8 _ THE RED MEN. Spotted Tail, Swift Brar, Yellow Hair and Fast Bear at the Aitor Houie. THEY VISIT CENT .AL PARK. What They Think of Landscape Gardening. THEIR FUTURE MOVEMENTS. Bow They lake the Treaty and Its Terms. Cgh ! Awful not day! Sun burns! A Ir Htlnjr" ! Indian like ice water ! Fire water bad ' Indian can't get it. Pale faces go to cnurcli; worship clouds. Indian want to ?o home. Thus thought, If not said, the four chiefs of Sioux" tribes who were yesterday domiciled at the Astor House. They rose early, and Spo'ted Tail, Swift Bear, Yellow Hair and Fust Bear were provided with th*t wherewith to pay tribute to the stomach. They ate he rtily and devoured the crumbs of civilization with a sort of magnetic zest mat allowed well how thoy appreciated the priceless ((astronomical nklll of their pale-laced landlord, who, In order to better ent rum hit* guests, procured those dc. lightful disnea that do not infringe too severely upon the savage taste. The morning meal over : tie pacers of the forest gathered about them their robes and blankets and all tii* gaudy paraphernalia of TUK.1R WILD ATI'IKK, and, assuming expri sstouB of a conscious superiority over the mean pale laces, retired for a little quiet to their quarters. An the day wore on they began to long lor woods and streams ami ueer and game. Their accomplished interpreter an I Captain D. C. Poo), of the United States Army, who has faiihiuliy represented their every Interest, then conducted them to the central pakk id carriages. They were amazed. Where (he red men used to flourish among rocks and woods and hidden cascades, they saw a territory covered over with a luxuriant scene of cultivated beauty, where the work was performed by an artist who, with the elements of a toned and finished landscape In his mind, had painted on the eartn's snrface a modern U;u\!en of Eden. They wondered, and well they miiriit, for this was civilization. It showed th.-m a type of progress; It spread before their eyes 500 years of enfuhtenuicnt in America. But they despised tins creation of beauty, this marvel of cstheti culture. It was only the puerile fancy and childish, effeminate toy or the pale face; it would never do lor tiie rod man ile must live in the Hound of watenalis; his home must be endless solitude: his tenement rmlp iint.niip.hHd hot cr'tttarln-'. r 'so. ant ami bewildering nature?nature overhead?in the deep chasm, in the dark ravine, I41 the brooklet and doll and l>eneath the burning sun. What wa t tbat precise u,ud mechanical Terrace to him? wliac that superb Mall trimmed with H Buclt exactness and resembling the downy velvet of the pale faced squaw's fashionable gown ? What c the green sw:ird, the downy lawn and broad mead- i( . ?ws, as free from wild exposure as the cradled ba- Ju by's skin? What wn< the Pa.'oda, covered though it wa with the gay colors that the red man loves? ^ What the tame anim ils who could better read and ti write thau the Indian; the pale-faced deer la tne deer paddock ; and the affected aroma and PATENT FINBItY OK THE FLOWERS? S; No, the Indian did not like these?they were :tl! 1' of an artificial dispensation. They were to him what . 11 h< resy is to Catholics what iuti MAN WANTED NO PROGRESS, I, for It destroyed: it. cut away ttie greit rocks: It (0 made roads lor tJie pale faces, who were afraid to v, tract the forests and pursue tiieir own pathways in iU the wilderness; n tore down Mio-ie great fiees and L.t drank up tiie streams aad brooks. No. Nunc of this foi in red man, thou.h he died before the setting j<. sun iiad cone aw.iy to the Indian's western home. ( lJ Thus they marvelled at leivng, and thus they w aroused the lofty contempt ol their proud, savage m natures and h it a sigh on ttie green that we or New ]? York are accu-towed to believe the garden spot of H the earth. Noble as their reverence is lor the lost vt nationalities or America, the lnd.ans, moved tiy their blind, yet iplausiole, superstitions, beiit-velha ](i the whites are an accursed race of infidels. Tliey t ?J earth; with us, a house dtvMtd against its.