Newspaper Page Text
TH WHOLE MO. 12,412. 1KKECTOUT FCE ABVERTNLIIS. AMUHKMBNTH >-'f<ioni> Pa^K-Klttb Mill olxlh rtlumrm. BUAHl>Bii? AN I) LODGEttS WANTED?Wkcond J'aue? Flnt column. HOAKli AND LODGING WANTHD? l'.tuE? Kir?t column. BROOKLYN REAL ESTATE FOR BALE--8V.COM u Paw k?Second column. HCHINK38 OF I 'OEt I* KITIES Hi bat P a. ue?Second coluno. B' HINlibS NOTICFH?Fntji Pa'*k -Sixth oolumn. 4ilTY KlCAL K8TATK FOK KALE?Skconp PAUit?3econd column. clerks and SALESMEN- tuibt> Pa<1B? Second anil third vuiumnB. % CL<>1 UlNtJ?I-iuht PaoC--Second calumD. COACHMEN AN Li U AKUE.N'KKS> PAQK?ThiTd column. COASTWISE STEAMSHIPS?#) 1ST PAO*-Fifth and ?lx h column*. COPARTNERSHIPS - Kihht Pau*?Second column. SUt'NTKV HOARD gfnOND Pa^i'?Flirt tgiumo. dentistry' ? KiKbT 1'at.i: Sixth column. DRY UUOD8 Fj*ht I'ai.k -Fourth oolumn. DWELLING HUUSt-S TO LiiT-FURNKSHKD AND UNKc UNI.SUEO--Scoonu Pa?*?Second uad third column*. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS? Fikut Paok?Viltb column. EVi.MNtf TELEOKAM-Skuond Paiik-Fifth column. EXCURSIONS-i'Aor Slxlh col.unu. FIN ANCIAL?Fnwr PA?>K- TUiid column. FINK AJtTS?S>uuj*1? PaUK?Fourth column. ' M FUR UAbK?flwt PAU?Third column. ' FURNITURE?Pr-oosn Pahe Fourth column. HhLiP WANTED?MALES?TlHTtn i'auk?TMrd column. HELP wanted?FEMALES Tinui> Pa(;i:?Second colHOKSi-.S, CARRIAGES, <|o.- I'iyt>t Pack?Second column. UOlELS?p.vos- Fuht column. MOUSES ROOMS, Ac., WANTED?FlBtoT PAOE-Slith column. INSTRUCTION -Ft*6T PAC??Third column. JERJKY CITY, HOKoKhN. HUDSON CITY AND BEROEN REAL ES i A IE FOR SALE?second PaoB? Second coiumn. ?.?i> loan oku* Ea I' u<?r PAOS?Third column. LOST AND KOl'ND? Fiu?t Pa<?l?Thir i column. MACHINERY -FllltiT Pa<?* Full column. MARBLE MANTI.LS?skc<ini> pao*?Third column. MEDICAL- Sf:<h>Mj Paoe?'Ihlrd column. millinery and dr1 ssmaklinij?Fir.bT Pao*-Flmt column. M1SCKEJ,AN HOUR ADVERTISEMENTS-EIGHTH PA?*HUth i-u.umn. miscellaneous?Fl*ST PaoF?Flmt column. t'kKVlllMAI k'lbkT P w.V?Umt oo>nm?i FlANOk'ORTKb sroonh Pau?: Slilh column. PROPOSALS?Filter l'AOt? Fourth column. PROPERTY OUT OK THIS CITY KOR SALE OR TO HKi'nT?HvcomI> Paok Second column. real j-state to EACHANoE?Skoond PAO*-Seeond column. REAL KSTA1* WANTHD-Siuokd Paul Second col umn. BKW AltUS --KtHBT 1'AO* Thlril co'.nmn. ROOMS AN I> APARTMENTS TO LBT?8BOOMS PA.S1- Third column. hales at auction? SlM)ONl> PAttK-Fourtb column. bituat10k8 wanted?females-third paui- nm and m-tond columns. SITUATIONS W AN iED?MALES?BVOOND PAUK? Third column. BFKCIAL NOTICES?FlB'Vl' PAQK?First column. SPORTING-DOGS, BIRDS, Ao.-Fiunr Pa<*8?Second nol'imn. Kl'M.MM: Rt'SORTS?Rroonp Pack?Klrttcolumn. the TRADES Tuisx Paok?Third column. the TURK?Fimt Pa<ik?Sec. ud column. to llit KOR kisiness PliRPOah.S-SlCO.nd Page? s?vonl uolumn. TRA VKl.LEKS' < i UIDF?FlBHT Page-Slith column. 1 At'Hl'S, STEAMBOATS, .'iC.?KIEBT PaoV: Ural column. PERSONAL. A LICE B. AM T NEVER TO SEE YOU AUAlNf IT IS J\ many months since. j'leaac write. Lei thU be strictly ypPilril lal II. B. * 1>ACK AGAIN.?(100;; AT ONE O'CLOCK TUESDAY, J > re. "j> - '? HOP* TO MEET TOO TTUK AFTERNOON. I >. at liall i<aal four o'clock. Uaual place. B?. COIAKLES MORRILL.?COME TO SPARTA TO-PAY. ) iiu is deuU. C. P. GAIMICHAEL. KT. ZAYDEUS WAS CALLED, CAME AND SENT . two h ttcid. Aniwnr and lu.ciTliiw wan refuted. Why? 11' lulu cruelty la prolonged he inuiit cxecutu hU urat Intention. WILL THE CABMAN WHO TOOK A GENTLEMAN from Barclay atrcet to Union Adama', from there to Joe .ey'a and then to Thirtieth street depot pleaae retu: n the t pau^age Im.i in uio carriage lo W. LEANING, Herald urtlce '( W J- McLANE.?LETTERS FOR YOU AT STATION D. VT . Get ihem Immediately. J. 11. M. ^ iPBMAli NOTICKH. A?I WAS BALD I Tins 19 TO CERT1KY THAT I . hare used Professor BARRY'S TR1COPHEK0US for the last three month*. The hair at the aides and hack ol my bead waafaal falling off at the time 1 lirst appdei It. It has been fuiflreatored, being now healthy and ?l?oroua. The top of i<7oead baa been bald lor eome time p.wt, but slnoe name the Tricopberoua the hair baa commenced to grow, and I have full conlldence iu its tlnal success. I It WIKRIINRV rTnlr?r?!l? nlana V..k A -A ?PERSONS WHO ARE INSV RED IN GOOD A. life insurance companies, and who do nol desire to surrender their policies by an absolute sale, can borrow the surrender value of their policies by applying at Insurance Agency, 87 Liberty street. Free excursion to carlstadt, n. j., next Thursday. Great adjourned sale or ?00 very desirable Lota on the Berry Farm?all to be sold to tun blijbest bidder, without regard to price. Free passes of JOHNSON k miller, s6?as*au street. GOURAUD'S oriental CREAM OR magical Beautlfier. 48 Bond street Verb. Sap. /^lO BY ALL MEANS with JOHNSON & MILLER next Thursday to Carl clani und secure a homn at their great auction sale of tiio . berry Farm, which has been In one faml.y since the settlement of the country. t ree passes o. JOLlN&ON &. MILLER, 85 Nassau Htrect. HO! HO!l UOllI HO! 111 HO 11111 For Carlstadt, N. J., 10 the Great Sale of 500 Lots on the Berry Farm, Thursday, Augiut IB. Just the chance to Securo a boror. Free excursion, free collation. Tickets at JOHNSON * MILLER'S, 25 Nassau stree). JOHN LOCKETT A CO., Wholesale dealers id and shippers of HADuS, LABO AND BACON. Orders received for their CELEBRATED CURE OF 11A MS. at tneir stores. IA Fulton street, 179 Myrtle avenue, 147 Fulton avenue, 105 Atlantic street, Comer of Kent and Myrtle avenues, and at their l'ackinc House, Raymond street, Brooklyn. Lottery prizes cashed and information given; Kentucky and Royal Havana circulars sent. JOSEPH BATES k CO., No. 11 Wall sfrett, box 4,*64 Post onice. Branch office, 447 Broume street. Official drawings SIMMONS X CO.'S LOTTERIES. alabama?utra olab8 no. 605?atjoust 13, 1870. 83, 63, 73, 68, 40, U, 81, 73, 76, 33, 47, 67, 71. mibflocm? clab8 no. 606?auqubt 13, 1870. 4U, 83, 44, 37. 3d, 13, 73, 64, 34, 60, 4'I 43, 70. kkrtuoky?fxtlta oi.a88 no. 481?auocst 13, 1870. 70, 1L 67, 24, 61, 10, 66, 8, 67, 44, 6, 12. 28. mntucxy?ola38 no. 4l2?acqttst IS, 1870. r 1, I&, 60, 11, 40, U, 71, 30, 33, 70, H>, 34, 15. Information lurnished and circulars sent in the above and also Royal Havana Lotteries. J. CLOTE, Broker, 806 Broodwav, 1S3 Fulton street and No. i Park row. j' ? 1JAIS, RAIN, BAIN. " ,?:"v-'-V .JV A drenching rain compelled JOHNSON <% MILLER to '.'adjourn tlielr Carlstadt Sale ur.tli Thursday, August 18. On that day It will positively take place. Free excursion and collation. Maps and railroad passes of JOHNSON & MILLER, 25 Nassau street. mile lexington avenue TURKISH BATHR-corl ner Twenty-fifth street, are ready for visitors; ladles, 9 A. M. to 9 1'. m.; baths tor gentlemen will be open constantly. TIT AR DEPARTMENT. vv office of tum CniiF signal OFFIOTVIt, 1 . Division of Telegrams and Kb ports ( For th* Benufit of Gommbbok, f ' Washington, D. C., August 8, lfciO. I under the authority of the Secretary of War the chief signal oQIcer of the ariuv Is empowered to enlist a number o( suitable persons to be sp'oimel non-commlssioncd offlcari in the army for the duties of '"the observation and report of storms by telegraph and signal for the benefit of commerce on the Northern lakes and seaboard," In compliance with a resolution of Congress. The character of the observations to bo had at different stations throughout tbe country, and the meteorological reports to be made, render the duty upon which tnef>e noncommissioned officer* will be employed Interesting as a branch of scientific study, and the knowledge acquired will bo valuable hereafter. t!.e opportunity thus offered Is a rare one for youmr men of good education desiring to devote themselves to reading or to the study of a proiesslon, the doff 'ielne of such a nature as with caro and diligence will ptflt time to be devoted to study. Tbc pay and allowances of these non-commissioned officers, when not serving with troops, amoinis to about $900 per annum: when s^rvfnff with troops. about jltHKO. In the latter CKKe, quarter*, fuel, subsistence and clothing art provided by tlio government The number of appointments being necessarily limited, each candidate will be subject to an examination. ADpllcatlons setting forth oharacter, acquirements and fitnetm. with testimonials, mar be addressed to the Chief Signal Ofl'cer of the Artny, No. 1,719 Q street, Washington. D. O. Circular* Hiring full part leu lav will be furnished on appll' cation at this office. YACHTS, ST KOI II OA T.N, AC. EX>R BALK CHEAP?8TE AM BOAT HULL. KPLL Jl end*, light draught, copper fastened; suitable for barge. Inquire at Dry Dock oOloe, lioboksn, N. J. WANTED?A QOOD LIGHT SECOND HAND OR new Working Boat. Address W. W. K., box 5^3 Post office. ? _ MISCELLANEOUS. T\R. JOHN IVES. ELECTRICIAN.?MODERN ELEC""'.j11' f1"1, Galvanism applied lu all disease* without P i aids J byths nnv?l Instrument* Just patented, possessP?rtan 1 *nd material Improvements, the beneficial ?v?.? *. 