was forthwith
olislned, and Mrs. Witttker is free to continue ber
er'abi ibmoat until some "lessl lawyer Perkins" brings
he up -with a mend turn" on Rlackwell's Island.
How these women do quarrel!. Two-thirds of the cases
hrc igbt before the pottoe courts arise from fiftht* and
wordy disputes among the members of that aex whom
mee ' liembooi'e" themaelres Into believing are of a
superior order ef creation.
got His Basse All Huron.? Frederick Kilns, who
makes "ter brod vor tec beoptea," is Clinton strasse,
m ist have seized whet In German Is called die puen
eunge- tmgnbhck, ' which moment, with a woman, poetesses
all tbe virtues ascribed tbe celebrated atone built la
tbe waits of Biarnoy Castle, near tbe celebrated lakae ef
Ki'larnef, and tbns was poor Marguerite Belterieb made
to incline ber ear to his request-like enchantments
Vee'erday aba made affidavit to that affect, and tbs da.
csivmg Frederick will of count be compelled to make tbe
amende Aewrabfe in some way. Moral?Toung women
sboul'l not, without first obtaining tbe eooaenl of the
par-oo, listen to tbe billing* and rootngs of amorous
l<nt:c-oen. even if tbsy do mis flour and bak* "trod
and pretzels.
A Hemes ConcLsnifl or ana Sow?Julia Lockwoed, of
Fsst 11 road war. went before Juatioe rbandley and deposed
Utal her soa. a mare child, named James Lockweod.
had contrartad Lb* bablt of staallng money from
hoi and of remtialsg away, wtl* out bar knowlodge
all nlgbL James was developing >-?t Into the psisw*
oa'er but it t* believed a fee in?r tbe detention in the
Juvenile At.v urn will help to open un bis moral nature.
iih? ib?i when d.efherg-d from .raw bf will Imaa
impro??d ulbar r??p?ct n lb* phywcal *od
mania! An atcflleni reformtlorj .r lUrrmi youth ia
tba Jueeutia Atyl'im
Farua a B*u ?<;h -Johanna Swwgir l( an anc!?nt
but liaa r ' iparitnaa brick" of 'frln to brnyh."
What .ionat no tat? on a apron aha makaa Monro# alroot
tow! and bar bnaband, Dannii, baa to take a back Mat
a th* marital coneaatleto until tba 'aphraa a? bit
dha.ab .a j?#r wid ' Put, bo Iba power#, Johanna loot
got outdid area baraalf "An' fait, yar Banar," aa
oar man 'emnrkad derrerat ny'y, uwbln aba doaa (it
thaid ar baraalf aba batao tba onld boy htmaalf, an' I
loaa o'ton ba think in' fat II baroma a* bar aa aba abud
l a wbm w was at bar iphraaa. Sbura Ibadtvll wudn't
br? any'.hint to do win bar till aba got aobor, an' aa that
'ad bo a tar. aa aa boll, book an' candla, arte, couldn't
rat oar in nor oat ar purgatory, fat 'ud aba dot Trotb,
yar Wan*', an' a nkw woman la Miathraaa Bwar*y if
iba d lot tho anp af wbiakay alaoa; bat aba won't "
How old a ?ua? "
Rtainf or flrty, oa? Honor "
Katbar old to 't/r-rm," remarked bit Honor
Yar Warat.p," hora broka In tba gwaat-yotO*d
Hi bom I ro- it bad a byparboraan touch In ila lone#?
wh-le aba a^Jiod bar r*rpandlr:lar bf holdioi firmly
n tba railing# aaant tb? oeat of ludjmant; Yar Warih'P.
wed wu* y* :hlr) do aomaiLIn' fo? for mo.
Y??? aoo bin, yar Hanoi. Ptaata, a daelet maa 'nouyh
h r whan aoho-, to' that a aaldom now. ma darilnt?am*
' to (hici *>naiy widout him I'm Wqd yaaa bo (htrf
[i k nd oo-oneayh to-to coaaa bta fbloi arriat, an'aw
! t do it lb" bandy Ilka, yar Honor a aowl il.ial
a h bo oat bad in tba glory oo tba aagola iblc). too
b ?
obo aaro ya-i ar? it# ona who la drank, Daoniaf'
la d tha meyiaoata. rmi. ng
Fa?, I' lT aba baa* daisy dad all tba tima Wh a>
oor abo doaa ba dbrlabtn. an' it'a aow about ail tba day,
"ho dot 1 don't know fat I'm about "
Walt. I'll tok? cam of bar notli aha (Ota aobor "
"Tar Harar, (hie) ba alay aaw aid a poor ih") loaa
"adbor iik* inew!f lata to onpport h") an oold man I ka
I' a aw that# .for < "?." and Johanna, la tar lb lay but
i m'o#K^l/ attuned ru.ua, ^jat hko bar Jfiud ((;??y
taypot" m cracked. JohghtaJ the tare of all
wtio heard her with
Oob. Di.luw, i('fini<wir f?U la glory,
Shure It's Um i>lu ov Molly Mullorey,
Fal Uvrs In Dublin mi frisky.
Where dry jriu Itshlne o? whtvkey.
Ochone, swate Molly Mtlloray,
Kest rer vow, Molly Maltorey I
Before the Inspired Johanna could proceed f'ir\^ei
wlih her relralu a police oitioer who kpews owning
about "ibe harmony of awa*t sounds, '* aod dUM't b I
leva in turning a pi lice coo it tutu a, whiskey sal'iou,
horned the women into the building adjoining, where
the was pa; under lock aud key. Mryr. Swtauoy will he
dry before sonnet to-morrow.
>'aiRNoiJE ? vxo I>-a**.?among those who wero arrested
by the police Friday evening was a rather goodlooking
girl, aged about seventeen yean, named Mary
My era Ofltoor bheridan, of the Thirteenth police precinct,
found the poor creature wandering ohjecileusly
through the streets, and on rpiestiotiing her foaid alio
wav without a plants to sleep in and apparently tasane.
Judge hhandls* a net tbo homeless one te the Cs*-ninlssioners
of Charittee ami Oorrectloti.
Tat Ftiomoue "WmrioLnmo or Nsuctiaiilb NOT**.?
On the 15th of Auguci lost Ouetav Aubry, residing Is
Fourth avenue, end. In the nervine or Joseph R Laurent
en Importer of leese, woe intrusted with eight enAeread
negotiable nods of the value (together) of $1,000, which
noise he wren liwtructed by hia employer to tleifvvT to
Dennis ( ou^hlin, at the house of the drawer in Brooklyn.