-ir, ami to purchased corner lots and choice parcels or ground, >>, price iio.ouo. it is in such a con - iera'lon of the Indian alone that we can unde.st.nd lain and his 1,1 anomalous proclivities. Ilis lUe Leaches wuilds of "t wisdom, and iroin it we, In our day and enlighten- W( nient, ean deduce the strange equation reprt.u;uting that barbarism and civilisation still a well together W: ou this Continent. Cut the parity of tne equation is at disturbed when we reineina r the Inaian wars, the eontllct of the musKet and tomahawk, * 'lilK KEtl MAN'S lOKl'HH ANU i Uli WHITE HAN'S HCAi.P. fn And wiii these things continue, we are forced to inquire? Xo; the records prove not. The red man in becoming e.xunct; ius existence will soon be in ll' the eventnil past. Millions who peopled our soil g' when Columbus brought the canvas of Kuroj e to our 1;' shores and colonized the ?auie America that moves w around the circuit of nations with a uia.,estlo dignity, tP friendly to all, afraid of none, have now eva}:o aiod. Bat suu.ooO Indiana reaiain on J11 Am.rican soil?the remnant of lerociuus "f tribes tnat once absorbed the Caucasian and lined" *e the valley with white Dlood and whitened the praries with Kuropean bones. 'l'liis is indeed sad 1,1 but retnbu:lve civilization; and perimps Buckle ?? would not have exulted at the decay of barbarism, ?' and oiUer historians leave pages of bliter injustice J14 toward tne ludian if they kuew the horrors, me aRrc.-ajons, and the arbitrary and airuuge uespotttua j1' ui the white man. 1,1 Men are the same the World over. Kindness and " chanty?above all, justice?make opposite* cohere. Pc Tins attribute would have united the fate of tho red ',c maa to the utstin.v of the while man. But J" EKillT CENTURIES In have been thirty generations of crucify toward the P" Indian, awl tlie ludian never forgcU. Around the camp Arcs the oldest warrior reclt'a the traditions P| ol mediaeval times; lie recount* th terrors of the V bullet ami the bonding pike; he tells how squaws S|1 have been murdered, how the young chief has iieen a" torn from hi# tril>e and shot iiy the invader. Thus e,l siivan*, yet faitBiul, history hiis multiplied revenge, il" and today the Indians' blood Is sanguinary b" by the lndlacrlmittatiug influences 01 those long, long years or unchristian revolting cruelty, and now the .iOO.ooo tliut remain know t0 their fate?it is bottomless extermination. Is It . Ht range uiey want u> better their condition? la It not wrung for America to reiusc taeiu charity where 'ul cnarity means justaco? HUMANITY RAYS \ E->. 10> Certainly when we sec an nged cripple totter- rai Ing to tiic grave wo arrest, his foosteps and ',0 break his fall Into eternity. .Should we not with b" t*(|i.al p.iy, having taken from the re 1 uiuu a whole ,il continent, make his last days hours ol comfort and l?r aii ne f<.r tne wn keducss ol otir progenitors, not let than of admiration slid with i " p.tuMir . I ?P J ii j got into their carriage and then olwervcd a i n rikid lViLaps tiu.y did not know as they a: Kt.iueed dowu the u?iy architecture of Broadway b. *uu awn* uic j>aiau?u man^on* ol ike avenue, that j a, NEW 1 this entire Manual!an Inland wan sold by the Indian tribe Inhabiting it to Peter Minuet Tor tuk hioioulous sum or twehty-fovh dollars less than 300 years ago ! With no piratical longing possibly they dia not desire its reprisal; but had they known thin fact they might have figured a nice little huiii tu compound Interest, not found among the Integers of any Indian dialect. But it was true that the very ancestors of these ?reni men?Spotted Tail and his suite?were formerly landlords of Manhattan soil. They, the poster!!? of these history-less aborigines, had come to visit ine homo of their lathers, the grave of their life as a nation, after the marcn of conturles had left the footprints of a maimer civilization. It whs sad, indeed?very sad?and Spotted Tail and his party showed it, not so much of envy or lealousv as of sorrow fur the fate of ages. It has (wen the caprice of the poet to revile time as a fell destroyer; wnat could Spotted Tall have thought when tie reflected thut the sun no longer coursed over the habitations of hi* heroic ancestors, hot that iheir hones wore moist with the inlsts of the Great spirir, and that the red whs slinplr the victim of the white man. Thus the Indian life is 800 ykak8 ok blood. l>et repentance come when It may, civilization owes much to the savage. The red men rode to the Astor House, not disturbing i heir profound si.euce, and soon again thev x altied an ample uieal. Spotted Tall liked the faro. He thought it would do. lie ran his tongue ovor nis jhop-i and liis eye denoted more. Suction seemed to te tlieotnceoi hw double row of ivory devourers, md he hesitated not to keep up a c mtiuuous ho*.iiity noon the dormant food lit-foro iiim. His douiach came near betraying him into becomlug a [Nile mce, but li had euten i-non^lt; he relented and .eased from troubling his molars. aoou alter dinner ttie p.irty ascended to THE K'lOK OP T1IR ASTOK MOUSE to look down npon civilization and take a