5W applications are aomcllme* perfectly SIi^L^nU,"-. P-JSSi a c,r?ular. 187 East Thlrty-fourth *tre?-l corner of Third arenu*. F??d8taL^.T?.*5tRnrE; M0t>r,TONB SALT HAY. BALMACHWKItY. A MBS' IRON WORKS?PORTABLE STATIONARY and Hoisting Engines. Saw Mills, Burr Mill* Woodwanh A Farr.r Planers, machlnlsU' Tool*, s?|^-a^;?nTr mSi 8te*m Ganges. nlsstoo'B Saws, Belting; all Hrst cla**' od? and at lowesi prices, before pun basing call on or aadrpM LOUD. P. HA.Ml'SON, iW Corti&ndt street, New York. AIILMMKSy AND DRBHSMAKING* r AWES' SWISS AND POLONAISE PRESSES AND 1 J Walking Suits on 1-nnd and rrmMe to order, at moderate prices. Mr*. \s w. TKAUfa. iOK West Thiriy-tlilrd mat. ueor Sixth aveuua, *" E NE HI'OHTJNO? IJOC5H, BIBD8, * LL KINDS OK FANCY DOGS AND BIRDS FOR J\ ?ale?Medicine* for all dlaeaaee. lTepared Food for mocking Blrdi, at B. DOVEY'S, Ho. 8 Green# tfert, corner uf CHUM. N. I!.?Ladle* attended br Mr*. Do rev. 17?RANCIS HUTLKR, NO. 8 PECK BUI", HAS ALL THK choice breed* of Dnjrn lor an'e And etock. Builer'i infallible Manic Cure ami Flea Exterminator, 76o.: Butler'i it> w Work. $2. Dogi boarded, trained, Ac. Medio I net for all dlseaaeo. JTIOR FALK?A SIBERIAN BLOODHOUND DOG, P large (lie, full bred, * splendid dog for a country ie*tdenr.e. Apply at No. 2 Naey Mraut, Brooklyn, near the Navy Yard sate. TIIKTUKF. ~ UNION COURSE. L. I. - TROTTING MONDAY, August 18, at P. Ad.; Bwrepatake* mile heats, 3 In 6. A. U. V't lnuon'i b. g. Mechanic. In liarnc**; A. H. Sannnm' hlk. m. Lady Sherman, In banien; Wood Onnk.ln'i b. g. to wii#ou. WM. S1IAW, Proprietor. IIUM^H.1, ( tt tci A(>KNt (let;. AT Tilt AUCTION ltOl'biS OK ~ JoHStrro* * VAN TA8SEI.L, OlLcc Mild la.wioora 37 Nassau struct, opposite Ute Post oUlue. TDK HORriR AND CARRIAGE BRANCH of our business It conducted ut our HORSfi AUCTION MAST. lis and in east larH tiTM.iii.T, nkah <tu avenge, . _ wham we bold regular bZS. OK HORSES AND CARRIAGES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. Utmtitmcn wishing |o purchase, or those having Horse* or (Jarrlages to mIL, will ftnd our house perfeotlr reliable, u we conduct tliu branch of our business, as we do ,J1 our otner business, on the same straightforward principle* which govern lion irable hotissi In all mercantile pursuits. We give the purchaser of crrr hone that Is warranted sound Trom 24 to <3 hours for trial. Eutries for salen of Hornet and Carrtar?e can be made at our down town ofll?e and salesroom, W Mwuu street, where w<* ?l?i keep a register of homes for private tale. Liberal advances made on consliinmduw. Assortment ok new and second hand carr'n > * an>l llarn ..a?, selling off to olose up. Now la the time to buy cheap. Call and see. TAYLOR'S, M Centre (treet. AN ASSORTMENT OK BEAUTIFUL FOUR AND SIX < <u Pi,a>'t?nn at greatly reducei prices. Top Pony Phaeton, i uo top <lo? <fil^0; fine Harness, very oueap. HAM'S, Fourth etreet and Broadway. A BARGAINS IN CARRIAGES.?PONY PHAETONS $126 up: top Pooey Phaetons ylDO ud : a tine assortment of secondhand top and no top Wagons f 80 up; Coaches, Clarences, ton and no lop Wagons, Depot Wagons, Rockawayi, Ac.; light Harness *1:2 up; also a good assortment of Sheets. Whips, .to.; now Is the time to buy: all tn want will do well to examlno the stoolc before purchasing e'sewlx re. W. H. i.KAY, it), 2S, 14 auJ 18 Wooster street. A - HARNESS OK ALL GRADES AND SUITABLE . (or all purposes from IHl'J up; Roekaways, Depot Wagons, Kxpress and Murines" Wagons, Top and Open Wagons. Jaggers, jtc.; La? Ruhr*, Uiunkets, Sheets, Nets, Whips, Ac., at the comer of Uuisouand Spring struts. LITTLE *TURNc.B. AUGRT BRETT, LI'IHT COACH, THREE SIX SKAT Passenger Wagons at great bar gut us; Pony Phaetons, u great variety, ipI3'? to -i-lffi; fi^V assortment Bugles anil Family Oarrlages at reduced prl1 > "'.I styles Harness. CALVISH/ TT, { S Broadway. A PERFECT SADDLE HORfC^~ One of the. fltent In the country, 18'J< hands high, 6 jenra old; kind in double harness; has neither vice, trick nor tanlt, raised by Ward Mooy, of Versailles, Ky., and has a peilgrtse that will satislT the most fastidious; has every gait known to a saddle horse. Only parties In search of a i rit cla*3 saddle horse are invited to apply at JOHNSTON A VAN TASSKLL'B HORSE AUCTION BRANCH, 112 Eust Thirteenth ?treet. near Fourth avenue. A powerful black draught HORSE FOR sale itr want of use: 17 hands bUh, 7 years old, weight 1,Still pounds; warranted sound, kind am', true In single or double liarneeu: a iirsl ciash puller; price $850. Apply ut 808 East 'ihlrty-ulnth streot, near Second avenue. Assortment op seasonable carriages and Harness on baud and to order. Purchasers Invited to examine (took, save money and ret good* as represented. HICKS, 83 Barolay street. Assortment top and open buggies, four, six seat and Pony Phaetons, Koukawavs, Family Carriages, Ac., new and second band, reding off cheap. H. b. WITTY A co.. Nevlne street and Fulton avenne, Btooklyn. Avery fine gray horbe-m hands high, b years old; also a bay Horse, 16 hands high. 0 ve&rs old; ? g'xxl lamlly i>orse; warranted sound and kind. So. 6 West Thirteenth strict. Anew pattern extension top phaeton? Doctors' Phaeici s, six seat Depot Wagon, a variety tup and no top Buggies, new and second band, at prices to fcufl the ilmea. GEO. J. MOORE, &7tt Bowery. /^ARRIA :L8 -SKLL.ING OFF BALANOB STOCK KAM\ J liy ' ytla-ea Phaetons and Business Wagons 4U per cent let* Uian hew Vork prices. Manufactory of H. B. WITTY t CO.. Nevlns street and Fulton avunua, Brooklyn. Fob sale?a pair of bay hambletonian Colts, own sisters, 5 and 7 years old, out of a blooded mare that trotted luO miles in ten hours; kind in single and double harness; can't be beat for the handling they have bad; can show a three minute gait; sold to close an estate. The colts can be seen at the stables of D. Bodine, Front street, above Cooper street, Camden, N. J. Apply to JOSEPH TRIMBLE, Esq., 147 South Front street, Philadelphia. For isale- a gray horse, hands: supertor style tnd action ; 7 years old; quiet In all harness, and a good saddle horse; warranted sound. liM West Seventeenth street. Tj-OR RALE-A HORSE AND EXPRKS3 WAGON. L cheap; wagon only rnn ihrt-e weeks; horse sound and a good worker: sold on ace >unt of ill health. Apply at 437 East Fourteenth street after 1J o'clock. For salf,?5 large dp.augiit iiorsks and toal and Dirt Carts; also o: e handsome pony-tuilit family Mare, prico $150, very styilsh ajd tree. 84 New Chambers st. For sale-one, right from the coi:ntry, 18 bands high. *j years old, sound and kind, free and good driver; suitable for A farmer, private family, oxpress, coke, doctor or butcher. Call at 528 West Twentyeigbtu street. ITKIR SALE CHEAP-A LARGE, STRONG, YOUNG 1 draught Horat. Apply, after 6 P. M., at 258 Weit Twenty-sUtb street. /"l EMTLEMAN'S TURNOUT CHEAP-STYLISH OKAY vT Morse, Hambletonlan stook, lSJi hands, 6 years old: warrented every way and pedigree proven; alio two very bandaomo Wagons. Seen a. Hi Eaat Sixteenth atreet. Harness. saddles. harness. At 10 College place. Harness, single and double, of all kinds, for all purposes. Single I'arness, 83 to $125. Louble llarueaa, $20 to 4375. We hare over 300 Set < of harness on hand. Also Ladles' and Oentj' English baddies, Bridles, Whips, Sheets, Blankets, Robes, Ply Nets, and all other articles connected wit'i the business at very low prices. TUE TRADES MANUFACTURING COMPANY. C1ECOND HAND CARRIAGES AT BARGAINS.? lO Light Rockawny, three Coupe Rockaways, Top, Depot, Victoria, Jaeger Wa?on; five Bugrfei, Park Phaeton, several Carriages; slightly toiled Carriage* chenflT'" r ? WITTY, 688 Broadway. SOLD CHEAP OR EXCHANGED-A LARGE BLACK Horse, Itf'i ban 's high; tit for carts, trunics, stevedore or any heavy work. Inquire at Ml Canal street, corner of Washington. Team of horses, is hands; one a little sore forward; suitable for country; mare, price $1(10; stvlisb Horses; top Road Wagon and Uarness. No. 342 West Fourth street, near Eighth avenue. /*,/ ?r\_BAY HORSE: $G5, SORREL MARE; BAY PONY, fM.)U %bo; line buckskin Mare, M'-y to 18 bauds, 7 to V years. 