Newspaper Page Text
12 L^ BITU ATIONH WAJITEP-FBMALM. Drwi?kem sad WfitTiUl. 1ST FLOOR, FRONT ROOM, 887 EAST tITH BT ? Kaahlonable drees and cloaVmaklnj: Bummer and Kail Siilla, $0, upwards; Wrappers, Hi a $8 Ml; also children's ' and misses' varments made lo order; ralterns and F'aahtou Hates, cutting and baatlng. Terms cash. Call or addross. 7QRBAT JONES ST.?A. DRESSMAKER WOULD like a few more customers; will go to the house and 6t If > preferred) underclothing mad* alio; prices moderate. Call i cn or address, for one week, ONBlDA. Of* 8TH AV - MISS WALLACE, FIRST CLASS DRESS Ovl maker, quick cutter, stylish trimmer, would go In the country for hair uaual price. Inquire In the dressmaking rooms. 8TH AV? DREHSMAKINO ROOMS. -BY A MIDDLE i if? wooaau, 10 tew, Uki care of a child, or attend an invalid. Can be teen at her present employer's. Afti WK8T 14TH ST.?A FIR8T CLA88 DRKSSMAKKR V? a* forewoman to take charge of a Drat claaa dreaa?*?*l or dreaamaking and millinery eatabllahment: would o Weil or South ; the beat reference given and required. Addreaa Mrs, WILLIam8. Q7 AMITY ST.. TOP FLOOR.?AN AMERICAN WIDOW Ol to do tewing or waabiug to aupport her family. Call all the week. Iron BROAD WAV.?A COMPETENT DRESSmaker la deairuiia of obtaining employment by the day or week ; can operate on Wheeler A W Haunt machine; will Drliii; her own mucblno If dealred. Call on or ddrMa Mr*. KKAKT. Experienced dressmaker wishes work in the country for two weeka or longer. Call In 7th av., corner of iMtli it., over bakery, directly opposite the church. Ilouaekcrpein, Ore. 9 MORTON ST.- A MIDDLE AGED AMERICAN WOman as bouaekeeper In a widower'* family. Call oraddreaa. _ .11 WEST WASHINGTON PLACE, NEARGTHAV.rr I An American laily do?lrea a poaltlon as housekeeper or any |oltlon of truat; haa a Wlllcox A Gibba machine 1 none but reapecable partlea need apply; beat reference given. Call on or addreaa C. P., dreasmaker. ^ 4- UBABITH ST. AN AMERICAN WOMAN AS < ) housekeeper In a bote): baa a practical knowledge of the aame. Call on or addreaa A. H. MILTON. 8?> EAST lOI'H ST., NEAR 4TB AV.-AN ENGLISH ? J laJv rh housekeeper or chambermaid or child'* nurae. Inquire of Mra. C. Q(k AMITV ST. A Vol'NO WIDOW I.ADY, 8TRAN0F.R tjt' In the city, aa bouaekeeper In a bachelor'* or widower'* famllr. None but thoae willing to pay fair aalarv need ?PPfr- ' mWEST BROADWAY IN THE PAI'ER STORK.? A amait, energetic, middle aged lady as houaekeeper ; fa exceedingly neat and systematic; understands marketing, and Is not above work; a widower or bachelor'* home piererred. Heine dealrou* of having the entire manareinent, and adequate for any position of tru*t, none out Rartlea of rcapeelablltty need apply, Call on or addre*) IQUSKKKEPER. 7QO 8D AV.-AN ENGLISH LADY OK GREAT |C?0 experience aa houiekeepar In a hotel or widower'* family, or a* matron In an luatitutlou ; tirat class references; none nut persons of respectability need applv. Call on or addreaa M. R. G. An AKfiKII Ad. A W1UUW, IS ANXIOUS TO PROcure a situation as housekeeper, companion to a lady and assist in light housekeeping, sewing, or any similar position; onlj llrst Han prlrate families; reference* given. Address Mr*. H., station L, Uailem. A POSITION AS HO' BBKSKPBm, OOVERNESB AND companion wanted by a lady ot" rnflnemant. Reference elvon and required. Address APl'LETON, Herald office. A FOREIGN LADY OK RI.FINKMKNT WISHES A position as housekeeper, or would accept ?ny light employment at her residence; accompllihrnonts, French, music ana drawing. Address Mrs. W., station D. HOU8EKF.EPER.-AN ENGLISH LADY, HAVING been In the country nearly 12 months in the aboye capacity, will be at liberty In September, seeks a like appointment: a small family or charite or a widower's house preferred ; high reference! offered. Address A. K., Post office, Hew Rocbelle, New Vork. WANTED?A PO-ITION AS HOUSEKEEPER, IN A widower's family, by a young widow, without encumbrance. Address for one week, HOUSEKEEPER, Herald office. "\XTANTED?A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY A II younc widow lady from the South : none but first class parties need answer. Adtiress Mrs. DOWNS, Herald office. TirANTr.D-BY A MIDDLE AliED RESPECTABLE f y lady, a situation ss housekeeper In a prlrate family or as nurse to an Invalid lady ; would make herself otherwise useful; good references given and required. Address box 77 Herald Branch office, Brooklyn. I^anadrcaHCa. dsn. MO WEST I9TH ST., IN THE RKAR.--A RESPECTJ_l" ? able woman wishes some gentlemen's or families' washing. Call or address Mrs. MORRIS, as abovo. t) I 1 WEST 3211 ST., BKTW I'.EN iTII AND KTH A VS., Zi l 1 rear, room 10.? A llrst class laundress will go out by tbe dav or lake a few ladles' or genilemen'B washing nt her bouse ; excellent city reference. ysn WEST 40TH ST., SECOND FLOOR, IN THE O'JO roar.?A lady of experience wishes washing and tronlug. /??) * Sd AV., BETWEEN MTU AND <1ST STS,. IN . DOt the fancy store.?A respectable woman to take washing and ironing to her own house; no objection toco out by the day; Is a good laundress and can flute and polish; good city reference; no objection to take hold of anything. Nurses, dcc. A r ELIZABETH 8r.-AN ELDERLY LADY AH T-*.) nunc; haa had long oiporlence and Is a worthy sud reliable person ; will go for an Invalid or other siokness ; la ?n American. opr. WEST 1STH ST., NEAR 8TH AV.-A RE) > ) spectable itomau a* child's nurse or housekeeper or nurse to an Invalid lady; heat reference. '-11 n WEST 21ST ST., SF.OOND FLOOR.-AN AMERIOH ' can woman will take rare of a child, not under two years old, at her own homo. 'Oil EAST HOUSTON ST.?AS NORSE TO AN lNOtI mild hv a kind and pleasant disposed Uerraaa woman. ('all or address. $C A/\ -A WIDOW LADY, RESID1NO IN IIF.R OWN ? house, will take entire charge of a child for three years for 4500; highest references given and required. Address Mrs. II. BUTLER, station H. XT URSE.?WANTED. A SITUATION AB NURBF. FOR A X> competent I'rotestant woman, capable of taking the rare of * l>al>y ; ten vears rtferonce from her last place. Address by letter, NURSE, care W. Culler Duncan, New York. Mlnccllnneoun. rjey barrow st.-a youno lady as ladies' I companion or housekeeper; no objection to travel; best reference. Call on or address L., from 1 to :t P. M. 79 BARROW ST. A YOUNO LADV IN A FANCY 4 store; Is a good seaiustiess: unuerstaudi single entry. Call on or address L.? from 1 to 3 P. M. 91 Q EAST HTH ST.