Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE NO. 12,110. i n> uraiKi'i AMUBRMBXTS ?*oo!?D P*.n??Klfih and iUth olumm. B1LULAKDS?Thibu Pa<i? -Fourth column. BOV?ifcRH AND LODOKRS WANTED?THIRli PA'IK? ?OAtU>MANI^?'oDaiN<S WANTED?Tut* l> Pauk-Klrtt ootuma. BROOkl.YN BOARD -Tnmo -i lmt column. BROOKLYN RKAL KbfATE FOR SALE TniBO PAOtHfou.l no'umn. BUblNEtB OPrOMCNITIU8?PiMT PA?F~6ulh colli inn. BURINUb.NOTICES -Firm !'ag? dlith column. Cirv KEAti KSl'ATl. KOK SAI.h?T111B1 I'aok?Second column KIV? AnLf MfO.NI> F A'JT ?SCCOllCl COI iimo. COACIIMEN AND GARDENERS-Heoonp Pag I -Second column. COASTWISE 8TEAMSII1P8 FlUT Page- Tlflh mod alltb column*. ?OINTKV BOARD Toibi> Pace- Flrat at;d neeoad colli iu id. DKNT1STKV ?Thihh Page Fifth column. tTW DWELLING HOtSI'S TO LLT-FURNISHED AND UNKi KNISHKD-Tuiki. Paoic-Third column. KI.'ROI'EAN STEAMSHIPS?Fihmt Page Fltfh column. KUKOPK-Fibht Page?Sixth column. EXCURSION'S-gKCoas Page 1 hird column. FINANCIAL?Firmt Page Fourth column. k)H KALR-Tmr.P Pa..b Fourtli column. WRNiTURK-McoOHD Page FiHhofiluma. FRENCH AOVER'tlSfcMKM fh?si(iv?kl> Page Fifth column. _ ? BKX.l' WANTED -MALES Second Page Sacond and third ciuironn. HELP WANVKP?FEMALES second Pack?l'irst and Mt'on'i oolumna. HORSES, CARRIAGES, Ac.?FlKbr fAOK? Fourth column. HOTK1-P Thibh Faof Fiiat rolumn. UOlstS, ROOMS, *o., WANTED?Timed Page- Fourth column. INSTRUCTION Tinr.i) Page?Fourth rolumn. IfcRKEV l>m. HOBOKEN, 11UI>S(<K CII V ANII KERMEN KEAI' J*.STATE FOK SALE-> PAGESecond column. LEGAL NOTICES?Second Page Fifth column. tOa* OFFI''hb?Fii'.ar Paul?Fourth column. OST AND 1'iirNH?Slt< ond Page?Kl lli column. MACHINERY Till HP Page?Fourth column. MAKBLK MAXTELS?Tuti:i? Pagj'?Fourth column. MEDICAL?Seoohp Pau l- -Fourtli column. MISOI- I.LAN KOI S ADVERTISEMENTS?KlQllTH PAO?fclxth column. MI'sli AL SlcoMi Page Fl lhcoHtmn. NEWSPAPERS?'TillID Page -Fifth uoluw.]. PERSONAL -1'ihhi Page?l'lr?t column. FIANOFORTF.B?Second l'aul Sixth column. VROI'OSALS Tlliuji Page? Fifth column. FROPERTY Oi T OF TUE Ctl If FOR SALE OR TO RENT?'TinitP Page Second an.i thtrd to'nmni. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE?fUtKD Pauc?Third column. REAL, ESTATE WANTED?Thied Page Third column. MELli.TO: 8 NOTICES- Firm PA'**?sixth column. REWARJ>.S--Ssoomi Page?H th column. ROOMS AND APARIMEM1S TO LET -TUHU Page 1 hiid eoiomn. BALKS AT AUCTION?8?0">nd l"A?ir Von it h column. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES- HBUO.n l> PADS?First v column. SITUATIONS WANTKD-MALKS?sacom) Pau?? Second Column. SPECIAL KOTICKS Final' PA?ilt - First, second auJ third columns. SPOUTING-DOGS, BIRDS, Ac. KlSBI I'awl-Fou.-th eoliunn. SUMMER HK80RT3 ?Tiilitt> PaiiE- Second column. TUB TRADES?sfoom) Pac.k Third column. |lIJ5 TURF?FlBBT Pack Kuiirth o'l'iuuD. I tO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES TmED Pagb-Tblrd eol.imu. rRAVKLLIIR.-' GUIDE Kr?vr Pa?.b -Sixthro'uunn. WANTED T*> I'l ROHASE KlilU Pawk Slath column. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AO.-FIMT J*ac,T?I'O'irth OOllUBO. ______ PEKMOiS AL. 1,V)R ADOPTION'- A FIXE, HEALTHY MALE INFANT, ' wltb black bair and eye*. Mii.i-. VAN BAl'KIRJC, 4! Hi. M?rk'? place. *|IONORAHLE-ADDRESS SAME INITIALS, BOX IT1 J J Herald ofllce, appointing interview. ir o?8, WHO. TUESDAY, AUGUST t, GATB II?B an address wbicn die did out re in em bar, mil inoiiire for a Iter ror Morri* Fowler (O. P. V.), be will recelr* au eifUnaHoo. JERSEY-WILL MEET YOU MONDAY, AUGUST 16, at 11 A. M.; gftntleuten'i rwm at depot of Central R illroad of New Jersey, loot of Liberty street. Interview trlctiy coolidt'Dllal. rB. MERRIAK, Wno CALLED AT ROOM 21, NO. II J. Pin* Rticct, will please tend bis address there. MO. 8. -AM STILL VERY ANXIOUS. NOT THERE < In time. Appoint another Interview. TLIORT1MER II. -WILL YOU PLKASE MEET, SAME ftl time and place. Moniay, August 16, that you expected to Monday, August 8? RT. ZAYDEUS?YOUR FRIEND DESIRES TO SEE you In sixteenth street. Come or send address at rtnee. All trouble ahull be alleviated. KB, N.--PLEA.SE CALL ON YOUR OLD FRIEND . T. Flteher, Mr Uranl at reel, and you will hear of 1 -something to your advantage. I \rENl'S?ARRANGE TO RETURN ABOUT AKtlUKT 26, or a* late as Srptember -0. WrlM uttnu. JUPITER. WANDERED?KRoM 110 WEST TWENTY-SIXTH etreet, a initu, Edward Malloy, f> feet b Incbe* hl?b, darn com^leilone'l, (bin black bulr mid mustache, tear over ( ft ayeiirotv, aubjcct to fits of tnianlty. tile whereabout* will bf thankful f received. jewarJ. WIU. THE PARTY WHO TOOK TIIE 8ATCHKI* from coal yard corner K wen and -North Second atrel!>, > *r"iU'v . B. D.| return the same ud Hie ticket 'or ill* wat.:h h' p??vncd, and get a liberal reward T No question* Mked. 8TH ATKNUE CARS TO VESEY STREET AND BKOADway, at 9:30 reaterday morning; youns lady In blue ilk dr>'i>, Jo. Gentleman wlio sat at felt a abort tim? dealrea acquaintance tf agreoable. Ad'lreaa, iu coulidenoe, HENRY MOKTTMEK, box 1-36 Herald otOe?WMCtAL WOTICBB. ^avoosn 26,8X8 CURES in ode year. . science nATII UL.R VICTORIES AS WELL AS WAR. A REVnLLUTION IN MEDICINE. 84,888 SWORNCURES OF Catarrh Heart Dlieaae*. Coaaumpiian kidney Affcctio:;*. Bronebula Mood Maladlei. Rheumatism Womb Complainti, Neuralgia. IJrer Dlteaae*. Scrofula Eye Affection*. I)ea('neaa_ Nerroua Debility. D.vapepala Female I>l? H aadaf be*. Ferer aud Ague. Nervo'ianeM St. Vitus' Dance. Aatlimn Organic Waakr.eia. Kp(l*p?y Impaired Memory. Tuiuora... No '.es, l.'lcrri, Eruption*. flln EibaUhtlng Drain on Syatcm. MADQliY THE LnTyEKEITV MEDICINES. 4 SUCCESS UNPARALLELED IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE. THE PROOFS GIVEN. Aa In the* Thaumaturge Day, a^aln Thr Mri'Mlf Ami llK:'V(Hu uPP nlmnff ? The I'I mil km) tbe deaf boar? Tbe luinc w*)k?tbe aiek are restored. TBB CNIVERBITY MEDICINES ARE TUE FAVORITE rRE8CRIPTION3 OK THE NEW YORK MKD1CAL university-. (Incorporated by tbe Nlate of New York ) No. I. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF CANCER F.'-INI Trtff* .^yit, the roost power! ul remedial for the cure of blood I and Fkm UtC'-ssea ever dlaeorf red in Materia Medlca, Is .in hume-Nate ini<( pemuuent curative fur all Scrofulous, Cancerous and Eruptive Ma a'iiea. Tbe Canc<r I'lant la told upon tbe following warrantee, viz:?Aa a Blood PurMer, one iiottla of tills Extract if guaranteed to possess more real virtue than cue dozen ljytt ci of any P4rg;tpart).'a or Alterative extant. In teas than me year tk? ?a!oa have reacted tbe vast number Of li.rt.W' packages. I'nee #'2 per pack age (with book), or three packages for NO. II. . UXYD-PHKN VL.- Professor Scott'i recently discovered cure for Deafness la dally curing casta of Impaired hearing formariy recorded I B uopeloasly Incurable. I",e? editorial police* ol tills ureit modern chemical discovery In nearly every publication lu America and Europe. i'rica $t per package with book), or two pacnages lor no. nr. CATARRH 8PECIKIC.-Cur*s the moat formidable cases Of Catarrh almost instantly. Warranted to curt! constant kawklng uud bc'.iuuj, o(T'?u?lvo breath, "atufl'y" or "stsupod tip" teeilng In the head and discharge of tatea, ibm or acrid mucus from ihe nomrili. Price *2 p?r package with booki, or tbree packages lor <r5. NO.TV. HVDRATBD OXYMKt.