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AWFUL CALAMITY.! I The Wild Animals Broken Loose from Central Park. TERRIBLE SCENES OF MUTH1TI0I A Shocking Sabbath Carnival of Death. SAVAGE BRUTES AT LAR&E Awful Combats Between the Beasts and the Citizens* THE KILLED AND WOUNDED General Duryee's Magnificent Poliee Tactics. BRAVERY AND PANIC How the Catastrophe Was Brought About ? Affrighting Incidents. PROCLAHATION BY THE MAYOR Governor Dix Shoots the Bengal Tiger in the Street. CONSTERNATION IN THE CITY Another Sunday of horror has bean added to i those already memorable in onr city annals. The ( Bad and appalling catastrophe of yesterday la a j further lllostratlon of the unforeseen perils to which large communities are exposed. Writing ?yen at a late nour, ?without full details of the terrors of the evening and night, and with a necessarily Incomplete list of the killed and mutilated, we may pause for a moment in the widespread Borrow of the hour to cast j a hasty glanoe over what will be felt as a great calamity for many years. Few of the millions who have visited Central Park, and who, pasalnsr in through the entrance at East Sixty-fourth street, have stopped to examine the oollectlon of birds and animals grouped around j the old Arsenal building, could by any possibility have foreseen the source of such terrible danger bo a whole city in the caged beasts around htm, as (he trivial lucldent of yesterday afteruoon devel oped. The unfortunate man to whose fatal im prudence all accounts attribute the outbreak ef j the wild animals oi the menagerie has answered | With hil life for his temerity, but we have a Hat of calamities traceable from Ms act Which one lue seems inadequate , to ex plate. We have a list of lorty-nlne killed, of which only twenty-seven bodies have been identified, and it is much to be feared that tnls large total of fatalities win be much increased with the return of daylight. The uat of mutilated, trampled and injured in various ways must reach nearly 200 persons of all aires, of which, so far as fcpown, abont sixty are very serious, and of these totter three can hardly outlast the night. Many of the slightly Injured were taken to their homes, ?o that lor at least another day the full attest of the calamity cannot be meas ured. we have only to hope that bo lurther latalitles will occnr. Twelve of the wild, carnivorous beasts are still at large, their lurking places not being known for a cer tainty, but the citizens may rest assured that If Uiey will only exercise ordinary prudenceaud leave the taek of hunting down the anlmais to the authorities, who have, somewhat tardily, taken the matter in hand, there will b^no further casu- , aittes to register as the outcome of the unfortu nate act ot a reckless keeper in central Park. It , was an apparently small cause for a huge and hor- , rible result, but the overturning of a kerosene lamp i In a dingy cowshed In Chicago laid tue Queen city or the West in aaliea. ana tue spar* flrom a hod car- i rier's pipe was parent to the flames that destroyed l In a night the great granite buildings of Boston | If the solid atones were lueu It la not long since a herd of Texan cattle throw New York's million o human beings into consternation, defied the police , foroe and injured so many. It was at ultt to ne hoped that the somewhat, similar, although more learful calamity of ; the breaking loose of the wild beasts at | Central Par* would have found superintendent i Walling with some plan to meet the emergency. | In all such cases promptitude is invaluable, and j although General Duryee deserves credit for his plan, lormed. we are assured, on the instant, and carried out so tar with efTect, we must regret that he was not earner informed of thu terrible event, a telegram irom police headquarters to the Cen tral's residence did not reech him, and thus a vul aable hour was lost, aa he was first informed of the catastrophe by seeing the mutilated body of the unfortunate aewlng girl, An- i nie Thomas, oorne on an improvised stretcher to the Thirty- llrst precinct station bouso near West Blghtv-slxth street. Ho was visiting at the house or a friend, and the erowd with the mournful burden ou the shoulders ?r the police, attracted the attention 01 a young oaushter of nta friends. Her scrcuma brought entire party to the windows, In an instant the Gen ?ral was In tne street, learning irom a hundred tongues the horrible truth In the few words the wild animals at tne Park have broken looae, he ran like a deer to the station house, and seating himself by the telegraph instrument directed irom that point the operatlona which orst resulted in ?taying the panic. Had he lost the tune which It would have taken to reach Police Headquarters, It la impossible to say where the panic and affright and their consequent fatalities woui nave ended. Commissioners Maisell and Dia Uecker were heard trom at various points through out the eveniug. but their efforts were not of a nature to produce any good result. Orders and ? counter orders were issued by them In confusing ?accession. Happdy the steps taken by General Duryee made them practically aubordlnatca and diminished their Inefficiency? to give their stam peded seal no harsner torm. Commissioner Voor bia could not be lound during the entire evening. To General Snaler, also, the thanks of tho com munity are due. His promptitude in call ing out the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Kixtr-ninth regiments, a call manfully responded to and piaclUK tuem at tue service of General Duryee deserve* unqoeliued praiae. It is to be tLOMd too. that tne proclamation issued by Mayor ffllff.. UM IWMIW ??* ????J I Siialtr anil Commissioner Duryeo, will meet with I I the obedience which Its gravity merits. Disci pline is the only means or meeting; and conquer ing such an untoward chain of circumstance*, and we here point out that the obedience which Is given by the mtlltla to General 8na!er, by the po lice to General Duryee, the hero or the hour, sbonld be cheerfully rendered by the citizens at large to the proclamation o: his Honor the Mayor. Tne deaths ana mutilations are already too numerous to risk their increase, and the authori ties will only serve the common cause by en forcing the law against those whose curiosity leads them to 4eijr the mandates of the civil power. The following la rhe Major's proclamation:? ? Proclamation. Ha yob's Office, Sunday Night, | Nov. 1, 1874. f All citizens, except members of the National Guard, are enjoined to keep within their houses or residences until the wild animals now at large are captured or hilled. Notice of the release from this order will be spread by the firing of cunnon in Oity Hall Park, Tomp kins sqoure, Madison square, The llouud and at Macomb's Dam Bridge. Obedience to this order will secure a speedy end to the state of siege occasioned by the calamity of this even ing. An aooount will be opened at the City Hall of the city of New York for contributions to the sufferers. THE CATASTROPHE, The location or the zoological collection In the Park is well known to most New Yoikers; but It appears that changes ware made recently In tbe dlapoaiuou or the various animals, and to realize the exact nature or the oataatropho It becomes necessary to indicate where the varloua animals were situated yesterday when the irlgbtfnl event occurred that spread puch terror throughout the city, if you