OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, May 10, 1871, Image 6

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Ww?4ell Phillips Idicretia Hott, Rot.
llonrjr Highland Garnet and Cora
HaUh Tappau on t ae Stand.
Vmm Hanging to be Den" at the Earliest Con
venience of the Radicals? Ku Klux to be
Exterminated? Bon Butler Glorified.
Qnitealnrge number of people who believe In I
tamaer sympathize with tho bellevor* in isms an- 1
?eaildod yesterday at Mem way null, at half-past ten !
A. M.. to listen 10 various reports, resolutions and i
?pwhes incident to the anniversary of the Reform
l*ainie. While the audience were assembling somo ?
?l nie mo-t strlk.ng personages In tho history of re
Item within ttte last thirty yeats grouped tliem
?Mves upon the platform. The olden of tnese radi
?aJ workers and one or the truest and best was
a woman who since the in. eption of the a-itl
slavery reiorm litis never hesitated to Hay the
bravest words for the weakest cause, bur with such
geut.eness ami sweetness that even the evil spirits
abe retm ked acknowledged not only her power hue
her purity. Xext was Wendell Phili ps, (he man
who is always looking over people's heads and see
clouds and wrath and judgments, and tilling the air
with warnings. Then there were Aaron Powell, the
?*V ?f lUe ljea?ue: llt,nrv li. Hlackwell, Ai.bv
Kelly Foster, Mrs. Andrew Jackson i>avis, Rev.
Ueniy Highland Garnet, a innn aud a brother, with a
H\Z[m ft hPad a,U1?St aS "ob,? 1,1 con,ou'- ?" Mr.
Phillips own, Grace Greenwood, her plauaut
bruneiU' beauty not obscured by years or literary
abor, Julia Ward Howe, celebrated for battle
iMh!!""1 P?*?? speeches ; Rev. Sella Martin, of
AMbarna Hon. Robert lie Lorge. Member of Con
trrc.-**, of south Carollnu, and other lesser l'ghts
Mr. A a kon m. I'owei.l caile i ti.o meetiug"to o'rder
and nominated Rev. John F. Sargent, of boston, as
presiding officer, wno, upon taking the chair, made
a lew remarks, saying that St. I?omin?o and tlic
.South would receive full consideration liom tho
speakers of the day.
The Secretary (Aaron M. Powell) read a Jon*
annual report, in which Southern affairs were re
ferred to; temperance, la'jor, woman's rights the
and universal peace. The report affirmed that the
party miscalled "democratic," which was the for
Juer allyot the slaveholders, is now the ally of the
masked assassins, it went on to sav that the ex.
~f T.Ut,?r. r,'i"",,K'i"1 P v.-rnment in this counnv
^I'J '?<- Incomplete, so long as women are ? i ? . ? <
political rights ,11 a. count <f sex. in discus" ,^
the subject < l temperance, u.e u?e or wn e at e
cotnn union was dec, aud t , be wrong. Therenort
tempt to " "HJU^ dl^/a'ciu?^
Inthe eyes of his country u.e ildelnv to dutv in on.
acne me. * U"J'JM'"U U* ^culathe fet.Domn^
?-ra " r re hei s* "'ho to' ugliuia 1' , in'a^ v ' m i "''i"1 ana ' d?"
o?t^ivat ,,Drel<,linnl?r martii I law should be dtfait
out to ex-generals, ex-governors, Ac.
fto. 2 advocated
W0"M ,mve 'lemocratlc rebels vorth and
South take possession of the government u'i<i ie
pudiate the lourteenth and liittenih amenamenls"
refuse to pay the Interest on the national debt an I
the pensions of our soldiers r.mil Csoim",
'. ik* rec,,t'"i7.ed. 4c. The other resolutions toot
up the questions or the discontent, of the lsboivrs
the accretion of capital; the injustice of uomire?*
IS the'"* ,Ue pubUc luna,s t0 cuPitallsU; ihe success
Uie necessity of education and piohlbltory liquor
?-c >r. liomliigo
scui me i.jr cLjriea funnier, in speakluu io tin- r,<
^o uncus Mr. i'lillllps said that I.eSccai fed the pre!
rwbelUon n,TL cr"' ui !,s anr "lue duiing (lie
u,l ! : "" ,,u ?" cemral idea Is as /rope
million tt'" ever- 1 bc,lcve ir WL ope/j a I
we should flii'i there ihe disilnct purpose to strlkn
iff; in i>t,i tb "re were two <1u-scj of
% represented by JcrTei-son l>av:s and' the
otlieruy Andrew John on. i he policy of one w is
wnrP,01V,ukC u thai would lead to op'u
war but yon remcml>er ttiat some urged the
wii-cr course of retaining their scats in Comrress
and im.tcrmuiirn: ihe nleiitutlous lusiead of a" ault
lutftlum. Fottunatch r?/r t;s, epeu war was nro
*vk 'd. Iq the r.eld thai form of scceJiou was
emphatualii aud sv.cc??iou was
e cnn (Ucl(,e " "JC heresy- of secession 1
under . lute rl^rrs is forever iraniided out imr thp
siiaIifMl,'!i.'>tlli' ?r tuV s,nltl1 "ever meant that battle
tu>v ir^ J1' 'la'' lNVO strings, to their
I . L rovitJeiice iiaa p i nutted Abraham 1 In
r,' ?r 11 wt' "uU "a" a to succeed him
wt should have cut both strings, li we could h lvi? !
continued four oi eigiii years more with an i
?T. ,.S OiU..'' Lvc Placed ttie niuiter beyond question I
ihe soldier that liuhts you in vour own uuiform is
^Ker?a- than the o?en "oe aero"
r ^ortheru sc-tim -n. can tolerate a <leiuo
crat | of New \ork who is an ally of Ku Klux but ihe
cratlc ally'or111111 ?f 1Sa Wouitl Dot tolerate'a demo
When I was in Washinnton, two months ago, f lm-J
?ri.r2 w? ? y l, 1110 l,r^aai*aMon of the Ku
Klux Klaus is so perfect that in any case ol crime
anywhere the association could
makes up ins mind to stretch a lung arm of nowpr
U,Nnuw tK'a^11 will " ever havc a
republican successor. I onl v repeat the opiniun of
?"d the rebelllou questiou run into each otJier tih>
^ 'o Mr. Sumner caTe baJJt Jl^ a ^
l>uke from the masses that absolutely
ASTOl NHEI? WAS UI .not* ts
IMvsV^ ,l"' HU>IU1 ",u' "rr"lld ^weop
1,1 ,fl' l'e*rl* Hi p-opie. tw'J i9|m
"? ,??%. uifS
he nation stands to-<lay just wiier> Genera' im'iier
in S'f ??rn: *
?hl"'7i'.u "fue"'i fltt> ?"'cr Kiii'iner J rula
" n I'Z W"""'- rS" " " ""
i r' R,u hi i.?Ur\'V(' execution six
ifca ti*. I L ? S , ', au' s*"t" I' arneU
wnai lliey had a juiasicr. I want U"aa' !o tin down
arrl l iT*"'11 10 'omo e*-?"*erai, mh ?> counts :ii?
to hi. Uiju"yf(u.'{ '? by millions, * rack him (
iihf f'.li ,r. 1 hun at mtduiRht, rrv nim at sun
rise ana bang him before .unset. Tliu you would I
ii'MH, r.? ^ . *M Ka HEAR Kl KLUX
of u ar auu whllt \Uv 1 U 11 V a Wat?
le?s wc ha vi o n* , 1,1 ,-'i '? wai power, aud un- ,
liou-e and ?,,i i .. eni<" rat ?v" p,i" r Il,e M f,llc '
Now i ,i,.ii'f k m. i Jr",,r WSf "'"t't ovar ag ou.
low ^thc^ 0un.fi ?**heil?er<j??..|al Giant wUTfol- .
hiin uhd t'u 'i ? 'lest man tuat su?d? near I
?re convln. ed Hint Oiauiia wriiOy c? tamest ft?e
Xu Klux will tie crushed. \ou don't fee l a wur.
You need no mure man tfve iiun; but these nmat
not ue im?erable rutibisa at lit*- loot; we muai
grapple witfi the h'-.tMl. (H?c a inaji lu the audience
called out, "The rtrpi't-ouggein.") I tvui runch
obliged to you for your aaggeillou, ("til the speaker,
?nd then went on to ijf-criht the Kind of 'aipet
i-aggeia, who, trying honestly to )i>?s at
iti? >#u 1 1), coii!<! nut-, and then led, and
the other kind, who were sharp ai.d iiMcnipulou*,
mid who remained. If the woim claAi go to the
aii 1 tuc heat keep away it li ine mult of tin?
fcouih. J he houtli On* niftdt it* choicc. Let it Uc
on Hie hod that It taa made. Tli"re In a great lia
m< <iUk ijui'Hiioti uh 10 w lie tlier we are to have a
demon iMic Pre-Mout whether iu J ujitry goe? ou or
1- chucked ; fcut in the end tne
KJ'.Ui W1 1.1. IKIt Hi ll,
?n?1 >oi.oir Northern men * Dl yet ' arry the flag to
fjic<>ujf. I have no jcar of the ultimate result to
fforih or South; l>nt the peril U all the Name. The
TrUinm- may write article* ny th? yard to convince
the people mat iliure in no grouud lor complaint:
}nii cuu't argue the toothache a way. Capital and
laitor i?re not on an honest liams; th<? people know
fomenting i* wrong ami they are light when they
know it. Children go to the mine* In PedAMlVftnlA
and work eleven h<mn> in the darkness. lou are
(Tinting a cIums Mini, ai to that ol which
run riots o y i-ahim
#rr Bitde to dar. vvnat u capital doing 1 Huylng
B> every acre of Cr>at tn Pennsylvania. me T.eirm- |
turc of Pennsylvania is nothing tn the presence
ot u capitalist wielding four millions of dollars. It
isn't a
lira, ukb fisk;
It lunt a lcnave, like Yaudorblit; U Is an honest,
organizing business man. Scratch New \ork ant
you will find Paris jnst uuderiieaih. *ou are
teaching your men tttut law and justice are
iu ? t lis. Hight behiml the coward frauds or Mr.
