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\CWv"n r-.7w?-A2S2 X'Vin-al Jitjwrvt for ' ? mvfyoa tribe* heyfnne* Jk Arapa) <** and^utre r^d'Yioictoii SUnti ~~~* VaUreSJ^gan rzu?WV reft**,. ylBSOVlit ?Oil Wurp'K"1 A Sioua Ft.Stcvem Ft-Bentoi Ft.Buford J?fruS+\ ^PuJcoJ, FURanBoni ptJi\pU7* nrrs rt.IUce rt.Abc?T?m " L 1 r^^VVarj-tlo" / /V*?W Camp ly iih\ Biv.Ag?fy :zsw?; FUKliin, General Jfimntditi ( rows Ibf>. 2700 J' Column - ? vMoux ( Tlirt. 1 Swilxlbetervt "Pwtfin I ,.roJ*Plit) a' ^ i) \&istern hand* fc ^'P/f ?W?y^$3S y iw m Camp Stain ban gh fXfaHia/xjt ' Ythnoskin 01 Aj?a*a /? S Bannoc/fr 11 imoVJ] 'ofica ,<rf ""?p f \2%?.M 't JFtJettermsn ^ \i !v^ . .VcFt.l^tramic c?npMc.Dorinltt :??nso{l0l ur"u"k pacific Ft. Steele Ft.San'dcr* ^ S ? (t ' f - Ft . D/X. K u Bscll ? L DougKiB v* y ^'"? y v \ \ \7AiUah Utei, r?!"?tactee QnaCSaUz!w ItJ^gietapQ0 Ueiicrall Iicserue, 'ajiBanCij Carson 't.Uay? hretU bawls '/TFUWaDac> Tt.LafT.<caj Puebla k~\ 7** "FUHeyntldtt ?-S\4JVsaS #. pt.Gailand Otag* Osage litis _ 8370 HuddvSpri (Miviry, rtutro **ana?*,jl r^Tti ft AfciojioU^; \ yudian^t. , famJ JJakgwr (.'an ip Bupph Ft.GLlJ?>f tlriK^n" " ?*FtjUnion o Sunta f/ H'fthilUS,Ca JteeMsi^fcc. 'Mnijuii Villages I Ft.BaKComb pfe'O^p t E R Choctaw Nation 15000 Kiowas, J? Ft. Winpato . FtMohaveJFt^ y Lfe; C'Aitlvwru Albuquerque SOUTHERN Navajoe A j Apachfe I Camp Apache ,?V" iav* Intl. TT >P. 736 FtUcDowcH Ft. Craig 4, .mifc u> <F~jV<j ricopa ts \ l'apajunj 'ficopu n JJo/,aves ' -TtOrant\"\ jJ? Ft.Cuii\niingB Camp Xowtirr> PACIFIC Ft.Bowii Chiricahui K ? Jtcscrvt ! SOOTHEKN -amp CriUciidcnj^ THE AMERICAN REDS. ^ ?* Map of tHe Indian Reservations and Military Posts and Agencies Controlling the Civilized and TTncivilized !ftibes< 3ft Longitude S3 West from 81 Washington 29 rmic b RU8SCLUM.V. WARDS OF THE NATION. Our Indian Reservations and Reservation Indians. The Hostile Tribes in Dakota and Montana. KICKAPOOS IN KANSAS AND IN MEXICO. Condition of Red Men on the Pa cific Coast. A Prospective and Retrospec tive View. The Lands Occupied as Reservations. Military Supervision at the Agencies. 13m map presented above shows the principal Indian reservations and military posts In that part ?f the United States ijln* between Texas and Minnesota on the east and Washington Territory and Mexico on the Pacific coast, with few excep tions all the aboriginal tribes and bands, both peace foi and hostile, are located within the territory in dicated. Most of the troops in the Departm ent of Dakota have been concentrated under Colonel D. 8. Stanley to escort the surveying parties on the North Pacific Railroad line to the Yellowstone, and M a consequence bat one or two posts are now /decupled la MINNESOTA. There are live reservations in this State, on which were are about six thousand Indians. The Chip pewa* of the Mississippi have been assigned to the reservations known as White oak Point and White Earth. A great many still pursue a roving life, preferring to remain on their old grounds. White Oak, from the nature oi the soil, possesses few ad vantages for successful agriculture ; but any natu ral deficiencies here are more than compensated by the surpassing beauty and excellence of White Earth. Tfle latter consists of thirty-six town anipa, diversified by lake, prairie and tim ber lands, and le equal, if not superior, In quality or soli to any other lands In Mlnne ?ota. The I'lllage and Wlnnebagohlsh dwell within the limits of the reservation, chiefly upon the lalanda ana snores of Leech and Cass lakes. The Ashing Is not to be excelled. The Red Lake and r?mbina Chippewa* occupy a fertile track along the shores of the lake deriving its name from that tribe, although they do /?vt pi?flt py the fertility of the soil. They live upon roots and berries, which are abundant. The locations of the reservations are marked on the map. The Minnesota Indians are generally peaceiul and need little military supervision. DAKOTA. This Territory, situate west of Minnesota