-Our perfected remedial for the cure of Pulmonary CotisumpthiO, Bronchitis, Coughs, 4o.; koala tubei Cles, allava night swe.aU, (ul^luea rough and re lorca strength. One trial bottle gives a fair teal of this splendid clx-ml^al synthesis. Contains no opium, prusalo acid or poison. Price <iU per package <with book, ur three paekagea lor $5. NO. V. I FILE EXTRAC T The never falling Pile I'm* has cured ? eases of blind au i bleeding pilea ot forty years' duration. I'rice .tSper package (With book), or three packages foi $6. no. vi. 1%'ID EXTRACT OF YELLOW JESSAMINE?Tbla Is almoat a apoclflo In every form of Heart ijUeanoi, and ia employed by uiany of our .on.ling physlciana in regular practice. It cures l'al| Valvular Derangement and fc'nlaraement or anting oi the hfart. I'rice $2 p,>r package (with book i, or three pattagea t' >r ifS. NO. VII. NEllRALGORHE MATIO ELIXIR. -Guaranteed to furs Neuralgia, Rheuuiaium, out and Sciatica S?5 tunei out of very .00. Ono i.otic ugua Iv give) per. act relief. Price*" per package (.with booa;, or lhr*e packages for ^ I NO. VUL HbAbltMJ Hi-UUIJ-AHU-HUNK O' tower(ui heaim.; application kn ^rilP^T tbn won <od? ZlLT c ?"i' ^i*t?2cS;SI' Penetratet nodes, Biotohea, .?c. ??0?v., "lc>r?, Sure*, Swelling *i ^er bo*, or ox l>oxe? for ?5. KTMT" NTTTK. -" L1 **'. is P HO it lis. ?The radio* 1 cure for < *^lTir,,??. t' 11 ? '-"rfU 0*?r 3,WW cA??i of Organic iVSloll^ >ue tb> m of ib? mm nitiaotlve character; TrlH. ,al'1 lul nu? r???cr,Pli01" lhal cau ?V?alH. \i} . *'i per pacti^o, with book, or two package* MTHIA (?cnvti>?. Oii^dUeMCI of Hie Bladder and Xlrineta in foiay clkht houn aod upward. The ouljr tfua Ulurutlo kwrm & mediate*. IU t.ual doe. not exJtt. On E NE SPKC'IAI. HUT? bottle ?HDTlnce?. Price $3 pel pa-'kage, with book, or in< packages l or $A. no. xi. _ , . injection of CHLORIDE OF OOLD.-Cure* lufe( tioua diseases. Cures recent cases In iwenty-four uouri oniei old caaea In one week. Price $S per ^MUili wit tuoicor two p*cka*ea for 06. NO. XII. K AT A LP A KXTRACT--Wobu'i Friend. The lule'.ltbl? Kaitneiia(Oj;iie. Restoree ihe Meuaea hui vitrei \> oiub Cum plaints, dr. Price per packare. no. xiii. VICTORIA RKGIA.?The Imperial Cosmetic. Imparl woodroua b<ui?tv to tbe completion, and cure* Moth 1'atcljiv Freckles, lllot.'hes, Pimples and Kleali Worms In theskli Price per package (wlili book >, or three packages tor (j<6. no. xiv. AMARANTH FOR THE It AIK. Hair BeauMfler, Kcstoi iiiioiiiw 1/icirmp r?.i.ig nan, ami r?uni rai'l and luxurious giuwth of (lie Hslr, W'tilskeri aud .Mu*tacn< Wsrrantcd lo coutaiu do loud, sulphur or poUoa. Price Jjl per buttle (with boon), or tlx home* lor ij.&. NO. XV. FIVE MINI'TE FRAGRANT PAIN CURER.-CUI-M Pal lu any | art of tho body or limbs Id live minutes. Out of ci riusitr try this reme<ly alongul Je of any of tUc adrertUed pall killer* ol tbe day, and and mark tho result. If anything em known will r.urr pain so quickly no charge will lie mailt Contains no t liJui'uforui, Opium. A cod lie, Pepper, Turpei tine or Poison. Can be ilr.iuk with Impunity. rrlco 11 pe packiKir, or six package* for $5. no7 xvi. ALKALINE RESOLVENT.?A ihemical Mineral Watei eotapoiod Of ludlnr, Bromine, Sodium an l FloiakMna Ik best remedies of therapeutic chemistry- cures Indtseailoc Biliousness. .Vc. Gentle aperient and csll.urtk'. Price ? per bottle, or six beetles for If i. NO. XVII. FBVKR ANIJ AQUE GLOBULES.-One box cures an esse of K'lvr Slid Ague. Ojnttln n'> t,"\?i'.ie, Mrreurj Opium or Arsenic. Price $'2 prr boj, or three boxes l'or 4o. NO. XVIII. HEADACHE PILLS. Hngar coaled. Infallible cure fo e?ery form ol Headache. Price Ul cents per box or fed ]>e doxru bones. NO. XIX. MAY APPLE PIUA-Ku^ar coated. RaUnmlc, Cathii, tic, antlHllloue Family ) Ul, Price bocents prr box or :.j pc doten. THE UN1VEHSITY MEDICINES are not patent medicines. but the fa orlte presrrlplloni o tbe Nrw York Medical University, au Incorporated lus.In tlon of the Stair, and are prepared In consonauce vtUU lb views of a n .imber of mlwMM Ilvln* American i raci tinners, who be.lev* that the time is come whou MHl phrslclnns should all?o and mal.e .? drrlslve effort tOOVM throw tbe health-destroy'ug hj stem of quackery preruuln In evrry town and city nud substitute scientific. respotisib remc.ile* mads tn accordance wlib the principles ot mcd ca! cheruMry In place of the worthless or dangerous pa ct mr.'llr.'uns flooding tbe country. A know edge of medlclus iied chcmlstry as pro'ound a that of any physicians that hare over lired ra.iblrs us t< warrant tlir^e compounds to be tlio inoit perfect curative for lU'C^ine ever placed iiefore the people. What may sees almost incruiiblr Is the asti uiahiuc rnpldlw wiili wbicli the, rum disraars hitherto const Irr-d lucurable. They are connlilnrd with great ^are from line chemlcali wl'li a true knowledge of thnr therapeutic propMttM au< Iibyslolojlcal effects. Nothing cheap, Impure or polsonou la* bern tolerated In their composition. They are the nurst pi'^orlotlua of a body of rmlnen American professors, and have been thoroughly tesfd In on of the most extensive and suucessful practices ol the day. THE UNIVERSITY MEDICINES are to-day swcplng the country from Maine 11 Mexico, b< c oulni' the leading health restoratives, and rapidly supri sedln^ tho old noli.o*jH. nostrums and nauseous ditma. un tbeir~?a!e In becomlUK euorraou*. liiey ure now ic^ulailj prescribed by over one thomairl physicians. NO KOROED CKRl'lFIXATES REQlURliP. No me-ilclnft, evci originated burn received n> many item Ine oertillomtM Of cureiTn *o brief a *1 e of time. We m dai.y receiving letter* from every part of the country, Iroi patient* and j> byklelan*, recording khe raoct astounding < ure performed bv then* remedial. Many of these rue* bad tin consuieiei beyond the power of cure. We widi Ibnt n could pvbitmh itieee letters for the encouragement of lb afflicted, but a book of 1,(HK) pane* would not contain then FROM Ol'R LI- I'TER FILES In order to convince tbe sceptical, we this day pub'lih till following opinion*, irlectel irotn many tbousan in volunta rlly riven by IntcdUem. reinectahle people who have use. the CNIVl.Kali'Y MKDK'INKS Ibeintelve*, or la their f*m: llf?, a? a moral gmr.iniee that t)MM BlfiMMOt Maidt re totally nnllke tue patent n<>*truin* of the bour. SS. Personally appeared liefi re me, I, W. Bcott. I'ree! dent;L. Hasnert, \ ice l'renident; Jchn <}. Howard, Trr.a urer: and Oeoige l'o?ell. Secretary of the New Vurc MmM < ?! L'lilrerilly. and uta<> oath up m the Holy BlUnlo Almighty <iod tbit the lollowlog are le'.'.uirie, unnolicitei extract*, taken from original let ten being dally receired a the Institution. WM. II. KIBLKT, Notary I'ub'.le, Corner Ninth itirret a d liflh avenue, New Vork. Kcri.fon Gxmbai.'b Onmr, ) WASHINGTON, Mhm.Ii in lt&M Proffer. please forward my second order lor UNI VERS1TY MEDICINES. I am pleated to say that I Uov found them of great *ervlc? In tbe treatment of patient under my cbar^o. , A. A. Burgeon, U. 8. A. 200 C"*oRFHK ST?tn\ ? Po*TI.ani>, Me.. M?y I, l?rt0.{ Profe?*ur PriOTT anp Abuooiaymi?The UNIVKRS1T MKDR1NK8 are rapid y revolutionizing ibo practice o nieiiclne In Maine. * * 1 have oyer fire bundled pi tlenu. ? Here in Portland I have tak<n awav Iwi third* of the docPm' patient*. I hav* ?>inly iw hundred agent* and am eatablJihing ten avencle* a la * I (hall Mil $IM>.OUO of UNIvEBSlTY MEDICINE In Maine ihli year. I am worn out with hard worl 1 enclose you a number of certificate* of grtat emci * I will par +1,00111!' one of them ran be fo-ind lb;.t I tiut gatiMlne. ' * 1 1'. ST A PLES, Slate of Maine A^eut. tfonil.K, Ala., May 3, 1870. OrN'rf.i?*lieK -Send us a full line of your good* ny ?te? me aa *<>on a* p?|i*ible, aa we intend to make tbe su'e of th< UNIVERSITY KMHOINKS a specialty, having more c <nll deuce In their cura*lr? properties than any medietas* w< have ever *old. In fact, #? liave the n.o?t unbounded beiiei la thorn, an i alwav* rec'.>inn?'"ad to our caMome"* It preferenco to all other* ?*e hare erer I's'""., We have re renily u.Ml t *omc astonishing cure* in Mot*<?f burofula Catarrh, Ki.iney Diaeaxe*, with your Cancer I iai^. wml?