Tweed and Sweeny stands the red republican
Ism. Let a few years pass and the robust soldier
close belaud will crowd the millionaire oil the
Judge Daynrd is teaching that
when the I ;rie case Is depending. A Howery bov
uevet forgets the lesson of a lawyer selling lunisc.f
to a rich corporation. When the anniversary comes
round auaiu this boy, grown up, will not be satislied
he'll Indulge hlinsclt with a liullionnalre. We stand
at 'ho dividing of the ways. We have avoided open
war at the coal mines of Pennsylvania. A dozen
years hence the inuskets will be loaded. We are
living in au era when wc can dispense with corpo
rations. We are richer than when we needed them.
What is a corporation ? A method by which wealth
doubles its power and decreases its responslbiliiy.
sueh a power can dely public opinion, can enter
lu.o a war Willi the people. Jiut
build a railroad to Chicago and own It all himself
mid he'll not dare to risk conflicts. I am lor load
ing rich men with all ihelr responsibility, and want
it to be possible for a man to go to the Legislature
and not
PFt.t. nra votr
before he pets there. The present peril Is the Ignn
i ranee, the driiukenness, the discontent of the labor
l lug nun of the North. Six hundred men, reore
' senium: a million votes, mer in Cliicirumti last mim
| mer. and only oy the most adroit management! tliey
wen prevented from pledging the great labor power
| to the repudiation 01 the national dent. 11 you want
, Older ami peace
with one hano and the groat corporations with the
01 her.
followed, criticising Mr. Phillips' characterization of
General Under as the greatest man. She thought
that the gr-atest men are tuose wno, like Garrison,
go lorili with moral power, sue relerred to the sec
ond resolution, in which the deserts of ceriam peo
ple at the .-ouiti are said to be a ' drumhead execu
t.on and a gtobet," and wished that it could have
been made a Utile modified ami
The Rev. IIenrv Highland G rnet, of Washing,
ton, announced himself as In a siialt betwixt two.
His judgment was convinced bjr Mr. Phillips, out his
admiration was excited by the sweet and earnest
j protest of Mrs. Mott. He believed in treating tlie
| rebels to horn < paihic remedies. He thought Urant
I would do the right thing if his hands were not tied.
Many of the beM men or the party are against ex
treme measures. The government Is what tne
people desire and tliey will change it when they get
ready. The St. Houimgo scheme will rum the men
in power if it succeeds.
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe came forward nnd said
that she was glad to follow the colored man. sue
didn't want "Grant swept away." If Mr. Phillips
was President she wasn't sure that Mr. Sumner
would in- chairman or the Foreign Committee, sue
thought Mr. Sumner was not dispassionate nor Just
m his criticisms on the President; that he strained
the let i er and misinterpreted the spirit of Grant's
, words.
j Mrs. Howe was followed by the Rev. Mr. Dennlson,
or Washington; Mrs. Cora L. V. Tanpan, Kev. Mr.
! lloiler, AbOy Kelly ioster, Mrs. M. F. Havls and
, olnei's.
' Wendell Phillips on the Corruption of Con
| This society had a brilliant reunion last night In the
tliealreof tliel mon League Club. The attendance
was very numerous, and the number of pretty
dresses and prettier faces among the fair portion of
the audience was quite refreshing. At first the pro
ceedings threatened to bo of a cold and rormai
character, as every one was as still and lormal as
the passengers of the Mayflower; but under the in
fluence of the speeches, the music ami the songs the
restraint gradually loosened, and in the intervals
between the addresses and the music the buzz of
eonvu' atlon became
anil now and theu tnc gravity of the reunion wts
relieved by a ball-suppressed laugh. On the whole
Ibe evening was agreeable ana entertaining, but a
llitle more entrain would not have deprived It of
any charms. The proceedings were opened by
Aaron M. Powell advancing to me footlights and
reminding the people that they had not come to a
formal public meeting, but to a reunion
of friends and sympathizers in a great
cause, and stated that short addresses would
be delivered by Wendell Phillips, Julia Ward Howe
1 and ether well known friends. After this little ex
planation the chairman introduced Miss Ttnnle
Lasar and Miss Louise Finch, as two young ladies
who would contribute to the vocal entertainment
of the audience. The ladles sang "The Swallows"
with excellent taste and judgment, the voices,
though somewhat thin, being very sweet. .As a
proof of the sincerity of the I'nion League in their
advocacy of equal rights lor tae colored race seve
ral colored in<'n of very ebou hue were present and
moved about on a perfect social equality with their
white, pm:% and yellow brethren. These representa
tives of the man and the brother seemed to enjoy
their elevation hugely, and to bear their
with good humor, now ana then exhibiting magnifi
cent rows of ivory, as something said or done
tickled their fancy.
Wendell Phillips came forward and said? There
used to be a maxim a great while ago that punc
tuality was a great virtue, and, being a worthy
characteristic, had a suitable reward, but this Is n ot
the case In pnolic life; on the contrary, punctuality
brings with u its punishment. As 1 am the only one
of uie
1 must speak first and break the tee? a by no means
pleasant undertaking. ihts pleasant meeting Is
only a disguise; music and rrolic are brought
In to cover the real object of the meeting,
which is to rally the American people
lor the great struggle. At this moment parties are
struggling like great ships in a tempest, tossiug
about and rolling and dashing up against each other,
and uij<ii;rncatli lurks the danger to the republic.
Prince Albert said a remarkable thing, though tie
! did not say many profound things in Bis life: "In
this age
are on their trial." Some men think they are firmly
established, but the Prince looked deeper. Here
1 in this country we have to decide whether
! thj people can tight the battle agauis
money, an 1 cliques and their la Uaeuoas of a worse
tiian hereditary aristocracy. Our forefathers
thought they had laid deeply the foundations or
democracy, and that its future was assured. They
tlioughi that though men might be worth millions
they wuuid die uuu th.-ir property be redistriouted
among tUeir children; but they lorgot the conniving
of association. Men may die, but corporations livo
on. Vauderbilt may die to-morrow, but the New
York Central will live, gathering round It
the same worldly wisdom and business ruuning
thai characterize it to-day. An bngUsh paper
lately writing on theaubje ct of popular sovereignty
wondered what crime a man lu New York with forty
millions could not commit with Impunity, and with
sorrow we must confess that It Is true, lief ore the
Influence oj wealth every one bows down? the
courts, the government itself feels the influence of
the moneyed corporations. On wha'ever side we
turn we can only seo the ignorant, miserable
masses heaving In aimless ngiraUon, leellng their
sorrow uud degradation, but not able to understand
the oau->e; but daily their discontent in
crease^ u'Uo shall tell tnetu the means
oi cure - Not ttiose who trade upon them.
The imtimtof the En^lisli-speaking races natu
rally inclines ii? to seek the aid of the press In ap
pealing f.o Die iu'JUoiis. Daniel l)e;oe was the first
to dlscovi r ih ? lmmen-e p* wer and Influence of the
.press, am.' to see Uie use it would betuhuu ill Ins
Contest with mat coterie of touslns? Mm English
J'arllaiuaut. I suppose no finer collection of epithets
caa b ! louud out ul W cos tar Unabridged than me
New York jwesl liaru heaped on the head of the
agitator*, but they did not perceive
that we but follow the bent of the
Anglo-Saxon laee. I lie difficulty wi'ii the
ordinary press is thai so mat^ can write and s<j
lew are able to think, we are covered, over
win lm?.l by an avalanche of words. Sometimes, in
due I, by Accident a thought crops up by mimak".
We have met here tongiit for the same purpose
thai for twenty years we met together In Haaton?
the agitatla'i ot the public mind ou questions of jso
tionaJ importance; but we ne*d
and w? expect our mends to give us the means v?
carrv our agitation to a successful ?ud. Yon ur?s
here to-nigh r. much lu the position of ihe pig
in the fable, and come In to be e. it??n,
We invite you to walk in, to come .nM
?aerifies. We hope you wilt give us the
oi, to make urn machine go. Some men a: c puzzled
locxpiaiu the caiu-<cri of the corruption of Congress.
I will explain it. Vou have all heard mat old nur
sery rhyme that "Satan suii finds worn for Idle
hands to do;'' und wliun you go to Washington, If
you are a man oi any observation, you see this at
once. 'J'lie men who are in Congress, no matter
how they got there, are always possessed of some
Ability, uud when these men have nothing to do
hiL'an speedily finds them employment About a
do ten men work hard. No matter upon what sub
Jeci you inquire you will always end oy knocking up
agulusj one of these meu; but the other 8*0 do no
thing tik.it comc down to the debates and there
lounge about; these arc the men whom the rings use
to control Wie legislation of the country. We want
an agitation to keep them up to ihelr work, so that
the devil may not be able to tempt tnein. If you
want to keep them pure you must stir the in up.
Give uft a lift ie yeast, that we may leaven the cor
ruption of i on?U*sa.
Mrs. Abby Kelly Foster and Mrs. Suiia Ward Howe
afterwards adurcw^d tufl JU9 ftyu* K svwe Jengtu
tipon the objects of the reunion and the necessity or
work on the part of the sympathisers of the Union
The Academy of Music was densely crowded from
parquet to dome last evening by friends and ad
mirers of the institution, and other crowds turned
away unable to gain admission. The doors had to
be locked at eight o'clock to prevent any more com
ing in. The children, arrayed in clean but simple
garb, were arranged In rowB on the stage, and en
tertained the audience with their mission songs and
hyins, and one or two recitations by the Infant class.
The larger girls were dressed In pure white mnslin,
and, in manner and appearance, would compare
favorably with an eijual number from Fifth avenue or
any other aristocratic section of the city. Mr. Hatch
presided, and addresses were delivered by Revs. II.