7H4 Washington street, corner of Bank, In grocery. Big bargains. .... - <J>7/T-$115?TWO BAY horses, six YEARS, V>!4 I blinds; brown Mare, 8 years, 16 hnndii, $140; ail sound and kind. 240 West Thirty lirst street, to rear. ~ ~ _ c'ohartnbh^in ph. The partnership heretofore existing between Benjamin Bbuman and freorge Hoffman has been, this day, dissolved by mutual consent. Perijamln Sbuman assumes all liabilities and Is alone authorized to collect the outstanding debts. benjamin sit i'man. george hoffman. Nnw York, August 13, 1870. The undersigned will continue the business of brewing fine ales and porter at 144 and 147 East Forty-second street, ns heretofore. BENJAMIN SHUMAN. BU8INK8* OPPORTUNITIES! A GENTLEMAN, WITH SOME MEANS, TO EXTEND an alroady established business and to Introduce some valuable patents; an engineer preferred. Address ENGINEER, box M6B New York Post office. AN EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN DESIRES A I'O. sitiou In some large established hi,use where his effort and experience will determine his interest; first class refereuccs for cauacitv and rcsnonsibllitv. Aiirfruu it T u t. .. 6,8118 Pott offica. An interest in a good paying planing and Moulding Ml".Iu a um oL<M business locality; exneusei light; tlO.OJO required. BOUTHMAYD A CO., 194 Broidwiy. ("1 ARM NO.?FOR SALE, FOUR HORSES, THREE CART8, J one r>oubln Truck, with tint rate work j everything In complete order. Inquire on L. 8. Davis' stand, pier 24 North river. j WANTED-AN ENEROBTIC KAN, WITH 118,000, IN A safe an 1 paying business. Aa thin means business none other need address O. T. J., box 670 Poet office. ? I WANTED-A PARTNER IN A GOOD PAYING AND established light manufacturing huslne**. Capital required Sf'iCO cash. I* or particulars call on MOODY AMY UDLETON, No. 7 Murray street, room J3. 3:0 HfMl - A <'ANDY AND OHOCOLATK MANUipiJ.UuiI, factory for sale; best location; established ten years; doing iplenaU business. Address CANDY, Herald office. " CliOTIIlNa. A T 274 SEVENTH AVENUE, NP.AR TWENTY-SIXTH iV street -N. ABRAHAMS will pay the best prloes for Cast Off Clothing, Furniture, Carpets, by calling or addressing. Ladiss attended to by Mrs. Abrahams. OH? THIRD AVRNUK, NEAR TWENTY-THIRD ZitJ i sticet.?M. LEON pnys the|lilglie.<it price for ladles anil grntloineu's wearing apy^.el, carpets, Ao; ladles waited ou by Mil. Leon. QQQ BROADWAV, NKAR THIRTEENTH STRRET.? OOO H . HER/ pay* Ihe hlghe t cash price for ladles and geutlcmpn'R wearing apparel, carpus, Ac.; ladies waited on by Mrs. Jiiara. W YO] NEW YORK, MONDAY, flNANOUli. ? AWKS8MKNT-CKOWN KOI.'IT MININU COMPANY, TJ 1(8 coin per share, delinquent Hrpteniher 8, tale 1SHI), " Idem. Payment utujr bn made at Aumv Uauk of California. lees 4 waller, bu lino street. AMDEK80N k C.Q., NO. 9 CHAMIIEKH STREET? ,' Money loaned immediately, property New Turk, New 1H' Jersey, .*c. ; Builders' Loans, Leaseholds, Stocks and Seen- * rltles negotiated. Kim and aeooud n)ortj?;.ee wanted. Ad- 0" ranee* made. ?'v tol MONEY TO LOAN-ON NEW TURK AND BROOKLYN J?" Improred and desirable unimproved Real Kiitaia. Kirst :,2 and Motnid morttaw* promptly eauhei at lowest market i?, rate I. Prlu.:lpals only dealt with. WILLIAJU SINCLAIR ?? Jr., & CO., No. 8 l'lup street. PRESIDE.NT'S orncp., ST. JOSHPII AND DENVER jJ CITY HAILflOAD COMPANY, 1 Ht. Jorpph, Mo., Auvnit 1,1870. THE INTEREST ANf> COl'PONfl ON TUU KIBST fh, mortgage eight prr cent cold bonds of the 8t. .1 ueeph and Denwr t'ltv Rati-oad Company, due August 16, 1H70, wtll be fl Said In gold at the Farmers' Loau and Trust Company, of : .hl iu city of New York, on ani after that date, free or tax. 1 n CIc'liUll ' U 111! I. 1 fMin TO LOAN -ON UNIMPROVED PROylU?UUU perty In the city, In ono or two amounts. [ Only principals no?<! apply. iM 2. M. M \BON, No. 1 Centre street. ^ ' ....... |h| $7n mm loan-on improved PRO- lea I t)U.w\)U certy In uie olties of New York, Brook- fru lyn, New Jersey mini Westchester county. I'rlnelpale only. roi E. M. MASO> Two. 1 Contre strew. , 1 i.oam oiiki'.s. gj At wolf Bh()TiiKi:.-v, ww brc>a dw ay, formerly "" of Brooklyn.-Money liberally odYanoeit on Diamonds, Watches, Jeweiry, Milks: more particularly on Pianos. h Business strictly confidential. K.une bought aud (old. , ATIIYMAN'B, M BROADWAY, COKNKn OF BOND {? street?Liberal advances mule on Diamonds and Watches. Sliver Ware, ae~, or will pay the highest market ... price lor the eaine. ^ AT THE OLD ESTABLISHED OFFICE, 60 NASSAU bJ street, you can obtain libera) advanoes on Dl.iniondS. ml Watches. Silverware, ka., or will purchase them at their in- i most valuation. A. HuNlGMAN, Broker. 8U AT 67 THIRTEENTH STREET, NIOAR WALLACK'8 n t catre.?1 par the highest price for Uiainon Is, Watchea u and Jewelry, or advance on the sauie. ISAACS, Diamond broker, 67 Thlrteonth street OQ NABSAD STREET, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE.? Of/ Liberal advances made on Diamonds. Watches. Jew- K elry and all kinds of merchandise. The s.nne bought and sold. DAYMAN LEOPOLD, room No. L J KOIt u A FIRST class bar. lunch room and restau- ? rant for sata at a bargain, In the best ! mat Ion down T] town; dolDK good business. Apply to thomas (jAFFNBY, X Auctioneer, 3b Centre street. A GROCERY ON A LEADING AYKNUiC FOR SALE.- da Apply to M. Y. BUNN A CO., i'toand 887 Greenwich dr. street. Cr A VERY NICE WINE AND CIGAR STOKE FOR SALE, rL with fixtures; good rexnons for selllnu; owner has other MJ business to attend to In Cutta. Apply at 1104 Broadway, In the store. an A SPLENDID CORNER LIQUOR STORE FOR "V eale at a ureal sacrifice, situated In low. r part of city ; *'' fine cash business. Must bo sol.: this day to bidder. A rare chance. Apply .3I'hainlers street. 110 _ GLORGE W. SIMERS A CO. A CORNER LIQUOR STORE FOR BALE-CONVE- "" nlent to the A ban.v line of steam rs; m'ist bo sold this ^ week. Apply on the premises, comer Washington and Watts j J streets. A?FOR SALE?BAKKRIFS, CORNER LIQUOR ' Stores, La;;er Heer Saloons, Sample Rooms, Clzar | . Stores, Billiard Saloons, Hotels, Restaurants, Groceries, Mar- . ket Stnnds, Soda Water Bitslnes*. Shoe Stores, Fancy '' (.'nods Stores. Country Tnverns, Liquor Stores, Silver Plating Manufactory, I'rtiir Stores. r? MITCHELL'S Store Agency, 77 Celar street. (a| A N OLD ESTABLISHED CORNER OYSTER. LIQUOR dJ xV House. Restaurant and Dining Saloon for sale, on best os part Bowery, e'egantly rurnlahed, complete bttlngs, good lease, with cneap rent, price 27>,0. Apply to CAMPBELL A CO., 8:.U Bowery. I^OR SALE-BAR AND RESTAURANT, IN good 1T location. Tmiulro of BEh.SO.N t VAN OLINDA, 2Ci I For tfalk-*4.?w, no rent for three yeaks, the Stock, Fixtures, Lease and Furoi'urc of Hampin Room, Lunch Rooms, Warden, three Buwlluz Alley* nod ?. La^er Beer Koom; no other* In the place anil situated In the u, TiiTmty ot four hrtel* ; now dome a Urpe business. Addre** ... MILITARY HALL, Greenport, Lona Island. ("( For sale-a fine coknrr liqi or store, le, cheap. Reason for selling cWcn If wanted. For all parttouiar* Inquire at 18 First avenue. M For sale?on account of ill health, mbrt ?! chain Tnllor Store, with Hxtqres. iiuihI ttani Che*-. rent No. 8Ji Fll'ty-fourth street, nr-ar First avenue. S| For sale?immense stock second