enter the menagerie lrom fittn ave nue you will And on either hand, running parallel to tne street, the houses where tne herbivorous beasts were domiciled. In tormer times several bears lrom the northern regions occupied the right hand corner, where a lew beautiful zebras lately gladdened the eye. To the extreme leu were the cages of the aeveral foreliru birds formerly de voted to a large collection of monkeys. To tbe ex treme right were the vultures and eagles, and the visitor, by making a short circuit or tbe large building, known lu times gone by as tbe Arsenal, found himself in front of a handsome wooden structure, one story high, where tne principal wild animals resided. Of course the residence or the sea Uon was known to everybody. On tbe in side or the garden the stately giraffe occupied a somewhat large enclosure, and adjacent were a number of pelicans, intermingled with several spocimens of the ostrich tribe. The bears were in isolated cages on the green swart), near tbe com mon pedestrian route from tne Fifth avenue en trance. TUB PROMINENT ANIMALS In tbe quadrangle neareBt to Fifth avenne were the bison, tbe nylgbuu, the zebu, tbe sacred bull, cow and call, tbe zebras, tbe young elephant, tbe capybara, the guanaco, tbe fat tailed Syrian var, tae aoudad and the tallow deer. In tbe valuable : monkey collection was the sooty mangabey, the oonnet macaque, tbe Toque monkey, the pigtaiied ' monkey, tbe Arabian baboon, tbe black handed spider monkey, tne brown capuchin, the Teetee and the black eared marmoset, such was the scene berore * THK TKKRIBLE EVENTS of yesterday? tne burstiug lorth of the most lerocious of tbe beasts wnhin the meuagerie of the Park, tne awlul slaughter tnai ensued, the ex citing conilicis between tne Infuriated animals, > the irisrntiul deaths that lollowed, tbe destruction ol property and tbe fearlul and general excite- 1 meut. makiog an era in the History or New York ! not soon to be forgotten. How singular that Sunday, or all days m tne week, should make 1 tbe occasion or such great panics as mark tue record 01 tbe past lour years. It was a Sabbath i morning that witnessed tbe destruction of Chicago and Boston, and a tiaobatn afternoon beiiel'i tne streets of New York given up to the fury of a drove i of Texau cattle. It was on a sabbath that the Westileld exploded her boiler. Hut yesterday capped the climax or unthougnt possibilities, and I it was the saboatn, too, tbat deepened the sl^nl- , llcance of tbe great disaster. As everybouv kuows, tbe Central Park on Sun- I day is the popular report of all classes. The rich aud lasuiunuole in their carriages and the poor and numble on foot, alike aally lortu to enjoy i Its beauties. Ik is ?aic to aaw mat at least ?JO, 000 people filled tbe various walks, 1 anves and avenues yesterday. To nlne-tentns or tne pedestriau visitors tbe Menagerie , is a chief source ol attraction. Tout it contained the elements of sanguinary disaster to a multi- | tude or human beluga hardly entered into the ! philosophy ol anybody, it would be vain or the writer to presume ulmself capaoieoi picturing tbe barrowiug sceues oi wliicu be was a distressed and involuntary spectator. To give, tor instan ce, j an adequate conception or the frigutiul incident waerc Lincoln, the Nunudian lion, urged to inde scribable tury by tne bullets tbat pierced his flanks and shoulders jumped into a landuulet oc cupied by a nursemaid aud her lour young charges, mangling tne delicate little things paat all sign ol recognition, would be a difficult last, but let me endeavor to describe the reariul scenes with some attempt at order. Mvhead Is so con tused and my nerves so uustrung with the leariui scenes through wnlch I have passed tbat I conless I am baraly equal to picturing tbem. FIRST OMINOUS SYMPTOMS. The writer stood witnin a hundred yards or tbe menagerie when the first ominous symptoms of tbe approaching catastrophe were heard. Tbe doors oi the ma n structure, wherein tbe prlnci* pal wild animals were confined, were closed at ' five o'ciock. hundred* of people, men, women i and children, were still lingering in the vicinity. Five or six of tne Park police were stationed in the neighborhood. Due stood at tbe entrance on Filth aveiiue and Mxty-ionrth street, making a record oi tbe number of visitors passing in. Another was stationed lor a similar purpose on the roadway approaching from the southeastern entrance, at tue corner ol Fifty-ninth street. Within tue arsenal there appears to nave been a Dumber of the Park police. 1 he Captain was off duty aud did not appear until late at night. Mr. Conkiin. the director oi the menagerie, waa at bis post, like a good soldier. It was a calm, peaceful and pleasing scene lu tbe early hours of tne aiieruoon. Children ran about lrom cage to cage in the periect fulness or delight. A stream of people released irom tne cares and labors of the week wandered tbrouuh the grounds, pausing here to admire the beautiiui zebras ana stopping mere to laugh over tbe amusing amies oi tne monkeys. The idea oi dan ger could only be suggested to create laughter and derision. Cert iinlv nobody seriously contemplated the possibility oi peril where seemingly massive cages restrained tbe wild aud savage instincts or the various beasts of prey. The rninoceroa ap peared the PICTURE OP STUPID AMIABILITY} the Numldiau Uon wore a look ol the grossest indo lence, tbe licngai tiger seemed as harmless as a prostrate forest tree, the bear* invited a caressing acquaintance, the boa constrictor mignt have been petted witn the hand, the elephant eatlug olscuita iroui the lingers of a little caild sug^esieu an ex treme condition of and uocility. In all tbe rest, saving the restless and savage-eyed hyena, the spirit oi tue day aupeared to dwell. THK OKI (1IN OP THE AWPUL CALAMITY. In a very lew uiomeuta the whole aspect was destined to be cbauned. It is novr well authenti cated thut Chris. Anderson the keeper, oue of wnose charges was Pete, the rhinoceros, in walk ing arouud alter tne puolic was excluded, stopped In irout oi i ne deu oi tne huge animal above men tioned. He was seen to poke bis caue through tbe bars at the great beast, aud was warned by Keeper Miller to desist. The latter was leaving the building at tbe moment lie remonstrated wita Anderson, and to this circumstance, douotless, owes bis lile. He suys that Keeper llylaud also called out to Anderson. The latter had a fashlou. It appears, of teaslug the animals, aith?