OCR Interpretation

The New York herald. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1840-1920, August 07, 1872, Image 6

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1 > t -...? ' ?
tine Weather and Excellent ?
Running. <
" iwii > m j' *
??i > !
life in the Stables, on the Stand
and on the Lawn.
9Vm Bowling Wins the Thespian Stakes,
Albuera the Selling Rare, Midday the
Two-Mile Dfthh, and Susan Ann
the Mile Heats, Best
Three In Five.
Long Branch, Augug ?, 1872.
X day of Ciond above ami of the very sunshine of
pleasure below routed on Monmouth Park Course 1
to-day, ami made the second day of the second 1
summer meeting an occasion of unusual Interest. I
The threat of rain which came up with the dawn 1
from the eastern horizon beyond question deterred <
, ?any New Yorkers from risking a trip to the '
course, but It was only a threat, and the ladies '
at Long Branch, being as bravo as they are undoubtedly
fair, took the chances of a four-mile ride
In order to grasp the pleasure of witnessing the
races. Shortly before eight o'clock a mere dripping
of raindrops darkened the dust In the roads, and
though leaden clouds swept In billows over old
Ifonmouth until lute in tho afternoon, they
served to shelter the course from tho heat
ci the sun and tempered the air, so that
11 was pleasant and cool as a dream of
Arcadia. It was eleven o'clock before people at the
Branch bestirred themselves for the races, but from
that time till half-past one they sped along tho
old Eatoktown road In droves. Away over
ounlry bridges, built by "corduroy" engineers,
past wiliow-fringed ponds, under fruit-burdened
trees whose bending branches archcd the road,
through clustering farms, down to where the
bright flags waved lrom the Mansard towers of the
Grand Stand, was a drive that gave a zest to the
after sport of the racers, aud every carriage had
Its fair proportion of still fairer lady occnpants.
which summons the rival steeds to the arena was 1
rung tho curious portion of the crowd amused
themselves by sauntering out to tho stables and
trying to form opinions about the racers; but most
f Hipm warn flleitminintnil TKa nrm t nut m ti to i
of the day were mostly shut up In their j
*nlet, well ventilated stalls, and Jealous boys, i
wfclto nnd black, eyed with cautloue
leer every stranger who approached. Ilere and
there seated on rough benches were owners of j
ome of the best racing blood and nuiscle In the j
land, surrounded by knots of horsemen, ami, of |
course, all were "talking horse," while kinky-haired
Begro stable boys and freckled, sun browned white
urchins?the racing men of the future?stood
wound with mouths agape, and quletlvgulped down | |
all the wisdom that fell from the lips of their oracu- \ (
lar masters. Out in the neatly-mown and verdant |
table jarrtB around the farm house, high-mettled, : '
lender-limbed racers, with blanketed bodies and I
flannel-bandaged leg*, were biing led about for
their airings, while hero and there through the
open stable doors somo pampered victor of the
turf looked out with envious eyes on his rivals |
Stepping daintily over the crisp green sward.
?f great rustic rocking arm chalr3 under the apple
trees at the farm house door sit a group of dls- !
tingiiiHticn horsemen, mm singuiai i.v enough- too,
they are almost all .Southerners. Old " Uncle" John
Harper lingers feebly on the ltont o.f his chair, anil
" takes it all In," but says little. In front
of him nits Price McGrath, lining up the whole
feat, leaning back on his rockers with his elbows
resting on the urm pieces, ami he Is busy chaffering ,
John rhamberlain at his righ tabout the Schell cup.
fohn anil Price "chum" it a great deal ami wouldn't j
hurt each other for the world, but they are pitted iJ
to-day as rivals, and they don't quite like the look
of it. |
The silver pi ize, a massive And bountiful pnnch
feowl, with handles rormed of two Jockeys peering I
over into the busiu, and the stand ornamented !
with racing trappings, is already glistening on a
pedestal in the lawn, in front of the grand stand, !
and Chamberlain tells Mcfiratli that the bowl has got i
to stay at "tne Branch."
Mac (luielly retorts that "If Brennus don't run
faster than Susan Ann that bowl's got to go down |
In Kalmuck,'1 to which John comes back with tho
nlnt that "It will have to be filled a good many
times up North first." While a chuckle Is wriggling
in the throats of the bystanders, among whom are j
Doswell, Tom Jerome, Bruce and other bystanders, |
some one suggests that the C'lay stock Is to be
Bold, and everybody stints out through the i
wicket and across tho road to the Grand Stand to i
see it. "I'ncle" John rises from his chair slowly j
and trudges wearily after them, leaning on his
stick, and with his left arm thrown behind him, us I
though supporting his back. John owns up to sixty- j
nine, and everybody els s.u s ' lie is seventy-live if t
lie Is a day," aud though lie looks It and Is really j
very feeble he doesn't seem to know it. Hy tills j (
tii p. inrv is pi 11.1 vn r? I
and things begin to look biisin as like. .Toekevs In i
harlequin colors, with w lip cord legs tapering
down into top !"><>:*. i'it !ifi and there through |
the crowd with arminis oi s and girths, and j
jot 1 duck, ragged a,l(l ' arefoot darkles turn hand- | J
Springs and "cartwheels" in the sand on the qtiar- , ,
ter Htretch, or hang tlieir Momus-uke, grinning ! '
features over the picket fence to ga/.e at j '
the audience on ilie si ami. Underwood climb? ,
Into his pigeon house, and with a ripe
brogue that few men an- graced with calls thou- .
sands of dollars from men's pockets Into the pools, 1
while a "post office line" of anxious men, ready to I
back their opinions with their money, forms In i
front of the stand where the French Mutucl pools .
are to he sold. This plan is a very simple and fair I
one, and seems to he rising into favor j
as its operation becomes Better known.
To tho?o who know nothing of it It } J
may be Interesting to learn that by this system a
limited number or tickets Is sold on each entry In 1
the race, anil that all the purchasers of ticket* on
the winning horse share pro rata the money of the j
losers, the buyers being continually apprised of the
number of tickets sold bv the'figures on the j
"bul.'8-eyes" ot tin "indicator" in tho divisions
marked by the uames of the
horses entered. The crowd, who would like to nn- j
derstand this system, stand, with inquisitive look*, :
ga/.ing at the Indicator, mid its the bell rings for
the saddling there Is a bustling to and Iro In the
hafte. to get seats, and the auctioneers vociferously
call on the buyers to "talk quicK. as this is the last ;
pool that will be sold on this race."
There are old men who worship the "noble
animal," and young men who have Just knelt at
his shrine, and there are -till others whoso backs,
and bank accounts, too, have been broken by their \
too frequent devotions to the beast. But nicy all
seem enthusl ,sts, and tne men who have money j
Mem no happier th.iu those who have not.
on the Oraud Hand, for the ladies, though the*
were willing to take ri*ks with the rain, do not do'- 1
, aire to bedraggle the latest midsummer st>les.
\ Dut what they lark of bright tints In ribbons and
flo.vers Is compensated in a measure by the blooni
of their checks, for the fresh, cool wind and
I tho bracing air, added to the excitement !
ii oi me occasion, nave i>nt 1110 lu their
?ros an<l life lu their blood. Tftero arc ;
' I many women from the 'laud of tlio feathorv palm"
8mon? thein, the majority belujt Cubans, with a few
icxlcaiis, and their olive complexion nn>l blue* i
black tresses make a stionsr coutran with tho fair, j
bright beauties or the North. And yet a 1 aro
beauties, each needing only apptoval of her par- ;
ticular stria of beauty to So considered >
1lio "fairest and loveliest of her sex"?