hand i! Shelvlaif, Sa#h, Show Cuei, Drug Drawer*, Offloe RailInei, Oyster and Tailor*' Counters, Desk*. Store* fitted up In li one dar. Apply at 5n7 Hudson, and No. 9 Vestry street. tl ?? ti For sale-bar and fixtures, all completf, n with a four pull fump, cheap lor oath. Inquire at t'JU Hudson street, in barber shop. s For sale?a first class bakroom o.v a prom- pi Incut corner. I'or further particular* apply at <125 Bowery. el For sale?an old established drug store, c\ doing a lar?a prescription trade; will be sold on very rensonalle terms. Kor particulars address drug STORb, b' box 6,713 New York 1'ott oOlce. Ei For sai-e -a oood Canadian pony, sound and kind, with u tirnt i-lasn llglit Kijireiii Wagon and Harness; they will be sold cheap. .'At Wen Ilouston street, bl basemeut. For balk cheap?a single stand in west Washington Market. Inquire of or address C. MUN- ? DORF, 1S?4 Duane street, New York. j IIQUOR STORE FOK SALE CHEAP?FOUR YEARS' j lease; a splendid location for a distillery business; rent only ?8j per month and plenty of room. Apply at Hi Eighth street, near First avenue. (; TO MERCHANT TAILORS AND CUTTERS, WITH * capital.?The subscriber oIYcrs for *ale tbe Lease and IV block of a merchant tailoring and ready made clothing J* store, doing a business of Jjilii.wW per annum In a neighbor lng city, wi hln 18 mlloa or New York; to tho right party :? liberal terms will be offered. Address J. F. A., box 1777 New York Post office. TO PAWNHROKKRB -FOR BALK?ONE OK THE BEST J* tan da Ju the city; over 18 je&m established au<l doing a 101 first rate business; cold on aouonnt of the death of tbe Pf owner; will lease the whole hulldlng at low rent for or . ten ve i rs. Apply to H. KERRIGAN, 80 Duane streot, from m 10 to IS o'clock. v\ <IL1 WILL PURCHASE LONG LEASE (CHEAP V? tiiav'u rent), Stock and Future* of a Liquor Store, , near four prominent down town ferries, well adopted for restaurant; no opposition ; sickness of one of the partner* i,'i cause of selling. HENRY WILKIN8, 77 Centre street. liO.ST AND FOUND. "? I OPT. LEFT IN A BROADWAY AND TWENTY- M J third street itage at a quarter of one o'clock, Saturday. , down trip, corner of Duane street, a Book, a Package or "ii Medicine and a Parcel of old Letter*. The Under will confer a favor by returning them to Gfi Uey street. j>? LOST-ON SUNDAY MORNING, IN AN AVENUE C th" and Cbamuer* streot car. a Memorandum Hook, writ- or ; ten In Hebrew lvUWS A reward of $5 will be glveu lor re- Be turning the same at SAMUEL CHASKELS' clothing store, ' No. 8 Catharine slip. or LOST-BY A POOR GIBL, ON SATURDAY AFTER- n? noon, between Thirty-second and Thirty-third streets, er Third avenue, e parcel containing lace, for wlUch, if not re- i turned, she will be held responsible. A suitable reward will fr( be given by returning It to Mr*. CAVEUTY, 473 Third ave- wl nue, second floor, back room. . - n . IimVARD-*. ? |?t REWAttD?FOR A DOG (BLACK AND 1AM): AX <PO iwern to lite name of J nn; suppose 1 to have followed *tr an old cook, Louisa. Return to 68 West Houston street. 9" foi Ain REWARD.?WHITis SPANIEL DOG. WITH fi" <pXU black around hi* bead, black mlddin of back, black f around his tall. Answers to name of BILLY. No. 6 West tci Twenty-lourth street. fln REWARD.?LOST, in MCKINLEY'S SALOON, or on or near tho corner of Fulton andSontli le" street, a diamond l'in.J Tbe above reward will be paid " and no questions asked by leaving the same with tbo bar- Pr tender. dflOfl reward.?STOLEN, THREE CANARY iplOU Birds, from the piazza of tbe residence of Stiep- , herd X. Knnpp, 168th street and Hudson river, about half pant ten o'clock on Saturday morning?on* all v?llow, one yellow with dark wings and root on bsad, one splendid green I and yellow. SXO reward will be paid for either on* of the ^ birds and $100 for the detection and couviotion of the ihl.if, by applying at the above residence. t. t. KNaPP. 1,11 _ _ ____ dai dfcl ft nnA REWARD.?THE NEW YORK STOCK ^ ?5PJL U. U U U Kiehsnge offera a reward of i?1U,0(W for the ru arrest and conviction of the murderer or mnrdersrs of Ben- g0 jamlu Nathan, lata a member of said Exchange. who was a? killed on tbe night of July is8, 1870, at his house In Xwentythird street, New York City. i J. L. BROWNKLL, Vice Chairman, Gov. Coin. Dii D. C. HAY3, treasurer. * O. o. WlIITfc, Secretary. 0f BWI'IDOTION. J AT THOMPSON'S BUSIM SS COLLEGE, 80 fOOM ' avenue, opposite Cooper Institute?Teleirraphy, Book- or keeping, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Spelling; day and >> evening; private instruction; ladles' departmeut; terms low; open all summer. *' Boarding school for twelve bovs only-at >[;' Orange. N. J thl* seminary will commence Its twentyfourth school year on ihe (Hh ol September. True home com- 1 forts, constant attention of Principal, high and spanloiw "e grounds,-three vacancies. Address PRINCIPAL, bos 11.' Post ofllcc, Orange, N. J. mi Business writing, book keeping, arithmktic, rt Ac.?DOLBEAK'S Commercial College, H76 Broadway. " corner Eighteenth street, remains open day and evening "II summer, to prepare pupils practically for business; ladle** receive special attention ; stiffness, cramping or trembling, removed from the worst hand; terms reasonable. /10VEKNESS WANTED?TO GO TO WEST INDifcS; ? VI must be a person of intelligence nnd refinement, wuli j.|' acquainted wtth music, and oa|>able of taking charge of I, young liwlles; her home will be with a good fandly. Those having (;ood reference can addreiis boi 6,032 Post olllce. "j Teachers wanted, lady, MCSto and frknch, w' for Southern seminary; several for music, Middle ana Southern States ; eiprrien ed preccptrcs*, for famous semi- X nary; classical, for noys' boarding school. All wanting poI sitlons should app.y uow. AMERICAN SCHOOL. INaTII TUTJi. 14 BondiUMt. Mi UK H AUGUST 15, 1870. prop oh alu. ilkakwatkr at ulock island, r. l Un^imksu Orrioc, Unitbk htatks Abut,) Nbwpi?et, R. I., August n, 1870. C ealed propoaalt will bo recelrod at till* olllce until Baturr, the 17th day ol September, 187>at 13 o'clock. M., for the infraction of tbe tutnlruoture or a Breakwater at illook m<i. R. I., for Tooui purpueee. _ . I will hecln at a polut on ihore near "Band's Landing," Ihe iinuibeaat part of the lelatid, and be built out to and me a line Joining "Clay Head" and "Klre Foot Kock." It* al lenKtii will hi ahuut three hundred 'SOU) t'Mt heyond the r water line. The grente?t depth of water on tba Hue. of i breakwater li at n? eea extremity, wbera there In sixteen fr tat mean low water. Krom thence shoreward the .tout Hope* up uraiiuaUy to high water mark, the bottom ?K emnoth land, underlaid with clay. The mean rue and I of the tide I* three and on?*|u*rter (3U) feet, 'he mihttructure of tbe breakwater WUJ be (tone llinplr ipped Into tbe water io u to form a elope of three (.81 se to mie (1) perpendicular on the itlde toward* the d one 1) bane to one (1) perpendicular on the tide toward* l land, and to be thirty vOU) feet wide at mean low water el. The work rrnuit be be':tiu at the iiliore end and bo labeil up to mcau low water level ua It nromeiaei from tbe ?<L fhe "tunc muit he granite, of tbe but quality so far a* <!udllty Is concerned, uti'l iq pit*eel weighing not I'M than a and oni -qunrier (1^ ton, without regard to shupe, exit that then- must be no sla'.is or thin olecea. t la believed that this work can be (lone by vcmteli minting their oareocs on the spot. In ordinary weather vo?a can lie in the roudstead with perfect safety, though in will be times, In the earlier proves* of the work at at. when much time mu*t be lost. 'I br worst storms are ira the southeast, ana during storms from that quarter tue idxtead 1a untenable 1'or v?s?el? of any class. '0 complete tbe whole substructure about fifty thousand M of stone will be reuulred, but at present tho lurid* ap prlated will, It Is estimated, pay for not mora lliaa ten msiuid tons. Proposals will be received only for the lailer amount, and no contract will be entered Into for trk. to be performed after the .'