and immediately sonth of the British Possessions, has a large and troublesome Indian population, princi pally composed of Sioux. It is studded over with military posts and camps. There is a general Sioux reservation, with seven others of lesser area. The Sisseton and Warpetons are located some miles south or Fort Abercrombic, and, with the Upper Missounans, number about eight thousand seuls. Two companies of the Twentieth infantry, under Major Yard, occupy Port Wadsworth, on the spot. The Two Kettle, Sans Arc ana Minne conjoux bands, estimated at between five thousand and six thousand at the Cheyenne reser vation, have been very troublesome. Two companies of the Seventeenth lnrantry are stationed at this point. Nearly seven thousand Onpapas, Yanctonians and Cuthcads are at the Grand River reservation. They are disposed to follow the chase and avoid, as far as they can, as sociation with other Sioux. Two companies of the same regiment are also stationed at this agency. The Yancton reservation, in the southern part of the Territory, has 1,800 Indians. They arc said to be making some progress in civilization. At the Whetstone or Lower Brule reservation about 4,000 draw subsistence from the government. One-half are at the Upper Brule. They comprise the Ogal lalan and seceders from several bands of Sioux, together with 600 half-breeds and whites who have cast their lot with them. They roam over the country a distance of twenty or twenty five miles. These are guarded by Captain Bush's company of the Twenty-second infantry. At the Crow Creek Agency there are 2,400 Indians, be longing to different tribes, of violent disposition and difficult to manage. Troops are located near them. The Poncos, on a reservation by them selves, on the Nebraska boundary line, close to Fort Kandall, have been reduced to 700. They are willing and anxious to learn the arts of peace. They are provided with a school, but the Interfer ence of whites does them mnch injury, NEBRASKA. There are six reservations in Nebraska. The four largest? the Pawnee, the Winnebago, the Omaha and Santee Sioux? are marked on the map. A few years since an allotment of lands was mado tn severalty among the three last named. The head of each family received eighty acres, and those nnder eighteen and unmarried forty acres each. The Pawnees, for some reason, did not have an allotment. Most of tbem live In earth-covered lodges, which are neither olean nor healthy. The Nehames have schools and temperance societies. The Quakers have charge or the Indians. Large tracts of land are represented to be under cultiva tion. Nebraska is Included in the Northern Superintendence The Indians number about seven thousand. There Is a large garrison, com posed of the Second cavalry and Eighth infantry, at Omaha Barracks. f KANSAS. The Klckapoos occupy a very desirable reserva tion, containing 28,686 acres, in the northeastern part of the State, and through which tne central branch of the Union Pacific Railroad passes. The country wound tbem u settling op rapidly. They are loyal and peaceable, and evlnco a desire to jot* their raiding brethren in Mexico, on a tract of land in the Indian Territory, if the removal of the latter across the Rio Grande can be effected. There live about 1,600 Pottawatamies on a reser vation eleven miles square, in Jackson county. They live in separate lodges and possess cattle and an abundance of agricultural implements; on the Kansas reservation, 600; Ottoc, 600, and Keosho, 6,000. The Shawnees are also anxious to go South. The Third and Filth infantry and Sixth cavalry are stationed in Kansas. INDIAN TERRITORY. The CfcoctawB, Chickasaws, Kiowas, Arapahoes, Cherokee*. Comanches, < mages and other tribes are settled in large numbers In the Indian Terri tory. Altogether they number nearly fifty thou sand souls. The Choctawa constitute a nation, and are governed by a President and Legislature. The Sac and Fox tribes are situated on Deep Fork, west of the