St is ft mere matter of taste. It Is a noticeable I
fact, too, that the swarthv in'xUleivs who aceom
patiy t hese dark typed of tho tropics arc very loud |
of speculating In I'uderwood'fl yellow cards, buylu)i
a good many of thcin and paying the highest
prices lu the pool.
A I.At>T'8 BET.
A lady turned In her seat to a friend behind her ,
?nd said:?' Alice, l*u bet you a red morocco b?it
that Heiniont wins." ]
k "I'll take that," ro?ort?d Atleo, and she threw
iback her veil aud tient her head to look nt tho ,
i * programme. I lie dear, luuoeeni creaturos, both of
r them ! The challcugei little dreitgtOd that the whole .
Held, with the favoiite to boo\ was against her,
and Al'cc to this hour, ?!ou'.itlr-s-?. cannot appreciate !
tl*.e tremendous odds her unpu'aivo frlond gave
her. Snll It Ii no reason why they xiou <in't )
/ bet thai I hey don't undorstund tho LoJiinoM. Pa's
) wallet always answers back with responsive
/ yawn to their demand*, and as tho old gentleman
/ 1? rich, and Ids daughter is hit pet. it please them f
both to give the pocketbook "llu?.? Hut to re'uru, I
Belmont didn't win, ami Alice "takes iho belt," I
among tho knowing ones yesterday. in the flrat '
race Tom flowllng'a balky freaks made all '.he heavy h
betting men very pquoutnlilt, ami u.n Uuvun of
pcona cnolce in the pools were In high feather.
Tom Is lost sufe. No horse that shown such temper
m that can win,'* Hut he got otr at last,
nd as he took the race in his teeth
ml rushed around the course oae exultant
'horse laugh" went up from the old uns1 throats
hat would have astonished the oldest tentman in
i circus. And then the knowing ones all "told you
o.n Hut the worst, the wildi-st disorder of the
lay followed in the second day, when "old"
klbuera, who was selling for >3 in pools of $180
ind $200, took the run out of (he whole pack and
passed under the string, amid the roars of applause
mil laughter, a victor. There was nrobably more
aioney changed hands on Albuera'i performance
than on all the other races of the day. But the
favorites were bound to go under yesterday, and
ihey went, with a vengeance.
the day's sport yesterday was one of the most Interesting
that could be desired. Everybody was la
sxcellent humor, even the losers, and
,ho onTy anxiety was occasionally when
be rain threatened. Now and then the
flcy became a very chaos of dark clouds tumbling
U> from the sea, and the faces of the watchful
:rowd reflected back vistas of draggled skirts,
Muddy boots and an umbrella famine. Before the
lay closed the black clouds became mountains of
[olden fringed fleece, and all was brilliant and fair
ind pleasant to look upon.
The thoroughbreds Nominee, Zebedee, La Oitana
ind Logan Bruce, announced to have been sold by
fnhn M. Tiny, worn not illsnused of. no bids belnir
)ffcred at which the Bale could be started. Among
he well known people on the course were Harold
Vallack, "Larry" Jerome, Mark Hates, Charles
'olilns, Messrs. C'omu & Lawrence and other
irominent gentlemen.
Tlio track was In admirable order yesterday. A
eery slight sprinkling of rain falling Just previous
to the start laid some of the dust and improved the
joing a trifle. Fast time was anticipated by the
spectators, aud they were not disappointed, particularly
in the first race. Four contests were rim,
the first by two-f car-olds for the Thespian Stakes, a
lash of three-quarters of a mile; the second, a sellng
race of a mile and a half, with the usual allowinces
for the low prices that the horses were to be
told for. Tlie third event was the Long Branch
stakes, two miles, with 100 lbs. up, and the fourth
ace, mile heats, best three in five, which had unortuuately
only two starters. The racing, apart
rom the two-year-old contest, was very inferior,
he time being mlaerably slow. In the two-nilla
lash particularly, where there were four rattling
'ast ones, they made a very unsatisfactory airalr of
it in DOint of time, as each horse seemed too
inxlous for the welfare of the other; and when
runuing began Airoy seemed to take the affair In a
way to suit himself and his owner, but not his
backers. It may be?and probably the thing will
show itself before the week Is out?that Alroy did
not do his best on this occasion; and should this be
the case, we hope the owner, trainer, rider ami ail
concerned may feel happy if they are lucky; yet,
still, they will And in the long run that policy will
not lie Jounu to oe tne nest nonesry. Airoy win rim
to-day In the thrce-milo dash with Preakness, and
we tliink ho will present a different appearance
rrom his mode or running yesterday. Midday beat
Preakness liy a head in this race, and we are inclined
to believe that had Preakness made the running
In the first mile he might have galloped
home an easy winner, provided the owner of Alroy
had not Interfered with the arrangement.
In the first race?the Thespian stakes?thero
were originally twenty-three nominations, but
when the bugle sounded five only responded to the
call. These were Mr. Belmont's bay fllly Mcdora,
bv Kentucky, dam Camilla; H. P. McGrath's bay
colt Tom Howling, by Lexington, dam Lucy Fowler;
L. W. Jerome's bay colt, by Lexington, dam Kitty
Clark; W. J. Bacon's chestnut fllfy Dolorosa, by
Exchequer, dam Tribulation; Zeb Ward's brown
colt, by Asteroid, dam Fairy. Tom Bowling and
Medora alternated several times for first choice In
the pools, but at the close Medora had it 'at slight
odiis. Tom Howling caused a great deal of delay
before he could bo started, but when he cut loose
lie soon showed daylight to the others, and came
home an easy winner, making the quickest time
ever made by a two-year-old. Tom Howling carried
100 lbs. Zeb Ward's colt was a good second, Me101
a third.
The selling race had seven entries, comprising
Zeb Ward's l?av Ally Cynthlana, by Upperary, dam
;ty Imported Ilooton, to be sold for $750, carrying
io lbs.; Joseph Donahue's chestnut horse Sanford,
i?y Uncle Vic, dam Dolly Carter, $750, 111 lbs.; A.
i'aylor's bay filly Henrietta, by Jerome Edgar, dam
Minnie Minor, Jsoo. 73 lbp.; II. C. Dawson's bay
mare Albuera, by Jeff Davis, dam Ninette, $500, loi
lbs.; M. H. Sanford's bay gelding King Henry, by
Lexington, dam Tokay, $500, 101 lbs.: John F.
Chamberlain's bav gelding Impecunious, by Tlppcrary,
dam Lucy Fowler, $500, oi lbs.: and John
Boughram'h Mack gelding tierald, bv Mickey Free,
dam Kosctte, $500,101 lbs. Sanford was the first
favorite, Henrietta second choice, King Henry
third. Albuera, who sold in some pools last night
f"r $.! in a $ft00 pool, won the race. Sanford second,
King Henry third. This was a great victory for the
fielders, the favorites being thus far deleated.