* Bpei inc, Am. L. D. Jc B. O. (i<)ULt>, I'nipi;l*t?, tbirly-live year*' ataudlny. From a dl>llugulHhe<l member or Congress. Wahhinutom, May 4, 1870. My Dk it Doctor?Your medicines seem to act favorably on the nerves, as wel. a? tlie blood. I am much Improved. My Hn'ii are wonders of medical sclenc?. * * T have every f*lth la your medicine and skil', * * * I bellere that you are eiliLhtened of Und to do s great work, and that you will <lo It. Von have dom a treat deal oi good for ms. You understand yom business. * * * Vou are the second physician whom I have confidence In. * 1 would not trust the blockheads down here to give phytic to my horse. BlaiHHVn.i.r, Pa., April 18,1170. TO PROrT.MOJt 8COTT?Enclosed please liud sketch oi th? esse of William Carson. of till* place, aged 48. Disease, In dnrated scrofulous ulcer ol' the right le,;. painful and gangrenous, of years* standing. It bad exhausted all the skill of numerous physicians during thai time. This terrible picture was bis condition on the 1st of February, 1870. Kt I'.c use of the Cancer Plant Extract, Healing Blood-an IBone Olutment and May Apple Pills he Is now eutirely cured. This oast has attracted remark and amazement. lie being a poor uian, and once turned out to die, the medicines were furnished at cost $16. Besides, your Fire Minute Pain rarer and Neuralgo-Kheuma'.lc Elixir have strengthens* l bis neck, to au angle of 46 degrees. I took bim In hand, while all the doctors laugbed at me, and considered It a good Joke to attempt to cure, tills poor man but, thank (iod, I have cured all his maladies, restored his stiength, and made him a weil person with the l'm\ EKB1TY MEDICINES. 1 thluk, Doctor, that God has Inspired you to bring forth remedies for the cure of His aillieted children that nothing in the shape of medicines bus yet approached. samuel e. green. 1.5M TniRnAvrm r. Nrw York, Jure 28. IH70. Professor Soott ami Amsoci atkb? It is truly gratifying to know that science has at length triumphed over quackery. I have been usinp the UNIVkRSITY MEDICINES in ii:j regular practice for some time with the most remarkable success. Disease of every character rarddlv succumbs to their healthful Influence. Vou are evidently destined to overthrow the old practice of medicine. CUAU. K. DRAPER, M. D. Dr. SooTTjie. For years I have suffered with cancer ol the iifeast. what my sulTcrlngs we>? jjevcr tell. In a i.yln^ oondlllon I caiw to you and commence 1 ufiioiz your Cancer Plant ai>-i ointment. Almost Immediately all fsjln ceased. I li^ minor has vanished. and through 11(5 L'fgrlde^e ol Ho'^ f am a well woman. In mv deep gratitude, and ii a sincere Interest lu the welfare ot those similarly aOilc.Vrt J jjjali be pleaded to answer all questions. w YORK, OctoVW jy, 16$i). Miss K. CARET. Three boitlea of your Hydrate! Oxyrnel cured wie of consumption, although oui Bridgeport plirsicians said that 1 could not be cured. UK OKWE D. REYNOLDS, Metallic Cutrldge Company, Bridgeport, Conn. ma sen 1, ls>7U. PROTKSftO'.iS-Tour medicines hare helped me rerr much. I have not felt ?o well In thiea years be l ore. Like mam others I doubted their eftlcarv, but am now mulatieci Kasi Kv.m, Conn., May 19, ](;;?. j,. D. DAVIM. Profemnr Roott -Through the rr "ommendatlon of C W M lint in .don, Kaq., or Hartlon, who baa auccesifully used jour LltbU an a remedy for disc&se ot tbs kHneya and llrcr, I am mJ'jcfd lo order some. y? y mason b'xiONVU.Llt, Coun., January 1, lWO. Dr. SroTT?Three monlha ?lo 1 waa attached with Heart Dlieaae. Our family pbyalclan pronounced It neuralgia ot th< heart, and prescribed medicine without h?nefH. I al?u ascertained that I waa affected with that awful disease *De-inator rhma. I forthwith obtained your Kthercal fh isphorua uud arter taking four botika ??i comi)'e;?ly restored. Afterward! I lia l |ialu In tar back, vour Lubia cured. Mr oldest boy had the skin disease herpes?and doctored flV* mIPi without ralMf. I *??.; him twi>!'"ttlea ot vour Cancer fcitract, and, thank ,AA < ? - ***^ "SOK. IlroutTb?ArTo' I'?"tr,uy MedUilMa'are' fraal 111 out here. Our doctor iiaya be likes tb? i/iim-lplo. I), if. STItiK, P. M. nr Ciui** i . Dxnnv, Oonn., Jan. A, I8<ii. joott~? e*m* *C><a? conclusion that toii were Irttnj aTi?.i .P*0!'1?. n raors man mint doctor* do r,ow :LV -'Wt a h Mlr of I.itbl* tor my wife', kmdey UJsease none coiyu curf| and1 found It helped ber Immediately 1). OAM P. r Towamtia. Pa., April 17, |Mt?. Scott-I ha?e HMO your Mtractof ? am er Piant foi the blood, and pronounce It '"e chlei of attcratiwa. A. N. NRLSOM. 165 nobtii main smry-r, paovimrwob, r. j. rnor?:sr<>n?? Some of my lri*nila uni m>?eif ba-.eiile. the I NIVbK.-ity m Mill,ini- H, and lound then. aallifactoi.' beyoud our eipccUllona. 0. b. moody. Pm k Hill, Misa . April 7, 1S70. Professor J. W. 8oott I ?lew your i NIVl-.KSlTY MEDI OINhrt as a great success and a grand aud noble umlertak lnj?one tb*t mankind will blesa. J. ?>. JUN . .8, P. M. f Kreui the well known eminent Dr. Buckler Jnnea.1, Md , Oct. 17, IV.9. I hare a lady under my care w.Ui cancer in the lett breast I reriiimuendeil li*r to use your remedies, and with the uioi marked bcnallt ?nd decided ImproT.-n.en' I'i every respect. j. bloklek joneh, m. d. Mouit.K. Ala., May I, IS7u, I Dl. boon?The IJMJVURSm M&1HC1NE8 aiWMqmrln l ? W YO ~ new york, saturda KPeoiAf. NOTiim ? jjrfiit mime throufhout the South. A dear friend ol uilu* I taking the Cancer Plant for a scrofulous disease of a lifeline. He told me to da; that he was nearly cuied. * * A friend's child had 10V spasms a day; none of our phyjlclaoa could stop them. Ous bottle of tout Allantbus ^ Kit net cured them. E. TARDY, with M. O. fowler A Co. ANRI.AN1), Pa., tWO. Dkab Hirb- I hare ivcscrlbed your llydratad Oiyiucl for bronchitis, aud ;h? Vsflow .leuaiulne for huart^dlarase, with ' treat beneik. and am convinced of th?tlr '(Icacr. " UK. JOMN It. ft KNNEDY. Nkwport, R. I., Jan. 14,1870. "Io Trlomphe" should he the motto of your med'onei. They Uare cured me alter all our Newport physicians liav* ' failed. J. W. 1ILLSON. TlTr.nri.r. Stnrrr, HABTromi, Jan. 19,1870. Dr.. Ben l'T A Co. - Knur bottles of your Klhrreal l'boaplioi us hare acted rciy strengthening to my system. J R. K1NZEL. ' OtricK HLAXriiAitn HambO<>., ( 1 Padikii, Mass., .May 4, 1K70.J Pi?ov*sno*.h The rcltcnliy Medicine* are edeotlng m?ui? remuikahlc cures here, send me one d?ten of Cancer Plant and Chemical Oiutuient. A. U. CHAPMAN, Secretary. ' CHIOO, C*l? March J?, lt'U. a Nrw Yotik MrDICAt. I'nivfhsitv Enclosed tln-l #40. Keud by Overland I'xprras the inllowtiiz meiliclnrs. ? IbnCxocer l'luut is'a spleuold alterative. Ibe 1'eter and I- Ague lllobules liavn proved A No. 1. 1 ?ball do aline luislir urn In the I MVUtSlTY MEWUNES In Calilorula. 1 should liku the agency of the Stat*. G. T. HENDERSON, M. D. f, Dayton, V*.. April 1, 1*70. a l'F.nvrstriBB- I received the medleli Tiu sent In good I. order My wife had been doctoiinii ?ey, u y-are for falling of I the wonil>. and received no ben*Ut whatever. When the UNIVKRsITY MLMi.l S KS cam? to bund nlw ???? juft lecoverlrg Ironi * severe uterine hemorrhage, and ws? unable to walk a step. Alter mitug the lnjec.h n of Chlorldo of J Go'd tour tlinrt the Han enablod to attrnd to her home duties. and l? to day doing her own ivaal'lUK without her accustomed supporter. The me Heine* arn ac .uirlua a great refutation here. WM. Mi K. KlnllB ACK, M. r Vraaos, Conn., Mav 4, 1870. r Dot TOTia- I obtained eight bottles of your Ethereal Plu^pUorus for sp> rmatorrWa. 1 ain u*lng it aciuriUng 10 Instructions, and feel a marked Inipioveu.em. The lustra of my eye* ha* ictiirced, aad my whom countenance Is r- brighter. It Is slowy ut ?nrc..y curing m ?. Thank* to your r woin.erful medicine, it Is helping tuo in max.}- way*. At'.. .Vu. JS. L. RI8LK V. Paibpokt, Iowa, March 6, U7?. 