Creeks and north of the Semlnoles. Their land? of good quality? comprises 760 square miles. They were removed from Kansas. The Arapahoes are on the Upper Arkansas, and are well supplied with cattle and buildings. The Kiowas and Comanches behave well. Large tracts of land arc secured to these tribes, a considerable portion of which have made great progess in civili zation. In Kansas and other States Indians desire to be removed to this Territory, where greater ad vantages are enjoyed than in any other part of the country. The interference ol white men frequently causes disorders, and there arc some of the red men who Indulge in raids into Texas for the pur pose of cattle stealing. There are five companies of troops serving in the Territory? four colored and one white. Three are stationed at Fort sill and two at Fort Gibson. TEXAS. There are no reservations in Texan. Six regi ments are stationed in the State to keep the tur bulent savages in order, and to guard the line of the Rio Grande from predatory Inroads from Mexico. The government aims at removing the various tribes to suitable reservations, but they prefer the war path and delight in plundering ex peditions. The troops are kept continually mov ing to protect exposed settlements, and escorting, as in Arizona, trains. The Indians on the Indian Territory in the southeast are charged with fre quently making Inroads for the purpose of robbery into Texas. MONTANA. Returning to the North we find that the Assina boincs, who principally make their abode in the British Possessions, cross froquently Into Montana. There are besides In this Territory the Gnos Ven tres, Blackfeet, Flatheads, Bend d'OreUles, Crows, Kootenay ana other tribes, each of whom have agencies. Smallpox has made great ravages among these people. The Flatheads have adopted the dress and habits of whites and have made great progress in the arts of civilization. An Immense tract of land has been set apart as a reservation near the boundary line lor the various tribes* The Piegan massacre Is not forgotten, and It would appear the Indians prefer the northern side of the line to United States territory. The Yellowstone, towards which the Northern Pacific Railroad surveying party Is now advancing, es corted by a small army, Is In this locality, and a few days since a report cams of an attack on some engineers who wero in advance. The num ber of Indians in Montana about thirty thousand, | but they have allies In Dakota and in the British Possessions. WYOM1NO. The Shoshones and Bannocks and Mountain Crows are on reservations in this Territory. They live principally by the chase. In 1868 a tract of land in the western part of Wyoming was set apart for the Shosnones, who agreed, when the Bannocks should desire a reservation, one should be set aside for them. The Shoshones selected one themselves, which includes a large amount or arable land well adapted to cultivation. COLORADO. There arc several Indian agencies in Colorado. A general reservation has been laid out for tne sev eral tribes of Ctcs and there is another In the southern part of the Territory on which there are 8,000 Indians. These, of course, do not all remain within the limits. The red men are not far re moved from their original savage condition. NKW MEXICO. The Indians in New Mexico principally consist of various tribes of Apaches, Navajos, Pueblos and Mescaleros. They number about thirty thousand, but are constantly passing away. Manv of them hold communication with their brethren In Ari zona. At the Cimarron Reservation there are Maquache and Jicarllla Apaches amounting to 900; at Abequln the Neblnoche and Capote, numbering 600. who are every day growing less, and the Gila and Mogollons, at another agency, though having plenty of good land, are, by associating with bad white men, completely demoralized. There la a large reservation in the centre of the Territory, but there are few Indians on it. There are gar rison s at forts