Newspaper Page Text
THE NEW YORK HERALD. WHOLE NO. 13,991. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1874.-WITH SUPPLEMENT. PRICE FOUR CENTS. DIRECTORY FOR ADVERTISERS. AMUSEMENTS? Secokd Page?First, second and third ASTROLOGY*?Sbvbntb Pace?Sixth column. RILLIARDS-First PACk-Fiflh column BOARDERS wanted-Seventh pacx-Third eolnmn. BOARD AND LODGING WaNTED-^ssventh Pace? BROOKLY N?REAL ESTATE FOR SALE?Fjbst Pacb? BUSINESt?CO P PORTC 5ITIEB?N i*th Pica. BUSINESS NOTICES?Pirra Pacb? Fourth column. city real ESTATE FOR SALE?iirat Pace?Sixth column. CLERKS AND 3ALKSMBN?Ssventh Paoe?Second co^ uinn. CLOTHING?Seventh Pace?Sixth column. COACHMEN AND GARDENERS?seve.vth Paqe?Sec ond column. COASTWISE s'1 EAMSHIPS?Sbvenih Pag*?fifth *nd sixth columns. COPAKI NERail IPS?Ninth Page. COUNTRY BOARD?Seventh Pace?Third column. DaNCING ACADEMIES?Second Paia?Kourth column. SBV GOODS? First Pack? Kourth column. WEI.LING HOUSES TO LET, FURNI ilED AND UN FU RN ISliKD?First Pace?Filth column. EUROPEAN BTEAMsHlPS?Seventh Pack?Filth col umn. EXCURSIONS?Setekth Pack?Sixth column. PINANClAL? Ninth Pace. FOR SALE?second Pack?Fourth column. ?URNlstlED ROOMS ANU APARTMENTS TO LET? First Pack?tilth column. FURNITURE:?Sbconu Pace? l ourth column. HELP WANTED?FEMALES?seventu Pacb?Second column. HELP WANTED?MALES?Seventh Pace?Second and third columns. HORSES, CARRIAGES, AC.?First Page?Third and lourth columns. HOTELS? evknth Pacb?Ihlrd column. HOUSES, ROOMS, AO, WANTED-Fibs* Page?SixUl column. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY-Fibs* Pace Six tli column. instruction?i-ibst Pace?Fourth column. LECTURE SEASON?Second Page?third column. LOAN OFFICr.B?Fibs* Pace?Fourth column. LOST AND FOUND?First Pace?Second column. MACHINERY?Second Pace?Fourth column. Marble Mantels?seventh pace?sixth column. MEDICAL?Seventh Page?sixth column. miscellaneous advertlsemanis?Tents Pace? Sixth column. Miscellaneous? First Pacb? Fourth eolnmn. MUSICAL?Seventh Pace?Kourth column. MEW PUBLICATIONS? Firm Pace?tilth and sixth columns. PERSON AL?Final Pace?First column. PIANOFORTES, ORGANS, AC.?second Pag*?Third column. PROFESSIONAL SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES? Seventh Page?second column. PROPERTY OL'T OF THE CITY FOR SaLE OR TO ReNT?First Page?sixth column. BEAL EsTATE TO EXCHANGE?Fibst Page?Sixth column. SEAL EsTaTK WANTED?First Pace?Sixth eolnmn. ELIGIOUS NOTICES?Fibst Pace?First and aecond columns. BEWakds? Fibst Pace?Second column. BALES at AUCTION?Seventh Pace?Fourth column. SITUATIONS WANTED?FEMALES?Seventh Pace? First and second columns. SITUATIONS Wan ted?Males?Seventh Pace?Sec ond column. SPECIAL NOTICES?First Pacb?Second and third columns. SPORTING-COOS, BIRDS, AC.-First Pace?Third column. THE TRADES?Seventh Page?Third column. TO LET FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES?First Pace? Filth column. TRAVELLERS' GUIDE?Seventh Page?Sixth column. unfurnished ROOMS AND apartments To LEI ? _ Fibst Pack?Filth column. WANTED TO PURCHASE?First Pace?Filth column. VfESTOliESTER OOUMY PROPERTY KOK SALE OR TO LET?First Page?Sixth column. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS, AC.?Fuisx Page?Fourth col umn. PERSONAL. Any INFORMATION OF NOKAII MANNING, OF DIN gle, county Kerry. Ireland, by her Slater Hannah. MJ West Fntv-scvemh street. ? A LICE"-WII L YOU NOT REMAIN KIND? AD ?fx dress, in siucere coniidence, L. U., Herald office. Bernard eyu r, of instekbrko, Germany, will please communicnte at once with JOHN B. MURRAY, 9x Broadway. New York. CMiARLES COWLAM, IN JANUARY I.AST, AT THE J clly ol New York, married my clicnt, and by so Colng committed the crime of Ligamv. uis brother, George B. Cowlam, ol the city of Washington, D. tJ.I writes my client that his brother Charles Is dead. I urn authorized to oiler #'.,U0it lor legal proof satisfactory to ina ol hia death, or the same tsum lor his conviction tor that crime. December II, 1874. IRA SHAFER, 12U Broad way, New York city. CI c. F.? APPOINT AS INTERVIEW, CONFIDEN '? ttally, through Personals. CUsTOM. Fifth ave*ue stage, Friday, one O'CLOCK.? ? Will two ladies address gentleman who followed Stage Irom City Hall to Canal street? Give some uar Uculara and address WaTC.1, Herald of!lc". GPfllLADKLPHIA CAN BE FIXED: ME'-.T ME __ ? at French'* as goon after lu a. M. as possible. S. JNFO' MATIO.f WANTED OF MR. JOHN TAYLOR. formerly ot Dodworth.?If this advertisement meets is eye, it v ill be to his personal interest to write Imme diately to his sinter, Miss M. A. lay lor, direct to No. 64 victoria street, Glo-sop road, Sheffield, station as many particulars as lie can pioving his identity, lor his uncie, Thomas Ia.vlor, has left him a lcgucy. The sooner he communicates Wltn his sister the bi tter. His uncle, J. B . is advanced In years. Any trietids sending to his sister, Miss i a.vlor their latest inloi niatiou ol J. T. will ?bilge ins English friends. Information WaNTED-OF NICHOLAS HENNES scy son ol William Hennessey ami Mary Moronev, who left Limerick lor New Orleans about Jt> years ago, Dy Rate Hennessey, R>7 Decoveu street, Chicago, 111. INFORMATION WANTED?OK DAVID FERRO, OF the city of Kingston. Jamaica; at last accounts lie wa? ut Key West or Taliahas-ee, Fla. lie milt hear news to his advantage by communicating with G. DK COR DOVA A CO., No. tti William street, or box 9Jti New York Post office. IP J. W. JOHNSTON, LATE OF FORT SCOTT, KAN fas, will call on or leave his address on or before the 15th inst. with J. R. Brown at t ldrige, Dunham a Co., 840 Broadway, he will receive a cordial welcome anj be liberally dealt with. G. A. SCOVILL. JOHN II. I'INCK.-I.NFORMA'IION WANTED (ON Ac count of a deuth in the family) as to the abov?, who left New York uboUT fix years ago; resided at till Eleventh avenue. Any information will be thanktully received bv JAMES F. RoGERs, Atiorney-at-Law, No. 4 New Chambers street JW. C.?HOME NEXT WKl K, ONE DAY'. MEET . me Tuesday, at II. H I lall, Wcduesday, same hour. Cor. B. and G. charges. M 1GNON.-1 AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE TRUE. Rocks, old boy-mekt me at stewart hun ter's. Mft sixth avenue, corner Thirty sccond street, to-uight, lor that old time rallle. SS. 8.? PLEASE ADDRESS P. O.. HERALD ? offlcc, appointing an interview. WILLIAM IIARTY. who was COACHMAN FOR Thomas T. Ferris about 1S61, is requested to call at lio. 9 Pine street, third story, back room. WILL the PARTY who RODK IN JERSEY CITY horse car Friday morning, December 11, taking Desbrosses terry, then car up town, address U. C., Post office, cambridKcport. M.iss. 1< KI<I<<10I S \OTICKS. ALLEN 8TBBET PBE8BYTEBIAN ClIURClI-FltEE to all. .Morning service usual time. subject lor the evening, "The L'nkuuwn uod." Kev. Ucorgo O. Phelps, pastor. A~ T THE HARVARD BOOMS, SIXTH AVENUE AND Korty-second street, Mr. John H. WoifT will speak before the Association ot spiritualists, :-unday at 10l? ami 7H o'clock. sublect, "The Blunders of Scientists, Theological and Material." Conference at 2 P, M. LL A I.N 18' P RO1 EH T A .N T iTl ~l COPAITCI 1URCH, hev. William II. Dnnnell, rector, ilenrv street, cor ner Kc.