>u:;h ue was olicn known to eject persons lrom the building lor similar practices. Anderson paid uo attention to the warutuga of bis fellow keepers, and, it is thought, a heedless thrust must nave entered me eye oi the rhinoceros. A num ber ol noys who wero neeriug lu tnrougu the win dows on the north smu oi tae building attracted the attention ol the writer by tneir cries, "l.OOk, UK'S HKEAKINU OUT I" There was a crashing heard within and the boys were seeu lo Uee precipitately, l rushed to me window, drawn by a cuilostty waicn was irre sistible. My example was soon lollowed by otuers, mauy woincu atruggllug lor a place, it was some momeuts beiore 1 could make out what was transpiring within. A keeper was standing in tne middle of the open space apparently spell bound. Another wasstaudlng lurther down, grasp ing a crowbar, his gaze directed toward the pen of the rhinoceros. The short, angry, squeaking cry oi tne rhinoceros, like sudden blasts on a tisnhorn, were beard a in id the sound ol snapping bars aud crashing planks. It atouce struck me that the huge animal was breaking down the walls of his peu lu tbe endeavor doubtless to reacn his tormentor. Not aware of any cause lor tins sudden exhibition oi rage, none ol the lascinated crowd at the win dow measured tbe danger ol tneir position or the objict ol the inlurlated beast. The keeper (alter ward lound to be Anderson) now rusncd lorward and struck at tbe animal. We could not see whether ins blows reached tho rhinoceros or not, but their effect was soou told. A crash which shook the buiioiug lollowed aud tbe iront oi the i en ietl outward and the horrid, mis shapen mass ol Pete, tne rhinoceros, rushed out, bis ouble-horoed head clost to the ground. Anderson mads a spring sideways to evade tne monster's onsiaugut and might have sua* .needed Uk jUlMig M IMN MDftrtvj safety bv this means bat be was too close to tho Hiumal, tor the latter, swiuglng bis unwieldy body toward lutn. knocked hlui down with a touch ol his shouidur, ana an in* mam aitcr had trampled him out of recognition. Backing down from the mangled body wan a swiitness almost incredible lrom lit* oulk, the rhinoceros plunged his horrid horn Into the dead keeper, dasning the last possible spark ol lifet ou against the walls oi one of the pens, which like, wise gave way. -A 11 this tragedy transnired In an instant. Hoi tor stricken, i tried to push uiy way ironi the window, tout the crowd was now dense behind me, and I could not stir. 1 cr>ed:? ? l'or God's sake, let some one run to tue police ataiiou 10. help!" I struggled to get out, putting my hands against the window and my leet below it, and pushing with all my might. An accursed curiosity in the crowd, who wure oniy vaguely conscious ol what was transpiring, made mv efforts useless. When I looked in through the window again the destruc tion at tho lurthcr end had tncreaseJ, the rhino ceros breaking open the dens of the animaU on the left uand side. T1IE KEEPER, HYLAND, whom f bad first seen standing spellbound, was advancing, pale as marble, and a navy revolver in bis hand, toward tho enraged rhinoceros. 'Ihe uniuial saw hini, turned aud made lor him in an instant. He sprang aside and fired. The ball tut the rhinoceros ou the leit shoulder, for lie swerved over lor an instant; but it can scarcely have more than hurt him a little, as he turned with a whlir, whltr. whiff snort. his head down toward the keeper. The latter, with cat-like agility, retreated toward the lions' and tigers' cages, evidently making lor the Bpaee between them; but too late. The horrid bom impaled him apainst the corner case, killing him instantly, tearing the cage to pieces and releasing the pan ther, who lauded in the middle of the open space with a spring. The cries ol all the animals were now Joined lu horrid cnorus by the loud and long sustained roar oi the Hon and lioness, the tigers and all the wild beasts, that ddubtle->s had tlielr carnivorous instincts whetted by the smell ol un man blood aud the souud ana slgnt of the blood/ struggles outside their bars. "TIIE WILD ANIMALS ARE LOOSE," I yelled, and the savage chorus within bore out mv words. At last curiosity seemed to give war. The crowd fled in all directions, women foiling as they ran, aud no one staying to help them out of the way of the coming danger, wnlch wus then shaping Itseli so swiitiy. 1 ran to the police station lu tne Arsenal Building. and lound that the ser ireaut on duty was dozing quietly. 1 shook bim up, told him in a lew words what was the matter, aud ran round to the space In iroutof the Arsenal. Tn ere I found Keeper Miller talking to the police man, who was |ust coming off duty, lillier laughed at my story. "Come around," I said earnestly. "Too thlu, youug fellow," said the policeman. "Don't you hear r" I said, as the roaring of the animals sounded ominously in our ears. The sergeant now came running out In search of the policeman. ??Anderson and Hyland are killed," said he to Miller. "Why don't yeu stir yourself." Miller Is a tall, stalwart man of about thirty three, and it Is but just to say that lrom the mo ment the sergeant spoke lie sprang Into action. He rushed Into the keeper's rooiu and grasped a sixteen shooter ride, which is kept loaded ror such emergencies, aud ran out through the central door In the rear ef '.he Arsenal to the window the crowd had Just deserted. What he suw evidently appalled hlui, as he let the butt oi his rltle lull to the ground and continued gazing lu through the window like one in a dream, trom his owu lips 1 have learned what be saw. He Ba"An attentive glance through the window re vealed the lact that THK man KI1INOCEROS IIAD BROKEN LOOSE. He had apparently made no more of the massive barrier that enclosed him tbau of a sheet of paste board. 1 saw the dead bodies of Hyland and Anderson, the lormer nearer to me than the other. The Dautner was crouched over Hyland's body, kuawing horribly at his head. I recognized his body br the striped shirt which 1 could just see hanging tattered lroin the arm. It was grow ing dark, aud this made everything look twice as learlul. I saw the rhinoceros pluuge blindly for ward against the douole tier of cages where the black and spotted leopards, the striped tivena, the p'-anle wolf, the puma aud the Jaguar were lying. Judging from the coudttiou ol the cages the onset oi the poweriul and Infuriated rblucceros must havo been tremendous. In some cases the bars were only bent to an elbow, but, as a rule, they snapped asuuder like kindling wood beiore the smashing weight brought against them TUB RELEASE OF THE ANIMALS mentioned angered still more the Uous and tlgeri and all the rest within tne building. Tne rhino ceros in the meantime was busy in the work of destruction. In a few moments more he bad broken down the pens of the wild swine, the man atee. the American tapir, the two-toed sloth and the pair oi kangaroos. Just then, too, Lincoln, the Numldian Hon escaped trom his cage, through some unfortunate oversight com mitted at teediug times The bolt or his prison door was insecure, and when the raging rhlnocer?s butted his head against the bottom it flew wide open. Hardly had Lincoln the lion bounded into the centre aisle of the building when the three cages containing the black and spotted leopards, the tiger and tlReresses. the black woli aud the striped and spotted livenas were sprung open by an overpowering charge from the now desperate rhinoceros. The noiBe of this crasn might have been heard several blocks away. It was followed by a series of lights between the lloerated bhasts. Close by a window on the western slt'e ol the building the black wolf sprung upon the Hanks of tho Hernial tiger. The lion stood a little dis tance away pawing the floor, awaiting rather tliun o tiering an attack. Between tha wolf and tiger the conflict was brief. The latter, shaking off the leeble hold of the other, turned quick as lightning on his hind legs, and tailing, with open, gleaming Jaws, upon liis less muscular loe, rolled blm over In the dust. The great light ensued OVER TUE BOIlY or poor, brave Hvlaiid. There was evidently a fight over the body of Anderson; but 1 conid see nothing more than a mmgllnv, gleaming mass, whence arose the most awful cries. Nearer to me, wiiere Hyland lav, tne lioness, the panther, the puma, and presently i he Bengal tiger, were rolling over and over, striking