bird's-eye flew of pro/ie-s. How the iudiaus despise the hot irie.ks ; now ttiey wondered tiiat men could live in jaker'n ovens, and How they looked toward the West, '<>r a far reach toward their native horizon. They had not b'en long in 'his colest.al spot ere hoy descended to the ro<'ius tuey occupy on the third iloor, corner ol Bar lay street and Broadway. The reporter, who now arrived at the hotel, was dotpatched lo the top floor by the elevating elevator, and soon made his bow to the ball floor. Just then a lar?'e party ol jfentleinen. preceded l>y tlio Indians, LMitered tlie quailers of the latter. Ah the civilized men walked toward their objective they dropped several observations In the Gaelic acc< nt. The genlleuicn who led was elderly, retliied In liearlntt and liad the tread ot a whole regiment. As he gave a ;nr,-e-i|uarters view or his physique the buttou-h?le j. his matchless broadcloth disclosed a si ariet bat.011 of tue Cross of the Letjion or Honor, lie was THE FKKNCH ADMIRAL, md fila subordinates from on board the French frlr.ue now lying In the narbor. The party entered md the p eat sea captain was introduced to the Spotted tail o.'the Sioux Indians?then to liia three sompanions. Invitations were extended by the \dunral, who with a naive accent and a natural iourtesy, not understood by tlie Indians, us^ed hem to board the lrlgate?but not perlaps as in. y osed to board the early French colonists of America, with the tomahawk iiftit on tiie most inconvenient top of the head. A ew mom nts ol conversation followed, out Spotted f ill would not talk. The French gentlemen then etlred. The reporter was duly announced as from the treat Fattier who owned the bitr white stone building icross ttie street, ana their converse was through ,he interpreters. Rki'oktkk?Yea, I eorae from the Great Father irho prints a big newspaper over the sueet, and ,wis the people wneu the sun rises every mominx vhat good they have done, what ha J (hey have lone, and what ihey should do lor each other heroic he sun goes down. I came to seo you for him, that i can i i (he whites the wrongs you have cur red tiid now you feel. Are you sa.i*lied with the reaty ? spotted Tail?We are. We want our Great '".uner nirther to carry it out. We want the whites o leavv us alone, l cs, we are satisfied. We are iieased. We wimt peace. We want our rights, loo. Ve must have them. KKrottTLii?You are ?chicf of the Sioux? .srt Ti'Ki) Tail?I am. liEi'ourKK?itlow^jiany red men are In your uaionr ?!'ottei> Tail?We have over twenty-eight thouand Indians and squaws. Reporter? Where do you live? jsi'oitko Tail?Away 10 ihe West, in the lands ailed Ducotah and Wyoming. We have a reserva1011. It extends from the north of Nebraska to the I <1 1/ I nflititurli ?.t. ?f nn i? hnnlro <1 > uutluit ground is -150 unit's wide and i4u rnile-t long, t belongs to us. we want to live mere, our loieitlmrs shot deer there before us. We want money U't pre- nts. The (ircat Father must give us soaieiing useful. liK?)HTJiit?How much money do you want? llow inch e enougii lor a while. It is a re-.nt for twenty-eiirht thouo.iiid tela ax. The while ten have oheated us. Hiii'OKTBH?You Intend to be peaceful ? Sfottkd Tail? ies: the Ureal Father has done roll bv us and we will < .o well ?him. He m ist Ive us ttie money and the presents; we ne I them. iikvohteb?Do y that ihey are told they were off their rescrva>n and were shot at. Thin made trouble, and the dlana get the blame, as they have 110 writers or ipers. delegate Hoiper was IntBodnrcd and said his peob?the Mormons?had crossed aud recroesed the alns for the last twenty-two years, through the rax country, with weir women and childrcu, cattle d goods. In all that time, though more than jlity thousand persons, they had never lost a life, animal or a bale of goods nn'll the railroad was lit: since which they had lost some property on e train. He felt It his duty to bear tilts testimony the kood conduct of Red Cloul aud his poopie ward them. It (I Cloud thanked him, and paid he knew the jrmous; tiny had always talked straight aud dealt rly with his peope. lied Cloud and hts party will leave Washington morrow noon for New York, where they will relin a dnv or two, and thence proceed directly me. They will be under the charge of General nth. in whom they nave fnli confidence. Colonel d ock. Mr. Benuvals ami John Richards, the lntereter, will accompany the party. We learn from the Banner XcHnng that great prenations arc being made in that rown lor the ap.ai'hitig celebration of the Beethoven centenary, ic great, composer was born at Bonn In IT70. The -nvir is to hi t three days, and will be held on tho th, I2tli mid 1.5th September, but a fourth, or . 