-A LADY WISHES OOPYtMQ ) I O to do either nt home or In an otlice. Address COPYIST. A YOUNO LADY DESIRES A SITUATION AS teacher of English In a school or as governess; would aooept the position of companion or amanuensis to a lady, fan give hl^h recommendation from one of the oldest colleges of New York. Best references ; uo objection to travel. Address C. H., station F. ATOUNO LADY FROM THE NORTH OF ITALY, speaking Kn^Jlah and capable of teaching French, Oer man non iiaiiau, mso limine, uriiiri * siiuawon as resident or dally governess. Address A. H., FlshklU, N. Y. * A GERM AN I.ADY WILL TEACII HF.R OWN LANguage, grammatically or conversationally, during the day or evening, at $9 per quarter; has ureal experience and an excellent method. Address DRESDEN, Herald office. AN ENGLISH LADY, WHO HAS TA UGHT SUCCESSfully In tills country and ban lately returned from Europe, wishes an engagement as-governess In a school or family, or as companion to a lady. Can furnish good references. Address M. S. S., Kahway office, N. J. TO FLORISTS. -A PARISIAN LADV, MARRIED, THOroughly acquainted wllh the profession ot making flowers, withes to bud aneugigemezit In such an establishment, where she at the name time could learn the English language. Apply to Mrs. DELKR, 219 6th at. * TITANTED BY AN AMERICAN LADY, OK SEVERAL VT rears' experience, a siluition as governess or as teacher in a public or private school; leaches English, French, German, and beginners In Latin, Italian and Spanish ; no objection to travelling; excellent reference. Address Miss I-.. WINTERS, Turner's station, Orange county, via Erie Railway, N. Y. IfKLF WANTKD?FE1>IAKKS. Arid HON NET FIIA ME MAKERS WANTED?AT T. . A. K I UK'S, No. 6ii Macdougal rt., up stairs. Our old Imnds will please anpl. at once. A -TWENTY INTELLIGENT YOUNG LADIES waiite.l To operate on shuttle machines; ladles thoroughly taught, free of charge, and constant employment given ; also twenty plain sewers; work given out. 7l)t> liroadwa7, third floor. ?LADIES - HIGHEST PRICES l'AID FOR WORK . io pay for first class Sewing Machines by Inslalmeits. 131 Eighth street, between Broadway and Fourth avenue. Instruction tree. Boarding house keeper wanted, a man and wife, without children, or a respectable widow, to board ? good class of laborers lu the country. Address A. A. A., Herald office. "DOW, SCARF AND NECKTIE HANDS WANTED?AT JD m Broadway. W. M. HUMPHREY A BRO. C1LOAR HANDS WANTED-TO WORK BY THE WEEK; / none but Aral class hands require 1. S. A W. E. COKWIN, 2(1 Walker St. Experienced scarf and bow hands wantrd.Apply at JOHN M. DA VIES A CO.'S, Nos. 3*1 and 386 Broadway. KMRST CLASS MILLINERS AND TRIMMERS WANTED JT immediately.?Call on Monday, from 10 to 12, at No. 12 Bail 17th st. _ HANDS WANTED ON HICKORY SHIRTS-A I.AROR lot of hickory shirts to be made; extra prices nalit good bands; work ^lveu out. KEEP MANUFACTURING CO., H Went Broadway. __ tT.AYK A PLEASANT AND PROFITABLE "APPOINT 1 meat" for n pr??owie**ln? young lady, who Is fond of travelling. For Interview ser.d bona Cae address lo TOURIST, lleraid ollice. 1 AD1ES?HIGHEST PRICES (ilVEN FOR WORK TO J J par for hrst class Sewing Machines; steady emp.oyment. Cash paid for ail work, deducting onjy $2 60 per week on toacliloo. TOOTH Ay UK n a, sun Bowery, corner of Houston street. JAUNDRESS WANTED?IN A SMALL, PRIVATE FAMJ II/. Apply at No. 33 Hood st. J ADIES-WORK FURNISHED AT HOME TO PAY FOR J firfl c'asa Hewing Machines If lo^UlnwnU. iRitrifclion Lo*. NEW VORK MACHINE STITCH, COM PAW NEW YC HEM" WANTED-rENALIW. _ \f ILLINER.-WANTKD. A KIR8T CLA88 MILLINER iji trimmer; good irum to competent parson. Apply W 8. A. BERKMAN Jt CO., 444 and 4M Broadway. rvPERATORit WANTED-ON SEWING MACHINES j V" IhoM baring their own machine* and accustomed to dree?iu*kln?; alio dressmaker*. Apply to J. NEUBERUER, tM Church It. _ _ Saleswomen wanted ok uood address, for the mad* up laoa department Applr lo MILLER k ORANT, 8T# broad way, Mew York. UNION APAMS A CO., Wl BROADWAY, WANT FIR8T claM tie hands. Wanted-(lood hands to trim merino capes; can hare Heady work. SS4 Canal at., flrkt floor. WANTED?A GIRL TO DO CHAMBERWOKK AND assist Id taking care of ohlldren; wages $8 par month. 80 Bond at. _ WANTEb-A (URL AS FIRST CLA88 WASHER AND Ironer, Id* mall family, and to ao plain cooking ;?:ood references required. Apply immediately at 148 West Houa^on ?t. WANTED-A HERMAN OIRL, IN A SMALL, PRIVATE family ; one who can cook, wash and Iron. Apply at 519 West 60th at, WANTED-AN F.X 1'ERIENOF.D SALESLADY AND 11 a Brat claa* trimmer: no others need apply. 0. j*. OLNEY A CO., SJ Bast 14th at BT ANTED?A SWISS OR GERMAN GOOD TT n?forfnc6, to Jo gooflril houiowork At 407 Wcit 28th ?t. WANTK.D-A WET Nl'RSE. WITH A FRESH BREAST of milk ; mint rome with the beat reoommendatlona i alao a nurse 10 take charge of a child 14 months old; no objection to both oeiug colored. Apply at 49 Lexington a*. WANTED?TWO OR THREE APPRENTICES TO 1 learn dressmaking. Mu?t rome well reoommended. Small remuneration at lira). Call at Madame MAT1IILDE DE CORDOBA'S, 29 Eaat I4lh^?t. . WAN TED-GIRLS TO PUT UP PEN HOLDERS; MUST I 11 be clean, kmart and tidy; come ready to go to work on Monday morning. I Do 1)1) BROS. A CO., 104 and 108 John at, up stair*. WANTF.D-IN A SMALL FAMILY, A OENTEEL GER man girl as nurse, to take charge of baby; must be willing to go for balanoe of summer to Kchooley's Springs. Good wages paid. Call at 844 East 9th at., between 1st and 2d ars. WANTED- TO GO TO THE COUNTRY, NEAR IiNOLEwood, N. J., a chambermaid and waitress; also a laundress who understands fluting; their must bring good references. Apply at 161 Peart St., first floor, between 10 and 8 o'clock. WANTED-AN AMERICAN OR BNOL1SH Nl'RSE. between So and 40 years of age, to take care of small children In a respectable Spanish family In Havana, Cuba. Unquestionable character, Industriou* habits, kind disposition and genteel manners are required, and mint be able to do plain sewing; wages .1C0, gold, per month, board and washing Includod; If willing to stay three years passage out knd back paid; good references required. Apply at 40 and 48 Broadway, room 68, or addreas box 4,803 Post ofllce. WANTRD-A LAUNDRESS WHO UNDERSTANDS dry launriryiug new work, ladieV linen oollars. chit's, Ac; one capable of taking charge of a small laundry. JOHN C. ROACH, t? Fulton avenue. Brooklyn. VXTANTED?A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUSEWORK Tf for a small family; must bo a good cook, washer aud Iroiier. Apply at 812 Greenwich st. "IITANl ED- 60 OPERATORS ON GROVER A BAKER'S 11 machines to sew umbrella covers; work guaranteed for 12 months. Ten machine hands to make silk umbrellas only ; they must be practical umbrella makers. ?0.1 umbrella hands lo work out of factory an l make goods by hand; only (list class need apply. DAWKS, FISKE A FANNING, !'8 and 100 Franklin street. nWEST 66TH 8T.