-immel. New York.? scrvice every Sunday morn ing at 1US- and every Sunday evening at 7%. The rector will preach. AT DK GAKMO HALL, 82 fifth AVENUE, CORNER feortMntti ?drt-ct.?^unday, 10tSUC Lticien M. Gran dal), Kev. Lucius Cran tall and Hev. E. R. swaekhainer; Insplrat onil spcoking; <>?, Madox, ot Maine, Snl brnc and t orsy. At the south baptist church, west twenty. flitIi street? Preaching December IS by the pastor, Kev. A. C. OSBORN. l>. 1>. at \0% A. M , and P. M. At fifth Avenue baptist church, west Forty-sixth street?Preaching t>y Dr. Armitage, pastor, siindav morning 10H and evening 7% o'clock; hunday school 9 A. M. All cordially invited. ASPlltirUAL fire TEST.?mary E. Sl'ydam, of Chicago, puts her hands, arms and face into the blaze of a kerosene olt lamp ; also takes lire coals into her mouth while under spirit control and protection,un huniiay evening, directly alter the lecturo, about o'clock. Admission it) cents. I.ynnnU Howe, Trance Hpeakcr, lectures lor the Society ot Progrcsive plnt tiahsts at iu>j, A. M. and 7}4 P. M. Children'! Lyceum at 2X P. M. All at 1,195 Broadway, near Twemy-uluth ?treet. Ladles' Fair on 22d inst. BEREAN BAPTIST c III lit II, DOWMNO AND BED-* ford streets ? R< v P. L. Davies will preacli Sabbath morning, on 'TrueUloryol Christian Manhood;" even ing a sermon to the young. Brooklyn sunday school union, Hanson place Methodist church. MondAy evening next. Addressi-s by Kev. Dr. 1 aniel Ingles nnil 1'iott-ssor Kiirague. Solos by Mr*. Sanger. Other Interesting exor cises. 17RCH OF THE fiTRANOEKS, MERCER STREET. / near Eighth street. ?nr. Deems Is to preach at lu:JO A M. and 7 MO P. M. Morning service, children's church: subject, "Holy Playing." t.venuig subject, "Uoing Evil that Uood May Coinn." All seats tree. /1ATH0LI0 APOSTOLIC CHURCH, IN SIXTEENTH KJ street, between sixth and seventh avenues.? ser vice, Sunday evening, at 7X o'clock ; subioct ot sermon, ??Christ's second Coining the Blessing, .Not the Instruc tion, of the World." Church of our saviour, Kitty-seventh street, near Eighth avenue. Rev. James M. Cullman, pastor. sun lay morning, at 11, "Religion, the Higher Education." Sundav evening, at 7:45, "Eternal l.lle and Eternal licath." Matthew, xu., 46. ?"And these shall go awgy Into ?verlastlng punishment, but the righteous into life eter nal." John, xvii., S.?"And this is lite eternal, that ther might know these, the only true Ood. ana Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent" John, 111,19.?"And this Is the jaiidi-moatlon, that light Is come Into the, woriu, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil." Hanson place baptist church.-rev. j. d. Fulion, II.D., will preach next sabbath morning V% A. M. subject:?'1 "Tlio Ministry and Laity: I'neir Distinctive Work;" and in the evening at IX P. M. Sub. fi-ct:?"Doe* Hi': Doctiluc ot Uiuveriallsin Satisfy Unl versalisl*.' RELIGIOUS NOTICES. TV6CIPLF.8 OP OH HUT. 1/ Twenty-eighth i street, near Broadway. Rev. D. R. Van Bu?klrk, newly elected pastor, will proHrh at 10:30 A. M. We preach Christ and Him crucified. We advocate a return lo the preaching and practice of apo?to'.lc time); the Bible alone against human creeds and ci nfcMii' ns ot taith; baiitiatn (or the remission of ?ins, and Christian onion i.n the basis of the Bible alone. A'.\ are cordially invited to listen to our pleji. FIFTV-THIKD STREET BAl'TIST CH0RCH.-REV. W. 11. Pendleton. pastor, will preach morning and evening. Sunday school and Bible classes at i P. M7 INSTALLATION SKUVICF.H?WEST TWENTY-THIRD 1 street Presbyterian church.?The Rev. Erskine N. While, D. D., will be Installed as pastor on Knndav even ing next, sermon by Rev. N. W Conk ling, D. D. Ad dresses bv Rev. Drs. McLean and M. H. Hutton. service at 7% 1*. M. Rev. j. spencer kennard, pilgrim baptist church, Thlrtv-thlrd street, west of Eighth ave nue.? Murning, "The Way of salvation." Evening, "The Moment Alter.1' AJi welcome. RI-.V. J. W. BARNHART WILL PREACH IN OLD Forsyth street church lecture rooin at 10% A. M. and 7 P. M. Sabbath school at It A. M. and 2 P. M. Seats tree. All invited. Rev. SAMUEL M. HAMILTON. PASTOR OP SCOTCH Presbyterian church. Fourteenth street, between Filth and Six'h avenues, will prcach to-morrow at 10:30 A. M. and 3il0 P. M. RKV. WILLIAM P. CORBIT, PASTOR OP SF.V enth street Methodist Episcopal church, near Cooper Institute, will breach Sabbath morniug on "The Sinner's Lament at the Judgment.''and tn llie evening on "The Eteruity of Future Punishment" All seats free. REV. WILLIAM ADAMS, D. D.. WILL PREACH AT 11 A. M., and Kev. 8. D. Alexander. D. D., at'1:30 P. M., at the Madison Avenue Reformed church, corner of Fifty-seventh street. ST. LORE'S METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fortv-flrst street, near Mxth avenue.?Preaching by the pastor. Rev. J. F. McClelland, at 10% A. M. and 7% 1*. M. Pruyer meeting Wednesday evening, at 7% o'clock. A welcome to all. ST. MARK'S, SECOND AVENUE AND TENTH street.?The Rev. Dr. Watson will preach at 10 At A. M.: and at 7:20 P. M., the rector. Rev Dr. Rylance. ?The Question of the Hour: How Can We Wisely and Effectively Help the Poor." TEMPERANCE QUESTION.?BE V. J. F. M'CLEL land, pastor of St Luke's Melhollst Episcopal church. Forty first street, near Sixth avenue, hv special request, will preach a sermon on -lirulav 7l; 1*. M., on the above subfect previously delivered before the Dis trict Conference af l'eckskill. All are welcome TABEENACLK B ? PTIST CITURCH 8ECOND AVE nue, between Tenth ar d Eleventh streets.?Rev. Jameg Boardtnin Hawthorne. pastor. Services at 10:30 A. M. and7:IS P. M. Subjects ??Mornlnir, "9how vour Colors;" evenmff, "What think yo of Christ" Baiptiz irit- at the close of evening service. Young men and strangers aro specially Invited. The rev. morgan dix, d. d., Rector of Trinity Parish, will preach In St Chrysostom's chapel. Thirty-ninth street, corner (seventh avenue, on Sunday evening, December 12. The Sunday services at the chapel arc 7, 9 and 10% A. M., 3% and 7% P. H. Every seat is free. THE DEDICATION OF THE MORNING STAR UNION Mission chapel. Twenty-sixth street, near Seventh avenue, will take place Sunday, at 2% P. M. Revs. Dr. Deems, Pullman, Anderson, Hastings, Mlngins, J. M. King and o'hers are to assist in the services. The rev CYRUS dixon, d. d.. secretary of Homo Mission Board, will preach to-morrow in tne Forty-second street Presbyterian church, between Sev. enth and nighth avenues, at 10% A. M. and 3% P. M. Strangers ana neighbors are earnestly and cordially in vited to attend. THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY HAS REMOVED to Fiftieth street, east of Third avenue. Sunday services It)!