'f Or.NTUKMKH?Vour Ketalp* Extract work* magically, i- There Is notliint; enunl 1 have been uT<N.t-d witb slok liea Ie ache and liver complaint since Inst spring. Took three doses I- of your Headache Kiln an i can Mr they have cleaned my d h?ad out a? e -ar a> a be l. I mvi the balance away, bayIns:?'* <'eui.emeu, be convinced -I auu" ? Dr. MoKENKA. I- Yarmouth. Me., May 9, 1870. it Doctor Mr mother in taking y ur Cancer l*Uuil for dropsy, two bo.t'en have done iier more Kood than three ? yciiri* doctoring irun ihe bet physician* of thin place. * * > 1 hope tht Lord will continue to prosp* r vou In the good work. * Mrs. S.iiiAH A. WITTON. a ?? f 68 Marktt RrRfKT, I'lTTi'BUlto, Pa.. July 1, 1H"0. PsoMBH.nt Kcoit A though dispensing the UMVKlli, SIT*' MEblCINEH but a short lime I am eoullJeiit tbat 1 where thev are ; Iven a 1'alr trial thev will work Wunderii a* curers of disease and give r eueml satl*factl?n. All the remedies are proving su -cesaful and mv practice In rapidly Init creating. J. M. TOv NO, M. U. Pun jT>Pi.rin*. Juno 23,1870. Pilot ibkorh -We have JuH lyeeri banded a bottle containing a niece of tapeworm IS leet 8 Incline In leigtb, which wan !- brought away by tba uae of one bo'.'.le of Cancer l\ai;t at.d the ? ay App ? I'llls. J We a'no iiave just cured a lady of i'r*ve|. of many yean' 1 standing, by usiug Liltiia and AiaaJIno K'Kolvcnt. JOri. C. HAKKOLD. I find the ' N1VERS1TY MliDIdNKS wr.rk like a rharm i- In my pract re. W. II. 1IOLMI-.H, M. D. e W. WiTEkVlLUt, Me. s And tliousands upon tbuunani'a of othersi Cao ai<y <db?r n meolciue* show a similar recortf e ILl.t'STRATED CATALOGUES KREE. AH the University Heine iles for sale at tbn New York Medical University, Nos. t> and 8 University p ace. New York. Down town ntrency, UDIINCT A CO., Herald Biuldlbg, 1 218 Broadway, New lark. Open -day aua uigbt. Agents wanted everywhere. Send 'or term". AMrw Pro- J l'-Hi r I. WALTER M oil', M. I)., ku 1 AbHOCiaU-t, Nut. ? I- an.i 8 L'niv.THtly p.ace, New lorkciiy. agencies ior thk sale of tiie university iihl'H IMC. BROOK I.YN, N. Y- No. Ml Milton street HiiiHiK IA>, N. 'i . Junction f niton ami Washington *ts. BK.OOK LYN. N. ?.?Junction Kmton and Clinton stre'ta. WII.LIAMKUI tt-i, N. V. No. UU Orand slrvet. V\ 1LL1am.stlC fa , N. Y.-Corner ?; roadway and Dl'islcn aveu lie. Ni-WARK, N. J.-Corner Bond mid Mark?t streets. 1'Al I I.SDN. N. J.?lti, Main street. ELIZABETH, N.J.-No. 171 Broad street. e KAHWAV, K. J. No. lit) Main street. ? llL'DBON CITY, Si. J B.r.en I'lvo Corner*. M.WBURO, N. Y.?No. Ill Water street. PoUGUKEBPSIE, N. v.-Nos. ana 172 Mail ureal, HUDSON. N. V.?No. K'i3 Warren street. ALBaNY, N. V.-Ne.:leu?r . t'^o. \ j i>o7, N. So. *8 Wulkyus block. " W'HtliKi'lAUy, N. V.?lir. Tniai A Co. i Bl'RI.tNGToN, Vi. No. I Central bloek. Ri TLANI). Vt. NiC.ehnnta'row. 0 ST. ALBANS, Vt -No. H Lake Hreet. r. MONTKEAL. Canada. No. ?i/2 Notre Dame eiK^U s OUUENKRURG, N. tf. No. 44 ford street, c. PROVIDENCE. R. I. 226 \? enmitiMei meet ' NkW UA VhN, Ct.? No. oUl Cliup< I street, s HARTKOR1). t't. -No. 22 Slate street. SPulMlFIKbl), CI.?turner Main and State street Ni. K It'll, Ct?No*. X4t> au'l MS Mala street. NEW LONDON, Ct.?K. L. Allen. r BRIDGEPORT, CI. No. _8& Main street. B NOitWA LK, rt?it. M. A C, S. Prow I It. MERIDKN, tx?J B. ki.CS. 1 PHILADELPHIA. Pa.?No. I,ft)7 Chestnnt street, f BALTIMORE, Vd. Ko. 11 North Hoi..lay street. I WASllTNUTON, D. C.?No SSI Peiiiisvleanla a??i...e. HTrBBUitG, Pa.?Nu. 68 Market street. , HAitlUSiU R.J, I'u. orn? r Second oml Walnut street*. BOf'lON, Mass.?No. 4.7 Tr*m?nt street. ^OiTLANIt. Me.?N". 2..0 Coimri-a* ktreet. CHICAGO, !'L -No. 447 Somii statu street. ST. Mo.- No. 2 ti South Klflh ttrept. ROCilKSTr-n, > v.- No. 81 Main street (Crjstai Paia< 8YRACU8I , N. V. Warren street. MOBILI'', Ala.?Corner ot and Da?pbir, streets. AUGUSTA, ..a.?No. UI6 Broad strict. NEWPORT. R. 1 No. 104 Thames street. HARATOGA, N. Y.?No. 14j NBroadw*;, t And over 3,'Hl.i other Ageuciea. i Wholesale Agent, 0. N. CRJTTENTON, No. 7 Sixth avenue. New lor*. ' UNtT^XuTCHINESE PUVSiClAN, ? 40 East Fourteenth street, fcas BOO new Medicines. Ctir> ? case* declsre.l hopeless by other physl<-lan*. . , ? $ A -A -PERSONS WHO ARK IN8 RKD IN OiiyD life In^uranre companies, and who do not desire (0 surrender th-lr |iolIr.u-s by mii absolute sale, cin borrow the surri'txier rainv of tlielr policies by applying at Insurance Apei.t y, fc7 Lllrerty street. A -A.-uUI'HANS* l!l)MK I.HTTKRY > J\. uf the Mato of M'ssihsiiipl. Class Ml M, 41, W, 24, 3, ?4, SO, 14, 22, B?. I Class .s:u 45, 7, IT, 47. O, 26, iU, 2, 112, lo, 4J. N. it.?The above lottery wl.I cense to be drawn until th? { matter at issue between State and corporalois is judicially determined. McINTIRE, BARKERVILI.K A CO., Managers. GOURAPD'H ORIENTAL CR1AM OR MAOIOAL Besnllfler. 48 Bond street. Veil1. Sup. IN THE EVENINO TELEGRAM, [ THE LATfcifr SPECIAL [ WAR DESPATCHES, EVERY EVKNINO, ALL OVER THK CITY. . rpilE ETEHIKO TELEGRAM HAH THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY EVBNINO NEWSPAPER. ALL THE NEWS O^ THE DAY EVERY EVENING FOR TWO CENTS. _ T OTTERY F51ZES CAHHKD AND INFORMATION I J given : Keni<H!?y and Koyal Havana circulars a?-nC JO (iKPH DAl'KH k <<Tf No. 11 Wall aireet, boi 4,1PM )' >#? oU.ce. Bi am h od'.ce. 447 SBjWI atroet. OFFICIAL DRAWING* blMMONS i Cd.'fi LO.-TKRIEfl. AI.ARAMA?MTU* 01. A KB NO. <|H? >7 15, W7V. ?, 5i, 8, 70, W?. M, 4, 4(T, s c, L MIMOCB1-OLAM NO. WM?Afll?W ll. TWOT M, to, *, vJ, 71, 7J, 1?, 84, R, IJ, 17, 9. XINTI'OKY?IKXTKA OI.A8H O. 479?AUtlfHT 12. 1W0. #7, 43, r,4, 51, 2u, 3 , 56, 63, 30, 6#; ffi, ?? kimtookt?or.AMH NO. 4 0? AtUDbT 13, IK0. 19, M. 31. Hi*. M, 8b, 17, 2?, HI, CJ, 14. N. Information rurniaben and circular* aent In tit* abovo .>id alioKoyai Lotterie*. J. <;L,UTK, Kroker, 2t6 Hroadwav. 153 Fulton itrrei and No. i Park row. ' rpHE UNPEKKIONED WILL APPLVTO THE BOAKD L of llralth on ue 16th of August lor permit to (laughter I cattle on tl.e aotitU aide of Forlj-flrit etrcet. between Tenth i and file* rntb nvenuet. JACOB H. REKM. i WAR HEPAtTMRNT. ? T? Grrii'i or tbi uunr smkal firriut'l, 1 Divfi;::?* ok Tri.eosaxu and Retorts i For tnn Scjfnt or Commkrv?, I Washington, IV <\^Aiicii?I 8,1*70. I Under the authority of the Secretary of WXT llje eblef atonal oftlcer of the armr la emoowrritd to euliat a nu tvtior of I mutable peraotia to be up olnted non-commissioned nflirer* In the aruiy tor t&e dutiea of "the oi serration and report of ttorina by telegraph and signal for the benellt of commerce on tha Ntrtlicio lukr* and aeaboard," In compliance with a ! i retolutkin of t.'an^.ris. I Tbe character of (so observations to be had at illlTm''0? , stations throughout the ??untry, ami the tiieteiruiogjoal reports to be made, render tlK duty upon which Uief.e nun| couinmiioiied olllcera will "v employed InUresJn,; aa a branch <> aolontlMe atudy, and l)i> knowledge acquired will r b? valuable hereafter. Th< opportunity tlim offered la a rare <ie for youn* men of cood education desiring to devote tbett>s<>** to reading or to Hie atudy of a prnieamon. tlie duty V-ini; ot ? niiuiti aa with care and diligence will permit tuna to be il?r?..9 I to ] atudy. f The pay andlallowanoe* of thaae Don?'ommlR?lona<i oflrtwrs, when not serving with troop*, atnoun a to about #901' per annum; when Mrvinj with troop*, about AWL luthe liitler cnae, ipiartera, fuel, ittbslMenc* and clothing are provided hy tUe qOTtrnment The number of appointments being necessarily limited, each candl'iate will be aubject to an eianiiuutloii. Application* *etting fortli character, acdiiiixmfnl* and fitness. with testimonials. ma* be adi reaped ui lb? fhlef Pltjnal onicer of the Army, No. 1,719 () atreet, WaaUliinUin. D. c. (Ircuiira tlvlni; tub partioiilara will bo fiirinehed on appli t cation al tliu olllce. _ A?? < _ROVAI? HAVANA L<?TTRRY.-1'RMK? PAID ?J)? IT. Infold. Information fnrnlahed. The hl?b??t ratM tor doubloona and all kloda of cold and liver. 