Subsequently, on the same day, Aurry. at the solicitation
of one Kmii Florentine, of Sixth avenue,
placid tbem in hie hands for examination, wheimmadi- .
aiely upon receiving them put them in bis pocket and
refused, it la alleged, to return the same, although often
since requested so to da It is further alleged in the
affidavit of Aubry that Florentine baa since feloniously
disposed of these note*. Florentine denies the alieeathm
of Auhry, and declares himself Innocent of the
charges preferred against htm. The examination Into
the circumstances of this case was prelimlurtly opened
yesterdav. and will, be oeolinued on next Wednesday
before Justice Sbatsdley.
Trtiko to Turn a Lasn.? Albert Lone keeps a restau
rant? eome people are vulgar enough to call such places
"feed stops''?on ene of ths avenues, and yesterday an
individual who travels under the name of Johnny
Welsh undertook to take a turn oat of this I-one by getting,
in the way of a dinner check, fifteen cents the better
of hint. It appears tbat Johnny, on bolting his dinder.
look his check, went Into the watorcloeet and tbero
destroyed It; then, taking a ten cent one, undertook to
sweat the victualler out of the difference. Johnny didn't
succeed in hie little game, and, not being enabled to
find f 300 bail to keep the peace for the next six months,
was commuted to prison, where, without the bother of
ebanring checks^ he will get bis mush and molasve* for
the next ten day* 1 or nix.
A ItwrxKTxo Outia.?A respectable lookhcg woman who
gave her nameaaAane Dans, appeared before Justice
r-baadley yeeterday afternoon with a entail, bat quite
liveiy child, of probably about six months, in her arras,
and deposed that a woman came to her residence in VI! th
street and requested her to take charge of tt for a few
minutes, whiie she went with a pitcher to get some b< er
or milk. The deponent stated that this woman wri well
dressed and appeared to be intelligent and honest. She,
deponent, anepted of the charge w tboui hesitation.
Hour filter hour pawed, rind the woman not returning,
Mrs. Dunn. who had thus heen "done," was advised to
take the child to Justice Shandley. Ihat cfflcler.t magistrate,
on Aune taking the usual "swear," gave her the
aflldavit to hand to Mr Keliugg, at No. 1 Dond street.
who v/lll receive and wet nurse this liitie waif, thus
early abandoned to Its fate on the boundlam and stormy
sea of humanity, until it is strong enough to flgbt its
own way In the rcboolnouso on Kendall's Island.
Hammkring a Dutcdmas'b Head.?The only complaint
of importance brought before Justice Kelly yesterday
was a case of assault with a hammer by ritillp Pobner
upon Frederick Schreluer, a pair of "rock squatters'' in
Sixty-sixth struct, between Kighth and Ninth avenues.
The trial before his Honor was interesting, particularly
as it was for the must part conducted In high Dutch and
low Irsh. is near as coukt bo gathered from the
evidence, which, as usual, was contlictiug, although each
witne-s swore positively that be bad eeeu the whole
transaction, Philip 1'ohncr hit Schreiner a murderous
whuck ou the head, vainly hoping to crack it with a
hammer, causing the blood to flow freely, the rangnineous
fluid paiDling bis face d r.j Iadiau. Tho first witness
called was a brilliaol representative of a low Dutchman,
and tils statement of how the row commenced was nearly
as follows: ?
"Schroicer ho goomsfrom ter bouse rait ter rock to
where 1'oboer vaa vorkin' mit ter hammer, and be aav,
'Bend (dog) i bilip, you ace your last tay, ror I shall
kilt von Ic.mutit ' dan ha striker Philin rait his foust
in ter brunt?so; den he strtft.es him twice, dwo times,
so, In ter bruit, so; au" den be dakee ter rocks mil his
bands, so. un' hit Philip mil ter foots salt it, sa "
' Was there any one present?"
"Yaw I I was in ter middle, petween tarns."
7 "Then how did 1'ohuer menage to hit dnretner with
the hamc.er?"
"He bit him mil ter bead, so." And the witness
vainly attempted to explain how the assault was managed
i bat although six witnesses were called in succession
to ebow bow the hammer sine to hit tbo complainant,
and whether the complainant hail a rock in
one or bclh hands, his Honor was left in as thick a fog
ae before.
For tho complainant, Peggy Mortarty and Molly Maguire
were called to the stand. Molly said: ?
" Yor boner, ahure. 1 seed the whole ar it. 1 was sittin'
at me winder whin I saw dot man there (pointing to
tbo defendant) kirn up to tLle man hero (turning
to the ctriplalnant) an' aibrlke hue wid tbo bamtuor in
the bead."
" How fir were you from where tbo man stood ?"
"Ocb, jcr boner, I was about as near till than as that
duro there Is from mo."
" Were there any womon near V
" ot won! There was neither a woman nor a man
bat mesolf on tho rock at the time."
' Well, did you see the complainant bit the defendant
ia the breast with his clenched band "
' Is it wid bis fhist?" Interrupted tbo woman.
"Y?S; and subsequently "
'Is It atur that yor Honer manes?"
?iVm onri i)imm a lMrj? Btnna ol tho lar of thf> ltd.
fondant. and t-o njure t,"
"<)ch ! glory be to ycr Holier, no. Aflher the man
there stbruck the man here wid the hammer. that mere
ould woman svint an' picked up the frig atliouc there an'
placed it on the durcstep. so that whin the policemen
shod rome alcng they end swoar that the gos.'oon there
had hit the OKtadhann here "
"Bo you know these parties. Mrs. Maguipe''*
"I* it me know tbim? ' answered Molly, wilt an angry
teaser her head. "Shure an ye'ewodu't b? wanting
me to know thtm low Dutch furriners, fot can't he uuderrthandln'
a word Iv o r language1"'
"Well, you may retire," said hie Hcner.
Maggy Mori any confirmed the story of her friend
Molly, aasunng his Honor that the only "min prisent on
the rock waa her elf and the last wltnasa; an akure abe
waa in the house all the time
The Judge came to the conclusion that there was a
great deal of lying around loose somewhere, and disras*
<1 ttie caae w'th hie blowing, at tho aeme time admotpshiag
tha |<artiea to go home, life peaceably, learn
"ter Eo>li*h goota," and nave their "w its 'for pleasanter
reunions thee that of trying to do the Impossible,
namely?cracking each other's skulla for mere smusemenu
The parlies -etlieri conteuted with the "mutual
a wear" each had had at the expense of the other.
txaura Linear?Clara Burrett, Me. 40 Amity street,
appeared before Jast*o Smith yesterday, at the Jeffereon
Market Police Coert, and preferred a charge of petty
larceny against Mary Hickey. The accased was charged
with entering theahero premises and stealing therefrom
a handkerchief, and pocketbook containing a gold atud
and a quantity of currency. all of which waa found In
her possesion. She was committed for trial.