at each other with their ttilgh'y paws. The lioness tore tne skin off the puma's flank witl one blow. Tne coming of the tiger was something terrible. I never shall forget the awiUl, spieudiJ look of him as he landed wltn a spring lu the thick ol them. I could not move. It was too awiul for anything. Oddly enough, while the fight was going on, now one furious beast tugging and crunching at the arms or legs oi the corpse, now letting go with his teeth to plant his paws upon the bleeding remains and snap witn Ms dripping Jaws at another beast, writhing and awful as they were, Icou.d not help looking at Lincoln, the lion, who was standing be hind them, pawing the ground, roaring and lash ing his aides with his tall, every muscle in nneaey tension. All ol a sudden I had a flash. "BY 00D, HE'S LOOKING AT MB." I said to myself, it seems to tne I felt him looking at me. 1 saw him crouch. I turned and ran. My God, I had uo idea there was anybody near me. Miller had uot been a minute and a hali at the window when I saw him run towards me, aborn ing, at the rop ol his lungs. "THEY'RE COMING; THEY'RE ALL LOOSE." It is here nccessarv to explain Miller's state ment. "My God? l had no Idea there was any body near me." Thoso who ran from the window in the first instance had not run lar before tney looked back. There was of course no pursuit, and a great many lingered by, but at a taie distance. The coming ol the keeper, bow ever; bis standing listless looking beiore the window for over a minute, bad had tne effect of Inspiring a return oi confidence lu the more curious. ai.a when Anderson, trigbtened by the eve or the Hon, ran preeinlta ely towavd the Arsenal there were perhaps a dozen persons near the window. He had only aped a few paces when, with a terrific roar ?????? LINCOLN, THE LION, CAME CRASHING THROUGH TBI OLA8H. 1 saw a young man fall from a blow of the awful paw, and another crushed to earth beneatn the least's weight. The crowd fled in all directions, but the lion did not pursue. Planting his paws upou one of tne bodies he tilled the air with the learlul rumble of his roar. I started to run. but Miller called on me to stop. I turned and saw iilm kneel down deliberately and take aim. There was a good chance for a snot, as the lion stood almost racing him, but with tne right shoulder more toward htm. I have no reason to doubt ?H? steadiness or Miller or his reputation as a shot, but 1 watted with tapent breath as he took aitn. He hau lilt him. I could rot s"c where, but the wound was far lrom Jatai. The bellowtnga were renewed, his mane erect, his tail switching his sides, while he pawed the earth and swuug his huge head from side to sloe. Drawn tiy tho report ol the rifle and tne roaring ?>i the beasts, crowds of people were entering the en closure lrom tho Bixty.fourtn street entrance. I saw that already a number ol Park rOl.lCE. ARMED WIY11 REVOLVERS, and citizens wltn rifles, were on the ground. I had no weapon and so ran down the incline bv the iciresnnicnt siand. towaid Fifth avenue; and | almost on my hects, as it were, came the Numldian lion, witn a series of bounds. So sudden, fierce 1 aud poweriul was the leap he made into tne in l< i st oi the storming party that he paralyzed the coolest calculations aud scattered half a hundred armed and unarmed meu like chaff before the wiuo. springing in the sir over the stooped lorm of Poiicoiuau Murray, who ducked in time to save himself trom possible death, Lincoln lauded In a last widening CIRCLE OH FKAR-3TK1CKEN PEOPLE of fainting women, screaming childrcu and terri tled men. Lncolu paused lor perhaps a second, lashing himsoli with his tail and glaring horribly around him. On tne ground beiore hnn were two young men, #ho had tripped and islien in the pre cipitate retreat lrom before tne building. They were struggling last to rise, and had nearly suc ceeded, wiieu Lincoln, with another nwflil roar that echoed over tne Park, pounced upon tlio nearest, and, with one stroke of Ills lore paw. tore clothe# and flesh to pieces. A shout of norror went up lrom the distant wltuessea ol the deed; but they were given little time to meditate upon It. 1 was just in the angle between the two sviaries, which coutamod yesterday the doves and tne eagles respectively, when tho last mentioned deea ol olood whs enaoted. 1 was aoout to escape by Titsinng past the home where the wild animals were cagcd, and bad just reached ihe path near the sea lion's tank, when what 1 had loarod most came to pasa. The rhinoceros, in his iniuriatea career, had at last found the gate and crashed through it. Had be done ao at drat t bare would have ueeu Uaa lost Uvea to count. A atoming pmtt wa Mb bad beta formid 0/ OttMti Ottft* _ lit), of Keepers, citizens ana police , near the Fifty-ninth stree: entrance, and which wu? powenuiiy aided by tuc arrival ol a J <181000 from the Nineteenth precinct, under Cap uiu Gunner ana Mr. Iluut, ot Nin-u-tiiird stieet, was within a hundred yams or tne m ilUlnir when the rhinoceros emerged, giving lus i hurt, vicious cry. Ilii* appearance was the signa i lor a misdi rected voller. wnlcti, of course, did 111 -tie or no ex ecution on nis in;cK, tough hide and double-liora protected proboscis. It confused b tm uiometita rilv, however, for lie turned and r< '-entered the building on u xort oi amrninir tm i, Misled i>y tills retreat a cheer went u p irom the firing party, and ttiey rusiied for ward, colonel Conklin leading to ?ecure the door. Had tlie great hruie deliberately plane od un ambus cade It could not have better suiv ,-eeded. When tlie parcy were within a dozen le at ol the door the puma sprung through tlie sli uttered porial Into their midst, overthrowing se< feral, doubtless Injuring some. Almost on the her tin of the puma came the black and spotted leoptw rd. lollowed oy tne jaguar, the Alrlcan lioness and tiger. The latter came torth with a slow ant 1 stealthy tread. ! Archambeiiu, one of tlie keepers. I tad the temerity to try and lasso the beast, kuowlti h that there was j none more dangerous and bioo dtblrsty in the whole collection. THE TKIER SAW THE O BIKCT of the keeper, and without a m< nnent's warning sprung tlfteeti >eet into the air an ) caught Archum beau by the right shoulder. The t' no went down to gether, the tiger on top. Inst rant pieparatlons were made to save the poor le ? low. waen unior runateiv tlio rhinoceros came P imbortug at a lialf trot out ol the entrance and < i rove the rescuing party irom their purpose. He u Iso drove the tiger before him, but at the same tune planted one ol his enorm-'us leet on me ? prostrate Archam beau and squeezed the brea; ,u Irom his body. The storming party was ior the moment com pletely disorganized. Theiinlm sis were running In various directions, and the a Hacking forces and the curious spectators were tie elng in every direc tion, scallii.' rocks, climbing tr ees, fallioir in tneir flight, and a case is vepo 'ted < n a citizen stabued at this moment by an Italian over a quarrel as to wnlch should tlrst ascend a iree. me wounded ; man, Calvin Money, or Fiati* ash, L. I., Is at Belie vue Hospital, but cannot glv> ? the police anv de I acriptlon oi Tnt MAN WHO STA. r.BED HIM. I mention this terrible Inc. id*nt from a host of others to show how overwii& iming was the iriglit and how blindtng the stain pede. The lion had escaped the bullets oi the drli tg purtv In the front Inciosure, or ratner being