% A. P. M. Sunday school, 2% P. M. WESTMINSTER PR'SBYTERIAN CHURCH. WEST Twenty-second street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues.?The Rev. George D. Mathews will preach here to-morrow forenoon at 10% o'clock and eveniug at 1\ o'clock. ZION CHURCH, MADIbON AVENUE. CORNER OF 'thirty-eighth street. Rev. John N. Galleher rector.? Services, 10:30 A. M. und 3:10 P. M. "1 >7Til STREET METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 1 I near second avenue.?Rev. W. H. Boole, on Sun day evening, 7% o'clock, from midnight to midday. Rev. K. Hott <me, D. D.. will preach at 10% A. M. All seats tree. "1 QTH STREET MKTHOD1ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, lO M.S. Terry pti?tor.?Services at 10% and 7% P. M. Morning lubiect?"The Wondrous Cross." evening? "The Wondrous Crown." LOST AND FOUND. APOCKETBOOK LOST-CONTAININO $16 40 AND three Rings, two ot no account; lost going from Greenwich a.reet lo Lord A Taylor's, in the Grand street cars. The Uu.ler will be rewarded by leaving the tamo at IS Desbi streot Lost?on Thursday evening, December 10, In neighborhood of Twelfth street and Fifth avenne, a Box, containing leather trimming. The tinder will receive it suitable reward by returning same to AiTKEN, SON A CO., Broadway, corner Eighteenth street ]OST?ON WEDNESDAY EVENING LAST, A DIA J mond Stud, enamelled settin'. A suitable rewnrd will be paid il returned to Mr. SIMMO.NDS, C09 Broad way. IOST-A MINK MUFF; BROWN SATIN LINING, J with hows and tails; black Bilk braid attached ; lost Thursday sight, betwecen the talr on Thirty-third street and West Fourth street. Return to Kev. i>r. DEEMS, 42'J West l'wenty-second street, and receive $10. LObT-A FIREMAN'S BADGE, NO. 389. FINDER please return to 217 East 1 wenty-eighth street HEWAK1IS. dfc,*: REWARD-LOST, IN PASSING FROM THIRD t!p?J avenue und Tenth street to Broadway and Twen ty-third street to lentli avenue, a gold Pen und Pencil Case. A hove reward will be paid on return to 90 East 'I enth street r REWARD.?LOST. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, on Fourteenth or Fifteenth street, between Seventn ?n<l lufth avenues or on Broad way. between Fourth and Twenty-sixth streets to Cate Brunswick, n Solitaire Diamond H arrlng, about one carat stone. The On.ier will receive the above reward by leaving same at 133 West Fifteenth street, where the mate can be seen. Pawnbrokers please notice. qp/rn REWARD.?ON THE ?rf)3 P. M. HARLEM ifWvJ train, November 27, a Pockethook, containing $lti0 and Papers ol no value except to owner. Whoever will return it to Mr. SMITH, Agent, Ford ham, or com municate hv mail, will receive the above reward and thanks of the owner (feqnn REWARD WILL BK PAID AND NO QUES iJpOUU tiotis asked for the recovery ol one set ot dralls, No. It),2fi2, SO,000 francs, drawn by Limbcrt A Co. and l?. F. Kraus A Co.. of Paris, to order and not en dorsed ; payment has been stopped. Also, one set ot dia monds and one Pearl Brooch, all of which have becu stolen from the owner. Apply to (OU HE Iff BROTHERS, 49 Wall street, N. Y. WILL BIi PAID P0R THE SOUVENIRS ?TOUU taken this day Irom No. 22 East :-ixty ninth street, and no questions asked. Address II. K. through the Personals, stating time and placc. SPECIAL, NOTICKS. A?THE AMERICAN REGISTER. . the most widely circulated of the American lournals published in Europe. A capital medium lor American advertisers addressing themselves to European patronage. Indispensable to all persons visiting Croat Britain and the buropean Continent. subscriptions and advertisement! tor the AMERICAN REGISTER will be received and single copies ol the pnncr may be obtained at the office ol the New York Herald, New York. A -DECEMBER 29. $250(100. DECEMBER 29, SECOND AND LAST GRAND GIFT CONCERT IN AID OP THE MASONIC RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF NORFOLK, VA. DAY POSITIVELY FIXED. TUESDAY, 29T11 DECEMBER. LAST CHANCE. Authorized by Act ot the Virginia Legislature (passed March & 1873). tO.OCO TICKETS?6.0(H) CASH GIFTS. 9260,000 TO BR GIVEN AWAY. One Grand Cash Gilt ol 9S0,n0n t'ne Granci Cash (lilt of 25,000 One (Iran 1 Cash Gilt of 2(),ilou Ono Grand Cash Gilt of 10,000 One Grand Cash Gill ol 5.UU0 (me (Iranil Cash dirt ?t 2..W0 One Grand Cash Gift of 2.000 15 Cash Oliis ot ?1.000 each 15,0th) 28 Cash Gitta ot 600 each 14.000 43 Cash Gilts ot 2/.0 each 10.750 79 Cash Gilts of 150 each 11,860 250 Cash Gilts of 100 each 25,000 678 Cash Gifts of 60 cach 28,900 5.0(10 Cash Gllta ot 10 each 60,000 t>,(IU0 CASH OIFTS, AOOREQ \TINO 9250,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets 910 101 Quarter Tickets 92 50 Hal' Tickets 5 001 Eleven Tickets. 100 00 For 'tickets, Circulars, Ac , andrcs* THE BRANt ? Ot KICK OF I'lIK ASSOCIATION (Room 25), 7S and 80 Broadway, Now York. Post office box 1,417. HF.NRY V. MOORK, Secretary. ATTENTION 1-OASII IN II AND FOR PERSONS wishing to realize on surplus stocKs, Merchandise, Furniture, Ac. Address, in confldence, W. A. T., box 730 Post office. A?OFFICIAL DRAWINGS OF THE KENTUCKY . State and Mielby College Lotteries. XKKTCCKT StAT*. ?XTRA CLASS 305? PECKMBER 11. 1874. 19, 64. 23, 63, 1, 30, 98, 49, 25. 08, 29, 70, 60, BnCI BT, tXTtlA CLiM 123? I1ICKMB*B II, 1S74. 60. 62. 71. 23, 21, 51), 19, 8, 10, 20, 09, 13. KI .NTH KT irAT*, CLASS 30C?DKCKMnKA 11. 1874. 38, 26, 37, 34, Irt, 21, 6, t>7. 73, 13, 48, 8, 58., ctus 124?iiki k*bk? II. 1874. 35, 19, 7, 75, 15, in. II, 61, 44, 41), 37, M, 33. J. (?. SMITH A CO, Managers, Covington. Ky. Post office box 2,761, New York. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ji ?MANUFACTURERS' CONSIGNMENT SALB, 779 BROADWAY, OPPOSITE STEWART'S. $229,000 WORTH OK SOLID gold AND SILYBS WATCHES. $30,000 WORTH OK real CORAL. $79,000 WORTH OF JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, AC. TO BE SOLD DURING THE HOLIDAYS REGARD LESS OF COST. EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IS PLAIN FIGURES. ONE PRICE only. SOLID coin SILVER WATCHES $4 80 AND UP WARDS. 80LTD cold WATCh1Ts~$19 ?0 AND UPWARD. every WA1CH WARRANTED TO BEEP PERFECT TIME. THE ABOVE GOODS HAVE HKF.N consigned TO US BY THE LEADING M A N U F ACTU R E RS IN THIS COUNTRY AND EL'ROPE. these watches comprise the finest im PORTED TO THIS COUNTRY AND ARE MADE BY THi BEST MANUFACTURERS. WE ARE AUTHORIZED BY TIIE M ANUFACTURERS TO KELL THE ABOVE GOODS REGARDLESS OF COST AND AT PRICES WHIiUI WE cordially LNVITE THE PUBLIC TO EXAMINE. GRAND OPENING THIS DAY AND EVENING. RICHARD HUMPHREYS. 779 BROADWAY. A?SODA WATER. MINERAL WATERS. GINGER ? Ale, sparkling Wines; manufacture of complete outfits of Apparatus and Materials, with full instruc tions: all departments of manufacture, bottling and dis pensing-, exi lusive Bights in desirable territory, cata logues tree. JOHN matthewh, First avenue, Twenty sixth and Twenty-seventh streets, New York. A?GRAND extraordinary DRAWING ? Grand Extraordinary Drawing Royal Havana Lottery, Roval Havana Lofery, December i6, 187*11 December 16. 187411 Only 16.000 Tickelsl Only 16<KW Ticketst One Prize to every Seven Tickets! One Prize to every Seven Ttcketsl Capital Prize, $900,000. $1,200,000 Cash to ke distributed. Circulars, with full particulars, free. Address P. (X DEVLIN, stationer and General Agent,30 Liberty street A?HAVANA LOTTERY OF CUBA. ? Royal Saxon Government Lottery. Hamburg City Lottery. Brnnswick Government Lottery. Prizes cashed and information given. Lock box S,.'