In tlio I.ong Branch Stakes there were sixteen I
?ntrles and only four starters. These were Thouian
v. Doswell's bav filly Wlno Bap, bv Vandyke, dam j
?'iiiii. and his bav mare Midday, by Ec:ipse, dam i
Duett*: M. H. Bnnford'8 bay horse Preakness, l?y
.cxiiiKton, dam Hay Leaf, an<l Joseph Donahue's
hestnut colt Alroy, by Australian, dam Nellie Gray,
reaktiess was the favorite over the field. Doswell's
iro beiug second choice and Alroy the third. This
.as a very curiously run race Tor good horses like
'reakness and Alroy. They allowed Wine Sap to
ad several lengths tnrough the first mile on little i
letter than a hand gallop, and did not really go
nto fast work until they were rounding the
ipper turn on the last mile, when Preakness
md Mlddav set to work la earnest. Alroy
it her could not or was not allowed to
ollow the others to the end, but lagged behind
lUdlv, coming In last In a very mean contest, the
line being contemptible for horses of this calibre.
The fourth race, mile heats, best three in five, for
he Schell Cup, had but two starters. These were
f. P. McOroth's bay mare Susan Ann and John F.
Chamberlain's gray colt Hrcnnus. Susan Ann won
lie race In three straight heats very handily, In
nost ordinary tluie.
'i he following are the details of the running as it
arne off:?
The First Race.
Tufsptas Stakes, value |500, added to a sweop?takcB
of $50 each, play or pay. for two-year-olds,
ilie second to receive $100 and llie third $00 out of
ihc stakes; three-quarters of a mile.
II. P. McGrath's b. c.Tom Howling, by Lexington,
dam Lucy Fowler (Harper) 1
Zeb Ward's br. c. Asteroid, dam Fairy (Graves). 2
ltclmont's br. f. Medora, by Kentucky, dam
Camilla (Walker) 3
iV. J. Uaton's cli. f. Dolorosa, by Exchequer, dam
Tribulation (Miller) 4
L. W. Jerome's b. c. by Le.xlugtou, dam Kitty
Clark (Lakeland) 0
Time, 1
Relmont $loo 160 150 lfiO 24.1 310
UcOrnth no 135 ns lto i:<>o 2:15
Ward 55 115 100 85 155 100
leromo 40 ho 75 35 M It
Die field 21 30 25 20 10 40
Tom Howling acted so perversely that above half
ni hour was spent before Ills handler conld ln<lucc
nim to turn his head tho right way. When they
;<>t him lu line, however, he flashed away from
those who were In Hie race with htm before they
liad run tlfty yards, and at the half-mile pole he led
three lengths, Ward's colt second, three lengths In
front of Medora, who was one length in advance of
Doloiosa, the latter being two lengths ahead of Mr.
Jerome's colt, tio.ng around the lower turn Tom
Howhntr 3howed temper again, and tho jockey had
to rip the spur Into hliu at every Jump to keep him
moving, lie ran flying his tall In tho air, and every
one supposed that lie would boll before lie reached
bom*. ward'i colt closed a little on him on the
lower turn, but when Torn Howling entered the
lioniestretch he kept moving In such a way that ho
l ad no time to think of moling with fits backFirs'
money; and ss he came, on leaving the others
behind, and won the race by four lengths,
Ward's colt second, three lengths ahead of
Mcdonv who was two lengths in advance
of Dolorosa, who was two lengths In front of Mr.
Jerome's colt. Time of tho dash, l :io?<?the QUKkcst
Unto ever made by two-year olds at any weight.
Tills colt?Torn Howling?we predict, will be another
Lexington If hta temper Is not completely spoiled,
lie can outniu anv two-year colt, with 100 pounds
up, at tho present time. In this country, and it Is
very doubtful if there I* one In nnv other land that
coul i beat him a mile. Tom Howling is about, fifteen
three, ft handsome buy. witti thrco white feet
and a blaze, and it Is not saving too much when wo
s'ato that he looks more like Ids Hire did at three
years of age than any colt that Lexington ever got.
Those who remember Darley bay that Tom Howling
looks like him.
The Second Ilace.
SEt.T.tvr, niCB? I'urse $f>oo for all ages, one and a
half mile; horses to be sold for |l,ftoo to carrv full
weight, for It,000 allowed 5 lbs., $750 allowed 7 lbs.,
$"iOo allowed U lbs. Anv surplus over stated sell
lug price to go to second horso.
11. O. Dawson's b. m. Aiouera. by JelT Davis, dam
Ninette, t.wo, 101 lbs. (Hoc) 1
J. Donohue's ch. h. Kauford, by Uncle Vic, dam
Dollr Oarter, $760, in ,bs. (Palmer) 2
U. II. Sanford's t>. g. King Henry, by Lexington,
dam Tokay, $600, 101 lbs. (Moran) 3
A. Taylor's b. f. Henrietta, by Jcromo Kdgar,
dam Mlnnlo Minor $6<>o, 73 lbs. (Walker) 4
1. Bonghraiu'B blk. g. Oerald, by Mickey Free,
dam Rosette, $500, xoi lbs. (l)rury) S
&eb. Ward's h. f. Uynttilann, by Ttpperary, dam
by Imp. llooton, $760, bo u??. (Graves) 0
Foliii KOhamborlaln's b.g. Impecunious, bv'flpperary,
dam Lucy 1'owior, $6oo, 91 lbs. (Hughes). 7
Time, 2:43m.
nig UKTT1NU.
'unroTd $i V) 8so 8io a?fv 210 soo
lenrietta 126 860 806 2/>o 196 106
King U'inry 40 140 200 1S6 l:W )00
[n.pvciruioi'* to *8 60 TO 00 60
lho Held., W m to M 60 10
Till RAOR.
KiDg iiooagr had u* best or Utc fttvt.
? ,y ' jri
second, Impecnnlous third, Sanforc* fourth, Gerald
11 rtli, Henrietta sixth, Uyut.hlariii seventh. Kin#
Henry led around the lower turn. hut before he
readied the three-quarter pote San ford pawed both
h'.m and Albuera. Tlien t>!iarp work commenced,
and they ran very rapidly up the homestretch, and
as they panned the staixl Albuera led two lengths,
King Henry second, luipecuuious third, Sanforu
fourth, Henrietta fifth, Gerald sixth and Cynthiana
seventh. At the quarter polo King Henry showed
in lront, Aliment second. Gerald third, Hanford
fourth, Henrietta fifth, Impecunious Hixth
and Cynthiana seventh. When the horses parsed
the half-mile pole Albnera led two lengths, King
Henry second, Henrietta third, Kanford fourth,
rjni'ahl filth Imnnnnnifiiiu dvth ^'vntliliina anvnntll
; The two last were out of the race at this time, the
I other# close together. Albuera kept In front
around the lower turn, and the backers of Sanford
and Henrietta began to wonder why she did not
quit and fall in the rear. She would not do it however,
to please them, but came racing on in front,
and an she pawned into the homestretch, with King
Henry, Henrietta and Saniord close up to her, the
general opinion was that all of the three would
beat her to the staml. She disappointed the crowd
by coming home a winner by a length, Kanford second,
a leugth in front of King Henry, who was one
length ahead of Henrietta, Gerald filth, Impecunious
sixth and Cvnthiaua seventh. Time of the
mile and a half, 2
The Third Race.