-A RESPECTABLE OIRL A3 COOK wanted. To one with good reference good wages and treatment oO ered. ^ 8ITI ATIONH WANT'KD?WALKS. * V ENGLISHMAN. AGF/D Rll, JUST ARRIVED FROM 1\ England, wishes emuloyroeot as servant, waiter or norler; wages not so much of an object as a good home or kind frleuds; can drive well. Address J. R. 8 , Herald oOoe. A YOUNG MAN, 21 YEARS OF AGE, SPEAKING Ereneh, German and English, wishes situation as porter. Address A. EYLOFF, East New York, Kings conn A YOUNO MAN. ANXIOUS, ABLE AND WILLING TO make hinsse.f generally useful In any capacitv. I* very desirous of employment; writes a fair band and In quick at figures; beat city reference. Address K. II., box 171 Herald onto*. CL1CRKS AND .SAIjJBSMKN. ~ A DRUGGIST OF SIX YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN THIS country, speaklny English and German, desires a situation ?s first assistant or In lane charge of a drug store. Address WM. I". K. SCHLATTER, 195 LIvlngslon St., Brook _ \ N ACTIVE AND EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN / V desires to learn tlie grocery and liquor business, and Is willing to glvo six months of his time toward the same; highest references. None but tirst class grocers need aldress AL.F RED, box iilb Herald olUce. ACCOUNTS INVESTIGATED, BALANCED AND closed, errors corrected, bankrupts books examined, and estates wound up; hooks accurately kept. ACCOUNTANT, Print oflice box 'Z,777. A LI. KINDS Of COPYING DONE; POEMS, LAW PApers, i o., coplcd, neatly and < orre :tly. Address R. O. C , Herald olllce. A FURNITURE SALESMAN WANTED?MUST HAVE a thorough knowledge of the business. Address ALKOK, Herald oDce. A BUSINESS MAN WANTED. A general agent Is required by one of the m >st successful life Insurance companies of New Vork cltr; a gentleman well qualified can secure the metropolitan district Tieadriuartors at borne oflice) and a contract that will insuro an Independence with proper effort. Address, with Information and references, COMPANY, box <91 Post ofllcc, New York city. /-COLLECTOR. A MIDDLE ACED MAN WANTS A SIT" I uation; referencos A No. 1 for ablllly and Integrity. Ad Iras* COLLECTOR, box UK Herald oflice. Drug clerk wantkd-german preferred, t to take sole charge of a first class drug ftore in Brook- i lyn ; must be competent, honest. Industrious and have good referenced, and have $3(H) or ffti 0; must state wages cxpect- ] ed and where last employed. Address WHOLESALE , 1 >KI <) i IS 1', box I7'.t Herald olllce. SALESMAN WANTED-WELL ACQUAINTED WITH O Yankee notion trade In New York, to sail a new and salable article. Liberal commission to a good man. Address box 1,708 Post oilloe. TXrANTF.D A BOOKKEEPER; ONE WHO WILL TT apply himself close to buslnesa, nml with good refer- l ence, will tlud a steady situation by applying to 0. A W., 549 Pearl street. "IJITANTED?A OERMAN SPEAKING CLERK, AT TT ALB. BKANI T'S Drug Store, R5B Broad St., Newark, N. J., one block below the Nowark and Now York Railroad depot. TirANTED AS CLERK IN AN INSURANCE* OFFICE. TT a young man from 18 to 2> years of age; must be or good address and writ* and figure well. Address S. A D., , Herald olllce. J TITANTED-A SALESMAN CONVERSANT WITH THE j M wholesale druz and druggists' sundry business. Address, stating experience and compensation required, DRUGS, box 197 Herald oflice. WANTED -BY A YOUNG MAN THOROUGHLY posted in the notion business, a situation as salesman In the notion department of a first class dry goods jobbing house. Addreae ALEXANDER, Herald offlco. "1117ANTED?AN LNTRY CLERK IN A CLOTH JOBT T bins house: must be a good penman and correct at flgbres; salary fill) per week. Also a boy to learu the business. Address boi i>,01& New York Post oflice. lirANTED_A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE AND CAPVV ablo man, with some experience in fancy or dry goods; best city referenoes required. Address R. H. MACY, 14th st. and 6th ar. COACIIMKN AND (iAItDM'lRS. A SITUATION WANTED -BY A FIRST CLASS conchnian (married). Address care BREWSTER k CO., 5th av , corner of 14th st. A SITUATION WANTED-AS COACHMAN, BY A steady and reliable man, who thoroughly understands his business; has four years' referenco from bis lart place. Call on or address for two days J. C., at J. Rcuk's, 43i #th ay. A MIDDLE AO ED. SINC.LE, STEADY MAN, WANTS a situation to take care of horses and drive If required, and to make himself generally useful. Address J. B., Herald olllce. / 10ACHM AN WANTED.?A OOOD DRIVER AND MUST \ / understand his business ; an American, married, without any encumbrance; no objection to n colored man: situation permanent. Address YONKKR3, box ISO Herald oilice. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNO MAN. LATELY O landed, as coaehraan; can groom and ride steeplorace horses; understands the care and treatment of cattle; best cilv reference. Call od or addresa for t reo days WILLIAM bHITH, 161 Pad lie ?t., Brooklyn. "llf ANTED- A COACHMAN WITH THE VERY BK8T tt city referouces. Inquire northwest corner 126tU it. and M ay. tlr A NTED A SITUATION, AS COACHMAN AND tt groom, by an Ftiglshman , married; no Incumbrance; perfecuy understands the care ol hwrnei; country preferred. Addseas \V. M., Roaayilie, Slaten Island. . \\f ANTED A SITUATION AS COACHMAN BY AN TT Enzllahmnn, or to take tlie care and management of road horsr-a. Call on or address E. C.t at private siables 133 Weal 38tl> *1. WANTED-A THOROl'aULT COMPETENT OUTDOOR aalraman In aash, blind and door bui'neaa; beat reference required. Apply, after 3 o'clock I*. M., at corner of 3d av. and (1st at. i nn W F.ST MTH~8Ti7^TABLEB.