0 JL U MAHOV 4 CO., Brokcra, 10 Wall aimi RK H V irTPTTCT TO lorrA A, ADUUOi 10, lOIV. _ ?PO <TIN?-nO?JH, KIHDM, SeC. | Aix kinds ok fancy dcm.s and birdh for Mie.?MedMuea for all dlaeaaea. Prepared Food for mocking Blrdi, at B. DOVEY'S, No. 8 (ii?au? aireet, coruar of Canal. M. H.? Ladlea atteuded br Mr*. Dover. THBTURF. Fashion course.?trotting. Bull'* Head SuUeof (LIW, m'l? heata, best tbie? In Or*, In harni-M. 011 Saturday* Aug nut 13, at 8 o'clock. A. 0. Wbltaon enter* bl. r. I)arry. M. d. Curry en'era br. ui. Lady iVilitt. W. MoRoberU eiviura br. *. ?'um. N111L D. B. iJotT eliters br. g. 1'erry, rpHK great at'oust races AT BARATOOA COM1 mence Friday, tbo 12th trial. Superior accomuioduilon* for vlaltora at tb? t. outlurntal Hotel. HENRY OK MAR8, Proprietor. 11 OK MH, VAUUAQI^ ?*<*. J AT BARKER A HAMUN'S < A CITY AUCTION MART AND V. Y. TATTLRSALLH, corner llrondwar and Ttnrtynlnthntrret, MAJOR CHARLES Vv. BARKER, AUCTIONEER, H titular Auction Sale* 1 EVERY WEl>NF.SI>A\ AND SATURDAY. OeoOenicn a I'rirate EataHlaliuienta disponed of at publto or private tale to the beat advantage, and a general uaaortment ol' Horaea, Carriage!. Ilarneaa, nn<l everything In the "hone line" to nun the ueeda of all clataea of purubaaer* coi.atantlv oil hand. ] Supei lor eta', ling for horaei on ?a>. Carriage! taken on atorage. Lit era!advunwa made 011 everything in the l>or?r line. Regular aa e tbla day poatponod to Weducalay n- xt. 1 VDEMAKKST k A OODRUFF, 62W und (SHU Broadway, have the largeat and beat uWok of arrla,;"B and m;II at loner prlcea than any bouae In the trn le. l - tra ordinary Ind'ioemen'a oB'ered to buycra '.Ul? mouth. Several accord band Jo?>s, very cheap. A BRETT, *7u; 1 lXJ., $175; 1 DO., #? ?; 1 VICTORIA, H135; I Kuckaway, $4.i; 1 do., ;V7I>; 1 d.>., 1'op I Wagon, 475; 1 do.. *WI; Junm Beat W'aion. *I7.'i: I ?lv m*ki I pbattoh, >4i<l; 1 new i'onv i'hatlon, 8l"4; tei|irf'j warou, $41'; 1 ilo., *75; 1 do., *110; 5 do., tli'5; 1 concord eiureaa wagon, e-16 . alio new and a?.-o?d band work of mi! .inscriptions, atn ,le and double ilitrintka, sheets, kob>s, net*. whlpf, ac. a in 1 luv bona, ifctli: 1 olaek mare, ih75. all (o m mm at mm and Lm btwdwur hu rortj-flnrt hreft. james jenkins. An oltdbfltabubbed livery stablb pobrjxb cheap. ln'|uir< of john gray, 410 madmon street. A shifting top wagon, *1?-|?perfect order; six-seat rockaway, |vm; ponv i ons, in ,,re.t ? . rlety, #isu up; road n agon*, fcda on; alto a great a?aortwent of summer t arrta^ra, which wo are selling lower ti an can be bought elsewhere, to make room for our tall stock. w. ii. gray, ss and 34 Woomoi unci. A-harness of am. 0badbs atl? scitablb . for all purpmm from up; roduwin DmM wagons, l.xpreaa and l.usineaa wsgoiia, top and open wnf on*. ja^geia, ac.; lap kohcs, illanketa, kbt*t*, >el?, w hips, ac., at the corner of hudson and spring ?tr. !?. little .* iuknblc. Assortment top and open buggies, four, six ?rat and pony phsetona, knelt ^ way a, family carriages, ac., new sud second bund. reiilng uif cheap. ii. m. w11ty a < o.. kevins atieet auj fu'ton avenue, biooklyn. \rmy wagons, dump c ? rts, 1ent8, hammocks. . hospital, wall, wedge, sibley, shelter tenta; blankets, wu> collaia. haroeev ^ad <l lea. w. a. cal.telt, i- < ortlandt mtm t, near ofnt?i<ki AHORSH WaMTBD in bzcharob for WOOD doublings, turning, t>\ an* one having a good, fair priced draught horae may a idrem d. ii. c., herald ofllce. Ahambletonian colt, four years old, handaonv aud ktvllah. a good stepper, wll broken, pedigree proreji nlao i2j lb. stivers plan >-body wagon. in perfect orcer; act of eliy nia-le harness. *< .; nrlee for all, $iu0. seen at i'.#. weal twenty-seventh atrect, livery stable. Assortment of new and sboubd h ank ak rlagea an i llarneaa. selling oil' to close up. now l> tbc litne to buy cheap. call and aee. taylorv, houtre etraet. Afresh lot of superior western and t anadlan horses, jin-i arrived ilila morning; suitable f r all purpoaea , all t j be sold <:u" ap. la vestry alreel. A handsome leather shifting ml' bl'tlov, not much uaeil, in coniolete order; will sell at a-ierltho for want of us". apply at woods \ son's, M ivail at. At cost?at cost?at cost, sheeta, nets, w hlpa, a'jbans, 4<\ all our stock t>i cloae out. Souk- very .lefl-alile good*. alao (j |jn? top hug/iea, i'rom $i5'i up; .ingle and double llarneaa froia 111 op. ureal barvalue, (o eleae out. at m l/b-rtj treet. johnson a van TASSELL, 118 liberty i'.reet. 69 liberty atieet. Bay mare ior laut at a 8aob1vwe -1? hands, i yeaia old; lit fvr % farmer; the b?'?t . i mare in the city; inuat be *old. cull for t'uree day* at lit tjpntig airet', in the itnr<*. (carriages-secosd band; a si mbt'.u of road an.k top wa^ona i'liae.lona, roekawnya. < alui'ileta, ooi; can* a.-., jkc., at r. m. stivers'. 144 t > lii eaat thirtyfirst alreet, between ihlrd and fourth avenues. kior sale a pais i?r bay ha v bletoni am p ?"olta, own sisters, b j nd ' years om, out of a b'ooded mare that trolled ml milea lu ten hotira; kind in single and double hartir'it can't be bent for the imndmng tb. yhavn had; ejin show ;i three minute |>alt; ho<d to close an estste. the colts egn be i-e?n at tbe hablea of i>. bodtne, front atreet, aborc cooper street, camden. n. j. \ppiv to joseph tk1.mulk, ku'i., 147south frost street, pblmdelpbla. l^or 'sale a oray horse, 1??.,' hands; pi pep rlor tyle and action ; 7 yeara old; <)ulet ta alm aniens, aud a good saddle burse; warrautod suiin l. lib a'tst street. For sale-a cream-colored mare, with iilack mane, tall nud lega; is perfectly aoun l and kind, aod raised by tbe present uerner; aold onlv lor want of iim?. lu<|ulrcof kenward hkotuers, comer cambridge place and fulton avenue, hrooklyn. For sale a huptimo rt)p waook (bbbwttbb'fl buildi and one aet of ll.r.-ieaa idunscomb's inake>; a'.l nearly aa good as new. imi ilra at clal'.k's stable, no. li j h i r<i street. l,tor hale cheap-a i.arlie, sirono, votlno f drnogbt horse. apply, after u 1'. m., at west Tames jenkin-, auctioneer. will bell tiiis tj (hkj^at 11 o'clock,at l,331l*ni 1,401 Uroadwav, near FortyBrat street, a fine t-lack Horae. tilde meat top Wagon, with II fifties*. 2 Breit*, 1 Coieh, 1 shifting *eat Ko--Vaw.iy, ma'le by John Ft. Lawrence: aleo Si tou Wagon*, to dote an estate; alto 1 bay Hone anil 20 acta Hartres*. Pony phaetons in great variety?$130 to hu30: Depot Waqona, Phaeton*, Rookawuy*. light Road Hitjgles, and ail style* Family < aniay??, at reduced prices. rxLViN WITTY, itu.-i tway. Second hand carriages at mart a ins. Light Rockatvay, tfire* Coupe Itockawais, Tup. Depot, Victoria, JAM or Wagon: live Mural**, Park I'liaetou, aeveral I Carriage*; ]11y soiled CarrlagSi d.ean. WITTY, WW Roadway. fPO LET-STABLES ON FIFTIETH STREET BETWEEN ! 1 Hlith anil Seventh avon tie*, south side; BtJelan p;ive- , tncnt. Apply to JOHN J. TOWNSi'.ND, 50 Wall sfract. , \MT ANTED A Tor BUOOY, IN EXCHANGE FOR A TT new. full Cabinet Sewlnti Machine; alan a first dart el of simile Harness. Apply to CHARLES LANGE, primer, 77 Merre/atreet. ft,'ANTED A SECOND HAND SHIFTING TOI' WAtV gon and Harness, for which I will give $100 ID cash, and complete Flablrg Outfit, fur all klndaof l.iUInc, which ha* re er been used, tfor h $100, Address box 2J3 Herald ' olllie. | Wanted?a hood TEAM of HORSES for a TRI'CK. Address, stating price, tc., H,, box 141 il'Tald office. WNANOIAL. J A H8EKSMENT?CROWN POINT MINING COMPANY. JY J3 coin per ihare, delinquent September 8, sale li'Uli, idem. Payment ma* be made at Agency Hank or California. IBM A WALLER, :u Piae street. Money to loan o'?new York and brooklyn Improved and ue-.lrab'e unimproved Real Estate. First and Second mortgage* promptly caahe I at loweat market rate*. Principal* only dealt wltb. WILLIAM SINCLAIR Jr., A CO., No. S I'lne street. OFFICE OF THE STERLING FIRE insurance COMpauy. U>S Broadway, New York, August 10, 1P70. % At a meeting of the Directors, held Ihla day, a semi-annual dividend wa* declared of live per cent, tree of uovarnment t tai, i ajable to ttio sto klioldcra on and alter the 12th Initant. A. L. SOULARD, Secretary, f T} RESIDENT'S OFFICE, 8I\ JoSKPH AND DENVER t J; CITY RAILROAD COMPANY, < Ht. joirril, Mo., August I, 1870. TEE INTEREST AND COl PONS ON THE FIRST < mortgage eight per cent gold bond* of the St. Joaeph and Denver city Railroad Company, due Aiifuat 15, 1870. will be paid In gold lhe Farmer*'Loan and Truat Company, of the city of New York, on and alter that date, free of tax. 1 GEORGE H. HALL, President. 