Tnrc LONfi branch stakes, value |800, added to
a sweepstakes of $60 each, play or pay, for ail ages;
to carry 100 lbs.; mares and geldings allowud 3
lbs.; the second to receive $200 and the third ?100
out of the stakes; two miles.
Thomas W. Doswell's b. m. Midday, by Eclipse,
dam Ninette (Gibson) I
M. H. santord's b. h. I'reakness, by Lexington,
dam Hay Leaf (Donahue) 2
Joseph Donahue's eh. c. Alroy, by Australian,
dam Nellie Gray (Lakeland) 3
Thomas W. Doswell's b. f. Wine Sap, by Vandyke,
dam Nina (K. Thomas) ,.. 4
Time, 8:40tf.
t1ib bettino.
Preakness J4TO C60 BOO 700 700 6.10
Doswell 355 400 400 405 450 320
Alroy 80 170 125 160 115 CO
tub hacb.
Midday was first away, Wine Sap second, Prcakness
third, Alroy fourth. Going around tho upper
turn Alroy ran to the front, but in an instant afterwards
Wine Sap rushed ahead of him, and at the
quarter pole led one length, Alroy second, Midday
imru, rrcuKuuMB lourui, an, However, cioiu uiSether.
Wlno Hap dashed away from the others
own the backstreteh, opening the gap at every
Jump, and wan six lengths in advance of Alroy nt
the half-mile pole, Midday third, with Preakness
lapped on her Hanks. Wine Sap made running to
draw the others on, but they would not follow lier.
The trio behind were watching each other. They
made the pace stronger, however, after getting into
the homestretch, and as they passed under the
string Wlno Sap was only four lengths In front
of Alroy, who was two lengths in advance of Preakness,
the latter being three lengths ahead of Midday.
Time, l:58M. Oolng around the upper turn
there was little change, but the pace was much accelerated.
At the quarter pole Wine Sap was live
lengths ahead of Alroy, who was four lengths in
front of Preakness, the latter being two lengths iu
advance of Midday. Going down the backstreteh
the race set in In earliest. I'reakness moved up
rapidly, lollowed by Midday, and as they reached
the half-mile pole Wine Sap wns Imt three lengths
ahead, Alroy second, a neck in front of I'reakness,
who was one length in advance of Midday. Thov
were all now runuing their best. Wine
Sap gavo up on the lower turn, having performed
her mission, and then the others
became suddenly bunched together, and it
was didlcnlt to tell which had the best of It for a
moment or two. As the horses passed the threcciuarter
polo Preakness showed Ills nose In front of
Midday and Alroy fell back to fourth place. WhOO
the horses entered the homestretch the race was
reduced to a match between Preakness and Midday,
and this ended by Midday winning by a short head.
Preakness was six lengths In front of Wine Sap, the
latter being a length ahead of Alroy. The time
of t.ho second mile was l:4C?^. and of the two
miles 3:45 >4, which was a very slow rac?, with 100
pounds up for five-year olds, who were considered
inc IJUBI sccouti raw UUI'HUB ui inu iuua.
The Fourth Race.
The Scjiejx Cfp, a silver punch howl, value
$000, given by Hichard Scltell; a handicap for all
ages, mile heats, best three In Ave.
II. P. McOrath'sb. m. Susan Ann, by Lexington,
dam Koxana, 6 years old, ill lbs.
(Swim) 1 1 l
J. F. Chamberlain's gr. c. Brennus, by Lightning,
dam Brcnna, 3 years old, 85 lba 2 2 2
Time, 1:61?1:53?1:50.?*.
No pools were sold on this race, as it seemed a
moral certainty that Susan Ann could not loose It
without falling down and staying where she full.
First Heat.?Brennus dashed away with his rider
and ran nearly a mile before he was pulled up.
When started again Susan Ann took the lead and
kept in front to the end, winning the heat by eight
lengths In 1:51.
SpcotuI Heat.?This time Brennus took the lead,
and running rapidly around the turn, was halt a
dozen lengths in front at the quarter polo. uoing
down the backstretch Susan Ann gradually closed,
making the affair very interesting to the unsophisticated,
and at the half-mile polo Brennus wus
three lengths in front. On the lower turn Susan I
Ann shut up the gap and lay up close to Brennus !
until he was within thirty yards of the stand, when I
she mnde several verv rapid jumps and beat him a
length under the string. The time of the heat was
Thtr<i neat.?Brennus again took the lead and !
was six lengths in front at the quarter pole, four
lengths ahead at the liolf-mlle pole; but then Susan !
Ann went for him, and she closed up to his tall at
the three-quarter pole, and, coming gradually ou, 1
won the heat bv a length in 1
There will be three races to day at Monmouth
Park, the first the being West End IlotelStukes, one j
mile and three-quarters; the second race, mile
heats, for all ages tlmt have not won dnring cither
meeting, and the third race will be for the Ilocy
Stakes, which will be a dash of three miles.
Trotting, Running and Walking
Events?A Day of Much Sport.
Tho attractive events presented yesterday at
nail's Driving rark. Coney island road. Long
Island, embracing trotting, running and walking,
were enough to bring together a large attendance,
and not one of the several hundred that visited the
pleasant resort had cause to regret the time thus
First among the day's attractions was a purse of
$100 for horses that had never beaten 2:10. mile
heats, best three In live, In harness. There were
Ave entries for this, and, after a closely contested
race of five heats, Butterfly scored tho victory.
The second event was a running race, milo heats,
b^st three In live, to carry lio pounds. Four
Rtnrted, but in the flrst hoat Sorrel Hilly and Nelly
Bligh were distanced, leaving tho race to Harry
nnil snrr^l linn ur-ia tenn liv thn Inllnr
The last event of the day, tue lour mile walking
! match, evoked much Interest. It was between
William Brown ami William II. Harding, tlic former
champion "walkist" and the latter champion run- ;
ner. Brown gave Harding 440 yards the start and
then beat him without symptoms of fatlcrne. The
1 several event!) took place In the following order:?
Hai.t,'." Driving Pauk. 1,. I., August ?, 1ST2.?
Purse $100 for horses that have never beaten 2:40;
mile heats, best three In five, tu harness.
William McMahon entered gr. m. Huttenly
0 1 1 2 1
Colonel Dickey entered br. g. riympron
0 3 9 1 2
L. S. Sammls entered ?. g. ,loe Mor-ran. 4 4 4 4 3
I J. Phillips entered b. m. Fanny osborn. 3 2 3 3dr.
j. V. Carroll entered b. g. I'.ajr CJcorgo. dig.
Quarter. Half. Mile.
First heat HO % 1:1?K 2:4l
Second heat 40'^ 1:20>{ 2:44'*
l Third heat 41 *" 1:23 2:48)i
Fourth heat 42>< 1:24X 2I
Fifth heat 41 1:23>4 2:49
Same Dat.?Running?Purse $ 10"); ttllo heats,
best three In five; to carry 110 lbs.
, John lloughrain entered cli. g. Sorrel Dan.. Ill
| S. Little entered b. h. Harry 2 2 2
i N. J. Murphv entered b. m. Nollv Hllgh dis.
\\ ilium 11. f.owe entered s. g. Sorrel Hilly... dls.
Time, 1:49vt -1:4? !j?I :f?0?4.