'ii'Offlcinl." day is to b - expre-wiy dedicated to lartet uiu?ic.' The arrangements for the conns. A .. have been entrusted to Ferdinand Hilier; ,td the tit tractions of the festival are to be enhanced y a gr.ind proc ^niou up the Kinuo. Illuminations Mljctea chumpcires.. rORK HERALD, MONDAT, 1 MUSICAL AND THEATRICAL. 1 The flint ud principal feature In amniements thl? week la the great Beethoven Jubilee, which commences at el^ht o'clock this evening, at the American Institute Coilneuin, corner of Third avenue and Hlxty-third street. The programme is an follows PAMT riKHT Symphony in 0 minor Beetho?w? The iml rlualc orchestra, Three hundred Mid arty (elected lualrumMUlieta. (Irani arte and chorale. Iuflaromatui," btabat Mater.. RoMiol Mariana Parepa-Roea, The entire gran'l combined (-horns, The orn?ii aud Uie great orchestra. itrana chorale. "For He lbs Lord our God" Mendelssohn The entire grand combined chorus, The organ and tlie grand orchestra. PART UKOOMIt. Grand overture, "Oheron".... Von Weber Th? entire grand orchestra of Ave hundred aud fifty virtuosi. tirami aria, cornet obllgato. "Let tbe Bright Berapblm" Handel Madame Pare i>a-Rosa and Mr. M. Arbuekle. Grand chorus, "Hallelujah" Handel The cuuiblned choral societies, the ureal orchestra and tbe organ. Grand parotic finale. "Thu Ktarspahglert llannsr." Madame Parnpa-Rosa. The entire choral societies, choirs and grand chorus, Tbe great orchestra, the military bands, the drum corps and the electric artillery. Conductor!. r?rl Bergman, Carl Zerrahn, Max Marot/ek, Carl Uosa Dr. James 1'ecb, and, P. S. Gllmore. Tbe Coliseum is now ready Tor its noble work, and tlie arrangements lor perfumers and audience are complete. There is every reason to expect not only a jfrand, but also artistic celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the greatest musical genius that ever tne world saw. Booth's theatre will be closed this evening for a grand dress rehearsal of the forthcoming sensation, "The Huguenot," which will be presented to-morrow night, In splendid style. The jClodoche Troupe of grotesque dancers have been engaged for the occasion. "Fernando" enters upon Its second week at the Fifth Avenue, and since its first representation the beautiful little theatre has been crowded with fashionable audiences. In Miss Agnes Ethel we And combined those qualities which have made Dcsclee, Fromentm and Antonine the favorites of trie Parisian stage, and In her haudB the title rote has a worthy representative. To-night a new galop, entitled "i he Fifth Avenue," will be played by Mr. Si o pel's orchestra. The gonial humor of John Brougham recslvcs an artistic setting in his admirable drama the *'KeJ Light; or, Signal of Danger," with which Manager Moss opened his summer season at Wallace's. Without him it might not take such a hold on the publio, but wlih him its attractions are unquestionable. The merry llttie sprite, Mrs. James A. Oatcs, Introduces two novelties to-night at the Olympic. Tne first is the farce of "The Dancing Barber," In which Willie Kiluuin, who was the feature at Miss Thompson's recent benefit ft Nlblo's, will appear, and "1 he Daughter of the Regiuieut," un original burlesque. The principal attraction will be tue music, which Is carefully sel cted rroin the best composers. A clever lmluatio.i of tlie Bo-ton I'eace Jubilee will be kivcu by llei uaude/.'s grand orchestra. Sot Guilty,'' wjih all its cxcitlng situations, military pan* ant, la tie scene and rich mounting, still holds ihe bonrus at Niblo s. This is the lust week of the seaeon at thai establishment. Messrs. J.im ttA Palmer (.lose Id order to make exten-iva luii/ro\etneut9 Hi the stage for tne fali season, when they intend to reproduce "The Mack Crook" and to bring out some other novelties. On tho 22d the frl'tidaof Mr. J. A. Zirntn rman propose giving liim a grand testimonl 'l beneiit at this house. "Hie iw lvo Temptations" ent< rs upon its nineteenth v?eek at the Grand Opera House to-ulght. M.u'ame Lann r's Viennese tiallet will be the next addition to the myriad ai tractions of toe spectacle. Messrs. lluticr anil Oiliu >r>- are piling Peliou upon Ossa in tlie quantity and quality of tlie bill presented this wolK at tho Theatre Combine. The cotnic pantomime of "ilunkee Doree." Master Harney, Johuny Thompson, J. 0. Stewart, Miss lAziie Kel?ey and the graud balict troupe are among the. attractions. "Hop o' My Thutno" has proved'a successful pantomirnu at food's Museum. The Martinetti troupe appear in it, Maiiltt's new comic pantomime, "Old Granny Grumpy,'7 will be brought out for the tlrst time tonight at Tammany. Mace and Allen also appear. Miss Fanny Ilcrring produces "Had Dickey" tonight at the Howery. On Friday the annual beneiit ot the attach s or the theatre takes place. Thomas' Central l'urk Garden concerts every eveulng are as atlraciive as ever. Kelly iH Leon s Minstrels have aline bill for the wee*. 