A Torrnrcx Rownr.?William Michael Kelly, a youngster
aged oalr eight y are, was brought before Justice
Smith yesterday. The complaint against lbs boy was
that he committed an assault on the person of Isaac
Tbotnpeon, a cbild of m rnn, sad Inflicted a enrous
wound on hi* br?aat by staobna blm with knife.
Thompson's mother wee tn court, end preferred tbe
charge against tbe juvenile culprit The accused wee
committed in full to answer ftt the Court of .-fpeciaf "w?
Faua T?**i?e ?Officer Mclntyre, of the Fourth wurd.
arretted Henry IV. Sutncliffe. on ft complaint or falsa
pretence* made by Oaalel Casey, of 8W Pearl street
Tbe prisoner was arraigned before tbe meftatrate yrstrr-s
dar, wben the complainant made an affidavit sutingii
that Ktanclif* owed btm $0 on account, end had pre-,
rated e cbeck for $ 44 on tbe National ailteni' Denk,
purport.ug to bar* beta drawn by I/OoKwood A Jackson.,
in favor of tbe aocueed. He bad oaebed tbe check, de-i.
ducting the $4, ea requested by HUBcllffie, bat on pre-i
eentiog the peper at the bank dlecoeered that It wae,
worthless, a* no eucb name or account appeared upon I
their hooka. 4* the prlaoner could not offer a valid ?tenae
be wae held for trial at the Spec's! Semlont \
Robert Haywood, a discharged soldier wan arrveted
end arraigned before the magistrate on a almllv charte. '
Augustus Raymond, of No. lie FuHoa etreei. appeared 1
o court and elated that the prlaoner purcbs-ed a coat
and veet fer $33. tendering a cheek for f$7 on the
Assistant Treasurer of tbe I'mted .-Hates tn New York.
dra?a by G V t-ole, Paymaster of the t'ntied stales
army, eod payable to t.'barlee somervllle He bad
accepted the supposed cbeck as genuine, payiog tbe
sec used tbe ha'an e of $44, subsequently nscxruiaiag
that tbe cbeck was a bogus one. The keener l confeeeed
having etelen a black cbnek from nn officer * quarter* 1
at W,usU's Point, and Bllad It up Haywood staled that
bs bad been trim W he ..rnmleftlno >f tbs crime by 1
debt and misfortune
Fatoeiore Anuri v - Some weete ago, Vt'S Mary J
Ann"RJ'*y waa, it is alleged, brutally beaten by ber has
band l'eter, wnu tkrew bar usss eteirn and broke ber
lag She relumed bome ve No M North Moore etrent mi 1
Friday. srst ?u met at the door by l'atrlak Duffy, who, i
It lecni'ied. nude a thnmt at ber with a sword bayonet, I
the po ol striking tbe ure band of her cor*?t?, end the ?
blow push ng her .au> the street, Mrs filler Is a lady
nf re ed manner, and In narrating the abore facte to I
Juste* Ttw og sutod also that the house and furnl- <
tur* be'sngrd to ber, and ibat ber husband bad enter- .
tamed improper nbiKisn daring her lltnees Duffy
Wis srres.sd yes erdsy vid fully -oaoDltted for trial at S
the < snerai Seaetona Us denied tbe charge, but the
offnsm found I. m armed, when arratted, with a award
and Ice pick.
Oair as Iirtkiirr -Joba Kaetby waa arraigned before
Just ce Dewliag on e charge nf bav'ng entered tbe
store or Harry H. Smith, 12$ Chatham street, and Mealing
three pe r of panta The prisoner mid be only wlnbnd
to teat the sharpness of the Chatham etreet people, and
corned tbe Imputauon of a theft being contemplated. h
Tba magistrate tank a dlfferant view of tbe case, bow- r
ever, end locked b m up for trial at tha Bpeaial heaelena p
Buvorawt l>:kea|w?p - ff uiam um fn tm v ?
'TEMBffR 22, 1867.-TR1PI
rented M u.v 10th inataur on suspicion of taring Ml
lire lijpiho People a Hole',, log Vraey street, was nooor*h'/7
discharged from Ojstody yesterdav. The ground*
at the anest were y,ry (light, in the opinion ot Judge
bowling, who ord/red hi* immediate release after n
Insertion of the Third Brigade.
Ordots have beon promulgated for tbu inspection of
this brigade ae folio ere:?Ninth reglmont Infantry, Monday,
O-tober 7; Eighth regiment infantry, Tuesday,
OetobarS; Serenth rogtment Infantry, Tbnraday, Octo.
her 10; Thirty-seventh regiment infantry, Friday, October
11; Fifty-fifth regiment Infantry, Monday, October
14, Klret regiment Infantry, Tuesday, October 15. Each
regiment ie to assemble at Tompkins square, at ten
o'clock, A. M , upon the aoreral days aboro named.
Nixtv-Mintli Realmeat Feallral.
Th* Hily-ulnth regiment infantry intend to glv* a
grand festival at Jones' Wood on tha 14th of October, in
honor of th* sevoni*enthannirers|ry or the organisation
of the fixiy-aiuth regiment. Addresses will he
delirercd by Ricbatd O'C.orman, Miles O'Reilly, Colonel
McMahon and Adjutant liargous.
Ilenlile "Surprise and Presentation.
Company A, Fifth regiment infantry, had a rery fine
target excursion at Funk a Union Park, 6tiiy-third
I struct. Ihey paraded with seventy-five men. under
command ot Captain John K. Merer und Lieutenant* H.
Mayer and H. M. Bohnstetn. The shooting with rifles,
at 21C fact d stance, was very good. Thero wero upwards
el forty prizes given out. After dinner a splendid
service of silver was presented to the captain, and
also another sat was given to tho company see rotary,
Martin ArnrmtM. Itoth eentlcmen wers somewhat sur
prised, us Uio manor had been kept rather quiet, aud it ,
was difficult for them to ear more ill an return thanks for
the honor conferred upon them. It was quite late at '
night when the happy family party broke up. <
Troopers nt Kordhuui.