maddened to lurtner desperaclon by them careere A wildly through the Filth avenue entrance, und s-as followed shortly alter by the Betgal tiger, am imberol demoralized Park policemen, who still bat I a sentiment of duty, pursuing them with tialloes, as if they were sheep, not aheep devnnrers. CONFUSION AND D1 IKTRUCTION. From this point it has be eu lound extremely ciiltlcutt to gather anything like a coherent or complete story ol the deprei latlons or the uncaged beasts. From a number of statements made to our reporters by eye-witH ssses, many or these statements abounding in t latent impossibilities, but all or ttiem given with a n apparent conviction of truthfulness, the foliowln g continuation of tne I story is given. The writer of the preceding on , the pell-mell breaking forth of the animals ran to the Seventy-iourth street < jutrauce and hurried down to the Windsor Hi ate I, whence ho tele graphed to the Herald oil) ce for assistance. TUB CONTINUATION )F DESTRUCTION. The rhinoceros, after tranr Ming down tho keepor, Ai'chaiubeau, made direci 4y lor the cage of the brown bear, which stood on the grass recently. The ease with which he o* erturned tUe structure well illustrated the vaBt .muscular power of the brute. The brown bear escaped with some bruises. The grizzly bear. , on being knocked out ot bis house, advanced to give light, but wa9 oowled over on the gras i three times in succes sion. TIIK LI OI'ARD, after killing a little cn lid and mutilating sev eral women who strove u nun be lore him, made his way into the lnclosnre co irtalumg the pelicans, the Dea lowl and ostrich and filled all beiore him. The terror among the sro rming party lusted loDg enough to give ample tl me to the escaped animals to spread havoc all thro ugh the park and city be sides. THH JAGUAR had been forgotten at o leal time, and, made des perate by hunger, ja tiped over the lence sur rounding tne tail aud gentle giraffes, and | In less time tban 1 r. takes to teil it had slaughtered one or the noble but helpless aulmals. OVER ONE HUNDRED SHOTS were fired at the rtv moceros in vain. His sides appeared to be cover :d with slabs of wrought iron. "Snoot mm in tne ere" was the general cry. bat no one was lucky enough, as all were nervous with fright, to strike that particular organ. A long re aching crowbar, however, struck htm In a wenslt lve spot under tne Jaw, not witn the effect of cui icking his headlong career, but only to drive bim onward to WOH9K D JKDS THAN EVER. In the same halt i r at with which he issued from 1 his quarters and 4 '? raying like a ship at sea, he i struck over to th e cages near Filth avenue, 1 where the herbivo rum animals were stationed. The havoc made 1 a tnis direction was friirlitiul , All the cazes tuuibii ?d to pieces, and. to add to the destruction and coo i usion, the liberated elepliaut joined forces with the rhluoceros, and the joint , attack of the weak* r animals, such as the camel, the zebr&s, the sat red bull, the guauaco and the ! llama was simply Irreslslble. The sacred bull was i killed lnsurvv. aiv d one of the mild-eyed zebras | win crhsheiTwitho ur. pity. Tne other escaped into the Park and ran toward Eightn avenue. He is reported to have I jadly bitten aud kicked a num ber oi daring bon i who endeavored to effect his i capture. He is sc . Jl at large. THE BIRDS. The destruction of the bird oages was marked I by terrific see oumtDg. The eagles fought gallantly lor th xtlr eyries, but nothing could withstaud the united charge of tiie ele phant and rn inoceros. it was late in the evening iierore ti te organized force of the menag erie subdued me former of tnese two powerful ! animals, and not berore both had destroyed sev eral lives and rui ned a vast deal or property. The I rhinoceros, the y arent oi all the destruction, made i away tuward th' i Mail when THK KLJ P II ANT HAD BKEN LASSOED i by the bind leg, u huge log being tied to the end I of the stout rop ? with which the leg was lariated so as to Itnpedo his progress, while other parties with ropes stmi I any hampered the other legs, un til they were at lie to throw him on his side and effectually "hoi jbie" him so that he could uot rise. They were then about to shoot him at polnt-blsnk range, when th p strange sigh: was presented of the elephant's keeper, with streaming eyes and ouistrected ar ms, planting himself between the Eolnted and cot eked rifles or the angry crowd, who ad seen the d< iaths nnd mutilations and the pros trate beast, wt use trumpetiugs of defiance were ?tin ringing ot . the ear. The keeper wonld not move, and, wit uh many curses, the great brute's life was saved. THK RHINOCEROS escaped, as wi ? have said, toward the Mall. Here lie auacked a , party of young girls, killing the sewing girl, A luuie Thomas, and irighteuing the others terrlol ly. One or them, subject to bean disease, Ellen Sohuoert, lias received such a ner vous shock th at her death may be looked for at auy moment. Tlie beast lelt the Park at one of the upper Els Ihth avenue entrances, aud gored a horse at Mnt itieth street, overthrowing the heavy wagon to wh ich he was harnessed, and dislocating the shoulder of Isaac 1 nrker, milkman, who was driving. Ii v. this neighborhood lie overthrew a shanty run the rocks, wulch fell before bim like a h< j\\se or cards. The wretched inmates were at sup per, and tne railing planks took Are. All the lami ly escaped except a child in the cradle, which was junted to a crisp. Continuing on his career unti i he reached Eleventh avenue, he was followed b> ? a cnowd of men und boys, who were evidently i in a ware of his lerocious nature. He must, too, have been nearly spent with his terri ble efforts , but continued on toward the North River. A fortunate accident put an end to his career. : ;t was uow very darn, and he was seen to fall lnt? > a sewer excavation on tlie Boulevard, fifteen le )t deep. Ht>d It been a week day, and at an earllei .? hour, be would, no doubt, have ended ms life lu killing, by tailing on some of the men at work. A g it was, lie leil ingloriously. The Pi drk Irom ecd to eud is marked with In jury, an 1 in its artificial loreats ue wild beasts lurk, to pounce at any moment on the nnwary pedesirl an. THK I.KOPAKIH and WOLVES made s li ort work of the deer, aod all the blood for which \ aiey are responsible is not even yet roily compa ti *1. The subsequent fight between THK LION AND TIOKR, when thcor met on the open space at Filtv-nlnth street , oua side tho Park wall, in the presence of a thuu?