Wtien the bell rang for these contestant* to anl
near they promptly ia;ne on the track?Hrown in
; bluo trunks and white drawers, and Harding In
coioren irunks nnu uaro to the Knees. mo judges
! wero Johnny Dwyer, for Harding, and Mr. Harper,
a stout-looking gentleman, for lJrowu. William II.
Stafford, a noted amateur pedestrian, was
I the referee. A Timber of IJrown accompanied
htm on Ids journey, and Adams, n noted
professional, esquired (larding. Ta<> lutore?t In Hie
result of this contest exceeded that developed In
the battle of the equine*.
Brown made up ten seconds on the first half mile
1 and sixteen seconds or. the lirai mlie. At the end
, of the two miles and a qnirtei Itrown passed liarI
ding and the latter gave up the contest at three
I miles and a half. The time of the four tulles was
The following ts the fractional time made by
Itrown, wlnoli, '.bough goo 1, has been beaten t>>
lit m:?
First quarter 1:4.1 First quarter 2:31
Second quarter... 2;0.1 Second quarter... 2:18
Third quarter 2:11 Third quarter 2:07
Fourth quarter... 1 Fourth quarter... 2:03
First mile t:6t?< Third mile 9:00
First quarter 3:07 First quarter 2:37)<
Second quarter... 2:13 Second quarter... 2:24
Third quarter 2:01 Thin) quarter.... 2:39
Fourth quarter... 1 Fourth quarter... 1:32M
Second mile.... 8:ux Fouri?i mile.... 9-.&H
Srowr, VI., August fl, 1872.
A. V. Jintlrr, Of New ynrt, was thrown from his
wagon this morning, ftautnHng bis skuli. Ills ret
covu/i ( doubwut -
AUGUST 7, 187 2.-WITH St
r-??? r t r? * ?r
\ -
The Grant Men Jubilant About
North Carolina.
The Liberal Bepoblicana Still Confident?Charges
of Bribery and Intimidation Made Against
the Federal and 8tate Officials?Newt from
Other Parts of the Country?Progress of
th? rnmnaiffn ill Maine. Mitnissinn).
Indiana, Connecticut and Texaa?
Desperate Measures Retorted
to by the Republican* in Indiana?Success
of the *
Liberal Ticket
garded Certain.
The Liberal Headquarter*.
The attendance ?t the liberal headquarters yesterday
was smaller than usual, the excitement
relative to North Carolina having seemingly in a
great measure died out. No despondency was
shown relative to the lat-e unfavorable reports,
little or no credence being given to their authenticity.
It is confidently expected that the later returns
which have yet t? come will fully sustain
Merrimon's majority and confirm the conservative
victory. The districts where large liberal
gains are expected have not yet
been heard from, owing to the meagre
means ot communication, and when this vote
is recorded there will no longer be any doubt of
the result. It Is asserted that the ageuts ot the
administration, In order to save the large amount
of money which has been bet upon a republican
vlotory, will endeavor to oount out Merrimon by
all means, fair and foul.
Tlio facilities possessed for doing this are great)
as the whole federal machinery of the administration
is at the bidding of the official motors.
The districts in which the United States Marshals
have worked hardest are those which
have given the republican gains, and it Is
said that if they managed to prevent a fair
show for the democrats at the polls they can easily
manipulate the returns and give them a different
complexion from what they really bear. It is said
that if anything like this is tried on the moral
effect it will have In the country will bo more disastrous
to the cause of Grant than the loss of hall
a dozen States. Among the visitors who called
were Byron F. Daniels, Washington, D. C.; P. P.
('rand, M. 0., Illinois; Frank Moulton, New York;
P. J. Koman, Secretary of State, Louisiana, and
others, but the list of names is very slight.
A German gentleman from Vicksburg, Miss.?Mr.
S. Schuleln?was among the callers. He says that
11 proper men would only take the stump in his
State the chances of carrying it for the liberals
would be greater than at present anticipated. The
negroes are, he thinks, very accessible. Sumner's
letter has had a marked effect in arousing them
from their servile adherence to Grant, and he
says that If the position Greeley occupies were
placed iuits true light, and that they had a reliable
assurance that they would be left in undisturbed
possession of their political rights, a largo number
of the negroes would vote for the united liberal and
democratic candidate. There have been no steps
taken yet to inaugurate the contest, but Mr. Schulciu
thinks they should be immediately taken.
" There is no falling off iu the quantity of correspondence
received, and the usual number of telei
grams which have kept pouring in for the last few
days are still kept up. The main tenor of the inquiries
relate to the North Carolina election; and,
ll the State has really gone against the liberals, the
I disappointment of those who have been rejoicing
I over a victory for the past few days will Indeed be
I great. Mr. F. P. Crand, the Member of Congress of
Illinois, thinks the prospects in that
State are good, and that there Is every
hope of carrying the State In the fall.
The contest In Maine, judging from the letters ami
despatches which are being dally received, promises
to be a hot one, both sides making great preparations
for the contest. The whole energies of the
liberals will bo put forth in the contest, particularly
in Augusta, the home of Speaker Maine. Senator
Sumner's reply to the Speaker Is considered a
crusher, and will doubtless have Its effect. The following
letter has been received from Saunders, the
colored man who lius been stumping North Carolina
for Greeley?
Baltimore, Md., August 5, 1S72.
Hon. Eims Ai.lf.jj:?
bib?I arrived here yesterday from North Carolina utterly
mod tin. Will lip in New York August 7, A. St., mid
render my linal report. The result In North Carolina i s
highly satisfactory, and clears the field lor a grand sucCess
ill November. Accept my congratulations for the
masterly manner in which you have handled the initial
context of the canvass. J have the honor to be, very refpUCtlully,
The following letter has been received at the
liberal headquarters:?
Bbhxington, Vt., August 8,1872.
Colonel Etiiaw Aims :?
My 1>ka? 6ik?The New York Post Office needs watchinn.
To-day 800 copies of the Timr*, containing Conkling's i
upeeeh, arrived at a Post (Mice not flltv miles distant. I
They average fifty to seventy-five pound* in weight and j
arc marked or stamped ''l'alil, N. V. P. O.," to convey the
impression tlnu prepayment lias been made by parties
engineering theuriilit canvass.
A letter from a prominent citizen, au ex-member
of Cengress, of Knfaula, Ala., says that the news of
the victory In North Carolina - is causing great
enthusiasm for Mr. Greeley in tho Stale. The
Grant ite* are much crestfallen, and refuse to take
up the bets that are freely offered that Grant will
not receive the electoral vote of Ave States.
General W. Macartney has started for Vermont,
where he proposes to take an active part In the
contest, lie was accompanied by state Senator
Ladil, who returns to his home on the same mis
No despatches were received direct from North
Carolina yesterday.
The Grant Headquarter*.