On Wednesday laat Troop F, First regiment civalry, ,
which Is composed entirely ef Irishmen, under the com- ]
mand of Captain John Madden, determined to pey a
visit to L'.ssati Cottage, at Fordbam. Accordingly, accompanied
by ConueiTs band, they took the quarter to j
ton o'clock train from Twenty-sixth street and Fourth
avenue, reaching their destination about eleven A. II. '
After disponing of some choice champagne aud other I
wines, in addition to an abundant collation of cold uieats, ,
the troop proceeded to ibo fluid adjoining, where ihcy
contended for a comber of valuable prizes,
tiring with rides at one hundr d and eighty i
foot distance. When the shoot log was douo
there wag lots of dancing and singing nntil dinner
tune. An excellent dinner was served up. and fnll Jus- I
tire done to the same. After dinner the prizes wero
awarded to the fortunate marksmen, and at about half- .
past flvo the troops marched back to the cars, well
pleased with their trip. Among the guests present were <
Colonel Ilrinkcr, Lieutenant Colonel Ittner, Major Kent,
Major O Shaughoessy, Major Ittner, Captain Wint rs,
ex-Adjutant Devoy, Adjutant Collyer, Lieutenant Lang,
ex-I.leutenant T'.~Monninger and many others. Ibis
troup, which It the only Irish cavalry organization in
the First division, promises to increase in uumbers and
Ssldicrs' Hereon tie.
On Tuesday night last Troop I), Third regiment cavalry,
assembled at their headquarters tu the Bowery for
buu (jurjjuov; ui jnuv-siuiag 111 u nuuj IU tuo rcsmeccw ui
Captain Henry Wlsser. in Greene nne> t, near Spring.
1 lie troop was under tbo command of Kir-t Lieutenant
Henry J, Boebrer, and weie acoi'inpanlcd by the full
regimental band, iho object of the viMt was to 8~ronad"
Captain Winner In honor of bis return from Europe
a lew days since. Of course tbo troop received a warm
welcome and enjoyed the hospitality of iliuir commandant
until long alter midnight. Major fVhinale. Adjutant
Titumermann, Quartermaster KuollliotT, Captain
lioohtn and Lieutenants Mueller and Hoops assisted in
the alfair.
Appointment Confirmed.
The Commander-in-Chief having appointed Colonel J.
Henry I.iebeoan, (ommisvery General of Snbsl-tencp,
wiih ranlc of HrigadiT General, ho is announced as such
In General Orders No. 20, and will be obeyed and
respected accordingly.
Inspection of the Cnvwlry Rrlgnde.
Tlie time for the inspection of the troops of this
brigade ts fixed for Thursday, October 17, and Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, October 29. 30 and 31. Bv a
request from tho Bta'e headquarters, only five troops
are tu be iuvpeoted on one day. Therefore the right witig 1
of the Thirdlcavnlry are to be inspected on tbe 17th; the 1
right wing of the First cavalry and one troop of the '
left wing on tbe k0th, tbe left wing of tbe Third cavalry '
on tho 30th, and the remaining corai anios In the left
wing ol the First cavalry end the Waehtngtoa Gray <
troop, on the 31st. I
Cavalrr Drill.
Tr >opa B, C, E and K, composing the right wing of
the First cavalry, had a mounted drill at Tompkins
square, under tho command of Colonel Brlnker, oa ,
Friday afternoon last. Tbey did not tarn out la very
strong force, and quite a number of the men came upon
the ground half an hour behind time. This should bo 0
slopped at once. There were thirty-two movements .
performed, with but one rest. No offlcer or private was
Some of the tnovemeuts were not well executed, owing a
In a great measure to tbe want of attention on the part
of the men. The privaiee fiequently rule
In advance of the line of formation, and
Inetead of "reining lu" and bat-king they execute a
complete circle, making a gap In the front and throwing
oiners out of their right place. As far as closing of column
on right and left squadron was concerned, everything
weol off to.orably well; also the various wheelings
and changing* of direction by platoon?particularly the
"iiy equadton forward in echelon" and tbe various
r.hauges of front forward and bsiswaru; but tbe dmmounting
was not as well done as H should be, especially
upon the left, and while executing tno retirement
by alternate squadrons the troop U|>on the right committed
an error In standing fast when It should have been
faced about. The drill commenced at half-past one, and
was oevr shortly alter tour o'clock P. M.
Regiment nl Drill In Hrooltlya.
Tbo Forty seventh regiment infantry has oommenced T
to drill In tbe new 1'pton tactics. The entire battalion b
m to asstmble at tbe aruiorv, on Saturday evening, o
ocloiter 6, for .natructton. No spectators will be ad- o
muted. U
OHirers* Association Mailt New York Volnn- I'
leer C'nvnlr.v. r
The second annual reunion of tbe above association
will be held at the city of New York, on Ihursdav,
(icto'-i r. 'M. The President. Brevet Aajor General Thomas
C. I>evin, is in ths regular service, and on duty in Ne- si
vada. In his absence llrevet Lieutenant Colonel v
Hovmence la In connnaDd, and Brevet Lieutenant
Colonel George F. Farmer acting as secretory. h
Volunteer f'ompaav Pnrndr. 0
Arrangements are now being made for an evening a
parade of volunteer companies belonging to different c
regiments. At e meeting held at the Twelfth regiment g
armory tbe companies belonging to tbe First, Third, t
Fourth, Filth, Seventh, Kighth. Ninth, Twelfth, Twen- d
tv-seeond, Thirty .seventh and Seventy-first regiment* S
were represented. A committee has been appointed to L
per oct a plan. They will report ou Wednesday evening t
next. t
Improvements > (he Armory of Ike Ninth '
The Ninth regiment armory Is new completely fin- f
iehed, the rooms all having been frescoed nod the entrywa
and stairway neatly panelled. It is a great Improve
uirni iurvM|ui>?i, iu? wiuwry auw ninkiu| iBTureuij
wlin the Seventh and Tweniy-eerond regiment armoalea,
although It Is aot to targe. The drills by companies
eonmsiics tbia week. Tha Inspection of tba regiment
has been cbaagad from tba 9tU of Or to bar to ana 7tb.
Captain Youngs, ef Company U, Slate FenciMes, of tbla
regiment, bail rasignod.
tbe fallowing European and coastwise bound steamers
left Ibis port yesterday:?
Tbe Europe, of tha General Transatlantic Company's
line, left pier 40 North river, for Havao, calling at
Brest, with tbe Continental made, forty-alt paaeengers,
$183,000 In specie and a fall cargo, principally tobacco.
Tha Cimbrta, of the Hamburg American Packet Company's
line, left ber dock at Hoboken. for Hamburg,
with tbe Gormen mails, seventy eabin and fifty steerage
passengers, $38,000 in specie and a lull cargo or roaln and
Tba Helvetia, of tba National line, left pier 47 North
rlvor, for Uverpeel, calling at Queonstown, with seventeen
cabin and two bandrsd and aoventv-flve altarage
passengers, and a fall cargo of cotton, cbeuee, lard, bacon
and tobacco.