-WANTED A 61TUAXJji) Hon aagroom; la willing and obliging; good reference. IIF.I,P WANTICD?OTATjEM. A RELIABLE BOY WANTED?IN AN OFFICE; MI ST be a plain and correct writer. Salary at prcaent, $3 per week. ABEL KINO, 7U7 Broadway. AMU'ATION WANTED BY AN ENOLISHMAN, A8 coachman; nnderatanda hla bualncas and can come well recommended from bla laat place. Addresa WALTER, 443 6th av.. harneaa atore. Business opportunity-canvassers wanted for an article never yet produced In lite American market, and which mnil come Into general uae; *10tot?0ner day easily made by energetic men; no loaa poolhie ; a lew dollars only required a* de.ion l. Inquire at 13$ Thompson street, baaement, between II and 2 o'clock. OFFICE BO.' WANTED; WAOKS 1.1 A WEEK ; MUST live with hla parenta. Addreai, In handwriting of applicant, Room 10, X# Fnrk row. W ANTED A STEADY. SOBKR, MIDDLE AOED 8INTT glo nrnri to lake charge of a small grocery alore and one who will be eligible to keep accounts an.I attend to marketing will get a preference; a aultabie man wl.o will be well recommended can bare a ate.idy situation an I a corulortabi# borne. Addrtsas bei New Xerk Foat ofliee, IRK HERALD, SUNDAY, IIELP WANTID-NALM. WANTBD-A GOOD. 80HER, STEADY MAN AS oarrer aad toward in a brat olaaa country hotel. If the right man oaa be found wa?i no objaet. Call oa or addresa Q. F. A W. D. GARRISON, Highland Houae, Oariaon, N. T. WANTED?A COMMERCIAL CANVASSER FOR THE city. Apply at No. 7 Murray at., room 19. WANTED- A WILLING AND ACTIVE YOUNO FROteatant, recently arrived ia this country, with iestlmoniala of gooil character; accuatomed at home to the care of cowi, horaoa and poultry, may hear of a lituatioa by addressing FARM, boi 2,801 Postoffloa. WANTED-TWO YOUNO MEN. ORADUATE0 OF A New York or other good aohool, who can bring good recommendation!, to go with a clrljI engineer: par low. Addrau, atating qualifications, W. R, H., Herald ofllce. _ WANTRD-A YOUNO MAN TO OPEN OT8TKR8 AND attend to a reataurant; one who thoroughly underatanda his business. App ly at 178 8th ar. Wantki) kor united states nayy-seamen, ordlna.y seamen. Brat and aecond claaa Bremen, and good, able bodied landsmen. Apply at 86 Market at, Maw tork. K. A J. W. RODE. WANTED?AGENTS, LADIES OR OENTLEMBN, everywhere, to canrau lor "The Life and Wrlllnga of Charlea Dickens." br Mrs. P. A. llanatord. A handaome yi M 12mo, destined lo meet with an Immense sale. Now la rour time to makn money. B. B. RUSSELL, Boston, Maaa. THB TRADES. ~ TT TOB PRESSMAN WANTED-ONE ACCUSTOMED TO (I oolor work. Addreaa, with refarenoa, A. B. 0., box 108 Herald oBlce. PliOTOORAPIIER WANTED.?A NO. I OPERATOR and good poser wantod, to ro South; also a good water eolorlat. Apply between 12 and 2 at 691 Broadway, up etalra. Rail roller wantrd.-a thorouohly competent rail roilar may apply, by letter only, to ROBERT BRIOUS, 1,688 South 8th it., Philadelphia. State quallfcaLlous, prloe and glre references aa to character. rpo PHOTOGRAPHERS.?AN OPERATOR WITH SOME m operatar or printer, on reasonable salary for the present. Address box iii Herald oilic*. TO PROPERTY OWNERS.?A FRESCOED HOUSR painter,'out of employment, wishes to get large or email Job* on bl* own account, at moderate price*, In city or couutry. Address P., box 100 Herald olllce. TO JAPANNERS.-A FIRST CLASS MAN WANTED. Immediately, to take charge of a (hop. He must thoroughly understand Japanning and ornamenting iron Kods. toys, Ac., and know how to use Oerman anil French insrcr*. A reliable and competont man can bare a permanent aud desirable situation. Reference* required. Address KEYSTONE PUBLISHING AND MANUFACTURING CO., 405 Library street, Philadelphia. WANTED-A FIRST CLASS BLACKSMITH ON TRUCK work. Apply at 418 We*t Sixteenth St. < WANTED?FIRST CLASS PAPER HANGERS AT N WARKHAl'KR'S. 144 West 37th St., Second story' None but first olass workmen need apply. WANTKD?A GOOD TIN AND SHEET IRON worker, capable of taking charge of a shop; to on* first class In every respect extra pay and a permanent situation are oO'erod. Apply at 161 Greene at., before 8 A. M. Monday. HAI.I'.N AT AUCTION. Allen b. miner, auctioneer, By ALLEN B. MINER A BROTHER, Successors to iienry h. lekds A miner. Salesrooms Nos. 90 Chamber* street and 77 Reado street, Art Galleries, No*. 817 and 81# Broadway. copartnership notice. The firm of HENRY H. LEEDS A MINKR (established 1947) having been dissolved by the death of Mr. Henry II. Leeds, ami by limitation, the business will be continued by Allen It. Miner, surviving partner, who ha* associated with aim hi* srother. Hoary D. Miner, under the firm name of ALLEN B. MINER A BROTHER. ALLEN B. MINER. HENRY D. MINER. Nkw Yoax, August 1, 1*70. Allen b. miner, auctioneer. BY allen b. minkr a brother, lato IIENRY H. LEEDS A MINER (Eitabllihed 1847). Salesroom* Ml Chambers and 77 Reade streets. Art Galleries 617 and 819 Broadway. On Tuesday, August 16, at 10)6 o'clock, at the private restdene* No. 144 Fifth avenue, one door from Nineteenth street. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. MADK TO ORDER BY ROUX, HERTER, VRKDE AND OTHERS, BROADWAY MANUFACTURERS. comprising rosewood Suits In figured satin damask and treen, and blackbrocatei, rosewood htageres, Secretary, Con Ire Tables and Fancy Chairs, gilt frame French u!ate Pier ami Mantel Mirrors; Crimson, Brocade, Satin and Lace Curtains, Rosewood seven octave Piano, Velvet and Brussels Carpet*, rosewood Bedstead, Bureaus, Armolre?-Oluce,|ioseivoo'l Lounges and Chairs, Bookcases, Hair Mattrasscs, ros< wood Bullet, Extension Tabic and Chairs, Hatstaml, Oilcloths, Stair Carpets, (Tut Glassware, China, Sllverplated Ware, Ac., Ac. j Arcii. johnston, auctioneer. Office and salesroom 37 Nassau street, opposite th* Post office. Boarding House and Restaurant Furniture at auction. JOHNSTON A AN:TARSELL*wlll sell at auction on Tuesday, August 10, at lOSi o'clock, at No. 94 Prince street, all the Furniture contained In said house. Particulars to-mor row. i Arch. Johnston, auctioneer. Oil cc and salesroom 87 Nassau street, opposite the Post ofllce. JOHNSTON A VAN TASSKLL will sell on Wednesday at 10>(f o'clock, at the Salesroom, 37 Nassau street, a large assortment of Household furniture, Paintings, G'hromos, Engravings, Ao. A? MARSHAL'S SALE OF FURNITURE. ROBERTS A M< Ol IKK, Auciloneers, will sell at auction, on Montlay, August 16, at 11 o'clock A. m., it the the corner of Fllty-sevonlh street and Fourth avenue, ho Furniture, consisting of Sol'ns, Lounges, walnut, maho:riny and other Chain; Tables, Bedstead*, Washstands, Bu, eatis, Mirrors, l'aintlngs, China, (Jlssi and Crockery Ware, lltchen Utensils, .to. All will be sold to the highest bidder rbe trade respectfully Invited to attond. A UCTION NOTICE - AT LESS THAN AUCTION tV. prices; groat bargains at Fisher's carpet and furniture ilore, 221 itowery, between Stanton and Klvington; red and white Malting from 20 cents per yard, Carpets from 25 cents jor vnrd. Cottage Suits from *35, l'arior Suits from $40 up, English Brussels IDs. a yard. Cut this out and bring it with roa. By I. J. SWARZKOPH, AUCTIONEER.?SELLS, MONdnv, No. 3 avenue A, large stock Fancy Goods, Human Hair Goods, Ac. Positively In lots; no reserve. i. J. H\VAllZKOl'H, 2T8 Bowery. T)Y I. J. SWARZKOPH. AUCTIONEER?BELLS, MONJ J day. entire largo ntock Stoves, Tinware. Ironware, Tools and Machinery; In lots, to close business. Dealers