A very dull and quiet day was spent at tlie
Grant headquarters yesterday, notwithstanding
that tlie news from North Carolina published in Hie
morning papers was more encouraging than the
despatches of previous days. The number of persons
who called was not larger, but they had an
increased appearance of confidence, and walked
with a more elastic step lhan they have done since
Thursday. They state that there is not the slightest
doubt but that tho oinci.il award will givo the
Stato to tho republicans, both in Governor
an>i a majority of Congressmen. The defeat
of Settle Is, however, admitted, and
it is accounted for by numerous causes,
which, stratigo to say, were not heard of
uuttl after the contest. Tho letter of William Lloyd
Garrison has given great encouragement to the re- !
publicans, and it is regarded by them as a conclu- I
sivo answer to the Sumner negro letter. The ar- i
ralgnraent of the Massachusetts Senator and tho
severe castigatton administered to him by his old
friend nnd associate, they assert, will have an effect !
all over the country, and If any negroes were
wavoring in their allegiance to Grant the argu!
monts 01 Garrison will hold them fast to flte good
I cause. Nothing was iwi>'l about Sumner's reply to
Ula'.ue, but this Is not Rtran<r<\ people seldom liklug
I to talk about N matter damaging to themselves.
It is anticipated that the meeting of veterans, to
I be held at Pltsburg on the ltfth, will havo a good
etToct In Pennsylvania, and will help to cement
I the republican ranks on (irant. tho unfor!
tunate divisions which have occurred between
1'orney and Cameron having done much to cause
dissension and disunion. The letters which ,
colonel Dudley Is receiving rrora all parts 1
I of the country show a lively Interest in j
i the ailair, and, lr these scutlmcnts and pro
nii.^us aiv vu i;? luiiru ?rvu, ui'.iu ia iiu ICHI J
tint tlio gathering, In pofut of numbers at least, i
will t>c a grand success. General Burn side was
present at tho rooms yesterday to see that tlio !
business was going on smoothly. The celebration 1
wilt last two or three days, and tho most eminent
speakers that, lan be procured arc engaged to address
the meeting: but very few of the names or !
tlio protnlnen. Generals on tlie I'nlon side during
: the war apnea , many of them having taken refuge
under the broad wings of the liberal cause.
Tho following despatch from General Abbott,
Chairman of tho state Committee of North Carolina,
was received:?
Returna liad:y nilicd. Those received Indicate th.it not
, more thiin a thousand difference will be t-iilior wjiv. i
! On the (ut'trnAtorlnl vote ofllclai roiurtH will probatilv I
. Iio favorable to the republicans. Think Cnhtwcll Is eU'cteil !
auU the whole State ticket. JOS. 0. ABBOTT.
The Democratic llcarlqaarlcr*.
At the democratio headquarters matters wcro a
little more lively than at either of the other rallying
points, and a larger number of visitors called, j
t Including Mr. Frances Kcrnan, Utlca, whose name
Is mentioned for tho Governorship of the State; [
lion. ?. 8. Cox, Colonel W. K. Huberts, Mr. IL S. ,
. Clark aud others.
A despatch was received at four o'clock P. to. ;
from North Carolina, slgtiod by Mr. Uarrlnger. It
is very voluminous, but tho following is tho sub>
stance of what it contains:?ne states that his im!
prcsslon Is that Merrlwon lias carried the State by
about one thousand majority. In the districts
where Indictments were held against parties for
Kukluxlsm and violation of the Internal Hcvcnuc
laws relating to whiskey and tobacco there have
been large republican gains, induced by the terrorism
and threats which were freely nsed. Ho
also states that large frauds have been perpetrated,
and that the Fallot boxes have been tamporcd with
Id the remote eastern districts. Fven If a nominal
majority Is figured out rot Caldwell It win bo simply
ft vile UiiposiUvD, m MorrUaoo revived a largo
r-7 ? i ? > ! i, > ?>!> '
majority of the legal vote actually cast. A victory
gained under such disreputable circumstances
would, he thinks, be worse for Grant than a defeat.
The Legislature is largely democratic, and five out
of the eight congressmen are elected sure.
Fr?m Connecticut a letter has been received
from the Chairman of the State Democratic Committee
mating that Connecticut tu thoroughly
aroused. The democrats are solid for Greeley, and
there will be a defection of seven thousand or
eight thousand to the liberal rankH. Connecticut
will, it is said, give the largest majority for Greeley
and Browu It ever before gave for democratic
Advices from Indiana are encouraging, and state
that the radicals are using every means to defeat
the htato ticket headed by Senator Hendricks.
Bribery and corruption have been resorted to, and
one democrat of some local influence has been
bought out for $10,000. All, however, will not avail,
aw a noerai victory in inmaua ih reK?'u<;u?? ? iur?>
pone conclusion. From Maine, Alabama, Mississippi,
Texas and other States oquallv nattering reports
were received. Mr. Schell and Major lianks
had charge of the rooms during the day. Mr.
BeheH devotes a large portion or his time to the
work of the National committee.
The Feast of Tabernacles?Opening Day
of Sing Sing Camp Meeting?Good Attendance
and Bright Prospect*?Sermon*
by Revs. Mooxehoaa* and Applegate.
Sinq Sing, August 6,1872.
"The desert and the solitary place shall be glad
for them" must have been designed to cover this
camp meeting feature of American Methodism;
for certainly very few otherB ever make
the woods ring with prayer and praise. And
here they are again on this venerable camp ground,
inaugurating as they did to-day their annual meeting
for 1874. A more desirable place for camp
meeting, say the trustees, has not been discovered
since the pilgrims of the Orient encamped at Glim.
This grove, however, lacks the palm trees and the
wells of water which old Elim possessed, and
from which Israel drank and was grateful.
Thero is, however, an abundant supply of
clear and cool spring water gathered from a rivulet
wiitch runs at the base of a wooded grove upon
which the encampment is pitched, and raised to the
top of the hill and distributed in a large tank by
means of a steam force pump located below. The
grounds are clear and carefully laid out for the convenience
of all, and
toe orovb 19 unscrpas9ed fob 8iiade
and comfort. The grounds are not extensive
pnmivh to admit of Hnorulntion In houses or lots.
and very little Improvement can bo mailo In its
topography lrom one year to another. If the association
had had a little more territory they might
easily add a little lake to the attractions of the
ground lty enclosing or diverting a portion of the
rivulet, which after a rain shower Is swelled to
goodly proportions. They might also lay out a
little playground for the children, who with their
parents occupy cottages or tents hero for many
days before and after the camp meeting proper.
But as the design of these annual grove meetings
is the glory of God and the salvation of souls, as
tho association declare, they probably don't think
that scupplng and praying and boating aiul singing
would harmonize very well in so small and so
sacred a spot.
The only thing that mars the grandeur and serenity
of this spot is the steep and rugged ascent
by which It is reached. According to the testimony
of those who have climbed and are climbing both
it Is much harder to climb this hill than it is Zlon's
hill. And as the noet sung of another roud we may,
with a little variation, say of this?
True, 'tts a rougli ana tnornv roaa,
And mortal spirits tire and faint,
as they wend their way upward and onward to
It Is just half an hour's walk from the steamboat
landing or the railroad depot to the camp around,
aud twenty minutes' ride. Jior a gotity or rneumatle
old lady or gentleman no better prescription
could oe given tlian a ride in one of the numerous
vehicles that ply between the depot and the
ground. It will be almost certain to shake the life or
the rheumatism out 01 them, and In cither case they
will be certainly cured. A boat ride of two hours
on the Hudson, or a ride of one hour and twenty
minutes by rail, will bring saints and sinners alike
to the jumping off place, and while the former
climb up Zion's hill, the latter very frequently slop
just a little below to partake of the hospitalities of
the State and to congratulate friends from whom
they may have been long parted.