Tbe City of l/ondon, of the In man line, left pier 48
North river, for Liverpool, with thirty-two cabin and one
hundred and eigat steerage passengers, lbs United
States mails and a fall cargo of bacon, cheese and gan
oral merchandise.
Ib* llalta, of the Canard Jib*, t*fi her dock at Jeraey
City, for Liverpool, calling at Quseoatowo. with twelve
cabin and steerage pneengert, and a full cargo
of grain aad cotton. gi
The ' airdoDia, of the Anchor line, left pier 90, North w
rbrer, for iJverpoo!, with th.rty-two oabin and one bin- O
dred aad lbraa aleerace passenger*, aad a full cargo of yi
com. ehaaaaaod roatn. si
co*are ma ai
The Rlalag Star, of tba Pacific Mail 'Heamahlp <onayany'a
Una, loft t ier 42 North rlr*r, for California and
China, via the Panama railroad, with five hundred aad P|
fifty paaaaugara, a full cargo aud lha L'nltod Statoo
at la. Vl
Tba 'lenerai Oraal, of tha Cromwell liaa. lofl plar No.
i Hortb rtrar, for No* Or I Man, with Bight paaaangara
ted a fall cargo of aaaortad freight.
Tba San Salvador, of tha Kmpira lino, left pier IS (
North r ear, for Haeannab, witb earanty aiybt paaaan- J*
|ara and a full cargo of aaaortad fra'tht
Tba Chaaapioa, of tha Now York and Charleston ?'
iteamahlp Ooaapaey'o line, lafl piar No. fi North near, <
'or Chartaatoa. with aiity aeran paaaangara aad a full >>
mrfifi of lliortld IBffChllJlM
Tfcft Vallty Ctlj. of lb* Fij r#to 9Uninibfp MM, "a
iiar It Pant r var, for lieorgelown, I> C., *'lh ? K|
Sill aaaonod cargo an
atranirttnoa. ar
8.1 European and flto coastwise ataaiaara. l.fil* oaa- }(
aagerr and filTO.oaO in specie.
I i
iffCAL T(L[ERAN TO THE Him#. rt
Bcpvaia Sept. 90, 1W1
Coroaar Walsh hold aa laquaat this aeaniag on tha J(
ody of an Iaraallta a am ad B. Oa Ida tain, a podiar, who
ama to bio daath by jaaaptag from a hay loft aa la a
tiabrork, tha hand)# entering about too IMhafi Ifito hio
Service* To-Day.
Til* Washington iqutre Ue'bodist Episcopal church,
tfter thorough repairs, *111 ba opened to-day Barmons
in the morning, at half-past ten o'clock, by Rav.
Dr. fiewell; in (be evening, at half-past seven o'clock,
?>y the pastor, Rev. Dr. Foster. Regular services
o-day, at half past ten In the morning and half past
even m the ever 'up. i-abbath school at nine in the
morning and two In the afternoon. Prayer meeting
Wednesday availing. There cervices are open to all. and
ail are Invited to come.
The Fourth Jfed-yteran charch, In Thirty-fourth
it reel, Kev. John Thomson. D. D.. pastor, will ho dedicated
to the worship and eervice'of God to-dey. 8ervice
it half-peat ten in the motnlnc. half-put threo in the
tfternoon, and half-put uvea in the evening.
At the Upper Church of the Ascension, Thirty-fourth
nreet, between F.fth and Slz'h avenues entrance on
rhirty-fourth Mreet, in the Everett Building, servicu
tt half-pact ten in the morning and quarter to eight in
;lie evening.
The temporary chapel of St. Tborau' church, Fifth
ivenua and Firty-thlrd street, will he opened for public
eorahip to-day. Services at half-past tan A. M. sad
islf-put three P. M The rector, Kev. Dr. Morgan,
a 111 officiate.
Utah op Snow, of Mount Zlcrn, will preach In the University,
Washington square, at three P. M. Subject:?
"The Riddle Expounded.''?Jer. uii-, 22.
At the Catholic ApoatUlc church, Sixteenth street, be:ween
Slxlb and Seventh avenues, preaching this evenng,
at balf-paai aaven, on the "Nearness of ths Coming
if the Lard."
ill thw ^finl ateaat D^hniaviin ill
iireel, sear Caul, K?v. David Wallace will preach at
tislf paat ten and half-post thr e o'clock.
Tha Church of the Good Shepherd, Fifty-fourth street,
Rev. Ralph Hoyt, A.M., rector, having been closed for repain
durln;; the aummer, divine service will be resumed
to-day at half-past ten in the morning and half-past
sewn in the evening.
The Chapel of the Holy Saviour, East Twenty-fifth
street, erect.d in memorlam of the late Rev. Dr. Hawkee,
will be opened for divine service at half-past ten o'clock
this morning. Sermon by Rev. Dr. Higboe.
At the Tree Church of the Redemption, East Fourteenth
atreet, divine service ever? Sunday at half-past
ten o'clock In the morning and half-past seven o'clock
in the evening. Rev. Uriah Scott will pr>ach to day.
At the Forty-second street Presbvterlan Church services
at half-peat ten In the morning and balf-past
seven In ibe evening by the paator. Rev. Dr. Scoit.
Evening subject ?Fallen Angels. Their Nature and
Present Condition."
French Church flu St. Esprit. Rev. Dr. Verren. rector.
will be reopened for divine worship lo-ilay. Servicer to
commonce at 10 A. M., preclaely.
Wan-en Chase speaks before the Spiritualists' Society
at Masetilc Hail, 114 East Thirteenth street, at 10% and
7% o'clock. < ourerence at 3 P. M.
Kev. Wtn. P. Cerblt. pastor of tbo Seventeenth atreet
Methodist Kpi6copal church. between First and Sacond
avenues, will preach moru.ng and evening.
r.ev. 1> M. Graham, l>. D., will preaeh In the First
FrceWlll naptist church, Seventeenth street; at lOtc A.
M. and 7% P. 1!. Sunday school at 9% A. M and 2
P. M.
K?v. J. F. Bruce, an eminent clergyman, will present
the claims of Spiritualism ami Christianity, >u D-d
wonh Hail, at ha!f-|uu;t ten o'clock In the morning and
half past aevon o'clock In the evening.
At the St. Meph?n's Episcopal church, Rev. Dr. Price,
rector, will hold divine service this afternoon, at half
past three o'clock, In the church In Twenty-second
street, between Fiftti and Sixth avenues. Sermon by
the rector. The only service In Pnglish hold in thla
Bhureh will be at the above hour.
At. the St. Ann'e Free church, Eighteenth street, near
FUtb avenue, It"v. Kastbum Benjaniin will: preach at
half-past aoven o'clock and half-(mat ten o'clock in tbe
morning and half-past seven o'clock in the evenlnc, and
ftvv. Dr. UalUudet at three o'clock in the afternoon, the
alter service for deaf inuiea.