.Oth day of June, 1871. ravtcauta wilt be ma<<? monthly, receiving tan (11T, per cenm till the contract Is full.lied. Proposals must state price per ton at which the stone will furnished and put In the breakwater, which urlue must lude all charges whatsoever ag& lb* United States, 'be stone must te deposited by tlie contractor, under the ipervlslon of an engineer designated by tlie undersigned for it duty. Hropos.ils must state the earliest time at which work will begun alter accenuinee of propone!. Work once begun lit be prosecuted with all praeth-ul diligence. Such proposal must be in duplicate, accompanied by a ;arant> In duplicate, with a printed copy of this advertlsc nt attached to each proposa'. Blank lorins for proposals d guaranties will be furnished by this office on application, it any other Information poctlcable to give. Ihe object of this advertisement being to give every ponslblo and capable oarty an opportunity to Did for the irk, and to secure to the public trie greatest amount of irk with tbe funds appropriated, the right Is reserved to ect any and ail bids, If tnese object* are not thereby ob ned. fropoesis must be addressed to the undersigned, and enrsed ou the envelope, "Proposals for building Breakwater Block Island, K. 1." (). K. WAKU..N, Major of Engineers, Brevet Major Itoneral I . S. A. iPBOVKMENT CjP PROVIDENCE RIVKR, It. I. Knuinkkr OftliiF, UMTKnSrATtH Arm*,) NRvvi-ort, H. I., A',;unt 10, IK7D. j Sealed proposals will be reoclvcd at tbu oiflce uutll rrv y. the 1Kb day or c>ptember, 1870. at 12 o'clock M., lor xiglnu In the channel of Ihe Providence river at "the ook, to obtain a channel seventy-live (76) feet wide and urteen (14) feet deep at tncau low witer. Ihe prcaeut low water depth \ ancs I rum four and one-half It) feet to eii:ht (8) feet, and the mean rise and lall of the e ! bve (ft) test. The material to be excavate I U coarse d line sand, arid sn ne soft uiud. It ran he deposited st ;h or low water within a distance of four (4) nines. The jount to be excavated Is about lX.jl'0 cubic yards. l'rupo is will state the price per yard, measured lu tbe aosws; lo tho eat Ileal time at which the work will be hegnii alter ceplancc of proposal. VI ork once begun, must "o proseted with all prnctlcaiila diligence. Payru nts will he made tbe close of each month, ten (10) per oent belnj retained til the completion of the contract.' No contract will be enled Into for working alter the 30th of June, 1871. Each prosal must he In duplicate, accompanied by a guar antee In plicate, with a printed copy of this advertisement atched to each proposal. Blank forms for proposals auil arantees will be furnished i.y this oillce on application, d any other information practicable to give. rbe object of this advertisement being to give every reoosibie and capable parly an opporluoltv to hid for tho >rk. and to secure to the public the greatest amount or /rk with the lunls appropriated, the right 1s reseived lo rent airy and all bids If these object! are uot thereby ob inou. Propoaals miut l>e addressed to the undersigned and enr?< d on the envelope ''Proposals for Drwljuaa the Province river, K. I." i.. K. WARRKN, Major of Engineers. Rrevet Major General United State* Army. >ROPOHALK KOR KNCLOKUlth.8 AND LODiJKfl KOR National Cemeteries at Washington, U. d, Arlington and exaudrla, Va. WAR DrrABTMitNT, ) QCARTKBM AHTKH OKNEBAI.'H OVriOK, ' W abuinutun, I). 0.. An flint 8, l?7d * 1. fealed proposals lor eucloring the I'nited Hiute* Mlllry Asylum .Soldier*' home) Natl oral Cemetery. I>. C.; tbe ittle National Cemetery, nti Seventh street road, Wasblngn, 1). 0.< ami the Arllugtou and Alexandria (Va.) National imrtcrlus, will bo recelvud at Uiu olllce of tbe (^uaiterrnasr General, Washington, D. C., until Bepteinber 8,1870, at ion. CUe length of enclosures will be aa follow*;?United Rtatei Hilary Asylum Cemetery, 2.U.7 lineal feel; Hatlia Cemetery, id Uneal feel; ^.rlm^ton Cemetery, 1'i.SOU lineal f?et; Ale*idria, l,.iH lineal feet. fmwvaala are Invited for *tone or brick wall* 'plan* am ^educations for whlce can be teen at tUe oOloe of the ouar rmaatar General), for Iron railing* idetl^n* for which ari lvlted with the bm*>, or for hedge*. The bid* for planting hedges must specify tbe hedge plant itonded to be used, and must contain a guaranty to kee| aem In order lor twelve months after planting. Ihe ditcho i be prepared immediately, and the hedges to be planted li foveinber next. II. Proposal* are also Invited tor building a lodge of Bene lone at each of tbe national cerreterlei, at tbe United Htatei 'Hilary Asylum, District of lo.oinbla. and Alexandria, Va. ana aud ipcclnratlous for which ran oe seen at this oflice, III. Each bid miiKt be accompanied by good and huhi ent guaranty or ut least two respnnnlbio parties tliat the intract, If awarded, will be promptly and faithfully excited. IV. The rovemment reserve* to lUelf the right to reject all ds if unxatlslactorr. V. Proposals should be plainly endorsed, "Proposal* for ^closures for Natlonal Cemetei Irs,'1 aud be addressed to tbe narterrr aster <leneral, U. 8. A. VI. Tlx proposal* will be opened In tho presence of the dders, at tills oOlce, on the fctli oi September, id.'U, at noou. M. O.MKIU8, nartermuster General, Brevet Mojor General, Culled Btates Army. >ROPOSALB FOR STATIONKItY. 'IllF.ABDItT DffTAHTMENT, ) Ovrior. o?- I.ntkunai. Rkvknc*,' W AHUlNiiTON, Augurt 1, IU7H. ) Sealed proposals will be received at this < lllce uutil tho l?l iv of HeptemLer, 1870, at 1U o'clock M., for supplying the ssersors and Collectors of Internal Revenue throiicnoul at portion of the United Slates lying east of the Rooky onutalns, except Montana and New Mexico, with tlie atlouery required for use In their respective districts for at part of tbe present Qscal year commencing October 1. 70, and endlug dune JO, 1871. There are In that portion of the United Mates for which oposals are solicited two hundred and twenty-rl^ht coition districts, In each of which Is an Assessor and Collecr. These districts have been divided luto geographical diriment*. Contractors are at liberty to propose to furnish ?tlonerv to tbe olllcers of one or more of tbe departments. The following Is a list of the States and Territories, and strlcU In eaoh, constituting the several Departments:? run uepartment?Maine, Sew Hampshire, Vermont, Manchut^ K^?(l? Inland, Connecticut, New York.?Namber Second Department.?Pennsylvania, New Jersev, Delaire, Maryland, \irglnla, Went Virginia, North Carolina, istrlct or Columbia?Number of districts. 54. rhird Department?South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, orlda, Mississippi, I-oulnluna, Texai, Teunesseo, Arkan .?Number or rilstrlota, 3S. Fourth Department.?Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ichltan, V> luconrtn, Missouri, Jown, Minnesota, Kansas, sDrilbli Colorado, Dacotah and Wyoming.?Number or Jtrlcla, 83. No proposals will be considered unlet* accompanied by a nd, with sufficient sureties, In the auai of Ore tliouiand aoli ($ft,0l>0), approved by a United Ktates District Attorney, a form to be rurnlHbed bf the Department, conditional at the parties shall, In caso of the acceptance of their bid, any part ot it, duly execute a contract with good and tin lent bondt for the due performance of the same. 1'he Commissioner reserves the right to consider and accept reject oach bid, Item by Hero. rhn bida should be addressed to the Commissioner of InterI Revenue and endorsed "Proposals for Supplying Stationf to Internal Revenue Officers." schedules of articles to be furnished will be forwarded in thin ofllce upon application, with conditions under llch the articles ur? to bo delivered. ... J. W. DUUGLAWi Acting Commissioner, EAI.r.n PROPOSALS WILL BK RECEIVED BY TIIE Committee on Course of Htudy, Ac., at the office of the rrk of the Hoard of Education, corner of Orand and Elm cets, until Saturday. Aii|;ust 2d, and until 9 o'clock A.M. snld day, for furnishing new "Steam-beating Apparatus" r Grammar Sc hools Nos. K9, fi7, and IW; an "fur "Alteratm" at Grammar School No. 38 and Primary School ipeclflcatlonn may be seen at the ofllce of the Ruperl-imemo! Buildings and Repairs, No. 146 Orand stroet, third or. I wo responsible and approved sureties will be required from cb successful bidder; proposals will not bo considered uu? sureties are named. rhe committee reserves the right to reject any or all ot the uposals offered, If deemed for the public interest to do to. MAGNUS GROR9. JOHN H. SHKKWOOD, TIMOTHY BRENNAN, Committee on Courte of Study, Ac. Icuuht 6,1870. 