1I/ANTED.-?1J,000 ON LAND NEAR NEW YORK, W worth !f80,lH"l. Addre** SECURITY, Herald office. aftfl t<> loan on bond and mort- ? 'V.'i'Mf gage lu aum* to ault; first and lecund Mortsat i>urst>a?ed. Money Immediately. 1 B. IRELAND, 101 Broa<lway. pmcKs. ! At 77 BLEECKBR strPkt, near broadwav, up stair*.?The hlgfi^t cart advance* on Diamond*, \ W*tohes, Jewelry, Plauofc.ic., or Wight. Alto Paivobro- i ker*' '1 iuketa bou,bt, al 77 Btfeeker HK'et. j AT WOLK BROTHERS', 5.7f> BROADWAY, hORMRRLY of Brooklyn. ?Money liberally adrancen on IMarnim la, Walche*, Jewelry, Sitka; more' particularly on Piano*. Biiiln'M strictly confidential. Sanic bought ami AT IIYMA.VS, BKOADWAT," CORNER <)> P<INI) atreet?Liberal advance* male on Diamond ?>nd < Watches, Stiver Ware, 4c., or will pay the lilgl.cut pr he for the ?arae. IjROAHWAY, CORNER Fl'LTON PTRKKT (KNOX'S I> biilldlii^'^-Buflneea established hftpen je?r*.?NEWMAN LEOPOLD buy*, tell* or advances llber?!lv on Diamond*, WaUlic*, .K?t;lry. Lll'e Policlea. Merchandise and oilier hoourili' i nn<iu?:?J for. on NArttAU PTRKKT, OVpoPITK POt?T OFFICE 0<J Libeiitt advance* made on Ni*niond*, Watctae*. Jewelry and *JJ k IUrla of merchandise. TSc *ame bouchl and told. 11AYMAN LEOPOLD. room No. I. VACIIW, STKiWBOATB, Aft A BARGAIN.-A SLOOP YACHT, 2H TOU L0N0.11M feel beam; sails oorapWile: In good orderi prloe $32fi; old for want of uae. Apply ? W. ft. MILLER, 2ft f>aasan it rest. CCHOONER rOR BALV-TKJJ TON8, GOVERNMENT O DM?a?ur?m*uij built fof* "lighthouse supply" *errk<c; In nei fret or<ter; are, i needy im suKantlai. For MurtlouiMS tloreaa PILOT. boa 114 U?ra)/o?c* ERA! ^ _m?ROPKA!S STBIHIUM. ^ |KL) DTRKCT LINK TO FRANCE. The Oaneral Transatlantic Company's mail tUaiaablpa balwe?n N?w York and Havre, calling at Breat. The IUI1<0<I1<I vmmIi on Ihla favorite route for thg Continent will tail from uler W North rlvar aa follow*: ? ST. LAURKNT, Leinarie Haturday. AufuatM fKRK.lRK. Dm-benne Saturday, Faiit. t LAKAYI-TTK, Rouiaau HaiurUay, Kept. 17 Vlt>l>R l)B HA HIS, Saturday,'Vtober I Rates of paaaa??, pajal>l? In got<l, t'icjullni wins: ? To limit or II arre? Klrit cabin, HMD, ?< <.<>nd cabin, H7i. To Pari*. In luolng railway ticket- iflto and K'i. Ibeie Itrauiera do not carry steerage p*a?engera. American travellers going to or returning froin tba Contl neut of Europe, by taking ma atennera ot this line, avoid [ both traualt by KngUali railways mi l the discomforts of rroailog the t'hunnel, t?*ai<lf? sating time, trouble and eipi-rue. UKOROK MACKKNZ1K, A^ent, No. .4 Broadway. | M'VAKK LINK. I ' The Kritlali and North Royal Mai'. Kteauisbtps between New York and Liverpool, railing at Cort Harbor, rhlna, Wednes lav, August 17 Bjuvu, Thursday, Sept. 1 I'almyra, Thursday, August IK Jar*. We-'needay, l-ept 7 Ahyislnla.Weduesday.Aug 24 Oalabrl', Thursday, Kept 8 lamarla, Tliurstiay,August !io Kmsla, We Inesday, Kept. '4 Scotia. Wednesday, A intuit Ul Kemmi, Thursday, Hept. 16 RATKH OK 1'ASSAOK. Uy the steamers not carrying steerage: Flrat cabin, ItlSil, gold. Se.ond raolu TC!). rold Flist cabin, to rail* Hl>, gold Return ticket* 86o, ??ld l?v the atean.ers carrying! *teeia,e:? 11 rat rabln, iH'O, go) I. hteerate * 3fl, currency Return tic: el* If>0, go! 1 Kteerace tickets fiom Llvi rpool and Quevnatown an t all paiii of liuropc at Invent rui n. Through bill* of Uding given for lUlfaet, Clasijow. Harm, Antweipand otherfori* on the Continent, ?qJ Tor Slcd.terruncau ports. For Irelglil and rabln paaikgo ft tho company's ofl ro, Wo. 4 Itowlliii '?re< n. For literate patia.u ut ill llrnidwuv, Tilnltv Hulldln ;. CIIAH. a. KtlAN'i'kLYN, Agent. on.All TO QUi.ENBTOWN ANI> LIVF.RPOOL, t'unard Line. I'ALMYRA a all* Thursday, August 18SAMARIA sails Iliuia ay, Ail !u?t ' !">. ?'u In 1.H1I, [Mild , ateetage. 1H0. cirr?n.-y. Stu raa" tickets from Kuroue tinned at Io?ret rate*. F01 1 ai-lii e applv lit No. 4 Howllnt lirren. For aleeraje pa^a;"1 ijiplv -ti 111 Broadway, Trinity Hulldli'g. OHA&LKB O. PRANCKLYP, XfUt. I ON DON AMI NI'.W YORK STKAMKHIH LlNIi. .J Rau a of pn?*a e red trod. frtnimers e 11 dlrc.-t to London from liter No. 3 North river PARAill'AY, Williams, Anguit27 Kate* of i>ru?.ij:"i pavahle In eurrcncy First rabln, JjTu; seron cabin. It&U; aW-ruge >{!- #. Passengers booked lor Havre, Paris, Antwerp and Hotletd-nt 'it reduced currency rw(**. 1 r frelijUt and laaaar't nnply to HOWl,AM> A AsI'INW'ALL, Amenta, M Soul b ilmti TIIE ANCllOlt LINE STliAMKRK i (ill every Wedin sday arid Pmurii.iy toarid from <>la*;oiv and Herry. I'nasengert booked uud forwaroed at redored rate* lo and ft ' 111 ail raiitriiv atatiom In <>ri'vi. Kritkln, In l\nd. Not way, Kneden. Demi uiii and Amcrlrn, as aafclv, speedily, comfortal'lv and cheaply ha by any other route or I tie. "KH ern" tiir.ivti.i. | ''kxtka" mtmrw. I'OI.tMi.lA Aug. 131 (TALIiDONIA Auj.24 M:ROPA.... Aug. -:u IOWA auc. :II INDIA .. *.... Aiij. 'j: I DAt'lAN rteui. 7 tAMIMUA Seit 31 DORIAN SepL 14 ANOLU.... St pi. 10 SI HON I AN.. Sept. ri AISIRAI.IA ..Kept. 17 | RKITAMNIA .Sept 28 and every Wednesday und Katiirdar th> reader. From pier 20 North river, New \ ork. at noon. itatea ol paaas^e, puynble In curreUoy, to Liverpool, i?l etiriiw or Derry :? Fliet eablns, l|GS und 17.', awordlu^ to location. ?:?iim eicuralon ticket* >;ood lor twelve inontha , lecarinj best soeoiomo latlous, IC1I 0. lntcrmedlAle. ij>li.'l; steerage, ?'!K t'ertltiealcs, r?t reduced r?le?, can he li'iught her-- by those wishing tti tend lor their friends. Dm! t* I-taut I, payable on presentation. AppiT at t)<? * ninkiiv'a nRW* to>ki'?mn HK'H iiKKS, n >. 7 Bowling Oma. National LINK. H I tAM fU I.1VKKPOOL AM) QrEENBTOWW, from l.irr 47 Noitb rlv>r. KNO!. \ND, W?-t .iter K iturrtay, Audita 18, 8 P. M. TI1K UlJKKN? fli >ii!< us Saturday, August 'Jo, 10 A. M. HELVETIA, UrlK* Saluriav, \u:miM '.!7, 4 I'. M. tn Livr.ipuo! ur <vown?" abln, H7& and t mi; lr? r*K?. l);H, njrrrncy. Prepaid die*. !.< McLKn from Ilrrrpool, yueenitoirn, Louuunderr.y and *83 cmitiicy. R1KAM TO AM> FROM HAVRE AND LONDON, very forlii'ght, rilling at Plymouth to land p.uH*n<(era. VIllolNIA U odurwar, AuC'at 17, III a. M DENMARK WcdoeMur, AuontM.2 *. M. I'KNNHVLVA.MA rrpL 7, 2 P. M. Caliln |m n^e, and iJH", currency. Stctmii? | as?ar'', !?.'# . ?-urr?tii:T. Piumfn>er? I jok?-d to t'arU at rnduced rite*. Kor fn.tUrr pailk'itarn ?| jr at ihn cutnpany'a o(To?, #: Broadway, I W.J. HI'Ksr, M?na??r. CTl'.AM ill gi KENSTOWtf AND LIVERPOOL, CARRY, i ? lug tin; LuHnl Slat' 4 mailf. SaHiug yeiy Wednesday. I l?AlI?Vl'r o Aiignit at 10 A. M. NI.VAWA, Urr.m August 21, at 4 I'. M. From pier 4(1 North ht. r. Cabin {iium;r, j"tl, gold: steerage, r>CV>, run*n'.T. Pai-iag** book-' I tu ?n.t from Pirn, Hamburg. Sorway and | Sweden, Ae. Ill ?rt* on Ii i land, England, Franca and tier- ! many at lowot'. late*. Appif to WILLIAMS J GClON, IS Broadway. L^OR LIVERPOOL ANDt/l I I N3TOWV.