80 hive Al!en A Petienglirs Minstrels, at Bryant's opera House. Miss Leona Cavender. still retains Uronghatn'a drama, "Minnie's Lues," at the 1'ark, Brooklyn. "The Wild Hose of Wicklow" is Tony Pastor's latest sensation. Rlpgs takes a beneiit to-morrow and Seymour and Kerns on Thursday. John Hooley lias a beneiit to-night at Hooley's, uiVUMjru. Last week the renowned Beige Choral Union gave their third conceri at Association llail and were greeted by a large aud fashionable audience. The programme consisted 01 "The Ruins of Athens," overture. "Naluco:" Pregliiera, "I Due Foscarl'' (>lme. ttalvotti): trio, "Lucrezia" (Mrs. Kruger, Mr. Berthelot and Mr. Duschnitz, and "My Song Shall Be of the Lord," r.erge (Mis. Kruger). Mr. Walker sun^ in Beethoven's great work. The concert was a decided success uuder the direction of Dr. Win. Berge. A rand Beethoven juvenile festival will be given by the pupils of the Tenth ward schools, at Steinway Hall, on the evenings of June it), 20 and '11. under the direction of George F. Bristol. The soloists are Misses II. Beeho and A. Wood and Messrs. JJoiTman, Macdonald, liecket. Warren and rierson. Tiic next concert of the Bcrge Choral Union takes place at Association II ill on the 2lst mat. Professor Christian Bergc gives a grand concert at Flushing 011 the &id of June, the programme to be rendered by the pupils of the Flushing conservatory of Music, of which he is director. The programme comprises some of the choicest selections from the German and Italian schools. ' CHESS MATTERS. ExrriicrdtiiRry Match hy Telegraph. The subjoined game was played recently by Mr. Qalbrcath, of Jackson, Miss., Mr. Tlnney, of Natchez, Mtss., and Messrs. Hardy and Tinney, of Vicksburg, Miss., consulting together by telegraph from their respective cities, against Messrs. Blackman, Maunan, Tarrant und Strong, of New Orleans. The game played under these singular circumstances occupied only a few hours. Jackson was the Jnliial point from which the moves were sent to New Orleans. EVANS GAMBIT. White. Jackson, Natchez Black, and Vlcksbury. New Orleans. 1. P to K 4. 1. P to K 4. 2. Kt to K B 3. 2. KttoQ B3. a. 15 toH 4. XDto B4. 4. P to Q Kt 4. 4. B Iks P. ft. P toy B 3. 6. B to B 4. ?. castles. e. P to y 3. 7. P to Q 4. 7. P tks P. F. P Iks P. 8. B to y Kt 3. ?. Kt. 10 y B 3. 9. Kt to Q R 4. 10. B to Q 10. Kt to K 2. 11. kt to X 2. 11. Castles. 12. B to Kt 2. 12. Kt to Kt 3. 13. Kt to Kt 3 (a). 13. Kt to y B 3. 14. PtoQ5. 14. Q Kt to K 4. 15. y Kt to B 5. 10. B tks Kt (0). 1C. P tks B. lfi. Kt tks K B. 17. Q tks Kt. 17. Kt to ft 5. 18. P to KB 6. 18. KttoKt3. 19. y to K B 5. 19. R to K. 20. y R to K. 20. to R 4. 21. R tks R ch. 21. Q tks R. 22. Pt0KR4. 22. y to OR 6. 23. Kt to Kt 5. 23. y to K B 6. 24. y to y 7. 24. IttoKB. 26. P tks Kt P. 25. R to y R. 25. P to Kt 3. 26. Black resigned. fjm\ P in O R ?i ihft rrwrmrX mnfu. (b). Thl? capture virtually loid y( course towards the broad bosom of the Susqueliati- ai na, and drains a number of small mountain stroanu m abounding in front. Here we have joined a party t(; which lett Uarrisburg in advance, arriving yester- ? day. This party, made up by Don Cameron, Is composed of Dawson Coleuian, of Lebanon: General a; Kane, of Kane; Ceneral iteynoidsand ill'- Hiestand, y< of Lancaster: Messrs. Colder arid McCornilck, ?' and Dr. Charlton, of Uarrisburg; Mr. Her- ol dick, of Willlamsport; Mr. \Vist;;r, of Duncan- J) non, and Mr. Duffy, of Marietta. They have brought w with them all the convenio cos of living and sleep- yt luu, a hotel on wheels, saloon. dining and kitchen rt cars. ' At one o'clock the PresidMit, accompanied by y* General Cameron and several 01 he.s, visited the reeldonee of Mr. Noyes, a prominent citizen of West port, and was eutertalned by an old fashioned Peunsyi- n, van I a dinner. The rest of the two parties were ?: feasted on the train. Later in the day those who in felt disposed to tisti set out, and were requested to report and in cose of success it was proposed to make a general demonstration. Senator Edmunds, tt alluding to our appetites and sport, remarked that It was a war of iho lluns against the Fins. lr The Rain Spoils All the