Bayard, Craig, Cummlngs, Garland, McKee, Heldon, Stanton, Tulerosa, Union and Win gate. The Fifteenth Infantry and Eighth cavalry are stationed In New Mexico. UTAH. There la but one reservation In Utah? the Uintah. It contains many thousand acres of excellent land, and, It ib said, there is no better site for Indian farms. There is plenty of timber and excellent grazing. The Plutes, Goahutes and Shoatomes are the government wards. They are self-support ing. No Indians now roam over Utah in search of furs, but several thousands are engaged in hunt ing. There is a considerable military force in the Territory, but their presence is not occasioned by refractory Indians. ARIZOKA. Portions of thePlrat and Fifth cavalry and Twelfth and Twenty-third Infantry are stationed in Ari zona. Since the visits of General Howard and Vin cent Colyer a few years since several of the reser vations have been broken up and the Indians re moved to other localities. The Apaches have shown the greatest disinclination to remain on the reser vations, and when off them have engaged in every description of outrage. A vigorous war has been prosecuted against them in consequence. Cochise and his band are now on the Bonora boun dary line,i and the Narlcopas,' Talorosas, Pimas, Gila Apaches, Ighlte Mountain Apaches and other tribes are required to remain on their respective reservations, at the risk of being exterminated if found off them, in nearly all cases the Indians are subsisted by the government. The tribes generally are la a very degraded condi tion. The fighting force of General Crook was weakened by the witndrawai of five companies of cavalry sent to operate against the Modocs. It is presumed tuat the government will tend these troops back. The Arizona Indiana are not by any means subdned, as recent reports clearly show. Tncrc Is yet much to be done to secure the pacifi cation of the Territory. mAHO. The principal reservation in Idaho Is that or tho fthoshones and Kan nocks. They number 1,100, and arc contented with their home. The Nez Percez have a valuable reservation In the northwest or the Territory containing 600,000 acres, made up of bottom and valley land. The Lapwats have their grouad rcnced in and raise good crops, besides being provided with comfortable dwellings. The Pond d'Oreilles and spokanes are provided for at government agencies. NKVADA. There are several tribes In this State related to those In Utah. There are two reservations In Nevada? one situate on Trnckee River, near its month, which includes within its limits Pyramid Lake; the other is near tho mouth or Walker River, Including wltbln Its limits Walker's Lake. The fish is plentilnl and excellent. The land Is much Improved, and tho Indians are willing to work for compensation. Tho Plntes, Shoshones, Washoes and Goskoots number altogether about seven thousand souls. WASHINOTON TBRRITORY. There are eight reservations in Washington ; the number or Indians is about 11,000. By treaty fourteen tribes and bands were nnitcd on the Yakabama Reservation, the largest in the Terri tory. It was formerly occupied as a military sta tion (Fort Slmcoe), and all the buildings were turned over to the Indians in good order. Number or Indians, 2,700. Fire reservations are Included atTolallp, near Bellingham Kay, which embraces a large swamp of 12,000 acres, capable or being drained. There are 4,ooo Indians at Tulallp, who are Industrious. They have plenty or cattle and make a profitable business or catting down wood. The chehallln Reservation contains 5,000 acres or rich alluvial land on the Cbeballls River. It was purchased by the government for the use or the Indians, bat the treaty not having been ratified by Congress there have been fears they woald oe dis turbed in possession. They namoer 600, including Chlnooks, Shoal Water Bays, Clatsops and liamp totops. Chehallis, Colvllle, Shokomlab, Nean Bay and other agencies are in rair condition. The other tribes In Washington are the Coenr