Just now
As soon as yon step off the tralA or the boat a
hack driver accosts you with a poetic rigmarole, In
which his own genius and that of Charles Wesley
are so blended that you cannot well resist the
temptation to ride In his conveyance. The polltU
clans of the village, too, have painted tho democratic
candidate for the Presidency very much like a
Methodist parson and hung his likeness across the
Main street. As Methodists aro, generally speaking,
republicans, this is doubtless designed to catch
some who may be wavering and halting between
two opinions, and wlin, impressed with the Christian
meekness of the Philosopher's face as painted
on canvas, may decide to vote for "the great and
good I)r. Greeley."' Tho likeness Is In striking
contrast to one I saw suspended across
the street near the depot In Tarrytown.
ll iuumju hu invu rwin n. owcciit, mwi i uu muotache
put under the chin Instead of on the upper
Hp. An enterprising grocer in this village has
very significantly placed the Philosopher's head in
front ol his store leaning on a watermelon. Of
courso it is not suggestive of pumpkins or soft
heads, hut Is designed solely to make the voters
acquainted with the head that will dlspenso wisdom
at the White House next year or?elsewhere.
There are very few preachers on the ground yet.
but to-morrow a great many and a large number of
visitors are expected. Kev. 8.1). llrown, D. 1>., P. E.,
and Wm. Mc Alist cr have charge of the public services
at the stand, and yesterday Revs. W, H.
Ferris. !>.!>.; Ollphant, Brush, Holiis, Howdish
ami Morehouse, were present. The latter
Is pastor of a TllMgt church here, and as
Kev. McAllster remarked, Is one of the lew
men who are not afraid to preach to
small congregations. He did preach a very excellent
sermon?not very logical, indeed, but very
practical, and J oat siinicicntiy interspersed with
personal experiences and reminiscence* to make It
Interesting to all classes and all ages, liu text was
Matthew xxi. and part of twenty-eighth vetse?"(Jo
work to-day in my vineyard." Ills theme was Christian
work, and he discussed it under three aspects,
namely?the character and kind of work required of
us; the place and the time Of our labor. And then,
as a windtip, he spoke of the ctl'ect which this work
has upon the christian toller himself as well as
upon the hearts upon which he may operate, and
the abundant fruit which is ccrtaln'to follow from
faithful persevering labor In the Lord's vineyard.
Hcv. Mr. McAllster backed up the sermon
with a very brief but practical address,
and Dr. Brown offered a tew suggestions
to the campers touching promptness
at the public services, and the quiet of their children,
and the general decorum which should be
observed on the ground during such services.
There were about one hundred and tltt.v persons at
the meeting, ami there are about two hundred on
mip irDiunii. 'I he retrtilar services from day to da v.
as announced by tlie Presiding Elder, are preaching
tu tou A. M., half-past two and seven P. M.; prayer
meeting at eight A.M. and six P. M., ana alter
evening preaching In the tents. A children's meeting
will be held dally at a quarter-past one In the
afternoon, under the direction of sotne one to be
appointed hereafter. Kevs. C. H. Applegate and
Morehouse, of Sing Sinn; Kedford street and Forsyth
street M. E. churches, New York, and the
Swedish Bethel have prayer tents here, and between
this and Sunday half a dozen more will
probably be put up. Dr. Jirown congratulated
the trustees and tho campers on the goodly
numbers present at the opening service, and said
that last year there were so few persons on the
ground the tirst day they could not hold public service
until the everting, and on the second day there
was not as manv present as there are to-day.
Everybody seems quite pleased with the promise of
success thus given. The evening bo't and trains
brought about fifty men to the camp, so that
at the seven o'clock service there were about three
hundred persons present. Tho Kev. c. H. Apple*
gate, a local preacher, pave the people a very excellent
discourse In the evening on "the power of
personal effort trying to do good." Tt was based
on the story or tho Koman Centurion who besought
the l.ord .lesus to heal a Hick servant of his and the
marvel of the Saviour at the great faith manifested
by tho (ientile soldier. The discourse
was designed to supplement the sermon of tho
afternoon, and It did so admirably. At its close
Dr. Hrown gave a brief exhortation, after which
the people repaired to a couple or the prayer tents
and continued the services until ten o'clock P.M.,
when, at the sound of the bell, all such meetings
arc to cca?e at that hour, and the people are cxpcctod
to retire as soou as possible thereafter.
In tho culluary and domestic department of tho
encampment the competition will not be so sharp
as it was last year, when thero wero half a
dozen boarding tents on tho ground, and
all of them lost more or less money. There aro
but two such tents this year and a restaurant. The
price of board bv the day is $1 26: for five days or
more il a day, and by the meal fllty cents each for
break rust and tea and seventy-live cents for dinner.
Tho fare to day was between fair and middling, but
from to-morrow and onward the pioprletors promise
tit at c'.r.ss board.
Llko the lsracliush camp of old, this Methodist
cncampmcnt radiates to one centre, and iii.it is the
preacher's cottage. All tho tents and cottages on
tho ground form a succession of circles, the space
between the circles being numbered as streets?
First, Second, Third, Ao.?and they are divided into
cast and west bv Central avenue, which
Is an almost straight lino from tho entrance gate to
the preaching stand. Tho services to morrow evening
and thereafter will begin at twenty minutes
past, seven o'clock Instead of seven, to give an opportunity
to-the latest arrivals from the city to get
to tUc grounds in umv fyi that scrvivc. Mot q aoon.
I '
T ^"?
A Run from New Haven trfl
New London. 4 I
? ,
la-Shore and Off-Shore Sail! AI
What the Peerless Did.
On Board Yaciit Mtstio, Off Pbquot house
Nkw London, Conu., August e, 1872,
The Atlantic Yacht Club fleet lay qntatly at anc^H
last night off the eastern shore of Morris covqH
Most of the yachtsmen remained on board dur'naH
the evening, as New Haven was three miles diaH
tant, and a visit to that seat of learning wouljH
necessitate a pull of about six miles, three miles!
with and three against a strong tide and rolling I
sea. Visits were paid ' I
from yacht to YACnijjt i
The merits of the different boats wre discussed? I
and it was generally conceded that the new schoonei I
Triton was one of the fastest boats in the fleet oif
the wind, while the Peerless was equally hard to beat I
with sheets started. During the nlghf I
some iresn auuitions 10 ine ncet amvefl
in the shape of the schooner Foaa J
Mr. Sheppard nomans; the schooner Besale V
Mr. Vermilye and the sloop Qui Vive, Mr. Clapham I
Shortly alter Are A. M. this morning life began t< I
stir on board the yachts, and an occasional splas! I
of some of the yachtsmen. There was hardly I
breath or all' and the tide was on the first half ot I
flood. Shortly arter seven o'clock a preparatory \ I
gun was llrcd by Commodore Peet from the Nlnn I
i>uh, which was followed, five miuutes later, by ? I
second report as the starting signal. I
JIBS WEBB Rra pp wrruour delay; 1 I
anchors weighed au<l the fleet started to beat onf I
of the cove and get on their course for New Loir I
don. There was scarcely the shake of a leaf in til' I
way of wind, but presently a light fanning breei -^J
from the southwest crept slowly over the glas> jfl
surface of the water and catching the tig. H
canvas gavo the yachts steerage way. Ti
Peerless, with her cloud of light Ci>
vas, was the first to get on her cour j^H
and soon shot ahead, rollowed protty closely by
Qui Vive, Bessie, Orion, Daphne, Alert, Cnd/^^|
and Annlo M. The Sea Witch stood out further
the bay, followed by the Mystic and Nirut^^H
The Triton made rather a bad start,
she was anchored well Inside the c^^^H
but she had company in the Tidal
who was anchored half a mile up the bay. The
did not start witb the fleet, as her owner,
Sheppard Romans, stated he would not be able^^^l
get under way till about nine A. M.