Sport?A Land SJfclc? si The Presidential Train Blocked Up?Return jj At' tlifl PnrrV to ITfirrfshui'ir. a IUkuisburo, June 11, 1870. ? The continued appearance of rain debarred the ^ President from indulging at all in the angling sport r< it VVestport. This was a disappointment, as the success of his tvout Ashing experience last year had excited his desire to try ajraln. Yesterday aiternoon w a small party having started returned alffer a brief P' stDsence on account of the rain. Notwithstanding " this fact, however, there was no lack of trout, and tho culinary accommodations on one of the cars E enabled ?il to Indulge their taste for them, If they hi could not gratify the.r tiisie for the sport. After darlc m the most Ujrriflc rain that we had ax yet experienced tr came down like a threatened deluge. M Tne necessity for tlie return ot the President to Washington before Monday morning, and fears ^ being entertained in regard to the condition of travel In view of the prospective rise in the streams, at six l, o'clock last night we set out on the return, hutting at a station called Kenovo. At five o'clock n> this morning we again set out, but had proceeded but a few nnlea when the train was brought to a 1? short stop by an enormous landslide which covered 01 the track to the depth of twenty feet and a width ai of at>out 200 feet. There being no prospect sf of getting tho track cleared the party walked over ui the immense pile of earth, rocks and trees to a train h on tho opposite side. On this train we rode as far as hi Wililamsport, where we dmed. Thence the train hastened on to this point, arriving shortly aftpr ?' seven o'clock. The party proceeded at once to ai General Cameron's residence, where they rest to ui^ut, lu-uiVHun IUCJ TTIII uu uuiciwuucu uj XUN Don Cameron at his country scat, Loclieil, a row 11 miles below this cltv, ana in the afternoon will de- *; pari for Baltimore by special tram. ? w THE SK LFUL CUiS. v Rmlolpfae Wants Home AuuiHement with tlie jj Canadian Star* "Jon" Dion?Another ChaU 0 Ivnue. | To the Editor of the Herai-d:? it As I am to p!ay a game of billiards with Cyrllle ? Dion next Friday evening lor tlie same stakes ami u on the same terms as govern the contests fur the champion cue, and as I na\e recently Dlayea with " Jose,ill Dion, with whom I am matched to play for ? tho champion cue In September next, and inus. {' *.! !i.\\ <1 a 1*\ mv vnnnnt nlav> with Jrt?lPDh HifUl if is admitted by tils friends that lie Is at Ills bear, I [} do now hereby challenge him to play me a match at o either the American, trench or English game of ic billiards, as lio may cnoose to came (under the rules) u for (000 or $1,000 a side, the winner to take all the u receipts of the house; the garao to take place within one week arter my game with Cryilie Dion, p or any other nl;ht Ueforo we meet r to pin? the champion g;ime. I make n this proposition now because both Mr. I)lon and my- s self are in the city, and because it is acknowledgt-d p by his friends and declared by the press that ne is in a his best piaotlce, I have deposited $250 with >lr. b George wiikes, as forfeit, to make this challenge a good. With mnny thanks lor the fair report which p the Herai.d gave of the games which were played p by Mr. Joseph Dion and myself on Saturday nigQt t last, 1 am, very respectfully, yours, u A. P. RUDOLPH E. t New York, June 12, 1870. < a OBITUARY. |j f! Anaf nnfftn?i l)f>!mnnlrn. ' On SaturJay afternoon this well known citizen of t New York died suddenly at his rcsldcnce on Wc8t y Twenty-seventh street, Mr. Delmomco was one of J the firm of restaurateurs, than whom there arc no -j better known men In the United States. lie was <1 born In that part of Switzerland bordering on Italy, *| and came to this country with his parents and uncle, s while quite a child. John and Peter Delmomco started v the famous restaurant, lti 183d their place was de- i Btroyed by lire, after which tliev opened the Bro.id f< street, house. Alter the death of John his brother li Peter and a nephew succeeded to the business, aiul t later the Arm was comprised solely or the sons of 1' John, as at present. Con?tantine Uelmonioo was r still in the prime or life, not being yet fifty years of age. A short time ago ho lost his wife, a much loved and estimable lady. Personally the deceased r was an uibane, hospitable gentleman, whose atnla- a ble traits of character had gained him an extensive c circle of friends. lie leaves tour orphan children >. who. ot coarse, are amply provided for, th?ir father t having left a large fortune. The funeral of Mr. Del- t monlco will t ike pla'e from St. Patrick's Cathedral, j to morrow (Tuesday) morning;, at ten o'clock. t ? -I In the nine universities or Prussia and the t Academy of Minister 049 students obtained the doc- t tor's decree from 1st of November, isos, until sumo s date, 18o9. Of the entlro numtier 143 degrees (in- t eluding 114 In medicines) were conferred by the I HI- i verity of Berlin, 100 (including iK) in philosophy) by c that of Qifttliigea, U9 were grau:ed by llalte, 6s by t llresian, f?0 by Greifswald, 5:; (comprehending 35 in t medicine, 10 id philosophy. 