<94. TiiEODOR ZSCHOCH, Uti Nassau street. New York. A?PARKS. EMERSON A CO., AGENTS FOR . Kentucky State Lotteries drawn dailv. Extraordinary Royal Havana Lottery, drawn Dee. lflL Kentucky Single Number Lottery, drawn Dec ifi. 1874. Masonic Relief Lottery, of Norfolk. Va . Dec. 29,1874. Prizes cashed, information furnished and circulars sent bv addressing PARKS A CO.. 180 Broadway, room 1 Post office box 9,272. Private office attached. Office hours 7 A. M. till 7 P. M. Havana lottery.-extraordinary draw lng. Prices greatly reduced. B. ALENCK A CO., No. 6 Broad street, room 19(Post office box 4,291), New York. Henry a. daniels, m. d.. 144 Lexington aVe nue, near Tweuty-nintn street?Special attention to the diseases of men and important medical and surgi cal cases. Havana lottery. Extraordinary Drawing, December 16, 1874. 2,097 Prizes amounting to....... $1,230,000 I Prize of- BOO OUO 1 Prize of 1IX),iiiu 1 Prize of AO.000 2 Prizes of f25,ii(X) oacn 90.000 4 Prizes of $10,000 each. 40 out) 12 Prizes of $\H00 each 60,000 2,076 Prises amounting to 400,000 Circulars of information tree. Prizes cashed. J. B. martinez A CO.. Bankers. 10 Wall street, rear base ment; Post office box 4.689, New VorK. Havana lottery, extraordinary, deckm bcr 16; great reduction in price of tickets; send for circulars. E. SoNNLNllERU, box 190 Post office. New Haven, Conn. Havana lottery.-extraordinary draw ing?German government Lotteries. Prizes cashed and information given. WACHSMANN A CO., Bankers, 79and 77 Nassau street Post office box 3,316. Kentucky state lottery. Grand extraordinary Single Number Scheme for the holidays (authorized by Special Act ot the Legislature), for the benefit of the University ot Puducah. $600,000 to be distributed among the holders of tickets. CAPITAL PRIZE, $100,000. The drawing to take place at Covington, Ky., Saturday, December 26, 1S74. Nodiseoont on Prizes. Every Prize paid in full. SIMMONS. DICKINSON A CO., Managers. Scheme. 1 Prize of $100,000 i*. $inn,ooo 1 Priz-i of 60,000 is. 99,00') 1 Prize Of 411,1100 is 40,000 1 Prize of 80.U00 is. Sd.iflO 1 Prize of 2o,iOO is- 20,ut)0 1 l'ri/.e of 10,(100 is.- lo.oiio 10 Prizes of 6,(*W arc 90,000 '900 Prizes of 200 are 100,000 9,060 Approximation Prizes, amounting to 200.000 9,976 Prizes, amounting to $600,000 Whole 'iickeis, Halves, Quarters, Lights, $20. $10. *9. $Z 90. Remember that every Prize is drawn and payable in full, without deduction. These Drawings arc never post poned, t ike place regularly the last Saturday of each month, send lor circular. Address all orders to SIMMONS, DICKINSON A CO., Covington, Ky. Kentucky state single number lottery.? $600,000 in prizes, December 26 Circulars of intor mation free. Address GEO. H. BOOTH, 73 Nassau street (Post office box 3,037), New York. Notice.?the undersigned gives notice to the public that he has no interest, directly or In directly, individually or otherwise, with the ttrmibusl iiess, nor with the firm ol H. Fox A Co., 391 Canal street. In this city, and that the said firm has no authority Irom me to use my name in auy form whatever In connection with said business. LEANDEK FOX, 26 Varick street New York, Dec. 11, 1871. Nervous debility and weakness brought on by indiscretions, excesses, or overwork ot the brain and nervous system, treated by HENRY A. DANIELS, M. D., 144 Lexington avenue. near Twenty ninth street 0?OFFICIAL DRAWING OK THE KENTUCKY . State Lotteries.?Simmons. Dickinson A Co., Managers. BKNTCCrr, EXTRA CLASS NO. 331 ?DECEMBER 11, 1974. 17, 59, 52, 13, 41, 2, 3rf, 40, S9. 73, 63, 14. KKNTOCKT, CLASS NO. 332? DECEMBER 11, 1874. 25, 4tl, 5-1, 4*, SI. 61, 72, fit, St. 6*. i4, 7. 8. If K.N It Y, EXTRA CLASS NO. 153?DECXMBKH 11. 1874. 7, 36, 64, 53, 71. 14. 35, 52. 54, 41, 8, 19. HENRT, CLASS NO. 154?DECEMBER 11, 1874. 73. 13. 31. a 24, 4, 38, 56. 18, 49, 31). ft9, 11 Full information bv applying to J. CLUTE, 200 Broad way, room 6, first floor, rear office, or Post office box 4,969, New York city. ?KENTUCKY STATE SINGLE NUMBER LOT ? tery. on Havana plan. Extraordinary drawing December 26. Circulars or Information turmshed t>y J. CLUTE, 20o Broadway or Post office box 4.BC9. ROY A I, HAVANA LOTTERY. Extraordinary Drawing, December 16. Circulars of full information tree. Prizes cashed. Spanish Bank Bills, Governments, Ac., purchased. TAYLOR A CO., Bankers. No. II Wall street. New York. The ladies of the morning star uniow Mission Sunday School will open a Fair in their new chapel, lt>5 and 167 West Twenty sixth street, near Seventh avenue, on 1'uesdav afternoon, December 1>, 1874, which will continue every atternoon and evening during the week, to raise funds to furnish and help pay off the debt on their building just completed. Thomas' billiard room. Bowling Alloys and Art Gallery, 1,239 Broadway. Sixteen Collender's new Standard Tables. The finest collection of caricatures in the world. Grand opening on Saturday evening, December 12, on which occasion the champion. Maurice Yignaux, and Francois t'bassy will give un exhibition. GEORGE M. THOMAS. JERRY V. THOMAS. Mann street.?mttllen'8 show cards and Oilclotn Signs, for every business, ready made and to order at short notice. Oil Onn Ann ?extraordinary drawing tpi<iv??vUUi of the Roval Havana Lotteryof Cuba, December 16. Circulars or information sent free. BATES A CO., l'J6 Broadway. SPORTjING? DUttS, BIRDS, d{C. A?FOR SALE. ALL KINDS OP FANCY DOGS. ? Birds. Ac.; Medicines lor all diseases: prepared Food lor mocking birds, at B. u. DOYEY'd, No. 3 Greene street, near Canal. B~*1RDS. PET ANIMaLs, GOLDFISH A>D PLANTS lor aquaria, M.ic king Bird F ooii, I'isb Food, Butler's celebrated Dok Medicines, Ac. Aquaria l ank manulac tory, 31 Fulton street. J. HAOOT, Agent L^OR STlE-A GENCINE PURDEY 10-BORE MUZZLE Jt loading Shot Uun: weight 8 lbs.: price $150. UEOROR HAYDoN. 