M. Gallagher and Theodore L. Cuyler, D. D., of
Brooklyn, and Rev. W. C. Van Meter, the Mission
Superintendent. Mr. Van Meter gave a brief sketch
of the origin and history of tnc Mission, whose tenth
anniversary they had met 10 celebrate. From this
statement it was learned tluit the children among
whom the Mission labors are divided Into three
classes, viz.:?
Fi> l? Those placed under Its care to te sect to home" and
situ ittoos.
.sv,)n<i? Those whom It is not authorized to send to honors,
but who need ? temporary shelter until their friends can pro
vide for them or surrender them to the Mission. These two
classes remain day and nl"ht In the Mission.
Th, </?Those who have homes or plac s In which to sleep.
These enjoy the benehts of the wardrobe, dining and school
rooms, but Jo not sleep in the Mission.
Food, fuel and clothing are tlven to the poor, after a enre
ful Inspection of their condition. Mothers leave their small
children In the day nursery during the day, while they go out
to work. The sfck are visited, assisted and comlortud.
W ork is sought for the unemployed, aud the poor are taught
to help themselves.
Those children over whom the Mission can get
control are sent to Christian homes in the countrv
an 1 are trained to some useful business, trade or
prolusion. Machine operating, plain aud fancy
sewing, knitting, Ac., are also taught to tue girls in
the Mission.
Since the commencement of the Mission more than
10,000 children have been received into Its day and
Sunday schools, hundreds of whom have been
placed In carefully selected Christ tun homes. Many
or them have grown up to usefulness and comlort
and some to positions of influence and importance.
The following summary will show what has been
done in nnd by the Mission during the year ending
May 1, 1871:?
Children in day schools. 1,245
Average daily attendance I': day schools Uel
Families connected with the' Mission through the
schools, of whom 146 are widows Mfi
Mothers' Bible class "18
Young women's Bible class 64
Average in hunday school It' '5
Average at prayer meeting, cot iess tnan 'JOd
Taught in tewing classes 93
Taught on sewing machines 87
Placed In homes and situations 121
M isaionary visits. 4,S.6
Baskets of provlsiou and loaves of bread distributed
arming tue sick and poor 6,936
Peeks or coal among the same c ass 1.6'.'7
(iarments, pieces of letdlnif aud pah s of ahoes Ill, *34
Meals eaten In the Mission lCS.lbfi
The following report or the Treasurer for the
year shows (he receipts to be:?
Balance, May 1, 1870 fl,10T
Contributions 4;',4"1
Contributions, special relief fund il'4
Kr.ends In Europe, per K v. W. C. Van Meter 4,141
On loan 6,bUU
Total ...$51,5o5
The expenditures footed up the same amount
save a balance of $078. Subscriptions to a large
amount were taken up at Hie meeting last evening,
aud the proceeding were closed by the children
slugluu tne "Hallelujah Chorus" wltu grand cifect
under Mr. Theo. E. Perkins' direction.
The Female Guardian Society have a meeting this
morning, for ladies only, nt the Collegiate Reformed
church, Twenty-ninth street and Fifth avenue.
The American Woman Suirrajre Association meets
this morning, at half-past ten o'clock, at steiuway
Hall. Addresses will lie delivered by Mary A.
liivermore, Rev. Edward Eggleston, Julia Ward
Howe, Moses Coit Tiler, Lucy Stone, U#v. Robert
Collyer, tirace Greenwood and others. The Conven
tion will continue its sessions at three 1'. M. aud
eight 1*. M.
Riotous Rabble at Clinton Hall? The Reform
Party Snuffed Out- Gross Partisanship of the
Chair? Yell", Hisses, Cat-Calls, Threats
and Defiant Demonstrations? The Po
lice Presjrve Order.
The annual meetings of the above society have, In the past,
achieved for it .in unenviable notoriety for the disorder and
unfairness tb:?t characterize 1 them; but the one held last
evening at Clinton Hall will Ions aland out in bold relief
when compared with previous ones. The society ntirabeie
12, 855 members, and Is convulsed by Internal bickerings be
tween rival factions. This year the reformers, as they style
themselves, rallied In nil their strength for a desperate effort
to overthrow what they call
or anti-reformers, who have, they claim, routed them In pre
vious s t-tos by repeaters and ballot-boi slulEur only. The
reformers, or Young Democrncy of the Association are
headed by M. L. MoKenxie, J. C. Lloyd, Thomas T. Hazard,
Wro. C. Noves, 4c., and profess, among other reforms, to
want the Library opened ou Sunday, dues reduced and an
honest election.
At the hour named In the call, Fergeant llaggerty, of the
Fift enth precinct, marched a platoon of m"n Into tbo Hall
and took possession. Ail who app! ed to be admitted were
refuted until
of admlnlon, wb.ch wero Issued by the officers of the asso
ciation to keep out striker*. About four or five hundred
were so admitted, when the President, Cbar.es F. Allen, took
chair, and the minutes of last meeting were read. The
The conclusion of the reading was the signal for the opening
of the batteries of the reformers. Mr. Lloyd led by moving
to amend the mlnutea where they declared the adoption last
year of the constitutional amendments by a unanimous
vote, by Inserting the word "lost." The President ruled the
motion out of oroer. Instantly
of unseemly sounds, Including yells, c. .t -calls and hlsaei, that
drowned the bugle voice of youug Lloyd an 1 the gavel of
Alien, that plaved a vigorous ta.tnn upon the venerable pine
table as the srfrlt moved him. The scene that followed was
disgraceful ; but order was temporarily restored, after Lloyd
had dec'ared he would not be hissed down. The president's
rulings were al. through decidedly aealnet the reformers,
and th:t aggravated them beyond measure. They
stormed, raved and threatened vehemently. Finally, the
meeting adopted the minutes nmld hisses, yells, screams,
groans and aheers that m.ide the building shake. Lloyd and
bis faction men attempted to get In motions on which to
?ueak, but Allen applied
Til R "OCT or OBTlF*" <JAO,
called frantically lor ihc police to expel Lloyd, who was ges
tlculatlng fiantlcaliy, and lighting vigorously for a hearing
order was again restored for a soflcleiit time to allow some
of the reports to be read, when the riotous proceedings were
renewed, tbo regulars vielng with th" minority in
riotous demonstration* and attempts to forco their
way to the platform, many of whom reached It after
climbing over tbe reporters aril forcing theiu to seek safely
at the rear. Here Al'en celled lor the police, and a resolu
tion was declared carried instructing
The fearless youth, however, stood his ground, and, w Hi
dlsh'vehed hair and flash 'ng t ye, ttiathurled d dlanca at the
mob, who were hooting him on ail aides, raised his voice to
tbe highest pitch and
Imme llstely on his rignt was an etched youngster, who
should still be In ewadllng clothes, yelling, "Uo In, Llovd 1
Hon't be nut down ! Mr. President, I protest I We will be
heard." llcre his In'antlie voice was lost in veils of
"flang him up to dry I" "<?o home to your mother, sonny I"
Purine all tlie?e scenes ol disgraceful rioting tlie po Ice
moved not; hut when the platform hail been Invaded tb.y
moved In and drove th* crowd m
a' d established a neutral line. upon which they took up
I tti Ir position. Finally all tin- report* were read and adopted.
( and the President, amid tbe time violent scenes. dc lared
the me ting adjourned un'll Tuesday night, for the annunl
election. Several limes, on divisions, an opportunity was
plven to ieirn the eir ngth of tlie it-foi mcrs, who were not
more than tbtrt v or forty In number.
Alter trie adjournment, the minority mounted chairs siol
commenced haranguing the ciowd, but not a word could be
beard above
Tnr mi <?? cat r am ?,
yells, i^oar.s and profanity that mingled in chorus. Wblb'
the excitement whs at lis height, and tbe l'ollee stood ready
with c ill s diawn to keep back the charging Hues thai weie
ndvaucing upon eaoli other
tii f n*a war TCRwrn <>i r,
and ly the aid of lighted matches Ihe police cleared He
room. The "Voting I lemoc lats" defeated, to the number of
About thirty, left In a body in search of a ball to hool an In
dignation meeting.
I'ak-n aa a whole it was one of the most disreputable
gstherlngs that have ever been held In the nty, and one that
would mak? thieves, could they witness It, blush. The i'resi
der t. by hl? grofs v part sun rulings, lent fuel to the flame
III .' I f. been suiould ring lor months, and until the nasoela
it in It e niiely purged of its disorder. y elements it will be a
P ; r ur s, ot upon our fair lame.
The a:. uual report shows ihe expenditures for the year to
be $56, M ; Irr.ome for the y*nr, <60,517; balance In tiea
su y ?fi> .-it; the number of volumes In 111* library, 127, '247 ,
ineri iMi daring yeir, 11, 4 IK, of which 1,4311 were don.. led ;
ssii'cclated <i.'ulri,i y^ar, 2KP,'l34 volumes.
Almanac for New York ? JTJila Day.
Sim rlnes 4 48 | .Moon rises, .morn 12 20
Sun art h 7 j High water. ...cvu 1 H
*!(,wi. I Snl
Coloradd. I May 1U
Bremen..*,..- Muy 11
Hermann...... MaylH
t'it/ol Hrook'n. '*ay 111 .
Columbia I ."'ay J|- . ..
OMjyf Lfepr*k. lifer
OMination. j Offirr.
Liverpool |39 llroadway.
Bremen lie Hroad st
Bremen K" Hroad street,
Liverpool 116 Broadway.
? ilasgow 17 Bowling Hreeo
W??rpWl..M.,U? |m?lti
W1wnn?ln IMay 17. ...
City ol B'ltlm'rel May 1H. . . .
Laruvcite 'May !fl. ...
Anijlla. |M?y 2ll. ...
Nevtd*. | May M
Liverpool 1 29 Broadway.
Liverpool.... |
Assyria iMay 27 Glasgow..
Nebraska May #7. ...I Li vet pool.
City of Brussels. IMay "7... Liverpool.
Wyoming IMay 31 Liverpool.
Oceanic June 3... Liverpool.
St. I,aurcnt.....|J(ine 8... luvre |M Broadway.