1 In jurisprudence and I ) in theology) ny the University ol Bonn, 41 by Kiel, t by-Marburg, J?by KonigsbTg and is by Munster. < This was e a elusive ol 27 nouotary degrees. t MEXICO. Hie G-uatemalean Invasion of Mexico. rite Destruction of the City of Oaxaca. orreipondence Relative to the Invasion by the Guatemalans?Details of tha Earthquake in Oaxaca-Killed and Injured?Property Deitroyed?.Mexican Gratitude. Mexico, May 30, mo. Tlie excitement of the week has been the news 'hlch continues to reacii us of the death* and inirl -s occasioned tn Oaxaca by the earthquake of lay 11 and the new movement la Chiapas on the art of Guatemalan filibusters. It has been jtnoreil In certain circles for some time mt a combined clTurt was being made ir the separation of Oaxaca, Yucatan, ehuantepec and Chiapas from the repttbilo of [exlco, the union, of the same with Guatemala, o* a ortion thereof, and Hie establishment of a new renbllc. It has been whmppred that aerveral very rominent Mexicans were Implicated In the lovement, and some high officials. Herewith will e found some official correspondence on the subject, rthe Guatemallans enter upon this business with etenmnation It will cost the Mexican government lucli toll, money and blood to frustrate it. It apears that although the Mexican press Is fond of resenting it to the world that only the Anglo>8axoa nee are filibusters, still the present Instance la delonstratlve of the fact that the Spanlah-Amertoana re also possessed of thin spirit of aggression and or omiuest, of which lleruaado Cortex was an lllustrlus example. ONBTITCTIONAl. OOV1HNMKNT OT TlIK mtARS BOV?KEION BTATK OK QHIAPA8. C. M jntsteb :?Br the coplet of the commumcatlotu of le "Jefetura politic*" of the Denartmcnt of Boconuaco. rlilch I have the honor of forwarding to you, under Noa. i nd!.lt will aerve to ndvlm ?ni> ? -? ustemalenns, coming from a town called Tacana, of the elgbboring republic, nave penetrated into the territory of nld department, forming ranobee, or farms, placing oundarias of tbelr supremacy and establishing authorlei dependant on the government of Ouatemula, aa if icy were In their own province, with every appearance f advancing, with prejudice to the territory of our Republic, ipon tbe receipt of the cited communication!, the tint ought of this government was to advmn the "Jell politlca'* I' said department that, If the Invaders did not obey the Initiation which it aliould make to them, to leave the Mexican srritory. ft woulil dispossess tiiem by means of an armed irce, allowing also the land marks and ranches which they ave formed to be destroyed; but, reflecting afterward! that le resistance which the Invaders would make against lis measure would cause grave result* and serious influences, and, moreover, that tbe supremo goem ment makes the regulations which It may jdy.e necessary upon all International questions, I resolved ) lay the mentioned issue before tlie national trove rnment to ecide upon the conduct which it should observe in this Imm tant case, and this Is my reason for torwardlnv the wenit information. Now, it has bem ordered th.it tha "Jcfa olitica" is only authorized to Intimate the evacuation of tha nvaded territory, niskin? s formal protest, on rcrusal, of a lolutlon of the wish of thia republic. This government npes that the President will see lit to dictate a stee ly and icrgetlc measure which mar put a checic UDon the ambition Ttlie government of Guatemala, who has attempted tha ime thins: other times, in order to extend the limits of its jusdlctlon, with detriment to the Mexican territory. MINlttTBV OK lOr.' ION TtKLATIONH?ISRXtCO. 