- INMAN LINE I1 of K ?)il .Vit'l Steaincm nc appointed to nail as !'o!Iowa rIT V ??! KnOllliliVN, Situnliir, Aii?wt IS, 7 A. M. I'HV OK KRl'SSELS. Saturday. August tf, 13M. CITY OK HALT I.MURK r'H, Tii"'?day, Augll-I I'.t, I I', v., au'i ea-'b succeeding Saturday and allurnate luiw ii?y, Ij urn |j:> r 46 North i*tyer. kail* or pamadh Payable In Gold. Payable In Currency. First Cabin. tingle berth. .tf7!V I Steerage if SO to Loudon d? | to London HI to Paris do Wl I to Purl* 1(1 to Halifax, N. K.'io 'Jul to IfnlifaT, N. 8.......... 1% Pa*?enger* also forwarded to llavrr, Hamburg, Bierum, So., at reduced rat?n. "I'l. kpta can be bought brie at moderate rate* by persona iv1?blag to send for their frlsnds. For lurthiT Information apply at the Company'* oV.rr. JOUR <i. hale, ^gent,It Broadway, Huw loik, CTBAM TO OCnHRTOWM AMD UTKRPOOIi O Every V\ ednea lay. Thursday and Saturday. MINNESOTA Wednesday, Angtwl 10 ENULANtl Saturday. Antrim ID Drafts payable in any part of England, Ireland, Scotland, at current late* of eicUange. Apply at THOMPSON'S passu;;* of'lre, 78 HrotJwav. coraer ot Re?lor street. Foil IAVRB. The first clam He-wheel American ateamal.lp OCIDISO STAR, 2,6X6 tons, will be despatched fdr Marie, from pier 4tJ North lifer, pislllveie. on Tuesday, August 23, at 5 P. M. For freight or passage apply to W M. II. WEBB, M Eichunge place. J MPORTANT TO EL'RoPEAN TMAVBT.I.EBB. HARPER'S HANDBO()K FOR TRAVELLERS IN L. I 'HI > I 'K A.NO IIIK EAST. Being a guide through France, Kel^ium, Holland, Germany, Aui'ria, Italy. Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Kw itier'an I, Tyrol, Ruiala, I lenuiark, bweJen. Spain and i.reat Hrltalu and Ireland. With a Railroad M |> corrected up to 1(119. By \V. Pembroke Fetrldge. Iterlaed edition: eighth year. Large 12mo, leather, pocketbook linn. *7 60. HARPER'S PHRABE IKIHK; or. Handbook of Travel Talk for Travellers and Schools. Belna a guide to n.ntrif Hon in Eugiiah, French, German and ItalTim. By W. Pew liroke Fetndge. Square 4to, flexible cloth, %l 50. |r#r sale by al! book pollers. UNItT.n STATES PASSPORT BUREAU.?OFFICIAL Passport ?l th"" Ocpurtorisnt uf Stat# Issued by A. WILLMAKTU, llclt'd Sutss Court buildings, 41 Clambers tree;. UNITED STATES PASSPORT BCREAIT.- UNITED State* Passporli, indl?pcn?aUe lo ttavrllers, l?sn?d by l. li. NONES, Passport Agent, No UJ5 Broadway, corner of Duane Hreet. I TN1TED STATES PASSPORT BI'REAU.?PASSPORTS proeura t in 24 hours liy A. 11. NONE8, Notary anil Jouindssloner for a!l the States, 484 Broadway, room No. 4. COASTWlgg STKA.>IMHII'< DACIFIC MAIL BTKAMSin? COMPANY'S L THKOU'lH LINE TO CALIFORNIA AND CHINA. Freight and passage greatly reduced. Through rates, New York to San Francisco i ? First class. 8125 lo" SITfl, ipcnrdln* lo locution of berth. Theee rate* Include bertlit, board uu<l all neceuaileu for be trip. bteamere of the above line leave pier No. 43 Worth river, 'oot of Canal etreet, at 12 o'clock nooo, ON 5TH ANU 21hT l>K EACH MONTH, licept when tboee day? fall od Sunday, tbea lb* day prevl)U?. One hundred pound* of baggage fre? to each adult. Medline and attendance free. Auguit 20-AKl/.ON A, Captain Oraj, connecting with MONTANA, Captain Parker. Steamer J A I'AN will leave San Kranclaco September 1, 1870, |nr China ami Japan. All frelvbt for San Kranclaco will go a* fail, and be revive I until 4 P. M. Prioay, Angual 19. Freight for Central American and South Paelflo porle will be received until 4 I*. M Tliumday, Auguit It, only. All tbe UKiial facllitlee afforded eblppe.rt In collecting Inland ibargee, Ac. Fur freight <T pana^e ticket*, and all further Information, ipply at tbeoftoe, pier Mo. 42 North river. K n. BABY, 4cent lsT. DOKUtaO Ulli Tae t nlted Stale* Mail Rteam?hip t1llie, Captain Partridge. irttl leaT? pier No. 4 Noitli river fur Porto Plata. Pemaua Bay tnd St. Domingo City, on Saturday, Auguit 13, at 3oY.oca I'. M.preclerlv. Tor freight or l aciage apply to KPuFKOKD BROTHERS ,t CO., 9 Broadway. UNITED STATES MAIL TO HAVANA. At anilo Mall Steamship Company. Sailing regular.v every Tburaiay ?t !i o'clock P. M. pre:l?ely from pier No, 4 North river. MI.?SOi It I, Captain .1. H. Edward*. Auguet 18. MOHHO CASTLE, t aptaln K. AHaiua, Aogiml 28. COllJMI'.IA, Captain E. Van Sice, September 1. for fi?i?bt or pim?ane apiilv to S. U. \V HEELER, Jm., President, No. o Bowilug Ureen. LTN1TED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP J Co i.pant-. Tbe elegant eldewhe<-l steamship SO Til AMERICA, 2,l*K> Ions burden, Captain E. L, TWikiepaugh, will nail for St. Tb'ivaa, Para, Perii*mbu<*o, Halila ami iwo Janeiro, ou Tuesday. /Wug'iat 2U, at !t o'clock P. M., Iron* bier 48 North river. Fur freight or pasaag* a?>plv to WM K. OAHrtlSON, Agert, No. 6 Bowling Oreen, New York, Texas linf, of Oalveston Fleam era, toiwhlna at Key Weet the At steamer t,AiHAitlNK WHli'lKO. Captain llowea, at janr 20 Eaet river, will (all ae sood a* full. AR anode for Houston or the interior will l>e forwarted dj our aaenla, Meaara. T. II. MeMaiion A Co,, free oi ebarge. lbe steamer KAPIDA.N will follow. ffor f*UM Ma MM La j D. 1'IUCE FOUR CENTS. co wTwist ?ri % ttsBipa. |<M)R MEW ORLEANS DIKhCT. r mi h< HANlri' steamship link. From tiior No 13 Nortn iltrer, at 3 o'olock F. MlSSlSail'PI, on MamrrtiiT, Anoint 18. hhkkm an, _ on Wmouiitir, Augual 17. ... racUrM clallr. Tuioiitti rati* siren fur St. Lou!* Vlckihnrg, Mobile mi lo likuoli. For <r?l?U or (niaiaar, lianoc iup?n >r aciommodationa, apply to *KiSbi.RTtK BARER, ?J Uro?dw?y. Havana, hihal and vera crub. New York nod M-ikcan Mail Sti-am?hip L'iio, ailing erery twenty daja, from p??-r 17 E*u rlrer. Tin- nrw ?t?ainnr? <TTY OK MERIDA. DMkMi, Hilitrtav. Knt.tO, atS f ?. C1TV UK MKXICU. Tlraranmau, si| .. I.., i V. M. Kur frei 'Ite ^up'T to " f. ALEXANDRE k rtuNS. WBroadway. nilU NI-.A (IRI.KANS niHU'T JT The Cromwell Hte?m?lilp Lta?, leaving pier No. tf Nor!ii river, at i> o'clock P. M., a* fnilow*:? OKO. WASHINGTON, Oafrr Auau?t II ST. LOCH Whitehead Au?n*t? freight reoalvtvl dally. Tl.rouju rates ulieo tor Oalv??'.on, Indlnnola, Mobile and SI. Lonii. Cabin luiauv. .iirO. >teer?i;e, <,2t. For pa**ni(* or freight I ply to H. B. t ROM .VKLL & CO.. <<i \S e?t >'.rwL T^OK CHARLESTON, ti. 0., TUB SOUTH, SOl'THWlef P an I Ho: i la port*. Tlie liiat c.ut *ldowl e?l ?leauiM?1p MANHATTAN, Caul. Woo-thnll, 00 Cntuntay. Au;u?l 18, at J P. M.t nulling Irono pier No. & North rivrr. Superior accommodation! for pawnnrf. Through out'i^a I Ickatv und lillla or lii'tlug l*?tie.| In codn erl'on with Hie South Carolina Ki?llro:i<i to all ii'lutfl SotuU an ' Houthwea' .111 with at.'tot t? to KioriJa po.w. Uooda !o:w*r.;?d fi<M of coiumlulou. Bll.i of Uciinif lurnl*li?d uuil rtsMri on t'ie j ler, 'iUu ateuluihlp POl'TH C.YltULIN A will follow &n ?*.) 011 We tiivi'ar, AiiRU?t 17. l or freight or app'T t? ill. N KV K. MOKOAN A CO.. ArfuW, .'HI liioadvray. Ir?0K NORIOLK, Cm' I'OINT AM> RICHMOND. Old Oo'uluton .-Uctm'Ulp CoMpaay. 8tei*nn*Mp? of thlilln* leave p*cr'37 Norm river, foil if B<' icli ancet. Kor Xor'otk. City Point ?n'l Riohnnivt ev*i'y Ttmrmlay ail SaturUiy, a*. S I*. M., oonn'oUnj wlwt U?<? * iffliiia unit Tea tie* Air In", tha n-nhotr l InTitid Afr I'll, reteinuiii';; an J W-sldon railro:i'l4 Ohcxmie&ke an t 'WUprall. ro Ha .m l Klclimoii 1 m l I*ivilli- raili'ivl*. T'u 'ni'.er tl.-Uet* i.nd turoiuli Mil* of U.Jin^ r?i r<MM? 1 all point* S . ilh aud rfoultiwe*i. A D li v at ollc? on pi hi i7, or t" " ' N. L. MoCRBaOY, Pre, dent, 1*7 Ureotiwichttrect. ortiri >: f>ev TK IVELrin^ OUIDK. \IdtaNY AMI IKOV LIN B?OPENING OP Mff iK-pot. !}> > laritMt la Ati.orli " The *piemll<l Hwcim of thli lltir* will hereafter leave Pier 44, North Hirer, toot of Spring, Pim #, or Chprlton "treoU, every .littfrnoon, tiat'irday* rioept. 'l. at ij c'tioplr; Bm' Thirty-fourth street 6 4. 1 ar'j imjIv *-1 .,11; nearly Ml leu than rail, an I llae run.'tloiw to Rullalo ami tho West, Sara'oya and the North. K* i ui?;o.i t oken to .