Australia....... iJune 8... Claacow 7 Howling Green
Euro pa. iJuue 10... dlaaaow |7 Bowling Green
16 Broadway.
!SH Broadway.
7 Bowline Green
?9 Broadwav.
7 Bowling (Jreen
29 Broadway.
15 Broadway.
29 Broadway.
19 Broadway.
Steamship Java ( J5r>, Martyn, Liverpool via Queenstown?
Steamship Colorado (Br), Freeman, Liverpool? WlUlama A
Steamship Thunngla (NO), Eblere, Hamburg? Kunhardt A
Steamship City of Meiico, Tlmmerman, Havana, Vera
Crux and Sisal? r Alexandre A Bona.
Steamship Virgo, Bulkley, Savannah? Murray, Ferris k
Steamahip Isaac Bell, Blakeman, Norfolk, City Point and
Richmond? Old Dominion Steamabip Co.
Steamship Wm 1' Clyde, Parker, Norfolk, City Point and
Richmond? Washington Jk Co.
Steamahip Volunteer, Howe, Philadelphia? Lorlllard Steam
ship Co.
btramshlo Olaucus, Walden, Boston? H f Dlrrook
Bark Proi?resa t Nor), Leschley, Cronatadt? Funcb, Edye k
Bark Frov (Nor), Emmanuclsen, Rostock? Funch, Edye k
Bark Lucy Frances, Upton, Marseilles? James llenrp,
Bark Yokohama, Panl, Anjier for orders? A A Low A
Bark Antelope. Davit, Ft Croix? Roche Bros k Co.
B?rk Colonial < Bn, Andrew, Sydney, CI! ? Wm Ingnlls.
Brig Belle (Br;, Hill, Dunedin, New Zealand? B W Came
ron k Co.
Brig llaidec (Br), McDonald, Kingston, Ja? A H Solomon
A Co.
Brig Call-io, Bunkmnn, Matanxas? Thompson k Hunter.
Brig Martha, Cussldy, Mobl.e? J D llurlbut k Son.
Schr Ella Brown, Uublnson, Demarara? J F Whitney 1
Schr Lucy, Mohlman, Barbados? Francis W Wh'tnev.
Schr Soimla It Jameson, Malcolm, Aux Cayes? Edw A
Schr II V Crandall, Pettis, Wlndllor, N8? Crandall, Ber
tnux 1 Co.
Schr Nellie Potter, Oaaklll, Washington, NC? Wm K In
man k Co.
Schr St Croix, Eaton, Georgetown, DC? John Boynton'e
Son A Co.
Schr Annie Sheppard, Newton, Georgetown, DC? Van
Brunt A 8ta"ht.
Scbr Sarah, Cobb, Chester, Pa? H W Jackpon A Co.
Schr John 8 Foreman, Carpenter, New Ilaven? Kackett A
Steamer Beverly, Pierce, Philadelphia.
Steamer Tacony, Nichols. Philadelphia.
Steamer Frank, Pierce, rhilauclpnla.
Steamer K C Biddie, McCue, Philadelphia.
Sieanur 8 F I'belps, Brown, Philade.pma.
Steamship City of Brooklyn (J<r), Brooks, Liverpool April
27 and Oueenstown 28th, with urn! 1,175 paasongers, to
John GDale. May 5, lat 42 20, loi 4?M, passed a large l?e
beig; totb, at 1 :30 I'M, lat 41 46, Ion 66 <0, steamship Scotia,
bound east ; 8th, at 4 :3d AM, E5S miles from Sandy Hook, a
(Jpion steamship, do.
Steamship Sldonlan (Br), Mack ay, Trieste March 80, Mar
seilles April 14, Palermo 18th and tllbraltar 23d, with mdse
and 188 passengers, to Henderson Bros. Had uiud<Tato wea
ther I. rsl part of paasase, latter part stronit variable winds.
May 5, passed a German steamship, bound east ; tfth, a Na
tional steamship, do ; 7th, steamships City of Antwerp, Do
uan, and India, do; 8th, an Inmun r.etmuhlp, d >.
Stcamsh'p Ban Salvador, Nlckcrsun, Savannah May 6,
with mdse and passengers, to W R Harrison.
Steamship Champion, Lockwood, Charleston May 6,
with tndie and Da'scnaers. to II R Morgan A Co.
Steamship Regulator, Freeman, Wilmington, NO, with
mdge and passengers. to the Lorillard Bteumshlp Co.
Stenmsnip Ellen S Terry. Chapln, Newbern, with mdso
and pas-engers, to Murray. Ferris A Co.
Steamship Saratoga, Conch, Richmond. City Point and
Norfolk, with mdie ami passengers, to the Old Dominion
Stfamshio Co.
Bark Miitlla (Ttal >. I.anro, Trieste 7."> days, with m.lse, to
Dutiln A Co? vessel to J'uuch, Kdyo & Co. Passed (libra tar
Mil rch 20. llad bluing Wand MV gal. s most of the pas
Hark Fnterprlse (Hoi), Mulder. Leghorn, 61 dnvs, with
mdse to Flinch, Edye A Co. Paused Gibraltar March 18;
took the Southern pusaage and had variable weather; May 4,
in tlir Gulf stream, had heavy squalls iroia & aud S\V ; spilt
8. tils, Ac.
Hark Cynthia Palmer (Bri, Smith, Cirdenas 9davs, with
: sugar to Mosci Taylor A Co -vessel t.i P I Ncvlus A' Son. 5
days north of Hatteras, wiih light halfllng winds.
Hark S W Hoihrook (of I ortlaudi, Polly*, Cardenas, 8
davs, with molasses, to 11 H Howell, Son ,t Co? vessel to
lire t, Son A Co. Dad line weather; has bceu 5 days north ol'
lilt i eras.
Hark Rival (Br), Taylor, Cardenas, la days, with sugar,
to Wllle, Knowlet .t Co, vessel to (1 F Bailey ; bad line w a
tb.ir, May 8, lat U 1H, Ion <7 82, spoke brig Ancient Promise
(Br , from Cuba for Queenstown.
Bark Arietta (of Searsport), Blanrhsrd, Cardenas 7 davs,
with sugar, to K P Buck A Co. Had moderate weather. 7:h
inst. Cape Henlopen, heaving WttW, <0 miles, spoke bark
Union, hence for Havana.
Bark Frey iNor), llelvursen, Havana, 8 rtiyi; with sugar,
to Young A Co? vessel to master. Had light S aud Sli winds
Hai l* P Wlkstrom, ,Tr flwei, Engelhreckten, Havana 17
days, with sugar to Wuls'i, Field A Way? vessel to Punch,
Edye Jk t o. Had strong variable gales.
Murk Orchlila (of Searsport), Havt ner, Matinzas, 0 days,
with sugar, to Youngs A Co? vessel to Walsh, Meld A Way.
Had variable weather.
Bark Alpine (Br), Kimball, Havana, 11 days, with sugar to
Bark Jeanle <Br>, Cromwell, St Jago 17 days, with sugar to
J M A L Escorla/a A Co? vessel to master. Had Sno we-?
titer the entire passage.
Brig Amilcare (Hal). Patnrzo, Marseilles Feb 28, with mdse
to .lames Henry, vessel to Funch, Edye A Co.
Brie Queen oi the Sea (Br). Fllleul, Kio Grande 60 davs,
with hides, Ac, to Oelrlchs A Co ? vessel to master. Cm Med
tbe equator April Ki m Ion 38 15; had mo :erate weather, has
been 5 'lays north of Hatter.is.
Brig Branch (Br t, Sanford, Savatdlla,17 davs, with hides
and coffee, to I) De Castro A Co? vessel to O V Peniston A
Co. Had fine weather. Le.t no vessels In port.
Brig L Staples of Stockton1, Stowers. Cardenas, 10 d.irs,
with molasses, to order-vessel to Carver A Kama. Had
f.ue weather up to tbe last 3 days; had a thick fog.
Brig Arcliilecte Renaud (Fr\ Weeus, Havana y davs, with
sugar to D Romer A Co? vessel to master, liad fine wea
Brig Ysldor* Rlondn (Br), Plummer, Matanrav 11 davs,
Willi molasses, to order? vessel to Miller A Houghton. Hits
been 6 davs north of Hatteras, with lkht winds and tmck fog.
Schr Sahao, Lainpton, Arrago, PR. 13 davs, with sugar
an 1 molasses to Burlctt A Pond-vessel to Simpson A Clapp.
Had (In# weather. May ft, lat 26 Ion 73.10, spoke schr Mar/
Edward (of Booth bag), bound south, lias bceu Sda>s noith
Of Hatteras.
I Selir 11 H Thompson, Stevens. Oonsives 13 davs. with log
wood and coffee, to Kunharott A Co? vessel to A Abbott.
Has been 6 days N of Hatteras, with light hauling winds and
calms. April 27, spoke brig Kingston, bound In Oonalves.
Schr Emily Curtis (of Boston), B?i ner, Cardenas, 10 days,
with molasses, to B 11 Howell, Son A Co? vessel to Miller i
Houghton. Had line weather; 7tn met, 29 miles south or
Bnrnecat, was struck by a sudden squall from NW, which
carried away Jibbootn and bowsprit ; has been 5 days north
of Hatteras.
Srhr H L Burns (of Pembroke, Me), Crosby, Clenfuegoa
April 23, wlih sugar to Tucker A Llgbtbourne? vessel to
Brett, Son A Co. Had moderate weather ; 6 days north of
Schr Pedro A Rrsu (of Philadelphia), Grace, Matanza, 10
days, with molasses, to order, vessel to Evsnt, Ball A Co.,
has been 6 days north of Hatteras, with light, moderate
Scbr Mary Ellen (of Iillp, LT), Hnl.bard, Harbor Ialand 6
days, with Pineapples to James Dougiaa? vessel to master.
Had variable weather.
Schr C C Pettenglll (of Salem), McKlnnay, Harbor Island,
6 davs, with Pine apples, to Douglas A Crllfen? vessel to B J
Wenberg. Had fine weather.
Schr Harry Bluff (ot 8alem\ Phillips, Eleuthera 6 days,
with pineapples tn RE Hutchinson -vessel to B J Wenberg.