Invited. I. J. SWARZICOPII, 273 Bowery. BY MAX BAYP.RSDORFER, AUCTIONEER.?SELLS to-morrow (Monday), 104 Soring street, line large Liquor Store, Stock und Fixtures; hunpsomely fitted up place. MAX IIAYEKSOOKFKK'S Salesroom,'87 Third avenue. BLEECKER. SON A CO. WILL SELL AT AUCTION on Tuesday, August 80, tt 13 o'clock, on premises, the valuable and highly located (commanding a view unsurpassed) Property at West Hoboken. N. J., opposite TwentynxtU street, New York, known as the Mountain Park Observatory, consisting of 50 Lots, 26x10;) each ; house containing :welve rooms; Observatory 336 feet above the surface of the Hudson river, from which six cities and twelve towns ran be viewed. Sale positive. For maps and particulars apply to the owner on the | remises, or to the auctioneers, 77 Cedar street. New Y rk. Henry b. hkrth, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE, AT THE WAREROOMS OF J. W. SOUTHACK, NOS. 194 AND 1M BROADWAY, ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. AU..UST 18 AND 19. Great closing sale of Entire Balance of Stock. full particulars hereafter. MARSHAL'S SALE.-J. BOOART,AUCTIONEER, WILL sell at public auction, on Monday, the 15th day of August, 1870, at eleven o'clock In the forenoon, at No*. 122.124, 126, 183 and 1.16 Wont Twenty-flflh street, under and by virtue of several executions and by order of the Marshal. The efi'ccts of a large carriage manufactory, consisting of 2 Phaetons, 23 Hu;:cy Carriage Parts, Coach and Coupe Carriage Parts; Wagon, Phaeton. Brett, Rockaway, Buggy .Landaulet, Drag, Coupe, Lanaau and Victoria Bodies, 82 sets of Wheels. 136 sets of Bows, Axles, Bolts, Castings, Jacks, Polesockots, Poles and Shafts, Spjkes, Felloes, Hickory Planks, Iron, Paints, Varnish. Ac.; also, Forges Tools, Benches, VI jes. Safe, Ofllce Furniture, Ac., subject to a certain ohattel mortgage. JOHN H. HILLIER, Marshal. Mortgage sale?bv virtue or a chattel mortgage.?MYER RLSAR, Auctioneer, will sell at Rublio auction, on Monday, August 15, 1870, at 10 A. m., at o. 157 Second avenue, the complete Stock, Fixtures and Contents of a first class Drug Stare; also a fine Soda Water iiiiurilm A A A RIIK9. Miiratml PAWNBROKERS' RALES?BY R. FIELD, Al'CTIONI eer, 1R6 Chatham street Monday, Womtn'i Clothing. By order ,T., 49 East Houston street. Tuesday, Women'* Clothing. By order R. Simpson k Co., 195 Bowery. Wednesday, W itches and Jewelry. By order L. Cohen. 41 Canal street. Thursday, Men's and Women's Clothing. By order Hugh Tecl, 61 Rote street. PAWNBROKER'S SALE-MONDAY, by JAMES AGAR, Auctioneer, at f>9 New Jlowery, Men's and Wimen's Clothing. By order of J. Bltimauer, Seventh avenue. Thursday, Men's and Women's Clothing, by order of P. Fullam, West Thirty-ninth street. Friday, Men's and Women's Clothing, by order of P. Bryan, 17 Walkor street. PAWNBROKERS' SALES JOHN MORTIMER, NO. 11 East Broadway, will fell Tuesday, by order of Solomon, Spring street ;?<Thursday, by order of N. Sticli, Third avenue; Friday, by order of II. McAlconan. SUPREME COURT SALE. O ROBERTS A MntlUIRE. Auctioneers, will setl at auction on THURSDAY. August 18,1S70, at 1J o'clock noon, at the Exchange Salesrooms, No. Ill Broadway, by order of Orstr Nathan, Esq., referee, the Lease of tbs (llenhsm Hotel, situated on the cast side of Fifth avenus, between Twentr-flrst and Twentv-sccond streets, In the city of New York ; Is nearly new and is six stories high and baring a frontage of 59 feet 3 Inrhes on Fifth avenue and is In all respects llrst class. The lease has shout nineteen yesrs to run, with a conditional renewal for a further term or twenty-one years. Maps and particulars at the Auctioneers' office, No. 87 Cedar street, corner of Ktoadway. WILLIAM ABBOTT. AUCTIONEER, OFFICE NO. ? City Hall place, will sell on Mnndav, at 10X o'clock, tbs contents of Boarding House 119 Marlon'street, consisting of Feather Beds snd Bedding, Bedsteads, Carpets, Oilcloth, Kltension Table, Chairs, Stores, Kitchen Furniture, Ac. Z 1777 *str(MO(;Y. ~ A-100,000.-LADIKS. TAKE NOTICE.-THR ONLY nr* . dependent Business an I Medical Spiritualist Clalrroyant In America Is Mrs.^LIN WOOD, 148 West Thirty-seventh street. No gents. Madame la blanch, the ore at uNrivallbd business anil medical clalrrryant, No. 116 W?*l Tweety sixth streel, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. Madame le comte, inspired medical and Business Trance Medium. Information positive; French and tngilsh spoken. 99>s Amity stre.-t, near Macdougal. Mrs. herman-pa^t, present and futureglres entire satisfaction ; she has also just received direct from Psrls new and wonderful Magic Powders and Love lirop'i. Chsr ns, go'n| luck, never before Introduced in this country ; they never fail for what they art ruoo nun endfell clisrgss are moderate. 409 Canal street. AUGUST 14, 1870.?TRIPLE TBI FTKNINO fKLKftRAM. TW ?V 1 BTENINO TELBQRAM, TBB LATEST RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES PROM BBBLIN, PARIS THE EVENTS OF THE MOBJ<II?QIj<>HDON" IN THE BTENINO TRLBQRAM. TO SUBS0BIBEB8 IN THB COUNTRY. All parties wanting: THB EVBNINO TELEGRAM can hare It addressed to them for M cent* a month or |l a PUBLICATION OfKIOR, 97 NAB8AU 8TBEBT. IN TI1B 1 , EVBNINO TELEGRAM, TUB LATEST RELIABLE CABLB PROM DESPATCHES 8BBLIN, PARIS AND LONDON. THB ETBNTS OP THB MORNINO IN THB BVENINO TELBOBAM. TO SUBSCBIBBB8 IN THB COUNTBT. All nartles wanting THB EVBNINO TELBOBAM can hare It addressed to them for M cent* a month or $6 a year. PUBLICATION OPPICB, 91 NASSAU STBEBT. TN THB 1 BVENINO TELBOBAM, THE LATEST ^ RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES PBOM BEBLIN, PARU AND LONDON. THB EVENTS OP THE MOBNINO IN THE BVENINO TELEORAM. TO 8UB8CRIBEBH IN THE COUNTRY. All parties wanting TIIK EVENING TELEORAM can hare It addreesed to them for AU cent* a month or $6 a > PUBLICATION OFFICE, #7 NASSAU STREET IN THE BVENINO TELEORAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLB DESPATCHES PBOM BEBLIN, PABIS AND LONDON. THE EVENTS OF THB MOBNINO IN THE EVBNINO TELBOBAM. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THB COUNTBY. All parties wanting THB EVENINO TELLORAM can hare It addreased to them for ?0 cents a month or $9 m year. PUBLICATION OFFICE, W NASSAU STREET. TN THE i BVENINO TELEORAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE OABLE DESPATCHES PROM BEBLIN, PABIS AND LONDON. THB EVENTS OP TnE MORNING IN THB EVENINO TELEOBAM. TO S17BSCBIBERS IN THB COUNTRY. AU parties wanting THE KVKNINd TKf.RORAM can have It ad4re?aed to tbem for 60 centi a month or 96 a III, PUBLICATION OFFICE, 87 NASSAU STREET. IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLB DESPATCHES FROM BERLIN, PARIS AND LONDON. THB EVENTS OF THB MORNING IN THB EVENING TELEGRAM. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THE COUNTRV. All partlea wanting THE EVENING TELEGRAM can hare It addreaaad to tbem for 60 centa a month or $6 a year. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 97 NASSAU STREET. IN THE 1 EVENING TELEGRAM, THB LATEBT RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES FROM BBRLIN, PARIS AND LONDON. THE EVENTS OF THE MORNING IN THE EVENING TELEORAM. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THE COUNTRV. All nartla* wanting THE EV/.'NINO TELEGRAM can bare It addressed to tbem for 60 centi a month or ?) ? ear. PUBLICATION OFFICE, W NASSAU STREET. TN THE I EVENINO TELEGRAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES FROM BERLIN, PARIS j AND LONDON. TUB EVENTS OF THE MORNING IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THE COUNTRY. All parties wanting THE EVENING TELEGRAM can hare It addreued to them for 60 centi a month or $6 a year. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 97 NASSAU 8TREET. IN THE 1 EVENINO TELEORAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES FROM BERLIN, PARIS AND LONDON. THR EVENTS OF THE MORNING IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THE COUNTRT. All parties wanting THE EVEMNd TELEGRAM can hare It addreued to them for 60 ceuti a month or $6 a PUBLICATION OFFICE. / NASSAU 8TREET. IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES FROM BERLIN, PARIS AND LONDON. THE EVENTS OF THE MORNING IN NHR EVENING TELEGRA M. TO BUB8CBIBKR8-IN THB COUNTRY. All partlea wanting THB EVENING TELEGRAM can bare It addreaaed to them for M centa a month or $6 a Jr#,Ur, PUBLICATION Of KICK. 97 NASSAU STREET. IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES FROM BERLIN, PARIS, AND LONDON. THE EVENT OF TIIE MORNING IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM, TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THE COUNTRY. All partlea wanting THE EVENING TKLEGRAM can hare It addreiaed to them for 60 ceota a month, or $8 a T"ar' PUBLICATION OFFICE, 97 NASSAU STREET. IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES PROM BERLIN, PARIS AND LONDON. THB KVENT8 OF THE MORNING IN THE EVENING TELEGRAM. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THE COUNTRY. All partlea wanting THE EVENING TKLKURAM can hare It addreeaed to them for 50 centa a month or 96 a yOfcT. PUBLICATION OFFICE, 91 NASSAU STREET. IN THB EVENING TELORRAM, THE LATEST RELIABLE CABLE DESPATCHES BERLIN. PARIS AND LONDON. THE EVENTS OF THE MORNING IN THK EVENING TKLEGRAM. TO SUBSCRIBERS IN THE COUNTRY. All partlea wnntlni THF. EVENING TKLEGRAM can have it addienaed to tuem for 60 centa a mouth or $6 a 1 PI BLICATION OFFICB. 91 NASSAU STREET. 5 SHEET. , AMPHKMUfW. u a balyo of artillery! xx ouh fritz has 1tom orb at tictortt frits ueoMaful la laa flaU. emmet uooewful la rim, la a?yltr't great eomle and a?aaalloaal draaaa of frits, our cou8in <cterman, aow la Ik* sixth week f IU ^ triumphant career wallaok's, WALLACE'S, WAI.LAOK'9, baring baan alrtadr witnessed br vfrpv TirnKflairn ?h vanvfl and unanimously proaounoad the FRESHEST AND BEST ATTRACTION of the day. EMMET EVERY EVENING?FRITS. EMMET EVERY EVENING?FRITZ. EMMET EVERY EVENING?FRITS. BEATS Jj ECU RED TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. OLYMPIC THEATRE. NOTICE. REOPENINO. MONDAY. AUGUST U. FIRST TIME IN AMERICA. LITTLE FAUST. LE PETITE FAUST. BY MRS. JAMES A. OAT KB' Newly oreanleed Comle Opera Company. HERVE'S Thli popular oomlc production of tha celeCOMIC braled composer, HKRVK (Oflenbach'a only OPERA rlral I, now performing with unprecedented LE eolat both In London and Part*, haa been PETITE aeeured eipreaalr for thla new combination FAUST; by Jno E. Maoaonough, Eaq. Tha acenery, OR, coatomea and grotea'iue appolntmenta are all LITTLE new. Pull and elaborate ehoruaea and InFAUST. ereaaed orcbeatra hare bean added. MEPUI8TO Mr*. JAMKH A. OATE3 MARTHA...... Mr. OEO. L. POX The aale of aeata commence* on Tueaday, Ifth Inat., 9 o'clock, at l:o* office. J^OOTH'g THEATRE. REOPENINO POR THk REGULAR SEASON. Engagement of MR. J0SEPH~JRFPER80N, Who will appear on MONDAY EVENING, AUUUST IS. AND EVERY EVEMNO DURING THE WEEK, In hla world renowned character of rip van winkle, In Bouelcault'a beautiful legendary drama of that name. FIRST RIP VAN WINKLE MATINEE, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, at IX o'clock. Seats secured all dars In adrance at tho box office of the theatre or at Ita branch ticket office, at Dltaon'a music (tore, 711 Broadway. Tha public la specially notified that ilcketa purchaaed of akcwaJk apeculatora will be refuaed at the door. JEROME HOPKINS' MORNING TIANOKORTE CONel carta, at Saratoga, begin at Union Hotel, Weilneaday, August 17. tJCOTTISH GAMES O by the BROOKLYN CALEDONIA CLUB, AT MYRTLE AVENUE PARK. THURSDAY, AUOl'BT 18, 1874, A SPECIAL PRIZE FOR THROWING THE IB LB. HAMMER will be xlren, to conalatof A GOLD MEDAL, VAU E 8100. Open to all comers. Entrance fee 111. THROWING THE M LB. WEIGHt. Open to a!L Entranco tee I Tickets. 60 centa. gCOTTISH OAMES. * NEW YORK CALEDONIAN CLUB, at Jones' Wood, THURSDAY^ Sept. 1, 187ft. Danolng, Mualc until 9 P. M. Tickot* (0 cenu. TO THEATRICAL MAN A Ql< 119. A large and constantly Increasing stock of WOOD CITS, from fresh and original drslun*. on band at the METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICK, 97 Nassau street, Old Herald Building. TERRACE OARDEN, flfty-elghth street AND Third avenue, Tuesday, August 10 - Benelit Perform ance for Mr. h. MoUenhauer. A r?ry attractive programme will be produced. For sale-an anatomical museum, new.? Will bo sold a bargain. Address, at once, A. H. I., Herald oltloe. TO THEATRICAL, MANAOERS. A large and constanUv Increasing itock of WOOD CUTS, from freih and original designs, on hand at the METROPOLITAN JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 97 Nassau street, Old Herald Building. C1ENTRAL PARK OARDEN. . _ / EVERY NIOnT. TIIEOOORK THOMAS' POPULAR CONCERTS. Trenor's lyric hall, 728 sixth avenub, ii now open for Bnll?, Concerts, Wedding*, Ac., at greatly reduced price*. For ball* in September, $'60; October, |^7B; November, $80. SEEBACH GRAND DRAMATIC SEASON. Madame MARIK SEEBACfl, accompanied by bar entire Dramatio Company of new and distinguished artists, will make ber debut in New York early in September. />1Q NEW YORK MUSEUM OK ANATOMY, 618 Dlo Brondwav. 618 618 (Established 1818.) 