was rather tedious work wltn light air nn<l
ft strong tide, but presently the breeze fre
up a little, and the yachts began to git throi; W
water at a pretty lively rate. The Peerless .<
first to feel the grateful breeze, aud was soon t^^^H
thing along at a lively gait. The Sea Witch
dently thought that 1110 breeze would hold be*^^H
in Ward Channel, ami, keeping her sheets trimn
aft, headeu out with the view of passing Falknei
Island outside. The Mystic followed her example
and kept lulling up to windward. The rest Ov ?
the fleet, with the exception of the Triton I
and Tidal Wave, followed tho lead ol I
the Peerless and kept well In Bhorflf fl
The Nimbus finally deserted tlie coasting* 1
party and followed out after the MystiCi Tha 1
oreeze kept freshening and at about half-past eight
the yachts were making about seven knots an hour*
I About huir-past nine tue Orion, who watt following
the coast line, j
on a ledge a tritle to the south of the ThimblW
Islands. A number of the yachts, including tha Hi
Daphne and Ale rt, immediately c&pie up to her in J
slstance, but after a short delay she floated otS ^
The Sea Witch was still keeping on to the eastwardU l
but the Mystic had altered her coarse, an J ?
was steoring a little more to the northwardB
The little Nimbus Anally came up to wind war if
of the Mystic, aud getting In a position on hex
weather quarter kept there for about half an houit
The Triton dually altered her course and kept mora
in-shore, followed by the Tidal ^ave, who waa
gaining on her rapidly. The Sea Witch layabout
Ave miles to windward of the Mystic. About tvV g
i and finally the Tidal Wave passed to leeward ol tha ,
I Triton, and the Nimbus got ahead or the Mystics A
i The Peerless was doing remarkably well, and aboof
1 io::io was live miles ahead of the fleet, sailing alona
I under a, cloud of canvas. The ~Mysti3
I passed outside Faikner's Inland at 10:3<C
; with the Nimbus about a cable's lengtn
ahead. Ah the sun got up the wind appeared to gq I
! down, and shortly alter eleven A. M. the tleet waa I
nearly becalmed, and it was as much as they could J
do to keep steerage way. Shortly after one P. My
a breath of air came up from southeast and soonB|
the tleet was once more travelling towards Nei^H
London. They were scattered pretty widelj^fl
apart, and covered a distance of at leasff^l
ten miles. Those yacht* inshore, including thd^fl
Tidal Wave and Triton, hail to haul close on wimfH
aud make a short tack ID order to weather the rei?^H
buoy oil" Haynrook, after wlucti they started sb* * 1
] and ran by the lightship on Cornfield Ledge. ' i.ij I
j Nimbus and Daphne were following alter th? I
| Triton, and the Sea Witch was away up to windwanj
of the former, doing well on the best point of sailing? H
i The Mystic was making good headway under bot?
1 topsails ami malutopmast staysail, leading the* I
Alert and the Nellie (;. The cutter yacht does not i
\ belong to the Atlantic Club, but it is sailing wltM J
I them. At three P. M. there was a rattling breezdg 1
| and the yachts were making nine and ten knots, r <
| was now Ave miles ahead of anything in the fleets
, and widening the gap every minute. The Qui ,'lva
i was next boat, doing very well, and followed by tU(S
j Tidal Wave, which w as closing up fast "under" 4 J
I cloud of canva?. The Tviton was n< ..t boa., m
i leading the Sea Witch. The smart Uttl< H
sloop, rndluc, was making good ^reathei
iu-sliore. with the Nimbnp and Daphne in l et H
1 wake. Next came the schooner Mystic, leaning tlid^H
l sloops Alert and Nellie U. The orion, which
got oir the ledge in sn'etv, came ue> !
by the Anuie M. and Hessie."
| off the PeqtiOt IIou.-v as follows:?
; lVic'.f. (tinner. IT. ft
Peerless Vice Commodore Maxwell. . 3 l
' Qui Vive Mr. Clapham 3 4
! Tidal Wave....W. Yoorhls 3 4
Triton S. A. Thayer 3 ft'M
Sea Witch Mr. Slott 4
| 1 ndine Mr. Willis 4 li
Nimbus commodore Feet 4 r
i Daphne Mr. Goufe 4 fl
i Mystic Mr. Creamer 4 '2? H
Alert Mr. Vail 4 3C H
1 Nellie 0 4 3-fl
| Orion Mr. Cooper.... ;; _ 4 4| V
Ann re M i;i'nr t .Uiiimauun; xuuuncii a
Iiessie Sir. Vermilyca. 8 4(1 ^
Tiic schooner Foam came tn shortly after flvq I
o'clock P. M., bnf did ilot leave Morris Cove untlj I
nearly nine o'clock A. M. i I
in the evening a nunibar of the yachtsmen wens 1
on shove and visited their frieiidi at the Pe<iuo^ 1
House. v
The fleet leaves to-morrow for Grecnport.
\rrivn 1?. /
Nkwfokt, R. I., Aupnst 0, 1872*
Arrived, steam yacht Laurlne, N.Y.Y.C., I.ouii
Lorlllurd. %
Yacht Halcyon, N.Y.Y.C.
Wind nn?l Hail?ionr? Scattering Property ^
Aronnd at. HarrUburg?Gable of '
Church Injarfd. ^
llAUHisnmo, Pa., August fl, 1872* , jd
A terrililc tornado and hall storm, cov>
space of country a utile in width, occurred
ten o'clock last night. The roof* of the St*fe CapL.
tol Hotel, Pr int's Hall and many private duelling
were carried off, and the jfable end oi the (jerm''?
Reformed church was injured. ' \ I
Hundreds or treps wore Mown down am: iJiou^ J
Hands of panes of prlass broken. The tcle^rapKi J
wires wore prostrated, but communication was re*
stored tills morning. '
At two o'clock yesterday afternoon an n
woman went into adrug store in Allen stree^H|^^|
some medicine for lier child. While waiting\TT!^^B
counter slio foil to tho floor insensible. She woe rC^H
moved to Kldridge street police station, whereaj^M
efforts to restore her to consc
wore unsuccessful, fn tins condition she
moved to Bellevne Hospital. She
twenty-three years or acre, five feet six
had long; brown hair, and was dreused In
dross, straw hat, trimmed with black
velvot. A few minutes before nlno
last night an unknown wotnar.^^^^^^H
thirty five years of age, was found insensi^^^^^^H
on pier No. 3 Must Kiver, and removed to
Crecinct station House, where slio wns^^^^^^H
v I)r. Hutchinson, She was removci
Hospital in the same condition in
found, fcShc had light complexion, brown
dressed in a calico wrapper, dark.gaiter

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