Had light w winds.
Selir Sophia Godfrey, wheaton. Corpus Chrtstl, 28 days,
with wool and hides, to O H Brower A Co -vessel to Tupuer
A Beattle. llad moderate weat ber.
Scbr E M Duflleld, Bavnor, Montego, NC, 10 days, via Hat
teras In'et, 7 days, with shlocles, to De Mill A Co.
Schr A L Pearee, Hudson, Virginia.
Schr R K Steelmar., NIrkerson, Virginia.
8ebr William McfJee, Wood, Virginia.
Kehr D It Steelman, Scull, Virginia.
Hehi J ll Kelsey, Clearmah, vin|inla.
Schr J A Chambers, Robinson, Virginia.
Schr .Tessie Irving, Chamberlain, ^ Virginia.
Schr 'Cunis Depew. Crltterden. Virginia.
Schr M J Kennedy. Hudson, Marvl.-md.
Schr Cohas?eit, Oilibs, Philadelphia for Norwich.
Schr Isabella Thompson, Endlcolt, Philadelphia for I'ro
Schr J C Craig, Lee, Egg Harbor.
Selir Rebecca A Han let, Cronla, Morris river, NJ.
Tbe bark De Capo (Nor), from Liverpool and Belfast,
which arrived 8th Inst, is consigned to Flinch. Edye A Co.
Reports took the northern passage and had strong W gales;
was 2S dajs west of the Banks.
Tho I ark Tltanla (Nor), which arrived 81h, is eonslgned to
Wendt, Tetens A llockmann.
'Ihe brig Fblella, from Calbarlen, which arrive I Mh Inst, Is
consigned to O Lining A Co, anil tl:e vessel to Miller A
Haurnton. Rejiorts haJ tine, wailier. May ft, lat 84 .9, Ion
75 lrt, passeil part of a vessel's deck and stern post. March
15, lat .14 40, Ion 71 25, on the outward passage, passed the
wreck of bark Woodman (of Liverpool), abandoned.
| The brig Five I' rot hers, from Matanias, which arrived flth
insi, is consigned to Miller A Houghton. Reports fine
weather, aud was Are days north of Hatteras.
I'ioncd Titroiiirli II-II (Jaie.
Fohr Whist er, lleitn. Calsls for N?w N'ork.
Si hr in Thomas, White, Wood's Hole for New York.
Sloop Milton, Lock wood, Mvannl* Tot New York.
Sebi North I'acific, Katon, Providence for New York.
Bioke malalMOm In a jjale antl put iDto Hai l Island for re
pairs on i be 4th Insi
Schr M A Lovell, llownr I, Stamford for New York.
KchrN P Codwin, Waterburv, Stamford for New York.
Selir liaze, iscNamee, (ireenwli'h tor New York.
Kchr <i F llrowo, (ie.iney, Manmron>-ck for New York.
Scbr Hying r leli. Mold, Nortbiwirt lor Keeksklii.
Selir Kacer, Howard, CoM Spring for New York.
Kehr T Hodine, Br .w n, Cold Spring for Port Johnson.
Schr O II I'erry, Murphy, tilen Cove for New York.
!-elir Yosernite, Mott, Itoslyn for New Vork.
Selir Tariff, Miller, Cow ltav for New York.
hi hr Montana, Seely, Cow Hav for New York.
? i* Brown, Crowlay, Cow I'ay for l.lizaliethport.
5' !'r Nelson, Weed, Oyster Bay for New York.
S' hr Julia A Swan. Knarip, Oyster flay for New York.
Sloop Adeline, Johnson, New Haven for New York.
Sloop Ilousatonic Smith, Stony brook for New York.
Sloop Frank IHIIon, (iolden, Cow Hay for New York.
Steamer liaiatea, Nve. Providence for Mew York, with
mdse and passengers to Isaac Odell.
Steamer Doris, Yonn ?, Providence for New York, with
milae aud passengers, to Isaan Odell.
Steamship Olaueus Walden New Vork for Boston
Si br Win Koardman, Ballard, Alezardrla lor New Haven.
Schi M A Pratt, I'rait, Aleiandrla for Mlddletown, Conn.
Selir Ida Bliss. Hudson. Georgetown DC, for New llaven.
Scbr W I' Phillips, Hawkins, ueorgcU.wn , DC, for New
Scbr t K Hallook, Allen. tJeorgetown, DC, for New Haven,
Schr Lucy A Blossom, HatUelJ, Georgetown, DC, for New
Schr S Morgan, Davy, Ueorcetown, DC, for New Haven.
Sch- Canine Hamner, Brooks, Wilmington, Del, foi Provi
SchrO Wllley, Wllaon, Wilmington, Del, for Norwich.
Selir Charm, Starr, Newcastle, I lei, for New Haven.
Schr Jesse Williamson, Carson, Philadelphia lor Fall
Schr Minnesota. Phlnney, Philadelphia for T'awtucket.
Schr William M Wilson, Brown, Philadelphia for Bridge
schr Maria Fleming, Williams, Philadelphia for Norwalk.
Kehr Transit, Kacket, I'lillaili Iphla for Lynn.
Seiir Josephine, May lis. South Amboy for Hartford.
Scbr Artist, Forrester, South Ambov for Norlhport.
cbr Phoebe Elizabeth, t rosaley. Port Johnson for New
Srhr Joseph, Skldmnre, Port Johnson for New llnven.
S"hr .1 McO.'osky, Crowell, Port Johnson lor Boston.
Sehr I'.sgic, t.'hase, Port Johnson for Hingliam.
Schr .las Ituchk iian, Kelly. Port Johnson Tor New Havnn,
Kehr J Manlove, .'lallerk. Port Johnson for Providence.
Mr M 6 O mo, Mc?lwmWe> Port Jvkm* for Pawtuokct
Schr Clara, Mark, Port Jobnion for Salem.
hchr Olcr.ce, Brown, Port Johnson for .Northpon.
Schr 1'oUer < Hooper, JjriMlbury, HtWilfAW for Provl*
8chf Jaa Bolton, Hartman, New York for Tow Bar.
Schr J K Polk, Buckler, New York for Westerly.
Bchr Nellie Brown, Hhrglns, New York for Bolton.
Bchr Robt Smith, Beaslev, New York tor 1'ortlanJ. Ct.
Schr Cordelia, Howard, New York (or New Loudon.
Bohr Ague* M Ward, Sullivan, New York for Cow Bay.
hcbr Kilaha A Baker, Baker, New York tor New London.
Scbr J a* Foster, Wlug. New York for Chatham.
Bcbr K Arcularius, Gregory, New York for Salem.
Bchr Fnterprlse, Mott, New York for Roslvn.
Schr It J Elliott, Snow, New York for Welifleet.
Whit*btonr. LI. May 9? 8 PM.
The brig Ouyshnro, from New York for St John, NH, re
ported ashore otr Tbrogg'a Neck evening of Btb luat, proceed
ed at 4 o'clock thl< AM.
The ateamer (lalaiea, from Providence for New York, un
shluped her acrew above City Island thii AM and ?u towed
Into port by the ateamer Doric; both vessels an ived late in
Wind NNW, light breeze.
Ship Resoluta, Brook*, from Liverpool Maroh 14, with
tndse, to William* A Union. (Received a pilot from boat E
V William*, No 14, 8 h Inat. 140 mile* ea*t of Sandy Hook).
Bark Nicoline iBwe), Delmar. from Autwero March 18 (by
pilot boat Jaa W Klwell, No 7).
Bnrk Elba, P.ternou, from Havana April It (by pilot boat
Jaa Avery, No 9).
Bark Atitla (Nor), Falck, from Havana April 21 (by pilot
boat Jaa A very, No 8).
Steamships Thurlngla, for Hambnrs; City of Mexico, Ha
vana. Vera Cruz, Ac ; Vlr^o, Savannah ; 'Isaac Bell, Rich
mond. Ac.
Bailed 8th, steamship Olty of Washington, for Liverpool.
Wind at auuaet WNW, light
Murine Dlaantera.
Ship Yorso Eaol*? London, May 9? The ahlp Young
Eai;le, Capt Perkins, from New Orleans, bound to Liverpool,
ba* been abandoned at sea. The crew were saved and have
arrived at an Ensliih port. (The Young Eagle wa* a *hlp of
78V tons, new measurement. Sue was built at Kennebunk,
Me, In 1850, and belonged to Messrs T Noweli t Co, of that
place. I
Stfamfb HntoTN.FS, sunk Just below Georgetown, DC,
still remains In statu uuo. Three steam pum| s, with a ca
pacity of 180,000 gallons an hour, nre at work on her,
but, owing to the high water, make no Headway. Mr Robert
K Iltivall olTered to place his steam pump of great power and
capacity in the suuken ateamer and place her in a position
?o aire could be repaireJ, for the sum of $10,000, but up to
Saturday afternoon the offer had not been acceptcd by the
Reading Railroad Companv.? Alexandria (Va.) Gazette,
May 8.
Bonn Wm Coi.i.TFit, Taylor, from fleorgetown, DC, for
New Haven, ran ashore on the lower end of Blackweil's
Islan I at 3 PM of tho 8th, tearing off her falsa keel. She re
mained until high water, und was towed off by tug Hopsuoug,
and prooeeded.
Sell* Vasiiti Sharp (of Maurlcetown, NJ). Sharp, at
Vineyard Haven, from Bangor for Philadelphia, 40 miles
SSW from Monhncau, on the 4tb luat. In a heavy gale l'rutn
Siv, lost part of deckload of lath, stove bulwarks and split
Scim Jonx Atwood, Mulligan, which wss ashore on
Bnndy Hook, wa* got off without recevlng an damage, on the
9th Inst, by the ( oast Wrecking Co steamer Relief, and
brought to thla city.
Scub O M Wfntwobth, Robbies, at Vineyard Haven,
from CalaU for Newark, in a gale of the 4th, oil' (.'ape Cod,
lost part of deckload of apool atuiT.