618 618 <g> & 618 618 I We are fearfully and I 618 618 I wonderfully made. I 618 618 <?> 618 618 The BennilKs Wonder* and Monstrosities of 618 618 the Human and Animal Creation to be seen at 618 g18 one visit. 818 /CORDOVA NATIONAL EXHIItlTION?ALL PARTIES who have sent or Intend to *end good* to this exhibition are requested to forward at oneo advice of tbo same and of the space roqiilrod to the Argentine Legation, Washington, or to EDWARD K. DAVISON, Argentine Consul General, 128 Pearl street, New York. RMKBLK IIIANTKM. ~ AT REDUCED I'RICES-SLATB MANTELS AND every description of Slate Work, plain and ornamental. PENRHYN SLaYk COMPANY, 40 West Eighteenth street, between Fifth and 8lxih avenue*. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD SELECTION OF Marblo Mantels, including some choice specimens of statuary, Lisbon and Tennessee Marbles, at greatly reduced Brices. Also Counter Tops, Plumber Slabs" Tiling. Ac , at le lowest possible prices. J. MotiKAYNB. 168 1' latbuah avenue, corner Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn. MARBLEIZED SLATE MANTELS-RICH AND gant deslgus, from $t?, $12, $14 up io sjftlfio. T. B. RTKW AHT A (.0., 605 Sixth avenue, between Tblrty-lifth and Thirty-sixth stieet*. Marble and makbleized mantels, gravestones, Tllos, Table and numbers' Slab*. New show room, with finest assortment of M'intel*. Price* reduced. A. KLABER, 134 and 136 East Eighteenth street, N. T. KKMOVAIiS. Putzll A goldman, Broker*. removed to 84X l ine street. MEDICAL. A GREAT AND SURE REMEDY FOR MARRIED ladle*.?The Portuguo*e Female Pill* alway* give Immediate relief, being cpeelally prepared for married ladle*. A lady write*:?These pill* relieve ! me In one day, without Inconvenience, like ma.-lo. Prlco $i. Dr. A. M. MAURICEAU, ofllce 12'J Liberty gtreat, or *ent by mall. A CERTAIN CURE FOR MARRIED LADIES. WITH or without medicine, by Madame RESTELL, Professor of Midwifery ; over SU year*' practice. Her lotallible French Female Pill*, No. 1, pi ice $1, or No. 8, specially prepared lor married ladle*, price $5. which can never fall, are safe and healthy. Sold only at her ofllce, No. 1 East Fifty-second treel, first door from Fifth avenue, and at drngclst'*, l'>8 Greenwich street, or sent by mall. Caution.?All other* art counterfeit. N. B.?Beware of Imitators who copy tut* advertisement. ALL PRIVATE DISEASES C7RED AT ONCE, WITHout mercury; no detention from buslnes*. Dr. LEWlSu No. 7 Beacb street, New York. All private diseases cured immediately Dr. EVANS, 94 Chatham street, without mercury; hit magic invlgorator; lost manhood restored in 15 minute*. A GREAT LADIES' BENEFACTOR-DR. EVANS, 94 Chatham itrect; hi* powerful, safe medicine, $5; alio, gentlemen treated; private dlieaie* oured; manhood reatored. A CERTAIN CURE FOR LADIES IN TROUBLE.?DR. EVANS, 94 Chatham atreet, with or without medicine ; hi* double strength Female Pills and compound ; price $i. A ladies' physician.?dr. h. d. grindle, prof nr of m t.lTv Iffltrv. over twentv Tfturt' llirpMirnl practice in thin city, guarantee* certain relief to ladles," willi or without medicine. 120 Wert Twenty-sixth street, near 8iilb avenue. Llegant Rooms for ladle* requiring nursing. A -LADIES IN TROUBLE GUARANTEED IMMEDIATE a relief. No pay (until perfectly ci^jj. Dr. ASCHKR. No. 8 Amity place (Lauren* street.) ALL PRIVATE AND CHRONIC DISEASES, NERVOUS debility, loss of manbood, Impaired memory, aversion to aoclety, melancholy Jor hypochondraUm and impotency, are cured by Dr. OLIN, at No. 6 Bond itrret, to wblcb number he ha* lately moved. Send two stamps for pamphlet. Call at No. 6 Bond street. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS IN NEED OF <?ONFIdentlal medical treatment should consult the old practl-* tloner, Dr. LEWIS, No. 7 Bcach street IMPORTANT TO FEMALES.?DR. AND MADAME DU1 BOIS (26 vears' practice) guarantee certain relief to married ladles, wltb or without medicine, at one Interview. Female Restorative <6. Patients from a distance provided wtih bonrd, nursing, Ac Electrlslty sclentillcally applied. No. IM East Twenty-eighth street, near Third avenue. I OSS OF MANHOOD OR IMPOTENOY, RESULTING J from the follies of youth or uiher causes; young, middle nged. or even old men restored to manly vigor, by Dr. Lewis, No. 7 Beach street, New York. Forty year* private practice. V[0 PAY UNTIL. CURED.?DR. AND MMK WE8T il cure at one Interview; their French pills never fall: Rooms provided before and durlug couUoetnenl, 144 Vf #*( tort Ida street, uear Broadway, - ; * WOOD'S MUSEUM AMD MENXOKRIK " * QKORUK ANOTHKR'N KW Mr'-"1-*" mokdat, ?r.y's,?K7 MK'E'S?.?"" new Loeal Drama, of eiiraordfeary totoreet, entitled ACK OIT SPADK8, AC'K or SPADES. ACK Of 8PADE8, with aew Scenery, Coitume* and Pro perilee, and lb* MUwt lag powerful oaaf:?^ ALBERT AIKEN, Mill KOSA RAND, Mill THKBISA WOOD, Sr. T. W. IKMf. Mis. BYNBB. fir. L. I. MESTAYBB, MtM ALICE UKIAN, fir. J. 8. BOONBT. 1 Mr. O. O. CHARLES Mr. JAM KB BARKER. _ , KTKKT DAT AT t BVERY BV KMIMO AT ?. ! EVERY DAY AT 1 EVERY EV ENIKQ AT t. i In preparation, the HEART OK OOLD. fTl A -THEATRE OOMIQUB, U It Broadway, oppoilte St Nleholaf. BUTLEB A OILMORft..........Manaiare and ProprieMrt DOUBLE IMMENSE PERFORMANCB. CONSOLIDATION or AKT1STIO MERIT NBTBB < BBrORK HKEN EQUALLED IN THE WORLD. r* will appear la brilliant and varied performanee. . Tbe new Pantomime, whlcb baa been eereral weeke la M>'j tire preparation. In all lie gorgeoui magnMceaee, eoeeerfil propertlei, trtcke, tranaformattona^ Ae., entitled * a.n;a.rt AUH; Or, Harlequin Will o'theWUpand the Fairy of the Mr*tf? Dell. i Clown The Inimitable CHAS. ABBOTT; Harlequin J. Burke i Pantaloon.. O. Ohreade And the famou* Pantomime Troupe. JOHNNY HART, ADD. RYMAN, 3. V. STODART, the *tar negro oomedian* of the day, W . PERRY, JOHNNY tyUEElf, Vf. WBST, In new eonge and dance*. . HAHTRR BARNEY, a Dutchman In DIHeultje*. , J. W. JESTER, the Talking Hand, brought to thle country by Prof. Rl?l(y. TH R ORAND BALLET TROUPE. ) 8KB SMALL BILLS. BEE SMALL BILLdJ Door* open at T. Curtain rlie? at 8 o'elock. I Seat* ((cured alt tlar* In adranoe. > Niblo'8 garden. niblo'8 garden;' -i Le*?ee* and Manager* JARRETf A PALMeKj OPENING Nl iHT. The manager* beg to announce that during the raauur race** the theatre haa been ENTIRELY AND BEAUTIFULLY REDECORATED, PAINTED AND UPHOLSTERED; and that the; will commence their i FALL AND WINTER BEASON TO-MORROW (MONDAY') EVENINO AUGUST II, when the BRILLIANT YOUNG AMERICAN ACTOR, LAWRENCE BARRETT, Will commence a limited engagement (being hi* dill ta, pcarance In New York In lereral