> md terrified spectators. wa? the great com bat oi . the duv. t he lion lore away at one bite halt the tiger's flanks, while the latter, with chart' 4'tertstio ferocity, buried his teeth In the llon'r .neck until the king of beasts howled with tlie t eeuest anguish. Now It was the lion under neat a and the tiger on top. The next moment posn Jons were reversed. BLOOD COVERED THK AVKNUK, and off in the distance the awestruck spectators loot :ed on in breathless tear. Finally tne two Sao guinary brutes rushed >rom eaci other as a but! .et irom the rifle oi General wtngate, who came pri mptlv on the ground, whistled between their ear s. Lester Waliack took aim at the same mo me nt from behind the unfinished iron building on tm * east side, and perforated the tiger to some sli (hi degree. Many other gentlemen came rusn m ( to the scene in tne mean time, among them e> -Mavor Hall, Krastus lirooks, oi the Krprntn ; M Anton Marole and Mr. Hangs, of the R'orfd, who h id been visiting Uovernor-elect lilden, and were 0 i their wav uptown in a carriage; Judge l)^iy, J ldge J. K. Urady, General Arthur. Hugh Hastings a od i'rosper Wttmore. But they were all a tntle ii ervous from running, and the beasts escaped on t netr raid down town, where, as everybody knows 1 i y this, they hau a bloody and ieariul carnival. TKAdlC DKATH OF THK BROWN SKA LION. When the ponderous rhinoceros plunged through the sea lion's cage the latter was in an sppaientiy proiouud sleep. Awakened by the fcurtiiug noise aronnd bim, and xuuck with terror at the appearance of his visitor, the poor seal uttered one long, pierc ing nowl, partly resembling the shriek ui a locomotive, and the next moment tumbled into tin tank and disappeared. Tne rhinoceros, breaking down the wnoie stiuctme, was soon floundering in tne tank also. Then it was tne sea Itou, driven to bay, showed ngnt; but the oontest was as unequal as a icrryoost la con flict wuii aa troo-ciad man-oi-wsr. For a time th* seal seemed to ataud a ctianoe lor bn lite. Bolug nine aud tllpparjr, be easily avoided the unwieldy katMMU M ad tiitot. iMMd, JM UM twi MM, | SL"1?1* hut ,or ?"> unfortunate nip made by the I fell vmh an"0,hlakCo'"IR suddenly over. I ail wuu all Mia immense weight uu hi# prontrate foe and kill-Mi him nurin ?? .be II if lit tne roars of the Ua Uon ' were in- I csssant aud paimul to hear, it was unlik^auv o tiler crtr of bird, or beast, or dsn. It waa some- 1 thing srranae and wel d. and Had a naif nuiuan souud that MtrucK the ear with a singular itupres water ? *e"' e!,cai'ea Uy h iaiu" under the PEATH OK THE ANACONDA. In the destruction of the various cages the ana conda was rouged irona his lorpor. and pivoting liimseli upon Ills till made a oritur at the neck Of the tall und beautllui giruile that occupied the adjacent cage. Only a few boards separated the two. The long slender neck 01 r lie giraffe bending over the par tition proved a tempting mark lor the auacmda. I The gruceiul neck was quickly bowed 10 the trround in the oolis of the powerful constrictor. Ihe piratie made but a feeble struggle nun death speedily ended Ins sufferings. ihen it was the awful spectacle was seen of the anaconda seeking to swallow the body of Ins victim. He had out commenced this disgusting task when he was observed by Dr. F. A. Thomas, of Kighty-thlrd street, who attacked tne reptile, armed with a sabre, who at one blow severed the great snake's ( body and then retreated in haste. IN THK MONKEY IIOt'SK, When the elephant smashed the canes with Ills I trunk and drove the monkeys into every hole And corner ths scene of disorder and noise was per fectly indescribable. The monkeys screamed and laughed and luugned auu screamed. I wo preen monkeys perched themselves on the elephant's back, out for a very short time, over twenty monkeys escaped irom the house and made off in various direclons. Two 01 them climbed into a carriage standing outside the Park I ou tilth avenue, due was killed by tne laughing hyena. several were wounded by the black wolves* but. considering the risks tney ran and the famili arity they mide with many oi the liberated beasts I of prey, they escaped very woll. I T'.,l? NEwrt' OF T"K pkocejcpings thiH?. ark' antl the terror excited throughout y, V10 l,ro-l)OCt of having a visit from the I wild animals at tne domestic fireside, drew an im ^"??Mmh.ror.poriiBg.aeu and Vorkvllie fast boys and rowdies In ihe direction ofthe menagerie There was dangerous sport enough for everybody as lar as hunting down the fugitives went. Thev penetrated everywhere. The Airlcan lioness alter saturating herself In th* blood <>r eighteen i , victims-men women and children-was flnafly k.llid at Castle Gardeu by a party of emigrants I hhe lay down under one 01 the great trees In tne 1 ^n, havmK leaPed the rails. Although n at.a aa'e distance by a large crowd, she I was allowed to romaiu In this position. A PARTY OP SWr.niSIl HUNTERS, who had nrrived in the Thuringla, ou tnelr way to ' J^braslca' undertook to kill the beast, although bears were the onlv large animals they I Pj"actl8ed on- Ten in number, and armed ' ttiev scattered themselves in a semi circle lu pairs, and advanced, crawling on their bellies, until within a few paces of the recumbent lioness, tier head was turned toward Hrosdway but, suddenly suspecting danger, she arose aud shook the heart oi the onlookers with her sonnd 'l wa8 at tt,ls moment that hfow hi Jhr??enV lne ,eader of Ihe hunters, ; blew his shrill whistle, and live rifle balls were I ^nii fhnV H0^."' th<? 'loness- Sheieli with a dull thud evidently dead, but the five hunters 8 . e Rtl" c,iar*ed rushed up and , emptied their pieces into the prostrate carcass. I J his was the signal lor a deafening cheer. The ll!?attra were carned round on the sh ulders of the First warders, and the proprietor of the : Stevens House au i Nlcnolas Muller ueaded a sub scriptlon list with $50 each as a testimonial to these brave children oi the Norseland ior their maiden service to the great Republic. It is an nounced that Superintendent, Webster, or Castle Garden, will receive subscriptions. It is said that nearly $600 is already d wn on rne llsfs Commit ?toner Lynch has nut his name down for Slu $60 also* Ke'd 8Ub8c, lbed ??<>. 0. A Dana adds . . the iirnoal riOER up a 8core ot Vlct'ms, surrendered Ills Hie to 'the trusty rifle of our aged Governor John A. Dix, who shot mm as he rounded Wadi-on avenue and Ihlrty-iourth street. This was an ex tremely fortunate occurrence. The Governor a splendid shot, was In town in the nick of time. , ? ,act Mr,il 1,6 retne ubered oy tne citizens oi New l ork, although it Is now t>:o late to marit that esteem at the ballot box. It may be men. tloned as u fortunate circumsianco that a minute | after the death Oi the tiger Archbishop Mccioskev's carriage drove up. A lrignr or uijurv to the hors?s ; by the lerocious fieast might have ended the career I Felate- Hearty con era tula Hons were exchanged bet ween the Governor and Archbishop. FRIGHT ON PIKTH AVENUE. Tne crowded conilition of the Firth avenue side ^ai .8. ?" J'uui,a,r afternoon is well known to all. and ttte effect u^on tne host oi elegantly dressed promenaders when the bre.tkln r loose of the beasts was made known was curious. When the made their escape from the building mainly L oarntvo>>-a' a uutnber or excited people rushed down Fifth avenue, shouting as meVthIan;aJ,L caU9ed a <????! stampede oi the fashionables, who ran in various directions down side streets and into tiia I w!Vctl. tnus received mil congregations a V!?o J? hour of BerTI0?- 1'he Hon. lilehard Scheil, who was standing near the Drick Church ?n hurray Hill, and who at first believed ?hS bteakinir loose to be a cruel hoax, ?h(nh??iS our reporters that the rapidity with which the avenue was cleared beggars description 1 The excited, shooting party ?"wipuuii. ! to awxKp run avsnvb 1 them. in ten minutes there was not a soul visible in either direction iroin the Park to the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Pmziing to think where they gone. Mr. Schei proceeded to state that ho , ^ed and walked up the avenue, but met JJJiiS . t,ir*e*(luarters of a mile, lie felt then ilii convinced it was a hoax. As be neared tue Far*, however, he heard a number of shots Bred SfAn.'i1 J""0, became excited, and commenced running toward tne Arsenal. On hiB way he was met by a party .. . , BKARINO A READ BODY, that of a yonth, icaruliv disflsrurod about the head and lace. A terrifying roar was heard behind them, wnen the partr w the body mil and ran precipitately. Mr. Scheil ran too.' md Jumped a?