Constantinople, April 18? The mnster (Wvllcl of tho
Eclipse, which arrived here Apsll 16 from New York, has
noted a protest, fearing dam ige.
Haylr, April W? The Jane A Ann, noeken, from New
York, arrived here, had experienced heavy weather, com
mencing April 8, during which she lost one mm. bad ca'ilu
smashed, batch stove, und leculved other considerable dam
Mi e.
RooKi.ATrn, Me, May 9? On Saturday afternoon a vesBcl
was discovered bottom up about three mile* eastward of
Ma?'nl*n'* Rock lighthouse, and was boarded by a bout's
crew from the light station. No person wns found on her.
Fhe proved to be the schooner George Henry,
of llroolf lyn. Her masts and sail* anil a portion of her Horn
with her nameweio floating alongside. The boat was fast
to the main rigglnp, bottom up, and badly stove. Portion* of
a handkerchief or garment, probably used for n signal, were
found In her main rigging. It Is feared that the crew are all
lost, although t'.icro is a possibility In o.iso of a colli*! n wllb
n collier vo?*.'l, of which there are Indication*, that tbey may
have been taken off.
We are Indebted to pursers Wm Ilathawny, .Tr, of the
steamship San Salvador, from Savannah, an 1 J P (larnlsi,
of the steamship Champion, from Charleston, for t'Jvors.
Wli .i I rut en.
Arrived at New Bedford May 8, ship Cornelius Tlowlind,
rott.T date Homan, who returned liomei, Arctic Ocenn,
Honolulu Dec 8, wdh 95 bhls sp taken on the passa;o>, 15j0
<1o wh oil and 17,000 lb* bone, and 1500 do wa rns ivory.
Seu! home !!fi bbls *p, 247.) do wh oil and X?,00il lbs hnne. Re
port* spoke Maroh 7, lat SS HO s, Ion 4>i 60 W, baric Charles W
Slor.au, Athearn, NH, 6'J0 l>bls oil on board? the mate Mr
Alvm II Davi*. of KairamHh, died suddenly the day previous
ol heart disease, while sitting In a clour.
.??poken? May 3. off Nantucket, brig Falcon, of Salem, with
5 0 l. bis oil, bound l'or Boston.
Ship King Philip, Holy, from Liverpool April IS for S.?n
Francisco, about April ill-by the John u Hall, which arrived
at Falmouth April 2ti.
Ship Tasmania, from London for Boston, May 6, hit 4S 10,
Ion H9 80.
Ship Horatio Harris, Lnvett, from New York for Ban Fran
Cisco. March 7, lat 38 8(1 8, Ion 4H M) W.
Sbln Klylnc Kagle, LewU, from New York for Melbourne.
March 11, lat 2 b. Ion u0 W.
Porelfi Port*.
ANTWKnr, Arnl K!? Arrived, F Lrnte, G jeruldsen, New
York ; 2Mh, A Llnco'n, Ottlund, Philadelphia.
Railed .:4 th, Muigar.t, llrusb, Philadelphia ; Industrie, Rue
?el, Nuw York.
Arrived at Flushing 2"th, Amadme, Farrow, New York.
AMftlKBDAM, April 21? Arrived, Praupner, Ingollsen,
CLarleaton; 22J, E II Duval, Larkeu, New York; Yarir, nub,
Raymond, Savannah; Anna Walsh, Coombs, New Or'eahs;
23d, Wentworth, Bent. do.
Bkruf.n, April 11- Cleared, Nordkap, Morch, America.
BntSTOf. (PIU>, April 21? Sailed, Architect, UudjrlJje,
Savannah via Cardiff.
Hrocwkbsiiavkn, April 26? Sailed, Duiaben:, Uolljei.
liRr WFRirAVR*, April 5S- Salle I, nora'.lo Sprasue Small,
Mi<tdle*boroiigh; Golden Horn, Cutting, Carditi s Gardner
Colby, Dunbar, *ea.
in'tne roada S4th,Porest Fagle, Hosmer. for .
Bi: imijda, May 2? Arrived, steamship 1'ah-Kre, Cooper,
New Yore.
CARHirr. April ?;<!? Arrived, Sitka, Walker. Llrerponl.
Sail d 24th, N Boyutou, Palmer, New York ; idh, Anka
thor, Sclieen, do.
Ent out 22d. A M Sehwerr-awrl, Pelersen, for New York ;
Brilliant Star, Kdmondton, Wilmington, NO.
Cadiz, April 20? Sailed, Stockton, Urlllln, Portsmouth ;
Klldare, Macouiber, Gloucester; Slat, S 1' Smith, Podgf, do.
Cfttr, April 21- Arrived. A!as?a, I'oller. New York.
CAltnrsA^ April *1? Arrivd, brig Adeline Richardson,
Wright, Baltimore; icbr* Marietta T.iton, Miller, Fh ladel
phia ; With, R M Brookings, Doit,!**, Por.l.m I.
Palled 28th. sehr* Cutars, Sprague, and Narracsniett,
Hamlin, north of Hattcra* ; Casco Lodi;e, 1'lerce, do; 2Mb,
brig* Jennie Armstrong ( Br'., Brown, do : L Staple*, Slower*,
da via Sagna; *chr* Kmllv Cortla, Barlow, north of Halte
rai; Elma M Wright. Smith, do, via Sagua.
Cifufitfoos, April 16? Arrivi-d, barn A C Small, O'Brien,
Boston : brig Princes* Heatrlre (Br , McGrery, do.
Sailed 27tn, bark Ocean Eaglo, Waterhouae. New York;
I rln Shaata, Brown, do; 28th, Thomai Albert iBr), Forrest,
Boiton; 29tb, bark Pardlcho (Sp), Riveras, l'eniaeola.
Oral, April 26? Off, Helios, Kraft, irom Hamburg for
New York.
Arrived at do 27th, Tereaa, from Baker's Iiland for Ham
Famed '.'6th, Ooshawk, from Callao for Antwerp.
Bailed 26th, Carlton, Durke<>. from Savannah for Bremen.
Hovm, April 26? Oil', l'ralrle Bird, Baker, trom Bremen
for Key West.
Famed 25th. Plvleo, .Torgensen, from Shield! for New York ;
Anguste, Von Harlen. from Bremen for do; 28th, Albert,
Meyer, from do for Baltimore.
tiff South Fop-land 24th, Industrie, Tennesen. from New
castle for New York ; 25th, Iris, Kodeuberg, from Bremen
for Baltimore.
Off the Wight 26th, Oneota, Dowell, from Tyna for anS
Off Aldboroagh 26th, Golden Horn, Cutting, from Bremen
for London.
bnsi.iN, April 4r>? Arrived, Chandos, Kmery, and Sarah
Newman, Congdon, San Kranrlico.
Ei.fl'tiifka, May 1? In port achr Marietta Smith, for
J*t w York next day.
Fai.mol'TII, April 26? Arrived, John O Hall, Rosslter, New
OliiKAT.TAit. April 15 -Arrived, Monitor, Eaton, New York
(and cleared 18th for Leghorn).
Cleared 17lb,Marv Hideout. Tucker, Genoa; Glulla, Graf,
Marseille* : Lola, Williams, llaicelona; 18th, Fanny Fern,
Pectit, Odessa.
GBR<D<O<IK, May ?Arrived, itaamihlp Tyrian. tlrelg,
New \ ork.
Sailed April J5. Nereus, Huron, San Francisco.
GoTliRNiiuuti, April 17-Clcared, Kata Harding, Uardlng,
llRt.vnrr, April 24? Arrl>ed, Jnlla, von Loon. New York,
cie.red 24th, Annan, Smith, New York (and arrived at
Biouwershaveu 2Mb..
llAMrCRu. Ai rll 23 Arrived, Margar-lha Wllhe'mlna,
Wuiff, Mobile; 2Mb, Allemannla <s), Harenls, New York.
Tli e report of the arrival on the 22d of April of the Sverlge,
from New Orleaus, at Ciiibaven, was erroneous.
IIay i.R, A) rll 26 Arrived, Jaue It Anu, llocken, New
IIavbk, April 24- Arrived, Louisiana, Touffet, New Or
Havana, April 29? Arrived, achr* W*i Wilson, Wilson,
Baltimore , Glpsey Queen iltr), York, Philadelphia; May 2.
bark Mary G Keed, W s't, Liverpool; 3d, steamer Cuba,
Dukc.hart, New Orleans for Baltimore, via Key West.
Sailed April 19, bark* Jennie Cobb, Packard, S*t,ua: Al
pine (Br). Kimball, New York; brig Bella Uolorc* (Vp',
lliirall, Charleston.
? leered iMb, scbr Harry While, nopklns, Phll*delph'a via
Cardenas ; hai k Nancy Bryssou ( l!r), Cole, llelaware Break
water via Cardenss; Frondene.a iSpi, Verleto, New Or
leans; schr Louie A \ an Brunt, fooker, Calnarleii, to load
for North of llaiteras.
In port 3'K barks Psllas ( Rus', Walmst?-n, for New York,
Idtt ; G W Ko?evelt, llanlman, for do, do; l.nconla < M1J1,
Strure, for do, do ; rl F llarr.inan, Nickel*, for noith or Hat
tera*, do; and otber*.
IIaRH'iR lst.A-411, May 2 In port *ehr* Rlpl?y Ropes, for
ch?rle?toii ; Ella Treietiien. for New York.
A'so In port May 2. m hrs llatti" E hinltb, Mary Kidrldge,
?nd Cynoaure, lor New York.
IjI vrrimm)!,, April 'M ? \rrlved, Semiramla, Clreen, Pensa
eola; Way M, Winged lluoter, Small, New Or.eabS. The
Regent, Irom Kan Franclaco, ha* not arrived.
balled 2-ttli, (iyda, Lorold, New York: Carl Aufuit,
Si< warts, Fhl'adeli'hia; Vineo, Lobaon, Cnarlf*lon ; John
Gcddie, Liawell. Arirossan and Philadelphia ; Nancy Smith,
Boyd, New Haven ; 'Jllb, The Queen (a), Thomaa, New York ;
Austrian (s), Wylie, Quebec ; Sarah A Maples, Stone, Phila
delphia; 27th, Lebanoo, Lane, New York.