'NITED STATES ENGINEER'S OFFICE, CITY HALL, 1 Motion, August 11, 1870. Sealed proposals in duplicate will he received at this ofllce til IS M. Monday, September li, 1870, for widening and opening the channel aciou the Upper Mlddla^ar In Boston rnor by dredging to a depth of 2a teet at mean low water. Hie quantity of material to be removed will be about 4o,nuO blc yard*, more or lets, which may be deposited either In utb or East Mutton, at such placet at may meet with the proval of the engineer In charge and of the Board of Harr Commissioners of the State ol Massachusetts. I'he oredclng Is to be conducted In accordance with the ins and general Instructions of the engineer in charge, rhe material to be Crodged consist! of from 8 to 8 feet coaita sand aud gravel at the surface, and below this of iycontractor* will be required to furnish all the machinery, ?ws, labor, Ac., necessary for tbo prosecution of the work. Payments will be made monthly, at the rate of 90 per cent the contract price.on the nnmber of cubic yards dredged <1 removed to the satisfaction of tho engineer In charge. I be government reserve! the right to reject any or aU bldt ilch may be deemed exorbitant or defective. Each Mddoi ist be prepared to giro bo'ids In the sum o" It per cent on ' amount of the contract for the faithful performance of ^ work. Proposals mutt be endorsed "Proposals for Dredging ChanI Across the Upper Middle Bar," and addressed to the unrsigacd, and state the price per cubic yard for dredging the nerlsl and depositing It in the locality'assigned. Hiauk forms for proposals and guai nniy can be obtained this oillce. where also any further inloruiatioa can be obied. J. O. FOOTEK, Lieutenant Colonel- Engineers. DRTOOdps. IA SUMMER TRADE. ( Y U Straw Goods, Faraaols an-1 Sun Umbrelln, CY V Klbbont, Lacee, Embroideries aud ?'Y V Fancy Goods, Uoslcry, While Goods, ? Y \ Housekeeping and Furnishing Uoods, 1'Y V Books aud Stationery, Sc. I V V R. II. MACY, CY \ Fourteenth street and Sixth avenue. CY roricio TO LADIES.?HANDSOME KOI Nl) 11ATtv I elegant shapes, selling off, to make room for new f ail ods coining. ue. f. VU LACY. 8821a Broadvav, BMf JiltltMlU ERAL P j. KVROPBAN STHAlIHinM. ^ UTKAM TO QOKENRTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. TJ O Canard Line. 1 PALMYRA sails Thursday, August 18. wj B AM ARIA sails Thursday, Ail-mat 85. _ Cabin passage, t*U, gold; altera je, ?ao,cnn*n<7. *;{ Ht?rra*? tickets from Kurone Issued at lowest rata*. vJ Fur cabin passage applr at No. 4 Howling Qrren. ' For steerage passage iimiljr at 111 Broadway. Trinity. Build Inf. CHARLES <) KRANCKLYN, Agent. London and new yoke atkamhhip link \ Ralsi of passaiw reduced. ' Kteamers salt direct to London ?. from Pl#r No. 8 Northrlrer PARAOl'A^ .Williams, AnpjstilT Hates of passage, payable In currency. First cabin, $70; seronn nabln, 9M; stcraire "i-Tl. i i??vj*ru lur Havre, rans, auiwitj1 *"' ftui* lerdam at reduced currency rate*. For freight anil passage apply t?? ~ how LA ML) * ASPINWALL, *r?nU, TJ 64 goutb >irri. J} STEAM TO QCEEN6TOWN AND LIVERPOOL, CARKYIng the United Htilea mafia. Hanlng every Weduesdav. wi IDAHO. Price August 17, at 10 A. M. 3 1 NEVADA. Uri-en Augusi 84, at 4 P. U. an Fn.iu pier 46 North rtv?r. I Cabin pannage. guld: steerage, MO, currency. ap Parages booked lo and from Parts. Hamburg, Norwnv and Kwedt-n, Ac. Draft* uu Ireland, England, France aud tie. 1 uiaiiy at lowest rates. Apply to Ati WIUJAMH ft OUION, ? Broadway. National link. IT steam to livhrtool and QUEEN stown, p from pier 47 North river. ('a THK QUEEN. Thomson Salurdav, August iW, 10 A. M. till IIELVKTIA, Orlga d-UiirJajr, Au<u?t':7, t P. M. An HOLLAND, Thomas September S. Id A. M t ERIN, Bragg September 10. 3 P. M 1 l'aaaace to Liverpool or i^uuiuuwii -Cabin. 47? aud *85; ne< stcui age, currency. I all Prepaid steerage tickets from Liverpool, Queenstowii. 1 i Loudoudei ry ana llaatow, $32 currsuey. 1 STEAM TO ANDVROM 11AVRB AND LONDON, A" eveiy fortnight, calling at Plymouth to land pasnenger*. ? VIRGINIA \\ ednesday, Au; uat 11. 10 a. M T7 DENMARK Wednesday, AniuitM,] P. M. f PI :Nh SYLVAN IA Wednesday, Sept. 7, t P. M. I Cabin passage, iftM) anil *W, currency. Be Rteerags pajinaar, $:M, currency. I Passengers booked to I'arU at reduced rate*. Tl For further particular* apply at the company's oflloe, tti idi Broadway. Pi K. W. J. lltTKHT. Hanger. ro (JTEA* TO QUEKN8TOWN AND LIVERPOOL at O Every Wednesday. Thursday and Haturday. IDAHO Wt'lueiday, August 17 THK UUKEN Saturday, AujiutW Dralts payable la any part of England, Ireland, Scot..mi, ntcurreut rates of exchange. Apply at THOMPSON'S passa^o oHice, 78 Broadway, cuiner or Rector street. ~TjlOR LIVERPOOL AND QUKENSTOWN.-INMAN / r Line of Royal Mall Hteame rs are appointed to sail as ef follows: - til City of Brussels. Saturday, Aujpist 90, II noon. <1* <ily of Baltimore (via Halifax).Tuesday, August Si, I P. M. Fi [ City of Washington Hiitiinlav, August S7, 2 P. M. tin City of Pari" Saturday, Sept. 8. 18 noon. en | and each men** Hug Saturday and alternate Tuesday from Hi I pier 4.) North river. C RATES OF PASSA'JE. cb Payable In gold. Payable in currency. Ai ; First t'abln. single berth. .$75 | Steerage flO lb To Londou Kill To London '! '> To Parts *0 To Paris :? 4 To Halifax. N, 8 211 I To Halifax, N. H 1 i I PaaHen^ers sliio forwarded lo llarre, Hamburg, Bremen, Ci Ac., at reduced rates. d. Tickets can be twilight here at moderate rates by persons ai wlslilii;- to send for their friends. b: For 1 urtlier Information applv at the Company's OITlce, w John O. DAlH, A^ent, N 15 I'.roixdway, New Vork. at LIOR HAVRE. 1 l1 The first e|.\fs sl>ie-wh?el Amer1c<n steamship OI'ID- J IN<? STAR, tonn, will be deKputched for Havre, from w uler 46 North river, positively, on i in n.lay, Auxin-t?!, at kl 3 P. M. PI For freight or passage upplv to 1ft U M. H. WKBB, 54 Exctianp" place. M ^)NLY DIRECT LINE TO FRANCE. I? The (Jeneral Traniatlantlc Company's mall steamships be- j at tweca New York and Havre, calling at Brest. The splendid vessels on this favorite rout* for the Contl- ~ Mat will null frum nler Ml Aliirlh rtinr u ffill?,war? I I SI'. LAURENT, Lemarie Saturday. Aurust i'l j PKKK1RK. Duvbesnn Katurdt;, 1 IiA /AYETTK. Kiiii<(i.%u Saturday, 3epu 17 j ov V1LLB UK PARIS, Surmont Saturday, October 1 Kate* of paaaa^e, payable In gold, tnc'uding wine: ? L Tu Brest or Havre-First cabin, $140: second cabin, $75. X To Paris, including railway ticket? $148 and <78. rl These steamers do not carry steerage pasiengcra. ". American traveller* suing to or returning from the Contt- w nevt of Europe, by taking toe steamers or this line, void VI both transit by English railway* and tho discomforts of _ crossing the (nannel, besides saving time. trouble and ex- T penae. OKU HUE MAOK.fc.NZIK, Agent, 1 No. 68 Broadway. V C1UNAKD LINK. J Ybe British and North American Royal Mall Bteatnahipa _ between New York and Liverpool, carina at Cork Harbor. I China, Wednesday, August IT . Batavia- Thnivlay, Krpt. 1 1 I l'slmyra, Thursday,Au; un ?8 .lava. Wednesday, Sept. 7 Aly*sln1o,Wsdne?day,Aiig 24 Calabria, Thursday, fcert N . B Pauiarta, Thursday, August 26 Russia. Wednesday, Kept. 14 ! Bcutia, Wednesday, Au^untSI Nemesis, Thursday, bent. 15 RATER OF PASSAGE. , D By the steamer* not carrying st*<iagn:? i i First cabin, 8130. rold. Herond cabin f HO, cold i First cabin, to Purls 146, cold Return tickets 1.50, gold , i By the steamers carry Ins steerage:? i first rabfn, $>u, gold. steerage 9M. currency .. , Return tickets IM, goM steerage tickets from Liverpool and t^ueenstown and all ~ parts of Europe at lowest rates. A i Through bills of lading given for Belfast, Glasgow, Havre. I X Antwerp and other pol ls on the Continent, and for Meditcr- I w raneaa ports. I *' For freight and cabin passage apply at the company's No. l Howling ilreen. For steerage passage at 111 Bro.idwav, Trinity Bulldlnj. CIIAS. U. FKANCkLyN, Aj;enL Pl fPHB ANCHOR LINE STEAMERB ^ X tall every Wednesday and Saturday * toand from irlasgow ami I'erry. ,'1f I'aasengers booked and forwarded at reduced rates to and J.D fr?m all railway rtatlons In Oreat Britain, Ireland, Nomav, , Sweden, Dennrark and America, as safclv, speedily, comfortablv nnd cheaply as byany other route or line. j, "EXV*KBK" eTRAJHr.KS. I "KXT**" BTKAME!t<. '' EDROl'A Aug. 201 CALEDONIA An-. 