143 Fulton itre?t_ OR 8ALB.?A PAIR OP FINE BLACK AND TAN Dogs. LOUIS KIRSTEN, 96 <iold street F HORSES, CARRIAGES, OiC. A?MAJOR C. W. BARKER, AUCTIONEER. , MONROE COUNTY, MONROE COUNTY, WESTKHN NEW YORK. STATE BRED. MORE SPEED than ever befope. THE GREAT event. FIFTEEN! H SALE OF THF. Far FAMKD Monroe county TROTTERS AND ROADSTERS, AT BARKER A SON'S CITY AUCTION MAR I AND N. *. TATTERS ALLS, comer ol Broadway and Thirty-ninth street, ON WEDNESDAY, December 16, at eleven o'clock. FIFTEEN HEAD, the vet of champion, J.J. Critten den, Toronto chief, KId Van Wlnklo, Niagara Chief, Henry Olav, Ethan Allen, Fox Hunter, Eckler's Clay, Red Dick. Ac. ALL WITHOUT training and can trot In from 2:40 to three minutes. ai.L ELEGANT and extra stylish drivers, and war ranted sound and kind. pobitiVi'.LV iHe most promising lot of younir, green Horses ever offered at public auction FOR FULL descriptions see catalogues. NOPO - TPO N K M i; N r. A -ONE OF THE FINEST I.ANDAILETS IN THE ? city: m.idc by Wood Bros. ; cost >l,75>\ price 11 .TWOl sentloinau lea?tug the city; must be koid. i-o. SWe?t Tbirteeutb street. HORSES, CARRIAGES. ?C. At barker a son's CIXT AUCTION MART AJtD NEW YORK TAT TEB>ALLS, comer of Broadway una Thirty-ninth street, MaJOK (.'HAS. W. BAKKI- K, AUCTIONEHR. REOCL.AU SALES OY HORSES, CARBlAOKa, AC., EVERY WEDNESDAY A.VO SAT CUD A V, AT BLBVEN O'CLOCK TWENTY-FOUU hours allowed for trial on every horse gold under warrantee. THIS 18 the only auction mart 111 the S'a'e having the proper facilities for showinn horses on sale. viz.; a large Driving Hint;, entirely under cover, and plenty of room for examination. CATALOG I) K OP SALE THIS DAY, AT ELEVEN' O'CLOCK. FOR ACCOUNT ol whom It n.ay concorn. a bay Stal lion. got by Manhattan son of Rlsdvk's Hambletonlan), 15H high, 7 years old; been trained but little and can beat 2:4!); Is very promising and perieotly sound and kind; aold by order Alexander Patterson, Fleetwood Park, to pay charges aiul keening. RuCKaWaY, BL'ILi by TerrilL. ELEGANT COMBINED sorrel thoroughbred saddle and harness Mare, got by Harris' Ulencoe, son of imp. Cllencoe. dam by imp. Sovereign, bred by Wui. Snyder, Shelbyvtlie, Ky.; pedigree warranted. IS1* hands huh, 6 y?ars old , very stylish driver; can trot in 3 minutes; tine under saddle; goes all gaits; has run in 1 ;48>4, with lit) lbs. up. and is warranted sound and kind. BUSINESS Si.EIGH, new. WITHOUT EXCEPTION the most beautiful brown sad dle and harness Pony In America, 13>4 hand* hwh. 7 years old: splendid under saddle; goes a I gaits; elegant In harness; perfectly irentle and docile, yet gamey and very sti llsh; a periect utile horse, uud warranted sonnd and kind. TOP SIDE bar Road Wagon, by Ren son. THE FAST bay Hambletonian Trotting Gelding Post Bov, got by Iron Duke, 1SK hands high, 7 year* old; an elegant, game and eaiy driver; has a record of-rt'f: is a great pole horse; can be driven by a lady; is sold to close an estate, and is warran-.ed sound and kind. FOUR FOBTLAND Sleiglis. VERY SPEEDY bay Trotting Oelding, got bv Young Morrll, well known on the road as the Lawrence horse, 15)4 high. 7 years old ; a prompt and handy driver; can trot in 2.30 to road wagon, and is warranted sound and kind. TOP PONY PllAETON, bnilt by Close. FAMILY ESTABLISHMENT, consisting of a fast cross matched team chestnut Horse and brown Mare, 15'? high. 7 and 8 years old; tine, styiish drivers; can trot In 3 minutes, and are warranted sound and kind. Also Coupe Bockaway, double and single Harness, Blankets, Robes. Ac, TWENTY-TWO other top and no top Road Wagons, Denot, Express and Business Wagons, Carriages, Ac. NhW AND SECOND hand Harness, ilorse Clothing, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Halters, 1c. TWELVE OTHER Horses. FULL DESCRIPTION at sale. 8ALES NEVf.R postponed on acconnt of weather. ^ ?TO THE DRIVING PCBLIO. A. We arc now applying to side bar wagons a simple at tachment, winch produces A PERFECTLY lASY, Ll.VBL RIDING WAGON, entirely free from rattle or "creak," and irivlng Increased strength and salety, with out adding to the weight With this improvement we are also using (after a thor ough trial durlns: the past three years) the parallel or straight arm axle, ruuning with greater precision and less friction than any axle ever used for speeding. Gentlemen Interested in driving matters are invited to examine these improvements at oar factory. Broadway and Forty-seventh street, or at our warerooma, FUth avenue and Fourteenth street. BREWSTER A CO., of Broome street AUCTION SALE?THIS DAY, AT 11 O'CLOCK, OF new and second hand top Buggies, Phaetons, Rock aways, sleighs. Business Wagons, Robes, Blankets, Har ness, Ac., by COLE A MCRPHY, 37y Fulton street, Brooklyn. A PAIR OF STYLISH CARRIAGE HORSF.S FOR sale?Bays, 10 hands, 6 and 7 years old. lone manes and tails; sound and kind. Apply in forenoon at No. 3 West Kortv-sixth street. Albany sleighs. Cutters, shifting seats, ponies and three-seaters. Portland Sleighs, all styles, both single and two seats, trimmed and un trimmed, at low prices. A. T. Dh.MAREST & CO., 628 Broadway. A?BY ORDER OF MORTUAQEE. THE WELL ? known hay horse Boston Boy; record ol 2;'!6; great polo' hofsc; CHARLES BARKER, Auctioneer, at il o'clock, corner of Thirty-ninth street and Bro.tdway. ANY PARTY HAVING A FIRST CLASS SHIFTING Pole, with silverplated tips, for light roHd wagon, lor sain ebcap, can find a purchaser by addressing K., box 118 Herald oftlcc. A BREWSTER WAGON AND STIVERS SLEIGH, IN perfect order; price $300 and $175. Can be seon at 15 East Twenty-eighth street T\OUBLK TRUCK HARNF.SS.-WaNTED, A GOOD J / double truck Harness, in good order and condition, tor which a fair price will be paid- Call at 74 Broad ?t. For sale?$1,000, a fast poi.e iiorsb, bay, uh hands; nas record of 2:17 with running mate; is looking tine and can trot as fast as ever. Address OWNER, 816 Broad street, Newark, N. J. FOR SALE?A SIX-SEAT WESTCHESTER ROCKA. way. In good order; glass tront and sides. Apply, in forenoon, at No. 3 West Forty-sixth street. TJ?OR SALE-CHEAP, FOB WANT OF USB. A SOUND I? M\d reliable pair of Carriage Horses; handsome and stylish: good travellers'. 15)% hands, 7 years old; warranted in every respect Address H. C. R., Herald Uptown Branch office. HARNESS.-THE CHEAPEST HARNESS STORE IN New York; a good buggy Harness, hand made, $17; a good grocer's Harness, $25; a good milkman's Harness, $.10; a good double truck Harness, $30; a good Stable Blanket, $1 50; waterproof Blankets, strapped and un strapped. Please call and examine for yourselves. FISIIKR A OSBORNE, 71 Barclay street. New York. ONE OF THE FINEST COUPB HOR8K8 IN THE city; dapple gray. 16.'? hands high, 6 years old; warranted sound and kind. No. 3 West Thirteenth st SLEIOHS, SLEIOHS. SLEIGHS. 001 Sleighs of all styles: Six Heaters, Pony's, Shift ing Scats. Turn Seat, Portlands, Swells, Trotting, trimmed and untrimmed; Portlands, the largest stock in the city. WM. 11. GRAY, 20 and 12 Wooster street TO OWNERS OF HORSES.?NO ONE WHO HAS ever used Dr. TOBIAS' Horse Venetian Liniment will ever be withoat it ; it is ? certain cure lor Colic, 8orc Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores. Warranted *u perior to anv other. In pint bottles at $1. Sold by the drusrirists. Depot, 10 Park place. Truck and wagons for sale-one first class three quarter Truck : one top Baker's or Milk Wagon. Coal cart and second nand light Express Wan on, with top, at cost. 76 First avenue TWO FIRST CLASS DOUBLE TRUCKS FOR SALE cheap. Applv at Bradford A McDonald's wheel wright shop, No. 163 Christopher street. TO LET?ROOM FOR FOUR DORSES AND THREE carriages; private stable 117 West Eighteenth street. Apply at 91 Fulton street. WANTED?A LIGHT PORTLAND CUTTER, trimmed or not trimmed; good order. Address, stating price, I. M? JS8 West street. X\TANTED?HORSES TO BOARD. NEAR MORRIS Vr town: good stabling, grooming, hay and grain; onlv $10 per month. Reterence, J. M. Mason, 126 Duaue street New York. XITANTED-A S'X-SEAT OR COUPE ROCKAWAY; Vt must be In good order; low price for cash. Ad dress. stating price. O. F., 153 Ea*t sixty-second street. ZERO PRICES, ZERO PRICEa Sleighs, Bells. Robes, Blankets, Whips, Ac. Job lots choice goods, prices can't be beat. Bankrupt stock fine Blankets, hall price. Jl.RE. JOHNSON, Jr.. 63 Liberty street, 1 FINE SIX SEAT COUPK ROCKAWAY, BY 1 Adams; 1 fine Coupe, Pole and Shafts; 1 light Coach. 