-amlo, * ?1id .rtiirn *. r,i??e;:^ei-? h? hroaiway, sixth, Heventh or Klgbth aveune lior>e car* will L'rt 1 ut al t.'barlton street. Ttii"0i>uh tlrketi and iia(fat? che ked to al: polnti on the moruin,, fain*, which leave Albany nn'l Trov. N rt On and after the lit ot tpteuit'ei, the fm c on thU line will l?e m'ueert to 50 (lull. DUTI HKSS ANI> COLVMBIA RAILROAD.?ON AND niter We.diiwlay. July IT, W70, tun train* on tlila rtiad Will leave FUhktll I.itinllng foi MaMeatvai, D'Thau, H*tikill, H!lv?: Lalte, L:,^r*n^e, A eilianlt, Vi 'irook, Banftll and vine I>UU1* If.'.'3 A. M. and 6:1J I". M., on ;irr!ra! of trail:* leaving New Yorlc via iliitlaon Klver Ktli:uaU al and I A. M. aud 4 P. M. Rsturnlna. leavea P:n? r. i'n? a' A. M au l 4 :.V) P. M.t coon*. lint wtt'i train* ou 11'iUon River Ka'lroad, arilvlngm N* ? York at 11 A. M. atil 8:60 1\ M. BENJAMIN STROM!, Superintendent |JH? BBIDOBPOBT ani> aLI. Pim ,srs OH ROQU. r l"Di<3 and Ntiugatiick KiIU'imI; favertil; ?! >* la.1 Catharine a!ip a; 12 r ion mi l li every nigut tHuniavi riMpltd 1. EH>B OATBKIM* MIL*. RTF AM BOATS rHOMUJ r POWKM, and NEW CHAMPION l-.nv- nl?-.Vi Noitk river, fno' of Frank! 11 at> -et, * * P. M., anl Saturday, at S F. M., n<nk Idu ft) r naual lauding*, connecting ut < tiaklt with lU^ta for the CiUilll Mount a ti Home and all poinla Went. |?OR CATSKILL 4 N I) HUDSON, LANDl N(1 AT NKW I Hani.,my, R!l1in>beek, A"- The n-w, ram ateaioboal NEVER.1-I.N Iv. laptii.u W. H. Mell.'u, leave* foot Warren alreel every '1'ileailay, Th iraday anl pal'uday a'. o'c.ock P. u. tmn p. nARLLM, ASTORIA AS'K PKCK KLIP, biifni'iei arrnr^ement. ISteninei* SYLVAN HTREAM nod HI-\ AN 00 K? l slier Mond ay, Juiv i I, leava llar'crn f.,r A-torln and I'e.-lt a:i;< *1 t?, 7, 8, 9 hi.<' In 3t A. M? aiid 1 J;lf? ? 14. f> 'P' P. M. ' Leave l'n:k al:p for Antorta and ll*rl?in at 7. , 9:1S and II -30 A. M., 1 H:I5, 4 :lr., fc^'il ^ud 'J -U M. Landing ai tiovmth and Unfit atrer n each w?y. Fare, 1' o., or 12 tlekrtt for mi. On Ijondiy fnr* lie. Hi*', boat leavea Harlem '.'AM.; ia?t hd.t le^vai Peck Vit> 7 P. M? not 'an Im . at A?t ma or t. th air' it. 'earner rll,V4N '<Ri?Vi. <-au o cnriTld foi e? iraioni. Apply ut ill" ofi'c*, fixd of IKOth nice'., Mai vm. Ni .. TOBK AMI HAKLKM RAILROAD. Ou and utter Sioii iay, May !U l->..' twm 1 l;i ".'11a Will leave d: ./(A, co.-m r <jif Twci'.y-? Ill", (tro t a"d Paurlh aveiine, Hf f>i!?wi.?. ltl::?t A. M . Rir' Kxpreaa. !<:4H I*. >!., M.. ? :.' r.vpn ?iM?|iNr 1, 'itt'-iilu* h"'we '! N?w v. * Kl. AIImiu, Vi. 1. (;. niVkllUlif, h'i|>e iiiiea<lcal ClIARoN sPRiNuri. ar.i> R.\ 11, rani! VLrtAVV.?p.vs. O scn^rr I'Mriri; N'*? lurk hy 1>A>' HO IT, I' ?i>|fl?: a line, MrTrorTiMi tutib iM canprocura Ihrm hilektli,Iim ibfti' liay^aK'- n fi >d rti'. ! to .>haron, yi.i Albany aua Kuaqiiehnnna Kai'i ivi, and aeo.d ((?< 1 r| njr other r- ilr-. Itw ?'.(? nl.ut li'M'.s i?m?Ti *;haro'i r.t lli ."ti A. M.: I>r lun day ln>%ta ,ii it :I2 l'. V. Pa -en;>i lab* llin llndmn Kiv -r K?i 1 Mad will l?e tnwifden"-11 a' -VIhat. v t'? tli." Albany aiid Jmu iiir'j.irii.j d'p. ' In " on npp'fiii^ lo'ai proper agent aUtlubed on the otitude of IIk* d?pot. 1-iiDduv tialn hi v?lt!i People'* l.!n? ?l"am'r* from fie* 1 ora Saturday nlirttt, i?jye AUieliy at 7 A. M.. arriving at 1.1m Hi#rlii|<? *{ 111 ;u? A. *1. Returniue arrive at All'ftl'y at * P. M. >iuM<lar. h. I-.. MA TO,??l.'ral I'kU?>l Agent. d>0 TO ALB\NT AM) TROV.-THB DAV LINK (teamboati VIBBARK nod f>A vIKL ItRKW will leave Vettry *tre?i pier a'H;4? *!id Tblrty-fonrti' ?lie?l at II A. M., laudm-at \ on??r?, Nva a aud ia-iyl.>wn ny ferryboat; l.i-nt", \S P . tit, t:orn?..U, Newburg, l'oii;liliW)idie, RbiriebecU, Mfid?n akd Hudson. A aii?<,i?l tralu of broad gauge cnra. In 1 unur '.Ion wi'h 'lie dav l.osta. w il) leave on arrival ut Albany, o Diiaeu.rinz Juue IS, for H.ap.n Kprlnga ifarr N"w Vnrk) anJ fur Cherry .\Tli? aleainl.oat Senaca will tritnilur |>aiicnZ''r* from A!t.?n? 10 Troy. Tick' ? nti aa'e a'id ba?i(.i::- rbarke I ut O . ld'a Eipreia N4 Broadway, aiid No. 1 Co.irt Ktrcet, Hi ooktvn. lit OPPORTI M riBS. UL I.O< 1K1Nil KOU SMOILU VJiAMINK the Chauiploo f ir; Mi'ker, f^-JSjed Ajirll fi, ijTV'. * complete itcceai. Miowu dal v'nj ciws. Ofl'ea,W? Broadway. t GOOD oppoBTmrrr IK NOW OPKERVD T<I il purebaie a good paving K' ?ta'ir?at and Hiir , $2.'>V(I inquired ; good reaaoo foi aelldig nut. MOOD! t M \ IU'LETi 'N, Ko. 7 Murray aireei. * N j:nkr<iKTf" man, with 9too, to if 1,1x1.1 cam 7V. bear of a gnol o|?p')Ttuii'.ty fur buaioeta l>y addri<Mlu|. etallnij wliere a pe.nonal In'ervlew cart be h.-.d, FNTERPRIrtK, Herald otre. A RARE C HA NCR FOR A RUslNKs M*V. KOB ta'c, 11 f.rn' el-jit Smnpis Kootu. >'or full pai tlc.lara itquire at Hi' l ulton atre< 1. 4 N LXCKMjKNT BVHIS1 >3 OPPORT' NITT-POR A J\ good, ielia')l' party, who can lurnlab i?l,IK:0 capital: a neat and very pruMable l.uai; ; unable . 11 eeed tor want of ta?li. Adclrens B. H., box 111 llei ofli' e, Haln.g talieia au InUrvittr may be bad. IMPORTANT.?A OENTt.EMAN POS.'ESSrNM A VERV iHiwurful weapon of dcatrin-llon to be nted iu lime or ?-ar wisn'-a 10 (Msp'iau an irtercat iu it, to enable Idm to go in Europe Hint nrlltha r!gbt Id uj" it. Fiom t.vo to fire Uitu?ard dollar* will he required In c**h. l'ndout>t?d eriiieno* <**s be cKen of lta rOlrlCQi-r dnjiyg the lull) war in till* country. Addrena room No. l.< NVw York Hotel. PARTNER WANTED?IN ?>1.U ESTABLISHED REAU m'at') mid auction biuln-"*; a bonn* of 9801 caah required. Apply ia per? >n at tlio room*, Third areuue, oppo lta lil.'ib Btf"!, Molt Harm. #1 mm WII T' porchAMS * unu PATENT ipl.'MFU Medlcln" *lnr? in Saratoga, Inelwltiia Pio-* and Fill hit*, doinj a good binlaeja. Allien DRluH. Herald oillce. <*? > (\A/\ TO ?t:..WlH._PARlNKR WANTED, TO JOIN ip?).UW inf in umnufaoturu of au article of rubber; patented! wb'i'.t-??li? at I'll per cent probt: ureal oemand; ?!!?, UU can b? made in 6 moutlu. AilJreaa illUBEK, Herald OlCcB. j <fcO AAA A t ANDv AND 080C0LATO MANUfavj'ir/ f?r *al?,be*i location, eitabtiabed ten yean; doing pietiJid butiuutf. Addreti CANDY, Baraid o&lce. __ ' 4*a aaii vu Obtain a ram man a dr. ?Pl U.U" M I elrald** paitnerablp In a banking --ommleelou biiilne**, lo lake thi: place nf a letlriug parluer. Addieec, with relerence, BANKER, llwald oBtue. ( (fcor nnn TO PARTNER WANTED iPiil.llWII with Uils miioaot to act a* financier Id well **t*b)1?heii and profitable tnanafacturlng bualnatei tht rood* have h t!r?t claaa reputation ana command an r?r*llcm truie: capital required lo extend operation*. For part lea' lar* addreaa R. H. M., Herald oflice. RKUOIOPH WWICM. j A MEKlt'AN HIEE < IIL'K'H OHMU.I SH. HNVTU. J\ Kennou* aiwaya l.luatraled oy current e7enl? ; II A M., 7'4 T. M.; Ma*onic llaU, 'IhirleeutU at I eel, between TfelrJ and Fourth areauei. REV. II. R. NVE AT 1*1.1 MITON'S BCII.P1NU, NINTH street, <wat of Third avenue Mr. Leo'e Bocicty), at 10.45 a. m. Feat* free. Public cordially Invited. SWBDENBOROIAN READJNrt AND CONVERSATION meeting, Sunflnr evening, at * o'clock, Tblrtr-OMh fretl, between Fourth ar.d Leilngtoa aveuuea. Morning eervlve al II o'clock. npHIRTY-FOURTH STREET reformed Ollt'R' w, A Rev. Inaac Kiler, pallor. Divine aerTioa lo tbie cburh tomorrow, Mth ln?J., ai !() < A. M. and 1% I*. M. Re*. Or Cole, of Yon itra, l? expected to preach. a ?}d STREET PKRSBVTERIAN CIIORCH. near ik? EltlUb arrnue. Prui'ee* ,r W. II Orcrn, 01 I'rlncetou, wi.l preaili to morrow, morniug and eveulug. ~~ KUKOPIJ. /1UERL.ain. is RUE DK I.A FAl.X. I'arih. |jf Ambroalai < r??m (or Sha< Faahlooaoie rrrluiiM* (. ..? II oxlkercblef, hall LuMralt lot thn Hair. Eau de Cologne (pirporatlnu apeclales WANTKD TO I't UCUAHK. Hardware or siovr bchinkms. wanted to bu* Out, a kOod paying oon.-arn. wilbiu tt mil^a tf Nt<? Vorhlfioni ?,9oo to xi.jou, A idraaa UKtlKiik. H- u?nn ' 15 U, WiblMUDura 1'uat odtua. U. i