24 l? INDIA... .... Aun. tl ' IOWA Au?% 81 ?' t'A M III'. IA Rept 8 ! DAOIAN Sent. 7 ANliLlA Sept. 10 | DORIAN Sept. 14 " I AUSTRALIA.... Kept. 17 BIDONIAN.... Sept. SI *' COLUMBIA Sept. 24 I BRITANNIA Sept. W A ?and every Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. . From pier 20 North river. New York, at noon. Rates of passage, payable In currency, to Liverpool, Glasgow or Derry First ral/lns, $65 and 47a, according to location. 1 Cabio excursion tickets good for twelve months), securing J best an'oruraodallons, $180. gl Intermediate, $83; steerage, ?2H. cl Certificates, at reduced rates, can be bought here by those wishing to send for their friends. / Drafts issued, payable on presentation. V Apply at the Comuany's offices to st HENDKUSON BROTHERS, No. 7 Bowling Oreeu. Ti : 8: rrAPKcorrs emigration and foreign exX change office.- Passage from Liverpool and ljueenstown J weekly by ilrst class steamships. Also from Liverpool and London by weekly salting packets. Drafts of ?1 and up- ? wards, available In any part of Great Britain and Ireland at L tLis lowest rales, at TAPtJCOTT BROTHERS 4 00.7" .JM6 South street. New York. " j _ so UNITED STATES PASSPORT BUREAU.-OFFICIAL A' Passports ol tlio Department of Bute Issued by A. C. WILLMAitTH, Uulted Mutes Court buildings, 41 Cbiuubers ? sues!. J UNITED STATES PASSPORT BUREAU.- PASSPORTS *' procured In 24 houm by A. II. NONES, Notary and M Commissioner for all the Sutra, 484 Bruailway, room No. 4. _ OOACTWlgj 8TBAHMHtt? b< TJACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COM IM.NV'8 H 1 THROUGH LINE TO n CALIFORNIA AND CHINA. I Freight and paMitge greatly reduced. fi Through rates, New Voik to San l'rancf*co: ? F!r?l clu*?, Steerage. $12S to <>170. *?W. according to locution of l.erth. fT These rates include berth", hoard and all necessurlen for -* tbe trip. cb Strainers of the above line leave pier No. 42 North river, foot of Citnal street, at 12 o'clock noon, ON 6TH AND 21*T OK EACH MONTH. fT ficept when those days fall on Ruuday, then the d?y prevl A oiis. hi One hundred pound* ?f baggage free to each adult. Medl- en cine and attendance free. Al August 20- ARIZONA, Captain Gray, conn?ctin(j with W MOVTANA, Captain Pai-kur. R Steamer JAPAN will leave San Francisco September 1, kl 187ik, tor China and Japan. All freight for San tranclsco will go as fast, and be received until 4 P. M. Friday, August If. Freight for Central Amerlcun aud South Pacific ports will be received until 4 P. M. Thursday, Aui<ust 18, only. . All tbe usual facilities attuidad shippers lu collecting inland t charges, 4c. .... t. For freight or psssage tickets, and all further Information, " apply at the ofllce, pter No. 42 North rtver. F. It. BABY. Agent. * TTwTTpn oTirpy iwn no I TIT um -- ? U Company. The elegant tldewheel itcamnhlp SOt.'TH ? AM K Kit'A, J,000 torn burden, Cuptaln K. L. Tlnkiepnugh, ot wl:l ?all 'or St. Thoruaa, Para, Peinainhneo, Kabla ami Kio T< Janeiro, on Titeaday. Angiitt ii!t, at 8 o'clock J*. M., from a pier 43 North river. For freight or piaaage apply to _ WM. R. (iARKIHON, Agent, , No. S Howling (Jreen, Ne,w York. \ ____________?______ )n BERMUDA MAIL. t* The atoamablj) SAN FRANCISCO wlllle deipatcbvd 10 Fl Hamilton, Bermuda, on 'tburaday, Aucuit 2*, at 4 o'clock 1'. tn M. Now load lag at pl?r 14 i aat river. IS For freight or paaaaga apply to WILLIAM II. WEBB, M Exchange place. -? IilOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. J < MERCHANTS' BTKAM9IIIP LINE. * From pier No. 12 North river, at 3 o'clock P. M. .. fiUKKMAN, ' " on Wednoaday, Angimt 17. GENERAL MEADE. an Saturday, Auguit 20. \ Freight received dally. Through rate* Riven for St. I.oula, Vl< kiburg. Mobile, Galveston ami Indlanola. P For (might or pawnee, b.ivlng ayerior acorrmndauom, npplyto FREDERIC BAKER, 40 Kroudway. ^ IPOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT. r Tbe Cromwell Ktcamablp Line, J leaving Mer No. 9 North river, at ii o'clock I*. M., ai follow*:? ST. LOl'IH, Whitehead AnguntlO 1 MAKll'OtfA, Kenible \o?o?ti7 t, Freightreceived ilallv. Througa nuea^uen lor (lahiaton, , Indlanola. Mobile and SI. Lon.a. Cabin i-Mnage, if>!W; Klc. -\|-e, .fl*. For paHfnve or frel^ t at ply to H. B. CitOMW KLL k UO., WWim Kit C 1 TEXAS LINE II JL of iialveslon Pteamorn. touching at Key W est. The Al atcamor l Al tIA .INK W KITING. Captain llowea, at pier .!0 Kaat river, wlil Mil Monday, Augnat li, ut .* I'. 4!. i Saturday, Annum 2?. or eooour If I nn. All gooda for Houalon or the Interior will I e f i ' ' ' J 'I , otn am Mi . .-a. l'. H. McMh o obarg*. I '1 he atearner KAl'IDAN wi.I .ollow J MHMml?. I" ,D. LUCE FOUR CENTS. CO*HT\Tl?? *TKA ttHUIPH. .. IA.VA.NA, BIdAL AND VERA C'ROS. I N?w York and Mexican Steanwhin Ll'ta, illog ?*erj twenty <lajr?, from pier 17 Baat river. llie new t?amnr< TV OP MKH1UA. Deaken, S*tur<1*r Am. *>, at I P. K TV or MKX1CO. Tlmm-rtnan, b^u'kUr.Beut. 10, 8 P.M. 'or fmUUt or nmaaue atnily to V. aLkXaSUKK ft SOMd, 88 Broadway. rNITliD STATES MAIL TO HAVANA. Atlantic Mall Htaamvhtp Company. ailing regul^rlr ever* Thursday *| 3 olluok P. U. paatij from pier No, 4 North rlrer. ? MI^HOl RI, Captain .1. B. I'dwards, Aogtiat 18. MoKRO OAFTliK, Capialu R. Adama, Auiiuit M, C'Ol I'll..I A. V ni titiii fc,, Van bice, Hrpteinixir 1. For freight or paaaA-n apply to H. u. Vf UKELKK, J*., ITnai.laob No. it Buw.i:m Ureaa. uid vitv nvi.vimi ihhitt Old Line. l.ow freight, rbe wcQ known first claw aMrwiiesi iveamsblp HIKNVfM,K, .) It. Baker. Commander, II leave piilr Ho. "ri North river, on ' ?lur lay, August 10, at '. M. Freight taken >1 through rates lor aL. Lotus, lloUla d Galveston. For ftel^bi or passage, having ?up?rlor acr.ommodstlona, ply to UWNilBTON, VOX * CO., m Liberty ilrtft rh< Bt'amehtp VICTOR will folio*, Mid uil oaluiday, ituitl UV, from liter iu 1':aiilri sr. C. H. MAlXoRY M <X>., ICS Maiden laa* <OR CBARl-KSTO", ft O, TIIK FLORIDA PORTS, tlie South and nutithwest.?Ttie New York and Hoolfc rolina M? airship ( i.wpaay'i that ctses ddewbeW ataemip SOl'Tti CAROLINA, Captain S. Adklns, un Wednesday, gnat 17, nailing from plnr No. A North rtvar. taper lor accommodations for paas-n,era. rhrougb pa?v^e tickets and bills of laarag iKtwl In oom3tl?n with lbs .sontn Carolina Railroad to aQ points Iwrt d Houibwoat, and witb learners to Florida porta. Inauranne by this linn ona-hUf pr.r rent. ftie ateamer CHAMPION will follow, and ?all Katnrday, iguat ill. 11 KM RY a. MORGAN t CO.. Agents, 80 Broadway. H)R NORFOLK, CITY POINT AND RICH VON Dk Old Dominion Hteaniahlp Company. Steamships of thl* I In a leave pier <7 Soiurtm,fmt if For Norfolk, City Point and Richmond ertrf Tueadar. inraday and Saturday, at If. M., connecting wHIi tho Vit~ nla and Tenneaaee Airtlaa. the Seaboard Inland Air Una, itersburg and Weidon railroada Chesapeake and Ohio rati. ada and Richmond and Danville railroads. Through pasnger tlckata and ttiron ;h litlla of lading at reduoad ratasl* I points Booth aud Southweat. Apply at odlce on pier VL.'moCRRADY, 1H7 Greenwich atiset. oornar of Dwf. TOAVKL.I.KIW <;iriUB. , lbant and troy libhIopknino or IEW I Di'pot, the largest In Amerloa.?The aplendki Kuatn I tbta line will hereafter leave t'lar 44, North Hirer, fool of ring, Prince, or Chariton atreeta, errry afternoon. Baturjr* excepted, at 8 o'clock; Went Tblrtr-fonrth atrret 64. ire only SI :>0; nearly Ml leaa than rail, and Hke reducina to Buffalo and Uie West, Saratoga and the North. Kirn.on tlcketa to Haratogfe and rwturn $5. Passengers by roa.iway, Blith. Ketcnlh or ilghili a ran lie borie cam wilt t out at Charlton street. Through tloketa aud baggage eekt'l to all points on the mornlnj trains, which Mara I.any and Troy. N. B. On and after the tat of September, e fare on thUllne will be rtsluced to BO oenta. i -HOCK A WAY BEACH. TKU ONLY RIGULAB I. boat, tbe fa*t and aafe /earner POPR CATL1N, iptaln H. O. Karriu, niakea regular dally trips irlnz the entire season leaving East Eighth atreet 7:1?; lVc* alio, :45; Fulton ferry, Brooklyn, 16; Wu?Tcn atreet. New York, 9. Returning, leaves Kockv *y at 3 :'t0 I*. .?., firrtrtng at Kulton ferry, Brooklyn, at 5Hb; i'W York at tt. (Ninne>-ttns with aall boats for Kar Rockray. Kare &0 eents each way, or 7u cents the rouud trip. vUTCIfESS AND COLPMHIA RArt.ROAD.