1 M Clarence. Coupe RocXawavs, 20 top and open Road Wagons, of all styles, by Broome street Brewster, Dusen* bury, stivers, Ac.; top and open Ponv Phaetons, 1 Doc tor's Phaeton. 100 Carriages of all stvles. Harness, kets, Robes, Ac. WILLIAM H. GRAY, auWooster street. DRV GOO OS. A "sUPERB CAMELS' HAIR SHAWL FOR 8ALE? Price MDO, cost |l,603. Address bUAWL. box 137 Herald Uptown Branch office. -1MMKN-E BARG*TN9-SOLD TO PAY ADVANCES.? X A large lot of children's Furs; sots, complete nnd handsome, only $l._'9; retail worth $2..W: (lot to one pur chaser cheap). Office 20 and-24 I'ark Place. INSTRUCTION. SOME PUPILS REALLY DESIROUS To LEARN CAN receive careful instructions on tlic Piano. Address A NO. 1. Herald office. YACHTS, STEAMBOATS. AC. I port SALE?THB Fast BAlLIKO YACHT BUILT Sloop Eliza Sevena, 22 10-100 tonnage, huilt by day's work; two suits of good .'alls, all in good order. Address WM. WOOD, Post office, Ke.vporu LiOAJI OFFICES. AT 77 BLERCKEK STRKET, NEAR HROADWaY.? Libera! advances upon Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry. Pianos. Ac., or the same bought. Also Pawnbrokers' 'iicneis bought at 77 Bleecker street, up stairs. AT 80 NASSAU STREET, AT THE LOW K ST RATES? Loans made on Life Policies, Merchandise, Dia monds, Watches, Jewelrv, Pianos, Ac. \EwMaN LEO POLl>, 80 Nus?an street, between h niton and John. AT HALF THB USUAL CHAROES-MON Y AD vanccd on Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry, Life In surance Policies. Ac. No. 79 Nsjwbu street, .between Fulton and John streets. W. MACDIHF A CO. AT JACKSON'S, 806 BROADWAY, OPPOSITE ELEV enth street?Moncv liberally advanced on Dla monds, Watches, Jewelry, S.Iks, Drv Ooods and I'erson* Property of every description. Private entrance lor ladies. AT JOSEPH SOLOMON A CO.'S, 134 FULTON street, near Nassau.?Money advanced on Diamonds, Watches, Silver Plate, silns, uainels' Hair Shawls, An tiques and Articles of Virtu; established 185U; private office for ladies. Se hlblt hspanol. Money loaned on diamonds, watches, Jewelry and silverware and the same bought and sold. GEOHOE C. ALLEN, Jeweler, L, 190 Broadway, near Tweiity-ninth street. Watches and lewelry re paired. A HQ SIXTH AVKXUF, BETWEEN TWENTY TtvIO fourth anil Twenty fifth streets.? Liberal ad vances made on Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silks, Laccs and Shawl* same bought at lull value. _______ L BERNARD. eQC BROADWAY. NEAR AMITY STREET.? UOU Money liberally advanced on ntamonds. Watches Jewelry. Pianos mid all Merchandise. Same bought and sold. Onc.i on Saturday. H. GFIGERMAN. MIMKI.i.WKl) US. , DIPLOMA OF MERIT, VIENNA EXPOSITION, 187*. Dr. Pearson's American Powders and Lozenges lor ini..gesii u and all dtMMOS of th( ?tnmfte.h: 1'ow cern, >2 per box; Lo.">nges, All chemists'depots. k ULGfcHJit |iow Yt .k. MUMLOlth. New Orleans. TO LET FOB Hl'HlMKSS PI HPOSES, DOUBLE AND SINGLE LOFTS TO LET-ON VE?EY~, Barclay and Leonard streets. Broadway Mock. Inquire o! J. A J. W MKEKS, No. 30 Ytsey strret, room S. IfOR RENT?WITH OK WITHOUT POWER, LOFTS 1 and stores lor manuiacturing purpose*. Apply to Engineer on premises, 175 He?ter street; or A. T, MEYErt, 86 Leonard street - Stork TO LET?AT 407 SEVENTH AVENUE; suit able (or any business. Inquire oil first floor. To let-shop* well adapted for tailoring business', splendid liglu and low rent*. So. 1 Bowery, corner Division street. TO LET?SHOPS, SUITABLE FOR CABINET UaSU tactarera or carpenter shop; irood light, cheap rents. No. 4 Doyer street, near Bowery. TO LET-TUB BEST STORK AXD BEST LOCATION, on third avenue. No. 384, between Twenty-seveuth and Twenty-eighth streets. rpo RENT-FURNITURE FOR storage OF TUB 1 same. Address Mr*. GIBSON, West Thirty-sec ond street. UNION SQUARE.?TO LET. STORE CORNER OP Thirteenth street and Fourth avenue ; large cellar; the whole Hou?c U de?lred to a responsible tenant Its proximity to Union square aiul Broadway renders it de s,ruble lor a good business man. Q7 UNION BQUARB.-MAOMHCENT 8TORB, BE ? ? I cent:v painted, to be let until May tor $100 per month ; not one-iourth its value. Apply there to Dr. dkey. DWBIJJSO HOl'SKS 'I'O LET. Furnished. An exquisitely furnished, finished and built new. 23 toot high stoop stone Dwelling, Just west oi Fifth avenue and St. Ihoinss' church. to iet low. V. K. STi Vt.N'.-ON, Jr., 31 East Seventeenth street or 11 Pine street C1HABMINO FIFTH AVENUE HOUSB TO RENT? ) Furnished, at a low figure, or will sell Furniture at a sacr tW, Address FURNITURE, box IS2 Herald Up town Branch office. HAND-OMELY FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT-ON West l weuty-third street, Ave minutes' walk troin Futh Avrtiue Hotel; iniuiedlate p.-session. Address W. 11. C., Herald Uptown Brunch office. TO LET? KEF.O ANTLY furnished HOUSE ON Filth avenue, oelow Central Par*. very reasonable to responsible tenant App.v to J. N. WYCKOPP A CO., 21 ram row, or O. SLOAN HoLDKN, 6;a sixth avenue. TO LET-furnished HOUSE; RENT TAKEN IN Board; also Flats, lurnishod and unfurnished; l-ults of Rooms in choice location. Apply to E. A. DAlLEY, 58a Sixth avenue. I'll I urn ig lied. A -THREE BRICK BUILDINGS, 128, ISO AND 132 ? Jane street, 60x90 leet, to let, for packing or stor age business: moderate rent; immediate possession. E. L. A B. T. BURN HAM, 80S Hudson street ACOSEY THREK STORY BRICK HOUSE TO LET? $800; will tako less to a good tenant; west tide. Mr. SMITH, Franktort House, 202 William street. AT A SACRIFICE.?FIRST CLASS, handsomely furnished brown stone high stoop House; in com plete order; immediate possession. Address OWNER, No. 4 East Forty-second street. House to let?sis west nineteenth street, in good order, with all modern improvements; pus session at once. Apply to J. M. GANO, 40 West Twen ty-fourth street, or 313 West Nineteenth street, next door. TO LET-THREE STORY AND basement HOUSE 118 hast Ninety-first street, between Lexington and Fourth avenues; rent low. OOQ FOURTH AVENHK, NEAR NINETEENTH ?i*jO street.?Honse to let, in good order; rent low. FURNISHED ROOMS AJ1D AFAllT.'lEM'S TOJLET. A NEATLY KEPT, comfortably furnished, large and pleasant Bedroom, to a; pri vate house ; bath and gas. 270 Madison street. A CHOICE OF HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOMS with large closeis, hot and cold water. Ac., to let, without hoard, to gentlemen or gentlemen and their wives, with a widow; excellent neighborhood. Ad dress, for two days, Y. 11., Herald Uptown Branch office. A LADY, LIVING IN HER OWN HOUSE, WOULD like to rent Parlor Floor to a gentleman; will linj a nice, pleasant home, with every comfort Address I'LEAbANT, Herald Uptown Branch office. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM TO LET, with two single beds, all accommodatl"ns gas, lath, Ac.; house private; Board il desired. 316 Ninth street near Second avenue. A?BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISHED, ? en suite or singleall front, facing south ; meals served in rooms from $4 t6 $15. No. U3 kul Eighth street, one house from Broadway. A NEATLY FURNISHBD BOOM, WITH or WITH OCT A Arc, to gentlemen ; 14 per week. 104 West Twentieth s?reet. PRIVATE FAMILY WILL LET TWO SUNNY trout Bedrooms; also two small hall Rooms. neatly furnUhed. with fire, gas and bath; references ex. Changed. 80 University place, near Kourtecnth street a NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM FOB BOUSEKEBP. j\ iiitr to let. $5; two Kooms connected, $4 6J: front I'arlor. $7. 29 Washington square, southwest corner Waverley place. IjiU5NISII hi> FOR HOUSEKEEPING-FRONT PAR r lor, middle Room and closet, all improvements. Sti per week; also small Room, $1 lb per week. West 1 wenty-eighth street, between Seventh and Eighth avenues. IjtOR HOUSEKEEPING,?HANDSOMELY Fl'R r nished I'arlor. back Parlor, Kedrooms. Kitchen and hall licdroom il desired; gas, b.ith, hot and Cold water, willi use of stationary wash tub.'; uo other family in the house but owner's; rent moderate. a02 West Forty-ninth street. rno LET?210 BOWKRY, THIRD FLOOR, A BEAl'TI 1 fully furnished front Kootn and Bedroom, for gentle men only. rno LET-A SUIT OF THREE ROOMS, FURNISHED 1 for light housekeeping i second iloor, trout. No. -64 Sixth avenue, near Seventeenth street. A 4 CA PER WEKK FOR A NEATLY FURNISHED <?)'l i/U Room fronting on Broadway, convenient to restaurants. Apiily on second floor titt Broadway, be tween twelfth and Tnirteenth streets. <Ji/l OP?NICEST ROOMS IN THB CITY; 811 TING Room, Kitchen and ltedroom connecting, furnished, lor housekeeping; very centrally located. \\L3 Forty-lourth street, between Lexington and tout tit avenues. nTH 8TREET.?FURNISHED ROOMS WITHOUT Hoard, tor gentlemen only. 104 East Seven teenth street, between Irving place und Union gcjuaro. 1 Q SIXTEENTH STREET. BETWEEN BROADWAY J-O and Filth avenue.?Three large and handsomely Itirnlshed Rooms ou second floor; also single Room tor lumi ies and gentlemen; rates moderate; restuuraut connected. A r KaST TWENTY THIRD STREET. ? FURNISHED rtO Room, large and handsome, to a gcntlvmau only; convenient to all the curs. CO SOUTH WASHINGTON SQUARE, FOURTH ?JO street.?Nicely rumUhcd Rooms tor light house keeping: a lew gentlemen can bo accommodated; all con venlenccs, _____ 1 QQ WEST FOURTH STREET, BETWEEN MAC lOO dougal and Sixth avenue.?To let, furnished, second story front Room, witn Are; also hall Room, rent moderate; lamily private. t-NFURXISHED ROOMS AXD APART MENTS TOILET. /THEAP RENTS. ?NICE SMALL FAMILIES ONLY; \ i house lust pain'ed. In prime order, excellent neigh borhood. Inquire on premises, 241 West T wen ty -so ootid street. rpo LET-UNFURNISHED. THE .UPI'ER PART OF 1 House &?.'? West Forty-ninth street, between Broad way and t lirhth avenue, consisting of dining room, re ception room. Kitchen and lour bedrooms, bathroom; hot and cold water, stationary tubs and every modern convenience. May be seen between tlie hiurs ot 2 and 6 P. M. Ring bell twice. TO LET-IN NEW BROWN STONE HOUSE, NO. 356 East Fifty-third street. Floors of six rooms; all im provements; rent $26 to $18 per floor. Inquire en prem ises. fTO LET?A Vfc KY DESIRABLE hLCONL) FLOOR IN 1 the Ninth ward, consisting of five rooms, with all modern Improvements and conveniences for house keening: possession on the ISthinst; house first class; rent reasonable. Apply to L. H. BUELL, 27Bleecker street rrto lbt-to a sm all family,the third floor 1 oi house S4J West Thirtieth street; price >30 per month. TO LET?FIRST FLOOR 223 EAST TWENTY sEV enth street, six rooms, extra pantries, water, bath, Ac.'. Immediate ponession. Inquire of WILLIAM TRUS LOW, nil ha?t Thirty-sixth street. _ BILI/tAltDS. A 1-SPLENDID CARVED NEW STANDARD BEVEL Billiard Tables, with Delaney's wirn cushions, used in all match games; Just the thin;; for holidav presents; every private tamlly should haveono; portable Tables, Bagatelles; Monitors and Hussian Bowling Tables, Alli gator and a variety of (James at reduced price* ? W. H. OK1FFIT11 A CO., 40 Vesoy street A "1 -STANDARD AMERICAN BEVEL TABLES AXD .A.1. the Phelan A Collender Combination Cushions for i-ale only by the patentee,. H, W. COLLENDBtt, successor to Phelan A Collender, 7.? Broadway, New York. KEYs.TONE BILLIARD HALL, EtOHTH AND VINE streets, Philadelphia, Pa SxpTami 23, 1S74. Mr. Jon* Cnr.AitAS, Continental Hotel :? Dear sir?The Delanev wire cushions have been used In inv rooms for the last two years and have not given satisfaction. Please order eight of Collenler's new rose wood bevelled Tables with the Combination Cushions, to take the place ol those at present In use "there. I con sider the -'Combination Cushions" the best in service. Very truly. B. J. PLUXKETT. PHI-LAN'S TABLES-NOW USED IN THE WIND sor House. St Nicholas Hotel, Grand Central snd Earle's hotels, lor sale only bjr OKORGE E. PHELAN, No. 7 Barclay street. New York. WANTED TO PLRCHASB. /"I A R PETS AND Ft' It N ITU RE WANTED* IMMK V dlately?For which will give short Endowment Pulley or Advertising space In leading religions weekly at .owest cash rates. Address F, A., box N7 Post office. WANTED 11) RUY-A B'LLIARD TABLE; PRICE not over $60. Any person having one to sen can find a purchaser oy addressing J. U.. Ueruld ollice. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY* A.~ ./t-1 ouy a Firm Mortgage Premium Bond of the INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY OK NEW YOBXf EVERY BOND purchased on or before Monday, January *, wnl participate In the THIRD SERIES DRAWING. to be held on JANUARY 4. 1371 Capital Premium, $100,000. The proceeds of the sales ot these Bonda will b? used for the eroctlon of a permanent Exhibition Palace, to to< erected on the grounds of the Company, situated on Ninety eighth to 102d street, from rhlrd to Fourth avenura, TH ESE BONDS wiU make a splendid Christmas or New Tear's present, as there is no risk of anv loss. Every Bond will be redeemed with PREMIUM. Address for Cfrculars, full information and Bonds. MORGKNTHAU, BRUNO * CO., Finsnclal Agents. 