The Manners' Temple, Oliver atreet. having been
'loecd for repairs and painting, will bo opened to-day.
'reachiug by the paster raorntn/aod evening,
Thr slitlph Colored Church.
The dusky brethren who slag Hallelujah hymnt and
isten to tedious pol it loo-re II giou barangnes at this long
xtaNlslied church, have lately been thrown into a state
f intense, but very unseemly excitement. Tbe trustees
esire that tbe Kev. Christopher Browne, who for some
nonlba previous to May last officiated, should comlnue
a the paator of tbe eiiurch, while e Urge part of tbe
ongregatlon think that their spiritual health would be
??t cared for under the tnlnixtratiana of their former
ilergyman, the Ret. Mr. Harnett, In May laat the latter
entieman returned from Washington, where for
umt tline b lied bad charge of the Fiftoeuth atreet
Yejbytorlan church, and resumed his old poat of duty,
'he trustees at once made threats of violently
aatmg hun out, hut the aid of Superintendent Keniedy
was railed iu to quell any disturbance that mv'ht
? fomented by these gentlemen, and Mr. Harnett was
Hoard to feed lila odoriferous lamha with the bread of
ife in p-acesnd quietude until the time arrived for bis
bnrch, the same as other faahionable Institutions of
tie like desct Iptinn, to take the uaual summer vacation,
nil gave tho trustees time to mature their plans for
I ling his place with their favorite maa for the position,
md when the time came for again opening the church,
tie Rev. Mr. Game! I found the doom locked In his face,
bis was three weeks ago, and tho church has not since
eon available for public worship; and If tho statements
f the trustees are reported correctly It will not be repened
until it is poitively certain tbat the Rev. Mr.
Irowne, and not the Rev. Mr. Garnctt, shall occupy tho'
Irsrrlptlen of the Church of Maler de la
!{? <*? In I'll! Htrcrl, New York.
Tbla new church will be built in the Romanesque
tyle of architecture, of brick and Ctevaland stone,
iridtb 05 feet by luO feel deep, with a spire 180 feet
tgh. The Inside will be finished in one grand dome
3 fret diameter and 66 fe?t blgn to the crown of the
ame from the floor, which will glre light to the whole
burch Irom a lantern with windows of rich stained
lass The church will hare three altars, finished in
he richest style. The h gh altar is dedicated to Mater
ie la Rose and the side a tars to the Bleesed Virgin and
II. Joseph. The accommr dation will tie about flftoen
Luutlrrd seats and, includ utr eUnding room, about two
housaud five hundred. Tuu church will he built under
he auperinteadeuce of the arcoitect, Henry Engeiberl,
vho fnrniahed the design*. The in a-on work wax
.warded to Mr. C. I'M and the rarpeoter's work to
ouaciiman Ste.-er both of this city The wbol*. when
Iniebed, mil oMi itMi $?o,ooa
PillM HirtM Prayer MkciIri.
The tenth anulvenary of tbla meeting will be com
aemorated ta tbo Old North church, vomer of Fulton
ad Will lent streets on Mooday, September 33. at twelve
I'clock. neon. Then* meetings hare been com nuod
rlih unabated Interest at midday every day eir<*pt Sunlay
for tea yearn.
New Orilrr of Worehlp.
Tier. Waablngton Gladden communicates to the ConmgeUionaiit
an account of a new order of worship, tried
rtlh satisfaction in the Congregational church at North
tdama After the voluntary on the organ the oongreation
rlee and sing the doxology, and remain etauding
rhlle the invocation Is oQered by the preacher,
bre* or four sentence* from the Psaluu are
ben road, as call to worship, after which
i hymn is sung, the congregation rising. One of the
" alms is then read, the congregation reading alternate
erees with the minister. Then foilowa a prayer, and
fter the prayer a chant le auog by the choir without
ottce from the pulpit. Notice* ere then given, after
rhlcb follow* the sermon. After the sermon a hymn la
ung, the congregation rising, and the service conclude*
rllb a prayer, at the end of which the bened.ction te
renounced, while the congregation It still bowed down,
hi* le tbe morning service. The evening eervioe begin*
nth an organ voluntary, and an anthem by tb* choir,
fter which fellow the sentence* and tbe hymn, and tho
imce proceed* in the tame order at the tnorn.ng ear
lintiter, aud it Mr'.tctad from aty part of ib? frnp'ort.
iHlwrllanr***- i
A elargyimtn our Sunday, at tba claa# of hi* *armoo, i
na nulic* to th* congrryai'on that id tha eotiraa of tii*
k h* ?ipactpd to to oa a mimtoo to tba haathon.
oa of bit ptriahiontr* aiclaimad?"Why, nty da?r ?tr, |
vi bit* ntrar loid u* no# word of thit bafore Wbat
tall wadaf "lib, brotbar, taid tba tniaiatar, "I don't
tpoet ta |o out uf towa."
Tha T'nlUrtan anaoctation tra about to puV.iah a
luriry for tbo ttte of tba soctatlaa undtr tbalr cara Pr ]
ilfroy, of Balfaat, M*,haaba?n aaloctad to adit tba
?w book of tarrtct. Tblt ot#p baa grown out of tba i
tapar aarrlea, a tort of tatnl-arntcopal tarrie* * J op tad <
tna yaart ago by Pr Oagood. of Maw Tork
On tha loth mat., Rat E. 0 Kianay, of tba Coagra- <
Atonal church of South K.lnngly, bapinad aad admitd
into tha cburcb Mr Eilpbaiat Am#*, ta tha alnaty 1
ird yaar of bin aga Id larnnmirtlla, Matt aa tba .
at Sunday in July, t'apta.a Otwdiab Raddmg. agad j
tarlr taracty Dlna yaar?, *u haptiaad and ractirad ]
to tba Era# Bapttal hutch af that placa.
It M afflc ally aaoouaoad, through tba rkntfian <dx?- 1
<*, that tha caatanary oantrtbutiooa of tba Mathadut
piacopal Chnrab, to far raportad, aioaad M,"00.000,
id-It m aatimatad tbat wban tba Waatarn ronfartDcaa
a baard front tba a?grtgata will probably raacb
1640,(100. <
Awiartrnn < Hrl#ilnuU?.