<?P* ,80"ie "irubs off tne main road. 1 TnS ?hi? 'ea<'JnSf 10 the Arsenal is uuflnlsned, and up this road he saw some animal of the tiger species come with a light, swift movement fne b?a8'?w"8 evidently lollowlng the blood trail, m? up 10 the abandoned corpse, and alter striking one paw upon the breast and touch ing it with his head, as lfsmelllng, he gave torth a aeries oi horrible howls. "I ielt mv blood rnn JoiJi" (aid Mr. scheil, "but kept perfectly still, lest the brnte should be attracted to me from TUB HORRID MEAl ne was evidently about to commence. I soon heard a number of shouts and saw a party of citizens and pouce rnnning toward the aanSaOmi SHcomciom oi mo iact. itiey were running avur ?*n|r,er 10 thelp rear- ? ahonte* to n?m* _lhef suddenly halted and looked back. Two of the party 11 red revolvers at | mfered'a AnW?,ehf' t0 the,r reUef ai"l mine, i Si ?,i k anguish and ran, pursned by men who themselves were runoiog awar they said). I ran unttl I gained the I entrance to the Park and made down Fifty-nintn v?,?h lmal WE8 Pr?ceeding at a limping i t avenue. I had not proceeded far when 1 saw a large object careering madly toward i me* J recognized it as a buffalo ouil. I turned to i a?5 to^ar'I the Pat k, wnen to my horror I I observed an auimal ambling toward Fourth avo nue. I saw it was a brown or biaok bear. I | rushed up the stoop of one of the bouses and ! J.u?Pfl "i0 hell. I saw as 1 turned that the buffalo and the bear had met, and that a fight waa in progress 1 cannot tell wnich got the better. Ihe fig at waa short, and 1 heard that the bear waa seen to limp away. I got into the house, but waa almost summarily ejected, although I made au urgent appeal to be allowed to remain." Tlie animal first referred to by Mr. Soheli Is, doubtless. I the one that ^ ? ENTERED THE CHCBCH OP ST. THOMAS, of which Dr. Morgan is pastor, at the corner ol West Fifty-third street, causing such a deplorable j panic, with injuries to many, a party carrying 1 ?Dt u1"8 wounded down Filth avenue to su I fc? tom JiP.J4?' a* ^fty-'ourth street, was tracked by him. Just as the bearers neared tne corner a deep bass growl was heard behind them, aud los ing their presence or mind, they ran down the avenue and past the hospital. Descrying the church a little ahead they hurried toward it and entered the edifice, with fright on every counte nance. 1 tie sight ol the wounded man caused the greatest consternation. Mtirleks were heard on ail j sides, ine womeu grasped their protectors und tne { utmost coufuslou succeeded. The cnurch door i must have been left open, ior a minute after the animal (cougar, some say, pan ti er others) came stealthily, with his head uown to the Wood trail , and growling gutturaiiy. Ins presence ouce dis covered, a irighttul scene ensued. Men and wo men rusned in all directions uway from the beast who spiang noon the shouluers oi an aged lauv ' Rl'RVINU HIS KANM8 IN UEH NECK ' and carrying uer to tne ground, in the hnste to get away over tne seats many Injuries were ana. rained, Airs. Catherine Ransom, of We?tTorty* llfih street, breaking her leg by tailing oe twecu two pews, some one ran to the , Windsor Qotel for ussigtance, and one | oi tho guests ran with a loaded rifle to the church, ihe beast wua in the middle nt*ie sitting crouched above the lorrn oi his victim elite red V.ufn.1?^ Wltu a rltlQ ,n l"9 hands! h .h/i1 fnomsnt's hesitation he iiiougnt the weapon to nls shoulder aud tired Tne beast tumbled over and the rifleman ran up und struck him over the head, driving the hammer through the brute's skull. When the aged victim was examined tile was found to be extinct, although ve?v dS?. W0UDd in ll,e ueck waa ,u 't'elf not ol a very dangerous nature. (Jp to this hour the re tUMins have not been identified. An Inquiry at r'1? hote' as to the name oi the rifleman elicited tne Bingie word, t "BIOBY I" In aeveral part* of the city the greatest danger Ui^ted from peoDle Uring rifles and pistots irom w'"d?wa. There is no instance reported of unv ol t he animals having beeu hit, whllo it is believed many citizens weie struck by the missiles. One policeman, officer Launigan. of tne seventh pre ciuct, waa wounded lu the toot near uranu street f 8HOT * WINDOW, during the chase aiter the atriped hyena, vhi^h ** mistaken by the crowu ior a panther This 1 la Dan Brenan, and he la a native of the Nineteenth wurU. Counsellor Spelllsaey distinguished himaelt bv stopping a causeless stampede in the tour teentu ward. THK FERRYBOAT CABN" A(!E. Perhaps the most deplorable of all the Incidents or die terrible evening was that wnlcti tooK place on the ferryboat oi the Twenty-tnird sti eet line. North Kiver. several of the uuimals made their way down run avenue. Among then: was one of larrfe si/.e (almost toe only description uow ob tainable). it is thought to have been <>ne of tne tigers, i, m hh paasune along West I'wentt -third a. eet appear* to nave neen uu noticed in me gen eral amazement. At unv rate, just am tnegat? keeper at the i went* -third street ferry whs clos liii; the gates he saw a tierce animal bound past hiin aud rush on to the lerryooat. The boat was well loaded. .Some h >rses attached to light wairons w. re seen to rear aud show every sign of t terror, and theu rush lorward ' INTO THK K1 VKK, carrytntr tnelr hutnau loads with them. Several people were mangled b.v the ferocious brate lu a i verv few minute*. The boat had just begun I moving as the beast leaped on board. When the pilot saw tue horses and wayotis going overboard, lued lately*** U?' (,ulte c'ear 01 tne dock. He lm? - KI NO TO BKVSKHK THK KNGINKi i1.1? Pr"v'tlemial circumstance must be attribute. I the saving of so many Uvea. N umbers were seen to piuuve overboard to esc ape the beast, wnicti at last sprung into ths water alter a young man. The wonderful escape of Larry Jerome Is an incident of breathless in j tercst. Overborne by the crowd, he was forced into file river, aud altnou^h a heavily built man. is a splendid swimmer, lie was seized around | the neck by a desperate man, wuom lie shook off , wltn the greatest tiiiticuuy. struiug out for shore. he touched against a lemale who appeared to have given herself up to deatn. He piloted hc? to the spiles near the dock, aud both were rescue* by the fast gathering crowd. The tide was running swnt ebb, aud it Is feared most of the bodies nave been curried out to sea. This is one of the cases la which days must elapse before the lull list or latalltles is known. TIIB HOSPITAL HOKROR3. In Bellcvue Hospital many touching sights were seen. The doctors were kept ou>y dressing the fearful wounds, and tun cries of the unfortunates In tne accident ward were most paimul to hear. It was necessary to perform a number of amputations insautiy. ono young girl is said to have died under the knlia. 1-ew of the wouuded were visited oy their fauuliM last uin nt, but the ministers of the GosDel of all | denominations took their places by the bedsides ! of toe uniortunates. ihe handsome face of Re*. George H. Hepw.irth was seen bending ovar a moauinir street Arab, liiabop Pottor, Rev. Mr. Morgan Dix, ltev. Mr. Armlta re, of the Fifth ave nue Baptist church, and Fathers Farreily and Mo Olynu were seen moving among the sucerers, mill* late ring to tne souls 01 tiie Huiicring and the dying. : The roliowing is a partial list of the casualtlM?? LIST OF KILLED. i James Hadley. Uyland j Owen O' He Illy. John Judue. Peter Ky an. William Meredith, j Michael Murphy. Jacob Kuhne. Peter Kerr. Hentamin P. steins*1* Thomu.