d'Alcnea, Spokanes, Walla Wallas, Payallops and Umatlllaa. Portions of the Fourth artillery and Twenty-flrst Infantry have been serving In Washington. OREGON. The six reservations in this State include Warm Springs and Klamath. The two named have now become historical, Klamath being the home In which the government placed the murderer Jack and where he refused to remain, and Warm Springs having furnished Donald McKay and bis band of warriors, who fought so effectively against the Modoos. Umatilla Reservalion has l,ooo In dians, representing three tribes ? the Walla Waljas, the Cayuse and Umatlllaa. They are Intermarried with the Lapwais, the Slmcocs and Warm Springs. The Grand Rondo Reservation is well supplied with cattle ; Alsea has great nataral resources and Is capable or supporting a large population, and Silets supports a number or fragmentary tribes and bands. They are reported to be restless and quarrelsome. There Is a reservation set apart n?*r Fort Warner for roving tyuids oi Indians. The < confederated tribes of Middle Oregon prosper In peace. The Oregon tribes have always been war* like. CALIFORNIA. The reservations in California, with the excep tion of the one occupied by the Mission Indians, have been heretofore very badly managed. Hound Valley, in Mendocino connty, contains 6.000 aores and la entirely surrounded by mountains. There are located on It abont seven hundred Indians, and its recent direction illustrates the degree of pros perity that may be attained onder just agents. The Indians have been stimulated to labor and they thrive accordingly. This year they hare 700 acres planted In small grain, 195 acres In corn and 100 acres in vegetables. The- Indians are docile and jcontent. Hoopa Valley is not at all well conducted; the land is besides sterile and the crops usually fail. It is partly fenced In with brush. There are abont two hundred of the Tule tribe on the Hoopa reserva tion. The Mission Agency, in San Diego county, has under Its control ever Ore thousand of the San Luis, Rey, Diegenes and Cohahullla tribes. There exists a dispute as te the title to their lands, which are very extensive, they claiming under Mexican grants made before the acquisition or California by the United States. Having been under the control of the early Catholic fathers these Indians are far advanced in civilization. The Nomalacher and Pitt Hlver agencies are In peor condition. The total number of Indians in California is about twenty flve thousand. For the most part they are Dig gers? a very luferlor race. STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. Albany, N. Y., June 22, 1878. The arrangements for the state Convention In the Interests or the Sabbath and temperance, to be held next Tuesday in Tweddle Hall, are nearly completed. Among the prominent gentlemen who have signified their intention to participate are Rev. Dr. Cuyler and Rev. B. E. Hall, of Brooklyn; Rev. Dr. Foss and J. N. Stearns, of New York : Re*. I)r. Darling, of Albany; Hon. W.J. Groo. of Middle town; John O'DonneU, of Lowvilie; J. W. stebblns and Rev. Mr. Mailer, of ltochister, and Rev. J. B. smith, of Geneva. The tajier beer and political questions will probably occupy m et of the- tune of the Convention. CANADIAN MARKSMEN PIT T0~WI?BLED0N. QuiBtc, Jane 22, 1878. The Canadian marksmen whe are to take part 10 the shooting at Wimbledon sailed for England to day In the steamship Prussian. Thry were ad dressed on board by the Governor General. BHIP WRECK AND L088 OF LITE, qvsbbc, c, IS., Jnne 22, 18 n, A telegram frem Port an Basque reports a ship totally wrecked and the drowning of the captain and mate. RECOVERY OF BODIES FROK THE ATLANTIC? WRECK. Halifax, If. 8., June 22, UJ% Pour more bodies have been recovered from tM Atlantic wreck. FIRE IN PENNSYLVANIA. South hctuliihv, Jnne 22, 1878. The large tannery belonging to B. J. Routs, at Beersvtlie, four miles from here, turned last night. Damage about twenty thousand dollars^ k insurance. 116*000.