Tha Chrtit-tn idaa id aiway* mod if ad by tba aattoaal
araciar Tba manaart and outom* of tba .paopla,
air paculiartiiaa of thought and tba aondition of thair
rilitttlon bar* all aa inSaonea on tbo rallgtoua baliaf.
la propar, tbaraforo. to rail raitglon by tba tiU* of
an?b, Ingllab or Aatorteaa Cbratiaalty.
fhara I* no placa wbara rallgioa hat indargont to
iay mod i float lana at ia ,tM? covalrr. Obnuaaliy
1 * 11 "* ' -"" *" ' ?J *' * V
hero m fro* from all u>* tramesete ermine from the nM
?f Church an* SUW. It kntn nothing of old "fogy Ism,*
hti what baa boen tur ortrd from tbo othar slue of tb^
Atlantic by a foreign population and a foreign proiacy: .
Nowhere is religion so freo, nowhere so prosperous, f
nowhsra so respected as in ibe liuiiod States. la Jtalv.'
the laod of the ropes, there is.bluer rancor against tttj
clergy; in tba British empire there is the rancor of rnJ
llgious bigotry of the poor against the religion of th?
rich, and of the rlco against what la called the "eup?H
titlon" of the poor. Here a church ctande or falls cyi
Us owa strength or weakness. The State wli'J
not interfere, treating Christianity like a eiippl#
that nesds a crutch. Kullgion Is allowed to grow or ig|
die; and every new propnet or parsoo may Invent stxnea
thing new, or modify the old to suit his whists 04
replenish bis empty pocket. Where religion Is practised!
in this free republic, a follows, from the circumstanced'
of our national system, mat there Is more merit obtained*
than in European countries, when the Stale acting
nursing mother to laitb, makes Christians hot house
plants unable to bear the hist blast of trial. The bean
christian in the world ars In the United Sluu* Bun
while we have to admire the condition of rchgioug
growth and fervor here, we have also much to condemn
Precisely because ou the one hand there is so muck)
liberty, there is an eicessivs individualism am oaf*
some, and among others,|Who dislike so much liberty^
there is too much arrogance, foreignUm and centralis**;
tlou. We have on the one hand th#'
noerretious of the pemone who belong tn the indepenl
dent churches, and on the other, the absurd poinnj
and un-American style of High < lurch men and Konu(
Catholic prelates. Who ha.* not read of oor Boec.hers,'
our Bellows, our Tyuga and our New England llre-eataim
of the pulpit, wno never seem to have any other Idem
than that of ploaclcg the mob aud making a living f
Toe groat Erasmus said of the priests ot his lime, ''QfdS
p-fun., qui p'tunt sact. 1'ouin Y" And he makee echd
answer, "oftum." Quid vu/t t&adu t and echo answer^
"kerdot." Cain and a lszy living seem to ho th*
inducements tor many a mm of talent In taking the)
pulpit of an independent Church. What good art mar 1
of our iniuisters doing to humanity f What labor* jg
they undertake ? Thorn saintly souls, who display * half
yard of white linen around their nocks and * sceotoj)
handkerchief on the pulpit; giving out monotony 1st
wire" In the shape of a sentimental sermon; ttckimg
the ears of their audience, Instead of warming their
hearts; drawing their heavy salaries and living hiiurS'
oualy, are very poor Imitators of the Christian apostla
They must feci, when they m ct each other, like th#
Roman augurs. who?e smile showed their oontompt fa#
the credul.ty of their dupes. But there la among tbosf
ministers of the indepeudent Churches many a WMtcp]
and many a Heianethon, many n atlf-saorlOoiug:
dou?lnle, who believes what be say a, end la earnest flfe
instructing and attending to tbe waota of the poopla;
How far euch a man 1a above ilie snobby Episcopalian
prelaie and the despotic Caluoilc blanop I ,
There Isaomeihlng disgusting in ibo lone aaeumod by.
certain members of lite High Church in ibis country.i
They arc aping the cusioma of ?114laud, anMUIsfled wufe'
everything American and catering to everything Kngi
lisb. Itiey introduce into their ceremonial a medl-sjr
and jargon which the mass of the people cannot nndofa
stand. They hare their facea towards Rome and uxai*
backs towards tbo EiisblisheU Church; but they belouff
to oeither. They and w ith "one leg on tho aen ana
the other on the laud." lhey forget that roligton Is rof
to the number ot lights on the aitar or tbe color of tbf|
garments worn by tne minister; but that Christianity In
u the heart j
Everything here must be national. The prelates <m
the Ron,an Catholic Church must ream to eult thecal
selvts to tlio country as well a> the Kpiacopaliaom, If
will not do for the one to follow Italy, nor for the othef
to follow England. We want here truedoto o. reltvlonjJ
Lot < rtiiiohciiy throw away the duel and mocb bf
Europeau antiquity, popuiariize ftaeif by iaylog asid4
ail lliot" loruis and cereinuuku, mat piease ao well lit, ha
beaded Krenchmou ami superstitious Italians, but wblolf
are entirely unxuiied io the practical ganlut of out
people. They aunt substance, nut show, They want t^
understand religion. Tbo age of mysteries baa paesetC;
Ttin Ei?ux:aian in Greece and those of lals In Egypt'
wnlch More, the pool, so beautifully describes In bl>
Epicurean, mo discipline of tne secret in tbe early u^j)
ol tbo Church; ail these nave passed awafC
The people must bave a voice In cburcb matters
weil as ilie mitred prelates who govern thenx.
Kengiou was not matlo tor popes or biabops or priesta
but lor tho peopie; uud popes, hislrope and priest* ara
tbo servants of tbe people. Let tbe old Roman ChureV
come back to its early condition, when tbe prelatee wor#
chosen by the people, and not appointed by tbe ln?ueno?
of a clique of wirepullers. %
This country is a democracy, and tbe republican e'og
meut must prevail in Christianity. It wilt finally
curry (he day. against tbe o.d monarchical and centralist
ing spirit. America !?aus tbe van, and the other nanoqZ
will follow in toe grand waik of regenerating tbe peog
pies, giving ihem ireedom in tno social and religious hf^.
and destroying tne vestiges of ancient bigotry. We prsr
diet success iu tins c a UrC. when nations will be brothom
ol one race, of one form of iree government, ail bounf
togstber by tbo common bond of a universal republlovt#
Christianity, blooding together tbe two element* of It#}
erty and authority. *
Mait'h Between the You tig America t I'bliwg
ilelpliia) nnd -St. George's Clubs, at ilo4
boken. J
The exciting match between tbe St. Goorgo'a Club an^
tbe " Young Americas," whieb at first proved to be a
closer affair than it aftarwarda turned oat, waa OCQj
eluded yesterday at the Kiyelan Kiel da, the New Yorf
Club ?inning by six wtcketa and the Philadelphia^
appearing to bo hopelessly demoralised. On acoount of
tbe pressure of other matter a report of the first day'4
I itiy was iiuuuio to or given, out me roiiowmg rumarkd
embrace the wbole proceed log* of the match:?