-i B. Styles. Tnonias Fagan. James Hewson. George Cross. ' Ellen Lalor and three John F. Colemai children. Abel Garrett. I Stephen Long. p. i>. Comstock. Mary Brady. Fred. C. Gamble. : Fred McDonnell. George Uaulay. ; Alex. H. Henderson. Stephen bruce. ; Pedro Velasquez. William Mupes. Christopher Anderson. Annie Thomas. LIST OF WOUNDED. | John Morrissey, very John Connors. I slightly. Mark Haoels#etB. 1 General Butler. Jacob Wort. I Alexander O'Leary. Julia Denlson. i James liaydon. A.nne I'nshman. I Michael Uufferty. Sarah White. George D. Bancroft. ILary Ann Gourh. isiUk Hammersmith. Pat Byrnes. Julien D. Brown. George beaver Amos Hardy. Of the number actna'lr killed It win be lmnossf ble to tell for some 01 those wounded no lull list can bo ascertained, 'i he charge of til# savage beasts was the most unexampled m tlie history of cities. They tore through the leading thoroughlares with all the ireedon they might hav ) enjoyed in their nativto wiiila f-WT Of THE BLAUUHTI'.RKP ANIMALS. 1 rhinoceros. X a mericati tapir. 1 zebra. 1 anaconda. 0 American deer. 1 woodchuck. ?- giraffes. 4 ayrian sheep. 1 American bison. 1 sacred bull. 1 white-haired porcn- 2 American eagVea. , Pine- 1 two-to^d sloth. l urairie dog. 1 jrreat kangaroo. 1 sea lion. 1 alligator. 2 leopards. 2 water turkeys. l grizzly bear. 4 pink-looted geese, l biown bear. 2 i elicans. l striped hyena. 1 trumpeter swan, l ocelot. i clapper rail. brown Capuchin mon- l red-breasted mergMfc i Kev a. 3or? 1 bengal tiger. l pied-hii i grebe, l uiacma baboon. l pine snake. ? u?raf . l Deroinn wailaby. 1 Sainbur deer. 1 Dorcas gazelle. | 451?a? i.on- 1 nvlghan. l African lionesa. 1 gnanaco. ... ANDfALfl AT LARGE. ?* ii? vl?w\?g eminals are at large in varlofli ?ru extr*rn?iv!.nrral Par,t 11 nd cltT- an?. ofcourse? extremely dangerous The cheetah, the mana 'c u 'lXJr lJ!?etHln' ,the P?Dther (a most lero. 1 SoiSL? ? 8uPbo?ed to nave killed the two ffftftfo De*' the Belvidlere tower and eaten Ramole? th? ske,etons were fonod on the ?h? . po98uni f1101 dangerous), the wild swine, the phIshdo (a vicious beast, supposed to w?.8t 8,110 ?r town, in the nelghoorhod o I Manhattan Market, and credited wl*h killing the th?nn.i?fl?ii2UU(l .near slr ^""er Seott'a statue), - ^?v' t,le oum'1 1,00 <a very snvaM i jnlmal) destroyed most of the deer in the northern nf H^nJora"13 B 'arfi,e P,eC? 0nt ?f the Shottldef SLHe.n< ,,ie policeman; supposed also to Jlli n tl,e n nraery girl discovered in the Oar ? snakea escaped and are believed a^aT ln. the grass and shrubbery near the More than a doien monkeys are War* iipni.nrti'J S*'1 in? Parlc ,ncl are not "? b* depended on when they become banjrrj# Thi .hic ?ieopya'i whoM "tfht In the building with the Bengal tiger disabled him conalderablv, ta Bmping about the upper end of the Park. J ? t .V b?ar that killed the two keepers. ' j A Murphy, is said to have been shot bj Ka corder Hackett near the upper reservoir. There !?./^B?1,arpil00 k 0Uit for "ie black wolf. He escaped Into the city, but looks so much like a Dutchman's _??? j evade detection until he haa con* mltted some lamentable tragedy. The ouiann paradoxure and manv other beasts of prar a^e .not Immediately available are acatrered over the Island. Five or six bald-headed eagles eacaped and manv valuable tropical birda. The prairie wolf is not to be lound, the aurloate u also missing and no tidings have been reoelTtd of the brown coarlmundi. 99 . . OBMKRAL DCRTBK, by the excellent disposition he made of the doUm wtLS hundreds of children tn the vicinity of Tompkins square from being devoured. Had the same precautions been taken on the west aid* or town the American buffalo and the brown bear havoc Dever accompliaoed so maoh learfal ~ ,sATI,0SiJ' 0UARD PBEOAonoxa. General Shaler deserves credit also for having promptly issued to tnrn out the Nations *' ihe. dan*??" 'rom tne wild and savage 5? SSt* large in all the thoroognfarea proved too much ftJT the police. Tha SS!ne? at ta? Flftl> Avenue 6otel whea t^? Malayan tapir that killed the two .1?* ln am?ng the mob of gentlemea ^t'MJillng in the portico can never be forgotten. I e8CaPed wltn a fl.'sh woand. Gen eral Butler, wno had come on In the morning, was in conversation wltn ueoerai Giimore. and re nr u!in* lnihuCU" of the ,0Sf- Major Bandy, of the Mail, and Mr. stone, of the Journal q3 Oomnwroe, assisted to calm J. Jones, the buttoa manufacturer, who was thrown mto a paroxysm by the appeal ance of the animal?. Secretary Hobeson and Alderman Vance were thrown violently against a piie of baggage. Leonard Jerome pursued the animal twu blocks after It disappeared from the hotel, and made aoma ex* cellent practice with a revolver bnt flailed to brlna the brure down. The Buffalo overturned Earl Koseberry's carriage in front of the Brevoort, and subsequently ran Into another carriage, containing Moaea Hanz, oi l-'ortv ilrat street, ?nt without doing any serious damage. It would be luipoastbte ut this late hour to d? scribe me numberless scenes or dismay and dla> aster. The hospitals are lull or wounded. Thart are fliteen bodies at the Morgue and several in tM various precincts. A aeutiment of horror per vades the community. THE UALLAMT POLICE. It is now time to sav that the police deserve thg greatest credit lor tucir courage, if not lor tUe auo? cess in dealing with this unheard of danger. Every wnero they are at the frout. and among the aiain and mutilated they count heavily. General Uuryea's order to clear tno streets waa a maater stroke of policy. It ifave the rapidly gathered oil platoons work they could undertake without further direction, while It gave tne aquads oi oQIcers he despatched to the angiea of the leadina thoroughfares a chance to aeal efficiently with tna animals running a muck and without lurthei danger to citizen Hie. There waa only a case re ported of a citizen shot by a police buuet. and. aa the unfortunate victim had been warned to leave the streets, the otllcer cinuot blamed. THE MORAL O It TUE WBOUL or course the eutire atory given above Is a oure fabrication. Not one word of tt la true. Not ? alngie act or incident described baa taken plaoo. it is a huge hoax, a wild romance, or wnatevet other epithet of utter uuvrustworthlness out readers may chooae to apply to it. It is sios Plct?r? which crowded upon the mind thrnluih o?r ? few days ago while ue wss gasing . the^lron bars oi the cages oi the wild animals in the menagerie at Central Park. Tel as each of lis horrid but periectly natural sequences impressed themsolves upon his mind, the question presented itself, Uow is New York prepared to meet such a catastrophe r Uow easily couw u occur auy day oi the week f How much, let the citisens ponder, depends upon the Indiscro tion oi even one of ihe keepers t A little uveo aight. a trifling imprudence might lead to the actual happening oi ail, and even worae than naa been pictured. From causes quits aa inalgmfloaat the greatest calamities oi history have sprung. Horror, devastation and widespread slaughter of , human beings have Ud sotau iUhf MM rinj Li.tll and