1 have given ar. account to the Hresi lent of tiie republic of jur communication. So. 15, of April 25, and tfie two coplee inexed, relatlvo to a certain miuioerot people from Unateala, coming from the town or Tacana. having entered tha rritory of the i'eparcment of Soconusco, forming ranches, aclng landmarks to designate tho territory and establishing; imoruies aepenneni upon > iua.em 11?, :ih ix iney went in elr own country, wit.'i every appearance of advancing ;ainst the rights of the Mi'.siran territory. You mention in jur report that y >tir tlrst thought was to advise the gtfe pnin of Soconusco that if tha Invaders rtM not jey the intimation dictated of them, to leave the territory, ju would t,'lve orders to dlsoc asc^s them by au armed force, clarlng 'hat at tha nine time the landmarks aud ranches hlch they have formed should be destroyed. In view of >ur information the President baa rciolve>< to say to you in (ply that he considers it jiirl and necessary to proceed an m had first thought, and Approves of it entirely; that you ive orders that If the invaders have not obeyed the intlmam given Ithera von will dispossess them by tore?. Th? resident hopes that they may liave obeyed the Intimation, or t least may not resist the armed force; but If they do rest it, and a greater furre shou'd be needed to drive them out, view of your report the Kovernment will decide what to > to sustain the rights of the nation. Such Is tlie announcement in the official paper of 10 general government. The revolutionary movement In Onynmas, recently irtucurated, h:is Bince been supprus ed. The Secretary of War proposes to increase the itmling army < f the nation to 25.0oo men. He reulres lor their maintenance about nine millions of ollars?one-haif of the revenues of the country for single year. The ease of An/el Santa Anna had ot been as yet finally disposed of. Ho mialns In prison at Pueba. Mr*. Oraga, 1fe of General I'raga, now lu New York city, died scently in this city. The press having asfcod Information as to the mount o# money presented to the Laucastorian nciety (benevolent) of this caoital by Jdr. rlltiam 11. Seward, as a token of regard for this aople and a return lor the unparalelled hospitality ;celved here, the official newspaper announces than le amount. Riven was not considerable. The petition of Mr. Edward J. Perry, agent of tho nglisn bondholders, a-klmr that the appropriation ill should include an amount sufficient for the paylent or settlement or said bonds was referred to le Committee 0:1 Petitions during the session of a.v 19. The Society of Free Thinkers was Installed in the atlonal theatre a lew days since, speeches being lado by the leaders to an audience of more than 000 people. There was coined in Mexico city mint during tho iritith of March $2ti.ooo gold and $2?3,000 silver. One of the dailies of tU s capital publishes the toliwtng extract from a Tampluo pa.er with extrardlnary greod and "gusto." The writer, havingpparetitly but recently escaped from the leading rings o) the nursery, has a holy horror 0/ being nder restraint, and rauts about "tutelage" as II ho imself were competent to be trusted away froth mi; after dark. The sopiioraorlc author pits Mexi\\i braverv againBt what he siyies American covetnsness. Notwithstanding tiie article below quoted ud its parent the world wags ou tho same:? We not only do not believe in the hucccss of the Cubans, it even more?we tals of the palace, 'he total number of persona Willed is about one hun. Ired, while It is Impossible to ascertain the nnmber f the wounded. The shocks conttnued the next lay /Thursday), uad about a quarter to one a very evere one was felt. Friday there were one or two vry slight 6hocks. Terror reigns supremo, and ipon the countenance of every one anxiety and ear of greaterevil are plainly depicted. All remained n tho public squares and outside 01 Hie city for fear hat greater shocks would come, and, on account ol ts dilapidated condition, would make a complete uin of the entire city. A Yoitng Dake-Devii,.?a gentleman, who was a lassen^er, states that when the train coining east ir rived at Jetfarson Cny yesterday the inspector proceded, as usual, to tap the car wheels, to tost their oundness, when ho discovered a boy under one ol lie cars, who had been stealing a ride lroni Kansas ,'ity. lie h.id formed a sort of net of rope, in \itfiich le lav suspended like a spider iu its web, between lie axle of one of the trucks and tue Hoor of the car. i'lio boy was routed out of his place and quite a srowd gathered about lilui on the platform. He was iisp'.sc'i to be gaiicy. and said he had no favors to i>k of anybody, lie stated that ho had ridden in his way thous mds of miles. As the train was m >vng off slowly from Jefferson City tii" boy got in his >lluce, an I taking up a stone w.is in the act of liming it at ihe conductor, when the latter knocked him n. lie (Ud not "dead head" it any furtUtr on hat train. ??sv. Louis JC vt'Oltam, Ju/m s.