At cloven o'clock precisely on Friday moraine the
wicket* were pitched, and the Young America Club
going m first, seat In G. M, ftewball and Wr. Bsyari
to tlio bowling of Mr. Globe and Norley (the
M. George's professional, who will have a benefit
aext week at the match to be played op
Wednesday and Thursday). The Young Amorlo*
team wee strong, and they were so sanguine ol
victory that odds of two to one were laid In their favor}
but the !>t. Georges bow ing waa too gooo for the Thlts.
dolt hiaus, and Uiev loot all their wicktls for ooly fortyf
throe rune, when double that number was expected from
them. As has been tnenlioned, however, the bowling
of Mr. Gibbs and Norley was straight on to the wicket^
and the ground too lively for run getting. Mr Bossier,
ol the Young America club, made the only double fig,
ores oo that side, fourteen, and had aiao the glory o|
being "not uul.'?
The bailing of the St. Georges was nearly up to tbtlfi
bowhng, and tbelr Holding particularly good. Mr. Hats
field made a splcudd catch .It liatrd, having to rug
from "long leg on" to wind wtcke to get under tbfi
l a I. Bhtte field was the bat on the etde of the
"Knights," getting twenty together In aplendid style
befuin l.e was bawled by D. Newt all, after giving on{
or two chances llaific id also halted wsll and aeeured
right before he sin caugin. i>y C. KewhalL Norley
mauaged to get five by a good dr.ve and a couple m
single*, but ho was noi so forte uaie as bs sens rally la aj
the wicketa The first inulug* of the St. Georges finally
concluded for sixty-three, being twaaty ahead af thole
The second Innlnge of the Youug America was as am.
lucky as tue first. Norley's slows and Duttw field's reeag
armed balls from the pavilion tud, when he had take*
Mr. Gibbs' place, were altogether too daetrwetlve tor the
batting, and one by one the w icketa fait Tbc tniUsa
New hall tried to make a etand n beialf of Philadelphia,
b" l it was of no avail, as the wbole team got out fee
forty-eight all told?only five mere than they had en add
Id tbelr first nendllag of the willow.
Yeaierdar morning at eioren o'clock, agnla the Pi.
Gocrges seat ta Bowman and Bainbndge to tbc wlokeU to
try and get the requisite tweuiy-niu* rone and wta thi
match Bainbridge proved a "sticker," getting nlaw
and being alao uoto .t; but Bowman had quietly to ro?
turn homawitlsnotbing to h:a co'.nt, from the fact of
av Dg lougui ?uu uaviuu '?' naiOIID, WOO look UN
catcher's r'a'.-e, Fomeroy, who now cam* to lb#
re.cur, giibiy succeeded along with Bnlnbrldg* In goi.
ting together the required ecoie, with the addition og
Rolrneon'* 7 (one 8, a Ore by h.t). Noriey waa the only
other man who had to come In, lor the 29 ran were eotf
obtained, and u< itt. George* uueeqienlly woo UN
natch with thega.n of 8 wicket*.
Analutu / the /f-Wmg.?Tii the flret lealng of tho
Young America Mr. Gibbon bo., b d 99 bolls for 13 niam
had l.i maiden*, end took 6 wk ket*. and Nor)or bowled
98 balls for 27 rune, Ua.111 maiden overs, and demolished
4 wlrket*. In the first in tunes of the hi. George's C#
Newball, of the Philadelphia tram, bowled 108 balls for
30 rune, had 1ft maidens, ami look 8 wlceeta, while A
Newball bowled 107 bells for 2ft runs, bad 16 ualdend
and took 7 wtckete; he el?o bowled two 'no balls." lo
the second lon.ng of the Young Aeteiioa Mr. Gbbed
bowled SO balls for 19 iudn, bad 9 maiden oven, an*
look % wiekSM, Mr. Buitorti-ld bowled 30 balls for V
rune, bad 3 ma den over-. and t?ok 3 wtckeia, wblle Nor
ley, wbo bad -hanged h>* .an round arm to slow* of th*
same sir .a, bow ed ud balls for it rune, bad 10 maidens
sad took 6 iM 'ksis In the *er< nd tart Inn.eg* of tbw
St Geone's C N*wh?ll bowl a 62 ball* for Id run*. h*?
7 mauleu.-, end look 2 w.rbeta, and D. Newball bowled
60 bails for .2 rnne, bsu 6 toanlrna, and look lh? saint
number of wicket* s? hie brother.
A full ncore of tbc gtm<< is glveo below?
sr. ca.>*..* ? cs i.st ci.ce.
fit* IWMIWI Kl*u. Sr. UH.I inntnyt tint
Belnbrldg*. b. C New! ?.!. 4 not nut .1
Noriey. c Johns, b X) Sewh
ill. ft o it <.ut t
Ratcbff. b. C. Nrwbal'. 0 I. U Newball. .
Jarnali.iw, b. 1). Newhall 0
Ulbbe*. b. P Newhail ....?
rtoblneoii.b. P New! all 8 b f Ntoksll t
Jeter, e. t? Newball, b i
Newball 7
fletfteld, e O. Newball. b
D. Newball t
ftutterOrld. b D Nswlal :u
ftowmsn not out . 8 b C\ SwbeO 8
Pomeroy. e. C. V "wtatll, b
D. Newbe . . I b. t Newball S
lyaa. It ae bel *. 1 f b?e*. 1; ire bye, I; wide
balls, 3 a
Total M Total .. Brot
*u saeeica a o.
fk* tnmrtf. J/ntA *-m*d fweOtee *ww*.
ft. Mewheli e Rnldiienu. a H* abridge, b. Nerlay 14
b. Noriey I e. b w sod b. Noriey 1
leyerd. b. Noriey ... . . $ b. i'ibl.es ?
>. Newha.i, b. Olbbet....7 b. Noriey %
Jerge, c Bowmen, b. b Ulbbe* *
Oibb?i 1 Not out. ...
MTany.b uibbee .0 a iiirnsbew, V. lunar !
J. Newball. e. Nsiebriile*. Held* J
b Oil.bee 1 b. Not ley I
lendersoD, b. Nor.*, ... t b. Noriey. .. y
lustier, oot out . .,.14 b. Sutter8*ld ,
laird. O Hatfleld, b. a HaiiibiidgO. V NOTl*/ ft I
Ulbbe*..... ? Bree I; lag hyeo. !' *i?"
ohne. b Nerley 1 Vails, I B
ens. b. Olbbes.. t "a
lyes. Ii leg byes, i 4 t**M ? -

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