Cleared ?t>tb, Loved, oisen, New Yoik; Little Freddy,
Thorn**, Wilmington, NO.
Knlered out ?>th, Samuel I.arrabee, Thompaon, and
Nlord, Srendaen, New York; 'Jnth, City of Pari* (*), More
home. and Punjabi), McDonnell, New York; Haltie G Hall,
Flak, Philadelphia; Carrie Reed, Orowell, San Franel*eo;
Volent, I'aslnT, He. w Orleans; |ieitl?te. MeKac, Gloiicenar,
Mas*; Tripoli (*), hdmoiirtson, Ho*u<n ; Georgians, Mailers,
Newport and Baltimore.
Loniion, April lirt Arrived, Ifaabets Anker, llemlchen,
New York; 27ih. Venetla(S), Penningtnn, do.
Cleared <Mb, Lad 01' a, VYIIiey, New York (and sailed from
Graves 'ml 26th 1; 27th, Sonoma, Howe*, Shield* ami San
Frarx Isco.
Haded fr<>m Graveseud 2Dtb, Glenara, Davie*, Pblladel
Mo VII. 1.1 Mav 8 Arrlviul, stemnshlp Scandinavian, Hal
lan'lne. PortUnd for Liverpool (and proceded).
M i'smna, April 1.V? Arrived, Belvldere. Filnn, Llc.ita and
sailed l!?ib for New York).
Sailed 16lh, Cauieliurd, Jame*. New York.
MA'iANr.Ais April ItH- Arrived, bark MeGllvery, Nichols,
Havana; hriga Suae 1 (Br), Beck, Phdadelpbia; Mo<ie* Hay,
liond, do ; fiudlvan. Perrv, New York; May I, schr Ralph
Cari' ton. Curtis, Provlilence.
Sailed May 2, bark Wilson < Br), Spr .pie, Baltimore.
Nr* I AHII.F, Aprlj 2A? Cleared, Famlllen, Philadelphia;
Grof Alio Z11 Soluia, fur S'w Haven, Ct.
lint out I4lh, St Jame*. Hatfleld, l<an Franclico.
N RWi' iRT , April 84- -Arrived, La (llolre, Rood, Liverpool
(and ent out lor hew York). .... ? -
Pai.aih (HI), April 20 sailed previous, Ankathor, Hen
rlekien, Mor leaui. ,, .
^tixKMKTuvvf, April 23? Arrived, itaturay. tarnada. Boa
Alto arrived May 8, steamships TartA, ffnrpby,
for Liverpool and proceeded; 9th, City of London, Tibldts,
New York (or do and proceeded) ; Bauvia, Sowerby, do for
do (and proceeded).
Qu Enter, May 5? Cleared, steamship Pemrlan, Bmltb,
Southampton, May 9? Arrived, steamshina Hansa,
Briekenattdn, New York for Bremen (and uruceeJed) ; Ohio,
Baaae. Baltimore foj Bremen laud prucusJtali.
Shied*, April s? Sailed, Kathleen, lor New York; 27th,
Larkspur, do.
Sagua, April 25? Arrived, brig Mary McKee, Cobb, Bol
ton : aclira Reynard, Henley, do.
Sailed 26th, acbra Ellen Perkins, Perkins, north of Hatte
ras ; 27tb, barks Darling, McDonald, Boston ; Agennra (Br).
OU 'ii, New Orleans; brigs Charlena. Nlehois, Boston .since
reported wrecked); ?8th, S V Merrick, Llpplncott, Philadel
phia ; Concord. Kelley, Baltimore,
St John, NB, May 8 -Arrived aehrs Ada Belyea, New
York ; Hth, Seventy-six, from Jamea River.
Sailed 6tb, barka Olive, Clark, Penarth ; Alden Rene,
Bc?se, do. ? .
1'KXti., April 24? Arrived, The Cedars, stouehoi se, New
Tkapami, April IS? Sailed, bark Scbamyl, Snow, Roaton.
Table Bay, CU11, March 18? Arrived, Peony, Young, New
American Ports.
ALEXANDRIA. May 8-Arrlved, atearaahip E C Knight,
Johns. .u, New York. . _ ..
Sailed? S'jbra I'd Blade, Jersey City; Belle Crowell, Al
lyn'a Point. . _
BOSTON, May 8 -Cleared, ahlp Francis IMvard (Br),
Walker, Philadelphia; Imrk Norton Stover, Bibber, Port
|and;aclir Hay State, Seabnrv, New York; steamship Mo
Clellun, Howes, Baltimore via Norfolk; barks Harrlsburg.
Ryder. Havana via Norfolk ; Ada farter. Kennev, Matanzaa;
briga P M Tinker, Barnard, St Pierre, Mart; Home, Elliott,
Tnrka Islands. _ . . ,
Sailed? Sblpe Francta Tlllyard and Bunker Hid; bark*
Harrlsburg nn-1 Montreal ; brig Goieonda; and from the
Roads, ahlp Tennraon, bark E A Cochrane.
9th? Arrived, ships Bengal, Btiruess. Bourabava ; Mystic
Belle, Burnh im, Calcutta; Orpheus, Smith, New York;
barks Lemuel, Marks, Africa; Elizabeth, Irom Ponce; briga
Rescue, Marshall, Sierra Leone; i-.lsle , llr), from Mayajtiiez;
J A Devereux, Clark. New Orleans; Thnmea, from Philadel
phia ; achra George E l bather, Tbachi r, Palermo; Estelle,
from Bermuda; Rita, from A/.tia; Llirht of the East, lieath,
St Marc; 1IN Hawkins, Wyatt, Charleston; Maggie, Bell,
New York.
HALTIMORK. Mm y 6? Cleared, brig Antelope, Itumball,
Cardenaa i not St Thomas).
8th? Arrlven, achra Lizzie Ri vmond, Lou I, Nmv York; C.t
8 Corson, Corson. Boston. Below, oil Cove Point, brig Wolf
vllle, from Havana,
Cieare'i? Steamship Wm Kennely, Hallett, Boston; bark
D Chapin, Rose, Asplnwall ; briga Dawn ( Hr , luclls, Stettin;
Messenger (Br), Hansen, Sydney, <-B; Mys'lc. Hoepman,
Galveston; schra D B Webb, Gross, Nassau; M J Hilier.
Lawrence, and \V K Borden, Adams, Pawlucket; Mode?tv)
Weaver, Boston ; Ephrolm Jt Anna, do; Frances, Gibba, Gar
diher. Me.
Sailed? Brig Julia Blake.
Pth? Arrived, steamahlp Wm Lnwrenee, Dallelt, Boston.
BANGOR, May 6? Cleared, achra Mazurka, Kimball, and
Sarah, Mitchell, New York.
BATH, May 8 -Cleared, schr Samuel Oilman, Kclley. Phil
BRISTOL, May 7? Arrived, aclir C J Errlckaon, Smith,
CHARLESTON. May 2 -Arrived, steamships Jaa Adger,
Lookwood, New York; Virginia, Philadelphia.
Sailed? Steamships Sooth Carolina, ilcekett, New York ;
8ea (lull. Baltimore) ; ship Missouri. Bradhurn, Liverpool;
achra John Ferrla, Bt John, New York; W 11 Steele, Balti
DIGIITON, May 8? Arrlred, sclirs Hazclton, Cummings.
and Warren Sawyer, Cobb. Alexandria.
ELLSWORTH, May 3- Arrived, schr Storm Petrel, Davis,
New York.
Sailed? behra Fnrl. Ferguson. New York ; Boaz, do.
FORTRESS MONROE, May 9? Paased In. barka Alberto
(Ital), Passano, (Urgent! for BaUlmore; Fannie M Carvlll'
(Br), Wntklna, Liverpool for do ; briga Peter <t John, St Jago
for do; Concord. Kelly, Saijiia for do.
FALL ItlVS K, May 6? Sailed, acbr New Result!*, Tyler,
New York.
8th? Arrived, ?chrs C P S'.iekney, Mathls, Georgetown, DC;
Anna li Marlin, Buell, Baltimore; Richard Borden, llorden,
New York.
GALVESTON, May 1? Arrived, harks Robert (Swel, Aek
ermann, an 1 Village 0'ieen (Br), Homer, Cardiff ; Arlington,
CoaUdlo, and Pollv i I'r). Road, Newport, Ii ; CaF.oo, Gardner,
New York : schr ftnth Shaw. Shs w, Richmond.
NEW OKI, KAN'1. May 4 Arrived, ahlp Centaur, Foster,
Liverpool ; barks Victoria (Sp), Xibillea, Havana; Lizzie Wil
liams, Howes, Bob ton; schr Royal Arch, Hawkins, New
SorTir\v*8T Paps, May 4? Sailed, ship Owego ; barka Du?
Frateilll, Constantlnai brut P'ulo ; schr Salvador.
On the bar 4th, steamship Mercury, for Havre.
NORFOLK, May 6? Arrived, aehrs D B M irtin, Holmes,
and Montevlew. Llpplncott, New \ ork.
NEW BKDFOIID, May 7? Arrived, aehrs A -nes, Davie,
Baltimore'. J Truman, Globe, Philadelphia; Wm Thompson,
Peterson, New York: 8th, Falrwlnd, Bowman, do.
Sailed l ib. achra Mary L' e Newt in, Murphy, Washington.
P(". via Providence : 7ta, Henry (llbba, Chase, and Josephine,
Whiitemore, New York.
Nl.WPORT, May 7, I'M Arrived, brie Zavalla William*,
Vcazle, St Kitls for orders; aebrf Surah Jane, Jackson, and
II 1' Elv, Stokes, New York ; L O Foster, Kelley, Dennis for
do; Henry Glbbs, Chase. New Bedford fordo; Ida, Deering,
Taunton for do; New Recutita, Tvler, Fall River for do:
Peaeedale, Bake.r, Georgetown, DC, for Narra anaettPier;
Aril't, Parker, New York t'..r Cohaaaet Narrow*.