year*), \ MIL BARRETT . will ? SUSTAIN THE LEADINO ROLB tu the ererpomilar Drama of THE DUKE'S MOTTO, which will be preienled with NEW AND BEAUTIFUL SCENERY. ELKGANT AND APPROPRIATE COSTUMES. ~ and the ^ FOLLOWINO POWERFUL CAST:? Captain Henri de Lagardere....Mr. LAWRENCE BARRETT (III* flrat appearance In new York In eight year*.) Prince de Goniajpie* Mr. F. C. BANOB Carrlckfergu* Mr. W. R. FLOYD (Especially engaged for ttal? part. HI* flrit appearance at thli^H theatre.) Regent d'Orletn* Mr. O. D. CHAPLIIf^H (The popular young actor from the Southern theatre*. Ult^l tint appearance here.) iiiop (a Hunchback).... .....Mr. E. B. HOLMBl^H (Hiii nr*t appearance In three year*.) Duchet* de Nerer* Mm#. PONISl^^" (Her Brit appearance in (crural vear*.) Blanche de Never*....... Ml** LOUISA MOORH (Her Drat appearance here In two year*.) Zlllah (a Zlncari), with Song MImEMMA CLINB (The popular actrea* and roca'Ut from the New Or!?ana theatre.) Box olBoe open *U day* la advance. _ ADMISSION... IS CETN? RESERVED DRESS CIRCLE ft RESERVED PAROUET STALLS <M #} FAMILY CIRCLE: 50 C8NTS Door* open at 7 %; curtain rl*o* at H o'clock. Tlokrt* purchased of tidewalk (peculator* will be ref?M4 at the doof, r* RAND OPERA HOUSE, .. [ U Corner of Twenty-third itreet and Eighth arenue. JAMES F1SK.JB. Proprietor JOHN F. COLE Manager SIXTH WEEK t of the wonderfni artlita < KATHI I.AJINBK KATUI LANnek and her lncoinpar?blo v VIENNOISB x Y1ENN01SB BALLET AND PANTOMIMR TROUPR. BALLET AND PANTOMIME TKOl'r*i IMMENSE HIT IMMENSE HIT of the FRENCH QUADRILLH FRENCH QUADRIT.LS and . CHAMPAGNE OALOP " t'llAfli'iunc uauur la tha new comic ballet SITALA, TIIK JUGGLER'S DAUGHTER. SITALA KATHI LANRKS To commenoe with the Terpslcboreau Melange entitle i THE NATIONS. I EVERY EVENING UNTIL. FURTHER NOTICK. 1 ? NOTICE.?During Madame Lauuer's engagement Ik* * usual matinees wili be suspended. , Seati secured In adtunco at tbe Box OHlaa; alio at Sehlr-" mer's, 7lil Broadway, and Erie Hallway Ticket Office, cor .i f m Tweatr-tblrd streel and 11 roadway. I Bowery theatre. W. B. FRELIGII ...* .1 Mauaw* STILL IN THE ASCENDANT. j FIFTEEN MORE NEW STARS. 1 First appearance of PRINCE SADI D'JALMA, THE MAN 8ERPENT, ARCilV IIUGHEB, GEORGE RICHES, MISS LOUISE EVANS. J. S. BERRY. CHARLEY BENEDICT, HAKKY BOOKER, , MISS LENA MASSEY. ROBERT CLINTON, JAMES CLARK, BOBBY FARKELL, 1 AH new face* in Now York, together with TWENTY OLD FAVORITES. The Bowery specialty. THE GREAT FEMALE MINSTREL 80ENB. MATINEE SATURDAY. ~TU AVENUE THEATRE. o mr. daly begs to nnnounce that hli SECOND COMEDY SEASON at thistheatre WILL BEGIN on or about MONDAY EVENING. September 5, with an INCREASED COMPANY, whlca will be Introduce I In an outirely original comedy based upoa W1LK1E COLLINS' last powerful work, entitled "M VI AND WIFE." MRS. F. B. CONWAY'S PARK THEATRE. Commencing MONDAY EVENING, Auguat 15. t FOR ONE WEEK, BUCKLEY'S SERENA DERti and BURLESQUE OPERA. 0. SWAINE BUCKLEY. FAYETTE WELCH. PETE LEE., COOPER & FIELDS. Miss CELIA BARRY, l'rlrna Donna. LL'CRETIA BORGIA. DR. KAHN'S MUSEUM, 745 Broadway, OPPOSITE ASTOR PLACE. No one iliould vinit New York, without pacing an boar at Dr. KAHN'S Ma^nliicent Museum?the most attractive *M beautiful in tbe world. ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS. 1 Open dallv from 10 to 5 and I till U. I 74S Broadway, I opposite Astor place. | ClENTRAL PARK GARDEN. J J TUESDAY EVENING, AUGU9T 11 , <| GRAND GALA NIGHT. TUEODORE THOMAS' 100TU CONCERT. PROGRAMME. TABT L 1. Coronation March, King WlUlam (new) Meyert??? 2. Overture, Rcmout ' 8. Walt/., Meln Lebenslauf Ut Llcb uud Luat Btrauaj i 4. Ballet Music, Pari* and Helen ii0,uof . I 6. Elne Fauat Overture Wagoei I l*A?T 11. * 8. Introduction to Third Act Medea. Cberubli* 7. Andante and Variatloua, String Quartet In A. ogJA * 8. Symphonic Poein, The Ideal .3 I'ABT 111. 9. Overture, Zampa .IfrroM 10. Laendler,'S Hoamweh (by request) Laanel Violin Obllgato by Mr. Theodore Thomas. U. Polka Mazurka, Frauenherz, ) p. J Solka Sobuell, Elglu a Magyar,) [arch, Am Fatberlaud..... ......Unge Increased orchestra. Ailmlsslon as usual. Tony pastor's opera house. 201 bo<*- ' MONDAY. AUGUST 15, AND DURING THE THE LAST PARISIAN SENSATION, MLLK. IBM A. , CLASSICAL, MYTHOLOGICAL, HISTORICAL BTATUAJH NEW COMIC PANTOMIME, THE BARBER AND READLE. EIGHT STAR NEGRO COMEDIANS. Tnii BEST PERFORMANCE IN THK CITY. ' MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AT ?#. TERRACB GARDEN, FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET ANB ^ Third avenue.?Sunday, August 14, Mollenhauer'a Graa< PNEUMATIC TUNNKit?UNDER BttOADWAf. Ill Broailwav. corner Warren. OuenlOtoJ. TO THEATRICAL MANAGERS. A largo and constantly increasing stuck or WOOD CUTS, from fresh and original desluns. on hand at the METROPOLITAN JOH PRINTING OFFICB, 97 Nasaau street. Old Herald Building. , ^ PIANOFORTES. j A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES OK BARNR9 premium Pianofortes; alio extensive assortment of second hand Pianos, Grands, Snuares nnd Uprights, Chickerlng'sand oilier celebrated makers; on Instalment* at cash prices. JOHN C. BARNES, 137 Eighth street, near Broa<t 4 ACHICK.ERING PIANOFORTE AT A SACRIFICE FOB cash, erery Improvement: perfcct order; a beautiful f octa re rosewood Pianoforte, only $400. J. BIDDLk, 18 Amity street, near Broadway, j AIIAaNIFICKNT, RICHLY CARVED, FOUR ROUND corners, rosewood 7^ oolatre Pianoforte, made to order | for 9800. onl/ sereo month* In itan. will be sold for 275; also rich Parlor. Chamber an J Dining Furniture at half cost; property of private family. 12 Kant Tenth street, one block west of Broadway, betweon UnlroHlty plaoe and Firth arena*. A GREAT OFFER.-HORACE WATERS, 411 BROADJt\ way, will dispose of 100 Pianoa, Melodeons and Organs of sii first class makers, at extremely low prices for cash, during this month, or will lake from $& to S-iu monthly until j Said. The same to let, and rent money applied If purchased. , ew Chlokenug Pianos are Inoludad la this offer. ( ABRIL.LIANT TONED 7U OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIA I noforte, made br celebrated makers at a cost of aTOO, for $250; Stool and Cover; In use six months; makers' W?r rantee for lire years: box fi r shipping. Call at 118 W**< Twenty seTi-nth street, near 81xth arenue. ^ MCSIC'A1? i A GENTLEMAN WILL GIVE INSTRUCTIONS JON 1\- Piano at pupil's residence lor $4 per month; brtHSN I players in short time under my instructions. Addres* U III SIC, Herald olBce. * . BOEIIM FLl'TE FOR SALE MADE BT BADGER; AN fl 1 eleuaot Instrument; will b* gold ?l a acrtho* Appy ? I