-ON AND * after Wmlnea lay. July t/, 1970, tbe trains on ibis road ill leave Flnhktll 'Uin for Matteawan. Oleniiaui, KlabII, Silver Laku. La*rant?, \ eroana, Mllbronk, ilaneall and Inn Plalna at 10:011 A. M. and 6:1ft P. M., on arrlral of tralna avlng New York ria !l;idaon Hirer RuiLr lad at 7 and II A . and 4 P. M. Returning, ares Pins Pialns at IS:S3 A. M. and 4in P. M., connecting itli traina on llii'laon Kirei- Kali road, arriving In New Yorli II A. M. and S* :60 1'. M. bK.NJAKIN STRONG, Superintendent. fOR BRIDOF.POKT AND AXJ. POINTS ON HO88Atonlc and Naogntuck Railroad; fare^l ; stea nen laara ithurlne ailp at U noon and U every night (Sundays szpie J J. jlOR CATRKILL, IJAJLY. KTEAMUOATH THOMAS 1 POWELL a?id NHW CHAMPION leava pier 3ft Aortt vrr, foot or Franklin ureal, u Hf. M., and Saturday, at 1 . M., making Uieir u?ual landing, connecting at t'atakll ltb stagea for the Cataklll Mouutain House mid all points eat. (AOa CATKKlLL AND HUDSON, LANDING AX NEW 1 Ham jure, RMneheck. 4c. The new, fast steamboat EVKHiilNK, Captain W. IEMellen, leaves Tool. Wartoa reel every Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday ait o'clock P. . Fare tjl. TABLBM, ASTORIA AND PECK SLIP. JL Summer arrargemouL Steamers &TLW* STltLAM and SYLVAN CUES, on and after Uouday, July II, ?>? Harlem for Astoria and feek lUp at 6, 7, 8.9, and 10& l. M., and 1 :?!, 3:1% 4:15, B W p. M. Leave l'eck slip for Astoria and Harlem at 7, 9,9 15 and 1 :S0 A. M., I 3:1&, 4:15, hM and 4 :*J P. M. Lauding al :ieremh an4 IJvth streets each way. Pare, l(>o., or 111 ticket* far 91. On Sunday fare 14c. t int boat 'are* Harlem 9 A.M.: Ia?t boat Inavn Peck 110 7 P. M., nut landing at Astoria or With stre"'. Steamer SUTAN tJROVK can le niiarternd for exenron?. Apply at lh? oillce, foot of ISOtb street, liar no. JEW YOKE AM) IIARUEM RAILRO VI). Al On and after Mond.iy, May 28 187U, two cxpreae trVna 111 leave depot, corner of Twenty-eixth strcetSiud Kj irtl? renue, as follow* 1U :m A. M? Rutland Express. S :46 I*. M., Montreal but. re as. Sleenlng coacinsou ntghttralna between Hew York . Albaun, Vt. 1. v. BUOK.HOUT, Hupei in.rodent HARON 8PRIK06. AM- RAIL FROM ALBA Y.-PA& ) senders leaving .Vi-w York by DAY BOAT, People'* line, Troy line of steimiboats can procure thrm^li tlcfc -ta, bars elr naKtcai;' oheclc?d direct to Sharon, rla Albany and itqunhanOA Railroad, and vroM ths tedloua carriage ride by her route*. Hv the night boats passenger i reach Sharon 10:38 A. M.; t>v ttin da/ boats at 9:1* P. M. l'aaann?r?ra by e Hudson lUvar Railroad wiU be tranaferred at Albany to e Albany and Su? |tiehanna depot free on applying to the oper agent stationed on fie outside of the depot. Sunday train In connection with People's Line steamer* om New \ ork Saturday nlerlit, leave Albany at 7 30 A. M., riving at the Sprlny* at 10:15 A M. Returning arrive al Ibany at 8 P. M. Sunday. 6. E. MAYO, (ieneral Ticket A ;ent. EXC PIWlOTg. ~~ i -NEW, FIRST CLASS STEAMER PLEASANT \. VALLEY for Fort Lee, Pleasant Valley and Shady de, from Spring street, at 10, 2. 5:15 and 7 P M., Sunday lauded, landing at Thirty-fourth street both ways. <ONEY ISLAND?EXCOK8ION8 TO THE SEASHORE.? J North and Lest KaerLlms. North River Llnc-Tbs earner NORWALK runs regular v ever* day, Irivlng We t nth street at 9 :l0. 12 ill, ii r iT; W arren street at ?:40| 13:4o, 40; pier No. 4 at 10, 1, and 4 o'clock. East Klver Line- The i-ainer MET A rims regularly every dar leaving Eighth rret at 8:20,11 30, 'J:30; Peck Hip at 8:4i), ll :40, I'M; Fulton rry, Brooklyn, at fl, IJ and 3 o'clock. 1XCUR8ION18TS, NOTICE.-'THK STKAMKR WKW j CHAMPION, with acc-ommodatlons for 8UU oassongora, .s forty state room*, will t>? bartered to Kunuay schools, eletlei, clubs. Ac., for Excuralona, on reasonable term a. pply to CORNELL, MORTON A CO., CaUk.HL, N. Y.orto KOBHKT CH1HHOLM. 4* West street. corner North Moore, New York. XEWB'JRO, POUUHKEKPSIE AND RONDOUT, LANDN lug at Cozicn*', Wr*t Point, Cornwall, New Hamburg id Milton. The stcarnbuat MARY POWELL, on and aftur ay 14, will leave Vestry (treat pier at 8:30 P. M. dally. JondoUT, PODOHK EE PSIE ,.ND NEWBURO. V landing at Cozrem', Cornwall, Milton and Kaom*. Stoum>?U THOMAS CO P.N II.I. aud J AM KB W. HALUWIM avo nler foot ol Ha rrlson street, daily at 4 P. M. MIR BTKAMKR THOMAS K. HUI>E. CAPTAIN OEO. W. Annuit, leans Ki'rt L'? at 7, U, 3*4 nnl t>; leavea irlstopt'<>r street at 10, -J and ft, landing at Thirty-fourth reel each way, Sundays Included. Mucin on board. Ill K LAKCE. COMFORTABLE BALOON STEAMER NEW CHAMPION; also other Steamers anil har^uato tarter for excursions, with ait thu most popular tlroves. BLOOMI'.R ft CO.. H4S Front street. UIE LA ROE FIRST CLASS STEAMP.OAT SLEEPY HOLLOW, uueqti.alad lor (peed, comfort an<l safety, ivlng accommodations for 2,tv>0 people, la now open tor exirslons; also Dudley's, Mvers' and Rarttan Beaeh Croves, deniey Park anl Spring Hill Orove. on the Hudson. Marcos ALTER SAN p. WILLIAM MYERS. WILMAM J. HASP/IT. MERCHANT and DURANT, with steamboat*of all nda U desired. J. ft E. MYERS, corner of Morton and West streets, np stair*. HOl'SIiS HOOMH, Oc( WANTKIJ. I WELL FURNISHED THREE STORY AMD BAHR. V ment House, containing alx)nt (en room."; location bereen Tenth and Thlrtv-fllth streets, Lexington and Seventh >enues. Address, with irrnis and location, for Ihw dus, , CARPENTER, IL rald ornce. JP ANTED?BETWEEN TWENTY-FIFTH AND THIRTY'? filth streets, west of Eighth avenue, a Second Floor about four Rooms, unfurnished, In a private house, by a Ming man and wile, without children. Terms not oysr month. Address BOUKRT, 661 Weat ThlrtMh street. V ANTED?TO HIRJJ OR PURCHASE, A H If ALL furnished or unfinished brick or brown none DwellK, with *11 modern Improvements, In a genteel location, hereon Lexington and Seventh avrnuet and Twentieth and irtleth streets, Hew York city. Two adnlla. Addresa, with ill part laul are and lowiwt rash price, SI'AFARD M CLAFf. *i Kerasen street, Brooktru. TTAMTKD BY THF. YRAR-A HOUBK WITH MODKRN r T Improvements, between Fourteenth and Fortieth streets Bd Fourth and Seventh avenues; rent from $1,200 to *1,4(10: r the Second and Third Floors, kitchen and coal cellar and rvanta' oedroom In a private family for a yuutleman and rlfe. Address box ltkl6*Post olllee. [XT ANTED, IN SOUK COUNTRY VILLAGE, A 8TOKI4 11 as a Ki'ierrv. i'artles having any to rent or lease leaae address AMJKKW, 31 Rutgers street, New York. IVANTKD?AN UNFURNISHED ROOM, FOR A OENIT tleman, from Truth to Thirtieth strong on west side; ent low. To In'iire attention address, with nil! particulars, . W., 163 (Vest Twenty-sixth street 1%/ ANTED?A LA ROE FURNISHED OR i NKURNISHVV ed llouse. m a:i uurvoepil'?n.*t>le location, lor a genteel oardlng ?io i?*i central location ; rent moderate. Audrtts, jr particular!, < . 0., Herald oihoe. [ITANTED- A NEAT HOUSE. IN CENTRAL LOTA?? Hon ; rent not to eieeed if'2,1100 unfnrnlshnd, or itR.tiUO rnlsheiL lur a ?ui?ll ptlvale laml'y. Address box ?wJ fefttld olllee. tM;.N I'lSTR* ;i|f:TI! KXTR.VCTUD WITHOUT PAIN?THIRTEEN -fiuiii ingftjipllcailon; i;.v* administered. lleautill toelb, i*l, ?cl, ?>10. l'lumpera for tLin.lace*. (>o!d nuii - J.JAY VILLKRS, UA Oraad sir eel, near bru*uw^?