23 PARK ROW. NEW YORK. (P. 0 Drawer 29.) CITY REAL. ESTATE KUR SALE. Central. A?I HATE JUST RF.CEIVTD INSTRUCTIONS PROM . owners of several small three and four story Houses, In the best central location, to sell at a saerifle* for cash ; I have also choice Store Properly, on elxtlx and Third avenues, the cheapest I have ever o(Tcred> lor cash. JAMES FETTRETCH, 999 Sixth avenue. A?PORTYS'COND STREET, A PEW DOORS WEST ? ot Kifth avenue, an exceedingly desirable, well ar* ranged anil built, 21-foot, (rescued, high stoop lirowtj stone Dwelling tor sale reasonably. V. K. STEVENSON, Jr., 31 East Seventeenth street or 11 Pine street FOR SALE-TWO FOUR STORT DWELLINGS, CAB lnet finish, Sixty-second street 174. west of Broad way, $19,000; also three Stores on leasehold, Eighth ave nue i 93,600. WM. BEDELL, Builder and Owner, 9W Eighth avenue. East Side. BARGAIN IN THIRD AVENUE PROPERTY.? The northeast corner of Eighty-second street, front ing sa leet on uvenue by 10J feet on sireet Apply to JOHN C. WILSON, on the premises. A Weil Side. VTTR HAVE A BARGAIN TO OFFER IF BOUGHT ?T this month; four story brown stone House, 10.4x351 xlOO; location west side, above Fiftieth street; in the choicest part of New York: this house Is worth looking atter. R1KER A CO., No. 3 Pine street. BROOKLYN PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET\ For" RALE OU TO RENT-FIVE THREE STORY brown stone Hou-es. on Fifth street, near Seventh avenue. Brooklyn, near Prospect Park ; owner occupies one of the row; three lines of cars run to the vicinity. Apply to L1NDLEY MUKRaY, 189 Broadway, New York. ON FIRST PLACE, BROOKLYN?POS SALE OB TO rent furnished. a tine three story and basement lngh sioon brown stone House; all improvements; per fect order; elegantly iuroi?hed: will be sold cbean, with or without Furniture, or will be rented very low to a small responsible family; Immediate possession. Inquire of BUSSKLL A MILES, Real Estate Brokers, 313 Gourt street Brooklyn. rpWO NEAT BKOffS STONE DWELLINGS FOR JL sale.?Built In tlie roo*t substantial manner; com plete little palaces; all improvements; Adelnhl street near Wiliouglibv avenue, two blocks trom tort Green 1'arW. Inquire on the premises of JOSKl'U 1. EIRBY, or at 73 Gates avenue, Brooklyn. WESTCHESTER COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT^^ A PRIME PAY1NO INVESTMENT?EIOIIT LOTS near Central avenue, Fordham; I wonty.fourth ward ; $400 p?r lot, linlf cash , adjoining lots $700: a bar gain. G. W. 1)1 rc II ELL, No. 2 New Chambers street F^OR SALE-AT TARRYToWN, N. V.. A LARGE House (known as the Mutt House); about twoacrcs of land and commodious stable and ouibuiKSiiigs; gas throughout the hou-e and abundance oi water; situated on high ground; five minutes from depot ; location and conveniences unsurpassed ; suitable tor boarding house or school. Inquire or address E. K. MO'IT, Tsrrytowu,. N. Y. ?yONKER<.-IF YOU WANT A SPLENDID COTTAGE* X with modern Improvements, near depot In perfect order, rent cheap, immediate possession, addrassor call on JAMES YOUMANS, Agent at Yonkers. PROPERTY OUT OF THE CITY FOR. SALE OR TO REST. Abaroain.-a snug little farm witii good trout pond, near New York, bringing a rent of JjO, or possession tivcn if required. Address V. O., Herald Uptown Branch office. AT RAYEN3WOOO.-TO LET, VERY LOW. BHAU tltul Villa, on river bank, with stable, Ground* and modern appointment*; earn pas* grounds. WM. NELSON. Jr., H Old ?Up. Fink farm of i3J smoo acres. about sh miles trom Newbnrg, N. Y.,whl be sold at auction at Orange Hotel. In Newburg, December 23, at U o'clock M. K. r particulars Inquire ol CASSEDY k BROWN. Newburg. N. V. ElOR SALF-A GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY seat, such tt Is very rarely met with; Is one hour from New York on the New Jersey < entral; house is large: In per fect order; stables, barns, other outbuildings are modelf 01 convenience ana perfection; has 37 acres of land, nearly every acre a choice building site; will be sold ai It stands, complete witn everything, or to suit, or will exchange tor paying city pr<>nertc ; terms to suit HIRER, k CO.. ? Pine street I AND for CEMETERY PURPOSES.?ABOUT ft J acres of elevated land, overlooking the town ol Jamaica, L. I., beautifully located, Is ottered at the very low price of i?Xi per acre; terms to suit. Apply to A. A J. L. LOTT, counsellors at law, IS Willonghbv street, or DRAKE A CO., No. a Willoughby street. Brooklyn. PARTIES WISHINO 70 LEAttE A FIRST CLASS Hotel, fully furnished and well patronized, with am ple grounds, outbuildings. Ac., will communicate by let tor with Mr. URIAH \\ kLCH, ot the St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. The hotel is charmingly situated, a* a sum mer resort, about 50 miles Irom New York. /?7 ACRE FARM-OOOD BUILDINGS; PLENTY O* U I fruit: twu m les from depot and Stroudsburg, Pa.; price $3 i*?; terms easy. For particulars appiy to WM. KAFFEKTY, 30 Old slip. ~ REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANOE. A?FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE (RAILROAD BONDS . preferred), the finest trnrtof natural pasture Land In the State Known a* Davis' Island, situated on the Menoken Kivcr. and between two large creek?. m Somer set county. Man land : about I.UOO acres ol land and over 100 acres oi splendid oyster planting ground; a fortune CHn bo easily made in a few years tn the oyster and. cattle business; would preter a partner with some capi tal, to whom a hall Interest will be sold cheap, free and cloar; good title. Address the undersigned, lor maps and full description, W. L. 11 AlXES, Princess Anne, Somerset county, Md. FOR 8ALE-OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY, Farm 30 acres on the sra shore; south side Statau island. A. JO U UN r. AY. tO Lispenard street THE OWNER OF 12 ELEGANT BUILDINGS NEAR City Hall, Brooklyn, well rented, with equity ol $100,000, being about to leave tor Europe, will exchanue for c. untry Property, unencumbered, and $13,000cash. Address EUROiv, box l?i Hera d office. WANTED-FOR PART CASH AND PART TRADH a small Farm; not over 4.1 miles from New York. Addresa OEO. Ufc. GARDNER, 188 Chrystie street, N. Y. REAL EST A I E WANTED. 1WANT TO BUY A THR3B OR FOUR STORY brick or brown stone House, above Fourteenth street, between Third an ! Elgh'h aveitues In a respect, able neighborhood. for which 73 to SO per cent cash Will be paid town. Address, stating lowest price and loca tion, DOC 1 OK, care box3,J?9 New York Poat office. HOCBES, ROOMS. ?C., WANTED. In thli City and Brooklyn* WANTED TO HIRE FOR THR WINTER?A FIRST class furnished Hous-, in a fashionable location. Address, with particulars. W., box &.7U7 i'ost office, city. VVTANTED-AN UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR ONB ?* or more year*; must have all conveniences and be above Twenty third street. Address, stating location au.l terms, K. A. I'., box i.222. Post office. WANTED-BY A YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, TWO or three unfurnished Rooms or a small Plat, with conveniences tor light housekeeping; rent must be mod erate. Address, stating terms and particulars it W. A., box 161 Herald Uptown Branch office. \\7 ANTED?A FRONT ROOM FOB GENTLEMAN, II* ?? tenteel neighborhood; can furnish all but carpet; vicinity of Ninth avenue and Twenty-drtj itree. tsemi narv) preferred; reterence. Addresi A. P., bo* w Herald office. In the Country. AT PATERSON. X. J.?SMALL NEAT COTTAQV from January L suitable for * genUeman,, wtie and servant, within five minute* wal* i t in l><j>t. rent must bo aioierflU' A.ldrt'-n, stating particulars, COl* TaGE, Herald olfl. e. WANThD?FARM LAND TO HIRE. WORK OfJ ?hares or position as over.?cer. Address X.. bo* til Herald oft'ee.