Sailed -Sclirs Jane ? Durfee, Murta, Pall River for George
town, HO; Ner, Chase, do for New Vorlc ; Nausctt, Mayo,
Providence for do : Nlanlle, Phillips. Taunton fur do; sloop
Fred Brown, Gill, Providence for Catskill, NY.
8ili- Arrived, sehr Win O Irish. Terrell. Philadelphia.
NKW HAVFN, Me.y H? Arrived, aehrs B L Slienrmf*,
Small, and Little David. Blair, ; No 4.1. Baldwin, Port
Johraon ; Metamora. Gladding; Nearchus, Gunn, and John
Brooka. Fox. New York ; sloops Corncila, Norton, do ; Chas
Lvneb. Uvncli, North River.
"PllILADhLPIlIA, Mnv 8? Arrived, steamships Norman,
Nlekeiaon, Boston ; Par. llier. Mills, do; barks Lalla W ( Br>,
Lent, Liverpool (not as before) ; Henry P Lord, Pinkham,
Cardenas ; barks pHthlinder ( Br .Cousina,Matanzas ; SeaSidu
(Br), Brluton, Turks Islaud;S A w Welsh, llalaey.New Y'ork i
achra II P Hedges, Davis, Vlnalhaven ; tlamnia, Huntley.
B.inqnr; Ramon de AJuria. McBrlde, New York ; Helen ^f
Walta, Gott, Deer Isle; Marietta Hand, Norson. Seaeonnet ;
Ann E Valentine, Bayless, Trinidad ; D G Floyd, (Jiiflord, Sea
eonnet; l'hll Sheridan, Cliiford, do; Fdllti May, Higgins,
Wehfleet: Maggie Weaver, Weaver, Boston.
Cleared? Brigs L'ma, Hill, Cienfuegos; Delmont Locke,
Hatch, Salem; sclirs J B Marshall, Seavey, Boston ; M A
Fisk, Flak, Boston ; Sidney C Tyler, Barrett, Key Weet; Da
vid Ames, Ames, cnlon Island, Ua.
fill? Arrived, schr Wlldlire, Brand. Bonaire. Below, bark
Daring, from ; l>rlg S V Merrick, from Sagua.
Lkwrs, May 8-11:20 A M? Bark towed om iiy America
at 9 A M. Large ship anchored at the Bratidywlne, bound
tip. Lightship beating up with loss of mir.zen top. Bark
and two briga far up the bay, and berm brig coming la
)*ORTT.iAND, M*v C? Arrived, achra Olive Averv, Gott,
New Y'ork ; Rising Son. Sawyer, Joncaport for New Vork.
8th? Arrived, brie Prentiss llobba. Dodge, Cienfuegos;
sears I ? race Webster, llume, U-.orgetowo, DC; Yicksburg,
Iln cins, New York. ?
PROVIDENCE, Mav P? Arrived, shrs Clara, Mnlford,
Jacksonville : Sarah A llamm .nd, Haloes. Georgetown, DC;
P M Wbeaton, Barrett. do: Amell 1 1; Ireland, Irelan I, ?'o; K (I
Irwin, Johnson, do; Walt r Palmer, Cole, do; LB Winp,
ilnice, Alexandria. Lena Hunter, Perry, 1 hiladrlphia; Marv
A Tyler, Tvier, do; Blackstone, Wickson, Mlrabetl.port ; E F
Randolph, Steelman, Port Johnson; R P King. Bliven, do;
M R Carlisle, Northup, do; Davison, Smith, Washlngt n, NJ ;
Andrew Steward, Ot'hert. Albany; Joseph P Ross, l'aull.
Pouglikeei sle lor Pawtncket: C I* Sbulta. Vouug, Iloboken;
Vm'iuss. lleany. Brooklyn. Be.ow, baik Ureaa i Br), Purdy,
from Ar lrossan; ashrs ller.bei. Chambers, from George
town, DC; A G L>awson, Fitzpatrick, an. i T J Owen, Seieck,
from Cruton. ? _
Sailed? Schrs Mary Lie Newton, Murphy, Washington, D
C: W W Marev. Blaekman, Philadelphia.
PAWTVICKI.T, May 8? Arnved, schr Z Stratton, MoFad
den. Port Johnson.
SAN KKANCI^'O, Mav 1? Arrived, ship Jeremiah Thomp
son, Kennedy, Port Town?end.
Cleared? Snip Comet, Hray, New Y'ork; bark J>l?.-ut Maury
(Br), Bowden, Valparaiso.
Sailed- Steamship America. Warsaw, Y'okohama.
Wh? Arrived, ship Lookout, Nugent, 288 days from New
SAVANNAH, May B-Arrlved, bark Volar (Sp', Slubera,
SALEM. March 7? Sailed, the arrivals of 8d. &tti, 6tb and
7th .from Epstein ports i bound South.
In port 7th, 7 I'M. ?ehr Lucy K Coggswell, from Bangor for
Philadelphia ; and the lleet bound Kaat.
SOMERSET, Mav 8? Arrived, sclirs Wild Pigeon, Endleott,
Georgetown, DC: J D Insraham, Dickinson, Philadelphia;
Usttle 8 Collins, Hill, New York. ? ? ^
TAUNTON. May 7 Sallea , schr Ida, Deering, New York.
VINEYARD IIAVF.N, May rt, PM -Arrived, aehrs Frank
A Emily, McCobb, Cain ten for Charleston, SC ; Vashtl Sharp,
Sharp, Bangor for Philadelphia; G M Wentworth. Bobbins,
Calais for Newark ; Owen P lllnda, Clindinin, do fur Mott
Haven; Joseph G Stover, Arey, Bangor for llaeKmetac.
Sailed- Suhrs Charleston, Mary N Rice, buaauna, Anna
Currier (Br), Alaska. _ . ,
7th? Arrived, sclirs Isaac Oberton, Acliom, Darien for
Boston ; Ilenrv Whitney, Croe ett. Poeosln river, Va, for
do; Veritas (Br), Brlnton, Providence for Glace Bay; Matan
?as, Bragdon, New York lor Boston.
Sail* i-Bchra BIIIolw, Island Belle. Alice C Foi, Q M Went
worth, Oweu P Hinds. Joseph G Stover.
6th, AM? Arrived, brig Macgle Vail ( Br), Holt. Cienfne
?os lor Boaton : achra Hiawatha, Lee, Philadelphia forNew
nrvport; Hyena, Gardner, Choptank river for Belfast;
Saml N Sm'ih. Snrlnger, Port Johnson for Boston; Harper.
Gott, New York for Rockland.
Sailed? Brig Ma;g.e Vail, scbrs Isaac Oberton, Henry
Whimsy, Veritas (Br). . ? ? .
WILMINGTON. NC, May 8-Arriv?d, schr Clara Rankin.
Falker, Kenneloink.
Cleared Steamship Regulator, Frn?man, New York.
WARREN, May 0- Sailed, schr F C Smith, Van Ausdall,
N< w York.
Mercantile libkary association.
The committee of the reform p . rtjr of this association
call upon a!l members "f the Association who dt'ilre to ae??
fraud auppreseel, corruption rebuked unci a tree and honest
opreselun of the wl',1 ol the Association guaranteed, to as
*. inbte In ru.iss meeting nevt Frl lay evening. Notice of the
time and place of meeting will be given In all the dally
l'.ated Ware, China, Glasa, Cooking Utenaile, Refrigerator!
and Ilouiel'umlihing Good*.
Ivoiy-bandied SheOleid Knives, per dozen IJK 5?
Plain white Dinner S Is $15tofl28
French Chllla Dinner Si-Is to .tia.
Decorated Dinner Seta, iio.n $AC
Flint kI.i?h <1 >b'' ts, per dozen. 91 3t
Water Coolers, lee Cream Kreezera, ?c.
A l otiier uoona iu proportion.
l'rlcta marked In plain Hum es.
KD'AAKU D. UAsSKURD, Cooper Institute.
day, III A. M., 8 and 8 I'. M., Cooper Institute iroira 24'
Distinguished ap aki ra.
Absolute divorces legally obtained fro*
this Court* of diiicrent states. No publicity. Advnv
lr*e. Nularv I'tinuc and Commissioner for evurr State.
r. I. KINi?,Coiiii*eiior-at-Law,mi3 Broadway.
Absolute divorces legally obtained in
Illllerent Plates Ills rtlo.i, Ac., mifflotent cauae. No
publicity. No charge until divorce obtained. Adrlee free.
M. Ill U S K, Attorney. 18U Broadway.
Bargains in teas, fl.our, groceries and pr(*
Vielnne. Dealer* and families ean aave 26 per cent at
THOMAS K. AtlNEW'S, *60 Oreenwteh street. Nr>v y ,r
/ nalla, Ac , enrol without pain by Dr. RICK, jos Broad
way, corner Fulton street. Auulliilator curoi corn*, lutnlou*.
nails, Ac. By mall, AO.:.
vV Every e?sr. oi Croup can ha cured whan i.rat taken b*
twenty-four year*, and n. v; r a bnltle returned. Itnl.io eurco
Dlsrrh ra, Dyaentery. Colic, Soif Throat, Cuta. Burna and
External I'alna. Sold by tho druggists.
F. HASHROUCK, lite operator at Colton Dental Asko
elation, bus removed to 161 Kit lb avenue and i?37 Ilroadwar,
corner of Twenty second sheet. Entire praetlee devote' I to
tbe painless extraction of teeth. A reduction made to per
aona of limited meana.
Stationers to the Vneen. tbe Prince of Waiea and all tba
royal family.? Every novelty In brat clesa J*w?dry, Mono
urama designed f?r note paper. K6 James' atreet, London, S,
W. rb? AI3 lie. lady's nr gentleman's Travelling Hag, will
?liver or allvergl t Utilu^s, ivory liruahea, ?e., complete.
ORTN KR A lloULE, Jcwellera,
No. a Si. Jamaa' ami London & W.

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